For Further Information
INVESTOR RELATIONS                                  MEDIA RELATIONS
Dennis Himan               Stephen D. Keating       Donald O. St. Dennis
Vice President, Treasurer  Assistant Treasurer      Director, Public Relations
(612)887-8411              (612)887-8526            (612)887-8960


BLOOMINGTON, MINN. (Nov. 2, 1995) -- The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC)
announced today that it has received approval from the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) to change Toro's fiscal year-end from July 31 to Oct. 31.

     Company officials said changing the fiscal year-end to October from July
is primarily intended to enhance the planning process of the company.

     The company's consumer retail sales are seasonal and heaviest in the
late spring and early summer months.  The Oct. 31 year-end date will allow
the company to plan retail support activities for the next fiscal year with
more information on important issues such as inventory management, customer
trends and product sales.

     Toro's latest completed quarter ended Oct. 31, 1995 now becomes a
transition quarter.  Toro's fiscal 1996 began yesterday (Nov. 1, 1995) and
will end Oct. 31, 1996.  Results of the transition period will be announced
by the company in mid-December.

     Toro's annual meeting, originally scheduled for Dec. 14, 1995, has been
postponed and will be rescheduled in February or March of 1996.

     The Toro Company is a worldwide leader in the manufacturing of outdoor
beautification equipment and products for the residential and commercial
