60 CUTTER MILL ROAD
                             GREAT NECK, N.Y. 11021

                                 MARCH 17, 1995

To the Shareholders of BRT Realty Trust:

    Notice  is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual
Meeting") of BRT Realty Trust (the "Trust")  will be held at the offices of  the
Trust,  60 Cutter Mill  Road, Great Neck,  N.Y., Suite 303,  at 9:00 A.M., local
time, on March 17, 1995 for the following purposes:

    1. To elect three Class II Trustees to the Board of Trustees;

    2. To  appoint  Kenneth  Leventhal  & Company  as  the  Trust's  independent
certified public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995; and

    3.  To act  on such other  business as  may properly come  before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

    The close of business on January 20, 1995 has been fixed as the record  date
for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
Annual Meeting. The stock transfer books of the Trust will not be closed.

                                          By order of the Board of Trustees

                                          Simeon Brinberg, Secretary

January 27, 1995

    All Shareholders are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting. Whether
or  not you  expect to attend,  you are requested  to sign, date  and return the
enclosed proxy  promptly. Your  vote is  important and  it will  not be  counted
unless  you return  the proxy or  attend the  Annual Meeting. If  you attend the
Annual Meeting, you may withdraw  the proxy and vote  your own shares. A  return
envelope,  which requires no postage if mailed in the United States, is enclosed
for your convenience.

                         RETURN THEIR PROXIES PROMPTLY

                                BRT REALTY TRUST
                              60 CUTTER MILL ROAD
                             GREAT NECK, N.Y. 11021
                                 (516) 466-3100


                                PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

    This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation by the
Board  of Trustees of BRT Realty Trust  (the "Trust") of proxies in the enclosed
form for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders ("Annual Meeting") to be held at the
offices of the Trust, 60 Cutter Mill  Road, Suite 303, Great Neck, New York,  at
9:00  A.M., local time on March 17,  1995, and for any adjournments thereof, for
the purposes  set  forth  in  the  accompanying  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders.  Any shareholder giving a proxy has  the power to revoke the proxy
at any time  before it is  voted. Written  notice of such  revocation should  be
forwarded directly to the Secretary of the Trust. Proxies may also be revoked by
attending  the Annual Meeting and voting in person or submitting a proxy bearing
a later date.

    The principal executive offices of the  Trust are located at 60 Cutter  Mill
Road,  Suite 303, Great Neck, NY 11021. The approximate date on which this Proxy
Statement and  the form  of proxy  included  herewith are  being first  sent  to
shareholders is January 27, 1995.

                               VOTING SECURITIES

    Only  holders of  shares of beneficial  interest, par value  $3.00 per share
("Beneficial Shares"), and  holders of convertible  preferred shares, par  value
$1.00  per share ("Preferred Shares")  of record as at  the close of business on
January 20, 1995, are entitled to vote at the meeting. On the record date  there
were  issued  and outstanding  7,346,624  Beneficial Shares  (excluding treasury
shares and shares  which have been  reserved for issuance  in connection with  a
previous   acquisition)  and   1,030,000  Preferred   Shares.  Each  outstanding
Beneficial Share and Preferred Share is entitled  to one vote. The holders of  a
majority  of the outstanding Beneficial  Shares and Preferred Shares, considered
as one class, shall constitute a quorum.

    If the  enclosed  form of  proxy  is  properly executed  and  returned,  the
Beneficial  Shares  represented thereby  will be  voted  in accordance  with the
instructions thereon. If no instructions are indicated thereon, such  Beneficial
Shares will be voted (i) for the election, as Class II Trustees, of the nominees
set forth under the caption "Election of Trustees," and (ii) for approval of the
appointment  of Kenneth Leventhal & Company as the Trust's independent certified
public accountants for the  fiscal year ending September  30, 1995. Approval  of
each  of  the above  items requires  the affirmative  vote of  the holders  of a
majority of the  Beneficial Shares and  Preferred Shares, voting  as one  class,
present  in person or by proxy. If a shareholder, present in person or by proxy,
abstains on either matter,  the shareholder's shares will  not be voted on  such
matter.  Thus, an abstention from voting on any matter has the same legal effect
as a vote "against" the matter,  even though the shareholder may interpret  such
action differently.

    The  cost of soliciting proxies  in the accompanying form  has been, or will
be, paid by the Trust. In addition to the solicitation of proxies by use of  the
mails,   certain  officers  and  employees   (who  will  receive  no  additional
compensation therefor)  may  be  used  to  solicit  proxies  personally  and  by
telephone  and  telegraph. In  addition,  banks, brokers  and  other custodians,
nominees and  fiduciaries will  be  requested to  forward  copies of  the  proxy
material  to  their principals  and to  request authority  for the  execution of
proxies. The Trust will reimburse such persons for their expenses in so doing.



    Set forth below  is information  concerning stock ownership  of all  persons
known  by the Trust to own beneficially 5%  or more of the Beneficial Shares and
Preferred Shares of  the Trust  considered as one  class, all  Trustees and  all
Trustees  and  officers  of the  Trust  as a  group,  based upon  the  number of
outstanding Beneficial Shares and Preferred Shares as of January 20, 1995.

                                                                                           AMOUNT OF
                                 NAME OF BENEFICIAL                                       BENEFICIAL       PERCENT
                                        OWNER                                           OWNERSHIP (1)(2)   OF CLASS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ---------------    --------
Patrick J. Callan (3)
55 East 52nd Street
New York, N.Y. 10055.................................................................        33,000           *
Fredric H. Gould (4)(5)(6)(12)(13)...................................................     2,042,758        24.18%
Stuart S. Gould (3)(4)(7)............................................................        28,917           *
Arthur Hurand (3)(8)
G-4300 W. Pierson Road
Flint, MI 48504......................................................................       157,970         1.88%
Gary Hurand (3)(9)
G-4300 W. Pierson Road
Flint, MI 48504......................................................................        60,390           *
Nathan Kupin (3)(4)..................................................................        20,512           *
Herbert C. Lust, II (3)
54 Porchuck Road
Greenwich, CT 06830..................................................................        70,000           *
Marshall Rose (10)
667 Madison Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10021.................................................................     1,855,992        21.97%
Israel Rosenzweig (4)(11)(12)........................................................       293,111         3.50%
All Trustees and Officers as a group
 (15 in number) (14).................................................................     3,395,954(15)    38.60%
* Less than 1%
- ------------------------
 (1) All individuals listed are Trustees of the Trust.

 (2) Securities are listed  as beneficially owned  by a person  who directly  or
     indirectly  holds  or  shares  the  power to  vote  or  to  dispose  of the
     securities, whether  or not  the person  has an  economic interest  in  the
     securities.  In addition, a person  is deemed a beneficial  owner if he has
     the right to acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days, whether upon  the
     exercise of a stock option or otherwise.

 (3) Includes 10,000 Beneficial Shares which underlie unexercised options.

 (4) Address is 60 Cutter Mill Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021.

 (5) Includes  254,334 Beneficial Shares owned by the pension and profit sharing
     trusts of  REIT  Management  Corp.  of  which  Fredric  H.  Gould  and  two
     non-Trustee  officers are trustees, as to which Beneficial Shares Mr. Gould
     has shared voting and investment power.
 (6) Includes 34,762 Beneficial Shares held by Mr. Gould as joint custodian  for
     the  children of his  brother, 4,790 Beneficial  Shares owned by Georgetown
     Group, Inc., of which Mr. Gould  is a Vice President and 60,444  Beneficial
     Shares  owned by two  entities in which  Mr. Gould is  a general partner or
     principal. Also  includes 30,048  Beneficial Shares  owned by  One  Liberty
     Properties, Inc. ("OLP"), of which

                                              (FOOTNOTES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)


     Mr.  Gould is  an officer  and director and  in which  Gould Investors L.P.
     ("GLP") (an entity in which Mr. Gould is a general partner and a  principal
     executive  officer  of  the  managing  general  partner)  is  a controlling
     shareholder, 414,066  Beneficial  Shares and  1,030,000  Preferred  Shares,
     owned  by  GLP  and  70,000 Beneficial  Shares  which  underlie unexercised
     options. Does not include 24,815 Beneficial Shares owned by Mrs. Fredric H.
     Gould, as  to  which  Beneficial  Shares  Mr.  Gould  disclaims  beneficial
     interest and Mrs. Gould has sole voting and investment power.
 (7) Does not include 21,568 Beneficial Shares owned by Mrs. Stuart S. Gould, as
     to which Beneficial Shares Mr. Gould disclaims beneficial interest and Mrs.
     Gould has sole voting and investment power.
 (8) Includes  105,081 Beneficial  Shares owned  by Mr.  Hurand and  his wife as
     joint tenants and 822 Beneficial Shares held by Mr. Hurand as custodian for
     his grandchildren.
 (9) Includes 17,260 Beneficial  Shares owned by  Hurand & Hurand  in which  Mr.
     Hurand is a partner.
(10) Includes  23,913  Beneficial  Shares  owned by  Mr.  Rose  in  a retirement
     account, 4,790 Beneficial Shares owned  by Georgetown Group, Inc. in  which
     Mr.  Rose is an officer, 76,983 Beneficial  Shares owned by the pension and
     profit sharing  trusts of  Georgetown  Group, Inc.  of  which Mr.  Rose  is
     trustee,  60,444 Beneficial Shares owned by  two entities in which Mr. Rose
     is a  general partner  or principal  shareholder, 8,644  Beneficial  Shares
     owned  by Jill and Marshall Rose Foundation of which Mr. Rose is a trustee,
     61,302 Beneficial  Shares owned  by Mr.  Rose for  the benefit  of  others,
     30,048  Beneficial Shares owned by OLP, of which Mr. Rose is an officer and
     director and in which GLP (an entity in which Mr. Rose is a general partner
     and a principal  executive officer of  the managing general  partner) is  a
     controlling  shareholder, 414,066 Beneficial Shares and 1,030,000 Preferred
     Shares,  owned  by  GLP,  and  70,000  Beneficial  Shares  which   underlie
     unexercised  options. Does not  include 41,662 and  1,600 Beneficial Shares
     owned by Mrs. Rose as a trustee for her children and included in her  Keogh
     Plan,  respectively,  as  to  which Beneficial  Shares  Mr.  Rose disclaims
     beneficial interest and Mrs. Rose has sole voting and investment power.
(11) Includes 8,750  Beneficial Shares  owned by  Mr. Rosenzweig  in  retirement
     accounts,  41,100 Beneficial Shares  owned by Mr.  Rosenzweig's son and Mr.
     Rosenzweig as  custodian  for his  minor  children, and  70,000  Beneficial
     Shares   which  underlie  unexercised  options.  Mr.  Rosenzweig  disclaims
     beneficial ownership of the Beneficial Shares owned by his son and owned by
     him as custodian for his minor children.
(12) Includes 15,915 Beneficial Shares owned by  the pension trust of the  Trust
     of  which Fredric H. Gould, Israel  Rosenzweig and a non-Trustee officer of
     the Trust are trustees,  as to which Beneficial  Shares said trustees  have
     shared voting and investment power.
(13) Includes  9,214 Beneficial Shares  owned by the  pension and profit sharing
     plans of Gould Capital Corp. of which Fredric H. Gould is a trustee and  as
     to which Mr. Gould has shared voting and investment power.
(14) This total is qualified by notes (5) through (13).
(15) Includes   an  aggregate  of  419,000   Beneficial  Shares  which  underlie
     unexercised options.


                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

    Pursuant  to the Declaration of Trust, the Board of Trustees is divided into
three classes of Trustees, each of which  is elected for a term of three  years.
The  Declaration of Trust provides for the number of Trustees to be between five
and fifteen,  the exact  number to  be  determined by  resolution adopted  by  a
majority  of the entire Board  of Trustees. The Board  of Trustees has fixed the
number of Trustees at nine (9).

    At the meeting, three Class II Trustees will be elected by shareholders. Six
other individuals serve as Trustees but are not standing for reelection  because
their terms as Trustees extend past the Annual Meeting. The accompanying form of
proxy  will be  voted for the  election as  Class II Trustees  of Arthur Hurand,
Herbert C.  Lust,  II and  Marshall  Rose  unless the  proxy  contains  contrary
instructions.  Proxies cannot be voted for a  greater number of persons than the
number of nominees  named in the  Proxy Statement. Management  has no reason  to
believe  that any of the  nominees will become unable  to serve. However, in the
event that any of  the nominees should  become unable or  unwilling to serve  as
Trustee,  unless the shareholder WITHHOLDS AUTHORITY the proxy will be voted for
the election of such person  or persons as shall be  designated by the Board  of

    During  the last full  fiscal year, the  Board of Trustees  held 4 regularly
scheduled meetings. Stuart S. Gould, Herbert C. Lust, II, and Marshall Rose each
missed two meetings. The  other Trustees attended at  least 75% of the  meetings

    The  Board of Trustees  has appointed an Audit  Committee consisting of Gary
Hurand, Herbert C. Lust, II  and Patrick J. Callan.  The functions of the  Audit
Committee include reviewing the scope and results of annual audit, reviewing the
adequacy  of  accounting and  financial  controls, and  recommending independent
auditors to the Board of Trustees. The  Audit Committee held one meeting in  the
1994 fiscal year.

    The  Board of Trustees has appointed  a Compensation Committee consisting of
Gary Hurand,  Herbert  C. Lust,  II  and  Patrick J.  Callan.  The  Compensation
Committee   is  composed  entirely  of  independent  outside  directors  and  is
responsible for setting and administering the policies which govern both  annual
compensation  and the  Trust's Stock Option  Plans and Bonus  Plan for executive
officers. The Compensation Committee held one meeting in the 1994 fiscal year.

    The Trust has no  Nominating Committee or  any committee performing  similar

    Each Class II nominee, if elected, will serve until the annual meeting to be
held  in  1998 and  until his  successor  is elected  and qualifies.  Each other
Trustee will serve until  the annual meeting  to be held in  the year set  forth
opposite his name and until his successor is elected and qualifies.

    The  Board of Trustees of the Trust  recommends a vote "FOR" the election of
the three nominees. Proxies solicited by the Board of Trustees will be so  voted
unless shareholders specify in their proxies a contrary choice.

    The  following table sets forth certain information concerning the Trustees,
including the three nominees:

                                                  TERM                          PRINCIPAL                       TRUSTEE
                 NAME                    AGE    EXPIRING                     OCCUPATION (1)                      SINCE
- --------------------------------------   ---    ---------   -------------------------------------------------   --------
Patrick J. Callan (2)(3)(4)...........    58      1997      Principal of The RREEF Funds, pension fund real       1984
                                                            estate investments; Director of The East New York
                                                            Savings Bank; Director of First Empire State
Stuart S. Gould.......................    88      1997      Chairman of the Executive Committee of Georgetown     1983
                                                            Partners Inc., the Managing General Partner of
                                                            Gould Investors, L.P.


                                                  TERM                          PRINCIPAL                       TRUSTEE
                 NAME                    AGE    EXPIRING                     OCCUPATION (1)                      SINCE
- --------------------------------------   ---    ---------   -------------------------------------------------   --------
Israel Rosenzweig (2).................    47      1997      President and Chief Executive Officer of the          1984
                                                            Trust; Senior Vice President of Georgetown
                                                            Partners, Inc.; Senior Vice President of One
                                                            Liberty Properties, Inc.; Senior Vice President
                                                            of Georgetown OLP Corp.; Vice President of
                                                            Bankers Federal Savings FSB since November 1994;
                                                            Director of Nautica Enterprises, Inc.
Arthur Hurand (2).....................    78      1998(5)   Private Investor; General Partner of the Motor        1989
                                                            Inn Limited Partnership; Director of One Liberty
                                                            Properties, Inc.
Herbert C. Lust, II (2)(3)(4).........    68      1998(5)   Private Investor; Director of Prime Hospitality,      1981
Marshall Rose (2).....................    58      1998(5)   Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Chairman      1986
                                                            of the Board of Georgetown Partners, Inc.; Vice
                                                            Chairman of the Board of One Liberty Properties,
                                                            Inc. and Chairman of Georgetown OLP Corp.;
                                                            Chairman of the Board of REIT Management Corp.;
                                                            President of Georgetown Equities, Inc.
Fredric H. Gould (2)..................    59      1996      Chairman of the Board of Trustees; President of       1983
                                                            Georgetown Partners, Inc.; Chairman of the Board
                                                            of One Liberty Properties, Inc. and President of
                                                            Georgetown OLP Corp.; President of REIT
                                                            Management Corp.; Director of BFS Bankorp, Inc.
Nathan Kupin..........................    80      1996      Senior Vice President of the Trust; Director of       1983
                                                            REIT Management Corp.; Vice Chairman of the Board
                                                            of Georgetown Partners, Inc.; Senior Vice
                                                            President of One Liberty Properties, Inc.
Gary Hurand (3)(4)....................    48      1996      President of Dawn Donut Systems, Inc.; Director       1990
                                                            of Republic Bancorp.
- ------------------------
(1)  Each Trustee has been engaged in the principal occupation indicated for  at
     least the past five years, except as noted.

(2)  Member of the Executive Committee.

(3)  Member of the Audit Committee.

(4)  Member of the Compensation Committee.

(5)  If elected at the meeting.

    Stuart  S. Gould  is the father  of Fredric  H. Gould. Arthur  Hurand is the
father of Gary Hurand.



    Each unaffiliated  Trustee  was  paid  an annual  retainer  of  $10,000  for
services  as  a  Trustee in  the  1994  fiscal year.  In  addition, unaffiliated
Trustees are paid $500 per meeting for each Trustee's meeting and each committee
meeting attended. With respect to fees (charged to operations) paid and  accrued
during  the  fiscal year  for REIT  Management Corp.  (the "Advisor")  under the
Advisory Agreement, see "Interest of Management in Certain Transactions."


    Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Section 16(a)")
requires executive officers and directors, and persons who beneficially own more
than 10% of the Trust's shares, to file Initial Reports of Ownership and Reports
of Changes in Ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and
the New York Stock Exchange. Executive officers, Trustees and greater than 10%
beneficial owners are required by SEC regulations to furnish the Trust with
copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file. The Trust prepares and files the
requisite forms on behalf of its executive officers and Trustees. Based on a
review of information supplied to the Trust by the executive officers and
Trustees, the Trust believes that all Section 16(a) filing requirements
applicable to its executive officers, Trustees and greater than 10% beneficial
owners were complied with, except that a form 4 timely filed by Gary Hurand for
December 1993, was amended in August 1994 because it did not properly reflect
the number of shares purchased in December, 1993, and a form 4 filed by Gary
Hurand to report an August 1994 transaction was filed ten days late.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


    The  Compensation  Committee  of  BRT  is  composed  of  three   independent
non-employee  trustees. The Committee is responsible for advising management and
the Board of  Trustees on  matters pertaining to  compensation arrangements  for
executive  employees, as well as administration  of BRT's stock option plans and
bonus plan.


    It is the view of the Compensation Committee that the annual compensation of
executive officers is composed of two key elements: (i) an Annual Component made
up of base salary and annual bonus; and (ii) a longer term component, i.e. stock


    Base salaries are intended to be competitive and are determined in a fashion
that takes into  account an  individual's performance and  contributions to  the
Trust   and  the  Trust's  operating   performance.  The  determination  by  the
Compensation Committee of base compensation is  subjective in nature and is  not
based on any structured formula. In determining compensation for the 1994 fiscal
year  the Compensation  Committee took  into account  the difficult  real estate
market of the  past several  years and  the diligence  and managerial  expertise
which  the executive officers have demonstrated  in managing the business of the
Trust  in  a  difficult  real   estate  environment;  among  other  things   the
Compensation  Committee gave  consideration to  the significant  decrease in the
operating loss, time and effort expended in managing the non-performing  portion
of  the  loan  portfolio  (including management  of  foreclosure  litigation and
bankruptcy matters as well  as negotiations dealing  with defaulted loans  prior
to, during or in lieu of litigation) and management of an increasing real estate
portfolio.  The Committee also looked into  compensation paid generally by other
real estate investment trusts to its executive officers.

    The concept of the annual bonus is to link a portion of the compensation  of
executives  to the  performance of the  Trust. Under the  Trust's existing bonus
plan the Trust must produce a minimum return to shareholders before any  bonuses
are  awarded. Under the  plan a bonus pool  is to be  established in each fiscal
year in an amount  equal to 15%  of the amount  by which the  net income of  the
Trust  in any fiscal year exceeds stockholders' equity multiplied by the average
prime rate of interest  plus 1%. Accordingly,  the Trust must  have a degree  of
success before bonuses are paid to executive officers. However, the Compensation


Committee  deems it advisable to  recognize significant individual contributions
by key employees in any  particular fiscal year even  if, pursuant to the  bonus
plan,  there are not  sufficient earnings to  establish, under the  terms of the
plan, a bonus pool. Accordingly, under the existing bonus plan up to $50,000 may
be used to pay bonuses to officers and employees (other than the Chief Executive
Officer) if an individual  made a significant contribution  to the Trust  during
the year.


    Stock  options  may be  granted periodically  to  provide incentive  for the
creation of shareholder value over the long term, since the full benefit of  the
compensation provided for under stock options cannot be realized unless there is
an  appreciation in the price  of the Trust's shares  over a specified number of
years. Under the existing stock option plan, options are granted at an  exercise
price  equal to the fair market  value of the stock of  the Trust on the date of
grant and are exercisable over a number of years (generally five to six  years),
in  increments ranging between 20% and 25% per year on a cumulative basis. Stock
options are the only form of long term incentive currently used by the Trust.

    At the present time there are options outstanding which have been granted to
executive officers and  other key  personnel of  the Trust  which have  exercise
prices  ranging from $3.50  to $3.625 per  share. With respect  to the executive
officers of the Trust  I.E. Israel Rosenzweig, and  Jeffrey A. Gould, they  have
been  granted  70,000,  and  40,000 options,  respectively.  These  options have
approximately one and a  half years remaining. It  is the recommendation of  the
Compensation   Committee  that  no  additional  options  be  granted  since  the
outstanding options (both amount and exercise price) are adequate to incentivize
the executive officers of the Trust.


    In the  view of  the Compensation  Committee the  base salary  of the  chief
executive  officer of the Trust should be $350,000 for the 1994 fiscal year (the
same base compensation as was paid to  the chief executive officer for the  1993
fiscal  year).  In  addition, the  chief  executive officer  should  receive the
maximum combined allowable  amount under  the Trust's Pension  Plan and  Section
401(k)  plan pursuant to Internal  Revenue Service regulations effective January
1, 1994. The Compensation Committee has  taken cognizance of the difficult  real
estate environment and the factors described above. The Chief Executive Officer,
among  other items, was involved in supervising and participating in negotiating
workouts, property dispositions  and supervising the  operations of real  estate

Respectfully submitted,

Patrick J. Callan
Gary Hurand
Herbert C. Lust, II
March 7, 1994



    The  following Summary Compensation Table  includes information with respect
to compensation  paid and  accrued by  the Trust  for services  rendered in  all
capacities  to the Trust during the fiscal  years ended September 30, 1992, 1993
and 1994,  for the  Chief  Executive Officer  of the  Trust  and the  one  other
executive officer of the Trust whose annual compensation from the Trust exceeded
$100,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994:

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                             LONG TERM
                                                                       AWARDS        PAYOUTS
                                   COMPENSATION (2)               --------------------------------
                                   ---------------  OTHER ANNUAL  RESTRICTED
         NAME AND                            BONUS    COMPEN-       STOCK     OPTIONS/     LTIP        ALL OTHER
- ---------------------------  ----  --------  -----  ------------  ----------  --------  ----------  ----------------
Israel Rosenzweig,
 President, Chief Executive
 Officer...................  1994  $355,982(5)   0        --         -0-         -0-        -0-     $     22,500
                             1993  $350,000    0          --         -0-         -0-        -0-     $     30,000
                             1992  $350,000    0          --         -0-         -0-        -0-     $     30,000

Jeffrey A. Gould,
 Executive Vice
 President.................  1994  $137,000    0          --         -0-         -0-        -0-     $     20,550
                             1993  $122,000    0          --         -0-         -0-        -0-     $     18,300
                             1992  $122,000    0          --         -0-         -0-        -0-     $     18,300
- ------------------------------
(1)  Fiscal years ending September 30.
(2)  The  Trust does not  have any profit  sharing plan, but  it does have Stock
     Option Plans, a Pension Plan and a Bonus Plan. See "Stock Option Plans" and
     "Pension Plan," below.
(3)  The only type of Other Annual  Compensation for each of the named  officers
     was  in the form  of perquisites and  was less than  the level required for
(4)  Represents annual contributions under the  Trust's Pension Plan, which  are
     based on each participant's annual earnings.
(5)  Includes $5,982 applicable to a section 401(k) plan.


    The  Trust has a non-contributory defined contribution pension plan covering
employees. The  Pension  Plan  is  administered  by  Fredric  H.  Gould,  Israel
Rosenzweig  and David W. Kalish. Annual contributions  of the Trust are based on
15% of an employee's annual earnings, not to exceed $22,500 in 1994 and  $30,000
per  annum  for  years prior  thereto.  Partial  vesting starts  one  year after
employment, increasing annually until full vesting is achieved at the completion
of five  years  of employment.  Benefits  to participants  upon  retirement  are
determined  by the participant, who may elect a lump sum payment or the purchase
of an annuity,  the amount of  which is  determined primarily by  the amount  of
contributions.   In  fiscal  1994,  $22,500   and  $20,550,  respectively,  were
contributed for  the benefit  of Israel  Rosenzweig and  Jeffrey A.  Gould.  The
aggregate   amount  accrued  to  date  for   Messrs.  Rosenzweig  and  Gould  is
approximately $337,000 and $120,000, respectively. The estimated credited  years
of service for each of Messrs. Rosenzweig and Gould is 11 and 8, respectively.


    On  May 22, 1984, the Board of Trustees  of the Trust adopted a Stock Option
Plan (the "1984 Plan"). The  1984 Plan was approved  by the shareholders of  the
Trust on March 1, 1985. The 1984 Plan provided for the issuance of up to 300,000
Beneficial  Shares to key personnel of the  Trust of which 31,581 were available
for grant until termination  of the 1984  Plan in May, 1994.  In fiscal 1994  no
options  were granted, no options remain  unexercised and the Plan terminated by
its terms in May, 1994.

    On August 19, 1988 the  Board of Trustees adopted  a Stock Option Plan  (the
"1988  Plan"). The 1988  Plan was approved  by the shareholders  of the Trust on
March 2,  1989.  The 1988  Plan  provides for  the  issuance of  up  to  500,000
Beneficial  Shares to officers, trustees and employees of the Trust. The options
granted may be either incentive stock options or options which do not qualify as
incentive stock options. The


exercise price of any option granted under  the 1988 Plan must be not less  than
100% of the fair market value of the Beneficial Shares on the date of grant. The
1988  Plan does not  provide for the  issuance of stock  appreciation rights. At
September 30, 1994,  38,000 shares  remain available  for grant  and options  to
purchase  449,500 shares are exercisable. No  options were granted during fiscal

    The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  with  respect   to
outstanding stock options held by the Trust's Chief Executive Officer and by the
other  executive officer of the Trust named in the preceding Annual Compensation
table. No executive officer exercised stock options during fiscal 1994.


                                                                                                VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED          IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS AT
                                                              OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR END         FISCAL YEAR END (1)
                                                             ----------------------------    ---------------------------
                           NAME                              EXERCISABLE    UNEXERCISABLE    EXERCISABLE    UNEXERCISABLE
- ----------------------------------------------------------   -----------    -------------    -----------    ------------
Israel Rosenzweig.........................................     70,000            -0-         $ 61,250             --
Jeffrey A. Gould..........................................     40,000          -0-           $ 35,000             --
- ------------------------
(1)  Based upon a price per Beneficial Share at September 30, 1994 of $4.375.


    The following  graph  compares the  performance  of the  Trust's  Beneficial
Shares  with  the Standard  &  Poor's 500  Stock Index  and  a peer  group index
consisting  of  publicly  traded  mortgage  REIT's  prepared  by  the   National
Association  of  Real  Estate  Investment Trusts.  The  graph  assumes  $100 was
invested on September  30, 1989 in  the Trust's Beneficial  Shares, the S&P  500
Index  and the peer group  index and assumes the  reinvestment of dividends. The
comparisons in this table are not intended  to forecast or be indicative of  any
future performance of the Trust's Beneficial Shares.

                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH


Sep-89                   100                   100              100
Sep-90                    38                    70               91
Sep-91                    24                    98              119
Sep-92                    20                    98              132
Sep-93                    35                   112              149
Sep-94                    38                    99              155

BRT Realty Trust                               100   38   24   20   35   38
All Mortgage REITs                             100   70   98   98  112   99
S&P 500 Index                                  100   91  119  132  149  155



    The  Trust and REIT Management Corp. ("REIT" or "Advisor") are parties to an
Advisory Agreement pursuant to which REIT furnishes administrative services with
respect to the Trust's assets and,  subject to the supervision of the  Trustees,
advises  the Trust with respect to its  investments. The Trust believes that the
Advisory Agreement is on terms as favorable  to the Trust as would be  available
from  an unaffiliated party. The term of the Advisory Agreement has been renewed
by the Board of Trustees to December 31, 1998. Fredric H. Gould and two officers
of the Trust are  directors of REIT  and Messrs. Fredric  H. Gould and  Marshall
Rose  are officers of REIT.  All of the outstanding shares  of REIT are owned by
Fredric H. Gould.

    For services performed by REIT  under the Advisory Agreement, REIT  receives
an  annual fee  of 1/2  of 1%  of the  Invested Assets  of the  Trust other than
mortgages receivable, subordinated land leases and investments in unconsolidated
ventures with a 1% fee payable on mortgages receivable, subordinated land leases
and investments  in  unconsolidated  ventures. The  term  "Invested  Assets"  is
defined in the Advisory Agreement as the aggregate of all assets of the Trust as
shown  on the balance sheet of the Trust without deduction for (i) mortgages and
other security interests to which the assets are subject, (ii) depreciation, and
(iii) amortization, but excluding (a) cash and cash items, (b) amounts due  from
managing  agents,  (c)  rents  and other  receivables  (not  including mortgages
receivable or other receivables arising from  the sale of invested assets),  (d)
rent security, (e) prepaid expenses and deferred charges, and (f) obligations of
municipal,  state and federal governments  and governmental agencies, other than
securities of the Federal Housing Authority, the Veterans Administration and the
Federal National  Mortgage Association  and  securities issued  by  governmental
agencies that are backed by a pool of mortgages.

    The  fee to REIT is based on net  assets and computation of the fee includes
non-accruing mortgage receivables to the extent they exceed allowances for  loan
losses.  The fee under the Advisory Agreement is computed and payable quarterly,
subject to  adjustment  at year  end  based  on the  Trust's  audited  financial
statements.  During  the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,  1994,  REIT earned
$1,052,000 from the Trust under the Advisory Agreement.

    Under the  Advisory  Agreement,  the  Trust  bears  all  expenses  including
interest,  discount  and other  costs  for borrowed  money;  taxes on  income or
property and license fees  (including franchise taxes);  rental paid for  office
space  used  by the  Trust; audit  fees  and expenses;  legal fees;  expenses of
litigation  involving  the  Trust;  charges  of  custodians,  transfer   agents,
registrars, warrant agents, dividend disbursing agent, brokers, underwriters and
banks;  expenses  relating to  meetings of  trustees and  shareholders; expenses
connected with the acquisition, disposition  or ownership of investment  assets,
including,  but not  limited to, travel  expenses, costs  of appraisal, leasing,
maintenance, repair, improvement and foreclosure of property and origination and
mortgage servicing  fees and  real estate  brokerage commissions;  fees for  the
management  of real  estate owned  by the  Trust; fees  and expenses  payable to
trustees, officers and employees (other than fees payable to Trustees,  officers
and  employees  who  are  directors,  officers  and  employees  of  REIT,  whose
compensation is payable solely  by REIT), independent contractors,  consultants,
managers,   or  agents;  the  expenses   of  revising,  amending,  modifying  or
terminating the Trust;  and indemnification  required to  be made  by the  Trust
under the Declaration of Trust.

    The  Advisory Agreement provides that  directors, officers, and employees of
REIT may  serve as  trustees, officers  and  employees of  the Trust,  but  such
persons  are  not and  may  not receive  cash  compensation from  the  Trust for
services rendered in the latter capacities.

    The Advisory Agreement is not assignable by REIT without the written consent
of the Trust. The Advisory Agreement is not assignable by the Trust without  the
written consent of REIT, except to a successor to the business and assets of the
Trust.  The Advisory Agreement has  been renewed for a  term ending December 31,
1998 and may  be renewed  on an annual  basis by  the Board of  Trustees, for  a
maximum five year period. Notwithstanding such renewal of the Advisory Agreement
by the Board of Trustees, the shareholders have the right to rescind the renewal
of the Advisory Agreement authorized at the preceding Board of Trustees Meeting,
if at a special meeting of shareholders called by at least twenty percent of the
outstanding  Beneficial Shares specifically  for such purpose  a majority of the
outstanding Beneficial Shares entitled to vote thereon shall determine that  the
Advisory    Agreement    shall   not    be   renewed.    In   the    event   the


Advisory Agreement is not renewed in any  year by the Board of Trustees or  such
renewal is rescinded by a majority of the outstanding Beneficial Shares entitled
to  vote thereon  at a  special meeting  called for  such purpose,  the Advisory
Agreement will have a balance of four years remaining in the existing term.

    The Trust  engages  entities  affiliated  with  REIT  to  manage  properties
acquired  by  the Trust  in  foreclosure or  deed  in lieu  of  foreclosure. The
management services include,  among other things,  rent billing and  collection,
leasing (including document preparation), maintenance, construction supervision,
compliance  with regulatory statutes and rules  (i.e. New York City rent control
and rent  stabilization rules)  and property  dispositions. In  fiscal 1994  the
Trust   paid  $617,000  to  these   entities  for  management  and  construction
supervision fees and leasing and selling fees. The Trust believes these fees are
on terms  at  least  as favorable  to  the  Trust as  would  be  available  from
unaffiliated entities. The payment of these fees is ratified by the unaffiliated

    During the year ended September 30, 1994 Fredric H. Gould and Marshall Rose,
Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, were officers and directors
of  the managing  corporate general partner  of Gould Investors  L.P. ("GLP"), a
public master limited partnership, and  individual general partners of GLP.  The
Trust,  GLP and  other related  entities occupy  common office  space, and share
office services, equipment and personnel.  In fiscal 1994, $1,264,000 of  common
general  and administrative  expenses were allocated  to the  Trust. This amount
includes $97,000 and  $121,000, allocated to  the Trust for  legal services  and
accounting   services  performed  by  Simeon   Brinberg  and  David  W.  Kalish,
respectively. Messrs. Brinberg and Kalish,  who receive remuneration or  payment
of  fees directly from GLP and related  entities, are also executive officers of
the Trust.

    During the  year  ended  September 30,  1994  a  law firm  in  which  Simeon
Brinberg,  an  officer of  the Trust,  is  a Partner,  received an  aggregate of
approximately $67,000  directly  from  borrowers  of  the  Trust,  for  services
rendered in transactions involving such borrowers and the Trust.


    The  Board of Trustees  of the Trust  is seeking the  appointment of Kenneth
Leventhal & Company  as independent  certified public accountants  to audit  the
books,  records and accounts of  the Trust for the  fiscal year ending September
30, 1995.  This firm  has served  as the  Trust's independent  certified  public
accountants  since  1986. Representatives  of  Kenneth Leventhal  &  Company are
expected to be present at  the Annual Meeting and  will have the opportunity  to
make  a statement if  they desire to do  so and will be  available to respond to
questions of the Trust's shareholders.

    If the Trust's  shareholders do not  approve of the  appointment of  Kenneth
Leventhal  & Company, the selection  of independent certified public accountants
will be made by the Trust's Board of Trustees.

    The Board of  Trustees recommends a  vote "FOR" the  appointment of  Kenneth
Leventhal  & Company as the Trust's independent certified public accountants for
the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995.


    Management of the Trust does not know of any matters other than those stated
in this Proxy  Statement which  are to  be presented  for action  at the  Annual
Meeting. If any other matters should properly come before the Annual Meeting, it
is  intended that  proxies in the  accompanying form  will be voted  on any such
other matters  in  accordance with  the  judgment  of the  persons  voting  such
proxies.  Discretionary authority to vote on such voting matters is conferred by
such proxies upon the persons voting  them. The expenses in connection with  the
solicitation of the accompanying form of proxy, including the cost of preparing,
printing  and mailing the notice of meeting,  form or proxy and Proxy Statement,
have been or will be borne by the Trust.


                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

    The annual meeting of the  Trust for the year  ending September 30, 1995  is
scheduled  to  be held  in  March 1996.  In  order to  have  any proposal  to be
presented by  a  shareholder at  such  meeting  included in  the  Trust's  proxy
statement  and  form or  proxy relating  to  the meeting,  the proposal  must be
received by the Trust not later than September 28, 1995.

                                          By order of the Board of Trustees

                                          SIMEON BRINBERG, Secretary

Dated:  January 27, 1995


PROXY                           BRT REALTY TRUST
                                 MARCH 17, 1995

    The  undersigned  hereby appoints  FREDRIC H.  GOULD, ISRAEL  ROSENZWEIG and
SIMEON BRINBERG, as Proxies each with  the power to appoint his substitute,  and
hereby  authorizes them to represent  and to vote, as  designated below, all the
shares of Beneficial Interest,  $3.00 par value per  share, of BRT Realty  Trust
held  of record by the undersigned on January  20, 1995 at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders to be held on March 17, 1995 or any adjournments thereof.

                       1.  Election of Class II Trustees
                           / / FOR ALL NOMINEES    / / WITHHOLD ALL NOMINEES
                           Nominees: Arthur Hurand, Herbert C. Lust, II, Marshall Rose
                           / / INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee,
                           place an "X" in the box on the left and strike a line through the nominee's name
                                             listed above.
/ /    / /      / /    2.  Appointment of Kenneth Leventhal & Company as Independent Certified Public
                           Accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995.
                       3.  In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business
                           as may properly come before the meeting.

    This Proxy  when properly  executed will  be voted  in the  manner  directed
hereby by the undersigned shareholder.

                                         Dated: __________________________, 1995
                                         __________________________________ L.S.
                                         __________________________________ L.S.

                                         (NOTE: PLEASE SIGN EXACTLY AS YOUR NAME
                                         APPEARS HEREON. EXECUTORS,
                                         ADMINISTRATORS,  TRUSTEES,  ETC. SHOULD
                                         SO INDICATE WHEN  SIGNING, GIVING  FULL
                                         TITLE   AS   SUCH.  IF   SIGNER   IS  A
                                         CORPORATION, EXECUTE IN FULL  CORPORATE
                                         NAME  BY AUTHORIZED  OFFICER. IF SHARES
                                         HELD  IN  THE  NAME  OF  TWO  OR   MORE
                                         PERSONS, ALL SHOULD SIGN.)