(EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY 1, 1996)
    1.  PURPOSE.  This Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Director Stock Compensation 
Program (the "Program") is established by Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. (the 
"Company").  The purpose of the Program is to advance the interests of the 
Company by encouraging and enabling members of the Board of Directors of 
the Company or of Bank of Hawaii ("Directors") to acquire and retain 
throughout each member's tenure as a Director a proprietary interest in 
the Company by ownership of shares of the Company's common stock ("Common 

    2.  ELEMENTS OF THE PROGRAM.  The Program is composed of two parts.  
The first part is the Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Director Stock Option Plan ("Stock 
Option Plan"), and the second part is the Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Director 
Restricted Share Plan ("Restricted Share Plan") (collectively, the 
"Plans").  The Stock Option Plan and Restricted Share Plan respectively  
comprise Plan I and Plan II of the Program.
administered, construed, governed, and amended in accordance with their  
respective terms. Unless any Plan specifically indicates to the contrary,  
all Plans shall be subject to the General Provisions of the Stock  
Compensation Program set forth below.
    Article  1.  ADMINISTRATION.  The Program shall be administered by  
the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors (the 
    The Committee shall hold meetings at such times and places as they 
may determine, shall keep minutes of their meetings, and shall adopt, 
amend, and revoke such rules and procedures as they may deem proper with 
respect to the Program. Any action of the Committee shall be taken by 
majority vote or the unanimous written consent of the Committee members.
    Article  2.  AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE.  Subject to the other provisions of 
this Program, and with a view to effecting its purpose, the Committee shall 
have sole authority, in its absolute discretion: (a) to construe and 
interpret the Program; (b) to define the terms used herein; (c) to 
determine, to the extent not provided by the Program or the relevant Plan, 
the terms and conditions of options and restricted shares granted pursuant 
to the terms of the Program; and (d) to make all other determinations and 
do all other things necessary or advisable for the administration of the 
Program. All decisions, determinations, and interpretations made by the 
Committee shall be binding and conclusive on all participants in the Program 
and on their legal representatives, heirs, and beneficiaries.
aggregate number of shares of Company common stock ("Common Stock") which 
may be granted under the Plans shall be 250,000 shares. The shares of Common 
Stock to be issued upon exercise of an option or issued as restricted shares 
may be authorized but unissued shares or reacquired shares.
    If any of the options granted under the Program expire or terminate for  
any reason before they have been exercised in full, the unpurchased shares 
subject to those expired or terminated options shall cease to reduce the 
number of shares available for purposes of the Program. However, 
notwithstanding that the conditions associated with a grant of restricted 
shares are not achieved within the period specified for satisfaction of the 
applicable conditions, or that the restricted share grant terminates for any 
reason before the date on which the conditions must be satisfied, the 
shares of Common Stock associated with such restricted shares shall reduce 
the number of shares available for purposes of the Program.
    Article  4.  ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION.  Any Director entitled  
to compensation by the Company or Bank of Hawaii for service as a Director,  
other than a Director who is also a salaried officer or employee of the 
Company or any of its subsidiaries, shall be entitled to receive options and 
restricted shares according to

                                 Exhibit (4)

the terms of the Plans. In addition, those salaried officers or employees of 
the Company or any of its subsidiaries who as of January 1, 1996, are members 
of the Board of Directors of Bank of Hawaii shall be entitled to receive  
restricted shares pursuant to the Restricted Share Plan.
    All references herein to "Directors" shall be construed to mean 
those persons who are eligible to participate in the Stock Option Plan 
and/or the Restricted Share Plan, as the context may require.  

    Article  5.  EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF PROGRAM.  The Program shall 
become effective as of January 1, 1996, conditioned upon its adoption by the 
Board of Directors of the Company and subject to approval of the Program 
by the holders of a majority of the Company's outstanding stock entitled to 
vote thereon at a meeting of the Company's stockholders following adoption 
of the Program by the Board of Directors, which vote shall be taken within 
12 months of adoption of the Program by the Company's Board of Directors; 
provided, however, that options and restricted shares may be granted 
under this Program prior to obtaining stockholder approval of the Program, 
but any such options or restricted shares shall be contingent upon such 
stockholder approval being obtained and may not be exercised prior to such 
approval. The Program shall continue in effect for a term of ten years from 
January 1, 1996, unless sooner terminated under Article 7 of these General 
    Article  6.  ADJUSTMENTS.  If the then outstanding shares of Common Stock 
are changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares or 
securities through merger, consolidation, combination, exchange of  
shares, other reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, stock 
dividend, stock split or reverse stock split, an appropriate and 
proportionate adjustment shall be made in the maximum number and kind of 
shares or securities as to which options and restricted shares may be 
granted under this Program. A corresponding adjustment changing the 
number and kind of shares or securities allocated to unexercised options, 
restricted shares, or portions thereof, which shall have been granted 
prior to any such change, shall likewise be made.  Any such adjustment 
in outstanding options shall be made without change in the aggregate 
purchase price applicable to the unexercised portion of the option, but with 
a corresponding adjustment in the price for each share or other unit 
of any security covered by the option.
    Article  7.  TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT OF PROGRAM.  The Program shall 
terminate at the end of the term of the Program described in Article 5, or 
shall terminate at such earlier time as the Board of Directors may 
determine. No options or restricted shares shall be granted under the 
Program after that date. Subject to the limitation contained in Article 8 of 
these General Provisions, the Board of Directors may at any time  
without further reference to the Company's stockholders terminate or 
suspend the Program or amend or revise its terms, including the form and 
substance of the option and restricted share agreements to be used 
hereunder; provided, however, that without approval by the 
stockholders of the Company representing a majority of the voting power 
(as contained in Article 5 of these General Provisions) no amendment or 
revision shall (a) increase the maximum aggregate number of shares that may 
be sold or distributed pursuant to options or restricted shares granted 
under this Program, except as permitted under Article 6 of these General 
Provisions; (b) increase the maximum term established under the Plans for any 
option or restricted share; (c) permit the granting of an option or 
restricted share to anyone other than as provided in Article 4 of the General 
Provisions; or (d) alter the exercise price for any option; and provided 
further that no amendment which requires stockholder approval in order 
for the Program to continue to comply with Rule 16b-3 under the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), including any successor to such 
Rule, shall be effective unless such amendment shall be approved by the 
requisite vote of stockholders of the Company entitled to vote thereon.
    Article  8.  PRIOR  RIGHTS  AND OBLIGATIONS.  No amendment, suspension, 
or termination of the Program shall, without the consent of the individual 
who has received an option or restricted share, alter or impair any of 
that person's rights or obligations under any option or restricted share 
granted under the Program prior to that amendment, suspension, or 
termination. However, the grant of an option or restricted share shall not 
affect in any way the right or power of the Company to make 
adjustments, reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital 
or business structure; to merge or consolidate; or to dissolve, 
liquidate, or sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.
    Article  9.  PRIVILEGES OF STOCK OWNERSHIP.  Notwithstanding the exercise 
of any option granted pursuant to the terms of this Program or the 
achievement of any conditions specified in any restricted share granted 
pursuant to the terms of this Program, no individual shall have any of the 
rights or privileges of a stockholder of the Company in respect of any 
shares of stock issuable upon the exercise of his or her option or the

satisfaction of his or her restricted share conditions until 
certificates representing the shares have been issued and delivered. No 
shares shall be required to be issued and delivered upon exercise of any 
option or satisfaction of any conditions with respect to a restricted share 
unless and until all of the requirements of law and of all regulatory 
agencies having jurisdiction over the issuance and delivery of the 
securities shall have been fully complied with.
    Article  10.  RESERVATION OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK.  The Company, 
during the term of this Program, shall at all times reserve and keep 
available such number of shares of its Common Stock as shall be sufficient 
to satisfy the requirements of the Program.
    Article  11.  CONTINUED SERVICE.  Nothing contained in this Program 
shall be construed as conferring upon a Director the right to continue in the 
service of the Company or of Bank of Hawaii as a Director or in any 
other capacity. Further, nothing contained in this Program or in any option 
or restricted share granted hereunder shall be deemed to create any 
obligation on the part of the Board of Directors of the Company or of Bank 
of Hawaii to nominate any Director for reelection.
    Article  12.  TAX WITHHOLDING.  The exercise of any option or restricted 
share granted under this Program is subject to the condition that if at any 
time the Company shall determine, in its discretion, that the satisfaction 
of withholding tax or other withholding liabilities under any state or 
federal law is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in connection 
with, such exercise or the delivery or purchase of shares pursuant 
thereto, then in such event, the exercise of the option or restricted 
share shall not be effective unless such withholding shall have been 
effected or obtained in a manner acceptable to the Company.
    Article  13.  GENDER.  Wherever any words are used under the Program 
in the masculine, feminine, or neuter gender, they shall be construed as 
though they were also used in another gender in all cases where they would 
so apply.
    Article  14.  RULE 16B-3 REQUIREMENTS.  With respect to Directors who 
are subject to the provisions of Section 16 of the Exchange Act, the 
provisions of the Program and all transactions thereunder are intended and 
shall be construed and applied so as to comply with all applicable 
requirements and conditions of Rule 16b-3 or any successor Rule under 
the Exchange Act. To the extent any provision of the Program or action by 
the Committee fails to so comply, it shall be deemed null and void, to the 
extent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the Committee.

                                     PLAN I

                              BANCORP HAWAII, INC.

                           DIRECTOR STOCK OPTION PLAN
    Section  1.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of this Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Director 
Stock Option Plan ("Plan") is to permit the Company to grant options to 
Directors for the purchase of shares of Common Stock. The Plan is 
designed to provide Directors a means to obtain Company Common Stock on 
a basis that requires retention of such Common Stock throughout periods of 
service as a Director, and thereby provide additional incentive to 
contribute to the success of the Company. Any option granted pursuant 
to this Plan shall be clearly and specifically designated as not being 
an incentive stock option, as defined in Section 422 of the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. This Plan is Plan I of the Company's 
Director Stock Compensation Program (the "Program"). Unless any provision 
herein indicates to the contrary, this Plan shall be subject to the General 
Provisions of the Program.
    Section  2.  GRANT OF OPTION.  Effective on the date of each of the next 
ten regular annual meetings of stockholders of the Company, commencing with 
the 1996 regular annual meeting, the Company shall automatically grant an 
option for the purchase of the following designated number of shares of 
Common Stock to each Director who will be a Director immediately following 
that annual meeting: (a) an option for the purchase of 1,000 shares to a 
Director who is a Director of both the Company and the Bank of Hawaii; (b) 
an option for the purchase of 500 shares to a Director who is a Director of 
Bank of Hawaii but not the Company; and (c) an option for the purchase of 
500 shares to a Director who is a Director of the Company but not of Bank of 
    Section  3.  DURATION OF OPTIONS.  Each option and all rights 
thereunder granted pursuant to the terms of this Plan shall expire ten years 
from the date on which the option is granted. In addition, each option 
shall be subject to earlier termination as provided in the Plan.
    Section  4.  EXERCISE PRICE.  The exercise price for shares subject to 
any option granted hereunder shall be equal to the fair market value of 
the shares at the time of the grant of the option. Fair market value on any 
day shall be deemed to be the highest closing price of the Common Stock 
on such day on the New York Stock Exchange (or such other exchange or 
interdealer quotation system that then constitutes the primary trading 
market for the Common Stock), and if no reported sale takes place on such 
day, fair market value shall be deemed to be the highest closing price on 
the next preceding day on which such a sale occurred.
    Section  5.  EXERCISE OF OPTIONS.  Each option shall be exercisable in 
whole or part during its term. The person exercising an option may do so only 
by written notice of exercise delivered to the Company's Corporate 
Secretary, in such form as the Corporate Secretary prescribes or approves 
from time to time, specifying the number of shares to be purchased and 
accompanied by a tender of the exercise price for those shares. The exercise 
price of any shares purchased shall be paid in full in cash or by certified 
or cashier's check payable to the order of the Company or (subject to 
compliance with any applicable requirements of Rule 16b-3 (or any successor 
Rule) of the Exchange Act) by delivery of shares of Common Stock 
(excluding restricted shares acquired pursuant to Plan I or Plan II of the 
Program as to which restrictions have not lapsed), or a combination thereof, 
at the time of exercise of the option. If any portion of the purchase price 
is paid in shares of Common Stock, those shares shall be tendered at their 
then fair market value as determined in accordance with Section 4 of this 
Plan. Fractional shares resulting from any adjustment in options pursuant 
to Article 6 of the general provisions of the Program shall be settled in 
cash based on the fair market value of the Common Stock as determined under 
Section 4.
    Section  6.  COMPLIANCE WITH SECURITIES LAWS.  Shares shall not be issued 
with respect to any option granted under the Plan unless the exercise of that 
option and the issuance and delivery of the shares pursuant thereto shall 
comply with all relevant provisions of state and federal law, including, 
without limitation, the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the rules and 
regulations promulgated thereunder and the requirements of any stock 
exchange upon which the shares may then be listed, and shall be further 
subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to such 
compliance. The Company may also require an optionee to furnish 
evidence satisfactory to the Company and its counsel (including a 
written and signed representation letter and consent to be bound by any 
transfer restrictions imposed by law, legend, condition, or otherwise) that 
the shares are being purchased only for investment purposes and without 
any present intention to sell or distribute the shares in violation of any 
state or federal law, rule, or regulation. Further, each optionee shall

consent to the imposition of one or more legends on the certificates for 
shares of Common Stock issued upon exercise of his or her option 
restricting their transferability as required by law, by Section 10 below, 
by Section 8 of Plan II, and/or by Section 9 of Plan II.
    Section  7.  OPTION RIGHTS UPON TERMINATION OF SERVICE.  If an optionee 
under this Plan ceases to serve as a Director for any reason other than 
death, his option shall immediately terminate as of the date on which the 
Director ceases his service as a Director.
    Section  8.  OPTION RIGHTS UPON DEATH OF OPTIONEE.  If an optionee dies 
while serving as a Director, his option shall expire one year after the date 
of death unless by its terms it expires sooner. During this one year or 
shorter period, the option may be exercised, to the extent that it remains 
unexercised on the date of death, by the person or persons to whom the 
optionee's rights under the option shall pass by will or by the laws of 
descent and distribution.
    Section  9.  OPTIONS NOT TRANSFERABLE.  Options granted pursuant to the 
terms of this Plan may not be sold, pledged, assigned, or transferred in 
any manner otherwise than by will or the laws of descent or distribution and 
shall not be subject to execution, attachment, or similar process; 
except that at the holder's election, such options may be transferred to 
and held by a trust of which the optionee is both a trustee and 
beneficiary, in which case such options shall continue to be subject to all 
restrictions set forth in the Program and this Plan, provided, however, that 
in the case of any option held by a person who is subject to Section 16 of 
the Exchange Act, this exception shall not apply if such exception would 
make unavailable to such option the exemption provided by Rule 16b-3 of the 
Exchange Act or any successor Rule. Such options may be exercised during 
the lifetime of an optionee only by (a) the optionee, (b) at the optionee's 
election, by a trust of which the optionee is both a trustee and 
beneficiary, (c) on behalf of the optionee, by a person holding the 
optionee's power of attorney for that purpose, or (d) the duly appointed 
guardian of the person and property of an optionee who is disabled within 
the meaning of Section 105(d)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 
    Section  10.  OPTION STOCK RESTRICTED.  The shares of Common Stock 
purchased upon exercise of an option granted hereunder shall be deemed to be 
"restricted shares" granted under the Restricted Share Plan for purposes 
of applying all provisions and terms and conditions of the Restricted 
Share Plan other than Section 2 thereunder. As such, during the 
"Restriction Period" (as described in Section 3 of the Restricted Share 
Plan), such shares of Common Stock shall be subject to redemption and 
nontransferability, and all restrictions shall lapse upon occurrence of 
events described in Section 7 of the Restricted Share Plan. Further, the 
procedures of the Restricted Share Plan relating to issuance, surrender, 
and assignment of shares and the provisions thereof relating to 
stockholder rights shall apply to the shares of Common Stock issued 
upon exercise of any option granted hereunder.

                                    PLAN II

                              BANCORP HAWAII, INC.

                         DIRECTOR RESTRICTED SHARE PLAN
    Section 1.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of this Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. 
Director Restricted Share Plan (the "Plan") is to permit the Company to 
grant restricted shares to Directors of Bank of Hawaii.  The Plan is 
designed to grant to such Directors shares of Company Common Stock, to 
require retention of such stock throughout each Director's tenure as a 
Director, and thereby to provide additional incentive to contribute to 
the success of the Company. This Plan is Plan II of the Company's Director 
Stock Compensation Program.
    Section 2.  GRANT OF RESTRICTED SHARES.  Effective as of the date of 
each regular annual meeting of stockholders of Bank of Hawaii during the 
term of the Program, commencing with the 1996 annual meeting of 
stockholders, the Company shall automatically grant 100 restricted shares 
of Common Stock to each person who will be a Director of Bank of Hawaii 
immediately following such annual meeting; provided that the maximum 
aggregate number of shares that may be issued to any person pursuant to this 
Plan II shall be 500 restricted shares.
    Section 3.  FORFEITURE OF SHARES.  The restricted shares granted to a 
Director shall be forfeitable during the Restriction Period. "Restriction 
Period" means the period commencing on the date restricted shares are 
issued, and ending at the later of the expiration of: (a) the 
Director's then current term as a Director of either the Company or Bank of 
Hawaii (whichever term last expires); or (b) any immediately succeeding 
future consecutive term as a Director of either the Company or of Bank of 
Hawaii that results from election, appointment, reelection or reappointment 
to either such Board of Directors; provided that the Restriction Period 
shall not expire (and no forfeiture of restricted shares shall occur) 
at the time a person ceases to be a member of the Board of Directors 
of the Company or of Bank of Hawaii, respectively, if at that time such 
person continues to be a Director by reason of membership on the Board of 
Directors of Bank of Hawaii or of the Company. If during this Restriction 
Period (i.e., prior to the expiration date of a person's last consecutive 
term as a Director), the holder of the restricted shares ceases to serve as 
a Director for any reason other than an event described in clause (b), (c), 
or (d) of Section 7 below, the holder shall forfeit the restricted shares 
and such shares shall revert to the Company.
    Shares of Common Stock that were purchased by exercise of an option 
granted under the Stock Option Plan shall be treated in all respects as 
restricted shares during the Restriction Period pursuant to Section 10 of the 
Stock Option Plan. If during the Restriction Period, the holder of the 
restricted option shares ceases to serve as a Director for any reason 
other than an event described in clause (b), (c) or (d) of Section 7 
below, the holder shall sell to the Company, and the Company shall redeem, 
the restricted option shares at the price equal to the fair market value of 
the shares (determined as provided in Section 4 of the Stock Option 
Plan) at the time of grant (i.e., the option exercise price). The 
redemption price shall be paid to the holder in a single payment for the 
complete redemption of the restricted option shares.
Restriction Period, restricted shares may not be sold, pledged, assigned, or 
transferred in any manner, and shall not be subject to execution, 
attachment, or similar process; except that, at the holder's election, the 
restricted shares may be transferred to and held by a trust of which the 
holder is both a trustee and beneficiary, in which case the restricted 
shares shall continue to be subject to the nontransferability, forfeiture, 
and redemption limitations.
    Section 5.  STOCKHOLDER RIGHTS.  The holder of restricted shares shall 
have during the Restriction Period all of the rights of a stockholder of the 
Company with respect to the restricted shares, including the right to vote 
the shares, and the right to receive any dividends and other distributions 
thereon; provided that any shares of Common Stock issued as the result of 
any stock dividend or stock split shall, to the extent attributable to 
restricted shares, themselves constitute restricted shares.
Upon the occurrence of an event triggering the forfeiture or redemption 
of restricted shares, the holder shall immediately return the certificate 
representing the restricted shares to the Company's Corporate Secretary, 
duly endorsed in blank by holder or with duly endorsed stock powers attached, 
all in forms suitable for the transfer of the restricted shares to the 
Company. From and after occurrence of such an event, the Company shall not 
pay any dividends to the holder on or with respect to the restricted shares, 
or permit the holder to exercise any of the

privileges or rights of a stockholder with respect to such shares, but 
shall treat the Company or its nominee as the owner of the shares. Any 
assignment of the restricted shares pursuant to this Section 6 shall be 
effective as of the date of the holder's termination of service as a Director.
    Section 7.  LAPSE OF RESTRICTIONS.  The restrictions set forth in 
Section 3 above relating to the forfeiture or redemption of restricted 
shares and Section 4 above relating to the nontransferability of restricted 
shares shall lapse and no longer apply upon the earlier of (a) the 
expiration of the Restriction Period, (b) the death of the Director, (c) 
the occurrence of a "Change in Control" of the Company or (d) the 
removal of the Director from office by stockholders without cause. A 
"Change in Control" of the Company shall be deemed to occur if (1) any 
person, including a "group" as defined in Section 13(d)(3) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, becomes the beneficial owner of shares of 
stock of the Company having 25% or more of the total number of votes that may 
be cast for the election of directors of the Company or (2) as a result of, 
or in connection with, any cash tender or exchange offer, merger or other 
business combination, sale of assets, contested election or any 
combination of the foregoing transactions, the persons who were directors 
of the Company before the transaction shall cease to constitute a majority 
of the Board of Directors of the Company or any successor of the Company. 
Modified certificates for shares of stock, without the restrictive legend 
referred to in Section 8 below, shall be delivered to the holder as soon as 
reasonably practicable after, and only after, the lapse of the restrictions.
    Section 8.  RESTRICTIVE  LEGEND.  The holder of restricted shares 
shall not have any rights with respect to such award, unless and until 
such holder has executed an agreement evidencing the terms and conditions 
of the award. Each individual who is awarded restricted shares shall be 
issued a stock certificate in respect of such shares. Such certificate 
shall be registered in the name of the holder and shall bear an 
appropriate legend (in addition to any legend required pursuant to 
Section 9 below) referring to the terms, conditions, and restrictions 
applicable to such award, substantially in the following form:
    The transferability of this certificate and the shares of stock 
    represented hereby are subject to the terms and conditions (including 
    forfeiture and redemption) of the Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Director Stock 
    Compensation Program, the Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Director Stock Option
    Plan and related Stock Option Grant Agreement, and/or the Bancorp 
    Hawaii, Inc. Director Restricted Share Plan and related Restricted Share 
    Award  Agreement, which Agreements were entered into between the 
    registered owner and Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. Copies of such Program, Plans 
    and Agreements are on file in the offices of Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. 

    Section 9.  COMPLIANCE WITH SECURITIES LAWS.  Shares shall not be issued 
under the Plan unless the issuance and delivery of the shares pursuant 
thereto shall comply with all relevant provisions of state and federal law, 
including, without limitation, the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the 
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and the requirements of any 
stock exchange upon which the shares may then be listed, and shall be 
further subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to 
such compliance. The Company may also require a holder to furnish evidence 
satisfactory to the Company and its counsel (including a written and signed 
representation letter and consent to be bound by any transfer restrictions 
imposed by law, legend, condition, or otherwise), that the shares are being 
acquired only for investment purposes and without any present intention 
to sell or distribute the shares in violation of any state or federal law, 
rule, or regulation. Further, each holder shall consent to the imposition 
of one or more legends on the certificates for shares issued under Plan I 
or Plan II restricting their transferability as required by law, by this 
Section 9, by Section 8 above, and/or by Section 10 of Plan I.