ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             KIRK'S HAMBURGERS, INC.

     Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of KIRK'S
HAMBURGERS, INC., are herein executed by said Corporation, pursuant to the
provision of RCW 23A.16.040 and 23A.16.050, as follows:

     1.   The name of the Corporation is Kirk's Hamburgers, Inc.

     2.   The amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of said Corporation is
as follows:

          ARTICLE I shall be amended to read as follows:

          "The name of this Corporation shall be 'Dick's Hamburgers,

          Article V shall be amended to read as follows:

                                   "ARTICLE V"


               1.   The number of Directors of the Corporation shall
          be fixed as provided by the Bylaws and may be changed from
          time to time by amending the Bylaws, as then provided, but
          the number of Directors shall be not less than three (3).
          Without the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors, no
          person who is affiliated as an owner, director, officer, or
          employee of a company or business deemed by the Board of
          Directors to be competitive with that of the Corporation
          shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors of the

               2.   If the office of any Director becomes vacant by
          reason of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or
          otherwise, the Directors may, by the affirmative vote of the
          majority of the


          remaining Directors, though less than a quorum, choose a
          successor or successors who shall hold office for the
          unexpired term.  Vacancies in the Board of Directors may be
          filled for the unexpired term by the shareholders at a
          meeting called for that purpose, unless such vacancies shall
          have been filled by the Directors.  Vacancies resulting from
          an increase in the number of Directors may be filled in the
          same manner.

                    The Board of Directors are authorized to increase
          the number of persons to comprise the Board of Directors in
          any period between annual shareholders' meetings by the
          affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors; provided,
          however, that without the unanimous consent of all
          Directors, the number of Directors who compromise the Board
          of Directors shall not be increased by more than two (2)
          persons within any twelve (12) month period.

                    If the Board of Directors is divided into classes
          and in the event of any increase or decrease in the
          authorized number of Directors, (1) each Director then
          serving as such shall nevertheless continue as a Director of
          the class of which he is a member until the expiration of
          his term, or upon his earlier resignation, removal from
          office, or death, (2) the newly created or eliminated
          Directorships resulting from such increase shall be
          allocated by the Board of Directors among the three classes
          to the extent possible, and (3) in the event such decrease
          in the authorized number of Directors makes the total number
          of Directors less than nine (9), then the Board of Directors
          shall become declassified and the Directors remaining in
          office shall continue their terms until the next annual
          meeting of shareholders, at which time all of said remaining
          Directors shall be re-elected to one year terms or until
          their successors are duly elected and qualified.

               3.   When the Board of Directors shall consist of nine
          (9) or more members, in lieu of electing the entire number of


          Directors annually, the Board of Directors of the
          Corporation shall be divided into three classes.  The method
          of classification shall be to assign the longest terms of
          those Directors with the most seniority as Directors.  In
          the event there are more Directors with identical seniority
          than there are class positions to be filled, choices shall
          be made by drawing of lots.  The classes shall be as
          follows:  Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3, which
          classification shall be effective on the 1st day of the
          month following the shareholders' meeting during which the
          number of members of the Board of Directors is increased to
          nine (9) or more.  In such an event, the term of office of
          Directors in Class 1 shall expire at the first annual
          meeting of shareholders after the election, that of Class 2
          shall expire at the second annual meeting after their
          election, and that of Class 3 shall expire at the third
          annual meeting after their election.  At each annual meeting
          of shareholders after such classification, the number of
          Directors equal to the number of the class whose term
          expires at the time of such meeting shall be elected to hold
          office until the third succeeding annual meeting.  No
          classification of Directors shall be effective in the event
          the number of members of the Board is reduced to few than
          nine (9).

               4.   In furtherance of and not in limitation of the
          powers conferred by the laws of the State of Washington, the
          Board of Directors is expressly authorized to make, alter,
          and repeal the Bylaws of the Corporation, subject to the
          power of the shareholders of the Corporation to change or
          repeal such Bylaws.

               5.   The Corporation may enter into, contract, and
          otherwise transact business as vendor, purchaser, or
          otherwise with its Directors, officers, and shareholders,
          and with the Corporation's association with firms and
          entities of which they are or may become interested as
          Directors, officers, shareholders, members, or otherwise, as
          freely as if those such adverse interest did not exist, even
          though the vote, action, or presence of such Directors,


          officers, or shareholders may be necessary to obligate the
          Corporation under such contracts or transactions; and in the
          absence of fraud, no such contracts or transactions shall be
          avoided and no such Director, officer, or shareholder shall
          be held liable to account to the Corporation, by reason of
          such adverse interests or by reason of any fiduciary
          relationship to the Corporation arising out of such office
          or stock ownership, for any profit or benefit realized by
          him through any such contract or transaction; provided that
          in the case of Directors and officers of the Corporation
          (but not in the case of shareholders who are not Directors
          or officers), the nature of the interest of such Directors
          or officers be disclosed or known to the Board of Directors
          of the Corporation at the meeting thereof at which such
          contract or transaction was authorized or confirmed.  A
          general notice that a Director or officer of the Corporation
          is interested in any corporation, association, firm, or
          entity, shall be sufficient disclosure as to such Director
          or officer with respect to all contracts and transactions
          with the corporation, association, firm, or entity.

               6.   Except as otherwise expressly set forth in these
          Articles, any contract, transaction, or act of the
          Corporation or of the Directors or of any officers of the
          Corporation which shall be ratified by a majority of a
          quorum of the shareholders of the Corporation at any annual
          meeting or at any special meeting called for such purpose,
          shall be as valid and binding as though ratified by every
          shareholder of the Corporation.

               7.   The Corporation shall indemnify to the broadest
          extent permitted by Washington law and under the procedures
          set forth herein, but without limitations permitted by
          statue as to the extent thereof, any and all persons for
          whom indemnification is permitted by RCW 23A.08.025, or as
          said statute may be amended or superseded, and such person
          shall have the right to claim such indemnification.


               8.   The current Directors of this Corporation are five
          (5) in number and their post office addresses are as

          Name                                    Address
          ----                                    -------

          Elmer "Abe" D. Miller              East 10 3rd Avenue
                                             Spokane, WA 99202

          Dorothy Miller                     East 10 3rd Avenue
                                             Spokane, WA 99202

          Linda Peterson                     East 10 3rd Avenue
                                             Spokane, WA 99202

          Gary D. Brajcich                   North 908 Howard
                                             Spokane, WA 99208

          Charles Carpenter                  West 1005 17th Avenue
                                             Spokane, WA 99203

               9.   Except as set forth above, the term of Directors
          shall be until the next annual meeting of the shareholders
          of the Corporation and until their replacements are duly
          elected and qualified.

          Article VIII will be amend to read as follows:

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

               Preemptive rights shall not exist with respect to
          shares of stock or securities convertible into shares of
          stock of this Corporation.  Shareholders of the Corporation
          shall not be entitled to cumulate their votes at the
          election of the Directors of the Corporation.

     3.   The date of the adoption of said amendment by the shareholders of the
Corporation is April 4, 1985.

     4.   The number of shares outstanding of Corporation is 525,000 shares, all
of which are entitled to vote.

     5.   The number of shares voting for and against said amendment,
respectively, were as follows:


          For Amendment            525,000 Shares
          Against Amendment              0 Shares

     6.   The amendment does not provide for the exchange, reclassification, or
cancellation of issued shares.

     7.   The amendment does not effect a change in the amount of the
Corporation's authorized capital stock.

                                        KIRK'S HAMBURGERS, INC.

                                        By /s/ Elmer D. "Abe" Miller
                                               ELMER D. "Abe" MILLER
