SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. 1)

Filed by the Registrant /X/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /
Check the appropriate box:
/X/        Preliminary Proxy Statement
/ /        Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/ /        Definitive Proxy Statement
/ /        Definitive Additional Materials
/ /        Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section240.14a-11(c) or

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/ /        $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2) or Item 22(a)(2) of
           Schedule 14A.
/ /        $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
/ /        Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
           1)         Title   of   each  class   of  securities   to  which   transaction  applies:
                      Units of Depositary Receipts Representing Assigned Limited Partner Interests
           2)         Aggregate   number   of    securities   to    which   transaction    applies:
           3)         Per  unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
                      Exchange Act Rule  0-11 (Set  forth the  amount on  which the  filing fee  is
                      calculated and state how it was determined):
                      $3.69  (aggregate amount  to be distributed  to security  holders, assuming a
                      sale of  the partnership's  holdings  for the  estimated fair  market  value,
           4)         Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
                      $30,169,500 (aggregate amount to be distributed to security holders, assuming
                      a  sale for  the estimated fair  market value, the  partnership's holdings at
           5)         Total fee paid:
/X/        Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /        Check box if any part of the fee  is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)
           and  identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
           previous filing by registration statement number, or  the Form or Schedule and the  date
           of its filing.
           1)         Amount Previously Paid:
           2)         Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
           3)         Filing Party:
           4)         Date Filed:


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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         51 Madison Avenue, Suite 1710
                            New York, New York 10010
                        Telephone Number: 1-800-278-4117
                                  May   , 1996
To the Unitholders of
    NYLIFE Government Mortgage Plus Limited Partnership:
    Enclosed  is a  copy of the  definitive consent  solicitation statement (the
"Definitive Solicitation  Statement") relating  to the  solicitation of  written
consents  of the unitholders  (the "Unitholders") of  NYLIFE Government Mortgage
Plus   Limited   Partnership,   a   Massachusetts   limited   partnership   (the
"Partnership"), to dissolve, terminate and wind up the Partnership.
    Due  to the importance of  the actions for which  your consent is solicited,
you should carefully read the Definitive Solicitation Statement in its entirety.
A consent card is enclosed.
    Regardless of the number of units of depositary receipts of the  Partnership
("Units")  you hold, it  is important that  your Units be  voted. After you have
received and read the Definitive Solicitation Statement, we urge you to fill in,
date, sign and mail the enclosed consent card promptly.
                                   NYLIFE REALTY INC.,
                                     GENERAL PARTNER
May   , 1996

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                         51 Madison Avenue, Suite 1710
                               New York, NY 10010
                        Telephone Number: 1-800-278-4117
                          AND WIND UP THE PARTNERSHIP
To the Unitholders of NYLIFE Government Mortgage Plus Limited Partnership:
    NYLIFE Government Mortgage Plus Limited Partnership, a Massachusetts limited
partnership   (the  "Partnership"),  is  soliciting  consents  of  holders  (the
"Unitholders") of record of units of depositary receipts ("Units")  representing
assigned  limited partner interests in the Partnership held by NYLIFE Depositary
Corporation (the "Corporate Limited Partner") to dissolve, terminate and wind up
the Partnership (the "Proposal"). If the  Proposal is approved by the  requisite
consent  of Unitholders, the Partnership will be dissolved, terminated and wound
up in accordance with the terms of the Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited
Partnership  of  the  Partnership  (the  "Partnership  Agreement").  Under   the
Partnership  Agreement, adoption of the Proposal requires the consent of holders
of record of more than 50% of the outstanding Units (a "majority in interest").
    NYLIFE Realty Inc. (the "General Partner"), the sole general partner of  the
Partnership,  is not making any recommendation as to whether or not a Unitholder
should vote in favor of the Proposal. Each Unitholder must make his, her or  its
own decision with respect to the Proposal.
    The  approximate  date on  which this  Definitive Solicitation  Statement is
first being mailed to Unitholders is May   , 1996. This Definitive  Solicitation
Statement modifies and supersedes the Preliminary Solicitation Statement for the
Partnership  dated March 29,  1996. Only Unitholders  of record at  the close of
business on May 14, 1996 (the "Record Date") will be entitled to submit  consent
cards with respect to the Proposal. The consent solicitation for the Partnership
will  expire at 5:00 p.m.,  New York time, on June  25, 1996, unless extended by
the General Partner  (as extended  from time  to time,  the "Expiration  Date").
However,  the Proposal  will be  deemed adopted and  effective on  the date (the
"Approval Date")  when  the  Partnership has  received  executed  consent  cards
consenting  to the Proposal  from the holders  of a majority  in interest of the
Units outstanding on the Record Date.
    Unitholders may revoke any previously submitted consent with respect to  the
Proposal  by delivering written notice of revocation to the Partnership prior to
the earlier  of the  Approval Date  or the  Expiration Date.  Any duly  executed
consent  card on which a consent or  indication of withholding of consent is not
indicated (except broker non-votes expressly indicating a lack of  discretionary
authority  to consent) will be  deemed a consent to  the Proposal. An abstention
from voting on the Proposal will  effectively count as withholding consent  with
respect to the Proposal.
         This Definitive Solicitation Statement is dated May   , 1996.

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                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY......................................................................................          1
  The Partnership............................................................................          1
  The Proposal and Its Potential Effects.....................................................          1
    The Proposal.............................................................................          1
    Effect of Approval of the Proposal and the Settlement....................................          2
    Required Consent.........................................................................          3
  Effect on Partnership and Unitholders If the Proposal Is Not Approved......................          3
  Summary of Potential Payments to Unitholders If Settlement Is Approved.....................          4
  No Dissenters' Rights......................................................................          4
  Considerations with Respect to the Proposal................................................          4
  Material Advantages and Disadvantages of the Proposal to the Partners......................          5
  Determination of Liquidation Advance.......................................................          5
  Litigation and Proposed Settlement.........................................................          5
    The Lawsuit..............................................................................          5
    Denial of Claims.........................................................................          5
    Terms of Proposed Settlement Payments....................................................          6
    Release..................................................................................          6
    Conditions to Settlement.................................................................          6
    Class Notice and Final Order.............................................................          7
  Federal Income Tax Consequences............................................................          7
  Interests of General Partner and Affiliates................................................          8
  Solicitation Costs.........................................................................          8
THE PROPOSAL AND CONSIDERATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSAL.................................          9
  The Proposal...............................................................................          9
    General..................................................................................          9
    Liquidation Procedures...................................................................          9
    Sale of the Partnership's Assets.........................................................          9
    Provision for Liabilities................................................................          9
    Liquidating Distributions................................................................         10
    Allocation of Profits and Losses.........................................................         10
  Effect of Approval of the Proposal and the Settlement......................................         11
    Cash Payments to Settling Unitholders....................................................         11
    Effect of Settlement on Liquidating Distributions........................................         12
  Consent of Unitholders to the Proposal.....................................................         13
  Effect on Partnership and Unitholders If the Proposal Is Not Approved......................         13
  Summary of Potential Payments to Unitholders If Settlement Is Approved.....................         14
  No Dissenters' Rights......................................................................         14
  Board Determination........................................................................         15
  Considerations with Respect to the Proposal................................................         15
  Material Advantages and Disadvantages of the Proposal to the Partners......................         15
    Advantages to Unitholders................................................................         15
    Disadvantages to Unitholders.............................................................         16
    Advantages to General Partner............................................................         16
  Estimated Financial Effects of Immediate Liquidation Versus Continued Operation of the
   Partnership...............................................................................         16
LITIGATION AND PROPOSED SETTLEMENT...........................................................         16
  The Lawsuit and the Class Members..........................................................         16


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  Denial of Claims...........................................................................         17
  Payment Under the Settlement Agreement to the Unitholders..................................         18
  The Hearing Order and the Settlement Hearing...............................................         18
  Potential Termination of the Settlement Agreement..........................................         18
  Potential Termination of the Settlement Agreement with Respect to the Partnership..........         19
  Release....................................................................................         19
  Final Approval and Final Order and Judgment................................................         19
REGULATORY APPROVALS.........................................................................         19
CERTAIN INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PARTNERSHIP...............................................         20
  General....................................................................................         20
  General Partner and Management.............................................................         20
  Rights and Powers of Unitholders...........................................................         20
  Term and Dissolution of the Partnership....................................................         21
  The Mortgages..............................................................................         22
    Cross Creek..............................................................................         22
      Participating Insured Mortgage.........................................................         22
      Participating Guaranteed Loan..........................................................         23
      Participation Payments.................................................................         24
      Property Description...................................................................         24
    The Highlands............................................................................         24
      Participating Insured Mortgage.........................................................         24
      Participating Guaranteed Loan..........................................................         25
      Sale of the Highlands..................................................................         25
      Recent Developments....................................................................         25
    Signature Place..........................................................................         26
      Participating Insured Mortgage.........................................................         26
      Participating Guaranteed Loan..........................................................         27
      Participation Payments.................................................................         28
      Property Description...................................................................         28
  Guarantee of PGLs..........................................................................         28
  Competition................................................................................         29
  Legal Proceedings..........................................................................         29
SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA......................................................................         30
PRO FORMA FINANCIAL DATA.....................................................................         31
  Liquidity and Capital Resources............................................................         32
  Results of Operations......................................................................         32
    March 31, 1996 Compared to March 31, 1995................................................         33
    1995 Compared to 1994....................................................................         33
    1994 Compared to 1993....................................................................         33
    1993 Compared to 1992....................................................................         33
FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES..............................................................         34
General......................................................................................         34
Cash Payment.................................................................................         34
  Liquidation Advance........................................................................         34
  Refund.....................................................................................         34
  Enhancement................................................................................         34
  Special Rules for Tax-Exempt Unitholders...................................................         34


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Winding Up and Liquidation of Partnership....................................................         35
INTERESTS OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN TRANSACTION..................................................         36
MARKET FOR UNITS AND RELATED MATTERS.........................................................         36
VOTING PROCEDURES............................................................................         37
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.......................................................................         38
INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE...................................................................         39
INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................................................        F-1
 APPROVED....................................................................................        A-1


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    The Partnership is a  Massachusetts limited partnership  that was formed  in
1988  solely for the purposes of investing in (a) federally insured or coinsured
mortgages on multi-family residential properties or residential care  facilities
directly,  or  through  the  purchase  of  mortgage-backed  securities  ("MBSs")
guaranteed as to  principal and Basic  Interest (as defined  in the  Partnership
Agreement)  by  the  Government  National  Mortgage  Association  ("GNMA"),  (b)
participations in the revenue stream above a specified base level and/or in  the
residual  value,  if any,  of  the underlying  property  generally secured  by a
subordinated mortgage ("Participation Interests"), and  (c) a limited amount  of
uninsured loans to the equity investors ("Individual Investors") in the entities
that  own such  underlying properties, which  loans also  provide indirectly for
additional Partnership participation  in the  revenue stream  above a  specified
base   level  and/or   in  the  residual   value  of   the  underlying  property
("Participating  Guaranteed  Loans"  or  "PGLs").  Although  the   Participation
Interests  are not guaranteed or  insured by any government  agency and the PGLs
are not secured by any real estate mortgage, for ease of reference, the MBSs and
the  Participation  Interests  are  collectively  referred  to  herein  as   the
"Participating  Insured  Mortgages" or  "PIMs"  and the  PIMs  and the  PGLs are
collectively referred to herein as the "Mortgages".
    The Partnership's initial public offering of Units began on May 26, 1989 and
concluded on September 30,  1991 (the "Public Offering").  As of such date,  the
Partnership  had  raised  gross proceeds  of  $81,684,577. After  the  return of
$42,312,611 of uninvested  gross proceeds (the  "Uninvested Gross Proceeds")  to
investors  in 1992,  the Partnership  had 8,168,457.7  Units outstanding  with a
capital value of  $39,371,966 or $4.82  per Unit. The  Partnership has  returned
cash distributions of $21,005,808, or 53.35%, of the $39,371,966 invested by the
Unitholders through December 31, 1995. The General Partner has received $378,322
in cash distributions through December 31, 1995.
    Since  the formation  of the  Partnership, the  Partnership has  invested in
three PIMs consisting of (i)  MBSs collateralized by three federally  co-insured
mortgages  on multi-family  residential properties  pursuant to  the coinsurance
program of Section 221(d)(4) of the National Housing Act and (ii)  Participation
Interests   evidenced  by   additional  interest   agreements  and   secured  by
subordinated mortgages  on  such  properties.  Each  MBS  is  guaranteed  as  to
principal  and Basic  Interest by GNMA.  The Partnership recently  sold one such
MBS, and currently holds two such MBSs. See "Certain Information Concerning  the
Partnership  --  The Mortgages  -- The  Highlands  -- Recent  Developments." The
remaining two MBSs are related to two PIMs which provide for the Partnership  to
participate  in 50% of the underlying property's net cash flow and appreciation,
if any. The Partnership  originally funded three PGLs  with respect to the  same
properties  underlying the  Partnership's PIMs. The  Partnership currently holds
two such PGLs. These  PGLs provide for  additional Partnership participation  of
10% to 15% in such properties' net cash flow and appreciation, if any.
    The  General Partner, NYLIFE  Realty Inc., is a  Delaware corporation and an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of New  York Life Insurance Company ("New  York
Life").  The General  Partner is primarily  responsible for  both investment and
administrative matters of the Partnership.
    THE PROPOSAL.  The Partnership is soliciting the consent of the  Unitholders
to  the Proposal. The  consents are being  sought in connection  with a proposed
settlement (the "Settlement") of a class action lawsuit (the "Lawsuit")  pending
in  the United States District  Court for the Southern  District of Florida (the
"Court"). The Proposal is not conditioned upon the Settlement being approved  or
completed.  If  the Proposal  is approved,  the  Partnership will  be dissolved,
terminated and  wound  up  in  accordance with  the  terms  of  the  Partnership
Agreement.    The    assets   of    the   Partnership    will   be    sold   for

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cash at  the  best  price  available  therefor  and  the  cash  remaining  after
satisfaction  of the Partnership's liabilities  generally will be distributed to
the General  Partner  and the  Unitholders  (together, the  "partners").  For  a
discussion  of the allocation and distribution  of proceeds to the partners upon
liquidation of  the  Partnership,  see "The  Proposal  and  Considerations  with
Respect to the Proposal -- The Proposal -- Liquidating Distributions."
Settlement, "Cash Payments"  will be  made by  the General  Partner directly  to
Settling  Unitholders (as  defined below) if  the Settlement is  approved by the
Court and becomes final. If no appeal is filed, the Settlement will become final
30 days  after  the  Court enters  a  Final  Order and  Judgment  approving  the
Settlement;   otherwise,  the  Settlement  becomes   final  when  all  appellate
proceedings have  been concluded  and  those proceedings  result in  the  courts
upholding  the Final Order and Judgment  (the "Final Settlement Date"). The Cash
Payments will be made within 30 days after the Final Settlement Date, or as soon
thereafter as  practicable.  The  Court  currently  has  scheduled  the  hearing
regarding approval of the Settlement for July 3, 1996.
    If  the  Proposal is  approved, a  Unitholder  who remains  in the  class (a
"Settling Unitholder") will receive  under the Settlement  a Cash Payment  that,
when  added  to prior  distributions received,  will at  least equal  the amount
invested by that Settling Unitholder. The  first part of this Cash Payment  will
be  a "Liquidation  Advance." The Liquidation  Advance will  be the Unitholder's
proportionate share  in  the  Loan  Balance  as of  December  31,  1995  and  in
"Distributable  Working  Capital."  "Loan  Balance"  and  "Distributable Working
Capital" are more fully  described under "The  Proposal and Considerations  with
Respect  to  the  Proposal  --  Effect  of  Approval  of  the  Proposal  and the
    The Liquidation Advance will be repaid to the General Partner solely out  of
any "Liquidating Distribution" made by the Partnership to a Settling Unitholder.
The  Liquidating Distribution will  consist of the  Partnership's cash and other
assets that remain after the Partnership's  assets are sold and its  liabilities
are  discharged. To ensure  that repayment, each  Settling Unitholder will grant
the General Partner a security interest in such Settling Unitholder's Units  and
Liquidating  Distribution up  to the amount  of the Liquidation  Advance. If the
Liquidating Distribution  is  less  than the  Liquidation  Advance,  a  Settling
Unitholder  has no obligation to repay the difference to the General Partner. If
a  Settling  Unitholder's  Liquidating  Distribution  exceeds  the   Liquidation
Advance,  then that Settling Unitholder will receive  the excess amount in up to
two installments as the Partnership is liquidated and liabilities are satisfied.
    The second part of the Cash Payment to a Settling Unitholder will be  either
a  "Refund"  or an  "Enhancement."  A Refund  will  be paid  if  the Liquidation
Advance, plus all  prior distributions, is  less than the  amount invested by  a
Settling  Unitholder in the Partnership. The  Refund portion of the Cash Payment
will be equal to that difference. An Enhancement will be paid if the Liquidation
Advance, plus all prior distributions, equals or exceeds the amount invested  by
a  Settling Unitholder in the Partnership. The Enhancement will be equal to $.20
multiplied by  the  number of  Units  of the  Partnership  owned by  a  Settling
Unitholder.  In no event will a Settling  Unitholder receive less than $200 as a
Refund or an Enhancement with respect to the Partnership. For payments that  may
be  made  to a  Settling Unitholder  that is  a defined  benefit plan,  see "The
Proposal and Considerations with Respect to  the Proposal -- Effect of  Approval
of the Proposal and the Settlement."
    The  Refund or the Enhancement, together  with the Liquidation Advance, form
the consideration provided to a Settling Unitholder in exchange for the  release
of  claims  that is  provided  under the  Settlement.  The Enhancement  is being
offered to the  Settling Unitholders who  have received a  full return on  their
investment  as part of the consideration for the Release (as defined below) they
will grant  the Defendants  (as  defined below).  See "Litigation  and  Proposed
Settlement  --  Release."  Due  to  their  different  individual  circumstances,
Settling Unitholders who receive an Enhancement will be receiving, together with
the Liquidation Advance and  prior distributions, an  aggregate return on  their

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investment that is more than the return on investment obtained by those Settling
Unitholders  who  receive  a  Refund. All  Settling  Unitholders,  however, will
receive at  least  a  return  of  their  investment,  taking  account  of  prior
    Cash  Payments under  the Settlement  will not be  made to  a Unitholder who
elects not to participate  in the Settlement.  A "Non-Settling Unitholder"  will
receive   only  a  Liquidating  Distribution   after  sale  of  the  Partnership
properties, which will not  include any Refund or  Enhancement amount, and  thus
will  be less than the amount the Non-Settling Unitholder would have received if
that Unitholder had elected to participate in the Settlement.
    There are numerous conditions to  the Settlement, including approval by  the
Court.  There  can be  no  assurance that  if the  Proposal  is approved  by the
Unitholders  and  the  Partnership  is  liquidated,  such  conditions  will   be
satisfied. If the Proposal is approved but the Settlement does not become final,
Unitholders  will receive  only Liquidating  Distributions. See  "Litigation and
Proposed Settlement --  Potential Termination of  the Settlement Agreement"  and
"Litigation  and Proposed Settlement --  Potential Termination of the Settlement
Agreement with Respect to the Partnership."
    REQUIRED CONSENT.  The Partnership Agreement requires that the holders of  a
majority in interest of the Units must approve the Proposal. The General Partner
owns  11,869.86  Units and  will vote  in respect  of the  Proposal in  the same
proportion as  the  Unitholders  who  vote for  or  against  the  Proposal.  For
information  on the number  of Units outstanding  and the total  number of Units
with respect to  which Unitholders must  give their consent  to the Proposal  to
approve  the Proposal, see "The Proposal  and Considerations with Respect to the
Proposal -- Consent of Unitholders." Only Unitholders of record at the close  of
business  on  the Record  Date will  be  entitled to  submit consent  cards with
respect to  the Proposal.  The  consent solicitation  for the  Partnership  will
expire  at 5:00 p.m.,  New York time, on  June 25, 1996,  unless extended by the
General Partner. See "Voting Procedures."
    If the Proposal is  not approved, the Partnership  will continue to own  the
Mortgages,  and the  Partnership will continue  to receive  payments thereon. As
stated in the  Public Offering  documents, the Partnership  anticipated that  it
would  receive  the  value  of  all of  its  Mortgages  between  1997  and 2002.
Consistent with the Partnership's investment objectives, the General Partner may
consider offers  for the  sale  of the  Mortgages  as opportunities  arise.  The
Unitholders  do not have the right to vote  on the individual sale of any of the
Mortgages. In any such sale, while the Partnership may benefit from any increase
in the value of the Mortgages, it  may also result in a decrease in  anticipated
revenues of the Partnership (including potential revenues from the participation
features  of the Mortgages). This decrease in anticipated revenues, coupled with
the ongoing expenditures for overhead costs associated with investor  relations,
investor  servicing costs and  compliance reporting, may result  in a decline of
operating revenues available for distribution  to the Unitholders. Although  New
York  Life has determined to exit  the partnership business, the Partnership may
continue to  operate until  the expiration  of the  term of  the Partnership  on
December 31, 2028. In any event, the Partnership will not have the right to call
all of its remaining Mortgages until 2001. If the Settlement is not approved, or
if  the  Settlement is  approved but  the Proposal  is not  approved, it  is the
General Partner's current  intention to  remain as  the General  Partner of  the
Partnership.   However,  the  General  Partner  reserves  its  right  under  the
Partnership Agreement, as future events may warrant, to withdraw as the  General
Partner  of the  Partnership. Failure by  the Unitholders of  the Partnership to
approve the Proposal  will not affect  the rights of  the Unitholders under  the
Partnership Agreement.
    Under  the  terms of  the Settlement  Agreement (as  defined below),  if the
consents necessary to dissolve, terminate and  wind up the Partnership have  not
been  obtained by the  Final Settlement Date,  the New York  Life Defendants (as
defined below) will have the option of either (a) terminating the Settlement  as
it applies to the Partnership and the Settling Unitholders or (b) paying to each
Settling  Unitholder the Refund or the Enhancement,  as the case may be, but not
the Liquidation Advance, in exchange for a Release (as defined below) from  such
Settling Unitholder. In the latter event, the

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
Refund  or the  Enhancement, as the  case may be,  will be calculated  as if the
Liquidation Advance had  been paid. There  can be no  assurance that the  future
performance  of the Partnership or the outcome of the Lawsuit (as defined above)
or any  possible  future settlement  thereof  would result  in  the  Unitholders
receiving  as much or more  than they would receive  if the Proposal is approved
and the  Settlement  is  approved  and becomes  final.  See  "The  Proposal  and
Considerations  with  Respect  to  the Proposal  --  Effect  on  Partnership and
Unitholders if Proposal Is Not Approved."
    Under "The  Proposal and  Considerations  with Respect  to the  Proposal  --
Summary  of Potential Payments to Unitholders" is a chart setting forth the type
of payments the Unitholders may receive, assuming the Settlement is approved and
becomes final, depending upon (a) the  approval or rejection of the Proposal  by
the   Unitholders  and  (b)  the  election  of  the  individual  Unitholders  to
participate in the Settlement.
    The Unitholders will not be entitled to any dissenters' rights or  appraisal
rights  under either the Partnership Agreement or Massachusetts law with respect
to the transactions described in this Solicitation Statement. See "The  Proposal
and Considerations with Respect to the Proposal -- No Dissenters' Rights."
    There  is no  established trading market  for the Units.  Dissolution of the
Partnership  will  provide  Unitholders  an  opportunity  to  receive  cash   in
liquidation  of  their  investment  in  the  Partnership  and  make  alternative
investments that such Unitholders believe may generate more favorable returns or
offer more liquidity than are currently  being provided by an investment in  the
Partnership.  However, by  dissolving the  Partnership, the  Unitholders will be
forgoing their proportionate  interest in  the Mortgages, as  well as  potential
participation  in the  cash flow and  appreciation of  the underlying properties
above specified  levels through  the participation  features of  the  Mortgages,
which  participation  could generate  returns  in excess  of  amounts receivable
pursuant to  the  Settlement. There  can  be  no assurance  that  the  potential
participation  rights would generate  returns that are  equivalent to or greater
than the amounts received pursuant to the Settlement. There can be no  assurance
that  the Settlement will  be approved or  become final or  that any alternative
investments made by a  Unitholder with amounts received  in connection with  the
liquidation  and Settlement  would generate  returns that  are equivalent  to or
greater than  those  that  would  be earned  by  continuing  investment  in  the
Partnership. See "Litigation and Proposed Settlement."
    Continuing  to  operate the  Partnership  as a  public  partnership requires
ongoing expenditures for overhead costs  associated with investor relations  and
investor  servicing,  as  well as  legal  and accounting  costs  associated with
required compliance reporting. The Partnership  is subject to federal and  state
securities  laws and the terms of the Partnership Agreement under which periodic
reports and annual  financial statements  are required  to be  generated by  the
Partnership.  In addition,  the cost of  completing these  reports and financial
statements is paid out of the revenues of the Partnership. Due to the return  of
the  Uninvested Gross  Proceeds to  investors in  1992, the  aggregate principal
amount of the Mortgages purchased by the Partnership is substantially less  than
was  originally contemplated pursuant to  the Public Offering, and  has led to a
corresponding reduction in revenues  that were expected to  be generated by  the
Partnership  to cover overhead costs. See  "The Proposal and Considerations with
Respect to the Proposal -- The Proposal."
    If the  Proposal  is approved  by  the  Unitholders and  the  Settlement  is
approved  by  the Court  and  becomes final,  Settling  Unitholders will  not be
permitted to transfer their Units.  Settling Unitholders will, however,  receive
the Cash Payment.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    Potential advantages to the Unitholders if the Proposal is approved:
    - Dissolution  of the Partnership will provide Unitholders an opportunity to
      receive cash in  liquidation of  their investment in  the Partnership  and
      make  alternative investments  that such Unitholders  believe may generate
      more favorable returns or  offer more liquidity  than are currently  being
      provided by an investment in the Partnership.
    - If  the  Settlement is  also approved,  a Settling  Unitholder who  was an
      original purchaser will receive the Enhancement in addition to a return of
      such Unitholder's total invested capital.
    Potential disadvantages to the Unitholders if the Proposal is approved:
    - The Unitholders  will  be forgoing  their  proportionate interest  in  the
      Mortgages,  as  well  as  potential participation  in  the  cash  flow and
      appreciation of the underlying  properties above specified levels  through
      the  participation features  of the  Mortgages, which  participation could
      generate  returns  in  excess  of  amounts  receivable  pursuant  to   the
    - If a Unitholder participates in the Settlement, he, she or it will release
      and  discharge the Defendants (as defined below) and various other persons
      from any and all past, present  and future causes of action in  connection
      with the Proprietary Partnerships (as defined below).
    If the Proposal is approved, the General Partner will receive the benefit of
the Release (as defined below).
    The   Liquidation  Advance  will  be  equal  to  the  Settling  Unitholder's
proportionate  share  in  the  sum  of  (i)  the  Loan  Balance  plus  (ii)  the
Distributable  Working Capital.  As of December  31, 1995, the  Loan Balance was
$30,165,900. The Loan Balance  at December 31, 1995  does not take into  account
the sale of the Highlands MBS as described under "Certain Information Concerning
the  Partnership -- The Mortgages --  The Highlands -- Recent Developments." The
proceeds of such sale will be distributed to Unitholders on May 15, 1996.
    THE  LAWSUIT.    On   March  18,  1996,  Evelyn   Shea  and  Ann   Grimshawe
("Plaintiffs")  filed the Lawsuit in the Court against New York Life and several
of its subsidiaries, including the General Partner (together with New York Life,
the "New York  Life Defendants") and  two companies unaffiliated  with New  York
Life  (collectively, with the  New York Life  Defendants, the "Defendants"). The
Lawsuit was  preceded  by  two  similar  but  separate  lawsuits  filed  by  the
Plaintiffs  in Texas State Court on January  11, 1996. The Plaintiffs purport to
represent a  class  (the "Class")  of  all  persons (the  "Class  Members")  who
purchased  or  otherwise assumed  rights  and title  to  interests ("Proprietary
Investment  Units")   in   certain  limited   partnerships   (the   "Proprietary
Partnerships"),  including the Partnership,  created, sponsored, marketed, sold,
operated or managed by the New York Life Defendants from January 1, 1985 through
March 18, 1996. In the Lawsuit, Plaintiffs allege generally that the  Defendants
engaged  in fraudulent activities  in connection with the  marketing and sale of
interests in the Proprietary Partnerships  and the subsequent operation of  such
partnerships,  breached implied covenants and fiduciary duties owed to investors
in the  Proprietary Partnerships  and violated  various federal  securities  and
state laws and rules. See "Litigation and Proposed Settlement -- The Lawsuit and
the Class Members."
    DENIAL  OF CLAIMS.   The  Defendants have  denied and  continue to  deny any
wrongdoing  or  liability   alleged  in  the   Lawsuit.  The  Defendants   have,
nevertheless,  agreed to the proposed Settlement  of the Lawsuit for the reasons
described  in  more  detail  elsewhere  in  this  Solicitation  Statement.   See
"Litigation  and Proposed Settlement -- Denial of Claims and Defendants' Reasons
for Proposed Settlement."

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    TERMS OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT  PAYMENTS.  On March  19, 1996, the  Plaintiffs
and Defendants filed with the Court a Stipulation of Settlement (the "Settlement
Agreement") that sets forth the terms of the proposed Settlement of the Lawsuit.
With respect to the Partnership, the proposed Settlement generally provides that
each Settling Unitholder who is a Class Member and who has not excluded himself,
herself  or itself from  the Class by  following the procedures  outlined by the
Court will  receive  the  Liquidation  Advance and  either  the  Refund  or  the
Enhancement,  as the  case may  be, as  described more  fully elsewhere  in this
Solicitation Statement. See "Litigation and Proposed Settlement -- Payment Under
the Settlement Agreement to Unitholders" and  "The Proposal -- Cash Payments  to
Settling Unitholders if the Proposal and Settlement are Approved."
    RELEASE.    As part  of the  proposed Settlement,  Plaintiffs and  all Class
Members who did not  exclude themselves from the  Class, including the  Settling
Unitholders, will each grant a full release and discharge (the "Release") of the
Defendants, their affiliates, agents and various other persons and entities from
any  and all causes  of action in connection  with the Proprietary Partnerships,
including the Partnership. See "Litigation and Proposed Settlement -- Release."
    CONDITIONS TO SETTLEMENT.  The Settlement Agreement is not yet final and may
be terminated in certain  circumstances. The Settlement  will become final  only
after  the Court enters a Final Order  and Judgment approving the Settlement and
the period for appeal thereof has expired, or if the Final Order or Judgment  is
appealed,  on the date on  which all appeals have been  finally disposed of in a
manner that  affirms the  Final  Order and  Judgment.  The Court  currently  has
scheduled the hearing regarding approval of the Settlement for July 3, 1996. See
"Litigation  and Proposed Settlement --  Potential Termination of the Settlement
    Plaintiffs have the right  to terminate the  Settlement Agreement under  the
circumstances  specified therein.  In addition, the  Defendants may unilaterally
terminate the  Settlement Agreement  (a)  with respect  to all  the  Proprietary
Partnerships  taken together  if those persons  who elect  to exclude themselves
from the Class (i) together  number more than 3% of  all Class Members, or  (ii)
have  ownership interests in the  Proprietary Partnerships that together account
for more than 3% of all capital  invested by limited partners or unitholders  in
the  Proprietary  Partnerships; (b)  with  respect to  a  particular Proprietary
Partnership if those persons who elect to exclude themselves from the Class with
respect to a  Proprietary Partnership (i)  together number more  than 3% of  all
those  who are members  of the Class  with respect to  such partnership, or (ii)
have ownership interests in such partnership that together account for more than
3%  of  all  capital  invested  by  limited  partners  or  unitholders  in  such
partnership;  (c) if the votes, consents or authorizations necessary to dissolve
and liquidate four or more of the Proprietary Partnerships are not obtained; (d)
if any  state  or  federal  regulator,  self-regulatory  organization  or  other
administrative  body or official (i) objects either to any aspect or term of the
Settlement Agreement or to the transactions to be entered into to facilitate the
proposed Settlement  and takes  or threatens  to take  any regulatory  or  legal
action  that would impair the ability of  the parties to conclude the Settlement
or (ii) requires as  a condition of  not taking action  any modification to  the
Settlement   Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  any  constriction  or
extension of the scope of the contemplated relief, that the Defendants in  their
sole  discretion believe would impair their ability to consummate the Settlement
or to provide the contemplated  relief; or (e) if  a final order dismissing  the
Texas State court actions with prejudice, which is no longer appealable, has not
been  entered  by  the  Final  Settlement  Date.  See  "Litigation  and Proposed
Settlement -- Potential Termination  of the Settlement Agreement."  Furthermore,
the  Settlement Agreement  provides that if  the Unitholders do  not approve the
Proposal, the New York Life Defendants may either (i) unilaterally terminate the
Settlement  Agreement  as  it  applies  to  the  Partnership  and  the  Settling
Unitholders  or (ii) pay each Settling Unitholder the Refund or the Enhancement,
as the case may be, but not  the Liquidation Advance, in exchange for a  Release
from  such  Settling Unitholder  as described  below. In  the latter  event, the
Refund or the  Enhancement, as the  case may be,  will be calculated  as if  the
Liquidation  Advance had been  paid. See "Litigation  and Proposed Settlement --
Potential Termination of Settlement Agreement with Respect to the Partnership."

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    CLASS NOTICE  AND  FINAL ORDER.    The Court  has  certified the  Class  for
settlement  purposes only  and directed the  New York Life  Defendants, or their
designee(s), to  cause  a  notice (the  "Class  Notice")  to be  mailed  to  all
potential members of the Class at their last known address no later than 90 days
before  the Settlement  Hearing. The Class  Notice has been  sent to Unitholders
included in  the  Class  and  should be  referred  to  for  further  information
regarding   the  Lawsuit,  the  Settlement   and  the  Settlement  Hearing.  See
"Litigation and  Proposed Settlement  -- The  Hearing Order  and the  Settlement
    The  following summary  of what the  General Partner believes,  based on the
advice of tax counsel, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P., are likely  to
be  the principal  federal income tax  consequences of the  transaction for most
Unitholders, is  for  general  information purposes  only.  Each  Unitholder  is
strongly  urged to consult his,  her or its own tax  adviser with respect to the
specific consequences  of  the  receipt  of  a  Cash  Payment  pursuant  to  the
Settlement  and of  the winding  up and liquidation  of the  Partnership in such
Unitholder's particular circumstances. See "Federal Income Tax Consequences."
    In general, with respect to  the receipt of a  Cash Payment pursuant to  the
Settlement,  the Refund and the Enhancement should be treated for federal income
tax purposes as a return of capital  and should be applied against and reduce  a
Settling  Unitholder's  adjusted tax  basis in  his,  her or  its Units.  To the
extent, if any, that the Refund or Enhancement received by a Settling Unitholder
exceeds his, her or its adjusted tax basis in his, her or its Units, such excess
will constitute  taxable  income  to  such Settling  Unitholder,  which  may  be
ordinary  income. A Settling Unitholder generally should not recognize income on
his, her or its receipt of  the Liquidation Advance. If the Liquidation  Advance
received   by  a   Settling  Unitholder   ultimately  exceeds   the  Liquidating
Distribution allocable to such Settling Unitholder, such excess generally should
be treated  for federal  income tax  purposes in  the same  manner as  a  Refund
received at the time of the liquidation of the Partnership. Except to the extent
a  tax-exempt entity  such as a  charitable or other  tax-exempt organization, a
pension, profit sharing  or stock  bonus plan,  or a  Keogh Plan,  IRA or  other
employee  benefit  plan (a  "Tax-Exempt  Unitholder") borrowed  to  purchase its
Units, such a Unitholder should not recognize unrelated business taxable  income
as  a result of its receipt of the Refund or Enhancement. Property acquired with
the proceeds of the Liquidation Advance should not be treated as  "debt-financed
property"  within the meaning of  the Internal Revenue Code  of 1986, as amended
(the "Code").
    In general,  upon  the disposition  of  the Partnership's  properties,  each
Unitholder  will recognize his, her  or its allocable share  of the gain or loss
from the properties sold. Such amount will be treated as capital gain except  to
the  extent of the amount  of gain attributable to  (i) accrued, unpaid interest
(including original  issue discount),  (ii) interest  based on  appreciation  in
property or (iii) market discount (in certain cases).
    A  Unitholder  could  also  recognize  additional  gain  or  loss  upon  the
liquidation of the partnership  and the distribution of  the sales proceeds,  to
the  extent  that the  sum of  the cash  received (including  the amount  of the
Liquidating Distribution deemed received) and the  reduction in his, her or  its
share  of Partnership non-recourse liabilities (if  any) is greater or less than
the adjusted tax basis of his, her or its Units (taking into account any gain or
loss recognized from  the sale of  the Partnership  assets and his,  her or  its
receipt  of a Refund or Enhancement). Such  gain or loss should be characterized
as capital gain or loss.
    A Tax-Exempt  Unitholder may  have unrelated  business taxable  income as  a
result  of the winding up and liquidation  of the Partnership if it has incurred
"acquisition indebtedness" within the  meaning of the Code  with respect to  its
    See "Federal Income Tax Consequences."

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    The  Proposal may give rise to certain  conflicts of interest arising out of
the relationships among the Partnership,  the General Partner and affiliates  of
the  General Partner.  If the Court  approves the Settlement  and the Settlement
becomes final,  the  General Partner  and  certain  of its  affiliates  will  be
released  from certain liabilities  as discussed under  "Litigation and Proposed
Settlement -- Release." As a condition to receipt of a Liquidation Advance  from
the  General Partner, each Settling Unitholder will grant a security interest in
favor of  the  General  Partner  in  his,  her  or  its  Units  and  Liquidating
Distribution  up to the amount of such Settling Unitholder's Liquidation Advance
to secure  the repayment  of the  Liquidation Advance  out of  his, her  or  its
Liquidating  Distribution. The General  Partner is entitled  to receive an asset
management fee  ("Asset Management  Fee") equal  to .5%  of the  total  invested
assets of the Partnership on a quarterly basis. However, the General Partner has
agreed  to  waive any  such  future Asset  Management  Fees if  the  Proposal is
approved. The  General Partner  will  receive a  Liquidating Distribution  as  a
result  of  its general  partnership interest  and ownership  of Units.  No Cash
Payment will be made  with respect to  Units owned by  the General Partner.  See
"Interests   of  Certain   Persons  in   Transaction"  and   "The  Proposal  and
Considerations  with  Respect  to  the  Proposal  --  Material  Advantages   and
Disadvantages of the Proposal to the Partners -- Advantages to General Partner."
    The  Partnership Agreement allows certain costs and expenses incurred by the
General Partner, including those in connection with the preparation and  mailing
of  the Solicitation Statement and all  papers which accompany or supplement the
Solicitation Statement, to be charged  to the Partnership. The General  Partner,
however,  has  elected to  pay  all costs  and  expenses, including  legal fees,
incurred in connection  with the  preparation, filing and  distribution of  this
Solicitation Statement and all accompanying or supplementary papers.
    The Partnership has retained the services of D. F. King & Co., Inc. ("King")
to  solicit  the  written  consents  of  the  Unitholders.  Additionally, Boston
Financial Data Services, Inc. ("BFDS") has been retained by the General Partner,
certain of its affiliates and the  Plaintiffs as the class action  administrator
in  connection with the Lawsuit. As such, BFDS may assist in the solicitation of
written consents. Solicitation of written consents also may be undertaken by the
directors, officers, employees  and agents of  the General Partner  or New  York
Life.  Solicitation  may  be  made  by  mail,  telephone,  telegraph,  facsimile
transmission or personal interview. The fees  and expenses of King and BFDS  and
the costs incurred by the General Partner in connection with the solicitation of
consents will be borne by the General Partner. See "Voting Procedures."

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    GENERAL.   The Partnership  is requesting the consent  of the Unitholders to
dissolve, terminate and wind  up the Partnership. If  the Proposal is  approved,
the  assets  of the  Partnership will  be  sold and,  after satisfaction  of all
Partnership liabilities, the net  proceeds of such sale  will be distributed  to
the  partners in  accordance with  the terms  of the  Partnership Agreement. The
Proposal is not conditioned upon the  Court's approval of the Settlement or  the
Settlement becoming final. There can be no assurance that the Settlement will be
approved and become final.
    Summarized  in  this Solicitation  Statement are  certain provisions  of the
Partnership Agreement.  Such  summaries  are  qualified  in  their  entirety  by
reference to the full text of the Partnership Agreement, which has been provided
previously to the Unitholders and copies of which may be obtained without charge
upon request to the Partnership at the address set forth under "Incorporation By
    LIQUIDATION  PROCEDURES.  The  Partnership Agreement provides  that upon the
dissolution of  the Partnership,  the  General Partner  shall proceed  with  the
liquidation of the Partnership (including, without limitation, the sale or other
disposition  of any remaining  Mortgages and cancellation  of the Certificate of
Limited Partnership), and the  net proceeds of such  liquidation shall be  first
applied  to the payment of  debts and other obligations  of the Partnership, and
all remaining  net  proceeds,  if  any, shall  be  applied  and  distributed  as
described  below under "-- Liquidating  Distributions." The General Partner will
determine the amount, timing and method of making any Liquidating  Distributions
to  the Unitholders in  accordance with the terms  of the Partnership Agreement.
See "--  Liquidating Distributions."  The Partnership  will terminate  upon  the
final distribution of the net proceeds from the liquidation of the Partnership's
assets,   and  the  General  Partner  will  thereafter  file  a  Certificate  of
Cancellation with the Secretary  of State of  the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts
for  the Limited  Partnership. Any  right of  the General  Partner to reasonable
compensation for services rendered  in connection with  the liquidation will  be
waived by the General Partner.
    SALE  OF THE PARTNERSHIP'S ASSETS.  If the Proposal is approved, the General
Partner will  undertake  to  sell  the  Mortgages  to  unaffiliated  third-party
purchasers  for cash at  the best price available  therefor. The General Partner
has engaged Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated ("Morgan Stanley") to conduct  the
sale  of the Mortgages and to render advice to the General Partner in connection
therewith. The  General  Partner,  however,  reserves  the  right  to  sell  the
properties in any other manner that it believes will achieve the best price. The
General  Partner has not yet  received from Morgan Stanley,  or any other party,
any estimate of the  fair market value  of the Mortgages.  Morgan Stanley is  an
internationally  recognized investment  banking and advisory  firm that provides
investment banking and financial advisory  services. Morgan Stanley, as part  of
its  investment banking  business, is  continually engaged  in the  valuation of
businesses and securities in connection with competitive biddings and valuations
for corporate and other purposes.
    The General  Partner  and  its  affiliates will  not  purchase  any  of  the
Partnership's  properties or assets in the  liquidation. Any such purchase would
generally be prohibited by the Partnership Agreement.
    The Partnership has recently sold the Highlands MBS. No sale or agreement to
sell any of the other Mortgages has been made, and there can be no assurance  as
to the price that will be received upon any such sale.
    PROVISION  FOR LIABILITIES.  Provision  will be made for  the payment of all
debts and liabilities of the Partnership, including all expenses incurred in the
liquidation, prior to distribution of the proceeds realized from liquidating the
Partnership's properties  and  assets.  See the  Financial  Statements  included
elsewhere  herein for the liabilities of the Partnership as shown on the balance
sheet of the Partnership as of December 31, 1995 and March 31, 1996. The General
Partner will set aside a specified amount to meet anticipated liabilities of the

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    Under applicable  Massachusetts  law,  distributions  to  limited  partners,
including   liquidating  distributions,  are  subject  to  satisfaction  of  the
liabilities of  the  dissolving  limited  partnership.  In  general,  a  limited
partnership  is prohibited  from making  a distribution  to its  partners to the
extent  that,  after  giving  effect  to  the  distribution,  the  partnership's
liabilities  exceed  the  fair  value  of  its  assets.  In  the  event  a final
liquidating distribution  is made  to  the Unitholders  without payment  of  all
Partnership  liabilities, a Unitholder  may be liable therefor,  for a period of
one year, to the extent he,  she or it received the  return of any part of  his,
her  or  its  capital contribution  to  the  extent necessary  to  discharge the
Unitholder's share of  the Partnership's liabilities  to creditors who  extended
credit  to the Partnership  during the period  the contribution was  held by the
Partnership. As the  Cash Payments  are not being  made by  the Partnership  and
therefore  do not constitute distributions to the Unitholders, this provision of
Massachusetts law  does not  apply with  respect to  the Cash  Payments and  the
Unitholders will not be liable to the Partnership thereof.
    LIQUIDATING  DISTRIBUTIONS.  After discharging  all debts and liabilities of
the Partnership  or  making  provision  therefor, all  remaining  cash  will  be
distributed  in  accordance  with  the terms  of  the  Partnership  Agreement as
summarized below. The dissolution of the Partnership is not conditioned upon the
Settlement being  approved  by  the  Court or  the  Settlement  becoming  final.
Therefore,  if  the Proposal  is  approved, there  can  be no  assurance  that a
Unitholder will receive any amounts other than a Liquidating Distribution.
    The  Partnership  Agreement  provides   that  upon  a  Terminating   Capital
Transaction,  which would include the dissolution, termination and winding up of
the  Partnership  contemplated  by  the  Proposal,  the  cash  received  by  the
Partnership   in  such  transaction  less  all  debts  and  liabilities  of  the
Partnership required to be paid as a result of the transaction and any  reserves
for  contingent  liabilities, to  the extent  deemed  reasonable by  the General
Partner ("Net Cash  Proceeds"), will be  distributed in the  following order  of
        (i)  first,  each Unitholder  and the  General  Partner will  receive an
    amount equal  to the  then positive  balance, if  any, in  his, her  or  its
    capital account;
        (ii)  second, the  Unitholders will receive  a return  of their invested
       (iii) third, the General  Partner will receive a  return of its  invested
       (iv) fourth, Net Cash Proceeds will be distributed 99% to the Unitholders
    and  1% to the General Partner until  the Unitholders receive such amount as
    would be necessary, after giving effect to previous distributable cash  flow
    distributions,  to produce in the aggregate  a cumulative return on invested
    capital equal to 12% per annum; and
        (v) fifth, any remaining Net Cash Proceeds will then be distributed  90%
    to the Unitholders and 10% to the General Partner.
    Based on the pro forma balance sheet on a liquidation basis, as of March 31,
1996,  Unitholders  will  not  receive  amounts  necessary  to  produce,  in the
aggregate, a cumulative return on invested capital equal to 12% per annum.
    ALLOCATION OF PROFITS AND  LOSSES.  The profits  of the Partnership  arising
from  a Terminating Capital Transaction shall be allocated among the partners as
        (i) first, to the partners  in an amount equal  to the aggregate of  the
    then-negative balances in the capital accounts of the partners;
        (ii)  second, to  the Unitholders  until the  aggregate of  the positive
    balances in  the capital  accounts  of the  Unitholders  is equal  to  their
    invested capital;
       (iii)  third, to  the General Partner  until the positive  balance in its
    capital account is equal to its invested capital;

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
       (iv) fourth, 99% to the Unitholders  and 1% to the General Partner  until
    the  aggregate  of the  positive  balances in  the  capital accounts  of the
    Unitholders is equal to their invested capital plus the amount of cash which
    must be distributed to  the Unitholders to provide  them, in the  aggregate,
    with a cumulative return of 12% per annum on their invested capital; and
        (v)   fifth,  any  remaining  profits  will  be  allocated  90%  to  the
    Unitholders and 10% to the General Partner.
    The  losses  of  the  Partnership  attributable  to  a  Terminating  Capital
Transaction  and  the winding  up of  the  affairs of  the Partnership  shall be
allocated to the partners to the extent  of, and in proportion to, the  positive
balances in their capital accounts.
    CASH  PAYMENTS TO SETTLING UNITHOLDERS.  Under the Settlement, Cash Payments
will be made by the General  Partner directly to Settling Unitholders after  the
Final  Settlement Date. If no appeal is  filed from the Final Order and Judgment
approving the Settlement, the  Final Settlement Date will  be 30 days after  the
Court  enters a Final Order and Judgment  approving the Settlement. If an appeal
is filed, the Final Settlement Date will be when all appellate proceedings  have
been  concluded and those  proceedings result in the  courts upholding the Final
Order and Judgment.  The Cash Payments  will be  made within 30  days after  the
Final Settlement Date, or as soon thereafter as practicable.
    If  the  Proposal is  approved, a  Settling Unitholder  will receive  a Cash
Payment that, when added  to prior distributions received,  will at least  equal
the  amount invested by  that Settling Unitholder in  the Partnership. The first
part of this Cash Payment will be a Liquidation Advance. The Liquidation Advance
will be the Settling Unitholder's share of the Loan Balance and of Distributable
Working Capital.  The "Loan  Balance"  is defined  to  be the  aggregate  unpaid
principal  amount  of all  mortgages and  loans  held by  the Partnership  as of
December 31,  1995, adjusted  as of  the Final  Settlement Date  to reflect  any
subsequent payments of principal and any disposition of assets. The Loan Balance
does not reflect the market value of the Mortgages.
    "Distributable Working Capital" is the amount of "Working Capital" remaining
in  the Partnership  as of  the Final Settlement  Date that  the General Partner
estimates will not  be needed  to meet  outstanding liabilities,  contingencies,
costs and expenses associated with winding up the Partnership. "Working Capital"
is  the amount of cash, cash  equivalents and accounts receivable, less payables
and accrued liabilities, and excluding the  value of any assets included in  the
Loan  Balance, as determined by the General Partner  as of the end of the fiscal
quarter immediately preceding the Final Settlement Date.
    The Liquidation Advance will be repaid to the General Partner solely out  of
any "Liquidating Distribution" made by the Partnership to a Settling Unitholder.
The  Liquidating Distribution will  consist of the  Partnership's cash and other
assets that remain after the Partnership's  assets are sold and its  liabilities
are  discharged. To ensure  that repayment, each  Settling Unitholder will grant
the General Partner a security interest in such Settling Unitholder's Units  and
Liquidating  Distribution up  to the amount  of the Liquidation  Advance. If the
Liquidating Distribution  is  less  than the  Liquidation  Advance,  a  Settling
Unitholder  has no obligation to repay the difference to the General Partner. If
a  Settling  Unitholder's  Liquidating  Distribution  exceeds  the   Liquidation
Advance,  then that Settling Unitholder will receive  the excess amount in up to
two installments as the Partnership is liquidated and liabilities are satisfied.
    The second part of the Cash Payment to a Settling Unitholder will be  either
a  "Refund"  or an  "Enhancement."  A Refund  will  be paid  if  the Liquidation
Advance, plus all  prior distributions, is  less than the  amount invested by  a
Settling  Unitholder in  a Partnership. The  Refund portion of  the Cash Payment
will be equal to that difference. An Enhancement will be paid if the Liquidation
Advance, plus all prior distributions, equals or exceeds the amount invested  by
a  Settling Unitholder in the Partnership. The Enhancement will be equal to $.20
multiplied by  the number  of Units  of the  Partnership owned  by the  Settling
Unitholder.   In  no  event  will  a   Settling  Unitholder  receive  less  than

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$200 as a  Refund or an  Enhancement. The  Enhancement is being  offered to  the
Settling  Unitholders who  have received a  full return on  their investments as
part of the consideration for the Release they will grant the Defendants.
    The Refund or the Enhancement,  together with the Liquidation Advance,  form
the  consideration provided to a Settling Unitholder in exchange for the release
of claims  that is  provided  under the  Settlement.  The Enhancement  is  being
offered  to the Settling  Unitholders who have  received a full  return on their
investments as consideration for the Release they will grant the Defendants. Due
to  their  individual  circumstances,   Settling  Unitholders  who  receive   an
Enhancement  will be receiving, together with  the Liquidation Advance and prior
distributions, an aggregate  return on their  investment that is  more than  the
return  on investment obtained by Settling Unitholders who receive a Refund. All
Settling  Unitholders,  however,  will  receive  at  least  a  return  of  their
investment, taking account of prior distributions.
    If  the Proposal is  approved by the Unitholders  and the Settlement becomes
final, it  is anticipated  that, along  with the  Liquidation Advance,  Settling
Unitholders  who bought units of  the Partnership when it  was first offered for
sale will  receive  the Enhancement.  Based  on current  estimates,  a  Settling
Unitholder  who is such  an original purchaser  of $10,000 worth  of Units would
receive a Liquidation Advance  of $2,101.38 and an  Enhancement of $200.00 as  a
Cash  Payment.  These estimates  are based  on  assumptions the  General Partner
believes to be reasonable but which are inherently uncertain and  unpredictable.
The   assumptions  to  the  estimates  may  be  incomplete  and  inaccurate  and
unanticipated events and  circumstances are  likely to  occur. Furthermore,  the
estimated  payment does NOT  include an estimate of  a Settling Unitholder's pro
rata share of the Partnership's  Distributable Working Capital. The  Liquidation
Advance  that a Settling Unitholder would  receive would include such an amount.
The estimates of Cash Payments  are likely to change  between now and the  Final
Settlement  Date  as  a  result  of  distributions  from  the  Partnership, loan
principal payments and  other factors.  The actual  Cash Payment  received by  a
Settling  Unitholder also will depend upon the amount paid for the Units and the
distributions received as of the Final Settlement Date.
    To the extent a Settling  Unitholder's Liquidating Distribution exceeds  the
Liquidation  Advance, the Settling Unitholder will  receive the excess amount in
up to two installments as the  Partnership is liquidated and sales proceeds  and
liabilities are determined.
    Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Settling Unitholder is a defined benefit
plan  under the Employee Retirement Income and  Security Act of 1974, as amended
("ERISA"), and  the receipt  of the  Liquidation Advance  or the  granting of  a
security  interest in the Units would be a prohibited transaction under ERISA or
the Code, then such Settling Unitholder  will be entitled to receive the  Refund
or the Enhancement, as the case may be, but not the Liquidation Advance. In such
event,  the  Refund or  Enhancement  will be  calculated  as if  the Liquidation
Advance had been  paid. Such Settling  Unitholder will also  be entitled to  its
proportionate  share of any Liquidating Distributions made by the Partnership. A
prohibited transaction will  generally occur if  the General Partner  is, or  is
affiliated  with, a fiduciary or employer of, or a service provider to, the plan
that is the Settling Unitholder.
    Cash Payments under  the Settlement  will not be  made to  a Unitholder  who
elects  not to participate  in the Settlement.  Such a "Non-Settling Unitholder"
will receive only a Liquidating Distribution, which will not include any  Refund
or  Enhancement amount, and thus  will be less than  the amount the Non-Settling
Unitholder would have received if that Unitholder had elected to participate  in
the Settlement.
approved by the  Unitholders and  the Settlement is  approved by  the Court  and
becomes  final, the  Partnership Agreement  will govern  the amount  of proceeds
distributed to  the  partners as  described  above  under "--  The  Proposal  --
Liquidating   Distributions."  However,  under  the   terms  of  the  Settlement
Agreement,  the  Liquidating  Distributions   would  be  paid   in  up  to   two

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    The first installment will be paid within 30 days, or as soon as practicable
thereafter,  after the  General Partner  determines the  reserve (the "Reserve")
necessary to  meet  anticipated  liabilities  of  the  Partnership.  The  second
installment  will be paid within 30 days,  or as soon as practicable thereafter,
after all liabilities,  contingencies and other  obligations of the  Partnership
(including,  without  limitation,  debts  to  the  General  Partner)  have  been
satisfied or otherwise provided for, to  the extent that there is any  remaining
Reserve.  As each Settling Unitholder will already have received an advance from
the General Partner of his, her or  its share of liquidation proceeds up to  the
amount  of his, her or its Liquidation Advance, such Settling Unitholder's share
of proceeds up to the amount of his, her or its Liquidation Advance will instead
be distributed to the General Partner in repayment of such Liquidation  Advance.
If a Settling Unitholder's Liquidating Distribution is less than the amount such
Settling  Unitholder received as a Liquidation Advance, such Settling Unitholder
will not be obligated to repay the difference to the General Partner.
    The Partnership Agreement provides that the Partnership is to be  dissolved,
terminated  and wound up  upon the consent  in writing of  Unitholders who own a
majority in interest  of the  total outstanding Units.  As of  the Record  Date,
there  were          Units  outstanding. Therefore, Unitholders holding at least
        Units must  consent for  the Partnership  to be  dissolved. The  General
Partner  owns 11,869.86 Units  and will vote  in respect of  the Proposal in the
same proportion as the Unitholders who vote for or against the Proposal.
    If Unitholders  owning  more  than  a majority  in  interest  of  the  total
outstanding  Units vote to dissolve the Partnership pursuant to the terms of the
Partnership Agreement,  Unitholders  who  did  not join  in  such  consent  will
nevertheless  be bound by  the decision to  dissolve, terminate and  wind up the
Partnership. Failure to return  a consent card  will have the  effect of a  vote
against the Proposal. An abstention from voting on the Proposal will effectively
count  as withholding  consent with  respect to  the Proposal.  Broker non-votes
expressly indicating  a lack  of discretionary  authority to  consent also  will
effectively  count as  a withholding consent  with respect to  the Proposal. See
"Voting Procedures."
    If the Proposal is  not approved, the Partnership  will continue to own  the
Mortgages and will continue to receive payments thereon. As stated in the Public
Offering  documents, the Partnership anticipated that it would receive the value
of all its Mortgages  between 1997 and 2002.  Consistent with the  Partnership's
investment  objectives, the General Partner may  consider offers for the sale of
the Mortgages as opportunities arise. The  Unitholders do not have the right  to
vote on the individual sale of any of the Mortgages. In any such sale, while the
Partnership  may benefit from any  increase in the value  of the Mortgages, as a
result of the  sale, the anticipated  revenues of the  Partnership may  decline.
This decrease in anticipated revenues, coupled with the ongoing expenditures for
overhead  costs  associated  with  investor  relations,  investor  servicing and
compliance reporting, may result  in a decline  of operating revenues  available
for  distribution to the  Unitholders. Although New York  Life has determined to
exit the partnership business, the Partnership may continue to operate until the
expiration of the term of  the Partnership on December  31, 2028. In any  event,
the  Partnership will not have the right  to call all of its remaining Mortgages
until 2001. If the Settlement is not approved, or if the Settlement is  approved
but  the Proposal is not approved, it is the General Partner's current intention
to remain  as the  General  Partner of  the  Partnership. However,  the  General
Partner reserves its right under the Partnership Agreement, as future events may
warrant,  to withdraw as the General Partner  of the Partnership. Failure by the
Unitholders  to  approve  the  Proposal  will  not  affect  the  rights  of  the
Unitholders under the Partnership Agreement.
    Under  the terms of  the Settlement Agreement, if  the consents necessary to
dissolve, terminate and wind  up the Partnership have  not been obtained by  the
Final  Settlement Date,  the New  York Life Defendants  will have  the option of
either (a) terminating the proposed Settlement as it applies to the  Partnership
and  the  Settling Unitholders  or (b)  paying to  each Settling  Unitholder the
Refund or the Enhancement, as the case may be, but not the Liquidation  Advance,
in  exchange for  a Release from  such Settling Unitholder.  See "Litigation and
Proposed Settlement -- Potential Termination of the

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Settlement Agreement  with Respect  to the  Partnership." Whether  the  Settling
Unitholder  would be entitled  to receive the Refund  or the Enhancement depends
upon the  amount paid  for the  subject Units  by the  Settling Unitholder,  the
distributions  received as  of the  Final Settlement Date  on such  Units by the
Settling Unitholder,  and the  amount of  the Liquidation  Advance the  Settling
Unitholder would have received had the Proposal been approved and the Settlement
become  final. There  can be  no assurance  that the  future performance  of the
Partnership or the  outcome of  the Lawsuit  or any  possible future  settlement
thereof  will result in a return on investment to the Unitholders that equals or
exceeds the  return  facilitated  by  the  approval  of  the  Proposal  and  the
Settlement becoming final.
    The  following chart sets forth the types of payments the Unitholders of the
Partnership will receive, assuming the Settlement is approved and becomes final,
depending upon (a) the approval or rejection of the Proposal by the  Unitholders
of  the  Partnership  and  (b)  the  election  of  an  individual  Unitholder to
participate in the Settlement.

         ACTION TAKEN                    UNITHOLDER'S
- ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------
Proposal Approved               Settling Unitholder             (i) Liquidation  Advance,  (ii)  Enhancement  or
                                                                 Refund  and (iii)  Liquidation Distributions in
                                                                 excess of  amount  of Liquidation  Advance,  if
Proposal Approved               Non-Settling Unitholder         Liquidating  Distribution,  as  provided  in the
                                                                 Partnership Agreement.
Proposal Not Approved           Settling Unitholder             (i) Payments as  provided under the  Partnership
                                                                 Agreement, including (a) quarterly
                                                                 distributions  from  the  Partnership,  and (b)
                                                                 Liquidating Distributions  upon liquidation  of
                                                                 the Partnership at a later date pursuant to the
                                                                 terms of the Partnership Agreement, and (ii) at
                                                                 the  New  York  Life  Defendants'  option,  the
                                                                 Enhancement  or  the   Refund  to  which   such
                                                                 Settling  Unitholder  would have  been entitled
                                                                 had the Proposal been approved.
Proposal Not Approved           Non-Settling Unitholder         Payments  as  provided  under  the   Partnership
                                                                 Agreement, including (a) quarterly
                                                                 distributions  from  the  Partnership,  and (b)
                                                                 Liquidating Distributions  upon liquidation  of
                                                                 the Partnership at a later date pursuant to the
                                                                 terms of the Partnership Agreement.

    APPENDIX  A  contains  estimates of  the  types  and amounts  of  payments a
Unitholder might expect  to receive,  based on  the assumptions  stated in  such
Appendix,  for the Partnership under  each of the scenarios  set forth above. If
the Proposal is approved by the  Unitholders but the Settlement does not  become
final,  all Unitholders will receive only Liquidating Distributions, as provided
in the Partnership Agreement.
    The Unitholders will not be entitled to any dissenters' or appraisal  rights
under  either the Partnership Agreement or Massachusetts law with respect to the
transactions described in this Solicitation Statement.

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    There  is no  established trading market  for the Units.  Dissolution of the
Partnership  will  provide  Unitholders  an  opportunity  to  receive  cash   in
liquidation  of  their  investment  in  the  Partnership  and  make  alternative
investments that such Unitholders believe may generate more favorable returns or
offer more liquidity than are currently  being provided by an investment in  the
Partnership.  However, by  dissolving the  Partnership, the  Unitholders will be
forgoing their proportionate  interest in  the Mortgages, as  well as  potential
participation  in the  cash flow and  appreciation of  the underlying properties
above specified  levels through  the participation  features of  the  Mortgages,
which  participation  could generate  returns  in excess  of  amounts receivable
pursuant to  the  Settlement. There  can  be  no assurance  that  the  potential
participation  rights would generate  returns that are  equivalent to or greater
than the amounts received pursuant to the Settlement. There can be no  assurance
that  the Settlement will  be approved or  become final or  that any alternative
investments made by a  Unitholder with amounts received  in connection with  the
liquidation  and Settlement  would generate  returns that  are equivalent  to or
greater than  those  that  would  be earned  by  continuing  investment  in  the
Partnership. See "Litigation and Proposed Settlement." Pursuant to a preliminary
injunction  issued by  the Court, Unitholders  who have  not excluded themselves
from the  Class have  been  enjoined from  transferring  their Units  except  in
certain  specified circumstances. If the Proposal is approved by the Unitholders
and the  Settlement  is  approved  by the  Court  and  becomes  final,  Settling
Unitholders  will not be permitted to transfer their Units. Settling Unitholders
will, however, receive the Cash Payment. See "Litigation and Proposed Settlement
- -- The Hearing Order and the Settlement Hearing."
    Continuing to  operate  the Partnership  as  a public  partnership  requires
ongoing  expenditures for overhead costs  associated with investor relations and
investor servicing,  as  well as  legal  and accounting  costs  associated  with
required  compliance reporting. The Partnership is  subject to federal and state
securities laws and the terms of the Partnership Agreement under which  periodic
reports  and annual  financial statements  are required  to be  generated by the
Partnership. In addition,  the cost  of completing these  reports and  financial
statements  is paid out of the revenues of the Partnership. Due to the return of
the Uninvested Gross Proceeds  to investors, the  aggregate principal amount  of
the  Mortgages  purchased  by the  Partnership  is substantially  less  than was
originally contemplated  pursuant to  the  Public Offering,  and  has led  to  a
corresponding  reduction in revenues  that were expected to  be generated by the
Partnership to cover overhead costs.
    If the Proposal is approved by the Unitholders, Settling Unitholders will be
entitled to  a Cash  Payment if  the Settlement  is approved  by the  Court  and
becomes  final.  If  the  Proposal  is not  approved,  the  General  Partner may
terminate the Settlement as to the Partnership.
    ADVANTAGES TO UNITHOLDERS.  If the Proposal is approved with respect to  the
Partnership,  the Partnership's assets  will be sold as  soon as practicable and
the Partnership will be dissolved.  Dissolution of the Partnership will  provide
Unitholders an opportunity to receive cash in liquidation of their investment in
the  Partnership and make alternative  investments that such Unitholders believe
may generate more favorable returns or  offer more liquidity than are  currently
being  provided by an investment  in the Partnership. If  the Settlement is also
approved, a Setting Unitholder  who was an original  purchaser will receive  the
Enhancement in addition to a return of such Unitholder's total invested capital.

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    A  Settling Unitholder  would receive any  amounts by  which the Liquidating
Distribution for the Partnership exceeds the Liquidation Advance to the Settling
Unitholder with  respect  to such  Partnership.  See "--  Summary  of  Potential
Payments  to Unitholders" for  a summary of  the types of  payments a Unitholder
might receive  under  various  alternatives  in  connection  with  the  proposed
Settlement and the Proposal.
    DISADVANTAGES  TO UNITHOLDERS.  If the  Proposal is approved with respect to
the Partnership  and  the Partnership  is  dissolved, the  Unitholders  will  be
forgoing  their proportionate  interest in the  Mortgages, as  well as potential
participation in the  cash flow  and appreciation of  the underlying  properties
above  specified  levels through  the participation  features of  the Mortgages,
which participation  could  generate returns  in  excess of  amounts  receivable
pursuant to the Settlement.
    Furthermore, if the Proposal is approved with respect to the Partnership and
(i)  the  Partnership  is not  excluded  from  the Settlement  and  a Unitholder
participates in the Settlement or (ii) the Settlement is terminated with respect
to the Partnership and the  Defendants elect to pay  a Refund or Enhancement,  a
Settling  Unitholder will  release and discharge  the Defendants  and certain of
their affiliates,  agents and  various other  persons and  entities from,  INTER
ALIA,  any and all causes of action that  were, could have been, may be or could
be alleged  in  connection  with the  Proprietary  Partnerships,  including  the
Partnership, or any other limited partnership or other direct investment program
created,  sponsored, marketed, sold, operated or  managed by the Defendants. See
"Litigation and Proposed Settlement -- Release,"  and the Class Notice that  was
previously sent to the Unitholders included in the Class.
    ADVANTAGES TO GENERAL PARTNER.  The General Partner will receive the benefit
of any Releases given by Settling Unitholders. The General Partner has agreed to
waive any future Asset Management Fees if the Proposal is approved.
    As   described  more   fully  above   under  "--   Material  Advantages  and
Disadvantages of the Proposal to the Partners," if the Partnership continues  to
operate,  it  will  own the  Mortgages  and  will continue  to  receive payments
thereon. However, consistent with  the Partnership's investment objectives,  the
General   Partner  may  consider  offers  for  the  sale  of  the  Mortgages  as
opportunities arise. If any Mortgages are sold, the Partnership may benefit from
any increase in the value of the Mortgages. However, such sales may also  result
in  a  decrease in  anticipated revenues  of the  Partnership. This  decrease in
revenues, coupled with  the ongoing expenditures  for overhead costs  associated
with  investor relations and investor servicing, as well as legal and accounting
costs associated  with required  compliance reporting  of the  Partnership,  may
result  in a  decline of  operating revenues  available for  distribution to the
Unitholders. The  decline  may potentially  be  offset  to some  extent  by  the
participation rights held by the partnership in connection with the Mortgages.
    On  January 11,  1996, Evelyn  Shea and  Ann Grimshawe  ("Plaintiffs") filed
separate class action complaints in the  District Court of Harris County,  Texas
("Texas State Court") against NYLIFE Equity Inc., New York Life, NYLIFE Inc. and
NYLIFE  Securities Inc.  (collectively with  all predecessors  and successors of
these  entities,  and  the  entities  identified  below,  the  "New  York   Life
Defendants"),   and  American   Exploration  Production   Company  and  American
Exploration Company (collectively, the "American Defendants"). The New York Life
Defendants and the American Defendants are sometimes collectively referred to as
the "Defendants." The Plaintiffs' allegations against

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the Defendants  included fraud,  breach of  fiduciary duties,  violation of  the
National  Association  of Securities  Dealers, Inc.  Rules  of Fair  Practice by
NYLIFE Securities Inc., negligent misrepresentation, breach of implied covenants
and violation of Texas state securities laws.
    On March 18, 1996 Plaintiffs filed a complaint in the United States District
Court for the Southern District  of Florida captioned SHEA,  ET AL. V. NEW  YORK
LIFE INSURANCE CO., ET AL. (the "Lawsuit"), amplifying the claims alleged in the
complaint  filed in Texas State Court, alleging violations of federal securities
and state laws,  adding the General  Partner as  a New York  Life Defendant  and
including   allegations  concerning  the   Partnership.  Plaintiffs  purport  to
represent a class of all persons  who purchased or otherwise assumed rights  and
title  to  interests  in  certain limited  partnerships,  including  the Limited
Partnerships, and other programs created, sponsored, marketed, sold, operated or
managed by the New York Life Defendants  from January 1, 1985 through March  18,
1996  (the  "Proprietary Partnerships").  The Plaintiffs  requested compensatory
damages for  their lost  original investment,  plus interest,  costs  (including
attorneys'  fees), punitive damages, disgorgement  of any earnings, compensation
and benefits received by the Defendants as  a result of the alleged actions  and
other unspecified relief to which Plaintiffs may be entitled.
    On  March 19, 1996, the Plaintiffs and the Defendants filed with the Court a
Stipulation of Settlement (the "Settlement Agreement") that sets forth the terms
of the proposed Settlement of the claims underlying the Lawsuit. The  Settlement
Agreement  provides that the Plaintiffs will serve as the representatives of all
persons (the "Class" or "Class Members") who purchased an interest ("Proprietary
Investment Units") in  any of the  Proprietary Partnerships. Expressly  excluded
from  the Class are investors  who signed a document  that released the New York
Life Defendants  from  any  further  claims  concerning  such  investments.  The
Defendants  have  agreed  separately  that  they  will  not  participate  in the
Settlement in connection with respect  to any Proprietary Investment Units  they
own.  The  Defendants will  receive, however,  any Liquidating  Distributions to
which they are  entitled under  the Partnership  Agreement with  respect to  the
Units they own and their general partner interests.
    On  May 3, 1996, the Texas State Court entered an order dismissing the Texas
proceedings without prejudice,  and provided  that the dismissal  would be  with
prejudice upon final disposition of the Lawsuit.
    Prior to the institution of the Lawsuit, with respect to certain Proprietary
Partnerships,  the New York Life  Defendants determined that it  would be in the
best interests of the investors in certain Proprietary Partnerships to terminate
such partnerships and, in connection  therewith, to provide certain payments  to
the  limited partners that would have been in addition to any amounts they would
receive upon  liquidation  of  the  partnerships, although  the  New  York  Life
Defendants  had  no  obligation to  do  so.  The Defendants  expressly  deny any
wrongdoing alleged in the Lawsuit and do not concede any wrongdoing or liability
in connection with any  of the facts  or claims that  have been alleged  against
them  in the  Lawsuit. The  Defendants consider  it desirable,  however, for the
Settlement to be effected because such Settlement will: (i) provide  substantial
benefits to the Class Members, in a manner consistent with New York Life's prior
determination  to wind up  most of the  Proprietary Partnerships through orderly
liquidation because  the  continuation of  the  business no  longer  served  the
intended  objectives of either the Defendants or the owners of interests in such
partnerships; (ii) confer  substantial benefits  on the  Defendants and  current
limited partners and unitholders of the Proprietary Partnerships by providing an
opportunity  not  only to  wind up  the Proprietary  Partnerships on  a schedule
favorable to the Class, but also to resolve the issues presented by the  Lawsuit
with  respect  to the  sale of  interests  in and  operation of  the Proprietary
Partnerships; and (iii)  put Plaintiffs'  claims and the  underlying matters  to
rest  without  undue  expense  to  the  Class  while  reducing  the  burdens and
uncertainties associated with protracted litigation of the claims underlying the

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    The terms  of  the Settlement  Agreement  with respect  to  the  Partnership
generally  provide that each Settling Unitholder who  is a Class Member, and who
has not excluded  himself, herself  or itself from  the Class  by following  the
procedures  outlined  by the  Court, will  receive  the Liquidation  Advance and
either the Refund  or the Enhancement,  as the  case may be,  as described  more
fully under "The Proposal and Considerations with Respect to the Proposal -- The
Proposal -- Liquidating Distributions."
    On  March 19, 1996, the  Court issued the Hearing  Order, which, among other
things,  certified  the  Class  for   settlement  purposes  only  and   directed
Defendants,  or their designee(s), to cause the Class Notice to be mailed to all
potential Class Members at their last known address no later than 90 days before
the Settlement Hearing. The Class Notice previously was sent to the Unitholders.
Unitholders should refer to the  Class Notice for further information  regarding
the  Lawsuit,  the  Settlement  and  the  Settlement  Hearing,  which  the Court
currently has scheduled for July 3, 1996.
    Among other  things,  the  Hearing Order  preliminarily  enjoins  all  Class
Members   who  have  not  excluded  themselves  from  the  Class  from  selling,
transferring, pledging, encumbering,  hypothecating or assigning  any Unit  they
own  or in which they have an interest, PROVIDED THAT (i) the Court may for good
cause shown by a  Class Member allow a  transfer notwithstanding the  injunction
and  (ii) any Class Member may transfer a Unit where such Class Member agrees in
writing to be bound by  the Release described in the  Class Notice and to  waive
any  right to receive benefits under the  proposed Settlement, in which case the
person to whom the Unit(s) are transferred will be entitled to the benefits that
the Class Member would have received but for the transfer.
    The Settlement  Agreement is  not  yet final  and  could be  terminated  for
various  reasons. The Settlement will become final only after the Court enters a
Final Order and  Judgment approving  the Settlement  and the  period for  appeal
thereof has expired or, if the Final Order and Judgment is appealed, on the date
on  which all appeals have been finally disposed of in a manner that affirms the
Final Order and Judgment. There can be  no assurance that such approval will  be
obtained or that the Settlement will become final.
    Plaintiffs  have the right  to terminate the  Settlement Agreement under the
circumstances specified therein.  In addition, the  Defendants may  unilaterally
terminate  the Settlement Agreement if: (a)  with respect to all the Proprietary
Partnerships taken together, those persons who elect to exclude themselves  from
the  Class (i) together  number more than 3%  of all Class  Members or (ii) have
ownership interests in  the Proprietary Partnerships  that together account  for
more  than 3% of all capital invested  by limited partners or unitholders in the
Proprietary  Partnerships;  (b)  with   respect  to  a  particular   Proprietary
Partnership,  if those  persons who elect  to exclude themselves  from the Class
with respect to such Proprietary Partnership (i) together number more than 3% of
all those who are Class Members with respect to such Proprietary Partnership  or
(ii) have ownership interests in such partnership that together account for more
than  3% of  all capital  invested by  limited partners  or unitholders  in such
partnership; (c) if the votes, consents or authorizations necessary to  dissolve
and liquidate four or more of the Proprietary Partnerships are not obtained; (d)
if  any  state  or  federal  regulator,  self-regulatory  organization  or other
administrative   body    or    official    (i)    objects    either    to    any

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aspect  or term of the Settlement Agreement or to the transactions to be entered
into to facilitate the  proposed Settlement and takes  or threatens to take  any
regulatory  or legal  action that  would impair  the ability  of the  parties to
conclude the Settlement on  the terms set forth  in the Settlement Agreement  or
(ii)  requires  as a  condition of  not  taking action  any modification  to the
Settlement  Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  any  constriction   or
extension  of the scope of the contemplated relief, that the Defendants in their
sole discretion reasonably believe would impair their ability to consummate  the
Settlement  or  to provide  the contemplated  relief;  or (e)  if a  final order
dismissing the Texas  State Court  actions with  prejudice, which  is no  longer
appealable, has not been entered by the Final Settlement Date.
    If the consents necessary to dissolve the Partnership have not been obtained
by  the  Final  Settlement  Date, the  Defendants  may  either  (i) unilaterally
terminate the Settlement  Agreement as  it applies  to the  Partnership and  the
Unitholders  or (ii) pay each Settling Unitholder the Refund or the Enhancement,
as the case may be, but not  the Liquidation Advance, in exchange for a  Release
from  such Settling  Unitholder. If the  Defendants choose the  latter option, a
Settling Unitholder will receive the Refund or the Enhancement, as the case  may
be,  in an amount equal to the amount of the Refund or Enhancement he, she or it
would have received had the Proposal  been approved and the Liquidation  Advance
been paid.
    Effective  as of the Final Settlement Date, Plaintiffs and all Class Members
who  did  not  exclude  themselves  from  the  Class,  including  the   Settling
Unitholders,  agree that  they will  release and  discharge (the  "Release") the
Defendants and certain of their affiliates, agents and various other persons and
entities from, INTER ALIA, any  and all causes of  action that were, could  have
been,   may  be  or  could  be   alleged  in  connection  with  the  Proprietary
Partnerships, including the  Partnership, or  any other  limited partnership  or
other  direct investment program created, sponsored, marketed, sold, operated or
managed by the Defendants. The Class Notice that was previously provided to  the
Unitholders sets forth further information regarding the scope of the Release.
    Until  the Settlement  becomes final as  described in the  Class Notice, the
General Partner  will  not be  obligated  to pay  any  amounts to  the  Settling
Unitholders in connection with the Settlement.
                              REGULATORY APPROVALS
    Other than the filing of a Certificate of Cancellation with the Secretary of
State  of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a filing with the Securities and
Exchange Commission to deregister the Units, the General Partner is not aware of
any federal or state regulatory requirements  that must be complied with or  any
approval  of  a state  or federal  body that  is necessary  to proceed  with the
dissolution, termination and winding up of  the Partnership other than any  such
requirement  or  approval that  may arise  in  connection with  the sale  of the
Partnership's assets due to (i) the  identity of the purchaser or purchasers  of
the  Partnership's properties and assets or (ii) the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended,  which may require certain information  to
be filed with the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission and may
require  certain waiting periods  to be satisfied prior  to such sale. Following
final liquidation  of the  Partnership, and  deregistration of  the Units  under
Section  12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
Act"), the Partnership's obligations to  file reports pursuant to Section  15(d)
of  the Exchange Act will terminate. Additionally,  in order to proceed with the
Settlement, the final approval of the Court must be obtained.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    The Partnership is a  Massachusetts limited partnership  that was formed  in
1988  solely for the purposes of investing in (a) federally insured or coinsured
mortgages on multi-family residential properties or residential care  facilities
directly,  or through the purchase of MBSs  guaranteed as to principal and Basic
Interest by GNMA, (b) Participation Interests in such properties, and (c) PGLs.
    The Partnership's initial  public offering of  Units of limited  partnership
interests  began on May 26, 1989 and concluded on September 30, 1991. As of such
date, the Partnership had raised gross proceeds of $81,684,577. After the return
of  $42,312,611  of  Uninvested  Gross  Proceeds  to  investors  in  1992,   the
Partnership   had  8,168,457.7  Units  outstanding   with  a  capital  value  of
$39,371,966 or $4.82 per Unit.  The Partnership has returned cash  distributions
of  $21,005,808,  or  53.35%, of  the  $39,371,966 invested  by  the Unitholders
through December 31,  1995. The General  Partner has received  $378,322 in  cash
distributions through December 31, 1995.
    Since  its formation, the Partnership has  invested in three PIMs consisting
of (i) MBSs collaterized by three federally co-insured mortgages on multi-family
residential properties pursuant to the coinsurance program of Section  221(d)(4)
of  the  National Housing  Act, and  (ii)  Participation Interests  evidenced by
additional interest agreements  and secured  by subordinated  mortgages on  such
properties.  Each MBS is guaranteed as to  principal and Basic Interest by GNMA.
The Partnership recently sold one such  MBS, and currently holds two such  MBSs.
See  "--  The Mortgages  --  The Highlands  --  Recent Developments"  below. The
remaining two MBSs are related to two PIMs which provide for the Partnership  to
participate  in 50% of the underlying property's net cash flow and appreciation,
if any. The Partnership  originally funded three PGLs  with respect to the  same
properties  underlying the  Partnership's PIMs. The  Partnership currently holds
two such PGLs. These  PGLs provide for  additional Partnership participation  of
10% to 15% in such properties' net cash flow and appreciation, if any.
    The  general partner  of the Partnership  is NYLIFE Realty  Inc., a Delaware
corporation and  an  indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary  of New  York  Life.  The
General  Partner is primarily responsible for both investment and administrative
matters of the Partnership. An audited  balance sheet of the General Partner  as
of December 31, 1995 is set forth in the Financial Statements attached hereto.
    Upon  dissolution and winding up of the Partnership, the Unitholders will no
longer have an  interest in the  Partnership's assets and  business and will  be
giving  up all their rights under the Partnership Agreement. The Unitholders may
not take part in the control of  the business or affairs of the Partnership  and
have  no voice in the management or operations of the Partnership. Their lack of
a voice in management and control is  necessary to limit liability in excess  of
their  investment in  the Partnership and  their share  of undistributed profits
from the Partnership. The Unitholders:
        (i) share all profits,  losses and distributions  of the Partnership  in
    accordance with the Partnership Agreement;
        (ii)  have their liability for operations  of the Partnership limited to
    the amount of their capital contributions and to their shares of Partnership
    capital and undistributed net revenues of the Partnership, if any; provided,
    however, that under  applicable partnership  law the  Unitholders may  under
    certain  circumstances  be  required  to repay  to  the  Partnership amounts
    previously distributed to  them by  the Partnership (see  "The Proposal  and
    Considerations with Respect to the Proposal -- The Proposal -- Provision for
       (iii)  have the  right to  inspect and copy  the records  relating to the
    activities of the Partnership during ordinary business hours;

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       (iv) obtain from the  General Partner from time  to time upon  reasonable
    demand  (i) true and  full information regarding the  status of the business
    and financial condition  of the  Partnership, (ii)  promptly after  becoming
    available,  a copy of the Partnership's  federal, state and local income tax
    returns for each year, and (iii) other information regarding the affairs  of
    the Partnership as provided in the Partnership Agreement;
        (v)  receive financial  statements, income  tax information  and certain
    periodic reports as provided in the Partnership Agreement;
       (vi) have the right to assign their  Units to the extent and as  provided
    in Section 10 of the Partnership Agreement;
       (vii) have the right to propose and vote on certain matters affecting the
    Partnership as provided in Sections 7 and 13 of the Partnership Agreement;
      (viii)  have the right to dissolution and winding up of the Partnership by
    decree of court  as provided  for in the  Massachusetts Uniform  Partnership
       (ix)  have  the right  to  dissolve or  terminate  the Partnership  or to
    continue the Partnership as described  below under "-- Term and  Dissolution
    of the Partnership";
        (x)  have  the  right  to  approve or  disapprove  the  sale  of  all or
    substantially all of the assets of the Partnership upon the affirmative vote
    of a majority in interest of the Unitholders;
       (xi) have  the  right (subject  to  certain restrictions)  to  amend  the
    Partnership  Agreement by the affirmative vote  of a majority in interest of
    the Unitholders;
       (xii)  have  the  right  to  remove  the  General  Partner  and  elect  a
    replacement to operate and carry on the business of the Partnership upon the
    affirmative vote of a majority in interest of the Unitholders; and
      (xiii)  have the right to approve  or disapprove a voluntary withdrawal of
    the General Partner and  elect a replacement  therefor upon the  affirmative
    vote of a majority in interest of the Unitholders.
    The  Partnership Agreement provides that the Partnership will continue for a
maximum period ending at midnight on December 31, 2028, but may be dissolved  at
an  earlier date  if certain contingencies  occur. Unitholders  may not withdraw
from the Partnership prior to dissolution, but may assign their Units to  others
to  the  extent  permitted  by  Section 10  of  the  Partnership  Agreement. The
contingencies whereupon the Partnership may be dissolved at an earlier date  are
as follows:
        (i)  the retirement,  withdrawal, dissolution, bankruptcy  or removal of
    the  General  Partner,  or  the  sale,  assignment,  encumbrance,  or  other
    disposition  by  the  General  Partner  of  its  entire  interest,  unless a
    substitute General  Partner, who  shall be  consented to  by a  majority  in
    interest  of the  Unitholders and admitted  into the  Partnership, elects to
    continue the business of the Partnership within 90 days of the date of  such
        (ii)  an election  to dissolve  the Partnership  made in  writing by the
    General  Partner  with  the  consent  of  a  majority  in  interest  of  the
    Unitholders,  or, subject to  compliance with Section  13 of the Partnership
    Agreement, by a majority in interest  of the Unitholders, without action  by
    the General Partner;
       (iii)  the sale or other  disposition of all or  substantially all of the
    Mortgages unless  the General  Partner elects  to continue  the  Partnership
    business  for  the purpose  of  the receipt  and  collection of  a  note and
    payments thereon or the collection of any other consideration to be received
    in exchange for the Mortgages; or

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
       (iv) any other event  which causes the dissolution  and/or winding up  of
    the  Partnership under the Massachusetts  Uniform Limited Partnership Act to
    the extent not otherwise provided in the Partnership Agreement.
    See Section 11 of the Partnership Agreement.
    The General Partner  has no  current intention to  dissolve the  Partnership
upon  the occurrence  of any  one or  more of  the foregoing  contingencies, but
reserves  the   right  to   change  such   intention,  depending   upon   future
    In  1990, the Partnership acquired a  PIM (the "Cross Creek PIM") consisting
of (i) an MBS collaterized by a mortgage  loan in the principal amount of up  to
$7,230,000  (the "Cross Creek  Mortgage") secured by  a first mortgage  on a 152
unit garden  style apartment  complex  in Greenville,  South Carolina  known  as
Halcyon  at  Cross Creek  ("Cross Creek")  and  (ii) an  uninsured participation
interest secured by a subordinated mortgage  on Cross Creek. The borrower  under
the  Cross Creek Mortgage is Boiling  Springs Apartments, Ltd. (the "Cross Creek
Borrower"). In addition, the Partnership made a PGL to the Individual  Investors
in  the Cross  Creek Borrower  (the "Individual  Cross Creek  Borrowers") in the
principal amount of up to $600,000 (the "Cross Creek PGL").
    To fund the construction of Cross Creek, the Partnership purchased from Love
Funding Corporation  ("LFC"),  mortgage-backed  pass-through  construction  loan
certificates  ("CLCs"), guaranteed as  to timely payment  of principal and Basic
Interest by GNMA, in the maximum principal amount of $7,230,000.
    Following the maturity  of the CLCs  at the conclusion  of the  construction
period,  and upon final endorsement ("Final Endorsement") of the promissory note
evidencing the Cross  Creek Mortgage (the  "Cross Creek Mortgage  Note") by  the
department  of Housing and Urban Development  ("HUD"), which occurred on January
8, 1992, the Partnership received  a mortgage-backed permanent loan  certificate
("PLC"),  guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and Basic Interest by
GNMA. The PLC has a face amount of $7,226,406, and an issue date of February  1,
    The  Cross  Creek Mortgage  Note bears  interest at  an annual  rate ("Basic
Interest Rate") of 8.50% during the  permanent term. One quarter of one  percent
(.25%)  of the foregoing amount  is retained by LFC and  GNMA as a servicing and
guarantee fee; accordingly,  the Partnership's  MBS related to  the Cross  Creek
Mortgage bears interest at the rate of 8.25% per annum. The Cross Creek Borrower
is  required to  make equal  monthly payments of  principal and  interest on the
Cross Creek Mortgage Note until its maturity on December 15, 2031.
    The Cross Creek Mortgage is coinsured by LFC and HUD under Section 221(d)(4)
of the National Housing Act, which  relates to new construction of  multi-family
residential  properties. The  Cross Creek Mortgage  Note is  non-recourse to the
Cross Creek Borrower, except under limited circumstances, including fraud.
    The Cross Creek  Mortgage Note may  be prepaid upon  30 days written  notice
after,  but  not prior  to, the  tenth anniversary  of the  date of  initial HUD
endorsement ("Initial Endorsement")  of the  Cross Creek Mortgage  Note, with  a
prepayment  charge equal to 1% of the  outstanding principal amount of the Cross
Creek Mortgage  Note.  Initial Endorsement  of  the Cross  Creek  Mortgage  Note
occurred  on February 22, 1990. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if HUD determines
that prepayment  will  avoid a  mortgage  insurance claim  and  is in  the  best
interest of the federal government, the Cross Creek Mortgage Note may be prepaid
at any time without the Partnership's consent and without any prepayment charge.
The  Partnership  has the  option, upon  six months  written notice,  to require
prepayment in  full of  the Cross  Creek Mortgage  Note on  or after  the  tenth
anniversary of the date of

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the  Initial Endorsement. No prepayment fee  shall be imposed if the Partnership
exercises this option. Enforcement of this option would require the  termination
of the coinsurance contract and the surrender of the PLC.
    The  Partnership is  entitled under the  participation portion  of the Cross
Creek PIM, in addition to monthly  pass-through payments of principal and  Basis
Interest  to: (i) 50% of any  increase in the value of  Cross Creek in excess of
its base value (i.e., the outstanding  principal amounts of the Cross Creek  MBS
and  PGL), the increase  in value is  measured from February  22, 1990 until the
sale of Cross  Creek, or until  the maturity, refinancing  or prepayment of  the
Cross  Creek  Mortgage; and  (ii) 50%  of  Cross Creek's  monthly net  cash flow
(subject to certain  HUD restrictions and  reserve requirements) beginning  with
the  first month after  completion of construction. The  obligation of the Cross
Creek  Borrower  to  make  these  participation  payments  is  evidenced  by  an
additional   interest  agreement  between  the  Cross  Creek  Borrower  and  the
Partnership, which is secured by a subordinated mortgage on Cross Creek, and  is
non-recourse  to the Cross  Creek Borrower, except  under limited circumstances,
including fraud. This obligation is  further secured by a collateral  assignment
by  the Individual Cross Creek  Borrowers of their interests  in the Cross Creek
    The Partnership has made  a PGL of  up to $600,000  to the Individual  Cross
Creek  Borrowers, who are jointly and  severally liable for this obligation. The
Cross Creek  PGL,  which  is  non-recourse debt,  is  secured  by  a  collateral
assignment  by  the  Individual  Cross  Creek  Borrowers  of  their  partnership
interests in the Cross Creek Borrower,  constituting a second lien thereon.  The
promissory  note evidencing  the Cross  Creek PGL  provides that  the Individual
Cross Creek Borrowers will  use the proceeds thereof  to satisfy obligations  of
the Cross Creek Borrower.
    Of  the maximum  loan proceeds  to be available  under the  Cross Creek PGL,
$400,000 had been advanced as of December 31, 1995. The Partnership's commitment
to advance additional  funds under  the Cross Creek  PGL expired  on January  8,
1993.  The unfunded loan commitment of $200,000,  which had been included in the
Partnership's working  capital reserve,  was  distributed to  the  Partnership's
investors on November 15, 1994.
    The  Cross Creek PGL  bears interest at  the rate of  10% per annum, payable
semi-annually, and provides that interest may  be accrued up to $100,000 to  the
extent  Surplus Cash Distributions  (as defined by HUD)  to the Individual Cross
Creek Borrowers are insufficient to fully pay the interest obligation. Any  such
accruals will be added to the outstanding principal balance of the PGL and shall
bear  interest at the same rate.  Accrued interest reached $100,000 on September
25, 1993. Accordingly,  accrued interest became  due and payable  on October  1,
1993.  Principal  and unpaid  interest,  if any,  shall  be due  and  payable on
February 21, 2005, unless sooner paid.
    No prepayments  of the  principal amount  of  the Cross  Creek PGL  will  be
permitted prior to the tenth anniversary of the Initial Endorsement of the Cross
Creek  Mortgage Note. Thereafter,  the PGL may  be prepaid in  whole, but not in
part, subject to a prepayment fee equal  to 1% of the principal amount  prepaid.
Also,  commencing on the  tenth anniversary date, the  Partnership will have the
right to call  the Cross Creek  PGL, in which  case no prepayment  fee shall  be
    The  terms of the Cross Creek PGL entitle the Partnership to participations,
in addition to Basic Interest, equal to: (i) 15% of any increase in the value of
the Individual Cross Creek  Borrowers' partnership interest  in the Cross  Creek
Borrower  (determined by reference  to the value  of Cross Creek)  over the base
value of the Individual  Cross Creek Borrowers'  partnership interest (based  on
the outstanding principal amount of the Cross Creek Mortgage and the Cross Creek
PGL),  such increase to be  determined upon the sale of  Cross Creek or upon the
refinancing, prepayment or maturity of the  PGL; and (ii) 15% of the  Individual
Cross  Creek  Borrowers' interest  in Cross  Creek's net  cash flow  (subject to
certain  HUD  restrictions   and  reserve  requirements).   The  aforesaid   15%
participation  provided  by  the Cross  Creek  PGL  is over  and  above  the 50%
participation provided by  the Cross Creek  PIM. The payment  obligation of  the
Individual Cross Creek Borrowers with respect to

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
this  participation is  evidenced by a  supplemental interest  agreement, and is
non-recourse to  the  Individual Cross  Creek  Borrowers, except  under  limited
circumstances,  including  fraud.  These  obligations  are  collateralized  by a
collateral  assignment  by  the  Individual  Cross  Creek  Borrowers  of   their
partnership  interests in the  Cross Creek Borrower  (constituting a second lien
    As of December 31, 1995, the Partnership had not received any  participating
distributions  with respect to either the Cross Creek PIM or the Cross Creek PGL
because HUD regulations generally do not permit the distribution of Surplus Cash
(as defined by HUD)  until cash on  hand at a particular  month end exceeds  the
amount  of  the  required reserve.  As  outlined  by HUD,  the  required reserve
generally includes reserves for obligations due within 30 days, such as  accrued
mortgage  interest payable; delinquent mortgage  principal payments and deposits
to reserve for replacements, if any;  accounts payable and accrued expenses  due
within  30  days; loans  and notes  payable  due within  30 days;  deficient tax
insurance or mortgage insurance premium escrow deposits, if any; prepaid  rents;
and tenant security deposits payable.
    At  December 31, 1995, the Cross Creek Borrower represented that it had cash
on hand of $32,009 while the required reserve was $127,572. Therefore, there was
no Surplus Cash available for distribution  under HUD regulations at that  time.
Since  cash on hand and the required reserve fluctuate monthly based on property
performance,  the   General   Partner  cannot   determine   when   participating
distributions will be received by the Partnership, if at all.
    Cross  Creek is a 152 unit garden  style apartment complex situated on 21.66
acres of  land  in  Greenville,  South Carolina.  Cross  Creek  consists  of  19
two-story  buildings of cedar siding and  stucco accents with pitched roofs. All
upper floor units have covered wooden balconies and all ground floor units  have
patios.  Amenities  at  Cross Creek  include  two  pools, two  tennis  courts, a
clubhouse with an exercise room, locker rooms, sauna and steam room.
    Occupancy at Cross Creek was 94% at December 31, 1995. The average occupancy
rate for Cross Creek's  primary submarket ranges between  94 and 97%. No  rental
concessions were offered during the year ended December 31, 1995.
    In  December  1990, the  Partnership acquired  a  PIM (the  "Highlands PIM")
consisting of (i)  an MBS  collateralized by a  mortgage loan  in the  principal
amount  of  up to  $13,154,200  (the "Highlands  Mortgage")  secured by  a first
mortgage on a  272 unit garden  style apartment complex  located outside  Tampa,
Florida  (the "Highlands")  and (ii)  a participation  interest evidenced  by an
additional interest  agreement and  secured by  a subordinated  mortgage on  the
Highlands.  The borrower  under the  Highlands Mortgage  was originally Highland
Oaks Associates  Limited  (the  "Original  Highlands  Borrower").  The  Original
Highlands  Borrower sold  the Highlands in  1995 as discussed  in further detail
below. In addition, the  Partnership made a PGL  to the Individual Investors  in
the  Original Highlands Borrower  (the "Individual Highlands  Borrowers") in the
principal amount of up to $1,595,800 (the "Highlands PGL").
    In 1990,  to finance  the  construction of  the Highlands,  the  Partnership
purchased  from  Related Mortgage  Corporation ("RMC"),  CLCs, guaranteed  as to
timely payment of principal and Basic Interest by GNMA, in the maximum principal
amount of up to $13,154,200.
    Upon the maturity of the CLCs  at the conclusion of the construction  period
and upon Final Endorsement of the Highlands Mortgage Note, which occurred on May
31,  1992, the Partnership received a PLC guaranteed as to the timely payment of
principal and Basic Interest by GNMA (the "Highlands PLC").

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    In  connection with  its purchase  of the  CLCs, the  Partnership acquired a
participation interest  in  the Highlands  pursuant  to an  additional  interest
agreement  with the Highlands Borrower.  Under the additional interest agreement
the Partnership was entitled to (i) 50% of the net appreciation in the value  of
the Highlands from Initial Endorsement until the sale of the Highlands; and (ii)
50%  of the Highlands'  net cash flow  (subject to certain  HUD restrictions and
reserve requirements). The obligations of the Original Highlands Borrower  under
the  additional interest agreement were secured in  part by a second mortgage on
the Highlands.
    Pursuant to the Highlands  PGL, the Partnership  advanced $1,095,800 to  the
Individual  Highlands  Borrowers.  The  Highlands  PGL  was  repaid  in  1995 as
described below.
    Effective January  31,  1995,  the  Original  Highlands  Borrower  sold  the
Highlands  to  Richland  Properties,  Inc. (the  "New  Highlands  Borrower") for
$16,300,000. The sale closed in escrow pending the receipt by the Partnership of
a new GNMA certificate in the principal amount of $13,037,676, bearing  interest
at  7.625% per annum (the  "Highlands GNMA") in exchange  for the Highlands PLC.
The Highlands GNMA certificate was received  by the Partnership on February  15,
1995,  at which  time the  sale was completed  and the  Partnership received the
payments  described  below,  together  with  the  other  closing  documents.  In
addition,  a mutual release was delivered,  effective January 31, 1995, pursuant
to which all obligations of, and claims against, the Original Highlands Borrower
and its  general partners  were released  by the  Partnership and  RMC, and  all
obligations of, and claims against, the Partnership and RMC were released by the
Original Highlands Borrower and its general partners.
    In  connection  with  the  sale of  the  Highlands,  the  Highlands Mortgage
("Modified  Mortgage")  and  related  promissory  note  ("Modified  Note")  were
modified  to provide  for (a)  prepayment at any  time with  a prepayment charge
payable to RMC, equal to 1% of the outstanding principal, and (b) a reduction in
the interest rate from 8.5% to 7.875%  per annum, one-quarter of one percent  of
which is retained by RMC and GNMA as a servicing and guarantee fee. Accordingly,
the Highlands GNMA bears interest at the rate of 7.625% per annum.
    Concurrent   with  the  sale  of  the  Highlands  as  described  above,  the
participation interests in the Highlands PIM  and the Highlands PGL were  cashed
out  and retired and  principal and accrued  interest of the  Highlands PGL were
repaid as the Partnership received $2,463,060, which included $1,095,800 of  PGL
principal,  $210,798  of  accrued interest,  a  prepayment fee  of  $324,000 and
participation in net cash flow and net appreciation of $832,462. The Partnership
distributed these proceeds to investors on May 15, 1995.
    Also on  January  31,  1995,  the Partnership  and  the  Original  Highlands
Borrower  (together with its partners) entered into a Special Closing Agreement,
pursuant to which the two  letters of credit held  by the Partnership were  each
reduced  from $75,000 to $17,500.  The two letters of  credit were being held as
security for the obligations of the Original Highlands Borrower and its partners
under the Special Closing  Agreement, pursuant to  which the Original  Highlands
Borrower agreed to pay a portion of any additional taxes determined to be due to
the  State of  Florida in  connection with  the recording  of the  original loan
documents. The State of  Florida claimed that  $136,800 of additional  recording
taxes  were due. The recording tax dispute  was recently settled. See "-- Recent
Developments" below.
    During the year ended December  31, 1995, the Partnership received  interest
totaling  $999,170.10 related to the Highlands  GNMA, which has been distributed
to  investors   in  connection   with   the  Partnership's   regular   quarterly
distributions in accordance with the Partnership Agreement.
    On  February 27, 1996, the  Partnership sold the Highlands  GNMA for cash in
the amount  of $13,105,373.01.  The  Highlands GNMA  was sold  through  Utendahl
Capital  Partners,  an unaffiliated  broker dealer.  The sales  price represents
principal in the amount of $12,976,812.45, accrued interest

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
in the amount of $71,462.59 and a premium of $57,097.97. The Partnership was not
charged any  separate fees  or  commissions in  connection  with the  sale.  The
General  Partner's decision to sell the Highlands GNMA was based in part on what
it perceived to be a favorable market in which the Highlands GNMA could be  sold
at a premium.
    The  1996 sale  of the Highlands  GNMA, together  with the 1995  sale of the
Highlands and the related modification of the Highlands Mortgage, terminates the
Partnership's beneficial interest in the Highlands Mortgage and the Highlands.
    The General Partner anticipates distributing  the proceeds from the sale  of
the  Highlands  GNMA  in  connection with  the  Partnership's  regular quarterly
distribution to investors on May 15, 1996.
    On March 12, 1996, the Partnership settled the $136,800 recording tax  claim
of  the  State of  Florida discussed  above through  a payment  to the  State of
Florida made on behalf of the Partnership  in the amount of $64,000 ($53,800  of
which  was funded by the General Partner and  $10,150 of which was funded by the
Original Highlands Borrower). The Partnership  has recently received the  signed
Closing  Agreement from the State of Florida settling the claim, and the letters
of credit being held under the Special Closing Agreement will be returned to the
Original Highlands Borrower.
    In 1991,  the  Partnership  acquired  a  PIM  (the  "Signature  Place  PIM")
consisting  of (i) MBSs issued  by LFC and collateralized  by a mortgage loan in
the  maximum  principal  amount  of  up  to  $9,800,000  (the  "Signature  Place
Mortgage")  secured by a  first mortgage on  a 232-unit multi-family residential
apartment complex  in Hampton,  Virginia known  as Signature  Place  ("Signature
Place")  and (ii) a  participation interest evidenced  by an additional interest
agreement secured by a  subordinated mortgage on  Signature Place. The  borrower
under  the  Signature Place  Mortgage is  HG  Partners Limited  Partnership (the
"Signature Place Borrower"). The Partnership also  made a PGL to the  Individual
Investors  in  the Signature  Place  Borrower (the  "Individual  Signature Place
Borrowers") in the original principal amount of up to $1,200,000 (the "Signature
Place PGL").
    In 1991,  the Partnership  purchased MBSs  from  LFC in  the form  of  CLCs,
guaranteed  as to timely payment of principal and Basic Interest by GNMA, in the
maximum principal amount  of $9,800,000  to fund the  construction of  Signature
    Following  the maturity  of the CLCs  at the conclusion  of the construction
period and  upon  Final  Endorsement  of  the  promissory  note  evidencing  the
Signature  Place Mortgage  (the "Signature Place  Mortgage Note")  by HUD, which
occurred on February 9, 1993, the  Partnership received a PLC, guaranteed as  to
timely  payment of  principal and Basic  Interest by GNMA  (the "Signature Place
PLC"). The Signature Place  PLC has a  face amount of  $9,756,900, and an  issue
date of February 1, 1993.
    The  Signature Place Mortgage Note bears interest at the Basic Interest Rate
of 8.25% during the  permanent term. One  quarter of one  percent (.25%) of  the
Basic  Interest Rate is  retained by LFC  and GNMA as  a servicing and guarantee
fee; accordingly the Signature Place  PLC bears interest at  the rate of 8%  per
annum.  The Signature Place Borrower is  required to make equal monthly payments
of principal and interest until maturity of the Signature Place Mortgage Note on
January 15, 2033.
    The Signature  Place Mortgage  is coinsured  by LFC  and HUD  under  Section
221(d)(4)  of the  National Housing  Act. The  Signature Place  Mortgage Note is
non-recourse  to   the   Signature   Place  Borrower,   except   under   limited
circumstances, including fraud.
    The  Signature  Place Mortgage  Note may  be  prepaid in  full upon  45 days
written notice  after  (but not  prior  to)  the tenth  anniversary  of  Initial
Endorsement, which occurred on May 10, 1991 with a prepayment charge equal to 1%
of  the  principal amount  prepaid, plus  any  additional interest  due thereon.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if  HUD determines that  prepayment will avoid  a
mortgage  insurance claim and is in the best interest of the federal government,
the Signature Place Mortgage

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
Note may be prepaid  at any time without  the Partnership's consent and  without
any  prepayment charge. The Partnership has  the option, upon six months written
notice, to require prepayment in full of the Signature Place Mortgage Note on or
after the tenth anniversary of Initial  Endorsement. No prepayment fee shall  be
imposed  if the  Partnership exercises this  option. Enforcement  of this option
would require the termination of the  coinsurance contract and the surrender  of
the Signature Place PLC.
    The Partnership is entitled under the participation portion of the Signature
Place  PIM, in addition to monthly  pass-through payments of principal and Basic
Interest, to: (i) 50% of  the net appreciation in  the value of Signature  Place
from  Initial Endorsement of the Signature Place Mortgage Note until the sale of
Signature Place  or the  maturity, refinancing  or prepayment  of the  Signature
Place  Mortgage; and  (ii) 50%  of Signature Place's  net cash  flow (subject to
certain HUD restrictions and reserve requirements) beginning after completion of
construction. The  payment  obligation  of the  Signature  Place  Borrower  with
respect  to this participation is evidenced by an additional interest agreement,
which is collateralized  by a subordinated  mortgage on Signature  Place and  is
non-recourse   to   the   Signature  Place   Borrower,   except   under  limited
circumstances, including fraud and environmental noncompliance.
    The Partnership made the Signature Place  PGL in the aggregate amount of  up
to   $1,200,000  to  the  Individual  Signature  Place  Borrowers,  jointly  and
severally, in the form of a personal  loan collateralized by the pledge of  100%
of  their partnership interests  in the Signature Place  Borrower. Only $100 had
been funded  under  the  Signature  Place  PGL as  of  December  31,  1995.  The
Partnership's  obligation to advance funds under the Signature Place PGL expired
on August 8,  1994. The  unfunded loan proceeds  of $1,199,900,  which had  been
included  in the Partnership's working capital  reserve, were distributed to the
Partnership's investors on November 15, 1994.
    The Signature Place PGL bears interest at the rate of 15% per annum, payable
semi-annually, and provides that interest shall be accrued up to $100,000 to the
extent Surplus Cash is  insufficient to fully pay  the interest obligation.  Any
such  accruals will be added to the outstanding principal balance of the PGL and
shall bear interest  at the  same rate.  At such  time as  accruals of  interest
(including semi-annually compounded interest) exceed $100,000 or commencing with
the  second anniversary of Final Endorsement  (regardless of the balance of such
accruals), whichever  occurs first,  the  Individual Signature  Place  Borrowers
shall pay interest on the outstanding principal amount semi-annually, whether or
not  Surplus Cash is available. Principal and accrued interest, if any, shall be
due and payable on May 8, 2006.
    Because less  than  $250,000  was  funded under  the  Signature  Place  PGL,
$249,900  (the  difference  between $250,000  and  the total  amount  funded) is
considered additional  equity  in  the  Signature  Place  Borrower  ("Additional
Equity")  contributed by the Individual Signature Place Borrowers. To the extent
the Individual Signature Place Borrowers' share of cash flow provides less  than
a  10% cumulative annual return on  the outstanding balance of Additional Equity
(compounded semi-annually)  over  the  holding period  of  the  investment,  the
shortfall shall be paid to the Individual Investors out of the proceeds from the
sale  of Signature  Place or  refinancing of  the Signature  Place Mortgage. All
participation earned by the Partnership with respect to the Signature Place  PGL
shall  be  calculated  after  deducting  the  Borrowers'  Additional  Equity and
interest and principal paid on the Signature Place PIM and PGL.
    No prepayments of  the Signature Place  PGL will be  permitted prior to  the
tenth  anniversary of Initial Endorsement of  the Signature Place Mortgage Note.
Thereafter, the Signature Place PGL  may be prepaid in  whole, but not in  part,
upon 90 days prior written notice to the Partnership subject to a prepayment fee
equal  to 1% of the principal amount prepaid. On the tenth anniversary date, the
Partnership will have the right  to call the Signature  Place PGL by six  months
prior  written notice to the Individual Signature Place Borrowers, in which case
no prepayment fee shall be paid.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    The  terms  of  the   Signature  Place  PGL   entitle  the  Partnership   to
participation  in addition to Basic Interest equal to (i) 10% of any increase in
the  value  of  the  partnership  interests  in  the  Signature  Place  Borrower
(determined by reference to the value of Signature Place) over the base value of
the  partnership interests  (based on  the outstanding  principal amount  of the
Signature Place  Mortgage and  the Signature  Place PGL),  such increase  to  be
determined  upon the sale of Signature Place or upon the refinancing, prepayment
or maturity of the PGL;  and (ii) 10% of  the Individual Investors' interest  in
Signature Place's net cash flow (subject to certain HUD restrictions and reserve
requirements).  The aforesaid 10%  participation in Signature  Place provided by
the Signature Place PGL is over and above the 50% participation in the Signature
Place PIM. The payment obligation of  the Individual Borrowers' with respect  to
this  participation is  evidenced by a  supplemental interest  agreement, and is
non-recourse to  such partners,  except under  limited circumstances,  including
    To  date, the Partnership  has not received  any participating distributions
with respect  to either  the Signature  Place  PIM or  the Signature  Place  PGL
because HUD regulations generally do not permit the distribution of Surplus Cash
(as  defined by HUD)  until cash on hand  at a particular  month end exceeds the
amount of  the  required reserve.  As  outlined  by HUD,  the  required  reserve
generally  includes reserves for obligations due  within 30 days such as accrued
mortgage interest payable; delinquent  mortgage principal payments and  deposits
to  reserve for replacements, if any;  accounts payable and accrued expenses due
within 30  days; loans  and notes  payable  due within  30 days;  deficient  tax
insurance  or mortgage insurance premium escrow deposits, if any; prepaid rents;
and tenant security deposits payable.
    At December 31, 1995, the Signature  Place Borrower represented that it  had
cash  on hand of $328,840 while the required reserve was approximately $183,659.
The General Partner is currently evaluating the Surplus Cash statement from  the
Signature  Place Borrower  as of  December 31, 1995  in order  to determine what
amount of participation in Surplus Cash, if any, is due to the Partnership.
    Signature Place  is  a  232  unit  apartment  complex  located  in  Hampton,
Virginia.  The property is located in the Mercury Central section of Hampton, an
area which  includes a  regional  mall and  a wide  range  of retail  and  other
services, and convenient access from Interstate 64.
    Signature  Place consists of approximately  191,728 net rentable square feet
of building area in 13 two-and three-story buildings of wood frame  construction
with  siding and brick veneer exteriors.  The complex contains eight floor plans
ranging from a 544  square foot one-bedroom  unit to a  1,132 square foot  three
bedroom,  two-bath  unit. Signature  Place  offers a  clubhouse,  swimming pool,
Jacuzzi spa, sauna, exercise room  and tennis court, nine-foot ceilings,  patios
or  balconies, walk-in closets and washer/dryer hookups in all units, fireplaces
in 208 units, laundry equipment in 64  units, other amenities, and at least  375
surface parking spaces, including 42 garage spaces.
    The  overall occupancy rate  in the area is  approximately 94%. Occupancy at
Signature Place was 95%  at December 31, 1995.  No rental concessions are  being
offered  at this time. The economy in this region is impacted by the presence of
the military. The  market has been  somewhat impacted by  base realignments  and
closures  but  the overall  outlook is  cautiously  optimistic, as  various base
realignments should mitigate any base reductions in the area. Approximately  50%
of the tenants at Signature Place are employed by the military.
    The  General  Partner  agreed  pursuant  to  the  Partnership  Agreement  to
guarantee a  return to  the Partnership,  in  the aggregate,  of the  amount  of
investments  in the  PGLs for  Cross Creek,  the Highlands  and Signature Place.
Pursuant to this guarantee, on the date  that dissolution and winding up of  the
Partnership  shall  be  completed, the  General  Partner  agreed to  pay  to the
Partnership an  amount,  if  any,  by  which  (i)  the  funds  invested  by  the
Partnership in all PGLs exceeds (ii) all cash

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
payments  received by the  Partnership with respect  to all Mortgages, INCLUDING
points, Basic  Interest, Additional  Interest and  repayment of  principal,  but
EXCLUDING   Basic  Interest  and  repayment  of  principal  of  MBSs  and  other
insured/guaranteed Mortgages.  As a  result  of the  sale  of the  Highlands  as
referred to in "Mortgages -- the Highlands" above, the Partnership received cash
in  excess  of the  amount of  funds invested  by the  Partnership in  all PGLs.
Accordingly, the General  Partner has no  remaining future guarantee  obligation
with respect to any of the PGLs.
    The   real  estate  business  is  highly  competitive,  and  the  properties
underlying the Mortgages acquired by the Partnership have active competition for
tenants from similar properties in their respective vicinities.
    For a discussion of the Lawsuit, see "Litigation and Proposed Settlement."

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
    The  following selected audited financial data  for the years ended December
31, 1991 through 1995, and the  selected unaudited financial data for the  three
months  ended  March 31,  1996,  should be  read  in conjunction  with,  and are
qualified in  their  entirety  by,  "Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial  Condition and  Results of  Operations" and  the Financial Statements,
related notes and  other financial  information included  elsewhere herein.  The
unaudited financial data reflect, in the opinion of management, all adjustments,
consisting  of  only normal  recurring  items, which  are  necessary for  a fair
presentation  of  financial  conditions  and   results  of  operations  of   the
Partnership  on a basis consistent with that  of the audited financial data. The
results for the three months ended March 31, 1996 are not necessarily indicative
of results to be expected for the full year.

                                          MARCH 31,    MARCH 31.
                                            1996         1995      DECEMBER 31,  DECEMBER 31,  DECEMBER 31,  DECEMBER 31,
                                         (UNAUDITED)  (UNAUDITED)      1995          1994          1993          1992
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Total income...........................  $   626,458  $ 1,432,605   $3,268,459    $2,705,003    $2,550,740    $3,739,883
Total expenses.........................  $    67,585  $    71,997   $  315,427    $  458,288    $  407,966    $  440,041
Net income.............................  $   558,873  $ 1,360,608   $2,953,032    $2,246,715    $2,142,774    $3,299,842
Corporate Limited Partner..............  $        13  $        33   $       71    $       55    $       51    $       79
General Partner........................  $    10,619  $    11,806   $   43,654    $   44,934    $   42,856    $   65,997
Unitholders............................  $   548,241  $ 1,348,769   $2,909,307    $2,201,726    $2,099,867    $3,233,766
Weighted Average net income per Unit...  $       .07  $       .17   $      .36    $      .27    $      .26    $      .40
Net cash provided by operating
 activities............................  $   616,499  $ 1,933,292   $3,514,222    $2,286,337    $2,189,890    $3,208,517
Cash provided by (used in) investing
 activities............................  $13,000,835  $ 1,125,044   $1,221,263    $  108,069    $ (297,709)   $(6,864,431)
Return of capital......................  $   --       $   --        $   --        $   --        $   --       ($42,312,611)
Refund of public offering expenses.....  $   --       $   --        $   --        $   --        $   --        $3,596,571
Return of excess working capital
 reserves..............................  $   --       $   --        $   --        $(2,008,773)  $   --        $   --
Sales Proceeds.........................  $13,105,373  $   --        $2,463,060    $   --        $   --        $   --
Cash distributions to Unitholders......  $  (536,829) $  (590,567)  $(4,771,535)  $(4,275,142)  $(2,283,906)  $(3,944,595)
Cash distributions to General
 Partner...............................      (10,956)     (12,053)  $  (47,114)   $  (87,250)   $  (46,612)   $  (80,504)
Cash distribution to Corporate Limited
 Partner...............................          (13)         (14)  $     (117)   $     (105)   $      (56)   $      (97)
Total cash distributions...............  $  (547,798) $  (602,634)  $(4,818,766)  $(4,362,497)  $(2,330,574)  $(4,025,196)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and
 cash equivalents......................  $13,069,536  $ 2,455,702   $  (83,281)   $(1,968,091)  $ (438,393)  ($46,397,150)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
 period................................  $13,937,222  $ 3,406,669   $  867,686    $  950,967    $2,919,058    $3,357,451
Total assets...........................  $32,113,831  $34,774,544   $32,117,943   $34,070,778   $36,102,009   $36,259,215
Total liabilities......................  $    85,965  $   134,045   $  101,152    $  188,253    $  103,702    $   73,108
Partners capital:
  General Partner......................      (43,618)     (40,069)  $  (43,281)   $  (39,821)   $    2,495    $    6,251
  Corporate Limited Partner............  $       869  $       935   $      869    $      915    $      965    $      970
  Unitholders..........................  $32,070,615  $34,679,633   $32,059,203   $33,921,431   $35,994,847   $36,178,886
  Total Partners capital...............  $32,027,866  $34,640,499   $32,016,791   $33,882,525   $35,998,307   $36,186,107
Number of Units outstanding............  8,168,457.7  8,168,457.7  8,168,457.7   8,168,457.7   8,168,457.7   8,168,457.7
Book value per Unit....................  $      3.92  $      4.24   $     3.92    $     4.15    $     4.41    $     4.43

                                         DECEMBER 31,
Total income...........................   $3,905,073
Total expenses.........................   $  266,511
Net income.............................   $3,638,562
Corporate Limited Partner..............   $      106
General Partner........................   $   72,771
Unitholders............................   $3,565,685
Weighted Average net income per Unit...   $      .54
Net cash provided by operating
 activities............................   $3,767,352
Cash provided by (used in) investing
 activities............................  ($17,971,142)
Return of capital......................   $   --
Refund of public offering expenses.....   $   --
Return of excess working capital
 reserves..............................   $   --
Sales Proceeds.........................   $   --
Cash distributions to Unitholders......   $(3,481,225)
Cash distributions to General
 Partner...............................   $  (71,049)
Cash distribution to Corporate Limited
 Partner...............................   $     (118)
Total cash distributions...............   $(3,552,392)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and
 cash equivalents......................   $10,284,516
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
 period................................   $49,754,601
Total assets...........................   $75,765,875
Total liabilities......................   $  138,374
Partners capital:
  General Partner......................   $   20,758
  Corporate Limited Partner............   $    2,024
  Unitholders..........................   $75,604,719
  Total Partners capital...............   $75,627,501
Number of Units outstanding............  8,168,457.7
Book value per Unit....................   $     9.26


                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                            PRO FORMA FINANCIAL DATA
    The Pro Forma  Balance Sheet  as of  March 31,  1996, has  been prepared  to
reflect  the  adjustments described  in the  accompanying  notes. The  Pro Forma
Balance Sheet is based on and should be read in conjunction with the  historical
financial  statements and the  notes thereto filed as  part of the Partnership's
quarterly report on  Form 10-Q  for the  quarter ended  March 31,  1996 and  the
Partnership's  annual report on Form 10-K for  the year ended December 31, 1995.
The Pro  Forma  Balance  Sheet  was  prepared  as  if  the  liquidation  of  the
Partnership  commenced  on  March  31,  1996. The  Pro  Forma  Balance  Sheet is
unaudited and not necessarily indicative of  the value which may be received  if
such liquidation occurs.
                              AS OF MARCH 31, 1996

                                                                 HISTORICAL        PRO FORMA         PRO FORMA
                                                               MARCH 31, 1996     ADJUSTMENTS      (AS ADJUSTED)
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents....................................  $    13,937,222                    $    13,937,222
Interest receivable..........................................          138,249                            138,249
Investments in PIMs..........................................       16,764,965                         16,764,965
Deferred acquisition fees and expenses -- net................          873,295      (873,295)(A)                0
Investments in PGLs..........................................          400,100                            400,100
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
    Total assets.............................................  $    32,113,831  $   (873,295)     $    31,240,536
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
Due to affiliates............................................  $        25,000                    $        25,000
Accrued liabilities..........................................           60,965                             60,965
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
    Total liabilities........................................           85,965                             85,965
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
Partners' capital
  Capital contributions net of Public Offering expenses......       36,028,557                         36,028,557
  Accumulated earnings.......................................       17,931,236      (873,295)(A)       17,057,941
  Cumulative distributions...................................      (21,931,927)                       (21,931,927)
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
Total partners' capital......................................       32,027,866      (873,295)          31,154,571
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
Total liabilities and partners' capital......................  $    32,113,831  $   (873,295)     $    31,240,536
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
                                                               ---------------  ----------------  ---------------


                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                                 MARCH 31, 1996
    The  accompanying Pro Forma Balance Sheet as  of March 31, 1996 is presented
as if the liquidation of the Partnership commenced on March 31, 1996.
    This Pro  Forma  Balance  Sheet  is  to be  read  in  conjunction  with  the
historical  financial  statements and  notes thereto  as of  March 31,  1996 and
December 31, 1995, filed as part  of the Partnership's quarterly report on  Form
10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1996 and the Partnership's annual report on
Form  10-K  for  the  fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1995,  respectively. In
management's opinion, all  adjustments necessary  to reflect the  effect of  the
liquidation  of  the Partnership  have been  made. Additionally,  management has
assumed the disposition of  the Mortgages at par,  consequently no gain or  loss
would be recognized from such disposition. The unaudited Pro Forma Balance Sheet
is  not necessarily indicative of the actual  financial position as of March 31,
1996 nor does it purport to  represent the Partnership's financial position  for
future periods.
    (A) To reflect the write-off of deferred acquisition fees and expenses as of
March 31, 1996.
    The  Partnership's  cash  and cash  equivalents  balance at  March  31, 1996
consists of $426,269 of working  capital reserves, $13,105,373 of proceeds  from
the sale of the Highlands GNMA and cash generated from operations net of accrued
interest.  The Partnership's working capital reserves are invested in short-term
obligations of the  United States government  and other cash  equivalents. As  a
result  of the sale of  the Highlands GNMA and  the distribution of the proceeds
from the  sale  to Unitholders  on  May 15,  1996,  the Partnership's  net  cash
provided  by  operating activities  is  expected to  decline  significantly. The
Partnership  will,  however,  still  generate  sufficient  cash  from  operating
activities  to pay its operating expenses as  well as continue to make quarterly
distributions to the Unitholders.
    The Partnership currently derives its income primarily from its  investments
in MBSs, which are long-term, fixed interest rate GNMA securities, guaranteed as
to  the timely payment of principal and interest  by GNMA and backed by the full
faith and  credit  of  the  United States  Government.  The  Partnership's  only
operating  expenses are general and  administrative expenses which include audit
and tax return preparation  fees, printing and postage  costs for quarterly  and
annual  reports,  and  reimbursement  to the  General  Partner  for reimbursable
expenses incurred in accordance with the Partnership Agreement. In addition, the
Partnership pays an Asset Management Fee to the General Partner of .5%  annually
of  the average aggregate amount invested in the Cross Creek and Signature Place
Mortgages. As discussed  in "Certain Information  Concerning the Partnership  --
The  Mortgages  -- The  Highlands,"  in connection  with  the 1995  sale  of the
Highlands, the Partnership  is no longer  entitled to any  participation in  net
cash  flow or net appreciation of  the Highlands. Accordingly, effective January
31, 1995  the General  Partner decided  to forgo  an Asset  Management Fee  with
respect to the aggregate amount invested in the Modified Mortgage. After payment
of  general and administrative expenses, the  Partnership distributes all of its
income plus principal  repayments on  the MBSs to  the partners  on a  quarterly
    The  PIMs and  PGLs relating  to Cross  Creek and  Signature Place Mortgages
entitle the Partnership to  participate in the net  cash flow of the  properties
above  certain levels and in any net  appreciation in value upon refinancing. To
date the  Partnership  has  not  received any  such  participations  from  these

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    Net  cash provided by operating activities  for the three months ended March
31, 1996 was  $616,499 compared to  $1,933,292 for the  comparable 1995  period.
This  decrease was primarily  a result of  the sale of  the Highlands in January
1995 as discussed  under "Certain  Information Concerning the  Mortgages --  The
Mortgages -- The Highlands."
    MARCH 31, 1996 COMPARED TO MARCH 31, 1995
    The  decrease in  the Partnership's net  income from the  three months ended
March 31, 1996 as compared  to the corresponding period  in 1995 is primarily  a
result of the sale of the Highlands property on January 1995, as discussed under
"Certain   Information  Concerning  the  Mortgages   --  The  Mortgages  --  The
    The increase in interest income on cash  and cash equivalents is due to  the
shift of funds from investments in PIMs to short-term investments as a result of
the sale of the Highlands GNMA in the first quarter. In addition, as a result of
the sale of the Highlands, GNMA the Partnership recognized a gain of $57,098.
    The  distribution of  the proceeds  from the sale  of the  Highlands GNMA to
Unitholders on May 15, 1996 will result  in approximately a 33% decrease in  net
income  in the second quarter and remain at  that level until such time, if any,
that the Partnership receives  participations on the  Cross Creek and  Signature
Place Mortgages.
    1995 COMPARED TO 1994
    The  Partnership's net income for the year ended December 31, 1995 increased
by $706,317 from the prior year primarily as a result of other income recognized
in  connection  with  the  sale  of  the  Highlands  as  discussed  in  "Certain
Information  Concerning the Partnership -- The  Mortgages -- The Highlands", and
decreases in general and  administrative expenses and  Asset Management Fees  as
offset  by decreases in interest income earned  on cash and cash equivalents and
the Mortgages.
    Interest income on cash  and cash equivalents decreased  by $18,980 for  the
year  ended December 31, 1995 as compared to the prior year primarily due to the
distribution on November 15, 1994 of excess working capital which had previously
been invested in short term obligations of the United States government.
    Interest income on Mortgages for the year ended December 31, 1995  decreased
by  $573,026 from the prior  year due to the repayment  of the Highlands PGL and
the interest rate reduction on the Modified Mortgage as resulting from the  sale
of the Highlands as discussed in "Certain Information Concerning the Partnership
- -- The Mortgages -- The Highlands."
    Other  income for the  year ended December 31,  1995 increased by $1,155,462
from the prior year due  to the receipt of a  prepayment charge of $324,000  and
participations  in  net  appreciation  and cash  flow  of  $832,462  received in
connection with the sale of the  Highlands as discussed in "Certain  Information
Concerning the Partnership -- The Mortgages -- The Highlands."
    General  and administrative  expenses for the  year ended  December 31, 1995
decreased by  $77,549  from  the  prior  year as  all  legal  fees  incurred  in
connection  with the sale of  the Highlands and the  mutual release delivered in
connection therewith had been paid or accrued as of December 31, 1994. Partially
offsetting this decrease in legal  fees was an increase  in tax fees and  slight
increases  in costs  related to  quarterly investor  distribution processing and
investor K-1 processing.
    Asset Management Fees  for the  year ended  December 31,  1995 decreased  by
$65,312  from the  prior year as  the General  Partner had decided  to forego an
asset management  fee with  respect  to the  aggregate  amount invested  in  the
Highlands  GNMA as, in  accordance with the Amended  and Restated Agreement, the
Partnership would no longer  be entitled to participations  in net cash flow  or
net appreciation in value of the Highlands.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
    1994 COMPARED TO 1993
    The  Partnership's net income for the year ended December 31, 1994 increased
by $103,941 from the prior year primarily as a result of interest income on  the
PGLs.  Interest income from PGLs increased by $177,708 over 1993, as semi-annual
interest payments became due  and payable on the  Cross Creek and the  Highlands
PGLs  during the latter  half of 1993. Accordingly,  the Partnership realized 12
months worth of interest income on the Cross Creek and the Highlands PGLs during
1994. In addition,  the Partnership's 1994  general and administrative  expenses
increased  from the prior year as a  result of professional fees associated with
the Highlands litigation previously disclosed in the Partnership's Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995.
    1993 COMPARED TO 1992
    The Partnership's net income for the year ended December 31, 1993  decreased
by  $1,157,068  from  the prior  year  resulting  primarily from  a  decrease in
interest income on cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents includes
unfunded net proceeds which are invested in short-term obligations. Unfunded net
proceeds declined throughout 1992  and the first quarter  of 1993 as  additional
investments  in Mortgages  were funded.  Additionally, there  was a  decrease in
interest income on Mortgages resulting from  the reduction of the interest  rate
on the Signature Place MBS from 10% to 8% upon conversion to permanent status in
March  1993. The decrease in income for the year more than offset a 10% decrease
in general and administrative expenses.
    The  following  discussion  briefly  addresses  what  the  General   Partner
believes, based on the advice of tax counsel, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld,
L.L.P.,  are likely  to be the  principal federal income  tax consequences under
current law  of  a  Unitholder's receipt  of  a  Cash Payment  pursuant  to  the
Settlement  and the winding-up  and liquidation of  the Partnership. The federal
income tax  discussion  set  forth  below is  a  summary  included  for  general
information  purposes  only  and  does  not address  all  of  the  potential tax
consequences that might be relevant to a particular Unitholder.
    The United  States  federal  income tax  consequences  to  each  Unitholder,
including a Unitholder that is a Tax-Exempt Unitholder, of the receipt of a Cash
Payment  pursuant to the Settlement and of the winding-up and liquidation of the
Partnership will vary depending on the Unitholder's particular circumstances. In
addition, the views of the General  Partner and tax counsel described below  are
not  binding on the  Internal Revenue Service  (the "IRS") or  the courts. It is
possible that the  IRS could  take a  different position  regarding the  federal
income tax consequences described below and that a court would sustain the IRS's
position,  in which  case a Unitholder  may realize  different tax consequences.
Accordingly, each Unitholder is  strongly urged to consult  his, her or its  own
tax  adviser with respect  to the specific  tax consequences of  his, her or its
receipt of a Cash Payment pursuant to  the Settlement and of the winding-up  and
liquidation  of  the  Partnership,  including the  effect  and  applicability of
federal, state, local and foreign tax laws.
    LIQUIDATION ADVANCE.  A Settling  Unitholder generally should not  recognize
income on his, her or its receipt of the Liquidation Advance. If the Liquidation
Advance  received by  a Settling  Unitholder ultimately  exceeds the Liquidating
Distribution allocable  to such  Settling  Unitholder (see  "-- Winding  Up  and
Liquidation of the Partnership", below), such excess generally should be treated
for  federal income tax purposes in the same  manner as a Refund received at the
time of the liquidation of the Partnership.
    REFUND.  The Refund should be treated  for federal income tax purposes as  a
return  of  capital  and  should  be  applied  against  and  reduce  a  Settling
Unitholder's adjusted tax basis in his, her or its Units. To the extent, if any,
that the  Refund received  by a  Settling  Unitholder exceeds  his, her  or  its

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
tax  basis in his, her or its  Units, such excess will constitute taxable income
to such Settling Unitholder  which may be ordinary  income. It is unlikely  that
Unitholders will receive a Refund in excess of their adjusted tax basis.
    ENHANCEMENT.   The Enhancement should  be treated in the  same manner as the
    SPECIAL RULES FOR  TAX-EXEMPT UNITHOLDERS.   A  Tax-Exempt Unitholder  which
participates in the Settlement generally should not recognize unrelated business
taxable income as a result of its receipt of the Refund or Enhancement. However,
if  such a Tax-Exempt Unitholder  has incurred "acquisition indebtedness" within
the meaning of  the Code with  respect to  its Units, then  such Unitholder  may
recognize unrelated business taxable income to the extent (if any) the Refund or
Enhancement exceeds his, her or its adjusted tax basis in its Units.
    The  General Partner and tax counsel believe that property acquired with the
proceeds of  the Liquidation  Advance should  not be  treated as  "debt-financed
property"  within the meaning  of the Code  even though it  is expected that the
General Partner  will  recoup  all  or part  of  the  Liquidation  Advance  from
Liquidating   Distributions  that  would  otherwise  be  paid  to  the  Settling
Unitholder. However,  there is  no clear  legal authority  on the  treatment  of
payments  like the Liquidation Advance for such purposes and it is possible that
the IRS could take a different view.
    In  general, in computing his,  her or its federal  income tax liability for
his, her or its tax year in which  the assets of the Partnership are sold,  each
Unitholder will be required to take into account his, her or its allocable share
of  any gain or loss  from the sale of  the Partnership's properties. Generally,
the amount of any gain  should be treated as capital  gain except to the  extent
the  gain is  attributable to  (i) accrued  unpaid interest,  including original
issue discount, (ii) interest based on appreciation in property or (iii)  market
discount (in certain cases). Any loss from the sale should be treated as capital
    A  Unitholder may  deduct losses  allocated by  the Partnership  only to the
extent of his, her or  its adjusted tax basis in  its Units. Because the  Refund
paid  to a  Unitholder will  reduce his, her  or its  adjusted tax  basis in its
Units, a Unitholder who receives a Refund may not be entitled to deduct the full
amount of its share of any losses realized by the Partnership.
    Upon the  liquidation  of  the  Partnership and  the  distribution  of  sale
proceeds,  a  Unitholder  could,  depending  on his,  her  or  its  personal tax
situation, recognize additional gain or loss, to the extent that the sum of  the
cash  received (and in the case of a Settling Unitholder, any amounts treated as
received and used to pay the Liquidation Advance) and the reduction in his,  her
or its share of Partnership non-recourse liabilities (if any) is greater than or
less  than his, her or its adjusted tax basis in his, her or its Units. For this
purpose, the  Unitholder's  adjusted tax  basis  in its  his,  her or  Units  is
increased  by such Unitholder's share of any gain and reduced by his, her or its
share of any loss  recognized from the  sale of Partnership  assets (as well  as
such Unitholder's receipt of a Refund, as described above).
    As  described more fully under the  heading "The Proposal and Considerations
with Respect  to the  Proposal --  The Proposal  -- Effect  of Approval  of  the
Proposal  and  the  Settlement," all  or  part of  the  Liquidating Distribution
otherwise payable to any Unitholder who has received a Liquidation Advance  will
be  paid  to the  General Partner  as  a repayment  of the  Liquidation Advance.
Although the issue is not free from  doubt, the General Partner and tax  counsel
believe  that  any Unitholder  who has  received a  Liquidation Advance  will be
treated for federal income tax purposes as having received from the  Partnership
his,  her or its full  allocable share of the  Liquidating Distribution, and, to
the extent

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
such amount is paid  to the General  Partner, to have  applied such proceeds  to
repay   the  Liquidation   Advance.  The   General  Partner   intends  that  the
Partnership's annual information returns will be prepared in a manner consistent
with such treatment.
    Any additional gain or loss recognized by a Unitholder on the liquidation of
the Partnership generally will be treated as capital gain or loss.
    Any loss  reportable  by  a  Unitholder as  a  result  of  the  transactions
contemplated  herein, and any suspended passive activity losses from prior years
that are attributable to  the Partnership, will generally  be deductible in  the
year  of sale without regard  to the passive activity  loss limitations. Any net
income or  gains reportable  by a  Unitholder as  a result  of the  transactions
contemplated  herein  should  generally be  considered  "portfolio  income" that
cannot be offset against passive activity losses from other sources.
    A Tax-Exempt  Unitholder may  have unrelated  business taxable  income as  a
result  of the winding up and liquidation  of the Partnership if it has incurred
"acquisition indebtedness" within the meaning of  the Code with respect to  his,
her or its Units.
                             OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT
    There  is no individual  known by the  General Partner to  be the beneficial
owner of more  than five  percent of the  Partnership's 8,168,457.7  outstanding
Units.  The  General  Partner  holds  11,869.86 Units.  Any  Units  held  by the
Partnership or the General Partner will be voted with respect to the Proposal in
the same proportion  as the Unitholders  vote for or  against the Proposal.  The
ownership interests held by management and its affiliates consist of its General
Partner  and  Corporate  Limited Partner  interests;  no interests  are  held by
executive officers or directors.
    If the Proposal is approved by the Unitholders, the Partnership will proceed
with the dissolution, termination and winding up of the Partnership pursuant  to
the Partnership Agreement and any Partnership assets remaining after the sale of
the  Partnership's  properties  and the  discharge  of all  of  its liabilities,
including debts to partners, will be  distributed to the partners in  accordance
with  the Partnership Agreement regardless of whether the Settlement is approved
by the Court. See "The Proposal -- Liquidating Distributions."
    If  the  Unitholders  approve  the  Proposal  and  the  Court  approves  the
Settlement  and the  Settlement becomes  final, the  General Partner  will pay a
Liquidation Advance to each Settling Unitholder. The Liquidation Advance will be
non-interest bearing and  repayable solely out  of any Liquidating  Distribution
payable  by the Partnership to the Settling Unitholder. Each Settling Unitholder
will grant a security interest  in favor of the General  Partner in his, her  or
its  Units  and  Liquidating Distribution  up  to  the amount  of  such Settling
Unitholder's Liquidation Advance  to secure  the repayment  of such  Liquidation
Advance  out of his, her or its Liquidating Distribution. In addition to amounts
received by NYLIFE Realty Inc.  as the General Partner,  as the owner of  Units,
NYLIFE  Realty Inc. will receive a percentage of the Liquidating Distribution to
Unitholders corresponding to the percentage of Units owned by NYLIFE Realty Inc.
No Liquidation Advance will be made with respect to Units owned by NYLIFE Realty
    The Proposal may give rise to  certain conflicts of interest arising out  of
the  relationships among the Partnership, the  General Partner and affiliates of
the General Partner.  If the  Proposal is approved  by the  Unitholders and  the
Court   approves  the   Settlement  and   the  Settlement   becomes  final,  the

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
General Partner and  certain of  its affiliates  will be  released from  certain
liabilities  as discussed under "Litigation and Proposed Settlement -- Release."
As a condition  to receipt of  a Liquidation Advance  from the General  Partner,
each  Settling Unitholder will grant a security interest in favor of the General
Partner in his,  her or its  Units and  the Liquidating Distribution  up to  the
amount of such Settling Unitholder's Liquidation Advance to secure the repayment
of  the Liquidation Advance out of his, her or its Liquidating Distribution. The
General Partner is entitled to receive an Asset Management Fees equal to .5%  of
the  total invested assets of the Partnership on a quarterly basis. However, the
General Partner has  agreed to waive  any such  future fees if  the Proposal  is
    There  is no organized trading market for the Units. The Units represent the
assigned economic  rights attributable  to the  Unitholder Interests  of  NYLIFE
Depositary  Corporation,  the Corporate  Limited  Partner. Each  Unit originally
represented $10 of depositary interest in the Partnership. The Corporate Limited
Partner acts as  depositary for  and on behalf  of the  Partnership. Units  were
issued  in registered form only and cannot  be issued to nominee holders, except
at the sole discretion of the General Partner.
    The Corporate  Limited  Partner assigned  to  the extent  permitted  by  the
Massachusetts  Uniform Limited Partnership Act (the "Act") all of its rights and
interest in  the Partnership  (except its  $2,000 Limited  Partner Interest)  to
Unitholders  upon  their  purchase  of  the  Units.  Currently,  the  rights and
interests assignable under the Act by the Corporate Limited Partner include  the
right to distributions, profits and losses, and liquidating distributions of the
Partnership.  As  to the  voting rights  and the  right to  inspect or  copy the
Partnership's books  which are  not assignable  under the  Act, Unitholders  are
entitled  to exercise their  rights through the Corporate  Limited Partner as if
they were limited  partners of the  Partnership under the  Act, pursuant to  the
Subscription Agreement and the Partnership Agreement. Accordingly, the Corporate
Limited  Partner is required to exercise  its rights and perform its obligations
as may be required by the Act solely in favor of, in the interest of, and at the
direction of the Unitholders pursuant to the Partnership Agreement. Units may be
assigned upon compliance with applicable laws  and the terms of the  Partnership
Agreement.  As of  the Record Date,  the Partnership  had [       ] Unitholders.
Pursuant to a preliminary injunction issued  by the Court, Unitholders who  have
not  excluded themselves  from the  Class have  been enjoined  from transferring
their Units  except  in certain  specified  circumstances. If  the  Proposal  is
approved  by the  Unitholders and  the Settlement is  approved by  the Court and
becomes final, Settling  Unitholders will  not be permitted  to transfer  Units.
Settling  Unitholders will, however, receive the Cash Payment. See "The Proposal
and Considerations with Respect to  the Proposal -- Considerations with  Respect
to  the Proposal" and  "Litigation and Proposed Settlement  -- The Hearing Order
and the Settlement Hearings."
    Information regarding  cash distributions  to  the Unitholders  is  included
under "Selected Financial Data."
                               VOTING PROCEDURES
    Each  Unitholder shall be entitled to one vote for each Unit owned of record
by such Unitholder  on the Record  Date. Approval of  the Proposal requires  the
affirmative  consents of Unitholders holding a  majority of the Units (a minimum
of         Units)  outstanding on the Record Date. A duly executed consent  card
on which a consent or indication of withholding consent is not indicated will be
deemed  a consent to the Proposal set forth herein, except that broker non-votes
(Units held by a  broker or nominee  for which a consent  card is submitted  but
with  respect to which such  broker or nominee expressly  indicates that it does
not have discretionary authority to consent to the Proposal) will be treated  as
negative votes. Abstentions also will be treated effectively as negative votes.
    This  Definitive Solicitation Statement is accompanied by a separate consent
card. Consent cards  should be completed,  signed and returned  promptly to  New
York Life Limited Partnership Class

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
Action  Administrator, P.O.  Box 9224, Boston,  MA 02205-8622 if  sent by United
States mail, or New York Life Limited Partnership Class Action Administrator c/o
Boston Financial Data Services, Inc., 1250  Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02169  if
sent  by hand delivery  or delivery service.  A self-addressed, prepaid envelope
for return  of  the consent  cards  has  been included  with  this  Solicitation
    Only  Unitholders  of record  on  the Record  Date  (May 14,  1996)  will be
entitled to  submit consent  cards with  respect to  the Proposal.  The  consent
solicitation  will expire at 5:00 p.m., New  York time, on June 25, 1996, unless
extended by the General Partner (as extended from time to time, the  "Expiration
Date").  The  General  Partner  may  extend  the  Expiration  Date  in  its sole
discretion. The General Partner intends to extend the Expiration Date until  the
earlier  of the  date on which  a majority  of the Unitholders  have approved or
disapproved the Proposal or the Final Settlement Date.
    Any Unitholder  delivering  a  consent card  pursuant  to  the  Solicitation
Statement may revoke his, her or its consent with respect to the Proposal at any
time  prior  to the  earlier  of the  Approval Date  or  the Expiration  Date by
delivering written notice of such revocation to the General Partner at New  York
Life  Limited Partnership Class Action Administrator,  P.O. Box 9224, Boston, MA
02205-8622 if sent by United States  mail, or New York Life Limited  Partnership
Class  Action  Administrator  c/o  Boston Financial  Data  Services,  Inc., 1250
Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02169 if  sent by hand delivery or delivery  service.
Such written notice must be received by the General Partner prior to the earlier
of the Approval Date or the Expiration Date.
    The  Partnership Agreement allows certain costs and expenses incurred by the
General Partner, including those in connection with the preparation and  mailing
of  the Solicitation Statement and all  papers which accompany or supplement the
Solicitation Statement, to be charged  to the Partnership. The General  Partner,
however,  has  elected to  pay  all costs  and  expenses, including  legal fees,
incurred in connection  with the  preparation, filing and  distribution of  this
Solicitation Statement and all accompanying or supplementary papers.
    The  Proprietary Partnerships have retained the  services of King to solicit
the written consents of limited partners  and unitholders to the dissolution  of
such  Partnerships. Additionally, BFDS has been retained by the General Partner,
certain of  its  affiliates  and the  Plaintiffs  to  act as  the  class  action
administrator  in connection with the  Lawsuit. As such, BFDS  may assist in the
solicitation  of  written  consents.  Solicitation  of  consents  also  may   be
undertaken  by  the directors,  officers, employees  and  agents of  the General
Partner and  New  York  Life.  Solicitation may  be  made  by  mail,  telephone,
telegraph,  facsimile transmission or personal  interview. The fees and expenses
of King and BFDS  and the costs  incurred by the  General Partner in  connection
with  the solicitation  of consents  will be  borne by  the General  Partner and
certain of its affiliates. The fees of King for the solicitation of consents  on
behalf  of all Proprietary Partnerships (including the Partnership) is estimated
to be $100,000,  plus reimbursement  for out-of-pocket costs  and expenses.  The
fees  of BFDS for its services as  class action administrator in connection with
the Lawsuit are estimated to be $2,500,000.
                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
    The Partnership is subject to the informational requirements of the Exchange
Act and  in accordance  therewith,  files reports,  proxy statements  and  other
information  with  the  Commission.  Such reports,  proxy  statements  and other
information filed by the Partnership may  be inspected at, and, upon payment  of
the  Commission's customary  charges, copies  may be  obtained from,  the public
reference facilities maintained  by the  Commission at 450  Fifth Street,  N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20549. Such reports, proxy statements and other information are
also   available  for  inspection  and  copying   at  prescribed  rates  at  the
Commission's regional offices located at  Seven World Trade Center, 13th  Floor,
New  York, New York  10048 and Citicorp  Center, 500 West  Madison Street, Suite
1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                           INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE
    The following documents are incorporated  by reference in this  Solicitation
        1.   The  Partnership's Annual  Report on Form  10-K for  the year ended
    December 31, 1995;
        2.  The Partnership's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 13, 1996.
        3.  The  Partnership's Quarterly  Report on  Form 10-Q  for the  quarter
    ended March 31, 1996.
    The Partnership will provide without charge to each person to whom a copy of
this  Solicitation Statement is delivered, upon  written or oral request of such
person and by first class mail or other  equally prompt means, a copy of any  or
all  of the documents  incorporated by reference herein,  other than exhibits to
such documents (unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by  reference
in  such  documents). Requests  should  be directed  to  NYLIFE Realty  Inc., 51
Madison Avenue, Suite 1710, New York, New York 10010.
                                          By Order of the General Partner
                                          NYLIFE REALTY INC.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                         INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Report of Independent Accountants................................   F-2
Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1995 and 1994..................   F-3
Statements of Income for the Years Ended December 31, 1995, 1994
 and 1993........................................................   F-4
Statements of Partners' Capital for the Years Ended December 31,
 1995, 1994 and 1993.............................................   F-5
Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 1995,
 1994 and 1993...................................................   F-6
Notes to Financial Statements....................................   F-7
Balance Sheets as of March 31, 1996 (Unaudited) and December 31,
 1995............................................................  F-21
Statement of Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 1996
 and 1995 (Unaudited)............................................  F-22
Statement of Partners' Capital for the Three Months Ended March
 31, 1996 (Unaudited) and for the Year Ended December 31, 1995...  F-23
Statement of Cash Flows for the Three Months Ended March 31, 1996
 and 1995 (Unaudited)............................................  F-24
Notes to Financial Statements....................................  F-25
Report of Independent Accountants of NYLIFE Realty Inc...........  F-29
Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1995 and 1994 of NYLIFE Realty
 Inc.............................................................  F-30
Notes to Balance Sheets of NYLIFE Realty Inc.....................  F-31


                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
To the Partners and Unitholders
  of NYLIFE Government Mortgage
  Plus Limited Partnership:
We  have audited the  accompanying balance sheets  of NYLIFE Government Mortgage
Plus   Limited   Partnership   (a   Massachusetts   limited   partnership,   the
"Partnership")  as of December 31, 1995 and  1994, and the related statements of
income, partners' capital  and cash flows  for each  of the three  years in  the
period   ended   December  31,   1995.  These   financial  statements   are  the
responsibility of  the General  Partner.  Our responsibility  is to  express  an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.
We   conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to  obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also  includes
assessing  the  accounting principles  used  and significant  estimates  made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement  presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
As  further discussed in Note 9, in connection with the settlement of litigation
involving the  General Partner  of  the Partnership,  the general  partner  will
solicit consents of the limited partners for the dissolution of the Partnership.
The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result should
the Unitholders consent to liquidate the Partnership.
In  our opinion, the  financial statements referred to  above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of NYLIFE Government Mortgage Plus
Limited Partnership as  of December 31,  1995 and  1994 and the  results of  its
operations  and its cash flows  for each of the three  years in the period ended
December 31, 1995 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
                                          Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
New York, New York
March 22, 1996

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                        AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994

ASSETS                                                       1995          1994
                                                         ------------  ------------
Cash and cash equivalents..............................  $    867,686  $    950,967
Interest receivable....................................       208,392       280,773
Investments in Participating Insured Mortgages.........    29,765,800    29,891,263
Investments in Participating Guaranteed Loans..........       400,100     1,495,900
Deferred acquisition fees and expenses -- net..........       875,965     1,451,875
                                                         ------------  ------------
    Total assets.......................................  $ 32,117,943  $ 34,070,778
                                                         ------------  ------------
                                                         ------------  ------------
Due to affiliates......................................  $     21,729  $    100,000
Accrued liabilities....................................        79,423        88,253
                                                         ------------  ------------
    Total liabilities..................................       101,152       188,253
                                                         ------------  ------------
Commitments and contingencies
Partners' capital:
  Capital contributions net of public offering
   expenses............................................    36,028,557    36,028,557
  Accumulated earnings.................................    17,372,364    14,419,332
  Cumulative distributions.............................   (21,384,130)  (16,565,364)
                                                         ------------  ------------
    Total partners' capital............................    32,016,791    33,882,525
                                                         ------------  ------------
    Total liabilities and partners' capital............  $ 32,117,943  $ 34,070,778
                                                         ------------  ------------
                                                         ------------  ------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME
             FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995, 1994, AND 1993

                                                            1995        1994        1993
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
Interest -- cash and cash equivalents..................  $   64,991  $   83,971  $   79,410
Interest -- Mortgages (net of write-off and
 amortization of deferred acquisition costs)...........   2,047,006   2,620,032   2,463,163
Other income...........................................   1,156,462       1,000       8,167
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
    Total income.......................................   3,268,459   2,705,003   2,550,740
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
General and administrative.............................     222,572     300,121     250,000
Asset Management Fees..................................      92,855     158,167     157,966
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
    Total expenses.....................................     315,427     458,288     407,966
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
      Net income.......................................  $2,953,032  $2,246,715  $2,142,774
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
General Partner........................................  $   43,654  $   44,934  $   42,856
Corporate Limited Partner..............................          71          55          51
Unitholders............................................   2,909,307   2,201,726   2,099,867
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                         $2,953,032  $2,246,715  $2,142,774
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
Net income per Unit....................................  $      .36  $      .27  $      .26
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
Number of Units........................................  8,168,457.7 8,168,457.7 8,168,457.7
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                         ----------  ----------  ----------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                        STATEMENTS OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL
             FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995, 1994, AND 1993

                                                                            CORPORATE                   TOTAL
                                                                             LIMITED     GENERAL      PARTNERS'
                                                            UNITHOLDERS      PARTNER     PARTNER       CAPITAL
                                                           --------------  -----------  ----------  --------------
Balance at January 1, 1993...............................  $   36,178,886   $     970   $    6,251  $   36,186,107
Net income...............................................       2,099,867          51       42,856       2,142,774
Distributions............................................      (2,283,906)        (56)     (46,612)     (2,330,574)
                                                           --------------  -----------  ----------  --------------
Balance at December 31, 1993.............................  $   35,994,847   $     965   $    2,495  $   35,998,307
Net income...............................................       2,201,726          55       44,934       2,246,715
Distributions............................................      (4,275,142)       (105)     (87,250)     (4,362,497)
                                                           --------------  -----------  ----------  --------------
Balance at December 31, 1994.............................      33,921,431         915      (39,821)     33,882,525
Net income...............................................       2,909,307          71       43,654       2,953,032
Distributions............................................      (4,771,535)       (117)     (47,114)     (4,818,766)
                                                           --------------  -----------  ----------  --------------
Balance at December 31, 1995.............................  $   32,059,203   $     869   $  (43,281) $   32,016,791
                                                           --------------  -----------  ----------  --------------
                                                           --------------  -----------  ----------  --------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
             FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995, 1994, AND 1993

                                                            1995         1994         1993
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income.............................................  $ 2,953,032  $ 2,246,715  $ 2,142,774
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flows
 from operating activities:
  Amortization of acquisition costs....................      575,910       17,948       16,494
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Decrease (increase) in interest receivable.........       72,381      (62,877)          28
    (Decrease) increase in due to affiliates...........      (78,271)     100,000      --
    (Decrease) increase in accrued liabilities.........       (8,830)     (15,449)      30,594
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
      Total adjustments................................      561,190       39,622       47,116
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net cash provided by operating activities........    3,514,222    2,286,337    2,189,890
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Repayment of Participating Insured Mortgages.........      125,463      108,069       94,191
  Investment in Participating Insured Mortgages........      --           --          (391,900)
  Repayment of Participating Guaranteed Loans..........    1,095,800      --           --
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net cash provided by (used in) investing
       activities......................................    1,221,263      108,069     (297,709)
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Distributions to partners............................   (4,818,766)  (4,362,497)  (2,330,574)
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net cash used in financing activities............   (4,818,766)  (4,362,497)  (2,330,574)
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents..............      (83,281)  (1,968,091)    (438,393)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period.......      950,967    2,919,058    3,357,451
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.............  $   867,686  $   950,967  $ 2,919,058
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
    NYLIFE Government Mortgage Plus Limited Partnership (the "Partnership") is a
limited  partnership  which was  formed  on November  21,  1988 pursuant  to the
provisions  of   the  Massachusetts   Uniform  Limited   Partnership  Act.   The
Partnership's  general partner, NYLIFE  Realty Inc. (the  "General Partner"), an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of New  York Life Insurance Company ("New  York
Life"),  was  issued all  of the  general  partner interests  in exchange  for a
capital contribution of $3,000. The Partnership  also issued all of the  limited
partner  interests to  NYLIFE Depositary  Corporation, an  indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of New York Life (the "Corporate Limited Partner"), in exchange for a
capital contribution of $2,000.
    Limited partner interests ("Limited Partner  Interests") are defined as  the
interests  of any partner  having an ownership  interest representing an initial
capital contribution of  $10 together with  the obligations of  such partner  to
comply with all terms and provisions of the Partnership Agreement, but excluding
any claims which the partner may have as a creditor.
    A  unit  is defined  as  the interest  of  a unitholder  in  the Partnership
(hereafter referred to as "Units" and "Unitholders"). Upon the purchase of Units
by Unitholders, the  Corporate Limited  Partner contributed  to the  Partnership
cash  in the amount of  the subscription prices paid  by the Unitholders and the
Unitholders received  Limited  Partner Interests  in  return. In  addition,  the
Corporate  Limited Partner assigned  all of the  economic rights attributable to
the Limited Partner  Interests to  the Unitholders  to the  extent permitted  by
Massachusetts law, and exercised all rights with respect to such Limited Partner
Interests as directed by the Unitholders, pursuant to the Partnership Agreement.
    The  offering period  for the Partnership's  Units expired  on September 30,
    The Partnership Agreement authorizes  the Partnership to acquire  guaranteed
or   federally  insured  or  coinsured  mortgages  on  multi-family  residential
properties or residential care  facilities directly or  through the purchase  of
mortgage-backed  securities  ("MBSs")  guaranteed  as  to  principal  and  Basic
Interest issued or originated under or  in connection with the housing  programs
of  the  department  of Housing  and  Urban Development  ("HUD"),  or Government
National  Mortgage  Association  ("GNMA").  The  Partnership  may  also  acquire
uninsured    participation   interests   secured   by   subordinated   mortgages
("Participation Interests"), which may provide for Partnership participation  in
the operating revenues and residual value, if any, of the underlying properties.
In  addition,  the Partnership  may  invest in  uninsured  loans ("Participating
Guaranteed Loans" or "PGLs") with respect to the same properties underlying  the
MBSs, which may also provide for such participations. Although the Participation
Interests  are not guaranteed or  insured by any government  agency and the PGLs
are not secured by any real estate mortgage, for ease of reference, the MBSs and
the  Participation  Interests  are  collectively  referred  to  herein  as   the
"Participating  Insured Mortgages" or "PIMs" and  PIMs and PGLs are collectively
referred to herein as the "Mortgages."
    Since its formation, the Partnership  has invested in three PIMs  consisting
of  (i)  MBSs collateralized  by federally  coinsured mortgages  on multi-family
residential properties pursuant to the coinsurance programs of Section 221(d)(4)
of the  National  Housing Act  and  (ii) participating  interests  evidenced  by
additional  interest agreements and  secured by subordinated  mortgages on those
properties. Each MBS is guaranteed as  to principal and Basic Interest by  GNMA.
As  described in Note 9, one  such MBS was sold on  February 27, 1996. The Cross
Creek and Signature Place PIMs also  provide for the Partnership to  participate
in  50% of the underlying property's net cash flow and appreciation, if any. The
Partnership has funded three PGLs with respect to the same properties underlying

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
Partnership's  PIMs.  The  General  Partner  has  guaranteed  a  return  to  the
Partnership,  upon liquidation, of funds invested in  PGLs, if any, in excess of
cash payments received by  the Partnership from all  mortgages and loans  (other
than  cash payments of principal and Basic  Interest on MBSs). The PIMs and PGLs
are further described in Note 5.
    "Basic Interest" is defined as interest which is generally payable  monthly,
and  is calculated on the unpaid balance  of the underlying mortgage loan or PGL
at an  annual percentage  rate  (the "Basic  Interest  Rate") specified  in  the
documents establishing such mortgage loan or PGL.
    The  Partnership terminates on December  31, 2028, unless terminated earlier
by the occurrence of certain events as set forth in the Partnership Agreement.
    At January 1, 1992, the Partnership had committed $33,580,000 for investment
in MBSs and Participation Interests related to three properties, known as  Cross
Creek,  the Highlands and  Signature Place. This represented  48.2% of the funds
available for investment by the Partnership.  Since it was unable to invest  its
remaining  available net proceeds,  the Partnership returned  $42,312,611 of its
capital to investors during 1992.  This amount included $37,020,024 of  proceeds
which  were  not committed  for Mortgages,  as  well as  $5,292,587 of  fees and
expense  reimbursements  previously  paid  to   the  General  Partner  and   its
affiliates,  of which $3,596,572 were credited to capital and $1,696,015 reduced
deferred acquisition  costs.  This distribution  represented  a $5.18  per  unit
return of capital. Accordingly, subsequent to such distribution, the Partnership
has 8,168,457.7 Units with a capital value of $4.82 per unit.
    The  Partnership  uses  the  following  accounting  policies  for  financial
reporting purposes:
    Highly liquid  debt instruments  (including  short-term obligations  of  the
United States government) purchased with a maturity of three months or less, are
considered  cash equivalents and  are stated at  cost, which approximates market
value. Included in  cash and cash  equivalents is a  working capital reserve  of
$426,266  which may  be used  to meet  the Partnership's  operating expenses and
    In 1995, mortgage-backed permanent loan certificates ("PLCs") are carried at
current market value and are classified as available-for-sale. PLCs were carried
at amortized cost in 1994 and were classified as held to maturity (See Note 5).
    In 1995, PGLs  are carried  at current market  value and  are classified  as
available-for-sale.  PGLs were carried at amortized  cost and were classified as
held to maturity in 1994  (See Note 5). Although  interest accrues on the  PGLs,
the  Partnership  does  not recognize  such  income  on its  books  until  it is
    Acquisition expenses, which  were paid  upon the receipt  of gross  offering
proceeds  of  the  Partnership,  were  deferred  and,  upon  conversion  of  the
construction loan certificates ("CLCs") to a PLC, are currently being  amortized
over  the  term  of  the  PLC,  using  the  effective  interest  method. Amounts

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
paid to  the Partnership  as origination  fees relating  to the  acquisition  of
Mortgages  were netted against  acquisition costs, and  are also currently being
amortized over the term of the PLC using the effective interest method.
    No provision for  income taxes  has been  made in  the financial  statements
because  these taxes  are the responsibility  of the  individual partners rather
than the Partnership.
    Reimbursement to the General Partner for organization and offering  expenses
and  amounts paid to NYLIFE Securities Inc. ("NYLIFE Securities"), pursuant to a
sales agent agreement, were  charged directly to the  capital accounts upon  the
admission  of Unitholders through September  30, 1991. Organization and offering
expenses included  costs  of preparing  the  Partnership for  registration,  and
thereafter  offering and selling  Units to the  public, and included advertising
expenses and any sales commissions paid  to broker-dealers relating to the  sale
of  the Units. In 1992 a portion of these public offering expenses were returned
to the Partnership (See Note 1).
    The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions that  affect the  reported  amounts of  assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure  of contingent assets  and liabilities at the  dates of the financial
statements and  the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
    As  of December 31, 1995, the  Partnership had 8,168,457.7 Units outstanding
which originally  sold  for  $81,684,577 and  which  reflected  purchase  volume
discounts of $143,319.
    In  accordance with the  Partnership Agreement, Distributable  Cash Flow, as
defined  below,  of  the  Partnership  remaining  after  payment  of  the  Asset
Management Fee, as defined, is distributed quarterly, 98% to the class comprised
of  the Unitholders (which includes the Corporate Limited Partner) and 2% to the
General Partner.
    "Distributable Cash Flow"  is defined  as i) the  net cash  provided by  the
Partnership's  normal  operations  for  each fiscal  year,  or  portion thereof,
including, without limitation, Basic  Interest, Minimum Additional Interest  and
Shared Income Interest from Mortgages, points, interest from interim investments
and  from  funds held  in  escrow and  amounts  released from  operating reserve
accounts available  for distribution,  after the  general expenses  and  current
liabilities  of the Partnership for such period (other than the Asset Management
Fee) are paid, less ii) amounts set aside for reserves.
    "Asset Management Fee" is  defined as an amount  paid by the Partnership  to
the  General Partner on a quarterly basis equal to .5% per annum of the value of
the Total Invested  Assets of the  Partnership. Under no  circumstances may  the
aggregate  of  the  Asset Management  Fee  paid  since the  organization  of the
Partnership and the distributions to  the General Partner of Distributable  Cash
Flow  paid since the organization of the Partnership exceed 10% of the aggregate
Distributable Cash Flow since the  organization of the Partnership. The  General
Partner  may subcontract all or a portion of the services rendered for the Asset
Management Fee.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    "Total Invested Assets" is defined as the portion of the net proceeds of the
offering which is invested in Mortgages.
    Upon the occurrence of a Capital Transaction, as defined below, the  General
Partner  will  apply  the  proceeds  first  to  the  payment  of  all  debts and
liabilities of  the  Partnership  then  due, and  then  fund  any  reserves  for
contingent  liabilities  which it  deems  appropriate. "Capital  Transaction" is
defined as a principal repayment or Mortgage prepayment to the extent that it is
classified as a return of capital for federal income tax purposes.
    The  remaining  Net  Cash  Proceeds  if  any,  as  defined  below,  will  be
distributed  as follows:  FIRST, to the  class comprising  the Unitholders until
they have received  a return  of their total  Invested Capital;  SECOND, to  the
General  Partner until it has  received a return of  its total Invested Capital;
THIRD, 99% to the class comprising the Unitholders and 1% to the General Partner
until the class comprising the Unitholders have received any deficiency in their
12% per annum Cumulative Return on  Invested Capital through fiscal years  ended
prior  to the date of  the Capital Transaction; and  FOURTH, as to any remaining
proceeds, 90% to the class comprised of  the Unitholders and 10% to the  General
    "Net  Cash Proceeds"  is defined  as cash received  by the  Partnership as a
result of a  Capital Transaction,  less any  reinvested amounts,  all debts  and
liabilities  of  the  Partnership  required  to  be  paid  as  a  result  of the
Transaction, and any reserves for  contingent liabilities, to the extent  deemed
reasonable  by the General Partner. This is  provided that, at the expiration of
such period as  the General Partner  shall deem advisable,  the balance of  such
reserves  remaining after payment of such  contingencies shall be distributed in
the manner provided in this Agreement for Net Cash Proceeds. If the  Partnership
takes  back  a  mortgage note  in  connection  with a  Capital  Transaction, all
payments received with respect to it shall be included in the Net Cash  Proceeds
of that Transaction.
    "Invested  Capital" means, with respect to  the General Partner, its capital
contributions (other  than capital  contributions represented  by any  Guarantee
Payments,  as described in Note 5) and, with respect to the Limited Partners and
Unitholders, $10.00 for each  Limited Partner Interest or  Unit, in either  case
reduced by any amounts received as distributions of Distributable Cash Flow.
    The  Cumulative Return is defined as a  12% return per annum on the invested
capital of the class made up  of the Unitholders calculated from the  respective
dates  on which the Units  are deemed to be  outstanding through the most recent
fiscal year  completed prior  to  the Capital  Transaction  giving rise  to  the
    Net  income or loss from operations for  any fiscal year is allocated 98% to
the class comprised of the Unitholders and 2% to the General Partner.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    The Partnership's  net  proceeds  of  $33,580,000  had  been  committed  for
investment  in Mortgages.  Of this total  amount committed,  $1,946,594 had been
included  in  the  Partnership's   working  capital  reserve  and   subsequently
distributed  to its Partners on November 15, 1994 and the following amounts have
been funded as of December 31, 1995 and 1994:

                                                              1995 (1)      1994 (1)
                                                           --------------  -----------
Halcyon at Cross Creek........................  -PIM       $  7,226,406    $ 7,226,406
                                                -PGL            400,000        400,000
The Highlands.................................  -PIM         13,037,676(2)  13,154,200
                                                -PGL             --    (2)   1,095,800
Signature Place...............................  -PIM          9,756,900      9,756,900
                                                -PGL                100            100
                                                           --------------  -----------
                                                           $ 30,421,082    $31,633,406
                                                           --------------  -----------
                                                           --------------  -----------

- ------------------------
(1) As of December 31, 1995 and 1994 cumulative principal repayments on the PIMS
    of $371,707 and $246,244 have been received, respectively.
(2) Effective January  31,  1995, as  part  of the  sale  of the  Highlands,  as
    described  below,  the  participation  feature  of  the  Highlands  PIM  was
    released, a new MBS was  issued to the Partnership  and the related PGL  was
    repaid. As described in Note 9, the MBS was subsequently sold in 1996.
    Effective  January  1,  1994,  the  Partnership  adopted  the  provisions of
Statement of  Financial Accounting  Standards No.  115 "Accounting  for  Certain
Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" ("SFAS No. 115"). The Partnership had
considered  its PIMs and PGLs to be  held-to-maturity as defined by SFAS No. 115
in 1994.
    SFAS No. 115 addresses the definition  of, accounting for and disclosure  of
debt  and equity  securities. In accordance  with the  statement, securities are
classified when  purchased as  either securities  held to  maturity,  securities
available for sale or trading securities.
    In November 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued a
Special  Report, "A Guide  to Implementation of Statement  115 on Accounting for
Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities." Concurrent with the  initial
adoption  of this implementation guidance, but  no later than December 31, 1995,
the FASB permitted a one-time opportunity to reassess the appropriateness of the
classification of  all  securities.  Accordingly,  on  December  31,  1995,  the
Partnership reclassified its held-to-maturity investments to available-for-sale,
based  on a one-time assessment  of the portfolio. The  impact of the assessment
was to transfer securities with  an amortized cost of approximately  $30,200,000
(which  approximates  market  value  of  $30,700,000)  from  held-to-maturity to
available-for-sale.  Market  value   has  been  calculated   by  management   by
discounting  future cash flows using interest rates based on treasury bills with
similar maturities.
    In 1990, the Partnership acquired a  PIM (the "Cross Creek PIM")  consisting
of  (i) a MBS collateralized by a first mortgage loan in the principal amount of
up to $7,230,000 (the "Cross Creek Mortgage") with respect to a 152 unit  garden
style  apartment complex in Greenville, South Carolina known as Halcyon at Cross
Creek ("Cross Creek") and (ii) a participation interest in Cross Creek evidenced
by an additional interest  agreement and secured by  a subordinated mortgage  on

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
Creek.  The borrower  is Boiling  Springs Apartments  Limited (the  "Cross Creek
Borrower"). In addition, the Partnership agreed to make a PGL to the Cross Creek
Borrower's partners ("Individual Cross Creek Borrowers") of up to $600,000.
    To fund the construction of Cross Creek, the Partnership purchased from Love
Funding  Corporation  ("LFC")  mortgage-backed  pass-through  construction  loan
certificates  ("CLCs"), guaranteed as  to timely payment  of principal and Basic
Interest by GNMA, in the maximum principal amount of $7,230,000.
    Upon the maturity of the CLCs  at the conclusion of the construction  period
and  upon final  endorsement ("Final Endorsement")  of the  Cross Creek Mortgage
Note by  HUD, which  occurred on  January 8,  1992, the  Partnership received  a
mortgage-backed  permanent loan certificate ( the "Cross Creek PLC"), guaranteed
as to the  timely payment of  principal and  Basic Interest by  GNMA. The  Cross
Creek  PLC has  a face amount  of $7,226,406, and  an issue date  of February 1,
    The Cross Creek  Mortgage Note bears  interest at a  Basic Interest Rate  of
8.50%  during  the permanent  term. One  quarter  of one  percent (.25%)  of the
foregoing amount is retained by LFC and  GNMA as a servicing and guarantee  fee;
accordingly,  the Cross Creek PLC bears an interest rate of 8.25% per annum. The
Cross Creek Borrower is required to make equal monthly payments of principal and
interest on the Cross Creek Mortgage Note until maturity on December 15, 2031.
    The Cross Creek Mortgage is coinsured by LFC and HUD under Section 221(d)(4)
of the National  Housing Act  for new construction  of multi-family  residential
properties.  The Cross Creek  Mortgage Note, which is  non-recourse to the Cross
Creek  Borrower,  except  under  limited  circumstances,  including  fraud,   is
collateralized by a first mortgage on Cross Creek.
    The  Cross Creek Mortgage  Note may be  prepaid upon 30  days written notice
after, but  not  prior  to,  the  tenth  anniversary  of  the  date  of  Initial
Endorsement,  with a prepayment charge equal  to 1% of the outstanding principal
on the Cross Creek  Mortgage. Notwithstanding the  foregoing, if HUD  determines
that  prepayment  will avoid  a  mortgage insurance  claim  and is  in  the best
interest of the federal government, the Cross Creek Mortgage Note may be prepaid
at any time without the Partnership's consent and without any prepayment charge.
The Partnership  has the  option, upon  six months  written notice,  to  require
prepayment  in full on or after the tenth anniversary of the date of the Initial
Endorsement. No prepayment  fee shall  be imposed if  the Partnership  exercises
this  option. Enforcement  of this option  would require the  termination of the
coinsurance contract and the surrender of the Cross Creek PLC.
    The Partnership is entitled under the Cross Creek PIM to participations,  in
addition  to monthly pass-through payments of  principal and Basic Interest, of:
(i) 50% of any increase in the value of Cross Creek in excess of its base  value
(i.e.,  the outstanding principal amounts of  the Cross Creek Mortgage and PGL);
the increase in value is measured from February 22, 1990 until the sale of Cross
Creek, or  until the  maturity, refinancing  or prepayment  of the  Cross  Creek
Mortgage;  and  (ii) 50%  of Cross  Creek's  monthly net  cash flow  (subject to
certain HUD  restrictions and  reserve requirements)  beginning with  the  first
month  after  completion  of construction.  The  obligation of  the  Cross Creek
Borrower to  pay these  participations is  evidenced by  an additional  interest
agreement, which is collateralized by a subordinated mortgage on Cross Creek and
is non-recourse to the Cross Creek Borrower, except under limited circumstances,
including  fraud.  This obligation  is  further collateralized  by  a collateral
assignment by the  Individual Cross Creek  Borrowers of their  interests in  the
Cross Creek Borrower.

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                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    The  Partnership agreed to  make a PGL  of up to  $600,000 to the Individual
Cross Creek Borrowers who are jointly and severally liable for this  obligation.
The  PGL,  which  is  non-recourse  debt,  is  collateralized  by  a  collateral
assignment by the  Individual Borrowers  of their partnership  interests in  the
Cross  Creek Borrower, constituting  a second lien  thereon. The promissory note
evidencing the PGL provides that the Individual Borrowers will use the  proceeds
thereof to satisfy obligations of the Cross Creek Borrower.
    Of  the maximum loan  proceeds to be  available under the  PGL, $400,000 has
been advanced  as of  December 31,  1995. In  addition, up  to $200,000  of  the
maximum loan proceeds was to be advanced at the rate of $10.00 for each $1.00 of
net  operating income in excess of $750,000 earned by Cross Creek at any time up
to and including one year after  Final Endorsement of the Cross Creek  Mortgage.
The  one  year anniversary  of  Final Endorsement  was  January 8,  1993  and no
additional amounts were advanced  under the PGL. The  unfunded loan proceeds  of
$200,000,  which had been included in the Partnership's working capital reserve,
were distributed to its Partners on November 15, 1994.
    The PGL bears interest at the rate of 10% per annum, payable  semi-annually,
and provides that interest shall be accrued up to $100,000 to the extent Surplus
Cash  distributions  (as  defined  by  HUD)  to  the  Individual  Borrowers  are
insufficient to fully  pay the interest  obligation. Any such  accruals will  be
added to the outstanding principal balance of the PGL and shall bear interest at
the  same rate.  At such time  as accruals of  interest (including semi-annually
compounded  interest)  exceed  $100,000,  the  Individual  Borrowers  shall  pay
interest  on  the outstanding  principal  amount semi-annually,  whether  or not
Surplus Cash is available.  Accrued interest reached  $100,000 on September  25,
1993.  Accordingly, accrued interest became due  and payable on October 1, 1993.
Semi-annual interest payments of $25,000 will be due and payable on each April 1
and October 1. Principal and unpaid interest,  if any, shall be due and  payable
on February 21, 2005.
    No  prepayments of the PGL will be  permitted prior to the tenth anniversary
of the Initial Endorsement of the Cross Creek Mortgage. Thereafter, the PGL  may
be prepaid in whole, but not in part, subject to a prepayment fee equal to 1% of
the  principal amount prepaid.  Also, commencing on  the tenth anniversary date,
the Partnership will have the right to call the PGL, in which case no prepayment
fee shall be paid.
    The terms of the PGL entitle  the Partnership to participations in  addition
to  Basic  Interest equal  to:  (i) 15%  of  any increase  in  the value  of the
Individual  Borrowers'  partnership  interest   in  the  Cross  Creek   Borrower
(determined by reference to the value of Cross Creek) over the base value of the
Individual  Borrowers' partnership interest (based  on the outstanding principal
amount of the Cross Creek Mortgage and the PGL), such increase to be  determined
upon  the sale of Cross Creek or upon the refinancing, prepayment or maturity of
the PGL; and (ii) 15% of the Individual Borrowers' interest in Cross Creek's net
cash flow (subject to  certain HUD restrictions  and reserve requirements).  The
aforesaid   15%  participations  in   the  PGL  are  over   and  above  the  50%
participations in the  Cross Creek  Mortgage. The obligation  of the  Individual
Borrowers  to pay these  participations is evidenced  by a supplemental interest
agreement, and is non-recourse to the Individual Borrowers, except under limited
circumstances, including  fraud.  These  obligations  are  collateralized  by  a
collateral assignment by the Individual Borrowers of their partnership interests
in the Cross Creek Borrower (constituting a second lien thereon).

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    In   1990,  the  Partnership  acquired  a  PIM  consisting  of  (i)  an  MBS
collateralized by a mortgage loan in  the principal amount of up to  $13,154,200
(the  "Highlands Mortgage")  secured by  a first mortgage  on a  272 unit garden
style apartment complex  located outside  Tampa, Florida  (the "Highlands")  and
(ii)  a  participation  interest in  the  Highlands evidenced  by  an additional
interest agreement and secured by a subordinated mortgage on the Highlands.  The
original  borrower  under the  Highlands Mortgage  was Highland  Oaks Associates
Limited (the "Original Highlands Borrower").
    To fund the construction  of the Highlands, the  Partnership entered into  a
purchase  agreement with Related Mortgage Corporation ("RMC"), pursuant to which
it agreed to  purchase CLCs, guaranteed  as to timely  payment of principal  and
Basic Interest by GNMA, in the maximum principal amount of up to $13,154,200.
    Upon  the maturity of the CLCs at  the conclusion of the construction period
and upon Final Endorsement of the Highlands Mortgage Note by HUD, which occurred
on May 31,  1992, the Partnership  received a  PLC guaranteed as  to the  timely
payment  of principal and Basic  Interest by GNMA. The PLC  had a face amount of
$13,154,200 and an issue date of June 1, 1992.
    Effective January  31,  1995,  the  Original  Highlands  Borrower  sold  the
Highlands  to  Richland  Properties,  Inc. (the  "New  Highlands  Borrower") for
$16,300,000 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Sale
Agreement dated October 14, 1994. The sale closed in escrow pending the  receipt
by  the  Partnership  of a  new  GNMA  certificate in  the  principal  amount of
$13,037,676, and bearing interest at 7.625% per annum. The new GNMA  certificate
was received by the Partnership on February 15, 1995, at which time the sale was
completed  and the Partnership  received the payments  described below, together
with the other closing documents. In  addition, a mutual release was  delivered,
effective  January 31,  1995, pursuant to  which all obligations  of, and claims
against, the Highlands Borrower  and its general partners  were released by  the
Partnership  and Related Mortgage  Corporation ("RMC"), and  all obligations of,
and claims  against, the  Partnership and  RMC were  released by  the  Highlands
Borrower and its general partners.
    The  Partnership retained its beneficial  interest in the Highlands Mortgage
("Modified Mortgage") and related promissory note ("Modified Note"), which  were
modified  to provide  for (a)  prepayment at any  time with  a prepayment charge
payable to RMC, equal to 1% of the outstanding principal, and (b) a reduction in
the interest rate from 8.5% to 7.875%  per annum, one-quarter of one percent  of
which is retained by RMC and GNMA as a servicing and guarantee fee. Accordingly,
the  Partnership earns an interest  rate of 7.625% per  annum. The New Highlands
Borrower is required pursuant to the Modified Note and Modified Mortgage to make
equal monthly payments of principal and interest until maturity on May 15, 2032.
The Modified Mortgage is  coinsured by RMC and  HUD under Section 221(d)(4),  of
the  National  Housing  Act  for new  construction  of  multi-family residential
    The Partnership has the option, upon  six months written notice, to  require
prepayment  in  full of  the  Modified Note  on or  after  January 31,  2005. No
prepayment fee  will  be  imposed  if the  Partnership  exercises  this  option.
Enforcement  of this  option would  require the  termination of  the coinsurance
contract and the surrender of the new GNMA certificate.
    The Additional Interest  Agreement has been  amended and restated  ("Amended
and  Restated  Agreement") to  provide that  the Partnership  will no  longer be
entitled to any participations in net cash flow or net appreciation in value  of
the Highlands.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    Concurrent  with the sale of the Highlands as described above, the Highlands
PGL was repaid as the Partnership received $2,463,060, which included $1,095,800
of principal, $210,798  of accrued interest,  a prepayment fee  of $324,000  and
participations  of $832,462. Such prepayment  fee and participation are included
in  other  income  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1995.  The  Partnership
distributed  these proceeds to  its partners on  May 15, 1995.  In addition, the
Supplemental Interest Agreement was terminated, and the Partnership and the  New
Highlands  Borrower entered into  an Amended and  Restated Subordinated Mortgage
and Security Agreement  to secure  the Partnership's call  option, as  described
    As described in Note 9, the Highlands GNMA was sold on February 27, 1996.
    Also  on  January  31,  1995, the  Partnership  and  the  Original Highlands
Borrower (together with its partners) entered into a Special Closing  Agreement,
pursuant  to  which two  letters of  credit  held by  the Partnership  were each
reduced from $75,000 to $17,500.  The two letters of  credit were being held  as
security for the obligations of the Original Highlands Borrower and its partners
under  the Special Closing  Agreement, pursuant to  which the Original Highlands
Borrower agreed to pay a portion of any additional taxes determined to be due in
connection with the  recording of the  original loan documents  to the State  of
Florida.  In 1996, the recording tax claim was settled with the State of Florida
as described in Note 9.
    During the year ended December  31, 1995, the Partnership received  interest
totaling  $999,170.10 related to the Highlands  GNMA, which has been distributed
to  investors   in  connection   with   the  Partnership's   regular   quarterly
distributions in accordance with the Partnership's partnership agreement.
    On  May 8, 1991,  the Partnership agreed  to acquired a  PIM (the "Signature
Place PIM") consisting  of (i) an  MBS collateralized by  a federally  coinsured
mortgage  loan  in  the  maximum  principal  amount  of  up  to  $9,800,000 (the
"Signature Place Mortgage") and  (ii) a Participation  Interest evidenced by  an
additional  interest  agreement  and  secured  by  a  subordinated  mortgage  on
Signature Place. The  borrower of the  Signature Place Mortgage  is HG  Partners
Limited  Partnership (the "Signature  Place Borrower"), which  used the funds to
finance the  construction  of  a  232-unit  multi-family  residential  apartment
complex  in Hampton, Virginia  known as Signature  Place ("Signature Place"). In
addition, the  Partnership  agreed to  make  a PGL  to  each of  the  Individual
Borrowers in the aggregate amount of up to $1,200,000.
    The Partnership entered into a GNMA purchase agreement with LFC, pursuant to
which  it agreed to purchase CLCs, guaranteed  as to timely payment of principal
and Basic Interest by GNMA, in  the maximum principal amount of $9,800,000.  The
proceeds  of the Signature Place Mortgage  were disbursed to the Signature Place
Borrower in stages during the construction of Signature Place.
    Upon the maturity of the CLCs  at the conclusion of the construction  period
and  upon Final Endorsement of  the Signature Place Mortgage  note by HUD, which
occurred on February  9, 1993, the  Partnership received a  PLC (the  "Signature
Place  PLC"), guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and Basic Interest by
GNMA. The Signature Place PLC has a face amount of $9,756,900, and an issue date
of February 1, 1993.
    The Signature Place Mortgage Note bears interest at a Basic Interest Rate of
8.25% during  the permanent  term. One  quarter  of one  percent (.25%)  of  the
foregoing amount is retained by LFC and

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
GNMA as a servicing and guarantee fee; accordingly the Signature Place PLC bears
an  interest rate of 8% per annum.  The Signature Place Borrower will make equal
monthly payments of principal and interest until maturity on January 15, 2033.
    The Signature  Place Mortgage  is coinsured  by LFC  and HUD  under  Section
221(d)(4)  of  the National  Housing Act  for  new construction  of multi-family
residential properties. The Signature Place Mortgage note, which is non-recourse
to the Signature Place Borrower,  except under limited circumstances,  including
fraud, is secured by a first mortgage on Signature Place.
    The  Signature  Place Mortgage  Note may  be  prepaid in  full upon  45 days
written notice  after  (but not  prior  to)  the tenth  anniversary  of  Initial
Endorsement  with  a  prepayment charge  equal  to  1% of  the  principal amount
prepaid,  plus  any  additional   interest  due  thereon.  Notwithstanding   the
foregoing,  if HUD  determines that prepayment  will avoid  a mortgage insurance
claim and is in the best interest of the federal government, the Signature Place
Mortgage Note may be prepaid at  any time without the Partnership's consent  and
without  any prepayment charge. The Partnership  has the option, upon six months
written notice, to require  prepayment in full of  the Signature Place  Mortgage
Note on or after the tenth anniversary of Initial Endorsement. No prepayment fee
shall  be imposed if the Partnership  exercises this option. Enforcement of this
option would  require  the  termination  of the  coinsurance  contract  and  the
surrender of the Signature Place PLC.
    The  Partnership is entitled to participations under the Signature Place PIM
in addition to monthly  pass-through payments of  principal and Basic  Interest,
equal  to: (i) 50% of the net appreciation  in the value of Signature Place from
Initial  Endorsement  until  the  sale  of  Signature  Place  or  the  maturity,
refinancing  or  prepayment of  the Signature  Place Mortgage;  and (ii)  50% of
Signature Place's net cash flow (subject to certain HUD restrictions and reserve
requirements) beginning after completion of construction. The obligation of  the
Signature  Place  Borrower  to  pay  these  participations  is  evidenced  by an
additional  interest  agreement,  which  is  collateralized  by  a  subordinated
mortgage on Signature Place and is non-recourse to the Signature Place Borrower,
except   under   limited  circumstances,   including  fraud   and  environmental
    The Partnership has also agreed to make a PGL in the aggregate amount of  up
to $1,200,000 to the Individual Borrowers, jointly and severally, in the form of
a  personal  loan collateralized  by  the pledge  of  100% of  their partnership
interests in the Signature  Place Borrower. Of the  maximum loan proceeds to  be
available  under the PGL, $100 was funded  as of December 31, 1995. In addition,
up to $499,900 of the loan proceeds were to be advanced at the rate of $6.25 for
each $1.00 of net operating income in excess of $960,000 per annum, and up to an
additional $700,000 of loan proceeds  were to be advanced  at the rate of  $9.50
for each $1.00 of net operating income in excess of $1,040,000 per annum, earned
by  the Signature Place Borrower at any time up to and including eighteen months
after Final Endorsement of  the Signature Place  Mortgage (the "Earn-Out").  The
Earn-Out  period  expired  on August  8,  1994  and no  additional  amounts were
advanced under the PGL. The unfunded loan proceeds of $1,199,900, which had been
included in the Partnership's working  capital reserve, were distributed to  its
Partners on November 15, 1994.
    The  PGL bears interest at the rate of 15% per annum, payable semi-annually,
and provides that interest shall be accrued up to $100,000 to the extent Surplus
Cash (as defined by HUD) is  insufficient to fully pay the interest  obligation.
Any  such accruals will be added to the outstanding principal balance of the PGL
and shall bear interest at the same  rate. At such time as accruals of  interest
(including semi-annually compounded interest) exceed $100,000 or commencing with
the second

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
anniversary  of Final Endorsement (regardless of  the balance of such accruals),
whichever occurs  first, the  Individual  Borrowers shall  pay interest  on  the
outstanding  principal  amount semi-annually,  whether  or not  Surplus  Cash is
available. Principal and accrued interest, if  any, shall be due and payable  on
May 8, 2006.
    Since  less than $250,000 was funded under the PGL, $249,900 (the difference
between $250,000 and  the total  amount funded) shall  be considered  additional
equity  ("Additional Equity")  contributed by  the Individual  Borrowers. To the
extent the Individual  Borrowers' share of  cash flow provides  less than a  10%
cumulative  annual  return  on  the  outstanding  balance  of  Additional Equity
(compounded semi-annually)  over  the  holding period  of  the  investment,  the
shortfall  shall be paid out of the proceeds from the sale or refinancing of the
Signature Place Mortgage. All participations earned by the Partnership shall  be
calculated  after deducting interest and principal paid  on the PIM, PGL and the
Additional Equity.
    No prepayments of the PGL will  be permitted prior to the tenth  anniversary
of  Initial Endorsement of the Signature Place Mortgage. Thereafter, the PGL may
be prepaid in whole, but not in part,  upon 90 days prior written notice to  the
Partnership  subject to  a prepayment  fee equal to  1% of  the principal amount
prepaid. On the tenth anniversary date,  the Partnership will have the right  to
call  the PGL by six months prior written notice to the Individual Borrowers, in
which case no prepayment fee shall be paid.
    The terms of the PGL entitle  the Partnership to participations in  addition
to  Basic  Interest equal  to:  (i) 10%  of  any increase  in  the value  of the
partnership interests in the Signature Place Borrower (determined by  references
to  the  value  of Signature  Place)  over  the base  value  of  the partnership
interests (based  on the  outstanding principal  amount of  the Signature  Place
Mortgage and the PGL), such increase to be determined upon the sale of Signature
Place  or upon the refinancing, prepayment or  maturity of the PGL; and (ii) 10%
of the  Individual  Borrowers'  interest  in Signature  Place's  net  cash  flow
(subject  to certain HUD  restrictions and reserve  requirements). The aforesaid
10% participations in the PGL are over  and above the 50% participations in  the
Signature  Place Mortgage.  The obligation of  the Individual  Borrowers' to pay
these participations is evidenced by  a Supplemental Interest Agreement, and  is
non-recourse  to such  partners, except  under limited  circumstances, including
    The General Partner has agreed to guarantee a return to the Partnership,  in
the  aggregate, of all amounts  invested in PGLs. Pursuant  to the Guarantee, on
the date that dissolution and winding-up of the Partnership shall be  completed,
the General Partner agreed to pay to the Partnership an amount, if any, by which
(i) the funds invested by the Partnership in PGLs exceeds (ii) all cash payments
received  by the  Partnership with respect  to all  Mortgages, INCLUDING points,
Basic Interest, Additional  Interest and repayment  of principal, but  EXCLUDING
Basic  Interest and repayment of principal  of MBSs and other insured/guaranteed
Mortgages. As  a  result  of  the  sale of  the  Highlands  as  referred  to  in
"Mortgages-the  Highlands" above, the Partnership received cash in excess of the
amount of funds invested  by the Partnership in  PGLs. Accordingly, the  General
Partner has no remaining future obligation with respect to any of the PGLs.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    The  following is a  summary of the  fees earned and  reimbursements paid or
payable to the General Partner and  its Affiliates for the years ended  December
31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, pursuant to the Partnership Agreement:

                                                                            1995         1994         1993
                                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
(1)        Asset Management Fees.......................................  $    92,855  $   158,167  $   157,966
(2)        Reimbursement of general and administrative expenses to the
            General Partner............................................      100,000      100,000      125,000
                                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                         $   192,855  $   258,167  $   282,966
                                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                         -----------  -----------  -----------

- ------------------------
(1) For  services  rendered in  managing the  business  of the  Partnership, the
    Partnership is obligated to pay on a quarterly basis to the General  Partner
    an  Asset Management Fee equal  to 0.5% per annum of  the value of the Total
    Invested Assets of the Partnership.
(2) The Partnership Agreement  allows the Partnership  to reimburse the  General
    Partner  for certain general and  administrative expenses paid in connection
    with the management of the Partnership.
    Deferred acquisition fees as of December 31, 1995 and 1994 consisted of:

                                                                              1995          1994
                                                                           -----------  -------------
Acquisition expenses.....................................................  $   908,701  $   1,945,006
Loan origination fees....................................................      --            (451,600)
Accumulated amortization.................................................      (32,736)       (41,531)
                                                                           -----------  -------------
Net deferred acquisition fees............................................  $   875,965  $   1,451,875
                                                                           -----------  -------------
                                                                           -----------  -------------

    On February 15, 1996, the Partnership distributed $547,798 to the  Partners,
which represented the Partnership's Distributable Cash Flow for the three months
ended  December 31, 1995.  The distribution to  other Unitholders, the Corporate
Limited  Partner  and  the  General  Partner  was  $536,829,  $13  and  $10,956,
    On  February 27, 1996, the  Partnership sold the Highlands  GNMA for cash in
the amount  of $13,105,373.01.  The  Highlands GNMA  was sold  through  Utendahl
Capital Partners, an unaffiliated broker dealer, pursuant to which the Highlands
Borrower agreed to pay a portion of any additional taxes determined by the State
of  Florida to  be due  in connection  with the  recording of  the original loan
documents. The State of  Florida claimed that  $136,800 in additional  recording
taxes  were due. On  March 12, 1996,  the Partnership settled  the recording tax
claim of the  State of Florida  discussed in Note  5 through a  payment made  on
behalf  of the Partnership in the amount of $64,000 ($53,850 of which was funded
by the General Partner and $10,150 of which was funded by the Original Highlands
Borrower). The Partnership  has recently received  the signed Closing  Agreement
settling the claim from the State of Florida and the letters of credit discussed
in  Note 5 will be returned to  the Original Highlands Borrower. The sales price
represents principal in the  amount of $12,976,812.45,  accrued interest in  the
amount  of  $71,462.59 and  a  premium of  $57,097.97.  The Partnership  was not
charged any  separate fees  or  commissions in  connection  with the  sale.  The
General Partner of the Partnership

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
decided  to sell the Highlands GNMA to take advantage of what it perceived to be
a favorable market in which the Highlands  GNMA could be sold at a premium.  The
Partnership intends to distribute such proceeds to its partners on May 15, 1996,
the next scheduled distribution date.
    The sale of the Highlands GNMA, together with the 1995 sale of the Highlands
and   the  related  modification  of  the  Highlands  Mortgage,  terminated  the
Partnership's beneficial interest in the Highlands Mortgage and the Highlands.
    Two class  action lawsuits  were  filed against  certain affiliates  of  the
General  Partner in the  District Court of  Harris County, Texas  on January 11,
1996, styled GRIMSHAWE V.  NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE  CO., ET AL. (No.  96-001188)
and  SHEA  V. NEW  YORK  LIFE INSURANCE  CO.,  ET AL.  (No.  96-001189) alleging
misconduct in connection with the original  sale of investment units in  various
partnerships  (the "Proprietary  Partnerships"), including  violation of various
federal and  state laws  and  regulations and  claims of  continuing  fraudulent
conduct.  The  plaintiffs have  asked for  compensatory  damages for  their lost
original investment, plus interest,  costs (including attorneys fees),  punitive
damages, disgorgement of any earnings, compensation and benefits received by the
defendants  as a result of  the alleged actions and  other unspecified relief to
which plaintiffs may  be entitled.  These suits were  amended and  refiled in  a
consolidated  action  in  the  United States  District  Court  for  the Southern
District of Florida (the "Court") on March 18, 1996. In the federal action,  the
plaintiffs  added the  General Partner as  a defendant  and included allegations
concerning  the  Partnership.  The  Partnership  is  not  a  defendant  in   the
    The  defendants expressly deny  any wrongdoing alleged  in the complaint and
concede no liability or wrongdoing in connection  with the sale of the Units  or
the  structure  of the  Proprietary  Partnerships. Nevertheless,  to  reduce the
burden of protracted litigation, the defendants have entered into a  Stipulation
of  Settlement  ("Settlement Agreement")  with the  plaintiffs because  in their
opinion such Settlement would  (i) provide substantial  benefits to the  limited
partners  in  a manner  consistent with  New  York Life's  position that  it had
previously determined to wind up most of the Proprietary Partnerships, including
the Partnership, through orderly liquidation as the continuation of the business
no longer serves the intended objectives  of either the limited partners or  the
defendants  and to offer the limited  partners an enhancement to the liquidating
distribution they would  otherwise receive  and (ii) provide  an opportunity  to
wind  up such partnerships on  a schedule favorable to  the limited partners and
resolve the issues raised by the lawsuit.
    In connection with the proposed  settlement (the "Settlement"), the  General
Partner  will solicit  consents of  the Unitholders  for the  dissolution of the
    Under the terms of the  Settlement Agreement, any settling Unitholders  will
receive   at  least  a  complete  return  of  their  original  investment,  less
distributions received prior  to the final  settlement date, in  exchange for  a
release  of any and all  claims a Unitholder may  have against the defendants in
connection with the Proprietary Partnership, including the Partnership, and  all
activities related to the dissolution and liquidation of such partnerships.
    Preliminary  approval of the Settlement Agreement  was given by the Court on
March 19,  1996. The  Settlement  Agreement is  further conditioned  upon  final
approval  by the  Court as well  as certain  other conditions and  is subject to
certain rights  of termination  detailed in  the consent  solicitation  material
being mailed to the Unitholders.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
    If  the necessary consents of Unitholders  for dissolution are obtained, the
Partnership will be dissolved even if all necessary approvals for the Settlement
Agreement are not obtained or the Settlement Agreement is otherwise  terminated.
In  general,  upon the  dissolution of  the  Partnership, tax  consequences will
accrue to  the  partners. If  the  necessary  consents of  the  Unitholders  for
dissolution are not obtained, the Partnership will continue to own the Mortgages
and will continue to receive payments thereon.
    The  financial statements do  not include any  adjustments that might result
should the Unitholders vote to liquidate the Partnership.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                   AS OF MARCH 31, 1996 AND DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                                                        1996        DECEMBER 31
                                                                                    (UNAUDITED)         1995
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
Cash and cash equivalents........................................................  $   13,937,222  $      867,686
Interest receivable..............................................................         138,249         208,392
Investments in Participating Insured Mortgages...................................      16,764,965      29,765,800
Deferred acquisition fees and expenses -- net....................................         873,295         875,965
Investments in Participating Guaranteed Loans....................................         400,100         400,100
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
      Total assets...............................................................  $   32,113,831  $   32,117,943
                                                                                   --------------  --------------

Due to affiliates................................................................  $       25,000  $       21,729
Accrued liabilities..............................................................          60,965          79,423
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
      Total liabilities..........................................................          85,965         101,152
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
Commitments and Contingencies
Partners' capital:
  Capital contributions net of public offering expenses..........................      36,028,557      36,028,557
  Accumulated earnings...........................................................      17,931,236      17,372,364
  Cumulative distributions.......................................................     (21,931,927)    (21,384,130)
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
Total partners' capital..........................................................      32,027,866      32,016,791
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
Total liabilities and partners' capital..........................................  $   32,113,831  $   32,117,943
                                                                                   --------------  --------------
                                                                                   --------------  --------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                            STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                           FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED
                            MARCH 31, 1996 AND 1995

                                                                                         1996           1995
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
Interest -- cash and cash equivalents..............................................  $      65,709  $      23,952
Interest -- Mortgages (net of write-off and amortization of deferred acquisition
 costs)............................................................................        503,651      1,084,653
Other income.......................................................................         57,098        324,000
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Total income.....................................................................        626,458      1,432,605
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
General and administrative.........................................................         45,856         44,330
Asset management fees..............................................................         21,729         27,667
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
  Total expenses...................................................................         67,585         71,997
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
    Net income.....................................................................  $     558,873  $   1,360,608
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
General Partner....................................................................  $      10,619  $      11,806
Corporate Limited Partner..........................................................             13             33
Unitholders........................................................................        548,241      1,348,769
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
                                                                                     $     558,873  $   1,360,608
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
Net income per Unit................................................................  $         .07  $         .17
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
Number of Units....................................................................    8,168,457.7    8,168,457.7
                                                                                     -------------  -------------
                                                                                     -------------  -------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                         STATEMENT OF PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                    AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                                            LIMITED     GENERAL    TOTAL PARTNERS'
                                                           UNITHOLDERS      PARTNER     PARTNER        CAPITAL
                                                          --------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
Balance at January 1, 1995..............................  $   33,921,431   $     915   $  (39,821) $    33,882,525
Net income..............................................       2,909,307          71       43,654        2,953,032
Distributions...........................................      (4,771,535)       (117)     (47,114)      (4,818,766)
                                                          --------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
Balance at December 31, 1995............................      32,059,203         869      (43,281)      32,016,791
Net income..............................................         548,241          13       10,619          558,873
Distributions...........................................        (536,829)        (13)     (10,956)        (547,798)
                                                          --------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
Balance at March 31, 1996...............................  $   32,070,615   $     869   $  (43,618) $    32,027,866
                                                          --------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------
                                                          --------------  -----------  ----------  ---------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                            STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                           FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED
                            MARCH 31, 1996 AND 1995

                                                                                          1996           1995
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income.......................................................................  $      558,873  $   1,360,608
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flows provided by operating
    Amortization of acquisition costs..............................................           2,670        567,642
    Changes in assets and liabilities:
      Decrease in interest receivable..............................................          70,143         59,250
      Increase (decrease) in due to affiliates.....................................           3,271        (47,333)
      Decrease in accrued liabilities..............................................         (18,458)        (6,875)
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
        Total adjustments..........................................................          57,626        572,684
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
        Net cash provided by operating activities..................................         616,499      1,933,292
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Repayment of Participating Insured Mortgages...................................          24,023         29,244
    Repayment of GNMA Certificate..................................................      12,976,812              0
    Repayment of Participating Guaranteed Loans....................................               0      1,095,800
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
        Net cash provided by investing activities..................................      13,000,835      1,125,044
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Distributions to partners........................................................        (547,798)      (602,634)
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
        Net cash used in financing activities......................................        (547,798)      (602,634)
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents..........................................      13,069,536      2,455,702
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period...................................         867,686        950,967
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.........................................  $   13,937,222  $   3,406,669
                                                                                     --------------  -------------
                                                                                     --------------  -------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1996
    The  accompanying financial statements  and related notes  should be read in
conjunction with  the  Partnership's  1995  Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K.  The
Partnership  terminates on December  31, 2028, unless  terminated earlier by the
occurrence of certain events as set forth in the Partnership Agreement.
    The summarized financial information contained herein is unaudited; however,
in the opinion of  management, all adjustments  (which include normal  recurring
adjustments)  necessary for  a fair  presentation of  financial information have
been included.
    All capitalized terms used  in these Notes  to Financial Statements,  unless
otherwise  defined herein, shall have the  meanings set forth in the Partnership
    The Partnership's net proceeds of $33,580,000 wree committed for  investment
in  Participating Insured Mortgages ("PIMs")  and Participating Guaranteed Loans
("PGLs"). Of this total  amount committed, $1,946,594 had  been included in  the
Partnership's  working  capital  reserve  and  subsequently  distributed  to its
Partners on November 15, 1994.
    Investment in PIMs on the balance sheets  as of March 31, 1996 and  December
31, 1995 is comprised of the following:

                                                    CROSS CREEK                       PLACE           TOTAL
                                                   -------------                  --------------  --------------
March 31, 1996:
  Investment in PIM..............................  $   7,226,406                   $  9,756,900   $   16,983,306
  Principal repayments...........................         (7,644)                        (9,981)         (17,625)
  Acquisition fees and expenses net of
   accumulated amortization......................        292,057                        581,238          873,295
                                                   -------------                  --------------  --------------
                                                   $   7,510,819                   $ 10,328,157   $   17,838,976
                                                   -------------                  --------------  --------------
                                                   -------------                  --------------  --------------

                                                    CROSS CREEK   THE HIGHLANDS       PLACE           TOTAL
                                                   -------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
December 31, 1995:
  Investment in PIM..............................  $   7,226,406  $   13,037,676   $  9,756,900   $   30,020,982
  Principal repayments...........................       (100,837)       (170,991)       (99,879)        (371,707)
  Acquisition fees and expenses net of
   accumulated amortization......................        293,276               0        582,689          875,965
                                                   -------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                   $   7,418,845  $   12,866,685   $ 10,239,710   $   30,525,240
                                                   -------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                   -------------  --------------  --------------  --------------

    Investment  in PGLs on the balance sheets  as of March 31, 1996 and December
31, 1995 is comprised of the following:

                                                                     CROSS CREEK       PLACE           TOTAL
                                                                    -------------  --------------  --------------
March 31, 1996:
  Investment in PGL...............................................  $     400,000   $        100   $      400,100
                                                                    -------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                    -------------  --------------  --------------
December 31, 1995:
  Investment in PGL...............................................  $     400,000   $        100   $      400,100
                                                                    -------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                    -------------  --------------  --------------


                                 MARCH 31, 1996
    As the Earn-out periods for each of the Properties expired during 1994,  the
Partnership has no further commitments to fund amounts under the PGLs.
    On  February 27, 1996, the  Partnership sold the Highlands  GNMA for cash in
the amount  of $13,105,373.01.  The  Highlands GNMA  was sold  through  Utendahl
Capital Partners, an unaffiliated broker dealer, pursuant to which the Highlands
Borrower agreed to pay a portion of any additional taxes determined by the State
of  Florida to  be due  in connection  with the  recording of  the original loan
documents. The State of  Florida claimed that  $136,800 in additional  recording
taxes  were due. On  March 12, 1996,  the Partnership settled  the recording tax
claim of  the  State  of  Florida  through a  payment  made  on  behalf  of  the
Partnership in the amount of $64,000 ($53,850 of which was funded by the General
Partner and $10,150 of which was funded by the Original Highlands Borrower). The
Partnership  has  recently received  the signed  Closing Agreement  settling the
claim from the State of  Florida and the letters of  credit will be returned  to
the  Original Highlands  Borrower. The sales  price represents  principal in the
amount of $12,976,812.45,  accrued interest in  the amount of  $71,462.59 and  a
premium  of $57,097.97.  The Partnership  was not  charged any  separate fees or
commissions in connection with the sale. The General Partner of the  Partnership
decided  to sell the Highlands GNMA to take advantage of what it perceived to be
a favorable market in which the Highlands  GNMA could be sold at a premium.  The
Partnership intends to distribute such proceeds to its partners on May 15, 1996,
the next scheduled distribution date.
    The sale of the Highlands GNMA, together with the 1995 sale of the Highlands
and   the  related  modification  of  the  Highlands  Mortgage,  terminated  the
Partnership's beneficial interest in the Highlands Mortgage and the Highlands.
    Two class  action lawsuits  were  filed against  certain affiliates  of  the
General  Partner in the  District Court of  Harris County, Texas  on January 11,
1996, styled GRIMSHAWE V.  NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE  CO., ET AL. (No.  96-001188)
and  SHEA V. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE  CO., ET AL. (96-01189) alleging misconduct
in  connection  with  the   original  sale  of   investment  units  in   various
partnerships,  including violation of various laws and regulations and claims of
continuing fraudulent  conduct.  The  plaintiffs  have  asked  for  compensatory
damages  for  their lost  original investment,  plus interest,  costs (including
attorneys fees), punitive  damages, disgorgement of  any earnings,  compensation
and  benefits received by the defendants as  a result of the alleged actions and
other unspecified relief to which plaintiffs  may be entitled. These suits  were
amended and refiled in a consolidated action in the United States District Court
for  the Southern District  of Florida (the  "Court") on March  18, 1996. In the
federal action, the  plaintiffs added  the General  Partner as  a defendant  and
included  allegations  concerning  the Partnership.  The  plaintiffs  purport to
represent a  class of  all  persons (the  "Class")  who purchased  or  otherwise
assumed rights and title to interests in certain limited partnerships, including
the Partnership, and other programs created, sponsored, marketed, sold, operated
or  managed by the defendants  (the "Proprietary Partnerships"). The Partnership
is not a defendant in the litigation.
    The defendants expressly deny  any wrongdoing alleged  in the complaint  and
concede  no liability or wrongdoing in connection  with the sale of the Units or
the structure  of  the Proprietary  Partnerships.  Nevertheless, to  reduce  the
burden  of protracted litigation, the defendants have entered into a Stipulation
of Settlement  ("Settlement Agreement")  with the  plaintiffs because  in  their
opinion such

                                 MARCH 31, 1996
Settlement  would  (i) provide  substantial benefits  to the  Class in  a manner
consistent with New York  Life's position that it  had previously determined  to
wind  up most of the Proprietary Partnerships through orderly liquidation as the
continuation of the business no longer serves the intended objectives of  either
the owners of interest in such Proprietary Partnerships or the defendants and to
offer  investors  an  enhancement  to the  liquidating  distribution  they would
otherwise receive and (ii) provide an  opportunity to wind up such  partnerships
on  a  schedule favorable  to the  Class and  resolve the  issues raised  by the
    In connection with  the proposed settlement  (the"Settlement"), the  General
Partner  will solicit  consents of  the Unitholders  for the  dissolution of the
    Under the terms of  the Settlement Agreement,  any settling Unitholder  will
receive   at  least  a  complete  return  of  their  original  investment,  less
distributions received prior  to the final  settlement date, in  exchange for  a
release  of any and all  claims a Unitholder may  have against the defendants in
connection with the Proprietary Partnerships, including the Partnership, and all
activities related to the dissolution and liquidation of such partnerships.
    Preliminary approval of the Settlement Agreement  was given by the Court  on
March  19,  1996. The  Settlement Agreement  is  further conditioned  upon final
approval by the  Court as well  as certain  other conditions and  is subject  to
certain  of  termination detailed  in  the consent  solicitation  material being
mailed to the Unitholders.
    If the necessary consents of  Unitholders for dissolution are obtained,  the
Partnership will be dissolved even if all necessary approvals for the Settlement
Agreement  are not obtained or the Settlement Agreement is otherwise terminated.
In general,  upon the  dissolution  of the  Partnership, tax  consequences  will
accrue  to  the  partners. If  the  necessary  consents of  the  Unitholders for
dissolution are not obtained the Partnership will continue to own the  Mortgages
and will continue to receive payments thereon.
    The  financial statements do  not include any  adjustments that might result
should the Unitholders vote to liquidate the Partnership.
    The following is  a summary  of the  fees earned  and reimbursable  expenses
incurred  by the General Partner  for the three months  ended March 31, 1996 and

                                                                  TOTAL EARNED FOR    TOTAL EARNED FOR
                                                                  THE THREE MONTHS    THE THREE MONTHS
                                                   UNPAID AT      ENDED MARCH 31,     ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                 MARCH 31, 1996         1996                1995
                                                 --------------  ------------------  ------------------
Asset management fees..........................    $   21,729        $   21,729          $   27,667
Reimbursement of general and administrative
 expenses to the General Partner...............        25,000            25,000              25,000
                                                 --------------        --------            --------
                                                   $   46,729        $   46,729          $   52,667
                                                 --------------        --------            --------
                                                 --------------        --------            --------


                                 MARCH 31, 1996
    Surplus Cash -- Signature Place
    A review of the borrower's audited  financial statements for the year  ended
December  31, 1995 indicated that  the sum of $79,840.20  is due the Partnership
representing  surplus  cash.  The  Partnership   filed  an  application  for   a
distribution  of surplus cash with  the co-insurer for approval.  On May 7, 1996
the Partnership  received the  co-insurer's approval  and therefore  expects  to
receive payment during the second quarter of 1996.

                               NYLIFE REALTY INC.
                BALANCE SHEETS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994
April 3, 1996
To the Board of Directors and Stockholder of
NYLIFE Realty Inc.
In  our opinion, the  accompanying consolidated statement  of financial position
presents fairly,  in all  material respects,  the financial  position of  NYLIFE
Realty  Inc. and its subsidiary at December 31, 1995 and 1994 in conformity with
generally accepted  accounting  principles.  This  financial  statement  is  the
responsibility  of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express an
opinion on this financial statement based  on our audit. We conducted our  audit
in  accordance with generally accepted auditing  standards which require that we
plan and perform  the audit  to obtain  reasonable assurance  about whether  the
financial  statements  are  free  of material  misstatement.  An  audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence  supporting the amounts and disclosures  in
the   financial  statements,  assessing  the   accounting  principles  used  and
significant estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall  financial
statement  presentation. We believe  that our audit  provides a reasonable basis
for the opinion expressed above.
As explained in Note 2, the Company has recorded a loss of $8,562,500 related to
an announced  plan  of  liquidation  offering unitholders  of  the  Real  Estate
Partnership  and Mortgage Partnership full  repayment of their total investment.
In  addition,  the  financial  statements  include  a  capital  contribution  of
$5,565,625  to reflect the decision  of the Company's parent  to fund the costs,
net of related tax benefits, associated with the liquidations.
Price Waterhouse LLP

                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                      1995             1994
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents....................................................  $     3,441,662  $     2,981,027
  Due from affiliates..........................................................           39,075          200,336
  Interest receivable..........................................................            1,967            1,407
  Federal income taxes receivable..............................................           34,283        --
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
    Total current assets.......................................................        3,516,987        3,182,770
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
  Deferred taxes...............................................................           36,822           67,588
  Investments in limited partnerships..........................................           84,717           88,870
  Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation of $997,445 and $950,856 at
   December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively....................................          108,867          128,874
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
    Total assets...............................................................  $     3,747,393  $     3,468,102
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
Current liabilities
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities.....................................  $       143,615  $        78,826
  Federal income taxes payable -- New York Life................................        --                  32,764
  Due to affiliate.............................................................           24,697            5,396
  Due to New York Life.........................................................          517,497           73,304
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
    Total liabilities..........................................................          685,809          190,290
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
Commitments and contingencies (Notes 2 and 8)
Stockholder's equity
  Common stock, par value $1.00 per share ($10,000 shares authorized, 1,000
   shares issued and outstanding)..............................................            1,000            1,000
  Additional paid-in capital...................................................       17,765,625       12,200,000
  Accumulated deficit..........................................................      (14,705,041)      (8,923,188)
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
    Total stockholder's equity.................................................        3,061,584        3,277,812
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
    Total liabilities and stockholder's equity.................................  $     3,747,393  $     3,468,102
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------
                                                                                 ---------------  ---------------

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement.

                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                           DECEMBER 31, 1995 AND 1994
    NYLIFE Realty Inc.  ("NYLIFE Realty"  or the  "Company") is  a wholly  owned
subsidiary  of NYLIFE Inc., which is a  wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life
Insurance Company ("New York Life"). NYLIFE  Realty was established to act as  a
general  partner  in public  and  private real  estate  offerings. Additionally,
NYLIFE Realty  is the  recipient  of certain  fees  and residual  interests  for
services  rendered in  connection with various  public programs  in which NYLIFE
Securities Inc. ("NYLIFE Securities"), a wholly owned subsidiary of NYLIFE Inc.,
acted as broker-dealer.
    NYLIFE Realty and its subsidiary,  CNP Realty Investments Inc. ("CNP"),  are
co-general  partners in a public real  estate limited partnership, NYLIFE Realty
Income Partners I,  L.P. (the "Real  Estate Partnership"). The  proceeds of  the
offering  were invested in commercial and industrial real estate properties in a
series of joint  ventures (individually,  a "Joint  Venture," collectively,  the
"Joint Ventures") with New York Life as the co-venturer.
    In  addition, NYLIFE Realty is the sole general partner of NYLIFE Government
Mortgage Plus  Limited  Partnership  (the "Mortgage  Partnership"),  a  publicly
offered limited partnership which has invested in federally co-insured mortgages
on  multi-family residential  properties issued  in connection  with the housing
programs of  the  United States  Department  of Housing  and  Urban  Development
("HUD") and Government National Mortgage Association ("GNMA").
    The  Real Estate Partnership  and the Mortgage  Partnership are collectively
referred to as "the Partnerships".
    On April 1, 1996, in connection with the proposed settlement of the lawsuits
described below,  New York  Life  announced that  the  general partners  of  the
Partnerships  would be soliciting  the consents of the  Limited Partners for the
dissolution  of  the  Partnerships.  The  costs  of  such  liquidation  and  the
resolution  of certain claims (including those relating to the lawsuit described
below)  are  to  be  allocated  to  the  Company,  as  general  partner  of  the
Partnerships. However, the Company's parent, NYLIFE Inc., has agreed to fund the
liability associated with the liquidation and the resolution of the claims.
    In  accounting for the plan of partnership liquidation and the resolution of
the claims,  a loss  of $8,562,500  and related  tax benefit  of $2,996,875  was
recognized  by  the Company.  In recognition  of the  decision by  the Company's
parent to fund the liability associated with the liquidation and the  resolution
of  the claims,  $5,565,625, the amount  of loss net  of tax, was  recorded as a
constructive capital  contribution to  the Company.  The resulting  payable  and
deferred  tax asset in connection with the  plan of liquidation were recorded by
    The amounts recorded represent management's best estimate of the total costs
associated with the plan of liquidation and the resolution of the claims.
    Two class action  lawsuits were  filed against the  co-general partners  and
certain other affiliates of the General Partners in the District Court of Harris
County,  Texas on January 11, 1996, styled  GRIMSHAWE V. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE
CO., ET. AL. (No. 96-001188)  and SHEA V. NEW YORK  LIFE INSURANCE CO., ET.  AL.
(No.  96-001189). The suits were amended and refiled in a consolidated action in
the United  States District  Court for  the Southern  District of  Florida  (the
"Court")  on March 18, 1996. The suits  allege misconduct in connection with the
original sale of investment units  in various partnerships, including  violation
of  various  federal and  state laws  and regulations  and claims  of continuing
fraudulent conduct. In the federal action, the plaintiffs added the Company as a
defendant and included allegations  concerning the Partnerships. The  plaintiffs
have asked for compensatory

                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
damages  for  their lost  original investment,  plus interest,  costs (including
attorneys fees), punitive  damages, disgorgement of  any earnings,  compensation
and  benefits received by the defendants as  a result of the alleged actions and
other unspecified  relief  to which  plaintiffs  may  be entitled.  All  of  the
partnerships  that are the subject of  the lawsuit will be collectively referred
to as the "Proprietary Partnerships."
    The defendants expressly deny  any wrongdoing alleged  in the complaint  and
concede  no liability or wrongdoing in connection  with the sale of the units or
the structure  of  the Proprietary  Partnerships.  Nevertheless, to  reduce  the
burden  of protracted litigation, the defendants have entered into a Stipulation
of Settlement  ("Settlement Agreement")  with the  plaintiffs because  in  their
opinion  such settlement would  (i) provide substantial  benefits to the limited
partners in  a manner  consistent with  New  York Life's  position that  it  had
previously  determined  to  wind  up certain  of  the  Proprietary Partnerships,
including the  Real  Estate  Partnership, through  orderly  liquidation  as  the
continuation  of the business no longer serves the intended objectives of either
the limited partners  or the  defendants and to  offer the  limited partners  an
enhancement  to the  liquidating distribution  they would  otherwise receive and
(ii) provide an opportunity to wind up such partnerships on a schedule favorable
to the limited partners and resolve the issues raised by the lawsuit.
    Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, settling limited partners  will
receive  an amount that, together with distributions received prior to the final
settlement date,  will,  at  least,  equal  their  original  investment  in  the
partnership, in exchange for a release of any and all claims.
    Notice of the Settlement Agreement was given to class members pursuant to an
order  entered  by the  Court on  March  19, 1996.  The Settlement  Agreement is
conditioned upon final approval by the Court as well as certain other conditions
and is subject to certain rights of  termination detailed in the notice sent  to
class members.
    If  the necessary consents of limited partners for dissolution are obtained,
the Partnership  will be  dissolved  even if  all  necessary approvals  for  the
Settlement  Agreement are not obtained or  the Settlement Agreement is otherwise
    The preparation  of a  statement of  financial position  in conformity  with
generally  accepted accounting principles requires  management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities  and
disclosure  of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the statement of
financial position and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
    Certain  reclassifications to the  1994 balances and  presentation have been
made in order to conform with the 1995 presentation.
    The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of NYLIFE  Realty
and  CNP.  Intercompany transactions  between NYLIFE  Realty  and CNP  have been
eliminated in consolidation.
    Cash equivalents are short-terms, highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible to  known amounts  of cash  and have  original maturities  of  three
months  or less.  The carrying value  of cash and  cash equivalents approximates
fair value.

                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
    NYLIFE Realty accounts for its investment in the Real Estate Partnership and
the Mortgage  Partnership (collectively,  the "Partnerships")  under the  equity
method   of  accounting.  Under  this  method,  NYLIFE  Realty's  share  of  the
Partnerships' net earnings or losses is included in NYLIFE Realty's net earnings
    Computer equipment  and furniture  and  fixtures are  recorded at  cost  and
depreciated using the straight line method over an estimated useful life of five
    For  services rendered in managing the business of the Mortgage Partnership,
NYLIFE Realty,  as general  partner,  receives on  a  quarterly basis  an  asset
management  fee equal to .5% per annum of the value of the total invested assets
of the Mortgage Partnership, or such lesser amount necessary to ensure that  the
aggregate  of  the  asset management  fee  paid  since the  organization  of the
Mortgage Partnership and the aggregate distributions paid to NYLIFE Realty shall
not exceed  10%  of  the  aggregate distributable  cash  flow  of  the  Mortgage
Partnership.  NYLIFE  Realty  may subcontract  all  or  a portion  of  the asset
management services rendered as discussed in Note 7, "Related Parties."
    NYLIFE Realty  is entitled  to  certain reimbursements  by the  Real  Estate
Partnership and the Mortgage Partnership for the actual cost to NYLIFE Realty of
goods  and materials used for  and by the Real  Estate Partnership, the Mortgage
Partnership or any Joint Ventures, which are obtained from unaffiliated  parties
and  for  any  adminstrative services  provided  to the  Partnerships  by NYLIFE
Realty. During 1995, NYLIFE Realty received reimbursements of $100,000 from each
of the Partnerships. NYLIFE Realty incurred $63,933 and $228,026 of general  and
administrative  expenses in excess  of such reimbursements  relating to the Real
Estate and Mortgage Partnerships, respectively, for the years ended December 31,
1995 and 1994, respectively.
    Since the  inception  of  the  Real  Estate  Partnership  and  the  Mortgage
Partnership,  NYLIFE Realty has incurred  general and administrative expenses in
excess of reimbursements  from these  Partnerships of  $898,211 and  $2,224,872,
    Revenue  and  expenses  are recognized  when  earned or  incurred  under the
accrual basis of accounting.
    Current income taxes  are provided  on taxable earnings  at the  appropriate
statutory  rate applicable to such earnings.  Deferred income taxes are provided
for the temporary difference  between the financial reporting  and tax basis  of
assets and liabilities.
    The  Company is a member of an affiliated group which joins in the filing of
a consolidated federal income  tax return with New  York Life. The  consolidated
income  tax provision or benefit is allocated  among the members of the group in
accordance with  a  tax  allocation  agreement.  The  tax  allocation  agreement
provides  that  each  member  of  the  group  is  allocated  its  share  of  the
consolidated tax provision or benefit determined generally on a separate  return
basis,  but may, where  applicable, recognize the tax  benefits of net operating
losses or  capital losses  utilizable in  the consolidated  group. Although  not
specifically  provided for in  the tax allocation agreement,  the Company has in

                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
received  a  current  tax  benefit  arising  in  connection  with  the  loss  on
partnership  liquidation and related constructive capital contribution. See Note
2. Estimated payments  for taxes are  made between members  of the  consolidated
group during the year.
    Deferred  tax  assets (liabilities)  as of  December 31,  1995 and  1994 are
attributable to the following temporary differences:

                                                                                     1995       1994
                                                                                   ---------  ---------
Deferred tax assets
  Investment in limited partnership and joint ventures...........................  $  42,397  $  66,293
  Fixed assets, net..............................................................     --          1,295
                                                                                   ---------  ---------
  Gross deferred tax asset.......................................................     42,397     67,588
                                                                                   ---------  ---------
Deferred tax (liability)
  Fixed asset, net...............................................................     (5,575)    --
                                                                                   ---------  ---------
  Gross deferred tax (liability).................................................     (5,575)    --
                                                                                   ---------  ---------
Net deferred tax asset...........................................................  $  36,822  $  67,588
                                                                                   ---------  ---------
                                                                                   ---------  ---------

    The Company's management has concluded that the deferred tax assets are more
likely than  not to  be realized.  Therefore, no  valuation allowance  has  been
    Investments in limited partnerships are comprised of the following:

                                                                                            SHARE OF NET
                                                          NET INVESTMENT  NET INVESTMENT    FOR THE YEARS
                                                           AT 12/31/95     AT 12/31/94      1995 AND 1994
                                                          --------------  --------------  -----------------
Real Estate Partnership.................................    $   25,881      $   30,588               1%
Mortgage Partnership....................................        57,313          56,596               2%
Other...................................................         1,523           1,686           --
                                                          --------------  --------------
    Total...............................................    $   84,717      $   88,870
                                                          --------------  --------------
                                                          --------------  --------------

    NYLIFE  Realty's investment  in other  limited partnerships  represents less
than a one percent interest in such partnerships.
    NYLIFE Realty jointly  owns computer  equipment and  furniture and  fixtures
with  NYLIFE Equity  Inc. and NAFCO  Inc., both  of which are  affiliates. As of
December 31,  1995  and 1994,  the  recorded net  book  values of  the  computer
equipment  and  furniture and  fixtures as  allocated to  NYLIFE Realty  were as

                                                                                1995           1994
                                                                            -------------  -------------
Computer equipment, cost..................................................  $     886,848  $     860,266
Furniture and fixtures, cost..............................................        219,464        219,464
                                                                            -------------  -------------
                                                                                1,106,312      1,079,730
                                                                            -------------  -------------
Accumulated depreciation..................................................        997,445        950,856
                                                                            -------------  -------------
    Net book value........................................................  $     108,867  $     128,874
                                                                            -------------  -------------
                                                                            -------------  -------------


                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
    NYLIFE Realty is a party to a service agreement with New York Life,  whereby
New York Life provides services to NYLIFE Realty, including office space, legal,
accounting, administrative, personnel and other services for which NYLIFE Realty
is  billed. NYLIFE Realty  is charged for  these services based  upon (a) actual
costs incurred, where they  are separately identifiable,  and (b) allocation  of
costs  incurred by  New York  Life developed through  analyses of  time spent on
NYLIFE Realty matters. Additionally, New York Life pays NYLIFE Realty's invoices
on behalf of NYLIFE Realty  and is then reimbursed  by NYLIFE Realty. The  total
amounts  billed under  this agreement were  $732,164 and $814,439  for the years
ended December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.
    NYLIFE Securities and certain other syndicated broker-dealers authorized  by
NYLIFE  Securities sold units of the various limited partnerships for which they
received commissions and fees of up  to 8%. NYLIFE Securities and NYLIFE  Realty
are affiliated under common control by NYLIFE Inc.
    NYLIFE  Realty is a party to an asset management agreement with the Mortgage
Finance Department  of  New York  Life  ("Mortgage Finance"),  whereby  Mortgage
Finance provides architectural and engineering and property management oversight
services and acquisition services relating to the Mortgage Partnership. Mortgage
Finance  receives from  NYLIFE Realty .04%  and .10%  of the value  of the Total
Invested Assets  as  defined  by  the  Partnership  Agreement  of  the  Mortgage
Partnership's.  Such fees are payable quarterly  by NYLIFE Realty from its asset
management  fee.  During  the   year  1995  and   1994,  $24,337  and   $44,287,
respectively, was paid to Mortgage Finance for the aforementioned services.
    NYLIFE   Realty  acts  as  paying  agent   for  cash  distributions  by  the
Partnerships.  Upon  receipt  of  cash  from  the  Partnerships,  NYLIFE  Realty
disburses  the cash to the investors on a quarterly basis. During 1995 and 1994,
$9,352,749 and  $4,416,944,  respectively, was  received  and disbursed.  As  of
December 31, 1995 and 1994, investor distribution checks of $65,816 and $71,408,
respectively,  remained  outstanding.  Such  amounts  are  included  in accounts
payable and accrued liabilities in the financial statements.
    As general  partner, NYLIFE  Realty is  liable for  all obligations  of  the
Mortgage  and Real Estate  Partnerships if the assets  of those Partnerships are
insufficient to meet their liabilities.
    NYLIFE Realty guarantees (the "Guarantee")  the full repayment of  principal
with respect to any Participating Guaranteed Loans ("PGLs") made by the Mortgage
Partnership  pursuant  to  its  Partnership  Agreement.  In  February  1990, the
Mortgage Partnership agreed  to make  a collateralized PGL  in an  amount up  to
$600,000 in connection with the construction of Halcyon at Cross Creek (formerly
Cross  Creek  Apartments),  a  multi-family  residential  apartment  complex  in
Greenville, South Carolina. In December 1990, the Mortgage Partnership agreed to
make a collateralized PGL in an amount  up to $1,595,800 in connection with  the
construction   of  The   Highlands  (formerly   Highland  Oaks   Apartments),  a
multi-family residential apartment complex in  Tampa, Florida. In May 1991,  the
Mortgage  Partnership agreed  to make  a collateralized PGL  in an  amount up to
$1,200,000  in  connection   with  the  construction   of  Signature  Place,   a
multi-family   residential   apartment   complex  in   Hampton,   Virginia.  The
aforementioned  PGL's  are  each  collateralized  by  the  individual  ownership
interests  in the borrower itself (constituting  a second lien on such ownership
    During 1995, the  Mortgage Partnership received  $2,463,060 with respect  to
the  sale  of the  Highlands PGL.  Included  in such  amount were  $1,095,800 of
principal, $210,798  of  accrued interest,  a  prepayment fee  of  $324,000  and
$832,462    representing   participation   in    the   appreciation   and   cash

                       NYLIFE REALTY INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
generated by operations of The Highlands.  This amount received by the  Mortgage
Partnership  exceeds  the  aggregate  amount  invested  in  PGLs  of $1,495,900.
Therefore, NYLIFE  Realty  has satisfied  its  obligation with  respect  to  the
    As  of December 31, 1995, the Mortgage Partnership has funded the Halcyon at
Cross Creek  and Signature  Place PGL's  in the  amounts of  $400,000 and  $100,
respectively.  The  Mortgage  Partnership  has no  further  obligations  to loan
additional funds under any of the aforementioned PGL agreements.
    NYLIFE Realty is  required to  maintain a  minimum net  worth of  $1,000,000
under  the  terms  of the  Mortgage  and Real  Estate  Partnerships' partnership

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                                   APPENDIX A
                             (AS OF MARCH 31, 1996)
    The  following schedule sets forth estimates, based on information available
to the General Partner, of  the payments that a  Unitholder who is the  original
purchaser  of $10,000 worth of  Units could expect to  receive under each of the
four alternatives listed under "The Proposal and Considerations With Respect  to
the  Proposal -- Summary of Potential  Payments to Unitholders If the Settlement
Is Approved"  as  of  March 31,  1996,  after  giving effect  to  first  quarter
distributions  which are expected to  occur on May 15,  1996. This Unitholder is
referred to in  this appendix  as "UH."  See that  section for  a more  detailed
description  of each  of the alternatives.  The estimated payments  set forth in
this schedule  are based  upon numerous  assumptions. Unitholders  are urged  to
review the assumptions set forth below.
    The  payments set forth  below are forward  looking statements and ESTIMATES
ONLY. The actual amount that a Unitholder would receive would depend on a number
of factors, including the date on and  price at which Units were purchased,  the
net  proceeds received in connection  with the sale of  the Mortgages, the facts
and circumstances of court  approval, and any  additional distributions paid  to
Unitholder  after May 15, 1996. If  additional principal is repaid between March
31, 1996 and the date the Settlement  becomes final and is no longer subject  to
appeal, the amount paid to UH pursuant to the Settlement will be reduced by UH's
allocable  portion of  the principal so  repaid. The estimated  payment does NOT
include UH's pro rata share of his, her  or its working capital as of March  31,
1996. The actual payment that UH would receive would include such an amount.
         1)  UH is assumed to be an  original purchaser of 1,000 Units which he,
    she or  it purchased  for $10  per  Unit, or  a total  of $10,000,  and  has
    continuously held such Units since their purchase.
         2)  The Partnership will pay the  first quarter distribution on May 15,
    1996 ($1.66 per  Unit). Partnership  activity after  March 31,  1996 is  not
    reflected in this schedule.
         3)  The  Loan  Balance  is calculated  based  on  the  aggregate unpaid
    principal value as  of December  31, 1995,  less any  payments of  principal
    between  December 31, 1995  and March 31,  1996, of all  mortgages and loans
    held by  the Partnership,  adjusted to  March 31,  1996 to  account for  the
    disposition of the assets from between December 31, 1995 and March 31, 1996.
         4)  The Liquidating Distribution  is calculated based  on the pro forma
    liquidation balance sheet as of March 31, 1996 and the assumptions set forth
         5) The estimated Liquidation Advances do NOT include UH's share of  the
    Partnership's Distributable Working Capital.

      ACTION TAKEN                UNITHOLDER'S
- -------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
Proposal Approved          Settling Unitholder         (i) Liquidation Advance of $2,101.38 plus
                                                       (ii) Enhancement of $200 plus (iii) Excess of
                                                       Liquidating Distribution over Liquidation
                                                       Advance of $0. Total: $2,301.38
Proposal Approved          Non-Settling Unitholder     Liquidating Distribution of $2,101.38
Proposal Not Approved      Settling Unitholder         Distributions as provided under the
                                                       Partnership Agreement plus at the New York
                                                       Life Defendants' option, the Enhancement of
Proposal Not Approved      Non-Settling Unitholder     Distributions as provided under the
                                                       Partnership Agreement
