- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                                 UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                   FORM 10-K
(Mark one)
/X/  Annual  report pursuant to  Section 13 or 15(d)  of the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 30, 1995 or
/ /  Transition report  pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of  the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934
                          COMMISSION FILE NO. 0-16114
                                  INACOM CORP.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              DELAWARE                             47-0681813
    (State or other jurisdiction                (I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)             Identification No.)
   10810 FARNAM, OMAHA, NEBRASKA                     68154
  (Address of principal executive
              offices)                             (Zip Code)

         Registrant's phone number, including area code: (402) 392-3900
          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                   NAME OF EXCHANGE
     CLASS            REGISTERED
- ----------------  ------------------
      None               None

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
       InaCom Corp. Common Stock $.10 Par Value-Traded OTC (Symbol INAC)
                                (Title of Class)
    Indicate  by check  mark whether  the registrant  (1) has  filed all reports
required to be filed by Sections 13  or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act  of
1934  during the preceding  twelve months (or  for such shorter  period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to  such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes  /X/  No  / /
    Indicate  by check mark if disclosure  of delinquent filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's  knowledge, in definitive  proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K.  / /
    The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the
registrant, based upon the closing price of the Common Stock on March 1, 1996 as
reported on NASDAQ National Market System, was approximately $171,865,000.
    At  March 1,  1996 there  were outstanding  10,024,211 common  shares of the
    Parts of  the  Proxy  Statement  for Registrant's  1996  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders are incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K Report.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  PAGE 1 OF 62
                           INDEX TO EXHIBITS, PAGE 35

                                     PART I
    InaCom  Corp.,  a  Delaware corporation  ("Inacom"  or the  "Company")  is a
leading provider  of technology  management services  which includes  technology
procurement  services such  as distribution of  information technology products,
including microcomputer systems, workstations, networking and telecommunications
equipment; system  support  services;  and  systems  integration  services.  The
Company  distributes  such  products and  services  through a  network  of 1,017
business centers located throughout the United States. At December 30, 1995, the
business centers included 45 business centers owned and operated by the  Company
and  972 reseller  channel locations  comprised of  independently owned business
centers. Through  Inacom Communications  the Company  delivers voice,  data  and
video  convergence  equipment.  The  Company  emphasizes  tailored  solutions to
computer and tele-communications  needs of business  and professional  customers
and  provides its  customers with comprehensive  consulting, training, technical
support and service.
    The Company currently distributes products for leading manufacturers such as
IBM, COMPAQ,  Hewlett-Packard, Toshiba,  Apple,  NEC, Epson,  Okidata,  Lexmark,
AT&T,  NCR, Novell, Banyan, Microsoft, Oracle,  3Com, SynOptics, SCO and Network
    The Company has been engaged  in the distribution of microcomputer  products
and  services since October 1982.  The Company was established  as a division of
Valmont  Industries,  Inc.  ("Valmont")  in  1982  and  became  a   wholly-owned
subsidiary  of Valmont  in March  1985 under the  name ValCom,  Inc. The Company
completed an initial public offering of its common stock in 1987 and changed its
name to InaCom Corp. in 1991.
    The Company  has effected  two  significant acquisitions  in the  past  five
years.  The Company acquired Inacomp Computer Centers, Inc. in a 1991 merger for
$53.9 million in cash and stock; Inacomp  had revenues of $516.0 million in  its
fiscal  year preceding the  merger from 322 business  center locations. In 1993,
the Company  purchased certain  assets of  Sears Business  Centers ("SBC")  from
Sears,  Roebuck  and  Co.  ("Sears").  The  cost  of  the  acquired  assets  was
approximately  $5.8  million  for  35  former  SBC  locations  which   generated
approximately $456 million of revenue for Sears in 1992.
    The  Company has traditionally reported  operating results based on revenues
and earnings from Company-owned and  independent reseller channels. In 1995  the
Company  began  a  process of  evaluating  its  revenues and  earnings  from the
services provided through the life cycle  of the products it sells. The  Company
offers  technology  management  services  to all  of  the  customers  it serves.
Technology  management  services  consist  of  technology  procurement,  support
services and system integration.
    The  Company  provides a  variety of  services  ranging from  procurement of
product; support  services such  as  help desk,  training and  maintenance;  and
system  integration  services  such as  consulting,  design,  implementation and
    As a result  of its  quantity purchasing capability,  the Company  generally
obtains  volume discounts from its vendors, thus enabling it to sell products to
independently owned or Company-owned business centers on a more favorable  basis
than  such  business  centers could  attain  on their  own.  Independently owned
business centers  are not  contractually obligated  to the  Company to  purchase
their full product requirements from the Company.
    The  Company's program of  hardware maintenance service  and support enables
business centers to provide customers with on-site support and service  coverage
at  multiple locations. The program is supported by central service dispatch and
service  call  tracking.  The  Company   uses  Logistics  Management  Inc.,   an
unaffiliated  entity,  based in  Memphis,  Tennessee, for  the  distribution and
management of its repair parts.

    The  Company   offers  its   distribution  channel   a  direct   interactive
communications  on-line  system  through the  use  of  a series  of  IBM AS400's
utilizing multiple local-area and wide-area communications networks. The on-line
system provides  access to  a  complete range  of  services and  data  including
product  availability, price lists, automatic  quotes, order entry, order status
and electronic mail. The system saves both the Company and the business  centers
time  and money through lower cost  communication and more effective utilization
of personnel.  The  Company believes  that  the on-line  communication  services
provide a competitive advantage in recruiting new business centers.
    The  Company  offers  the  business  centers  toll-free  hotline  support to
professionals that manage computer  networks operating on  a variety of  network
environments,  including  Novell, Banyan,  Microsoft,  IBM, Apple  and  SCO. The
hotline support  program has  a wide  range of  telephone support  options.  The
design of the central telephone support center gives the business center and the
customers  a single  point of  contact on  all technical  issues. Customers have
access to the Company's on-line data base and technical support information  and
the  Company's Communications Research Center. Customers  may choose from a wide
variety of technical support options, depending upon which is most effective for
their business.
    In  its   configuration  centers,   the   Company  assembles   or   modifies
independently  produced  products  to  meet the  customers'  needs.  Through its
"Direct Express" program the  Company ships the  configured product directly  to
the  ultimate customer  rather than to  a reseller location.  The Direct Express
program provides independently owned  business centers benefits  in the form  of
lower  freight costs, reduced working  capital requirements, and reduced support
staff required  to handle  and  configure products  at local  levels.  Customers
benefit from improved delivery times and standardized quality configuration. All
configuration is performed by the Company at three configuration centers located
in California, New Jersey and Nebraska.
    To  assist business centers and the  customers with the purchase of products
and services, the Company provides several types of finance programs that  offer
a wide range of services. The most traditional method of financing for qualified
business  centers  is 30  day interest  free  financing from  the date  that the
product is shipped;  after this period,  the business center  has the option  to
roll  over  the outstanding  amounts  into financing  through  various financial
institutions. Other  programs  and  promotions are  designed  to  meet  business
centers and customer needs as market and business conditions change.
    At December 30, 1995, the Company's network of business centers consisted of
business  centers owned  and operated  by the  Company and  the reseller channel
comprised of independently owned business centers.
    The following table  sets forth information  with respect to  the number  of
business centers participating in the Company's distribution network:

                                                                            FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER
BUSINESS CENTERS                                                 1995       1994       1993       1992       1991
- -------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Company-owned................................................         45         46         53         50         52
Independent reseller channel.................................        972      1,316      1,417      1,152        780
                                                               ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------        ---
    Total....................................................      1,017      1,362      1,470      1,202        832
                                                               ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------        ---
                                                               ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------        ---

    The  decrease  in  the number  of  independent  resellers in  1995  and 1994
resulted from actions  taken by  the Company  to tier  the independent  reseller
channel  into various categories due to  the varying cost levels associated with
conducting business with different size resellers.  As a result of this  process
some  of the  smaller dealers  in the  independent reseller  channel chose other
sources for  product  procurement  due  to  the  decreased  service  levels  and
subsequent  increased pricing. The  loss of these  independent resellers did not
have a material negative impact on revenue during 1995 nor 1994.

    The Company-owned business  centers provide a  variety of computer  products
and   technology  management  services   which  include  technology  procurement
services, systems integration services and support services.
    The Company's independent reseller channel consists of franchisees,  systems
integrators  and value added resellers.  Franchisees operate computer stores and
typically pay the Company  (i) a base monthly  royalty and/or (ii) the  purchase
price  plus  markup  of the  product  and  services acquired  from  the Company.
Contracts for  franchisees are  for a  period of  up to  10 years  with  certain
options  for  renewal.  System  integrators and  value  added  resellers operate
businesses  that  focus  on  higher  service  levels  providing  customers  with
installation  and support of networks, business applications and program design.
The term of agreements within these groups range from 1 month to 5 years and the
agreements specify the products  that may be  purchased. Products are  typically
purchased  at a  cost plus  a volume  based fee  with varying  levels of support
services provided by the Company on a fee basis.
    The Company's communications division, which operates through  Company-owned
business  centers and independent  resellers, provides a  variety of voice, data
and telephony products and related services.
    The Company has negotiated purchase arrangements, including price, delivery,
training and  support, directly  with certain  vendors. During  the fiscal  year
ended  December  30, 1995,  sales of  IBM,  COMPAQ and  Hewlett-Packard products
accounted for approximately  22%, 20%  and 15%, respectively,  of the  Company's
    The IBM supply agreement is in effect for an indefinite period; however, IBM
may  terminate  the agreement  on 90  days'  written notice  to the  Company, or
immediately upon notice  in the event  of a breach.  The distributor  agreements
with other suppliers, including COMPAQ and Hewlett-Packard, may be terminated by
the  supplier upon prior  written notice, which  generally ranges from  30 to 60
days. The Company believes that the terms and provisions offered by the  vendors
are standard in the computer reseller industry.
    The  agreements with  vendors generally  contain provisions  with respect to
product cost, price protection, returns and product allocations. The Company  is
entitled  to price protection with all major  vendors on eligible product in the
Company's inventory  in  the  event  of  price  reductions  made  by  a  vendor.
Additionally,  contracts with most vendors provide  for the return for credit of
slower moving product or overstock product.
    Certain vendors  sponsor payment  programs  with several  financial  service
organizations  to facilitate product  sales through the  business centers. These
programs provide the business  centers with extended  credit terms and  interest
free  financing for a period of time.  Under these programs the Company receives
payments for product sales within three days, which reduces the working  capital
requirements of the Company.
    The  primary vendors of the Company provide various incentives for promoting
and marketing their product offerings. Funds  received by the Company are  based
either  on the sales  of the vendor's products  through the independent reseller
and Company-owned channels, or  on the Company's  purchases from the  respective
vendor.  These funds from the Company's  primary vendors typically range from 1%
to 3%  of  purchases. The  funds  are  earned through  performance  of  specific
marketing programs or upon completion of objectives outlined by the vendors. The
three  major forms of vendor incentives received  by the Company are coop funds,
market development funds and  vendor rebates. Coop funds  are earned based  upon
the  sale of the vendor's products and  generally must be utilized to offset the
costs associated with advertising and promotion pursuant to programs established
by the respective  vendor. Market development  funds are earned  based upon  the
Company's  purchases  from the  vendor  and generally  must  be used  for market
development activities approved  by the  respective vendor.  Vendor rebates  are
based  upon the Company  attaining purchase volume  targets established with the
vendor. Rebates generally can be used at the Company's discretion.

    The Company's business is dependent  in large measure upon its  relationship
with key vendors since a substantial portion of the Company's revenue is derived
from  the sales of the products of  such key vendors, including IBM, COMPAQ, and
Hewlett-Packard. Although the Company considers  its relationships with its  key
vendors  to be  good, there  can be no  assurance that  these relationships will
continue as presently in effect or that changes in marketing by one or more such
key vendors and the  volume discount schedules or  other programs applicable  to
the  Company  and  other  purchasers would  not  adversely  affect  the Company.
Termination of,  or a  material change  to,  or a  nonrenewal of  the  Company's
agreements  with IBM, COMPAQ and Hewlett-Packard,  or a material decrease in the
level  of  marketing  development  programs  offered  by  manufacturers,  or  an
insufficient  or interrupted  supply of vendors'  product would  have a material
adverse effect on the Company's business.
    The Company holds United States service mark and trademark registrations for
the marks "Inacom", "ValCom" and "Inacomp".  The Company also has certain  state
registrations.  The  Company claims  common  law rights  to  the marks  based on
adoption and use. To the Company's knowledge, there are no pending interference,
opposition or  cancellation proceedings,  or litigation  threatened or  claimed,
with respect to the marks in any jurisdiction.
    The  Company is  subject to  a substantial  number of  state laws regulating
franchise relationships. The Company is also subject to Federal Trade Commission
rules governing disclosure requirements in the granting of franchises. Such laws
generally impose registration and/or disclosure  requirements on the Company  in
the  offer and sale of franchises  and also regulate related advertisements. The
Company believes it is in substantial compliance with all such regulations.
    The fourth quarter of  the Company's fiscal  year generally produces  higher
revenues, due principally to year-end purchases made by business customers.
    The  Company is  not dependent for  a material  part of its  business upon a
single or a few customers and loss of any one customer would not have a material
adverse effect on the Company's financial condition.
    The backlog of  orders for  products distributed  by the  Company was  $35.5
million  at the close of the 1995 fiscal  year compared to $43.8 million at year
end 1994 and $98.4 million at year  end 1993. The decrease in backlog of  orders
is  primarily due to the increase in availability of products from the Company's
major vendors. Such orders  are not necessarily firm  since large customers  may
place  orders with several computer resellers and accept products from the first
computer reseller to provide delivery.
    All aspects of the information  technology industry are highly  competitive.
The  Company's distribution network competes  for potential customers, including
national accounts,  with  numerous  other  master  resellers  and  distributors.
Several  manufacturers have expanded their channels of distribution, pricing and
product positioning  and compete  with the  Company's distribution  network  for
potential customers. Additionally, several manufacturers during 1994 lessened or
eliminated  requirements upon independent resellers  to purchase products from a
single source  resulting  in  "open sourcing"  of  their  products;  previously,
manufacturers  had typically  required independent  resellers having contractual
relationships with  the Company  to purchase  their products  from the  Company.
Certain  competitors and manufacturers are substantially larger than the Company
and may  have greater  financial, technical,  service and  marketing  resources.
Other competitors operate mail-order or

discount  stores  offering  clones  of  major  vendor  products.  The  Company's
distribution network  competes primarily  on the  basis of  professionalism  and
customer  contact, quality of  product line, availability  of products, service,
after-sale support, price, and  quality of end-user  training. The Company  also
competes  with  other  information  technology sellers  in  the  recruitment and
retention of franchisees and independently-owned resellers.
    The computer  manufacturers' expansion  of  their channels  of  distribution
including direct distribution, open sourcing, employment of selective resellers,
pricing  and product positioning has put pressure on hardware gross margins. The
Company believes its  ability to  deliver technology  management services  which
consist  of technology  procurement services,  systems integration  services and
support services provides its customer base with value added services that  will
differentiate  the  Company  from  alternative  distribution  channels  and will
mitigate the impact of added competitive pressures caused by economic conditions
and manufacturers'  continuing  expansion  of their  channels  of  distribution,
pricing and product positioning.
    The level of future sales and earnings achieved by the Company in any period
may  be  adversely affected  by a  number of  competitive factors,  including an
increase in  direct  sales  by manufacturers  to  independent  resellers  and/or
customers,  increased  customer  preference  for  mail-order  or  discount store
purchases of clones  of major  vendor products,  and reduction  in the  benefits
realizable by the Company from vendor marketing incentive programs.
    At  December  30, 1995,  the  number of  employees  was 2,196.  None  of the
employees  are  covered  by  a  collective  bargaining  agreement.  The  Company
considers its relations with employees to be good.
    The  Company has no foreign locations  or material export sales. The Company
has  access  to  international  logistics  and  configuration  services  through
affiliations  with  the  International  Computer  Group  (Europe  and  Asia); GE
Hamilton Technology Services,  Inc. (Canada) and  InaCom Latin America  (Mexico,
the Caribbean, Central and South America).
    The  Company's principal executive and administrative operations are located
in approximately  63,000  square  feet  of commercial  office  space  in  Omaha,
Nebraska,  which is under  a lease expiring  in July 1998.  The lease contains a
renewal option.
    The Company  leases  a distribution  and  configuration facility  in  Omaha,
Nebraska,  with approximately 128,000 square feet  under a lease expiring in May
2003; a distribution and configuration facility in Swedesboro, New Jersey,  with
approximately  121,700 square feet  expiring in October  2002 and a distribution
and configuration  facility in  Fontana, California,  with approximately  71,800
square  feet expiring in July 1996. Upon expiration of the lease on the Fontana,
California facility, the Company will  lease a 178,000 square foot  distribution
and  configuration facility in Ontario, California  for a term expiring in April
2006. These facilities serve  as the distribution  and configuration points  for
the Company.
    The  land and  buildings for  all other  Company-owned business  centers and
warehouse facilities  are leased.  Most of  these leases  are operating  leases,
under  which the Company pays maintenance, insurance, repairs and utility costs.
Average terms of these  leases are one  to five years with  options to renew  or
    The  Company is involved in a limited number of legal actions arising in the
ordinary course  of business,  none of  which  is expected  to have  a  material
adverse effect on the consolidated financial statements of the Company.

    Not Applicable.
    The  executive officers of the Company as of March 1, 1996 are listed below,
together with their ages and all Company positions and offices held by them.

          NAME               AGE                           POSITION
- ------------------------     ---     -----------------------------------------------------
Bill L. Fairfield                49  President and Chief Executive Officer
Robert A. Schultz                53  President and General Manager of Direct Operations
                                      and Client Service Division
George DeSola                    49  Group President of Communications and Corporate
Michael A. Steffan               44  President and General Manager, Distribution and
                                      Operations, and Secretary
David C. Guenthner               46  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Larry Fazzini                    48  Vice President of Corporate Resources
Cris Freiwald                    41  President and General Manager, International Division
Steven Ross                      38  President and General Manager, Reseller Division
Gary Goldsberry                  47  Vice President and Corporate Treasurer

    Except as set forth below, all of the officers have been associated with the
Company in their  present position or  other capacities for  more than the  past
five years.
    BILL L. FAIRFIELD has been President, Chief Operating Officer and a Director
of  the  Company since  March  1985. He  was  named Chief  Executive  Officer in
September 1987.
    ROBERT A.  SCHULTZ  was  named  President  and  General  Manager  of  Direct
Operations  in April 1994 in  addition to his position  as President and General
Manager of Client  Service Division which  he has held  since January 1993.  Mr.
Schultz  was  responsible for  Direct Operations  and  the Advanced  Systems and
Services Group for the Company from August 1991 to January 1993.
    GEORGE DESOLA  was named  Group President  of Communications  and  Corporate
Marketing in December 1994. Prior to December 1994, Mr. DeSola was President and
General  Manager of Communications, a  position he has held  since he joined the
Company in March 1994. Prior to March 1994, Mr. DeSola was the Vice President of
Marketing and Customer Service for MCI Communications Corp, a telecommunications
    MICHAEL  A.  STEFFAN  was  named  President  and  General  Manager  of   the
Distribution  and Operations in  December 1995. Mr.  Steffan was responsible for
the Reseller Division  from December 1994  to December 1995  in addition to  his
position  as President  and General  Manager of  Distribution and  Operations, a
position he had held  since May 1993.  Prior to May 1993,  Mr. Steffan was  Vice
President of Corporate Development and Secretary for the Company.
    DAVID  C. GUENTHNER was  named Executive Vice  President and Chief Financial
Officer in November 1991. Prior to November 1991, Mr. Guenthner was Senior  Vice
President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer for the Company.
    LARRY  FAZZINI was named  Vice President of  Corporate Resources in February
1993 when he joined  the Company. Prior  to February 1993,  Mr. Fazzini was  the
Director  of Human Resources for Sears  Business Centers, Inc., a distributor of
information technology products and services.

    STEVEN ROSS joined  the Company in  December 1995 as  President and  General
Manager  of the  Reseller Division.  Mr. Ross  was Vice  President of  Sales and
Business  Development  at  Intelligent   Electronics  Inc.,  a  distributor   of
information  technology products, from September 1993 to November 1995. Prior to
September 1993, Mr. Ross was  the Executive Vice President of  Ultimate/Allerion
Corp., an international systems integrator company.
    CRIS  FREIWALD was named President and  General Manager of the International
Division in  November  1994.  Mr.  Freiwald  was  Vice  President  of  Corporate
Development  from May 1993 to November 1994. Prior to May 1993, Mr. Freiwald was
Director of Business Development.
    GARY GOLDSBERRY was  named Vice President  in May 1993.  Mr. Goldsberry  has
been Corporate Treasurer since December 1990.

                                    PART II
    This  information is  included with the  information set forth  under Item 8

                                                                DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA
                                                    1995            1994            1993            1992           1991
                                               --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ------------
Income statement data:
  Revenue....................................  $   2,200,344   $   1,800,539   $   1,545,227   $   1,014,466   $   680,421
  Earnings (loss) before income taxes........         19,833         (3,749)          19,693          17,959         5,700
  Net earnings (loss)........................         11,707         (2,256)          11,975          10,734         3,404
  Earnings (loss) per share..................           1.14          (0.22)            1.26            1.25          0.56
  Cash dividends per share...................  $           0   $           0   $           0   $           0   $         0
Balance sheet data:
  Working capital............................  $      90,940   $      78,759   $      67,936   $      65,901   $    76,968
  Total assets...............................        624,238         519,875         456,894         288,365       307,802
  Long-term debt.............................         23,667          30,333          20,000          36,800        59,242
  Stockholders' equity.......................  $     148,775   $     135,590   $     136,491   $     101,275   $    89,533
Statistical information:
  Revenue change versus prior year...........           22.2%           16.5%           52.3%           49.1%         59.0%
  Earnings change versus prior year..........          618.9%        (118.8)%           11.6 %         215.3 %      (51.1) %
  Earnings (loss) as a percent of beginning
   equity....................................            8.6 %         (1.7) %          11.8 %          12.0 %         8.7 %
  Selling, general and administrative
   expenses as a percent of gross margin.....           83.1 %          95.1 %          83.3 %          78.3 %        87.5 %
  Revenue per dollar of assets employed......  $        3.52   $        3.46   $        3.38   $        3.52   $      2.21
  Current ratio..............................         1.20:1          1.22:1          1.23:1          1.45:1        1.51:1
  Long-term debt as a percent of long-term
   debt and equity...........................           13.7 %          18.3 %          12.8 %          26.7 %        39.8 %
Other Information:
  Book value per share.......................  $       14.85   $       13.75   $       13.92   $       12.24   $     11.07
  Common stock market prices:
    High.....................................  $       15.25   $       21.00   $       25.50   $       14.75   $     18.50
    Low......................................  $        7.00   $        6.87   $       12.75   $        9.25   $      7.00
  Approximate number of shareholders.........          4,300           4,150           3,800             640           690
  Weighted average shares outstanding........         10,300          10,300           9,500           8,566         6,119
  Number of employees at end of year.........          2,196           1,884           1,883           1,309         1,380
  Revenue dollars per employee based on end
   of year employment........................  $       1,002   $         956   $         821   $         775   $       493


    The following table sets forth, for  the indicated periods, certain data  as
percentages  of total revenue,  together with the percentage  change in the line
items for the periods indicated.

                                                                                         INCREASE (DECREASE)
                                                        PERCENTAGE OF REVENUE          ------------------------
                                                        YEARS ENDED DECEMBER              1995         1994
                                                -------------------------------------      VS           VS
                                                   1995         1994         1993         1994         1993
                                                -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Revenue.......................................      100.0%       100.0%       100.0%        22.2%        16.5%
Direct costs..................................       90.7         90.6         89.0         22.4         18.6
                                                    -----        -----        -----        -----    -----------
Gross margin..................................        9.3          9.4         11.0         20.8         (0.4)
Selling, general and administrative expense...        7.7          8.9          9.1          5.6         13.7
                                                    -----        -----        -----        -----    -----------
Operating income..............................        1.6          0.5          1.9        316.2        (70.7)
Interest expense, net.........................        0.7          0.7          0.6         21.6         40.0
                                                    -----        -----        -----        -----    -----------
Earnings (loss) before income tax.............        0.9         (0.2)         1.3        629.0       (119.0)
Income tax expense (benefit)..................        0.4         (0.1)         0.5        644.3       (118.8)
                                                    -----        -----        -----        -----    -----------
Net earnings (loss)...........................        0.5%        (0.1)%        0.8%       618.9%      (118.8)%
                                                    -----        -----        -----        -----    -----------
                                                    -----        -----        -----        -----    -----------

                             1995 COMPARED TO 1994
    Customer expectations of computer resellers  have evolved from requests  for
delivery  of  computer  products in  a  cost  effective manner  to  requests for
providing services  beyond  the sale  of  products. The  Company  has  therefore
increased  its focus  on providing services  to customers  throughout the entire
life cycle of the products it sells.
    The Company generates revenue, gross margin and earnings throughout the life
cycle of the products. These revenues,  gross margin and earnings are  comprised
of  three  main classifications;  (i)  computer product  sales,  (ii) technology
management services  and (iii)  communication  products and  services.  Computer
product  sales are derived from the  sale of microcomputer systems, workstations
and  related  products  through  the  Company's  independent  reseller  channel,
Company-owned  business  centers and  other distribution  facilities. Technology
management  services  are  derived  from  the  sale  of  technology  procurement
services,  systems integration services and systems support services through the
Company's independent reseller channel, Company-owned business centers and other
distribution facilities. Communication  products and services  are derived  from
the  sale of  voice and data  equipment, long distance  services and convergence
technology through the Company's communications division.
    The discussion that follows provides information on the business in terms of
services provided throughout the life cycle of the products sold by the  Company
(results   by  classification)  and  an  analysis  in  terms  of  operations  as
historically reported (results by channel).

    The following  table  sets forth,  for  the indicated  periods,  revenue  by
classification and mix of revenue.

TOTAL REVENUES (IN THOUSANDS)                            1995           1994         DOLLARS      PERCENT
- ---------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -----------  -----------
Computer products..................................  $   2,047,215  $   1,680,397  $   366,818       21.8%
Technology management services.....................         95,476         85,406       10,070       11.8%
Communication products and services................         57,653         34,736       22,917       66.0%
                                                     -------------  -------------  -----------        ---
    Total..........................................  $   2,200,344  $   1,800,539  $   399,805       22.2%
                                                     -------------  -------------  -----------        ---
                                                     -------------  -------------  -----------        ---


                                                                                    1995         1994
                                                                                 -----------  -----------
  Computer products............................................................       93.0%        93.3%
  Technology management services...............................................        4.3          4.7
  Communication products and services..........................................        2.7          2.0
                                                                                     -----        -----
    Total revenue..............................................................      100.0%       100.0%
                                                                                     -----        -----
                                                                                     -----        -----

    Computer  product sales  increased $366.8 million  or 21.8%  to $2.0 billion
during 1995. Computer services increased $10.1 million or 11.8% to $95.5 million
during 1995.  Communications  products  and  services  revenue  increased  $22.9
million or 66% to $57.7 million during 1995.
    Revenues  from computer product  sales increased as a  result of broad based
growth within  both  the  independent reseller  channel  and  the  Company-owned
business  centers. Technology management services  revenue increased as a result
of the increase in computer product sales. Revenues from communication  products
and  services increased as a  result of broad based  growth within the Company's
communications division.
    The following  table  sets forth,  for  the indicated  periods,  revenue  by
channel and the mix of revenue.

TOTAL REVENUES (IN THOUSANDS)                            1995           1994         DOLLARS      PERCENT
- ---------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -----------  -----------
Independent reseller channel and distribution
 facilities........................................  $   1,106,571  $     920,409  $   186,162       20.2%
Company-owned business centers.....................        994,134        807,592      186,542       23.1%
Other..............................................         99,639         72,538       27,101       37.4%
                                                     -------------  -------------  -----------        ---
    Total..........................................  $   2,200,344  $   1,800,539  $   399,805       22.2%
                                                     -------------  -------------  -----------        ---
                                                     -------------  -------------  -----------        ---


                                                                                    1995         1994
                                                                                 -----------  -----------
  Independent reseller channel and distribution facilities.....................       50.3%        51.1%
  Company-owned business centers...............................................       45.2         44.9
  Other........................................................................        4.5          4.0
                                                                                     -----        -----
    Total revenue..............................................................      100.0%       100.0%
                                                                                     -----        -----
                                                                                     -----        -----

    Revenues  for 1995  increased $399.8 million  or 22.2% to  $2.2 billion when
comparing the fiscal  year ended December  30, 1995 with  the fiscal year  ended
December  31,  1994. Revenue  generated  from the  independent  reseller channel
(which includes franchises, system integrators and other value added  resellers)
was  approximately $1.1  billion, or  50.3% of  1995 total  revenue, compared to
$920.4 million or 51.1% of total revenue in 1994. Company-owned business centers
generated $994.1 million

or 45.2% of total revenue for 1995, compared to $807.6 million or 44.9% of total
revenue in 1994. Revenue from other sources  was $99.6 million or 4.5% of  total
revenue in 1995, compared to $72.5 million or 4.0% of total revenue in 1994.
    Revenues  from the  independent reseller  channel increased  as a  result of
growth within the Company's existing  reseller channel, an increase in  products
shipped  directly to the end-user customer  on instruction from the reseller and
an increase in second  source revenue. Second source  revenue is generated  from
sales  to independent resellers who are  not Inacom resellers by contract. These
revenues are primarily  a result of  open sourcing which  resulted from  certain
manufacturers,  beginning in  1994, lessening  or eliminating  requirements from
independent resellers to  purchase product  from one source.  Revenues from  the
Company-owned  business  centers increased  as a  result  of broad  based growth
across all regional locations. Revenue from other sources increased primarily as
a result of the growth  in voice and data equipment  sales as well as growth  in
product liquidation sales.
    The  following table sets forth, for the indicated periods, gross margin and
gross margin percentages by classification.

                                                                                                AS % OF TOTAL
                                                                               PERCENT     ------------------------
TOTAL GROSS MARGIN (IN THOUSANDS)                     1995       1994 (1)      INCREASE       1995         1994
- -------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------
Computer products................................  $   122,386  $   113,797         7.5%        60.1%        65.5%
Technology management services...................       67,599       52,506        28.7%        33.2%        30.2%
Communication products and services..............       13,821        7,516        83.9%         6.7%         4.3%
                                                   -----------  -----------         ---        -----        -----
    Total........................................  $   203,806  $   173,819        17.3%       100.0%       100.0%
                                                   -----------  -----------         ---        -----        -----
                                                   -----------  -----------         ---        -----        -----


                                                                                      1995        1994 (1)
                                                                                   -----------  ------------
Computer products................................................................        6.0%          6.8%
Technology management services...................................................       70.8%         61.5%
Communication products and services..............................................       24.0%         21.6%
                                                                                         ---           ---
    Company gross margin percentage..............................................        9.3%          9.7%
                                                                                         ---           ---
                                                                                         ---           ---

- ------------------------
(1) The amounts  for  1994  exclude  the impact  of  the  non-recurring  charges
    recognized  in the  second quarter  of 1994.  See 1994  compared to  1993 --
    Nonrecurring Charges below.
    Computer product margins increased  $8.3 million or  7.5% to $122.4  million
during  1995 and the gross margin percentage, exclusive of non-recurring charges
recognized in the  second quarter of  1994, decreased 0.8  percentage points  to
6.0%  in 1995. Technology management services  margin increased $15.1 million or
28.7% to $67.6 million during 1995 and the gross margin percentage, exclusive of
non-recurring charges recognized in  the second quarter  of 1994, increased  9.3
percentage  points to 70.8% in 1995.  Communications product and services margin
increased $6.3  million or  83.9% to  $13.8 million  during 1995  and the  gross
margin  percentage increased  2.4 percentage points  to 24.0%  in 1995. Computer
products margin was 60.1% of total 1995 gross margin versus 65.5% of total  1994
gross  margin. Technology  management services gross  margin was  33.2% of total
1995 gross  margin  versus 30.2%  of  total 1994  gross  margin.  Communications
products  and services gross margin  was 6.7% of total  1995 gross margin versus
4.3% of total 1994 gross margin.
    The increase in gross margin dollars  for computer products was a result  of
the  increase in revenues.  The decline in gross  margin percentage for computer
products was a  result of  market pricing  pressures related  to open  sourcing,
which  began in  the independent reseller  channel during the  second quarter of
1994, and an overall decline in hardware margins realized on end user sales. The
increase in  gross margin  dollars and  gross margin  percentage for  technology
management  services resulted from the increased revenues and an increase in mix
of services revenues to include more higher margin systems integration  services
versus the support and technology procurement services.

The  increase  in  gross margin  dollars  and  gross margin  percentage  for the
communication products and services was a  result of the increased revenues  and
the  increase in the mix of revenues to include more higher margin long distance
and services.
    The following table sets forth, for the indicated periods, gross margin  and
gross margin percentage by channel.

                                                                              PERCENT          AS % OF TOTAL
                                                                             INCREASE     ------------------------
TOTAL GROSS MARGIN (IN THOUSANDS)                   1995       1994 (1)     (DECREASE)       1995         1994
- -----------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -----------
Independent reseller channel and distribution
 facilities....................................  $    35,889  $    38,964        (7.9)%        17.6%        22.4%
Company-owned business centers.................      143,069      116,797        22.5%         70.2%        67.2%
Other..........................................       24,848       18,058        37.6%         12.2%        10.4%
                                                 -----------  -----------         ---         -----        -----
    Total......................................  $   203,806  $   173,819        17.3%        100.0%       100.0%
                                                 -----------  -----------         ---         -----        -----
                                                 -----------  -----------         ---         -----        -----


                                                                                       1995        1994 (1)
                                                                                    -----------  ------------
Independent reseller channel and distribution facilities..........................        3.2%          4.2%
Company-owned business centers....................................................       14.4%         14.5%
Other.............................................................................       24.9%         24.9%
                                                                                          ---           ---
    Company gross margin percentage...............................................        9.3%          9.7%
                                                                                          ---           ---
                                                                                          ---           ---

- ------------------------
(1) Excludes  the  impact  of  non-recurring charges  recognized  in  the second
    quarter of 1994.
    Including the effect of the 1994 non-recurring charges, gross margin dollars
increased $35.1 million  or 20.8% to  $203.8 million during  1995. Gross  margin
dollars  from the independent  reseller channel decreased  $775 thousand or 2.1%
during 1995. Gross margin dollars from Company-owned business centers  increased
$29.1  million or  25.5% during  1995. Gross  margin dollars  from other sources
increased $6.8 million or 37.6% during 1995.
    Including the effect of the 1994 non-recurring charges, gross margin for the
Company as a percentage of sales was  9.3% for the year ended December 30,  1995
compared  to  9.4%  for the  year  ended  December 31,  1994.  The  gross margin
percentage from the independent reseller channel was approximately 3.2% in  1995
compared to 4.0% in 1994. The gross margin percentage for Company-owned business
centers  was 14.4% in 1995  and 14.1% in 1994.  The gross margin percentage from
other sources was 24.9% in both 1995 and 1994.
    Excluding the impact of the  non-recurring charges recognized in the  second
quarter  of 1994, gross  margin dollars increased $30.0  million or 17.3% during
1995 and  the gross  margin percentage  decreased 0.4  percentage points  during
1995. Excluding the 1994 non-recurring charges, the gross margin dollars for the
independent  reseller channel decreased $3.1 million or 7.9% during 1995 and the
gross margin percentage  decreased 1.0 percentage  point during 1995.  Excluding
the  1994 non-recurring charges, the gross  margin dollars for the Company-owned
business centers increased  $26.3 million  or 22.5%  during 1995  and the  gross
margin percentage decreased 0.1 percentage point during 1995.
    The  decrease in gross  margin dollars for  the independent reseller channel
resulted from the  decrease in gross  margin percentage. The  decrease in  gross
margin percentage was a result of market pricing pressures. These market pricing
pressures were primarily attributable to open sourcing which began in the second
quarter of 1994.
    The increase in gross margin dollars from the Company-owned business centers
resulted  from the increased revenues during  1995. The decrease in gross margin
percentages resulted from the mix of revenues. While hardware margin percentages
decreased during 1995, the increase in the mix of

revenues to include  more training,  technical and support  services offset  the
negative  impact of  declining hardware  margins. The  increase in  gross margin
dollars from other sources was primarily due to the increased revenues.
    Selling, general and administrative  (SG&A) expenses increased $8.9  million
or  5.6%  to $169.3  million in  1995. As  a percentage  of gross  margin, these
expenses decreased 12.0  percentage points  from to 95.1%  in 1994  to 83.1%  in
1995.  Excluding  the  impact  of  1994  non-recurring  charges,  SG&A  expenses
increased $10.9 million or 6.9% during 1995. SG&A as a percent of gross  margin,
excluding  the impact of non-recurring charges  recognized in the second quarter
of 1994, decreased 8.1 percentage points during 1995.
    The increase in SG&A during 1995 resulted primarily from increased  spending
partially  offset by an increase in market development funds earned from various
vendors and credited  against SG&A.  The increase  in spending  was primarily  a
result  of  employee  increases  and  contract  labor  expenses  to  support the
increasing service revenue component of the Company-owned business centers.  The
increase  in vendor funds earned resulted  from attainment of program objectives
outlined by vendors primarily driven by higher revenues in 1995. The decrease in
SG&A as a percent of margin  during 1995 resulted from operational  efficiencies
achieved  through investments in distribution  center automation and information
    Net interest expense for  1995 increased by $2.6  million to $14.6  million.
The increase was due primarily to the increase in borrowing rates. The Company's
short-term  borrowing  rates  for 1995  increased  approximately  1.3 percentage
points during the year  while the average daily  borrowings decreased to  $178.8
million in 1995 from $201.9 million in 1994.

                                                                                           AS % OF TOTAL
                                                                           PERCENT    ------------------------
TOTAL PRE-TAX EARNINGS (IN THOUSANDS)                1995     1994 (1)    INCREASE       1995         1994
- -------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Computer products................................  $   9,179  $  (1,141)     904.5%        46.3%       (33.9)%
Technology management services...................      8,932      4,378      104.0%        45.0%       129.9%
Communication products and services..............      1,722        134    1,185.1%         8.7%         4.0%
                                                   ---------  ---------  -----------      -----        -----
    Total........................................  $  19,833  $   3,371      488.3%       100.0%       100.0%
                                                   ---------  ---------  -----------      -----        -----
                                                   ---------  ---------  -----------      -----        -----

- ------------------------
(1) Excludes  the  impact  of  non-recurring charges  recognized  in  the second
    quarter of 1994.
    The effective income tax rate was approximately 41% in 1995 and 40% in 1994.
    For the  reasons described  above,  the net  earnings  for 1995  were  $11.7
million  compared to  a net  loss of  $2.3 million  in 1994  which includes 1994
non-recurring charges of $4.2  million; an increase  of $14.0 million.  Earnings
per  share for 1995  were $1.14 compared  to a loss  per share of  $0.22 in 1994
which includes 1994 non-recurring charges of $.41 per share.

                             1994 COMPARED TO 1993
    During the second quarter of 1994 the Company reported a loss due in part to
non-recurring  charges relating  to (i) a  Department of  Defense contract, (ii)
settlement of certain warranty claims, (iii)  a receivable from a supplier  that
filed bankruptcy and (iv) severance costs for corporate staff reductions.
    The  Company incurred a second quarter  non-recurring charge of $3.5 million
relating to a contract with the  Department of Defense. The contract, which  was
assumed  by the Company in the Sears  Business Center (SBC) acquisition in 1993,
expired in December 1994.  While the contract was  marginally profitable in  the
fourth  quarter of 1993 and first quarter  of 1994, the Defense Department began
ordering lower-margin product for the remainder of the contract. The Company was
unable to deliver profitably the product  specified by the government under  the
terms  of  the  contract and  therefore  accrued  in the  second  quarter losses
expected to be  realized through the  remainder of the  year. The  non-recurring
charge  for anticipated future losses at the end of the second quarter increased
cost  of  sales  by  approximately   $2.2  million  and  selling,  general   and
administrative (SG&A) expenses by approximately $1.3 million. In addition to the
charge  taken at the end of the quarter, the second quarter operations impact of
the contract reflected in  cost of sales an  additional charge of  approximately
$600,000 and SG&A reflected an additional charge of approximately $400,000.
    The  warranty  claims  resulted  from  a  contract  relating  to specialized
software applications and involved claims  against the Company and the  hardware
suppliers. The Company agreed to settle for $1.0 million payable over two years.
The  non-recurring charge increased  cost of sales  by approximately $700,000 at
the end of the second quarter and  increased the reserves to the level  required
for  the settlement. In addition to the charge  taken at the end of the quarter,
cost of sales reflected  an additional charge  of approximately $300,000  during
the  second quarter to increase  the reserve position to  the amount required to
cover the potential loss.
    The Company had  a receivable  and an  inventory return  judgment against  a
California-based  supplier  of  hardware  that filed  bankruptcy  in  the second
quarter. As  a  result, payment  of  the judgment  amount  outstanding  appeared
doubtful and the Company increased its reserve position to $1.3 million to cover
the  potential loss. The non-recurring  charge at the end  of the second quarter
increased cost of  sales by approximately  $500,000. In addition  to the  charge
taken at the end of the quarter, cost of sales reflected an additional charge of
approximately  $800,000  during  the  second  quarter  to  increase  the reserve
position to the amount required to cover the potential loss.
    The Company  also instituted  staff  reductions in  the second  quarter  and
accrued $320,000 relating to severance costs for the reductions.
    Revenues  for 1994  increased $255.3 million  or 16.5% to  $1.8 billion when
comparing the fiscal  year ended December  31, 1994 with  the fiscal year  ended
December  25, 1993. Revenue generated from  the independent reseller channel was
approximately $920.4 million, or 51.1% of 1994 total revenue, compared to $742.4
million or  48.0%  of total  revenue  in 1993.  Company-owned  business  centers
generated  $807.6 million or 44.9% of total revenue for 1994, compared to $750.8
million or 48.6% of total revenue in 1993. Revenue from other sources was  $72.5
million  or 4.0% of total revenue in 1994,  compared to $52.0 million or 3.4% of
total revenue in 1993.
    Revenue from  the independent  reseller  channel increased  as a  result  of
industry  growth and  an increase in  products shipped to  the end-user customer
rather than the reseller  location under the  Company's Direct Express  Program.
The  revenue growth from the Company-owned business centers was primarily in the
last six months  of the year  due to an  increase in large  corporate sales  and
educational  institution  sales  in  the Northeast  (New  York,  New  Jersey and
Pennsylvania); revenue  in the  first six  months  of the  year was  lower  than
expected  in the West (California)  and Northeast due to  the departure of sales
representatives, an earthquake in  California and severe  winter weather in  the

Northeast.  Revenue from other sources  increased as a result  of growth in both
voice and  data equipment  sales and  from services  such as  extended  warranty
contracts, consulting and network design.
    Gross margin dollars decreased $0.7 million or 0.4% to $168.7 million during
1994. Gross margin dollars from the independent reseller channel decreased $12.0
million  or 24.7% during 1994. Gross  margin dollars from Company-owned business
centers increased $7.3 million  or 6.8% during 1994.  Gross margin dollars  from
other sources increased $4.0 million or 28.7% during 1994. The decrease in gross
margin  dollars from the independent reseller channel is primarily due to market
pricing pressures, open sourcing, freight costs incurred that were in excess  of
freight collected from customers, and non-recurring charges that occurred in the
second  quarter (described above).  Freight costs incurred  in excess of freight
charged to customers  resulted primarily  from shipments  through the  Company's
Direct  Express program.  The increase in  Direct Express  shipments resulted in
higher freight costs as  the average value per  shipment to customers  decreased
causing  a difference  between freight  paid to  carriers and  freight billed to
customers. Beginning in August the Company  changed its freight program to  bill
actual  freight cost on all shipments  under Direct Express, which significantly
reduced the negative impact  of freight charges on  gross margins in the  second
half of the year.
    The increase in gross margin dollars from the Company-owned business centers
occurred in the last six months of the year as a result of the increased revenue
and  the result of the  mix of revenues to  include more higher margin products,
and the  sale  of  more  technical and  support  services.  Gross  margins  were
negatively impacted by the non-recurring charges (described above) in the second
quarter  relating to the  Department of Defense contract.  The increase in gross
margin dollars from other sources was primarily due to the increased revenue.
    Gross margin for the Company as a percentage of sales was 9.4% for the  year
ended  December 31, 1994 compared to 11.0% for the year ended December 25, 1993.
The  gross  margin  percentage  from   the  independent  reseller  channel   was
approximately 4.0% in 1994 compared to 6.6% in 1993. The gross margin percentage
for  Company-owned business  centers was  14.1% in 1994  and 14.2%  in 1993. The
gross margin percentage from other sources  was 24.9% in 1994 compared to  27.0%
in  1993. The decrease in gross  margin percentage from the independent reseller
channel was  primarily  due to  market  pricing pressures  resulting  from  open
sourcing,  non-recurring  charges  incurred  in  the  second  quarter (described
above), and freight costs. The decrease in gross margin percentages for company-
owned business  centers in  1994 resulted  from the  non-recurring charges.  The
decrease  in gross margin percentage from  other sources was attributable to the
mix of  revenue  between  voice  and  data  equipment,  repair  and  maintenance
contracts and extended warranty contracts.
    Selling,  general and administrative (SG&A) expenses increased $19.3 million
or 13.7% to  $160.4 million  in 1994.  As a  percentage of  gross margin,  these
expenses  increased to 95.1%  in 1994 from  83.3% in 1993.  The increase in SG&A
dollars and  SG&A  to  gross  margin dollars  was  primarily  due  to  increased
advertising  and promotional  spending by  the Company  in both  the independent
reseller  channel  and  the  Company-owned  business  centers,  reduced   vendor
marketing  reimbursements  to  offset  such  promotional  costs,  and  increased
spending in  relation to  operating the  service division  of the  Company as  a
result of the SBC acquisition. The Company-owned business centers' SG&A expenses
also  increased over 1993  due to higher  revenues and gross  margins as well as
realizing a  full year's  expense  of operating  the  SBC locations  which  were
purchased in March 1993.
    Operating income decreased $20 million or 70.7% to $8.3 million in 1994 when
compared  to 1993. The  decrease resulted primarily from  the reduction in gross
margin dollars and the increase in SG&A expenses as discussed above.

    Net interest expense for 1994 increased by $3.4 million to $12 million.  The
increase  was due primarily to  the increase in average  daily borrowings and an
increase in the  borrowing rates. Average  daily borrowings for  the year  ended
December  31, 1994 were $201.9  million compared to $148.3  million for the year
ended December 25, 1993. The increase in borrowings resulted from higher working
capital needs as a result of carrying  high levels of inventory and also  higher
levels of accounts receivable due to increased revenues, and taking advantage of
early  pay discounts from the  manufacturers. The Company's short-term borrowing
rates for 1994 increased approximately two percentage points during the year.
    The effective income tax rate was approximately 40% in 1994 and 1993.
    For the reasons  described above, the  net loss for  1994 was $2.3  million,
which  includes non-recurring charges of $4.2  million, compared to net earnings
of $12.0 million in 1993; a decrease  of $14.3 million. Loss per share for  1994
was  $.22, which includes  non-recurring charges of $.41  per share, compared to
earnings per share of $1.26 in 1993.
    The Company's primary sources  of liquidity are  provided through a  working
capital  financing agreement for $350.0 million and $30.3 million in two private
placement notes.
    The Company entered into a working capital financing agreement in June  1995
with  a financial services organization and terminated previous revolving credit
facilities. The $350.0 million working capital financing agreement expires  June
29,  1998. At December 30, 1995, $76.9 million was outstanding under the working
capital line and the interest rate was 7.68% based on LIBOR. The working capital
financing agreement is secured by accounts receivable and inventory.
    The  two  private  placement  notes  are  held  by  unaffiliated   insurance
companies.  The principal amount of the first note, $13.3 million, is payable in
two annual installments  of $6.7 million  commencing on May  31, 1996 and  bears
interest  at 10.31% payable quarterly. The  principal amount of the second note,
$17 million, is payable in five  annual installments of $3.4 million  commencing
on  February 28, 1997 and  bears interest at 6.83%  payable quarterly. The notes
are secured by accounts receivable and inventory.
    The  working  capital  and  debt  agreements  contain  certain   restrictive
covenants,  including  the maintenance  of  minimum levels  of  working capital,
tangible net worth, fixed charge  coverage, limitations on incurring  additional
indebtedness  and restrictions on  the amount of  net loss that  the Company can
incur. The  Company  was in  compliance  with  the covenants  contained  in  the
agreements at December 30, 1995.
    Long-term  debt was 13.7% of total long-term debt and equity at December 30,
1995 versus 18.3% at December 31, 1994.  The decrease was primarily a result  of
the  reduction in long term debt due to the scheduled payment of $6.7 million on
one of the private placement notes.
    The Company entered  into an  agreement in  June 1995  (which agreement  was
amended  and  restated  in  August  1995)  to  sell  $100  million  of  accounts
receivable, with limited  recourse, to an  unrelated financial institution.  New
qualifying  receivables  are sold  to the  financial institution  as collections
reduce previously  sold receivables  in  order to  maintain  a balance  of  $100
million  sold receivables.  On December  30, 1995,  $21.4 million  of additional
accounts receivable  were  designated  to  offset  potential  obligations  under
limited  recourse provisions; however, historical  losses on Company receivables
have been substantially less than such additional amount. At December 30,  1995,
the implicit interest rate on the receivables sale transaction was 6.31%.
    Operating  activities used  cash of $57.7  million in 1995  compared to cash
provided by operating activities  of $80.4 million in  1994. The primary  factor
contributing to the change in cash used by

operating  activities was a $75.3 million  increase in accounts receivable and a
$124.3 million increase in inventory, with a portion of these increases financed
through a  $105.1  million increase  in  accounts payable.  Accounts  receivable
levels increased due to the increased revenues. The increase in inventory levels
was  primarily a result of the Company's focus on increasing the availability of
products to  its customers  and the  related increase  in accounts  payable  was
primarily  a result  of the  Company's efforts  to match  accounts payable terms
better with inventory turns.
    The Company used $10.3  million in cash to  purchase fixtures and  equipment
and  advanced,  net of  collections, $1.9  million  of notes  receivable through
investing activities in 1995.
    Net cash provided by financing for 1995 totaled $81.2 million, of which $100
million was provided from the sale of accounts receivable. The expended proceeds
were used,  in part,  to reduce  long term  and short  term borrowings  by  $6.7
million and $13.2 million, respectively.
    The  Company believes the  funding expected to  be generated from operations
and provided by the revolving credit facility will be sufficient to meet working
capital and capital investment needs in 1996.
    The Consolidated Financial  Statements of  the Company listed  in the  index
appearing  under Item 14(a)(1) and  (2) hereof are filed  as part of this Annual
Report on Form 10-K and are incorporated  by reference in this Item 8. See  also
"Index  to Financial Statements" on page  21 hereof. Certain quarterly financial
data is set forth below.
    Dollars in thousands except per share amounts.

                                                 NET                                     MARKET PRICE
                                  GROSS       EARNINGS        NET PER                --------------------
                  REVENUES       MARGIN        (LOSS)          SHARE       SHARES      HIGH        LOW
                -------------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ---------  ---------
First.........  $     483,956  $    45,916  $   2,114      $    0.21         10,300  $    9.38  $    7.00
Second........        526,909       48,388      2,575           0.25         10,300      14.25       8.25
Third.........        533,254       50,819      2,577           0.25         10,300      15.25      12.25
Fourth........        656,225       58,683      4,441           0.43         10,300      15.12       9.50
                -------------  -----------  -------------     ------      ---------  ---------  ---------
Year..........  $   2,200,344  $   203,806  $  11,707      $    1.14         10,300  $   15.25  $    7.00
                -------------  -----------  -------------     ------      ---------  ---------  ---------
                -------------  -----------  -------------     ------      ---------  ---------  ---------
First.........  $     399,294  $    44,623  $   2,630      $    0.26         10,300  $   21.00  $   13.50
Second........        408,643       32,778     (7,898)(1)      (0.77)(1)     10,300      16.50       7.50
Third.........        459,170       41,780        514           0.05         10,300      10.25       7.25
Fourth........        533,432       49,538      2,498           0.24         10,300      10.37       6.87
                -------------  -----------  -------------     ------      ---------  ---------  ---------
Year..........  $   1,800,539  $   168,719  $  (2,256)(1)  $   (0.22)(1)     10,300  $   21.00  $    6.87
                -------------  -----------  -------------     ------      ---------  ---------  ---------
                -------------  -----------  -------------     ------      ---------  ---------  ---------

- ------------------------
(1) Includes a  charge  of  $4.2  million or  $0.41  per  share  resulting  from
    non-recurring items.
    The  Company's Common Stock is traded  in the over-the-counter market and is
quoted on the  National Association of  Securities Dealers Automated  Quotations
("NASDAQ")  National Market System under  the symbol INAC. As  of March 1, 1996,
the Company  estimates there  were  4,300 beneficial  holders of  the  Company's
Common Stock.
    The  Company has never declared or paid a cash dividend to stockholders. The
Board of  Directors presently  intends to  retain all  earnings to  finance  the
expansion  of the  Company's operations  and does  not expect  to authorize cash
dividends in the foreseeable future. Any payment of cash dividends in the future
will depend upon the Company's earnings, capital requirements and other factors.

                                    PART III
    Except for the information relating to the executive officers of the Company
set forth in Part I of this Report, the information called for by items 10,  11,
12  and 13 is incorporated herein by  reference to the following sections of the
Company's Proxy Statement for its Annual  Meeting of Stockholders to be held  on
April  18, 1996: Certain Stockholders; Election of Directors; Directors Meetings
and Compensation; Summary Compensation Table; Option Grants in Fiscal Year 1995;
Option Exercises  in Fiscal  1995 and  Fiscal Year-End  Values; and  Employment,
Consulting and Other Agreements.
                                    PART IV
    (a)  (1) (2)   FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.   See index  to consolidated financial
statements and supporting schedules.
    (a) (3)  EXHIBITS.  See exhibit index, which index is incorporated herein by
    (b) The Company did not file a report on Form 8-K during the last quarter of
the period covered by this report.

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT
The Board of Directors
InaCom Corp.:
    We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of InaCom
Corp.  and subsidiaries as listed in  the accompanying index. In connection with
our audits of the  consolidated financial statements, we  have also audited  the
financial  statement  schedule  as  listed  in  the  accompanying  index.  These
consolidated financial  statements  and  financial statement  schedule  are  the
responsibility  of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on  these  consolidated  financial statements  and  financial  statement
schedule based on our audits.
    We  conducted  our audits  in  accordance with  generally  accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to  obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also  includes
assessing  the  accounting principles  used  and significant  estimates  made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement  presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
    In  our  opinion, the  consolidated financial  statements referred  to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of InaCom Corp.
and subsidiaries at December 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994, and the results  of
their  operations and their cash  flows for each of  the years in the three-year
period ended December 30, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted accounting
principles. Also in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule,  when
considered  in  relation to  the consolidated  financial  statements taken  as a
whole, presents  fairly, in  all material  respects, the  information set  forth
    As discussed in Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company
adopted  the provisions of  Financial Accounting Standards  Board's Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES, IN 1993.
                                             KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
                                          /s/ KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Omaha, Nebraska
February 16, 1996

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES

Consolidated Statements of Operations -- Three-Year Period Ended
 December 30, 1995.....................................................................................     22
Consolidated Balance Sheets -- December 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994.................................     23
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity -- Three-Year Period Ended December 30, 1995...........     24
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -- Three-Year Period Ended
 December 30, 1995.....................................................................................     25
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements -- Three-Year Period Ended December 30, 1995................   26 - 32
SCHEDULE II -- Valuation and Qualifying Accounts.......................................................     33

All  other  schedules  have  been   omitted  as  the  required  information   is
inapplicable  or  the  information  is included  in  the  consolidated financial
statements or related notes.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995

                                                                           1995           1994           1993
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
  Independent reseller channel and distribution facilities...........  $   1,106,571  $     920,409  $     742,406
  Company-owned business centers.....................................        994,134        807,592        750,803
  Other..............................................................         99,639         72,538         52,018
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                           2,200,344      1,800,539      1,545,227
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
Direct costs:
  Independent reseller channel and distribution facilities...........      1,070,682        883,745        693,723
  Company-owned business centers.....................................        851,065        693,595        644,083
  Other..............................................................         74,791         54,480         37,990
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                           1,996,538      1,631,820      1,375,796
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
    Gross margin.....................................................        203,806        168,719        169,431
Selling, general and administrative expenses.........................        169,338        160,437        141,142
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
    Operating income.................................................         34,468          8,282         28,289
Interest expense.....................................................         14,635         12,031          8,596
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
    Earnings (loss) before income taxes and cumulative effect of
     change in accounting for income taxes...........................         19,833         (3,749)        19,693
Income tax expense (benefit).........................................          8,126         (1,493)         7,947
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
    Earnings (loss) before cumulative effect of change in accounting
     for income taxes................................................         11,707         (2,256)        11,746
Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes...........       --             --                  229
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
    Net earnings (loss)..............................................  $      11,707  $      (2,256) $      11,975
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
Earnings (loss) per share............................................          $1.14          $(.22)         $1.26
Weighted average shares outstanding..................................         10,300         10,300          9,500
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                       -------------  -------------  -------------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                    DECEMBER 30, 1995 AND DECEMBER 31, 1994

                                                                                          1995         1994
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents..........................................................  $    20,690  $    10,514
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $3,537 in 1995 and
   $2,626 in 1994....................................................................      160,306      184,973
  Deferred income taxes..............................................................        4,202        4,913
  Inventories........................................................................      352,948      228,652
  Other current assets...............................................................        1,794        1,184
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
      Total current assets...........................................................      539,940      430,236
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
Property and equipment, at cost......................................................       85,922       75,778
  Less accumulated depreciation......................................................       44,421       30,922
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
      Net property and equipment.....................................................       41,501       44,856
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
Other assets, net of accumulated amortization........................................       17,831       18,702
Cost in excess of net assets of business acquired, net of accumulated amortization...       24,966       26,081
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
                                                                                       $   624,238  $   519,875
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
                                     LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable...................................................................  $   331,221  $   226,121
  Notes payable and current installments of long-term debt...........................       83,526       96,710
  Income taxes payable...............................................................          384          221
  Other current liabilities..........................................................       33,869       28,425
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
      Total current liabilities......................................................      449,000      351,477
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
Long-term debt, excluding current installments.......................................       23,667       30,333
Deferred income taxes................................................................        2,796        2,475
Stockholders' equity:
  Capital stock:
    Class A preferred stock of $1 par value. Authorized 1,000,000 shares; none
     issued..........................................................................      --           --
    Common stock of $.10 par value. Authorized 30,000,000 shares; issued 10,040,000
     shares..........................................................................        1,004        1,004
  Additional paid-in capital.........................................................       89,528       89,314
  Retained earnings..................................................................       58,874       47,167
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
                                                                                           149,406      137,485
    Cost of common shares in treasury of 19,989 in 1995 and 176,182 in 1994..........         (161)      (1,533)
    Unearned restricted stock........................................................         (470)        (362)
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
      Total stockholders' equity.....................................................      148,775      135,590
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
Commitments and contingent liabilities
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
                                                                                       $   624,238  $   519,875
                                                                                       -----------  -----------
                                                                                       -----------  -----------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995

                                                               ADDITIONAL                          UNEARNED       TOTAL
                                                    COMMON       PAID-IN    RETAINED   TREASURY   RESTRICTED   STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                     STOCK       CAPITAL    EARNINGS     STOCK       STOCK        EQUITY
                                                  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ------------
Balance at December 26, 1992....................   $     864    $  67,086   $  37,448  $  (3,202)  $    (921)   $  101,275
Net earnings....................................      --           --          11,975     --          --            11,975
Issuance of 1,400,000 shares through public
 offering.......................................         140       21,048      --         --          --            21,188
Issuance of 2,900 treasury shares as director
 compensation...................................      --               26      --             25      --                51
Issuance of 110,779 treasury shares under stock
 option plans...................................      --              540      --            975      --             1,515
Issuance of 19,155 treasury shares as stock
 awards, net of forfeitures.....................      --              228      --            168          91           487
                                                  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ------------
Balance at December 25, 1993....................       1,004       88,928      49,423     (2,034)       (830)      136,491
Net loss........................................      --           --          (2,256)    --          --            (2,256)
Issuance of 3,400 treasury shares as director
 compensation...................................      --               11      --             30      --                41
Issuance of 35,253 treasury shares under stock
 option plans...................................      --              209      --            310      --               519
Issuance of 16,800 treasury shares as stock
 awards, net of forfeitures.....................      --              166      --            161         468           795
                                                  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ------------
Balance at December 31, 1994....................       1,004       89,314      47,167     (1,533)       (362)      135,590
Net earnings....................................      --           --          11,707     --          --            11,707
Issuance of 4,400 treasury shares as director
 compensation...................................      --               (1)     --             39      --                38
Issuance of 89,993 treasury shares under stock
 option plans...................................      --              240      --            790      --             1,030
Issuance of 61,800 treasury shares as stock
 awards, net of forfeitures.....................      --              (25)     --            543        (108)          410
                                                  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ------------
Balance at December 30, 1995....................   $   1,004    $  89,528   $  58,874  $    (161)  $    (470)   $  148,775
                                                  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ------------
                                                  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ------------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
                             (AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                              1995          1994          1993
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings (loss)...................................................  $     11,707  $     (2,256) $     11,975
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings (loss) to net cash provided
   (used) by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization.......................................        19,059        19,766        13,254
    Changes in assets and liabilities, net of effects from business
      Accounts receivable...............................................       (75,333)      (22,496)      (63,902)
      Inventories.......................................................      (124,296)      (41,783)      (92,941)
      Other current assets..............................................          (610)          463         3,316
      Accounts payable..................................................       105,100       122,961        15,144
      Other liabilities.................................................         5,444         5,983        (1,995)
      Income taxes......................................................         1,195        (2,192)       (1,701)
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
        Net cash provided (used) by operating activities................       (57,734)       80,446      (116,850)
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Additions to property and equipment...................................       (10,346)      (14,910)      (14,230)
  Business combinations.................................................       --            --             (3,806)
  (Advances of) payments from notes receivable..........................        (1,872)          917           909
  Other.................................................................        (1,051)       (1,816)          570
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
        Net cash used in investing activities...........................       (13,269)      (15,809)      (16,557)
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Principal payments on long-term debt..................................        (6,667)      --            (18,500)
  Proceeds from receivables sold........................................       100,000       --            --
  (Payments of) proceeds from notes payable.............................       (13,184)      (81,314)      127,041
  Proceeds from long-term debt..........................................       --             17,000       --
  Proceeds from offering of public stock................................       --            --             21,188
  Proceeds from the exercise of employee stock options..................         1,030           519         1,515
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
        Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities.............        81,179       (63,795)      131,244
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents....................        10,176           842        (2,163)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year............................        10,514         9,672        11,835
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year..................................  $     20,690  $     10,514  $      9,672
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                                          ------------  ------------  ------------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
    The  consolidated financial statements include  the accounts of InaCom Corp.
(Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries.  The Company is a leading  provider
of  management  technology  services which  include  technology  procurement and
distribution   of   microcomputer   systems,   workstations,   networking    and
telecommunications  equipment,  systems  integration and  support  services. All
significant intercompany  balances  and  transactions have  been  eliminated  in
    The  Company entered  into an  agreement in  June 1995  (which agreement was
amended  and  restated  in  August  1995)  to  sell  $100  million  of  accounts
receivable,  with limited recourse,  to an unrelated  financial institution. New
qualifying receivables  are sold  to the  financial institution  as  collections
reduce  previously  sold receivables  in  order to  maintain  a balance  of $100
million sold  receivables. On  December 30,  1995, $21.4  million of  additional
accounts  receivable  were  designated  to  offset  potential  obligations under
limited recourse provisions; however,  historical losses on Company  receivables
have  been substantially less than such additional amount. At December 30, 1995,
the interest rate was 6.31%.
    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out) or  market
and consist of computer hardware, software, voice and data equipment and related
    Other  assets  include  vendor  authorization  rights  and  long-term  notes
receivable. Vendor authorization rights are being amortized over 10 years.
    The excess  of  the cost  over  the carrying  value  of assets  of  business
acquired   is  being  amortized   over  20  years.   The  Company  assesses  the
recoverability of intangible assets by  determining whether the amortization  of
the  asset balance over its remaining life can be recovered through undiscounted
future operating cash flows  of the acquired operation.  The amount of  goodwill
impairment,  if any, is measured based  on projected discounted future operating
cash flows using a discount rate reflecting the Company's average cost of funds.
    Depreciation is provided over the  estimated useful lives of the  respective
assets ranging from 3 to 31 years using the straight-line method.
    Deferred  tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the estimated future
tax consequences  attributable to  differences between  the financial  statement
carrying  amounts of  existing assets and  liabilities and  their respective tax
bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax  rates
in  effect for the year in which  those temporary differences are expected to be
recovered or settled.  The effect on  deferred tax assets  and liabilities of  a
change  in tax  rates is recognized  in income  in the period  that includes the
enactment date.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
    Earnings/(loss) per share of common stock have been computed on the basis of
the weighted average number of shares  of common stock outstanding after  giving
effect to equivalent common shares from dilutive stock options.
    The  Company  recognizes revenue  from product  sales  upon shipment  to the
customer. Revenues  from consulting  and other  services are  recognized as  the
Company  performs the services. Revenues  from maintenance and extended warranty
agreements are  recognized ratably  over  the term  of the  agreement.  Extended
warranty  costs are accounted for  on an accrual basis  and are recognized under
the sales method.
    Primary vendors of the Company provide various incentives for promoting  and
marketing their product offerings. The funds received are based on the purchases
or sales of the vendor's products and are earned through performance of specific
marketing  programs or  upon completion of  objectives outlined  by the vendors.
Funds earned are applied to direct costs or selling, general and  administrative
expenses  depending on the  objectives of the program.  Funds from the Company's
primary vendors typically range from 1% to 3% of purchases.
    Financial  instruments   which  potentially   expose   the  Company   to   a
concentration  of credit  risk principally  consist of  accounts receivable. The
Company sells  product  to  a  large  number  of  customers  in  many  different
industries  and geographies. To minimize  credit concentration risk, the Company
utilizes  several  financial  services  organizations  which  purchase  accounts
receivable  and perform ongoing  credit evaluations of  its customers' financial
    The Company's business is dependent  in large measure upon its  relationship
with key vendors since a substantial portion of the Company's revenue is derived
from  the  sales of  the  products of  such key  vendors.  Termination of,  or a
material change to the  Company's agreements with these  vendors, or a  material
decrease   in   the  level   of  marketing   development  programs   offered  by
manufacturers, or  an insufficient  or interrupted  supply of  vendors'  product
would have a material adverse effect on the Company's business.
    Management  of the  Company has made  a number of  estimates and assumptions
relating to  the reporting  of  assets and  liabilities  and the  disclosure  of
contingent  assets  and  liabilities  to  prepare  these  consolidated financial
statements in conformity with  generally accepted accounting principles.  Actual
results could differ from those estimates.
    The  carrying amounts  for cash  and cash  equivalents, accounts receivable,
accounts payable and notes payable approximates fair value because of the  short
maturity  of  these  instruments.  The  fair values  of  each  of  the Company's
long-term debt  instruments  are  based  on the  amount  of  future  cash  flows
associated with each instrument discounted using the Company's current borrowing
rate  for similar  debt instruments of  comparable maturity.  The estimated fair
value of the  Company's long-term  debt at  December 30,  1995 approximate  book

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
    For  purposes  of the  consolidated statements  of  cash flows,  the Company
considers cash and temporary cash investments with a maturity of three months or
less to be cash equivalents.
    In February 1993, the  Company completed the  acquisition of certain  assets
and operations of the Sears Business Centers (the SBC Acquisition) division from
Sears,  Roebuck  and Co.  (Sears). The  Company  acquired certain  fixed assets,
inventory and other assets for  approximately $3.8 million, and assumed  certain
liabilities,   in   a  transaction   accounted  for   as  a   purchase.  Certain
noncompetition payments are scheduled to Sears  for each of the first two  years
following the closing date. The minimum payment is $1.0 million annually and the
Company  made the first  of the two payments  in 1994. The  1995 payment was not
made  based  on  offsets  claimed  by  the  Company  against  Sears  in  pending
litigation.  Additional payments  were also required  based on  net revenues (as
defined in the  agreement) and  gross margins  of the  acquired SBC  operations,
ranging  from 1/2% of such net revenues for  gross margins of more than 17.5% up
to 1% of  such net  revenues for  gross margins over  20%. The  Company was  not
required to make such payments in either 1995 or 1994 since the required revenue
and  gross margin targets were not achieved.  The excess purchase price over the
estimated fair value of the assets was $7.8 million and is being amortized using
the straight-line method over 20 years.
    A summary of property and equipment follows:

                                                                                  1995       1994
                                                                                ---------  ---------
Land, buildings and improvements..............................................  $  10,541  $  10,310
Furniture, fixtures and equipment.............................................     18,392     14,884
Computer equipment............................................................     35,340     28,201
Computer parts held for repair and exchange...................................     21,649     22,383
                                                                                ---------  ---------
                                                                                $  85,922  $  75,778
                                                                                ---------  ---------
                                                                                ---------  ---------

    Income tax expense (benefit) consists of the following:

                                                                            1995       1994       1993
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
  Federal...............................................................  $   6,151  $     487  $   4,269
  State.................................................................        943         92        488
  Federal...............................................................        897     (1,789)     2,811
  State.................................................................        135       (283)       379
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                          $   8,126  $  (1,493) $   7,947
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------


                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
The reconciliation of the  statutory Federal income tax  rate and the  effective
tax rate are as follows:

                                                                                1995         1994         1993
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
Statutory Federal income tax rate..........................................       35.0%        34.0%        35.0%
State income taxes, net of Federal benefit.................................        3.6          4.7          1.6
Other......................................................................        2.4          1.1          3.8
                                                                                   ---          ---          ---
                                                                                  41.0%        39.8%        40.4%
                                                                                   ---          ---          ---
                                                                                   ---          ---          ---

    The  tax  effects of  temporary differences  that  give rise  to significant
portions of the deferred tax assets  and deferred tax liabilities are  presented

                                                                                    1995       1994
                                                                                  ---------  ---------
Deferred tax assets:
  Valuation reserves............................................................  $   3,324  $   3,024
  Accrued expenses not deducted until paid......................................      1,275      1,892
  Other.........................................................................          2        635
                                                                                  ---------  ---------
    Total deferred tax assets...................................................      4,601      5,551
                                                                                  ---------  ---------
Deferred tax liabilities:
  Depreciation..................................................................      2,725      2,524
  Other.........................................................................        470        589
                                                                                  ---------  ---------
    Total deferred tax liabilities..............................................      3,195      3,113
                                                                                  ---------  ---------
    Net deferred tax assets.....................................................  $   1,406  $   2,438
                                                                                  ---------  ---------
                                                                                  ---------  ---------

    In 1993, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
109, ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES, and has reported the cumulative effect of that
change  in the method  of accounting for  income taxes in  the 1993 consolidated
statement of operations.
    There was no  valuation allowance for  deferred tax assets  at December  30,
1995 or December 31, 1994.
    The  Company's primary sources  of liquidity are  provided through a working
capital financing agreement for $350.0 million and $30.3 million in two  private
placement notes.
    The  Company entered into a working capital financing agreement in June 1995
with a financial services organization and terminated previous revolving  credit
facilities.  The $350.0 million working capital financing agreement expires June
29, 1998. At December 30, 1995, $76.9 million was outstanding under the  working
capital line and the interest rate based on LIBOR was 7.68%. The working capital
financing agreement is secured by accounts receivable and inventory.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
    A summary of long-term debt follows:

                                                                                  1995       1994
                                                                                ---------  ---------
Private placement notes (a)...................................................  $  30,334  $  37,000
Capital lease obligations.....................................................     --             43
                                                                                ---------  ---------
    Total long-term debt......................................................     30,334     37,043
Less current installments.....................................................      6,667      6,710
                                                                                ---------  ---------
    Long-term debt, excluding current installments............................  $  23,667  $  30,333
                                                                                ---------  ---------
                                                                                ---------  ---------

- ------------------------
(a) The   two  private  placement  notes  are  held  by  unaffiliated  insurance
    companies. The remaining principal amount of the first note, $13.3  million,
    is  payable in two annual installments of $6.7 million commencing on May 31,
    1996 and bears interest at 10.31% payable quarterly. The principal amount of
    the second note, $17.0  million, is payable in  five annual installments  of
    $3.4  million commencing  on February 28,  1997 and bears  interest at 6.83%
    payable  quarterly.  The  notes  are  secured  by  accounts  receivable  and
    The   working  capital  and  debt  agreements  contain  certain  restrictive
covenants, including  the  maintenance of  minimum  levels of  working  capital,
tangible  net worth, fixed charge  coverage, limitations on incurring additional
indebtedness and restrictions  on the amount  of net loss  that the Company  can
incur.  The  Company  was in  compliance  with  the covenants  contained  in the
agreements at December 30, 1995.
    The minimum aggregate maturities of long-term debt are $6.7 million in 1996,
$10.0 million in 1997 and $3.4 million in 1998 through 2001.
    In May 1993, the Company completed the  sale of 1.4 million shares of  newly
issued  common stock in an underwritten public offering at $16.00 per share. The
net proceeds to the Company from the sale were approximately $21.2 million.
    The Company has floor plan agreements to take advantage of vendor  financing
programs.  The  agreements  were  secured by  $111.9  million  of  the Company's
inventory at  December 30,  1995 and  $86.0 million  at December  31, 1994.  The
Company  has  entered  into  dealer working  capital  financing  agreements with
several financial  services organizations  which purchase,  primarily,  accounts
receivable  from the  Company. The  Company had  contingent liabilities  of $7.9
million at December 30, 1995 and $3.2  million at December 31, 1994 relating  to
these agreements.
    The  Company operates in leased premises  which include the general offices,
warehouse facilities  and Company-owned  branches. Operating  lease terms  range
from monthly to ten years and generally provide for renewal options.
    Rent  expense  for operating  leases  was approximately  $9.8  million, $8.6
million  and  $7.0  million  for  the  three  years  ended  December  30,  1995,

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
    Future  minimum operating lease obligations for  the years 1996 through 2000
are $7.8 million,  $6.6 million, $4.7  million, $3.2 million  and $1.8  million,
respectively.  It is anticipated that leases will be renewed or replaced as they
expire such  that future  lease obligations  will approximate  rent expense  for
    The  Company maintains a qualified savings  plan under Section 401(k) of the
Internal Revenue Code which covers substantially all full-time employees. Annual
contributions to the qualified plan, based on participant's annual pay, are made
by the Company. Participants may also  elect to make contributions to the  plan.
Employee contributions are matched by the Company up to limits prescribed by the
Internal  Revenue  Code. Company  contributions  to the  plan  approximated $2.4
million in 1995, $1.8 million in 1994 and $2.0 million in 1993.
    The Company  maintains  a  nonqualified savings  plan  for  employees  whose
benefits  under the qualified  savings plans are  reduced because of limitations
under Federal tax laws. Contributions made to this plan were not significant.
    The Company is  involved in a  limited number of  legal actions.  Management
believes  that the ultimate resolution of all pending litigation will not have a
material adverse effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.
    Interest and income taxes paid are summarized as follows:

                                                                          1995       1994       1993
                                                                        ---------  ---------  ---------
Interest paid.........................................................  $  14,054  $  12,599  $   7,668
Income taxes paid.....................................................      6,931        890      7,130

    Components of cash used  for acquisitions as  reflected in the  consolidated
statements of cash flows are summarized as follows:

Fair value of assets acquired...............................................................  $   14,331
Liabilities assumed.........................................................................     (10,525)
    Cash paid at closing, net of cash acquired..............................................  $    3,806

    The  Company has two  stock plans approved  by the shareholders  in 1994 and
1990, and a  nonqualified stock option  plan approved by  shareholders in  1987.
Options  granted under the  stock plans may be  either nonqualified or incentive
stock options. The  option price  is set by  the Compensation  Committee of  the
Board of Directors of the Company but may not be less than the fair market value
per  share at the time the option is granted, and the term of any option granted
may not exceed ten years. The stock plans also permit the issuance of restricted
or bonus stock awards by the  Compensation Committee. Options granted under  the
nonqualified stock option plan are for a term not to exceed ten years at a price
set by the Compensation Committee but may not be less than the fair market value
per  share at the time the option is  granted. At December 30, 1995, the Company
had approximately 132,000 shares available  for issuance pursuant to  subsequent
grants under the plans.

                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   THREE-YEAR PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1995
    Additional information as to shares subject to options is as follows:

                                                                         NUMBER     EXERCISE PRICE
                                                                       OF OPTIONS     PER OPTION
                                                                       ----------  -----------------
Options outstanding at December 26, 1992.............................     673,000  $   3.90 to 14.62
  Granted............................................................     150,000              19.75
  Exercised..........................................................    (111,000)     5.85 to 14.62
  Canceled...........................................................     (28,000)     3.90 to 14.62
Options outstanding at December 25, 1993.............................     684,000      5.85 to 19.75
  Granted............................................................     193,500      8.00 to 12.00
  Exercised..........................................................     (35,000)     7.25 to 14.62
  Canceled...........................................................     (42,000)     7.02 to 14.50
Options outstanding at December 31, 1994.............................     800,500      5.85 to 19.75
  Granted............................................................     157,000      9.56 to 14.69
  Exercised..........................................................     (90,000)     7.25 to 12.00
  Canceled...........................................................     (68,500)     5.85 to 14.63
Options outstanding at December 30, 1995.............................     799,000  $   5.85 to 19.75
                                                                       ----------  -----------------
                                                                       ----------  -----------------
Exercisable at December 30, 1995.....................................     384,200  $   5.85 to 19.75
                                                                       ----------  -----------------
                                                                       ----------  -----------------


                                                                     SCHEDULE II
                         INACOM CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                             (AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                      BALANCE AT   CHARGED TO     AMOUNTS    BALANCE AT
                                                                       BEGINNING    COSTS AND     WRITTEN      END OF
                                                                       OF PERIOD    EXPENSES      OFF (1)      PERIOD
                                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Fiscal year ended December 30, 1995 -- Allowance for doubtful
 accounts...........................................................   $   2,626    $   2,308    $   1,397    $   3,537
                                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Fiscal year ended December 31, 1994 -- Allowance for doubtful
 accounts...........................................................   $   2,784    $   1,691    $   1,849    $   2,626
                                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Fiscal year ended December 25, 1993 -- Allowance for doubtful
 accounts...........................................................   $   3,162    $   1,081    $   1,459    $   2,784
                                                                      -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------

- ------------------------
(1) The deductions from reserves are net of recoveries.

    Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  Section  13  or  Section  15(d)  of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the  registrant has duly caused this report  to
be  signed on its behalf  by the undersigned, thereunto  duly authorized, in the
City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, on the 22nd day of March, 1996.
                                          InaCom Corp.
                                          By _______/S/_BILL L. FAIRFIELD_______
                                                Bill L. Fairfield, PRESIDENT
    Pursuant to the requirements  of the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934,  this
report  has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of InaCom Corp.
and in the capacities indicated on the 22nd day of March, 1996.

                 /S/ BILL L. FAIRFIELD        President (Principal Executive Officer) and
- -------------------------------------------    Director
             Bill L. Fairfield
               /S/ DAVID C. GUENTHNER         Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
- -------------------------------------------    Officer (Principal Financial and Accounting
             David C. Guenthner                Officer)
              JOSEPH AUERBACH*                Director
             W. GRANT GREGORY*                Director
              JOSEPH INATOME*                 Director
               RICK INATOME*                  Director
             GARY SCHWENDIMAN*                Director
             DURWARD B. VARNER*               Director
*Bill Fairfield, by signing his name hereto, signs this Annual Report on behalf of each of
 the persons indicated.  A power of  attorney authorizing  Bill L. Fairfield  to sign  the
 Annual  Report on Form 10-K on behalf of  each of the indicated directors of Inacom Corp.
 has been filed herein as Exhibit 24.
                 /S/ BILL L. FAIRFIELD
- -------------------------------------------
             Bill L. Fairfield


                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS

EXHIBIT NO.  DESCRIPTION                                                                                          PAGE
- -----------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------
       3.1   Restated  Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, with amendments, incorporated by reference
              to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 30, 1993.
       3.2   Bylaws of the  Company, as amended  to date, incorporated  herein by reference  to the  Company's
              Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 24, 1994.
       4.1   Inventory  Working Capital Financing Agreement dated June  29, 1995 between InaCom and IBM Credit
              Corporation, incorporated herein by reference to the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for
              the quarter ended July 1, 1995.
       4.2   Amended and Restated Receivable Purchase  Agreement dated as of  August 21, 1995 between  InaCom,
              InaCom Finance Corp. and certain financial institutions, incorporated herein by reference to the
              Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1995.
      10.1   IBM  Business  Partner Agreement  for  IBM Products,  dated  May 24,  1993  between International
              Business Machines Corporation, incorporated herein by  reference to the Company's Annual  Report
              on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 1993.
      10.2   COMPAQ Computer Corporation United States Central Purchase Agreement, dated June 9, 1992, between
              COMPAQ  Computer Corporation and the Company, incorporated  herein by reference to the Company's
              Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 1992.
      10.3   Hewlett-Packard Company U.S.  Agreement for Authorized  Resellers, dated March  1, 1993,  between
              Hewlett-Packard  Company  and the  Company, incorporated  by reference  to the  Company's Annual
              Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 1992.
      10.4   1987 Stock Option Plan of  the Company, incorporated herein by  reference to Exhibit 10.4 to  the
              Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 1992.
      10.5   1990  Stock Plan  of the Company,  with amendments  thereto, incorporated herein  by reference to
              Exhibit 10.5 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December  31,
      10.6   1994 Stock Plan of the Company, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's
              Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 26, 1994.
      10.7   Executive Incentive Bonus Plan of the Company....................................................         37
      10.8   Form of Long-Term Incentive Agreement of the Company, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit
              10.8 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 1992.
      10.9   Nonqualified  Deferred  Compensation Plan  of the  Company, incorporated  herein by  reference to
              Exhibit 10.9 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December  31,


EXHIBIT NO.  DESCRIPTION                                                                                          PAGE
- -----------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------
      10.10  First Amendment to the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan...................................         45
      10.11  Rick Inatome Consulting Agreement, with amendment thereto........................................         46
      10.12  Executive  Death Benefit Plan, incorporated herein by  reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's
              Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 25, 1993.
      10.13  Executive Disability Wage Continuation Plan, incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.2  to
              the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 25, 1993.
      10.14  Form of Severance Agreement between the Company and seven of its officers, incorporated herein by
              reference to Exhibit 10.15 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
              December 31, 1994.
      10.15  Restricted  Stock Agreements between  the Company and  Bill L. Fairfield,  incorporated herein by
              reference to Exhibit 10.16 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
              December 31, 1994.
      10.16  Lease Agreement between the Company and Maple Avenue Limited Liability Company dated September 5,
              1994, incorporated by reference to the Company's  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the  quarter
              ended September 24, 1994.
      11     Statement re: Computation of Earnings per share..................................................         54
      21     Subsidiaries of the Company......................................................................         55
      23     Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP.................................................................         56
      24     Powers of Attorney...............................................................................         57

    Pursuant  to  Item 601(h)(4)  of  Regulation S-K,  certain  instruments with
respect to the Company's long-term debt are  not filed with this Form 10-K.  The
Company  will furnish a copy of such long-term debt agreements to the Securities
and Exchange Commission upon request.
    Management contracts and compensatory plans  are set forth as Exhibits  10.4
through 10.15 above.