
            Amended and Restated Generally Effective January 1, 1989

          WHEREAS, Continental Materials Corporation, a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), adopted on January 22, 1965, a profit sharing plan
and trust; and

          WHEREAS, said plan and trust has from time to time been amended;

          WHEREAS, said plan and trust is now being further amended;

          NOW, THEREFORE, the Continental Materials Corporation Employees Profit
Sharing Retirement Plan is hereby amended and restated in its entirety,
effective as of January 1, 1989, as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.


          Whenever used herein with the initial letter capitalized, words and
phrases shall have the meanings stated below unless a different meaning is
plainly required by context.  For purposes of construction of this Plan, the
masculine term shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the
plural in all cases in which they could thus be applied.

          ACCOUNT(S) means the separate account or accounts which are
maintained for the benefit of each Participant.

          ACCOUNT BALANCE means, for each Participant, the total balance
standing to his Account or Accounts under the date of reference determined in
accordance with the valuation procedures described herein.

          AFFILIATE means any corporation or other business entity which
is part of the same controlled group as an Employer determined under the rules
of Section 414(b), (c) and (m) of the Code.

          AFTER-TAX SAVINGS CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT means the separate Account
which shall be maintained by the Trustee for each Participant to reflect (a) all
of his After-Tax Savings Contributions and any earnings or losses thereon, and
(b) in the case of a Participant who participated before 1985, all of his pre-
1985 employee contributions and any earnings or losses thereon.

          AFTER-TAX SAVINGS CONTRIBUTIONS means the after tax contributions made
by the Participant, as described in Section 3.03(b), and, in the case of a
Participant who participated in the Plan before 1985, his employee contributions
made before 1985.

          APPROVED ABSENCE means an absence from work approved by the Employer
under uniform rules and conditions for all Employees, and shall include a
military leave.

          BENEFICIARY means the person or persons, estate, trust or organization
designated by a Participant to receive any benefits under the Plan which may be
due upon the Participant's death.

          BREAK IN SERVICE or ONE-YEAR BREAK IN SERVICE means a Plan Year during
which an Employee completes five hundred (500) or fewer Hours of Service.

          CODE means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to

          COMPANY means the Continental Materials Corporation, a Delaware
corporation, and any predecessor or successor to it.

          COMPENSATION means the total amount of cash compensation paid to an
Employee in a Plan Year as calculated by the Employer for Federal income tax
purposes including salary, wages, commissions, overtime payments, bonuses and
amounts, if any, deferred under a salary reduction agreement in accordance with
Section 401(k) of the Code.  If an Employee becomes a Participant during a Plan
Year, his Compensation in such Plan Year for purposes of determining the amount
of the Employer contribution contributed on his behalf shall be his Compensation
earned while he is a Participant.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Compensation
in excess of the Annual Compensation Limitation shall be disregarded.  The
"Annual Compensation Limitation" shall be $200,000 ($150,000 as of January 1,
1994) or such other amount determined under Code Section 401(a)(17).


For purposes of applying the Annual Compensation Limitation an Employee
who is a Family Member (as defined below) of either:

          (a)  a 5 percent owner (or deemed a 5 percent owner by application of
               Section 318 of the Code); or

          (b)  a highly compensated Employee who is one of the ten most highly
               compensated Employees

          will not be treated as a separate Employee.  In such a case, the
          Family Aggregation Rules shall be applied.

          If, as a result of applying the Family Aggregation Rules the Annual
          Compensation Limitation is exceeded, the Annual Compensation
          Limitation shall be prorated among the individuals in the Family
          Aggregation Group in proportion to each such individual's Compensation
          as determined under this section prior to application of the Annual
          Compensation Limitation.

          If Compensation for any prior Plan Year is taken into account in
          determining a Participant's allocations or benefits for the current
          Plan Year, the Compensation for such prior Plan Year is subject to the
          applicable Annual Compensation Limitation in effect for that prior
          Plan Year if less than the current year's Compensation limitation.

          COVERED EMPLOYEE means an Employee employed by an Employer at a
location and/or in a job classification which has been designated by the Company
as being a location and/or classification of Employees which may become eligible
to participate in the Plan.  Those locations and classifications are listed in
Exhibit A hereto.

          EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENT means January 1, 1989, the date on which
the provisions of this amended and restated Plan became effective except as
specially provided herein.

          EMPLOYEE means a person employed by the Employer and shall not include
an independent contractor.

          EMPLOYER means the Company and each Affiliate which has adopted this
Plan with the consent of the Company. The Employers are listed in Exhibit A
hereto.  If the Effective Date of an Employer's adoption of this Plan is
different from the general Effective Date of Amendment, it will be set forth in
Exhibit A hereto.  The terms hereof shall apply to all Employers except to the
extent that any differences are set forth in Exhibit A hereto in which event the
terms set forth in Exhibit A shall govern.


          EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT means the separate Account which shall
be maintained by the Trustee for each Participant with respect to each Employer
of such Participant to reflect all Employer contributions made on behalf of such
Participant by each Employer, and any Forfeitures allocated thereto and any
earnings thereon.

          ERISA means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended from time to time.

          FAMILY AGGREGATION RULES means the rules described below:

     (1)  These Family Aggregation Rules are applied to Participants who are
          Family Members of either:

          (a)  a 5 percent owner (or deemed a 5 percent owner by application of
               Section 318 of the Code) (hereafter "5 Percent Owner"); or

          (b)  a highly compensated Participant (as defined in this Article) who
               is one of the ten most highly compensated Participants.

     (2)  Any compensation paid to the Family Member and any applicable Plan
          contribution or benefit accrued on behalf of such Family Member shall
          be treated as if it were paid to (or on behalf of) the 5 Percent Owner
          or one of the ten most highly compensated Participants.  For these
          purposes, a Family Member is the spouse or a lineal descendant (who
          has not reached age 19 before the close of the Plan Year) of any 5
          Percent Owner or highly compensated Participant.  A group of Family
          Members shall be called collectively a "Family Aggregation Group".

     (3)  For purposes of these Family Aggregation Rules, compensation is
          defined as all compensation paid to the Participant for the Plan Year
          and currently includible in gross income, including bonuses and
          commissions ("FAR Compensation").  If the period for determining FAR
          Compensation used in calculating an Employee's allocation for a Plan
          Year is a short Plan Year (i.e. shorter than 12 months) the Annual
          Compensation Limitation is an amount equal to the otherwise applicable
          Annual Compensation Limitation multiplied by the fraction, the
          numerator of which is the number of days in the short Plan Year and
          the denominator of which is 365.

          FISCAL YEAR means the taxable year used by the Company for Federal
income tax purposes.

          FORFEITURE means the portion of a Participant's Employer Contribution
Account to which he is not entitled, as determined under Section 5.03.


          HOUR OF SERVICE means:

     (1)  Each hour for which an Employee is paid, or entitled to payment, for
          the performance of duties for an Employer.  These hours shall be
          credited to the Employee for the computation period in which the
          duties are performed.

     (2)  Each hour for which an Employee is paid, or entitled to payment, by an
          Employer on account of a period of time during which no duties are
          performed (irrespective of whether the employment relationship has
          terminated) due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including
          disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty (to the extent required
          by federal law) or leave of absence.  No more than five hundred one
          (501) Hours of Service shall be credited under this paragraph (2) for
          any single continuous period (whether or not such period occurs in a
          single computation period) except as required by applicable federal
          law.  Hours of Service under this paragraph (2) shall be calculated
          and credited pursuant to Section 2530.200b 2 of the Department of
          Labor Regulations, which are incorporated herein by this reference.

     (3)  Each hour for which back pay, irrespective of mitigation of damages,
          is either awarded or agreed to by an Employer.  The same Hours of
          Service shall not be credited both under paragraph (1) or paragraph
          (2) as the case may be, and under this paragraph (3).  These hours
          shall be credited to the Employee for the period to which the award or
          agreement pertains rather than the period in which the award,
          agreement or payment is made.

     (4)  In accordance with Department of Labor Regulation 2530.200b-3(e), each
          Employee shall be credited with forty five (45) Hours of Service per
          week for each week in which he would be credited with service pursuant
          to the foregoing if adequate records of his Hours of Service are not

     (5)  Hours of Service shall be credited for employment with any Affiliate.

     (6)  Solely for purposes of determining whether a Break in Service for
          participation and vesting purposes has occurred, an Employee who is
          absent from work for maternity or paternity reasons shall receive
          credit for the Hours of Service which would otherwise have been
          credited to him but for such absence, or in any case in which such
          Hours of Service cannot be determined, eight (8) Hours of Service per
          day of such absence.  For purposes of this paragraph (6), an absence
          from work for maternity or paternity reasons means an absence:


          (a)  by reason of the pregnancy of the Employee,
          (b)  by reason of a birth of a child of the Employee,

          (c)  by reason of the placement of a child with the Employee in
               connection with the adoption of such child by such individual, or

          (d)  for purposes of caring for such child for a period beginning
               immediately following such birth or placement.

          The Hours of Service credited under this paragraph (6) shall be
          credited in the computation period in which the absence begins if the
          crediting is necessary to prevent a Break in Service in that period,
          or in all other cases, in the immediately following computation

          Notwithstanding the preceding, no credit shall be given for Hours of
          Service applicable to maternity or paternity leave unless the Employee
          furnishes the Plan Administrator such timely information as the Plan
          Administrator may reasonably require to establish that the absence
          from work is because of maternity or paternity leave and the number of
          days for which there was such an absence.

          PARTICIPANT means an Employee who fulfills the eligibility
requirements as provided in Article II, who makes the contributions required by
Section 3.03(a) and who continues to qualify as a Participant.  A Participant
becomes a former Participant when he terminates employment.

          PLAN means the Continental Materials Corporation Employees Profit
Sharing Retirement Plan, as amended from time to time.

          PLAN ADMINISTRATOR means the person or persons who may be appointed by
the Company.  In the absence of such appointment, the Plan Administrator shall
be the Company. The Plan Administrator shall serve pursuant to the terms of
Article VIII.

          PLAN YEAR means the calendar year.

          PRE TAX SAVINGS CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT means the separate Account which
shall be maintained by the Trustee for each Participant to reflect all of his
Pre-Tax Savings Contributions and any earnings thereon.

          PRE TAX SAVINGS CONTRIBUTIONS means the contributions made by an
Employer that are attributable to the reduction in Compensation a Participant
agrees to accept from an Employer each Plan Year, as described in Section
3.03(a) of the Plan.


          QUALIFIED DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDER means any judgment, decree or order
(including approval of a property settlement agreement) that relates to the
provision of child support, alimony payments or marital property rights to a
spouse, former spouse, child or other dependent of a Participant Payee and is
made pursuant to a state domestic relations law, including a community property
law that creates, recognizes or assigns to such person the right to receive all
or a portion of a Participant's benefits payable hereunder, and meets the
requirements of Section 414(p) of the Code.

          ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT means the separate Account which shall
be maintained by the Trustee for each Employee to reflect any Rollover
Contributions made by him and any earnings thereon.

          ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTIONS means the contributions made by an Employee
pursuant to Section 3.04 of the Plan.

          SHARE means a share of common stock of the Company, which is a
qualifying employer security as defined in Section 407(d)(5) of ERISA and
Section 409(1) of the Code.

          TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY means a participant is unable for the
foreseeable future to perform his normal work for an Employer or any other work
for which he is qualified by reason of education, training or experience as
determined by a competent physician chosen by the Company. Uniform standards
shall apply to Participants in similar conditions.

          TRUST AGREEMENT or TRUST means, respectively, the trust agreement
establishing the Continental Materials Corporation Employees Profit Sharing
Retirement Plan Trust as amended from time to time, and the trust established

          TRUST FUND means all cash, securities, real estate, Shares or any
other property held by the Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Trust Agreement,
together with the income therefrom.

          TRUSTEE means the person or persons appointed by the Company as
provided under Section 7.01 of the Plan to act as Trustee of the Trust,
including any Limited Co-Trustee which may be appointed pursuant to the
provisions of the Trust Agreement.

          VALUATION DATE means the last day of the sixth month of each Plan Year
and the last day of each Plan Year. In addition, the Company may adopt more
frequent Valuation Dates for purposes of allocating earnings if the Company
deems it appropriate in order to allocate earnings more equitably among


          YEAR OF SERVICE means a Plan Year during which an Employee completes
at least one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service, including years prior to the
Effective Date of Amendment of the Plan.  A Plan Year during which an Employee
completes less than one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service but more than five
hundred (500) Hours of Service shall be a substandard Year of Service.  A
substandard Year of Service shall neither be considered a One Year Break in
Service nor be counted as a Year of Service.

                                   ARTICLE II.

                          Eligibility and Participation


          (a)  Each Employee included under the provisions of the Plan prior to
               this restatement shall continue to participate in accordance with
               the provisions of this Plan, provided that he continues to make
               the contributions required by Section 3.03(a).

          (b)  Each other Employee who is a Covered Employee shall be eligible
               to make the contributions required by Section 3.03(a) and to
               participate in the Plan on the later of the Effective Date of
               Amendment or the first day of any calendar month coincident with
               or immediately following his completion of a 12-month period
               commencing (i) on his date of employment; or (ii) on the first
               day of any Plan Year beginning after his date of employment,
               during which he has completed at least one thousand (1,000) Hours
               of Service.

          (c)  Any Employee who does not choose to make the required
               contributions required under Section 3.03(a) and to participate
               in the Plan on the date when he is eligible may elect to make the
               required contributions and to participate on the first day of any
               calendar month immediately following his election to participate,
               if then otherwise eligible.

          (d)  For purposes of  eligibility for participation, the initial
               computation period shall begin with the date on which the
               Employee first performs an Hour of Service.  The participation
               computation period shall shift to the Plan Year which includes
               the anniversary of the date on which the Employee first performed
               an Hour of Service if he does not render one thousand (1,000)
               Hours of Service in the twelve month period commencing on his
               date of employment.



          An Employee who elects to become a Participant in the Plan shall
          complete a Designation of Beneficiary in the form prescribed by the
          Company.  In addition, an Employee shall complete a salary reduction
          agreement and an Authorization of Payroll Deductions pursuant to
          Section 3.03 in the forms prescribed by the Company, and shall deliver
          them to his Employer at least ten (10) days prior to the first day of
          the month on which he elects his participation to become effective.
          Each eligible Employee shall furnish the Company with such information
          concerning his age or other data necessary or appropriate for the
          administration of the Plan as the Company may require.


          (a)  A Participant who terminates employment and is subsequently
               rehired shall be eligible to again participate immediately if
               then otherwise eligible.

          (b)  A Participant who voluntarily discontinues his Pre-Tax Savings
               Contributions may rejoin the Plan as of the first January 1 or
               July 1 which is at least six (6) months after the date he
               discontinued such contributions, provided that such Participant
               has notified the Company in writing of his desire to enter the
               Plan, if then otherwise eligible.

          (c)  An Employee who terminates employment before becoming a
               Participant and is reemployed before incurring a One-Year Break
               in Service shall be eligible to become a Participant when he
               meets the eligibility requirements of Section 2.01, based on his
               original date of employment.

          (d)  An Employee who terminates employment before becoming a
               Participant and is reemployed after incurring a One-Year Break in
               Service shall be eligible to become a Participant when he meets
               the eligibility requirements of Section 2.01, based on his date
               of reemployment.

          (e)  A Participant shall not suffer a One-Year Break in Service during
               such period in which his performance of service for an Employer
               has been interrupted on account of layoff, sickness, accident,
               vacation, Approved Leave or entry into the armed forces of the
               United States in time of war, during such times as


               state or Federal legislation requires military conscription or on
               a voluntary basis, provided that he resumes the performance of
               his services for an Employer within five (5) days after such
               period of layoff, sickness, accident, vacation or Approved Leave,
               or the later of ninety (90) days after the discharge from such
               armed forces or such time as required by Federal law.  If such
               Participant shall not return to work at the expiration of said
               period, then such Participant shall be deemed to have terminated
               his employment with his Employer on the date of the expiration of
               such leave of absence and his rights under the Plan shall
               thereupon be determined in accordance with the provisions of
               Article V. All Employees shall be treated alike under similar

                                  ARTICLE III.



          (a)  Employer contributions to the Trust Fund for each Plan Year shall
               be in such amount as the Employer, in its sole discretion, shall
               determine; provided, however, that the total of such contribution
               for any Plan Year shall not exceed the maximum amount deductible
               for such Fiscal Year for Federal income tax purposes.  Employer
               contributions may be made in cash or in Shares valued at the fair
               market value thereof at the time such Employer contribution is
               made.  The Employer may earmark cash contributions as being
               allocable to the Stock Contribution Fund described in Article

          (b)  In order to meet the non-discrimination requirements of Section
               401(k) and 401(m) of the Code, as set forth in Sections 4.09 and
               4.10 hereof, the Company may, in its discretion, establish a
               special rate of Employer contributions applicable only to those
               Participants who earn less than a specified level of Compensation
               or such other class of Participants as the Company may determine.
               Contributions made under this paragraph (b) shall be deemed, for
               all Plan purposes, to be Pre-Tax Savings Contributions.


          The contribution of each Employer under the Plan for any Plan Year
          shall be due on the last day of that Plan Year and shall be paid over


          to the Trustee not later than the time prescribed by law for filing
          such Employer's Federal income tax return for such Fiscal Year
          (including any extensions).


          (a)  Each Participant shall have the option to enter into a salary
               reduction agreement with his Employer to provide that the
               Participant agrees to accept a reduction in salary from the
               Employer equal to from one percent (1%) to ten percent (10%) of
               his Compensation, in whole percentages.  Effective January 1,
               1995, the 10% limit in the preceding sentence shall be replaced
               by a 12% limit.

               The salary reduction amounts shall be called the Pre-Tax Savings

               An Employer may amend or revoke any salary reduction agreement
               entered into by a Participant if the Employer determines that
               such a revocation or amendment is necessary to ensure that the
               additions to a Participant's Accounts for any Plan Year will not
               exceed the limitations set forth in Article IV of the Plan.
               Effective for the period November 16, 1994 through December 31,
               1994, the ten percent limitation on Pre-Tax Savings Contributions
               shall be replaced by a ninety-six percent (96%) limitation.
               However, Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a Participant's
               salary reduction percentage shall be limited to that percentage
               which results in his aggregate salary reduction percentage for
               1994 being no greater than 12%.

          (b)  Subject to the limitations set forth in Article IV of the Plan, a
               Participant may elect to make After-Tax Savings Contributions to
               the Trust Fund in any Plan Year during which he is a Participant
               in an amount equal to between one percent (1%) and ten percent
               (10%) of his Compensation, in whole percentages. These
               contributions shall be deducted from the Participant's
               Compensation each pay period.  In addition, a Participant may
               contribute in any Plan Year an amount which, together with all
               other contributions made by that Participant in prior Plan Years,
               will cause his total contribution not to exceed ten percent (10%)
               of the Compensation received by him during all Plan Years that he
               has been a Participant in the Plan.  This amount shall be paid by
               the Participant either as a payroll deduction as specified in
               writing by the Participant in a form approved by the Company or
               by a cash payment to the


               Trustee.  A Participant who elects to make additional
               contributions by payroll deduction shall complete an
               Authorization of Payroll Deduction Form as prescribed by the
               Company. As soon as practicable, the Company shall pay the
               amounts so paid or deducted to the Trustee to be held and
               administered in trust pursuant to the Trust Agreement.

          (c)  The Company shall direct the Trustee to establish and maintain a
               Pre-Tax Savings Contribution Account and an After-Tax Savings
               Contribution Account in the name of each Participant who elects
               to make Pre-Tax Savings Contributions and After-Tax Savings

          (d)  A Participant may change the amount or percentage of his Pre-Tax
               Savings Contributions or his After-Tax Savings Contributions at
               any time, but effective with the next subsequent pay period, by
               filing another authorization form with the Company at least two
               weeks prior to the effective date of the change.

          (e)  A Participant may elect in writing to discontinue his Pre-Tax
               Savings Contributions or his After-Tax Savings Contributions by
               notifying the Company at least two weeks before the end of any
               pay period. In the event of a discontinuance of his Pre-Tax
               Savings Contributions he shall cease to be a Participant. An
               Employee may resume making Pre-Tax Savings Contributions only
               after the expiration of a waiting period following the date of
               discontinuance, as specified in Section 2.03(b).

          (f)  Distribution of a Participant's Pre-Tax Savings  Contribution
               Account shall not commence prior to the  earlier of his death,
               Total and Permanent Disability or  termination of employment,
               except upon demonstration of  hardship, as described in Article
               XI of the Plan or pursuant  to a qualified domestic relations
               order described in Section  6.13.


          An Employee shall be entitled to contribute to the Plan all or any
          part of the property he has received from any trust which forms a
          part of a trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code, which is
          exempt from tax under Section 501(a) of the Code, or from an employee
          annuity plan described in Section 403(a)(1) of the Code, or from an
          individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Code
          (if the entire amount received represents the entire amount


          in the account or the entire value of the annuity, and the entire
          amount is solely attributable to rollover contributions from an
          employee trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code, which is
          exempt from tax under Section 501(a) of the Code, or an annuity plan
          described in Section 403(a) of the Code and any earnings on such
          sum), which is paid or distributed to the Employee in one or more
          distributions which constitute all or part of the balance in his
          account distributed as a result of a termination of a plan or a
          discontinuance of contributions to a profit sharing or stock bonus
          plan or lump sum distribution within the meaning of Section
          402(e)(4)(A) of the Code (determined without reference to Section
          402(e)(4)(B) of the Code). This paragraph is effective for
          contributions prior to January 1, 1993.

          Effective January 1, 1993, an Employee shall be entitled to contribute
          to the Plan all or any part of the property he has received from any
          trust which forms a part of a trust described in Section 401(a) of the
          Code, which is exempt from tax under Section 501(a) of the Code, or
          from an employee annuity plan described in Section 403(a)(1) of the
          Code so long as such contribution is non-taxable under Code Section
          402(c) or 402(e)(6).

          The right of contribution shall extend only from the date of such
          receipt for a period of sixty (60) calendar days. The Trustee shall
          create a separate Rollover Contribution Account for the Employee to
          which shall be credited his Rollover Contributions. The Rollover
          Contribution Account shall be invested with the other assets of the
          Plan in the investment fund or funds selected by the Employee in
          accordance with the rules stated herein and the Employee at all times
          shall be fully vested in his Rollover Contribution Account. An
          Employee may withdraw all or a portion of the value of his Rollover
          Contribution Account, but not less than one hundred dollars ($100),
          per withdrawal. Such election must be in writing and must be submitted
          at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the
          withdrawal and must be in a form approved by the Company.

                                   ARTICLE IV.



          All amounts contributed to the Plan, as increased or decreased by
          income, expenditure, appreciation and depreciation, shall constitute a
          single fund known as the Trust Fund. The Trust Fund shall consist of
          an investment fund or funds established by the Company. A separate


          Employer Contribution Account shall be maintained for each Participant
          with respect to each Employer of such Participant. A Pre-Tax Savings
          Contribution Account and an After-Tax Savings Contribution Account
          shall be maintained for each Participant with respect to each Employer
          of such Participant. A Rollover Contribution Account shall be
          maintained for each Employee who elects to make Rollover
          Contributions. Each Participant's Accounts shall be further subdivided
          into one, two or more sub accounts to reflect the percentage of the
          contributions which are invested in the various investment funds
          described above, as appropriate.


          As of each Valuation Date, the Pre-Tax Savings Contributions and the
          After-Tax Savings Contributions made to the Plan during such Plan Year
          by each Participant shall be credited to the Pre-Tax Savings
          Contribution Account or the After-Tax Savings Contribution Account of
          each Participant, as appropriate.


          The increase or decrease in the net worth of each investment fund
          shall be allocated among the accounts of Participants who have a
          portion of their Account Balances invested in that investment fund on
          the Valuation Date in accordance with such rules as the Trustee shall


          Upon actual contribution of the Employer's contribution for each Plan
          Year, and effective as of the last day of each Plan Year, and after
          the allocation of earnings, the Employer contribution for such Plan
          Year shall be allocated to the Employer Contribution Accounts of all
          Participants who are Employees of the Employer who make contributions
          pursuant to Section 3.03(a) and are either (a) actively employed by
          such Employer on the last day of such Plan Year and have completed at
          least one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service during such Plan Year, or
          (b) terminate employment during the Plan Year on account of retirement
          on or after age sixty (60), Total and Permanent Disability or death,
          in the proportion that such Participant's Compensation for such Plan
          Year bears to the total Compensation of all such Participants for such
          Plan Year. When all or a portion of the Employer contribution is made
          in the form of Shares, the allocation of Shares to Participants'
          Accounts shall be


          made as though cash had been contributed in an amount equal to the
          fair market value of the stock at the time such contribution is made.


          Upon actual contribution of the Employer's contribution for each Plan
          Year, and effective as of the last day of each Plan Year, after the
          allocation of earnings, any Forfeitures which have become available
          during such Plan Year due to the former Participants who had been in
          the employ of the Employer shall be allocated to the Employer
          Contribution Accounts of all Participants employed by that Employer
          who make the contributions required by Section 3.03(a) and are either
          (a) actively employed by such Employer on the last day of such Plan
          Year and have completed at least one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service
          during such Plan Year, or (b) terminate employment during the Plan
          Year on account of retirement on or after age sixty (60), Total and
          Permanent Disability or death, in the proportion that such
          Participant's Compensation for such Plan Year bears to the total
          Compensation of all such Participants for such Plan Year. When a
          Participant forfeits an interest in the Stock Contribution Fund, the
          Shares which are a component of the Forfeiture will be allocated to
          Participant's Accounts in the same manner as the remainder of the


          (a)  The sum of the following additions to a Participant's Accounts in
               any Plan Year shall not exceed the lesser of (1) thirty thousand
               dollars ($30,000), or such other amount as may be established by
               the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Section 415 of the
               Code, or (2) twenty five percent (25%) of the Participant's
               Compensation (minus 401(k) salary deferral contributions) for
               such Plan Year:

               (i)       The Employer contributions.

               (ii)      The Pre-Tax Savings Contributions.

               (iii)     The Participant's After-Tax Savings Contributions.

               (iv)      The Forfeitures.

          (b)  In the event that such additions to a Participant's Accounts in
               any Plan Year would, in the absence of these rules, be in excess
               of the maximum annual limits, the following


               adjustments shall be made, in the order listed, to the extent
               necessary to bring the additions within the required limits:

               (i)  Any After-Tax Savings Contributions shall be returned to him
                    together with earnings thereon if any.

               (ii) A portion of the Participant's Pre-Tax Savings Contribution
                    shall be returned to him together with earnings thereon if
                    any; provided, that, in the event that such a return would
                    reduce his Pre-Tax Savings Contributions below the minimum
                    amount required to be a Participant he shall nevertheless be
                    treated as making minimum Pre-Tax Savings Contributions
                    hereunder for the Plan Year.

              (iii) The Employer contributions, if any, otherwise allocable to
                    the Participant's Employer Contribution Account shall be
                    reduced, and the amount of such reduction shall be credited
                    to a suspense account (which shall not share in the
                    allocation of earnings) and shall be applied to reduce
                    Employer contributions in the succeeding Plan Year.

          (c)  To the extent not expressly set forth herein, the rules of Code
               Section 415 are hereby incorporated by reference.


          If it is determined that, as a result of the limitations of Section
          415(e), there must be a reduction in the Participant's combined
          benefits, then the Employer shall make any necessary reduction under
          the defined benefit plan.


          Each Participant in the Plan may select the investment fund or funds
          in which his Accounts shall be invested. Each such initial election
          shall be made in writing on forms to be furnished by the Plan
          Administrator and shall specify that portion of the Participant's
          existing Account Balance on the date of such election to be invested
          in the investment fund or funds established by the Company, based upon
          a percentage increment, as established by the Company, of the
          Participant's Account Balance. Each of the Participant's Accounts
          shall be invested in the same proportions in each such fund. Changes
          in the Account Balances invested in the specified funds due to
          Employer or Employee contributions, Forfeitures and earnings and


          losses shall not require reallocation of the Account Balances in the
          specified proportions unless subsequently elected by the Participant.

          The Participant may also elect the portion of the future Employer
          contributions, Pre-Tax Savings Contributions and After-Tax Savings
          Contributions and Forfeitures to be invested in the investment fund or
          funds established by the Company, based upon a percentage increment,
          as established by the Company, of such contributions or Forfeitures.

          A Participant may change his investment fund elections by informing
          the Plan Administrator either in writing or by phone, in a manner
          established by the Company. The frequency that a Participant may
          change such elections shall be established by the Company.

          If no election form has been executed by the Participant and submitted
          to the Trustee by the Plan Administrator, the entire Account Balance
          shall be invested one or more investment funds as determined by the


          Effective with the effectiveness of a Registration Statement filed
          with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding the Plan, the
          Company may maintain an investment fund to be called the CMC Stock
          Fund, which shall be separate from the Stock Contribution Fund
          described in Article XIII hereto, but which shall be invested in
          Shares and cash and cash equivalents pending the purchase of Shares,
          and the purchase of Shares shall subject to the rules stated below, be
          purchased as soon as practical after the receipt of contributions or
          transferred amounts.

          Except as hereafter set forth in this Section 4.08A, the rules set
          forth in Section 4.08 applicable to investment funds generally shall
          apply to the CMC Stock Fund. However, in no event may a Participant
          direct that more than 25% of his Account Balance exclusive of that
          portion of his Account Balance in the Stock Contribution Fund
          (determined immediately after the effectiveness of said direction) be
          invested in the CMC Stock Fund.

          The purchase of Shares by and for the CMC Stock Fund shall be
          suspended whenever the Trustee shall determine that Shares are not
          then readily available or whenever the Company shall direct the
          Trustee to suspend such purchases because, in the Company's sole
          judgment, the purchase of additional Shares at such time is not in the


          best interests of the Participants or might adversely affect the
          status of the Plan under Section 401(a) of the Code.

          Brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and other charges and expenses
          incurred by the Plan in connection with the CMC Stock Fund shall be
          charged to that fund to the extent such amounts are not paid by the

          The Trustee may establish uniform guidelines for minimum amounts of
          Shares which may be purchased at any one time, and other similar
          guidelines for purposes of administrative convenience. The rules of
          Sections 13.011, 13.012 and 13.02 13.05 hereof shall apply to the CMC
          Stock Fund in a manner similar to their application to the Stock
          Contribution Fund.


          In no event shall any Employer make Pre-Tax Savings Contributions for
          any Plan Year that would result in the actual deferral percentage of
          the highly compensated employees who are Participants, as defined
          below, exceeding the actual deferral percentage of the group of all
          other Participants by the amount and/or proportion permitted under the
          rule of (a) or (b) below whichever would allow the actual deferral
          percentage of the highly compensated Participants to be larger.

          (a)  The actual deferral percentage for the highly compensated
               Participants is not more than the actual deferral percentage of
               all other Participants multiplied by 1.25; or

          (b)  The excess of the actual deferral percentage for the highly
               compensated Participants over the actual deferral percentage of
               all other Participants is not more than two percentage points,
               and the actual deferral percentage for the highly compensated
               Participants is not more than the actual deferral percentage of
               the other Participants multiplied by 2.

          The actual deferral percentage of each group of Participants for any
          Plan Year shall be the average of the ratios (calculated separately
          for each Participant in each group) of (A) the Pre-Tax Savings
          Contributions made on behalf of each Participant for such Plan Year,
          to (B) such Participant's Compensation for such Plan Year. To the
          extent necessary to conform to such limitation, the Plan Administrator
          shall reduce Pre-Tax Savings Contributions made on behalf of the
          highly compensated Participants in the following manner: First, the
          Pre-Tax Savings Contribution made on behalf of the Participant who
          elected 12 percent during such Plan Year shall be


          reduced to 11 percent on a pro rata basis (i.e., a specified
          percentage of each dollar in this category shall not be allocated to
          or remain in such Participant's Pre-Tax Savings Contribution Account);
          second, the Pre-Tax Savings Contribution made on behalf of each
          Participant who elected 11 percent during such Plan Year shall be
          reduced to 10 percent. This process shall be continued until such
          limitation is met. Any such reduction in the Pre-Tax Savings
          Contribution made on behalf of such Participant shall be refunded to
          him together with any income allocable to such Pre-Tax Savings
          Contributions as soon as administratively possible but in no event
          later than March 15 of the immediately succeeding Plan Year.

4.10      401(m) LIMITATIONS

          In no event shall any Employer make Employer contributions for any
          Plan Year that would result in the contribution percentage of the
          highly compensated employees who are Participants, as defined below,
          exceeding the contribution percentage of the group of all other
          Participants by the amount and/or proportion permitted under the rule
          of (a) or (b) below whichever would allow the contribution percentage
          of the highly compensated Participants to be larger.

          (a)  The contribution percentage for the highly compensated
               Participants is not more than the contribution percentage of all
               other Participants multiplied by 1.25; or

          (b)  The excess of the contribution percentage for the highly
               compensated Participants over the contribution percentage of all
               other Participants is not more than two percentage points, and
               the contribution percentage for the highly compensated
               Participants is not more than the contribution percentage of the
               other Participants multiplied by 2.

          The percentage of each group of Participants for any Plan Year shall
          be the average of the ratios (calculated separately for each
          Participant in each group) of (A) After-Tax Savings Contributions,
          Employer contributions and, if the Plan Administrator so elects, the
          Pre-Tax Savings contributions made on behalf of each Participant for
          such Plan Year, to (B) such participant's compensation for such Plan
          Year. To the extent necessary to conform to such limitation, the Plan
          Administrator shall first refund After-Tax Savings Contributions and
          thereafter reduce Employer contributions allocated to the highly
          compensated Participants pro rata to the allocations made.

          Any such reduction in the Employer contribution allocated to such
          Participant together with any income allocable to such contributions


          shall be distributed to the Participant as soon as administratively
          possible but in no event later than March 15 of the immediately
          succeeding Plan Year.


          For purposes of Section 4.09 and 4.10, the term "Participant" includes
          all Covered Employees who have met the service requirements of Section
          2.01 and who continue to be employed regardless of whether they have
          filed an election to reduce Compensation as provided for in Section

4.12      $7,000 LIMITATION

          In no event shall any Participant's Pre-Tax Savings Contributions for
          any Plan Year exceed $7,000 or such higher amount as may be permitted
          under Code Section 402(g). In the event that any Pre-Tax Savings
          Contributions in excess of that amount are in fact, made, such excess
          shall be returned to the Participant no later than April 15 in the
          year following the Plan Year in which such excess Pre-Tax Savings
          Contributions were made.

4.13      401(k) TESTING RULES

          For purposes of determining whether the actual deferral percentage
          test of Code Section 401(k) is satisfied, the rules below will apply:

          (a)  If two or more Employer plans are aggregated in accordance with
               the Plan Aggregation Rules, all Pre-Tax Contributions and
               Employer contributions ("Elective Contributions") are to be
               treated as made under a single plan.

          (b)  The actual deferral percentage of a highly compensated
               Participant (as defined below) is determined by treating all cash
               or deferred arrangements for which the highly compensated
               Participant is eligible (other than those plans which are
               Permissive Aggregation Groups) as a single arrangement.

          (c)  The actual deferral percentage for a group or individuals subject
               to the Family Aggregation Rules is determined by combining Pre-
               Tax Contributions, Compensation, and amounts treated as Pre-Tax
               Contributions of all eligible Family Members. Except to the
               extent taken into account in the preceding sentence, the
               Compensation, and amounts treated as Pre-Tax Contributions of all
               Family Members are disregarded


               in determining the actual deferral percentages for the groups of
               highly compensated Participants and nonhighly compensated

4.14      401(m) TESTING RULES

          For purposes of determining whether the Plan satisfies the actual
          contribution percentage test of Code Section 401(m), the following
          rules shall apply.

          (a)  For purposes of determining the actual contribution percentage,
               if an individual is subject to the Family Aggregation Rules, the
               contribution percentage shall be calculated as if the Family
               Aggregation Group is one individual. Further, if Employer
               contributions are treated as a Pre-Tax Contribution to satisfy
               the actual deferral percentage test described in Code section
               401(k)(3), those Employer contributions shall not be taken into
               account to satisfy the requirements of the actual contribution
               percentage test under Code section 401(m)(2).

          (b)  All Pre-Tax Contributions and Employer contributions that are
               made under two or more plans which are aggregated in accordance
               with the Plan Aggregation Rules shall be treated as under a
               single plan.

          (c)  The actual contribution percentage of a highly compensated
               Participant (as defined herein) will be determined by treating
               all plans as a single plan provided the plans are subject to
               section 401(a), highly compensated Participants are eligible for
               the plans, and the plans are part of a Required Aggregation

          (d)  For a highly compensated Participant or 5 Percent Owner who is
               subject to the Family Aggregation Rules, the actual contribution
               percentage for the Family Aggregation Group (which is treated as
               one highly compensated Participant) is the ratio determined by
               combining the Pre-Tax Contributions, Employer contributions and
               Compensation of all eligible Family Members. Except to the extent
               taken into account in the preceding sentence, the contributions
               and Compensation of all Family Members are disregarded in
               determining the actual contribution percentages for the groups of
               highly compensated Participants and nonhighly compensated


          (e)  For a highly compensated Participant whose actual
               contribution percentage is determined under the Family
               Aggregation Rules, the determination of the amount of
               excess aggregate contributions shall be made by reducing
               the excess aggregate contributions which are allocated
               among the Family Members in proportion to the
               contributions of each Family Member that have been


          For purposes of the actual deferral percentage test in Section 4.09
          and the actual contribution percentage test in Section 4.10 the
          following rules and definitions shall apply:

          (a)  For purposes of determining who is a highly compensated
               Participant for a particular Plan Year the following rules shall
               be applied:

               (i)       For purposes of determining the group of highly
                         compensated Participants for a "Determination Year",
                         the Determination Year shall be the Plan Year.

               (ii)      For purposes of any "Look-Back Year" calculation
                         in determining the group of highly compensated
                         Participants, the Look-Back Year shall be the
                         twelve month period immediately preceding the
                         Determination Year.

               (iii)     For these purposes, the "Top Paid Group" is the
                         group consisting of the top 20 percent of the
                         Employees when ranked on the basis of
                         Compensation paid for services during such Plan
                         Year.  For these purposes, Compensation is the
                         same as defined in Section 4.15(b).

          (b)  A "highly compensated Participant" shall mean any Participant
               who, during the year or the preceding year:

               (i)       was at any time a 5 Percent Owner;

               (ii)      received Compensation from the Employer in
                         excess of $75,000 (or such other amount as
                         determined when cost-of-living adjustments are
                         made under Section 415(d));

               (iii)     received Compensation from the Employer in excess of
                         $50,000 (or such other amount as provided by the


                         Code) and was in the Top-Paid Group of Employees for
                         such year; or

               (iv)      was at any time an officer and received Compensation
                         greater than 50 percent of the amount in effect under
                         Section 415(b)(1)(A) for such year.

          (c)  A "5 Percent Owner" is any person who owns (or is
               considered as owning within the meaning of Section 318 of
               the Code) more than 5 percent of the outstanding stock of
               the corporation or stock possessing more than 5 percent of
               the total combined voting power of all stock of the

          (d)  For purposes of this Section, "Compensation" shall be construed
               in accordance with Code Section 414(q)(7).


          To the extent required by applicable law, in no event will the sum of
          the actual deferral percentage as described in Section 4.09 and the
          contribution percentage as described in Section 4.10 for
          highly compensated employees who are Participants
          exceed the sum of:

               (i)  125% of the greater of

                    (a)  the actual deferral percentage of all other
                         Participants, or

                    (b)  the contribution percentage of all other
                         Participants; and

               (ii) Two plus the lesser of

                    (a)  the actual deferral percentage of all other
                         Participants, or

                    (b)  the contribution percentage of all other
                         Participants, but in no event shall this
                         amount exceed 200% of the lesser of
                         those two amounts.

               If this aggregate limitation would otherwise be exceeded,
          the Plan Administrator shall determine whether to distribute excess
          Pre-Tax Savings Contributions or distribute excess After-Tax Savings


          Contributions or Employer contributions to highly-
          compensated employees who are Participants, and the generally
          applicable rules will be followed for the distribution of the type of
          contribution chosen.

                                   ARTICLE V.



          A Participant (or Employee with respect to his Rollover Contribution
          Account who is not a Participant) shall at all times have a fully
          vested, nonforfeitable interest in his Pre-Tax Savings Contribution
          Account, his After-Tax Savings Contribution Account and his
          Rollover Contribution Account.


          A Participant shall have a fully vested, nonforfeitable interest in
          his Employer Contribution Account on the first to occur of the
          follow ing events:

          (a)  his sixtieth (60th) birthday,

          (b)  the date on which he shall be determined to have a Total and
               Permanent disability,

          (c)  the date of his death, or

          (d)  his completion of six (6) Years of Service.


          (a)  If a Participant withdraws from Plan participation or  terminates
               employment for any reason other than Total and  Permanent
               Disability or death and before the completion of  six (6) Years
               of Service or before his sixtieth (60th) birthday, he shall be
               vested in the percentage of his Employer Contribution Account set
               forth in the following table:


                    Completed Years
                      of Service             Vested Percentage
                    ---------------          -----------------

                     less than 1                0%
                           1                    20%
                           2                    30%
                           3                    40%
                           4                    60%
                           5                    80%
                      6 or more                100%

          (b)  The portion of the Participant's Employer Contribution
               Account in which he is not vested at his termination of
               employment shall be declared a Forfeiture on the last day of
               the Plan Year in which his termination of employment occurred.
               The Forfeiture shall be taken from the investment funds in
               which his Account was invested pro rata to the value of his
               Account's interest in the investment funds. Such Forfeiture
               shall be reallocated among the remaining Participants
               employed by the Employer who employed the former Employee
               as described above.

          (c)  If a Participant returns to the employ of an Employer and
               rejoins the Plan before he incurs five (5) consecutive One-Year
               Breaks in Service, the portion of his Employer Contribution
               Account that had been forfeited shall be reinstated to his
               Employer Contribution Account in full, unadjusted by any
               gains or losses occurring subsequent to the Valuation Date
               preceding his termination of employment, by using the
               Forfeitures for the Plan Year in which his reemployment
               occurred. If the Forfeitures are insufficient to restore the
               forfeited amount in the year of reemployment, the remainder
               shall be restored by the earnings of the Trust Fund.  If the
               earnings of the Trust Fund are insufficient to restore the
               forfeited amount in the year of reemployment, the remainder
               shall be restored by an Employer contribution.  If a Participant
               who is reemployed shall again incur a termination of
               employment or a withdrawal from Plan participation under
               circumstances in which he is not fully vested in his Employer
               Contribution Account, the portion of his Employer
               Contribution Account in which he is vested shall be
               determined by adding to the amount actually held by the
               Trustee any amount previously distributed to him, the vested
               percentage shall be applied to this total, the amount of the
               previous distribution shall be subtracted, and the remaining
               amount shall be his vested balance. The non-vested
               percentage of a Participant's Employer Contribution Account
               shall not share in the earnings or losses of the Trust Fund
               during his absence from the Employer.



          If a Participant or Employee incurs a One-Year Break in Service and
          is thereafter reemployed by an Employer, he shall regain his Years of
          Service earned before such One-Year Break in Service upon such
          reemployment and rejoining the Plan.

          If a vested or partially-vested Participant or Employee incurs a
          One-Year Break in Service and is thereafter reemployed by an
          Employer, he shall regain his Years of Service earned before such
          One-Year Break in Service upon reemployment with an Employer
          and rejoining the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE VI.

                           Time and Method of Payment


          A Participant shall be entitled to receive payment of his benefits
          upon his retirement, Total and Permanent Disability or termination of
          employment for any other reason.  A Participant's Beneficiary shall
          be entitled to receive payment of the Participant's benefits upon the
          death of the Participant.

          Whenever the Plan Administrator shall direct the Trustee to make
          payment to a Participant or his Beneficiary, the Plan Administrator
          shall direct the Trustee to pay the vested value of the Participant's
          Account Balance (determined as of the Valuation Date coincident
          with or next following the Participant's termination of employment)
          to or for the benefit of the Participant or his Beneficiary as a lump
          sum, in cash.

          If the distribution is due to the death of the Participant, the
          distribution shall be made to the Participant's Beneficiary only if
          the Participant was unmarried at death or if the Participant and his
          spouse both elected to have the benefit paid to a Beneficiary,
          subject to Section 6.04.

          Payment to a five percent (5%) owner of an Employer (as described
          in Section 416(i) of the Code) shall be made or commenced no later
          than the April 1 following the calendar year in which he attains age
          seventy and one half (70-1/2), whether or not he has retired.
          Effective January 1, 1989, this rule shall apply to all Participants.


          Payment shall be made or commenced as soon as administratively
          practical after the close of the Plan Year in which the employment of
          the Participant terminates, unless (a) the Participant, or his spouse
          in the event of his death, agrees to a later date, but not later than
          the April 1 following the calendar year in which he attains or would
          have attained age seventy and one half (70-1/2), and (b) the
          Company consents to such later date.


          If on the date of termination of a Participant's employment, the
          Company shall be holding contributions made by or on behalf of the
          Participant but not yet allocated to his Accounts, the Company shall
          pay such amounts either directly to the Participant (or his
          Beneficiary, as the case may be) or to the Trustee, to be distributed
          by the Trustee in accordance with Section 6.01.


          If the amount of the payment required to commence on the date
          determined under Section 6.01 cannot be ascertained by such date, a
          payment retroactive to such date may be made no later than sixty
          (60) days after the earliest date on which the amount of such
          payment can be ascertained under the Plan.


          (a)  If a Participant is married on the date of his death, the
               Beneficiary of such Participant shall be his spouse, unless the
               Participant's spouse consents in writing not to be said
               Beneficiary and such written consent is witnessed either by
               the Plan Administrator or by a notary public.  Notwithstanding
               the foregoing, this paragraph (a) shall not apply if it is
               established to the Plan Administrator's satisfaction either that
               the spouse cannot be located or that other circumstances set
               forth in regulations promulgated under Section 417 of the Code
               which preclude the necessity of the spouse's consent are
               present with respect to the Participant.

          (b)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a), each Participant
               shall have the right to designate, by giving a written
               designation to the Plan Administrator, a Beneficiary to receive
               any death benefit which may become payable upon the death
               of such Participant. Successive designations may be made, and
               the last designation received by the Plan Administrator prior to
               the death


               of the Participant shall be effective and shall revoke
               all prior designations.  If a designated Beneficiary shall die
               before the Participant, his interest shall terminate, and, unless
               otherwise provided in the Participant's designation, such
               interest shall be paid in equal shares to those Beneficiaries, if
               any, who survive the Participant.  Except as otherwise
               provided in paragraph (a), the Participant shall have the right
               to revoke the designation of any Beneficiary without the
               consent of the Beneficiary.

          (c)  If a Participant shall fail to designate a Beneficiary, if such
               designation shall for any reason be illegal or ineffective, or if
               no Beneficiary shall survive the Participant, his death benefits
               shall be paid:

               (i)       to his surviving spouse;

               (ii)      if there is no surviving spouse, to his descendants
                         (including legally adopted children and their
                         descendants) PER STIRPES; or

               (iii)     if there is neither a surviving spouse nor surviving
                         descendants, to the executor or other personal
                         representative of the Participant to be distributed in
                         accordance with the Participant's will or applicable

          (d)  The Plan Administrator may determine the identity of the
               distributees and in so doing may act and rely upon any
               information it may deem reliable upon reasonable inquiry, and
               upon any affidavit, certificate or other paper believed by it to
               be genuine, and upon any evidence believed by it to be


          If a Participant or Beneficiary is a minor or is under a legal
          disability or, by reason of illness or mental or physical disability,
          is unable, in the opinion of the Plan Administrator, to attend
          properly to his personal financial matters, the Trustee may make such
          payments in such of the following ways as the Plan Administrator shall

          (a)  directly to such Participant or Beneficiary;

          (b)  to the legal representative of such Participant or Beneficiary;

          (c)  to some relative by blood or marriage, or friend, for the benefit
               of such Participant or Beneficiary.


          Any payment made pursuant to this Section 6.05 shall be in complete
          discharge of the obligation for such payment under the Plan.


          If the Plan Administrator notifies a Participant or Beneficiary in
          writing at his last known address that he is entitled to benefits
          under the Plan and the Participant or Beneficiary fails to claim his
          benefits within five (5) calendar years after notification, his
          benefits shall be distributed to the person or persons who would have
          been entitled to the benefits in the event of the death of the
          Participant or Beneficiary whose whereabouts is unknown, assuming that
          such death had occurred on the distribution date following the fifth
          anniversary of the mailing of the notification.


          Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, if any Participant has
          delivered to the Plan Administrator, on or before December 31, 1983,
          an election as to the form in which his benefits are to be
          distributed, which election is qualified under Section 242(b)(2) of
          TEFRA, and if such election has not been revoked, the distribution of
          his benefits shall be made in accordance with the express terms of
          such election.


          This Plan shall not accept any involuntary trustee-to-trustee
          transfers but may accept rollovers (including direct rollovers) from a
          plan which is subject to the minimum funding standards of Section 412
          of the Internal Revenue Code.


          This Section is effective June 30, 1993.  Upon the sale by the
          Company of its wholly owned subsidiary, Imeco, Inc., pursuant to
          that certain Stock Purchase Agreement, by and between the
          Company and York International, Inc., dated ____________, 1993
          (the "Stock Purchase Agreement"), each Participant employed by
          Imeco, Inc. on the day of the transfer of the Imeco stock pursuant to
          the Stock Purchase Agreement shall have a fully vested,
          nonforfeitable interest in his Employer Contribution Account.  The
          Plan Administrator shall direct the Trustee to transfer the Account
          Balances of the Participants described in this Section 6.09 to the
          York International, Inc. Plan if the Plan Administrator determines
          that all the requirements of Section 414 of the Internal Revenue
          Code, relating to transfer of plan assets, have been fulfilled.



          This Section is effective June 30, 1993.  The Trustee, upon written
          direction by the Employer, shall transfer some or all of the assets
          held under the Trust to another plan or trust designated by the
          Employer meeting the requirements of the Code relating to qualified
          plans and trusts, whether such transfer is made pursuant to a merger
          or consolidation of this plan with such other plan or trust or for any
          other allowable purpose.


          Distributions under this Plan shall generally be made only to the
          person who is entitled to the same.  However, distributions made in
          the circumstances described below shall constitute the discharge of
          the Trustree's and Plan Administrator's obligations hereunder.

          (a)  Pursuant to Section 6.12 below, the Plan Administrator may, at
               the request of a Distributee, direct the Trustee to transfer all
               or part of such distribution to the trustee or custodian of any
               tax qualified plan or individual retirement arrangement,
               provided, however, that the Distributee must satisfy the Plan
               Administrator that such transfer can be made tax-free.

          (b)  Distributions to minors or persons under legal disability may be
               made in the discretion of the Trustee:  (i) directly to such
               persons; (ii) to the guardian of such persons; or (iii) by
               expending such amounts for the education and/or maintenance of
               said persons.


          Effective January 1, 1993, notwithstanding any provision of the Plan
          to the contrary that would otherwise limit a Distributee's election
          under this part, a Distributee may elect, at the time and in the
          manner prescribed by the Plan Administrator, to have any portion of an
          Eligible Rollover Distribution paid directly to an Eligible Retirement
          Plan specified by the Distributee in a Direct Rollover.

          For the purposes of this Section 6.12, the following definitions

          (a)  An "Eligible Rollover Distribution" is any distribution of all or
               any part of the balance to the credit of the Distributee, except
               that an eligible rollover distribution does not include: any
               distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal


               payments (not less frequently than annually) made for the life
               (or life expectancy) of the Distributee or the joint lives (or
               joint life expectancies) of the Distributee and the
               Distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period
               of ten years or more; any distribution to the extent such
               distribution is required under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal
               Revenue Code; and the portion of any distribution that is not
               includible in gross income (determined without regard to the
               exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to
               employer securities).

          (b)  An "Eligible Retirement Plan" is an individual retirement account
               described in section 408(a) of the Code, an individual
               retirement annuity described in section 408(b) of the Code, an
               annuity plan described in section 403(a) of the Code, or a
               qualified trust described in section 401(a) of the Code, that
               accepts the Distributee's eligible rollover distribution.
               However, in the case of an Eligible Rollover Distribution to the
               surviving spouse, an Eligible Retirement Plan is an individual
               retirement account or individual retirement annuity.

          (c)  A "Distributee" includes an employee or former employee.  In
               addition, the employee's spouse or former spouse who is the
               Alternative Payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order,
               as defined in section 414(p) of the Code, is a Distributee with
               regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse.

          (d)  A "Direct Rollover" is a payment by the plan to the Eligible
               Retirement Plan specified by the Distributee.


          Notwithstanding any other restriction upon the time when benefits
          are to be paid herein, the Plan Administrator may make a lump sum
          payment to any Alternate Payee under a Qualified Domestic
          Relations Order, as soon as administratively possible after the
          receipt and verification of such Order.


                                  ARTICLE VII.

                               Management of Funds


          A Trustee shall be appointed by the Company to administer the
          Trust Fund.  The Trustee shall serve at the pleasure of the
          Company, and shall have the rights, powers and duties set forth in
          the Trust Agreement.  All assets of the Trust Fund shall be held,
          invested and reinvested by the Trustee.


          All contributions under this Plan shall be paid to the Trustee and,
          except as provided in Section 7.03, all assets of the Trust Fund,
          including income from investments and from all other sources, shall
          be retained for the exclusive benefit of Participants, spouses, former
          Participants and Beneficiaries, and shall be used to pay benefits to
          such persons, or to pay expenses of administration of the Plan and
          Trust to the extent not paid by the Company.


          At no time shall any part of the corpus or income of the Trust Fund
          be used for or diverted to purposes other than for the exclusive
          benefit of Participants and their Beneficiaries.

          Notwithstanding the above, in the case of a contribution which is
          made by the Employer by a mistake of fact, such contribution may
          be returned to such Employer within one (1) year after the payment
          of the contribution to the Trust Fund.  If a contribution is
          conditioned on qualification of the Plan under Section 401 of the
          Code, and if the Plan does not qualify, then such contribution may
          be returned to such Employer within one (1) year after the date of
          denial of qualification of the Plan.  If a contribution is conditioned
          upon the deductibility of the contribution under Section 404 of the
          Code, then, to the extent the deduction is disallowed, such a
          contribution may be returned to such Employer within one (1) year
          after the disallowance of the deduction.


                                  ARTICLE VIII.

                             Administration of Plan


          The Company may appoint a Plan Administrator who shall serve at
          the pleasure of the Board.  The Plan Administrator shall have the
          powers and duties of a plan administrator under ERISA and the
          Code, except such powers and duties as may be delegated to the
          Trustee or other fiduciaries.


          The Plan Administrator shall have such authority as may be
          necessary to discharge its responsibilities under the Plan,
          including the following rights, powers and duties:

          (a)  The Plan Administrator shall adopt rules governing its
               procedures not inconsistent herewith, and shall keep a
               permanent record of its meetings and actions.  The Plan
               Administrator shall maintain the Accounts of Participants and
               Beneficiaries under the Plan or shall cause them to be
               maintained under its direction.

          (b)  The Plan Administrator shall direct the Limited Co-Trustee in
               writing to make payments from the Trust Fund to persons
               who qualify for such payments hereunder.  Such written order
               shall specify the name of the person, his address, and the
               amount and frequency of such payments.  The Plan Administrator
               shall be entitled to rely upon a certificate of the Company as to
               the service, age, earnings or other pertinent information
               regarding a Participant.

          (c)  The Plan Administrator shall not take action or direct the
               Trustee to take any action with respect to any of the benefits
               provided hereunder which would be discriminatory in favor of
               those Participants or eligible Employees who are officers,
               shareholders or highly compensated Employees of an

          (d)  The Plan Administrator shall have the sole responsibility for
               the administration of the Plan; and, except as herein expressly
               provided, the Plan Administrator shall have the exclusive right
               to interpret the provisions of the Plan and to determine any
               question arising hereunder or in connection with the
               administration of the Plan, including the remedying of any
               omission, inconsistency or ambiguity, and its decision or
               action in


               respect thereof shall be conclusive and binding upon any and all
               Participants, spouses, former Participants, Beneficiaries, heirs,
               distributees, executors, administrators and assigns, subject to
               the provisions of Article IX.

          (e)  The Plan Administrator may employ such counsel and agents
               in such clerical, medical, accounting and other services as it
               may require in carrying out the provisions of the Plan, and to
               rely upon any opinions or reports furnished by them.

          (f)  Participants, spouses, former Participants, or their
               Beneficiaries shall be notified by the Plan Administrator of
               their right to receive benefits.  The Plan Administrator shall
               establish a uniform procedure for such notification.

          (g)  The Plan Administrator shall finally and conclusively decide all
               questions, problems, and controversies relating to the
               eligibility of Employees, the determination of Years of Service,
               Hours of Service and One-Year Breaks in Service.  The Plan
               Administrator shall keep application and authorization forms of
               all Participants and all communications involving the same,
               make information available to Participants regarding benefit
               payment options, and direct the Trustee regarding payment of

          (h)  The Plan Administrator shall establish reasonable procedures
               which a Participant must follow in verifying his absence for
               reason of maternity or paternity leave and the length thereof.


          The Plan Administrator shall discharge its duties solely in the
          interest of Participants, former Participants and their Beneficiaries:

          (a)  for the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to such
               Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries and, in the
               discretion of the Company, defraying reasonable expenses of
               Plan administration, and

          (b)  with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the
               circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man acting in a
               like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the
               conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims.



          Each Employer shall indemnify all officers and Employees of such
          Employer assigned fiduciary responsibility under Federal law to the
          extent that such officers or Employees incur loss or damage which
          may result from such officers' or Employees' duties, exercise of
          discretion under the Plan, or any other act or omission hereunder.
          Such duties, exercises of discretion, acts or omissions will not be
          indemnified by an Employer in the event that such loss or damage is
          judicially determined or agreed by the involved officers or
          Employees to be due to their respective gross negligence or willful


          Any individual acting as agent of the Plan Administrator shall serve
          without compensation for services as such, but all proper expenses
          incurred by the individual incident to the functioning of the Plan
          shall be paid from the Trust to the extent not paid by the Company.

8.06      BOND

          No bond or other security shall be required of the Plan
          Administrator for the faithful performance of its duties, except as
          may be required by ERISA, the Code or by any other state or Federal
          law or regulation.

                                   ARTICLE IX.

                                Claims Procedures


          A Participant or former Participant shall request the payment of his
          benefits under the Plan by completing the appropriate forms upon
          his termination of employment for any reason and returning them to
          the Plan Administrator.  In the event that such Participant's
          employment terminates by reason of death, such request shall be
          made by his Beneficiary.

          Any Participant, former Participant or Beneficiary of either, who
          wishes to request an informal review of a claim for benefits or who
          wishes an explanation of a benefit or its denial may direct to the
          Plan Administrator a written request for an informal review.  The Plan
          Administrator shall respond to the request by issuing a notice to the
          claimant as soon as possible but in no event later than sixty (60)


          from the date of the request. This notice furnished by the Plan
          Administrator shall be written in a manner calculated to be
          understood by the claimant and shall include the following:

          (a)  The specific reason or reasons for any denial of benefits;

          (b)  The specific Plan provisions on which any denial is based;

          (c)  A description of any further material or information which is
               necessary for the claimant to perfect his claim and an
               explanation of why the material or information is needed; and

          (d)  An explanation of the Plan's formal claim review procedure.

          If the claimant does not respond to the notice, posted by first class
          mail to the address of record of the Plan Administrator, within one
          hundred and twenty (120) days from the posting of the notice, the
          claimant shall be considered satisfied in all respects.  If the Plan
          Administrator fails to respond to the claimant's written request for
          an informal review, the claimant shall be entitled to proceed to the
          formal claim review procedure described in Section 9.02.  All
          decisions by the Plan Administrator are subject to Section 9.02,
          final, conclusive and binding with respect to all parties.


          In the event that the notice concerning the informal review is
          insufficient to satisfy the claimant, the claimant or his duly
          authorized representative shall submit to the Plan Administrator
          within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the mailing date of the
          notice, a written notification of appeal of the claim denial.

          The notification of appeal of the claim denial shall permit the
          claimant or his duly authorized representative to utilize the
          following formal claim review procedures:

          (a)  to review pertinent documents; and

          (b)  to submit issues and comments in writing to which the Plan
               Administrator shall respond.

          The Plan Administrator shall furnish a written decision on formal
          review not later than sixty (60) days after receipt of the
          notification of appeal, unless special circumstances require an
          extension of the time for processing the appeal. In no event, however,
          shall the Plan Administrator respond later than one hundred and twenty
          (120) days


          after a request for a formal review.  The decision on formal
          review shall be in writing and shall include specific reasons for the
          decision, and shall be written in a manner calculated to be
          understood by the claimant and contain specific reference to the
          pertinent Plan provisions on which the decision is based.

                                   ARTICLE X.

                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION


          (a)  It is the expectation of the Company that it shall continue this
               Plan and the payment of contributions hereunder indefinitely,
               but the continuation of the Plan is not assumed as a
               contractual obligation of the Company; and the right is
               reserved by the Company and each Employer at any time to
               permanently discontinue its contributions hereunder.  In the
               event that the Plan is terminated in whole or in part or if
               contributions by the Company or an Employer are completely
               discontinued, the interest of all affected Participants shall be
               fully vested and nonforfeitable.

          (b)  This Plan may be terminated by the Company, by action of its
               board of directors, at any time.  Such termination shall becomes
               effective upon written notice to the Trustee.  An Employer, by
               actions of its board of directors, may terminate the Plan as to
               its Employees, at any time, with the consent of the Company.

          (c)  Upon termination of the Plan, further payment of the Company
               contributions to the Trust shall cease.  The Trustee shall notify
               each Participant of the termination of the Plan.

               Each Participant who terminates employment at the time of Plan
               termination shall be entitled to receive the entire amount of his
               Account balances and the Trustee shall make payment to
               each Participant of such amount in cash or in assets of the
               Trust Fund, as the Trustee shall determine.  If, on termination
               of the Plan, a Participant remains an Employee of the
               Company, the amount of his benefits shall be retained in the
               Trust until after his termination of employment and shall be
               paid in accordance with Section 6.01.


          (d)  If any Employer other than the Company terminates its
               participation in the Plan or completely discontinues its
               contribution, the amounts credited to the Participants' Ac
               counts of such Employer shall be fully vested and
               nonforfeitable, and with respect to each such Participant who
               immediately thereafter is employed by another Employer not
               terminating its participation or discontinuing its
               contributions, the Plan Administrator shall transfer such
               amounts to an Account in the Employee's name with such
               other Employer. Such Account shall be fully vested and


          The Company, by action of its board of directors, may at any time and
          from time to time amend, modify, change or revise this Plan in whole
          or in part, by notice thereof in writing delivered to the Trustee;
          provided, however:

          (a)  That no amendment shall have the effect of vesting in the
               Company any interest in or control of any funds, securities or
               other property subject to the terms of the Trust;

          (b)  That no amendment shall authorize or permit at any time any
               part of the corpus or income of the Trust Fund to be used or
               diverted to purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of
               Participants and their Beneficiaries, except as provided in
               Section 7.03;

          (c)  That no amendment shall have any retroactive effect as to
               deprive any Participant, former Participant or Beneficiary of
               any benefit already accrued; save only that no amendment
               made in conformance with the provisions of the Code or any
               other statute relating to employees trusts, or of any official
               regulation or rulings issues pursuant thereto, shall be
               considered prejudicial to the rights of any Participant or


          In the case of any merger or consolidation with, or transfer of assets
          and liabilities to, any other plan, provisions shall be made so that
          each Participant in the Plan on the date thereof would receive a
          benefit immediately after the merger, consolidation or transfer which
          is equal to or greater than the benefit he would have been entitled to
          receive immediately prior to the merger, consolidation or transfer (if
          the Plan had terminated).


                                   ARTICLE XI.



          Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute a contract
          of employment between any Employer and any Employee or create
          or expand any benefit rights which are not the subject matter of this
          Plan. The employment records of an Employer and the
          Trustee's records shall be final and binding upon all
          Employees as to their rights and participation.


          Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, no Participant,
          his estate or any Beneficiary shall have any power to
          assign, pledge, encumber or transfer any interest in the
          Trust Fund while the same shall be in the possession of the
          Trustee. Any such attempt at alienation shall be void. No
          such interest shall be subject to attachment, garnishment,
          execution, levy or any other legal or equitable proceeding
          or process and any attempt to so subject such interest
          shall be void.  The preceding sentences shall also apply to the
          creation, assignment or recognition of a right to any benefit payable
          with respect to a Participant pursuant to a domestic relations order,
          unless such order is determined to be a Qualified Domestic Relations
          Order.  The Plan Administrator shall establish reasonable
          procedures to determine whether a domestic relations order is a
          Qualified Domestic Relations Order.  Such procedures must be in
          writing, must provide for the prompt notification of each person
          specified in the order as being entitled to payment of benefitsunder
          the Plan, and must permit an alternate payee to designate a
          representative for receipt of copies of notices that are sent to the
          alternate payee with respect to a domestic relations order.


          The Trust under this Plan and agreement from its inception shall be
          a separate entity aside and apart from the Employers and their
          assets.  The Trust and the corpus and income thereof shall in no
          event and in no manner whatsoever be subject to the rights or
          claims of any creditor of any Employer.  Neither the establishment of
          the Trust, the modification thereof, the creation of any fund or
          account, nor the


          payment of any benefits shall be construed as giving any Participant
          or any other person whomsoever any legal or equitable rights against
          an Employer or the Trustee unless the same shall be specifically
          provided for in this Plan.


          All benefits payable under the Plan shall be paid or provided for
          solely from the Trust and the Employers assume no liability or
          responsibility therefor.


          In the event that any successor corporation to the Company, by
          merger, consolidation, purchase or otherwise, shall elect to adopt
          the Plan, such successor corporation shall be substituted hereunder
          for the Company upon filing in writing with the Trustees of its
          election to do so.


          The Plan shall be construed and administered in accordance with
          ERISA and with the laws of Illinois, to the extent that such laws are
          not preempted by ERISA.

                                  ARTICLE XII.

                              TOP-HEAVY PROVISIONS

12.01     GENERAL

          Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the following
          provisions shall apply with respect to any Plan Year in which the
          Plan is deemed to be Top-Heavy.



          The Plan is deemed to be Top-Heavy for any Plan Year if, as of the
          Determination Date for such Plan Year, any of the following
          conditions exist:

          (a)  If the Top-Heavy Ratio for the Plan exceeds sixty percent
               (60%) and the Plan is not part of a Required Aggregation
               Group of plans or a Permissive Aggregation Group of plans;


          (b)  If the Plan is part of a Required Aggregation Group of plans
               (but is not part of a Permissive Aggregation Group of plans) and
               the Top-Heavy Ratio for the group of plans exceeds sixty percent
               (60%); or

          (c)  If the Plan is part of a Required Aggregation Group of plans
               and part of a Permissive Aggregation Group of plans and the
               Top-Heavy Ratio for the Permissive Aggregation Group of
               plans exceeds sixty percent (60%).

          DETERMINATION DATE means, with respect to any Plan Year, the
          last calendar day of the immediately preceding Plan Year.

          KEY EMPLOYEE means any Employee or former Employee (or any
          Beneficiary of such Employee) who, at any time during the Plan Year
          or any of the four immediately preceding Plan Years, is or was:

          (a)  an officer of any Employer whose compensation exceeds fifty
               percent (50%) of the dollar limitation in effect under Section
               415(b)(1)(A) of the Code for such Plan Year;

          (b)  a shareholder who owns one of the ten largest interests in an
               Employer which interest is at least 1/2% if such shareholder's
               Compensation exceeds the dollar limitation in effect under
               Section 415((c)(1)(A) of the Code;

          (c)  a shareholder who owns more than five percent (5%) of the
               stock of an Employer; or

          (d)  a shareholder who owns more than one percent (1%) of the
               stock of an Employer and whose Compensation for any Plan
               Year in which he owns such percentage share exceeds

          An officer is defined as the actual officer group of an Employer;
          provided, however, that not more than the greater of three (3)
          Employees or ten percent (10%) of the Employees (but in no event
          more than 50 Employees) shall be considered as officers in
          determining whether the Plan is Top-Heavy).

          NON-KEY EMPLOYEE means any Employee who is not a Key

          PERMISSIVE AGGREGATION GROUP means the Required
          Aggregation Group of plans plus any other plan or plans of an
          Employer which, when considered as a group with the Required


          Aggregation Group, would continue to satisfy the requirements of
          Sections 401(a)(4) and 410 of the Code.

          REQUIRED AGGREGATION GROUP means the group of:

          (a)  Each qualified plan of an Employer in which at least one Key
               Employee participates; and

          (b)  Any other qualified plan of an Employer which enables a plan
               described in paragraph (a) above to meet the requirements of
               Section 401(a)(4) or Section 410 of the Code.


          (a)  If an Employer maintains one or more defined contribution
               plans and the Employer has not maintained any defined benefit
               plan which during the five (5) Plan Year period ending on the
               Determination Date has covered or could cover a Participant in
               this Plan, the Top-Heavy Ratio shall be a fraction, the
               numerator of which is the sum of the Account Balances of all
               Key Employees as of the Determination Date (including any
               part of any Account Balance distributed in the five (5) Plan
               Year period ending on the Determination Date), and the
               denominator of which is the sum of all Account Balances
               (including any part of any Account Balance distributed in the
               five (5) Plan Year period ending on the Determination Date) of
               all Participants as of the Determination Date, both computed in
               accordance with Section 416 of the Code. The numerator and
               denominator of the Top-Heavy Ratio shall be adjusted to
               reflect any contribution which is required to be taken into
               account but unpaid as of the Determination Date.

          (b)  If an Employer maintains one or more defined contribution
               plans and the Employer maintains or has maintained one or
               more defined benefit plans which during the five (5) Plan Year
               period ending on the Determination Date have covered or
               could cover a Participant in this Plan, the Top-Heavy Ratio
               shall be a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of
               Account Balances under the defined contribution plans for all
               Key Employees and the present value of accrued benefits
               under the defined benefit plans for all Key Employees, and the
               denominator of which is the sum of the Account Balances
               under the defined contribution plans for all Participants and
               the present value of accrued benefits under the defined benefit
               plans for all Participants, determined in accordance with
               Section 416 of the Code.  The numerator and denominator of
               the Top-Heavy Ratio shall be adjusted for any


               distribution of an Account Balance or an accrued benefit made in
               the five (5) Plan Year period ending on the Determination Date
               and any contribution required to be taken into account but unpaid
               as of the Determination Date.

          (c)  For purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the value of the
               Account Balances and the present value of the accrued
               benefits shall be determined as of the most recent
               Determination Date.  The Account Balances and accrued
               benefits of a Participant who (1) is not a Key Employee but
               who was a Key Employee in a prior Plan Year, or (2) has not
               performed services for an Employer under the Plan at any time
               during the five (5) Plan Year period ending on the
               Determination Date, shall be disregarded.  The calculation of
               the Top-Heavy Ratio, and the extent to which distributions,
               rollovers and transfers are taken into account, shall be made in
               accordance with Section 416 of the Code.  When aggregating
               plans, the value of Account Balances and accrued benefits
               shall be calculated with reference to the Determination Dates
               that all within the same calendar year.


          In any Plan Year that the Plan is Top-Heavy, the maximum annual
          Compensation which shall be taken into account under this Plan
          shall be limited to $200,000, or such other amount as may be
          provided from time to time under cost of living or other adjustments
          issued by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Section 416 of
          the Code.  Effective January 1, 1989, that limitation shall apply
          regardless of whether the Plan is Top-Heavy.  Effective January 1,
          1994, this amount is limited to $150,000, or such other amount as may
          be provided from time to time under cost of living or other
          adjustments issued by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to
          Section 401(a)(17) of the Code.


          In any Plan Year that the Plan is Top-Heavy, the Employer
          contribution for each Participant who is a Non-Key Employee shall
          not be less than three percent (3%) of such Non-Key Employee's
          Compensation; subject, however, to the following special rules:

          (a)  If the Employer maintains more than one defined contribution
               plan, the minimum required contribution under all defined
               contribution plans combined for Non-Key Employees shall be
               three percent (3%).


          (b)  The percent shall be reduced to less than three percent (3%) in
               any year in which the highest percentage contribution for a
               Key Employee is less than three percent (3%).  In any Plan
               Year in which the highest percentage contribution for a Key
               Employee is less than three percent (3%), the contribution for
               Non-Key Employees shall be equal to the highest percentage
               contribution for Key Employees.

          (c)  If the Employer also maintains a defined benefit plan, the
               Employer generally will not be required to both contribute a
               minimum contribution under this Plan and to provide a
               minimum benefit under the defined benefit plan for Non-Key
               Employees; subject, however, to the requirements of such
               regulations as are issued by the Secretary of the Treasury
               pursuant to Section 416 of the Code.

               Employees eligible to participate in the Plan who do not
               participate because they do not make the contributions
               required by Section 3.03 and Participants who do not complete at
               least one thousand (1,000) Hours of Service in the Plan Year
               shall also receive the above minimum allocation.


          (a)  In any Plan Year in which the Plan is deemed to be Top-Heavy
               and in which an Employer maintains both a defined
               contribution plan and a defined benefit plan, the number 1.25
               shall be replaced by the number 1.0 for the purpose of
               determining the limitations imposed by Section 415 of the Code
               to the extend required under Section 416(h) of the Code.

                    In any Plan Year in which the Plan is Top-Heavy but
                    the sum of the Key Employees' benefits from all
                    defined contribution and defined benefit plans does
                    not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the total for all
                    Participants, the number 1.25 shall not be replaced by
                    the number 1.0 for the purpose of determining the
                    limitations imposed by Section 415 of the Code if the
                    minimum required contribution for each Participant
                    who is a Non-Key Employee is not less than four
                    percent (4%) of such Non-Key Employee's

          (b)  Distribution made to an Employee in the five (5) Plan Year
               period ending on any Determination Date shall be included in
               calculating the value of the accrued benefit of an Employee.


          (c)  Rollover Contributions or transfers from other non-Employer
               sponsored plans after December 31, 1983, shall not be
               considered part of an Employee's Accounts for purposes of
               determining whether or not the Plan is Top-Heavy.

                                  ARTICLE XIII.

                             STOCK CONTRIBUTION FUND


          Shares contributed pursuant to Section 3.01 shall be held in a
          separate investment fund called the "Stock Contribution Fund"
          together with any cash contributed and earmarked for that Fund and
          any income thereon. No Participant may direct that any other
          contributions to the Plan or amounts held in any other investment
          fund be credited or transferred to the Stock Contribution Fund; nor
          may any Participant direct that any amounts to his credit in the
          Stock Contribution Fund be transferred to another investment fund.

          13.011    Within 60 days after each Valuation Date, the
                    Company shall deliver to the Trustee a certificate
                    stating the value of a Share as of the Valuation Date.
                    The Trustee shall determine fair market value of the
                    Stock Contribution Fund as of that Valuation Date on
                    the basis of such certificate.  For purposes of
                    reporting Account balances to Participants and
                    Beneficiaries, the value of Shares rather than the
                    number of Shares allocated to a Participant's Account
                    may be shown.

          13.012    As of each Valuation Date, the Plan Administrator
                    shall allocate the income of the Stock Contribution
                    Fund for that period in accordance with the following.
                    Any income of the Fund other than dividends
                    received on Shares shall be allocated among the
                    Accounts of all Participants a portion of whose
                    Accounts is in the Stock Contribution Fund on the
                    valuation date in proportion to the ratio that each said
                    Participant's interest in the Stock Contribution Fund
                    bears to the total of all such Participants, measured as
                    of the last preceding Valuation Date.

                    There shall be credited to the Account of each
                    Participant to which Shares have been allocated, any
                    Shares or other property distributed as a dividend
                    with respect to Shares


                    previously allocated or credited to the Participant's


          The portion of a Participant's Account attributable to the Stock
          Contribution Fund may be distributed only in cash and no
          Participant or Beneficiary shall have the right to demand that Shares
          be distributed. The Trustee shall use cash contributions earmarked
          for the Stock Contribution Fund to make such distributions.  To the
          extent that any cash contributions are used to make distributions
          they will be deemed to have been used to purchase Shares from the
          Accounts of Participants and Beneficiaries entitled to the
          distributions which Shares are then allocated to the Accounts of
          Participants who retain an interest in the Stock Contribution Fund in
          the manner provided for the allocation of Employer contributions


          The Trustee shall invest the Stock Contribution Fund in Shares and
          cash and cash equivalents pending investment in Shares.  The
          Trustee may purchase Shares from any person or entity, in its
          individual or other capacity, including the Company.  The
          administrative expenses of the Stock Contribution Fund including
          brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and other charges and
          expenses not paid by an Employer shall be borne by that Fund.  The
          Trustee may use cash contributions earmarked for the Stock
          Contribution Fund to defray administrative expenses of that Fund.


          The Trustee shall, except as specifically provided below, have the
          right to vote the Shares held by The Stock Contribution Fund on
          each matter brought before an annual or special stockholders'
          meeting of the Company.  Each Participant (or, in the event of his
          death, his Beneficiary) shall have the right, to the extent of Shares
          allocated to his account, to direct the Trustee in writing as to the
          manner in which to respond to a tender or exchange offer with
          respect to Shares, and the Trustee shall respond in accordance with
          the instructions so receive.  The Plan Administrator shall utilize its
          best efforts to timely distribute or cause to be distributed to each
          participant (or Beneficiary) copies of all materials distributed to
          stockholders of the Company in connection with any such tender or
          exchange offer, together with a form requesting confidential
          instructions on whether or not such Shares will be tendered or
          exchanged.  Such instructions shall be forwarded by Participants


          Beneficiaries to the outside firm of certified public accountants
          regularly used by the Company, and the accounting firm shall inform
          the Trustee only of the aggregate number of Shares to be tendered
          or exchanged. If the accounting firm shall not receive timely
          direction from a Participant (or Beneficiary) has the right of
          direction, shall be tendered or exchanged.  The instructions received
          by the accounting firm from Participants and Beneficiaries shall be
          held in confidence and shall not be divulged or released to any
          person, including officers or employees of the Company or any


          Subject to the rules provided above with respect to responding to a
          tender or exchange offer, the Trustee may sell or otherwise dispose
          of the Shares held in the Stock Contribution Fund; however, such
          Shares are subject to the prior rights to purchase by the Company
          described below and the certificates representing such Shares shall
          bear a legend stating that any person accepting the Shares
          evidenced by such certificates agrees to be bound by such prior
          rights to purchase unless the Company shall have forfeited such
          rights in the manner described below.

          If the Trustee intends to transfer Shares held in the Stock
          Contribution Fund to any person other than the Company, he shall
          give 60 days' written notice to the Company of his intention so to
          transfer.  The notice, in addition to stating the fact of the
          intention to transfer Shares, shall state (i) the number of Shares to
          be transferred, (ii) the name, business and residence address of the
          proposed transferee, and (iii) the amount of the consideration and the
          other terms of the sale.

          Within 30 days of the Company's receipt of the notice of intent to
          transfer, the Company may exercise an option to purchase all of the
          Shares proposed to be transferred or forfeit its option.

          The purchase price of Shares as to which an option granted to the
          Company hereby is exercised shall be the fair market value of the
          Shares on the date the written notice of exercise is received by the
          Trustee; provided, that the purchase price shall not be less than the
          price offered to the Trustee by the transferee named in the notice of


          intent to transfer if such offer represents a bona fide offer to
          purchase.  The purchase price shall be paid by the Company in cash
          within a reasonable time from the date the written notice of exercise
          is received by the Trustee.

                                  ARTICLE XIV.

                              LOANS AND WITHDRAWALS


          The Trustee may lend a Participant an amount that does not exceed
          the lesser of:

               $50,000; or

               fifty percent (50%) of the Participant's nonforfeitable interest
               in his Account Balance (but not less than $10,000) if he had
               ceased to be a Participant on the date such loan was made.

          All loans shall be of a minimum amount of $1,000 of such other
          amount as prescribed in writing by the Plan Administrator.  All loans
          shall be made only at the request of the Participant and upon the
          approval of the Plan Administrator, which shall follow a uniform,
          nondiscriminatory policy in reviewing loan requests.

          In addition to such rules and regulations as the Plan Administrator
          may adopt, all loans shall comply with the following terms and

          (a)  An application for a loan by a Participant shall be made in
               writing to the Plan Administrator, whose action thereon shall
               be final. The Plan Administrator shall specify the form of the
               application and any supporting data required.

          (b)  The period of repayment for any loan shall be five (5) years
               from the first day of the month following the date the loan is
               processed. Any loan used to acquire a dwelling unit which will
               be used as the principal residence of the Participant, does not
               have to be repaid within five (5) years, but shall be paid in a
               time agreed by the Plan Administrator and the Participant.
               Loans shall be repayable in substantially equal installments
               including interest payable monthly, beginning on the first day
               of the month following the date the loan is approved.  The
               loan shall be considered an investment of such Participant's
               Accounts, and the


               interest paid on the loan shall be credited to the Accounts of
               the Participant. The amount of the outstanding loan shall not
               share in the allocation of earnings of the Trust Fund.  In the
               event of retirement, Total and Permanent Disability, death or
               termination of employment while any loan is outstanding, the
               unpaid balance and any interest due shall immediately become due
               and payable (which may be paid by check) and upon default shall
               be charged against the amounts which are to be paid or set aside
               for such Participant or Beneficiary.

          (c)  Each loan shall be permitted only to the extent necessary to
               allow the Participant to purchase or make a major improvement
               to his principal residence, to pay the post-secondary education
               expense of a member of his household, to meet the cost of
               unused medical expenses borne by the Participant or to meet
               any other BONA FIDE financial emergency as determined by the
               Plan Administrator.

          (d)  Each loan shall only be permitted to the extent the Participant
               certifies or demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Plan
               Administrator that the purpose described in paragraph (c)
               above imposes an immediate and heavy financial need upon
               the Participant.

          (e)  Each loan shall bear interest at a rate which is not less than
               the current rate paid by three year Treasury notes as
               of the date of the loan.

          (f)  Each loan shall be supported by collateral as determined by the
               Company.  A loan shall also be supported by the Participant's
               promissory note including a pledge of interest as collateral for
               the amount of the loan, including interest, payable to the order
               of the Trustee.  The promissory note shall require that the
               unpaid principal and interest will (at the Plan Administrator's
               option) become due and payable if a loan payment is not made
               within thirty (30) days after the due date of any installment.
               In the event of default, foreclosure on the note and attachment
               of security will not occur until a distributable event occurs in
               the Plan.

          (g)  If a Participant borrows amounts under more than one qualified
               plan maintained by an Employer, all the plans are treated as
               one plan for purposes of the borrowing restrictions outlined.


          (h)  Subject to the preceding limitations, a Participant may elect the
               percentage of the loan to be withdrawn from each of his vested


          A Participant (or Employee if not a Participant) may elect in writing
          to withdraw part or all of the value of his Rollover Contrition
          Account, subject to the requirements of Section 3.05.  Such
          withdrawal shall be subject to the rules and procedures established
          by the Plan Administrator.


          A Participant may elect in writing to withdraw any whole percentage,
          up to one hundred percent (100%), of the value of his After-Tax
          Savings Contributions at any time after two (2) years of Plan
          participation, subject to the following conditions:

          (a)  Any request for a withdrawal must be submitted at least thirty
               (30) days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal and must
               be in a form approved by the Company.

          (b)  Such a withdrawal shall be permitted only to the extent
               necessary to allow the Participant to purchase or make a major
               improvement in his principal residence, to pay the post-secondary
               education expense of a member of his household, to
               meet the cost of unusual medical expenses borne by the
               Participant or to meet any other BONA FIDE financial emergency
               as determined by the Plan Administrator. The Plan
               Administrator shall administer this Article XI in accordance
               with the applicable Treasury Regulations as in effect from time
               to time.

          (c)  Such a withdrawal shall only be permitted to the extent the
               Participant certifies or demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
               Plan Administrator that the purpose described in paragraph (b)
               imposes an immediate and heavy financial need upon the

          (d)  The minimum withdrawal shall be $500.

          (e)  A withdrawal may be made twice a year, on January 1st or July



          If the value of a Participant's Rollover Contribution Account and
          After-Tax Savings Contribution Account is not sufficient to meet
          the financial needs of the Participant, a Participant may elect in
          writing to withdraw his Pre-Tax Savings Contributions but not any
          earnings thereon, in whole percentages up to one hundred percent
          (100%), subject to the restrictions in Section 14.09 and applicable
          regulations promulgated under Section 401(k) of the Code.


          If the value of a Participant's Rollover Contribution Account,
          After-Tax Savings Contribution Account, and Pre-Tax Savings
          Contribution Account to the extent is not sufficient to meet the
          financial needs of the Participant, a Participant may elect in
          writing to withdraw vested Employer contributions, in whole
          percentages up to one hundred percent (100%), subject to the
          restrictions in Section 14.10.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this instrument
to be executed by its duly authorized officers on December 30, 1994, and
effective as provided herein.

                                   CONTINENTAL MATERIALS CORPORATION

                                   By:  /s/ Joseph J. Sum
                                   Its: Vice President

Dated:  December 30, 1994
