

      1.   BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY (the "Company"), a Nevada
corporation,    hereby    awards   to    ________________________
(the  "Participant"), an employee of the Company or  one  of  its
subsidiaries,  ________ units, representing an  incentive  award,
("Performance  Units"),  subject  to  the  following  terms   and

This Performance Unit is issued in accordance with and subject to
all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the 1994 Long-Term
Incentive Plan of Battle Mountain Gold Company (a copy of  which,
as  in  effect  on  the  date hereof, is attached  as  Exhibit  1
hereto), and as the same may hereinafter be amended from time  to
time (the "Plan"), and administrative interpretations thereunder,
if  any,  which have been adopted by the Compensation  and  Stock
Option Committee (the "Committee") and are still in effect on the
date  hereof.   By  executing  this  Agreement,  the  Participant
acknowledges that he has received a copy of, and is familiar with
the   terms   of,   the   Plan   and  any   such   administrative
interpretations, which are incorporated herein by reference.

      3.    PERFORMANCE  PERIOD.   The Performance  Units  hereby
awarded  represent an incentive award for achievement during  the
period  July  1, ______ through June 30, ______ (the "Performance

      4.   PERFORMANCE UNIT ACCOUNT.  The Company shall establish
an  account for the Participant (the "Performance Unit  Account")
and  shall credit to such Performance Unit Account the number  of
Performance  Units  awarded by the Company  for  the  Performance
Period.  A new Performance Unit Account shall be established  for
each Performance Period, and the Participant may at any time have
one or more such Performance Unit Accounts.


          (a)  The award of a number of Performance Units to
     the  Participant shall be reflected as a book entry  as
     of  the  commencement of the Performance Period in  the
     Participant's Performance Unit Account.

           (b)   Subject to the provisions of Section  6  of
     this  Agreement, the Performance Unit  Account  of  the
     Participant shall be credited as of the date of the end
     of  such  Performance Period with  an  amount,  not  to
     exceed  $1.50 per Performance Unit, calculated  from  a
     formula to be determined by the Committee incorporating
     such "performance measures" (as hereinafter defined) as
     the Committee in its sole discretion deems appropriate,
     all  adjusted  by a factor of actual performance  as  a
     percentage  of targeted performance.  For  purposes  of
     this  Agreement, performance measure is any  one  of  a
     number of measures of Company performance chosen by the
     Committee for

     inclusion  in  the formula to calculate the Performance
     Units  awarded  under  this  Agreement.   The  proposed
     Performance Measures are to be chosen in part for their
     relationship to the creation of value for the Company's

                If  any  performance measure  for  any  year
     during  the Performance Period shall have been affected
     by  special  factors  (including  material  changes  in
     accounting policies or practices, material acquisitions
     or  dispositions of property, or other  unusual  items)
     which in the Committee's judgment should or should  not
     be  taken  into account, in whole or in  part,  in  the
     equitable  administration of the  Plan,  the  Committee
     may, for any purpose of the Plan, adjust the applicable
     performance measure as the case may be, for  such  year
     (and   subsequent   years  as  appropriate),   or   any
     combination  of  them, and make credits,  payments  and
     reductions accordingly under the Plan.

           (c)   The Committee shall have authority to  make
     all  decisions with respect to the crediting of amounts
     to  the  Participant's Performance  Unit  Account  with
     respect to the Performance Period.

           (d)  Subject to Section 6 of this Agreement,  the
     balance credited to the Participant's Performance  Unit
     Account  shall  be  paid  to such  Participant  in  the
     following manner:  one-half the credited amount as soon
     as  practicable  following the end of  the  Performance
     Period  and  one-half the credited amount  as  soon  as
     practicable following the date falling exactly one year
     following  the end of the Performance Period  in  which
     the credited amount was earned.

           (e)   Payments shall be made in cash,  shares  of
     Company  Class A common stock, par value $0.10 ("Common
     Stock")  or  a  combination of cash and Company  Common
     Stock  as  determined  by the Committee.   The  initial
     method  of payment shall be one-half cash and  one-half
     Company  Common  Stock, although  this  method  remains
     subject to change by the Committee.  For the purpose of
     distribution  of  Performance Units in  Company  Common
     Stock, the value of such Company Common Stock shall  be
     calculated  as  the average of the daily closing  sales
     prices  of the shares of Common Stock on the  New  York
     Stock  Exchange Composite Tape on the last five trading
     days  of  the Performance Period with respect to  which
     such  payment is being made, or such other  appropriate
     measurement  of fair market value as shall be  selected
     by the Committee.

      6.   FORFEITURE OF PERFORMANCE UNIT.  Anything contained in
the Plan or this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding:

          (a)  All Performance Units and amounts credited to
     the Participant's Performance Unit Account with respect
     to or arising from this Performance Unit award shall be
     forfeited  immediately in the event of  the  "discharge
     for   cause"   (as   hereinafter   defined)   of   such
     Participant.   Discharge for cause is  the  involuntary
     termination  of  employment of  the  Participant  as  a
     result  of  dishonesty  or similar  serious  misconduct
     directly related to the performance of duties  for  the


          (b)  All Performance Units and amounts credited to
     the Participant's Performance Unit Account with respect
     to  or  arising from this Performance Unit award shall,
     unless  and to the extent that the Committee  shall  in
     its  absolute discretion otherwise determine by  reason
     of  special  mitigating circumstances, be forfeited  in
     the  event  that  such Participant's  employment  shall
     terminate at any time for reasons other than by  death,
     disability or retirement pursuant to the provisions  of
     the Company's retirement plan.

          (c)  If the Participant terminates employment with
     the  Company  by reason of retirement pursuant  to  the
     provisions of the Company's retirement plan (or, in the
     sole  discretion  of the Committee, under  the  defined
     benefit  retirement  plan  of  a  subsidiary   of   the
     Company),  the  Participant shall  be  deemed  to  have
     earned  a  portion of the Performance Units awarded  to
     his Performance Unit Account based on the period of his
     service with the Company during that Performance Period
     prior to his termination date and on any other criteria
     that the Committee in its sole discretion shall select.
     The  crediting  of  amounts  to  the  Performance  Unit
     Account pursuant to this paragraph shall be effected at
     the   end   of  the  Performance  Period  pursuant   to
     Section 5.

          (d)  If the Participant terminates employment with
     the  Company  by  reason  of death  or  disability  (as
     hereinafter defined) the Participant shall be deemed to
     have  earned a portion of the Performance Units awarded
     to  his Performance Unit Account based on the period of
     his  service  with the Company during that  Performance
     Period  prior to his termination date and on any  other
     criteria  that  the  Committee in its  sole  discretion
     shall   select.   The  crediting  of  amounts  to   the
     Performance  Unit  Account pursuant to  this  paragraph
     shall  be effected at the end of the Performance Period
     pursuant to Section 5.  For purposes of this paragraph,
     disability  is  any  disability which  qualifies  as  a
     "total disability" under the Long-Term Disability  Plan
     of the Company.

           (e)  In the event of a "change in control" of the
     Company (as hereinafter defined), Performance Units, or
     the  balance  thereof,  credited to  the  Participant's
     Performance Unit Account shall become fully vested  and
     be immediately paid to the Participant in cash, as soon
     as practicable after the date of the change of control.
     In  the  event  of a change of control of the  Company,
     Performance  Units  which  have  been  awarded  to  the
     Participant  and  allocated  to  his  Performance  Unit
     Account but which have not yet been valued and credited
     (because  the  Performance Period has  not  yet  ended)
     shall  be immediately paid to the Participant in  cash,
     as  soon as practicable after the date of the change of
     control.  For purposes of making such payment prior  to
     the  end  of  the Performance Period, each  Performance
     Unit  shall be deemed equal to and shall be  valued  at

                For  purposes  of  this  Paragraph  6(e),  a
     "change  in control" of the Company shall be deemed  to
     have occurred if:


                     (i)   any  "person,"  including  a
          "group"  as  determined  in  accordance  with
          Section  13(d)(3) of the Securities  Exchange
          Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"),
          is  or becomes the beneficial owner, directly
          or  indirectly, of securities of the  Company
          representing  30%  or more  of  the  combined
          voting   power   of   the   Company's    then
          outstanding securities;

                      (ii)  as  a  result  of,  or   in
          connection with, any tender offer or exchange
          offer,  merger or other business combination,
          sale of assets or contested election, or  any
          combination of the foregoing transactions  (a
          "Transaction"),   the   persons   who    were
          directors   of   the   Company   before   the
          Transaction  shall  cease  to  constitute   a
          majority  of  the Board of Directors  of  the
          Company or any successor to the Company;

                    (iii)      the Company is merged or
          consolidated with another corporation and  as
          a result of such merger or consolidation less
          than 70% of the outstanding voting securities
          of  the  surviving  or resulting  corporation
          shall  then be owned in the aggregate by  the
          former  stockholders of  the  Company,  other
          than   (x)  any  party  to  such  merger   or
          consolidation, or (y) any affiliates  to  any
          such party;

                     (iv)  a  tender offer or  exchange
          offer   is  made  and  consummated  for   the
          ownership   of  securities  of  the   Company
          representing  30%  or more  of  the  combined
          voting securities; or

                       (v)    the   Company   transfers
          substantially  all of its assets  to  another
          corporation  that  is  not  a  wholly   owned
          corporation of the Company.

           (f)   To  the  extent  that the  acceleration  of
     vesting   or   any  payment  made  to  the  Participant
     hereunder  in the event of a change of control  of  the
     Company is subject to federal income, excise, or  other
     tax  at a rate above the rate ordinarily applicable  to
     like  payments paid in the ordinary course of  business
     ("Penalty  Tax"), whether as a result of the provisions
     of  Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code of  1986,
     as  amended  (the  "Code"), any  similar  or  analogous
     provisions  of  any statute adopted subsequent  to  the
     date  hereof  or otherwise, then the Company  shall  be
     obligated  to pay the Participant an additional  amount
     of  cash  (the "Additional Amount") such that  the  net
     amount  received by the Participant, after  paying  any
     applicable Penalty Tax and any federal or state  income
     tax  on  such Additional Amount shall be equal  to  the
     amount  that  Participant would have received  if  such
     Penalty Tax were not applicable.

      7.   ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER.  The Participant may designate
in writing a beneficiary (including the trustee or trustees of  a
trust) who shall upon the death of the Participant be entitled to
receive  amounts, if any, which would have been payable hereunder
to  Participant.  Such designation may be rescinded or changed by
the  Participant  at  any  time.   Except  as  provided  in  this
Section  7,  none


of  the  amounts  which  may  be  payable  under  the Plan or this
Agreement  shall  be  subject  in  any  manner   to  anticipation,
alienation,  sale,  transfer,  assignment,  pledge, encumbrance or
charge, and any attempt at such, whether voluntary or involuntary,
by operation of law or otherwise, shall be  null and void, and any
such  benefit  shall  not  in  any  way  be subject to the  debts,
contracts,  liabilities,  engagements  or  torts of the person who
shall  be  entitled  to  such  benefit, nor shall it be subject to
attachment or legal process for or against such person.  Except as
described  herein,  no assignment or transfer of the Participant's
rights  under  and  interest in this Agreement may be  made by the
Participant  otherwise  than by will or by the laws of descent and

     8.   LIMITATION OF RIGHTS.  The selection of Participant for
participation  in  the Plan shall not give such  Participant  any
right  to be retained in the employ of the Company and the  right
of  the  Company to dismiss or discharge any such Participant  is
specifically  reserved.   The benefits provided  for  Participant
under  the  Plan  shall be in addition to, and shall  in  no  way
preclude,  other forms or compensation to or in respect  of  such

      9.    WITHHOLDING.   All  payments made  pursuant  to  this
Agreement  shall be subject to withholding in respect  of  income
and  other  taxes required by law to be withheld,  in  accordance
with  procedures to be established by the Committee.  Unless  the
Committee otherwise determines, withholding obligations at a flat
28%  rate  (or  such  other  rate as  may  be  established  under
applicable  law)  shall  be satisfied  by  withholding  from  any
payment hereunder 28% (or such other percentage) of the shares of
Common  Stock  otherwise distributable and  28%  (or  such  other
percentage)  of  the  cash  otherwise  distributable,   and   any
additional  elective withholding shall be satisfied by  deducting
additional amounts from the cash portion of the distribution.

IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed on this ___
day of ________________, but effective as of July 1, ______.

                               BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY


This Performance Unit has been accepted
as of the above date by the undersigned,
subject to the terms and provisions of
the Plan and administrative interpretations
thereof referred to above.







