Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )

    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or  Section
                          Coltec Industries Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  $125 per  Exchange Act  Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2)  or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
/ /  $500  per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act Rule
/ /  Fee  computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules   14a-6(i)(4)
     and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:
/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement  number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

[LOGO]                                           COLTEC INDUSTRIES INC
                                                        430 PARK AVENUE
                                                        NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To the Shareholders of Coltec Industries Inc:

    NOTICE  IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Coltec
Industries Inc ("Coltec") will be held at the Hyatt Regency Rochester, 125  East
Main  Street, Rochester, New York,  on Thursday, April 27,  1995, at 10:00 a.m.,
local time, for  the following purposes  and for the  transaction of such  other
business as may be properly brought before the meeting:

    1.  Electing a Board of Directors consisting of seven members. [Proposal 1]

    2.   Ratifying  the appointment  of Arthur  Andersen LLP  as the independent
       public accountants of  Coltec to  serve as such  at the  pleasure of  the
       Board of Directors. [Proposal 2]

    Only holders of record of Common Stock of Coltec at the close of business on
March 13, 1995, are entitled to notice of the meeting and to vote thereat and at
any and all adjournments thereof.

                                            By order of the Board of Directors
                                                    Anthony J. diBuono

March 24, 1995

                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.

[LOGO]                                           COLTEC INDUSTRIES INC
                                                        430 PARK AVENUE
                                                        NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                PROXY STATEMENT
                ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS -- APRIL 27, 1995

    This  Proxy Statement  is furnished in  connection with  the solicitation on
behalf of the Board of Directors of Coltec Industries Inc ("Coltec") of  proxies
for  use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Coltec to be held on April 27,
1995, and at any adjournments thereof. The approximate date on which this  Proxy
Statement  and the  accompanying form  of proxy will  first be  sent to Coltec's
shareholders is  March 28,  1995.  Any proxy  being  solicited herewith  may  be
revoked at any time prior to its exercise, but the revocation of the proxy shall
not be effective until notice thereof has been given to the Secretary of Coltec.
Appearance  in person at the Annual Meeting  will not constitute a revocation of
an otherwise valid proxy. In the event that shares are represented by more  than
one  properly executed  proxy, the  proxy bearing the  most recent  date will be
voted at the Annual Meeting.

    Each shareholder of record on March 13, 1995 is entitled to vote every share
held in his or her name  on the books of Coltec.  On March 13, 1995, there  were
outstanding 69,917,522 shares of Coltec's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
(not  including 98,862 shares held  in treasury and 25,000,000  shares held by a
wholly owned subsidiary) (the "Common Stock"). Coltec's transfer books will  not
be  closed. Each share which  may be voted at the  Annual Meeting is entitled to
one vote on all matters to be considered. Votes will be counted and certified by
the Inspector  of  Election, who  is  an  employee of  Chemical  Bank,  Coltec's
independent   Transfer  Agent  and  Registrar.  Under  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission rules,  boxes  and  designated  blank  spaces  are  provided  on  the
accompanying  form of  proxy for  shareholders to  mark if  they wish  either to
abstain on Proposal 2 or to withhold authority to vote for one or more  nominees
for  director. Votes withheld in connection with  the election of one or more of
the nominees for director will not be counted as votes cast for such individual.
In accordance with Pennsylvania law, abstentions are not counted in  determining
the  votes cast  in connection  with Proposal 2.  Under New  York Stock Exchange
rules, the election  of directors  and appointment of  independent auditors  are
considered  "discretionary" items upon  which brokerage firms  may vote in their
discretion on behalf of their clients if such clients have not furnished  voting
instructions within ten days of the shareholders' meeting.

    The  presence at  the meeting, in  person or by  proxy, of the  holders of a
majority of the  outstanding shares of  stock entitled to  vote is the  required
quorum for the transaction of business at the meeting.


    One  purpose of the meeting  is to elect seven  directors to serve until the
next Annual Meeting  or until their  successors are elected  and qualified.  The
seven nominees receiving the greatest number of votes cast by the holders of the
Common Stock entitled to vote at the meeting will be elected directors of Coltec
(assuming  a quorum is  present). All proxies  will be voted  in accordance with
instructions contained  thereon.  If no  specific  instructions are  given,  the
persons  named as proxies  in the accompanying  form of proxy  will vote for the
seven nominees named by the  Board of Directors of  Coltec and listed below.  In
the  event that, by reason  of death or other  unexpected occurrence, any one or
more of such nominees shall not be available for election, the persons named  as
proxies  in  the  form  of proxy  have  advised  that they  will  vote  for such
substitute nominees as the Board of Directors of Coltec may propose. A vote  FOR
the  nominees includes discretionary authority to  vote for a substitute nominee
if any of the nominees listed becomes unable or unwilling to serve.

    All nominees are currently  directors of Coltec. Mr.  Joseph R. Coppola  was
elected  a director by the Board of Directors in October 1994 when the number of
directors constituting the whole  Board of Directors was  increased from six  to
seven.  The persons named below have been nominated by the Board of Directors of

                                                                                                       DIRECTOR OF
                                                                                                       COLTEC (OR
NAME, AGE AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DURING PAST FIVE YEARS                                                  SINCE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
Joseph R. Coppola, 64...............................................................................         1994
  Member of the Audit Committee and member of the Stock Option and Compensation Committee of Coltec.
   Chairman, Chief  Executive Officer  and  President of  Giddings &  Lewis,  Inc., a  machine  tool
   manufacturing  company, since  July 1993.  From prior  to 1990  to July  1993 he  was Senior Vice
   President, Manufacturing  Services  of  Cooper  Industries,  Inc.,  a  diversified  manufacturing
   company. Director of Belden Inc., a manufacturer of electrical wire and cable.
John W. Guffey, Jr., 57.............................................................................         1991
  Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President of Coltec since February 1995. Member
   of  the Executive Committee of  Coltec. President and Chief Operating  Officer of Coltec from May
   1991 to January  1995. From prior  to 1990 to  May 1991 he  was the President  of the  Mechanical
   Packing  Division of  Garlock Inc, a  wholly owned  subsidiary of Coltec,  and served  as a Group
   President of Coltec. Director of Gleason Corp., a manufacturer of machine tools.
David I. Margolis, 65...............................................................................         1963
  Chairman of the Executive Committee of Coltec since October 1994. Chairman of the Board and  Chief
   Executive  Officer  of Coltec  from prior  to 1990  to  retirement from  Coltec in  January 1995.
   President of Coltec from prior  to 1990 to May 1991.  Director of Burlington Industries, Inc.,  a
   manufacturer of textiles.
J. Bradford Mooney, Jr., 64.........................................................................         1992
  Chairman  of the  Audit Committee  and member of  the Stock  Option and  Compensation Committee of
   Coltec. Rear Admiral,  United States Navy  (retired). President and  Managing Director of  Harbor
   Branch  Oceanographic Institution,  Inc. from prior  to 1990  to March 1992.  Consultant in ocean
   engineering and research management since September 1987.
Joel Moses, 53......................................................................................         1992
  Chairman of the Stock Option and Compensation  Committee and member of the Executive Committee  of
   Coltec.  Dean,  School  of  Engineering  and  D.C.  Jackson  Professor  of  Computer  Science and
   Engineering, Massachusetts  Institute  of Technology,  since  January 1991.  Visiting  Professor,
   Harvard  Graduate School of Business Administration from September 1989 to June 1990. Director of
   Analog Devices, Inc., a manufacturer of integrated circuits.
Paul G. Schoen, 50..................................................................................         1994
  Executive Vice President, Finance; Treasurer and  Chief Financial Officer of Coltec since  January
   1994.  Senior Vice President, Finance;  Treasurer and Chief Financial  Officer of Coltec from May
   1991 to December 1993. Senior  Vice President and Controller of  Coltec from January 1991 to  May
   1991. Vice President - Accounting of Coltec from prior to 1990 to December 1990.
Richard A. Stuckey, 63..............................................................................         1994
  Member of the Audit Committee and member of the Stock Option and Compensation Committee of Coltec.
   Chief  Economist, E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company  from prior to 1990 to retirement from E.I.
   du Pont de Nemours and Company in December 1994. Economic consultant since January 1995.



    The  Board of Directors of Coltec held 11 meetings during 1994. The Board of
Directors of Coltec  has standing audit,  compensation and executive  committees
and does not have a nominating committee.

    The  Audit Committee, which  consists of Mr.  Mooney (Chairman), Mr. Coppola
and Mr. Stuckey, held two meetings during 1994. Professor Moses was a member  of
the   Audit  Committee  until  October  12,  1994.  This  Committee  meets  with
representatives of  Coltec's  independent  public  accountants  and  meets  with
Coltec's  internal auditors and representatives  of the financial departments to
consider matters relating to the  annual audit (including objectives, scope  and
fees)  and such other matters as such auditors and representatives wish to raise
for consideration.  This  Committee also  reviews  with representatives  of  the
financial  departments  and internal  auditors  and representatives  of Coltec's
independent public  accountants  recommendations  of any  of  such  auditors  to
improve  internal accounting procedures and  controls. This Committee reports to
the Board of Directors and serves as liaison between the Board of Directors  and
Coltec's independent public accountants.

    The  Stock Option and Compensation Committee (the "Compensation Committee"),
which consists of  Professor Moses  (Chairman) and Messrs.  Coppola, Mooney  and
Stuckey,  held eight meetings  during 1994. This  Committee prescribes salaries,
incentive awards and  other compensation  of the executive  officers of  Coltec.
This Committee also administers certain of Coltec's compensation plans.

    The  Executive  Committee, which  consists  of Mr.  Margolis  (Chairman) and
Messrs. Guffey and Moses, was organized on October 12, 1994 and did not hold any
meetings in 1994. This Committee provides oversight of Board affairs,  oversight
of  relationships with principal shareholders, long-term strategic planning, and
advice on political and legislative matters.

    During 1994, each director attended 75% or more of the aggregate of (i)  the
total  number of meetings of the Board of Directors and (ii) the total number of
meetings held by all committees on which he served.


    Set forth below is certain information (as of March 1, 1995) with respect to
persons known to Coltec to be the beneficial owners of more than five percent of
the Common Stock. This  information is based on  statements on Schedules 13D  or
13G  filed by beneficial owners with  the Securities and Exchange Commission and
other information available to Coltec.

                                                    AMOUNT AND
                                                     NATURE OF
                                                    BENEFICIAL    PERCENT OF
- --------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------
J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated....................   12,929,470     18.5(b)
  60 Wall Street
  New York, NY 10260
Oppenheimer Group, Inc............................    8,877,960     12.7(c)
  Oppenheimer Tower
  World Financial Center
  New York, NY 10281
The Equitable Companies Incorporated..............    8,329,630     11.9(d)
  787 Seventh Avenue
  New York, NY 10019
The Capital Group Companies, Inc..................    4,507,240      6.4(e)
  333 South Hope Street
  Los Angeles, CA 90071
- ------------------------
(a)  The percentage is calculated  on the basis of  69,917,522 shares of  Common
     Stock outstanding on March 1, 1995.


(b)  In its Amendment No. 2 to Schedule 13G dated December 30, 1994, J.P. Morgan
     &  Co. Incorporated  reported that it  has sole voting  power for 8,714,850
     shares, shared voting power  for 80,650 shares,  sole investment power  for
     12,849,820 shares and shared investment power for 79,650 shares.
(c)  In  its Amendment No. 3 to Schedule 13G dated February 1, 1995, Oppenheimer
     Group, Inc. reported that it has shared voting power and shared  investment
     power  (with certain of its affiliates) with respect to all such shares and
     that it had filed such Schedule 13G on its behalf and on behalf of  certain
     of its affiliates as a parent holding company.
(d)  In  its  Amendment No.  3  to Schedule  13G  dated February  10,  1995, The
     Equitable Companies Incorporated reported that  with respect to the  Common
     Stock  it had sole  voting power for 6,031,030  shares, shared voting power
     for 237,000  shares, sole  investment power  for 8,329,430  shares,  shared
     investment  power for 200 shares and that it had filed such Schedule 13G on
     its behalf and on behalf of certain  of its affiliates as a parent  holding
(e)  In  its Amendment No. 1 to Schedule 13G dated February 8, 1995, The Capital
     Group Companies, Inc. reported that  certain of its operating  subsidiaries
     exercised  investment discretion over  various institutional accounts which
     held as of December 31, 1994, 4,507,240 shares of Coltec Common Stock (6.4%
     of the outstanding class). CAPITAL GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, a bank, and  one
     of such operating companies, exercised investment discretion over 3,287,240
     of  said  shares. CAPITAL  RESEARCH  AND MANAGEMENT  COMPANY,  a registered
     investment adviser,  and  CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL,  S.A.,  another  operating
     subsidiary, had investment discretion with respect to 1,120,000 and 100,000
     shares, respectively, of the above shares.


    Set  forth below is information as of March 1, 1995, concerning ownership of
Common Stock by all directors and nominees, individually, the executive officers
named in the Summary Compensation Table below and all current executive officers
and directors of Coltec as a group:

                                                     AMOUNT AND
                                                     NATURE OF
                                                     BENEFICIAL    PERCENT OF
NAME                                                 OWNERSHIP      CLASS(A)
- --------------------------------------------------  ------------   -----------
Joseph R. Coppola.................................         1,000       *
Anthony J. diBuono(b)(c)..........................       121,211       *
John W. Guffey, Jr.(b)............................       203,009       *
David I. Margolis(b)..............................     1,194,041       1.7
J. Bradford Mooney, Jr. ..........................           250       *
Joel Moses........................................           200       *
Laurence H. Polsky(b).............................        58,722       *
Paul G. Schoen(b).................................        79,853       *
Richard A. Stuckey................................           200       *
All directors and executive officers as a group,
 consisting of 12 persons.........................     1,856,810       2.6
- ------------------------
 *   Less than 1%.
(a)  The percentages are calculated on the basis of 69,917,522 shares of  Common
     Stock  outstanding on March 1, 1995, plus, for any individual or the group,
     that number  of  shares deemed  to  be outstanding  because  the  indicated
     persons  or certain members  of the group, respectively,  have the right to
     acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days.
(b)  Messrs. diBuono, Guffey, Polsky  and Schoen share  certain voting power  of
     2,584,343  shares  (as  of January  31,  1995)  as trustees  of  the Coltec
     Retirement Savings Plan for Salaried  Employees (the "Savings Plan").  They
     disclaim  beneficial ownership as to  such shares. However, as participants


     in the Savings  Plan, they and  Mr. Margolis have  the following shares  of
     Common  Stock credited to their individual  accounts as of January 31, 1995
     and such shares are included in the table above: Mr. diBuono, 2,878 shares;
     Mr. Guffey, 5,025  shares; Mr.  Margolis, 3,650 shares;  Mr. Polsky,  1,722
     shares; and Mr. Schoen, 5,037 shares.
(c)  50,000  shares  of the  121,211 shares  of  Common Stock  are owned  by Mr.
     diBuono's wife and he disclaims beneficial ownership of such shares.



    The  following  table  provides   certain  summary  information   concerning
compensation of Coltec's Chief Executive Officer and each of the four other most
highly  compensated executive officers of Coltec  (determined as of December 31,
1994) (hereinafter referred to as the "named executive officers") for the fiscal
years ended December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992:

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                             LONG TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                     --------------------------    PAYOUTS
                                     ANNUAL COMPENSATION                                          ----------
                           ----------------------------------------     (F)           (G)
                                                           (E)       ----------  --------------      (H)              (I)
(A)                                (C)        (D)      ------------  RESTRICTED    SECURITIES     ----------  --------------------
- -------------------------  (B)   --------  ----------  OTHER ANNUAL    STOCK       UNDERLYING        LTIP          ALL OTHER
POSITION                   YEAR    ($)       ($)(1)        ($)         ($)(2)         (#)            ($)             ($)(3)
- -------------------------  ----  --------  ----------  ------------  ----------  --------------   ----------  --------------------
David I. Margolis........  1994  $676,140  $1,082,000  $   --        $   --          --           $  --             $ 40,568
Chairman of the Board and  1993   643,920   1,545,500      --            --          --              --              120,535
 Chief Executive Officer*  1992   599,040   1,717,500      --         1,426,788      300,000         --              144,242
John W. Guffey, Jr.......  1994   534,240     855,000      --            --          115,000         --               51,421
President and Chief        1993   471,960   1,125,500      --            --          --              --              113,529
 Operating Officer*        1992   410,040   1,166,900      --           637,200      225,000         --               97,047
Paul G. Schoen...........  1994   312,720     438,000      --            --          --              --               32,527
Executive Vice President,  1993   249,540     394,200      --            --           60,000         --               46,938
 Finance; Treasurer and    1992   236,520     429,000      --           221,994       80,000         --               53,693
 Chief Financial Officer
Anthony J. diBuono.......  1994   285,000     400,000      --            --          --              --               26,026
Executive Vice President,  1993   249,540     394,300      --            --           40,000         --               40,987
 Chief Legal Officer and   1992   236,520     433,850      --           221,994       80,000         --               47,436
Laurence H. Polsky.......  1994   285,000     400,000      --            --          --              --               29,815
Executive Vice President,  1993   249,540     394,200      --            --           40,000         --               45,271
 Administration***         1992   177,390     340,700      --            --           80,000         --               30,815
- ------------------------------
  *  Mr. Margolis  retired in  January  1995. Effective  February 1,  1995,  Mr.
     Guffey  was  elected Chairman  of the  Board,  Chief Executive  Officer and
 **  Mr. diBuono became Chief  Legal Officer in May  1994; prior thereto he  was
     General Counsel.
***  Mr. Polsky's employment with Coltec commenced on April 13, 1992.
(1)  Includes  the following annual amounts accrued  but not paid under the 1977
     Long-Term Performance Plan (the "Performance  Plan") for each of the  named
     executive  officers:  Mr.  Margolis, 1993,  $465,500;  1992,  $577,500; Mr.
     Guffey, 1993, $332,500;  1992, $412,500; Mr.  Schoen, 1993, $79,800;  1992,
     $99,000;  Mr. diBuono, 1993, $79,800; 1992,  $98,850; and Mr. Polsky, 1993,
     $79,800; 1992, $50,700. Effective as of December 31, 1993, the  Performance
     Plan was terminated with no additional accruals thereafter. Accrued amounts
     for  periods  prior to  1994  will be  credited  with annual  interest from
     January 1, 1994 to the  date of payment to  the named executive officer  at
     rate  of  interest  (adjusted  annually) equal  to  Coltec's  cost  of U.S.
     borrowings, and  will  be paid  in  accordance with  the  original  payment
     provisions of the Performance Plan.
(2)  The  restricted  stock owned  by each  of the  named executive  officers at
     December 31, 1994 and the values thereof based on the closing price of  the
     Common  Stock on  December 30, 1994  were as follows:  Mr. Margolis, 79,266
     shares, $1,357,430; Mr. Guffey, 35,400 shares, $606,225; and Messrs. Schoen
     and diBuono, 12,333 shares, $211,203 each. Restrictions on one third of the
     number of such  shares of restricted  stock lapsed on  January 2, 1995  and
     restrictions  on one third  of the number  of such shares  are scheduled to
     lapse on January  2, 1996  and 1997. Any  dividends payable  on the  Common
     Stock would also be payable on such restricted stock.


(3)  Pursuant to the Retirement Savings Plan for Salaried Employees, the amounts
     credited  by Coltec for 1994, 1993 and 1992 for each of the named executive
     officers were as follows: Mr.  Margolis, 1994, $8,757; 1993, $8,994;  1992,
     $8,728;  Mr. Guffey, 1994, $8,912; 1993,  $8,994; 1992, $8,728; Mr. Schoen,
     1994, $9,000; 1993, $8,994; 1992, $8,728; Mr. diBuono, 1994, $8,930;  1993,
     $8,994;  1992, $8,728;  and Mr. Polsky,  1994, $8,996;  1993, $8,994; 1992,
     $2,962, and such amounts are included  in the amounts in column (i)  above.
     Pursuant  to the defined contribution  portion of the Benefits Equalization
     Plan, the amounts credited by  Coltec for 1994, 1993  and 1992 for each  of
     the  named executive officers were as follows: Mr. Margolis, 1994, $31,811;
     1993, $111,541; 1992, $135,514; Mr.  Guffey, 1994, $23,142; 1993,  $85,168;
     1992,  $72,874; Mr. Schoen, 1994, $9,763; 1993, $29,792; 1992, $36,813; Mr.
     diBuono, 1994, $8,170; 1993, $30,098; 1992, $36,813; and Mr. Polsky,  1994,
     $8,104;  1993, $29,174; 1992, $20,750, and such amounts are included in the
     amounts in column (i) above.  The costs to Coltec  for 1994, 1993 and  1992
     for  whole life insurance, measured by the excess of premiums paid over the
     cash surrender value, pursuant to  arrangements wherein Coltec is the  sole
     owner  and beneficiary of  the insurance policy with  an obligation to make
     certain payments to a beneficiary over a  15 year period in the event of  a
     named  executive officer's  death while  employed, for  the named executive
     officers were as follows: Mr.  Guffey, 1994, $19,367; 1993, $19,367;  1992,
     $15,445; Mr. Schoen, 1994, $13,764; 1993, 8,152; 1992, $8,152; Mr. diBuono,
     1994,  $8,926; 1993, $1,895;  1992, $1,895; and  Mr. Polsky, 1994, $12,715;
     1993, $7,103; 1992, $7,103, and such amounts are included in the amounts in
     column (i) above.


    The following table  contains information  concerning 1994  grants of  stock
options  under  Coltec's  1992 Stock  Option  and  Incentive Plan  to  the named
executive officers and  the potential  realizable value of  these option  grants
based  on assumed rates  of stock appreciation of  5% and 10%  per year over the
10-year term of the options.

                             OPTION GRANTS IN 1994

                                                                                                 POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                                      INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                                         VALUE AT ASSUMED ANNUAL
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       RATES OF STOCK
                                (B)              (C)                                            APPRECIATION FOR OPTION
                             NUMBER OF        % OF TOTAL                                                 TERM
                             SECURITIES        OPTIONS           (D)                           -------------------------
                             UNDERLYING       GRANTED TO     EXERCISE OR
           (A)                OPTIONS        EMPLOYEES IN     BASE PRICE           (E)             (F)           (G)
NAME                       GRANTED(#)(1)         1994           ($/SH)       EXPIRATION DATE      5%($)         10%($)
- -------------------------  --------------   --------------   ------------   -----------------  ------------   ----------
John W. Guffey, Jr.......     115,000             43.4          $16.25      December 14, 2004    $1,175,300   $2,978,500
- ------------------------------
(1)  The options are nonqualified  options exercisable to the  extent of 20%  of
     the   total,  cumulatively,  commencing  December  15,  1995  and  annually
     thereafter until fully  exercisable on  December 15, 1999.  Exercise of  an
     option may be by cash, negotiable certificates representing whole shares of
     Coltec  Common  Stock  (or, subject  to  the approval  of  the Compensation
     Committee, through withholding of Common  Stock which would otherwise  have
     been  received upon exercise of the option) or any combination thereof. The
     option agreements  contain  change-in-control provisions.  See  "Employment
     Contracts and Termination of Employment and Change-In-Control Arrangements"
     for additional information.


    The following table provides information with respect to the named executive
officers  concerning the options held as of December 31, 1994 (none of the named
executive officers exercised options during 1994):

                      AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN 1994
                      AND DECEMBER 31, 1994 OPTION VALUES

                                       (B)               -----------------------------
                                                                   VALUE OF
                              NUMBER OF SECURITIES                UNEXERCISED
                             UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED              IN-THE-MONEY
                                   OPTIONS AT                     OPTIONS AT
           (A)                  DECEMBER 31, 1994              DECEMBER 31, 1994
- -------------------------  ---------------------------   -----------------------------
- -------------------------  -----------   -------------   ------------   --------------
David I. Margolis........    120,000        180,000        $  255,000      $382,500
John W. Guffey, Jr.......     90,000        250,000           191,250       387,500
Paul G. Schoen...........     44,000         96,000            68,000       102,000
Anthony J. diBuono.......     40,000         80,000            68,000       102,000
Laurence H. Polsky.......     40,000         80,000               -0-           -0-



    The following table  provides information concerning  awards of  performance
shares  made during  1994 to  the named  executive officers  under Coltec's 1994
Long-Term Incentive Plan.

                  LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLANS -- AWARDS IN 1994

                                                                                              ESTIMATED FUTURE
                                                                                           PAYOUTS UNDER NON-STOCK
                                                                                             PRICE- BASED PLANS*
                                                                            (C)            -----------------------
                                                         (B)      -----------------------
                        (A)                          -----------   PERFORMANCE OR OTHER              (D)
- ---------------------------------------------------   NUMBER OF   PERIOD UNTIL MATURATION  -----------------------
NAME                                                    UNITS           OR PAYOUT**               THRESHOLD
- ---------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------------------  -----------------------
David I. Margolis..................................      35,000      December 31, 1996         $   455,238***
John W. Guffey, Jr.................................      25,000      December 31, 1996         $   900,000
                                                         35,000      December 31, 1997         $   420,000
Paul G. Schoen.....................................      12,000      December 31, 1996         $   432,000
                                                         12,000      December 31, 1997         $   144,000
Anthony J. diBuono.................................      10,000      December 31, 1996         $   360,000
                                                         10,000      December 31, 1997         $   120,000
Laurence H. Polsky.................................      10,000      December 31, 1996         $   360,000
                                                         10,000      December 31, 1997         $   120,000
- ------------------------
  *  The amounts in column  (d) are based on  Operating Profit of $600  million.
     The  minimum and threshold  amounts under the  plan are the  same. The plan
     does not provide for a maximum amount of payment.
 **  December 31, 1996 is the end of the 1994 Performance Cycle and December 31,
     1997 is the end of the 1995 Performance Cycle.
***  Mr. Margolis retired on January 31, 1995 and the value of the units is  36%
     of the value for the full three year cycle.

    Each  of  the  foregoing awards  was  made  pursuant to  the  1994 Long-Term
Incentive Plan. The value of  each unit is determined  on the basis of  Coltec's
cumulative  operating  profit  measured  over  a  three-year  performance cycle.
Operating profit  for each  fiscal  year in  a  performance cycle  is  generally
defined  as the net  earnings of Coltec and  its consolidated subsidiaries, plus
interest expense  and provisions  for income  taxes, minus  interest income  and
excluding  nonrecurring items, extraordinary items, accounting principle changes
and discontinued  operations (as  such  terms are  defined under  United  States
generally accepted accounting principles).

    For the 1994 performance cycle that ends on December 31, 1996, the threshold
target for cumulative operating profit is $600 million and if achieved each unit
will  have an award value of $36.00, increasing by $.10 for each $1 million that
cumulative operating profit for the award cycle exceeds $600 million.

    For the 1995 performance cycle that ends on December 31, 1997, the threshold
target for cumulative operating profit is $600 million and if achieved each unit
will have an award  value of $12.00,  increasing by $.0333  for each $1  million
that cumulative operating profit for the award cycle exceeds $600 million.

    There  is no maximum limit on the award  value that may be earned for a unit
and no amounts are  payable for a  unit if cumulative  operating profit for  the
performance  cycle is less than  $600 million. Two-thirds of  the award value of
units will generally be paid in cash; and one-third of such award value will  be
paid  in  shares  of  Coltec  Common  Stock,  subject  to  vesting  in one-third
increments on each of the  first through third anniversaries  of the end of  the
applicable performance cycle.



    The following table shows the estimated annual pension benefits payable to a
covered  participant at normal retirement age (age  65) on a single life annuity
basis under Coltec's  qualified defined  benefit plan, as  well as  nonqualified
supplemental  pension plans that provide benefits that would otherwise be denied
participants by reason of certain Internal Revenue Code limitations on qualified
plan benefits, based for the most  part on five-year average final  compensation
(salary  and bonus during the 60 highest-paid consecutive months out of the last
120 months)  and years  of service  with  Coltec and  its subsidiaries  and  not
subject to deduction for Social Security or other payments:

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

                                                 YEARS OF SERVICE
     FIVE-YEAR AVERAGE       --------------------------------------------------------
    ANNUAL COMPENSATION         15         20          25          30          35
- ---------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
$ 400,000..................  $ 99,300  $  132,400  $  165,400  $  198,500  $  231,600
  600,000..................   150,300     200,400     250,400     300,500     350,600
  800,000..................   201,300     268,400     335,400     402,500     469,600
 1,000,000.................   252,300     336,400     420,400     504,500     588,600
 1,200,000.................   303,300     404,400     505,400     606,500     707,600
 1,400,000.................   354,300     472,400     590,400     708,500     826,600
 1,600,000.................   405,300     540,400     675,400     810,500     945,600
 1,800,000.................   456,300     608,400     760,400     912,500   1,064,600
 2,000,000.................   507,300     676,400     845,400   1,014,500   1,183,600
 2,200,000.................   558,300     744,400     930,400   1,116,500   1,302,600
 2,400,000.................   609,300     812,400   1,015,400   1,218,500   1,421,600
 2,600,000.................   660,300     880,400   1,100,400   1,320,500   1,540,600
 2,800,000.................   711,300     948,400   1,185,400   1,422,500   1,659,600
 3,000,000.................   762,300   1,016,400   1,270,400   1,524,500   1,778,600
 3,200,000.................   813,300   1,084,400   1,355,400   1,626,500   1,897,600

    As  of December 31, 1994, the  five-year average final compensation (average
compensation of credited service for a  participant with less than 60 months  of
service) and current years of credited service for each of the following persons
were:  Mr. Margolis, $2,620,816 and 32 years;  Mr. Guffey, $920,951 and 16 years
(including an additional 7 years  of credited service as  an employee of one  of
Coltec's  subsidiary  corporations);  Mr.  Schoen, $528,515  and  20  years; Mr.
diBuono,  $722,680  and  25  years;  and  Mr.  Polsky,  $478,665  and  3  years.
Compensation  covered  under  the  pension plans  includes  amounts  reported in
columns (c) and  (d) of  the Summary Compensation  Table. Coltec  has agreed  to
calculate  Mr. Guffey's pension  benefits as if his  prior credited service with
the subsidiary were provided under the plan (the benefits of which are set forth
in the above table)  with payments to  be made to him  from the qualified  plan,
non-qualified plans and from Coltec.

                           COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

    Directors  who are not  also employees of  Coltec receive a  retainer at the
annual rate  of $25,000  ($30,000 if  Chairperson of  a Committee)  and  receive
$1,250  per meeting for attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors and its
committees with a maximum of  $2,000 for more than one  meeting on the same  day
($2,500 if Chairperson of one of the meetings). The Board of Directors of Coltec
has established a retirement age policy which provides that a director shall not
be eligible for nomination to the Board of Directors if such person has attained
the  age of 70. In connection therewith, the Board of Directors also established
a pension  arrangement for  directors who  are not  entitled to  a pension  from
Coltec or any subsidiary thereof, with payments for life commencing at the later
of  retirement or age 70. The annual amount of such payment is calculated on the
basis of the number of  years of service as a  director and would equal  $10,000
for  five years of service plus an additional $2,000 for each additional year of
service up to a maximum annual amount of $20,000.


    A  director may defer payment  of any portion of  any retainer, committee or
attendance fees in any year, upon advance  notice to Coltec, to such time as  he
or  she may determine. Balances of  such deferred compensation accrue additional
compensatory amounts quarterly at the  average cost of United States  borrowings
of  Coltec and its consolidated subsidiaries during the preceding calendar year.
Such borrowing cost in 1993 was 9.36%.

    During 1994, the Board of Directors adopted, and the shareholders of  Coltec
approved,  the 1994 Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors of Coltec Industries
Inc pursuant to which members  of the Board of Directors  of Coltec who are  not
employees  of Coltec or  its subsidiaries each  received an initial  grant of an
option to purchase  10,000 shares of  Common Stock and  will receive  subsequent
option  grants to purchase 2,000 shares of  Common Stock during their service on
the Board of  Directors. In June  1994, options to  purchase 10,000 shares  each
were granted to Messrs. Mooney, Moses and Stuckey at an option exercise price of
$19.35  per share exercisable in five  equal annual installments commencing June
21, 1995.

                         CHANGE-IN-CONTROL ARRANGEMENTS

    All currently  outstanding agreements  granting  restricted stock  or  stock
options  to the named executive officers in the Summary Compensation Table above
contain change-in-control provisions. In  the case of  the restricted stock,  in
the  event of a  change-in-control, all restrictions  on assignment, transfer or
other disposition of the restricted stock  lapse. In the case of stock  options,
in the event of a change-in-control, the options become fully exercisable or, in
the  alternative, the named executive  officer may surrender all  or part of the
option to  Coltec  during  a  one-year period  after  the  change-in-control  in
exchange  for a cash payment for each  option surrendered equal to the excess of
the fair market  value of the  Common Stock on  the date of  surrender over  the
option  price. Fair market value for this purpose equals the last sales price of
the Common Stock on the exercise date  on the New York Stock Exchange  Composite
Tape  (or, if no such  sale occurred on such date,  the last date preceding such
date on which  a sale was  reported), except that,  in the case  of a change  of
ownership  of more  than 35%  of the  outstanding shares  of Common  Stock, fair
market  value  means  the  amount  of  cash  and  fair  market  value  of  other
consideration tendered for such outstanding shares.

    As  of July 1, 1991, Coltec  entered into employment agreements with Messrs.
Guffey, Schoen and diBuono  and, as of  April 13, 1992,  Coltec entered into  an
employment  agreement with Mr. Polsky. The agreements for Messrs. Guffey, Polsky
and Schoen expire on July 1, 1996 and Mr. diBuono's agreement expires on October
13, 1995. Compensation payable thereunder is at salary rates not less than those
in effect on July 1, 1991 (April 13, 1992 for Mr. Polsky) and with participation
in incentive  and employee  benefit plans  at  the discretion  of the  Board  of
Directors.  However, if during the term of the agreement a change-in-control (as
defined in  the agreement)  occurs, (a)  the executive's  functions, duties  and
responsibilities  shall not be subject to change, (b) in the event the executive
in good faith determines that his  functions, duties or responsibilities or  any
aspect of his employment has been changed adversely, he may elect to serve for a
terminal  employment period  of two  years or,  if earlier,  until the executive
attains age  65,  and  (c) the  terminal  employment  period is  followed  by  a
consulting  period  of two  years. During  the  terminal employment  period, the
executive is entitled  to salary  not less  than that  in effect  prior to  this
period  and comparable  participation in  benefits plans.  During the consulting
period, the executive is entitled to consulting  fees at an annual rate no  less
than  the annual  rate of his  salary on  July 1, 1991  (April 13,  1992 for Mr.
Polsky) and to participation in all  Coltec life and medical insurance  programs
or comparable benefits.

    The  employment  agreement with  Mr.  Polsky provides  that  at the  time he
exercises any of his stock option for  80,000 shares of Coltec stock granted  on
April  13, 1992 at an exercise price of $18.25 per share, Coltec will pay him an
amount equal to $3.25 multiplied by the number of shares exercised.



    The members of the  Stock Option and Compensation  Committee are Joel  Moses
(Chairman),  Joseph R. Coppola, J. Bradford  Mooney, Jr. and Richard A. Stuckey.
Donald Patrick Brennan and Howard I. Hoffen were members of the committee during
1994 up to  the date they  resigned as directors  on June 6,  1994. None of  the
current  members or former members  was formerly an officer  of Coltec or any of
its subsidiaries. Mr. Brennan was an officer  and director and Mr. Hoffen was  a
director  of Coltec Holdings  Inc. ("Holdings") before it  became a wholly owned
subsidiary of Coltec in November 1993.

    Mr. Brennan is a  managing director and  Mr. Hoffen is  a vice president  of
Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and they were directors of Holdings, the owner
of  100%  of  the outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock  from June  1988  to the
recapitalization of Coltec  effected in  April 1992, which  included the  public
offering   by  Coltec   of  44,275,000  shares   of  Common   Stock  (the  "1992
Recapitalization"). At the  time of  the 1992  Recapitalization, Holdings  owned
36.1% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

    As  of November 18, 1993, pursuant to a Reorganization Agreement, Coltec and
Holdings  completed  a  stock-for-stock  exchange  that  resulted  in  Holdings'
stockholders  holding directly shares of Coltec Common Stock and Holdings became
a wholly owned subsidiary of Coltec.


    The Compensation  Committee  is  charged with  establishing  and  monitoring
Coltec's  executive compensation program.  The Compensation Committee  is of the
opinion that  Coltec's  total  compensation program  for  executives  should  be
competitive  with  the  market  and  that  each  component  should  reflect both
individual and  Coltec  performance. In  order  to ensure  that  Coltec's  total
compensation  program meets  these objectives, the  Compensation Committee meets
regularly with a recognized expert in executive compensation.

    Coltec  considers  its  senior  corporate  officers,  including  the   named
executive  officers  listed on  the Summary  Compensation Table,  as a  team for
purposes of designing its total compensation program. The Compensation Committee
has implemented  this  approach  by  using  the  same  performance  criteria  to
determine  all senior  executive incentive  compensation awards  and basing each
award on the scope of an executive's responsibilities and years of experience in
a given position. Therefore,  the discussion below of  the determination of  Mr.
Margolis'  1994  incentive  award is  also  applicable to  the  determination of
incentive awards for the other senior corporate officers.


    Base salaries for  senior corporate  officers are typically  adjusted on  an
annual  basis within  the applicable salary  range. The level  of an executive's
annual salary adjustment is based on the Compensation Committee's assessment  of
the  executive's contribution to Coltec's  profitability and the median salaries
paid to  executives in  similar  positions at  other companies.  In  determining
competitive  salary levels, Coltec relies on published survey data from a number
of  recognized  surveys  covering  hundreds  of  companies  including,  but  not
necessarily  limited to, companies  included in the Standard  & Poor's 500 Index
and/or The Dow Jones Industrial Average.

    Mr. Margolis' base salary was increased on January 1, 1994 from $643,920  to
$676,140.  The increase reflects  the approximate median  salary level for other
chief executive officers in companies  of similar size, business and  complexity
as  reported  in  the  published  surveys noted  above,  the  experience  of Mr.
Margolis, and his contribution to Coltec's strong performance in 1993.


    The Annual Incentive Plan (the "Annual  Plan") provides for an annual  bonus
pool  for cash incentive awards  for any year equal  to 6% of Coltec's operating
profit. No award may be paid in any


year to  participating executives  unless  the operating  profit for  that  year
exceeds  $100 million. In addition, awards to  either of the two executives with
the highest base salaries  at the end of  a plan year cannot  exceed 20% of  the
available bonus pool in any one year.

    Annual  incentive  awards  are  determined  by  Coltec's  annual performance
compared to its historical performance and the performance of other Fortune  500
manufacturing  companies on the basis of return on assets and return on capital.
Target bonus levels for participating executives are based on the same published
survey data  used to  determine base  salaries. The  Compensation Committee  has
established  target  bonus  levels  which are  payable  for  the  achievement of
corporate performance regarded by the Compensation Committee as good as that  of
other comparable manufacturing companies. If Coltec's actual performance exceeds
the  established  target performance  level,  actual incentive  compensation can
significantly  exceed  individual  incentive  targets.  Conversely,  if   actual
performance does not meet established targets, actual incentive compensation can
be reduced or eliminated, as warranted.

    The level of Mr. Margolis' incentive compensation for 1994 was determined by
comparing   Coltec's  performance  with  its   historical  performance  and  the
performance of two groups of companies during the first nine months of 1994. The
first "traditional" group consists of a peer group of Fortune 500  manufacturing
companies  with comparable business and/or organizational structures. The second
"select" peer group  consists of  Fortune 500 companies  which rank  in the  top
twenty-five percent of Fortune 500 manufacturing companies in terms of return on
assets,  return  on equity,  return on  sales, ten-year  average growth  rate in
earnings per share, and ten-year average  total return to shareholders. Many  of
the companies from the traditional and select peer groups may be included in the
Standard & Poor's 500 Index and/or The Dow Jones Industrial Average.

    Mr.   Margolis'  incentive  compensation  reflects  Coltec's  superior  1994
performance compared with that of both peer groups during the first nine  months
of  1994 based on return on assets  and return on capital. Coltec's results were
the highest of  all traditional peer  group companies for  return on assets  and
return  on  capital.  Among the  select  peer  group, Coltec's  results  were in
approximately the top quartile for return on  assets and in the top 15%  percent
for return on capital.


    The  objective of Coltec's long-term compensation  program is to measure and
reward senior  corporate  and  divisional  executives  for  the  achievement  of
longer-term  business goals  linked to the  increase in  shareholder value. This
program consists of the 1992 Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "Option Plan")
and the 1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "1994 Incentive Plan").

    The Option Plan provides  for grants of stock  options at an exercise  price
equal  to the market price of  the Common Stock on the  date of grant. This plan
ties awards  directly to  the  growth in  shareholder  value by  linking  option
recipient gains to Common Stock price increases above the exercise price.

    The  1994 Incentive Plan replaces the  1977 Long-Term Performance Plan. Both
the 1994 Incentive Plan and its predecessor plan were designed to focus Coltec's
senior corporate and  divisional executives  on certain  financial goals  deemed
essential  for  Coltec's  long-term  profitability  and  continued  increase  in
shareholder value, but which may not be directly tied to increases in the market
value of Coltec's Common Stock.

    The 1994  Incentive Plan  provides for  annual grants  of performance  units
("Units")  to senior corporate executives and other senior operations management
employees of Coltec and  its subsidiaries who are  selected by the  Compensation
Committee. Amounts paid under the 1994 Incentive Plan are intended to qualify as
"performance-based"  compensation which would be  excludable from the $1 million
top executive compensation deduction limit passed by Congress in 1993.

    The value of  each Unit is  determined on the  basis of Coltec's  cumulative
operating  profit  measured  over  a  three-year  performance  cycle.  The  1994
Incentive Plan provides that no more than


300,000 Units may be  awarded for any  performance cycle and  that no more  than
50,000  Units may be awarded  to any participant in a  given cycle. For the 1994
performance cycle, Mr. Margolis received 35,000 Units.

    For each three-year  performance cycle, the  threshold level for  cumulative
operating  profit is  $600 million. If  that operating profit  is achieved, each
Unit will have an  award value of $12  and will increase by  $.0333 for each  $1
million  that  cumulative  operating profit  for  the award  cycle  exceeds $600
million, except that for the performance cycle commencing January 1, 1994  only,
awards  had a value  of $36 at  $600 million of  cumulative operating profit and
will increase by $.10  for each $1  million of operating  profit above the  $600
million threshold. The 1994 performance cycle award values were transitional and
were  intended to replace the incentive opportunity  lost for the years 1994 and
1995 as a result of the replacement of the 1977 Long-Term Performance Plan  with
the  1994 Incentive Plan. There is no maximum  limit on the award value that can
be earned per Unit. No  amounts are payable for  a Unit if cumulative  operating
profit for a performance cycle is less than $600 million.

    Awards  are paid two-thirds in cash and one-third in Common Stock that vests
in equal installments over three years. To encourage executive stock  ownership,
executives  electing to receive an additional part  of an earned award in Common
Stock will receive  Common Stock  with a  value which  is 15%  greater than  the
foregone cash award. No more than .5% (1% in 1997) of the issued and outstanding
Common Stock may be awarded under the 1994 Incentive Plan in any year.

    Coltec  also maintains certain benefit programs in which the executive group
participates. The compensation  attributed to the  named executive officers  for
1994  from these programs is  detailed in this proxy  statement. (See Column (i)
entitled "All  Other  Compensation"  on the  Summary  Compensation  Table).  The
Compensation  Committee  believes that  the level  of  benefits received  by Mr.
Margolis for participation  in these  programs reflects the  levels received  by
comparable executives in similar organizations.

    During 1993, Congress enacted legislation that could limit the deductibility
of  compensation  paid to  Coltec's named  executive officers.  This legislation
provides that compensation  paid to any  one executive in  excess of $1  million
will  not be deductible unless the compensation falls into certain exemptions or
is paid under a shareholder  approved plan and qualifies as  "performance-based"

    The Compensation Committee believes that the annual incentive awards and the
long-term  compensation  program components  of Coltec's  executive compensation
program are  "performance-based"  and that  the  process by  which  compensation
levels are determined and payments are made is sound and should be continued. In
1994,  shareholders approved amendments to the Annual Plan, the Option Plan, and
adopted the 1994 Incentive Plan. As  a result of these shareholder actions,  the
Compensation  Committee  believes  that  incentive payments  made  to  the named
executive officers under Coltec's incentive compensation plans meet the Internal
Revenue Service requirements for "performance-based" compensation.

             Joel Moses, Chairman, Stock Option and Compensation Committee
             Joseph R. Coppola, Member
             J. Bradford Mooney, Jr., Member
             Richard A. Stuckey, Member


                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

    The following is  a line  graph presentation  comparing Coltec's  cumulative
total  shareholder return  on the  Common Stock with  the Standard  & Poor's 500
Index and The Dow Jones Industrial Average for the period since March 25,  1992,
the  date when trading began  in connection with the  initial public offering on
April 1, 1992 to December  30, 1994 (assuming an investment  of $100 in each  on
April 1, 1992):


3/24/92                  100                   100        100
12/31/92                 128                   104        109
12/31/93                 125                   121        120
12/31/94                 114                   127        122


    The Board of Directors has appointed Arthur Andersen LLP, independent public
accountants, as the auditors of Coltec, to serve at the pleasure of the Board of
Directors  for 1995. A member of that firm will be present at the Annual Meeting
with the opportunity to make a statement and respond to appropriate questions by

    The shareholders of Coltec are asked to consider and act upon the matter  of
ratifying the appointment of Arthur Andersen LLP. Approval of this Proposal 2 by
the shareholders will require the affirmative votes of the holders of a majority
of  the  shares of  Common Stock  voting at  the meeting  (assuming a  quorum is
present). The Board  of Directors recommends  approval of this  Proposal 2.  All
proxies  will be voted in accordance  with instructions contained thereon. If no
specific  instructions  are  given,  the   persons  named  as  proxies  in   the
accompanying form will vote FOR Proposal 2.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

    In  addition  to the  use of  the mails,  proxies may  be solicited,  at the
expense of  Coltec,  by employees  and  directors  of Coltec  personally  or  by
telephone,  facsimile transmission, telegram or other means of communication. In
addition, Kissel-Blake Inc. has been retained by Coltec as soliciting agent  and


be  paid  a fee  of $5,500  by Coltec  for this  service. Coltec  will reimburse
brokerage  firms,  banks,  trustees,  nominees  and  other  persons  for   their
out-of-pocket  expenses  in forwarding  proxy material  to beneficial  owners of
Common Stock.

    As of the date of this Proxy  Statement, management has no knowledge of  any
business   other  than  that  described  herein   that  will  be  presented  for
consideration at the meeting.  In the event any  other business is presented  at
the  meeting, it is intended  that the persons named  in the enclosed proxy will
have authority to  vote such  proxy in accordance  with their  judgment on  such

                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

    Shareholder proposals intended to be presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  must be received by November 30,  1995, by the Secretary of Coltec
(at the address set forth on page one of this Proxy Statement) for inclusion  in
the Proxy Statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting.

                                 ANNUAL REPORTS

    Coltec's  1994  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders,  which  contains financial
statements for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1994,  accompanies  this  Proxy
Statement.  Coltec's  Annual  Report on  Form  10-K  for its  fiscal  year ended
December 31, 1994, will be made available (without exhibits), free of charge, to
interested shareholders upon written request to the Secretary of Coltec (at  the
address set forth on page one of this Proxy Statement).

                                            By order of the Board of Directors
                                                   John W. Guffey, Jr.
                                             CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, PRESIDENT
                                               AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

New York, New York
March 24, 1995

                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.



COLTEC INDUSTRIES                                      COLTEC INDUSTRIES INC
                                                       430 PARK AVENUE
                                                       NEW YORK, NEW YORK

                            THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED
                       ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

The undersigned hereby appoints JOHN W. GUFFEY, JR., and PAUL G. SCHOEN, and
each of them, with full power of substitution, as proxy or proxies to vote all
stock of Coltec Industries Inc owned by the undersigned, with like effect as
if the undersigned were personally present and voting at the annual meeting of
shareholders of Coltec Industries Inc to be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, on
Thursday, April 27,1995, at the Hyatt Regency Rochester, 125 East Main Street,
Rochester, New York,  and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof, on the
items of business set forth on the reverse side hereof and on such other
business as may properly come before the meeting and hereby revokes any proxy or
proxies heretofore given.


                                                                See Reverse Side

Please mark your choices like this /X/

The shares represented by this proxy will be voted as directed by the
shareholder. If no direction is given when the duly executed proxy is returned,
such shares will be voted "FOR" the nominees in Proposal 1 and "FOR" Proposal 2.


The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the nominees in Proposal 1 and
"FOR" Proposal 2.

Proposal 1 - Election of the following nominees as Directors:

Joseph R. Coppola             Joel Moses
John W. Guffey, Jr.           Paul G. Schoen
David I. Margolis             Richard A. Stuckey
J. Bradford Mooney, Jr.

WITHHELD FOR ALL                             / /

A vote FOR the nominees includes discretionary authority to vote for a
substitute nominee if any of the nominees listed becomes unable or unwilling to

Withhold for the following only
(Write the name of the nominee(s) in the space below)

- ----------------------------------------------------------

Proposal 2 - Appointment of Independent Public Accountants

FOR            / /
AGAINST        / /
ABSTAIN        / /

Date:                            , 1995

- -----------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------

Note: Please sign as name appears above. Joint owners should each sign. When
signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give
full title.


                                                                   Common Stock

The shares to which these instructions relate will be voted as directed.  If no
direction is given when the duly executed instructions are returned, the shares
will be voted in the same proportion as instructions are received for shares
credited to the accounts of participants in the Walbar Canada Inc. Employee
Savings and Profit Sharing Plan.


     The undersigned hereby instructs the Trustees of the Walbar Canada Inc.
Employee Savings and Profit Sharing Plan, to vote all stock of Coltec Industries
Inc credited to my account in the Walbar Canada Inc. Employee Savings and Profit
Sharing Plan at the annual meeting of shareholders of Coltec Industries Inc to
be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, on Thursday, April 27, 1995, at the Hyatt
Regency Rochester, 125 East Main Street, Rochester, New York, and at any
adjournment or adjournments thereof, on the items of business set forth below
and on such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

PROPOSAL 1 -   Election of the following nominees as Directors:  Joseph R.
               Coppola, John W. Guffey, Jr., David I. Margolis, J. Bradford
               Mooney, Jr., Joel Moses, Paul G. Schoen and Richard A. Stuckey.

Instructions to vote FOR the nominees includes discretionary authority to vote
for a substitute nominee if any of the nominees listed becomes unable or
unwilling to serve.


                                             Withheld for the following only
                                             (write the name of the nominee(s)
                                             in the space below)


PROPOSAL 2 -   Appointment of Independent
               Public Accountants

  FOR          AGAINST          ABSTAIN
  / /            / /              / /




                                                                   Common Stock

The shares to which these instructions relate will be voted as directed.  If no
direction is given when the duly executed instructions are returned, the shares
will be voted in the same proportion as instructions are received for shares
credited to the accounts of participants in the Walbar Savings Plan.


     The undersigned hereby instructs the Trustees of the Walbar Stock Fund of
the Walbar Savings Plan, to vote all stock of Coltec Industries Inc credited to
my account in the Walbar Stock Fund of the Walbar Savings Plan at the annual
meeting of shareholders of Coltec Industries Inc to be held at 10:00 a.m., local
time, on Thursday, April 27, 1995, at the Hyatt Regency Rochester, 125 East Main
Street, Rochester, New York, and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof, on
the items of business set forth below and on such other business as may properly
come before the meeting.

PROPOSAL 1 -   Election of the following nominees as Directors:  Joseph R.
               Coppola, John W. Guffey, Jr., David I. Margolis, J. Bradford
               Mooney, Jr., Joel Moses, Paul G. Schoen and Richard A. Stuckey.

Instructions to vote FOR the nominees includes discretionary authority to vote
for a substitute nominee if any of the nominees listed becomes unable or
unwilling to serve.


                                             Withheld for the following only
                                             (write the name of the nominee(s)
                                             in the space below)


PROPOSAL 2 -   Appointment of Independent
               Public Accountants

  FOR          AGAINST          ABSTAIN
  / /            / /              / /

