[VALLEY BANK LETTERHEAD]

                               _____________, 1994

Shareholders of Valley Commercial Bank

Dear Shareholder:

          A Special Meeting of the Shareholders of Valley Commercial Bank
("Valley Bank") has been called for 10:00 a.m., Pacific Time, on
________________, 1994, at the offices of Valley Bank located at 615 Sixth
Street, Clarkston, Washington.

          The purpose of the Special Meeting is to consider and act upon an
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Plan of Reorganization") among West
One Bancorp ("West One"), West One Bank, Washington ("West One-Washington") and
Valley Bank.

          If the Plan of Reorganization is approved, and all conditions are met,
the Plan of Reorganization will result in the merger of Valley Bank into West
One-Washington, a wholly-owned subsidiary of West One.  Upon consummation of the
Plan of Reorganization, each holder of Valley Bank's Common Stock will, upon
surrender of the shareholder's stock certificate, be entitled to receive in
exchange for each share held as of the effective date of the Plan of
Reorganization, that number of shares of West One Common Stock calculated by
dividing the $11,676,250 purchase price (plus certain accretions as described in
the Plan of Reorganization) by the average closing price (as defined in the Plan
of Reorganization) of West One Common Stock and by further dividing the number
so reached by the number of shares of Valley Bank Common Stock issued and
outstanding as of the effective date of the merger.  No fractional shares of
West One Common Stock will be issued.  Instead, cash in an amount equal to the
fractional part of a share multiplied by the average closing price of West One
Common Stock (as determined under the Plan of Reorganization) will be paid to
Valley Bank shareholders.

          For example, if the Plan of Reorganization had been consummated as of
July __, 1994, and the average closing price of West One Common Stock was
$_____ and the accretions referred to above had been $__________ as of June 30,
1994, the merger would have resulted in an exchange ratio of ___ shares of West
One Common Stock for each share of Valley Bank Common Stock, or an equivalent
consideration to holders of Valley Bank's Common Stock of $ ____ per share on
the basis of a market price for West One Common Stock of $_____ per share on
July __, 1994.

          The accompanying Proxy Statement/Prospectus details the terms of the
proposed Plan of Reorganization and merger and provides information concerning
Valley Bank, West One-Washington, West One, and the Plan of Reorganization.  The
Proxy Statement/Prospectus contains important information necessary for you to
make a decision about how to vote at the Special Meeting.  Please read it

          The affirmative vote of the holders of a two-thirds majority of the
issued and outstanding shares of Valley Bank is required for approval of the
Plan of Reorganization.  Therefore, it is important that you vote.  The failure
to vote will have the same effect as a vote against the merger.  Consequently,
please mark, sign, date and return the enclosed proxy as soon as possible.

          Any shareholder may attend the Special Meeting and vote in person if
he desires.

          Consummation of the Plan of Reorganization and merger is subject to
approval by federal and state bank regulatory agencies and to certain other
conditions, including the maintenance of Valley Bank's financial condition.  If
approved, the Plan of Reorganization will most likely be consummated sometime in
the third quarter of 1994, assuming that all banking regulatory approvals are
received timely.

          The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the Plan of
Reorganization and determined that the merger is in the best interests of Valley

          If the Plan of Reorganization is approved by the shareholders, on or
shortly after the effective date of the Plan of Reorganization, West One will
send you instructions describing the procedure to be followed to exchange your
Valley Bank stock certificate for common stock of West One through an Exchange
Agent, as defined in the Plan of Reorganization.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR


                                             Gerald D. Wilson
                                             Chairman of the Board