Exhibit 10.25

                                                                   Exhibit 10.25

                                W. R. GRACE & CO.
                             SUPPLEMENTAL EXECUTIVE
                                 RETIREMENT PLAN
                                  AS ADOPTED BY
                               W. R. GRACE & CO.,
                           A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION,
                            EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 4, l984
                                   AND AMENDED
                             EFFECTIVE MAY 25, l988


                           AS ADOPTED AND CONTINUED BY
                               W. R. GRACE & CO.,
                             A NEW YORK CORPORATION,
                             EFFECTIVE MAY 25, l988
                                   AND AMENDED
                            EFFECTIVE JANUARY l, l993



     Effective October 4, l984, W. R. Grace & Co., a Connecticut corporation
("Grace Connecticut"), adopted a supplemental executive retirement plan which
constitutes in part an "excess benefit plan" under section 3(36) of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of l974, as amended ("ERISA"), and which
constitutes in part an unfunded deferred compensation arrangement for a select
group of highly compensated or management employees under section 20l(2) of
ERISA, for the Eligible Persons described in the Plan.

     The W. R. Grace & Co. Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the "Plan")
was amended effective May l, l988 for all Eligible Persons who terminate service
on or after such date.

     As a result of a corporate reorganization whereby Grace Connecticut became
a subsidiary of W. R. Grace & Co., a New York corporation ("Grace New York")
(and was renamed "W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn."), Grace Connecticut amended the Plan
(as set forth herein), effective May 25, l988, and Grace New York adopted and
assumed the sponsorship of the Plan, as amended, as of such date, for the
benefit of all Eligible Persons and other persons who, on the immediately
preceding date, were participants in the Plan (as maintained by Grace
Connecticut) and all other employees of Grace New York or its subsidiaries who
on or after May 25, l988 become Eligible Persons or otherwise covered under the

     Grace New York last amended the Plan, effective as of January l, l989, with
respect to all Eligible Persons who terminate service on or after such date.

     Grace New York now desires to amend the Plan, effective as of January 1,
1993, with respect to all Eligible Persons who terminate service on or after
such date, to provide for vesting of benefits that is consistent with vesting
under the Salaried Retirement Plan.

                                   *    *    *

                                    SECTION 1


When used herein, the words and phrases defined hereinafter shall have the
following meanings unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context
of the Plan.

1.01   Affiliate:

             Any corporation or trade or business (other than the
             Company) that is treated under the first sentence of
             section 4l4(b) or under section 4l4(c) of the Code as
             constituting the same "employer" as the Company,
             during the period of controlled status thereunder.

1.02   Board of Directors:

             The Board of Directors of the Company.

1.03   Code:

             The Internal Revenue Code of l986, as amended.

1.04   Committee:

             The Salary, Incentive Compensation and Employee
             Benefits Committee of the Board of Directors.

1.05   Company:

             W. R. Grace & Co., a New York corporation.  Prior to
             May 25, l988, the term "Company" meant W. R. Grace &
             Co., a Connecticut corporation.


1.06   Effective Date:

             October 4, l984.

1.07   Eligible Person:

             A person who is described in Section 2 as eligible to
             receive benefits under the Plan.

1.08   Employee:

             An Employee of the Company or an Affiliate under the

1.09   Employing Unit:

             Any employing unit described in Section l.l4 of the
             Grace Salaried Plan.

1.10   Grace Salaried Plan:

             W. R. Grace & Co. Retirement Plan for Salaried
             Employees (including the "old plans" and "predecessor
             plans" defined therein and the plans merged therein).
             Any reference to a section of the Grace Salaried Plan
             shall include the corresponding section of any future
             text thereof.

1.11   Plan:

             W. R. Grace & Co. Supplemental Executive Retirement


1.12   Masculine pronouns used herein shall refer to men or women or both
       and nouns and pronouns when stated in the singular shall include
       the plural and when stated in the plural shall include the
       singular, wherever appropriate.

1.13   Any reference in the Plan to a "Section" shall refer to a Section
       of the Plan unless otherwise specified.


                                    SECTION 2


2.01   Any Employee who (i) is accruing credited service (as defined in
       section 4.0l of the Grace Salaried Plan) under the Grace Salaried
       Plan on or after the Effective Date of the Plan, (ii) has an
       annual base salary of at least $75,000 at any time during the
       period that he is accruing such credited service under the Grace
       Salaried Plan, and (iii) satisfies the provisions of Section 2.04
       shall be eligible to receive benefits under this Plan in
       accordance with Section 3 of the Plan.

2.02   If so designated by the Board of Directors, (A) an Employee who
       (i) accrued credited service (as defined in Section 2.0l above)
       under the Grace Salaried Plan prior to (but not on or after) the
       Effective Date of the Plan (and whose benefits under the Grace
       Salaried Plan have not commenced prior to such designation), (ii)
       has an annual base salary of at least $75,000 on or after the
       Effective Date of the Plan while still employed by the Company or
       an Affiliate, and (iii) satisfies the provisions of Section 2.04,
       or (B) an Employee who (i) is accruing credited service (as
       defined in Section 2.0l above) under the Grace Salaried Plan on or
       after the Effective Date of the Plan, (ii) has an  annual base
       salary of at least $75,000 at any time after (but not during) the
       period that he is accruing credited service (as defined in Section
       2.0l above) under the Grace Salaried Plan, and (iii) satisfies the
       provisions of Sec tion 2.04 shall be eligible to receive benefits
       under the Plan in accordance with Section 3 of the Plan.


2.03   If so designated by the Board of Directors, an Employee who (i) is
       not accruing and never has accrued credited service (as defined in
       Section 2.0l above) under the Grace Salaried Plan, (ii) is an
       Employee of the Company or an Affiliate on or after the Effective
       Date of the Plan, (iii) has an annual base salary of at least
       $75,000 at any time while employed by the Company or an Affiliate,
       and (iv) satisfies the provisions of Section 2.04 shall be
       eligible to receive benefits under the Plan in accordance with
       Section 3 of the Plan.

2.04   An Eligible Person must terminate service with the Company and its
       Affiliates on or after the earliest of (i) the date he attains age
       55, (ii) the date he completes at least ten (l0) years of vesting
       service, effective January 1, 1988 (or, effective January l, l989,
       the date he completes at least five (5) years of vesting service)
       (as defined in Section l.38 of the Grace Salaried Plan) or (iii)
       the date as of which he otherwise becomes vested under the Grace
       Salaried Plan, in order to be eligible to receive benefits, if
       any, under the Plan.  The benefits, if any, provided under the
       Plan to an Eligible Person shall vest upon the earliest of (i) his
       attainment of age 55, (ii) his completion of at least ten (l0)
       years of vesting service (effective January l, l989, five (5)
       years of vesting service) (as defined in Section l.38 of the Grace
       Salaried Plan) or (iii) the date as of which he otherwise becomes
       vested under the Grace Salaried Plan.  In the event that an
       Eligible Person terminates service with the Company and its
       Affiliates prior to the date his benefits become vested in
       accordance with this Section 2.04, he shall be entitled to no
       benefits under the Plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the
       event that an


Eligible Person terminates service with the Company and its Affiliates by reason
of death prior to the date his benefits become vested in accordance with this
Section 2.04, benefits under the Plan will be payable in respect of him to the
extent provided in Section 3.05 or Section 3.09.


                                    SECTION 3


3.01   The monthly benefit payable to an Eligible Person under the Plan
       shall be equal to the excess, if any, of

       (a)   The amount of the monthly benefit which would be
             payable to such Eligible Person under the Grace
             Salaried Plan if the provisions set forth in the Grace
             Salaried Plan to comply with the benefit limitations
             of section 4l5 of the Code, the compensation
             limitations of section 40l(a)(l7) of the Code and any
             other Code provisions that become effective after
             December 3l, l988 which similarly limit the amount of
             retirement benefit that may be accrued under the Grace
             Salaried Plan were inapplicable, and determined in
             accordance with the following additional principles:

             (i)   credited service (as defined in section
                   4.0l of the Grace Salaried Plan) shall
                   include any period of employment, or
                   period of disability which satisfies the
                   provisions of section 6 of the Grace
                   Salaried Plan, not otherwise credited
                   under the Grace Salaried Plan, prior to
                   the date he attains age 70 in the case of
                   an Eligible Person who terminates service
                   with the Company and its affiliates prior
                   to January l, l988 and any period of
                   employment after the date he attains age
                   70, in the case of an Eligible Person who
                   terminates service with the Company and
                   its Affiliates after


                   December 3l, l987, with a division of the
                   Company or an Affiliate, which does not
                   participate in the Grace Salaried Plan
                   (other than (A) any period during which
                   the Eligible Person was satisfying the
                   eligibility requirements of the Grace
                   Salaried Plan, (B) any period that an
                   Eligible Person declined to contribute to
                   the Grace Salaried Plan (while eligible to
                   do so), (C) any period that an Eligible
                   Person waived participation in the Grace
                   Salaried Plan, or (D) any period that
                   service was interrupted in the case of
                   authorized leave of absence for a reason
                   other than for disability). Subject to the
                   foregoing, an Eligible Person will be
                   credited with a month of credited service
                   for any calendar month during any part of
                   which he was employed or disabled as
                   described above; provided, however, that
                   in the event that an Eligible Person
                   terminates service with the Company and
                   all Affiliates during or after such period
                   of employment and is subsequently
                   re-employed by the Company or an
                   Affiliate, any period of such employment
                   or disability prior to such re-employment
                   shall be restored as credited service
                   hereunder, but if an Eligible Person so
                   terminates service (whether or not prior
                   to January l, l976) and is not vested to
                   any extent in an employer-derived accrued
                   benefit under the Grace Salaried Plan at
                   the time of such termination and his
                   number of one-year breaks in service (as
                   defined in section l.22 of the Grace
                   Salaried Plan)


                   following such termination equal or exceed
                   his years of vesting service (as defined
                   in section l.38 of the Grace Salaried
                   Plan) rendered prior to re-employment,
                   such period shall not be restored as
                   credited service hereunder, and provided
                   further that any credited service
                   hereunder in respect of a period of
                   employment during which the Grace Salaried
                   Plan was contributory shall be reduced by
                   30% thereof;

             (ii)  compensation (as defined in section l.07
                   of the Grace Salaried Plan) shall include
                   any amount of (A) incentive compensation
                   (not otherwise included thereunder) which
                   an Eligible Person elected to defer (and
                   hence did not receive on a current basis)
                   at any time after the effective date of
                   the Grace Salaried Plan, (B) "regular" or
                   base salary (not otherwise included
                   thereunder) which an Eligible Person
                   elected to defer (and hence did not
                   receive on a current basis) with respect
                   to periods after December 3l, l987 and (C)
                   annual compensation in excess of $200,000
                   that would otherwise be recognized under
                   the Grace Salaried Plan but for the
                   limitations of Section 40l(a)(l7) of the
                   Code with respect to periods after
                   December 3l, l988; provided, however, that
                   in the event that an Eligible Person
                   terminates service with the Company and
                   all Affiliates and is subsequently
                   re-employed by the Company or an
                   Affiliate, any such incentive compensation
                   and "regular" or base


                   salary which an Eligible Person elected,
                   prior to such re-employment, to defer and
                   any such annual compensation in excess of
                   $200,000 shall be credited hereunder only
                   to the extent that the month in which such
                   incentive compensation and "regular" or
                   base salary would otherwise have been paid
                   and the month in which such excess
                   compensation was paid would be restored as
                   credited service under the re-employment
                   rules set forth in Section 3.0l(a)(i);

             (iii) in the case of an Eligible Person
                   described in Section 2.03, the provisions
                   of Section 3.0l(a) shall be applied as if
                   a monthly benefit were payable to the
                   Eligible Person under the Grace Salaried
                   Plan (even though he was never employed by
                   the Company or an Employing Unit) and as
                   if such Eligible Person were required to
                   satisfy the eligibility provisions of the
                   Grace Salaried Plan.


       (b)   (i)   in the case of an Eligible Person
                   described in Section 2.0l or 2.02, the
                   amount of the monthly benefit actually
                   payable to such Eligible Person under the
                   Grace Salaried Plan (including any
                   increase provided for in section 5.03(6)
                   of the Grace Salaried Plan), and


             (ii)  in the case of an Eligible Person
                   described in Section 2.0l, 2.02, or 2.03,
                   the amount deemed payable for purposes of
                   the Plan under any other defined benefit
                   plan (as defined in section 3(35) of
                   ERISA) or defined contribution plan (as
                   defined in section 3(34) of ERISA)
                   maintained by the Company or an Affiliate
                   (except the W. R. Grace & Co. Salaried
                   Employees Savings and Investment Plan and
                   the Dearborn Chemical Company Salaried
                   Employees Savings and Investment Plan), or
                   any deferred compensation agreement or
                   arrangement entered into by such Eligible
                   Person and the Company or an Affiliate, or
                   maintained by the Company or an Affiliate
                   (other than (A) the deferral of incentive
                   compensation referred to in Section
                   3.0l(a)(ii), (B) the Incentive
                   Compensation Plan for Key Employees of El
                   Torito-La Fiesta Restaurants, Inc., (C)
                   the Natural Resources Group Long Term
                   Incentive Plan, (D) the W. R. Grace & Co.
                   Performance Incentive Plan, (E) the Teal
                   Incentive Compensation Plan, (F) any other
                   plan, program, arrangement or contract
                   which by its terms provides that
                   compensation thereunder should not be an
                   offset under the Plan, and (G) any other
                   agreement or arrangement which the Board
                   of Directors or the Committee determines
                   should not be an offset under the Plan in
                   whole or in part).

3.02   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.0l or
       2.02, the calculation of the monthly benefit


       described in Section 3.0l(a) above shall be based upon the same
       form of benefit, benefit commencement date, and other factors and
       assumptions actually used to calculate the monthly benefit
       described in Section 3.0l(b)(i) above. If the benefit payable
       under any other defined benefit plan is aggregated with the
       benefit payable under the Grace Salaried Plan for purposes of
       applying the limitations of section 4l5 of the Code, then the
       benefit payable under any such defined benefit plan shall be
       aggregated with the benefit payable under the Grace Salaried Plan
       in the calculation of Section 3.0l(a) and Section 3.0l(b)(i)

3.03   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.0l, 2.02,
       or 2.03, the amount deemed payable for purposes of the Plan under
       any defined benefit plan described in Section 3.0l(b)(ii) shall be
       the amount that would be payable thereunder in respect of years of
       credited service taken into account under Section 3.0l(a) in the
       form of benefit applicable to the Eligible Person under Section
       3.0l(a) commencing at the age that the benefit under Section
       3.0l(a) commences. The amount deemed payable under any defined
       contribution plan described in Section 3.0l(b)(ii) shall be the
       amount that would be payable thereunder at the date that the
       benefit under Section 3.0l(a) commences, multiplied by a fraction
       whose numerator is the number of years that the Eligible Person
       participated in such defined contribution plan and that are
       credited under Section 3.0l(a) concurrently, and whose denominator
       is the number of years that the Eligible Person participated in
       such defined contribution plan, converted to the form of benefit
       applicable to the Eligible Person under Section 3.0l(a) commencing
       at the


       age that the benefit under Section 3.0l(a) commences using the
       UP-84 mortality table and an interest rate equal to the rate, as
       of the first day of the calendar quarter in which the benefit
       under Section 3.0l(a) commences, used by the Pension Benefit
       Guaranty Corporation to value immediate annuities under trusteed
       pension plans which terminate as of such date. The amount deemed
       payable under any deferred compensation agreement or arrangement
       described in Section 3.0l(b)(ii) shall be the amount that would be
       payable thereunder at the date that the benefit under Section
       3.0l(a) commences, converted to the form of benefit applicable to
       the Eligible Person under Section 3.0l(a) commencing at the age
       that the benefit under Section 3.0l(a) commences using the
       actuarial assumptions set forth in section 5.06(a) and (b) of the
       Grace Salaried Plan if the amount payable under such agreement or
       arrangement is in the form of periodic payments or using the
       actuarial assumptions applicable in the case of a defined
       contribution plan if the amount payable under such agreement or
       arrangement is in the form of a lump sum.

3.04   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.0l or
       2.02, the monthly benefit under the Plan shall be payable
       coincident with the payment of a monthly benefit under the Grace
       Salaried Plan, provided that no monthly benefit under the Plan
       shall be payable in respect of any period prior to the Effective
       Date of the Plan.

3.05   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.0l or
       2.02, such Eligible Person's joint annuitant, beneficiary, or
       surviving spouse referred to in section 7.02 of the Grace Salaried
       Plan shall become entitled to benefits as provided under Section 3
       if such joint


       annuitant, beneficiary, or surviving spouse shall become entitled
       to benefits (in such capacity) under the Grace Salaried Plan.
       Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan, in the event that an
       Eligible Person's joint annuitant, beneficiary, or surviving
       spouse referred to above shall become entitled to benefits (in
       such capacity) under the Grace Salaried Plan, and the provisions
       of the Grace Salaried Plan do not preclude such joint annuitant,
       beneficiary, or surviving spouse from receiving all or part of the
       benefit provided thereunder for such person, then the Grace
       Salaried Plan shall pay such benefit to the extent permitted under
       the Grace Salaried Plan (and no amount duplicating such benefit
       shall be payable under the Plan).

3.06   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.0l or
       2.02, in the event that such an Eligible Person (or his joint
       annuitant, beneficiary, or surviving spouse referred to in section
       7.02 of the Grace Salaried Plan) ceases to receive benefits under
       the Grace Salaried Plan for any reason, he (or she) shall cease to
       be eligible to receive benefits under the Plan.

3.07   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.03, the
       monthly benefit under the Plan shall be based upon the form of
       benefit, benefit commencement date, and other factors and
       assumptions which would have been applicable to him under the
       Grace Salaried Plan if he were a participant in the Grace Salaried
       Plan (as defined in section l.24 of the Grace Salaried Plan).

3.08   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.03, the
       monthly benefit under the Plan shall be payable


       coincident with the payment of a monthly benefit which would have
       been made under the Grace Salaried Plan if he were a participant
       in the Grace Salaried Plan (as defined in section l.24 of the
       Grace Salaried Plan).

3.09   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.03, such
       Eligible Person's joint annuitant, beneficiary, or surviving
       spouse referred to in section 7.02 of the Grace Salaried Plan
       shall become entitled to benefits as provided under Section 3 if
       such joint annuitant, beneficiary, or surviving spouse would have
       become entitled to benefits (in such capacity) under the Grace
       Salaried Plan if such Eligible Person had been a participant in
       the Grace Salaried Plan (as defined in section l.24 of the Grace
       Salaried Plan).

3.10   In the case of an Eligible Person described in Section 2.03, in
       the event that such an Eligible Person (or his joint annuitant,
       beneficiary, or surviving spouse referred to in section 7.02 of
       the Grace Salaried Plan) would cease to receive benefits under the
       Grace Salaried Plan if he were a participant in the Grace Salaried
       Plan (as defined in section l.24 of the Grace Salaried Plan), he
       (or she) shall cease to be eligible to receive benefits under the

3.11   The monthly benefits described in Sections 3.01(a) and 3.01(b)(i)
       are payable in the form of a straight life annuity commencing as
       of or after the first day of the month after an Eligible Person
       attains age 65 (except to the extent that a different form of
       benefit, or benefit commencement date, or both, is applicable, or
       would be


       applicable, to the Eligible Person under the Grace Salaried Plan).

3.12   The benefits payable under the Plan shall be paid by the Company
       or a subsidiary of the Company, as the case may be, out of its
       general assets and shall not be funded in any manner.

3.13   In the event that an Eligible Person who has terminated service
       with the Company and its Affiliates elects to defer the
       commencement of his benefits under the Grace Salaried Plan, he may
       apply to the Committee for a deferral of his benefits under the
       Plan in order to prevent constructive receipt of such benefits,
       provided that the Committee shall in its sole discretion decide
       whether to grant such application.  The grant or denial of any
       such application shall not alter or limit the provisions of
       Sections 3.04 and 3.08 of the Plan.

3.l4   Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, in the event that
       the service of a "participant" in the Grace Salaried Plan (or an
       employee described in section 2.0l(2) of the Grace Salaried Plan
       who has not yet completed a "year of service" under the Grace
       Salaried Plan) is terminated at Company request on account of
       layoff during the period from October 3l, l986 to January 3l, l987
       (or up to April 30, l987 in case of business necessity), and, as
       of the date of his Termination of Service, such participant (or
       such employee) (i) has attained age 50, (ii) earns a base salary
       of $75,000 or more, and (iii) is employed on the corporate staff
       at the main office of W. R. Grace & Co., each such participant or
       employee shall receive the following monthly benefits, commencing
       as of


       the date that his benefits under the Grace Salaried Plan commence
       (or would commence, if no such benefit is payable, or if section
       5.l4 of the Grace Salaried Plan applied to him),
             (A) a benefit determined with respect to the participant (or
       employee) under section 5.02(l)(a) of the Grace Salaried Plan
       based on five years of "credited service" under the Grace Salaried
       Plan (or the period until his attainment of age 70, if less)
       payable in the form applicable to such participant or employee in
       accordance with the terms of the Grace Salaried Plan (without
       reduction for early commencement);
             (B) in the case of such a participant in the Grace Salaried
       Plan who has attained age 50 (but not age 55) and has less than l0
       years of "vesting service" under the Grace Salaried Plan, a
       benefit equal to the benefit accrued by such participant under
       section 5.02 of the Grace Salaried Plan which was forfeited by him
       upon termination of service payable in the form which would have
       been applicable to such participant in accordance with the terms
       of the Grace Salaried Plan (without reduction for early
       commencement); and
             (C) a benefit equal to the amount, if any, by which the
       benefit payable to such participant under the Grace Salaried Plan
       (without reduction for early commencement) exceeds the benefit
       actually payable to such participant under the Grace Salaried


                                    SECTION 4


4.01   The Plan shall be administered by the Salary, Incentive
       Compensation and Employee Benefits Committee (or its designee) in
       accordance with its terms and purposes.  The Committee (or its
       designee) shall determine the amount and manner of payment of the
       benefits under the Plan.

4.02   The decisions made and the actions taken by the Committee (and its
       designee) in the administration of the Plan shall be final and
       conclusive on all persons, and the Committee, its members, and its
       designees shall not be subject to liability with respect to the

4.03   The Committee shall have the sole responsibility for the
       administration of the Plan and shall have the exclusive right to
       interpret the provisions of the Plan and to determine any question
       arising thereunder or in connection with the administration of the
       Plan, including the remedying of any omissions, inconsistency, or
       ambiguity, and its decision or action in respect thereof shall be
       conclusive and binding on all persons.


                                    SECTION 5


5.01   The Board of Directors may amend or terminate the Plan with
       respect to future periods at any time for whatever reason it may
       deem appropriate. In the event of termination of the Plan, no
       person shall be entitled to accrue additional benefits under the
       Plan with respect to any period after the effective date of
       termination determined by the Board of Directors; provided,
       however, that any benefits under the Plan accrued prior to the
       effective date of the termination determined by the Board of
       Directors shall not be reduced on account of such termination.
       Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of Section 2.04
       shall continue to be applicable to an Eligible Person, unless the
       Board of Directors elects to waive such provisions in order to
       vest all Eligible Persons in any such benefits provided under the
       Plan even if such an Eligible Person terminates service with the
       Company and its Affiliates prior to the date he attains age 55 or,
       effective January l, l988, prior to the date he completes at least
       ten (l0) years of vesting service (effective January l, l989,
       prior to the date he completes at least five (5) years of vesting
       service) (as defined in Section l.38 of the Grace Salaried Plan).


                                    SECTION 6


6.01   Nothing contained in the Plan shall be construed as a contract of
       employment between the Company and an Eligible Person, or as a
       right of any Eligible Person to continue in the employ of the
       Company or as a limitation of the right of the Company to
       discharge any Eligible Person, with or without cause.

6.02   The benefits payable under the Plan may not be assigned or

6.03   The Plan shall be governed, to the extent provided thereunder, by
       the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of l974 and to the
       extent not preempted, by the laws of the State of New York.