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                                 UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM 10-Q



                  FOR THE QUARTERLY PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2002



        FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM ______________ TO ______________

                          COMMISSION FILE NO. 1-15371


                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   MARYLAND                                        95-6881527
        (State or other jurisdiction of                         (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)                       Identification Number)

   1114 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, 27TH FLOOR                            10036
                 NEW YORK, NY                                      (Zip Code)
   (Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (212)930-9400


          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                   TITLE OF EACH CLASS:                                 NAME OF EXCHANGE ON WHICH REGISTERED:
              COMMON STOCK, $0.001 PAR VALUE                                   NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
           9.375% SERIES B CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE                               NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
             PREFERRED STOCK, $0.001 PAR VALUE
           9.200% SERIES C CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE                               NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
             PREFERRED STOCK, $0.001 PAR VALUE
           8.000% SERIES D CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE                               NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
             PREFERRED STOCK, $0.001 PAR VALUE

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: NONE

    Indicate by check mark whether the registrant; (i) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports); and (ii) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes /X/  No / /

    As of August 7, 2002, there were 89,307,516 shares of common stock of iStar
Financial Inc., $0.001 par value per share outstanding ("Common Stock").

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.
                               INDEX TO FORM 10-Q

PART I.    Consolidated Financial Information..........................      3

Item 1.    Financial Statements:

           Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2002 and
             December 31, 2001.........................................      3

           Consolidated Statements of Operations--For the three- and
             six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001............      4

           Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders'
             Equity--For the six-month period ended June 30, 2002......      5

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows--For the three- and
             six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001............      6

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements..................      7

Item 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations.................................     38

PART II.   Other Information...........................................     51

Item 1.    Legal Proceedings...........................................     51

Item 2.    Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds...................     51

Item 3.    Defaults Upon Senior Securities.............................     51

Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.........     51

Item 5.    Other Information...........................................     51

Item 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K............................     51

SIGNATURES.............................................................     52



                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                AS OF         AS OF
                                                               JUNE 30,    DECEMBER 31,
                                                                 2002         2001*
                                                              ----------   ------------
Loans and other lending investments, net....................  $2,900,597    $2,377,763
Corporate tenant lease assets, net..........................   2,094,909     1,781,565
Investments in joint ventures and unconsolidated
  subsidiaries..............................................      49,817        58,226
Cash and cash equivalents...................................      18,338        15,670
Restricted cash.............................................      31,244        17,852
Accrued interest and operating lease income receivable......      29,291        26,688
Deferred operating lease income receivable..................      29,281        21,195
Deferred expenses and other assets..........................     117,273        79,601
                                                              ----------    ----------
  Total assets..............................................  $5,270,750    $4,378,560
                                                              ==========    ==========
Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other liabilities....  $  100,810    $   87,538
Dividends payable...........................................       5,225         5,225
Debt obligations............................................   3,272,820     2,495,369
                                                              ----------    ----------
  Total liabilities.........................................   3,378,855     2,588,132
                                                              ----------    ----------
Commitments and contingencies...............................          --            --
Minority interest in consolidated entities..................       2,580         2,650
Shareholders' equity:
Series A Preferred Stock, $0.001 par value, liquidation
  preference $50.00 per share, 4,400 shares issued and
  outstanding at June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001,
  respectively..............................................           4             4
Series B Preferred Stock, $0.001 par value, liquidation
  preference $25.00 per share, 2,000 shares issued and
  outstanding at June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001,
  respectively..............................................           2             2
Series C Preferred Stock, $0.001 par value, liquidation
  preference $25.00 per share, 1,300 shares issued and
  outstanding at June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001,
  respectively..............................................           1             1
Series D Preferred Stock, $0.001 par value, liquidation
  preference $25.00 per share, 4,000 shares issued and
  outstanding at June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001,
  respectively..............................................           4             4
Common Stock, $0.001 par value, 200,000 shares authorized,
  89,165 and 87,387 shares issued and outstanding at June
  30, 2002 and December 31, 2001, respectively..............          89            87
Warrants and options........................................      20,346        20,456
Additional paid-in capital..................................   2,058,484     1,997,931
Retained earnings (deficit).................................    (149,768)     (174,874)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (losses) (See Note
  12).......................................................         894       (15,092)
Treasury stock (at cost)....................................     (40,741)      (40,741)
                                                              ----------    ----------
  Total shareholders' equity................................   1,889,315     1,787,778
                                                              ----------    ----------
  Total liabilities and shareholders' equity................  $5,270,750    $4,378,560
                                                              ==========    ==========

- --------------------------


    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.
                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                            FOR THE               FOR THE
                                                      THREE MONTHS ENDED     SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                           JUNE 30,              JUNE 30,
                                                      -------------------   -------------------
                                                        2002      2001*       2002      2001*
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
  Interest income...................................  $ 64,395   $ 63,903   $120,271   $130,816
  Operating lease income............................    59,992     46,998    116,279     94,016
  Other income......................................     7,716      8,928     16,441     14,703
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
    Total revenue...................................   132,103    119,829    252,991    239,535
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
  Interest expense..................................    46,775     41,331     88,464     87,655
  Operating costs--corporate tenant lease assets....     2,983      3,273      6,006      6,506
  Depreciation and amortization.....................    11,655      8,748     22,285     17,544
  General and administrative........................     8,144      6,498     14,761     12,600
  General and administrative--stock-based
    compensation....................................     6,908      1,200      7,820      2,060
  Provision for loan losses.........................     2,000      1,750      3,750      3,500
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
    Total costs and expenses........................    78,465     62,800    143,086    129,865
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
Net income before equity in earnings from joint
  ventures and unconsolidated subsidiaries and
  minority interest.................................    53,638     57,029    109,905    109,670
Equity in earnings from joint ventures and
  unconsolidated subsidiaries.......................       418        886      1,216      3,688
Minority interest in consolidated entities..........       (41)       (41)       (81)      (136)
Income from discontinued operations.................        69         42        154        102
Gain on sale of corporate tenant lease assets.......       595      1,044        595      1,599
Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment of
  debt..............................................   (12,166)        --    (12,166)    (1,037)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle
  (See Note 3)......................................        --         --         --       (282)
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
Net income..........................................  $ 42,513   $ 58,960   $ 99,623   $113,604
Preferred dividend requirements.....................    (9,227)    (9,227)   (18,454)   (18,454)
                                                      --------   --------   --------   --------
Net income allocable to common shareholders.........  $ 33,286   $ 49,733   $ 81,169   $ 95,150
                                                      ========   ========   ========   ========
Basic earnings per common share.....................  $   0.38   $   0.58   $   0.92   $   1.11
                                                      ========   ========   ========   ========
Diluted earnings per common share...................  $   0.36   $   0.56   $   0.89   $   1.09
                                                      ========   ========   ========   ========

- ------------------------


    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                             SERIES A    SERIES B    SERIES C    SERIES D      COMMON        WARRANTS      ADDITIONAL
                             PREFERRED   PREFERRED   PREFERRED   PREFERRED    STOCK AT          AND         PAID-IN
                               STOCK       STOCK       STOCK       STOCK         PAR          OPTIONS       CAPITAL
                             ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   -----------   -------------   ----------
Balance at December 31,
  2001.....................     $4          $2          $1          $4           $87          $20,456      $1,997,931
Exercise of options........     --          --          --          --             2             (264)        10,656
Dividends declared--
  preferred stock..........     --          --          --          --            --               --            165
Dividends declared--common
  stock....................     --          --          --          --            --               --             --
Restricted stock units
  issued to employees......     --          --          --          --            --               --         16,277
Options granted to
  employees................     --          --          --          --            --              154             --
Issuance of stock--DRIP....     --          --          --          --            --               --         33,455
Net income for the
  period...................     --          --          --          --            --               --             --
Change in accumulated other
  comprehensive income.....     --          --          --          --            --               --             --
                                --          --          --          --           ---          -------      ----------
Balance at June 30, 2002...     $4          $2          $1          $4           $89          $20,346      $2,058,484
                                ==          ==          ==          ==           ===          =======      ==========

                                 RETAINED       COMPREHENSIVE
                                 EARNINGS           INCOME       TREASURY
                                (DEFICIT)          (LOSSES)       STOCK       TOTAL
                             ----------------   --------------   --------   ----------
Balance at December 31,
  2001.....................     $(174,874)         $(15,092)     $(40,741)  $1,787,778
Exercise of options........            --                --           --        10,394
Dividends declared--
  preferred stock..........       (18,454)               --           --       (18,289)
Dividends declared--common
  stock....................       (56,063)               --           --       (56,063)
Restricted stock units
  issued to employees......            --                --           --        16,277
Options granted to
  employees................            --                --           --           154
Issuance of stock--DRIP....            --                --           --        33,455
Net income for the
  period...................        99,623                --           --        99,623
Change in accumulated other
  comprehensive income.....            --            15,986           --        15,986
                                ---------          --------      --------   ----------
Balance at June 30, 2002...     $(149,768)             $894      $(40,741)  $1,889,315
                                =========          ========      ========   ==========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


                                 (IN THOUSANDS)


                                                                       FOR THE                     FOR THE
                                                                 THREE MONTHS ENDED           SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                                      JUNE 30,                    JUNE 30,
                                                              -------------------------   -------------------------
                                                                 2002          2001*         2002          2001*
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income..................................................  $    42,513   $    58,960   $    99,623   $   113,604
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash flows provided
  by operating activities:
  Minority interest in consolidated entities................           41            41            81           136
  Non-cash expense for stock-based compensation.............        6,908         1,200         7,820         2,060
  Depreciation and amortization.............................       17,699        13,488        34,085        27,796
  Amortization of discounts/premiums, deferred interest and
    costs on lending investments............................       (7,248)      (14,429)      (12,620)      (19,301)
  Equity in earnings from joint ventures and unconsolidated
    subsidiaries............................................         (418)         (887)       (1,216)       (3,688)
  Distributions from operations of joint ventures...........        1,098         1,818         4,548         2,916
  Deferred operating lease income receivable................       (4,358)       (2,407)       (8,185)       (4,983)
  Gain on sale of corporate tenant lease assets.............         (595)       (1,044)         (595)       (1,599)
  Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment of debt........       12,166            --        12,166         1,037
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle.......           --            --            --           282
  Provision for loan losses.................................        2,000         1,750         3,750         3,500
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    (Increase) decrease in accrued interest and operating
     lease income receivable................................       (3,061)        1,786        (2,605)        3,152
    Decrease (increase) in deferred expenses and other
     assets.................................................        3,031        (5,384)       (1,089)       (6,230)
    Increase (decrease) in accounts payable, accrued
     expenses and other liabilities.........................       20,269          (150)       15,611        (2,745)
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
  Cash flows provided by operating activities...............       90,045        54,742       151,374       115,937
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  New investment originations...............................     (686,596)     (300,182)   (1,091,296)     (543,471)
  Add-on fundings under existing loan commitments...........       (7,421)      (13,327)      (15,504)      (24,442)
  Net proceeds from sale of corporate tenant lease assets...        3,702         4,079         3,702         7,834
  Repayments of and principal collections on loans and other
    lending investments.....................................      112,437       309,588       276,416       556,980
  Investments in and advances to unconsolidated joint
    ventures................................................           --          (169)         (127)         (488)
  Distributions from unconsolidated joint ventures..........           --            --            --        24,265
  Capital improvements for build-to-suit projects...........         (244)       (4,772)         (953)       (6,419)
  Capital improvement projects on corporate tenant lease
    assets..................................................         (121)       (2,083)       (1,088)       (2,083)
  Other capital expenditures on corporate tenant lease
    assets..................................................       (1,320)         (813)       (2,195)       (1,572)
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
  Cash flows (used in) provided by investing activities.....     (579,563)       (7,679)     (831,045)       10,604
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Borrowings under revolving credit facilities..............    1,397,239       831,117     1,759,207     1,527,493
  Repayments under revolving credit facilities..............   (1,267,640)     (689,224)   (1,441,940)   (1,344,441)
  Borrowings under term loans...............................       19,369       193,000        53,562       210,040
  Repayments under term loans...............................       (1,200)      (78,883)      (14,967)     (116,215)
  Borrowings under secured bond offerings...................      885,079            --       885,079            --
  Repayments under secured bond offerings...................     (448,717)      (99,908)     (464,252)     (101,897)
  Repayments under unsecured notes..........................           --      (100,000)           --      (100,000)
  Borrowings under other debt obligations...................           48            --            48           367
  Repayments under other debt obligations...................          (65)      (24,683)       (1,301)      (56,008)
  Common dividends paid.....................................      (56,063)      (52,651)      (56,063)     (104,087)
  Preferred dividends paid..................................       (9,145)       (9,145)      (18,289)      (18,288)
  Increase in restricted cash held in connection with debt
    obligations.............................................       (1,542)      (14,575)      (13,392)       (7,358)
  Distributions to minority interest in consolidated
    entities................................................         (111)          (41)         (151)       (3,711)
  Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment of debt........       (3,950)           --        (3,950)       (1,037)
  Payments for deferred financing costs.....................      (30,743)       (5,032)      (36,402)      (16,459)
  Proceeds from exercise of options and issuance of DRIP
    shares..................................................       16,281         6,962        35,150         8,609
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
  Cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities.....      498,840       (43,063)      682,339      (122,992)
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Increase in cash and cash equivalents.......................        9,322         4,000         2,668         3,549
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of period...........        9,016        22,301        15,670        22,752
                                                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of period.................  $    18,338   $    26,301   $    18,338   $    26,301
                                                              ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the period for interest, net of
    capitalized interest....................................  $    29,187   $    38,147   $    75,813   $    80,970
                                                              ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========

- ----------------------------------


    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.



    BUSINESS--iStar Financial Inc. (the "Company") is the leading
publicly-traded finance company focused on the commercial real estate industry.
The Company provides structured financing to private and corporate owners of
real estate nationwide, including senior and junior mortgage debt, corporate
mezzanine and subordinated capital, and corporate net lease financing. The
Company, which is taxed as a real estate investment trust ("REIT"), seeks to
deliver superior risk-adjusted returns on equity to shareholders by providing
innovative and value-added financing solutions to its customers.

    The Company's primary product lines include:

    - STRUCTURED FINANCE. The Company provides senior and subordinated loans
      that typically range in size from $20 million to $100 million to borrowers
      holding high-quality real estate. These loans may be either fixed or
      variable rate and are structured to meet the specific financing needs of
      the borrowers, including the acquisition or financing of large,
      high-quality real estate. The Company offers borrowers a wide range of
      structured finance options, including first mortgages, second mortgages,
      partnership loans, participating debt and interim facilities. The
      Company's structured finance transactions have maturities generally
      ranging from three to ten years. As of June 30, 2002, based on gross
      carrying values, the Company's structured finance assets represented
      22.05% of its assets.

    - PORTFOLIO FINANCE. The Company provides funding to regional and national
      borrowers who own multiple facilities in geographically diverse
      portfolios. Loans are cross-collateralized to give the Company the benefit
      of all available collateral and underwritten to recognize inherent
      portfolio diversification. Property types include multifamily, suburban
      office, hotels and other property types where individual property values
      are less than $20 million on average. Loan terms are structured to meet
      the specific requirements of the borrower and typically range in size from
      $25 million to $150 million. The Company's portfolio finance transactions
      have maturities generally ranging from three to ten years. As of June 30,
      2002, based on gross carrying values, the Company's portfolio finance
      assets represented 8.72% of its assets.

    - CORPORATE FINANCE. The Company provides senior and subordinated capital to
      corporations engaged in real estate or real estate-related businesses.
      Financings may be either secured or unsecured and typically range in size
      from $20 million to $150 million. The Company's corporate finance
      transactions have maturities generally ranging from five to ten years. As
      of June 30, 2002, based on gross carrying values, the Company's corporate
      finance assets represented 13.63% of its assets.

    - LOAN ACQUISITION. The Company acquires whole loans and loan participations
      which present attractive risk-reward opportunities. Loans are generally
      acquired at a small discount to the principal balance outstanding. Loan
      acquisitions typically range in size from $5 million to $100 million and
      are collateralized by all major property types. The Company's loan
      acquisition transactions have maturities generally ranging from three to
      ten years. As of June 30, 2002, based on gross carrying values, the
      Company's loan acquisition assets represented 9.81% of its assets.

    - CORPORATE TENANT LEASING. The Company provides capital to corporations and
      borrowers who control facilities leased to single creditworthy tenants.
      The Company's net leased assets are generally mission-critical
      headquarters or distribution facilities that are subject to long-term
      leases with rated corporate credit tenants, and which provide for all
      expenses at the property to

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


     be paid by the corporate tenant on a triple net lease basis. Corporate
      tenant lease transactions have terms generally ranging from ten to
      20 years and typically range in size from $20 million to $150 million. As
      of June 30, 2002, based on gross carrying values, the Company's corporate
      tenant lease assets represented 40.70% of its assets.

    - SERVICING. Through its iStar Asset Services division, the Company provides
      rated loan servicing to third-party institutional loan portfolios, as well
      as to the Company's own assets. The servicing business did not represent a
      meaningful percentage of the gross carrying value of the Company's assets
      as of June 30, 2002.

    The Company's investment strategy targets specific sectors of the real
estate credit markets in which it believes it can deliver value-added, flexible
financial solutions to its customers, thereby differentiating its financial
products from those offered by other capital providers.

    The Company has implemented its investment strategy by:

    - Focusing on the origination of large, structured mortgage, corporate and
      lease financings where customers require flexible financial solutions.

    - Avoiding commodity businesses in which there is significant direct
      competition from other providers of capital such as conduit lending and
      investment in commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities.

    - Developing direct relationships with borrowers and corporate customers as
      opposed to sourcing transactions solely through intermediaries.

    - Adding value beyond simply providing capital by offering borrowers and
      corporate customers specific lending expertise, flexibility, certainty and
      continuing relationships beyond the closing of a particular financing

    - Taking advantage of market anomalies in the real estate financing markets
      when the Company believes credit is mispriced by other providers of
      capital, such as the spread between lease yields and the yields on
      corporate customers' underlying credit obligations.

    ORGANIZATION--The Company began its business in 1993 through private
investment funds formed to capitalize on inefficiencies in the real estate
finance market. In March 1998, these funds contributed their approximately
$1.1 billion of assets to the Company's predecessor in exchange for a
controlling interest in that company (collectively, the "Recapitalization
Transactions"). Since that time, the Company has grown by originating new
lending and leasing transactions, as well as through corporate acquisitions.

    Specifically, in September 1998, the Company acquired the loan origination
and servicing business of a major insurance company, and in December 1998, the
Company acquired the mortgage and mezzanine loan portfolio of its largest
private competitor. Additionally, in November 1999, the Company acquired TriNet
Corporate Realty Trust, Inc. ("TriNet" or the "Leasing Subsidiary"), then the
largest publicly-traded company specializing in corporate sale/leaseback
transactions for office and industrial facilities (the "TriNet Acquisition").
The TriNet Acquisition was structured as a stock-for-stock merger of TriNet with
a subsidiary of the Company.

    Concurrent with the TriNet Acquisition, the Company also acquired its former
external advisor in exchange for shares of the Company's common stock ("Common
Stock") and converted its

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


organizational form to a Maryland corporation. As part of the conversion to a
Maryland corporation, the Company replaced its former dual class common share
structure with a single class of Common Stock. The Company's Common Stock began
trading on the New York Stock Exchange on November 4, 1999. Prior to this date,
the Company's common shares were traded on the American Stock Exchange.


    The accompanying unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements have been
prepared in conformity with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10,
Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X for interim financial statements. Accordingly, they
do not include all of the information and footnotes required by generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") for complete financial statements. The
Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of the Company, its
qualified REIT subsidiaries, and its majority-owned and controlled partnerships.

    In the opinion of management, the accompanying Consolidated Financial
Statements contain all adjustments, consisting of normal recurring adjustments,
necessary for a fair presentation of the Company's consolidated financial
position at June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001 and the results of its
operations, changes in shareholders' equity and its cash flows for the three-
and six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. Such operating
results are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for
any other interim periods or the entire year.


    LOANS AND OTHER LENDING INVESTMENTS, NET--As described in Note 4, "Loans and
Other Lending Investments" includes the following investments: senior mortgages,
subordinate mortgages, corporate/ partnership loans, other lending
investments-loans and other lending investments-securities. Management considers
nearly all of its loan and other lending investments to be held-to-maturity,
although a small number of investments may be classified as available-for-sale.
Items classified as held-to-maturity are reflected at amortized historical cost,
while items classified as available-for-sale are reported at fair values.
Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale investments are included in
other comprehensive income on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet, and are
not included in the Company's net income.

assets are generally recorded at cost less accumulated depreciation. Certain
improvements and replacements are capitalized when they extend the useful life,
increase capacity or improve the efficiency of the asset. Repairs and
maintenance items are expensed as incurred. Depreciation is computed using the
straight-line method of cost recovery over estimated useful lives of 40.0 years
for facilities, five years for furniture and equipment, the shorter of the
remaining lease term or expected life for tenant improvements and the remaining
life of the facility for facility improvements.

    Corporate tenant lease assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of
their carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell. The Company also
periodically reviews long-lived assets to be held and used for an impairment in
value whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying
amount of such assets may not be recoverable. In management's opinion, corporate
tenant lease assets to be held and used are not carried at amounts in excess of
their estimated recoverable amounts.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    CAPITALIZED INTEREST--The Company capitalizes interest costs incurred during
the construction period on qualified build-to-suit projects for corporate
tenants, including investments in joint ventures accounted for under the equity
method. Interest capitalized was approximately $0 and $286,000 during the
three-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively, and was
approximately $70,000 and $487,000 during the six-month periods ended June 30,
2002 and 2001, respectively.

    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS--Cash and cash equivalents include cash held in
banks or invested in money market funds with original maturity terms of less
than 90 days.

    RESTRICTED CASH--Restricted cash represents amounts required to be
maintained in escrow under certain of the Company's debt obligations and leasing

    REVENUE RECOGNITION--The Company's revenue recognition policies are as

    LOANS AND OTHER LENDING INVESTMENTS:  Management considers nearly all of its
loans and other lending investments to be held-to-maturity, although a small
number of investments may be classified as available-for-sale. The Company
reflects held-to-maturity investments at amortized cost less allowance for loan
losses, acquisition premiums or discounts, deferred loan fees and undisbursed
loan funds. Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale investments are
included in other comprehensive income on the Company's Consolidated Balance
Sheet and are not included in the Company's net income. On occasion, the Company
may acquire loans at small premiums or discounts based on the credit
characteristics of such loans. These premiums or discounts are recognized as
yield adjustments over the lives of the related loans. If loans that were
acquired at a premium or discount are prepaid, the Company immediately
recognizes the unamortized premium or discount as a decrease or increase in the
prepayment gain or loss, respectively. Loan origination or exit fees, as well as
direct loan origination costs, are also deferred and recognized over the lives
of the related loans as a yield adjustment. Interest income is recognized using
the effective interest method applied on a loan-by-loan basis.

    A small number of the Company's loans provide for accrual of interest at
specified rates which differ from current payment terms. Interest is recognized
on such loans at the accrual rate subject to management's determination that
accrued interest and outstanding principal are ultimately collectible, based on
the underlying collateral and operations of the borrower.

    Prepayment penalties or yield maintenance payments from borrowers are
recognized as additional income when received. Certain of the Company's loan
investments provide for additional interest based on the borrower's operating
cash flow or appreciation of the underlying collateral. Such amounts are
considered contingent interest and are reflected as income only upon certainty
of collection.

    LEASING INVESTMENTS:  Operating lease revenue is recognized on the
straight-line method of accounting from the later of the date of the origination
of the lease or the date of acquisition of the facility subject to existing
leases. Accordingly, contractual lease payment increases are recognized evenly
over the term of the lease. The cumulative difference between lease revenue
recognized under this method and contractual lease payment terms is recorded as
deferred operating lease income receivable on the balance sheet.

    PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES--The Company's accounting policies require that an
allowance for estimated loan losses be maintained at a level that management,
based upon an evaluation of known and inherent risks in the portfolio, considers
adequate to provide for loan losses. In establishing loan

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


loss provisions, management periodically evaluates and analyzes the Company's
assets, historical and industry loss experience, economic conditions and trends,
collateral values and quality, and other relevant factors. Specific valuation
allowances are established for impaired loans in the amount by which the
carrying value, before allowance for estimated losses, exceeds the fair value of
collateral less disposition costs on an individual loan basis. Management
considers a loan to be impaired when, based upon current information and events,
it believes that it is probable that the Company will be unable to collect all
amounts due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement on a timely
basis. Management measures these impaired loans at the fair value of the loans'
underlying collateral less estimated disposition costs. Impaired loans may be
left on accrual status during the period the Company is pursuing repayment of
the loan; however, these loans are placed on non-accrual status at such time as:
(1) management believes that the potential risk exists that scheduled debt
service payments will not be met within the coming 12 months; (2) the loans
become 90 days delinquent; (3) management determines the borrower is incapable
of, or has ceased efforts toward, curing the cause of the impairment; or
(4) the net realizable value of the loan's underlying collateral approximates
the Company's carrying value of such loan. While on non-accrual status, interest
income is recognized only upon actual receipt. Impairment losses are recognized
as direct write-downs of the related loan with a corresponding charge to the
provision for loan losses. Charge-offs occur when loans, or a portion thereof,
are considered uncollectible and of such little value that further pursuit of
collection is not warranted. Management also provides a loan portfolio reserve
based upon its periodic evaluation and analysis of the portfolio, historical and
industry loss experience, economic conditions and trends, collateral values and
quality, and other relevant factors.

    The Company's loans are generally secured by real estate assets or are
corporate lending arrangements to entities with significant rental real estate
operations (e.g., an unsecured loan to a company which operates residential
apartments or retail, industrial or office facilities as rental real estate).
While the underlying real estate assets for the corporate lending instruments
may not serve as collateral for the Company's investments in all cases, the
Company evaluates the underlying real estate assets when estimating loan loss
exposure because the Company's loans generally have preclusions as to how much
senior and/or secured debt the customer may borrow ahead of the Company's

    INCOME TAXES--The Company is subject to federal income taxation at corporate
rates on its "REIT taxable income"; however, the Company is allowed a deduction
for the amount of dividends paid to its shareholders, thereby subjecting the
distributed net income of the Company to taxation at the shareholder level only.
In addition, the Company is allowed several other deductions in computing its
"REIT taxable income," including non-cash items such as depreciation expense.
These deductions allow the Company to shelter a portion of its operating cash
flow from its dividend payout requirement under federal tax laws. The Company
intends to operate in a manner consistent with and to elect to be treated as a
REIT for tax purposes. iStar Operating Inc. ("iStar Operating") and TriNet
Management Operating Company, Inc. ("TMOC"), the Company's taxable subsidiaries,
are not consolidated for federal income tax purposes and are taxed as
corporations. For financial reporting purposes, current and deferred taxes are
provided for in the portion of earnings recognized by the Company with respect
to its interest in iStar Operating and TMOC. Accordingly, except for the
Company's taxable subsidiaries, no current or deferred taxes are provided for in
the Consolidated Financial Statements. See Note 6 for a detailed discussion on
the ownership structure and operations of iStar Operating and TMOC.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    EARNINGS (LOSS) PER COMMON SHARES--In accordance with the Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 128 ("FASB No. 128"), the Company presents
both basic and diluted earnings per share ("EPS"). Basic earnings per share
("Basic EPS") excludes dilution and is computed by dividing net income available
to common shareholders by the weighted average number of shares outstanding for
the period. Diluted earnings per share ("Diluted EPS") reflects the potential
dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue common stock
were exercised or converted into common stock, where such exercise or conversion
would result in a lower earnings per share amount.

    RECLASSIFICATIONS--Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified in the
Consolidated Financial Statements and the related notes to conform to the 2002

    USE OF ESTIMATES--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets
and liabilities at the dates of the financial statements and the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results
could differ from those estimates.

    CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE--In June 1998, the FASB issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 ("SFAS No. 133"), "Accounting for
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." SFAS No. 133 establishes
accounting and reporting standards for derivative financial instruments and
hedging activities. It requires that an entity recognize all derivatives as
either assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position and measure
those instruments at fair value. If certain conditions are met, a derivative may
be specifically designated as: (1) a hedge of the exposure to changes in the
fair value of a recognized asset or liability or an unrecognized firm
commitment; (2) a hedge of the exposure to variable cash flows of a forecasted
transaction; or (3) in certain circumstances, a hedge of a foreign currency
exposure. On January 1, 2001, the Company adopted this pronouncement, as amended
by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 137 "Accounting for
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities--Deferral of the Effective Date of
FASB Statement No. 133" and Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 138
"Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging
Activities--an Amendment of FASB Statement No. 133." Because the Company has
primarily used derivatives as cash flow hedges of interest rate risk only, the
adoption of SFAS No. 133 did not have a material financial impact on the
financial position and results of operations of the Company. However, should the
Company change its current use of such derivatives, the adoption of SFAS
No. 133 could have a more significant effect on the Company prospectively.

    Upon adoption, the Company recognized a charge to net income of
approximately $282,000 and an additional charge of $9.4 million to other
comprehensive income, representing the cumulative effect of the change in
accounting principle.

    OTHER NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS--In September 2000, the FASB issued Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140 ("SFAS No. 140"), "Accounting for
Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities."
This statement is applicable for transfers of assets and extinguishments of
liabilities occurring after June 30, 2001. The Company adopted the provisions of
this statement as required for all transactions entered into on or after
April 1, 2001. The adoption of SFAS No. 140 did not have a significant impact on
the Company.

    In July 2001, the SEC released Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 102 ("SAB
102"), "Selected Loan Loss Allowance and Documentation Issues." SAB 102
summarizes certain of the SEC's views on the

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


development, documentation and application of a systematic methodology for
determining allowances for loan and lease losses. Adoption of SAB 102 by the
Company did not have a significant impact on the Company.

    In July 2001, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 141 ("SFAS No. 141"), "Business Combinations" and Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 142 ("SFAS No. 142"), "Goodwill and Other Intangible
Assets." SFAS No. 141 requires the purchase method of accounting to be used for
all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001. SFAS No. 141 also
addresses the initial recognition and measurement of goodwill and other
intangible assets acquired in business combinations and requires intangible
assets to be recognized apart from goodwill if certain tests are met. SFAS
No. 142 requires that goodwill not be amortized but instead be measured for
impairment at least annually, or when events indicate that there may be an
impairment. The Company adopted the provisions of both statements on January 1,
2002, as required, and the adoption did not have a significant impact on the

    In October 2001, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 144 ("SFAS No. 144"), "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets." SFAS No. 144 provides new guidance on the recognition of
impairment losses on long-lived assets to be held and used or to be disposed of,
and also broadens the definition of what constitutes a discontinued operation
and how the results of a discontinued operation are to be measured and
presented. SFAS No. 144 requires that current operations prior to the
disposition of corporate tenant lease assets and prior period results of such
operations be presented in discontinued operations in the Company's Consolidated
Statements of Operations. The provisions of SFAS No. 144 are effective for
financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2001,
and must be applied at the beginning of a fiscal year. The Company adopted the
provisions of this statement on January 1, 2002, as required, and it did not
have a significant financial impact on the Company.

    In April 2002, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 145 ("SFAS No. 145"), "Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44, and 64,
Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections." SFAS No. 145
rescinds both FASB Statements No. 4 ("SFAS No. 4"), "Reporting Gains and Losses
from Extinguishment of Debt," and the amendment to SFAS No. 4, FASB Statement
No. 64 ("SFAS No. 64"), "Extinguishments of Debt Made to Satisfy Sinking-Fund
Requirements." Through this rescission, SFAS No. 145 eliminates the requirement
(in both SFAS No. 4 and SFAS No. 64) that gains and losses from the
extinguishment of debt be aggregated and, if material, classified as an
extraordinary item, net of the related income tax effect. An entity is not
prohibited from classifying such gains and losses as extraordinary items, so
long as they meet the criteria in paragraph 20 of Accounting Principles Board
Opinion No. 30 ("APB 30"), "Reporting the Results of Operations--Reporting the
Effects of Disposal of a Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, Unusual and
Infrequently Occurring Events and Transactions"; however, due to the nature of
the Company's operations, such treatment may not be available to the Company.
Any gains or losses on extinguishments of debt that were previously classified
as extraordinary items in prior periods presented that do not meet the criteria
in APB 30 for classification as an extraordinary item will be reclassified to
income from continuing operations. The provisions of SFAS No. 145 are effective
for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after May 15, 2002.
The Company will adopt the provisions of this statement, as required, on
January 1, 2003.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    The following is a summary description of the Company's loans and other
lending investments (in thousands)(1):
                                                                                        CARRYING VALUE
                                                                                            AS OF
                                                        # OF        PRINCIPAL     --------------------------    EFFECTIVE
                                                      BORROWERS     BALANCES       JUNE 30,    DECEMBER 31,      MATURITY
   ------------------      -------------------------  ---------   -------------   ----------   -------------   ------------
Senior Mortgages(3)......  Office/Residential/Retail/    25        $1,665,350     $1,629,436    $1,158,669     2002 to 2019
                           Conference Center/Mixed

  Mortgages(5)...........  Office/Residential/Mixed      21           596,955        594,759       585,698     2002 to 2011
  Loans..................  Office/Residential/Retail/    18           440,398        414,542       395,083     2002 to 2011
                           Mixed Use/Hotel/
Other Lending
  Investments--Loans(7)..  Office/Industrial/Mixed        5            29,085         22,161        10,818     2004 to 2008
Other Lending
  Securities(8)..........  Office/Residential/Retail/     7           274,024        264,449       248,495     2003 to 2013
                           Mixed Use/Entertainment
                                                                                  ----------    ----------
Gross Carrying Value.....
                                                                                  $2,925,347    $2,398,763
Provision for Loan
  Losses.................                                                            (24,750)      (21,000)
                                                                                  ----------    ----------

Total, Net...............
                                                                                  $2,900,597    $2,377,763
                                                                                  ==========    ==========


   ------------------      -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------   -------------
Senior Mortgages(3)......  Fixed: 7.03% to 10.30%     Fixed: 7.03% to 16.00%     Yes    (4)     No
                           Variable: LIBOR + 1.50%    Variable: LIBOR + 1.50%
                           to 6.50%                   to 6.50%
  Mortgages(5)...........  Fixed: 7.00% to 15.25%     Fixed: 7.32% to 17.00%     Yes    (4)     No
                           Variable: LIBOR + 2.12%    Variable: LIBOR + 2.78%
                           to 6.00%                   to 6.00%
  Loans..................  Fixed: 7.33% to 15.00%     Fixed: 7.33% to 17.50%     Yes    (4)     Yes     (6)
                           Variable: LIBOR + 3.50%    Variable: LIBOR + 3.50%
                           to 6.00%                   to 6.00%
Other Lending
  Investments--Loans(7)..  Fixed: 10.00%              Fixed: 10.00%              No             Yes     (6)
                           Variable: LIBOR + 4.75%    Variable: LIBOR + 4.75%
Other Lending
  Securities(8)..........  Fixed: 6.75% to 12.50%     Fixed: 6.75% to 12.50%     No             No
Gross Carrying Value.....
Provision for Loan
Total, Net...............

- ----------------------------------
(1) Amounts and details are for loans outstanding as of June 30, 2002.

(2) Substantially all variable-rate loans are based on 30-day LIBOR and reprice
    monthly. The 30-day LIBOR on June 30, 2002 was 1.84%.

(3) Includes a senior interest in a private REMIC whose sole asset is a single
    first mortgage loan.

(4) The loans require fixed payments of principal and interest resulting in
    partial principal amortization over the term of the loan with the remaining
    principal due at maturity. In addition, one of the loans permits additional
    annual prepayments of principal of up to $1.3 million without penalty at the
    borrower's option.

(5) Includes a participation interest in a second mortgage and a subordinate
    interest in a private REMIC whose sole asset is a single first mortgage

(6) Under some of these loans, the lender receives additional payments
    representing additional interest from participation in available cash flow
    from operations of the property.

(7) Includes one unsecured loan with a carrying value of approximately $344 as
    of June 30, 2002 and approximately $403 as of December 31, 2001.

(8) Generally consists of term preferred stock or debt interests that are
    specifically originated or structured to meet customer financing
    requirements and the Company's investment criteria. These investments do not
    typically consist of securities purchased in the open market or as part of
    broadly-distributed offerings.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.



    During the six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively, the
Company originated or acquired an aggregate of approximately $842.4 million and
$543.5 million in loans and other lending investments, funded $15.5 million and
$24.4 million under existing loan commitments, and received principal repayments
of $276.4 million and $557.0 million.

    As of June 30, 2002, the Company had ten loans with unfunded commitments.
The total unfunded commitment amount was approximately $85.9 million, of which
$41.8 million was discretionary (i.e., at the Company's option) and
$44.1 million was non-discretionary.

    The Company's loans and other lending investments are predominantly pledged
as collateral under either the iStar Asset Receivables secured notes, the
secured revolving facilities or secured term loans (see Note 7).

    The Company has reflected provisions for loan losses of approximately
$2.0 million and $1.8 million in its results of operations during the
three-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively, and
$3.8 million and $3.5 million during the six-month periods ended June 30, 2002
and 2001, respectively. These provisions represent loan portfolio reserves based
on management's evaluation of general market conditions, the Company's internal
risk management policies and credit risk ratings system, industry loss
experience, the likelihood of delinquencies or defaults, and the credit quality
of the underlying collateral. No direct impairment reserves on specific loans
were considered necessary.


    The Company's investments in corporate tenant lease assets, at cost, were as
follows (in thousands):

                                                       JUNE 30,    DECEMBER 31,
                                                         2002          2001
                                                      ----------   ------------
Facilities and improvements.........................  $1,793,140    $1,504,956
Land and land improvements..........................     403,388       356,830
Less: accumulated depreciation......................    (101,619)      (80,221)
                                                      ----------    ----------
  Corporate tenant lease assets, net................  $2,094,909    $1,781,565
                                                      ==========    ==========

    Under certain leases, the Company receives additional participating lease
payments to the extent gross revenues of the corporate tenant exceed a base
amount. The Company earned no such additional participating lease payments in
the three- or six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001. In addition, the
Company also receives reimbursements from customers for certain facility
operating expenses including common area costs, insurance and real estate taxes.
Customer expense reimbursements for the three months ended June 30, 2002 and
2001 were approximately $7.7 million and $6.4 million, respectively, and
$14.7 million and $12.7 million for the six months ended June 30, 2002 and 2001,
respectively, and are included as a reduction of "Operating costs--corporate
tenant lease assets" on the Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations.

    The Company is subject to expansion option agreements with three existing
customers which could require the Company to fund and to construct up to 161,000
square feet of additional adjacent space on which the Company would receive
additional operating lease income under the terms of the option agreements. In
addition, upon exercise of such expansion option agreements, the corporate

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


would be required to simultaneously extend their existing lease terms for
additional periods ranging from six to ten years.

    On May 30, 2002, the Company sold one corporate tenant lease asset for net
proceeds of $3.7 million, and a realized gain of approximately $595,000. The
results of operations from corporate tenant lease assets sold in the current
period are classified as discontinued operations even though such income was
actually received by the Company prior to the asset sale. Gains on sale from
corporate tenant lease assets are also classified as discontinued operations.


    The Company's ownership percentages, its investments in and advances to
unconsolidated joint ventures and subsidiaries, its respective income and the
Company's pro rata share of its ventures' third-party, non-recourse debt as of
June 30, 2002 are presented below (in thousands):

                                                                          PRO RATA
                                                                          SHARE OF                THIRD-PARTY DEBT
                                                        JOINT VENTURE   THIRD-PARTY    ---------------------------------------
AND SUBSIDIARIES                   %       INVESTMENT      (LOSS)         DEBT(1)            RATE            MATURITY DATE
- -----------------------------  ---------   ----------   -------------   ------------   ----------------   --------------------
  Sunnyvale..................    44.70%     $12,400        $ 1,060        $ 10,728      LIBOR + 1.25%       November 2004(2)
  CTC I......................    50.00%      11,686            707          60,361      7.66% - 7.87%     Various through 2011
  Milpitas(3)................    50.00%      24,555          1,512          39,846          6.55%            November 2005
  ACRE Simon.................    20.00%       5,173            (34)          6,545      7.61% - 8.43%     Various through 2011
  Sierra.....................    50.00%          --            (36)             --           N/A                  N/A
  iStar Operating............    95.00%      (4,132)        (1,993)             --           N/A                  N/A
  TMOC.......................    95.00%         135             --              --           N/A                  N/A
                                            -------        -------        --------
    Total....................               $49,817        $ 1,216        $117,480
                                            =======        =======        ========

- ------------------------------

(1) The Company reflects its pro rata share of third-party, non-recourse debt,
    rather than the total amount of the joint venture debt, because the
    third-party, non-recourse debt held by the joint ventures is not guaranteed
    by the Company nor does the Company have any additional commitment to fund
    the debt.

(2) Maturity date reflects a one-year extension at the venture's option.

(3) As of July 2, 2002, the Company owns 100.00% of Milpitas, which will be
    consolidated for accounting purposes in future periods.

2002, the Company had investments in four joint ventures: (1) TriNet Sunnyvale
Partners L.P. ("Sunnyvale"), whose external partners are John D. O'Donnell,
Trustee, John W. Hopkins, and Donald S. Grant; (2) Corporate Technology Centre
Associates, LLC ("CTC I"), whose external member is Corporate Technology Centre
Partners, LLC; (3) TriNet Milpitas Associates, LLC ("Milpitas"), whose external
member is The Prudential Insurance Company of America; and (4) ACRE Simon, LLC
("ACRE"), whose external partner is William E. Simon & Sons Realty Investments,
LLC. These ventures were formed for the purpose of operating, acquiring and, in
certain cases, developing corporate tenant lease facilities.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    At June 30, 2002, the ventures comprised 23 net leased facilities. The
Company's combined investment in these joint ventures at June 30, 2002 was
$53.8 million. The joint ventures' carrying value for the 23 facilities owned at
June 30, 2002 was $332.0 million. In the aggregate, the joint ventures had total
assets of $373.9 million and total liabilities of $268.0 million as of June 30,
2002, and net income of $2.8 million and $6.6 million for the three and six
months ended June 30, 2002. The Company accounts for these investments under the
equity method because the Company's joint venture partners have certain
participating rights which limit the Company's control.

    Effective September 29, 2000, iStar Sunnyvale Partners, LP (the entity which
is controlled by Sunnyvale) entered into an interest rate cap agreement limiting
the venture's exposure to interest rate movements on its $24.0 million
LIBOR-based mortgage loan to an interest rate of 9.00% through November 9, 2003.
Currently, the limited partners of Sunnyvale have the option to convert their
partnership interest into cash; however, the Company may elect to deliver
297,728 shares of Common Stock in lieu of cash.

    On April 1, 2002, the former Sierra Land Ventures ("Sierra") joint venture
partner assigned its 50.00% ownership interest in Sierra to a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company. There was no cash or shares exchanged in this
transaction. As of April 1, 2002, the Company owns 100.00% of the corporate
tenant lease asset previously held by Sierra and therefore consolidates this
asset for accounting purposes.

    On July 2, 2002, the Company paid approximately $30.5 million in cash to the
former member of the Milpitas joint venture in exchange for its 50.00% ownership
interest. Pursuant to the terms of the joint venture agreement, the former
external member had the right to convert its interest into 984,476 shares of
Common Stock of the Company at any time during the period February 1, 2002
through January 31, 2003. On May 2, 2002, the former Milpitas external member
exercised this right. Upon the external member's exercise of its conversion
right, the Company had the option to acquire the partner's interest for cash,
instead of shares, for a payment equal to the value of 984,476 shares of Common
Stock multiplied by the ten-day average closing stock price as of the
transaction date. The Company made such election and, as of July 2, 2002, owns
100.00% of Milpitas, which will be consolidated for accounting purposes in
future periods.

    Income generated from the Company's joint venture investments and
unconsolidated subsidiaries is included in "Equity in earnings from joint
ventures and unconsolidated subsidiaries" on the Consolidated Statements of

an investment in iStar Operating, a taxable subsidiary that, through a
wholly-owned subsidiary, services the Company's loans and certain loan
portfolios owned by third parties. The Company owns all of the non-voting
preferred stock and a 95.00% economic interest in iStar Operating. An affiliate
of the Company's largest shareholder is the owner of all the voting common stock
and a 5.00% economic interest in iStar Operating. As of June 30, 2002, there
have never been any distributions to the common shareholder, nor does the
Company expect to make any in the future. At any time, the Company has the right
to acquire all of the common stock of iStar Operating at fair market value,
which the Company believes to be nominal. In addition to the direct general and
administrative costs of iStar Operating, the Company allocates a portion of its
general overhead expenses to iStar Operating based on the number of employees at
iStar Operating as a percentage of the Company's total employees.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    In addition, the Company has an investment in TMOC, a taxable noncontrolled
subsidiary that has a $2.0 million investment in a real estate company based in
Mexico. The Company owns 95.00% of the outstanding voting and non-voting common
stock (representing 1.00% voting power and 95.00% of the economic interest) in
TMOC. The other two owners of TMOC stock are executives of the Company, who own
a combined 5.00% of the outstanding voting and non-voting common stock
(representing 99.00% voting power and 5.00% economic interest) in TMOC. As of
June 30, 2002, there have never been any distributions to the common
shareholders, nor does the Company expect to make any in the future. At any
time, the Company has the right to acquire all of the common stock of TMOC at
fair market value, which the Company believes to be nominal.

    Both iStar Operating and TMOC were formed as taxable corporations for
purposes of maintaining compliance with the REIT provisions of the Code and are
accounted for under the equity method for financial statement reporting purposes
and are presented in "Investments in joint ventures and unconsolidated
subsidiaries" on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet. If they were
consolidated with the Company for financial statement purposes, they would not
have a material impact on the Company's operations. As of June 30, 2002, these
corporations have no debt obligations.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    As of June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001, the Company has debt obligations
under various arrangements with financial institutions as follows (in

                                                   CARRYING VALUE AS OF
                                     MAXIMUM     -------------------------              STATED                    SCHEDULED
                                      AMOUNT      JUNE 30,    DECEMBER 31,             INTEREST                    MATURITY
                                    AVAILABLE       2002          2001                 RATES(1)                      DATE
                                    ----------   ----------   ------------   -----------------------------   --------------------
  Line of credit..................  $  700,000   $  329,550    $  312,300        LIBOR + 1.75% - 2.25%          March 2005(2)
  Line of credit..................     700,000      574,475       439,309        LIBOR + 1.40% - 2.15%         January 2005(2)
  Line of credit..................     500,000      313,788       148,937        LIBOR + 1.50% - 1.75%          August 2005(2)
  Line of credit..................     300,000           --            --           LIBOR + 2.125%               July 2004(3)
                                    ----------   ----------    ----------
  Total revolving credit
    facilities....................  $2,200,000    1,217,813       900,546
  Secured by corporate tenant
    lease assets..................                  193,000       193,000            LIBOR + 1.85%               July 2006(4)
  Secured by corporate tenant
    lease assets..................                  145,834       147,520                7.44%                    March 2009
  Secured by corporate lending
    investments...................                   60,000        60,000            LIBOR + 2.50%               June 2004(3)
                                                                                                             Various through 2022
  Secured by corporate tenant                        96,099        55,819           6.00% - 11.38%
    lease assets..................
  Secured by corporate lending
    investments...................                   50,000        50,000            LIBOR + 2.50%               July 2006(3)
                                                 ----------    ----------
  Total term loans................                  544,933       506,339
  Plus: debt premium..............                      253           274
                                                 ----------    ----------
  Total secured term loans........                  545,186       506,613

  STARs Series 2000-1:
    Class A.......................                       --        81,152            LIBOR + 0.30%              August 2003(5)
    Class B.......................                       --        94,055            LIBOR + 0.50%             October 2003(5)
    Class C.......................                       --       105,813            LIBOR + 1.00%             January 2004 (5)
    Class D.......................                       --        52,906            LIBOR + 1.45%               June 2004(5)
    Class E.......................                       --       123,447            LIBOR + 2.75%             January 2005(5)
    Class F.......................                       --         5,000            LIBOR + 3.15%             January 2005(5)
  STARs Series 2002-1:
    Class A1......................                  248,121            --            LIBOR + 0.26%               June 2004(6)
    Class A2......................                  381,296            --            LIBOR + 0.38%             December 2009(6)
    Class B.......................                   39,955            --            LIBOR + 0.65%              April 2011(6)
    Class C.......................                   26,637            --            LIBOR + 0.75%               May 2011(6)
    Class D.......................                   21,310            --            LIBOR + 0.85%             January 2012(6)
    Class E.......................                   42,619            --           LIBOR + 1.235%             January 2012(6)
    Class F.......................                   26,637            --           LIBOR + 1.335%             January 2012(6)
    Class G.......................                   21,309            --           LIBOR + 1.435%             January 2012(6)
    Class H.......................                   26,637            --                6.35%                 January 2012(6)
    Class J.......................                   26,637            --                6.35%                   May 2012(6)
    Class K.......................                   26,637            --                6.35%                   May 2012(6)
                                                 ----------    ----------
  Total iStar Asset Receivables
    secured notes.................                  887,795       462,373
  Less: debt discount.............                   (4,559)           --
                                                 ----------    ----------
  Total iStar Asset Receivables
    secured notes.................                  883,236       462,373

  6.75% Dealer Remarketable
    Securities(7)(8)(9)                             125,000       125,000                6.75%                    March 2013
  7.70% Notes(7)(9)...............                  100,000       100,000                7.70%                    July 2017
  7.95% Notes(7)(9)...............                   50,000        50,000                7.95%                     May 2006
  8.75% Notes.....................                  350,000       350,000                8.75%                   August 2008
                                                 ----------    ----------
  Total unsecured notes...........                  625,000       625,000
  Less: debt discount.............                  (13,698)      (15,698)
                                                 ----------    ----------
  Total unsecured notes...........                  611,302       609,302

OTHER DEBT OBLIGATIONS............                   15,283        16,535               Various                    Various
                                                 ----------    ----------
TOTAL DEBT OBLIGATIONS............               $3,272,820    $2,495,369
                                                 ==========    ==========

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.



- ------------------------------

(1) Substantially all variable-rate debt obligations are based on 30-day LIBOR
    and reprice monthly. The 30-day LIBOR on June 30, 2002 was 1.84%.

(2) Maturity date reflects a one-year "term-out" extension at the Company's

(3) Maturity date reflects a one-year extension at the Company's option.

(4) Maturity date reflects two one-year extensions at the Company's option.

(5) On May 28, 2002, the STARs, Series 2000-1 bonds were repaid in full.

(6) Principal payments on these bonds are a function of the principal repayments
    on loan or corporate tenant lease assets which collateralize these
    obligations. The dates indicated above represent the expected date on which
    the final payment would occur for such class based on the assumptions that
    the loans which collateralize the obligations are not voluntarily prepaid,
    the loans are paid on their effective maturity dates and no extensions of
    the effective maturity dates of any of the loans are granted. The final
    maturity date for the underlying indenture on class A1 is May 28, 2017 and
    the final maturity date for classes A2, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J and K is
    May 28, 2020.

(7) The notes are callable by the Company at any time for an amount equal to the
    total of principal outstanding, accrued interest and the applicable
    make-whole prepayment premium.

(8) Subject to mandatory tender on March 1, 2003, to either the dealer or the
    Company. The initial coupon of 6.75% applies to the first five-year term
    through the mandatory tender date. If tendered to the dealer, the notes must
    be remarketed. The rates reset to then-prevailing market rates upon

(9) These obligations were assumed as part of the acquisition of TriNet. As part
    of the accounting for the purchase, these fixed-rate obligations were
    considered to have stated interest rates which were below the
    then-prevailing market rates at which the Leasing Subsidiary could issue new
    debt obligations and, accordingly, the Company ascribed a market discount to
    each obligation. Such discounts are amortized as an adjustment to interest
    expense using the effective interest method over the related term of the
    obligations. As adjusted, the effective annual interest rates on these
    obligations were 8.81%, 9.51% and 9.04% for the 6.75% Dealer Remarketable
    Securities, 7.70% Notes and 7.95% Notes, respectively.

    Availability of amounts under the secured revolving credit facilities are
based on percentage borrowing base calculations. In addition, certain of the
Company's debt obligations contain covenants. These covenants are both financial
and non-financial in nature. Significant financial covenants include limitations
on the Company's ability to incur indebtedness beyond specified levels,
restrictions on the Company's ability to incur liens on assets and limitations
on the amount and type of restricted payments, such as repurchases of its own
equity securities, that the Company makes. Significant non-financial covenants
include a requirement in its publicly-held debt securities that the Company
offer to repurchase those securities at a premium if the Company undergoes a
change of control.

    On May 17, 2000, the Company closed the inaugural offering under its
proprietary matched funding program, STARs, Series 2000-1. In the initial
transaction, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company issued $896.5 million of
investment-grade bonds secured by the subsidiary's assets, which had an
aggregate outstanding principal balance of approximately $1.2 billion at
inception. Principal payments received on the assets will be utilized to repay
the most senior class of the bonds then outstanding. The maturity of the bonds
match funds the maturity of the underlying assets financed under the program. Of
the assets of the subsidiary secured by this financing, 73.96% (by gross
carrying value) consisted of first mortgages and subsequent lien positions and
the remaining 26.04% consisted of junior loans. For accounting purposes, this
transaction was treated as a secured financing: the underlying assets and STARs
liabilities remained on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet and no gain on
sale was recognized. On May 28, 2002, the Company fully repaid these bonds.

    On January 11, 2001, the Company closed a new $700.0 million secured
revolving credit facility which is led by a major commercial bank. The new
facility has a three-year primary term and one-year "term-out" extension option,
and bears interest at LIBOR + 1.40% to 2.15%, depending upon the collateral
contributed to the borrowing base. The new facility accepts a broad range of
structured finance assets and has a final maturity of January 2005.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.



    On February 22, 2001, the Company extended the maturity of its
$350.0 million unsecured revolving credit facility to May 2002. On July 27,
2001, the Company repaid this facility and replaced it with a new
$300.0 million unsecured revolving credit facility.

    On May 15, 2001, the Company repaid its $100.0 million 7.30% unsecured
notes. These notes were senior unsecured obligations of the Leasing Subsidiary
and ranked equally with the Leasing Subsidiary's other senior unsecured and
unsubordinated indebtedness.

    On June 14, 2001, the Company closed $193.0 million of term loan financing
secured by 15 corporate tenant lease assets. The variable-rate loan bears
interest at LIBOR + 1.85% (not to exceed 10.00% in aggregate) and has two
one-year extensions at the Company's option. The Company used these proceeds to
repay a $77.8 million secured term loan maturing in June 2001 and to pay down a
portion of its revolving credit facilities. In addition, the Company extended
the maturity of its $500.0 million secured revolving credit facility to
August 12, 2003. On March 29, 2002, the Company again extended the final
maturity of this facility to August 2005, which includes a one-year "term-out"
extension at the Company's option.

    On July 6, 2001, the Company financed a $75.0 million structured finance
asset with a $50.0 million term loan bearing interest at LIBOR + 2.50%. The loan
has a maturity of July 2006, including a one-year extension at the Company's
option. This investment is a $75.0 million term preferred investment in a
publicly-traded real estate customer. The Company's investment carries an
initial current yield of 10.50%, with annual increases of 0.50% in each of the
next two years. In addition, the Company's investment is convertible into the
customer's common stock at a strike price of $25.00 per share. The investment is
callable by the customer between months 13 and 30 of the term at a yield
maintenance premium, and after month 30, at a premium sufficient to generate a
14.62% internal rate of return on the Company's investment. The investment is
putable by the Company to the customer for cash after five years.

    On July 27, 2001, the Company completed a $300.0 million unsecured revolving
credit facility with a group of leading financial institutions. The new facility
has an initial maturity of July 2003, with a one-year extension at the Company's
option and another one-year extension at the lenders' option. The new facility
replaces two prior credit facilities maturing in 2002 and 2003, and bears
interest at LIBOR + 2.125%.

    On August 9, 2001, the Company issued $350.0 million of 8.75% senior notes
due in 2008. The notes are unsecured senior obligations of the Company. The
Company used the net proceeds to repay outstanding borrowings under its secured
credit facilities.

    On March 29, 2002, the Company extended the maturity of its $500.0 million
secured facility to August 2005, which includes a one-year "term-out" extension
at the Company's option.

    On May 28, 2002, the Company fully repaid the then remaining $446.2 million
of bonds outstanding under its STARs, Series 2000-1 financing. Simultaneously, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company issued STARs, Series 2002-1, consisting
of $885.1 million of investment-grade bonds secured by the subsidiary's
structured finance and corporate tenant lease assets, which had an aggregate
outstanding principal balance of approximately $1.1 billion at inception.
Principal payments received on the assets will be utilized to repay the most
senior class of the bonds then outstanding. The maturity of the bonds match
funds the maturity of the underlying assets financed under the program. The
weighted average interest rate on the bonds, on an all-floating rate basis, was
approximately LIBOR + 0.56% at

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


inception. For accounting purposes, this transaction was treated as a secured
financing: the underlying assets and STARs liabilities remained on the Company's
Consolidated Balance Sheet, and no gain on sale was recognized.

    As of June 30, 2002, future expected/scheduled maturities of outstanding
long-term debt obligations are as follows (in thousands)(1):

2002 (remaining six months).................................  $   15,283
2003........................................................          --
2004........................................................     308,120
2005........................................................   1,221,196
2006........................................................     293,000
Thereafter..................................................   1,453,225
Total principal maturities..................................   3,290,824
Net unamortized debt discounts..............................     (18,004)
Total debt obligations......................................  $3,272,820

- ------------------------

(1) Assumes exercise of extensions to the extent such extensions are at the
    Company's option.


    The Company's charter provides for the issuance of up to 200.0 million
shares of Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share, and 30.0 million shares of
preferred stock. The Company has 4.4 million shares of 9.50% Series A Cumulative
Redeemable Preferred Stock, 2.3 million shares of 9.375% Series B Cumulative
Redeemable Preferred Stock, 1.5 million shares of 9.20% Series C Cumulative
Redeemable Preferred Stock, and 4.6 million shares of 8.00% Series D Cumulative
Redeemable Preferred Stock. The Series A, B, C and D Cumulative Redeemable
Preferred Stock are redeemable without premium at the option of the Company at
their respective liquidation preferences beginning on December 15, 2003,
June 15, 2001, August 15, 2001 and October 8, 2002, respectively.

    On December 15, 1998, the Company issued warrants to acquire 6.1 million
shares of Common Stock, as adjusted for dilution, at $34.35 per share. The
warrants are exercisable on or after December 15, 1999 at a price of $34.35 per
share and expire on December 15, 2005.

Holdings, L.P. ("SOF IV") and certain of its affiliates sold 18.975 million
shares of Common Stock (including the subsequently exercised 2.475 million share
over-allotment option granted to the underwriters) owned by them. In addition,
on May 15, 2002, SOF IV sold 10.808 million shares of Common Stock (including
the subsequently exercised 808,200 share over-allotment option granted to the
underwriters) owned by them. The Company did not sell any shares in these
offerings. As a result of the secondary offerings, SOF IV currently owns
approximately 25.62% of the Company's Common Stock (based on the diluted
sharecount as of June 30, 2002).

    STOCK REPURCHASE PROGRAM--The Board of Directors approved, and the Company
has implemented, a stock repurchase program under which the Company is
authorized to repurchase up to 5.0 million shares of its Common Stock from time
to time, primarily using proceeds from the disposition of assets or loan
repayments and excess cash flow from operations, but also using borrowings under
its credit

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


facilities if the Company determines that it is advantageous to do so. The
Company has not made any repurchases under this program since November 2000. As
of both June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001, the Company had repurchased
approximately 2.3 million shares at an aggregate cost of approximately
$40.7 million.

    DRIP PROGRAM--The Company maintains a dividend reinvestment and direct stock
purchase plan. Under the dividend reinvestment component of the plan, the
Company's shareholders may purchase additional shares of Common Stock without
payment of brokerage commissions or service charges by automatically reinvesting
all or a portion of their Common Stock cash dividends. Under the direct stock
purchase component of the plan, the Company's shareholders and new investors may
purchase shares of Common Stock directly from the Company without payment of
brokerage commissions or service charges. All purchases of shares in excess of
$10,000 per month pursuant to the direct purchase component are at the Company's
sole discretion. Shares issued under the plan may reflect a discount of up to
3.00% from the prevailing market price of the Company's Common Stock. The
Company is authorized to issue up to 8.0 million shares of Common Stock pursuant
to the dividend reinvestment and direct stock purchase plan. During the
three-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, the Company issued a total of
459,451 and 9,910 shares of its Common Stock, respectively, and during the
six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, the Company issued a total of
1,227,820 and 9,910 shares of its Common Stock, respectively, through the direct
stock purchase component of the plan. Net proceeds during the three-month
periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, were approximately $13.0 million and
$262,000, respectively, and $33.4 million and $262,000 during the six-month
periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


    RISK MANAGEMENT--In the normal course of its on-going business operations,
the Company encounters economic risk. There are three main components of
economic risk: interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk. The Company is
subject to interest rate risk to the degree that its interest-bearing
liabilities mature or reprice at different speeds, or different bases, than its
interest-earning assets. Credit risk is the risk of default on the Company's
lending investments that results from a property's, borrower's or corporate
tenant's inability or unwillingness to make contractually required payments.
Market risk reflects changes in the value of loans due to changes in interest
rates or other market factors, including the rate of prepayments of principal
and the value of the collateral underlying loans and the valuation of corporate
tenant lease facilities held by the Company.

    USE OF DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--The Company's use of derivative
financial instruments is primarily limited to the utilization of interest rate
agreements or other instruments to manage interest rate risk exposure. The
principal objective of such arrangements is to minimize the risks and/or costs
associated with the Company's operating and financial structure as well as to
hedge specific anticipated transactions. The counterparties to these contractual
arrangements are major financial institutions with which the Company and its
affiliates may also have other financial relationships. The Company is
potentially exposed to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by these
counterparties. However, because of their high credit ratings, the Company does
not anticipate that any of the counterparties will fail to meet their

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    The Company has entered into the following cash flow hedges that are
outstanding as of June 30, 2002. The net value (liability) associated with these
hedges is reflected on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet (in thousands).

                                        STRIKE                                ESTIMATED
                            NOTIONAL   PRICE OR     TRADE        MATURITY     VALUE AT
TYPE OF HEDGE                AMOUNT    SWAP RATE     DATE          DATE     JUNE 30, 2002
- -------------               --------   ---------   --------      --------   -------------
Pay-Fixed Swap............  $125,000     7.058%    6/15/00       6/25/03       $(6,048)
Pay-Fixed Swap............   125,000     7.055%    6/15/00       6/25/03        (6,045)
Pay-Fixed Swap............    75,000     5.580%    11/4/99(1)    12/1/04        (4,237)
LIBOR Cap.................   345,000     8.000%    5/22/02       5/28/14        14,598
LIBOR Cap.................    75,000     7.750%    11/4/99(1)    12/1/04           100
LIBOR Cap.................    35,000     7.750%    11/4/99(1)    12/1/04            42
Total Estimated Asset (Liability) Value.........                               $(1,590)

- ------------------------

(1) Acquired in connection with the TriNet Acquisition.

    Between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002, the Company had outstanding the
following cash flow hedges that have expired or been settled (in thousands):

                                         NOTIONAL   PRICE OR     TRADE     MATURITY
TYPE OF HEDGE                             AMOUNT    SWAP RATE     DATE       DATE
- -------------                            --------   ---------   --------   --------
LIBOR Cap..............................  $300,000     9.000%    3/16/98    3/16/01
Pay-Fixed Swap.........................    92,000     5.714%    8/10/98     3/1/01
LIBOR Cap..............................    75,000     7.500%    7/16/98    6/19/01
LIBOR Cap..............................    38,336     7.500%    4/30/98     6/1/01

    In connection with the STARs, Series 2002-1 in May 2002, the Company entered
into a LIBOR interest rate cap struck at 8.00% in the notional amount of
$345.0 million. The Company utilizes the provisions of SFAS No. 133 with respect
to such instruments. SFAS No. 133 provides that the up-front fees paid on
option-based products such as caps should be expensed into earnings based on the
allocation of the premium to the affected periods as if the agreement were a
series of "caplets." These allocated premiums are then reflected as a charge to
income (as part of interest expense) in the affected period.

    In connection with the STARs, Series 2000-1 in May 2000, the Company entered
into a LIBOR interest rate cap struck at 10.00% in the notional amount of
$312.0 million, and simultaneously sold a LIBOR interest rate cap with the same
terms. Since these instruments did not change the Company's net interest rate
risk exposure, they did not qualify as hedges and changes in their respective
values were charged to earnings. As the terms of these arrangements were
substantially the same, the effects of a revaluation of these two instruments
substantially offset one another. On May 28, 2002, these instruments were
settled and are no longer outstanding.

    On May 28, 2002, in connection with the STARs, Series 2002-1 transaction,
the Company paid a premium of $13.7 million for an interest rate cap. Using the
"caplet" methodology discussed above, amortization of the cap premium is
dependent upon the actual value of the cap over time.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company refinanced its
$125.0 million term loan maturing March 15, 1999 with a $155.4 million term loan
maturing March 5, 2009. The new term loan bears interest at 7.44% per annum,
payable monthly, and amortizes over an approximately 22-year schedule. The new
term loan represented forecasted transactions for which the Company had
previously entered into U.S. Treasury-based hedging transactions. The net
$3.4 million cost of the settlement of such hedges has been deferred and is
being amortized as an increase to the effective financing cost of the new term
loan over its effective ten-year term.

    CREDIT RISK CONCENTRATIONS--Concentrations of credit risks arise when a
number of borrowers or customers related to the Company's investments are
engaged in similar business activities, or activities in the same geographic
region, or have similar economic features that would cause their ability to meet
contractual obligations, including those to the Company, to be similarly
affected by changes in economic conditions. The Company regularly monitors
various segments of its portfolio to assess potential concentrations of credit
risks. Management believes the current credit risk portfolio is reasonably well
diversified and does not contain any unusual concentration of credit risks.

    Substantially all of the Company's corporate tenant lease assets (including
those held by joint ventures) and loans and other lending investments are
collateralized by facilities located in the United States, with significant
concentrations (i.e., greater than 10.00%) as of June 30, 2002 in California
(21.60%) and Texas (13.26%). As of June 30, 2002, the Company's investments also
contain greater than 10.00% concentrations in the following asset types: office
(47.40%), hotel lending (12.24%) and industrial (11.76%).

    The Company underwrites the credit of prospective borrowers and customers
and often requires them to provide some form of credit support such as corporate
guarantees, letters of credit and/or cash security deposits. Although the
Company's loans and other lending investments and corporate customer lease
assets are geographically diverse and the borrowers and customers operate in a
variety of industries, to the extent the Company has a significant concentration
of interest or operating lease revenues from any single borrower or customer,
the inability of that borrower or customer to make its payment could have an
adverse effect on the Company.


    The Company's 1996 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan") is designed to
provide incentive compensation for officers, other key employees and directors
of the Company. The Plan provides for awards of stock options and shares of
restricted stock and other performance awards. The maximum number of shares of
Common Stock available for awards under the Plan is 9.00% of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock, calculated on a fully diluted basis, from time to time;
provided that the number of shares of Common Stock reserved for grants of
options designated as incentive stock options is 5.0 million, subject to certain
antidilution provisions in the Plan. All awards under the Plan, other than
automatic awards to non-employee directors, are at the discretion of the Board
or a committee of the Board. At June 30, 2002, a total of approximately
8.2 million shares of Common Stock were available for awards under the Plan, of
which options to purchase approximately 4.6 million shares of Common Stock were
outstanding and approximately 582,000 shares of restricted stock were

    Concurrently with the Recapitalization Transactions, the Company issued
approximately 2.5 million (as adjusted) fully vested and immediately exercisable
options to purchase shares of Common Stock at

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


$14.72 per share (as adjusted) to its former advisor with a term of ten years.
The former advisor granted a portion of these options to its employees and the
remainder was allocated to an affiliate. Upon the acquisition of its former
advisor, these individuals became employees of the Company. In general, the
grants to these employees provided for scheduled vesting over a predefined
service period of three to five years and, under certain conditions, provide for
accelerated vesting. These options expire on March 15, 2008.

    Changes in options outstanding during the six months ended June 30, 2002 are
as follows:

                                                               NUMBER OF SHARES
                                                     ------------------------------------   AVERAGE
                                                                 NON-EMPLOYEE                STRIKE
                                                     EMPLOYEES    DIRECTORS       OTHER      PRICE
                                                     ---------   ------------   ---------   --------
OPTIONS OUTSTANDING, DECEMBER 31, 2001.............  3,783,222      296,379     1,036,163    $18.98
  Granted in 2002..................................         --       90,000            --    $29.82
  Exercised in 2002................................   (353,606)    (104,400)      (92,448)   $18.98
  Forfeited in 2002................................     (9,772)      (4,600)           --    $22.25
                                                     ---------     --------     ---------
OPTIONS OUTSTANDING, JUNE 30, 2002.................  3,419,844      277,379       943,715
                                                     =========     ========     =========

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    The following table summarizes information concerning outstanding and
exercisable options as of June 30, 2002:

                                    OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                   OPTIONS
                            ------------------------------------        EXERCISABLE
                                           WEIGHTED                ----------------------
                                            AVERAGE     WEIGHTED                 WEIGHTED
                                           REMAINING    AVERAGE                  AVERAGE
                              OPTIONS     CONTRACTUAL   EXERCISE    CURRENTLY    EXERCISE
- --------------------        -----------   -----------   --------   -----------   --------
$14.72 - $15.00(1)           1,091,721        6.07       $14.73       736,944     $14.73
$16.69 - $16.88                765,681        7.53       $16.86       399,861     $16.86
$17.38 - $17.56                435,000        7.72       $17.39       252,501     $17.39
$19.50 - $19.69              1,597,107        8.59       $19.69       480,193     $19.69
$20.33 - $21.44                219,716        4.99       $21.00       112,084     $21.07
$22.44                          13,333        8.26       $22.44            --     $   --
$23.32 - $23.64                 44,073        3.57       $23.53        32,529     $23.52
$24.13 - $24.94                183,700        5.44       $24.54       183,034     $24.54
$25.10 - $26.09                 14,800        4.25       $26.02        14,134     $26.06
$26.30 - $26.97                 77,900        2.10       $26.80        76,567     $26.80
$27.00                          25,000        8.99       $27.00         8,334     $27.00
$28.54 - $29.82                 90,188        9.45       $29.68        90,188     $29.68
$30.33                          67,275        1.50       $30.33        67,275     $30.33
$33.15 - $33.70                 10,350        0.47       $33.39        10,350     $33.39
$55.39                           5,094        6.92       $55.39         5,094     $55.39
                             ---------        ----       ------     ---------     ------
                             4,640,938        7.17       $18.73     2,469,088     $19.05
                             =========        ====       ======     =========     ======

- ------------------------

(1) Includes approximately 764,000 options which were granted, on a fully
    exercisable basis, in connection with the Recapitalization Transactions, and
    which are now held by an affiliate of SOF IV. Beneficial interests in these
    options were subsequently regranted by that affiliate to employees of it and
    its affiliates, subject to vesting requirements. In the event that these
    employees forfeit such options, they revert to an affiliate of SOF IV, which
    may regrant them at its discretion. As of June 30, 2002, approximately
    416,000 of these options have become exercisable by the beneficial owners.
    Of this total, approximately 215,000 have been exercised as of June 30,

    The Company has elected to use the intrinsic method for accounting for
options issued to employees or directors, as allowed under Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 ("SFAS No. 123"), "Accounting for
Stock-Based Compensation" and, accordingly, recognizes no expense in connection
with these options to the extent that the options' exercise prices equals or
exceeds the quoted prices of the Company's shares of Common Stock on the grant
or investment dates. However, in connection with the acquisition of the
Company's former external advisor, the Company recognized a deferred stock-based
compensation charge of approximately $5.1 million. This deferred charge
represents the difference between the Company's closing stock price on the date
it acquired its former external advisor (which was $20.25), and the strike price
of $14.72 per share (as adjusted) for the unvested portion of the options
granted to the former external advisor's employees, who are now employees of the
Company. This deferred charge is being amortized over the related remaining

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


terms to the individual employees as an additional expense under "General and
administrative--stock-based compensation" on the Company's Consolidated
Statements of Operations.

    In addition, in connection with the original grant of options in March 1998
to its former external advisor, the Company utilized the option value method as
required by SFAS No. 123. An independent financial advisory firm estimated the
value of these options at the date of grant to be approximately $2.40 per share
using a Black-Scholes valuation model. In the absence of comparable historical
market information for the Company, the advisory firm utilized assumptions
consistent with activity of a comparable peer group of companies, including an
estimated option life of five years, a 27.50% volatility rate and an estimated
annual dividend rate of 8.50%. The resulting $6.0 million charge to earnings was
calculated as the number of options allocated to the former external advisor
multiplied by their then estimated value, and was reflected in the Company's
first quarter 1998 financial results.

    Future charges may be taken to the extent of additional option grants, which
are at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

    During the six months ended June 30, 2002, the Company granted 39,950
restricted shares to employees that vest proportionately over three years on the
anniversary date of the initial grant.

    During the year ended December 31, 2001, the Company granted 95,109
restricted shares to employees in lieu of cash bonuses for the year ended
December 31, 2000 at the employees' election. These restricted shares were
immediately vested on the date of grant and were not transferable for a period
of one year following vesting.

    During the year ended December 31, 2000, the Company granted 143,646
restricted shares to employees. Of this total, 74,996 restricted shares were
granted in lieu of cash bonuses at the employees' election, were immediately
vested on the date of grant, and were not transferable for a period of one year
following vesting. An additional 68,650 of such restricted shares vest over
periods ranging from one to three years following the date of grant and are
transferable upon vesting.

    For accounting purposes, the Company measures compensation costs for these
278,705 shares as of the date of the grant and expenses such amounts against
earnings, either at the grant date (if no vesting period exists) or ratably over
the respective vesting period. Such amounts appear on the Company's Consolidated
Statements of Operations under "General and administrative--stock-based
compensation expense."

    During the year ended December 31, 2001, the Company entered into a new
three-year employment agreement with its Chief Executive Officer. Under the
agreement, the Chief Executive Officer receives an annual base salary of
$1.0 million. He may also receive a bonus, which is targeted to be an amount
equal to his base salary, if the Company achieves certain performance targets
set by the Compensation Committee. The bonus award may be increased or reduced
from the target depending upon the degree to which the performance goals are
exceeded or are not met, and may not exceed 200.00% of his base salary. The
bonus is reduced by the amount of any dividends paid to the Chief Executive
Officer in respect of phantom shares (described below) which are awarded to him
and have contingently vested. As part of this agreement, the Company confirmed a
prior grant of 750,000 stock options made to the executive on March 2, 2001 with
an exercise price of $19.69, which represented the market price at the date of
the original contingent grant. However, because the grant required further
approval by the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors, no
measurement date occurred for accounting purposes until such approvals were
made, at which point

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


the market price of the Company's Common Stock was $24.90. Accordingly, an
aggregate charge of approximately $3.9 million is being recognized with respect
to these options over the terms of this agreement and is reflected on the
Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations under "General and
administrative--stock-based compensation." These options will vest in three
equal installments of 250,000 shares in each January beginning in January 2002.

    The Company also granted the executive 2.0 million unvested phantom shares,
each of which represents one share of the Company's Common Stock. These shares
will vest in installments of 350,000 shares, 650,000 shares, 600,000 shares and
400,000 shares on a contingent basis if the 60-day average closing price of the
Company's Common Stock achieves thresholds of $25.00, $30.00, $34.00 and $37.00,
respectively. As of June 30, 2002, the $25.00 and $30.00 thresholds have been
attained, and a total of 1,000,000 of these shares have contingently vested.
Shares that have contingently vested generally will not become fully vested
until the end of the three-year term of the agreement, except upon certain
termination or change of control events. Further, if the average stock price
drops below certain specified levels for a 60-day period prior to such date,
such phantom shares would not fully vest and would be forfeited. The executive
will receive dividends on shares that have contingently or fully vested and have
not been forfeited under the terms of the agreement, if and when the Company
declares and pays dividends on its Common Stock. Because no shares have been
issued, dividends received on these phantom shares, if any, will be reflected as
compensation expense by the Company. For accounting purposes, this arrangement
will be treated as a contingent, variable plan and no additional compensation
expense will be recognized until the shares, in whole or in part, become
irrevocably vested, whereupon the Company will reflect a charge equal to the
then fair value of the phantom shares irrevocably vested.

    In addition, the Company entered into a three-year employment agreement,
subject to a one-year extension option, with an executive in connection with his
appointment as President of the Company. Under the agreement, in lieu of salary
and bonus, the Company granted the executive 500,000 unvested restricted shares.
The vesting of the shares is a function of the total return realized by the
Company's common shareholders, as measured by cumulative dividends paid on the
Company's Common Stock from and after January 1, 2001 and the market price of
the Company's Common Stock. If the total shareholder return as of a measurement
date contemplated by the agreement is between 0.00% and 29.99%, then between
zero and 150,000 restricted shares are subject to contingent vesting using
straight-line interpolation. If the total return is between 30.00% and 60.00%,
then the balance of the shares are subject to contingent vesting using
straight-line interpolation. Contingently vested shares will become fully vested
shares (no longer subject to forfeiture) if the executive remains employed
through the term of the agreement, or earlier if there is a change of control
event, certain termination events or an event of death or disability. In
addition, the entire 500,000 share grant will automatically become fully vested
on September 30, 2002 if the target shareholder total return of 60.00% is
achieved for 60 consecutive calendar days on or prior to September 30, 2002.
None of the shares will vest (regardless of the total rate of return to
shareholders) if the executive voluntarily terminates his employment without
good reason before September 30, 2002.

    Until shares under the agreement are otherwise vested or forfeited, the
executive will receive dividends on the share grant during the term of the
agreement if and when the Company declares and pays dividends on its Common
Stock. For financial statement purposes, such dividends were accounted for in a
manner consistent with the Company's normal Common Stock dividends as a
reduction to retained earnings. These restricted shares were contingently vested
at June 30, 2002. For accounting

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


purposes, this arrangement had been treated as a contingent, variable plan until
the contingent targets were met.

    On April 29, 2002, the 500,000 unvested restricted shares awarded to the
President became contingently vested as the total shareholder return (as defined
above) exceeded 60.00%. Under the terms of the agreement, once contingently
vested, such shares will become fully vested shares (i.e., no longer subject to
forfeiture) as of September 30, 2002, unless, as described above, the executive
voluntarily resigns without good reason prior to that date. The Company will
incur a non-cash charge of approximately $15.0 million related to these
contingently vested shares, recognized ratably over the service period from the
date of contingent vesting through September 30, 2002. Accordingly, the non-cash
charge recognized for the three months ended June 30, 2002 was approximately
$6.1 million, and the remaining non-cash charge of approximately $8.9 million
will be recognized during the three months ended September 30, 2002.

    Certain affiliates of SOF IV and the Company's Chief Executive Officer have
agreed to reimburse the Company for the value of restricted shares awarded to
the President in excess of 350,000 shares, net of tax benefits realized by the
Company or its shareholders on account of compensation expense deductions. The
reimbursement obligation arises once the restricted shares have become fully
vested, which is anticipated to be September 30, 2002. In the case of the SOFI
IV affiliates, the reimbursement payment must be made through the delivery of
cash or shares of Common Stock within five days following the full vesting date.
If these entities do not have sufficient cash or shares of Common Stock on hand
to make the payment, they may defer the payment until the later of: (1) six
months after the restricted shares become fully vested; or (2) the last day of
the calendar year in which the restricted shares become fully vested. In the
case of the Chief Executive Officer, the reimbursement will be made through the
forfeiture of contingently vested phantom shares awarded to him under his
employment agreement with the Company. The reimbursement payments will be
reflected as "Additional Paid-In Capital" on the Company's Consolidated Balance
Sheet at the time the payment is received, and not as an offset to the non-cash
charge referenced above.

    Effective November 4, 1999, the Company implemented a savings and retirement
plan (the "401(k) Plan"), which is a voluntary, defined contribution plan. All
employees are eligible to participate in the 401(k) Plan following completion of
six months of continuous service with the Company. Each participant may
contribute on a pretax basis between 2.00% and 15.00% of such participant's
compensation. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the Company may make
matching contributions on the participant's behalf of up to 50.00% of the first
10.00% of the participant's annual contribution. The Company made gross
contributions of approximately $74,000 and $65,000 to the 401(k) Plan for the
three months ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively, and approximately
$245,000 and $178,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2002 and 2001,


    In May 2002, the Company's shareholders approved the iStar Financial High
Performance Unit Program. The program, as more fully described in the Company's
annual proxy statement dated April 8, 2002, is a performance-based employee
compensation plan that only has material value to the participants if the
Company provides superior returns to its shareholders. The program will entitle
the employee participants to receive cash distributions in the nature of common
stock dividends if the total rate of return on the Company's Common Stock (share
price appreciation plus dividends) exceeds certain performance levels.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    Initially, there will be three plans within the program: the 2002 Plan, the
2003 Plan, and the 2004 Plan. Each Plan will have 5,000 shares of High
Performance Common Stock associated with it. Each share of High Performance
Common Stock will carry 0.25 votes per share.

    The Company's performance will be measured over a one-, two-, or three-year
valuation period, beginning on January 1, 2002 and ending on December 31, 2002,
December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2004, respectively. The end of the valuation
period (i.e., the "valuation date") will be accelerated if there is a change in
control of the Company. The High Performance Common Stock will have a nominal
value unless the total rate of shareholder return for the relevant valuation
period exceeds the greater of: (1) 10.00%, 20.00%, or 30.00% for the 2002 Plan,
the 2003 Plan and the 2004 Plan, respectively; and (2) a weighted industry index
total rate of return consisting of equal weightings of the Russell 1000
Financial Index and the Morgan Stanley REIT Index for the relevant period.

    If the total rate of return on the Company's Common Stock exceeds the
threshold performance levels for a particular plan, then distributions will be
paid on the shares of High Performance Common Stock related to that plan in the
same amounts and at the same times as distributions are paid on a number of
shares of the Company's Common Stock equal to the following: 7.50% of the
Company's excess total rate of return (over the higher of the two threshold
performance levels) multiplied by the weighted average market value of Company's
common equity capitalization during the measurement period, all as divided by
the average closing price of a share of Company's Common Stock for the 20
trading days immediately preceding the applicable valuation date.

    If the total rate of return on the Company's Common Stock does not exceed
the threshold performance levels for a particular plan, then the shares of High
Performance Common Stock related to that plan will have only nominal value--each
of the 5,000 shares will be entitled to dividends equal to 0.01 times the
dividend paid on a share of Common Stock, if and when dividends are declared on
the common stock.

    Regardless of how much the Company's total rate of return exceeds the
threshold performance levels, the dilutive impact to the Company's shareholders
resulting from distributions on High Performance Common Stock in each plan will
be limited to 1.00% of the number of shares of the Company's Common Stock
outstanding, on a fully diluted basis, on the valuation date for each plan.

    The employee participants will purchase their interests in High Performance
Common Stock through a limited liability company at purchase prices approved by
the Company's Board of Directors. The Company's Board has established the prices
of the High Performance Common Stock based upon, among other things, an
independent valuation from a major securities firm as reviewed by the Company's
outside auditors. The initial purchase prices were set on June 25, 2002 and were
approximately $2.8 million, $1.8 million and $1.3 million for the 2002, 2003 and
2004 plans, respectively. No employee will be permitted to exchange his or her
interest in the LLC for shares of High Performance Common Stock prior to the
applicable valuation date.

    The additional equity from the issuance of the High Performance Common Stock
will be recorded as a separate class of stock and disclosed within shareholders'
equity. Future distributions, if any, will be deducted from net income available
for common shareholders.

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.



    The following table presents a reconciliation of the numerators and
denominators of the basic and diluted EPS calculations (in thousands, except per
share data):

                                                             FOR THE               FOR THE
                                                       THREE MONTHS ENDED     SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                            JUNE 30,              JUNE 30,
                                                       -------------------   -------------------
                                                         2002       2001       2002       2001
                                                       --------   --------   --------   --------
  Net income before income from discontinued
    operations, gain on sale of corporate tenant
    lease asset, extraordinary loss and cumulative
    effect of change in accounting principle.........  $ 54,015   $57,874    $111,040   $113,222
  Preferred dividend requirements....................    (9,227)   (9,227)    (18,454)   (18,454)
  Net income allocable to common shareholders before
    income from discontinued operations, gain on sale
    of corporate tenant lease asset, extraordinary
    loss and cumulative effect of change in
    accounting principle.............................    44,788    48,647      92,586     94,768
  Income from discontinued operations................        69        42         154        102
  Gain on sale of corporate tenant lease asset.......       595     1,044         595      1,599
  Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment of
    debt.............................................   (12,166)       --     (12,166)    (1,037)
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting
    principle........................................        --        --          --       (282)
                                                       --------   -------    --------   --------
  Net income allocable to common shareholders........  $ 33,286   $49,733    $ 81,169   $ 95,150
                                                       ========   =======    ========   ========
  Weighted average common shares outstanding for
    basic earnings per common share..................    88,656    86,081      88,193     85,958
  Add: effect of assumed shares issued under treasury
    stock method for stock options and restricted
    shares...........................................     2,383     1,871       2,023      1,568
  Add: effect of contingent shares...................     1,000       115         677         58
  Add: effect of joint venture shares................        --        75          --         --
                                                       --------   -------    --------   --------
  Weighted average common shares outstanding for
    diluted earnings per common share................    92,039    88,142      90,893     87,584
                                                       ========   =======    ========   ========
Basic earnings per common share:
  Net income allocable to common shareholders before
    income from discontinued operations, gain on sale
    of corporate tenant lease asset, extraordinary
    loss and cumulative effect of change in
    accounting principle.............................  $   0.51   $  0.57    $   1.05   $   1.10
  Income from discontinued operations................      0.00      0.00        0.00       0.00
  Gain on sale of corporate tenant lease asset.......      0.01      0.01        0.01       0.02
  Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment of
    debt.............................................     (0.14)    (0.00)      (0.14)     (0.01)
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting
    principle........................................     (0.00)    (0.00)      (0.00)     (0.00)
                                                       --------   -------    --------   --------
  Net income allocable to common shareholders........  $   0.38   $  0.58    $   0.92   $   1.11
                                                       ========   =======    ========   ========

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.



                                                             FOR THE               FOR THE
                                                       THREE MONTHS ENDED     SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                            JUNE 30,              JUNE 30,
                                                       -------------------   -------------------
                                                         2002       2001       2002       2001
                                                       --------   --------   --------   --------
Diluted earnings per common share:
  Net income allocable to common shareholders before
    income from discontinued operations, gain on sale
    of corporate tenant lease asset, extraordinary
    loss and cumulative effect of change in
    accounting principle.............................  $   0.48   $  0.55    $   1.02   $   1.08
  Income from discontinued operations................      0.00      0.00        0.00       0.00
  Gain on sale of corporate tenant lease asset.......      0.01      0.01        0.01       0.02
  Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment of
    debt.............................................     (0.13)    (0.00)      (0.14)     (0.01)
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting
    principle........................................     (0.00)    (0.00)      (0.00)     (0.00)
                                                       --------   -------    --------   --------
  Net income allocable to common shareholders........  $   0.36   $  0.56    $   0.89   $   1.09
                                                       ========   =======    ========   ========


    In June 1997, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 130 ("SFAS No. 130"), "Reporting Comprehensive Income" effective for fiscal
years beginning after December 15, 1997. The statement changes the reporting of
certain items currently reported as changes in the shareholders' equity section
of the balance sheet and establishes standards for the reporting and display of
comprehensive income and its components in a full set of general-purpose
financial statements. SFAS No. 130 requires that all components of comprehensive
income shall be reported in the financial statements in the period in which they
are recognized. Furthermore, a total amount for comprehensive income shall be
displayed in the financial statements. The Company has adopted this standard
effective January 1, 1998. Total comprehensive income was $50.3 million and
$60.2 million for the three-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001,
respectively, and $115.6 million and $99.1 million for the six-month periods
ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. The primary components of
comprehensive income other than net income consist of amounts attributable to
the adoption and continued application of SFAS No. 133 to the Company's cash
flow hedges and changes in the fair value of the Company's available-for-sale

    For the three and six months ended June 30, 2002, the change in fair market
value of the Company's cash flow hedges was a decrease of $580,000 and an
increase of $4.0 million, respectively,

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


and was recorded as adjustments to other comprehensive income. The
reconciliation to other comprehensive income is as follows (in thousands):

                                                              FOR THE               FOR THE
                                                        THREE MONTHS ENDED     SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                             JUNE 30,              JUNE 30,
                                                        -------------------   -------------------
                                                          2002       2001       2002       2001
                                                        --------   --------   --------   --------
Net income............................................  $42,513    $58,960    $ 99,623   $113,604
Other comprehensive income:
  Unrealized gains on investments for the period......    8,328         --      11,993         --
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle
    (SFAS No. 133) on other comprehensive income......       --         --          --     (9,445)
  Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges.......     (580)     1,280       3,993     (5,074)
                                                        -------    -------    --------   --------
Comprehensive income..................................  $50,261    $60,240    $115,609   $ 99,085
                                                        =======    =======    ========   ========

    As of June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001, accumulated other comprehensive
income reflected in the Company's equity on the balance sheet is comprised of
the following (in thousands):

                                                          AS OF         AS OF
                                                        JUNE 30,    DECEMBER 31,
                                                          2002          2001
                                                        ---------   -------------
Unrealized gains on available-for-sale investments....  $ 17,682      $  5,689
Unrealized losses on cash flow hedges.................   (16,788)      (20,781)
                                                        --------      --------
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).........  $    894      $(15,092)
                                                        ========      ========


    In order to maintain its election to qualify as a REIT, the Company must
currently distribute, at a minimum, an amount equal to 90.00% of its taxable
income and must distribute 100.00% of its taxable income to avoid paying
corporate federal income taxes. The Company anticipates it will distribute all
of its taxable income to its shareholders. Because taxable income differs from
cash flow from operations due to non-cash revenues or expenses (such as
depreciation), in certain circumstances, the Company may generate operating cash
flow in excess of its dividends or, alternatively, may be required to borrow to
make sufficient dividend payments.

    Total dividends declared by the Company aggregated $56.1 million, or $0.63
per share of Common Stock for the three- and six-month periods ended June 30,
2002. This dividend, paid on April 1, 2002, was applicable to the three-month
period ended March 31, 2002 and payable to shareholders of record on April 15,
2002. On July 1, 2002, the Company declared a dividend of $0.63 per share of
Common Stock, applicable to the second quarter and payable to shareholders of
record on July 15, 2002. The Company also declared dividends aggregating
$10.5 million, $2.4 million, $1.4 million and $4.0 million, respectively, on its
Series A, B, C and D preferred stock, respectively, for the six months ended
June 30, 2002. There are no divided arrearages on any of the preferred shares
currently outstanding.

    The Series A preferred stock has a liquidation preference of $50.00 per
share and carries an initial dividend yield of 9.50% per annum. The dividend
rate on the preferred shares will increase to 9.75% on December 15, 2005, to
10.00% on December 15, 2006 and to 10.25% on December 15, 2007 and

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


thereafter. Dividends on the Series A preferred shares are payable quarterly in
arrears and are cumulative.

    Holders of shares of the Series B preferred stock are entitled to receive,
when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally available
for the payment of dividends, cumulative preferential cash dividends at the rate
of 9.375% per annum of the $25.00 liquidation preference, equivalent to a fixed
annual rate of $2.34 per share. Dividends are cumulative from the date of
original issue and are payable quarterly in arrears on or before the 15th day of
each March, June, September and December or, if not a business day, the next
succeeding business day. Any dividend payable on the Series B preferred stock
for any partial dividend period will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year
consisting of twelve 30-day months. Dividends will be payable to holders of
record as of the close of business on the first day of the calendar month in
which the applicable dividend payment date falls or on another date designated
by the Board of Directors of the Company for the payment of dividends that is
not more than 30 nor less than ten days prior to the dividend payment date.

    Holders of shares of the Series C preferred stock are entitled to receive,
when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally available
for the payment of dividends, cumulative preferential cash dividends at the rate
of 9.20% per annum of the $25.00 liquidation preference, equivalent to a fixed
annual rate of $2.30 per share. The remaining terms relating to dividends of the
Series C preferred stock are substantially identical to the terms of the
Series B preferred stock described above.

    Holders of shares of the Series D preferred stock are entitled to receive,
when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally available
for the payment of dividends, cumulative preferential cash dividends at the rate
of 8.00% per annum of the $25.00 liquidation preference, equivalent to a fixed
annual rate of $2.00 per share. The remaining terms relating to dividends of the
Series D preferred stock are substantially identical to the terms of the
Series B preferred stock described above.

    The exact amount of future quarterly dividends to common shareholders will
be determined by the Board of Directors based on the Company's actual and
expected operations for the fiscal year and the Company's overall liquidity


    Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 131 ("SFAS No. 131")
establishes standards for the way that public business enterprises report
information about operating segments in annual financial statements and requires
that those enterprises report selected financial information about operating
segments in interim financial reports issued to shareholders.

    The Company has two reportable segments: Real Estate Lending and Corporate
Tenant Leasing. The Company does not have substantial foreign operations. The
accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described in Note 3.
The Company has no single customer that accounts for 10.00% or more of revenues
(see Note 9 for other information regarding concentrations of credit risk).

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    The Company evaluates performance based on the following financial measures
for each segment:

                                                  REAL ESTATE     TENANT     CORPORATE/    COMPANY
                                                    LENDING      LEASING      OTHER(1)      TOTAL
                                                  -----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Three months ended:
  June 30, 2002.................................  $   71,849    $   60,102    $    152    $  132,103
  June 30, 2001.................................      72,592        47,107         130       119,829
Six months ended:
  June 30, 2002.................................  $  135,716    $  117,501    $   (226)   $  252,991
  June 30, 2001.................................     144,925        94,230         380       239,535
Three months ended:
  June 30, 2002.................................  $   25,529    $   24,188    $ 28,748    $   78,465
  June 30, 2001.................................      29,265        19,140      14,395        62,800
Six months ended:
  June 30, 2002.................................  $   47,105    $   46,117    $ 49,864    $  143,086
  June 30, 2001.................................      63,390        37,316      29,159       129,865
Three months ended:
  June 30, 2002.................................  $   46,320    $   35,914    $(28,596)   $   53,638
  June 30, 2001.................................      43,327        27,967     (14,265)       57,029
Six months ended:
  June 30, 2002.................................  $   88,611    $   71,384    $(50,090)   $  109,905
  June 30, 2001.................................      81,535        56,914     (28,779)      109,670
  June 30, 2002.................................  $2,900,597    $2,094,909         N/A    $4,995,506
  December 31, 2001.............................   2,377,763     1,781,565         N/A     4,159,328
  June 30, 2002.................................  $2,900,597    $2,094,909    $275,244    $5,270,750
  December 31, 2001.............................   2,377,763     1,781,565     219,232     4,378,560

- --------------------

(1) Corporate and Other represents all corporate level items, including general
    and administrative expenses and any intercompany eliminations necessary to
    reconcile to the consolidated Company totals. This caption also includes the
    Company's servicing business, which is not considered a material separate

(2) Total revenues represents all revenues earned during the period from the
    assets in each segment. Revenue from the Real Estate Lending business
    primarily represents interest income and revenue from the Corporate Tenant
    Leasing business primarily represents operating lease income.

(3) Total operating and interest expense represents provision for loan losses
    for the Real Estate Lending business and operating costs on corporate tenant
    lease assets for the Corporate Tenant Leasing business, as well as interest
    expense specifically related to each segment. Interest expense

                              ISTAR FINANCIAL INC.


    on unsecured notes, general and administrative expense and general and
    administrative--stock-based compensation is included in Corporate and Other
    for all periods. Depreciation and amortization of $11.7 million and
    $8.7 million for the three-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001,
    respectively, and $22.3 million and $17.5 million for the six-month periods
    ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively, are included in the amounts
    presented above.

(4) Net operating income before minority interest represents net operating
    income before minority interest, income from discontinued operations, gain
    on sale of corporate tenant lease assets, extraordinary loss on early
    extinguishment of debt and cumulative effect of change in accounting

(5) Total long-lived assets is comprised of Loans and Other Lending Investments,
    net and Corporate Tenant Lease Assets, net, for each respective segment.



    Subsequent to June 30, 2002, the Company's senior unsecured credit rating
was upgraded to an investment grade rating of BBB- from BB+ by Fitch Ratings. In
addition, Moody's Investor Service and Standard & Poor's raised their ratings
outlook for the Company's senior unsecured credit rating to "positive."


    Subsequent to quarter end, the Company adopted the option value method for
accounting for options issued to employees or directors, as allowed under SFAS
No. 123. Accordingly, the Company will recognize a charge equal to the fair
value of these options at the date of grant multiplied by the number of options
issued. This charge will be amortized over the related remaining vesting terms
to the individual employees as additional compensation. The impact for options
issued since January 1, 2002 is approximately $110,000, which will be reflected
in the third quarter of 2002 under "General and administrative--stock-based
compensation" on the Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations.



    The Company began its business in 1993 through private investment funds
formed to take advantage of the lack of well-capitalized lenders capable of
servicing the needs of high-end customers in its markets. In March 1998, the
private investment funds contributed their approximately $1.1 billion of assets
to the Company's predecessor in exchange for a controlling interest in that
public company. In November 1999, the Company acquired its leasing subsidiary,
TriNet Corporate Realty Trust, Inc. ("TriNet" or the "Leasing Subsidiary"),
which was then the largest publicly-traded company specializing in corporate
sale/leaseback for office and industrial facilities (the "TriNet Acquisition").
Concurrent with the TriNet Acquisition, the Company also acquired its former
external advisor in exchange for shares of its Common Stock and converted its
organizational form to a Maryland corporation. The Company's Common Stock began
trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "SFI" in November 1999.

    None of the Company's investment assets were directly impacted by the
terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. While the
Company believes that the diversification of its portfolio, its strict
underwriting standards and its use of credit enhancement techniques represent an
appropriate emphasis on risk management, the Company cannot predict the effect
that any future terrorist attack might have on the U.S. economy and the
Company's business.


  JUNE 30, 2001

    INTEREST INCOME--Interest income increased $492,000 to $64.4 million for the
three months ended June 30, 2002 from $63.9 million for the same period in 2001.
This increase was primarily due to $19.8 million of interest income on new
originations or additional fundings, net of a $13.9 million decrease from the
repayment of loans and other lending investments since the first quarter of
2001. This increase was partially offset by a decrease in interest income of
approximately $5.8 million as the result of lower average one-month LIBOR rates
of 1.85% in 2002 compared to 4.27% in 2001 on the Company's variable-rate
lending investments.

    OPERATING LEASE INCOME--Operating lease income increased $13.0 million to
$60.0 million for the three months ended June 30, 2002 from $47.0 million for
the same period in 2001. Of this increase, $13.9 million was attributable to new
corporate tenant lease investments. This increase was partially offset by lower
operating lease income on certain corporate tenant lease assets.

    OTHER INCOME--Other income generally consists of prepayment penalties and
realized gains from the early repayment of loans and other lending investments,
financial advisory and asset management fees, lease termination fees, mortgage
servicing fees, loan participation payments and dividends on certain
investments. During the three months ended June 30, 2002, other income included
prepayment penalties and realized gains on loan repayments of $4.2 million, loan
participation payments of $3.2 million and asset management, mortgage servicing
and other fees of approximately $147,000.

    During the three months ended June 30, 2001, other income primarily included
prepayment penalties and gains on loan repayments of $8.6 million and asset
management, mortgage servicing and other fees of approximately $155,000.

    INTEREST EXPENSE--For the three months ended June 30, 2002, interest expense
increased by $5.5 million to $46.8 million from $41.3 million for the same
period in 2001. This increase was primarily due to the higher average borrowings
on the Company's debt obligations, term loans and secured notes, and by
approximately $1.1 million due to additional amortization of deferred financing
costs on the Company's debt obligations in 2002 compared to the same period in
2001. This increase was partially offset by lower average one-month LIBOR rates
of 1.85% in 2002 compared to 4.27% in 2001 on the Company's variable-rate debt

June 30, 2002, operating costs decreased by approximately $300,000 to
$3.0 million from $3.3 million for the same period in 2001. This decrease is
primarily related to the collection of prior years' tax refunds related to
certain corporate tenant lease assets.

    DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION--Depreciation and amortization increased by
approximately $3.0 million to $11.7 million for the three months ended June 30,
2002 from $8.7 million for the same period in 2001. This increase is due to new
corporate tenant lease investments acquired subsequent to June 30, 2001,
partially offset by corporate tenant lease dispositions completed in 2001.

    GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE--For the three months ended June 30, 2002,
general and administrative expenses increased by approximately $1.6 million to
$8.1 million, compared to $6.5 million for the same period in 2001. This
increase is primarily the result of an increase in personnel and related costs.

administrative--stock-based compensation increased by approximately
$5.7 million primarily due to a non-cash charge related to the performance-based
vesting of 500,000 restricted shares granted under the Company's long-term
incentive plan and tied to overall shareholder performance (see Note 10).

    PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES--The Company's charge for provision for loan
losses increased to $2.0 million for the three months ended June 30, 2002 as
compared to $1.8 million for the same period in 2001. As more fully discussed in
Note 4 to the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements, the Company has not
realized any actual losses on any of its loan investments to date. The Company
considers it prudent to reflect provisions for loan losses on a portfolio basis
based upon the Company's assessment of general market conditions, the Company's
internal risk management policies and credit risk rating system, industry loss
experience, the Company's assessment of the likelihood of delinquencies or
defaults, and the value of the collateral underlying its investments.
Accordingly, since its first full quarter operating its current business as a
public company (the quarter ended June 30, 1998), management has reflected
quarterly provisions for loan losses in its operating results.

SUBSIDIARIES--During the three months ended June 30, 2002, equity in earnings
from joint ventures and unconsolidated subsidiaries decreased by $468,000 to
$418,000 from $886,000 for the same period in 2001. This decrease was primarily
due to the increase in general and administration costs allocated to iStar
Operating and lower operating lease income on certain joint ventures.

    INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS--For the three-month periods ended
June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2001, operating income on sold corporate tenant lease
assets of approximately $69,000 and $42,000, respectively, is classified as
"discontinued operations" even though such income was received by the Company
prior to the asset disposition.

    GAIN ON SALE OF CORPORATE TENANT LEASE ASSETS--During the three months ended
June 30, 2002, the Company disposed of one corporate tenant lease asset for net
proceeds of $3.7 million, and realized a gain of approximately $595,000.

    During the second quarter of 2001, the Company disposed of one corporate
tenant lease asset for net proceeds of $4.1 million, and recognized a gain of
approximately $1.0 million.

ended June 30, 2002, the Company fully repaid the then remaining $446.2 million
of bonds outstanding under its STARs, Series 2000-1 financing. This prepayment
resulted in an extraordinary loss of $12.2 million, which represents
approximately $8.2 million in unamortized deferred financing costs and
approximately $4.0 million in prepayment penalties.

    During the three months ended June 30, 2001, the Company did not incur any
losses on the early extinguishment of debt.

  JUNE 30, 2001

    INTEREST INCOME--Interest income decreased $10.5 million to $120.3 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2002 from $130.8 million for the same period
in 2001. Approximately $14.2 million of this decrease is the result of lower
average one-month LIBOR rates of 1.85% in 2002 compared to 4.91% in 2001 on the
Company's variable-rate lending investments. This decrease was partially offset
by $36.2 million of interest income on new originations or additional fundings,
net of a $30.0 million decrease in interest income due to the repayment of loans
and other lending investments.

    OPERATING LEASE INCOME--Operating lease income increased $22.3 million to
$116.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2002 from $94.0 million for the
same period in 2001. Of this increase, $23.3 million was attributable to new
corporate tenant lease investments. This increase was partially offset by lower
operating lease income on certain corporate tenant lease assets.

    OTHER INCOME--Other income consists primarily of prepayment penalties and
realized gains from the early repayment of loans and other lending investments,
financial advisory and asset management fees, lease termination fees, mortgage
servicing fees, loan participation payments and dividends on certain
investments. During the six months ended June 30, 2002, other income primarily
included financial advisory, asset management, mortgage servicing and other fees
of $7.5 million, prepayment penalties and realized gains on loan repayments of
$5.9 million and loan participation payments of $3.3 million.

    During the six months ended June 30, 2001, other income primarily included
prepayment penalties and gains on loan repayments of $8.9 million, loan
participations of $4.3 million and financial advisory and mortgage servicing
fees of approximately $1.2 million.

    INTEREST EXPENSE--For the six months ended June 30, 2002, interest expense
increased by approximately by $800,000 to $88.5 million from $87.7 million for
the same period in 2001. This increase was primarily due to the higher average
borrowings on the Company's debt obligations, term loans and secured notes, and
by approximately $1.3 million due to additional amortization of deferred
financing costs on the Company's debt obligations in 2002 compared to the same
period in 2001. This increase was partially offset by lower average one-month
LIBOR rates of 1.85% in 2002 compared to 4.91% in 2001 on the Company's
variable-rate debt obligations.

June 30, 2002, operating costs decreased $500,000 to $6.0 million from
$6.5 million for the same period in 2001. This decrease is primarily related to
the collection of prior years' tax refunds related to certain corporate tenant
lease assets.

    DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION--Depreciation and amortization increased by
approximately $4.8 million to $22.3 million for the six months ended June 30,
2002 from $17.5 million for the same period in 2001. This increase is due to new
corporate tenant lease investments acquired subsequent to June 30, 2001,
partially offset by corporate tenant lease dispositions completed in 2001.

    GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE--For the six months ended June 30, 2002, general
and administrative expenses increased by $2.2 to $14.8 million, compared to
$12.6 million for the same period in 2001. This increase is primarily the result
of an increase in personnel and related costs.

adminstrative--stock-based compensation increased by approximately $5.8 million
primarily due to a non-cash charge related to the performance-based vesting of
500,000 restricted shares granted under the Company's long-term incentive plan
and tied to overall shareholder performance (see Note 10).

    PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES--The Company's charge for provision for loan
losses increased to $3.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2002 as
compared to $3.5 million for the same period in 2001. As more fully discussed in
Note 4 to the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements, the Company has not
realized any actual losses on any of its loan investments to date. The Company

considers it prudent to reflect provisions for loan losses on a portfolio basis
based upon the Company's assessment of general market conditions, the Company's
internal risk management policies and credit risk rating system, industry loss
experience, the Company's assessment of the likelihood of delinquencies or
defaults, and the value of the collateral underlying its investments.
Accordingly, since its first full quarter operating its current business as a
public company (the quarter ended June 30, 1998), management has reflected
quarterly provisions for loan losses in its operating results.

SUBSIDIARIES--During the six months ended June 30, 2002, equity in earnings from
joint ventures and unconsolidated subsidiaries decreased by $2.5 million to
$1.2 million from $3.7 million for the same period in 2001. This decrease was
primarily due to the increase in general and administrative costs allocated to
iStar Operating and lower operating lease income on certain joint ventures.

    INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS--For the six-month periods ended
June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2001, operating income on sold corporate tenant lease
assets of approximately $154,000 and $102,000, respectively, is classified as
"discontinued operations" even though such income was received by the Company
prior to the asset disposition.

    GAIN ON SALE OF CORPORATE TENANT LEASE ASSETS--During the six months ended
June 30, 2002, the Company disposed of one corporate tenant lease asset for net
proceeds of $3.7 million, and realized a gain of approximately $595,000.

    During the six months ended June 30, 2001, the Company disposed of two
corporate tenant lease assets for net proceeds of $7.8 million, and recognized
gains of approximately $1.6 million.

ended June 30, 2002, the Company fully repaid the then remaining $446.2 million
of bonds outstanding under its STARs, Series 2000-1 financing. This prepayment
resulted in an extraordinary loss of $12.2 million, which represents
approximately $8.2 million in unamortized deferred financing costs and
approximately $4.0 million in prepayment penalties.

    During the six months ended June 30, 2001, the Company repaid a mortgage
loan which had an original maturity date of December 2004. This prepayment
resulted in an extraordinary loss of $1.0 million.


    Adjusted earnings represents net income computed in accordance with GAAP,
before gain on sale of corporate tenant lease assets, extraordinary items and
cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, plus depreciation and
amortization, less preferred stock dividends, and after adjustments for
unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures. Adjustments for unconsolidated
partnerships and joint ventures reflect the Company's share of adjusted earnings
calculated on the same basis.

    The Company believes that to facilitate a clear understanding of the
historical operating results of the Company, adjusted earnings should be
examined in conjunction with net income as shown in the Consolidated Statements
of Operations. Adjusted earnings should not be considered as an alternative to
net income (determined in accordance with GAAP) as an indicator of the Company's
performance, or to cash flows from operating activities (determined in
accordance with GAAP) as a measure of the Company's liquidity, nor is it
indicative of funds available to fund the Company's cash needs or available for
distribution to the Company's shareholders. The Company's management believes
that adjusted earnings more closely approximates operating cash flow and is a
useful measure for investors to consider, in conjunction with net income and
other GAAP measures, in evaluating the Company's financial performance. This is
primarily because the Company is a commercial finance company that focuses on
real estate lending and corporate tenant leasing; therefore, the Company's net
income (determined in accordance with GAAP) reflects significant non-cash
depreciation expense on corporate

tenant lease assets. It should be noted that the Company's manner of calculating
adjusted earnings may differ from the calculation of similarly-titled measures
by other companies.

                                                              FOR THE               FOR THE
                                                        THREE MONTHS ENDED     SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                             JUNE 30,              JUNE 30,
                                                        -------------------   -------------------
                                                          2002       2001       2002       2001
                                                        --------   --------   --------   --------
Adjusted earnings:
  Net income..........................................  $42,513    $58,960    $ 99,623   $113,604
  Add: Joint venture income...........................       --        234         521        474
  Add: Depreciation...................................   11,655      8,748      22,285     17,544
  Add: Joint venture depreciation and amortization....    1,221        954       2,438      1,905
  Add: Amortization of deferred financing costs.......    6,016      4,890      11,751     10,432
  Less: Preferred dividends...........................   (9,227)    (9,227)    (18,454)   (18,454)
  Less: Gain on sale of corporate tenant lease
    assets............................................     (595)    (1,044)       (595)    (1,599)
  Add: Extraordinary loss early extinguishments of
    debt..............................................   12,166         --      12,166      1,037
  Add: Cumulative effect of change in accounting
    principle(1)......................................       --         --          --        282
                                                        -------    -------    --------   --------
Adjusted diluted earnings allocable to common
  Before non-cash incentive compensation charge(2)....  $69,825    $63,515    $135,811   $125,225
                                                        =======    =======    ========   ========
  After non-cash incentive compensation charge........  $63,749    $63,515    $129,735   $125,225
                                                        =======    =======    ========   ========
  Weighted average diluted common shares
    outstanding.......................................   92,039     88,440      91,263     87,957
                                                        =======    =======    ========   ========

- --------------------

(1) Represents one-time effect of adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting
    Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
    Activities" as of January 1, 2001.

(2) Excludes a $6.1 million non-cash charge related to performance-based vesting
    of restricted shares granted under the Company's long-term incentive plan.


    NON-ACCRUAL LOANS--The Company transfers loans to non-accrual status at such
time as: (1) management believes that the potential risk exists that scheduled
debt service payments will not be met within the coming 12 months; (2) the loans
become 90 days delinquent; (3) management determines the borrower is incapable
of, or ceased efforts toward, curing the cause of an impairment; or (4) the net
realizable value of the loan's underlying collateral approximates the Company's
carrying value of such loan. Interest income is recognized only upon actual cash
receipt for loans on non-accrual status. As of June 30, 2002, the Company had
two assets on non-accrual status with an aggregate gross book value of
$5.6 million, or 0.11% of the gross book value of the Company's investments.
Each borrower remains current on all of its debt service payments to the
Company, and the Company currently believes that the fair value of the
collateral supports the book values of the assets.

    One of the two non-accrual loans is a $3.7 million partnership loan on two
shopping malls located in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. This investment was
part of a larger loan originally made by affiliates of Lazard Freres prior to
the Company's acquisition of Lazard's structured finance portfolio in 1998. The
loan matures in September 2003 and bears interest at 12.00%. The Company
received cash payments equal to the interest due on the loan during the six
months ended June 30, 2002, and the borrower remains current on its obligations
to the Company. However, the Company anticipates that this loan will remain on
non-accrual status for the foreseeable future.

    Additionally, the Company, through its investment in TriNet Management
Operating Company, has a $1.9 million investment in debt securities that are
convertible into shares of a real estate company which trades on the Mexican
Stock Exchange. This investment was made by TriNet prior to its acquisition by
the Company in 1999. The securities bear interest at 12.00% per annum and is

in arrears on December 4th of each year. The Company received cash payments
equal to the interest due on the investment through December 31, 2001, and the
Company expects to be paid its interest for the year ended 2002 in
December 2002. However, the Company anticipates that this investment will remain
on non-accrual status for the forseeable future.

    FIRST DOLLAR AND LAST DOLLAR EXPOSURE--One component of the Company's risk
management assessment is an analysis of the Company's first and last dollar
loan-to-value percentage with respect to the properties or companies the Company
finances. First dollar loan-to-value represents the average beginning point for
the Company's lending exposure in the aggregate capitalization of the underlying
properties or companies it finances. Last dollar loan-to-value represents the
average ending point for the Company's lending exposure in the aggregate
capitalization of the underlying properties or companies it finances.


    The Company requires capital to fund its investment activities and operating
expenses. The Company has significant access to capital resources to fund its
existing business plan, which includes the expansion of its real estate lending
and corporate tenant leasing businesses. The Company's capital sources include
cash flow from operations, borrowings under lines of credit, additional term
borrowings, long-term financing secured by the Company's assets, unsecured
financing and the issuance of common, convertible and /or preferred equity
securities. Further, the Company may acquire other businesses or assets using
its capital stock, cash or a combination thereof.

    The distribution requirements under the REIT provisions of the Code limit
the Company's ability to retain earnings and thereby replenish or increase
capital committed to its operations. However, the Company believes that its
significant capital resources and access to financing will provide it with
financial flexibility and market responsiveness at levels sufficient to meet
current and anticipated capital requirements, including expected new lending and
corporate tenant leasing transactions.

    The Company believes that its existing sources of funds will be adequate for
purposes of meeting its short- and long-term liquidity needs. The Company's
ability to meet its long-term (i.e., beyond one year) liquidity requirements is
subject to obtaining additional debt and equity financing. Any decision by the
Company's lenders and investors to enter into such transactions with the Company
will depend upon a number of factors, such as compliance with the terms of its
existing credit arrangements, the Company's financial performance, industry or
market trends, the general availability of and rates applicable to financing
transactions, such lenders' and investors' resources and policies concerning the
terms under which they make such capital commitments and the relative
attractiveness of alternative investment or lending opportunities.

    The Company's longstanding policy is to limit its book debt-to-equity ratio
to approximately 2.0x. As the Company's leverage approaches this level, the
Company will consider equity alternatives to reduce leverage. The exact timing
and nature of any equity issuance would be subject to market conditions.

    The Company has three LIBOR-based secured revolving credit facilities of
$700.0 million, $700.0 million and $500.0 million, respectively, which all have
final maturities in fiscal year 2005. The final maturity of each of the three
facilities includes a one-year "term-out" extension at the Company's option. As
of June 30, 2002, the Company had drawn approximately $329.6 million,
$574.5 million and $313.8 million under these facilities, respectively.
Availability under these facilities is based on collateral provided under a
borrowing base calculation. At June 30, 2002, the Company also had an unsecured
credit facility totaling $300.0 million which bears interest at LIBOR + 2.125%
and matures in July 2004, including a one-year extension at the Company's
option. At June 30, 2002, the Company had not drawn any amounts under this

    RECENT FINANCING ACTIVITIES--On May 17, 2000, the Company closed the
inaugural offering under its proprietary matched funding program, STARs,
Series 2000-1. In the initial transaction, a wholly-owned

subsidiary of the Company issued $896.5 million of investment-grade bonds
secured by the subsidiary's assets, which had an aggregate outstanding principal
balance of approximately $1.2 billion at inception. Principal payments received
on the assets will be utilized to repay the most senior class of the bonds then
outstanding. The maturity of the bonds match funds the maturity of the
underlying assets financed under the program. Of the assets of the subsidiary
secured by this financing, 73.96% (by gross carrying value) consisted of first
mortgages and subsequent lien positions and the remaining 26.04% consisted of
junior loans. For accounting purposes, this transaction was treated as a secured
financing: the underlying assets and STARs liabilities remained on the Company's
Consolidated Balance Sheet and no gain on sale was recognized. On May 28, 2002,
the Company fully repaid these bonds.

    On January 11, 2001, the Company closed a new $700.0 million secured
revolving credit facility which is led by a major commercial bank. The new
facility has a three-year primary term and one-year "term-out" extension option,
and bears interest at LIBOR + 1.40% to 2.15%, depending upon the collateral
contributed to the borrowing base. The new facility accepts a broad range of
structured finance assets and has a final maturity of January 2005.

    On February 22, 2001, the Company extended the maturity of its
$350.0 million unsecured revolving credit facility to May 2002. On July 27,
2001, the Company repaid this facility and replaced it with a new
$300.0 million unsecured revolving credit facility.

    On May 15, 2001, the Company repaid its $100.0 million 7.30% unsecured
notes. These notes were senior unsecured obligations of the Leasing Subsidiary
and ranked equally with the Leasing Subsidiary's other senior unsecured and
unsubordinated indebtedness.

    On June 14, 2001, the Company closed $193.0 million of term loan financing
secured by 15 corporate tenant lease assets. The variable-rate loan bears
interest at LIBOR + 1.85% (not to exceed 10.00% in aggregate) and has two
one-year extensions at the Company's option. The Company used these proceeds to
repay a $77.8 million secured term loan maturing in June 2001 and to pay down a
portion of its revolving credit facilities. In addition, the Company extended
the maturity of its $500.0 million secured revolving credit facility to
August 12, 2003. On March 29, 2002, the Company again extended the final
maturity of this facility to August 2005, which includes a one-year "term-out"
extension at the Company's option.

    On July 6, 2001, the Company financed a $75.0 million structured finance
asset with a $50.0 million term loan bearing interest at LIBOR + 2.50%. The loan
has a maturity of July 2006, including a one-year extension at the Company's
option. This investment is a $75.0 million term preferred investment in a
publicly-traded real estate customer. The Company's investment carries an
initial current yield of 10.50%, with annual increases of 0.50% in each of the
next two years. In addition, the Company's investment is convertible into the
customer's common stock at a strike price of $25.00 per share. The investment is
callable by the customer between months 13 and 30 of the term at a yield
maintenance premium, and after month 30, at a premium sufficient to generate a
14.62% internal rate of return on the Company's investment. The investment is
putable by the Company to the customer for cash after five years.

    On July 27, 2001, the Company completed a $300.0 million unsecured revolving
credit facility with a group of leading financial institutions. The new facility
has an initial maturity of July 2003, with a one-year extension at the Company's
option and another one-year extension at the lenders' option. The new facility
replaces two prior credit facilities maturing in 2002 and 2003, and bears
interest at LIBOR + 2.125%.

    On August 9, 2001, the Company issued $350.0 million of 8.75% senior notes
due in 2008. The notes are unsecured senior obligations of the Company. The
Company used the net proceeds to partially repay outstanding borrowings under
its secured credit facilities.

    On March 29, 2002, the Company extended the maturity of its $500.0 million
secured facility to August 2005, which includes a one-year "term-out" extension
at the Company's option.

    On May 28, 2002, the Company repaid the then remaining $446.2 million of
bonds outstanding under its STARs, Series 2000-1 financing. Simultaneously, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company issued STARs, Series 2002-1, consisting
of $885.1 million of investment-grade bonds secured by the subsidiary's
structured finance and corporate tenant lease assets, which had an aggregate
outstanding principal balance of approximately $1.1 billion at inception.
Principal payments received on the assets will be utilized to repay the most
senior class of the bonds then outstanding. The maturity of the bonds match
funds the maturity of the underlying assets financed under the program. The
weighted average interest rate on the bonds, on an all-floating rate basis, is
approximately LIBOR + 0.56% at inception. For accounting purposes, this
transaction was treated as a secured financing: the underlying assets and STARs
liabilities remained on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet, and no gain on
sale was recognized.

    HEDGING ACTIVITIES--The Company has variable-rate lending assets and
variable-rate debt obligations. These assets and liabilities create a natural
hedge against changes in variable interest rates. This means that as interest
rates increase, the Company earns more on its variable-rate lending assets and
pays more on its variable-rate debt obligations and, conversely, as interest
rates decrease, the Company earns less on its variable-rate lending assets and
pays less on its variable-rate debt obligations. When the amount of the
Company's variable-rate debt obligations exceeds the amount of its variable-rate
lending assets, the Company utilizes derivative instruments to limit the impact
of changing interest rates on its net income. The Company does not use
derivative instruments to hedge assets or for speculative purposes. The
derivatives instruments the Company uses are typically in the form of interst
rate swaps and interest rate caps. Interest rate swaps effectively change
variable-rate debt obligations to fixed-rate debt obligations. Interest rate
caps effectively limit the maximum interest rate on variable-rate debt

    The primary risks from the Company's use of derivative instruments is the
risk that a counterparty to a hedging arrangement could default on its
obligation and the risk that the Company may have to pay certain costs, such as
transaction fees or breakage costs, if a hedging arrangement is terminated by
the Company. As a matter of policy, the Company enters into hedging arrangements
with counterparties that are large, creditworthy financial institutions
typically rated at least "A" by Standard & Poor's and "A2" by Moody's Investors
Service. The Company's hedging strategy is approved and monitored by the
Company's Audit Committee on behalf of its Board of Directors and may be changed
by the Board of Directors without stockholder approval.

    The Company has entered into the following cash flow hedges that are
outstanding as of June 30, 2002. The net value (liability) associated with these
hedges is reflected on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet (in thousands).

                                         STRIKE                                 VALUE AT
                             NOTIONAL   PRICE OR     TRADE           MATURITY   JUNE 30,
TYPE OF HEDGE                 AMOUNT    SWAP RATE     DATE             DATE       2002
- -------------                --------   ---------   --------         --------   ---------
Pay-Fixed Swap.............  $125,000     7.058%    6/15/00          6/25/03     $(6,048)
Pay-Fixed Swap.............   125,000     7.055%    6/15/00          6/25/03      (6,045)
Pay-Fixed Swap.............    75,000     5.580%    11/4/99(1)       12/1/04      (4,237)
LIBOR Cap..................   345,000     8.000%    5/22/02          5/28/14      14,598
LIBOR Cap..................    75,000     7.750%    11/4/99(1)       12/1/04         100
LIBOR Cap..................    35,000     7.750%    11/4/99(1)       12/1/04          42
Total Estimated Asset (Liability) Value......................................    $(1,590)


- ------------------------

(1) Acquired in connection with the TriNet Acquisition. (See Note 1 to the
    Company's Consolidated Financial Statements).

    Between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002, the Company had outstanding the
following cash flow hedges that have expired or been settled (in thousands):

                                         NOTIONAL   PRICE OR     TRADE     MATURITY
TYPE OF HEDGE                             AMOUNT    SWAP RATE     DATE       DATE
- -------------                            --------   ---------   --------   --------
LIBOR Cap..............................  $300,000     9.000%    3/16/98    3/16/01
Pay-Fixed Swap.........................    92,000     5.714%    8/10/98     3/1/01
LIBOR Cap..............................    75,000     7.500%    7/16/98    6/19/01
LIBOR Cap..............................    38,336     7.500%    4/30/98     6/1/01

    In connection with the STARs, Series 2002-1 in May 2002, the Company entered
into a LIBOR interest rate cap struck at 8.00% in the notional amount of
$345.0 million. The Company utilizes the provisions of Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 133 ("SFAS No. 133), "Acounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities," with respect to such instruments. SFAS
No. 133 provides that the up-front fees paid on option-based products such as
caps should be expensed into earnings based on the allocation of the premium to
the affected periods as if the agreement were a series of "caplets." These
allocated premiums are then reflected as a charge to income (as part of interest
expense) in the affected period.

    In connection with STARs, Series 2000-1 in May 2000, the Company entered
into a LIBOR interest rate cap struck at 10.00% in the notional amount of
$312.0 million, and simultaneously sold a LIBOR interest rate cap with the same
terms. Since these instruments did not change the Company's net interest rate
risk exposure, they did not qualify as hedges and changes in their respective
values were charged to earnings. As the terms of these arrangements were
substantially the same, the effects of a revaluation of these two instruments
substantially offset one another. On May 28, 2002, these instruments were
settled and are no longer outstanding.

    On May 28, 2002, in connection with the STARs, Series 2002-1 transaction,
the Company paid a premium of $13.7 million for an interest rate cap. Using the
"caplet" methodology discussed above, amortization of the cap premium is
dependent upon the actual value of the cap over time.

    Certain of the Company's corporate tenant lease joint ventures have hedging
activities which are more fully described in Note 6 to the Company's
Consolidated Financial Statements.

    OFF-BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS--The Company is not dependent on the use of
any off-balance sheet financing arrangements for liquidity. As of June 30, 2002,
the Company had investments in four corporate tenant lease joint ventures that
are accounted for under the equity method which had total debt obligations
outstanding of approximately $257.1 million. The Company's pro rata share of the
ventures' third-party debt was approximately $117.5 million. Subsequent to
quarter end, one of Company's joint ventures became consolidated for accounting
purposes. On a pro forma basis assuming consolidation, the Company's pro rata
share of the three remaining ventures' third-party debt would have been
approximately $77.7 million (see Note 6). These ventures were formed for the
purpose of operating, acquiring and in certain cases, developing corporate
tenant lease facilities. The debt obligations of these joint ventures are
non-recourse to the ventures and the Company and mature between fiscal years
2004 and 2011. As of June 30, 2002, they consisted of six term loans bearing
fixed rates per annum ranging from 6.55% to 8.43% and one variable-rate term
loan with a rate of LIBOR + 1.25% per annum.

    RATINGS TRIGGERS--On July 27, 2001, the Company completed a $300.0 million
unsecured revolving credit facility with a group of leading financial
institutions. The new facility has an initial maturity of July 2003 with a
one-year extension at the Company's option and another one-year extension at the
lenders' option. The new facility replaces two prior credit facilities maturing
in 2002 and 2003, and

bears interest at LIBOR + 2.125% based on the Company's senior unsecured credit
ratings of BB+ and Ba1 from Standard & Poor's and Moody's Investor Service,
respectively. If the Company achieves a higher rating, the facility's interest
rate will improve to LIBOR + 2.00%. If the Company's credit rating is downgraded
(regardless of how far), the facility's interest rate will increase to
LIBOR + 2.25%. In the event the Company receives two credit ratings that are not
equivalent, the spread over LIBOR shall be determined by the lower of the two
such ratings. As of June 30, 2002, no amounts have yet been drawn on this
facility. Accordingly, management does not believe any rating changes would have
a material adverse impact on the Company's results of operations. There are no
other ratings triggers in any of the Company's debt instruments or other
operating or financial agreements.

    Subsequent to June 30, 2002, the Company's senior unsecured credit rating
was upgraded to an investment grade rating of BBB- from BB+ by Fitch Ratings. In
addition, Moody's Investor Service and Standard & Poor's raised their ratings
outlook for the Company's senior unsecured credit rating to "positive."

    DRIP PROGRAM--The Company maintains a dividend reinvestment and direct stock
purchase plan. Under the dividend reinvestment component of the plan, the
Company's shareholders may purchase additional shares of Common Stock without
payment of brokerage commissions or service charges by automatically reinvesting
all or a portion of their Common Stock cash dividends. Under the direct stock
purchase component of the plan, the Company's shareholders and new investors may
purchase shares of Common Stock directly from the Company without payment of
brokerage commissions or service charges. All purchases of shares in excess of
$10,000 per month pursuant to the direct purchase component are at the Company's
sole discretion. Shares issued under the plan may reflect a discount of up to
3.00% from the prevailing market price of the Company's Common Stock. The
Company is authorized to issue up to 8.0 million shares of Common Stock pursuant
to the dividend reinvestment and direct stock purchase plan. During the
three-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, the Company issued a total of
459,451 and 9,910 shares of its Common Stock, respectively, and during the
six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, the Company issued a total of
1,227,820 and 9,910 shares of its Common Stock, respectively, through the direct
stock purchase component of the plan. Net proceeds during the three-month
periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, were approximately $13.0 million and
$262,000, respectively, and $33.4 million and $262,000 during the six-month
periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

    STOCK REPURCHASE PROGRAM--The Board of Directors approved, and the Company
has implemented, a stock repurchase program under which the Company is
authorized to repurchase up to 5.0 million shares of its Common Stock from time
to time, primarily using proceeds from the disposition of assets or loan
repayments and excess cash flow from operations, but also using borrowings under
its credit facilities if the Company determines that it is advantageous to do
so. The Company has not made any repurchases under this program since November
2000. As of both June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001, the Company had
repurchased approximately 2.3 million shares at an aggregate cost of
approximately $40.7 million.


    The Company's Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of the
Company and all majority-owned and controlled subsidiaries. The preparation of
financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires management to make
estimates and assumptions in certain circumstances that affect amounts reported
in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. In preparing these
financial statements, management has made its best estimates and judgments of
certain amounts included in the financial statements, giving due consideration
to materiality. The Company does not believe that there is a great likelihood
that materially different amounts would be reported related to the accounting

policies described below. However, application of these accounting policies
involves the exercise of judgment and use of assumptions as to future
uncertainties and, as a result, actual results could differ from these

    Management has the obligation to ensure that its policies and methodologies
are in accordance with GAAP. During the six months ended June 30, 2002,
management reviewed and evaluated its critical accounting policies and believes
them to be appropriate. The Company's accounting policies are described in
Note 3 to the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements.

    EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION--The Company's accounting policies generally provide
cash compensation to be estimated and recognized over the period of service.
With respect to stock-based compensation arrangements, the Company has elected
to use APB 25 accounting, which measures the compensation charges based on the
intrinsic value of such securities when they become fixed and determinable, and
recognizes such expense over the related service period. These arrangements are
often complex and generally structured to align the interests of management with
those of the Company's shareholders. See Note 10 to the Company's Consolidated
Financial Statements for a detailed discussion of such arrangements and the
related accounting effects.

    During 2001, the Company entered into new three-year employment agreements
with its Chief Executive Officer and its President. See Note 10 to the Company's
Consolidated Financial Statements for a more detailed description of both
employment agreements.

    The following is a hypothetical illustration of the effects on the Company's
net income and adjusted earnings of the full vesting of phantom units under the
employment agreement with the Chief Executive Officer. During the six months
ended June 30, 2002, 1,000,000 of the phantom shares awarded to the Chief
Executive Officer became contingently vested. Absent an earlier change of
control or termination of employment, these 1,000,000 shares will not become
fully vested until June 30, 2004. Assuming that the market price of the Common
Stock on June 30, 2004 is $28.50 (which was the market price of the Common Stock
on June 30, 2002), the Company would incur a one-time, non-cash charge to both
net income and adjusted earnings at that time equal to $28.5 million (the fair
market value of the 1,000,000 shares at $28.50 per share).

    On April 29, 2002, the 500,000 unvested restricted shares awarded to the
President became contingently vested as the total shareholder return (the
measurement governing the vesting of the shares) exceeded 60.00%. Under the
terms of the agreement, once contingently vested, such shares will become fully
vested shares (i.e., no longer subject to forfeiture) unless the executive
voluntarily resigns without good reason prior to September 30, 2002. The Company
will incur a non-cash charge of approximately $15.0 million related to these
contingently vested shares, recognized ratably over the service period from the
date of contingent vesting through September 30, 2002. Accordingly, the non-cash
charge recognized for the three months ended June 30, 2002 was approximately
$6.1 million, and the remaining non-cash charge of approximately $8.9 million
will be recognized during the three months ended September 30, 2002.


    In June 1998, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 133 ("SFAS No. 133"), "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
Activities." SFAS No. 133 establishes accounting and reporting standards for
derivative financial instruments and hedging activities. It requires that an
entity recognize all derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the
statement of financial position and measure those instruments at fair value. If
certain conditions are met, a derivative may be specifically designated as:
(1) a hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset
or liability or an unrecognized firm commitment; (2) a hedge of the exposure to
variable cash flows of

a forecasted transaction; or (3) in certain circumstances a hedge of a foreign
currency exposure. On January 1, 2001, the Company adopted this pronouncement,
as amended by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 137 "Accounting
for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities--Deferral of the Effective
Date of FASB Statement No. 133" and Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 138 "Accounting for Certain Hedging Activities--an Amendment of FASB
No. 133." Because the Company has primarily used derivatives as cash flow hedges
of interest rate risk only, the adoption of SFAS No. 133 did not have a material
financial impact on the financial position and results of operations of the
Company. However, should the Company change its current use of such derivatives,
the adoption of SFAS No. 133 could have a more significant effect on the Company

    In September 2000, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 140 ("SFAS No. 140"), "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of
Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities." This statement is
applicable for transfers of assets and extinguishments of liabilities occurring
after June 30, 2001. The Company adopted the provisions of this statement as
required for all transactions entered into on or after April 1, 2001. The
adoption of SFAS No. 140 did not have a significant impact on the Company.

    In July 2001, the SEC released Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 102 ("SAB
102"), "Selected Loan Loss Allowance and Documentation Issues." SAB 102
summarizes certain of the SEC's views on the development, documentation and
application of a systematic methodology for determining allowances for loan and
lease losses. Adoption of SAB 102 by the Company did not have a significant
impact on the Company.

    In July 2001, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 141 ("SFAS No. 141"), "Business Combinations" and Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 142 ("SFAS No. 142"), "Goodwill and Other Intangible
Assets." SFAS No. 141 requires the purchase method of accounting to be used for
all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001. SFAS No. 141 also
addresses the initial recognition and measurement of goodwill and other
intangible assets acquired in business combinations and requires intangible
assets to be recognized apart from goodwill if certain tests are met. SFAS
No. 142 requires that goodwill not be amortized but instead be measured for
impairment at least annually, or when events indicate that there may be an
impairment. The Company adopted the provisions of both statements, as required,
on January 1, 2002 and the adoption did not have a significant impact on the

    In October 2001, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 144 ("SFAS No. 144"), "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets." SFAS No. 144 provides new guidance on the recognition of
impairment losses on long-lived assets to be held and used or to be disposed of,
and also broadens the definition of what constitutes a discontinued operation
and how the results of a discontinued operation are to be measured and
presented. SFAS No. 144 requires that current operations prior to the
disposition of corporate tenant lease assets and prior period results of such
operations be presented in discontinued operations in the Company's Consolidated
Statements of Operations. The provisions of SFAS No. 144 are effective for
financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2001,
and must be applied at the beginning of a fiscal year. The Company adopted the
provisions of this statement on January 1, 2002, as required, and it did not
have a significant financial impact on the Company.

    In April 2002, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 145 ("SFAS No. 145"), "Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44, and 64,
Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections." SFAS No. 145
rescinds both FASB Statements No. 4 ("SFAS No. 4"), "Reporting Gains and Losses
from Extinguishment of Debt," and the amendment to SFAS No. 4, FASB Statement
No. 64 ("SFAS No. 64"), "Extinguishments of Debt Made to Satisfy Sinking-Fund

Requirements." Through this rescission, SFAS No. 145 eliminates the requirement
(in both SFAS No. 4 and SFAS No. 64) that gains and losses from the
extinguishment of debt be aggregated and, if material, classified as an
extraordinary item, net of the related income tax effect. An entity is not
prohibited from classifying such gains and losses as extraordinary items, so
long as they meet the criteria in paragraph 20 of Accounting Principles Board
Opinion No. 30 ("APB 30"), "Reporting the Results of Operations--Reporting the
Effects of Disposal of a Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, Unusual and
Infrequently Occurring Events and Transactions"; however, due to the nature of
the Company's operations, such treatment may not be available to the Company.
Any gains or losses on extinguishments of debt that were previously classified
as extraordinary items in prior periods presented that do not meet the criteria
in APB 30 for classification as an extraordinary item will be reclassified to
income from continuing operations. The provisions of SFAS No. 145 are effective
for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after May 15, 2002.
The Company will adopt the provisions of this statement, as required, on
January 1, 2003.









    The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was held on May 29, 2002.

    At the meeting, eight Class I Directors were elected for terms expiring in
2004. For each nominee, the number of votes cast for and withheld were as

                                                 FOR         WITHHELD
                                            -------------   ----------
Jeffrey G. Dishner........................     51,703,730      609,521
Andrew L. Farkas..........................     51,779,489      533,762
Madison F. Grose..........................     51,376,949      936,302
Robert W. Holman, Jr......................     51,748,735      564,516
Robin Josephs.............................     51,781,446      531,805
Merrick R. Kleeman........................     51,705,635      607,616
Matthew J. Lustig.........................     51,701,296      611,955
George R. Puskar..........................     51,792,886      520,365

    Also at the meeting, the proposal to approve the Company's High Performance
Unit compensation program was approved. The number of votes cast for and against
the proposal, as well as the number of abstentions and broker non-votes, were as

FOR                       AGAINST       ABSTAIN       NON-VOTE
- ---                     ------------   ----------   -------------
65,663,103               1,911,334      305,641      18,413,170

    Also at the meeting, the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
Company's independent public accountants for the year ending December 31, 2002
was ratified. The number of votes cast for and against the selection of
accountants, as well as the number of abstentions, were as follows:

FOR                       AGAINST       ABSTAIN
- ---                     ------------   ----------
51,174,299                862,230       276,722









    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  iSTAR FINANCIAL INC.


Date: August 14, 2002
                                                  Jay Sugarman
                                                  CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND
                                                  CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Date: August 14, 2002
                                                  Spencer B. Haber
                                                  PRESIDENT, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, DIRECTOR AND
