Exhibit 3(b)

                                     of the

                         HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

                             As passed and effective

                                February 13, 1978

                                 and amended on

                                  July 13, 1978

                                 January 5, 1979


                                February 29, 1984

                                    ARTICLE I

                               Name - Home Office

          Section 1.  This corporation shall be named HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE

          Section 2.  The principal place of business and Home Office shall be
in the City of Hartford, Connecticut.

                                   ARTICLE II

            Stockholders' Meetings - Notice - Quorum - Right to Vote

          Section 1.  All meetings of the Stockholders shall be held at the
principal business office of the Company unless the Directors shall otherwise
provide and direct.

          Section 2.  The annual meeting of the Stockholders shall be held on
such day and at such hour as the Board of Directors may decide.  For cause
the Board of Directors may postpone or adjourn such annual meeting to any other
time during the year.

          Section 3.  Special meetings of the Stockholders may be called by the
Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Board, the
President or any Vice President.

          Section 4.  Notice of Stockholders' meetings shall be mailed to each
Stockholder, at his address as it appears on the records of the Company, at
least seven days prior to the meeting.  The notice shall state the place, date
and time of the meeting and shall specify all matters proposed to be acted upon
at the meeting.

          Section 5.  At each annual meeting the Stockholders shall choose
Directors as hereinafter provided.

          Section 6.  Each Stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each
share of stock held by him at all meetings of the Company.  Proxies may be
authorized by written power of attorney.

          Section 7.  Holders of one-half of the whole amount of the stock
issued and outstanding shall constitute a quorum.

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          Section 8.  Each Stockholder shall be entitled to a certificate of
stock which shall be signed by the President or a Vice President, and either the
Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the Company, and shall bear the seal of
the Company, but such signatures and seal may be facsimile if permitted by the
laws of the State of Connecticut.

                                   ARTICLE III

                          Directors - Meetings - Quorum

          Section 1.  The property, business and affairs of the Company shall be
managed by a board of not less than three nor more than twenty Directors, who
shall be chosen by ballot at each annual meeting.  Vacancies occurring between
annual meetings may be filled by the Board of Directors by election.  Each
Director shall hold office until the next annual meeting of Stockholders and
until his successor is chosen and qualified.

          Section 2.  Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the
direction of the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any three Directors.

          Section 3.  Three days' notice of meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be given to each Director, either personally or by mail or telegraph, at
his residence or usual place of business, but notice may be waived, at any time,
in writing.

          Section 4.  One third of the number of existing directorships, but not
less than two Directors, shall constitute a quorum.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                    Election of Officers - Duties of Board of
                        Directors and Executive Committee

          Section 1.  The President shall be elected by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may also elect one of its members to serve as
Chairman of the Board of Directors.  The Chairman of the Board, or an individual
appointed by him, shall have authority to appoint all other officers, except as
stated herein, including one or more Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice
Presidents, the Treasurer

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and one or more Associate or Assistant Treasurers, one or more Secretaries and
Assistant Secretaries and such other Officers as the Chairman of the Board may
from time to time designate.  All Officers of the Company shall hold office
during the pleasure of the Board of Directors.  The Directors may require any
Officer of the Company to give security for the faithful performance of his

          Section 2.  The Directors may fill any vacancy among the officers by
election for the unexpired term.

          Section 3.  The Board of Directors may appoint from its own number an
Executive Committee of not less than five Directors.  The Executive Committee
may exercise all powers vested in and conferred upon the Board of Directors at
any time when the Board is not in session.  A majority of the members of said
Committee shall constitute a quorum.

          Section 4.  Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called
whenever the Chairman of the Board, the President or a majority of its members
shall request.  Forty-eight hours' notice shall be given of meetings but notice
may be waived, at any time, in writing.

          Section 5.  The Board of Directors shall annually appoint from its own
number a Finance Committee of not less than three Directors, whose duties shall
be as hereinafter provided.

          Section 6.  The Board of Directors may, at any time, appoint such
other Committees, not necessarily from its own number, as it may deem necessary
for the proper conduct of the business of the Company, which Committees shall
have only such powers and duties as are specifically assigned to them by the
Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

          Section 7.  The Board of Directors may make contributions, in such
amounts as it determines to be reasonable, for public welfare or for charitable,
scientific or educational purposes, subject to the limits and restrictions
imposed by law and to such rules and regulations consistent with law as it

                                    ARTICLE V


                              Chairman of the Board

          Section 1.  The Chairman of the Board shall preside at the meetings of
the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee and, in the absence of the
Chairman of the Finance Committee, at the meetings of the Finance Committee.  In
the absence or inability of the Chairman of the Board to so preside, the
President shall preside in his place.

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          Section 2.  The President, under the supervision and control of the
Chairman of the Board, shall have general charge and oversight of the business
and affairs of the Company.  The President shall preside at the meetings of the
Stockholders.  He shall be a member of and shall preside at all meetings of all
Committees not referred to in Section 1 of this ARTICLE except that he may
designate a Chairman for each such other Committee.

          Section 3.  In the absence or inability of the President to perform
his duties, the Chairman of the Board may designate a Vice President to exercise
the powers and perform the duties of the President during such absence or


          Section 4.  The Secretary of the Corporation shall keep a record of
all the meetings of the Company, of the Board of Directors and of the Executive
Committee, and he shall discharge all other duties specifically required of the
Secretary by law.  The other Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries shall perform
such duties as may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors or by their
senior officers and any Secretary or Assistant Secretary may affix the seal of
the Company and attest it and the signature of any officer to any and all


          Section 5.  The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, full and
accurate accounts of the Company.  He shall see that the funds of the Company
are disbursed as may be ordered by the Board of Directors or the Finance
Committee.  He shall have charge of all moneys paid to the Company and on
deposit to the credit of the Company or in any other properly authorized name,
in such banks or depositories as may be designated in a manner provided by these
by-laws.  He shall also discharge all other duties that may be required of him
by law.

                                 Other Officers

          Section 6.  The other officers shall perform such duties as may be
assigned to them by the President or the Board of Directors.

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                                   ARTICLE VI

                                Finance Committee

          Section 1.  If a Finance Committee is established it shall be the duty
of that committee to supervise the investment of the funds of the Company in
securities in which insurance companies are permitted by law to invest, and all
other matters connected with the management of investments.  If no Finance
Committee is established this duty shall be performed by the Board of Directors.

          Section 2.  All loans or purchases for the investment and reinvestment
of the funds of the Company shall be submitted for approval to the Finance
Committee, if not specifically approved by the Board of Directors.

          Section 3.  Sale or transfer of any stocks or bonds shall be made upon
authorization of the Finance Committee unless specifically authorized by the
Board of Directors.

          Section 4.  Transfers of stock and registered bonds, deeds, leases,
releases, sales, mortgages chattel or real, assignments or partial releases of
mortgages chattel or real, and in general all instruments of defeasance of
property and all agreements or contracts affecting the same, except discharges
of mortgages and entries  to foreclose the same as hereinafter provided, shall
be authorized by the Finance Committee or the Board of Directors, and be
executed jointly for the Company by two persons, to wit:  The Chairman of the
Board, the President or a Vice President, and a Secretary, the Treasurer or an
Assistant Treasurer, but may be acknowledged and delivered by either one of
those executing the instrument;  provided, however, that either a Secretary, the
Treasurer, or an Assistant Treasurer alone, when authorized as aforesaid, or any
person specially authorized by the Finance Committee as attorney for the
Company, may make entry to foreclose any mortgage, and a Secretary, the
Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer alone is authorized, without the necessity
of further authority, to discharge by deed or otherwise any mortgage on payment
to the Company of the principal, interest and all charges due.

          Section 5.  The Finance Committee may fix times and places for regular
meetings.  No notice of regular meetings shall be necessary.  Reasonable notice
shall be given of special meetings but the action of a majority of the Finance
Committee at any meeting shall be valid notwithstanding any defect in the notice
of such meeting.

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          Section 6.  In the absence of specific authorization from the Board of
Directors or the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Board, the President, a
Vice President or the Treasurer shall have the power to vote or execute proxies
for voting any shares held by the Company.

                                   ARTICLE VII


          Section 1.  All monies belonging to the Company shall be deposited to
the credit of the Company, or in such other name as the Finance Committee,
the Chairman of the Finance Committee or such executive officers as are
designated by the Board of Directors shall direct, in such bank or banks as may
be designated from time to time by the Finance Committee, the Chairman of
the Finance Committee, or by such executive officers as are designated by the
Board of Directors.  Such monies shall be drawn only on checks or drafts signed
by any two executive officers of the Company, provided that the Board of
Directors may authorize the withdrawal of such monies by check or draft signed
with the facsimile signature of any one or more executive officers, and
provided further, that the Finance Committee may authorize such alternative
methods of withdrawals as it deems proper.

          The Board of Directors, the President, the Chairman of the Finance
Committee, a Vice President, or such executive officers as are designated by
the Board of Directors may authorize withdrawal of funds by checks or drafts
drawn at offices of the Company to be signed by Managers, General Agents or
employees of the Company, provided that all such checks or drafts shall be
signed by two such authorized persons, except checks or drafts used for the
payment of claims or losses which need be signed by only one such authorized
person, and provided further that the Board of Directors of the Company or
executive officers designated by the Board of Directors may impose such
limitations or restrictions upon the withdrawal of such funds as it deems

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                                  ARTICLE VIII

                       Indemnity of Directors and Officers

          Section 1.  The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless each
Director and officer now or hereafter serving the Company, whether or not then
in office, from and against any and all claims and liabilities to which he may
be or become subject by reason of his being or having been a Director or officer
of the Company, or of any other company which he serves as a Director or officer
at the request of the Company, to the extent such is consistent with the
statutory provisions pertaining to indemnification, and shall provide such
further indemnification for legal and/or all other expenses reasonably incurred
in connection with defending against such claims and liabilities as is
consistent with statutory requirements.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                               Amendment of ByLaws

          Section 1.  The Directors shall have power to adopt, amend and repeal
such bylaws as may be deemed necessary or appropriate for the management of the
property and affairs of the Company.

          Section 2.  The Stockholders at any annual or special meeting may
amend or repeal these bylaws or adopt new ones if the notice of such meeting
contains a statement of the proposed alteration, amendment, repeal or adoption,
or the substance thereof.