as Borrower
                                    - and -
                             CANTEL INDUSTRIES INC.
                                  as Guarantor
                                    - and -
                            NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA
                                   AS LENDER

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         FIRST LOAN AMENDING AGREEMENT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          DATED AS OF AUGUST 28, 1995

    FIRST LOAN AMENDING AGREEMENT dated as of August 28, 1995 among Carsen Group
Inc.  (the "Borrower"), Cantel  Industries Inc. ("Cantel")  and National Bank of
Canada (the "Lender").

    WHEREAS the Borrower, Cantel and the Lender are parties to a loan  agreement
dated as of October 29, 1993 (the "Loan Agreement") pursuant to which the Lender
has  agreed  to make  extensions  of credit  to the  Borrower  on the  terms and
conditions contained therein and Cantel agreed to make certain commitments  with
respect to the Borrower's obligations to the Lender;

    AND WHEREAS Section 8.05 of the Loan Agreement provides, INTER ALIA, that no
amendment  or waiver of any  provision of the Loan  Agreement shall be effective
unless consented to in writing by the Lender;

    AND WHEREAS the  Borrower has  requested that  the Lender,  INTER ALIA,  (i)
extend  the  Repayment Date  to December  31, 1996;  (ii) increase  the Notional
Amount of  Foreign  Exchange Hedging  Arrangements  to U.S.  $15,000,000;  (iii)
reduce  the interest  rate on  Canadian Dollar Advances  to the  Prime Rate plus
0.75% per annum; (iv) reduce the stand-by fee charged on the undrawn portion  of
the  Credit  Facility to  0.25%  per annum;  and  (v) make  Bankers' Acceptances
available to the Borrower under the Credit Facility;

    AND WHEREAS the Lender has agreed,  subject to the terms and conditions  set
out herein, to permit such amendments to the Loan Agreement;

    AND  WHEREAS Cantel wishes to confirm  the continuing validity of the Letter
of Guarantee and its agreement with the terms and conditions of this First  Loan
Amending Agreement;

    NOW  THEREFORE  in consideration  of  the premises  and  for other  good and
valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:

    SECTION 1. DEFINED TERMS. Unless otherwise defined herein, terms defined  in
the Loan Agreement are used in this First Loan Amending Agreement, including the
recitals hereto, as defined in the Loan Agreement.

definition of "Accommodation" in  Section 1.01 of the  Loan Agreement is  hereby
deleted and the following substituted therefor:

   "ACCOMMODATION"  means, (i) an Advance made by  the Lender on the occasion of
   any Borrowing; (ii) the issue of a Letter of Credit by the Lender; (iii)  the
   acceptance  of a Trade Letter of Credit  by the Lender; (iv) the provision of
   any Foreign Exchange Hedging Arrangement by the Lender; and (v) the  creation
   and  purchase of Bankers' Acceptances or  the purchase of completed Drafts by
   the Lender on the occasion of any Drawing."

    (2) The following  definition of  "Bankers' Acceptance" is  hereby added  to
Section  1.01  of the  Loan Agreement  after the  definition of  "Associate" and
before the definition of "Beneficiary":

    "BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE" has the meaning specified in Section 2.16."

    (3) The definition of "Commitment" in Subsection 1.01 of the Loan  Agreement
is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "COMMITMENT"  means (i) for the period from the Closing Date to December 31,
    1995, up to U.S.  $7,500,000; (ii) for  the period from  January 1, 1996  to
    December  31, 1996, up to U.S. $6,500,000; (iii) for the period from January
    1, 1997 to December 31, 1997, up to U.S. $4,500,000; and (iv) for the period
    from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998, up to U.S. $2,500,000."

    (4) The definition of "Distribution Agreement"  in Section 1.01 of the  Loan
Agreement is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "DISTRIBUTION  AGREEMENT"  means  the  agreement  between  the  Borrower and
    Olympus dated as of April 1, 1994 or any subsequent renewal thereof."

    (5) The following  definitions shall be  added to Section  1.01 of the  Loan
Agreement  after the  definition of "Division  Sample Inventory"  and before the
definition of "Earnings Available for Interest":

    "DRAFT" means at any time  a blank bill of  exchange, within the meaning  of
    the  Bills of Exchange Act (Canada), drawn  by the Borrower on the Lender or
    any other Person and bearing such distinguishing letters and numbers as  the
    Lender  or such Person  may determine, but  which at such  time has not been
    completed or accepted by the Lender or such Person.

    "DRAWING" means (i) the creation and purchase of Bankers' Acceptances by the
    Lender or by any other Person pursuant to Article 2; or (ii) the purchase of
    completed Drafts by the Lender or by any other Person pursuant to Article 2.

    "DRAWING FEE"  means, with  respect  to each  Draft  drawn by  the  Borrower
    hereunder  and purchased by any Person on  any Drawing Date, an amount equal
    to 1.75% of the aggregate Face Amount of such Draft, calculated on the basis
    of the term to maturity of such Draft and a year of 365 days.

    "DRAWING DATE" means any Business Day  fixed pursuant to Section 2.18 for  a

    "DRAWING NOTICE" has the meaning specified in Section 2.18(1)."

    (6) The definition of Event of Default in Section 1.01 of the Loan Agreement
is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "EVENT  OF DEFAULT"  shall have  the meaning  specified in  Section 7.01 and
    "DEFAULT" means an  event which,  with the giving  of notice  or passage  of
    time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default."

    (7) The definition of "Face Amount" in Section 1.01 of the Loan Agreement is
hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "FACE  AMOUNT" means (i) in respect of  a Draft or a Bankers' Acceptance, as
    the case may be, the amount payable  to the holder thereof on its  maturity;
    and  (ii) in  respect of a  Letter of Credit  or Trade Letter  of Credit the
    maximum amount payable to the Beneficiary."

    (8) The definition of "Lending Limit" in Section 1.01 of the Loan  Agreement
is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "LENDING  LIMIT" means (i) for the period  from the Closing Date to December
    31, 1995, the lesser  of U.S. $7,500,000 and  the Margin Requirement,;  (ii)
    for the period from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996, the lesser of U.S.
    $6,500,000  and the Margin Requirement; (iii) for the period from January 1,
    1997 to December 31, 1997, subject  to extension of the Repayment Date,  the
    lesser  of  U.S. $4,500,000  and the  Margin Requirement;  and (iv)  for the
    period from January 1,  1998 to December 31,  1998, subject to extension  of
    the   Repayment  Date,  the  lesser  of   U.S.  $2,500,000  and  the  Margin

    (9) The definition of "Loan Documents" in Section 1.01 of the Loan Agreement
is hereby amended by adding the  phrase "the Drafts, the Bankers'  Acceptances",
after  the phrase  "means this Agreement",  and before the  phrase "the Security

    (10) The definition  of "Margin  Requirement" in  Section 1.01  of the  Loan
Agreement is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "MARGIN REQUIREMENT" means the amount by which:

  (A) the sum of:

    (i) 85% of Division Eligible Accounts Receivable; and

    (ii) 75% of Eligible Accounts Receivable; and

    (iii) the  lesser  of  (y) the  sum  of  85% of  Division  Eligible Accounts
          Receivable and 75%  of Eligible  Accounts Receivable, and  (z) 50%  of
          Eligible  Inventory, and 40% of Division Sample Inventory to a maximum
          of, in the case of Division Sample Inventory, $1,000,000 (reducing  to
          (i)  30% to a maximum of $750,000,000  from and after January 1, 1996;
          (ii) 20% to a maximum of $500,000 from and after January 1, 1997;  and
          (iii) 10% to a maximum of $250,000 from and after January 1, 1998,

    exceeds  (B)  the amount  of  liabilities owing  by  the Borrower  which are
    capable of comprising a  lien or trust claim  under relevant legislation  in
    respect  of the  assets of  the Borrower  ranking or  capable of  ranking in
    priority to the Security."

    (11) The definition of "Outstanding  Principal Obligations" in Section  1.01
of the Loan Agreement is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    "OUTSTANDING  PRINCIPAL OBLIGATIONS" means, at any  time, the sum of (i) the
    aggregate principal amount of all Advances made by the Lender outstanding at
    such time; (ii)  the aggregate  Face Amount  of all  outstanding Letters  of
    Credit;  (iii) the aggregate Face Amount of all outstanding Trade Letters of
    Credit accepted by  the Lender; and  (iv) the aggregate  Face Amount of  all
    outstanding  Bankers' Acceptances and completed  Drafts which the Lender has
    purchased or arranged to have purchased."

    (12) The  definition  of  "Repayment  Date" in  Section  1.01  of  the  Loan
Agreement is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    REPAYMENT  DATE"  means in  respect  to all  Accommodations  made hereunder,
    December 31, 1996,  or such  other date  as determined  pursuant to  Section

"Form  of Drawing Notice",  attached hereto shall  form an integral  part of the
Loan Agreement.

Article  II of  the Loan  Agreement "Advances and  Letters of  Credit" is hereby
deleted and the following title substituted therefor:

    "Advances, Letters of Credit and Bankers' Acceptances".

2.03(1)  of  the  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting  the phrase
"specified in the  applicable Notice  of Borrowing" appearing  after the  phrase
"Type  of  Advance" and  substituting the  phrase  "resulting from  the Lender's
actions pursuant to Section 2.02(1)(ii)".

the Loan Agreement  is hereby  amended by deleting  the first  sentence of  such
Section which begins with the phrase "Subject to Section 2.08," and substituting
the following therefor:

    "Subject  to Section  2.08, the  Borrower shall  pay interest  on the unpaid
    principal amount of each Canadian Dollar Advance made to it from the date of
    such Canadian Dollar Advance until such principal amount shall be repaid  in
    full,  at a rate per annum equal, (x) at any time prior to February 1, 1995,
    to the sum  of the  Prime Rate in  effect from  time to time  plus 1.0%  per
    annum;  and (y) at any time on or after  February 1, 1995, to the sum of the
    Prime Rate in effect from  time to time plus .75%  per annum, in each  case,
    calculated daily and payable (i) in arrears on the last Business Day of each
    month  in each year; and  (ii) when such Canadian  Dollar Advance become due
    and payable in full or is changed to a U.S. Base Dollar Advance pursuant  to
    Section 2.03(2)."

provisions shall be added to the Loan  Agreement after Section 2.15 of the  Loan

           "SECTION  2.16 ACCEPTANCES  AND DRAFTS.   The  Lender agrees,  on the
           terms and conditions of this Agreement  and from time to time on  any
       Business Day prior to the Repayment Date to create acceptances ("Bankers'
       Acceptances")  by accepting Drafts  of the Borrower  provided that (i) no
       Default or Event of Default shall  have occurred and be continuing,  (ii)
       the  Outstanding Principal Obligations shall not, at the time of creation
       of each Bankers'  Acceptance and  shall not as  a result  of such  issue,
       exceed  the  Lending  Limit,  and  (iii)  the  amounts  outstanding under
       Bankers' Acceptances at the time of creation of each Bankers'  Acceptance
       and  shall not as a  result of such issue, exceed  the lesser of (x) U.S.
       $3,750,000 and (y) 50% of the Outstanding Principal Obligations. Bankers'
       Acceptances shall be created by the  Lender (i) upon the Borrower  paying
       the  Drawing Fee into the Canadian Dollar  Account; or (ii) at the option
       of the Lender,  upon the  purchase of  such Bankers'  Acceptances by  the
       Lender pursuant to Section 2.18(3).

           SECTION  2.17. FORM OF DRAFTS.   Each Draft presented by the Borrower
           for acceptance by the Lender  (i) shall be for  a Face Amount of  not
       less  than Cdn.  $500,000 and in  multiples of  Cdn. $100,000 thereafter;
       (ii) shall be dated the date of  the Drawing; and (iii) shall mature  and
       be  payable by the Borrower (in common with all other Drafts presented in
       connection with such  Drawing) on a  Business Day which  occurs not  less
       than 30 and not more than 180 days after the Drawing Date and on or prior
       to  the Repayment Date and which would not, in the opinion of the Lender,
       conflict with the repayment schedule set out in Section 2.05.

           SECTION 2.18. PROCEDURE FOR DRAWING.  (1) Each Drawing shall be  made
           on  notice (a "Drawing  Notice") given by the  Borrower to the Lender
       not later than 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on 2 Business Days' notice. Each
       Drawing Notice shall be in substantially  the form of Schedule 12, or  by
       telephone  promptly confirmed in writing, containing the same information
       as would  be contained  in a  Drawing Notice,  shall be  irrevocable  and
       binding  on the Borrower and shall specify (i) the Drawing Date; (ii) the
       aggregate Face  Amount  of  Drafts  to be  created;  (iii)  the  contract
       maturity  date  for such  Drafts;  and (iv)  in  respect of  any Bankers'
       Acceptances which  are not  to be  purchased by  the Lender  pursuant  to
       Section  2.18(3), (x) the  serial numbers of the  Drafts' to be accepted,
       (y) the name of the purchaser of such Drafts, and (3) the proceeds to  be
       received by the Borrower for such Drafts.

       (2) Not  later  than  12:00  noon  (Toronto  time)  on  the  Drawing Date
           specified for a relevant Drawing,  the Lender (i) shall complete  one
           or  more Drafts dated the  date of such Drawing  in an aggregate Face
           Amount equal to the amount of such Drawing and with the maturity date
           specified by the Borrower  in its Drawing  Notice; (ii) shall  accept
           the  Drafts; and (iii) may  purchase the Bankers' Acceptances thereby
           created in the manner provided in Section 2.18(3).

       (3) The Borrower  shall  request a  quotation  from the  Lender  for  the
           purchase  of any and all Bankers' Acceptances created hereunder on or
           before the Drawing Date for  such Bankers' Acceptances. The  purchase
           price  for any  Bankers' Acceptances  which may  be purchased  by the
           Lender shall  be  paid and  satisfied  by the  Lender  crediting  the
           Canadian  Dollar  Account with  Canadian Dollars  in an  amount equal

       (4) Bankers' Acceptances purchased by the  Lender, hereunder may be  held
           by it for its own account until the contract maturity date or sold by
           it  at  any time  prior thereto  in any  relevant market  therefor in
           Canada, in the Lender's sole discretion.

           SECTION 2.19. PRESIGNED DRAFT  FORMS.  To enable  the Lender to  make
           Drawings  in the  manner specified  in this  Article 2,  the Borrower
       shall supply the  Lender with  such number of  Drafts as  the Lender  may
       reasonably request, duly endorsed and executed on behalf of the Borrower.
       The  Lender shall  exercise such care  in the custody  and safekeeping of
       Drafts as it  would exercise in  the custody and  safekeeping of  similar
       property  owned by  it. The  Lender will,  upon request  by the Borrower,
       promptly advise the Borrower of the  number and designations, if any,  of
       the  uncompleted  Drafts then  held  by it.  The  signature of  any daily
       authorized officer  of  the  Borrower  on a  Draft  may  be  mechanically
       reproduced  in facsimile and Drafts and Bankers' Acceptances bearing such
       facsimile signature shall  be binding upon  the Borrower as  if they  had
       been  manually signed by  such officers. Notwithstanding  that any of the
       individuals whose manual or facsimile  signature appears on any Draft  as
       one  of such officers may no longer hold office at the date thereof or at
       the date  of  its acceptance  by  the Lender  hereunder  or at  any  time
       thereafter, any Draft or Bankers' Acceptance so signed shall be valid and
       binding upon the relevant Borrower.

           ACCEPTANCES.   (1) Upon  the  maturity of  a Bankers'  Acceptance  or
       Draft,  the  Borrower  may  (i) elect  to  issue  a  replacement Bankers'
       Acceptance or  Draft,  by giving  a  Drawing Notice  in  accordance  with
       Section  2.18(1); or (ii) pay, on or  before 11:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on
       the maturity  date  such  Bankers'  Acceptance or  Draft,  an  amount  in
       Canadian  Dollars equal to the Face Amount of such Bankers' Acceptance or
       Draft (notwithstanding  that the  Lender  may be  the holder  thereof  at

       maturity)  by  deposit  of  the required  funds  to  the  Canadian Dollar
       Account. Any such payment shall satisfy the Borrower's obligations  under
       the  Bankers'  Acceptances  to  which it  relates  and  the  Lender shall
       thereafter be  solely  responsible  for  the  payment  of  such  Bankers'

    (2)If  the Borrower  fails to  pay any Bankers'  Acceptance when  due, or to
       issue a replacement Bankers' Acceptance or  Draft, in the Face Amount  of
       such Bankers' Acceptance or Draft, pursuant to Section 2.20(1) the unpaid
       amount  due and payable in respect thereof shall be converted, as of such
       date, to a Canadian  Dollar Advance made by  the Lender under the  Credit
       Facility  and shall bear  interest calculated and  payable as provided in
       this Article 2.

           UNAVAILABLE.   (1) If  the  Lender determines  in good  faith,  which
       determination  shall be final, conclusive  and binding upon the Borrower,
       and notifies the Borrower that, by reason of circumstances affecting  the
       money market, there is no market for Bankers' Acceptances, then,

    (a)the  right of the Borrower to request  a Drawing shall be suspended until
       the Lender determines that the  circumstances causing such suspension  no
       longer exist and the Lender so notifies the Borrower; and

    (b)any  Drawing  Notice  which is  outstanding  shall be  cancelled  and the
       Drawing requested therein shall not be made.

    (2)The Lender shall promptly  notify the Borrower of  the suspension of  the
       Borrower's  right to request a Drawing and of the termination of any such

           SECTION 2.22 PREPAYMENTS.   Except  as required by  Section 8.01,  no
           prepayment  of Bankers' Acceptances shall be  made by the Borrower to
       the Lender prior to  the maturity date of  such Bankers' Acceptances.  If
       the Borrower shall prepay any Bankers' Acceptances as required by Section
       8.01,  then (unless  such prepayment has  been rescinded  or otherwise is
       required to be  returned by the  Lender for any  reason), as between  the
       Borrower   and  the  Lender,  the   Lender  shall  thereafter  be  solely
       responsible  for  the  payment  of  the  Face  Amount  of  such  Bankers'
       Acceptances to the holder or holders thereof in accordance with the terms
       thereof  and shall indemnify the Borrower  and hold the Borrower harmless
       against any liabilities, costs or expenses incurred by the Borrower as  a
       result of any failure to pay such Bankers' Acceptances in accordance with
       their terms."

    SECTION    8.    AMENDMENT    TO   SUBSECTION    3.01(2)    OF    THE   LOAN
AGREEMENT.  Subsection 3.01(2) of the  Loan Agreement is hereby deleted and  the
following substituted therefor:

       The   aggregate  Notional   Amount  of   all  Foreign   Exchange  Hedging
       Arrangements at any  time shall not  exceed (i) U.S.  $10,000,000 or  the
       Equivalent  Cdn. $Amount, in  the case of  any time prior  to February 1,
       1995; and (ii) U.S.  $15,000,000 or the Equivalent  Cdn. $Amount, in  the
       case of any time on and after February 1, 1995".

"("Events of Default", and "Default" means any event which constitutes an  Event
of Default)", which appears in the second line of the Section, is hereby deleted
and the following substituted therefor: "(each being an "Event of Default")".

    SECTION    10.    AMENDMENT   TO    SUBSECTION    8.07(1)   OF    THE   LOAN
AGREEMENT.  Subsection 8.07(1) of the  Loan Agreement is hereby deleted and  the
following substituted therefor:

       A  non-refundable standby fee shall be paid by the Borrower calculated on
       the average daily difference between the Commitment at that time and  the
       Outstanding  Principal Obligations, at a rate of (i) at any time prior to
       February 1, 1995,  .375% per  annum; and (ii)  on and  after February  1,
       1995,  .25% per annum, in  each case, payable monthly  in arrears, on the
       last Business Day of each month in accordance with the terms hereof up to
       and including the Repayment Date".

    SECTION 11. EFFECTIVENESS.  This First Loan Amending Agreement shall  become
effective  on and  as of  the date (such  date being  referred to  as the "First
Amendment effective Date") on which the Lender

receives: (i) counterparts of  this First Loan  Amending Agreement executed  and
delivered  by duly authorized officers of  the Borrower and Cantel respectively;
and (ii) a favourable opinion  from counsel to each  of the Borrower and  Cantel
respectively;  (in each  case together  with original,  certified or photostatic
copies of all certificates on which reliance is made in such opinions).

First  Amendment  Effective Date  and  after giving  effect  to this  First Loan
Amending Agreement, the Borrower and  Cantel jointly and severally (a)  confirm,
reaffirm  and restate the representations and  warranties set forth in Article 5
of the Loan Agreement, as amended by this First Loan Amending Agreement,  except
to  the  extent that  such representations  and warranties  relate solely  to an
earlier date  in  which case  the  Borrower  and Cantel  jointly  and  severally
confirm,  reaffirm  and restate  such  representations and  warranties  for such
earlier date  in all  material respects,  provided that  the references  therein
shall  be deemed  to be  to the  Loan Agreement  as amended  by this  First Loan
Amending Agreement; and (b)  represent that no Default  or Event of Default  has
occurred and is continuing.

    SECTION  13. EFFECT  ON LOAN  DOCUMENTS.   Except as  the Loan  Agreement is
specifically amended hereby, the Loan Agreement  shall remain in full force  and
effect, unamended, and is hereby ratified and confirmed, and each of the parties
hereto  acknowledges  and  agrees  that nothing  contained  in  this  First Loan
Amending Agreement shall be construed  as a rescission, novation or  replacement
of the Loan Agreement, or as a repayment and readvance thereunder.

    SECTION  14. REFERENCE TO THE LOAN AGREEMENT.  On and after the date hereof,
each reference in the Loan Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof",
"herein" or words of like  import, and each reference  to the Loan Agreement  in
the  Security  Documents and  all  other agreements,  documents  and instruments
delivered by all  or any one  or more of  the Bank, The  Borrower and any  other
Person, shall mean and be a reference to the Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

    SECTION 15. CONFIRMATION OF SECURITY.  The Borrower hereby confirms that the
Security  Documents to which it is a party  continue to remain in full force and
effect, unamended, for the benefit of the  Lender and continue to extend to  all
liabilities of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

    SECTION  16. CONFIRMATION  OF GUARANTEE.   Cantel  hereby confirms  that the
Letter of Guarantee remains in full force and effect, unamended, for the benefit
of the Lender and continues to extend to all liabilities and obligations of  the
Borrower under the Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

that the Postponement Agreement remains in full force and effect, unamended, for
the benefit of  the Lender and  continues to  extend to all  liabilities of  the
Borrower under the Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

    SECTION  18. NO WAIVER.   The execution, delivery  and effectiveness of this
First Loan Amending Agreement shall into operate as a waiver of any right, power
or remedy of the  Lenders under the  Loan Agreement or  any other agreements  or
instruments delivered in connection therewith or pursuant thereto.

    SECTION  19. EXPENSES.   The  Borrower shall  be obligated  to reimburse the
Lender for all its reasonable costs and expenses (including without  limitation,
reasonable   legal  expenses)  incurred  in  connection  with  the  preparation,
execution and delivery of this First Loan Amending Agreement.

    SECTION 20. GOVERNING  LAW.   This First  Loan Amending  Agreement shall  be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario
and Canada applicable therein and shall be treated in all respects as an Ontario

    SECTION  21.   COUNTERPARTS.    This First  Loan  Amending Agreement  may be
executed in  any  number of  counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an
original   and  which,  taken  together,  shall  constitute  one  and  the  same

    IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to  be
executed  by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the date
first above written.

                           CARSEN GROUP INC.

                           Per: ___/s/_Edward E. Meltz___________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: ___/s/_William Vella_____________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           CANTEL INDUSTRIES INC.

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

    SECTION 21.   COUNTERPARTS.    This First  Loan  Amending Agreement  may  be
executed  in  any number  of  counterparts, each  of  which shall  be  deemed an
original  and  which,  taken  together,  shall  constitute  one  and  the   same

    IN  THE WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the  date
first above written.

                           CARSEN GROUP INC.

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           CANTEL INDUSTRIES INC.

                           Per: ___/s/_James P. Reilly___________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: ___/s/Darwin C. Dornbush_________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA

                           Per: ___/s/_William Crossland_________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: ___/s/_Lili Shane________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer


    SECTION  21.   COUNTERPARTS.    This First  Loan  Amending Agreement  may be
executed in  any  number of  counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an
original   and  which,  taken  together,  shall  constitute  one  and  the  same

    IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to  be
executed  by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the date
first above written.

                           CARSEN GROUP INC.

                           Per: ___/s/_Edward E. Meltz___________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: ___/s/_William Vella______________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           CANTEL INDUSTRIES INC.

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: _________________________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA

                           Per: ___/s/_William Crossland_________
                              Authorized Signing Officer

                           Per: ___/s/_Lili Shane________________
                              Authorized Signing Officer


                                                                     SCHEDULE 12

                             FORM OF DRAWING NOTICE

National Bank of Canada
Attention:         -

Dear Sirs:

    The undersigned,  Carsen Group  Inc. (the  "Borrower"), refers  to the  loan
agreement  dated as  of October 29,  1993, as amended,  supplemented or restated
from time to time  (the "Loan Agreement", the  terms defined therein being  used
herein  as therein defined) among the Borrower, Cantel and the Lender and hereby
gives you notice  pursuant to  Section 2.18(1) of  the Loan  Agreement that  the
Borrower  hereby  requests a  Drawing  under the  Loan  Agreement, and,  in that
connection sets  forth  below the  information  relating to  such  Drawing  (the
"Proposed Drawing") as required by Section 2.18(1) of the Loan Agreement:

(a) The Drawing Date of the Proposed Drawing, being a Business Day, is -.

(b) The  aggregate Face Amount  of Drafts to  be accepted and  purchased in Cdn.

(c) The maturity date for such Drafts is  -, representing a term to maturity  of
    approximately - days(2).

(d) The serial numbers of such Drafts are -(3).

(e) The name of the purchaser of such Drafts is -.

(f) The proceeds to be received by the Borrower for such Drafts are Cdn. $-.

[(g)In  the case of a conversion, insert principal amount and the particulars of
    the Type of Advance to be converted.]

                                          Yours truly,

                                          CARSEN GROUP INC.

                                          Authorized Signatory
- ------------------------
 (1) Specify a minimum of $500,000 and an integral multiple of $100,000.

 (2) Specify number of days between 30 and 180 days.

 (3) Omit items (d), (e) and (f) if the Lender is to purchase the Bankers'
