Exhibit 12.1


The following table shows the ratio of earnings and "adjusted earnings" to fixed
charges and combined fixed charges and preferred share dividends of Berkshire
Income Realty, Inc. (the Company) , as adjusted assuming the offer was completed
on June 30, 2002, and of Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group. See
"Management 's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations of Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group" for a discussion of the
entities that comprise Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group, which is
deemed to be our predecessor for accounting purposes. You should read this
financial data in conjunction with the unaudited pro forma condensed
consolidated financial statements of the Company and the combined financial
statements of Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group.

                                                         The Company           The Company         The Predecessor Group

                                                          Pro Forma             Pro Forma                Historical
                                                       Six months ended      Six months ended   Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                           June 30,              June 30,       -------------------------
                                                           2002 (1)              2002 (2)           2002          2001
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (3)                           1.91                  2.94         2.86        -  (4)

Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
    and preferred stock dividends (5)                            1.40                  1.45        - (6)        -  (6)

Ratio of adjusted earnings to fixed charges (7) (8)              2.42                  3.45         3.50        -  (4)

Ratio of adjusted earnings to combined fixed
    charges and preferred stock dividends (7) (9)                1.72                  1.70       - (10)        - (10)

                                                        The Company       The Company

                                                        Pro Forma         Pro Forma
                                                       Year ended        Year ended
                                                       December 31,      December 31,
                                                         2001 (1)          2001 (2)
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (3)                    1.90               3.25

Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
    and preferred stock dividends (5)                     1.40               1.62

Ratio of adjusted earnings to fixed charges (7) (8)       2.76               4.12

Ratio of adjusted earnings to combined fixed
    charges and preferred stock dividends (7) (9)         1.97               2.06

                                                                            The Predecessor Group

                                                                          Years Ended December 31,
                                                         2001          2000          1999         1998          1997
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (3)                  - (4)         - (4)         - (4)        - (4)         - (4)

Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
    and preferred stock dividends (5)                   - (6)         - (6)         - (6)        - (6)         - (6)

Ratio of adjusted earnings to fixed charges (7) (8)      1.07          1.14          1.43         1.61          1.14

Ratio of adjusted earnings to combined fixed
    charges and preferred stock dividends (7) (9)       -(10)         -(10)         -(10)        -(10)         -(10)

(1)      Assuming 8.84% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares and certain other transactions, including changes in
         interest expense and participating note interest as if the refinancing
         of the properties and the payoff of the participating note,
         respectively, occurred at the beginning of the period presented and
         payment of preferred dividends on the Preferred shares, occurred as of
         January 1, 2001. This financial data should be read in conjunction with
         unaudited pro forma consolidated condensed financial statement of the

(2)      Assuming 25% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares and certain other transactions, including changes in
         interest expense and participating note interest as if the refinancing
         of the properties and the payoff of the participating note,
         respectively, occurred at the beginning of the period presented and
         payment of preferred dividends on the Preferred shares, occurred as of
         January 1, 2001. This financial data should be read in conjunction with
         unaudited pro forma consolidated condensed financial statement of the

(3)      The ratio of earnings to fixed charges was computed by dividing
         earnings by fixed charges. We defined "earnings" as income before
         minority interest and extraordinary items plus fixed charges. We define
         "fixed charges" as interest expense including amortization of deferred
         financing costs.

(4)      The ratio is less than "1" due to charges for participating note
         interest on the former Seasons of Laurel subordinate note payable which
         was paid off in July of 2001.

(5)      The ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred shares
         dividends was computed by dividing earnings by combined fixed charges
         and preferred share dividends. We define "earnings" and "fixed charges"
         as described in Note (3) above. We define "preferred share dividends"
         as the amount that would be required to cover preferred share

(6)      Historical ratios of earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred
         shares dividends have not been presented since the historical
         presentation does not reflect payments for preferred shares dividends.

(7)      We are presenting the ratios of "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges
         and "adjusted " earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred
         dividends, for additional information. We do not consider these ratios
         more important than the ratios of earnings to fixed charges and
         earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred dividends. We consider
         "adjusted" earnings to be an alternative measure of performance of the
         Company and the Predecessor which provides potential investors with an
         understanding of the ability of the Company to pay fixed charges and
         preferred dividends. We define "adjusted" earnings as earnings as
         described in Note (3) above plus depreciation and advisory fees less
         capital expenditures. Advisory fees have been added back to earnings as
         such fees are subordinate to preferred dividends. Depreciation has been
         added back to earnings as it is a non cash charge. Capital expenditures
         have been deducted from earnings as they represent a cash charge not
         reflected in earnings. "Adjusted" earnings should not be considered as
         an alternative to net income (determined in accordance with GAAP) as an
         indication of financial performance or to cash flows from operating
         activities (determined in accordance with GAAP) as a measure of
         liquidity and the items excluded from "adjusted" earnings are
         significant components in understanding and evaluating financial
         performance. The computation of "adjusted" earnings may not be
         comparable to similarly titled or other alternative performance
         measures, including funds from operations , presented by other
         companies. We believe that in order to facilitates a clear
         understanding of the combined historical results of the Predecessor and
         the pro forma results of the Company, "adjusted" earnings should be
         examined in connection with net income and cash flows from operating,
         investing and financing activities in the combined financial statements
         and other information included in this Prospectus.

         A reconciliation between GAAP earnings and "adjusted" earnings for
         the historical results of the Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor
         Group and the pro forma results of the Company are as follows:

                                                                 The Company        The Company       The Predecessor Group

                                                                  Pro Forma          Pro Forma              Historical
                                                               Six months ended  Six months ended  Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                                   June 30,          June 30,      -------------------------
                                                                   2002 (a)          2002 (b)          2002           2001
                                                                                                     (Dollars in Thousands)
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss                       $2,841           $ 6,044           $ 2,943         $(2,970)
  Interest expense                                                 3,115             3,115             1,586           6,482
  Depreciation expense                                             2,215             2,215             2,215           2,826
  Advisory fees (subordinate)                                        305               305
  Capital expenditures                                              (945)             (945)           (1,190)           (701)
"Adjusted earnings"                                               $7,531           $10,734           $ 5,554         $ 5,637

Cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities (c)                                               6,098             478

Cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities (c)                                              (1,285)            766

Cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities (c)                                              (2,125)         (5,274)

                                                             The Company     The Company

                                                             Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                                                             Year ended      Year ended
                                                            December 31,    December 31,
                                                              2001 (a)        2001 (b)

Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss                 $ 5,716         $14,299
  Interest expense                                            6,347           6,347
  Depreciation expense                                        5,603           5,603
  Advisory fees (subordinate)                                   610             610
  Capital expenditures                                         (732)           (732)
"Adjusted earnings"                                         $17,544         $26,127

Cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities (c)

Cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities (c)

Cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities (c)

                                                                                     The Predecessor Group
                                                                                   Years Ended December 31,
                                                                2001          2000          1999            1998          1997

Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss                   $(3,179)      $  (905)      $  (595)        $   (46)      $(2,422)
  Interest expense                                             12,273         8,217         6,840           5,600         6,814
  Depreciation expense                                          4,751         5,011         5,700           6,017         6,197
  Advisory fees (subordinate)
  Capital expenditures                                           (732)       (2,959)       (2,190)         (2,534)       (2,794)
"Adjusted earnings"                                           $13,113       $ 9,364       $ 9,755         $ 9,037       $ 7,795

Cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities (c)       (6,008)        6,592         6,328           4,306         2,901

Cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities (c)      (33,081)      (24,032)       (2,458)         (1,646)       (1,527)

Cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities (c)       35,180        23,559        (3,349)         (2,634)       (1,030)

- -------------------------------------------------------------

     (a)      Assuming 8.84% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered
              for Preferred Shares.

     (b)      Assuming 25% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered
              for Preferred Shares.

     (c)      Pro forma information relating to cash flow from operating,
              investing and financing activities has not been included because
              the Company believes that the information would not be meaningful
              due to the number of assumptions required in order to calculate
              this information.

(8)      The ratio of "adjusted" earnings to fixed charges was computed by
         dividing "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges. We defined "adjusted "
         earnings as income before minority interest and extraordinary items
         less fixed charges , depreciation and subordinate advisory fees less
         capital expenditures, and "fixed charges" as interest expenses
         including amortization of deferred financing costs.

(9)      The ratio of "adjusted" earnings to combined fixed charges and
         preferred share dividends was computed by dividing "adjusted" earnings
         by combined fixed charges and preferred share dividends. We define
         "adjusted earnings" and "fixed charges" as described in Note (8) above.
         We defined "preferred share dividends" as the amount of income that
         would be required to cover preferred share dividends.

(10)     Historical ratios of "adjusted" earnings to combined fixed charges and
         preferred share dividends have not been presented since the historical
         presentation does not reflect payments for preferred shares dividends.

                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                                 The Company       The Company            Predecessor
                                                                  Pro Forma         Pro Forma              Historical
                                                              Six months ended   Six months ended   Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                                  June 30,           June 30,       -------------------------
                                                                  2002 (1)           2002 (2)        2002            2001
Income (loss) before minority interests and
  extraordinary loss (4)                                           $2,841             $6,044        $2,943         $(2,970)
Fixed charges:
  Interest expense                                                  3,115              3,115         1,586           6,482
Income before minority interests and extraordinary
  loss plus fixed charges                                          $5,956             $9,159        $4,529         $ 3,512
Total fixed charges (interest expense)                             $3,115             $3,115        $1,586         $ 6,482
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (5)                               1.91               2.94          2.86            (7)

Preferred dividend requirements                                    $1,125             $3,182

Total fixed charges                                                 3,115              3,115

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends         $4,240             $6,297

Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (6)                                 1.40               1.45           (3)            (3)

                                                              The Company        The Company
                                                               Pro Forma          Pro Forma
                                                               Year ended         Year ended
                                                              December 31,       December 31,
                                                                2001 (1)           2001 (2)
Income (loss) before minority interests and
  extraordinary loss (4)                                       $ 5,716             $14,299
Fixed charges:
  Interest expense                                               6,347               6,347
Income before minority interests and extraordinary
  loss plus fixed charges                                      $12,063             $20,646
Total fixed charges (interest expense)                         $ 6,347             $ 6,347
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (5)                            1.90                 3.25

Preferred dividend requirements                                $ 2,250             $ 6,364

Total fixed charges                                              6,347               6,347

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends     $ 8,597             $12,711

Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (6)                              1.40                1.62

                                                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                                                 2001         2000         1999        1998        1997
Income (loss) before minority interests and
  extraordinary loss (4)                                        (3,179)       (905)        (595)       (46)       (2,422)
Fixed charges:
  Interest expense                                              12,273       8,217        6,840      5,600         6,814
Income before minority interests and extraordinary
  loss plus fixed charges                                      $ 9,094      $7,312       $6,245     $5,554       $ 4,392
Total fixed charges (interest expense)                         $12,273      $8,217       $6,840     $5,600       $ 6,814
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (5)                            (7)          (7)          (7)         (7)         (7)

Preferred dividend requirements

Total fixed charges

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends

Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (6)                              (3)          (3)          (3)         (3)         (3)

(1)      Assuming 8.84% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(2)      Assuming 25% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(3)      Historical ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred
         shares dividends has not been presented since the historical
         presentation does not reflect payments for preferred dividends.

(4)      Income from operations does not include any income from cash on the pro
         forma balance sheet of $15,530.

(5)      The ratio of earnings to fixed charges was computed by dividing
         earnings by fixed charges. We define "earnings" as income before
         minority interest and extraordinary items plus fixed charges . We
         define "fixed charges" as interest expensed including amortization of
         deferred financing costs.

(6)      The ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and preferred stock
         dividends was computed by dividing earnings by combined fixed charges
         and preferred stock dividends. We define "earnings" and "fixed charges"
         as described in Note (5) above. We define "preferred stock dividends"
         as the amount of net income that would be required to cover preferred
         stock dividend requirements.

(7)      The ratio is less than one due to non recurring charges of interest
         expense on the participating note payable that was paid off in July

                 Computation of Ratio of "Adjusted" Earnings to
              Combined Fixed Charges and Preferred Shares Dividend

                                                               The Company          The Company             Predecessor
                                                                Pro Forma            Pro Forma               Historical
                                                             Six months ended     Six months ended  Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                                 June 30,             June 30,      -------------------------
                                                                 2002 (1)             2002 (2)          2002          2001
                                                                                                     (Dollars in Thousands)
Income (loss) before minority interests and
  extraordinary loss (4)                                          $2,841              $ 6,044        $ 2,943         $(2,970)
  Interest expense                                                 3,115                3,115          1,586           6,482
  Depreciation expense                                             2,215                2,215          2,215           2,826
   Asset management fee (subordinate)                                305                  305

  Capital expenditures                                              (945)                (945)        (1,190)           (701)

"Adjusted" earnings                                               $7,531              $10,734        $ 5,554         $ 5,637

Total fixed charges                                               $3,115              $ 3,115        $ 1,586         $ 6,482

Ratio of "adjusted" earnings to fixed charges (6)                   2.42                 3.45           3.50            (8)

Preferred dividend requirements                                   $1,273              $ 3,182

Total fixed charges                                                3,115                3,115

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends        $4,388              $ 6,297

Ratio of "adjusted" earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (7)                                1.72                 1.70            (3)            (3)

                                                              The Company     The Company
                                                               Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                                                               Year ended      Year ended
                                                              December 31,    December 31,
                                                                2001 (1)        2001 (2)

Income (loss) before minority interests and
  extraordinary loss (4)                                      $ 5,716           $14,299
  Interest expense                                              6,347             6,347
  Depreciation expense                                          5,603             5,603
   Asset management fee (subordinate)                             610              610

  Capital expenditures                                           (732)             (732)

"Adjusted" earnings                                           $17,544           $26,127

Total fixed charges                                           $ 6,347           $ 6,347

Ratio of "adjusted" earnings to fixed charges (6)                2.76              4.12

Preferred dividend requirements                               $ 2,545           $ 6,364

Total fixed charges                                             6,347             6,347

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends    $ 8,892           $12,711

Ratio of "adjusted" earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (7)                             1.97              2.06

                                                                                  Years Ended December 31,
                                                               2001         2000          1999         1998         1997

Income (loss) before minority interests and
  extraordinary loss (4)                                     $(3,179)     $  (905)      $  (595)      $  (46)      $(2,422)
  Interest expense                                            12,273        8,217         6,840        5,600         6,814
  Depreciation expense                                         4,751        5,011         5,700        6,017         6,197
   Asset management fee (subordinate)

  Capital expenditures                                          (732)      (2,959)       (2,190)      (2,534)       (2,794)

"Adjusted" earnings                                          $13,113      $ 9,364       $ 9,755      $ 9,037       $ 7,795

Total fixed charges                                          $12,273      $ 8,217       $ 6,840      $ 5,600       $ 6,814

Ratio of "adjusted" earnings to fixed charges (6)               1.07         1.14          1.43         1.61          1.14

Preferred dividend requirements

Total fixed charges

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends

Ratio of "adjusted" earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (7)                            (3)          (3)           (3)          (3)           (3)

(1)      Assuming 10% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(2)      Assuming 25% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(3)      Historical ratio of earnings to fixed charges and to combined fixed
         charges and preferred shares dividends have not been presented since
         the historical presentation does not reflect payments for preferred
         share dividends.

(4)      Income from operations does not include any income from cash on the pro
         forma balance sheet of $15,530.

(5)      We are presenting the ratios of "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges,
         and "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges and preferred dividends, for
         additional information. We do not consider these ratios more important
         than the ratios of earnings to fixed charges and earnings to fixed
         charges and preferred dividends. We believe that the adjusted earnings
         ratio provides an appropriate measure of cash that will be available
         for paying the fixed charges and preferred dividends.

(6)      The ratio of "adjusted" earnings to fixed charges was computed by
         dividing "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges. We defined "adjusted "
         earnings as income before minority interest and extraordianry items
         plus fixed charges and "fixed charges " as interest income, whether
         expensed or capitalized and amortization of debt issues costs and
         including adjustments for adding back depreciation and deducting
         capital improvements.

(7)      The ratio of "adjusted " earnings to combined fixed charges and
         preferred dividends was computed by dividing " adjusted " earnings to
         fixed charges and preferred stock dividends. We define " adjusted"
         earnings as described in Note (8) above.

(8)      The ratio is less than one due to non recurring charges of interest
         expense on the participating note payable that was paid off in July


The following table shows the capitalization of Berkshire Income Realty, Inc.
(the Company), as adjusted to give effect to the issuance of our common stock
and Preferred Shares assuming the offer was completed on June 30, 2002, and of
Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group. See " Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition of Berkshire Income
Realty Predecessor Group" for a discussion of the entities that comprise the
Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group, which is deemed to be our predecessor
for accounting purposes.

                                                                                                               The Predecessor
                                                                      The Company          The Company             Group
                                                                   -------------------  -------------------  -------------------
                                                                       Pro Forma            Pro Forma            Historical
                                                                    Six months ended     Six months ended     Six months ended
                                                                        June 30,             June 30,             June 30,
                                                                        2002 (3)             2002 (4)               2002
                                                                   -------------------  -------------------  -------------------
                                                                      (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)
                                                                                       (Dollars in Thousands)
Mortgage notes payable                                                 $106,335              $106,335             $90,167

Minority common interest in Operating Partnership                      $    153(1)(2)             604(1)(2)           -
Owners' equity                                                              -                     -                 4,919(1)
Stockholder's equity:
 Preferred stock, $.01 par value liquidation preference
   $25.00 per share, 5,000,000 shares authorized, 1,131,301
   (1) and 2,500,000 (2)shares issued and outstanding, repectively          250(1)(2)             707(1)(2)           -
 Class A common stock, $.01 par value, 5,000,000 shares
   authorized, 0 shares issued and outstanding                              -                     -                   -
 Class B common stock, $.01 par value, 5,000,000 shares
   authorized, 874,692 ( 3) and 1,336,362 (4) shares issued and
   outstanding, repectively                                                 -                     -                   -
 Additional paid in capital                                              24,753(1)(2)          70,012(1)(2)
                                                                   -------------------  -------------------  -------------------
Total equity                                                             25,003                70,719               4,919
                                                                   -------------------  -------------------  -------------------
Total Capitalization                                                   $131,491              $177,658             $95,086
                                                                   ===================  ===================  ===================

(1)      The pro forma balance sheet has been prepared on a historical cost
         basis and does not reflect of the fair value of the real estate
         contributed by KRF, which, based upon independent appraisals, is
         $62,962 in excess its net historical cost, less minority interest.

(2)      The preferred stock is senior to the common stock and minority interest
         in common operating partnership.

(3)      Assuming 8.84% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(4)      Assuming 25% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                     The Company        The Company        The Predecessor Group
                                                      Pro Forma          Pro Forma              Historical
                                                  Six months ended   Six months ended   Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                      June 30,           June 30,       -------------------------
                                                      2002 (1)           2002 (2)           2002          2001
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)        $3,038            $ 6,012           $ 2,943      $(2,970)
  Interest expense                                      3,115              3,115             1,586        6,482
  Depreciation expense                                  2,215              2,215             2,215        2,826
   Asset management fee (subordinate)                     338                338
  Capital expenditures                                   (945)              (945)           (1,190)        (701)
"Adjusted earnings"                                    $7,761            $10,735           $ 5,554      $ 5,637

                                                     The Company     The Company
                                                      Pro Forma      Pro Forma
                                                      Year ended     Year ended
                                                     December 31,   December 31,
                                                       2001 (1)       2001 (2)
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)       $ 6,266         $14,233
  Interest expense                                      6,347           6,347
  Depreciation expense                                  5,603           5,603
   Asset management fee (subordinate)                     675             675
  Capital expenditures                                   (732)           (732)
"Adjusted earnings"                                   $18,159         $26,126

                                                                        The Predecessor Group
                                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                      2001         2000         1999         1998         1997
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)      $(3,179)    $  (905)     $  (595)     $   (46)      $(2,422)
  Interest expense                                    12,273       8,217        6,840        5,600         6,814
  Depreciation expense                                 4,751       5,011        5,700        6,017         6,197
   Asset management fee (subordinate)
  Capital expenditures                                  (732)     (2,959)      (2,190)      (2,534)       (2,794)
"Adjusted earnings"                                  $13,113     $ 9,364      $ 9,755      $ 9,037       $ 7,795

              Computation of "Funds from Operations" 11/5/02 10:55
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                                    The Company         The Company        The Predecessor Group
                                                                     Pro Forma           Pro Forma              Historical
                                                                  Six months ended   Six months ended   Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                                      June 30,           June 30,       -------------------------
                                                                      2002 (1)           2002 (2)           2002         2001
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)                       $ 3,038           $ 6,012            $2,943       $(2,970)
  Depreciation expense                                                  2,215             2,215             2,215         2,826
  Non recurring - participating interest                                                                                  3,462
 income allocated to preferred share holders                           (1,273)           (3,182)
Funds from Operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss plus fixed charges        $ 3,980           $ 5,045            $5,158       $ 3,318
Total fixed charges                                                   $ 3,115           $ 3,115            $1,586       $ 6,482
Ratio of funds from Operations to fixed charges (6)                      1.28              1.62              3.25           (8)
Preferred dividend requirements                                       $ 1,273           $ 3,182
Total fixed charges                                                     3,115             3,115
Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends            $ 4,388           $ 6,297

                                                                   The Company     The Company
                                                                    Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                                                                    Year ended      Year ended
                                                                   December 31,    December 31,
                                                                     2001 (1)        2001 (2)
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)                      $ 6,266         $14,233
  Depreciation expense                                                 5,603           5,603
  Non recurring - participating interest
 income allocated to preferred share holders                          (2,545)         (6,364)
Funds from Operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss plus fixed charges       $ 9,324         $13,472
Total fixed charges                                                  $ 6,347         $ 6,347
Ratio of funds from Operations to fixed charges (6)                     1.47            2.12
Preferred dividend requirements                                      $ 2,545         $ 6,364
Total fixed charges                                                    6,347           6,347
Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends           $ 8,892         $12,711

                                                                                       The Predecessor Group
                                                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                                   2001          2000          1999          1998          1997
                                                               ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)                   $(3,179)      $  (905)      $ (595)       $  (46)      $(2,422)
  Depreciation expense                                              4,751         5,011        5,700         6,017         6,197
  Non recurring - participating interest                            6,591         1,013          638
 income allocated to preferred share holders                                                                   -             -
                                                               ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------
Funds from Operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss plus fixed charges    $ 8,163     $   5,119       $5,743        $5,971       $ 3,775
                                                               ============= ============= ============= ============= ===========
Total fixed charges                                               $12,273      $   8,217      $6,840        $5,600       $ 6,814
                                                               ============= ============= ============= ============= ===========
Ratio of funds from Operations to fixed charges (6)                  0.67          0.62         0.84          1.07          0.55
Preferred dividend requirements
Total fixed charges

Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends

(1)      Assuming 10% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(2)      Assuming 25% of the Interests in the Mortgage Funds are tendered for
         Preferred Shares.

(3)      Historical ratio of earnings to fixed charges and to combined fixed
         charges and preferred shares dividends have not been presented since
         the historical presentation does not reflect payments for preferred
         share dividends.

(4)      Income from operations does not include any income from cash on the pro
         forma balance sheet of $15,530.

(5)      We are presenting the ratios of "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges,
         and "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges and preferred dividends, for
         additional information. We do not consider these ratios more important
         than the ratios of earnings to fixed charges and earnings to fixed
         charges and preferred dividends. We believe that the adjusted earnings
         ratio provides an appropriate measure of cash that will be available
         for paying the fixed charges and preferred dividends.

(6)      The ratio of "adjusted" earnings to fixed charges was computed by
         dividing "adjusted " earnings to fixed charges. We defined "adjusted "
         earnings as income before minority interest and extraordianry items
         plus fixed charges and "fixed charges " as interest income, whether
         expensed or capitalized and amortization of debt issues costs and
         including adjustments for adding back depreciation and deducting
         capital improvements.

(7)      The ratio of "adjusted " earnings to combined fixed charges and
         preferred dividends was computed by dividing " adjusted " earnings to
         fixed charges and preferred stock dividends. We define " adjusted"
         earnings as described in Note (8) above.

(8)      The ratio is less than one due to non recurring charges of interest
         expense on the participating note payable that was paid off in July

                                                                              Adjusted earnings FFO                    Variance
                                                                           The Company        The Company
                                                                            Pro Forma          Pro Forma
                                                                        Six months ended   Six months ended
                                                                            June 30,           June 30,
                                                                            2002 (1)           2002 (1)
Income from operations before adjustments for
  minority interests and extraordinary loss (4)                         $  3,038            $   3,038                       -
Add:                                                                                                                        -
  Interest expense                                                         3,115                                          3,115
  Depreciation expense                                                     2,215                2,215                       -
  Non recurring - participating interest                                     338                                            338
Deduct:                                                                                                                     -
 Capital expenses                                                           (945)                                           (945)
 income allocated to preferred share holders                                                   (1,273)                     1,273
Funds from Operations before adjustments for                                                                                -
  minority interests and extraordinary loss plus fixed charges          $  7,761            $   3,980                      3,781
Total fixed charges                                                     $  3,115            $   3,115                       -
Ratio of funds from Operations to fixed charges (6)                         2.49                 1.28                          1
Preferred dividend requirements                                         $  1,273            $   1,273                       -
Total fixed charges                                                        3,115                3,115                       -
Total combined fixed charges and preferred stock dividends              $  4,388            $   4,388                       -
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges
   and preferred stock dividends (7)                                         1.77