Exhibit 10(u)


     This Amendment to Written Agreement Entered Into With the Office of Thrift
Supervision ("Amendment") is made and is effective this 29th day of October,
1993 (the "Effective Date"), by and between Chevy Chase Savings Bank, FSB of
Chevy Chase, Maryland, OTS No. 8145, a Federally chartered stock institution,
for itself and its wholly owned service corporations and subsidiaries, ("Chevy
Chase" or "Institution"), and the Office of Thrift Supervision ("OTS"), an
agency of the United States Department of the Treasury, acting through its
Southeast Regional Director or his designee ("Regional Director").

     WHEREAS, the OTS and Chevy Chase entered into an agreement entitled
"Written Agreement Entered into with the Office of Thrift Supervision" dated
September 30, 1991 ("Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS, the OTS and the Chevy Chase have mutually agreed to modify the
September 30, 1991 Agreement as set forth in this Amendment.

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises stated above, the parties
hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

Paragraph 1 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          1.  As previously agreed, Chevy Chase shall not make, directly or
     indirectly, any payments in connection with the Institution's tax liability
     to B. F. Saul Real Estate Investment Trust or any of its subsidiaries
     ("REIT") pursuant to any tax sharing agreement or other arrangement without
     the prior written approval of the Regional Director.

          Although there is no indication that the Institution has engaged in
     any of the following activities with the REIT in the past, Chevy Chase
     agrees to the following paragraphs 2 through 6:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          2.  Chevy Chase shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in any
     transaction with the REIT including, but not limited to, the purchase of
     any asset, the assumption of any liability, the extension of any credit,

     or the payment of any fee, without the prior written approval of the
     Regional Director.

          3.  Chevy Chase shall not purchase, directly or indirectly, any
     assets, assume any liability, make any investment or extend any credit for
     the benefit of the REIT without the prior written approval of the Regional

Paragraph 4 is hereby deleted.

Paragraphs 5 and 6 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          5.  Chevy Chase shall not permit the sale of any note or obligation of
     the REIT or any of its subsidiaries on any of the Institution's premises.

          6.  Chevy Chase shall not permit, directly or indirectly, its name or
     identity to be used by the REIT in any public sale of notes or other
     obligations of the REIT except in disclosures required by applicable
     Securities Laws.

Paragraphs 7 through 14 are hereby deleted.

Paragraphs 15 through 17 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          15. Chevy Chase, with respect to the four largest real estate
     development projects for which the Institution has taken deeds in lieu of
     foreclosure, shall not advance any monies, pay any expenses, or make any
     additional investments in such projects that would cause the aggregate
     dollar amount of its investment in the four projects to increase above the
     aggregate book value of such projects as reflected on Chevy Chase's balance
     sheet as of the effective date of this Agreement, without the prior written
     approval of the Regional Director.

          16. Chevy Chase shall continue to make every effort to reduce its
     exposure in the projects referred to in Paragraph 15, including, but not
     limited to, the bulk sale of such project(s).  Chevy Chase shall report
     efforts to dispose of and to reduce its exposure in these projects on a
     quarterly basis to the Regional Director.

          17. Any and all written purchase offers for the projects identified in
     Paragraph 15, whether preliminary or final, shall be reported to the Board
     of Directors of Chevy Chase.  The Board of Directors shall consider all
     such offers and shall inform the Regional Director of any

decision to decline any purchase offers fifteen days prior to any formal
rejection of such offers.

Paragraph 18 is hereby deleted.

Paragraph 19 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          19. Any future "end loans" made to finance the purchase of property
     in the projects identified in Paragraph 15 at interest rates or on terms
     and conditions that are below prevailing market rates and/or terms shall
     be sold in the secondary market and not placed in the portfolio of Chevy

Paragraph 20 is hereby amended to read as follows:

          20. Chevy Chase shall, as previously agreed, for regulatory purposes,
     treat the real estate project known as Brambleton as an equity risk
     investment and treat the project's book balance in accordance with
     12 C.F.R. Section 67.5(c).

Paragraph 21 is hereby deleted.

Paragraphs 22 through 24 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          22. The Board of Directors shall form an Asset Review Committee to
     review and develop strategies for the collection, disposition or
     restructuring of all classified assets with an unpaid balance of $3 million
     or more. The Asset Review Committee shall submit periodic reports to the
     Board of Directors.

          23. Within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this Agreement,
     the Asset Review Committee shall submit a report on each classified loan in
     excess of $10 million dollars to the Regional Director. Such report shall
     be in a form and contain such detail as is satisfactory to the Director.
     An updated report outlining the progress made with respect to such assets
     shall be submitted to the Director within thirty (30) days following the
     close of any calendar quarter following receipt of the first report.

          24. The Institution shall, as previously agreed, and as reflected in
     the Institution's financial statements as of June 30, 1991, continue to
     exclude in its calculation of core capital the $10.9 million which was
     reflected on its balance sheet as purchased mortgage servicing rights
     attributed to servicing income to be derived from future

     anticipated loan production in connection with the Institution's
     November 1, 1984, acquisition of B.F. Saul Mortgage Company.

Paragraph 25 is hereby amended to read as follows:

          25. In order to preserve the intrinsic value of Chevy Chase, the Board
     of Directors shall determine that the proposed sale of any asset in excess
     of $20 million is in the best interests of the Institution.  Chevy Chase
     shall provide the Regional Director with notification 15 days prior to the
     sale of any such asset.  These requirements shall not apply with respect
     to: (i) the securitizations of principal balances and associated financial
     charges of assets where Chevy Chase retains ownership of the underlying
     credit relationship; or (ii) other similar transactions including assets
     transferred to Chevy Chase Automobile Loan Trust 1991-1.

Paragraphs 26 and 27 are hereby deleted.

Paragraph 28 shall remain unchanged and continue to read as follows:

          28. Within thirty (30) after the effective date of this Agreement,
     the Board of Directors of the Institution shall establish an Oversight
     Committee which shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this
     Agreement.  The Oversight Committee shall provide a quarterly written
     report to the Board of Directors regarding the Institution's compliance
     with this Agreement. The first such report shall be submitted to the board
     within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Agreement. Said report
     shall be available for review by the OTS.

Paragraph 29 is hereby deleted.

     In addition, the paragraph that reads "This Agreement shall remain in
effect until terminated, modified or suspended by mutual agreement of the OTS,
acting through the Regional Director and the Institution.  The Regional Director
may suspend, in his sole discretion, any or all provisions of this Agreement,"
shall be amended to read as follows:

          The provisions of this Agreement, as well as the provisions of the
     Agreement, as revised or deleted by this Amendment, shall remain in effect
     until terminated, modified or suspended in writing by the OTS, acting
     through the Regional Director.  The Regional Director in his sole
     discretion may, by written notice, terminate and/or suspend any or all
     provisions of the Agreement and this Amendment.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the OTS, acting by and through the Regional Director
and the Institution in accordance with a duly adopted resolution of its Board
(copy attached hereto), hereby execute this Amendment as of the Effective Date.


By:                                     By:

  /s/ John E. Ryan                      /s/ B. Francis Saul II
_________________________               _________________________
John E Ryan                             Name:
Regional Director                       Chief Executive Officer

                          DIRECTORS OF THE INSTITUTION

/s/ B. Francis Saul II                  /s/ George M. Rogers, Jr.
_________________________               _________________________
Director                                Director

                                        /s/ Garland P. Moore, Jr.
_________________________               _________________________
Director                                Director

/s/ Alexander RM Boyle                  /s/ Jesse F. Nicholson
_________________________               _________________________
Director                                Director

/s/ William F. McSweeny                 /s/ Gilbert M. Grosvenor
_________________________               _________________________
Director                                Director

/s/ Gavin Malloy Farr                   /s/ Vincent C. Burke, Jr.
_________________________               _________________________
Director                                Director

/s/ Donald G. Conrad                    /s/ Milton R. Drewer, Jr.
_________________________               _________________________
Director                                Director