(BW)(HELIONETICS/LSR-PHOTNCS)(ZAPP)(ZAP)(LAZR) Helionetics acquires control of
public, Florida-based laser company

     Business Editors & Medical Writers

     ORLANDO, Fla. -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- May 15, 1995 -- The U.S. Bankruptcy
Court (Middle District of Florida) has confirmed the plan of reorganization of
Laser Photonics, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAZR), Orlando, by which Helionetics Inc. (AMEX:
ZAP; NASDAQ:ZAPP), Irvine, Calif. received 75% of the common stock of
Laser Photonics (LPI) in exchange for a $1 million capital infusion and the
transfer to LPI of all of its common shares of AccuLase Inc., a Helionetics
subsidiary, representing 76% ownership of AccuLase.

     The remaining 25% of LPI's common stock will be owned by LPI bondholders,
unsecured creditors and existing stockholders.

     As part of the agreement, Helionetics will continue to provide ongoing
funding for AccuLase's research, development and operational activities.

     Helionetics' Chairman Bernard B. Katz will assume the additional role of
chairman and chief executive of Laser Photonics (LPI).  Steven Qualls will
continue as general manager and assume the additional duties of chief operating
officer.  Gordon A. Murray, Ph.D., an Orlando-based laser design consultant and
an internationally-known expert on excimer laser technology and medical laser
systems, has been named chief scientific advisor and, together with Katz and
Qualls, to Laser Photonics' new board of directors.

     Other new board members include E. Maxwell Malone, president and chief
executive of Helionetics, and Chaim Markheim, Helionetics chief operating
officer and executive vice president of Helionetics' computer subsidiary,
Sentinel Systems Inc.

     LPI designs, manufactures and markets solid state, diode and gas laser
systems and accessories for applications in the medical and scientific markets.
The company reported sales (unaudited) for fiscal/calendar 1994 of $5.3 million
and a loss of about $600,000. In a statement to the court, the company projected
1995 sales of approximately $7.2 million, a profit of about $300,000 and a post-
confirmation net worth of approximately $4.7 million, without taking into
consideration the combination with AccuLase.

     Katz said Helionetics' interest in acquiring LPI stemmed from what he
characterized as "the very obvious scientific and technical synergism" that
exists between the two companies.  "It is, in fact,"  he said, "a merger of
technological skills."

     He said LPI's ability to manufacture AccuLase's excimer lasers could prove
of "great economic value" to the combined companies as AccuLase's excimer laser
technologies enter the international marketplace, "quite possibly later this
year or early 1996."

     He said LPI also has designed and produced a "relatively small excimer
laser prototype for medical and industrial applications that LPI scientists
believe could play a significant  role in several important emerging
technologies, such as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), a promising new
technique in the field of eye surgery."

     Katz also said he believes that LPI's laser manufacturing capabilities
could expedite AccuLase's commercialization of two techniques, transmyocardial
revascularization (TMR) and laser angioplasty.  AccuLase has received FDA
approval to commence Phase One Clinical Trials of its laser angioplasty
technology at Yale University under the direction of Dr. John Elefteriades, and
expects to begin Phase One Clinical Trials of its TMR technology at Loma Linda
University Medical Center later this year following completion of animal studies
being conducted at Yale and Loma Linda.

     Katz said that if clinical trials demonstrate the requisite safety and
efficacy of AccuLase's TMR technology, then AccuLase should be able to offer a
less expensive, safer and more comfortable adjunct or alternative to traditional
coronary artery bypass grafting, adding "the production capabilities of LPI
would be invaluable in meeting the anticipated demand for AccuLase's TMR

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     CONTACT:   Helionetics, Irvine, Calif.
                Paul Keil or Andy Malone