Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
             the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /
    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or  Section

                                Egghead, Inc.
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2)
/ /  $500 per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act  Rule
/ /  Fee   computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules  14a-6(i)(4)
     and 0-11
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction
        computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:*

     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

*    Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
     was determined.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement  number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:

     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3) Filing Party:

     4) Date Filed:


                            [EGGHEAD SOFTWARE LOGO)]

                             22011 S.E. 51ST STREET
                                 P.O. BOX 7004
                           ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027


                          THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1994


    Notice  is hereby given that the  annual meeting of shareholders of EGGHEAD,
INC. (the  "Company")  will  be held  at  10:00  a.m. local  time  on  Thursday,
September  8, 1994, at the Meydenbauer  Center, 11100 NE Sixth Street, Bellevue,
Washington. Parking  will be  validated by  the  Company, as  there is  no  free
parking at the facility.

    In  addition to hearing a report about the Company and having an opportunity
to ask questions of general interest to shareholders, the meeting is called  for
the following purposes:

    1.  To elect two Class III directors to serve for terms of three years each;

    2.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

    Shareholders  of record on the books of the Company at the close of business
on July 11, 1994, will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          Carolyn J. Tobias, SECRETARY

Issaquah, Washington
July 29, 1994

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

    Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting in person, please sign,  date,
mark,   and  return  the   accompanying  proxy  in   the  enclosed  stamped  and
self-addressed envelope. The giving of the  proxy will not affect your right  to
vote  at the  meeting if  the proxy is  revoked in  the manner  described in the
accompanying proxy statement.

                                 EGGHEAD, INC.
                             22011 S.E. 51ST STREET
                                 P.O. BOX 7004
                           ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027


                                PROXY STATEMENT


                         INFORMATION REGARDING PROXIES

    This  proxy statement  is furnished in  connection with  the solicitation of
proxies by the Board of  Directors of Egghead, Inc.  (the "Company") for use  at
the  1994  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of  the Company  (the  "1994 Annual
Meeting"), and any  adjournment thereof, to  be held on  Thursday, September  8,
1994,  at  10:00 a.m.  local time,  at  the Meydenbauer  Center, 11100  NE Sixth
Street, Bellevue, Washington. Only  shareholders of record on  the books of  the
Company  at the close of business on July  11, 1994 (the "Record Date"), will be
entitled to notice of and to vote at the 1994 Annual Meeting.

    It is anticipated that these proxy solicitation materials and a copy of  the
Company's  1994 Annual  Report to Shareholders  will be sent  to shareholders of
record on or about August 12, 1994.

    If the accompanying form of proxy is properly executed and returned, it will
be voted in accordance with  the instructions given, but  may be revoked at  any
time  prior to  voting by  (i) delivering written  notice to  Carolyn J. Tobias,
Secretary of the Company, (ii) executing another proxy dated as of a later date,
or (iii) voting in person at the  1994 Annual Meeting. Each proxy will be  voted
for  the  election  of  the  director nominees  if  no  contrary  instruction is
indicated in the proxy.

                               VOTING SECURITIES

    The only voting securities  of the Company are  shares of its common  stock,
$0.01 par value per share (the "Common Stock"), each of which is entitled to one
vote. At the Record Date, there were issued and outstanding 17,163,406 shares of
Common  Stock. The  presence in  person or by  proxy of  holders of  record of a
majority of the outstanding shares of  Common Stock is required to constitute  a
quorum for the transaction of business at the 1994 Annual Meeting.

    Under  Washington  law and  the Company's  Articles  of Incorporation,  if a
quorum is present, the two director nominees who receive the greatest number  of
votes  cast for  the election  of directors will  be elected  directors, and any
other proposal  to properly  come before  the  meeting will  be approved  if  it
receives  an affirmative vote  of the holders  of a majority  of the outstanding
shares voting in person or  represented by proxy, and  entitled to vote, at  the
meeting.  Shareholders do  not have  the right  to cumulate  their votes  in the
election of directors.  In the election  of directors, any  action other than  a
vote for a nominee will have the practical effect of voting against the nominee.
In  any other  proposal coming before  the meeting, abstention  from voting will
have the practical effect  of voting against  such proposal because  abstentions
are  treated as shares present  and entitled to vote.  Nonvoting by brokers will
have no effect on the approval  of such other proposals because broker  nonvotes
do not represent votes cast by shareholders.


                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

    The Board of Directors (the "Board") is divided into three classes: Class I,
Class  II, and Class  III. Each director serves  for a term  ending at the third
annual meeting of shareholders following the  annual meeting at which he or  she
was  elected, except that any director appointed by the Board serves, subject to
election by the shareholders at  the next annual meeting,  for a term ending  at
the  annual meeting  of shareholders  for the  class to  which the  director was
appointed. Each  director serves  until  his or  her  successor is  elected  and
qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation, or removal.

    Information  as to the two nominees and as to each other director whose term
will continue after the 1994 Annual Meeting is provided below. Unless  otherwise
instructed,  it is the intention of the  persons named in the accompanying proxy
to vote shares represented by properly executed proxies for the two nominees  of
the  Board named below. Although the Board anticipates that both of the nominees
will be available to serve  as directors of the  Company, should either of  them
not  accept the nomination, or otherwise be  unwilling or unable to serve, it is
intended that the proxies will be voted for the election of a substitute nominee
or nominees designated by the Board.


    PAUL G. ALLEN, age 41, has been  a director of the Company since June  1987.
Mr.  Allen co-founded and is a director of Microsoft Corporation. He is also the
founder and Chairman of Asymetrix  Corporation, a software development  company,
the  President  and  sole  shareholder  of  Vulcan  Ventures,  Inc.,  a  private
investment firm, and Chairman and owner of the Portland Trailblazers, a National
Basketball Association franchise.

    GEORGE P. ORBAN, age 48, has been  a director of the Company since  November
1985.  Mr.  Orban is  General Partner  of Orban  Partners, a  private investment
company, Chairman of Aaron  Brothers, Inc., a retail  chain, and a director  and
founder  of Ross Stores,  Inc., a retail  clothing chain. From  1987 to February
1992 he was  President and Chief  Executive Officer, and  from 1989 to  February
1992, he was Chairman, of Office Mart Holdings Corporation.


    RICHARD  P.  COOLEY,  age 70,  has  been  a director  of  the  Company since
September 1992 and served as  Chairman from February 1993  to June 1993. He  was
Chairman  of Seafirst Bank from  January 1983 to December  1990, Chairman of the
Executive Committee of Seafirst  Bank from January 1991  to March 1994, and  was
named  Honorary Director at Seafirst Bank in  April 1994. Mr. Cooley also serves
as a director of Burlington Northern, Inc., Paccar, Inc., and UAL Corporation.

    TERENCE M. STROM,  age 50,  has been  a director  and the  President of  the
Company  since June 1993, and  the Chief Executive Officer  of the Company since
September 1993. From January 1990 until joining the Company, he served as Senior
Vice President --  Marketing, and  from July 1989  until December  1989 as  Vice
President -- Merchandising, at Best Buy Co., Inc., a consumer electronics retail
chain.  For  seven years  prior to  that, Mr.  Strom was  a Vice  President with
Virginia Merchandising Corp.

    SAMUEL N. STROUM,  age 73, has  been a  director of the  Company since  June
1984.  He is  the principal of  Samuel Stroum Enterprises,  a private investment
company,  a  director  of  SureFind   Corp.,  a  company  providing   electronic
interactive  classified advertising and voice-response systems, and the chairman
of MACS Air, Inc., an  air charter company. From 1975  to April 1991 Mr.  Stroum
served as a director of both Seafirst Bank and Seafirst Corporation. At Seafirst
Corporation  Mr. Stroum also served on  the Executive Committee and was Chairman
of the Organization Committee.  He is also  a Regent and  Past President of  the
Board of Regents of the University of Washington.



    STEVEN  E. LEBOW, age 40, has been  a director of the Company since November
1985. Mr. Lebow  is a Managing  Director of the  Investment Banking Division  of
Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation, where he has been employed
since 1979.

    LINDA FAYNE LEVINSON,  age 52,  has served  as President  of Fayne  Levinson
Associates, Inc., a general management consulting firm to consumer and financial
service  organizations,  since  1982.  From March  1993  to  February  1994, Ms.
Levinson was an  executive with Creative  Artists Agency, Inc.,  a literary  and
talent agency. From March 1989 until joining Creative Artists, she was a partner
of  Wings Partners,  a Los  Angeles-based merchant  bank whose  holdings include
Northwest Airlines.  Ms. Levinson  is  also a  director  of Genentech,  Inc.,  a
biotechnology company.


    The  Board held nine meetings during fiscal  year 1994, which ended on April
2, 1994.

    The Board's Audit Committee held five meetings during fiscal year 1994.  The
Committee  consists of three  non-employee directors: currently  Mr. Cooley, Ms.
Levinson, and Mr.  Orban (Chairman).  Its function is  to (i)  recommend to  the
Board the independent auditors to be retained by the Company; (ii) meet with the
independent auditors and financial management of the Company to review the scope
of  proposed audits and audit procedures; (iii)  report to the Board the results
of audits and submit  appropriate recommendations; (iv)  review the adequacy  of
the Company's internal accounting, financial, and operating controls; (v) review
the  Company's reporting obligations  and proposed audit  plans; and (vi) review
the Company's  financial statements  and procedures  to assure  compliance  with
applicable financial reporting requirements.

    The  Board's Compensation Committee  held seven meetings  during fiscal year
1994. The Committee consists of three directors: currently Messrs. Allen, Lebow,
and Stroum (Chairman). Its function is to (i) consider and make  recommendations
to  the Board  on salaries,  bonuses, and  other forms  of compensation  for the
Company's five  most  highly  compensated  executive  officers;  (ii)  establish
salaries,  bonuses,  and other  forms of  compensation  for the  Company's other
officers and employees; and (iii)  administer the Company's stock option  plans,
including   granting  stock  options  to  employees  thereunder,  and  reviewing
management recommendations for granting stock options and any proposed plans  or
practices  of  the  Company  relating  to  compensation  of  its  employees  and

    The Board's Nominating Committee held  one meeting during fiscal year  1994.
The  Committee  consists  of  three directors:  currently  Messrs.  Allen, Lebow
(Chairman), and Strom.  The Committee's  function is to  recommend nominees  for
election  as directors at annual meetings  of shareholders and to fill vacancies
on the Board  between annual  meetings. The Nominating  Committee will  consider
written  proposals from shareholders for nominees for directors to be elected at
the 1995 annual meeting of shareholders which are submitted to the Secretary  of
the Company by March 24, 1995.

    Each  director  attended at  least  75% of  all  meetings of  the  Board and
Committees to which he  or she was  assigned that were  held during fiscal  year


    During  fiscal  year 1994,  each director  who  was not  an employee  of the
Company (i) received a retainer  fee of $1,250 for  each fiscal quarter, or  any
part  thereof, such director  served as a  director, and $600  for each required
Board or Committee meeting attended, (ii)  was reimbursed for actual travel  and
out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in connection  with Board membership, and (iii)
was granted an option  to purchase 9,000 shares  of Common Stock, in  accordance
with  the terms  of the  Egghead, Inc.  Nonemployee Director  Stock Option Plan.
During fiscal year 1994, the Company paid $90,550 for such retainer and  meeting
fees and another $23,240 in travel, lodging, and incidental expenses.



    ELMER  N. BALDWIN, age 34, joined the Company in June 1994 as Vice President
of Corporate, Government, and Education Sales. From September 1990 until joining
the Company he was Vice President of Business Development at York Associates, an
information systems,  consulting, and  integration  services company.  Prior  to
that,  Mr. Baldwin  served as Group  Director at Oracle  Corporation, a software
development company.

    BRADLEY M.  BROWN, age  41,  has served  as  Vice President  of  Information
Services  since May  1992. Mr.  Brown joined  the Company  in September  1988 as
Director of Data Center  Operations, and from June  1990 through April 1992  was
the Company's Director of Information Services.

    PETER  A. JANSSEN,  age 51,  joined the Company  in September  1993, and has
served as Vice President of Merchandising and Advertising since that date.  From
October  1989  until  joining the  Company,  Mr.  Janssen was  employed  by Acer
America, a computer manufacturing company, as Vice President of Retail Marketing
and Sales. From July 1992  until joining the Company,  Mr. Janssen was also  the
Vice President of Marketing at Acer America. From September 1988 until September
1989  Mr. Janssen was the Vice President  of Marketing at Nexgen Microsystems, a
semiconductor start-up company.

    SAMUEL A. MARTIN, age 52, served as Vice President of Corporate, Government,
and Education Sales of the Company from September 1992 until June 1994, when  he
became  a Vice President  at large. Mr.  Martin joined the  Company in September
1987 as Director of Sales Operations, and served as Director of Field Sales from
January 1989 until August 1992.

    JUDITH G.  MELELIAT, age  37,  served as  Vice  President of  Marketing  and
Telemarketing  of  the Company  from September  1993 until  June 1994,  when she
became a Vice President at large. Ms. Meleliat has been employed by the  Company
since  September  1987  and has  served  in various  capacities,  including Vice
President of Marketing and Advertising, Director of Advertising, and Advertising

    RONALD J. SMITH, age  47, has served as  Vice President of Distribution  and
Real  Estate since September 1993.  From May 1992 until  August 1993 he was Vice
President of Distribution.  From July 1988  until April 1992  Mr. Smith was  the
Company's Director of Distribution, and from January 1988 until June 1988 he was
Warehouse Manager.

    CAROLYN J. TOBIAS, age 44, has served as Secretary of the Company since June
1991  and has  been Senior  Vice President  and Chief  Financial Officer  of the
Company since February 1989.


                             COMMON STOCK OWNERSHIP

    The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, information  relating
to  the beneficial ownership of the Company's  Common Stock by each person known
by the Company  to be  the beneficial  owner of more  than five  percent of  the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock, by each  director and nominee, by the Chief
Executive Officer of the Company, by  the other four most highly paid  executive
officers  of  the Company  (the "Named  Executive  Officers"), by  the Company's
former Chief Executive Officer, and by  all directors and executive officers  of
the Company as a group.

                    BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP AS OF JULY 11, 1994

                                                               COMMON STOCK
                                                        AMOUNT AND
                                                         NATURE OF      PERCENT OF
                                                        BENEFICIAL        SHARES
                                                       OWNERSHIP (1)    OUTSTANDING
                                                      ---------------  -------------
Paul G. Allen (2)
 110 - 110th N.E. Ave., #550
 Bellevue, WA 98004                                      1,281,934            7.49%
Richard P. Cooley (3)                                        8,000           *
Ronald P. Erickson                                          -0-                 N/A
Steven E. Lebow (4)                                         12,710           *
Linda F. Levinson (5)                                        3,000           *
George P. Orban (6)                                        194,494            1.14%
Terence M. Strom (7)                                       101,333           *
Samuel N. Stroum (8)                                       603,096            3.52%

Peter A. Janssen                                            -0-                N/A
Samuel A. Martin, Jr. (10)                                    7,625         *
Carolyn J. Tobias (11)                                       43,750         *

Timothy E. Turnpaugh (12)                                  -0-                  N/A

All of the above directors, nominees, Named
 Executive Officers, and other executive officers as
 a group (16 persons) (13)                                2,257,382           13.32 %
- - ------------------------
 *   Percentage of beneficial ownership is less than one percent
 (1) The  persons named in the above table have sole voting and investment power
     with respect to all shares shown  as beneficially owned by them, except  as
     otherwise described in these footnotes. As noted in these footnotes, shares
     beneficially   owned  may  include  shares  subject  to  options  that  are
     exercisable within 60 days from July 11, 1994 (i.e., September 9, 1994).
 (2) Includes  1,268,934  shares  held  by  Vulcan  Ventures,  Inc.,  a  private
     investment  firm  of which  Mr. Allen  is  President and  sole shareholder,
     10,000 shares  held  directly,  and  3,000  shares  subject  to  an  option
     exercisable on or before September 9, 1994.
 (3) Includes  5,000 shares held directly and  3,000 shares subject to an option
     exercisable on or before September 9, 1994.
 (4) Includes 3,000  shares  subject  to  an option  exercisable  on  or  before
     September 9, 1994.
 (5) Includes  3,000  shares  subject  to an  option  exercisable  on  or before
     September 9, 1994.
 (6) Includes 84,000 shares  held by  Orban Partners, a  general partnership  of
     which Mr. Orban is General Partner, 107,494 shares held directly, and 3,000
     shares subject to an option exercisable on or before September 9, 1994.
 (7) Includes 68,000 shares held directly and 33,333 shares subject to an option
     exercisable on or before September 9, 1994.
 (8) Includes 600,096 shares held directly and 3,000 shares subject to an option
     exercisable on or before September 9, 1994.
 (9) As  of the Record Date, the Named  Executive Officers of the Company (i.e.,
     the four most highly paid executive officers other than the Chief Executive
     Officer) were Ronald P. Erickson, Peter A. Janssen, Samuel A. Martin,  Jr.,
     and Carolyn J. Tobias.
(10) Represents  7,625  shares  subject  to  options  exercisable  on  or before
     September 9, 1994.
(11) Represents 43,750  shares  subject  to options  exercisable  on  or  before
     September 9, 1994.
(12) Mr. Turnpaugh served as the Company's Chief Executive Officer from February
     through August 1993.
(13) Includes  130,958  shares  subject  to  options  exercisable  on  or before
     September 9, 1994.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


    The following  table  sets  forth  annual  and  long-term  compensation  for
services  rendered during fiscal years  1994, 1993, and 1992,  by (i) Mr. Strom,
the Company's Chief  Executive Officer, (ii)  Mr. Turnpaugh, who  served as  the
Company's  Chief Executive  Officer from  February 1993  until August  1993, and
(iii) the Company's Named Executive Officers.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                            LONG TERM
                                                   ANNUAL COMPENSATION                    -------------
                                 -------------------------------------------------------   SECURITIES
                                                                           OTHER ANNUAL    UNDERLYING       ALL OTHER
           NAME AND                FISCAL       SALARY         BONUS       COMPENSATION      OPTIONS      COMPENSATION
      PRINCIPAL POSITION          YEAR (1)      ($) (1)       ($) (2)         ($) (3)          (#)         ($) (3) (4)
- - -------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  -------------  -------------  ---------------
Terence M. Strom (5)                   1994   $   230,769  $   852,500(6)   $  31,075          200,000      $       0
 President and Chief                   1993           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
 Executive Officer                     1992           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
Timothy E. Turnpaugh (7)               1994       126,201            0        173,077                0              0
 Former President and                  1993        28,846       83,750(8)      25,257(9)       200,000              0
 Chief Executive Officer               1992           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
Ronald P. Erickson (10)                1994       150,000       50,000              0           50,000              0
 Vice Chairman                         1993        63,461            0              0                0              0
                                       1992           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
Carolyn J. Tobias                      1994       186,846            0              0                0          3,699
 Sr. Vice President, Chief             1993       184,165            0              0           12,500          3,621
 Financial Officer, and                1992       169,846       45,000            N/A           25,000            N/A
Samuel A. Martin, Jr. (11)             1994       118,846       20,500              0                0              0
 Vice President at large               1993        75,652       19,100              0           10,000              0
                                       1992           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
Peter A. Janssen (12)                  1994       117,692            0         20,933                0              0
 Vice President of                     1993           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
 Merchandising and Advertising         1992           N/A          N/A            N/A              N/A            N/A
- - ------------------------
 (1) Fiscal year 1993  had 53  weeks. Fiscal  years 1994  and 1992  each had  52
 (2) Fiscal  year 1994  and 1992  bonus payments  were granted  to certain Named
     Executive Officers in  the year  indicated, for services  rendered in  such
     year, and were paid in the subsequent year.
 (3) Under  applicable Securities  and Exchange Commission  rules, no disclosure
     regarding items included in this column is required for fiscal year 1992.
 (4) Amounts represent contributions by  the Company to  the Company's Nest  Egg
     401(k) savings plan on behalf of participating Named Executive Officers.
 (5) Mr.  Strom joined the Company in June  1993. The salary and bonus shown are
     for a partial fiscal year's employment. Other annual compensation  includes
     costs  associated  with  the  sale  of  Mr.  Strom's  prior  residence upon
     commencement of  his  employment  with the  Company.  See  also  "Executive
     Compensation -- Employment Contracts and Change in Control Arrangements."
 (6) Represents  a grant of 68,000 shares of  Common Stock to Mr. Strom upon the
     commencement of his employment, valued at  the market price of such  shares
     on  the date of  grant, and a  $300,000 cash bonus  paid at the  end of the
     fiscal year in which Mr. Strom was employed.
 (7) Mr. Turnpaugh was employed by the Company from February 1993 through August
     1993. The salary and bonus for fiscal  1993 and salary for fiscal 1994  are
     for  partial fiscal years' employment. Other annual compensation for fiscal
     year 1994 represents severance pay from the date of separation (August  25,
     1993) through the end of fiscal year 1994. Also see "Executive Compensation
     -- Employment Contracts and Change in Control Agreements".


 (8) Represents  a grant of 10,000 shares of  Common Stock to Mr. Turnpaugh upon
     the commencement of  his employment,  valued at  the market  price of  such
     shares on the date of grant.
 (9) Represents Company-paid taxes on 10,000 shares of Common Stock.
(10) Mr.  Erickson was  Chairman from September  1992, and  acting President and
     Chief Executive  Officer  from November  1992  to February  1993,  when  he
     resigned  from such  positions and  became Vice  Chairman. The  fiscal 1993
     salary shown is for a partial fiscal year's employment. Also see "Executive
     Compensation -- Employment Contracts and Change in Control Agreements".
(11) Mr. Martin became an executive officer of the Company in fiscal year 1993.
(12) Mr. Janssen joined the Company in September 1993. The salary shown is for a
     partial fiscal year's  employment. Other annual  compensation includes  the
     cost of temporary housing related to Mr. Janssen's relocation to Washington
     upon commencement of his employment with the Company.


    The  following table sets forth stock option grants during fiscal year ended
April 2, 1994, to (i) Mr. Strom, the Company's Chief Executive Officer, (ii) Mr.
Turnpaugh, who served  as the  Company's Chief Executive  Officer from  February
1993  through August 1993,  and (iii) the Named  Executive Officers, pursuant to
the Company's 1993 Stock Option Plan  and the Company's 1986 Combined  Incentive
and Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan.

                       OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1994

                              INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      % OF TOTAL                               POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                       OPTIONS                                      ANNUAL RATES OF STOCK PRICE
                                      GRANTED TO                                    APPRECIATION FOR OPTION TERM        GRANT DATE
                           OPTIONS    EMPLOYEES                                --------------------------------------     PRESENT
                           GRANTED    IN FISCAL   EXERCISE PRICE   EXPIRATION    0%          5%             10%            VALUE
          NAME               (#)         YEAR        ($/SHARE)        DATE     ($) (1)     ($) (1)        ($) (1)         ($) (2)
- - ------------------------- ----------  ----------  ---------------  ----------  -------  -------------  --------------  -------------
Terence M. Strom          200,000(3)     80.0%        8.125           6/28/03     0     $1,023,750     $ 2,583,750      $  1,234,000
Timothy E. Turnpaugh            0         0.0%          N/A               N/A     0              0               0               N/A
Ronald P. Erickson         50,000(3)     20.0%         7.50           2/22/03     0        236,250         596,250           288,500
Carolyn J. Tobias               0         0.0%          N/A               N/A     0              0               0               N/A
Samuel A. Martin, Jr.           0         0.0%          N/A               N/A     0              0               0               N/A
Peter A. Janssen                0         0.0%          N/A               N/A     0              0               0               N/A
- - ------------------------------
(1)  Amounts  reported in these  columns represent amounts  that may be realized
     upon exercise of the options immediately prior to expiration of their terms
     assuming the specified compounded rates  of appreciation on the base  price
     (0%,  5%,and 10%) on the Common Stock over the terms of the options. The 5%
     and 10% numbers are  calculated based on rules  required by the  Securities
     and Exchange Commission and do not reflect the Company's estimate of future
     stock price growth. The increase in the market value of the holdings of all
     of  the Company's shareholders,  over a 10 year  period based on 17,121,438
     shares of Common Stock outstanding as  of April 2, 1994, at assumed  annual
     rates  of appreciation of 5% and 10% from a base price of $8.625 per share,
     the closing market  price as  of April 2,  1994, would  be $93,033,614  and
     $234,799,120, respectively. Actual gains, if any, on stock option exercises
     are dependent on the timing of such exercises and the future performance of
     the  Common Stock. There can be no assurance that the rates of appreciation
     assumed in these columns can be achieved or that the amounts reflected will
     be received by the individuals.

(2)  Present value determinations were made using a Black-Scholes option pricing
     model. The  Company  does  not  advocate nor  necessarily  agree  that  the
     Black-Scholes  model can  properly determine  the value  of an  option, and
     there can be  no assurance that  the rate of  appreciation assumed in  this
     column  can be achieved or  that the amounts reflected  will be received by
     the individuals.  The  present value  calculations  are based  on  ten-year
     option  terms. Assumptions used for Mr. Strom were: risk-free interest rate
     of 6.2%, annual dividend of 0.0%, and volatility of 60.8%. Assumptions used
     for Mr. Erickson were: risk-free interest rate of 6.4%, annual dividend  of
     0.0%,  and volatility of 62.0%. The  risk-free interest rates were based on
     zero coupon U.S. Treasury obligations with the same terms and the  options.
     Variations  between the two sets of  assumptions are due to different dates
     on which the options were granted.

(3)  The options are nonqualified options, have terms of ten years from the date
     of grant and become exercisable over  a three year period in increments  of
     one-sixth,  one-third and one-half of  the total, respectively. The options
     were granted at fair market value on the date of grant. Upon the occurrence
     of certain  business combination  transactions, the  exercisability of  the
     options   are  accelerated  or  assumed   by  the  surviving  or  acquiring
     corporation. See "Executive Compensation -- Employment Contracts and Change
     of Control Arrangements."


    The  following table  sets forth  information with  respect to  stock option
grants to (i) Mr.  Strom, the Chief Executive  Officer, (ii) Mr. Turnpaugh,  who
served  as the Company's Chief Executive Officer from February 1993 until August
1993, and (iii) the Named Executive  Officers, under the Company's Stock  Option
Plans,  including (i) the number of shares purchased upon exercise of options in
fiscal year 1994;  (ii) the  net value realized  upon such  exercise; (iii)  the
number  of unexercised options outstanding at April  2, 1994; and (iv) the value
of unexercised in-the-money options at April 2, 1994.

                          FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUE

                                                                                                  VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                     NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED        IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                                                           OPTIONS AT              AT FISCAL YEAR-END
                                                                      FISCAL YEAR-END (#)      (BASED ON $8.625) ($) (1)
                              SHARES ACQUIRED    VALUE REALIZED    --------------------------  --------------------------
- - ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
Terence M. Strom                     0                  0                   0        200,000            0    $   100,000
Timothy E. Turnpaugh                 0                  0                   0              0            0              0
Ronald P. Erickson                   0                  0                   0              0            0              0
Carolyn J. Tobias                    0                  0              34,375         28,125            0              0
Samuel A. Martin, Jr.                0                  0               4,125          4,500            0              0
Peter A. Janssen                     0                  0                   0              0            0              0
- - ------------------------------
(1)  Value is based on the difference between the option exercise price and  the
     fair  market value  on April  2, 1994  ($8.625 per  share as  quoted in the
     NASDAQ  National  Market  system),  multiplied  by  the  number  of  shares
     underlying the option.


    MR.  STROM'S  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT.   Effective  June 28,  1993,  Mr. Strom
entered into an employment  agreement with the Company  that provides for (i)  a
term  ending on June 28, 1996; (ii) an  annual base salary of $300,000; (iii) an
annual maximum  bonus equal  to 100%  of  his base  salary, depending  upon  his
achieving  performance  goals to  be established  for each  fiscal year,  with a
minimum bonus of $300,000 for each of  fiscal years 1994 and 1995; (iv) a  stock
grant  of 68,000 shares of Common Stock;  (v) options to purchase 200,000 shares
of Common  Stock, which  will vest  over a  three-year period  in increments  of
one-sixth,  one-third,  and  one-half,  respectively; and  (vi)  if  the Company
terminates Mr. Strom's employment  without cause (as  defined in the  employment
agreement)  or Mr. Strom terminates his employment following a change in control
of the Company during his first two years of employment or for "Good Reason" (as
defined in the employment agreement) at any time, termination payments equal  to
his  base  salary for  the remainder  of the  term  and up  to two  years' bonus
depending upon  the time  of termination.  A "change  in control"  includes  the
acquisition  of at  least 50%  of the  Company's outstanding  Common Stock  by a
person or group or the  change of a majority of  the Board of Directors  without
the consent of such directors.

    The  Company  also loaned  Mr. Strom  $218,790,  representing the  amount of
federal income taxes payable  by him as  a result of the  stock grant. The  loan
bears interest at six percent (6%) per annum and is due June 28, 1996; one-third
of  the proceeds received by Mr. Strom on  any sales of such stock prior to June
28, 1996 are to be applied to the loan.

EMPLOYMENT.    Effective  February  22,  1993,  Mr.  Erickson  entered  into  an
employment  agreement with the  Company that provides  for (i) a  term ending on
March 31, 1996; (ii) an annual base salary of $150,000; (iii) an annual  maximum
bonus equal to 100% of his base salary, depending upon his achieving performance
goals  to be established for  each fiscal year, with  a minimum bonus of $50,000
for fiscal year 1994;  (iv) options to purchase  50,000 shares of Common  Stock,
which  will vest over a three-year period in increments of one-sixth, one-third,
and one-half, respectively;  and (v)  if the Company  terminates Mr.  Erickson's


without  cause (as  defined in  the employment  agreement), termination payments
under certain circumstances up to his base salary for the remainder of the  term
plus a prorated portion of the prior year's bonus.

    On  February 14, 1994, this agreement was terminated. Mr. Erickson continued
his employment during a  transitional period through July  31, 1994. Based on  a
separation  agreement, which has been agreed  to in principle, Mr. Erickson will
be paid the amount  of base salary under  his employment agreement through  July
31,  1995  and will  be  paid a  bonus of  $116,667  related to  certain special
projects, including  settlement  of  a shareholders  class  action  lawsuit  and
development   of  international  activities.  Mr.   Erickson  could  receive  an
additional $50,000 if the Company  enters into certain joint ventures  regarding
international  business during  1994. The options  to purchase  50,000 shares of
common stock expired without vesting.

EMPLOYMENT.   Effective February  22, 1993,  and as  amended in  June 1993,  Mr.
Turnpaugh,  the  Company's  former  Chief  Executive  Officer,  entered  into an
employment agreement with  the Company that  provided for (i)  a term ending  on
March  31, 1996; (ii) an  annual base salary of  $250,000 through June 28, 1993,
and $300,000 thereafter; (iii) an annual maximum bonus equal to 100% of his base
salary, depending upon  his achieving  performance goals to  be established  for
each  fiscal year, with a minimum bonus of $300,000 for fiscal year 1994; (iv) a
stock grant of 10,000 shares of Common Stock; (v) an option to purchase  200,000
shares  of Common Stock, which vested over  a three-year period in increments of
one-sixth, one-third,  and  one-half,  respectively; and  (vi)  if  the  Company
terminated   Mr.  Turnpaugh's  employment  without  cause  (as  defined  in  the
employment agreement)  or  Mr. Turnpaugh  terminated  his employment  for  "Good
Reason"  (as defined  in the  employment agreement),  termination payments under
certain circumstances up to his base salary for the remainder of the term plus a
prorated portion of the prior year's bonus.

    On August 25, 1993, Mr. Turnpaugh resigned as an officer and director of the
Company. Under  the terms  of his  agreement, Mr.  Turnpaugh is  being paid  the
amount  of his base  salary through March  31, 1995. In  addition, the option to
purchase 200,000 shares of Common Stock expired without vesting.

    OPTION PLANS.   The  Company's Stock  Option Plans  provide that,  upon  the
occurrence of certain transactions, including certain mergers and other business
combinations involving the Company, outstanding options will fully vest, subject
to termination upon consummation of such transaction. In the alternative, at the
discretion   of  the  Company  and  the  corporation(s)  participating  in  such
transactions, such  options  may  be  assumed  by  the  acquiring  or  surviving

    DIRECTOR PLAN. The Company's Nonemployee Director Stock Option Plan provides
that, upon the occurrence of certain transactions, including certain mergers and
business  combinations involving the Company, the vesting of outstanding options
will be accelerated and  such options will terminate  upon consummation of  such
transactions if they are not exercised.


    Messrs.  Allen, Lebow, and Stroum are  members of the Compensation Committee
of the Board.

    Mr. Allen, a shareholder  and director of the  Company, is also the  founder
and  Chairman of Asymetrix Corporation, a  shareholder and director of Microsoft
Corporation, and the President and sole shareholder of Vulcan Ventures, Inc.  In
fiscal  year 1994,  aggregate software  purchases by  the Company  directly from
Asymetrix  were  approximately  $183,422,  and  directly  from  Microsoft   were
approximately  $157,814,508. Additional Microsoft products were purchased by the
Company  through  third-party  distributors.  In  fiscal  year  1994,  aggregate
purchases  directly from the  Company by Asymetrix  were approximately $239,555,
and by Microsoft were approximately $1,160,326. All of such purchases were  made
in  the ordinary course of business through the Company's corporate, government,
and education sales program  at prevailing rates for  corporate customers. In  a
stock purchase agreement among Vulcan Ventures, Inc. and certain shareholders of
the  Company (including certain of the Company's directors) dated June 18, 1987,
such shareholders agreed to use their best efforts to


encourage the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  to  do business  with  the  above
entities  as well as with  any other affiliate of  Mr. Allen or Vulcan Ventures,
Inc., provided the transaction is on an arm's-length basis.

    Mr. Lebow, a shareholder and director of the Company, is a Managing Director
of the Investment Banking  Division of Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette  Securities
Corporation  ("DLJ").  Effective  March 12,  1993,  the Company  engaged  DLJ to
provide certain investment banking services to the Company.

    Mr. Stroum, Mr.  Allen (through Vulcan  Ventures, Inc.), and  Mr. Lebow  are
shareholders  of  SureFind Corp.  ("SureFind"),  a company  providing electronic
interactive products. Messrs. Allen and  Stroum are also directors of  SureFind.
In  July 1993, SureFind and the  Company entered into an Interactive Express-TM-
Services Agreement  ("Agreement"),  having a  term  of approximately  three  and
one-half  years, under  which SureFind was  contracted to develop  and license a
telephonic information order system for the Company for approximately  $700,000,
plus certain service fees, subject to certain credits. In May 1994, SureFind and
the  Company agreed to  modify the Agreement and  settle obligations incurred to
date at $600,000. The modification, having a term of two years from the original
Agreement date, provides for payment to SureFind by the Company of a minimum  of
$30,000  per month, plus  certain service fees, subject  to certain credits, for
ongoing project  support  and development  of  additional applications  for  the


    OVERVIEW  AND  PHILOSOPHY.  The  Compensation Committee  of  the  Board (the
"Committee") is responsible for recommending  to the Board compensation for  the
Company's  five highest-compensated executive  officers, including the Company's
Chief  Executive  Officer,   and  for  reviewing   and  approving   compensation
recommendations  made by  the Chief  Executive Officer  for the  other executive
officers. The  Committee  is  also  responsible for  administering  all  of  the
Company's  compensation  programs.  (See  "Election of  Directors  --  Board and
Committee Meetings.")

    The Committee's goal is to provide compensation that is fair and competitive
and that will  reward sustained  high performance. The  Committee also  believes
that  a significant  portion of  the compensation  for executives  should be "at
risk"  in  the   form  of  incentive   compensation.  The  Company's   executive
compensation  packages consist of base  salary, annual incentive compensation in
the form of bonuses, and long-term  incentive compensation in the form of  stock
options.  The Committee also  administers and reviews  the employment agreements
between the Company and its executives.

    EXECUTIVE OFFICER  COMPENSATION. BASE  SALARY.  The Committee  targets  base
salary  ranges  for each  position  to be  competitive  with those  commanded by
executives in similar positions at comparable companies.

    In determining the base salary for a particular executive within the  salary
range  for his or her  position, the Committee initially  takes into account the
salary necessary  to encourage  the executive  to join  the Company  in lieu  of
pursuing other employment opportunities. In later years, the Committee considers
the  amount  budgeted by  the  Board for  salary  increases and  the executive's
success in achieving  the performance objectives  established annually for  such
executive.   Such  objectives  consist  of  both  quantitative  goals  (such  as
increasing revenue, margin  or number  of accounts, or  decreasing returns)  and
qualitative goals (such as training subordinates, managing special projects, and
responding  to  changing  market  conditions). There  is  generally  no specific
weighting of these factors.

    Mr. Erickson's Compensation was  determined during fiscal  year 1994 by  his
existing  employment agreement. See "Employment  Contracts and Change of Control

    ANNUAL INCENTIVE COMPENSATION. For fiscal year 1994, the Company established
a  bonus  program  designed  to  focus  the  Company's  executives  on   Company
performance by tying a portion of their compensation to Company earnings. At the
beginning of the fiscal year, the Committee established a bonus formula based on
the  Company's budgeted earnings. The bonus pool is established once the Company
meets at least 80% of budgeted earnings, and increases to the extent that actual


exceed that standard. At the end of each fiscal year, assuming the Company meets
at least 80%  of budgeted earnings,  the Committee allocates  the bonus pool  to
executives  based upon the  recommendations of the  Chief Executive Officer, who
formulates bonus recommendations for each executive by reviewing the performance
factors discussed under "Executive Officer  Compensation -- Base Salary"  above.
Based  on the  Company's financial  performance, no  executive officers received
bonuses for fiscal  year 1994. The  Company is currently  evaluating this  bonus
plan and expects to make revisions for fiscal year 1995 and future years.

    LONG-TERM  INCENTIVE COMPENSATION.  The primary  objective of  the Company's
stock option program  is to provide  incentives tied to  the performance of  the
Company as measured by stock price appreciation. The Committee believes that its
stock option program better aligns the interests of its executives with those of
its shareholders. The Committee generally grants nonqualified stock options with
an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date
of grant and a three year vesting schedule.

    In granting options, the Committee considers the amount and value of options
currently  held, but  does not  have a target  ownership level  for Common Stock
holdings for executives.  Except as  noted below,  the Committee  did not  grant
stock  options during  fiscal year  1994. The  Committee expects  to grant stock
options to  executive  officers, as  well  as to  a  broad range  of  employees,
generally  fixed  by salary  grade, except  that within  the group  of executive
officers, the exact  number of shares  subject to option  is recommended to  the
Committee  by the  Chief Executive  Officer based  upon the  performance factors
discussed under "Executive Officer Compensation  -- Base Salary" above. In  July
1994, the Committee granted options to purchase 989,000 shares, of which options
to  purchase 170,000  shares were  granted to  executive officers.  On April 14,
1993, Mr. Erickson received options to  purchase 50,000 shares, and on June  28,
1993,  Mr. Strom received options to purchase 200,000 shares, in connection with
their respective employment  agreements. These  options vest  over a  three-year
period  in annual increments of one-sixth,  one-third, and one-half of the total

    CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COMPENSATION.  Mr. Strom joined  the Company as  its
President in June 1993. He became Chief Executive Officer in September 1993. Mr.
Strom's  compensation  for fiscal  year 1995  is  governed by  the terms  of his
employment agreement, which provides that he  will receive a base salary at  the
rate  of $300,000,  and an annual  bonus (up  to a maximum  of 100%  of his base
salary) depending upon  his achieving  performance goals to  be established  for
each  fiscal year, with  a minimum bonus  of $300,000 for  fiscal years 1994 and
1995. The  employment agreement  expires on  June 28,  1996. In  addition,  upon
commencement of employment, Mr. Strom received a stock grant of 68,000 shares of
Common  Stock and options  to purchase an additional  200,000 shares, which vest
over a  three-year period  in  annual increments  of one-sixth,  one-third,  and
one-half of the total shares.

    In approving Mr. Strom's employment agreement, the Committee's goals were to
encourage  Mr.  Strom to  join  the Company  and  to reward  him  for successful
performance at  the  Company.  The  Committee believes  that  Mr.  Strom's  cash
compensation  is  above the  median paid  to Chief  Executive Officers  by other
nonmanufacturing companies. In addition, the Committee believes that Mr. Strom's
participation in the Company's  stock price appreciation  through his stock  and
option  grants  will encourage  him to  remain  with the  Company and  align his
interests with those of the shareholders.

                                                     COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                                       Paul G. Allen
                                                       Steven E. Lebow
                                                       Samuel N. Stroum,

    For additional information regarding the employment agreements with  Messrs.
Strom   and  Erickson,   see  "Employment   Contracts  and   Change  in  Control



    The following  graph  shows a  comparison  of cumulative  total  shareholder
returns  for the  Company for  the last five  fiscal years,  with the cumulative
return of the  University of Chicago's  Center for Research  in Security  Prices
(CRSP)  Index for the Nasdaq Stock Market (U.S. and Foreign), and the CRSP Index
for the  Nasdaq Stock  Market SIC  504, a  Wholesale Trade  index that  includes
computers and computer peripherals and software, combined with SIC 573, a Retail
Trade  index that includes computer and  software stores. The comparison assumes
$100 was invested in Common Stock on  June 7, 1988 (date on which the  Company's
shares  became publicly-traded), in  each of the  foregoing indices, and assumes
reinvestment of dividends, if any. The  Company has not paid dividends.  (Fiscal
year  ends are  considered to  be March 31  for comparison  purposes.) The stock
performance shown on  the graph below  is not necessarily  indicative of  future
price performance.


           Egghead, Inc.  Nasdaq Stock Market (US & Foreign)    Nasdaq Stock Market (SIC 504,573 US+Foreign)
1989               100.0                                100.0                                           100.0
1990               126.4                                109.7                                           104.4
1991               137.9                                124.9                                           108.1
1992               248.3                                159.3                                           195.3
1993                72.4                                182.7                                           183.2
1994                79.3                                197.2                                           175.0

                                                    1989       1990       1991       1992       1993       1994
 Egghead, Inc.                                      100.0      126.4      137.9      248.3      72.4       79.3
 Nasdaq Stock Market (US & Foreign)                 100.0      109.7      124.9      159.3      182.7      197.2
 Nasdaq Stock Market (SIC 504,573 US & Foreign)     100.0      104.4      108.1      195.3      183.2      175.0



    Paul  G.  Allen, Steven  E. Lebow,  and Samuel  N. Stroum,  shareholders and
directors of  the  Company, have  entered  into certain  transactions  with  the
Company. See "Executive Compensation -- Compensation Committee Interlocks."

    Richard  P. Cooley, a shareholder and director  of the Company, serves as an
Honorary Director  of Seafirst  Bank.  Effective October  1, 1993,  the  Company
entered  into  a  Revolving  Loan  Agreement  with  Seattle-First  National Bank
("Seafirst Bank")  and  U.S. Bank  of  Washington, National  Association,  which
provides for unsecured borrowings of up to $50,000,000.


    The  Company  has  selected  Arthur  Andersen  &  Co.  to  continue  as  its
independent auditors for the fiscal  year ending April 1, 1995.  Representatives
of  Arthur Andersen & Co. are expected to  attend the 1994 Annual Meeting and to
have the opportunity to  make a statement  if they so desire  and to respond  to
appropriate questions.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

    As  of  the date  of  this proxy  statement,  management knows  of  no other
business that will be presented  for action at the  1994 Annual Meeting. If  any
other  business  requiring a  vote of  the shareholders  should come  before the
meeting, the persons designated as your proxies will vote or refrain from voting
in accordance with their best judgment.


    Officers and directors  of the  Company and persons  who own  more than  ten
percent  of the  Company's stock  are required to  report to  the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") ownership and changes in ownership of the  Company's
stock. Regulations promulgated by the SEC require the Company to disclose to its
shareholders those filings that were not made on a timely basis. Based solely on
its  review of copies of such reports received by it, or written representations
received from some reporting persons that no such forms were required for  those
persons,  the Company believes  that, during fiscal year  1994, its officers and
directors complied with all applicable filing requirements, except that  Terence
M. Strom, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and Peter A.
Janssen,  an  executive officer  of the  Company,  each inadvertently  filed one
report late covering their initial disclosures of ownership of Company stock.

                         SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS FOR THE
                      1995 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

    Shareholder proposals  to  be  presented  at  the  1995  annual  meeting  of
shareholders  must be received  at the Company's executive  offices by March 24,
1995, in order to be included in the Company's proxy statement and form of proxy
relating to that meeting.

                            SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

    This solicitation  is  made on  behalf  of the  Board  of Directors  of  the
Company.   Proxies  may  be  solicited   by  officers,  directors,  and  regular
supervisory and executive employees  of the Company, none  of whom will  receive
any  additional compensation  for their services.  In addition,  the Company has


agreed to pay Allen Nelson & Co. a fee of approximately $5,000, plus  reasonable
expenses,  for proxy solicitation services. Solicitations of proxies may be made
personally, or by mail, telephone, telegraph, facsimile, or messenger.

    The Company will pay persons holding  shares of Common Stock in their  names
or  in the names of  nominees, but not owning  such shares beneficially, such as
brokerage houses, banks, and  other fiduciaries, for  the expense of  forwarding
soliciting  materials  to their  principals. All  the  costs of  solicitation of
proxies will be paid by the Company.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          Carolyn J. Tobias, SECRETARY

Issaquah, Washington
July 29, 1994


                                 EGGHEAD, INC.

hereby  appoints Terence  M. Strom  and Carolyn  J. Tobias  and each  of them as
proxies, each with full power of substitution, to represent and vote for and  on
behalf of the undersigned, the number of shares of common stock of Egghead, Inc.
that the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present at the 1994
Annual  Meeting  of Shareholders  to be  held on  September 8,  1994, or  at any
adjournment thereof.  The  undersigned  directs  that this  proxy  be  voted  as

1.         Election of Directors:        NOMINEES: Paul G. Allen, George P. Orban
                                         / / FOR both nominees (except as          / / WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for
                                         indicated to the contrary below)              both nominees

    INSTRUCTIONS:  To  withhold authority  to vote  for any  individual nominee,
print that nominee's name in the following space:

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.         In their discretion, the holders of this proxy are authorized to vote upon such other business as may
           properly come before the meeting.


    The  undersigned hereby  revokes any proxy  or proxies  heretofore given for
such shares and ratifies all that said proxies or their substitutes may lawfully
do by virtue hereof. Please sign exactly as name appears on this proxy. If stock
is held jointly, both persons should  sign. Persons signing in a  representative
capacity should give their title.

                                                   DATE:                  , 1994

- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                     Signature if held jointly