1.   DEFERRED AMOUNT:  _____________________________,  (the
"Optionee"), a non-employee  director  of  Battle  Mountain  Gold
Company,  a Nevada corporation (the "Company"),  hereby elects to
defer _______________ (the "Deferred Amount") for attending Board
of Directors  or  Committee  meetings  to  be  earned in the year
commencing ___________________ and ending December 31, 19___ (the
"Plan Year").

      2.   ELECTED EXERCISE PRICE:  The Optionee hereby elects an
exercise price of $_____  ("Elected Exercise Price") per share of
common stock of the Company, $0.10 par value per share ("Stock").
The Elected Exercise Price shall not exceed the Fair Market Value
minus  $1.00  nor be less than $1.00.  "Fair Market Value"  shall
mean the  average of the  quoted closing sales price per share of
Stock as reported on the Composite Tape  of the  New  York  Stock
Exchange  for  the  five  consecutive  trading  days  immediately
preceding the Election Date which  Fair Market Value was equal to
$______ for such period. "Election Date" shall mean the first day
of the Plan Year for which the Optionee files this Agreement with
the Company.

      3.   GRANT OF OPTION:  The Company  hereby  grants  to  the
Optionee the option  (the "Option")  to purchase from the Company
shares  of  Stock  at  the  Elected  Exercise  Price indicated in
Paragraph 2 above to be  determined  at  the  end  of  1994.  The
number of whole shares subject to option under  this Agreement is
equal  to  the Deferred Amount  divided  by the Fair Market Value
less the Elected Exercise Price.

       (Fair Market Value) -       =         Number of Shares
      Elected Exercise Price

      4.   OPTION SUBJECT TO THE PLAN:  This Option is issued  in
accordance  with and subject to all of the terms, conditions  and
provisions  of  the  Battle Mountain Gold Company  1988  Deferred
Income  Stock Option Plan as in effect on the date hereof and  as
the  same  may  hereinafter be amended from  time  to  time  (the
"Plan"), and administrative interpretations thereunder,  if  any,
which  have  been  adopted by the Compensation and  Stock  Option
Committee  or  any  other  committee of the  Board  of  Directors
authorized to administer the Plan (the "Committee") and which are
still in effect on the date hereof.  The Optionee has received  a
copy of, and is familiar with, the terms of the Plan and any such
administrative  interpretations, which  are  hereby  incorporated
herein by reference.

      5.   OPTION PERIOD:  The Option shall become exercisable on
January  1,  19___ and shall terminate and be  of  no  force  and
effect with respect to any shares not previously taken up by  the
Optionee  upon  the first to occur of (i) the expiration  of  ten
(10)  years from the date hereof; (ii) in the case of resignation
of the Optionee from the Board of Directors (other than by reason
of  death  or total and permanent disability), the expiration  of
three  (3)  years  after  the later  of  (a)  the  date  of  such
resignation  or  (b) the date on which such option  first  became
exercisable; or (iii) in the case of

termination of service as a director  by  the  Optionee  by reason
of death  or total and permanent, the expiration of one year after
the later of (a) the date  of  such termination or (b) the date on
which  such  option first became exercisable.


      (a)  Subject  to  the  limitations  of  the  Plan  and other
provisions of  this Agreement, this  Option  may be exercised only
by written notice sent to the Secretary of the Company at 333 Clay
Street, 42nd Floor, Houston, Texas 77002,  accompanied by payments
in  cash,  or at the option of the Optionee,  in Stock theretofore
owned  by  the  Optionee (or in a combination  of  cash  and  such
Stock), of the full consideration for the  number of shares as  to
which the Option is exercised.

      (b)   An  Optionee, by written notice to the  Company,  may
designate one or more persons (and from time to time change  such
designation), including his legal representative, who, by  reason
of  his  death,  shall acquire the right to  exercise  all  or  a
portion  of  the Option.  If the person or persons so  designated
wish  to  exercise any portion of the Option,  they  must  do  so
within the term of the Option as provided in Paragraph 5 of  this
Agreement.  Any exercise by a representative shall be subject  to
the provisions of the Plan.

       7.   TERMINATION  OF  SERVICES:    In  the  event  of  the
termination of services of an Optionee prior to the date on which
an  Option  granted  to him becomes exercisable  as  provided  in
Paragraph  5  of  the  Agreement,  whether  by  quit,  discharge,
retirement,   disability  or  death,  the  Option  shall   become
exercisable on the date determined in accordance with Paragraph 5
of  the  Agreement, but only with respect to the number of shares
determined by reference to the compensation earned prior to  such

      8.   ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER:   The Optionee's rights  under
the Plan and hereunder are personal; no assignment or transfer of
the  Optionee's rights under and interest in the  Option  may  be
made  by  the Optionee otherwise than by will or by the  laws  of
descent  and  distribution; and the Option is exercisable  during
his lifetime only by the Optionee.


     (a)  Neither the Plan, nor the granting of an option nor any
other  action taken pursuant to the Plan, shall constitute or  be
evidence  of any agreement or understanding, express or  implied,
that the Company will retain a director for any period of time or
at any particular rate of compensation.

      (b)  An Optionee shall have no rights as a shareholder with
respect to the shares covered by the Option until the date of the
issuance  to  him  of  a  stock  certificate  therefor,  and   no
adjustment will be made for dividends or other rights  for  which
the record date is prior to the date such certificate is issued.

      10.  CHANGE IN PRESENT STOCK:   In the event of any merger,
consolidation, reorganization, recapitalization, stock  dividend,
stock  split,  or  other  change in the  corporate  structure  or
capitalization  affecting  the Company's  present  Common  Stock,
appropriate  adjustment shall be made by  the


Committee in the number (including the aggregate numbers specified
in Section IV of the Plan), kind of shares which are or may become
subject to options  granted or to be granted under the Plan and in
the purchase price per share of outstanding options.

Committee  shall  have the power to modify the  Option,  provided
that  any  such action must be consistent with the provisions  of
the  Plan (including the terms and conditions set out in  Section
VI  of  the  Plan)  and may not have the effect  of  altering  or
impairing  any rights or obligations under any Option  previously
granted under the Plan without the consent of the Optionee.

The  Optionee is aware that the Company has not obtained from the
SEC  any interpretive advice to the effect that the Plan complies
with  Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act.  Accordingly, while  the
Company  believes  the  Plan  may comply  with  Rule  16b-3,  the
Optionee should assume that the exemption afforded by Rule  16b-3
may  be  unavailable to the Plan.  The Optionee should  therefore
assume that the acquisition of an option under the Plan could  be
deemed to result in a "purchase" for purposes of Section 16(b) of
the  Exchange Act.  The Optionee is advised to consult  with  the
Company's Legal Department prior to making an election under  the
Plan  with a view to planning his transactions so as to avoid  an
unintended liability to the Company under Section 16(b).

                                Dated: ________________

                                BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

                                  Kenneth R. Werneburg
                                  President and Chief Operating

                                This  Agreement has been entered
                                into  as  of  the   above   date
                                by  the  undersigned, subject to
                                the  terms  and  provisions   of
                                the   Plan   and  administrative
                                interpretations thereof referred
                                to above.

