As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 29, 1995.

                                     SCHEDULE 14A
                                    (RULE 14a-101)


                               SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

              Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                                 Exchange Act of 1934

                                 (Amendment No. ____)

     Filed by the registrant  / X /

     Check the appropriate box:

     / X /  Preliminary proxy statement

     /   /  Definitive proxy statement

                   (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

 Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

     / X /   $125 per Rule 14a-6(h) and Item 22(a)(2) under the Securities
             Exchange Act of 1934 (Previously transmitted by wire transfer)


                                                           Hartford, Connecticut
                                                                December 8, 1995

Dear Fellow Shareholders:

    We  are pleased to  inform you that  Connecticut Mutual Investment Accounts,
Inc. (the "Company")  will shortly  become part of  the family  of mutual  funds
advised  by  Oppenheimer  Management  Corporation  ("Oppenheimer"),  an indirect
subsidiary  of  Massachusetts  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  ("Massachusetts
Mutual"),  subject  to consummation  of the  merger  of Connecticut  Mutual Life
Insurance Company ("Connecticut Mutual") with and into Massachusetts Mutual  and
approval  of the proposals described below. In view of the merger, we invite you
to attend a Special Meeting of Shareholders  of all series of the Company  known
as  the Liquid Account,  the Income Account,  the Government Securities Account,
the Total Return Account, the  Growth Account, the National Municipals  Account,
the California Municipals Account, the Massachusetts Municipals Account, the New
York  Municipals  Account, the  Ohio  Municipals Account,  the  LifeSpan Capital
Appreciation Account, the LifeSpan Balanced Account and the LifeSpan Diversified
Income Account to be held at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, January 22,  1996
at  Connecticut Mutual Life  Insurance Company, 878 Main  Street (10 State House
Square), Hartford, Connecticut.

    You will be  asked at  this Meeting to  consider and  approve the  following

        - New  Investment  Advisory Agreements  between the  Company, on
          behalf of each  Account (other than  the Municipal  Accounts),
          and Oppenheimer.

        - New  Investment Subadvisory Agreements  among: Oppenheimer and
          Pilgrim, Baxter & Associates, Ltd. with respect to each of the
          Capital Appreciation and Balanced Account; Oppenheimer and BEA
          Associates with respect  to each of  the Capital  Appreciation
          Account,  Balanced Account and Diversified Income Account; and
          Oppenheimer  and  Babson-Stewart   Ivory  International   with
          respect  to  each  of  the  Capital  Appreciation  Account and
          Balanced Account.

        - New Rule 12b-1 distribution plans for each Account (other than
          the Liquid Account).

        - The election of a new Board of Directors and the  continuation
          of Arthur Andersen, LLP as auditors for the Company.


    It  is anticipated that immediately  subsequent to the merger, Massachusetts
Mutual will become the nation's fifth largest mutual life insurance company.

    Your  Account's  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  Connecticut  Mutual's
combination   with  Massachusetts  Mutual  will  make  the  further  substantial
resources of a respected mutual fund organization available to your Account. The
Board evaluated such  factors as Oppenheimer's  experience in providing  various
financial  services to  investment companies,  its experience  in the investment
company business, its  distribution and shareholder  servicing capabilities  and
its  reputation, integrity,  financial responsibility  and stability.  The Board
received assurances from Oppenheimer that it is adequately capitalized to enable
it  to  provide  high  quality  investment  management  services.  Oppenheimer's
commitment  has made it a widely recognized name in the mutual fund industry and
its existing funds maintain a strong presence in the industry.


    All of the proposals have been reviewed by the Company's Board of Directors,
who are charged with  considering the best interests  of the shareholders.  YOUR


    Please vote by completing, signing  and returning the enclosed proxy  ballot
card  to  us immediately.  Your  prompt response  will  help avoid  the  cost of
additional mailings.  For  your convenience,  we  have provided  a  postage-paid

    If  you have questions, please call  your Customer Service Representative at
1-800-461-3743, Monday through Friday  between 8:00 a.m.  and 5:00 p.m.  Eastern

                                 DONALD H. POND, JR.

                          PRELIMINARY PROXY MATERIALS

                               140 GARDEN STREET
                          HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06154

                          IN LIEU OF AN ANNUAL MEETING

                         CMIA LIFESPAN BALANCED ACCOUNT
                        CMIA NEW YORK MUNICIPALS ACCOUNT
                          CMIA OHIO MUNICIPALS ACCOUNT

                          TO BE HELD JANUARY 22, 1996

    A  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  in  lieu  of  an  Annual  Meeting  of
Connecticut  Mutual  Investment  Accounts,   Inc.  (the  "Company")   (telephone
1-800-461-3743),  on behalf of  the 13 series  of the Company  consisting of the
following  five  series  --  Connecticut  Mutual  Liquid  Account  (the  "Liquid
Account"),  Connecticut  Mutual Government  Securities Account  (the "Government
Securities Account"), Connecticut Mutual Income Account (the "Income  Account"),
Connecticut   Mutual  Total   Return  Account  ("Total   Return  Account"),  and
Connecticut Mutual Growth Account ("Growth Account"); three "LifeSpan  Accounts"
- --  CMIA LifeSpan Capital Appreciation Account ("Capital Appreciation Account"),
CMIA  LifeSpan  Balanced   Account  ("Balanced  Account")   and  CMIA   LifeSpan
Diversified  Income Account  ("Diversified Income Account";  and five "Municipal
Accounts"  --  CMIA  National  Municipals  Account  ("National  Account"),  CMIA
California   Municipals  Account  ("California   Account"),  CMIA  Massachusetts
Municipals Account ("Massachusetts Account"),  CMIA New York Municipals  Account
("New York Account") and CMIA Ohio Municipals Account ("Ohio Account") (each, an
"Account" and together, the "Accounts"), will be held at Connecticut Mutual Life

Company,  878 Main  Street (10  State House  Square), Hartford,  Connecticut, on
Monday, January 22, 1996 at 2:00 p.m.  Eastern Time. The purpose of the  Meeting
is to consider and act upon the following proposals:

(1)        To approve the terms of new investment advisory agreements
           between the Company, on behalf of each Account (other than
           the Municipal Accounts), and Oppenheimer Management
           Corporation ("Oppenheimer"), the proposed investment adviser
(2)        To approve the terms of new investment subadvisory
           agreements between:
      (a)  Oppenheimer and Pilgrim, Baxter & Associates, Ltd. with
           respect to each of the Capital Appreciation Account and
      (b)  Oppenheimer and BEA Associates with respect to each of the
           Capital Appreciation Account, Balanced Account and
           Diversified Income Account. FOR CAPITAL APPRECIATION
      (c)  Oppenheimer and Babson-Stewart Ivory International with
           respect to each of the Capital Appreciation Account and
(3)        To approve new distribution plans pursuant to Rule 12b-1
           under the Investment Company Act of 1940 for each Account
           (other than the Liquid Account), and, where an Account has
           more than one Class of shares, for each Class of shares of
(4)        To elect twelve Directors to the Company's Board of
(5)        To ratify the selection of Arthur Andersen, LLP as the
           Company's independent public accountants. FOR ALL ACCOUNTS
(6)        To transact other business that may properly come before the
           Meeting or any adjournment of the Meeting.


    Shareholders  of record as of the close of business on November 24, 1995 are
entitled to vote at the Meeting or any adjournment of the Meeting on each matter
relating to an Account of which they hold shares. The Proxy Statement and  proxy
card are being mailed to shareholders on or about December 8, 1995.

                                 ANN F. LOMELI

Hartford, Connecticut
December 8, 1995

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT



                          PRELIMINARY PROXY MATERIALS
                                PROXY STATEMENT


    This  proxy statement  is furnished in  connection with  the solicitation of
proxies by the  Board of  Directors of Connecticut  Mutual Investment  Accounts,
Inc. (the "Company") on behalf of the 13 series of the Company consisting of the
following  five  series  --  Connecticut  Mutual  Liquid  Account  (the  "Liquid
Account"), Connecticut  Mutual Government  Securities Account  (the  "Government
Securities  Account"), Connecticut Mutual Income Account (the "Income Account"),
Connecticut Mutual Total  Return Account ("Total  Return Account"),  Connecticut
Mutual  Growth  Account ("Growth  Account"); three  "LifeSpan Accounts"  -- CMIA
LifeSpan Capital  Appreciation Account  ("Capital Appreciation  Account"),  CMIA
LifeSpan  Balanced Account  ("Balanced Account")  and CMIA  LifeSpan Diversified
Income Account ("Diversified Income Account"); and five "Municipal Accounts"  --
CMIA   National  Municipals   Account  ("National   Account"),  CMIA  California
Municipals Account ("California Account"), CMIA Massachusetts Municipals Account
("Massachusetts Account"), CMIA New York Municipals Account ("New York Account")
and CMIA  Ohio  Municipals Account  ("Ohio  Account") (each,  an  "Account"  and
together,  the "Accounts"). The proxies  will be used at  the Special Meeting of
the Accounts'  shareholders to  be  held at  Connecticut Mutual  Life  Insurance
Company,  878 Main  Street (10  State House  Square), Hartford,  Connecticut, on
Monday, January 22, 1996 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The executive offices of the
Company are located at 140 Garden Street, Hartford, Connecticut, and the mailing
address of the Company and each of the Accounts is 140 Garden Street,  Hartford,

    This  Proxy Statement and proxy card are  being mailed to shareholders on or
about December 8, 1995.


    The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on November 24,  1995
as  the  record  date  ("Record  Date")  for  determination  of  shareholders of


each Account  entitled  to  notice  of  and to  vote  at  the  Special  Meeting.
Shareholders of record are entitled to one vote per share at the Special Meeting
or any adjournment of the Meeting relating to their Account. On the Record Date,
the following shares of common stock of each Account were outstanding:

 Liquid Account.....................................................   72,393,411
 Government Securities Account
   Class A..........................................................    4,667,953
   Class B..........................................................        2,073
 Income Account
   Class A..........................................................    3,474,682
   Class B..........................................................        5,177
 Total Return Account
   Class A..........................................................   13,642,687
   Class B..........................................................       32,136
 Growth Account
   Class A..........................................................    6,200,316
   Class B..........................................................       18,190
 Capital Appreciation Account
   Class A..........................................................    2,890,935
   Class B..........................................................       25,749
 Balanced Account
   Class A..........................................................    3,634,857
   Class B..........................................................       29,104
 Diversified Income Account
   Class A..........................................................    2,247,111
   Class B..........................................................       15,714
 National Account...................................................      300,157
 California Account.................................................       69,153
 Massachusetts Account..............................................       13,393
 New York Account...................................................       35,415
 Ohio Account.......................................................       35,614
 Total..............................................................  109,733,827


    Although  each Account is  participating separately in  the Special Meeting,
proxies are  being solicited  through the  use of  this joint  proxy  statement.
Shareholders  of  each  Account  and,  where  required,  each  Class  will  vote
separately as  to those  Proposals  affecting only  their  Account or  Class  or
affecting an Account or Class differently than other Accounts or Classes. Voting
by shareholders of


one  Account or Class  will not affect voting  by any other  Account or Class on
these matters,  except  to the  extent  the separate  vote  of both  Classes  is
required to approve a proposal.

- ---------  ------------------------------------------------------------
    1      Liquid Account will vote separately and Class A and Class B
           shareholders of each other Account (except for the Municipal
           Accounts) will vote separately.
 (2)(a)    Capital Appreciation Account and Balanced Account will vote
    (b)    Capital Appreciation Account, Balanced Account and
           Diversified Income Account will vote separately.
    (c)    Capital Appreciation Account and Balanced Account will vote
   (3)     Class A and Class B shareholders of each Account (other than
           Liquid Account) will vote separately.
   (4)     All Accounts will vote together.
   (5)     All Accounts will vote together.


    The  Meeting is  being called to  ask shareholders to  consider, among other
things, proposals affecting their Accounts as a result of an Agreement and  Plan
of  Merger  between  Connecticut  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company ("Connecticut
Mutual")  and  Massachusetts  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company   ("Massachusetts
Mutual").  Connecticut Mutual  is the indirect  parent company of  G.R. Phelps &
Co., Inc. ("G.R. Phelps"), the current investment adviser to all Accounts except
the Municipal Accounts and the current administrator to the Municipal  Accounts.
The  Agreement and Plan of Merger provides  for Connecticut Mutual to merge with
and into  Massachusetts Mutual  (the  "Merger"). Upon  the consummation  of  the
Merger,  which is expected to  occur during the first  three months of 1996, the
separate existence of  Connecticut Mutual  will cease  and Massachusetts  Mutual
will  be the surviving  company and will continue  its corporate existence under
the name "Massachusetts Mutual Life  Insurance Company." It is anticipated  that
immediately  subsequent  to the  Merger,  Massachusetts Mutual  will  become the
nation's fifth largest mutual life insurance company.

    As a result of the Merger and a favorable vote on the proposals included  in
this Proxy Statement:

    - Oppenheimer,   an  indirect  subsidiary   of  Massachusetts  Mutual,  will
      immediately become  the investment  adviser to  all Accounts  (except  the
      Municipal Accounts) (Proposal 1).


    - Pilgrim,  Baxter  &  Associates,  Ltd.  will  continue  to  serve  as  the
      subadviser to each  of Capital Appreciation  Account and Balanced  Account
      (Proposal  2a); BEA Associates will continue to serve as the subadviser to
      each of  Capital Appreciation  Account, Balanced  Account and  Diversified
      Income  Account (Proposal 2b); and  Babson-Stewart Ivory International, an
      affiliate of Oppenheimer and Massachusetts Mutual, will immediately become
      the subadviser  to  Capital  Appreciation  Account  and  Balanced  Account
      (Proposal 2c).

    - A  subsidiary of Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer Funds Distributor, Inc. ("OFD"),
      will become the Accounts' general distributor pursuant to an  underwriting
      agreement  and will enter into service and/or distribution agreements with
      the Accounts  (except Liquid  Account) pursuant  to Rule  12b-1 under  the
      Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") (Proposal 3). (IF APPROVED

    - The nominees selected by  the Company's existing  Board of Directors  will
      take  office contingent upon  the closing of the  Merger (Proposal 4). (IF

    In  order to provide for the  Account's transition to the Oppenheimer family
of mutual funds, the Board of Directors has approved a 90 day transition  period
(the  "Transition Period") commencing on the date  of the Merger. On the date of
the Merger, Oppenheimer  will assume  responsibility for the  management of  the
Accounts,   and  the  Subadvisers  will  provide  subadvisory  services  to  the
respective LifeSpan Accounts. However, during the Transition Period, G.R. Phelps
will continue to provide administrative  services to the Accounts including  the
Municipal  Accounts, Connecticut Mutual Financial Services, L.L.C. ("CMFS") will
continue to  serve as  the  Accounts' distributor  and National  Financial  Data
Services  will continue to serve as the transfer agent and shareholder servicing
agent. At the  completion of the  Transition Period, OFD  will have assumed  all
responsibilities  as  the  Accounts'  distributor  and  Oppenheimer  Shareholder
Services, a division of  Oppenheimer, will become  the transfer and  shareholder
servicing agent for the Company's shareholders pursuant to an agreement approved
by  the Board  of Directors.  The election of  the new  members of  the Board of
Directors will  be effective  on the  91st  day after  the consummation  of  the


                                   PROPOSAL 1

                         EACH ACCOUNT, AND OPPENHEIMER
                       HAS MORE THAN ONE CLASS OF SHARES,
                        BY EACH CLASS VOTING SEPARATELY)

                         PROPOSALS 2(A), 2(B) AND 2(C)



    THE  INVESTMENT  ADVISORY  AGREEMENTS.    G.R.  Phelps  currently  serves as
investment adviser to each Account pursuant to an investment advisory  agreement
(the  "Existing  Advisory Agreement")  between the  Company,  on behalf  of each
Account (other than the Municipal Accounts),  and G.R. Phelps. G.R. Phelps is  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of DHC, Inc.,  a wholly-owned subsidiary of Connecticut
Mutual Life Insurance  Company ("Connecticut  Mutual"). DHC, Inc.  is a  holding
company  for several Connecticut Mutual subsidiaries. The address of Connecticut
Mutual and DHC, Inc. is 140 Garden Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06154.

    The Company is registered as an investment company under the 1940 Act. Under
the 1940 Act, an investment  company's investment advisory agreement  terminates
automatically  upon its "assignment."  Under the 1940 Act,  a direct or indirect
transfer of  a  controlling  block  of  the  voting  securities  of  any  entity
controlling  G.R.  Phelps  is  deemed  to  be  an  "assignment."  Therefore, the
participation of Connecticut Mutual  in the proposed Merger  will result in  the
termination of its Existing Advisory Agreement. In order to assure continuity of
investment  advisory  services  to  the  Accounts in  the  event  the  Merger is
consummated and the Existing Advisory Agreement with G.R. Phelps is  terminated,
the   Company's  Board  of  Directors,  including  the  Directors  who  are  not
"interested persons"  of  the Company,  Oppenheimer  or any  subadviser  to  the
Accounts (the "Non-interested Directors"), at a special meeting held on November
17,  1995, voted unanimously to recommend  that the shareholders of each Account
(other than the Municipal Accounts) approve a new investment advisory  agreement
between  the  Company,  on behalf  of  each  Account (other  than  the Municipal


Accounts), and Oppenheimer (each, a  "New Advisory Agreement" and together,  the
"New  Advisory Agreements"). Under each New Advisory Agreement, Oppenheimer will
provide investment advisory services for the  assets of each such Account  after
the Merger.

    It  is anticipated that the current portfolio managers of the Growth Account
and the Total  Return Account and  certain other employees  and officers of  the
Company will become employees of Oppenheimer upon consummation of the Merger and
shareholder  approval of this Proposal. The portfolio managers of these Accounts
will continue to act in that capacity after the Merger.

    Following the Merger, it is anticipated that the shareholders of the  Liquid
Account,  the Government Securities Account and the Income Account will be asked
to approve  the reorganizations  of those  respective Accounts  into  comparable
Oppenheimer  funds. It is currently expected  that those reorganizations will be
initiated during the Transition  Period. Oppenheimer has  informed the Board  of
Directors  that,  subject  to  the  approval  by  the  shareholders  of  the New
Investment  Advisory  Agreements  with   the  Liquid  Account,  the   Government
Securities  Account and the Income Account,  it intends to appoint new portfolio
managers to manage the  portfolio of investments  for those respective  Accounts
for  the  period between  the  Merger and  such time  as  those Accounts  may be
reorganized into comparable Oppenheimer funds. See further discussion under  the
caption  "The  Merger"  below.  For additional  information  about  the proposed
portfolio managers for  these Accounts, see  APPENDIX A. In  the event that  the
portfolio  manager for  one or  more of the  Accounts is  changed, the Account's
Prospectus and/or  Statement  of  Additional  Information  will  be  revised  or
supplemented  as appropriate.  No immediate change  is currently  expected to be
made to the investment philosophies and practices of the Accounts as a result of
Oppenheimer's becoming the investment adviser.

    THE SUBADVISORY AGREEMENTS.   To assist in the  management of the assets  of
several  of  the  Accounts  (each,  a  "Subadvised  Account"  and  together, the
"Subadvised Accounts"),  G.R.  Phelps  engaged the  services  of  the  following
subadvisers (each, a "Subadviser" and together, the "Subadvisers"):

             SUBADVISER                        SUBADVISED ACCOUNT
- ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------
Pilgrim, Baxter & Associates, Ltd.    Capital Appreciation Account
 ("Pilgrim")                          Balanced Account
BEA Associates ("BEA")                Capital Appreciation Account
                                      Balanced Account Diversified Income
Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.        Capital Appreciation Account
 ("Scudder")                          Balanced Account

    Each Subadviser provides services with respect to that portion of the assets
of   the  respective  Subadvised   Account  allocated  to   such  Subadviser  by


G.R. Phelps pursuant to separate  subadvisory agreements among G.R. Phelps,  the
Company,  on behalf  of the  respective Subadvised  Account, and  the Subadviser
(each,  an  "Existing  Subadvisory   Agreement"  and  together,  the   "Existing
Subadvisory  Agreements").  If  approved by  shareholders,  Babson-Stewart Ivory
International ("Babson-Stewart") will replace Scudder, the current subadviser to
the Capital Appreciation Account and Balanced Account.

    The participation by Connecticut Mutual  in the proposed Merger will  result
in  the  termination of  the  Existing Advisory  Agreement  with G.R.  Phelps. A
provision in  the  Existing  Advisory  Agreement  requires  that  each  Existing
Subadvisory  Agreement  will  terminate  in  the  event  the  Existing  Advisory
Agreement is terminated. In order  to assure continuity of portfolio  management
services to each Subadvised Account by the respective Subadviser, at the special
meeting  of the Board of Directors of the Company held on November 17, 1995, the
Board, including the  Non-interested Directors, voted  unanimously to  recommend
that  the  shareholders  of  each  Subadvised  Account  vote  to  approve  a new
subadvisory agreement between Oppenheimer and the respective Subadviser (each, a
"New Subadvisory Agreement" and together, the "New Subadvisory Agreements").


    THE NEW INVESTMENT ADVISER.   Oppenheimer and  its subsidiaries are  engaged
principally  in the business of  managing, distributing and servicing registered
investment companies.  Oppenheimer is  located at  Two World  Trade Center,  New
York, New York 10048-0203. Oppenheimer owns all of the outstanding stock of OFD,
Shareholder  Services, Inc. and Shareholder Financial Services, Inc. Oppenheimer
is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp. ("OAC"), which  is
controlled  by Massachusetts Mutual, located  at 1295 State Street, Springfield,
MA 01111.  Massachusetts  Mutual  also  advises  pension  plans  and  investment
companies.  OAC acquired  Oppenheimer on  October 22,  1990. Oppenheimer  is not
related to Oppenheimer Capital nor its affiliate, the brokerage firm Oppenheimer
& Co., Inc.  The common stock  of OAC is  owned by (i)  certain officers  and/or
directors  of Oppenheimer, (ii) Massachusetts Mutual and (iii) another investor.
No institution or  person holds  5% or more  of OAC's  outstanding common  stock
except  Massachusetts Mutual. Massachusetts Mutual has  been engaged in the life
insurance business since 1851. It is the nation's twelfth largest life insurance
company by assets and has  an A.M. Best Co. rating  of "A++". As of October  31,
1995,  Oppenheimer (including a subsidiary) had  more than $38 billion in assets
under management.

    THE SUBADVISERS.  Pilgrim currently serves  as Subadviser with respect to  a
portion  of  the assets  of each  of  the Capital  Appreciation Account  and the
Balanced Account allocated to  it by G.R. Phelps  pursuant to separate  Existing
Subadvisory  Agreements and will  continue in that capacity  for each such Life-
Span Account subadvised by  Pilgrim if the  respective shareholders approve  the


New  Subadvisory Agreements. Pilgrim, a Delaware  corporation and a wholly owned
subsidiary of  United Asset  Management Corporation,  a publicly  held  Delaware
corporation,  is a registered investment adviser  and was established in 1982 to
provide specialized equity management for institutional investors. As of May 31,
1995, Pilgrim had over $4 billion in assets under management.

    BEA currently serves as Subadviser with  respect to a portion of the  assets
of  each  of the  Capital  Appreciation Account,  the  Balanced Account  and the
Diversified Income Account allocated to it  by G.R. Phelps pursuant to  separate
Existing Subadvisory Agreements and will continue in that capacity for each such
LifeSpan  Account subadvised by  BEA if the  respective shareholders approve the
New Subadvisory Agreements. BEA,  a general partnership  between CS Capital  and
Basic Appraisals, Inc., is a registered investment adviser and together with its
predecessor firms has been providing domestic and global fixed income and equity
investment  management services for  institutional clients and  mutual funds for
more than 50 years. As of June 30,  1995, BEA had $28.9 billion in assets  under

    Following  the Merger and subject to  shareholder approval it is anticipated
that Babson-Stewart will immediately begin  to serve as Subadviser with  respect
to  a portion of the assets of each  of the Capital Appreciation Account and the
Balanced Account allocated to it by Oppenheimer pursuant to the New  Subadvisory
Agreements.   Babson-Stewart  is  a  Massachusetts  general  partnership  and  a
registered investment  adviser  and  was originally  established  in  1987.  The
general  partners of Babson-Stewart are David L. Babson & Co., Inc., which is an
indirect  subsidiary  of   Massachusetts  Mutual,  and   Stewart  Ivory  &   Co.
(International),  Ltd. As of            , 1995, Babson-Stewart had over $
billion in assets  under management. Scudder,  located at 345  Park Avenue,  New
York,  New York 10154, has served as Subadviser with respect to a portion of the
assets of each of  the Capital Appreciation Account  and Balanced Account  since
May  1, 1995 pursuant  to the Existing Subadvisory  Agreements for such Accounts
and will continue to serve in that capacity until the Merger, at which time  its
Subadvisory Agreements will terminate.


    For  additional information  concerning the  management, ownership structure
and certain other  matters pertaining  to Oppenheimer and  the Subadvisers,  see


    THE  NEW  ADVISORY AGREEMENTS.    If approved  by  the shareholders  of each
Account, the New Advisory Agreements will become effective upon the consummation
of the Merger, which is expected to occur during the first three months of 1996.
The following description of the material  terms of the New Advisory  Agreements
is   qualified   in   its   entirety   by  reference   to   the   form   of  New


Advisory Agreement (such  form is  identical for  each Account,  except for  the
names of the Accounts and the fee schedules) attached to this Proxy Statement as

    INVESTMENT   ADVISORY  SERVICES.     Under  each   New  Advisory  Agreement,
Oppenheimer will  act  as the  investment  adviser  for each  Account  and  will
supervise  the investment program  of each Account.  The New Advisory Agreements
provide that Oppenheimer will provide or  arrange for another entity to  provide
administrative   services  for   each  Account  including   the  completion  and
maintenance of  records,  preparation and  filing  of reports  required  by  the
Securities   and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC"),  reports  to  shareholders  and
composition of proxy statements and registration statements required by  Federal
and  state securities  laws. Oppenheimer will  furnish each  Account with office
space, facilities and equipment and arrange for its employees to be available to
serve, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, as officers of the  Company.
The  administrative  services  to  be provided  by  Oppenheimer  under  each New
Advisory Agreement will be at its  own expense. The Existing Advisory  Agreement
contains  a similar  provision. During the  Transition Period,  G.R. Phelps will
continue to provide administrative services to each Account, including providing
accounting,  administrative   and   clerical  personnel   and,   together   with
Oppenheimer,  monitoring  the activities  of the  transfer agent,  custodian and
independent auditors of the Accounts.

    EXPENSES.  Expenses neither  assumed by Oppenheimer  under the New  Advisory
Agreements  nor paid by the Accounts' distributor  will be paid by the Accounts.
Expenses paid by  the Accounts include  interest, taxes, brokerage  commissions,
insurance premiums, compensation, expenses and fees of Non-interested Directors,
legal  and  audit  expenses, transfer  agent  and custodian  fees  and expenses,
registration fees, expenses of printing and mailing reports and proxy statements
to shareholders,  expenses of  shareholder meetings  and non-recurring  expenses
including  litigation.  The  Existing  Advisory  Agreement  contains  a  similar

    MANAGEMENT FEES.  The  rate of the advisory  fee applicable to each  Account
under  the New Advisory Agreements is the  same as the rate applicable under the
Existing Advisory Agreement.


    As compensation for its investment advisory services, each Account will  pay
a  monthly  fee to  Oppenheimer which  is based  on a  stated percentage  of the
Account's average daily net asset value as follows:


NET ASSET VALUE                                                ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $200,000,000..........................................       0.50%
Next $100,000,000...........................................       0.45%
Amount over $300,000,000....................................       0.40%


NET ASSET VALUE                                               ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
First $300,000,000..........................................     0.625%
Next $100,000,000...........................................     0.500%
Amount over $400,000,000....................................     0.450%


NET ASSET VALUE                                                ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $250,000,000..........................................       0.85%
Amount over $250,000,000....................................       0.75%


NET ASSET VALUE                                                ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $250,000,000..........................................       0.75%
Amount over $250,000,000....................................       0.65%

    As of the Record Date, the net  assets of each Account were: Liquid  Account
- --  $72,409,099; Government Securities Account -- $49,533,188; Income Account --
$33,154,723;  Total   Return  Account   --  $216,791,482;   Growth  Account   --
$114,807,583;  Capital Appreciation Account --  $32,466,740; Balanced Account --
$40,698,739; and Diversified Income Account -- $23,931,919.

    EXPENSE LIMITATIONS.    The  New  Advisory  Agreements  contain  no  expense
limitation  provisions.  However, independent  of  the New  Advisory Agreements,
Oppenheimer has voluntarily undertaken  that it will  reimburse each Account  to
the  extent that the total expenses of the Account in any fiscal year (including
the  investment  advisory  fee  but  exclusive  of  taxes,  interest,  brokerage
commissions,  distribution  plan  payments and  any  extraordinary non-recurring
expenses, including litigation)  exceeds the most  stringent expense  limitation
applicable  to an Account under state laws relating to the registration and sale
of the Accounts' shares. At present, the most restrictive limitation by a  state


expenses (with specified exclusions) to 2.5% of the first $30 million of average
annual  net assets, 2%  of the next $70  million and 1.5%  of average annual net
assets in excess of $100 million.

    The Existing Advisory Agreement as it  relates to the Liquid Account and  to
the Class A shares of each Account contains a provision requiring G.R. Phelps to
reimburse  an Account if  certain of the  Account's expenses (including advisory
fees but  excluding interest,  taxes,  brokerage commissions  and  extraordinary
expenses)  exceed 1.5% (1.0% in the case of  the Liquid Account) of the value of
the Account's average daily  net assets in any  given fiscal year. The  Existing
Agreement  as it relates to  the Class B shares of  each Account (other than the
Liquid Account) contains a provision which is similar to Oppenheimer's voluntary
undertaking to reimburse an Account if the Account's annual expenses exceed  the
most  stringent state regulatory  limitation applicable to  the Account. Neither
the Class A nor the Class B  expense limitation provisions are contained in  the
New Advisory Agreements.


GROWTH ACCOUNT.   Under  the contractual  expense limitation  provisions of  the
Existing  Advisory  Agreement, G.R.  Phelps does  not expect  to be  required to
reimburse any  expenses  for  the  Government  Securities  Account,  the  Income
Account,  the Total Return Account and  the Growth Account during such Accounts'
current fiscal year.  Had the  New Advisory Agreements  been in  effect for  the
current  fiscal  year,  Oppenheimer,  under  its  voluntary  expense  limitation
undertaking, would have had no obligation to limit or reimburse the expenses  of
the  Government Securities Account, the Income Account, the Total Return Account
or the Growth Account.

    Independent  of  the  Existing  Advisory  Agreement,  G.R.  Phelps  and  the
distributor  for each  Account, CMFS,  have voluntarily  agreed for  the current
fiscal year to limit the Income Account's Rule 12b-1 fees applicable to Class  A
shares to 0.00%, and the Account's other expenses (not including management fees
and  Rule 12b-1 fees  or other class-related expenses)  related to the Account's
Class A  and Class  B  shares to  0.00% of  the  Account's average  net  assets,
notwithstanding that the Existing Advisory Agreement does not require them to do
so.  Without  this agreement,  the annualized  total  operating expenses  of the
Income Account's Class A  and Class B  shares would have  been 1.19% and  1.94%,
respectively,  for the current fiscal  year. As a result  of this agreement, the
annualized total annual operating expenses for  the current fiscal year for  the
Class A and Class B shares are estimated to be .625% and 1.625%, respectively.

    LIQUID  ACCOUNT.  G.R. Phelps is required by the Existing Advisory Agreement
to limit  or reimburse  the Liquid  Account's expenses  for the  current  fiscal


year  to 1.00% of the Account's average net assets. G.R. Phelps is effecting the
limitation, however,  through  CMFS' agreement  not  to impose  the  Rule  12b-1
distribution  fee which the Liquid Account  would otherwise be obligated to pay.
Had the New Advisory Agreement for Liquid Account been in effect for the current
fiscal year,  Oppenheimer, unlike  G.R. Phelps,  would have  had no  contractual
obligation  to limit  or reimburse the  Account's expenses. Adoption  of the New
Advisory Agreement, however, will not  change CMFS's contractual obligation  not
to  impose  the  Rule 12b-1  distribution  fee  which the  Liquid  Account would
otherwise be obligated to pay if  the Liquid Account's expenses for the  current
fiscal year exceed 1.00% of the Account's average net assets.

    LIFESPAN ACCOUNTS.  The LifeSpan Accounts were first offered to investors on
May  1, 1995. Pursuant  to the contractual expense  limitation provisions of the
Existing Advisory  Agreement  that limits  Class  A expenses  and  G.R.  Phelps'
voluntary  agreement  to limit  Class B  expenses, G.R.  Phelps has  limited the
Capital Appreciation  Account's  and  the  Balanced  Account's  total  operating
expenses  to  1.50%  and  2.30%  of  the  Account's  average  daily  net  assets
attributable to the Class  A and Class B  shares, respectively, and has  limited
the  Diversified Income Account's total operating expenses to 1.50% and 2.25% of
the Account's average daily net assets attributable  to the Class A and Class  B
shares,  respectively, each for the  period from May 1,  1995 to August 31, 1995
(the date of each Account's most recent unaudited financial statements).

    Had  the  New  Advisory  Agreements  been  in  effect  for  such   Accounts,
Oppenheimer, unlike G.R. Phelps, would have been under no contractual obligation
to  limit the LifeSpan Account's Class A  expenses or to limit Class B expenses.
Under the  New Advisory  Agreements,  during this  period the  annualized  total
operating expenses for the Class A and Class B shares of each such Account would
have  been: Capital Appreciation Account -- 2.50% and 3.25%; Balanced Account --
1.74%  and  2.49%;  and   Diversified  Income  Account   --  1.71%  and   2.46%,

    For   additional  information  about  the   Accounts'  expenses  under  each
Agreement, see the "Comparative Fee Table" at page 37.

    STANDARD OF CARE.  The New  Advisory Agreements provide that in the  absence
of  willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its
duties or  reckless disregard  for  its obligations  and  duties under  the  New
Advisory  Agreements, Oppenheimer will  not be liable for  any loss sustained by
reason of good faith errors or omissions in connection with any matters to which
the New Advisory Agreements relate.  The Existing Advisory Agreement contains  a
similar provision.

by the shareholders of each Account, each New Advisory Agreement will remain  in
effect   for  an   initial  period   of  two   years  from   the  date   of  its


execution and from year to year thereafter provided that its continuance and the
continuance of Oppenheimer as investment adviser  to the Account is approved  at
least annually by the vote of a majority of the Non-interested Directors cast in
person  at a meeting called for the purpose  of voting on such approval and by a
vote of  the Board  of Directors  or of  a majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Account. Each New Advisory Agreement may be terminated without
penalty  on 60 days' written notice to the other party and will terminate in the
event of  its assignment.  The Existing  Advisory Agreement  contains a  similar
provision except that the Agreement may be terminated with respect to an Account
without  penalty on 60 days' written notice by the Company's Board of Directors,
by vote of holders  of a majority  of the outstanding  shares of the  respective
Account  or,  on 90  days'  written notice,  by  G.R. Phelps.  The  New Advisory
Agreement may not be amended without the affirmative vote or written consent  of
the  holders of a majority  of the outstanding voting  securities of the Account
(as that term is defined in the 1940 Act). The Existing Advisory Agreement  does
not contain a specific amendment provision.

    PORTFOLIO  TRANSACTIONS AND BROKERAGE.  Each New Advisory Agreement contains
provisions relating  to the  selection  of broker-dealers  including  affiliated
broker-dealers  (as  defined  in  the 1940  Act)  ("brokers")  for  an Account's
portfolio transactions. Oppenheimer may  use such brokers and  may, in its  best
judgment  based on all relevant factors, implement the policy of each Account to
achieve best execution  of portfolio  transactions. While  Oppenheimer need  not
seek  advance competitive bidding or  base its selection on  posted rates, it is
expected to  be aware  of the  current rates  of most  eligible brokers  and  to
minimize  the commissions paid  to the extent consistent  with the interests and
policies of  each Account  as established  by  its Board  of Directors  and  the
provisions  of  the New  Advisory  Agreements. The  Existing  Advisory Agreement
contains similar provisions except that it does not permit the use of affiliated

    Each New Advisory  Agreement also provides  that, consistent with  obtaining
the  best execution of an Account's  portfolio transactions, Oppenheimer, in the
interest of  an Account,  may  select brokers  (other than  affiliated  brokers)
because  they provide brokerage  and/ or research services  to an Account and/or
other accounts  of Oppenheimer.  The commissions  paid to  such brokers  may  be
higher  than  another  qualified  broker  would have  charged  if  a  good faith
determination is  made by  Oppenheimer that  the commissions  are reasonable  in
relation to the services provided, viewed either in terms of that transaction or
Oppenheimer's  overall responsibilities to all  its accounts. No specific dollar
value need be  put on the  services, some  of which may  or may not  be used  by
Oppenheimer  for the benefit of an Account  or other of its advisory clients. To
show that  the determinations  were  made in  good  faith, Oppenheimer  must  be
prepared  to show that the amount of such commissions paid over a representative
period selected by  the Board  of Directors was  reasonable in  relation to  the


benefits  to  an  Account.  Each  New  Advisory  Agreement  recognizes  that  an
affiliated broker-dealer may act  as one of the  regular brokers for an  Account
provided  that any commissions paid to  such broker are calculated in accordance
with procedures adopted by the Account's Board of Directors under applicable SEC
rules. The Existing Advisory Agreement  contains similar provisions except  that
it does not permit the use of affiliated broker-dealers.

    THE  EXISTING ADVISORY AGREEMENT.   G.R. Phelps provides investment advisory
services to  the  Accounts pursuant  to  the Existing  Advisory  Agreement.  The
Existing Advisory Agreement was last approved by: (i) shareholders of the Liquid
Account  on August 19, 1985 (voting to  approve an increase in the advisory fees
paid by that Account); (ii)  shareholders of the Government Securities  Account,
Income  Account, Total Return Account and Growth  Account on March 13, 1986; and
(iii) the  initial shareholders  of the  LifeSpan  Accounts on  May 1,  1995  in
connection  with the  commencement of  those Accounts'  operations. The Existing
Advisory Agreement has been approved annually by the Board of Directors and  was
most  recently approved  on behalf  of each  Account by  the Company's  Board of
Directors,  including  the  Non-interested  Directors,  at  a  meeting  held  on
September  26, 1995,  when the Existing  Advisory Agreement was  renewed for the
period ending October 30, 1996.

    During the Company's fiscal year ended December 31, 1994, each Account  paid
advisory fees to G.R. Phelps as follows:

ACCOUNT                                        AMOUNT OF ADVISORY FEE
- ------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Liquid Account................  $    385,774  (0.50% of the Account's average daily
                                              net assets)
Income Account................  $    304,391  (0.625% of the Account's average daily
                                              net assets)
Government Securities
 Account......................  $    460,523  (0.625% of the Account's Account
                                              average daily net assets)
Total Return Account..........  $  1,173,401  (0.625% of the Account's average daily
                                              net assets)
Growth Account................  $    447,812  (0.625% of the Account's average daily
                                              net assets)


    Shares  of the LifeSpan Accounts were first  offered to the public on May 1,
1995 and as of August 31, 1995 these Accounts paid advisory fees to G.R.  Phelps
as follows:

ACCOUNT                                     AMOUNT OF ADVISORY FEE (ANNUALIZED)
- --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------
Capital Appreciation Account..........  $   75,904  (0.85% of the Account's average
                                                    daily net assets)
Balanced Account......................  $  100,551  (0.85% of the Account's average
                                                    daily net assets)
Diversified Income Account............  $   52,915  (0.75% of the Account's average
                                                    daily net assets)


the New Subadvisory Agreements  with Pilgrim and BEA  are identical to those  of
the  corresponding Existing Subadvisory Agreement, except  for the fact that the
Company is not a  party to the  New Subadvisory Agreements,  and except for  the
identity  of the investment adviser and  the dates of execution and termination.

    The following  description of  the  material terms  of the  New  Subadvisory
Agreements  for Pilgrim and BEA is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
forms of New Subadvisory Agreement  for Pilgrim and BEA, respectively,  attached
to  this Proxy Statement  as EXHIBIT B.  Such forms are  identical for each such
Subadviser and the LifeSpan Accounts it subadvises, except for the names of  the
Accounts and the fee schedules.

    INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES.  Subject to the oversight of Oppenheimer, each
Subadviser will provide the respective Subadvised Account with advice concerning
the  investment management of that portion  of the Account's assets allocated to
it by  Oppenheimer.  The  Subadviser  will determine  what  securities  will  be
purchased, held or sold on behalf of the respective Subadvised Account.

    SUBADVISORY  FEES.  In the event the  advisory fee payable to Oppenheimer is
required to be  reduced by an  applicable regulatory expense  limitation of  any
jurisdiction  where the  respective Account's shares  are offered  for sale, the
amount payable  by  Oppenheimer  to  Pilgrim  and BEA  shall  be  reduced  by  a
proportionate  amount. As  compensation for  its services,  Oppenheimer will pay


a quarterly fee to BEA and Pilgrim which is based on a stated percentage of that
portion  of  the  respective  Subadvised  Account's  average  daily  net  assets
allocated to that Subadviser as follows:


NET ASSET VALUE                                                ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $25 million...........................................       0.45%
Next $25 million............................................       0.40%
Next $50 million............................................       0.35%
Over $100 million...........................................       0.25%

    For  purposes of calculating the fee payable to BEA, the net asset values of
that portion  of the  assets of  each  LifeSpan Account  subadvised by  BEA  are
aggregated with that portion of the net asset value of the assets of the portion
of  the portfolios of Connecticut Mutual  Financial Services Series Fund I, Inc.
("Series Fund  I") managed  by BEA.  Series  Fund I  is an  open-end  investment
company currently managed by G.R. Phelps.

    Shares  of the LifeSpan Accounts subadvised by BEA were first offered to the
public on  May 1,  1995 and,  as  of August  31, 1995,  G.R. Phelps  paid  total
subadvisory  fees to BEA  of $16,189 for  Capital Appreciation Account, Balanced
Account and Diversified Income Account,  representing 0.45% (annualized) of  the
combined average daily net assets of the three Accounts.


NET ASSET VALUE                                                ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
All assets..................................................       0.60%

    For purposes of calculating the fee payable to Pilgrim, the net asset values
of that portion of the assets of each LifeSpan Account subadvised by Pilgrim are
aggregated with that portion of the net asset value of the assets of the portion
of the portfolios of Series Fund I managed by Pilgrim.

    Shares  of the LifeSpan Accounts subadvised by Pilgrim were first offered to
the public on May  1, 1995 and, as  of August 31, 1995,  G.R. Phelps paid  total
subadvisory  fees to  Pilgrim of  $22,597 for  Capital Appreciation  Account and
Balanced Account, representing 0.60% (annualized) of the combined average  daily
net assets of both Accounts.

    EXPENSES.   Each Subadviser bears its  own costs of providing services under
the respective New Subadvisory  Agreement and has  no responsibility for  paying
any  expenses on behalf of the  Subadvised Account including brokerage and other
expenses incurred in placing orders for the purchase and sale of securities.


are approved by the shareholders of the respective Subadvised Accounts, each New
Subadvisory  Agreement will remain in effect for  two years from the date it was
executed and from year to year thereafter provided that its continuance and  the
continuance  of Oppenheimer as investment adviser  to the Account is approved at
least annually by the vote of a majority of the Non-interested Directors cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose  of voting on such approval and by  a
vote  of  the Board  of Directors  or of  a majority  of the  outstanding voting
securities of  the Account.  Each New  Subadvisory Agreement  may be  terminated
without  penalty  on 60  days'  written notice  (i)  by the  Company's  Board of
Directors, (ii) by vote of  holders of a majority  of the outstanding shares  of
the  respective Subadvised Account,  (iii) by Oppenheimer, or,  (iv) on 90 days'
written notice,  by Pilgrim  or BEA,  and will  terminate in  the event  of  its
assignment.  The  New  Subadvisory Agreements  may  not be  amended  without the
affirmative vote  of  the  holders  of a  majority  of  the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Account (as that term is defined in the 1940 Act).

    STANDARD  OF  CARE.   In  the  absence  of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,
negligence, or reckless disregard of the  performance of its duties, Pilgrim  is
not  subject  to  liability  to the  LifeSpan  Accounts  subadvised  by Pilgrim,
Oppenheimer, the Company, or to any  shareholder of such Accounts for any  error
of  judgment or mistake of law or for any other action or omission in the course
of, or  connected  with,  rendering services  or  for  any losses  that  may  be
sustained in the purchase, holding or sale of any security, or otherwise.

    Pilgrim  has agreed to  indemnify Oppenheimer and  hold Oppenheimer harmless
from, against,  for  and in  respect  to  losses, damages,  costs  and  expenses
incurred  by Oppenheimer, including attorneys'  fees reasonably incurred, in the
event  of  Pilgrim's  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith  or  negligence  in  the
performance  of its duties or obligation hereunder  or by reason of its reckless
disregard of such  duties or  obligations; provided,  however, that  Oppenheimer
shall  not  be so  indemnified  for such  losses,  damages, costs  and expenses,
including such  attorneys' fees,  to the  extent they  result from  its  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith or  negligence. Oppenheimer has  agreed to indemnify and
hold harmless Pilgrim to the same extent and subject to the same limitations  as
Pilgrim has agreed to indemnify and hold harmless Oppenheimer.

    BEA  will  not  be  liable for  losses  as  a result  of  its  activities in
connection with the adoption of any  investment policy or the purchase, sale  or
retention of securities on behalf of the LifeSpan Accounts subadvised by BEA, if
such  activities were made with  due care and in good  faith. Nothing in the New
Subadvisory Agreement, however, will  protect BEA if  it negligently causes  the
LifeSpan  Accounts subadvised by BEA, to be in violation of applicable statutes,
rules, regulations,  documents  governing the  operation  of such  Accounts,  or
requirements  under the  Internal Revenue Code.  BEA will be  liable for willful


misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence  in the performance of its duties  or
by  reason of its reckless disregard of its obligations and duties under the New
Subadvisory Agreement. BEA has  agreed to indemnify  Oppenheimer to the  fullest
extent  permitted  by law  against any  and all  loss, damage,  judgment, fines,
amounts paid in settlement and attorneys' fees incurred by Oppenheimer resulting
in whole or in part from any activities by BEA described above.

    MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.   The  New Subadvisory  Agreements with  BEA  also
specifically  appoint BEA  as agent  for Oppenheimer  and the  LifeSpan Accounts
subadvised by  BEA  with  respect to  certain  discretionary  corporate  actions
relating  to securities of  the LifeSpan Accounts subadvised  by BEA and provide
that BEA will not be liable  to Oppenheimer or the LifeSpan Accounts  subadvised
by  BEA  for failure  to  exercise such  discretion  in the  absence  of willful
misfeasance, bad faith or negligence.

    Each of the Existing  Subadvisory Agreements was  approved by the  Company's
Board  of Directors on  behalf of Pilgrim and  BEA on April 24,  1995 and by the
initial shareholder of each Subadvised Account on May 1, 1995.


ACCOUNT  AND  BALANCED ACCOUNT).    The material  terms  of the  New Subadvisory
Agreements with Babson-Stewart (the "Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreements") are
similar to  those  of the  corresponding  Existing Subadvisory  Agreements  with
Scudder.  Material changes are highlighted below. NO LIFESPAN ACCOUNT SUBADVISED

    The  following  description  of  the material  terms  of  the Babson-Stewart
Subadvisory Agreements is qualified in its entirety by reference to the form  of
Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreement attached to this Proxy Statement as EXHIBIT

    INVESTMENT  ADVISORY  SERVICES.   Subject to  the oversight  of Oppenheimer,
Babson-Stewart will provide each  LifeSpan Account subadvised by  Babson-Stewart
with  advice  concerning  the  investment  management  of  the  Account's assets
allocated to it  by Oppenheimer. Babson-Stewart  will determine what  securities
will be purchased, held or sold on behalf of the respective Subadvised Account.


    NEW  SUBADVISORY FEES.   As compensation for  its services, Oppenheimer will
pay a monthly fee  to Babson-Stewart which  is based on  a stated percentage  of
that  portion of each  of Capital Appreciation  Account's and Balanced Account's
average daily net assets allocated to Babson-Stewart as follows:

NET ASSET VALUE                                               ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
First $10 million...........................................     0.75%
Next $15 million............................................     0.625%
Next $25 million............................................     0.50%
Over $50 million............................................     0.375%

    The  breakpoints  in   the  subadvisory  fee   payable  by  Oppenheimer   to
Babson-Stewart apply to the average daily net asset value of that portion of the
assets  of each  LifeSpan Account  subadvised by  Babson-Stewart separately. The
portion of the net assets of these Accounts allocated to Babson-Stewart will not
be aggregated in applying these breakpoints.

    EXISTING SUBADVISORY FEES.   As compensation for  its services, G.R.  Phelps
currently  pays a quarterly fee to Scudder which is based on a stated percentage
of that portion of each of Capital Appreciation Account's and Balanced Account's
average daily net assets allocated to Scudder as follows:

NET ASSET VALUE                                                ANNUAL RATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $10 million...........................................       0.75%
Next $15 million............................................       0.70%
Next $15 million............................................       0.65%
Next $60 million............................................       0.50%
Over $100 million...........................................       0.35%

    Although G.R Phelps  pays a  separate fee to  Scudder with  respect to  each
LifeSpan  Account, for purposes  of applying the  breakpoints in the subadvisory
fee currently payable to Scudder with respect to each such Account, the  average
daily  net assets of the portion of all  of such Accounts managed by Scudder are

    Shares of the Capital Appreciation  Account and Balanced Account were  first
offered  to the public  on May 1, 1995  and, as of August  31, 1995, G.R. Phelps
paid total  subadvisory fees  to  Scudder of  $25,965 for  Capital  Appreciation
Account  and Balanced Account, representing 0.75% (annualized) of the portion of
the combined average daily net assets of both Accounts managed by Scudder.


    EXPENSES.  Babson-Stewart bears  its own costs  of providing services  under
the  Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreements and  has no responsibility for paying
any expenses on  behalf of  Capital Appreciation Account  and Balanced  Account.
Each  Existing  Subadvisory  Agreement  with  Scudder  contains  a substantially
similar provision.

approved  by  the  shareholders  of Capital  Appreciation  Account  and Balanced
Account, each Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreement will remain in effect for two
years from the date it  was executed and from  year to year thereafter  provided
that its continuance and the continuance of Oppenheimer as investment adviser to
the  Account is  approved at  least annually by  the vote  of a  majority of the
Non-interested Directors cast in person at  a meeting called for the purpose  of
voting on such approval and by a vote of the Board of Directors or of a majority
of  the  outstanding  voting  securities  of  the  Account.  Each Babson-Stewart
Subadvisory Agreement  may be  terminated without  penalty on  60 days'  written
notice  (i) by the  Company's Board of Directors,  (ii) by vote  of holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of the respective LifeSpan Account subadvised
by Pilgrim,  (iii)  by  Oppenheimer, or  (iv)  on  90 days'  written  notice  by
Babson-Stewart.  Each Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreement will terminate in the
event of its assignment.  The Babson-Stewart Subadvisory  Agreements may not  be
amended  without  the affirmative  vote  of the  holders  of a  majority  of the
outstanding voting securities  of the Account  (as that term  is defined in  the
1940   Act).   The  Existing   Subadvisory   Agreements  with   Scudder  contain
substantially similar provisions.

    STANDARD OF CARE.  In the  absence of willful misfeasance, bad faith,  gross
negligence  or reckless  disregard with  respect to  its obligations  and duties
under the  Babson-Stewart Subadvisory  Agreements,  Babson-Stewart will  not  be
subject  to liability for any loss sustained  by reason of its good faith errors
or omissions  in  connection  with  any  matters  to  which  the  Babson-Stewart
Subadvisory Agreements relate.

    The Existing Subadvisory Agreements with Scudder contain provisions that are
similar to those of the Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreements. Specifically, the
Existing  Subadvisory Agreements with  Scudder provide that  Scudder will not be
liable for losses as a result of its activities in connection with the  adoption
of  any investment policy  or the purchase,  sale or retention  of securities on
behalf of a LifeSpan Account subadvised by Scudder, if such activities were made
with due care and in good faith. Nothing in the Existing Subadvisory Agreements,
however, will  protect  Scudder if  it  negligently causes  a  LifeSpan  Account
subadvised  by  Scudder  to  be  in  violation  of  applicable  statutes, rules,
regulations, documents governing the operation of such Accounts, or requirements
under the Internal Revenue Code. Scudder is liable for willful misfeasance,  bad
faith  or  gross  negligence in  the  performance  of its  duties  or  by reason


of  its  reckless disregard  of its  obligations and  duties under  the Existing
Subadvisory Agreements.  Scudder has  agreed  to indemnify  G.R. Phelps  to  the
fullest  extent permitted  by law  against any  and all  loss, damage, judgment,
fines, amounts paid in  settlement and attorneys' fees  incurred by G.R.  Phelps
resulting in whole or in part from any activities by Scudder described above.

    MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.  The Babson-Stewart Subadvisory Agreements provide
that  Babson-Stewart will provide officers to the Company as the Company's Board
of Directors may request  and at Babson-Stewart's expense.  There is no  similar
provision in the Existing Subadvisory Agreements with Scudder.

    Each of the Existing Subadvisory Agreements with Scudder was approved by the
Company's  Board of  Directors on behalf  of the LifeSpan  Account subadvised by
Scudder on  April 24,  1995 and  by  the initial  shareholder of  each  LifeSpan
Account subadvised by Scudder on May 1, 1995.





    The Board of Directors has determined unanimously that long-term  continuity
and  efficiency of management services  after the Merger can  best be assured by
approving  New  Advisory  Agreements  for  each  Account  and  New   Subadvisory
Agreements on behalf of the Subadvised Accounts. The Board believes that the New
Advisory  and Subadvisory Agreements will enable the Accounts to obtain services
of high quality  at costs which  they deem appropriate  and reasonable and  that
approval  of the Agreements is  in the best interests  of the Accounts and their

    In evaluating the New Advisory Agreements and the Babson-Stewart Subadvisory
Agreement, the Board of Directors requested and reviewed, with the assistance of
its  independent  legal   counsel,  materials  furnished   by  Oppenheimer   and
Babson-Stewart.  These materials included financial  statements as well as other
written  information  regarding   Oppenheimer  and   Babson-Stewart  and   their
personnel,  operations,  and  financial condition.  Consideration  was  given to
comparative information concerning the current fees and expenses of the Accounts
under   the   Existing   Advisory   Agreements    and   the   amount   of    the


fees  and expenses the Accounts  would have paid if  the New Advisory Agreements
had been in  effect during  the current fiscal  year. See  the "Comparative  Fee
Table" below. Consideration was also given to comparative information concerning
other  mutual  funds with  similar  investment objectives  including information
derived from data prepared by Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. Attached to  this
Proxy  Statement as APPENDIX A  is a list of  other funds managed by Oppenheimer
that have similar  investment objectives  to those  of the  Accounts, their  net
assets and the rate of the advisory fee paid to Oppenheimer. Similar information
is provided in APPENDIX A for Babson-Stewart.

    The  Board of Directors  also reviewed the  terms and provisions  of the New
Advisory Agreements and  the Babson-Stewart Subadvisory  Agreement and  compared
them  to  the  existing  management  arrangements  as  well  as  the  management
arrangements of other mutual funds, particularly with respect to the  allocation
of  various types of expenses, levels of  fees and resulting expense ratios. The
Board evaluated the nature and extent  of services provided by other  investment
advisers  to their respective funds and also considered the benefits Oppenheimer
would obtain from its relationship with the Accounts and the economies of  scale
over  time in  costs and expenses  to Oppenheimer associated  with its providing
such services.

    The Board  of Directors  also considered  the terms  of the  Merger and  the
possible  effects  of the  Merger upon  Oppenheimer and  its ability  to provide
services to  the Accounts.  The Board  evaluated such  factors as  Oppenheimer's
experience  in providing various financial services to investment companies, its
experience in the investment company business, its distribution and  shareholder
servicing  capabilities and its  reputation, integrity, financial responsibility
and stability.

    The Board  also  considered  in  determining to  approve  the  New  Advisory
Agreements  that shareholders  of the Accounts  would be able  to exchange their
shares after the Transition Period for a wider variety of portfolios within  the
Oppenheimer  funds' family than  are currently available  to shareholders of the
Accounts within  the  Connecticut  Mutual  family.  The  Board  determined  that
Oppenheimer's  assumption of the investment management function for the Accounts
would in all likelihood offer the Accounts continued effective advisory services
and capabilities.  The Board  considered the  performance record  of the  mutual
funds  managed by  Oppenheimer and  the fact  that Oppenheimer  has considerable
staffing resources available to provide management services to the Accounts. The
Board of  Directors  was  advised  by Oppenheimer  that  currently  it  was  not
recommending  changes in the  Accounts' investment objectives  and policies. The
Board also  noted  the  assurances  it received  from  Oppenheimer  that  it  is
adequately   capitalized  to  enable  it  to  provide  high  quality  investment
management services.


    The Board  of  Directors  reviewed  the terms  and  provisions  of  the  New
Subadvisory Agreements with Pilgrim and BEA and considered the following factors
in  determining to approve the New  Subadvisory Agreements with Pilgrim and BEA:
(a) the identical material terms, including the subadvisory fee rate, under both
the New Subadvisory Agreements and the Existing Subadvisory Agreements; (b)  the
identical  nature and quality of  services that will continue  to be provided by
the respective Subadviser to the affected Account; and (c) the retention by each
Subadviser of  the  services of  all  the investment  management  personnel  and
employees  currently providing  investment subadvisory services  to the affected

    Based upon its review,  the Board of Directors  concluded that the terms  of
the New Advisory and Subadvisory Agreements are reasonable, fair and in the best
interests  of the  Accounts and their  shareholders, and that  the fees provided
therein are fair and reasonable in light of the usual and customary charges made
by others for services  of the same nature  and quality. Accordingly, the  Board
concluded  that  retaining Oppenheimer  to serve  as  investment adviser  to the
Accounts and Oppenheimer's contracting with  Pilgrim, BEA and Babson-Stewart  to
serve  as  the  Subadvisers  to  the Subadvised  Accounts  after  the  Merger is
desirable and in the best interests of the Accounts and their shareholders.

    If the New  Advisory Agreements  are approved  by the  shareholders of  each
Account  and, where required,  each Class, Oppenheimer  will serve as investment
adviser to each Account  and the New Advisory  Agreements will take effect  with
respect  to all Subadvised Accounts upon the consummation of the Merger which is
expected to occur during  the first three  months of 1996  after receipt by  the
parties to the Merger of the required regulatory approvals. If the Merger is not
consummated,  the Board of  Directors has determined  that the Existing Advisory
Agreement will continue  in effect  and G.R. Phelps  will continue  to serve  as
investment  adviser  to each  Account,  notwithstanding an  affirmative  vote by
shareholders on this Proposal. If the New Advisory Agreement is not approved  by
the  shareholders  of  one  or  more of  the  Accounts  or,  where  required, by
shareholders of  a  Class  of  such  Account or  Accounts,  and  the  Merger  is
consummated, the Existing Advisory Agreement will terminate with respect to that
Account  or Accounts and no person will then serve as investment adviser to that
Account or Accounts. In such event,  the Board of Directors will determine  what
further  action  should be  taken. Such  action may  include the  appointment of
Oppenheimer or another advisory organization  to serve as investment adviser  on
an interim basis.

    If the shareholders of one or more of the Subadvised Accounts do not approve
the  New Subadvisory Agreements with  respect to an Account  or Accounts and the
Merger is consummated, the Existing Subadvisory Agreements with respect to  such
Account  or Accounts will  terminate and no  person will serve  as subadviser to
such Account or Accounts. In such event, the Board of


Directors will determine what action, if  any, to take. Such action may  include
the  assumption by Oppenheimer  of sole responsibility  for portfolio management
for the affected Account or Accounts.

    The Board also  considered the  benefit to  the Accounts  of the  Transition
Period  which  will  permit  the  orderly  assumption  by  OFD  and  Oppenheimer
Shareholder Services  of  their  respective  distribution  and  transfer  agency


    Approval  of Proposal 1 requires  the affirmative vote of  a majority of the
outstanding voting securities ("Majority Shareholder Vote") of each Account and,
in the case of all  of the Accounts other than  Liquid Account, the Class A  and
Class  B  shares of  each such  Account  voting separately  on the  Proposal, as
defined in the 1940 Act, which means the lesser of (1) 67 percent or more of the
shares of the  Account or  Class represented at  a shareholders'  meeting if  at
least  50 percent of all outstanding shares  of the Account and, where required,
Class are  represented  at  such meeting  or  (2)  50 percent  or  more  of  the
outstanding  shares of  the Account  or Class entitled  to vote  at the Meeting.
Approval  of  each  of  Proposals  2(a),  2(b)  and  2(c)  requires  a  Majority
Shareholder  Vote of each Subadvised Account  voting separately on the Proposals
affecting that Account.

                                   PROPOSAL 3
                          (OTHER THAN LIQUID ACCOUNT)
                       (FOR ACTION BY CLASS A AND CLASS B
                         SHAREHOLDERS OF EACH ACCOUNT)


World Trade  Center, New  York, New  York 10048-0203.  The shareholders  of  the
Liquid  Account  are not  being asked  to vote  on this  Proposal 3.  During the
Transition Period, CMFS  will continue  to serve  as distributor  to the  Liquid
Account  pursuant to the terms of the  existing Rule 12b-1 distribution plan for
the Liquid Account.


    The form of each New  Plan for Class A shares1  (the "New Class A Plan")  is
attached  as EXHIBIT D. The form  of each New Plan for  Class B shares (the "New
Class B Plan") is attached as EXHIBIT E. The New Plans were approved unanimously
on November 17, 1995 by  the Directors, including the Non-interested  Directors,
subject  to approval  by shareholders.  Shareholders of  each Account  will vote
separately by Class on the approval of the New Plan with respect to that  Class.
The following summary is qualified in its entirety by the provisions of EXHIBITS
D and E.

    The  New Plans set forth the terms and conditions on which each Account will
pay certain fees to OFD in connection with the services that OFD will provide to
shareholders of the Accounts. If the New Plans are approved by shareholders, the
Plans will become  effective at  the closing of  the Transition  Period and  the
corresponding  current distribution plans  (the "Current Plans")  with CMFS will

    The Current Plans for Class A and Class  B shares and the New Class A  Plans
are  "reimbursement type" plans under which the shares reimburse the distributor
for its actual expenditures in  distributing shares and servicing accounts.  The
New  Class B Plans are "compensation type"  plans under which the Class B shares
compensate OFD for its services  in distributing shares and servicing  accounts.
Accordingly, the aggregate fees paid under the New Class B Plans which represent
a  flat fee, may be  higher than the fees that  could be incurred and reimbursed
under the Current Plans for Class B  shares. However, the maximum fee rates  are
the same under both the New and Current Class B Plans.


    CLASS  A SHARES.   The fees  payable by the  Class A shares  of each Account
under the New Class A Plans will be  at the same maximum rate as is provided  in
the  Current Plans,  although the  services provided  differ slightly.  The fees
under each New Class A Plan will consist of a service fee at the annual rate  of
up  to 0.25%  of the  Class A  shares of  the Accounts,  rather than  a combined
service and distribution fee at  the annual rate of up  to 0.25% of the  average
net  assets of the Class  A shares under the Current  Plans. With respect to the
Class A shares  of the Government  Securities Account, Income  Account and  each
Municipal  Account, CMFS had temporarily agreed not  to impose any fees to which
it would otherwise be  entitled under the Current  Plans for the current  fiscal
year. CMFS's voluntary agreement has no binding effect on Oppenheimer.

- ------------------------
(1)  The  Municipal Accounts have a single class of shares and all references to
     Class A shares and the New Class A Plan are intended to include that class.


    CLASS B SHARES.   The fees  payable by the  Class B shares  of each  Account
(other  than the  Municipal Accounts) under  the New  Plans will be  at the same
maximum rate as  is provided in  the Current Plan.  However, the aggregate  fees
paid  under the New Class B Plans may be higher because the Current Plans permit
fees to be  paid only to  the extent  of CMFS' actual  distribution and  service
expenditures,  while the New Class B Plans permit  fees to be paid at the annual
rate for OFD's services. The fees under each New Class B Plan will consist of  a
service  fee which will be at the annual rate of 0.25% of the average net assets
of the Class B shares and a distribution fee which will be at the annual rate of
0.75% of the Class B shares.


    OFD will be authorized under the  New Plans to pay broker-dealers, banks  or
other  entities (the "Recipients") that render assistance in the distribution of
shares or  provide  administrative  support  with  respect  to  shares  held  by
customers. The service fee payments made under the New Plans will compensate OFD
and  the  Recipients  for  providing  administrative  support  with  respect  to
shareholder accounts. The distribution fee payments  made under the New Class  B
Plans  will  compensate  OFD  and  the  Recipients  for  providing  distribution
assistance in connection with the sale of Class B shares. Affiliates of OFD  are
eligible  to qualify  as Recipients  and receive  payments accordingly.  The New
Plans provide that additional payments may be  made by Oppenheimer or by OFD  to
the Recipients from its own resources or from borrowings.


    Like  the  Current Plans,  the  New Plans  may  not be  amended  to increase
materially the  amount  of payments  to  be made  without  the approval  of  the
shareholders  of the affected Class, and,  where required, the relevant Class of
shareholders of an Account. Class B shareholders will be entitled to vote on  an
amendment  to a New Class A  Plan into which Class B  shares may convert at some
future date if the amendment would  materially increase the fees paid under  the
New Class A Plan.

    If the New Plans are approved by a separate vote of the relevant Class, each
Plan  will remain in effect only if  its continuance is specifically approved at
least annually by the vote of both a majority of the Directors and a majority of
the Non-interested Directors who have no direct or indirect individual financial
interest in the  operation of the  New Plans or  any agreements related  thereto
(the "Qualified Directors"). The New Plans may be terminated at any time by vote
of  a majority  of the Qualified  Directors or  by a vote  of a  majority of the
shares of  the relevant  Class. In  the  event of  such termination,  the  Board
including  the Qualified  Directors shall determine  whether OFD  is entitled to
payment by  an Account  of  all or  a  portion of  the  service fee  and/or  the
distribution fee with respect to shares sold prior to the effective date of such



    The  service fee and the distribution fee  payable under the New Plans, like
the  fees  payable  under  the  Current  Plans,  are  subject  to  reduction  or
elimination  under  the limits  imposed by  the  Rules of  Fair Practice  of the
National Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. ("NASD Rules"). The Plans  are
intended  to comply with NASD  Rules and Rule 12b-1  adopted under the 1940 Act.
Rule 12b-1 requires that the selection  and nomination of Directors who are  not
"interested  persons"  of the  Company  be committed  to  the discretion  of the
Qualified Directors  and that  the Directors  receive quarterly  reports on  the
payments made under the Plans and the purposes of those payments.


    Class  A shares of the  Accounts are sold with  an initial sales load except
that purchases of  Class A shares  in the amount  of $500,000 or  more are  sold
without  an initial sales  load but are  subject to a  contingent deferred sales
charge ("CDSC") of 1% if the shares  are redeemed within one year after the  end
of  the calendar  month of  their purchase. However,  OFD and  the Accounts will
continue to give effect to the $500,000/12 month provisions of the Class A  CDSC
arrangement  for those  shareholders who  purchased subject  to that arrangement
prior to the Transition Period, as long as the investment remains in one of  the
Accounts. If the shares are exchanged to one of the Oppenheimer funds, the sales
and  CDSC arrangements  in the prospectuses  of those funds  will apply instead.
After the Transition Period, Class A  shares purchased in amounts of $1  million
or  more ($500,000  or more  for Oppenheimer funds'  401(k) plans)  will be sold
without an initial sales load but  will be subject to a CDSC  of up to 1% as  to
any  shares redeemed within 18 months of the  end of the calendar month of their

    After the Transition  Period the  maximum initial sales  load applicable  to
purchases  of less  than $25,000 of  Class A  shares of the  Growth Account, the
Total Return Account, the Capital Appreciation Account and the Balanced  Account
will  be 5.75%. The maximum  initial sales load applicable  to purchases of less
than $50,000 of  Class A shares  of the other  Accounts (except Liquid  Account)
will be 4.75%. No additional sales loads will be imposed on Class A shares owned
on the date of the Merger.

    Class  B shares of the  Accounts are sold without  an initial sales load but
are subject to a maximum CDSC of 5.00% if redeemed within one year after the end
of the calendar month of purchase. The CDSC declines to 0 after the shares  have
been held for 6 years. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares of
the  same Account eight years  after the end of the  calendar month in which the
shares were purchased. Class A shares of the Accounts may be exchanged for Class
A shares of any other  Account or for shares of  the Liquid Account and Class  B
shares  of the Accounts may be exchanged for Class B shares of any other Account
or shares of the Liquid Account.


    The CDSC applicable to Class B shares  of the Accounts before and after  the
Merger is as follows:

                                                                                CDSC AFTER THE
REDEMPTION DURING                                               CURRENT CDSC        MERGER
- -------------------------------------------------------------     -------      -----------------
1st Year Since Purchase......................................           5%                5%
2nd Year Since Purchase......................................           5%                4%
3rd Year Since Purchase......................................           4%                3%
4th Year Since Purchase......................................           4%                3%
5th Year Since Purchase......................................           2%                2%
6th Year Since Purchase......................................           1%                1%
Thereafter...................................................           0%                0%

    In  addition, effective after the end of  the Transition Period, the Class B
shares will  convert to  Class A  shares automatically  6 years  after  purchase
instead  of the 8 years under current arrangements. In certain cases the Class B
CDSC of the  Accounts is waived  for specified redemptions  as described in  the
Accounts'  current prospectuses. After the  Transition Period, those shares will
continue to be able to take advantage  of those waivers, upon request to OFD  at
the time of redemption. After the close of the Transition Period, Class A shares
of  the Accounts (and shares  of the Municipal Accounts  and the Liquid Account)
may be exchanged for Class A shares  of any Oppenheimer fund and Class B  shares
of  the Accounts may  be exchanged for  Class B shares  of any Oppenheimer fund.
After the close of the Transition  Period, shareholders in the Accounts who  are
entitled  to purchase Class A  shares at net asset  value in accordance with the
provisions of  each Accounts'  prospectus prior  to the  Transition Period  will
retain  the right to  purchase any Class A  shares of the  Accounts at net asset
value as  soon as  the Prospectus  for  each applicable  Account is  revised  to
include  those purchase provisions.  For the Accounts  reorganizing with similar
Oppenheimer funds, the prospectuses of  those Oppenheimer funds will be  revised
to contain the same privilege.


    Each  Current Plan was reviewed  most recently by the  Board of Directors on
June 24, 1994. At  that meeting the Directors  evaluated all information  deemed
reasonably  necessary to make an informed determination that, in the exercise of
their reasonable business judgment and in view of their fiduciary duties,  there
was a reasonable likelihood that continuation of each Current Plan would benefit
the  applicable Account, or, where an Account has more than one Class of shares,
the applicable Class of shares of the Account and its shareholders. The  Current
Plans  for the Municipal Accounts  were adopted on October  1, 1994; the Current
Plans for Class A shares of  the Income Account, Government Securities  Account,
Total  Return Account and  Growth Account were  adopted on January  1, 1995; the
Current Plans for the Class  A shares of the  LifeSpan Accounts were adopted  on
May 1, 1995; and the Current Plans for the Class B


shares  of  the  Income  Account, Government  Securities  Account,  Total Return
Account, Growth Account  and the LifeSpan  Accounts were adopted  on October  1,
1995.  No amounts were paid by the Accounts pursuant to the Current Plans during
such Accounts' most recently completed fiscal year.



    The  Directors, including the Qualified Directors, believe the adoption of a
service and/or distribution plan under Rule 12b-1 is essential to and a part  of
the  purpose of each Account in selling its  shares to those persons who wish to
avail themselves of the services of a broker-dealer. In their deliberations, the
Directors  considered  many  pertinent  factors  such  as  the  levels  of  fees
prescribed by the Current Plans and the New Plans. The Board also considered the
potential benefit to each Account of the proposed method of distribution through
OFD;  the potential conflicts of interest inherent  in the use of Account assets
to pay for  distribution expenses; the  relationship of the  fees under the  New
Plans  to the overall cost structure of each Account; and the potential benefits
to existing shareholders of continued  asset growth, including the potential  to
benefit from economies of scale.

    If the New Plans are approved by the shareholders of each Account and, where
an  Account has more  than one Class of  shares, by each Class  of shares of the
Account, OFD will serve as distributor to  each such Account or Class of  shares
and the New Plans will take effect with respect to all such Accounts and Classes
upon  the close of the Transition Period.  If the Merger is not consummated, the
Board of Directors has determined that the Current Plans will continue in effect
and CMFS will continue to serve as distributor to each such Account or Class  of
shares,  notwithstanding an affirmative vote by  the shareholders on Proposal 3.
If the Merger is consummated but one or more of the Accounts or Classes does not
approve this Proposal,  OFD will serve  as distributor to  each such Account  or
Class of shares pursuant to the terms of the Current Plans.


    Approval  of each New  Plan for each  Account or, where  an Account has more
than one Class of shares, for each Class of shares of an Account will require  a
Majority Shareholder Vote of the affected Account or Class of shares as the case
may be.


                                   PROPOSAL 4
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                       (FOR ALL ACCOUNTS VOTING TOGETHER)



    In order to fill the vacancies created by the change in the structure of the
Board and to provide for a Board to take office upon the close of the Transition
Period in  compliance with  Section 15(f)  of the  1940 Act,  each as  discussed
below,  the  Company's Board  is recommending  the  election of  a new  Board of
Directors. All current members of the  Board have chosen to resign as  Directors
and  will not serve the Company as Directors  or in any other capacity after the
close of the Transition Period.  Accordingly, the Company's Board of  Directors,
following  the recommendation  of its  Nominating Committee,  is recommending to
shareholders the election of 12 (twelve)  Directors none of whom is currently  a
Director  of  the  Company and  ten  of  whom are  not  "interested  persons" of
Oppenheimer or OFD, with the  term of office to commence  on the 91st day  after
the  Merger is consummated. Each  nominee is currently a  member of the Board of
Trustees or  Directors of  one or  more funds  for which  Oppenheimer serves  as
investment adviser. Each has consented to being named as a nominee in this Proxy
Statement.  Should any nominee become unable  or unwilling to serve, the persons
appointed as proxies shall vote for the election of such other person or persons
as the Board of Directors  shall recommend. The Board  has no reason to  believe
that  any person nominated  will be unable  or unwilling to  serve if elected to


    Connecticut Mutual and  Massachusetts Mutual, on  behalf of Oppenheimer  and
OFD,  have agreed to comply  and use all reasonable  efforts to cause compliance
with the provisions of Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act. Section 15(f) provides, in
pertinent part,  that an  investment adviser  or an  affiliated person  of  such
investment  adviser may receive any amount or  benefit in connection with a sale
of such  investment adviser  which results  in an  assignment of  an  investment
advisory  contract if  (1) for a  period of three  years after the  time of such
event, 75%  of  the  members of  the  board  of trustees  or  directors  of  the
investment  company which it advises are not "interested persons" (as defined in
the 1940 Act) of the new or old investment adviser, and (2) during the  two-year
period  after the  date on  which the transactions  occurs, there  is no "unfair
burden" imposed on the  investment company as a  result of the transaction.  For


this  purpose, "unfair burden" is defined  to include any arrangement during the
two-year period  after  the  transactions  whereby  the  investment  adviser  or
predecessor  or successor investment  advisers, or any  interested person of any
such adviser, receives or  is entitled to receive  any compensation directly  or
indirectly  (i)  from any  person in  connection  with the  purchase or  sale of
securities or other property  to, from, or on  behalf of the investment  company
other  than bona  fide ordinary compensation  as principal  underwriter for such
company, or (ii) from the investment  company or its security holders for  other
than   bona  fide  investment  advisory   or  other  services.  No  compensation
arrangements of  the types  described  above are  contemplated in  the  proposed
transaction.  The composition  of the  Company's Board  of Directors  will be in
compliance with the 75% requirement if all the nominees named in Proposal 4  are

    The  following table  shows the nominees  who are standing  for election and
their principal occupation which, unless specific  dates are shown, are for  the
past five years, although the titles held may not have been the same throughout.
Each nominee is standing for election for the first time at this Meeting.

- -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Leon Levy                            General Partner of Odyssey Partners, L.P.
Age: 70                               (investment partnership) and Chairman of
31 West 52nd Street                   Avatar Holdings, Inc. (real estate
New York, New York 10019              development).
Robert G. Galli*                     Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer and Vice President
Age: 62                               and Counsel of Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp.,
2 World Trade Center                  Oppenheimer's parent holding company; formerly
New York, New York 10048              he held the following positions: a director of
                                      Oppenheimer and OFD, Vice President and a
                                      director of HarbourView Asset Management
                                      Corporation ("HarbourView") and Centennial
                                      Asset Management Corporation ("Centennial"),
                                      investment advisory subsidiaries of
                                      Oppenheimer, a director of Shareholder
                                      Financial Services, Inc. ("SFSI") and
                                      Shareholder Services, Inc. ("SSI"), transfer
                                      agent subsidiaries of Oppenheimer, an officer
                                      of other Oppenheimer funds and Executive Vice
                                      President and General Counsel of Oppenheimer
                                      and OFD.


- -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Benjamin Lipstein                    Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Stern Graduate
Age: 72                               School of Business Administration, New York
591 Breezy Hill Road                  University; a director of Sussex Publishers,
Hillsdale, New York 12529             Inc. (Publishers of Psychology Today and
                                      Mother Earth News) and Spy Magazine, L.P.
Bridget A. Macaskill*                President, CEO and a Director of Oppenheimer;
Age: 47                               Chairman and a Director of SSI, Vice President
2 World Trade Center                  and a Director of OAC, a Director of
New York, New York 10048              HarbourView and Oppenheimer Partnership
                                      Holdings, Inc., a holding company subsidiary
                                      of Oppenheimer; formerly Executive Vice
                                      President of Oppenheimer.
Elizabeth B. Moynihan                Author and architectural historical; a trustee
Age: 66                               of the Freer Gallery of Art (Smithsonian
801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.         Institution), the Institute of Fine Arts (New
Washington, DC 20004                  York University), National Building Museum; a
                                      member of the Directors Council, Preservation
                                      League of New York State and the Indo-U.S.
                                      Sub-Commission on Education and Culture.
Kenneth A. Randall                   Director of Dominion Resources, Inc. (electric
Age: 68                               utility holding company), Dominion Energy,
6 Whittaker's Mill                    Inc. (electric power and oil and gas
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185          producer), Enron-Dominion Cogen Corp.
                                      (cogeneration company) Kemper Corporation
                                      (insurance and financial services company) and
                                      Fidelity Life Association (mutual life
                                      insurance company), formerly Chairman of the
                                      Board of ICL, Inc. (information systems), and
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer of The
                                      Conference Board, Inc. (international economic
                                      and business research).


- -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Edward V. Regan                      Chairman of Municipal Assistance Corporation
Age: 65                               for the City of New York; President of Jerome
40 Park Avenue                        Levy Economics Institute; a member of the U.S.
New York, New York 10016              Competitiveness Policy Counsel; a director of
                                      GranCare, Inc. (healthcare provider); formerly
                                      New York State Comptroller and a trustee, New
                                      York State and Local Retirement Fund.
Russell S. Reynolds, Jr.             Founder Chairman of Russell Reynolds
Age: 63                               Associates, Inc. (executive recruiting);
200 Park Avenue                       Chairman of Directors Publication, Inc.
New York, New York 10166              (consulting and publishing); a trustee of
                                      Mystic Seaport Museum, International House,
                                      Greenwich Hospital and the Greenwich
                                      Historical Society.
Sidney M. Robbins                    Chase Manhattan Professor Emeritus of Financial
Age: 83                               Institutions, Graduate School of Business,
50 Overlook Road                      Columbia University; Visiting Professor of
Ossining, New York 10562              Finance, University of Hawaii, a director of
                                      The Korea Fund, Inc. (a closed-end investment
                                      company); a member of the Board of Advisors,
                                      Olympus Private Placement Fund, L.P.;
                                      Professor Emeritus of Finance, Adelphi
Donald W. Spiro*                     Chairman Emeritus and a director of
Age: 70                               Oppenheimer; formerly Chairman of Oppenheimer
2 World Trade Center                  and OFD.
New York, New York 10048


- -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Pauline Trigere                      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Age: 83                               Trigere, Inc. (design and sale of women's
498 Seventh Avenue                    fashions).
New York, New York 10018
Clayton K. Yeutter                   Of Counsel to Hogan & Hartson (a law firm); a
Age: 64                               director of B.A.T. Industries, Ltd. (tobacco
1325 Merrie Ridge Road                and financial services), Caterpillar, Inc.
McLean, Virginia 22101                (machinery), ConAgra, Inc. (food and
                                      agricultural products), Farmers Insurance
                                      Company (insurance), FMC Corp. (chemicals and
                                      machinery), Lindsay Manufacturing Co.
                                      (irrigation equipment), Texas Instruments,
                                      Inc. (electronics) and The Vigoro Corporation
                                      (fertilizer manufacturer); formerly (in
                                      descending chronological order) Counsellor to
                                      the President (Bush) for Domestic Policy,
                                      Chairman of the Republican National Committee,
                                      Secretary of the U.S. Department of
                                      Agriculture, and U.S. Trade Representative.

- ------------------------
* A  Nominee who will be an "interested person" of the Company as defined in the
  1940 Act.

    As of the Record Date, no nominee for Director held shares of the Accounts.

    During the  Company's fiscal  year ended  December 31,  1994, the  Board  of
Directors held six meetings. The Company's Board of Directors currently consists
of  the following members: Donald Pond, Chairman; David E. Sams, Jr.; Richard H.
Ayers; David E.A. Carson; Richard W. Greene; and Beverly L. Hamilton. The  Board
of  Directors'  audit committee,  which consists  of  Messrs. Ayers,  Carson and
Greene and Ms. Hamilton (all Directors  who are not "interested persons"),  held
two  meetings  during the  Company's last  fiscal  year. That  committee reviews
audits,  audit  procedures,  financial   statements  and  other  financial   and
operational  matters of  the Company.  The Board  of Directors  has a nominating
committee, consisting of all Non-interested Directors, which reviews and selects
candidates for  nomination  as Non-interested  Directors  of the  Company.  That
committee did not meet during the fiscal year ended


December  31, 1994. Each Director  attended at least 75%  of the meetings of the
Board of Directors and the meetings held by the committee of the Board on  which
such Director served during the Company's last fiscal years.


    The  following table sets forth the remuneration paid to the current members
of the Company's Board of Directors for the Accounts' current fiscal year ends.

                                                PENSION OR
                                                RETIREMENT     ESTIMATED        TOTAL
                                 AGGREGATE       BENEFITS       ANNUAL      COMPENSATION
                               COMPENSATION     ACCRUED AS      BENEFIT     FROM COMPANY
                                 FROM THE      PART OF FUND      UPON        AND COMPANY
- ----------------------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  ---------------
Richard H. Ayers............     $   4,250            None          None      $   8,500
David E.A. Carson...........         4,250            None          None          8,500
Richard W. Greene...........         4,750            None          None          9,500
Beverly L. Hamilton.........         4,250            None          None          8,500
Donald H. Pond, Jr..........          None            None          None           None
David E. Sams, Jr...........          None            None          None           None

- ------------------------
 * As of September 30, 1995  for all Municipal Accounts  and as of December  31,
   1994  for  all Accounts  except  the Municipals  Accounts  and the  Life Span
** For the twelve  months ended, December  31, 1994; includes  14 series of  two
   investment companies.

    The following table sets forth information about the current officers of the
Company  who are not Directors. No officer  of the Company is remunerated by the

- ------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Linda M. Napoli                 Assistant Vice President, Connecticut Mutual
Age: 38                          (1993-present); Associate Director, Connecticut
Treasurer and Controller         Mutual (1988-1993).
Ann F. Lomeli                   Corporate Secretary, Connecticut Mutual
Age: 39                          (1988-present).

    After the  close  of the  Transition  Period,  it is  anticipated  that  the
foregoing  officers of the Company will resign and that Oppenheimer will propose
to the Directors that Leon  Levy be elected Chairman  of the Board, that  Donald
Spiro  be elected President, that Robert C.  Doll, Jr. and O. Leonard Darling be
elected as Senior Vice Presidents, that  George Bowen be elected Treasurer,  and
that Andrew J. Donohue be elected Secretary.


    Information  about Mr. Levy, who  is a nominee for  Director, is provided in
the table on nominees. The address of all such proposed officers is  Oppenheimer
Management Corporation, 2 World Trade Center, NY, NY 10048 except for Mr. Bowen,
whose  address  is Oppenheimer  Management Corporation,  3410 S.  Galena Street,
Denver, Colorado 80231. The following table provides information about the other
proposed officers:

- -------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
George C. Bowen            Senior Vice President and Treasurer of Oppenheimer; Vice
Age: 59                     President and Treasurer of OFD, and HarbourView Asset
                            Management Corporation; President, Treasurer and
                            Director of Centennial Capital Corporation; Senior Vice
                            President, Treasurer and Secretary of Shareholder
                            Services, Inc.; Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary
                            of Shareholder Financial Services, Inc. and an officer
                            of various Oppenheimer Funds.
Robert C. Doll, Jr.        Executive Vice President and Director of Equity
Age: 41                     Investments of Oppenheimer; officer of various
                            Oppenheimer Funds.
O. Leonard Darling         Executive Vice President and Director of Fixed Income
Age: [xx]                   Investments of Oppenheimer, formerly           .
Andrew J. Donohue          Executive Vice President and General Counsel of
Age: 45                     Oppenheimer and OFD; officer of various Oppenheimer

    As of the Record Date, the current Directors and Officers of the Company  as
a group owned           shares of the Company as set forth below:


    A  plurality of all the votes cast at the Meeting, if a quorum is present at
the Meeting, is sufficient to elect the nominees. If Proposal 1 is not  approved
by  the shareholders,  no election of  Directors will  be held and  the slate of
officers first named above will continue in office.



                                   PROPOSAL 5

                          RATIFICATION OF SELECTION OF
                       (FOR ALL ACCOUNTS VOTING TOGETHER)

    The  firm of  Arthur Andersen, LLP  has served as  the Company's independent
public accountants since the Company's inception. Audit services to the Accounts
(except the Municipal Accounts) during such Accounts' fiscal year ended December
31, 1994 and to the Municipal  Accounts during such Accounts' fiscal year  ended
September  30,  1995  consisted  of  examinations  of  the  Accounts'  financial
statements for the respective periods and reviews of the Accounts' filings  with
the Commission.

    The Board of Directors, including the Non-interested Directors, has selected
Arthur   Andersen,  LLP  as  the   Accounts'  (except  the  Municipal  Accounts)
independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1995, and
as the Municipal Accounts'  independent public accountants  for the fiscal  year
ending  September 30, 1996,  subject to shareholder  ratification at the Special
Meeting. A representative of Arthur Andersen, LLP is expected to be available at
the Special Meeting to make a statement and to respond to appropriate questions.
After the Transition Period, the Company's newly elected Board of Directors  may
consider other firms to serve as independent public accountants to the Company.




    Approval of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the
Company's  outstanding shares present and  voting at the meeting  if a quorum is

                             COMPARATIVE FEE TABLE

    Set forth below is a  comparative fee table showing  the amount of fees  and
expenses  paid by the Accounts during the  current fiscal year and the amount of
fees and expenses the Accounts  would have paid if  the Proposals in this  Proxy
Statement  had been approved by  shareholders and had been  in effect during the
current fiscal year.



    The following  table sets  forth the  Shareholder Transaction  Expenses  and
estimated  Annual Operating  Expenses for  each Account  for the  current fiscal

                                               INCOME           SECURITIES       TOTAL RETURN         GROWTH
                                               ACCOUNT            ACCOUNT           ACCOUNT           ACCOUNT
                                          -----------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                                LIQUID     CLASS     CLASS     CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS
                                ACCOUNT      A         B         A        B        A        B        A        B
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
Maximum Sales Load Imposed on
 Purchases (as a percentage of
 offering price)..............  None      4.00%     None      4.00%     None    5.00%     None    5.00%     None
Deferred Sales Load (as a
 percentage of original
 purchase price or redemption
 proceeds, as applicable).....  None(1)   None(2)   5.00%     None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%
Exchange Fee (3)..............  None      None      None      None      None    None      None    None      None
 (as a percentage of average
 net assets)
Management Fees...............   .50%     .625%     .625%     .625%     .625%   .625%     .625%   .625%     .625%
12b-1 Fees (net of expense
 limits, if any)..............   .00(4)    .00(5)   1.00       .00(5)   1.00     .25(5)   1.00     .25(5)   1.00
Other Expenses (net of expense
 limits, if any)..............   .43       .00(6)    .00(6)   .285      .285    .335      .335    .395      .395
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
 EXPENSES OF EACH ACCOUNT.....   .93%     .625%     1.625%     .91%     1.91%   1.21%     1.96%   1.27%     2.02%
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----

                                     CAPITAL                               DIVERSIFIED
                                  APPRECIATION          BALANCED             INCOME
                                     ACCOUNT             ACCOUNT             ACCOUNT
                                -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
                                 CLASS     CLASS     CLASS     CLASS     CLASS     CLASS
                                   A         B         A         B         A         B
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
Maximum Sales Load Imposed on
 Purchases (as a percentage of
 offering price)..............  5.00%     None      5.00%     None      5.00%     None
Deferred Sales Load (as a
 percentage of original
 purchase price or redemption
 proceeds, as applicable).....  None(2)   5.00%     None(2)   5.00%     None(2)   5.00%
Exchange Fee (3)..............  None      None      None      None      None      None
 (as a percentage of average
 net assets)
Management Fees...............   .85%      .85%      .85%      .85%      .75%      .75%
12b-1 Fees (net of expense
 limits, if any)..............   .25      1.00       .25      1.00       .25      1.00
Other Expenses (net of expense
 limits, if any)..............   .45(6)    .45(6)    .45(6)    .45(6)    .50(6)    .50(6)
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
 EXPENSES OF EACH ACCOUNT.....  1.55%     2.30%     1.55%     2.30%     1.50%     2.25%
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
                                -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------

- ----------------------------------------
(1) Shares of the Liquid  Account acquired by exchange from  Class A or Class  B
    shares of any other Account which are subject to a CDSC will be subject to a
    CDSC  if redeemed. The CDSC will be at a  rate equal to the CDSC rate on the
    original shares when exchanged.
(2) Purchases of $500,000 or more are not subject to an initial sales charge but
    may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge of 1% if the shares are
    redeemed within 12 months after the calendar month of purchase.
(3) All exchanges in excess of 12 exchanges in a 12-month period are subject  to
    an exchange fee of .75% of the net asset value of the shares redeemed.
(4)  During the fiscal  year ended December 31,  1994, the Account's distributor
    agreed not to impose any reimbursement to which it would otherwise have been
    entitled pursuant to Liquid Account's  Rule 12b-1 distribution plan.  Absent
    such  an  agreement, the  Liquid  Account would  have  incurred distribution
    expenses pursuant to its Rule  12b-1 Plan of .10%  of the average daily  net
    assets  of the Account  and total annual operating  expenses would have been
    1.03% of such assets. The Liquid Account may pay, in 1995, a portion of  the
    maximum  amount payable annually under the Rule 12b-1 plan, which is .10% of
    the average daily net assets of the Account.
(5) Each Account (other than Liquid Account) adopted a Class A Rule 12b-1  plan,
    effective  January 1, 1995, pursuant to which each such Account may pay CMFS
    up to .25% annually of such Account's Class A related average net assets  in
    reimbursement   for   distribution  and   shareholder  services.   CMFS  has
    temporarily agreed not  to impose any  fees to which  it would otherwise  be
    entitled  under  the  Class  A  Rule  12b-1  plans  for  Income  Account and
    Government Securities Account for the current fiscal year. In the absence of
    such agreements by CMFS, the  Class A Rule 12b-1  fees of each such  Account
    would  have  been  .25% of  the  average  daily net  assets  of  the Account
    attributable to its Class A shares  and the total annual operating  expenses
    of  Class A shares of Income Account and Government Securities Account would
    have been .875% and 1.16%, respectively. The Rule 12b-1 fees with respect to
    Class A  shares  for Total  Return  Account  and Growth  Account  have  been
    restated  to reflect the imposition of the  full .25% Class A Rule 12b-1 fee
    for each such Account as of May 1, 1995.
(6) Until December  31, 1995,  CMFS has temporarily  agreed to  limit the  other
    expenses  (not including Rule 12b-1  fees and other class-specific expenses)
    related to  the  Income  Account,  Capital  Appreciation  Account,  Balanced
    Account and Diversified Income Account. In the absence of such an agreement,
    the estimated expenses related to Class A shares and Class B shares would be
    Income Account -- .315% and .315%; Capital Appreciation Account -- 1.40% and
    1.40%;  Balanced Account -- .64% and .64%; and Diversified Income Account --
    .71% and .71%, respectively; and  estimated total annual operating  expenses
    of  the Account related to Class A shares and Class B shares for the current
    fiscal year would be Income Account -- 1.19% and 1.94%; Capital Appreciation
    Account --  2.50%  and 3.25%;  Balanced  Account  -- 1.74%  and  2.49%;  and
    Diversified Income Account -- 1.71% and 2.46%, respectively.


EXAMPLE:  Assuming that an Account's annual return  is 5% and that its operating
expenses are exactly as  described above, if you  closed your account after  the
number  of years  indicated below,  for every  $1,000 invested,  your investment
would bear the following amounts in total expenses:

                                 GOVERNMENT    TOTAL                CAPITAL                 DIVERSIFIED
                      ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT   ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT      ACCOUNT      ACCOUNT
                      --------   ----------   -------   -------   ------------   --------   -----------
  After 1 year......    $ 46        $ 49       $ 62      $ 62         $65          $65          $65
  After 3 years.....      71          73         86        88          96           96           95
  After 5 years.....      98          99        113       116       N/A           N/A         N/A
  After 10 years....     174         173        189       195         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 1 year......    $ 67        $ 69       $ 70      $ 71         $73          $73          $72
  After 3 years.....      98         100        102       103         112          112          110
  After 5 years.....     122         123        126       129         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 10 years....     204         204        209       216         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 1 year......    $ 17        $ 69       $ 20      $ 21         $23          $23          $23
  After 3 years.....      58         100         62        63          72           72           70
  After 5 years.....     102         123        106       109         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 10 years....     204         204        209       216         N/A          N/A          N/A

  After 1 year......    $  9
  After 3 years.....      30
  After 5 years.....      51
  After 10 years....     114



                                   PRO FORMA

    The following  table sets  forth the  Shareholder Transaction  Expenses  and
estimated Annual Operating Expenses for each Account for the current fiscal year
as  if the Proposals in  this Proxy Statement had  been approved by shareholders
and had been in effect.

                                                              SECURITIES       TOTAL RETURN
                                          INCOME ACCOUNT        ACCOUNT           ACCOUNT       GROWTH ACCOUNT
                                          ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                                LIQUID     CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS
                                ACCOUNT      A        B        A        B        A        B        A        B
                                -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
Maximum Sales Load Imposed on
 Purchases (as a percentage of
 offering price)..............  None      4.75%     None    4.75%     None    5.75%     None    5.75%     None
Deferred Sales Load (as a
 percentage of original
 purchase price or redemption
 proceeds, as applicable).....  None(1)   None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%
Exchange Fee (3)..............  None      None      None    None      None    None      None    None      None
 (as a percentage of average
 net assets)
Management Fees...............   .50%     .625%     .625%   .625%     .625%   .625%     .625%   .625%     .625%
12b-1 Fees....................   .10       .25      1.00     .25      1.00     .25      1.00     .25      1.00
Other Expenses................   .43      .315      .315    .285      .285    .335      .335    .395      .395
                                -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
 EXPENSES OF EACH ACCOUNT.....  1.03%     1.19%     1.94%   1.16%     1.91%   1.21%     1.96%   1.27%     2.02%
                                -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
                                -------   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----

                                    CAPITAL                           DIVERSIFIED
                                 APPRECIATION        BALANCED
                                   ACCOUNT*          ACCOUNT*       INCOME ACCOUNT*
                                ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                                 CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS    CLASS
                                   A        B        A        B        A        B
                                -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
Maximum Sales Load Imposed on
 Purchases (as a percentage of
 offering price)..............  5.75%     None    5.75%     None    4.75%     None
Deferred Sales Load (as a
 percentage of original
 purchase price or redemption
 proceeds, as applicable).....  None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%   None(2)   5.00%
Exchange Fee (3)..............  None      None    None      None    None      None
 (as a percentage of average
 net assets)
Management Fees...............   .85%      .85%    .85%      .85%    .75%      .75%
12b-1 Fees....................   .25      1.00     .25      1.00     .25      1.00
Other Expenses................  1.40      1.40     .64       .64     .71       .71
                                -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
 EXPENSES OF EACH ACCOUNT.....  2.50%     3.25%   1.74%     2.49%   1.71%     2.46%
                                -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----
                                -------   -----   -------   -----   -------   -----

- ----------------------------------
(1) Shares of the Liquid  Account acquired by exchange from  Class A or Class  B
    shares of any other Account which are subject to a CDSC will be subject to a
    CDSC  if redeemed. The CDSC will be at a  rate equal to the CDSC rate on the
    original shares when exchanged.
(2) Upon consummation of the Merger, purchases of $1,000,000 or more will not be
    subject to  an initial  sales charge  but  may be  subject to  a  contingent
    deferred  sales charge  of 1%  if the shares  are redeemed  within 18 months
    after the calendar month of purchase. There  will be no change in the  sales
    charges imposed on shareholders of the Account who purchased shares prior to
    the Merger.
(3)  All exchanges in excess of 12 exchanges in a 12-month period are subject to
    an exchange fee of .75% of the net asset value of the shares redeemed.

* The Other Expenses of each LifeSpan Account may be higher than the expenses of
  funds with similar investment objectives and policies due in large part to the
  higher transfer  agency fees,  legal fees,  custody fees  and accounting  fees
  associated  with  the  start-up  expenses of  a  newly  organized  fund. Other
  Expenses may decline as assets under management grow.


    EXAMPLE:   Assuming that  an  Account's (other  than the  Liquid  Account's)
annual  return is 5%  and that its  operating expenses are  exactly as described
above, if you closed your account after the number of years indicated below, for
every $1,000 invested, your investment would bear the following amounts in total

                                                             GOVERNMENT    TOTAL                CAPITAL                 DIVERSIFIED
                                                   INCOME    SECURITIES   RETURN    GROWTH    APPRECIATION   BALANCED     INCOME
                                                  ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT   ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT      ACCOUNT      ACCOUNT
                                                  --------   ----------   -------   -------   ------------   --------   -----------
  After 1 year..................................    $ 59        $ 59       $ 62      $ 62         $72          $67          $67
  After 3 years.................................      83          83         86        88         124          102          101
  After 5 years.................................     110         108        113       116       N/A           N/A         N/A
  After 10 years................................     185         182        189       195       N/A           N/A         N/A
  After 1 year..................................    $ 70        $ 69       $ 70      $ 71         $83          $75          $75
  After 3 years.................................     101         100        102       103         140          118          117
  After 5 years.................................     125         123        126       129         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 10 years................................     207         204        209       216         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 1 year..................................    $ 20        $ 19       $ 20      $ 21         $33          $25          $25
  After 3 years.................................      61          60         62        63         100           78           77
  After 5 years.................................     105         103        106       109         N/A          N/A          N/A
  After 10 years................................     207         204        209       216         N/A          N/A          N/A

  After 1 year................................      11
  After 3 years...............................      33
  After 5 years...............................      57
  After 10 years..............................     126



                                   THE MERGER

    The following information about Massachusetts  Mutual is provided to  assist
you  in understanding the  culmination of the  events that will  bring about the
termination of  the Existing  Advisory Agreement  and the  Existing  Subadvisory
Agreements and the other Proposals in this Proxy Statement. This Proxy Statement
does  not relate to the transactions involved  in the consummation of the Merger
and you are not being asked to vote on the Merger. None of the votes cast for or
against the  Proposals  described  in  this  Proxy  Statement  will  affect  the
consummation of the Merger.

    The  Boards  of Directors  of Connecticut  Mutual and  Massachusetts Mutual,
respectively, have approved an agreement setting  forth the terms of the  Merger
which was signed by both parties on September 13, 1995. Upon consummation of the
Merger,   the  separate   existence  of   Connecticut  Mutual   will  cease  and
Massachusetts Mutual  will be  the surviving  company. The  consummation of  the
Merger is intended to occur immediately subsequent to regulatory approvals which
are currently anticipated to be delivered in the first three months of 1996.

    Massachusetts  Mutual  is a  mutual life  insurance  company organized  as a
Massachusetts corporation and  was originally chartered  in 1851.  Massachusetts
Mutual  provides, directly and through its subsidiaries, a wide range of annuity
and disability products,  traditional and  managed care  group health  products,
pension  and  pension-related  products  and  services,  as  well  as investment
advisory services to individuals, corporations and other institutions in all  50
states  and the District  of Columbia. Massachusetts Mutual  is also licensed to
transact business in Puerto Rico and six provinces in Canada.

    Massachusetts  Mutual  provides  investment  advisory  services  to  various
entities  including  its  general investment  account,  its  separate investment
accounts and certain closed-end and open-end investment companies (such open-end
investment  companies,  the  "Massachusetts  Mutual  funds").  These  investment
advisory services are provided by the staff employed by Massachusetts Mutual and
also  by  Harbourview  Asset  Management  Corp.  (a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Oppenheimer) and  Concert  Capital  Management, Inc.,  a  registered  investment
adviser  which is also  indirectly owned by  Massachusetts Mutual. MML Investors
Services, Inc.,  an indirect  wholly-owned subsidiary  of Massachusetts  Mutual,
provides   distribution  services  for   the  Massachusetts  Mutual  proprietary
products. Oppenheimer also provides investment  advisory services to a group  of
investment  management companies that it sponsors (the "Oppenheimer funds"). OFD
acts as distributor to the Oppenheimer funds.

    On November 17, 1995, the Company's Board of Directors voted unanimously  to
recommend  to  the shareholders  of  the Liquid  Account,  Government Securities
Account   and    Income   Account    (the   "Merging    Accounts")   that    the


Merging  Accounts enter  into reorganizations  with existing  Oppenheimer funds.
Such reorganizations are recommended on the basis that the investment objectives
and policies of certain  Oppenheimer funds are similar  to those of the  Merging
Accounts  and that the reorganizations are expected to result in cost savings or
other benefits to the shareholders of the Merging Accounts. This Proxy Statement
does not relate to these reorganizations and you are not being asked to vote  on
these  reorganizations at  this time.  It is  expected that  shareholders of the
Merging Accounts will be given an opportunity to approve the currently  proposed
reorganizations  at a later  date pursuant to a  separate proxy solicitation. No
assurance can  be  given  that  such reorganizations  will  be  consummated.  No
reorganization  plans  relating to  the  Total Return  Account,  Growth Account,
Capital Appreciation Account,  Balanced Account, Diversified  Income Account  or
any  Municipal  Account have  been  made at  this  time. While  it  is presently
contemplated that  they will  continue to  be managed  and offered  as  separate
mutual  funds by Oppenheimer, no assurance can  be given that such Accounts will
not be reorganized with  Oppenheimer funds in the  future. Shareholders will  be
notified in the event of any such proposed reorganizations.



    As  of the Record Date,  the Company has been  advised by Connecticut Mutual
that it owns shares of the following Accounts for its own accounts:

                                                      CONNECTICUT MUTUAL
                                                         SHARES OWNED
ACCOUNT                                               (% OF OUTSTANDING)
- ----------------------------------------------------  ------------------
Liquid Account......................................               40%
Government Securities Account
  Class A...........................................               14%
  Class B...........................................                0%
Growth Account
  Class A...........................................               30%
  Class B...........................................                0%
Capital Appreciation Account
  Class A...........................................               86%
  Class B...........................................                0%
Balanced Account
  Class A...........................................               92%
  Class B...........................................                0%
Diversified Income Account
  Class A...........................................               91%
  Class B...........................................                0%
California Account..................................                2%
Massachusetts Account...............................                8%
New York Account....................................                3%
Ohio Account........................................                3%

    The Company has been advised that Connecticut Mutual intends to vote all  of
such  shares in  favor of  all of  the Proposals  affecting the above-referenced

    As of the Record Date, no one other than Connecticut Mutual owned of  record
or  beneficially 5% or more of the shares of the Accounts. As of the Record Date
the officers and Directors of the Company owned in the aggregate less than 1% of
the shares of any one or more of the Accounts.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

    The Company's  management knows  of no  business to  be brought  before  the
Special  Meeting  except  as  described above.  However,  if  any  other matters
properly come before the Meeting, the  persons named in the enclosed proxy  card
intend  to  vote on  such matters  in  accordance with  their best  judgment. If
shareholders desire  additional  information  about  the  matters  proposed  for
action,  the Company's management will be glad  to hear from them and to provide
further information.



    Any person giving a proxy has the power  to revoke it any time prior to  its
exercise  by executing a superseding proxy or  by submitting a written notice of
revocation  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Company.  In  addition,  although  mere
attendance  at the meeting will not revoke a proxy, a shareholder present at the
meeting may withdraw his or her proxy and vote in person. All properly  executed
and  unrevoked  proxies  received in  time  for  the Meeting  will  be  voted in
accordance with the instructions contained in the proxies. If no instruction  is
given,  the persons named as proxies will vote the shares represented thereby in
favor of the matters set forth in  this Proxy Statement and will use their  best
judgment  in  connection with  the  transaction of  such  other business  as may
properly come before the Special Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

    In the event that, at the time any session of the Special Meeting is  called
to  order, a quorum is not  present in person or by  proxy, the persons named as
proxies may vote those proxies which  have been received to adjourn the  Special
Meeting  to a later date.  In the event that a  quorum is present but sufficient
votes in favor of any of Proposals 1, 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 3, 5 and in favor of the
nominees named  in Proposal  4 have  not  been received,  the persons  named  as
proxies  will vote those proxies which they are entitled to vote in favor of the
relevant Proposal for such an adjournment  and will vote those proxies  required
to  be voted  against the Proposal  against any such  adjournment. A shareholder
vote may be taken on one or more  of the Proposals in the Proxy Statement  prior
to  such adjournment if sufficient votes for its approval have been received and
it is otherwise appropriate.

    Shares of common  stock of  the Company represented  in person  or by  proxy
(including  shares which abstain or  do not vote with respect  to one or more of
the Proposals presented for shareholder  approval) will be counted for  purposes
of  determining whether a quorum is present  at the Special Meeting. Adoption by
the shareholders of the affected Account of Proposals 1, 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) and  3
requires  the affirmative vote  of the lesser of  (i) 67 percent  or more of the
affected Accounts outstanding voting securities present at the Special  Meeting,
if  the holders  of more  than 50  percent of  the affected  Account's shares of
common stock are present or represented by  proxy or (ii) 50 percent or more  of
the  affected  Account's outstanding  shares of  common  stock. Approval  by the
shareholders of the nominees set forth in Proposal 4 requires a plurality of all
the votes  cast  at  the Meeting,  if  a  quorum is  present.  Adoption  by  the
shareholders  of the Company  of Proposal 5  requires the affirmative  vote of a
majority of the  shares of all  Accounts voting  together at the  meeting, if  a
quorum  is  present. If  a broker  or  nominee holding  shares in  "street name"
indicates on the proxy that it does not have discretionary authority to vote  as
to  a particular Proposal,  those shares will  not be considered  as present and
entitled to vote with respect to  such Proposal and are likewise not  considered
to be votes cast. Accordingly, a


"broker  non-vote" has no effect on  the voting in determining whether Proposals
1, 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) and 3 have been adopted pursuant to item (i) above. However,
with respect to  determining whether Proposals  1, 2(a), 2(b),  2(c) and 3  have
been  adopted  pursuant to  item  (ii) above  and  whether Proposal  5  has been
adopted, because  shares  represented  by a  "broker  non-vote"  are  considered
outstanding  shares, a "broker non-vote"  has the same effect  as a vote against
the Proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes  have no effect on the  plurality
vote for the election of Directors.

    In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail or in person, the Company
may  also arrange to have votes recorded  by telephone by officers and employees
of the Company, personnel of G.R. Phelps or agents hired by G.R. Phelps for such
purpose.  The  telephone  voting  procedure   is  designed  to  authenticate   a
shareholder's identity, to allow a shareholder to authorize the voting of shares
in accordance with the shareholder's instructions and to confirm that the voting
instructions  have been properly recorded. If these procedures were subject to a
successful legal challenge, such votes would not be counted at the Meeting.  The
Company  has not sought  to obtain an opinion  of counsel on  this matter and is
unaware of any such challenge at this  time. A shareholder would be called on  a
recorded  line at the  telephone number the  Company has in  its records for the
account and would  be asked the  shareholder's Social Security  number or  other
identifying  information. The shareholder would then  be given an opportunity to
authorize proxies  to vote  his shares  at the  Meeting in  accordance with  the
shareholder's  instructions. To ensure that  the shareholder's instructions have
been recorded correctly, the shareholder will also receive a confirmation of the
voting instructions in the mail. A special toll-free number will be available in
case the voting information contained in  the confirmation is incorrect. If  the
shareholder  decides  after  voting  by telephone  to  attend  the  Meeting, the
shareholder can  revoke the  proxy  at that  time and  vote  the shares  at  the

                            SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

    The  Company  is not  required, and  does  not intend,  to hold  meetings of
shareholders each  year.  Instead,  meetings  will be  held  only  when  and  if
required.  Any shareholders desiring to present  a proposal for consideration at
the next meeting  of shareholders of  the Company must  submit such proposal  in
writing  so that it is  received by the Company  at 140 Garden Street, Hartford,
Connecticut 06154 within a reasonable time before any such meeting.


    The cost of preparing and mailing this Proxy Statement and the  accompanying
notice   and  proxy  card  will  be  borne  by  G.R.  Phelps.  Proxies  will  be


solicited by  mail and  may  also be  solicited in  person  or by  telephone  by
employees,  officers and/or  directors of  Connecticut Mutual,  its wholly-owned
subsidiary C.M. Life,  its affiliated  company, G.R. Phelps  and a  professional
solicitation  organization. The cost  of the solicitation  by such organization,
including out-of-pocket expenses, is expected to be approximately $          and
will be borne by G.R. Phelps.

                        ACCOUNTS, INC.


                                   APPENDIX A


    DIRECTORS.   The  following table provides  information with  respect to the
senior officers and directors of Oppenheimer. The address for each is Two  World
Trade  Center, New  York, NY except  for Messrs.  Swain, Bowen and  Eich who are
located at 3410 S. Galena Street, Denver, Colorado 80231:

          NAME                        PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR EMPLOYMENT
- ------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
Jon S. Fossel             Chairman of the Board and Director
Bridget A. Macaskill      President, Chief Executive Officer (effective September
                           30, 1995) and Director
Donald W. Spiro           Chairman Emeritus and Director
Robert G. Galli           Vice Chairman
James C. Swain            Vice Chairman and Director
Robert C. Doll            Executive Vice President
O. Leonard Darling        Executive Vice President
James Ruff                Executive Vice President
Tilghman G. Pitts, III    Executive Vice President and Director
Andrew J. Donohue         Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Kenneth C. Eich           Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
George C. Bowen           Senior Vice President and Treasurer
Victor Babin              Senior Vice President
Robert A. Densen          Senior Vice President
Loretta McCarthy          Senior Vice President
Robert Patterson          Senior Vice President
Richard Rubinstein        Senior Vice President
Nancy Sperte              Senior Vice President
Arthur Steinmetz          Senior Vice President
Ralph Stellmacher         Senior Vice President
William L. Wilby          Senior Vice President
Robert G. Zack            Senior Vice President

    OAC.  Oppenheimer is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of OAC. The common stock  of
OAC is divided into three classes. At August 31, 1995, Massachusetts Mutual held
(i)  all of the 2,160,000 shares of Class A voting stock; (ii) 470,021 shares of
Class B voting stock; and (iii) 940,067 shares of Class C non-voting stock. This
collectively   represented    81.3%   of    the   outstanding    common    stock

and  87.3% of the voting  power of OAC as of  that date. Certain officers and/or
directors of Oppenheimer held  (i) 654,788 shares of  the Class B voting  stock,
representing  14.9%  of the  outstanding common  stock and  10.2% of  the voting
power, and (ii) options  acquired without cash payment  which, when they  become
exercisable,  allow the  holders to  purchase up  to 810,771  shares of  Class C
non-voting stock at that date. That  group includes persons who are expected  to
serve  as officers of the  Accounts and three of whom  (Mr. Robert G. Galli, Mr.
Donald W.  Spiro  and Ms.  Bridget  Macaskill)  are nominated  for  election  as
Directors  of the Company. Holders  of OAC Class B and  Class C common stock may
put (sell) their shares and vested options  to OAC or Massachusetts Mutual at  a
formula  price  (based on  earnings  of Oppenheimer).  Massachusetts  Mutual may
exercise call (purchase) options on all outstanding shares of both such  classes
of  common stock and  vested options at  the same formula  price, according to a
schedule that commenced on September 30, 1995.

    Since January 1, 1994, the only  transaction by persons who are expected  to
serve  as Directors of the Account, in excess of 1% of the outstanding shares of
common stock or options of OAC were as follows: Ms. Macaskill surrendered to OAC
20,000 stock appreciation rights issued in tandem with the Class B OAC  options,
for  cash payments aggregating $1,375,800, Mr.  Galli, who sold 10,000 shares of
Class C OAC common stock to  Massachusetts Mutual and surrendered to OAC  45,445
stock  appreciation rights issued in tandem with  the Class B OAC options for an
aggregate of $3,473,882, and Mr.  Spiro, who sold 50,000  shares of Class C  OAC
common  stock to Massachusetts  Mutual for an aggregate  of $3,548,500, for cash
payments by OAC or  Massachusetts Mutual (subject to  adjustment of the  formula
price)  by OAC or Massachusetts  Mutual to be made  as follows: one-third of the
amount due (i) within 30 days of the transaction; (ii) by the first  anniversary
following  the transaction (with interest); and  (iii) by the second anniversary
of the transaction (with interest).

    PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT.   The following provides  information with respect  to
the portfolio managers Oppenheimer proposes to appoint if Proposal 1 is approved
by  shareholders and  the Merger is  consummated for the  Accounts listed below.
Upon consummation of  the Merger,  Oppenheimer does  not propose  to change  the
portfolio management for Growth Account and Total Return Account. Each Municipal
Account   will  continue  to  invest  substantially  all  of  its  assets  in  a
corresponding Portfolio  managed  by  Eaton  Vance  Management.  The  Subadvised
Accounts   will  be  managed  by  the   Subadvisers  under  the  supervision  of

    LIQUID ACCOUNT.  If proposal 1 is approved and the Merger is consummated, it
is expected that Carol Wolf will  manage the Liquid Account. Ms. Wolf  currently
manages  Oppenheimer Money  Market Fund.  In addition,  she co-manages  the $3.5
billion Daily  Cash Accumulation  Fund, Inc.,  the $5  billion Centennial  Money
Market Trust, the $900 million Centennial Government


Trust  and Centennial  America Fund  L.P. She  is responsible  for Oppenheimer's
money market group credit analysis of foreign and domestic industrial companies,
letters of credit and  new investment ideas. She  joined Oppenheimer in 1987  as
senior  investment  analyst for  the taxable  money market  group. Ms.  Wolf has
twelve years of investment experience. Prior to joining Oppenheimer, she managed
and traded  over  $1.2 billion  in  money  market mutual  funds  for  Prudential
Insurance  Company and pension  monies for Prudential  Fixed Income Advisors. In
addition to her previous fixed income  experience, she was an equity analyst  in
the  Prudential Asset Management Group. Ms. Wolf  holds a B.A. in Economics from
Rutgers University  and  studied finance  on  the  graduate level  at  New  York
University.  She  has  completed  Level 1  of  the  Chartered  Financial Analyst

and the Merger is consummated, it  is expected that David Rosenberg will  manage
the  Government  Securities  Account  and  the  Income  Account.  Mr.  Rosenberg
currently leads  Oppenheimer's  government  bond  management  team.  He  manages
Oppenheimer  U.S. Government Trust and  Oppenheimer Limited-Term Government Fund
and oversees the management of the government bond sectors in a number of  other
fixed-income mutual funds and closed-end funds. Mr. Rosenberg joined Oppenheimer
in 1994 from Delaware Investment Advisors where he was a senior portfolio manger
of  Delaware Group's Treasury Reserve Intermediate  Fund. Prior to 1986, he held
positions with Paine Webber, Nomura Securities and Bloomberg Financial Markets.

    OTHER MUTUAL FUNDS MANAGED  BY OPPENHEIMER.   Oppenheimer is the  investment
adviser to the open-end investment companies set forth below, each of which have
investment objectives substantially similar to those of the Accounts.

                       ASSET SIZE*
    NAME OF FUND       (MILLIONS)                   ADVISORY FEE RATE
- --------------------  -------------  -----------------------------------------------
Oppenheimer Money       $   857.1    .47% of the first $500 million of aggregate net
 Market Fund, Inc.                   assets, .425% of the next $500 million, .40% of
                                     the  next $500 million, and .375% of net assets
                                     in excess of $1.5 billion.
Oppenheimer Cash        $   141.4    .50% of the first  $250 million of net  assets;
 Reserves                            .475%  of the  next $250  million; .45%  of the
                                     next $250  million;  .425%  of  the  next  $250
                                     million;   and  .40%  of  net  assets  over  $1
Oppenheimer U.S.        $   420.2    .65% of the first $200 million of aggregate net
 Government Trust                    assets, .60% of the next $100 million, .57%  of
                                     the  next $100  million, and  .55% of  the next
                                     $400 million and .50%  of aggregate net  assets
                                     over $800 million.


                       ASSET SIZE*
    NAME OF FUND       (MILLIONS)                   ADVISORY FEE RATE
- --------------------  -------------  -----------------------------------------------
Oppenheimer             $   149.7    .75%  of  the  first  $200  million  of average
 Integrity                           annual  net  assets,  .72%  of  the  next  $200
 Funds/Oppenheimer                   million, .69% of the next $200 million, .66% of
 Bond Fund                           the  next $200  million, .60% of  the next $200
                                     million and .50% of net assets in excess of  $1
Oppenheimer Tax-Free    $   615.0    .60%  of  the  first  $200  million  of average
 Bond Fund                           annual  net  assets,  .55%  of  the  next  $100
                                     million, .50% of the next $200 million, .45% of
                                     the  next $250  million, .40% of  the next $250
                                     million, and .35% of net assets in excess of $1
Oppenheimer             $   883.7    .75% of the first $200 million of aggregate net
 Discovery Fund                      assets; .72% of the next $200 million; .69%  of
                                     the  next $200  million; .66% of  the next $200
                                     million; and .60%  of aggregate  net assets  in
                                     excess of $800 million.
Oppenheimer             $            .75% of the first $200 million of aggregate net
 Enterprise Fund                     assets;  .72% of the next $200 million; .69% of
                                     the next $200  million; .66% of  the next  $200
                                     million;  and .60%  of aggregate  net assets in
                                     excess of $800 million.
Oppenheimer Variable    $   287.8    .75% of  the  first  $200  million  of  average
 Account Funds/                      annual  net  assets;  .72%  of  the  next  $200
 Oppenheimer Capital                 million; .69% of the next $200 million; .66% of
 Appreciation Fund                   the next  $200  million; and  .60%  of  average
                                     annual net assets in excess of $800 million.
Oppenheimer Main        $ 3,616.5    .65%  of the first $200  million of net assets;
 Street Funds, Inc./                 .60% of the next $150 million; .55% of the next
 Oppenheimer Income                  $150 million and .45%  of net assets in  excess
 & Growth Fund                       of $500 million.
Oppenheimer Total       $ 2,049.1    .75%  of the first $100  million of net assets;
 Return Fund, Inc.                   .70% of the next $100 million; .65% of the next
                                     $100 million; .60%  of the  next $100  million;
                                     .55%  of the next $100 million; and .50% of net
                                     assets in excess of $500 million.
Oppenheimer Equity      $ 2,194.4    .75% of the first  $100 million of net  assets;
 Income Fund                         .70% of the next $100 million; .65% of the next
                                     $100  million; .60%  of the  next $100 million;
                                     .55% of the next $100 million; and .50% of  net
                                     assets in excess of $500 million.
Oppenheimer Asset       $   264.7    .75% of the first $200 million of aggregate net
 Allocation Fund                     assets;  .72% of the next $200 million; .69% of
                                     the next $200  million; .66% of  the next  $200
                                     million;  and .60% of aggregate net assets over
                                     $800 million.
Oppenheimer Variable    $   370.1    .75% of  the  first  $200  million  of  average
 Account Funds/                      annual  net  assets;  .72%  of  the  next  $200
 Oppenheimer                         million; .69% of the next $200 million; .66% of
 Multiple Strategies                 the next  $200  million; and  .60%  of  average
 Fund                                annual net assets in excess of $800 million.


                       ASSET SIZE*
    NAME OF FUND       (MILLIONS)                   ADVISORY FEE RATE
- --------------------  -------------  -----------------------------------------------
Oppenheimer Variable    $     113    75% of the first $200 million of average annual
 Account Funds/                      net assets; .72% of the next $200 million; .69%
 Oppenheimer Growth                  of the next $200 million; .66% of the next $200
 & Income Fund                       million;  and  .60% of  the average  annual net
                                     assets in excess of $800 million.
Oppenheimer Fund        $   271.7    .75% of the first $200 million of aggregate net
                                     assets; .72% of the next $200 million; .69%  of
                                     the  next $200  million; .66% of  the next $200
                                     million; and .60% of aggregate net assets  over
                                     $800 million.
Oppenheimer Target      $   739.9    .75% of the first $200 million of aggregate net
 Fund                                assets; .72% of next $200 million; .69% of next
                                     $200  million; .66%  of next  $200 million; and
                                     .60% of aggregate net assets over $800 million.
Oppenheimer Growth      $ 1,022.3    .75% of  first $200  million of  aggregate  net
 Fund                                assets;  .72% of the next $200 million; .69% of
                                     the next $200  million; .66% of  the next  $200
                                     million;  and .60% of aggregate net assets over
                                     $800 million.
Oppenheimer Value       $   148.0    .75% of  the  first  $100  million  of  average
 Stock Fund                          annual  net  assets;  .72%  of  the  next  $200
                                     million; .69%  of the  next $200  million;  and
                                     .66%  of average annual net assets in excess of
                                     $500 million.
Oppenheimer Variable    $   104.4    .75% of  the  first  $200  million  of  average
 Account Funds/                      annual  net  assets;  .72%  of  the  next  $200
 Oppenheimer Growth                  million; .69% of the next $200 million; .66% of
 Fund                                the next  $200  million; and  .60%  of  average
                                     annual net assets in excess of $800 million.

- ------------------------
*As of 9/30/95 in millions.


    BABSON-STEWART.  Babson-Stewart is located at One Memorial Drive, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02142.

    DIRECTORS.  Babson-Stewart is a general partnership organized under the laws
of  The Commonwealth  of Massachusetts.  David L.  Babson &  Co., Inc.  is a 50%
partner and Stewart Ivory & Company (International) Ltd. is a 50% partner. David
L. Babson & Co.,  Inc. is a  direct wholly owned  subsidiary of DLB  Acquisition
Corporation,  an  indirect  subsidiary of  Massachusetts  Mutual  Life Insurance
Company.  Stewart   Ivory   &  Company   (International)   Ltd.  is   a   direct


wholly  owned subsidiary of Stewart Ivory (Holdings), Ltd. The name, address and
principal occupation  of  the  principal executive  officers  and  directors  of
Babson-Stewart are set forth in the table below.

- -------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
Peter C. Thompson          Managing Director, Babson-Stewart; President and Director
One Memorial Drive          of David L. Babson & Co. Inc.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Ronald E. Gwozdz           Managing  Director, Babson-Stewart; Senior Vice President
One Memorial Drive          of David L. Babson & Co. Inc.
Cambridge, MA 02142
John G.L. Wright           Managing  Director,  Babson-Stewart;  Director,   Stewart
45 Charlotte Square         Ivory & Co. Ltd.
Edinburgh, Scotland
James W. Burns             Managing   Director,  Babson-Stewart;  Director,  Stewart
45 Charlotte Square         Ivory & Co. Ltd.
Edinburgh, Scotland

    OTHER MUTUAL  FUNDS  MANAGED  BY BABSON-STEWART.    Babson-Stewart  provides
subadvisory  services  to other  open-end  investment companies  with investment
objectives similar  to  those  of  Capital  Appreciation  Account  and  Balanced

                    NAME OF FUND                         SIZE*     ADVISORY FEE RATE
                --------------------                   ----------  -----------------
The Babson-Stewart                                     $67,873,436        0.475%
 Ivory International
 Fund, Inc.
DLB Global Small Capitalization Fund                   $6,030,264          0.50%

- ------------------------
*As of 9/30/95.

     BEA.   BEA is located at Citicorp Center,  153 E. 53rd Street, New York, NY

    DIRECTORS.  BEA  is a general  partnership organized under  the laws of  the
State  of New York and, together with its predecessor firms, has been engaged in
the investment advisory business for over 50 years. CS Capital is an 80% partner
and Basic Appraisals, Inc., which  is owned by members  of BEA management, is  a
20%  partner in BEA.  CS Capital is  a wholly-owned subsidiary  of Credit Suisse
Investment Corporation, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Credit Suisse.  No
one  person or entity possesses a controlling interest in Basic Appraisals, Inc.


The name and principal  occupation of the principal  executive officers and  the
directors  of BEA  are set  forth in  the table  below. The  address of  each is
Citicorp Center, 153 E. 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.

          NAME                        PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR EMPLOYMENT
- ------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
Manfred Adami             Chairman of  the Board  of Directors;  and Member  of  the
                           Executive Board of Credit Suisse.
Dr. Hans Geiger           Director;  and  Member of  the  Executive Board  of Credit
Dr. Hermann Maurer        Director; and  Member of  Senior  Management and  Head  of
                           Asset Management of Credit Suisse.
Michael F. Orr            Director  and Executive  Committee Member;  and Consulting
                           Partner, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley  & McCoy (active  Partner
                           prior to July 1, 1990).
William W. Priest, Jr.    Director,   Co-Chairman  --   Executive  Committee,  Chief
                           Executive Officer and Executive Director; and Director of
                           The Indonesia Fund, Inc.
Albert L. Zesiger         Honorary Chairman  --  Executive Committee  and  Executive
Emilio Bassini            Member of the Executive Committee, Chief Financial Officer
                           and  Executive Director;  President and  Secretary of The
                           Indonesia Fund, Inc.;  Director, Chairman  of the  Board,
                           President,  and  Chief  Investment Officer  of  The Chile
                           Fund, Inc.,  The Portugal  Fund, Inc.,  The First  Israel
                           Fund,  Inc.,  The Emerging  Markets  Infrastructure Fund,
                           Inc., The Emerging Markets Telecommunications Fund, Inc.,
                           The Latin  America  Equity  Fund,  Inc.,  and  The  Latin
                           America  Investment Fund, Inc.; and Director, Chairman of
                           the  Board,  President  and  Investment  Officer  of  The
                           Brazilian Equity Fund, Inc.
Jeffrey A. Geller         Member of the Executive Committee and Executive Director.


          NAME                        PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR EMPLOYMENT
- ------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
Daniel H. Sigg            Member  of the Executive Committee and Executive Director,
                           Director and Senior Vice President of The Indonesia Fund,
                           Inc., The Chile Fund, Inc., The First Israel Fund,  Inc.,
                           The Portugal Fund, Inc., The Brazilian Equity Fund, Inc.,
                           The  Latin America  Equity Fund, Inc.,  The Latin America
                           Investment   Fund,    Inc.,    The    Emerging    Markets
                           Infrastructure  Fund,  Inc.,  and  The  Emerging  Markets
                           Telecommunications Fund,  Inc.;  and Chairman  and  Chief
                           Executive Officer of BEA Strategic Income Fund, Inc., and
                           BEA Income Fund, Inc.
Robert Moore              Executive   Director,  Fixed   Income  Portfolio  Manager;
                           President and Chief Investment  Officer of BEA  Strategic
                           Income Fund, Inc., and BEA Income Fund, Inc.
Timothy T. Taussig        Executive Director, Director of Client Development.

    OTHER  MUTUAL FUNDS MANAGED BY BEA.   BEA provides subadvisory services to a
portion of  the assets  of three  portfolios of  Series Fund  I with  investment
objectives  identical to those of Capital Appreciation Account, Balanced Account
and Diversified Income Account:

       NAME OF FUND         ASSET SIZE*               ADVISORY FEE RATE
- --------------------------  ------------  ------------------------------------------
LifeSpan Capital            $  2,506,370  Same as Capital Appreciation Account
 Appreciation Portfolio
LifeSpan Balanced           $  5,011,208  Same as Balanced Account
LifeSpan Diversified        $  3,007,642  Same as Diversified Income Account
 Income Portfolio

- ------------------------
*As of 9/30/95. The  Series Fund I LifeSpan  Portfolios commenced operations  on
 September 1, 1995; BEA manages only that portion of the assets (as shown above)
 of each Portfolio allocated to it by G.R. Phelps.

    PILGRIM.   Pilgrim  is located  at 1255  Drummers Lane,  Wayne, Pennsylvania


    DIRECTORS.   The  names  and  principal occupations  of  the  Directors  and
officers  of Pilgrim are described  below. The address of  each is 1255 Drummers
Lane, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087.

        NAME                        PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR EMPLOYMENT
- --------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Harold J. Baxter      Director (since 1985),  CEO (since 1985)  and Chairman  (since
Gary L. Pilgrim       Director  (since 1985), CIO (since  1985) and President (since
Brian F. Bereznak     Chief Operating Officer (since 1993).

    OTHER MUTUAL  FUNDS  ADVISED  BY  PILGRIM.    Pilgrim  provides  subadvisory
services  to a  portion of the  assets of two  portfolios of Series  Fund I with
investment objectives identical  to those  of Capital  Appreciation Account  and
Balanced  Account and to  another mutual fund not  otherwise affiliated with the

       NAME OF FUND            ASSET SIZE              ADVISORY FEE RATE
- ---------------------------  --------------  --------------------------------------
LifeSpan Capital             $    6,350,368  Same as Capital Appreciation Account
 Appreciation Portfolio*
LifeSpan Balanced            $    5,083,406  Same as Balanced Account
CG Capital Markets Small     $  195,000,000  0.30% of average daily net assets.

- ------------------------
 *As of 9/30/95. The Series Fund  I LifeSpan Portfolios commenced operations  as
  of  September 1, 1995; Pilgrim manages only that portion of the assets (as set
  forth above) of each Portfolio allocated to it by G.R. Phelps.

**As of 9/15/95.



Exhibit A  --         Form of the New Advisory Agreements
Exhibit B  --         Forms of the  New Subadvisory  Agreements with  Pilgrim
                      and BEA
Exhibit C  --         Form    of   the   New   Subadvisory   Agreement   with
Exhibit D  --         Form of New Class A Plan
Exhibit E  --         Form of New Class B Plan

                                                                       EXHIBIT A

The Form of Investment Advisory Agreement is identical for each Account,  except
for the names and fee schedules of the Accounts.

                                    FORM OF
                         INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

    AGREEMENT  made as  of the     day of               ,  1996, by  and between
            (the "Fund"), and OPPENHEIMER MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ("OMC").

    WHEREAS, the Fund  is a  series of Connecticut  Mutual Investment  Accounts,
Inc.  (the "Company"),  an open-end,  diversified management  investment company
registered  as  such   with  the   Securities  and   Exchange  Commission   (the
"Commission")  pursuant to the  Investment Company Act  of 1940 (the "Investment
Company Act"), and OMC is a registered investment adviser;

    NOW, THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  mutual  promises  and  covenants
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed by and between the parties, as follows:

    1.    GENERAL  PROVISION.    The Fund  hereby  employs  OMC  and  OMC hereby
undertakes to act as the investment adviser  of the Fund and to perform for  the
Fund such other duties and functions as are hereinafter set forth. OMC shall, in
all matters, give to the Fund and its Board of Directors the benefit of its best
judgment, effort, advice and recommendations and shall, at all times conform to,
and  use its best efforts to enable the Fund to conform to (i) the provisions of
the Investment Company  Act and any  rules or regulations  thereunder; (ii)  any
other applicable provisions of state or federal law; (iii) the provisions of the
Company's  Articles of Incorporation  and By-Laws as amended  from time to time;
(iv) policies and determinations of the  Board of Directors of the Company;  (v)
the fundamental policies and investment restrictions of the Fund as reflected in
its  registration statement under the Investment Company Act or as such policies
may, from time  to time, be  amended by  the Fund's shareholders;  and (vi)  the
Prospectus  and Statement of  Additional Information of the  Fund in effect from
time to time. The appropriate officers  and employees of OMC shall be  available
upon  reasonable notice for consultation with  any of the Directors and officers
of the Company with respect to any matters dealing with the business and affairs
of the Fund including  the valuation of any  of the Fund's portfolio  securities
which  are either  not registered  for public  sale or  not being  traded on any
securities market.


    (a) OMC shall, subject to the  direction and control by the Company's  Board
of  Directors,  (i)  regularly  provide,  alone  or  in  consultation  with  any
subadvisor or subadvisors appointed  pursuant to this  Agreement and subject  to
the   provisions  of   any  investment  subadvisory   agreement  respecting  the
responsibilities of  such  subadvisor  or  subadvisors,  investment  advice  and
recommendations to the Fund with respect to its investments, investment policies
and the

purchase  and  sale of  securities; (ii)  supervise continuously  the investment
program of the  Fund and  the composition of  its portfolio  and determine  what
securities shall be purchased or sold by the Fund; and (iii) arrange, subject to
the provisions of paragraph "7" hereof, for the purchase of securities and other
investments  for the Fund and the sale  of securities and other investments held
in the portfolio of the Fund.

    (b) Provided that  the Fund shall  not be required  to pay any  compensation
other  than  as provided  by  the terms  of this  Agreement  and subject  to the
provisions of  paragraph  "7" hereof,  OMC  may obtain  investment  information,
research or assistance from any other person, firm or corporation to supplement,
update or otherwise improve its investment management services.

    (c) Provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to protect OMC from willful
misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its duties, or
reckless disregard of its obligations and duties under the Agreement, OMC  shall
not be liable for any loss sustained by reason of good faith errors or omissions
in connection with any matters to which this Agreement relates.

    (d)  Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent OMC or any officer thereof from
acting as investment adviser for any other person, firm or corporation and shall
not in  any way  limit or  restrict OMC  or any  of its  directors, officers  or
employees  from buying, selling or trading any securities for its own account or
for the account of others for whom it or they may be acting, provided that  such
activities  will not adversely affect or otherwise impair the performance by OMC
of its duties  and obligations  under this  Agreement and  under the  Investment
Advisers Act of 1940.

    3.    OTHER DUTIES  OF OMC.   OMC  shall,  at its  own expense,  employ, and
supervise the activities of, all administrative and clerical personnel or  other
firms,  agents or contractors, in  each case or as  shall be required to provide
effective corporate administration for the  Fund, including the compilation  and
maintenance  of such records with respect to its operations as may reasonably be
required  (other  than  those  the   Fund's  custodian  or  transfer  agent   is
contractually  obligated to compile and maintain), the preparation and filing of
such reports  with respect  thereto  as shall  be  required by  the  Commission;
composition  of  periodic  reports  with  respect  to  its  operations  for  the
shareholders of the  Fund; composition of  proxy materials for  meetings of  the
Fund's  shareholders and the composition of  such registration statements as may
be required by federal securities laws  for continuous public sale of shares  of
the  Fund. OMC shall,  at its own cost  and expense, also  provide the Fund with
adequate office space, facilities and equipment.


    4.  ALLOCATION  OF EXPENSES.   All other  costs and  expenses not  expressly
assumed  by OMC under this Agreement, or to be paid by the principal distributor
of the shares of the Fund, shall be paid by the Fund, including, but not limited
to (i)  interest  and taxes;  (ii)  brokerage commissions;  (iii)  premiums  for
fidelity and other insurance coverage requisite to its operations; (iv) the fees
and  expenses of its Directors; (v) legal and audit expenses; (vi) custodian and
transfer agent fees and expenses; (vii)  expenses incident to the redemption  of
its  shares;  (viii) expenses  incident to  the issuance  of its  shares against
payment therefor  by or  on behalf  of the  subscribers thereto;  (ix) fees  and
expenses, other than as hereinabove provided, incident to the registration under
federal  securities laws of shares of the  Fund for public sale; (x) expenses of
printing and mailing reports, notices and proxy materials to shareholders of the
Fund; (xi)  except as  noted above,  all other  expenses incidental  to  holding
meetings  of the Fund's shareholders; and (xii) such extraordinary non-recurring
expenses  as  may  arise,  including  litigation  affecting  the  Fund  and  any
obligation  which the Fund may have to indemnify its officers and Directors with
respect thereto. Any  officers or employees  of OMC or  any entity  controlling,
controlled  by or under common control with OMC, who may also serve as officers,
Directors or employees of the Fund  shall not receive any compensation from  the
Fund for their services.

    5.   COMPENSATION  OF OMC.   The Fund  agrees to pay  OMC and  OMC agrees to
accept as full compensation for the  performance of all functions and duties  on
its  part to be performed  pursuant to the provisions  hereof, a fee computed on
the aggregate net assets of  the Fund as of the  close of each business day  and
payable monthly at the annual rates set forth in Appendix A.

    6.    USE  OF  NAME  "OPPENHEIMER."    OMC  hereby  grants  to  the  Fund  a
royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use the name "Oppenheimer" in the name of
the Fund  for the  duration of  this Agreement  and any  extensions or  renewals
thereof.  Such license may, upon termination of this Agreement, be terminated by
OMC, in  which  event  the Fund  shall  promptly  take whatever  action  may  be
necessary  to  change its  name  and discontinue  any  further use  of  the name
"Oppenheimer" in the name of the  Fund or otherwise. The name "Oppenheimer"  may
be  used or licensed by OMC in connection with any of its activities or licensed
by OMC to any other party.


    (a) OMC is authorized,  in arranging the  Fund's portfolio transactions,  to
employ or deal with such members of securities or commodities exchanges, brokers
or  dealers, including "affiliated"  broker dealers (as that  term is defined in
the Investment Company Act) (hereinafter "broker-dealers"), as may, in its  best
judgment, implement the policy of the Fund to obtain, at reasonable expense, the
"best    execution"    (prompt   and    reliable    execution   at    the   most


favorable security price  obtainable) of  the Fund's  portfolio transactions  as
well  as to obtain, consistent with the provisions of subparagraph "(c)" of this
paragraph "7," the benefit of such investment information or research as may  be
of significant assistance to the performance by OMC of its investment management

    (b)   OMC  shall  select  broker-dealers  to  effect  the  Fund's  portfolio
transactions on  the basis  of its  estimate  of their  ability to  obtain  best
execution  of particular and related portfolio  transactions. The abilities of a
broker-dealer to obtain  best execution of  particular portfolio  transaction(s)
will  be judged by OMC  on the basis of  all relevant factors and considerations
including, insofar  as  feasible, the  execution  capabilities required  by  the
transaction or transactions; the ability and willingness of the broker-dealer to
facilitate  the Fund's portfolio  transactions by participating  therein for its
own account; the importance to the Fund of speed, efficiency or confidentiality;
the broker-dealer's apparent familiarity with sources from or to whom particular
securities might be purchased or sold; as well as any other matters relevant  to
the  selection of a broker-dealer for particular and related transactions of the

    (c) OMC shall  have discretion, in  the interests of  the Fund, to  allocate
brokerage  on the  Fund's portfolio  transactions to  broker-dealers (other than
affiliated  broker-dealers)  qualified   to  obtain  best   execution  of   such
transactions  who provide brokerage  and/or research services  (as such services
are defined in Section 28(e)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) for  the
Fund and/or other accounts for which OMC and its affiliates exercise "investment
discretion"  (as  that term  is defined  in Section  3(a)(35) of  the Securities
Exchange Act  of 1934)  and  to cause  the Fund  to  pay such  broker-dealers  a
commission  for effecting a portfolio transaction for the Fund that is in excess
of the amount of commission another broker-dealer adequately qualified to effect
such transaction  would have  charged  for effecting  that transaction,  if  OMC
determines, in good faith, that such commission is reasonable in relation to the
value  of the brokerage and/or research services provided by such broker-dealer,
viewed  in  terms  of  either   that  particular  transaction  or  the   overall
responsibilities  of OMC and its investment  advisory affiliates with respect to
the accounts as to which they  exercise investment discretion. In reaching  such
determination,  OMC will not be required to place or attempt to place a specific
dollar value  on  the  brokerage  and/or research  services  provided  or  being
provided  by such broker-dealer. In  demonstrating that such determinations were
made in good  faith, OMC shall  be prepared  to show that  all commissions  were
allocated  for the  purposes contemplated by  this Agreement and  that the total
commissions paid by the Fund over a representative period selected by the Fund's
Directors were reasonable in relation to the benefits to the Fund.


    (d) OMC shall have no duty or obligation to seek advance competitive bidding
for the most favorable  commission rate applicable  to any particular  portfolio
transactions  or to select  any broker-dealer on  the basis of  its purported or
"posted" commission rate but will,  to the best of  its ability, endeavor to  be
aware  of the  current level  of the charges  of eligible  broker-dealers and to
minimize  the  expense  incurred  by  the  Fund  for  effecting  its   portfolio
transactions  to the  extent consistent with  the interests and  policies of the
Fund as established  by the  determinations of its  Board of  Directors and  the
provisions of this paragraph "7."

    (e)  The Fund recognizes that an affiliated broker-dealer (i) may act as one
of the Fund's regular brokers so long as it is lawful for it so to act; (ii) may
be a major recipient of  brokerage commissions paid by  the Fund; and (iii)  may
effect  portfolio transactions  for the  Fund only  if the  commissions, fees or
other remuneration received or to be received by it are determined in accordance
with procedures contemplated by any rule, regulation or order adopted under  the
Investment   Company  Act  for   determining  the  permissible   level  of  such

    (f) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this paragraph "7", OMC may  also
consider  sales of Fund shares and  shares of other investment companies managed
by OMC or its affiliates as a factor in the selection of broker-dealers for  the
Fund's portfolio transactions.

    8.   DURATION.  This Agreement will take  effect on the date first set forth
above and will continue in effect until            , 1998, and thereafter,  from
year to year, so long as such continuance shall be approved at least annually in
the manner contemplated by Section 15 of the Investment Company Act.

    9.   TERMINATION.  This  Agreement may be terminated (i)  by OMC at any time
without penalty upon giving  the Fund sixty days'  written notice (which  notice
may be waived by the Fund); or (ii) by the Fund at any time without penalty upon
sixty  days' written notice to OMC (which  notice may be waived by OMC) provided
that such termination by the Fund shall be directed or approved by the vote of a
majority of all of the Directors  of the Fund then in  office or by the vote  of
the  holders of a "majority"  (as defined in the  Investment Company Act) of the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund.

    10.  ASSIGNMENT OR AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may not be amended without the
affirmative vote  or written  consent of  the  holders of  a "majority"  of  the
outstanding   voting  securities  of  the  Fund,  and  shall  automatically  and
immediately terminate  in the  event  of its  "assignment,"  as defined  in  the
Investment Company Act.

    11.    DISCLAIMER  OF  SHAREHOLDER  LIABILITY.    OMC  understands  that the
obligations of the Fund under this  Agreement are not binding upon any  Director


shareholder  of  the Fund  personally, but  bind  only the  Fund and  the Fund's
property. OMC represents that it has  notice of the provisions of the  Company's
Articles  of Incorporation of the  Company disclaiming shareholder liability for
acts or obligations of the Fund.

    12.   DEFINITIONS.   The terms  and provisions  of this  Agreement shall  be
interpreted  and  defined  in  a  manner  consistent  with  the  provisions  and
definitions of the Investment Company Act.

                  ACCOUNTS, INC.

                    Senior Vice President


                                                                      APPENDIX A

    The Fund agrees to pay OMC and OMC agrees to accept as full compensation for
the performance of all functions and duties on its part to be performed pursuant
to the provisions hereof, a fee computed on the aggregate net assets of the Fund
as of the close  of each business  day payable monthly  at the following  annual


NET ASSET VALUE                                                          ANNUAL RATE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $200,000,000....................................................        0.50%
Next $100,000,000.....................................................        0.45%
Amount over $300,000,000..............................................        0.40%


NET ASSET VALUE                                                         ANNUAL RATE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
First $300,000,000....................................................       0.625%
Next $100,000,000.....................................................       0.500%
Amount over $400,000,000..............................................       0.450%


NET ASSET VALUE                                                          ANNUAL RATE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $250,000,000....................................................        0.85%
Amount over $250,000,000..............................................        0.75%


NET ASSET VALUE                                                          ANNUAL RATE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
First $250,000,000....................................................        0.75%
Amount over $250,000,000..............................................        0.65%


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                           LIFESPAN BALANCED ACCOUNT
                                    FORM OF

    AGREEMENT  made as of the   day of           , 1996 by and among Oppenheimer
Management  Corporation  (the  "Investment   Adviser")  and  Pilgrim  Baxter   &
Associates, Ltd., (the "Subadviser").

    Connecticut  Mutual Investment  Accounts, Inc., a  Maryland corporation (the
"Company"), is an open-end, management investment company, registered under  the
Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  as amended  (the  "1940 Act").  The LifeSpan
Balanced Account (the  "Account") is  a series  of the  Company. The  Investment
Adviser  and  the  Subadviser  are  investment  advisers  registered  under  the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the "Advisers Act").

    Pursuant to authority granted the Investment Adviser by the Company's  Board
of Directors and pursuant to the provisions of the Investment Advisory Agreement
dated            , 1996 between the Investment Adviser and Company, on behalf of
the  Account, the Investment  Adviser has selected  the Subadviser to  act as an
investment subadviser of the Account and  to provide certain other services,  as
more  fully  set forth  below,  and the  Subadviser is  willing  to act  as such
sub-investment adviser  and  to  perform  such  services  under  the  terms  and
conditions  hereinafter set forth.  Accordingly, the Investment  Adviser and the
Company, on behalf of the Account agree with the Subadviser as follows:

    1.  The Subadviser will regularly provide the Account with advice concerning
the investment management of the Small Capitalization US Equity portfolio of the
Account (the "Sub-Account"), designated by  the Investment Adviser. Such  advice
shall  be consistent with the investment  objectives and policies of the Account
as  set  forth  in  the   Account's  Prospectus  and  Statement  of   Additional
Information,  and any  investment guidelines  or other  instructions received in
writing  from  the  Investment  Adviser.  The  Subadviser  will  determine  what
securities  shall be purchased for the Sub-Account, and what securities shall be
held or sold  by the  Account, subject  always to  the provisions  of Section  9

    The  Investment Adviser shall  oversee the management  of the Sub-Account by
the Subadviser. The  Investment Adviser  shall manage directly,  or by  engaging
other  subadvisers,  and  the  Subadviser  shall  not  be  responsible  for  the
management of any  portion of the  Account not  designated as part  of the  Sub-
Account.   The  Subadviser  shall  not  be  responsible  for  the  provision  of
administrative, bookkeeping or  accounting services  to the  Account, except  as
otherwise  provided herein, as required by the  Advisers Act as may be necessary
for the

Subadviser to supply  to the Investment  Adviser, the Company  or the  Company's
Board of Directors the information required to be supplied under this Agreement.
Any  records required to be maintained shall  be the property of the Company and
shall be surrendered promptly to the Company upon request.

    In the performance of the  Subadviser's duties hereunder, the Subadviser  is
and  shall be an independent contractor  and unless otherwise expressly provided
herein or otherwise authorized in writing, shall have no authority to act for or
represent the Company, Account or the Investment Adviser in any way or otherwise
be deemed to be an agent of the Company, Account or the Investment Adviser.  The
Subadviser  will  make its  officers and  employees available  to meet  with the
Company's officers and Board  of Directors at least  quarterly on due notice  to
review  the investments and  investment program of  the Account in  the light of
current and prospective economic and market conditions.

    2.  The Subadviser will bear its own costs of providing services  hereunder.
Other  than  as  herein  specifically indicated,  the  Subadviser  shall  not be
responsible for the Account's expenses,  including brokerage and other  expenses
incurred   in  placing  orders   for  the  purchase   and  sale  of  securities.
Specifically, the Subadviser will not be responsible for expenses of the Account
including, but  not limited  to,  the following:  legal expenses;  auditing  and
accounting  expenses; expenses of maintenance of the Account's books and records
relating to the Account, including computation of the Account's daily net  asset
value per share and dividends; interest, taxes, governmental fees and membership
dues;  fees of custodians, transfer agents, registrars or other agents; expenses
of  preparing  share  certificates;  expenses  relating  to  the  redemption  or
repurchase  of  the Account's  shares;  expenses of  registering  and qualifying
Account shares for  sale under  applicable federal  and state  law; expenses  of
preparing,  setting in  print, printing and  distributing prospectuses, reports,
notices and  dividends to  Account shareholders;  cost of  stationery; costs  of
shareholders  and other meetings of the Account; traveling expenses of officers,
Directors and employees of the Company or Account, if any; fees of the Company's
Directors and salaries of any officers  or employees of the Company or  Account;
and  the Account's pro rata  portion of premiums on  any fidelity bond and other
insurance covering the Company, the Account and their officers and Directors.

    The Account shall reimburse  the Subadviser for any  such expenses or  other
expenses of the Account, as may be reasonably incurred by such Subadviser on the
Account's  behalf. The Subadviser shall  keep and supply to  the Account and the
Investment Adviser adequate records of all such expenses.

    3.  For  all investment management  services to be  rendered hereunder,  the
Investment  Adviser will pay the Subadviser an annual fee, payable quarterly, as
described in SCHEDULE A hereto. For any  period less than a full fiscal  quarter


during which this Agreement is in effect, the fee shall be prorated according to
the  proportion which such  period bears to  a full fiscal  quarter. The Account
shall have no responsibility for any fee payable to the Subadviser.

    In the event that the advisory fee payable by the Account to the  Investment
Adviser  shall be reduced as  required by the securities  laws or regulations of
any jurisdiction in which the Account's shares are offered for sale, the  amount
payable  by  the  Adviser to  the  Subadviser  shall be  likewise  reduced  by a
proportionate amount.

    4.  In  connection with purchases  or sales of  securities for the  Account,
neither the Subadviser nor any of its partners, directors, officers or employees
will  act  as  a  principal  or agent  or  receive  directly  or  indirectly any
compensation in connection with the purchase or sale of investment securities by
the Sub-Account, other than  as provided in this  Agreement. The Subadviser,  or
its agent, shall arrange for the placing of all orders for the purchase and sale
of  securities  for the  Sub-Account  with brokers  or  dealers selected  by the
Subadviser, provided that the Subadviser shall not be responsible for payment of
brokerage commissions.  In the  selection of  such brokers  or dealers  and  the
placing  of such orders, the Subadviser is directed at all times to seek for the
Account the best execution available.  Neither the Subadviser nor any  affiliate
of  the Subadviser will act  as principal or receive  directly or indirectly any
compensation in connection with the purchase or sale of investment securities by
the Account, other than  compensation provided for in  this Agreement or in  the
Investment  Advisory Agreement of the Account  and such brokerage commissions as
are permitted by the 1940 Act. If and to the extent authorized to act as  broker
in the relevant jurisdiction, the Subadviser or any of its affiliates may act as
broker  for the Account in the purchase  and sale of. The Subadviser agrees that
all transactions effected through the Subadviser or brokers affiliated with  the
Subadviser  shall be effected in  compliance with Section 17(e)  of the 1940 Act
and written procedures established from time  to time by the Board of  Directors
of  the Company pursuant to Rule 17e-1 under the 1940 Act, as amended, copies of
which shall be provided to the Subadviser by the Investment Adviser.

    5.  It  is also understood  that it is  desirable for the  Account that  the
Subadviser  have  access  to  supplemental investment  and  market  research and
security and  economic analyses  provided  by certain  brokers who  may  execute
brokerage transactions at higher commissions to the Account than may result when
allocating brokerage to other brokers on the basis of seeking the most favorable
price  and efficient execution. Therefore, the Subadviser is authorized to place
orders for the purchase and sale of securities for the Account with such certain
brokers, subject to review by the Company's Board of Directors from time to time
with  respect  to  the  extent  and   continuation  of  this  practice.  It   is


understood  that the  services provided  by such  brokers may  be useful  to the
Subadviser in connection  with its services  to other clients.  If any  occasion
should  arise in which the Subadviser gives any advice to its clients concerning
the shares of the Account, the Subadviser will act solely as investment  counsel
for  such clients and not in any way  on behalf of the Account. The Subadviser's
services to the Account pursuant  to this Agreement are not  to be deemed to  be
exclusive and it is understood that the Subadviser may render investment advice,
management and other services to others.

    Provided  the investment objectives of the  Account are adhered to, and such
aggregation is  in  the  best  interests of  the  Account,  the  Subadviser  may
aggregate  sales and  purchase orders  of securities  held for  the Account with
similar orders  being made  simultaneously  for other  accounts managed  by  the
Subadviser,  if  in the  Subadviser's reasonable  judgment, such  aggregation is
equitable and  consistent  with the  Subadviser's  fiduciary obligation  to  the
Account  and shall result in an overall  economic benefit to the Account, taking
into  consideration  the  advantageous  selling  or  purchase  price,  brokerage
commission  and other expenses.  In accounting for  such aggregated order price,
commission and other expenses  shall be averaged  on a per  bond or share  basis

    The  Subadviser  will  advise  the Account's  custodian  and  the Investment
Adviser on a prompt  basis of each  purchase and sale  of a portfolio  security,
specifying  the name  of the  issuer, the  description and  amount or  number of
shares of the security purchases, the market price, commission and gross or  net
price,  trade  date, settlement  date and  identity of  the effecting  broker or
dealer, and such other information as  may be reasonably required. From time  to
time  as the  Board of Directors  of the  Company or the  Investment Adviser may
reasonably request, the Subadviser will furnish to the Company's officers and to
each of  its  Directors,  at  the Subadviser's  expense,  reports  on  portfolio
transactions  and reports on issues of securities  held in the portfolio, all in
such detail as the Account or the Investment Adviser may reasonably request.

    6.   In  the absence  of  willful  misfeasance, bad  faith,  negligence,  or
reckless  disregard  of  the performance  of  duties  of the  Subadviser  to the
Account, the Subadviser shall not be subject to liabilities to the Account,  the
Adviser,  the Company,  or to any  shareholder of  the Account for  any error of
judgement or mistake of law  or for any other action  or omission in the  course
of,  or connected with, rendering services hereunder  or for any losses that may
be sustained in the purchase, holding or sale of any security, or otherwise.

    Notwithstanding the above, the Subadviser  will indemnify and hold  harmless
the  Investment Adviser  from, against, for  and in respect  to losses, damages,
costs and expenses incurred by the Investment Adviser, including attorneys' fees
reasonably incurred, in the event  of the Subadviser's willful misfeasance,  bad
faith or negligence in the performance of its duties or obligations hereunder or


by  reason if  its reckless disregard  of such duties  or obligations; provided,
however, that  the Investment  Adviser  shall not  be  so indemnified  for  such
losses,  damages, costs  and expenses,  including such  attorneys' fees,  to the
extent they result from the Investment Adviser's willful misfeasance, bad  faith
or  negligence. The  Investment Adviser  shall indemnify  and hold  harmless the
Subadviser to  the  same extent  and  subject to  the  same limitations  as  the
Subadviser  shall  indemnify the  Investment  Adviser pursuant  to  the previous

    7.  This Agreement shall remain in force until             , 1998, and  from
year  to  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long  as  such  continuance,  and the
continuance of the Investment Adviser as  investment adviser of the Account,  is
specifically  approved  at least  annually  by the  vote  of a  majority  of the
Directors who  are not  interested  persons of  the Subadviser,  the  Investment
Adviser  or the Account, cast  in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of
voting on such approval and by a vote of the Board of Directors or of a majority
of the outstanding voting securities  of the Account. The aforesaid  requirement
that  continuance of this Agreement be "specifically approved at least annually"
shall be construed  in a  manner consistent  with the  1940 Act  and the  rules,
regulations  and interpretations thereunder. This Agreement may be terminated at
any time without the payment of any penalty, (a) by the Company, by the Board of
Directors, or by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of  the
Account,  upon 60 days' written notice to the Adviser and Subadviser, (b) by the
Investment Adviser,  upon  60  days'  written notice  to  the  Account  and  the
Subadviser,  or  (c) by  the Subadviser,  upon  90 days'  written notice  to the
Account and Investment Adviser. This Agreement shall automatically terminate  in
the  event of its assignment. In  interpreting the provisions of this Agreement,
the definitions contained  in Section  2(a) of  the 1940  Act (particularly  the
definitions   of  "interested   person,"  "assignment"  and   "majority  of  the
outstanding voting securities"), as from time to time amended, shall be applied,
subject, however, to  such exemptions as  may be granted  by the Securities  and
Exchange Commission by any rule, regulation or order.

    8.   No provisions of  this Agreement may be  changed, waived, discharged or
terminated orally, but  only by  an instrument in  writing signed  by the  party
against  which enforcement  of the change,  waiver, discharge  or termination is
sought, and no amendment of this Agreement shall be effective until approved  by
vote  of the holders of  a majority of the  outstanding voting securities of the
Account and by the Board of Directors, including a majority of the Directors who
are not interested  persons of  the Investment  Adviser, the  Subadviser or  the
Account,  cast in person at  a meeting called for the  purpose of voting on such


    It shall be the responsibility of the Subadviser to furnish to the Board  of
Directors  of the  Company such  information as  may reasonably  be necessary in
order for such Directors to evaluate  this Agreement or any proposed  amendments
thereto for the purposes of casting a vote pursuant to paragraphs 7 or 8 hereof.

    9.   The  Subadviser will  conform its conduct  in accordance  with and will
ensure  that  the   Sub-Account  conforms   with  the   Company's  Articles   of
Incorporation  and By-laws, each as amended from time to time, and the 1940 Act,
as amended, other applicable  laws, and to  the investment objectives,  policies
and  restrictions of the Account as each of  the same shall be from time to time
in effect as set forth in  the Account's Prospectus and Statement of  Additional
Information,  or  any investment  guidelines or  other instructions  received in
writing from the Investment Adviser, and subject, further, to such policies  and
instructions  as the Board of Directors or  the Investment Adviser may from time
to time establish and deliver to the Subadviser.

    In addition,  the Subadviser,  taking  into account  only income  and  gains
realized  with respect to the Sub-Account,  will cause the Sub-Account to comply
with the requirements of: (a) Section 851(b)(2) of the Code regarding derivation
of income from  specified investment  activities; (b) Section  851(b)(3) of  the
Code  limiting  gains  from  the disposition  of  securities  and  certain other
investments held less than three months, in each case as if the Sub-Account were
a "regulated investment company" as defined  in Section 851(a) of the Code;  and
the  regulations pertaining thereto. The Subadviser  shall not without the prior
express written consent of the Adviser:  (a) invest Sub-Account assets having  a
value exceeding five percent of the Account's total (gross) assets in securities
of  one issuer; or (b) cause the Sub-Account to acquire more than ten percent of
the outstanding voting securities of any  one issuer; or (c) invest  Sub-Account
assets  in investments  that are not  cash, cash  items (including receivables),
Government securities, securities  of other regulated  investment companies,  or
other  securities  within the  meaning  of Section  851(b)(4)  of the  Code. For
purposes of clauses (a) and (b) of the foregoing sentence the term  "securities"
shall  exclude  "Government  securities"  and  "securities  of  other  regulated
investment companies" as  each such  term is used  in Section  851(b)(4) of  the

    10.  The  Subadviser  represents  that  it  has  reviewed  the  Registration
Statement of the Company  as filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
and represents and warrants that with respect to disclosure about the Subadviser
or   information  relating  directly  or  indirectly  to  the  Subadviser,  such
Registration Statement contains, as of the  date hereof, no untrue statement  of
any  material fact and  does not omit  any statement of  material fact which was


required to be  stated therein  or necessary  to make  the statements  contained
therein  not misleading. The Subadviser further  represents and warrants that it
is an investment adviser registered under the Advisers Act.

    11. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Connecticut.

    12. If any provision of  this Agreement shall be held  or made invalid by  a
court  decision, statute,  rule or  otherwise, the  remainder of  this Agreement
shall not be affected thereby.

    13. Any notice given to the Subadviser by the Investment Adviser pursuant to
the terms of this Agreement  shall be deemed to have  been given if provided  in
writing  (including by telecopy or similar hard copy reproduction) and delivered
or mailed, postpaid, to: Pilgrim Baxter & Associates, Ltd., 1255 Drummers  Lane,
Suite  300, Wayne, PA 19087-1549, Attn: Mr.  Brian Bereznak. Any notice given to
the Investment  Adviser  by  the  Subadviser, pursuant  to  the  terms  of  this
Agreement  shall be deemed to have been  given if provided in writing (including
by telecopy  or similar  hard copy  reproduction) and  delivered to  Oppenheimer
Management Corporation, Two World Trade Center, New York, NY 10048.

    14.  It is understood and expressly stipulated that the Subadviser must look
solely to the property of the Account for the enforcement of any claims  against
the  Account and shall not look to or have recourse to the assets of the Company
generally or any other series of the Company.

    15.  This  Agreement  may  be   executed  simultaneously  in  two  or   more
counterparts,  each  of which  shall be  deemed  an original,  but all  of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed as  of the  day  and year  first written  above,  and effective  as  of
           , 1996.


                   PILGRIM BAXTER & ASSOCIATES, LTD.



                                   SCHEDULE A
                             SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT

    The  fee payable by the Investment Adviser  to the Subadviser shall be at an
annual rate  equal  to  a percentage  of  the  average daily  Net  Assets  Under
Management (as defined below) as follows:


    .60% of the total net assets under management

    For  purposes of this Schedule A,  Net Assets Under Management shall consist
of the aggregated net assets of each Sub-Account as follows:

    (a)  the  Aggressive  Growth  Sub-Account  of  the  CMIA  LifeSpan   Capital
Appreciation Account; (b) the Aggressive Growth Sub-Account of the Series Fund I
Life  Span Capital Appreciation Portfolio; (c) the Aggressive Growth Sub-Account
of the CMIA LifeSpan Balanced Account; and (d) the Aggressive Growth Sub-Account
of the Series Fund I LifeSpan Balanced Portfolio, in each case to the extent and
for so long as the Subadviser also manages such assets.

    For purposes  hereof, the  value of  the net  assets of  the foregoing  Sub-
Accounts   shall  be  computed  in  the   manner  specified  in  the  applicable
Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information for the computation of the
value of the net assets in connection with the determination of net asset  value
of  their shares. On  any day that  the net asset  determination is suspended as
specified in the Prospectuses, the net  asset value for purposes of  calculating
the  Subadvisory  fee  with  respect  to each  of  the  aforementioned  shall be
calculated as of the date last determined.


                           LIFESPAN BALANCED ACCOUNT
                                    FORM OF

    AGREEMENT made as of the   day of           , 1996 by and among  Oppenheimer
Management  Corporation  (the  "Investment  Adviser")  and  BEA  Associates (the

    Connecticut Mutual Investment  Accounts, Inc., a  Maryland corporation  (the
"Company"),  is an open-end, management investment company, registered under the
Investment Company  Act of  1940,  as amended  (the  "1940 Act").  The  LifeSpan
Balanced  Account (the  "Account") is  a series  of the  Company. The Investment
Adviser  and  the  Subadviser  are  investment  advisers  registered  under  the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the "Advisers Act").

    Pursuant  to authority granted the Investment Adviser by the Company's Board
of Directors and pursuant to the provisions of the Investment Advisory Agreement
dated            , 1996 between the Investment Adviser and Company, on behalf of
the Account, the  Investment Adviser has  selected the Subadviser  to act as  an
investment  subadviser of the Account and  to provide certain other services, as
more fully  set forth  below,  and the  Subadviser is  willing  to act  as  such
investment  subadviser  and  to  perform  such  services  under  the  terms  and
conditions hereinafter set  forth. Accordingly, the  Investment Adviser and  the
Company, on behalf of the Account agree with the Subadviser as follows:

    1.  The Subadviser will regularly provide the Account with advice concerning
the  investment management of the High Yield Fixed Income portion of the Account
(the "Sub-Account") designated by the  Investment Adviser. Such advice shall  be
consistent  with the  investment objectives and  policies of the  Account as set
forth in the Account's Prospectus  and Statement of Additional Information,  and
any  investment guidelines  or other instructions  received in  writing from the
Investment Adviser.  The  Subadviser will  determine  what securities  shall  be
purchased  for the Sub-Account, and what securities shall be held or sold by the
Sub-Account, subject always to the provisions of Section 9 hereof.

    The Investment Adviser shall  oversee the management  of the Sub-Account  by
the  Subadviser. The  Investment Adviser shall  manage directly,  or by engaging
other  subadvisers,  and  the  Subadviser  shall  not  be  responsible  for  the
management  of any  portion of the  Account not  designated as part  of the Sub-
Account.  The  Subadviser  shall  not  be  responsible  for  the  provision   of
administrative,  bookkeeping or  accounting services  to the  Account, except as
otherwise provided herein, as required by  the Advisers Act as may be  necessary
for the


Subadviser  to supply  to the Investment  Adviser, the Company  or the Company's
Board of Directors the information required to be supplied under this Agreement.
Any records required to be maintained shall  be the property of the Company  and
shall be surrendered promptly to the Company upon request.

    In  the performance of the Subadviser's  duties hereunder, the Subadviser is
and shall be an independent  contractor and unless otherwise expressly  provided
herein or otherwise authorized in writing, shall have no authority to act for or
represent the Company, Account or the Investment Adviser in any way or otherwise
be  deemed to be an agent of the Company, Account or the Investment Adviser. The
Subadviser will  make its  officers and  employees available  to meet  with  the
Company's  officers and Board of  Directors at least quarterly  on due notice to
review the investments and investment program of the Sub-Account in the light of
current and prospective economic and market conditions.

    2.  The Subadviser will bear its own costs of providing services  hereunder.
Other  than  as  herein  specifically indicated,  the  Subadviser  shall  not be
responsible for the Account's expenses,  including brokerage and other  expenses
incurred   in  placing  orders   for  the  purchase   and  sale  of  securities.
Specifically, the Subadviser will not be responsible for expenses of the Account
including, but  not limited  to,  the following:  legal expenses;  auditing  and
accounting  expenses; expenses of maintenance of the Account's books and records
relating to the Account, including computation of the Account's daily net  asset
value per share and dividends; interest, taxes, governmental fees and membership
dues;  fees of custodians, transfer agents, registrars or other agents; expenses
of  preparing  share  certificates;  expenses  relating  to  the  redemption  or
repurchase  of  the Account's  shares;  expenses of  registering  and qualifying
Account shares for  sale under  applicable federal  and state  law; expenses  of
preparing,  setting in  print, printing and  distributing prospectuses, reports,
notices and  dividends to  Account shareholders;  cost of  stationery; costs  of
shareholders  and other meetings of the Account; traveling expenses of officers,
Directors and employees of the Company or Account, if any; fees of the Company's
Directors and salaries of any officers  or employees of the Company or  Account;
and  the Account's pro rata  portion of premiums on  any fidelity bond and other
insurance covering the Company, the Account and their officers and Directors.

    The Account shall reimburse  the Subadviser for any  such expenses or  other
expenses of the Account, as may be reasonably incurred by such Subadviser on the
Account's  behalf. The Subadviser shall  keep and supply to  the Account and the
Investment Adviser adequate records of all such expenses.

    3.  For  all investment management  services to be  rendered hereunder,  the
Investment  Adviser will pay the Subadviser an annual fee, payable quarterly, as
described in SCHEDULE A hereto. For any  period less than a full fiscal  quarter


during which this Agreement is in effect, the fee shall be prorated according to
the  proportion which such  period bears to  a full fiscal  quarter. The Account
shall have no responsibility for any fee payable to the Subadviser.

    In the event that the advisory fee payable by the Account to the  Investment
Adviser  shall be reduced as  required by the securities  laws or regulations of
any jurisdiction in which the Account's shares are offered for sale, the  amount
payable  by  the  Adviser to  the  Subadviser  shall be  likewise  reduced  by a
proportionate amount.

    4.  In connection  with purchases or  sales of securities  on behalf of  the
Account,  neither the Subadviser nor any of its partners, directors, officers or
employees will act as a principal or agent or receive directly or indirectly any
compensation in connection with the purchase or sale of investment securities by
the Account, other than  as provided in this  Agreement. The Subadviser, or  its
agent,  shall arrange for the placing of all orders for the purchase and sale of
securities  for  the  Sub-Account  with  brokers  or  dealers  selected  by  the
Subadviser, provided that the Subadviser shall not be responsible for payment of
brokerage  commissions.  In the  selection of  such brokers  or dealers  and the
placing of such orders, the Subadviser is directed at all times to seek for  the
Account  the best execution available. Neither  the Subadviser nor any affiliate
of the Subadviser will  act as principal or  receive directly or indirectly  any
compensation in connection with the purchase or sale of investment securities by
the  Sub-Account, other than  compensation provided for in  this Agreement or in
the Investment Advisory Agreement of the Account and such brokerage  commissions
as  are permitted by  the 1940 Act.  If and to  the extent authorized  to act as
broker in the relevant jurisdiction, the Subadviser or any of its affiliates may
act as broker for the  Sub-Account in the purchase  and sale of securities.  The
Subadviser  agrees  that all  transactions  effected through  the  Subadviser or
brokers affiliated  with the  Subadviser shall  be effected  in compliance  with
Section  17(e) of the 1940  Act and written procedures  established from time to
time by the Board of Directors of  the Company pursuant to Rule 17e-1 under  the
1940 Act, as amended, copies of which shall be provided to the Subadviser by the
Investment Adviser.

    5.   It  is also understood  that it is  desirable for the  Account that the
Subadviser have  access  to  supplemental investment  and  market  research  and
security  and  economic analyses  provided by  certain  brokers who  may execute
brokerage transactions at higher commissions to the Account than may result when
allocating brokerage to other brokers on the basis of seeking the most favorable
price and efficient execution. Therefore, the Subadviser is authorized to  place
orders  for the purchase  and sale of  securities for the  Sub-Account with such
certain brokers, subject to review by the Company's Board of Directors from time
to time  with  respect to  the  extent and  continuation  of this  practice.  It


is  understood that the services  provided by such brokers  may be useful to the
Subadviser in connection  with its services  to other clients.  If any  occasion
should  arise in which the Subadviser gives any advice to its clients concerning
the shares of  the Sub-Account,  the Subadviser  will act  solely as  investment
counsel  for such  clients and  not in  any way  on behalf  of the  Account. The
Subadviser's services to the  Account pursuant to this  Agreement are not to  be
deemed  to be  exclusive and  it is  understood that  the Subadviser  may render
investment advice, management and other services to others.

    Provided the investment objectives of the  Account are adhered to, and  such
aggregation  is  in  the  best  interests of  the  Account,  the  Subadviser may
aggregate sales and  purchase orders  of securities  held for  the Account  with
similar  orders  being  made  simultaneously  for  other  funds  managed  by the
Subadviser, if  in the  Subadviser's reasonable  judgment, such  aggregation  is
equitable  and  consistent with  the  Subadviser's fiduciary  obligation  to the
Account and shall result in an  overall economic benefit to the Account,  taking
into  consideration  the  advantageous  selling  or  purchase  price,  brokerage
commission and other expenses.  In accounting for  such aggregated order  price,
commission  and other expenses  shall be averaged  on a per  bond or share basis

    The Subadviser  will  advise  the Account's  custodian  and  the  Investment
Adviser  on a prompt  basis of each  purchase and sale  of a portfolio security,
specifying the  name of  the issuer,  the description  and amount  or number  of
shares  of the security purchases, the market price, commission and gross or net
price, trade  date, settlement  date and  identity of  the effecting  broker  or
dealer,  and such other information as may  be reasonably required. From time to
time as the  Board of Directors  of the  Company or the  Investment Adviser  may
reasonably request, the Subadviser will furnish to the Company's officers and to
each  of  its  Directors,  at the  Subadviser's  expense,  reports  on portfolio
transactions and reports on issues of securities held in the Sub-Account, all in
such detail as the Account or the Investment Adviser may reasonably request.

    Subject to any  other written  instructions of the  Investment Adviser,  the
Subadviser  is hereby appointed the  Investment Adviser's agent and attorney-in-
fact on behalf of the Sub-Account in  its discretion to vote, tender or  convert
any  securities  in  the  Sub-Account; to  execute  proxies,  waivers, consents,
account documentation, agreements, contracts and other instruments with  respect
to  such securities and the  assets of the Sub-Account;  to endorse, transfer or
deliver such securities and  to participate in or  consent to any class  action,
plan  of  reorganization,  merger,  combination,  consolidation,  liquidation or
similar plan with  reference to such  securities; and the  Subadviser shall  not
incur  any liability to the  Investment Adviser or the  Sub-Account by reason of
any exercise of, or failure to exercise,  any such discretion in the absence  of
willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence.


    6.   The Subadviser will  not be liable for any  loss sustained by reason of
the adoption of any investment policy or the purchase, sale, or retention of any
security  on  the  recommendation  of   the  Subadviser  whether  or  not   such
recommendation  shall have been based upon its own investigation and research or
upon  investigation  and  research  made  by  any  other  individual,  firm   or
corporation,  if  such  recommendation  shall  have  been  made  and  such other
individual, firm, or corporation shall have been selected, with due care and  in
good  faith;  but nothing  herein  contained will  be  construed to  protect the
Subadviser against any  liability to  the Investment Adviser,  the Company,  the
Account  or  its  share-holders by  reason  of: (a)  the  Subadviser negligently
causing the Sub-Account to be in violation of any federal or state law, rule  or
regulation  or any investment  policy or restriction set  forth in the Account's
prospectus or Statement of Additional  Information or any written guidelines  or
instruction  provided  in writing  by the  Company's Board  of Directors  or the
Investment Adviser; (b)  the Subadviser negligently  causing the Sub-Account  to
fail to satisfy the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code") due to the Subadviser's failure to comply with the
requirements  set  forth  in the  second  paragraph  of Section  9;  or  (c) the
Subadviser's  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith  or  gross  negligence  in   the
performance  of  its  duties or  by  reason  of its  reckless  disregard  of its
obligations and duties under this Agreement; provided that, with respect to  (a)
and  (b) above, Subadviser shall be deemed not to have been negligent if it acts
in reliance upon written  reports provided by  Investment Advisor, the  Company,
the Account, or any of their respective authorized agents.

    The Subadviser will indemnify the Adviser to the fullest extent permitted by
law  against  any  and  all  loss,  damage,  judgment,  fines,  amounts  paid in
settlement and attorneys fees incurred by  the Investment Adviser to the  extent
resulting,  in whole or in part, from  any of the Subadviser's acts or omissions
specified in (a), (b)  or (c) above or  otherwise from the Subadviser's  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  or gross  negligence, provided,  however, that nothing
herein contained will provide indemnity to the Investment Adviser for  liability
resulting  from its own  willful misfeasance, bad faith,  or gross negligence in
the performance of its duties or reckless disregard of such duties.

    7.  This Agreement shall remain in force until             , 1998, and  from
year  to  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long  as  such  continuance,  and the
continuance of the Investment Adviser as  investment adviser of the Account,  is
specifically  approved  at least  annually  by the  vote  of a  majority  of the
Directors who  are not  interested  persons of  the Subadviser,  the  Investment
Adviser  or the Account, cast  in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of
voting on such approval and by a vote of the Board of Directors or of a majority
of the outstanding voting securities  of the Account. The aforesaid  requirement
that  continuance of this Agreement be "specifically approved at least annually"


be construed in a manner consistent with the 1940 Act and the rules, regulations
and interpretations thereunder.  This Agreement  may be terminated  at any  time
without  the  payment  of any  penalty,  (a) by  the  Company, by  the  Board of
Directors, or by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of  the
Account,  upon 60 days' written notice to the Adviser and Subadviser, (b) by the
Investment Adviser,  upon  60  days'  written notice  to  the  Account  and  the
Subadviser,  or  (c) by  the Subadviser,  upon  90 days'  written notice  to the
Account and Investment Adviser. This Agreement shall automatically terminate  in
the  event of its assignment. In  interpreting the provisions of this Agreement,
the definitions contained  in Section  2(a) of  the 1940  Act (particularly  the
definitions   of  "interested   person,"  "assignment"  and   "majority  of  the
outstanding voting securities"), as from time to time amended, shall be applied,
subject, however, to  such exemptions as  may be granted  by the Securities  and
Exchange Commission by any rule, regulation or order.

    8.   No provisions of  this Agreement may be  changed, waived, discharged or
terminated orally, but  only by  an instrument in  writing signed  by the  party
against  which enforcement  of the change,  waiver, discharge  or termination is
sought, and no amendment of this Agreement shall be effective until approved  by
vote  of the holders of  a majority of the  outstanding voting securities of the
Account and by the Board of Directors, including a majority of the Directors who
are not interested  persons of  the Investment  Adviser, the  Subadviser or  the
Account,  cast in person at  a meeting called for the  purpose of voting on such

    It shall be the responsibility of the Subadviser to furnish to the Board  of
Directors  of the  Company such  information as  may reasonably  be necessary in
order for such Directors to evaluate  this Agreement or any proposed  amendments
thereto for the purposes of casting a vote pursuant to paragraphs 7 or 8 hereof.

    9.   The  Subadviser will  conform its conduct  in accordance  with and will
ensure  that  the   Sub-Account  conforms   with  the   Company's  Articles   of
Incorporation  and By-laws, each as amended from time to time, and the 1940 Act,
as amended, other applicable  laws, and to  the investment objectives,  policies
and  restrictions of the Account as each of  the same shall be from time to time
in effect as set forth in  the Account's Prospectus and Statement of  Additional
Information,  or  any investment  guidelines or  other instructions  received in
writing from the Investment Adviser, and subject, further, to such policies  and
instructions  as the Board of Directors or  the Investment Adviser may from time
to time establish and deliver to the Subadviser.

    In addition,  the Subadviser,  taking  into account  only income  and  gains
realized  with respect to the Sub-Account,  will cause the Sub-Account to comply


with the requirements of: (a) Section 851(b)(2) of the Code regarding derivation
of income from specified investment activities; and (b) Section 851(b)(3) of the
Code limiting  gains  from  the  disposition of  securities  and  certain  other
investments held less than three months, in each case as if the Sub-Account were
a  "regulated investment company" as defined in  Section 851(a) of the Code; and
the regulations pertaining thereto. The  Subadviser shall not without the  prior
express  written consent of the Adviser:  (a) invest Sub-Account assets having a
value exceeding five percent of the Account's total (gross) assets in securities
of one issuer; or (b) cause the Sub-Account to acquire more than ten percent  of
the  outstanding voting securities of any  one issuer; or (c) invest Sub-Account
assets in investments  that are  not cash, cash  items (including  receivables),
Government  securities, securities  of other regulated  investment companies, or
other securities  within the  meaning  of Section  851(b)(4)  of the  Code.  For
purposes  of clauses (a) and (b) of the foregoing sentence the term "securities"
shall  exclude  "Government  securities"  and  "securities  of  other  regulated
investment  companies" as  each such  term is used  in Section  851(b)(4) of the

    10.  The  Subadviser  represents  that  it  has  reviewed  the  Registration
Statement  of the Company  as filed with the  Securities and Exchange Commission
and represents and warrants that with respect to disclosure about the Subadviser
or  information  relating  directly  or  indirectly  to  the  Subadviser,   such
Registration  Statement contains, as of the  date hereof, no untrue statement of
any material fact and  does not omit  any statement of  material fact which  was
required  to be  stated therein  or necessary  to make  the statements contained
therein not misleading. The Subadviser  further represents and warrants that  it
is an investment adviser registered under the Advisers Act.

    11. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Connecticut.

    12.  If any provision of  this Agreement shall be held  or made invalid by a
court decision,  statute, rule  or otherwise,  the remainder  of this  Agreement
shall not be affected thereby.

    13. Any notice given to the Subadviser by the Investment Adviser pursuant to
the  terms of this Agreement  shall be deemed to have  been given if provided in
writing (including by telecopy or similar hard copy reproduction) and  delivered
or  mailed,  postpaid, to:  BEA Associates,  One Citicorp  Center, New  York, NY

    Any notice given to the Investment Adviser by the Subadviser pursuant to the
terms of  this Agreement  shall be  deemed to  have been  given if  provided  in


writing  (including by telecopy or similar hard copy reproduction) and delivered
to Oppenheimer  Management Corporation,  Two World  Trade Center,  New York,  NY

    14.  It is understood and expressly stipulated that the Subadviser must look
solely to the property of the Account for the enforcement of any claims  against
the  Account and shall not look to or have recourse to the assets of the Company
generally or any other series of the Company.

    15.  This  Agreement  may  be   executed  simultaneously  in  two  or   more
counterparts,  each  of which  shall be  deemed  an original,  but all  of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed as  of the  day  and year  first written  above,  and effective  as  of
           , 1996.



                   BEA ASSOCIATES




                                   SCHEDULE A
                             SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT

    The  fee payable by the Investment Adviser  to the Subadviser shall be at an
annual rate  equal  to  a percentage  of  the  average daily  Net  Assets  Under
Management (as defined below) as follows:


    .45% of the first $25 Million of such assets
    .40% of the next $25 Million of such assets
    .35% of the next $50 Million of such assets
    .25% of such assets over $100 Million.

    For  purposes of this Schedule A,  Net Assets Under Management shall consist
of the aggregated net assets of each Sub-Account as follows:

    (a) the  High Yield  Sub-Account  of the  CMIA LifeSpan  Diversified  Income
Account;  (b)  the  High  Yield  Sub-Account  of  the  Series  Fund  I  LifeSpan
Diversified Income  Portfolio;  (c)  the  High Yield  Sub-Account  of  the  CMIA
LifeSpan  Balanced Account; (d) the High Yield  Sub-Account of the Series Fund I
LifeSpan Balanced Portfolio; (e) the High Yield Sub-Account of the CMIA LifeSpan
Capital Appreciation Account; and (f) the  High Yield Sub-Account of the  Series
Fund  I LifeSpan Capital Appreciation Portfolio, in  each case to the extent and
for so long as the Subadviser also manages such assets.

    For purposes hereof, the value of  net assets of the foregoing  Sub-Accounts
shall  be computed  in the manner  specified in the  applicable Prospectuses and
Statements of Additional Information for the computation of the value of the net
assets in connection with the determination of net asset value of their  shares.
On  any day that  the net asset  determination is suspended  as specified in the
Prospectuses, the net asset  value for purposes  of calculating the  subadvisory
fee  with respect to  each of the  aforementioned shall be  calculated as of the
date last determined.


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                                    FORM OF

    THIS  INVESTMENT  SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT  is  by and  between Babson-Stewart
Ivory International, a partnership organized under the laws of the  Commonwealth
of  Massachusetts (the "Sub-Adviser"), and Oppenheimer Management Corporation, a
Colorado corporation ("OMC"), effective            , 199  .

    WHEREAS, Oppenheimer                    Fund  (the "Fund")  is a  series  of
Oppenheimer             Fund, Inc. (the "Company"), a Maryland corporation which
is an open-end diversified management investment company registered as such with
the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission")  pursuant  to the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), and the Company has
appointed OMC as the investment adviser for  the Fund, pursuant to the terms  of
an Investment Advisory Agreement (the "Advisory Agreement");

    WHEREAS,  the  Advisory  Agreement provides  that  OMC may,  at  its option,
subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Company, and, to the extent
necessary, shareholders of  the Fund,  appoint a sub-adviser  to assume  certain
responsibilities and obligations of OMC under the Advisory Agreement;

    WHEREAS,  OMC and the Sub-Adviser are investment advisers registered as such
with the Commission, and OMC desires to appoint the Sub-Adviser as a sub-adviser
for the Fund and  the Sub-Adviser is  willing to act in  such capacity upon  the
terms herein set forth;

    NOW  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants
herein contained, OMC and the Sub-Adviser,  the parties hereto, intending to  be
legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


    OMC  hereby employs the Sub-Adviser and the Sub-Adviser hereby undertakes to
    act as  the  investment sub-adviser  of  the international  portion  of  the
    portfolio  of the Fund designated by  OMC (the "Sub-Account") and to provide
    investment advice  and  to  perform  for the  Fund  such  other  duties  and
    functions  as  are  hereinafter set  forth.  The Sub-Adviser  shall,  in all
    matters, give to the Fund and the Company's Board of Directors, directly  or
    through  OMC, the benefit of the Sub-Adviser's best judgment, effort, advice
    and recommendations and  shall, at all  times conform to,  and use its  best
    efforts to enable the Fund to conform to:

    (a) the provisions of the 1940 Act and any rules or regulations thereunder;

    (b)  the provisions of Subchapter M of  the Internal Revenue Code, as it may
        be amended from time to time;

    (c) any other applicable provisions of state or federal law;

    (d) the  provisions of  the Articles  of Incorporation  and By-Laws  of  the
        Company as amended from time to time;

    (e) policies and determinations of the Board of Directors of the Company and

    (f)  the fundamental  policies and  investment restrictions  of the  Fund as
        reflected in the Company's registration statement under the 1940 Act  or
        as  such fundamental policies and investment restrictions may, from time
        to time, be amended by the Fund's shareholders;

    (g) the Prospectus and  Statement of Additional Information  of the Fund  in
        effect from time to time; and

    (h) any investment guidelines or other instructions received in writing from

    The appropriate officers and employees of the Sub-Adviser shall be available
    upon  reasonable  notice  for consultation  with  any of  the  Directors and
    officers of the Company and OMC with respect to any matters dealing with the
    business and affairs of the Fund including without limitation the  valuation
    of  portfolio securities of  the Sub-Account that  are either not registered
    for public sale or not traded on any securities market.

    In the performance of its duties hereunder, the Sub-Adviser is and shall  be
    an  independent contractor and unless otherwise expressly provided herein or
    otherwise authorized  in writing,  shall have  no authority  to act  for  or
    represent  the Company, the Fund or OMC in any way or otherwise be deemed to
    be an agent of the Company, the Fund or OMC.


    (a) The  Sub-Adviser shall,  subject to  the direction  and control  by  the
        Company's  Board of Directors  or OMC, to the  extent OMC's direction is
        not inconsistent  with that  of the  Board of  Directors, (i)  regularly
        provide  investment advice and recommendations  to the Fund, directly or
        through OMC, with respect  to the Sub-Account's investments,  investment
        policies  and the  purchase and sale  of securities;  (ii) supervise and
        monitor continuously the investment program of the Fund with respect  to
        the  Sub-Account and  the portfolio  composition of  the Sub-Account and
        determine what securities shall be purchased or sold for the Sub-Account
        of the Fund;  (iii) arrange, subject  to the provisions  of paragraph  5
        hereof,  for the  purchase of securities  and other  investments for the
        Sub-Account of the Fund and


        the sale of securities and other portfolio investments held in the  Sub-
        Account  of the Fund; and  (iv) provide reports on  the foregoing to the
        Board of Directors at each Board meeting.

    (b) Provided that neither OMC nor the Fund or the Company shall be  required
        to  pay any  compensation other  than as provided  by the  terms of this
        Agreement and  subject to  the  provisions of  paragraph 5  hereof,  the
        Sub-Adviser  may obtain  investment information,  research or assistance
        from any  other person,  firm or  corporation to  supplement, update  or
        otherwise improve its investment management services.

    (c)  Provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to protect the Sub-Adviser
        from  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith  or  gross  negligence  in   the
        performance  of its duties, or reckless disregard of its obligations and
        duties under this Agreement, the Sub-Adviser shall not be liable for any
        loss sustained by reason of good faith errors or omissions in connection
        with any matters to which this Agreement relates.

    (d) Nothing in this  Agreement shall prevent OMC  or the Sub-Adviser or  any
        officer thereof from acting as investment adviser or sub-adviser for any
        other  person, firm  or corporation  and shall not  in any  way limit or
        restrict OMC or the  Sub-Adviser or any  of their respective  directors,
        officers,  stockholders, partners  or employees from  buying, selling or
        trading any securities for its or  their own account or for the  account
        of  others  for  whom it  or  they  may be  acting,  provided  that such
        activities will not adversely affect or otherwise impair the performance
        by any party of its duties and obligations under this Agreement.

    (e) The  Sub-Adviser shall  cooperate with  OMC by  providing OMC  with  any
        information  in the  Sub-Adviser's possession  necessary for supervising
        the activities of all administrative and clerical personnel as shall  be
        required  to provide  effective corporate  administration for  the Fund,
        including the compilation and maintenance  of such records with  respect
        to its operations as may reasonably be required. Any records required to
        be  maintained  shall  be  the  property of  the  Company  and  shall be
        surrendered promptly to the Company  on request. The Sub-Adviser  shall,
        at  its own expense, provide such officers  for the Company as its Board
        may request.


    OMC shall provide (or cause to be provided to) the Sub-Adviser the following
    information about the Sub-Account:

    (a) cash flow estimates on request;


    (b) notice  of  the Sub-Account's  "investable  funds" by  11:00  a.m.  each
        business day;

    (c)  as  they are  modified,  from time  to  time, current  versions  of the
        documents and policies referred to  in subparagraphs (d), (e), (f),  (g)
        and (h) of paragraph 1 above.


    The Sub-Adviser will bear its own costs of providing services hereunder. The
    Sub-Adviser  shall not be responsible for the Fund's expenses. OMC agrees to
    pay  the  Sub-Adviser  and  the   Sub-Adviser  agrees  to  accept  as   full
    compensation  for the performance of all functions and duties on its part to
    be performed pursuant to  the provisions hereof, a  fee computed on the  net
    asset  value of the Sub-Account of the Fund as of the close of each business
    day and payable monthly by the tenth business day of the following month, at
    the following annual rates:

            .75% of the  first $10  million of average  net assets  in the  Sub-
            Account;  .625% of the next $15 million of average net assets in the
            Sub-Account; .50% of the next $25  million of average net assets  in
            the  Sub-Account; and .375%  of the average net  assets in excess of
            $50 million in the Sub-Account.

    For any period  less than a  full month  during which this  Agreement is  in
    effect,  the fee shall  be pro-rated according to  the proportion which such
    period bears to a full month (a month being the calendar month of which such
    period is part). The Fund shall  have no responsibility for any fee  payable
    to the Sub-Adviser.


    (a)  In connection with purchases or sales of portfolio securities on behalf
        of the Fund, neither the Sub-Adviser nor any of its partners, directors,
        officers or  employees will  act  as a  principal  or agent  or  receive
        directly  or indirectly any compensation in connection with the purchase
        or sale of securities  by the Fund, other  than as provided herein.  The
        Sub-Adviser  is authorized,  in arranging the  purchase and  sale of the
        Sub-Account's portfolio securities, to employ or deal with such  members
        of    securities    exchanges,   brokers    or    dealers   (hereinafter
        "broker-dealers"),  including  broker-dealers   that  are   "affiliated"
        broker-dealers (as that term is defined in the 1940 Act), as may, in the
        Sub-Adviser's best judgment, implement the policy of the Fund to obtain,
        at  reasonable  expense,  the  "best  execution"  (prompt  and  reliable
        execution at the most favorable security price obtainable) of the Fund's
        portfolio transactions. All transactions effected through any affiliated
        brokers shall


        be effected in  compliance with Section  17(e) of the  1940 Act and  any
        written  procedures  established  from  time to  time  by  the  Board of
        Directors of the Company pursuant to  Rule 17e-1 under the 1940 Act,  as
        it may be amended from time to time, copies of which procedures shall be
        provided to the Sub-Adviser by OMC.

    (b)  The Sub-Adviser may  effect the purchase and  sale of securities (which
        are otherwise publicly traded) in private transactions on such terms and
        conditions as are customary  in such transactions, may  use a broker  to
        effect  said transactions,  and may enter  into a contract  in which the
        broker acts either as principal or as agent.

    (c) The Sub-Adviser shall select broker-dealers to effect the  Sub-Account's
        portfolio  transactions on the basis of its estimate of their ability to
        obtain best execution of particular and related portfolio  transactions.
        The  abilities of a broker-dealer to obtain best execution of particular
        portfolio transaction(s) will be judged by the Sub-Adviser on the  basis
        of  all  relevant  factors  and  considerations  including,  insofar  as
        feasible, the  execution capabilities  required  by the  transaction  or
        transactions;  the  ability  and  willingness  of  the  broker-dealer to
        facilitate the  Sub-Account's  portfolio transactions  by  participating
        therein  for  its own  account;  the importance  to  the Fund  of speed,
        efficiency or confidentiality; the broker-dealer's apparent  familiarity
        with sources from or to whom particular securities might be purchased or
        sold;  as  well as  any other  matters  relevant to  the selection  of a
        broker-dealer for particular and related transactions of the Fund.

    (d) The  Sub-Adviser  shall not  be  responsible for  payment  of  brokerage

    (e) Provided that such aggregation is in the best interests of the Fund, the
        Sub-Adviser may aggregate orders for the purchase and sale of securities
        for  the Sub-Account with  similar orders being  made simultaneously for
        other funds  managed  by  the  Sub-Adviser,  if,  in  the  Sub-Adviser's
        reasonable  judgment, such aggregation is  equitable and consistent with
        the Sub-Adviser's fiduciary obligation to  the Fund and shall result  in
        an  overall economic benefit to the  Fund, taking into consideration the
        advantageous sale  or purchase  price,  brokerage commissions  or  other

    (f)  The Sub-Adviser  will advise OMC  and the Fund's  Custodian promptly of
        each purchase and sale of a  portfolio security, specifying the name  of
        the  issuer,  the description  and  amount or  number  of shares  of the
        security purchased or sold, the  market price, commissions and gross  or
        net  price, trade  date, settlement date  and identity  of the effecting


        broker or  dealer,  and such  other  information as  may  be  reasonably
        required.  From time to time as the Board of Directors of the Company or
        OMC  may  reasonably  request,  the  Sub-Adviser  will  furnish  to  the
        Company's  officers and to its  Directors, at the Sub-Adviser's expense,
        reports on portfolio transactions and  reports on issuers of  securities
        held  in the Sub-Account,  all in such  detail as the  Fund or OMC shall
        reasonably request.


    This Agreement will take effect on               , 199 , and unless  earlier
    terminated pursuant to paragraph 7 shall remain in effect until December 31,
    199  . Thereafter it shall continue in effect  from year to year, so long as
    such continuance and the continuance of OMC as Adviser to the Fund shall  be
    approved  at least annually  by the Company's  Board of Directors, including
    the vote of the majority of the Directors of the Company who are not parties
    to this Agreement or  "interested persons" (as defined  in the 1940 Act)  of
    any  such party cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting
    on such approval, or by the holders of a "majority" (as defined in the  1940
    Act)  of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund and by such a vote of
    the Company's Board of Directors.


    This Agreement shall terminate automatically  upon its assignment or in  the
    event of the Company's termination of the Advisory Agreement; it may also be
    terminated:  (i) by-the Sub-Adviser at any  time without penalty upon ninety
    days' written notice to OMC and the  Company; or (ii) by the Company at  any
    time  without  penalty  upon  sixty  days' written  notice  to  OMC  and the
    Sub-Adviser provided that such termination by the Company shall be  directed
    or  approved by a vote of a majority  of all of the Directors of the Company
    then in  office or  by  the vote  of  the holders  of  a "majority"  of  the
    outstanding  voting securities of the Fund (as  defined in the 1940 Act); or
    (iii) by OMC, upon 60 days' written notice to the Fund and the Sub-Adviser.


    Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing, addressed and delivered
    or mailed, postage prepaid, to the other party, with a copy to the  Company,
    at  the  addresses below  or  such other  address  as such  other  party may
    designate for the receipt of such notice.


    If to OMC:

        Oppenheimer Management Corporation
        Two World Trade Center, 34th Floor
        New York, NY 10048-0203
        Attention: Andrew J. Donohue, Esq.

    If to the Sub-Adviser:

        Babson-Stewart Ivory International
        One Memorial Drive
        Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142-1300

    If to either party, copy to:

- --------- Fund
        ---------------------------, Chairman

9.   No provisions  of this  Agreement  may be  changed, waived,  discharged  or
    terminated  orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party
    against which enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is
    sought, and no  amendment of  this Agreement  shall be  effective until  its
    approval  by vote  of the  holders of a  majority of  the outstanding voting
    securities of  the  Fund and  by  the Board  of  Directors of  the  Company,
    including a majority of the Directors who are not interested persons of OMC,
    the  Sub-Adviser or  the Fund, cast  in person  at a meeting  called for the
    purpose of voting on such approval.

10. The Sub-Adviser represents that  it has reviewed the Registration  Statement
    of  the Company,  including any amendments  or supplements  thereto, and any
    Proxy Statement relating to  the approval of this  Agreement, as filed  with
    the Securities and Exchange Commission and represents and warrants that with
    respect to disclosure about the Sub-Adviser or information relating directly
    or  indirectly  to the  Sub-Adviser,  such Registration  Statement  or Proxy
    Statement contains,  as of  the  date hereof,  no  untrue statement  of  any
    material  fact and does  not omit any  statement of material  fact which was
    required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements  contained
    therein not misleading. The Sub-Adviser further represents and warrants that
    it  is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of
    1940, as  amended, and  under the  laws of  all jurisdictions  in which  the
    conduct of its business hereunder requires such registration.


11.  This Agreement shall  be governed by  and construed in  accordance with the
    laws of the State of New York.

12. It is  expressly understood and  stipulated that the  Sub-Adviser must  look
    solely to the property of the Fund for the enforcement of any claims against
    the Fund and shall not look to or have recourse to the assets of the Company
    generally or any other series of the Company.

13.  This Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in two or more counterparts,
    each of which shall be deemed an  original, but all of which together  shall
    constitute one and the same instrument.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OMC and the Sub-Adviser have caused this Agreement to be
executed on the day and year first above written.


                              (Name) (Title)


                              (Name) (Title)


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

                                    FORM OF
                           SERVICE PLAN AND AGREEMENT
                               FOR CLASS A SHARES

    SERVICE  PLAN AND AGREEMENT (the Plan) dated the     day of          , 1996,
by and between                              (the "Fund")  and OPPENHEIMER  FUNDS
DISTRIBUTOR, INC. (the "Distributor").

    1.   THE PLAN.  This Plan is the Fund's written service plan for its class A
Shares described in the Fund's registration  statement as of the date this  Plan
takes  effect, contemplated by and to comply with Article III, Section 26 of the
Rules of  Fair  Practice of  the  National Association  of  Securities  Dealers,
pursuant  to which the Fund will reimburse  the Distributor for a portion of its
costs incurred in connection  with the personal service  and the maintenance  of
shareholder  accounts ("Accounts")  that hold class  A Shares  (the "Shares") of
such series and  class of  the Fund.  The Fund  may be  deemed to  be acting  as
distributor  of securities  of which  it is the  issuer, pursuant  to Rule 12b-l
under the Investment  company Act  of 1940 (the  "1940 Act"),  according to  the
terms  of  this  Plan. The  Distributor  is  authorized under  the  Plan  to pay
"Recipients," as  hereinafter  defined,  for  rendering  services  and  for  the
maintenance  of Accounts. Such Recipients are intended to have certain rights as
third party beneficiaries under this Plan.

    2.  DEFINITIONS.  As used in  this Plan, the following terms shall have  the
following meanings:

        (a) "Recipient" shall mean any broker, dealer, bank or other institution
    which: (i) has rendered services in connection with the personal service and
    maintenance  of Accounts; (ii)  shall furnish the  Distributor (on behalf of
    the Fund) with such information as the Distributor shall reasonably  request
    to answer such questions as may arise concerning such service; and (iii) has
    been  selected  by  the  Distributor to  receive  payments  under  the Plan.
    Notwithstanding the foregoing, a majority  of the Fund's Board of  Directors
    (the  "Board") who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act)
    and who have no  direct or indirect financial  interest in the operation  of
    this  Plan  or in  any agreements  relating to  this Plan  (the "Independent
    Directors") may remove any  broker, dealer, bank or  other institution as  a
    Recipient,  whereupon  such  entity's rights  as  a  third-party beneficiary
    hereof shall terminate.

        (b) "Qualified Holdings"  shall mean,  as to any  Recipient, all  Shares
    owned  beneficially  or  of record  by:  (i)  such Recipient,  or  (ii) such
    customers, clients and/or accounts as to which such Recipient is a fiduciary
    or  custodian   or   co-fiduciary   or   co-custodian   (collectively,   the

    but  in no  event shall  any such Shares  be deemed  owned by  more than one
    Recipient for purposes of  this Plan. In the  event that two entities  would
    otherwise  qualify as Recipients as to  the same Shares, the Recipient which
    is the dealer of record on the Fund's books shall be deemed the Recipient as
    to such Shares for purposes of this Plan.

    3.  PAYMENTS.

    (a) Under the Plan, the Fund  will make payments to the Distributor,  within
forty-five  (45) days of the end of each  calendar quarter, in the amount of the
lesser of: (i)  .06250% (.25%  on an  annual basis)  of the  average during  the
calendar  quarter of the aggregate net asset value of the Shares, computed as of
the close of each business day, or (ii) the Distributor's actual expenses  under
the  Plan for that  quarter of the  type approved by  the Board. The Distributor
will use such fee received from the Fund in its entirety to reimburse itself for
payments to Recipients  and for  its other expenditures  and costs  of the  type
approved  by  the Board  incurred in  connection with  the personal  service and
maintenance of Accounts including, but not limited to, the services described in
the  following  paragraph.  The  Distributor  may  make  Plan  payments  to  any
"affiliated  person" (as  defined in  the 1940 Act)  of the  Distributor if such
affiliated person qualifies as a Recipient.

    The services to be rendered by the Distributor and Recipients in  connection
with the personal service and the maintenance of Accounts may include, but shall
not  be  limited  to,  the  following:  answering  routine  inquiries  from  the
Recipient's  customers  concerning  the  Fund,  providing  such  customers  with
information  on their investment  in shares, assisting  in the establishment and
maintenance  of  accounts  or  sub-accounts  in  the  Fund,  making  the  Fund's
investment  plans  and dividend  payment options  available, and  providing such
other information and customer liaison services and the maintenance of  Accounts
as the Distributor or the Fund may reasonably request. It may be presumed that a
Recipient has provided services qualifying for compensation under the Plan if it
has  Qualified Holdings of Shares  to entitle it to  payments under the Plan. In
the event that either the Distributor or the Board should have reason to believe
that, notwithstanding the level  of Qualified Holdings, a  Recipient may not  be
rendering  appropriate services,  then the  Distributor, at  the request  of the
Board, shall  require  the  Recipient  to provide  a  written  report  or  other
information  to verify that said Recipient  is providing appropriate services in
this regard. If the Distributor still is not satisfied, it may take  appropriate
steps to terminate the Recipient's status as such under the Plan, whereupon such
entity's rights as a third-party beneficiary hereunder shall terminate.

    Payments  received by the Distributor from the  Fund under the Plan will not
be used to pay any interest expense, carrying charges or other financial  costs,
or  allocation of overhead  by the Distributor,  or for any  other purpose other


for the  payments  described  in this  Section  3.  The amount  payable  to  the
Distributor  each  quarter  will be  reduced  to the  extent  that reimbursement
payments otherwise permissible under  the Plan have not  been authorized by  the
Board  of Trustees for that quarter.  Any unreimbursed expenses incurred for any
quarter by the Distributor may not be recovered in later periods.

    (b) The Distributor shall make  payments to any Recipient quarterly,  within
forty-five  (45) days  of the  end of each  calendar quarter,  at a  rate not to
exceed .0625%  (.25% on  an annual  basis) of  the average  during the  calendar
quarter  of the aggregate net asset value of the Shares computed as of the close
of each business day, of Qualified  Holdings owned beneficially or of record  by
the  Recipient or by its  Customers. However, no such  payments shall be made to
any Recipient for any such quarter in which its Qualified Holdings do not  equal
or  exceed, at the end  of such quarter, the  minimum amount ("Minimum Qualified
Holdings"), if any, to be set from time to time by a majority of the Independent
Directors. A majority of the Independent Directors may at any time or from  time
to  time increase or decrease and thereafter adjust  the rate of fees to be paid
to the Distributor or  to any Recipient,  but not to exceed  the rate set  forth
above,  and/or increase  or decrease the  number of  shares constituting Minimum
Qualified Holdings. The Distributor shall  notify all Recipients of the  Minimum
Qualified  Holdings and the rate of payments hereunder applicable to Recipients,
and shall provide  each Recipient with  written notice within  thirty (30)  days
after  any change in these provisions. Inclusion  of such provisions or a change
in such provisions in a  revised current prospectus shall constitute  sufficient

    (c)  Under the Plan, payments may be  made to Recipients: (i) by Oppenheimer
Management Corporation ("OMC") from its own resources (which may include profits
derived from  the advisory  fee  it receives  from the  Fund),  or (ii)  by  the
Distributor (a subsidiary of OMC), from its own resources.

    4.   SELECTION AND NOMINATION  OF DIRECTORS.  While  this Plan is in effect,
the selection  or replacement  of Independent  Directors and  the nomination  of
those  persons to be Directors  of the Fund who  are not "interested persons" of
the Fund shall  be committed  to the  discretion of  the Independent  Directors.
Nothing herein shall prevent the Independent Directors from soliciting the views
or  the  involvement of  others in  such  selection or  nomination if  the final
decision on any such selection and nomination  is approved by a majority of  the
incumbent Independent Directors.

    5.   REPORTS.  While this Plan is in effect, the Treasurer of the Fund shall
provide at least quarterly a written report to the Fund's Board for its  review,
detailing the amount of all payments made pursuant to this Plan, the identity of
the Recipient of each such payment, and the purposes for which the payments were
made.  The report shall state  whether all provisions of  Section 3 of this Plan
have been complied with. The Distributor shall annually certify to the Board the


amount of its  total expense  incurred that year  with respect  to the  personal
service  and  maintenance of  Accounts in  conjunction  with the  Board's annual
review of the continuation of the Plan.

    6.  RELATED  AGREEMENTS.  Any  agreement related  to this Plan  shall be  in
writing and shall provide that (i) such agreement may be terminated at any time,
without  payment  of any  penalty,  by vote  of  a majority  of  the Independent
Directors or by a vote  of the holders of a  "majority" (as defined in the  1940
Act)  of the Fund's outstanding voting securities of the class, on not more than
sixty days  written  notice to  any  other party  to  the agreement;  (ii)  such
agreement  shall automatically  terminate in the  event of  its "assignment" (as
defined in the 1940 Act); (iii) it shall go into effect when approved by a  vote
of the Board and its Independent Trustees cast in person at a meeting called for
the purpose of voting on such agreement; and (iv) it shall, unless terminated as
herein  provided, continue  in effect  from year  to year  only so  long as such
continuance is specifically  approved at  least annually  by the  Board and  its
Independent  Directors cast  in person  at a meeting  called for  the purpose of
voting on such continuance.

been  approved by a vote of the Independent Trustees cast in person at a meeting
called on             , 1995 for  the purpose of voting on this Plan, and  shall
take  effect on  the date  first noted  above. Unless  terminated as hereinafter
provided, it shall continue in effect until              ,     and from year  to
year  thereafter or as  the Board may  otherwise determine only  so long as such
continuance is specifically  approved at  least annually  by the  Board and  its
Independent  Directors cast  in person  at a meeting  called for  the purpose of
voting on such continuance. This Plan may be terminated at any time by vote of a
majority of  the Independent  Directors  or by  the vote  of  the holders  of  a
"majority"  (as  defined  in the  1940  Act)  of the  Fund's  outstanding voting
securities of the class. This Plan may not be amended to increase materially the
amount of payments to be made without  approval of the class A Shareholders,  in
the  manner described above, and  all material amendments must  be approved by a
vote of the Board and of the Independent Directors.


 By: ---------------------------   By: ---------------------------
   Vice President                 Assistant Secretary
   & Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT E

                                    FORM OF
                             FOR CLASS B SHARES OF

    DISTRIBUTION  AND SERVICE PLAN AND AGREEMENT (the "Plan")  dated the     day
of         ,  1996, by  and between [NAME]  (the "Fund")  and OPPENHEIMER  FUNDS
DISTRIBUTOR, INC. (the "Distributor").

    1.  THE PLAN.  This Plan is the Fund's written distribution and service plan
for  Class B shares of the Fund  (the "Shares"), contemplated by Rule 12b-l (the
"Rule") under the Investment Company Act  of 1940 (the "1940 Act"), pursuant  to
which  the Fund will  compensate the Distributor for  its services in connection
with the distribution  of Shares, and  the personal service  and maintenance  of
shareholder  accounts  that  hold  Shares  ("Accounts").  The  Fund  may  act as
distributor of  securities of  which it  is the  issuer, pursuant  to the  Rule,
according  to the terms  of this Plan.  The Distributor is  authorized under the
Plan to pay "Recipients," as hereinafter defined, for rendering (l) distribution
assistance in  connection with  the  sale of  Shares and/or  (2)  administrative
support  services with respect to Accounts. Such Recipients are intended to have
certain rights  as third-party  beneficiaries  under this  Plan. The  terms  and
provisions  of this Plan shall be interpreted and defined in a manner consistent
with the provisions  and definitions  contained in (i)  the 1940  Act, (ii)  the
Rule,  (iii)  Article III,  Section 26,  of the  Rules of  Fair Practice  of the
National Association of Securities  Dealers, Inc., or  its successor (the  "NASD
Rules   of  Fair  Practice")  and  (iv)  any  conditions  pertaining  either  to
distribution-related expenses or to a plan of distribution, to which the Fund is
subject under any  order on which  the Fund relies,  issued at any  time by  the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

    2.   DEFINITIONS.  As used in this  Plan, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

        (a) "Recipient" shall mean any broker,  dealer, bank or other person  or
    entity which: (i) has rendered assistance (whether direct, administrative or
    both)  in the distribution of Shares  or has provided administrative support
    services with respect  to Shares held  by Customers (defined  below) of  the
    Recipient;  (ii) shall furnish the Distributor  (on behalf of the Fund) with
    such information as the Distributor shall reasonably request to answer  such
    questions  as may arise  concerning the sale  of Shares; and  (iii) has been
    selected  by  the   Distributor  to   receive  payments   under  the   Plan.
    Notwithstanding  the foregoing, a majority of  the Fund's Board of Directors
    (the "Board") who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940  Act)
    and  who have no direct  or indirect financial interest  in the operation of

    Plan  or  in  any  agreements  relating  to  this  Plan  (the   "Independent
    Directors") may remove any broker, dealer, bank or other person or entity as
    a  Recipient, whereupon  such person's or  entity's rights  as a third-party
    beneficiary hereof shall terminate.

        (b) "Qualified Holdings"  shall mean,  as to any  Recipient, all  Shares
    owned  beneficially  or  of record  by:  (i)  such Recipient,  or  (ii) such
    customers, clients and/or accounts as to which such Recipient is a fiduciary
    or  custodian   or   co-fiduciary   or   co-custodian   (collectively,   the
    "Customers"),  but in no event shall any such Shares be deemed owned by more
    than one Recipient for purposes  of this Plan. In  the event that more  than
    one  person or entity would  otherwise qualify as Recipients  as to the same
    Shares, the Recipient which is the dealer  of record on the Fund's books  as
    determined  by  the Distributor  shall be  deemed the  Recipient as  to such
    Shares for purposes of this Plan.


    (a)  The Fund will  make payments to the  Distributor, (i) within forty-five
(45) days  of the  end of  each calendar  quarter, in  the aggregate  amount  of
0.0625%  (0.25%) on an annual basis) of  the average during the calendar quarter
of the aggregate net asset value of the Shares computed as of the close of  each
business  day (the "Service Fee"), plus (ii) within  ten (10) days of the end of
each month, in the aggregate amount of 0.0625% (0.75% on an annual basis) of the
average during the month of the aggregate net asset value of Shares computed  as
of  the close of each business  day (the "Asset-Based Sales Charge") outstanding
for six years or less (the "Maximum Holding Period"). Such Service Fee  payments
received  from  the  Fund will  compensate  the Distributor  and  Recipients for
providing  administrative  support  services  with  respect  to  Accounts.  Such
Asset-Based  Sales Charge  payments received from  the Fund  will compensate the
Distributor and Recipients for  providing distribution assistance in  connection
with the sales of Shares.

    The  administrative support services  in connection with  the Accounts to be
rendered by Recipients may include, but shall not be limited to, the  following:
answering  routine inquiries concerning the Fund, assisting in the establishment
and maintenance of  accounts or sub-accounts  in the Fund  and processing  Share
redemption transactions, making the Fund's investment plans and dividend payment
options  available,  and  providing  such  other  information  and  services  in
connection with the  rendering of  personal services and/or  the maintenance  of
Accounts, as the Distributor or the Fund may reasonably request.

    The  distribution assistance  in connection  with the  sale of  Shares to be
rendered by the Distributor and Recipients may include, but shall not be limited
to, the following:  distributing sales  literature and  prospectuses other  than


furnished  to  current  holders  of  the  Fund's  Shares  ("Shareholders"),  and
providing  such  other   information  and  services   in  connection  with   the
distribution of Shares as the Distributor or the Fund may reasonably request.

    It  may be presumed that a Recipient has provided distribution assistance or
administrative support services qualifying for payment under the Plan if it  has
Qualified  Holdings of Shares to  entitle it to payments  under the Plan. In the
event that either  the Distributor or  the Board should  have reason to  believe
that,  notwithstanding the level  of Qualified Holdings, a  Recipient may not be
rendering appropriate distribution  assistance in  connection with  the sale  of
Shares or administrative support services for Accounts, then the Distributor, at
the  request of  the Board,  shall require  the Recipient  to provide  a written
report  or  other  information  to  verify  that  said  Recipient  is  providing
appropriate  distribution  assistance and/or  services  in this  regard.  If the
Distributor or the Board  of Directors still is  not satisfied, either may  take
appropriate  steps to terminate  the Recipient's status as  such under the Plan,
whereupon such Recipient's rights as  a third-party beneficiary hereunder  shall

    (b)  The  Distributor  shall  make service  fee  payments  to  any Recipient
quarterly, within forty-five (45) days of the end of each calendar quarter, at a
rate not to exceed 0.0625% (0.25% on an annual basis) of the average during  the
calendar  quarter of the aggregate net asset  value of Shares computed as of the
close of each business day,  constituting Qualified Holdings owned  beneficially
or  of record by the Recipient or by its Customers for a period of more than the
minimum period (the "Minimum Holding  Period"), if any, to  be set from time  to
time by a majority of the Independent Directors.

    Alternatively,  the Distributor  may, at its  sole option,  make service fee
payments ("Advance Service  Fee Payments")  to any  Recipient quarterly,  within
forty-five  (45) days  of the  end of each  calendar quarter,  at a  rate not to
exceed (i) 0.25% of the average during the calendar quarter of the aggregate net
asset value of  Shares, computed as  of the close  of business on  the day  such
Shares  are sold, constituting  Qualified Holdings sold  by the Recipient during
that quarter and  owned beneficially or  of record  by the Recipient  or by  its
Customers,  plus (ii) 0.0625% (0.25%  on an annual basis)  of the average during
the calendar quarter of the aggregate net  asset value of Shares computed as  of
the   close  of  each  business   day,  constituting  Qualified  Holdings  owned
beneficially or of record by the Recipient  or by its Customers for a period  of
more  than one (l) year, subject to  reduction or chargeback so that the Advance
Service Fee Payments  do not exceed  the limits on  payments to Recipients  that
are,  or may be, imposed by  Article III, Section 26, of  the NASD Rules of Fair
Practice. In the event  Shares are redeemed  less than one  year after the  date
such  Shares  were  sold, the  Recipient  is  obligated and  will  repay  to the
Distributor on demand a pro rata  portion of such Advance Service Fee  Payments,
based on the ratio of the time such shares were held to one (l) year.


    The Advance Service Fee Payments described in part (i) of this paragraph (b)
may,  at the Distributor's sole  option, be made more  often than quarterly, and
sooner than the end of the calendar quarter. However, no such payments shall  be
made  to any Recipient for  any such quarter in  which its Qualified Holdings do
not equal or exceed, at  the end of such  quarter, the minimum amount  ("Minimum
Qualified  Holdings"), if any, to be set from  time to time by a majority of the
Independent Directors.

    A majority of the Independent Directors may at any time or from time to time
decrease and thereafter adjust the rate of fees to be paid to the Distributor or
to any Recipient, but not to exceed the rate set forth above, and/or direct  the
Distributor  to increase  or decrease  the Maximum  Holding Period,  the Minimum
Holding Period or the Minimum  Qualified Holdings. The Distributor shall  notify
all  Recipients of  the Minimum Qualified  Holdings, Maximum  Holding Period and
Minimum Holding Period, if any, and the rate of payments hereunder applicable to
Recipients, and shall provide each  Recipient with written notice within  thirty
(30)  days after any change in these provisions. Inclusion of such provisions or
a change in  such provisions in  a revised current  prospectus shall  constitute
sufficient  notice. The  Distributor may make  Plan payments  to any "affiliated
person" (as  defined in  the 1940  Act) of  the Distributor  if such  affiliated
person qualifies as a Recipient.

    (c)  The Service Fee and the Asset-Based  Sales charge on Shares are subject
to reduction  or elimination  of such  amounts  under the  limits to  which  the
Distributor  is, or may  become, subject under  Article III, Section  26, of the
NASD Rules  of Fair  Practice. The  distribution assistance  and  administrative
support services to be rendered by the Distributor in connection with the Shares
may  include,  but shall  not be  limited  to, the  following: (i)  paying sales
commissions to any  broker, dealer, bank  or other person  or entity that  sells
Shares,  and\or paying such persons Advance  Service Fee Payments in advance of,
and\or greater than, the amount provided for in Section 3(b) of this  Agreement;
(ii)  paying compensation  to and expenses  of personnel of  the Distributor who
support distribution  of  Shares by  Recipients;  (iii) obtaining  financing  or
providing  such financing from its own resources,  or from an affiliate, for the
interest and other  borrowing costs of  the Distributor's unreimbursed  expenses
incurred   in  rendering  distribution  assistance  and  administrative  support
services to the  Fund; (iv)  paying other direct  distribution costs,  including
without  limitation the costs of  sales literature, advertising and prospectuses
(other than  those  furnished to  current  Shareholders) and  state  "blue  sky"
registration expenses; and (v) providing any service rendered by the Distributor
that  a  Recipient may  render  pursuant to  part (a)  of  this Section  3. Such
services include  distribution assistance  and administrative  support  services
rendered in connection with Shares acquired by the Fund (i) by purchase, (ii) in
exchange  for shares  of another  investment company  for which  the Distributor
serves as  distributor  or sub-distributor,  or  (iii)  pursuant to  a  plan  of
reorganization to which the Fund is


a  party. In  the event that  the Board should  have reason to  believe that the
Distributor  may  not  be  rendering  appropriate  distribution  assistance   or
administrative  support services in connection with the sale of Shares, then the
Distributor, at the request of the Board, shall provide the Board with a written
report or  other  information  to  verify  that  the  Distributor  is  providing
appropriate services in this regard.

    (d)  Under the Plan, payments may be  made to Recipients: (i) by Oppenheimer
Management Corporation ("OMC") from its own resources (which may include profits
derived from  the advisory  fee  it receives  from the  Fund),  or (ii)  by  the
Distributor  (a subsidiary  of OMC),  from its  own resources,  from Asset-Based
Sales Charge payments or from its borrowings.

    (e) Notwithstanding any  other provision of  this Plan, this  Plan does  not
obligate  or in any way  make the Fund liable to  make any payment whatsoever to
any person or entity other than directly  to the Distributor. In no event  shall
the  amounts to be paid to the Distributor exceed the rate of fees to be paid by
the Fund to the Distributor set forth in paragraph (a) of this section 3.

    4.  SELECTION AND NOMINATION  OF DIRECTORS.  While  this Plan is in  effect,
the  selection and nomination of  those persons to be  Directors of the Fund who
are not "interested persons"  of the Fund  ("Disinterested Directors") shall  be
committed  to  the discretion  of such  Disinterested Directors.  Nothing herein
shall prevent  the Disinterested  Directors  from soliciting  the views  or  the
involvement  of others in such selection or  nomination if the final decision on
any such selection  and nomination is  approved by a  majority of the  incumbent
Disinterested Directors.

    5.   REPORTS.  While this Plan is in effect, the Treasurer of the Fund shall
provide written reports to the Fund's  Board for its review, detailing  services
rendered  in connection with the  distribution of the Shares,  the amount of all
payments made and  the purpose  for which the  payments were  made. The  reports
shall  be provided quarterly and shall state whether all provisions of Section 3
of this Plan have been complied with.

    6.  RELATED  AGREEMENTS.  Any  agreement related  to this Plan  shall be  in
writing  and shall  provide that:  (i) such agreement  may be  terminated at any
time, without payment of any penalty, by a vote of a majority of the Independent
Directors or by a vote of the holders of a majority (as defined in the 1940 Act)
of the Fund's outstanding voting securities of the Class, on not more than sixty
days written notice  to any other  party to the  agreement; (ii) such  agreement
shall  automatically terminate in the event of its assignment (as defined in the
1940 Act); (iii) it shall  go into effect when approved  by a vote of the  Board
and its Independent Directors cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose
of  voting on  such agreement;  and (iv) it  shall, unless  terminated as herein
provided, continue in effect from year to year only so long as such  continuance


specifically  approved  at  least  annually  by a  vote  of  the  Board  and its
Independent Directors cast  in person  at a meeting  called for  the purpose  of
voting on such continuance.

been approved by  a vote  of the  Board and  its Independent  Directors cast  in
person at a meeting called on          , 199 , for the purpose of voting on this
Plan,  and shall take effect on the  date that the Fund's Registration Statement
is  declared  effective  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Unless
terminated as hereinafter provided, it shall continue in effect until          ,
199  and from year  to year thereafter  or as the  Board may otherwise determine
only so long as such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by a
vote of the  Board and its  Independent Directors  cast in person  at a  meeting
called  for the  purpose of  voting on  such continuance.  This Plan  may not be
amended to  increase  materially the  amount  of  payments to  be  made  without
approval  of the Class  B Shareholders, in  the manner described  above, and all
material amendments  must  be  approved by  a  vote  of the  Board  and  of  the
Independent  Directors. This  Plan may be  terminated at  any time by  vote of a
majority of  the Independent  Directors  or by  the vote  of  the holders  of  a
"majority"  (as  defined  in the  1940  Act)  of the  Fund's  outstanding voting
securities of the Class.  In the event  of such termination,  the Board and  its
Independent  Directors shall determine whether the Distributor shall be entitled
to payment from the Fund of the Service Fee and/or the Asset-Based Sales  Charge
in respect of Shares sold prior to the effective date of such termination.


 By: ---------------------------   By: ---------------------------
   Vice President                 Vice President
   & Secretary


                        YOUR PROMPT RESPONSE WILL SAVE

          Please fold and detach card at perforation before mailing.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



PROXY                                                                     PROXY

                               140 GARDEN STREET
                          HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06154
                               JANUARY 22, 1996

     The undersigned hereby appoints David E. Sams, Jr., Donald H. Pond, Jr.,
Ann F. Lomeli and Michael A. Chong, and each of them, the proxies of the
undersigned with full power of substitution to each of them, to vote all
shares of [ACCOUNT NAME] (the "Account") which the undersigned is
entitled to vote at a Special Meeting of Shareholders of Connecticut Mutual
Investment Accounts, Inc. (the "Company") to be held at the
offices of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company located at 878 Main
Street (10 State House Square), Hartford, Connecticut, on Monday, January 22,
1996 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time and any adjournments thereof.

     By signing and dating this proxy form, you authorize the above proxies
to vote your shares of the Account only with respect to the following
proposals set forth on the reverse side of this card (which are numbered to
correspond to the numbering of proposals contained in the Proxy Statement):


                      Date:  ___________________________


                      Signature(s) of Shareholder(s):



(1)      To approve the terms of new investment advisory agreements between
         the Company, on behalf of each Account, and Oppenheimer Management
         Corporation ("Oppenheimer"), the proposed investment adviser to the

FOR /    /                  AGAINST /    /                ABSTAIN /    /

(2)(a)   To approve the terms of new investment subadvisory agreements between
         Oppenheimer and Pilgrim, Baxter & Associates, Ltd. with respect to
         each of the LifeSpan Capital Appreciation Account and LifeSpan

FOR /    /                  AGAINST /    /                ABSTAIN /    /

(2)(b)   To approve the terms of new investment subadvisory agreements between
         Oppenheimer and BEA Associates with respect to each of the LifeSpan
         Capital Appreciation Account, LifeSpan Balanced Account and
         LifeSpan Diversified Income Account. FOR LIFESPAN CAPITAL

FOR /    /                  AGAINST /    /                ABSTAIN /    /

(2)(c)   To approve the terms of new investment subadvisory agreements between
         Oppenheimer and Babson-Stewart Ivory International Limited with
         respect to each of the LifeSpan Capital Appreciation Account and
         LifeSpan Balanced Account. FOR LIFESPAN CAPITAL APPRECIATION

FOR /    /                  AGAINST /    /                ABSTAIN /    /


(3)      To approve the new distribution plans pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under
         the Investment Company Act of 1940 for each Account, and, where an
         Account has more than one Class of shares, for each Class of shares
         of the Account, to make the plans consistent with those of other
         funds advised by Oppenheimer. FOR EACH ACCOUNT VOTING SEPARATELY

FOR /    /                  AGAINST /    /                ABSTAIN /    /

(4)      To elect twelve (12) Directors to the Company's Board of Directors
         to serve until their successors have been duly elected and
         qualified. The nominees are Leon Levy, Robert G. Galli, Benjamin
         Lipstein, Bridget A. Macaskill, Elizabeth B. Moynihan, Kenneth A.
         Randall, Edward B. Regan, Russell S. Reynolds, Jr., Sidney M.
         Robbins, Donald W. Spiro, Pauline Trigere and Clayton K. Yeutter. FOR

FOR all of the nominees named above.            /     /

FOR all of the nominees named above
   except those whose name(s)
   have written below.                          /     /

VOTE WITHHELD for all nominees named above.     /     /

(5)      To ratify the selection of Arthur Andersen, LLP as the Company's
         independent public accountants. FOR ALL ACCOUNTS VOTING TOGETHER.

FOR /    /                  AGAINST /    /                ABSTAIN /    /

     In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.

