Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )

    Filed by the Registrant / /
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant /X/

    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or  Section

                                    AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                        MERRILL CORPORATION
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/ /  $125 per  Exchange Act  Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2)  or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
/ /  $500  per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act Rule
/ /  Fee  computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules   14a-6(i)(4)
     and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:
/X/  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement  number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

                            AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY
                             TO BE HELD MAY 9, 1995

To the Stockholders of
American Colloid Company:

    Notice  is hereby given that the  annual meeting of stockholders of American
Colloid Company, a  Delaware corporation (the  "Company"), will be  held at  the
offices  of  Keck, Mahin  & Cate,  Suite  4900, 77  West Wacker  Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60601-1693 on  Tuesday, May 9,  1995, at 11:00  A.M., Central  Daylight
Savings Time, for the following purposes:

    1.    To  elect nine  (9)  directors for  the  ensuing year  or  until their
       successors are elected and qualified;

    2.  To  consider and act  upon a  proposal to amend  the Company's  Restated
       Certificate  of Incorporation  to provide  for the  classification of the
       Board of Directors into three classes, with one class being elected  each

    3.   To  consider and act  upon a  proposal to amend  the Company's Restated
       Certificate of  Incorporation  to  change the  Company's  name  to  AMCOL
       International Corporation;

    4.    To ratify  the appointment  of  KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP  as independent
       accountants for 1995; and

    5.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

    Stockholders of record as of the close of business on March 31, 1995 will be
entitled to vote at the annual meeting. Shares should be represented as fully as
possible, since a majority is required to constitute a quorum.

    Please mark, sign,  date and  mail the  accompanying proxy  in the  enclosed
self-addressed,  postage paid envelope, whether or  not you expect to attend the
meeting in  person. You  may revoke  your proxy  at the  meeting should  you  be
present  and desire to vote your shares in person, and you may revoke your proxy
for any  reason at  any time  prior to  the voting  thereof, either  by  written
revocation  prior to the  meeting or by  appearing at the  meeting and voting in
person. Your cooperation is respectfully solicited.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          Clarence O. Redman
Arlington Heights, Illinois
April 7, 1995

                            AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY
                              ONE NORTH ARLINGTON
                        1500 WEST SHURE DRIVE, SUITE 500
                     ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60004-7803
                                 (708) 392-4600
                                PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 9, 1995

    The  enclosed proxy  is solicited  on behalf  of the  Board of  Directors of
American Colloid Company (the "Company")  in connection with the annual  meeting
of  stockholders to  be held  on Tuesday,  May 9,  1995, at  11:00 A.M., Central
Daylight Savings Time, and  any adjournment thereof  ("Annual Meeting"), at  the
offices  of  Keck, Mahin  & Cate,  Suite  4900, 77  West Wacker  Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60601-1693.

    The cost of proxy solicitation will be borne by the Company. In addition  to
the  solicitation of proxies by the use of the mails, certain officers and other
regular employees of the Company may devote part of their time (but will not  be
specifically compensated therefor) to solicitation by facsimile, telephone or in
person.  Proxies may be revoked  at any time prior  to voting. Revocation may be
done prior to the  meeting by written  revocation sent to  the Secretary of  the
Company,  American Colloid Company, One North  Arlington, 1500 West Shure Drive,
Suite 500, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-7803; or it may be done  personally
upon oral or written request at the Annual Meeting.

    This  proxy statement  was first mailed  or delivered to  stockholders on or
about April 7, 1995.


    The close of business on March 31,  1995 is the record date for  determining
the  holders of Common  Stock, $.01 par  value ("Common Stock"),  of the Company
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.

    As of  March  31,  1995,  the  Company  had  outstanding  voting  securities
consisting  of  19,128,048 shares  of  Common Stock.  Each  holder of  record of
outstanding Common Stock  at the close  of business  on March 31,  1995 will  be
entitled  to  vote at  the Annual  Meeting. Presence  in person  or by  proxy of
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock will  constitute
a  quorum at the Annual Meeting. A broker non-vote is not counted in determining
voting results. If a stockholder, present in person or by proxy, abstains on any
matter, the stockholder's  shares will  not be voted  on such  matter. Thus,  an
abstention from voting on a matter has the same legal effect as a vote "AGAINST"
the matter.


                               SECURITY OWNERSHIP

    The  following table sets forth, with respect to the Company's Common Stock,
all persons known to be  the beneficial owner of more  than five percent of  the
Company's Common Stock as of February 21, 1995.

                                                                            NUMBER OF SHARES
                                                                             AND NATURE OF
                           NAME AND ADDRESS OF                                 BENEFICIAL      PERCENT OF
                            BENEFICIAL OWNER                                  OWNERSHIP(1)        CLASS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -----------
Harris Trust and Savings Bank ...........................................     2,167,834(2)         11.37%
 Paul Bechtner Trust
 111 West Monroe Street
 Chicago, Illinois 60690
Everett P. Weaver .......................................................     2,179,834(3)(4)      11.44%
 660 Pine Street
 Winnetka, Illinois 60093
William D. Weaver .......................................................     2,911,766(3)(5)      15.28%
 117 DeWindt Road
 Winnetka, Illinois 60093
(1)  Nature  of  beneficial ownership  is direct  unless otherwise  indicated by
     footnote. Beneficial  ownership as  shown  in the  table arises  from  sole
     voting and investment power unless otherwise indicated by footnote.

(2)  Voting  and investment power are shared by  the trustees of this trust. See
     note (3) below.

(3)  Includes 2,167,834  shares held  in the  Paul Bechtner  Trust as  to  which
     Messrs.  Everett  P. Weaver,  William D.  Weaver and  the Harris  Trust and
     Savings Bank are co-trustees and share voting and investment power.

(4)  Includes 12,000 shares in a trust  as to which voting and investment  power
     are shared with Mr. Weaver's wife.

(5)  Includes  486,828 shares  held in  a living  trust as  to which  Mr. Weaver
     exercises sole voting  and investment power.  Also includes 150,000  shares
     held  by his  wife and 30,000  shares held by  his wife as  trustee for the
     benefit of her brother and 23,900 shares  held by his wife for the  benefit
     of their grandchildren as to which Mr. Weaver may be deemed to share voting
     and investment power.


    The  following table sets forth, as of February 21, 1995 with respect to the
Common Stock, shares beneficially  owned by: (i) each  director; (ii) the  Chief
Executive  Officer;  (iii)  the  four other  most  highly  compensated executive
officers; and (iv) as a group, such persons and other executive officers.

                                                                             NUMBER OF SHARES AND
                                                                             NATURE OF BENEFICIAL    PERCENT
                             BENEFICIAL OWNER                                    OWNERSHIP(1)       OF CLASS
---------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------   ---------
Arthur Brown...............................................................            12,480(2)           *
Robert E. Driscoll, III....................................................           318,200(3)        1.67%
Raymond A. Foos............................................................            63,941(4)           *
John Hughes................................................................           544,895(5)        2.86%
Robert C. Humphrey.........................................................            52,704(6)           *
C. Eugene Ray..............................................................            90,480(7)           *
Clarence O. Redman.........................................................            71,025(8)           *
Paul G. Shelton............................................................           272,092(9)        1.43%
Paul C. Weaver.............................................................           249,260(10)       1.31%
Lawrence E. Washow.........................................................           290,823(11)       1.53%
Robert C. Steele...........................................................            25,502(12)          *
Roger P. Palmer............................................................            24,582(13)          *
All of the above and other executive officers as a group (13 persons)......         1,667,080(14)       8.75%
*    Percentage represents less  than 1%  of the  total shares  of Common  Stock
     outstanding as of February 21, 1995.

(1)  Nature  of  beneficial ownership  is direct  unless otherwise  indicated by
     footnote. Beneficial  ownership as  shown  in the  table arises  from  sole
     voting and investment power unless otherwise indicated by footnote.

(2)  Includes 12,480 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(3)  Includes  164,700  shares held  as co-trustee  under a  living trust  for a
     family member.

(4)  Includes 18,480 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(5)  Includes 10,225 shares held in trusts for his children; 306 shares held  as
     custodian  for his son; 17,216 shares owned  by his wife; 2,652 shares held
     as co-trustee under the Company's Savings  Plan which are not allocated  to
     participants'  accounts pursuant  to the  Plan and  as to  which voting and
     investment power  are  shared; 45,016  shares  are held  by  the  Company's
     Savings  Plan on  his behalf; 175,000  shares held as  co-trustee under the
     Company's Pension Plan, as to which voting and investment power are shared;
     and 107,690 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(6)  Includes 16,500 shares held  by Mr. Humphrey's wife;  8,380 shares held  by
     Mr.  Humphrey's son; 26,460 as trustee  for family trusts; and 1,364 shares
     subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(7)  Includes 27,000 shares held jointly with Mr. Ray's wife; 3,000 shares  held
     in  an Individual Retirement Account; and  60,480 shares subject to options
     exercisable within 60 days.

(8)  Includes 9,095 shares held  in the Clarence O.  Redman, P.C. Savings  Plan;
     31,450  shares held  jointly with  his wife;  and 30,480  shares subject to
     options exercisable within 60 days.

(9)  Includes 19,003  shares held  jointly with  Mr. Shelton's  wife; and  9,422
     shares  held  as  custodian  for  his  children;  175,000  shares  held  as
     co-trustee under  the  Company's  Pension  Plan, as  to  which  voting  and
     investment  power are shared; 50,500  shares subject to options exercisable


     within 60 days; 2,652 shares held as co-trustee under the Company's Savings
     Plan which are not allocated to participants' accounts pursuant to the Plan
     and as to which voting and  investment power are shared; and 12,015  shares
     are held by the Company's Savings Plan on his behalf.

(10) Includes  20,687 shares  held by Mr.  Weaver's wife, 15,124  shares held as
     co-trustee for his daughters and 1,215  shares held by his wife as  trustee
     for a daughter.

(11) Includes  8,250 shares  held jointly with  Mr. Washow's  wife; 1,100 shares
     held by his  wife; 175,000 shares  held as co-trustee  under the  Company's
     Pension  Plan, as to  which voting and investment  power are shared; 80,420
     shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days; 2,652 shares held  as
     co-trustee  under the  Company's Savings  Plan which  are not  allocated to
     participants' accounts pursuant  to the  Plan and  as to  which voting  and
     investment  power are shared;  6,000 shares as  custodian for his children;
     and 12,915 shares are held by the Company's Savings Plan on his behalf.

(12) Includes 7,756 shares held by the Company's Savings Plan on his behalf; and
     17,700 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(13) Includes 2,891 shares  held jointly  with Mr. Palmer's  wife; 1,000  shares
     held  by his son;  8,361 shares held  by the Company's  Savings Plan on his
     behalf; and 11,520 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(14) Includes 88,594 shares held jointly with  a spouse; 228,604 shares held  in
     various  trusts;  15,728 shares  held as  custodian;  2,652 shares  held as
     co-trustee under  the Company's  Savings Plan  which are  not allocated  to
     participants'  accounts pursuant  to the  Plan and  as to  which voting and
     investment  power  are  shared;  86,163  shares  vested  in  officers'  and
     directors'  accounts pursuant to the Company's Savings Plan; 175,000 shares
     held as co-trustee under the Company's Pension Plan, as to which voting and
     investment power  are shared;  66,098 shares  held by  family members;  and
     391,114 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

                                     ITEM 1
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

    It  is intended that  the shares represented  by the enclosed  proxy will be
voted, unless votes are withheld  in accordance with the instructions  contained
in  the proxy,  for the  election of  the nine  (9) nominees  for Director named
below. In the  event that any  nominee for Director  should become  unavailable,
which is not anticipated, the Board of Directors in its discretion may designate
substitute  nominees,  in  which  event  such  shares  will  be  voted  for such
substitute nominees. Provided a quorum is  present, the affirmative vote by  the
holders  of a  plurality of the  shares of  the Common Stock  represented at the
Annual Meeting  in person  or by  proxy is  required for  the election  of  each

    If   the  proposed  amendment  to  the  Company's  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation relating  to  the classification  of  the Board  of  Directors  is
approved  by the stockholders, three Directors will  be elected to each of Class
I, Class II and Class  III. The identity of each  such Director and his term  is
indicated below.

         CLASS I                   CLASS II                  CLASS III
 (Term expiring in 1996)    (Term expiring in 1997)   (Term expiring in 1998)

 Raymond A. Foos            Robert E. Driscoll, III       Arthur Brown
 Clarence O. Redman         Robert C. Humphrey            John Hughes
 Paul G. Shelton            C. Eugene Ray                 Paul C. Weaver

    If such amendment is not adopted, all nine (9) Directors will be elected for
one  year terms. Directors  hold office until  the Annual Meeting  in the fiscal
year in which their terms expire and until their respective successors have been
elected and qualified.




             NAME                   AGE         SINCE                  PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION FOR LAST FIVE YEARS
------------------------------      ---      ------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arthur Brown..................          54        1990     Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hecla  Mining
                                                           Company  since  1987;  Director of  Great  Lakes  Minerals Inc.,
                                                           Director of Idaho  Independent Bank, Director  of CALMAT  Corp.,
                                                           Director of South African Minerals Corporation
Robert E. Driscoll, III.......          56        1985     Retired Dean and Professor of Law, University of South Dakota
Raymond A. Foos...............          66        1981     Retired  President, Chief Executive Officer  and Chairman of the
                                                           Board of  Brush Wellman,  Inc.  (manufacturer of  beryllium  and
                                                           specialty   materials)  since  April  1,  1990;  prior  thereto,
                                                           President and Chief Operating Officer
John Hughes*..................          52        1984     President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since 1985;
                                                           prior thereto, Chief Operating Officer
Robert C. Humphrey*...........          76        1977(1)  Director and Retired Chairman of the NBD Bank Evanston N.A.
C. Eugene Ray*................          62        1981     Chairman of the Board of the Company since 1988; prior  thereto,
                                                           Executive   Vice  President-Finance  and   director  of  Signode
                                                           Industries,  Inc.,  a   manufacturer  of  industrial   strapping
Clarence O. Redman*...........          52        1989     Secretary  since  1982.  Also,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and a
                                                           Partner of  Keck, Mahin  & Cate,  the law  firm that  serves  as
                                                           Corporate Counsel to the Company
Paul G. Shelton*..............          45        1988     Senior  Vice  President-Chief Financial  Officer of  the Company
                                                           since  1994;  prior  thereto,  Vice  President-Chief   Financial
                                                           Officer of the Company
Paul C. Weaver................          32        1995     Corporate  Account Manager for Nielsen North America, a provider
                                                           of marketing information services, since 1992; prior thereto  an
                                                           Account Executive
*    Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors
(1)  Except for a three-month period in 1989.

    The  Board of  Directors held  4 meetings during  the 1994  fiscal year. All
Directors attended at least 75% of the aggregate of the total number of meetings
of the  Board  of Directors  and  the total  number  of meetings  held  by  each
committee  of  the Board  on which  such  Directors served.  In addition  to the
Executive Committee, the Board of Directors  of the Company has standing  Audit,
Compensation, Nominating and Option Committees.

    The  Audit  Committee held  3  meetings during  the  1994 fiscal  year. This
Committee is responsible for reviewing  with the Company's financial  management
and  its independent auditors, the proposed  audit program for each fiscal year,
the results of the audits and the adequacy of the Company's systems of  internal
accounting  control.  The Committee  recommends to  the  Board of  Directors the
appointment of the  independent auditors  for each fiscal  year. Directors  Ray,
Foos, Driscoll and Brown are members of this Committee.


    The Compensation Committee held 3 meetings during the 1994 fiscal year. This
Committee  is responsible for annually reviewing the salaries and bonuses of all
executive officers.  This Committee  also oversees  the Company's  compensation,
incentive  and  employee  benefit  programs.  This  Committee  is  comprised  of
non-employee directors. Directors Humphrey, Ray, Driscoll, Foos and E. P. Weaver
are members of this Committee.

    The Nominating Committee held 2 meetings  during the 1994 fiscal year.  This
Committee  will recommend to the Board of Directors, at the request of the Board
of Directors, nominees who are deemed by the Committee to be qualified for Board
of Directors membership. This Committee  does not consider nominees  recommended
by  stockholders. Directors  W. D.  Weaver, E. P.  Weaver, Humphrey  and Ray are
members of this Committee.

    The Option  Committee held  1  meeting during  the  1994 fiscal  year.  This
Committee  is responsible for the selection of those officers, directors and key
employees who  are eligible  to receive  options and  determines the  number  of
options to be awarded and the period during which options may be exercised under
the  terms of the Company's various option plans. This Committee is comprised of
directors who do not participate in any option plans, including Messrs.  Redman,
E. P. Weaver and W. D. Weaver.




    The  Summary Compensation Table below includes, for each of the fiscal years
ended December 31, 1994, 1993, and 1992, individual compensation for services to
the Company and  its subsidiaries  of those persons  who were,  at December  31,
1994:  (i) the  Chief Executive  Officer; and  (ii) the  four other  most highly
compensated  executive  officers  of  the  Company  (collectively,  the   "Named

                                                                                         LONG TERM COMPENSATION AWARDS
                                                      ANNUAL COMPENSATION (1)(2)      ------------------------------------
                                                   ---------------------------------   SECURITIES
                                                                             BONUS     UNDERLYING          ALL OTHER
           NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION               YEAR     SALARY ($)    ($)(3)     OPTIONS (#)    COMPENSATION ($)(4)
-------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------------------
John Hughes......................................    1994        300,000      75,000       21,000              6,000
  President and Chief Executive Officer              1993        240,803     235,000       42,000             15,831
                                                     1992        227,470     140,000       21,000              9,366
Lawrence E. Washow...............................    1994        170,000      19,975        1,350              6,325
  Senior Vice President of the Company and           1993        141,667      91,404       40,950             11,713
  President of Chemdal International Corporation     1992        153,250      57,463        7,500              8,583
Paul G. Shelton..................................    1994        155,000      18,213        9,000              6,000
  Senior Vice President and Chief Financial          1993        135,333      88,994       18,000              7,592
  Officer of the Company and President of            1992        127,000      60,243        9,000              6,592
  Ameri-Co Carriers, Inc. and Nationwide
  Freight Services, Inc.
Robert C. Steele.................................    1994        144,754      18,000        6,000              6,000
  Senior Vice President of the Company and           1993        114,666      73,631       12,000              6,996
  President of American Colloid Mineral Company      1992        108,000      49,970        7,500              6,192
Roger P. Palmer..................................    1994        112,500      14,688        6,000              5,824
  Senior Vice President of the Company and           1993         96,666      66,782       12,000              8,007
  President of Colloid Environmental                 1992         90,000      44,975        7,500              4,968
  Technologies Company
(1)  Includes  deferred compensation  under the  Company's Savings  Plan and the
     Company's Deferred Compensation Plan.

(2)  The incremental cost  of noncash compensation  and other personal  benefits
     during  any year presented did  not exceed the lesser  of $50,000 or 10% of
     the total of  annual salary  and bonus  reported for  any individual  named

(3)  The  figures in  this column reflect  bonuses from  the Executive Incentive
     Compensation Plan and the Bonus Plan as described in the Board Compensation
     Committee Report on Executive Compensation.

(4)  The figures in this column include Company matching contributions under the
     Company's Savings Plan. Pursuant to  the Company's Savings Plan, the  named
     executive   officers  received  contributions  in   1994,  1993  and  1992,
     respectively, as follows: Mr. Hughes,  $6,000, $8,994, $8,728; Mr.  Washow,
     $6,000,  $8,782, $7,851; Mr.  Shelton, $6,000, $7,592,  $6,592; Mr. Steele,
     $6,000, $6,996, $5,992; and Mr. Palmer, $5,824, $5,929, $4,968. The figures
     in this  column  also  include  amounts received  in  connection  with  the
     surrender  of certain  travel benefits.  Pursuant to  this arrangement, the
     Named Officers  received the  following  amounts in  1994, 1993  and  1992,
     respectively: Mr. Hughes, $0, $6,837 and $638; Mr. Washow, $325, $2,931 and
     $732;  Mr. Shelton,  $0, $0 and  $0; Mr. Steele,  $0, $0 and  $200; and Mr.
     Palmer, $0, $2,078 and $0.



    Shown  below is information on grants  of incentive stock options during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 1994,  to the Named Officers which are  reflected
in the Summary Compensation Table on page 7.

                                                                                        POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                                                                      ANNUAL RATES OF STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION
                                   INDIVIDUAL GRANTS IN 1994                                   FOR 10-YEAR OPTION TERM
                      ---------------------------------------------------             -----------------------------------------
                       NUMBER OF
                      SECURITIES     % OF TOTAL                             PRESENT            5%                   10%
                      UNDERLYING      OPTIONS                               VALUE AT  --------------------  -------------------
                        OPTIONS      GRANTED TO    EXERCISE    EXPIRATION    GRANT      STOCK      DOLLAR    STOCK      DOLLAR
        NAME          GRANTED(5)    EMPLOYEES(1)   PRICE(2)       DATE      DATE(3)   PRICE(4)     GAINS    PRICE(4)    GAINS
--------------------  -----------   ------------   ---------   ----------   --------  ---------   --------  --------   --------
Hughes..............    21,000          17.94%      $17.750       2/8/04    $157,290   $28.91     $234,360   $46.04    $594,090
Washow..............     1,350           1.15%      $17.750       2/8/04    $ 10,112   $28.91     $ 15,066   $46.04    $ 38,192
Shelton.............     9,000           7.69%      $17.750       2/8/04    $ 67,410   $28.91     $100,440   $46.04    $254,610
Steele..............     6,000           5.13%      $17.750       2/8/04    $ 44,940   $28.91     $ 66,960   $46.04    $169,740
Palmer..............     6,000           5.13%      $17.750       2/8/04    $ 44,940   $28.91     $ 66,960   $46.04    $169,740
(1)  Based on 117,045 options granted to all employees.

(2)  Fair market value on the date of grant.

(3)  The  estimated grant  date present  value reflected  in the  above table is
     determined using  the Black-Scholes  model.  The material  assumptions  and
     adjustments incorporated in the Black-Scholes model in estimating the value
     of  the  options reflected  in the  above table  include the  following: an
     exercise price on the option of $17.75,  equal to the fair market value  of
     the  underlying stock on the date of grant;  an option term of 10 years; an
     interest rate of 5.97% that represents the interest rate on a U.S. Treasury
     security on the date of grant with a maturity date corresponding to that of
     the option term; volatility of  56.16% calculated using daily stock  prices
     for  the two-year period prior to the  grant date; dividends at the rate of
     $0.24 per share representing the annualized dividends paid with respect  to
     a  share  of  common  stock  at  the  date  of  grant;  and  reductions  of
     approximately 12.15%  to  reflect  the probability  of  forfeiture  due  to
     termination  prior  to vesting,  and  approximately 19.54%  to  reflect the
     probability of a  shortened option  term due to  termination of  employment
     prior  to the  option expiration date.  The ultimate values  of the options
     will depend on the future market price of the Company's stock, which cannot
     be forecast with reasonable accuracy. The actual value, if any, an optionee
     will realize upon exercise of  an option will depend  on the excess of  the
     market  value of the Company's common stock  over the exercise price on the
     date the option is exercised.

(4)  The share price  represents the price  of the Common  Stock if the  assumed
     annual rates of stock price appreciation are achieved.

(5)  These  Incentive  Stock  Options  ("ISO's")  were  issued  pursuant  to the
     Company's 1993 Stock Plan (the "1993 Plan") and may not be exercised  until
     they vest. These ISO's vest 40% after 2 years, 60% after 3 years, 80% after
     4  years and 100% after 5 years, provided that on death or retirement under
     specified conditions, these ISO's become  fully vested. The exercise  price
     may  not be less  than the fair market  value of the  shares subject to the
     option on the date of grant. The  exercise price may not be less than  110%
     of  such fair market  value if the purchaser  is a holder  of more than 10%
     percent of the Company's outstanding voting securities.

                                    POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE AT ASSUMED ANNUAL
                                       RATES OF STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION FOR
                                                10-YEAR OPTION TERM
                                           5% (1)                 10% (1)
                                    --------------------    --------------------
                                    STOCK      DOLLAR       STOCK      DOLLAR
                                    PRICE      GAINS        PRICE      GAINS
                                    ------  ------------    ------  ------------
All Shareholders..................  $28.91  $212,200,057    $46.04  $537,915,735
Named Executive Officers' Gains as
 a % of All Shareholders' Gains...                0.228%                  0.228%
(1)  Total dollar gains based on the assumed annual rates of appreciation  shown
     here  and  calculated on  19,014,342 outstanding  shares  -- the  number of
     shares outstanding on December 31, 1994. The analysis above illustrates the
     gains all  shareholders would  realize under  these same  assumed rates  of
     appreciation  and the  proportion of  executive gains  to all shareholders'



    Shown below is  information with  respect to  (i) options  exercised by  the
Named  Officers  pursuant  to  the  1983  Plan  during  fiscal  1994;  and  (ii)
unexercised options granted in fiscal 1994  and prior years under the 1983  Plan
and the 1993 Plan to the Named Officers and held by them at December 31, 1994.

                                                    NUMBER OF
                                                   OPTIONS AT           VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                    12/31/94            IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                SHARES ACQUIRED     VALUE         EXERCISABLE/             AT 12/31/94 ($)
--------------  ---------------  ------------   -----------------   -----------------------------
Hughes........         52,250       625,549       102,956/110,100         1,094,929/610,921
Washow........              0             0        69,420/ 57,600           774,115/208,082
Shelton.......          3,500        42,027        34,600/ 44,100           362,144/227,081
Steele........          6,000        69,697         5,100/ 33,300            54,161/193,832
Palmer........          2,670        35,094         3,000/ 26,520            30,624/119,107
(1)  Based on the closing sale price as quoted on NASDAQ National Market on that


    The  following table shows the  estimated annual retirement benefits payable
on a straight life annuity basis to participating employees, including officers,
in the  earnings  and years  of  service classifications  indicated,  under  the
Company's  retirement  plans  which  cover  substantially  all  of  its domestic
employees on a non-contributory basis. The estimated benefits as disclosed below
assume (i) that  the plans will  be continued  and (ii) that  the employee  will
continue  employment  until  normal retirement  age.  The table  below  does not
reflect the reduction in an individual's  final monthly compensation due to  the
social  security monthly covered compensation. This  reduction is based upon the
retirement year for a particular individual.


    REMUNERATION         15        20        25        30        35        40
---------------------  -------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
$ 75,000.............  $16,875  $ 22,500  $ 28,125  $ 33,750  $ 39,375  $ 42,188
$100,000.............   22,500    30,000    37,500    45,000    52,500    56,250
$125,000.............   28,125    37,500    46,875    56,250    65,625    70,312
$150,000.............   33,750    45,000    56,250    67,500    78,750    84,375
$200,000.............   45,000    60,000    75,000    90,000   105,000   112,500
$250,000.............   56,250    75,000    93,750   112,500   131,250   140,625
$300,000.............   67,500    90,000   112,500   135,000   157,500   168,750
$350,000.............   78,750   105,000   131,250   157,500   183,750   196,875
$400,000.............   90,000   120,000   150,000   180,000   210,000   225,000

    Covered  compensation  includes  a  participant's  base  salary,   overtime,
commissions,  bonuses and salary reductions under the Company's Savings Plan and
Deferred Compensation Plan.  The calculations of  retirement benefits under  the
plans  generally  is  based  upon  the average  earnings  for  the  highest five
consecutive  calendar  years   of  compensation   preceding  the   participant's
termination  of employment.  The number of  years of credited  service under the
plans as of March  15, 1995 for each  of the Named Officers  is: Mr. Hughes,  30
years;  Mr. Washow, 16 years;  Mr. Shelton, 13 years;  Mr. Steele, 19 years; and
Mr. Palmer, 13 years. The qualified compensation and estimated annual retirement
benefit as of March  15, 1995 for  each of the Named  Officers are: Mr.  Hughes,
$345,505  and $145,866; Mr. Washow, $180,638  and $37,673; Mr. Shelton, $173,428
and $30,271; Mr.  Steele, $149,919  and $35,278;  and Mr.  Palmer, $125,280  and

    Sections  401(a)(17)  and  415 of  the  Internal  Revenue Code  of  1986, as
amended, limit  the annual  benefits  which may  be  paid from  a  tax-qualified
retirement plan. As permitted by the Employee


Retirement  Income Security  Act of  1974, the  Company has  a supplemental plan
which authorizes the payment out of  general funds of the Company, any  benefits
calculated under provisions of the Company's pension plan which may be above the
limits under these sections. The accrued, unfunded liability of the supplemental
plan at September 30, 1994 was $90,976.


    The  Company  has  a  standard arrangement  whereby  directors  who  are not
full-time officers  of the  Company receive  an annual  fee of  $11,165, plus  a
meeting  fee of $1,215 per day. In  addition, Mr. Ray receives an $14,025 annual
fee for his services  as Chairman of  the Board. The  committee chairman of  the
audit,  compensation  and executive  committees  receives an  additional  fee of
$1,595 per year. The committee chairman  of the nominating, option and  planning
committees  receives  an additional  fee  of $1,024  per  year. Members  of each
committee receive  $130 per  hour as  compensation for  service as  a  committee
member.  Directors who are also  full-time officers of the  Company are not paid
for their services as directors or for attendance at meetings.

    The Company maintains Consulting Agreements with Messrs. W. D. Weaver, E. P.
Weaver and  Roy H.  Harris. Each  of these  agreements contains  confidentiality
provisions  and  a non-compete  provision effective  for  the three  years after
termination of the agreement. The agreements provide for compensation  according
to  the number of  hours worked, which are  to be between 200  and 800 hours per
year. The term  of each  of these agreements  was extended  until September  30,
1995. During the period from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1994, the following
amounts  were paid pursuant to the agreements:  $14,250 to W. D. Weaver, $604 to
E. P. Weaver and $14,250 to Mr. Harris.


    Each  of  Messrs.   Hughes,  Shelton,   Steele,  Washow   and  Palmer   (the
"Individual(s)")  has an Agreement with the  Company which provides that, upon a
change in control of the Company, each of them is to be employed by the  Company
for  a period of  time after the change  in control (three years  in the case of
Messrs. Hughes and Shelton and two years for Messrs. Steele, Washow and Palmer).
A change in control is defined as  a change in legal or beneficial ownership  of
51% of the Company's Common Stock within a six-month period, other than by death
or operation of law, or the sale of 90% or more of the Company's assets.

    After  a change in control, the Company  may not terminate the employment of
any of the Individuals except for just  cause, and any of the following will  be
considered  to be a termination for other than just cause: (i) the assignment of
duties of  lesser status,  dignity and  character than  the Individual's  duties
immediately  prior to the date of his  Agreement or substantial reduction in the
nature or status of responsibilities; (ii) a reduction in annual base salary  or
bonus  or  incentive plans  in effect  as of  the  date of  the Agreement  or as
increased from time to time; (iii) a relocation to an office more than 35  miles
from  the  location where  the  Individual principally  works,  or substantially
greater travel  requirements; and  (iv) the  failure to  provide certain  fringe
benefits  substantially equal to those enjoyed by  the Individual as of the date
of  his  Agreement.  In  addition,  any  termination  of  employment   following
discussions  by a stockholder or group  of stockholders beneficially owning more
than 20% of  the Company's Common  Stock or a  designated representative of  the
Board of Directors with a third party that results in a change in control of the
Company  within 180 days shall be deemed to be a termination of employment after
a change in control  for purposes of the  Agreements (unless the termination  is
for cause or wholly unrelated to such discussions).

    If termination of employment occurs within a specified period after a change
in control for just cause (three years in the case of Messrs. Hughes and Shelton
and  two years in the case of Messrs. Steele, Washow and Palmer), the Individual
will receive all accrued sums  and benefits required by  contract or by law.  If
termination  occurs within such period for other than just cause, through either
actual termination or  constructive termination  as described  above, they  will
receive, in addition, base period compensation (defined as current annual salary
plus the average of the last two years in the case of Messrs. Steele, Washow and
Palmer  and three years in  the case of Messrs.  Hughes and Shelton of incentive
bonus payments)  less any  compensation  received from  the  date of  change  in


control  to the  termination date, provided  that the amounts  payable under the
Agreement may not exceed  an amount equal  to two times in  the case of  Messrs.
Steele,  Washow and  Palmer and three  times in  the case of  Messrs. Hughes and
Shelton the  Individual's average  annual compensation  payable by  the  Company
during the five calendar years prior to the date of change in control. They will
also  receive continued  medical, health  and disability  benefits for  one year
after termination.

    The Agreements  do  not  require  any  of  the  Individuals  to  seek  other
employment, but the amounts of payments or benefits thereunder are to be reduced
by  up to 50% by any compensation earned  from other employment. For a period of
years (three years in the  case of Messrs. Hughes and  Shelton and two years  in
the  case of Messrs. Steele, Washow and  Palmer) from the date of termination of
employment with or without cause, before or  after a change in control, each  of
the  Individuals is prohibited from  owning, managing, operating, controlling or
otherwise engaging in any business that competes with any business conducted  by
the  Company and from  inducing or attempting  to influence any  employee of the
Company to leave its employ.

    The Agreements  are dated,  and their  terms commence,  as follows:  Messrs.
Hughes and Shelton, April 1, 1994; Messrs. Steele and Palmer, December 15, 1992;
and Mr. Washow, December 21, 1992.


    The  Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors determines the general
compensation policies of the  Company, establishes specific compensation  levels
for  executive officers  and administers  the Company's  compensation plans. The
Compensation Committee has adopted an overall policy to align compensation  with
business   strategy,  management  initiatives  and  financial  performance.  The
Compensation Committee attempts to fulfill  these objectives by emphasizing  pay
for  performance, instilling  an equity  orientation, providing  competitive pay
opportunities and focusing on the  mix of compensation (e.g., short-term  versus
long-term  components). Through its compensation decisions, the Company seeks to
attract and retain key executives and  to reward its executives for their  long-
term management skills and ability to enhance shareholder value.

    The  Company's total compensation program consists of cash, equity based and
noncash compensation. Annual compensation for  executive officers consists of  a
base  salary and an annual bonus.  Using available salary data, the Compensation
Committee targets base salaries within the range of salaries for persons holding
similar  positions  at  comparable  companies.  In  addition,  the  Compensation
Committee  considers factors  such as  the Company's  financial performance, the
individual's past  performance  and future  potential  in determining  the  base
salaries of executive officers.

    The  Compensation Committee determined the fiscal  1994 annual bonus for the
Chief Executive Officer based  on the financial performance  of the Company  and
his  individual  performance.  Annual  bonuses  for  executive  officers  of the
Company,  excluding  the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  were  determined  by   the
Compensation   Committee  and  awarded  pursuant   to  the  Executive  Incentive
Compensation Plan (the "Incentive Plan"). The Compensation Committee  designates
participants in the Incentive Plan at the beginning of each fiscal year and may,
in its discretion, amend its list of participants during the year. The aggregate
amount  to be distributed ("Incentive Amount") pursuant to the Incentive Plan in
any fiscal year  is determined  by the  Compensation Committee  using a  formula
based  upon  a  profit  level  (the "Profit  Level")  and  the  salaries  of the
participants in the Incentive Plan. The Profit Level is recommended by the  full
Board  of Directors and is approved by the Compensation Committee. To the extent
the Profit Level is not attained or is exceeded, the Incentive Amount  increases
or  decreases (as the case may be) as  do the incentive payments payable to each
participant. No incentive payments are  payable under the Incentive Plan  unless
the  Company's annual profits  exceed the minimum profit  level as determined by
the Compensation Committee.  Incentive payments pursuant  to the Incentive  Plan
are  paid to the  participants after the  Company's net income  for the year has
been determined.

    Under the Company's  employee stock  option plans, stock  option grants  are
made  by  the  Option  Committee.  The Option  Committee  has  the  authority to
determine the individuals to whom stock


options are awarded,  the vesting schedules,  the terms of  the options and  the
number of shares subject to each option. Through the award of stock options, the
Company's  objective of  aligning executive officers'  long-range interests with
those of the stockholders  is met by providing  the executive officers with  the
opportunity to participate in the Company's long-term performance.


    The  Compensation Committee determined the  Chief Executive Officer's salary
based upon a variety of factors and criteria, including a review of the salaries
of chief executive officers of similar companies of comparable size and a review
by the Compensation  Committee of  the Company's financial  performance and  his
individual performance.

    The  total bonus  amount received by  the Chief Executive  Officer was based
upon a variety of factors and criteria. Pursuant to the Company's Bonus  Program
described  below,  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  received  no  bonus,  as  the
profitability goals  established thereunder  were not  met. An  incentive  award
payment  of $75,000  was awarded  by the  Compensation Committee  based upon the
Profit Level determined pursuant to the Incentive Plan described above, although
the specific amount awarded was determined in the Committee's discretion  taking
into  account  such  factors as  the  Committee deemed  relevant,  including the
Company's financial  performance and  the Chief  Executive Officer's  individual
performance. The Chief Executive Officer also received option grants pursuant to
the 1993 Plan from the Option Committee.


    Compensation  for  each  of  the  other  Named  Officers  consists  of cash,
equity-based and noncash compensation. The base salaries of these Named Officers
are targeted to fit within the range of the competitive amounts paid to officers
with  comparable  qualifications,  experience  and  responsibilities  at   other
companies engaged in the same or similar businesses as the Company. The salaries
are  also tied to  the Company's success in  achieving significant financial and
non-financial performance goals. In evaluating  the performance and setting  the
compensation  of  each  of  these  Named  Officers,  the  Compensation Committee
considered the  respective scope  of accountability,  strategic and  operational
goals,  and anticipated  performance requirements  and contributions  of each of
these Named Officers.

    In 1994,  the  Compensation  Committee  had  a  bonus  program  (the  "Bonus
Program")  whereby each  of these  Named Officers would  receive a  bonus if the
Company met its profitability goals for  1994 as determined by the  Compensation
Committee.  These  profitability  goals were  not  attained by  the  Company and
Messrs. Washow, Shelton, Steele  and Palmer received  no bonuses. During  fiscal
1994, each of these Named Officers received an incentive payment pursuant to the
Incentive Plan. Option grants under the Company's 1993 Plan were also awarded by
the Option Committee.

                          Robert C. Humphrey, Chairman
                          Robert E. Driscoll, III
                          Raymond A. Foos
                          C. Eugene Ray
                          Everett P. Weaver


    The  following graph sets  forth a five year  comparison of cumulative total
returns for: (i) the Company (which is traded on NASDAQ); (ii) the Wilshire 4500
Equity Index; (iii) the Russell 2000 Index; (iv) S&P Smallcap 600 Index; and (v)
a custom  peer group  of NASDAQ  companies (the  "Peer Group").  The Company  is
replacing  the Wilshire 4500  Equity Index and  Russell 2000 Index  with the S&P
Smallcap 600 Index as its broad equity market index comparison. The S&P Smallcap
600 Index became publicly available on  October 31, 1994. All three indexes  are
included this year for purposes of comparison. The Company believes that the S&P
Smallcap  600 Index  is a better  basis for  comparison to the  Company than the
Wilshire 4500  Equity  Index and  the  Russell  2000 Index  because  the  market


capitalizations of the companies included in the S&P Smallcap 600 Index are more
similar  in size to  the Company's market capitalization;  and the Wilshire 4500
Index and Russell 2000 Index include companies which are much smaller or  larger
than the Company.

    In  identifying  the  Peer Group,  the  Company  reviewed a  list  of NASDAQ
companies designated under the Standard Industrial Classification Code (the "SIC
Code") for "Mining, Quarry, and Nonmetal Materials" and "Plastics, Materials and
Resins." Upon a review of these  designated companies, the Company selected  the
Peer  Group which consists of companies whose businesses, sales sizes and market
capitalization were similar to that of the Company.

    All returns were  calculated assuming dividend  reinvestment on a  quarterly
basis.  The  returns  of each  company  in  the Peer  Group  have  been weighted
according to market capitalization.

    The Peer Group consists of the  following companies: CalMat Co., The  Dexter
Corporation,   Dow  Corning  Corporation,   Dravo  Corporation,  Electrochemical
Industries, Hercules Incorporated, Nalco  Chemical Company, Oil-Dri  Corporation
of  America(1), Ozite Corporation, Penn  Virginia Corporation, Potash Import and
Chemical Corporation, Quantum Chemical Corporation, Rexene Corporation, Rohm and
Haas Co.,  A. Schulman  Inc., Urethane  Technologies Inc.,  Vista Chemical  Co.,
Vulcan Materials Company and Zemex Corporation.

(1)  Oil-Dri  Corporation  of America  is  not  designated under  the  SIC Codes
    referenced above but is comparable to the Company and therefore is  included
    in the Peer Group.

                    AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY, WILSHIRE 4500,
                 RUSSELL 2000, S&P SMALLCAP 600 AND PEER GROUP


                      DEC-89     DEC-90     DEC-91     DEC-92     DEC-93     DEC-94
American Colloid        100         72.46     105.56     236.89     603.97     379.37
Wilshire 4500           100         86.44     124        138.71     158.92     154.69
Russell 2000            100         80.5      117.57     139.23     165.53     162.51
S & P Smallcap 600      100         76.31     113.32     137.16     162.92     155.15
Peer Group              100         96.8      127.91     146.6      183.13     187.6

Assumes  $100 invested on  December 31, 1989 in  American Colloid Company common
stock, Wilshire 4500, Russell 2000, S&P Smallcap 600 and peer group.

* Total return assumes reinvestment of dividends on a quarterly basis.



    From 1966 to 1978,  Mr. E. P.  Weaver, who is a  member of the  Compensation
Committee,  also served as Chief Executive Officer  and Chairman of the Board of
Directors of  the Company.  Messrs.  E.P. Weaver,  W.D.  Weaver and  Redman  are
members  of the Company's Option  Committee and as such  determined the terms of
the options awarded to each of the Named Officers.


    Under the securities laws of the United States, the Company's directors, its
executive officers,  and  any persons  holding  more  than ten  percent  of  the
Company's  Common Stock  are required to  report their initial  ownership of the
Company's Common  Stock and  any subsequent  changes in  that ownership  to  the
Securities  and Exchange Commission.  Specific due dates  for these reports have
been established and the Company is required to disclose in this proxy statement
any failure to file by these dates during 1994. All of these filing requirements
were satisfied,  except that  Mr. Robert  E.  Driscoll III,  a director  of  the
Company,  filed one late report  covering 2,000 shares of  Common Stock, and Mr.
Roger Palmer,  an  executive officer  of  the  Company, filed  one  late  report
covering  200 shares of  Common Stock. In making  these disclosures, the Company
has relied  solely on  written representations  of its  directors and  executive
officers and copies of the reports that they have filed with the Commission.

                                     ITEM 2
                        PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE COMPANY'S

    The  Board of  Directors has determined  that an amendment  to the Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation is advisable and has unanimously voted  to
recommend  such  amendment  to  the  Company's  stockholders  for  adoption. The
proposed amendment would classify the Board of Directors into three classes,  as
nearly  equal in  number as possible,  with the  members of each  class, after a
transitional period described  below, to  serve for three  years. The  Amendment
would  provide that  any director  could be  removed only  for cause  and by the
affirmative vote of holders of 66-2/3%  of voting power of the stockholder,  and
would  permit the amendment or repeal of such provisions only by the affirmative
vote of holders of  at least 66-2/3%  of the voting  power of the  stockholders.
Currently,  the Company's directors all serve one-year terms and can be removed,
with or  without cause,  by an  affirmative vote  of a  simple majority  of  the

    The   Board  of  Directors  has  observed  that  certain  tactics,  such  as
accumulations of  substantial  stock  positions as  preludes  to  proxy  fights,
hostile tender offers and greenmail transactions, have become common in takeover
practice.  The  Board  of  Directors  believes that  such  tactics  can  in some
circumstances be highly disruptive to  corporations and contrary to the  overall
best  interests of stockholders. The amendment  referred to above, therefore, is
designed to assure some degree of continuity in the composition of the Board  of
Directors,  by making more difficult and time-consuming an involuntary change in
control of the Company through a proxy contest mechanism. The amendment is  also
designed  to make  the Board  less vulnerable  to the  use of  the proxy contest
threat to coerce any action by the Board of Directors.

    Certain provisions of federal and  Delaware state law, and certain  existing
provisions  of  the Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation  and by-laws  of the
Company, already  provide some  degree of  protection against  disruptive  proxy
fights,  hostile  tender offers  and greenmail  transactions.  Article 9  of the
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation requires a vote of two-thirds of
the voting rights in  elections of directors as  one class for certain  business
combinations  with  any  other corporation,  including  mergers, consolidations,
sales of  assets  or substantial  amounts  of  securities of  the  Company.  The
provisions  of Article 9 do  not apply if any such  transaction is approved by a
resolution of the Board of Directors, provided that a majority of the members of
the Board of Directors voting for


the approval of  such transaction were  duly elected and  acting members of  the
Board  of Directors prior to the time  any other corporation became a beneficial
owner of  stock  possessing  more than  ten  percent  of the  voting  rights  in
elections of directors.

    The  amendment  described  above would  further  reduce this  threat  to the
removal of the Company's Board of  Directors. If adopted, the classification  of
the  Board of Directors will  be applicable to every  election of directors, not
merely those elections occurring after a  change in control of the Company.  The
effect  of  staggering the  Board of  Directors  so that  only one-third  of its
members are elected in each  year is to increase from  one to two the number  of
annual meetings it would take to replace a majority of the Board of Directors.

    The  proposed amendment is  designed, in part, to  encourage any third party
that seeks  to  acquire control  of  the Company  to  negotiate first  with  the
Company's  management  regarding  any  proposed  business  combination  or other
transaction involving the Company. Any proposed transaction can then be reviewed
by the  Board of  Directors and  the Company's  stockholders can  then have  the
benefit  of the Board  of Director's recommendations  in cases where stockholder
approval is required. While  negotiation does not assure  results that would  be
superior  to a  direct approach made  to the  stockholders by means  of a tender
offer or proxy contest, the Board  of Directors believes that such  negotiations
would place it in a better position to protect the interests of the stockholders
of  the Company as a whole. Although in certain circumstances a takeover bid may
be made at prices representing premiums  over the then current market price  for
the  securities  being  sought,  the  Board of  Directors  believes  that,  in a
situation where  a third  party  seeks management's  cooperation, the  Board  of
Directors  will be in  a better position  to promote consideration  of a broader
range of relevant factors, such as the structuring of a proposed transaction and
its tax consequences and the underlying value and prospects of the Company.

    The proposed amendment could have the effect of deterring a third party from
making a  tender offer  for or  otherwise acquiring  significant blocks  of  the
Company's  stock, hostile or otherwise, although  such an action might increase,
at least temporarily, market prices  for the Company's shares, and  stockholders
of  the Company  might be  willing to  sell their  shares at  the price offered.
Because  deterrence  of  such  acquisitions  could  tend  to  reduce   temporary
fluctuations  in the market price of the Company's shares, stockholders could be
denied certain opportunities to sell  their shares at temporarily higher  market
prices.  Of course, any anti-takeover measure may have the effect of entrenching
incumbent directors  and  executive management  opposing  the adoption  of  such
measure.  There is a general  concern that, in the  face of a proposed takeover,
incumbent directors may seek to preserve  their own positions at the expense  of
fulfilling  their obligation  to act in  the best interest  of the stockholders.
Entrenchment of directors and executive management may contribute to  insolation
from  responsibility  and  accountability  for  inadequate  company performance.
Therefore,  the  existence  of  anti-takeover  measures  may  have   undesirable

    The  Board  of Directors  has no  knowledge  of any  present effort  to gain
control of the  Company or  to organize  a proxy  contest. However,  in view  of
hostile  takeover  activities  that  often  present  potentially disadvantageous
consequences to stockholders, the Board of Directors believes it is in the  best
interest  of the  stockholders to  provide some  assurance of  continuity of the
composition and  policies of  the Board  of Directors.  The Board  of  Directors
further believes that these advantages outweigh any perceived disadvantages.

    As  discussed  above,  a classified  board  makes  it more  difficult  for a
substantial stockholder to  gain control  of a  board of  directors without  its
consent,  helps to assure  a measure of  continuity in the  affairs and business
strategies of a corporation, and provides  a board of directors with  additional
time  to review a  proposed business combination  with a substantial stockholder
and to formulate  appropriate responses  so there  is a  greater opportunity  to
protect  interests  of stockholders  as a  whole. In  the view  of the  Board of
Directors, the  additional  provisions of  the  proposed amendment  relating  to
filling  vacancies, removal  of directors, and  supermajority vote  to repeal or
amend the proposed amendments are necessary  to assure that the advantages of  a
classified board of directors are not circumvented.


However,  the provisions would make it more difficult for even a majority of the
stockholders to change the composition of the incumbent Board of Directors or to
effect its  policies  generally, even  if  a reason  for  such change  might  be
dissatisfaction  with the performance of the incumbent directors. Although there
has been no problem in the past with the continuity or stability of the Board of
Directors, the Board of Directors believes that the longer time period  required
to  elect a majority of  a classified board will  help assure the continuity and
stability of the  Company's affairs  and policies  in the  future. The  proposed
classification  of the  Board of Directors  combined with  the two-thirds voting
requirement  necessary  to  approve  certain  business  combinations  may   make
implementing  changes  in  management  more difficult,  even  if  a  majority of
stockholders might consider such changes advisable.

    The proposed amendment  specifies that  incumbent directors  can be  removed
only for cause and only upon the affirmative vote of holders of at least 66-2/3%
of  the total voting power of the  Company. Under the Company's current Restated
Certificate of  Incorporation and  by-laws, directors  may be  removed, with  or
without cause, by the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote at an
election of the directors. Accordingly, the provisions of the proposed amendment
relating  to  the  removal  of  directors  would  reduce  the  possibility  of a
stockholder removing incumbent directors  and simultaneously gaining control  of
the  Board of Directors by  filling the vacancies created  by removal with their
own nominees. The  provisions would, however,  also make it  more difficult  for
stockholders to remove a director in all other situations.

    The  proposed  amendment  also provides  that  the affirmative  vote  of the
holders of at least 66-2/3% of the voting power of the Company's stock would  be
required  for  the  amendment  or  repeal  of,  or  adoption  of  any  provision
inconsistent with,  the proposed  amendment relating  to the  classified  board.
Under  Delaware  law,  amendments  to a  Restated  Certificate  of Incorporation
require the  approval  of  its Board  of  Directors  and the  holders  of  stock
representing  a  majority of  the voting  power, but  Delaware law  also permits
provisions in a  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation that  require a  greater
vote  than the  vote otherwise  required by law  for any  corporate action. With
respect to such so-called supermajority  provisions, Delaware law requires  that
any  amendment, alteration  or repeal  thereof be  approved by  an equally large
supermajority vote. In addition, Delaware  law permits the Restated  Certificate
of  Incorporation to require a supermajority  vote to amend or repeal provisions
which themselves do not require a supermajority vote. Accordingly, in the  event
that  this  proposal is  approved, stockholders  having  the same  percentage of
voting power as  that required to  adopt the proposed  amendment would not  have
sufficient  voting power to amend  or repeal the amendment  at a later date. The
requirement  of  an  increased  stockholder  vote  is  designed  to  prevent   a
stockholder  controlling less than a substantial majority of the voting power of
the Company from  avoiding the requirements  of the classified  board simply  by
repealing  them. Thus,  the holders  of a  minority of  the voting  power of the
Company could block the future repeal or modification of the amendment, even  if
such  action were deemed beneficial by the  holders of more than a majority, but
less than 66-2/3%, of the voting power.

    In  connection  with   the  amendment   to  the   Restated  Certificate   of
Incorporation,  the Board  of Directors will  make conforming  amendments to the
Company's by-laws if the amendment is approved.

    The full  and  complete text  of  the proposed  amendment  is set  forth  in
Appendix  A hereto,  and the foregoing  discussion is qualified  in all respects
with reference thereto.

    The favorable vote of  a majority of the  shares outstanding is required  to
adopt  the proposed amendment relating to  the classified board. If adopted, the
amendment would become effective upon the filing with the Secretary of State  of
Delaware  of a Certificate of Amendment of the Company's Restated Certificate of
Incorporation, which  filing  is  expected  to take  place  promptly  after  the



                                     ITEM 3
                               THE COMPANY'S NAME

    The Company's Board  of Directors has  adopted, and is  recommending to  the
stockholders for their approval at the Annual Meeting, a resolution to amend the
Company's  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation  to change  the Company's name
from American Colloid Company to AMCOL International Corporation.

    In the judgment of the Board of Directors, the change of the Company name is
desirable in  view of  the past  growth and  expected future  growth of  Colloid
Environmental Technologies Company and Chemdal International Corporation, two of
the  Company's subsidiaries. Colloid Environmental Technologies Company produces
environmental products.  Chemdal  International Corporation  produces  absorbent
polymers.  Based on this growth in the scope of the business of the Company, the
Board of Directors seeks to insure that  its customers and other members of  the
public  will not associate  the Company's name solely  with its Mineral Division
which would imply an unnecessarily limited  scope of the Company's business.  At
the  same  time, the  Board of  Directors recommends  that the  Mineral Division
retain the American Colloid Company name to preserve the reputation and goodwill
it has developed during its sixty-five plus year history.

    If the amendment is adopted, stockholders  will not be required to  exchange
outstanding stock certificates for new certificates.

    In  order to effect this  change under Delaware law,  the Board of Directors
recommends that the stockholders  approve an amendment to  Article FIRST of  the
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to read as follows:

    "FIRST. The name of the corporation is AMCOL International Corporation."

    The  affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of all outstanding shares
of common stock entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is required for  approval
of  the amendment.  If adopted,  the amendment  would become  effective upon the
filing with the Secretary of State of Delaware of a Certificate of Amendment  of
the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, which filing is expected to
take  place promptly after  the meeting. Conforming  amendments to the Company's
by-laws would be adopted upon the effectiveness of the proposed amendment.


                                     ITEM 4

    Upon  the  recommendation of  its Audit  Committee,  the Board  of Directors
retained KPMG  Peat Marwick  LLP  to examine  the  financial statements  of  the
Company  for the  fiscal year  ended December 31,  1994 and  appointed KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP as independent accountants for the Company to audit its consolidated
financial statements  for  1995  and to  perform  audit-related  services.  Such
services   include  review   of  the   Company's  quarterly   interim  financial
information; review of periodic reports and registration statements filed by the
Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission; issuance of special-purpose
reports covering such  matters as employee  benefit plans, management  incentive
compensation  and submissions to various governmental agencies; and consultation
in connection with various accounting  and financial reporting matters, as  well
as software conversion matters.


    The  Board has  directed that  the appointment of  KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP be
submitted to  the stockholders  for  approval. If  the stockholders  should  not
approve, the Audit Committee and the Board will reconsider the appointment.

    The  Company has been  advised by KPMG  Peat Marwick LLP  that it expects to
have a representative present at the Annual Meeting and that such representative
will be available to respond to appropriate questions. Such representative  will
also have the opportunity to make a statement if he or she desires to do so.

    Proxies  will be voted for or against approval of this proposed ratification
in accordance with the specifications marked thereon, and will be voted in favor
of approval if no specification is made. Approval requires the favorable vote of
the holders of  a majority  of the  shares of  Common Stock  represented at  the
Annual Meeting in person or by proxy, assuming that a quorum is present.


                                 OTHER MATTERS


    Stockholder proposals  intended  to  be  included  in  the  Company's  proxy
statement  and form  of proxy relating  to, and  to be presented  at, the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of the  Company to be held in  1996 must be received  by
the Company on or before December 11, 1995.


    The  enclosed proxy card  confers authority to vote,  in accordance with the
instructions contained  in  the proxy,  with  respect  to the  election  of  the
nominees  for director specified in this Proxy Statement, the proposals to amend
the  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation   and  the  ratification  of   the
independent  accountants,  KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP.  The proxy  will be  voted in
accordance with the choices  indicated thereon. If  no specifications are  made,
proxies  will be voted  "FOR ALL NOMINEES"  for director, "FOR"  the proposal to
amend the Company's  Restated Certificate  of Incorporation to  provide for  the
classification of the Board of Directors into three classes with one class being
elected,  "FOR"  the proposal  to amend  the  Company's Restated  Certificate of
Incorporation to change the Company's  name to AMCOL International  Corporation,
and "FOR" the ratification of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as independent accountants.


    The  Board of Directors knows of no  other business that will be represented
at the meeting. Should  any other business  come before the  meeting, it is  the
intention  of the persons named in the enclosed proxy form to vote in accordance
with their best judgment.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          Clarence O. Redman

Arlington Heights, Illinois
April 7, 1995


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                          PROPOSED ARTICLE FOURTEENTH

    A  new Article Fourteenth to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation would
be added to read as follows:


    Section 1.  The number of  directors which shall constitute the whole  Board
of  Directors shall be determined  from time to time  by resolution adopted by a
majority of  the  entire  Board of  Directors.  No  decrease in  the  number  of
directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.

    Section  2.  The Board of Directors shall be classified, with respect to the
time for which  they severally hold  office, into three  (3) classes, as  nearly
equal  in number as possible. At the annual meeting of stockholders in 1995, the
three classes of  directors shall be  elected to serve  terms expiring in  1996,
1997  and  1998,  respectively,  and  at  each  annual  meeting  of stockholders
thereafter, the successors of the class  of directors whose term is expiring  at
such  meeting shall be elected to hold office  for a term expiring at the annual
meeting of  the  stockholders to  be  held in  the  third year  following  their
election,  with each such director in each case  to hold office until his or her
successor is elected and qualified.

    Section 3.   Vacancies and  newly created directorships  resulting from  any
increase  in the authorized number  of directors may be  filled by a majority of
the directors then in office, although less than a quorum, and the directors  so
chosen  shall hold office for a term expiring  at the next election of the class
for which such director was appointed and until his or her successor is  elected
and qualified.

    Section  4.  Any director  may be removed from office  at any time, but only
for cause and only upon the affirmative vote of the holders of at least  66-2/3%
of  the voting power of the then outstanding  shares of the capital stock of the

    Section  5.     Notwithstanding  any  provision   in  this  Certificate   of
Incorporation  to the contrary, the affirmative vote  of the holders of at least
66-2/3% of the voting power of the then outstanding shares of the capital  stock
of  the corporation  shall be  required to  repeal, amend,  modify or  adopt any
provision inconsistent with the provisions of this Article Fourteenth.


                         AMERICAN COLLOID COMPANY


   The undersigned stockholder of American Colloid Company does hereby
acknowledge receipt of Notice of said Annual Meeting and accompanying Proxy
Statement and constitutes and appoints John Hughes, Everett P. Weaver and
William D. Weaver, or any one of them, with full power of substitution, to vote
all shares of stock of American Colloid Company which the undersigned is
entitled to vote, as fully as the undersigned could do if personally present, at
the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of said Corporation to be held on Tuesday,
May 9, 1995, at 11:00 A.M., Central Daylight Savings Time, and at any
adjournments thereof, at Keck, Mahin & Cate, 77 West Wacker Drive, Suite 4900,
Chicago, Illinois 60601-1693.


                                                                         For All
                                                       For    Withheld   Except

1. The election of Arthur Brown, Robert E.             [ ]       [ ]       [ ]
   Driscoll, III, Raymond A. Foos, John Hughes,
   Robert C. Humphrey, C. Eugene Ray, Clarence O.
   Redman, Paul G. Shelton and Paul C. Weaver as

Nominee Exception(s)

                                                       For     Against   Abstain
2. The proposal to amend the Company's Restated        [ ]       [ ]       [ ]
   Certificate of Incorporation for the classification
   of the Board of Directors into three classes with
   one class being elected each year.

                                                       For     Against   Abstain
3. The proposal to amend the Company's Restated        [ ]       [ ]       [ ]
   Certificate of Incorporation to change the
   Company's name to AMCOL International Corporation:

                                                       For     Against   Abstain
4. The proposal to ratify KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as     [ ]       [ ]       [ ]
   independent accountants for 1995:

5. As such proxies may in their discretion determine
   upon such other matters as may properly come
   before the meeting.



   You are urged to mark, sign and return your proxy without delay in the return
envelope provided for that purpose, which requires no postage if mailed in the
United States.

Dated_______________________________________________, 1995



When signing this proxy, please date it and take care to have the signature
conform to the stockholder's name as it appears on this side of the proxy. If
shares are registered in the names of two or more persons, each person should
sign. Executors, administrators, trustees, and guardians should so indicate when