between  Inacomp  Computer  Centers,  Inc.  ("Corporation")  and  Rick   Inatome
                              W I T N E S S E T H:
    WHEREAS,  the Consultant  has been  Chairman, President  and Chief Executive
Officer of the Corporation; and
    WHEREAS, the Consultant has been instrumental in the development and success
of the Corporation; and
    WHEREAS, The Consultant has been employed by the Corporation pursuant to  an
Employment Agreement effective as of May 1, 1990 ("Employment Agreement"); and
    WHEREAS,  following  the termination  of  the Employment  Agreement  for any
reason except the death of the Consultant or "Cause," as defined in Section 7 of
the Employment Agreement, the Corporation  wishes to obtain consulting  services
from  the  Consultant,  and  the Consultant  is  willing  to  provide consulting
services to  the Corporation  and  its affiliates,  pursuant  to the  terms  and
conditions of this Agreement;
    NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and
obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
        1.   ENGAGEMENT AND  TERM:  (a)   CONSULTANT STATUS.   Commencing on the
    termination of the Employment Agreement for  any reason except the death  of
    the  Consultant  or  "Cause"  as  defined in  Section  7  of  the Employment
    Agreement, ("Consulting  Commencement  Date"),  the  Corporation  agrees  to
    engage  Consultant as an  independent contractor for a  period of five years
    ("Consulting Term"), During the Consulting Term and under the provisions  of
    this  Agreement, the Consultant shall not be considered as having "employee"
    status  with  the  Corporation  or  its  affiliates  for  any  purpose.  The
    Consultant  shall not  have, by virtue  of this Agreement,  any authority to
    enter into any  contract or agreement  on behalf of  the Corporation or  its
    affiliates or to bind or commit the Corporation or its affiliates orally, or
    in  writing, in  any manner whatsoever.  The Consultant  shall not represent
    himself or hold  himself out as  having any  such authority or  as being  an
    employee of the Corporation or its affiliates.
        (b)    TERMINATION EVENTS.    Notwithstanding Section  1(a)  hereof, the
    Consulting Term shall terminate ("Date  of Termination") prior to the  fifth
    anniversary  of  the  Consulting Commencement  Date  ("Scheduled Termination
    Date") upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
            (i)  DEATH.  The Consulting  Term shall terminate upon the death  of
           the Executive.
            (ii)   DISABILITY.  The Consulting  Term shall terminate as a result
           of the Consultant's Permanent Disability. Permanent Disability  shall
       mean that by reason of a physical or mental disability or infirmity which
       has  continued for  a period  of any  12 months  during the  term of this
       Agreement, the Consultant is unable to perform the duties contemplated by
       this Agreement. The  Consultant agrees  to submit  such medical  evidence
       regarding  such disability or infirmity as is reasonably requested by the
       Corporation. The  Consultant shall  be  deemed to  be under  a  Permanent
       Disability  if the  Consultant has been  determined to  be disabled under
       Section 223(d)  of  the  Social  Security  Act  and  is  eligible  for  a
       disability benefit under such Act.

           (iii)    TERMINATION  WITHOUT  CAUSE.    The  Consulting  Term  shall
           terminate  upon   the   Consultant's   Termination   Without   Cause.
       Termination  Without Cause shall mean  the termination by the Corporation
       of the Consultant's  services other  than by  the Consultant's  Voluntary
       Termination,  Termination  For Cause  or upon  the Consultant's  death or
       Permanent Disability.
           (iv)  VOLUNTARY  TERMINATION.   The Consulting  Term shall  terminate
           upon  the Consultant's  Voluntary Termination.  Voluntary Termination
       shall mean  any  voluntary  termination of  consulting  services  by  the
           (v)  TERMINATION FOR CAUSE.  The Consulting Term shall terminate upon
           the  Consultant's Termination For Cause.  Termination For Cause shall
       mean the Consultant's  termination by  the Corporation  for "Cause."  For
       purposes  of this Agreement, the Consultant's termination shall be deemed
       to have been for  Cause only if  the termination of  his services is  the
       result  of the Consultant's  willful engaging in  dishonest or fraudulent
       actions  or  omissions  resulting  or  intended  to  result  directly  or
       indirectly in any demonstrable material financial or economic harm to the
       Corporation.  For purposes of this subparagraph (v), no act or failure to
       act on the Consultant's part shall be considered "willful" unless done or
       omitted to be done by him not in good faith and without reasonable belief
       that his action or omission was in the best interests of the Corporation.
        (c)   NOTICE  OF  TERMINATION.   Any  termination  of  the  Consultant's
    services  by the  Corporation or by  the Consultant  (other than termination
    pursuant to Section  1(b)(i)) shall  be communicated by  written "Notice  of
    Termination"  to the other  party hereto. For purposes  of this Agreement, a
    "Notice of Termination"  shall mean  a notice which  indicates the  specific
    termination  provision relied upon in this  Agreement and shall set forth in
    reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for
    termination of the Consultant's Services under the provision so indicated.
        (d)  DATE OF TERMINATION.  "Date  of Termination" shall mean (i) if  the
    Consultant  is terminated by his  death, the date of  his death, (ii) if the
    Consultant is terminated due to a Permanent Disability, 30 days after Notice
    of Termination is given, (iii) if the Consultant is terminated pursuant to a
    Termination For Cause, the date specified in the Notice of Termination,  and
    (iv)  if the Consultant is terminated for any other reason, the date 30 days
    after termination as provided by the Notice of Termination, unless otherwise
    agreed to by  the Consultant and  Corporation, or as  otherwise provided  in
    this Agreement.
        2.   SERVICES:   The  Consultant shall  perform the  following described
    services as are requested of him from time to time by the Corporation or its
    affiliates,  consistent  with  his  schedule  and  other  commitments,   and
    Consultant shall have such powers and duties over the affairs and operations
    of  the Corporation and its affiliates as may be delegated to him during the
    Consulting Term:
           (a)  CONSULTING SERVICES.  During the Consulting Term, the Consultant
           shall, upon the Corporation's  or its affiliates' reasonable  request
       and   with  reasonable   notice,  provide  consulting   services  to  the
       Corporation and  its affiliates  relating to  the sale,  manufacture  and
       development   of  computers  and  related  products,  including  customer
       relations, management and other activities  in which the Corporation  and
       its  affiliates may be  engaged and with respect  to which Consultant has
       expertise. Such consulting services shall  be provided at such times  and
       in  such locations as the Corporation and the Consultant shall agree. The
       Consultant shall perform the services required under this Agreement  with
       reasonable  care and in a manner which the Consultant reasonably believes
       is in, or not opposed to, the  best interests of the Corporation and  its

           (b)    GOODWILL.   Should the  occasion  arise, the  Consultant shall
           promote the business interests of the Corporation and its affiliates,
       including  speaking  favorably  of  the  granting  of  contracts  to  the
       Corporation and its affiliates.
           (c)    PAYMENT  FOR  SERVICES.    During  the  Consulting  Term,  the
           Consultant shall be paid an annual consulting fee ("Consulting  Fee")
       in equal monthly installments, based on multiples of his last Base Salary
       under  the Employment Agreement: First Year -- 110%; Second Year -- 120%;
       Third Year -- 130%; Fourth Year -- 140%; Fifth Year -- 150%.
           (d)  REIMBURSEMENT OF  EXPENSES.  In addition  to the Consulting  Fee
           provided  under  Section  2(c)  hereof,  upon  submission  of  proper
       vouchers and in accordance with  the policies and procedures  established
       by the Corporation in effect from time to time, the Corporation shall pay
       or  reimburse  the Consultant  for  all normal  and  reasonable expenses,
       including  travel  expense,  incurred   by  the  Consultant  during   the
       Consulting  Term in connection with  the Consultant's services under this
        3.  TERMINATION BENEFITS.  (a)  DEATH.  If the Consultant's services are
    terminated by his death, the Corporation shall pay his surviving spouse,  or
    if  he leaves  no spouse, to  his estate,  any Consulting Fee  earned by the
    Consultant  under  Section  2  hereof  through  the  Consultant's  Date   of
        (b)   PERMANENT DISABILITY.  If the Consultant's services are terminated
    by his Permanent Disability,  the Corporation shall  pay the Consultant  any
    Consulting  Fee earned by the Consultant  under Section 2 hereof through the
    Consultant's Date of Termination.
    Consultant's Termination  for  Cause (as  defined  in Section  1(b)(v)),  or
    Voluntary  Termination (as  defined in Section  1(b)(iv)), the Corporation's
    obligations to the  Consultant shall  cease after the  Consultant's Date  of
    Termination, and the Corporation shall pay the Consultant any Consulting Fee
    earned  by the  Consultant under Section  2 hereof  through the Consultant's
    Date of Termination.
        (d)  TERMINATION  WITHOUT CAUSE.   If, during the  Consulting Term,  the
    Consultant's  services shall  be terminated  based on  a Termination Without
    Cause (as defined in Section 1(b)(iii)), without 10 business days  following
    the  Consultant's Date of  Termination, the Consultant  shall be entitled to
    receive a single cash  payment of the remaining  Consulting Fees that  would
    have  been paid to  him from the  Date of Termination  through the Scheduled
    Termination Date, as though the  Consultant had not terminated his  services
    on the Date of Termination.
        4.   CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  The Executive agrees that for and during
    the Consulting  Term, any  data, figures,  projections, estimates,  customer
    lists,  tax records, personnel histories  and records, information regarding
    manufacturing  processes   or  techniques,   information  regarding   sales,
    information  regarding properties  and any  other information  regarding the
    business,  operations,   properties   or  personnel   of   the   Corporation
    (collectively referred to herein as "Confidential Information") disclosed to
    or  learned by  the Consultant  shall be held  in confidence  and treated as
    proprietary to the  Corporation, and  the Consultant  agrees not  to use  or
    disclose  any  Confidential Information  except to  promote and  advance the
    business interests of the Corporation.  Further, the Consultant agrees  that
    upon  termination of  the Consulting  Term he  shall continue  to treat such
    Confidential Information as private and privileged and shall not use for his
    own benefit  or  for  the  benefit  of  any  other  person  or  entity,  any
    Confidential  Information except upon the written authorization of the Chief
    Executive Officer of the Corporation, and he shall immediately return to the
    Corporation and  refrain from  taking or  copying any  documents  containing
    Confidential  Information. The Consultant agrees  that the Corporation shall
    be entitled to immediate (i.e., without prior notice) preliminary and  final
    injunctive  relief to enjoin and restrain the unauthorized disclosure or use
    of  Confidential  Information,   to  enjoin  and   restrain  him  from   the
    unauthorized   taking  or  copying   of  documents  containing  Confidential
    Information  or  to  compel  him  to  return  any  such  documents  to   the

        5.  COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE.  The Consultant agrees that for a period of
    one  year  following the  termination of  his  consulting services  with the
    Corporation, he  shall not,  directly  or indirectly,  either as  an  equity
    owner,  an executive  employee, or  in any other  capacity, engage  in or be
    interested in any business  that is in competition  with the Corporation  or
    any  affiliate of  the Corporation. The  Consultant further  agrees that the
    Corporation shall  be entitled  to immediate  (i.e., without  prior  notice)
    preliminary  and final  injunctive relief  to enjoin  and restrain  him from
    performing any  or all  of the  actions  specified in  this Section  5.  The
    parties  agree that if  this Section 5 is  held by a court  to be invalid or
    unenforceable because it is too broad  in any respect, it shall be  narrowed
    by the court to the extent required to be enforceable.
        6.  LATE PAYMENTS.  Any payment made later than the time provided for in
    this Agreement for whatever reason, shall include interest at the prime rate
    plus  3  percent, which  shall  begin to  accrue  on the  10th  business day
    following the Consultant's Date of Termination. For purposes of this Section
    6, "prime  rate"  shall  be  determined  by  reference  to  the  prime  rate
    established  by National  Bank of Detroit  or its successor,  in effect from
    time to time commencing on the  10th day following the Consultant's Date  of
        7.   NOTICES.  Any notice required  or permitted by this Agreement shall
    be in  writing,  sent  by  registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt
    requested, addressed to the Board and the Corporation
    at the Corporation's then principal office, or to the Consultant at the most
    recent  address on record  with the Corporation,  as the case  may be, or to
    such other address or addresses  as any party hereto  may from time to  time
    specify in writing for the purpose in a notice given to the other parties in
    compliance with this Section 7. Notices shall be deemed given when received.
        8.    DISPUTES.    Except  as  expressly  set  forth  elsewhere  in this
    Agreement, it is mutually agreed between the parties that arbitration  shall
    be  the  sole  and  exclusive  remedy  to  redress  any  dispute,  claim  or
    controversy  (hereinafter  referred   to  as   "grievance")  involving   the
    interpretation  of this Agreement or the terms, conditions or termination of
    this Agreement or the terms, conditions, or termination of the  Consultant's
    Services  with the Corporation. It is the  intention of the parties that the
    arbitration award shall  be final  and binding and  that a  judgment on  the
    award  may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction and enforcement
    may be had according to its terms. Any and all grievances shall be  disposed
    of as follows:
           (a)  Any  and all  grievances  must be  submitted  in writing  by the
       aggrieved party. Within 30 days  following the submission of the  written
       grievance,  the party to whom the grievance is submitted shall respond in
       writing. If  no  written  response  is  submitted  within  30  days,  the
       grievance shall be deemed denied.
           (b)  If the grievance is denied, either  party may, within 30 days of
       the denial, refer the grievance to arbitration in Detroit, Michigan.  Any
       grievance  shall be deemed waived unless presented within the time limits
       specified herein. The arbitrator shall  be chosen in accordance with  the
       Voluntary   Labor   Arbitration   Rules  of   the   American  Arbitration
       Association, then  in  effect.  If  the  Consultant  prevails  under  the
       grievance,  the Corporation  shall bear  the expenses  of the arbitration
       (including the reasonable attorneys'  fees of the Consultant);  provided,
       further,  that in  the event the  Corporation prevails,  each party shall
       bear its own expenses of the  arbitration, and any expenses not  properly
       allocable to one party shall be borne jointly in equal parts.
           (c) The arbitrator shall not have jurisdiction or authority to change
       any  of the provisions of this  Agreement by alterations of, additions to
       or subtractions from  the terms hereof.  The arbitrator's sole  authority
       shall be to interpret or apply any clause or clauses of this Agreement.
           (d)  Except  as provided  in  Sections 4  and  5 hereof,  the parties
       stipulate that the provisions hereof, and the decision of the  arbitrator
       with respect to any grievance, shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for
       any   alleged  breach   of  the  consulting   relationship.  The  parties

       hereby acknowledge  that  since  arbitration  is  the  exclusive  remedy,
       neither  party has  the right  to resort to  any federal,  state or local
       court or  administrative agency  concerning  breaches of  this  Agreement
       (except  as provided in Sections 4 and 5 hereof) and that the decision of
       the arbitrator  shall  be a  complete  defense  to any  suit,  action  or
       proceeding  instituted in  any federal, state  or local  court before any
       administrative agency with respect to  any grievance which is  arbitrable
       as  herein  set  forth.  The arbitration  provisions  hereof  shall, with
       respect to any grievance, survive  the termination or expiration of  this
        9.  LEGAL FEES AND EXPENSES.  To the extent that the Consultant prevails
    under  a  grievance  filed  by  either  party  pursuant  to  Section  8, the
    Corporation shall reimburse all reasonable legal fees and expenses which the
    Consultant may incur as a result of contesting the validity, enforceability,
    or interpretation of,  provisions in this  Agreement. The Corporation  shall
    reimburse  the Consultant within  10 business days  following written demand
    therefor by the  Consultant. The Corporation's  late reimbursement of  legal
    fees  or  expenses incurred  by the  Consultant under  this Section  9 shall
    accrue interest in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.
        10.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.   This Agreement shall be binding upon  and
    inure  to  the benefit  of Corporation  and  its affiliates,  successors and
    assigns, and  shall  be  binding  upon  and inure  to  the  benefit  of  the
    Consultant  and his  respective legal representatives  and assigns, provided
    that in  no  event shall  the  Consultant's obligations  to  perform  future
    services  for the Corporation and its affiliates be delegated or transferred
    by the Consultant.
        11.  MODIFICATION OR  WAIVER.  No amendment,  modification or waiver  of
    this  Agreement shall be binding  or effective for any  purpose unless it is
    made in  a writing  signed by  the party  against whom  enforcement of  such
    amendment,  modification or waiver  is sought. No  course of dealing between
    the parties to this Agreement shall be deemed to affect or to modify,  amend
    or  discharge any provision or term of  this Agreement. No delay on the part
    of the  Corporation  or the  Consultant  in the  exercise  of any  of  their
    respective  rights or  remedies shall  operate as  a waiver  thereof, and no
    single or partial  exercise by  the Corporation  or Consultant  of any  such
    right or remedy shall preclude other or future exercise thereof. A waiver of
    right  or remedy on any one  occasion shall not be construed  as a bar to or
    waiver of any such right or remedy on any other occasion.
        12.  SEVERABILITY.   Whenever possible each provision  and term of  this
    Agreement  shall be interpreted in such manner  as to be effective and valid
    under applicable law, but if any  provision or term of this Agreement  shall
    be  held to be prohibited by or invalid under such applicable law, then such
    provision  or  term  shall  be  ineffective  only  to  the  extent  of  such
    prohibition  or invalidity, without invalidating  or affecting in any manner
    whatsoever the  remainder  of  such  provision  or  term  or  the  remaining
    provisions or terms of this Agreement.
        13.    COUNTERPARTS.    This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  separate
    counterparts each of  which is deemed  to be  an original and  all of  which
    taken together constitute one and the same Agreement.
        14.   HEADINGS.   The headings of  the paragraphs of  this Agreement are
    inserted for  convenience only  and  shall not  affect the  construction  or
    interpretation of this Agreement.
        15.   NO STRICT CONSTRUCTION.  The language used in this Agreement shall
    be deemed to be the language chosen  by the parties hereto to express  their
    mutual  intent, and no rule of  strict construction shall be applied against
    any person.
        16.   GOVERNING  LAW.   This  Agreement  and all  rights,  remedies  and
    obligations   hereunder,  including,   but  not   limited  to,   matters  of
    construction, validity and performance shall be governed by the laws of  the
    State of Michigan.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have  executed this Agreement this 31st
day of August, 1990.
                                          INACOMP COMPUTER CENTERS, INC.
                                          By: ________/s/_JOHN P. HARTWIG_______
                                                       John P. Hartwig
                                             CHAIRMAN, COMPENSATION COMMITTEE OF
                                                  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                          ___________/s/_RICK INATOME___________
                                                 Rick Inatome, CONSULTANT

                                  AMENDMENT TO
                          (THE "CONSULTING AGREEMENT")
                  DATED AUGUST 31, 1990, EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1990
    A.  Inacomp has entered  into an Agreement and  Plan of Merger (the  "Merger
Agreement")  dated April 17, 1991 with  ValCom, Inc. ("ValCom") and Proval, Inc.
("Proval") whereby Proval  will be merged  into Inacomp, Inacomp  will become  a
wholly  owned subsidiary  of ValCom  and ValCom will  change its  name to InaCom
Corp. ("InaCom") at the Effective Time.  References to InaCom in this  Amendment
shall also refer to ValCom prior to the Effective Time.
    B.   In  connection with  the Merger  Agreement, the  Consultant executed an
Employment Agreement with ValCom (the "InaCom Employment Agreement"), to  become
effective  upon  the  consummation  of the  merger  contemplated  in  the Merger
Agreement (the "Effective Time").
    C.  The Employment Agreement  between the Consultant and Inacomp,  effective
as  of May 1, 1990  (the "Inacomp Employment Agreement"),  will terminate at the
Effective Time pursuant to the InaCom Employment Agreement.
    D.  Inacomp, the Consultant and ValCom desire that the Consulting  Agreement
be  amended in accordance with Section 6  of the InaCom Employment Agreement and
that InaCom become a party to the Consulting Agreement.
    In consideration  of  the  premises and  mutual  covenants  and  obligations
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
        1.    All references  in  the Consulting  Agreement  (other than  in the
    Recitals) to the "Corporation" are hereby amended to refer to InaCom  Corp.,
    a  Delaware corporation, all  references in the  Consulting Agreement to the
    "Employment Agreement" are hereby amended to refer to the "InaCom Employment
    Agreement" and all references in the Consulting Agreement to the "Executive"
    are hereby amended to refer to the "Consultant."
        2.  The  reference to  "Section 7 of  the Employment  Agreement" in  the
    first  sentence of Section 1(a) is hereby  amended to refer to "Section 4(g)
    of the InaCom Employment Agreement."
        3.  The  second, third and  fourth sentences of  Section 1(b)(v) of  the
    Consulting  Agreement  are  hereby  amended to  read  in  their  entirety as
    follows: "For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  "Cause" shall  have  the  same
    meaning as defined in Section 4(g) of the InaCom Employment Agreement."
        4.   The reference to a period of  "12 months" in the second sentence of
    Section 1(b)(ii) is hereby amended to refer to a period of "6 months."
        5.  The reference to "the Corporation" in the third sentence of  Section
    1(b)(ii) is amended to refer to "the Corporation's Board of Directors."
        6.   This  Amendment shall  be effective as  of the  Effective Time and,
    except as  set forth  herein, the  Consulting Agreement  shall be  otherwise
    unaffected hereby. It is affirmed that the term of the Consulting Agreement,
    as  amended,  shall commence  on the  termination  of the  InaCom Employment
    Agreement for any reason  except the death of  the Consultant or "Cause"  as
    defined in Section 4(g) of the InaCom Employment Agreement.
        7.   This Amendment may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of
    which shall  be  deemed  an  original,  but  all  of  which  together  shall
    constitute one and the same instrument.

    The undersigned have caused this Amendment to be duly executed as of the 5th
day of August, 1991.
                                          INACOMP COMPUTER CENTERS, INC.
                                          By: _________/s/_RICK INATOME_________
                                                        Rick Inatome
                                                       Its: PRESIDENT
                                          VALCOM, INC.
                                          By: _______/s/_BILL L. FAIRFIELD______
                                                      Bill L. Fairfield
                                                Its: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                                          ___________/S/_RICK INATOME___________
                                                       Rick Inatome