This  Severance  and  Change  in Control  Agreement  ("Agreement")  made and
entered into as of the 24th day of  February, 1995, by and between AAR CORP.,  a
Delaware corporation ("Company"), and Howard A. Pulsifer ("Employee").

    WHEREAS,  the Company currently  employs Employee as an  employee at will in
the capacity of Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; and

    WHEREAS, Employee  desires the  Company to  pay Employee  certain  severance
payments  upon  a  Change  in  Control of  AAR  CORP.  and  upon  termination of
employment prior to a Change in Control; and

    WHEREAS, the Company  is willing  to pay Employee  severance payments  under
certain  circumstances if  Employee agrees  to confidentiality,  non-compete and
certain other covenants.

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of  the mutual agreements herein set  forth
and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:

    1.  EMPLOYMENT.  Employee will continue employment with the Company as an at
will employee subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

    2.  DUTIES.  During the continuation of his employment, Employee shall:

        (a)  well and faithfully  serve the Company and  do and perform assigned
    duties and responsibilities in the ordinary course of his employment and the
    business of the Company (within such limits as the Company may from time  to
    time prescribe), professionally, faithfully and diligently.

        (b)  devote  his full  time, energy  and  skill to  the business  of the
    Company and his assigned duties  and responsibilities, and to the  promotion
    of  the best interests of the Company;  provided that Employee shall not (to
    the extent not  inconsistent with  Section 4  below) be  prevented from  (a)
    serving  as a director of any corporation consented to in advance in writing
    by the  Company,  (b) engaging  in  charitable, religious,  civic  or  other
    non-profit  community activities,  or (c)  investing his  personal assets in
    such form or manner as will not require any substantial services on his part
    in the operation or  affairs of the business  in which such investments  are
    made  or  which would  detract  from or  interfere  or cause  a  conflict of
    interest with performance of his duties hereunder.

        (c) observe all policies  and procedures of the  Company in effect  from
    time  to  time applicable  to employees  of  the Company  including, without
    limitation,  policies  with  respect  to  employee  loyalty  and  prohibited
    conflicts of interest.


    (a)  Employee acknowledges that the trade secrets, confidential information,
secret processes  and know-how  developed  and acquired  by  AAR CORP.  and  its
affiliates or subsidiaries (together the "Affiliated Companies") are among their
most  valuable assets and that the value of such information may be destroyed by
unauthorized disclosure.  All  such  trade  secrets,  confidential  information,
secret  processes and know-how imparted to or  learned by Employee in the course
of his  employment with  respect to  the business  of the  Affiliated  Companies
(whether  acquired  before  or after  the  date  hereof) will  be  deemed  to be
confidential and will not be used or disclosed by Employee, except to the extent
necessary to perform his  duties and, in no  event, disclosed to anyone  outside
the  employ of  the Affiliated  Companies and  their authorized  consultants and
advisors, unless (i) such information is or has been made generally available to
the public,  (ii) disclosure  of such  information  is required  by law  in  the
opinion  of Employee's counsel (provided that written notice thereof is given to
Company as  soon  as  possible  but  not  less  than  24  hours  prior  to  such
disclosure),  or (iii)  express written  authorization to  use or  disclose such

information has been given by the Company. If Employee ceases to be employed  by
the Company for any reason, he shall not take with him any electronically stored
data,  documents  or  other  papers  containing  or  reflecting  trade  secrets,
confidential information,  secret  processes,  know-how,  or  computer  software
programs.  Employee acknowledges that his employment hereunder will place him in
a position of  utmost confidence and  that he will  have access to  confidential
information   concerning  the  operation  of  the  business  of  the  Affiliated
Companies, including, but not  limited to, manufacturing methods,  developments,
secret  processes,  know-how,  computer  software  programs,  costs,  prices and
pricing methods, sources of  supply and customer names  and relations. All  such
information  is in the  nature of a trade  secret and is  the sole and exclusive
property  of  the  Affiliated  Companies   and  shall  be  deemed   confidential
information for the purposes of this paragraph.

    (b) Employee hereby assigns to the Company all rights that Employee may have
as  author, designer, inventor or otherwise as creator of any written or graphic
material, design, invention, improvement,  or any other  idea or thing  whatever
that  Employee may write, draw, design, conceive, perfect, or reduce to practice
during employment with the Company or within 120 days after termination of  such
employment,  whether done  during or outside  of normal work  hours, and whether
done alone or  in conjunction with  others ("Intellectual Property"),  provided,
however,  that  Employee  reserves  all rights  in  anything  done  or developed
entirely by Employee on Employee's own personal time and without the use of  any
Company  equipment, supplies, facilities or information, or the participation of
any other  Company employee,  unless it  relates to  the Company's  business  or
reasonably  anticipated business, or grows out of any work performed by Employee
for the Company. Employee will promptly disclose all such Intellectual  Property
developed  by  Employee to  the Company,  and fully  cooperate at  the Company's
request and expense in  any efforts by  the Company or  its assignees to  secure
protection  for such Intellectual Property by way of domestic or foreign patent,
copyright, trademark  or  service  mark  registration  or  otherwise,  including
executing  specific assignments or  such other documents  or taking such further
action as may be considered necessary to vest title in Company or its  assignees
and obtain patents or copyrights in any and all countries.


    (a)  Employee agrees  that during  his continuation  of employment  with the
Company and for one (1) year thereafter  so long as the Company makes  severance
payments  to Employee pursuant to subsections 4(b)  or 4(c) below, he shall not,
without the  express  written consent  of  the Company,  either  alone or  as  a
consultant  to, or partner,  employee, officer, director,  or stockholder of any
organization, entity or business,  (i) take or  convert for Employee's  personal
gain   or  benefit  or  for  the  benefit  of  any  third  party,  any  business
opportunities which may be of interest to the Company or any Affiliated  Company
which  Employee becomes aware of during the  term of his employment; (ii) engage
in direct or  indirect competition with  the Company or  any Affiliated  Company
within  100 miles  of any location  within the  United States of  America or any
other country where  the Company or  any Affiliated Company  does business  from
time  to  time during  the term  hereof;  (iii) solicit  in connection  with any
activity which is competitive with any of  the businesses of the Company or  any
Affiliated Company, any customers of the Company or any Affiliated Company; (iv)
solicit for employment any sales, marketing or management employee of Company or
any  Affiliated Company or induce or attempt  to induce any customer or supplier
of the Company or any Affiliated Company to terminate or materially change  such
relationship.  Company  and  Employee  acknowledge  the  reasonableness  of  the
foregoing covenants  not  to compete  and  non-solicitation, including  but  not
limited to the geographic area and duration of time which are a part hereof, and
further, that the restrictions stated in this Section 4 are reasonably necessary
for the protection of Employer's legitimate proprietary interests. This covenant
not  to compete may be enforced with respect to any geographic area in which the


Company or any Affiliated Company does business during the term hereof.  Nothing
herein  shall prohibit Employee from being the legal or equitable holder, solely
for investment purposes, of less  than 5% of the  capital stock of any  publicly
held corporation which may be in direct or indirect competition with the Company
or any Affiliated Company.

    (b) The Company will pay Employee, upon termination of Employee's employment
by  the Company prior to  a Change in Control (as  defined in 6(b)(i) below) for
any reason other than Cause (as defined in 6(b)(iv) below), severance each month
for 12 months, in an amount (subject to applicable withholding) equal to 1/12 of
Employee's base salary; and, further, if the Company pays discretionary  bonuses
to  its  officers  for  the  fiscal  year  in  which  Employee's  employment  is
terminated, Employee will be  paid a bonus in  a lump sum at  the time any  such
bonuses  are paid to other  officers or at such time  as the Severance Period is
complete, whichever is later  (with interest at prime  rate plus one  percentage
point  from  the earlier  of  such dates),  (1)  for the  completed  fiscal year
preceding termination if such bonus has not been paid prior to termination,  and
(2)  for the  fiscal year  in which  employment is  terminated, prorata  for the
period prior to termination of employment based on Employee's performance during
such period; provided, however,  that (i) all  such monthly payment  obligations
shall  terminate immediately upon  Employee obtaining full  time employment in a
comparable position  in  terms  of  salary level,  and  (ii)  all  such  payment
obligations  shall terminate or lapse immediately upon any breach by Employee of
Section 3 or 4(a) of this Agreement or if Employee shall commence any action  or
proceeding  in any court  or before any  regulatory agency arising  out of or in
connection with termination of his employment.

    (c) If  Employee  terminates  his employment  or  Employee's  employment  is
terminated  by the Company for  Cause (as defined below),  the Company may elect
(but is not required to), by written notice thereof to Employee, within five (5)
days of any such termination of Employee's employment with the Company prior  to
a Change in Control (as defined below), to pay Employee severance as provided in
and subject to the provisions of subsection 4(b) above.

    (d)  Employee may terminate  this Severance and  Change in Control Agreement
effective immediately upon  notice thereof  in writing  to Company  at any  time
while  still  employed  within  a sixty  (60)  calendar  day  period immediately
following the effective date of any reduction by Company in (i) Employee's level
of responsibility or  position from  that held  by Employee  as Vice  President,
General  Counsel and Secretary on the effective  date of this Agreement, or (ii)
Employee's level  of  compensation,  including  retirement  benefits  in  effect
immediately prior to any such change.

    (e)  If at any time, any clause or portion of this Section 4 shall be deemed
invalid or unenforceable by the  laws of the jurisdiction in  which it is to  be
enforced  by reason  of being vague  or unreasonable as  to duration, geographic
scope, nature of activities restricted, or for any other reason, this  provision
shall be considered divisible as to such portions and the foregoing restrictions
set  forth in 4(a) shall become and  be immediately amended to include only such
duration, scope or restriction and such event as shall be deemed reasonable  and
enforceable  by  the court  or other  body having  jurisdiction to  enforce this
Agreement; and the parties  hereto agree that the  restrictions, as so  amended,
shall  be valid and binding  as though the invalid  or unenforceable portion had
not been involved herein.

    (f)  The  Employee  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  the  Company  would  be
irreparably  harmed by  violations of  Section 3 or  Section 4(a)  above, and in
recognition thereof, the  Company shall be  entitled to an  injunction or  other
decree  of specific performance  with respect to  any violation thereof (without
any bond or other security being required) in addition to other available  legal
and equitable remedies.



    (a)  Upon and  after termination  of employment  howsoever arising, Employee
shall, upon request by Company:

        (1) immediately  return to  the Company  all correspondence,  documents,
    business calendars/diaries, or other property belonging to the Company which
    is in his possession,

        (2)  immediately resign from any office  Employee holds with the Company
    or any Affiliated Company; and

        (3) cooperate fully and in good faith with the Company in the resolution
    of all  matters Employee  worked on  or was  involved in  during  Employee's
    employment  with the Company. Employee's cooperation will include reasonable
    consultation by telephone. Further, in connection therewith, Employee  will,
    at   Company's  request  upon  reasonable  advance  notice  and  subject  to
    Employee's availability,  make himself  available to  Company in  person  at
    Company's premises, for testimony in court, or elsewhere; provided, however,
    that  in  such  event,  Company shall  reimburse  all  Employee's reasonable
    expenses and pay Employee a reasonable per diem or hourly stipend.


    (a) In the event (i)  a Change in Control of  AAR CORP. occurs and (ii)  the
Company  terminates Employee's employment for other than Cause or Disability, or
Employee terminates Employee's employment for  Good Reason by written notice  to
the Company setting forth the particulars thereof after having given the Company
notice  and  opportunity to  be heard  with respect  thereto, and  (iii) neither
incumbent in the positions of Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operating Officer
of the Company on the effective date  hereof are Chief Executive Officer of  the
Company at the time of such termination of employment,

        (1)  the Company shall promptly  pay to Employee, in  a lump sum, a cash
    payment  in  an  amount  equal  to  three  times  Employee's  average  total
    compensation  (base salary plus cash bonus) for the last two fiscal years or
    such lesser amount  as Employee  may elect  to take,  subject to  applicable
    withholding.  Employee  may  agree to  take  payments  of any  amounts  on a
    schedule of his own choosing provided that such schedule shall be  completed
    no later than three years from the occurrence of the last triggering event.

        (2)  Employee shall continue to be  covered by and receive the benefits,
    in accordance with their terms, of all of the Company's medical, dental  and
    life  insurance plans, for  three years thereafter  but at no  less than the
    levels he was receiving immediately prior to the Change in Control.

        (3) Employee shall  receive an additional  retirement benefit, over  and
    above  that which Employee would normally be entitled to under the Company's
    retirement plans applicable to Employee,  equal to the actuarial  equivalent
    of  the  additional  amount  that  Employee  would  have  earned  under such
    retirement plans or programs had he accumulated three additional  continuous
    years  of service. Such amount shall be paid to the executive in a cash lump
    sum payment at his normal retirement age. Employee may also elect to receive
    such payment at his early retirement age, as provided for in the  retirement
    plans,  with  a  corresponding actuarial  reduction  in the  amount  of such
    payment based upon the earlier date of such payment.


    (b) For purposes of this Agreement

         (i) "Change in Control" means the earliest of:

           (1) the  occurrence  of any  "Distribution  Date", as  such  term  is
       defined  in Section 3 of the Rights Agreement between the Company and The
       First National Bank of Chicago, dated July 21, 1987, as amended;

           (2) the effective time  of a merger or  consolidation of the  Company
       with  one or more other corporations as  a result of which the holders of
       the outstanding common stock, $1.00 par value, of the Company immediately
       prior  to  such  merger  or  consolidation  (other  than  those  who  are
       affiliates of any such other corporation, as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the
       General  Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934)
       hold less than  70% of  the voting stock  of the  surviving or  resulting
       corporation or its parent;

           (3)  the effective  time of  a transfer  of substantially  all of the
       assets of the Company other than to  an entity of which the Company  owns
       at least 70% of the voting stock; or

           (4)  the election to the Board during  any 3 year period, without the
       recommendation or approval of the incumbent  Board, of the lesser of  (A)
       three directors or (B) directors constituting a majority of the number of
       directors of the Company then in office; or

           (5)  the occurrence of  any arrangement or  understanding relating to
       the Company  which would  give  rise to  a  filing requirement  with  the
       Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 14f-1 of the Exchange
       Act Rules under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

        (ii) "Good Reason" means:

           (1) a material reduction in the nature or scope of Employee's duties,
       responsibilities,  authority, power  or functions  from those  enjoyed by
       Employee immediately prior to the Change in Control occurring at any time
       during the immediate two year period after the Change in Control; or

           (2) a good faith  determination by Employee that  as the result of  a
       Change  in Control and  a material change  in employment circumstances at
       any time  during  the immediate  two  year  period after  the  Change  in
       Control,   he  is   unable  to   carry  out   his  assigned   duties  and
       responsibilities in a  manner consistent with  the practices,  standards,
       values  or philosophy of  the Company immediately prior  to the Change in
       Control; or

           (3) a relocation of the primary  place of employment of at least  100

        (iii) "Disability" means:

           (1)  a physical or mental condition which has prevented Employee from
       substantially  performing  his  assigned  duties  for  a  period  of  180
       consecutive  days and  which is expected  to continue  to render Employee
       unable to  substantially perform  his  duties on  a full-time  basis  and
       otherwise  meets the  benefit eligibility  requirements of  the Company's
       Long  Term  Disability  Welfare  Benefit  Plan.  The  Company  will  make
       reasonable  accommodation for any handicap of Employee as may be required
       by applicable law.

           In the event  of termination by  the Company for  Disability after  a
       Change  in  Control, a  good faith  determination of  the existence  of a
       Disability shall be made by  resolution of the Compensation Committee  of
       the Board of Directors of the Company, in


       its  sole  discretion, setting  forth the  particulars of  the Disability
       which shall  be final  and binding  upon the  Employee. The  Company  may
       require  the submission of  such medical evidence as  to the condition of
       the Employee  as  it  may  deem  necessary in  order  to  arrive  at  its
       determination  of  the  occurrence  of a  Disability,  and  Employee will
       cooperate in providing  any such information.  Employee will be  provided
       with  reasonable opportunity to present additional medical evidence as to
       the medical condition of  Employee for consideration  prior to the  Board
       making its determination of the occurrence of a Disability.

           Upon  termination  of Employment  by Company  for Disability  after a
       Change in Control, Employee will receive Disability payments pursuant  to
       the  Company's short and long term  Disability welfare benefit plans then
       in effect  according  to the  terms  of such  plans  and continue  to  be
       eligible  to  participate  in  the  Company's  medical,  dental  and life
       insurance programs  then  in effect  and  available to  officers  of  the
       Company  in accordance with their terms for  a period of 3 years from the
       date of such termination of this Agreement.

        (iv) "Cause" means:

           (1) any material breach  by Employee of any  statutory or common  law
       duty of loyalty, or

           (2)  any material breach of this  Agreement which, if curable, is not
       cured within  ten (10)  days  of notice  thereof to  Employee;  provided,
       however,   termination  of  employment   for  unsatisfactory  performance
       (including  failure  to  meet  financial  goals)  shall  not   constitute
       termination for Cause.

           Termination  for Cause  shall be limited  to a good  faith finding by
       resolution of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of AAR
       CORP. setting forth  the particulars  thereof. Any such  action shall  be
       taken  at  a  regular or  specially  called meeting  of  the Compensation
       Committee of  the  Board, after  a  minimum  10 days  notice  thereof  to
       Employee,  with termination of Employee's employment with the Company for
       Cause listed  as an  agenda item.  Employee will  be given  a  reasonable
       opportunity  to be heard at such meeting with counsel present if Employee
       desires. Any such resolution shall be final and binding.

           Upon termination  of  employment by  Company  for Cause,  no  further
       compensation  or  benefits  shall accrue  or  be payable  to  Employee by
       Company except for any compensation,  bonus or other benefits which  have
       accrued to Employee prior to the date of any such termination.

           Nothing  herein  shall  be  construed  to  prevent  the  Company from
       terminating Employee's employment at  any time for any  reason or for  no

    (c)  The  Company  will  pay reasonable  legal/attorney's  fees  incurred by
Employee in  connection with  enforcement of  any right  or benefit  under  this
Section 6.

    7.    CHANGES  IN  BUSINESS.   The  Company,  acting  through  its  Board of
Directors, will at all times have  complete control over the Company's  business
and  retirement and other  employee health and  welfare benefit plans ("Plans").
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company may at any time or
times change or discontinue any  or all of its  present or future operations  or
Plans  (subject  to their  terms), may  close or  move  any one  or more  of its
divisions or offices, may  undertake any new servicing  or sales operation,  may
sell  any one or more of its divisions or offices to any company not controlled,
directly or indirectly, by the Company or may take any and all other steps which
its   Board   of   Directors,   in   its   exclusive   judgment,   shall    deem


desirable, and Employee shall have no claim or recourse against the Company, its
officers, directors or employees by reason of such action except for enforcement
of the provisions of Sections 4 and 6 of this Agreement.

    8.   SEVERANCE PAYMENT AS SOLE OBLIGATION.   Except as expressly provided in
Sections 4  and  6 above,  no  further compensation,  payments,  liabilities  or
benefits  shall  accrue  or  be payable  to  Employee  upon or  as  a  result of
termination of Employee's employment  for any reason  whatsoever except for  any
compensation,  bonus or  other benefits which  accrued to Employee  prior to the
date of employment termination.

    The amounts paid to  the Employee under  Section 4 and  6 of this  Agreement
shall be considered severance pay in consideration of past services Employee has
rendered  to the  Company and in  consideration of  Employee's continued service
from the date hereof to entitlement to those payments.

    9.  NOTICES.  Any notice or other instrument or thing required or  permitted
to be given, served or delivered to any of the parties hereto shall be delivered
personally  or deposited in the United States mail, with proper postage prepaid,
telegram, teletype,  cable or  facsimile transmission  to the  addresses  listed

        (a) If to the Company, to:

           AAR CORP.
           1111 Nicholas Boulevard
           Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
           Attention: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

           With a copy to:

           AAR CORP.
           1111 Nicholas Boulevard
           Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
           Attention: General Counsel

        (b) If to Employee, to:

           Howard A. Pulsifer
           630 Indian Way
           Barrington, IL 60010

or  to such  other address as  either party may  from time to  time designate by
notice to the other.  Each notice shall  be effective when  such notice and  any
required copy are delivered to the applicable address.


    (a) The Company shall not assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations
hereunder  without  the prior  written consent  of  Employee, and  any attempted
unpermitted assignment  shall  be null  and  void and  without  further  effect;
provided,  however, that, upon the sale or  transfer of all or substantially all
of the assets  of the Company,  or upon the  merger by the  Company into or  the
combination  with  another corporation  or other  business  entity, or  upon the
liquidation or dissolution  of the  Company, this  Agreement will  inure to  the
benefit  of and be binding upon the  person, firm or corporation purchasing such
assets, or  the  corporation surviving  such  merger or  consolidation,  or  the
shareholder effecting such liquidation or dissolution, as the case may be. After
any  such transaction,  the term  Company in this  Agreement shall  refer to the
entity which conducts the business now conducted by the Company. The  provisions
of  this Agreement shall be binding upon and  inure to the benefit of the estate
and beneficiaries  of Employee  and upon  and to  the benefit  of the  permitted
successors and assigns of the parties hereto.


    (b)  The  Employee agrees  on behalf  of himself,  his heirs,  executors and
administrators, and any other person or person claiming any benefit under him by
virtue of this  Agreement, that  this Agreement  and all  rights, interests  and
benefits  hereunder shall not be  assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated
in any way by the Employee or by any beneficiary, heir, executor,  administrator
or  other person  claiming under  the Employee by  virtue of  this Agreement and
shall not be subject to execution, attachment or similar process. Any  attempted
assigned,  transfer, pledge  or hypothecation or  any other  disposition of this
Agreement or of such  rights, interests and benefits  contrary to the  foregoing
provisions  or the levy or any  execution, attachment or similar process thereon
shall be null and void and without further effect.

    11.  SEVERABILITY.   If any  term, clause or  provision contained herein  is
declared   or  held  invalid  by  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction,  such
declaration or holding shall not affect  the validity of any other term,  clause
or provision herein contained.

    12.  CONSTRUCTION.  Careful scrutiny has been given to this Agreement by the
Company,  Employee, and their respective legal counsel. Accordingly, the rule of
construction that the ambiguities of the contract shall be resolved against  the
party  which caused the contract to be  drafted shall have no application in the
construction or  interpretation of  this Agreement  or any  clause or  provision

    13.   ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement and the other agreements referred to
herein set forth the entire understanding of the parties and supersede all prior
agreements, arrangements and communications, whether oral or written, pertaining
to the subject matter hereof.

    14.   WAIVER.   No provision  of this  Agreement may  be amended,  modified,
waived or discharged unless such amendment, modification, waiver or discharge is
agreed  to  in writing  signed  by Employee  and  an authorized  officer  of the
Company. No waiver by either party hereto at any time of any breach by the other
party hereto  of,  or  compliance  with, any  condition  or  provision  of  this
Agreement  to  be performed  by such  other party  shall be  deemed a  waiver of
similar or dissimilar provisions or  conditions at the same  or at any prior  or
subsequent time.

    15.    GOVERNING  LAW.    The  validity,  interpretation,  construction  and
performance of this Agreement shall be  governed by and construed in  accordance
with  the laws of the  State of Illinois without regard  to its conflicts of law

    16.  EXECUTION.   This Agreement may be  executed in multiple  counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed an original and which shall constitute but one and
the same Agreement.

    WITNESS  the due execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto as of the
day and year first above written.


                                          AAR CORP.

                                          By:        /s/ David P. Storch

                                          Title: President


                                                     /s/ Howard A. Pulsifer

                                             Howard A. Pulsifer
