DATED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1993


                             MERRILL CORPORATION,

                          MERRILL ACQUISITION CORP.,

                            MAY PRINTING COMPANY



                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.   PURCHASE OF ASSETS....................................................  1

      (a)   Assets to be Purchased.........................................  1
      (b)   Liabilities Assumed............................................  2
      (c)   Purchase Price.................................................  4
      (d)   Contingent Purchase Price......................................  7
      (e)   Closing........................................................ 11
      (f)   Instruments of Transfer to Purchaser........................... 12
      (g)   Adjustment for Periodic Items.................................. 12


      (a)   Disclosure Schedule............................................ 13
      (b)   Corporate Organization......................................... 13
      (c)   Capitalization................................................. 13
      (d)   Authorization.................................................. 14
      (e)   Non-Contravention.............................................. 14
      (f)   Consents and Approvals......................................... 15
      (g)   Financial Statements........................................... 15
      (h)   Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities............................. 16
      (i)   Absence of Certain Changes..................................... 16
      (j)   The Assets..................................................... 18
      (k)   Schedules; No Contract Defaults................................ 20
      (l)   Inventories.................................................... 22
      (m)   Receivables and Payables....................................... 23
      (n)   Intellectual Property Rights................................... 23
      (o)   Litigation..................................................... 24
      (p)   Tax Matters.................................................... 24
      (q)   Benefit Plans.................................................. 26
      (r)   Orders, Commitments and Returns................................ 30
      (s)   Labor Matters.................................................. 31
      (t)   Compliance with Law; Permits and Other Operating Rights........ 31
      (u)   Business Generally............................................. 32
      (v)   Environmental Matters.......................................... 32
      (w)   Transactions with Certain Persons.............................. 34
      (x)   Brokers........................................................ 35
      (y)   Absence of Certain Business Practices.......................... 35
      (z)   Disclosure..................................................... 35


      (a)   Corporate Organization......................................... 36
      (b)   Authorization.................................................. 36
      (c)   Non-Contravention.............................................. 36


      (d)   Consents and Approvals......................................... 37
      (e)   Financial Statements........................................... 37
      (f)   Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities............................. 37
      (g)   Absence of Certain Changes..................................... 37
      (h)   Litigation..................................................... 38
      (i)   Brokers........................................................ 38
      (j)   Disclosure..................................................... 39

4.   COVENANTS............................................................. 39

      (a)   Company's Agreements as to Specified Matters................... 39
      (b)   Conduct of Company Business.................................... 42
      (c)   No Company Solicitation of Alternate Transaction............... 42
      (d)   Full Access to Merrill......................................... 43
      (e)   Confidentiality................................................ 43
      (f)   Filings; Consents; Removal of Objections....................... 44
      (g)   Further Assurances; Cooperation; Notification.................. 44
      (h)   Supplements to Disclosure Schedule............................. 45
      (i)   Public Announcements........................................... 45
      (j)   Tax Matters.................................................... 46
      (k)   Bulk Transfers................................................. 47
      (l)   Stock Options.................................................. 48
      (m)   Non-Competition Agreements..................................... 49
      (n)   Employment Agreements.......................................... 49
      (o)   Non-Competition of Merrill and Purchaser....................... 49
      (p)  Employee Benefits............................................... 49
      (q)   Directors and Shareholders Authorization; Change of Corporate
            Name........................................................... 53
      (r)   Additional Post-Closing Obligations of Company and the
            Shareholders................................................... 53


      (a)   Representations and Warranties True............................ 54
      (b)   Performance.................................................... 55
      (c)   Required Approvals and Consents................................ 55
      (d)   Adverse Changes................................................ 55
      (e)   No Proceeding or Litigation.................................... 55
      (f)   Opinion of Company Counsel..................................... 55
      (g)   Legislation.................................................... 55
      (h)   Acceptance by Counsel to Merrill and Purchaser................. 56
      (i)   Certificates................................................... 56
      (j)   Noncompetition Agreements...................................... 56
      (k)   Employment Agreements.......................................... 56
      (l)   MEEDA Bonds.................................................... 56
      (m)   Documentation for Conveyance of the Assets..................... 56
      (n)   Allocation of Purchase Price................................... 56


      (a)   Representations and Warranties True............................ 56
      (b)   Performance.................................................... 57


      (c)   Adverse Changes................................................ 57
      (d)   Corporate Approvals............................................ 57
      (e)   No Proceeding or Litigation.................................... 57
      (f)   Certificates................................................... 57
      (g)   Opinion of Purchaser Counsel................................... 57
      (h)   Payment of Consideration....................................... 57
      (i)   Acceptance by Counsel.......................................... 58
      (j)   Stock Option Agreements........................................ 58
      (k)   Release of Guarantees.......................................... 58
      (l)   Merrill Guaranty............................................... 58

7.   TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT........................................... 58

      (a)   Methods of Termination......................................... 58
      (b)   Procedure Upon Termination..................................... 59

8.   SURVIVAL AND INDEMNIFICATION.......................................... 59

      (a)   Survival....................................................... 59
      (b)   Indemnification by Merrill and Purchaser....................... 59
      (c)   Indemnification by Company and the Shareholders................ 60
      (d)   Basket Amount.................................................. 61
      (e)   Right of Set-Off............................................... 61
      (f)   Claims for Indemnification..................................... 61
      (g)   Limit on Claims................................................ 63
      (h)   Limit on Damages............................................... 63

9.   MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.............................................. 64

      (a)   Expenses....................................................... 64
      (b)   Topping Fees................................................... 64
      (c)   Amendment and Modification..................................... 64
      (d)   Waiver of Compliance; Consents................................. 65
      (e)   No Third Party Beneficiaries................................... 65
      (f)   Notices........................................................ 65
      (g)   Assignment..................................................... 66
      (h)   Governing Law.................................................. 67
      (i)   Counterparts................................................... 67
      (j)   Headings....................................................... 67
      (k)   Entire Agreement............................................... 67
      (l)   Remedies....................................................... 67
      (m)   Certain Definitions............................................ 68
      (n)   Arbitration.................................................... 69
      (o)   Preservation of Records After Closing.......................... 69


                              LIST OF EXHIBITS

Name of Exhibit                                           Number of Exhibit
- --------------                                             -----------------
Trade and Other Names to be Purchased...................    Exhibit 1(a)(1)

Excluded Assets.........................................    Exhibit 1(a)(2)

Liabilities Undertaking.................................    Exhibit 1(b)

Purchaser's Promissory Note.............................    Exhibit 1(c)(2)

Allocation of Purchase Price Among
    the Assets..........................................    Exhibit 1(c)(3)

Bill of Sale............................................    Exhibit 1(f)

Disclosure Schedule.....................................    Exhibit 2

Form of Stock Option....................................    Exhibit 4(l)

Non-Competition Agreement...............................    Exhibit 4(m)

Employment Agreement....................................    Exhibit 4(n)

Opinion of Company Counsel..............................    Exhibit 5(f)

Opinion of Purchaser Counsel............................    Exhibit 6(g)


                            LIST OF DEFINED TERMS

Term                                                                      Page
- ----                                                                      ----
Acquisition Proposals...................................................... 43
Affiliate.................................................................. 18
Affiliated Organization.................................................... 27
Agreement.................................................................. 67
Assets.....................................................................  2
Associate.................................................................. 18
Assumed Contracts..........................................................  4
Assumed Liabilities........................................................  2
Auditor....................................................................  6
Authority.................................................................. 15
Basic Purchase Price.......................................................  4
Best Knowledge............................................................. 68
Capitalized Leases.........................................................  5
Closing.................................................................... 11
Closing Balance Sheet......................................................  5
Closing Date............................................................... 11
Company....................................................................  1
Compensation Plans......................................................... 28
Consent.................................................................... 15
Contingent Purchase Price..................................................  7
Contingent Purchase Price Statement........................................ 11
Disclose................................................................... 43
Disclosure Schedule........................................................ 13
Employment Agreements...................................................... 49
Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Law....................... 33
Environmental Claim........................................................ 33
Environmentally Regulated Materials........................................ 34
ERISA...................................................................... 27
Final Basic Purchase Price.................................................  5
Indemnified Party.......................................................... 61
Indemnifying Party......................................................... 61
Information................................................................ 43
Initial Basic Purchase Price...............................................  5
Intellectual Property Rights............................................... 23
Key Employees.............................................................. 21
Key Executives.............................................................  4
Knowledge.................................................................. 68
Latest Audited Balance Sheet............................................... 16
Latest Unaudited Balance Sheet............................................. 16
Law........................................................................ 15
Letter of Intent........................................................... 49
Liabilities Undertaking....................................................  3
Lien....................................................................... 18
Material Adverse Effect.................................................... 68
MEEDA Bonds................................................................  5
Merrill....................................................................  1
Net Worth..................................................................  5


Non-Competition Agreement.................................................. 49
PBGC....................................................................... 27
Pension Plan............................................................... 27
Permitted Liens............................................................ 18
Pre-Tax Earnings...........................................................  8
Proceeding................................................................. 62
Property................................................................... 32
Purchase Price.............................................................  4
Purchaser..................................................................  1
Purchaser's Promissory Note................................................  5
Retained Liabilities.......................................................  3
Shareholders...............................................................  1
Survival Periods........................................................... 59
Tax........................................................................ 24
Tax Return................................................................. 24
Termination Date........................................................... 12
Transferred Employee....................................................... 50
Welfare Plan............................................................... 27


                          ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      THIS ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT, dated as of December 31, 1993, is by and
among Merrill Corporation, a Minnesota corporation ("MERRILL"), Merrill
Acquisition Corp., a Minnesota corporation ("PURCHASER"), May Printing
Company, a Minnesota corporation ("COMPANY"), and Thomas May and James Scott
May (individually, a "SHAREHOLDER" and collectively, the "SHAREHOLDERS").

      A.    The parties hereto wish to provide for the terms and conditions
upon which the Purchaser will acquire substantially all assets of Company.

      B.    The parties hereto wish to make certain representations,
warranties, covenants and agreements in connection with the  purchase of
assets and also to prescribe various conditions to such transaction.

      Accordingly, and in consideration of the representations, warranties,
covenants, agreements and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto
agree as follows:

                                SECTION 1


      (a)   ASSETS TO BE PURCHASED.  Upon satisfaction of all conditions to
the obligations of the parties contained herein (other than such conditions as
shall have been waived in accordance with the terms hereof), Company shall
sell, transfer, convey, assign and deliver to Purchaser and Purchaser shall
purchase (and Merrill shall cause Purchaser to so purchase) from Company, at
the Closing hereunder, all of the business, assets, properties, goodwill and
rights of Company, as a going concern, of every nature, kind and description,
tangible and intangible, real, personal or mixed, wheresoever located and
whether or not carried or reflected on the books and records of Company
including, without limitation, real and personal property that is now owned or
leased by Company or in which it has any right or interest; franchises; all
right, title and interest in and to the use of Company's corporate names and
any derivatives or combinations thereof, including, without limitation, those
listed in Exhibit 1(a)(1) hereto; logos, trademarks, trademark registrations
and trademark applications or registrations thereof, including the goodwill
associated therewith; the goodwill of Company's business; copyrights,
copyright applications and copyright registrations, patents and patent
applications; rights under or pursuant to licenses by or to Company;
development and prototype hardware, software, processes, formula, trade
secrets, inventories and royalties, including all rights to sue for past


leaseholds and other interests in land, inventory (materials, work in process,
finished goods), equipment, machinery, furniture, fixtures, motor vehicles and
supplies; cash, money and deposits with financial institutions and others,
certificates of deposit, commercial paper, notes, evidences of indebtedness,
stocks, bonds and other investments; accounts receivables; prepaid expenses;
insurance policies, contracts, purchase orders, customers, lists of customers
and suppliers, sales representative agreements, and all favorable business
relationships, causes of action, judgments, claims and demands of whatever
nature; all credit balances of or inuring to Company under any state
unemployment compensation plan or fund; employment contracts; except as
provided in (v) below, obligations of the present and former officers and
employees and of individuals and corporations; rights under joint venture
agreements or arrangements; files, papers and records relating to Company's
business and assets; and the assets as reflected on the Latest Audited Balance
Sheet (as hereinafter defined), with only such dispositions of such assets
reflected on the Latest Audited Balance Sheet as shall have occurred in the
ordinary course of Company's business between the date thereof and the Closing
and which are permitted by the terms hereof (the foregoing are sometimes
collectively called the "ASSETS"), except:

             (i)  the consideration delivered to Company pursuant to this
      Agreement for the Assets;

            (ii)  the minute books (and any documents related to Company's
      organization or foreign qualification contained in such minute books),
      corporate seal and stock records of Company;

           (iii)  shares of the capital stock of Company, including shares
      held by Company as treasury shares;

            (iv)  the annual reports filed by Company since January 1, 1990
      pursuant to Minn. Stat.  Section 302A.821;

             (v)  amounts owing by the Shareholders or May Development Company
      to Company, as shown on the Closing Balance Sheet (as hereinafter

            (vi) all documentation pertaining to any liability of Company not
      assumed by Purchaser; and

           (vii) the assets specifically described on Exhibit 1(a)(2)

      (b)   LIABILITIES ASSUMED.  Upon satisfaction of all conditions to the
obligations of the parties contained herein (other than such conditions as
shall have been waived in accordance with the terms hereof), Purchaser shall
assume the liabilities of Company (the "ASSUMED LIABILITIES") as set forth


on Exhibit 1(b) (the "LIABILITIES UNDERTAKING").  Company and the Shareholders
expressly understand and agree that except for the Assumed Liabilities,
Purchaser and Merrill have not agreed to pay, shall not be required to assume
and shall have no liability or obligation, direct or indirect, absolute or
contingent, of Company, any of the Shareholders or any of their Affiliates or
Associates, which liabilities shall, as between Company and the Shareholder, on
the one hand, and Purchaser and Merrill, on the other hand, remain the sole
responsibility of, and shall be satisfied by, Company or the Shareholders (the
"RETAINED LIABILITIES"), including without limitation:

            (i)   any debt, liability or obligation, direct or indirect, known
      or unknown, fixed, contingent or otherwise, that (A) is unrelated to the
      Assets; or (B) relates to the Assets and is based upon or arises from
      any act, omission, transaction, circumstance, sale of goods or services,
      state of facts or other condition occurring or existing on or before the
      Closing Date, whether or not then known, due or payable, except to the
      extent that the same was expressly assumed by Merrill or Purchaser
      pursuant to the terms of the Liabilities Undertaking; or (C) arises out
      of or results from failure to obtain the Consents of (I) Eastman Kodak
      Corporation under equipment leases included in the Assumed Contracts
      (Nos. 20 and 21 in the Liability Undertaking), (II) Airport Industrial
      Complex under a lease included in the Assumed Contracts (No. 56 in the
      Liability Undertaking), (III) Wynstar, Incorporated under a contract
      included in the Assumed Contracts (No. 61 in the Liability Undertaking)
      related to the lease of equipment or other assets included in the
      Assets, or (iv) Xpoint under a contract included in the Assumed
      Contracts (No. 63 in the Liability Undertaking);

           (ii)   any obligation for Taxes (as hereinafter defined) related to
      any of the Assets for any Tax period or portion thereof ending on or
      before the Closing Date and any obligation for other Taxes of Company or
      any of the Shareholders (other than any obligation for any sales or use
      tax, other transfer tax or recording fee which arise as a result of the
      sale or transfer of the Assets pursuant to this Agreement);

          (iii)(A) any liability arising out of or related to the events,
      circumstances or conditions described in Section 2(v) to the Disclosure
      Schedule; or (B) any liability arising out of or related to any
      pollution or threat to human health or the environment or violation of
      any Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Law (as hereinafter
      defined) that is related in any way to Company's or any previous owner's
      or operator's management, use, control, ownership or operation of the
      Assets, any Property (as hereinafter defined) or the business of Company
      prior to the Closing Date,


      including without limitation the St. Augusta Sanitary Landfill/Engen
      Dump Site and the Seaboard Chemical Corporate Site and all other on-site
      and off-site activities involving Environmentally Regulated Materials
      (as hereinafter defined), whether or not the pollution or threat to
      human health or the environment or violation of any Environmental and
      Occupational Safety and Health Law is described in the Disclosure
      Schedule; and any Environmental Claim (as hereinafter defined) against
      any person or entity whose liability for such Environmental Claim
      Company or any Shareholder has or may have assumed or retained either
      contractually or by operation of law; and

           (iv)   any liability of Company to any of the Shareholders or to
      John Caye or Fred Thomas (the "KEY EXECUTIVES"), whether pursuant to
      the employment agreements between the Key Executives and Company or

At the Closing, Company shall convey, transfer and assign, and Purchaser shall
accept and assume, those contracts, agreements and commitments listed on the
Liabilities Undertaking to be assumed by Purchaser (the "ASSUMED CONTRACTS").

      (c)   PURCHASE PRICE.

            (i)   The total consideration to be paid by Purchaser to Company
      for the Assets (the "PURCHASE PRICE") shall be an amount equal to:

            (A)   $22,126,140 LESS, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, (x) the
      amount of long-term notes payable (including Capitalized Leases (as
      defined below)) and current portion of long term debt as of the Closing,
      as shown on the Closing Balance Sheet (determined as set forth in
      subsection (c)(iii) below), and (y) the amount by which the Net Worth of
      Company (as defined below) as of the Closing, as shown on the Closing
      Balance Sheet, is less than $6,650,000 (provided that no such adjustment
      shall be made to the extent any shortfall in Net Worth does not exceed
      the vacation pay accrual made in 1993 in preparing the Closing Balance
      Sheet), PLUS (aa) the amount of the Restricted Cash as of the Closing
      on the MEEDA Bonds (as defined below) and the Long-Term Deposit
      Receivable as of the Closing, in each case as shown on the Closing
      Balance Sheet, and (bb) the amount of accrued profit sharing, accrued
      401(k) incentive and withholding liability for hospital and group
      insurance as of the Closing, as shown non the Closing Balance Sheet (the

            (B)   any Contingent Purchase Price, as defined in Section 1(d)
      hereof; plus

            (C)   the assumption by Purchaser of the Assumed Liabilities
      pursuant to Section 1(b) hereof.


      For the purposes of determining the amount of the Basic Purchase Price
      to pay at the Closing, the amounts used in the adjustments above shall
      be based on the amounts shown on the Latest Unaudited Balance Sheet of
      Company (as hereinafter defined) (the "INITIAL BASIC PURCHASE PRICE").
      For the purposes of the foregoing and this Agreement, the term
      "CAPITALIZED LEASES" shall mean (x) for the leases that are listed on
      the Liability Undertaking as Assumed Contracts, those leases reflected
      on the Latest Audited Balanced Sheet as capitalized leases, and (y) for
      any other lease, those leases which, consistent with generally accepted
      accounting principles consistently applied, should appear on the Closing
      Balance Sheet as capitalized leases, other than leases disclosed in the
      Liability Undertaking, "MEEDA BONDS" shall mean the Minnesota Energy
      and Economic Development Authority Bonds Series 1985C, Lot 1 and Series
      1990B, Lot 1, and "NET WORTH" shall mean the difference between the
      assets and liabilities of Company, determined in accordance with
      generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied or
      otherwise as provided pursuant to Section 1(c)(iii) of this Agreement.

            (ii)  At the Closing, Purchaser will:

                  (A)   Pay Company, by wire transfer, immediately available
            funds of $15,274,400 to a bank account of Company pursuant to
            written instructions of Company given to Purchaser at least 72
            hours prior to the Closing;

                  (B)   Execute and deliver to Company Purchaser's
            non-negotiable promissory note in the principal amount of
            $2,500,000 in the form of Exhibit 1(c)(2) hereto ("PURCHASER'S
            PROMISSORY NOTE"); and

                  (C)   Execute and deliver to Company the Liabilities

            (iii)  The Initial Basic Purchase Price set forth in Section
      1(c)(i) hereof shall be subject to adjustment after the Closing Date (as
      hereinafter defined) as follows:

                  (A)   Purchaser will prepare and deliver to Company within
            90 days following the Closing Date (or as soon thereafter as
            practicable) a balance sheet for Company as of the close of
            business (but not reflecting the completion of the sale of Assets
            pursuant to this Agreement) on December 30, 1993 (the "CLOSING
            BALANCE SHEET").  The Closing Balance Sheet shall be used to
            determine the amounts of the adjustments set forth in subsection
            1(c)(i), for purposes of determining the final Basic Purchase
            Price (the "FINAL BASIC PURCHASE PRICE").

                  (B)   The Closing Balance Sheet shall be prepared from the
            books and records of Company in accordance with


            generally accepted accounting principles and applied consistently
            with the principles, practices and procedures used in the
            preparation of the Latest Audited Balance Sheet (as hereinafter
            defined).  The Closing Balance Sheet shall not include any assets
            not included (pursuant to section 1(a)) within the Assets (other
            than the obligations of Shareholders and May Development Company
            to the Company net of any amounts owed by Company to Shareholders
            or May Development Company, which shall be included) or any
            Retained Liabilities (other than accrued profit sharing, accrued
            401(k) incentive and withholding liability for hospital and group
            insurance, which shall be included).  All inventory and supplies
            reflected on the Closing Balance Sheet shall be so reflected on
            the basis of a complete physical count taken beginning December
            31, 1993 and shall be valued at the lower of cost or market in
            accordance with Company's prior practices as reflected in the
            Latest Audited Balance Sheet.  Representatives of both Company and
            Merrill shall have the right to participate in the taking of such
            physical inventory and the valuation thereof.  Coopers & Lybrand
            ("AUDITOR") will apply certain agreed upon procedures to
            specific accounts and/or items on the Closing Balance Sheet.
            Company, Purchaser and the Shareholders shall provide each other
            with full cooperation in connection with the preparation of the
            Closing Balance Sheet (provided that normal operations of business
            of Purchaser and Merrill are not interfered with), and each shall
            have the right to review Auditor's work papers in connection with
            the agreed upon procedures performed on the Closing Balance Sheet.

                  (C)   The Closing Balance Sheet shall not include (1)
            deferred compensation in excess of $289,560, or (2) up to $75,000
            of attorneys' fees incurred by Company related to the transactions
            contemplated by this Agreement or in connection with corporate
            "clean up" matters necessary in connection therewith.

                  (D)   Within 30 days after receipt of the Closing Balance
            Sheet, Company shall notify Purchaser if it disagrees with any of
            the amounts included in the Closing Balance Sheet.  If such notice
            is not given, the Closing Balance Sheet will be final and
            conclusive for all purposes.  If the parties are unable to resolve
            the differences within 60 days of the receipt of the Closing
            Balance Sheet, Company and Purchaser agree to retain the
            accounting firm of Ernst & Young to arbitrate the dispute and
            render a decision within 30 days of such retention, which decision
            shall be final and binding for all purposes.  Any award pursuant
            to this Section 1(c)(iii) may be entered in and enforced by any
            court having


            jurisdiction over the matter and the parties hereby consent and
            commit themselves to the jurisdiction of the courts of Minnesota
            for the purposes of the enforcement of any such award.  Purchaser
            and the Shareholders will each pay one-half of the costs of
            services rendered by said accounting firm.

                  (E)   Within five days after the expiration of the 30-day
            period for giving notice of disagreement with the accountants'
            finding, if no such notice is given, or within five days after the
            resolution of disputes, if any, pursuant to subsection (iii)(cc)
            above, the Final Basic Purchase Price shall be determined (using
            the formula set forth in Section 1(c)(i)) based on the amounts
            shown in the Closing Balance Sheet.  Purchaser or Company, as
            appropriate, will by wire transfer in immediately available funds
            make payment to the other of any appropriate amounts, such that
            after such payment, and taking into account amounts previously
            received by Company pursuant to Section 1(c)(ii) hereof, Purchaser
            shall have paid Company the Final Basic Purchase Price.  Either
            party making a payment pursuant to this paragraph, whether
            Purchaser or Company, shall, in addition to such payment, pay the
            other party interest on the amount of such payment, for the time
            period between the Closing Date and the date of such payment, at
            an annual rate equal to the Reference Rate as publicly announced
            from time to time by First Bank National Association.

            (iv)  The Purchase Price shall be allocated among the Assets in
      the manner required by Section 1060 of the Code.  In making such
      allocation, the allocations set forth in Exhibit 1(c)(3) attached hereto
      shall apply, which exhibit shall be completed based on the amounts shown
      on the Closing Balance Sheet.  In preparing Exhibit 1(c)(3), Purchaser
      and the Shareholders shall negotiate in good faith the values of the
      Assets and the resulting allocation of the Purchase Price among the
      various Assets; it being understood that such determination shall be
      binding on Purchaser and the Shareholders only for the purposes of U.S.
      Federal, state and local taxation.  The Shareholders and Purchaser shall
      file all Tax Returns and tax reports (including IRS Form 8594) in
      accordance with and based upon such allocation and shall take no
      position in any Tax Return, tax proceeding or tax audit which is
      inconsistent with such allocation.

      (d)   CONTINGENT PURCHASE PRICE.  If the Assets earn Pre-Tax Earnings
of at least $3,750,000 for the 12 months beginning February 1, 1994 and ending
January 31, 1995, the Purchaser will pay an additional amount (the
"CONTINGENT PURCHASE PRICE") equal to a percentage of Purchaser's Pre-Tax
Earnings generated from the


Assets according to the following schedule (but in no event will the
Contingent Purchase Price exceed $2,000,000):

          Amount of                                          Applicable
          Pre-Tax Earnings                                   Percentage
     ------------------------                                -----------
      Less than $3,750,000                                         0%

      $3,750,000 to $3,819,999                                    25%

      $3,820,000 to $3,889,999                                    30%

      $3,890,000 to $3,959,999                                    35%

      $3,960,000 to $4,029,999                                    40%

      $4,030,000 to $4,099,999                                    45%

      $4,100,000                                               48.78%

Any such Contingent Purchase Price shall be paid in cash and shall be deemed
to consist of interest compounded semiannually at the applicable federal
short-term interest rate, as determined in accordance with the provisions of
section 1274(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "CODE").

            (i)   For purposes of this Section 1(d), the "PRE-TAX EARNINGS"
      generated by the Assets shall mean Purchaser's net income (or loss),
      before taxes, determined in accordance with generally accepted
      accounting principles consistently applied (and consistent with the
      accounting principles used by Company in preparation of the September
      30, 1993 audited balance sheet and the Closing Balance Sheet), except
      that the following provisions shall govern the computation of the
      Pre-Tax Earnings for the purposes of this Section 1(d):

                  (A)   The term "Purchaser" shall mean the operations of
            Purchaser or any transferee of the Assets or any Affiliate of
            either the Purchaser or such transferee conducting business of the
            type conducted by Company immediately before the Closing that
            represent a succession to and a continuation of the business or
            businesses conducted by Company related to the Assets prior to the

                  (B)   Any loss, charge or expense paid, incurred or charged
            in connection with expansion of the business comprising the Assets
            as a result of acquiring other assets or entities or opening and
            staffing of new offices over and above levels contemplated in
            projections furnished to Merrill dated September 8, 1993, or any


            income or revenues directly derived therefrom, shall be excluded
            from such computation;

                  (C)   Any start-up costs, expenses or charges in excess of
            $25,000 per program (or for programs with costs between $10,000
            and $25,000, any such costs in excess of an aggregate of $100,000)
            incurred in connection with development of programs for new
            customers of Purchaser shall be capitalized and amortized over the
            first twelve months of revenue generated from such program;

                  (D)   The Assets shall be depreciated as though their basis
            had not changed as a result of their purchase by Purchaser
            pursuant to this Agreement;

                  (E)   There shall be excluded from such computation any
            non-specific payments, charges or expenses for allocation of home
            office, executive, general and administrative expenses or other
            payments, charges or expenses of Purchaser; there shall be
            included for the purposes of such computation charges or amounts
            paid to third-party vendors and charges for specific services
            provided by Merrill personnel which directly relate to the
            operation of the business related to the Assets, provided they are
            itemized in reasonable detail and approved by John Caye;

                  (F)   No dividends shall be paid to Merrill by Purchaser
            prior to February 1, 1995; interest on operating funds advanced to
            Purchaser by Merrill shall be charged at the Reference Rate as
            then publicly announced by First Bank National Association;
            interest on operating funds advanced to Merrill by Purchaser shall
            be earned at rates then available on short-term investments
            equivalent to those used by Company during the year ended December
            31, 1993;

                  (G)   The wage rates, commission structures, bonus
            structures and salaries used in calculating the Pre-Tax Earnings
            shall be in conformance with compensation programs of the Company
            in effect as of the Closing, without regard to any deferred
            compensation arrangements;

                  (H)   No bonuses paid to Key Executives shall be deducted in
            determining the Pre-Tax Earnings;

                  (I)   No deduction will be made for any payments under
            Purchaser's Promissory Note or the Non-Competition Agreements;


                  (J)   No deduction shall be made for any expenses associated
            with any deferred compensation plan;

                  (K)   Deduction shall be made for only fringe benefits or
            fringe benefit programs equivalent to those provided by Company at
            the time of Closing; charges for 401(k) expenses shall be
            calculated using a methodology consistent with that used in
            Company's 1992 financial statements; no deduction shall be made
            for pension expenses;

                  (L)   Nonrecurring or other extraordinary expenses and
            nonrecurring or other extraordinary items of income shall be
            excluded from Pre-Tax Earnings;

                  (M)   All jobs, excluding intercompany jobs, shall be priced
            in a manner consistent with past practices prior to the Closing;

                  (N)   Any intercompany transfer of goods, products, services
            or assets between Merrill and Purchaser, transferee or Affiliate,
            including but not limited to such items as paper and equipment,
            shall be taken into account at the amount which would have been
            paid or received by Purchaser, transferee or Affiliate for such
            goods in an arms'-length transaction;

                  (O)   The net balance of intercompany accounts between
            Purchaser and Merrill, exclusive of such accounts representing
            advances of operating funds as provided in (F) above, at the end
            of each month shall be settled on the 20th day of the following

                  (P)   No deduction shall be made for any expense incurred in
            connection with the employment of any personnel in excess of the
            number of employees on the Closing Date multiplied by a fraction
            the numerator of which is the amount of revenues from the business
            during the period of February 1, 1994 through and including
            January 31, 1995 and the denominator of which is the total
            revenues of the Company for the year ending December 31, 1993; and

                  (Q)   Any and all expenses paid or incurred by Purchaser
            (other than those expressly permitted by the above provisions)
            which would not have been so paid or incurred if not for the sale
            of the Assets (including the payment of the Contingent Purchase
            Price) and the other transactions contemplated hereby shall be
            excluded from such computation.


            (ii)  As soon as may be practicable after January 31, 1995, but
      not later than May 1, 1995, Purchaser will deliver to Company and the
      Shareholders a statement, prepared by Merrill's independent public
      accountants, setting forth in reasonable detail Purchaser's calculation
      of Pre-Tax Earnings for the 12 months ending January 31, 1995 and the
      amount of the Contingent Purchase Price, if any, to be paid to Company
      pursuant to this Section 1(d) (the "CONTINGENT PURCHASE PRICE

            (iii)   Within 30 days after receipt of the Contingent
      Purchase Price Statement, Company shall notify Purchaser if it disagrees
      with the calculation of the Contingent Purchase Price.  If such notice
      is not given (or at such time as Company provides written notice to
      Purchaser that it has no objection to such calculation), the Contingent
      Purchase Price Statement provided by Purchaser will be final and
      conclusive for all purposes and Purchaser shall thereafter have no
      further liability to Company pursuant to this Section 1(d).  If the
      parties are unable to resolve their differences within 60 days of the
      receipt of the Contingent Purchase Price Statement, Company and
      Purchaser agree to retain the accounting firm of Ernst & Young to
      arbitrate the dispute and render a decision within 30 days of such
      retention, which decision shall be final and binding for all purposes.
      Any award pursuant to this Section 1(d)(iii) may be entered in and
      enforced by any court having jurisdiction over the matter and the
      parties hereby consent and commit themselves to the jurisdiction of the
      courts of Minnesota for the purposes of the enforcement of any such
      award.  Purchaser and the Shareholders will each pay one-half of the
      costs of services rendered by said accounting firms.

            (iv)  Within five days after the earlier of (A) the receipt by
      Purchaser of written notice from Company that it has no objection to the
      calculation of the Contingent Purchase Price pursuant to subsection
      1(d)(ii) hereof, (B) the expiration of the 30-day period for giving
      notice of disagreement with such calculation, if no such notice is
      given, or (C) the resolution of any dispute pursuant to Section
      1(d)(iii), Purchaser will by wire transfer in immediately available
      funds make payment to Company of the Contingent Purchase Price, if any.

      (e)   CLOSING.  Unless this Agreement shall have been terminated and
the transactions contemplated herein shall have been abandoned pursuant to
Section 7 hereof, a closing (the "CLOSING") will be held on December 31,
1993 (the "CLOSING DATE"); provided, however, that if any of the conditions
provided for in Sections 5 and 6 hereof shall not have been satisfied or
waived by such date, then the party to this Agreement which is unable to
satisfy such condition or conditions, despite the best efforts of such party,


shall be entitled to postpone the Closing by notice to the other parties until
such condition or conditions shall have been satisfied (which such notifying
party will seek to cause to happen at the earliest practicable date) or
waived, but in no event shall the Closing occur later than the "TERMINATION
DATE" which shall be on January 31, 1994, unless the parties hereto shall
agree in writing to extend the date of such Closing.  The parties shall use
their best efforts to complete the Closing by December 31, 1993.  The Closing
shall be held at the offices of Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly, Suite 3400, 45
South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota or such other place as the
parties may agree, at 9:00 a.m., local Minneapolis, Minnesota time or such
other time as the parties may agree, at which time and place the documents and
instruments necessary or appropriate to effect the transactions contemplated
herein will be exchanged by the parties.

      (f)   INSTRUMENTS OF TRANSFER TO PURCHASER.  At the Closing, Company
will deliver to Purchaser:  (a) such bills of sale, endorsements, assignments,
deeds and other good and sufficient instruments of conveyance and transfer, in
form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser and its counsel, as
shall be reasonably required to vest in Purchaser title to the Assets,
including without limitation:  (i) a cashier's or certified check drawn by
Company to the order of Purchaser (or wire transfer in immediately available
funds) in the aggregate amount of all of Company's cash on hand and in banks
less an amount equal to all uncleared checks which have been drawn by Company
prior to the Closing in the ordinary course of business and as otherwise
permitted by this Agreement (Company agrees to retain in such banks an amount
equal to such uncleared checks until such checks are cleared), (ii) general
bills of sale vesting in Purchaser good and marketable title to all of the
Assets in the form attached as Exhibit 1(f) hereof, (iii) appropriate
endorsements and assignments of the contracts, licenses, agreements, permits,
plans, commitments and other binding arrangements included in the Assets, (iv)
specific bills of sale, endorsements and assignments transferring to Purchaser
the Intellectual Property Rights, and (v) such written consents, agreements
and other instruments as Purchaser shall reasonably request to enable it to
use the name "May Printing Company" and all other trade names of Company used
in its business, and all other variations or combinations thereof; and (b) all
data relating to the assets, property, goodwill and business included in
Company's business.  Simultaneously with such delivery, Company will take all
actions reasonably necessary to put Purchaser in actual possession and
operating control of the Assets.

      (g)   ADJUSTMENT FOR PERIODIC ITEMS.  At the Closing Date or as
promptly thereafter as practicable, the parties shall adjust the annualized or
periodic items as of the Closing Date, with Company being responsible therefor
up to the Closing Date and Purchaser being responsible therefor from and after
the Closing Date.  Such adjustable items shall include electric, gas,
telephone and utility


charges of the operations of Company related to the Assets and payroll
expenses and any payroll taxes in respect of employees of Company, either paid
or accrued, amounts paid under leases and loans; provided, however, that
nothing in this Section 1(g) shall increase the liabilities and obligations of
Company assumed by Purchaser pursuant to the Liabilities Undertaking referred
to in Section 1(b) hereof.

                                 SECTION 2


      Company and the Shareholders, jointly and severally, hereby represent
and warrant to Purchaser and Merrill as of the date hereof as follows:

      (a)   DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE.  The disclosure schedule attached as
Exhibit 2 hereto (the "DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE") is divided into sections which
correspond to the subsections of this Section 2.  The Disclosure Schedule is
accurate and complete.  Disclosures in any subsection thereof shall not
constitute disclosure for purposes of any other subsection and any other
section or subsection of this Agreement or any exhibit to or other writing
which is designated herein as being part of this Agreement.

      (b)   CORPORATE ORGANIZATION.  Company is a corporation duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State
of Minnesota, has full corporate power and authority to carry on its business
as it is now being conducted and to own, lease and operate its properties and
assets, is duly qualified or licensed to do business as a foreign corporation
in good standing in California and in every other jurisdiction in which the
character or location of the properties and assets owned, leased or operated
by it or the conduct of its business requires such qualification or licensing,
except in such jurisdictions in which the failure to be so qualified or
licensed and in good standing would not, individually or in the aggregate,
have a Material Adverse Effect on Company; and has heretofore delivered to
Purchaser complete and correct copies of its articles of incorporation and
bylaws, as presently in effect.  The Disclosure Schedule contains a list of
all states in which Company is qualified or licensed to do business.  Company
does not own (and has not at any time during the preceding five (5) years
owned) of record or beneficially more than five percent (5%) of the
outstanding equity securities having ordinary voting rights or power of any
corporation or partnership or other legal entity or any securities that would
disqualify Company from its status as an S Corporation under the Code.

      (c)   CAPITALIZATION.  The authorized capital stock of Company is set
forth on the Disclosure Schedule.  The number of shares of


capital stock of Company outstanding as of the date of this Agreement are set
forth on the Disclosure Schedule.  All issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of Company are duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid,
nonassessable and are without, and were not issued in violation of, preemptive
rights.  Except as set forth on the Disclosure Schedule:  (i) there are no
shares of capital stock or other equity securities of Company outstanding or
any securities convertible into or exchangeable for such shares, securities or
rights; (ii) there are no outstanding options, warrants, conversion privileges
or other rights to purchase or acquire any capital stock or other equity
securities of Company or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for
such shares, securities or rights; and (iii) there are no contracts,
commitments, understandings, arrangements or restrictions by which Company is
bound to issue or to acquire any additional shares of its capital stock or
other equity securities or any options, warrants, conversion privileges or
other rights to purchase or acquire any capital stock or other equity
securities of Company or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for
such shares, securities or rights.

      (d)   AUTHORIZATION.  Company has full corporate power and authority
to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated
herein.  The Shareholders, and each of them, have the legal capacity to enter
into this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated herein,
including without limitation the legal capacity to execute, deliver and
perform the agreements or contracts, if any, required by Section 5 to be
executed and delivered by any of them as a condition to the Closing.  The
Board of Directors of Company and the Shareholders have taken all action
required by law, Company's articles of incorporation and bylaws and otherwise
to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated herein.  This Agreement has been
duly and validly executed and delivered by Company and no other corporate
action is necessary.  This Agreement has been duly and validly executed by the
Shareholders.  This Agreement is the valid and binding legal obligation of
Company and of the Shareholders, enforceable against Company and the
Shareholders in accordance with its terms.

      (e)   NON-CONTRAVENTION.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
Schedule, neither the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein will:  (i)
violate or be in conflict with any provision of the articles of incorporation
or bylaws of Company; or (ii) except for such violations, conflicts, defaults,
accelerations, terminations, cancellations, impositions of fees or penalties,
mortgages, pledges, liens, security interests, encumbrances, restrictions and
charges which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material
Adverse Effect on Company, (A) be in conflict with, or constitute a default,
however defined (or an


event which, with the giving of due notice or lapse of time, or both, would
constitute such a default), under, or cause or permit the acceleration of the
maturity of, or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation,
imposition of fees or penalties under, any Assumed Contract or any debt, note,
bond, lease, mortgage, indenture, license, obligation, contract, commitment,
franchise, permit, instrument or other agreement or obligation to which
Company or any Shareholder is a party or by which Company or any Shareholder
or any of the Assets is or may be bound (unless with respect to which defaults
or other rights, requisite waivers or consents shall have been obtained at or
prior to the Closing) or (B) result in the creation or imposition of any
mortgage, pledge, lien, security interest, encumbrance, restriction, adverse
claim or charge of any kind, upon the Assets under any Assumed Contract or any
debt, obligation, contract, agreement or commitment to which Company or any
Shareholder is a party or by which Company or any Shareholder or any of the
Assets is or may be bound; or (iii) violate any statute, treaty, law,
judgment, writ, injunction, decision, decree, order, regulation, ordinance or
other similar authoritative matters of any foreign, federal, state or local
governmental or quasi-governmental, administrative, regulatory or judicial
court, department, commission, agency, board, bureau, instrumentality or other
authority (hereinafter sometimes separately referred to as an "AUTHORITY"
and sometimes collectively as "AUTHORITIES") (sometimes hereinafter
separately referred to as a "LAW" and sometimes collectively as "LAWS")
where such violation would have a Material Adverse Effect on Company.  Neither
the execution, delivery and performance of the Non-Competition Agreements to
be executed and delivered by the Shareholders pursuant to Section 4 hereof, or
the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby, will conflict with,
or, with or without the giving of notice or passage of time, result in any
breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default
under any contract or other instrument which any of the Shareholders is a

      (f)   CONSENTS AND APPROVALS.  Except for filings under the HSR Act or
otherwise as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, with respect to Company and
each Shareholder, no consent, approval, order or authorization of or from, or
registration, notification, declaration or filing with (hereinafter sometimes
separately referred to as a "CONSENT" and sometimes collectively as
"CONSENTS") any individual or entity, including without limitation any
Authority, is required in connection with the execution, delivery or
performance of this Agreement by Company or any Shareholder or the
consummation by Company or any Shareholder of the transactions contemplated
herein, other than any consent which, if not made or obtained, will not,
individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Company.

      (g)   FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  The Disclosure Schedule contains true and
complete copies of (i) (A) audited balance sheets of


Company as of September 30, 1993 and December 31, 1992 and 1991 and as of June
30, 1990 (partial year) and 1989, and the related statements of operations (or
income or loss), changes in shareholders' equity and changes in cash flow (or
financial position) for each of the respective fiscal years (or, in the case
of the September 30, 1993 financial statements, nine months) then ended, (B)
the reports of Kern, DeWenter & Viere, independent certified public
accountants, on the financial statements at and as of the year ended December
31, 1992 and 1991 and as of June 30, 1990 and 1989, and (C) for the financial
statements at and as of the nine months ended September 30, 1993, the report
thereon of Coopers & Lybrand, independent certified public accountants; and
(ii) unaudited balance sheets of Company as of March 31, June 30, September 30
and November 30, 1993.  The audited balance sheet as of September 30, 1993 is
referred to herein as the "LATEST AUDITED BALANCE SHEET."  The unaudited
balance sheet as of November 30, 1993 is referred to herein as the "LATEST
UNAUDITED BALANCE SHEET."  Except as disclosed therein or in the Disclosure
Schedule, the foregoing financial statements (i) are in accordance with the
books and records of Company and have been prepared in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied for all periods,
and (ii) fairly present the financial position of Company as of the respective
dates thereof, and the results of operations (or income or loss), changes in
shareholders' equity and changes in cash flow (or financial position) for the
periods then ended.

      (h)   ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  Except as and to the extent
(i) reflected and reserved against in the Latest Audited Balance Sheet, (ii)
set forth on the Disclosure Schedule or (iii) incurred in the ordinary course
of business after the date of the Latest Audited Balance Sheet and not
material in amount, either individually or in the aggregate, Company to its
Knowledge does not have any debt, liability or obligation, secured or
unsecured, whether accrued, absolute, contingent, unasserted or otherwise, of
any nature whatsoever, including without limitation any foreign or domestic
tax liabilities or deferred tax liabilities incurred in respect of or measured
by Company's income, or any other debts, liabilities or obligations relating
to or arising out of any act, omission, transaction, circumstance, sale of
goods or services, state of facts or other condition which occurred or existed
on or before the date hereof, whether or not known, due or payable.  For
purposes of this Subsection (h), "material" means any amount in excess of
$50,000.  Company is not subject to any obligation or requirement to provide
funds to or make any investment (in the form of a loan, capital contribution
or otherwise) in any person or entity.

      (i)   ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES.  Except as set forth in the
Disclosure Schedule, since the date of the Latest Audited Balance Sheet,
Company has owned and operated its assets, properties and businesses in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with


past practice; without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Company has
not, subject to the foregoing exceptions:

            (i)  suffered any Material Adverse Effect or experienced any event
      or failed to take any action which reasonably could be expected to
      result in such a Material Adverse Effect;

            (ii)  suffered any loss, damage, destruction or other casualty
      (whether or not covered by insurance) or suffered any loss of officers,
      employees, dealers, distributors, independent contractors, customers, or
      suppliers which had or may reasonably be expected to result in a
      Material Adverse Effect on Company;

            (iii)  declared, set aside, made or paid any dividend or other
      distribution in respect of its capital stock; or purchased or redeemed
      any shares of its capital stock (except as specifically provided in
      Section 4(j)(vi) hereof);

            (iv)  issued or sold any shares of its capital stock, or any
      options, warrants, conversion, exchange or other rights to purchase or
      acquire any such shares or any securities convertible into or
      exchangeable for such shares;

            (v)  incurred any indebtedness for borrowed money except in the
      ordinary course of business pursuant to existing loan agreements;

            (vi)  mortgaged, pledged, or subjected to any lien, lease,
      security interest or other charge or encumbrance any of the Assets;

            (vii)  acquired or disposed of any assets or properties or entered
      into any commitment for capital expenditures for additions to plant,
      property or equipment individually in excess of $25,000, except (A) for
      inventory sold and raw materials and supplies purchased in the ordinary
      course of business, and (B) as necessary to complete the plant expansion
      as currently contemplated, as reflected in the financial projections of
      the Company dated September 8, 1993 previously delivered to Merrill;

            (viii)  forgiven or cancelled any debts or claims, or waived any
      rights, other than in the ordinary course of business;

            (ix)  entered into any other transaction which could reasonably be
      expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Company;


            (x)  granted to any officer or salaried employee or any other
      employee any increase in compensation in any form or paid any severance
      or termination pay;

            (xi)  purchased, leased or otherwise acquired any property or
      obtained any services from, or sold, leased or otherwise disposed of any
      property or furnished any services to, or otherwise dealt with, in the
      ordinary course of business or otherwise, (i) any shareholder of Company
      or (ii) any "AFFILIATE" or "ASSOCIATE" (as defined in Rule 405 under
      the Securities Act of 1933) of Company or any shareholder of Company
      (except with respect to compensation in the ordinary course of business
      for services rendered as a director, officer or employee of Company); or

            (xii)  agreed, whether in writing or otherwise, to take any action
described in this subsection.

      Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, since the July 31, 1993
      date of the balance sheet included in the financial projections of
      Company dated September 8, 1993 previously provided to Merrill, Company
      has not purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired any property or
      obtained any services from, or sold, leased or otherwise disposed of any
      property or furnished any services to, or otherwise dealt with, in the
      ordinary course of business or otherwise, (aa) any shareholder of
      Company, (bb) any Affiliate or Associate of Company or any shareholder
      of Company, or any (cc) employee of Company; except with respect to
      compensation in the ordinary course of business for services consistent
      with past practice rendered as a director, officer or employee of

      (j)   THE ASSETS.

            (i)   Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Company has
      marketable title to all of the Assets (including fee simple record title
      to all real property included in the Assets), free and clear of any
      mortgage, pledge, lien, security interest, conditional or installment
      sales agreement, encumbrance, claim, easement, right-of-way, tenancy,
      covenant, encroachment, restriction or charge of any kind or nature
      (whether or not of record) (herein called a "LIEN"), except the
      following (herein called "PERMITTED LIENS"):   (A) liens securing
      specified liabilities or obligations shown on the Latest Audited Balance
      Sheet with respect to which no breach, violation or default exists; (B)
      mechanics', carriers', workers' and other similar liens arising in the
      ordinary course of business; and (C) liens for current Taxes not yet due
      and payable or being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings.
      Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Company has full right
      and power to, and at the Closing will, deliver to Purchaser marketable
      title to


      all of the Assets, free and clear of any Lien (except as set forth in
      the Disclosure Schedule and for Permitted Liens).

            (ii)  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, all real
      properties included in the Assets are free from structural defects and
      are in good operating condition and repair for their age with no
      material maintenance, repair or replacement having been deferred or
      neglected, are suitable for current use and are free from other material
      defects.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, each such real
      property and its present use conform in all respects to all
      occupational, safety or health, zoning, planning, subdivision, platting
      and similar Laws, except for such failures to conform therewith which do
      not materially affect the Company's use of the real properties as they
      are currently being used, and there is, to the knowledge of Company, no
      such Law contemplated that would affect adversely the right of Company
      to own or lease and operate and use such real properties.  Except as set
      forth in the Disclosure Schedule, all public utilities necessary for the
      use and operation of any facilities on the aforesaid real properties are
      available for use or access at such properties for their current uses
      and there is no legal or physical impairment to free ingress or egress
      from any of such facilities or real properties as currently used.
      Company is not a foreign person and is not controlled by a foreign
      person, as the term foreign person is defined in Section 1445(f)(3) of
      the Code.

            (iii)       Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, to the
      best of the Company's Knowledge, the machinery, equipment, vehicles and
      other personal property of Company included in the Assets are in good
      operating condition and repair (normal wear and tear excluded) and fit
      for their current use, and no material maintenance, replacement or
      repair has been deferred or neglected.  Except for the express
      representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement with respect
      to such machinery, equipment, vehicles and other personal property of
      Company included in the Assets, neither Company nor the Shareholders
      make any representation or warranty, either express or implied, with
      respect to such items, including but not limited to any implied warranty
      of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

            (iv)  Except for the Excluded Assets set forth on Exhibit 1(a)(2),
      the Assets constitute all of the property and assets, real, personal and
      mixed, tangible and intangible, presently used to carry on the business
      of Company.  The Assets are adequate to carry on the business of Company
      as presently conducted.

            (v)   Upon the Closing of the transactions contemplated by this
      Agreement, the Shareholders shall have no claim against


      any of the Assets, Purchaser or Merrill as a result of any buy-sell, tax
      sharing or other similar agreement among the Shareholders.

      (k)   SCHEDULES; NO CONTRACT DEFAULTS.  The Disclosure Schedule
contains an accurate and complete list and description of:

            (i)  All real property owned by Company included in the Assets or
      in which Company has a leasehold or other interest and which is included
      in the Assets or which is used by Company in connection with the
      operation of its business.  Company has provided Purchaser with either a
      copy of or a description of each lease, sublease, license, or any other
      instrument under which Company claims or holds such leasehold or other
      interest or right to the use thereof or pursuant to which Company has
      assigned, sublet or granted any rights therein, identifying the parties
      thereto, the rental or other payment terms, expiration date and
      cancellation and renewal terms thereof.

            (ii)  All machinery, tools, equipment, motor vehicles, rolling
      stock and other tangible personal property (other than inventory and
      supplies), owned, leased or used by Company and included in the Assets,
      except for items having a cost of less than $1,000.  Company has
      provided Purchaser with either a copy of or a summary description of all
      leases, liens, claims, encumbrances, charges, restrictions, covenants
      and conditions relating thereto, identifying the parties thereto, the
      rental or other payment terms, expiration date and cancellation and
      renewal terms thereof.

            (iii)  All patents, patent applications, patent licenses,
      trademarks, trademark registrations, and applications therefor, service
      marks, service names, trade names, copyrights and copyright
      registrations, and applications therefor, and any other documents
      embodying Intellectual Property Rights (as hereinafter defined), wholly
      or partially owned or held by Company or used in the operation of
      Company's business.

            (iv)  All contracts, agreements, commitments or licenses relating
      to Intellectual Property Rights to which Company is a party or by which
      it is bound.

            (v)  As of a date no earlier than September 30, 1993, all of
      Company's receivables included in the Assets (which shall include
      accounts receivable, loans receivable and any advances), together with
      detailed information as to each such listed receivable which has been
      outstanding for more than 30 days.

            (vi)  All Assumed Contracts.


            (vii)  All policies of fire and other casualty, general liability,
      theft, life, workers' compensation, health, directors and officers,
      business interruption and other forms of insurance owned or held by
      Company, specifying the insurer, the policy number, the risk insured
      against, the term of the coverage, the limits of coverage, the
      deductible amount (if any), the premium rate, the date through which
      coverage will continue by virtue of premiums already paid and, in the
      case of any "claims made" coverage, the same information as to
      predecessor policies for the previous two years.  All present policies
      are in full force and effect and all premiums with respect thereto have
      been paid.  Company has not been denied any form of insurance and no
      policy of insurance has been revoked or rescinded during the past two
      years, except as described on the Disclosure Schedule.

            (viii)  All contracts, agreements and commitments, whether or not
      fully performed, in respect of the issuance, sale or transfer of the
      capital stock, bonds or other securities of Company or pursuant to which
      Company has acquired in any one transaction more than 20% portion of its
      business or assets.

            (ix)  All collective bargaining agreements, employment and
      consulting agreements, executive compensation plans, bonus plans,
      deferred compensation agreements, employee pension plans or retirement
      plans, employee stock options or stock purchase plans and group life,
      health and accident insurance other employee benefit plans, agreements,
      arrangements or commitments, whether or not legally binding, including,
      without limitation, holiday, vacation, Christmas and other bonus
      practices, to which Company is a party or is bound or which relate to
      the operation of Company's business.

            (x)  All contracts, commitments, agreements and arrangements with
      any "disqualified individual" (as defined in Section 280G(c) of the
      Code) which contains any severance or termination pay liabilities which
      would result in a disallowance of the deduction for any "excess
      parachute payment" (as defined in Section 280G(b)(1) of the Code) under
      Section 280G of the Code.

            (xi)  The names and current annual salary rates of Scott May, John
      Caye, Fred Thomas, Jeff Manthe, Lisa Pope, Deb Basil, Arlo Schultz,
      Darrel Raines, Linda Herst, Steve Bellows and MaryAnn Stauffenecker (the
      "KEY EMPLOYEES") showing separately for each such person the amounts
      paid or payable as salary, bonus payments and any indirect compensation
      for the year ended December 31, 1992.

            (xii)  The names of all of Company's directors and officers; the
      names of all financial institutions, investment


      banking and brokerage houses, and other similar institutions at which
      the Company maintain accounts, deposits, safe deposit boxes of any
      nature, and the names of all persons authorized to draw thereon or make
      withdrawals therefrom; and the names of all persons, if any, holding tax
      or other powers of attorney from Company and a summary of the terms

The Assumed Contracts and all other contracts, agreements, leases, licenses
and commitments required to be listed on the Disclosure Schedule (other than
those which have been fully performed), assuming due execution and authority
on the part of the other party to the Assumed Contracts, are valid and
binding, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms in all material
respects, except as enforcement might be limited by bankruptcy and other laws
related to creditors' rights, and are in full force and effect in all material
respects.  Except as otherwise specified in the Disclosure Schedule, the
Assumed Contracts are validly assignable to Purchaser without the consent of
any other party so that, after the assignment thereof to Purchaser pursuant
hereto, Purchaser will be entitled to the full benefits thereof.  Except as
disclosed in the Disclosure Schedule, none of the payments required to be made
under any Assumed Contract has been prepaid more than 30 days prior to the due
date of such payment thereunder.  Company is not in material breach, violation
or default, however defined, in the performance of any of its obligations
under any Assumed Contract or any other contract, agreement, lease, license or
commitment required to be listed on the Disclosure Schedule, and no facts and
circumstances exist which, whether with the giving of due notice, lapse of
time, or both, would constitute such a material breach, violation or default
thereunder or thereof; and, to Company's Knowledge, no other parties thereto
are in material breach, violation or default, however defined, thereunder or
thereof, and no facts or circumstances exist which, whether with the giving of
due notice, lapse of time, or both, would constitute such a material breach,
violation or default thereunder or thereof.  Based upon facts and
circumstances known as of the date hereof, the Assumed Contracts in the
aggregate are not unduly burdensome, onerous or materially adverse to
Company's business, properties, assets, earnings or prospects or, in the
opinion of Company, are likely, either before or after the Closing, to result
in the aggregate in any material loss assuming continued operations of the
Company in accordance with past practices.  None of the Assumed Contracts is
subject to renegotiation with any government body.  True and complete copies
of all of the Assumed Contracts (together with any and all amendments thereto)
have been delivered to Purchaser and identified with a reference to the due
diligence request of Purchaser.

      (l)   INVENTORIES.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule,
all inventory of Company, whether reflected in the Latest Audited Balance
Sheet or otherwise, consists of a quality and quantity usable and salable in
the ordinary course of business, and


the present quantities of all inventory of Company are reasonable in the
present circumstances of the businesses as currently conducted or as proposed
to be conducted.


            (i)  Except as set forth on the Disclosure Schedule, (A) Company
      has good right, title and interest in and to all its accounts and notes
      receivable and trade notes and trade accounts constituting Assets; (B)
      none of such accounts and notes receivable and trade notes and trade
      accounts is subject to any mortgage, pledge, lien or security interest
      of any kind or nature (whether or not of record); (C) except to the
      extent of applicable reserves shown in the Latest Unaudited Balance
      Sheet, all of the accounts and notes receivable, trade notes and trade
      accounts owing to Company constitute valid and enforceable claims
      (except as enforcement might be limited by bankruptcy and other laws
      pertaining to creditors' rights) arising from bona fide transactions in
      the ordinary course of business, and there are no Known claims, refusals
      to pay or other rights of set-off against any thereof; (D) no account or
      note debtor whose account or note balance exceeds the amount set forth
      in the Disclosure Schedule at the date set forth therein was delinquent
      in payment by more than ninety (90) days; (E) the aging schedule of the
      accounts and notes receivable and trade notes and trade accounts of
      Company previously furnished to Purchaser is complete and accurate in
      all material respects; and (F) there is no Known reason why any account
      or note receivable or trade note or trade account will not be collected
      in accordance with its terms, other than for such accounts and notes
      which are not in excess of the reserves established therefor and
      reflected in the Latest Unaudited Balance Sheet.

            (ii)  All accounts payable and notes payable by Company to be
      assumed by the Purchaser pursuant to Section 1(b) arose in bona fide
      transactions in the ordinary course of business and no such account
      payable or note payable is delinquent by more than ninety days in its

      (n)   INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.  Except as set forth on the
Disclosure Schedule and except as set forth in any agreement or license
pertaining to the following, Company owns or has the unrestricted right to use
all intellectual property rights, including without limitation the patents,
patent applications, patent rights, registered and unregistered trademarks,
trademark applications, trade names, service marks, service mark applications,
copyrights, computer programs and other computer software, inventions,
know-how, trade secrets, technology, proprietary processes and formulae
(collectively, "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS") necessary or required for the
conduct of the businesses of Company as presently conducted and as proposed to


conducted, free and clear of all liens, security interests, charges,
encumbrances, equities and other adverse claims.  Except as set forth on the
Disclosure Schedule, and based solely upon the representations, if any, of its
customers and vendors, the use of all Intellectual Property Rights necessary
or required for the conduct of the businesses of Company as presently
conducted does not and, to the best of Company's Knowledge, will not infringe
or violate or allegedly infringe or violate the intellectual property rights
of any person or entity, provided such Intellectual Property Rights are used
in accordance with the terms and conditions of any agreement or license
pertaining thereto and in accordance with applicable laws pertaining to
Intellectual Property.  Except as described on the Disclosure Schedule,
Company does not own or use any Intellectual Property Rights pursuant to any
written license agreement or has granted any person or entity any rights,
pursuant to written license agreement or otherwise, to use the Intellectual
Property Rights.

      (o)   LITIGATION.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, to
the Knowledge of Company, there is no legal, administrative, arbitration, or
other proceeding, suit, claim or action of any nature or investigation, review
or audit of any kind (including without limitation a proceeding, suit, claim
or action, or an investigation, review or audit, involving any environmental
Law or matter), judgment, decree, decision, injunction, writ or order pending,
noticed, scheduled, threatened or contemplated by or against or involving
Company, its assets, properties or businesses or its directors, officers,
agents or employees (but only in their capacity as such), whether at law or in
equity, before or by any person or entity or Authority, or which questions or
challenges the validity of this Agreement or any action taken or to be taken
by the parties hereto pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the
transactions contemplated herein.

      (p)   TAX MATTERS.  For all purposes of this Agreement, the term
"TAXES" means all federal, state, local, foreign and other net income, gross
income, gross receipts, sales, use, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, profits,
license, lease, service, service use, withholding, payroll, employment,
excise, severance, stamp, occupation, premium, real or personal property,
windfall profits, customs, duties or other taxes, fees, assessments, charges
or levies or any kind whatever, together with any interest and any penalties,
additions to tax or additional amounts with respect thereto, and the term
"TAX" means any one of the foregoing Taxes.  In addition, the term "TAX
RETURNS" means all returns, declarations, reports, statements and other
documents required to be filed with any Authority in respect of Taxes, and the
term "TAX RETURN" means any one of the foregoing Tax Returns.  Except as set
forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Company and the Shareholders hereby
represent and warrant the following with respect to the Company:


            (i)   LIABILITY FOR TAXES.  Company and Shareholders shall be
      responsible for and shall pay all Taxes attributable to or arising from
      the business and operations of Company conducted on or before the
      Closing Date and shall be responsible for their own income and franchise
      Taxes, if any, arising from the transactions contemplated by this
      Agreement not assumed by Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement.  Company
      hereby acknowledges that, in preparing the Closing Balance Sheet, all
      real property Taxes, personal property Taxes and similar AD VALOREM
      obligations levied with respect to any of the Assets for assessment
      periods which include the Closing Date will be appropriately apportioned
      and accrued by Company with a reserve established therefor on the
      Closing Balance Sheet.

            (ii)  FILING OF TAX RETURNS.  There have been properly completed
      and duly filed on a timely basis and in correct form all Tax Returns
      required to be filed on or prior to the date hereof by Company or the
      Shareholders with respect to Taxes of Company.  As of the time of
      filing, the foregoing Tax Returns correctly reflected the facts
      regarding the income, business, assets, operations, activities, status
      or other matters of Company or any other information required to be
      shown thereon, which omission or failure to file would have a Material
      Adverse Effect on Company.  There is no omission, deficiency, error,
      misstatement or misrepresentation, whether innocent, intentional or
      fraudulent, in any Tax Return filed by Company for any period.  Any Tax
      Returns filed after the date hereof, but on or before the Closing Date,
      will conform with the provisions of this subsection 2(p)(ii).

            (iii)       PAYMENT OF TAXES.  With respect to all amounts in
      respect of Taxes imposed upon Company or the Shareholders, or for which
      Company or the Shareholders are or could be liable, whether to taxing
      Authorities (as, for example, under Law) or to other persons or entities
      (as, for example, under tax allocation agreements), with respect to all
      taxable periods or portions of periods ending on or before the Closing
      Date, all applicable Tax Laws and agreements have been or will be fully
      complied with, and all such amounts of Taxes required to be paid by
      Company or the Shareholders to taxing Authorities or others on or before
      the date hereof have been duly paid or will be paid on or before the
      Closing Date or adequate provision has been made or will have been made
      therefor in the Closing Balance Sheet; the reserves for all such Taxes
      reflected in the Latest Unaudited Balance Sheet are adequate and there
      are no liens for such Taxes upon any property or assets of Company.
      Company has withheld and remitted all amounts required to be withheld
      and remitted by it in respect of Taxes.

            (iv)  AUDITS AND EXTENSIONS.  The federal income Tax Returns of
      Company (and of the Shareholders to the extent the


      operations of the Company are reflected in the Shareholders' Tax
      Returns) have been examined by the Internal Revenue Service for all
      periods to and including those expressly set forth in the Disclosure
      Schedule, and, except to the extent shown therein, all deficiencies
      asserted as a result of such examinations have been paid or finally
      settled and no issue has been raised by the Internal Revenue Service in
      any such examination which, by application of similar principles,
      reasonably could be expected to result in a proposed deficiency for any
      other period not so examined.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
      Schedule, all deficiencies and assessments of Taxes of Company (or any
      of the Shareholders to the extent attributable to the business or
      operations of Company) resulting from an examination of any Tax Returns
      by any Authority have been paid and there are no pending examinations
      currently being made by any Authority nor has there been any written or
      oral notification to Company or any Shareholder of any intention to make
      an examination of any Taxes by any Authority.  Except as set forth in
      the Disclosure Schedule, there are no outstanding agreements or waivers
      extending the statutory period of limitations applicable to any Tax
      Return for any period.

            (v)   INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES.  For purposes of
      computing Taxes and the filing of Tax Returns, Company has not failed to
      treat as "employees" any individual providing services to Company who
      would be classified as an "employee" under the applicable rules or
      regulations of any Authority with respect to such classification.

            (vi)  S CORPORATION ELECTION.  Company has had in effect a valid
      election under Code Section 1362 to be treated as an "S corporation" for
      each of its taxable years ended after the date set forth in the
      Disclosure Schedule.  Neither Company nor any of the Shareholders have
      taken any action to revoke that election.  Neither Company nor any of
      the Shareholders are aware of any basis or the existence of any facts
      that would permit the Internal Revenue Service to revoke that election
      for any period prior to the Closing Date.  Except as described on the
      Disclosure Schedule, since the effective date of its election as an S
      corporation to and including the Closing Date, Company will not have
      incurred or become liable for the payment of any corporate-level income
      tax, or any related penalties or interest.

      (q)   BENEFIT PLANS.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule:

            (i)   Neither the Company nor any other "person" within the
      meaning of Section 7701(a)(1) of the Code, that together with the
      Company is considered a single employer pursuant to Sections 414(b),
      (c), (m) or (o) of the Code or Sections 3(5)


      or 4001(b)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
      amended ("ERISA") (an "AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION") sponsors,
      maintains, contributes to, is required to contribute to or has or could
      have any liability of any nature, whether known or unknown, fixed or
      contingent, with respect to, any "employee pension benefit plan"
      ("PENSION PLAN") as such term is defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA,
      including without limitation, any such plan that is excluded from
      coverage by Section 4(b)(5) of ERISA or is a "Multiemployer Plan" within
      the meaning of Section 3(37) or 4001(a)(3) of ERISA.  Each such Pension
      Plan has been operated in accordance with its terms and in compliance
      with the applicable provisions of ERISA, the Code and all other
      applicable Law, other than where the failure to so operate or comply
      would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Company.  All Pension Plans
      which the Company operates as plans that are qualified under the
      provisions of Section 401(a) of the Code satisfy in form and operation
      the requirements of Section 401(a) and all other sections of the Code
      incorporated therein, including without limitation Sections 401(k) and
      401(m) of the Code.

            (ii)  Neither the Company nor any Affiliated Organization has or
      could have any liability of any nature, whether known or unknown or
      fixed or contingent, to any Pension Plan, the Pension Benefit Guaranty
      Corporation ("PBGC") or any other person, arising directly or
      indirectly under Title IV of ERISA.  No "reportable event," within the
      meaning of Section 4043(b) of ERISA, has occurred with respect to any
      Pension Plan.  Neither the Company nor any Affiliated Organization has
      been a party to a sale of assets to which Section 4204 of ERISA applied
      with respect to which it could incur any withdrawal liability (including
      any contingent or secondary withdrawal liability) to any Multiemployer
      Plan.  Neither the Company nor any Affiliated Organization has incurred
      any withdrawal liability within the meaning of Section 4201 of ERISA or
      suffered or otherwise caused a "complete withdrawal" or "partial
      withdrawal," as such terms are defined respectively in Sections 4203 and
      4205 of ERISA, with respect to a Multiemployer Plan, and nothing has
      occurred that is reasonably likely to result in such a complete or
      partial withdrawal.

            (iii)  Neither the Company nor any Affiliated Organization
      sponsors, maintains, contributes to, is required to contribute to or has
      or could have any liability of any nature, whether known or unknown,
      fixed or contingent, with respect to, any "employee welfare benefit
      plan" ("WELFARE PLAN") as such term is defined in Section 3(1) of
      ERISA, whether insured or otherwise.  Each Welfare Plan has been
      operated in accordance with its terms and in compliance with the
      applicable provisions of ERISA, the Code and all other applicable Law,
      other than where the failure to so operate or


      comply would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Company.  Neither the
      Company nor any Affiliated Organization has established or contributed
      to, is required to contribute to or has or could have any liability of
      any nature, whether known or unknown, fixed or contingent, with respect
      to any "voluntary employees' beneficiary association" within the meaning
      of Section 501(c)(9) of the Code, "welfare benefit fund" within the
      meaning of Section 419 of the Code, "qualified asset account" within the
      meaning of Section 419 of the Code, "qualified asset account" within the
      meaning of Section 419A of the Code or "multiple employer welfare
      arrangement" within the meaning of Section 3(40) or ERISA.  Neither the
      Company nor any Affiliated Organization maintains, contributes to or has
      or could have any liability of any nature, whether known or unknown, or
      fixed or contingent, with respect to medical, health, life or other
      welfare benefits for present or future terminated employees or their
      spouses or dependents other than as required by Part 6 of Subtitle B of
      Title I of ERISA or any comparable state law.

            (iv)  Neither the Company nor any Affiliated Organization is a
      party to, maintains, contributes to, is required to contribute to or has
      or could have any liability of any nature, whether known or unknown,
      fixed or contingent, with respect to, any bonus plan, incentive plan,
      stock plan or any other current or deferred compensation, separation,
      retention, severance or similar agreement, arrangement or policy, or any
      individual employment agreement ("COMPENSATION PLANS").  Each
      Compensation Plan has been operated in accordance with its terms and in
      compliance with the applicable provisions of all applicable Law, other
      than where the failure to so operate or comply would not have a Material
      Adverse Effect.

            (v)   There are no facts or circumstances which could, directly or
      indirectly, subject the Company or any Affiliated Organization to any
      (1) excise tax or other liability under Chapters 43, 46 or 47 of
      Subtitle D of the Code, (2) penalty tax or other liability under Chapter
      68 of Subtitle F of the Code or (3) civil penalty arising under Section
      502 of ERISA in excess of $10,000.

            (vi)  Full payment has been made of all amounts which the Company
      or any Affiliated Organization is required, under applicable Law, the
      terms of any Pension Plan, Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan, or any
      agreement relating to any Pension Plan or Welfare Plan or Compensation
      Plan, to have paid as a contribution, premium or other remittance
      thereto or benefit thereunder.  No Pension Plan is subject to Part 3 of
      Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code.  The Company
      and each Affiliated Organization has made adequate provisions for
      reserves or accruals in accordance with generally accepted accounting
      principles to meet contribution benefit or funding


      obligations arising under applicable Law or the terms of any Pension
      Plan or Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan or related agreement.  There
      will be no change on or before Closing in the operation of any Pension
      Plan, Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan or any documents with respect
      thereto which will result in an increase in the benefit liabilities
      under such plans, except as may be required by law.

            (vii)  The Company and each Affiliated Organization has
      timely complied with all reporting and disclosure obligations with
      respect to the Pension Plans, Welfare Plans and Compensation Plans
      imposed by Title I of ERISA or other applicable Law, other than where
      the failure to comply would not have a Material Adverse Effect on

            (viii) There are no pending or, to the Company's knowledge,
      threatened audits, investigations, claims, suits, grievances or other
      proceedings, and there are no facts that could give rise thereto,
      involving, directly or indirectly, any Pension Plan, Welfare Plan, or
      Compensation Plan, or any rights or benefits thereunder, other than the
      ordinary and usual claims for benefits by participants, dependents or

            (ix)  The transactions contemplated herein do not result in the
      acceleration of accrual, vesting, funding or payment of any contribution
      or benefit under any Pension Plan, Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan.

            (x)  The Disclosure Schedule lists and the Company has delivered
      to Merrill or Purchaser true and complete copies of (i) all Pension,
      Welfare and Compensation Plans and any related trust agreements or other
      agreements or contracts evidencing any funding vehicle with respect
      thereto, (ii) the three most recent annual reports on Treasury Form
      5500, including all schedules and attachments thereto, with respect to
      any Plan for which such a report is required, (iii) the three most
      recent actuarial reports with respect to any Pension Plan that is a
      "defined benefit plan" within the meaning of Section 414(j) of the Code,
      (iv) the form of summary plan description, including any summary of
      material modifications thereto or other modifications communicated to
      participants, currently in effect with respect to each Pension Plan,
      Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan and (v) the most recent determination
      letter with respect to each Pension Plan intended to qualify under
      Section 401(a) of the Code and the full and complete application
      therefor submitted to the Internal Revenue Service.

            (xi)  In connection with the termination of any Pension Plan and
      without limiting the applicability of the foregoing representations to
      such Pension Plan:  (i) nothing done or


      omitted to be done has or could subject the Company or any Affiliated
      Organization to any liability, loss, cost, charge, expense or
      expenditure of any nature or result in the imposition of any Lien in
      favor of the PBGC or any other person;  (ii) the Company has received a
      determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, based on
      complete and accurate disclosure by the Company, that such termination
      did not adversely affect the qualified status of such Pension Plan under
      Section 401(a) of the Code or the tax exempt status of its related trust
      under Section 501(a) of the Code; (iii) all notices and other filings
      required to be submitted to the PBGC were submitted in a timely manner
      and were complete and accurate in all material respects and no
      distributions were made until receipt of PBGC approval in the form of a
      notice of sufficiency or by lapse of any applicable time period without
      notice of PBGC objection, as the case may be; (iv) all participants,
      beneficiaries of deceased participants, alternate payees and other
      interested parties received all notices and disclosures required by
      applicable Law in a timely manner and all such notices and disclosures
      were complete and accurate in all material respects and satisfied the
      requirements imposed by all applicable Laws, other than where the
      failure to satisfy such requirements would not result in a Material
      Adverse Effect on Company; (v) no portion of the assets of the Plan
      reverted to the Company or any Affiliated Organization; (vi) the
      selection of annuity contracts and the process employed in connection
      therewith satisfied all applicable Laws, including without limitation
      ERISA, and to the Knowledge of the Company each and all of the issuers
      of such contracts have fully satisfied all of its or their obligations
      thereunder and (vii) the termination in all respects satisfied all
      applicable Laws, other than where the failure to satisfy such Laws would
      not result in a Material Adverse Effect.

      (r)   ORDERS, COMMITMENTS AND RETURNS.  Except as set forth in the
Disclosure Schedule, all accepted and unfulfilled orders for the sale of
products and the performance of services entered into by Company and all
outstanding contracts or commitments for the purchase of supplies, materials
and services were made in bona fide transactions in the ordinary course of
business.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Company is not
subject to any outstanding sales or purchase contracts, commitments or
proposals which it currently anticipates will result in any material loss upon
completion or performance thereof.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
Schedule or as reserved in the Latest Audited Balance Sheet, there are no
material claims against Company to return products by reason of alleged
over-shipments, defective products or otherwise, or of products in the hands
of customers, retailers or distributors under an understanding that such
products would be returnable.


      (s)   LABOR MATTERS.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule:
(i) Company is and has been in material compliance with all applicable Laws
respecting employment and employment practices, terms and conditions of
employment and wages and hours, including without limitation any such Laws
respecting employment discrimination and occupational safety and health
requirements, and has not and is not engaged in any unfair labor practice;
(ii) there is no unfair labor practice complaint against the Company pending
or, to the best of Company's Knowledge, threatened before the National Labor
Relations Board or any other comparable Authority; (iii) there is no labor
strike, dispute, slowdown or stoppage actually pending or, to the best of
Company's Knowledge, threatened against or directly affecting Company; (iv) no
labor representation question exists respecting the employees of Company and
there is not pending or, to the best of Company's Knowledge, threatened any
activity intended or likely to result in a labor representation vote
respecting the employees of the Company; (v) no grievance or any arbitration
proceeding arising out of or under collective bargaining agreements is pending
and no claims therefor exist or, to the best of Company's Knowledge, have been
threatened; (vi) no collective bargaining agreement is binding and in force
against Company or currently being negotiated by Company; (vii) Company has
not experienced any significant work stoppage or other significant labor
difficulty; (viii) Company is not delinquent in payments to any persons for
any wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses or other direct or indirect
compensation for any services performed by them or amounts required to be
reimbursed to such persons, including without limitation any amounts due under
any Pension Plan, Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan; (ix) upon termination of
the employment of any person, neither Company, Merrill, Purchaser nor any
subsidiary of Merrill will, by reason of anything done at or prior to or as of
the Closing Date, be liable to any of such persons for so-called "severance
pay" or any other payments; and (x) within the 12-month period prior to the
date hereof there has not been any expression of intention to Company by any
officer or key employee to terminate such employment.

as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, and without limiting the scope of any
other representations or warranties contained in this Agreement, but without
intending to duplicate the scope of such other representations and warranties,
the assets, properties, businesses and operations of Company are and have been
in compliance with all Laws applicable to the ownership and conduct of their
assets, properties, businesses and operations, other than where the failure to
comply would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Company.  There are no
outstanding and unsatisfied deficiency reports, plans of correction, notices
of noncompliance or work orders relating to any such Authorities, and no such
discussions with any such Authorities are scheduled or pending.  Except as set
forth in the Disclosure Schedule, Company does not require the Consent of any
Authority to permit it to operate in the


manner in which it presently is being operated, and possesses all permits and
other authorizations from all Authorities presently required necessary to
permit it to operate it businesses in the manner in which they presently are
conducted, except where the failure to possess such permits or authorizations
would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Company.  Except as set forth in
the Disclosure Schedule, Company is not restricted by agreement from carrying
on its businesses or any part thereof anywhere in the world or from competing
in any line of business with any person or entity.

      (u)   BUSINESS GENERALLY.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure
Schedule, there has been no event, transaction or information of which Company
has Knowledge which, as it relates directly to the businesses of Company,
would, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect on Company.  Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, there has not been
in the 12 month period prior to the date hereof any change in the business
relationship of Company with any dealer or supplier to Company which had or
may reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Company,
except for such changes in the ordinary course of business consistent with
past practices.

      (v)   ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure

            (i)  Neither Company, any former subsidiary of Company, nor, to
      the Knowledge of Company or the Shareholders, any previous owner,
      tenant, occupant or user of any property owned or leased by or to
      Company or by or to any former subsidiary as of the date hereof or at
      any time in the past (sometimes hereinafter separately referred to as a
      "PROPERTY" and sometimes collectively as "PROPERTIES") engaged in or
      permitted, direct or indirect operations or activities upon, or any use
      or occupancy of the Properties, or any portion thereof, for the purpose
      of or in any way involving the handling, manufacture, treatment,
      storage, use, generation, emission, release, discharge, refining,
      dumping or disposal of any Environmentally Regulated Materials (as
      hereinafter defined) (whether legal or illegal, accidental or
      intentional, direct or indirect) on, under, in or about the Properties,
      or transported any Environmentally Regulated Materials to, from or
      across the Properties, nor are any Environmentally Regulated Materials
      presently constructed, deposited, stored, placed or otherwise located
      on, under, in or about the Properties, nor, to the Knowledge of Company
      or the Shareholders, have any Environmentally Regulated Materials
      migrated from the Properties upon or beneath other properties, nor, to
      the Knowledge of Company or the Shareholders, have any Environmentally
      Regulated Materials migrated or threatened to migrate from other
      properties upon, about or beneath the


      Properties.  To the Knowledge of Company or the Shareholders, no
      aboveground or underground treatment or storage tanks, sumps, water, gas
      or oil wells, or related piping, conduits or other structures are or
      have ever been located on or under the Properties.  The Company
      represents and warrants that no "hazardous wastes" as defined in the
      Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C.  Sections 6901 ET. SEQ.
      and any amendments thereof, as well as its state or local counterpart,
      generated by Company were shipped to and disposed of at the St. Augusta
      Sanitary Landfill/Engen Dump Site located in St. Augusta Township,
      Stearns County, Minnesota.

            (ii)(A) No violation or noncompliance with Environmental and
      Occupational Safety and Health Laws has occurred with respect to the
      Properties (or with respect to past Properties and Properties of former
      subsidiaries) or operations conducted thereon with respect to the period
      of time any Property was owned, leased or used by Company, any former
      subsidiary of Company, or any previous owner or operator of the business
      currently conducted by Company (including any Shareholder), other than
      where such violation would not have a Material Adverse Effect on
      Company; (B) no enforcement, investigation, cleanup, removal,
      remediation or response or other governmental or regulatory actions have
      been, or could have been at any time in the past, asserted or threatened
      with respect to operations conducted on the Properties or the Properties
      itself or against Company and any former subsidiary with respect to or
      in any way regarding the Properties (or with respect to past Properties
      and Properties of former subsidiaries) pursuant to any Environmental and
      Occupational Safety and Health Laws with respect to the period of time
      any Property was owned, leased or used by Company, any former subsidiary
      of Company, or any previous owner or operator of the business currently
      conducted by Company (including any Shareholder); and (C) to the best of
      Company's Knowledge, no claims or settlements with respect to the
      Properties (or with respect to past Properties and Properties of former
      subsidiaries) or the operations thereon, or against Company and its
      former subsidiaries with respect to the Properties or operations
      conducted thereon, relating to or arising out of Environmental and
      Occupational Safety and Health Laws or Environmentally Regulated
      Materials, have been made or been threatened by any third party,
      including any governmental entity, agency or representative, nor to
      Company's Knowledge does there exist any basis for any such claim (any
      such enforcement, investigation, cleanup, removal, remediation or
      response, other governmental or regulatory action, claim or settlement
      is herein referred to as an "ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIM").

      LAW" as used in (i) and (ii) above and throughout this Agreement means
      any past, present or future statute,


      rule, regulation, law, ordinance, program or code, whether local, state,
      federal, international or otherwise, that (A) regulates, creates
      standards for or imposes liability or standards of conduct concerning
      any element, compound, pollutant, contaminant, or toxic or hazardous
      substance, material or waste, or any mixture thereof, or relates in any
      way to emissions or releases into the environment or ambient
      environmental conditions, or conduct affecting such matters, or (B) is
      designed to provide safe and healthful working conditions or reduce
      occupational safety and health hazards.  Such laws shall include, but
      not be limited to, the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C.
      Sections 4321 ET SEQ., the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
      Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C.  Sections 9601 ET SEQ., the
      Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C.  Sections 6901 ET SEQ.,
      the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C.  Sections 1251 ET SEQ.,
      the Federal Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.  Sections 7401 ET SEQ., the Toxic
      Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C.  Sections 2601 ET SEQ., the Emergency
      Planning and Community Right to Know Act (SARA Title III), 42 U.S.C.
      Section 11011, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C.
      Sections 651 ET SEQ., the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide
      Act, 7 U.S.C.  Section 136, and any amendments thereof, or similar
      enactments thereto, as is now or at any time hereafter may be in effect,
      as well as their international, state and local counterparts.

            (iv)  The term "ENVIRONMENTALLY REGULATED MATERIALS" as used in
      (i) and (ii) above and throughout this Agreement means any element,
      compound, pollutant, contaminant, substance, material or waste, or any
      mixture thereof, designated, listed, referenced, regulated or identified
      pursuant to any Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Law.

      (w)   TRANSACTIONS WITH CERTAIN PERSONS.  Except as set forth in the
Disclosure Schedule, during the past three years Company has not, directly or
indirectly, purchased, leased or otherwise acquired any property or obtained
any services from, or sold, leased or otherwise disposed of any property or
furnished any services to, or otherwise dealt with, in the ordinary course of
business or otherwise, (i) any shareholder of Company or (ii) any Affiliate or
Associate of Company or any shareholder of Company (except with respect to
compensation in the ordinary course of business for services rendered as a
director, officer or employee of Company).  Except as set forth in the
Disclosure Schedule, as of the date hereof, Company does not owe any amount
to, or have any agreement or contract with or commitment to, any of its
shareholders, directors, officers, employees or consultants or any Affiliate
or Associate thereof (other than compensation for current services not yet due
and payable and reimbursement of expenses arising in the ordinary course of
business), and none of such persons owes any amount to Company.  No part of
the property or


assets of any Shareholder or any direct or indirect subsidiary or Affiliate or
Associate of any Shareholder is used by Company.

      (x)   BROKERS.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule,
neither Company nor any of its directors, officers or employees has employed
any broker, finder, or financial advisor or incurred any liability for any
brokerage fee or commission, finder's fee or financial advisory fee, in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, nor is there any basis
known to Company for any such fee or commission to be claimed by any person or

      (y)   ABSENCE OF CERTAIN BUSINESS PRACTICES.  Other than discounts in
accordance with usual and customary business practices, meals, courtesy
business cards, and except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, neither
Company nor, to the best of its Knowledge, any officer, employee or agent of
Company, nor, to the best of its Knowledge, any other person acting on its
behalf, has, directly or indirectly, within the past five years given or
agreed to give any gift or similar benefit to any customer, supplier,
governmental employee or other person who is or may be in a position to help
or hinder the business of Company (or assist Company in connection with any
actual or proposed transaction) which (i) might subject Company (or Purchaser
or Merrill pursuant to the terms of this Agreement) to any damage or penalty
in any civil, criminal or governmental litigation proceeding in excess of
$10,000, (ii) if not given in the past, might have had a material adverse
affect on the assets, business or operations of Company as reflected in the
financial statements described in Section 2(g), or (iii) if not continued in
the future, might materially adversely affect Company's assets, business,
operations or prospects or which might subject Company (or Purchaser or
Merrill pursuant to the terms of this Agreement) to suit or penalty in any
private or governmental litigation or proceeding.

      (z)   DISCLOSURE.  No representations or warranties by Company or any
of the Shareholders in this Agreement and no statement contained in any
document (including, without limitation, the financial statements referred to
in Section 2(g) hereof and the Disclosure Schedule), certificate or other
writing furnished or to be furnished by Company or any of the Shareholders to
Purchaser or Merrill pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, contain or
will contain any untrue statement of material fact or omit or will omit to
state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements herein, in
light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, and all
of the foregoing completely and correctly present the information required or
purported to be set forth herein or therein.  There is no material fact as of
the date hereof which has not been disclosed in writing to Merrill to which
Company or the Shareholders has Knowledge related to Company, the Assets or
Company's operations, properties, financial condition or prospects which has a
Material Adverse Effect or, to the Knowledge of Company or any of the
Shareholders, in the future may have a


Material Adverse Effect on Company or the Assets.  The representations and
warranties contained in this Section 2 or elsewhere in this Agreement or any
document delivered pursuant hereto shall not be affected or deemed waived by
reason of the fact that Purchaser, Merrill or their respective representatives
knew or should have known that any such representation or warranty is or might
be inaccurate in any respect.

                                 SECTION 3


      Merrill and Purchaser, jointly and severally, represent and warrant to
Company and the Shareholders as of the date hereof as follows:

      (a)   CORPORATE ORGANIZATION.  Each of Merrill and Purchaser is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Minnesota.

      (b)   AUTHORIZATION.  Each of Merrill and Purchaser has full corporate
power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the
transactions contemplated herein.  The Boards of Directors of Merrill and
Purchaser have taken all action required by law, their respective articles of
incorporation and bylaws or otherwise to authorize the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated herein and no action of the stockholders of Merrill is required.
This Agreement is the valid and binding legal obligation of Merrill and
Purchaser enforceable against them in accordance with its terms.

      (c)   NON-CONTRAVENTION.  Neither the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions
contemplated herein will:   (i) violate any provision of the articles of
incorporation or bylaws of Merrill or Purchaser; or (ii) except for such
violations, conflicts, defaults, accelerations, terminations, cancellations,
impositions of fees or penalties, mortgages, pledges, liens, security
interests, encumbrances, restrictions and charges which would not,
individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Merrill or
Purchaser, (A) violate, be in conflict with, or constitute a default, however
defined (or an event which, with the giving of due notice or lapse of time, or
both, would constitute such a default), under, or cause or permit the
acceleration of the maturity of, or give rise to, any right of termination,
cancellation, imposition of fees or penalties under, any debt, note, bond,
lease, mortgage, indenture, license, obligation, contract, commitment,
franchise, permit, instrument or other agreement or obligation to which
Merrill or Purchaser is a party or by which they or any of their properties or
assets is or may be


bound (unless with respect to which defaults or other rights, requisite
waivers or consents shall have been obtained at or prior to the Closing) or
(B) result in the creation or imposition of any mortgage, pledge, lien,
security interest, encumbrance, restriction, adverse claim or charge of any
kind, upon any property or assets of Merrill or Purchaser under any debt,
obligation, contract, agreement or commitment to which Merrill or Purchaser is
a party or by which Merrill or Purchaser or any of their assets or properties
is or may be bound; or (iii) violate any Law.

      (d)   CONSENTS AND APPROVALS.  Except for filings under the HSR Act,
no Consent is required by any person or entity, including without limitation
any Authority, in connection with the execution, delivery and performance by
Merrill and Purchaser of this Agreement, or the consummation of the
transactions contemplated herein, other than any Consent which, if not made or
obtained, will not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse
Effect on Merrill.

      (e)   FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  Except as disclosed therein, the audited
financial statements of Merrill as of and for the years ended January 31,
1993, 1992 and 1991 included in its 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders and the
unaudited financial statements of Merrill as of and for the nine months ended
October 31, 1993 included in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for its third
quarter. (i) are in accordance with the books and records of Merrill and have
been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
consistently applied for all periods, and (ii) fairly present the consolidated
financial position of Merrill as of the respective dates thereof, and the
results of operations (or income or loss), changes in shareholders' equity and
changes in cash flow (or financial position) for the periods then ended, all
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
applied for all periods (except, with respect to the unaudited financial
statements, for the absence of notes which, if presented, would not differ
materially from those included in the balance sheet as of January 31, 1993).

      (f)   ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  Except as and to the extent
(i) reflected and reserved against in Merrill's January 31, 1993 balance
sheet, (ii) reflected in Merrill's October 31, 1993 balance sheet, Merrill's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993 or Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for the nine months ended October 31, 1993, or otherwise
disclosed in writing to Company as of or prior to the date hereof, or (iii)
incurred in the ordinary course of business after January 31, 1993, either
individually or in the aggregate, Merrill does not have any debt, liability or
obligation, known or unknown, secured or unsecured, whether accrued, absolute,
contingent, unasserted or otherwise, of any nature whatsoever, which could
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Merrill.


      (g)   ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES.  Except as reflected in Merrill's
October 31, 1993 balance sheet, Merrill's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended January 31, 1993 or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the nine
months ended October 31, 1993, or otherwise disclosed in writing to Company as
of or prior to the date hereof, since January 31, 1993 Merrill has not,
subject to the foregoing exceptions:

            (i)  suffered any Material Adverse Effect or experienced any event
      or failed to take any action which reasonably could be expected to
      result in such a Material Adverse Effect;

            (ii)  suffered any loss, damage, destruction or other casualty
      (whether or not covered by insurance) or suffered any loss of officers,
      employees, dealers, distributors, independent contractors, customers, or
      suppliers which had or may reasonably be expected to result in a
      Material Adverse Effect on Merrill;

            (iii)       entered into any material transaction which
      transaction reasonably could be expected to result in a Material Adverse
      Effect on Merrill;

            (iv)  agreed, whether in writing or otherwise, to take any action
described in this subsection.

      (h)   LITIGATION.  Except as set forth in the audited or unaudited
financial statements of Merrill referred to in Section 3(e) hereof, Merrill's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993 or its
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the nine months ended October 31, 1993 or
otherwise as disclosed in writing to Company as of or prior to the date
hereof, to the best of Knowledge of Merrill or Purchaser, there is no legal,
administrative, arbitration, or other proceeding, suit, claim or action of any
nature or investigation, review or audit of any kind (including without
limitation a proceeding, suit, claim or action, or an investigation, review or
audit, involving any environmental Law or matter), judgment, decree, decision,
injunction, writ or order pending, noticed, scheduled or, to the knowledge of
Merrill, threatened or contemplated by or against or involving Merrill, its
assets, properties or businesses or its directors, officers, agents or
employees (but only in their capacity as such), whether at law or in equity,
before or by any person or entity or Authority, which may have a Material
Adverse Effect on Merrill or which questions or challenges the validity of
this Agreement or any action taken or to be taken by the parties hereto
pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the transactions contemplated

      (i)   BROKERS.  Except as disclosed in writing to Company as of or
prior to the date hereof, neither Merrill nor any of its directors, officers
or employees has employed any broker, finder, or financial advisor, whose
compensation or fee Company or either


Shareholder shall be liable for, or incurred any liability of Company or
either of the Shareholders for any brokerage fee or commission, finder's fee
or financial advisory fee, in connection with the transactions contemplated
hereby, nor is there any basis known to Merrill for any such fee or commission
to be claimed from Company or other Shareholder by any person or entity.

      (j)   DISCLOSURE.  No representations or warranties by Merrill in this
Agreement and no statement contained in any document (including, without
limitation, the financial statements referred to in Section 3(e) hereof),
certificate or other writing furnished or to be furnished by Merrill to
Company pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, contain or will contain
any untrue statement of material fact or omit or will omit to state any
material fact necessary in order to make the statements herein, in light of
the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.  For the
purposes of this paragraph, a "material fact" is a fact concerning a matter
which would have a Material Adverse Effect on Merrill.  There is no material
fact as of the date hereof which has not been disclosed in writing to Company
to which Merrill has Knowledge related to Merrill, which has a Material
Adverse Effect or, to the Knowledge of Merrill, in the future may have a
Material Adverse Effect on Merrill.  The representations and warranties
contained in this Section 3 or elsewhere in this Agreement or any document
delivered pursuant hereto shall not be affected or deemed waived by reason of
the fact that Company, any Shareholder or their respective representatives
knew or should have known that any such representation or warranty is or might
be inaccurate in any respect.

                                 SECTION 4


otherwise agreed in writing by Merrill (which agreement shall not be
unreasonably withheld) and except as contemplated by this Agreement, from the
date hereof until the Closing, Company shall not:

            (i)  Amend its articles of incorporation or bylaws;

            (ii)  Borrow or agree to borrow any funds, except in the ordinary
      course of business pursuant to existing loan agreements;

            (iii)  Incur, assume, suffer or become subject to, whether
      directly or by way of guarantee or otherwise, any claims, obligations,
      liabilities or loss contingencies which, individually or in the
      aggregate, are material to the conduct


      of the businesses of Company or have or would have a Material Adverse
      Effect on Company;

            (iv)  Pay, discharge or satisfy any claims, liabilities or
      obligations, except in the ordinary course of business and consistent
      with past practice;

            (v)  Permit or allow any of the Assets to be subjected to any
      mortgage, pledge, lien, security interest, encumbrance, restriction or
      charge of any kind, except Permitted Liens;

            (vi)  Write down the value of any inventory or write off as
      uncollectible any notes or accounts receivable or any trade accounts or
      trade notes, except in the ordinary course of business and consistent
      with past practice;

            (vii)  Cancel or amend any debts, waive any claims or rights or
      sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any properties or assets, other
      than (A) inventory in the ordinary course of business or (B) for such
      debts, claims, rights, properties or assets which, individually or in
      the aggregate, are not material to the conduct of its businesses;

            (viii)  License, sell, transfer, pledge, modify, disclose, dispose
      of or permit to lapse any right to the use of any Intellectual Property

            (ix)  (A)   Terminate, enter into, adopt, institute or otherwise
      become subject to or amend in any material respect any collective
      bargaining agreement or employment or similar agreement or arrangement
      with any of its shareholders, directors, officers or employees; (B)
      terminate, enter into, adopt, institute or otherwise become subject to
      or amend in any material respect any Compensation Plan; (C) contribute,
      set aside for contribution or authorize the contribution of any amounts
      for any such Compensation Plan, except as required (and not
      discretionary) by the terms of such Compensation Plan or as reflected in
      the financial projections of Company dated September 8, 1993 previously
      delivered to Merrill; or (D) provide any severance or termination pay
      for any employee or grant or become obligated to grant any general
      increase in the compensation of any directors, officers or employees
      (including without limitation any such increase pursuant to any
      Compensation Plan), except pursuant to the terms of existing agreements
      and no earlier than two business days after written notice of same is
      received by Merrill; or (E) increase in any manner the compensation or
      fringe benefits of any employee or pay any benefit or compensation not
      required by any existing agreement, plan or arrangement;

            (x)  Make or enter into any commitment for capital expenditures
      for additions to property, plant or equipment


      individually in excess of $25,000, except as necessary to complete the
      plant expansion as currently contemplated, as reflected in the financial
      projections of the Company dated September 8, 1993 previously delivered
      to Merrill;

            (xi)  (A)   Except as permitted pursuant to (xii) below, declare,
      pay or set aside for payment any dividend or other distribution in
      respect of its capital stock or other securities (including without
      limitation distributions in redemption or liquidation) or redeem,
      purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of its capital stock or other
      securities (except as specifically provided in Section 4(j)(vi) hereof);
      (B) issue, grant or sell any shares of its capital stock or equity
      securities of any class, or any options, warrants, conversion or other
      rights to purchase or acquire any such shares or equity securities or
      any securities convertible into or exchangeable for such shares or
      equity securities; (C) become a party to any merger, exchange,
      reorganization, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or other
      similar corporate transaction; or (D) organize any new subsidiary,
      acquire any capital stock or other equity securities or other ownership
      interest in, or assets of, any person or entity or otherwise make any
      investment by purchase of stock or securities, contributions to capital,
      property transfer or purchase of any properties or assets of any person
      or entity;

            (xii)  Pay, lend or advance any amounts to, or sell, transfer or
      lease any properties or assets to, or enter into any agreement or
      arrangement with, any director, officer, employee or shareholder or any
      Affiliate or Associate thereof (except (A) with respect to compensation
      in the ordinary course of business for services rendered as a director,
      officer or employee of Company or (B) any release given to Company in
      connection with the termination of any existing employment agreement);

            (xiii)  Terminate, enter into or amend in any material respect any
      contract, agreement, lease, license or commitment identified in Section
      2(l) of the Disclosure Schedule, or take any action or omit to take any
      action which will cause a breach, violation or default (however defined)
      under any such items, except in the ordinary course of business and
      consistent with past practice;

            (xiv)  Take any action that can be reasonably anticipated to have
      a Material Adverse Effect on Company or that could cause any
      representation or warranty set forth in Section 2 hereof to be untrue or
      any condition to the Closing not to be satisfied in any material

            (xv)   Accelerate billings, shipments to customers, payments from
      customers, orders from suppliers or payment of


      accounts payable or adjust the level of inventory, except in the
      ordinary course of business consistent with past practices;

            (xvi)  Acquire any of the business or assets of any other person,
      firm, association or corporation;

            (xvii)  Do any act or omit to do any act, or permit any act or
      omission to act, which could cause a breach or default by Company under
      any of Company's contracts, agreements, commitments or obligations;

            (xviii)  Enter into or amend any other agreements, commitments or
      contracts which, individually or in the aggregate, are material to
      Company, except agreements for the purchase and sale of goods or
      services in the ordinary course of business, consistent with past
      practice and not in excess of current requirements; or

            (xix)  Agree, whether in writing or otherwise, to take any action
      described in this subsection.

      (b)   CONDUCT OF COMPANY BUSINESS.  Except as may be otherwise agreed
in writing by Merrill, from the date hereof until the Closing, Company shall
use reasonable commercial efforts to maintain its assets and properties and
carry on its businesses and operations only in ordinary course in
substantially the same manner as planned and previously operated, and shall
use reasonable commercial efforts to preserve intact its business
organizations, existing business relationships (including without limitation
its relationships with officers, employees, dealers, distributors, independent
contractors, customers and suppliers), good will and going concern value.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, from the date hereof until
the Closing, Company shall, unless it has received the prior written consent
of Merrill, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld:  (i) refrain
from changing, in any material respect, any of its business policies relating
to its business; (ii) maintain and keep its assets in good repair, working
order and condition (except for obsolescence and ordinary wear and tear and
damage due to casualty); and (iii) perform all of its obligations under all
contracts, leases and any and all other agreements relating to or affecting
the Assets or its business where the failure to so perform would have a
Material Adverse Effect on Company.

the Shareholders shall not, and shall ensure that, Company's directors,
officers and employees, independent contractors, consultants, counsel,
accountants, investment advisors and other representatives and agents shall
not, directly or indirectly, solicit or entertain offers from, negotiate with,
provide any nonpublic information to, enter into any agreement


with, or in any manner encourage, discuss, accept or consider any proposal of,
any third party relating to the acquisition of Company, its assets or
business, in whole or in part, whether through a tender offer (including a
self tender offer), exchange offer, merger, consolidation, sale of substantial
assets or of a significant amount of assets, sale of securities, acquisition
of Company's securities, liquidation, dissolution or similar transactions
involving Company or any division of Company (such proposals, announcements or
transactions being called herein "ACQUISITION PROPOSALS").  Company shall
promptly inform Merrill of any inquiry (including the terms thereof and the
identity of the third party making such inquiry) which it may receive in
respect of an Acquisition Proposal and furnish to Merrill a copy of any such
written inquiry.  Merrill and Purchaser acknowledge that Company has
previously actively marketed the sale of its business and that the receipt and
response to an Acquisition Proposal shall not constitute a breach of this
Agreement as long as such response does no more than indicate that (i) the
Acquisition Proposal has been received, (ii) Company has entered into an
agreement with respect to an acquisition of Company and (iii) Company will not
negotiate with parties offering the Acquisition Proposal, unless this
Agreement has been terminated in accordance with its terms.

      (d)   FULL ACCESS TO MERRILL.  Throughout the period prior to Closing,
Company shall afford to Merrill and its directors, officers, employees,
counsel, accountants, investment advisors and other authorized representatives
and agents, reasonable access to the facilities, properties, books and records
of Company in order that Merrill may have full opportunity to make such
investigations as it shall desire to make of the affairs of Company.  Company
shall furnish such additional financial and operating data and other
information as Merrill shall, from time to time, reasonably request, including
without limitation access to the working papers of its independent certified
public accountants; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any such investigation shall
not affect or otherwise diminish or obviate in any respect any of the
representations and warranties of Company or the Shareholders herein.

      (e)   CONFIDENTIALITY.  Each of the parties hereto agrees that it will
not use, or permit the use of, any of the information relating to any other
party hereto furnished to it in connection with the transactions contemplated
herein ("INFORMATION") in a manner or for a purpose detrimental to such
other party or otherwise than in connection with the transaction, and that
they will not disclose, divulge, provide or make accessible (collectively,
"DISCLOSE"), or permit the Disclosure of, any of the Information to any
person or entity, other than their respective directors, officers, employees,
investment advisors, accountants, counsel and other authorized representatives
and agents, except as may be required by judicial or administrative process
or, in the opinion of such party's counsel, by other requirements of Law;
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prior to any Disclosure of any Information


permitted hereunder, the disclosing party shall first obtain the recipients'
undertaking to comply with the provisions of this subsection with respect to
such information.  The term "INFORMATION" as used herein shall not include
any information relating to a party which the party disclosing such
information can show:  (i) to have been in its possession prior to its receipt
from another party hereto; (ii) to be now or to later become generally
available to the public through no fault of the disclosing party; (iii) to
have been available to the public at the time of its receipt by the disclosing
party; or (iv) to have been received separately by the disclosing party in an
unrestricted manner from a person entitled to disclose such information.  Each
party hereto also agrees to promptly return to the party from whom it
originally received such information all original and duplicate copies of
written materials containing Information should the transactions contemplated
herein not occur.  A party hereto shall be deemed to have satisfied its
obligations to hold the Information confidential if it exercises the same care
as it takes with respect to its own similar information.  The obligations of
Purchaser and Merrill under this paragraph shall terminate at Closing except
for obligations with respect to Tax Returns as provided in section 4(j)(v).

      (f)   FILINGS; CONSENTS; REMOVAL OF OBJECTIONS.  Subject to the terms
and conditions herein provided, the parties hereto shall use their best
efforts to take or cause to be taken all actions and do or cause to be done
all things necessary, proper or advisable under applicable Laws to consummate
and make effective, as soon as reasonably practicable, the transactions
contemplated hereby, including without limitation obtaining all Consents of
any person or entity, whether private or governmental, required in connection
with the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein.  In
furtherance, and not in limitation of the foregoing, it is the intent of the
parties to consummate the transactions contemplated herein at the earliest
practicable time, and they respectively agree to exert their best efforts to
that end, including without limitation:  (i) the removal or satisfaction, if
possible, of any objections to the validity or legality of the transactions
contemplated herein; and (ii) the satisfaction of the conditions to
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


            (i)   Each party hereto shall, before, at and after Closing,
      execute and deliver such instruments and take such other actions as the
      other party or parties, as the case may be, may reasonably require in
      order to carry out the intent of this Agreement.  Without limiting the
      generality of the foregoing, at any time after the Closing, at the
      request of Purchaser or Merrill and without further consideration,
      Company and the Shareholders will execute and deliver such instruments
      of sale, transfer, conveyance, assignment and


      confirmation and take such action as Purchaser or Merrill may reasonably
      deem necessary or desirable in order to more effectively transfer,
      convey and assign to Purchaser, and to confirm Purchaser's title to, all
      of the Assets, to put Purchaser in actual possession and operating
      control thereof and to assist Purchaser in exercising all rights with
      respect thereto.

            (ii)  Company shall reasonably cooperate with Merrill and
      Purchaser in the development of plans for the management of the business
      related to the Assets after the Closing, including without limitation
      plans relating to productivity, marketing, operations and improvements.
      Subject to applicable Law, Company shall confer on a regular and
      reasonable basis with one or more representatives of Merrill or
      Purchaser to report on material operational matters and the general
      status of ongoing operations.

            (iii)       At all times from the date hereof until the Closing,
      each party shall promptly notify the other in writing of the occurrence
      of any event which it reasonably believes will or may result in a
      failure by such party to satisfy the conditions specified in Section 5
      and Section 6 hereof.

      (h)   SUPPLEMENTS TO DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE.  Prior to the Closing,
Company and Shareholders will supplement or amend the Disclosure Schedule with
respect to any event or development which, if existing or occurring at or
prior to the date of this Agreement, would have been required to be set forth
or described in the Disclosure Schedule or which is necessary to correct any
information in the Disclosure Schedule or in any representation and warranty
of Company or the Shareholders which has been rendered inaccurate by reason of
such event or development.  For purposes of determining the accuracy as of the
date hereof of the representations and warranties of Company and Shareholders
contained in Section 2 hereof in order to determine the fulfillment of the
conditions set forth in subsection 5(a), the Disclosure Schedule shall be
deemed to exclude any information contained in any supplement or amendment
hereto delivered after the delivery of the Disclosure Schedule.

      (i)   PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS.  None of the parties hereto shall make any
public announcement with respect to the transactions contemplated herein
without the prior written consent of the other parties, which consent shall
not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any of
the parties hereto may at any time make any announcements which are required
by applicable Law so long as the party so required to make an announcement
promptly upon learning of such requirement notifies the other parties of such
requirement and discusses with the other parties in good faith the exact
proposed wording of any such announcement.


      (j)   TAX MATTERS.

            (i)   TAX ELECTIONS.  No new elections by Company or any
      Shareholder with respect to Taxes, or any changes in current elections
      with respect to Taxes, affecting the Assets shall be made after the date
      of this Agreement without the prior written consent of Merrill or

            (ii)  CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE.  As a condition precedent to the
      consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, Company
      or the Shareholders shall provide Purchaser with any clearance
      certificate or similar document(s) which may be required by any state
      taxing authority in order to relieve Purchaser of any obligation to
      withhold any portion of the Purchase Price.

            (iii)       TRANSACTIONAL AND TRANSFER TAXES.  In the event that
      any sales or use Tax, or any Tax in the nature of a sales or use tax, or
      any transactional Tax, or any recording fee or other similar cost
      (including interest and penalties, if any) is payable or assessed
      relative to the sale or transfer of any of the Assets or the other
      transactions contemplated herein, Purchaser shall pay all such Taxes and
      Purchaser shall provide proof reasonably satisfactory to Company (upon
      Company's written request) that such Taxes or recording fees have been
      paid in full.  The parties hereto shall cooperate to make any necessary
      filings with state and local taxing Authorities and to furnish any
      required supplemental information with respect to any state and local
      Tax liabilities resulting from the consummation of the transactions
      contemplated herein.

      DISTRIBUTIONS.  In addition to and without limiting those
      representations and warranties set forth in Section 2(p) of this
      Agreement, except as provided in paragraph (iii) above Shareholders
      shall pay all Taxes arising from or relating to the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement, including without limitation Taxes on
      any income or gains of Company or the Shareholders arising from the sale
      of the Assets.  The Shareholders shall cause to be prepared and filed
      all Federal and state income Tax Returns for Company and the
      Shareholders reflecting all activities of Company through and including
      the Closing Date.

            (v)   COOPERATION AND RECORDS RETENTION.  The Shareholders and
      Purchaser shall (a) each provide the other, and Company and Purchaser
      shall provide the Shareholders, with such assistance as may reasonably
      be requested by any of them in connection with the preparation of any
      Tax Return, audit or other examination by any taxing Authority or
      judicial or administrative proceedings relating to liability for Taxes,
      (b) each retain and provide the other, and Company and


      Purchaser shall retain and provide the Shareholders, with any records or
      other information which may be relevant to such Tax Return, audit or
      examination, proceeding or determination, and (c) each provide the other
      with any final determination of such audit or examination, proceeding or
      determination that affects any amount required to be shown on any Tax
      Return of the other for any period.  Without limiting the generality of
      the foregoing, Company, Purchaser and the Shareholders shall, until the
      applicable statutes of limitations (including all extensions) have
      expired, (x) retain copies of all Tax Returns, supporting work schedules
      and other records or information which may be relevant to such Tax
      Returns for all Tax periods or portions thereof ending on or before the
      Closing Date, shall not destroy or otherwise dispose of any such records
      without first providing the other party with a reasonable opportunity to
      review and copy the same, and (y) cause such Tax Returns, supporting
      work schedules and other records or other information to be subject to
      the confidentiality provisions of Section 4(e) hereof.

            (vi)  DIVIDENDS BY COMPANY TO SHAREHOLDERS.  Notwithstanding
      anything to the contrary in Section 4(a)(xi) hereof, Company may declare
      and pay a cash dividend to the Shareholders in an amount equal to their
      liability for unpaid federal and state income taxes for the portion of
      the 1993 taxable year up to and including the Closing Date for which the
      Shareholders are liable (assuming the use of all deductions and credits
      available to the Shareholders) by virtue of Company's status as an S
      corporation under Section 1362 of the Code and for which the
      Shareholders and Company are responsible pursuant to Section 2(p)(i)
      hereof (the "PRIOR PERIOD S TAXES"); provided, however, that (A) the
      amount of such dividend shall (1) be pro rated as to each of the
      Shareholders, (2) be reduced by any prior dividends or distributions
      paid by Company to the Shareholders in respect of such Prior Period S
      Taxes, and (3) be reflected as a reduction in the Net Worth of Company
      on the Closing Balance Sheet, (B) at least ten days prior to declaring
      or paying such dividend the Shareholders shall have provided Merrill
      with a certificate from the Shareholders and their accountants
      certifying the accuracy and method of determining the amount of such tax
      liability (which in no event shall be based on a combined federal and
      state tax rate in excess of 45%) and Merrill shall be satisfied that
      such certified amount is reasonably accurate, and (C) in no event shall
      Company prior to Closing be entitled to declare and pay a dividend of
      any amount attributable to Taxes, if any, that arise as a result of the
      transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      (k)   BULK TRANSFERS.  Company has requested that Purchaser waive, and
Purchaser hereby agrees to waive, the requirements of the Uniform Commercial
Code concerning bulk transfers, as in effect


in the various states in which Company has assets, including without
limitation the requirement of notice to creditors.  Company and the
Shareholders shall jointly indemnify Merrill and Purchaser in connection
herewith pursuant to Section 8(c)(i) hereof.

      (l)   STOCK OPTIONS.

            (i)  At Closing, Merrill will grant seven-year options to purchase
      an aggregate of 28,000 shares of the Common Stock of Merrill (at an
      exercise price equal to the fair market value of such shares as of the
      business day prior to the date of grant) to the Key Executives.  Such
      options will be fully exercisable for their term and shall be evidenced
      by an option agreement in substantially the form of Exhibit 4(l).
      Merrill will use its best efforts to register under the Securities Act
      of 1933 on a registration statement on Form S-8 the shares to be issued
      under such options.

            (ii)  On January 31, 1994, Merrill will grant to the Shareholders
      seven-year options to purchase a number of shares of the Common Stock of
      Merrill equal to the amount of Company's pre-tax earnings for the fiscal
      year ending December 31, 1993 (determined in accordance with generally
      accepted accounting principles applied consistently with the principles,
      practices and procedures used in the preparation of Company's audited
      financial statements at and for the nine months ended September 30,
      1993) which exceeds $2,638,000 divided by $8.00 (rounded to the next
      lowest share), such number of shares not to exceed 85,000.  In
      determining Company's pre-tax earnings for the fiscal year ending
      December 31, 1993 for the purposes of this paragraph, (A) profit-sharing
      expense shall be calculated using a methodology consistent with that
      used in Company's 1992 financial statements, (B) the accrual for
      vacation pay shall be equal to the difference between such amount as of
      the Closing Date and $105,380, (C) no charge for deferred compensation
      for 1993 shall be made, (D) no interest income on notes receivable (or
      charge for interest on notes payable) between Company and the
      Shareholders or May Development Company shall be included, and (E) no
      charge shall be made for up to $75,000 of attorneys' fees incurred by
      Company related to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or in
      connection with corporate "clean up" matters necessary in connection
      therewith.  The exercise price for such options will be equal to the
      fair market value of the Common Stock of Merrill on the Closing Date.
      Any options granted to the Shareholders (or any options that, as of the
      Closing, do not qualify for registration on Form S-8) shall contain a
      one-time "demand" registration right (at the expense of Merrill and only
      during the term of the option) relating to the resale of the shares
      underlying such options.  Such options shall be evidenced by an option
      agreement in substantially the form of Exhibit 4(l).


            (iii)       Within 30 days after the Closing, Merrill will grant
      seven-year options to purchase an aggregate of 42,000 shares of the
      Common Stock of Merrill (at an exercise price equal to the fair market
      value of such shares as of the business day prior to the date of grant)
      to individuals who are employees of Company as of such date, in amounts
      and to such employees as Merrill shall determine in its sole discretion.
      Such options shall be granted pursuant to Merrill's 1993 Stock Incentive

      (m)   NON-COMPETITION AGREEMENTS.  At the Closing, Company, each of
the Shareholders and each of the Key Executives will enter into a
non-competition agreement with Merrill and Purchaser in substantially the form
of Exhibit 4(m) (the "NON-COMPETITION AGREEMENT"), pursuant to which
Company, each Shareholder and each Key Executive will agree that it and its
Affiliates and Associates will not compete with Merrill, Purchaser or Company
for five years (three years in the case of the Key Executives) after the
Closing.  Merrill or Purchaser shall pay each Shareholder $237,000 at Closing
under their respective Non-Competition Agreements.

      (n)   EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS.   At the Closing, Merrill or Purchaser
and the Key Executives and such other employees as the Merrill or Purchaser
deems to be key-employees of Company will enter into employment agreements in
substantially the form of Exhibit 4(n) (the "EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS").

      (o)   NON-COMPETITION OF MERRILL AND PURCHASER.  From the date hereof
through October 4, 1995, neither Merrill nor Purchaser will provide telephone
or catalog order fulfillment services and related printing services as a
single source to the franchisees of (or to parties with a similar relationship
to) any of the entities listed in Exhibit B to the letter of intent, dated
October 4, 1993, among Merrill, Company and the Shareholders (the "LETTER OF
INTENT").  The foregoing provision shall terminate upon the Closing or if
this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 7(a)(iv) hereof and the
Closing shall not have occurred.


            (i)  OFFERS OF EMPLOYMENT.  On the Closing Date, Company shall
      make available for employment and Purchaser shall offer to employ all
      employees of Company who, on the Closing Date, are (A) at work or (B)
      absent from work solely because of (1) holiday, (2) vacation, (3)
      illness or disability which has prevented, or is expected to prevent,
      the employee from working at his or her assigned job for no longer than
      30 days in total duration (including time before and after the Closing
      Date) or (4) leave of absence which has lasted or is expected to last no
      longer than 60 days in total duration (including time before and after
      the Closing Date) or which is for military duty; provided, that
      Purchaser is not required to


      offer to employ any employee of Company with respect to whom Company has
      given, prior to the Closing Date, notice of termination of employment.
      Any employee of Company who accepts an offer of employment pursuant to
      this subsection (i) and reports for work with the Purchaser on the first
      date requested by the Purchaser is referred to in this Section 4(p) as a

            (ii)  TERMS OF OFFERS OF EMPLOYMENT.  Purchaser will, in its
      discretion, determine the terms of all offers of employment made
      pursuant to subsection (i), subject to the following:

                  (A)   Purchaser will adopt the Merrill Corporation 401(k)
            Incentive Savings Plan (the "Merrill 401(k) Plan") effective as of
            February 1, 1994 and Merrill will consent to such adoption.

                        (1)   Each Transferred Employee who was eligible to
                  participate in Company's Profit Sharing and Incentive
                  Savings Plan immediately prior to the Closing Date shall be
                  eligible to participate in the Merrill 401(k) Plan on the
                  first regular entry date following the Closing Date if he or
                  she remains employed as an employee who is eligible to
                  participate in the Merrill 401(k) Plan on such entry date.

                        (2)   Each Transferred Employee who was not eligible
                  to participate in Company's Profit Sharing and Incentive
                  Savings Plan immediately prior to the Closing Date due
                  solely to minimum age or service requirements thereunder
                  will become eligible to participate in the Merrill 401(k)
                  Plan on the first regular entry date that falls on or first
                  follows his or her satisfaction of the minimum service
                  requirement of the Merrill 401(k) Plan if he or she remains
                  employed as an employee who is eligible to participate in
                  the Merrill 401(k) Plan on such entry date.

                        (3)   Each Transferred Employee who becomes eligible
                  to participate in the Merrill 401(k) Plan will be permitted
                  to roll over any eligible rollover distributions from
                  Company's Profit Sharing and Incentive Savings Plan by way
                  of direct transfer pursuant to Section 401(a)(31) of the
                  Code if he or she remains employed as an employee who is
                  eligible to participate in the Merrill 401(k) Plan at the
                  time of the transfer.


                  (B)   Purchaser will adopt the Merrill Corporation
            Retirement Plan effective as of February 1, 1994 and Merrill will
            consent to such adoption.  Each Transferred Employee will become
            eligible to participate in the Merrill Corporation Retirement Plan
            on the first regular entry date that falls on or first follows his
            or her satisfaction of the Plan's minimum service requirement if
            he or she remains employed as an employee who is eligible to
            participate in such Plan on such entry date.

                  (C)   Purchaser will provide each Transferred Employee with
            an opportunity to elect to be covered under medical and dental
            plans which provide benefits substantially similar to those
            offered by Company's medical and dental benefit plans as in effect
            immediately prior to the Closing Date in which such Transferred
            Employee will be immediately eligible to participate subject to
            any exclusions or limitations that were applicable to the
            Transferred Employee (or any member of his or her family) under
            Company's medical and dental benefit plans immediately prior to
            the Closing Date.

                  (D)   Effective as of the first business day after the
            Closing Date, Purchaser will establish the following benefit plans
            for Transferred Employees with terms, conditions, exclusions and
            limitations substantially similar to those in effect under the
            corresponding benefit plans of the Company immediately prior to
            the Closing Date:  cancer insurance; cafeteria plan (with premium
            conversion and dependent care assistance features); group-term
            life insurance; short-term disability; and employee assistance.

                  (E)   Purchaser will recognize and assume liability for
            accrued vacation of each Transferred Employee as of the Closing
            Date to the extent (and only to the extent) such liability is both
            properly accrued in accordance with the vacation policies and
            practices of Company disclosed to Merrill and reflected on the
            Closing Balance Sheet.

                  (F)   Purchaser and Merrill will credit Transferred
            Employees with all years of service with Company and its
            Affiliates as a common law employee thereof for all purposes other
            than benefit accrual in connection with any benefit plan
            maintained by Purchaser or Merrill which is generally available to
            its employees and in which the Transferred Employees are otherwise
            eligible to participate.

            (iii)  COBRA.  Purchaser will provide for continued coverage
      under the medical and dental plans referenced in


      subsection (ii)(C) or any other medical and dental plans maintained by
      Merrill to each "qualified beneficiary" who is or becomes entitled to
      "continuation coverage" under Company's medical or dental benefit plan
      by reason of the occurrence of a "qualifying event" occurring before, on
      or after the Closing Date for the maximum period required by Section
      4980B(f)(2)(B) of the Code.  For purposes of the foregoing sentence,
      "group health plan," "qualified beneficiary," "continuation coverage"
      and "qualifying event" have the meanings ascribed to them in Section
      4980B of the Code.

            (iv)  RESERVATION OF RIGHTS.  Except as otherwise provided in
      any Employment Agreement or other Assumed Contract, it is the intention
      of the parties that the employment relationship between Purchaser and
      any Transferred Employee is at will and, consequently, nothing contained
      in this Agreement shall prevent Purchaser or Merrill or any of their
      Affiliates at any time after the Closing Date from terminating,
      reassigning, promoting or demoting any such Transferred Employee or
      changing adversely or favorably his or her titles, powers, duties,
      responsibilities, functions, location, compensation or terms and
      conditions of employment.  Except as otherwise provided in any
      Employment Agreement or other Assumed Contract, nothing contained in
      this Agreement shall restrict in any way the right of Purchaser or
      Merrill or any of their Affiliates to establish, amend or terminate any
      employee benefit plan, policy or practice.

            (v)   NO ASSUMPTION.  Except as provided in subsection (ii)(D)
      with respect to accrued vacation, Purchaser has not agreed to assume any
      obligation or liability under or arising, directly or indirectly, in
      connection with any Pension Plan, Welfare Plan or Compensation Plan of
      Company or any Affiliated Organization of Company which is not an
      Assumed Contract and Company shall remain solely responsible for and
      Company and the Shareholders shall indemnify and hold harmless Merrill
      and Purchaser from and against any liability of any nature whatsoever
      arising in connection with such Plans which are not Assumed Contracts.
      To the extent liabilities assumed by Purchaser pursuant to Section 1(a)
      of the Liability Undertaking relate to participation by Transferred
      Employees on or before the Closing Date in any Pension, Welfare or
      Compensation Plan of the Company or of any Affiliated Organization of
      the Company, the Purchaser's satisfaction of such liabilities after the
      Closing Date is not intended by the parties, and shall not be construed,
      to constitute an assumption by the Purchaser of such Plan under which
      such liabilities arose, but rather is an accommodation provided to the
      Company by the Purchaser and, other than in the case of such liabilities
      arising pursuant to an Assumed Contract, the Purchaser will provide
      Company with written remittal or payment directions, which Purchaser
      will follow.



            (i)  At or prior to the Closing, Company will deliver to Purchaser
      a copy of the resolutions of the Board of Directors and all required
      resolutions or consents of the shareholders of Company, approving the
      execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of all of
      the transactions contemplated hereby, duly certified by an officer of

            (ii)  On or before the Closing, Company will deliver to Purchaser
      a duly executed and acknowledged certificate of amendment to Company's
      articles of organization or other appropriate document which is required
      to change Company's corporate name so as to make Company's present name
      available to Purchaser.  Purchaser is hereby authorized to file such
      certificate or other document in order to effectuate such change of name
      at or after the Closing as Purchaser shall elect.


            (i)   Company and the Shareholders acknowledge that Company has
      been identified as a potentially responsible party with respect to the
      St. Augusta Sanitary Landfill/Engen Dump Site located in Stearns County,
      Minnesota and the Seaboard Chemical Corporation Site in Jamestown, North
      Carolina.  Company, the Shareholders or any Affiliate or Associate of
      Company or any Shareholder (a "COMPANY RELATED PARTY") identified as a
      potentially responsible party shall provide copies to Merrill of any
      written claims, complaints, notices and correspondence relating to the
      site where such Company Related Party has been contacted as a
      potentially responsible party.  Should such Company Related Party fail
      to perform or observe any of its obligations or agreements pertaining to
      the above sites, or any other sites where such Company Related Party is
      identified as a potentially responsible party, then Merrill or Purchaser
      shall have the right, but not the duty, without limitation upon any of
      the rights of Merrill or Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement, to
      perform those obligations or agreements.  In that event, Merrill or
      Purchaser shall be deemed to be acting as the agent of such Company
      Related Party, and nothing in the exercise of its rights under this
      provision should be interpreted as rendering Merrill or Purchaser as a
      responsible party.  Nothing in the foregoing shall diminish or in any
      way affect the obligation of Company and the Shareholders to indemnify
      Merrill and Purchase pursuant to Section 8 hereof.

            (ii)  Effective as of the Closing, Company appoints


      Purchaser its successors and assigns, the true and lawful attorney or
      attorneys of Company, with full power of substitution, in the name of
      Company but on behalf and for the benefit of and at the expense of
      Purchaser: (A) to collect in the name of Company for the account of
      Purchaser all receivables and other items to be sold and transferred to
      Purchaser as provided herein; (B) to institute and prosecute, in the
      name of Company or otherwise, all proceedings which Purchaser may deem
      necessary or desirable in order to collect, assert or enforce any claim,
      right or title of any kind in or to the Assets; (C) to defend and
      compromise any and all actions, suits or proceedings in respect of the
      Assets to the extent liability therefor has been assumed by Purchaser
      hereunder; and (D) to do all such acts and things in relation to the
      foregoing as is reasonably necessary to exercise such powers, as
      Purchaser may deem advisable.  The foregoing power is coupled with an
      interest and shall be irrevocable by Company or by its dissolution in
      any manner or for any reason.  Purchaser shall retain for its own
      account any amounts collected pursuant to the foregoing power, including
      any sums payable as interest in respect thereof, and Company shall pay
      to Purchaser, when received, any amounts which shall be received by
      Company in respect of any receivables or other assets or properties
      related to the Assets.  Purchaser shall pay to Company, when received,
      any amounts which shall be received by Purchaser in respect of any
      receivables or other assets or properties of Company (other than those
      related to the Assets).

                                 SECTION 5


      Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
the obligation of Merrill and Purchaser to effect the transactions
contemplated herein shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the
Closing of each of the following conditions:

      (a)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES TRUE.  The representations and
warranties of Company and the Shareholders contained in this Agreement,
including without limitation in the Disclosure Schedule initially delivered to
Purchaser as Exhibit 2 (and not including any changes or additions delivered
to Purchaser pursuant to subsection 4(h)), shall be in all material respects
true, complete and accurate as of the date when made and at and as of the
Closing as though such representations and warranties were made at and as of
such time, except for changes specifically permitted or contemplated by this
Agreement, and except insofar as the representations and warranties relate
expressly and solely to a particular date or period, in which case they shall
be true and


correct in all material respects at the Closing with respect to such date or

      (b)   PERFORMANCE.  Company and the Shareholders shall have performed
and complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants,
obligations and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or
complied with by Company and Shareholders on or prior to the Closing.


            (i)  All action required by law and otherwise to be taken by the
      Board of Directors of Company and the Shareholders to authorize the
      execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the
      consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been
      duly and validly taken.

            (ii)  All Consents of or from all Authorities required hereunder
      to consummate the transactions contemplated herein, shall have been
      delivered, made or obtained, and Purchaser shall have received copies

      (d)   ADVERSE CHANGES.  No material adverse change shall have occurred
(i) in the businesses, financial condition, prospects, assets or operations of
Company since September 30, 1993, (ii) from projected operating results and
cash, working capital and total asset levels of Company as of and for the year
ending December 31, 1993 included in the projections of Company dated
September 8, 1993, previously delivered to Merrill, or (iii) in Company from
its status described in the Confidential Memorandum previously delivered to
Merrill by Company.

      (e)   NO PROCEEDING OR LITIGATION.  No suit, action, investigation,
inquiry or other proceeding by any Authority or other person or entity shall
have been instituted or threatened which delays or questions the validity or
legality of the transactions contemplated hereby or which, if successfully
asserted, would individually or in the aggregate, otherwise have a Material
Adverse Effect on Company's business, financial condition, prospects, assets
or operations.

      (f)   OPINION OF COMPANY COUNSEL.  Merrill and Purchaser shall have
received an opinion from Maslon, Edelman, Borman & Brand, counsel to Company
and Shareholders, dated the Closing Date, substantially in the form and
substance set forth as Exhibit 5(f) hereto.

      (g)   LEGISLATION.  No Law shall have been enacted which prohibits,
restricts or delays the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
or any of the conditions to the consummation of such transaction.


substance of all legal matters contemplated hereby and of all papers delivered
hereunder shall be reasonably acceptable to Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly,
counsel to Merrill and Purchaser.

      (i)   CERTIFICATES.  Merrill and Purchaser shall have received such
certificates of Company's officers and of Shareholders, in a form and
substance reasonably satisfactory to Merrill and Purchaser, dated the Closing
Date, to evidence compliance with the conditions set forth in this Section 5
and such other matters as may be reasonably requested by Merrill and

      (j)   NONCOMPETITION AGREEMENTS.  Merrill, Company, each Shareholder
and each Key Employee shall have executed and delivered to Purchaser a
Non-Competition Agreement pursuant to Section 4(m).

      (k)   EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS.  The Employment Agreements required by
Section 4(n) shall have been executed and delivered by the parties thereto.

      (l)   MEEDA BONDS.  Purchaser shall have assumed Company's obligations
pursuant to the two loan agreements between Company and the Minnesota Energy
and Economic Development Board, dated as of November 1, 1985 and July 1, 1990,
respectively, pursuant to the terms set forth in the Liabilities Undertaking.

have received, in a form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Merrill and
Purchaser, dated the Closing Date, all of the Bills of Sale, deeds,
assignments and other conveyance and transfer documentation necessary to vest
marketable title in the Assets in Purchaser.

      (n)   ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE.  Company and Purchaser shall have
completed Exhibit 1(c)(3) concerning allocation of the Purchase Price among
the Assets.

                                 SECTION 6


      Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the
obligation of Company and Shareholders to effect the transactions contemplated
herein shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing of each
of the following conditions:

      (a)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES TRUE.  The representations and
warranties of Merrill and Purchaser contained in this Agreement shall be in
all material respects true, complete and accurate as of the date when made and
at and as of the Closing, as though such


representations and warranties were made at and as of such time, except for
changes permitted or contemplated in this Agreement, and except insofar as the
representations and warranties relate expressly and solely to a particular
date or period, in which case they shall be true and correct in all material
respects at the Closing with respect to such date or period.

      (b)   PERFORMANCE.  Merrill and Purchaser shall have performed and
complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants, obligations
and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by
Purchaser at or prior to the Closing.

      (c)   ADVERSE CHANGES.  No change having a Material Adverse Effect on
Merrill shall have occurred since October 31, 1993.

      (d)   CORPORATE APPROVALS.  All Consents listed in Item 2(e) to the
Disclosure Schedule, including all necessary consents under the HSR Act shall
have been delivered, made or obtained.  All action required to be taken by the
Boards of Directors of Merrill and Purchaser to authorize the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by Merrill and Purchaser and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been duly and
validly taken.

      (e)   NO PROCEEDING OR LITIGATION.  No suit, action, investigation,
inquiry or other proceeding by any Authority or other person or entity shall
have been instituted or threatened which delays or questions the validity or
legality of the transactions contemplated hereby or which, if successfully
asserted, would individually or in the aggregate, otherwise have a Material
Adverse Effect on Merrill's business, financial condition, prospects, assets
or operations.

      (f)   CERTIFICATES.  Merrill and Purchaser shall have furnished
Company and Shareholders with such certificates of Merrill and Purchaser
officers, in a form and substance reasonably acceptable to Company and
Shareholders, dated the Closing Date, to evidence compliance with the
conditions set forth in this Section 6 and such other matters as may be
reasonably requested by Company.

      (g)   OPINION OF PURCHASER COUNSEL.  Merrill and Purchaser shall have
delivered to Company an opinion from Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly, counsel to
Merrill and Purchaser, dated the Closing Date, substantially in the form and
substance set forth as Exhibit 6(g) herein.

      (h)   PAYMENT OF CONSIDERATION.  Company and the Shareholders shall
have received satisfactory evidence that the actions to be taken and documents
to be delivered pursuant to subsection 1(c)(ii) have been taken or delivered,
as the case may be.


      (i)   ACCEPTANCE BY COUNSEL.  The form and substance of all legal
matters contemplated hereby and of all papers delivered hereunder shall be
reasonably acceptable to Maslon, Edelman, Borman & Brand, counsel to Company
and the Shareholders.

      (j)   STOCK OPTION AGREEMENTS.  Merrill shall have delivered the Stock
Option Agreements required by Section 4(l) of this Agreement.

      (k)   RELEASE OF GUARANTEES.  A release of all guarantees made by the
Shareholders for debts of the Company shall have been delivered or obtained.

      (l)   MERRILL GUARANTY.  Merrill shall have executed and delivered a
Guaranty of its obligations under this Agreement.

                                 SECTION 7


      (a)   METHODS OF TERMINATION.  This Agreement may be terminated and
the transactions contemplated herein may be abandoned at any time
notwithstanding approval thereof by Shareholders, but not later than the

            (i)   By mutual written consent of Merrill, Purchaser, Company and
      the Shareholders; or

            (ii)  By Merrill and Purchaser on or after the Termination Date or
      such later date as may be established pursuant to Section 1 hereof, if
      any of the conditions provided for in Section 5 of this Agreement shall
      not have been satisfied or waived in writing by Purchaser prior to such
      date; or

            (iii)  By Company and the Shareholders on or after the Termination
      Date or such later date as may be established pursuant to Section 1
      hereof, if any of the conditions provided for in Section 6 of this
      Agreement shall not have been satisfied or waived in writing by Company
      prior to such date; or

            (iv)  By Merrill or Purchaser if there has been a material breach
      of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement on the part of
      Company or the Shareholders set forth in this Agreement of which notice
      has been given to Company and the Shareholders in writing by Merrill or
      Purchaser and which has not been fully cured or cannot be fully cured
      within the earlier of (A) 30 days of the receipt of such notice or (B)
      five days prior to the Closing Date; or


            (v)   By Company or the Shareholders if there has been a material
      breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement on the
      part of Merrill or Purchaser set forth in this Agreement of which notice
      has been given to Merrill and Purchaser in writing by Company or the
      Shareholders and which has not been fully cured or cannot be fully cured
      within the earlier of (A) 30 days of the receipt of such notice or (B)
      five days prior to the Closing Date; or

            (vi)  By any party if the Closing shall not have occurred on or
      before January 31, 1994.

      (b)   PROCEDURE UPON TERMINATION.  In the event of termination and
abandonment pursuant to subsection (a), written notice thereof shall forthwith
be given to the other party or parties, and the provisions of this Agreement
(except to the extent provided in subsections 9(a) and 9(b)) shall terminate,
and the transactions contemplated herein shall be abandoned, without further
action by any party hereto. If this Agreement is terminated as provided
herein:  (i) each party will, upon request, redeliver all documents, work
papers and other material of any other party (and all copies thereof) relating
to the transactions contemplated herein, whether so obtained before or after
the execution hereof, to the party furnishing the same; (ii) the
confidentiality obligations of subsection 4(e) shall continue to be
applicable; and (iii) except as provided in this subsection, no party shall
have any liability for a breach of any representation, warranty, agreement,
covenant or other provision of this Agreement, unless such breach was due to a
willful or bad faith action or omission of such party or any representative,
agent, employee or independent contractor thereof.

                                 SECTION 8


      (a)   SURVIVAL.  The representations and warranties of each of the
parties hereto (other than the representations and warranties set forth in
Sections 2(j)(i), (p) and (v)) shall survive until two (2) years after the
Closing Date.  The representations and warranties set forth in Section 2(p)
shall survive for the applicable statute of limitations plus six months and
the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 2(j)(i) and (v) shall
survive indefinitely.  The foregoing periods are herein referred to as the
respective "SURVIVAL PERIODS."

Purchaser, jointly and severally, agree to save, defend, indemnify and hold
harmless Company and the Shareholders from and against (i) any and all loss,
liability or damage suffered or incurred by it arising out of or resulting
from (A) any untrue representation of,


or breach of warranty by, Merrill or Purchaser in any part of this Agreement;
(B) any nonfulfillment of any covenant, agreement or undertaking of Merrill or
Purchaser in any part of this Agreement, including without limitation
Purchaser's Promissory Note and the Guaranty; (C) any failure to pay and
perform Assumed Liabilities; or (D) operation of the Assets or the business
associated with the Assets after the Closing Date; and (ii) any and all
actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, assessments, judgments, costs
and expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses, incident
to any of the foregoing or incurred in investigating or attempting to avoid
the same or to oppose the imposition thereof, or in enforcing the
indemnification rights of Company pursuant to this subsection (b).

each Shareholder, jointly and severally, agree to save, defend, indemnify and
hold harmless Purchaser, Merrill and their respective agents, representatives,
employees, officers, directors, shareholders, controlling persons and
affiliates from and against:

            (i)   any and all loss, liability or damage suffered or incurred
      by Merrill or Purchaser, arising out of or resulting from (A) any untrue
      representation of, or breach of warranty by, Company or any Shareholder
      in any part of this Agreement or any Non-Competition Agreement with
      Company or the Shareholders; (B) any nonfulfillment of any covenant,
      agreement or undertaking of Company or any Shareholder in any part of
      this Agreement or any Non-Competition Agreement with Company or the
      Shareholders; or (C) the failure of Company to comply with the
      requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code concerning bulk transfers,
      as in effect in the various states in which the Company has assets,
      including, without limitation, the requirement of notice to creditors,
      except that any liability arising out of Purchaser's failure to pay and
      perform the Assumed Liabilities shall not give rise to any liability of
      Company or any Shareholder pursuant hereto; or (D) any Retained
      Liabilities; and

            (ii)  any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands,
      assessments, judgments, costs and expenses, including, without
      limitation, legal fees and expenses, incident to any of the foregoing or
      incurred in investigating or attempting to avoid the same or to oppose
      the imposition thereof, or in enforcing the indemnification rights of
      Merrill or Purchaser pursuant to this subsection 8(c).

      Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company and Shareholders shall not be
liable to Purchaser or Merrill for any claim under this section related to
environmental contamination of a site after the completion of clean up and a
remediation plan as to that site, both of which have been approved by the
applicable regulatory authorities.


      (d)   BASKET AMOUNT.  Notwithstanding anything in subsection 8(c) to
the contrary, neither Merrill nor Purchaser shall be entitled to any
indemnification under subsection 8(c) if the aggregate amount of all claims
thereunder (other than those related to the Retained Liabilities related to
environmental matters described in subsection 1(b)(iii) ("ENVIRONMENTAL
INDEMNITY CLAIMS") is less than $100,000 or, in the case of Environmental
Indemnity Claims, the aggregate amount of all claims thereunder is less than
$50,000; provided, however, (i) no such limitation shall apply to any claim
for indemnification related to a breach of any of the representations and
warranties in Section 2(e)(ii) to the extent that the aggregate of all
previous claims by Merrill or Purchaser for indemnification under subsection
8(c) (other than Environmental Indemnity Claims) exceeds $50,000, and (ii)if
the aggregate amount of all claims equals or exceeds such amounts, then
Merrill and Purchaser shall be entitled to full indemnification of all claims
under subsection 8(c) in excess of such amounts.  The foregoing provisions of
Section 8(d) (other than the basket related to Environmental Indemnity claims)
shall not apply to any misrepresentation, breach of warranty or Retained
Liability of which either Company or any Shareholder had Knowledge, or any
intentional failure to perform or comply with any agreement, and Company and
the Shareholder shall be liable for all claims with respect thereto.  The
parties hereto do not intend that such exception amounts be deemed to be a
definition of what is "material" for any purpose in this Agreement.

      (e)   RIGHT OF SET-OFF.  Upon notice to Company specifying in
reasonable detail the basis therefor, Purchaser may set off any amount to
which it may be entitled under this Section 8 against amounts otherwise
payable under the Purchaser's Promissory Note.  The exercise of such right of
set-off by Purchaser shall not constitute an event of default under the
Purchaser's Promissory Note or any Non-Competition Agreement.  Neither the
exercise of, nor the failure to exercise, such right of set-off shall
constitute an election of remedies nor limit Purchaser in any manner in the
enforcement of any other remedies that may be available to it.  In addition to
the foregoing, Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold payment of the last
installment under the Purchaser's Promissory Note and the last payment under
each Non-Competition Agreement if, on the date that such payment would
otherwise be due, any liability of Company and/or the Shareholders in
connection with the St. Augusta Sanitary Landfill/Engen Dump Site located in
Stearns County, Minnesota is not completely and finally resolved with no
liability on the part of Purchaser or Merrill, or Merrill and Purchaser
receive adequate assurances (in their sole discretion) that they are
completely and definitively released from any liability in connection with
such site.  In the event of any permitted assignment of Purchaser's Promissory
Note, any set-off pursuant hereto shall be applied proportionately among all


      (f)   CLAIMS FOR INDEMNIFICATION.  Whenever any claim shall arise for
indemnification hereunder, the party seeking indemnification (the
"INDEMNIFIED PARTY") shall promptly provide written notice to the party from
whom indemnification is sought (the "INDEMNIFYING PARTY") of the claim and,
when known, all of the facts constituting the basis for such claim and the
amount or an estimate of the amount of the liability arising therefrom.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 8(g), the failure so to notify the
Indemnifying Party shall not relieve the Indemnifying Party of any liability
that it may have to the Indemnified Party except to the extent the
Indemnifying Party demonstrates that the defense of such action is prejudiced
thereby.  In the case of any such claim for indemnification hereunder
resulting from or in connection with any claim or legal proceedings of a third
party (a "PROCEEDING"), the Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to
participate in the defense of such legal proceedings by counsel of its own
choice and at its own expense.  If the Indemnifying Party acknowledges in
writing its obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party hereunder against
all losses that may result from such Proceeding, then the Indemnifying Party
shall (unless (i) the Indemnifying Party is also a party to such Proceeding
and the Indemnified Party determines in good faith that joint representation
would be inappropriate, or (ii) the Indemnifying Party fails to provide
reasonable assurance to the Indemnified Party of its financial capacity to
defend such Proceeding and provide indemnification with respect thereto, or
(iii) the claim involves Taxes), be entitled to assume and control the defense
thereof with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party and,
after notice from Indemnifying Party to the Indemnified Party of its election
so to control the defense thereof, the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable
to such the Indemnified Party under this Section for any fees of other counsel
or any other expenses with respect to the defense of such Proceeding, in each
case subsequently incurred by the Indemnified Party in connection with the
defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.  If an
Indemnifying Party controls the defense of such a Proceeding, (a) no
compromise or settlement thereof may be effected by the Indemnifying Party
without the Indemnified Party's consent unless (i) there is no finding or
admission of any violation of Law or any violation of the rights of any person
and no effect on any other claims that may be made against the Indemnified
Party and (ii) the sole relief provided is monetary damages that are paid in
full by the Indemnifying Party and (b) the Indemnifying Party shall have no
liability with respect to any compromise or settlement thereof effected
without its consent.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an Indemnified Party
determines in good faith that there is a reasonable probability that a
Proceeding may adversely effect it or its affiliates other than as a result of
monetary damages, or the Proceeding involves Taxes, such Indemnified Party
may, by notice to the Indemnifying Party, assume the exclusive right to
defend, compromise or settle such Proceeding, but the Indemnifying Party shall
not be bound by any determination of a Proceeding so defended or any
compromise or


settlement thereof effected without its consent (which shall not be
unreasonably withheld).  The Indemnified Party shall not settle or compromise
any claim by a third party for which it is entitled to indemnification
hereunder unless the Indemnifying Party has not, within ten (10) days after
notice is given of the commencement of a Proceeding, given notice to the
Indemnified Party of its election to assume the defense thereof.  If the
Indemnifying Party does not so assume the defense of such Proceeding, the
Indemnifying Party shall be bound by any determination made in such action or
any compromise or settlement thereof effected by the Indemnifying Party.  If
the Indemnifying Party is of the opinion that the Indemnified Party is not
entitled to indemnification, or is not entitled to indemnification in the
amount claimed in such notice, it shall deliver, within ten (10) days after
the receipt of such notice, a written objection to such claim and written
specifications in reasonable detail of the aspects or details objected to, and
the grounds for such objection.  If the Indemnifying Party shall file timely
written notice of objection to any claim for indemnification, the validity and
amount of such claim shall be determined by arbitration pursuant to Section
9(n) hereof.

      (g)   LIMIT ON CLAIMS.  Any claim under this Agreement, including but
not limited to any claim for damages, indemnification or right of set off,
shall not be enforceable unless the party against whom the claim is made
receives written notice of such claim in the manner set forth in Section 8(f)
hereof not later than (i) for claims made by Purchaser or Merrill pursuant to
Section 8(c)(i)(A) or Company or the Shareholders pursuant to Section
8(b)(i)(A), the last day of the applicable Survival Period; (ii) for claims
made by Purchaser or Merrill pursuant to Section 8(c)(i)(B) or Company or the
Shareholders pursuant to Section 8(b)(i)(B), one year after the date of such
breach; (iii) for claims made by Purchaser or Merrill pursuant to Section
8(c)(i)(C), the earlier of the date payment is made to a creditor or the date
which is two (2) years after the Closing Date; (iv) for claims made by
Purchaser or Merrill pursuant to Section 8(c)(i)(D) or Company or the
Shareholders pursuant to Section 8(b)(i)(C) or (D), the earlier of (A) the
expiration of the applicable underlying statute of limitations plus six months
or (B) the date which is four (4) years after the Closing Date, except for
claims made by Purchaser or Merrill related to the Retained Liabilities (I)
described in Section 1(b)(iii) hereto or (II) arising from the debt assumed by
Purchaser or Merrill pursuant to this Agreement and the Liabilities
Undertaking and the transactions contemplated thereby, as to which there shall
be no time limit.

      (h)   LIMIT ON DAMAGES.  The aggregate amount payable by Company or
the Shareholders to Purchaser or Merrill hereunder shall not exceed the
Purchase Price (other than with respect to claims made pursuant to Section
8(c)(i)(D) related to the Retained


Liabilities described in Section 1(b)(iii) hereto, as to which there shall be
no limit).

                                 SECTION 9


      (a)   EXPENSES.  Except as otherwise provided herein, Merrill,
Purchaser and the Shareholders (in the case of the Company) shall each bear
their own costs and expenses relating to the transactions contemplated hereby,
including without limitation, fees and expenses of legal counsel, accountants,
investment bankers, brokers or finders, printers, copiers, consultants or
other representatives for the services used, hired or connected with the
transactions contemplated hereby, except that Company shall be permitted to
pay the reasonable expenses of legal counsel (not to exceed $75,000) incurred
by the Shareholders related to the transactions contemplated hereby or on
behalf of the Company in connection with corporate "clean-up" matters
necessary in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.  Merrill,
Purchaser and the Shareholders (in the case of the Company) shall each pay any
commission or finder's fee or similar amount incurred by them by agreement or
otherwise for retaining or consulting any broker, finder or investment banker
in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      (b)   TOPPING FEES.  In the event that the Closing does not occur
prior to January 31, 1994 or this Agreement is terminated other than pursuant
to Section 7(a)(i) or (a)(v) hereof and within 12 months after the later of
January 31, 1994 or the date of such termination Company or any of the
Shareholders close a transaction relating to the acquisition of a material
portion of Company, its assets or business, in whole or in part, whether
through direct purchase, merger, consolidation, or other business combination
(other than sales of inventory in the ordinary course), or more than 25% of
the outstanding voting securities of Company, for a consideration in excess of
the Purchase Price (pro rated to the extent that less than all of Company is
acquired), and Section 4(c) hereof or the first paragraph of Section 12 of the
Letter of Intent has been breached, then immediately upon such closing, the
Shareholders shall pay, or cause Company to pay, to Merrill or Purchaser the
sum of $1.0 million plus all of Merrill's and Purchaser's costs and expenses
relating to the transactions contemplated hereby, including without
limitation, fees and expenses of legal counsel, accountants, investment
bankers, brokers or finders, printers, copiers, consultants or other
representatives for the services used, hired or connected with the
transactions contemplated hereby.

      (c)   AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION.  Subject to applicable Law, this
Agreement may be amended or modified by the parties hereto at


any time prior to the Closing with respect to any of the terms contained
herein; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that all such amendments and modifications must
be in writing duly executed by all of the parties hereto.

      (d)   WAIVER OF COMPLIANCE; CONSENTS.  Any failure of a party to
comply with any obligation, covenant, agreement or condition herein may be
expressly waived in writing by the party entitled hereby to such compliance,
but such waiver or failure to insist upon strict compliance with such
obligation, covenant, agreement or condition shall not operate as a waiver of,
or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure.  No single or
partial exercise of a right or remedy shall preclude any other or further
exercise thereof or of any other right or remedy hereunder.  Whenever this
Agreement requires or permits the consent by or on behalf of a party, such
consent shall be given in writing in the same manner as for waivers of

      (e)   NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES.  Nothing in this Agreement shall
entitle any person or entity (other than a party hereto and his, her or its
respective successors and assigns permitted hereby) to any claim, cause of
action, remedy or right of any kind.

      (f)   NOTICES.  All notices, requests, demands and other
communications required or permitted hereunder shall be made in writing and
shall be deemed to have been duly given and effective:  (i) on the date of
delivery, if delivered personally; (ii) on the earlier of the fourth (4th) day
after mailing or the date of the return receipt acknowledgement, if mailed,
postage prepaid, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested; or
(iii) on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, telecopy, telegraph,
telex or other similar telegraphic communications equipment:

            If to Company:

                        To:   May Printing Company
                              4110 Clearwater Road
                              St. Cloud, MN  56301

                        With a copy to:

                              Maslon, Edelman, Borman & Brand
                              3300 Norwest Center
                              Minneapolis, MN  55402
                              Attn:  Michael L. Snow

or to such other person or address as Company shall furnish to the other
parties hereto in writing in accordance with this subsection.


            If to the Shareholders:

                        To:  Thomas May
                              James Scott May
                              c/o James Scott May
                              2004 South 13th Street
                              St. Cloud, MN  56301

            With a copy to:

                              Maslon, Edelman, Borman & Brand
                              3300 Norwest Center
                              Minneapolis, MN  55402
                              Attn:  Michael L. Snow

or to such other person or address as either Shareholder shall furnish to the
other parties hereto in writing in accordance with this subsection.

            If to Merrill or Purchaser:

                        To:   Merrill Corporation
                              One Merrill Circle
                              St. Paul, MN  55108
                              Attn:  Steven J. Machov

            With a copy to:

                              Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly
                              45 South Seventh Street
                              Suite 3400
                              Minneapolis, MN 55402
                              Attn:  Bruce A. Machmeier, Esq.
                              Fax:  (612) 344-9376

or to such other person or address as Purchaser shall furnish to the other
parties hereto in writing in accordance with this subsection.

      (g)   ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and permitted assigns, but neither this Agreement nor
any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder shall be assigned
(whether voluntarily, involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise) by any
of the parties hereto without the prior written consent of the other parties,
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Merrill may assign its rights (but not its
obligations) under this Agreement, in whole or in any part, and from time to
time, to a wholly owned, direct or indirect, subsidiary of Merrill and Company
may assign its right to receive payments (but not its obligations) under the
Purchaser's Promissory Note to the Shareholders subject to the terms thereof


and the Shareholders may assign such rights to a revocable trust of which they
are the sole settlor, beneficiary and trustee.  Purchaser shall pay the
amounts due and payable under the Purchaser's Promissory Note to such persons
or entities and in such amounts as holders of the Promissory Note shall direct
in writing provided to Purchaser at least 5 business days prior to the due
date of such payment (which payment shall be considered to be made pursuant to
the Purchaser's Promissory Note).

      (h)   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement and the legal relations among the
parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
internal substantive laws of the State of Minnesota (without regard to the
laws of conflict that might otherwise apply) as to all matters, including
without limitation matters of validity, construction, effect, performance and
remedies, except to the extent that the provisions of the Minnesota
Corporation Code may apply to the internal affairs of Company.

      (i)   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in
one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all
of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

      (j)   HEADINGS.  The table of contents and the headings of the
sections and subsections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only
and shall not constitute a part hereof.

      (k)   ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement, the Disclosure Schedule and
the exhibits and other writings referred to in this Agreement or in the
Disclosure Schedule or any such exhibit or other writing are part of this
Agreement, together they embody the entire agreement and understanding of the
parties hereto in respect of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
and together they are referred to as "this AGREEMENT" or the "AGREEMENT".
There are no restrictions, promises, warranties, agreements, covenants or
undertakings, other than those expressly set forth or referred to in this
Agreement.  This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and understandings
between the parties with respect to the transaction or transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the Letter of
Intent.  Provisions of this Agreement shall be interpreted to be valid and
enforceable under applicable Law to the extent that such interpretation does
not materially alter this Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if any such
provision shall become invalid or unenforceable under applicable Law such
provision shall be stricken to the extent necessary and the remainder of such
provisions and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force
and effect.

      (l)   REMEDIES.  It is expressly agreed among the parties hereto that
monetary damages would be inadequate to compensate a party hereto for any
breach by any other party of its covenants and agreements in subsections 4(c)
and 4(e) hereof.  Accordingly, the


parties agree and acknowledge that any such violation or threatened violation
will cause irreparable injury to the other and that, in addition to any other
remedies which may be available, such party shall be entitled to injunctive
relief against the threatened breach of subsections 4(c) and 4(e) hereof or
the continuation of any such breach without the necessity or proving actual
damages and may seek to specifically enforce the terms thereof.

      Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary,
Company and the Shareholders, on the one hand, and Merrill and Purchaser, on
the other hand, shall only have the right to make a claim against the other
for damages (other than a claim for sums owing pursuant to Sections 9(a) or
9(b) hereof, a claim by Merrill or Purchaser against Company or the
Shareholders for any breach by Company or the Shareholders of the Section 4(c)
hereof, or an indemnification claim pursuant to Section 8 hereof) if the
non-claiming party has willfully and materially breached any of its
representations, covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement.  For
purposes of this provision, a party shall be deemed to have willfully breached
any of its representations, covenants or agreements set forth in this
Agreement if such party has intentionally and knowingly taken, or
intentionally and knowingly failed to take, any action which causes a breach
of any of its covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement.  The
remedies and rights of the parties hereto shall be cumulative.  No party
hereto shall be entitled to rescind this Agreement after the Closing.

      (m)   CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this Agreement, the term:

            (i)   "KNOWLEDGE" or "BEST KNOWLEDGE" of an entity means
      knowledge actually possessed by any director or officer of the entity
      (and, in the case of Company, any Shareholder) and such knowledge as
      would have or should have come to the attention of any such person in
      the course of due inquiry and the preparation and negotiation of this
      Agreement and related Disclosure Schedule and in the course of
      discharging such individual's duties as a director or officer (or, in
      the case of Company, a Shareholder) of the entity in a reasonable and
      prudent manner consistent with sound business practices.

            (ii)  "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT," in the case of Company or the
      Shareholders, means any event, change or occurrence which has or could
      reasonably be expected (in light of known circumstances) to have a
      material negative impact on the condition (financial or otherwise),
      business, results of operations, prospects or going concern value of
      Company, or the ability of Company to consummate the transactions
      contemplated hereby.  For purposes hereof, a Material Adverse Effect on
      Company shall be deemed to have taken place in the event that (A) after
      consultation with any customer of Company


      which, including its franchises, accounted for sales greater than $1
      million of sales in the fiscal year ended December 31, 1992, such
      customer informs Company, Purchaser or Merrill that it and/or its
      franchises will reduce the aggregate annual dollar amount of its
      purchases from Company for calendar 1994 by more than 10% from the
      totals for the first nine months of 1993 (on an annualized basis) or (B)
      Purchaser will not be granted "preferred vendor" status with any such
      customer and its franchisees who require such status in order for
      Purchaser to do business with such customer or (C) such customer or its
      franchisees will otherwise change in any way its relationship with
      Company prior to the Closing or with Purchaser after the closing which
      could reasonably be anticipated to result in a reduction of revenues
      from such customer and its franchises for calendar 1994 by more than 10%
      from the totals for the first nine months of 1993 (on an annualized

            "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT," in the case of Purchaser or Merrill,
      means any event, change or occurrence which has or could reasonably be
      expected (in light of known circumstances) to have a material negative
      impact on the ability of Purchaser or Merrill to consummate the
      transactions hereby, including without limitation, Purchaser's ability
      to fulfill its obligations under Purchaser's Promissory Note.

      (n)   ARBITRATION.  With the sole exception of the injunctive relief
contemplated by Section 9(l) hereof, any controversy or claim arising out of
or relating to this Agreement, or the making, performance or interpretation
thereof, including without limitation alleged fraudulent inducement thereof,
shall be settled by binding arbitration in Minneapolis, Minnesota by a panel
of three arbitrators in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of
the American Arbitration Association.  Judgment upon any arbitration award may
be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof and the parties consent to
the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Minnesota for this purpose.

      (o)   PRESERVATION OF RECORDS AFTER CLOSING.  After Closing Purchaser
shall preserve and maintain all books and records relating to the business
conducted with the Assets and the Assets sold hereunder for a period of not
less than the period that Merrill preserves similar records and grant Company
or the Shareholders (at their sole cost and expense) reasonable access at
reasonable times to the same for any reasonable purpose.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the day and year first above written.


By: /s/ John Castro                            By:  /s/ John E. Caye
    --------------------                            ------------------------

  Its: President                                  Its:  President
       ----------------                                 --------------------

MERRILL ACQUISITION                            SHAREHOLDERS:

By: /s/ John Castro                            /s/Thomas May
    --------------------                       ------------------------
                                                  Thomas May

  Its: President                              /s/James Scott May
       ----------------                       --------------------
                                                 James Scott May



      The following documents are exhibits to the Asset Purchase Agreement and
have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(b)(2) of Regulation S-K.  These
exhibits will be furnished supplementally to the Commission upon request.

Name of Exhibit                                           Number of Exhibit
- --------------                                            -----------------
Trade and Other Names to be Purchased...................    Exhibit 1(a)(1)

Excluded Assets.........................................    Exhibit 1(a)(2)

Liabilities Undertaking.................................    Exhibit 1(b)

Purchaser's Promissory Note.............................    Exhibit 1(c)(2)

Allocation of Purchase Price Among
    the Assets..........................................    Exhibit 1(c)(3)

Bill of Sale............................................    Exhibit 1(f)

Disclosure Schedule.....................................    Exhibit 2

Form of Stock Option....................................    Exhibit 4(l)

Non-Competition Agreement...............................    Exhibit 4(m)

Employment Agreement....................................    Exhibit 4(n)

Opinion of Company Counsel..............................    Exhibit 5(f)

Opinion of Purchaser Counsel............................    Exhibit 6(g)
