Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

Filed by the Registrant [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[  ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ X ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[  ] Definitive Additional Materials
[  ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section240.14a-11(c) or Section240.14a-12

                              MERRILL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                              MERRILL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2).
[  ] $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule
[  ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

        1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

        2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

        3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: _/

        4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

_/   Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
    was determined.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act  Rule
    0-11(a)(2)  and identify  the filing for  which the offsetting  fee was paid
    previously. Identify the previous  filing by registration statement  number,
    or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        1)  Amount Previously Paid:

        2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

        3)  Filing Party:

        4)  Date Filed:


                               MERRILL CORPORATION

One Merrill Circle
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108
April 29, 1994

Dear Shareholder:

You are cordially invited to attend the 1994 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
Merrill Corporation. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 1994, at 10:00
a.m., local time, at the Bandana Banquet and Conference Centre, Bandana Square,
1021 Bandana Boulevard West, Suite 220, Energy Park, St. Paul, Minnesota. We
suggest that you read carefully the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy

We hope you will be able to attend the Annual Meeting. Whether or not you plan
to attend, we urge you to complete, sign, date and return the enclosed proxy
card in the enclosed envelope in order to make certain that your shares will be
represented at the Annual Meeting.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Kenneth F. Merrill       /s/ John W. Castro

Kenneth F. Merrill           John W. Castro
Chairman of the Board        President and Chief Executive Officer

                           MERRILL CORPORATION [LOGO]

                                   NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                            TO BE HELD MAY 24, 1994

To the Shareholders of Merrill Corporation:

    The  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Merrill Corporation  will be held on
Tuesday, May 24,  1994, at 10:00  a.m. local  time, at the  Bandana Banquet  and
Conference  Centre, Bandana  Square, 1021  Bandana Boulevard,  Suite 220, Energy
Park, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the following purposes:

    1.  To elect seven directors to  serve for the ensuing year and until  their
       successors are elected and qualified;

    2.  To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the selection of Coopers &
       Lybrand,  certified public  accountants, as independent  auditors for the
       Company for the fiscal year ending January 31, 1995; and

    3.  To transact such other business  as may properly come before the  Annual
       Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

    Only  shareholders of record at the close  of business on April 1, 1994 will
be entitled  to notice  of and  to vote  at the  meeting or  at any  adjournment

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          /S/ STEVEN J. MACHOV
                                          STEVEN J. MACHOV

                           MERRILL CORPORATION [LOGO]

                               ONE MERRILL CIRCLE
                                  ENERGY PARK
                           ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55108


                                PROXY STATEMENT
                                  MAY 24, 1994



    The  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Merrill  Corporation (the "Company")
will be held on May  24, 1994 at 10:00 a.m.  local time, at the Bandana  Banquet
and Conference Centre, Bandana Square, 1021 Bandana Boulevard, Suite 220, Energy
Park,  St. Paul, Minnesota, or at any  adjournment thereof, for the purposes set
forth in the Notice of Meeting.

    A proxy card is enclosed  for your use. You are  solicited on behalf of  the
ENVELOPE. No postage is required if mailed within the United States. The cost of
soliciting proxies,  including  the preparation,  assembly  and mailing  of  the
proxies and soliciting material, as well as the cost of forwarding such material
to  the  beneficial  owners of  Common  Stock,  will be  borne  by  the Company.
Directors,  officers  and  regular  employees   of  the  Company  may,   without
compensation   other  than  their  regular   compensation,  solicit  proxies  by
telephone,  telegraph  or  personal  conversation.  The  Company  may  reimburse
brokerage  firms and  others for  expenses in  forwarding proxy  material to the
beneficial owners of Common Stock.

    Any proxy given  to this solicitation  and received in  time for the  Annual
Meeting  will be voted in accordance with  the instructions given in such proxy.
Any shareholder giving a proxy  may revoke it any time  prior to its use at  the
Annual  Meeting by giving written notice of  such revocation to the Secretary of
the Company, by filing a revoking instrument or a duly executed proxy bearing  a
later  date with the Secretary of the Company or by attending the Annual Meeting
and voting in person. Proxies that are signed by shareholders but that lack  any
such  specification will  be voted in  favor of  the proposals set  forth in the
Notice of Meeting  and in favor  of the  election as directors  of the  nominees
listed in this Proxy Statement.


    The Company  expects that  this Proxy  Statement, the  Proxy and  Notice  of
Meeting will first be mailed to shareholders on or about April 29, 1994.


                                VOTING OF SHARES

    The  close of business on Friday, April 1,  1994 has been fixed by the Board
of Directors  of  the  Company as  the  record  date for  the  determination  of
shareholders  entitled to notice of and to  vote at the Annual Meeting. On April
1, 1994, the Company had outstanding 7,516,542 shares of Common Stock, $.01  par
value  (the "Common Stock"), each such share entitling the holder thereof to one
vote in person or by proxy on each matter to be voted on at the Annual  Meeting,
voting  together as a  single class. Holders  of shares of  Common Stock are not
entitled to cumulative voting rights.

    The presence at the Annual Meeting, in person or by proxy, of the holders of
a majority of the  outstanding shares of  Common Stock entitled  to vote at  the
meeting  (3,758,272 shares as of April 1, 1994) is required for a quorum for the
transaction of business.  In general, shares  of Common Stock  represented by  a
properly  signed and returned proxy  card will be counted  as shares present and
entitled to vote at  the meeting for purposes  of determining a quorum,  without
regard to whether the card reflects abstentions (or is left blank) or reflects a
"broker  non-vote" on a matter  (i.e., a card returned by  a broker on behalf of
its beneficial owner customer that is  not voted on a particular matter  because
voting  instructions have not been received  and the broker has no discretionary
authority to vote).

    The election of a nominee for director and the approval of each of the other
proposals described in this Proxy Statement  require the approval of a  majority
of  the shares present and entitled to vote in person or by proxy on that matter
(and at least a majority of the  minimum number of votes necessary for a  quorum
to  transact business at the meeting). Shares  represented by a proxy card voted
as abstaining on  any of the  proposals will  be treated as  shares present  and
entitled  to vote that were  not cast in favor of  a particular matter, and thus
will be counted as votes against that matter. Shares represented by a proxy card
including any broker non-vote on a matter will be treated as shares not entitled
to vote on that matter, and thus will not be counted either for or against  that


                         SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

    The  following table sets  forth, as of April  21, 1994, certain information
with respect to all  shareholders known to the  Company to have been  beneficial
owners  of more  than five  percent of  its Common  Stock, and  information with
respect to the  Company's Common Stock  beneficially owned by  directors of  the
Company,  the  executive  officers  of  the  Company  included  in  the  Summary
Compensation Table set  forth under the  caption "Executive Compensation"  below
and all directors and executive officers of the Company as a group.

            NAME AND ADDRESS            NUMBER OF        PERCENT
          OF BENEFICIAL OWNER         SHARES (1)(2)    OF CLASS (2)
     ------------------------------   -------------    ------------
     John W. Castro                    1,169,080(3)        15.5%
      One Merrill Circle
      St. Paul, MN 55108
     Kenneth F. Merrill                  502,000(4)         6.7%
      10 Coventry Drive
      Haines City, FL 33844
     Robert F. Nienhouse                 408,669(5)         5.4%
      205 East 4th St.
      Hinsdale, IL 60521
     Rick R. Atterbury                   219,603(6)         2.9%
     Richard G. Lareau                   176,700(7)         2.3%
     Paul G. Miller                       42,006          *
     Ronald N. Hoge                        9,000(8)       *
     Steven J. Machov                     26,316(9)       *
     John B. McCain                       11,000(10)      *
     James G. Sippl                       36,500(11)      *
     All directors and executive
      officers as a group
      (13 persons)                     2,606,854(12)       34.0%
- ------------------------
 *    less than 1%
 (1)  Unless  otherwise noted,  each person  or group  identified possesses sole
      voting and investment power with respect to the shares shown opposite  the
      name of such person or group.
 (2)  Shares  not outstanding  but deemed  beneficially owned  by virtue  of the
      right of a person or member of a group to acquire them within 60 days  are
      treated  as outstanding only when determining the amount and percent owned
      by such person or group.
 (3)  Includes 24,000 shares  not outstanding but  deemed beneficially owned  by
      virtue  of the right of Mr. Castro to acquire them within 60 days pursuant
      to  exercisable   stock  options.   Also  includes   5,912  shares   owned
      beneficially  by Mr. Castro's wife and  1,500 shares owned by Mr. Castro's
      children, all to  which he may  be deemed to  share voting and  investment
      power, but as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership.
 (4)  Includes  459,451 shares held in a revocable  trust for the benefit of Mr.


 (5)  Includes 3,156 shares owned  beneficially by Mr.  Nienhouse's wife, as  to
      which  he may be  deemed to share  voting and investment  power, but as to
      which he disclaims any beneficial interest.
 (6)  Includes 62,000 shares Mr.  Atterbury has the right  to acquire within  60
      days upon the exercise of options.
 (7)  Includes  96,400 shares  held in trust  for the benefit  of certain family
      members of Mr. Merrill.  Mr. Lareau is the  trustee for all these  trusts,
      but disclaims beneficial ownership of all such shares. Also includes 5,000
      shares  owned beneficially  by Mr.  Lareau's wife, as  to which  he may be
      deemed to share  voting and investment  power, but as  to which shares  he
      disclaims beneficial ownership.
 (8)  Includes  4,000 shares Mr.  Hoge has the  right to acquire  within 60 days
      upon the exercise of options.
 (9)  Includes 17,416 shares  owned beneficially  by Mr. Machov's  wife and  900
      shares  Mr. Machov's  wife has  the right to  acquire within  60 days upon
      exercise of options, all as to which he may be deemed to share voting  and
      investment  power, but as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership. Also
      includes 4,000 shares Mr. Machov has  the right to acquire within 60  days
      upon exercise of options.
(10)  Includes  6,000 shares Mr. McCain has the  right to acquire within 60 days
      upon the exercise of options.
(11)  Includes 36,000 shares Mr. Sippl has  the right to acquire within 60  days
      upon the exercise of options.
(12)  Includes:  (i) 459,451 shares held in a revocable trust for the benefit of
      Mr. Merrill; (ii) 96,400 shares held  in trust for the benefit of  certain
      family  members  of Kenneth  F.  Merrill for  which  Richard G.  Lareau, a
      director of  the  Company,  is  the trustee  for  all  these  trusts,  but
      disclaims  beneficial ownership  of all  such shares;  (iii) 32,984 shares
      owned beneficially by the spouses or  children of members of the group  as
      to which they may be deemed to share voting and investment power; and (iv)
      141,800  shares not outstanding but deemed beneficially owned by virtue of
      the right of members of the group or their spouses to acquire them  within
      60  days pursuant  to exercisable  stock options.  All persons  subject to
      Section 16  of the  Securities Exchange  Act of  1934, as  amended,  filed
      required  reports in a timely manner disclosing transactions involving the
      Company's stock.

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


    The Bylaws of the Company provide that  the Board shall consist of at  least
three  members, or such other  number as may be determined  from time to time by
the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has determined that there will be
seven directors of the Company for the ensuing year.

    In the absence of other instructions, the proxies will be voted for each  of
the  following  individuals,  each  of whom  the  Company's  Board  of Directors
proposes for election as a director of the Company. If elected, such individuals
will serve  until  the  next  Annual Meeting  of  Shareholders  or  until  their
successors  are duly elected and  qualified. All of the  nominees are members of
the present  Board of  Directors, and  all were  elected at  last year's  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders.

    The  election of each nominee requires the affirmative vote of a majority of
the shares of  Common Stock  represented in  person or  by proxy  at the  Annual
Meeting.  The Board recommends a  vote FOR the election  of each of the nominees
listed below. If prior  to the Annual  Meeting the Board  should learn that  any
nominee  will  be  unable to  serve  by  reason of  death,  incapacity  or other
unexpected occurrence, the proxies that would have otherwise been voted for such
nominee will  be  voted for  a  substitute nominee  as  selected by  the  Board.
Alternatively, the proxies may, at the Board's discretion,


be  voted  for  such  fewer  number of  nominees  as  results  from  such death,
incapacity or other unexpected  occurrence. The Board has  no reason to  believe
that any of the nominees will be unable to serve.


    The  following  information  has  been  furnished  to  the  Company  by  the
respective nominees for director.

 NAMES OF NOMINEES                        PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                        AGE    SINCE
- -------------------   -------------------------------------------------------------   ---   --------
Kenneth F. Merrill    Chairman of the Board of Merrill Corporation                    75     1968
John W. Castro        President and Chief Executive Officer of Merrill Corporation    45     1981
Richard G. Lareau     Partner, Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly (law firm)                65     1981(1)
Paul G. Miller        Chairman and Treasurer, LSC, Incorporated (hardware and         71     1985
                       proprietary software development and consulting firm)
Robert F. Nienhouse   Private Investor                                                46     1986
Rick R. Atterbury     Vice President -- Operations of Merrill Corporation             40     1989
Ronald N. Hoge        Group President, Aerospace Equipment and Controls,              48     1991
                       AlliedSignal, Inc. (advanced systems and equipment
- ------------------------
(1)   Mr. Lareau was  also the  incorporator of the  Company and  served as  its
      first director before his resignation in October 1968.


    Except as indicated below, there has been no change in principal occupations
or  employment  during the  past five  years  for the  nominees for  election as

    Mr. Lareau has been a member of the law firm of Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly
for over 34 years. Oppenheimer Wolff  & Donnelly have provided and are  expected
to  continue to provide legal services to the Company. Mr. Lareau also serves as
a  Director  of  Ceridian   Corporation,  Northern  Technologies   International
Corporation and Nash Finch Company, and as a Trustee of Mesabi Trust.

    Mr. Miller is also Chairman of Supercomputer Systems, Inc. and a Director of
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company.

    Mr.  Nienhouse was a  part-time consultant to  the Company from  May 1989 to
January 1993.  From  July  1989  to January  1993,  Mr.  Nienhouse  managed  the
Company's California operations.

    Mr.  Hoge was President and Chief Executive Officer of Onan Corporation from
May 1986 until January 1993.


    Standing committees of the Board  of Directors include the Audit  Committee,
the Compensation Committee and the Nominating Committee.

    The  Audit  Committee provides  assistance to  the  Board in  satisfying its
responsibilities relating to the  accounting, auditing, operating and  reporting
practices of the Company. The Audit Committee


recommends  to the Board  the retention of  independent accountants, reviews the
performance  of  such  accountants  and  considers  recommendations   concerning
improvements  in internal accounting control. The members of the Audit Committee
are Messrs. Lareau, Miller and Hoge. The Audit Committee met on three  occasions
and held one telephone conference during fiscal 1994.

    The  Compensation  Committee reviews  general  programs of  compensation and
benefits for all employees of the Company  and sets the compensation to be  paid
to  the  Company's  officers.  The Compensation  Committee  also  serves  as the
disinterested committee administering the  Company's Retirement Plan,  Incentive
Stock  Option Plan, 1987 Omnibus  Stock Plan and 1993  Stock Incentive Plan. The
members of the Compensation  Committee are Messrs.  Merrill, Lareau and  Miller.
The  Compensation  Committee  met or  took  action  by written  consent  on four
occasions during fiscal 1994.

    In March  1994,  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  formed  a  Nominating
Committee  to  review and  make  recommendations to  the  Board with  respect to
candidates  for  directors  of  the  Company,  compensation  of  Board  members,
retirement  age for directors  and assignment of directors  to committees of the
Board. The Nominating Committee will also review and approve or deny requests by
corporate officers to serve on the  boards of outside companies. The members  of
the  Nominating Committee are Messrs. Nienhouse, Hoge and Miller. The Nominating
Committee will consider for nomination nominees submitted by other directors and
shareholders. Shareholders  who  wish  to  recommend  persons  for  election  as
directors  at the 1995 Annual Meeting of Shareholders may do so by submitting to
the Secretary of the Company in writing  on or before January 15, 1995: (i)  the
name  and address of  the person or persons  to be nominated;  (ii) the name and
address  of  the  shareholder  who  intends   to  make  the  nomination  and   a
representation  that  the shareholder  is a  holder  of record  of stock  of the
Corporation entitled to vote at such meeting and intends to appear in person  or
by  proxy at the meeting to nominate  the person or persons; (iii) a description
of all arrangements or understandings  between the shareholder and each  nominee
and  any other  person or  persons (naming such  person or  persons) pursuant to
which the nomination or nominations are to be made by the shareholder; (iv) such
other information regarding each nominee  proposed by such shareholder as  would
be  required to  be included in  a proxy  statement filed pursuant  to the proxy
rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission  as then in effect; and (v)  the
signed  consent of each nominee to serve as  a director of the Corporation if so

    The Company's  Board of  Directors held  five meetings  and took  action  by
written  consent  on four  occasions during  fiscal 1994.  All of  the directors
attended at least 75% of all of the  meetings of the Board of Directors and  all
committees on which they served during fiscal 1994.


    Directors  who are employees of the Company receive no separate compensation
for their services as directors. During the fiscal year ended January 31,  1994,
directors  who were not employees  of the Company received  a retainer of $5,000
per year ($10,000 for the  Chairman of the Board), a  fee of $1,000 per day  for
attendance  at meetings of the Board of  Directors or any committee of the Board
of Directors and a  fee of $1,000  per day for  consulting and similar  services
rendered  over and above the  usual services performed incident  to serving as a
director. The Company also reimburses  its directors for out-of-pocket  expenses
in   connection  with  attending  Board  and  committee  meetings  or  providing
consulting services. For the fiscal  year ending January 31, 1995,  non-employee
directors  will receive a retainer of $10,000 per year ($15,000 for the Chairman
of the Board), and fees for attendance  at Board and committee meetings will  be
$1,000  per  meeting,  provided  that  attendance  fees  will  not  be  paid for
participation in  meetings the  chair  of such  committee determines  are  brief


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


    The  Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors  administers the
Company's executive compensation program. The Compensation Committee consists of
three non-employee directors and meets two to four times a year. A more complete
description of the functions  of the Compensation Committee  is set forth  above
under the caption "Information About the Board and its Committees."

    COMPENSATION   PHILOSOPHY   AND   OBJECTIVES.     The   Company's  executive
compensation philosophy is  to pay for  performance. The executive  compensation
program is intended to provide an overall level of compensation opportunity that
the  Committee  believes,  based on  its  own  judgment and  experience,  and on
periodic studies  by executive  compensation  consultants, is  competitive  with
other  companies  within its  industry group.  The  objectives of  the Company's
executive compensation program are:

    - To establish annual  base salaries  and incentives that  will attract  and
      retain key executives.

    - To  reward executives for achievement  of annual performance and financial

    - To encourage  executive  stock  ownership and  appreciation  of  long-term
      shareholder returns.

Actual  compensation  levels  are  based on  annual  and  long-term  Company and
individual performance and may  be greater or less  than compensation levels  at
other companies.

    EXECUTIVE   COMPENSATION  PROGRAM  COMPONENTS.     The  Company's  executive
compensation program consists of base  salary, annual cash bonus incentives  and
long-term ownership incentives in the form of stock options.

    BASE  SALARY.   Base pay  levels of  executives are  determined generally by
considering the  potential impact  of  the individual  on  the Company  and  its
performance,   the  skills  and  experiences   required  by  the  position,  the
performance of  divisions  or departments  under  the executive's  control,  the
achievement   of  defined   business  objectives  and   personal  and  corporate
development goals, and  finally, the  overall performance of  the Company.  Base
salaries for executives are maintained at levels that the Compensation Committee
believes,  based upon its own judgment and experience, are lower than the median
for other companies of comparable size and complexity (which are not necessarily
the companies included  in the performance  graph included below  in this  proxy
statement),  and the annual cash bonus  incentives are designed to offer greater
potential compensation than the median in other companies.

    John  W.  Castro,  the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer,  and  Rick  R.
Atterbury,   the  Company's  Vice  President   --  Operations,  have  employment
agreements with the Company entered into  in 1989 and 1987, respectively.  These
agreements  provide for automatic  renewal from year to  year. The base salaries
under these agreements have  not been increased for  the last four fiscal  years
during which time the Company's performance has been excellent as shown below in
the  Comparative  Stock Performance  Graph. During  this  same period,  the base
salaries of other executives  have been increased due  in part to the  Company's
commendable  performance. Messrs. Castro's and Atterbury's employment agreements
were  recently  amended  to  increase  their  base  salaries.  See   "Employment
Agreements" below.

    ANNUAL  CASH BONUS INCENTIVES.  Annual cash incentive bonuses for Mr. Castro
and Mr.  Atterbury  are  prescribed  by a  fixed  formula  in  their  employment
agreements. For all the other executives, the


Company's  Chief Executive Officer makes a recommendation to the Committee as to
the amount of  each cash incentive  bonus, based on  his subjective  evaluation,
including  his perception of the individual's performance. The Committee makes a
final bonus award, taking into account the recommendation of the Chief Executive
Officer as well as using its  own judgment and experience. The Committee  places
greater  emphasis on annual  Company performance for  determining cash incentive
bonuses than for determining individual base salaries. Because of the  Company's
excellent  performance during fiscal year  1994, most executives received larger
cash bonuses than in the prior fiscal year.

    Pursuant to  their  employment  agreements, Mr.  Castro  and  Mr.  Atterbury
receive  cash bonuses equal to a percentage  of the Company's pre-tax income for
each fiscal year. Thus,  their overall compensation is  directly related to  the
Company's  profit performance for each fiscal  year. For fiscal 1994, Mr. Castro
and Mr. Atterbury received cash bonuses  equal to 2.5% and 1.5% respectively  of
the  Company's pre-tax income. In the  recent amendments to Messrs. Castro's and
Atterbury's employment agreements, the  formulas for calculating cash  incentive
bonuses were also changed. See "Employment Agreements" below.

    LONG-TERM  OWNERSHIP INCENTIVE.   Long-term  incentives are  provided in the
form of stock  options that are  granted from time  to time at  or above  market
value  at date of grant and  generally become exercisable proportionately over a
period of  five  to  seven years.  Grants  of  stock options  are  made  by  the
Compensation  Committee in its  discretion based upon  the recommendation of the
Company's Chief Executive Officer and Vice President -- Human Resources, as well
as the Committee's judgment  as to the  executive's contribution toward  Company
performance  and expected  contribution toward  meeting the  Company's long-term
strategic goals and increases in shareholder returns. The value received by  the
executives  from option  grants depends  completely on  increases in  the market
price of the Company's Common Stock  over the option exercise price. Thus,  this
component  of  compensation is  aligned directly  with increases  in shareholder

    During fiscal year 1994, the Committee granted options to Mr. Atterbury  for
the purchase of 30,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock.

                                          Kenneth F. Merrill, Chair
                                          Paul G. Miller
                                          Richard G. Lareau
                                          MEMBERS OF THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE



    The following table sets forth the cash and noncash compensation for each of
the  last three fiscal years awarded to or earned by the Chief Executive Officer
of the Company and the four other most highly compensated executive officers  of
the Company whose salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 in fiscal 1994.

                                                                        LONG TERM
                                                 ANNUAL COMPENSATION      SHARES
                                                 -------------------    UNDERLYING        ALL OTHER
- ---------------------------------------   ----   --------   --------   ------------   -----------------
John W. Castro                            1994   $150,000   $573,288           -0-    $        16,998
 President and Chief Executive            1993   $150,000   $369,026        60,000
 Officer                                  1992   $150,000   $280,429           -0-
Rick R. Atterbury                         1994   $100,000   $343,973        30,000    $        16,860
 Vice President -- Operations             1993   $100,000   $221,415        30,000
                                          1992   $100,000   $168,257           -0-
John B. McCain                            1994   $101,600   $ 87,800           -0-    $        12,697
 Vice President -- Finance, Chief         1993   $ 95,000   $ 62,800        10,000
 Financial Officer and Treasurer          1992   $ 92,917   $ 49,883           -0-
James G. Sippl                            1994   $144,000   $ 36,000           -0-    $        10,658
 Vice President                           1993   $144,000        -0-        10,000
                                          1992   $144,000   $ 26,000           -0-
Steven J. Machov                          1994   $100,000   $ 50,000           -0-    $         8,740
 Vice President, General                  1993   $ 99,792   $ 21,000           -0-
 Counsel and Secretary                    1992   $ 87,917   $ 22,083           -0-
- ------------------------
(1)   Cash  bonuses for services rendered have been included as compensation for
      the year earned,  even though all  or part of  such bonuses were  actually
      calculated and paid in the following year.
(2)   "All  Other Compensation" includes:  (1) amounts to  be contributed by the
      Company to  its defined  contribution retirement  plan for  the  following
      individuals:  Mr.  Castro  $16,508,  Mr.  Atterbury  $16,508,  Mr.  McCain
      $11,550, Mr.  Sippl  $10,080, and  Mr.  Machov $8,470;  and  (ii)  premium
      payments  under life insurance policies on  the lives of the executives at
      the following  incremental costs  to  the Company:  Mr. Castro  $490,  Mr.
      Atterbury  $352,  Mr.  McCain  $1,147,  and  Mr.  Sippl  $578.  "All Other
      Compensation" includes only amounts earned for the year ended January  31,


    The  following tables  summarize option  grants and  exercises during fiscal
1994 to or  by the executive  officers named in  the Summary Compensation  Table
above, and the potential realizable value of the options held by such persons at
the end of fiscal 1994.


                          OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL 1994

                                                  INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                          -----------------------------------------------------------------  POTENTIAL REALIZED VALUE
                            NUMBER OF                                                                   AT
                             SHARES                                                          ASSUMED ANNUAL RATES OF
                           UNDERLYING        % OF TOTAL                                      STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION
                             OPTIONS       OPTIONS GRANTED      EXERCISE OR                    FOR OPTION TERM (3)
                             GRANTED       TO EMPLOYEES IN       BASE PRICE     EXPIRATION   ------------------------
          NAME               (1)(2)          FISCAL 1993           ($/SH)          DATE          5%           10%
- ------------------------  -------------  -------------------  ----------------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Rick R. Atterbury              30,000              7.5%          $    29.50        1/24/01   $   360,300  $   559,800
- ------------------------
(1)   These  options were granted under the  Company's 1993 Stock Incentive Plan
      (the "1993 Plan"). Options  become exercisable under the  plan so long  as
      the  executive  remains  in  the  employ of  the  Company  or  one  of its
      subsidiaries. To the  extent not  already exercisable,  options under  the
      1993  Plan become immediately exercisable in  full upon certain changes in
      control of the Company  and will remain  exercisable during the  remaining
      term  thereof, whether or not the executive  to whom the options have been
      granted remains an employee of the Company or a subsidiary. See "Change in
      Control Arrangements"  below for  the definition  of "Change  in  Control"
      under this plan.
(2)   These  options were  granted with  an exercise  price equal  to the market
      price on January 24, 1994, the date of grant. The options are  exercisable
      in  installments. The options become exercisable  as to 15% one year after
      the date of grant and as to  an additional 15% each year thereafter,  with
      the final installment of 10% exercisable on or after July 24, 2000.
(3)   These amounts represent certain assumed rates of appreciation only. Actual
      gains,  if any,  on stock option  exercises are dependent  upon the future
      performance of the  Company's Common Stock  and the executive's  continued
      employment  with the  Company. The  amounts are  not intended  to forecast
      possible future appreciation, if any, in the price of the Company's Common

                    VALUE OF OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR END 1994

                                                                NUMBER OF              VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                          UNEXERCISED OPTIONS AT       IN-THE MONEY OPTIONS
                                                            END OF FISCAL 1994      AT END OF FISCAL 1994 (3)
                        SHARES ACQUIRED       VALUE     --------------------------  --------------------------
- ---------------------  ------------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
John W. Castro                                              12,000        48,000    $   231,900  $     927,600
Rick R. Atterbury              20,000       $ 501,562       36,000        94,000    $   947,250  $   1,100,000
John B. McCain                  6,000       $ 109,500                     16,000                 $     383,000
James G. Sippl                 28,000       $ 495,700       34,000         8,000    $   920,750  $     163,000
Steven J. Machov                4,000       $  86,500                      8,000                 $     220,000
- ------------------------
(1)   Under both the 1987 Omnibus Stock  Plan and 1993 Plan, the exercise  price
      may  be paid  in cash or,  in the Compensation  Committee's discretion, by
      delivery of  a  promissory  note  or previously  acquired  shares  of  the
      Company's common stock valued at fair market value on the date of exercise
      or  pursuant to  a cashless exercise  procedure under  which the executive
      provides  irrevocable  instructions  to  a  brokerage  firm  to  sell  the
      purchased shares and to remit to the Company, out of the sale proceeds, an
      amount equal to the exercise price plus all applicable withholding taxes.
(2)   Value  calculated as  the market  value on the  date of  exercise less the
      option exercise price.
(3)   Value calculated as the  market value on January  31, 1994 ($30.875)  less
      the option exercise price. Options are in-the-money if the market price of
      the shares exceeds the option exercise price.


                         COMPARATIVE STOCK PERFORMANCE


                                                 CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURN
                                         1/89   1/90   1/91   1/92   1/93   1/94
                                         ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----
MERRILL CORPORATION               MRLL    100     88    110    325    412    741
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET - US          INAS    100    105    108    166    187    214
D J IND & COMM SRVC - GENL        IICS    100     95    104    118    132    144
* $100 invested on 1/31/88 in stock or index -- including reinvestment of
  dividends. Fiscal year ending January 31.
Source: S T A R Services, Inc.

    Effective  February 1, 1989,  Mr. Castro entered  into a one-year employment
agreement with the  Company under  which he serves  as its  President and  Chief
Executive  Officer, and effective February 1, 1987, Mr. Atterbury entered into a
three-year employment agreement with  the Company under which  he serves as  its
Vice  President --  Operations. Mr.  Atterbury's employment  agreement was first
amended effective February 1,  1990. Each employment  agreement provides for  an
automatic renewal from year to year for consecutive one year terms unless either
the employee or the Company gives the other party 60 days advance written notice
of    termination.    For    services   performed    under    their   respective


agreements, Mr. Castro received  an annual base salary  of $150,000 and a  bonus
equal to 2.5% of all of the Company's pre-tax income, and Mr. Atterbury received
an  annual base  salary of  $100,000 and  a bonus  equal to  1.5% of  all of the
Company's pre-tax income. Mr.  Castro and Mr. Atterbury  also receive an  annual
transportation  allowance of $12,000 and  $7,200, respectively. For a discussion
of the  "change in  control"  provisions in  these  agreements, see  "Change  in
Control Arrangements" below.

    Effective  February 1, 1994 these employment agreements have been amended to
increase the base salary of each executive  to $300,000 per year for Mr.  Castro
and  $225,000 per year  for Mr. Atterbury.  For fiscal 1995  and thereafter, the
amended agreements  provide  that  the  cash bonuses  for  Mr.  Castro  and  Mr.
Atterbury will be based on the Company's net income per share. For each one cent
of  net income per share up to the prior fiscal year's net income per share, Mr.
Castro and  Mr.  Atterbury will  receive  cash  bonuses of  $2,000  and  $1,200,
respectively, and for each additional one cent of net income per share they will
receive  additional  cash  bonuses  of  $5,000  and  $3,000,  respectively. Upon
termination of employment under their amended agreements, each has agreed not to
compete with the Company for 18 months if the Company elects to continue  paying
his base salary during the restrictive period.


    Pursuant  to two  stock-based benefit  plans of  the Company  and employment
agreements with  two executive  officers of  the Company  named in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table above, benefits would be  paid or existing non-vested awards
would be accelerated in connection with a change in control of the Company.

    Under the Company's  1993 Stock  Incentive Plan  (the "1993  Plan"), in  the
event  a "change in control" of the Company occurs, if approved by the committee
administering the  plan, (a)  all outstanding  options will  become  immediately
exercisable  in  full and  will remain  exercisable for  the remainder  of their
terms, regardless of whether the participant remains in the employ or service of
the Company or any subsidiary, (b) all outstanding restricted stock awards  will
become  immediately  fully vested  and nonforfeitable,  and (c)  all outstanding
performance units will vest and/or continue to vest in the manner determined  by
the  committee. In addition, the committee,  without the consent of any affected
participant, may determine  that some  or all  participants holding  outstanding
options  will receive cash in  an amount equal to the  excess of the fair market
value immediately before the effective date  of such change in control over  the
exercise price per share of the options.

    For  purposes of the 1993 Plan, a "change  in control" means (i) the sale or
other transfer of substantially  all of the Company's  assets, (ii) a merger  or
consolidation  involving the Company if less than 80% of the voting stock of the
surviving company  is held  by  persons who  were  shareholders of  the  Company
immediately before the merger or consolidation, (iii) ownership by any person or
group  of  20% or  more of  the Company's  voting  stock, (iv)  a change  in the
composition of the Board such that  individuals who constitute the Board on  the
effective  date of the 1993  Plan cease for any reason  to constitute at least a
majority of the  Board (with  exceptions for  individuals who  are nominated  or
otherwise  approved by the current Board), or  (v) any change of control that is
required to be reported under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934.

    Under the Company's  1987 Omnibus  Stock Plan  (the "1987  Plan"), upon  the
occurrence of a "change in control" of the Company, all outstanding options will
become  immediately exercisable in  full and will  remain exercisable during the
remaining term thereof, whether or not the participants to whom the options were
granted remain employees of  the Company or a  subsidiary, and all  restrictions


with  respect to outstanding restricted stock awards will immediately lapse. The
acceleration of the exercisability of options or the vesting of restricted stock
awards under this plan may be  limited, however, if the acceleration is  subject
to  an excise tax imposed  upon "excess parachute payments."  Under this plan, a
"change in control" means,  absent the approval of  the continuity directors  of
the  Company (directors as of the effective date of the 1987 Plan and additional
directors nominated  by other  "continuity directors"),  (a) the  sale or  other
transfer  of substantially all of the Company's  assets, (b) the approval by the
Company's shareholders of a  plan of liquidation, (c)  a change in control  that
would  be required to be reported in a Current Report on Form 8-K, (d) ownership
by any person or group of 20% or more of the Company's outstanding voting stock,
or (e) the continuity directors ceasing to constitute a majority of the Board of

    Under their  respective  employment  agreements with  the  Company,  Messrs.
Castro  and Atterbury are  entitled to receive certain  benefits if, following a
"change  in  control"  of  the  Company,  either  terminates  their   employment
relationship  for specified reasons (including by  reason of a change in duties,
relocation of the Company, certain changes in benefits, failure by any successor
of the Company to assume the agreement, purported termination by the Company not
expressly authorized by  the agreement  or any breach  of the  agreement by  the
Company).  In such a case, the Company will  make a lump sum cash payment to the
executive in  an amount  equal to  2.99 times  the average  annual  compensation
received  by the  executive from the  Company and includable  in the executive's
gross income during the five most recent taxable years ending before the  change
in  control  (less  any amounts  received  under  other plans  considered  to be
"parachute payments" under Section  280G of the Internal  Revenue Code) and  any
legal fees incurred in enforcing the agreement.

    A  "change in  control" for purposes  of these  employment agreements means,
unless approved  by  two-thirds  of  the continuity  directors  of  the  Company
(directors  as of the date of  the employment agreement and additional directors
nominated by  other  "continuity  directors"), (a)  a  merger  or  consolidation
involving  the Company  if less than  50% of  the voting stock  of the surviving
company is held  by persons  who were  shareholders of  the Company  immediately
before the merger, (b) a change in control that would be required to be reported
in  response to  Schedule 14A  under the  Securities Exchange  Act of  1934, (c)
ownership by any person or group of more than 20% of the Company's voting stock,
or (d) any person or group becoming, through or pursuant to a "tender offer"  as
defined  in the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934, the owner  of more than 10% of
the Company's voting stock.

    If a "change in control" of the Company had occurred as of February 1, 1994,
Mr.  Castro  would  have  been  entitled  to  receive  a  lump  sum  payment  of
approximately  $1,206,000 under his employment agreement and Mr. Atterbury would
have been entitled to receive a lump sum payment of approximately $769,700 under
his employment agreement.


    The members  of  the  Compensation  Committee  of  the  Company's  Board  of
Directors  are Messrs. Merrill, Lareau and  Miller, all of whom are non-employee
directors. Mr. Merrill is an officer  of the Company and the Company's  Chairman
of  the Board. Mr. Lareau was formerly  a non-employee officer of the Company as
Assistant Secretary from 1981 to 1985 and Secretary from 1985 to 1989.



    The Board of Directors  has approved the selection  of Coopers & Lybrand  as
independent  auditors to make an examination of  the accounts of the Company for
the fiscal  year ending  January  31, 1995,  and  to perform  other  appropriate
accounting  services. Coopers & Lybrand has acted as independent auditors of the
Company since 1984.

    Although it is  not required  to do  so, the  Board of  Directors wishes  to
submit  the selection of Coopers & Lybrand to the shareholders for ratification.
The Board recommends a vote FOR ratification of Coopers & Lybrand as independent
auditors for the fiscal year ending  January 31, 1995. Unless a contrary  choice
is  specified, proxies solicited by the Board will be voted for the ratification
of Coopers & Lybrand. If the selection of Coopers & Lybrand is not ratified, the
Board of Directors will reconsider its selection.

    The Company has requested and expects a representative of Coopers &  Lybrand
to be present at the Annual Meeting, to make a statement if he or she so desires
and to respond to appropriate questions.


    Shareholder  proposals  intended  to  be  presented  in  the  proxy material
relating to the  next Annual  Meeting of Shareholders  must be  received by  the
Company on or before December 30, 1994.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

    The Company knows of no business that will be presented for consideration at
the  Annual Meeting  other than  that described in  this Proxy  Statement. As to
other business, if any, that may properly come before the Annual Meeting, it  is
intended  that proxies solicited by  the Board will be  voted in accordance with
the judgment of the person or persons voting the proxies.

                                 ANNUAL REPORT

    A copy of the  Company's Annual Report to  Shareholders for the fiscal  year
ended  January  31, 1994  accompanies this  Notice of  Annual Meeting  and Proxy
Statement. The Annual Report describes the financial condition of the Company as
of January 31, 1994.


                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          /s/ STEVEN J. MACHOV
                                          STEVEN J. MACHOV
April 29, 1994
St. Paul, Minnesota


                                   THIS  PROXY  IS  SOLICITED ON  BEHALF  OF THE
                                   BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                   The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  John   W.
                                   Castro  and  Richard G.  Lareau, and  each of
                                   them, as  Proxies,  each with  the  power  to
                                   appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes
                                   each  of them  to represent  and to  vote, as
                                   designated below,  all the  shares of  common
MERRILL CORPORATION                stock  of Merrill Corporation  held of record
One Merrill Circle       Proxy     by the undersigned on  April 1, 1994, at  the
Saint Paul, MN                     Annual  Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
55108                              May 24, 1994 or any adjournment thereof.
- ------------------------------
1.   ELECTION OF            / / FOR all nominees        / / AGAINST all nominees
     DIRECTORS              listed below                    listed below
                              (except as marked to
                                the contrary below)
                                NOMINEE'S NAME.)

                            RICK R. ATTERBURY           KENNETH F. MERRILL
                            JOHN W. CASTRO              PAUL G. MILLER
                            RONALD N. HOGE              ROBERT F. NIENHOUSE
                            RICHARD G. LAREAU

                  / / FOR         / / AGAINST        / / ABSTAIN

                          PLEASE SIGN ON REVERSE SIDE

3.  In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
    business as may properly come before the meeting.


Please  sign  exactly as  name  appears below.  When  shares are  held  by joint
tenants, both should  sign. When signing  as attorney, executor,  administrator,
trustee  or guardian, please give  full title as such.  If a corporation, please
sign in  full corporate  name by  President or  other authorized  officer. If  a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    Dated: ______________, 1994.
                                                    Signature if held jointly

                                                  PLEASE  MARK,  SIGN,  DATE AND
                                                  RETURN THE PROXY CARD PROMPTLY
                                                  USING THE  ENCLOSED  ENVELOPE,
                                                  WHICH  REQUIRES NO  POSTAGE IF
                                                  MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES.