    THIS   LEASE  is  made  this  30  day   of  October  1995,  by  and  between
BERKSHIRE-NEWBURY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Massachusetts limited partnership  with
a  principal  office at  1500 Main  Street,  Springfield, Massachusetts,  or its
Assignee, ("Landlord"), and GENUS, INC.,  a California corporation with a  place
of business at 4 Mulliken Way, Newburyport, Massachusetts ("Tenant").
                              W I T N E S S E T H:
    Landlord  hereby leases  to Tenant and  Tenant hereby  leases from Landlord,
upon and  subject  to the  terms  and provisions  of  this Lease,  the  building
premises  consisting of approximately Seventy Thousand (70,000) square feet (the
"Building") and the real estate on which the building is to be located, which is
Lot 62 Stanley  Tucker Drive,  Newburyport, Massachusetts  (the "Property"),  as
more particularly described on EXHIBIT A attached hereto and incorporated herein
(the Building and the Property are collectively called the "Premises").
    The  primary term of this Lease ("Initial Term") shall be for seventeen (17)
years commencing on the Commencement Date (as hereinafter defined) and ending on
the day immediately preceding the 18th anniversary of the Commencement Date.
    Provided Tenant  is not  in default  under this  Lease at  the time  of  its
exercise  of any option to extend. Tenant shall have the option of extending the
term of this Lease for four (4)  additional periods of five (5) years each  upon
written  notice to  Landlord at least  nine (9) months  prior to the  end of the
Initial Term of  this Lease  and upon  not less  than three  (3) months  written
notice  prior to the expiration of each  option period hereunder. As used herein
the term "Lease Term" shall mean the Initial Term plus any extension of the term
of this Lease in accordance with this paragraph.
    If the  rent during  any extended  term is  determined by  appraisal and  if
Tenant  does not, in its sole  discretion, approve the rental amount established
by such  appraisal, Tenant  may rescind  its exercise  of the  Option by  giving
Landlord  written notice of such election to  rescind within ten (10) days after
receipt of all appraisals, but only if  all of the following are met: If  Tenant
rescinds  its exercise of the Option, then  (i) the Lease shall terminate on the
ninetieth (90th) day  after Tenant's  notice of rescission  or on  the date  the
Lease  would have otherwise  terminated absent Tenant's  exercise of the Option,
whichever date is later; and (ii) Tenant shall pay all costs and expenses of the
appraisal, and (iii) Tenant shall pay rent during that ninety (90) day period in
the amount Tenant would have paid for that period, had Tenant not rescinded  the
3.  RENT
    (a)   BASE RENT.  From and  after the Commencement Date (as defined herein),
Tenant agrees to  pay to Landlord  at the following  address: 1500 Main  Street,
Suite  2012, Springfield, MA 01115, or  as directed by Landlord, without notice,
demand, offset or deduction except as provided herein, on the Commencement  Date
and  thereafter, semiannually, in advance, on the  first day of January and July
of each and every calendar year during the Lease Term, prorated for any  partial
year,  one-half  of the  following sums  equal  to the  annual base  rent ("Base

                      LEASE YEAR*
                      INITIAL TERM                                            ANNUAL BASE RENT
- --------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------
For Lease Years 1-5                                       $805,000 +/- (12.3846% times (Construction Cost** minus
For Lease Years 6-10                                      $925,750 +/- (14.2423% times (Construction Cost** minus
For Lease Years 11-15                                     $975,038 +/- (14.9544% times (Construction Cost** minus
For Lease Years 16-17                                     $805,000 +/- (12.3846% times (Construction Cost** minus



                      LEASE YEAR*
                      OPTION TERM                                             ANNUAL BASE RENT
- --------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------
For First Option Term (Lease Years 18-22)                 Greater of (a) 95% of fair market value****
For Second Option Term (Lease Years 23-27)
For Third Option Term (Lease Years 28-32)                 (as determined on the first day of each option term), or
For Fourth Option Term (Lease Years 33-37)                 (b) the Base Rent payable for the 1st year of the
                                                           Initial Term

    As used  in  this Section  the  following  terms shall  have  the  following
   *"LEASE  YEAR"  is  a  year  commencing  on  the  Commencement  Date  (or  an
    anniversary thereof) and ending on  the date immediately preceding the  next
    succeeding anniversary of the Commencement Date.
  **"CONSTRUCTION  COST"  is  defined  in  the  Improvement  Agreement  executed
    concurrently herewith by Landlord and Tenant.
 ***When the Construction Cost has been  determined, the total thereof shall  be
    compared  to $6,500,000 and  the Annual Rent  for the Initial  Term shall be
    adjusted  in  accordance  with  the   foregoing  formulas,  upward  if   the
    Construction Cost exceeds $6,500,000, and downward, if the Construction Cost
    is less than $6,500,000.
****"FAIR  MARKET VALUE" shall be determined at the time of Tenant's exercise of
    each option to extend.  Upon Tenant's written notice  of the exercise of  an
    option  to extend, Landlord and Tenant  shall attempt to determine and agree
    on fair market value rental for  the Premises. Fair market value shall  mean
    that  rental  rate  currently  being  charged  for  comparable manufacturing
    facilities in  the region,  exclusive of  the Specialized  Improvements,  as
    defined  in EXHIBIT B or as otherwise designated pursuant to the Improvement
    Agreement (which are constructed  by Landlord, but  amortized in the  Annual
    Rent  during the Initial  Term), and exclusive of  any other improvements in
    the Premises  that are  installed after  the Substantial  Completion of  the
    Improvements (as defined in the Improvements Agreement) at Tenant's cost. In
    the  event Landlord and Tenant cannot agree  on said fair market value, each
    party shall select a MAI appraiser with experience in commercial  valuations
    of this nature in the region who shall attempt to agree upon the fair market
    value  within  20 days  and, if  they  cannot agree  the two  (2) appraisers
    selected shall select a third. In such events the three (3) appraisers shall
    each determine fair market value rental for the Premises and the average  of
    the  three (3) shall constitute fair market  value for purposes of Base Rent
    during said option term. The costs of such appraisers shall be borne equally
    by each party.
    (b)  COMMENCEMENT  DATE.  Tenant's  obligation to pay  rent hereunder  shall
commence  on the earlier of  when Landlord delivers to  Tenant the Premises with
the Improvements Substantially Completed as defined in the Improvement Agreement
or Tenant actually  occupies the  Premises for  the purposes  of conducting  its
manufacturing business (herein the "Commencement Date").
    (c)   ADDITIONAL RENT.  Tenant shall pay all expenses related to the repair,
replacement (structural  or otherwise),  the operation  and maintenance  of  the
Premises,  including  without  limitation  real  property  taxes  and  insurance
premiums, as additional rent hereunder (the "Additional Rent").
    (d)  ABSOLUTE NET LEASE.  It is  the intention of the parties that the  rent
payable  hereunder shall be absolutely net to Landlord, so that this Lease shall
yield to Landlord the  net annual rent specified  herein during the Lease  Term,
and that all costs, expenses and obligations of every kind and nature whatsoever
relating  to the Premises and  its physical structures shall  be paid by Tenant.
Without limiting any other provision of  this Lease, it is expressly  understood
and  agreed  that  all  repairs,  replacements,  real  estate  taxes,  operating
expenses, insurance premiums, and all other  amounts that Tenant is required  to
pay hereunder, together with all interest and penalties that may accrue thereon,
shall be deemed to be Additional Rent, and in the event of nonpayment thereof by
Tenant, Landlord

shall  have all of the rights and  remedies with respect thereto as would accrue
to Landlord for nonpayment  of Base Rent.  As used in  this Lease, "Rent"  shall
mean  the Base Rent plus Additional Rent.  It is expressly understood and agreed
that Landlord shall have no obligation  for any cost or expense associated  with
the Premises during the Initial Term of the Lease or any extensions thereof.
    (e)   LIMITATION ON  EXPENSES.  Notwithstanding anything  to the contrary in
this Lease or the Improvement Agreement, Landlord at its sole expense shall  pay
and be solely responsible for the following "Costs":
       (i)   LOSSES CAUSED BY OTHERS.   Costs occasioned by the act, omission or
       violation of Law by Landlord or its, agents, employees or contractors, or
    by the Landlord's or its contractor's violation of this Lease or any loan or
    construction contract relating to this Lease or the Improvements.
       (ii)  INSURANCE, CASUALTIES AND CONDEMNATIONS.   Except to the extent  of
       any  shortfall in  insurance proceeds  caused by  Tenant's breach  of its
    obligations under Section  11, Costs  occasioned by  fire, acts  of God,  or
    other  casualties  and Costs  occasioned  by the  exercise  of the  power of
    eminent domain.
       (iii)  CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.  The Construction Costs or any other cost or
       expenses incurred  by  the  Landlord to  construct  the  Improvements  in
    accordance with the Improvements Agreement.
       (iv)   REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES.   Costs for  which Landlord has  a right of
       reimbursement from others.
       (v)   LEASING EXPENSES.   Fees,  commissions, attorneys'  fees, Costs  or
       other  disbursements  incurred in  connection  with negotiations  of this
    Lease or any financing agreement  or construction agreement relating to  the
       (vi)  RESERVES.  Depreciation, amortization or other expense reserves.
       (vii)   MORTGAGES.   Interest, charges, attorneys'  fees, fees, and other
       charges incurred  by Landlord  in connection  with the  financing of  the
    construction of the Improvements or on any other debt, payments on mortgages
    and rent under ground leases.
       (viii)   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.  Costs incurred to investigate the presence
       of any Hazardous  Material, Costs to  respond to any  claim of  Hazardous
    Material  contamination or  damage, Costs  to remove  any Hazardous Material
    from the Premise, or  the soil, groundwater, air,  or building materials  of
    the  Improvements, and any  judgments or other  Costs incurred in connection
    with any Hazardous  Material exposure or  releases, but only  to the  extent
    caused  that the  Hazardous Material  present on  the Property  or the soil,
    groundwater, surface  water,  air  or  building  materials  thereof  on  the
    Commencement Date.
    (f)   LATE CHARGE.   In the event  any Annual Base Rent  payment is not paid
within fifteen (15)  days of  its due  date, Tenant  shall pay  Landlord a  late
charge  equal to two percent  (2%) of such payment  per month, which late charge
shall be deemed to be due and collectible as Additional Rent hereunder.
    (a)  Tenant shall  pay, as Additional Rent,  all general and special  taxes,
including  all real estate  taxes, assessments for  local improvements and other
governmental charges  which  may  be  charged, assessed,  or  imposed  upon  the
Premises.  Said payments  shall be  made directly  to the  taxing authority with
evidence of  payment submitted  to  Landlord within  thirty  (30) days  of  such
payment.  Any special assessments  by a governmental authority  may be paid over
time periods acceptable  to said governmental  authority, subject to  Landlord's
reasonable  consent. Landlord  shall forward  all tax  bills to  Tenant upon its
receipt of such bills.

    (b)   Tenant shall  pay  all license  fees which  may  be imposed  upon  the
business of Tenant conducted upon the Premises.
    (c)   Tenant shall pay, as Additional  Rent and before the same shall become
delinquent, for the maintenance and repair of all grounds, building, parking and
driveways or service roads within the  Premises and all of its requirements  for
utilities,  including, but not  limited to, heat,  electricity, telephone, water
and sewer use.  Tenant shall cause  all such  utility accounts to  be issued  or
transferred into its name immediately upon commencement of this Lease.
    (d)   Taxes and charges shall be  equitably adjusted for and with respect to
the first  and last  partial tax  year (if  any) of  the Lease  Term. Where  the
applicable  tax bills and computations are not available prior to the end of the
term hereof, a tentative computation shall be made on the basis of the  previous
year's  taxes payable  by Tenant,  with a  final adjustment  to be  made between
Landlord and Tenant promptly after all bills and computations are available  for
such period.
    (e)   Tenant will have the right to contest the amount or validity, in whole
or in part, of any tax  by appropriate proceedings diligently conducted in  good
faith.  Upon the termination of those proceedings, Tenant will pay the amount of
the tax or part of the tax as finally determined, the payment of which may  have
been  deferred  during the  prosecution of  the  proceedings, together  with any
costs, fees, interest,  penalties, or other  related liabilities. Landlord  will
not  be required to join in any  contest or proceedings unless the provisions of
any law or regulations then in effect require that the proceedings be brought by
or in the name of Landlord. In that event, Landlord will join in the proceedings
or permit  them  to be  brought  in its  name;  however, Landlord  will  not  be
subjected  to  any  liability  for  the payment  of  any  costs  or  expenses in
connection with any contest or  proceedings, and Tenant will indemnify  Landlord
against and save Landlord harmless from any of those costs and expenses.
    (f)   Tenant will not be obligated to pay local, state or federal net income
taxes assessed  against  Landlord;  local,  state or  federal  capital  levy  of
Landlord;  or sales, excise, franchise, gift, estate, succession, inheritance or
transfer taxes of Landlord.
    (a)   During the  term of  this Lease,  Tenant shall  use the  Premises  for
purposes  of  manufacturing of  components and  equipment for  the semiconductor
industry and  any other  use  permitted by  law  as a  matter  of right  and  in
compliance with all governmental regulations.
    (b)  Tenant agrees that during the Lease Term:
       (i) No  auction, fire  or bankruptcy  sales may  be conducted  within the
           Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord;
       (ii)Tenant shall provide at its expense  for the collection of trash  and
           refuse  on  a timely  basis and  all  refuse shall  be kept  in cans,
    dumpsters and similar appropriate storage at all times;
           Tenant shall at all times fully  and adequately heat the Premises  so
           as   to  prevent  damage  to  the  Premises,  the  Building  and  any
    structures, fixtures or equipment located at the Premises;
       (iv)Tenant may  place on  the exterior  of the  Premises (including,  but
           without  limitation, windows,  doors and entrance  lobbies) any signs
    provided they shall  be in  compliance with  all zoning,  building or  other
       (v) Tenant  shall not perform any act or  carry on any practice which may
           injure the Property or cause any offensive odors or loud noise  other
    than  those necessarily a  function of Tenant's  operations, or constitute a
    nuisance or menace to any other persons;
       (vi)Tenant shall  not use  or permit  the  Property to  be used  for  any
           unlawful  purpose and will  obtain all necessary  permits or licenses
    required for its use of the Property;

           Tenant has, at the  termination of this Lease,  the option to  remove
           its  possessions and  possessions of  others (including,  if there is
    then no uncured  Event of Default  under Section 14  hereof all of  Tenant's
    Specialized Improvements, as identified on EXHIBIT B or otherwise designated
    pursuant to the Improvement Agreement), as the same may be amended by Tenant
    from  time to time  and leave the Premises  in the same  condition as at the
    Commencement Date of  the Lease,  excepting only reasonable  wear and  tear,
    damage  by fire or casualty, eminent  domain, Hazardous Materials which were
    not placed on  the Premises by  Tenant, and alterations  which Landlord  has
    previously agreed in writing may be surrendered; and
            Tenant shall be responsible at its expense for snow removal from the
           walks, drives, entrances, exits and parking areas on a timely basis.
    (a)    Tenant shall  duly  comply with  the  requirements of  all applicable
environmental, health, safety and sanitation laws, ordinances, codes, rules  and
regulations  and  interpretations and  orders  of regulatory  and administrative
authority with respect to its use, storage, and release of Hazardous Materials.
    (b)  Tenant  shall not  use, handle  or store  or dispose  of any  Hazardous
Materials  in or  about the Premises  except as reasonably  required in Tenant's
business judgment  for  its operation  of  its  business and  then  strictly  in
accordance  with all applicable  laws and regulations. If  during the Lease Term
the release  or disposal  of Hazardous  Materials anywhere  on the  Premises  by
Tenant,  its agent, employee, contractor, invitee,  or any other person for whom
Tenant is legally responsible (including, without limitation, a third party  who
comes  onto the surface of  the Premises and releases  a Hazardous Material into
the soil, ground water, surface water, ambient air or building materials of  the
Premises  during  the Lease  Term), results  in (1)  contamination of  the soil,
ambient air, surface water or ground water with Hazardous Materials in excess of
legally permitted levels  ("Tenant's Contamination")  or (2) loss  or damage  to
person(s)  or property,  then Tenant  agrees to  respond in  accordance with the
following paragraph:
    Tenant shall (i) notify Landlord immediately of any contamination, claim  of
contamination,  loss  or damage,  and (ii)  after  consultation and  approval by
Landlord, Tenant shall at  its sole expense clean  up Tenant's Contamination  in
full  compliance  with all  applicable statutes,  regulations and  standards. No
consent or approval of Landlord shall in  any way be construed as imposing  upon
Landlord  any liability for the means, methods or manner of removal, containment
or other compliance with applicable law for and with respect to the foregoing.
    (c)  In the event that Tenant does not comply with the provisions of Section
6(b), and in  addition to its  other rights hereunder,  Landlord shall have  the
right  (but not the obligation), upon 30 calendar days advance notice to Tenant,
except in the case  of an emergency  (in which case  reasonable notice shall  be
given  to the extent  reasonably possible), to  cause the illegal  release to be
contained and/or  removed  on behalf  of  Tenant. The  contractors  selected  by
Landlord  shall have  the right  to enter upon  the Premises  with such persons,
machinery and equipment as they shall reasonably deem necessary for the  purpose
and  undertake  such  remedial containment  and  cleanup actions  as  they shall
reasonably deem appropriate, without thereby  incurring any liability to  Tenant
on  account thereof. Tenant shall reasonably cooperate with any such contractors
and render such assistance to such contractors as may be requested to facilitate
the remedial containment and cleanup actions. Tenant shall be liable to Landlord
for all costs and expenses, including all reasonable attorneys' fees  reasonably
incurred  on account of such remedial action  undertaken on Tenant's behalf as a
consequence of Tenant's default and shall reimburse Landlord therefor on demand.
    (d)  Tenant  shall indemnify,  defend and  hold harmless  Landlord from  and
against all loss, liability, damage and expense, including costs associated with
administrative  and judicial proceedings  and attorneys' fees,  ever suffered or
incurred by Landlord to the extent caused by

       (i) Tenant's failure at any time during the Lease Term to comply with any
           environmental, health, safety or sanitation laws, ordinances,  codes,
    rules   or  regulations  or  interpretations  or  orders  of  regulatory  or
    administrative authorities with respect thereto  as required by this  Lease;
    (ii)   any  release  of  Hazardous  Materials  in  violation  of  applicable
    Environmental Law on, upon or into the Property occurring during this  Lease
    by  Tenant, its  agent, employee, contractor,  or any other  person for whom
    Tenant is legally responsible (including, without limitation, a third  party
    who comes onto the surface of the Premises and releases a Hazardous Material
    into  the  soil,  ground  water,  surface  water,  ambient  air  or building
    materials of the Premises during the  Lease Term); (iii) any and all  damage
    to  natural  resources or  real property  and/or harm  or injury  to persons
    resulting or  alleged  to have  resulted  from  such failure  to  comply  as
    described  in subpart (i)  and/or such release as  described in subpart (ii)
    hereof, and  (iv)  any  release  of a  Hazardous  Material  into  the  soil,
    groundwater,  surface  water,  ambient  air  or  building  materials  of the
    Property during the Lease Term, whether  by Tenant, or its agent,  employee,
    contractor,  invitee,  or  any  other  person  for  whom  Tenant  is legally
    responsible (including, without limitation, a third party who comes onto the
    surface of the  Premises and releases  a Hazardous Material  into the  soil,
    ground  water,  surface  water, ambient  air  or building  materials  of the
    Premises during the Lease Term). Notwithstanding the foregoing and any other
    thing to the  contrary in this  Lease, Tenant  shall not be  liable for  any
    migration  of a  Hazardous Material  from other  property to  this Property.
    Tenant acknowledges that its obligations and liabilities under this  Section
    shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease. If Tenant
    fails to meet its obligations to Landlord under this Section, Landlord shall
    have the remedies provided in Section 14.
    (e)   Neither Landlord nor any employee or agent of Landlord or entity under
its control has or will generate, store or spill upon, dispose of or transfer to
or from the Premises any hazardous waste materials.
    Landlord shall  indemnify and  hold Tenant  (including any  successor to  or
assignee  of Tenant) harmless from and against all loss, cost, liability, damage
and expense, including reasonable  attorneys' fees and  the costs of  litigation
arising  from any  hazardous waste materials  in or  on the Premises  due to the
presence of any  Hazardous Material  in the  soil, groundwater,  ambient air  or
buildings  materials of the  Improvements on the Commencement  date, or any act,
omission or negligence  of Landlord,  or its employee,  contractor, invitee,  or
other  person for  whom Landlord  is legally  responsible. Landlord acknowledges
that its  obligations  and liabilities  under  this Section  shall  survive  the
expiration or earlier termination of this Lease.
    Within  the time  permitted by applicable  law, Landlord, at  its sole cost,
shall perform or cause to be performed, any investigation, remediation,  removal
action,  detoxification of the Premises, and shall comply with any Environmental
Law, relating to any Hazardous Material present  at on or about the Premises  or
the  soil, air, improvements, groundwater,  surface water, or building materials
thereof on the Commencement Date.
    (f)  Except  to the extent  of Tenant's failure  to perform its  obligations
under  this Lease  concerning Hazardous  Materials, Landlord,  for itself hereby
waives and releases all  Claims against Tenant and  each Tenant Indemnitee,  and
all  rights  to  join Tenant  or  any  Tenant Indemnitee  in  any  litigation or
proceeding (including without  limitation any  Claim arising  under CERCLA,  the
Resource   Conservation  and  Recovery  Act  or   any  other  state  or  federal
Environmental Law), arising out of or  in connection with any matter arising  in
connection  with a  Hazardous Material  on or about  the Premises  except to the
extent expressly provided in subsections 6(a) through 6(d) above,
    (g)  Except as disclosed in the  reports attached hereto as EXHIBIT D,  true
and  correct copies of which  have been delivered by  Landlord to Tenant, to the
best knowledge of Landlord: (i) no Hazardous Material is present on Premises, or
the soil,  surface water  or groundwater  thereof; (ii)  no underground  storage
tanks  or asbestos containing building materials are present on the Premise; and
(iii) no action,

proceeding, or claim is pending  or threatened regarding the Premise  concerning
any  Hazardous  Material  or pursuant  to  any Environmental  Law.  Landlord has
delivered to Tenant all  reports and environmental  assessments of the  Premises
conducted  at the request of or otherwise available to Landlord and Landlord has
complied with all environmental disclosure obligations imposed upon Landlord  by
applicable Law with respect to this transaction.
    (h)   As used  in this Lease,  the term "Hazardous  Material" shall mean any
material or substance that  is now or hereafter  prohibited or regulated by  any
statute,  law,  rule,  regulation  or  ordinance or  that  is  now  or hereafter
designated by any governmental authority to be radioactive, toxic, hazardous  or
otherwise  a danger to  health, reproduction or the  environment. As used herein
"Environmental Laws" shall  mean all  local, state, or  federal laws,  statutes,
ordinances,  rules, regulations, judgments,  injunctions, stipulations, decrees,
orders, permits, approvals,  treaties, or  protocols now  or hereafter  enacted,
issued  or  promulgated  by  any  governmental  authority  which  relate  to any
Hazardous  Material  or  to  the  use,  handling,  transportation,   production,
disposal,  discharge, release, emission, sale, or storage of, or the exposure of
any person to, a Hazardous Material.
    (a)  Except as otherwise provided in  this Lease, Tenant shall, at its  sole
expense,  keep neat and clean  and maintain in good  order, condition and repair
the  Premises  and  every  part  thereof,  including,  without  limitation,  the
foundations,  roof  and  drains and  structural  portions of  the  Premises, the
exterior and interior portions of air conditioning, heating, sprinkler (if  any)
and  electrical systems,  all doors,  windows, plate  and glass  surrounding the
Premises, all plumbing and sewage  facilities within the Premises, fixtures  and
interior walls, floors, ceilings and signs.
    (b)   Subject to the express provisions of this Lease, Tenant shall keep the
Property in a clean, sanitary and safe condition in accordance with the laws  of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and ordinances of the Town of Newburyport, and
in  accordance with all directions, rules and regulations of the Health Officer,
Fire Marshall, Building Inspector and other proper officers of the  governmental
agencies having jurisdiction thereover.
    (c)   Except as  otherwise expressly provided in  this Lease, Landlord shall
not be responsible for maintaining or making any improvements or repairs of  any
kind upon the Property, but this paragraph is not intended to refer to damage by
fire  or other insured  risk to the  Premises, provision for  which is hereafter
made. Notwithstanding anything  to the  contrary in this  Lease, Landlord  shall
perform  and construct,  and Tenant shall  have no responsibility  to perform or
construct, any repair, maintenance or  improvement (i) necessitated by the  acts
or  omissions  of  Landlord,  or its  agents,  employees,  or  contractors, (ii)
required as a consequence of any violation of law, private servitude encumbering
the Premises, or construction defect in  the Improvements caused by Landlord  or
its  agent, employee or contractor, and (iii)  for which Landlord has a right of
reimbursement from others.  Tenant's obligation, if  any, to reimburse  Landlord
for the costs of such repairs, maintenance and improvements shall be governed by
the other provisions of this Lease.
    (d)   Tenant shall not  make any alterations or  other structural or capital
improvements or  additions  upon  the  Premises  ("Alterations")  without  first
obtaining,  in each instance, the written consent of Landlord which shall not be
unreasonably withheld.  Notwithstanding the  foregoing,  Tenant shall  have  the
right  to make any and all Alteration to  the interior space of the Premises, so
long as such Alterations do not impact the structural integrity of the Premises.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary  in this Lease, all Alterations,  trade
fixtures  and personal  property installed in  the Premises  at Tenant's expense
("Tenant's Property") shall  at all  times remain Tenant's  property and  Tenant
shall  be entitled to all depreciation, amortization and other tax benefits with
respect  thereto.  Except  for  Alterations  which  cannot  be  removed  without
structural  injury  to the  Premises,  at any  time  Tenant may  remove Tenant's
Property from the Premises,  provided Tenant repairs all  damage caused by  such
removal.  Landlord shall have no  lien or other interest  whatsoever in any item

of Tenant's Property, or any portion thereof or interest therein located in  the
Premises  or elsewhere, and Landlord hereby waives all such liens and interests.
Within  ten  (10)  days  following  Tenant's  request,  Landlord  shall  execute
documents  in form reasonably acceptable to Tenant to evidence Landlord's waiver
of any  right, title,  lien or  interest  in Tenant's  Property located  at  the
    (e)   Except as expressly provided in  this Lease, Landlord has not made and
does not  make any  representation or  warranty as  to any  matter affecting  or
relating  to the Premises,  including but not limited  to the physical condition
thereof, and Tenant  acknowledges that  no such representation  or warranty  has
been  made and agrees to lease the Premises  in "AS IS" condition as of the date
of this Lease, subject to the completion of Landlord's construction and delivery
obligations and its  assignment of warranties  as set forth  in the  Improvement
Agreement, and subject to all of the Landlord's other obligations hereunder.
    (a)   Landlord  and its  designees shall  have the  right to  enter upon the
Premises at  all reasonable  hours  and upon  reasonable  notice (except  in  an
emergency) for the purpose of inspecting the same. If repairs are required to be
made  by Tenant pursuant to this Lease, Landlord may demand that Tenant make the
same forthwith, and if Tenant refuses  or neglects to commence such repairs  and
complete the same with reasonable dispatch, after such demand, Landlord may (but
shall  not be required  to) make or cause  such repairs to  be made. If Landlord
makes or causes  such repairs to  be made,  Tenant shall within  seven (7)  days
following  demand  of  Landlord  pay to  Landlord  the  cost  thereof reasonably
incurred by Landlord, and  if it shall default  in such payment, Landlord  shall
have the remedies provided in Section 14.
    (b)  For a period commencing nine (9) months prior to the termination of the
Lease  Term (including  any extension thereof),  upon written  notice to Tenant,
Landlord may  have  reasonable  access  to  the  Premises  for  the  purpose  of
exhibiting the same to prospective tenants.
    (a)    Subject to  Section  10(e), below,  Tenant  shall indemnify  and save
harmless Landlord from and against all  claims of whatever nature to the  extent
arising  from  (i) any  act, omission  or negligence  occurring on  the Premises
during the Lease  Term, or  (ii) any  negligent act  or omission  by Tenant,  or
Tenant's  agents, employees,  contractors, invitees,  or other  persons for whom
Tenant is legally  responsible wherever  occurring during the  Lease Term.  This
indemnity and hold harmless agreement shall include indemnity against all costs,
expenses  and liabilities reasonably incurred in  or in connection with any such
claim or proceeding brought thereon, and the defense thereof.
    (b)  Tenant shall maintain in full  force during the Lease Term a policy  or
public  liability insurance insuring all  Tenant's indemnities described in this
Section 10. Under such policy Landlord (and such other persons as are in privity
of estate with Landlord as may be set out in notice from time to time  delivered
to Tenant) and Tenant shall be named as insureds. Each such policy shall be non-
cancellable  with  respect to  Landlord  and Landlord's  said  designees without
thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Landlord, and a duplicate original  or
certificate thereof shall be delivered to Landlord at the beginning of the Lease
Term  and  upon  request thereafter.  he  minimum  limits of  liability  of such
insurance shall  be  ONE  MILLION DOLLARS  ($1,000,000.00)  per  occurrence  for
personal  injury  (or death)  and  [THREE MILLION  DOLLARS  ($3,000,000.00)] per
occurrence with respect to damage to property.

    In the event Tenant fails to  provide such insurance, Landlord may  purchase
such  insurance and Tenant agrees that within seven (7) days following demand of
Landlord it will pay to  Landlord the cost thereof, and  if it shall default  in
such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided in Section 14.
    (c)   Tenant shall maintain all workers' compensation and other insurance in
compliance with all applicable laws.
    (d)  Tenant shall use and occupy the Premises at its own risk, and  Landlord
shall  have no responsibility or liability for any loss of or damage to fixtures
or other personal property of Tenant.
    (e)  Notwithstanding anything  to the contrary in  this Lease, Tenant  shall
neither  release Landlord from, nor indemnify  Landlord with respect to: (i) the
negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of  Landlord,  or  its  employees,  agents,
contractors,  or other persons  for whom Landlord  is legally liable;  or (ii) a
breach of Landlord's obligations or representations under this Lease, or (iii) a
violation of any law, rule or  regulation by Landlord, its agents,  contractors,
employees,  or other persons for whom Landlord is legally liable. Landlord shall
indemnify and  save harmless  Tenant from  and against  all claims  of  whatever
nature  to the extent arising from (i) any act, omission or negligence occurring
on the Premises prior to or after the  Lease Term, or (ii) any negligent act  or
omission by Landlord, or Landlord's agents, employees, contractors, invitees, or
other persons for whom Landlord is legally responsible wherever occurring during
the  Lease  Term.  This  indemnity and  hold  harmless  agreement  shall include
indemnity against  all  costs,  expenses  and  liabilities  incurred  in  or  in
connection  with any such  claim or proceeding brought  thereon, and the defense
    (a)  Tenant  shall keep, at  its expense (which  shall be deemed  additional
rent),  the  Premises insured  against loss  or  damage by  fire with  the usual
extended coverage  endorsements in  amounts not  less than  one hundred  percent
(100%) of the full replacement value thereof above foundation walls.
    (b)   Tenant  shall keep  Tenant's own  fixtures, merchandise  and equipment
insured against  loss or  damage by  fire, vandalism  and theft  with the  usual
extended coverage endorsements, in such amounts and with such insurance carriers
as  Tenant shall determine. It is understood  and agreed that Tenant assumes all
risk of damage to its own property arising from any cause whatsoever, including,
without limitation, loss by theft or otherwise.
    (c)   Insofar as  and to  the extent  that the  following provision  may  be
effective  without  invalidating or  making  it impossible  to  secure insurance
coverage obtainable from responsible insurance  companies doing business in  the
Commonwealth  of Massachusetts (even though extra premium may result therefrom),
Landlord and  Tenant mutually  agree that  with  respect to  any loss  which  is
covered by insurance then being carried by them, respectively, or which would be
covered by a standard form of full replacement cost, extended coverage, all-risk
casualty  insurance,  each releases  the  other and  their  respective officers,
directors, employees, successors and assigns of and from any and all claims with
respect to such  loss; and  they further  mutually agree  that their  respective
insurance  policies  shall  provide that  the  insurer  waives its  right  to be
subrogated to the rights of the insured  against the other party or its  agents,
servants  or  employees for  any  loss payable  under  the policy  and  that the
insurance  shall  not  be  validated  by  reason  of  the  insured's  waiver  of
subrogation.  In the event that an extra premium is payable by either party as a
result of this provision, the other party shall reimburse the party paying  such
premium  for the  amount of  such extra  premium. If  either party  is unable to
obtain a waiver of subrogation from its  insurer, the said party shall name  the
other as an additional insured on their casualty insurance.

    (a)   In case during the Lease Term the Premises shall be damaged by fire or
other casualty  Landlord  shall proceed  forthwith  to repair  such  damage  and
restore the Premises to substantially their condition at the time of such damage
subject  to  any  zoning laws  then  in  existence, but  Landlord  shall  not be
responsible for any  delay which  may result  from any  cause beyond  Landlord's
reasonable  control and  Landlord shall  not be  required to  commence such work
until it  receives  any proceeds  it  will receive  with  respect to  the  loss.
Landlord  and Tenant  shall use all  reasonable efforts to  obtain such proceeds
within a reasonable time. In no event shall Landlord be obligated to pay for any
such repairs or restoration in excess of available insurance proceeds.
    (b)  If damage  to the Premises  is not covered by  the insurance Tenant  is
required  to carry pursuant  to Section 11  and the cost  to restore such damage
exceeds 20% of the replacement cost of the Premises, then Landlord, within sixty
(60) days after the occurrence of such  event may give written notice to  Tenant
of  its election to terminate this Lease, unless Tenant agrees in its discretion
to reimburse the Landlord for  the amount of such  uncovered costs in excess  of
20% of the replacement cost of the Premises.
    (c)   If  the Premises are  damaged to  such an extent  that the restoration
thereof is not reasonably  estimated to be completed  within 180 days  following
the  destructive event or if  the restoration of the  Premises is for any reason
not actually completed  within 180  days following the  destructive event,  then
Tenant  shall have  the right  to terminate  this Lease  by delivery  of written
notice to Landlord.
    (d)  In the event that the provisions  of Section 12(a), (b ), or (c)  shall
become  applicable, the Base Rent shall  be abated or reduced proportionately to
the interference with the  Tenant's use of the  Premises caused by the  casualty
(and  Landlord shall return a  pro rata portion of  the semi-annual advance Base
Rent payment)  during  any  period  in  which,  by  reason  of  such  damage  or
destruction,  there  is  substantial  interference  with  the  operation  of the
business of Tenant in the Premises, having regard to the extent to which  Tenant
may  be required to discontinue its business in the Premises, and such abatement
or reduction shall continue for the  period commencing with such destruction  or
damage   and  ending  with  the  completion   by  Landlord  of  such  repair  or
reconstruction as Landlord is obligated to complete. In the event of termination
of this Lease pursuant to this Section 12, this Lease and the Lease Term  hereof
shall  cease  and  come to  an  end within  a  reasonable time  after  notice of
termination as is  required to  permit Tenant to  remove its  property from  the
    (a)  If the Premises, or such portion thereof as to render the balance (when
reconstructed)  unsuitable  for  the  purposes  of  Tenant,  shall  be  taken by
condemnation or  right  of  eminent  domain,  Tenant,  upon  written  notice  to
Landlord,  shall be entitled to terminate  this Lease, provided that such notice
is given  not later  than sixty  (60) days  after Tenant  has been  deprived  of
possession. Should any part of the Premises be so taken or condemned, and should
this  Lease  not  be  terminated in  accordance  with  the  foregoing provision,
Landlord covenants and agrees  promptly after such  taking or condemnation,  and
the  determination of  Landlord's award  therein, to  expend so  much as  may be
necessary  of  the  net  amount  which  may  be  awarded  to  Landlord  in  such
condemnation  proceedings in restoring the Premises  to an architectural unit as
nearly like their condition prior to such taking as shall be practicable. Should
the net amount  so awarded  to Landlord  be insufficient  to cover  the cost  of
restoring  the Premises, as estimated by Landlord's architect, Landlord may, but
shall not be obligated to, supply  the amount of such insufficiency and  restore
said  Premises as above provided, with all reasonable diligence, or Landlord may
terminate this Lease, if Tenant does  not supply the necessary additional  funds
or  agree to a reduction in  the Landlord's restoration obligation. Where Tenant
has not already  exercised any  right of termination  accorded to  it under  the
foregoing  portion of this paragraph, Landlord shall notify Tenant of Landlord's
election not later than  ninety (90) days after  the final determination of  the
amount of the award.

    (b)    Out of  any award  for any  taking of  the Premises,  in condemnation
proceedings or by right of eminent domain, Landlord shall be entitled to receive
and retain the  amounts awarded  for such Premises  and for  Landlord's loss  of
Landlord's  estate in  this Lease. Tenant  shall (i) execute  any instruments of
assignment as may be reasonably required by Landlord, (ii) join in any  petition
for  recovery of damages as Landlord may reasonably request, and (iii) turn over
to Landlord any damages that  may be recovered in  any proceeding which are  the
property of Landlord under this Section. Tenant shall be entitled to receive and
retain  any  amounts  which  may  be specifically  awarded  to  it  in  any such
condemnation proceedings,  because  of  the  taking of  its  trade  fixtures  or
furniture  and its leasehold  improvements loss of  goodwill, severance damages,
and moving  costs to  the  extent Tenant  was not  reimbursed  for the  same  by
    (c)   In the event of any such taking of the Premises, the minimum rent or a
fair and just  proportion thereof,  according to the  nature and  extent of  the
damage  sustained, shall be suspended or abated, and Landlord shall return a pro
rata portion of the semiannual advance Base Rent payment to Tenant.
    (a)  Any one of the following shall be deemed to be a "Default" or an "Event
of Default":
       (i) Failure on the part of  Tenant to make payment  of rent or any  other
           monetary  amount due under  this Lease within  thirty (30) days after
    written notice that such payment is past due.
       (ii)With respect to a non-monetary  default under this Lease, failure  of
           Tenant  to cure  the same  within thirty (30)  days from  the time of
    receipt of written notice of default from Landlord or such additional period
    reasonably required to cure the default. With respect to defaults  requiring
    more  than thirty (30) days  to cure, Tenant shall  be obligated to commence
    forthwith and to complete as soon as reasonably possible the curing of  such
    default;  and if Tenant  fails so to do,  the same shall be  deemed to be an
    Event of Default.
           The occurrence of any of the following events: (1) the estate  hereby
           created  being taken  on execution  or by  other process  of law; (2)
    Tenant being judicially declared bankrupt or insolvent according to law; (3)
    a general assignment being made of the property of Tenant for the benefit of
    creditors; (4)  a receiver,  guardian, conservator,  trustee in  involuntary
    bankruptcy or other similar officer being appointed to take charge of all or
    any   substantial  part  of  Tenant's  property  by  a  court  of  competent
    jurisdiction; or (5) Tenant executing a trust mortgage, or a petition  being
    filed  by  or against  Tenant in  bankruptcy, or  for reorganization  or for
    arrangements under any  provisions of  the Bankruptcy Act  now or  hereafter
    enacted, providing a plan for a debtor to settle, satisfy or extend the time
    for  the payment of debts,  and such petition shall  not have been dismissed
    within thirty (30) days.
    (b)  Should any Event of Default occur then, notwithstanding any license  of
any  former breach of covenant  or waiver of the benefit  hereof or consent in a
former instance, Landlord lawfully  may, in addition  to any remedies  otherwise
available to Landlord, immediately or at any time thereafter, upon ten (10) days
prior  written notice, enter into  and upon the Premises  or any part thereof in
the name of the whole and repossess the same as of Landlord's former estate, and
expel Tenant and  those claiming through  or under  it and remove  its or  their
effects  (forcibly as  permitted by applicable  law if  necessary) without being
deemed guilty of any manner of  trespass, and without prejudice to any  remedies
which  might  otherwise be  used  for arrears  of  rent or  preceding  breach of
covenant and/or Landlord may send written notice to Tenant terminating the Lease
Term; and  upon the  first to  occur of:  (i) entry  as aforesaid;  or (ii)  the
thirtieth (30th) day following mailing of such notice of termination, this Lease
shall terminate.
    (c)    Tenant  shall,  notwithstanding  any  termination  of  this  Lease as
aforesaid or any entry or re-entry by Landlord, whether by summary  proceedings,
termination or otherwise, pay and be liable for

on  the days originally fixed  herein for the payment  thereof, amounts equal to
the several installments of rent and other charges reserved as they would, under
the terms of this Lease, become due if this Lease had not been terminated or  if
Landlord  had not entered or re-entered,  as aforesaid, and whether the Premises
be relet or remain vacant, in  whole or in part, or  for a period less than  the
remainder  of the Lease Term, and for  the whole thereof; but Landlord agrees to
use reasonable efforts to relet  the Premises and in  the event the Premises  be
relet  by Landlord, Tenant  shall be entitled to  a credit in  the net amount of
rent received  by  Landlord  in  reletting,  after  deduction  of  all  expenses
reasonably  incurred in  reletting the Premises  (including, without limitation,
remodeling costs, brokerage fees,  attorneys' fees, repairing, cleaning,  moving
and  storage costs,  and the  like), and  in collecting  the rent  in connection
    Nevertheless, in case of such termination Landlord at its election which may
be made or changed at any time  without notice shall be entitled to collect  and
receive  from  Tenant such  sum or  sums to  which  it may  be entitled  as rent
hereunder for the balance of the Lease  Term, or demand and receive from  Tenant
indemnity  against loss of the  aforesaid rent hereunder for  the balance of the
Lease Term, or collect  and receive from  Tenant as damages a  sum which at  the
time of such termination represents the difference between the fair rental value
of  the Premises and the  rent herein stated for the  balance of the Lease Term,
which difference shall be  discounted to its present  value, or to enforce  such
other remedies as are available to it by law.
    In any event, in the event of default Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for
all  expenses  reasonably incurred  in connection  with such  default, including
those described in the first paragraph of this Section and including  reasonable
attorneys' fees.
    (d)   Landlord shall in no event be  in default in the performance of any of
Landlord's obligations hereunder unless and until Landlord shall have failed  to
perform  such obligations within thirty (30) days  or such additional time as is
reasonably required  to correct  any  such default  after  notice by  Tenant  to
Landlord  properly specifying  wherein Landlord has  failed to  perform any such
obligation. If Landlord is  in default under this  Lease, Landlord shall (i)  be
responsible  for its reasonable  costs and expenses which  relate to its default
(including court costs and Tenant's attorneys' fees), and (ii) return a pro rata
portion of the  semi-annual advance Base  Rent payment to  Tenant, if Tenant  is
permitted to terminate the Lease.
    (e)  If Tenant abandons or vacates the Premises, any property left by Tenant
shall  be deemed abandoned and Landlord shall  have the right to dispose thereof
without accountability to Tenant as permitted by law.
    (f)  Landlord shall use its  best efforts to mitigate any damages  resulting
from  any default by Tenant, and Tenant shall not in any event be liable for any
damages reasonably mitigable by Landlord.
    Tenant represents and warrants to Landlord that it is a corporation which is
duly organized, validly  existing and  in good standing  under the  laws of  the
State of California, with all required power and authority to execute this Lease
and  perform its obligations hereunder and  such performance will not violate or
result in a  default under any  contract, mortgage, lien,  judgment or order  to
which Tenant is a party or by which Tenant is bound.
    In  the event Landlord shall receive an  offer to purchase, ground lease, or
otherwise  acquire  the  legal  and/or  beneficial  ownership  interest  in  the
Premises,  or any interest  therein, in whole  or in part  ("Offer of Purchase")
during the Lease Term, or any extension thereof, and the offer of purchase shall
be satisfactory  to  Landlord,  Landlord  shall give  Tenant  the  privilege  of
purchasing the Premises or the interest or portion thereof to be acquired at the
price and on the terms of the offer so made. This

privilege  shall  be  given  by a  notice  sent  to Tenant  at  the  Premises by
registered mail, requiring Tenant to accept the  offer in writing and to sign  a
suitable  contract to  purchase the Premises  within the period  of fifteen (15)
days after the mailing of the notice.
    The failure of Tenant  to accept the  offer to purchase  or sign a  contract
within  the period  provided shall waive  Tenant's rights under  this Section on
that occasion, but  shall not  waive Tenant's right  to first  refusal on  other
occasions,  and Landlord shall be  at liberty to sell  the Premises to any other
person, firm or  corporation. Any subsequent  sale, except to  Tenant, shall  be
subject  to this Lease and any renewals or extensions hereof and to this Section
18. The successor in interest to Landlord shall not disturb Tenant's  possession
under  this Lease if  Tenant is not  in default hereunder  and shall perform all
Landlord's unperformed obligations.
    This right of first refusal shall not  apply to any transfer by Landlord  of
the  property to any  person who controls,  is under common  control with, or is
controlled by Landlord or  to Landlord's spouse or  lineal descendants (or to  a
trust  or other legal entity exclusively  for their benefit) for estate planning
purposes, provided such transferees shall thereafter be subject to this  Section
18 with respect to subsequent transfers.
    (a)   SUBLEASE  AND ASSIGNMENT.   Tenant  shall not  sublease any  more than
thirty percent (30%) of the square footage of the Leased Premises or assign this
Lease or any of its rights hereunder without the express prior written  approval
of  Landlord, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld and shall be deemed
given if not reasonably withheld in writing within 10 days following delivery to
Landlord of a written request for consent. In the event Landlord consents to  an
assignment  or a sublease, Tenant shall  remain fully liable for the obligations
of Tenant hereunder, including,  without limitation, the  obligation to pay  the
rent  and other amounts  provided under this  Lease. Consent by  Landlord to any
such sublease shall not be deemed to  be a consent to a subsequent sublease  nor
shall any sublessee have any further right to sublease. Notwithstanding anything
to  the contrary in the Lease Form, Tenant may, without Landlord's prior written
consent and without any participation  by Landlord in assignment and  subletting
proceeds,  sublet  the  Premises  or  assign the  Lease  to:  (i)  a subsidiary,
affiliate, division or  corporation controlling, controlled  by or under  common
control  with  Tenant; or  (ii)  a successor  corporation  related to  Tenant by
merger, consolidation, nonbankruptcy reorganization,  or government action.  For
the  purpose of this  Lease, sale of  Tenant's capital stock  through any public
exchange shall not be deemed an assignment, subletting, or any other transfer of
the Lease or the Premises.
    (b)  WAIVER.  Failure on the part of either party to complain of any  action
or  non-action on the part of Tenant, no  matter how long the same may continue,
shall never be deemed to be a waiver by Landlord of any of its rights hereunder.
No waiver at any time of any of  the provisions hereof by either party shall  be
construed  as a waiver of  any of the other provisions  hereof, and no waiver at
any time of any of the provisions hereof  shall be construed as a waiver at  any
subsequent time of the same provisions. The consent or approval of a party to or
of  any action by Tenant  requiring Landlord's consent or  approval shall not be
deemed to  waive  or  render  unnecessary  consent or  approval  to  or  of  any
subsequent similar act.
    No  payment, or acceptance,  of a lesser  amount than shall  be due shall be
treated otherwise than as a payment on account. The acceptance of a check for  a
lesser  amount  with an  endorsement or  statement thereon,  or upon  any letter
accompanying such check, that  such lesser amount is  payment in full, shall  be
given  no effect,  and a party  may accept  such check without  prejudice to any
other rights or remedies which the party may have.
    (c)   COVENANT OF  QUIET ENVIRONMENT.    Tenant, subject  to the  terms  and
provisions  of this  Lease on  payment of  the rent  and observing,  keeping and
performing all of  the terms  and provisions  of this Lease  on its  part to  be
observed,  kept and performed, shall lawfully, peaceably and quietly have, hold,

occupy and  enjoy  the Premises  during  the  Lease Term  without  hindrance  or
ejection  by any persons lawfully claiming  under Landlord; but it is understood
and agreed  that this  covenant and  any  and all  other covenants  of  Landlord
contained in this Lease shall be binding upon Landlord and Landlord's successors
only  with  respect  to  breaches  occurring  during  Landlord's  and Landlord's
successors' respective ownership  of Landlord's interest  hereunder. Subject  to
Landlord's  duty  to complete  the Improvements,  it  is further  understood and
agreed that with respect  to any services to  be furnished, neither Landlord  or
Tenant  shall  in  no event  be  liable for  failure  to furnish  the  same when
prevented from  so  doing by  strike,  lockout, breakdown,  accident,  order  or
regulation  of  or  by any  governmental  authority,  or failure  of  supply, or
inability by the exercise of reasonable  diligence to obtain supplies, parts  or
employees  necessary  to  furnish such  services,  or  because of  war  or other
emergency, or for any  cause beyond their reasonable  control, or for any  cause
due to any act or neglect of the other party or its servants, agents, employees,
licensees,  contractors or  any person claiming  by, through or  under the other
    (d)  STATUS REPORT.  Recognizing that both parties may find it necessary  to
establish to third parties, such as accountants, banks, mortgagees, or the like,
the  then current status of performance  hereunder, either party, on the written
request of the other  made from time  to time, will  promptly furnish a  written
statement  of the status of any matter pertaining to this Lease, which the other
party reasonably requests.
    (e)  NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE.   After receiving written notice from any  person,
firm  or other entity, that it holds a mortgage (which term shall include a deed
of trust) which includes as part of the mortgaged premises the Premises,  Tenant
shall,  so long  as such mortgage  is outstanding,  be required to  give to such
holder the same notice as is required to be given to Landlord under the terms of
this Lease, but such notice may be  given by Tenant to Landlord and such  holder
concurrently.  It  is  further  agreed  that such  holder  shall  have  the same
opportunity to cure any default, and the  same time within which to affect  such
curing,  as is available to  Landlord; and if necessary  to cure such a default,
such holder shall have access to the Premises.
    (f)  ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS.  With  reference to any assignment by Landlord  of
Landlord's  interest in this Lease, or  the rents payable hereunder, conditional
in nature or otherwise, which assignment is made to the holder of a mortgage  or
deed of trust on the Premises, Tenant agrees:
       (i) that the execution thereof by Landlord, and the acceptance thereof by
           such  holder, shall never  be deemed an assumption  by such holder of
    any of the obligations of Landlord  hereunder, unless such holder shall,  by
    written notice sent to Tenant, specifically otherwise elect;
       (ii)that,  except as  aforesaid, such holder  shall be  treated as having
           assumed Landlord's  obligations hereunder  only upon  foreclosure  of
    such  holder's mortgage or deed of trust and the taking of possession of the
    Premises by such holder; and
           Tenant shall, at the  request of Landlord, execute  a consent to  any
           such  assignment  of the  Lease and  an agreement  to attorn  to such
    mortgagee in the event of its exercise of its right under the assignment.
    (g)  LEASE SUBORDINATE TO MORTGAGE.  The rights and interest of Tenant under
this Lease shall be subject and subordinate  to any mortgages or deeds of  trust
that may hereafter be placed upon the Premises and to any and all advances to be
made  thereunder, and to the interest  thereon, and all renewals, modifications,
replacements and extensions thereof, if the  mortgagee or trustee named in  said
mortgages or deeds of trust shall elect by written notice delivered to Tenant at
the  time the encumbrance is  created to subject and  subordinate the rights and
interest of Tenant  under this  Lease to  the lien of  its mortgage  or deed  of
trust;  provided, however,  that said mortgagee  agrees to  execute an agreement
providing, in substance, that in consideration of Tenant's written agreement  to
continue  occupancy under  the same  terms and conditions  of this  Lease and to
attorn to mortgagee, the right of

possession of Tenant  to the Premises  and Tenant's rights  arising out of  this
Lease,  shall not be  disturbed by the  mortgagee in the  exercise of its rights
under the  mortgage  or  deed provided  that  Tenant  shall not  be  in  default
hereunder.  In  the  event  of  such election,  and  upon  notification  by such
mortgagee or trustee to Tenant to that effect and delivery of a recognition  and
non-disturbance  agreement in a form reasonably acceptable to Tenant, the rights
and interest of Tenant under this Lease shall be deemed to be subordinate to the
lien of said mortgage or deed of trust, whether this Lease is dated prior to  or
subsequent  to  the date  of  said mortgage  or deed  of  trust, and  no further
instrument of subordination shall be  necessary; provided, however, that  Tenant
shall  execute and  deliver whatever instruments  said mortgagee  or trustee may
reasonably require for such  purposes, and in  the event Tenant  fails so to  do
within  twenty  (20) days  after  demand in  writing,  Tenant does  hereby make,
constitute and irrevocably appoint Landlord  as its attorney-in-fact and in  its
name, place and stead so to do.
    (h)    MECHANICS'  LIENS.   Tenant  shall immediately  discharge  (either by
payment or  by filing  of  the necessary  bond,  or otherwise)  any  mechanic's,
materialmen's  or  other lien  against the  Property and/or  Landlord's interest
therein, which liens may arise  out of any payment due  for, or purported to  be
due  for, any labor, services, materials,  supplies or equipment alleged to have
been furnished to or for Tenant after completion of the Improvements in, upon or
about the Property. Landlord shall  immediately discharge (either by payment  or
by  filing of the necessary bond, or otherwise) any mechanic's, materialmen's or
other lien against the  Premises and/or Tenant's  interest therein, which  liens
may  arise out of  any payment due for,  or purported to be  due for, any labor,
services, materials, supplies or equipment alleged to have been furnished to  or
for Landlord in, upon or about the Premises.
    (i)  NO BROKERS.  Tenant and Landlord warrant and represent that neither has
dealt  with any broker in  connection with the consummation  of this Lease other
than Mr. Clifford Hurley of the Leggat Company, Inc., 1 Liberty Square,  Boston,
Massachusetts. Landlord shall pay any commission due to said broker.
    (j)   INVALIDITY OF PARTICULAR PROVISIONS.  If any term or provision of this
Lease, or the application  thereof to any person  or circumstance shall, to  any
extent,  be  invalid  or unenforceable,  the  remainder  of this  Lease,  or the
application of such  term or provision  to persons or  circumstances other  than
those  as to which  it is held  invalid or unenforceable,  shall not be affected
thereby, and  each term  and  provision of  this Lease  shall  be valid  and  be
enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    (k)  PROVISIONS BINDING.  Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, the
terms  hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns, respectively, of Landlord and
Tenant. The  reference contained  to successors  and assigns  of Tenant  is  not
intended  to constitute a consent to assignment  by Tenant not permitted by this
Lease, but as reference only to those instances permitted by this Lease.
    (l)  RECORDING.  Tenant  shall not record the  Lease, but the parties  shall
execute  and record a Notice  of Lease (and the rights  of first refusal and the
options  hereunder)   in  recordable   form   and  complying   with   applicable
Massachusetts  laws,  and  reasonably satisfactory  to  Tenant's  and Landlord's
attorneys. In no event shall such document set forth the rental or other charges
payable by Tenant under this Lease; and such document shall expressly state that
it is executed pursuant to  the provisions contained in  this Lease, and is  not
intended to vary the terms and conditions of this Lease.

    (m)   NOTICES.  All  notices shall be in  writing and delivered by certified
mail or personal delivery, to the parties  at the addresses set forth below,  or
to  such  other  address or  addresses  as the  parties  may from  time  to time
hereafter designate:
    Landlord:  G. Christopher Peznola
             Berkshire Acquisition Corporation
             1500 Main Street, Suite 2012
             Springfield, MA 01115
    With copy to:
Robinson Donovan Madden & Barry, P.C.
             1500 Main Street, Suite 1600
             Springfield, MA 01115
             Attn: Robert P. Cunningham, Esq.
    Tenant:  Division Controller
            Genus, Inc.
            Ion Technology Division
            4 Mulliken Way
            Newburyport, MA 01950
    With copies to:
Genus, Inc.
            1139 Karlstad Dr.
            Sunnyvale, CA 94089
            Attn: Chief Financial Officer
Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, P.C.
650 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
Attn: Real Estate Dept.
    (n)  HEADINGS.  The headings throughout this instrument are for  convenience
and  reference only, and the words contained therein  shall in no way be held to
explain, modify, amplify or aid  in the interpretation, construction or  meaning
of the provisions of this Lease.
    (o)  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  All negotiations, consideration, representations and
understandings  between Landlord and Tenant are  incorporated in this Lease, the
Improvement Agreement, and  in the  schedules and exhibits  attached hereto  and
thereto,  all of which are hereby incorporated  herein by this reference and all
of which  may  be modified  or  altered only  by  agreement in  writing  between
Landlord  and Tenant. No  act or omission  of any employee  or agent of Landlord
shall alter, change or modify any of the provisions hereof.
    (p)   GOVERNING  LAW.   This  Lease shall  be  governed exclusively  by  the
provisions  hereof and by the laws of  the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as the
same may from time to time exist.
    Concurrently herewith Landlord  shall forthwith  enter into  a Purchase  and
Sale  Agreement with the Newburyport Area Industrial Development Corporation, in
form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Tenant (the "Purchase Agreement"),
for the 10.62 acres of land in the Lord Dexter Industrial Park, known as Lot 62,
Stanley Tucker Drive, Newburyport, Massachusetts, as more particularly described
in EXHIBIT  A  to  this  Lease (the  "Property").  Landlord  shall  perform  its
obligations  under the Purchase Agreement  so that the purchase  may close on or
before September 30,

1995. Landlord hereby acknowledges that there are no conditions precedent to the
Landlord's obligation to  purchase the  Property under  the Purchase  Agreement,
other  than that  Landlord obtains record  and marketable title  to the Property
from the seller thereof,  with only those exceptions  to title permitted by  the
Purchase Agreement.
    Concurrently with the Landlord's acquisition of the Premises pursuant to the
Purchase  and Sale Agreement, the Tenant shall deposit into escrow, for delivery
to Landlord on  the Commencement  Date, (1)  good funds  in the  amount of  Five
Hundred  Thousand  Dollars ($500,000.00)  as prepayment  of  the last  Base Rent
payable during the Initial Term (the "Prepaid Rent") and (2) a letter of  credit
"Security  Deposit" or  evidence of a  cash "Security Deposit"  with a custodian
complying with  the  requirements  of  this paragraph.  Within  three  (3)  days
following  delivery of written notice to the escrow holder that the Commencement
Date has occurred,  the escrow  holder shall deliver  the Prepaid  Rent and  the
letter  of credit  Security Deposit or  evidence of the  cash custodial Security
Deposit, as the case may be, to the Landlord. Tenant shall promptly execute such
documents as the Landlord shall  reasonably request to accomplish such  delivery
of the Prepaid Rent and such Security Deposit items to the Landlord.
    The  Prepaid Rent shall be retained by  Landlord as a prepayment of the last
Base Rent payable during  the Initial Term of  this Lease. The Security  Deposit
shall  be  held by  the  Landlord or  the  custodian, as  security  for Tenant's
performance of its obligations hereunder, and not as prepayment of rent.
    Tenant shall provide the Security Deposit in one of the following forms,  or
combination thereof from time to time, at its option:
    (1)Tenant  shall  deliver  to  the  Landlord,  at  Tenant's  sole  cost,  an
       irrevocable letter of credit in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT E (an
"ILC") which (i) is drawn upon a financial institution reasonably acceptable  to
Landlord,  (ii) is irrevocable, unconditional and  transferrable, (iii) is for a
term of at least twelve (12) months, and  (iv) may be drawn upon by Landlord  at
sight  upon submission of a declaration by an officer of Landlord, under penalty
of perjury, declaring that  the Landlord is  entitled to draw  upon the ILC.  If
Tenant  provides Landlord with  an ILC meeting  the foregoing requirements, then
any cash  being held  as a  Security Deposit  in excess  of the  total  Security
Deposit requirements stated below shall be returned to Tenant upon demand.
    (2)Tenant  shall deposit with a financial institution selected by Tenant and
       reasonably acceptable to Landlord, cash or federally insured bonds and/or
notes to be held by such institution  in accordance with a pledge and  custodial
agreement  in the form of attached EXHIBIT  C. All interest accruing on any such
deposit shall be paid to Tenant as earned.
    The Security Deposit shall be in the following amounts during the  following
time periods of the Lease Term:

Commencement Date until the Fifth Anniversary
 of the Commencement Date                                       $ 2,800,000
Fifth Anniversary of the Commencement Date
 until the Tenth Anniversary of the
 Commencement Date                                              $ 1,850,000
Tenth Anniversary of the Commencement Date
 until the Thirteenth Anniversary of the
 Commencement Date                                              $   900,000
Thirteenth Anniversary of the Commencement
 Date until the Fourteenth Anniversary of the
 Commencement Date                                              $   500,000
After the Fourteenth Anniversary of the
 Commencement Date                                              $         0


    Landlord  may from time to time draw upon the Security Deposit, if, but only
if, one of the following "Drawing Conditions" is satisfied:
    (1)  FIRST DRAWING CONDITION.  The Tenant fails to pay any Base Rent payable
under this Lease  within thirty (30)  days following notice  to Tenant that  the
amount  is past due, and as of the date  of the notice of such past due rent the
most recent public financial statement filing in Tenant's 10K or 10Q filed  with
the  Securities Exchange  Commission ("SEC")  reflects an  amount of shareholder
equity of less than Twenty-Five  Million Dollars ($25,000,000.00). In the  event
Tenant  becomes  a  private company  and  no  longer files  with  the  SEC, such
shareholder  equity  shall  be  measured  based  on  audited  annual   financial
statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
    (2)    SECOND DRAWING  CONDITION.   The Tenant  fails to  pay any  Base Rent
payable under this Lease within thirty (30) days following notice to Tenant that
the amount is past due.
    (3)  THIRD DRAWING CONDITION.  Landlord  has not received a renewed ILC  nor
an  ILC commitment issued for a minimum of  an additional one (1) year period as
of the date which is fourteen (14) days prior to the then stated expiration date
of the ILC.
    In the event  of the  First Drawing Condition  set forth  above occurs,  the
Landlord  shall have the right  to draw upon the ILC  and retain the proceeds of
said ILC  or  other form  of  Security Deposit  held  hereunder as  payment  for
Tenant's  violation of  the security  provision set  forth herein.  In no event,
however, shall  any  payments  rendered hereunder  be  construed  as  liquidated
damages  and  Landlord shall  have all  rights  at law  and in  equity reserved;
provided, however, that  the amount  of the  Security Deposit  paid to  Landlord
shall  reduce, but not below  zero, the amount of damages  which may be owing by
Tenant to Landlord on account of the Event of Default.
    In the event the  Second Drawing Condition occurs,  the Landlord shall  have
the  right to draw upon the ILC and retain the amount of proceeds of said ILC or
other form of Security Deposit  held hereunder equal to  the amount of past  due
Base  Rent  payable  under the  terms  of  the Lease  plus  reasonable  costs of
collection thereof  with the  balance of  the  ILC proceeds  to be  remitted  to
Landlord's  lender,  Shawmut Bank,  N.A. (the  "Custodian"), as  custodian. Such
proceeds shall be  held by Custodian  in escrow under  the Pledge and  Custodial
Agreement  as required  for any  non-ILC Security  Deposit hereunder  unless and
until the ILC is replaced with another  ILC complying with this section. If  the
amount  of said past due Base Rent plus costs is not reimbursed by Tenant in the
form of a replacement ILC or additional Security Deposit to the Custodian for  a
period  of sixty (60)  days following notice  to Tenant that  the amount of Base
Rent is  past  due, then,  upon  written  notice from  Landlord,  the  remaining
proceeds of the ILC or other form of Security Deposit held by Custodian shall be
immediately  remitted  to  Landlord as  payment  for Tenant's  violation  of the
security provision set forth herein and treated in the manner described above as
if the First Drawing Condition occurred.
    If the Third Drawing Condition is satisfied, all of the proceeds of the  ILC
may  be drawn for immediate  remittance to Custodian and  such proceeds shall be
held by Custodian in escrow under the Pledge and Custodial Agreement as required
for any non-ILC Security Deposit hereunder, unless and until the ILC is replaced
with another ILC complying with this Section.
    In the  event the  Security Deposit  or any  portion thereof  is applied  by
Landlord  to cure any failure of the Tenant to pay Base Rent owing by the Tenant
hereunder, Tenant agrees to restore the deposit to the full amount thereof  upon
demand. The Security Deposit (or so much of it that has not been applied to cure
Tenant's  default in accordance with this paragraph) shall be returned to Tenant
within fourteen (14) days following the expiration of the Lease Term.
    If Landlord transfers  the Premises  during the Lease  Term, Landlord  shall
deliver  the Security Deposit to the transferee of Landlord's interest, in which
event the transferring  Landlord will  be released  from all  liability for  the
return of the Security Deposit.

    In  the event  Tenant fails to  pay any  Base Rent payable  under this Lease
within thirty (30) days following notice to Tenant that the amount is past  due,
but  Tenant's shareholder  equity is determined  in the  First Drawing Condition
stated above to  be greater than  Twenty-Five Million Dollars  ($25,000,000.00),
then the parties agree that the Security Deposit (including any ILC constituting
the Security Deposit) shall continue to be maintained and survive any Default by
Tenant under this Lease. In addition, if any such Default in a Base Rent payment
occurs, then the amortization of the amount of the Security Deposit as the Lease
Term  elapses, as specified above, shall be suspended for the time period of any
such Default. Upon cure of the Default,  the Security Deposit may be reduced  in
accordance with the foregoing schedule.
    The  obligations  of  this  Section  19  shall  survive  any  expiration  of
termination of this Lease.
    Notwithstanding anything  to  the contrary  in  the Lease  Form,  if  either
Landlord  or Tenant shall  bring any action  or legal proceeding  for an alleged
breach of any provision of this Lease, to recover rent, to terminate this  Lease
or  otherwise to  enforce, protect  or establish  any term  or covenant  of this
Lease, the prevailing  party shall  be entitled  to recover  as a  part of  such
action  or  proceeding,  or  in  a separate  action  brought  for  that purpose,
reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and expert fees as may be fixed by  the
court.  "Prevailing  party"  as used  in  this  Paragraph includes  a  party who
dismisses an action for recovery hereunder  in exchange for sums allegedly  due,
performance  of  covenants  allegedly breached  or  considerations substantially
equal to the relief sought in the action.
    Landlord acknowledges  that  the  Property  was  designated  by  Tenant  for
acquisition  by Landlord.  Accordingly, if  this Lease  terminates prior  to the
Commencement Date  because  Landlord is  unwilling  or unable  to  complete  the
Improvements  in accordance  with this Lease  and the  Improvement Agreement for
causes other than the Default  of Tenant, then Tenant  shall have the option  to
purchase  the  Premises  (including  the  Property  and  the  Improvements  then
existing) from Landlord. This  option may be exercised  at anytime prior to  the
twentieth  (20th) day following delivery of Landlord's notice to Tenant that the
Lease has terminated  and that  if Tenant does  not exercise  the option  herein
granted  within twenty  (20) days  following delivery  of said  notice then such
option shall be deemed waived. Upon exercise by Tenant of its option to purchase
the Landlord shall sell the Premises to the Tenant and the Tenant shall purchase
the Premises from the  Landlord. To facilitate such  purchase the parties  shall
execute  a purchase agreement memorializing their obligations and containing any
other provisions required to  complete the conveyance  in accordance with  local
custom;  provided, however that if the  parties cannot agree upon such customary
terms within ten (10)  days following either party's  request for an  agreement,
then the customary terms shall be determined by the presiding judge of the Essex
County   court  having   jurisdiction  over  the   Premises  in   the  State  of
Massachusetts. The purchase shall close on the forty-fifth (45th) day  following
delivery  to Landlord  of Tenant's  exercise notice.  The purchase  price of the
property shall be equal to that portion of the Construction Cost (as defined  in
the  Improvement Agreement) actually  paid or incurred by  the Landlord prior to
the date of  the closing of  the sale of  the Premises to  the Tenant, less  any
damages legally recoverable by Tenant on account of Landlord's default. Title to
the  Premises shall be delivered to Tenant in the condition received by Landlord
from the Seller, as evidenced by a  title insurance policy in the form  obtained
by Landlord when it purchased the Property from said seller.
                        [SIGNATURE BLOCKS ON NEXT PAGE]

    WITNESS  the  execution hereof,  under seal,  in  any number  of counterpart
copies, each of which counterpart copies shall  be deemed to be an original  for
all purposes as of the day and year first above written.
                                          BERKSHIRE-NEWBURYPORT LIMITED
                                          PARTNERSHIP, Landlord

- --------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------
Witness                                        OSCAR N. PLOTKIN, President of
                                               Newburyport General Corp.,
                                               its general partner

                                          GENUS, INC., Tenant

- --------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------
Witness                                        Its


                                   EXHIBIT A
                                LEASED PREMISES

                                   EXHIBIT B

                                   EXHIBIT C

                                   EXHIBIT D
                         [ATTACH ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS]

                                   EXHIBIT E