Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )
    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /
    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or  Section
                                         LG&E ENERGY CORP.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/ /  $125 per  Exchange Act  Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2)  or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
/ /  $500  per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act Rule
/ /  Fee  computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules   14a-6(i)(4)
     and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:
/X/  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement  number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

                                                                  March 13, 1996
Dear LG&E Energy Corp. shareholder:
    You  are cordially invited  to attend the Annual  Meeting of Shareholders of
LG&E Energy Corp. to be held Tuesday,  April 23, 1996, at 10:00 a.m., E.D.T.  at
the Hyatt Regency Louisville, 320 W. Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky.
    There  are numerous items  to be considered at  the Annual Meeting. Proposal
No. 2 provides for an increase in  the authorized shares of Common Stock of  the
Company.  The  Board of  Directors  believes the  adoption  of this  proposal is
necessary in order to provide the Company with flexibility in structuring future
financings  and  achieving  other  proper  corporate  purposes,  as  more  fully
described  in  the  accompanying proxy  statement.  Proposal  Nos. 3  and  4 are
designed primarily  to comply  with  the provisions  of  Section 162(m)  of  the
Internal  Revenue Code  regarding deductibility of  executive compensation. Many
other companies have modified their executive compensation plans to comport with
Section 162. In addition to considering these and other proposals, we will  also
report  on  the  progress  of  LG&E  Energy,  and  shareholders  will  have  the
opportunity to present questions of general interest.
    We encourage you to  read the proxy statement  carefully and complete,  sign
and  return your proxy in the envelope provided,  even if you plan to attend the
meeting. Returning your proxy to us will  not prevent you from voting in  person
at  the  meeting, or  from revoking  your proxy  and changing  your vote  at the
meeting, if you are present and choose to do so.
    If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, please check the box on the  proxy
card  indicating that you plan to attend the meeting. Please bring the Admission
Ticket, which forms the top  portion of the form of  proxy, to the meeting  with
you.  If you wish to attend the meeting but do not have an Admission Ticket, you
will be admitted  to the  meeting after presenting  personal identification  and
evidence of ownership.
    The  directors  and  officers  of  LG&E  Energy  appreciate  your continuing
interest in the business of LG&E Energy. We hope you can join us at the meeting.
                                          Roger W. Hale
                                          CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD,
                                          PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

    The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of  LG&E Energy Corp. ("LG&E Energy"),  a
Kentucky  corporation, will  be held at  the Hyatt Regency  Louisville, 320 West
Jefferson Street, Louisville,  Kentucky, on  Tuesday, April 23,  1996, at  10:00
a.m.,  E.D.T. At the Annual Meeting, shareholders  will be asked to consider and
vote upon  the  following  matters,  which  are  more  fully  described  in  the
accompanying proxy statement:
    1.  A  proposal to elect four directors, each for a three-year term expiring
        in 1999;
    2.  A proposal  to amend the  Articles of Incorporation  of LG&E Energy,  as
       amended,  to  increase the  number  of shares  of  Common Stock  that the
       Company is authorized  to issue  from 75  million shares  to 125  million
    3.  A proposal to approve the Amended and Restated LG&E Energy Corp. Omnibus
       Long-Term  Incentive  Plan,  including  the  issuance  of  an  additional
       1,200,000 shares (2,400,000 shares as  adjusted for the Authorized  Stock
       Split (as defined herein)) of Common Stock thereunder, a copy of which is
       attached as Exhibit A to the accompanying proxy statement;
    4.  A proposal to approve the LG&E Energy Corp. Short-Term Incentive Plan, a
       copy  of  which  is  attached  as Exhibit  B  to  the  accompanying proxy
    5.  A proposal to amend the LG&E Energy Corp. Common Stock Purchase Plan  to
       authorize  the issuance of an additional 500,000 shares (1,000,000 shares
       as adjusted for the Authorized Stock Split (as defined herein)) of Common
       Stock thereunder;
    6.  A proposal to approve and ratify the appointment of Arthur Andersen  LLP
        as independent auditors of LG&E Energy for 1996; and
    7.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
    The  close of business on February 15, 1996,  has been fixed by the Board of
Directors as  the record  date  for determination  of shareholders  entitled  to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
You  are cordially  invited to attend  the meeting.  WHETHER OR NOT  YOU PLAN TO
REPLY  ENVELOPE AS  SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Your cooperation in  signing and promptly
returning your proxy is greatly appreciated.
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,
                                          John R. McCall, Secretary
                                          LG&E Energy Corp.
                                          220 West Main Street
                                          Louisville, Kentucky 40202
March 13, 1996

                                PROXY STATEMENT
    The  Board of Directors of LG&E Energy  hereby solicits your proxy, and asks
that you vote, sign, date and promptly  mail the enclosed proxy card for use  at
the  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be  held April  23,  1996, and  at any
adjournment of  such meeting.  The meeting  will be  held at  the Hyatt  Regency
Louisville,   320  West  Jefferson  Street,  Louisville,  Kentucky.  This  proxy
statement and the  accompanying proxy were  first mailed to  shareholders on  or
about March 13, 1996.
    If  you plan to attend  the meeting, please check the  box on the proxy card
indicating that you plan to attend the meeting. Also, please bring the Admission
Ticket, which forms the top  portion of the form of  proxy, to the meeting  with
you.  Shareholders who  do not  have an  Admission Ticket,  including beneficial
owners whose  accounts  are held  by  brokers  or other  institutions,  will  be
admitted to the meeting upon presentation of personal identification and, in the
case of beneficial owners, proof of ownership.
    At  the close  of business  on February  15, 1996,  the record  date for the
Annual Meeting, there  were 33,122,674  shares of  Common Stock  of LG&E  Energy
outstanding  and entitled to  vote. LG&E Energy has  no other voting securities.
Subsequent to the  record date for  the Annual Meeting,  the Board of  Directors
declared  a 2-for-1 stock  split to be  effected by a  one hundred percent stock
dividend  on  April  15,  1996  (the  "Authorized  Stock  Split").  Because  the
Authorized  Stock Split  will take  place after the  record date  for the Annual
Meeting, the number  of shares which  you are  entitled to vote,  and the  total
number  of shares of Common Stock of the Company outstanding for purposes of the
vote at the Annual Meeting, are unaffected by the Authorized Stock Split. PLEASE
Owners of  record of  LG&E  Energy Common  Stock at  the  close of  business  on
February  15, 1996, are entitled to one vote per share for each matter presented
at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof. In addition, each  shareholder
has  cumulative  voting  rights  with  respect  to  the  election  of directors.
Accordingly, in  electing directors,  each shareholder  is entitled  to as  many
votes  as  the number  of  shares of  stock owned  multiplied  by the  number of
directors to be elected. All such votes may be cast for a single nominee or  may
be  distributed among two or more nominees. The persons named as proxies reserve
the right to  cumulate votes represented  by proxies which  they receive and  to
distribute such votes among one or more of the nominees at their discretion.
    You  may revoke your proxy at any time  before it is voted by giving written
notice of its revocation to the Secretary of LG&E Energy, by delivery of a later
dated proxy, or by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person. Signing  a
proxy does not preclude you from attending the meeting in person.
    The  Annual Report  to Shareholders  of LG&E  Energy (the  "Annual Report"),
including financial  statements,  is enclosed  with  this proxy  statement.  The
following  portions of the Annual Report are incorporated herein and made a part
hereof: the information under the  caption Management's Discussion and  Analysis
of  Results of  Operations and  Financial Condition;  the consolidated financial
statements and notes thereto, including the Report of Management and the  Report
of  Independent  Public  Accountants;  and  the  information  under  the caption
Selected Quarterly Data (Unaudited).

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
    The Board of Directors of LG&E Energy presently consists of ten members. The
directors are  classified into  three  classes, as  nearly  equal in  number  as
possible,  with respect to the time for which they are to hold office. One class
of directors is elected  at each year's Annual  Meeting to serve for  three-year
terms  and  to  continue  in  office  until  their  successors  are  elected and
    At this Annual Meeting, the following four persons are proposed for election
to the  Board of  Directors for  three-year terms  expiring at  the 1999  Annual
Meeting:  Roger W. Hale, David  B. Lewis, Anne H.  McNamara and Donald C. Swain.
All of the nominees  are presently directors of  LG&E Energy and Louisville  Gas
and Electric Company ("LG&E"), the principal subsidiary of LG&E Energy.
    The  Board of Directors does  not know of any nominee  who will be unable to
stand for election  or otherwise  serve as  a director.  If for  any reason  any
nominee becomes unavailable for election, the Board of Directors may designate a
substitute  nominee, in  which event the  shares represented on  the proxy cards
returned to LG&E  Energy will be  voted for such  substitute nominee, unless  an
instruction to the contrary is indicated on the proxy card.
    Directors  are elected by  a plurality of  the votes cast  by the holders of
LG&E Energy Common Stock at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  "Plurality"
means  that the individuals who receive the  largest number of votes are elected
as directors up to the maximum number of directors to be chosen at the  meeting.
Consequently,  any shares  not voted  (whether by  withholding authority, broker
nonvote or otherwise) have no impact on the election of directors except to  the
extent  the  failure to  vote for  an individual  results in  another individual
receiving a larger number of votes.
    The  following  contains  certain  information  as  of  February  15,  1996,
concerning the nominees for  director, as well as  the directors whose terms  of
office continue after the 1996 Annual Meeting.


                       ROGER W. HALE (AGE 52)
                       Mr.  Hale has been a Director and  Chairman of the Board, President and
                       Chief Executive Officer of LG&E Energy since August 1990. Mr. Hale  has
   [PHOTO1]            also  been Chief  Executive Officer and  a Director of  LG&E since June
                       1989, Chairman of the Board of LG&E since February 1, 1990, and  served
                       as President of LG&E from June 1989 until January 1, 1992. Prior to his
                       coming  to LG&E,  Mr. Hale served  as Executive Vice  President of Bell
                       South Enterprises, Inc.  Mr. Hale is  a graduate of  the University  of
                       Maryland,  and  received  a  master's  degree  in  management  from the
                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management.  Mr.
                       Hale  is also a member of the Board of Directors of PNC Bank, Kentucky,
                       Inc. and H&R Block, Inc.
                       DAVID B. LEWIS (AGE 51)
                       Mr. Lewis is a founding partner of the law firm of Lewis, White & Clay,
                       a Professional Corporation, in Detroit, Michigan. Since 1972, Mr. Lewis
   [PHOTO2]            has served as Chairman  of the Board  and a Director  of the firm.  Mr.
                       Lewis  is a graduate of Oakland  University and received his law degree
                       from the University of Michigan Law School. He also received a master's
                       degree in  business  administration  from  the  University  of  Chicago
                       Graduate  School of  Business. Mr.  Lewis has  been a  director of LG&E
                       Energy and LG&E since November 1992. Mr. Lewis is also a member of  the
                       Board of Directors of Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail), and TRW,
                       Inc.,  and  serves  or  has  served  as  a  board  member  for numerous
                       educational, cultural  and  civic  organizations  in  the  Detroit  and
                       Washington, D.C. areas.
                       ANNE H. MCNAMARA (AGE 48)
                       Mrs. McNamara has been Senior Vice President and General Counsel of AMR
                       Corporation  and its  subsidiary, American  Airlines, Inc.,  since June
   [PHOTO3]            1988. Mrs. McNamara is a graduate  of Vassar College, and received  her
                       law  degree from  Cornell University. She  has been a  director of LG&E
                       Energy and LG&E since November 1991.
                       DONALD C. SWAIN (AGE 64)
                       Dr. Swain  served as  President of  the University  of Louisville  from
                       April  1981 to  June 1995, and  has served as  President Emeritus since
   [PHOTO4]            July 1995. Dr.  Swain is a  graduate of the  University of Dubuque.  He
                       received  his  master's  and  doctoral  degrees  in  history  from  the
                       University of California at  Berkeley. He has been  a director of  LG&E
                       Energy  since August 1990 and of LG&E since May 1985. Dr. Swain is also
                       a member of the Board of Directors of PNC Bank, Kentucky, Inc.



                       WILLIAM C. BALLARD, JR. (AGE 55)
                       Mr. Ballard has been of  counsel to the law  firm of Greenebaum Doll  &
                       McDonald  since May  1992. He  served as  Executive Vice  President and
   [PHOTO5]            Chief Financial Officer from  1978 until May 1992,  of Humana, Inc.,  a
                       healthcare   services  company.  Mr.  Ballard  is  a  graduate  of  the
                       University of Notre  Dame, and  received his law  degree, with  honors,
                       from  the University  of Louisville School  of Law. He  also received a
                       Master of  Law  degree  in taxation  from  Georgetown  University.  Mr.
                       Ballard  has been a  director of LG&E  Energy since August  1990 and of
                       LG&E since May  1989. Mr.  Ballard is  also a  member of  the Board  of
                       Directors  of United Healthcare Corp., MidAmerica Bancorp, Vencor, Inc.
                       and American Safety Razor, Inc.
                       S. GORDON DABNEY (AGE 67)
                       Mr. Dabney was President of Standard  Foods, Inc., which is engaged  in
                       the  food processing business, from 1955  until he retired in 1995. Mr.
   [PHOTO6]            Dabney is currently a business  consultant. He attended the  University
                       of Florida. He has been a director of LG&E Energy since August 1990 and
                       of LG&E since January 1987.
                       T. BALLARD MORTON, JR. (AGE 63)
                       Mr.  Morton has been Executive in  Residence at the College of Business
                       and Public Administration of the  University of Louisville since  1983.
   [PHOTO7]            Mr.  Morton is  a graduate  of Yale University.  Mr. Morton  has been a
                       director of LG&E Energy since August  1990 and of LG&E since May  1967.
                       Mr.  Morton is  also a member  of the  Board of Directors  of PNC Bank,
                       Kentucky, Inc. and the Kroger Company.


                       OWSLEY BROWN II (AGE 53)
                       Mr. Brown has been the Chairman  and Chief Executive Officer of  Brown-
                       Forman  Corporation, a consumer products  company, since July 1995, and
   [PHOTO8]            was President of Brown-Forman Corporation from 1987 to 1995. Mr.  Brown
                       was  first named Chief Executive Officer of Brown-Forman Corporation in
                       July 1994. Mr. Brown is a graduate of Yale University, and received his
                       master's degree in business administration from Stanford University. He
                       has been a director of LG&E Energy since August 1990 and of LG&E  since
                       May  1989. Mr.  Brown is  also a  member of  the Board  of Directors of
                       Brown-Forman  Corporation,  Hilliard  Lyons  Trust  Company  and  NACCO
                       Industries, Inc.



                       GENE P. GARDNER (AGE 66)
                       Mr.  Gardner has  been Chairman  of Beaver  Dam Coal  Company, which is
                       engaged in  the ownership  and development  of coal  properties,  since
   [PHOTO9]            April  1983. Mr. Gardner is a  graduate of the University of Louisville
                       and of the Advanced Management  Program of the University of  Virginia,
                       Colgate-Darden  Graduate  School of  Business. Mr.  Gardner has  been a
                       director of LG&E Energy since August 1990 and of LG&E since July  1979.
                       He  is also a member of the Board of Directors of Commonwealth Bank and
                       Trust  Company,   Commonwealth   Financial   Corporation   and   Thomas
                       Industries, Inc.
                       J. DAVID GRISSOM (AGE 57)
                       Mr.  Grissom  has been  Chairman of  Mayfair  Capital, Inc.,  a private
                       investment firm,  since April  1989. He  served as  Chairman and  Chief
   [PHOTO10]           Executive  Officer  of Citizens  Fidelity  Corporation from  April 1977
                       until March  31,  1989.  Upon  the  acquisition  of  Citizens  Fidelity
                       Corporation by PNC Financial Corp. in February 1987, Mr. Grissom served
                       as  Vice Chairman and as a Director  of PNC Financial Corp. until March
                       1989. Mr. Grissom is a graduate of Centre College and the University of
                       Louisville School  of Law.  Mr. Grissom  has been  a director  of  LG&E
                       Energy  since August 1990 and of LG&E  since January 1982. He is also a
                       member of the  Board of Directors  of Providian Corporation,  Churchill
                       Downs,  Inc.,  Columbia/HCA Healthcare  Corporation and  Regal Cinemas,


    Each member of the Board of Directors  of LG&E Energy is also a director  of
LG&E.  The committees of the Board of  Directors of LG&E Energy include an Audit
Committee, a Compensation Committee and a Nominating and Development  Committee.
The  directors who are members of the various committees of LG&E Energy serve in
the same capacity for purposes of the LG&E Board of Directors.
    During 1995, there were eight regular  meetings and two special meetings  of
the LG&E Energy Board. All directors attended 75% or more of the total number of
meetings  of the Board  of Directors and  Committees of the  Board on which they
    Directors who are also officers of  LG&E Energy or its subsidiaries  receive
no  compensation  in  their  capacities  as  directors.  During  1995, directors
received a retainer of $1,500 per  month, or $18,000 annually ($19,000  annually
for  committee chairmen), a fee  for Board meetings of  $1,000 per meeting and a
fee for each committee meeting of  $750. Non-employee directors residing out  of
the Louisville area received reimbursement for expenses incurred in traveling to
meetings,  and received an  additional $800 compensation  for each Board meeting
they attended.  The  foregoing amounts  represent  the aggregate  fees  paid  to
directors in their capacities as directors of LG&E Energy and LG&E during 1995.
    Non-employee  directors of  LG&E Energy  and its  subsidiaries may  elect to
defer all or a part of their  fees (including retainers, fees for attendance  at
regular  and  special  meetings,  committee  meetings  and  travel compensation)
pursuant to  the  LG&E  Energy  Corp.  Deferred  Stock  Compensation  Plan  (the
"Deferred  Stock Plan"). Each  deferred amount is  credited by LG&E  Energy to a
bookkeeping account and then  is converted into a  stock equivalent on the  date
the amount is credited. The number of stock equivalents credited to the director
is  based upon the  average of the  high and the  low sale price  of LG&E Energy
Common Stock on the New York Stock  Exchange for the five trading days prior  to
the  conversion. Additional stock equivalents will be added to stock accounts at
the time that dividends are declared on  LG&E Energy Common Stock, in an  amount
equal  to the amount  of LG&E Energy  Common Stock that  could be purchased with
dividends that  would be  paid on  the stock  equivalents if  converted to  LG&E
Energy  Common  Stock.  In  the  event  that  LG&E  Energy  is  a  party  to any
consolidation,  recapitalization,  merger,  share  exchange  or  other  business
combination  in which all or a part  of the outstanding LG&E Energy Common Stock
is changed into or exchanged for stock  or other securities of the other  entity
or  LG&E  Energy,  or  for  cash  or other  property,  the  stock  account  of a
participating  director  shall   be  converted   to  such   new  securities   or
consideration  equal  to  the amount  each  share  of LG&E  Energy  Common Stock
receives, multiplied by the number of share equivalents in the stock account.
    A director  will be  eligible to  receive  a distribution  from his  or  her
account  only  upon  termination  of service,  death,  retirement  or otherwise.
Following departure  from  the  Board,  the  distribution  will  occur,  at  the
director's  election, either  in one  lump sum  or in  no more  than five annual
installments. The distribution will be made, at the director's election,  either
in  LG&E Energy Common  Stock or in cash  equal to the  then-market price of the
LG&E Energy Common Stock allocated to the director's stock account. At  February
15, 1996, six directors were participating in the Deferred Stock Plan.
    Non-employee  directors  also receive  stock  options pursuant  to  the LG&E
Energy Corp.  Stock  Option Plan  for  Non-Employee Directors  (the  "Directors'
Option  Plan"),  which  was approved  by  the  shareholders at  the  1994 Annual
Meeting. Under the terms of the Directors' Option Plan, upon initial election or
appointment to the Board,  each new director,  who has not  been an employee  or
officer  of the  Company within  the preceding  three years,  receives an option
grant for 2,000  shares of  LG&E Energy  Common Stock.  Following these  initial
grants,  eligible directors will receive an annual  grant of an option for 2,000
shares on the first  Wednesday of each February.  The option exercise price  per

for each share of LG&E Energy Common Stock is the fair market value on the grant
date.  Options granted are  not exercisable during the  first twelve months from
the date of grant  and will terminate 10  years from the date  of grant. In  the
event  of a tender offer  or an exchange offer for  shares of LG&E Energy Common
Stock,  all  then  exercisable,  but  unexercised  options  granted  under   the
Directors' Option Plan will continue to be exercisable for thirty days following
the first purchase of shares pursuant to such tender or exchange offer.
    The  Directors' Option Plan authorizes the  issuance of up to 250,000 shares
of LG&E Energy Common Stock, of which 54,000 are subject to existing options  at
a  weighted average  per share  price of  $40.15. Information  on the  number of
exercisable options held by  each non-employee director is  shown in footnote  3
under "Ownership of LG&E Energy Common Stock" on page 8 of this proxy statement.
The number of shares subject to the Directors' Option Plan and subject to awards
outstanding  under  the  plan will  adjust  with  any stock  dividend  or split,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  merger,   consolidation,  combination   or
exchange  of shares, or  any similar corporate  change, including the Authorized
Stock Split.
    The Audit  Committee of  the Board  is composed  of Messrs.  Dabney,  Brown,
Gardner and Lewis, Dr. Swain and Mrs. McNamara. During 1995, the Audit Committee
maintained  direct  contact  with  the independent  auditors  and  LG&E Energy's
Internal Auditor to review the following matters: the adequacy of LG&E  Energy's
and  its  subsidiaries'  accounting  and  financial  reporting  procedures;  the
adequacy and  effectiveness of  LG&E Energy's  and its  subsidiaries' system  of
internal  accounting controls; the scope and results of the annual audit and any
other matters  relative to  the audit  of LG&E  Energy's and  its  subsidiaries'
accounts  and its financial affairs that the Committee, the Internal Auditor, or
the independent auditors deemed necessary. The Audit Committee met twice  during
    The Compensation Committee, composed of non-employee directors, approves the
compensation  of the Chief Executive Officer  and the executive officers of LG&E
Energy and its  subsidiaries. The  Committee makes recommendations  to the  full
Board regarding benefits provided to executive officers and the establishment of
various  employee benefit plans.  The members of  the Compensation Committee are
Messrs. Ballard,  Dabney, Gardner,  Grissom and  Morton and  Mrs. McNamara.  The
Compensation Committee met five times during 1995.
    The  Nominating and Development Committee is composed of the Chairman of the
Board and certain other directors. The  Committee reviews and recommends to  the
Board  of Directors nominees to  serve on the Board  and their compensation. The
Committee considers nominees suggested by other members of the Board, by members
of management and by shareholders. To  be considered for inclusion in the  slate
of nominees proposed by the Board of Directors at an annual meeting, shareholder
recommendations must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of LG&E Energy not
later  than  120  days  prior  to the  meeting.  In  addition,  the  Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws of LG&E Energy contain procedures governing shareholder
nominations for election of directors  at a shareholders' meeting. The  Chairman
of the Annual Meeting may refuse to acknowledge the nomination of any person not
made  in  compliance  with  these  procedures.  The  Nominating  and Development
Committee also provides advice and counsel as necessary to executive  management
concerning  business development activities  of LG&E Energy.  The members of the
Nominating  and  Development  Committee  are  Messrs.  Morton,  Ballard,  Brown,
Grissom,  Hale and Lewis and Dr. Swain. The Nominating and Development Committee
met three times during 1995.

    LG&E Energy does not know of any  shareholder who, as of February 15,  1996,
beneficially  owned more than  five percent of  LG&E Energy's outstanding Common
    The table  below  shows information  as  of February  15,  1996,  concerning
beneficial ownership by each director, each nominee for director, each executive
officer  named in the  Summary Compensation Table  beginning on page  29 of this
proxy statement  (the  "Summary  Compensation Table"),  and  all  directors  and
executive  officers as a group. Unless otherwise indicated, each person has sole
investment and voting power (or shares such  powers with a member of his or  her
family) with respect to the shares set forth on the following table.

NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                             (1)(2)(3)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
William C. Ballard, Jr.                                                  10,402
Owsley Brown II                                                           5,000
Edward J. Casey, Jr.                                                        690
S. Gordon Dabney                                                          6,800
Gene P. Gardner                                                           8,850
J. David Grissom                                                          6,867
Roger W. Hale                                                            44,271
David B. Lewis                                                            4,400
John R. McCall                                                            3,574
Michael L. McInnis                                                        7,126
Anne H. McNamara                                                          4,300
T. Ballard Morton, Jr.                                                    7,000
Victor A. Staffieri                                                       9,464
Donald C. Swain                                                           4,300
Stephen R. Wood                                                          15,113
All Directors and Executive Officers as a group (4)                     167,513


- ------------------------
(1)  Does  not include the following shares of LG&E Energy Common Stock credited
     to participating director's accounts  under the Deferred  Stock Plan as  of
     February 15, 1996: Mr. Brown, 758.005 shares; Mr. Dabney, 3,493.092 shares;
     Mr. Gardner, 3,512.674 shares; Mrs. McNamara, 1,360.843 shares; Mr. Morton,
     3,462.032 shares; and Dr. Swain, 947.716 shares.
(2)  Includes  shares  subject  to  stock options  granted  under  LG&E Energy's
     Omnibus Long-Term  Incentive Plan,  exercisable  within 60  days  following
     February  15, 1996, as follows: Mr.  Hale, 21,607 shares; Mr. McCall, 3,474
     shares; Mr. McInnis,  4,990 shares;  Mr. Staffieri, 8,284  shares; and  Mr.
     Wood, 11,515 shares.
(3)  Includes 4,000 shares subject to stock options granted under the Directors'
     Option  Plan, exercisable within  60 days following  February 15, 1996, for
     each of Messrs. Ballard, Brown, Dabney, Gardner, Grissom, Lewis and Morton,
     and Mrs. McNamara and Dr. Swain.
(4)  For each director and nominee, the  number of shares of LG&E Energy  Common
     Stock  beneficially owned as of February 15, 1996, is less than four tenths
     of one percent of  the total LG&E Energy  Common Stock outstanding on  that
     date,  and the total  number of shares beneficially  owned by all directors
     and executive officers as a group is less than six tenths of one percent of
     the then-outstanding LG&E  Energy Common  Stock. In the  case of  executive
     officers, the share total shown includes 1,417 shares of LG&E Energy Common
     Stock  representing  an  interest  in shares  held  in  trust  under LG&E's
     Employee Stock Ownership  Plan, with  respect to which  such officers  have
     voting  power but  not investment power,  and 72,615  stock options granted
     under LG&E Energy's Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, exercisable within 60
     days of February 15, 1996.


                             TO 125 MILLION SHARES
    On  December 6, 1995, the Board of Directors adopted, subject to shareholder
approval, an  amendment  to  the  Company's Amended  and  Restated  Articles  of
Incorporation,  as  amended, which  provides for  an increase  in the  number of
shares of authorized LG&E Energy  Common Stock ("Common Stock") from  75,000,000
shares  to 125,000,000  shares. As  of February  15, 1996,  33,122,674 shares of
Common Stock were issued and outstanding. After giving effect to the issuance of
approximately 33,150,000 shares of Common Stock pursuant to the Authorized Stock
Split, there will be  approximately 8,700,000 shares  of Common Stock  available
for  issuance, of  which (after  making appropriate  adjustments to  reflect the
Authorized Stock Split, but  excluding those shares  of Common Stock  authorized
for  issuance  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  subject  to  the  approval of
shareholders at the Annual Meeting) approximately 3,000,000 shares are  reserved
for  issuance  under  the  Company's  dividend  reinvestment  plan, non-employee
directors stock option plan, non-employee directors deferred stock  compensation
plan  and  other executive  and  employee benefit  plans,  leaving approximately
5,700,000 shares authorized, unissued and unreserved.
    The additional  shares of  Common Stock  for which  authorization is  sought
would  be part of  the existing class of  Common Stock and,  if and when issued,
would have the same  rights and privileges (including  the associated Rights  to
Purchase  Series  A Preferred  Stock) as  the shares  of Common  Stock presently
outstanding. Adoption of the proposed amendment  would not affect the rights  of
the  holders of currently outstanding Common  Stock of the Company. However, any
issuance of additional authorized  shares could result in  the dilution of  each
existing  shareholder's voting power, and could  have the effect of diluting the
earnings per  share or  book value  per share  of outstanding  shares of  Common
Stock. Holders of the Common Stock do not have the preemptive right to subscribe
for  the  purchase of  any  part of  any  new or  additional  issue of  stock or
securities convertible into stock.
    The Board of  Directors believes  that it  is in  the best  interest of  the
Company to increase the authorized shares of Common Stock to provide the Company
with  flexibility in  structuring future  financings and  achieving other proper
corporate purposes, including without limitation, stock splits, stock dividends,
financings, acquisitions, providing additional  equity incentives to  employees,
officers  or directors,  and/or establishing strategic  relationships with other
companies. Other than the Authorized Stock Split, the dividend reinvestment plan
and the employee benefit plans discussed above, the Company has no current plans
to issue shares of Common Stock relating to these or other matters, although the
Company from time to  time evaluates such matters  and acknowledges that one  or
more could occur in the near term.
    If  the  proposed  amendment  is  approved,  the  Board  of  Directors could
generally issue  such  additional  shares without  further  shareholder  action,
unless  such action is then required by applicable law or the rules of any stock
exchange  on  which  the  Company's  securities  may  be  listed.  The  proposed
amendment,  if adopted,  would cause the  Company's authorized  capital stock to
consist of: (i) 125,000,000 shares of Common Stock and (ii) 5,000,000 shares  of
preferred stock, without par value (the "Preferred Stock"). The Preferred Stock,
none  of which  is currently outstanding,  may be  issued in the  future in such
series as may  be designated by  the Board  of Directors. In  creating any  such
series,  the  Board  of  Directors  has the  authority  to  fix  the  rights and
preferences of  each  such series  with  respect  to, among  other  things,  the
dividend  rate,  redemption  provisions, liquidation  preferences,  sinking fund
provisions and  voting and  conversion rights.  The increase  in the  amount  of
authorized  Common Stock  was not  proposed with  the intention  of discouraging
tender offers or takeover attempts of the Company. However, the availability  of
additional authorized shares of Common Stock for

issuance,  along with  the power of  the Board  over the terms  of the Preferred
Stock and certain other provisions, could render more difficult or discourage  a
merger,  tender offer, proxy contest  or other attempt to  obtain control of the
Company. These  other  provisions include  the  Company's Rights  Agreement  and
certain  provisions of its  Articles of Incorporation,  which provide for, among
other things, the classified board  of directors, supermajority voting and  fair
price  provisions. Pursuant to the Company's Rights Agreement, which was adopted
in 1990, following the  Authorized Stock Split each  share of Common Stock  will
have  one-third of a "right"  entitling the holder to  purchase from the Company
one-one hundredth of a share of new preferred stock of the Company under certain
circumstances. The rights may  be exercised if a  person or group announces  its
intention to acquire, or does acquire 15% or more of the Company's Common Stock.
Under  certain  circumstances, the  holders of  the rights  will be  entitled to
purchase either shares of  Common Stock of  the Company or  common stock of  the
acquirer at a reduced percentage of market value.
    The  Company  has no  knowledge, however,  of any  effort to  accumulate the
Company's Common Stock or to obtain control of the Company by means of a merger,
tender offer, solicitation in opposition to management or otherwise.
    VOTE REQUIRED.  The affirmative vote of  a majority of the shares of  Common
Stock  entitled to vote and present in person  or by proxy at the Annual Meeting
is required for the approval of the adoption of the amendment to the Amended and
Restated Articles of Incorporation, as amended. Abstentions from voting on  this
matter are treated as votes against, while broker nonvotes are treated as shares
not voted.
                     (2,400,000 SHARES AS ADJUSTED FOR THE
    On December 6, 1995, the Board of Directors of LG&E Energy amended, restated
and  extended the  Louisville Gas  and Electric  Company 1990  Omnibus Long-Term
Incentive Plan (the "Original Long-Term Plan"), which was initially approved  by
the  shareholders at the  1990 Annual Meeting. The  Amended and Restated Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "1996 Long-Term Plan") became effective January 1,
1996, subject to shareholder approval. The amendments, which are embodied in the
1996 Long-Term Plan, include (i) amending the plan to maintain the Company's tax
deduction for certain  performance-based compensation, and  (ii) increasing  the
number  of shares  reserved for issuance  thereunder from the  lesser of 300,000
shares or 1% of  the outstanding Common  Stock of the Company  to the lesser  of
1,500,000  shares  or 5%  of the  outstanding  Common Stock  of the  Company. In
connection with approving  the Authorized  Stock Split, the  Board of  Directors
also  made the appropriate adjustments to the 1996 Long-Term Plan to reflect the
Authorized Stock Split, including increasing  the number of shares reserved  for
issuance  thereunder to the lesser of 3,000,000  shares or 5% of the outstanding
Common Stock.  As with  the Original  Long-Term Plan,  the 1996  Long-Term  Plan
permits a committee of the Company to grant non-qualified stock options (NQSOs),
incentive  stock  options (ISOs),  restricted  stock, stock  appreciation rights
(SARs), performance units and performance shares to executive officers and other
key employees.

    The 1996 Long-Term Plan has been  designed to comply with Section 162(m)  of
the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986  (the  "Code"), which  generally  denies a
corporate tax deduction for annual compensation exceeding $1,000,000 paid to the
chief executive officer and the four other most highly compensated officers of a
public company ("Covered Employees").  Certain types of compensation,  including
performance-based  compensation,  are  generally  excluded  from  this deduction
limit. In an effort to ensure that  stock awards under the plan will qualify  as
performance-based  compensation, the 1996  Long-Term Plan is  being submitted to
shareholders for approval at the Annual Meeting. While the Company believes that
compensation payable  pursuant to  the  1996 Long-Term  Plan generally  will  be
deductible  for federal income tax purposes, under certain circumstances such as
death, disability  and  change  in control,  compensation  not  qualified  under
Section 162(m) of the Code may be payable pursuant to the provisions of the 1996
Long-Term  Plan. By approving the 1996  Long-Term Plan, the shareholders will be
approving,  among   other   things,  the   performance   measures,   eligibility
requirements and limits on various stock awards contained therein.
    In  February  1996, the  Committee granted  NQSOs  and performance  units to
executive officers under the 1996 Long-Term  Plan. The number of shares  subject
to  options granted to  the named executives in  1996 generally is significantly
higher than the number granted to the  same executives in 1995 and prior  years.
This  is  a direct  result  of the  implementation  of a  recommendation  of the
independent compensation  consultant  that,  as described  in  the  Compensation
Committee  Report beginning on page  23 of this proxy  statement, was engaged to
review the Company's compensation programs for 1996 and beyond. These awards are
subject to the approval of  the 1996 Long-Term Plan  by the shareholders at  the
Annual Meeting. In the event that shareholders do not approve the 1996 Long-Term
Plan,  the  plan  shall  automatically  terminate  and  the  option  grants  and
performance unit grants made to current participants shall be canceled.
    Set forth  below is  a summary  of certain  important features  of the  1996
Long-Term  Plan, which summary is qualified in  its entirety by reference to the
actual plan attached as Exhibit A to this proxy statement. All capitalized terms
which are not defined herein are defined in the 1996 Long-Term Plan.
    BACKGROUND.  The Original  Long-Term Plan was  established by the  Company's
primary  subsidiary, LG&E, effective  January 1, 1990. The  plan was approved by
the Board of Directors of LG&E in  1989 and was approved by LG&E's  shareholders
in  June 1990 and  assumed by LG&E Energy  in 1990. The  1996 Long-Term Plan was
unanimously approved by the Board of  Directors of LG&E Energy in December  1995
and  became effective January 1, 1996, subject  to the approval of the Company's
shareholders at the Annual Meeting.
    PURPOSE.  The purpose of the 1996  Long-Term Plan is to promote the  success
of  the Company  and its Subsidiaries  by providing incentives  to key employees
that link their compensation to the  long-term financial success of the  Company
and its Subsidiaries and to growth in shareholder value. The plan is designed to
provide  flexibility to  the Company  and its  Subsidiaries in  their ability to
motivate, attract and retain the services of key employees upon whose  judgment,
interest  and  special  effort the  successful  conduct of  their  operations is
largely dependent.
    ADMINISTRATION.  The 1996 Long-Term Plan will be administered by a committee
(the "Committee") of the Board of Directors which will be composed solely of not
less than three directors, who, to the  extent required by Rule 16b-3 under  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), qualify as "disinterested
persons" for purposes of Rule 16b-3 and  who, to the extent required by  Section
162(m),  also qualify as  "outside directors" for purposes  of Section 162(m) of
the Code. Among other  things, the Committee will  have the authority to  select
officers  and employees to whom awards may  be granted, to determine the type of
award as well as the number of shares of LG&E Energy Common Stock to be  covered
by each award, and to determine the terms and conditions of any such awards. The
Committee  will  also have  the authority  to construe  and interpret  the plan,

amend or  waive rules  and regulations  for its  administration, accelerate  the
exercisability  of  any  award,  and  amend  the  terms  and  conditions  of any
outstanding option,  stock  appreciation  right or  other  award.  However,  the
Committee  shall have  no authority  to adjust upward  any amounts  payable to a
Covered Employee with respect to a particular award or to take any action to the
extent that such  action or the  Committee's ability to  take such action  would
cause any award to any Covered Employee to fail to qualify as "performance-based
compensation"  under  Section 162(m)  of  the Code.  All  decisions made  by the
Committee will be final and binding.
    ELIGIBILITY.  Participants in the plan  will be employees of the Company  or
any  Subsidiary, including officers of the Company or any Subsidiary who, in the
opinion  of  the   Committee,  contribute  significantly   to  the  growth   and
profitability of the Company and its Subsidiaries.
    NUMBER  OF SHARES.   As  a result  of the  Authorized Stock  Split, the 1996
Long-Term Plan  authorizes the  issuance of  up to  3,000,000 shares  of  Common
Stock, or 5% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company, whichever
is  less, pursuant to the grant or exercise of stock options, including ISOs and
NQSOs, SARs, restricted stock, performance units and performance shares, but  no
more  than one-half of such  aggregate number may be  issued as restricted stock
and no more  than 200,000 shares  may be issued  upon the exercise  of ISOs.  No
single  participant may  be granted  options (NQSOs  or ISOs)  for in  excess of
200,000 shares of Common Stock  in any calendar year, or  SARs for in excess  of
200,000  shares of Common Stock in any  calendar year. Also, no Covered Employee
may be granted any performance unit  or performance share award with respect  to
any  performance period (i) in an aggregate  amount payable in cash in excess of
$1,000,000, or (ii) in excess of  100,000 shares. The exercise of SARs,  whether
paid  in cash or Common Stock, is an issuance of shares under the 1996 Long-Term
Plan. The payment of performance shares  or performance units is an issuance  of
shares  under  the plan  only to  the extent  payment is  made in  Common Stock.
Subject to the foregoing limits, the  shares available under the 1996  Long-Term
Plan can be divided among the various types of awards and among the participants
as  the Committee sees fit. Such shares are to be made available from authorized
but unissued shares of Common Stock or treasury stock of the Company. The number
of shares subject to the 1996  Long-Term Plan and subject to awards  outstanding
under  the plan will adjust with  any stock dividend or split, recapitalization,
reclassification, merger, consolidation, combination  or exchange of shares,  or
similar corporate change.
    STOCK OPTIONS.  The 1996 Long-Term Plan permits the award of ISOs and NQSOs.
Each  option granted  under the  plan must be  evidenced by  a written agreement
specifying terms, including the type, the number of shares covered, the exercise
price, when  it is  exercisable, any  restriction on  transferability of  shares
obtained  from the exercise of  the option and the  duration. No employee may be
granted an ISO first exercisable in any  calendar year if the Fair Market  Value
(i.e., the average of the highest and lowest price at which the Common Stock was
traded, as reported on the composite tape of the New York Stock Exchange) of the
underlying  stock on the date of grant  exceeds $100,000. The purchase price per
share of Common Stock covered by an option shall be determined by the Committee,
but in the case of an ISO, may not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of
the underlying Common Stock on the date of grant, and in the case of a NQSO, may
not be less than 100% of  the market price of such  Common Stock on the date  of
grant.  No ISOs  shall be exercisable  more than  ten years after  their date of
grant. Payment of an option may be made with cash, with previously owned  shares
of Common Stock, by foregoing compensation in accordance with Committee rules or
by  a combination of these.  The principal difference between  ISOs and NQSOs is
their tax treatment. See " -- Federal Income Tax Consequences."
    STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS.  The 1996 Long-Term Plan authorizes the Committee
to grant SARs in lieu of options, in addition to options, independent of options
or as a combination of the foregoing. A holder of SARs is entitled upon exercise
to receive a number of shares of Common Stock, or cash or a combination of both,
as the Committee may determine,  equal in value on the  date of exercise to  the

amount  by which the Fair Market Value of  one share of Common Stock on the date
of exercise exceeds the  exercise price fixed  by the Committee  on the date  of
grant  multiplied  by the  number of  shares in  respect of  which the  SARs are
exercised. If granted in lieu of an  option, the SAR is exercisable at the  same
time  as the  related option  and, when  exercised, the  related option  must be
surrendered and ceases to be exercisable.  If granted in addition to an  option,
the  exercise of  the related  option causes  the SAR  also to  be exercised. If
granted independently of an option, the SAR will be exercisable at such time  as
the  Committee determines and its exercise will  be unrelated to any option. The
term of any SAR will not exceed ten years.
    RESTRICTED STOCK.  The 1996 Long-Term Plan authorizes the Committee to grant
restricted stock  to  individuals  with  such  Periods  of  Restriction  as  the
Committee  may designate.  In the case  of Covered Employees,  the Committee may
condition the  vesting  or  lapse  of  such  Periods  of  Restriction  upon  the
attainment  of one or more performance goals established by the Committee within
the time period  prescribed by  Section 162(m)  of the  Code. These  performance
goals  must be based on  the attainment, by the  Company or its Subsidiaries, of
certain objective performance measures, which shall  include one or more of  the
following:  total  shareholder  return,  return on  equity,  return  on capital,
earnings per share, market  share, stock price, sales,  costs, net income,  cash
flow,  retained earnings,  results of  customer satisfaction  surveys, aggregate
product  price  and  other  product  price  measures,  safety  record,   service
reliability,   demand-side   management   (including   conservation   and   load
management), operating and  maintenance cost management,  and energy  production
availability  performance measures  (the "Performance  Goals"). Such Performance
Goals may also be based upon  the attainment of specified levels of  performance
of  the Company or one or more Subsidiaries relative to the performance of other
corporations. With respect to Covered Employees, all Performance Goals shall  be
objective  performance goals satisfying  the requirements for "performance-based
compensation" within the  meaning of  Section 162(m)(4)(C)  of the  Code. It  is
contemplated  that restricted  stock grants will  be made  only in extraordinary
situations of performance, promotion, retention or recruitment.
    Each grant  of restricted  stock will  be evidenced  by a  restricted  stock
agreement  that shall specify the Period of Restriction, the number of shares of
restricted stock granted and such other provisions determined by the  Committee.
Generally,  all  rights  with  respect  to the  restricted  stock  granted  to a
participant under the 1996 Long-Term Plan  shall be exercisable only during  his
lifetime  and  only  by  the  participant. Restricted  stock  may  not  be sold,
assigned, transferred, pledged  or otherwise  encumbered. During  the Period  of
Restriction,  participants  holding restricted  stock  may exercise  full voting
rights with respect to the  shares and are entitled  to all dividends and  other
distributions  paid on those shares. Upon the  lapse of the applicable Period of
Restriction, the shares of restricted stock will become freely transferrable.
    PERFORMANCE  UNITS  AND  PERFORMANCE  SHARES.    The  1996  Long-Term   Plan
authorizes the Committee to grant performance units and performance shares which
may  be earned if specified long-term corporate goals are achieved over a period
of time selected by the Committee  (a "Performance Period"). Prior to the  grant
of  performance units  or performance shares,  the Committee  must establish the
Performance Goals (from among the objective performance measures described above
relating to restricted  stock) that must  be satisfied before  a payout of  such
awards  is  made. At  the  conclusion of  a  particular Performance  Period, the
Committee will determine  the extent to  which the Performance  Goals have  been
met. It will then determine the applicable percentage (which may exceed 100%) to
be  applied to, and will apply such  percentage to, the value of the performance
units or performance shares  awarded to determine the  payout to be received  by
the  participant; provided  that no payout  will be made  thereunder except upon
written certification by the Committee  that the applicable Performance  Goal(s)
have  been satisfied  to a  particular extent. As  a result,  depending upon the
Company's performance in relation  to the Performance  Goals, a participant  may
earn  less or more  than the number  of performance shares  or performance units
initially awarded. In addition,  to the extent that  the value of a  performance
share  or performance unit is  related to a share of  Common Stock, the value of
any payout  will be  dependent upon  the  changing value  of the  Common  Stock.
Payments may be made in cash, Common Stock or a combination as determined by the

    With  respect to Covered Employees, all  Performance Goals will be objective
performance   goals   satisfying   the   requirements   for   "performance-based
compensation" within the meaning of Section 162(m)(4)(C).
    CHANGE IN CONTROL.  Upon a change in control of the Company, all stock-based
awards,  such as ISOs, NQSOs, SARs and restricted stock shall vest 100%, and all
performance-based awards,  such as  performance  units and  performance  shares,
shall  immediately be paid out in cash,  based upon the extent, as determined by
the Committee,  to  which  the  Performance Goals  have  been  met  through  the
effective date of the change in control or based upon the assumed achievement of
such goals, whichever is higher.
1996 Long-Term Plan may be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged or hypothecated,
other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution. All rights to any
award granted to an employee shall be exercisable during the employee's lifetime
only by the  employee or the  employee's guardian or  legal representative.  All
awards  granted under the plan will be  forfeited immediately if the employee is
terminated for cause. Generally, upon termination of any employee due to  death,
disability  or retirement, all options and  SARs will be immediately exercisable
and remain so until their expiration date, any Restricted Period with respect to
restricted  stock  will   lapse  and   restricted  stock   will  become   freely
transferrable,  and outstanding  performance units  and performance  shares will
entitle the employee to receive pro-rated payments based upon the full months of
service during the Performance Period. Upon the termination of any employee  for
any  other reason  (other than for  cause), the employee  generally may exercise
then exercisable options or SARs for 90 days or until their expiration date, and
restricted stock, performance  units and  performance shares  will be  forfeited
(subject, in each case, to the discretion of the Committee).
    AMENDMENT  AND  DISCONTINUANCE.   The 1996  Long-Term  Plan may  be amended,
altered or discontinued by  the Board of Directors,  but except as  specifically
provided  therein, no amendment, alteration or  discontinuance may be made which
would in any  manner adversely affect  any award theretofore  granted under  the
Plan,  without  the  written consent  of  the participant.  Except  as expressly
provided in  the  1996 Long-Term  Plan,  the plan  may  not be  amended  without
shareholder  approval  to  the  extent  such  approval  is  required  by  law or
    FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES.  The following discussion is intended  only
as a brief discussion of the federal income tax rules relevant to stock options,
SARs, restricted stock and performance units. The laws governing the tax aspects
of awards are highly technical and such laws are subject to change.
    NQSOS  AND SARS.   Upon the grant  of a NQSO  (with or without  an SAR), the
optionee will  not recognize  any taxable  income and  the Company  will not  be
required  to record an expense.  Upon the exercise of such  an option or an SAR,
the excess of the fair  market value of the shares  acquired on the exercise  of
the  option over the purchase price (the "spread"), or the consideration paid to
the optionee upon the exercise of the SAR, will constitute compensation  taxable
to  the optionee as ordinary income. In  determining the amount of the spread or
the amount of consideration paid to the  optionee, the fair market value of  the
stock  on the date of exercise  is used, except that in  the case of an optionee
subject to the six month short-swing profit recovery provisions of Section 16(b)
of the Exchange Act  (generally officers and directors),  the fair market  value
will be determined six months after the date on which the option was granted (if
such  date is later  than the exercise  date) unless such  optionee elects to be
taxed based on the fair market value at the date of exercise. Any such  election
(a  "Section 83(b) election") must  be made and filed  with the Internal Revenue
Service within 30 days after exercise  in accordance with the regulations  under
Section  83(b) of the  Code. The Company,  in computing its  federal income tax,
will generally be entitled to a deduction in an amount equal to the compensation
taxable to the optionee.

    ISOS.    An optionee  will  not recognize  taxable  income on  the  grant or
exercise of an  ISO. However,  the spread at  exercise will  constitute an  item
includible  in  alternative minimum  tax. Such  alternative  minimum tax  may be
payable even though the optionee receives no  cash upon the exercise of his  ISO
with  which to pay  such tax. Upon  the disposition of  shares of stock acquired
pursuant to the exercise  of an ISO after  the later of (i)  two years from  the
date  of grant of the ISO  or (ii) one year after  the transfer of the shares to
the optionee (the "ISO Holding  Period"), the optionee will recognize  long-term
capital gain or loss, as the case may be, measured by the difference between the
stock's selling price and the exercise price. The Company is not entitled to any
tax  deduction by reason of the  grant or exercise of an  ISO, or by reason of a
disposition of stock received upon exercise of an ISO if the ISO Holding  Period
is  satisfied. Different rules apply  if the optionee disposes  of the shares of
stock acquired pursuant to the exercise of  an ISO before the expiration of  the
ISO Holding Period.
    RESTRICTED  STOCK.  A participant who is granted restricted stock may make a
Section 83(b) election  to have the  grant taxed as  compensation income at  the
date  of receipt, with the result that any future appreciation (or depreciation)
in the value of the shares of stock  granted shall be taxed as capital gain  (or
loss) upon a subsequent sale of the shares. However, if the participant does not
make a Section 83(b) election, the grant will be taxed as compensation income at
the  full fair  market value on  the date  that the restrictions  imposed on the
shares expire.  Unless  a  participant  makes  a  Section  83(b)  election,  any
dividends  paid on stock subject to  the restrictions are compensation income to
the participant  and  compensation  expense  to  the  Company.  The  Company  is
generally  entitled to a tax deduction for  any compensation income taxed to the
participant, subject to the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Code.
    PERFORMANCE UNITS  AND  PERFORMANCE SHARES.    A participant  who  has  been
granted  a performance unit or performance  share award will not realize taxable
income until the applicable Performance Period expires and the participant is in
receipt of the Common Stock and/or cash distributed in payment of the award,  at
which  time  such participant  will realize  ordinary income  equal to  the fair
market value of the shares delivered or  the amount of cash paid. At that  time,
the Company generally will be allowed a corresponding tax deduction equal to the
compensation  taxable  to  the award  recipient,  subject to  the  provisions of
Section 162(m) of the Code.
    NEW PLAN BENEFITS.   Apart  from the grant  of NQSOs  and performance  units
granted  in February 1996 and  described below, it cannot  be determined at this
time what benefits or amounts, if any,  will be received by or allocated to  any
persons  or  group of  persons under  the 1996  Long  Term Plan  if the  plan is
adopted. Except for Mr. Hale, such determinations are subject to the  discretion
of  the Committee. The  minimum level of  Mr. Hale's awards  are dictated by his
employment  agreement.  See  "Compensation  Committee  Interlocks  and   Insider
Participation  -- Employment Contract and Termination of Employment Arrangements
and Change in Control Provisions" on page 33. However, the benefits and  amounts
that  were paid or allocated  under the Original Long-Term  Plan with respect to
1995 and prior years are described in the Summary Compensation Table, Option/SAR
Grants Table  and  Option/SAR  Exercises, Year-End  Value  Table  and  Long-Term
Incentive Plan Awards Table on pages 29-31 of this proxy statement.
    1996  AWARDS.   Subject to shareholder  approval, the  Committee in February
1996 awarded performance units to the following individuals and groups described
on page 8, that are  presently employees of the  Company: Roger W. Hale,  12,175
units;  John R. McCall, 1,432 units; Michael  L. McInnis, 2,116 units; Victor A.
Staffieri, 2,469 units; Stephen R. Wood, 1,401 units; all executive officers  as
a  group, 24,755 units;  and all employees  (excluding executive officers), zero
units.  These  performance  units  were  granted  for  the  Performance   Period
commencing  January 1,  1996, and ending  December 31, 1998.  The Committee also
decided to grant  NQSOs to  purchase the following  number of  shares of  Common
Stock  to  the individuals  and groups  described  on page  8 who  are currently
employees of the Company:  Roger W. Hale, 27,500  shares; John R. McCall,  7,549
shares;  Michael L. McInnis, 11,152 shares;  Victor A. Staffieri, 13,011 shares;
Stephen R.  Wood, 7,386  shares;  all executive  officers  as a  group,  113,807
shares;  and  all  employees  (excluding  executive  officers),  53,398  shares.

The NQSOs will become exercisable one year from the date of grant at a  purchase
price  of $42.44  per share.  Subject to  shareholder approval  of the Long-Term
Plan, the number of performance units and NQSOs awarded in February 1996 and set
forth above will be adjusted to reflect the Authorized Stock Split.
    VOTE REQUIRED.  The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes entitled  to
be  cast by the holders of the  Company's Common Stock present or represented at
the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon is required to approve the  1996
Long-Term  Plan with respect to  Section 162(m) of the  Code and with respect to
the amendment to increase the number of shares authorized for issuance under the
plan. Abstentions from voting on this matter are treated as votes against, while
broker nonvotes are treated as shares not voted. Such vote will also satisfy the
shareholder approval requirements of Section 422 of the Code with respect to the
grant of ISOs and Rule 16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act.
                           SHORT-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN
    Shareholders  are being  asked to approve  the LG&E  Energy Corp. Short-Term
Incentive Plan (the "Short-Term  Plan"). The Board of  Directors of LG&E  Energy
Corp. unanimously adopted the Short-Term Plan on December 6, 1995, and the Board
of  Directors  of  LG&E unanimously  canceled  the Louisville  Gas  and Electric
Company Short-Term Incentive Plan  on that same date,  subject to the payout  of
short-term awards to plan participants in February 1996 based upon the 1995 plan
    Set forth below is a summary of certain important features of the Short-Term
Plan, which summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the actual plan
attached  as Exhibit B to this proxy  statement. All capitalized terms which are
not defined herein are defined in the Short-Term Plan.
    BACKGROUND.  The LG&E Short-Term Incentive Plan was adopted by the Board  of
Directors  of LG&E  effective January  1, 1990. In  December 1995,  the Board of
Directors of LG&E canceled its Short-Term Incentive Plan, subject to the  payout
of  short-term awards to plan participants in  February 1996 based upon the 1995
plan year. Simultaneous with such cancellation,  the Board of Directors of  LG&E
Energy  unanimously approved  the LG&E  Energy Corp.  Short-Term Incentive Plan,
effective January 1, 1996.
    PURPOSE.  The purpose of the Short-Term Plan is to provide key employees  of
the  Company and its Subsidiaries with a meaningful annual incentive opportunity
geared toward  the achievement  of specific  corporate, business  unit, line  of
business, and/or individual goals. The Short-Term Plan provides for the grant of
Company Performance Awards and Individual Performance Awards.
    The  Short-Term Plan is designed to take  into account Section 162(m) of the
Code, which generally denies a  corporate tax deduction for annual  compensation
exceeding $1,000,000 paid to the chief executive officer and the four other most
highly  compensated officers of  a public company  ("Covered Employee"). Certain
types of compensation, including  performance-based compensation, are  generally
excluded  from  this  deduction  limit.  In an  effort  to  ensure  that certain
compensation  payable  under   the  plan  will   qualify  as   performance-based
compensation,  the  Short-Term  Plan  is  being  submitted  to  shareholders for
approval  at  the  Annual  Meeting.  By  approving  the  Short-Term  Plan,   the

shareholders  will be approving,  among other things,  the performance measures,
eligibility requirements and limits on annual incentive awards contained therein
relating to the Company Performance Awards.
    As stated above, the Short-Term Plan also provides for the establishment and
payment of Individual Performance Awards. Individual Performance Awards  payable
under  the Short-Term Plan will  not qualify as "performance-based compensation"
under Section  162(m)  of the  Code,  and thus,  will  count toward  the  annual
$1,000,000  deduction limit. The Company will continue to pay at least a portion
of its executive compensation based on individual performance of key  employees.
If the shareholders approve the Amended and Restated Omnibus Long-Term Incentive
Plan  and  the  Short-Term  Incentive  Plan,  the  Committee  believes  that all
compensation paid to executives will continue  to be deductible by the  Company,
and  the  payment  of the  Individual  Performance  Awards will  not  affect the
deductibility of such executive compensation in the foreseeable future.
    ADMINISTRATION.  The Short-Term Plan will be administered by a committee  of
three  or more persons appointed by the Board of Directors (the "Committee"). To
the extent required to comply with Section 162(m) of the Code, each such  member
will  qualify as  an "outside  director" for purposes  of Section  162(m) of the
Code. Among  other things,  the  Committee will  have  the authority  to  select
officers  and employees to whom awards may be granted and to determine the terms
and conditions of any such awards. The Committee will also have the authority to
construe and  interpret  the plan,  and  establish,  amend or  waive  rules  and
regulations  for  its  administration.  However,  the  Committee  shall  have no
authority to  adjust upward  any  amounts payable  to  a Covered  Employee  with
respect  to a  particular award or  to take any  action to the  extent that such
action or the Committee's ability to take  such action would cause any award  to
any  Covered  Employee to  fail to  qualify as  "performance-based compensation"
under Section 162(m) of the  Code. All decisions made  by the Committee will  be
final and binding.
    ELIGIBILITY.    Officers  and  salaried employees  of  the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries who, in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, can  contribute
significantly   to  the  growth  and  profitability   of  the  Company  and  its
Subsidiaries are eligible to be selected  by the Committee to be granted  awards
under  the  Short-Term  Plan.  Specific  criteria  for  participation  shall  be
established by the  Committee prior to  the beginning of  each incentive  period
(generally  a calendar year), and selected employees will be notified in writing
of  their  selection,  and  of  their  performance  goals  and  related  Company
Performance  Awards and Individual  Performance Awards, as  soon as practicable.
Under certain circumstances, individuals who become eligible after an  incentive
period has commenced may participate in the plan. The Committee may withdraw its
approval  for participation in the  plan with respect to  an incentive period at
any time during such period (except where  a change in control occurs during  an
incentive  period), and the employee will not  be entitled to the payment of any
Award for such incentive period. No participant or other employee shall have the
right to participate in  the Short-Term Plan for  any incentive period,  despite
having been selected in a previous incentive period. No right or interest of any
participant  in the  Short-Term Plan  may be  assigned, transferred,  pledged or
    COMPANY PERFORMANCE  AWARDS.   The  Short-Term  Plan permits  the  award  of
Company Performance Awards (expressed as a percentage of base salary), which are
established independent of the Individual Performance Awards discussed below. On
or  before the 90th day of each incentive  period and in any event before 25% or
more of the incentive period has elapsed, the Committee shall establish for each
participant the  Company Performance  Award and  specific objective  performance
goals  for the  incentive period,  which will  be based  on one  or more  of the
following: total  shareholder  return,  return on  equity,  return  on  capital,
earnings  per share, market  share, stock price, sales,  costs, net income, cash
flow, retained  earnings, results  of customer  satisfaction surveys,  aggregate
product   price  and  other  product  price  measures,  safety  record,  service
reliability,   demand-side   management   (including   conservation   and   load
management),   operating   and   maintenance   cost   management,   and   energy

production availability performance measures  ("Company Performance Goals").  At
the  time Company Performance Awards are established, the Committee will specify
the manner in which  the Company Performance Goal(s)  will be calculated. In  so
doing, the Committee may exclude the impact of certain specified events from the
calculation  of  the  Company Performance  Goal(s).  For example,  if  a Company
Performance Goal was earnings  per share, the Committee  could, at the time  the
Company  Performance Goal is established, specify that earnings per share are to
be calculated without regard  to any subsequent  change in accounting  standards
required  by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Company Performance Goals
may also  be based  on the  attainment of  specified performance  levels of  the
Company   relative  to   other  corporations.  Upon   establishing  the  Company
Performance Awards, the Committee will establish a minimum level of  achievement
of  the  Company Performance  Goals that  must be  met in  order to  receive any
portion of such award.
    The level of achievement of the Company Performance Goals at the end of  the
incentive  period  will  determine  the  amount  of  each  participant's Company
Performance Award  that  such  participant will  receive  (the  "Earned  Company
Award"),  which may exceed 100% of  the participant's Company Performance Award.
If the  minimum  level  of  achievement of  Company  Performance  Goals  for  an
incentive  period is not met, no payment of an Earned Company Award will be made
to the particular participant  during the incentive period.  To the extent  that
minimum  achievement levels are met or  surpassed, and upon certification by the
Committee that the Company  Performance Goals have been  satisfied and that  any
other  material terms and conditions of  the Company Performance Awards are met,
payment of an  Earned Company Award  will be  made to the  participant for  that
incentive  period.  The  payment of  all  Earned  Company Awards  is  subject to
reduction by the Committee, in its sole discretion. However, the Committee  will
have no additional discretion to modify the terms of Company Performance Awards.
The  maximum amount  payable to  a participant during  any fiscal  year will not
exceed $1,000,000.
    INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE AWARDS.   The  Short-Term Plan permits  the award  of
Individual  Performance Awards (expressed as a percentage of base salary), which
are established independent of the  Company Performance Awards discussed  above.
At  the beginning  of each  incentive period,  the Chief  Executive Officer will
establish individual performance goals for each plan participant; provided  that
the  Committee  will establish  the performance  goals  for the  Chief Executive
Officer. The level of achievement of the individual performance goals at the end
of the  incentive  period  will  determine  the  amount  of  each  participant's
Individual  Performance Award  that such  participant will  receive (the "Earned
Individual Award"),  which  may range  from  0%  to 175%  of  the  participant's
Individual  Performance Award.  The payment of  all Earned  Individual Awards is
subject to approval by the Committee, and will in no way be contingent upon  the
attainment  of, or the failure to attain,  the Company Performance Goals for the
Company Performance Awards granted to participants.
    Because the individual performance goals  described above are not  objective
in  nature, the award of Individual Performance  Awards and the payout of Earned
Individual Awards do not qualify as "performance-based compensation" as  defined
in  Section 162(m) of the  Code. Thus, the Earned  Individual Award payouts will
count toward the $1 million cap  on the deductibility of executive  compensation
paid  by the Company.  However, the Committee  desires to retain  the ability to
evaluate key  employees on  a subjective  basis in  order to  promote  effective
management of the Company.
    TERMINATION  OF EMPLOYMENT.  In the event of termination due to death, total
and permanent disability  or retirement,  any Earned  Awards (Earned  Individual
Awards  and/or Earned Company Awards) will  be prorated to reflect participation
prior to termination. In the event of termination for any other reason, all of a
participant's rights  to  an Earned  Award  for  the incentive  period  then  in
progress  will be forfeited; provided that the Committee may, in its discretion,
pay a  prorated  award  for  the  portion  of  the  incentive  period  that  the
participant was employed.
    CHANGE  IN CONTROL.  If  any participant is terminated  for any reason other
than for Cause, within 24 months after a Change in Control of the Company or its
Subsidiaries, all awards previously

deferred (with earnings) will be paid  to the participant; along with a  Company
Performance   Award  and  Individual  Performance   Award  established  for  the
participant for the  incentive period in  progress at the  time of  termination,
which  is prorated for  the portion of  the incentive period  the participant is
    AMENDMENT AND DISCONTINUANCE.   The Board  of Directors of  the Company  has
absolute  discretion to modify or amend the Short-Term Plan in whole or in part,
or suspend  or  terminate the  plan  entirely. However,  no  such  modification,
amendment,  suspension or termination after an incentive period may, without the
consent of  the participant,  reduce the  participant's right  to a  payment  or
distribution to which the participant is entitled for such incentive period.
    NEW  PLAN BENEFITS.  Although the  Committee has awarded Company Performance
Awards and  Individual  Performance  Awards to  certain  individuals  (see  1996
Awards,  below), it cannot be determined at  this time what benefits or amounts,
if any, will  be allocated to  or received by  any persons or  group of  persons
under  the Short-Term  Plan if  the plan is  adopted. Such  determinations as to
allocations (except  with respect  to Mr.  Hale) are  at the  discretion of  the
Committee and as to receipt of payouts is dependent upon future performance. The
minimum  levels of awards to Mr. Hale  are dictated by his employment agreement.
However, the benefits  and amounts payable  under the LG&E  short-term plan  for
1995  and  prior  years  are  set  forth in  the  bonus  column  of  the Summary
Compensation Table on page 29 of this proxy statement.
    1996 AWARDS.   Subject to  shareholder approval, the  Committee in  February
1996 awarded Company Performance Awards and Individual Performance Awards to the
following individuals and group described on page 8 that are presently employees
of  the Company:  Roger W.  Hale in  an aggregate  amount equal  to 60%  of base
salary; John R.  McCall in  an aggregate  amount equal  to 40%  of base  salary;
Michael L. McInnis in an aggregate amount equal to 50% of base salary; Victor A.
Staffieri in an aggregate amount equal to 50% of base salary; Stephen R. Wood in
an  aggregate amount equal to  40% of base salary;  and other selected executive
officers. These awards were granted for the incentive period commencing  January
1,  1996,  and ending  December 31,  1996,  and their  payout is  dependent upon
individual and company performance. In the event that the Short-Term Plan is not
approved by  the  shareholders at  the  Annual  Meeting, these  awards  and  the
Short-Term  Plan will be canceled and the  Board of Directors will consider what
other actions, if any, will be  necessary to effectuate the Company's  executive
compensation program.
    VOTE  REQUIRED.  The affirmative vote of  a majority of the shares of Common
Stock entitled to vote and present in  person or by proxy at the Annual  Meeting
is required for the approval of the adoption of the Short-Term Plan with respect
to  Section 162 of the Code. Abstentions  from voting on this matter are treated
as votes against, while broker nonvotes are treated as shares not voted.

                            COMMON STOCK THEREUNDER
    Shareholders  are  being  asked to  approve  an amendment  to  the Company's
Employee Common Stock Purchase Plan (the  "Employee Stock Plan") to approve  the
issuance  of an additional 1,000,000 shares  of the Company's Common Stock under
the Employee  Stock Plan.  The Board  of Directors  of the  Company  unanimously
approved  an amendment  to the Employee  Stock Plan authorizing  the issuance of
500,000 shares of Common Stock on December 6, 1995. On March 6, 1996, the  Board
of  Directors approved  the issuance of  an additional 500,000  shares of Common
Stock pursuant to the Employee Stock Plan to reflect the Authorized Stock Split.
The Employee Stock Plan permits eligible  employees to purchase Common Stock  of
the Company through payroll deductions at a discount from market value.
    The  Employee Stock Plan was initially  approved by the shareholders of LG&E
in 1967. In 1980, the shareholders  of LG&E approved amendments to the  Employee
Stock  Plan  that authorized  the issuance  of an  additional 300,000  shares of
Common Stock  pursuant  to the  plan.  In May  1987,  the shareholders  of  LG&E
approved  amendments to the Employee Stock  Plan that authorized the issuance of
another 300,000 shares  of Common Stock  pursuant to the  plan. At February  15,
1996,  49,290 shares (98,580 shares as  adjusted for the Authorized Stock Split)
remained reserved for issuance pursuant to the plan. The Company estimates  that
the  remaining shares  will be issued  pursuant to  the plan within  the next 12
    On December  6,  1995,  the  Board  of  Directors  approved  two  additional
amendments  to  the Employee  Stock Plan  to extend  the term  of the  plan from
September 15, 1996,  to September 15,  2001, and  to change the  sponsor of  the
Employee  Stock  Plan from  LG&E to  LG&E  Energy. There  have been  no material
amendments to the Employee Stock Plan since 1987.
    The Board of Directors believes that the Employee Stock Plan has been useful
in  increasing  employee  ownership  of  the  Company's  Common  Stock,  thereby
increasing  employee  interest  in  the operating  results  of  the  Company. In
addition, the Board believes that the Employee Stock Plan also has enhanced  the
Company's  ability to retain and motivate  its employees. For these reasons, the
Board of Directors has adopted, subject  to shareholder approval, a proposal  to
increase by 1,000,000 the number of authorized shares to be sold pursuant to the
plan.  If the shareholders do not approve this proposal, the Employee Stock Plan
will be discontinued following  the issuance of the  remaining shares of  Common
Stock authorized in 1987 for sale pursuant to the plan.
    Any shareholder desiring a copy of the Employee Stock Plan may obtain one by
writing  John R.  McCall, Secretary,  LG&E Energy  Corp., 220  West Main Street,
Louisville, Kentucky 40202. The following description of the Employee Stock Plan
is qualified in its entirety by reference to the text of the plan.
    ELIGIBILITY.  All  full-time regular employees,  including officers, of  the
Company,  or of  any corporation  or business  organization whose  employees are
authorized by LG&E Energy's  Board of Directors to  participate in the  Employee
Stock  Plan  (a  "Participating  Corporation"),  who  have  been  employed  by a
Participating Corporation for at  least a year may  participate in the  Employee
Stock  Plan. Of  the approximately  2,950 employees  of the  Company eligible to
participate in the Employee Stock Plan  at February 15, 1996, approximately  950
were  participating. Directors of  the Company are not  eligible unless they are
employees of the Company.

    COMMON STOCK  PURCHASES.   The  Employee  Stock Plan  permits  participating
employees  to purchase Common  Stock of the  Company through payroll deductions.
Payroll deductions are made and accumulated  under the plan and Common Stock  is
purchased twice each year, at the close of the six-month periods ending March 15
and  September 15. The price  to the employee for each  share of Common Stock is
90% of market value on the first day of each payroll deduction period (March  16
and  September 16)  or the date  of purchase  for such period  (September 15 and
March 15), whichever price is lower, but in no event less than 85% of the market
value on the date of purchase  (the "Purchase Date"). Any eligible employee  who
was  eligible to participate  in the Employee  Stock Plan at  the beginning of a
payroll deduction period may  enter the plan  at any time,  and he may  withdraw
from the plan at any time during such period.
    NUMBER  OF SHARES.   If  the proposal  to increase  the number  of shares of
Common Stock  to  be  issued  under  the Employee  Stock  Plan  is  approved  by
shareholders, the Plan will provide for the issuance by the Company of a maximum
of  1,000,000 additional shares of Common Stock (subject to further proportional
adjustment to reflect stock  dividends, stock splits  and similar changes)  plus
the  49,290 shares (98,580 shares as adjusted for the Authorized Stock Split) of
its Common Stock that were previously authorized but not issued at February  15,
    TERM,  AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION.  The  Employee Stock Plan will continue in
effect through September 15, 2001.  However, shareholders should recognize  that
the Board of Directors at any time may terminate the plan or may extend the plan
without  shareholder approval. The Board may also amend the Employee Stock Plan,
except that the Board may not reduce the price per share to less than 90% of the
market value per share determined in the manner previously described and  except
that  shareholder approval is required to change the designation of corporations
whose employees may participate in the plan (other than those of any  subsidiary
of the Company which is wholly-owned, directly or indirectly) or to increase the
aggregate number of shares which may be issued under the plan.
    TAX  CONSEQUENCES.   The Employee  Stock Plan  is qualified  as an "employee
stock purchase plan" under the federal income tax laws. Taxable income  (federal
or Commonwealth of Kentucky) will not be realized at the time of purchase by the
employee.  However,  under the  present law,  the  employee may  realize taxable
income at the time  such employee disposes of  shares of Common Stock  purchased
under  the Plan. If such employee disposes of such shares after holding them for
at least two  years from the  Purchase Date or  dies owning the  stock: (a)  the
lesser  of (i) the excess of the fair  market value of the stock on the Purchase
Date over the purchase price or (ii) the excess of the fair market value at  the
time  of the disposition or death over the purchase price is taxable as ordinary
income; (b) further gain is taxable as a capital gain; and (c) loss, if any,  is
treated  as a capital loss. If he disposes  of the stock having held it for less
than two years: (a) the excess of fair market value of the stock on the Purchase
Date over the purchase price is taxable as ordinary income, and (b) any gain  or
loss using a basis of the fair market value of the stock on the Purchase Date is
treated as a capital gain or loss.
    If  an employee  disposes of stock  purchased under the  Employee Stock Plan
which he has held for  less than two years from  the Purchase Date, the  Company
will  be entitled to  a deduction from  income, for income  tax purposes, of the
same amount as that for which the employee is taxed as ordinary income.
    VOTE REQUIRED.  The affirmative vote of  a majority of the shares of  Common
Stock  entitled to vote and present in person  or by proxy at the Annual Meeting
is required for  the approval of  the amendment  to the Employee  Stock Plan  to
reserve  an additional 1,000,000  shares of Common Stock  for issuance under the
plan. Abstentions from voting on this matter are treated as votes against, while
broker nonvotes are treated as shares not voted.

    Based  upon  the  recommendation  of  the  Audit  Committee,  the  Board  of
Directors, subject to ratification by shareholders, has selected Arthur Andersen
LLP as independent auditors to  audit the accounts of  LG&E Energy and LG&E  for
the  fiscal  year ending  December  31, 1996.  Arthur  Andersen has  audited the
accounts of LG&E  Energy since  its organization in  1990, and  has audited  the
accounts  of  LG&E  for many  years.  The shareholders  previously  approved the
employment of the firm at the Annual Meeting on April 25, 1995.
    Representatives of  Arthur  Andersen  LLP  will be  present  at  the  Annual
Meeting.  Such representatives will be given the opportunity to make a statement
if they so desire, and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.
    The affirmative vote  of a majority  of shares of  LG&E Energy Common  Stock
represented  at  the  Annual  Meeting  is  required  for  the  approval  of  the
independent auditor. Abstentions from voting on  any such matter are treated  as
votes against, while broker nonvotes are treated as shares not voted.

                           ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
    The  Compensation Committee  of the Board  of Directors,  which is comprised
wholly of non-employee directors, makes all decisions regarding the compensation
of LG&E Energy's executive officers, including  the setting of base pay and  the
administration  of the long-term  and short-term incentive  plans. The executive
compensation program was  developed and  implemented after  consultation with  a
highly  respected independent executive compensation consultant. That consultant
has concluded that the structure of  the executive compensation program and  the
target  awards and opportunities provided to  executives are consistent with the
compensation and pay programs of  comparable companies, including utilities  and
utility  holding companies nationwide. The  Compensation Committee and the Board
of Directors have  continued access  to this compensation  consultant and  other
compensation   consultants  as  desired,  and   are  provided  with  independent
compensation data for their review. Set forth below is a report submitted by the
members of  the Compensation  Committee  addressing LG&E  Energy's  compensation
policies  for 1995 which affect the executive officers of LG&E Energy, including
the executive officers named in the following tables.
    This report reflects  LG&E Energy's  compensation philosophy as  set by  the
Compensation  Committee  and the  Board of  Directors, and  as reflected  in the
salaries and  awards paid  to the  executive  officers of  LG&E Energy  and  its
subsidiaries  during 1995.  There are  three major  components of  LG&E Energy's
executive compensation  program:  (1)  base salary;  (2)  short-term  or  annual
incentives;  and (3) long-term  incentives. LG&E Energy  developed its executive
compensation  program  to  focus  on  both  short-term  and  long-term  business
objectives  which  are  designed  to  enhance  overall  shareholder  value.  The
short-term and  long-term  incentives  are  premised  on  the  belief  that  the
interests  of executives should  be closely aligned with  those of LG&E Energy's
shareholders. Based on this philosophy,  these two portions of each  executive's
total   compensation  package  are  placed  at   risk  and  are  linked  to  the
accomplishment of specific results  that are designed  to benefit LG&E  Energy's
shareholders    in   both    the   short-term   and    long-term.   Under   this
pay-for-performance approach, a highly competitive level of compensation can  be
earned  in years  of strong performance;  conversely, in  years of below-average
performance, compensation may decline below competitive benchmarks.
    The executive  compensation  program  also  recognizes  that  LG&E  Energy's
compensation  practices  must  be competitive  with  utilities,  utility holding
companies,  and  other  industries  to  ensure  that  a  stable  and  successful
management  team  can  be  recruited and  retained.  The  Compensation Committee
believes that the Company's most direct competitors for executive talent are not
limited to the companies  that would be included  in the utility industry  index
against  which  shareholder  returns  may  be  compared.  For  this  reason, the
compensation peer group is  not the same  as the utility  industry index in  the
Comparison  of Five-Year Total  Return graph included  on page 28  of this Proxy
    In order  to establish  competitive compensation  levels for  all  executive
positions   for  1995,  the  Compensation  Committee  established  salaries  and
short-term incentive levels based upon compensation data from three utility  and
three  all-industry surveys (the "Survey Group"),  the latter of which primarily
consists of non-utility businesses with annual revenues of $0.5 billion to  $2.5
billion.   Long-term  incentive   levels,  however,  were   established  by  the
Compensation Committee based upon compensation  data from a survey of  utilities
and  utility  holding companies  (the "Long-Term  Survey  Group") compiled  by a
national compensation  consulting firm.  In 1995,  there were  61 utilities  and
utility  holding  companies  in  the Long-Term  Survey  Group.  The Compensation
Committee utilized  the  Long-Term Survey  Group  for purposes  of  establishing
long-term  incentive levels because the long-term financial performance goals of
the Company could  be measured  more effectively  against the  utilities in  the
Long-Term  Survey  Group,  rather  than  the  Survey  Group.  Additionally,  the
Compensation Committee established  a target  salary (the  "Position Rate")  for
each executive for 1995 at

approximately  the  65th  percentile  of the  range  for  executives  in similar
positions with companies in the Survey Group. Salaries, short-term and long-term
incentives for 1995 were based on this Position Rate as described below.
    The 1995 compensation information set forth in other sections of this  proxy
statement,  particularly  with  respect to  the  tabular  information presented,
reflects  the  considerations  set  forth  in  this  report.  The  Base  Salary,
Short-Term Incentives, and Long-Term Incentives sections that follow address the
compensation philosophy for 1995 for all executive officers except for Mr. Roger
W.  Hale. Mr. Hale's compensation is determined  in accordance with the terms of
his Employment Agreement (see Chief Executive Officer Compensation on page 26 of
this proxy statement for a description of his 1995 compensation).
    The base salaries for LG&E Energy executive officers for 1995 were  designed
to  be  competitive with  the Survey  Group. The  Position Rate  represented the
maximum base  salary that  an executive  officer could  receive and,  as  stated
above,  approximated  the  salary  at  the  65th  percentile  of  the  range for
executives in similar positions with companies in the Survey Group. Actual  base
salaries were determined based on individual performance and experience.
    The short-term incentives for 1995 provided direct financial compensation to
executives  and  rewarded  them  for  meeting  performance  measures  which were
established at the beginning of the 1995 performance year. The performance goals
were set with consideration for economic  and business factors known to  Company
management   and  the  Compensation  Committee  at   the  time  the  goals  were
established. The factors included external competition, inflation, financial and
market data and trends,  as well as certain  standards of excellence  consistent
with  core company values. In 1995,  short-term incentive payments for executive
officers were based from  50% to 75%  on Net Income  Available for Common  Stock
(NIAC),  25%  on  Management Effectiveness,  and  from  10% to  25%  on Customer
Satisfaction. The percentages  varied within the  executive officer group  based
upon  the  nature of  each individual's  functional responsibilities,  with more
senior officers having a greater percentage of their short-term incentives based
on NIAC.  This component  of  the 1995  executive compensation  program  focused
executives  on the tasks most immediately at hand and were based upon priorities
which were tailored for the 1995 performance year.
    In 1995, the  short-term incentive targets  (the "targeted amounts")  ranged
from  26% to 44% of Position Rate  for each executive officer and approached the
65th percentile of  the level of  such awards granted  to comparable  executives
employed by companies in the Survey Group. The individual officers were entitled
to receive from 0% to 150% of their targeted amounts, dependent upon Company and
individual performance during 1995 as measured by NIAC, Management Effectiveness
and Customer Satisfaction. Based on such performances, payouts of the short-term
awards for 1995 ranged from 27% to 48% of Position Rate.
    On  June  11, 1990,  the shareholders  of LG&E  Energy approved  the Omnibus
Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  (the  "Long-Term  Plan").  The  Long-Term  Plan   is
administered  by a committee of not less than three directors of LG&E Energy who
are appointed  by  the  Board  of Directors.  At  this  time,  the  Compensation
Committee  administers the Long-Term  Plan. The Long-Term  Plan provides for the
grant of any  or all  of the  following types  of awards:  stock options,  stock
appreciation rights, restricted stock, performance units and performance shares.
To  date, the  Compensation Committee has  chosen to award  stock options, stock
appreciation rights and performance units to executive officers.
    The Compensation  Committee established  an  aggregate amount  of  long-term
incentives  by  grouping  the  executives into  four  categories,  based  on job
description and content. The  Compensation Committee set  within each group  the
percentage   of  an   individual's  Position   Rate  to   be  paid   in  options

and the amount to be paid in performance units. The aggregate value of the stock
options and performance units (expressed as  a percentage of Position Rate)  was
intended  to  approach  the  amount  of  long-term  incentives  (expressed  as a
percentage of salary) payable to executives in similar positions with  utilities
and  utility holding  companies in the  65th percentile of  the Long-Term Survey
Group, depending upon achievement of targeted Company performance.
    Stock options were granted to executive officers during the first quarter of
1995 at an  exercise price equal  to the fair  market value at  the date of  the
grant  and were  subject to a  one-year vesting requirement.  Since options were
granted with an exercise price equal to the market value of the Common Stock  at
the  time  of grant,  they provide  no  value unless  the Company's  stock price
increases after  the  grants  are  awarded. Once  the  options  vest,  they  are
exercisable  over a nine-year  term. These awards  are thus tied  to stock price
appreciation in  excess  of  the  stock's value  at  time  of  grant,  rewarding
executives  as if  they shared in  the ownership  of LG&E Energy.  The number of
shares subject  to  options was  determined  by  taking the  percentage  of  the
executive's  Position  Rate to  be  paid in  options,  as determined  above, and
dividing that amount by the fair market value of LG&E Energy Common Stock on the
date of the grant. Prior awards were not considered when making new grants.
    The number of performance units granted was determined by taking the  amount
of  the executive's Position Rate to be paid in performance units, as determined
above, and dividing that amount by the  fair market value of LG&E Energy  Common
Stock  on  the  date  of  the  grant. The  value  of  the  performance  units is
substantially dependent upon the changing value of LG&E Energy's Common Stock in
the marketplace. Each executive officer is  entitled to receive from 0% to  150%
of  the performance  units contingently  awarded to  the executive  based on the
    (1) total  shareholder return  over a  three-year period  (defined as  share
       price  increase plus dividends paid, divided  by share price at beginning
       of the period)  measured against  the total shareholder  return for  such
       period by a peer group selected by the Committee; and
    (2)  return on invested  capital ("ROIC") over  a three-year period measured
       against a pre-established, internally set goal.
    For performance units granted  prior to 1995, the  peer group for  measuring
the Company's total shareholder return consists of the utility holding companies
and  gas and electric  utilities in the Salomon  Brothers Electric Utility Index
(the "Salomon Utility Index") at the time the Long-Term Plan was established  in
1990.  For  performance units  granted in  1995  for the  three-year performance
period ending December 31, 1997, the Compensation Committee approved a change in
the peer group  to the Edison  Electric Institute 100  Index (the "EEI  Index").
While the companies in the EEI Index and Salomon Utility Index are substantially
the  same,  the  Committee  believes  that  the  EEI  Index  represents  a  more
appropriate peer group for compensation due  to industry recognition of the  EEI
    Payouts of long-term incentive awards in February 1996 were based on Company
performance  during  the  1993-1995  period.  During  such  period,  LG&E Energy
substantially exceeded the target  level for Total  Shareholder Return, and  was
slightly  above  target in  its ROIC  performance. Performance  was at  the 74th
percentile of its comparison group with respect to Total Shareholder Return, and
at 104%  of targeted  ROIC performance,  resulting  in payouts  of 124%  of  the
contingent  awards. The performance units are  payable 50% in LG&E Energy Common
Stock and 50% in cash.
- ------------------------
(1)While similar, the utilities and holding  companies that were in the  Salomon
   Utility  Index in 1990 and that are in  the EEI Index are not necessarily the
   same as those  in the Standard  & Poor's  Utility Index used  in the  Company
   Performance  Graph on  page 26 of  the proxy statement.  Nevertheless, in the
   judgment of the Compensation Committee, the companies in the Salomon  Utility
   Index  and  EEI  Index  continue to  represent  appropriate  peer  groups for
   compensation purposes for the periods in which such indices are being used.

    The compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of LG&E Energy, Mr. Roger W.
Hale, is governed by the terms  of an employment agreement. Mr. Hale  originally
entered into an employment agreement with LG&E in April 1989. That agreement was
developed to induce him to move to LG&E from another company, and was updated by
Board  action in 1990. The term of  Mr. Hale's original employment agreement was
to expire by its terms on December 31, 1994.
    In recognition of Mr. Hale's continued importance to the performance of LG&E
Energy and his significant contributions to LG&E Energy, including  particularly
his  leadership role  in transforming LG&E,  a local utility  company, into LG&E
Energy,  a  national  (and,  increasingly,  international)  diversified   energy
services  company, the Compensation  Committee in late  1993 negotiated with Mr.
Hale to  retain  his  services  beyond  the  term  of  his  original  agreement.
Consequently, Mr. Hale entered into a new employment agreement with LG&E Energy,
effective  in November  1993. The term  of this new  agreement (the "Agreement")
extends through December 31, 1998. The Agreement provides for an increase in Mr.
Hale's minimum base salary, and provides that  Mr. Hale may elect to retire  and
commence payment of his retirement benefits on or after age 50 (see pages 32 and
33 of this proxy statement).
    The Agreement dictates the level of Mr. Hale's minimum compensation, but the
Compensation  Committee retains  discretion to  increase such  compensation. For
1995, the Compensation  Committee compared  Mr. Hale's compensation  to that  of
chief  executive officers of companies contained in the Survey Group, as well as
approximately 20 electric and gas utilities and utility holding companies,  with
comparable  revenues, market capitalization and asset size. In setting long-term
awards, the  Company  also  considered survey  data  from  various  compensation
consulting firms. Details of Mr. Hale's 1995 compensation are set forth below.
    BASE  SALARY.  Mr. Hale was paid a  base salary of $436,500 during 1995. The
    Agreement provides that his salary shall not be less than his 1993 salary of
    $385,000 and is  to be reviewed  as of  each January 1  by the  Compensation
    Committee.  The  Compensation Committee,  in  determining the  annual salary
    increase for 1995, focused on  Mr. Hale's individual performance  (including
    his management effectiveness, as described below) and the level of increases
    provided  to other  LG&E Energy  and LG&E  employees. The  1995 increase was
    SHORT-TERM INCENTIVE.  Mr. Hale's target short-term incentive award was  50%
    of  base  salary, as  dictated by  the Agreement.  Like all  other executive
    officers receiving short-term  incentive awards,  Mr. Hale  was eligible  to
    receive  from 0 to 150% of the targeted amount, based on Company performance
    and individual performance. His 1995  short-term incentive payout was  based
    75% on corporate NIAC performance, and 25% on Management Effectiveness.
        The  resulting payout for  1995 performance was 70%  of base salary. The
    Compensation Committee  considered Mr.  Hale's management  effectiveness  in
    several  areas  in  determining the  final  1995 award.  These  included the
    increased profitability of LG&E Energy and LG&E, profitability of other LG&E
    Energy subsidiaries, customer satisfaction rating, and other measures.
    LONG-TERM INCENTIVE GRANT.   In 1995,  Mr. Hale received  6,646 options  and
    11,076 performance units for the 1995-1997 performance period. These amounts
    were  determined  in  accordance  with the  terms  of  his  Agreement, which
    provides that his long-term incentive awards shall include target awards  of
    performance  units with a value not less than 100% of base salary, and stock
    options with a market value  at grant of not less  than 45% of base  salary.
    The  terms of  the options  and performance  units (including  the manner in
    which performance units are earned) for Mr.  Hale are the same as for  other
    executive officers, as described under the heading "Long-Term Incentives."
    LONG-TERM  INCENTIVE PAYOUT.  In the  1993-1995 period, LG&E Energy exceeded
    the target for Total  Shareholder Return, and was  slightly above target  in
    its  ROIC  performance.  Performance  was  at  the  74th  percentile  of its
    comparison  group   in   Total   Shareholder  Return,   and   at   104%   of

    targeted  ROIC performance. That resulted  in a payout equal  to 124% of the
    approved target. In  addition, the  market value  per share  of LG&E  Energy
    Common Stock increased from $36.04 at grant to $42.25 during the performance
    period.  This further increased  the value of the  payout of the performance
    units originally awarded to Mr. Hale in 1993.
    OTHER BENEFITS.  Mr. Hale receives  LG&E Energy contributions to thrift  and
    savings plans, similar to those of other employees.
    Section  162(m) of the Code was enacted  in 1993 and generally prohibits the
Company  from  deducting  executive   compensation  in  excess  of   $1,000,000.
Qualifying  "performance based  compensation" is  not subject  to this deduction
limitation if  certain requirements  are satisfied.  As a  result of  transition
rules  adopted by the Internal  Revenue Service, the new  law did not impact the
Company's executive  compensation  practices in  1995.  It is  the  Compensation
Committee's  intent to preserve  the deductibility of  executive compensation to
the extent reasonably practicable  and to the extent  consistent with its  other
compensation  objectives. For this reason and  the reasons discussed in Proposal
No. 3 and Proposal No. 4 herein, the Compensation Committee determined that  the
Company  should modify its long-term and short-term incentive plans beginning in
1996 so  that certain  compensation  payable thereunder  would qualify  for  the
"performance  based compensation"  exception to the  $1,000,000 deduction limit,
thereby ensuring that such  compensation will continue to  be deductible by  the
    Accordingly, the Board of Directors of the Company has amended and restated,
effective  January 1,  1996, its current  long-term incentive  plan and adopted,
effective January 1, 1996, a new short-term incentive plan, in each case subject
to shareholder approval  at this Annual  Meeting. These plans  are discussed  in
more  detail in Proposal No. 3 and Proposal  No. 4, respectively, on pages 10 to
19 herein. Although not all of the compensation paid to executive officers under
these  two  plans   will  constitute  "performance   based  compensation,"   the
Compensation  Committee anticipates  that, if  the shareholders  approve the two
plans, all compensation paid to executive  officers in 1996 will continue to  be
deductible under the Code.
    The   Compensation   Committee   believes  that   the   Company's  executive
compensation system served  the interests  of the Company  and its  shareholders
effectively  during 1995.  The Compensation  Committee takes  very seriously its
responsibilities with respect  to the Company's  executive compensation  system,
and  it  will  continue  to  monitor and  revise  the  compensation  policies as
necessary to ensure that the Company's compensation system continues to meet the
needs of the  Company and  its shareholders.  In this  regard, the  Compensation
Committee  and  the  Board of  Directors  in  1995 retained  a  highly respected
independent  executive   compensation  consultant   to  review   the   Company's
compensation   program   for  future   years.   That  consultant   made  several
recommendations, and  the  Compensation Committee  and  the Board  of  Directors
approved   the  necessary  steps  for  the   Company  to  revise  its  executive
compensation program beginning in 1996 to  remain competitive and to retain  the
deductibility  of the  Company's executive  compensation for  federal income tax
purposes, subject to shareholder approval as further described in Proposal No. 3
and Proposal No. 4, on pages 10 to 19 of this proxy statement.
William C. Ballard, Jr., Chairman
S. Gordon Dabney
Gene P. Gardner
J. David Grissom
Anne H. McNamara
T. Ballard Morton, Jr.

                              COMPANY PERFORMANCE
    The following graph  reflects a  comparison of the  cumulative total  return
(change in stock price plus reinvested dividends) to shareholders of LG&E Energy
Common  Stock  from  December 31,  1990,  through  December 29,  1995,  with the
Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Index  and the Standard & Poor's Utility  Index.
The  comparisons  in this  table  are required  by  the Securities  and Exchange
Commission and, therefore,  are not  intended to  forecast or  be indicative  of
possible future performance of LG&E Energy Common Stock.
                          TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN (1)

              LG&E ENERGY      S&P 500     S&P UTILITIES
12/31/90                 100         100              100
1991                     127         130              115
1992                     149         140              124
1993                     182         155              142
1994                     175         157              131
1995                     212         215              185
- ------------------------
(1)  Total  Shareholder Return assumes $100 invested  on December 31, 1990, with
     quarterly reinvestment of dividends.


    The following table shows the cash compensation  paid or to be paid by  LG&E
Energy or any of its subsidiaries, as well as certain other compensation paid or
accrued  for  those years,  to the  Chief  Executive Officer  and the  next four
highest compensated executive officers who were serving as such at December  31,
1995,  and one former executive  officer, Mr. Casey, who  would have been one of
such four most  highly compensated  executive officers  during 1995  had he  not
resigned  before the end of the year, of  LG&E Energy in all capacities in which
they served during 1993, 1994 and 1995:
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                  ANNUAL COMPENSATION             AWARDS
                                                          -----------------------------------   ----------
                                                                                      OTHER     SECURITIES  PAYOUTS
                                                                                     ANNUAL     UNDERLYING  --------   ALL OTHER
                                                                                     COMPEN-     OPTIONS/     LTIP      COMPEN-
                     NAME AND                                SALARY        BONUS     SATION        SARS     PAYOUTS     SATION
                PRINCIPAL POSITION                  YEAR      ($)           ($)        ($)         (#)        ($)         ($)
- --------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------    --------  ---------   ----------  --------  -----------
Roger W. Hale                                       1995  $    436,500    $303,859  $14,716        6,646    $559,686    13,901(1)
  Chairman of the Board,                            1994       410,500     266,825   10,822        4,787     506,584    12,819
  President and CEO                                 1993       385,000     261,800    9,387        4,807     604,341    11,417
Victor A. Staffieri                                 1995       230,764     134,695    6,215        3,197      49,137     7,149(1)
  President -- Distribution Services                1994       213,000     120,750    4,771       23,000      35,515     2,947
  Division and President -- Louisville Gas          1993       175,000      75,097    3,883        2,087           0     1,462
  and Electric Company
Edward J. Casey, Jr.                                1995       228,234           0    6,280        3,311           0     8,061(1)
  Former Group President --                         1994       235,000     142,945    6,058       28,200      55,504     7,661
  LG&E Energy Services                              1993       193,000     120,566      441        2,553      48,195     6,874
John R. McCall                                      1995       220,000     106,848    5,791        2,284           0     8,696(1)
  Executive Vice President,                         1994       155,000(2)   48,891    1,961        1,190           0     4,340
  General Counsel and Corporate
Stephen R. Wood                                     1995       212,000     106,848    9,084        2,284      49,137     7,484(1)
  Executive Vice President and Chief                1994       197,000     101,007    5,974        2,229      44,957     6,604
  Administrative Officer                            1993       174,000      71,572    5,727        2,087      54,878     4,588
Michael L. McInnis                                  1995       205,948      77,802      367        1,205      37,349    14,719(1)
  President -- Power Marketing                      1994       138,000      59,168   43,712(3)       894      15,822     5,716
  Division                                          1993       123,000      52,822   40,842(3)     1,312           0    16,818

- ------------------------
(1) Includes employer contributions to 401(k) plan, nonqualified thrift plan and
    employer paid life insurance premiums in  1995 as follows: Mr. Hale  $2,970,
    $5,673  and $5,258, respectively;  Mr. Staffieri $1,376,  $3,975 and $1,798,
    respectively; Mr. Casey  $2,970, $4,391 and  $700, respectively; Mr.  McCall
    $2,970,  $1,386 and  $4,340, respectively;  Mr. McInnis  $10,500, $3,140 and
    $1,079, respectively; and Mr. Wood $2,350, $3,848 and $1,286, respectively.
(2) Reported compensation is only for a  portion of the year. Mr. McCall  joined
    LG&E Energy on July 1, 1994.
(3) Includes cost of living adjustment of $43,360 in 1994 and $40,842 in 1993.

                            OPTION/SAR GRANTS TABLE
                     OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN 1995 FISCAL YEAR
    The  following table contains information at December 31, 1995, with respect
to grants of  stock options and  stock appreciation rights  (SARs) to the  named
executive officers:

                                               INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                                          POTENTIAL
                                          ---------------------------                                REALIZABLE VALUE AT
                                           NUMBER OF      PERCENT OF                                    ASSUMED ANNUAL
                                           SECURITIES       TOTAL       EXERCISE                        RATES OF STOCK
                                           UNDERLYING    OPTIONS/SARS   OR BASE                       PRICE APPRECIATION
                                          OPTIONS/SARS    GRANTED TO     PRICE                         FOR OPTION TERM
                                            GRANTED      EMPLOYEES IN     ($/      EXPIRATION   ------------------------------
                  NAME                      (#) (1)      FISCAL YEAR     SHARE)       DATE      0%($)      5%($)      10%($)
- ----------------------------------------  ------------   ------------   --------   ----------   ------   ---------   ---------
Roger W. Hale                                6,646             11.6%     $   39.41  2/2/2005       0     $ 164,719   $ 417,431
Victor A. Staffieri                          3,197              5.6          39.41  2/2/2005       0        79,237     200,802
Edward J. Casey, Jr.                         3,311              5.8          39.41  2/2/2005       0        82,062     207,962
John R. McCall                               2,284              4.0          39.41  2/2/2005       0        56,608     143,457
Stephen R. Wood                              2,284              4.0          39.41  2/2/2005       0        56,608     143,457
Michael L. McInnis                           1,205              2.1          39.41  2/2/2005       0        29,866      75,685

- ------------------------
(1)  Options are awarded at fair market value at time of grant; unless otherwise
    indicated, options vest  in one  year and  are exercisable  over a  ten-year
                          AND FY-END OPTION/SAR VALUES
    The  following  table  sets  forth information  with  respect  to  the named
executive officers concerning the  exercise of options  and/or SARs during  1995
and  the value of unexercised  options and SARs held by  them as of December 31,

                                                                                                 NUMBER OF
                                                                                                SECURITIES         VALUE OF
                                                                                                UNDERLYING       UNEXERCISED
                                                                          SHARES                UNEXERCISED      IN-THE-MONEY
                                                                         ACQUIRED              OPTIONS/SARS    OPTIONS/SARS AT
                                                                            ON       VALUE     AT FY-END (#)    FY-END ($)(1)
                                                                         EXERCISE   REALIZED   EXERCISABLE/      EXERCISABLE/
                                 NAME                                      (#)        ($)      UNEXERCISABLE    UNEXERCISABLE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------   --------   -------------   ----------------
Roger W. Hale                                                              0          N/A      14,961/6,646    $110,111/$18,875
Victor A. Staffieri                                                      1,887      $ 20,474   5,087/23,197     23,940/106,479
Edward J. Casey, Jr.                                                     12,971      134,698     0/28,311         0/131,153
John R. McCall                                                             0          N/A       1,190/2,284      7,259/6,487
Stephen R. Wood                                                          1,529        24,391    9,231/2,284      87,322/6,487
Michael L. McInnis                                                         0          N/A       3,785/1,205      32,882/3,422

- ------------------------
(1) Dollar amounts reflect market value of LG&E Energy Common Stock at year-end,
    minus the exercise price.

    The following table provides information  concerning awards made in 1995  to
the named executive officers under the Long-Term Plan.

                                                               NUMBER     PERFORMANCE
                                                                 OF            OR           ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYOUTS UNDER
                                                               SHARES,    OTHER PERIOD        NON-STOCK PRICE BASED PLANS
                                                              UNITS OR       UNTIL              (NUMBER OF SHARES) (1)
                                                                OTHER      MATURATION    -------------------------------------
                            NAME                               RIGHTS      OR PAYOUT     THRESHOLD(#)   TARGET(#)   MAXIMUM(#)
- ------------------------------------------------------------  ---------   ------------   ------------   ---------   ----------
Roger W. Hale                                                  11,076       12/31/97        4,984        11,076       16,614
Victor A. Staffieri                                             2,030       12/31/97          914         2,030        3,045
Edward J. Casey, Jr.                                            2,284       12/31/97        1,028         2,284        3,426
John R. McCall                                                  1,142       12/31/97          514         1,142        1,713
Stephen R. Wood                                                 1,142       12/31/97          514         1,142        1,713
Michael L. McInnis                                                482       12/31/97          217           482          723

- ------------------------
(1)  The table indicates the  number of performance units  which are paid 50% in
    stock and 50% in cash at maturation.
    Each performance  unit awarded  represents the  right to  receive an  amount
payable  50% in LG&E Energy Common Stock and  50% in cash on the date of payout,
the latter portion being payable in cash  in order to facilitate the payment  of
taxes  by the recipient. The amount of the payout is determined by the then-fair
market value of LG&E Energy Common Stock. The Long-Term Plan rewards  executives
on  a three-year rolling basis dependent  upon: (1) the total shareholder return
for shareholders and  (2) return on  capital. The target  for award  eligibility
requires  that LG&E Energy shareholders earn a total return at a preset level in
comparison to  that  of the  utility  holding  companies and  gas  and  electric
utilities  in the EEI  Index. The return  on capital component  of the Long-Term
Plan is triggered  by the actual  return on capital  exceeding preset levels  of
achievement  established by the Compensation  Committee prior to commencement of
the period. The  Committee sets  a contingent  award for  each management  level
selected  to participate  in the Plan  and such  amount is the  basis upon which
incentive compensation is determined. Depending on the level of achievement, the
participant can  receive from  zero  to 150%  of  the contingent  award  amount.
Payments  made under  the Long-Term  Plan in  1995 are  reported in  the summary
compensation table for the year of payout.

    The following  table  shows the  estimated  pension benefits  payable  to  a
covered  participant  at normal  retirement  age under  LG&E  Energy's qualified
defined benefit pension  plans, as  well as  non-qualified supplemental  pension
plans  that  provide benefits  that would  otherwise  be denied  participants by
reason of certain Internal Revenue Code limitations for qualified plan benefits,
based on the remuneration that  is covered under the  plan and years of  service
with the Company and its subsidiaries:
                            1995 PENSION PLAN TABLE

                                    YEARS OF SERVICE
REMUNERATION         15             20             25         30 OR MORE
- ------------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
  $100,000       $   49,612     $   49,612     $   49,612     $  56,290
  $150,000       $   81,612     $   81,612     $   81,612     $  85,990
  $200,000       $  113,612     $  113,612     $  113,612     $ 113,612
  $250,000       $  145,612     $  145,612     $  145,612     $ 145,612
  $300,000       $  177,612     $  177,612     $  177,612     $ 177,612
  $350,000       $  209,612     $  209,612     $  209,612     $ 209,612
  $400,000       $  241,612     $  241,612     $  241,612     $ 241,612
  $450,000       $  273,612     $  273,612     $  273,612     $ 273,612
  $500,000       $  305,612     $  305,612     $  305,612     $ 305,612
  $550,000       $  337,612     $  337,612     $  337,612     $ 337,612
  $600,000       $  369,612     $  369,612     $  369,612     $ 369,612
  $650,000       $  401,612     $  401,612     $  401,612     $ 401,612
  $700,000       $  433,612     $  433,612     $  433,612     $ 433,612
  $750,000       $  465,612     $  465,612     $  465,612     $ 465,612
  $800,000       $  497,612     $  497,612     $  497,612     $ 497,612

    A  participant's  remuneration covered  by the  Retirement Income  Plan (the
"Retirement Income  Plan") is  his or  her average  base salary  and  short-term
incentive  payment (as reported in the  Summary Compensation Table) for the five
calendar plan years during  the last ten years  of the participant's career  for
which such average is the highest. The estimated years of service for each named
executive  employed by the Company at December 31, 1995, is as follows: 29 years
for Mr. Hale; 1 year for Mr. McCall;  20 years for Mr. McInnis; 3 years for  Mr.
Staffieri;  and 6 years for Mr. Wood.  Benefits shown are computed as a straight
life single annuity beginning at age 65.
    Current Federal law  prohibits paying benefits  under the Retirement  Income
Plan  in excess of $120,000  per year. Officers of LG&E  Energy and LG&E with at
least one year  of service with  either company are  eligible to participate  in
LG&E's  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan  (the  "Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan"), which is an unfunded supplemental plan that is not subject to
the $120,000  limit.  Presently,  participants  in  the  Supplemental  Executive
Retirement Plan consist of all of the eligible officers of LG&E Energy and LG&E.
This  plan provides  generally for retirement  benefits equal to  64% of average
current earnings during  the final  36 months  prior to  retirement, reduced  by
Social  Security benefits, by amounts received  under the Retirement Income Plan
and by benefits from other employers.  As part of its employment agreement  with
Mr.  Hale, LG&E established  a separate Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan.
The special plan generally provides for a retirement benefit for Mr. Hale of  2%
for each of his first 20 years of service with LG&E Energy, LG&E or with certain
prior  employers, 1.5% for each of the next  10 years of service and 1% for each
remaining year  of service  completed prior  to age  65, all  multiplied by  Mr.
Hale's  final 60  months average  compensation, less  benefits payable  from the
Retirement  Income  Plan,   benefits  payable  from   any  other  qualified   or
nonqualified  plan sponsored  by LG&E Energy,  LG&E or  certain prior employers,

and primary Social Security benefits. Under Mr. Hale's employment agreement (see
page 26  of this  proxy statement),  he may  elect to  commence payment  of  his
retirement  benefits  at age  50.  If he  retires prior  to  age 65,  Mr. Hale's
benefits will be reduced by factors set forth in the employment agreement.
    The estimated annual  benefits to  be received under  the Retirement  Income
Plan  and the Supplemental Executive Retirement  Plans upon normal retirement at
age 65 and after deduction of Social Security benefits will be $455,664 for  Mr.
Hale;  $189,864  for Mr.  McCall;  $167,844 for  Mr.  McInnis; $226,776  for Mr.
Staffieri; and $197,448 for Mr. Wood.
    Messrs. Ballard,  Dabney,  Gardner, Grissom  and  Morton and  Mrs.  McNamara
served as members of the Compensation Committee during 1995. None of the members
of  the Compensation Committee are or were  officers or employees of LG&E Energy
or its subsidiaries. Mr.  Ballard is of  counsel to the  law firm of  Greenebaum
Doll & McDonald, which provides legal services to LG&E Energy from time to time.
    In November 1993, Mr. Hale entered into a new employment agreement with LG&E
Energy superseding the prior agreement. The new agreement was effective upon its
execution,  and extends through December 31,  1998. Under the new agreement, Mr.
Hale is entitled to an annual base salary of not less than $385,000, subject  to
annual  review  by  the  Compensation  Committee,  and  to  participate  in  the
Short-Term Plan and the Long-Term Plan. Mr. Hale's arrangement with LG&E  Energy
provides for a stock option target award of not less than 45% of base salary and
a  long-term incentive target award  of not less than  100% of base salary. LG&E
Energy's Board of Directors may terminate the  agreement at any time and, if  it
does  so for  reasons other  than cause,  LG&E Energy  must pay  Mr. Hale's base
salary for two years.
    In the event of a  change in control, all officers  of LG&E Energy shall  be
entitled  to the  following payments  if, within  twenty-four months  after such
change in  control,  they  are  terminated  for  reasons  other  than  cause  or
disability,  or their employment  responsibilities are altered:  (i) all accrued
compensation; (ii) a severance amount equal to 2.99 times the sum of (a) his  or
her  annual  base salary  and  (b) his  or her  "target"  award pursuant  to the
Short-Term Plan. However, except for Mr. Hale, in no event is the payment to the
executive to equal or  exceed an amount which  would constitute a  nondeductible
payment  pursuant  to Section  280G of  the  Internal Revenue  Code of  1986, as
amended (the "Code"), or be subject to an excise tax imposed by Section 4999  of
the  Code.  The executive  is entitled  to  receive such  amounts in  a lump-sum
payment within  thirty days  of  termination. A  change in  control  encompasses
certain  mergers and acquisitions, changes  in Board membership and acquisitions
of voting securities of LG&E Energy.
    Also upon a change in control  of LG&E Energy, all stock-based awards  shall
vest  100%,  and all  performance-based awards,  such  as performance  units and
performance shares, shall immediately be paid out in cash, based upon the extent
to which the performance goals have been  met through the effective date of  the
change in control or based upon the assumed achievement of such goals, whichever
amount is higher.

                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS
                            FOR 1997 ANNUAL MEETING
    Any  shareholder may submit a proposal  for consideration at the 1997 Annual
Meeting. Any shareholder  desiring to  submit a  proposal for  inclusion in  the
proxy  statement for consideration at the 1997 Annual Meeting should forward the
proposal so  that it  will  be received  at  LG&E Energy's  principal  executive
offices  no later than November  12, 1996. Proposals received  by that date that
are proper for consideration at the  Annual Meeting and otherwise conforming  to
the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission will be included in the 1997
proxy statement.
                                 OTHER MATTERS
    At  the Annual Meeting, it is intended that the first six items set forth in
the accompanying notice and described in this proxy statement will be presented.
Should any other matter be properly presented at the Annual Meeting, the persons
named in the  accompanying proxy will  vote upon them  in accordance with  their
best  judgment. The Board  of Directors knows  of no other  matters which may be
presented at the meeting.
    LG&E Energy will bear the costs of this proxy solicitation. LG&E Energy will
provide copies of this  proxy statement, the accompanying  proxy and the  Annual
Report  to brokers, dealers, banks and  voting trustees, and their nominees, for
mailing to beneficial  owners, and  upon request therefor,  will reimburse  such
record   holders  for  their  reasonable  expenses  in  forwarding  solicitation
materials. In  addition  to  using  the  mails,  proxies  may  be  solicited  by
directors, officers and regular employees of LG&E Energy or its subsidiaries, in
person  or by  telephone. LG&E Energy  and LG&E  have retained D.F.  King & Co.,
Inc., a firm of professional proxy solicitors, to assist in the solicitations at
an estimated fee of $7,500 plus reimbursement of reasonable expenses.

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                               LG&E ENERGY CORP.
                           EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1996
    1.1.    ESTABLISHMENT OF  THE  PLAN.   Louisville  Gas and  Electric Company
(hereinafter referred  to  as  "LG&E"),  a  Kentucky  corporation,  established,
effective  January 1, 1990, an incentive compensation plan known as the "Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which permits
the  grant  of  Incentive  Stock  Options,  Nonqualified  Stock  Options,  Stock
Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock, Performance Units and Performance Shares.
The  Plan was originally approved by the Board of Directors of LG&E in 1989, and
was ratified by a majority of the shareholders of LG&E on June 11, 1990.
    As part of  the restructuring of  LG&E pursuant to  which LG&E Energy  Corp.
(hereinafter  referred to as the "Company") became the parent holding company of
LG&E, and pursuant to the  authority granted by the  Board of Directors of  LG&E
and  the Board of Directors  of the Company, the  Plan was amended and restated,
effective August 18, 1990, to provide for the issuance under the Plan of  common
stock  of the Company  in lieu of  common stock of  LG&E and to  provide for the
assumption of the Plan by the Company,  which actions were also approved by  the
shareholders of LG&E as part of their approval of the restructuring.
    The Plan is hereby amended and restated, effective January 1, 1996; provided
that  the Plan, as  amended and restated,  shall be approved  by the affirmative
vote of a  majority of  the shares  of common stock  of the  Company present  or
represented and entitled to vote at a meeting of the Company's shareholders. The
Plan  is being amended and  restated, among other things,  to extend the term of
the Plan, to increase the number of  shares of common stock of the Company  that
may  be  delivered under  the  Plan, and  to  comply with  the performance-based
compensation exemption under the proposed  regulations to Internal Revenue  Code
Section 162(m) issued by the Department of Treasury.
    This  Plan as amended and restated  includes adjustments made to reflect the
effects of a 2-for-1 stock split authorized  by the Board of Directors on  March
6, 1996.
    All  Awards granted prior to  the amendment and restatement  of the Plan are
hereby ratified and shall remain in  full force and effect, subject to  possible
amendment, adjustment, modification or termination as hereinafter provided.
    1.2.   PURPOSE  OF THE  PLAN.   The purpose  of the  Plan is  to promote the
success of  the Company  and its  Subsidiaries by  providing incentives  to  Key
Employees  that will  link their personal  interests to  the long-term financial
success of the Company and its Subsidiaries and to growth in shareholder  value.
The  Plan is designed to provide flexibility to the Company and its Subsidiaries
in their ability to motivate, attract, and retain the services of Key  Employees
upon  whose judgment,  interest, and  special effort  the successful  conduct of
their operations is largely dependent.
    1.3.  DURATION  OF THE  PLAN.   The Plan commenced  on January  1, 1990,  as
described in Section 1.1 herein. The Plan shall remain in effect, subject to the
right  of the Board of  Directors to terminate the Plan  at any time pursuant to
Article 13 herein, until all Shares subject  to it shall have been purchased  or
acquired  according to the provisions herein. However,  in no event may an Award
be granted under the Plan on or after January 1, 2001, which is the fifth  (5th)
anniversary of the effective date of this amendment and restatement of the Plan.

    2.1.   DEFINITIONS.   Whenever used in  the Plan, the  following terms shall
have the meanings set forth below and, when the meaning is intended, the initial
letter of the word is capitalized:
    (a) "Award" means, individually or collectively, a grant under this Plan  of
       Incentive  Stock Options, Nonqualified  Stock Options, Stock Appreciation
       Rights, Restricted Stock, Performance Units, or Performance Shares.
    (b) "Beneficial Owner" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in  Rule
       13d-3 of the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act.
    (c)  "Board" or  "Board of  Directors" means the  Board of  Directors of the
    (d) "Cause" shall mean the occurrence of any one of the following:
        (i) The willful and continued failure by a Participant to  substantially
           perform  his/her duties (other  than any such  failure resulting from
           the Participant's disability), after a written demand for substantial
           performance  is  delivered  to  the  Participant  that   specifically
           identifies   the  manner  in   which  the  Company   or  any  of  its
           Subsidiaries, as the case may  be, believes that the Participant  has
           not  substantially performed his/her duties,  and the Participant has
           failed to  remedy the  situation  within ten  (10) business  days  of
           receiving such notice; or
        (ii)  the Participant's conviction for committing a felony in connection
           with the employment relationship; or
        (iii) the  willful  engaging  by the  Participant  in  gross  misconduct
           materially  and demonstrably injurious  to the Company  or any of its
           Subsidiaries.  However,  no   act,  or   failure  to   act,  on   the
           Participant's  part  shall be  considered  "willful" unless  done, or
           omitted to be done, by the Participant not in good faith and  without
           reasonable  belief that  his/her action or  omission was  in the best
           interest of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
    (e) "Change in Control" shall be  deemed to have occurred if the  conditions
       set  forth  in  any  one  of the  following  paragraphs  shall  have been
        (i) any  Person  (other  than  a  trustee  or  other  fiduciary  holding
           securities  under an employee  benefit plan of the  Company or any of
           its Subsidiaries, or  a corporation owned  directly or indirectly  by
           the  common  shareholders of  the Company  in substantially  the same
           proportions as  their  ownership of  Stock  of the  Company),  is  or
           becomes  the Beneficial Owner, directly  or indirectly, of securities
           of the Company representing 15% or more of the combined voting  power
           of the Company's then outstanding securities; or
        (ii)  during any period of two  (2) consecutive years (not including any
           period prior to the Effective Date), individuals who at the beginning
           of such  period constitute  the  Board and  any new  director,  whose
           election  by the  Board or nomination  for election  by the Company's
           shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3)  of
           the  directors then still in office  who either were directors at the
           beginning of the period or whose election or nomination for  election
           was  previously so  approved, cease  for any  reason to  constitute a
           majority thereof; or
        (iii) the shareholders  of the Company  approve (A) a  plan of  complete
           liquidation  of  the Company;  or (B)  an agreement  for the  sale or
           disposition of all or substantially all the Company's assets; or  (C)
           a  merger or consolidation of the Company with any other corporation,
           other than a merger or consolidation which would result in the voting
           securities of  the  Company  outstanding  immediately  prior  thereto
           continuing  to represent (either by remaining outstanding or by being
           converted into voting securities of the

           surviving entity), at least 50% of  the combined voting power of  the
           voting   securities  of  the  Company   (or  such  surviving  entity)
           outstanding immediately after such merger or consolidation.
        However, in  no  event shall  a  Change in  Control  be deemed  to  have
       occurred,  with respect to a Participant, if the Participant is part of a
       purchasing group which consummates the Change in Control transaction. The
       Participant shall be deemed "part of a purchasing group..." for  purposes
       of  the preceding sentence if the Participant is an equity participant or
       has agreed to become an equity  participant in the purchasing company  or
       group  (except for (i)  passive ownership of  less than 5%  of the voting
       securities  of  the  purchasing  company  or  (ii)  ownership  of  equity
       participation  in the purchasing company or  group which is otherwise not
       deemed to be significant, as determined prior to the Change in Control by
       a majority of the nonemployee continuing members of the Board).
    (f) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time  to
    (g) "Committee" means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the
       Plan pursuant to Article 3 herein.
    (h)  "Company"  means  LG&E Energy  Corp.,  a Kentucky  corporation,  or any
       successor thereto as provided in Article 15 herein.
    (i) "Covered Employee" means any  Participant designated prior to the  grant
       of  Restricted  Stock, Performance  Units  or Performance  Shares  by the
       Committee who is  or may be  a "covered employee"  within the meaning  of
       Section 162(m)(3) of the Code in the year in which such Restricted Stock,
       Performance Units or Performance Shares are taxable to such Participant.
    (j)   "Exchange Act" means  the Securities Exchange Act  of 1934, as amended
       from time to time.
    (k) "Fair Market Value"  means the average of  the highest price and  lowest
       price  at which the Stock was traded on the relevant date, or on the most
       recent date on which the Stock was traded prior to such date, as reported
       on the composite tape of the New York Stock Exchange.
    (l) "Incentive Stock  Option" or "ISO"  means an option  to purchase  Stock,
       granted under Article 6 herein, which is designated as an incentive stock
       option  and is intended  to meet the  requirements of Section  422 of the
    (m) "Key  Employee"  means  an  employee  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its
       Subsidiaries,  including an employee  who is an officer  or a director of
       the Company  or any  of its  Subsidiaries,  who, in  the opinion  of  the
       Committee,  can contribute significantly to  the growth and profitability
       of the Company and its Subsidiaries.
        "Key Employee" also may  include any other  employee, identified by  the
       Committee,  in  special situations  involving  extraordinary performance,
       promotion, retention, or recruitment. The granting of an Award under this
       Plan shall be deemed a determination by the Committee that such  employee
       is a Key Employee, but shall not create a right to remain a Key Employee.
    (n) "Nonqualified Stock Option" or "NQSO" means an option to purchase Stock,
       granted  under Article 6 herein, which is not intended to be an Incentive
       Stock Option.
    (o) "Option" means an Incentive Stock Option or a Nonqualified Stock Option.
    (p) "Outside  Director" means  any  director who  qualifies as  an  "outside
       director"  as  that  term  is  defined in  Code  Section  162(m)  and the
       regulations issued thereunder.
    (q) "Participant" means a Key Employee  who has been granted an Award  under
       the Plan.

    (r)  "Performance Share" means an Award,  designated as a performance share,
       granted to a Participant pursuant to Article 9 herein.
    (s) "Performance Unit"  means an  Award, designated as  a performance  unit,
       granted to a Participant pursuant to Article 9 herein.
    (t)  "Period of Restriction"  means the period during  which the transfer of
       Shares of Restricted Stock is restricted, during which the Participant is
       subject to  a  substantial risk  of  forfeiture, pursuant  to  Article  8
    (u) "Person" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9)
       of  the  Exchange  Act and  used  in  Sections 13(d)  and  14(d) thereof,
       including a "group" as defined in Section 13(d) thereof.
    (v) "Plan" means this Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan of LG&E Energy Corp.,
       as herein described and as hereafter from time to time amended.
    (w) "Restricted Stock"  means an  Award of  Stock granted  to a  Participant
       pursuant to Article 8 herein.
    (x)  "Subsidiary"  shall mean  any corporation  of which  more than  50% (by
       number of votes) of  the Voting Stock at  the time outstanding is  owned,
       directly or indirectly, by the Company.
    (y)  "Stock" or  "Shares" means  the common stock  without par  value of the
    (z) "Stock Appreciation  Right" or  "SAR" means  an Award,  designated as  a
       Stock  appreciation right, granted to a Participant pursuant to Article 7
    (aa) "Voting Stock" shall mean securities  of any class or classes of  stock
       of  a corporation, the holders of which are ordinarily, in the absence of
       contingencies, entitled to elect a majority of the corporate directors.
    2.2.  GENDER AND NUMBER.   Except where otherwise indicated by the  context,
any masculine term used herein also shall include the feminine, the plural shall
include the singular, and the singular shall include the plural.
    2.3.   SEVERABILITY.  In  the event any provision of  the Plan shall be held
illegal or invalid for any reason, the illegality or invalidity shall not affect
the remaining parts of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as
if the illegal or invalid provision had not been included.
                           ARTICLE 3.  ADMINISTRATION
    3.1.  THE COMMITTEE.   The Plan  shall be administered  by a committee  (the
"Committee")  consisting of not less than three directors who shall be appointed
from time  to time  by, and  shall  serve at  the discretion  of, the  Board  of
Directors.  To the extent required to comply  with Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange
Act, each member of the Committee  shall qualify as a "disinterested person"  as
defined  in Rule 16b-3 or any successor definition adopted by the Securities and
Exchange Commission. To the extent required to comply with Code Section  162(m),
each member of the Committee also shall be an Outside Director.
    3.2.   AUTHORITY OF THE  COMMITTEE.  Subject to  the provisions of the Plan,
the Committee  shall have  full power  to construe  and interpret  the Plan;  to
establish,  amend  or waive  rules and  regulations  for its  administration; to
accelerate the exercisability of any Award or the end of a performance period or
the termination of  any Period  of Restriction or  any award  agreement, or  any
other  instrument  relating to  an Award  under  the Plan;  and (subject  to the
provisions of  Article 13  herein) to  amend  the terms  and conditions  of  any
outstanding  Option, Stock Appreciation Right or  other Award to the extent such
terms and conditions are within the  discretion of the Committee as provided  in
the  Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the  Committee shall have no authority
to adjust upwards the  amount payable to  a Covered Employee  with respect to  a
particular Award, to take any of the foregoing actions

or  to take any other  action to the extent that  such action or the Committee's
ability to take such action would cause any Award under the Plan to any  Covered
Employee  to  fail to  qualify  as "performance-based  compensation"  within the
meaning of Code Section  162(m)(4) and the  regulations issued thereunder.  Also
notwithstanding  the foregoing, no action of  the Committee (other than pursuant
to Section 4.3 hereof  or Section 9.4  hereof) may, without  the consent of  the
person  or  persons  entitled  to  exercise  any  outstanding  Option  or  Stock
Appreciation Right  or  to  receive  payment of  any  other  outstanding  Award,
adversely affect the rights of such person or persons.
    3.3.   SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS.  The Committee shall have the authority to
grant Awards under the Plan, from time to time, to such Key Employees (including
officers and  directors  who  are employees)  as  may  be selected  by  it.  The
Committee shall select Participants from among those who they have identified as
being Key Employees.
    3.4.    DECISIONS BINDING.   All  determinations and  decisions made  by the
Committee pursuant  to the  provisions of  the Plan  and all  related orders  or
resolutions  of the Board of Directors shall be final, conclusive and binding on
all persons,  including  the Company  and  its Subsidiaries,  its  shareholders,
employees,  and  Participants  and  their estates  and  beneficiaries,  and such
determinations and decisions shall not be reviewable.
    3.5.  DELEGATION  OF CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES.   The Committee  may, in  its
sole  discretion,  delegate  to  an  officer  or  officers  of  the  Company the
administration of the Plan under this Article 3; provided, however, that no such
delegation by the Committee shall be made with respect to the administration  of
the  Plan as it affects  directors of the Company or  officers of the Company or
its Subsidiaries and provided  further that the Committee  may not delegate  its
authority  to  correct errors,  omissions or  inconsistencies  in the  Plan. The
Committee may  delegate  to the  Chief  Executive  Officer of  the  Company  its
authority  under this  Article 3 to  grant Awards  to Key Employees  who are not
Covered Employees or who  are not directors  of the Company  or officers of  the
Company  or its  Subsidiaries subject to  the reporting  requirements of Section
16(a) of the Exchange Act. All  authority delegated by the Committee under  this
Section 3.5 shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the Plan and
any  guidelines for the exercise of such authority that may from time to time be
established by the Committee.
    3.6.  PROCEDURES  OF THE  COMMITTEE.   All determinations  of the  Committee
shall  be made by not less than a majority of its members present at the meeting
(in person or otherwise) at which a quorum is present. A majority of the  entire
Committee  shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action
required or permitted to  be taken at  a meeting of the  Committee may be  taken
without  a meeting if a unanimous written  consent, which sets forth the action,
is signed  by each  member  of the  Committee and  filed  with the  minutes  for
proceedings  of the Committee. Service on the Committee shall constitute service
as a director of the Company so that members of the Committee shall be  entitled
to  indemnification, limitation of liability  and reimbursement of expenses with
respect to their services as  members of the Committee  to the same extent  that
they are entitled under the Company's Articles of Incorporation and Kentucky law
for their services as directors of the Company.
    3.7.   AWARD AGREEMENTS.  Each Award under the Plan shall be evidenced by an
award agreement which shall  be signed by an  authorized officer of the  Company
and  by the Participant, and  shall contain such terms  and conditions as may be
approved by the Committee. Such terms and conditions need not be the same in all
    3.8.  RULE 16B-3 REQUIREMENTS.   Notwithstanding any other provision of  the
Plan,  the  Board or  the  Committee may  impose  such conditions  on  any Award
(including, without limitation, the right of the Board or the Committee to limit
the time of exercise  to specified periods)  as may be  required to satisfy  the
requirements  of  Rule 16b-3  (or any  successor rule),  under the  Exchange Act
("Rule 16b-3").
    Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, all Awards under this Plan
shall be subject to the following conditions,  as and to the extent required  by
Rule 16b-3:

        (i)  Except in  the case of  disability or  death, no SAR,  ISO, NQSO or
           other option granted pursuant to  Article 6 shall be exercisable  for
           at least six months after its grant; and
        (ii)  Except in  the case of  disability or death,  no Restricted Stock,
           Performance Unit or Performance Share  (or a Share issued in  payment
           thereof) shall be sold for at least six months after its acquisition.
                     ARTICLE 4.  STOCK SUBJECT TO THE PLAN
    4.1.   NUMBER OF SHARES.   Subject to adjustment  as provided in Section 4.3
herein, the aggregate number of Shares that  may be delivered under the Plan  at
any  time shall  not exceed  the lesser of  (i) five  percent (5%)  of the total
outstanding Shares of common  stock of the  Company at such  time or (ii)  three
million (3,000,000) Shares of common stock of the Company. No more than one-half
of  such aggregate  number of  such Shares shall  be issued  as Restricted Stock
under Article 8  of the Plan  and no  more than two  hundred thousand  (200,000)
shares  shall be issued upon exercise of Incentive Stock Options under Article 6
of the Plan. Stock delivered under the Plan may consist, in whole or in part, of
authorized and  unissued Shares  or treasury  Shares. The  exercise of  a  Stock
Appreciation  Right, whether  paid in cash  or Stock,  shall be deemed  to be an
issuance of  Stock  under  the  Plan.  The  payment  of  Performance  Shares  or
Performance  Units shall not be deemed to  constitute an issuance of Stock under
the Plan unless  payment is  made in  Stock, in which  case only  the number  of
Shares  issued in  payment of  the Performance  Share or  Performance Unit Award
shall constitute an issuance of Stock under the Plan.
    4.2.  LAPSED  AWARDS.  If  any Award (other  than Restricted Stock)  granted
under this Plan terminates, expires, or lapses for any reason, any Stock subject
to such Award again shall be available for the grant of an Award under the Plan,
subject to Section 7.2 herein.
    4.3.    ADJUSTMENTS IN  AUTHORIZED  SHARES.   In  the event  of  any merger,
reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization, separation, liquidation,  Stock
dividend,  split-up,  share  combination,  or  other  change  in  the  corporate
structure of the Company affecting the  Stock, such adjustment shall be made  in
the number and class of shares which may be delivered under the Plan, and in the
number and class of and/or price of shares subject to outstanding Options, Stock
Appreciation   Rights,   Restricted  Stock   Awards,  Performance   Shares,  and
Performance Units granted under the Plan, as may be determined to be appropriate
and equitable by the Committee, in  its sole discretion, to prevent dilution  or
enlargement  of rights; and  provided that the  number of shares  subject to any
Award shall  always be  a whole  number. Any  adjustment of  an Incentive  Stock
Option  under  this paragraph  shall  be made  in  such a  manner  so as  not to
constitute a modification within the meaning  of Section 425(h)(3) of the  Code.
In addition, notwithstanding any provision in this Plan or an award agreement to
the   contrary,  the   Committee,  in   connection  with   the  holding  company
restructuring consummated on August  17, 1990, may make  any adjustment that  it
deems appropriate in its sole discretion in the number and class of shares which
may  be delivered under the Plan and in  the number and class of and/or price of
shares subject  to outstanding  Options, Stock  Appreciation Rights,  Restricted
Stock  Awards, Performance Shares and Performance  Units granted under the Plan,
including providing that  Shares of the  Company and  no shares of  LG&E or  any
other Subsidiary shall be issued.
    5.1.  ELIGIBILITY.  Persons eligible to participate in this Plan include all
employees  of  the Company  and  its Subsidiaries  who,  in the  opinion  of the
Committee, are  Key Employees.  "Key Employees"  may include  employees who  are
members of the Board, but may not include directors who are not employees.
    5.2.   ACTUAL  PARTICIPATION.   Subject to the  provisions of  the Plan, the
Committee may from time to time select those Key Employees to whom Awards  shall
be  granted and determine the nature and amount of each Award. No employee shall
have any right to be granted an Award under this Plan even if previously granted
an Award.

                           ARTICLE 6.  STOCK OPTIONS
    6.1.  GRANT OF OPTIONS.   Subject to the terms  and provisions of the  Plan,
Options  may be granted  to Key Employees at  any time and from  time to time as
shall be determined by  the Committee. The maximum  number of Shares subject  to
Options  granted to any individual Participant in any calendar year shall be two
hundred thousand (200,000) Shares. The Committee shall have the sole discretion,
subject to  the requirements  of the  Plan, to  determine the  actual number  of
Shares  subject to Options  granted to any Participant.  The Committee may grant
any type of Option  to purchase Stock that  is permitted by law  at the time  of
grant  including, but not limited  to, ISOs and NQSOs.  However, no employee may
receive an Award of  Incentive Stock Options that  are first exercisable  during
any  calendar year  to the extent  that the  aggregate Fair Market  Value of the
Stock (determined at the time the options are granted) exceeds $100,000. Nothing
in this Article 6 shall be deemed to prevent the grant of NQSOs in excess of the
maximum established  by Section  422  of the  Code. Unless  otherwise  expressly
provided at the time of grant, Options granted under the Plan will be NQSOs.
    6.2.   OPTION AGREEMENT.  Each Option  grant shall be evidenced by an Option
agreement that shall specify the type  of Option granted, the Option price,  the
duration  of the Option, the number of  Shares to which the Option pertains, and
such other provisions  as the  Committee shall determine.  The Option  agreement
shall  specify whether the  Option is intended  to be an  Incentive Stock Option
within the meaning of Section  422 of the Code,  or a Nonqualified Stock  Option
whose grant is not intended to be subject to the provisions of Code Section 422.
    6.3.   OPTION PRICE.   The purchase price  per share of  Stock covered by an
Option shall be determined by  the Committee but, in the  case of an ISO,  shall
not  be less than 100%  of the Fair Market  Value of such Stock  on the date the
option is granted and, in the case of a NQSO, shall be not less than 100% of the
market price of such Stock on the date of grant.
    An Incentive Stock Option granted to an Employee who, at the time of  grant,
owns  (within the meaning of  Section 425(d) of the  Code) Stock possessing more
than 10% of  the total  combined voting  power of all  classes of  Stock of  the
Company,  shall have an exercise price which is at least 110% of the Fair Market
Value of the Stock subject to the Option.
    6.4.  DURATION OF  OPTIONS.  Each  Option shall expire at  such time as  the
Committee  shall determine at the  time of grant provided,  however, that no ISO
shall be exercisable later than the tenth (10th) anniversary date of its grant.
    6.5.  EXERCISE OF OPTIONS.   Subject to Section 3.8 herein, Options  granted
under  the  Plan shall  be  exercisable at  such times  and  be subject  to such
restrictions and conditions  as the  Committee shall in  each instance  approve,
which need not be the same for all Participants.
    6.6.   PAYMENT.   Options shall  be exercised  by the delivery  of a written
notice to the Company setting forth the  number of Shares with respect to  which
the  Option is to be exercised, accompanied  by full payment for the Shares. The
Option price upon exercise of any Option shall be payable to the Company in full
either (a) in  cash or  its equivalent, (b)  by tendering  shares of  previously
acquired  Stock having a Fair Market Value at  the time of exercise equal to the
total Option price, (c) by foregoing compensation under rules established by the
Committee, or (d) by a combination of (a), (b), or (c). The proceeds from such a
payment shall be added to the general funds of the Company and shall be used for
general corporate purposes.  As soon  as practicable, after  receipt of  written
notification  and payment,  the Company shall  deliver to  the Participant Stock
certificates  in  an  appropriate  amount  based  upon  the  number  of  Options
exercised, issued in the Participant's name.
    6.7.   RESTRICTIONS  ON STOCK TRANSFERABILITY.   The  Committee shall impose
such restrictions on any Shares acquired  pursuant to the exercise of an  Option
under  the  Plan  as  it  may  deem  advisable,  including,  without limitation,
restrictions under applicable Federal securities law, under the requirements  of
any stock exchange upon which such Shares are then listed and under any blue sky
or state securities laws applicable to such Shares.

the  event the employment of a Participant is terminated by reason of death, any
of such Participant's outstanding  Options shall become immediately  exercisable
at any time prior to the expiration date of the Options or within one year after
such  date of  termination of employment,  whichever period is  shorter, by such
person or persons  as shall  have acquired  the Participant's  rights under  the
Option  pursuant to Article 10 hereof  or by will or by  the laws of descent and
distribution. In the  event the  employment of  a Participant  is terminated  by
reason of disability (as defined under the then established rules of the Company
or  any of  its Subsidiaries,  as the  case may  be), any  of such Participant's
outstanding Options shall become immediately  exercisable, at any time prior  to
the  expiration  date of  the  Options or  within one  year  after such  date of
termination of  employment,  whichever  period  is shorter.  In  the  event  the
employment  of a Participant is terminated by  reason of retirement, any of such
Participant's outstanding Options shall become immediately exercisable  (subject
to  Section 3.8 herein) at any time prior to the expiration date of the Options.
In the case of Incentive Stock  Options, the favorable tax treatment  prescribed
under  Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code  of 1986, as amended, may not be
available if  the  Options  are  not  exercised  within  the  Code  Section  422
prescribed time period after termination of employment for death, disability, or
    6.9.   TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT FOR OTHER  REASONS.  If the employment of a
Participant shall  terminate  for  any  reason  other  than  death,  disability,
retirement  or for Cause, the Participant shall  have the right to exercise such
Participant's outstanding  Options within  the 90  days after  the date  of  his
termination,  but in no event  beyond the expiration of  the term of the Options
and only to the extent that the Participant was entitled to exercise the Options
at the  date of  his termination  of  employment. In  its sole  discretion,  the
Committee  may extend the  90 days to up  to one year but,  however, in no event
beyond the expiration date of the Option.
    If the employment of the Participant  shall terminate for Cause, all of  the
Participant's  outstanding Options  shall be  immediately forfeited  back to the
    6.10.  NONTRANSFERABILITY OF OPTIONS.  No Option granted under the Plan  may
be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated,
otherwise  than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution. Further, all
Options granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be exercisable during  his
lifetime only by such Participant.
    7.1.    GRANT  OF STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHTS.   Subject  to  the  terms and
conditions  of  the  Plan,   Stock  Appreciation  Rights   may  be  granted   to
Participants, at the discretion of the Committee, in any of the following forms:
    (a) In lieu of Options;
    (b) In addition to Options;
    (c) Independent of Options; or
    (d) In any combination of (a), (b), or (c).
The  maximum  numbers  of  Shares  subject to  SARs  granted  to  any individual
Participant in any calendar year shall be two hundred thousand (200,000) Shares.
Subject to the immediately preceding sentence, the Committee shall have the sole
discretion, subject to  the requirements of  the Plan, to  determine the  actual
number of Shares subject to SARs granted to any Participant.
    7.2.   EXERCISE OF SARS IN LIEU OF OPTIONS.  SARs granted in lieu of Options
may be exercised for  all or part  of the Shares subject  to the related  Option
upon  the surrender of the related Options representing the right to purchase an
equivalent   number   of    Shares.   The    SAR   may    be   exercised    only

with  respect  to the  Shares  of Stock  for which  its  related Option  is then
exercisable. Option  Stock  with  respect  to which  the  SAR  shall  have  been
exercised may not be subject again to an Award under the Plan.
    Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of  the  Plan to  the  contrary, with
respect to an SAR granted in lieu of an Incentive Stock Option, (i) the SAR will
expire no later than  the expiration of the  underlying Incentive Stock  Option;
(ii)  the SAR amount may be  for no more than one  hundred percent (100%) of the
difference between the exercise price  of the underlying Incentive Stock  Option
and the Fair Market Value of the Stock subject to the underlying Incentive Stock
Option at the time the SAR is exercised; and (iii) the SAR may be exercised only
when  the Fair Market Value  of the Stock subject  to the Incentive Stock Option
exceeds the exercise price of the Incentive Stock Option.
    7.3.  EXERCISE OF SARS IN ADDITION TO OPTIONS.  SARs granted in addition  to
Options  shall  be deemed  to  be exercised  upon  the exercise  of  the related
Options. The deemed exercise  of SARs granted in  addition to Options shall  not
necessitate a reduction in the number of related Options.
    7.4.   EXERCISE  OF SARS  INDEPENDENT OF  OPTIONS.   Subject to  Section 3.8
herein and Section  7.5 herein,  SARs granted  independently of  Options may  be
exercised  upon  whatever  terms  and  conditions  the  Committee,  in  its sole
discretion,  imposes  upon  the   SARs,  including,  but   not  limited  to,   a
corresponding proportional reduction in previously granted Options.
    7.5.   PAYMENT OF SAR AMOUNT.  Upon exercise of the SAR, the holder shall be
entitled to receive payment of an amount determined by multiplying:
    (a) The difference between the Fair Market  Value of a Share on the date  of
       exercise  over the  price fixed  by the  Committee at  the date  of grant
       (which price shall not be less than  100% of the market price of a  Share
       on the date of grant) (the Exercise Price); by
    (b) The number of Shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised.
    7.6.    FORM AND  TIMING OF  PAYMENT.   Payment to  a Participant,  upon SAR
exercise, will be made  in cash or  stock, at the  discretion of the  Committee,
within ten calendar days of the exercise.
    7.7.   TERM OF  SAR.  The  term of an  SAR granted under  the Plan shall not
exceed ten years.
    7.8.   TERMINATION  OF  EMPLOYMENT.    In the  event  the  employment  of  a
Participant  is terminated  by reason of  death, disability,  retirement, or any
other reason, the exercisability of any outstanding SAR granted in lieu of or in
addition to an Option shall terminate in  the same manner as its related  Option
as  specified  under Sections  6.8  and 6.9  herein.  The exercisability  of any
outstanding SARs  granted independent  of Options  also shall  terminate in  the
manner provided under Sections 6.8 and 6.9 hereof.
    7.9.   NONTRANSFERABILITY  OF SARS.   No SAR  granted under the  Plan may be
sold, transferred, pledged,  assigned, or otherwise  alienated or  hypothecated,
otherwise  than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution. Further, all
SARs granted to  a Participant under  the Plan shall  be exercisable during  his
lifetime only by such Participant.
                          ARTICLE 8.  RESTRICTED STOCK
    8.1.  GRANT OF RESTRICTED STOCK.  Subject to the terms and provisions of the
Plan,  the Committee,  at any time  and from time  to time, may  grant Shares of
Restricted Stock under the Plan to such  Participants and in such amounts as  it
shall  determine. In the case of  Covered Employees, the Committee may condition
the vesting  or lapse  of  the Period  of  Restriction established  pursuant  to
Section 8.3 upon the attainment of one or more of the performance goals utilized
for  purposes of Performance Units and  Performance Shares pursuant to Article 9
hereof. It is  contemplated that Restricted  Stock grants will  be made only  in
extraordinary situations of performance, promotion, retention, or recruitment.

    8.2.   RESTRICTED  STOCK AGREEMENT.   Each  Restricted Stock  grant shall be
evidenced by  a Restricted  Stock Agreement  that shall  specify the  Period  of
Restriction,  or periods, the number of  Shares of Restricted Stock granted, and
such other provisions as the Committee shall determine.
    8.3.  TRANSFERABILITY.  Except as provided  in this Article 8 or in  Section
3.8  herein, the Shares of  Restricted Stock granted hereunder  may not be sold,
transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated until the
termination of the applicable Period of  Restriction or for such period of  time
as  shall  be established  by the  Committee and  as shall  be specified  in the
Restricted Stock Agreement,  or upon  earlier satisfaction  of other  conditions
(including  any performance  goals) as  specified by  the Committee  in its sole
discretion and set  forth in  the Restricted  Stock Agreement.  All rights  with
respect to the Restricted Stock granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be
exercisable during his lifetime only by such Participant.
    8.4.     OTHER  RESTRICTIONS.    The   Committee  shall  impose  such  other
restrictions on any Shares of Restricted  Stock granted pursuant to the Plan  as
it   may  deem  advisable  including,  without  limitation,  restrictions  under
applicable Federal  or  state securities  laws,  and the  Committee  may  legend
certificates  representing Restricted Stock  to give appropriate  notice of such
    8.5.  CERTIFICATE LEGEND.  In addition to any legends placed on certificates
pursuant  to  Section  8.4  herein,  each  certificate  representing  Shares  of
Restricted Stock granted pursuant to the Plan shall bear the following legend:
        "The  sale or other transfer of the  shares of stock represented by this
       certificate, whether voluntary, involuntary, or  by operation of law,  is
       subject  to certain  restrictions on  transfer set  forth in  the Omnibus
       Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  of  LG&E  Energy  Corp.,  in  the  rules  and
       administrative  procedures  adopted  pursuant  to  such  Plan,  and  in a
       Restricted Stock Agreement dated             . A copy  of the Plan,  such
       rules and procedures, and such Restricted Stock Agreement may be obtained
       from the Secretary of LG&E Energy Corp."
    8.6.    REMOVAL  OF RESTRICTIONS.    Except  as otherwise  provided  in this
Article, Shares of Restricted Stock covered by each Restricted Stock grant  made
under  the Plan  shall become freely  transferable by the  Participant after the
last day of the  Period of Restriction.  Once the Shares  are released from  the
restrictions,  the Participant shall be entitled  to have the legend required by
Section 8.5 removed from his Stock certificate.
    8.7.  VOTING RIGHTS.  During the Period of Restriction, Participants holding
Shares of Restricted  Stock granted  hereunder may exercise  full voting  rights
with respect to those Shares.
    8.8.   DIVIDENDS AND OTHER DISTRIBUTIONS.  During the Period of Restriction,
Participants holding  Shares  of Restricted  Stock  granted hereunder  shall  be
entitled  to receive all dividends and  other distributions paid with respect to
those Shares while they are so held. If any such dividends or distributions  are
paid  in  Shares,  the Shares  shall  be  subject to  the  same  restrictions on
transferability as the  Shares of Restricted  Stock with respect  to which  they
were paid.
    8.9.   TERMINATION  OF EMPLOYMENT DUE  TO RETIREMENT.   In the  event that a
Participant  terminates  his  employment  with   the  Company  or  any  of   its
Subsidiaries because of normal retirement (as defined under the then established
rules  of the  Company or  any of  its Subsidiaries,  as the  case may  be), any
remaining Period of Restriction applicable  to the Restricted Stock pursuant  to
Section  8.3  hereof  shall  automatically terminate  and,  except  as otherwise
provided in Section 8.4  or Section 3.8 hereof,  the Shares of Restricted  Stock
shall  thereby be free of restrictions and  be freely transferable. In the event
that a Participant  terminates his  employment with the  Company or  any of  its
Subsidiaries  because of early retirement (as defined under the then established
rules of  the Company  or any  of its  Subsidiaries, as  the case  may be),  the
Committee  in its sole discretion (subject to  Section 3.8 herein) may waive the
restrictions remaining on  any or  all Shares  of Restricted  Stock pursuant  to
Section  8.3 herein and add such new  restrictions to those Shares of Restricted
Stock as it deems appropriate.

Participant's employment  is  terminated  because of  death  or  disability  (as
defined  under  the  then  established  rules  of  the  Company  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries, as  the  case  may  be) during  the  Period  of  Restriction,  any
remaining  Period of Restriction applicable to  the Restricted Stock pursuant to
Section 8.3  herein  shall  automatically terminate  and,  except  as  otherwise
provided in Section 8.4. herein, the shares of Restricted Stock shall thereby be
free of restrictions and be fully transferable.
    8.11.   TERMINATION OF  EMPLOYMENT FOR OTHER  REASONS.  In  the event that a
Participant  terminates  his  employment  with   the  Company  or  any  of   its
Subsidiaries  for any reason other than for death, disability, or retirement, as
set forth in  Sections 8.9 and  8.10 herein, during  the Period of  Restriction,
then any shares of Restricted Stock still subject to restrictions as of the date
of  such  termination  shall  automatically be  forfeited  and  returned  to the
Company; provided, however, that in the  event of an involuntary termination  of
the  employment of a Participant by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries other
than for Cause, the  Committee, in its sole  discretion (subject to Section  3.8
herein),  may waive the automatic  forfeiture of any or  all such Shares and may
add such  new  restrictions to  such  Shares of  Restricted  Stock as  it  deems
terms and provisions of the Plan, Performance Units or Performance Shares may be
granted to Participants at any time and from time to time as shall be determined
by the Committee. The  Committee shall have  complete discretion in  determining
the   number  of  Performance  Units  or  Performance  Shares  granted  to  each
shall  set performance goals over certain periods to be determined in advance by
the Committee ("Performance Periods"). Prior to each grant of Performance  Units
or  Performance Shares, the Committee shall  establish an initial value for each
Performance Unit and  an initial  number of  Shares for  each Performance  Share
granted  to each Participant for that Performance Period. Prior to each grant of
Performance Units  or  Performance Shares,  the  Committee also  shall  set  the
performance  goals  that will  be  used to  determine  the extent  to  which the
Participant receives a payment of the  value of the Performance Units or  number
of  Shares for the Performance Shares awarded for such Performance Period. These
goals will be based on  the attainment, by the  Company or its Subsidiaries,  of
certain  objective performance measures, which shall  include one or more of the
following: total  shareholder  return,  return on  equity,  return  on  capital,
earnings  per share, market  share, stock price, sales,  costs, net income, cash
flow, retained  earnings, results  of customer  satisfaction surveys,  aggregate
product   price  and  other  product  price  measures,  safety  record,  service
reliability,   demand-side   management   (including   conservation   and   load
management),  operating and  maintenance cost management,  and energy production
availability performance measures. Such performance goals also may be based upon
the attainment of specified levels of performance of the Company or one or  more
Subsidiaries  under one or more of the  measures described above relative to the
performance of other corporations. With respect to each such performance measure
utilized during a Performance Period, the Committee shall assign percentages  to
various  levels of performance which shall be applied to determine the extent to
which the Participant shall receive a payout of the values of Performance  Units
and number of Performance Shares awarded. With respect to Covered Employees, all
performance   goals  shall   be  objective  performance   goals  satisfying  the
requirements for "performance-based compensation" within the meaning of  Section
162(m)(4)  of the Code, and shall be set by the Committee within the time period
prescribed by Section 162(m) of the Code and related regulations.
Performance  Period has ended,  the holder of a  Performance Unit or Performance
Share shall  be entitled  to receive  the  value thereof  as determined  by  the
Committee.  The Committee shall make this determination by first determining the
extent to which the performance goals set pursuant to Section 9.2 have been met.
It will then determine the applicable  percentage (which may exceed 100%) to  be
applied to, and will

apply  such  percentage  to,  the  value  of  Performance  Units  or  number  of
Performance Shares to determine the payout to be received by the Participant. In
addition, with respect to  Performance Units and  Performance Shares granted  to
any  Covered Employee,  no payout  shall be  made hereunder  except upon written
certification by the  Committee that  the applicable performance  goal or  goals
have  been satisfied to a particular extent.  The maximum amount payable in cash
to any Covered Employee with respect  to any Performance Period pursuant to  any
Performance Unit or Performance Share award shall be $1,000,000, and the maximum
number  of Shares that may be issued to any Covered Employee with respect to any
Performance Period pursuant to any  Performance Unit or Performance Share  award
is  one hundred thousand (100,000) (subject to adjustment as provided in Section
    9.4.   COMMITTEE  DISCRETION TO  ADJUST  AWARDS.   Subject  to  Section  3.2
regarding Awards to Covered Employees, the Committee shall have the authority to
modify,  amend or adjust the terms and  conditions of any Performance Unit award
or Performance Share award, at any time or from time to time, including but  not
limited to the performance goals.
    9.5.   FORM  AND TIMING OF  PAYMENT.   The payment described  in Section 9.3
herein shall be made in cash, Stock,  or a combination thereof as determined  by
the  Committee. Payment may be made in  a lump sum or installments as prescribed
by the  Committee. If  any  payment is  to  be made  on  a deferred  basis,  the
Committee may provide for the payment of dividend equivalents or interest during
the  deferral  period. Any  stock issued  in  payment of  a Performance  Unit or
Performance Share shall be  subject to the restrictions  on transfer in  Section
3.8 herein.
the  case of death, disability, or retirement (each of disability and retirement
as  defined  under  the  established  rules  of  the  Company  or  any  of   its
Subsidiaries,  as  the  case  may  be), the  holder  of  a  Performance  Unit or
Performance Share shall receive  a prorated payment  based on the  Participant's
number of full months of service during the Performance Period, further adjusted
based  on the achievement of the performance goals during the entire Performance
Period, as computed by the Committee. Payment shall be made at the time payments
are made to Participants  who did not terminate  service during the  Performance
    9.7.   TERMINATION  OF EMPLOYMENT FOR  OTHER REASONS.   In the  event that a
Participant terminates employment with  the Company or  any of its  Subsidiaries
for  any reason  other than  death, disability,  or retirement,  all Performance
Units and Performance Shares shall be forfeited; provided, however, that in  the
event  of an involuntary termination of the employment of the Participant by the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries other than for  Cause, the Committee in  its
sole  discretion may waive the automatic forfeiture  provisions and pay out on a
prorata basis.
    9.8.   NONTRANSFERABILITY.    No Performance  Units  or  Performance  Shares
granted under the Plan may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise
alienated  or hypothecated, otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent and
distribution until the  termination of  the applicable  Performance Period.  All
rights  with respect  to Performance Units  and Performance Shares  granted to a
Participant under the Plan shall be exercisable during his lifetime only by such
                      ARTICLE 10.  BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION
    Each Participant under the Plan may, from time to time, name any beneficiary
or beneficiaries (who  may be  named contingently  or successively  and who  may
include  a trustee under a  will or living trust) to  whom any benefit under the
Plan is to be paid in  case of his death before he  receives any or all of  such
benefit.  Each  designation  will  revoke all  prior  designations  by  the same
Participant, shall  be  in a  form  prescribed by  the  Committee, and  will  be
effective  only  when filed  by the  Participant in  writing with  the Committee
during his lifetime. In the absence of any such designation or if all designated
beneficiaries predecease  the  Participant,  benefits remaining  unpaid  at  the
Participant's death shall be paid to the Participant's estate.

                        ARTICLE 11.  RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES
    11.1.  EMPLOYMENT.  Nothing in the Plan shall interfere with or limit in any
way  the  right of  the  Company or  any of  its  Subsidiaries to  terminate any
Participant's employment at any time, nor confer upon any Participant any  right
to continue in the employ of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
    11.2.   PARTICIPATION.  No  employee shall have a right  to be selected as a
Participant, or, having been so selected, to be selected again as a Participant.
establishment of the Plan nor any amendment thereof shall be construed as giving
any  Participant, beneficiary, or any other  person any legal or equitable right
unless such right shall be specifically provided for in the Plan or conferred by
specific action of the Committee in accordance with the terms and provisions  of
the Plan. Except as expressly provided in this Plan, neither the Company nor any
of its Subsidiaries shall be required or be liable to make any payment under the
    11.4.   NO RIGHT TO  COMPANY ASSETS.  Neither  the Participant nor any other
person shall  acquire, by  reason of  the Plan,  any right  in or  title to  any
assets,  funds or property of the Company  or any of its Subsidiaries whatsoever
including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any specific funds,
assets, or other property which the Company  or any of its Subsidiaries, in  its
sole  discretion, may  set aside in  anticipation of a  liability hereunder. Any
benefits which become payable hereunder shall be paid from the general assets of
the Company or  the applicable  subsidiary. The  Participant shall  have only  a
contractual  right to  the amounts, if  any, payable hereunder  unsecured by any
asset of the Company or any of  its Subsidiaries. Nothing contained in the  Plan
constitutes  a guarantee  by the  Company or  any of  its Subsidiaries  that the
assets of the Company  or the applicable subsidiary  shall be sufficient to  pay
any benefit to any person.
                         ARTICLE 12.  CHANGE IN CONTROL
    12.1.   STOCK  BASED AWARDS.   Notwithstanding  any other  provisions of the
Plan, in the event of a Change in Control, all Stock based awards granted  under
this  Plan shall immediately  vest 100% in each  Participant (subject to Section
3.8 herein),  including Incentive  Stock  Options, Nonqualified  Stock  Options,
Stock Appreciation Rights, and Restricted Stock.
    12.2.   PERFORMANCE BASED  AWARDS.  Notwithstanding  any other provisions of
the Plan, in  the event of  a Change  in Control, all  performance based  awards
granted  under  this  Plan shall  be  immediately  paid out  in  cash, including
Performance Units and  Performance Shares.  The amount  of the  payout shall  be
based on the higher of: (i) the extent, as determined by the Committee, to which
performance  goals, established for the Performance Period then in progress have
been met up through and including the effective date of the Change in Control or
(ii) 100% of the value on the date  of grant of the Performance Units or  number
of Performance Shares.
    13.1.   AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION, AND TERMINATION.  At any time and from time
to time, the Board  may terminate, amend, or  modify the Plan. However,  without
the  approval of the shareholders of the Company if required by the Code, by the
insider trading  rules  of Section  16  of the  Exchange  Act, by  any  national
securities  exchange or system on which the Stock is then listed or reported, or
by any  regulatory  body  having  jurisdiction  with  respect  hereto,  no  such
termination, amendment, or modification may:
    (a)  Increase the total amount of Stock which may be issued under this plan,
       except as provided in Section 4.3 herein; or
    (b) Change the class of Employees eligible to participate in the Plan; or
    (c) Materially increase  the cost  of the  Plan or  materially increase  the
       benefits to Participants; or

    (d)  Extend the maximum period after the  date of grant during which Options
       or Stock Appreciation Rights may be exercised.
    13.2.  AWARDS PREVIOUSLY GRANTED.  No termination, amendment or modification
of the  Plan other  than pursuant  to Section  4.3 hereof  shall in  any  manner
adversely  affect  any Award  theretofore granted  under  the Plan,  without the
written consent of the Participant.
                            ARTICLE 14.  WITHHOLDING
    14.1.  TAX WITHHOLDING.  The Company and any of its Subsidiaries shall  have
the power and the right to deduct or withhold, or require a Participant to remit
to  the Company  or any  of its  Subsidiaries, an  amount sufficient  to satisfy
Federal, state and  local taxes  (including the  Participant's FICA  obligation)
required  by law to be withheld with  respect to any grant, exercise, or payment
made under or as a result of this Plan.
    14.2.  STOCK DELIVERY OR WITHHOLDING.  With respect to withholding  required
upon  the  exercise  of  Nonqualified  Stock  Options,  or  upon  the  lapse  of
restrictions on  Restricted  Stock,  participants  may  elect,  subject  to  the
approval  of the Committee, to satisfy  the withholding requirement, in whole or
in part, by tendering to the Company  shares of previously acquired Stock or  by
having  the Company  withhold Shares of  Stock, in  each such case  in an amount
having a  Fair Market  Value equal  to the  amount required  to be  withheld  to
satisfy  the tax withholding obligations described in Section 14.1. The value of
the Shares to be tendered or withheld is to be based on the Fair Market Value of
the Stock on the date that the amount of tax to be withheld is to be determined.
All Stock withholding elections shall be irrevocable and made in writing, signed
by the Participant on forms approved by the Committee in advance of the day that
the transaction becomes taxable.
    Stock withholding  elections made  by Participants  who are  subject to  the
short-swing  profit restrictions of  Section 16 of the  Exchange Act must comply
with the additional restrictions  of Section 16 and  Rule 16b-3 in making  their
                            ARTICLE 15.  SUCCESSORS
    All  obligations  of the  Company  under the  Plan,  with respect  to Awards
granted hereunder, shall be binding on any successor to the Company, whether the
existence of such  successor is  the result of  a direct  or indirect  purchase,
merger,  consolidation or otherwise, of all or substantially all of the business
and/or assets of the Company.
                        ARTICLE 16.  REQUIREMENTS OF LAW
    16.1.  REQUIREMENTS  OF LAW.   The granting  of Awards and  the issuance  of
Shares  of Stock under this Plan shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules,
and regulations, and to such approvals by any governmental agencies or  national
securities exchanges as may be required.
    16.2.   GOVERNING  LAW.   The Plan, and  all agreements  hereunder, shall be
construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Kentucky.

                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                               LG&E ENERGY CORP.
                           SHORT TERM INCENTIVE PLAN
                           EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1996
    1.1.  ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PLAN.  LG&E Energy Corp. (hereinafter referred to
as  the  "Company"),  a  Kentucky  corporation,  hereby  establishes  an  annual
incentive compensation  plan to  be known  as the  "Short Term  Incentive  Plan"
(hereinafter  referred to as the "Plan") as set forth in this document. The Plan
permits the awarding of annual cash bonuses to Key Employees of the Company  and
its Subsidiaries, based on the achievement of preestablished performance goals.
    With  approval by  the Board  of Directors  of the  Company, the  Plan shall
become effective as of January 1, 1996,  subject to the approval of the Plan  by
the  shareholders of the  Company by the  affirmative vote of  a majority of the
shares of common  stock of the  Company present or  represented and entitled  to
vote at a meeting of the Company's shareholders. The Plan shall remain in effect
until terminated by the Board of Directors.
    1.2.   PURPOSE.  The purpose of the  Plan is to provide Key Employees of the
Company and  its Subsidiaries  with a  meaningful annual  incentive  opportunity
geared  toward the  achievement of  specific corporate,  business unit,  line of
business, and/or individual goals.  Payments pursuant to Article  6 of the  Plan
are  intended to qualify  under the performance-based  compensation exemption of
Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
                            ARTICLE 2.  DEFINITIONS
    2.1.  DEFINITIONS.   Whenever used  in the Plan,  the following terms  shall
have the meanings set forth below and, when the defined meaning is intended, the
term is capitalized:
    (a)  "Beneficial Owner" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Rule
       13d-3 of the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act.
    (b) "Board" or  "Board of  Directors" means the  Board of  Directors of  the
    (c) "Cause" shall mean the occurrence of any one of the following:
        (i)  The willful and continued failure by a Participant to substantially
           perform his/her duties  (other than any  such failure resulting  from
           the Participant's disability), after a written demand for substantial
           performance   is  delivered  to  the  Participant  that  specifically
           identifies  the  manner  in   which  the  Company   or  any  of   its
           Subsidiaries,  as the case may be,  believes that the Participant has
           not substantially performed his/her  duties, and the Participant  has
           failed  to  remedy the  situation within  ten  (10) business  days of
           receiving such notice; or
        (ii) the Participant's conviction for committing a felony in  connection
           with the employment relationship; or
        (iii)  the  willful  engaging  by the  Participant  in  gross misconduct
           materially and demonstrably injurious  to the Company  or any of  its
           Subsidiaries.   However,  no   act,  or   failure  to   act,  on  the
           Participant's part  shall be  considered  "willful" unless  done,  or
           omitted  to be done, by the Participant not in good faith and without
           reasonable belief that  his/her action  or omission was  in the  best
           interest of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

    (d)  "Change in Control" shall be deemed  to have occurred if the conditions
       set forth  in  any  one  of the  following  paragraphs  shall  have  been
        (i)  Any  Person  (other  than  a  trustee  or  other  fiduciary holding
           securities under an employee  benefit plan of the  Company or any  of
           its  Subsidiaries, or a  corporation owned directly  or indirectly by
           the common  shareholders of  the Company  in substantially  the  same
           proportions as their ownership of common stock of the Company), is or
           becomes  the Beneficial Owner, directly  or indirectly, of securities
           of the Company representing 15% or more of the combined voting  power
           of the Company's then outstanding securities; or
        (ii)  during any period of two  (2) consecutive years (not including any
           period prior to the effective date  of the Plan), individuals who  at
           the  beginning  of  such  period constitute  the  Board  and  any new
           director, whose election by the  Board or nomination for election  by
           the  Company's  shareholders  was  approved by  a  vote  of  at least
           two-thirds (2/3) of  the directors  then still in  office who  either
           were  directors at the  beginning of the period  or whose election or
           nomination for election  was previously  so approved,  cease for  any
           reason to constitute a majority thereof; or
        (iii)  the shareholders  of the Company  approve (A) a  plan of complete
           liquidation of  the Company;  or (B)  an agreement  for the  sale  or
           disposition  of all or substantially all the Company's assets; or (C)
           a merger or consolidation of the Company with any other  corporation,
           other than a merger or consolidation which would result in the voting
           securities  of  the  Company  outstanding  immediately  prior thereto
           continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding or by  being
           converted  into voting securities of  the surviving entity), at least
           50% of the  combined voting  power of  the voting  securities of  the
           Company (or such surviving entity) outstanding immediately after such
           merger or consolidation.
           However,  in no  event shall  a Change in  Control be  deemed to have
           occurred, with respect to a  Participant, if the Participant is  part
           of  a  purchasing  group  which  consummates  the  Change  in Control
           transaction. The Participant  shall be deemed  "part of a  purchasing
           group..."  for purposes of the  preceding sentence if the Participant
           is  an  equity  participant  or  has  agreed  to  become  an   equity
           participant  in  the  purchasing  company or  group  (except  for (i)
           passive ownership of  less than 5%  of the voting  securities of  the
           purchasing  company or (ii) ownership  of equity participation in the
           purchasing company  or group  which  is otherwise  not deemed  to  be
           significant,  as  determined  prior to  the  Change in  Control  by a
           majority of the nonemployee continuing members of the Board).
    (e) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time  to
    (f)  "Committee" means the  committee of three or  more persons appointed by
       the Board to administer the Plan, pursuant to Article 3 herein.
    (g) "Company"  means LG&E  Energy  Corp., a  Kentucky corporation,  and  any
       successor thereto.
    (h)  "Company Performance  Goals" shall have  the meaning ascribed  to it by
       Section 6.1 hereof.
    (i) "Company  Performance  Award" means  an  award established  pursuant  to
       Article 6 hereof. Such Company Performance Awards shall be expressed as a
       percentage of the Participant's base salary.
    (j)   "Earned  Award" means  the Earned  Individual Award,  if any,  and the
       Earned Company  Award,  if any,  for  a Participant  for  the  applicable
       Incentive Period.
    (k)   "Earned  Company  Award"  means  the   actual  award  earned  under  a
       Participant's Company  Performance Award  during an  Incentive Period  as
       determined  by the Committee at the end of the Incentive Period (pursuant
       to Section 6.3 hereof).

    (l) "Earned  Individual  Award"  means  the  actual  award  earned  under  a
       Participant's  Individual Performance Award during an Incentive Period as
       determined by the Committee at the end of the Incentive Period  (pursuant
       to Section 5.4 hereof).
    (m)  "Exchange Act"  means the Securities  Exchange Act of  1934, as amended
       from time to time.
    (n) "Incentive  Period"  shall mean  the  period  with respect  to  which  a
       Participant  is  eligible  to  earn  an  Earned  Award.  Subject  to  the
       discretion of  the  Committee  to  select  shorter  or  longer  Incentive
       Periods, the Incentive Period shall be the Plan Year.
    (o)  "Individual Performance Award"  means an award  established pursuant to
       Article 5 hereof. Such Individual Performance Award shall be expressed as
       a percentage of the Participant's actual base salary.
    (p) "Key Employee" means the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and each
       employee of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries who, in the opinion of
       the Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Company,  is  in  a  position  to
       significantly  contribute to the growth  and profitability of the Company
       or any of its Subsidiaries (see Article 4 herein).
    (q) "Outside  Director" means  any  director who  qualifies as  an  "outside
       director"  as  that  term  is  defined in  Code  Section  162(m)  and the
       regulations issued thereunder.
    (r) "Participant" means a Key Employee who is nominated for participation by
       the Chief Executive  Officer and  then is  selected by  the Committee  to
       participate in the Plan (see Article 4 herein).
    (s) "Person" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9)
       of  the  Exchange  Act  and  used in  Section  13(d)  and  14(d) thereof,
       including a "group" as defined in Section 13(d).
    (t) "Plan Year"  means the Company's  fiscal year commencing  January 1  and
       ending December 31.
    (u)  "Subsidiary"  shall mean  any corporation  of which  more than  50% (by
       number of votes) of  the Voting Stock at  the time outstanding is  owned,
       directly or indirectly, by the Company.
    (v)  "Target Performance Award"  means the Individual  Performance Award, if
       any, and the Company Performance Award, if any, for a Participant for the
       applicable Incentive Period.
    (w) "Voting Stock" shall mean securities of any class or classes of stock of
       a corporation, the  holders of which  are ordinarily, in  the absence  of
       contingencies, entitled to elect a majority of the corporate directors.
    2.2.   GENDER AND NUMBER.  Except  where otherwise indicated by the context,
any masculine term used herein also shall include the feminine; the plural shall
include the singular and the singular shall include the plural.
    2.3.  SEVERABILITY.  In  the event any provision of  the Plan shall be  held
legally  invalid for any  reason, the illegality or  invalidity shall not affect
the remaining parts of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as
if the illegal or invalid provision had not been included.
                           ARTICLE 3.  ADMINISTRATION
    3.1.  THE COMMITTEE.   This Plan shall be  administered by the Committee  in
accordance  with rules  that it may  establish from  time to time,  that are not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan. To the extent required to  comply
with  Code  Section  162(m) and  the  related  regulations, each  member  of the
Committee shall be an Outside Director.
    3.2.  AUTHORITY OF THE  COMMITTEE.  Subject to  the provisions of the  Plan,
the  Committee shall have full  power to construe and  interpret the Plan and to
establish, amend or waive rules and

regulations for its administration. The determination of the Committee as to any
disputed question arising under this  Plan, including questions of  construction
and  interpretation shall be final, binding, and conclusive upon all persons and
shall not be reviewable.
    3.3.  DELEGATION  OF CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES.   The Committee  may, in  its
sole  discretion,  delegate  to  an  officer  or  officers  of  the  Company the
administration of the Plan under this Article 3; provided, however, that no such
delegation by the Committee shall be made with respect to the administration  of
the Plan as it affects officers of the Company or its Subsidiaries, and provided
further  that the  Committee may not  delegate its authority  to correct errors,
omissions or  inconsistencies  in  the  Plan. All  authority  delegated  by  the
Committee  under  this Section  3.3 shall  be exercised  in accordance  with the
provisions of the  Plan and any  guidelines for the  exercise of such  authority
that may from time to time be established by the Committee.
    3.4.   PROCEDURES  OF THE  COMMITTEE.   All determinations  of the Committee
shall be made by not less than a majority of its members present at the  meeting
(in  person or otherwise) at which a quorum is present. A majority of the entire
Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any  action
required  or permitted to  be taken at a  meeting of the  Committee may be taken
without a meeting if a unanimous  written consent, which sets forth the  action,
is  signed  by each  member  of the  Committee and  filed  with the  minutes for
proceedings of the Committee.
    3.5.  INDEMNIFICATION.  Service on the Committee shall constitute service as
a director of the Company so that members of the Committee shall be entitled  to
indemnification,  limitation  of liability  and  reimbursement of  expenses with
respect to their services as  members of the Committee  to the same extent  that
they are entitled under the Company's Articles of Incorporation and Kentucky law
for their services as directors of the Company.
    4.1.    ELIGIBILITY.   Eligibility for  participation in  the Plan  shall be
limited to those Key Employees who are nominated for participation by the  Chief
Executive  Officer  of  the  Company  and  then  selected  by  the  Committee to
participate in the Plan.
    4.2.  PARTICIPATION.  Participation in the Plan shall be determined annually
based upon  nomination by  the  Chief Executive  Officer  and selection  by  the
Committee.  Specific  criteria  for  participation shall  be  determined  by the
Committee prior  to  the  beginning  of each  Incentive  Period.  Key  Employees
selected  for participation shall be notified in writing of their selection, and
of their performance goals and related Target Performance Awards, as soon  after
approval as is practicable.
    4.3.   PARTIAL INCENTIVE PERIOD PARTICIPATION.  Subject to Article 6 herein,
the Committee may, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, allow  an
individual  who becomes eligible  after the beginning of  an Incentive Period to
participate in the Plan for that period. In such case, the Participant's  Earned
Award  normally  shall  be  prorated  based on  the  number  of  full  months of
participation during  such  Incentive  Period. However,  subject  to  Article  6
herein,  the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  subject  to  Committee  approval,  may
authorize an unreduced Earned Award.
    4.4.  TERMINATION OF  APPROVAL.  In its  sole discretion, the Committee  may
withdraw its approval for participation in the Plan with respect to an Incentive
Period  for a  Participant at any  time during such  Incentive Period; provided,
however that, such withdrawal must occur before the end of such Incentive Period
and provided further that,  in the event  a Change in  Control occurs during  an
Incentive  Period, the Committee may not  thereafter withdraw its approval for a
Participant during such Incentive Period. In  the event of such withdrawal,  the
employee  concerned shall cease to be a Participant as of the date designated by
the Committee, and the employee shall not  be entitled to any part of an  Earned
Award  for the Incentive  Period in which such  withdrawal occurs. Such employee
shall be notified of such withdrawal in writing as soon as practicable following
such action.

    5.1.  AWARD OPPORTUNITIES.  At  the beginning of each Incentive Period,  the
Committee   shall  establish  Individual  Performance   Award  levels  for  each
Participant  who  is  to  be  granted  an  Individual  Performance  Award.   The
established  levels  may vary  in relation  to the  responsibility level  of the
Participant. In the event a Participant changes job levels during the  Incentive
Period,  the Individual Performance  Award may be adjusted  at the discretion of
the Committee to reflect the amount  of time at each job level.  Notwithstanding
any  provision in this Plan to the contrary, Individual Performance Awards shall
not be dependent in any manner on, and shall be established independently of and
in addition  to, the  establishment of  any Company  Performance Awards  or  the
payout of any Earned Company Awards pursuant to Article 6 herein.
    5.2.   INDIVIDUAL  PERFORMANCE GOALS.   At  the beginning  of each Incentive
Period, the Chief Executive Officer shall establish individual performance goals
for each Participant who is  granted an Individual Performance Award;  provided,
however, that the Committee shall establish the individual performance goals for
the  Chief  Executive  Officer.  The  level  of  achievement  of  the individual
performance goals  by a  Participant at  the  end of  the Incentive  Period,  as
determined  pursuant  to Section  5.4 below,  will determine  such Participant's
Earned Individual Award, which may range  from 0% to 175% of such  Participant's
Individual Performance Award.
Officer shall have the right to adjust the individual performance goals  (either
up  or down) during the Incentive Period  if he determines that external changes
or other unanticipated conditions have  materially affected the fairness of  the
goals  and unduly  influenced a  Participant's ability  to meet  them; provided,
however, that no  such adjustment  to the Chief  Executive Officer's  individual
performance  goals shall be made unless  approved by the Committee; and provided
further that  no  adjustment  of  such  individual  performance  goals  for  any
Participant  shall be made based  upon the failure, or  the expected failure, to
attain or exceed the Company Performance Goals for any Company Performance Award
granted to such Participant under Article 6 herein. Further, in the event of  an
Incentive  Period of less  than twelve (12) months,  the Chief Executive Officer
shall have  the  right  to  adjust the  individual  performance  goals,  at  his
discretion, to protect the purpose and intent of the Plan.
    5.4.   EARNED INDIVIDUAL AWARD DETERMINATION.   At the end of each Incentive
Period, the  Chief  Executive  Officer  shall review  the  performance  of  each
Participant  who received  an Individual Performance  Award. Based  on the Chief
Executive Officer's determination as to a Participant's level of achievement  of
his  or her individual performance goals, the Chief Executive Officer shall make
a recommendation  to the  Committee as  to  the Earned  Individual Award  to  be
received  by  such  Participant.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  however, all
reviews and  determinations  with  respect  to  the  performance  of  the  Chief
Executive  Officer, and the payment of any  Earned Individual Award to the Chief
Executive Officer, shall  be made by  the Committee. The  payment of all  Earned
Individual  Awards is subject  to approval by  the Committee. The  payment of an
Earned Individual Award to a Participant  shall not be contingent in any  manner
upon  the attainment of, or failure to attain, the Company Performance Goals for
the Company Performance Awards granted to such Participant under Article 6.
    5.5.  MAXIMUM PAYABLE/AGGREGATE AWARD CAP.  The maximum amount payable to  a
Participant pursuant to this Article 5 for performance by the Participant during
any  fiscal  year of  the  Company shall  be  $500,000. The  Committee  also may
establish guidelines governing the maximum Earned Individual Awards that may  be
earned  by all  Participants in the  aggregate, in each  Incentive Period. These
guidelines may be  expressed as  a percentage of  a financial  measure, or  such
other measure as the Committee shall from time to time determine.

    In  addition to any  Individual Performance Awards  granted under Article 5,
Company  Performance  Awards  based  solely   on  Company  performance  may   be
established  under this Article  6 for Participants.  Company Performance Awards
are intended to satisfy the performance-based compensation exemption under  Code
Section  162(m)(4)(C) and the  related regulations and shall  thus be subject to
the requirements set forth in this Article 6.
    6.1.  AWARD  OPPORTUNITIES.  On  or before  the 90th day  of each  Incentive
Period  and in any event before 25% or more of the Incentive Period has elapsed,
the Committee shall establish in writing for each Participant for whom a Company
Performance Award is to be granted under this Article 6, the Company Performance
Award and specific objective performance  goals for the Incentive Period,  which
goals  shall  meet  the  requirements  of Section  6.2  herein  (such  goals are
hereinafter referred to as "Company Performance Goals"). The extent, if any,  to
which  an Earned Company  Award will be  payable to a  Participant will be based
solely upon the degree of achievement of such preestablished Company Performance
Goals over the specified Incentive Period; provided, however, that the Committee
may, in its sole discretion, reduce the amount which would otherwise be  payable
with  respect to an  Incentive Period. Payment  of an Earned  Company Award to a
Participant shall consist of a  cash award from the Company  to be based upon  a
percentage  (which  may exceed  100%) of  the Participant's  Company Performance
    6.2.  COMPANY PERFORMANCE GOALS.  The Company Performance Goals  established
by  the Committee pursuant  to Section 6.1 will  be based on one  or more of the
following: total  shareholder  return,  return on  equity,  return  on  capital,
earnings  per share, market  share, stock price, sales,  costs, net income, cash
flow, retained  earnings, results  of customer  satisfaction surveys,  aggregate
product   price  and  other  product  price  measures,  safety  record,  service
reliability,   demand-side   management   (including   conservation   and   load
management),  operating and  maintenance cost management,  and energy production
availability performance  measures.  At  the  time  of  establishing  a  Company
Performance  Goal, the Committee  shall specify the manner  in which the Company
Performance Goal shall be calculated. In so doing, the Committee may exclude the
impact  of  certain  specified  events  from  the  calculation  of  the  Company
Performance Goal. For example, if the Company Performance Goal were earnings per
share,  the  Committee could,  at  the time  this  Company Performance  Goal was
established, specify that earnings per share are to be calculated without regard
to any  subsequent change  in  accounting standards  required by  the  Financial
Accounting  Standards Board. Company Performance Goals  also may be based on the
attainment of specified levels of performance  of the Company and/or any of  its
Subsidiaries  under one or more of the  measures described above relative to the
performance of  other corporations.  As  part of  the establishment  of  Company
Performance  Goals for an  Incentive Period, the Company  shall also establish a
minimum level of achievement of the  Company Performance Goals that must be  met
for  a Participant to receive any portion  of his Company Performance Award. All
of the provisions of this  Section 6.2 are subject  to the requirement that  all
Company  Performance Goals shall  be objective performance  goals satisfying the
requirement for "performance-based compensation"  within the meaning of  Section
162(m)(4) of the Code and the related regulations.
    6.3.    PAYMENT  OF  AN EARNED  COMPANY  AWARD.   At  the  time  the Company
Performance  Award  for  a  Participant  is  established,  the  Committee  shall
prescribe  a formula to determine the percentage  (which may exceed 100%) of the
Company Performance Award which may be payable to the Participant based upon the
degree of  attainment of  the  Company Performance  Goals during  the  Incentive
Period.  If  the  minimum  level of  achievement  of  Company  Performance Goals
established by the Committee  for a Participant for  an Incentive Period is  not
met,  no payment of an Earned Company Award  will be made to the Participant for
that Incentive Period. To  the extent that the  minimum level of achievement  of
Company  Performance Goals  is satisfied or  surpassed for a  Participant for an
Incentive Period,  and upon  written  certification by  the Committee  that  the
Company  Performance Goals have  been satisfied to a  particular extent and that
any other material terms and conditions of

the Company Performance Awards have been satisfied, payment of an Earned Company
Award shall be made to the  Participant for that Incentive Period in  accordance
with  the  prescribed  formula  unless the  Committee  determines,  in  its sole
discretion, to reduce the payment to be made.
    6.4.  MAXIMUM PAYABLE.  The maximum amount payable to a Participant pursuant
to this Article 6 for performance by  the Participant during any fiscal year  of
the Company shall be $1,000,000.
    6.5.  COMMITTEE DISCRETION.  Notwithstanding Article 5 herein, the Committee
shall  not have  discretion to modify  the terms of  Company Performance Awards,
except as specifically set forth in this Article 6.
    Subject to Article 6 herein, as soon as practicable following the release of
the Company's audited financial  statements pertaining to  the Plan Year  ending
coincident  with or  immediately after  the applicable  Incentive Period, Earned
Award payments, if any, for such Incentive Period shall be paid in cash. Subject
to Article 6 herein, deferral of payments may be provided for under rules to  be
determined by the Committee.
the event a Participant's employment is terminated by reason of death, total and
permanent  disability  (as  determined  by  the  Committee),  or  retirement (as
determined by the Committee),  the Earned Award,  determined in accordance  with
Section  5.4 and Section  6.3 herein, shall be  reduced to reflect participation
prior to termination.  This reduction  shall be determined  by multiplying  said
Earned   Award  by  a  fraction;  the  numerator  of  which  is  the  months  of
participation through the date of termination rounded up to whole months and the
denominator of which is the number  of whole months in the applicable  Incentive
Period.  The Earned Award thus  determined shall be paid  as soon as practicable
following the release of the  Company's audited financial statements  pertaining
to  the Plan  Year ending  coincident with  or immediately  after the applicable
Incentive Period.
    8.2.   TERMINATION  OF  EMPLOYMENT  FOR  OTHER REASONS.    In  the  event  a
Participant's  employment is terminated  for any reason  other than death, total
and permanent disability,  or retirement (of  which the Committee  shall be  the
sole  judge),  all  of the  Participant's  rights  to an  Earned  Award  for the
Incentive Period then  in progress shall  be forfeited. However,  except in  the
event  of a  termination of  employment for  Cause, the  Committee, in  its sole
discretion, may pay a  prorated award for the  portion of that Incentive  Period
that  the Participant was  employed by the  Company or any  of its Subsidiaries,
computed as determined by the Committee.
                       ARTICLE 9.  RIGHTS OF PARTICIPANTS
    9.1.  EMPLOYMENT.  Nothing in this Plan shall interfere with or limit in any
way the  right of  the  Company or  any of  its  Subsidiaries to  terminate  any
Participant's  employment at any time, nor confer upon any Participant any right
to continue in the employ of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
    9.2.  PARTICIPATION.   No Participant  or other employee  shall at any  time
have  a right  to be selected  for participation  in the Plan  for any Incentive
Period, despite having been selected  for participation in a previous  Incentive
Period.  Except as  otherwise provided  in Article  8 or  Article 11  herein and
subject to Section  4.4 herein, a  Participant shall  not have any  right to  an
Earned  Award for an Incentive Period, unless  the Participant is an employee of
the Company at the end of such Incentive Period.

    9.3.  NONTRANSFERABILITY.  No right  or interest of any Participant in  this
Plan  shall be assignable or transferable, or  subject to any lien, directly, by
operation  of  law,  or  otherwise,  including  execution,  levy,   garnishment,
attachment, pledge, and bankruptcy.
establishment of the Plan nor any amendment thereof shall be construed as giving
any Participant, beneficiary, or any other  person any legal or equitable  right
unless such right shall be specifically provided for in the Plan or conferred by
specific  action of the Committee in accordance with the terms and provisions of
the Plan. Except as expressly provided in this Plan, neither the Company nor any
of its Subsidiaries shall be required or be liable to make any payment under the
    9.5.  NO RIGHT  TO COMPANY ASSETS.   Neither the  Participant nor any  other
person  shall acquire,  by reason  of the  Plan, any  right in  or title  to any
assets, funds or property of the  Company or any of its Subsidiaries  whatsoever
including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any specific funds,
assets,  or other property which the Company  or any of its Subsidiaries, in its
sole discretion, may  set aside in  anticipation of a  liability hereunder.  Any
benefits which become payable hereunder shall be paid from the general assets of
the  Company or  the applicable  Subsidiary. The  Participant shall  have only a
contractual right to  the amounts, if  any, payable hereunder  unsecured by  any
asset  of the Company or any of  its Subsidiaries. Nothing contained in the Plan
constitutes a  guarantee by  the Company  or any  of its  Subsidiaries that  the
assets  of the Company or  the applicable Subsidiary shall  be sufficient to pay
any benefit to any person.
                      ARTICLE 10.  BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION
    Each Participant under the Plan may, from time to time, name any beneficiary
or beneficiaries (who  may be  named contingently  or successively  and who  may
include  a trustee under a  will or living trust) to  whom any benefit under the
Plan is to be paid in  case of his death before he  receives any or all of  such
benefit.  Each  designation  will  revoke all  prior  designations  by  the same
Participant, shall  be  in a  form  prescribed by  the  Committee, and  will  be
effective  only  when filed  by the  Participant in  writing with  the Committee
during his  lifetime.  In  the  absence  of any  such  designation,  or  if  all
designated  beneficiaries predecease the  Participant, benefits remaining unpaid
at the Participant's death shall be paid to the Participant's estate.
                         ARTICLE 11.  CHANGE IN CONTROL
    Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  of   the  Plan,  in  the  event   a
Participant's  employment  with  the  Company  or  any  of  its  Subsidiaries is
terminated for any reason other than  for Cause, within twenty-four (24)  months
after  a Change in Control of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, all awards
previously deferred (with earnings) shall be paid to the Participant within  ten
(10)  business days of the termination;  along with the Target Performance Award
established for the Participant for the Incentive Period in progress at the time
of the employment termination, prorated for the number of days in the  Incentive
Period  in  which the  Participant was  employed by  the Company  or any  of its
Subsidiaries, up to and including the date of termination.
    In the  event a  Participant's employment  with the  Company or  any of  its
Subsidiaries  is terminated  for Cause,  no Earned  Award will  be paid  for the
Incentive Period in progress at the time of the employment termination.
                            ARTICLE 12.  AMENDMENTS
    The Board of Directors, in its  absolute discretion, without notice, at  any
time  and from time to time, may modify or amend in whole or in part, any or all
of the provisions of this Plan,  or suspend or terminate it entirely;  provided,
that    no   such   modification,    amendment,   suspension,   or   termination

after an Incentive  Period, may  without the consent  of a  Participant (or  his
beneficiary  in the case of the death of  the Participant) reduce the right of a
Participant  (or  his  beneficiary,  as  the  case  may  be)  to  a  payment  or
distribution hereunder to which he is entitled for that Incentive Period.
                        ARTICLE 13.  REQUIREMENTS OF LAW
    13.1.   GOVERNING  LAW.   The Plan,  and all  agreements hereunder  shall be
construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Kentucky.
    13.2.  WITHHOLDING TAXES.  The Company  shall have the right to deduct  from
all  payments under this Plan any Federal, state, or local taxes required by the
law to be withheld with respect to such payments.

                                ADMISSION TICKET
                               LG&E ENERGY CORP.
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                            Tuesday, April 23, 1996
                                10:00 a.m., EDT
                            Hyatt Regency Louisville
                           320 West Jefferson Street
                              Louisville, Kentucky
    If  you plan to attend  the meeting, please check the  box on the proxy card
    indicating that you plan  to attend. Please bring  this Admission Ticket  to
    the meeting with you.
    explained in the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy
    Statement. To  vote  your  proxy, please  MARK  by  placing an  "X"  in  the
    appropriate  box, SIGN and DATE the proxy. Then please DETACH and RETURN the
    completed proxy promptly in the enclosed envelope.
1. Election of Directors
   (see reverse)
                    / /  For                    / /  Withheld
For, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):
2. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation to Increase the Number of Authorized
   Shares of Common Stock from 75,000,000 to 125,000,000
                 / / For                 / / Against                 / / Abstain
3. Approval of Amended and Restated Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, including
   the Issuance of an Additional 1,200,000 Shares (2,400,000 shares as adjusted
   for the Authorized Stock Split) of Common Stock Thereunder
                 / / For                 / / Against                 / / Abstain
4. Approval of Short-Term Incentive Plan
                        / / For  / / Against  / / Abstain
5. Approval of Amendment to Employee Common Stock Purchase Plan to Authorize the
   Issuance of an Additional 500,000 Shares (1,000,000 shares as adjusted for
   the Authorized Stock Split) of Common Stock Thereunder
                        / / For  / / Against  / / Abstain
6. Approval of Independent Auditors
                        / / For  / / Against  / / Abstain
                                                              [LG&E ENERGY LOGO]
/ / I plan to attend the Annual Meeting, and I will bring ___ guest(s).
                ------------------------------    ------------------------------
                        SIGNATURE                 SIGNATURE
                                                  SIGNATURE(S) SHOULD CORRESPOND
                                                  TO THE  NAME(S)  APPEARING  IN
                ------------------------------    THIS   PROXY.   IF   EXECUTOR,
                             DATE                 TRUSTEE, GUARDIAN, ETC. PLEASE

                                        Complimentary parking will be  available
                                        at  the  Hyatt  Regency  and  the Cowger
                                        Parking   Garage.   Please   visit   the
                         [MAP]          registration   table  to   receive  your
                                        parking voucher, which you will give  to
                                        the parking attendant upon leaving.
                               LG&E ENERGY CORP.
        Roger  W.  Hale,  Victor A.  Staffieri  and  John R.  McCall  are hereby
    appointed as proxies, with full power of substitution, to vote the shares of
    the shareholder(s) named on the reverse  side hereof, at the Annual  Meeting
    of  Shareholders of LG&E Energy  Corp. to be held on  April 23, 1996, and at
    any adjournment thereof,  as directed  on the  reverse side  hereof, and  in
    their discretion to act upon any other matters that may properly come before
    the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
    Election  of Directors.  Nominees: Roger  W. Hale,  David B.  Lewis, Anne H.
    McNamara and Donald C. Swain.
      Please mark, sign and date this proxy on the reverse side and return the
                 completed proxy promptly in the enclosed envelope.

                                ADMISSION TICKET
                               LG&E ENERGY CORP.
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                            Tuesday, April 23, 1996
                                10:00 a.m., EDT
                            Hyatt Regency Louisville
                           320 West Jefferson Street
                              Louisville, Kentucky
    If  you plan to attend  the meeting, please check the  box on the proxy card
    indicating that you plan  to attend. Please bring  this Admission Ticket  to
    the meeting with you.
    explained in the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy
    Statement. To  vote  your  proxy, please  MARK  by  placing an  "X"  in  the
    appropriate  box, SIGN and DATE the proxy. Then please DETACH and RETURN the
    completed proxy promptly in the enclosed envelope.
1. Election of Directors
   (see reverse)
                    / /  For                    / /  Withheld
For, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):
2. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation to Increase the Number of Authorized
   Shares of Common Stock from 75,000,000 to 125,000,000
                 / / For                 / / Against                 / / Abstain
3. Approval of Amended and Restated Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan, including
   the Issuance of an Additional 1,200,000 Shares (2,400,000 shares as adjusted
   for the Authorized Stock Split) of Common Stock Thereunder
                 / / For                 / / Against                 / / Abstain
4. Approval of Short-Term Incentive Plan
                        / / For  / / Against  / / Abstain
5. Approval of Amendment to Employee Common Stock Purchase Plan to Authorize the
   Issuance of an Additional 500,000 Shares (1,000,000 shares as adjusted for
   the Authorized Stock Split) of Common Stock Thereunder
                        / / For  / / Against  / / Abstain
6. Approval of Independent Auditors
                        / / For  / / Against  / / Abstain
                                                              [LG&E ENERGY LOGO]
/ / I plan to attend the Annual Meeting, and I will bring ___ guest(s).
                ------------------------------    ------------------------------
                        SIGNATURE                 SIGNATURE
                                                  SIGNATURE(S) SHOULD CORRESPOND
                                                  TO THE  NAME(S)  APPEARING  IN
                ------------------------------    THIS   PROXY.   IF   EXECUTOR,
                             DATE                 TRUSTEE, GUARDIAN, ETC. PLEASE

                                        Complimentary parking will be  available
                                        at  the  Hyatt  Regency  and  the Cowger
                                        Parking   Garage.   Please   visit   the
                         [MAP]          registration   table  to   receive  your
                                        parking voucher, which you will give  to
                                        the parking attendant upon leaving.
                               LG&E ENERGY CORP.
        Roger  W.  Hale,  Victor A.  Staffieri  and  John R.  McCall  are hereby
    appointed as proxies, with full power of substitution, to vote the shares of
    the shareholder(s) named on the reverse  side hereof, at the Annual  Meeting
    of  Shareholders of LG&E Energy  Corp. to be held on  April 23, 1996, and at
    any adjournment thereof,  as directed  on the  reverse side  hereof, and  in
    their discretion to act upon any other matters that may properly come before
    the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
    Election  of Directors.  Nominees: Roger  W. Hale,  David B.  Lewis, Anne H.
    McNamara and Donald C. Swain.
      Please mark, sign and date this proxy on the reverse side and return the
                 completed proxy promptly in the enclosed envelope.