PURSUANT TO RULE 901(D) OF REGULATION S-T

      As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 7, 1994

                                                       Registration No. 33-_____


                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM S-4
                             REGISTRATION STATEMENT
                           THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933

                                WEST ONE BANCORP
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            IDAHO                            6026               82-0362647
(State or other jurisdiction of  (Primary Standard Industrial  (IRS Employer
incorporation or organization)  Classification Code Number)  Identification No.)

                            101 S. CAPITOL BOULEVARD
                               BOISE, IDAHO  83733
                                 (208) 383-7000

          (Address, including zip code, and telephone number, including
             area code, of registrant's principal executive offices)

                                DWIGHT V. BOARD
                                WEST ONE BANCORP
                            101 S. CAPITOL BOULEVARD
                               BOISE, IDAHO  83733
                                 (208) 383-7000
            (Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number,
                   including area code, of agent for service)

                                   Copies to:

     Brian D. Alprin, Esq.                        Scott B. Lukins, Esq.
     Laurence S. Lese, Esq.                       Lukins & Annis, P.S.
     Metzger, Hollis, Gordon & Mortimer           1600 Washington Trust
     Suite 1000                                     Financial Center
     1275 K Street, N.W.                          717 West Sprague Avenue
     Washington, D.C.  20005                      Spokane, Washington  99204
     (202) 842-1600                               (509) 455-9555

PUBLIC:  The date of mailing the Proxy Statement/Prospectus contained herein.

                         CALCULATION OF REGISTRATION FEE

                                                  Proposed       Proposed
                                                   maximum        maximum
                                   Amount         offering       aggregate            Amount of
         Title of                  to be          price per      offering            registration
securities to be registered        registered       share          price                 fee
- ---------------------------        ----------     ---------      ---------           ------------
Common Stock, $1.00 par value      550,000 shs.       NA         $12,676,250(1)      $4,371


     (1)  Estimated solely for the purpose of calculating the registration fee
          and calculated in accordance with Rule 457(f)(2) on the basis of the
          book value of the Common Stock, $100 par value, of Valley Bank on June
          30, 1994 of $12,676,250 and the maximum of 2,044 shares of such stock
          to be converted in the Reorganization described herein into Common
          Stock of the registrant.




                                WEST ONE BANCORP

                          CROSS-REFERENCE SHEET BETWEEN
                                ITEMS OF FORM S-4

FORM S-4 ITEM                                     CAPTION(S) OR LOCATION IN
- ------------------                                --------------------------

A. Information About the Transaction

     1.   Forepart of Registration Statement
          and Outside Front Cover Page of
          Prospectus.........................     Outside Front Cover Page of
                                                  Proxy Statement/Prospectus

     2.   Inside Front and Outside Back
          Cover Pages of Prospectus..........     Available Information; Table
                                                  of Contents
     3.   Risk Factors, Ratio of Earnings
          to Fixed Charges and Other
          Information........................     Summary; Introduction

     4.   Terms of the Transaction...........     Plan of Reorganization;
                                                  Comparison of West One Common
                                                  Stock and Valley Bank Common

     5.   Pro Forma Financial Information....     Pro Forma Combined Financial
                                                  Information; Information
                                                  Concerning the Pro Forma
                                                  Combined Financial
                                                  Information; Selected
                                                  Financial Data--Pro Forma
                                                  Combined Condensed Balance
                                                  Sheet; Pro Forma Combined
                                                  Condensed Statements of Income

     6.   Material Contracts with the
          Company Being Acquired.............     Plan of Reorganization; Plan
                                                  of Reorganization--Background
                                                  of and Reasons for the
                                                  Reorganization; Plan of
                                                  Agreements; Plan of
                                                  Reorganization--Interests of
                                                  Certain Persons in the

     7.   Additional Information Required
          for Reoffering by Persons and
          Parties Deemed to be Underwriters..     NA

     8.   Interests of Named Experts and
          Counsel............................     NA

     9.   Disclosure of Commission Position
          on Indemnification for Securities
          Act Liabilities....................     NA

B.   Information About the Registrant

     10.  Information with Respect to S-3
          Registrants........................     Summary--The Parties--West One
                                                  Bancorp; Information
                                                  Concerning West One--West One
                                                  Documents Incorporated by

     11.  Incorporation of Certain
          Information by Reference...........     Information Concerning West
                                                  One--West One Documents
                                                  Incorporated by Reference

     12.  Information with Respect to S-2
          or S-3 Registrants.................     NA

     13.  Incorporation of Certain
          Information by Reference...........     NA

     14.  Information with Respect to
          Registrants Other than S-3 or S-2
          Registrants........................     NA

C.   Information About the Company Being

     15.  Information with Respect to S-3
          Companies..........................     NA

     16.  Information with Respect to S-2
          or S-3 Companies...................     NA

     17.  Information with Respect to
          Companies Other Than S-2 or S-3
          Companies..........................     Information Concerning Valley
                                                  Bank; Valley Bank Selected
                                                  Financial Data; Stock Prices
                                                  and Dividends on Valley Bank
                                                  Common Stock; Stockholdings of
                                                  Directors and Executive
                                                  Officers; Valley Bank
                                                  Financial Information;
                                                  Management's Discussion and
                                                  Analysis of the Financial
                                                  Condition and the Results of
                                                  Operations for the Three-Month
                                                  Period Ended March 31, 1994;
                                                  Management's Discussion and
                                                  Analysis of the Financial

                                      - 2 -

                                                  Condition and the Results of
                                                  Operations for the Three-Year
                                                  Period Ended December 31,
                                                  1993; Statistical Information
                                                  and Analysis

D.   Voting and Management Information

     18.  Information if Proxies, Consents
          or Authorizations are to be

- -----------------------------------               --------------------------

     (1)  Date, Time and Place Information...     Outside Front Cover Page of
                                                  Proxy Statement/Prospectus;
                                                  Summary; Introduction

     (2)  Revocability of Proxy..............     Introduction--Voting and
                                                  Revocation of Proxies

     (3)  Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal....     Plan of Reorganization--
                                                  Dissenters' Rights of Valley
                                                  Bank Shareholders

     (4)  Persons Making the Solicitation....     Introduction--Solicitation of

     (5)  Interest of Certain Persons in
          Matters to be Acted Upon...........     Plan of Reorganization--
                                                  Interests of Certain Persons
                                                  in the Transaction

     (6)  Voting Securities and Principal
          Holders Thereof....................     Introduction--Record Date;
                                                  Voting Rights; Principal
                                                  Holders of West One Common
                                                  Stock; Information Concerning
                                                  West One--West One Documents
                                                  Incorporated by Reference;
                                                  Information Concerning Valley
                                                  Bank--Stockholdings of Direc-
                                                  tors and Executive Officers

     (21) Vote Required for Approval.......       Plan of Reorganization--
                                                  Quorum; Required Vote;
                                                  Management Recommendation

     (401)     Directors and Executive
          Officers.........................       Information Concerning West
                                                  One--West One Documents
                                                  Incorporated by Reference

                                      - 3 -

     (402)     Executive Compensation...........  Information Concerning West
                                                  One--West One Documents
                                                  Incorporated by Reference

     (404)     Certain Relationships and
               Related Transactions.............  Information Concerning West
                                                  One--West One Documents
                                                  Incorporated by Reference

                                                  CAPTION(S) OR LOCATION IN
- --------------------------------                  --------------------------

     19.  Information if Proxies, Consents
          or Authorizations are Not to be
          Solicited, or in Exchange Offer....     NA

                                      - 4 -

                           PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS
                             VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK
                                WEST ONE BANCORP

     This Proxy Statement/Prospectus is being furnished to the shareholders of
Valley Commercial Bank ("Valley Bank"), a Washington banking corporation, in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by its Board of Directors for use at
a Special Meeting of Shareholders of Valley Bank to be held on ________, 1994
(the "Special Meeting").  The purpose of the Special Meeting is to consider and
vote upon a proposed corporate reorganization (the "Reorganization") whereby
Valley Bank will be merged into West One Bank, Washington ("West One-
Washington"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of West One Bancorp ("West One") with
West One-Washington being the surviving corporation.  Upon consummation of the
Reorganization, each of the outstanding shares of Valley Bank's common stock
(the "Valley Bank Common Stock") will be cancelled and will be converted into
the right to receive that number of shares of West One common stock (the "West
One Common Stock") calculated by dividing the Purchase Price, as defined herein,
by the Average Closing Price, as defined, of West One Common Stock, and by
further dividing that number by the number of issued and outstanding shares of
Valley Bank immediately prior to the effective date of the Reorganization.  At
July __, 1994, the closing price of West One Common Stock was $_____ per share
and Valley Bank had issued and outstanding 2,044 shares of its Common Stock.  If
the Reorganization had been consummated as of that date and assuming (i) the
Average Closing Price of West One Common Stock was $30.48 on that date (the
highest price permitted by the Plan of Reorganization, as defined, in those
cases where the market price of West One Common Stock exceeded $30.48), (ii) the
net undistributed income of Valley Bank from normal and recurring banking
operations between October 1, 1993 and May 31, 1994 was $264,172, and (iii) the
amount by which the reserve for possible loan and lease losses on the books of
Valley Bank on May 31, 1994 exceeded 1.5% of the loan and lease portfolio of
Valley Bank on that date was $258,562 (items (ii) and (iii) being the two
variable components of the Purchase Price to be calculated through the last day
of the month before the effectiveness of the Reorganization and being referred
to herein as "Certain Accretions"), shareholders of Valley Bank would have
received 195.81 shares of West One Common Stock for each share of Valley Bank
Common Stock.  The Purchase Price is equal to $11,676,250 plus Certain
Accretions.  On the basis of the $[__] market price of a share of West One
Common Stock on July __, 1994, each share of Valley Bank Common Stock would have
had an equivalent value of $[_____].  The shares of West One Common Stock to be
distributed to Valley Bank shareholders have been registered with the Securities
and Exchange Commission and for all shareholders, other than shareholders who
are affiliates of Valley Bank or who become affiliates of West One, will be
immediately tradable.  See "Plan of Reorganization--Conversion of Valley Bank




     No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any
representation not contained in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and, if given
or made, any such information or representation should not be relied upon as
having been authorized by West One or Valley Bank.  This Proxy
Statement/Prospectus does not constitute an offer or solicitation by any person
in any state in which such offer or solicitation is not authorized by the laws
thereof or in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not
qualified to make the same.  Neither the delivery of this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus at any time nor the distribution of West One Common Stock
hereunder shall imply that the information contained herein is correct as of any
time subsequent to its date.

     The date of this Proxy Statement/Prospectus is July __, 1994.

                                      - 2 -

                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     West One has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC")
under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") a Registration Statement
on Form S-4 (the "Registration Statement") covering the shares of West One
Common Stock issuable in the Reorganization.  As permitted by the rules and
regulations of the SEC, this Proxy Statement/Prospectus omits certain
information, exhibits and undertakings contained in the Registration Statement.
The statements contained in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus as to the contents
of any contract or other document filed as an exhibit to the Registration
Statement are of necessity brief descriptions and are not necessarily complete.
Each such statement is qualified in its entirety by reference to the copy of
such contract or document filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement. The
Registration Statement and the exhibits thereto can be inspected at the public
reference facilities of the SEC at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C., and copies of such material can be obtained at prescribed
rates by mail addressed to the SEC, Public Reference Section, Washington, D.C.

     West One is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") and in accordance therewith files
reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC.  Such reports,
proxy statements and other information can be inspected and copied at the public
reference facilities maintained by the SEC at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C.; Pacific Regional Office, 5670 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor,
Los Angeles, California; and Seattle, Washington Office, 3040 Jackson Federal
Building, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, Washington.  Copies of such material can
also be obtained at prescribed rates by mail addressed to the SEC, Public
Reference Section, at the address in the previous paragraph. West One Common
Stock is quoted on the NASDAQ National Market System, and such reports, proxy
statements and other West One information can also be inspected at the offices
of NASDAQ Operations, 1735 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Valley Bank is not
subject to the Exchange Act and therefore makes no filings with a governmental
agency pursuant to that Act.

     This Proxy Statement/Prospectus incorporates by reference certain documents
relating to West One which are not presented herein or delivered herewith.  See
"Information Concerning West One -- West One Documents Incorporated by
Reference."  Copies of such documents are available upon request and without
charge to any person to whom this Proxy Statement/Prospectus has been
delivered. Requests for West One documents should be directed to West One
Bancorp, 101 South Capitol Boulevard, Boise, Idaho  83733, Attention:  Dwight
V. Board, Senior Vice President and General Counsel (telephone: 208-383-7000).
In order to ensure timely delivery of the documents, any request should be made
not later than ________, 1994.

                                      - 3 -

                             VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK
                                WEST ONE BANCORP

                           PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUMMARY    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
          Record Date; Voting Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
          Purpose of the Special Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
          Voting and Revocation of Proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
          Solicitation of Proxies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

PLAN OF REORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
          The Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
          Background of and Reasons for the Reorganization . . . . . . . . .  15
          Voting Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
          Quorum; Required Vote; Management Recommendation . . . . . . . . .  19
          Conversion of Valley Bank Shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
          Tax Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
          Interests of Certain Persons in the Transaction. . . . . . . . . .  22
          Conduct of Business Pending the Reorganization . . . . . . . . . .  22
          Conditions to the Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
          Representations and Warranties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
          Amendment and Waiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
          Authorized Termination and Damages for Breach. . . . . . . . . . .  25
          Dissenters' Rights of Valley Bank Shareholders . . . . . . . . . .  26
          Restrictions on Resales by Valley Bank Affiliates. . . . . . . . .  27
          Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
          Government Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
          Effective Date of the Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

PRO FORMA COMBINED FINANCIAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
          SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
          PRO FORMA COMBINED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . .  31

SUPERVISION AND REGULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
          West One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
          Regulatory Capital Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
          Other Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
          Deposit Insurance Assessments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
          Interestate Banking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
          West One-Washington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
          Valley Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50

                                      - i -

MONETARY POLICY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50

INFORMATION CONCERNING WEST ONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50

WEST ONE BANCORP SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50


PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF WEST ONE COMMON STOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53

WEST ONE DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53

INFORMATION CONCERNING VALLEY BANK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54

VALLEY BANK SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54



VALLEY BANK FINANCIAL INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  60

ENDED MARCH 31, 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
          Results of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
          Financial Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
DECEMBER 31, 1993. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  73
          Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  73
          Results of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  73
          Financial Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74

STATISTICAL INFORMATION AND ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75

          General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
          Authorized Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
          Voting Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
          Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84
          Shareholder Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  86
          Amendment of Articles and Bylaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  86
          Dissenters' Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  87
          Dividend Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  87
          Liquidation Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  88
          Anti-Takeover Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  89
          Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91

LEGAL OPINIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91

EXPERTS    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

OTHER MATTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91

                                     - ii -


A.   Statutory Provisions Concerning Dissenters' Rights of Valley Bank

B.   Opinion of Coopers & Lybrand as to Tax Matters

                                     - iii -


     The following is a brief summary of certain information which may also be
contained elsewhere in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.  This summary is
provided for convenience and should not be considered complete.  It is qualified
in its entirety by the more detailed information contained in this Proxy
Statement/ Prospectus and in the Appendices hereto.


     WEST ONE BANCORP ("West One") is a bank holding company registered under
the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, and organized under the laws
of Idaho, engaged primarily in the commercial banking business through its
banking subsidiaries.  West One's principal executive offices are at 101 S.
Capitol Boulevard, Boise, Idaho, 83733 (telephone:  208-383-7000).  West One was
formed in 1981 under the name Moore Financial Group Incorporated, a bank holding
company, which changed its name to West One Bancorp on April 20, 1989.  West One
is the largest bank holding company headquartered in Idaho, with assets of $7.8
billion.  West One has six banking subsidiaries and several non-banking
subsidiaries.  Regional financial services at over 200 bank locations in
Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah include consumer and commercial banking,
agricultural financing, trust investment management and international banking.
See "Information Concerning West One."

     WEST ONE BANK, WASHINGTON ("West One-Washington") is a state banking
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington, with its main
office located at Seattle, King County, Washington (telephone 206-585-2904).
Its deposits are insured by the Bank Insurance Fund of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation ("FDIC").  West One-Washington is engaged in the business
of commercial banking through its operation of fifty-three branches throughout
the State of Washington.  As of March 31, 1994, West One-Washington had assets
of $2.0 billion, deposits of $1.7 billion, and loans of $1.4 billion.  West One-
Washington is subject to regulation by the Director of Financial Institutions of
the State of Washington.  See "Information Concerning West One-Washington."

     VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK ("Valley Bank") is a banking corporation organized
in 1963 under the laws of the State of Washington.  Valley Bank's principal
executive offices are at 615 Sixth Street, Clarkston, Asotin County, Washington
(telephone 509-758-2584).  Valley Bank is engaged primarily in the commercial
banking business through its two banking offices in Asotin County.  As of March
31, 1994, Valley Bank had assets of $62.3 million, deposits of $53.5 million,
and loans of $23.1 million.  The deposits of Valley Bank are insured by the Bank
Insurance Fund of the FDIC.  See "Information Concerning Valley Bank."


     The Special Meeting of Shareholders of Valley Bank (the "Special Meeting")
will be held at __ a.m. local time, on ________, 1994 at Valley Bank's principal
executive offices.  Only holders of record of common stock, $100 par value per
share, of Valley Bank ("Valley Bank Common Stock") at the close of business on
___________, 1994 will be entitled to vote at the Special Meeting.  At that
date, 2,044 shares of Valley Bank Common Stock were outstanding, each share
being entitled to one vote.  See "Introduction."


     At the Special Meeting, the shareholders of Valley Bank will be asked to
consider and approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization among West One,
West One-Washington and Valley Bank, and an Agreement of Merger between Valley
Bank and West One-Washington (collectively, the "Plan of Reorganization").  The
Plan of Reorganization provides for the merger of Valley Bank with and into West
One-Washington, whereby West One-Washington will be the surviving corporation.
See "Plan of Reorganization."  As a result of the Reorganization, each
outstanding share of Valley Bank Common Stock will be cancelled and will be
converted into the right to receive shares of common stock, $1.00 par value per
share, of West One ("West One Common Stock"), with cash to be paid in lieu of
any fractional shares.  Cash will also be paid with respect to shares of holders
who perfect their dissenters' rights.  Upon consummation of the Reorganization,
holders of Valley Bank Common Stock  will be entitled to receive, in exchange
for each share of Valley Bank Common Stock that number of shares of West One
Common Stock calculated by dividing the Purchase Price (as defined) by the
Average Closing Price (as defined) of West One Common Stock, and by further
dividing the number so reached by the total number of shares of Valley Bank
Common Stock issued and outstanding on the Effective Date of the Reorganization.
The Plan of Reorganization provides that the Average Closing Price shall not be
less than $22.52 per share nor more than $30.48 per share.  At July __, 1994,
the closing price of West One Common Stock quoted on NASDAQ was $_____ per share
and there were issued and outstanding 2,044 shares of Valley Bank Common Stock.
If the Reorganization had been consummated on that date and assuming that (i)
the Average Closing Price had been $30.48 (the highest price permitted by the
Plan of Reorganization in those cases where the market price of West One Common
Stock exceeded $30.48), (ii) the net undistributed income of Valley Bank from
normal and recurring banking operations between October 1, 1993 and the close of
business on May 31, 1994, had been $264,172, and (iii) the amount by which the
reserve for possible loan and lease losses on the books of Valley Bank at the
close of business on May 31, 1994, exceeded 1.5% of the loan and lease portfolio
of Valley Bank on that date was $258,562 (items (ii) and (iii) being the two
variable components of Purchase Price to be calculated through the last day of
the month before the Effective Date), each holder of Valley Bank Common Stock
would have received 195.81 shares of West One Common Stock for each share of
Valley Bank Common Stock.  This exchange, on the basis of the market price of
$____ per share of West One Common Stock on July __, 1994, would equate to a
value of $5,968.19 for each share of Valley Bank Common Stock if the exchange
were consummated as of such date.  The actual ratio for exchanging Valley Bank
Common Stock for West One Common Stock will depend on the Average Closing Price
and the Purchase Price on the Effective Date.


     In connection with the description of the Reorganization in this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus, shareholders of Valley Bank should be aware of the
following terms:

     "Average Closing Price" means the average (rounded to the nearest penny) of
each Daily Sales Price of West One Common Stock for the ten consecutive trading
days ending on and including the twentieth trading day preceding the Effective
Date; notwithstanding the foregoing, the Average Closing Price will be a number
of dollars and cents not less than $22.52 nor more than $30.48.  All

                                     - 2 -

prices per share will be adjusted to account for stock dividends, splitups,
mergers, recapitalizations, combinations, conversions, exchanges of shares or
the like.

     "Daily Sales Price" means for any trading day, the mean (unrounded) of the
closing bid and asked prices of West One Common Stock in the over-the-counter
market as such prices are reported by the automated quotation system of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or, in the absence thereof, by
such other source upon which West One and Valley Bank shall mutually agree.

     "Effective Date" means the date which is the latest of (a) the date
following the day upon which the Valley Bank shareholders approve, ratify, and
confirm the transactions contemplated by the Plan of Reorganization; (b) thirty
days after the date on which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC")
authorizes consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Plan of
Reorganization; (c) the date upon which the Director of Financial Institutions
of Washington (the "Director") approves the Reorganization; (d) the date upon
which any other material order, approval, or consent of a federal or state
regulator of financial institutions or financial institution holding companies
authorizing consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Plan of
Reorganization is obtained, or any waiting period mandated by such order,
approval, or consent has run; (e) ten days after any stay of the approvals of
the FDIC or the Director of the transactions contemplated by the Plan of
Reorganization, or any injunction against closing of such transactions is
lifted, discharged, or dismissed; or (f) such other date as shall be mutually
agreed upon by West One and Valley Bank.

     "Purchase Price" means the sum of (a) $11,676,250.00; plus (b) the net
undistributed income of Valley Bank between October 1, 1993 and the close of
business on the last day of the calendar month preceding the Effective Date,
less any undistributed income (but not net of any undistributed loss) derived
from activities or transactions which are not normal and recurring banking
operations; and (c) the amount by which the reserve for possible loan and lease
losses on the books of Valley Bank at the close of business on the last day of
the calendar month preceding the Effective Date, as determined in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, shall exceed 1.5 percent of the
loan and lease portfolio of Valley Bank at that time on that date.  The Purchase
Price will be paid in shares of West One Common Stock, with cash in lieu of
fractional shares.  Items (b) and (c) of this definition are sometimes referred
to in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus as "Certain Accretions."


     VALLEY BANK.  The board of directors of Valley Bank believes that the
merger of Valley Bank into West One-Washington in exchange for West One Common
Stock is in the best interests of shareholders, employees, customers and the
community served by Valley Bank.  In management's opinion, the Reorganization
will provide substantial additional financial support for the growth of Valley
Bank's business.  In order to meet competition from other larger banks, Valley
Bank would be required to expand the services and credit facilities beyond those
presently offered to its customers.  Valley Bank's management believes that the
proposed merger with West One-Washington offers Valley Bank's shareholders the
best possible method of realizing the value of their investment in Valley Bank
and continuing to offer Valley Bank's customers and the community the deposit,

                                      - 3 -

lending, financing, and other banking services they will require in the future.
The contemplated merger is expected to increase the resulting bank's lending
limit, which will enable it to attract customers which can now be served only by
larger institutions with greater lending limits.  See "Plan of Reorganization--
Background of and Reasons for the Reorganization" for a description of the
factors considered by Valley Bank's board of directors in determining to
recommend the reorganization to shareholders for their approval.  Valley Bank's
Board of Directors believes that the merger with West One will realize
substantial value for Valley Bank's shareholders and allow them the option of
realizing a significant return on their original investment and continue to
participate in the development of banking in Washington and Idaho and in the
Pacific Northwest by holding the West One Common Stock they will receive in the
Reorganization.  Additionally, since Valley Bank Common Stock is not publicly
traded and there is no established market for Valley Bank's stock, the
Reorganization will also provide Valley Bank's shareholders liquidity for their

     In addition, Gerald D. Wilson, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer of Valley Bank and owner of approximately 61% of the outstanding shares
of Valley Bank Common Stock, suffered a major illness in 1992 and has been
partially disabled since that time.  Although Mr. Wilson has remained active in
the affairs of Valley Bank, his disability has limited his ability to meet with
bank customers and to oversee the day-to-day operations of Valley Bank.  Estate
planning considerations are a principal reason for the merging of Valley Bank
into West One-Washington.

     WEST ONE.  Over the past few years, the business of commercial banking has
changed dramatically as many legal barriers restricting both the boundaries and
activities of banks and bank holding companies have been curtailed or
eliminated.  The principal reasons behind West One's past acquisitions and the
proposed acquisition of Valley Bank include the opportunities to further expand
West One's operations in the Lewiston/Clarkston areas and surrounding areas,
realize economies of scale, and expand its customer base.  In consummating the
Reorganization, West One would be continuing the expansion of its financial
services in the northwest region of the United States.  West One previously
expanded financial operations into Washington with the acquisition of West One-
Washington in September 1988 and additional acquisitions in 1989, 1990, 1992,
and 1993, as well as the purchase of 38 branches in the Puget Sound area from
Security Pacific Bank Washington, N.A. and Security Pacific Savings Bank in
1992; West One also expanded into Utah in 1982 with the acquisition of West One
Bank, Utah, and into Oregon in 1983 with the acquisition of West One Bank,
Oregon and additional acquisitions in 1991 (West One Bank, Oregon, S.B.) and
1992 (the purchase of three branches from Bank of America Oregon).  In addition,
West One Bank, Idaho initiated branch services in seven Idaho communities, not
previously the site of West One branching, when it acquired Idaho State Bank in
January 1994.


     Approval of the Plan of Reorganization requires the affirmative vote of the
holders, voting in person or by proxy, of at least two-thirds of the issued and
outstanding shares of Valley Bank Common Stock.  A failure to vote, an absten-
tion, or a failure by a broker to vote shares held in street name will have the

                                      - 4 -

same legal effect as  a vote against the approval of the Plan of Reorganization.
See "Plan of Reorganization--Required Vote; Management Recommendation."

     As of April 1, 1994, the directors and executive officers of Valley Bank
beneficially owned an aggregate of 77% of the outstanding Valley Bank Common
Stock.  Gerald D. Wilson, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Valley
Bank and each of Valley Bank's directors as a part of the Plan of Reorganization
with West One have agreed, in their individual capacities as shareholders, to
vote their shares in favor of the Reorganization.  That agreement covers an
aggregate of 76.5% of the outstanding Valley Bank Common Stock.  As a
consequence, assuming that these shares are voted at the Special Meeting of
Shareholders, approval of the Reorganization is assured.  See "Plan of
Reorganization--Voting Agreements."


     The Board of Directors of Valley Bank unanimously agrees that the
Reorganization is in the best interests of the shareholders of Valley Bank and
recommends that the shareholders of Valley Bank vote "FOR" approval of the Plan
of Reorganization.  Valley Bank has not retained an independent financial
advisor to render an opinion regarding the fairness to Valley Bank shareholders
of the consideration provided in the Reorganization Agreement.



     By resolution dated November 8, 1993, the Board of Directors of Valley Bank
authorized the payment by Valley Bank to the officers and directors of Valley
Bank listed below of deferred compensation in the event of the sale or merger of
Valley Bank as follows:  Gerald D. Wilson - $142,500; William G. Edom -
$105,000; William E. Simon - $20,000; Gale E. Wilson - $40,000.  The resolution
authorizing the deferred compensation agreements was made after the Board began
investigating the possible sale of Valley Bank, but before any offer was
received from West One or any other potential acquirer.


     The Reorganization will qualify as a nontaxable reorganization under
Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. No gain or loss for federal
income tax purposes will be recognized by shareholders of Valley Bank upon
exchange of their shares for West One Common Stock in the Reorganization, except
with respect to cash received in lieu of fractional shares and cash paid to
shareholders who perfect their dissenters' rights under Washington law.  For a
more complete description of the federal income tax consequences of the
Reorganization, see "Plan of Reorganization--Tax Consequences."


     Record holders of Valley Bank Common Stock who object to the Reorganization
and comply with the prescribed statutory procedures are entitled to have the
fair value of their shares determined in accordance with Section 30.49.030-.090
of the Revised Code of Washington, as amended (the "Appraisal Laws") and paid to

                                      - 5 -

in cash in lieu of the shares of West One Common Stock they would otherwise be
entitled to receive in the Reorganization.  A copy of the pertinent statutory
provisions is attached to this Proxy Statement/Prospectus as Appendix A.
RIGHTS.  Under the Plan of Reorganization, West One is not obligated to
consummate the Plan of Reorganization if the holders of more than 8% of Valley
Bank Common Stock exercise and perfect their dissenters' rights.  See "Plan of
Reorganization--Dissenters' Rights of Valley Bank Shareholders."


     The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of West One contain provisions
which may be considered to be protective of shareholder interests against
hostile or coercive takeover tactics, including staggered terms of office for
directors, absence of cumulative voting, and special shareholder vote
requirements for certain types of extraordinary corporate transactions.  Also,
the board of directors of West One in October 1989 adopted a Shareholders'
Rights Plan designed to encourage any potential acquiror of West One to
negotiate the manner and terms of the transaction with the Board of Directors
and to protect shareholders from unsolicited tender offers which do not treat
all shareholders in a fair and equal manner, and from other coercive takeover
tactics.  See "Comparison of West One Common Stock and Valley Bank Common


     A condition to consummation of the Reorganization is approval of the
Reorganization by the FDIC and the Director.  Applications for these approvals
have been filed and are expected to be approved, although no assurances may be
given as to whether or when such approvals may be received.


     In addition to shareholder and regulatory approval, consummation of the
Reorganization is contingent upon the receipt of a tax opinion and the
satisfaction of a number of other conditions.  See "Plan of Reorganization--
Conditions to the Reorganization."  Notwithstanding prior shareholder approval,
the Plan of Reorganization may be amended by the parties at any time prior to
the Effective Date of the Reorganization in any respect that would not prejudice
the economic interests of the Valley Bank shareholders.

     The Plan of Reorganization may be terminated and abandoned at any time
prior to the Effective Date, notwithstanding approval of the shareholders, as
follows:  (i) by mutual consent of West One and Valley Bank; (ii) unilaterally,
by either party if any of the representations and warranties of the other party
was materially incorrect when made; (iii) by either party if the Reorganization
has become inadvisable or impracticable by reason of federal or state litigation
to restrain or invalidate the Reorganization; or (iv) by either party on or
after December 31, 1994, if the Effective Date has not occurred on or before
that date.


     It is presently anticipated that if the Plan of Reorganization is approved
by the shareholders of Valley Bank, the Reorganization will become effective in
the third quarter of 1994.  However, there can be no assurance that all condi-

                                      - 6 -

tions necessary to the consummation of the Reorganization will be satisfied or,
if satisfied, that they will be satisfied in time to permit the Reorganization
to become effective at the anticipated time.  See "Plan of Reorganization--
Effective Date of the Reorganization."


     Instructions on how to effect the exchange of Valley Bank Common Stock
certificates for West One Common Stock certificates will be sent, as promptly as
practicable after the Reorganization becomes effective, to each shareholder of
record of Valley Bank immediately prior to such Merger.  SHAREHOLDERS SHOULD NOT


     West One has agreed that holders of all of the outstanding shares of Valley
Bank Common Stock will be entitled to receive the Purchase Price of
$11,676,250.00 plus Certain Accretions as described herein through the delivery
to Valley Bank shareholders shares of West One Common Stock with a value equal
to the Purchase Price.  The closing sales price for West One Common Stock on the
NASDAQ National Market System on March 11, 1994, the last trading day prior to
the first public announcement of the Reorganization, was $27.50.

     On July __, 1994, the closing sale price for West One Common Stock was
$_____.  An equivalent per share price for Valley Bank Common Stock computed by
reference to the method described above under "Proposed Reorganization" would
result in an exchange ratio of 195.81 shares of West One Common Stock for each
share of Valley Bank Common Stock, assuming that the Average Closing Price was
$30.48 (because the Plan of Reorganization provides that $30.48 is the highest
price permitted in determining the rate of exchange in those cases where the
market price of West One Common Stock exceeded $30.48), that the Reorganization
had been consummated on July __, 1994, and that the Purchase Price was
$12,198,984 inclusive of Certain Accretions.  If the Average Closing Price were
to equal $______, the market price per share of West One Common Stock on July
__, 1994, the equivalent per share price (as calculated above) for Valley Bank
Common Stock, assuming consummation of the Plan of Reorganization, would have
been $________.

     Valley Bank's common stock is not widely or actively traded and is not
listed with a national securities exchange or quoted on any automated quotation
system.  The common stock trades infrequently and is traded only through private
negotiated transactions between individuals.  As a result, no established public
trading market for Valley Bank's Common Stock presently exists.  Reliable
information concerning the prices at which Valley Bank's common stock has traded
in private negotiated transactions is not publicly available or generally known
to Valley Bank or West One.  On occasion, Valley Bank has become aware of the
trading price of its common stock in private transactions.  Information
concerning those trading prices has been omitted based on Valley Bank's belief
that such prices are not necessarily representative of the market price for its
common stock during any particular period.  There have been no trades in Valley
Bank Common Stock since the Plan of Reorganization was publicly announced on
March 14, 1994.  See "Stock Prices and Dividends on Valley Bank Common Stock,"

                                      - 7 -


     The following table sets forth certain historical financial information for
West One and Valley Bank.  With respect to pro forma combined financial
information for West One giving effect to the Reorganization using the pooling-
of-interests method of accounting, see "Information Concerning the Pro Forma
Combined Financial Data."  The following information is based on the historical
financial statements of West One incorporated herein by reference and the Valley
Bank financial statements appearing elsewhere herein, and should be read in
conjunction with such statements and information and the related notes.

                                   Three Months
                                  Ended March 31                            Year Ended December 31
                              -----------------------   --------------------------------------------------------------
                                 1994         1993         1993         1992         1991         1990         1989
                              ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
                                    (unaudited)                    (In Thousands, Except Per Share Amounts)
  Net interest income.......  $   80,502   $   69,885   $  303,890   $  238,698   $  197,572   $  175,689   $  155,831
  Provision for loan
    losses..................       3,989        3,092       13,383       14,308       29,680       11,668        7,514
  Net income................      22,915       18,165       83,187       63,372       41,199       44,267       34,988
Per Share
  Primary earnings..........  $      .65   $      .55   $     2.50   $     2.09   $     1.47   $     1.60   $     1.27
  Fully diluted earnings....         .62          .53         2.38         1.98         1.44         1.60         1.26
  Cash dividends declared...         .18           --          .49         .675          .48          .44          .41
  Cash dividends paid.......         .18          .13         .595          .51          .47          .44          .40

Statement of Condition at
  Period End
  Assets....................  $7,813,814   $7,071,202   $7,671,353   $7,133,637   $5,417,199   $4,946,989   $4,760,263
  Deposits..................   6,079,574    5,531,362    5,937,047    5,636,339    4,044,408    3,860,881    3,597,072
  Long-term debt............     115,112      117,208      116,460      117,649      111,881       72,614       71,863
  Shareholders' equity......     639,404      508,941      623,566      489,825      367,048      332,692      298,469

  Net interest income.......  $      551   $      620   $    2,326   $    2,299   $    2,036   $    2,008   $    1,784
  Provision for loan
    losses..................          --           30          120          120          120          110           52
  Net income ...............         180          221          763          872          656          678           534
Per Share
  Net income ...............  $    88.08   $   108.33   $   373.29   $   426.52   $   321.14   $   331.82   $   261.02
  Cash dividends declared...          --           --        83.00        56.00        50.00        42.00        40.00
  Cash dividends paid.......       83.00        56.00        56.00        50.00        42.00        40.00        31.50
Statement of Condition at
  Period End
  Assets....................  $   62,339   $   57,311   $   63,631   $   58,846   $   52,613   $   46,933   $   42,016
  Deposits..................      53,463       48,951       54,613       50,544       45,103       39,861       35,550
  Shareholders' equity......       8,523        8,027        8,343        7,750        6,993        6,439        5,847

                                      - 8 -


     The following table sets forth for the periods indicated historical
earnings, book values and dividends per share for West One and Valley Bank
Common Stock.  The following data are based on the historical financial
statements of West One incorporated herein by reference and of Valley Bank
appearing elsewhere herein and should be read in conjunction with such financial
statements and such information and the related notes to each.

                                                 Three Months
                                                Ended March 31                           Year Ended December 31
                                              1994         1993         1993         1992         1991         1990         1988
                                            --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
  West One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $     .65    $     .55    $    2.50    $    2.09       $ 1.47     $   1.60     $   1.27
  Valley Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      88.08       108.33       373.29       426.52       321.14       331.82       261.02

  West One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $     .62    $     .53    $    2.38    $    1.98       $ 1.44     $   1.60     $   1.26
  Valley Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      88.08       108.33       373.29       426.52       321.14       331.82       261.02

  West One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $   18.29    $   15.71    $   17.96    $   15.14      $ 13.08     $  12.07     $  10.88
  Valley Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4,169.89     3,927.42     4,081.82     3,791.76     3,410.47     3,150.09     2,860.69
  West One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $     .18    $      --    $     .49    $    .675        $ .48     $    .44     $    .41
  Valley Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         --           --        83.00        56.00        50.00        42.00        40.00

  West One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $     .18    $     .13    $    .595    $     .51         $.47     $    .44     $    .40
  Valley Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      83.00        56.00        56.00        50.00        42.00        40.00        31.50

(1)  While West One is not obligated to pay cash dividends, the Board of
     Directors presently intends to continue the policy of paying quarterly cash
     dividends.  Future dividends will depend, in part, upon the earnings and
     financial condition of West One.

                                      - 9 -


     The following table sets forth selected unaudited quarterly financial data
for West One and Valley Bank.  The data have been derived in part from, and
should be read in conjunction with, the consolidated financial statements and
notes thereto, and other financial information with respect to West One and
Valley Bank incorporated by reference into or set forth elsewhere in this
Prospectus/Proxy Statement, and such data are qualified in their entirety by
reference thereto.

                                                                                              Fully Diluted    Cash Dividends
                                       Total Interest    Total Interest                       Earnings per      Declared per
(In thousands, except per share data)      Income            Expense           Net Income           Share             Share
                                       --------------    --------------    --------------    --------------    --------------
 Quarter ended:
March 31, 1994                               $125,986           $45,484           $22,915              $.62              $.18

December 31, 1993                             127,442            46,713            22,433               .63               .18
September 30, 1993                            126,640            48,169            21,775               .62              .155
June 30, 1993                                 123,823            49,018            20,814               .60              .155
March 31, 1993                                119,420            49,535            18,165               .53                --

December 31, 1992                             121,175            52,116            17,392               .51              .285
September 30, 1992                            108,402            47,050            16,503               .50               .13
June 30, 1992                                 100,830            45,699            15,264               .50               .13
March 31, 1992                                103,381            50,225            14,213               .47               .13

 Quarter ended:
March 31, 1994                                   $901              $350              $180           $ 88.08                --

December 31, 1993                                 914               354               109             53.18            $83.00
September 30, 1993                                906               334               184             89.99                --
June 30, 1993                                     925               351               249            121.79                --
March 31, 1993                                    981               361               221            108.33                --

December 31, 1992                                 983               389               263            130.26             56.00
September 30, 1992                                963               391               207             99.99                --
June 30, 1992                                     978               395               216            105.20                --
March 31, 1992                                    974               424               186             91.07                --


Equivalent Per Common Share Data

     The following table sets forth selected, unaudited per common share data
for Valley Bank and West One as previously reported and pro forma per share data
for the same periods prepared as if: (a) both entities had been combined on a
pooling-of-interests accounting basis during the periods presented and (b) 2,044
shares of Valley Bank Common Stock had been exchanged for 400,229 shares of West
One Stock on the basis of a closing price of West One Stock of $30.48 per share
and assuming Certain Accretions (as defined herein) of $523,000 as of May 31,

                                                Valley Bank                    West One
                                          -----------------------       -----------------------
                                                       Pro Forma                      Pro Forma
                                          Reported     Equivalent       Reported      Combined
                                          --------     ----------       --------      ---------
Book value per share share at:
  March 31, 1994                         $4,169.89      $3,587.13         $18.29         $18.32
  December 31, 1993                       4,081.82       3,523.23          17.96          17.99
Cash dividends per share declared
  for the periods ended:
  March 31, 1994                         $      --      $   34.85         $  .18         $  .18
  December 31, 1993                          83.00          95.80            .49            .49
  December 31, 1992                          56.00         131.24           .675            .67
  December 31, 1991                          50.00          93.37            .48            .48
Cash dividends per share paid
  for the periods ended:
  March 31, 1994                         $   83.00      $   35.79         $  .18         $  .18
  December 31, 1993                          56.00         115.82           .595            .59
  December 31, 1992                          50.00          99.25            .51            .51
  December 31, 1991                          42.00          91.33            .47            .47
Primary earnings per share for
  the periods ended:
  March 31, 1994                         $   88.08      $  126.41         $  .65         $  .65
  December 31, 1993                         373.29         487.89           2.50           2.49
  December 31, 1992                         426.52         409.17           2.09           2.09
  December 31, 1991                         321.14         287.40           1.47           1.47
Fully diluted earnings per share
  for the periods ended:
  March 31, 1994                         $   88.08      $  120.48         $  .62         $  .62
  December 31, 1993                         373.29         464.10           2.38           2.37
  December 31, 1992                         426.52         388.95           1.98           1.99
  December 31, 1991                         321.14         281.95           1.44           1.44

                                     - 11 -

                             VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK
                                WEST ONE BANCORP

                           PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS
                   Special Meeting of Valley Bank Shareholders
                                  to be held on
                                 ________, 1994


     This Proxy Statement/Prospectus is furnished in connection with the
solicitation by the Board of Directors of Valley Commercial Bank ("Valley Bank")
of proxies to be voted at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of Valley Bank to
be held on ________, 1994 and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof.  The
Special Meeting will be held at __ a.m., local time, at 615 Sixth Street,
Clarkston, Washington.  The approximate date on which this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus will first be mailed to the shareholders of Valley Bank is
___________, 1994.


     The Board of Directors of Valley Bank has fixed the close of business on
__________, 1994 as the record date for determining the shareholders of Valley
Bank entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting.  At that date,
2,044 shares of Common Stock, $100 par value, of Valley Bank ("Valley Bank
Common Stock") were outstanding, held by approximately 53 shareholders of
record.  Each such share of Valley Bank Common Stock entitles its holder of
record at the close of business on the record date to one vote on each matter
properly submitted to the shareholders for action at the Special Meeting.
Valley Bank has no other outstanding class of capital stock.


     At the Special Meeting, the shareholders of Valley Bank will be asked to
consider and vote upon a proposal to approve an Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization (the "Plan of Reorganization") dated as of March 7, 1994 among
Valley Bank, West One Bancorp ("West One"), and West One Bank, Washington ("West
One-Washington").  Upon consummation of the Reorganization, all outstanding
shares of Valley Bank Common Stock will be cancelled and each outstanding share
of Valley Bank Common Stock (other than shares subject to dissenters' rights)
will be converted into the right to receive shares of West One Common Stock in
accordance with the formula described below, with cash to be paid in lieu of any
fractional shares.  Upon the Effective Date, each holder of Valley Bank Common
Stock will be entitled to receive, in exchange for each share of Valley Bank
Common Stock held by him, that number of shares of West One Common Stock
calculated by dividing the Purchase Price (which is equal to the sum of
(a) $11,676,250; (b) the net undistributed income of Valley Bank between
October 1, 1993 and the close of business on the last day of the calendar month
preceding the Effective Date, less any undistributed income (but not net of any
undistributed loss) derived from activities or transactions which are not normal

                                     - 12 -

and recurring bank operations; and (c) the amount by which the reserve for
possible loan and lease losses on the books at Valley Bank at the close of
business on the last day of the calendar month preceding the Effective Date, as
determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, exceeds
1.5 percent of the loan and lease portfolio of Valley Bank at that time on that
date (the foregoing items (b) and (c) being hereafter referred to as "Certain
Accretions")) by the Average Closing Price, and by further dividing the number
so reached by the total number of shares of Valley Bank Common Stock issued and
outstanding on the Effective Date of the Plan of Reorganization.  At July __,
1994, the closing price of West One Common Stock quoted on NASDAQ was $_____ per
share and 2,044 shares of Valley Bank Common Stock were issued and outstanding.
If the Plan of Reorganization had been consummated on that date, holders of
Valley Bank Common Stock would have received 195.81 shares of West One Common
Stock for each share of Valley Bank Common Stock, assuming that the Average
Closing Price was $30.48 (the highest price permitted by the Plan of
Reorganization in those cases where the market price of West One Common Stock
exceeded $30.48) and assuming that Certain Accretions equalled $522,734 as of
June 30, 1994.  This exchange on the basis of the foregoing assumptions and on
the further basis of the market price of West One Common Stock being $_____ per
share on July ___, 1994, would equate to a value of $5,968.19 for each share of
Valley Bank Common Stock if the exchange were consummated as of such date.



     All properly executed proxies not theretofore revoked will be voted at the
Special Meeting or any adjournments thereof in accordance with the instructions
thereon.  Valley Bank proxies containing no voting instructions will be voted in
favor of approval of the Plan of Reorganization.  As to any other matter brought
before the Special Meeting and submitted to a shareholder vote, proxies will be
voted in accordance with the judgment of the proxyholders named thereon.

     A shareholder who has executed and returned a proxy may revoke it at any
time before it is voted by filing with the Secretary of Valley Bank written
notice of such revocation or a later dated proxy or by attending the Special
Meeting and voting in person.  Attendance at the Special Meeting will not, of
itself, constitute a revocation of a proxy.


     In addition to solicitation by mail, directors, officers and employees of
Valley Bank may solicit proxies from the shareholders of Valley Bank in person
or by telephone or otherwise for no additional compensation.  Custodians will be
requested to forward proxy soliciting materials to beneficial owners of shares
held of record by them and will be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses.
Further, Valley Bank will bear its own expenses in connection with the printing
and solicitation of proxies for the Special Meeting.

                                     - 13 -

                             PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

     This section of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus describes certain of the
more important aspects of the Plan of Reorganization.  The following description
does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to
the Plan of Reorganization.  The Plan of Reorganization has been filed with the
SEC as an exhibit to the Registration Statement.  The Plan of Reorganization is
incorporated in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus by reference to such filing and
is available upon request.  See "Available Information."


     The Plan of Reorganization provides for the merger of Valley Bank with and
into West One-Washington, with West One-Washington being the surviving
corporation.  Upon consummation of the merger, the franchise of Valley Bank as a
banking corporation will automatically terminate, and West One-Washington will
thereafter be considered the same corporate entity as Valley Bank and West One-
Washington combined, and will continue to be known as West One-Washington.  West
One-Washington will continue as a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of West One.
West One is a bank holding company incorporated in Idaho.  The principal
subsidiaries of West One are West One Bank, Idaho, with 87 branch locations in
Idaho; West One Bank, Oregon with 45 branch locations in Oregon; West One Bank,
Utah, with 24 branch locations in Utah; and West One-Washington, with 53 branch
locations in Washington.  Valley Bank conducts its commercial banking business
through two branch locations.

     Upon consummation of the Reorganization, the shareholders of Valley Bank
will automatically cease to own their shares of Valley Bank Common Stock and
will become shareholders of West One upon surrender of their Valley Bank stock
certificates after the Effective Date.  The 2,044 outstanding shares of Valley
Bank Common Stock (other than shares with respect to which dissenters' rights
are perfected) will be converted into the right to receive that number of shares
of West One Common Stock equal to the Purchase Price (that is, $11,676,250, plus
Certain Accretions), as determined on the Effective Date of the Reorganization.
See "Conversion of Valley Bank Shares."


     VALLEY BANK.  In September, 1993, the board of directors of Valley Bank
discussed the question of whether or not the board should authorize its
Chairman, Mr. Gerald Wilson, to investigate a possible sale of that bank in a
tax-free transaction.  Mr. Wilson had sustained a severe physical impairment
which had made it difficult for him to continue with the management of Valley
Bank on a full-time basis.  Moreover, because of Mr. Wilson's age and the ages
of certain of the other Valley Bank directors, and also as a means of achieving
a greater degree of liquidity for Valley Bank's shareholders, it was concluded
that Mr. Gerald Wilson and his son, Mr. Gale Wilson, should be authorized to
investigate a possible sale of Valley Bank.  These two individuals were also
authorized by the board of directors of Valley Bank to retain whatever financial
and legal assistance they might need in connection with such endeavor.

     In late September, 1993, Mr. Gerald Wilson and Mr. Gale Wilson contacted
Mr. Robert L. Montgomery, a former banker and businessman then living in Boise,
Idaho.  The purpose of this call was to determine whether Mr. Montgomery would

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be willing to act as a financial consultant to Valley Bank in connection with a
possible sale of that bank.  Mr. Montgomery has had a long career as an Idaho
banking executive and possessed the background and qualifications required to
act as an advisor to Valley Bank.

     Mr. Gerald Wilson informed Mr. Montgomery that in 1991, West One Bancorp
("West One") had submitted a proposal to him for the possible purchase of Valley
Bank and that negotiations had begun at that time, and that these negotiations
included a draft letter of intent that had been submitted to the board of
directors of Valley Bank for discussion purposes.  At approximately that same
time, Mr. Gerald Wilson suffered a stroke and the resulting physical impairment
made it impossible for him to continue with further negotiations.  Mr. Wilson
indicated to Mr. Montgomery that he felt West One might still be interested in
making a proposal to acquire Valley Bank.  Mr. Wilson, therefore, asked Mr.
Montgomery to contact West One for the purpose of discussing a possible sale of
Valley Bank.  He also authorized Mr. Montgomery to contact the principal
officers of other large banks with a major presence in Washington to determine
if those financial institutions would want to submit a proposal to purchase
Valley Bank.  Following preliminary discussions, two banks indicated that they
would be interested in reviewing pertinent financial information relative to
Valley Bank, and in possibly submitting a proposal for the purchase of that
bank's stock.

     In October, 1993, Mr. Montgomery met with Mr. Gerald Wilson and Mr. Gale
Wilson to establish the parameters to be followed by Mr. Montgomery in the
discussions he would undertake with each of the three potential purchasers of
Valley Bank.  The principal concern of the members of the Valley Bank board was
that the sale qualify for tax-free exchange treatment.  Additionally, it was
determined that Mr. Montgomery should indicate to each of the prospective
purchasers of Valley Bank that the offer each bank might make should include a
provision to the effect that the earnings of Valley Bank from the date of the
agreement to the date of closing should be added to the agreed upon purchase
price, and that Mr. Montgomery should also indicate that the purchase price was
to be increased by the amount, if any, by which Valley Bank's loan loss reserve
exceeded 1.5% of the loans outstanding at the time of closing.

     In November, 1993, Mr. Gale Wilson and Mr. Robert Montgomery met with the
president of one of the other interested banks and with the President of West
One for the purpose of defining the required terms and conditions of the sale of
the common stock of Valley Bank.  Each party was informed that their respective
bids should be submitted to Valley Bank within thirty days.  Another of the
interested banks, after examining the financial information and after preparing
a preliminary proposal, determined that it did not wish to submit an offer to
purchase Valley Bank.

     Still later, in early December, 1993, Mr. Montgomery met with Mr. Gerald
Wilson and Mr. Gale Wilson to review the proposals which had been submitted by
West One Bancorp and the remaining interested bank.  After examining and
comparing the two bids, the three of them concluded that further discussion
would be required before a final recommendation could be made to the board of
Valley Bank.  It was decided, however, that for the time being the negotiations
should continue only with West One, as the proposal submitted by it appeared to
be preferable.  At this meeting it was also decided that Valley Bank should
retain the services of Scott B. Lukins, Esq. of Spokane, Washington, to
represent Valley

                                     - 15 -

Bank in connection with the final contract negotiations and the preparation of
an agreement of merger.

     Thereafter, in late January, 1994, Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Lukins met with
Mr. Gale Wilson and Mr. Gerald Wilson at Valley Bank for the purpose of
reviewing the proposal that had been received from West One and also to develop
the strategy to be followed in further negotiations with West One.

     Still later, on February 10, 1994, Mr. Gale Wilson, Mr. Scott Lukins, and
Mr. Montgomery met in Boise, Idaho, with Mr. D. Michael Jones, President of West
One and with Mr. Dwight V. Board, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of
West One.  At the conclusion of this meeting, it was agreed that counsel for
West One should prepare a second draft of the agreement and that this agreement
would then be submitted to Mr. Lukins and to the board of directors of Valley
Bank, for their approval.

     On March 7, 1994, Mr. Jones traveled to Clarkston to meet with the
executive committee of Valley Bank and to consummate the signing of the
agreement of merger.  Prior thereto, on March 3, 1994, the board of directors of
Valley Bank had adopted, by unanimous consent, resolutions authorizing
Mr. Gerald Wilson to execute the merger agreement on behalf of Valley Bank.  The
merger agreement was signed by each Mr. Wilson on March 8, 1994, with an
original thereof mailed to Mr. Jones on that date.

     VALLEY BANK.  The board of directors of Valley Bank believes that the
merger of Valley Bank into West One-Washington in exchange for West One Common
Stock is in the best interests of shareholders, employees, customers and the
community served by Valley Bank.  In management's opinion, the Reorganization
will provide substantial additional financial support for the growth of Valley
Bank's business.  In order to meet competition from other larger banks, Valley
Bank would be required to expand the services and credit facilities beyond those
presently offered to its customers.  Valley Bank's management foresees
substantial new competition among financial institutions and their competitors
in the Lewiston (Idaho)/Clarkston (Washington) area and surrounding areas, and
believes that the proposed merger with West One-Washington offers Valley Bank's
shareholders the best possible method of realizing the value of their investment
in Valley Bank and continuing to offer Valley Bank's customers and the community
the deposit, lending, financing, and other banking services they will require in
the future.  The contemplated merger is expected to increase Valley Bank's
lending limit, which will enable it to attract customers which can now be served
only by larger institutions with greater lending limits.  See "Plan of
Reorganization--Background of and Reasons for the Reorganization" for a
description of the factors considered by Valley Bank's board of directors in
determining to recommend the reorganization to shareholders for their approval.
Valley Bank's Board of Directors believes that the merger with West One will
realize substantial value for Valley Bank's shareholders and allow them the
option of realizing a significant return on their original investment and
continue to participate in the development of banking in Washington and Idaho
and in the Pacific Northwest by holding the West One Common Stock they will
receive in the Reorganization.  Additionally, since Valley Bank Common Stock is
not publicly traded and there is no established market for Valley Bank's stock,
the Reorganization will also provide Valley Bank's shareholders liquidity for
their investment.

                                     - 16 -

     WEST ONE.  The business of commercial banking has changed dramatically in
recent years.  Many legal barriers restricting the boundaries and activities of
banks and bank holding companies have been curtailed or eliminated.  Through its
acquisition of Valley Bank, West One will expand its operations in the
Lewiston/Clarkston area and surrounding areas, enlarge its customer base and
realize economies of scale.  This will result in an expansion of the banking
services that West One will be able to provide its customers.

     In consummating this transaction, West One will continue the expansion of
its financial operations in the Pacific Northwest.  West One previously acquired
West One-Washington in 1988, and made some smaller acquisitions in 1989 and
1990, a large acquisition of 38 branches in the Puget Sound area from Security
Pacific Bank Washington, and from Security Pacific Savings Bank in 1992, the
acquistion of Yakima Valley Bank, also in 1992, and of Ben Franklin National
Bank in 1993.  West One also expanded into Utah in 1982 through the acquisition
of West One Bank, Utah, and into Oregon in 1983 with the acquisition of West One
Bank, Oregon and additional acquisitions in 1991 (West One Bank, Oregon, S.B.),
1992 (three branches purchased from Bank of America Oregon) and 1994 (ten Far
West Federal Savings Bank branches from the Resolution Trust Corporation).  In
addition, West One Bank, Idaho initiated branch services in seven Idaho
communities, not previously the site of West One branching, when it acquired
Idaho State Bank in January 1994.


     In connection with the Plan of Reorganization, Gerald D. Wilson, the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Valley Bank, and each of Valley Bank's
directors, whose common share holdings aggregate 76.5% of the outstanding Valley
Bank Common Stock, have agreed with West One, in their capacities as
shareholders, to vote their shares in favor of the Plan of Reorganization, and
Mr. Wilson has agreed to use his best efforts to cause any other shares over
which he has voting power to be voted in favor of the Plan of Reorganization.
Mr. Wilson, who owns approximately 62% of the outstanding Valley Bank Common
Stock, has also agreed until the earlier of the consummation of the
Reorganization or the termination of the Plan of Reorganization, not to vote his
shares in favor of any other acquisition transaction or to cause his shares to
be sold pursuant to any tender offer, exchange offer or similar proposal by a
person other than West One or to any person who is seeking to gain control over
Valley Bank or to any person who does not agree to be bound by similar

     The voting agreements are applicable to Mr. Wilson and Valley Bank's
directors only in their capacity as shareholders and do not legally affect the
exercise of their respective responsibilities as a Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, or Directors of Valley Bank.  Mr. Wilson's agreement does not apply to
any shares of Valley Bank Common Stock held by him as a trustee or fiduciary for

     The form of the voting agreements has been filed with the SEC as an exhibit
to the Registration Statement and is incorporated herein by reference.  The
foregoing summary of the agreements is qualified in its entirety by reference to
such filing.

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     Valley Bank's Bylaws provide that the presence at the meeting in person or
by proxy of holders of a majority of the outstanding voting stock is necessary
to constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.  If a shareholder returns a
proxy indicating abstention, or a broker indicates on a proxy either abstention
or that it does not have discretionary authority to vote certain shares, those
shares will not be considered as votes cast with respect to a particular matter,
but will be counted in the number of shares present in person or represented by
proxy for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present and for all other
matters relating to shares in attendance.  Under Washington law, approval of the
Plan of Reorganization requires the affirmative votes of the holders, voting in
person or by proxy, of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Valley
Bank Common Stock at the Special Meeting by the holders of Valley Bank Common
Stock.  A failure to vote, an abstention, or a broker's non-vote or failure to
vote shares held in street name will have the same legal effect as a vote
against approval of the Plan of Reorganization.  Valley Bank has not retained an
independent financial adviser to evaluate the Plan of Reorganization and the
adequacy of the consideration to be paid to Valley Bank shareholders, nor has a
financial adviser been retained to render an opinion regarding the fairness to
Valley Bank shareholders of the consideration provided in the Plan of
As stated in the previous section "Voting Agreements," Mr. Wilson, Valley Bank's
chairman and chief executive officer, and each of Valley Bank's directors, whose
common stock holdings aggregate 76.5% of Valley Bank's outstanding common stock,
have agreed to vote their shares in favor of the Plan of Reorganization.  As a
consequence, assuming that these shares are voted at the Special Meeting of
Shareholders, approval of the Reorganization is assured.


     EXCHANGE FORMULA.  According to the valuation formula set forth in the Plan
of Reorganization, the total number of shares of West One Common Stock to be
received by each Valley Bank shareholder will not be determined until the
twentieth trading day preceding the Effective Date of the Reorganization.  The
number of shares of West One Common Stock to be received by each Valley Bank
shareholder is based upon the actual average trading prices of West One Common
Stock as reported on NASDAQ over the ten consecutive trading days ending on the
twentieth trading day preceding the Effective Date, subject to an overriding
upward and downward limit of $30.48 and $22.52, respectively, on the average
trading price of West One Common Stock.  Each holder of shares of Valley Bank
Common Stock will be entitled to receive, in exchange for each share of Valley
Bank Common Stock held of record  by such shareholder as of the Effective Date,
that number of shares of West One Common Stock calculated by dividing the
Purchase Price ($11,676,250 plus Certain Accretions) by the Average Closing
Price, and by further dividing the number so reached by the number of shares of
Valley Bank Common Stock that shall be issued and outstanding at the Effective

     On July __, 1994, the closing sale price for West One Common Stock reported
on the NASDAQ National Market System was $_______.  Assuming on that date that a
total of 2,044 shares of Valley Bank Common Stock were outstanding, that Certain
Accretions equaled $______ as of June 30, 1994, and that the Average

                                     - 18 -

Closing Price was $30.48 (the highest price permitted by the Plan of
Reorganization in those cases where the market price of West One Common Stock
exceeded $30.48), then each share of Valley Bank Common Stock would be
exchangeable for 195.81 shares of West One Common Stock, excluding any shares
for which dissenters' rights were perfected.  In view of the method of
calculating the Average Closing Price, it is not possible at the date of this
Proxy Statement/Prospectus to stipulate the rate of exchange at the Effective

     SURRENDER OF CERTIFICATES.  As promptly as practicable after the Effective
Date of the Reorganization, West One Bank, Idaho ("West One-Idaho"), the
exchange agent designated by Valley Bank and West One in the Plan of
Reorganization, will send to each shareholder of record of Valley Bank Common
Stock immediately prior to the Reorganization a letter of transmittal and
instructions as to how to effect the exchange of their certificate or
certificates of Valley Bank Common Stock for certificates representing the
shares of West One Common Stock into which their shares have been converted.
RECEIVE SUCH WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS.  However, certificates should be surrendered
promptly after instructions to do so are received.

     Any dividends declared on West One Common Stock with a record date after
the Effective Date of the Reorganization will apply to all whole shares of West
One Common Stock into which shares of Valley Bank Common Stock have been
converted in the Reorganization.  However, no former Valley Bank shareholder
will be entitled to receive any such dividend until such shareholder's Valley
Bank Common Stock certificates have been surrendered for exchange as provided in
the letter of transmittal (and will receive no interest thereon).  Upon such
surrender, the shareholder will be entitled to receive all such dividends
payable on the whole shares of West One Common Stock represented by the
surrendered certificate or certificates (without interest thereon and less the
amount of taxes, if any, which may have in fact been imposed or paid thereon).

     PAYMENT FOR FRACTIONAL SHARES.  No fractional shares of West One Common
Stock will be issued in connection with the Reorganization.  Instead, each
Valley Bank shareholder who surrenders for exchange Valley Bank Common Stock
certificates representing a fraction of a share of West One Common Stock will be
entitled to receive, in addition to a certificate for the whole shares of West
One Common Stock represented by the surrendered certificates, cash in an amount
equal to such fractional part of a share multiplied by the Average Closing Price
of West One Common Stock.

     UNEXCHANGED CERTIFICATES.  On the Effective Date of the Reorganization, the
stock transfer books of Valley Bank will be closed, and no further transfers of
Valley Bank Common Stock will be permitted or recognized.  Certificates for
Valley Bank Common Stock not surrendered for exchange will entitle the holder to
receive, upon surrender as provided in the letter of transmittal, only a
certificate for the whole shares of West One Common Stock represented by such
certificates, plus payment of any amount for a fractional share or dividends to
which such holder is entitled as outlined above, and without any interest

     ADJUSTMENT OF EXCHANGE FORMULA.  The Plan of Reorganization contains
provisions for the proportionate adjustment of the exchange ratio in the event
of a stock dividend, stock split, reclassification or similar event involving

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West One Common Stock or the Valley Bank Common Stock which occurs prior to the
Reorganization.  Nevertheless, the Purchase Price is fixed at $11,676,250 plus
Certain Accretions and will not be adjusted.  Neither West One nor Valley Bank
anticipates declaring any stock dividend, stock split, or reclassification prior
to the Effective Date.


     The Plan of Reorganization requires as a condition to the Reorganization
that it shall have been determined to the reasonable satisfaction of West One
and Valley Bank that the Reorganization will constitute a tax-free
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(A) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  The following summarizes the tax
opinion rendered by Coopers & Lybrand regarding the federal tax consequences of
the Reorganization.

     No gain or loss for federal income tax purposes will be recognized by
shareholders of Valley Bank on the exchange of their shares for whole shares of
West One Common Stock.  However, gain or loss will be recognized by Valley Bank
shareholders upon the receipt of cash in payment for a fractional share.  To
compute the amount, if any, of such gain or loss, the cost or other basis of the
Valley Bank Common Stock exchanged must be allocated proportionately to the
total number of shares of West One Common Stock received, including any
fractional share interest.  Gain or loss will be recognized measured by the
difference between the cash received and the basis of the fractional share
interest as so allocated.  Under the Code, any such gain or loss will be
entitled to capital gain or loss treatment if the Valley Bank Common Stock was a
capital asset in the hands of the shareholder.

     If a Valley Bank shareholder exercises dissenters' rights and receives cash
in exchange for his Valley Bank Common Stock, the cash will generally be treated
as received by the shareholder as a distribution in redemption of the Valley
Bank Common Stock subject to the provisions and limitations of the Code.  Cash
received by a dissenting Valley Bank shareholder will be taxed as if the
dissenter's shares had been sold to Valley Bank for the cash received and will
generally be entitled to capital gain or loss treatment under the Code, provided
the shares are a capital asset in the hands of the shareholder.  Valley Bank
shareholders should consult with their own tax advisors as to the federal, state
and local tax consequences of exercising dissenters' rights.

     If any shares of West One Common Stock received in the Reorganization are
subsequently sold, gain or loss on the sale should be computed by allocating the
cost or other basis of the Valley Bank Common Stock exchanged in the
Reorganization to the shares sold.  The holding period for the shares of West
One Common Stock received in the Reorganization will include the holding period
for the shares of Valley Bank Common Stock exchanged in determining, for
example, whether any such gain or loss is a long-term or short-term capital gain
or loss.

     The foregoing is intended only as a summary of certain federal income tax
consequences of the Reorganization under existing law and regulations, as
presently interpreted by judicial decisions and administrative rulings, all of
which are subject to change without notice and any such change might be
retroactively applied to the Reorganization.  Among other things, neither the
summary nor the tax opinion addresses state income tax consequences, local
taxes, or the federal or state income tax considerations that may affect the

                                     - 20 -

of a shareholder who acquired his Valley Bank Common Stock pursuant to an
employee stock option or other special circumstances.  Accordingly, Valley Bank
shareholders must consult their own tax advisors for specific advice concerning
their own tax situations, potential changes in the applicable tax law and all
federal, state and local tax matters in connection with the Reorganization.

     A copy of the tax opinion rendered by Coopers & Lybrand as to the material
federal income tax consequences relating to the Reorganization is attached as
Appendix B hereto.


     By resolution dated November 8, 1993, the Board of Directors of Valley Bank
authorized the payment by Valley Bank to the officers and directors of Valley
Bank listed below of deferred compensation in the event of the sale or merger of
Valley Bank as follows:  Gerald D. Wilson - $142,500; William G. Edom -
$105,000; William E. Simon - $20,000; Gale E. Wilson - $40,000.  The resolution
authorizing the deferred compensation agreements was made after the Board began
investigating the possible sale of Valley Bank, but before any offer was
received from West One or any other potential acquiror.


     The Plan of Reorganization contains covenants, representations and
warranties by Valley Bank as to matters which are typical in transactions
similar to the Reorganization.

     Valley Bank has agreed that it will not, prior to the Effective Date,
without West One's prior written consent:  (i) declare or pay cash dividends or
property dividends, with the exception of customary cash dividends to holders of
the common stock of Valley Bank, in a manner at all times consistent with the
past practice of Valley Bank, and not to exceed $37.50 per calendar quarter per
share from the date of the Plan of Reorganization through the Effective Date,
such dividends to be declared and paid, if at all, at three-month intervals
beginning in April, 1994; (ii) declare or distribute any stock dividend,
authorize a stock split, or authorize, issue or make any distribution of its
capital stock or any other securities, or grant any options to acquire such
additional securities; (iii) merge into, consolidate with, or sell its assets to
any other corporation or person, or enter into any other transaction or agree to
effect any other transaction not in the ordinary course of its business except
as explicitly contemplated in the Plan of Reorganization, or engage in any
discussions concerning such a possible transaction except as explicitly
contemplated in the Plan of Reorganization; (iv) convert the charter or form of
entity of Valley Bank from that of a banking corporation chartered by the State
of Washington to any other charter or form of entity; (v) make any direct or
indirect redemption, purchase, or other acquisition of any of its capital stock;
(vi) incur any liability or obligation, make any commitment or disbursement,
acquire or dispose of any property or asset, make any contract or agreement, or
engage in any transaction, except in the ordinary course of its business; (vii)
other than in the ordinary course of business, subject any of its properties or
assets to any lien, claim, charge, option, or encumbrance; (viii) except for
increases in the ordinary course of business in accordance with past practices,
not to exceed 6 percent per annum of the aggregate payroll as of October 1,
1993, increase the rate of compensation of any employee or enter into any
agreement to

                                     - 21 -

increase the rate of compensation of any employee; (ix) create or modify any
pension or profit sharing plan, bonus, deferred compensation, death benefit, or
retirement plan, or the level of benefits under any such plan, nor increase or
decrease any severance or termination pay benefit or any other fringe benefit;
nor (x) enter into any employment or personal services contract with any person
or firm, including without limitation any contract, agreement, or arrangement,
except contracts, agreements, or arrangements for legal services entered into
directly to facilitate the transactions contemplated by the Plan of

     Valley Bank has also agreed to carry on its business and manage its assets
and property diligently in the same manner as it has previously done and to use
its best efforts to preserve its business organization.  Pending completion of
the Reorganization or termination of the Plan of Reorganization, Valley Bank has
agreed to provide West One with certain information and reports and access to
other information.


     The obligations of Valley Bank and West One to consummate the
Reorganization are subject to, among other things, the satisfaction of the
following conditions:  (i) the shareholders of Valley Bank shall have approved
the Plan of Reorganization; (ii) Valley Bank and West One shall have received
all relevant orders, consents and approvals from all requisite governmental
authorities for the completion of the Reorganization; (iii) there shall be an
absence of certain litigation, as specified in the Plan of Reorganization; (iv)
it shall have been determined to the satisfaction of West One that the
Reorganization will be treated for accounting purposes as a "pooling of
interests" in accordance with APB Opinion No. 16, and West One shall have
received a letter to this effect from Coopers & Lybrand; (v) the registration
statement filed by West One pursuant to the Securities Act in connection with
the registration of the shares of West One Common Stock to be used as
consideration in connection with the Reorganization shall have become effective
under the Securities Act, and West One shall have received all required state
securities laws ("Blue Sky") permits and other required authorizations or
confirmations of the availability of exemption from registration requirements
necessary to issue West One Common Stock in the Reorganization, and neither the
registration statement nor any such required permit, authorization or
confirmation shall be subject to a stop-order or threatened stop-order by the
SEC or any state securities authority; (vi) Valley Bank and West One shall have
determined that the Reorganization shall qualify as a tax free reorganization
under the Code and the regulations and rulings promulgated thereunder; and (vii)
there shall be no adverse legislation or government regulation which would make
the transaction impossible or which would materially and adversely affect the
economic assumptions of the transactions contemplated by the Plan of
Reorganization or the business of West One and Valley Bank or which would
otherwise materially impair the value of Valley Bank to West One.

     The obligations of West One to consummate the Reorganization are subject to
satisfaction or waiver of certain additional conditions, including:  (i) the
shareholders of Valley Bank shall have authorized the Plan of Reorganization,
and dissenters' rights shall have been exercised and perfected by owners of not
more than 8% of the outstanding shares of Valley Bank Common Stock; (ii) all
representations and warranties made by Valley Bank in the Plan of Reorganization

                                     - 22 -

shall be true in all material respects on the Effective Date and Valley Bank
shall have performed in all material respects all its obligations under the Plan
of Reorganization; (iii) Lukins & Annis, P.S., special counsel to Valley Bank,
shall have rendered a legal opinion to West One in form and substance
satisfactory to West One; (iv) litigation counsel to Valley Bank shall have
delivered an opinion to the effect that any litigation to which Valley Bank is a
party would not in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the financial
condition or results of operations of Valley Bank; (v) Valley Bank shall have
delivered to West One all regulatory authorizations entitling Valley Bank to
operate its branch offices as branch offices; (vi) during the period from
December 31, 1993 to the Effective Date, there shall be no material adverse
change in the financial position or results of operations, properties,
liabilities or businesses of Valley Bank; (vii) on the Effective Date the net
worth of Valley Bank shall not be less than $8,400,000; (viii) on the Effective
Date the aggregate book value of loans on the financial statements of Valley
Bank which are subject to adverse classification as "substandard," "doubtful,"
or "loss" under regulatory policies promulgated by the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council ("FFIEC") or its member agencies shall not
exceed $3,000,000, those subject to being listed as "doubtful" or "loss" under
such policies shall not exceed $500,000, and those classified as "nonperforming"
shall not exceed $1,000,000; and (ix) West One shall have received from each
interested person (as set forth in "Interests of Certain Persons in the
Transaction," above) an unrestricted and unconditional release of all claims
such person has or may have against Valley Bank.

     The obligations of Valley Bank to consummate the Reorganization are subject
to the satisfaction or waiver of certain additional conditions, including:  (i)
all representations and warranties made by West One in the Plan of
Reorganization shall be true in all material respects on the Effective Date and
West One shall have performed in all material respects all its obligations under
the Plan of Reorganization; (ii) receipt of a legal opinion of Metzger, Hollis,
Gordon & Mortimer, special counsel to West One, satisfactory to Valley Bank; and
(iii) during the period from December 31, 1993 to the Effective Date, there
shall be no material adverse change in the financial position or results of
operations, properties, liabilities or business of West One.


     The representations and warranties of West One, West One-Washington and
Valley Bank contained in the Plan of Reorganization relate, among other things,
to the organization and good standing of West One, West One-Washington and
Valley Bank; the capitalization of West One, West One-Washington and Valley
Bank; the authorization by West One, West One-Washington and Valley Bank of the
Plan of Reorganization and the absence of conflict with laws or other
agreements; the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements and other
information furnished to the other party; the absence of material adverse
changes since December 31, 1993; the absence of undisclosed liabilities; and
compliance with laws and their respective charter documents and bylaws.  Valley
Bank has additionally warranted that its reserve for possible loan and lease
losses is not less than 1.5% of the loan and lease portfolio of Valley Bank;
that its reserve for possible loan and lease losses as of December 31, 1993, was
adequate to absorb reasonably anticipated losses in the consolidated loan and
lease portfolios in view of the size and character of such portfolios, current
economic conditions, and other pertinent factors; and that no facts have come to

                                     - 23 -

Bank's attention which would cause Valley Bank to restate by more than $50,000
the level of its reserve for possible loan and lease losses.

     West One has additionally warranted that there are no facts known to it
which might materially adversely affect its business, assets, liabilities,
financial condition, results of operations or prospects which have not been
disclosed to Valley Bank.

     The representations, warranties and covenants of each party contained in
the Plan of Reorganization will survive the consummation of the Reorganization.


     Notwithstanding prior approval by the shareholders of Valley Bank, the Plan
of Reorganization may be amended in any respect by written agreement between the
parties, except that after such shareholder approval no amendment may prejudice
the economic interests of the shareholders of Valley Bank.  West One or Valley
Bank may also (i) extend the time for performance of any of the obligations of
the other; (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of
the other; (iii) waive compliance by the other with any of its obligations under
the Plan of Reorganization; and (iv) waive any condition precedent to its
obligations under the Plan of Reorganization other than approval of the Plan of
Reorganization by the shareholders of Valley Bank, governmental regulatory
approvals required to consummate the Reorganization, and securities registration
requirements incident to the issuance of West One Common Stock in the


     The Plan of Reorganization may be terminated and abandoned at any time
prior to the Effective Date, notwithstanding approval of the shareholders of
Valley Bank and without payment of damages by either party except as provided
below, as follows:  (i) by either party on or after December 31, 1994, if the
Effective Date has not occurred on or before that date; (ii) by mutual consent
of West One and Valley Bank; (iii) unilaterally, by either party if any of the
representations and warranties of the other party was materially incorrect when
made; or (iv) by either West One or Valley Bank upon written notice given to the
other if the board of directors of either West One or Valley Bank shall have
determined in its sole judgment made in good faith, after due consideration and
consultation with counsel, that the Merger has become inadvisable or
impracticable by reason of the institution of litigation by the federal
government or the government of either the State of Washington or the State of
Idaho to restrain or invalidate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     If either party terminates the Plan of Reorganization because any of the
representations and warranties of a party was materially incorrect when made, or
because of a material breach by a party of a covenant made under the Plan of
Reorganization, then such party whose representations and warranties were
materially incorrect or who materially breached its covenant shall be liable to
the other party or parties to the Plan of Reorganization solely to the extent of
the actual, reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, not to exceed $100,000, incurred
by the other party in connection with the negotiation and preparation of the
Plan of Reorganization and the carrying out of the transactions contemplated

                                     - 24 -


     A holder of shares of Valley Bank Common Stock is entitled to exercise the
rights of a dissenting shareholder under Sections 30.49.030-.090 of the Revised
Code of Washington, as amended, to object to the Plan of Reorganization and make
written demand that West One-Washington, as the surviving corporation in the
merger of Valley Bank into West One-Washington, pay in cash the fair value of
the shares held as determined in accordance with such statutory provisions.  The
following summary does not purport to be a complete statement of the provisions
of Washington law and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such
statutory provisions, which are set forth in full as Appendix A to this Proxy

     Washington law requires that Valley Bank shareholders must follow certain
prescribed procedures in their exercise of the statutory right to dissent in
connection with the Reorganization.  THE FAILURE TO FOLLOW SUCH PROCEDURES ON A

     To be entitled to compensation as a dissenting shareholder to the
Reorganization, a shareholder must:  (i) file written notice of objection to the
proposed Reorganization at or prior to the meeting; or (ii) vote against the
proposed Reorganization at the meeting; and (iii) make a written demand for
compensation, as provided below.

     Unless the above procedure is followed, the shareholder will be presumed to
have acquiesced in the approval of the Reorganization and waived his or her
dissenters' rights.  If an executed proxy is received but no direction is
indicated as to how such proxy should be voted, the Valley Bank Common Stock
represented by such proxy will be voted in favor of the Reorganization.
Accordingly, the submission of an unmarked proxy, unless revoked prior to its
being voted, will serve to waive the shareholder's dissenters' rights.  As noted
above, failure to vote against the Reorganization will not waive a shareholder's
dissenters' rights if the shareholder has filed a written notice of objection
prior to or at the meeting and has not voted in favor of the Reorganization.  If
a shareholder abstains from voting on the Reorganization, this will not waive
dissenters' rights so long as the appropriate written notice is properly and
timely filed.  Notice of objection filed after the meeting will not be effective
to preserve a shareholder's dissenters' rights.  In the event a shareholder
abstains from voting and does not timely file the required notice in order to
perfect dissenters' rights, such shareholder will nonetheless be entitled to the
same consideration as if he or she had voted in favor of the Reorganization.

     Dissenting shareholders who have properly perfected their dissenter's
rights must make written demand for payment of the value of their respective
shares to Valley Bank, at any time within thirty days after the date of
shareholder approval, accompanied by the surrender of the appropriate stock
certificates.  Mere failure to vote or merely voting against the Reorganization
will not satisfy the requirement for a written demand.

     The value of the shares of a dissenting shareholder will be ascertained as
of the day prior to approval of the Plan of Reorganization and not as of the
effective date of the Reorganization.  The appraisal will be done by three
appraisers, one selected by the owners of two-thirds of all of the dissenting

                                     - 25 -

shares, one selected by West One-Washington's Board of Directors, and one chosen
by the two appraisers so chosen.  If an appraisal is not completed within ninety
days after the effective date of the Reorganization, the Director will cause an
appraisal to be made which will be final and binding on all parties.

     Washington law makes no provision for allocation of the costs of the
appraisal proceedings.  Absent any direction it is assumed that the dissenting
shareholders would pay any expenses of the appraiser selected by them, West One
would pay any expenses of the appraiser selected by it, and the dissenting
shareholders and West One would equally share the expenses of the third
appraiser appointed by the other two.

     Shareholders considering seeking appraisal by exercising their dissenters'
rights should be aware that the fair value of their Valley Bank Common Stock
determined pursuant to Washington law could be more than, the same as or less
than their pro rata share of the effective Purchase Price that they are entitled
to receive pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement if they do not seek
appraisal of their Valley Bank Common Stock.



     The shares of West One Common Stock issuable in the Reorganization have
been registered under the Securities Act, and such shares will generally be
freely tradable by the Valley Bank shareholders who receive West One shares as a
result of the Reorganization.  However, this registration does not cover resales
by Valley Bank shareholders who may be deemed to control or be under common
control with Valley Bank or West One and who therefore may be deemed
"affiliates" of Valley Bank or West One as that term is defined in Rule 145
under the Securities Act.  Such affiliates are not permitted to sell their
shares of West One Common Stock acquired in the Reorganization except pursuant
to (i) an effective registration statement under the Securities Act covering the
shares to be sold; (ii) the conditions contemplated by Rules 144 and 145 under
the Securities Act; or (iii) another applicable exemption from the registration
requirements of the Securities Act.  Management of Valley Bank will notify those
persons who it believes may be such affiliates.  Further, management of Valley
Bank will use its best efforts to cause each such "affiliate" of Valley Bank to
deliver to West One not later than thirty days prior to the Effective Date a
written agreement providing that such person will not sell, pledge, transfer or
otherwise dispose of (a) the shares of West One Stock to be received by such
person in the Merger (the "Merger Shares") or any other shares of West One Stock
held by such person during the period commencing thirty days prior to the
Effective Date and ending at such time as financial results covering at least
thirty days of post-Merger combined operations have been published within the
meaning of Section 201.01 of the SEC's Codification of Financial Reporting
Policies or (b) the Merger Shares except in compliance with the applicable
provisions of the 1933 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

                                     - 26 -


     Each party to the Plan of Reorganization will pay its own expenses,
including those of its own counsel, accountants, and tax advisors, incurred in
connection with the Plan of Reorganization.  Valley Bank will pay the cost of
printing and delivering this Proxy Statement/Prospectus to its shareholders and
for soliciting proxies for the Special Meeting.  West One will pay all costs
attributable to registering its stock issuable pursuant to this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus under federal and state securities laws.  The fees of West
One Bank, Idaho, which will act as the exchange agent to effect the exchange of
West One Common Stock certificates and cash in lieu of fractional shares for
Valley Bank Common Stock certificates, will be divided equally between West One
and Valley Bank.


     Applications for approval of the Reorganization must be made to, and
approvals and consents must be obtained from, appropriate federal and Washington
regulators, including the FDIC and the Director.  Submissions have been made to
each of these regulatory authorities.  Federal law prohibits consummation of the
Reorganization until thirty days after the approval of the FDIC has been
obtained.  There can be no assurance that the Washington or FDIC approvals will
be granted, and if they are granted, there can be no assurance as to the dates
of such approvals.  Management of West One and Valley Bank are not presently
aware of any reasonable basis for regulatory disapproval of the Reorganization.


     It is presently anticipated that if the Plan of Reorganization is approved
by the shareholders of Valley Bank, the Reorganization will become effective
during the third quarter of 1994.  However, as noted above, consummation of the
Reorganization is subject to the satisfaction of a number of conditions, some of
which cannot be waived.  There can be no assurance that all conditions to the
Reorganization will be satisfied or, if satisfied, that they will be satisfied
in time to permit the Reorganization to become effective during the third
quarter of 1994.  In addition, as also noted above, West One and Valley Bank
retain the power to abandon the Reorganization or to extend the time for
performance of conditions or obligations necessary to its consummation,
notwithstanding prior shareholder approval.

                                     - 27 -


                           INFORMATION CONCERNING THE

     The Reorganization will be accounted for under the pooling of interests
method of accounting, which views the Reorganization as a uniting of the
separate ownership interests through an exchange of shares.  As such, the pro
forma financial information represents the combined historical financial data of
West One and Valley Bank, subject only to certain adjustments described in the
notes to the data presented.

     The pro forma financial information is unaudited and is not necessarily
indicative of the financial condition or the results of operations of West One
as they would have been had the Reorganization been effective during the periods
presented, or as they may be in the future.  The pro forma financial information
should be read in conjunction with the historical financial statements of West
One and Valley Bank, including the notes thereto, incorporated by reference or
presented herein.  See "Information Concerning West One--West One Documents
Incorporated by Reference" and "Information Concerning Valley Bank--Financial

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

     The following table sets forth in summary form certain financial data for
West One and Valley Bank on a pro forma combined basis for the five years ended
December 31, 1993 and the three months ended March 31, 1994 and 1993, and is
qualified in its entirety by the detailed information and financial statements
provided in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and incorporated herein by

                                     - 28 -

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

                                 For the three months
                                    ended March 31,                          Year ended December 31,
                               ------------------------        ------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  1994           1993           1993           1992           1991           1990           1989
                                --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
 Interest income               $ 126,887      $ 120,401      $ 501,051      $ 437,686      $ 451,665      $ 447,857      $ 425,564
 Interest expense                 45,834         49,896        194,835        196,689        252,057        270,160        267,949
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net interest income              81,053         70,505        306,216        240,997        199,608        177,697        157,615
 Provision for credit losses       3,989          3,122         13,503         14,428         29,800         11,778          7,566

                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net interest income after
   provision for credit
   losses                         77,064         67,383        292,713        226,569        169,808        165,919        150,049
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Other income                     26,523         23,244        102,428         82,221         70,929         62,267         52,399
 Securities gains (losses)          (158)            (8)           495          1,691          2,156             24            858
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Total noninterest income         26,365         23,236        102,923         83,912         73,085         62,291         53,257
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Salaries and employee
   benefits                       34,222         31,559        129,621        104,755         91,200         82,875         79,374
 Other expense                    36,624         32,888        144,286        113,177         93,341         81,465         74,833
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Total noninterest expense        70,846         64,447        273,907        217,932        184,541        164,340        154,207
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Income before taxes              32,583         26,172        121,729         92,549         58,352         63,870         49,099
 Provision for income taxes        9,488          7,786         37,779         28,305         16,497         18,925         13,577
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net income                    $  23,095      $  18,386      $  83,950      $  64,244      $  41,855      $  44,945      $  35,522
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

 Primary earnings per share    $     .65      $     .55      $    2.49      $    2.09      $    1.47      $    1.60      $    1.27
 Fully diluted earnings per
   share                             .62            .53           2.37           1.99           1.44           1.60           1.26
 Book value at end of period       18.32          15.77          17.99          15.19          13.14          12.13          10.94
 Cash dividends declared             .18             --            .49            .67            .48            .44            .41
 Cash dividends paid                 .18            .13            .59            .51            .47            .44            .40

 Assets                       $7,876,153     $7,128,513     $7,734,984     $7,192,483     $5,469,812     $4,993,922     $4,802,279
 Deposits                      6,133,037      5,580,313      5,991,660      5,686,883      4,089,511      3,900,742      3,632,622
 Loans                         5,453,738      4,614,016      5,377,877      4,554,603      3,518,210      3,312,515      2,953,548
 Allowance for credit losses      77,922         71,380         75,640         68,874         53,494         48,244         49,941
 Long-term debt                  115,112        117,208        116,460        117,649        111,881         72,614         71,863
 Shareholders' equity            647,927        516,968        631,909        497,575        374,041        339,131        304,316
 Shares outstanding (a)       35,367,729     32,789,337     35,118,960     32,751,389     28,462,633     27,967,901     27,825,817

 Return on average assets          1.22%          1.07%          1.14%          1.09%           .80%           .94%           .79%
 Return on average
  shareholders' equity             14.82          14.73          15.51          14.87          11.77          14.10          12.29
 Average shareholders equity
  to average total assets           8.21           7.23           7.34           7.32           6.82           6.67           6.46
 Dividend payout (b)               27.25             --          19.76          32.84          32.11          26.10          31.38

(a)  Amounts have been restated for the two-for-one stock split paid August 13,
(b)  Common dividends declared divided by net income.

                                     - 29 -

                                 MARCH 31, 1994

     The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheet combines
the historical unaudited consolidated condensed balance sheets of West One and
Valley Bank as of March 31, 1994, with certain pro forma adjustments resulting
from the anticipated accounting for this transaction as a pooling of interests.
These balance sheets should be read in conjunction with the historical financial
statements of West One and Valley Bank, including the notes thereto; the notes
to this pro forma combined condensed balance sheet; and the pro forma combined
condensed statements of income, including the notes thereto.

                                     - 30 -


                              AS OF MARCH 31, 1994

                                                AS REPORTED
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                     VALLEY       PRO FORMA
                                         WEST ONE           BANK       COMBINED(1)
                                        ----------        --------     -----------
Cash and due from banks                 $  452,096        $ 3,377     $  455,473
Due from banks - interest bearing            3,000             99          3,099
Other short-term investments               133,152          7,750        140,902
Securities                               1,569,582         26,486      1,596,068
                                        ----------        -------     ----------

Loans                                    5,430,656         23,082      5,453,738
Allowance for credit losses                (77,204)          (718)       (77,922)
                                        ----------        -------     ----------
   Net loans                             5,353,452         22,364      5,375,816
                                        ----------        -------     ----------

Premises and equipment                     122,692            855        123,547
Interest receivable                         53,352            598         53,950
Other assets                               126,488            810        127,298
                                        ----------        -------     ----------
   Total assets                         $7,813,814        $62,339     $7,876,153
                                        ----------        -------     ----------
                                        ----------        -------     ----------

Deposits                                $6,079,574        $53,463     $6,133,037
Short-term borrowings                      869,066             --        869,066
Long-term debt                             115,112             --        115,112
Other liabilities                          110,658            353        111,011
                                        ----------        -------     ----------
   Total liabilities                     7,174,410         53,816      7,228,226
                                        ----------        -------     ----------

Shareholders' equity                       639,404          8,523        647,927
                                        ----------        -------     ----------
   Total liabilities and
   shareholders' equity                 $7,813,814        $62,339     $7,876,153
                                        ----------        -------     ----------
                                        ----------        -------     ----------

See Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements on page 38.

                                     - 31 -


     The Reorganization will be accounted for as a pooling of interests.
Accordingly, the following unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements of
income result from the combination of the historical consolidated condensed
statements of income of West One and Valley Bank for each period presented.
These statements should be read in conjunction with the historical financial
statements of West One and Valley Bank, including the notes thereto; the notes
to these pro forma combined condensed statements of income; and the pro forma
combined condensed balance sheet, including the notes thereto.  The pro forma
combined results are not necessarily indicative of the results that would have
been obtained had the Reorganization been effective during the periods presented
or of the combined results of future operations.

                                     - 32 -


                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1994

                                                                AS REPORTED
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA                                VALLEY           PRO FORMA
   AND SHARES OUTSTANDING)                             WEST ONE              BANK           COMBINED(1)
                                                       --------             ------          -----------
Interest income
  Loans                                                $105,543               $524             $106,067
  Investments                                            20,443                377               20,820
                                                       --------               ----             --------
   Total interest income                                125,986                901              126,887
                                                       --------               ----             --------

Interest expense
  Deposits                                               37,862                350               38,212
  Short-term borrowings                                   5,861                 --                5,861
  Long-term debt                                          1,761                 --                1,761
                                                       --------               ----             --------
   Total interest expense                                45,484                350               45,834
                                                       --------               ----             --------
   Net interest income                                   80,502                551               81,053
Provision for credit losses                               3,989                 --                3,989
                                                       --------               ----             --------
   Net interest income after
   provision for credit losses                           76,513                551               77,064

Noninterest income                                       26,280                 85               26,365

Noninterest expense                                      70,473                373               70,846
                                                       --------               ----             --------

   Income before taxes                                   32,320                263               32,583
Provision for income taxes                                9,405                 83                9,488
                                                       --------               ----             --------
   Net income                                          $ 22,915               $180             $ 23,095
                                                       --------               ----             --------
                                                       --------               ----             --------

Primary earnings per share                                 $.65             $88.08                 $.65
Fully diluted earnings per share                            .62              88.08                  .62
Average shares and common stock
   Primary                                           35,373,014              2,044           35,773,243
   Fully diluted                                     38,061,869              2,044           38,462,098
Dividends declared per share                               $.18                 --                 $.18

See Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements on page 38.

                                     - 33 -


                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1993

                                                                AS REPORTED
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA                                VALLEY           PRO FORMA
   AND SHARES OUTSTANDING)                             WEST ONE              BANK           COMBINED(1)
                                                       --------             ------          -----------
Interest income
  Loans                                                $402,550             $2,203             $404,753
  Investments                                            94,775              1,523               96,298
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Total interest income                             497,325              3,726              501,051
                                                       --------             ------             --------

Interest expense
  Deposits                                              160,076              1,400              161,476
  Short-term borrowings                                  25,135                 --               25,135
  Long-term debt                                          8,224                 --                8,224
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Total interest expense                            193,435              1,400              194,835
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Net interest income                               303,890              2,326              306,216
Provision for credit losses                              13,383                120               13,503
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Net interest income after
       provision for credit losses                      290,507              2,206              292,713

Noninterest income                                      102,509                414              102,923

Noninterest expense                                     272,438              1,469              273,907
                                                       --------             ------             --------

      Income before taxes                               120,578              1,151              121,729
Provision for income taxes                               37,391                388               37,779
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Net income                                       $ 83,187             $  763             $ 83,950
                                                       --------             ------             --------
                                                       --------             ------             --------

Primary earnings per share                                $2.50            $373.29                $2.49
Fully diluted earnings per share                           2.38             373.29                 2.37
Average shares and common stock
    Primary                                          33,291,982              2,044           33,692,211
    Fully diluted                                    35,996,282              2,044           36,396,511
Dividends declared per share                               $.49             $83.00                 $.49

See Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements on page 38.

                                     - 34 -


                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992

                                                                AS REPORTED
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA                                VALLEY           PRO FORMA
   AND SHARES OUTSTANDING)                             WEST ONE              BANK           COMBINED(1)
                                                       --------             ------          -----------
Interest income
  Loans                                                $338,290             $2,254             $340,544
  Investments                                            95,498              1,644               97,142
                                                       --------             ------             --------
   Total interest income                                433,788              3,898              437,686
                                                       --------             ------             --------

Interest expense
  Deposits                                              160,138              1,599              161,737
  Short-term borrowings                                  24,906                 --               24,906
  Long-term debt                                         10,046                 --               10,046
                                                       --------             ------             --------
   Total interest expense                               195,090              1,599              196,689
                                                       --------             ------             --------
   Net interest income                                  238,698              2,299              240,997
Provision for credit losses                              14,308                120               14,428
                                                       --------             ------             --------
   Net interest income after
   provision for credit losses                          224,390              2,179              226,569

Noninterest income                                       83,461                451               83,912

Noninterest expense                                     216,524              1,408              217,932
                                                       --------             ------             --------

   Income before taxes                                   91,327              1,222               92,549
Provision for income taxes                               27,955                350               28,305
                                                       --------             ------             --------
   Net income                                          $ 63,372             $  872             $ 64,244
                                                       --------             ------             --------
                                                       --------             ------             --------

Primary earnings per share                                $2.09            $426.52                $2.09
Fully diluted earnings per share                           1.98             426.52                 1.99
Average shares and common stock
   Primary                                           30,343,396              2,044           30,743,625
   Fully diluted                                     33,126,274              2,044           33,526,503
Dividends declared per share                              $.675             $56.00                 $.67

See Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements on page 38.

                                     - 35 -


                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1991

                                                                AS REPORTED
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA                                VALLEY           PRO FORMA
   AND SHARES OUTSTANDING)                             WEST ONE              BANK           COMBINED(1)
                                                       --------             ------          -----------
Interest income
  Loans                                                $347,563             $2,385             $349,948
  Investments                                            99,989              1,728              101,717
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Total interest income                             447,552              4,113              451,665
                                                       --------             ------             --------

Interest expense
  Deposits                                              200,530              2,077              202,607
  Short-term borrowings                                  41,474                 --               41,474
  Long-term debt                                          7,976                 --                7,976
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Total interest expense                            249,980              2,077              252,057
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Net interest income                               197,572              2,036              199,608
Provision for credit losses                              29,680                120               29,800
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Net interest income after
       provision for credit losses                      167,892              1,916              169,808

Noninterest income                                       72,704                381               73,085

Noninterest expense                                     183,136              1,405              184,541
                                                       --------             ------             --------

      Income before taxes                                57,460                892               58,352
Provision for income taxes                               16,261                236               16,497
                                                       --------             ------             --------
      Net income                                       $ 41,199             $  656             $ 41,855
                                                       --------             ------             --------

Primary earnings per share                                $1.47            $321.14                $1.47
Fully diluted earnings per share                           1.44             321.14                 1.44
Average shares and common stock
    Primary                                          28,116,098              2,044           28,516,327
    Fully diluted                                    29,479,062              2,044           29,879,291
Dividends declared per share                               $.48             $50.00                 $.48

See Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statement on page 38.

                                     - 36 -


     (1) Pro forma per share data and average number of common shares are based
on the assumption that 2,044 shares of Valley Bank Common Stock are exchanged
for 400,229 shares of West One Common Stock, based upon a purchase price of
$12,199 and a closing price of West One Common Stock of $30.48 per share.

                                     - 37 -

                           SUPERVISION AND REGULATION

     The information contained in this section summarizes portions of the
applicable laws and regulations relating to the supervision and regulation of
West One and its subsidiaries.  These summaries do not purport to be complete,
and they are qualified in their entirety by reference to the particular statutes
and regulations described.


One is a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act
and is registered as such with the Federal Reserve Board.  Under the current
terms of that Act, West One's activities, and those of companies which it
controls or in which it holds more than 5% of the voting stock, are limited to
banking or managing or controlling banks or furnishing services to or performing
services for its subsidiaries, or any other activity which the Federal Reserve
Board determines to be so closely related to banking or managing or controlling
banks as to be a proper incident thereto.  Among the permitted activities is the
ownership of shares of any company the activities of which the Federal Reserve
Board determines to be so closely related to banking or managing or controlling
banks as to be a proper incident thereto.  In making such determinations, the
Federal Reserve Board is required to consider whether the performance of such
activities by a bank holding company or its subsidiaries can reasonably be
expected to produce benefits to the public such as greater convenience,
increased competition or gains in efficiency that outweigh possible adverse
effects, such as undue concentration of resources, decreased or unfair
competition, conflicts of interest or unsound banking practices.  The Federal
Reserve Board has adopted regulations (Regulation Y, as amended) that specify
various activities as being so closely related to banking or managing or
controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto.  The exact nature and
scope of such activities has been the subject of intense national debate, and
thus, they may change and become more broad as they evolve over time.

     Bank holding companies, such as West One, are required to obtain prior
approval of the Federal Reserve Board to engage in any new activity or to
acquire more than 5% of any class of voting stock of any company.  Generally, no
application to acquire shares of a bank located outside the state in which the
operations of the applicant's banking subsidiaries were principally conducted on
the date it became subject to the Act may be approved by the Federal Reserve
Board unless such acquisition is specifically authorized by the laws of the
state in which the bank whose shares are to be acquired is located.  Various
proposals are currently pending in the U.S. Congress to ease or eliminate these
limitations.  It is not possible to predict at the present time whether any of
these proposals will become law.  In the meantime, most states have specifically
authorized the acquisition of banks located in those states by out-of-state
companies, in many cases subject to various restrictions.  (See "SUPERVISION AND
REGULATION - Interestate Banking.")

     A significant expansion of the scope of such activities occurred in 1989
when Congress enacted the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
Enforcement Act of 1989 ("FIRREA").  FIRREA expanded the authority of bank
holding companies to acquire savings associations, subject to approval by the

                                     - 38 -

Federal Reserve Board.  In accordance with FIRREA, bank holding companies may
acquire healthy as well as failed or failing savings associations in any state,
without regard to whether the bank holding company can operate a bank in that
state.  In connection with this authorization, the Federal Reserve Board has
been instructed not to impose so-called "tandem operating restrictions" which
might otherwise limit the joint marketing or joint operations of affiliated
banks and thrifts beyond those restrictions otherwise embodied in law.  FIRREA
also relieves bank holding companies that own savings associations of certain
duplicative or intrusive savings and loan holding company regulations and, in
some instances, allows savings associations that have been acquired by bank
holding companies to merge into affiliated banks or become banks themselves.

      The Federal Reserve Board is authorized to adopt regulations affecting
various aspects of bank holding companies.  Pursuant to the general supervisory
authority of the Bank Holding Company Act and directives set forth in the
International Lending Supervision Act of 1983, the Federal Reserve Board has
adopted capital adequacy guidelines prescribing both risk-based capital and
leverage ratios.


     RISK-BASED CAPITAL GUIDELINES.  The Federal Reserve Board established risk-
based capital guidelines for bank holding companies effective March 15, 1989.
The guidelines define Tier 1 Capital and Total Capital.  Tier 1 Capital consists
of common and qualifying preferred shareholders' equity and minority interests
in equity accounts of consolidated subsidiaries, less goodwill and 50% (and in
some cases up to 100%) of investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries.  Total
Capital consists of Tier 1 Capital plus qualifying mandatory convertible debt,
perpetual debt, certain hybrid capital instruments, certain preferred stock not
qualifying as Tier 1 Capital, subordinated and other qualifying term debt up to
specified limits, and a portion of the allowance for credit losses, less
investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and in other designated subsidiaries
or other associated companies at the discretion of the Federal Reserve Board,
certain intangible assets, a portion of limited-life capital instruments
approaching maturity and reciprocal holdings of banking organizations' capital
instruments.  The Tier 1 component must constitute at least 50% of qualifying
Total Capital.  Risk-based capital ratios are calculated with reference to risk-
weighted assets, which include both on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet
exposures.  The risk-based capital framework contains four risk weight
categories for bank holding company assets -- 0%, 20%, 50% and 100%.  Zero
percent risk-weighted assets include, INTER ALIA, cash and balances due from
Federal Reserve Banks and obligations unconditionally guaranteed by the U.S.
government or its agencies.  Twenty percent risk-weighted assets include, INTER
ALIA, claims on U.S. Banks and obligations guaranteed by U.S. government
sponsored agencies as well as general obligations of states or other political
subdivisions of the United States.  Fifty percent risk-weighted assets include,
INTER ALIA, loans fully secured by first liens on one-to-four family residential
properties, subject to certain conditions.  All assets not included in the
foregoing categories are assigned to the 100% risk-weighted category, including
loans to commercial and other borrowers.  As of year-end 1992, the minimum
required ratio for qualifying Total Capital became 8%, of which at least 4% must
consist of Tier 1 Capital.  At March 31, 1994, West One's Tier 1 and Total
Capital ratios were  9.85% and 12.13%, respectively.

                                     - 39 -

     The current risk-based capital ratio analysis establishes minimum
supervisory guidelines and standards.  It does not evaluate all factors
affecting an organization's financial condition.  Factors which are not
evaluated include (i) overall interest rate exposure; (ii) liquidity, funding
and market risks; (iii) quality and level of earnings; (iv) investment or loan
portfolio concentrations; (v) quality of loans and investments; (vi) the
effectiveness of loan and investment policies; and (vii) management's overall
ability to monitor and control other financial and operating risks.  The capital
adequacy assessment of federal bank regulators will, however, continue to
include analyses of the foregoing considerations and in particular, the level
and severity of problem and classified assets.

     The following table presents West One's regulatory capital position at
March 31, 1994 under the risk-based capital guidelines and as adjusted to give
effect to the offering of its stock in the Reorganization.

                                        RISK-BASED CAPITAL

                                                 West One                   Pro Forma Combined
                                        -------------------------         ------------------------
                                                       (Dollars in thousands)

                                                       Percent                            Percent
                                                      of Risk-                           of Risk-
                                                      Adjusted                           Adjusted
                                          Amount       Assets                Amount       Assets
                                        ----------    --------             ----------    --------
Tier 1 Capital . . . . . . . . . .      $  598,187       9.85%             $  606,667       9.91%
Minimum Requirement. . . . . . . .         242,938       4.00                 244,901       4.00
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------
  Excess . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $  355,249       5.85%             $  361,766       5.91%
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------

Total Capital. . . . . . . . . . .      $  736,736      12.13%             $  745,831      12.18%
Minimum Requirement. . . . . . . .         485,876       8.00                 489,801       8.00
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------
  Excess . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $  250,860       4.13%             $  256,030       4.18%
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------

Risk-Adjusted Assets,
  Net of Goodwill and
  Excess Allowance . . . . . . . .      $6,073,450     100.00%             $6,122,518     100.00%
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------
                                        ----------     ------              ----------     ------

     MINIMUM LEVERAGE RATIO.  The Federal Reserve Board has adopted capital
standards and leverage capital guidelines that include a minimum leverage ratio
of 3% Tier 1 Capital to total assets (the "leverage ratio").  The leverage ratio
is used in tandem with the final risk-based ratio of 8% that took effect at the
end of 1992.

     The Federal Reserve Board has emphasized that the leverage ratio
constitutes a minimum requirement for well-run banking organizations having
well-diversified risk, including no undue interest rate exposure, excellent
asset quality, high liquidity, good earnings, and a composite rating of 1 under
the Interagency Bank Rating System.  Banking organizations experiencing or
anticipating significant growth, as well as those organizations which do not
exhibit the characteristics of a strong, well-run banking organization described
above, will be required to maintain strong capital positions substantially above
the minimum supervisory levels without significant reliance on intangible
assets.  Furthermore, the Federal Reserve Board has indicated that it will
consider a

                                     - 40 -

"tangible Tier I Capital Leverage Ratio" (deducting all intangibles) and other
indices of capital strength in evaluating proposals for expansion or new

     The following table presents West One's leverage ratio at March 31, 1994,
as adjusted to give effect to the offering of its common stock made hereby.  A
leverage ratio of 3% will be the minimum required for the most highly rated
banking organizations, and according to the Federal Reserve Board, other banking
organizations would be expected to maintain capital at higher levels.

                                            West One                 Pro Forma Combined
                                   -------------------------    ---------------------------
                                                   (Dollars in thousands)

                                                   Percent                       Percent
                                                 of Average                    of Average
                                                 Assets, Net                   Assets, Net
                                     Amount     of Good Will       Amount     of Good Will
                                   ----------   ------------     ----------   ------------
Tier 1 Capital                     $  598,187       7.87%        $  606,667       7.92%
Minimum Requirement                   228,067       3.00            229,940       3.00
                                   ----------     ------         ----------     ------
Excess                             $  370,120       4.87%        $  376,727       4.92%
                                   ----------     ------         ----------     ------
                                   ----------     ------         ----------     ------
Average Assets, Net of Goodwill    $7,602,241     100.00%        $7,664,661     100.00%
                                   ----------     ------         ----------     ------
                                   ----------     ------         ----------     ------

such authority and directives set forth in the International Lending Supervision
Act of 1983, the Comptroller, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve Board have issued
regulations establishing the capital requirements for banks under federal law.
The regulations, which apply to West One's banking subsidiaries, establish
minimum risk-based and leverage ratios which are substantially similar to those
applicable to West One.  As of March 31, 1994, the risk-based and leverage
ratios of each of West One's banking subsidiaries exceeded the minimum

     On December 19, 1991, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement
Act of 1991 ("FDICIA") was signed into law.  FDICIA subjects banks to
significantly increased regulation and supervision.  Among other things, FDICIA
requires federal bank regulatory authorities to revise their risk-based capital
guidelines to ensure that those standards take account of interest rate risk,
concentrations of credit and the risk of non-traditional activities, as well as
reflect the actual performance and risk of multifamily mortgages.  On September
14, 1993, the federal banking agencies published in the FEDERAL REGISTER a
proposed measure of interest rate risk exposure which measures such exposure as
the effect that a specified change in market interest rates would have on the
net economic value of banks.  Under this proposal, banks (excluding certain "low
risk" institutions as defined therein) would calculate and report estimated
changes in their net economic value resulting from the effect of specified
changes in market interest rates on their assets, liabilities and off-balance
sheet positions, utilizing either a supervisory model or approved internal
models.  The proposal sets forth two alternative methods for utilizing such
results in assessing institutions' capital adequacy for interest rate risk
exposure.  One method would require

                                     - 41 -

institutions to hold capital equal to the dollar decline in their net economic
value exceeding a supervisory threshold of one percent of total assets; the
other method provides for an agency assessment of institutions' capital needs
for interest rate risk in light of both the level of measured interest rate risk
exposure and qualitative factors.  However, the proposal is still under
consideration.  The federal banking agencies have also proposed revisions to
their risk-based capital rules to ensure that risks arising from concentrations
of credit and nontraditional activities are taken into account when assessing an
institution's capital adequacy.  The proposal explicitly authorizes the federal
banking agencies to take account of such risks in assessing the capital adequacy
of an institution rather than imposing explicit capital requirements with
respect to such risks.  Because the final terms of the regulators'
implementation of these requirements of FDICIA are not yet known, West One
cannot predict the effect the inclusion of these risk factors in the risk-based
capital rules of the federal banking agencies will have upon its capital
requirements or those of its subsidiaries.

     In 1993, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (the
"FFIEC") required bank holding companies and their depository institution
subsidiaries to adopt as of January 1, 1994, or the beginning of their fiscal
year if thereafter, Financial Accounting Standards Number 115, ACCOUNTING FOR
INTER ALIA, the reporting of unrealized gains and losses on "available-for-sale"
securities (i.e., debt securities, and equity securities having readily
determined fair values, which the holder  neither has the positive intent or
ability to hold to maturity nor buys or holds principally for the purpose of
selling in the near term) as a separate component of shareholders' equity until
realized.  West One is currently assessing the consequences of the adoption of
FAS 115 to its operations, earnings and capital position and to the operations,
earnings and capital portions of its subsidiaries.  On December 28, 1993, the
Federal Reserve Board, with respect to bank holding companies and state banks
which are members of the Federal Reserve System, and on December 29, 1993, the
FDIC, with respect to state-chartered banks which are not members of the Federal
Reserve System, published in the FEDERAL REGISTER,  proposed amendments to their
respective capital regulations to include net unrealized holding gains and
losses on securities available-for-sale in Tier 1 capital for the purposes of
calculating risk-based capital and leverage ratios.  Because the Federal Reserve
Board and FDIC have not yet adopted final rules incorporating the proposed
amendment, West One cannot predict the effect of their adoption upon its
operations, earnings or capital position or upon the operations, earnings or
capital positions of its depository institution subsidiaries.

     The FFIEC has announced that bank holding companies and their depository
institution subsidiaries will be required, for fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 1994, to adopt Financial Accounting Standards Number 114,
accounting by creditors for certain impaired loans, both collateralized and
uncollateralized, and for all loans restructured in a troubled debt
restructuring involving a modification of terms of such debt.  The rule does not
apply to large groups of smaller-balance homogeneous loans that are collectively
evaluated for impairment, loans that are measured at fair value or the lower of
cost or fair value, leases and debt securities defined in FAS 115.  FAS 114
requires that loans to which it applies be measured based on the present value
of expected future cash flows discounted at the loans' effective interest rate
(defined as

                                     - 42 -

the original contractual rate of interest adjusted for any deferred loan fees or
costs, premium or discount existing at the inception or acquisition of the
loan), or at the loans' observable market price or the fair value of the
collateral if the loan is collateral dependent.  If the measure of the impaired
loan is less than the creditor's recorded investment in the loan (including
accrued interest, net deferred loan fees or costs, and unamortized premium or
discount) a creditor is required to recognize the impairment by creating a
valuation allowance with a corresponding charge to bad-debt expense by adjusting
an existing valuation allowance for the impaired loan with a corresponding
charge or credit to bad debt expense.  FAS 114 establishes ongoing disclosure
requirements as to investments in impaired loans, allowances for credit losses
related thereto and income recognition policy by creditors.  The FFIEC  and
federal banking agencies are currently considering the consistency of certain
requirements of FAS 114 with current regulatory accounting standards and the
extent to which the manner of  adoption of FAS 114 by banking companies may be
affected by continued adherence to existing requirements.  West One is presently
assessing the consequences of the adoption of FAS 114 to its operations,
earnings and capital position and the operations, earnings and capital position
of its subsidiaries.  The Financial Accounting Standards Board has recently
proposed amendments to FAS 114 to eliminate certain income recognition
requirements and to require certain disclosures regarding income recognition on
impaired loans.  West One cannot, at this time, predict the outcome of
proceedings to amend FAS 114 and therefore cannot predict the effect of such
amendments upon its operations, income or capital position or upon the
operations, income or capital position of its subsidiaries.

     On May 25, 1994, the federal banking agencies published in the FEDERAL
REGISTER proposed amendments to their respective risk-based capital regulations,
to address the regulatory capital treatment of recourse arrangements (by which
any risk of loss associated with an asset a banking organization has transferred
exceeds the institution's PRO RATA share of the asset) and direct credit
substitutes (by which a banking organization assumes any risk of loss associated
with an asset or other claim exceeding the organization's PRO RATA share of the
asset or other claim) that expose depository institutions and their holding
companies to credit risk.  The proposal would require banking organizations to
maintain higher amounts of capital against recourse arrangements and certain
direct credit substitutes  (e.g., purchased servicing rights that provide loss
protection to the owner of loans serviced, purchased subordinated interests that
absorb the first dollars of loss from the underlying assets and financial
standby letters of credit which absorb the fist dollars of loss from such
assets).  However, the proposal would also permit banking organizations to
maintain lower amounts of capital against "low-level recourse" transactions
(E.G., recourse transactions in which a banking organization contractually
limits its exposure to less than the full risk-based capital requirement for the
assets transferred).  In conjunction with the publication of this proposed rule,
the federal banking regulators also published an advance notice of proposed
rule-making with respect to a preliminary proposal under which risk-based
capital requirements would be assessed for asset securitizations involving
recourse or direct credit substitutes, based upon relative exposure to risk of
loss from the underlying assets.  In the case of rated securitization
transactions, such risk of loss would be evaluated on the basis of credit
ratings from nationally recognized statistical rating organizations.  Because
the federal banking regulators have not yet adopted final rules incorporating
the proposed amendments, West One cannot predict the effect of their adoption
upon its operations, earnings or

                                     - 43 -

capital position or upon its operations, earnings or capital position of its
bank subsidiaries.

     FDICIA amended Section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act ("FDIA") to
require the federal banking regulators to take "prompt corrective action" in
respect of banks that do not meet minimum capital requirements and imposes
certain restrictions upon banks which meet minimum capital requirements but are
not "well capitalized" for purposes of FDICIA.  FDICIA establishes five capital
tiers:  "well capitalized," "adequately capitalized," "undercapitalized,"
"significantly undercapitalized," and "critically undercapitalized."
Implementing regulations adopted by the federal banking agencies in September
1992 and effective on December 19, 1992 define the capital categories for banks
which will determine the necessity for prompt corrective action by the federal
banking agencies.  A bank may be placed in a capitalization category that is
lower than is indicated by its capital position if it receives an unsatisfactory
examination rating with respect to certain matters.

     Failure to meet capital guidelines could subject a bank to a variety of
restrictions and enforcement remedies.  Under FDICIA, all insured banks are
generally prohibited from making any capital distributions and from paying
management fees to persons having control of the bank where such payments would
cause the bank to be undercapitalized.  Holding companies of significantly
undercapitalized, critically undercapitalized and certain undercapitalized banks
may be required to obtain the approval of the Federal Reserve Board before
paying capital distributions to their shareholders.  Moreover, a bank that is
not well capitalized is generally subject to various restrictions on "pass
through" insurance coverage for certain of its accounts and is generally
prohibited from accepting brokered deposits and offering interest rates on any
deposits significantly higher than the prevailing rate in its normal market area
or nationally (depending upon where the deposits are solicited).  Such banks and
their holding companies are also required to obtain regulatory approval prior to
their retention of senior executive officers.  Banks which are classified
undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized or critically undercapitalized
are required to submit capital restoration plans satisfactory to their federal
banking regulator and guaranteed within stated limits by companies having
control of such banks (I.E., to the extent of the lesser of five percent of the
institution's total assets at the time it became undercapitalized or the amount
necessary to bring the institution into compliance with all applicable capital
standards as of the time the institution fails to comply with its capital
restoration plan, until the institution is adequately capitalized on average
during each of four consecutive calendar quarters), and are subject to
regulatory monitoring and various restrictions on their operations and
activities, including those upon asset growth, acquisitions, branching and entry
into new lines of business and may be required to divest themselves of or
liquidate subsidiaries under certain circumstances.  Holding companies of such
institutions may be required to divest themselves of such institutions or divest
themselves of or liquidate nondepository affiliates under certain circumstances.
Critically undercapitalized institutions are also prohibited from making
payments of principal and interest on debt subordinated to the claims of general
creditors and are generally subject to the mandatory appointment of a
conservator or receiver.  In connection with an institutional failure or FDIC
rescue of a financial institution, FIRREA grants to the FDIC the right, in many
situations, to charge its actual or anticipated losses against commonly
controlled depository

                                     - 44 -

institution affiliates of the failed or rescued institution (although not
against a bank holding company itself).


     Federal law and regulation affect the operations of bank holding companies
and their subsidiaries in many ways, including regulating the conduct of
transactions between bank holding companies (along with their nonbank
subsidiaries) and their subsidiary banks.  By virtue of Section 23A of the
Federal Reserve Act ("Section 23A") and Section 18(j) of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act ("Section 18(j)"), West One and its subsidiaries are "affiliates"
of West One-Washington and other depository institution subsidiaries of West One
and are subject to the provisions Section 23A, which limit the amount of and
require substantial security for loans and extensions of credit by West One -
Washington and other depository institution subsidiaries of West One to, and
investments in West One or certain of its subsidiaries and the amount of
advances to third parties collateralized by the securities of West One or
certain of its subsidiaries.  The general purpose of Sections 23A and 18(j) is
to assure that the capital of depository institutions (such as West One -
Washington and the other depository institution subsidiaries of West One) is not
put at risk to support their nonbank affiliates.

     FDICIA requires the federal banking agencies to adopt regulations
prescribing standards for safety and soundness of insured banks and their
holding companies, including standards relating to internal controls,
information systems, internal audit systems, loan documentation, credit
underwriting, interest rate exposure, asset growth, compensation, fees and
benefits, asset quality, earnings and stock valuation, as well as other
operational and managerial standards deemed appropriate by the agencies.  Upon a
determination by a federal banking agency that an insured bank has failed to
satisfy any such standard, the bank will be required to file an acceptable plan
to correct the deficiency.  If the bank fails to submit or implement an
acceptable plan, the federal banking agency may, and in some instances must,
issue an order requiring the institution to correct the deficiency, restrict its
asset growth, increase its ratio of tangible equity to assets, or impose other
operating restrictions.  On November 18, 1993, the federal banking agencies
issued a notice of proposed rulemaking setting forth general safety and
soundness in areas prescribed in FDICIA and solicited comments regarding the
proposed safety and soundness standards.  In the view of the federal banking
agencies, the proposed standards do not represent a change in existing policies
but, instead, formalize fundamental standards already applied by the agencies.
In general, the proposed standards establish objectives of proper operations and
management while leaving the specific methods for achieving those objectives to
each institution.  However, the proposal establishes a maximum permissible ratio
of classified assets to capital for institutions.  The proposal also implements
the requirements of FDICIA regarding the submission and review of safety and
soundness plans by institutions failing to meet the prescribed standards and the
issuance of orders where institutions have failed to submit acceptable
compliance plans or implement an accepted plan in any material respect.  Because
the final terms of the regulators' implementation of this requirement of FDICIA
are not yet known, West One cannot predict the effect of its application to its
operations or the operations of its subsidiaries.

                                     - 45 -

     FDICIA also contains provisions which, among other things, restrict
investments and activities as principal by state nonmember banks to those
eligible for national banks, impose limitations on deposit account balance
determinations for the purpose of the calculation of interest, and require the
federal banking regulators to prescribe, implement or modify standards,
respectively, for extensions of credit secured by liens on interests in real
estate or made for the purpose of financing construction of a building or other
improvements to real estate, loans to bank insiders, regulatory accounting and
reports, internal control reports, independent audits, exposure on interbank
liabilities, contractual arrangements under which institutions receive goods,
products or services, deposit-account-related disclosures and advertising as
well as to impose restrictions on federal reserve discount window advances for
certain institutions and to require that insured depository institutions
generally be examined on-site by federal or state personnel at least once every
twelve months.

     On October 28, 1992, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 was
enacted which, INTER ALIA, modified prior law regarding the establishment of
compensation standards by the federal banking agencies, deposit account
disclosures, loans to bank insiders and real estate appraisal requirements; made
certain technical corrections to FDICIA; imposed new sanctions upon banks
convicted of money laundering or cash transaction reporting offenses; and
restricted the methods banks may employ to calculate and refund prepaid interest
on mortgage refinancings and consumer loans.  In addition, on October 23, 1992,
the Depository Institutions Disaster Relief Act of 1992 was enacted, affording
the federal banking agencies limited discretion to provide relief from certain
regulatory requirements to depository institutions doing business or seeking to
do business in an emergency or major disaster area.  West One does not currently
expect that the implementation of these laws will have a material adverse effect
upon its operations and business or upon the operations and business of its

     On August 10, 1993 the President signed into law the Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1993 which contains provisions that, INTER ALIA, affect
the amortization of intangible assets by banks, require securities dealers
(including banks) to adopt mark-to-market accounting to calculate income taxes,
transfer surplus funds from the Federal Reserve System to the Department of the
Treasury, authorize the United States Government to originate student loans and
establish a preference for depositors in liquidations of FDIC-insured banks.
West One is currently assessing the consequences of the enactment of this
legislation to its operations, earnings and capital position and the operations,
earnings and capital position of its subsidiaries.

     Bills are now pending or expected to be introduced in the United States
Congress that contain proposals for altering the structure, regulation, and
competitive relationships of the nation's financial institutions.  If enacted
into law, these pending bills could have the effect of increasing or decreasing
the cost of doing business, limiting or expanding permissible activities
(including activities in the insurance and securities fields), or affecting the
competitive balance among banks, savings associations, and other financial
institutions.  Some of these bills would reduce the extent of federal deposit
insurance, broaden the powers or the geographical range of operations of bank
holding companies, modify interestate branching restrictions applicable to
national banks, regulate bank involvement in derivations activities, and realign
the structure and jurisdiction of various financial institution regulatory

                                     - 46 -

agencies.  Whether or in what form any such legislation may be adopted or the
extent to which the business of West One might be affected thereby cannot be


     The insured bank subsidiaries of West One are required to pay semi-annual
deposit insurance assessments to the Bank Insurance Fund of the FDIC ("BIF").
FDICIA requires the FDIC to establish a schedule to increase the reserve ratio
of the BIF to 1.25% of insured deposits (or such higher ratio as the FDIC
determines to be justified for any year by circumstances raising a significant
risk of substantial future losses) over a 15 year period, and to increase the
assessment rate on banks, if necessary, to achieve that ratio.  FDICIA also
requires the FDIC to establish by regulation a risk-based assessment system for
deposit insurance which will take into account the probability that the deposit
insurance fund will incur a loss with respect to an institution, the likely
amount of such loss and the revenue needs of the deposit insurance fund.

     On October 1, 1992, the FDIC published revisions to its deposit insurance
regulation to establish a transitional risk-based assessment system pending
establishment of a permanent risk-based assessment system by January 1, 1994.
Effective January 1, 1993, each insured bank's insurance assessment rate is
determined by the risk assessment classification into which it has been placed
by the FDIC.  The FDIC places each insured bank in one of nine risk assessment
classifications based upon its level of capital and supervisory evaluations by
its regulators:  "well capitalized" banks, "adequately capitalized" banks or
"less than adequately capitalized" banks, with each category of banks divided
into subcategories of banks which are either "healthy," of "supervisory concern"
or of "substantial supervisory concern."  An eight basis point spread exists
between the assessment rate established for the highest and lowest risk
classification, so that banks classified as strongest by the FDIC are subject to
a rate of .23% (the same rate as under the previous flat-rate assessment system)
while those classified as weakest by the FDIC are subject to a rate of .31%
(with intermediate rates of .26%, .29% and .30%).  The FDIC staff has stated
that insured banks will pay an average rate of approximately .254%.  At a
meeting on June 17, 1993, the FDIC Board of Directors approved revisions to its
regulation establishing the transitional risk-based assessment system with
respect to the making of supervisory subgroup assignments and review of such
assignments by the FDIC, the making of capital group assignments for new
institutions by the FDIC, the payment of disputed assessments by institutions
and other matters.  In addition, on May 25, 1993, the FDIC Board of Directors
voted to amend the current recapitalization schedule for the BIF to reflect the
projected achievement by the BIF of a reserve ratio of 1.25% of insured deposits
by 2002 (rather than 2006 under the current schedule) and retain the current
deposit insurance assessment rates for BIF-member institutions for semi-annual
periods beginning July 1, 1993.  West One does not presently expect that
implementation of the transitional risk-based deposit insurance assessment
system, as so revised, will have a material adverse impact on its overall
financial condition or results of operations or those of its bank subsidiaries.

     It is possible that the FDIC insurance assessments will be increased
further in the future.  In addition, the FDIC has authority to impose special
assessments from time to time.

                                     - 47 -


     Existing laws and various regulatory developments have allowed financial
institutions to conduct significant activities on an interestate basis for a
number of years.  During recent years, a number of financial institutions have
expanded their out-of-state activities and various states have enacted
legislation intended to allow certain interestate banking combinations which
otherwise would be prohibited by federal law.

     The Bank Holding Company Act generally does not permit the Federal Reserve
Board to approve an acquisition by a bank holding company of voting shares or
assets of a bank located outside the state in which the operations of its
banking subsidiaries are principally conducted unless the acquisition is
specifically authorized by the statutes of the state in which such bank is
located.  Under the laws of Idaho and Utah, respectively, any out-of-state bank
or bank holding company may acquire an Idaho or Utah bank or bank holding
company.  There is no requirement that the laws of the state in which the out-
of-state bank or bank holding company's operations are principally conducted
afford reciprocal privileges to Idaho or Utah-based acquirers.  The Idaho law
contains a proviso that the Idaho institution to be acquired must have been in
business for at least four years.  Washington banks that have been conducting
business for at least three years may be acquired by out-of-state bank holding
companies whose operations are principally conducted in states granting
reciprocal privileges to Washington bank holding companies.  Oregon's law
relating to interestate banking allows an out-of-state institution or its
holding company to acquire all or portions of the capital stock of an Oregon
bank which has been engaged in the business of banking for at least three years
prior to the acquisition.  There is no reciprocity requirement.


     West One-Washington is a state chartered commercial bank.  It is not a
member of the Federal Reserve System.  West One-Washington was once the
principal subsidiary of West One Bancorp, Washington, the latter of which was
merged into West One Bancorp in 1993, causing West One-Washington to be a
direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of West One Bancorp.  West One-Washington
operates bank locations in twenty-six cities and towns throughout Washington
State.  West One-Washington has grown significantly in the past few years.  On
September 3, 1992, it acquired thirty-eight bank branches from Security Pacific
Bank Washington and Security Pacific Savings Bank, all located primarily in the
Puget Sound region.  Also during 1992, West One-Washington acquired Yakima
Valley Bank, which was a state-chartered commercial bank based in Yakima,
Washington with four branches, $119.5 million in total assets and $102.4 million
in total deposits.  During 1993, West One-Washington further expanded its
franchise through the acquisition of Ben Franklin National Bank, a commercial
bank with its main office located in Pasco, Washington, which had assets of
$36.5 million, total deposits of $33.1 million, and shareholder's equity of $3.1

     As of March 31, 1994, West One-Washington had total assets of $2.0 billion,
total deposits of $1.7 billion, and loans of $1.4 billion.  West One-
Washington's strength is directly influenced by the economic conditions in
Washington State.  Although cutbacks in the aerospace industry have weakened
Washington's overall economic conditions, certain areas served by West One-
Washington, including

                                     - 48 -

Yakima, Spokane, Vancouver and the Tri-Cities area, are experiencing expanding

     As a consequence of the extensive regulation of the commercial banking
business in the United States, the business of West One-Washington is
particularly susceptible of being affected by federal and state legislation and
regulations, which may increase the cost of doing business.


     Valley Bank is a state banking corporation.  It has been in operation for
over thirty years.  In 1984, Valley Bank acquired the Asotin branch of Rainier
National Bank.  As of March 31, 1994, Valley Bank had assets of $62.3 million,
deposits of $53.5 million, loans of $23.1 million, and shareholders' equity of
$8.5 million.

     The trade area of Valley Bank which includes the Lewiston-Clarkston area
and the surrounding area are remarkably diversified as to business activity.
The largest single employer in the area is a major paper and lumber supplier
with extensive private timber holdings, a non-natural-resource-based
manufacturer being the second largest employer with the medical community and a
state college also providing stable employment.  The agriculture segment of the
area's economy is significant.  The agri-business sector is primarily composed
of family-operated farms growing dryland crops consisting of mostly wheat and
barley with some acreage planted to canola, peas, lentils and buckwheat.
Extensive grain storages and shipping facilities provide a steady base of
agriculture-related jobs.  Job growth has been at a sustained pace for several
years with the unemployment rate generally below state levels.  In recent years
tourism has become a significant industry and an increased number of individuals
have retired to the area.  The mix discussed above has led to steady growth in a
fairly mature economy.

     Valley Bank is a Washington State Banking Corporation and is not a member
of the Federal Reserve System.  Valley Bank's primary regulator is the State of
Washington Department of Banking and as a non-member bank is further regulated
and examined by the FDIC.

     Valley Bank is subject to a large body of both state and federal
regulations that not only address safety and soundness matters but via various
regulations generally under the FDIC's supervision enforce governmental mandates
that promote various social and consumer issues.  Increasing resources both
human and financial are being committed to coping with the attendant regulatory
burden imposed by government actions.   FIRREA which was the congressional
response to the savings and loan crisis and FDICIA which Valley Bank views as a
congressional mandate for regulator micro-management of the banking industry
added significant regulatory burden to all banks.  FDICIA has led to an
increased number of regulatory changes and aggressive interpretation by
examiners.  Banks with assets of less than $200,000,000 have had to allocate a
disproportionate amount of resources to monitoring and implementing regulatory
changes.  It is not anticipated that regulatory burden will decrease in the
foreseeable future.

     Premiums paid to the FDIC have been an increasing burden on bank earnings.
As deposits grow the dollar burden on the bank increases.  When the Bank
Insurance Fund reaches 1.25% of insured deposits, the FDIC is authorized to

                                     - 49 -

reduce insurance premiums.  There is no assurance as to when and if this will

                                 MONETARY POLICY

     The earnings of West One, West One-Washington and Valley Bank are directly
affected by the monetary and fiscal policies of the federal government and
governmental agencies.  The Federal Reserve Board has broad powers to expand and
constrict the supply of money and credit and to regulate the reserves which its
member banks must maintain based on deposits.  These broad powers are used to
influence the growth of bank loans, investments and deposits, and may affect the
interest rates which will prevail in the market for loans investments and
deposits.  Governmental and Federal Reserve Board monetary policies have had a
significant effect on the operating results of commercial banks in the past and
are expected to do so in the future.  The future impact of such policies and
practices on the growth or profitability of West One, West One-Washington, and
Valley Bank cannot be predicted.

                         INFORMATION CONCERNING WEST ONE

                                WEST ONE BANCORP
                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

     The following unaudited table of selected financial data should be read in
conjunction with West One's consolidated financial statements and the related
notes and with West One's management's discussion and analysis of financial
condition and results of operations, incorporated herein by reference.  See
"West One Documents Incorporated by Reference."  In the opinion of management of
West One, all adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring accruals)
necessary to a fair statement of the results for the interim periods have been
included.  The results for the interim period ended March 31, 1994 are not
necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.

                                     - 50 -

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                                WEST ONE BANCORP

                                  For the three months
                                     ended March 31,                                 Year ended December 31,
                               -------------------------     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)            1994           1993           1993           1992           1991           1990           1989
                                --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
 Interest income               $ 125,986      $ 119,420      $ 497,325      $ 433,788      $ 447,552      $ 443,703      $ 421,853
 Interest expense                 45,484         49,535        193,435        195,090        249,980        268,014        266,022
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net interest income              80,502         69,885        303,890        238,698        197,572        175,689        155,831
 Provision for credit losses       3,989          3,092         13,383         14,308         29,680         11,668          7,514
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net interest income after
   provision for credit losses    76,513         66,793        290,507        224,390        167,892        164,021        148,317
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Other income                     26,438         23,163        102,014         81,771         70,548         61,931         52,072
 Securities gains (losses)          (158)            (8)           495          1,690          2,156             24            862
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Total noninterest income         26,280         23,155        102,509         83,461         72,704         61,955         52,934
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Salaries and employee
   benefits                       34,038         31,378        128,886        104,024         90,485         82,211         78,719
 Other expense                    36,435         32,723        143,552        112,500         92,651         80,825         74,169
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Total noninterest expense        70,473         64,101        272,438        216,524        183,136        163,036        152,888
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Income before taxes              32,320         25,847        120,578         91,327         57,460         62,940         48,363
 Provision for income taxes        9,405          7,682         37,391         27,955         16,261         18,673         13,375
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net income                    $  22,915      $  18,165      $  83,187      $  63,372      $  41,199      $  44,267      $  34,988
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

 Primary earnings per share    $     .65      $     .55      $    2.50      $    2.09      $    1.47      $    1.60      $    1.27
 Fully diluted earnings
   per share                         .62            .53           2.38           1.98           1.44           1.60           1.26
 Book value at end of period       18.29          15.71          17.96          15.14          13.08          12.07          10.88
 Cash dividends declared             .18             --            .49           .675            .48            .44            .41
 Cash dividends paid                 .18            .13           .595            .51            .47            .44            .40

 Assets                       $7,813,814     $7,071,202     $7,671,353     $7,133,637     $5,417,199     $4,946,989     $4,760,263
 Deposits                      6,079,574      5,531,362      5,937,047      5,636,339      4,044,408      3,860,881      3,597,072
 Loans                         5,430,656      4,591,087      5,354,497      4,531,913      3,497,451      3,292,217      2,934,970
 Allowance for credit losses      77,204         70,718         74,923         68,243         53,048         47,823         49,755
 Long-term debt                  115,112        117,208        116,460        117,649        111,881         72,614         71,863
 Shareholders' equity            639,404        508,941        623,566        489,825        367,048        332,692        298,469
 Shares outstanding (a)       34,967,500     32,389,108     34,718,731     32,351,160     28,062,404     27,567,672     27,425,588

 Return on average assets          1.22 %         1.06 %         1.14 %         1.08 %          .80 %          .94 %          .79 %
 Return on average
  shareholders' equity            14.91          14.79          15.61          14.93          11.82          14.16          12.36
 Average shareholders equity
  to average total assets          8.16           7.18           7.29           7.26           6.75           6.61           6.39
 Dividend payout (b)              27.47             --          19.74          33.11          32.38          26.30          31.63

(a)  Amounts have been restated for the two-for-one stock split paid August 13,
(b)  Common dividends declared divided by net income.

                                     - 51 -


     West One Common Stock is traded in the over-the-counter market under the
symbol "WEST" and is listed in the NASDAQ National Market System.  The following
table sets forth the high and low bid quotations for West One Common Stock for
the periods indicated, in each case as reported by NASDAQ, and the cash
dividends per share declared on West One Common Stock for such periods, all
adjusted for stock dividends.  Such over-the-counter market quotations reflect
inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up, mark-down or commission, and may
not necessarily represent actual transactions.

                                                 Quarterly Bid           Cash
                                                  Price Range          Dividends
                                              High           Low       Declared
                                             -------      -------      --------
First Quarter...........................     $19 7/8      $15 1/2        $.13
Second Quarter..........................      21 3/8       17 5/8         .13
Third Quarter...........................      20 7/8       19 3/8         .13
Fourth Quarter..........................      25 1/4       20 3/8         .285

First Quarter...........................     $27 1/8      $24 1/2        $ --
Second Quarter..........................      26 1/8       22 7/8         .155
Third Quarter...........................      29 1/2       24 3/8         .155
Fourth Quarter..........................      31 3/4       23 5/8         .18
First Quarter...........................     $28 1/4      $25 1/8        $.18
Second Quarter..........................      xx.xx        xx.xx          .18
Third Quarter (through July __, 1994)...      xx.xx        xx.xx           --

     On March 11, 1994, the last NASDAQ trading day prior to the public
announcement of the Reorganization, the closing sale price for the West One
Common Stock was $27.50.  On July __,1994, the closing sale price for the West
One Common Stock was $_____.  On June 30, 1994, there were approximately
__________ shares of West One Common Stock outstanding, held by approximately
_____ shareholders of record.

     While West One is not obligated to pay cash dividends, West One's Board of
Directors presently intends to continue the policy of paying quarterly cash
dividends.  Future dividends will depend, in part, upon the earnings and
financial condition of West One.

                                     - 52 -


     As of May 31, 1994, beneficial ownership by each person who was known by
West One to own beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares of West One
Common Stock and by all officers and directors as a group was as follows:

                              Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership
                                   Number of Shares        Percent of         Percent of
Name and Address of                  Beneficially         Outstanding         Stock After
 Beneficial Owner                        Owned            Common Stock     Reorganization(2)
- -------------------                ----------------       ------------     -----------------
Harry Bettis (1)                      2,106,849              5.96%               5.87%
Star Route
Payette, Idaho

All directors and                     2,638,976              7.47%               7.35%
officers as a group

(1)  Of the indicated shares, Mr. Bettis has sole voting and dispositive power
     over 2,049,814 shares and shared voting and dispositive power over 57,035
     shares.  Mr. Bettis is a director of West One.

(2)  Assumes 550,000 shares issued to Valley Bank shareholders in connection
     with the Reorganization.


     The following documents previously filed by West One with the SEC pursuant
to the Exchange Act are hereby incorporated by reference into this Proxy

     1.   West One's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
          1993 ("West One Form 10-K"); and

     2.   West One's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
          31, 1994.

     For the convenience of Valley Bank shareholders, a copy of West One's 1993
Annual Report to Shareholders ("West One Annual Report") is being mailed to
Valley Bank shareholders along with this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.  The
following portions of the West One Annual Report have been incorporated by
reference into the West One Form 10-K and by reference to the West One Form 10-K
are also incorporated by reference herein:

     1.   "Selected Financial Data" on page 12;

     2.   "Management's Discussion and Analysis" on pages 13 through 26;

     3.   "Independent Auditors Report" and the consolidated financial
          statements and notes to consolidated financial statements on pages 28
          through 53;

                                     - 53 -

     4.   "Quarterly Financial Information" on page 27; and

     5.   "Market Prices and Dividends" on page 16.

     Portions of the West One Annual Report other than those listed above as
incorporated herein by reference are not part of this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus.  The West One Annual Report does not contain all of the
information contained in the West One Form 10-K.  Valley Bank shareholders who
wish to obtain copies of the documents incorporated by reference herein may do
so by following the instructions under "Available Information" above.

     All documents filed by West One with the SEC pursuant to Sections 13(a),
13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the date of this Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and prior to the date of the Special Meeting shall be
deemed to be incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and to
be a part hereof from the date of filing of such documents.  Any statement
contained herein or in a document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by
reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of
this Proxy Statement/Prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein
or in any other subsequently filed document which also is or is deemed to be
incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes such statement.  Any
statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified
or superseded, to constitute a part of this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.


     Valley Bank was organized on August 8, 1963 under Washington law as Valley
Commercial Bank.  The only transaction that has consummated since that date was
the acquisition of the Asotin branch of Rainier National Bank on September 7,
1984.  Valley Bank engages in the commercial banking business through its
Clarkston and Asotin offices.  As of March 31, 1994, Valley Bank had assets of
$62.3 million, deposits of $53.5 million, loans of $23.1 million, and
shareholders' equity of $8.5 million.

     See "Valley Bank Financial Information", "Management's Discussion and
Analysis," and "Statistical Information" for additional information concerning
the business of Valley Bank.

                                   VALLEY BANK

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

     The following unaudited selected financial data should be read in
conjunction with Valley Bank's financial statements and the related notes and
with Valley Bank's management's discussion and analysis of financial condition
and results of operations, provided elsewhere herein.  See "Valley Bank
Financial Statements," below.  In the opinion of management of Valley Bank, all
adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring accruals, except for cumulative
effect of accounting change) necessary to a fair statement of the results for
the interim periods have been included.  The results for the three months ended
March 31, 1994 are not necessarily indicative of the results of the entire year.

                                     - 54 -

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                             VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK

                                  For the three months
                                     ended March 31,                                Year ended December 31,
                               ------------------------      --------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 1994           1993           1993           1992           1991           1990           1989
                               --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
 Interest income               $     901      $     981      $   3,726      $   3,898      $   4,113      $   4,154      $   3,711
 Interest expense                    350            361          1,400          1,599          2,077          2,146          1,927
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net interest income                 551            620          2,326          2,299          2,036          2,008          1,784
 Provision for credit losses          --             30            120            120            120            110             52
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net interest income after
   provision for credit losses       551            590          2,206          2,179          1,916          1,898          1,732
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Other income                         85             81            414            450            381            336            327
 Securities gains (losses)            --             --             --              1             --             --             (4)
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Total noninterest income             85             81            414            451            381            336            323
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Salaries and employee benefits      184            181            735            731            715            664            655
 Other expense                       189            165            734            677            690            640            664
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Total noninterest expense           373            346          1,469          1,408          1,405          1,304          1,319
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Income before taxes                 263            325          1,151          1,222            892            930            736
 Provision for income taxes           83            104            388            350            236            252            202
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
 Net income                    $     180      $     221      $     763      $     872      $     656      $     678      $     534
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
                               ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

 Earnings per share            $   88.08      $  108.33      $  373.29      $  426.52      $  321.14      $  331.82      $  261.02
 Book value at end of period    4,169.89       3,927.42       4,081.82       3,791.76       3,410.47       3,150.09       2,860.69
 Cash dividends declared              --             --          83.00          56.00          50.00          42.00          40.00
 Cash dividends paid               83.00          56.00          56.00          50.00          42.00          40.00          31.50

 END (Dollars in thousands)
 Assets                          $62,339        $57,311        $63,631        $58,846        $52,613         46,933        $42,016
 Deposits                         53,463         48,951         54,613         50,544         45,103         39,861         35,550
 Loans                            23,082         22,929         23,380         22,690         20,759         20,298         18,578
 Allowance for credit losses         718            662            717            631            446            421            186
 Shareholders' equity              8,523          8,027          8,343          7,750          6,993          6,439          5,847
 Shares outstanding                2,044          2,044          2,044          2,044          2,044          2,044          2,044

 Return on average assets          1.18%          1.55%          1.30%          1.58%          1.32%          1.50%          1.31%
 Return on average
  shareholders' equity              8.53          11.27           9.26          11.63           9.54          10.84           9.17
 Average shareholders equity
  to average total assets          13.86          13.78          14.00          13.56          13.86          13.87          14.33
 Dividend payout (a)                  --             --          22.28           3.19          15.55          12.68          15.36

(a)  Common dividends declared divided by net income.

                                     - 55 -


     Valley Bank's common stock is not widely or actively traded and is not
listed with a national securities exchange or quoted on any automated quotation
system.  The common stock occasionally trades through private negotiated
transactions between individuals.  As a result, no established public trading
market for Valley Bank's common stock presently exists.   Reliable information
concerning the prices at which Valley Bank's common stock has traded in private
negotiated transactions is not publicly available or generally known to Valley
Bank or West One.  On occasion, Valley Bank has become aware of the trading
price of its common stock in private transactions.  Information concerning those
trading prices has been omitted based on Valley Bank's belief that such prices
are not necessarily representative of the market price for its common stock
during any particular period.  Since March 14, 1994, the date the Plan of
Reorganization was publicly announced, there have been no trades in Valley Bank
Common Stock.

     The following table sets forth the cash dividends per share declared on
Valley Bank Common Stock for such periods.

                                              Cash Dividends
               1992 First Quarter.....          $    --
                    Second Quarter....               --
                    Third Quarter.....               --
                    Fourth Quarter....            56.00
                                                $ 56.00

               1993 First Quarter....                --
                    Second Quarter...                --
                    Third Quarter....                --
                    Fourth Quarter...             83.00
                                                $ 83.00

               1994 First Quarter...                 --
                    Second Quarter..                 --
                    Third Quarter...                 --
                     (through July __, 1994)         --
                                                $    --

     The holders of Valley Bank Common Stock are entitled to receive dividends
when, as and if declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available therefor.  Valley Bank's ability to pay dividends is governed by
Washington law.  Under RCW 30.04.180, dividends may not be declared or paid in
an amount greater than its retained earnings, without approval from the
Director.  The Board of Directors can declare dividends out of undivided profits
as they deem expedient, but before any dividend is declared, not less than one-
tenth of the net profits must be carried to a surplus fund until the amount in
such surplus fund is equal to twenty-five percent of the paid-in common stock of
the bank.

     Valley Bank is subject to certain limitations on the amount of cash
dividends that it can pay.  The prior approval of the FDIC is required if the
total of all cash dividends declared by a state-chartered member bank, such as
Valley Bank, in any calendar year will exceed the total of such bank's net
profits (as defined by statute) for that year combined with its retained net
profits for the preceding two calendar years less any required transfers to
surplus.  In addition, the FDIC is authorized to determine under certain
circumstances relating to the financial condition of a state-chartered member
bank that the payment of dividends would be an unsafe and unsound practice and
to prohibit payment thereof.  Under FDICIA, all insured banks are generally

                                     - 56 -

prohibited from making any capital distributions and from paying management fees
to persons having control of the bank where such payments would cause the bank
to be undercapitalized.  See "Supervision and Regulation -- Regulatory Capital
Requirements -- Other Issues and Developments Relating to Regulatory Capital."

     On __________, 1994, the record date for the Special Meeting, Valley Bank
had approximately 53 stockholders, based upon the number of stockholders of
record.  At such date, 2,044 shares of Valley Bank Common Stock were


     Persons who were beneficial owners of 5% or more of the issued and
outstanding Valley Bank Common Stock and the stock ownership of all Valley Bank
directors and officers as a group at the record date are shown in the following

    Name of                           Amount of                Percent of
Beneficial Owner             Beneficial Ownership(1)          Common Stock
- ----------------             -----------------------          ------------

Gerald D. Wilson                        1,261                    61.7%
615 Sixth Street
Clarkston, WA 99403

Joseph P. McKiernan                       215                    10.5%
615 Sixth Street
Clarkston, WA 99403

Directors and
 officers as a                          1,573                    77.0%

(1)  The table includes some shares owned jointly with a spouse, although the
     person named may not have sole or shared voting and investment power over
     those shares; otherwise, each person named has the sole voting and
     investment power of the shares shown.  Figures also include shares owned by
     trusts of which the beneficial owner is trustee, with sole voting and
     investment power.

                                     - 57 -


                            VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK

                                BALANCE SHEETS

                                                    December 31,     March 31,
                                                  ----------------   --------
Dollars in thousands                               1993        1992    1994
                                                  -------    ------   -------
Cash and due from banks                           $ 3,635   $ 2,697   $ 3,377
Due from banks - interest bearing                      99        99        99
Federal funds sold                                 11,650     8,850     7,750
                                                  -------   -------   -------

  Available for sale                                   --        --     5,530
  Held to maturity                                 23,216    22,801    20,956
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Total securities                                   23,216    22,801    26,486
                                                  -------   -------   -------

Loans                                              23,380    22,690    23,082
Allowance for credit losses                          (717)     (631)     (718)
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Net loans                                          22,663    22,059    22,364
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Premises and equipment                                863       928       855
Other real estate owned                               559       694       323
Interest receivable                                   508       622       598
Other assets                                          438        96       487
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Total assets                                      $63,631   $58,846   $62,339
                                                  -------   -------   -------
                                                  -------   -------   -------


  Non-interest bearing                            $ 9,911   $ 7,680   $ 8,261
  Interest bearing                                 44,702    42,864    45,202
Other borrowings                                      123        --        --
Other liabilities                                     552       552       353
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Total liabilities                                  55,288    51,096    53,816
                                                  -------   -------   -------

Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 10)

Common stock - $100 par value; 2,200 shares
  authorized; 2,044 shares outstanding                204       204       204
Capital surplus                                     2,781     2,781     2,781
Retained earnings                                   5,358     4,765     5,538
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Total shareholders' equity                          8,343     7,750     8,523
                                                  -------   -------   -------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity        $63,631   $58,846   $62,339
                                                  -------   -------   -------
                                                  -------   -------   -------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     - 58 -

                                        VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK

                                         STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                 For the year ended          For the quarter ended
                                                     December 31,                  March 31,
                                           --------------------------------  ---------------------
                                              1993       1992      1991        1994         1993
                                           --------     -------   ---------  ---------   ---------
       Loans                                  $2,203      $2,254     $2,385        $524       $568
       Short-term investments                    180         216        370          78         34
       Interest and dividends on securities:
         Taxable                               1,177       1,229      1,148         257        337
         Non-taxable                             166         199        210          42         42
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Total interest income                   3,726       3,898      4,113         901        981
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Deposits                                1,400       1,599      2,077         350        361
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Total interest expense                  1,400       1,599      2,077         350        361
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------
       Net interest income                     2,326       2,299      2,036         551        620
       Provision                                 120         120        120          --         30
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------
       Net interest income after
         provision for credit losses           2,206       2,179      1,916         551        590
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Service charges on deposit accounts       290         300        262          69         73
       Other                                     124         150        119          16          8
       Securities gains (losses)                  --           1         --          --         --
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------
       Total noninterest income                  414         451        381          85         81
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Employee compensations and benefits       735         731        715         184        181
       Net occupancy                              88          84         70          21         25
       Equipment                                  76          95         95          21         21
       Supplies                                   54          53         46          13         12
       Postage                                    52          57         52          14         12
       Insurance and taxes                        78          79         94          38         19
       Outside services                           30          47         24          12         --
       Other                                     356         262        309          70         76
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------
       Total noninterest expense               1,469       1,408      1,405         373        346
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Income before taxes                     1,151       1,222        892         263        325
       Provision for income taxes                388         350        236          83        104
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Net income                             $  763      $  872     $  656        $180       $221
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------
                                            --------     -------   --------   ---------     ------

       Earnings per share                    $373.29     $426.52    $321.14      $88.08    $108.33
       Dividends declared per share            83.00       56.00      50.00          --         --

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     - 59 -

                          VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK


                                   Common     Capital   Retained
Dollars in thousands               Stock      Surplus   Earnings        Total
                                   -------    -------   --------       ------
Balance December 31, 1990             $204      $2,781    $3,454       $6,439
Net income                              --          --       656          656
Cash dividends declared -
  $50.00 per share                      --          --      (102)        (102)
                                   -------     -------   -------       ------
Balance at December 31, 1991           204       2,781     4,008        6,993
Net income                              --          --       872          872
Cash dividends declared -
  $56.00 per share                      --          --      (115)        (115)
                                   -------     -------   -------       ------
Balance at December 31, 1992           204       2,781     4,765        7,750

Net income                              --          --       763          763
Cash dividends declared -
  $83.00 per share                      --          --      (170)        (170)
                                   -------     -------   -------       ------
Balance at December 31, 1993           204       2,781     5,358        8,343
Net income                              --          --       180          180
                                   -------     -------   -------       ------
Balance at March 31, 1994             $204      $2,781    $5,538       $8,523
                                   -------     -------   -------       ------
                                   -------     -------   -------       ------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     - 60 -

                                     VALLEY COMMERCIAL BANK

                             CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS


                                                                                                    For the three
                                                                 For the year ended                 months ended
                                                                     December 31,                      March 31,
                                                              -----------------------------    ---------------------
 Dollars in thousands                                          1993       1992        1991      1994           1993
                                                              -------   -------     -------    --------      -------
   Net income                                                 $   763   $   872     $   656    $    180      $   221
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
    cash provided by operating activities:

   Provision for credit losses                                    120       120         120          --           30
   Depreciation of premises and equipment                          71        36          66           8           16
   Amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts           176       149          23          35           41
   Amortization of intangible and other assets                      7         7           7           2            2
   Change in other assets                                        (235)      425        (469)       (141)        (426)
   Change in other liabilities                                    (55)       22        (132)        (29)         (48)
                                                             --------    ------      ------     -------     --------
    Net cash provided (used) by operating activities              847     1,631         271          55         (164)
                                                             --------    ------      ------     -------     --------

   Change in interst bearing deposits with banks                   --       999        (798)         --           --
   Change in Federal funds sold                                (2,800)   (2,700)     (1,400)      3,900        5,700
   Purchase of securities held to maturity                    (12,231)  (12,201)    (10,674)     (6,028)      (5,383)
   Maturity of securities held to maturity                     11,640     8,170       7,218       2,723        1,953
   Sale of securities held to maturity                             --       500          --          --           --
   Change in net loans and leases                                (625)   (1,816)       (683)        176         (238)
   Purchase of preises and equipment                               (6)      (97)        (13)         --           (1)
   Sale of other real estate owned                                159       417         410         236          119
                                                             --------    ------      ------     -------     --------
   Net cash provided (used) by investing activities            (3,863)   (6,728)     (5,940)      1,007        2,150
                                                             --------    ------      ------     -------     --------
   Change in deposits                                           4,069     5,441       5,242      (1,150)      (1,593)
   Cash dividends paid                                           (115)     (102)        (86)       (170)        (115)
                                                             --------    ------      ------     -------     --------
   Net cash provided (used) by financing activities             3,954     5,339       5,156      (1,320)      (1,708)
                                                             --------    ------    --------     -------     --------
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and due from bank              938       242        (513)       (258)         278
   Cash and due from banks - beginning of period                2,697     2,455       2,968       3,635        2,697
                                                             --------    ------    --------     -------     --------
   Cash and due from banks - end of period                    $ 3,635   $ 2,697     $ 2,455     $ 3,377      $ 2,975
                                                             --------    ------    --------     -------     --------
                                                             --------    ------    --------     -------     --------
   Interest paid                                              $ 1,418   $ 1,669     $ 2,139       $ 361        $ 384
   Income taxes paid                                              420       242         350          55           80

   Dividends declared not paid                                    170       115         102          --           --
   Loans made on other real estate sold                           212       100          --          --           --
   Other real estate acquired in settlement of loans              236        50         127          --           --

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                     - 61 -


Dollars in thousands

The accounting and reporting policies of Valley Commercial Bank (Valley Bank)
conform to generally accepted accounting principals and prevailing practices
within the banking industry.


In 1994, Valley Bank adopted Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities."
Under this pronouncement, securities held to maturity are stated at cost,
adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts.  Securities
available for sale are stated at market value.  Gains and losses on sale of
securities.  Net unrealized gain or loss on securities available for sale are
included, net of tax, as a component of shareholders' equity.


Loans are stated at the principal amount outstanding, net of unearned income.
Interest on loans is recognized as income based on the outstanding principal and
the stated interest rates as adjusted for net deferred loan fees, premiums and
discounts.  Loan origination fees and costs are deferred and recognized as
income on the interest method over the life of the loans. Recognition of
interest income is discontinued and all accrued, unpaid interest is reversed
when a loan is placed on nonaccrual status.  A loan is placed on nonaccrual
status when timely collection of interest becomes doubtful or reflected as
interest income on a cash basis.  Loans are removed from nonaccrual status when
they are current and collectibility of principal and interest is no longer


The allowance for credit losses is maintained at a level considered adequate by
management to provide for losses inherent in the portfolio of loans and
commitments to extend credit.  The estimate of additions to the allowance for
credit losses, and the resulting charge to expense, requires judgment in
evaluating the borrower's management, financial position, cash flow, collateral
values and guarantees, as well as projection of the outcome of future events.
The continuing adequacy of the allowance for credit losses is determined based
upon the results of a credit classification system, internal and external credit
examinations, historic experience, economic conditions, industry concentrations,
elements of risk and other loss factors affecting the quality of the loan


Premises and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated
useful lives of the related assets.

                                     - 62 -


Other real estate owned consists principally of properties acquired through
foreclosure and is stated at the lower of cost or market value.


Income taxes are provided on earnings as reported for financial statement
purposes adjusted principally for nontaxable interest income.  Deferred income
taxes reflect the tax effect of timing differences between financial statement
income and taxable income.

In 1993, Valley Bank adopted SFAS No. 109 "Accounting for Income Taxes," which
prescribes the liability method of accounting for income taxes.  Under this
method, the change between periods in the deferred tax assets and liabilities
together with income taxes currently payable are reflected as income tax expense
in the financial statements.


Earnings per common share are based upon the weighted average number of common
shares outstanding.

Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and due from banks.

Dollars in thousands

Based on the types and amounts of deposits received, Valley Bank must maintain
an appropriate amount of currency and non-interest bearing cash deposits in
accordance with reserve requirements of the Federal Reserve Bank.  Such reserve
requirements totaled $448, $340 and $365 at December 31, 1993 and 1992 and
March 31, 1994, respectively.

                                     - 63 -

Dollars in thousands

The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and estimated market
value of securities follow:

                                                               Gross               Gross             Estimated
                                         Amortized          Unrealized          Unrealized            Market
                                           Cost                Gains              Losses               Value
                                         ---------          ----------          ----------          ----------
MARCH 31, 1994

Held to maturity:
  U.S. Treasury securities                $  6,530                $  9                $105            $  6,434
  U.S. Agency securities                     7,977                  18                 122               7,873
  Municipal bonds                            2,903                 136                   5               3,034
  Other                                      3,546                   2                  37               3,511
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
Total held to maturity                      20,956                 165                 269              20,852
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------

Available for sale:
  U.S. Treasury securities                   5,530                  --                  --               5,530
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
Total securities                          $ 26,486                $165                $269            $ 26,382
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------

DECEMBER 31, 1993

  U.S. Treasury securities                $ 10,553                $ 41                $  3            $ 10,591
  U.S. Agency securities                     6,301                  47                  35               6,313
  Municipal bonds                            2,934                 189                   2               3,121
  Other                                      5,427                  29                  --               3,457
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
Total securities                          $ 23,216                $306                $ 40            $ 23,482
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------

DECEMBER 31, 1992

  U.S. Treasury securities                $  8,616                $154                $ 13            $  8,757
  U.S. Agency securities                     5,996                  46                  61               5,981
  Municipal bonds                            2,762                 157                  --               2,919
  Other                                      5,427                  35                  15               5,447
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
Total securities                          $ 22,801                $392                $ 89            $ 23,104
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------
                                          --------                ----                ----            --------

Gross gains of $1 were realized on 1992 sales.  There were no sales of
securities in 1993 or 1991.

Securities having book values of $1,749 and $1,258 at December 31, 1993 and 1992
respectively, were pledged as collateral to secure public deposits and for other
purposes as required by law.  At March 31, 1994, securities with book values of
$1,749 were similarly pledged as security.

                                     - 64 -

The amortized cost and estimated market value of investment securities by
contractual maturity are shown below.  Expected maturities differ from
contractual maturities because debt issuers may have the right to call or prepay
obligations, with or without call or prepayment penalties.

                                            December 31, 1993             December 31, 1992               March 31, 1994
                                         ------------------------      ------------------------      ------------------------
                                                        Estimated                     Estimated                     Estimated
                                         Amortized       Market        Amortized       Market        Amortized       Market
                                           Cost           Value          Cost           Value          Cost           Value
                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Due in one year or less                    $ 7,337        $ 7,382        $ 7,591        $ 7,693        $ 6,979        $ 6,978
Due after one year through five years       11,440         11,540         12,018         12,093         15,815         15,766
Due after five years                         4,439          4,560          3,192          3,318          3,692          3,638
                                           -------        -------        -------        -------        -------        -------
                                           $23,216        $23,482        $22,801        $23,104        $26,486        $26,382
                                           -------        -------        -------        -------        -------        -------
                                           -------        -------        -------        -------        -------        -------

Dollars in thousands

                                                     December 31,           March 31,
                                               -----------------------      ---------
                                                 1993           1992           1994
                                               --------       --------       --------
Commercial                                      $ 7,870        $ 8,158        $ 8,321
Agricultural                                      4,371          4,133          3,730
Real estate                                       8,993          8,179          8,941
Consumer                                          2,146          2,220          2,090
                                                -------        -------        -------
Total loans                                     $23,380        $22,690        $23,082
                                                -------        -------        -------
                                                -------        -------        -------

Loans on which the accrual of interest had been discontinued totaled $158 at
December 31, 1992.  At December 31, 1993 and 1992, there were no commitments to
lend additional funds to borrowers whose loans are classified as non-accrual.
Loans past due 90 days or more totaled $3 at December 31, 1993; related accrued
interest was insignificant.

                                     - 65 -

Maturity and repricing of Valley Bank's portfolio is as follows:

                                                     December 31,           March 31,
                                               -----------------------      ---------
                                                 1993           1992           1994
                                               --------       --------       --------
Fixed rate maturing in:
 Three months or less                           $   224        $   653        $   299
 Over three months through twelve months            961          1,130            861
 Over one year through five years                 4,035          3,403          3,364
 Over five years                                    718            503            731
                                                -------        -------        -------

Total fixed rate loans                            5,938          5,689          5,255
                                                -------        -------        -------
Floating rate maturing in:
 Three months or less                            17,442         16,843         17,827
                                                -------        -------        -------

Total floating rate loans                        17,442         16,843         17,827
                                                -------        -------        -------

Nonaccrual loans                                    --            158             --
                                                -------        -------        -------
Total loans                                     $23,380        $22,690        $23,082
                                                -------        -------        -------
                                                -------        -------        -------

Credit risk assets were as follows:

                                                     December 31,           March 31,
                                               -----------------------      ---------
                                                 1993           1992           1994
                                               --------       --------       --------
Nonaccrual loans                                $    --           $158        $    --
Other real estate owned                             559            694            323
                                                -------        -------        -------
Total nonperforming assets                         $559           $852           $323
                                                -------        -------        -------
                                                -------        -------        -------
Accruing loans past 90 days or more             $     3             --             --

                                     - 66 -

Dollars in thousands

Transactions in the allowance for credit losses follow:

                                                     December 31,           March 31,
                                               -----------------------      ---------
                                                 1993           1992           1994
                                               --------       --------       --------
Beginning balance                               $   631        $   446        $   717
                                                -------        -------        -------
Loan charge-offs                                     36             46             --
Loan recoveries                                       2            111              1
                                                -------        -------        -------
 Net charge-offs                                     34            (65)            (1)
Provision for loan losses                           120            120             --
                                                -------        -------        -------
Ending balance                                  $   717        $   631        $   718
                                                -------        -------        -------
                                                -------        -------        -------

Dollars in thousands

Premises and equipment follow:

                                                     December 31,           March 31,
                                               -----------------------      ---------
                                                 1993           1992           1994
                                               --------       --------       --------
Land                                            $   148        $   151        $   148
Buildings                                           855            856            855
Furniture and equipment                             502            516            505
Leasehold improvements                                3             --              3
                                                -------        -------        -------
                                                  1,508          1,523          1,511
Accumulated depreciation and amortization          (645)          (595)          (656)
                                                -------        -------        -------
Net premises and equipment                      $   863        $   928        $   855
                                                -------        -------        -------
                                                -------        -------        -------

Dollars in thousands

Real estate owned consists of properties obtained through foreclosure and
property that while not foreclosed have a judgment obtained through a court of
law.  At December 31, 1993 and 1992, $212 was included as a performing loan
resulting from the sale of real property owned.  As of March 31, 1994 that loan
was carried as a loan asset.  Subsequent to March 31, 1994, $18 has been paid in
satisfaction of a judgment, reducing the other real estate owned account to one
farm property.  Valley Bank believes the valuation to be realistic and the
valuation supported by appraisal.  Income and expense related to other real
estate owned and with related gains and losses on their disposition are included
in noninterest income and expense.

                                     - 67 -

Dollars in thousands

Interest bearing deposits and interest paid on those deposits follow:

                                                                   December 31,
                                                        1993                          1992                      March 31,1994
                                               -----------------------       -----------------------       -----------------------
                                               Deposits       Interest       Deposits       Interest       Deposits       Interest
                                               --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
NOW and money market accounts                   $17,949         $  503        $16,098         $  511        $17,947           $128
Savings accounts                                 11,265            322         10,276            300         11,623             86
Certificates of deposit over $100,000             2,885            104          3,233            143          3,093             26
Other certificates of deposit                    12,603            471         13,257            645         12,539            110
                                                -------         ------        -------         ------        -------           ----
Total                                           $44,702         $1,400        $42,864         $1,599        $45,202           $350
                                                -------         ------        -------         ------        -------           ----
                                                -------         ------        -------         ------        -------           ----

Certificates of deposit are scheduled to mature as follows:

                                                  December 31, 1993            December 31, 1992               March 31, 1994
                                               -----------------------       -----------------------       -----------------------
                                                Under         $100,000        Under         $100,000         Under        $100,000
                                               $100,000       and over       $100,000       and over       $100,000       and over
                                               --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
Three months or less                            $ 6,228         $1,030        $ 6,477         $1,728        $ 4,562         $1,356

Over three months through
  twelve months                                   5,007          1,855          5,563          1,264          6,617          1,737

Over one year through five years                  1,368             --          1,217            241          1,360             --
                                                -------         ------        -------         ------        -------         ------
                                                $12,603         $2,885        $13,257         $3,233        $12,539         $3,093
                                                -------         ------        -------         ------        -------         ------
                                                -------         ------        -------         ------        -------         ------

                                     - 68 -

Dollars in thousands

The provision for federal income taxes consisted of the following:

                                                                                               Three months ended
                                                      Year ended December 31,                      March 31,
                                                 ------------------------------------         ---------------------
                                                  1993           1992           1991           1994           1993
                                                 ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Currently payable                                   $14            $46            $--            $62           $ 75
Deferred                                             --             30             30             30             30
                                                    ---            ---            ---            ---           ----
                                                    $14            $76            $30            $92           $105
                                                    ---            ---            ---            ---           ----
                                                    ---            ---            ---            ---           ----

Dollars in thousands

In the normal course of business Valley Bank has outstanding various commitments
such as letters of credit and commitments to extend credit which are not
reflected in the accompanying financial statements.  Outstanding loan
commitments at December 31, 1993 totaled $3,508, consisting primarily of the
undisbursed portion of agricultural related production loans and letters of
credit totaling $35.  In the opinion of management, there are no commitments to
extend credit which represent unusual risks.

Dollars in thousands

Loans to directors, executive officers and their associates are subject to
regulatory limitations.  Such loans, which are within the regulatory
limitations, totaled $533 and $807 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.
During 1993, $1,010 of new loans were made and repayments totaled $1,284.
During 1992, $391 of new loans were made, and repayments totaled $87.

Dollars in thousands

Valley Bank has a non-contributory money purchase retirement plan.  All
employees over age 21 are eligible to enter on the first July 1 or January 1
after completing one year of employment.  Valley Bank has contributed 5% of
total salaries of eligible employees.  The plan is administered by the trust
department of U.S. National Bank of Washington with administrative fees paid by
Valley Bank.  Employees are vested depending upon seniority up to 100% of their
interest in the plan and all employees are 100% vested in case of termination or
cancellation of the plan.  There is no unfunded liability of Valley Bank to the

Dollars in thousands

                                     - 69 -

Banking regulations require Valley Bank to maintain certain minimum capital
levels in relation to its assets.   At March 31, 1994, the required minimum
ratio of Tier 1 and total capital to risk-weighted assets was 4.00% and 8.00%,
respectively.  Valley Bank's Tier 1 and total capital ratios, as defined by
regulations, were 17.28% and 18.54%, respectively.  Banking regulations also
require that banks maintain a minimum ratio of core capital to total assets (the
"leverage" ratio) of 3%.  Valley Bank's leverage ratio at March 31, 1994 was

State banking regulations limit the payment of dividends in excess of Valley
Bank's retained earnings without prior approval of the Director of Banking.  The
Director of Banking has the discretionary authority to restrict or suspend any
dividend payment.  Valley Bank is not under any such restrictions.

Dollars in thousands

Valley Bank has no concentration of credit that in the opinion of management and
the Board of Directors represents any undue risk to Valley Bank.  Lending by its
nature carries an element of risk which is considered to be managed for minimal
loss potential.

                                     - 70 -


     The following analysis of Valley Bank's financial condition and results of
operations, as of and for the three month period ending March 31, 1994, should
be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements of Valley Bank and
statistical data presented elsewhere herein.


     NET INCOME.  Valley Bank's net income of $180,000 for the first quarter of
1994 was $41,000 less than the Bank's net income of $221,000 for the first
quarter of 1993 due primarily to a decrease in net interest income.  1993 was
favorably affected by a recovery on a non-performing credit totalling $63,000
before tax.  Annualized return on average assets for the quarter was 1.18%
compared to 1.55% for the same quarter of 1993.  Annualized return on average
equity was 8.53% compared to 11.27% for the same quarter of 1993.

     NET INTEREST INCOME.  Net interest income was $551,000 for the quarter
ended March 31, 1994 versus $620,000 for the same quarter of 1993.  The decline
is attributed to reduction in investments earnings in a declining interest

     NON-INTEREST INCOME AND EXPENSE.  Non-interest income increased 5% to
$85,000 for the quarter ended March 31, 1994 while non-interest expense
increased 8% to $373,000 for the quarter ended March 31, 1994 from $346,000
for the same quarter of 1993 due primarily to a reduction in expenses taken
in the first quarter of 1993 due to recovery of previously incurred legal


     ASSETS.  Total assets increased to $62,339,000 at March 31, 1994, a 9%
increase over $57,311,000 of the first quarter of 1993.  Asset quality remained
good at March 31, 1994 with total non-performing assets including other real
estate owned of $323,000 compared to $944,000 at March 31, 1993.  The Board of
Directors determined that no additional contribution was needed for the loan
loss reserve.

     LOANS AND DEPOSITS.  Loans increased from $22,929,000 at March 31, 1993 to
$23,082,000 at March 31, 1994 and deposits increased 9% to $53,463,000 at March
31, 1994 from $48,951,000 at March 31, 1993.

     LIQUIDITY.  Capital adequacy continues to be strong.  Stockholders' equity
increased 6% to $8,523,000 at March 31, 1994 from $8,027,000 at March 31, 1993
and represented 14% of total assets at March 31, 1994 and 1993.

                                     - 71 -


     The following analysis of Valley Bank's financial condition and results of
operations as of and for the three year period ended December 31, 1993, should
be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements of Valley Bank and
statistical data presented elsewhere herein.

     The 1993 year-end deposits grew by 8% from the previous year end while loan
growth remained relatively flat.  This should be interpreted as a trend
indicator, not a ceiling on performance.  Total assets grew by over $4.5
million, exceeding the $60 million mark for the first time in Valley Bank's
history.  Valley Bank's 13.1% capital-to-assets ratio at December 31,1993
remains well above industry standards.

     Valley Bank voted an $83.00 per share cash dividend to shareholders of
record on December 31, 1993.  The 1993 undistributed earnings ($290.29 per
share) has been added to retained earnings, now totaling $5,358,000.


     NET INCOME.  Net income for the year ended December 31, 1993 was $763,000
which was 13% lower than 1992's $872,000.  1992 earnings were enhanced by a
recovery of $47,000 after tax from Washington Public Power Supply Bonds ("WPPS")
which had been charged off in 1985.  1992 earnings, excluding the 1992 WPPS
recovery, were up 26% from 1991 earnings of $656,000.  Return on average assets
was 1.30% in 1993, 1.58% in 1992 and 1.32% in 1991.  Return on average equity
was 9.26% in 1993, 11.63% in 1992 and 9.54% in 1991.

     NET INTEREST INCOME.  Net interest income continued to increase in 1993
continuing a five-year trend.  Net interest income for the year ended December
31, 1993 was $2,326,000 compared to $2,299,000 for a year earlier, an increase
of 1%.    This increase was in the face of modest loan growth and sharply
reduced income generated by the Bank's investment portfolio due to a record low
interest rate environment.  Net interest income increased for the year ended
December 31, 1992 to $2,299,000 from $2,036,000, or 13%, for the year ended
December 31, 1991 as a result of an increase in earning assets supported
primarily by noninterest-bearing funds.

     NON-INTEREST INCOME.  Non-interest income is on an increasing trend line
although it decreased by 8% to $414,000 for the year ended December 31, 1993
from December 31, 1992 when it was $451,000.  Had the above-referenced WPPS
recovery of $71,000 before tax not taken place in 1992, non-interest income
would have risen from $380,000 to $414,000 or 9%.  Non-interest income
increased 13% in 1991 over 1990.

     NON-INTEREST EXPENSE.  Non-interest expense increased to $1,469,000 in
1993, a modest 4% increase over the previous year.  The efficiency ratio,
calculated as noninterest expense divided by the sum of net interest income and
noninterest income was 53.6% in 1993, 51.2% in 1992, and 58.1% in 1991.  The
efficiency ratio deteriorated slightly from 1992 primarily as a function of
decreased noninterest income and increased noninterest expense.

                                     - 72 -


     INVESTMENTS.  A substantial portion of the Bank's earning assets are held
in investment quality securities.  The portfolio is managed to provide secondary
liquidity and to generate income within the confines of maintaining a high
quality investment portfolio.

     Total investments increased 10% at December 31, 1993 to $34,965,000 from
$31,750,000 at December 31, 1992 reflecting deposit growth that exceeded loan
demand.  The investment portfolio consists primarily of U.S. Government and
agency obligations, municipal obligations, investment grade corporate
obligations and federal funds sold.  The average maturity of the portfolio,
excluding federal funds, is slightly over 3.5 years.  Valley Bank has
historically had the intent and the ability to hold investments to maturity.  At
year end 1993, the unrealized gain in the portfolio was $266,000.

     LOANS.  Loans grew a modest 3% at December 31, 1993 to $23,380,000 from
$22,690,000 at December 31, 1992 after growing 9% in 1992 from $20,759,000 at
December 31, 1991 and 2% in 1991 from $20,298,000 at December 31, 1990.  Loan
quality remains high with the Bank experiencing a net cumulative loan loss of
$64,000 over the three-year period.  Cumulative loan losses is defined as the
net between those amounts charged to loan loss reserve and recoveries on loans
previously charged off.  At year end 1993 the reserve for loan losses stood at
$717,000 or 3.23% of loans outstanding compared to $631,000 or 2.78% of loans
outstanding at December 31, 1992.  The Bank feels its allowance for credit
losses is adequate to cover potential loan losses.

     DEPOSITS.  Deposit growth was 8% to $54,613,000 at December 31, 1993, from
$50,544,000 at December 31, 1992, 12% at year end 1992, from $45,103,000 at year
end 1991 and 13% at year end 1991 from $39,861,000 at year end 1990.  Deposit
growth has been strongest in Demand Deposits and Money Market deposit accounts
with negative growth in Time Deposits.  Lower interest rates in 1993 caused some
time deposit holders to seek alternative investments.  The deposit growth in
Demand and Money Market deposits add to the important core deposits of the Bank
and typically carry a lower interest cost than Time Deposits.

     LIQUIDITY.  The Bank maintains a high level of liquidity in cash and
current maturities in the investment account.  Federal funds lines are provided
by several correspondent banks which provide an additional source for unforeseen
liquidity needs.  There have been no usage of the federal funds line during the
last three years.  The Bank feels that adequate liquidity is maintained for day
to day and seasonal fluctuations and contingency plans are adequate for any
dramatic changes in market condition.

     INFLATION.  Assets and liabilities of a financial institution are
principally monetary in nature.  Accordingly, interest rates, which generally
move with the rate of inflation, have potentially the most significant effect on
Valley Bank's net interest income.  Valley Bank tries to limit the impact of
inflation on rates and net interest margins by attempting to match maturities of
interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing assets within determined

                                     - 73 -


     The following tables present certain statistical information regarding
Valley Bank and should be read in connection with Valley Bank's Financial
Statements and Notes set forth elsewhere in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.
Statistical information for Valley Bank concerning average balances and
analyses of net interest earnings and change in interest cannot be compiled
without undue burden and expense.

                                   VALLEY BANK
                              INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO
                         AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1991 - 1993

(Dollars in thousands)                ------------------------------------------
                                       1993 Book      1992 Book     1991 Book
                                         Value          Value         Value
U.S. Treasury obligations                  $10,553        $ 8,616       $ 7,564
U.S. Government sponsored agencies           6,301          5,996         3,179
Municipal obligations                        2,934          2,762         3,987
Other investments                            3,428          5,427         4,689
     Total                                 $23,216        $22,801       $19,419

                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1993

(Dollars in thousands)                   Within          1 - 5         6 - 10       After 10
                                         1 Year          Years          Years          Years        Total
U.S. Treasury obligations
     Carrying amount                       $5,536        $ 5,017         $   --        $    --        $10,553
     Weighted average yield                  5.61%          4.25%            --             --           4.96%

U.S. Government agency obligations
     Carrying amount                       $  505        $ 2,974         $  580        $ 2,242       $  6,301
     Weighted average yield                  5.17%          4.45%          6.85%          5.72%          5.18%

Municipal obligations
     Carrying amount                       $  230        $ 1,223         $1,481             --         $ 2,934
     Weighted yield                          4.22%          5.81%          5.94%            --           5.75%

     Carrying amount                       $1,066        $ 2,226             --        $   136        $ 3,428
     Weighted yield                          5.36%          5.53%            --           5.10%          5.46%

     Total Carrying Amount                 $7,337        $11,440         $2,061         $2,378        $23,216

     Total Market Value                    $7,382        $11,540         $2,320         $2,240        $23,482

Yields on tax exempt obligations have not been computed on a tax equivalent

                                     - 74 -

                                   VALLEY BANK
                                 LOAN PORTFOLIO
                         AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1989 - 1993

(Dollars in thousands)    1993         1992     1991        1990          1989
Commercial              $ 7,870     $ 8,158   $ 7,979     $ 8,267      $ 7,951

Agricultural              4,371       4,133     3,296       3,539        3,093

Real estate               8,993       8,179     6,662       5,726        5,005

Consumer                  2,146       2,220     2,822       2,766        2,529

     Total              $23,380     $22,690   $20,759     $20,298    $18,578

                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1993

(Dollars in thousands)
Fixed rate loans with a remaining maturity of:
  Three months or less                                   $   224
  Over three months through twelve months                    961
  Over one year through five years                         4,035
  Over five years                                            718

Variable rate loans with a repricing
  frequency of quarterly or more frequently               17,442

Total loans                                              $23,380

                                     - 75 -

                                   VALLEY BANK
                          PAST DUE AND NONACCRUAL LOANS
                         AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1989 - 1993

                                  1993          1992           1991           1990           1989
(Dollars in thousands)

Past due 90 days or more
  and still accruing          $    3           $ --            $--            $194          $  1

Nonaccrual loans                  --            158             37              14            55

     Total                    $    3           $158            $37            $208          $ 56

The policy of Valley Bank is to discontinue the accrual of interest on loans
when principal or interest is considered to be doubtful of collection, including
loans on which payments are 90 days or more in arrears.  Interest income on
nonaccrual loans is recognized only to the extent payments are received.

                             NONACCRUAL LOAN DETAIL
                              AT DECEMBER 31, 1993
                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

                    1993 Interest                 1993 Interest
                    Income Earned                    Income
                     If Accruing                    Recorded
                          $11                          $7

                                     - 76 -

                                   VALLEY BANK
                      YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 - 1993

                                                1993           1992           1991           1990            1989
(Dollars in thousands)

Balance at beginning of period                  $631           $446           $421           $186            $181

   Commercial                                     35             45             18             --              82
   Real estate                                    --             --             81             --              --
   Consumer                                        1              1              2             --              --
        Total                                     36             46            101             --              82

   Commercial                                      1              7              2             --              35
   Real estate                                    --            101              4            125              --
   Consumer                                        1              3             --             --              --
        Total                                      2            111              6            125              35

Net charge-offs/(recoveries)                      34            (65)            95           (125)             47
Additions charged to operations                  120            120            120            110              52
Balance at end of period                        $717           $631           $446           $421            $186

Ratio of net charge-offs/(recoveries) during
the period to average loans
outstanding during the period                    .15%          (.30)%          .46%          (.64)%           .27%

                                     - 77 -

                                   VALLEY BANK


                         AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1989 - 1993

                                  1993                                  1992                                     1991
                    --------------------------------       ------------------------------           -------------------------------

                                       % of Loans                             % of Loans                              % of Loans
                                      Per Category                           Per Category                            Per Category
                      Amount          To Total Lns            Amount         To Total Lns             Amount             Amount
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------           ----------       -------------

Commercial             $241              33.66%                $227             35.95%                 $171             38.44%
Agricultural            134              18.70%                 115             18.22%                   71             15.88%
Real estate             276              38.46%                 227             36.05%                  143             32.09%
Consumer                 66               9.18%                  62              9.78%                   61             13.59%
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------           ----------       -------------
  Total                $717             100.00%                $631            100.00%                 $446            100.00%
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------           ----------       -------------
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------           ----------       -------------

                                1990                                   1989
                   -------------------------------        -------------------------------
                                       % of Loans                             % of Loans
                                      Per Category                           Per Category
                       Amount         To Total Lns            Amount         To Total Lns
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------

Commercial             $172              40.73%                $ 80             42.80%
Agricultural             73              17.43%                  31             16.65%
Real estate             119              28.21%                  50             26.94%
Consumer                 57              13.63%                  25             13.61%
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------

  Total                $421             100.00%                $186            100.00%
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------
                    ----------        -------------         ----------       ------------

                                     - 78 -

                                   VALLEY BANK
                                DEPOSIT ANALYSIS
                                BASED ON AVERAGES
                      YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1991 - 1993

                                                          1993                         1992                          1991
                                            --------------------------   ---------------------------    ---------------------------
                                              Average         Average      Average         Average        Average        Average
                                              Amount        Rate Paid      Amount         Rate Paid       Amount        Rate Paid
                                            ----------      ---------    ----------       ---------     ----------      ---------
Noninterest bearing demand deposits              $8,158             na         $7,212             na         $5,769             na
Interest bearing demand deposits                  9,331          3.46%          9,553          3.46%          7,030          5.32%
Savings deposits                                 15,816          3.17%         13,243          3.62%         10,612          5.06%
Certificates of deposit                          15,506          3.71%         17,059          4.62%         18,052          6.46%
  Total                                         $48,811          2.87%        $47,067          3.40%        $41,463          5.01%
                                             ----------                   -----------                    ----------
                                             ----------                   -----------                    ----------

                                                   TIME DEPOSIT MATURITY SCHEDULE

                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1993

                                          3 Months       3 - 12          Over
(Dollars in thousands)                    Or Less        Months        One Year
$100,000 or more                        $    1,030     $    1,855      $     --
                                        ----------     ----------      --------
                                        ----------     ----------      --------

                                     - 79 -

                                   VALLEY BANK
                           RETURN ON EQUITY AND ASSETS
                      YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1991 - 1993

                                            1993            1992         1991
                                           ------          ------       ------
Return on average assets                     1.30%          1.58%        1.32%

Return on average equity                     9.26%         11.63%        9.54%

Dividend payout ratio                       22.28%         13.19%       15.55%

Average equity to average assets            14.00%         13.56%       13.86%

                                     - 80 -



     Upon consummation of the Reorganization, shareholders of Valley Bank will
become shareholders of West One, an Idaho corporation.  Thus the Idaho Business
Corporation Act and West One's Articles of Incorporation ("Articles") and Bylaws
will govern the rights of the Valley Bank shareholders who become shareholders
of West One.  Since the Articles and Bylaws of West One and Valley Bank are not
the same, the Reorganization will result in certain differences in the rights of
the holders of Valley Bank's Common Stock.  The following is a summary of
certain of the more significant differences.


     West One is authorized to issue 75,000,000 shares of Common Stock, having a
par value of $1.00 per share (the "West One Common Stock"), of which 35,053,977
shares were outstanding on May 31, 1994, held by approximately 7,016
shareholders of record, and 5,000,000 shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock, par
value $1.00 per share, issuable in series, of which 150,000 are reserved for
issuance under West One's Shareholder Rights Plan (the "Preferred Stock").  As
of May 31, 1994, a total of 2,492,547 shares of West One Common Stock was
reserved for issuance pursuant to West One's stock incentive program.  On
July 2, 1991, West One issued $50 million of 7-3/4% convertible subordinated
debentures due 2006.  These debentures are convertible to West One Common Stock
at the rate of $18.605 per share.  If all debentures were converted, 2,687,450
shares of West One Common Stock would be issued.  As of May 31, 1994, none of
these debentures had been converted into West One Common Stock.  Therefore, the
number of authorized shares of West One Common Stock which were available for
other corporate purposes as of May 31, 1994, was 34,766,026.

     Valley Bank is authorized to issue 2,200 shares of common stock, having a
par value of $100.00 per share, of which 2,044 shares are outstanding, held by
53 shareholders of record.


     GENERAL.  The holders of West One Common Stock and the holders of Valley
Bank Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share.  In elections for
directors, the holders of West One Common Stock may cumulate their votes.
Therefore, in the election of directors, each holder is entitled to the number
of votes equal to the number of shares held multiplied by the number of
directors to be elected.  Each West One shareholder may cast all such votes for
a single nominee for director or may distribute such votes among one or more
nominees to be voted for as the shareholder may see fit.  The holders of Valley
Bank Common Stock do not have cumulative voting rights.  The absence of
cumulative voting means that a nominee for director must receive the votes of a
plurality of the shares voted in order to be elected.

Incorporation contain provisions requiring special shareholder votes to approve
certain types of transactions.  In the absence of those provisions, either the
transactions would require approval by a majority of the shares voted at a
special meeting or no shareholder vote would be required.  As permitted by Idaho
law, certain "Business Combinations" involving West One require the affirmative
vote of at least 80% of the outstanding shares of shareholders entitled to vote

                                     - 81 -

in the election of director and held by shareholders who are not Interested
Persons (generally, "Interested Persons" are defined as shareholders owning 20%
or more of the voting stock of West One).  In the absence of these provisions,
Idaho law would require only a majority vote of the outstanding shares to
approve mergers, consolidations and most other business combinations.  The
"Business Combinations" subject to these requirements include:  (1) any merger,
consolidation, or other business reorganization or combination of West One or
any of its subsidiaries with or into an Interested Person (or affiliate); (2)
any sale, lease or exchange by West One or subsidiary of more than 10% of West
One's assets to an Interested Person (or affiliate); (3) any issue of any stock
or securities of West One or any of its subsidiaries to an Interested Person (or
affiliate); (4) any reclassification, exchange of shares or other
recapitalization that would have the effect of increasing the proportion of
shares of West One Common Stock or other capital stock of West One (or a
subsidiary of West One) beneficially owned by an Interested Person; or (5) any
agreement, contract or other arrangement providing for any of the foregoing

     West One's special shareholder vote requirements for certain "Business
Combinations" do not apply in cases when the transaction is approved by two-
thirds of those members of the Board of Directors of West One who (1) were
directors (herein "Continuing Directors") immediately prior to the time that the
Interested Person became an Interested Person and (2) who are not the Interested
Person or an affiliate of the Interested Person; provided that these Continuing
Directors who consider the transaction constitute a majority of the entire board
of directors.

     The above approval requirements are in addition to the requirement under
Idaho law that certain business combinations, including mergers and
consolidations, be approved by a majority vote of the shares of West One Common

     These provisions may be amended, altered or repealed only by 80% of the
outstanding shares of voting stock of West One which are not beneficially owned
by an Interested Person.

     These provisions are intended to encourage potential takeover bidders to
engage in negotiation with the Board before attempting a takeover so that the
Board can properly assess the impact of an affiliation with the bidder or obtain
appropriate terms for all shareholders in any proposed Business Combination.  If
the potential takeover bidder is unwilling to obtain prior Board approval, or
the Board refuses to grant approval, these provisions are designed to give West
One's shareholders protection not otherwise presently available under Idaho law.
If Board approval is not obtained, the proposed transaction must be on terms
sufficiently attractive to obtain approval by an 80% vote of the outstanding
shares not held by Interested Persons or affiliates.

     These requirements substantially increase the overall vote required to
approve the transaction and, depending on how many votes are held by the
Interested Person, may require a percentage approaching 100%.  As a result, the
Board and management may be able to obtain veto power over any proposed takeover
by refusing to approve the proposed Business Combination and obtaining
sufficient votes to defeat the additional approval requirement.  In addition, if
Board approval is not obtained by the potential takeover bidder, a minority of
West One's shareholders could effectively block a proposed Business Combination.
These provisions also tend to assist the Board and, therefore, management in

                                     - 82 -

retaining their present positions.  If the Board does not grant its prior
approval, a takeover bidder may still proceed with a tender offer or other
purchases of West One Common Stock although the resulting acquisition may be
more difficult and consequently more expensive.  Because of increased expenses
and the tendency of these provisions to discourage competitive bids, a potential
takeover bid may never be made, and if made the price offered to shareholders
may be lower.

     Neither Valley Bank's Articles of Incorporation nor its Bylaws contain any
similar provisions.  Washington law requires a vote of two-thirds of the
outstanding shares entitled to vote to approve a merger.


     DIRECTOR LIABILITY.  Idaho law provides that a corporation's articles of
incorporation may include a provision eliminating or limiting the personal
liability of a director to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary
damages resulting from certain breaches of fiduciary duties.  The West One
Articles of Incorporation contain such a provision.  This provision was adopted
by the West One shareholders at the West One annual meeting on April 21, 1988.
The Valley Bank Articles of Incorporation, as amended, contain no comparable

     Under Idaho law, directors may be indemnified for liabilities incurred in
connection with specified actions (other than any action brought by or in the
right of the corporation) if they acted in good faith and in a manner they
reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the
corporation and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no
reasonable cause to believe their conduct was unlawful.  The same standard of
conduct is applicable for indemnification in the case of derivative actions
brought by or in the right of the corporation, except that in such cases Idaho
law authorizes indemnification only for expenses (including attorneys' fees)
incurred in connection with the defense or settlement of such cases.  Moreover,
Idaho law requires court approval before there can be any such indemnification
where the person seeking indemnification has been found liable to the
corporation in a derivative action.  Idaho law states expressly that the
indemnification provided by or granted pursuant to the statute is not deemed
exclusive of any nonstatutory indemnification rights existing under any bylaw,
agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested directors or otherwise.  The
West One Articles of Incorporation generally require that West One provide
indemnification and advancement of expenses to the fullest extent permitted by
Idaho law on the date the indemnification provision was adopted by West One
shareholders and to any greater extent thereafter permitted by law.

     Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act
may be permitted to directors, officers or persons controlling West One pursuant
to the foregoing provisions, West One has been informed that in the opinion of
the Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the
Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.

     Valley Bank is required by Washington law to indemnify a director who was
wholly successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of any proceedings
to which the director was a party because of being a director of Valley Bank,
against reasonable expenses incurred by the director in connection with the
proceeding.  In addition, a director of Valley Bank who is a party to a

                                     - 83 -

proceeding may also apply for indemnification or the advance of expenses to the
court conducting the proceeding or to another court of competent jurisdiction.

     CLASSIFIED BOARD.  The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of West One
provide for a classified board of directors.  The Board of West One is divided
into three approximately equal classes.  Each class holds office for a term of
three years, but only one class comes up for election each year.  The
affirmative vote of at least 80% of the total number of outstanding shares of
West One Common Stock is required to amend the provisions of the Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws providing for a classified Board.  These provisions are
designed to assure continuity and stability in the Board's leadership policies.

     These provisions extend the time required to make any change in control of
the Board.  Under the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of West One, it takes
at least two annual meetings for a majority of shareholders to make a change in
control of the Board, since only a minority of the directors will be elected at
each meeting.  In addition, because certain actions require more than majority
approval of the Board, it takes three annual meetings for a controlling block of
shareholders to obtain complete control of the Board.

     Because of the additional time required to change control of the board,
these provisions tend to perpetuate present management.  These provisions may
tend to discourage tender offers, even tender offers which some shareholders may
feel would be in their best interests.  In addition, these provisions make it
more difficult for the shareholders to change the composition of the Board even
if the shareholders believe such a change would be desirable.

     Valley Bank's Articles and Bylaws do not provide for a classified board.
Valley Bank's entire board of directors is elected annually.

     NOMINATIONS FOR DIRECTORS.  The Bylaws of West One provide that nominations
of candidates for election as directors of West One must be made in writing and
delivered to or received by the secretary of West One 90 days prior to an annual
meeting of shareholders.  This provision avoids surprise nominations and ensures
that there is adequate time for West One and its shareholders to be informed of
the backgrounds and qualifications of candidates for election as directors.
However, it could be viewed as "anti-takeover" in nature since it may discourage
some persons from attempting to acquire control of West One by lengthening the
time required for a proxy contest or the election of a majority of the
directors.  It may thereby make it more difficult for shareholders to nominate
candidates and may give an advantage to incumbent directors' nominees.

     Valley Bank has no similar provision in its Bylaws.

     REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS.  West One's Articles of Incorporation include
provisions stating that directors may be removed by the shareholders only for
cause and only upon the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the
outstanding shares of West One's capital stock which are not beneficially owned
by an Interested Person.  The effect of these provisions is that it will be more
difficult to remove directors and change management of West One, even if the
holders of more than a majority of shares of West One Stock believe that removal
is in the best interests of West One.  These provisions therefore tend to assist
management in retaining their present positions.

                                     - 84 -

     Valley Bank's Bylaws do not specifically provide for the removal of
Directors, but they do allow the shareholders of Valley Bank, at the Annual
Meeting, to designate the number of members of which the Board of Directors
shall consist for the ensuing year.


     Idaho law provides that a special meeting of shareholders may be called by
the board of directors of a corporation, or by the holders of at least one-fifth
of all shares entitled to vote at a meeting.  Under West One's Bylaws, special
meetings may be called by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, by the Chief
Executive Officer, by the President, or by the Board of Directors.  Further, the
President or the Board of Directors must call a special meeting at the request
of the holders of at least one-fifth of all the outstanding shares entitled to
vote at the meeting.

     Valley Bank's Bylaws state that special meetings may be held at any time
pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors or to a call signed by
shareholders holding forty percent of Valley Bank's Common Stock, or on the call
of the President.


     WEST ONE.  The Idaho Code sets forth the procedures to amend the articles
of incorporation of an Idaho corporation.  In this regard, the board of
directors of West One must adopt a resolution setting forth the proposed
amendment and directing that it be submitted to a vote at a meeting of
shareholders, which may be either the annual or a special meeting.  The proposed
amendment will be adopted upon the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of the shares entitled to vote thereon, unless any class of shares is entitled
to vote thereon as a class, in which event the proposed amendment will be
adopted upon the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
each class of shares entitled to vote thereon as a class and of the total shares
entitled to vote thereon.  The resolution may incorporate the proposed amendment
in restated articles of incorporation which contain a statement that except for
the designated amendment the restated articles of incorporation correctly set
forth without change the corresponding provisions of the articles of
incorporation as theretofore amended, and that the restated articles of
incorporation together with the designated amendment supersede the original
articles of incorporation and all amendments thereto.  In lieu of the foregoing
procedure, a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment may be submitted
directly, by the holders of not less than one-tenth of all the shares entitled
to vote at the meeting, without directors' action, to a vote at a meeting of
shareholders, which may be either the annual or a special meeting, or the
resolution and amendment may be adopted without any meeting if written consent
thereto is given by all the shareholders entitled to vote thereon.

     Idaho law provides that, in the absence of a different provision in the
corporation's articles of incorporation, the power to amend the bylaws is vested
in the corporation's board of directors.  West One's Articles of Incorporation
are silent as to this matter.

                                     - 85 -

     VALLEY BANK.  Under Washington law, Valley Bank may amend its articles of
incorporation by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of its shareholders at any
annual or special meeting.  Valley Bank may amend its Bylaws by the affirmative
vote of a majority of a quorum of the shareholders at any annual or special


     West One is incorporated under the laws of Idaho.  Under Idaho law, any
shareholder of an Idaho corporation has the right to dissent from and to obtain
payment for his shares in the event of a merger or consolidation to which the
corporation is a party.  This right to dissent extends as well to any sale,
exchange, or other disposition of all or substantially all of an Idaho
corporation's assets.  Idaho law provides that dissenters' rights do not extend
for shareholders of a surviving corporation in a merger if a vote of the
shareholders of such corporation is not necessary to authorize the merger.

     Valley Bank is incorporated under the laws of Washington.  A holder of
shares of a Washington corporation is entitled to exercise the rights of a
dissenting shareholder under circumstances similar to those enunciated under
Idaho law.


     WEST ONE.  Under Idaho law, a corporation may, unless otherwise restricted
by its articles of incorporation, pay dividends in cash, property or its own
shares, except where the corporation is insolvent or where the payment would
render the corporation insolvent.  Dividends may be declared and paid in cash or
property only out of the unreserved and unrestricted earned surplus of the
corporation.  Stock dividends, if they are declared, may be paid from the
corporation's authorized but unissued shares out of any unreserved surplus or in
treasury shares.  West One's Articles of Incorporation further restrict the
payment of dividends in that no distribution of cash or property may be made to
the holders of any class of shares (a) unless all cumulative dividends accrued
on all preferred or special classes of shares entitled to preferential dividends
shall have been fully paid or (b) if the payment would reduce the  remaining net
assets of West One below the aggregate preferential amount payable in the event
of involuntary liquidation to the holders of shares having preferential rights
to the assets of West One.

     RESTRICTIONS ON SUBSIDIARY DIVIDENDS.  The ability of West One to pay
dividends to its shareholders is affected by the ability of its subsidiary banks
to pay dividends to West One.  The ability of the subsidiary banks, as well as
West One, to pay dividends in the future could be influenced by bank regulatory
requirements and guidelines pertaining to minimum ratios of Tier 1 and total
capital to risk-weighted assets and of Tier 1 capital to total assets.  (See

     West One-Idaho; Idaho First Bank; West One Bank, Washington; West One Bank,
Utah; West One Bank, Oregon and West One Bank, Oregon, S.B. are state-chartered
banks, regulated by Idaho, Washington, Utah or Oregon law and the payment of
dividends by each of them is subject to the restrictions of their respective
states applicable to the declaration of dividends by a banking corporation.
Generally, each state requires a bank, formed under that state's banking laws,

                                     - 86 -

to establish a surplus fund into which the bank must deposit a percentage of its
net profits.  A bank is not generally permitted to declare or pay dividends
except from its net profits, or to pay any such dividends without at the same
time making additions to this surplus fund, until such time as its surplus fund
amounts to a state-mandated percentage of the bank's paid-in capital.  Idaho law
requires the surplus fund to amount to 20% of its paid-in capital.  Washington
law requires the surplus fund to amount to 25% of its paid-in capital.  Utah law
requires the fund to amount to 100% of paid-in capital.  Oregon law requires the
fund to amount to 50% of paid-in capital.  As of December 31, 1993, each of West
One's subsidiaries had maintained their respective surplus funds in amounts
equal to or greater than the respective state-mandated percentage.

     The ability of West One-Idaho; Idaho First Bank; West One Bank, Washington;
West One Bank, Utah; West One Bank, Oregon and West One Bank, Oregon, S.B. to
pay dividends is subject to the approval of state banking regulators.  In
addition, the FDIC or, with respect to members of the Federal Reserve System,
the Federal Reserve Board may initiate proceedings to prohibit the payment of a
dividend which it determines would be an unsafe or unsound banking practice.
Idaho First Bank; West One Bank, Washington; West One Bank, Oregon and West One
Bank, Oregon, S.B., are supervised and regulated by the FDIC.  West One-Idaho
and West One Bank, Utah are supervised and regulated by the Federal Reserve
Board.  Each of these institutions is subject to certain regulations of the FDIC
and Federal Reserve Board.

     At December 31, 1993, West One's banking subsidiaries were permitted to pay
up to $141 million in dividends in 1994 and in addition are permitted to pay an
amount equal to any 1994 net income to the date of declaration of the dividend.
The future payment of dividends by West One-Idaho; West One Bank, Washington;
West One Bank, Utah; West One Bank, Oregon; West One Bank, Oregon, S.B. and
Idaho First Bank could be influenced by bank regulatory requirements.  (See

     VALLEY BANK.  Valley Bank disposes of its earnings according to the order
of its board of directors made at a regular or special meeting.  No dividend may
be paid to Valley Bank stockholders except upon order of its Board of Directors.
Valley Bank may pay dividends subject to Washington law, which requires that the
payment of dividends not be in excess of Valley Bank's retained earnings without
the approval from the Director.


     Upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of West One, whether voluntary
or involuntary, the holders of West One Common Stock are entitled to share
ratably in the assets of West One legally available for distribution to
shareholders.  However, if preferred stock is issued by West One, the Board of
Directors of West One may grant preferential liquidation rights to the holders
of such stock which would entitle them to be paid out of the assets of West One
available for distribution before any distribution is made to the holders of
common stock.

     The rights of holders of Valley Bank Common Stock in the event of
liquidation are substantially similar to those applicable to West One
shareholders.  Under Washington law, upon dissolution or liquidation, after all
liabilities and obligations of Valley Bank have been satisfied, any remaining

                                     - 87 -

assets or proceeds shall be distributed among holders of Valley Bank Common
Stock according to their respective rights and interests.



     The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of West One contain provisions
designed to assure continuity of management and to discourage sudden changes of
control of West One or in the board of directors by a party seeking control of
West One.  The main purpose of these provisions is to encourage potential
takeover bidders to seek the approval of West One's Board through negotiation
prior to attempting a takeover or, if the takeover bidder chooses not to obtain
the approval of the Board, to ensure that each of West One's shareholders will
have a meaningful vote upon or receive proper payment for his or her stock in
any merger or other transformation of West One proposed by the takeover bidder.
This purpose is intended to be accomplished by making it more difficult for a
takeover bidder who has acquired a significant block of West One's stock to gain
actual control of West One and by providing that any merger or other
transformation of West One subsequently proposed by the takeover bidder must be
approved by a large percentage of the remaining shareholders.  Because these
provisions are designed to encourage negotiation with the Board at an early
stage, the Board would have a better opportunity to analyze any prospective
offers, negotiate more favorable terms, if appropriate, and make a considered
recommendation to shareholders as to the benefit and detriment of the offer.
West One is not aware of any takeover attempt or threatened takeover attempt.

     Although West One management believes these provisions are beneficial to
shareholders by encouraging arm's-length negotiation with potential takeover
bidders, the provisions may tend to discourage some takeover bids.  In addition,
the provisions may decrease the market price of West One Common Stock by making
the stock less attractive to persons who invest in securities in anticipation of
an increase in price if a takeover attempt develops.  The provisions may also
make certain mergers or other business combinations with major shareholders more
difficult to accomplish if a sizeable minority of shareholders were to oppose
the transaction, even if the transaction were considered favorable to the
interests of West One's shareholders as a whole and were favored by incumbent
management and a majority of the Board.

     In addition to the discussion above under the headings "Special Votes for
Certain Transactions," "Classified Board," "Nominations for Directors," and
"Removal of Directors," each of which constitutes an anti-takeover provision, a
more detailed description of other of these provisions follows.  This
description is only a summary of the key provisions and is qualified in its
entirety by the Articles of Incorporation, as amended, and Bylaws of West One.

     ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL COMMON STOCK.  On April 15, 1993, West One
shareholders approved an increase in authorized West One Common Stock from
36,000,000 shares to 75,000,000 shares and to assure that an adequate supply of
authorized unissued shares is available for general corporate needs.  Such
shares are available for issuance without further action by West One
shareholders, unless otherwise required by West One's Articles of Incorporation
or Bylaws or by applicable law.  The issuance of additional shares of stock by
West One may potentially have an anti-takeover effect by making it more
difficult to obtain shareholder approval of various actions, such as a merger or
removal of

                                     - 88 -

management.  Although the Board currently has no such intentions, it could
authorize the issuance of West One Common Stock to one or more persons
sympathetic to incumbent management or the issuance to shareholders of rights to
acquire shares which would be triggered by a takeover attempt.

     AUTHORIZATION FOR PREFERRED STOCK.  The Board of Directors of West One is
authorized to issue preferred stock ("Preferred Stock"), in one or more series,
and to fix and determine designations, relative rights, preferences and
limitations of the shares in each series, including voting, dividend and
liquidation rights.  West One has currently authorized 5,000,000 shares of $1.00
par value preferred stock, of which 150,000 preferred shares are reserved for
issuance under the Shareholders Rights Plan.  Voting rights of Preferred Stock
may include more than one vote per share.  The unissued Preferred Stock may be
used, consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities of the Board, to deter
certain hostile attempts to gain control of West One.  Issuance of Preferred
Stock to persons friendly to present management could discourage or make more
difficult an attempt to gain voting control of West One and could tend to
perpetuate incumbent management.  West One has no present intention of issuing
any Preferred Stock, but may consider issuing Preferred Stock to avert an
undesirable takeover attempt or in connection with future acquisitions, or for
other purposes.

     Issuance of authorized shares of Preferred Stock could also make it more
difficult to obtain shareholder approval of such actions as a merger, bylaw
change, removal of a director, or amendment or repeal of the Articles of
Incorporation described herein, particularly in light of the power of the board
of directors to specify certain rights and preferences of the Preferred Stock,
such as voting rights, without shareholder approval.  Under Idaho law, the
holders of Preferred Stock would generally be entitled to vote separately as a
class upon any proposed amendment to the Articles of Incorporation or other
corporate action, such as a merger, which would effect an exchange,
reclassification or cancellation of all or a portion of such Preferred Stock or
otherwise affect the preferences or relative rights of the Preferred Stock.

West One adopted an anti-takeover plan on October 19, 1989 (the "Shareholders
Rights Plan"), designed to enhance the ability of West One's shareholders to
realize the long-term value of their investment in West One, and to permit the
West One Board of Directors to play a role in the event of an unsolicited
acquisition proposal.  Pursuant to the Shareholders Rights Plan, one Preferred
Stock Purchase Right (a "Right") was distributed as a dividend on each
outstanding share of West One Common Stock held as of the close of business
October 31, 1989.  The Shareholders Rights Plan is intended to deter coercive or
unfair takeover tactics, to prevent an acquirer from gaining control of West One
without offering fair and equal treatment to all of West One's shareholders, and
to discourage anyone from attempting to acquire West One at less than a fair
price and to put the stock "into play."

     Initially, the Rights, which will expire on October 31, 1999, will not be
exercisable and will not be transferable apart from the West One Common Stock.
The Rights will become exercisable only if a person or group acquires 20% or
more of West One's outstanding common stock (an "Acquiring Person"), or West
One's board of directors determines pursuant to the terms of the Shareholder
Rights Plan that any person or group that has acquired 10% or more of West One

                                     - 89 -

Stock is an "Adverse Person," as defined in the Shareholders Rights Plan.  Each
Right would then enable the holder to purchase 1/100th of a share of a new
series of preferred stock of West One at an initial exercise price of $150.00.
The Board of Directors is entitled to redeem the Rights at one cent per Right
under certain circumstances specified in the Shareholders Rights Plan.  If any
person or group should thereafter become the beneficial owner of 25% or more of
West One Common Stock, with certain exceptions, or if the board of directors
determines that any shareholder of more than 10% of West One Common Stock is an
"Adverse Person," each Right will entitle its holder (other than Acquiring
Persons and Adverse Persons) to exercise his Right and to purchase, at the
Right's then-current exercise price, shares of West One Common Stock having a
value of twice the Right's exercise price.  In addition, if, after any person or
group has become a 20% or more shareholder, West One is involved in a merger or
other business combination transaction with another person in which West One
Common Stock is changed or converted into securities of any other person, or if
West One sells or transfers 50% or more of its assets or earning power to
another person, each Right will entitle its holder to exercise the Right and to
purchase, at the Right's then-current exercise price, shares of freely tradeable
common stock of the acquiring company having a value of twice the Right's
exercise price.

     EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS.  Certain executive officers of West One have
agreements with West One containing severance pay provisions that could be
triggered in the event of termination of employment following a change in
control of West One.  This provision may also be viewed as "anti-takeover" in


     Certain officers of Valley Bank are entitled to receive Deferred
Compensation in the event of the sale or merger of Valley Bank, which could also
be considered "anti-takeover" in nature.  Valley Bank has no preferred stock
authorized.  Valley Bank has no other "anti-takeover" provisions.


     There are no preemptive rights, sinking fund provisions, conversion rights,
or redemption provisions applicable to West One Common Stock or Valley Bank
Common Stock.  Holders of fully paid shares of West One Common Stock or Valley
Bank Common Stock are not subject to any liability for further calls or

                                 LEGAL OPINIONS

     Opinions with respect to certain legal matters in connection with the
Valley Bank Reorganization will be rendered by Metzger, Hollis, Gordon &
Mortimer, Washington, D.C., as counsel for West One, and by Lukins & Annis,
P.S., Spokane, Washington, as counsel for Valley Bank.


     The consolidated balance sheets of West One as of December 31, 1993 and
1992 and the consolidated statements of income, shareholders' equity and cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1993,
incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus, have been

                                     - 90 -

incorporated herein in reliance on the report of Coopers & Lybrand, independent
accountants, given on the authority of that firm as experts in accounting and

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The management of Valley Bank does not know of any other matters intended
to be presented for shareholder action at the Special Meeting.  If any other
matter does properly come before the Special Meeting and is put to a shareholder
vote, the proxies solicited hereby will be voted in accordance with the judgment
of the proxyholders named thereon.

By Order of the Board of Directors

By:  /s/ Gerald D. Wilson
     Gerald D. Wilson
     Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

July __, 1994
Clarkston, Washington

                                APPENDIX A


      The provisions of RCW 30.49.090.  Rights of dissenting shareholder--
Appraisal--Amount due as debt


      The owner of shares of a state bank which were voted against a merger to
result in a state bank, or against the conversion of a state bank into a
national bank, shall be entitled to receive their value in cash, if and when the
merger or conversion becomes effective, upon written demand made to the
resulting state or national bank at any time within thirty days after the
effective date of the merger or conversion, accompanied by the surrender of the
stock certificates.  The value of such shares shall be determined, as of the
date of the shareholders' meeting approving the merger or conversion, by three
appraisers, one to be selected by the owners of two-thirds of the dissenting
shares, one by the board of directors of the resulting state or national bank,
and the third by the two so chosen.  The valuation agreed upon by any two
appraisers shall govern.  If the appraisal is not completed within ninety days
after the merger or conversion becomes effective, the supervisor [the Director]
of banking shall cause an appraisal to be made.

      The expenses of appraisal shall be paid by the resulting state bank.

      The resulting state or national bank may fix an amount which it considers
to be not more than the fair market value of the shares of a merging or the
converting bank at the time of the stockholders' meeting approving the merger or
conversion, which it will pay dissenting shareholders of the bank entitled to
payment in cash.  The amount due under such accepted offer for under the
appraisal shall constitute a debt of the resulting state or national bank.

                                  APPENDIX B

                               Coopers & Lybrand
                         certified public accountants
                          101 South Capitol Boulevard
                                  Suite 1703
                              Boise, Idaho  83702
                           telephone (208) 343-4801
                           facsimile (208) 343-6787

                                                                  June 30, 1944

Mr. Dwight Board
Senior Vice President
Secretary and General Counsel
West One Bancorp
1900 West One Plaza
Boise, ID 83702

RE:   Corporate Reorganization - Acquisition of Valley Commercial Bank

You have asked us, pursuant to the requirement outlined in Paragraph 3.6(a) of
the Plan and Agreement of Reorganization (the "Agreement") entered into by and
between West One Bancorp ("WEST ONE") and Valley Commercial Bank (the "BANK"),
to opine on the Federal income tax consequences of the proposed acquisition by
West One Bank, Washington ("WEST ONE - WASHINGTON"), whereby the BANK will be
merged with and into WEST ONE - WASHINGTON.


- -     WEST ONE is a bank holding company which desires to affiliate with the

- -     WEST ONE - WASHINGTON is a wholly-owned subsidiary of WEST ONE and is a
      banking corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
      under the laws of the State of Washington.

- -     The BANK is a banking corporation duly organized, validly existing and in
      good standing under the laws of the United States of America.  The BANK is
      authorized to issue 2,200 shares of common stock, having a par value of
      $100.00 per share, of which 2,044 shares were outstanding on June 30,
      1994.  The BANK does not have any outstanding, issued or authorized
      subscriptions, warrants, options, rights, convertible securities, or
      similar arrangements which would enable the holder thereof to purchase or
      acquire shares of any class of capital stock of  the BANK.

- -     A merger agreement (the "MERGER AGREEMENT") will be executed whereby the
      BANK will be merged with and into WEST ONE - WASHINGTON.  Substantially
      all of the properties of the BANK will be transferred to WEST ONE -
      WASHINGTON.  The assets of the BANK consist primarily of minimal
      capitalization necessary to perfect its corporate existence.

- -     In the transfer by the BANK of substantially all of its assets to WEST ONE
      - WASHINGTON, the sum of the amount of the liabilities assumed, plus the
      amount of the liabilities to which the property is subject, does not
      exceed the total adjusted basis of the property transferred.

- -     After the Merger, WEST ONE - WASHINGTON will hold substantially all of its
      properties and all of the properties of the BANK.

- -     After the Merger, there shall be a single banking corporation which shall
      be WEST ONE - WASHINGTON.  The separate existence of the BANK shall cease.

- -     After the Merger, WEST - ONE WASHINGTON will continue the historic
      business or use a significant portion of the historic business assets in a

- -     Pursuant to the MERGER AGREEMENT, shareholders of the BANK
      ("SHAREHOLDERS") shall exchange, for an amount of common stock in WEST
      ONE, an amount of stock in the BANK which constitutes control of such
      corporation.  Each holder of a certificate or certificates representing
      outstanding shares of stock of the BANK immediately prior to the merger
      shall be entitled to receive in exchange of each share of the BANK stock
      held of record by such stockholder as of the effective date of the merger,
      that number of WEST ONE common shares calculated by dividing the Effective
      Purchase Price by the Average Closing Price, and by further dividing the
      number so reached by the number of shares of the BANK stock that shall  be
      issued and outstanding at the effective time.  The common stock of WEST
      ONE will be transferred directly to the SHAREHOLDERS.

- -     The Effective Purchase Price represents the effective purchase price of
      the BANK as defined in Paragraph 1.2(a)(iv) of the Agreement.

- -     The Average Closing Price represents the average closing price of WEST ONE
      common stock as defined in Paragraph 1.2(a)(i) of the Agreement.

- -     Pursuant to the MERGER AGREEMENT, the exchanged stock of the BANK will be
      canceled.  The cancellation of the the BANK shares shall cause the
      SHAREHOLDERS'  rights with respect to their transferred shares of the BANK
      to cease.

- -     No stock of  the BANK will be issued in the transaction.

- -     Consummation of the proposed transaction is conditioned upon the receipt
      of all necessary approvals of governmental agencies and authorities.

- -     WEST ONE will issue no fractional shares.  In lieu of fractional shares,
      if any, each SHAREHOLDER who is entitled to a fractional share of WEST ONE
      common stock will receive an amount of cash equal to the product of such
      fraction times the Average Closing Price.

- -     The fair market value of the WEST ONE common stock and cash in lieu of
      fractional shares of WEST ONE common stock received by each SHAREHOLDER
      will be approximately equal to the fair market value of the BANK stock

- -     The payment of cash in lieu of fractional shares is solely for the purpose
      of avoiding the expense and inconvenience to WEST ONE of issuing

Page 3

      fractional shares and does not represent separately bargained-for

- -     There is no plan or intention by the SHAREHOLDERS who own five percent or
      more of the the BANK common stock, and to the best of the knowledge of the
      management of the BANK, there is no plan or intention on the part of the
      remaining SHAREHOLDERS to sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of a number
      of shares of WEST ONE common stock received in the transaction that would
      reduce the SHAREHOLDERS' ownership to a number of shares having a value,
      as of the date of the transaction, of less than 50 percent of the value of
      all of the formerly outstanding stock of the BANK as of the same date.
      For purposes of this representation, shares of the BANK common stock
      exchanged for cash or other property, surrendered by dissenters or
      exchanged for cash in lieu of fractional shares of WEST ONE common stock
      will be treated as outstanding common stock of the BANK on the date of the
      transaction.  Moreover, shares of the BANK common stock and shares of WEST
      ONE common stock held by SHAREHOLDERS and otherwise sold, redeemed, or
      disposed or prior or subsequent to the transaction are considered in
      making this representation.

- -     WEST ONE has no plan or intention to liquidate;  to merge WEST ONE -
      WASHINGTON with and into another corporation; to sell or otherwise dispose
      of the stock of WEST ONE - WASHINGTON; or to cause WEST ONE - WASHINGTON
      to sell or otherwise dispose of any of the assets of the Bank acquired in
      the transaction, other than for dispositions made in the ordinary course
      of business.

- -     WEST ONE has no plan or intention to reacquire any of its stock issued in
      the transaction.

- -     There is no intercorporate indebtedness existing between WEST ONE and the
      BANK or between the BANK and WEST ONE that was issued, acquired, or will
      be settled at a discount.

- -     WEST ONE, the BANK and the SHAREHOLDERS will pay their respective
      expenses, if any, incurred in connection with the transaction.  The tax
      effects of paying these expenses are beyond the scope of this letter.

Page 4

- -     The liabilities of the BANK assumed by WEST ONE and the liabilities to
      which the transferred assets are subject arose in the ordinary course of
      its business.

- -     No two parties to the reorganization are investment companies as defined
      in Section 368(a)(2)(F)(iii) of the Internal Revenue Code.  (All
      subsequent Section references refer to the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986
      unless otherwise specified.)

- -     WEST ONE is not under the jurisdiction of a court in a Title 11 or similar
      case within the meaning of Section 368(a)(3)(A).

- -     WEST ONE does not own, nor has it owned during the past five years, any
      shares of the stock of the BANK.

- -     None of the compensation received by any shareholder-employees of the BANK
      will be separate consideration for, or allocable to, any of their shares
      of the BANK stock, will not be separate consideration for, or allocable
      to, any employment agreement or non-competition agreement, and will be
      commensurate with amounts paid to third parties bargaining at arm's length
      for similar services.

- -     The shareholders of the entities involved desire to reorganize their stock
      interests in the aforementioned entities to permit the continued expansion
      of WEST ONE's financial institution services in the northwest region of
      the United States.  The principal reasons behind WEST ONE's proposed
      acquisition of the BANK include the opportunities to  further expand WEST
      ONE's operation in Washington, increase market share, realize economics of
      scale, and expand its customer base.  WEST ONE previously expanded
      financial operations into the state of Washington with the acquisition of
      West One, Washington in September 1988 and additional acquisitions in
      1989, 1990 and 1992, into the state of Utah with the acquisition of West
      One Bank, Utah in 1985 and into the state of Oregon in 1983 with the
      acquisition of West One Bank, Oregon and an additional acquisition in
      1991.  In addition to the growth of its operations as a direct consequence
      of its expansion plan, WEST ONE has determined that expansion in these
      markets will diversify its operations and sustain its operational
      economies.  As a result of this diversification into state economies other
      than its original base of operations of Idaho, WEST ONE believes that its
      financial condition will be less susceptible to economic downturns in
      parts of its service region, while at the same time offering an
      opportunity to provide financial services to new population centers in the
      Pacific Northwest and to provide the SHAREHOLDERS of the BANK with the
      opportunity to continue to participate in the operation and growth of the
      banking business.

Page 5

The facts, assumptions, and representations set forth above have been reviewed
by the management of both WEST ONE and the BANK.  These facts, assumptions and
representations are a material basis for the opinions contained herein.  We have
been instructed to rely on them in preparing this opinion letter.  We have not
independently investigated the validity of the facts, assumptions or
representations set forth above.


- -     Will the merger of the BANK into WEST ONE - WASHINGTON, with WEST ONE -
      WASHINGTON surviving and the simultaneous cancellation of the BANK shares
      with the SHAREHOLDERS being entitled to receive a proportionate share of
      WEST ONE shares for each BANK share constitute a tax-free reorganization
      within the meaning of Sections 368(a)(1)(A) and 368(a)(2)(D)?

- -     Will any gain or loss be recognized by WEST ONE, the BANK or WEST ONE -
      WASHINGTON  as a consequence of the merger?

- -     Except for any gain or loss recognized as a result of cash received for
      fractional share interests, will any gain or loss be recognized by the
      SHAREHOLDERS with respect to the merger?

- -     Will the merger result in a carryover of the SHAREHOLDERS' Federal tax
      basis and holding period of the the BANK stock to the WEST ONE Common
      Stock received?

- -     Will the payment of cash in lieu of fractional share interests of WEST ONE
      common stock be treated as if fractional shares were distributed as part
      of the merger transaction and then redeemed by WEST ONE in full payment of
      and in  exchange for the SHAREHOLDERS' of  the BANK common stock as
      provided in Section 302(a)?

The Federal income tax results with respect to the above issues are as follows:

Provided the merger of the BANK with and into WEST ONE qualifies as a statutory
merger under applicable law, WEST ONE  will hold substantially all of its assets
and substantially all of the assets of the BANK, and in the transaction
SHAREHOLDERS of the BANK will exchange, solely for an amount of voting stock of
WEST ONE, an amount of stock in the BANK which constitutes control of the BANK
(within the meaning of Section 368(c), then the proposed transaction will
constitute a tax-free reorganization within the meaning of Sections 368(a)(1)(A)
and 368(a)(2)(D). For the purpose of this conclusion, "substantially all" means
at least 90 percent of the fair market value of the net assets of the
corporation and at least 70 percent of the fair market value of the gross assets
of the corporation immediately prior to the proposed reorganization.  For the
purpose of this conclusion, "control" is defined under Section 368(c) as
ownership of stock possessing at least 80 percent of the total combined voting
power of all

Page 6

classes of stock entitled to vote and at least 80 percent of the total number of
shares of all other classes of stock of the corporation.  WEST ONE, the BANK and
WEST ONE - WASHINGTON  are each a "party to a reorganization" within the meaning
of Section 368(b).


WEST ONE, the BANK and WEST ONE - WASHINGTON will recognize no gain or loss as a
consequence of the merger.


Except for the treatment of cash payments in lieu of fractional share interests,
or payments to other SHAREHOLDERS who receive cash for shares, discussed below,
no gain or loss will be recognized to the SHAREHOLDERS upon receipt of WEST ONE
common stock (including any fractional share interests to which they may be
entitled) solely in exchange for shares of the BANK stock.


The basis of WEST ONE common stock (including fractional share interests) to be
received by the SHAREHOLDERS will be the same as the Federal income tax basis of
the BANK stock surrendered in the exchange.

The holding period of WEST ONE common stock to be received by SHAREHOLDERS
(including fractional share interests) will include the period during which the
BANK stock surrendered in exchange was held, provided that the stock was held as
a capital asset on the date of the exchange.

No opinion is expressed herein as to what WEST ONE's basis will be in the stock
of WEST ONE - WASHINGTON  subsequent to the transaction.

Page 7


The payment of cash to the SHAREHOLDERS in lieu of fractional share interests of
WEST ONE common stock will be treated for Federal income tax purposes as if the
fractional share was distributed as part of the exchange and then redeemed by
WEST ONE.  This cash payment will be treated as having been received as a
distribution in full payment and exchange for the WEST ONE common stock
redeemed.  The gain or loss to the SHAREHOLDERS receiving cash in lieu of
fractional shares shall be realized and recognized as set forth in Section 1001
which provides that gain will be realized and recognized, measured by the
difference between the redemption price and the adjusted basis of the BANK
shares surrendered as determined under Section 1011.




Tax-free reorganizations are governed by Section 368.  In order to qualify as a
tax-free reorganization, the following considerations must be satisfied:

      1.    Continuity of the business enterprise;

      2.    Continuity of interest;

      3.    A business purpose; and

      4.    A lack of an overall plan of tax avoidance wherein such overall plan
            uses a corporate reorganization to disguise the real character of
            the transaction.

Other pertinent reorganization provisions of the Internal Code are as follows:

- -     Section 368(b) states that the term "a party to a reorganization" includes
      both corporations in the case of a reorganization resulting from the
      acquisition by one corporation of stock or properties of another

- -     Section 368(a)(1)(A) provides that the term "reorganization" includes "a
      statutory merger or consolidation".

Page 8

- -     Section 368(a)(2)(D), entitled "Use of Stock of Controlling Corporation in
      Paragraph (1)(A) and (1)G) Cases" provides that the acquisition by one
      corporation, in exchange for stock of a corporation (referred to as the
      "controlling corporation") which is in control of the acquiring
      corporation, of substantially all of the properties of another corporation
      shall not disqualify a transaction if no stock of the acquired corporation
      is used in the transaction and had the merger been into the controlling
      corporation the transaction would have qualified under Section

      In addition, Section 368(a)(2)(D) requires that control be obtained "in
      the transaction".  Thus, a creeping acquisition whereby  stock of the
      corporation to be acquired is obtained over a period of time would be
      precluded, unless control is obtained in the merger disregarding the stock
      of the acquired corporation previously obtained.  (Federal Tax Regulation
      (Reg.) Section 1.368-2(j)(7) Example(5))

- -     Revenue Procedure 77-37, 1977-2 C.B. 568 provides that the "substantially
      all" requirement is satisfied if there is a transfer of assets
      representing 90% of the value of net assets and 70% of the value of gross
      assets held by the corporation immediately before the transfer.  Reg.
      Section 1.368-2(j)(3)(iii) provides that in applying the "substantially
      all" test, assets transferred from WEST ONE to the BANK pursuant to the
      plan of reorganization are not taken into account.  Such assets might
      include, for example, money transferred from WEST ONE to the BANK to be
      used for the following purposes: (a) to pay additional consideration to
      shareholders; (b) to pay dissenting shareholders; (c) to pay creditors;
      (d) to pay reorganization expenses; or (e) to satisfy minimum
      capitalization requirements (where the funds are returned to WEST ONE as
      part of the transaction).  Moreover, the "substantially all" test is
      applied separately to the merged corporation, the BANK and to the
      surviving corporation, WEST ONE - WASHINGTON.

- -     "Control" is defined under Section 368(c) as ownership of stock possessing
      at least 80 percent of the total combined voting power of all classes of
      stock entitled to vote and at least 80 percent of the total number of
      shares of all other classes of stock of the corporation.

- -     Section 318 provides that if 50 percent or more in value of the stock in a
      corporation is owned, directly or indirectly, by or for any person, such
      corporation shall be considered as owning the stock, directly or
      indirectly, by or for such person.

- -     The Internal Revenue Service has taken the position that the continuity of
      interest requirement is satisfied for ruling purposes, if the former
      shareholders of the acquired corporation own stock of the acquiring
      corporation in an amount equal to half the value of all the stock of the
      acquired corporation  (Rev. Rul. 66-224, 1966-2   C.B.  114).

Page 9

      Moreover, the SHAREHOLDERS, as a group, must retain ownership of the
      continuity amount of WEST ONE stock for some period following the
      reorganization (ordinarily two or more years) or, in the event of early
      disposition of the continuity amount of WEST ONE stock, demonstrate that
      the early disposition was not pursuant to a plan or arrangement in place
      at the time of the reorganization.

- -     Reg. Section 1.368-3 provides that the plan of reorganization must be
      adopted by each of the corporations, the adoption must be shown by the
      acts of its duly constituted responsible officers, and appear upon the
      official records of the corporation.  Each party to a reorganization,
      shall file as a part of its return for its taxable year within which the
      reorganization occurred a complete statement of all facts pertinent to the
      nonrecognition of gain or loss in connection with the reorganization as
      outlined in Regulation Section 1.368-3(a) and (b).


The requirement of continuity of business enterprise will be met since the
existing business of the BANK will be continued utilizing substantially all of
it's assets.

The requirement for continuity of interest (i.e. proprietary) will be met since
no SHAREHOLDER will sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of a number of shares of
WEST ONE common stock received in the merger which would reduce the
SHAREHOLDER's ownership of WEST ONE to a number of shares having a value, at the
time of consummation of the proposed transaction, of less than 80 percent of the
total fair market value of the BANK stock outstanding immediately prior to the
effective date of the merger.

Because the merger will strengthen the BANK's ability to meet its' customer's
needs for a broader range of banking services and compete more effectively with
similar banks it's current geographic area and enable WEST ONE to expand its
existing customer base without a commensurate increase in cost because of the
aforementioned economies of scale to be achieved, a valid business purpose
exists for the parties entering into the merger.

There is no evidence of an overall plan of tax avoidance wherein a corporate
reorganization is being used to disguise the real character of the transaction.
Generally, this requirement is satisfied because the merger is not one of a
series of planned transactions which would, if collapsed into a single
transaction, in substance be a taxable transaction.

The transfer by the BANK of "substantially all" of its assets to WEST ONE -
WASHINGTON whereby the SHAREHOLDERS receive an amount of voting stock of WEST
ONE in exchange for an amount of stock in the BANK which constitutes control
literally satisfies the statutory requirements constituting a tax-free
reorganization within the meaning of Sections 368(a)(1)(A) and 368(a)(2)(D). To
fully comply with the Regulations, each party to the reorganization must file as
apart of its return for its for its taxable year within which the reorganization
occurred, a statement of facts as outlined under Reg. Section 1.368(a) and (b).

Page 10



The term "a party to a reorganization" includes: (1) a corporation resulting
from a reorganization, and (2) both corporations, in the case of a
reorganization resulting from the acquisition by one corporation of stock or
properties of another.  In the case of a reorganization qualifying under Section
368(a)(1)(A), (statutory  merger or consolidation), by reason of Section
368(A)(2)(D), (triangular merger), the term "a party to a reorganization"
includes the controlling corporation referred to in subsection (a)(2)(D).

Section 357(a) provides, except as provided in subsection (b) ("tax avoidance")
and (c) ("liabilities in excess of basis"), if- (1) the taxpayer receives
property which would be permitted to be received under Section 351 or 361
without the recognition of gain if it were  the sole consideration, and (2) as
part of the consideration, another party to the exchange assumes a liability of
the taxpayer, or acquires from the taxpayer property subject to a liability,
then such assumption or acquisition shall be treated as money or other property,
and shall not prevent the exchange from being within the provisions of Section
351 or 361, as the case may be."

Section 361(a) provides "no gain or loss shall be recognized to a corporation if
such corporation is a party to a reorganization and exchanges property, in
pursuance of the plan of reorganization, solely for stock or securities in
another corporation a party to the reorganization."


WEST ONE, WEST ONE - WASHINGTON and the BANK are each a party to the
reorganization ( Section 368(a)).

No gain or loss will be recognized by the BANK upon the transfer of
substantially all of its assets to WEST ONE - WASHINGTON in pursuance of the
plan of reorganization in exchange for the stock of WEST ONE and the assumption
of liabilities by WEST ONE - WASHINGTON (Section 357(a) and Section 361(a)).

Page 11

No gain or loss will be recognized by WEST ONE upon the acquisition by WEST ONE
- - WASHINGTON of "substantially all" of the assets of the BANK, in pursuance of
the plan of reorganization, in exchange for WEST ONE voting common stock and the
assumption of liabilities.



Section 354(a)(1) provides, "no gain or loss shall be organized if stock or
securities in a corporation a party to  reorganization are, in pursuance of the
plan of reorganization, exchanged solely for stock or securities in such
corporation or in another corporation a party to the reorganization."


Except to the extent set forth below, the SHAREHOLDERS will not recognize any
gain or loss upon the receipt of WEST ONE common stock (including any fractional
share interests to which they may be entitled) solely in exchange for their
shares of the BANK stock ( Section 354(a)(1)).



In general, Section 358(a)(1) provides that in the case of an exchange to which
Section 361 or Section 354 applies, the basis of the property permitted to be
received under such Section without the recognition of gain or loss shall be the
same as that of the property exchanged.

Section 1223 provides:

      (1) "In determining the period for which the taxpayer has held property
      received in an exchange, there shall be included in the period for which
      the exchanged property was held if, under this chapter, the property has,
      for the purpose of determining gain or loss from a sale or exchange, the
      same basis in whole or in part in his hands as the property exchanged,
      and, in the case of such exchanges after March 1, 1954, the property
      exchanged at the time of such exchange was a capital asset as defined in
      Section 1221 or property described in Section 1231.

Page 12

      (2) In determining the period for which the taxpayer has held property,
      there shall be included in the period for which such property was held by
      any other person for the purpose of determining gain or loss from a sale
      or exchange, the same basis in whole or in part in his hands as it would
      have in the hands of such other person."


Because the proposed exchange of stock meets the requirements of Sections
368(a)(1)(A) and 368(a)(2)(D) and is a transaction to which Section 354 applies,
the application of Sections 358 and 1223 to the SHAREHOLDERS will produce the
following results:

      The aggregate basis of WEST ONE common stock (including fractional share
      interests) to be received by SHAREHOLDERS of the BANK will be the same as
      the aggregate Federal income tax basis of the stock surrendered in
      exchange thereof.

      The holding period of WEST ONE common stock to be received by the
      SHAREHOLDERS (including fractional share interests) will include the
      period during which the BANK stock surrendered in exchange was held,
      provided that the BANK stock was held as a capital asset on the date of
      the exchange (Section 1223(1)).



Any payments of cash to the SHAREHOLDERS will be treated as a distribution
followed by a redemption of such fractional share.  The cash payment in exchange
for the stock redeemed will be measured by the difference between the redemption
price and the adjusted basis of the BANK shares surrendered as determined under
Section 1011.

Rev. Rul. 66-365, 1966-2 C.B. 116, concludes that where shareholders of the
acquired corporation who are entitled to a fractional interest in the acquiring
corporation's stock pursuant to the terms of a reorganization agreement will be
paid cash in lieu of the fractional share interest to which they are entitled,
any payment of cash by the acquiring corporation to the acquired corporation's
shareholder in lieu if issuing a fractional share to such shareholder shall be
treated as a distribution followed by a redemption of such fractional share in
accordance with Section 302(a).  Rev. Pro. 77-41, 1977-2 C.B. 574, further
provides that where the payment of cash in lieu of avoiding the expense and
inconvenience of the acquiring corporation issuing fractional shares and where
the payment does not represent separately bargained for consideration and is not
essentially equivalent to a dividend, such cash payments should be treated as a
distribution in full payment in exchange for the stock redeemed as provided for
in Section 302(a).


Page 13

Any payment of cash to the SHAREHOLDERS should be treated as a distribution
followed by a redemption of such fractional share.  The cash payment should be
treated as a full payment in exchange for the stock redeemed as provided for in
Section 302(a) ( Rev. Rul. 66-365, 1966-2 C.B. 116 and Rev. Proc. 77-41, 1977-2
C.B. 574).

The opinions expressed in this letter are based on the Internal Revenue Code and
related tax law as of the date of this letter and are directed solely towards
the specific issues identified herein.  No opinion is expressed regarding any
State or local tax issues or about any other matter not specifically mentioned.

If any of the statements of facts, assumptions or representations contained
herein are subsequently determined to be incorrect in whole or in part such that
they would have a material effect upon the tax treatment of the issues addressed
herein, then no opinion is expressed as to the tax treatment of the proposed

We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to be service to you.


                                                      Coopers & Lybrand

                                     PART II




                                   ARTICLE VII

     Each person who at any time is or shall have been a director or officer of
the corporation, including any director or officer who is or shall have been
serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or
agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other
enterprise, and his heirs, executors and administrators, shall be indemnified by
the corporation against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines
and amounts paid in settlement incurred by him in any such capacity or arising
out of his status as such, all in accordance with and to the full extent
permitted by the Idaho Business Corporation Act as in effect at the time of the
adoption of this Article or as amended from time to time.  The foregoing right
of indemnification shall not be deemed a limitation on the power of the
corporation to indemnify any director, officer, employee, agent or other person
and shall not be deemed exclusive of other rights to which any such person may
be entitled in any capacity as a matter of law or under any bylaw, agreement,
vote of shareholders or directors, or otherwise.  The corporation may, to the
full extent permitted by the Idaho Business Corporation Act as in effect at the
time of the adoption of this Article or as amended from time to time, purchase
and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director,
officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the
request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another
corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any
liability asserted against him and incurred by him in any such capacity or
arising out of his status as such, whether or not the corporation would have the
power to indemnify him against such liability.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

     A director of the corporation shall have no personal liability to the
corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a director; provided that this Article XIII shall not eliminate or limit
the liability of a director for:

          a.   Any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the corporation
or its shareholders.

          b.   Acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional
misconduct or a knowing violation of law.

          c.   Any action for which liability is provided under Section 30-1-48,
Idaho Code.

          d.   Any transaction from which the director derived an improper
personal benefit.

          e.   Any act or omission occurring prior to the effective date of the
adoption of this Article XIII.

     No repeal of or amendment to the provisions of this Article XIII by the
shareholders of the corporation shall adversely affect any right or protection
of a director of the corporation existing at the time of such repeal or


     (a)  EXHIBITS.  The following exhibits are filed herewith unless otherwise


2.1       Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated as of March 7, 1994 between
          West One Bancorp, West One Bank, Washington and Valley Commercial Bank
          (filed herewith)

3.1       Articles of Incorporation of West One Bancorp (incorporated by
          reference to Exhibit 3.1 to Form S-4 Registration Statement of West
          One Bancorp, filed February 25, 1993 (File No. 33-58794))

3.2       Amended Articles of Incorporation of West One Bancorp (incorporated by
          reference to Exhibit 3-A to Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
          for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993)

3.3       Bylaws of West One Bancorp (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2
          to Form S-4 Registration Statement of West One Bancorp, filed February
          25, 1993 (File No. 33-58794))

3.4       Amended Bylaws of West One Bancorp (incorporated by reference to
          Exhibit 3-B of Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
          year ended December 31, 1993)

4.1       Shareholder Rights Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-B to
          Registrant's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
          September 30, 1989 as amended by Form 8-A dated October 15, 1992)

4.2       Trust Indenture between West One Bancorp and Bankers Trust Company as
          trustee dated November 1, 1985 regarding West One Bancorp's
          Subordinated Capital Notes due 1997 (incorporated by reference to
          Exhibit 4-A to Form S-3 Registration Statement of West One Bancorp,
          filed October 30, 1985, amended November 8, 1985 (File No. 33-1219))

4.3       Trust Indenture between West One Bancorp and NBD Bank, National
          Association, as trustee dated June 15, 1991 regarding West One
          Bancorp's Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due 2006 (incorporated
          by reference to Exhibit 4A to Form S-3, filed June 6, 1991 (File No.

5.1       Form of Opinion of Metzger, Hollis, Gordon & Mortimer regarding the
          legality of the shares of West One Bancorp Common Stock being
          registered (filed herewith)

8.1       Form of Opinion of Coopers & Lybrand regarding tax matters (filed


          herewith as Appendix B to the Proxy Statement/Prospectus)

10.1      Executive Compensation Program (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
          10-A of Registrant's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,

10.2      The Executive Incentive Program of the Registrant, as amended
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-B to the Registrant's Annual
          Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990)

10.3      Registrant's Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, as amended
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-C to the Registrant's Annual
          Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990)

10.4      Form of Employment Agreements between Registrant and certain key
          employees (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-E to the
          Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
          December 31, 1987)

10.5      Form of Indemnification Agreement dated June 16, 1988, entered into by
          the Registrant with each of its Directors (incorporated by reference
          to Exhibit 19 to Registrant's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
          quarter ended September 30, 1988)

10.6      The 1991 Performance and Equity Incentive Plan of the Registrant
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-F to the Registrant's Annual
          Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990)

10.7      Deferred Compensation Plan for Outside Directors of the Registrant
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-G to the Registrant's Annual
          Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990)

13.1      Portions of the West One Bancorp Annual Report to Shareholders for the
          fiscal year ending December 31, 1993 (incorporated by reference to
          Exhibit 13 of Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1993)

          The Registrant's 1993 Annual Report to Shareholders, except for the
          portions thereof incorporated by reference into the Registrant's
          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993 and
          incorporated herein by reference to such Annual Report on Form 10-K,
          is furnished for the information of the Commission and is not to be
          considered a part of this Registration Statement

21.1      Subsidiaries of West One Bancorp (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
          21 to West One Bancorp's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
          year ended December 31, 1993)

23.1      Consent of Coopers & Lybrand (filed herewith)

23.2      Consent of Coopers & Lybrand with respect to certain tax matters


          (included as a part of Exhibit 23.1)

23.3      Consent of Metzger, Hollis, Gordon & Mortimer (filed herewith)

23.4      Consent of Lukins & Annis, P.S. (filed herewith)

24.1      Power of Attorney (filed herewith)

99.1      Preliminary copy of letter to shareholders of Valley Commercial Bank
          (filed herewith)

99.2      Preliminary copy of Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders of
          Valley Commercial Bank (filed herewith)

99.3      Preliminary copy of form of proxy for use by shareholders of Valley
          Commercial Bank (filed herewith)

99.4      Form of Agreement between West One Bancorp and Gerald D. Wilson
          (filed herewith as part of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, filed
          herewith as Exhibit 2.1)



     The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes as follows:

     (1)  that, for purposes of determining any liability under the Securities
Act of 1933, each filing of the registrant's annual report pursuant to Section
13(a) or Section l5(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of l934 that is
incorporated by reference in the registration statement shall be deemed to be a
new registration statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the
offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona
fide offering thereof.

     (2)  to deliver or cause to be delivered with the prospectus, to each
person to whom the prospectus is sent or given, the latest annual report to
security holders that is incorporated by reference in the prospectus and
furnished pursuant to and meeting the requirements of Rule 14a-3 or Rule 14c-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and, where interim financial
information required to be presented by Article 3 of Regulation S-X is not set
forth in the prospectus, to deliver, or cause to be delivered to each person to
whom the prospectus is sent or given, the latest quarterly report that is
specifically incorporated by reference in the prospectus to provide such interim
financial information.

     (3)  that prior to any public reoffering of the securities registered
hereunder through the use of a prospectus which is a part of this registration
statement, by any person or party who is deemed to be an underwriter within the
meaning of Rule 145(c), such reoffering prospectus will contain the information
called for by the applicable registration form with respect to reofferings by
persons who may be deemed underwriters, in addition to the information called
for by the other items of the applicable form.

     (4)  that every prospectus (i) that is filed pursuant to paragraph (3)
immediately preceding, or (ii) that purports to meet the requirements of Section
1O(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and is used in connection
with an offering of securities subject to Rule 415, will be filed as a part of
an amendment to the registration statement and will not be used until such
amendment is effective, and that, for purposes of determining any liability
under the Securities Act of 1933, each such post-effective amendment shall be
deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities offered
therein, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be
the initial bona fide offering thereof.

     (5)  that insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the
Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling
persons of the registrant pursuant to the provisions described under Item 20
above, or otherwise, the registrant has been advised that in the opinion of the
Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy
as expressed in the Act and is, therefore, unenforceable.  In the event that a
claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by
the registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or
controlling person of the registrant in the successful defense of any action,
suit or proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling person


connection with the securities being registered, the registrant will, unless in
the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent,
submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such
indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will
be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.

     (6)  to respond to requests for information that is incorporated by
reference into the Proxy Statement/Prospectus pursuant to Items 4, 10(b), 11 or
13 of Form S-4, within one business day of receipt of such request, and to send
the incorporated documents by first class mail or other equally prompt means.
This includes information contained in documents filed subsequent to the
Effective Date of the registration statement through the date of responding to
the request.

     (7)  to supply by means of a post-effective amendment all information
concerning a transaction, and the company being acquired involved therein, that
was not the subject of and included in the registration statement when it became



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant
has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in Boise, Idaho on the 6th day of
July, 1994.

                                   West One Bancorp

                                   By: /s/ D. Michael Jones
                                       D. Michael Jones, President

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this
registration statement has been signed by the following persons in the
capacities and on the dates indicated.

SIGNATURE                     CAPACITY                      DATE
- ---------                     --------                      ----

/s/ Daniel R. Nelson          Chairman of the Board and     July 6, 1994
- ------------------------      Chief Executive Officer
Daniel R. Nelson

/s/ Scott M. Hayes            Executive Vice President      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------      and Chief Financial Officer
Scott M. Hayes

/s/ Jim A. Peterson           Senior Vice President and     July 6, 1994
- ------------------------      Controller (Principal
Jim A. Peterson               Accounting Officer)

/s/ Harry Bettis              Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
Harry Bettis

                              Director                      ______, 1994
- ------------------------
Norma Cugini

/s/ William J. Deasy          Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
William J. Deasy

/s/ John B. Fery              Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
John B. Fery

/s/ Stuart A. Hall            Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
Stuart A. Hall


/s/ D. Michael Jones          Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
D. Michael Jones

/s/ Jack B. Little            Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
Jack B. Little

/s/ Warren E. McCain          Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
Warren E. McCain

/s/ Douglas W. McCallum       Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
Douglas W. McCallum

/s/ Allen T. Noble            Director                      July 6, 1994
- ------------------------
Allen T. Noble

                              Director                      ______, 1994
- ------------------------
Philip B. Soulen

*By: /s/ Dwight V. Board
     Dwight V. Board
     (As Attorney-in-Fact)
