REGISTRATION NO. 333-2642


                              JOINT PROXY STATEMENT




     This Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus is being furnished to holders of
common stock of Graphix Zone, Inc., a California corporation ("Graphix Zone"),
in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of
Graphix Zone (the "Graphix Zone Board") for use at the special meeting of
shareholders of Graphix Zone to be held on June 27, 1996, or any adjournment or
postponement thereof (the "Graphix Zone Meeting"), and to holders of common
stock of StarPress, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("StarPress"), in connection
with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of StarPress (the
"StarPress Board") for use at the special meeting of shareholders of StarPress
to be held on June 27, 1996, or any adjournment or postponement thereof (the
"StarPress Meeting," and together with the Graphix Zone Meeting, the "Special

     The Graphix Zone Meeting has been called to consider and vote upon a
proposal (the "Graphix Zone Proposal") to approve and adopt (i) an Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization, dated as of January 3, 1996, between Graphix Zone and
StarPress (the "Reorganization Agreement"), and (ii) an Agreement of Merger (the
"Graphix Zone Merger Agreement"), among Graphix Zone, Graphix Zone, Inc., a
Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Graphix Zone ("New GZ"), and
GZ Merger Corp., a California corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of New
GZ ("GZ Merger Corp."), which provides for the merger of GZ Merger Corp. with
and into Graphix Zone (the "Graphix Zone Merger"). Upon consummation of the
Graphix Zone Merger, each share of Graphix Zone Common Stock, no par value per
share (the "Graphix Zone Common Stock"), except for Graphix Zone Dissenting
Shares (as hereinafter defined), issued and outstanding immediately prior to the
Effective Time of the Reorganization will be converted into one share of New
GZ's common stock, $.01 par value per share (the "New GZ Common Stock").

     The StarPress Meeting has been called to consider and vote upon a proposal
(the "StarPress Proposal"), to approve and adopt (i) the Reorganization
Agreement, and (ii) an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "StarPress Merger
Agreement," and together with the Graphix Zone Merger Agreement, the "Merger
Agreements"), among StarPress, New GZ and SP Merger Corp., a Colorado
corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of New GZ ("SP Merger Corp."), which
provides for the merger of SP Merger Corp. with and into StarPress (the
"StarPress Merger," and together with the Graphix Zone Merger, the "Mergers").
Upon consummation of the StarPress Merger, each share of StarPress Common Stock,
no par value per share (the "StarPress Common Stock"), except for StarPress
Dissenting Shares (as hereinafter defined), issued and outstanding immediately
prior to the Effective Time of the Reorganization will be converted into the
right to receive 0.14666 shares (the "Exchange Ratio") of New GZ Common Stock.

     The combination of Graphix Zone and StarPress pursuant to the Mergers
contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement and the Merger Agreements is
referred to herein as the "Reorganization." As a result of the Reorganization,
Graphix Zone and StarPress will each become a wholly owned subsidiary of New GZ.
Information contained in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus relating to New
GZ's 1996 Stock Option Plan (the "1996 Plan") is provided for informational
purposes only. No action will be taken at the Special Meetings relating to the
1996 Plan.

     This Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus also serves as a prospectus of New GZ
with respect to (a) up to 10,510,879 shares of New GZ Common Stock that will be
issued to (i) holders of outstanding shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock upon
consummation of the Graphix Zone Merger, and (ii) holders of outstanding shares
of StarPress Common Stock upon consummation of the StarPress Merger, (b) up to
204,053 shares of New GZ Common Stock that may be issued in connection with
certain obligations of StarPress, and (c) up to 1,290,920 shares of New GZ
Common Stock that may be issued pursuant to exercises of outstanding options and
warrants of Graphix Zone and StarPress between the date hereof and the Effective
Time of the Reorganization. See "The Reorganization Agreement--Conversion of
Graphix Zone Common Stock" and "--Conversion of StarPress Common Stock."

     This Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and accompanying forms of proxy are
first being mailed to the shareholders of Graphix Zone and the shareholders of
StarPress on or about June 13, 1996.



       The date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus is June 11, 1996.


                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                      PAGE                                                                    PAGE
                                                      ----                                                                    ----
AVAILABLE INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5                Federal Securities Laws Consequences . . . . . . . .  47
                                                                          Nasdaq SmallCap Market Listing . . . . . . . . . . .  48
SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6                Dissenters' Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
  The Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6             THE REORGANIZATION AGREEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
  The Special Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6                The Mergers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
  The Reorganization Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . .   6                Conversion of Graphix Zone Common Stock. . . . . . .  52
  The Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8                Conversion of StarPress Common Stock . . . . . . . .  52
  Comparative Per Share Data . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12                Certain Representations and Warranties . . . . . . .  53
  Summary Historical and Unaudited Pro                                    Certain Covenants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
    Forma Combined Condensed Financial                                    Conditions to the Reorganization . . . . . . . . . .  56
    Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15                Termination of the Reorganization Agreement  . . . .  58
Listing of New GZ Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . .  17

  Risk Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18             DESCRIPTION OF GRAPHIX ZONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
                                                                          Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
RISK FACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18                Business Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59
  Historical Losses; Profitability Uncertain; Going                       CD-ROM Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
    Concern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18                CD-ROM Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
  Future Capital Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18                Marketing and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
  Security Interests in StarPress' Assets;                                Development and Production . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
    Default on Line of Credit. . . . . . . . . . . . .  19                Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
  Financial Condition of StarPress . . . . . . . . . .  19                Multimedia Productions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
  Developing Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19                Competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
  New Products; Short Product Life Cycle . . . . . . .  19                Intellectual Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
  Dependence on Owners of Copyrighted Material . . . .  20                Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
  Integration of Operations; Management of Growth. . .  20                Description of Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
  Competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21                Legal Proceedings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
  Substantial Reliance on Distribution Channels. . . .  21                Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan           
  Technological Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21                  of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
  Limited Product Line; Reliance on Major                                 Directors and Executive Officers . . . . . . . . . .  72
    Customers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22                Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial                
  Quarterly Fluctuations and Stock Volatility;                              Owners, Directors and Executive Officers . . . . .  73
   Seasonality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22                Executive Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
  Dependence on Key Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . .  23                Arrangements with Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
  Uncertainties of New Internet Strategy. . . . . . .   23                Certain Relationships and Related Transactions . . .  75
  Control of New GZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23                                                                        
  Product Returns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23             DESCRIPTION OF STARPRESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
  Research and Development Expenses. . . . . . . . . .  24                Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
  Exercise of Outstanding Warrantes and Options. . . .  24                Industry Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  77
  Ability to Issue Preferred Stock . . . . . . . . . .  24                Business Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  78
  Shares Eligible for Future Sale. . . . . . . . . . .  24                Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79
  Probable Loss of Benefit of Net Operating Losses . .  25                Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
  Accounting Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25                Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
  Lack of Independent Financial Advisors . . . . . . .  26                Competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  83
                                                                          Proprietary Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  83
THE SPECIAL MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26                Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84
  Times and Places; Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26                Seasonality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84
  Voting Rights; Votes Required for Approval . . . . .  26                Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84
  Proxies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27                Description of Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84
                                                                          Legal Proceedings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84
THE REORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28                Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan            
  Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28                  of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  85
  Recommendation of Graphix Zone Board;                                   Directors and Executive Officers . . . . . . . . . .  93
    Graphix Zone's Reasons for the Reorganization. . .  33                Employment Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  94
  Recommendation of StarPress Board;                                      Arrangements with Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . .  94
    StarPress' Reasons for the Reorganization. . . . .  34                Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners,        
  Fairness Opinions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35                Directors and Executive Officers . . . . . . . . . .  95
  Interests of Certain Persons in the Reorganization .  40                Certain Relationships and Related Transactions . . .  97
  Operation as Combined Entity . . . . . . . . . . . .  43             
  Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43                
  Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences. . . . . . .  44                
  Accounting Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47                


                                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED

                                                      PAGE                                                                    PAGE
                                                      ----                                                                    ----
DESCRIPTION OF NEW GZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97             Appendix A-1 - Agreement and Plan of Reorganization,
COMPARATIVE PER SHARE MARKET PRICE                                        dated as of January 3, 1996 between Graphix Zone, Inc.
  AND DIVIDEND INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98                and StarPress, Inc. (without exhibits or schedules)
                                                                       Appendix A-2 - Form of Agreement of Merger among
CAPITALIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100                Graphix Zone, Inc., a California corporation, Graphix
                                                                          Zone, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and GZ Merger Corp
UNAUDITED PRO FORMA COMBINED CONDENSED                                 Appendix A-3 - Form of Agreement and Plan of Merger
  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100                among StarPress, Inc., Graphix Zone, Inc., a Delaware
  Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed                                  corporation, and SP Merger Corp.
    Balance Sheet As of March 31, 1996 . . . . . . . . 102             Appendix B - Graphix Zone, Inc. Financial Statements
  Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed                               Appendix C - StarPress, Inc. Consolidated Financial
    Statements of Operations Nine Months                                  Statements
    Ended March 31, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103             Appendix D - Fairness Opinion of Cruttenden Roth
  Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed                                  Incorporated addressed to Graphix Zone, Inc. and
    Statements of Operations Year Ended                                   StarPress, Inc.
    June 30, 1995. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104             Appendix E - Chapter 13 of the California General
  Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined                                   Corporation Law
    Condensed Financial Statements Nine Months                         Appendix F - Article 113 of the Colorado Business
    Ended March 31, 1996 and Year Ended                                   Corporation Act
    June 30, 1995. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105             Appendix G - New GZ 1996 Stock Option Plan

  GRAPHIX ZONE AND STARPRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
  Comparison of Shareholders' Rights with Respect
    to New GZ and Graphix Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
  Comparison of Shareholders' Rights with Respect
    to New GZ and StarPress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

  Authorized Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
  Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
  Preferred Stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
  Stock Transfer Agent and Registrar . . . . . . . . . 123
  Delaware Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

MANAGEMENT OF NEW GZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
  Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
  Compensation of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
  Committees of the Board of Directors . . . . . . . . 126
  Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
  Compensation of Executive Officers . . . . . . . . . 128

SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF NEW GZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

NEW GZ 1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
  Shares Subject to the 1996 Plan. . . . . . . . . . . 131
  Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
  Option Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
  Amendment and Termination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
  Federal Income Tax Consequences. . . . . . . . . . . 132
  Possible Anti-takeover Effects . . . . . . . . . . . 132

SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

EXPERTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

LEGAL MATTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133



                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     Graphix Zone and StarPress are each subject to the informational
requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Exchange
Act"), and in accordance therewith file reports, proxy statements and other
information with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission"). These
materials can be inspected and copied at the public reference facilities
maintained by the Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549,
and at the Commission's regional offices located at Northwest Atrium Center, 500
West Madison Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661 and 7 World Trade
Center, Suite 1300, New York, New York 10048. Copies of these materials can also
be obtained from the Commission at prescribed rates by writing to the Public
Reference Section of the Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
20549. After consummation of the Reorganization, Graphix Zone and StarPress may
no longer file reports, proxy statements, or other information with the
Commission. Instead, such information would be provided, to the extent required,
in filings made by New GZ. Graphix Zone Common Stock has been traded on The
Nasdaq SmallCap Market, under the symbol "GZON," since Graphix Zone Common Stock
began trading publicly on June 17, 1994. StarPress Common Stock has been quoted
on the National Association of Securities Dealers Electronic Bulletin Board,
under the symbol "GTBR," since December 9, 1993. New GZ has applied for the
listing of New GZ Common Stock on The Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the symbol

     New GZ has filed with the Commission a Registration Statement on Form S-4
(together with all amendments, exhibits and schedules thereto, the "Registration
Statement") under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act"),
relating to the shares of New GZ Common Stock that are proposed to be issued in
connection with the Reorganization to holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and
to holders of StarPress Common Stock. See "The Reorganization Agreement--
Conversion of Graphix Zone Common Stock" and "--Conversion of StarPress Common
Stock." This Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus constitutes the prospectus of New
GZ that is filed as part of the Registration Statement. Certain parts of the
Registration Statement are omitted from this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission. A copy of the
Registration Statement, including all exhibits to the Registration Statement and
other material that is not included herein, may be inspected, without charge, at
the offices of the Commission referred to above, or obtained at prescribed rates
from the Public Reference Section of the Commission at the address set forth

     Statements made in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus concerning the
contents of any contract or other documents are not necessarily complete. With
respect to each contract or other document filed as an exhibit to the
Registration Statement, reference is hereby made to that exhibit for a more
complete description of the matter involved, and each such statement is hereby
qualified in its entirety by such reference.

     All information contained in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus relating
to Graphix Zone has been supplied by Graphix Zone, all information relating to
StarPress has been supplied by StarPress, and all information relating to New GZ
has been supplied by New GZ or Graphix Zone. The information regarding the
Cruttenden Roth Incorporated fairness opinions has been supplied by Cruttenden
Roth Incorporated.





     GRAPHIX ZONE. Graphix Zone develops, produces and markets multimedia
products and services for the personal computer industry. Graphix Zone's 
primary area of concentration is CD-ROM publishing, although it also intends 
to expand its Internet presence by further developing and operating a 
comprehensive music-related web site. Graphix Zone's principal executive 
offices are located at 42 Corporate Park, Suite 200, Irvine, California 
92714; its telephone number is (714) 833-3838. See "Description of Graphix 

     STARPRESS. StarPress is a low-cost publisher and marketer of personal
computer CD-ROM and floppy software products for the home, school and small
business markets. StarPress' principal executive offices are located at 425
Market Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California 94105; its telephone number
is (415) 778-3100. See "Description of StarPress."

     NEW GZ. New GZ, a Delaware corporation and presently a wholly owned
subsidiary of Graphix Zone, was incorporated in January 1996 and has not
conducted any substantial business activities to date other than those incident
to its formation (including the hiring of Norman Block as Executive Vice
President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of New
GZ), its execution of the Merger Agreements and related agreements, its adoption
of the 1996 Plan and its participation in the preparation of this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus. As a result of the Reorganization, Graphix Zone and
StarPress will become wholly owned subsidiaries of New GZ. Accordingly, the
business of New GZ will be the business conducted by Graphix Zone and StarPress.
The principal executive offices of New GZ will be located at 42 Corporate Park,
Suite 200, Irvine, California 92714; its telephone number will be (714) 833-
3838. See "Description of New GZ," "Management of New GZ," "Security Ownership
of New GZ" and "New GZ 1996 Stock Option Plan."


     GRAPHIX ZONE. The Graphix Zone Meeting will be held at 38 Corporate 
Park, Suite 100, Irvine, California 92714 on June 27, 1996, starting at 10:00 
a.m., local time. See "The Special Meetings." At the Graphix Zone Meeting, 
holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock will be asked to approve and adopt the 
Graphix Zone Proposal. The Reorganization Agreement and the Graphix Zone 
Merger Agreement are attached hereto as Appendices A-1 and A-2, respectively. 
See "The Reorganization" and "The Reorganization Agreement."

     Holders of record of Graphix Zone Common Stock at the close of business on
May 10, 1996 (the "Graphix Zone Record Date"), have the right to receive notice
of and to vote at the Graphix Zone Meeting. As of the close of business on the
Graphix Zone Record Date, there were 5,193,343 shares of Graphix Zone Common
Stock outstanding and entitled to vote. Each share of Graphix Zone Common Stock
is entitled to one vote on each matter that is properly presented to
shareholders for a vote at the Graphix Zone Meeting. Under Graphix Zone's Bylaws
(the "Graphix Zone Bylaws") and the California General Corporation Law (the
"CGCL"), the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
Graphix Zone Common Stock outstanding on the Graphix Zone Record Date is
required to approve and adopt the Graphix Zone Proposal.

      As of May 31, 1996, directors and executive officers of Graphix Zone as 
a group beneficially owned 1,168,365 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock, or 
approximately 21% of those shares outstanding as of such date.

     STARPRESS. The StarPress Meeting will be held at the Park Hyatt Hotel, 
333 Battery Street, San Francisco, California 94105, on June 27, 1996 
starting at 10:00 a.m., local time. See "The Special Meetings." At the 
StarPress Meeting, holders of StarPress Common Stock will be asked to 
approve and adopt the StarPress Proposal. The Reorganization Agreement and 
the StarPress Merger Agreement are attached hereto as Appendices A-1 and A-3, 
respectively. See "The Reorganization" and "The Reorganization Agreement."

     Holders of record of StarPress Common Stock at the close of business on 
May 10, 1996 (the "StarPress Record Date") have the right to receive notice 
of and to vote at the StarPress Meeting. As of the close of business on the 
StarPress Record Date, there were 33,442,156 shares of StarPress Common Stock 
outstanding and entitled to vote. Each share of StarPress Common Stock is 
entitled to one vote on each matter that is properly presented to 
shareholders for a vote at the StarPress Meeting. Under the Articles of 
Incorporation of StarPress and the Colorado Business Corporation Act (the 
"CBCA"), the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of 
StarPress Common Stock outstanding on the StarPress Record Date is required 
to approve and adopt the StarPress Proposal.

     As of May 31, 1996, directors and executive officers of StarPress as a 
group beneficially owned 13,505,689 shares of StarPress Common Stock, or 
approximately 40% of those shares outstanding as of such date.


     GENERAL. The Reorganization Agreement provides, among other things, for: 
(a) the merger of GZ Merger Corp. with and into Graphix Zone pursuant to the 
Graphix Zone Merger Agreement, which will result in Graphix Zone, as the 
surviving corporation of the Graphix Zone Merger, becoming a wholly owned 
subsidiary of New GZ, and (b) the merger of SP Merger Corp. with and into 
StarPress pursuant to the StarPress Merger Agreement, which will result in 
StarPress, as the surviving corporation of the StarPress Merger, becoming a 
wholly owned subsidiary of New GZ.

     CONVERSION OF GRAPHIX ZONE COMMON STOCK. Upon consummation of the 
Graphix Zone Merger, each share of Graphix Zone Common Stock, except for 
Graphix Zone Dissenting Shares (as defined below), issued and outstanding 
immediately prior to the Effective Time (as defined below) will be converted 
into one share of New GZ Common Stock. See "The Reorganization 
Agreement--Conversion of Graphix Zone Common Stock." For a description of the 
New GZ Common Stock, see "Description of New GZ Capital Stock." For a summary 
of the principal differences between the rights of holders of New GZ Common 
Stock and Graphix Zone Common Stock, see "Comparison of Rights of 
Shareholders of Graphix Zone and StarPress--Comparison of Shareholders' 
Rights with Respect to New GZ and Graphix Zone." "Effective Time" means the 
time and date which is (a) the later of (i) the date and time of the filing 
of the Graphix Zone Merger Agreement and related officer's certificates with 
the Secretary of State of the State of California (or such other date and 
time as may be specified in such certificate as permitted by California law) 
and (ii) the date and time of the filing of articles of merger with the 
Secretary of State of the State of Colorado with respect to the StarPress 
Merger (or such other date and time as may be specified in such articles of 
merger as permitted by Colorado law), or (b) such other time and date as 
Graphix Zone and StarPress may agree. "Graphix Zone Dissenting Shares" means 
the shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock with respect to which the holder has 
perfected his demand for dissenters' rights in accordance with applicable 
provisions of the CGCL and has not effectively withdrawn or lost his rights 
to such appraisal. See "The Reorganization--Dissenters' Rights--Graphix Zone."



     CONVERSION OF STARPRESS COMMON STOCK. Upon consummation of the StarPress 
Merger, each share of StarPress Common Stock, except for StarPress Dissenting 
Shares (as defined below), issued and outstanding immediately prior to the 
Effective Time, will be converted into the right to receive 0.14666 shares 
(the "Exchange Ratio") of New GZ Common Stock. See "The Reorganization 
Agreement--Conversion of StarPress Common Stock." For a description of New GZ 
Common Stock, see "Description of New GZ Capital Stock." For a summary of the 
principal differences between the rights of holders of New GZ Common Stock 
and StarPress Common Stock, see "Comparison of Rights of Shareholders of 
Graphix Zone and StarPress--Comparison of Shareholders' Rights with Respect 
to New GZ and StarPress." "StarPress Dissenting Shares" means the shares of 
StarPress Common Stock with respect to which the holder has either (i) 
perfected his demand for dissenters' rights in accordance with applicable 
provisions of the CBCA and has not effectively withdrawn or lost his rights 
to such appraisal or (ii) in the event that the StarPress Proposal is not 
consummated prior to July 1, 1996 (and only in such event), perfected his 
demand for dissenters' rights in accordance with the applicable provisions of 
the CGCL and has not effectively withdrew or lost his rights to such 
appraisal. See "The Reorganization--Dissenters' Rights--StarPress" and "The 
Reorganization--Dissenters' Rights--Graphix Zone."

     No fractional shares of New GZ Common Stock will be issued pursuant to 
the StarPress Merger. In lieu of the issuance of any fractional shares of New 
GZ Common Stock, each former StarPress shareholder will receive cash equal to 
the per share market value of Graphix Zone Common Stock (based on the average 
of the closing sale prices of Graphix Zone Common Stock as quoted on The 
Nasdaq SmallCap Market during the 10 trading day period ending on the Closing 
Date of the Reorganization (as defined below) as reported in the WALL STREET 
JOURNAL) (the "Graphix Zone Common Stock Price") multiplied by the fraction 
of a share of New GZ Common Stock to which such holder otherwise would be 
entitled. "Closing Date" means a date and a time to be mutually agreed upon 
by Graphix Zone, New GZ and StarPress, which date is not later than the third 
business day after all conditions precedent set forth in the Reorganization 
Agreement have been satisfied or waived.


     CONDITIONS TO THE REORGANIZATION. The obligations of Graphix Zone and 
StarPress to consummate the Reorganization are subject to the fulfillment of 
various conditions, including, among others: (i) the effectiveness of the 
Registration Statement and the absence of any stop order suspending the 
effectiveness thereof and no proceeding for that purpose having been 
initiated or threatened by the Commission; (ii) approval of the shareholders 
of Graphix Zone and the shareholders of StarPress; (iii) receipt of all 
material permits or authorizations; (iv) neither Graphix Zone nor StarPress 
shall have received demands for the exercise of dissenters' rights from 
holders of shares representing more than two percent (2%) of the issued and 
outstanding shares of capital stock of that corporation; (v) receipt by New 
GZ of executed agreements from the affiliates of Graphix Zone and StarPress 
relating to compliance with Rule 145 under the Securities Act and certain 
other restrictions relating to the transfer of shares of New GZ; (vi) receipt 
by each of Graphix Zone and StarPress of a fairness opinion of Cruttenden 
Roth Incorporated ("Cruttenden Roth") dated as of the


Closing Date (as defined below); and (vii) receipt of opinions from counsel 
to Graphix Zone and counsel to StarPress to the effect that the Graphix Zone 
Merger and the StarPress Merger, respectively, will be treated as tax-free 
reorganizations under the Code. If the Reorganization is not consummated for 
any reason, including because either or both counsel are unable to render at 
the Closing the required tax opinions, Graphix Zone and StarPress intend to 
joint venture certain projects and functions but would ultimately go their 
separate ways. See "The Reorganization Agreement--Conditions to the 

Agreement is subject to termination at any time prior to the Effective Time, 
whether before or after approval of the Graphix Zone Merger and the StarPress 
Merger by the shareholders of Graphix Zone and StarPress, respectively, (i) 
by mutual agreement of Graphix Zone and StarPress; (ii) by StarPress, if 
there has been a breach by Graphix Zone of any representation, warranty, 
covenant or agreement set forth in the Reorganization Agreement; (iii) by 
Graphix Zone, if there has been a breach by StarPress of any representation, 
warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in the Reorganization Agreement; 
(iv) by either party, if shareholder approval is not obtained; (v) by either 
party, if all conditions precedent to the closing of the Reorganization 
Agreement have not been satisfied or waived on or before June 30, 1996 (other 
than as a result of a breach by the terminating party or breach by any 
affiliate of the terminating party of certain affiliate agreements to be 
executed in connection with the Reorganization Agreement); (vi) by either 
party, if a permanent injunction or other order by any Federal or state court 
prohibiting the consummation of either or both of the Mergers shall have been 
issued and shall have become final and nonappealable; or (vii) by either 
party, if its board of directors shall have accepted or approved, or 
recommended to its shareholders, a proposal by a third party to acquire 
Graphix Zone or StarPress, as the case may be. See "The Reorganization 
Agreement--Termination of the Reorganization Agreement."


Reorganization, assuming no options or warrants to purchase Graphix Zone 
Common Stock or StarPress Common Stock are exercised between the date of this 
Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the Closing Date, (i) the former holders 
of Graphix Zone Common Stock will collectively hold approximately 5,446,543 
shares of New GZ Common Stock (i.e., 52% of the issued and outstanding shares 
of New GZ Common Stock), and (ii) the former holders of StarPress Common 
Stock will collectively hold approximately 5,064,336 shares of New GZ Common 
Stock (i.e., 48% of the issued and outstanding shares of New GZ Common 
Stock). Included in the 5,446,543 shares of New GZ Common Stock held by the 
former holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock are 468,183 shares recently 
acquired by existing StarPress shareholders. See "Description of Graphix 
Zone--Certain Relationships and Related Transactions" and "Description of 
StarPress--Certain Relationship and Related Transanctions."  As a result, 
holders of StarPress Common Stock will collectively own 5,532,519 shares of 
New GZ Common Stock (53%) and the former holders of Graphix Zone Common 
Stock, excluding the 468,183 shares, will collectively hold 4,978,360 shares 
of New GZ Common Stock (47%). Accordingly, for financial accounting purposes, 
StarPress is expected to be considered the acquiring entity. See "The 
Reorganization--Accounting Treatment."

     Assuming all outstanding options and warrants to purchase Graphix Zone 
Common Stock and StarPress Common Stock are exercised and assuming StarPress 
is required to issue additional shares of StarPress Common Stock in 
connection with the StarPress Obligations (as defined below), (a) the former 
holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock will collectively hold 7,464,674 shares 
of New GZ Common Stock (i.e., 54% of the issued and outstanding shares of New 
GZ Common Stock on a fully diluted basis), and (b) the former holders of 
StarPress Common Stock will collectively hold approximately 6,240,554 shares 
of New GZ Common Stock (i.e., 46% of the issued and outstanding shares of New 
GZ Common Stock on a fully diluted basis).

REORGANIZATION. The Graphix Zone Board, by unanimous vote, has determined 
that the Reorganization is in the best interests of the holders of Graphix 
Zone Common Stock and recommends that holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock 
vote in favor


of the Graphix Zone Proposal. The decision of the Graphix Zone Board to enter 
into the Reorganization Agreement and to recommend that shareholders vote in 
favor of the Graphix Zone Proposal is based upon its evaluation of a number 
of factors, including, among others, the written opinion dated December 28, 
1995, and confirmed in writing as of the date of this Joint Proxy 
Statement/Prospectus, of Cruttenden Roth that, based upon and subject to the 
matters set forth in the written opinion, as of such dates, the 
Reorganization is fair from a financial point of view to Graphix Zone and the 
shareholders of Graphix Zone. In addition, in connection with the 
Reorganization, the Graphix Zone Board believes that the proposed exchange of 
one share of Graphix Zone Common Stock for one share of New GZ Common Stock 
is fair to the holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock. See "The 
Reorganization--Recommendation of Graphix Zone Board; Graphix Zone's Reasons 
for the Reorganization," and "--Fairness Opinions."

REORGANIZATION. The StarPress Board, by unanimous vote, has determined that 
the Reorganization is in the best interests of the holders of StarPress 
Common Stock and recommends that holders of StarPress Common Stock vote in 
favor of the StarPress Proposal. The decision of the StarPress Board to enter 
into the Reorganization Agreement and to recommend that shareholders vote in 
favor of the StarPress Proposal is based upon its evaluation of a number of 
factors, including, among others, the written opinion dated December 28, 
1995, and confirmed in writing as of the date of this Joint Proxy 
Statement/Prospectus, of Cruttenden Roth that, based upon and subject to the 
matters set forth in the written opinion, as of such date, the Reorganization 
is fair from a financial point of view to StarPress and the shareholders of 
StarPress. In addition, in connection with the Reorganization, the StarPress 
Board believes that the Exchange Ratio is fair to holders of StarPress Common 
Stock. See "The Reorganization--Recommendation of StarPress Board; StarPress' 
Reasons for the Reorganization," and "--Fairness Opinions."

AFTER THE REORGANIZATION. Certain members of the management of Graphix Zone 
and StarPress and the Graphix Zone Board and the StarPress Board have certain 
interests in the Reorganization that are different from, or in addition to, 
the interests of shareholders of Graphix Zone and the shareholders of 
StarPress generally. Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement, prior to the 
Mergers Graphix Zone will designate three directors of New GZ, StarPress will 
designate three directors of New GZ and the resultant six new directors of 
New GZ will designate one or two additional directors. Certain executive 
officers of Graphix Zone and StarPress have become executive officers of New 
GZ. See "The Reorganization--Interests of Certain Persons in the 

     ACCOUNTING TREATMENT. Upon the consummation of the StarPress Merger, the 
former shareholder interests of StarPress will own a larger percentage of the 
outstanding shares of New GZ Common Stock than the former shareholder 
interests of Graphix Zone and, accordingly, StarPress will be considered to 
be the acquiring entity for financial accounting purposes. The Reorganization 
will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting, in accordance 
with generally accepted accounting principles.

     OPINIONS OF INVESTMENT BANKER. On December 28, 1995, Cruttenden Roth
delivered its written opinion to the Graphix Zone Board stating that, as of such
date, the Reorganization was fair to Graphix Zone and the holders of Graphix
Zone Common Stock from a financial point of view. Cruttenden Roth's written
opinion also states that the proposed exchange of one share of Graphix Zone
Common Stock for one share of New GZ Common Stock is fair to Graphix Zone and
the holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock. An oral presentation was made to the
Graphix Zone Board at its December 28, 1995 special meeting at which time the
Graphix Zone Merger and the Reorganization Agreement were approved. The full
text of the opinion of Cruttenden Roth dated December 28, 1995, and confirmed in
writing as of the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, which sets
forth the assumptions made, matters considered and limitations on the review
undertaken by Cruttenden Roth, is attached as Appendix D to this Joint Proxy


Graphix Zone shareholders are urged to read carefully the opinion in its
entirety. See "The Reorganization--Fairness Opinions."

     On December 28, 1995, Cruttenden Roth delivered its written opinion to 
the StarPress Board stating that, as of such date, the Reorganization was 
fair to StarPress and the holders of StarPress Common Stock from a financial 
point of view. Cruttenden Roth's written opinion also states that the 
Exchange Ratio is fair to StarPress and the holders of StarPress Common 
Stock. An oral presentation was made to the StarPress Board at its January 2, 
1996 special meeting at which time the StarPress Merger and the 
Reorganization Agreement were approved. The full text of the opinion of 
Cruttenden Roth dated December 28, 1995, and confirmed in writing as of the 
date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, which sets forth the 
assumptions made, matters considered and limitations on the review undertaken 
by Cruttenden Roth, is attached as Appendix D to this Joint Proxy 
Statement/Prospectus. StarPress shareholders are urged to read carefully the 
opinion in its entirety. See "The Reorganization--Fairness Opinions."

obligations of Graphix Zone under the Reorganization Agreement that Graphix 
Zone receive an opinion from Snell & Wilmer L.L.P., counsel to Graphix Zone, 
based upon reasonably requested representation letters, that the Graphix Zone 
Merger will be treated as a reorganization described in Section 368(a) of the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), or as a transfer of 
property to New GZ by holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock (in conjunction 
with holders of StarPress Common Stock) governed by Section 351 of the Code. 
It is a condition to the obligations of StarPress under the Reorganization 
Agreement that StarPress receive an opinion from Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, 
LLP, counsel to StarPress, based upon reasonably requested representation 
letters, that the StarPress Merger will be treated as a reorganization 
described in Section 368(a) of the Code or as a transfer of property to New 
GZ by holders of StarPress Common Stock (in conjunction with holders of 
Graphix Zone Common Stock) governed by Section 351 of the Code.

     In accordance with those opinions, no gain or loss will be recognized by 
a holder of Graphix Zone Common Stock who exchanges such stock for New GZ 
Common Stock pursuant to the Graphix Zone Merger. Similarly, no gain or loss 
generally will be recognized by a holder of StarPress Common Stock who 
exchanges such stock solely for New GZ Common Stock pursuant to the StarPress 
Merger; provided, however, that holders of StarPress Common Stock who receive 
cash in exchange for such shares (i.e., in lieu of fractional shares) will 
recognize gain or loss on such exchange. See "The Reorganization--Certain 
Federal Income Tax Consequences" for a more detailed description of the above 
matters and information with respect to the applicability of the foregoing to 
certain taxpayers subject to special treatment.

each then outstanding option (each a "Graphix Zone Option" and collectively, 
the "Graphix Zone Options") or warrant (each a "Graphix Zone Warrant" and 
collectively, the "Graphix Zone Warrants") to purchase shares of Graphix Zone 
Common Stock, will be converted into an option or warrant, as the case may 
be, to purchase the same number of shares of New GZ Common Stock at the same 
exercise price. Each Graphix Zone Option and Graphix Zone Warrant assumed by 
New GZ will have the same terms and conditions as then are applicable to such 
Graphix Zone Option or Graphix Zone Warrant, as the case may be. As of May 
31, 1996, Graphix Zone Options and Graphix Zone Warrants to acquire an 
aggregate of 2,018,131 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock were outstanding.

     At the Effective Time, New GZ will assume all rights and obligations of 
Graphix Zone's 1991, 1994 and 1995 Stock Option Plans as in effect at the 
Effective Time (collectively, the "Graphix Zone Plans") and will continue the 
Graphix Zone Plans in accordance with their respective terms. New GZ will 
file a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the Commission as soon as 
practicable with respect to the issuance of shares of New GZ Common Stock 
upon exercise of options granted under the Graphix Zone Plans.


OBLIGATIONS. At the Effective Time, each then outstanding option (each a 
"StarPress Option" and collectively, the "StarPress Options") and warrant 
(each a "StarPress Warrant" and collectively, the "StarPress Warrants") to 
purchase StarPress Common Stock will be assumed by New GZ and converted into 
an option or warrant to acquire the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock 
determined by multiplying the number of shares of StarPress Common Stock 
subject to such StarPress Option or StarPress Warrant at the Effective Time 
by the Exchange Ratio, at an exercise price per share of New GZ Common Stock 
equal to the exercise price per share of such StarPress Option or StarPress 
Warrant immediately prior to the Effective Time divided by the Exchange Ratio 
and rounded up to the nearest whole cent. To avoid fractional shares, the 
number of shares of New GZ Common Stock subject to an assumed StarPress 
Option or StarPress Warrant will be rounded to the nearest whole number of 
shares (rounded down in the cases of StarPress Options that are incentive 
stock options ("ISOs")). Except for the automatic acceleration of vesting of 
certain outstanding options to purchase an aggregate of 435,167 shares of 
StarPress Common Stock held by certain officers and employees of StarPress 
which occurred as of the date of the announcement of the StarPress Merger and 
the acceleration of options for 937,381 shares of StarPress Common Stock for 
certain employees and officers which was approved by the Compensation 
Committee of the StarPress Board, the other terms of the StarPress Options 
and StarPress Warrants, including vesting schedules, will remain unchanged. 
New GZ will file a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the Commission 
with respect to the issuance of shares of New GZ Common Stock upon exercise 
of the assumed StarPress Options which are eligible to be registered on Form 
S-8 as soon as practicable but not later than the earlier of (i) 30 days 
after the Effective Time, or (ii) 10 days after New GZ Common Stock becomes 
eligible for trading on the Nasdaq National Market System. As of May 31, 
1996, StarPress Options and StarPress Warrants to acquire an aggregate of 
8,020,037 shares of StarPress Common Stock were outstanding.

     At the Effective Time, New GZ will assume all rights and obligations of 
StarPress under StarPress' 1993 and 1995 Stock Option Plans, StarPress' 1995 
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan and StarPress Multimedia, Inc.'s 1993 
and 1995 Stock Option Plans as in effect at the Effective Time (collectively, 
the "StarPress Plans") and will continue the StarPress Plans in accordance 
with their respective terms. New GZ will file a Registration Statement on 
Form S-8 with the Commission as soon as practicable with respect to the 
issuance of shares of New GZ Common Stock upon exercise of options granted 
under the StarPress Plans.

     New GZ will also assume certain contractual obligations of StarPress 
pursuant to which StarPress may be required to issue up to 1,391,334 
additional shares of its common stock to former shareholders of StarPress 
Multimedia, Inc. in connection with the acquisition of StarPress Multimedia, 
Inc. by StarPress (collectively, the "StarPress Obligations"). The obligation 
to issue additional shares relates to possible indemnity claims by the former 
shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. which claims, if any, must be made 
on or before June 23, 1996. As of the date of this Joint Proxy 
Statement/Prospectus, no indemnity claims have been made by any former 
shareholder of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. Certain of the current officers and 
directors of StarPress are former shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. 
and are therefore eligible to receive in the aggregate 938,455 additional 
shares of StarPress Common Stock pursuant to the StarPress Obligations. 
However, none of these directors intends to make an indemnity claim on or 
before June 23, 1996.  Indemnity claims by former shareholders of StartPress 
Multimedia, Inc. must be made through an appointed representative. As soon as 
practicable, but not earlier than 30 days after receiving a claim, StarPress 
must deliver to the representative (for pro rata distribution to the former 
shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc.) any undisputed portion of the 
claimed shares. As to any disputed portion of the claimed shares, StarPress 
must deliver to the representative a written objection within 30 days after 
receiving the claim.  Objections shall be resolved by written agreement 
between StarPress and the representative, or if no agreement can be reached, 
by arbitration or adjudication.  If StarPress is required to issue such 
additional shares after the Effective Time, New GZ will issue a number of 
shares of New GZ Common Stock equal to the number of shares of StarPress 
Common Stock required to be issued pursuant to the StarPress Obligations 
multiplied by the Exchange Ratio. The maximum number of shares of New GZ 
Common Stock that may be issued pursuant to the StarPress Obligations is 
204,053.  See "The Reorganization--Interests of Certain Persons in the 
Reorganization--StarPress Obligations."

     DISSENTERS RIGHTS. Holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock who make a 
written demand for purchase, who do not vote in favor of the Graphix Zone 
Merger and who have otherwise complied with applicable provisions of the CGCL 
will be entitled to dissenters' rights. Similarly, holders of StarPress 
Common Stock who make a written demand for purchase, do not vote in favor of 
the StarPress Merger and who have otherwise


complied either with the applicable provisions of the CBCA, or in the event 
that the StarPress Proposal is not consummated prior to July 1, 1996 (and 
only in such event), with the applicable provisions of the CGCL,  will be 
entitled to dissenters' rights. See "The Reorganization--Dissenters' Rights."

     COMPARISON OF RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS. Upon consummation of the 
Reorganization, holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and holders of StarPress 
Common Stock will become holders of New GZ Common Stock. As a result, their 
rights as shareholders, which are now governed by California and Colorado 
corporate law, respectively, will be governed by Delaware corporate law and 
New GZ's Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws. Because of certain 
differences between the provisions of California and Colorado corporate law 
as compared with Delaware corporate law and because of certain differences 
between the provisions of Graphix Zone's and StarPress' respective Articles 
of Incorporation and Bylaws and the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws 
of New GZ, the rights of the former holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and 
the former holders of StarPress Common Stock after the Effective Time of the 
Reorganization will be different than the rights of holders of Graphix Zone 
Common Stock and holders of StarPress Common Stock before the Reorganization. 
For a discussion of various differences between the rights of shareholders of 
StarPress and New GZ and the rights of shareholders of Graphix Zone and New 
GZ, see "Comparison of Rights of Shareholders of Graphix Zone and StarPress."


     Set forth below are historical losses per share and book value per share 
data of Graphix Zone and StarPress, pro forma equivalent per share data of 
StarPress and pro forma combined per share data of New GZ. The data set forth 
below should be read in conjunction with the Graphix Zone and StarPress 
audited financial statements and unaudited interim financial statements, 
including the notes thereto, which are included as Appendices B and C, 
respectively, to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus. The data should also 
be read in conjunction with the unaudited pro forma combined condensed 
financial statements, including the notes thereto, included elsewhere in this 
Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus. See "Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed 
Financial Statements."

                                                                Graphix Zone                                   StarPress
                                                       -------------------------------              -------------------------------
                                                       Nine Months                                  Nine Months
                                                          Ended            Year Ended                  Ended            Year Ended
                                                        March 31,           June 30,                 March 31,           June 30,
                                                          1996                1995                     1996                1995
                                                       -----------         -----------              -----------         -----------
     Loss per share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $    (1.11)         $    (1.74)              $     (.23)         $    (1.14)
     Book value per share (deficiency) . . . . . .     $      .88          $    (0.34)              $     (.18)         $     0.03

                                                       Nine Months                               
                                                          Ended            Year Ended           
                                                        March 31,           June 30,            
                                                          1996                1995               
                                                       -----------         -----------         
Pro Forma Equivalent(1):
     Loss per share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $    (0.16)         $    (0.26)         
     Book value per share (deficiency) . . . . . .     $      .13          $    (0.05)       

                                                                                 New GZ
                                                              Nine Months Ended           Year Ended
                                                                  March 31,                June 30,
                                                                   1996(2)                   1995
                                                              ------------------          -------------
     Loss per share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $    (1.13)              $    (1.96)
     Book value per share as of March 31, 1996 . . . . . . .     $      .32

- ---------------

(1)  Represents the equivalent of Graphix Zone loss per share and book value 
     per share (deficiency) multiplied by the Exchange Ratio.

(2)  On May 21, 1996, Graphix Zone sold 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common
     Stock in a private equity offering for a total consideration of $1,031,250.
     Commissions related to the private placement of $103,125  were netted
     against total proceeds. The pro forma March 31, 1996 balance sheet data
     includes the impact of the aforementioned private equity offering as if it
     had occurred on March 31, 1996.


     GRAPHIX ZONE. Graphix Zone Common Stock has been traded on The Nasdaq 
SmallCap Market, under the symbol "GZON," since Graphix Zone Common Stock 
began trading publicly on June 17, 1994. The following table sets forth the 
range of high and low closing sale prices reported on The Nasdaq SmallCap 
Market for Graphix Zone Common Stock for the periods indicated. Such prices 
are inter-dealer quotations without retail mark-ups, mark-downs or 
commissions, and may not represent actual transactions.

     FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1994                          HIGH      LOW
                                                              ----      ---
     June 17 to 30, 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $ 3 5/8   $ 3 1/4

     Quarter ended September 30, 1994. . . . . . . . . . .    5 1/2     3 3/8
     Quarter ended December 31, 1994 . . . . . . . . . . .    4 7/8     3 3/8
     Quarter ended March 31, 1995. . . . . . . . . . . . .    5 5/8     3 1/2
     Quarter ended June 30, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5 3/8     2 3/8

     Quarter ended September 30, 1995. . . . . . . . . . .   11 1/8         5
     Quarter ended December 31, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . .    8 7/8     4 1/2
     Quarter ended March 31, 1996  . . . . . . . . . . . .    6 7/8     4 3/4
     Quarter ended June 30, 1996 (through June 5, 1996). .    8 3/8     4 3/4

     STARPRESS. StarPress Common Stock has been traded on the National 
Association of Securities Dealers Electronic Bulletin Board ("Electronic 
Bulletin Board"), under the symbol "GTBR," since December 9, 1993. Prior to 
December 9, 1993, there was no known public trading in StarPress Common 
Stock. The following table sets forth the range of high and low bid prices of 
StarPress Common Stock as reported by the Electronic Bulletin Board for the 
periods indicated. Such prices are inter-dealer quotations without retail 
mark-ups, mark-downs or commissions, and may not represent actual 

     FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1994                          HIGH      LOW
                                                              ----      ---
     December 9 to 31, 1993. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $ 2 1/8   $ 1 1/4
     Quarter ended March 31, 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . .    2 1/2     1 1/4
     Quarter ended June 30, 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1 7/8       1/2

     Quarter ended September 30, 1994. . . . . . . . . . .        2       1/2
     Quarter ended December 31, 1994 . . . . . . . . . . .    1 1/4      1/16
     Quarter ended March 31, 1995. . . . . . . . . . . . .   1 3/32      1/16
     Quarter ended June 30, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1 1/16      5/16

     Quarter ended September 30, 1995. . . . . . . . . . .    1 3/8       1/2
     Quarter ended December 31, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . .    1 1/8     15/32
     Quarter ended March 31, 1996  . . . . . . . . . . . .    15/16     13/32
     Quarter ended June 30, 1996 (through June 5, 1996). .    29/32      9/16


     The following table sets forth the closing price for the Graphix Zone 
Common Stock on The Nasdaq SmallCap Market and the high and low bid prices 
for StarPress Common Stock on the Electronic Bulletin Board on December 1, 
1995, the last trading day prior to the public announcement of the 
Reorganization, and on June 5, 1996, the most recent practicable date prior to 
the printing of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and the equivalent per 
share prices for the StarPress Common Stock based on the Graphix Zone Common 

                                   Graphix Zone     Common Stock     StarPress
                                   Common Stock     High     Low   Equivalent (1)
                                   ------------     ------------   --------------
December 1, 1995. . . . . . . . .     $8.875        $1.00 $.9375        $1.30
June 5, 1996. . . . . . . . . . .     $ 6.75        $ .66 $ .625        $ .99

- ---------------

(1)  Represents the equivalent of one share of StarPress Common Stock
     calculated by multiplying the closing prices of the Graphix Zone Common 
     Stock by the Exchange Ratio.

    Holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and StarPress Common Stock are urged 
to obtain current market quotations prior to making any decision with respect 
to the Reorganization.

     To date, Graphix Zone has not paid dividends on shares of Graphix Zone 
Common Stock and StarPress has not paid dividends on shares of StarPress 
Common Stock. The payment of future dividends on New GZ Common Stock will be 
a business decision to be made by the Board of Directors of New GZ from time 
to time based upon the results of operations and financial conditions of New 
GZ and such other factors as the New GZ Board of Directors considers relevant 
although it is presently anticipated that New GZ will retain earnings for the 
operation and expansion of its business for the foreseeable future. See 
"Comparative per Share Market Price and Dividend Information."




     The following table sets forth summary historical financial information of
Graphix Zone and has been derived from and should be read in conjunction with
Graphix Zone's audited financial statements and unaudited interim financial
statements, including the notes thereto, which are attached hereto as
Appendix B.

                                                                   NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                       MARCH 31,                          YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                                             ---------------------------            ----------------------------
                                                               1996             1995(1)               1995               1994
                                                               ----             -------               ----               ----

     Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $ 1,628,809       $ 2,746,447          $ 3,391,878        $ 2,144,063
     Cost of revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       1,495,865         2,540,900            4,697,467          1,768,549
     Research and development. . . . . . . . . . . . .       1,663,546                --                   --                 --
     Selling, general and admin-
      istrative expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       2,802,049         2,264,331            3,211,085            911,715
     Interest income (expense) . . . . . . . . . . . .          12,987            15,455              (66,482)           (31,308)
     Net loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      (4,320,464)       (2,043,329)          (4,525,176)          (576,393)
     Net loss per share of
      common stock(2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           (1.11)             (.80)               (1.74)              (.49)

                                                                    MARCH 31, 1996
                                                          -----------------------------------        JUNE 30,
                                                                1996        1996 PRO FORMA(3)          1995
                                                                ----        -----------------       ----------
     Working capital (deficiency). . . . . . . . . . .     $    451,053      $  1,379,168         $ (1,509,379)
     Total assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        7,349,226         8,277,351            2,263,330
     Total liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,789,300         2,789,300            3,224,747
     Shareholders' equity
        (deficiency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        4,559,926         5,488,051             (961,417)

- ---------------

(1)  In the fourth quarter of fiscal 1995, Graphix Zone recorded a compensation
     charge of $332,000 relating to an August 1994 extension of a stock option
     held by an executive officer who left Graphix Zone. The financial
     information for the nine-month period ended March 31, 1995 has been
     restated to reflect this compensation charge which was not originally
     reflected in such statements.

(2)  See Note 1 to Graphix Zone Financial Statements for a description of the
     calculation of net loss per share of common stock.

(3)  On May 21, 1996, Graphix Zone sold 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common
     Stock in a private equity offering for a total consideration of $1,031,250.
     Commissions related to the private placement of $103,125 were netted
     against total proceeds. The pro forma March 31, 1996 balance sheet data
     includes the impact of the aforementioned private equity offering as if it
     had occurred on March 31, 1996.



     The following table sets forth summary historical financial information of
StarPress and has been derived from and should be read in conjunction with
StarPress' audited consolidated financial statements and unaudited consolidated
interim financial statements, including the notes thereto, which are attached
hereto as Appendix C.

                                               NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                   MARCH 31,                           YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                       ----------------------------------      ---------------------------------
                                            1996(1)               1995               1995(2)              1994
                                            -------               ----               -------              ----
     Net revenues. . . . . . . . .     $   3,927,296       $    1,711,865      $    2,171,334      $      243,898
     Cost of revenues. . . . . . .         2,181,647            1,124,122           1,838,699             166,861
     Operating expenses. . . . . .         6,722,866            5,409,613           7,670,054           2,820,164
     Non-recurring operating
      expenses(1)(2) . . . . . . .         1,950,000                   --           2,810,000                  --
     Interest expense. . . . . . .           (71,094)            (302,110)           (783,507)            (53,367)
     Net loss. . . . . . . . . . .        (6,995,215)          (5,110,513)        (10,916,397)         (2,773,151)
     Net loss per share of
      common stock . . . . . . . .              (.23)                (.56)              (1.14)               (.46)

                                                        MARCH 31,                                 JUNE 30,
                                                          1996                                      1995
                                                     -------------                            --------------
     Working capital deficiency. .                   $ (5,726,912)                            $    (277,374)
     Total assets. . . . . . . . .                      2,403,497                                 3,771,337
     Total liabilities . . . . . .                      7,847,203                                 2,831,929
     Shareholders' equity
        (deficiency) . . . . . . .                     (5,433,706)                                  939,408

- ---------------

(1)  During the second quarter of fiscal 1996, StarPress adopted a restructuring
     plan which includes the elimination of all in-house software research and
     development activities. In connection with the restructuring, StarPress
     sold certain products that were under development and has sold Logatronix,
     Ltd., previously a wholly-owned subsidiary based in Sofia, Bulgaria which
     provided low cost software development services. The estimated cost of the
     restructuring of $1,950,000 was recorded in the second quarter of fiscal
     1996. The charge principally reflects severance costs resulting from a
     reduction of a significant portion of StarPress' workforce and write-downs
     to amounts deemed realizable relating to assembled workforce, property and
     equipment and goodwill arising from StarPress' acquisition of StarPress
     Multimedia, Inc. in June 1995.

(2)  In June 1995, StarPress acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
     StarPress Multimedia, Inc. in exchange for 13,197,458 shares of StarPress
     Common Stock. The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase. The net loss
     for fiscal 1995 included a $2,810,000 write-off of research and development
     costs arising from the purchase of StarPress Multimedia, Inc.


     The following summary unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial
information of New GZ has been derived from, or prepared on a basis consistent
with, the unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements included
elsewhere in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus. This data is presented for
illustrative purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of the combined
results of operations or financial position that would have occurred if the
Reorganization had occurred at the beginning of each period


presented or on the dates indicated, nor is it necessarily indicative of future
operating results or financial position of New GZ. See "Unaudited Pro Forma
Combined Condensed Financial Statements."

                                                                      NEW GZ PRO FORMA
                                                          NINE MONTHS                   YEAR
                                                             ENDED                      ENDED
                                                           MARCH 31,                  JUNE 30,
                                                             1996                       1995
                                                      ------------------       --------------------
     Net revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $      5,556,105         $      6,743,161
     Cost of revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,699,762                6,998,925
     Selling, general and administrative expenses. .         7,978,550               14,378,010
     Interest expense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           (71,094)                (850,295)
     Net loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       (11,868,828)             (20,639,510)
     Loss per share of Common Stock. . . . . . . . .             (1.13)                   (1.96)

                                                                            MARCH 31,
     Working capital deficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $     (1,018,778)
     Total assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           10,681,632
     Total liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            7,307,537
     Stockholders' equity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            3,374,095

- ---------------

(1)  On May 21, 1996, Graphix Zone sold 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common
     Stock in a private equity offering for a total consideration of $1,031,250.
     Commissions related to the private placement of $103,250 were netted
     against total proceeds. The pro forma March 31, 1996 balance sheet data
     includes the impact of the aforementioned private equity offering as if it
     had occurred on March 31, 1996.


     New GZ has applied for the listing of New GZ Common Stock on The Nasdaq
SmallCap Market, and it is anticipated that such shares will trade on The Nasdaq
SmallCap Market upon official notice of issuance under the symbol "GZON."




                                  RISK FACTORS



     From its inception through March 31, 1996, Graphix Zone accumulated an 
operating deficit of $10,654,626 and from its inception through March 31, 
1996, StarPress accumulated an operating deficit of $21,617,597. Note 1 of 
the notes to the StarPress, Inc. consolidated financial statements as of and 
for the year ended June 30, 1995, among other things, states that StarPress' 
recurring operating losses since inception raise substantial doubt as to 
StarPress' ability to continue as a going concern in its present form. Both 
Graphix Zone and StarPress expect to incur additional losses in the near 
term. Both companies are early stage enterprises and are subject to all of 
the risks inherent in early stage companies. Both companies' plans prior to 
entering into the Reorganization Agreement included continued expansion of 
CD-ROM publishing, which involves large up-front expenditures for product 
development and, in some cases, royalty advances to artists or copyright 
owners, and New GZ intends to pursue an Internet strategy. The development of 
multimedia products and Internet services is difficult and time consuming, 
requiring the coordinated participation of various technical and marketing 
personnel and independent third party suppliers and the ability to develop an 
attractive, error-free product. This development process often encounters 
unanticipated delays and expenses, extending projected time schedules and 
increasing estimated expenses. The likelihood of the success of the combined 
company's (i.e., New GZ) business must be considered in light of the 
problems, expenses, difficulties, complications and unforeseen delays 
frequently encountered in connection with the establishment of a new business 
and development of new technologies. Although the companies believe that the 
Reorganization will allow them to achieve certain economies of scale, there 
can be no assurance that, even on a combined basis, they can attain 
profitable operations in the near future or on a continuing basis.


     Graphix Zone anticipates that its existing capital resources will be
adequate to satisfy its capital requirements, including marketing expenditures,
acquisition and development of products and working capital, until approximately
the end of fiscal 1996. StarPress is in need of immediate capital. As of March
31, 1996, Graphix Zone had cash and cash equivalents of $1,473,490 and working
capital of $451,043 while StarPress had cash of $15,707 and a working capital
deficiency of $5,726,912. On May 31, 1996, Graphix Zone raised net proceeds of
$928,125 through a private equity offering of 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone
Common Stock to one accredited investor. As of May 31, 1996, Graphix Zone has
advanced $3,839,000 to StarPress which has used the funds to retire debt and for
working capital.

     After the Reorganization, New GZ intends to seek capital through public or
private borrowings or equity financing. Other than the possible exercise of
presently outstanding options and warrants of both companies which will be
assumed by New GZ (some of which contain "cashless" exercise provisions which,
if utilized, would not result in additional cash to the issuer in the event of
exercise), New GZ has no commitments for additional financing, and no assurance
can be given that such financing will be available when needed on satisfactory
terms or at all. Any equity financing may be dilutive to the shareholders of the
company obtaining it, and to the shareholders of New GZ. Debt financing, if
available, may involve additional restrictions to the company obtaining it.
Inability to obtain additional capital may require one or both companies to
delay, scale back or eliminate some or all of their development programs or to
license third parties to commercialize products the companies would otherwise
seek to develop themselves.



     StarPress has granted a senior security interest in substantially all of 
its assets to its commercial lender under its line of credit and has granted 
a junior security interest in substantially all of its assets to Graphix Zone 
in connection with the advances made by Graphix Zone to StarPress. The 
principal amount outstanding to its commercial lender is $750,000. The 
amounts outstanding under the line of credit were originally due on February 
24, 1996, and StarPress is currently in default. Accordingly, the lender has 
the right to immediately foreclose on substantially all of the assets of 
StarPress.The Companies believe that the line of credit will be able to be 
refinanced and that the default will not adversely affect New GZ's ability to 
obtain credit in the future. However, no assurance to this effect can be 
given. If the default does affect New GZ's ability to obtain credit, New GZ's 
liquidity, and therefore, ability to finance ongoing operations, could be 
materially and adversely affected.


     Although its revenues have increased in recent quarters, StarPress has 
continued to lose money and suffers from a lack of liquidity. Since entering 
into the Reorganization Agreement, StarPress has borrowed nearly $4,000,000 from
Graphix Zone. At March 31, 1996, StarPress had a shareholders' deficiency of 
$5,433,706 and a working capital deficiency of $5,726,912. See "Description 
of StarPress -- Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation." 
Although these deficiencies could be mitigated to some degree by combining 
with Graphix Zone if the Reorganization is consummated, their negative effect 
on New GZ's financial condition could adversely affect New GZ's ability to 
borrow money or raise additional capital.


     Each company believes that much of its future growth will be in the
development and distribution of entertainment-oriented CD-ROMs, although New GZ
may pursue delivery of content through the Internet. This is a rapidly
developing, but relatively untested market. There can be no assurance that the
CD-ROM products of either company will achieve a level of market acceptance that
justifies the level of resources to be expended by each company in this area. In
addition, even if interactive music and entertainment becomes popular, the
direction of this young industry is unclear. Although New GZ will target the PC
and Macintosh markets, where there is presently a large installed hardware base,
there can be no assurance that these will be the multimedia platforms of choice
for interactive entertainment. If another platform, such as the Sony
PlayStation, a platform based on digital video discs ("DVDs") or other means of
digital delivery such as telephone lines or cable ("information superhighway")
becomes popular, each company believes it could adapt its products and services
to these new platforms, but neither company has presently focused any efforts on
platforms other than PC and Macintosh, and there can be no assurance that either
company could make a successful transition or competitively develop and market
products for these new platforms.

     New GZ's success depends in large part on its ability to introduce and
market additional products quickly. While both Graphix Zone and StarPress are
developing additional products either directly or through subcontractors,
including those identified in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus as under
development, there can be no assurance that such additional products will be
completed or successfully marketed. Consumer preferences for software products
are difficult to predict and only a small number of software products have
achieved sustained market acceptance. Demand for software products is subject to
a number of variables, including consumer preferences and the size of the
installed base of personal computers having the capabilities necessary to run
the products expected to be distributed by the two companies. Further, the
market for interactive multimedia software products is evolving and, in
comparison with the overall market for consumer software products, is relatively
small, making it difficult to predict with any assurance the future growth rate
and size of the market. Market acceptance of interactive multimedia technology
will be determined by the strategic success of major electronics and
telecommunications companies, and will not be within the control of either
company. There can be no assurance that the products introduced by the two
companies will achieve acceptance, or that other software vendors will not
develop and market products which render the products of the two companies
obsolete or less appealing. Failure to obtain significant customer satisfaction
or market share would have a material adverse effect on either company
individually or on New GZ.


     If the interactive music and entertainment CD-ROM markets do continue to
develop, New GZ's success in these markets will depend on its ability to make
timely introductions of new CD-ROM titles, to adapt existing titles to
additional hardware platforms and formats and, in some instances, to upgrade
existing titles (for example, to release Windows 95 versions of existing
titles). Any significant delays in product development or release could result
in a loss of competitiveness and revenues. Most CD-ROM products are expected to
have relatively short product life cycles, so the ability to attract additional
artists and other


content providers (as well as repeat projects from artists and other content
providers) will be critical to New GZ's success. New GZ's ability to attract
additional musical artists and other content providers may depend largely on the
perceived commercial success of the P INTERACTIVE, HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE,
CAPSULE and CNN: FACES OF CONFLICT titles which in turn depends, in part, on
Prince's, Dylan's, America's Funniest Home Videos', Oliver Stone's, Jeopardy's,
Wheel of Fortune's and CNN's continued popularity. Other artists and content
owners may decide not to participate in the development of interactive CD-ROMs,
or may choose competitors of New GZ to develop, produce or market interactive
CD-ROMs. New GZ's success in CD-ROM publishing will also depend on its ability
to choose and sign popular artists and providers of popular content to
capitalize on New GZ's anticipated business strategy which will emphasize
interactive entertainment with a focus upon film, music and television.


     In order to develop various entertainment titles, New GZ must obtain rights
to use copyrighted audio, video and written material owned by others. For
example, Graphix Zone's entertainment titles required obtaining rights from
Warner Bros. Records and Paisley Park Enterprises (P INTERACTIVE), Sony Music
Entertainment and Bob Dylan (HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE), ABC Productions and Cara
Communications (LIGHTS! CAMERA! INTERACTION!), and Cinergi Productions (NIXON).
StarPress' entertainment titles required obtaining rights from Califon
Productions, Inc. (WHEEL OF FORTUNE), Jeopardy Productions, Inc. (JEOPARDY) and
Playboy Enterprises, Inc. (PLAYBOY SCREEN SAVER). Artists, production companies
and other owners of copyrighted materials must be willing to grant New GZ the
rights to use the copyrighted materials, and there is no assurance that New GZ
will be successful in negotiating contracts or licenses with additional artists
and content owners or with minimum royalty payment requirements that are
acceptable to New GZ. In addition, the two companies' existing relationships are
not exclusive. The content providers with whom the companies have entered into
agreements, as well as many other content providers, have greater financial and
other resources than New GZ and could establish their own creative and technical
teams to produce interactive music or entertainment titles themselves. Owners of
popular entertainment-oriented content could decide to retain the development
and distribution rights to their content in order to pursue interactive projects
under their own labels.


     While there have been joint activities and operations between StarPress and
Graphix Zone since the signing of the Reorganization Agreement, the complete
integration of Graphix Zone's and StarPress' operations following the
Reorganization will require additional dedication of management resources to
effecting the combination which will temporarily detract from attention to the
day-to-day business of New GZ. The difficulties of assimilation may be increased
by the necessity of coordinating geographically separated organizations,
integrating personnel with disparate business backgrounds and combining two
different corporate cultures. The process of finalizing the combination of the
two organizations may cause an interruption of, or a loss of momentum in, the
activities of either or both of the companies' businesses, which could have an
adverse effect on the revenues and operating results of New GZ, at least in the
near term. There can be no assurance that the combined entity will be able to
retain its key technical and management personnel or that the combined entity
will realize any of the other anticipated benefits of the Reorganization. Both
Graphix Zone and StarPress have experienced periods of significant growth. New
GZ's ability to manage its growth effectively will require it to continue to
improve its operational, financial and information management systems and
controls, and to attract, retain, motivate and manage employees effectively. The
failure of New


GZ to manage growth in multiple areas of its business effectively would have a
material adverse effect on its results of operations.


     The multimedia computer and software industries are intensely competitive.
New GZ will face competition from small development firms as well as larger
corporations with considerably greater resources. There are already many
companies, large and small, producing entertainment CD-ROMs of all types. In
addition, Graphix Zone and StarPress expect that existing consumer software
companies, such as Microsoft, can be expected to broaden their product lines or
increase their focus to compete more directly with the products of Graphix Zone
and StarPress. Competition to attract top technical and creative talent is
fierce, with large entertainment companies such as Time Warner, Turner and Sony,
which also have substantial bases of entertainment-oriented content, opening
"interactive" divisions and actively seeking technical and creative personnel.
Competitive pressures could result in price reductions or require significant
expenditures for product development or marketing that could have a material
adverse effect on New GZ's revenues and results of operations. In addition,
several interactive CD-ROMs featuring other music artists have recently been
introduced and may compete with Graphix Zone's interactive music CD-ROMs
("IMCD-TM-s"). There can be no assurance that music companies and other owners
of copyrighted material, which may have adequate resources to hire the necessary
creative talent, will not compete with New GZ by developing interactive music
and other titles on their own. In addition, it is anticipated that New GZ will
continue Graphix Zone's strategy of expanding its Internet presence, including
through links to CD-ROM products. The Internet industry is young and has few
proven products and services. Moreover, critical issues concerning the
commercial use of the Internet remain unresolved and may negatively affect the
growth of Internet use.


     Both companies sell their products primarily through distributors, and
sales to a limited number of distributors and retailers are anticipated to
constitute a substantial majority of New GZ's software product net revenues for
the foreseeable future. There can be no assurance that New GZ will be able to
enter into satisfactory distribution agreements in the future. Termination by a
distributor or the insolvency or business failure of a distributor or a major
account could have a material adverse effect on New GZ's operating results. New
GZ's distributors will also carry products produced by competitors of New GZ.

     The distribution channels through which consumer software products are sold
have been characterized by rapid change, including consolidation, financial
difficulties of certain distributors and retailers and the emergence of new
retailers such as mass merchandisers. In addition, there are an increasing
number of companies competing for access to these channels. Retailers of each
company's products typically will have a limited amount of shelf space and
promotional resources, and there will be intense competition for adequate levels
of shelf space and promotional support from the retailers. There can be no
assurance that such retailers will purchase New GZ's products or provide New
GZ's products with high quality and adequate levels of shelf space and
promotional support.


     The multimedia computer and software markets are subject to rapid
technological change. As more technologically advanced platforms for interactive
software products emerge, including new CD-ROM and DVD formats, Sony PlayStation
technology and the information superhighway, New GZ could be subject to a
lengthening of product development cycles and increased costs, including the
payment of license fees to the developers of the new technologies. For example,
the current state of video compression technology is changing rapidly and video
compression is a very significant element in the development of CD-ROMs.


Depending on the nature of new or other compression technologies, it is
uncertain whether New GZ could obtain a license to utilize the state of the art
technology on terms acceptable to New GZ (including a reasonable license fee),
or at all, particularly if the owner of that technology is a competitor in
interactive CD-ROM development. In addition, New GZ may develop MPEG versions of
its CD-ROM titles. While MPEG is a proven video compression technology which
allows full-motion, full-screen video playback on a computer monitor, there can
be no assurance that MPEG or any other compression technology can be
successfully incorporated into CD-ROM titles, or that New GZ will be able to
develop and market new products in response to future technological advances in
the multimedia computer and software industries.


     To date substantially all of each company's revenues have been derived 
from a limited number of products, a decline in the sales of which could have 
an adverse effect on that company. Moreover, a portion of each company's 
revenues have been derived primarily from a limited number of customers. For 
the nine months ended March 31, 1996, approximately 49% of StarPress' sales 
were derived from GT Interactive Software Corporation, Navarre Corporation, 
TechData and Packard Bell, accounting for 25%, 10%, 10% and 4% of sales, 
respectively. For the nine months ended March 31, 1996, approximately 55% of 
Graphix Zone's sales were derived from TechData, Syncronys Software, Navarre 
Corporation and Ingram Micro, accounting for 15%, 15%, 13% and 12% of sales, 
respectively. Packard Bell is an OEM bundler of software products; the 
remainder are software distributors. Each company presently expects that a 
substantial portion of its future revenue will be generated from sales to 
these companies. There can be no assurance that any such customers will 
continue to purchase products from New GZ in the future. The loss of certain 
large customers or a decline in the economic prospects of such customers 
could have an adverse effect on New GZ.


     Graphix Zone and StarPress have each experienced, and New GZ expects to
continue to experience, significant fluctuations in operating results due to a
variety of factors including the timing and introduction of new products, the
rate of decline in sales of existing and older products, the rate of product
returns, the timing of orders from major customers and timing of marketing and
research and development expenditures. In addition, changes in operating systems
and platforms may affect the operating results of New GZ. On August 24, 1995,
Microsoft Corporation introduced Windows 95, which has affected the timing of
each company's new product releases and which has caused confusion in the
distribution channel and customer marketplace. The long-term impact of the new
software release cannot be accurately predicted at this time. There can be no
assurance that there will not be continued confusion in the distribution channel
and consumer marketplace as a result of the release of Windows 95. Graphix Zone
also believes that the launch and subsequent relative lack of early success of
Windows 95 caused significant volatility in its stock price (and that of other
small software companies with Windows 95 products) during the second half of
calendar 1995. There can be no assurance that other major events in the software
industry will not cause equal or greater volatility.

     The business of both companies is highly seasonal, with significant
portions of total revenue occurring during the calendar year-end holiday season.
Net revenues in other quarters are generally lower and vary significantly as a
result of new product introductions and other factors. Graphix Zone and
StarPress expect New GZ's net revenues and operating results to continue to
reflect significant seasonality. There can be no assurance that during fiscal
1996 or thereafter New GZ will achieve growth in sales or profitability, or that
New GZ will be profitable on a quarterly basis.



     New GZ will be dependent upon the management and creative skills of a small
number of key personnel, including Ronald S. Posner, Charles R. Cortright, Jr.
and Angela Aber Cortright, and its future success will depend partially upon its
ability to attract and retain key management and development personnel. New GZ
may obtain key person life insurance on the lives of key personnel as determined
by New GZ's Board of Directors, but no such insurance has as yet been obtained.
StarPress currently maintains a key person life insurance policy on the life of
Ronald S. Posner and New GZ expects to continue such policy as in effect. New GZ
must compete with other companies and organizations to attract and retain highly
qualified personnel. This is particularly true in the case of the technical and
creative talent which will be necessary as New GZ expands development of CD-ROM
products. There can be no assurance that New GZ will be able to retain or
attract such highly qualified personnel.


     As soon as it is able after consummation of the Reorganization, New GZ 
expects to pursue a music-related Internet strategy. This strategy is still 
in the formulation stages, and is subject to the risks and uncertainties of 
any new venture. In order to be successful, New GZ will need to overcome 
numerous barriers, including bandwidth limitations which presently make 
Internet access too slow for mass market entertainment, security concerns 
which limit Internet commerce and demographic profiles which are presently 
skewed in favor of young, affluent males, a very limited segment of the 
population. Some of the barriers can only be overcome by technical 
innovations in the industry generally, which are beyond New GZ's control. In 
addition, New GZ will face considerable and formidable competition. Many 
companies with far greater financial and technical resources than New GZ have 
already developed, and will develop in the future, Internet sites that will 
compete with New GZ's. In the music genre, in particular, New GZ can expect 
to encounter competition from industry giants, such as Sony and Time Warner, 
which clearly have the resources and content to develop and operate 
compelling Internet sites.


     Immediately following the Reorganization, assuming no options or warrants
are exercised between the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the
Closing Date, members of the Board of Directors and executive officers of New GZ
together will beneficially own approximately 23% of the issued and outstanding
shares of New GZ Common Stock, and as a result of such ownership will have
significant influence over all matters requiring approval by the stockholders of
New GZ, including the election of directors, increasing the authorized capital,
dissolving, merging or selling assets of New GZ, directing short and long term
corporate policy and controlling day to day operations of New GZ.


     At the time of product shipment, each company establishes reserves that are
an estimate of future returns of products. These estimates of future returns
take into account the anticipated growth in revenue, the current level of
distributor and retailer inventories of their products in relation to the
seasonally adjusted rate of sell-through for each product, the impact of planned
product releases on sales of previously released products, the proportion of
sales attributable to new outlets of existing retailers and new channels, the
effects of shifts in consumer preferences, including the shift in preference
from floppy-disk based products to CD-ROM based products, and other factors.
Graphix Zone and StarPress attempt to monitor and manage the volume of their
sales to distributors and retailers to avoid overstocking of their products by
such customers. They also each maintain a stock balancing policy that allows
distributors and retailers to return products according to negotiated terms or
pursuant to any promotional terms that may be in effect and both companies
accept returns of defective, shelf-worn and damaged products at any time in
accordance with negotiated terms. Product returns which are greater than New
GZ's expected reserves could adversely affect New GZ's operating results. For
example, during the three months ended December 31, 1995, Graphix Zone's
revenues declined as compared to the comparable prior year period due to Graphix
Zone recording approximately $471,000 for anticipated returns and markdowns,
primarily related to the lack of market acceptance for THE IMPROV PRESENTS
WINDOWS 95 FOR THE TECHNICALLY CHALLENGED product. Each company believes that
the rate of product returns will increase as mass merchants become an increasing
percentage of New GZ's sales. Additionally, each company believes that abnormal
returns may be experienced whenever significant shifts occur within the
distribution channel and whenever significant shifts occur with respect to
consumer preferences for new technologies, including the ongoing shift in
consumer preference from floppy-disk based products to CD-ROM based products and
the recent introduction of Windows 95. To date, Graphix Zone and StarPress
believe that neither company has experienced abnormal returns due to the release
of Windows 95 on August 24, 1995; however, there can be no assurance that either
company will not experience abnormal returns in the future.



     Although the products of the two companies have generally been "successful"
from the point of view of critical acclaim and enhancement of reputation, the
revenue generated by those products has not always recovered the level of
research and development expenditures. This is evidenced by the experience of
the two companies with their previous policies of capitalizing certain software
development costs in accordance with SFAS No. 86. Some of these capitalized
costs were then written down as it was determined that the carrying costs of the
products exceeded their net realizable value. Research and development expenses
for the nine months ended March 31, 1996, were $1,663,546 and $2,077,265 for
Graphix Zone and StarPress, respectively. This level of research and development
expenses may not be indicative of future sales, and no assurance can be given
that future product sales will be sufficient to realize any amount which may be


     New GZ has reserved 3,386,900 shares of New GZ Common Stock for issuance
upon exercise of Graphix Zone Options, Graphix Zone Warrants, StarPress Options,
StarPress Warrants and New GZ options and warrants outstanding as of May 31,
1996. During the terms of such options and warrants, the holders thereof will
have the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market price of New GZ
Common Stock, with resulting dilution in the interest of holders of New GZ
Common Stock. The existence of such options and warrants may adversely affect
the terms on which New GZ can obtain additional financing, and the holders of
such options and warrants can be expected to exercise such options and warrants
at a time when New GZ, in all likelihood, would be able to obtain additional
capital by offering shares of New GZ Common Stock on terms more favorable to New
GZ than those provided by the exercise of such options and warrants.


     New GZ's Certificate of Incorporation authorizes the issuance of up to
25,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $.01 par value. The preferred stock may be
issued in series with the material terms of any series determined by the Board
of Directors. Such material provisions would likely include dividend rights,
conversion features, voting rights, redemption rights and liquidation
preferences. Neither company presently anticipates that New GZ will issue any
preferred stock. However, if New GZ does issue any series of preferred stock in
the future it is likely that such shares will have dividend privileges and
liquidation preferences superior to those of the Common Stock. Furthermore, the
preferred stock may be issued with voting, conversion or other terms determined
by the Board of Directors which could be used to delay, discourage or prevent a
change in control of New GZ. Such terms could include, among other things,
dividend payment requirements, redemption provisions, preferences as to
dividends and distributions and preferential voting rights.


     As a result of the Reorganization, it is anticipated that New GZ will issue
approximately 10,510,879 shares of New GZ Common Stock to current Graphix Zone
and StarPress shareholders. In addition, approximately (i) 3,161,900 shares of
New GZ Common Stock will be issuable upon the exercise of assumed Graphix Zone
Options, Graphix Zone Warrants, StarPress Options and StarPress Warrants, (ii)
225,000 shares of New GZ Common Stock will be issuable upon exercise of options
currently outstanding under the 1996 Plan, and (iii) 204,053 shares of New GZ
Common Stock may be issuable in connection with the StarPress Obligations. In
general, the 10,510,879 shares of New GZ Common Stock will be freely tradeable
following the Reorganization, subject to certain resale restrictions for
affiliates of Graphix Zone or StarPress pursuant to Rules 144 and/or 145 under
the Securities Act. See "The Reorganization--Federal Securities Laws


Consequences." An aggregate of approximately 3,923,793 shares of New GZ Common
Stock which may be issued in the Reorganization will be beneficially owned by
affiliates of Graphix Zone and StarPress and, therefore, subject to resale
restrictions. Therefore, after the Reorganization, substantially all shares of
New GZ Common Stock will be eligible for sale in the public market subject in
certain cases to volume and other limitations. In addition, (i) the holders of
1,534,802 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock underlying the Graphix Zone
Warrants can require that New GZ register these shares for resale in the public
market, and (ii) New GZ will file a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the
Commission as soon as practicable with respect to the issuance of shares of New
GZ Common Stock upon exercise of options granted under the Graphix Zone Plans,
StarPress Plans and the 1996 Plan. Sales of New GZ Common Stock in the public
market after the Effective Time of the Reorganization could adversely affect its
market price.


     As a result of the Reorganization, future utilization of net operating
losses will be severely limited due to the restrictive tax laws relating to
utilization of acquired net operating loss carryforwards. Management of New GZ
considers it more likely than not that New GZ will not generate sufficient
income to utilize any remaining Graphix Zone and StarPress net operating loss
carryforwards prior to their expiration.


     Based upon the current capitalization of each of Graphix Zone and
StarPress, upon the consummation of the Reorganization, the former shareholder
interests of StarPress will own a larger percentage of the outstanding shares of
New GZ Common Stock than the former shareholder interests of Graphix Zone, and
accordingly, StarPress will be considered to be the acquiring entity for
financial accounting purposes. However, if between the date of this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and the Effective Time the capitalization of Graphix Zone
or StarPress changes (e.g., through the exercise of options or warrants, through
the issuance of additional equity, or the exercise of dissenters' rights) such
that the former shareholder interests of Graphix Zone will own a larger
percentage of the outstanding shares in New GZ Common Stock than the former
shareholder interests of StarPress, Graphix Zone will be considered to be the
acquiring entity for financial accounting purposes. Assuming that StarPress is
deemed to be the acquiring entity, the historical financial statements of New GZ
will be the financial statements of StarPress, prior to the Effective Time.
Under the purchase method of accounting, the purchase price of Graphix Zone,
including liabilities assumed and direct costs of the Reorganization, will be
allocated to the assets and technology acquired of Graphix Zone based upon their
respective fair market values at the Effective Time. The excess of the purchase
price over the fair values of the net assets and technology acquired will be
recorded as goodwill. Following consummation of the Mergers, the results of
operations of New GZ will include the results of operations of Graphix Zone.

     However, should Graphix Zone be deemed to be the acquiring entity (i.e., if
the former shareholder interests of Graphix Zone own a larger percentage of the
outstanding shares of New GZ Common Stock than the former shareholder interests
of StarPress), the historical financial statements of New GZ will be the
financial statements of Graphix Zone, prior to the Effective Time. Under the
purchase method of accounting, the purchase price of StarPress, including
liabilities assumed and direct costs of the Reorganization, would be allocated
to the assets and technology acquired of StarPress based upon their respective
fair market values at the Effective Time. The excess of the purchase price over
the fair values of the net assets and technology acquired would be recorded as
goodwill. Following consummation of the Mergers, the results of operations of
New GZ would include the results of operations of StarPress. This could result
in a significantly different accounting impact than is currently anticipated.
Based upon the current capitalization of each of Graphix Zone and StarPress, if
between the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the Effective
Time, the former


shareholder interests of Graphix Zone increase by greater than 554,159 shares of
Graphix Zone Common Stock, Graphix Zone will be deemed to be the acquiring


     In connection with the Reorganization, on December 28, 1995, Cruttenden 
Roth issued a written opinion addressed to both the Graphix Zone Board and 
StarPress Board stating that, as of such date, the Reorganization was fair to
Graphix Zone and the holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and to StarPress 
and the holders of StarPress Common Stock, respectively. See "The 
Reorganization -- Fairness Opinions." Accordingly, the interests of Graphix 
Zone and the holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock on the one hand and the 
interests of StarPress and the holders of StarPress Common Stock on the other 
hand, were not independently represented by separate financial advisors. As a 
result, although the Graphix Zone Board and the StarPress Board each 
concluded that Cruttenden Roth was in a position to determine whether the 
Exchange Ratio was fair to both parties, without conflict, it is possible 
that one set of shareholders or the other will not receive as favorable a 
valuation as might have been obtained had that set of shareholders been 
independently represented. See "The Reorganization."

                              THE SPECIAL MEETINGS

     This Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus is furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies (i) from the holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock by the
Graphix Zone Board for use at the Graphix Zone Meeting, and (ii) from the
holders of StarPress Common Stock by the StarPress Board for use at the
StarPress Meeting.


     GRAPHIX ZONE. The Graphix Zone Meeting will be held on June 27, 1996 at
10:00 a.m., local time, at 38 Corporate Park, Suite 100, Irvine, California
92714. At the Graphix Zone Meeting, the shareholders of Graphix Zone will be
asked to consider and vote upon the Graphix Zone Proposal and such other matters
as may properly come before the Graphix Zone Meeting. Copies of the
Reorganization Agreement and Graphix Zone Merger Agreement are included as
Appendices A-1 and A-2, respectively, to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus.

     STARPRESS. The StarPress Meeting will be held on June 27, 1996 at 10:00
a.m., local time, at the Park Hyatt Hotel, 333 Battery Street, San Francisco,
California 94105. At the StarPress Meeting, the shareholders of StarPress will
be asked to consider and vote upon the StarPress Proposal and such other matters
as may properly come before the StarPress Meeting. Copies of the Reorganization
Agreement and the StarPress Merger Agreement are included as Appendices A-1 and
A-3, respectively, to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus.


     GRAPHIX ZONE. Only holders of record of Graphix Zone Common Stock at the
close of business on the Graphix Zone Record Date, are entitled to notice of and
to vote at the Graphix Zone Meeting. As of the close of business on the Graphix
Zone Record Date, there were 5,193,343 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock
outstanding and entitled to vote, held of record by 59 shareholders. Each holder
of record, as of the Graphix Zone Record Date, of Graphix Zone Common Stock is
entitled to cast one vote per share. The presence, in person or by proxy, of the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock
entitled to vote is necessary to constitute a quorum at the Graphix Zone
Meeting. Under the CGCL and Graphix Zone's Bylaws, the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock outstanding on
the Graphix Zone Record Date is required to approve and adopt the Graphix Zone

     STARPRESS. Only holders of record of StarPress Common Stock at the close of
business on the StarPress Record Date, are entitled to notice of and to vote at
the StarPress Meeting. As of the close of business on the StarPress Record Date,
there were 33,442,156 shares of StarPress Common Stock outstanding and entitled
to vote, held of record by 203 shareholders. Each holder of record, as of the
StarPress Record Date, of StarPress Common Stock is entitled to cast one vote
per share. The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a majority of
the outstanding shares of StarPress Common Stock entitled to vote is necessary
to constitute a quorum at the StarPress Meeting. Under the CBCA and StarPress'
Bylaws, the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
StarPress Common Stock outstanding on the StarPress Record Date is required to
approve and adopt the StarPress Proposal.



     GRAPHIX ZONE. The Graphix Zone proxy accompanying this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus is solicited on behalf of the Graphix Zone Board for use at
the Graphix Zone Meeting. Shareholders are requested to complete, date and sign
the accompanying proxy and promptly return it in the accompanying envelope or
otherwise mail it to Graphix Zone. All proxies that are properly executed and
returned, and that are not revoked, will be voted at the Graphix Zone Meeting in
accordance with the instructions indicated on the proxies or, if no direction is
indicated, to approve the Graphix Zone Proposal. The Graphix Zone Board does not
presently intend to bring any business before the Graphix Zone Meeting other
than the Graphix Zone Proposal referred to in this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and specified in the notice of the Graphix Zone Meeting. So
far as is known to the Graphix Zone Board, no other matters are to be brought
before the Graphix Zone Meeting. As to any business that may properly come
before the Graphix Zone Meeting, however, it is intended that shares represented
by proxies, in the form enclosed, will be voted in respect thereof in accordance
with the judgment of the persons voting such shares. A Graphix Zone shareholder
who has given a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is exercised at the
Graphix Zone Meeting, by (i) delivering to the Secretary of Graphix Zone (by any
means, including facsimile) a written notice, bearing a date later than the
proxy, stating that the proxy is revoked, (ii) signing and so delivering a proxy
relating to the same shares and bearing a later date prior to the vote at the
Graphix Zone Meeting, or (iii) attending the Graphix Zone Meeting and voting in
person (although attendance at the Graphix Zone Meeting will not, by itself,
revoke a proxy).

     The required quorum for the transaction of business at the Graphix Zone
Meeting is a majority of the shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock issued and
outstanding on the Graphix Zone Record Date. Abstentions and broker non-votes
represented by proxy each will be included in determining the number of shares
present for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. Although
abstentions and broker non-votes are not counted either "FOR" or "AGAINST" the
Graphix Zone Proposal, if the number of abstentions or broker non-votes results
in the votes "FOR" the Graphix Zone Proposal not equaling at least a majority of
the outstanding shares, the Graphix Zone Proposal will not be approved. This
will be the case even though the number of votes "FOR" the proposal exceeds the
votes "AGAINST" the Graphix Zone Proposal.

     Graphix Zone will bear the cost of the solicitation of proxies in the
enclosed form from its shareholders. In addition to solicitation by mail, the
directors, officers and employees of Graphix Zone may solicit proxies from
shareholders by telephone, telegram, letter, facsimile or in person. Following
the original mailing of the proxies and other soliciting materials, Graphix Zone
will request brokers, custodians, nominees and other record holders to forward
copies of the proxy and other soliciting materials to persons for whom they hold
shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock and to request authority for the exercise of
proxies. In such cases, Graphix Zone, upon the request of the record holders,
will reimburse such holders for their reasonable expenses. Graphix Zone has 
engaged the services of Corporate Investor Communications, Inc. to distribute 
proxy solicitation materials to brokers, banks and other nominees and to 
assist in the solicitation of proxies from Graphix Zone shareholders for an 
estimated fee of $6,000, plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses in 
connection therewith.

     STARPRESS. The StarPress proxy accompanying this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus is solicited on behalf of the StarPress Board for use at
the StarPress Meeting. Shareholders are requested to complete, date and sign the
accompanying proxy and promptly return it in the accompanying envelope or
otherwise mail it to StarPress. All proxies that are properly executed and
returned, and that are not revoked, will be voted at the StarPress Meeting in
accordance with the instructions indicated on the proxies or, if no direction is
indicated, to approve the StarPress Proposal. The StarPress Board does not
presently intend to bring any other business before the StarPress Meeting other
than the StarPress Proposal referred to in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus
and specified in the notice of the StarPress Meeting. So far as is known to the
StarPress Board, no other matters are to be brought before the StarPress
Meeting. As to any business that may properly come before the StarPress Meeting,
however, it is intended that shares represented by proxies, in the form
enclosed, will be voted in respect thereof in accordance with the judgment of
the persons voting such shares. A StarPress shareholder who has given a proxy
may revoke it at any time before it is exercised at the StarPress


Meeting, by (i) delivering to the Secretary of StarPress (by any means,
including facsimile) a written notice, bearing a date later than the proxy,
stating that the proxy is revoked, (ii) signing and so delivering a proxy
relating to the same shares and bearing a later date prior to the vote at the
StarPress Meeting or (iii) attending the StarPress Meeting and voting in person
(although attendance at the StarPress Meeting will not, by itself, revoke a

     The required quorum for the transaction of business at the StarPress
Meeting is a majority of the shares of StarPress Common Stock issued and
outstanding on the StarPress Record Date. Abstentions and broker non-votes each
will be included in determining the number of shares present for purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum but will not be counted "FOR" or "AGAINST"
any proposals submitted to the StarPress shareholders at the StarPress Meeting.
Although abstentions and broker non-votes are not counted either "FOR" or
"AGAINST" any proposal, if the number of abstentions or broker non-votes results
in the votes "FOR" the StarPress Proposal not equaling at least a majority of
the shares of StarPress Common Stock issued and outstanding on the StarPress
Record Date, the StarPress Proposal will not be approved.

     StarPress will bear the cost of the solicitation of proxies in the enclosed
form from its shareholders. In addition to solicitation by mail, the directors,
officers and employees of StarPress may solicit proxies from shareholders by
telephone, telegram, letter, facsimile or in person. Following the original
mailing of the proxies and other soliciting materials, StarPress will request
brokers, custodians, nominees and other record holders to forward copies of the
proxy and other soliciting materials to persons for whom they hold shares of
StarPress Common Stock and to request authority for the exercise of proxies. In
such cases, StarPress, upon the request of the record holders, will reimburse
such holders for their reasonable expenses. StarPress has engaged the 
services of Corporate Investor Communications, Inc. to distribute proxy 
solicitation materials to brokers, banks and other nominess and to assist in 
the solicitation of proxies from StarPress shareholders for an estimated fee 
of $5,000 plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses in connection therewith.

                               THE REORGANIZATION


     As part of its continuing efforts to maximize shareholder value, the
StarPress Board has from time to time since its acquisition of StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. informally discussed the advisability of StarPress engaging in
a strategic business relationship with another company in the multimedia
industry. In this regard, in October 1995 the StarPress Board verbally requested
its financial advisor, Cruttenden Roth, to commence assessing the availability
of other multimedia companies that might be possible candidates for entering
into a strategic business relationship with StarPress. Cruttenden Roth has
served as financial advisor to StarPress since November 1994.

     During the month of October 1995, Ronald S. Posner, Chairman of the Board
of StarPress (acting on behalf of the StarPress Board), and David Hirschhorn,
Managing Director of Cruttenden Roth, developed a list of potential merger
candidates in the multimedia industry, which list included Graphix Zone and four
other multimedia companies (three of which were private companies and one of
which was a publicly held company). During the period between October 1995 and
December 4, 1995, the date StarPress entered into a letter of intent with
Graphix Zone, Mr. Posner and Mr. Hirschhorn engaged in preliminary conversations
with Graphix Zone and the other four multimedia companies regarding, among other
issues, cost savings, complementary product lines, distribution opportunities,
management control, board control and valuation.

     The discussions with the multimedia companies other than Graphix Zone never
materialized into a firm arrangement. Two companies were dismissed as candidates
after the first three meetings due to, among other issues, concerns regarding
control, management fit, synergy and a differing vision of the future of the new
media marketplace. StarPress had four meetings with and made an offer to acquire
the third prospect, a private company. Ultimately, the offer was refused by the
other company based upon concerns regarding control issues and lack of
geographical proximity between the company and StarPress. After three meetings,


terminated discussions with the fourth prospect, a private company, due to
deteriorating product flow at the company and the level of reliance by the
company on contract development work.

     As described below, a series of discussions between Graphix Zone, Mr.
Posner and Mr. Hirschhorn revealed that Graphix Zone was the best candidate
geographically, from a product and distribution basis, on a management level and
on a valuation basis. When the decision was made to pursue a transaction with
Graphix Zone, conversations with the other companies were terminated.

     During the period between August 1995 and October 1995, Charles R.
Cortright, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Graphix Zone (acting on behalf of the
Graphix Zone Board) engaged in preliminary conversations with two multimedia
companies. The conversations with one company centered around a potential
strategic alliance whereby that company would, among other things, make a
significant investment in Graphix Zone, and Graphix Zone was assisted by
Cruttenden Roth in these discussions. The conversations with the other
multimedia company centered around a possible merger of Graphix Zone with and
into the other company. The discussions with each of these multimedia companies,
both of which are publicly held, never materialized into a firm arrangement.
These discussions with the two multimedia companies were terminated prior to the
November 6, 1995 meeting described below.

     On November 6, 1995, Charles R. Cortright, Jr. and Angela Aber Cortright,
President and Executive Vice President, respectively, of Graphix Zone, met with
Mr. Hirschhorn and Walter Cruttenden, Chairman of Cruttenden Roth, at Cruttenden
Roth's offices to conduct exploratory talks regarding the evaluation of Graphix
Zone's possible strategic business alternatives to a merger or acquisition.
Alternatives discussed and pursued were the employment of additional management
by Graphix Zone, the entry of Graphix Zone into a strategic distribution/product
arrangement with a major music player, or the entry of Graphix Zone into a
strategic distribution/product arrangement with a major new media software
player. Various candidates were evaluated for senior management positions.
During the course of this meeting, Cruttenden Roth advised Graphix Zone of its
relationship with StarPress and Mr. Posner and presented Graphix Zone with the
opportunity for a strategic business combination with StarPress, which appeared
superior to Graphix Zone's prior alternatives (i.e., the two other multimedia
companies described above) for geographical reasons, from a product and
distribution basis, on a management level and on a valuation basis.
Consequently, representatives of Graphix Zone agreed to meet with
representatives of StarPress at an industry conference (Comdex) in Las Vegas on
November 13, 1995, to commence discussions regarding the possibility of a
strategic business combination.

     During the November 6, 1995 meeting, the issue of Cruttenden Roth's dual
representation was also discussed. In light of Cruttenden Roth's participation
in various public and private financing arrangements for Graphix Zone and
StarPress and its knowledge of the new media market, it was agreed that if a
transaction were pursued between Graphix Zone and StarPress, Cruttenden Roth
would play an impartial role and assist in finding an optimal arrangement
satisfactory to both companies. In that regard, it was determined that
Cruttenden Roth's primary role in the merger negotiations would be that of a
liaison between the parties having the principal responsibility of facilitating
the exchange of information and analysis between the parties rather than acting
as an advocate for either party. Cruttenden Roth agreed to provide to each
company all relevant public market information including, among other things,
comparable company analyses and historical prices and trading volumes. In
addition, it was contemplated that Cruttenden Roth would provide the managements
of Graphix Zone and StarPress with various transaction structures and possible
alternatives for future financing strategies. It was agreed that the Graphix
Zone Board and StarPress Board would be responsible for determining and
negotiating all of the terms of the Reorganization without relying on any
assistance from Cruttenden Roth other than as described above.


     On November 13, 1995, Messrs. Cortright, Posner and Hirschhorn and Ms.
Cortright met at a luncheon meeting while attending the Comdex conference in Las
Vegas. During this meeting, the parties discussed generally the possibility of a
business combination between StarPress and Graphix Zone. The conversation
related primarily to focusing on management structure, location of a combined
company, respective roles for senior executives, a combined board structure,
potential revenue enhancements from combining distribution and shelf space
presence, cost savings opportunities in staff and plant, and enhanced future
negotiating positions with new product sources. In addition, Graphix Zone and
StarPress exchanged information regarding contacts in the entertainment and
music areas and agreed to continue conversations between the two companies.

     On November 14, 1995, Messrs. Cortright, Posner and Hirschhorn and Ms.
Cortright continued their discussions of the previous day, which discussions
focused on the perceived business opportunities in the multimedia industry,
particularly the music and entertainment segments of that industry, and how
Graphix Zone and StarPress could exploit these opportunities on a post-merger
basis. The parties discussed the following possibilities: (i) simplifying
product mix at two or three price points; (ii) simplifying research and
development time frames for two or three types of products; (iii) reducing
business units to focus on perceived highest value added markets (entertainment
and music) for the combined companies; (iv) taking advantage of cross-selling
opportunities for music products on the Internet and the ability to sell
software products in the music channels; (v) positioning the combined company as
a leading player in music and entertainment in the marketplace; and (vi) most
importantly, achieving a high degree of brand recognition on retail shelves. The
parties also discussed the perceived production and distribution synergies and
cost savings that would be created by a combination of the two companies.
Specifically, Mr. Hirschhorn discussed how a combination of the two companies
would (a) enable the combined company to achieve a more dominant product
category and to have a large enough number of titles to attract, maintain and
control a segment of the retail channel; (b) reduce plant, staff and marketing
budgets and overall costs by, among other things, refocusing research and
development activities; (c) provide Graphix Zone with access to international
markets currently served by StarPress; and (d) enable the combined company to
use its product and marketing expertise and music and entertainment focus to
pursue retail opportunities.

     On November 20, 1995, Mr. Hirschhorn, Mr. Posner, C. Richard Kramlich, Paul
Dali, Dennis Cagan and Doug Cole, directors of StarPress, met at the offices of
StarPress, at which time Mr. Hirschhorn made a comprehensive presentation of
Graphix Zone's business, products, services and management personnel. Mr.
Hirschhorn also presented an overview of anticipated cost saving opportunities
and the potential synergies that could result from a combination of the two
companies, specifically the consolidation of the respective company's sales and
marketing forces, the elimination of redundant overhead and the ability of the
combined company to engage in enhanced distribution deals and attract favorable
strategic partner relationships. The parties then reviewed and discussed various
financial valuation models for the combined company prepared by the management
of each company and engaged in a (i) presentation and review of each company's
independent historical and projected financial results; (ii) presentation of a
new business model for the combined company on a projected prospective basis;
(iii) review of comparable companies; (iv) review of recently completed
transactions; and (v) review of the trading history of each company. Based upon
this analysis, the parties determined that Graphix Zone and StarPress were of
relatively equal value, with StarPress carrying more current market value.

     On November 26, 1995, Messrs. Posner, Cortright, Hirschhorn, Ms. Cortright
and Thomas C. K. Yuen, a director of Graphix Zone, met at Graphix Zone's
facilities in Irvine, California. Mr. Posner was given a tour of Graphix Zone's
facilities. After the tour, the parties discussed the possibility of a business
combination of the two companies, focusing primarily on the valuation of Graphix
Zone and StarPress, board composition and management roles on a post-merger
basis, and a tentative schedule for completion of due diligence by each
company's respective legal advisors. The board was to be comprised of three
persons from Graphix Zone


and three persons from StarPress, with one or two additional outside members to
be chosen by mutual agreement. The parties agreed that Mr. Posner would be
chairman, Mr. Cortright would be chief executive officer/president, Ms.
Cortright would be executive vice president and a new chief operating
officer/chief financial officer would be hired.

     At the November 26 meeting, the parties also discussed how to arrive at a
valuation for the combined company. The parties agreed to review publicly
available market information of other companies within their industry in an
effort to arrive at a valuation for the combined company which would be
attractive to present and future stockholders and which would permit attractive
financing on a post-reorganization basis. In connection with the valuation
analysis, the parties agreed that because of, among other things, StarPress'
larger market capitalization, StarPress was a slightly stronger company than
Graphix Zone and therefore should be considered the acquiring entity, deserving
a larger percentage share of the combined company. In addition, both companies
agreed to use moving stock trading averages to determine the post-merger
ownership. The decision to use moving price average was based in large part upon
the fact that the common stock of each company was thinly-traded and that each
company's common stock was subject to significant volatility with no underlying
business reason for such volatility. The parties believed that by using a moving
price average methodology, excessive volatility of each company's stock prices
would be minimized. Moving price averages focusing on thirty, sixty, ninety and
one hundred twenty days were compared for each company, using ending dates of
November 13, 17 and 24. Ultimately, the companies agreed to use a ninety-day
moving price average with November 13, 1995 as the ending date because neither
side had knowledge at that time that a business combination was possible. A
ninety-day moving price average was selected because it represented a full
quarter of stock trading. Additionally, the parties believed that a ninety-day
moving average was optimal in removing excess price fluctuations as well as
permitting a realistic time period for the market to absorb all relevant
information prior to November 13, 1996. The moving price average for Graphix
Zone and StarPress on November 13, 1995 was $7.50 and $1.06, respectively. The
parties agreed that Mr. Cortright and Ms. Cortright would visit StarPress'
facilities in San Francisco, California for the purpose of meeting the StarPress
Board and continuing discussions regarding deal structure and valuation.

     On November 29, 1995, Mr. Cortright, Ms. Cortright and Messrs. Posner,
Kramlich, Dali, Cagan, Cole and Hirschhorn met at StarPress' facilities in San
Francisco to continue discussions regarding a possible business combination of
Graphix Zone and StarPress. Doug Glen, a director of StarPress, participated
telephonically. Mr. Hirschhorn gave a brief presentation describing the existing
marketplace conditions for multimedia companies, focusing on the availability of
financing alternatives and the competitive environment existing within this
industry. The parties also discussed historical performance of each of the
companies, focusing on research and development spending and revenue growth. At
the conclusion of this meeting, the parties agreed that discussions relating to
a proposed business combination had advanced to a point where the parties should
commence preparation of definitive documentation and determine an exchange
ratio. In that regard, StarPress proposed values for shares of Graphix Zone
Common Stock and StarPress Common Stock of $7.00 and $1.25, respectively.
Graphix Zone countered with proposed values of $7.50 and $1.00. Cruttenden Roth
proposed values of $7.35 and $1.10. Ultimately, after several conversations and
caucuses by and among the companies' respective boards, the parties agreed that
Graphix Zone Common Stock would be valued at $7.25 per share and that StarPress
Common Stock would be valued at $1.06 per share, resulting in an Exchange Ratio
equal to .14666. The decision to value the Graphix Zone Common Stock at $7.25
rather than at $7.50, which was the moving price average on November 13, 1995,
was due in large part upon the extreme volatility of Graphix Zone Common stock
during the preceding ninety days. Because of such volatility, the parties
reduced the moving price average by $.25 to arrive at the $7.25 market value.


     On December 4, 1995, the parties executed a letter of intent, with the
parties agreeing to the valuations discussed at the November 29, 1995 meeting.
Each party then issued a press release announcing the proposed Reorganization.

     From December 4, 1995 through January 2, 1996, members of senior management
of Graphix Zone and StarPress, together with their legal advisors, negotiated
the terms of the definitive Reorganization Agreement and related documents. The
substance of these discussions, which were held telephonically, through the
exchange of documents and at a meeting on December 27, 1995 held at the offices
of Graphix Zone's legal counsel, related to finalization of the terms of the
Reorganization Agreement and the content of the disclosure schedules of each of
StarPress and Graphix Zone to be delivered in connection with the execution of
the Reorganization Agreement.

     On December 28, 1995, a special meeting of the Graphix Zone Board was 
held, with Mr. Cortright and Ms. Cortright, together with Mr. Hirschhorn, 
Mr. Frank Cutler, a business advisor to Graphix Zone who routinely advises the 
Company on general business matters, including matters relating to potential 
acquisitions, and who routinely attends board of directors meetings as an 
invited guest, and a representative of Snell & Wilmer L.L.P., legal advisors 
to Graphix Zone, in attendance in person and Mr. Yuen and Mr. Rubinstein in 
attendance telephonically. Mr. Cortright gave the Board an overview of the 
proposed Reorganization and led the Board in a discussion of the material 
provisions of the proposed Reorganization Agreement. After this discussion, 
(i) representatives of Cruttenden Roth presented an analysis of Graphix 
Zone's strategic alternatives, the future prospects of Graphix Zone, the 
potential benefits of a business combination between StarPress and Graphix 
Zone, and the fairness of such a transaction from a financial point of view 
to Graphix Zone and the shareholders of Graphix Zone (see "--Fairness 
Opinions" for a detailed summary of the matters discussed at this meeting); 
(ii) a representative of Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. presented a summary of the 
legal due diligence performed to date with respect to StarPress and discussed 
generally the Graphix Zone Board's fiduciary duties under applicable state 
law; (iii) Mr. Cortright presented an overview of StarPress' and Graphix 
Zone's existing product lines and development activities and how their 
respective products could enhance the service of their existing markets; and 
(iv) the Graphix Zone Board held a lengthy discussion regarding whether there 
would be any conflict in Cruttenden Roth's providing fairness opinions to 
both StarPress and Graphix Zone. In discussing the potential conflict, the 
Graphix Zone Board noted that Cruttenden Roth had not represented either 
party in its negotiations, nor had Cruttenden Roth had a hand in establishing 
the exchange ratio. The Graphix Zone Board concluded that Cruttenden Roth was 
in the best position to know the values of each of the two companies, and 
that, since Cruttenden Roth was not an advocate for either party, it was in a 
position to draw conclusions that the exchange ratio was fair to both 
parties, without conflict. Following such discussions, the Graphix Zone Board 
unanimously approved the Reorganization and the Reorganization Agreement. In 
connection with its approval of the Reorganization and the Reorganization 
Agreement, the Graphix Zone Board did not materially rely on the financial
projections of StarPress or New GZ.

     On December 28, 1995, Cruttenden Roth delivered a written opinion to the 
members of the Graphix Zone Board and to the members of the StarPress Board 
to the effect that the proposed Reorganization was fair from a financial 
point of view to Graphix Zone and the shareholders of Graphix Zone and to 
StarPress and the shareholders of StarPress, respectively.

     On January 2, 1996, a special meeting of the StarPress Board was held, with
the following persons in attendance: Messrs. Posner, Cagan, Cole, Dali, Glen,
Kramlich and Smith, all members of the StarPress Board, and John C. Lukrich, an
officer of StarPress, representatives of Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP, legal
advisors to StarPress and representatives of Cruttenden Roth. Carl J. Stoney,
Jr. of Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP gave the StarPress Board an overview of
the proposed Reorganization and led the StarPress Board in a discussion of the
material provisions of the proposed Reorganization Agreement, and Mr. Posner
then summarized the status of negotiations with Graphix Zone. After this
discussion, (i) representatives of Cruttenden Roth presented an analysis of
StarPress' strategic alternatives, the future prospects of StarPress, the
potential benefits of a business combination between Graphix Zone and StarPress,
and the fairness of such


a transaction from a financial point of view to StarPress and the shareholders
of StarPress (see "--Fairness Opinions" for a detailed summary of the matters
discussed at this meeting), (ii) representatives of Jackson Tufts Cole & Black,
LLP presented a summary of the legal due diligence performed to date with
respect to Graphix Zone and discussed generally the StarPress Board's fiduciary
duties under applicable state law, (iii) Mr. Posner presented an overview of
StarPress' and Graphix Zone's existing product lines and development activities
and how their respective products could enhance the service of their existing
markets. Representatives of Cruttenden Roth presented their analysis of the
fairness of the transaction as evidenced by delivery of their written opinion
dated December 28, 1995 to the effect that the proposed Reorganization was fair
from a financial point of view to StarPress and to the shareholders of StarPress
and (iv) the StarPress Board held a lengthy discussion regarding whether there
would be any conflict in Cruttenden Roth's providing fairness opinions to both
StarPress and Graphix Zone. In discussing the potential conflict, the StarPress
Board noted that Cruttenden Roth had not represented either party in its
negotiations, nor had Cruttenden Roth had a hand in establishing the exchange
ratio. The StarPress Board concluded that Cruttenden Roth was in the best
position to know the values of each of the two companies, and that, since
Cruttenden Roth was not an advocate for either party, it was in a position to 
draw conclusions that the exchange ratio was fair to both parties, without 
conflict. Following such discussions, the StarPress Board unanimously 
approved the Reorganization and the Reorganization Agreement. In connection 
with its approval of the Reorganization and the Reorganization Agreement, the 
StarPress Board did not materially rely on the financial projections of 
Graphix Zone or New GZ.

     On January 3, 1996, each company executed and delivered the Reorganization
Agreement and related documents. The execution of the Reorganization Agreement
was announced shortly thereafter by issuance of a press release.



     The Graphix Zone Board believes that the terms of the Reorganization
Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby are in the best interests of
Graphix Zone and its shareholders. In addition, in connection with the
Reorganization, the Graphix Zone Board believes that the proposed exchange of
one share of Graphix Zone Common Stock for one share of New GZ Common Stock is
fair to the holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock. Accordingly, the Graphix Zone
Board has approved the Graphix Zone Merger, the Reorganization Agreement and the
Graphix Zone Merger Agreement and recommends approval thereof by the
shareholders of Graphix Zone.

     In view of the number of factors considered in connection with its
evaluation of the Reorganization, the Graphix Zone Board did not quantify or
otherwise attempt to assign relative weights to the separate factors considered
in reaching its determination. In reaching its determination to recommend
approval of the Reorganization Agreement, the Graphix Zone Board consulted with
Graphix Zone management, as well as its legal counsel and its investment banker,
and considered a number of factors. The Graphix Zone Board considered the nature
and scope of the business of StarPress, and quality and breadth of its assets,
products, distribution contacts, competitive position and prospects for future

     In reviewing these assets and operations, the Graphix Zone Board took into
account the quality of StarPress' senior management and product distribution
contacts. It also reviewed the complementary nature of the businesses of the two
companies, which have significant overlap and which present opportunities for
expansion. In that regard, the Graphix Zone Board considered that the
complementary nature of the two companies' businesses creates significant
opportunities for development of the two companies on a combined basis. The
Graphix Zone Board also gave serious consideration to Graphix Zone management's
firm belief that consolidation in the multimedia industry is necessary and
imminent. Graphix Zone management had


concluded that a combination with another company in the multimedia industry
would be beneficial to Graphix Zone, and expressed to the Graphix Zone Board its
belief that StarPress would be a synergistic fit with Graphix Zone's business
and goals.

     The Graphix Zone Board also reviewed comparable companies to StarPress
within the multimedia industry in considering the strategic and financial
rationale for the Reorganization. In that regard, the Graphix Zone Board
considered, among other factors, the relative financial positions of Graphix
Zone and StarPress and the potential impacts of the Reorganization on the
financial position of the new combined company.

     The Graphix Zone Board considered the terms and conditions of the
Reorganization Agreement, including the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock
to be received by holders of StarPress Common Stock. In addition, the Graphix
Zone Board considered the opinion of Cruttenden Roth contained in a written
opinion dated December 28, 1995, and confirmed in writing as of the date of this
Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, that the Reorganization, including the
Exchange Ratio, is fair to Graphix Zone and the holders of Graphix Zone Common
Stock from a financial point of view. A copy of Cruttenden Roth's written
opinion to the Graphix Zone Board dated December 28, 1995, and confirmed in
writing as of the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, is attached
hereto as Appendix D and is incorporated herein by reference. See "--Fairness



     The StarPress Board believes that the terms of the Reorganization Agreement
and the transactions contemplated thereby are in the best interests of StarPress
and its shareholders. In addition, in connection with the Reorganization, the
StarPress Board believes that the Exchange Ratio is fair to holders of StarPress
Common Stock. Accordingly, the StarPress Board has approved the StarPress
Merger, the Reorganization Agreement and the StarPress Merger Agreement and
recommends approval thereof by the shareholders of StarPress.

     In view of the number of factors considered in connection with its
evaluation of the Reorganization, the StarPress Board did not quantify or
otherwise attempt to assign relative weights to the separate factors considered
in reaching its determination. In reaching its determination to recommend
approval of the Reorganization Agreement, the StarPress Board consulted with
StarPress management, as well as its legal counsel and its investment banker,
and considered a number of factors. The StarPress Board considered the nature
and scope of the business of Graphix Zone, and quality and breadth of its
assets, products, entertainment industry contacts, competitive position and
prospects for future development.

     In reviewing these assets and operations, the StarPress Board took into
account the extent of Graphix Zone's contacts in the entertainment and computer
hardware industries and the numerous awards won by Graphix Zone products. It
also reviewed the complementary nature of the businesses of the two companies,
which have significant overlap and which present opportunities for expansion. In
that regard, the StarPress Board considered that the complementary nature of the
two companies' businesses creates significant opportunities for development of
the two companies on a combined basis. Like the Graphix Zone Board, the
StarPress Board believes that multimedia industry consolidation is necessary,
and concurred with StarPress management that Graphix Zone would be a synergistic

     The StarPress Board also reviewed comparable companies to Graphix Zone
within the multimedia industry in considering the strategic and financial
rationale for the Reorganization. In that regard, the StarPress Board


considered, among other factors, the relative financial positions of Graphix 
Zone and StarPress and the potential impacts of the Reorganization on the 
financial position of the new combined company.

     The StarPress Board considered the terms and conditions of the 
Reorganization Agreement, including the number of shares of New GZ Common 
Stock to be received by holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock. In addition, 
the StarPress Board considered the opinion of Cruttenden Roth contained in a 
written opinion dated December 28, 1995, and confirmed in writing as of the 
date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, that the Reorganization, 
including the Exchange Ratio, is fair to StarPress and the holders of 
StarPress Common Stock from a financial point of view. A copy of Cruttenden 
Roth's written opinion to the StarPress Board dated December 28, 1995, and 
confirmed in writing as of the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, 
is attached hereto as Appendix D and is incorporated herein by reference. See 
"--Fairness Opinions."


     The following description of Cruttenden Roth's opinion is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of the opinion as set forth in Appendix
D. The preparation of a fairness opinion involves various determinations as to
the most appropriate and relevant quantitative methods of financial analysis and
the application of those methods to particular circumstances, and, therefore,
such an opinion is not readily susceptible to a partial analysis or summary
description. The summary of Cruttenden Roth's analyses set forth below does not
purport to be a complete description of the presentation by Cruttenden Roth to
the Graphix Zone Board and the StarPress Board. In arriving at its opinion,
Cruttenden Roth did not attribute any particular weight to any analysis or
factor considered by it, but rather made qualitative judgments as to the
significance and relevance of each analysis and factor. Accordingly, Cruttenden
Roth believes that its analyses and the summary set forth below must be
considered as a whole, and that considering any portion of such analyses and
summary of the factors considered, without considering all such analyses and
factors, could create a misleading or incomplete view of the processes
underlying the analyses set forth in the Cruttenden Roth presentations to the
Graphix Zone Board and the StarPress Board and to Cruttenden Roth's opinion. In
performing its analyses, Cruttenden Roth made numerous assumptions with respect
to industry performance, general business and other conditions and matters, many
of which are beyond the control of Graphix Zone or StarPress. In performing its
analyses, Cruttenden Roth did not materially rely on projections of Graphix 
Zone, StarPress or New GZ, but did rely, without assuming responsibility for
verification, upon estimates by the management of Graphix Zone and the
management of StarPress of potential annual cost savings of approximately $4 to
$6 million that may be achieved if the Reorganization is consummated. These 
costs savings primarily relate to the elimination of duplication in personnel 
functions and to the consolidation of facilities.  Key assumptions in the cost
savings analysis included a headcount reduction from 110 to 63, elimination 
of StarPress' offices in northern California, use of only one outside law 
firm, accounting firm and transfer agent instead of two, preparing only one 
set of each of the required securities filings, and only one exchange 
listing. The analyses performed by Cruttenden Roth are not necessarily 
indicative of actual values or predictive of future results or values, which 
may be significantly more or less favorable than suggested by such analyses. 
Additionally, analyses relating to the values of assets or businesses do not 
purport to be appraisals thereof or to reflect the prices at which businesses 
or assets actually may be sold.

     In rendering its opinion, Cruttenden Roth relied, without assuming
responsibility for verification, upon the accuracy and completeness of all of
the financial and other information reviewed by Cruttenden Roth for purposes of
its opinion. With respect to financial projections, estimates and analyses
provided to Cruttenden Roth by Graphix Zone or StarPress, Cruttenden Roth
assumed that such projections, estimates and analyses were reasonably prepared
on bases reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the
management of Graphix Zone and the management of StarPress, as the case may be.
In addition, Cruttenden Roth did not make any independent evaluation or
appraisal of any assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of Graphix Zone
or StarPress or any of the StarPress subsidiaries and was not furnished with any
such evaluation or appraisal, nor did Cruttenden Roth conduct a physical
inspection of the properties of Graphix Zone or StarPress. In its opinion,
Cruttenden Roth noted that, among other things, that its opinion was necessarily
based upon facts and circumstances, including stock market conditions, existing
and disclosed to it as of the date of its opinion. Shareholders of Graphix Zone
and StarPress are urged to read the opinion in its entirety for assumptions
made, matters considered and limits of the review by Cruttenden Roth. 


     In conducting its analysis and arriving at its opinion, Cruttenden Roth
held discussions with the management of Graphix Zone and the management of
StarPress concerning the businesses, financial statements, operations and
prospects of the respective companies and the prospects of a combined entity
involving Graphix Zone and StarPress. Among other things, Cruttenden Roth: (i)
reviewed the terms of the Reorganization; (ii) reviewed those budgets, financial
statements, projections, market studies, material contracts, internal analyses
and all other relevant documentation provided by Graphix Zone and StarPress
concerning their respective financial condition, historical performance and
future prospects; (iii) compared the proposed acquisition terms to recent
comparable acquisitions in the multimedia and related industries and compared
the acquisition cost to the stock market value of comparable public companies,
and used such other valuation methods as it deemed appropriate; and (iv)
reviewed publicly available information regarding Graphix Zone and StarPress.

     In connection with rendering its opinion, Cruttenden Roth performed various
financial analyses which are summarized below. It is important to note, that at
the advisement of the management of the companies, Cruttenden Roth performed all
analyses as if Graphix Zone and StarPress were one entity. The management of
Graphix Zone and StarPress each advised Cruttenden Roth to perform all analyses
in such a manner because each company's financial projections assumed the
investment of additional capital from outside sources, without which each
company's specified projections could not be attained. However, each company
believed that its business strategies and market presence apart from the other
company were not sufficient to attract the significant amount of new capital
required to meet internal projections. Since neither company believed it could
meet its objectives absent a combination with the other, a combined strategy was
developed which would be attractive to each Company's investors and which could
provide the best possible chance to achieve positive cash flow in the shortest
period of time.

     Cruttenden Roth's fairness opinion, which focuses on the Exchange Ratio and
ultimately, the value each original shareholder will receive in the combined
company, was supported by, among other analyses, a discounted cash flow analysis
and comparable company analysis. The key determinant of fairness was, however,
the comparable company analysis as the majority of new companies in the new
media industry were not profitable and were not expected to be profitable for
some time.

     Cruttenden Roth believes that the one entity approach supports its fairness
opinion in several ways. The one entity approach served to provide an acceptable
basis to perform a discounted cash analysis. Combining each company's assets and
the cash infusions required to execute a combined budget based upon the ability
to raise capital at acceptable rates provided the foundation for management to
build a business model acceptable to the investment community. Additionally,
after the combined entity discounted cash analysis was performed, it was then
possible to deconstruct its elements (i.e., the assets in terms of new products,
distribution relationships, key employees and strategic partners) that each side
brought to the transaction. If the combined company cash flow did not support a
per share price attractive to each party to the Reorganization, then it would be
clear that the relative value of each entity would not be fair. Additionally,
StarPress and Graphix Zone adjusted the performance risks of the combined
projected cash flows based upon their respective anticipated revenue
contributions and ultimately the value each brought to the combined company.

     The one entity approach was also critical to the comparable company
analysis. The comparable companies had a demonstrable ability to raise
attractively priced financing to execute their respective business plans whereas
Graphix Zone and StarPress did not. It was important that the combined entity
have appropriate revenue figures and common shares outstanding that compared at
least as favorably as the mean statistics for this industry group at the time of
the contemplated Reorganization. If the combined company's operating results
(historically and prospectively) did not reflect or compare well with industry
peers, it would be clear that either StarPress or Graphix Zone were being valued
too high 


as compared to the other. Due to issues of share volatility, trading liquidity
and short company histories, examining each company individually as compared to
larger, better capitalized peers would be inadequate. The new media industry is
fundamentally capital intensive. Continued access to growth capital and the
public markets is a key strategic advantage for any company within this
industry. Neither Graphix Zone nor StarPress enjoyed this advantage as a
separate entity. Consequently, to decide the relative fairness of the
Reorganization value for each participant, it was necessary to determine if the
combined entity represented fair value in the marketplace for the reorganization
of relative equals.

     DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW VALUATION. Cruttenden Roth used a five year operating
projection provided by Graphix Zone and StarPress management for the discounted
cash flow valuation. Assuming unlevered free cash flows of $(0.4) million for
1996, $5.9 million for 1997, $6.3 million for 1998, $9.7 million for 1999 and
$12.8 million for 2000 and a range of terminal value multiples between 7 and 12,
Cruttenden Roth discounted back to estimate a present value of the combined
entity. The range of terminal value estimates was $89.3 million and $153.1
million, calculated by multiplying the terminal value multiples by the unlevered
free cash flow of $12.8 million for the year 2000. By discounting back the
unlevered cash flow stream for 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and various terminal
values using the before mentioned calculation of the cash flow for the year
2000; at various discount rates between 30% and 35%, Cruttenden Roth determined
that the present value of the combined entity (i.e., New GZ) is somewhere
between $28.3 million and $50.6 million. The discount rates were determined by a
cost of capital analysis using a calculated historical weighted average Beta of
the two companies of 1.985.

     Using a combined fully-diluted share total of 10.2 million, the imputed per
share value of the combined entity would be in the range of $2.77 and $4.95.

     COMPARABLE COMPANY ANALYSIS. Cruttenden Roth looked at many publicly traded
companies operating in similar business segments as the combined entity.
Cruttenden Roth decided on two general industry groups to use in the comparable
company analysis for the combined entity. The two industries considered
consisted of companies in CD-ROM publishing and on-line providers. The CD-ROM
publishing group of companies included: Acclaim Entertainment (AKLM), Activision
(ATVI), A.D.A.M. Software (ADAM), Broderbund Software (BROD), Byron Preiss
Multimedia (CDRM), Capitol Multimedia (CDIM), Davidson & Associates (DAVD),
Electronic Arts (ERTS), IVI Publishing (IVIP), Learning Co. (LRNG), Macromedia
(MACR), Sanctuary Woods Multimedia (SWMCF), Scholastic Corp. (SCHL), 7th Level
(SEVL), Sierra On-Line (SIER) and Spectrum Holobyte (SBYT). The on-line
providers that Cruttenden Roth considered included: America Online (AMER), ARI
Network Services (ARIS), Business Records Corp. (BRCP), Data Transmission
Network (DTLN), GTECH Holdings (GTK), Netcom On-Line Communications (NETC),
Netscape Communications (NSCP), PSINET (PSIX), Quick Response Services (QRSI),
Spyglass (SPYG) and UUNET Technologies (UUNT).

     COMPARABLE TRANSACTION ANALYSIS. Cruttenden Roth considered two similar
transactions in its evaluation of the Reorganization: SoftKey's acquisition of
Minnesota Educational Computing Corp. ("MECC") and SoftKey's acquisition of
Comptons Learning Co. ("Comptons"). Cruttenden Roth analyzed these acquisitions
on the basis of transaction value to revenues, transaction value to book value
and transaction value to assets. Based upon its analysis of these comparable
transactions, Cruttenden Roth determined that the Reorganization is fair. The
SoftKey/MECC transaction was valued at approximately $333 million (12.5x
revenues, 11.2x book value and 13.6x assets); the SoftKey/Comptons transaction
was valued at approximately $569 million (9.6x revenues, 8.9x book value and
8.0x assets). Comparatively, the Reorganization is valued at $36 million (5.8x
revenues, 17.5x book value and 5.6x assets). Although the Reorganization is
approximately 10% the size of the SoftKey/MECC transaction and approximately 6%
the size of the SoftKey/Comptons transaction, the structure of the Graphix
Zone/StarPress Reorganization is relatively in line with the two comparable


     In addition to the foregoing analyses, Cruttenden Roth also compared
certain ratios of the combined company on a pro forma basis and the comparable
ratios of the publicly comparable groups. The multiples that Cruttenden Roth
concentrated on were enterprise value/last twelve months revenues, market
value/last twelve months revenues and market value/assets. The comparable
company analysis assumed that no synergies or accounting write-offs were
realized by the Reorganization. Compared to the CD-ROM publishers as a group the
combined company was above both the mean and median in all instances. The
results were: enterprise value/last twelve months revenues (combined company:
10.5; mean: 9.8; median: 5.4), market value/last twelve months revenues
(combined company: 10.5; mean: 9.8; median: 5.2) and market value/assets
(combined company: 10.2; mean: 4.7; median: 3.5). The results of the on-line
provider group were: enterprise value/last twelve months revenues (combined
company: 10.5; mean: 25.6; median: 6.6), market value/last twelve months
revenues (combined company: 10.5; mean: 25.5; median: 6.6) and market
value/assets (combined company: 10.2; mean: 10.2; median: 3.8). In comparing the
combined company to the on-line providers industry group, Cruttenden Roth does
not believe that the comparisons are conclusive because it is an area that the
combined company is less similar to than the first category of comparable
companies; however, the combined company was the same as or below the mean
multiples and above the median for all the ratios which Cruttenden Roth
considered relevant.

     Cruttenden Roth is engaged in the investment banking business and, as such,
Cruttenden Roth regularly engages in the valuation of businesses and the
securities of businesses in connection with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated
underwritings, secondary distributions of listed and unlisted securities,
private placements and other activities. Each of the Graphix Zone Board and the
StarPress Board selected Cruttenden Roth to serve as its financial advisor based
on Cruttenden Roth's qualifications, expertise and familiarity with the
businesses of Graphix Zone and StarPress. The terms of Cruttenden Roth's
engagement to Graphix Zone and StarPress are set forth in an engagement letter
dated in December 1995. Other than its meetings with Graphix Zone as described
above, Cruttenden Roth was not authorized to solicit and did not solicit
interest from any party with respect to an acquisition of StarPress. Cruttenden
Roth's role as financial advisor was limited to rendering an opinion that the
principal terms of the Reorganization are fair, from a financial point of view,
to StarPress and the shareholders of StarPress and to Graphix Zone and the
shareholders of Graphix Zone.

     Pursuant to the terms of an engagement letter, Cruttenden Roth was engaged
to act as the advisor for Graphix Zone and StarPress and agent in connection
with the Reorganization and to render an opinion to the Board of Directors of
each company as to the fairness of the principal terms of the Reorganization,
from a financial point of view, to the shareholders of each company. As
compensation for the fairness opinions to Graphix Zone and StarPress, Cruttenden
Roth has received a fee in the aggregate amount of $75,000, plus reimbursement
of its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including reasonable fees and
disbursements of counsel, which was determined pursuant to negotiations among
StarPress, Graphix Zone and Cruttenden Roth. If such expenses exceed $25,000,
Cruttenden Roth will promptly notify Graphix Zone and StarPress in writing. In
addition, as compensation for the merger and acquisition services provided in
connection with the Reorganization, Cruttenden Roth has received 852,312 shares
of StarPress Common Stock, which amount was determined pursuant to negotiations
among Graphix Zone, StarPress and Cruttenden Roth. Pursuant to the engagement
letter, Graphix Zone and StarPress have agreed to indemnify Cruttenden Roth and
its affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents,
to the full extent lawful, from and against any losses, claims, damages or
liabilities related to or arising out of Cruttenden Roth's engagement or its
role in connection therewith (other than those that result primarily from such
person's bad faith or gross negligence) and shall reimburse any such indemnified
person for all expenses incurred in connection with investigating, defending or
preparing to defend any such action or claim.

Cruttenden Roth in December 1995 to provide certain investment banking advice
and services in connection with the transactions 


contemplated by the Reorganization, including rendering its opinion as to the
fairness, from a financial point of view, of the Reorganization to Graphix Zone
and the shareholders of Graphix Zone.

     At the request of Graphix Zone, on December 28, 1995, Cruttenden Roth
delivered an oral opinion to the Graphix Zone Board, which was confirmed in a
written opinion dated as of December 28, 1995 that, based upon and subject to
the matters set forth in its written opinion, as of such date, the
Reorganization was fair from a financial point of view, to Graphix Zone and the
shareholders of Graphix Zone. Cruttenden Roth's written opinion also relates to
the fairness of the exchange of one share of Graphix Zone Common Stock for one
share of New GZ Common Stock in connection with the Reorganization. Cruttenden
Roth has confirmed such opinion by delivery of a written opinion dated as of the
date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus. The full text of the written
opinion of Cruttenden Roth dated December 28, 1995, and confirmed in writing as
of the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, is set forth as Appendix D
to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and describes the assumptions made,
matters considered and the scope and limitations of the review undertaken by
Cruttenden Roth. Graphix Zone shareholders are urged to read the opinion in its

     Cruttenden Roth's opinion addresses only the fairness of the Reorganization
from a financial point of view to Graphix Zone and the shareholders of Graphix
Zone and does not constitute a recommendation to any shareholder of Graphix Zone
as to how such shareholder should vote with respect to the approval of the
Graphix Zone Proposal. Although Cruttenden Roth evaluated and commented on the
financial terms of the Reorganization, Cruttenden Roth did not recommend the
specific number of shares of New GZ Common Stock to be issued to holders of
StarPress Common Stock in the Reorganization. 

     Prior to issuing to Graphix Zone the fairness opinion referenced above,
Cruttenden Roth had an extensive relationship with Graphix Zone involving
several material transactions. In June 1994, Cruttenden Roth served as the
underwriter of Graphix Zone's initial public offering of 1,380,000 shares of
Graphix Zone Common Stock, for which it earned a commission of $448,500, a non-
accountable expense allowance of $134,550 and received warrants to purchase
120,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock at an exercise price of $3.90 per
share. Subsequent to issuing to Graphix Zone the fairness opinion described
above, in January and May 1996, Cruttenden Roth served as placement agent in
private placements of an aggregate of 1,699,378 shares of Graphix Zone Common
Stock and warrants to purchase an aggregate of 483,135 shares of Graphix Zone
Common Stock and earned commissions of $484,023. In the ordinary course of
Cruttenden Roth's business, it actively trades in the equity securities of
Graphix Zone for its own account and for the accounts of customers, and
accordingly may at any time hold a long or short position in such securities.
Cruttenden Roth has in the past published investment research on Graphix Zone.

     Assuming Cruttenden Roth and its affiliates do not purchase any additional
shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock or StarPress Common Stock between the date
of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the Effective Time, at the
Effective Time Cruttenden Roth and its affiliates will beneficially own 333,251
shares of New GZ Common Stock, of which 120,000 shares underlie warrants 
issued in connection with Graphix Zone's initial public offering of its 
common stock, 24,601 shares (on an as-converted basis) underlie warrants 
issued in connection with a StarPress private placement and 34,319 shares (on 
an as-converted basis) underlie options issued in connection with the 
acquisition by StarPress of StarPress Multimedia, Inc.

Roth in December 1995 to provide certain investment banking advice and services
in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Reorganization,
including rendering its opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point of
view, of the Reorganization to StarPress and the shareholders of StarPress.

     At the request of StarPress, on December 28, 1995, Cruttenden Roth
delivered a written opinion to the StarPress Board, which was confirmed and
explained at the meeting of the StarPress Board on January 2, 1996, that, based
upon and subject to the matters set forth in its written opinion, the
Reorganization was fair from a financial point of view, to StarPress and the
shareholders of StarPress. Cruttenden Roth's written opinion 


also relates to the fairness of the Exchange Ratio in connection with the
Reorganization. Cruttenden Roth has confirmed such opinion by delivery of a
written opinion dated as of the date of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus.
The full text of the written opinion of Cruttenden Roth dated December 28, 1995,
and confirmed in writing as of the date of this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus, is set forth as Appendix D to this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and describes the assumptions made, matters considered and
limits on the review undertaken. StarPress shareholders are urged to read the
opinion in its entirety.

     Cruttenden Roth's opinion addresses only the fairness of the Reorganization
from a financial point of view to StarPress and the shareholders of StarPress
and does not constitute a recommendation to any shareholder of StarPress as to
how such shareholder should vote with respect to the approval of the StarPress
Proposal. Although Cruttenden Roth evaluated and commented on the financial
terms of the Reorganization, other than its proposal in the negotiations as
described above, Cruttenden Roth did not recommend the specific amount of shares
of New GZ Common Stock to be paid to holders of StarPress Common Stock in the

     Prior to issuing to StarPress the fairness opinion referenced above,
Cruttenden Roth had an extensive relationship with StarPress involving several
material transactions. In March 1995, Cruttenden Roth served as the placement
agent in the issuance of $2,932,500 of 9% Convertible Debentures on behalf of
StarPress. Pursuant to this transaction, Cruttenden Roth earned a commission of
$266,250, received warrants to purchase 167,739 shares of StarPress Common Stock
at an exercise price of $0.01 per share, and was reimbursed for expenses in the
amount of $7,500. In June 1995 Cruttenden Roth served as placement agent in the
private placement of 2,600,001 shares of StarPress Common Stock at $1.25 per
share and earned a commission of $113,750. Likewise, in June 1995, Cruttenden
Roth served as an advisor to StarPress in the acquisition by StarPress of
StarPress Multimedia, Inc. Pursuant to this transaction, Cruttenden Roth earned
a cash commission in the amount of $125,000, the right to a cash commission of
$75,000, 200,000 shares of StarPress Common Stock valued at $1.25 per share, and
options to purchase 234,000 shares of StarPress Common Stock at $1.25 per share.
In the ordinary course of Cruttenden Roth's business, it actively trades in the
equity securities of StarPress for its own account and for the accounts of
customers, and accordingly may at any time hold a long or short position in such

     Assuming Cruttenden Roth and its affiliates do not purchase any additional
shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock or StarPress Common Stock between the date
of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the Effective Time, at the
Effective Time Cruttenden Roth and its affiliates will beneficially own 333,251
shares of New GZ Common Stock.


     In considering the respective recommendations of the Graphix Zone Board and
the StarPress Board with respect to the Reorganization Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby, shareholders of Graphix Zone and shareholders
of StarPress should be aware that certain members of the management of Graphix
Zone and StarPress and the Graphix Zone Board and StarPress Board have certain
interests in the Reorganization that are different from, or in addition to, the
interests of shareholders of Graphix Zone and shareholders of StarPress


Angela Aber Cortright, each a current director of Graphix Zone, are also current
directors of New GZ. Thomas C. K. Yuen, a current 


director of Graphix Zone, will become a director of New GZ after the Effective
Time. See "Management of New GZ--Directors." In addition, Mr. Cortright is
currently the President of New GZ and Ms. Cortright is currently the Executive
Vice President and Secretary of New GZ. See "Management of New GZ--Officers."

     STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. At the Effective Time, each then outstanding
Graphix Zone Option or Graphix Zone Warrant shall be converted into an option or
warrant, as the case may be, to purchase the same number of shares of New GZ
Common Stock at the same exercise price. Each Graphix Zone Option and Graphix
Zone Warrant assumed by New GZ will have the same terms and conditions as then
are applicable to such Graphix Zone Option or Graphix Zone Warrant, as the case
may be.  As of May 31, 1996, directors and executive officers of Graphix Zone
held outstanding Graphix Zone Options to purchase 128,570 shares of Graphix Zone
Common Stock at exercise prices ranging from $3.38 to $7.50 per share. See "The
Reorganization Agreement--Conversion of Graphix Zone Common Stock."

provides that, after the Effective Time and for a period of three years after
the date of the Reorganization Agreement, New GZ will indemnify, to the fullest
extent permitted under applicable law or under New GZ's Certificate of
Incorporation or Bylaws, each present officer or director of Graphix Zone,
against all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (including
attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement in connection
with any claim, suit, action, proceedings or investigation, whether civil,
criminal, administrative or investigative, arising out of or pertaining to the
transactions contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement. 

     Pursuant to the terms of the Reorganization Agreement, the Certificate of
Incorporation of New GZ currently contains provisions with respect to
indemnification which are acceptable to the chief executive officer of Graphix
Zone and which shall not be amended, repealed or otherwise modified for a period
of six years from the Effective Time in any manner that would adversely affect
the rights thereunder of individuals who at the Effective Time were directors,
officers, employees or agents of Graphix Zone, unless such modification is
required by law. The Certificate of Incorporation of New GZ provides that a
director of New GZ shall not be liable to New GZ or its stockholders for
monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, except to the
extent such exemption from liability or limitation thereof is not permitted
under the DGCL as the same currently exists or may hereafter be amended. The
Certificate of Incorporation also provides that any amendment, modification or
repeal of the foregoing by the stockholders of New GZ shall not adversely affect
any right or protection of a director of New GZ in respect of any act or
omission occurring prior to the time of such amendment, modification or repeal.

     EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS. Charles R. Cortright and Angela Aber Cortright will
serve as President and Executive Vice President, respectively, of New GZ. Mr.
Cortright and Ms. Cortright are the President and Executive Vice President,
respectively of Graphix Zone. Neither Mr. Cortright nor Ms. Cortright serves in
their respective capacities with Graphix Zone pursuant to the terms of an
employment agreement. The Reorganization Agreement provides that New GZ will
enter into mutually acceptable employment agreements with Mr. Cortright and Ms.
Cortright, each on terms no less favorable or more favorable to those executives
than contained in StarPress' employment agreement with Mr. Posner, which will be
assumed by New GZ at the Closing (as defined below). See "--StarPress--
Employment Agreements."


director of StarPress, is also a current director of New GZ. C. Richard Kramlich
and Douglas Glen, each a current director of StarPress, will become directors of
New GZ after the Effective Time. See "Management of New GZ--Directors." In


addition, Mr. Posner is currently the Chairman of New GZ. See "Management of 
New GZ--Officers."

     STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. At the Effective Time, each outstanding
StarPress Option or StarPress Warrant to purchase shares of StarPress Common
Stock shall be converted into an option or warrant, as the case may be, to
purchase that number of shares of New GZ Common Stock determined by multiplying
the number of shares of StarPress Common Stock subject to such StarPress Option
or StarPress Warrant at the Effective Time by the Exchange Ratio, at an exercise
price per share of New GZ Common Stock equal to the exercise price per share of
such StarPress Option or StarPress Warrant immediately prior to the Effective
Time divided by the Exchange Ratio and rounded up to the nearest whole cent. If
the foregoing calculation results in an assumed StarPress Option or StarPress
Warrant being exercisable for a fraction of a share of New GZ Common Stock, then
the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock subject to such option or warrant
will be rounded to the nearest whole number of shares (rounded down, in the
cases of StarPress Options that are ISOs). As of May 21, 1996, directors and
executive officers of StarPress held outstanding StarPress Options and StarPress
Warrants to purchase 2,224,828 of StarPress Common Stock at exercise prices
ranging from $.01 to $2.50 per share. See "The Reorganization Agreement--
Conversion of StarPress Common Stock."

     STARPRESS OBLIGATIONS. If StarPress (or New GZ after the Effective Time) 
is required to issue up to 1,391,334 additional shares of its common stock 
pursuant to the StarPress Obligations (i.e., as a result of indemnity claims 
by former shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc.), Ronald Posner, C. 
Richard Kramlich and Paul Dali, each a current director of StarPress, would 
be eligible to receive in the aggregate 938,455 additional shares of such 
common stock.  However, none of these directors intends to make an indemnity 
claim on or before the expiration of such right on June 23, 1996.  Indemnity 
claims by former shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. must be made 
through an appointed representative.  As soon as practicable, but not earlier 
than 30 days after receiving a claim, StarPress must deliver to the 
representative (for pro rata distribution to the former shareholders of 
StarPress Multimedia, Inc.) any undisputed portion of the claimed shares.  As 
to any disputed portion of the claimed shares, StarPress must deliver to the 
representative a written objection within 30 days after receiving the claim.  
Objections shall be resolved by written agreement between StarPress and the 
representative, or if no agreement can be reached, by arbitration or 
adjudication. If StarPress is required to issue such additional shares after 
the Effective Time, New GZ will issue a number of shares of New GZ Common 
Stock equal to the number of shares of StarPress Common Stock required to be 
issued pursuant to the StarPress Obligations multiplied by the Exchange 
Ratio. The maximum number of shares of New GZ Common Stock that may be issued 
pursuant to the StarPress Obligations is 204,053. See "Summary--Assumption of 
StarPress Options, Warrants and Certain Contractual Obligations." 

Agreement provides that, after the Effective Time and for a period of three 
years after the date of the Reorganization Agreement, New GZ will indemnify, 
to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law or under New GZ's 
Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, each present officer or director of 
StarPress, against all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs or 
expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in 
settlement in connection with any claim, suit, action, proceedings or 
investigation, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, 
arising out of or pertaining to the transactions contemplated by the 
Reorganization Agreement. 

     Pursuant to the terms of the Reorganization Agreement, the Certificate 
of Incorporation of New GZ contains provisions with respect to 
indemnification which are acceptable to the chief executive officer of 
StarPress and which shall not be amended, repealed or otherwise modified for 
a period of six years from the Effective Time in any manner that would 
adversely affect the rights thereunder of individuals who at the Effective 
Time were directors, officers, employees or agents of StarPress, unless such 
modification is required by law. The Certificate of Incorporation of New GZ 
provides that a director of New GZ shall not be liable to New GZ or its 
stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, 
except to the extent such exemption from liability or limitation thereof is 
not permitted under the DGCL as the same currently exists or may hereafter be 
amended. The Certificate of Incorporation also provides that any amendment, 
modification or repeal of the foregoing by the stockholder of New GZ shall 
not adversely affect any right or protection of a director of New GZ in 
respect of any act or omission occurring prior to the time of such amendment, 
modification or repeal.


     EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. Ronald S. Posner currently serves as Chairman of 
New GZ. In addition, Mr. Posner currently serves as the Chairman of StarPress 
and serves in that capacity pursuant to an employment agreement dated June 
23, 1995, which provides for his employment as Chairman of StarPress for a 
period of three years. Mr. Posner's base salary is $120,000 per year. The 
Reorganization Agreement provides that New GZ will assume at the Closing 
StarPress' employment agreement with Mr. Posner.


     The Reorganization Agreement provides that from January 3, 1996 to the 
Closing Date, Graphix Zone and StarPress shall maintain their separate legal 
and accounting identities, but shall work together on the transition to a 
consolidated entity, as follows: (i) employees of each company (unless 
terminated as part of a planned reduction in force) will remain employed by 
that company until the Closing; (ii) although employees of each company may 
provide assistance to employees of the other, they will, unless otherwise 
agreed by Graphix Zone and StarPress, work primarily on projects of their 
employer company; (iii) separate books, accounts and records will be 
maintained by each company; (iv) although employees of one company may spend 
time at the other, no overhead allocations will be made, unless agreed to by 
Graphix Zone and StarPress; and (v) if one company extends credit to the 
other, such loan will be unsecured, evidenced by a promissory note providing 
for payment of principal and accrued interest at the then-current applicable 
federal rate six months after the date of advance. Although the 
Reorganization Agreement provides that any extension of credit be unsecured, 
$2,765,562 of the total advances of $3,839,000 as of May 31, 1996 by Graphix 
Zone to StarPress are secured by StarPress' assets.  In addition, marketing 
for StarPress' products and a majority of the general and administrative 
activitites for StarPress are being rendered by Graphix Zone and in return, 
Graphix Zone will charge StarPress a percentage of its marketing costs and 
will charge StarPress its allocated share of expenses based upon an estimated 
use of personnel and resources.  These arrangements between Graphix Zone and 
StarPress relating to marketing, general and administrative expenses have not 
been memorialized in the form of a written agreement between the parties.  
See "Description of StarPress--Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan 
of Operation--Selling, General and Administrative Expenses."


     In addition to the approvals of the shareholders of Graphix Zone and 
StarPress sought hereby, the obligations of Graphix Zone and StarPress to 
consummate the Mergers are subject to the satisfaction of a number of other 
conditions, unless waived, including (i) the effectiveness of the 
Registration Statement under the Securities Act and the absence of any stop 
order or proceedings seeking a stop order with respect to the Registration 
Statement; (ii) the absence of any proceedings commenced or threatened by the 
Commission with respect to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus; (iii) the 
absence of any order, decree or ruling by any court or governmental agency or 
threat thereof, or any other fact or circumstance that would prohibit or 
render illegal the transactions contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement; 
(iv) the receipt of all permits or authorizations that may be required by 
regulatory authorities; (v) the receipt by Graphix Zone and StarPress of 
demands for purchase of shares from holders of shares representing not more 
than 2% of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of that 
corporation; (vi) the receipt by New GZ of executed agreements from the 
affiliates of Graphix Zone and StarPress relating to compliance with Rule 145 
under the Securities Act ("Rule 145") and certain other restrictions relating 
to the transfer of shares of New GZ and (vii) receipt by each of Graphix Zone 
and StarPress of a fairness opinion of Cruttenden Roth dated as of the 
Closing Date. 

     Each party's obligations under the Reorganization Agreement are also
conditioned upon (i) the accuracy in every material respect of the
representations and warranties made by the other party; (ii) the performance and
compliance in all material respects with all covenants required to be performed
by such party; (iii) the lack of any adverse change in the condition, results of
operations, properties, assets, liabilities, business or prospects of the other
party; and (iv) the receipt of certain other documents. 



     The following is a summary of certain federal income tax consequences
applicable to holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and StarPress Common Stock.
This summary is based on the provisions of the Code, applicable Treasury
Regulations thereunder, judicial decisions, and administrative rulings.


     As a condition to consummation of the Graphix Zone Merger, Graphix Zone
must receive an opinion from its legal counsel, Snell & Wilmer L.L.P., to the
effect that, based upon certain assumptions described in such opinion, the
Graphix Zone Merger will, for United States federal income tax purposes, either
constitute a "reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code,
or in conjunction with the StarPress Merger, entail transfers of property
qualifying under Section 351 of the Code. 

     Based on certain assumptions, Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. intends to issue an
opinion that the Graphix Zone Merger will, in conjunction with the StarPress
Merger, entail transfers of property qualifying under Section 351 of the Code.
The principal assumptions to be set forth in the Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. opinion
relate to the absence of planned dispositions of New GZ Common Stock by the
holders of New GZ Common Stock immediately after the Effective Time and the
absence of planned issuances of additional shares of New GZ Common Stock
immediately after the Effective Time.

     These assumptions are material from the standpoint of the opinion because
transferors of property to a corporation in a transaction qualifying under
Section 351 of the Code must own, immediately after such transfers, at least 80%
of the voting stock of the transferee corporation and 80% of all other classes
of stock. Shifts in stock ownership that are binding as of the date of a
transfer of property or are mutually interdependent with the property transfer
are taken into account for purposes of this 80% ownership requirement.

     Therefore, among the assumptions to be included in the Snell & Wilmer
L.L.P. opinion will be one which sets forth that, as of the Effective Time and
immediately thereafter, no holder of New GZ Common Stock issued in the Mergers
will, with respect to shares of New GZ Common Stock owned by such holder at such
time periods, either (a) be under a binding commitment or similar obligation to
sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of such shares, (b) be a party to an option
contract or similar arrangement with respect to which a third party may be under
some form of legal or economic compulsion to acquire such shares, or (c) possess
a plan or intention (formulated prior to the Effective Time and without which
the holder would not have participated in the Mergers) to sell, transfer, or
otherwise dispose of such shares at any time following the Effective Time, or
(d) possess any other plan or intention to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose
of such shares. In this regard, each person or entity who is an "affiliate" of
Graphix Zone or StarPress for tax purposes will represent, among other matters,
that, as of the Effective Time and immediately thereafter, such person or entity
will not, with respect to shares of New GZ Common Stock received in the Mergers,
either (i) be under a binding commitment to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose
of such shares, (ii) be a party to an option contract or similar arrangement
with respect to which a third party may be under some form of legal or economic
compulsion to acquire such shares, (iii) possess a plan or intention (formulated
prior to the Effective Time and without which the holder would not have
participated in the Mergers) to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of such
shares at any time following the Effective Time, or (iv) possess any other plan
or intention to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of such shares.

     If any assumption, including the assumption described above, contained in
the Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. opinion does not conform to the facts surrounding the
Graphix Zone Merger, the validity of the conclusion reached in the opinion
relating to the Graphix Zone Merger could be adversely affected.



     Based upon the conclusion reached in the opinion that the Graphix Zone
Merger will, in conjunction with the StarPress Merger, entail transfers of
property qualifying under Section 351 of the Code, the material federal income
tax consequences of the Graphix Zone Merger to holders of Graphix Zone Common
Stock who will receive solely New GZ Common Stock in the Graphix Zone Merger
will be as follows:

     1.   No gain or loss will be recognized by holders of Graphix Zone Common
Stock upon their receipt of New GZ Common Stock in the Graphix Zone Merger.

     2.   The holding period of New GZ Common Stock received in exchange for
Graphix Zone Common Stock in the Graphix Zone Merger will include the holding
period of such Graphix Zone Common Stock, assuming that the shares of Graphix
Zone Common Stock represent capital assets in the hands of the holder thereof at
the Effective Time.

     3.   The tax basis of New GZ Common Stock received in the Graphix Zone
Merger will be the same as the tax basis of the Graphix Zone Common Stock for
which it was treated as exchanged.


     As a condition to consummation of the StarPress Merger, StarPress must
receive an opinion from its legal counsel, Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP, to
the effect that, based upon certain assumptions contained in such opinion, the
StarPress Merger will, for United States federal income tax purposes, either
constitute a "reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368 of the Code or,
in conjunction with the Graphix Zone Merger, entail transfers of property
qualifying under Section 351 of the Code.

     Based on certain assumptions, Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP intends to
issue an opinion that the StarPress Merger will constitute a reorganization
under Section 368 of the Code.

     Included among the assumptions contained in the opinion regarding the
status of the StarPress Merger as a reorganization for United States federal
income tax purposes is an assumption relating to "continuity of proprietary
interest" -- specifically, that as of the Effective Time there is no plan or
intention on the part of the historic shareholders of StarPress to sell,
exchange, or otherwise dispose of a number of shares of New GZ Common Stock
received in the StarPress Merger that would reduce such shareholders' ownership
of New GZ Common Stock to a number of shares having an aggregate value, as of
the Effective Time, of less than 50% of the value of all the formerly
outstanding StarPress Common Stock. 

     In order to assist in assuring that the "continuity of proprietary
interest" requirement is met in connection with the StarPress Merger, each
affiliate, in addition to other holders of 5% or more of StarPress Common Stock,
will represent, among other matters, that such person or entity has no plan or
intention as of the Effective Time to transfer any of the New GZ Common Stock 
received by such shareholder in the StarPress Merger. If any assumption, 
including any "continuity of proprietary interest" assumption contained in 
the Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP opinion does not conform to the facts 
surrounding the StarPress Merger, the validity of the conclusions reached
in the opinion relating to the StarPress Merger could be adversely affected. 



     Based upon the conclusions reached in the opinion that the StarPress Merger
will constitute a reorganization for United States federal income tax purposes,
the material federal income tax consequences of the StarPress Merger to holders
of StarPress Common Stock will be as follows:

          1.   No gain or loss will be recognized by holders of StarPress Common
Stock upon their receipt solely of New GZ Common Stock in the StarPress Merger.

          2.   The holding period of New GZ Common Stock received in exchange
for StarPress Common Stock in the StarPress Merger will include the holding
period of such StarPress Common Stock, assuming that the shares of StarPress
Common Stock represent capital assets in the hands of the holder thereof at the
Effective Time.

          3.   A holder of StarPress Common Stock receiving cash in the
StarPress Merger, in lieu of a fractional interest in New GZ Common Stock, will
be treated as if such holder received such fractional interest which was
subsequently redeemed, resulting in the cash such holder receives in lieu of
such fractional share interest being treated as having been received as full
payment in exchange for stock redeemed as provided in Section 302(a) of the

          4.   The tax basis of New GZ Common Stock received in the StarPress
Merger will be the same as the tax basis of the StarPress Merger for which it
was exchanged, less any basis attributable to fractional shares for which cash
is received.


     Each holder of Graphix Zone Common Stock or StarPress Common Stock, as the
case may be, who receives New GZ Common Stock will be required to retain records
and file with each holder's federal income tax return a statement setting forth
certain facts relating to the Graphix Zone Merger or the Star Press Merger, as
the case may be.


     No rulings have been or will be obtained from the Internal Revenue Service
(the "Service") with respect to the Graphix Zone Merger or the StarPress Merger.
Further, the opinions receivable by Graphix Zone and StarPress in connection
with the Mergers are not binding on the Service or the courts, and no assurance
can be given that the opinions would be followed if challenged by the Service.
Additionally, the opinions will be based on the law in effect at the Effective

     The foregoing is not to be intended as a comprehensive discussion of all
possible federal income tax consequences of the Mergers. More particularly, this
Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus does not address aspects of federal income
taxation that may be applicable to particular shareholders, including
shareholders who are dealers in securities, foreign persons, or persons who
received their Graphix Zone Common Stock or StarPress Common Stock, as the case
may be, in a compensation transaction. Nor does this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus address aspects of federal taxation other than federal
income taxation or provide information regarding the tax consequences of the
Mergers under the tax laws of any state, local or foreign jurisdiction.
Additionally, this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus does not address the
treatment of persons or entities who may exercise options, warrants or




     Based upon the current capitalization of each of Graphix Zone and
StarPress, upon the consummation of the Mergers, the former shareholder
interests of StarPress will own a larger percentage of the outstanding shares of
New GZ Common Stock than the former shareholder interests of Graphix Zone, and
accordingly, StarPress will be considered to be the acquiring entity for
financial accounting purposes. However, if between the date of this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and the Effective Time the capitalization of Graphix Zone
or StarPress changes (e.g., through the exercise of options or warrants, through
the issuance of additional equity, or through the exercise of dissenters'
rights) such that the former shareholder interests of Graphix Zone will own a
larger percentage of the outstanding shares in New GZ Common Stock than the
former shareholders of StarPress, Graphix Zone will be considered to be the
acquiring entity for financial accounting purposes. See "Risk Factors--
Accounting Treatment."

     The Reorganization will be accounted for using the purchase method of
accounting, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Under
the purchase method of accounting, the purchase price of Graphix Zone, including
liabilities assumed and direct costs of the Reorganization, will be allocated to
the assets and technology acquired of Graphix Zone based upon their estimated
fair values at the Effective Time. The excess of the purchase price over the
fair values of the net assets and technology acquired will be recorded as

     The historical financial statements of New GZ will be the financial
statements of StarPress, prior to the Effective Time. Following consummation of
the Mergers, the results of operations of New GZ will include the results of
operations of Graphix Zone.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements appearing
elsewhere in this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus are based upon certain
assumptions and allocate the purchase price to assets and liabilities based upon
preliminary estimates of their respective fair values. The unaudited pro forma
adjustments and combined amounts are included for informational purposes only.
If the Reorganization is consummated, New GZ's financial statements will reflect
the effects of the acquisition adjustments only from the Effective Time. The
actual allocation of the purchase price may differ significantly from the
allocation reflected in the Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial


     The shares of New GZ Common Stock to be issued in the Reorganization will
have been registered under the Securities Act by the Registration Statement,
thereby allowing those shares to be traded without restriction by all former
holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and StarPress Common Stock who (i) are not
deemed to be "affiliates" (as that term is defined under the Securities Act) of
Graphix Zone or StarPress, as the case may be, at the time of the Special
Meetings, and (ii) do not become affiliates of New GZ after the Reorganization.
Shares of New GZ Common Stock received by persons who are deemed to be
affiliates of Graphix Zone or StarPress prior to the Reorganization may be
resold by them only in transactions permitted by the resale provisions of Rule
145 promulgated under the Securities Act (or Rule 144 in the case of such
persons who become affiliates of New GZ) or as otherwise permitted under the
Securities Act. Persons who may be deemed affiliates of Graphix Zone, StarPress
or New GZ generally include individuals or entities that control, are controlled
by, or are under common control with, such party and may include certain
officers and directors of such party as well as principal shareholders of such
party. The Reorganization Agreement requires each of Graphix Zone and StarPress
to use its best efforts to cause each person who may be deemed to be an


affiliate of each company to enter into an agreement (the "Affiliate
Agreements"), in the forms attached to the Reorganization Agreement, not to
offer or sell or otherwise dispose of any shares of New GZ Common Stock obtained
through the Mergers in violation of the Securities Act or the rules and
regulations promulgated by the Commission thereunder.


     New GZ has applied for the listing of New GZ Common Stock on The
Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the symbol "GZON."


     GRAPHIX ZONE. Holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock who do not vote in 
favor of the Graphix Zone Proposal and who have properly complied with 
applicable provisions of the CGCL will be entitled to dissenters' rights. In 
addition, if the StarPress Proposal is not consummated prior to July 1, 1996 
(and only in such event), shareholders of StarPress who do not vote in favor 
of the StarPress Proposal and who have properly complied with applicable 
provisions of the CGCL will be entitled to dissenters' rights under the CGCL 
just as shareholders of Graphix Zone are entitled to dissenters' rights under 
the CGCL. The following discussion of dissenters' rights of shareholders of 
Graphix Zone also is intended to summarize the dissenters' rights under the 
CGCL of shareholders of StarPress in the event that the StarPress Proposal is 
not consummated prior to July 1, 1996 (and only in such event). For purposes 
of the following discussion, in the event that the StarPress Proposal is not 
consummated prior to July 1, 1996 (and only in such event), any reference to 
"Graphix Zone" shall be deemed to include "StarPress," and any reference to 
"holder(s)" or "shareholder(s)" of Graphix Zone Common Stock shall be deemed 
to include "holder(s)" or "shareholder(s)" of StarPress Common Stock. A 
holder of Graphix Zone Common Stock who is entitled to dissenters' rights may 
require Graphix Zone to purchase such holder's Graphix Zone Dissenting Shares 
(defined below) for cash at their fair market value. "Graphix Zone Dissenting 
Shares" are those shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock that were: (i) 
outstanding on the date for the determination of shareholders entitled to 
vote on the Graphix Zone Proposal; (ii) not voted in favor of the Graphix 
Zone Proposal; (iii) the subject of a demand by the dissenting shareholder 
that Graphix Zone purchase the shares at their fair market value; and (iv) 
properly submitted by the dissenting shareholder for endorsement.

     The CGCL requires that Graphix Zone mail to each shareholder who has
dissenters' rights a notice of the approval of the Graphix Zone Proposal by its
outstanding shares (the "Graphix Zone Dissenters' Notice"), accompanied by a
copy of Sections 1300 through 1304 of the CGCL, a statement of the price
determined by Graphix Zone to represent the fair market value of the dissenting
shares, and a brief description of the procedure to be followed if the
shareholder desires to exercise dissenters' rights, within 10 days after the
date of such approval. The statement of price constitutes an offer by Graphix
Zone to purchase at the price stated any dissenting shares that have not lost
their status as dissenting shares under Section 1309 of the CGCL.

     Graphix Zone Dissenting Shares shall lose their status as dissenting shares
if: (i) Graphix Zone abandons the Graphix Zone Merger (upon abandonment, Graphix
Zone shall pay to any dissenting shareholder who has initiated proceedings in
good faith under Chapter 13 of the CGCL all necessary expenses incurred in such
proceedings and reasonable attorneys' fees); (ii) the dissenting shares are
transferred prior to their submission for endorsement or are surrendered for
conversion into shares of another class; (iii) the dissenting shareholder and
Graphix Zone do not agree upon the status of the shares as dissenting shares or
upon the purchase price of the shares, and neither files a complaint or
intervenes in a pending action within six months after the Graphix Zone
Dissenters' Notice was mailed to the shareholder; or (iv) the dissenting
shareholder, with the consent of Graphix Zone, withdraws the shareholder's
payment demand.

     A recipient of a Graphix Zone Dissenters' Notice who wishes to assert
dissenters' rights must, within 30 days after the date on which the Graphix Zone
Dissenters' Notice is mailed to the shareholder: (i) cause Graphix Zone to
receive a written payment demand that states the number and class of the
dissenting shares and contains a statement of what the shareholder claims to be
the fair market value of those shares as of the day before the announcement of
the Graphix Zone Merger (the statement of fair market value constitutes an offer
by the shareholder to sell the dissenting shares at such price); and (ii) submit
to Graphix Zone, at its principal office, or at the office of any transfer agent
thereof, the certificates representing the dissenting shares (certificates must
be stamped or endorsed with a statement that the shares are dissenting shares or
be exchanged for certificates of appropriate denomination so stamped or


     A shareholder who makes a payment demand retains all rights of a
shareholder until the fair market value of his or her shares is agreed upon or
determined. However, a dissenting shareholder may not withdraw a demand for
payment unless Graphix Zone consents to such withdrawal.

     If Graphix Zone and the dissenting shareholder agree that the shares are
dissenting shares and agree upon the price of the shares, Graphix Zone shall,
subject to the surrender of the certificates representing the dissenting shares,
pay the agreed upon price to the dissenting shareholder within 30 days after the
later of (i) the date the price was agreed upon, or (ii) the date any statutory
or contractual conditions to the Graphix Zone Merger are satisfied.

     If Graphix Zone denies that the shares are dissenting shares, or if 
Graphix Zone and the shareholder fail to agree upon the fair market value of 
the shares, and if the dissenting shareholder desires to pursue the matter, 
then the dissenting shareholder, within six months after the date the Graphix 
Zone Dissenters' Notice was mailed to such shareholder, may file a complaint 
in the superior court of the proper county requesting the court to resolve 
the dispute or may intervene in any action pending on such a complaint. Two 
or more dissenting shareholders may join as plaintiffs or be joined as 
defendants in any such action and two or more such actions may be 
consolidated. The court shall render judgment against Graphix Zone for 
payment of an amount equal to the fair market value of the dissenting shares 
plus interest at the legal rate from the date on which judgment was entered. 
Any party may appeal from such judgment, and Graphix Zone shall be required 
to pay such judgment only upon the dissenting shareholder's endorsement and 
delivery to Graphix Zone of the certificates for the shares described in the 
judgment. The costs of the action, including reasonable compensation to any 
appraisers, shall be assessed or apportioned as the court considers 
equitable; provided, however, that if the appraisal exceeds the price offered 
by Graphix Zone, Graphix Zone shall pay the costs of the proceeding.

     Cash dividends declared and paid by Graphix Zone upon the dissenting shares
after the date of approval of the Graphix Zone Proposal and prior to payment for
the shares by Graphix Zone shall be credited against the total amount to be paid
by Graphix Zone for the dissenting shares.

     The foregoing is merely a summary of the applicable provisions of the CGCL
and does not purport to be a complete statement of the rights of dissenting
shareholders under the CGCL. It is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
applicable statutory provisions of Chapter 13 of the CGCL that are set forth in
full in Appendix E to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus.


     STARPRESS. Holders of StarPress Common Stock who do not vote in favor of 
the StarPress Proposal and who have properly complied with applicable 
provisions of the CBCA will be entitled to dissenters' rights. In addition, 
as a result of the fact that more than 50% of the StarPress shareholders as of 
the last record date for a meeting of shareholders of StarPress held 
California addresses, in the event that the StarPress Proposal is not 
consummated prior to July 1, 1996, StarPress is subject to Section 2115 of 
the CGCL. Therefore, in the event that the StarPress Proposal is not 
consummated prior to July 1, 1996 (and only in such event), a holder of 
StarPress Common Stock also will be entitled to exercise dissenters' rights 
under the CGCL as discussed in detail regarding Graphix Zone on page 50 
above. A holder of StarPress Common Stock who is entitled to dissenters' 
rights may require StarPress to purchase such holder's StarPress Dissenting 
Shares (defined below) for cash at their fair value.

     A holder of StarPress Common Stock who wishes to exercise his or her 
dissenters' rights under the CBCA must: (i) cause StarPress to receive, 
before the vote on the StarPress Proposal is taken, written notice of the 
shareholder's intention to demand payment for such shareholder's shares 
("StarPress Dissenting Shares") if the StarPress Proposal is effectuated; and 
(ii) not vote the shares in favor of the StarPress Proposal. A shareholder 
who fails to satisfy the two foregoing requirements is not entitled to demand 
payment for his or her shares under Article 113 of the CBCA.

     If a shareholder meets the requirements of the CBCA set forth above and 
if the StarPress Merger is authorized, StarPress shall give a written 
dissenters' notice (the "StarPress Dissenters' Notice") to all shareholders 
who are entitled


to demand payment as set forth above no later than 10 days after the effective
date of the StarPress Merger. The notice shall: (i) advise the recipient that
the StarPress Merger was authorized and its effective date or proposed effective
date; (ii) state an address where StarPress will receive the payment demand and
the address where the certificates for certificated shares must be deposited;
(iii) supply a form for demanding payment; (iv) set a date by which StarPress
must receive the payment demand and the certificates for certificated shares
(which date shall not be less than 30 days after the date the StarPress
Dissenters' Notice is given); (v) state any requirements with respect to
beneficial ownership of shares; and (vi) be accompanied by a copy of Article 113
of the CBCA.

     A recipient of a StarPress Dissenters' Notice under the CBCA who wishes 
to assert dissenter's rights must: (i) cause StarPress to receive a payment 
demand; and (ii) deposit the shareholder's certificate for the StarPress 
Dissenting Shares. A shareholder who makes the demand retains all rights of a 
shareholder, except the right to transfer the shares, until the effective 
date of the StarPress Merger and thereafter only has the right to receive 
payment for the shares. A shareholder who fails to demand payment and deposit 
the share certificates by the dates specified in the Dissenters' Notice is 
not entitled to payment under Article 113 of the CBCA.

     Upon the effective date of the StarPress Merger or upon receipt of the 
payment demand under the CBCA, whichever is later, StarPress shall pay each 
dissenter who has complied with the requirements of Article 113 of the CBCA 
the amount StarPress estimates to be the fair value of the dissenter's 
shares, plus accrued interest. The CBCA requires that the payment be 
accompanied by: (i) StarPress' balance sheet and income statement (and other 
financial statements if available); (ii) a statement of StarPress's estimate 
of the fair value of the shares; (iii) an explanation of how the interest was 
calculated; (iv) a statement of the dissenter's right to demand payment under 
CBCA Section 7-113-209; and (v) a copy of Article 113.

     StarPress may, in or with the StarPress Dissenters' Notice, state the date
of the first announcement to the news media or to the shareholders of the terms
of the proposed StarPress Merger and state that the dissenter shall certify in
writing, in or with the dissenter's payment demand, whether the dissenter
acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before that date. If the dissenter
does not certify that beneficial ownership was acquired before such date,
StarPress may offer to make the payment only if the dissenter agrees to accept
it in full satisfaction of the demand.

    Under the CBCA, a dissenter may give written notice to StarPress of the 
dissenter's estimate of the fair value of the dissenter's shares and of the 
amount of interest due and may demand payment of such estimate, less any 
payment made by StarPress, or reject StarPress's offer of payment and demand 
payment of the fair value of the shares and interest due, if: (i) the 
dissenter believes that the amount paid or offered to be paid is less than 
the fair value of the shares or that the interest due was incorrectly 
calculated; (ii) StarPress fails to make payment within 60 days after the 
date set by StarPress by which StarPress must receive the payment demand; or 
(iii) StarPress does not return the deposited certificates if the Effective 
Date of the StarPress Merger does not occur within 60 days after the date set 
by StarPress by which StarPress must receive the payment demand. A dissenter 
under the CBCA waives the right to demand payment unless the dissenter causes 
StarPress to receive the notice required within 30 days after StarPress made 
or offered payment for the dissenter's shares.

     If a demand for payment under the CBCA remains unresolved, StarPress 
may, within 60 days after receiving the payment demand, commence a proceeding 
and petition a court to determine the fair value of the shares and accrued 
interest. If StarPress does not commence the proceeding within the 60-day 
period, it shall pay to each dissenter whose demand remains unresolved the 
amount demanded. StarPress is required to commence the proceeding in the 
district court of the county in Colorado where its principal office is 
located or, if it has no principal office in Colorado, where its registered 
office is located.


     StarPress must make all dissenters, whether or not residents of Colorado,
whose demands remain unresolved, parties to the proceeding. Each dissenter made
a party to the proceeding is entitled to judgment for the amount, if any, by
which the court finds the fair value of the dissenter's shares, plus interest,
exceeds the amount paid by StarPress, or for the fair value, plus interest, of
the dissenter's shares for which StarPress elected to withhold payment.

     The court in an appraisal proceeding under the CBCA shall determine all 
costs of the proceeding, including the reasonable compensation and expenses 
of appraisers appointed by the court. The court shall assess costs against 
StarPress; except that the court may assess costs against all or some of the 
dissenters, in amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent the court 
finds the dissenters acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith in 
demanding payment. The court may also assess the fees and expenses of counsel 
and experts for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable: 
(i) against StarPress and in favor of any dissenters if the court finds that 
StarPress did not substantially comply with the requirements of the CBCA 
pertaining to the procedure for exercise of dissenters' rights; or (ii) 
against either StarPress or one or more dissenters, and in favor of any other 
party, if the court finds that the party against whom the fees and expenses 
are assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith with 
respect to dissenters' rights.

     The CBCA provides that a record shareholder may assert dissenters' rights
on behalf of the beneficial owner of shares if the record shareholder dissents
with respect to all shares beneficially owned by such person and causes
StarPress to receive written notice that states such dissent and the name,
address, and federal taxpayer identification number, if any, of each person on
whose behalf the record shareholder asserts dissenters' rights. A beneficial
shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to the shares held on the
beneficial shareholder's behalf only if: (i) the beneficial shareholder causes
StarPress to receive the record shareholder's written consent to the dissent not
later than the time the beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights; and
(ii) the beneficial shareholder dissents with respect to all shares beneficially
owned by the beneficial shareholder.

     The foregoing is merely a summary of the applicable provisions of the CBCA
and does not purport to be a complete statement of the rights of dissenting
shareholders under the CBCA. It is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
applicable statutory provisions of Article 113 of the CBCA that are set forth in
full in Appendix F to this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus. 


                          THE REORGANIZATION AGREEMENT

     The following is a brief summary of the material provisions of the
Reorganization Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Appendix A-1 to this
Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and is incorporated herein by reference. This
summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full and complete text
of the Reorganization Agreement.


     Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement and subject to the terms and
conditions thereof, GZ Merger Corp. and SP Merger Corp. will be merged with and
into Graphix Zone and StarPress, respectively. As a result of the
Reorganization, Graphix Zone and StarPress will become wholly owned subsidiaries
of New GZ. As a part of the Reorganization, shareholders of Graphix Zone and
shareholders of StarPress will receive the consideration described below.


     Subject to the terms and conditions of the Reorganization Agreement, the
closing ("Closing") of the transactions contemplated thereby will take place at
a time to be mutually agreed upon by the parties, which date shall be no later
than the third business day after all conditions of the closing shall have been
satisfied or waived (the "Closing Date"). The Mergers will become effective upon
both the filing of the Graphix Zone Merger Agreement with the Secretary of State
of the State of California with respect to the Graphix Zone Merger (or such
other date and time as may be specified in the Graphix Zone Merger Agreement)
and the filing of the articles of merger with the Secretary of State of the
State of Colorado relating to the StarPress Merger (or such other date and time
as may be specified in such articles of merger).


     Upon the consummation of the Graphix Zone Merger, pursuant to the
Reorganization Agreement and the Graphix Zone Merger Agreement, each share of
Graphix Zone Common Stock, except for Graphix Zone Dissenting Shares, issued and
outstanding at the Effective Time, will be converted into one share of New GZ
Common Stock and upon such conversion all shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock
will be cancelled and cease to exist. No fractional shares of New GZ Common
Stock will be issued pursuant to the Graphix Zone Merger.


     GRAPHIX ZONE STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. As provided in the Reorganization
Agreement, at the Effective Time, each Graphix Zone Option and Graphix Zone
Warrant shall be converted into an option or warrant, as the case may be, to
purchase the same number of shares of New GZ Common Stock at the same exercise
price. Each Graphix Zone Option and Graphix Zone Warrant will have the same
terms and conditions as then are applicable to such Graphix Zone Option and
Graphix Zone Warrant, as the case may be. At the Effective Time, New GZ will
assume all rights and obligations of Graphix Zone under the Graphix Zone Plans
and will continue the Graphix Zone Plans in accordance with their terms. New GZ
will file a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the Commission as soon as
practicable with respect to the issuance of shares of New GZ Common Stock upon
exercise of options granted under the Graphix Zone Plans. As of May 31, 1996,
Graphix Zone Options and Graphix Zone Warrants to acquire an aggregate of
2,018,131 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock were outstanding.


     Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement and the StarPress Merger
Agreement, upon consummation of the StarPress Merger each share of StarPress
Common Stock, except for StarPress Dissenting Shares, issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time, will be converted into 0.14666 shares
(the "Exchange Ratio") of validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable New GZ
Common Stock.

As provided in the Reorganization Agreement, at the Effective Time, each
StarPress Option and StarPress Warrant shall be converted into an option or
warrant, as the case may be, to purchase that number of shares of New GZ Common
Stock determined by multiplying the number of shares of StarPress Common Stock
subject to such StarPress Option or StarPress Warrant at the Effective Time by
the Exchange Ratio, at an exercise price per share of New GZ Common Stock equal
to the exercise price per share of such StarPress Option or StarPress Warrant
immediately prior to the Effective Time divided by the Exchange Ratio and
rounded up to the nearest 


whole cent. If the foregoing calculation results in an assumed StarPress Option
or StarPress Warrant being exercisable for a fraction of a share of New GZ
Common Stock, then the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock subject to such
option or warrant will be rounded to the nearest whole number of shares (rounded
down, in the cases of StarPress Options that are ISOs). Except for the
acceleration of vesting of outstanding options to purchase an aggregate of
435,167 shares of StarPress Common Stock held by certain officers and employees
of StarPress which occurred upon the announcement of the StarPress Merger and
the acceleration of options for 937,381 shares of StarPress Common Stock for
certain employees and officers which was approved by the Compensation Committee
of the StarPress Board, the other terms of the StarPress Options and StarPress
Warrants, including vesting schedules, will remain unchanged. At the Effective
Time, New GZ will assume all rights and obligations of StarPress under the
StarPress Plans and will continue the StarPress Plans in accordance with their
terms. New GZ will file a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the Commission
with respect to the issuance of shares of New GZ Common Stock upon exercise of
the assumed StarPress Options which are eligible to be registered on Form S-8 as
soon as practicable but not later than the earlier of (i) 30 days after the
Effective Time, or (ii) 10 days after New GZ Common Stock becomes eligible for
trading on the Nasdaq National Market System. As of May 31, 1996, StarPress
Options and StarPress Warrants to acquire an aggregate of 8,020,037 shares of
StarPress Common Stock were outstanding.

     At the Effective Time, New GZ will also assume the StarPress Obligations.
If StarPress is required to issue additional shares of its common stock in
connection with the StarPress Obligations after the Effective Time, New GZ will
issue a number of shares of New GZ Common Stock equal to the number of shares of
StarPress Common Stock required to be issued in connection with the StarPress
Obligations multiplied by the Exchange Ratio. The maximum number of shares of
New GZ Common Stock that may be issued pursuant to the StarPress Obligations is


     FRACTIONAL SHARES. No fractional shares of New GZ Common Stock will be
issued pursuant to the StarPress Merger. In lieu of the issuance of any
fractional shares of New GZ Common Stock, each former StarPress shareholder will
receive cash equal to the Graphix Zone Common Stock Price multiplied by the
fraction of a share of New GZ Common Stock to which such holder would otherwise
be entitled.


     The Reorganization Agreement contains customary representations and
warranties by both Graphix Zone and StarPress as to, among other things: (i) due
organization and good standing; (ii) corporate authority to enter into the
Reorganization Agreement and related agreements; (iii) authorized capital stock;
(iv) ownership of subsidiaries; (v) the compliance of the Reorganization with
articles of incorporation, bylaws and the law; (vi) the absence of certain
material defaults or violations; (vii) the accuracy of certain documents filed
with the Commission; (viii) the accuracy of financial statements; (ix) the
absence of certain litigation; (x) the absence of material changes, events or
undisclosed liabilities; (xi) tax matters; (xii) the absence of material
liabilities related to employee benefit plans; (xiii) the absence of material
labor disputes; (xiv) intellectual 


property matters; (xv) environmental matters; (xvi) receipt of fairness
opinions; (xvii) board approval of the Reorganization and respective Mergers;
and (xviii) compliance with relevant ERISA requirements.


Reorganization Agreement, Graphix Zone and StarPress have made various customary
covenants relating to the Reorganization. StarPress has agreed that, prior to
the Effective Time, StarPress will preserve intact its business organization,
relationships and goodwill and to keep available the services of its customers,
suppliers, employees and others and conduct its business and maintain its
business relationships in the ordinary and usual course. Specifically, unless it
first receives the written consent of Graphix Zone, StarPress has agreed to,
among other things: (i) not amend its articles of incorporation or bylaws; (ii)
not pay (or make any oral or written commitments or representations to pay) any
bonus, increased salary or special remuneration to any officer, employee or
consultant (except for normal salary increases consistent with past practices
not to exceed 10% per year and except pursuant to existing arrangements
previously disclosed) or enter into or vary the terms of any employment,
consulting or severance agreement with any officer, employee or consultant, pay
any severance or termination pay (other than payments made in accordance with
plans or agreements currently existing), grant any stock option (except for
normal grants to newly hired or current employees consistent with past
practices) or issue any restricted stock; (iii) not borrow any money except for
amounts that are not in the aggregate material to the financial condition of
StarPress and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole; (iv) not enter into any
material transaction not in the ordinary course of its business; (v) not
encumber or permit to be encumbered any of its assets except in the ordinary
course of its business; (vi) not dispose of any of its assets except in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; (vii) not enter into
any material lease or contract for the purchase or sale or license of any
property, real or personal, except in the ordinary course of business; (viii)
not fail to maintain its equipment and other assets in good working condition
and repair according in all material respects to the standards it has maintained
to the date of the Reorganization Agreement, subject only to ordinary wear and
tear; (ix) not change accounting methods; (x) not declare, set aside or pay any
cash or stock dividend or other distribution in respect of capital stock, or
redeem or otherwise acquire any of its capital stock (other than pursuant to
arrangements with terminated employees or consultants in the ordinary course of
business consistent with StarPress' past practice); (xi) not amend or terminate
any material contract, agreement or license to which it is a party except those
amended or terminated in the ordinary course of its business, or which are not
material in amount or effect; (xii) not lend any amount to any person or entity,
other than (a) advances for travel and expenses which are incurred in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, not material in
amount and documented by receipts for the claimed amounts, or (b) any loans
pursuant to any pension plan which is intended to be qualified under
Section 401(a) of the Code; (xiii) not guarantee or act as a surety for any
obligation except for obligations in amounts that are not material; (xiv) not
issue or sell any shares of its capital stock of any class (except upon the
exercise of a bona fide option or warrant currently outstanding or permitted to
be granted by paragraph (ii) above), or any other of its securities, or issue or
create any warrants, obligations, subscriptions, options (except as expressly
permitted by paragraph (ii) above), convertible securities or other commitments
to issue shares of capital stock, or accelerate the vesting of any outstanding
option or other security; (xv) not split or combine the outstanding shares of
its capital stock of any class or enter into any recapitalization or agreement
affecting the number or rights of outstanding shares of its capital stock of any
class or affecting any other of its securities; (xvi) not merge, consolidate or
reorganize with, or acquire any entity (other than any such transaction that
would not be material and that would not impair or affect the timing of the
Reorganization); (xvii) not license any of its intellectual property rights
except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; and
(xviii) use its reasonable best efforts to have its affiliates sign and deliver
to New GZ the StarPress Affiliate Agreements.


    Graphix Zone has agreed that, prior to the Effective Time, it will, among
other things: (i) preserve intact its business organization, relationships and
goodwill and keep available the services of its customers, suppliers, employees
and others; (ii) conduct its business and maintain its business relationships in
the ordinary and usual course of business; (iii) use its reasonable best efforts
to have its affiliates sign and deliver to New GZ the Graphix Zone Affiliate
Agreements; and (iv) not engage in any of the prohibited actions described in
the immediately preceding paragraph as they relate to Graphix Zone, unless it
first receives the written consent of StarPress.

    EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. The Reorganization Agreement provides that New GZ will
cause to remain in effect for the benefit of Graphix Zone and StarPress
employees all employee benefit plans of Graphix Zone and StarPress in effect at
the Closing until such time as New GZ is able to provide benefits under new
benefit plans to the employees of Graphix Zone and StarPress that are no less
favorable than they had received prior to the Closing. New GZ has also agreed to
cause to be maintained in effect after the Closing the pension plans of Graphix
Zone and StarPress until such time as New GZ is able to merge those plans or
otherwise provide pension benefits to employees of Graphix Zone and StarPress
that are no less favorable than they had received prior to the Closing. In
addition, the Reorganization Agreement requires New GZ to assume, at the
Closing, all COBRA obligations of Graphix Zone and StarPress arising out of
terminations of their respective employees prior to the Closing. New GZ has
further agreed that it will treat prior service with Graphix Zone or StarPress
as service rendered to the other or to New GZ, as the case may be, under the
plan or arrangement under which an employee may be covered after the Closing.
However, New GZ may cause a reduction in benefits under any such plans or
arrangements to the extent necessary to avoid duplication of benefits with
respect to the same covered matter or years of service.

    MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS. Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement, both
Graphix Zone and StarPress have agreed to take all necessary action, in
accordance with applicable law and its respective articles of incorporation and
bylaws, to promptly convene the Special Meetings. The Graphix Zone Board and the
StarPress Board have agreed to recommend such approval and to take all lawful
action to solicit such approvals. However, either the Graphix Zone Board or
StarPress Board, in the exercise of its good faith judgment and based on the
advice of outside counsel as to its fiduciary duties to its shareholders imposed
by law, may change its recommendation or withdraw its solicitation.

    OTHER ACTIONS. Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement, both StarPress and
Graphix Zone have agreed to use their reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be
taken, all other actions and to do, or cause to be done, all other things
necessary, proper or appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated by
the Reorganization Agreement.

provides that, after the Effective Time and for a period of three years after
the date of the Reorganization Agreement, New GZ will indemnify, to the fullest
extent permitted under applicable law or under New GZ's certificate of
incorporation or bylaws, each present officer or director of Graphix Zone or
StarPress, against all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses
(including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement in
connection with any claim, suit, action, proceedings or investigation, whether
civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, arising out of or pertaining
to the transactions contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement.

    ASSUMPTION OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS. The Reorganization Agreement provides
that New GZ will assume the obligations of Graphix Zone under the following: 
(i) all Graphix Zone Options and Graphix Zone Warrants; (ii) the Graphix Zone 
Plans as in effect at the Effective Time; and (iii) certain of Graphix Zone's
registration rights agreements. In addition, New GZ will assume the obligations
of StarPress under the following: (a) all StarPress Options and StarPress
Warrants; (b) the employment agreement with Mr. Posner;


(c) certain portions of the Exchange Agreement ("Exchange Agreement") between
Great Bear and StarPress Multimedia, Inc.; (d) the Escrow Agreement under the
Exchange Agreement; (e) certain registration rights obligations; (f) the
StarPress Obligations; and (g) the StarPress Plans as in effect at the Effective

    OPERATION AS COMBINED ENTITY. The Reorganization Agreement provides that
from January 3, 1996 to the Closing Date, Graphix Zone and StarPress shall
maintain their separate legal and accounting identities, but shall work together
on the transition to a consolidated entity, as follows: (i) employees of each
company (unless terminated as part of a planned reduction in force) will remain
employed by that company until the Closing; (ii) although employees of each
company may provide assistance to employees of the other, they will, unless
otherwise agreed by Graphix Zone and StarPress, work primarily on projects of
their employer company; (iii) separate books, accounts and records will be
maintained by each company; (iv) although employees of one company may spend
time at the other, no overhead allocations will be made, unless agreed to by
Graphix Zone and StarPress; and (v) if one company extends credit to the other,
such loan will be unsecured, evidenced by a promissory note providing for
payment of principal and accrued interest, at the applicable federal rate at the
time such credit was extended, six months after the date of advance.

    CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS. Both Graphix Zone and StarPress have also agreed:
(i) to obtain all necessary authorizations, approvals and consents from the
necessary federal, state, local or foreign governmental body prior to the
Effective Time; (ii) to cooperate in the filing of a registration statement on
Form S-4 and obtain all necessary state securities laws, permits or approvals;
(iii) to allow all designated agents of the other reasonable access to offices,
records, files and books and to instruct their respective employees, counsel and
financial advisors to cooperate with each other's investigation; (iv) that New
GZ will submit a new listing application with The Nasdaq SmallCap Market; and
(v) to use reasonable efforts to have all affiliates of each execute and deliver
the Affiliate Agreements, in the forms attached to the Reorganization Agreement.


    The obligations of Graphix Zone and StarPress to consummate the
Reorganization are conditioned on the fulfillment of the following: (i) receipt
of all material permits or authorizations required by any regulatory authority
having jurisdiction over the parties and the actions proposed to be taken in
connection with the Reorganization; (ii) receipt of all necessary approvals
under applicable federal and state securities laws; (iii) the effectiveness of
the Registration Statement and the absence of any stop order suspending the
effectiveness thereof and no proceeding for that purpose having been initiated
or threatened by the Commission; (iv) approval of the Graphix Zone Proposal by
the shareholders of Graphix Zone and approval of the StarPress Proposal by the
shareholders of StarPress; (v) no temporary restraining order, preliminary
injunction or permanent injunction or other order preventing the consummation of
the Mergers shall have been issued by any Federal or state court and remain in
effect, nor shall any proceeding initiated by the U. S. Government seeking any
of the foregoing be pending; (vi) neither Graphix Zone nor StarPress shall have
received demands for exercise of dissenting rights from holders of shares
representing more than two percent (2%) of the issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of that corporation; (vii) New GZ shall have received executed
Affiliate Agreements from the affiliates of Graphix Zone and StarPress; and
(viii) receipt by each of Graphix Zone and StarPress of a fairness opinion of
Cruttenden Roth dated as of the Closing Date.

    The obligation of Graphix Zone to consummate the Reorganization is
conditioned on the fulfillment of the following conditions: (i) the
representations and warranties of StarPress made in the Reorganization Agreement
shall be true and accurate in every material respect on and as of the Closing
Date with the same force and effect as if they had been made at the Closing
(except for changes specifically permitted by Graphix Zone); (ii) StarPress
shall have performed and complied in all material respects with all of its


required to be performed by it under the Reorganization Agreement and the
StarPress Merger Agreement on or before the Closing; (iii) there shall not have
been any material adverse change in the condition (financial or otherwise),
properties, assets, liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations
or prospects of StarPress and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, other than any
change that shall result from general economic condition, or conditions
generally affecting the consumer software market, or the interactive
entertainment, personal productivity or educational software sector of that
market; (iv) there shall be no order, decree or ruling by any governmental
agency or written threat thereof, or any statute, rule, regulation or order
enacted, entered, enforced or deemed applicable to either of the Mergers, which
would prohibit or render illegal the transactions contemplated by the
Reorganization Agreement; (v) Graphix Zone shall have received all written
consents, assignments, waivers, authorizations or other certificates reasonably
deemed necessary by Graphix Zone's legal counsel to provide for the continuation
in full force and effect of any and all material contracts and leases of
StarPress and for StarPress to consummate the transactions contemplated by the
Reorganization Agreement (except when the failure to receive such consents,
assignments, waivers, authorizations or other certificates would not have a
material adverse effect); (vi) Graphix Zone shall have received the opinion of
Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP based upon reasonably requested certifications
as to factual matters and dated the Closing Date regarding the status and
authority of StarPress, the authorization of the Reorganization Agreement and
the transactions contemplated thereby by StarPress, and the binding effect of
the Reorganization Agreement on StarPress; and (vii) Graphix Zone shall have
received the opinion of Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. based upon reasonably requested
representation letters and dated the Closing Date, to the effect that the
Graphix Zone Merger will be treated as a reorganization described in Section
368(a) of the Code or as a transfer of property to New GZ by holders of Graphix
Zone Common Stock (in conjunction with holders of StarPress Common Stock)
governed by Section 351 of the Code.

    The obligation of StarPress to consummate the Reorganization is conditioned
on the fulfillment of the following conditions: (i) the representations and
warranties of Graphix Zone made in the Reorganization Agreement shall be true
and accurate in every material respect on and as of the Closing Date with the
same force and effect as if they had been made at the Closing (except for
changes specifically permitted by StarPress); (ii) Graphix Zone shall have
performed and complied in all material respects with all of its covenants
required to be performed by it under the Reorganization Agreement and the
Graphix Zone Merger Agreement on or before the Closing; (iii) there shall not
have been any material adverse change in the condition (financial or otherwise),
properties, assets, liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations
or prospects of Graphix Zone, other than any change that shall result from
general economic conditions or conditions generally affecting the consumer
software market, or the interactive entertainment, personal productivity or
educational software sectors of the market; (iv) there shall be no order, decree
or ruling of any governmental agency or written threat thereof, or any statute,
rule, regulation or order enacted, entered, enforced or deemed applicable to
either of the Mergers, which would prohibit or render illegal the transactions
contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement; (v) StarPress shall have received
all written consents, assignments, waivers, authorizations or other certificates
reasonably deemed necessary by StarPress's legal counsel to provide for the
continuation in full force and effect of any and all material contracts and
leases of Graphix Zone and for Graphix Zone to consummate the transactions
contemplated hereby (except when the failure to receive such consents,
assignments, waivers, authorizations or other certificates would not have a
material adverse effect); (vi) StarPress shall have received the opinion of
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. based upon reasonably requested certifications as to
factual matters and dated the Closing Date regarding the status and authority of
Graphix Zone, the authorization of the Reorganization Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby by Graphix Zone, and the binding effect of the
Reorganization Agreement on Graphix Zone; and (vii) StarPress shall have
received the opinion of Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP, based upon reasonably
requested representation letters and dated the Closing Date, to the effect that
the StarPress Merger will be treated as a reorganization described in Section
368(a) of the Code or as a transfer of property to New GZ by holders of
StarPress Common Stock (in conjunction with holders of Graphix Zone Common
Stock) governed by Section 351 of the Code.

     Subsequent to the execution of the Reorganization Agreement, Graphix 
Zone and StarPress entered into an agreement which provides that (i) the 
condition to Graphix Zone's consummation of the Reorganization relating to 
the delivery of an opinion from Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. as to the tax aspects 
of the Reorganization, and (ii) the condition to StarPress' consummation of 
the Reorganization relating to the delivery of an opinion from Jackson Tufts 
Cole & Black, L.L.P. as to the tax aspects of the Reorganization may not be 
waived by Graphix Zone and StarPress, respectively.  If the Reorganization is 
not consummated for any reason, including because either or both counsel is 
unable to render at the Closing the required tax opinions, Graphix Zone and 
StarPress intend to joint venture certain projects and functions but would 
ultimately go their separate ways.

     The several projects in place that Graphix Zone and StarPress would 
pursue as joint ventures or on another joint basis include the distribution 
contract with GT Interactive Software Corporation which is with both 
companies. See "Description of Grpahix Zone--Marketing and Distribution" 
and "Description of StarPress--Marketing." Each company would continue to 
provide its products for distribution by GT Interactive Software Corporation. 
In addition, the two companies would jointly pursue a music-related Internet 
strategy. This strategy revolves around expanding an Internet web site 
recently acquired by StarPress which is being operated by Graphix Zone. See 
"Description of Graphix Zone--Business Strategy." Because StarPress has 
divested itself of its Bulgarian development subsidiary, it presently uses, 
and presumably would continue to use on a contract basis, Graphix Zone's 
software development resources to upgrade existing projects and develop new 
projects. See "Description of StarPress--Products Development," StarPress 
may also contract with Graphix Zone to provide marketing and distribution 
services for its products.

     If the reorganization is not consummated, StarPress would repay the 
advances from Graphic Zone out of revenue from its agreement with GT 
Interactive Software Corporation, its share of profits from any joint 
projects with Graphix Zone such as the music-related Internet stratagy, and 
out of the proceeds of additional equity offerings it would attempt to 
complete. Failing this, Graphix Zone would presumably foreclose on its 
security internet in StarPress' assets. In addition, failure to consummate the 
Reorganization would adversely affect StarPress' ability to refinance its 
line of credit with Silicon Valley Bank. However, because Graphix Zone has a 
second priority security interest in StarPress behind that of Silicon Valley 
Bank, it is unlikely that Grpahix Zone would allow the default to go to 
foreclosure. Rather, it is likely that Graphix Zone would either assist 
StarPress in refinancing the Silicon Valley Bank line of credit through a 
guarantee or some other mechanism, or would buy out Silicon Valley Bank's 
position and take a first priority security interest in StarPress' assets.



    The Reorganization Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the
Effective Time, whether before or after approval of the Mergers by the
shareholders of Graphix Zone or StarPress: (i) by mutual agreement of StarPress
and Graphix Zone; (ii) by StarPress, if there has been a breach by Graphix Zone
of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in the
Reorganization Agreement on the part of Graphix Zone, or if any representation
of Graphix Zone shall have become untrue, in either case which as or can
reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on Graphix Zone and
which Graphix Zone fails to cure prior to the Closing; (iii) by Graphix Zone, if
there has been a breach by StarPress of any representation, warranty, covenant
or agreement set forth in the Reorganization Agreement on the part of StarPress,
or if any representation of StarPress shall have become untrue, in either case
which has or can reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
StarPress and which StarPress fails to cure prior to the Closing; (iv) by either
party if the required approvals of the shareholders of StarPress or Graphix Zone
shall not have been obtained by reason of the failure to obtain the required
vote; (v) by either party, if all the conditions for closing the Mergers shall
not have been satisfied or waived on or before June 30, 1996 other than as a
result of a breach of the Reorganization Agreement by the terminating party, or
a breach by any of the affiliates of the terminating party of the Affiliate
Agreements, as the case may be; (vi) by either party, if a permanent injunction
or other order by any Federal or state court which would make illegal or
otherwise restrain or prohibit the consummation of the Mergers shall have been
issued and shall have become final and nonappealable; or (vii) by either party,
if its board of directors shall have accepted or approved, or recommended to its
shareholders, a proposal by a third party to acquire Graphix Zone or StarPress,
as the case may be.

    The Reorganization Agreement provides that in case of termination resulting
from a breach by a party or the failure of a party to satisfy Closing conditions
to be satisfied by it and which are within its control, that party shall bear
all of the expenses (including reasonable legal, accounting and other advisory
fees) of both parties incurred in connection with the failed transaction. In all
other cases of termination, each party will be responsible for its own expenses.

                             DESCRIPTION OF GRAPHIX ZONE


    Graphix Zone, Inc. was incorporated in California in August 1989. On
June 17, 1994, Graphix Zone completed the initial public offering of Graphix
Zone Common Stock.

    Graphix Zone develops, produces and markets multimedia products and
services for the personal computer industry. Multimedia is a rapidly expanding
area of the personal computer industry characterized by the combination of
sound, video, animation, graphics and interactivity with conventional text
applications. Graphix Zone is best known for its interactive music CD-ROM
("IMCD-TM-") titles, but also develops, publishes and distributes other
entertainment and education-oriented titles, and operates a multimedia
productions department.

- -   Graphix Zone entered the interactive music market in June 1994 with the
    the recording artist formerly known as Prince. This was followed in February
    1995 with HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE, featuring Bob Dylan. Graphix Zone has 
    recently entered into a contract with Herbie Hancock to develop a series of 
    interactive jazz titles, and is in negotiations with numerous other musical 


- -   Graphix Zone also develops entertainment and "edutainment" titles,
    including its first CD-ROM title, THE GUIDED TOUR OF MULTIMEDIA, which was
    introduced in May 1993 and is a reference tool on multimedia. Graphix Zone
    released the second edition of this title in October 1995. Graphix Zone
    will also be developing a series of entertainment titles based on the
    AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS television show, the first of which was
    introduced in October 1995. Graphix Zone is collaborating with Oliver Stone
    to produce an interactive CD-ROM based on Mr. Stone's film NIXON.
    Additionally, Graphix Zone is distributing and selling CNN: FACES OF
    CONFLICT, an interactive CD-ROM featuring first-hand personal accounts from
    countries torn apart by war, hostility and discord, and CNN: TIME CAPSULE
    1995, an interactive CD-ROM featuring the top news stories of 1995, each
    pursuant to an agreement with StarPress.

- -   Graphix Zone's multimedia productions department produces custom multimedia
    projects on a contract basis for clients. The multimedia productions
    department is staffed with graphic artists, creative directors, animators,
    3D modelers, programmers and audio/video experts who have completed
    numerous projects for a wide variety of customers and applications.

    The desktop multimedia industry has been rapidly expanding in recent years
due to technological improvements in hardware and software combined with price
decreases in hardware. Because desktop multimedia is now relatively inexpensive
on both the PC and Macintosh platforms, it is readily available to virtually
every business or home consumer in the market for a computer. Computer sales to
the home consumer markets now exceed computer sales to the corporate markets,
reflecting widespread non-business computer use. Graphix Zone believes this
significant shift will create a strong growing demand for CD-ROM titles at
retail through existing hardware and software channels. Graphix Zone also
believes that its IMCD-TM- titles can open the retail music channel, a non-
traditional channel for CD-ROMs.

    Existing Macintosh and PC computers can be upgraded to multimedia computers
by the addition of a sound board and a pair of computer speakers. The next,
often simultaneous, step toward multimedia is the addition of a CD-ROM drive.
Most computers sold today are already "multimedia enabled," with the CD-ROM
drive, sound board and speakers included. During 1994 and 1995, many new CD-ROM
titles were published and introduced into the software market, creating a strong
demand for CD-ROM drives as hardware additions to computers. Over 52 million CD-
ROM titles were estimated to have been purchased in 1995(1). The installed base 
of CD-ROM drives was estimated to have reached 41 million by the end of 1995(2).
Many manufacturers bundle their multimedia enabled computers and multimedia 
upgrade kits with several CD-ROMs. Graphix Zone believes the "bundling" practice
provides opportunities for Graphix Zone IMCD-TM-s and other CD-ROM titles to
increase volume by selling directly to hardware manufacturers.


    Graphix Zone believes that the synergy of its publishing and productions
departments is such that each will benefit from the successes of the other. Its
specific strategies are the following:

Zone is seeking to become an industry leader in interactive entertainment by
developing CD-ROMs with content obtained from highly visible and popular
sources. Graphix Zone believes interactive entertainment will continue to grow
in popularity because of the appeal of combining video, CD-quality sound,
graphics, games, educational and other material in an interactive format. By
producing quality CD-ROM products with high-profile content for its initial
products, Graphix Zone intends to capitalize on this potentially large market,
create name recognition and attract other top names in the entertainment
industry. Graphix Zone's first entertainment releases, THE ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN
AS PRINCE INTERACTIVE and HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE, have received significant
critical acclaim.

- ------------

    (1)  Source: Simba Information Inc.
    (2)  Source: Dataquest


IMCD-TM- titles have brought Graphix Zone considerable notoriety as a result of
the high quality and many innovative features of those products. Graphix Zone
believes this notoriety will open doors in the entertainment industry, allowing
Graphix Zone access to the high-profile content that will help sell CD-ROM
titles. Although Graphix Zone's reputation was built with music titles, Graphix
Zone intends to exploit this reputation in order to obtain popular content from
all facets of the entertainment industry. This exploitation has resulted in
contracts with ABC Productions for a series of AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS
titles and with Cinergi Productions for a NIXON title, and negotiations for
several other "big name" titles.

standing relationships with major multimedia hardware companies, Graphix Zone
expects to create large bundling opportunities for its CD-ROM titles. By
exploiting these relationships and aggressively pursuing bundling opportunities,
Graphix Zone believes it can attain additional distribution of its titles and
market penetration for the PC and Macintosh platforms. Graphix Zone currently
has bundling arrangements with Compaq, Sirius, Camintonn/ZRAM and IDG Books.
Graphix Zone plans to develop its titles in a manner that would allow them to be
adapted to other multimedia platforms, such as Sony PlayStation, so that they
can be produced for use on any multimedia platform that becomes popular.

    EXPAND INTERNET PRESENCE.  StarPress recently acquired a small, 
music-related Internet web site called WILMA, which is being operated by 
Graphix Zone.  WILMA is a site at which visitors can obtain information about 
hundreds of secondary concert venues (such as concert dates, directions, 
ticket prices, descriptions of facilities).  WILMA is supported by 
advertising revenue.  Graphix Zone and StarPress are exploring opportunities 
to expand and exploit this site, including through links to CD-ROM products, 
opportunities to purchase concert tickets and music products on-line and the 
ability for amateur musicians to submit their material for on-line review and 
evaluation.  These strategies are in the early formulation stages, and are 
still evolving.


reputation for developing innovative CD-ROM titles has provided considerable
exposure for its multimedia productions expertise. Graphix Zone intends to
pursue multimedia productions opportunities very selectively, taking on projects
which are tied to CD-ROM publishing or bundling opportunities, or which have
strategic significance.


    It is Graphix Zone's goal to become a leader in the development and
distribution of interactive entertainment CD-ROM products for the growing
multimedia market. Although Graphix Zone initially developed its reputation in
the music arena, it intends to develop and distribute many different types of
CD-ROM products.

    Graphix Zone has generally acquired much of the content for its CD-ROM
products through CD-ROM Development and Distribution Agreements with content
owners. Pursuant to these Agreements the content owner (who may be a music
artist, record label, movie producer, television show producer or other
entertainment industry content owner) supplies the audio, video, photographic
and other content in its archives, along with creative input, and Graphix Zone
develops a CD-ROM from the content. The parties then share the net revenue
generated from distribution of the title in accordance with formulas determined
by negotiation between Graphix Zone and the content owner(s).


    ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS. Graphix Zone entered the entertainment CD-ROM
in June 1994. The critical acclaim accorded this product attracted the attention
of Sony Music Entertainment and Bob Dylan, who provided the content for HIGHWAY
61 INTERACTIVE, which was introduced in February 1995. Graphix Zone believes
these IMCD-TM-s have set the standard for a new form of entertainment,
interactive music, built around the growing installed base of multimedia

    Graphix Zone intends to continue to develop IMCD-TM-s with an innovative
interface that abandons the traditional, linear look of many CD-ROM products.
The look and feel will include an unbounded, experiential navigation system that
has no main menu or home screen, with the objective of making the user forget
that a computer is being used. Symbols that accurately represent the entertainer
will be used as interactive icons and transitions. Graphix Zone's goal is
multimedia entertainment that delivers content through reward, surprise and
mystery, promoting continued curiosity and repeated usage. IMCD-TM-s may contain
songs, music videos, playable audio files, celebrity interviews, clips of the
artist's personal life, biographical articles, video puzzles, 3D imagery, a
quest with riddles, links to online content and the ability to create
interactive music. Graphix Zone has entered into an agreement with Grammy and
Academy Award winner Herbie Hancock to develop a series of jazz IMCD-TM-s.

    In addition to IMCD-TM-s, Graphix Zone intends to develop and distribute
entertainment titles of many other types. Pursuant to an agreement with ABC
Productions, Graphix Zone developed a title based on the hit television show,
AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS, which was released in October 1995. Graphix Zone
anticipates that this title will be the first in a series of AMERICA'S FUNNIEST
HOME VIDEOS CD-ROMs. Pursuant to an agreement with Cinergi Pictures
Entertainment, Inc., Graphix Zone has developed the interactive content for a
CD-Plus version of the soundtrack, and is in the process of developing a full
CD-ROM, based on the Oliver Stone film, NIXON. Graphix Zone will continue to
seek content with high name recognition for a variety of entertainment titles.

    EDUTAINMENT PRODUCTS. Graphix Zone entered the edutainment CD-ROM market
with the introduction of THE GUIDED TOUR OF MULTIMEDIA in May 1993. This title
was developed as a joint project between Graphix


Zone and Multimedia World/PC World magazines and is currently in its 
2nd edition. THE GUIDED TOUR OF MULTIMEDIA is an interactive multimedia tutorial
and reference for beginners and experts which includes text, sound, graphics, 
video and animation, with over 15 hours of content providing an overview and 
understanding of multimedia basics, technical fundamentals, hardware and 
software and guidelines for creating a multimedia production.


    Graphix Zone's CD-ROM products are distributed through traditional CD-ROM
distribution channels throughout the world, i.e., computer retail and multimedia
bundling, where Graphix Zone has strong industry contacts, as well as in music
and other retail stores. Graphix Zone believes that its IMCD-TM-s and other
entertainment titles offer an opportunity to greatly expand CD-ROM sales into
nontraditional retail channels of distribution such as "superstores," mass
merchants and record stores. Graphix Zone has established its own internal sales
and distribution force, and handles its own distribution of its CD-ROM products.
by Compton's NewMedia under an affiliate label relationship, but that
relationship was terminated in December 1994.

    Graphix Zone believes that the shift from the affiliate label relationship
with Compton's to in-house distribution and sales has contributed to its sales
increases by, among other things, facilitating direct relationships with buyers
and distributors are facilitated. Graphix Zone is known for its strong marketing
abilities, with the roots of this strength in the founders' backgrounds as
pioneers of computer products marketing. The marketing group has been carefully
assembled to include experts in consumer electronics marketing, retailing,
software marketing, and high technology public relations. Graphix Zone combines
high quality production, "brand name" entertainment content and aggressive sales
and marketing in an effort to ensure the greatest possible success for its CD-
ROM titles.

    On March 13, 1996, Graphix Zone and StarPress entered into a Distribution
Agreement with GT Interactive Software Corp. ("GT"). Graphix Zone believes that
GT's distribution capabilities in mass merchandise retail stores such as Target
and Wal-Mart are the strongest in the industry, and that this alliance will
broaden distribution of Graphix Zone's and StarPress' CD-ROM products. In
connection with the execution of this Distribution Agreement, Graphix Zone
issued to GT a warrant to purchase up to 800,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common
Stock for a per share exercise price equal to the lesser of $5.125 or the
closing price of New GZ Common Stock on the 21st day after the consummation of
the Mergers. New GZ has agreed to assume Graphix Zone's obligations under the
warrant, including an obligation to register shares of Common Stock underlying
the warrant at the request of GT.

    Graphix Zone expects commercial success of its CD-ROM products due in part
to the demonstrated popularity of the content and entertainment properties it
chooses for its titles. Graphix Zone believes, going forward, that the
popularity of the artist, film, television show, etc., combined with quality
production should generate sales levels at least sufficient to recover costs and
generate positive gross margin. However, the entertainment marketplace is
unpredictable, and Graphix Zone cannot predict the popularity of any particular
title, even if the content is "brand name" and the title receives considerable
critical acclaim.


    The development of a CD-ROM product requires the integration and management
of a complex combination of talent ranging from the very creative to the very
technical. Graphix Zone has assembled a core group of experienced people and
state-of-the-art computer hardware and software tools to facilitate this
process. Graphix Zone believes that its relationships with major technology
vendors (Microsoft, Apple, Intel,


Adobe, Macromedia), which go back to the beginning of the multimedia industry,
enable Graphix Zone to access technology and strategic opportunities before its

    A CD-ROM entertainment product begins with a team of creative planners and
writers who conceptualize the content and flow, outline the storyboard and
define the various media of the product. This effort must be coordinated with
the technical programmers in order to assure acceptable image quality within the
defined performance limits of the targeted playback systems. This is followed by
the task of organizing, gathering, preparing and editing the media such as the
video clips, sound recordings and voiceovers, photographs, drawings and printed
matter. This work is done by word processors, graphic artists, videographers,
audio specialists and animators. For entertainment products, musical artists,
record companies, film studios and other copyright owners are expected to supply
a considerable amount of broadcast quality digital video and audio.

    All of the media elements are organized by Graphix Zone's programmers with
authoring software tools used to insert the media, assemble the modules and
define the interactivity. Much like a movie, continuous viewing and editing is
required in order to obtain the desired impact, effects, timing and image
quality. When the CD-ROM development is complete, the entire digital file is
packaged onto a one gigabyte hard drive. This data file is processed through CD-
ROM formatting equipment which generates a single "one-off" CD-ROM. Several of
these discs are produced for purposes of beta testing and obtaining focus group
data. After all the final editing is completed, a "golden master" CD-ROM is made
to be used for the manufacturing volume.


    Graphix Zone does not have any facilities for manufacturing or duplicating
CD-ROMs and uses outside suppliers for its production quantities. Due to
increasing consumer demands for CD-Audio and CD-ROM, coupled with improved
manufacturing yields, unit prices have decreased significantly during the past
few years. There are a number of duplication facilities that are capable of
satisfying Graphix Zone's needs, and Graphix Zone will generally select
duplication facilities based on price and service.


    The multimedia productions department creates interactive multimedia
presentations, kiosks, CD-ROMs, training videos and electronic brochures on a
project fee basis for delivery on Macintosh or PC computers. The department is
staffed with graphic artists, creative directors, animators, 3D modelers,
programmers and audio/video experts who work as a team to complete contract
projects. The multimedia productions department has a roster of top-drawer
clients and has received various awards, including the New York Festival
competition, in which Graphix Zone received a finalist award for its work with
the U.S. Olympic Team and an Intermedia award for the Sony interactive reseller
training CD-ROM. Other clients have included American Airlines, INTEL, U.S.
Robotics and Matra Hachette. Graphix Zone believes its multimedia productions
business should increase in the long term as its multimedia production expertise
gains wider exposure through high profile CD-ROM products.

    Graphix Zone believes that the long term prospects for multimedia
productions are good because of the synergies with CD-ROM publishing and the
rapid acceptance by U.S. business of the benefits of multimedia. In the short
term, some of the personnel from the multimedia productions department will be
diverted to the development of CD-ROM titles. In the longer term, however, as
Graphix Zone is able to hire and train additional personnel, multimedia
productions should grow as a result of its synergistic interaction with CD-ROM
publishing. Graphix Zone believes that its high profile CD-ROM products will
showcase Graphix Zone's creative and technical talent with the effect of
creating demand for multimedia productions.



    The CD-ROM publishing business is becoming quite competitive, with the
number of publishers and titles expanding dramatically each year. Competition
comes from four sources: (1) large established CD-ROM publishers (and often
distributors) such as Electronic Arts, Broderbund, Compton's NewMedia and
Interplay Productions; (2) smaller CD-ROM publishers such as Sanctuary Woods and
7th Level; (3) very small independent developers who develop product but rarely
publish or distribute; and (4) entertainment industry giants who are entering
the field such as Time Warner, Turner, Sony and Disney. Graphix Zone is
presently in the second category, with the goal of moving up to the first
category (the top tier of publishers). While Graphix Zone does not dominate
market share of CD-ROMs title sales as a whole, Graphix Zone believes it is the
leader in CD-ROMs based on popular entertainment content, be it from music,
film, video, television or publishing genres. Graphix Zone feels that this
category of CD-ROM titles is poised for explosive growth and is attempting to
strategically position itself to be the only publisher that has produced titles
in each of the entertainment categories mentioned above (in some cases, multiple
titles). Although some of the entertainment giants may be establishing their own
production groups now or in the future, the vast majority of entertainment
content is controlled by or dependent upon individuals or entities outside the
grasp of those media giants. Of the media giants that are forming interactive
production groups, some, such as Sony, have already begun disbanding the effort,
while others, such as Disney, have discovered that interactive software
publishing is not a trivial task and have hired outside development companies.
Graphix Zone believes that, by virtue of its publishing success in the different
entertainment genres, as well as its reputation for quality production and good
business practices, it will be able to leverage its track record to become a
dominant publisher of entertainment CD-ROMs.

    The multimedia productions business is also becoming highly competitive
with competition coming primarily from small to medium sized regional companies.
As the technology becomes more ubiquitous and  in higher demand by corporate
America as a communications vehicle, more multimedia production companies can be
expected to emerge to satisfy the demand. Graphix Zone believes that its track
record with every type of multimedia production, large and small, will give it a
competitive advantage over many other firms, particularly start-ups.


    Graphix Zone relies on copyright and trademark protection and non-
disclosure agreements to protect its intellectual property. Graphix Zone has no
patents, pending or otherwise, relating to any of its products. The Graphix Zone
logo and the name Graphix Zone-Registered Trademark- have been registered as
service marks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and Graphix
Zone is attempting to register IMCD-TM-. Graphix Zone claims copyright
protection for all of its multimedia and CD-ROM materials. Graphix Zone intends
to pursue registration of its copyrights and other trademarks and service marks
as advised by counsel.

    Graphix Zone will not own the copyrights to the video, audio and related
content it obtains from copyright owners in order to create its IMCD-TM-s and
certain other entertainment titles. Graphix Zone will claim copyright on and
seek to protect the material it creates in developing these titles, subject to
the terms of Graphix Zone's agreements with the copyright owners. It must
obtain, and will continue to seek, rights to use video, audio and related
content from the copyright owners.


    As of May 31, 1996, Graphix Zone had 52 full-time employees of whom 11 were
employed in administration and finance, 12 in sales and marketing and 29 in
multimedia development and related computer services. Many of Graphix Zone's
employees are highly skilled, and Graphix Zone's continued


success depends in part upon the ability to attract and retain such employees.
In an effort to attract and retain such employees, Graphix Zone offers employee
benefit programs which it believes are competitive and sufficient to attract
qualified employees. In critical areas, Graphix Zone has utilized consultants
and contract personnel to fill temporary needs or to fill open positions until
permanent employees could be recruited. Graphix Zone has never experienced a
work stoppage, none of its employees is represented by a labor organization, and
Graphix Zone considers its employee relations to be good.


    Graphix Zone leases approximately 17,200 square feet of office, multimedia
production, showroom and theater space in two separate buildings located in
Irvine, California. Graphix Zone plans to lease additional space, as necessary.


    Graphix Zone is not a party to any litigation and is not aware of any
pending or threatened litigation.



    Graphix Zone's business focus and strategy are on the growing interactive
multimedia segment of the desktop computer industry, in which Graphix Zone
develops and distributes interactive CD-ROM multimedia products and provides
multimedia production services.

    CD-ROM products consist primarily of entertainment titles which are
principally sold at retail. Graphix Zone has five titles which have been
developed and are being sold in the retail markets and through bundling, and
agreements have been entered into for a series of jazz IMCD-TM-s and for a CD-
ROM based on the recently released major motion picture, NIXON. Graphix Zone's
products are distributed through a network of national and international
distributors who are managed by Graphix Zone's in-house distribution team.

    Multimedia production services consist of contract development of sales
programs, training, catalogs and other corporate multimedia needs. Graphix Zone
expects to discontinue multimedia productions, except those with particular
strategic significance, as it concentrates on CD-ROM publishing and explores a
comprehensive Internet strategy.

    Prior to fiscal 1996, Graphix Zone provided multimedia marketing services
to clients. However, due to the significant decline in marketing services
revenue in fiscal 1995, Graphix Zone decided to focus its efforts on CD-ROM
products and discontinued providing marketing services in the second quarter of
fiscal 1996. Marketing services revenues were derived almost entirely by
sponsorships from computer hardware and software companies, who paid a monthly
fee to have their products demonstrated.

    As a relatively small software company, Graphix Zone's stock can be greatly
impacted by significant events in the software industry beyond Graphix Zone's
control. A prime example of this occurred with Microsoft's launch of Windows 95
on August 24, 1995. The stock of Graphix Zone and a number of other small
software companies with Windows 95 products reached all time highs during this
period, only to return to pre-Windows 95 levels when early sales of Windows 95
did not meet expectations.



    The following table sets forth the percentage of total revenues represented
by items included in Graphix Zone's Statements of Operations:


                                                                                    Nine Months Ended
                                                  Fiscal Year Ended June 30,             March 31,
                                                  --------------------------         ---------------
                                                       1995       1994               1996        1995
                                                       ----      ----                ----       ----
          CD-ROM sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      69 %      38 %                88 %      68 %
          Multimedia production and
            marketing services . . . . . . . . . .      31 %      62 %                12 %      32 %
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
     Total revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     100 %     100 %               100 %     100 %
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
     Cost of Revenues:
          CD-ROM sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      95 %      31 %                80 %      58 %
          Multimedia production and
            marketing services . . . . . . . . . .      43 %      52 %                12 %      35 %
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
     Total cost of revenues. . . . . . . . . . . .     138 %      83 %                92 %      93 %
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
     Gross margin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     (38)%      17 %                  8%        7%

     Research and development
          expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       --        --                102 %       --
     Selling, general and administrative
          expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      95 %      42 %               172 %      82 %
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
     Operating loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    (133)%     (25)%              (266)%     (75)%

     Interest income (expense), net. . . . . . . .      (1)%      (2)%                 1 %       1 %
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
     Net loss  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    (134)%     (27)%              (265)%     (74)%
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----
                                                      ------     -----              ------     -----



1995. Revenues for the nine months ended March 31, 1996 decreased $1,118,000 to
$1,629,000 as compared to $2,746,000 for the comparable prior year period. There
are several reasons for the significant decrease. First, for the three months
ended March 31, 1995, Graphix Zone recorded revenues of approximately $351,000
from multimedia production and marketing services compared to a negligible
amount for the three months ended March 31, 1996. Second, for both the three
months ended March 31, 1996 and 1995, Graphix Zone released one new product;
however, Graphix Zone recorded revenues of approximately $1,183,000 for the
launch of HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE during the three months ended March 31, 1995
compared to approximately $538,000 for the release of an Internet access product
for the three months ended March 31, 1996. Because of the relatively short life
of most CD-ROM products, most of the revenues in any particular quarter tend to
reflect sales of products released in that quarter and the immediately preceding
one to two quarters.

     CD-ROM revenues represented 88% of Graphix Zone's total revenues for the
nine months ended March 31, 1996, compared to 68% of total revenues for the
comparable prior year period. The sales volume of CD-ROM products increased for
the nine months ended March 31, 1996, as Graphix Zone distributed six CD-ROM
products compared to three CD-ROM products during the same prior year period.
Graphix Zone believes that sales of CD-ROM products will increase, both in
volume and as a percentage of total revenues, as several additional titles are
expected to be introduced during the balance of the current fiscal year.

     Multimedia production and marketing services revenues represented 12% of
Graphix Zone's total revenues for the nine months ended March 31, 1996, compared
to 32% of total revenues for the comparable prior year period. Production and
marketing services revenues also decreased in dollar amount during the
comparative periods, reflecting the discontinuance by Graphix Zone in the second
quarter of fiscal 1996 of marketing services. Multimedia production revenues are
expected to decrease as a percentage of total revenues since Graphix Zone plans
to direct most of its resources to CD-ROM publishing and the pursuit of Internet

     Graphix Zone's revenues and income may fluctuate periodically as a result
of: (1) timing of new IMCD-TM- and entertainment and edutainment releases; (2)
timing of multimedia production projects; and (3) external factors such as
seasonal buying patterns for IMCD-TM-s and other CD-ROM titles. Graphix Zone
grants certain distributors and retailers certain rights to return unsold
inventory. Consequently, although Graphix Zone records revenue upon shipment, it
accrues a reserve based on its estimate of expected returns. Although Graphix
Zone had historically experienced minimal returns of previous products, returns
are expected to continue to be significant. The Company has reserved for all
anticipated returns for this product at March 31, 1996.

     FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Revenues for the year ended June 30,
1995 increased by $1,248,000 (58%) to $3,392,000, as compared to $2,144,000 for
fiscal 1994. The increase was primarily due to growth in CD-ROM publishing and
multimedia productions, partially offset by a decline in marketing services. In
the second half of fiscal 1995, Graphix Zone terminated its relationship with
its distributor and established direct distribution for all of its CD-ROM
products. Graphix Zone does not believe that the termination of its distributor
had or will have any material adverse impact on Graphix Zone's revenues. This
termination resulted in a higher average price per unit than in the prior year.
Additionally, the sales volume of CD-ROM products increased significantly from
the prior fiscal year because Graphix Zone distributed three CD-ROM products
(including the launch of the IMCD-TM- HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE during the third
fiscal quarter of 1995) during fiscal 1995 compared to two CD-ROM products
during fiscal 1994.


     CD-ROM revenues represented 69% of Graphix Zone's total revenues in fiscal
1995 compared to 38% of total revenues in fiscal 1994. Multimedia production
revenues in fiscal 1995 represented 26% of Graphix Zone's total revenues
compared to 7% in the prior fiscal year. Marketing services revenues in fiscal
1995 represented only 5% of Graphix Zone's total revenues compared to 55% in
fiscal 1994.

     Approximately 59% of Graphix Zone's total revenues for fiscal 1995 were
derived from four customers, Sony, Compton's NewMedia, Matra Hachette and Ingram
Micro, as a result of agreements or arrangements Graphix Zone had with those
customers. For the nine months ended March 31, 1996, approximately 55% of
Graphix Zone's sales were derived from four customers, TechData, Syncronys
Software, Navarre Corporation and Ingram Micro. Graphix Zone believes that
concentration of revenues with major distributors is typical in the CD-ROM
publishing industry.


1995. CD-ROM sales gross margin was 8% for the nine month period ended March 31,
1996, as compared to 7% for the comparable prior year period.

     FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. CD-ROM publishing gross margin
decreased from 20% in fiscal 1994 to (38%) in fiscal 1995. The negative gross
margin for CD-ROM publishing in fiscal 1995 resulted in part from Graphix Zone's
decision to write off the unamortized balance of the capitalized software
development costs in the fourth quarter. The decision to write off the
capitalized software development costs was based upon the determination that the
carrying value of this asset exceeded its net realizable value as a result of
large royalty charges to artists and record labels. In addition, Graphix Zone
has not achieved sufficient revenues, after paying artist and label royalties
and marketing costs, from its first two IMCD-TM- products, THE ARTIST FORMERLY 
costs associated with these products.

     Multimedia production and marketing services gross margin decreased from
16% in fiscal 1994 to (40%) in fiscal 1995. The negative gross margin was
primarily a result of significant negative marketing services gross margin due
in part to the amortization of $37,500 per quarter, which began in the first
quarter of fiscal 1995, associated with the amendment of a major customer
agreement. Moreover, in the fourth quarter of fiscal 1995, Graphix Zone wrote
off the unamortized balance of this asset because it was determined that its
carrying value exceeded its net realizable value, resulting in an additional
charge of $150,000.


     Research and development expenses were $1,664,000 for the nine months ended
March 31, 1996. Prior to the second quarter of fiscal 1996, Graphix Zone
capitalized its software development costs and amortized them over the
anticipated life and sales volumes of the corresponding products, as no
significant costs were incurred prior to establishment of technological
feasibility. Graphix Zone expects to continue to expense these development costs
as incurred in future periods.


1995. Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by $538,000 to
$2,802,000 and increased as a percentage of total revenues to 172% from 82%, for
the nine months period ended March 31, 1996, as compared to the prior year
period. The increases in selling, general and administrative expenses were
primarily due to increases in sales and marketing costs associated with the
direct distribution of Graphix Zone's CD-ROM


products. These costs include sales commissions, administrative costs of
internally managing the distribution network and internal sales force, as well
as an overall increase in marketing expenditures. The increase in selling,
general and administrative expenses as a percentage of total revenues is largely
a result of Graphix Zone recording approximately $431,000 of nonrecurring
professional fees related to the Reorganization which were offset  by certain
cost reduction efforts made in anticipation of the Reorganization and charges
recorded against revenues in the second quarter of fiscal 1996 for anticipated
returns and markdowns related to THE IMPROV PRESENTS WINDOWS 95 FOR THE

     Graphix Zone believes that selling, general and administrative expenses may
increase in the near term, for several reasons. First, during fiscal 1995
Graphix Zone terminated its distribution relationship with Compton's NewMedia
and established its own direct distribution network of domestic and foreign
retailers and distributors. While the gross margins of direct distribution are
significantly higher overall, this is partially offset by sales commissions and
administrative costs of internally managing the distribution network. Second,
the introduction of additional IMCD-TM-s and entertainment and edutainment CD-
ROM titles will require additional personnel, office space and marketing costs,
the expenses of which will be incurred before such product revenues are fully
realized. In the long term, however, if Graphix Zone's CD-ROM and multimedia
production revenues meet Graphix Zone's expectations, Graphix Zone believes that
selling, general and administrative expenses will decline as a percentage of
total revenues.

     FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Selling, general and administrative
expenses increased by 252% from $912,000 in fiscal 1994 to $3,211,000 in fiscal
1995 due to significant increases in sales and marketing costs associated with
INTERACTIVE IMCD-TM-s, the costs associated with the direct distribution of 
HIGHWAY 61 INTERACTIVE, which include personnel and commissions, and 
compensation related to stock options for a former officer. General and 
administrative costs also increased due to the addition of personnel and 
professional advice needed to support Graphix Zone's growth, and providing for 
allowances for bad debts associated with direct distribution.


1995. Graphix Zone's net interest income of $15,000 for the nine months ended
March 31, 1996 resulted primarily from earnings on the proceeds from Graphix
Zone's private equity offering in the first and third quarters of fiscal 1996
offset by interest expense incurred on its leasing lines. Graphix Zone will
continue to incur interest expense to the extent that it utilizes leasing or
other forms of financing to acquire computer or other equipment for expanding

     FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Graphix Zone incurred interest expense
in relation to its revolving credit facilities and other debt arrangements, and
the leasing of computer and other equipment associated with expanding its
operations. Graphix Zone's interest income represents earnings on the proceeds
from its initial public offering, which was completed on June 17, 1994.


     FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Graphix Zone has historically not
incurred income tax expense due to its cumulative losses. The only current tax
expense incurred in fiscal 1995 related to state income taxes. As of June 30,
1995, Graphix Zone had total available net operating loss carryforwards for
federal income tax purposes of approximately $6,100,000. These operating loss
carryforwards can be utilized by Graphix Zone to offset future taxable income
and will expire in 2005 through 2010. The utilization of these operating loss
carryforwards could be limited due to restrictions imposed under federal and
state tax laws following a change in ownership.



1995. Graphix Zone incurred a net loss of $4,320,000 for the nine months ended
March 31, 1996, as compared to a net loss of $2,043,000 for the comparable prior
year period. The increases in net loss occurred for several reasons. First,
Graphix Zone recorded approximately $472,000 of nonrecurring operating expenses
related to the Reorganization. Second, Graphix Zone recorded $1,663,000 in
research and development expenses. Third, THE IMPROV PRESENTS WINDOWS 95 FOR THE
TECHNICALLY CHALLENGED was largely unsuccessful and therefore product revenues
did not offset related development costs. Fourth, in the second quarter of
fiscal 1996 Graphix Zone accelerated and fully amortized all software
development costs.

     Graphix Zone's future operating results are expected to be impacted by the
following: Several additional titles are scheduled to be released during the
last quarter of fiscal 1996. Graphix Zone believes sales will increase as a
result of the number of titles available. Graphix Zone hopes to be able to
improve gross margins on CD-ROM sales due in part to more favorable development
contracts having been negotiated. Multimedia production services should continue
to generate positive gross margins, and Graphix Zone has discontinued its
marketing services which had historically generated negative gross margins.

     FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Graphix Zone incurred a net loss of
$4,525,000 for fiscal 1995 as compared to a net loss of $576,000 for fiscal
1994, due primarily to the significant increase in selling, general and
administrative expenses, the negative margins associated with Graphix Zone's
first two IMCD-TM- titles resulting in part from the write-off of certain assets
determined not to be realizable, and the negative margin effect of operating the
marketing services division.

     Because Graphix Zone did not incur significant interest or income taxes,
the net loss for the periods presented was not materially different from the
operating loss.


     Graphix Zone's principal source of liquidity is cash. At March 31, 1996,
Graphix Zone had cash and equivalents of $1,473,000, net working capital of
$451,043 and a net shareholders' equity of $4,560,000. At June 30, 1995, cash,
net working capital deficiency and net shareholders' deficiency were $518,000,
$(1,509,000) and $(961,000), respectively. The increase in cash and equivalents,
working capital and shareholders' equity were primarily a result of Graphix Zone
raising $9,445,997 in two private equity offerings. In August and September
1995, Graphix Zone raised $3,873,250 from private equity offerings of a total of
697,930 shares of restricted Graphix Zone Common Stock to thirteen accredited
investors. In February 1996 Graphix Zone raised $5,978,645 from a private equity
offering of a total of 1,449,378 shares of restricted common stock to twenty-two
accredited investors. Net of offering expenses related to the February 1996
offering, Graphix Zone received $5,572,747 in cash, of which approximately
$3,839,000 has been advanced to StarPress as working capital and for debt
repayment, as of May 31, 1996. These advances are subordinate to an existing 
StarPress bank agreement that provides for a security interest in substantially 
all of the assets of StarPress. StarPress is currently in default under the 
terms of this bank agreement. Accordingly, the bank has the right to immediately
foreclose on all of the assets of StarPress. During the nine-month period ended 
March 31, 1996, Graphix Zone also received $395,810 from the exercise of stock 
options. In addition, on May 21, 1996, Graphix Zone raised net proceeds of 
$928,125 through a private equity offering of 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone 
Common Stock to one accredited investor. Cash used in operating activities for 
the nine months ended March 31, 1996 was $3,723,000.

     Net cash used in operating activities increased by $2,443,000 during the
nine months ended March 31, 1996 to $3,723,000. Key components of the increase,
after the effect of an increased net loss,


included an increase in gross accounts receivable of $859,000, an increase in
inventories of $419,000 and a decrease in accrued royalties of $573,000 offset
by an increase in accounts payable of $799,000. Net cash used in operating
activities increased by $1,463,000 to $1,789,000 during the year ended June 30,
1995. Key components of this increase, after the effect of the increased net
loss, included increases in gross accounts receivable of $374,000 offset by
increases in accounts payable of $333,000 and accrued royalties of $756,000. The
increases in accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued royalties were
due primarily to the cash flow cycle of increasing sales.

     Net cash used in investing activities was $4,386,000 during the nine month
period ended March 31, 1996. This consisted of an increase in amounts due from
StarPress of $3,504,000, purchases of property and equipment of $346,000 and
software development costs of $536,000. Net cash provided by investing
activities was $432,000 during the year ended June 30, 1995. This net cash
provided resulted from remaining proceeds of the company's initial public
offering of $1,466,000, which had been invested in short-term investments, and
proceeds of $300,000 from the sale-leaseback of equipment. These proceeds were
offset by purchases of property and equipment of $574,000 and software
development costs of $761,000. The property and equipment purchases and software
development costs were necessary to allow for the development and sale of
product and to allow for future growth. Though the Company does expect to incur
additional costs for property and equipment and software development in the
future, there are no material commitments for such purchases. Such purchases are
expected to be funded through existing liquidity in the near term and private
and public equity offerings in the long term.

     The proceeds from the private offerings described above have been and will
be used as working capital to fund the development of future CD-ROM products,
marketing costs for various soon to be released titles, royalty payments on
existing titles and expected advance royalty payments to entertainment content
owners for future titles, and other costs associated with the continued growth
and expansion of Graphix Zone. These costs will continue to affect liquidity as
Graphix Zone devotes additional capital resources to the development of CD-ROM
titles, because these costs are incurred considerably in advance of the revenues
to be received. Graphix Zone's liquidity can be adversely affected in any given
quarter of a year by the timing of incurred CD-ROM development costs, which is
difficult to predict. As Graphix Zone continues to grow, it expects to begin
producing and distributing multiple titles simultaneously. This diversification
should help Graphix Zone's quarter-to-quarter liquidity as development costs on
one title can be offset by revenues from a previously released title.

     As Graphix Zone focuses its resources and energies on CD-ROM publishing and
an Internet strategy, the costs (including capital expenditures) associated with
such development have recently been and will continue to be considerable and
will be incurred before any significant related CD-ROM title or Internet revenue
is realized. Graphix Zone established an equipment purchase line of credit
during fiscal 1995 with a leasing company to finance computer equipment
aggregating up to $250,000. As of March 31, 1996, $198,850 remained available
for future equipment acquisitions. This credit line gives Graphix Zone added
financial flexibility to either purchase or lease necessary equipment.

     Graphix Zone's long-term liquidity is principally contingent on its future
operating results, the completion of the Reorganization with StarPress and its
ability to raise funds through private and public equity offerings. New GZ is
expected to yield greater revenues and significant cost savings, thus improving
overall liquidity. Graphix Zone's anticipated liquidity needs are based on a
number of factors, including the size of the business and related working
capital needs, the extent of CD-ROM development costs and funding requirements,
and the level of corporate operating costs. Graphix Zone believes that its
present funding sources, including the proceeds of the private equity offering
in May 1996, are sufficient to sustain these needs through fiscal 1996. Beyond
fiscal 1996, Graphix Zone will require additional financing through borrowings
or through private or public equity offerings.



     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121, "Accounting for the
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of," requires that long-lived
assets and certain identifiable intangibles to be held and used by an entity be
reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate
that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Graphix Zone is in
the process of analyzing the impact of this statement and does not believe that
it will have a material impact on its financial position or results of
operations. Graphix Zone anticipates adopting the provisions of the statement in
fiscal 1996.

     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-
Based Compensation," establishes financial accounting and reporting standards
for stock-based employee compensation plans. Graphix Zone will adopt the
disclosure requirements in fiscal 1997 and is in the process of analyzing the
potential impact of the financial accounting requirements that are permitted
pursuant to this standard. Currently, Graphix Zone does not believe that it will
adopt the provisions of the accounting requirements of this statement.


     The following table sets forth information as to the persons who are
directors and executive officers of Graphix Zone who are expected to be
directors or executive officers of New GZ.

                                             POSITIONS WITH GRAPHIX ZONE
     NAME AND AGE                                 AND OTHER INFORMATION

Charles R. Cortright, Jr. (47) . . . .  President, Chairman of the Board of
                                        Directors and Chief Executive Officer of
                                        Graphix Zone since its inception in
                                        August 1989, interim Chief Financial
                                        Officer since May 1995 and Director
                                        since 1989. For the one and one-half
                                        year period prior to his relationship
                                        with Graphix Zone, Mr. Cortright served
                                        as Vice President and General Manager of
                                        Infotek, a manufacturer of computer add-
                                        on enhancement products. Prior to 
                                        working for Infotek, he had over 
                                        18 years experience in the computer 
                                        graphics industry, having held key 
                                        management positions at AST Research, 
                                        CalComp and Hughes Aircraft in their 
                                        graphics products divisions. Charles R.
                                        Cortright, Jr. is the husband of Angela 
                                        Aber Cortright.

Angela Aber Cortright (40) . . . . . .  Executive Vice President - Marketing,
                                        Secretary and Director of Graphix Zone
                                        since its inception in August 1989. For
                                        the two year period prior to that Ms.
                                        Cortright served as President of
                                        MarkeTrax, a marketing research firm
                                        founded by Ms. Cortright which
                                        specialized in the computer industry.
                                        Prior to founding MarkeTrax, Ms.
                                        Cortright had over 10 years experience
                                        in sales and marketing in the computer
                                        industry with AST Research, MSI Data and
                                        IBM. Angela Aber Cortright is the wife
                                        of Charles R. Cortright, Jr.


Thomas C. K. Yuen (44) . . . . . . . .  Director of Graphix Zone since 1994 and
                                        one of the co-founders in 1981 and,
                                        until July 1992, the Chief Operating
                                        Officer of AST Research, a Fortune 500
                                        personal computer manufacturer. After
                                        leaving AST Research, Mr. Yuen formed
                                        Atlantis Computers, a company which
                                        holds controlling interests in a number
                                        of high technology companies, including
                                        SRS Labs, NuReality and MPC


     The following table sets forth as of May 31, 1996, (i) the identity of each
person known to Graphix Zone to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of
Graphix Zone's Common Stock and the respective beneficial ownership of those
persons, (ii) the name of each director of Graphix Zone and the number of shares
of Graphix Zone Common Stock beneficially owned by each such director, and (iii)
the number of shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock beneficially owned by all
directors and executive officers of Graphix Zone as a group.

                                            Amount and Nature of         Percent of Class
Name and Address                           Beneficial Ownership of       of Graphix Zone
of Beneficial Owner                      Graphix Zone Common Stock(1)      Common Stock
- -------------------                     -----------------------------    ----------------
Charles R. Cortright, Jr. and                        836,400                    15.3%
Angela Aber Cortright(2)(3)
42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
Irvine, CA  92714

GT Interactive Software Corp.(4)                     800,000                    12.8%
16 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016

Gruber & McBaine Capital                             640,700                    11.6%
50 Osgood Place
San Francisco, CA 94133

Thomas C. K. Yuen(2)(6)                              331,965                     6.0%
2907 Daimler Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705

All Directors and Executive                        1,168,365                    21.0%
Officers of Graphix Zone
as a Group (3 persons)(3)(6)


- -----------------------------

(1) Except as indicated in the footnotes to this table and pursuant to
    applicable community property laws, the persons named in this table have
    sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares of Graphix Zone
    Common Stock.
(2) Director of Graphix Zone.

(3) Includes 763,500 shares which the Cortrights own of record as community
    property. Also includes 52,900 shares owned by Ms. Cortright as her sole
    and separate property, 10,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock which Ms.
    Cortright has the right to acquire upon the exercise of nonqualified stock
    options which are exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996 and 10,000
    shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock which Mr. Cortright has the right to
    acquire upon the exercise of nonqualified stock options which are
    exercisable within 60 days of May 21, 1996. For purposes of this table, the
    Cortrights are presented together since they share voting and investment
    power with respect to all shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock beneficially
    owned by them.

(4) Represents 800,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock which GT has the
    right to acquire upon the exercise of a warrant which is exercisable within
    60 days of May 31, 1996.

(5) Includes 80,850 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock which Gruber & McBaine
    Capital Management has the right to acquire upon the exercise of warrants
    which are exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996.

(6) Includes 108,750 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock which Mr. Yuen has the
    right to acquire upon exercise of nonqualified stock options which are
    exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996.


    There is shown below information concerning the annual and long-term
compensation for services in all capacities to Graphix Zone for the fiscal years
ended June 30, 1995 and 1994 of the person who was, at June 30, 1995, the chief
executive officer of Graphix Zone. No executive officer of Graphix Zone had
salary and bonus in excess of $100,000 during the fiscal years ended June 30,
1995 and 1994.

                              SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                               Annual Compensation
      Name and                                                       Other
      Principal                                                      Annual
      Position                    Year      Salary       Bonus    Compensation
    ------------                  ----      ------       -----    ------------
Charles R. Cortright, Jr.,        1995      $98,150        $0     $  0
President and Chief Executive     1994      $65,000        $0     $  28,788(1)

- ---------------
(1) Represents payments of $732 per month for Mr. Cortright's automobile and
    $1,667 per month for the Cortright's home mortgage, which was paid directly
    by Graphix Zone.


    All directors of Graphix Zone are reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in
connection with attendance at Board of Directors' meetings and all directors who
are not executive officers or employees of Graphix Zone receive a director's fee
of $1,000 per meeting and annual nonqualified stock options to purchase 5,000
shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock at the then-current fair market value. All
directors who are also executive


officers or employees of Graphix Zone receive annual nonqualified stock options
to purchase 10,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock at the then-current fair
market value. These options are granted on each anniversary date of the
directors becoming members of the Board of Directors of Graphix Zone pursuant to
Graphix Zone's 1994 Stock Option Plan and 1995 Stock Option Plan as to outside
directors and pursuant to Graphix Zone's 1995 Stock Option Plan as to outside
directors and directors who are executive officers or employees of Graphix Zone.

    In April 1995, Graphix Zone granted a stock option to purchase 50,000
shares of Common Stock to Thomas C. K. Yuen. The exercise price of the option is
$3.375 per share, the market value per share of Graphix Zone Common Stock on the
date of grant.

    In January 1996, Graphix Zone granted a stock option to purchase 50,000
shares of Common Stock to Thomas C. K. Yuen. The exercise price of the option is
$5.00 per share, the market price per share of Graphix Zone Common Stock on the
date of grant.


    In February 1995, Graphix Zone borrowed $450,000 from Charles R. Cortright,
Jr. and Angela Aber Cortright. In March 1995, Graphix Zone issued 180,000 shares
of restricted Common Stock to those individuals in exchange for the cancellation
of the $450,000 note payable related to that borrowing.

    On March 21, 1996, Graphix Zone loaned $41,250 to Ronald S. Posner, which
Mr. Posner used to exercise options on March 22, 1996 to purchase 404,893 shares
of StarPress Common Stock. This loan bears interest at 6% per annum and is due
and payable on or before Mr. Posner's termination of employment with StarPress
or any successor (including New GZ).

    On March 21, 1996, Graphix Zone loaned $53,400.09 to John C. Lukrich, the
current Chief Financial Officer of StarPress, which Mr. Lukrich used to exercise
options on that date to purchase 285,000 shares of StarPress Common Stock and to
satisfy tax withholding obligations in connection with that exercise. This loan
bears interest at 6% per annum and is due and payable on or before December 31,

    In connection with Graphix Zone's February and May 1996 private 
placements of shares of Graphix Zone Common Stoxk, 468,183 shares of Graphix 
Zone Common Stock were acquired by existing StarPress shareholders.  None of 
theses purchasers were officers or directors of StarPress, Graphix Zone or 
New GZ.  However, one of the purchasers in the February 1996 private 
placement, New Enterprise Associates ("NEA"), is the benefical owner of 16.06%
of StarPress Common Stock.  C. Richard Kramlich, a current director of 
StarPress and future director of New GZ, is the managing director of NEA.  
Another purchaser in the February 1996 private placement, Nazem & Co. IV, L.P. 
("Nazem"), is the beneficial owner of 8.07% of StarPress Common Stock.  Paul 
C. Dali, a current director of StarPress, is a General Partner of Nazem.  Two 
additional purchasers in the February 1996 private placement, Gruber & 
McBaine International and Lagunitas Partners, L.P., are affiliated with 
Gruber & McBaine Capital Management which is the beneficial owner of 11.6% of 
Graphix Zone Common Stock.

                               DESCRIPTION OF STARPRESS


    StarPress is a low-cost developer, publisher and marketer of personal
computer CD-ROM and floppy software products for the home, school and small
business markets. StarPress has historically focused its efforts on developing
software in four consumer categories: HEALTH, which provides consumers with
health information and health management interactive multimedia software,
INFOTAINMENT, which provides consumers with other non-health related
educational, art, entertainment and reference interactive multimedia software,
PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY, which provides consumers with easy-to-use fix-a-problem
software for home and office, and TRAVEL, which provides consumers with an
integrated solution that offers the best, most current travel planning
information. StarPress' strategy is to identify and develop products within
these categories that will achieve sustained consumer appeal and brand name
recognition. StarPress has recently concluded that its principal ongoing focus
should be in the INFOTAINMENT and TRAVEL SOFTWARE categories.

    As a software publisher, StarPress has either licensed published written
works and developed a software program based on these materials or has marketed
and sold software products developed in-house or by third parties.  
Historically, StarPress has tried to take advantage of the new technologies 
being used in interactive multimedia software to provide enhanced character 
animation, realistic sound effects,


music and voices, and high quality graphics to its products.  Whether the 
program was generated internally or by a third-party developer, StarPress'
professionals endeavored to identify products that are fun, innovative, and
intriguing to consumers and that are designed to inspire and educate the user.

    As of May 31, 1996, StarPress published forty-five software products
(fifteen floppy based and thirty CD-ROM based), and had ten CD-ROM products
under development with an outside developer.  Certain of these products will be 
phased out. Generally, StarPress initially releases its products in a Windows 
platform and subsequently develops versions for Macintosh, as appropriate. The 
retail prices range from $19 to $79.

    The marketing objective of StarPress has been to develop a network of
software distributors for its product lines. StarPress sells its products
through distributors, software specialty retail chains, computer superstores,
mass merchandisers, discount warehouse stores, and OEM distributors. There can
be no assurance that StarPress can successfully license, develop and market
software products, that products it does market will prove to be commercially
viable or that StarPress ultimately will attain profitability.

    StarPress, Inc. was incorporated in Colorado on July 19, 1988 as Pierce
International Gold, Inc. On June 29, 1993 it acquired Great Bear Technology,
Inc., a California corporation ("Great Bear"), and thereafter changed its name
to Great Bear Technology Incorporated. On October 13, 1995, it changed its name
to StarPress, Inc. StarPress issued approximately 1,666,668 shares of its common
stock in exchange for all the outstanding common stock of Great Bear.

    On October 4, 1993, StarPress acquired all of the issued and outstanding
stock of HealthSoft, Inc., a California corporation ("HealthSoft") in exchange
for 320,000 shares of StarPress' Common Stock. StarPress also assumed a $320,000
note of HealthSoft, payable to a minority shareholder of HealthSoft. HealthSoft
was a consumer health information and management software company.

    On October 25, 1993, StarPress acquired all the outstanding and issued
stock of Logatronix, Ltd., a limited liability Bulgarian corporation , in
exchange for 1,045,000 shares of StarPress' Common Stock. Logatronix, Ltd. was a
software development company.

    On May 31, 1994, StarPress acquired MicroBase, Inc. ("MicroBase") in
exchange for 613,000 shares of StarPress' Common Stock and options to purchase
75,000 shares of StarPress Common Stock. MicroBase was a software development
company with two completed software products that it developed itself, and one
additional software product for which it was a distributor. MicroBase was also a
distributor for a product named MICROSQUEEZ, a patented ergonomic exercise tool
designed to strengthen the fingers, hands, wrists and forearms.

    On June 23, 1995, StarPress acquired StarPress Multimedia, Inc. in exchange
for an aggregate of 13,197,458 shares of StarPress Common Stock. StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. was a publisher, developer, and distributor of multimedia
software products primarily emphasizing education and entertainment titles.
StarPress Multimedia, Inc. had acquired iTravel International Ltd. ("iTravel"),
a developer located in Seattle, Washington, on March 31, 1995, for 180,000
shares of common stock of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. StarPress assumed StarPress
Multimedia  Inc.'s obligations to issue additional shares to former iTravel
shareholders. In April and May 1996, 485,872 additional shares of StarPress
Common Stock were issued to meet this commitment.

    In March 1995, StarPress Multimedia, Inc. entered into a joint venture
agreement with a subsidiary of Olivetti Telemedia to establish a publishing and
distribution entity in Europe.  This company, Olivetti StarPress Europe N.V., 
was created to distribute StarPress and Olivetti Telemedia products throughout


Europe. This joint venture has the exclusive right to distribute in the European
Community CD-ROM titles of each party and their affiliates on terms to be
negotiated. This joint venture is forty-nine percent (49%) owned by StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. and fifty-one percent (51%) by Olivetti. As part of this
transaction, Olivetti is required to invest $1,500,000 in cash in Olivetti
StarPress Europe while StarPress Multimedia, Inc. is required to invest an
aggregate of $500,000 in cash (of which $50,000 has been paid as of May 31,
1996) and has been and will be contributing intellectual property which the
joint venture has valued at $1,000,000. On February 26, 1996, StarPress received
a letter from Olivetti Telemedia requesting that StarPress become current on its
cash contribution obligations to the joint venture. The parties are currently in
negotiations regarding this request. As of May 31, 1996, the maximum amount of
cash that StarPress could owe to the joint venture entity was $450,000. As of
March 31, 1996, the Company had accrued and expensed $150,000 of this total
maximum amount.

    On November 1, 1995, StarPress purchased from Sony Interactive
Entertainment, Inc. ("Sony") certain products and other assets which consisted
of: 14 products currently in distribution or production; related finished goods
inventory and royalty income; prepaid royalties; accounts receivable for these
products shipped by Sony after October 11, 1995; and furniture and equipment.
The purchase price for these assets consisted of 927,716 shares of StarPress'
Common Stock and a promissory note for $561,781. The promissory note, which was
paid on February 2, 1996, bore interest at the prime rate as quoted by Chemical
Bank and was secured by the assets acquired.


    The consumer software market consists primarily of software for personal
computers used in homes, schools and small businesses. This market is often
divided into four categories: productivity, education, entertainment, and
finance. Rapid technological advances have permitted the coordination of
traditional media with computer technology to create interactive multimedia.
Multimedia applications are revolutionizing the ways people work, learn and
play. In recent years, rapidly declining prices of microprocessors,
semiconductor memories and CD-ROM drives have dramatically reduced the cost of
providing multimedia capabilities in personal computers. Minimum hardware
requirements for multimedia computers are an Intel-compatible 486 or a Motorola
68030 microprocessor, 4 megabytes of main memory, 540 megabytes of hard disk
storage, 256 color displays, 16-bit sound card and a CD-ROM drive. Systems with
these configurations currently sell for as little as $1,000 to $1,500 fully
configured. The affordability of these systems has led to the proliferation of
multimedia-capable computers in business and the home. According to The
Cybermedia Group's InterTrak/CD-ROM program, a quarterly survey, one in three of
the PC-owning households in the U.S. now has a CD-ROM drive. The survey reveals
that nearly 10% of CD-ROM drive owners had two or more computers with CD-ROM
drives. Nearly 60% of CD-ROM drive owning households acquired new CD-ROM titles
at a rate of more than one per month, paying an average $40 per title.

    While prices have declined, new technology advances have increased the
power of personal computers to process the large amounts of data required to
represent multimedia information in digital format. These new technologies
include fast microprocessors, high-resolution color displays, audio support,
data compression, 6x and even 8x speed CD-ROM drives, MPEG and high speed

    The growth of mass market distribution channels, including the development
of computer superstores and the distribution of hardware and software by major
mass market retailers, has increased the availability of hardware and software,
has increased the availability of personal computers and consumer software at
lower prices and has opened up the market to a broader base of consumers. Home
PC's THE GOLDEN AGE, a market research report (published in the second quarter
of 1995) from Forrester Research, indicates that the home PC market will grow at
a 24% compound annual growth rate for the next three years. Forrester believes
that there are 22.8 million PCs in homes, and that 15-20% of homes own more than
one computer. The report suggests


the home PC market will have an installed base of 27.5 million, 34 million and
42.2 million in 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively. Multimedia-equipped machines
will account for nearly all new shipments, according to the study. StarPress
expects that this trend will result in increased demand for interactive
multimedia consumer software which takes advantage of the graphics, sound and
data capabilities of the latest hardware technology.


    StarPress' current strategy includes building brand name awareness of its
following two product lines.

    INFOTAINMENT SOFTWARE. This group of products provides consumers with
value-added content-based educational, art and leisure software which makes the
content more accessible, easy and fun-to-use. The Infotainment line of software
includes StarPress' sports, childrens, reference, game and comedy ("Interactive
Insanity") software titles.

    TRAVEL SOFTWARE. This group of products provides consumers with an
integrated solution that offers the best, most current travel planning

    Prior to entering into the Reorganization Agreement, StarPress' business
strategy included two additional product lines: HEALTH SOFTWARE and PERSONAL
PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE. The HEALTH SOFTWARE line includes the following products:
THE NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY OF QUOTES. It is anticipated that New GZ's business
strategy will center on the production of interactive entertainment with a focus
on film, music and television. Accordingly, StarPress will continue to sell its
phase out these product lines over time.

    StarPress has used the following key strategies to grow its business:

    *    LEADING TECHNOLOGY. StarPress has been taking advantage of the new
         technologies that are being used in interactive multimedia software to
         provide enhanced character animation, realistic sound effects, music
         and voices, and high quality graphics to its products.

    *    CREATIVITY. Whether the program is generated internally or by a third-
         party developer, StarPress' professionals have endeavored to identify 
         products that are fun, innovative and intriguing to consumers and that
         are designed to inspire and educate the user.

         PERSONALITIES. StarPress believes that the acquisition of high quality
         content is critical to the success of software titles. StarPress has
         licensed information which StarPress believed to provide highly
         marketable content for development into interactive multimedia titles.
         StarPress believes that famous name personalities and content can
         provide instant recognition to consumers, and can be an important
         factor in the selling of the titles to the consumer market. 

    *    MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS. The marketing objective of
         StarPress has been to develop a network of software distributors for
         its product lines. StarPress sells all its product lines through
         distributors, software specialty retail channels, computer
         superstores, mass merchandisers, discount warehouse stores,
         educational dealers, office clubs, mail order/catalog houses, VARs,
         OEM contracts, licensees, large corporate accounts, and directly to
         end users.


         emphasized a partnering strategy. Strategic relationships are an
         efficient business model for rapid expansion and are a natural fit for
         a participant in a publishing-oriented industry. StarPress began
         expansion of its international market coverage by working to build
         strategic relationships with Olivetti Telemedia and Usborne
         Publishing. StarPress believes that its relationships with Harper
         Collins, Mosby/Times Mirror, CNN, and United Airlines have assisted
         StarPress in establishing further quality brand name image, ongoing
         availability of salable content, alternate distribution channels and
         co-development opportunities. Through such relationships, StarPress
         has created a presence in various new media market segments by
         leveraging content, brand and distribution. StarPress believes that
         these processes are less expensive and provide more potential upside
         than proceeding alone, allowing StarPress to get to full solutions
         faster with greater return on investment. By aggressively seeking co-
         publishing, joint product development and revenue sharing
         opportunities, StarPress intended to create a template for future
         product development and distribution while helping management climb
         the new media learning curve more rapidly.

    *    MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGY. StarPress has actively pursued
         mergers and acquisitions with companies that StarPress perceived had
         the potential to add to StarPress' critical mass and strengthen
         product lines, distribution and marketing. StarPress' goal for
         acquisitions has been to build one of the largest independent
         multimedia publishing companies in the industry.


    The following is a description of StarPress' two continuing product lines
and the products it markets: 


    The Infotainment line of software focuses on useful, informative and fun
interactive multimedia products. The titles have been initially introduced on
the Windows platform on diskette or CD-ROM and some titles have been released on
the Macintosh platform. The Infotainment line accounted for approximately 15% of
the revenues of StarPress during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995. 

    JEOPARDY!. This product has been designed to give the user the feeling that
he or she is actually a Jeopardy contestant, using video clips of Alex Trebek
reading the answers for which the user must pose the question. The product
contains thousands of answers for which a question must be posed.

    WHEEL OF FORTUNE. This product features a database of over 5,000 puzzles,
which StarPress believes is the most of any CD-ROM or cartridge-based game, and
video clips of Vanna White. The "intelligence" of computerized rival contestants
can be adjusted to whatever level the user desires, or other live participants
can compete.

head Multimedia Screen Saver includes customizable screen saver, wallpaper and
clock functions and more than 80 video clips pulled directly from three seasons
of MTV's "Beavis and Butt-head." The user can assign sound effects and
"conversation" to various computer functions from a selection of 75 "Wave"
files. Lastly, on the CD-ROM version, there are four music videos, courtesy of
Epic Records, featuring Beavis and Butt-head's sick and twisted views. 

ONLY). The Women of Playboy Multimedia Screen Saver presents five decades of
Playboy photography, art, cartoons and video. The user can choose from any of
the preset "Saver Script" modules or can create a custom "Saver Script." The
Women of Playboy includes hundreds of images and more than 15 minutes of full
motion video.


    ESPN BASEBALL TONIGHT. ESPN Baseball Tonight is a realistic, fast-paced
arcade style baseball game featuring over 15,000 frames of digitized player
animation. Users may choose any of the 28 Major League Baseball teams, step up
to the plate, swing and enjoy the play-by-play commentary of ESPN's Dan Patrick.
Pre-game and post-game reports and highlights are brought to the user directly
from the "ESPN Sports Center," providing a true broadcast TV baseball experience
with ESPN's own Chris Berman. 

    THE ALL MUSIC GUIDE. This product offers a 34,000 entry music album
database by over 6,000 artists. Music artists are profiled with short
biographies, and each of their albums are profiled, reviewed and rated by a
music reviewer.

    GREEN EXPLORER. This product offers numerous ideas for reducing, reusing,
and recycling items people use everyday. In an interactive graphic and text
environment, users learn about landfills, incinerators, hazardous waste,
composting, and packaging. The program also contains quizzes and projects and a
database of agencies and companies that offer "green" alternatives.

    PLAYBALL! This product offers instruction and an animated trivia game that
covers all aspects of the game of baseball - from throwing a change-up, holding
baserunners, and blocking a curve ball in the dirt to cut-off, relay, and bunt
strategies. Former Chicago White Sox shortstop, Arizona State University Hall of
Famer, and San Francisco Giant Coach Alan Bannister lends an insider's
perspective to the game, the rules, the equipment, and the skills that are
intended to improve the user's game. The product also features great quotes, a
database of teams, stadiums, hobby organizations, and baseball publications, and
a challenging animated trivia game. 

    PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN PRESIDENTS ON CD-ROM. This product is a comprehensive
interactive CD-ROM guide spanning more than 200 years of history as seen through
the lives of the 42 American Presidents. The product includes historical full-
motion NBC video, live presidential recordings, biographies, historical maps,
speeches, famous quotations and narration.

interactive, animated CD-ROM targeted at children four years and older. Through
the CD-ROM, children spend a rainy day in Willy Wabbit's tree house reading his
magical books which include: Playground, Zoo, Undersea World, Space, Park,
Landmarks and Music House. Through Willy Wabbit's books, children find an
animated world of entertainment, fun and learning. The product was developed by
S.E.C. of Singapore, and StarPress has the exclusive distribution agreement for
the rights to sell in North America (excluding Mexico).    
    HOW TO BE PERFECT. This product is an interactive spoof on the Eisenhower
era style etiquette propaganda. Set like a television game show, How to be
Perfect is a comedy program that incorporates vintage film and leading edge
design with voice overs by Bobcat Goldwaith and Bob Sarlott and was written by
former National Lampoon editors.

    CAROLINES PRESENTS... JOHNNY. This product is for teens and adults who love
one-liner stand up comedy. Johnny is a comedy program that is interactive, with
users creating comedy club routines. The product has a claymation stage and
characters, voice over by Bobby Slayton and was written by former National
Lampoon editors.

    SPORTS FREEKZ. This product is a sports blooper program that is interactive
with a trivia game that combines video and animation, with writing by former
National Lampoon editors and Gilbert Gottfried as the game show host.

Material World is a journey into the everyday lives of thirty typical families
from around the world. Sponsored in part by the United Nations


Population Fund, sixteen of the world's foremost photojournalists traveled to
thirty nations to live for a week with these families.

comprehensive review of the year in sports. It covers all the year's best sports
action with over 30 minutes of video, full-color photography and insider

    GEMSTORM. A full, working version of "the next generation" of the Tetris
video game, this game is full of colorful photographic scenes and engaging music
with over 100 levels of play.

    THE MCKINLEY INTERNET DIRECTORY. The McKinley Internet Directory is
designed to help users manage the Internet. By combining the traditional
benefits offered by a yellow pages directory with the benefits of CD-ROM
technology, this CD-ROM edition of The McKinley Internet Directory provides
users with, among other things, resource descriptions, keywords, audience
fields, user information and five types of Internet addresses or URLs. Designed
as a productivity tool, The McKinley Internet Directory is a fast and
comprehensive Internet search utility that can be used off-line. 

EDITION. The Haldeman Diaries is a comprehensive CD-ROM title based on the never
before published diaries of H. R. Haldeman, chief-of-staff for former President
Nixon. The title presents insights into the Oval Office and into one of the most
intriguing presidencies in modern history. Featuring the complete and unedited
2,200 page text from Haldeman's personal diaries, the CD-ROM title also features
45 minutes of video (consolidated from 27 hours of footage) personally shot by
Bob Haldeman, 700 photographs and 2,000 pages of exclusive documents from
Haldeman's tenure in the White House.

    ABC NEWS EARTHQUAKE. Through the cameras of ABC News and voice-over of
chief moderator, Ted Koppel, Earthquake features more than 40 minutes of video
and thousands of photographs, graphs, maps, charts and diagrams. Earthquake
provides in-depth coverage of all significant quakes that have occurred in the
twentieth century, including Anchorage (1964); Tangshan, China (1976); Mexico
City (1985); Loma Prieta, California (1989); Landers, California (1992);
Maharashtra, India (1993), and most recently; Northridge, California (1994). The
disc also features an informative earthquake preparedness section.

entertaining and educational interactive CD-ROM series for children six and over
based on material from the popular Highlights PUZZLEMANIA book series.
PUZZLEMANIA features 101 interactive puzzles, full-screen color graphics and
photographs, an original soundtrack, sound effects and digital video clips.
PUZZLEMANIA puzzles develop and reinforce key skills that are important to a
child's educational development including word recognition, spelling, vocabulary
development, reading comprehension and divergent/convergent thinking.


    This group of products is intended to provide consumers with an integrated
solution that offers the best, most current travel planning information.

    EXPERIENCE HAWAII. Experience Hawaii is the interactive travel planner's
window to the best of Hawaii. Each of the four main Hawaiian Islands can be
explored in depth to assist the leisure traveler in the planning, booking and
enjoyment of their vacation. Experience Hawaii contains information about
accommodations, dining, recreation, sightseeing, transportation and much more to
help quickly customize the tropical vacation suited to one's interests and/or


    THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ADVENTURE TRAVEL. The Ultimate Guide to Adventure
Travel CD-ROM/on-line hybrid title offers a multimedia exploration of over 130
worldwide adventure trips from Mountain Travel-Sobek. Using the CD-ROM as the
basis for their travel planning and adventure search, users can interactively
experience each of the world class trips presented through over 1,000
photographs, 30 minutes of video and narrated mini-previews of each trip.


    StarPress' product development process has included design, phototyping, 
programming, computer graphic design, animation, editorial review, sound 
engineering and quality assurance for licensed products. Some elements of the 
development process have been provided by third parties and StarPress now 
relies on third party developers for product development. Third party 
designers, content providers and some outside programming groups receive 
royalties on the sales of products with which they were involved, in addition 
to fees, while most graphic artists and some outside programmers groups 
operate on a fee-only basis. All programs published by StarPress have 
undergone extensive editing and testing in addition to further development 
prior to release. During the fiscal years ending in 1994 and 1995 StarPress 
incurred costs for product research and development of approximately $700,000 
and $2,000,000 respectively. 

    StarPress' license agreements with third parties generally provide
StarPress with exclusive publishing, marketing and distribution rights to a
product within a geographic territory (usually worldwide), and for payment of
royalties based on sales of the product. The specific royalty rates, payment
terms, geographic scope, duration and other terms of StarPress' license
agreements vary, based on the product and the amount of services contributed by
the third party. The majority of the StarPress licensing agreements currently
are with consumer book publishers. The agreements give StarPress the rights to
develop, publish, market and distribute the software version of the book. Prior
to entering into the Reorganization Agreement, StarPress' intention was to
continue to license best selling reference books. If the Reorganization is
consummated, New GZ will not continue StarPress' prior business of publishing
electronically best selling reference books other than to sell existing titles
until there is no more demand.

    In anticipation of the Reorganization, the StarPress Board authorized the 
sale of certain of the products which StarPress has developed or has in 
development. The StarPress Board also authorized StarPress to enter into 
arrangements with the buyer of such products to finish development of certain 
products which StarPress is under contract with third parties to develop. 
StarPress sold certain of its products in development to Douglas Cole, who 
was the Chief Executive Officer of StarPress until January 31, 1996. 
StarPress has terminated the remaining employees on its development team and 
Mr. Cole hired many of these persons in connection with his new venture. The 
StarPress Board also authorized the sale of Logatronix, Ltd., its low-cost 
Bulgarian development subsidiary, to Mr. Cole which occured on March 28, 
1996.  See "--Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."  Following the 
sale of the products in development and the sale of Logatronix, StarPress no 
longer has the capability to engage in product development directly, but 
StarPress believes that it can continue to retain outside developers to perform
product development if StarPress needs to have work performed. 


    StarPress' marketing objective has been to develop a network of software
distributors for its product lines. StarPress' sales and marketing team was led
by Douglas D. Cole, StarPress' Chief Executive Officer until January 31, 1996.
StarPress presently sells its product lines primarily through distributors. 

    Sales to a limited number of distributors and retailers are anticipated to
constitute a substantial majority of StarPress' software product net revenues
for the foreseeable future. StarPress presently has four written distribution
agreements. The termination of any such agreement or the insolvency or business
failure of a


distributor or a major account could have a material adverse effect on
StarPress' operating results. StarPress' distributors carry products produced by
competitors of StarPress.

    The distribution channels through which consumer software products are sold
have been characterized by rapid change, including consolidations and financial
difficulties of certain distributors and retailers and the emergence of new
retailers such as mass merchandisers. In addition, there is an increasing number
of companies competing for access to these channels. Retailers of StarPress'
products typically will have a limited amount of shelf space and promotional
resources, and there will be intense competition for adequate levels of shelf
space and promotional support from the retailers.

    Moreover, a substantial portion of StarPress' revenues have been derived 
primarily from a limited number of customers. StarPress expects a substantial 
portion of its revenue now will be generated from sales to GT Interactive 
Software Corporation, Ingram-Micro, Tech-Data Corporation, Navarre, and 
Egghead Software. There can be no assurance that any such customers will 
continue to purchase products from StarPress in the future. The loss of 
certain large customers or a decline in the economic prospects of such 
customers could have an adverse effect on StarPress.

    On March 13, 1996, StarPress and Graphix Zone entered into a Distribution 
Agreement with GT Interactive Software Corporation which has enhanced 
distribution of StarPress products in the mass merchandise channel. See 
"Description of Graphix Zone--Marketing and Distribution."


    The software industry is intensely competitive, and consumer demand for
particular software may be adversely affected by the increasing number of
competitive products from which to choose. StarPress competes with other
companies that are engaged in the software development and distribution business
and which are substantially larger and better developed than StarPress, have a
longer history of operations and have greater technical, marketing and financial
resources than StarPress. There exists a possibility that in the future even
larger and better capitalized companies may enter this market thereby providing
even more formidable competition than currently exists. As competition
increases, significant price competition and reduced profit margins may result.
No assurance can be given that StarPress will be able to successfully establish
its operations or subsequently compete in the software development and
distribution business.

    Only a small percentage of products introduced in the consumer software
market achieve any degree of sustained market acceptance. StarPress believes
that the principal competitive factors in the consumer software industry include
product features, quality, reliability and ease of use, brand name recognition,
access to distribution channels, quality of support services and price.
StarPress believes that its products compete most favorably with respect to
product features and quality, reliability and ease of use and, to a lesser
extent, with brand name recognition, access to distribution channels, quality of
support services and price. StarPress also believes that the increased technical
sophistication required in new consumer software products has caused the
availability of significant financial resources to become a more important
competitive factor. If price competition significantly increases, competitive
pressures could cause StarPress to reduce the prices of its future products and
reduced future profit margins could result. Prolonged price competition would
have a material adverse effect on StarPress' operating and financial results.


    StarPress has attempted to protect its proprietary rights to any software 
that it licenses and develops by a variety of means, including patent, 
copyright, trademark and trade secret laws, employee and third-party 
non-disclosure agreements, licensing agreements (including "shrinkwrap" 
licenses) and other means. There can be no assurance, however, that these 
methods will protect StarPress' proprietary rights from infringement.


StarPress is aware that unauthorized copying occurs in the software industry,
and if a significant amount of unauthorized copying of StarPress' products were
to occur, StarPress' anticipated operating results could be adversely affected.
Also, as the number of software products in the industry increases and the
functionality of these products further overlaps, software developers may
increasingly be subject to infringement claims. There can be no assurance that
third parties will not assert infringement claims against StarPress, or that any
such assertion will not require StarPress to enter into royalty payments or
result in costly litigation.


    StarPress prepares the master software diskettes, CD-ROMs, user manuals and
packaging, and print labels. Substantially all of the duplication of these
materials and assembling of products is performed to StarPress' specifications
by outside sources. Although StarPress may at any one time rely on a limited
number of third parties to perform production services, StarPress believes that
there are a large number of alternative suppliers available, should the need
arise. To date, StarPress has not experienced any material difficulties or
delays in manufacture or assembly of its products, and has experienced very low
returns due to product defects.


    StarPress' quarterly operating results have fluctuated as a result of the
number and timing of new product introductions, product shipments, product
returns, marketing expenditures, research and development expenditures and
promotional programs. A significant portion of StarPress' operating expenses are
relatively fixed and planned expenditures are based primarily on sales
forecasts. In addition, StarPress' business has seasonal fluctuations. Net
revenues and operating income are typically highest in the software industry
during the third and fourth calendar quarters and are lowest in the first and
second calendar quarters. If planned product introductions have been delayed
beyond the peak selling season, StarPress' operating results could be materially
adversely affected. 


    As of May 15, 1996, StarPress had 10 full-time employees, including 6 in
sales, marketing and customer service and 4 in administration and finance. None
of StarPress' employees is represented by a labor union or is subject to a
collective bargaining agreement. StarPress has never experienced a work stoppage
and believes that its employee relations are good.


    StarPress subleases 12,181 square feet of office space from IBM at 425
Market Street, San Francisco, California, which serves as StarPress' corporate
headquarters. The lease expires in 1999 and provides for monthly lease payments
of $13,196. Due to the reduction of the StarPress workforce associated with the
restructuring, StarPress has excess office space which it is attempting to


    While StarPress is not a party to any material pending litigation,
StarPress is engaged in negotiations regarding delinquent royalty payments due
under certain license agreements.




    Since inception, StarPress and each of its subsidiaries have been engaged
in the business of developing computer software for use on PCs and Macintosh
computers. As of May 31, 1996, StarPress and its subsidiaries have published
45 software products, and had no products under development.

    StarPress began in 1993 as a developer and publisher of health and personal
productivity software. Between its inception and June 1995, when StarPress
acquired StarPress Multimedia, Inc., StarPress made several acquisitions of
small software developers and/or publishers, expanding its product lines and
development capabilities. See "Description of StarPress--Overview."

    In June 1995, StarPress acquired all of the outstanding stock of StarPress
Multimedia, Inc., a developer and publisher of interactive software titles, in
exchange for 13,197,458 shares of common stock of which 1,281,951 shares are
held in escrow. Immediately following that acquisition, StarPress changed its
name from Great Bear Technology, Inc. to StarPress, Inc. StarPress Multimedia,
Inc. had acquired iTravel in March 1995. The total purchase price for StarPress
Multimedia, Inc., based upon an independent appraisal, was $2,012,000 including
acquisition costs of $362,000. The acquisition of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. was
accounted for as a purchase.

    On November 1, 1995, StarPress purchased from Sony Interactive
Entertainment, Inc. ("Sony") certain products and other assets, including but
not limited to: 14 products currently in distribution or production; related
finished goods inventory and royalty income; prepaid royalties; accounts
receivable for these products shipped by Sony after October 11, 1995; and
furniture and equipment. The purchase price for these assets was 927,716 shares
of StarPress' Common Stock and a promissory note for $561,781 which was paid on
February 2, 1996 and which bore interest at the prime rate as quoted by Chemical
Bank and was secured by the assets acquired. 

    During the period from February 1, 1996 through May 31, 1996, StarPress
received advances from Graphix Zone aggregating $3,839,000. On March 31, 1996
the balance was $3,504,216. These advances were used for working capital and
payment of the Sony note described above. Of the total advances outstanding on
May 31, 1996, $2,765,600 are secured by a second priority security interest in
all of StarPress' assets. All of the advances bear interest at the applicable
federal rate, and are payable upon demand or in six months if no demand is made.
Of the amounts advanced, $1,073,400 is unsecured.

    During the second quarter of fiscal year 1996, StarPress adopted a
restructuring plan to enhance overall competitiveness, productivity and
efficiency through the reduction of overhead costs. The plan included the
elimination of all in-house software research and development activities.
Accordingly, StarPress has reduced the number of employees from 43 to 10, has
sold certain products currently under development and certain fixed assets, and
has sold Logatronix, Ltd., a formerly wholly-owned subsidiary based in Sofia,
Bulgaria providing low cost software development services. The estimated cost of
the restructuring of $1,950,000 was recorded in the second quarter of fiscal
1996. The charge principally reflects severance costs resulting from a reduction
of a significant portion of StarPress' workforce, writedown and disposal of
excess furniture and equipment and office facilities, and write-offs of
assembled workforce and goodwill arising from StarPress' acquisition of
StarPress Multimedia, Inc. in June 1995.

    During the quarter ending March 31, 1996 and due to the restructuring plan
adopted, StarPress made an arrangement with Graphix Zone for Graphix Zone to
assist in the areas of sales, marketing and


general administration. To compensate Graphix Zone for the use of its resources,
StarPress reimbursed Graphix Zone $316,000 for sales and marketing, and $122,000
for general administration. The total reimbursement was allocated based upon
either a percentage of the combined entity's sales or an estimate of use of
personnel and resources and was added to the current loans outstanding.

    On October 27, 1995, StarPress entered into an agreement with Silicon
Valley Bank for a $750,000 loan that bears interest at the bank's prime rate
plus 150 basis points. The loan was due on February 24, 1996 and is secured by
all of StarPress' assets excluding the Sony assets described above. StarPress
also issued a warrant to Silicon Valley Bank to purchase 42,000 shares of
StarPress' Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.25 per share. The warrant
expires on October 27, 2000. As of May 31, 1996 the line of credit has not been
paid and is in default. Accordingly, Silicon Valley Bank has the right to
foreclose immediately on substantially all the assets of StarPress.

    On March 13, 1996, StarPress and Graphix Zone signed a multi-year
distribution agreement with GT Interactive Software Corporation to exclusively
distribute StarPress' and Graphix Zone's products. For the nine months ended
March 31, 1996, $965,000 (25%) of net revenues of the total nine months net
revenues, were from GT Interactive Software Corporation.

    StarPress has incurred continuing and significant losses since its
inception, has substantial negative cash flows from operations, and expects
additional losses in the current fiscal year. At March 31, 1996, StarPress had
an accumulated deficit of $21,618,000 and a working capital deficiency of
$5,727,000. Prior to entering into the Reorganization Agreement, StarPress had
planned to continue to finance its operations with a combination of additional
equity placements, and in the long term, revenues from product sales. StarPress'
ability to continue as a going concern other than through the Reorganization
depends upon it being able to raise additional equity capital and, ultimately,
upon achieving profitable operations. As of May 31, 1996, StarPress has borrowed
$3,839,000 from Graphix Zone. StarPress is an early stage enterprise and is
subject to all the risks inherent in an early stage company. Because of its lack
of working capital, StarPress has been severely limited in its ability to
complete development of, and market, its products and to otherwise expand its



    The following table sets forth the percentage of total revenues represented
by items included in StarPress' Statements of Operations:

                                                              Nine Months Ended
                                    Fiscal Year Ended June 30,    March 31,
                                    ------------------------- -----------------
                                       1995       1994       1996       1995
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
  Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . .    100 %      100 %      100 %      100 %
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
  Cost of revenues. . . . . . . . .     85 %       68 %       56 %       66 %
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
  Gross margin. . . . . . . . . . .     15 %       32 %       44 %       34 %

  Research and development
    expenses. . . . . . . . . . . .     94 %      272 %       53 %       92 %
  Selling, general and administrative
    expenses. . . . . . . . . . . .    259 %      884 %      118 %      224 %
  In-process technology . . . . . .    129 %        --         --         --
  Restructuring charge. . . . . . .      --         --        50 %        --
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
  Operating loss. . . . . . . . . .   (467)%   (1,125)%     (176)%     (282)%

  Interest expense, net . . . . . .    (36)%      (22)%       (2)%      (18)%
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
  Net loss. . . . . . . . . . . . .   (503)%   (1,136)%     (178)%     (299)%
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----
                                       ----       ----       ----       ----



1995. Net revenues increased by $2,215,000 (129.4%) from $1,712,000 to
$3,927,000. Net revenues from product sales were $3,486,000 and $1,587,000 for
the nine months ended March 31, 1996 and 1995, respectively. The increase in net
revenues from product sales for the nine month period ended March 31, 1996
compared to the same period in 1995 were due to the additional sales generated
by the acquired Sony products. The remaining net revenues of $441,000 in 1996
and $125,000 in 1995 resulted from development projects and hardware and
software sales in Bulgaria. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the net revenues for
the nine month period ended March 31, 1996 were from one customer, GT
Interactive Software Corporation.

    FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Net revenues increased by $1,927,000
(790.3%) from $244,000 to $2,171,000. This increase was attributable to
additional products from the acquisition of MicroBase and new products developed
by StarPress. During fiscal 1994 StarPress was still in its "start-up" phase,
and was beginning development of many of the products that were sold during
fiscal 1995. 


1995. Gross margin increased from 34% of revenues to 44% of revenues. This
increase was due to sales of products that carried low royalty costs and product
costs associated with the GT Interactive Software Corporation sales and Sony 

    FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Gross margin decreased from 32% of
revenues to 15% of revenues. During fiscal 1995, the primary reason for the
decrease was StarPress' write-off of $315,000 of previously capitalized product
development costs. The write-off of the product development costs resulted from
the fact that several products, for which development costs were previously
capitalized, were never accepted by the market, thereby reducing estimated
future sales of these products and, therefore, the realizability of the related
capitalized product development costs.


1995. Research and development expenses increased by $496,000 (31.4%) from
$1,581,000 to $2,077,000 as a result of increases in the number of products
being developed and increased staffing that occurred during the first two
quarters of the fiscal year. The increased staffing arose largely from the
addition of iTravel employees who recently completed the development of two
travel products. iTravel was acquired as part of StarPress' acquisition of
StarPress Multimedia, Inc. in June 1995. During the last month of the quarter
ending March 31, 1996, all of the research and development employees in San
Francisco and all the employees of iTravel were terminated as part of the
adopted restructuring plan in anticipation of the planned reorganization with
Graphix Zone. During March 1996 all of the employees and assets of Logatronix,
Ltd. were sold to a related party. All future research and development
activities are expected to be conducted at Graphix Zone as part of the current
reorganization plan.

    FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Research and development expenses
increased by $1,368,076 (206.0%) from $664,000 to $2,032,000. This increase
resulted primarily from increases in the number of products being developed and
increased staffing. However, these expenses decreased considerably as a
percentage of revenues, from 272% to 94%.



1995. Sales and marketing expenses increased by $197,000 (10.2%) from 
$1,932,000 to $2,129,000. Increases in personnel costs, sales commissions to 
sales representatives and marketing development costs associated with the GT 
Interactive Software Corporation distribution agreement were offset by 
decreases in expenses for trade shows, consultants and public relations firms 
and the absence of amortization and write-offs of covenants not-to-compete in 
the current year. During the quarter ended March 31, 1996, all of StarPress' 
marketing employees were laid off as part of the adopted restructuring plan. 
Marketing for StarPress' products is presently being rendered by Graphix Zone 
and in return, Graphix Zone will charge StarPress a percentage of its total 
marketing costs. Costs will be allocated based upon the ratio of StarPress 
product sales to total combined sales. This arrangement between Graphix Zone 
and StarPress has not been memorialized in the form of a written agreement 
between the parties.  For the quarter ended March 31, 1996, the Graphix Zone 
charge back for marketing was $316,000.

    General and administrative expenses increased by $620,000 (32.7%) from 
$1,897,000 to $2,517,000 due to increases in staffing and related salaries 
and benefits, legal and accounting fees attributable to the Reorganization, 
and an increase in allowance for doubtful accounts.  As of March 31, 1996, 
the allowance for uncollectible receivables was $1,014,000, an increase of 
$336,000 from June 30, 1995.  The increase was  attributable to increased 
sales. Expenses incurred in the 1995 period, but not in the 1996 period, 
included $145,000 for a financial consultant and a $225,000 write-off of 
goodwill arising from the acquisition of MicroBase, Inc. due to the 
diminishment of its net realizable value. During the quarter ended March 31, 
1996, all but four administrative employees were laid off as part of the 
adopted restructuring plan. A majority of the general and administrative 
activities for StarPress are being rendered by Graphix Zone and in return, 
Graphix Zone will charge StarPress its allocated share of expenses based upon 
an estimated use of personnel and resources. This arrangment between Graphic 
Zone and StarPress has not been memorialized in the form of a written 
agreement between the parties. For the quarter ended March 31, 1996, the 
Graphix Zone charge back for general and administrative assistance was 

    FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Sales and marketing expenses increased
by $1,659,000 (197.8%) from $839,000 to $2,498,000. Sales and marketing expenses
were significantly less in the year ended June 30, 1994 because StarPress had
few products for sale. Substantial increases in marketing and sales personnel
and activities, including advertising, trade shows, and promotions commenced in
June 1994 and continued through fiscal 1995 in order to promote and market
StarPress' products including those added as a result of acquisitions. Sales and
marketing expenses in fiscal 1995 were also higher due to the amortization of
covenants not-to-compete totaling $184,000 in fiscal 1995, as compared to
$23,000 in fiscal 1994. In addition, $334,000 of the covenant not-to-compete was
written-off in fiscal 1995 due to the cancellation of the non-competition
covenants with sales personnel obtained in connection with an acquisition.

    General and administrative expenses increased by $1,822,000 (138.4%) from
$1,317,000 to $3,140,000 as a result of increases in staffing and related
salaries and benefits, financial consulting fees of $554,000, legal fees,
amortization of debenture financing costs of $176,000 and amortization of
goodwill arising from an acquisition of $91,000. In addition, the unamortized
balance of goodwill resulting from an acquisition of $351,000 was written off in
fiscal 1995 due to the determination that the goodwill was not realizable. This
conclusion was reached as StarPress was unable to retain key employees of the
acquired company. The acquired company was expected to incur additional losses
and because the market acceptance of the products acquired in the acquisition
was below the expectations determined at the time of the acquisition.


1995. Interest expense was $71,000 as compared to $302,000 for the similar
period in 1995. This decrease in interest


was primarily due to the conversion of StarPress' convertible subordinated
debentures into StarPress Common Stock on June 30, 1995.

    FISCAL 1995 COMPARED TO FISCAL 1994. Interest expense increased from
$53,000 to $784,000 primarily as a result of the borrowings and debentures
described in LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES and includes amortization discount
of $679,000.

    StarPress expects interest expense to increase in the near term reflecting
borrowings from Sony, Silicon Valley Bank and Graphix Zone, all of which are


    During the nine months ended March 31, 1996, StarPress incurred a one-time
restructuring charge of $1,950,000. Also, during fiscal 1995 StarPress incurred
a one-time charge of $2,810,000 relating to acquired in-process technology
obtained in the acquisition of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. The restructuring
charge was attributable to downsizing which resulted in the incurrence of costs
associated with severance obligations resulting from a reduction of a
significant portion of the Company's workforce, writedown and disposal of excess
furniture and equipment and office facilities, and write-offs of assembled
workforce and goodwill arising from the Company's acquisition of StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. in June 1995.

    The restructuring charge principally relates to the following:

                                     Amounts paid              Non-cash   
                                         during          Write-Offs during                 Amounts 
                                      Nine Months            Nine Months                   Accrued 
                                          Ended                  Ended                        at   
                                        March 31,              March 31,                  March 31,
                                          1996                   1996                        1996                   Total   
                                      -----------        -----------------              -----------            -------------
Severance costs due to reduction in   $   326,000              $        --              $   451,000            $     777,000

Write-down and disposal of excess
furniture and equipment and office
facilities (leases)                        20,000                  843,000                  310,000                1,173,000

                                      $   346,000              $   843,000              $   761,000            $   1,950,000

    The expected cash requirements to complete the restructuring activities
primarily relate to the payment of severance costs of approximately $451,000 and
office and equipment leases of $310,000, the majority of which is to be paid by
December 1996.

    Severance costs for terminated employees that were either committed to or
paid at December 31, 1995 were included in restructuring expense for severance.
No additional severance costs became accruable during the quarter ended March
31, 1996. Assets and leaseholds committed to be either abandoned or sold
(subleased) at an expected loss were included in restructuring expense for asset

    The in-process technology acquired in the acquisition of StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. (which was valued at $2,810,000) had not reached technological
feasibility and did not have an alternative future use;


accordingly, that amount was expensed as research and development expense in
accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 4,


    Since its inception, StarPress has relied on equity and debt financings to
fund its operations, which accumulated a deficit of over $21,617,000 through
March 31, 1996. At March 31, 1996, StarPress had cash of $16,000 and a working
capital deficiency of $5,727,000. Since that time, StarPress has relied on loans
from Graphix Zone to finance its operations and provide working capital. This is
StarPress' only present source of liquidity. StarPress is also expected to
continue to have significant allowances for uncollectible receivables until
greater acceptance of its products takes place in the market. This is also
expected to continue to reduce the Company's liquidity.

    Net cash used in operating activities increased, as compared to the nine
months ended March 31, 1995, during the nine months ended March 31, 1996 by
$1,936,000. The increase results primarily from the increase in the net loss of
$1,885,000 which was partially offset by increases in non-cash charges of
$709,000 and $545,000 for the amortization and write-off of intangible assets
and accrued prepaid royalties and the write-down of excess furniture and
equipment, respectively, and a net increase in the accrued restructuring costs
of $762,000. Net cash used in operating activities increased, as compared to the
year ended June 30, 1994, during the year ended June 30, 1995 by $2,705,000. The
increase results primarily from the increase in the net loss of $8,143,000 which
was partially offset by increases in non-cash charges of $1,680,000, $2,810,000,
$579,000 and $854,000 for amortization and write-off of intangible assets,
acquired in process technology, amortization of discount on convertible notes
and compensation expense related to equity issuances, respectively.

    Net cash provided by investing activities during the nine months ended
March 31, 1996 was $108,000 resulting primarily from the disposal of furniture
and equipment. Net cash used in investing activities during the year ended
June 30, 1995 was $509,036 resulting primarily from the purchase of property and
equipment and cash payments for costs incurred in connection with the StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. acquisition.

    Net cash provided by financing activities was $3,778,000 and $6,561,000
during the nine months and year ended March 31, 1996 and June 30, 1995,
respectively. Cash provided during the nine months ended March 31, 1996 was
primarily provided by proceeds from a $750,000 borrowing from Silicon Valley
Bank, proceeds from a $400,000 borrowing from related parties and advances from
Graphix Zone of $3,504,216. Net cash provided by financing activities during the
year ended June 30, 1995 of $6,561,000 was primarily due to net proceeds of
$3,081,451 and $2,766,537 from common stock and note payable issuances,
respectively. Further discussion of financing transactions are provided below.

    Between October 1994 and February 1995, StarPress borrowed $565,000,
including $300,000 from officer/directors for working capital. These loans were
repaid with proceeds from the March 1995 debenture offering described below, and
bore interest at a rate of 9% per annum. The lenders also received warrants with
substantially the same terms and conditions as those issued in the debenture
offering described below.

    In March 1995, StarPress completed a private placement of convertible
debentures, including the detachable debenture warrants, that resulted in net
proceeds to StarPress of approximately $2,767,000, net of offering costs of
approximately $166,000, which were used for working capital and for repayment of
the loans described above. The debentures bore interest at a rate of 9% per
annum and were convertible into StarPress Common Stock at a conversion price of
$1.25 per share. The debentures were secured by all of the assets of


StarPress and were due on August 31, 1995. The detachable warrants had an
exercise price of $0.01 per share. As of June 30, 1995, 93% of the debentures
were converted into common stock of StarPress and 83% of the debenture warrants
were exercised. As of July 31, 1995, all of the remaining debentures were
converted into Common Stock and the remaining debenture warrants were exercised.

    In June 1995, StarPress completed a private placement of 2,600,001 shares
of StarPress Common Stock for $1.25 per share, resulting in net proceeds of
approximately $3,081,000 after payment of offering costs of approximately

    Between October 12 and November 2, 1995, StarPress borrowed an aggregate of
$150,000 from a shareholder/officer and a shareholder affiliated with a director
of StarPress for working capital. These amounts have been repaid.

    On October 27, 1995, StarPress entered into an agreement with the Silicon 
Valley Bank for a $750,000 line of credit, all of which was borrowed by 
StarPress, that bears interest at the bank's prime rate plus 150 basis 
points. StarPress has granted a senior security interest in substantially all 
of its assets to Silicon Valley Bank under its line of credit and has granted 
a junior security interest in substantially all of its assets to Graphix Zone 
in connection with the advances made by Graphix Zone to StarPress. The 
amounts outstanding under the Silicon Valley Bank line of credit were 
originally due on February 24, 1996, and StarPress is currently in default. 
Accordingly, Silicon Valley Bank has the right to immediately foreclose on 
substantially all of the assets of StarPress.

    On November 1, 1995, StarPress purchased from Sony certain products and
other assets which consisted of: 14 products currently in distribution or
production; related finished goods inventory and royalty income; prepaid
royalties; accounts receivable for these products shipped by Sony after October
11, 1995; and furniture and equipment. The purchase price for these assets
consisted of 927,716 shares of StarPress' Common Stock and a promissory note for
$562,000. The promissory note, which was paid on February 2, 1996, with funds
advanced to StarPress by Graphix Zone, bore interest at the prime rate as quoted
by Chemical Bank and was secured by the assets acquired.

    On December 4, 1995, StarPress borrowed $250,000 from a shareholder
affiliated with a director of StarPress. The loan bore interest at a rate of 9%
per annum and had a 20% prepayment penalty. The loan was due 18 months after the
date of advance but was required to be paid back early upon the earlier of a
public offering by StarPress or a private placement of a minimum of $5,000,000
into StarPress. This note was repaid on February 2, 1996 with funds advanced to
StarPress by Graphix Zone.

    During the period from February 1, 1996 through May 31, 1996, StarPress
received advances from Graphix Zone aggregating $3,839,000, which advances were
used for working capital and payment of the Sony and shareholder loans described
above. $2,765,600 of these advances from Graphix Zone are secured by a second
priority security interest in all of StarPress' assets. All of the advances bear
interest at the applicable Federal rate, and are payable upon demand or in six
months if no demand is made. Of the amounts advanced, $1,073,400 is unsecured.

    In connection with a joint venture agreement with Olivetti Telemedia,
StarPress Multimedia, is obligated to invest an additional $450,000 in cash and
contribute intellectual property which the joint venture has valued at
$1,000,000. The cash is to be contributed based upon the needs of the joint
venture as requested by the joint venture's governing board. On February 26,
1996, StarPress received a letter from Olivetti Telemedia requesting that
StarPress become current on its cash contribution obligations to the joint
venture. The parties are currently in negotiations regarding this request. The
maximum amount of cash that StarPress could owe


to the joint venture entity is $450,000. As of March 31, 1996, the Company had
accrued and expensed $150,000 of this total maximum amount.

    StarPress has entered into certain license and development contracts which
require StarPress to make minimum royalty payments. As of June 30, 1995, future
minimum royalty payments were approximately $750,000 of which $225,000 is
payable in fiscal 1996. StarPress recently entered into a long-term sublease for
office space in San Francisco for its corporate headquarters which requires
monthly payments of approximately $13,000 per month. StarPress currently has no
material commitments to purchase fixed assets or enter into additional long term

    Pending the Reorganization, StarPress plans to continue to finance its
operations and working capital deficiency, principally through revenues from
product sales and receivables collections. If the Reorganization is not
consummated, StarPress will require additional financing through private
borrowings or equity financings to continue as a going concern.


    Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121, "Accounting for the
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of," requires that long-lived
assets and certain identifiable intangibles to be held and used by an entity be
reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate
that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. StarPress is in the
process of analyzing the impact of this statement and does not believe that it
will have a material impact on its financial position or results of operations.
StarPress anticipates adopting the provisions of the statement in fiscal 1996.

    Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-
Based Compensation," establishes financial accounting and reporting standards
for stock-based employee compensation plans. StarPress will adopt the disclosure
requirements in fiscal 1997 and is in the process of analyzing the potential
impact of the financial accounting requirements that are permitted pursuant to
this standard. Currently, StarPress does not believe that it will adopt the
provisions of the accounting requirements of this statement.


    StarPress' Form 8-K, previously filed with the Commission on August 14,
1995 under the Exchange Act, is incorporated herein by reference.


    The following table sets forth information as to the persons who are
directors and executive officers of StarPress who are expected to be directors
or executive officers of New GZ. There is no family relationship between any
director or executive officer of StarPress.

                                           POSITIONS WITH STARPRESS
   NAME AND AGE                             AND OTHER INFORMATION
   ------------                            ------------------------
Ronald S. Posner (53).........    Chairman of the Board and a director of
                                  StarPress since June 23, 1995. Prior to that
                                  and since it was incorporated in June 1993,
                                  Mr. Posner was the President and Chief
                                  Executive Officer of StarPress Multimedia,
                                  Inc. Prior to joining StarPress Multimedia,
                                  Inc., Mr. Posner was the Chief Executive
                                  Officer of WordStar, Inc., a software
                                  company. Prior to joining


                                  WordStar, from 1989 to 1990, Mr. Posner
                                  served as President and Chief Executive
                                  Officer of Peter Norton Computing, Inc., a PC
                                  software company. Mr. Posner holds a Bachelor
                                  of Science in Mathematics from Rensselaer
                                  Polytechnic Institute and a Masters in
                                  Business Administration from the Harvard
                                  Business School.

C. Richard Kramlich (60)......    Director of StarPress since June 23, 1995.
                                  Since 1978, Mr. Kramlich has been the
                                  Managing General Partner of New Enterprise
                                  Associates, a venture capital firm which
                                  manages six venture capital investment funds
                                  and four affiliated venture capital
                                  investment funds. Mr. Kramlich serves on the
                                  Board of Directors of Chalone, Inc., a
                                  premium wine company; Sierra Monitor
                                  Corporation, a gas monitoring device company;
                                  Silicon Graphics, Inc., a visual computing
                                  systems company; SyQuest Technology Inc., a
                                  removable disk drive manu-facturing company;
                                  Telebit Corporation, a high-speed
                                  communications company; Macromedia, Inc., a
                                  software authoring tool company; Neopath,
                                  Inc., a medical screening technology company;
                                  and Ascend Communications, Inc., a
                                  telecommunications company.

Doug Glen (48)................    Director of StarPress since June 23, 1995.
                                  Mr. Glen is President of Mattel Media and
                                  Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning and
                                  Business Development, of Mattel Toys. From
                                  1992 and prior to joining Mattel in 1994, Mr.
                                  Glen was Group Vice President of Sega of
                                  America, where he managed the introduction of
                                  Sega's multimedia product line and the
                                  development of the Sega Channel. From 1987 to
                                  1992, Mr. Glen was General Manager of
                                  Lucasfilm Games, the consumer software
                                  division of LucasArts Entertainment. Mr. Glen
                                  holds an undergraduate degree from MIT and an
                                  MBA from Somerset University.


    StarPress entered into an employment agreement with Ronald Posner effective
as of June 23, 1995, the date of the acquisition of StarPress Multimedia, Inc.
which provides for his employment as Chairman of StarPress for a period of three
years, and a one year period of notice prior to termination. Mr. Posner's base
salary is $120,000 per year.


    During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995, non-employee members of
StarPress' Board of Directors received $500 for each meeting personally
attended. Effective July 1, 1995, StarPress discontinued per meeting payments
for its Board members. All directors are reimbursed by StarPress for expenses
incurred in connection with their duties as directors. In addition, each
director of StarPress automatically received options under the 1993 Stock Option
Plan to purchase 25,000 shares of Common Stock at June 30, 1994, at an exercise
price of $1.375 per share, exercisable for five years. Following the acquisition
of StarPress Multimedia, Inc.


by StarPress, the StarPress Board canceled the automatic option grant provision
for directors of the 1993 Stock Option Plan. 

    The StarPress Board adopted the 1995 Non-Employee Director Stock Option
Plan ("Director Plan") on July 19, 1995. The Director Plan provides for
automatic option grants to purchase 50,000 shares of StarPress Common Stock to
members of the StarPress Board upon adoption of the Director Plan or election as
a director and annual grants to purchase 12,500 shares each year thereafter and
additional grants to the Chairs of Committees of the StarPress Board and to each
member of the Compensation Committee (other than the Chair of the Compensation
Committee). The Chair of the Compensation Committee received an option to
purchase 75,000 shares and the chairs of the other committees of the StarPress
Board received an option to purchase 50,000 shares upon adoption of the Director
Plan. The members of the Compensation Committee (other than the Chair) each
received an option to purchase 50,000 shares upon adoption of the Director Plan.
The initial option grants under the Director Plan were granted effective as of
January 3, 1996, the date of receipt of a permit from the California Department
of Corporations. The options have an exercise price equal to the fair market
value of shares of StarPress Common Stock on the date of grant.


    The following table sets forth certain information regarding StarPress
Common Stock beneficially owned as of May 31, 1996: (i) by each person who is
known by StarPress to own beneficially or exercise voting or dispositive control
over five percent (5%) or more of StarPress Common Stock, (ii) by each director
and (iii) by all executive officers and directors of StarPress as a group.

                                                   SHARES BENEFICIALLY
                                                                PERCENTAGE OF
- ------------------------------------        ----------------  ------------------
Peter T. Morris(2)                           5,572,510                 16.66%
New Enterprise Associates
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1025
San Francisco, CA 94104

C. Richard Kramlich(3)                       5,370,064                 16.06%
New Enterprise Associates
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1025
San Francisco, CA 94104

New Enterprise Associates V, Limited         5,370,064                 16.06%
New Enterprise Associates
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1025
San Francisco, CA 94104

Life Investors Insurance Company             3,463,800                 10.36%
of America, Inc.
4333 Edgewood Road NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52499


Ronald S. Posner(4)                          3,193,984                  9.55%
425 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Paul C. Dali(5)                              2,700,375                  8.07%
Nazem & Company IV, L.P.
3000 Sand Hill Road
Bldg. 2, Suite 205
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Nazem & Company IV, L.P.                     2,700,375                  8.07%
3000 Sand Hill Road
Bldg. 2, Suite 205
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Douglas D. Cole(6)                           1,881,223                  5.63%
425 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Dennis Jay Cagan(7)                            157,645                      *

Doug Glen(8)                                    16,871                      *

Philip B. Smith(9)                             185,527                      *

All executive officers                      13,505,689                 40.34%
and directors as a group
(eight (8) persons)(10)

*   Less than one percent (1%).
(1) Except as otherwise noted, the persons in the table have sole voting and
    investment power with respect to the shares of Common Stock shown as
    beneficially owned by them, subject to applicable community property laws.
(2) Includes 5,370,064 shares held by New Enterprise Associates V, Limited
    Partnership. Mr. Morris is affiliated with New Enterprise Associates V,
    Limited Partnership and disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held
    by such entity except to the extent of his proportionate partnership
    interest therein.
(3) Represents 5,370,064 shares held by New Enterprise Associates V, Limited
    Partnership. Mr. Kramlich is the Managing General Partner of New Enterprise
    Associates V, Limited Partnership and disclaims beneficial ownership of the
    shares held by such entity except to the extent of his proportionate
    partnership interest therein.

(4) Includes options to purchase 278,750 shares, which are exercisable on or
    before July 31, 1996.

(5) Represents 2,700,375 shares held by Nazem & Company IV, L.P. Mr. Dali is a
    director of StarPress and a General Partner of Nazem & Company IV, L.P. and
    disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held by such entity except to
    the extent of his proportionate partnership interest therein.

(6) Includes 39,200 shares owned by Mr. Cole's spouse and options to purchase
    741,250 shares, which are exercisable on or before July 31, 1996.

(7) Includes options to purchase 113,515 shares, which are exercisable on or
    before July 31, 1996, and 6,400 shares held in the name of the Cagan
    Pension Trust, of which Mr. Cagan is the beneficiary.

(8) Represents options to purchase 16,871 shares which are exercisable on or
    before July 31, 1996.

(9) Includes options to purchase 53,125 shares, which are presently
    exercisable, held by a limited partnership controlled by Mr. Smith, options
    to acquire 25,000 shares, which are presently exercisable and options to
    acquire (i) 29,194 shares, and (ii) warrants to acquire 8,758 shares, which
    are presently exercisable.


(10)Includes options and warrants to purchase 987,713 shares which are
    exercisable on or before July 31, 1996 and the shares beneficially owned by
    New Enterprise Associates V, Limited Partnership, and Nazem & Company IV,


    On June 23, 1995, StarPress acquired StarPress Multimedia, Inc.
Messrs. Posner and Kramlich, both of whom are presently members of the Board of
Directors of StarPress, beneficially owned shares of stock of StarPress
Multimedia, Inc., and Mr. Glen, who is also presently a director of StarPress
held a StarPress Multimedia, Inc. option. In connection with the acquisition
StarPress issued 2.6992903 shares of its common stock for each share of
StarPress Multimedia, Inc. common stock outstanding. StarPress also assumed all
outstanding StarPress Multimedia, Inc. options and warrants. Mr. Posner became
the Chairman of the Board of StarPress and entered into an employment agreement
with StarPress in connection with the acquisition. 

    On October 12, 1995, StarPress borrowed $100,000 from New Enterprise
Associates V, Limited with interest at the prime rate, which loan has been

    On December 4, 1995, StarPress borrowed $250,000 from New Enterprise
Associates V, Limited, a shareholder of StarPress of which Mr. Kramlich is the
managing partner. The loan bore interest at a rate of 9% per annum and had a 20%
prepayment penalty. The loan was due 18 months after the date of advance and was
required to be paid back early upon the earlier of a public offering by
StarPress or a private placement of a minimum of $5 million into StarPress. This
note was paid on February 2, 1996.

     On March 28, 1996, StarPress sold Logatronix, Ltd., a wholly-owned
subsidiary based in Sofia, Bulgaria, and certain furniture and equipment to an 
entity controlled by Mr. Cole, currently a director of StarPress. In return
therefor, StarPress received a (i) $40,000 promissory note (secured by the 
stock of Logatronix) bearing interest at two points over the Bank of America
prime rate, payable on a fully-amortized basis over 48 months, plus (ii) the
right to future payments in the event certain contingencies occur. In addition,
the purchasing entity assumed certain liabilities of StarPress and the
responsibility for completing the work required of StarPress under two of its
development agreements.

     In connection with Graphix Zone's February and May 1996 private 
placements of shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock, 468,183 shares of Graphix 
Zone Common Stock were acquired by existing StarPress shareholders.  None of 
these purchasers were officers or directors of StarPress, Graphix Zone or New 
GZ.  However, one of the purchasers in the February 1996 private placement, 
NEA, is the beneficial owner of 16.06% of StarPress Common Stock.  C. Richard 
Kramlich, a current director of StarPress and future director of New GZ, is 
the managing director of NEA.  Another purchaser in the February 1996 private 
placement, Nazem, is the beneficial owner of 8.07% of StarPress Common Stock, 
Paul C. Dali, a current director of StarPress, is a General Partner of Nazem.

                                DESCRIPTION OF NEW GZ

    New GZ, presently a wholly owned subsidiary of Graphix Zone, has not
conducted any substantial business activities to date, other than those incident
to its formation (including the hiring of Norman Block as Executive Vice
President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of New
GZ), its execution of the Merger Agreements and related agreements, its adoption
of the 1996 Plan and its participation in the preparation of this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus. Immediately following the consummation of the
Reorganization, New GZ will become a holding company for Graphix Zone and
StarPress (including StarPress' subsidiaries). Accordingly, the business of New
GZ, through its wholly owned subsidiaries Graphix Zone and StarPress (including
StarPress' subsidiaries), will be the business conducted by Graphix Zone and
StarPress (including StarPress' subsidiaries). See "Description of Graphix Zone"
and "Description of StarPress."

    It is anticipated that New GZ's business strategy will be similar to
Graphix Zone's and StarPress' current business strategies with an emphasis upon
interactive entertainment that focuses upon film, music and television. See
"Description of Graphix Zone--Business Strategy." In that regard, it is
anticipated that New GZ will continue to develop and produce all of Graphix
Zone's current titles and will continue to develop and


produce only those StarPress titles that fall within StarPress' infotainment and
travel software product lines. In addition, it is anticipated that New GZ will
produce World Wide Web sites and commercial online service forums to meet the
following needs: corporate communications, product marketing, customer service
and electronic distribution.


     GRAPHIX ZONE. Graphix Zone Common Stock has been traded on The Nasdaq 
SmallCap Market, under the symbol "GZON," since Graphix Zone Common Stock 
began trading publicly on June 17, 1994. The following table sets forth the 
range of high and low closing sale prices reported on The Nasdaq SmallCap 
Market for Graphix Zone Common Stock from June 17, 1994 to June 5, 1996. Such 
prices are inter-dealer quotations without retail mark-ups, mark-downs or 
commissions, and may not represent actual transactions.


FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1994                        HIGH                LOW
June 17 to 30, 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 3 5/8             $3 1/4

Quarter ended September 30, 1994 . . . . . . . . . .  5 1/2              3 3/8
Quarter ended December 31, 1994. . . . . . . . . . .  4 7/8              3 3/8
Quarter ended March 31, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 5/8              3 1/2
Quarter ended June 30, 1995. . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 3/8              2 3/8

Quarter ended September 30, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . 11 1/8                  5
Quarter ended December 31, 1995. . . . . . . . . . .      5              4 1/2
Quarter ended March 31, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . .  6 7/8              4 3/4
Quarter ended June 30, 1996 (through June 5, 1996) .  8 3/8              4 3/4

     STARPRESS. StarPress Common Stock has been traded on the National 
Association of Securities Dealers Electronic Bulletin Board, under the symbol 
"GTBR" since December 9, 1993. Prior to December 9, 1993, there was no known 
public trading in StarPress Common Stock. The following table sets forth the 
range of high and low bid prices of StarPress Common Stock as reported by the 
Electronic Bulletin Board from December 9, 1993 to June 5, 1996. Such prices 
are inter-dealer quotations without retail mark-ups, mark-downs or 
commissions, and may not represent actual transactions.


FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1994                       HIGH               LOW
December 9 to 31, 1993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 1/8             $1 1/4
Quarter ended March 31, 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . .  2 1/2              1 1/4
Quarter ended June 30, 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 7/8                1/2

Quarter ended September 30, 1994 . . . . . . . . . .  2                    1/2
Quarter ended December 31, 1994. . . . . . . . . . .  1 1/4               1/16
Quarter ended March 31, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3/32               1/16
Quarter ended June 30, 1995. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1/16               5/16


Quarter ended September 30, 1995 . . . . . . . . . .  1 3/8                1/2
Quarter ended December 31, 1995. . . . . . . . . . .  1 1/8              15/32
Quarter ended March 31, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . .  15/16              13/32
Quarter ended June 30, 1996 (through June 5, 1996) .  29/32               9/16

    The following table sets forth the closing price for the Graphix Zone 
Common Stock on The Nasdaq SmallCap Market and the high and low bid prices 
for StarPress Common Stock on the Electronic Bulletin Board on December 1, 
1995, the last trading day prior to the public announcement of the 
Reorganization, and on June 5, 1996, the most recent practicable date prior to
the printing of this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and the equivalent per 
share prices for the StarPress Common Stock based on the Graphix Zone Common 

                                          Common Stock
                        Graphix Zone      -------------      StarPress
                        Common Stock      High      Low     Equivalent(1)
                        ------------      ----      ----    -------------

December 1, 1995 . . .    $8.875         $1.00    $.9375       $1.30
June 5, 1996 . . . . .    $ 6.75         $ .66    $ .625       $ .99

- -----------
(1) Represents the equivalent of one share of StarPress Common Stock 
    calculated by multiplying the closing prices of the Graphix Zone Common 
    Stock by the Exchange Ratio.

    Holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock and StarPress Common Stock are urged
to obtain current market quotations prior to making any decision with respect to
the Reorganization.

    As of the close of business on The Graphix Zone Record Date, there were
5,193,343 shares at Graphix Zone Common Stock outstanding held of record by 59
shareholders. As of the close of business on the StarPress Record Date, there
were 33,442,156 shares of StarPress Common Stock outstanding, held of record by
203 shareholders.

    To date, Graphix Zone has not paid dividends on shares of Graphix Zone
Common Stock and StarPress has not paid dividends on shares of StarPress Common
Stock. Payment of cash dividends are determined by Graphix Zone's and StarPress'
respective Boards of Directors based upon conditions then existing, including
such company's financial condition, capital requirements, cash flow,
profitability, business outlook and other factors. California corporate law
prohibits the payment of dividends if after the payment of such dividend a
corporation would be likely to be unable to meet its liabilities as they become
due or if a corporation's retained earnings do not exceed the amount of the
dividend or if a corporation's tangible assets are not greater than 1 1/4 times
its liabilities. Similarly, Colorado corporate law prohibits the payment of
dividends if after making the payment the corporation would not be able to pay
its debts as they become due in the usual course of business or if the
corporation's total assets would be less than its total liabilities. StarPress
is also prohibited from paying dividends under the terms of a line of credit.

    The payment of future dividends on New GZ Common Stock will be a business
decision to be made by the Board of Directors of New GZ from time to time based
upon the results of operations and financial conditions of New GZ and such other
factors as the New GZ Board of Directors considers relevant, although it is
presently anticipated that New GZ will retain earnings for the operation and
expansion of its business.



    The following table sets forth the capitalization of Graphix Zone as of
March 31, 1996 and StarPress as of March 31, 1996, and the pro forma
capitalization of New GZ after giving effect to the Reorganization. This table
should be read in conjunction with the "Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed
Financial Statements" included elsewhere in this Joint Proxy
Statement/Prospectus, and the Graphix Zone and StarPress historical financial
statements, including the Notes thereto, set forth in Appendices B and C,

                                               As of March 31, 1996
                                      Historical               Pro forma(1)
                              --------------------------   --------------------

                               StarPress    Graphix Zone        New GZ
                                ---------    ------------        ------
Total Borrowings             $   750,000     $        0      $  750,000
Total Stockholders' equity
  (deficiency)                    $(5,443,706)    $4,559,926      $3,374,095
Total Capitalization         $(4,693,706)    $4,559,926      $4,124,095

- ------------
(1) On May 21, 1996, Graphix Zone sold 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common
    Stock in a private equity offering for a total consideration of $1,031,250.
    Commissions related to the private placement of $103,125 were netted
    against total proceeds. The pro forma March 31, 1996 balance sheet data
    includes the impact of the aforementioned private equity offering as if it
    had occurred on March 31, 1996.


    The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements
are based upon the financial statements of Graphix Zone and consolidated
financial statements of StarPress, combined and adjusted to give effect to the
Reorganization. Upon consummation of the StarPress Merger, each outstanding
share of StarPress Common Stock will be converted into the right to receive
0.14666 shares of New GZ Common Stock and each share of Graphix Zone Common
Stock will be converted into the right to receive one share of New GZ Common

    The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements of
operations for the nine months ended March 31, 1996 and for the year ended June
30, 1995 give effect to the Reorganization as if it had occurred at the
beginning of each period presented. The unaudited pro forma combined condensed
statement of operations for the nine months ended March 31, 1996 was prepared
based upon the unaudited statement of operations of Graphix Zone for the nine
months ended March 31, 1996 and of the unaudited consolidated statement of
operations of StarPress for the nine months ended March 31, 1996. The unaudited
pro forma combined condensed statement of operations for the year ended June 30,
1995 was prepared based upon the audited statement of operations of Graphix Zone
for the year ended June 30, 1995 and the audited consolidated statement of
operations of StarPress for the year ended June 30, 1995 as well as to reflect
the acquisition of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. by StarPress on June 23, 1995 as
though such acquisitions occurred on July 1, 1994. Accordingly, the 10,510,879
shares of New GZ Common Stock expected to be issued in the Reorganization are
used in calculating the pro forma net loss per share for all periods presented.


    The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheet at March
31, 1996 gives effect to the Reorganization as if it had occurred on such date
and was prepared based upon the unaudited balance sheet of Graphix Zone as of
March 31, 1996, including the effect of Graphix Zone's sale of Graphix Zone
Common Stock on May 21, 1996 which resulted in net proceeds of $928,125, and the
unaudited consolidated balance sheet of StarPress as of March 31, 1996.

    These unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements should be
read in conjunction with (i) the Graphix Zone audited financial statements and
unaudited interim financial statements, and (ii) the StarPress audited
consolidated financial statements and unaudited interim consolidated financial
statements, including the notes to each of the above, which are set forth in
this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus at Appendices B and C, respectively.

    The unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial information is not
necessarily indicative of the results of operations or financial position of the
combined company that would have occurred had the Reorganization occurred at the
beginning of each period presented or on the date indicated, nor are they
necessarily indicative of future operating results or financial position.

    The unaudited pro forma adjustments are based upon information set forth in
this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and certain assumptions included in the
notes to the unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements.
Graphix Zone and StarPress believe the pro forma assumptions are reasonable
under the circumstances.


                                 AS OF MARCH 31, 1996

                                                                    Historical                                Pro forma
                                                       -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                                      StarPress, Inc.          Zone, Inc.          Adjustments         Combined
                                                       --------------           ----------          -----------         --------
Current assets:

  Cash                                                 $     15,707           $ 1,473,490         $  928,125  (H)   $ 2,417,322
  Accounts receivable                                     1,999,298               864,898                             2,864,196
  Inventories                                                 3,454               470,952                               474,406
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                 101,832               215,537                               317,369
                                                         ----------            ----------         ----------         ----------
   Total current assets                                   2,120,291             3,024,877           (928,125)         6,073,293
Furniture and equipment, net                                 45,612               650,134                               695,746
Purchased research and development                               --                    --         14,120,074  (B)            --
                                                                                                 (14,120,074) (C)            --
Product development costs, net                              237,594                    --             89,000  (B)       326,594
Intangible assets                                                --                    --          3,416,000  (B)     3,416,000
Due from StarPress                                               --             3,504,216         (3,504,216) (G)            --
Other assets                                                     --               169,999                 --            169,999
                                                         ----------            ----------         ----------         ----------
    Total assets                                       $  2,403,497           $ 7,349,226         $  928,909        $10,681,632

Current liabilities:
  Notes payable                                        $    750,000           $        --         $       --           $750,000
  Due to Graphix Zone                                     3,504,216                    --         (3,504,216) (G)            --
  Accounts payable                                          923,169             1,306,860                 --          2,230,029
  Accrued liabilities                                     1,453,033               280,550           175,250   (B)     2,594,273
  Accrued restructuring costs                               761,785                    --                 --            761,785
  Deferred revenue                                          455,000               300,985                 --            755,984
                                                         ----------            ----------         ----------         ----------
    Total current liabilities                             7,847,203             2,573,834         (3,328,966)         7,092,071
Other liabilities                                                --               215,466                               215,466
Stockholders' equity (deficiency):                                                                    928,12  (H)
  Common Stock                                           16,173,891            15,214,552        (15,214,552) (B)
                                                                                                  22,009,750  (B)    39,111,766
  Accumulated deficit                                   (21,617,597)          (10,654,626)       10,654,626   (B)
                                                         ----------            ----------        (14,120,074) (C)   (35,737,671)
                                                         ----------            ----------         ----------          ----------
    Total stockholders' equity (deficiency)              (5,443,706)            4,559,926          4,257,875          3,374,095
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity
     (deficiency)                                      $  2,403,497           $ 7,349,226          $ 928,909        $10,681,632



                           NINE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996

                                                                    Historical                                Pro forma
                                                       -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                                      StarPress, Inc.          Zone, Inc.          Adjustments         Combined
                                                       --------------           ----------          -----------         --------
Net revenues                                           $  3,927,296           $ 1,628,809                           $ 5,556,105
Cost of revenues                                          2,181,647             1,495,865             22,250  (D)     3,699,762
                                                         ----------            ----------         ----------         ----------
Gross profit                                              1,745,649               132,944                             1,856,343
Operating expenses:
  Research and development                                2,077,265             1,663,546                             3,740,811
  Sales and marketing                                     2,129,072             1,170,496                             3,299,568
  General and administrative                              2,516,529             1,631,553            530,900  (D)     4,678,982
  Restructuring charge                                    1,950,000                    --                             1,950,000
                                                         ----------            ----------         ----------         ----------
    Total operating expenses                              8,672,866             4,465,595                            13,669,361
Operating loss                                           (6,927,217)           (4,332,651)                          (11,813,017)
Interest income (expense)                                   (71,094)               12,987                               (71,094)
Other income - net                                            3,096                    --                                15,283
Provision for income taxes                                       --                   800                 --                 --
Net loss                                               $ (6,995,215)          $(4,320,464)        $  553,150       $(11,868,828)
Net loss per share                                     $       (.23)          $     (1.11)                         $      (1.13)
Weighted average common
  shares outstanding                                     30,901,411             3,886,908                            10,510,879



                               YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1995

                                                           Historical                                         Pro forma
                                   ---------------------------------------------------------   -----------------------------------
                                     StarPress, Inc.        Zone, Inc.       Multimedia Ino.         Adjustments        Combined
                                     --------------         ----------       ---------------         -----------        --------
Net revenues                         $  2,171,334         $ 3,391,878         $ 1,179,949                             $ 6,743,161
Cost of revenues                        1,838,699           4,697,467             396,425       $      29,667 (E)
                                                                                                       36,667 (F)       6,998,925
                                       ----------          ----------          ----------                               ---------
Gross profit                              332,635          (1,305,589)            783,524                                (255,764)
Operating expenses:
  Research and development              2,032,059                  --           3,185,481                               5,217,540
  Sales and marketing                   2,498,488           1,117,049           2,431,266                               6,046,803
  General and administrative            3,139,507           2,094,036           2,299,235             707,867 (E)
                                                                                                       90,562 (F)       8,331,207
  Acquired in-process technology
    related to the acquisition of
    StarPress Multimedia, Inc.          2,810,000                  --                  --          (2,810,000)(F)              --
                                       -----------         ----------          ----------                              ----------
  Total operating expenses             10,480,054           3,211,085           7,915,982                              19,570,350
                                       -----------         ----------          ----------                              ----------
Operating loss                        (10,147,419)         (4,516,674)         (7,132,458)                            (19,851,314)
Interest expense                         (783,507)            (66,482)               (306)                               (850,295)
Other income (expense) - net              14,529              57,980              (10,410)                                 62,099
                                        ----------         ----------          ----------                              ----------
Net loss                           $  (10,916,397)      $  (4,525,176)       $ (7,143,174)      $  (1,945,237)      $ (20,639,510)
                                       -----------         ----------          ----------          ----------          ----------
                                       -----------         ----------          ----------          ----------          ----------
Net loss per share                 $        (1.14)      $       (1.74)                                              $       (1.96)
Weighted average common
  shares outstanding                    9,591,488           2,600,034                                                  10,510,879
                                        ----------         ----------                                                  ----------
                                        ----------         ----------                                                  ----------



                            CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                         NINE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996 AND
                               YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1995

(A) On January 3, 1996, Graphix Zone and StarPress entered into the
Reorganization Agreement, pursuant to which each company will become wholly
owned subsidiaries of a newly formed Delaware holding company, New GZ. For
accounting purposes, StarPress is considered the acquiring company. The
acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase. The accompanying unaudited pro
forma combined condensed statements of operations for the nine months ended
March 31, 1996 reflects the acquisition of all the outstanding stock of Graphix
Zone by StarPress as though the acquisition occurred on July 1, 1994. The
unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheet as of March 31, 1996
includes the assets and liabilities of Graphix Zone as if the acquisition
occurred on such date as well as the effect of Graphix Zone's sale of 250,000
shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock on May 21, 1996 which resulted in net
proceeds of $928,125.

    The accompanying unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements of
operations for the year ended June 30, 1995, reflects the acquisition of all the
outstanding stock of Graphix Zone and StarPress Multimedia by StarPress, as
though such acquisitions occurred on July 1, 1994. StarPress acquired all of the
outstanding stock of StarPress Multimedia on June 23, 1995. The acquisition has
been accounted for as a purchase. Accordingly, the 10,510,879 shares of New GZ
Common Stock expected to be issued in the Reorganization are used in calculating
the pro forma net loss per share for the year ended June 30, 1995 and the nine
months ended March 31, 1996.

    Pro forma adjustments, which have been prepared by StarPress' management,
and the assumptions on which they are based, are described in the following
notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements.

    The accompanying unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial
statements do not necessarily represent what the consolidated financial position
or results of consolidated operations of StarPress would have been if the
acquisitions occurred on March 31, 1996 or July 1, 1994, nor do they represent a
forecast of the consolidated financial position of StarPress at any future date
or the results of consolidated operations of StarPress for any future period.
The accompanying unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements
should be read in conjunction with the financial statements of Graphix Zone and
StarPress included in their respective Form 10-KSB for the year ended June 30,
1995, and the financial statements included in their respective Form 10-QSB for
the nine months ended March 31, 1996, included herein.

(B) Adjustment to reflect intangible assets resulting from the acquisition of
Graphix Zone by StarPress. The purchase price was 5,185,743 shares of New GZ
Common Stock which, for purposes of purchase accounting, was valued at
$21,391,000 plus acquisition costs of $794,000 for a total purchase price of
$22,185,000. StarPress is currently in the process of having an independent
appraiser perform an allocation of certain components of the purchase price.


    Based upon discussions with the independent appraiser, a preliminary
allocation of the purchase price with regards to intangible assets is as

                                         Allocation of      Amortization Period
              Description                Purchase Price        (Useful Life)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Purchased Research and Development     $  14,120,074                 N/A
  Goodwill                                   3,231,000             5 years
  Product Development Costs                     89,000             3 years
  Assembled Workforce                          185,000             3 years

The above allocation is preliminary and may change based upon the final
valuation and allocation of the purchase price.

(C) Purchased research and development was identified and valued through
extensive interviews and analysis of data for each of Graphix Zone's products
under development. Expected future cash flows of each product under development
were discounted taking into account risks associated with the difficulties and
uncertainties in completing the project and thereby achieving technological
feasibility and risks related to the viability of and potential changes in
future target markets. This resulted in $14,120,074 of purchased research and
development which has not reached technological feasibility and does not have
alternative future use. Therefore, in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, the $14,120,074 of purchased research and development
cost were written-off as a pro forma adjustment in the accompanying pro forma
balance sheet as of March 31, 1996. Such charge will be included in the income
statement at the time of Reorganization. Such charge has been excluded from the
pro forma statements of operations as it was considered a non-recurring material

(D) Adjustment to reflect the pro forma amortization of product development
cost of $22,250, assembled workforce of $46,250 and goodwill of $484,650 over
their estimated useful lives resulting from the acquisition of Graphix Zone for
the nine months ended March 31, 1996.

(E) Adjustment to reflect the pro forma amortization of product development
cost of $29,667, assembled workforce of $61,667 and goodwill of $646,200 over
their estimated useful lives resulting from the acquisition of Graphix Zone for
the year ended June 30, 1995.

(F) Adjustment to reflect the pro forma amortization of product development
cost of $36,667, assembled workforce of $80,000 and goodwill of $10,562 over
their estimated useful lives resulting from the acquisition of StarPress
Multimedia, Inc. by StarPress for the year ended June 30, 1995, exclusive of the
write-off of $2,810,000 in-process technology as research and development
expenses as such amount was considered a non-recurring material charge.

(G) Adjustment to eliminate amounts due to Graphix Zone from StarPress.

(H) On May 21, 1996, Graphix Zone sold 250,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common
Stock for a total consideration of $1,031,250. The net proceeds from the private
placement were $928,125, after commissions of $103,125. The pro forma combined
condensed balance sheet as of March 31, 1996 has been presented to reflect the
aforementioned private placement as though it occurred on March 31, 1996.


                            OF GRAPHIX ZONE AND STARPRESS 

    At the Effective Time, the shareholders of Graphix Zone and the
shareholders of StarPress will become stockholders of New GZ. As stockholders of
New GZ, their rights will be governed by the DGCL and New GZ's Certificate of
Incorporation (the "New GZ Certificate") and Bylaws (the "New GZ Bylaws").
Following are summaries of certain differences between (i) the rights of Graphix
Zone shareholders and New GZ stockholders and (ii) the rights of StarPress
shareholders and New GZ stockholders.


    New GZ is organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and Graphix
Zone is organized under the laws of the State of California. The following
discussion summarizes certain differences between the New GZ Certificate and the
New GZ Bylaws and the Graphix Zone Articles of Incorporation (the "Graphix Zone
Articles") and the Graphix Zone Bylaws (the "Graphix Zone Bylaws") and between
certain provisions of the DGCL and the CGCL affecting shareholders' rights.

    AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. The total number of authorized shares of capital stock
of Graphix Zone is 15,000,000, consisting of 10,000,000 shares of common stock
(the "Graphix Zone Common Stock") and 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock (the
"Graphix Zone Preferred Stock"). The authorized capital of New GZ is set forth
under "Description of New GZ Capital Stock--Authorized Capital Stock."

    DIRECTORS. The New GZ Bylaws provide that the New GZ Board of Directors
("New GZ Board") shall consist of not less than two nor more than eight
directors, which number shall be set from time to time by the New GZ Board
subject to the provisions of the New GZ Certificate. New GZ's Board currently
consists of three directors and as of the Effective Time will consist of six
directors, who are to serve as directors until the first annual meeting of
stockholders or until their successors are elected and qualified.

    The Graphix Zone Bylaws provide that the number of directors shall be not
less than three nor more than five. The exact number of directors shall be fixed
by the approval of the Graphix Zone Board of Directors or by the shareholders.
The indefinite number of directors may be changed, or a definite number may be
fixed, by an amendment to the Graphix Zone Bylaws duly adopted by the vote or
written consent of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote;
provided, however, that an amendment reducing the fixed number or the minimum
number of directors to a number less than five cannot be adopted if the votes
cast against its adoption at a meeting, or the shares not consenting in the case
of an action by written consent, are equal to more than 16 2/3% of the
outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon. In addition, no amendment may
change the maximum number of directors to a number greater than two times the
stated number of directors minus one.

    AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS. Under the New GZ Bylaws and the New GZ Certificate,
the New GZ Bylaws may be amended or repealed, and new bylaws adopted, by the New
GZ Board. The CGCL and the Graphix Zone Bylaws provide that new bylaws may be
adopted or the existing Graphix Zone Bylaws may be amended or repealed by the
vote or written consent of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
entitled to vote. In addition, subject to the rights of the Graphix Zone
shareholders, the Graphix Zone Board may adopt, amend or repeal the Graphix Zone

affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote is
required to amend a certificate of incorporation or articles of incorporation,
as the case may be. In addition, under the DGCL, amendments that make changes
relating to a corporation's capital stock by increasing or decreasing the
aggregate number of authorized shares of a class,


or otherwise adversely affecting the rights of such class, also must be approved
by the majority vote of each class or series of stock affected, even if such
stock would not otherwise have such voting rights. 

    CUMULATIVE VOTING. Neither the New GZ Certificate nor the New GZ Bylaws
provides for cumulative voting for directors.

    Under the CGCL, except for certain corporations with outstanding shares
listed on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange or with Nasdaq
National Market, every shareholder of a corporation complying with certain
notice provisions and entitled to vote at any election of directors may cumulate
such shareholder's votes and give one candidate a number of votes equal to the
number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of votes to which the
shareholder's shares are normally entitled, or distribute the shareholder's
votes on the same principle among as many candidates as the shareholder thinks
fit. In addition, under the CGCL, in any election of directors, the candidates
receiving the highest number of affirmative votes of the shares entitled to be
voted for them up to the number of directors to be elected by such shares are
elected; votes against the director and votes withheld have no legal effect. 

    REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS. The DGCL provides that any or all directors may be
removed from office at any time, but only for cause and only by the affirmative
vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares then entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors. 

    The CGCL provides that except with respect to a director of a corporation
whose board of directors is not classified, any or all of the directors of a
corporation may be removed without cause if the removal is approved by the
majority of the outstanding shares of the corporation entitled to vote;
provided, however, that no director may be removed (unless the entire board is
removed) when the votes cast against removal, or not consenting in writing to
the removal, would be sufficient to elect the director if voted cumulatively at
an election at which the same total number of votes were cast (or, if the action
is taken by written consent, all shares entitled to vote were voted) and the
entire number of directors authorized at the time of the director's most recent
election were then being elected. A director of a corporation whose board of
directors is classified may not be removed if the votes cast against removal of
the director, or not consenting in writing to the removal, would be sufficient
to elect the director if voted cumulatively (without regard to whether shares
may otherwise be voted cumulatively) at an election at which the same total
number of votes were cast (or, if the action is taken by written consent, all
shares entitled to vote were voted) and either the number of directors elected
at the most recent annual meeting of shareholders, or if greater, the number of
directors for whom removal is being sought, were then being elected.

vacancies and newly created directorships may be filled by a majority of the
directors then in office, though less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining
director. Under the Graphix Zone Bylaws, any vacancy in the Graphix Zone Board,
whether by an increase in the number of directors, or by reason of death,
resignation, disqualification or for any other reason, except for a vacancy
created by the removal of a director, may be filled by the vote of a majority of
the remaining directors, though less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining
director. The shareholders of Graphix Zone may elect a director or directors at
any time to fill any vacancy or vacancies not filled by the directors, but any
such election by written consent other than to fill a vacancy created by removal
shall require the consent of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to

Bylaws provide that special meetings of stockholders may be called by the New GZ
Board or by any person or committee expressly authorized by the New GZ Board or
the holders of shares entitled to cast not less than 10% of the votes at the
meeting. The Bylaws of Graphix Zone provide that a special meeting of
shareholders may be called by the


Graphix Zone Board, the Chairman of the Board, the President or the holders of
shares entitled to cast not less than 10% of the votes at the meeting.

    Pursuant to the New GZ Bylaws, written notice of the place, date and hour
of every meeting of the stockholders, whether annual or special, shall be given
between 10 and 60 days before the date of the meeting to each stockholder of
record entitled to vote at the meeting. Every notice of a special meeting must
state the purpose or purposes thereof. 

    Under the Graphix Zone Bylaws, notice of the time and place of annual or
special meetings of shareholders shall be given to shareholders between 10 and
60 days before the date of such annual or special meeting. The notice shall
specify the place, date and hour of the meeting and (i) in the case of a special
meeting, the general nature of the business to be transacted, or (ii) in the
case of the annual meeting, those matters that the board of directors, at the
time of the giving of the notice, intends to present for action by the
shareholders. The notice of any meeting at which directors are to be elected
shall include the name of any nominee or nominees whom, at the time of the
notice, management intends to present for election. If action is proposed to be
taken at any meeting for approval of a contract or transaction in which a
director has a direct or indirect financial interest, an amendment of the
articles of incorporation, a reorganization or voluntary dissolution of the
corporation, or a distribution in dissolution other than in accordance with the
rights of outstanding preferred shares, the notice shall also state the general
nature of that proposal.

    Under the DGCL and the New GZ Bylaws, a proxy is valid for three years from
its date, unless the proxy provides for a longer period. Under the CGCL and the
Graphix Zone Bylaws, a proxy is valid for 11 months from the date thereof unless
the proxy provides otherwise.

    QUORUM. Under the New GZ Bylaws, a quorum for the transaction of business
at any regular or special meeting of the New GZ Board consists of a majority of
the directors of the entire New GZ Board. Under the Graphix Zone Bylaws, a
quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the
Graphix Zone Board consists of a majority of the authorized number of directors.

    Under the New GZ Bylaws, a quorum for the transaction of business at any
stockholder meeting consists of a number of persons representing the majority of
the capital stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote thereat present in
person or represented by proxy. Under the Graphix Zone Bylaws, the presence in
person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote
at any meeting of shareholders constitutes a quorum for the transaction of

    PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS. Under the DGCL, stockholders have no preemptive rights
unless such rights are provided for in the certificate of incorporation. The New
GZ Certificate does not provide for preemptive rights, and the New GZ Bylaws
provides that stockholders have no preemptive rights other than those, if any,
granted by the New GZ Board. Under the CGCL, shareholders have no preemptive
rights unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise. The Graphix Zone
Articles do not provide for preemptive rights.

    VOTING BY STOCKHOLDERS/SHAREHOLDERS. Under both the New GZ Bylaws and the
Graphix Zone Bylaws, when a quorum is present at any meeting, the vote of the
holders of the majority of stock having voting power present in person or
represented by proxy shall decide any questions brought before such meeting,
unless the question is one upon which, by express provision of the applicable
statute, the certificate or articles of incorporation, as the case may be, or
the bylaws, a different vote is required, in which case such express provision
shall govern and control the decision of such question. 

corporation may sell, lease or exchange all or substantially all of its assets
by action of the board of directors, subject to approval, on at least


20 days' notice, of the holders of a majority of the voting shares or the
written consent of such a majority. Under the CGCL, the vote of the holders of
the majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote is required in
connection with the sale, lease, conveyance, exchange, transfer or other
disposition of all or substantially all of a corporation's assets, unless such
transaction is in the normal course of such corporation's business.

stockholders of a constituent corporation surviving a merger is required (and no
dissenters' rights are available to such stockholders) if the agreement of
merger does not amend in any respect the certificate of incorporation of the
surviving corporation, there is no change in the outstanding shares of the
surviving corporation as a result of the merger, and the number of common shares
issued or issuable in the merger does not exceed 20% of the issuer's common
shares outstanding immediately prior to the merger. The DGCL further provides
that no stockholder approval is required in a merger of a corporation with or
into a single direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of such corporation for
the purpose of effecting a holding company reorganization, if certain conditions
are met, including:  (i) as a result of the merger, the corporation or its
successor becomes a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the new
holding company; (ii) stockholders of the corporation receive in the merger the
same number of shares of the new holding company as they owned in the
corporation prior to the merger, which stock has the same designations, rights,
powers and preferences, and the qualifications, limitations and restrictions
thereof, with respect to the holding company as such stock had with respect to
the corporation prior to the merger; (iii) the certificate of incorporation and
bylaws of the new holding company contain provisions identical to the
certification of incorporation and bylaws of the corporation immediately prior
to the effective time of the merger (except for provisions that could have been
amended or deleted without stockholder approval); (iv) the directors of the new
holding company will be the same as the directors of the corporation immediately
prior to the merger; (v) the certificate of incorporation of the corporation or
its successor immediately following the merger is identical in all substantive
respects to the certificate of incorporation of the corporation immediately
prior to the merger, provided that the certificate of incorporation of the
corporation or its successor shall be amended in the merger to contain a
provision requiring that any act or transaction by or involving such corporation
that requires for its adoption under the DGCL or its certificate of
incorporation the approval of the stockholders of such corporation shall
require, in addition, the approval of the stockholders of the new holding
company or any successor thereto by merger; and (vi) the merger is tax-free for
Federal income tax purposes to the stockholders of the corporation.

    Under the CGCL, the principal terms of a plan of merger or consolidation
adopted by the board of directors of a California corporation must be approved
by the outstanding shares of each class of each corporation, except that, unless
an amendment is made to the corporation's articles of incorporation that would
require such approval, (i) no approval of any class of outstanding preferred
shares of the surviving or acquiring corporation or parent party shall be
required if the rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions granted to or
imposed upon such class of shares remain unchanged and (ii) no approval of the
outstanding shares is required if the corporation, or its shareholders
immediately before the reorganization, or both, shall own (immediately after the
reorganization) equity securities, other than any warrant or right to subscribe
to or purchase such equity securities, of the surviving or acquiring corporation
or parent party possessing more than five-sixths of the voting power of the
surviving or acquiring corporation or parent party. Notwithstanding the
preceding, under the CGCL, a reorganization must be approved by the outstanding
shares of any class of a corporation that is a party to the reorganization if
holders of shares of that class receive (i) shares of the surviving or acquiring
corporation or parent party having different rights, preferences, privileges or
restrictions than those surrendered, (ii) shares in a foreign corporation in
exchange for shares in a California corporation or (iii) interests of a
surviving other business entity in the merger.

Bylaws and the Graphix Zone Bylaws, any action that may be, or is required by
law to be, taken at any annual or special meeting of stockholders of New GZ or
shareholders of Graphix Zone, may be taken without a meeting, without prior


notice and without a vote, if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so
taken, is signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not less than the
minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action
at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and
voted. Under the Graphix Zone Bylaws and the CGCL, in the case of election of
directors, such a consent shall only be effective if signed by the holders of
all outstanding shares entitled to vote for the election of directors; provided,
however, that a director may be elected at any time to fill a vacancy on the
board of directors.

    Under the New GZ Bylaws, prompt notice of the taking of the corporate
action without a meeting by less than unanimous written consent must be given to
those stockholders who have not consented in writing. Under the Graphix Zone
Bylaws, if the consents of all shareholders entitled to vote have not been
solicited in writing, and if the unanimous written consent of all such
shareholders shall not have been received, the secretary of Graphix Zone must
give prompt notice of the corporate action approved by the shareholders without
a meeting. Also, under the Graphix Zone Bylaws, in the case of approval of (i)
contracts or transactions in which a director has a direct or indirect financial
interest, (ii) indemnification of agents of the corporation, (iii) a
reorganization of the corporation and (iv) a distribution in dissolution other
than in accordance with the rights of outstanding preferred shares, the notice
shall be given at least 10 days before the consummation of any action authorized
by that approval.

exceptions, corporations to adopt a provision in their certificate of
incorporation eliminating the liability of a director to the corporation or its
stockholders for monetary damages for breach of the director's fiduciary duty of
care. The New GZ Certificate provides that a director shall not be liable to the
corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a director, except to the extent such exemption from liability or
limitation thereof is not permitted under the DGCL.

    The Graphix Zone Articles provide that the liability of directors of
Graphix Zone for monetary damages shall be eliminated to the fullest extent
permissible under California law.

    Both the DGCL and the CGCL authorize a corporation to indemnify any person
who is, or is threatened to be made, a party in any civil, criminal,
administrative or investigative, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding
(other than an action by or in the right of the corporation) by reason of the
fact that he is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the
corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a
director, officer, employee or agent of another entity, against judgments,
fines, amounts paid in settlement and expenses (including attorneys' fees),
actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with any
threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding. With respect to
actions by or in the right of the corporation, the DGCL and the CGCL authorize
indemnification of such person against expenses (including attorneys' fees)
actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with the defense or
settlement of such action or suit. To be entitled to indemnification, a person
must have acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in,
or not opposed to, the best interests of the corporation, and, with respect to
any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his
conduct was unlawful with respect to actions taken by or in the right of the
corporation. With respect to actions by or in the right of the corporation,
court approval is required as a prerequisite to indemnification of expenses in
respect of any claim as to which a person has been adjudged liable to the

    The DGCL and the CGCL require indemnification against expenses actually and
reasonably incurred by any director, officer, employee or agent in connection
with a proceeding against such person for actions in such capacity to the extent
that the person has been successful on the merits or otherwise. Advancement of
expenses (i.e., payment prior to a determination on the merits) is permitted,
but not required, by the DGCL and the CGCL, which further require that any
director or officer must undertake to repay such expenses if it is ultimately
determined that he is not entitled to indemnification. The disinterested members
of the board of


directors (or independent legal counsel or the stockholders) must determine, in
each instance where indemnification is not required by the DGCL, that such
director, officer, employee or agent is entitled to indemnification. The DGCL
and the CGCL provide that the indemnification provided by statute is not

    The New GZ Bylaws authorize New GZ to indemnify any person, including
present or former directors, officers, trustees, employees or agents of the
corporation or any person who is or was serving at the request of the
corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, to the extent permitted
by the DGCL and the New GZ Bylaws. Such indemnification is in addition to all
other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled under any statute,
bylaw, agreement, vote of stockholders or otherwise. In connection with
providing such indemnification, expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in
defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding shall be paid by New GZ
in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon
receipt of an undertaking to repay such amount unless the person is ultimately
determined to be entitled to indemnification.

    The Graphix Zone Bylaws provide that to the maximum extent permitted by the
CGCL, the corporation shall indemnify each of its agents against expenses,
judgments, fines, settlements and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred
in connection with any proceeding arising by reason of the fact any such person
is or was an agent of the corporation. An "agent" of the corporation includes
any person who is or was a director, officer, employee, or agent of another
corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other enterprise, or was a
director, officer, employee, or agent of the corporation or of another
enterprise at the request of such predecessor corporation.

    DISSENTERS' RIGHTS. Under the DGCL, a stockholder of a corporation who does
not vote in favor of certain merger transactions and who demands appraisal of
his shares in connection therewith may, under varying circumstances, be entitled
to dissenters' rights pursuant to which such stockholder may receive cash in the
amount of the fair value of his shares (as determined by a Delaware court) in
lieu of the consideration he would otherwise receive in the transaction. Unless
the corporation's certificate of incorporation provides otherwise, such
dissenters' rights are not available in certain circumstances, including without
limitation (a) the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the
assets of a corporation, (b) the merger or consolidation by a corporation the
shares of which are either listed on a national securities exchange or the
Nasdaq National Market or are held of record by more than 2,000 holders if such
stockholders receive only shares of the surviving corporation or shares of any
other corporation which are either listed on a national securities exchange or
the Nasdaq National Market or held of record by more than 2,000 holders, plus
cash in lieu of fractional shares or (c) to stockholders of a corporation
surviving a merger if no vote of the stockholders of the surviving corporation
is required to approve the merger because the merger agreement does not amend
the existing certificate of incorporation, each share of the surviving
corporation outstanding prior to the merger is an identical outstanding or
treasury share after the merger, and the number of shares to be issued in the
merger does not exceed 20% of the shares of the surviving corporation
outstanding immediately prior to the merger and if certain other conditions are

    Under the DGCL, "fair value" must be determined exclusive of any element of
value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the relevant

    Under the CGCL, a shareholder of a corporation who does not vote in favor
of certain merger transactions and who demands appraisal of his shares in
connection therewith, may be entitled to dissenters' rights. For a discussion of
dissenters' rights under the CGCL, see "The Reorganization-Dissenters'
Rights-Graphix Zone."


    DISSOLUTION. Under the DGCL, unless the board of directors approves the
proposal to dissolve, dissolution of the corporation must be approved by the
written consent of all stockholders entitled to vote thereon. Only if the
dissolution is initiated by the board of directors may it be approved by a
majority of the corporation's stockholders.

    Under the DGCL, the Court of Chancery, upon application by any stockholder,
may appoint a custodian and, if the corporation is insolvent, a receiver if, (a)
the stockholders are so divided that they have failed to elect successors or
directors whose terms have expired, or (b) the business of the corporation is
suffering or is threatened with irreparable injury because of a deadlock of
directors or (c) the corporation has abandoned its business but has not
liquidated. Upon the order of the Court of Chancery or in the event of clause
(c) above, the corporation may be liquidated and its assets distributed.

    Under the CGCL, the attorney general of the State of California may bring a
dissolution action against any domestic corporation or purported domestic
corporation if the corporation has (a) seriously offended against any provision
of the statutes regulating corporations, (b) fraudulently abused or usurped
corporate privileges or powers, (c) violated any provision of law by any act or
default which under the law is a ground for forfeiture of corporate existence or
(d) failed to pay to the Franchise Tax Board for a period of five years any tax
imposed upon it by the Bank and Corporation Tax Law.

    The CGCL also provides that an action for involuntary dissolution may be
filed by (a) 50% or more of the directors in office, (b) a shareholder or
shareholders who hold shares representing not less than 33 1/3% of (i) the total
number of outstanding shares or (ii) the outstanding common shares or (iii) the
equity of the corporation, exclusive in each case of shares owned by any
interested person, (c) any shareholder if the ground for dissolution is that the
period for which the corporation was formed has terminated without extension
thereof, or (d) any other person expressly authorized to do so in the
corporation's articles of incorporation. In addition, the CGCL provides that any
corporation may elect voluntarily to wind up and dissolve by the vote of
shareholders holding shares representing 50% or more of the voting power.

    DIVIDENDS. The DGCL permits a corporation to declare and pay dividends out
of surplus or, if it has no surplus, out of its net profits for the fiscal year
in which the dividend is declared and/or for the preceding fiscal year as long
as the amount of capital of the corporation following the declaration and
payment of the dividend is not less than the aggregate amount of the capital
represented by issued and outstanding stock of all classes having a preference
upon the distribution of assets. In addition, the DGCL generally provides that a
corporation may redeem or repurchase its shares if such redemption or repurchase
would not impair the capital of the corporation or if it repurchases shares
having a preference upon the distribution of any of its assets and retires such
shares upon acquisition (and provided, that after any reduction in capital made
in connection with such retirement of shares, the corporation's remaining assets
are sufficient to pay any debts for which payment has not otherwise been

    Under the CGCL, a corporation may make a distribution to the corporation's
shareholders only if:  (i) the amount of retained earnings of the corporation
immediately prior thereto equals or exceeds the amount of the proposed
distribution, or (ii) immediately after the distribution, (a) the sum of the
assets of the corporation (exclusive of goodwill, capitalized research and
development expenses and deferred charges) would be at least equal to 
1 1/4 times its liabilities (not including deferred taxes, deferred income and 
other deferred credits) and (b) the current assets of the corporation would be 
at least equal to its current liabilities or, if the average of the earnings of 
the corporation before taxes on income and before interest expense for the 
preceding two fiscal years was less than the average of the interest expense of 
the corporation for those fiscal years, at least equal to 1 1/4 times its 
current liabilities. Neither a corporation nor any of its subsidiaries shall 
make any distribution to the corporation's shareholders if the corporation or 
the subsidiary making the distribution is, or as a result


thereof would be, likely to be unable to meet its liabilities (except those
whose payment is otherwise adequately provided for) as they mature.

New GZ Bylaws provide, that stockholders have a right for a period of at least
10 days prior to any stockholder meeting and during such meeting, to examine a
list of stockholders of New GZ, arranged in alphabetical order and showing the
address and the number of shares held by such stockholder, for any purpose
germane to such meeting. Further, under the DGCL, any stockholder, following a
written request, has the right to inspect the corporation's books and records,
including the stockholder list, during usual business hours for a proper

    In compliance with the CGCL, the Graphix Zone Bylaws provide that a
shareholder or shareholders of Graphix Zone holding at least 5% in the aggregate
of the outstanding voting shares of the corporation may (i) inspect and copy the
record of shareholders' names and addresses during usual business hours upon
five business days' prior written demand upon Graphix Zone, and (ii) obtain from
the transfer agent for Graphix Zone, upon written demand and upon the tender of
its usual charges for such a list, a list of the shareholders' names and
addresses, who are entitled to vote for the election of directors, and their
shareholdings, as of the most recent record date for which it has been compiled
or as of a date specified by the shareholder subsequent to the date of demand.
The list must be made available on or before the later of five business days
after the demand is received or the date specified therein as the date as of
which the list is to be compiled. In addition, the record of shareholders must
be open to inspection and copying by any shareholder or holder of a voting trust
certificate at any time during usual business hours upon written demand on the
corporation, for a purpose reasonably related to such holder's interests as a
shareholder or holder of a voting trust certificate. Any inspection or copying
may be made in person or by agent or attorney of the shareholder or holder of a
voting trust certificate making the demand.

certain contracts or transactions in which one or more of a corporation's
directors has an interest are not void or voidable solely by reason of such
interest provided that either: (i) such contract or transaction is approved by
the stockholders or by a majority of disinterested members of the board of
directors or, in certain circumstances, a committee thereof if the material
facts are disclosed or known thereto (and, under the New GZ Bylaws, the approval
was made in good faith) or (ii) the contract or transaction was fair to the
corporation at the time it was approved.

    Under the CGCL, no contract or other transaction between a corporation and
one or more of its directors, or between a corporation and any corporation, firm
or association in which one or more of its directors has a material financial
interest, is either void or voidable because such director or directors or such
other corporation, firm or association are parties or because such director or
directors are present at the meeting of the board or a committee thereof that
authorizes, approves or ratifies the contract or transaction, if:  (i) the
material facts are fully disclosed or known to the shareholders and such
contract or transaction is approved by the disinterested shareholders in good
faith; or (ii) the material facts are fully disclosed or known to the board or
committee, the disinterested members of the board or committee authorize,
approve or ratify the contract or transaction by a sufficient vote, in good
faith and the contract or transaction is just and reasonable as to the
corporation at the time it is authorized, approved or ratified; or (iii) as to
contracts or transactions not approved as set forth in (i) or (ii) above, the
person asserting the validity of the contract or transaction sustains the burden
of proving that the contract or transaction was just and reasonable as to the
corporation at the time it was authorized, approved or ratified.

    With regard to contracts or transactions between a corporation and any
corporation or association of which one or more of its directors are directors
other than those contracts or transactions discussed in the preceding paragraph,
the CGCL provides that such contracts or transactions are not void or voidable
because such director or directors are present at the meeting of the board or a
committee thereof which authorizes, approves


or ratifies the contract or transaction if: (i) the material facts are fully
disclosed or known to the board or the committee, the disinterested members of
the board or committee authorize, approve or ratify the contract or transaction
by a sufficient vote, in good faith, or the shareholders approve the contract or
transaction in good faith; or (ii) the contract or transaction is just and
reasonable as to the corporation at the time it is authorized, approved or


    New GZ is organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and StarPress
is organized under the laws of the State of Colorado. The following discussion
summarizes certain differences between the New GZ Certificate and the New GZ
Bylaws and the StarPress Articles of Incorporation (the "StarPress Articles")
and the StarPress Bylaws (the "StarPress Bylaws") and between certain provisions
of the DGCL and the CBCA affecting stockholders' and shareholders' rights.

    AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. The total number of authorized shares of capital stock
of StarPress is 110,000,000, consisting of 100,000,000 shares of StarPress
Common Stock, and 10,000,000 shares of preferred stock, no par value. The
authorized capital of New GZ is set forth under "Description of New GZ Capital
Stock--Authorized Capital Stock."

    DIRECTORS. The New GZ Bylaws provide that the New GZ Board of Directors
shall consist of not less than two nor more than eight directors, which number
shall be set from time to time by the New GZ Board subject to the provisions of
the New GZ Certificate. New GZ's Board currently consists of three directors and
as of the Effective Time will consist of six directors who are to serve as
directors until the first annual meeting of stockholders or until their
successors are elected and qualified.

    The StarPress Bylaws provide that the number of directors shall be not less
than three nor more than seven. The exact number of directors shall be fixed by
resolution of the StarPress Board of Directors. 

    AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS. Under the New GZ Bylaws and the New GZ Certificate,
the New GZ Bylaws may be amended or repealed, and new bylaws adopted, by the New
GZ Board. With certain exceptions relating to quorum or voting requirements for
directors or shareholders, the CBCA provides that either the StarPress Board or
the shareholders may amend the bylaws. The StarPress Bylaws provide that they
may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a majority
of the StarPress Board present at any meeting of the Board of Directors at which
a quorum is present. 

    AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE/ARTICLES. Under the DGCL, the affirmative vote of
a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote is required to amend a
certificate of incorporation. In addition, under the DGCL, amendments that make
changes relating to a corporation's capital stock by increasing or decreasing
the aggregate number of authorized shares of a class, or otherwise adversely
affecting the rights of such class, must also be approved by the majority vote
of each class or series of stock affected, even if such stock would not
otherwise have such voting rights.

    Under the CBCA, the StarPress Board may make certain nonsubstantive
amendments to the StarPress Articles. Other amendments may be proposed by the
StarPress Board or by the holders of shares representing at least 10% of all of
the votes entitled to be cast upon the amendment to be adopted. Such amendments
must be approved by a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the amendment
by any voting group with respect to which the amendment would create dissenters'
rights and by the votes required by the CBCA by every other voting group
entitled to vote on the amendment.


    CUMULATIVE VOTING. Neither the New GZ Certificate nor the New GZ Bylaws
provides for cumulative voting for directors. The StarPress Articles and the
StarPress Bylaws prohibit cumulative voting.     

    REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS. The DGCL provides that any or all directors may be
removed from office at any time, but only for cause and only by the affirmative
vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares then entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors. 

    The StarPress Bylaws provide that a director may be removed at any time,
with or without cause, in the manner provided in the CBCA. The CBCA provides
that a director may be removed by the shareholders, with or without cause, only
at a meeting called entirely or partially for the purpose of removing him or
her, and only if the number of votes cast in favor of removal exceeds the number
of votes cast against removal; provided, however, that if a director is elected
by a voting group of shareholders, only the shareholders of that voting group
may participate in the vote to remove that director. 

vacancies and newly created directorships may be filled by a majority of the
directors then in office, though less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining
director. Under the StarPress Bylaws, any vacancy occurring in the StarPress
Board may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining
directors though less than a quorum. Also, under the StarPress Bylaws, any
directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of directors
shall be filled by the vote of a majority of directors then in office or by an
election at an annual or special meeting of shareholders.

Bylaws provide that special meetings of stockholders may be called by the New GZ
Board or by any person or committee expressly authorized by the New GZ Board or
the holders of shares entitled to cast not less than 10% of the votes at the
meeting. The StarPress Bylaws provide that a special meeting of shareholders may
be called by the President of StarPress, the StarPress Board, the holders of not
less than 10% of all the shares entitled to vote at the meeting or legal counsel
of the corporation as last designated by resolution of the StarPress Board.

    Pursuant to the New GZ Bylaws, written notice of the place, date and hour
of every meeting of the stockholders, whether annual or special, shall be given
between 10 and 60 days before the date of the meeting to each stockholder of
record entitled to vote at the meeting. Every notice of a special meeting must
state the purpose or purposes thereof. 

    Under the StarPress Bylaws, written notice of the time and place of an
annual or special meeting of shareholders and, in the case of a special meeting,
the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be given to each
shareholder of record entitled to vote at the meeting between 10 and 50 days
before the date of such annual or special meeting; except that if the authorized
shares are to be increased, at least thirty days' notice shall be given, and if
the sale of all or substantially all of the corporation's assets is to be voted
upon, at least 20 days' notice shall be given.

    Under the DGCL and the New GZ Bylaws, a proxy is valid for 3 years from its
date, unless the proxy provides for a longer period. Under the CBCA, a proxy is
valid for 11 months unless a different period is expressly provided in the
appointment form. Under the StarPress Bylaws, no proxy shall be valid after 11
months from the date thereof unless the proxy provides otherwise.

    QUORUM. Under both the New GZ Bylaws and the StarPress Bylaws, a quorum for
the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Board of
Directors of the respective companies consists of a majority of the number of
directors then holding office. Also, under both the New GZ Bylaws and the 


StarPress Bylaws, the presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote at any meeting of
shareholders constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. 

    PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS. Under the DGCL, stockholders have no preemptive rights
unless such rights are provided for in the certificate of incorporation. The New
GZ Certificate does not provide for preemptive rights, and the New GZ Bylaws
provide that stockholders have no preemptive rights other than those, if any,
granted by the New GZ Board. The StarPress Articles deny preemptive rights to
all shareholders.

    VOTING BY STOCKHOLDERS/SHAREHOLDERS. Under both the New GZ Bylaws and the
StarPress Bylaws, when a quorum is present at any meeting, the vote of the
holders of the majority of stock having voting power present in person or
represented by proxy shall decide any questions brought before such meeting,
unless the question is one upon which, by express provision of the applicable
statute, the certificate or articles of incorporation, as the case may be, or
the bylaws, a different vote is required, in which case such express provision
shall govern and control the decision of such question.

corporation may sell, lease or exchange all or substantially all of its assets
by action of the board of directors, subject to approval, on at least 20 days'
notice, of the holders of a majority of the voting shares or the written consent
of such a majority. Under the CBCA, a corporation may dispose of all or
substantially all of its property, with or without good will, other than in the
usual and regular course of business, on the terms and conditions and for the
consideration determined by the board of directors, if the board of directors
proposes and the shareholders approve the transaction. In addition, if a
corporation is entitled to vote or otherwise consent, other than in the usual
and regular course of business, with respect to the disposition of all or
substantially all of the property, with or without good will, of another entity
that it controls, and if the shares or other interests held by the corporation
in such other entity constitute all or substantially all of the property of the
corporation, then the corporation shall consent to such transaction only if the
board of directors proposes and the shareholders approve the giving of consent.
Unless the corporation's articles, bylaws or board of directors requires a
greater vote, the transaction and consent described in this paragraph shall be
approved by each voting group entitled to vote separately on the transaction or
consent by a majority of all the votes entitled to be cast on the transaction or
the consent by that voting group.

stockholders of a constituent corporation surviving a merger is required (and no
dissenters' rights are available to such stockholders) if the agreement of
merger does not amend in any respect the certificate of incorporation of the
surviving corporation, there is no change in the outstanding shares of the
surviving corporation as a result of the merger, and the number of common shares
issued or issuable in the merger does not exceed 20% of the issuer's common
shares outstanding immediately prior to the merger. The DGCL further provides
that no stockholder approval is required in a merger of a corporation with or
into a single direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of such corporation for
the purpose of effecting a holding company reorganization if certain conditions
are met, including: (i) as a result of the merger, the corporation or its
successor becomes a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the new
holding company; (ii) stockholders of the corporation receive in the merger the
same number of shares of the new holding company as they owned in the
corporation prior to the merger, which stock has the same designations, rights,
powers and preferences, and the qualifications, limitations and restrictions
thereof, with respect to the holding company as such stock had with respect to
the corporation prior to the merger; (iii) the certificate of incorporation and
bylaws of the new holding company contain provisions identical to the
certification of incorporation and bylaws of the corporation immediately prior
to the effective time of the merger (except for provisions that could have been
amended or deleted without stockholder approval); (iv) the directors of the new
holding company will be the same as the directors of the corporation immediately
prior to the merger; (v) the certificate of incorporation of the corporation or
its successor immediately following the merger is identical in all substantive
respects to the certificate of


incorporation of the corporation immediately prior to the merger, provided that
the certificate of incorporation of the corporation or its successor shall be
amended in the merger to contain a provision requiring that any act or
transaction by or involving such corporation that requires for its adoption
under the DGCL or its certificate of incorporation the approval of the
stockholders of such corporation shall require, in addition, the approval of the
stockholders of the new holding company or any successor thereto by merger; and
(vi) the merger is tax-free for Federal income tax purposes to the stockholders
of the corporation.

    Under the CBCA, the board of directors of each corporation that is a party
to a merger must submit the plan of merger to the shareholders for approval,
except that action by the shareholders of the surviving corporation on a plan of
merger (other than on a plan that involves a merger of a parent and a 90% owned
subsidiary) is not required if (i) no amendment is made to the articles of
incorporation that would require shareholder approval, (ii) each shareholder of
the surviving corporation whose shares were outstanding immediately before the
merger will hold the same number of shares, with identical designations,
preferences, limitations and relative rights, immediately after the merger,
(iii) the number of shares that entitle their holders to vote unconditionally in
elections of directors ("voting shares") outstanding immediately after the
merger, plus the number of voting shares issuable as a result of the merger
either by the conversion of securities issued pursuant to the merger or by the
exercise of rights and warrants issued pursuant to the merger, will not exceed
by more than 20% the total number of voting shares of the surviving corporation
outstanding immediately before the merger, and (iv) the number of shares that
entitle their holders to participate without limitation in distributions
("participating shares") outstanding immediately after the merger, plus the
number of participating shares issuable as a result of the merger either by the
conversion of securities issued pursuant to the merger or by the exercise of
rights and warrants issued pursuant to the merger, will not exceed by more than
20% the total number of participating shares outstanding immediately before the

    Also, under the CBCA, if a parent corporation owning at least 90% of the
outstanding shares of each class of a subsidiary merges with the subsidiary, no
vote of the shareholders of such subsidiary is required with respect to the
merger unless the subsidiary is the surviving corporation. If the parent is the
surviving corporation, no vote of its shareholders is required with respect to
the merger unless not all of conditions (i) through (iv) discussed in the
preceding paragraph are met.

any action that may be, or is required by law to be, taken at any annual or
special meeting of stockholders of New GZ may be taken without a meeting,
without prior notice and without a vote, if a consent in writing, setting forth
the action so taken, is signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not
less than the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or
take such action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote thereon were
present and voted; prompt notice of the taking of the corporate action without a
meeting by less than unanimous written consent must be given to those
stockholders who have not consented in writing. Under the StarPress Bylaws, any
action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the shareholders may be
taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so
taken, is signed by all of the shareholders entitled to vote thereon.

exceptions, corporations to adopt a provision in their certificate of
incorporation eliminating the liability of a director to the corporation or its
stockholders for monetary damages for breach of the director's fiduciary duty of
care. The New GZ Certificate provides that a director shall not be liable to the
corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a director, except to the extent such exemption from liability or
limitation thereof is not permitted under the DGCL.

    In accordance with the CBCA, the StarPress Articles provide that no
director shall be liable to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary
damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, except for any


matter in respect of which such director (i) shall be liable under the CBCA for
unlawful distributions, (ii) shall have breached the director's duty of loyalty
to the corporation or its shareholders, (iii) shall have committed an act or
omission not in good faith or involving intentional misconduct or a knowing
violation of law, or (iv) shall have derived an improper personal benefit.

    The DGCL authorizes a corporation to indemnify any person who is, or is
threatened to be made, a party in any civil, criminal, administrative or
investigative, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding (other than an
action by or in the right of the corporation) by reason of the fact that he is
or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was
serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or
agent of another entity, against judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement
and expenses (including attorneys' fees), actually and reasonably incurred by
such person in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit
or proceeding. With respect to actions by or in the right of the corporation,
the DGCL authorizes indemnification of such person against expenses (including
attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with the
defense or settlement of such action or suit. To be entitled to indemnification,
a person must have acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to
be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the corporation, and, with
respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe
his conduct was unlawful with respect to actions taken by or in the right of the
corporation. With respect to actions by or in the right of the corporation,
court approval is required as a prerequisite to indemnification of expenses in
respect of any claim as to which a person has been adjudged liable to the

    The DGCL requires indemnification against expenses actually and reasonably
incurred by any director, officer, employee or agent in connection with a
proceeding against such person for actions in such capacity to the extent that
the person has been successful on the merits or otherwise. Advancement of
expenses (i.e., payment prior to a determination on the merits) is permitted,
but not required, by the DGCL, which further requires that any director or
officer must undertake to repay such expenses if it is ultimately determined
that he is not entitled to indemnification. The disinterested members of the
board of directors (or independent legal counsel or the stockholders) must
determine, in each instance where indemnification is not required by the DGCL,
that such director, officer, employee or agent is entitled to indemnification.
The DGCL provides that the indemnification provided by statute is not exclusive.

    The New GZ Bylaws authorize New GZ to indemnify any person, including
present or former directors, officers, trustees, employees or agents of the
corporation or any person who is or was serving at the request of the
corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, to the extent permitted
by the DGCL and the New GZ Bylaws. Such indemnification is in addition to all
other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled under any statute,
bylaw, agreement, vote of stockholders or otherwise. In connection with
providing such indemnification, expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in
defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding shall be paid by New GZ
in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon
receipt of an undertaking to repay such amount unless the person is ultimately
determined to be entitled to indemnification.

    The CBCA provides that a corporation may indemnify, against reasonable
expenses incurred in a proceeding, a person made a party to the proceeding
because the person is or was a director if: (i) the person conducted himself or
herself in good faith and reasonably believed (a) in the case of conduct in an
official capacity with the corporation, that his or her conduct was in the
corporation's best interests and (b) in all other cases, that his or her conduct
was not opposed to the corporation's best interests, and (ii) in the case of any
criminal proceeding, the person had no reasonable cause to believe his or her
conduct was unlawful. A Colorado corporation may not indemnify a director (i) in
connection with a proceeding by or in the right of the corporation in which the
director was adjudged liable to the corporation, or (ii) in connection with any
other proceeding charging that the director derived an improper personal
benefit, whether or not involving


action in an official capacity, in which proceeding the director was adjudged
liable on the basis that he or she derived an improper personal benefit.

    The StarPress Bylaws provide that StarPress may indemnify any director,
officer, employee, fiduciary or agent of the corporation to the maximum extent
permitted by the CBCA as in effect at the time of the conduct of such person.
The CBCA provides that a director or officer is entitled (i) to receive
mandatory indemnification if such person was wholly successful, on the merits or
otherwise, in the defense of any proceeding to which the person was a party
because the person is or was a director against reasonable expenses incurred
against him or her in connection with the proceeding, and (ii) to apply for
court-ordered indemnification. 

    DISSENTERS' RIGHTS. Under the DGCL, a stockholder of a corporation who does
not vote in favor of certain merger transactions and who demands appraisal of
his shares in connection therewith may, under varying circumstances, be entitled
to dissenters' rights pursuant to which such stockholder may receive cash in the
amount of the fair value of his shares (as determined by a Delaware court) in
lieu of the consideration he would otherwise receive in the transaction. Unless
the corporation's certificate of incorporation provides otherwise, such
dissenters' rights are not available in certain circumstances, including,
without limitation, (i) the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all
of the assets of a corporation, (ii) the merger or consolidation by a
corporation the shares of which are either listed on a national securities
exchange or the Nasdaq National Market or are held of record by more than 2,000
holders if such stockholders receive only shares of the surviving corporation or
shares of any other corporation which are either listed on a national securities
exchange or the Nasdaq National Market or held of record by more than 2,000
holders, plus cash in lieu of fractional shares, or (iii) to stockholders of a
corporation surviving a merger if no vote of the stockholders of the surviving
corporation is required to approve the merger because the merger agreement does
not amend the existing certificate of incorporation, each share of the surviving
corporation outstanding prior to the merger is an identical outstanding or
treasury share after the merger, the number of shares to be issued in the merger
does not exceed 20% of the shares of the surviving corporation outstanding
immediately prior to the merger and if certain other conditions are met.

    Under the DGCL, "fair value" must be determined exclusive of any element of
value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the relevant

    Under the CBCA, a shareholder of the corporation who does not vote in favor
of certain merger transactions and who demands appraisal of his shares in
connection therewith may be entitled to dissenters' rights. For a discussion of
dissenters' rights under the CBCA, see "The Reorganization--Dissenters'

    DISSOLUTION. Under the DGCL, unless the board of directors approves a
proposal to dissolve, dissolution of the corporation must be approved by the
written consent of all stockholders entitled to vote thereon. Only if the
dissolution is initiated by the board of directors may it be approved by a
majority of the corporation's stockholders.

    Under the DGCL, the Court of Chancery, upon application by any stockholder,
may appoint a custodian and, if the corporation is insolvent, a receiver if, (i)
the stockholders are so divided that they have failed to elect successors or
directors whose terms have expired, (ii) the business of the corporation is
suffering or is threatened with irreparable injury because of a deadlock of
directors, or (iii) the corporation has abandoned its business but has not
liquidated. Upon the order of the Court of Chancery or in the event of clause
(iii) above, the corporation may be liquidated and its assets distributed.


    Under the CBCA, voluntary dissolution after issuance of shares may be
authorized by the board of directors. Such board authorization is subject to
approval by each voting group entitled to vote separately on the proposal by a
majority of all the votes entitled to be cast by that voting group. 

    Also, under the CBCA, the secretary of state may commence an administrative
dissolution if (i) the corporation does not pay any taxes, fees or penalties
imposed by the CBCA when they are due, (ii) the corporation does not deliver its
corporate report to the Secretary of State when due, (iii) the corporation is
without a registered agent or registered office in Colorado, (iv) the
corporation does not give notice to the secretary of state that its registered
agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has
resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, or (v) the
corporation's period of duration stated in its articles of incorporation
expires. In addition, the attorney general, a shareholder or a creditor may
commence a proceeding for judicial dissolution for various reasons described in
the CBCA.

    DIVIDENDS. The DGCL permits a corporation to declare and pay dividends out
of surplus or, if it has no surplus, out of its net profits for the fiscal year
in which the dividend is declared and/or for the preceding fiscal year as long
as the amount of capital of the corporation following the declaration and
payment of the dividend is not less than the aggregate amount of the capital
represented by issued and outstanding stock of all classes having a preference
upon the distribution of assets. In addition, the DGCL generally provides that a
corporation may redeem or repurchase its shares if such redemption or repurchase
would not impair the capital of the corporation or if it repurchases shares
having a preference upon the distribution of any of its assets and retires such
shares upon acquisition (and provided that after any reduction in capital made
in connection with such retirement of shares, the corporation's remaining assets
are sufficient to pay any debts for which payment has not otherwise been

    Under the CBCA, a corporation may make a distribution to its shareholders
unless, after giving effect to such distribution, (i) the corporation would not
be able to pay its debts as they become due in the usual course of business, or
(ii) the corporation's total assets would be less than the sum of its total
liabilities plus (unless the articles of incorporation permit otherwise) the
amount that would be needed, if the corporation were to be dissolved at the time
of the distribution, to satisfy the preferential rights upon dissolution of
shareholders whose preferential rights are superior to those receiving the

New GZ Bylaws provide, that stockholders have a right for a period of at least
10 days prior to any stockholder meeting and during such meeting, to examine a
list of stockholders of New GZ, arranged in alphabetical order and showing the
address and the number of shares held by such stockholder, for any purpose
germane to such meeting. Further, under the DGCL, any stockholder, following a
written request, has the right to inspect the corporation's books and records,
including the stockholder list, during usual business hours for a proper

    The StarPress Bylaws provide that the officer or agent having charge of the
stock transfer books for shares of the corporation shall make, at least 10 days
before such meeting of shareholders, a complete record of the shareholders
entitled to vote at each meeting of shareholders, arranged in alphabetical
order, with the address and the number of shares held by each. The record, for a
period of 10 days prior to such meeting, shall be kept on file at StarPress'
principal office and shall be subject to inspection by any shareholder for any
purpose germane to the meeting at any time during usual business hours. In
addition, the record shall be made available during the whole time of the
meeting for the purposes thereof.

certain contracts or transactions in which one or more of a corporation's
directors has an interest are not void or voidable solely by reason of such
interest provided that either: (i) such contract or transaction is approved by
the stockholders or by a majority of disinterested members of the board of
directors or, in certain circumstances, a committee


thereof if the material facts are disclosed or known thereto (and, under the New
GZ Bylaws, the approval was made in good faith), or (ii) the contract or
transaction was fair to the corporation at the time it was approved.

    Under the StarPress Articles, no contract or other transaction between the
corporation and one or more of its directors or any other corporation, firm,
association or entity in which one or more of its directors are directors or
officers or are financially interested is void or voidable solely because such
directors are present at the meeting of the board of directors or a committee
thereof that authorizes, approves or ratifies the contract or transaction or
solely because their votes are counted for such purpose if: (i) the fact of such
relationship or interest is disclosed or known to the board of directors or
committee that authorizes, approves or ratifies the contract or transaction by a
vote or consent sufficient for the purpose, without counting the votes or
consents of such interested directors, (ii) the fact of such relationship or
interest is disclosed or known to the shareholders entitled to vote and they
authorize, approve or ratify such contract or transaction by vote or written
consent, or (iii) the contract or transaction is fair and reasonable to the
corporation. Common or interested directors may be counted in determining the
presence of a quorum at a meeting of the board of directors or a committee
thereof that authorizes, approves or ratifies such contract or transaction.

                         DESCRIPTION OF NEW GZ CAPITAL STOCK

    The summary of the terms of the capital stock of New GZ set forth below
does not purport to be complete and is subject to and qualified in its entirety
by reference to the New GZ Certificate and the New GZ Bylaws.


    Under the New GZ Certificate, the total number of shares of all classes of
stock that New GZ has authority to issue is 125,000,000 shares, of which
100,000,000 are shares of New GZ Common Stock (par value $.01 per share) and
25,000,000 are shares of New GZ Preferred Stock (par value $.01 per share).

    The additional shares of authorized stock available for issuance by New GZ
might be issued at such times and under such circumstances as to have a dilutive
effect on earnings per share and on the equity ownership of the holders of New
GZ Common Stock. The ability of the New GZ Board to issue additional shares of
stock could enhance the New GZ Board's ability to negotiate on behalf of the
stockholders in a takeover situation and also could be used by the New GZ Board
to make a change in control more difficult, thereby denying stockholders the
potential to sell their shares at a premium and entrenching current management.


    Holders of New GZ Common Stock will be entitled to one vote per share on
all matters voted on generally by the stockholders, including the election of
directors, and, except as otherwise required by law or except as provided with
respect to any series of New GZ Preferred Stock, the holders of such shares will
possess all voting power. The New GZ Certificate does not provide for cumulative
voting for the election of directors. Thus, under the DGCL, the holders of more
than one-half of the outstanding shares of New GZ Common Stock generally will be
able to elect all the directors of New GZ then standing for election and holders
of the remaining shares will not be able to elect any director.

    Subject to any preferential rights of any series of New GZ Preferred Stock,
holders of shares of New GZ Common Stock will be entitled to receive dividends
on such stock out of assets legally available for distribution when, as and if
authorized and declared by the New GZ Board and to share ratably in the assets
of New GZ legally available for distribution to its stockholders in the event of
its liquidation, dissolution or winding up.


    Holders of New GZ Common Stock will have no preferences, preemptive,
conversion or exchange rights.


    The New GZ Board is authorized to issue shares of New GZ Preferred Stock,
in one or more series, and to fix for each such series the number of shares
thereof and voting powers and such preferences and relative, participating,
optional or other special rights and such qualifications, limitations or
restrictions as are permitted by the DGCL. The New GZ Board could authorize the
issuance of shares of New GZ Preferred Stock with terms and conditions which
could discourage a takeover or other transaction that holders of some or a
majority of shares of New GZ Common Stock might believe to be in their best
interests or in which such holders might receive a premium for their shares of
stock over the then market price of such shares. As of the date hereof, no
shares of New GZ Preferred Stock are outstanding and the New GZ Board has no
present intention to issue any shares of New GZ Preferred Stock after the
Effective Time.


    The principal transfer agent and registrar for New GZ Common Stock will be
U. S. Stock Transfer Corporation.


    At the Effective Time, New GZ will be subject to Section 203 of the DGCL.
Section 203 of the DGCL restricts a wide range of transactions ("business
combinations") between a corporation and an interested stockholder. An
"interested stockholder" is, generally, any person who beneficially owns,
directly or indirectly, 15% or more of the corporation's outstanding voting
stock. Business combinations are broadly defined to include (i) mergers or
consolidations with, (ii) sales or other dispositions of more than 10% of the
corporation's assets to, (iii) certain transactions resulting in the issuance or
transfer of any stock of the corporation or any subsidiary to, (iv) certain
transactions which would result in increasing the proportionate share of stock
of the corporation or any subsidiary owned by, or (v) receipt of the benefit
(other than proportionately as a stockholder) of any loans, advances or other
financial benefits by, an interested stockholder. Section 203 provides that an
interested stockholder may not engage in a business combination with the
corporation for a period of three years from the time of becoming an interested
stockholder unless (i) the board of directors approved either the business
combination or the transaction which resulted in the person becoming an
interested stockholder prior to the time such person became an interested
stockholder; (ii) upon consummation of the transaction which resulted in the
person becoming an interested stockholder, that person owned at least 85% of the
corporation's voting stock (excluding shares owned by persons who are officers
and also directors and shares owned by certain employee stock plans); or (iii)
the business combination is approved by the board of directors and authorized by
the affirmative vote of at least 66 2/3% of the outstanding voting stock not
owned by the interested stockholder. The restrictions on business combinations
with interested stockholders contained in Section 203 do not apply to a
corporation whose certificate of incorporation contains a provision expressly
electing not to be governed by the statute. The New GZ Certificate does not
contain a provision electing to "opt-out" of Section 203.


                                 MANAGEMENT OF NEW GZ


    The following table sets forth information as to the persons who are
currently directors of New GZ and who are expected to serve as directors of New
GZ following the Reorganization.

  NAME AND YEAR FIRST                               BUSINESS EXPERIENCE
- -------------------------         ---            ---------------------------

Angela Aber Cortright.........    40   Executive Vice President - Marketing,
(1989)                                 Secretary and Director of Graphix Zone
                                       since its inception in August 1989 and
                                       Executive Vice President, Secretary and
                                       Director of New GZ since its inception
                                       in January 1996. For the two year period
                                       prior to her employment with Graphix
                                       Zone, Ms. Cortright served as President
                                       of MarkeTrax, a marketing research firm
                                       founded by Ms. Cortright which
                                       specialized in the computer industry.
                                       Prior to founding MarkeTrax, Ms.
                                       Cortright had over 10 years experience
                                       in sales and marketing in the computer
                                       industry with AST Research, MSI Data and
                                       IBM. Angela Aber Cortright is the wife
                                       of Charles R. Cortright, Jr.

Charles R. Cortright, Jr......    47   President, Chairman of the Board of
(1989)                                 Directors and Chief Executive Officer of
                                       Graphix Zone since its inception in
                                       August 1989 and interim Chief Financial
                                       Officer since May 1995 and President of
                                       New GZ since its inception in January
                                       1996. For the one and one-half year
                                       period prior to his relationship with
                                       Graphix Zone, Mr. Cortright served as
                                       Vice President and General Manager of
                                       Infotek, a manufacturer of computer add-
                                       on enhancement products. Prior to working
                                       for Infotek, he had over 18 years 
                                       experience in the computer graphics 
                                       industry, having held key management
                                       positions at AST Research, CalComp and 
                                       Hughes Aircraft in their graphics 
                                       products divisions. Charles R. 
                                       Cortright, Jr. is the husband of Angela 
                                       Aber Cortright.


Doug Glen.....................    48   Director of StarPress since June 23,
(1995)                                 1995. Mr. Glen is President of Mattel
                                       Media and Senior Vice President,
                                       Strategic Planning and Business
                                       Development, of Mattel Toys. From 1992
                                       and prior to joining Mattel in 1994, Mr.
                                       Glen was Group Vice President of Sega of
                                       America, where he managed the
                                       introduction of Sega's multimedia
                                       product line and the development of the
                                       Sega Channel. From 1987 to 1992, Mr.
                                       Glen was General Manager of Lucasfilm
                                       Games, the consumer software division of
                                       LucasArts Entertainment. Mr. Glen holds
                                       an undergraduate degree from MIT and an
                                       MBA from Somerset University. Mr. Glen
                                       will be appointed a Director of New GZ
                                       as of the Effective Time.

C. Richard Kramlich...........    60   Director of StarPress since June 23,
(1995)                                 1995. Since 1978, Mr. Kramlich has been
                                       the Managing General Partner of New
                                       Enterprise Associates, a venture capital
                                       firm which manages six venture capital
                                       investment funds and four affiliated
                                       venture capital investment funds. Mr.
                                       Kramlich serves on the Board of
                                       Directors of Chalone, Inc., a premium
                                       wine company; Sierra Monitor
                                       Corporation, a gas monitoring device
                                       company; Silicon Graphics, Inc., a
                                       visual computing systems company;
                                       SyQuest Technology Inc., a removable
                                       disk drive manufacturing company;
                                       Telebit Corporation, a high-speed
                                       communications company; Macro-media,
                                       Inc., a software authoring tool company;
                                       Neopath, Inc., a medical screening
                                       technology company; and Ascend
                                       Communications, Inc., a
                                       telecommunications company. Mr. Kramlich
                                       will be appointed a Director of New GZ
                                       as of the Effective Time.

Ronald S. Posner..............    53   Chairman of the Board and a director of
(1995)                                 StarPress since June 23, 1995 and
                                       Chairman and Director of New GZ since
                                       its inception in January 1996. Prior to
                                       that and since it was incorporated in
                                       1993, Mr. Posner was the President and
                                       Chief Executive Officer of StarPress
                                       Multimedia, Inc., which became a wholly
                                       owned subsidiary of StarPress as of June
                                       1993. Prior to joining StarPress Multi-
                                       media, Inc., Mr. Posner was the Chief
                                       Executive Officer of WordStar, Inc., a
                                       software company. Prior to joining
                                       WordStar, from 1989 to 1990, Mr. Posner
                                       served as President and Chief Executive
                                       Officer of Peter Norton Computing, Inc.,
                                       a PC software company. Mr.


                                       Posner holds a Bachelor of Science in 
                                       Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic
                                       Institute and a Masters in Business 
                                       Administration from the Harvard Business

Thomas C. K. Yuen.............    44   Director of Graphix Zone since 1994 and
(1994)                                 one of the co-founders in 1981 and,
                                       until July 1992, the Chief Operating
                                       Officer of AST Research, a Fortune 500
                                       personal computer manufacturer. After
                                       leaving AST Research, Mr. Yuen formed
                                       Atlantis Computers, a company which
                                       holds con-trolling interests in a number
                                       of high technology companies, including
                                       SRS Labs, NuReality and MPC
                                       Technologies. Mr. Yuen will be appointed
                                       a director of New GZ as of the Effective


    All directors of New GZ are reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in
connection with attendance of Board of Directors' meetings and all directors who
are not executive officers or employees of New GZ will receive a director's fee
of $1,000 per meeting. In addition, each director who is also a member of the
committee administering the 1996 Plan receives an annual nonqualified stock
option to purchase 25,000 shares of New GZ Common Stock at the then-current fair
market value. These options are granted beginning July 1, 1996 and on each July
1 thereafter. The 1996 Plan committee is currently comprised of Charles R.
Cortright, Jr. and Ronald S. Posner. See "New GZ 1996 Stock Option Plan." 


    Other than the 1996 Plan Committee which is currently comprised of Charles
R. Cortright, Jr. and Ronald S. Posner, it is anticipated that New GZ will not
have any standing committees of the Board of Directors. In that regard, it is
anticipated that New GZ will not have a separate audit committee. Rather, the
Board of Directors as a whole will review the results and scope of the audit and
other services provided by the Company's independent auditors.


    Set forth below is the name, age and title of the current executive
officers of New GZ.

   NAME                           AGE                 OFFICE
   ----                           ---                 ------

Norman Block..................    55   Executive Vice President, Chief
                                       Operating Officer, Chief Financial
                                       Officer and Treasurer of New GZ since
                                       its inception in January 1996. During
                                       1995, Mr. Block was Managing Director of
                                       PLATINUM Technology, Inc.'s Locus
                                       Laboratory, the leading supplier of
                                       software products integrating UNIX
                                       systems with desktop operating systems.
                                       Prior to joining Locus Laboratory, from
                                       1993 to 1995, Mr. Block was Chief
                                       Executive Officer of Qual/Soft, a
                                       provider of advanced technology for


                                       quality information management. Prior to
                                       joining Qual/Soft, from 1987 to 1992,
                                       Mr. Block was founder and President of
                                       Evernet Systems, Inc. which was the
                                       nation's largest network systems
                                       integration firm. From 1983 to 1987,
                                       Mr. Block was Executive Vice President
                                       of Ashton-Tate, a leading software
                                       development company. Mr. Block holds a
                                       Bachelor of Science degree in accounting
                                       from Fairleigh Dickenson University and
                                       a Masters of Business Administration
                                       from New York University.

Angela Aber Cortright.........    40   Executive Vice President - Marketing,
                                       Secretary and Director of Graphix Zone
                                       since its inception in August 1989 and
                                       Executive Vice President, Secretary and
                                       Director of New GZ since its inception
                                       in January 1996. For the two year period
                                       prior to her employment with Graphix
                                       Zone, Ms. Cortright served as President
                                       of MarkeTrax, a marketing research firm
                                       founded by Ms. Cortright which
                                       specialized in the computer industry.
                                       Prior to founding MarkeTrax, Ms.
                                       Cortright had over 10 years experience
                                       in sales and marketing in the computer
                                       industry with AST Research, MSI Data and
                                       IBM. Angela Aber Cortright is the wife
                                       of Charles R. Cortright, Jr.

Charles R. Cortright, Jr......    47   President, Chairman of the Board of
                                       Directors and Chief Executive Officer of
                                       Graphix Zone since its inception in
                                       August 1989 and interim Chief Financial
                                       Officer since May 1995 and President and
                                       Director of New GZ since its inception
                                       in January 1996. For the one and one-
                                       half year period prior to his
                                       relationship with Graphix Zone, Mr.
                                       Cortright served as Vice President and
                                       General Manager of Infotek, a
                                       manufacturer of computer add-on
                                       enhancement products. Prior to working
                                       for Infotek, he had over 18 years
                                       experience in the computer graphics
                                       industry, having held key management
                                       positions at AST Research, CalComp and
                                       Hughes Aircraft in their graphics
                                       products divisions. Charles R.
                                       Cortright, Jr. is the husband of Angela
                                       Aber Cortright.

Ronald S. Posner..............    53   Chairman of the Board and a director of
(1995)                                 StarPress since June 23, 1995 and
                                       Chairman of the Board and Director of
                                       New GZ since its inception in January
                                       1996. Prior to that and since it was
                                       incorporated in 1993, Mr. Posner was the
                                       President and Chief Executive Officer of
                                       StarPress Multi-


                                       media, Inc., which became a wholly owned 
                                       subsidiary of StarPress as of June 1993. 
                                       Prior to joining StarPress Multimedia, 
                                       Inc., Mr. Posner was the Chief Executive 
                                       Officer of WordStar, Inc., a software 
                                       company. Prior to joining WordStar, from 
                                       1989 to 1990, Mr. Posner served as 
                                       President and Chief Executive Officer of 
                                       Peter Norton Computing, Inc., a PC 
                                       software company. Mr. Posner holds a 
                                       Bachelor of Science in  Mathematics from 
                                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a 
                                       Masters in Business Administration from 
                                       the Harvard Business School.


    Ronald S. Posner is the Chairman of New GZ and has held such position since
New GZ's formation in January 1996. Currently, Mr. Posner also is Chairman of
StarPress and serves in that capacity pursuant to an employment agreement dated
June 23, 1995, which provides for his employment as Chairman of StarPress for a
period of three years. Mr. Posner's base salary under his employment agreement
is $120,000 per year. The Reorganization Agreement provides that New GZ will
assume, at the Closing, StarPress' employment agreement with Mr. Posner.

    Charles R. Cortright, Jr. and Angela Aber Cortright are the President and 
Executive Vice President and Secretary, respectively, of New GZ. As provided 
in the Reorganization Agreement, New GZ will has entered into employment 
agreements with Mr. Cortright and Ms. Cortright, each on terms no less 
favorable or more favorable to those executives than contained in StarPress' 
employment agreement with Mr. Posner. Accordingly, Mr. Cortright's and Ms. 
Cortright's base salaries will be $120,000 per year.

    Norman Block is the Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer,
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of New GZ. Mr. Block's base salary is
$180,000 per year.

    Other than Messrs. Posner, Cortright and Block and Ms. Cortright, the form
and amount of compensation to any other executive officer of New GZ has not yet
been determined. The New GZ Board of Directors will be responsible for
recommending the form and amount of compensation to be paid to all New GZ's
executive officers. It is anticipated that in determining such compensation, the
New GZ Board of Directors will generally adhere to compensation policies which
reflect the belief that (i) New GZ must attract and retain individuals of
outstanding ability, and (ii) levels of compensation should generally be similar
with that offered by comparable companies.


                             SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF NEW GZ

    The following table sets forth the anticipated beneficial ownership of New
GZ Common Stock, after giving effect to the Reorganization, as to (i) each
person who is expected to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of New GZ
Common Stock, (ii) each person who is or who is expected to be a New GZ
director, (iii) each person who is or who is expected to be an executive officer
of New GZ, and (iv) all persons who are or who are expected to be New GZ
directors and executive officers as a group:

                                        Amount and Nature of    Percent of Class
Name and Address                      Beneficial Ownership of      of New GZ
of Beneficial Owner                    New GZ Common Stock(1)   Common Stock(2)
- -------------------                   -----------------------   ----------------
Charles R. Cortright, Jr. and
Angela Aber Cortright(3)(4)                      836,400                7.94%
42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92714

GT Interactive Software Corp.(5)                 800,000                7.07%
16 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016

New Enterprise Associates V,                     787,574                7.49%
Limited Partnership
New Enterprise Associates
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1025
San Francisco, CA 94104

C. Richard Kramlich(3)(6)                        787,574                7.49%
42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92714

Gruber & McBaine Capital                         640,700                6.05%
50 Osgood Place
San Francisco, CA 94133

Ronald S. Posner(3)(8)                           468,430                4.44%
42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92714

Thomas C. K. Yuen(3)(9)                          331,965                3.12%
2907 Daimler Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Norman Block(3)(10)                               56,250                 .53%
42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92714

Doug Glen(3)(11)                                   2,474                 .02%
42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92714


All New GZ directors and                       2,483,093               23.12%
executive officers as a group
(7 persons)(4)(6)(8)(9)(10)(11)

(1) Except as indicated in the footnotes to this table and pursuant to
    applicable community property laws, the persons named in this table have
    sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares of New GZ
    Common Stock.

(2) The percentages reflected in this column are based on 5,446,543 shares of
    Graphix Zone Common Stock and 34,531,130 shares of StarPress Common Stock
    outstanding as of May 31, 1996.

(3) Current or future director or officer of New GZ.

(4) Includes 763,500 shares which the Cortrights own of record as community
    property. Also includes 52,900 shares owned by Ms. Cortright as her sole
    and separate property, 10,000 shares which Ms. Cortright has the right to
    acquire upon the exercise of nonqualified options which are exercisable
    within 60 days of May 31, 1996 and 10,000 shares which Mr. Cortright has
    the right to acquire upon the exercise of nonqualified options which are
    exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996. For purposes of this table, the
    Cortrights are presented together since they share voting and investment
    power with respect to all shares beneficially owned by them.

(5) Represents 800,000 shares of Graphix Zone Common Stock which GT has the
    right to acquire upon the exercise of a warrant which is exercisable within
    60 days of May 31, 1996.

(6) Represents 787,574 shares held by New Enterprise Associates V, Limited
    Partnership. Mr. Kramlich is the Managing General Partner of New Enterprise
    Associates V, Limited Partnership and disclaims beneficial ownership of the
    shares held by such entity except to the extent of his proportionate
    partnership interest therein.

(7) Includes 80,850 shares which Gruber & McBaine Capital Management have the
    right to acquire upon the exercise of warrants exercisable within 60 days
    of May 31, 1996.

(8) Includes 40,881 shares which Mr. Posner has the right to acquire upon the
    exercise of options which are exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996.

(9) Includes 108,750 shares which Mr. Yuen has the right to acquire upon the
    exercise of options which are exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996.

(10) Represents 56,250 shares of New GZ Common Stock which Mr. Block has the
    right to acquire upon exercise of options which are exercisable within 60
    days of May 31, 1996.

(11) Represents 2,474 shares which Mr. Glen has the right to acquire upon the
    exercise of options which are exercisable within 60 days of May 31, 1996.

                            NEW GZ 1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN

    On January 17, 1996, the Board of Directors of New GZ adopted, subject to
the approval of the sole stockholder of New GZ, the New GZ 1996 Stock Option
Plan ("1996 Plan"). On that same date, the sole stockholder of New GZ, Graphix
Zone, approved the 1996 Plan. 

    The 1996 Plan is designed to enable New GZ to offer an incentive based
compensation system to key employees and directors of New GZ and to employees of
companies who do business with New GZ. The 1996 Plan provides for the grant of
incentive stock options ("ISOs"), nonqualified stock options ("NQOs") (ISOs and
NQOs are collectively called "Options") and the grant of nonqualified stock
options to members of the committee which administers the 1996 Plan ("Committee
NQOs"). As of May 31, 1996, New GZ had a total of two key employees and one
director eligible to receive Options under the 1996 Plan and two directors
eligible to receive Committee NQOs under the 1996 Plan.

    A total of 2,500,000 shares of New GZ Common Stock are authorized for
issuance under the 1996 Plan. As of May 21, 1996, a total of 186,906 NQOs and
38,094 ISOs have been granted under the 1996 Plan.


    The following summary description of the 1996 Plan is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of the 1996 Plan, which is attached to
this Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus as Appendix G.


    A total of 2,500,000 shares of New GZ's Common Stock are authorized for
issuance under the 1996 Plan. Any shares of New GZ Common Stock which are
subject to an Option but are not used because the terms and conditions of the
Option are not met, or any shares which are used by participants to pay all or
part of the purchase price of any Option may again be used for awards under the
1996 Plan.


    The 1996 Plan is administered by a Committee ("Committee") of not less than
two nor more than five persons appointed by the New GZ Board, each of whom must
be a director of New GZ and may not be eligible to receive Options under the
1996 Plan (other than Committee NQOs) or under the terms of any other plan of
New GZ or its affiliates. It is the intent of the 1996 Plan that it be
administered by a Committee that is "disinterested" under Rule 16b-3 of the
Exchange Act. The Committee is currently comprised of Charles R. Cortright, Jr.
and Ronald S. Posner.

    The Committee is empowered to select those eligible persons to whom Options
shall be granted under the 1996 Plan; to determine the time or times at which
each Option shall be granted, whether Options will be ISOs or NQOs, and the
number of shares of New GZ Common Stock to be subject to each Option; and to fix
the time and manner in which each such Option may be exercised, including the
exercise price and option period, and other terms and conditions of such
Options, all subject to the terms and conditions of the 1996 Plan. However, the
Committee does not have the power to (i) determine eligibility to receive
Committee NQOs or to determine the number, the price, the vesting period, or the
timing of Committee NQOs to be made under the 1996 Plan or (ii) take any other
action that would result in the Committee NQOs not being treated as "formula
awards" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3(c)(ii) of the Exchange Act. The
Committee has sole discretion to interpret and administer the 1996 Plan, and its
decisions regarding the 1996 Plan are final.


    ISOs granted under the 1996 Plan must have an exercise price of not less
than 100% of the fair market value of the New GZ Common Stock on the date the
ISO is granted and must be exercised within ten years from the  date of grant.
In the case of an ISO granted to an optionee who owns more than 10% of the total
voting securities of New GZ on the date of grant, such exercise price shall be
not less than 110% of fair market value on the date of grant, and the option
period may not exceed five years. NQOs granted under the 1996 Plan must have an
exercise price of not less than 85% of the fair market value of the New GZ
Common Stock on the date the NQO is granted. Under the 1996 Plan, beginning on
July 1, 1996 (the beginning of New GZ's first full fiscal year), and on each
July 1 thereafter, each director of New GZ who is also a member of the Committee
is automatically granted a Committee NQO to purchase 25,000 shares of New GZ
Common Stock with an exercise price equal to 100% of the fair market value of
New GZ Common Stock on the date of grant. The 1996 Plan also provides that
Committee NQOs vest and become exercisable according to the following schedule:
one-half of the amount will vest six months following the grant and one-half
will vest twelve months following the grant.

    Options and Committee NQOs may be exercised during a period of time fixed
by the Committee except that no Option or Committee NQO may be exercised more
than ten years after the date of grant (five years in the case of an ISO granted
to a stockholder owning more than 10% of the voting securities of New GZ). In
the discretion of the Committee, payment of the purchase price for the shares of
stock acquired through the


exercise of an Option or a Committee NQO may be made in cash, shares of New GZ
Common Stock or a combination of cash and shares of New GZ Common Stock.


    The 1996 Plan may be wholly or partially amended or otherwise modified,
suspended or terminated at any time and from time to time by the New GZ Board.
The New GZ Board may not (i) materially impair any outstanding Options without
the express consent of the optionee or (ii) materially increase the number of
shares subject to the 1996 Plan, materially increase the benefits accruing to
optionees under the 1996 Plan, materially modify the requirements as to
eligibility to participate in the 1996 Plan or alter the method of determining
the Option exercise price without shareholder approval. No Option may be granted
under the 1996 Plan after January 17, 2006.



    Holders of NQOs and Committee NQOs do not realize income as a result of a
grant of the Option or Committee NQO, but normally realize compensation income
upon exercise of an NQO or Committee NQO to the extent that the fair market
value of the shares of New GZ Common Stock on the date of exercise of the NQO or
Committee NQO exceeds the exercise price paid. New GZ will be required to
withhold taxes on ordinary income realized by an optionee upon the exercise of a
NQO or Committee NQO.


    Holders of ISOs will not be considered to have received taxable income upon
either the grant of the Option or its exercise. Upon the sale or other taxable
disposition of the shares, long-term capital gain will normally be recognized on
the full amount of the difference between the amount realized and the Option
exercise price paid if no disposition of the shares has taken place within
either (i) two years from the date of grant of the Option or (ii) one year from
the date of transfer of the shares to the optionee upon exercise. If the shares
are sold or otherwise disposed of before the end of the one-year or two-year
periods, the holder of the ISO must include the gain realized as ordinary income
to the extent of the lesser of (a) the fair market value of the Option stock
minus the Option price, or (b) the amount realized minus the Option price. Any
gain in excess of these amounts, presumably, will be treated as capital gain.
New GZ will be entitled to a tax deduction in regard to an ISO only to the
extent the optionee has ordinary income upon the sale or other disposition of
the Option shares.

    Upon the exercise of an ISO, the amount by which the fair market value of
the purchased shares at the time of the exercise exceeds the Option price will
be an "item of tax preference" for purposes of computing the optionee's
alternative minimum tax for the year of exercise. If the shares so acquired are
disposed of prior to the expiration of the one-year or two-year periods
described above, there should be no "item of tax preference" arising from the
Option exercise.


    Although not intended as an anti-takeover measure by the New GZ Board, one
of the possible effects of the 1996 Plan could be to place additional shares,
and to increase the percentage of the total number of shares outstanding, in the
hands of the directors and key employees of New GZ. Such persons may be viewed
as part of, or friendly to, incumbent management and may, therefore, under
certain circumstances be expected to make investment and voting decisions in
response to a hostile takeover attempt that may serve to discourage or render
more difficult the accomplishment of such attempt.


    In addition, Options and Committee NQOs may, in the discretion of the
Committee, contain a provision providing for the acceleration of the
exercisability of outstanding, but unexercisable, installments upon the first
public announcement of a tender offer, merger, consolidation, sale of all or
substantially all of the assets of New GZ, or other attempted changes in the
control of New GZ. In the opinion of the New GZ Board, such an acceleration
provision merely ensures that optionees under the 1996 Plan will be able to
exercise their Options and Committee NQOs as intended by the New GZ Board and
stockholders of New GZ prior to any such extraordinary corporate transaction
which might serve to limit or restrict such right. The New GZ Board is, however,
presently unaware of the possibility of any hostile takeovers involving New GZ.

                                SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

    Proposals of shareholders of Graphix Zone which are intended to be
presented by such shareholders at Graphix Zone's 1996 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders (if the Reorganization is not consummated) must be received by
Graphix Zone no later than June 26, 1996 in order to be considered for inclusion
in the proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting.

    Proposals of shareholders of StarPress which are intended to be presented
by such shareholders at StarPress' 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (if the
Reorganization is not consummated) must be received by StarPress no later than
April 30, 1996 in order to be considered in the proxy statement and form of
proxy relating to that meeting.


    The financial statements of Graphix Zone as of June 30, 1995, and for each
of the years in the two-year period ended June 30, 1995, have been included
herein and in the registration statement in reliance upon the report of KPMG
Peat Marwick LLP, independent certified public accountants, appearing elsewhere
herein and upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and

    The consolidated financial statements of StarPress (formerly known as Great
Bear Technology Incorporated) at June 30, 1995 and for each of the two years
then ended appearing in the Joint Proxy/Prospectus and Registration Statement
have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, as set forth in
their report thereon (which contains an explanatory paragraph with respect to
substantial doubt regarding StarPress' ability to continue as a going concern)
and appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report
given upon the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

    Representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP are expected to be present at the
Graphix Zone Meeting, and representatives of Ernst & Young LLP, are expected to
be present at StarPress Meeting. In each case, such representatives will have
the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and are expected to
be available to respond to appropriate questions. 

                                    LEGAL MATTERS

    The validity of the shares of New GZ Common Stock to be issued in
connection with the Reorganization will be passed upon by Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.


    Snell & Wilmer L.L.P., counsel for Graphix Zone, will deliver an opinion to
the effect that the description of the Federal income tax consequences to
holders of Graphix Zone Common Stock contained under the heading "The
Reorganization--Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences" correctly sets forth
the material Federal income tax consequences for such holders. Jackson Tufts
Cole & Black, LLP, counsel for StarPress, will deliver an opinion to the effect
that the description of the Federal income tax consequences to holders of
StarPress Common Stock contained under the heading "The Reorganization--Certain
Federal Income Tax Consequences" correctly sets forth the material Federal
income tax consequences for such holders. In addition, consummation of the
Graphix Zone Merger and the StarPress Merger is conditioned upon the receipt of
the opinions of Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. and Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP,


                                                                   APPENDIX A-1


    THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION ("Agreement") is entered into as
of this 3rd day of January, 1996, by and between Graphix Zone, Inc., a
California corporation ("GZ"), and StarPress, Inc., a Colorado corporation


    A.   The parties intend that, subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, a new Delaware corporation will be organized by GZ and SP ("New GZ")
and GZ and SP will be acquired by New GZ through mergers of wholly-owned
subsidiaries of New GZ into GZ and SP, all pursuant to the terms and conditions
of this Agreement and an Agreement of Merger substantially in the form of
EXHIBIT A and an Agreement and Plan of Merger substantially in the form of
EXHIBIT B and the applicable provisions of the state laws of the constituent
corporations. The merger of a New GZ subsidiary into GZ is referred to as the
"GZ Merger," and the merger of a New GZ subsidiary into SP is referred to as the
"SP Merger," and the GZ Merger and the SP Merger are sometimes referred to as
the "Mergers." The Agreement of Merger pertaining to the merger of a New GZ
subsidiary into GZ is referred to as the "GZ Merger Agreement," the Agreement
and Plan of Merger pertaining to the merger of a New GZ subsidiary into SP is
referred to as the "SP Merger Agreement," and the GZ Merger Agreement and the SP
Merger Agreement are sometimes referred to as the "Merger Agreements." Upon the
effectiveness of the Mergers, all the outstanding capital stock of GZ and SP
will be converted into common stock of New GZ, and New GZ will assume all
outstanding options and warrants to purchase shares of common stock of GZ and SP
and SP's obligations (if such obligations arise) to issue additional shares to
certain persons associated with iTravel International Ltd. or former
shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. pursuant to Exchange Agreements dated
March 16, 1995, and June 9, 1995, respectively (collectively, "SP Obligations"),
as provided in this Agreement and the Merger Agreements. New GZ will also assume
the name "Graphix Zone, Inc." and the Nasdaq ticker symbol "GZON".

    B.   The Mergers are intended to be treated as reorganizations pursuant to
the provisions of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended ("Code"; all references to "Code" sections in this Agreement shall be
references to corresponding provisions if the Code is subsequently amended or

    NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:


         1.1  NEW GZ. As promptly as practicable after execution of this
Agreement, GZ and SP will cause New GZ to be organized under the laws of the
State of Delaware, including the Delaware General Corporation Law ("Delaware
Law"). The Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of New GZ shall be in forms
acceptable to GZ and SP. The Certificate of Incorporation of New GZ shall
provide that the authorized capital stock of New GZ shall consist initially of
100,000,000 shares of common stock, $.01 par value ("New GZ Common Stock") and
25,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $.01 par value.


         1.2  DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF NEW GZ. The board of directors of New
GZ shall initially consist of Ronald S. Posner, Charles R. Cortright, Jr.,
Angela Aber Cortright, Richard Kramlich, Thomas C. K. Yuen and Douglas Glen, and
one (1) or two (2) other persons selected by those six (6). The officers of New
GZ shall initially be:

         Chairman                                     Ronald S. Posner
         President                                    Charles R. Cortright, Jr.
         Executive Vice President and Secretary       Angela Aber Cortright
         Chief Financial Officer                      John C. Lukrich

         1.3  ORGANIZATION OF MERGER SUBSIDIARIES. As promptly as practicable
following the execution of this Agreement and the organization of New GZ, GZ and
SP shall cause the following companies ("Merger Subsidiaries") to be organized
for the sole purpose of effectuating the GZ Merger and the SP Merger
contemplated herein:

              (a)  GZ Merger Corp., a corporation organized under the laws of
the State of California, shall be formed by GZ. The authorized capital stock of
GZ Merger Corp. shall consist of 10 shares of Common Stock, no par value, which
shall be issued to New GZ at a price of $1.00 per share.

              (b)  SP Merger Corp., a corporation organized under the laws of
the State of Colorado, shall be formed by SP. The authorized capital stock of SP
Merger Corp. shall consist of 10 shares of Common Stock, no par value, which
shall be issued to New GZ at a price of $1.00 per share.

         1.4  ACTIONS OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. As promptly as practicable
following the execution of this Agreement, GZ shall designate the directors and
officers of GZ Merger Corp. and SP shall designate the directors and officers of
SP Merger Corp. GZ and SP shall cause (i) New GZ to elect the directors of the
Merger Subsidiaries, (ii) the directors of the Merger Subsidiaries to elect
their respective officers, (iii) the directors of New GZ to ratify and approve
this Agreement and to approve the Merger Agreements, (iv) the Merger Agreements
to be executed on behalf of the parties thereto, and (v) the directors and
officers of the Merger Subsidiaries to take such steps as may be necessary or
appropriate to complete the organization of the Merger Subsidiaries and to
approve the Merger Agreements.

         1.5  ACTIONS OF GZ AND SP. As promptly as practicable following the
execution of this Agreement, GZ and SP shall cause New GZ to ratify and approve
this Agreement, and shall cause New GZ, as the sole shareholder of each of the
Merger Subsidiaries, to adopt the Merger Agreements. GZ and SP shall cause New
GZ and the Merger Subsidiaries to perform their respective obligations under
this Agreement and the Merger Agreements.


         2.1  THE MERGERS. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and the Merger Agreements, and in accordance with provisions of
applicable law:

              (a)  GZ Merger Corp. shall be merged with and into GZ in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the laws of the State of
California. GZ shall be the surviving corporation in the GZ Merger and shall
continue its corporate existence under the laws of the State of California. As a
result of the GZ Merger, GZ shall become a wholly owned subsidiary of New GZ.
The effects and consequences of the GZ Merger shall be as set forth in the GZ
Merger Agreement.


              (b)  SP Merger Corp. shall be merged with and into SP in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Colorado.
SP shall be the surviving corporation in the SP Merger and shall continue its
corporate existence under the laws of the State of Colorado. As a result of the
SP Merger, SP shall become a wholly owned subsidiary of New GZ. The effects and
consequences of the SP Merger shall be as set forth in the SP Merger Agreement.

         2.2  MERGER SUBSIDIARIES. At the Effective Time (as defined in Section
2.3), each share of common stock of GZ Merger Corp. outstanding immediately
prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into and shall become one share
of common stock of GZ. At the Effective Time, each share of the common stock of
SP Merger Corp. outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be
converted into and shall become one share of common stock of SP.

         2.3  CONVERSION OF SP AND GZ SHARES. Each share of common stock of SP,
no par value ("SP Common Stock"), that is issued and outstanding immediately
prior to the Effective Time (as defined below), will, by virtue of the SP Merger
and without any further action on the part of any holder thereof, be converted
into 0.14666 of a share ("Exchange Ratio") of validly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable New GZ Common Stock. Each share of common stock of GZ, no par
value ("GZ Common Stock"), that is issued and outstanding immediately prior to
the Effective Time, will, by virtue of the GZ Merger and without any further
action on the part of any holder thereof, be converted into one (1) share of
validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable New GZ Common Stock. Shares of SP's
capital stock, if any, held by SP in its treasury will not be deemed outstanding
for purposes of this Agreement and will not be converted into shares of New GZ
Common Stock, cash or any other property. The term "Effective Time" shall mean
the time and date which is (A) the later of (i) the date and time of the filing
of the GZ Merger Agreement with the Secretary of State of the State of
California (or such other date and time as may be specified in such Merger
Agreement as may be permitted by law) and (ii) the date and time of the filing
of articles of merger by the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado with
respect to the SP Merger (or such other date and time as may be specified in
such articles as may be permitted by law) or (B) such other time and date as GZ
and SP may agree.

         2.4  DISSENTING SHARES.

              2.4.1     GZ SHARES. Each outstanding share of GZ Common Stock as
to which a written demand for purchase is made in accordance with Section 1301
of the California Corporations Code, stating that the record holder demands that
his shares be purchased in cash for their fair market value, and which is not
voted in favor of the GZ Merger, shall not be converted into shares of New GZ
Common Stock unless and until the holder shall have failed to perfect or shall
have effectively withdrawn or lost his right to payment of the fair market value
of his shares of GZ Common Stock under Sections 1300 to 1309, inclusive, of the
California Corporations Code, at which time such shares of GZ Common Stock shall
be converted into whole shares of New GZ Common Stock in the same manner as
provided for other outstanding shares of GZ Common Stock in Section 2.3 and such
holder shall be entitled to receive certificates for whole shares of New GZ
Common Stock and any dividends or other distributions payable with respect
thereto in accordance with the procedures, and subject to the conditions set
forth in the GZ Merger Agreement. All such shares of GZ Common Stock as to which
such a written demand is made pursuant to Section 1301 of the California
Corporations Code and which are not voted in favor of the Merger, except any
such shares of GZ Common Stock the holder of which shall have effectively
withdrawn or lost his right to payment for his shares under Sections 1300 to
1309 of the California Corporations Code, are herein called "Dissenting GZ
Shares." GZ shall give SP prompt notice of any Dissenting GZ Shares (and shall
also give SP prompt notice of any withdrawals of demands for purchase) and GZ
and SP shall mutually direct all negotiations and proceedings with respect to
any such demands. GZ shall not, except with the prior written consent of SP,
voluntarily make any payment with respect to, or settle or offer to settle, any
such demand for purchase.


              2.4.2     SP SHARES. Each share of SP Common Stock which is
issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time and which has not
been voted in favor of the SP Merger and is held by a shareholder who has
properly exercised his right of dissent and payment for such shares in the
manner provided by Sections 7-113-101 to 7-113-302, inclusive, of the Colorado
Business Corporation Act ("Dissenting SP Shares") shall not be converted into or
be exchangeable for the right to receive New GZ Common Stock unless and until
such holder has failed to perfect or has effectively withdrawn or lost his right
to dissent and payment, as the case may be. If such holder has so failed to
perfect or has effectively withdrawn or lost such right, his shares shall
thereupon be deemed to have been converted into and to have become exchangeable
for, at the Effective Time, the right to receive New GZ Common Stock. SP shall
give GZ prompt notice of any Dissenting SP Shares (and shall also give GZ prompt
notice of any withdrawals of demands for payment) and GZ and SP shall mutually
direct all negotiations and proceedings with respect to any such demands. SP
shall not, except with the prior written consent of GZ, voluntarily make any
payment with respect to, or settle or offer to settle, any such demand for

         2.5  FRACTIONAL SHARES. No fractional shares of New GZ Common Stock
will be issued in connection with the SP Merger, but in lieu thereof each holder
of SP Common Stock who would otherwise be entitled to receive a fraction of a
share of New GZ Common Stock will receive from the Exchange Agent (as defined in
Section 9.2), at such time as such holder shall receive a certificate
representing shares of New GZ Common Stock as contemplated by Section 9.2, an
amount of cash equal to the per share market value of GZ Common Stock (based on
the average of the closing sale prices of GZ Common Stock as quoted on The
Nasdaq SmallCap Market during the ten (10) trading day period ending on the
Closing Date (as defined in Section 9.1) as reported in the WALL STREET JOURNAL)
multiplied by the fraction of a share of New GZ Common Stock to which such
holder would otherwise be entitled. The fractional interests of each SP
shareholder will be aggregated so that no SP shareholder will receive cash in an
amount equal to or greater than the value of one full share of GZ Common Stock.
GZ shall provide sufficient funds to the Exchange Agent to make the payments
contemplated by this Section 2.5.


              2.6.1     SP CONVERSIONS. At the Effective Time, each of the then
outstanding options ("SP Options") and warrants ("SP Warrants") to purchase SP
Common Stock as well as the SP Obligations will, by virtue of the Mergers and
without any further action on the part of any holder, be converted into an
option or warrant to purchase or obligation to issue that number of shares of
New GZ Common Stock determined by multiplying the number of shares of SP Common
Stock subject to such SP Option, SP Warrant or SP Obligations at the Effective
Time by the Exchange Ratio, at an exercise price per share (in the case of
options and warrants) of New GZ Common Stock equal to the exercise price per
share of such SP Option or SP Warrant immediately prior to the Effective Time
divided by the Exchange Ratio and rounded up to the nearest whole cent. If the
foregoing calculation results in an assumed SP Option or SP Warrant being
exercisable for, or the SP Obligations resulting in an obligation to issue, a
fraction of a share of New GZ Common Stock, then the number of shares of New GZ
Common Stock subject to such option, warrant or SP Obligations will be rounded
to the nearest whole number of shares (rounded down, in the cases of SP Options
that are ISOs). The term, exercisability, vesting schedule, status as an
"incentive stock option" under Section 422 of the Code, if applicable, and all
other terms and conditions of the SP Options and SP Warrants shall be as set
forth in the SP Disclosure Schedule (as defined in Section 3). Continuous
employment with SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries (as defined in Section 3.1)
will be credited to an optionee of SP for purposes of vesting of SP Options. New
GZ shall issue, upon any partial or total exercise of an SP Option or an SP
Warrant, or upon the SP Obligations arising, in lieu of shares of SP Common
Stock, the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock to which the holder of the SP
Option or SP Warrant is, or the former shareholders of StarPress Multimedia,
Inc. or iTravel International Ltd. are, entitled.


              2.6.2     GZ CONVERSIONS. At the Effective Time, each of the then
outstanding options ("GZ Options") and warrants ("GZ Warrants") to purchase GZ
Common Stock will, by virtue of the Mergers and without any further action on
the part of the holder, be converted into an option or warrant to purchase a
like number of shares of New GZ Common Stock at the same exercise price. The
term, exercisability, vesting schedule, status as an "incentive stock option"
under Section 422 of the Code, if applicable, and all other terms and conditions
of the GZ Options and GZ Warrants shall be as set forth in the GZ Disclosure
Schedule (as defined in Section 4). Continuous employment with GZ will be
credited to an optionee of GZ for purposes of vesting of GZ Options. New GZ
shall issue, upon any partial or total exercise of a GZ Option or GZ Warrant, in
lieu of shares of GZ Common Stock, the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock
to which the holder of the GZ Option or GZ Warrant is entitled.

              2.6.3     FORM S-8 REGISTRATION. New GZ will cause a Form S-8
registration statement to be filed with respect to the New GZ Common Stock
issuable upon exercise of the assumed SP Options and GZ Options (provided that
all SP Options and GZ Options have been granted to persons who are eligible to
receive registered shares under a Form S-8 registration statement) as soon as
practicable but not later than the earlier of (a) thirty (30) days after the
Effective Time or (b) ten (10) days after the New GZ Common Stock becomes
eligible for trading on the Nasdaq National Market System, and will use its best
efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement for so long
as such assumed SP Options and GZ Options shall remain outstanding. With respect
to those individuals who subsequent to the Mergers will be subject to the
reporting requirements under Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended ("Exchange Act"), New GZ shall administer the SP Plans (as
defined in Section 3.2) and the GZ Plans (as defined in Section 4.2) assumed
pursuant to this Section 2.6.3 in a manner that complies with Rule 16b-3
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") under the Exchange
Act. New GZ will reserve a sufficient number of shares of New GZ Common Stock
for issuance upon exercise of SP Options, SP Warrants, GZ Options and GZ
Warrants assumed by New GZ pursuant to this Section.

         2.7  REGISTRATION ON FORM S-4. The New GZ Common Stock to be issued in
the Mergers shall be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
("Securities Act"), on a Form S-4 registration statement ("Form S-4"). As
promptly as practicable after the date of this Agreement, GZ and SP shall
prepare and file with the SEC the Form S-4, together with the joint proxy
statement/prospectus to be included therein ("Proxy Statement/Prospectus") and
any other documents required by the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, in
connection with the Mergers. Each of New GZ, GZ and SP shall use its best
efforts to respond promptly to any comments of the SEC and to have the Form S-4
declared effective under the Securities Act as promptly as practicable after
such filing and to cause the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to be mailed to each
company's shareholders at the earliest practicable time. Each party shall
promptly furnish to the other party all information concerning such party and
its shareholders as may be reasonably required in connection with any action
contemplated by this Section 2.7. The Proxy Statement/Prospectus and Form S-4
shall comply in all material respects with all applicable requirements of law.
Each of New GZ, GZ and SP will notify the others promptly of the receipt of any
comments from the SEC or its staff and of any request by the SEC or its staff
for amendments or supplements to the Form S-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus
or for additional information and will supply the other with copies of all
correspondence with the SEC or its staff with respect to the Form S-4 or the
Proxy Statement/Prospectus. Whenever any event occurs which should be set forth
in an amendment or supplement to the Form S-4 or the Proxy Statement/Prospectus,
New GZ, GZ and SP, as the case may be, shall promptly inform the others of such
occurrence and cooperate in filing with the SEC or its staff, and/or mailing to
shareholders of GZ and SP, such amendment or supplement.

         2.8  REORGANIZATION. The parties intend to adopt this Agreement and
the Mergers as a plan of reorganization under Section 368(a) of the Code. The
New GZ Common Stock issued in the Merger will be issued solely in exchange for
SP Common Stock and GZ Common Stock, and no other transaction other than the
Mergers represents, provides for or is intended to be an adjustment to the
consideration paid for the


SP Common Stock and GZ Common Stock. Except for cash paid in lieu of fractional
shares or as a result of dissenting shares, no consideration that could
constitute "other property" within the meaning of Section 356(b) of the Code is
being transferred by New GZ for SP Common Stock and GZ Common Stock in the
Mergers. The parties shall not take a position on any tax return inconsistent
with this Section 2.8. However, nothing in this Section 2.8 is intended to
preclude the parties from reporting the Mergers as a transaction governed by
Section 351 of the Code. In addition, the parties represent as of the date of
this Agreement, and as of the Closing Date, that they (i) intend to continue
each of GZ's and SP's historic businesses or use a significant portion of GZ's
and SP's business assets in a trade or business, (ii) have no plan or intent for
New GZ to reacquire any of its stock issued by New GZ in connection with the
Mergers; (iii) have no plan or intent to have GZ and SP issue additional shares
of stock following the Closing Date; (iv) have no plan or intent to liquidate GZ
or SP, to merge GZ or SP with or into other corporations, to sell or otherwise
dispose of the stock of GZ or SP except for transfers of stock of GZ or SP to
corporations "controlled" (within the meaning of Code Section 368(c)) by New GZ,
or to cause GZ or SP to sell or dispose of any of its assets or of any of the
assets acquired from GZ Merger Sub or SP Merger Sub, except for dispositions
made in the ordinary course of business or transfers of assets to one or more
corporations "controlled" (within the meaning of Code Section 368(c)) by New GZ.


         Except as set forth in a schedule dated the date of this Agreement and
delivered by SP to GZ concurrently herewith ("SP Disclosure Schedule")
specifically identifying the Section of this Agreement requiring the delivery of
such disclosure, SP represents and warrants to GZ as set forth below. In this
Agreement, any reference to any event, change or effect being "material" with
respect to any entity or group of entities means any material event, change or
effect related to the condition (financial or otherwise), properties, assets,
liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations or prospects of such
entity or group of entities taken as a whole. In this Agreement, the term
"Material Adverse Effect" used in connection with a party or any of such party's
subsidiaries means any event, change or effect that is materially adverse to the
condition (financial or otherwise), properties, assets, liabilities, businesses,
operations, results of operations or prospects of such party and its
subsidiaries, taken as a whole; provided that a Material Adverse Effect shall
not include any adverse effect resulting from general economic conditions or
conditions affecting the consumer software market or the interactive
entertainment, educational or personal productivity sectors of such market.

of its subsidiaries ("SP Subsidiaries") is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of its incorporation,
has all requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate its
properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted, and is duly
qualified and in good standing to do business in each jurisdiction in which the
nature of its business or the ownership or leasing of its properties makes such
qualification necessary, other than in such jurisdictions where the failure to
qualify would not have a Material Adverse Effect. The SP Disclosure Schedule
sets forth a correct and complete list of the SP Subsidiaries. SP has made
available to GZ or its counsel complete and correct copies of the certificates
or articles of incorporation and bylaws of SP and each of the SP Subsidiaries,
in each case as amended to the date of this Agreement and copies of all minutes
of meetings and actions by written consent of shareholders, directors and board
committees of each such entity (to the extent in the possession of SP).

         3.2  CAPITAL STRUCTURE.

              3.2.1     STOCK, OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. The authorized capital
stock of SP consists of 100,000,000 shares of SP Common Stock, no par value, and
10,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, no par value ("SP Preferred Stock"). At
the close of business on December 20, 1995, 31,589,176 shares of SP


Common Stock were issued and outstanding, no shares of SP Common Stock were held
by SP in its treasury, 9,985,085 shares of SP Common Stock were reserved for
issuance upon the exercise of outstanding or contingent SP Options and SP
Warrants and 1,877,206 shares of SP Common Stock were reserved for issuance with
respect to the SP Obligations. No shares of SP Preferred Stock are issued or
outstanding. All outstanding shares of SP Common Stock are validly issued, fully
paid and nonassessable and not subject to preemptive rights. All outstanding
shares of the capital stock of each of the SP Subsidiaries are validly issued,
fully paid and nonassessable and are owned by SP or one of the SP Subsidiaries
free and clear of any liens, security interests, pledges, agreements, claims,
charges or encumbrances. SP has made available to GZ true and correct copies of
its 1993 Stock Option Plan, its 1995 Stock Option Plan, its 1995 Non-Employee
Director Stock Option Plan, its 1993 StarPress Multimedia Stock Option Plan and
its 1995 StarPress Multimedia Stock Option Plan (collectively, "SP Plans"), and
the SP Disclosure Schedule contains a correct and complete list of each SP
Option and SP Warrant outstanding as of the date hereof, including the name of
the holder of such SP Option or SP Warrant, the SP Plan (if any) pursuant to
which such SP Option or SP Warrant was issued, the security and number of shares
covered by such SP Option or SP Warrant, the per share exercise price of such SP
Option or SP Warrant and the vesting schedule applicable to each such SP Option
or SP Warrant.

              3.2.2     NO OTHER COMMITMENTS. Except for the SP Options, SP
Warrants and SP Obligations disclosed in or pursuant to Section 3.2.1, there are
no options, warrants, calls, rights, commitments, conversion rights or
agreements of any character to which SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries is a party
or by which SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries is bound obligating SP or any of
the SP Subsidiaries to issue, deliver or sell, or cause to be issued, delivered
or sold, any shares of capital stock of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries or
securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of capital stock of SP or
any of the SP Subsidiaries, or obligating SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries to
grant, extend or enter into any such option, warrant, call, right, commitment,
conversion right or agreement. There are no voting trusts or other agreements or
understandings to which SP is a party with respect to the voting of the capital
stock of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries.

         3.3  AUTHORITY.

              3.3.1     CORPORATE ACTION. SP has all requisite corporate power
and authority to enter into this Agreement and, subject to approval of this
Agreement, the SP Merger Agreement and the SP Merger by the shareholders of SP,
to perform its obligations hereunder and to consummate the SP Merger and the
other transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement by SP and, subject to approval of this Agreement, the SP Merger
Agreement and the SP Merger by the shareholders of SP, the consummation by SP of
the SP Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby have been duly
authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of SP. This Agreement
has been duly executed and delivered by SP and this Agreement is the valid and
binding obligation of SP, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except that
such enforceability may be subject to (i) bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization
or other similar laws affecting or relating to enforcement of creditors' rights
generally and (ii) general equitable principles.

              3.3.2     NO CONFLICT. Neither the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement or the SP Merger Agreement, nor the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby nor compliance with the
provisions hereof or thereof will: (i) conflict with, or result in any
violations of, or cause a default (with or without notice or lapse of time, or
both) under, or give rise to a right of termination, amendment, cancellation or
acceleration of any obligation contained in, or the loss of any material benefit
under, or result in the creation of any lien, security interest, charge or
encumbrance upon any of the material properties or assets of SP or any of the SP
Subsidiaries under, any term, condition or provision of (x) the articles of
incorporation or bylaws of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries or (y) any loan or
credit agreement, note, bond, mortgage, indenture, lease or other material
agreement, judgment, order, decree, statute, law,


ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries or
their respective properties or assets, other than any such conflicts,
violations, defaults, losses, liens, security interests, charges, or
encumbrances which, individually or in the aggregate, would not have a Material
Adverse Effect; or (ii) require the affirmative vote of the holders of greater
than a majority of the issued and outstanding shares of SP Common Stock.

              3.3.3     GOVERNMENTAL CONSENTS. No consent, approval, order or
authorization of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any court,
administrative agency or commission or other governmental authority of
instrumentality, domestic or foreign (each a "Governmental Entity"), is required
to be obtained by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries in connection with the
execution and delivery of this Agreement or the SP Merger Agreement or the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, except for: (i)
the filing with the SEC of (x) the Form S-4, (y) the Proxy Statement/Prospectus
relating to the meeting of the shareholders of SP ("SP Shareholders Meeting") to
be held with respect to the approval by SP's shareholders of this Agreement and
the SP Merger, and (z) such reports and information under the Exchange Act and
the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC thereunder, as may be required
in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby; (ii)
the filing of Articles of Merger and the SP Merger Agreement with the Secretary
of State of the State of Colorado and appropriate documents with the relevant
authorities of other states in which SP is qualified to do business; (iii) such
filings, authorizations, orders and approvals as may be required under state
"control share acquisition," "anti-takeover" or other similar statutes and
regulations (collectively, "State Takeover Laws"); (iv) such filings,
authorizations, order and approvals as may be required under foreign laws, state
securities laws and the Bylaws of the National Association of Securities
Dealers, Inc. ("NASD"); (v) such filings and notifications (if any) as may be
necessary under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement Act of 1976, as
amended ("HSR Act"); and (vi) where the failure to obtain such consents,
approvals, etc., would not prevent or delay the consummation of the SP Merger or
otherwise prevent SP from performing its obligations under this Agreement and
would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

         3.4  SEC DOCUMENTS.

              3.4.1     SEC REPORTS. SP has made available to GZ or its counsel
correct and complete copies of each report, schedule, registration statement and
definitive proxy statement filed by SP with the SEC on or after June 30, 1993
("SP SEC Documents"), which are all the documents (other than preliminary
material) that SP was required to file with the SEC on or after such date. As of
their respective dates or, in the case of registration statements, their
effective dates (or if amended or suspended by a filing prior to the date of
this Agreement, then on the date of such filing), none of the SP SEC Documents
(including all exhibits and schedules thereto and documents incorporated by
reference therein) contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted
to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading, and the SP SEC Documents complied when filed in all
material respects with the then applicable requirements of the Securities Act or
the Exchange Act, as the case may be, and the rules and regulations promulgated
by the SEC thereunder. SP has filed all documents and agreements which were
required to be filed as exhibits to the SP SEC Documents.

              3.4.2     FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The financial statements of SP
included in the SP SEC Documents complied as to form in all material respects
with the then applicable accounting requirements and the published rules and
regulations of the SEC with respect thereto, were prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis during
the periods involved (except as may have been indicated in the notes thereto or,
in the case of the unaudited statements, as permitted by Form 10-QSB promulgated
by the SEC) and fairly present the consolidated financial position of SP and its


consolidated SP Subsidiaries as at the respective dates thereof and the
consolidated results of their operations and cash flows for the respective
periods then ended.

         3.5  INFORMATION SUPPLIED. None of the information supplied or to be
supplied by SP for inclusion or incorporation by reference in the Form S-4 and
Proxy Statement/Prospectus will, at the time the Form S-4 is declared effective,
at the date the Proxy Statement/Prospectus is mailed to the shareholders of SP,
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material
fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein,
in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. The
material to be supplied by SP in respect of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus will
comply as to form in all material respects with the provisions of the Exchange
Act and the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC thereunder.

         3.6  COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. The businesses of SP and the SP
Subsidiaries are not being conducted in violation of any law, ordinance,
regulation, rule or order of any Governmental Entity where such violation would
have a Material Adverse Effect. SP has not been notified by any Governmental
Entity that any investigation or review with respect to SP or any of the SP
Subsidiaries is pending or threatened, nor has any Governmental Entity notified
SP of its intention to conduct the same. SP and the SP Subsidiaries have all
material permits, licenses and franchises from Governmental Entities required to
conduct their businesses as now being conducted, except for those whose absence
would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

         3.7  LITIGATION. There is no suit, action, arbitration, demand, claim
or proceeding pending or, to the best knowledge of SP, threatened against SP or
any of the SP Subsidiaries, nor is there any judgment, decree, injunction, rule
or order of any Governmental Entity or arbitrator outstanding against SP or any
of the SP Subsidiaries that, individually or in the aggregate, could reasonably
be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. SP has made available to GZ or
its counsel correct and complete copies of all correspondence prepared by its
counsel for SP's auditors in connection with the last two (2) completed audits
of SP's financial statements and any such correspondence since the date of the
last such audit.


              (a)  SP has made available to GZ a list of all employees of SP
and of any SP Subsidiary and their salaries as of the date of this Agreement. SP
has made available to GZ copies of (i) each "employee benefit plan," as defined
in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended ("ERISA"), and (ii) all other written or formal plans or agreements
involving direct or indirect compensation or benefits (including any employment
agreements entered into between SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries and any
employee of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries, but excluding workers'
compensation, unemployment compensation and other government-mandated programs)
currently or previously maintained, contributed to or entered into by SP or any
of the SP Subsidiaries under which SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries or an ERISA
Affiliate (as defined below) thereof has any present or future obligation or
liability (collectively, "SP Employee Plans"). "ERISA Affiliates" shall mean any
entity which is a member of (A) a "controlled group of corporations," as defined
in Section 414(b) of the Code, (B) a group of entities under "common control,"
as defined in Section 414(c) of the Code, or (C) an "affiliated service group,"
as defined in Section 414(m) of the Code, or treasury regulations promulgated
under Section 414(o) of the Code, any of which includes SP or any of the SP
Subsidiaries. Copies of all SP Employee Plans (and, if applicable, related trust
agreements) and all amendments thereto and written interpretations thereof
(including summary plan descriptions) have been made available to GZ or its
counsel, together with the three (3) most recent annual reports (Form 5500,
including, if applicable, Schedule B thereto) prepared in connection with any
such SP Employee Plan. Copies of all SP Employee Plans which individually or
collectively would constitute an "employee pension benefit plan," as defined in
Section 3(2) of ERISA (collectively, "SP Pension Plans"), have been made
available to


GZ. All contributions due from SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries through
September 30, 1995 with respect to any of the SP Employee Plans have been made
as required under ERISA or have been accrued on SP's or any such SP Subsidiary's
financial statements as of September 30, 1995. Each of the SP Employee Plans has
been maintained in compliance with its terms and with the requirements
prescribed by any and all statutes, orders, rules and regulations, including,
without limitation, ERISA and the Code, which are applicable to such SP Employee
Plans except for such noncompliance which would not have a Material Adverse

              (b)  None of the SP Pension Plans constitutes, or has since the
enactment of ERISA constituted, a "multiemployer plan," as defined in Section
3(37) of ERISA. No SP Pension Plans are subject to Title IV of ERISA. No
"prohibited transaction," as defined in Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of
the Code, has occurred with respect to any of the SP Employee Plans which is
covered by Title I of ERISA which would result in a material liability to SP and
the SP Subsidiaries taken as a whole, excluding transactions effected pursuant
to a statutory or administrative exemption. Nothing done or omitted to be done
and no transaction or holding of any asset under or in connection with any of
the SP Employee Plans has or will make SP or any officer or director of SP
subject to any material liability under Title I of ERISA or liable for any
material tax or penalty pursuant to Sections 4972, 4975, 4976 or 4979 of the
Code or Section 502 of ERISA.

              (c)  Any of the SP Pension Plans which is intended to be
qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code (a "SP 401(a) Plan") is so qualified
and has been so qualified during the period from its adoption to date, and the
trust forming a part thereof is exempt from tax pursuant to Section 501(a) of
the Code.

              (d)  SP has made available to GZ a list of each employment,
severance or other similar contract, arrangement or policy and each plan or
arrangement (written or oral) providing for insurance coverage (including any
self-insured arrangements), workers' benefits, vacation benefits, severance
benefits, disability benefits, death benefits, hospitalization benefits,
retirement benefits, deferred compensation, profit-sharing, bonuses, stock
options, stock purchase, phantom stock, stock appreciation or other forms of
incentive compensation or post-retirement insurance, compensation or benefits
for employees, consultants or directors which (i) is not one of the SP Employee
Plans, (ii) is entered into, maintained or contributed to, as the case may be,
by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries and (iii) covers any employee or former
employee of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries. Such contracts, plans and
arrangements as are described in this paragraph 3.8(d) are herein referred to
collectively as the "SP Benefit Arrangements." Each of the SP Benefit
Arrangements has been maintained in substantial compliance with its terms and
with the requirements prescribed by any and all statutes, orders, rules and
regulations which are applicable to such SP Benefit Arrangements. SP has made
available to GZ or its counsel a complete and correct copy or description of
each of the SP Benefit Arrangements.

              (e)  There has been no amendment to, written interpretation or
announcement (whether or not written) by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries
relating to, or change in employee participation or coverage under, any of the
SP Employee Plans or SP Benefit Arrangements that would increase materially the
expense of maintaining such SP Employee Plans or SP Benefit Arrangements above
the level of the expense incurred in respect thereof for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 1995.

              (f)  SP has provided, or will have provided prior to the Closing
(as defined in Section 9.1), to individuals entitled thereto all required
notices and coverage pursuant to Section 4980B of the Code and the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended ("COBRA"), with respect to
any "qualifying event" (as defined in Section 4980B(f)(3) of the Code) occurring
prior to and including the Closing Date, and no material tax payable on account
of Section 4980B of the Code has been


incurred with respect to any current or former employees (or their
beneficiaries) of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries.

              (g)  No benefit or compensation payable or which may become
payable by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries pursuant to any of the SP Employee
Plans or any SP Benefit Arrangements or as a result of or arising under this
Agreement shall (i) constitute an "excess parachute payment" (as defined in
Section 280G(b)(1) of the Code) which is subject to the imposition of an excise
tax under Section 4999 of the Code or which would not be deductible by reason of
Section 280G of the Code or (ii) be nondeductible by reason of Section 162(m) of
the Code.

              (h)  SP and each SP Subsidiary is in compliance in all material
respects with all applicable laws, agreements and contracts relating to
employment, employment practices, wages, hours, and terms and conditions of
employment, including, but not limited to, employee compensation matters, but
not including ERISA.

              (i)  SP and each SP Subsidiary has good labor relations and has
no knowledge of any facts indicating that the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby will have a material adverse effect on labor relations, and,
except for reductions in force specifically contemplated by SP and GZ in
connection with the Mergers, has no knowledge that any of its key employees
intends to leave its or their employ.

         3.9  ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. At September 30, 1995 ("SP
Balance Sheet Date"), (i) neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries had any
liabilities or obligations of any nature (matured or unmatured, fixed or
contingent) which were material to SP and the SP Subsidiaries, taken as a whole,
and were not provided for in the consolidated balance sheet of SP at the SP
Balance Sheet Date, a copy of which has been delivered to GZ ("SP Balance
Sheet"); and (ii) all reserves established by SP and set forth in the SP Balance
Sheet were reasonably adequate.

         3.10 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS. Since the SP Balance Sheet
Date (and other than in compliance with Section 5.3) there has not occurred:

              (a)  any change in the condition (financial or otherwise),
properties, assets, liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations
or prospects of SP and the SP Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, that could
reasonably constitute a Material Adverse Effect;

              (b)  any amendments or changes in the articles of incorporation
or bylaws of SP;

              (c)  any damage, destruction or loss, whether covered by
insurance or not, that could reasonably constitute a Material Adverse Effect;

              (d)  any redemption, repurchase or other acquisition of shares of
SP Common Stock by SP (other than pursuant to arrangements with terminated
employees or consultants), or any declaration, setting aside or payment of any
dividend or other distribution (whether in cash, stock or property) with respect
to SP Common Stock;

              (e)  any material increase in or modification of the compensation
or benefits payable or to become payable by SP to any of its directors or
employees, except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past


              (f)  any material increase in or modification of any bonus,
pension, insurance or any of the SP Employee Plans or SP Benefit Arrangements
(including, but not limited to, the granting of stock options, restricted stock
awards or stock appreciation rights) made to, for or with any of its employees,
other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

              (g)  any acquisition or sale of a material amount of property or
assets of SP, other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past

              (h)  any alteration in any term of any outstanding security of

              (i)  any (A) incurrence, assumption or guarantee by SP of any
debt for borrowed money; (B) issuance or sale of any securities convertible into
or exchangeable for debt securities of SP; or (C) issuance or sale of options or
other rights to acquire from SP, directly or indirectly, debt securities of SP
or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for any such debt securities;

              (j)  any creation or assumption by SP of any mortgage, pledge,
security interest or lien or other encumbrance on any asset;

              (k)  any making of any loan, advance or capital contribution to
or investment in any person other than (i) travel loans or advances made in the
ordinary course of business of SP, (ii) other loans and advances in an aggregate
amount which does not exceed $25,000 outstanding at any time and (iii) purchases
on the open market of liquid, publicly traded securities;

              (l)  any entering into, amendment of, relinquishment, termination
or non-renewal by SP of any contract, lease transaction, commitment or other
right or obligation other than in the ordinary course of business;

              (m)  any transfer or grant of a right under the SP IP Rights (as
defined in Section 3.14), other than those transferred or granted in the
ordinary course of business;

              (n)  any labor dispute or charge of unfair labor practice (other
than routine individual grievances), any activity or proceeding by a labor union
or representative thereof to organize any employees of SP or any campaign being
conducted to solicit authorization from employees to be represented by such
labor union; or

              (o)  any agreement or arrangement made by SP to take any action
which, if taken prior to the date hereof, would have made any representation or
warranty set forth in this Agreement untrue or incorrect unless otherwise

         3.11 NO DEFAULTS. Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries is in
default under, and there exists no event, condition or occurrence which, after
notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute such a default by SP or any
of the SP Subsidiaries under, any contract or agreement to which SP or any of
the SP Subsidiaries is a party and which would, if terminated or modified, have,
insofar as can reasonably be foreseen, a Material Adverse Effect.

         3.12 CERTAIN AGREEMENTS. Neither the execution and delivery of this
Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will (i)
result in any payment (including, without limitation, severance, unemployment
compensation, golden parachute, bonus or otherwise) becoming due to any director
or employee of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries from SP or any of the SP
Subsidiaries, under any of the SP Employee Plans, SP Benefit Arrangements or
otherwise, (ii) materially increase any benefits


otherwise payable under any of the SP Employee Plans, the SP Benefit
Arrangements or otherwise or (iii) result in the acceleration of the time of
payment or vesting of any such benefits.

         3.13 TAXES.

              (a)  For purposes of this Agreement, "Tax" or collectively
"Taxes" means any and all federal, state, local, and foreign taxes, assessments,
and other governmental charges, duties, impositions, and liabilities, including
taxes based upon or measured by gross receipts, income, profits, sales, use and
occupation, and value added, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, withholding,
payroll, recapture, employment, estimated, excise and property taxes, together
with all interest, penalties, and additions imposed with respect to such amounts
and any obligations under any agreements or arrangements with any other person
with respect to such amounts and including any liability for taxes of a
predecessor entity.

              (b)  Except as set forth in the SP Disclosure Schedule:

                   (i)       As of the Closing (as defined in Section 9.1) SP
and each of the SP Subsidiaries will have prepared and filed all required
federal, state, local, and foreign returns, estimates, information statements,
and reports relating to any and all Taxes concerning or attributable to SP and
each of the SP Subsidiaries ("Returns") that are required to be filed by or with
respect to SP and each of the SP Subsidiaries on or prior to the Closing and
each of such Returns shall be true, correct, and complete in all material
respects and shall have been completed in accordance with applicable law;

                   (ii)      As of the Closing, SP and each of the SP
Subsidiaries: (A) will have paid or accrued in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles all Taxes concerning or attributable to SP and
the SP Subsidiaries relating to periods ending on or before the Closing
regardless of whether reflected on Returns and (B) will have withheld with
respect to their employees all federal and state income taxes, FICA, FUTA, and
other Taxes required to be withheld;

                   (iii)     Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries has been
delinquent in the payment of any Tax nor is there any Tax deficiency
outstanding, proposed or assessed against SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries, nor
has SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries executed any waiver of the statute of
limitations on or extending the period for the assessment or collection of any

                   (iv)      No audit or other examination of any Return of SP
or any of the SP Subsidiaries is presently in progress, nor has SP or any of the
SP Subsidiaries been notified of any request for such an audit or examination;

                   (v)       Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries has any
liabilities for unpaid federal, state, local and foreign Taxes which have not
been accrued or reserved in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles on the SP Balance Sheet, and neither SP nor any of the SP
Subsidiaries has knowledge of any reasonable basis for the assertion of any such
liability attributable to SP or the SP Subsidiaries, or any of their assets and

                   (vi)      SP and each of the SP Subsidiaries have made
available to GZ and its counsel copies of all federal and state income and all
state sales and use Tax Returns for all periods since June 30, 1993;

                   (vii)     There are (and as of immediately following the
Closing there will be) no liens, pledges, charges, claims, security interests,
or other encumbrances of any sort ("Liens") on the


assets of SP or the SP Subsidiaries relating or attributable to Taxes other than
liens for sales and payroll taxes not yet due and payable;

                   (viii)    Neither SP nor any of the Subsidiaries has
knowledge of any reasonable basis for the assertion of any claim relating or
attributable to Taxes which, if adversely determined, would result in any Lien
on the assets of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries;

                   (ix)      None of the assets of SP or the SP Subsidiaries is
property that is required to be treated as owned by any other person  pursuant
to the "safe harbor lease" provisions of former Code Section 168(f)(8) and none
of the assets is treated as "tax-exempt use property" within the meaning of Code
Section 168(h);

                   (x)       Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries has
filed any consent agreement under Code Section 341(f) or agreed to have Code
Section 341(f) apply to any disposition of a "subsection (f) asset" (as defined
in Code Section 341(f)(4)) owned by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries;

                   (xi)      Excluding the consolidated group comprising SP and
the SP Subsidiaries, neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries has been included
in any "consolidated," "unitary," or "combined" Return provided for under the
law of the United States or any state or locality with respect to Taxes for any
taxable period;

                   (xii)     Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries is a
party to a tax sharing, allocation, indemnification or similar agreement or
arrangement, nor does SP or any SP Subsidiary owe any amount under any such
agreement or arrangement;

                   (xiii)    No Return of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries
contains a disclosure statement under Code Section 6662 (or predecessor
provision) or any similar provision of state, local, or foreign law;

                   (xiv)     Neither SP nor any SP Subsidiary is or has been at
any time a "United States real property holding corporation" within the meaning
of Code Section 897(c)(2);

                   (xv)      No indebtedness of SP or any of the SP
Subsidiaries consists of "corporate acquisition indebtedness" within the meaning
of Code Section 279;

                   (xvi)     Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries has
taken any action not in accordance with past practice that would have the effect
of deferring any Tax liability of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries from any
period ending on before the Closing Date to any taxable period ending after such

                   (xvii)    Neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries was
acquired in a "qualified stock purchase" under Code Section 338(d)(3) and no
elections under Code Section 338(g), protective carryover basis elections, or
offset prohibition elections are applicable to SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries
or any predecessor corporations; and

                   (xviii)   The tax bases of the assets of SP and each of the
SP Subsidiaries for purposes of determining future amortization, depreciation,
and other federal income tax deductions are accurately reflected on the tax book
and records of SP and the SP Subsidiaries.



              (a)  SP and the SP Subsidiaries own or have acquired all material
Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below), including rights to make, use
and sell goods and services, as necessary or required for the conduct of their
respective businesses as presently conducted (such Intellectual Property Rights
being hereinafter collectively referred to as the "SP IP Rights") and such
rights are reasonably sufficient for such conduct of their respective

              (b)  the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not constitute
a material breach of any instrument or agreement governing any SP IP Rights ("SP
IP Rights Agreements"), will not cause the forfeiture or termination or give
rise to a right of forfeiture or termination of any SP IP Right or materially
impair the right of SP and the SP Subsidiaries or New GZ to use, sell or license
any SP IP Right or portion thereof (except where such breach, forfeiture or
termination would not have a Material Adverse Effect);

              (c)  neither the manufacture, marketing, license, sale or
intended use of any product currently licensed or sold by SP or any of SP
Subsidiaries or currently under development by SP or any of SP Subsidiaries
violates any license or agreement between SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries and
any third party or, to the best knowledge of SP, infringes any Intellectual
Property Right of any other party; and there is no pending or, to the best
knowledge of SP, threatened claim or litigation contesting the validity,
ownership or right to use, sell, license or dispose of any SP IP Right nor, to
the best knowledge of SP, is there any basis for any such claim, nor has SP
received any written notice asserting that any SP IP Right or the proposed use,
sale, license or disposition thereof conflicts or will conflict with the rights
of any other party, nor, to the best knowledge of SP, is there any basis for any
such assertion, except to the extent that such violation(s), or notice or basis
therefor, have not had and could not reasonably be expected to have a Material
Adverse Effect; and

              (d)  SP has taken reasonable and practicable steps designed to
safeguard and maintain its proprietary rights in all material SP IP Rights. All
officers, employees and consultants of SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries have
executed and delivered to SP or the SP Subsidiaries an agreement regarding the
protection of proprietary information and the assignment to SP or the SP
Subsidiary of all Intellectual Property Rights arising from the services
performed for SP or the SP Subsidiary by such persons. No current or prior
officer, employee or consultant of SP claims an ownership interest in any SP IP
Rights as a result of having been involved in the development of such property
while employed by or consulting to SP, or otherwise.

              The term "Intellectual Property Rights" shall mean all worldwide
industrial and intellectual property rights, including, without limitation,
patents, patent applications, patent rights, trademarks, trademark
registrations, trademark registration applications, trade names, service marks,
service mark registrations, service mark registration applications, copyrights,
copyright registrations, copyright registration applications, franchises,
licenses, inventories, know-how, trade secrets, customer lists, proprietary
processes and formulae, all source and object codes, algorithms, architecture,
structure, display screens, layouts, inventions, development tools and all
documentation and media constituting, describing or relating to the above,
including, without limitation, manuals, memoranda and records.

         3.15 FEES AND EXPENSES. Except for the fees and expenses set forth in
the SP Disclosure Schedule payable to Cruttenden Roth Incorporated, neither SP
nor any of the SP Subsidiaries has paid or become obligated to pay any fee or
commission to any broker, finder or intermediary in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.



              (a)  None of the properties or facilities of SP or the SP
Subsidiaries is in violation of any federal, state or local law, ordinance,
regulation or order relating to industrial hygiene or to the environmental
conditions on, under or about such properties or facilities, including, but not
limited to, soil and ground water condition except where such violations would
not constitute a Material Adverse Effect. During the time that SP or the SP
Subsidiaries have owned or leased their respective properties and facilities,
neither SP nor any of the SP Subsidiaries nor, to SP's knowledge, any third
party, has released, used, generated, manufactured or stored on, under or about
such properties or facilities or transported to or from such properties or
facilities any hazardous materials.

              (b)  During the time that SP or the SP Subsidiaries have owned or
leased their respective properties and facilities, there has been no litigation
brought or threatened against SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries by, or any
settlement reached by SP or any of SP Subsidiaries with, any party or parties
alleging the presence, disposal, release or threatened release of any hazardous
materials on, from or under any of such properties or facilities.

         3.17 INTERESTED PARTY TRANSACTIONS. Except as disclosed in the SP SEC
Documents filed prior to the date of this Agreement under Item 12 of SP's most
recent Form 10-KSB or under the "Certain Transactions" section of SP's most
recent Proxy Statement, no officer or director of SP or any "affiliate" or
"associate" (as those terms are defined in Rule 405 promulgated under the
Securities Act) of any such person has had, either directly or indirectly, a
material interest in: (i) any person or entity which purchases from or sells,
licenses or furnishes to SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries any material amount of
goods, property, technology or intellectual or other property rights or
services; or (ii) any material contract or agreement to which SP or any of the
SP Subsidiaries is a party or by which it may be bound or affected.

         3.18 BOARD APPROVAL. The Board of Directors of SP has, on or prior to
the date hereof, (i) approved this Agreement, the SP Merger Agreement and the SP
Merger, (ii) determined that the Mergers are in the best interests of the
shareholders of SP and are on terms that are fair to such shareholders and (iii)
recommended that the shareholders of SP approve this Agreement, the SP Merger
Agreement and the SP Merger.

         3.19 VOTE REQUIRED. The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes
that holders of the outstanding shares of SP Common Stock are entitled to cast
is the only vote of the holders of any class or series of SP's capital stock
necessary to approve this Agreement and the SP Merger.

         3.20 DISCLOSURE. No representation or warranty made by SP in this
Agreement, nor any document, written information, written statement, financial
statement, certificate or exhibit prepared and furnished or to be prepared and
furnished by SP or its representatives pursuant hereto or in connection with the
transactions contemplated hereby, when taken together, contains any untrue
statement of a material fact, or omits to state a material fact necessary to
make the statements or facts contained herein or therein not misleading in light
of the circumstances under which they were furnished.

         3.21 FAIRNESS OPINION. SP's Board of Directors has received a written
opinion from Cruttenden Roth Incorporated that as of the date hereof the Mergers
are fair to SP's shareholders from a financial point of view.

         3.22 RESTRICTIONS ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. There is no material
agreement, judgment, injunction, order or decree binding upon SP or any of the
SP Subsidiaries that has or could reasonably be expected to have the effect of
prohibiting or materially impairing any business practice of SP or any of the SP


Subsidiaries, any acquisition of property by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries or
the conduct of business by SP or any of the SP Subsidiaries as currently

         3.23 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. The accounts receivable of SP shown on the
SP Balance Sheet as of the SP Balance Sheet Date, or thereafter acquired by SP
prior to the date hereof, have been and are (as the case may be) collectible
within one hundred twenty (120) days from the Closing Date in amounts not less
than the aggregate amounts thereof carried on the books of SP reduced by the
reserves for discounts and bad debts taken on the SP Balance Sheet.

         3.24 PERSONAL PROPERTY. SP has good title, free and clear of all title
defects, objections and liens, including without limitation, leases, chattel
mortgages, conditional sales contracts, collateral security arrangements and
other title or interest-retaining arrangements, to all of its machinery,
equipment, furniture, inventory and other personal property. All such personal
property as used in the business of SP is in good operating condition. All of
the leases to personal property utilized in the business of SP are valid and
enforceable against SP and are not in default by SP, or, to the knowledge of SP,
are any of the other parties thereto in default thereof.

         3.25 REAL PROPERTY. SP does not own any real property. The SP
Disclosure Schedule contains a list of all leases for real property to which SP
is a party, the square footage leased with respect to each lease and the
expiration date of each lease. All such leases are valid and enforceable and are
not in default. To the best knowledge of SP, the real property leased or
occupied by SP, the improvements located thereon, and the furniture, fixtures
and equipment relating thereto (including plumbing, heating, air conditioning
and electrical systems), conform to any and all applicable health, fire, safety,
zoning, land use and building laws, ordinances and regulations. There are no
outstanding contracts made by SP for any improvements made to the real property
leased or occupied by SP that have not been paid for.

         3.26 WARRANTIES. SP has made no warranties or guarantees relating to
its products other than as implied or required by law. The SP Disclosure
Schedule contains a list of all warranty and indemnification obligations of SP
relating to patents and other proprietary rights.

         3.27 CONTRACTS. The SP Disclosure Schedule lists all oral or written
agreements, notes, instruments, or contracts to which SP is a party or by which
its assets or properties may be bound which involve the payment or receipt of
more than $100,000 (on an annual basis), or which have a term of more than one
year, or which involve intellectual property, or which are employment or
consulting agreements ("SP Contracts"). SP is not in default in performance of
its obligations under any material provisions of the SP Contracts. SP has no
knowledge of any violation of any SP Contract by any other party thereto and has
no knowledge of any intent by any other party to a SP Contract not to perform
its obligations under such SP Contract.


         Except as set forth in a schedule dated the date of this Agreement and
delivered by GZ to SP concurrently herewith ("GZ Disclosure Schedule"
specifically identifying the Section of this Agreement requiring the delivery of
such disclosure), GZ hereby represents and warrants to SP that:

corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the state of California, has all requisite corporate power and authority to
own, lease and operate its properties and to carry on its business as now being
conducted, and is duly qualified and in good standing to do business in each
jurisdiction in which the nature of its business or the ownership or leasing of
its properties makes such qualification necessary, other


than in such jurisdictions where the failure so to qualify would not have a
Material Adverse Effect. GZ has no subsidiaries. GZ has made available to SP or
its counsel complete and correct copies of the articles of incorporation and
bylaws of GZ, in each case as amended to the date of this Agreement and copies
of all minutes of meetings and actions by written consent of shareholders,
directors and board committees of GZ.

         4.2  CAPITAL STRUCTURE.

              4.2.1     STOCK, OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. The authorized capital
stock of GZ consists of 10,000,000 shares of GZ Common Stock, no par value, and
5,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, no par value ("GZ Preferred Stock"). At the
close of business on December 20, 1995, 3,736,365 shares of GZ Common Stock were
issued and outstanding, and 678,096 shares of GZ Common Stock were reserved for
issuance upon the exercise of outstanding or contingent GZ Options and GZ
Warrants. No shares of GZ Preferred Stock are issued or outstanding. All
outstanding shares of GZ Common Stock are validly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable and not subject to preemptive rights. GZ has made available to SP
true and correct copies of its 1991, 1994 and 1995 Stock Option Plans (each a
"GZ Plan" and collectively, the "GZ Plans"), and the GZ Disclosure Schedule
contains a correct and complete list of each GZ Option and GZ Warrant
outstanding as of the date hereof, including the name of the holder of such GZ
Option or GZ Warrant, the GZ Plan (if any) pursuant to which such GZ Option or
GZ Warrant was issued, the security and number of shares covered by such GZ
Option or GZ Warrant, the per share exercise price of such GZ Option or GZ
Warrant and the vesting schedule applicable to each such GZ Option or GZ

              4.2.2     NO OTHER COMMITMENTS. Except for the GZ Options and GZ
Warrants disclosed in or pursuant to Section 4.2.1, there are no options,
warrants, calls, rights, commitments, conversion rights or agreements of any
character to which GZ is a party or by which GZ is bound obligating GZ to issue,
deliver or sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or sold, any shares of capital
stock of GZ or securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of capital
stock of GZ, or obligating GZ to grant, extend or enter into any such option,
warrant, call, right, commitment, conversion right or agreement. There are no
voting trusts or other agreements or understandings to which GZ is a party with
respect to the voting of the capital stock of GZ.

         4.3  AUTHORITY.

              4.3.1     CORPORATE ACTION. GZ has all requisite corporate power
and authority to enter into this Agreement and, subject to approval of this
Agreement and the GZ Merger by the shareholders of GZ, to perform its
obligations hereunder and to consummate the GZ Merger and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by
GZ and, subject to approval of this Agreement and the GZ Merger by the
shareholders of GZ, the consummation by GZ of the GZ Merger and the other
transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary
corporate action on the part of GZ. This Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by GZ and this Agreement is the valid and binding obligation of GZ,
enforceable in accordance with its terms, except that such enforceability may be
subject to (i) bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar laws
affecting or relating to enforcement of creditors' rights generally and (ii)
general equitable principles.

              4.3.2     NO CONFLICT. Neither the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement or the GZ Merger Agreement, nor the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby nor compliance with the
provisions hereof or thereof will: (i) conflict with, or result in any
violations of, or cause a default (with or without notice or lapse of time, or
both) under, or give rise to a right of termination, amendment, cancellation or
acceleration of any obligation contained in, or the loss of any material benefit
under, or result in the creation of any lien, security interest, charge or
encumbrance upon any of the material properties or assets of GZ under, any term,
condition or provision of (x) the articles of incorporation


or bylaws of GZ or (y) any loan or credit agreement, note, bond, mortgage,
indenture, lease or other material agreement, judgment, order, decree, statute,
law, ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to GZ or its properties or assets,
other than any such conflicts, violations, defaults, losses, liens, security
interests, charges or encumbrances which, individually or in the aggregate,
would not have a Material Adverse Effect; or (ii) require the affirmative vote
of the holders of greater than a majority of the issued and outstanding shares
of GZ Common Stock.

              4.3.3     GOVERNMENTAL CONSENTS. No consent, approval, order or
authorization of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any Governmental
Entity is required to be obtained by GZ in connection with the execution and
delivery of this Agreement or the GZ Merger Agreement or the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, except for: (i) the filing with the
SEC of (A) the Form S-4, (B) the Proxy Statement/Prospectus relating to the
meeting of the shareholders of GZ ("GZ Shareholders Meeting") to be held with
respect to the approval by GZ's shareholders of this Agreement and the GZ
Merger, and (C) such reports and information under the Exchange Act and the
rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC thereunder, as may be required in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby; (ii)
the filing of the GZ Merger Agreement with the Secretary of State of the State
of California and appropriate documents with the relevant authorities of other
states in which GZ is qualified to do business; (iii) such filings,
authorizations, orders and approvals as may be required under State Takeover
Laws; (iv) such filings, authorizations, orders and approvals as may be required
under foreign laws, state securities laws and the Bylaws of NASD; (v) such
filings and notifications (if any) as may be necessary under the HSR Act; and
(vi) where the failure to obtain such consents, approvals, etc., would not
prevent or delay the consummation of the GZ Merger or otherwise prevent GZ from
performing its obligations under this Agreement and would not reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

         4.4  SEC DOCUMENTS.

              4.4.1     SEC REPORTS. GZ has made available to SP or its counsel
correct and complete copies of each report, schedule, registration statement and
definitive proxy statement filed by GZ with the SEC on or after June 30, 1993
("GZ SEC Documents"), which are all the documents (other than preliminary
material) that GZ was required to file with the SEC on or after such date. As of
their respective dates or, in the case of registration statements, their
effective dates (or if amended or superseded by a filing prior to the date of
this Agreement, then on the date of such filing), none of the GZ SEC Documents
(including all exhibits and schedules thereto and documents incorporated by
reference therein) contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted
to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading, and the GZ SEC Documents complied when filed in all
material respects with the then applicable requirements of the Securities Act or
the Exchange Act, as the case may be, and the rules and regulations promulgated
by the SEC thereunder. GZ has filed all documents and agreements which were
required to be filed as exhibits to the GZ SEC Documents.

              4.4.2     FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The financial statements of GZ
included in the GZ SEC Documents complied as to form in all material respects
with the then applicable accounting requirements and the published rules and
regulations of the SEC with respect thereto, were prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis during
the periods involved (except as may have been indicated in the notes thereto or,
in the case of the unaudited statements, as permitted by Form 10-QSB promulgated
by the SEC) and fairly present the financial position of GZ as at the respective
dates thereof and the results of its operations and cash flows for the
respective periods then ended.

         4.5  INFORMATION SUPPLIED. None of the information supplied or to be
supplied by GZ for inclusion or incorporation by reference in the Form S-4 and
Proxy Statement/Prospectus will, at the time the


Form S-4 is declared effective, at the date the Proxy Statement/Prospectus is
mailed to the shareholders of GZ, contain any untrue statement of a material
fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they are made, not misleading. The Proxy Statement/Prospectus will comply
as to form in all material respects with the provisions of the Securities Act
and the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC

         4.6  COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. The business of GZ is not being
conducted in violation of any law, ordinance, regulation, rule or order of any
Governmental Entity where such violation would have a Material Adverse Effect.
GZ has not been notified by any Governmental Entity that any investigation or
review with respect to GZ is pending or threatened, nor has any Governmental
Entity notified GZ of its intention to conduct the same. GZ has all material
permits, licenses and franchises from Governmental Entities required to conduct
its business as now being conducted, except for those whose absence would not
have a Material Adverse Effect.

         4.7  LITIGATION. There is no suit, action, arbitration, demand, claim
or proceeding pending or, to the best knowledge of GZ, threatened against GZ;
nor is there any judgment, decree, injunction, rule or order of any Governmental
Entity or arbitrator outstanding against GZ that, individually or in the
aggregate, could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. GZ
has made available to SP or its counsel correct and complete copies of all
correspondence prepared by its counsel for GZ's auditors in connection with the
last two (2) completed audits of GZ's financial statements and any such
correspondence since the date of the last such audit.


              (a)  GZ has made available to SP a list of all employees of GZ
and their salaries as of the date of this Agreement. GZ has made available to SP
copies of (i) each "employee benefit plan," as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA,
and (ii) all other written or formal plans or agreements involving direct or
indirect compensation or benefits (including any employment agreements entered
into between GZ and any employee of GZ, but excluding workers' compensation,
unemployment compensation and other government-mandated programs) currently or
previously maintained, contributed to or entered into by GZ under which GZ or
any ERISA Affiliate thereof has any present or future obligation or liability
(collectively, "GZ Employee Plans"). Copies of all GZ Employee Plans (and, if
applicable, related trust agreements) and all amendments thereto and written
interpretations thereof (including summary plan descriptions) have been made
available to SP or its counsel, together with the three (3) most recent annual
reports (Form 5500, including, if applicable, Schedule B thereto) prepared in
connection with any such GZ Employee Plan. Copies of all GZ Employee Plans which
individually or collectively would constitute an "employee pension benefit
plan," as defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA (collectively, "GZ Pension Plans"),
have been made available to SP. All contributions due from GZ through the
Effective Time with respect to any of the GZ Employee Plans have been made as
required under ERISA or have been accrued on GZ's financial statements as of
September 30, 1995. Each of the GZ Employee Plans has been maintained in
compliance with its terms and with the requirements prescribed by any and all
statutes, orders, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, ERISA
and the Code, which are applicable to such GZ Employee Plans except for such
noncompliance which would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

              (b)  None of the GZ Pension Plans constitutes, or has since the
enactment of ERISA constituted, a "multiemployer plan," as defined in Section
3(37) of ERISA. No GZ Pension Plans are subject to Title IV of ERISA. No
"prohibited transaction," as defined in Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of
the Code, has occurred with respect to any of the GZ Employee Plans which is
covered by Title I of ERISA which would result in a material liability to GZ,
excluding transactions effected pursuant to a statutory or administrative
exemption. Nothing done or omitted to be done and no transaction or holding of
any asset


under or in connection with any of the GZ Employee Plans has or will make GZ or
any officer or director of GZ subject to any material liability under Title I of
ERISA or liable for any material tax or penalty pursuant to Sections 4972, 4975,
4976 or 4979 of the Code or Section 502 of ERISA.

              (c)  Any of the GZ Pension Plans which is intended to be
qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code (a "GZ 401(a) Plan") is so qualified
and has been so qualified during the period from its adoption to date, and the
trust forming a part thereof is exempt from tax pursuant to Section 501(a) of
the Code.

              (d)  GZ has made available to SP a list of each employment,
severance or other similar contract, arrangement or policy and each plan or
arrangement (written or oral) providing for insurance coverage (including any
self-insured arrangements), workers' benefits, vacation benefits, severance
benefits, disability benefits, death benefits, hospitalization benefits,
retirement benefits, deferred compensation, profit-sharing, bonuses, stock
options, stock purchase, phantom stock, stock appreciation or other forms of
incentive compensation or post-retirement insurance, compensation or benefits
for employees, consultants or directors which (i) is not one of the GZ Employee
Plans, (ii) is entered into, maintained or contributed to, as the case may be,
by GZ and (iii) covers any employee or former employee of GZ. Such contracts,
plans and arrangements as are described in this paragraph 4.8(d) are herein
referred to collectively as the "GZ Benefit Arrangements." Each of the GZ
Benefit Arrangements has been maintained in substantial compliance with its
terms and with the requirements prescribed by any and all statutes, orders,
rules and regulations which are applicable to such GZ Benefit Arrangements. GZ
has made available to SP or its counsel a complete and correct copy or
description of each of the GZ Benefit Arrangements.

              (e)  There has been no amendment to, written interpretation or
announcement (whether or not written) by GZ relating to, or change in employee
participation or coverage under, any of the GZ Employee Plans or GZ Benefit
Arrangements that would increase materially the expense of maintaining such GZ
Employee Plans or GZ Benefit Arrangements above the level of the expense
incurred in respect thereof for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995.

              (f)  GZ has provided, or will have provided prior to the Closing
(as defined in Section 9.1), to individuals entitled thereto all required
notices and coverage pursuant to Section 4980B of COBRA, with respect to any
"qualifying event" (as defined in Section 4980B(f)(3) of the Code) occurring
prior to and including the Closing Date, and no material tax payable on account
of Section 4980B of the Code has been incurred with respect to any current or
former employees (or their beneficiaries) of GZ.

              (g)  No benefit or compensation payable or which may become
payable by GZ pursuant to any GZ Employee Plan or any GZ Benefit Arrangements or
as a result of or arising under this Agreement shall (i) constitute an "excess
parachute payment" (as defined in Section 280G(b)(1) of the Code) which is
subject to the imposition of an excise tax under Section 4999 of the Code or
which would not be deductible by reason of Section 280G of the Code or (ii) be
nondeductible by reason of Section 162(m) of the Code.

              (h)  GZ is in compliance in all material respects with all
applicable laws, agreements and contracts relating to employment, employment
practices, wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, including, but
not limited to, employee compensation matters, but not including ERISA.

              (i)  GZ has good labor relations and has no knowledge of any
facts indicating that the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
will have a material adverse effect on labor


relations, and, except for reductions in force specifically contemplated by SP
and GZ in connection with the Mergers, has no knowledge that any of its key
employees intends to leave its employ.

         4.9  ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. At September 30, 1995 ("GZ
Balance Sheet Date"), (i) GZ had no liabilities or obligations of any nature
(matured or unmatured, fixed or contingent) which were material to GZ and were
not provided for in the balance sheet of GZ at the GZ Balance Sheet Date, a copy
of which has been delivered to SP ( "GZ Balance Sheet"); and (ii) all reserves
established by GZ and set forth in the GZ Balance Sheet were reasonably

         4.10 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS. Since the GZ Balance Sheet
Date (and other than in compliance with Section 6.3) there has not occurred:

              (a)  any change in the condition (financial or otherwise),
properties, assets, liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations
or prospects of GZ that could reasonably constitute a Material Adverse Effect;

              (b)  any amendments or changes in the articles of incorporation
or bylaws of GZ;

              (c)  any damage, destruction or loss, whether covered by
insurance or not, that could reasonably constitute a Material Adverse Effect;

              (d)  any redemption, repurchase or other acquisition of shares of
GZ Common Stock by GZ (other than pursuant to arrangements with terminated
employees or consultants), or any declaration, setting aside or payment of any
dividend or other distribution (whether in cash, stock or property) with respect
to GZ Common Stock;

              (e)  any material increase in or modification of the compensation
or benefits payable or to become payable by GZ to any of its directors or
employees, except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past

              (f)  any material increase in or modification of any bonus,
pension, insurance or any of the GZ Employee Plans or GZ Benefit Arrangements
(including, but not limited to, the granting of stock options, restricted stock
awards or stock appreciation rights) made to, for or with any of its employees,
other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

              (g)  any acquisition or sale of a material amount of property or
assets of GZ, other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past

              (h)  any alteration in any term of any outstanding security of

              (i)  any (A) incurrence, assumption or guarantee by GZ of any
debt for borrowed money; (B) issuance or sale of any securities convertible into
or exchangeable for debt securities of GZ; or (C) issuance or sale of options or
other rights to acquire from GZ, directly or indirectly, debt securities of GZ
or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for any such debt securities;

              (j)  any creation or assumption by GZ of any mortgage, pledge,
security interest or lien or other encumbrance on any asset;

              (k)  any making of any loan, advance or capital contribution to
or investment in any person other than (i) travel loans or advances made in the
ordinary course of business of GZ, (ii) other


loans and advances in an aggregate amount which does not exceed $25,000
outstanding at any time and (iii) purchases on the open market of liquid,
publicly traded securities;

              (l)  any entering into, amendment of, relinquishment, termination
or nonrenewal by GZ of any contract, lease transaction, commitment or other
right or obligation other than in the ordinary course of business;

              (m)  any transfer or grant of a right under the GZ IP Rights (as
defined in Section 4.14), other than those transferred or granted in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practices;

              (n)  any labor dispute or charge of unfair labor practice (other
than routine individual grievances), any activity or proceeding by a labor union
or representative thereof to organize any employees of GZ or any campaign being
conducted to solicit authorization from employees to be represented by such
labor union; or

              (o)  any agreement or arrangement made by GZ to take any action
which, if taken prior to the date hereof, would have made any representation or
warranty set forth in this Agreement untrue or incorrect unless otherwise

         4.11 NO DEFAULTS. GZ is not in default under, and there exists no
event, condition or occurrence which, after notice of lapse of time, or both,
would constitute such a default by GZ under, any contract or agreement to which
GZ is a party and which would, if terminated or modified, have, insofar as can
reasonably be foreseen, a Material Adverse Effect.

         4.12 CERTAIN AGREEMENTS. Neither the execution and delivery of this
Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will (i)
result in any payment (including, without limitation, severance, unemployment
compensation, golden parachute, bonus or otherwise) becoming due to any director
or employee of GZ from GZ, under any of the GZ Employee Plans, GZ Benefit
Arrangements or otherwise, (ii) materially increase any benefits otherwise
payable under any of the GZ Employee Plans, GZ Benefit Arrangements or
otherwise, or (iii) result in the acceleration of the time of payment or vesting
of any such benefits.

         4.13 TAXES.

              (a)  For purposes of this Agreement, "Tax" or collectively
"Taxes" means any and all federal, state, local, and foreign taxes, assessments,
and other governmental charges, duties, impositions, and liabilities, including
taxes based upon or measured by gross receipts, income, profits, sales, use and
occupation, and value added, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, withholding,
payroll, recapture, employment, estimated, excise and property taxes, together
with all interest, penalties, and additions imposed with respect to such amounts
and any obligations under any agreements or arrangements with any other person
with respect to such amounts and including any liability for taxes of a
predecessor entity.

              (b)  Except as set forth in the GZ Disclosure Schedule:

                   (i)  As of the Closing (as defined in Section 9.1), GZ will
have prepared and filed all required Returns concerning or attributable to GZ
that are required to be filed by or with respect to GZ on or prior to the
Closing and each of such Returns shall be true, correct, and complete in all
material respects and shall have been completed in accordance with applicable


                   (ii)      As of the Closing, GZ: (A) will have paid or
accrued in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles all Taxes
concerning or attributable to GZ relating to periods ending on or before the
Closing regardless of whether reflected on Returns and (B) will have withheld
with respect to their employees all federal and state income taxes, FICA, FUTA,
and other Taxes required to be withheld;

                   (iii)     GZ has not been delinquent in the payment of any
Tax nor is there any Tax deficiency outstanding, proposed or assessed against GZ
nor has GZ executed any waiver of the statute of limitations on or extending the
period for the assessment or collection of any Taxes;

                   (iv)      No audit or other examination of any Return of GZ
is presently in progress, nor has GZ been notified of any request for such an
audit or examination;

                   (v)       GZ has no any liabilities for unpaid federal,
state, local and foreign Taxes which have not been accrued or reserved in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles on the GZ Balance
Sheet, and GZ has no knowledge of any reasonable basis for the assertion of any
such liability attributable to GZ, or any of its assets and operations;

                   (vi)      GZ has made available to SP and its counsel copies
of all federal and state income and all state sales and use Tax Returns for all
periods since June 30, 1993;

                   (vii)     There are (and as of immediately following the
Closing there will be) no Liens on the assets of GZ relating or attributable to
Taxes other than liens for sales and payroll taxes not yet due and payable;

                   (viii)    GZ has no knowledge of any reasonable basis for
the assertion of any claim relating or attributable to Taxes which, if adversely
determined, would result in any Lien on the assets of GZ;

                   (ix)      None of the assets of GZ is property that is
required to be treated as owned by any other person pursuant to the "safe harbor
lease" provisions of former Code Section 168(f)(8) and none of the assets is
treated as "tax-exempt use property" within the meaning of Code Section 168(h);

                   (x)       GZ has not filed any consent agreement under Code
Section 341(f) or agreed to have Code Section 341(f) apply to any disposition of
a "subsection (f) asset" (as defined in Code Section 341(f)(4)) owned by GZ;

                   (xi)      GZ has not been included in any "consolidated,"
"unitary," or "combined" Return provided for under the law of the United States
or any state or locality with respect to Taxes for any taxable period;

                   (xii)     GZ is not a party to a tax sharing, allocation,
indemnification or similar agreement or arrangement, nor does GZ owe any amount
under any such agreement or arrangement;

                   (xiii)    No Return of GZ contains a disclosure statement
under Code Section 6662 (or predecessor provision) or any similar provision of
state, local, or foreign law;

                   (xiv)     GZ is not or has it been at any time a "United
States real property holding corporation" within the meaning of Code Section


                   (xv)      No indebtedness of GZ consists of "corporate
acquisition indebtedness" within the meaning of Code Section 279;

                   (xvi)     GZ has not taken any action not in accordance with
past practice that would have the effect of deferring any Tax liability of GZ
from any period ending on before the Closing Date to any taxable period ending
after such date;

                   (xvii)    GZ was not acquired in a "qualified stock
purchase" under Code Section 338(d)(3) and no elections under Code Section
338(g), protective carryover basis elections, or offset prohibition elections
are applicable to GZ or any predecessor corporations; and

                   (xviii)   The tax bases of the assets of GZ for purposes of
determining future amortization, depreciation, and other federal income tax
deductions are accurately reflected on the tax book and records of GZ.


              (a)  GZ owns or has acquired all material Intellectual Property
Rights, including rights to make, use, and sell goods and services, as necessary
or required for the conduct of its business as presently conducted (such
Intellectual Property Rights being hereinafter collectively referred to as the
"GZ IP Rights") and such rights are reasonably sufficient for such conduct of
its business;

              (b)  the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not constitute
a material breach of any instrument or agreement governing any GZ IP Rights ("GZ
IP Rights Agreements"), will not cause the forfeiture or termination or give
rise to a right of forfeiture or termination of any GZ IP Right or materially
impair the right of GZ or New GZ to use, sell or license any GZ IP Right or
portion thereof (except where such breach, forfeiture or termination would not
have a Material Adverse Effect);

              (c)  neither the manufacture, marketing, license, sale or
intended use of any product currently licensed or sold by GZ or currently under
development by GZ violates any license or agreement between GZ and any third
party or, to the best knowledge of GZ, infringes any Intellectual Property Right
of any other party; and there is no pending or, to the best knowledge of GZ,
threatened claim or litigation contesting the validity, ownership or right to
use, sell, license or dispose of any GZ IP Right nor, to the best knowledge of
GZ, is there any basis for any such claim, nor has GZ received any written
notice asserting that any GZ IP Right or the proposed use, sale, license or
disposition thereof conflicts or will conflict with the rights of any other
party, nor, to the best knowledge of GZ, is there any basis for any such
assertion, except to the extent that such violation(s), or notice or basis
therefor, have not had and could not reasonably be expected to have, a Material
Adverse Effect; and

              (d)  GZ has taken reasonable and practicable steps designed to
safeguard and maintain its proprietary rights in all material GZ IP Rights. All
officers, employees and consultants of GZ have executed and delivered to GZ an
agreement regarding the protection of proprietary information and the assignment
to GZ of all Intellectual Property Rights arising from the services performed
for GZ by such persons. No current or prior officer, employee or consultant of
GZ claims an ownership interest in any GZ IP Rights as a result of having been
involved in the development of such property while employed by or consulting to
GZ, or otherwise.

         4.15 FEES AND EXPENSES. Except for the fees and expenses set forth in
the GZ Disclosure Schedule payable to Cruttenden Roth Incorporated, GZ has not
paid or become obligated to pay any fee or


commission to any broker, finder or intermediary in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


              (a)  None of the properties or facilities of GZ is in violation
of any federal, state or local law, ordinance, regulation or order relating to
industrial hygiene or to the environmental conditions on, under or about such
properties or facilities, including, but not limited to, soil and ground water
condition except where such violation would not constitute a Material Adverse
Effect. During the time that GZ has owned or leased its properties and
facilities, neither GZ nor, to GZ's knowledge, any third party, has released,
used, generated, manufactured or stored on, under or about such properties or
facilities or transported to or from such properties or facilities any hazardous

              (b)  During the time that GZ has owned or leased its properties
and facilities, there has been no litigation brought or threatened against GZ
by, or any settlement reached by GZ with, any party or parties alleging the
presence, disposal, release or threatened release of any hazardous materials on,
from or under any of such properties or facilities.

         4.17 INTERESTED PARTY TRANSACTIONS. Except as disclosed in the GZ SEC
Documents filed prior to the date of this Agreement under Item 12 of GZ's most
recent Form 10-KSB or under the "Certain Transactions" section of GZ's most
recent Proxy Statement, no officer or director of GZ or any "affiliate" or
"associate" (as those terms are defined in Rule 405 promulgated under the
Securities Act) of any such person has had, either directly or indirectly, a
material interest in: (i) any person or entity which purchases from or sells,
licenses or furnishes to GZ any material amount of goods, property, technology
or intellectual or other property rights or services; or (ii) any material
contract or agreement to which GZ is a party or by which it may be bound or

         4.18 BOARD APPROVAL. The Board of Directors of GZ has, on or prior to
the date hereof, unanimously (i) approved this Agreement and the GZ Merger, (ii)
determined that the Mergers are in the best interests of the shareholders of GZ
and are on terms that are fair to such shareholders and (iii) recommended that
the shareholders of GZ approve this Agreement and the GZ Merger.

         4.19 VOTE REQUIRED. The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes
that holders of the outstanding shares of GZ Common Stock are entitled to cast
is the only vote of the holders of any class or series of GZ capital stock
necessary to approve this Agreement and the GZ Merger.

         4.20 DISCLOSURE. No representation or warranty made by GZ in this
Agreement, nor any document, written information, written statement, financial
statement, certificate or exhibits prepared and furnished or to be prepared and
furnished by GZ or its representatives pursuant hereto or in connection with the
transactions contemplated hereby, when taken together, contains any untrue
statement of a material fact, or omits to state a material fact necessary to
make the statements or facts contained herein or therein not misleading in light
of the circumstances under which they were furnished.

         4.21 FAIRNESS OPINION. GZ's Board of Directors has received a written
opinion from Cruttenden Roth Incorporated that as of the date hereof the Mergers
are fair to GZ's shareholders from a financial point of view.

         4.22 RESTRICTIONS ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. There is no material
agreement, judgment, injunction, order or decree binding upon GZ that has or
could reasonably be expected to have the effect of


prohibiting or materially impairing any business practice of GZ, any acquisition
of property by GZ or the conduct of business by GZ as currently conducted.

         4.23 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. The accounts receivable of GZ shown on the
GZ Balance Sheet as of the GZ Balance Sheet Date, or thereafter acquired by SP
prior to the date hereof, have been and are (as the case may be) collectible
within one hundred twenty (120) days from the Closing Date in amounts not less
than the aggregate amounts thereof carried on the books of GZ reduced by the
reserves for discounts and bad debts taken on the GZ Balance Sheet.

         4.24 PERSONAL PROPERTY. GZ has good title, free and clear of all title
defects, objections and liens, including without limitation, leases, chattel
mortgages, conditional sales contracts, collateral security arrangements and
other title or interest-retaining arrangements, to all of its machinery,
equipment, furniture, inventory and other personal property. All such personal
property as used in the business of GZ is in good operating condition. All of
the leases to personal property utilized in the business of GZ are valid and
enforceable against GZ and are not in default by GZ, or, to the knowledge of GZ,
are any of the other parties thereto in default thereof.

         4.25 REAL PROPERTY. GZ does not own any real property. The GZ
Disclosure Schedule contains a list of all leases for real property to which GZ
is a party, the square footage leased with respect to each lease and the
expiration date of each lease. All such leases are valid and enforceable and are
not in default. To the best knowledge of GZ, the real property leased or
occupied by GZ, the improvements located thereon, and the furniture, fixtures
and equipment relating thereto (including plumbing, heating, air conditioning
and electrical systems), conform to any and all applicable health, fire, safety,
zoning, land use and building laws, ordinances and regulations. There are no
outstanding contracts made by GZ for any improvements made to the real property
leased or occupied by GZ that have not been paid for.

         4.26 WARRANTIES. GZ has made no warranties or guarantees relating to
its products other than as implied or required by law. The GZ Disclosure
Schedule contains a list of all warranty and indemnification obligations of GZ
relating to patents and other proprietary rights.

         4.27 CONTRACTS. The GZ Disclosure Schedule lists all oral or written
agreements, notes, instruments, or contracts to which GZ is a party or by which
its assets or properties may be bound which involve the payment or receipt of
more than $100,000 (on an annual basis), or which have a term of more than one
year, or which involve intellectual property, or which are employment or
consulting agreements ("GZ Contracts"). GZ is not in default in performance of
its obligations under any material provisions of the GZ Contracts. GZ has no
knowledge of any violation of any GZ Contract by any other party thereto and has
no knowledge of any intent by any other party to a GZ Contract not to perform
its obligations under such GZ Contract.


         5.1  NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES. During the period from the date of this
Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement in accordance with its terms, SP will promptly notify GZ in writing
(a) of any event occurring subsequent to the date of this Agreement that would
render any representation or warranty of SP contained in this Agreement, if made
on or as of the date of such event or the Closing Date, untrue or inaccurate in
any material respect, (b) of any Material Adverse Effect and (c) of any breach
by SP of any covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement. SP shall deliver
to GZ as soon as practicable after the end of each monthly accounting period
ending after the date of this Agreement and before the earlier of the Closing
Date or the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, an
unaudited consolidated balance sheet, statement of operations and statement of
cash flows for SP, which


financial statements shall be prepared in the ordinary course of business, in
accordance with SP's books and records and generally accepted accounting
principles and shall fairly present the consolidated financial position of SP as
of their respective dates and the results of SP's operations for the periods
then ended.

         5.2  MAINTENANCE OF BUSINESS. During the period from the date of this
Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement in accordance with its terms, SP will use its diligent commercial
efforts to carry on and preserve its business and its relationships with
customers, suppliers, employees (except with respect to reductions in force
described in paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i)) and others in substantially the same
manner as it has prior to the date hereof. If SP becomes aware of any material
deterioration in the relationship with any material customer, material supplier
or key employee (except with respect to reductions in force described in
paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i)), it will promptly bring such information to the
attention of GZ.

         5.3  CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. During the period from the date of this
Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement in accordance with its terms, SP will continue to conduct its business
and maintain its business relationships in the ordinary and usual course and
will not, and will not permit any of the SP Subsidiaries to, without the prior
written consent of GZ:

              (a)  borrow any money except for amounts that are not in the
aggregate material to the financial condition of SP and the SP Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole;

              (b)  enter into any material transaction not in the ordinary
course of its business (except with respect to reductions in force described in
paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i));

              (c)  encumber or permit to be encumbered any of its assets except
in the ordinary course of its business;

              (d)  dispose of any of its assets except in the ordinary course
of business consistent with past practice;

              (e)  enter into any material lease or contract for the purchase
or sale or license of any property, real or personal, except in the ordinary
course of business;

              (f)  fail to maintain its equipment and other assets in good
working condition and repair according in all material respects to the standards
it has maintained to the date of this Agreement, subject only to ordinary wear
and tear;

              (g)  pay (or make any oral or written commitments or
representations to pay) any bonus, increased salary or special remuneration to
any officer, employee or consultant (except for normal salary increases
consistent with past practices not to exceed ten percent (10%) per year and
except pursuant to existing arrangements previously disclosed to GZ) or enter
into or vary the terms of any employment, consulting or severance agreement with
any such person, pay any severance or termination pay (other than payments made
in accordance with plans or agreements existing on the date hereof and except
with respect to reductions in force described in paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i),
grant any stock option (except for normal grants to newly hired or current
employees consistent with past practices and except as disclosed in the SP
Disclosure Schedule) or issue any restricted stock, or enter into or modify any
agreement or plan of the type described in Section 3.8, provided that SP shall
be entitled to pay annual bonuses or to make changes to compensation (i) in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice or (ii) with prior
written notice to GZ if such changes are required, in the good faith judgment of
SP and after consultation with GZ, to retain its key employees following the


              (h)  change accounting methods;

              (i)  declare, set aside or pay any cash or stock dividend or
other distribution in respect of capital stock, or redeem or otherwise acquire
any of its capital stock (other than pursuant to arrangements with terminated
employees or consultants in the ordinary course of business consistent with SP's
past practice);

              (j)  amend or terminate any material contract, agreement or
license to which it is a party except with respect to reductions in force
described in paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i) and except those amended or terminated
in the ordinary course of its business, or which are not material in amount or

              (k)  lend any amount to any person or entity, other than
(i) advances for travel and expenses which are incurred in the ordinary course
of business consistent with past practice, not material in amount and documented
by receipts for the claimed amounts, or (ii) any loans pursuant to any SP 401(a)

              (l)  guarantee or act as a surety for any obligation except for
obligations in amounts that are not material;

              (m)  waive or release any right or claim except for the waiver or
release of non-material claims in the ordinary course of business, consistent
with past practice or the waiver or release of rights or claims set forth in the
SP Disclosure Schedule;

              (n)  issue or sell any shares of its capital stock of any class
(except upon the exercise of a bona fide option or warrant currently outstanding
or permitted to be granted by paragraph (g) above), or any other of its
securities, or issue or create any warrants, obligations, subscriptions, options
(except as expressly permitted by paragraph (g) above), convertible securities
or other commitments to issue shares of capital stock, or accelerate the vesting
of any outstanding option or other security;

              (o)  split or combine the outstanding shares of its capital stock
of any class or enter into any recapitalization or agreement affecting the
number or rights of outstanding shares of its capital stock of any class or
affecting any other of its securities;

              (p)  merge, consolidate or reorganize with, or acquire any entity
(other than such transaction that would not be material and that would not
impair or affect the timing of the Mergers);

              (q)  amend its articles of incorporation or bylaws;

              (r)  license any SP IP Rights except in the ordinary course of
business consistent with past practice;

              (s)  agree to any audit assessment by any tax authority;

              (t)  change any insurance coverage; or

              (u)  agree to do, or enter into negotiations with respect to, any
of the things described in the preceding clauses in this Section 5.3.

         5.4  SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL. SP will call the SP Shareholders Meeting to
be held within forty-five (45) days after the Form S-4 shall have been declared
effective by the SEC and the California


Department of Corporations ("DOC"), and concurrently with the GZ Shareholders
Meeting to submit this Agreement, the SP Merger Agreement, the SP Merger and
related matters for the consideration and approval of the SP shareholders. Such
approval will be recommended by SP's Board of Directors and management, subject
to the fiduciary obligations of its directors and officers. Such meeting will be
called, held and conducted, and any proxies will be solicited, in compliance
with applicable securities laws.

         5.5  SP AFFILIATE AGREEMENTS. To enable the parties' respective tax
counsel to render their tax opinions and to ensure compliance with Rule 145 of
the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Act, SP
will use its reasonable best efforts to have its Affiliates sign and deliver to
New GZ, within two (2) weeks after the execution of this Agreement, SP Affiliate
Agreements in the form of Exhibit 5.5 ("SP Affiliate Agreements") agreeing that
such persons will comply with Rule 145, and agreeing to certain other
restrictions as set forth in such SP Affiliate Agreements. "Affiliate" shall
have the meaning referred to in Rule 145 and shall include, without limitation,
any person who beneficially owns five percent (5%) or more of the outstanding
capital stock of either GZ or SP.

         5.6  PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS. SP will mail to its shareholders in a
timely manner, for the purpose of considering and voting upon the SP Merger at
the SP Shareholders Meeting, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus in the Form S-4. SP
will promptly provide all information relating to its business or operations
necessary for inclusion in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to satisfy all
requirements of applicable state and federal securities laws. SP shall be solely
responsible for any statement, information or omission in the Proxy
Statement/Prospectus relating to it or its affiliates based upon written
information furnished by it. SP will not provide or publish to its shareholders
any material concerning it or its affiliates that violate the Securities Act or
the Exchange Act with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

         5.7  REGULATORY APPROVALS. SP will promptly execute and file, or join
in the execution and filing of, any application or other document that may be
necessary in order to obtain the authorization, approval or consent of any
governmental body, federal, state, local or foreign, which may be reasonably
required, or which GZ may reasonably request, in connection with the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. SP will use its
best efforts to promptly obtain all such authorizations, approvals and consents.

         5.8  NECESSARY CONSENTS. During the term of this Agreement, SP will
use its best efforts to obtain such written consents and take such other actions
as may be necessary or appropriate in addition to those set forth in Section 5.7
to allow the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         5.9  ACCESS TO INFORMATION. SP will allow GZ and its agents reasonable
access to the files, books, records and offices of SP and each SP Subsidiary,
including, without limitation, any and all information relating to SP's taxes,
commitments, contracts, leases, licenses and real, personal and intangible
property and financial condition. SP will cause its accountants to cooperate
with GZ and its agents in making available to GZ all financial information
reasonably requested, including, without limitation, the right to examine all
working papers pertaining to all tax returns and financial statements prepared
or audited by such accountants.

         5.10 SATISFACTION OF CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. During the term of this
Agreement, SP will use its best efforts to satisfy or cause to be satisfied all
the conditions precedent that are set forth in Sections 11 and 12, and SP will
use its best efforts to cause the Mergers and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement to be consummated.

         5.11 NO OTHER NEGOTIATIONS. Upon execution of this Agreement, SP does
not have, or shall immediately terminate any discussions with, any third party
concerning an Alternative Acquisition (as defined below). From and after the
date of this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the
termination of


this Agreement in accordance with its terms, SP shall not, directly or
indirectly, (a) solicit, engage in discussions or negotiate with any person
(whether such discussions or negotiations are initiated by SP or otherwise) or
take any other action intended or designed to facilitate the efforts of any
person, other than GZ, relating to the possible acquisition of SP or any of the
SP Subsidiaries (whether by way of merger, purchase of capital stock, purchase
of assets or otherwise) or any material portion of its or their capital stock or
assets (with any such efforts by any such person, including a firm proposal to
make such an acquisition, to be referred to as an "Alternative Acquisition"),
(b) provide information with respect to SP or any of its Subsidiaries to any
person, other than GZ, relating to a possible Alternative Acquisition by any
person, other than GZ, (c) enter into an agreement with any person, other than
GZ, providing for a possible Alternative Acquisition, or (d) make or authorize
any statement, recommendation or solicitation in support of any possible
Alternative Acquisition by any person, other than by GZ.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions set forth in this
Agreement shall not prevent the Board of Directors of SP (or its agents pursuant
to its instructions) from taking any of the following actions: (a) furnishing
information concerning SP and its business, properties and assets to any third
party or (b) negotiating with such third party concerning an Alternative
Acquisition provided that all of the following events shall have occurred: (1)
such third party has made a written proposal to the Board of Directors of SP
(which proposal may be conditional) to consummate an Alternative Acquisition
which proposal identifies a price or range of values to be paid for the
outstanding securities or substantially all of the assets of SP, and if
consummated, based on the advice of investment bankers, the Board of Directors
has determined is financially more favorable to the shareholders than the terms
of the Mergers (a "Superior Proposal"); (2) SP's Board of Directors has
determined, based on the advice of its investment bankers, that such third party
is financially capable of consummating such Superior Proposal; (3) the Board of
Directors of SP shall have determined, after consultation with its outside legal
counsel, that the fiduciary duties of the Board of Directors of SP require SP to
furnish information to and negotiate with such third party; and (4) GZ shall
have been notified in writing of such Superior Proposal, including all of its
terms and conditions, and shall have been given copies of such proposal.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, SP shall not provide any non-public information
to such third party unless (1) it has prior to the date thereof provided such
information to GZ or GZ's representatives; (2) SP has notified GZ in advance of
any such proposed disclosure of non-public information to any such third party,
with a description of the information proposed to be disclosed; and (3) SP
provides such non-public information pursuant to a nondisclosure agreement with
terms which are at least as restrictive as the nondisclosure agreement
heretofore entered into between GZ and SP.

         In addition to the foregoing, SP shall not accept or enter into any
agreement concerning an Alternative Acquisition for a period of not less than 48
hours after GZ's receipt of a copy of such proposal of an Alternative
Acquisition. Upon compliance with the foregoing, SP shall be entitled to (1)
change its recommendation concerning the Mergers; and (2) enter into an
agreement with such third party concerning an Alternative Acquisition.

         If SP or any of any of the SP Subsidiaries receives any unsolicited
offer, inquiry or proposal to enter into discussions or negotiations relating to
an Alternative Acquisition, SP shall immediately notify GZ thereof, including
information as to the identity of the party making any such offer, inquiry or
proposal and the specific terms of such offer, inquiry or proposal, as the case
may be.

         SP shall be entitled to provide copies of this Section 5.11 to third
parties who on an entirely unsolicited basis after the date hereof, contact SP
concerning an Alternative Acquisition; provided that GZ shall concurrently be
notified of such contact and the delivery of such copy.

         5.12 CONFIDENTIALITY. All information concerning GZ received by SP
(other than that information which is a matter of public knowledge or which has
been published for public distribution or filed


as public information with any governmental authority) shall not at any time,
except in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby, be used for the advantage of, or disclosed by, SP to any third person
without the prior written consent of GZ. SP may disclose such information on a
confidential basis to its affiliates, employees, officers, agents, auditors,
investment bankers, consultants, counsel, directors, present and prospective
lenders, and state and federal regulatory agencies and, as provided elsewhere in
this Agreement, may disclose such information in press releases and like
disclosures, filings with the SEC or other governmental or self-regulatory
agencies or as otherwise required. This covenant shall expire on completion of
the Closing; however, if the Closing does not occur, it shall expire three (3)
years after the date of this Agreement.


         6.1  NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES. During the period from the date of this
Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement in accordance with its terms, GZ will promptly notify SP in writing
(a) of any event occurring subsequent to the date of this Agreement that would
render any representation or warranty of GZ contained in this Agreement, if made
on or as of the date of such event or the Closing Date, untrue or inaccurate in
any material respect, (b) of any Material Adverse Effect and (c) of any breach
by GZ of any covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement. GZ shall deliver
to SP as soon as practicable after the end of each monthly accounting period
ending after the date of this Agreement and before the earlier of the Closing
Date or the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, an
unaudited balance sheet, statement of operations and statement of cash flows for
GZ, which financial statements shall be prepared in the ordinary course of
business, in accordance with GZ's books and records and generally accepted
accounting principles and shall fairly present the financial position of GZ as
of their respective dates and the results of GZ's operations for the periods
then ended.

         6.2  MAINTENANCE OF BUSINESS. During the period from the date of this
Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement in accordance with its terms, GZ will use its diligent commercial
efforts to carry on and preserve its business and its relationships with
customers, suppliers, employees (except with respect to reductions in force
described in paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i)) and others in substantially the same
manner as it has prior to the date hereof. If GZ becomes aware of any material
deterioration in the relationship with any material customer, material supplier
or key employee, it will promptly bring such information to the attention of SP.

         6.3  CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. During the period from the date of this
Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this
Agreement in accordance with its terms, GZ will continue to conduct its business
and maintain its business relationships in the ordinary and usual course and
will not, without the prior written consent of SP:

              (a)  borrow any money except for amounts that are not in the
aggregate material to the financial condition of GZ;

              (b)  enter into any material transaction not in the ordinary
course of its business (except with respect to reductions in force described in
paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i));

              (c)  encumber or permit to be encumbered any of its assets except
in the ordinary course of its business;

              (d)  dispose of any of its assets except in the ordinary course
of business consistent with past practice;


              (e)  enter into any material lease or contract for the purchase
or sale or license of any property, real or personal, except in the ordinary
course of business;

              (f)  fail to maintain its equipment and other assets in good
working condition and repair according in all material respects to the standards
it has maintained to the date of this Agreement, subject only to ordinary wear
and tear;

              (g)  pay (or make any oral or written commitments or
representations to pay) any bonus, increased salary or special remuneration to
any officer, employee or consultant (except for normal salary increases
consistent with past practices not to exceed ten percent (10%) per year and
except pursuant to existing arrangements previously disclosed to SP) or enter
into or vary the terms of any employment, consulting or severance agreement with
any such person, pay any severance or termination pay (other than payments made
in accordance with plans or agreements existing on the date hereof and except
with respect to reductions in force described in paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i),
grant any stock option (except for normal grants to newly hired or current
employees consistent with past practices and except as disclosed in the GZ
Disclosure Schedule) or issue any restricted stock, or enter into or modify any
agreement or plan of the type described in Section 4.8, provided that GZ shall
be entitled to pay annual bonuses or to make changes to compensation (i) in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice or (ii) with prior
written notice to SP if such changes are required, in the good faith judgment of
GZ and after consultation with SP, to retain its key employees following the

              (h)  change accounting methods;

              (i)  declare, set aside or pay any cash or stock dividend or
other distribution in respect of capital stock, or redeem or otherwise acquire
any of its capital stock (other than pursuant to arrangements with terminated
employees or consultants in the ordinary course of business consistent with GZ's
past practice);

              (j)  amend or terminate any material contract, agreement or
license to which it is a party (except with respect to reductions in force
described in paragraphs 3.8(i) and 4.8(i)) and except those amended or
terminated in the ordinary course of its business, or which are not material in
amount or effect;

              (k)  lend any amount to any person or entity, other than
(i) advances for travel and expenses which are incurred in the ordinary course
of business consistent with past practice, not material in amount and documented
by receipts for the claimed amounts, or (ii) any loans pursuant to any GZ 401(a)

              (l)  guarantee or act as a surety for any obligation except for
obligations in amounts that are not material;

              (m)  waive or release any right or claim except for the waiver or
release of non-material claims in the ordinary course of business, consistent
with past practice or the waiver or release of rights or claims set forth in the
GZ Disclosure Schedule;

              (n)  issue or sell any shares of its capital stock of any class
(except upon the exercise of a bona fide option or warrant currently outstanding
or permitted to be granted by paragraph (g) above), or any other of its
securities, or issue or create any warrants, obligations, subscriptions, options
(except as expressly permitted by paragraph (g) above), convertible securities
or other commitments to issue shares of capital stock, or accelerate the vesting
of any outstanding option or other security;


              (o)  split or combine the outstanding shares of its capital stock
of any class or enter into any recapitalization or agreement affecting the
number or rights of outstanding shares of its capital stock of any class or
affecting any other of its securities;

              (p)  merge, consolidate or reorganize with, or acquire any entity
(other than such transaction that would not be material and that would not
impair or affect the timing of the Mergers);

              (q)  amend its articles of incorporation or bylaws;

              (r)  license any GZ IP Rights except in the ordinary course of
business consistent with past practice;

              (s)  agree to any audit assessment by any tax authority;

              (t)  change any insurance coverage; or

              (u)  agree to do, or enter into negotiations with respect to, any
of the things described in the preceding clauses in this Section 6.3.

         6.4  SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL. GZ will call the GZ Shareholders Meeting to
be held within forty-five (45) days after the Form S-4 shall have been declared
effective by the SEC and DOC, and concurrently with the SP Shareholders Meeting,
to submit this Agreement, the GZ Merger and related matters for the
consideration and approval of the GZ shareholders. Such approval will be
recommended by GZ's Board of Directors and management, subject to the fiduciary
obligations of its directors and officers. Such meeting will be called, held and
conducted, and any proxies will be solicited, in compliance with applicable law.

         6.5  GZ AFFILIATE AGREEMENTS. To enable the parties' respective tax
counsel to render their tax opinions and to ensure compliance with Rule 145 of
the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Act, GZ
will use its reasonable best efforts to have its Affiliates sign and deliver to
New GZ, within two (2) weeks after execution of this Agreement, GZ Affiliate
Agreements in the form of Exhibit 6.5 ("GZ Affiliate Agreements") agreeing that
such persons will comply with Rule 145, and agreeing to certain other
restrictions as set forth in such GZ Affiliate Agreements.

         6.6  PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS. GZ will mail to its shareholders in a
timely manner, for the purpose of considering and voting upon the GZ Merger at
the GZ Shareholders Meeting, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus in the Form S-4. GZ
will promptly provide all information relating to its business or operations
necessary for inclusion in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to satisfy all
requirements of applicable state and federal securities laws. GZ shall be solely
responsible for any statement, information or omission in the Proxy
Statement/Prospectus relating to it or its affiliates based upon written
information furnished by it. GZ will not provide or publish to its shareholders
any material concerning it or its affiliates that violates the Securities Act or
Exchange Act with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

         6.7  REGULATORY APPROVALS. GZ will promptly execute and file, or join
in the execution and filing of, any application or other document that may be
necessary in order to obtain the authorization, approval or consent of any
governmental body, federal, state, local or foreign which may be reasonably
required, or which SP may reasonably request, in connection with the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. GZ will use its
best efforts to promptly obtain all such authorizations, approvals and consents.


         6.8  NECESSARY CONSENTS. During the term of this Agreement, GZ will
use its best efforts to obtain such written consents and take such other actions
as may be necessary or appropriate in addition to those set forth in Section 6.7
to allow the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         6.9  ACCESS TO INFORMATION. GZ will allow SP and its agents reasonable
access to the files, books, records and offices of GZ, including, without
limitation, any and all information relating to GZ's taxes, commitments,
contracts, leases, licenses and real, personal and intangible property and
financial condition. GZ will cause its accountants to cooperate with SP and its
agents in making available to SP all financial information reasonably requested,
including, without limitation, the right to examine all working papers
pertaining to all tax returns and financial statements prepared or audited by
such accountants.

         6.10 SATISFACTION OF CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. During the term of this
Agreement, GZ will use its best efforts to satisfy or cause to be satisfied all
the conditions precedent that are set forth in Sections 10 and 12, and GZ will
use its best efforts to cause the Mergers and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement to be consummated.

         6.11 NO OTHER NEGOTIATIONS. Upon execution of this Agreement, GZ does
not have, or shall immediately terminate any discussions with, any third party
concerning an Alternative Acquisition. From and after the date of this Agreement
until the earlier of the Effective Time or the termination of this Agreement in
accordance with its terms, GZ shall not, directly or indirectly, (a) solicit,
engage in discussions or negotiate with any person (whether such discussions or
negotiations are initiated by GZ or otherwise) or take any other action intended
or designed to facilitate the efforts of any person, other than SP, relating to
a possible Alternative Acquisition of GZ; (b) provide information with respect
to GZ to any person, other than SP, relating to a possible Alternative
Acquisition of GZ by any person, other than SP, (c) enter into an agreement with
any person, other than SP, providing for a possible Alternative Acquisition, or
(d) make or authorize any statement, recommendation or solicitation in support
of any possible Alternative Acquisition by any person, other than by SP.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions set forth in this
Agreement shall not prevent the Board of Directors of GZ (or its agents pursuant
to its instructions) from taking any of the following actions: (a) furnishing
information concerning GZ and its business, properties and assets to any third
party or (b) negotiating with such third party concerning an Alternative
Acquisition of GZ provided that all of the following events shall have occurred:
(1) such third party has made a written proposal to the Board of Directors of GZ
(which proposal may be conditional) to consummate an Alternative Acquisition of
GZ which proposal identifies a price or range of values to be paid for the
outstanding securities or substantially all of the assets of GZ, and if
consummated, based on the advice of investment bankers, the Board of Directors
has determined is a Superior Proposal; (2) GZ's Board of Directors has
determined, based on the advice of its investment bankers, that such third party
is financially capable of consummating such Superior Proposal; (3) the Board of
Directors of GZ shall have determined, after consultation with its outside legal
counsel, that the fiduciary duties of the Board of Directors of GZ require GZ to
furnish information to and negotiate with such third party; and (4) SP shall
have been notified in writing of such Superior Proposal, including all of its
terms and conditions, and shall have been given copies of such proposal.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, GZ shall not provide any non-public information
to such third party unless (1) it has prior to the date thereof provided such
information to SP or SP's representatives; (2) GZ has notified SP in advance of
any such proposed disclosure of non-public information to any such third party,
with a description of the information proposed to be disclosed; and (3) GZ
provides such non-public information pursuant to a nondisclosure agreement with
terms which are at least as restrictive as the nondisclosure agreement
heretofore entered into between GZ and SP.


         In addition to the foregoing, GZ shall not accept or enter into any
agreement concerning an Alternative Acquisition for a period of not less than 48
hours after SP's receipt of a copy of such proposal of an Alternative
Acquisition. Upon compliance with the foregoing, GZ shall be entitled to (1)
change its recommendation concerning the Mergers; and (2) enter into an
agreement with such third party concerning an Alternative Acquisition.

         If GZ receives any unsolicited offer, inquiry or proposal to enter
into discussions or negotiations relating to an Alternative Acquisition, GZ
shall immediately notify SP thereof, including information as to the identity of
the party making any such offer, inquiry or proposal and the specific terms of
such offer, inquiry or proposal, as the case may be.

         GZ shall be entitled to provide copies of this Section 6.11 to third
parties who on an entirely unsolicited basis after the date hereof, contact GZ
concerning an Alternative Acquisition; provided that SP shall concurrently be
notified of such contact and the delivery of such copy.

         6.12 CONFIDENTIALITY. All information concerning SP received by GZ
(other than that information which is a matter of public knowledge or which has
been published for public distribution or filed as public information with any
governmental authority) shall not at any time, except in connection with this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, be used for the advantage
of, or disclosed by, GZ to any third person without the prior written consent of
SP. GZ may disclose such information on a confidential basis to its affiliates,
employees, officers, agents, auditors, investment bankers, consultants, counsel,
directors, present and prospective lenders, and state and federal regulatory
agencies and, as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, may disclose such
information in press releases and like disclosures, filings with the SEC or
other governmental or self-regulatory agencies or as otherwise required. This
covenant shall expire on completion of the Closing; however, if the Closing does
not occur, it shall expire three (3) years after the date of this Agreement.


         7.1  OPERATION AS COMBINED ENTITY. Between the date of this Agreement
and the Closing Date, GZ and SP shall maintain their separate legal and
accounting identities, but shall work together on the transition to a
consolidated entity, which shall be effective on the Closing Date, as follows:

              (a)  Employees of each company (unless terminated as part of a
planned reduction in force) shall remain employed by that company until the
Closing. Although employees of each company may provide assistance to employees
of the other for purposes of expediting the transition, they shall, unless
specifically agreed to in advance by GZ and SP with appropriate allocations to
be worked out at that time, work primarily on projects of their employer
company, and no payroll allocations shall be made on account of any transitional

              (b)  Separate books, accounts and records shall be maintained for
each company, including separate payroll accounts and records.

              (c)  Although, in the course of assisting in the transition,
employees of one company may spend time at the offices of the other, no overhead
allocations will be made except as may be agreed to in advance by GZ and SP.

              (d)  If one company lends money to the other, such loan shall be
unsecured, but shall be evidenced by a promissory note providing for payment of
principal and all accrued interest (which shall be at the then-current
Applicable Federal Rate) six (6) months from the date of the advance.



              7.2.1     COBRA. New GZ shall assume, at Closing all COBRA
obligations of GZ and SP arising out of terminations of employees prior to the

              7.2.2     BENEFIT ARRANGEMENTS. New GZ shall cause to be
maintained in effect after the Closing all SP Benefit Arrangements and GZ
Benefit Arrangements until such time as New GZ is able to provide benefits under
new benefit plans to the employees of SP and GZ that are no less favorable than
they had received prior to the Closing.

              7.2.3     PENSION PLANS. New GZ shall cause to be maintained in
effect after the Closing the SP Pension Plans and GZ Pension Plans until such
time as New GZ is able to merge those plans or otherwise provide pension
benefits to the employees of SP and GZ that are no less favorable than they had
received prior to the Closing.

              7.2.4     PRIOR SERVICE. For purposes of Sections 7.2.2 and
7.2.3, "no less favorable" shall include, without limitation, treating prior
service with GZ or SP as service rendered to the other or to New GZ, as the case
may be, under the plan or arrangement under which an employee may be covered
after the Closing; provided, however, that New GZ may cause a reduction in
benefits under any such plans or arrangements to the extent necessary to avoid
duplication of benefits with respect to the same covered matter or years of

         7.3  EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS. Following execution of this Agreement and
prior to the Closing, it is intended that, provided that New GZ assumes at
Closing SP's employment agreement with Ronald S. Posner ("Posner Agreement"),
New GZ shall enter into mutually acceptable employment agreements with Charles
R. Cortright, Jr. and Angela Aber Cortright each on terms no less favorable or
more favorable to those executives than contained in the Posner Agreement.


              (a)  The Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of New GZ shall
contain the provisions with respect to indemnification acceptable to the chief
executive officers of GZ and SP, which provisions shall not be amended, repealed
or otherwise modified for a period of six (6) years from the Effective Time in
any manner that would adversely affect the rights thereunder of individuals who
at the Effective Time were directors, officers, employees or agents of GZ or SP,
unless such modification is required by law.

              (b)  After the Effective Time and for a period of three (3) years
after the Effective Time, New GZ shall, to the fullest extent permitted under
applicable law, indemnify and hold harmless, each present and former director
and officer of SP or GZ (collectively, "Indemnified Parties") against any costs
or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), judgments, fines, losses,
claims, damages, liabilities and amounts paid in settlement in connection with
any claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation, whether civil, criminal,
administrative or investigative, arising out of or pertaining to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. In the event of any such claim,
action, suit, proceeding or investigation (whether arising before or after the
Effective Time), (i) any counsel retained by the Indemnified Parties to defend
them with respect to any such claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation
for any period after the Effective Time shall be reasonably satisfactory to New
GZ, (ii) after the Effective Time, New GZ shall pay the reasonable fees and
expenses of such counsel, promptly after statements therefor are received and
(iii) New GZ will cooperate in the defense of any such matter; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that New GZ shall not be liable for any settlement effected


without its written consent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld);
and PROVIDED, FURTHER, that, if any claim or claims for indemnification are
asserted or made within such three-year period, all rights to indemnification in
respect to any such claim or claims shall continue until the disposition of any
and all such claims. The Indemnified Parties as a group may retain only one law
firm to represent them with respect to any single action unless there is, under
applicable standards of professional conduct, a conflict of any significant
issue between the positions of any two (2) or more Indemnified Parties.

              (c)  For a period of three (3) years after the Effective Time,
New GZ shall maintain in effect, if available, directors and officers liability
insurance covering the executive officers and directors of GZ and SP on the date
hereof on terms comparable to those applicable to the then current directors and
officers of New GZ.

              (d)  After the Effective Time, New GZ will fulfill and honor in
all respects the obligations of GZ and SP pursuant to indemnification provisions
of bylaws with GZ's and SP's officers, directors and key employees in existence
at the Effective Time.

         7.5  ASSUMPTION OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS. New GZ shall assume certain
obligations of GZ and SP that are specifically identified on the GZ Disclosure
Schedule and the SP Disclosure Schedule as being required to be assumed.


agree that the representations, warranties, obligations and covenants contained
in this Agreement shall survive the Mergers and for a period of six (6) months


              (a)  In connection with the Mergers, New GZ agrees to indemnify
the shareholders of SP who received shares of New GZ Common Stock in the SP
Merger ("SP Shareholders") against any claim brought pursuant to this Section
8.2 at any time prior to six (6) months after the Closing. Subject to the
provisions of this Section 8.2, six (6) months after the Closing, New GZ shall
issue shares of New GZ Common Stock ("SP Additional Shares") to the SP
Shareholders to satisfy claims by the SP Shareholders for any and all claims,
demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, damages, remedies
and penalties; including interest, penalties and reasonable attorneys' fees and
expenses (collectively, "Losses") which arise from or are attributable to by
reason of or in connection with: (i) the inaccuracy or breach of any
representation, warranty or covenant made by GZ in this Agreement or the
inaccuracy of any schedule, exhibit, certificate, financial statement, document
or instrument required to be delivered hereunder or in connection with the
transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) any claim, action or proceeding asserted
or instituted arising (A) out of any matter or thing covered by such
representations, warranties or covenants, including without limitation,
liabilities of GZ, if any, existing in breach of such representations or (B)
prior to the Closing Date and not disclosed in this Agreement or in any
schedule, exhibit or certificate, and (iii) enforcement of this Agreement (each,
a "SP Indemnifiable Claim"). The value of SP Additional Shares obtained by the
SP Shareholders with respect to SP Indemnifiable Claims shall be treated for
purposes of this Agreement as an increase in the Exchange Ratio.

              (b)  Satisfaction from the SP Additional Shares shall be the sole
and exclusive remedy of the SP Shareholders, with respect to each SP
Indemnifiable Claim; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the foregoing shall not apply to
any SP Indemnifiable Claim the basis for which is statutory or common law fraud.
The SP Shareholders shall have the right to enforce this Section 8.2 and any of
the provisions herein by


injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief, without prejudice to
any other rights the SP Shareholders may have for a breach of this Section 8.2.

              (c)  The right to receive any SP Additional Shares which may be
issued hereunder from time to time shall not be transferable or assignable.

              (d)  If the SP Representative (as defined below) gives New GZ and
the GZ Representative a SP Claim Certificate (as defined below), then, as soon
as practicable but not earlier than thirty (30) days after the giving of such SP
Claim Certificate, New GZ, subject to the requirements of paragraph 8.2(e),
shall deliver to the SP Representative (on behalf of the SP Shareholders),
notice of its intention to issue six (6) months after the Closing, that number
of SP Additional Shares equal to the Losses specified in such SP Claim
Certificate, divided by the closing price of a share of GZ Common Stock on
Nasdaq on the Effective Time (as adjusted for any stock dividend, stock split,
combination or similar event with respect to the New GZ Common Stock following
the Effective Time), not exceeding, in the aggregate, five percent (5%) of the
number of shares of New GZ Common Stock issued to the SP Shareholders in the SP
Merger. The SP Additional Shares shall be issued pro rata to each SP
Shareholder, based on the respective number of shares of New GZ Common Stock
issued to each SP Shareholder in the SP Merger.

              (e)  Unless, within thirty (30) days after the delivery of any SP
Claim Certificate by the SP Representative, the SP Representative receives a
written notice from the GZ Representative stating that the GZ Representative
questions the accuracy of a matter asserted in such SP Claim Certificate, such
SP Claim Certificate shall constitute full authority to require New GZ to take
the action provided for in paragraph 8.2(d) and shall be conclusive and binding
on all parties hereto. If, however, the GZ Representative timely gives such a
notice, New GZ shall not be required to make any distribution to the SP
Representative of that portion of the SP Additional Shares which the GZ
Representative asserts in his notice should not be so distributed until (i) the
GZ Representative and the SP Representative agree in writing to such
distribution or (ii) there is a final decision (as defined below) of a court of
competent jurisdiction or of an arbitrator in an action between the GZ
Representative and the SP Representative with respect to the disputed amount.

              (f)  It is the intention of the parties that, in the event of the
delivery of SP Claim Certificates, amounts owed to SP Shareholders be offset
against amounts, if any, owed to GZ Shareholders (as defined in Section 8.3).
The parties will conduct such an offset and determine the net amount owed as a
result thereof. The parties further agree to instruct any arbitrator or court
deciding any dispute hereunder to do the same.

              (g)  For purposes of this Agreement, a "final decision" shall
mean the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction from which no
appeal is then allowed or a final decision of an arbitrator under an arrangement
providing for no appeal of such decision. The reasonable expenses, including
attorneys' fees, of all of the parties to any such lawsuit or proceeding shall
be reasonably apportioned among them, taking into consideration the outcome of
the lawsuit or proceeding and the reasonableness of the conduct of each such
party in connection with the dispute over the disposition of that portion of the
SP Additional Shares which was in controversy, in light of the facts known to
such party at the time such party engaged in such conduct. Any and all amounts
payable to a SP Shareholder pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be paid out
of the SP Additional Shares as though it were an item of damages.


              (a)  In connection with the Mergers, New GZ agrees to indemnify
the shareholders of GZ who received shares of New GZ Common Stock in the GZ
Merger ("GZ Shareholders") against any claim brought pursuant to this Section
8.3 at any time prior to six (6) months after the Closing.


Subject to the provisions of this Section 8.3, six (6) months after the Closing,
New GZ shall issue shares of New GZ Common Stock ("GZ Additional Shares") to the
GZ Shareholders to satisfy claims by the GZ Shareholders for any and all Losses
which arise from or are attributable to by reason of or in connection with: (i)
the inaccuracy or breach of any representation, warranty or covenant made by SP
in this Agreement or the inaccuracy of any schedule, exhibit, certificate,
financial statement, document or instrument required to be delivered hereunder
or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) any claim,
action or proceeding asserted or instituted arising (A) out of any matter or
thing covered by such representations, warranties or covenants, including
without limitation, liabilities of SP, if any, existing in breach of such
representations or (B) prior to the Closing Date and not disclosed in this
Agreement or in any schedule, exhibit or certificate, (iii) any issuance of
shares of New GZ Common Stock to former shareholders of StarPress Multimedia,
Inc. (but not to persons associated with iTravel International Ltd.) as a result
of the SP Obligations, and (iv) enforcement of this Agreement (each, a "GZ
Indemnifiable Claim"). The value of GZ Additional Shares obtained by the GZ
Shareholders with respect to GZ Indemnifiable Claims shall be treated for
purposes of this Agreement as a decrease in the Exchange Ratio.

              (b)  Satisfaction from the GZ Additional Shares shall be the sole
and exclusive remedy of the GZ Shareholders, with respect to each GZ
Indemnifiable Claim; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the foregoing shall not apply to
any GZ Indemnifiable Claim the basis for which is statutory or common law fraud.
The GZ Shareholders shall have the right to enforce this Section 8.3 and any of
the provisions herein by injunction, specific performance or other equitable
relief, without prejudice to any other rights the GZ Shareholders may have for a
breach of this Section 8.3.

              (c)  The right to receive any GZ Additional Shares which may be
issued hereunder from time to time shall not be transferable or assignable.

              (d)  If the GZ Representative (as defined below) gives New GZ and
the SP Representative a GZ Claim Certificate (as defined below), then, as soon
as practicable but not earlier than thirty (30) days after the giving of such GZ
Claim Certificate, New GZ, subject to the requirements of paragraph 8.2(e),
shall deliver to the GZ Representative (on behalf of the GZ Shareholders),
notice of its intention to issue, six (6) months after the Closing, that number
of GZ Additional Shares equal to the Losses specified in such GZ Claim
Certificate, divided by the closing price of a share of GZ Common Stock on
Nasdaq on the Effective Time (as adjusted for any stock dividend, stock split,
combination or similar event with respect to the New GZ Common Stock following
the Effective Time), not exceeding, in the aggregate, five percent (5%) of the
number of shares of New GZ Common Stock issued to the GZ Shareholders in the GZ
Merger. A Loss on the part of the GZ Shareholders arising out of an occurrence
described in clause (iii) of paragraph 8.3(a) shall be indemnified by the
issuance by New GZ to the GZ Shareholders of a number of shares of New GZ Common
Stock equal to eighty-five percent (85%) of the number of shares of New GZ
Common Stock issued to former shareholders of StarPress Multimedia, Inc. (but
not to persons associated with iTravel International Ltd.) as a result of the SP
Obligations. Such GZ Additional Shares shall be issued pro rata to each GZ
Shareholder, based on the respective number of shares of New GZ Common Stock
issued to each GZ Shareholder in the GZ Merger.

              (e)  Unless, within thirty (30) days after the delivery of any GZ
Claim Certificate by the GZ Representative, the GZ Representative receives a
written notice from the SP Representative stating that the SP Representative
questions the accuracy of a matter asserted in such GZ Claim Certificate, such
GZ Claim Certificate shall constitute full authority to require New GZ to take
the action provided for in paragraph 8.3(d) and shall be conclusive and binding
on all parties hereto. If, however, the SP Representative timely gives such a
notice, New GZ shall not be required to make any distribution to the GZ
Representative of that portion of the GZ Additional Shares which the SP
Representative asserts in his notice should not be so distributed until (i) the
SP Representative and the GZ Representative agree in writing to such
distribution or


(ii) there is a final decision (as defined below) of a court of competent
jurisdiction or of an arbitrator in an action between the SP Representative and
the GZ Representative with respect to the disputed amount.

              (f)  It is the intention of the parties that, in the event of the
delivery of GZ Claim Certificates, amounts owed to GZ Shareholders be offset
against amounts, if any, owed to SP Shareholders (as defined in Section 8.2).
The parties will conduct such an offset and determine the net amount owed as a
result thereof. The parties further agree to instruct any arbitrator or court
deciding any dispute hereunder to do the same.

              (g)  For purposes of this Agreement, a "final decision" shall
mean the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction from which no
appeal is then allowed or a final decision of an arbitrator under an arrangement
providing for no appeal of such decision. The reasonable expenses, including
attorneys' fees, of all of the parties to any such lawsuit or proceeding shall
be reasonably apportioned among them, taking into consideration the outcome of
the lawsuit or proceeding and the reasonableness of the conduct of each such
party in connection with the dispute over the disposition of that portion of the
GZ Additional Shares which was in controversy, in light of the facts known to
such party at the time such party engaged in such conduct. Any and all amounts
payable to a GZ Shareholder pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be paid out
of the GZ Additional Shares as though it were an item of damages.


              (a)  The SP Shareholders shall be represented hereunder by Ronald
S. Posner ("SP Representative"). The GZ Shareholders shall be represented by
Charles R. Cortright, Jr. ("GZ Representative;" the SP Representative and the GZ
Representative are referred to as the "Representatives"). The Representatives
are authorized to take any action deemed by them appropriate or necessary to
carry out the provisions of, and to determine the rights of the SP or GZ
Shareholders under Section 8.2 or 8.3 of this Agreement (as applicable). The SP
Representative and the GZ Representative are designated as the agents of the SP
Shareholders and the GZ Shareholders, respectively, for purposes of Sections 8.2
and 8.3 of this Agreement, including, without limitation, service of notices to
the SP and GZ Shareholders, respectively. The SP Representative and the GZ
Representative shall have a fiduciary duty to the SP Shareholders and the GZ
Shareholders, respectively, to act in good faith on behalf of the SP
Shareholders and the GZ Shareholders, respectively, and shall have a duty to (i)
disclose to the SP Shareholders and the GZ Shareholders, respectively, any
information necessary to carry out the provisions of Sections 8.2 and 8.3 of
this Agreement, and (ii) to determine the rights or obligations of the SP
Shareholders and the GZ Shareholders, respectively, under Sections 8.2 and 8.3
of this Agreement and to carry out their duties hereunder and thereunder,
including investigation of any SP Indemnifiable Claim or GZ Indemnifiable Claim,
notwithstanding a conflicting duty such SP Representative or GZ Representative
may have as an officer or director of New GZ.

              (b)  The SP Representative and the GZ Representative (i) shall
not be liable to any of the SP Shareholders and the GZ Shareholders,
respectively, for any error of judgment, any act undertaken or omitted by them
in good faith, or any mistake of fact or law unless caused by their own gross
negligence or wilful misconduct; (ii) shall be entitled to treat as genuine any
letter or other document furnished to them by GZ, SP, New GZ, the GZ
Shareholders or the SP Shareholders and believed by them to be genuine and to
have been signed and presented by the proper party or parties; and (iii) shall
be reimbursed by the SP Shareholders or the GZ Shareholders, as applicable, for
counsel fees and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in connection
with this Agreement.

              (c)  For purposes of this Agreement, "Claim Certificates" shall
mean certificates signed by the SP Representative (in the case of SP Claim
Certificates) or by the GZ Representative (in the case of GZ Claim Certificates)
stating (i) in reasonable detail, the facts alleged as the basis for the Losses


in the Claim Certificates and the section or sections of this Agreement alleged
to have been violated and (ii) the number of SP Additional Shares or GZ
Additional Shares, as the case may be, to which the SP Representative or the GZ
Representative believes the SP Shareholders or the GZ Shareholders are entitled
with respect to such Losses.

Any securities, cash or other property which would have been issued in respect
of, or in exchange for, any GZ Additional Shares or SP Additional Shares, had
the GZ Additional Shares and SP Additional Shares been issued on the Closing
Date, as a result of any stock dividend, stock split, consolidation of shares,
reclassification or merger or consolidation involving New GZ capital stock shall
also be issued to the recipients of GZ Additional Shares or SP Additional Shares
upon issuance of the GZ Additional Shares or SP Additional Shares.

         8.6  REGISTRATION OF ADDITIONAL SHARES. Any issuance of GZ Additional
Shares or SP Additional Shares by New GZ shall be registered with the SEC and
appropriate state "blue sky" commissioners (if necessary). Such registration
shall either be on Form S-4 as contemplated by Section 2.7 or on another
appropriate registration form. If the registration is accomplished otherwise
then on the Form S-4 contemplated by Section 2.7, the GZ Additional Shares or SP
Additional Shares, as the case may be, shall be issued immediately after
effectiveness of the registration statement, which shall be filed as promptly as
practicable after the expiration of the six (6) month periods referred to in
Sections 8.2 and 8.3.


         9.1  THE CLOSING. Subject to the termination of this Agreement as
provided in Section 13, the Closing of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement ("Closing") will take place at the offices of Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.,
1920 Main Street, 12th Floor, Irvine, California 92714 on a date ("Closing
Date") and at a time to be mutually agreed upon by the parties, which date shall
be no later than the third business day after all conditions to Closing set
forth herein shall have been satisfied or waived, unless another place, time and
date is mutually selected by SP and GZ. Concurrently with the Closing, the
Merger Agreements will be filed in the offices of the Secretaries of States of
the States of California and Colorado.


              9.2.1     EXCHANGE AGENT. Prior to the Closing Date, GZ shall
select a bank or trust company reasonably acceptable to SP to act as exchange
agent ("Exchange Agent") in the Mergers. Promptly after the Effective Time, New
GZ shall deposit with the Exchange Agent, for the benefit of the holders of
shares of SP Common Stock and GZ Common Stock, for exchange in accordance with
this Agreement and the Merger Agreements, certificates representing the shares
of New GZ Common Stock (such shares of New GZ Common Stock, together with any
dividends or distributions with respect thereto, being hereinafter referred to
as the "Exchange Fund") issuable pursuant to this Agreement and the Merger
Agreements in exchange for outstanding shares of SP Common Stock and GZ Common

              9.2.2     EXCHANGE PROCEDURES. As soon as practicable after the
Effective Time, the Exchange Agent shall mail to each holder of record of a
certificate or certificates which immediately prior to the Effective Time
represented issued and outstanding shares of SP Common Stock and GZ Common Stock
(collectively, "Certificates"), (i) a letter of transmittal (which shall specify
that delivery shall be effected, and risk of loss and title to the Certificates
shall pass, only upon delivery of the Certificates to the Exchange Agent and
shall be in such form and have such other provisions as GZ and SP may reasonably
specify) and (ii) instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the
Certificates in exchange for certificates representing New GZ Common Stock. Upon
surrender of a Certificate for cancellation to the Exchange Agent, together with
a duly executed letter of transmittal and such other documents as may be
reasonably required by the Exchange


Agent, the holder of such Certificate shall be entitled to receive in exchange
therefor a certificate representing the number of whole shares of New GZ Common
Stock which such holder has the right to receive pursuant to the provisions of
this Agreement and the Merger Agreements, and the Certificate so surrendered
shall forthwith be canceled. In the event of a transfer of ownership of shares
of SP Common Stock or GZ Common Stock which is not registered on the transfer
records of SP, a certificate representing the proper number of shares of New GZ
Common Stock may be issued to a transferee if the Certificate representing such
SP Common Stock or GZ Common Stock is presented to the Exchange Agent,
accompanied by all documents required to evidence and effect such transfer and
by evidence that any applicable stock transfer taxes have been paid. Until
surrendered as contemplated by this Section 9.2 and the applicable Merger
Agreement, each Certificate shall be deemed, on and after the Effective Time, to
represent only the right to receive upon such surrender the certificate
representing shares of New GZ Common Stock and cash in lieu of any fractional
shares of New GZ Common Stock as contemplated by Section 2.5, the Merger
Agreements and applicable corporate law.

CERTIFICATES. No dividends or other distributions declared or made after the
Effective Time with respect to New GZ Common Stock with a record date after the
Effective Time shall be paid to the holder of any unsurrendered Certificate with
respect to the shares of New GZ Common Stock represented thereby and no cash
payment in lieu of fractional shares shall be paid to any such holder pursuant
to Section 2.5 or the applicable Merger Agreement until the holder of record of
such Certificate shall surrender such Certificate. Subject to the effect of
applicable laws, following surrender of any such Certificate, there shall be
paid to the record holder of the certificates representing whole shares of New
GZ Common Stock issued in exchange therefor, without interest, (i) at the time
of such surrender, the amount of any cash payable in lieu of a fractional share
of New GZ Common Stock to which such holder is entitled pursuant to Section 2.5
and the applicable Merger Agreement and the amount of dividends or other
distributions with a record date after the Effective Time theretofore paid with
respect to such whole shares of New GZ Common Stock and (ii) at the appropriate
payment date, the amount of dividends or other distributions with a record date
after the Effective Time but prior to surrender and a payment date subsequent to
surrender payable with respect to such whole shares of New GZ Common Stock.

COMMON STOCK. All shares of New GZ Common Stock issued upon the surrender for
exchange of shares of SP Common Stock or GZ Common Stock in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement and the Merger Agreements (including any cash paid
pursuant to Section 2.5) shall be deemed to have been issued in full
satisfaction of all rights pertaining to such shares of SP Common Stock or GZ
Common Stock, and after the Effective Time there shall be no further
registration of transfers on the stock transfer books of New GZ of the shares of
SP Common Stock or GZ Common Stock which were outstanding immediately prior to
the Effective Time. If, after the Effective Time, Certificates are presented to
New GZ for any reason, they shall be canceled and exchanged as provided in this
Section 9.2 and the Merger Agreements.

              9.2.5     TERMINATION OF EXCHANGE FUND. Any portion of the
Exchange Fund which remains undistributed to the former shareholders of SP or GZ
for six (6) months after the Effective Time shall be delivered to New GZ, upon
demand, and any former shareholders of SP or GZ who have not theretofore
complied with this Section 9.2 and the Merger Agreements shall thereafter look
only to New GZ for payment of their claim for New GZ Common Stock, any cash in
lieu of fractional shares of New GZ Common Stock and any dividends or
distributions with respect to New GZ Common Stock.

              9.2.6     NO LIABILITY. Neither the Exchange Agent nor SP or GZ
shall be liable to any holder of shares of SP Common Stock or GZ Common Stock,
as the case may be, from the Exchange Fund delivered to a public official
pursuant to any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.


         9.3  ASSUMPTION OF OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. Promptly after the Effective
Time, New GZ will notify in writing each holder of a SP Option, SP Warrant, GZ
Option or GZ Warrant of the assumption of such SP Option, SP Warrant, GZ Option
or GZ Warrant by New GZ, the number of shares of New GZ Common Stock that are
then subject to such option, the exercise price of such option, as determined
pursuant to this Agreement.


         The obligations of SP hereunder are subject to the fulfillment or
satisfaction on or before the Closing of each of the following conditions (any
one of which may be waived by SP, but only in a writing signed by SP):

and warranties of GZ set forth in Section 4 (as qualified by the GZ Disclosure
Schedule) shall be true and accurate in every material respect on and as of the
Closing Date with the same force and effect as if they had been made at the
Closing except to the extent the failure of such representations and warranties
to be true and accurate in such respects has not had and could not reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, and SP shall receive a certificate
to such effect executed by GZ's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial

         10.2 COVENANTS. GZ shall have performed and complied in all material
respects with all of its covenants required to be performed by it under this
Agreement and the GZ Merger Agreement on or before the Closing, and SP shall
receive a certificate to such effect signed by GZ's Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer.

         10.3 ABSENCE OF MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE. There shall not have been any
material adverse change in the condition (financial or otherwise), properties,
assets, liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations or prospects
of GZ, other than any change that shall result from general economic conditions
or conditions generally affecting the consumer software market, or the
interactive entertainment, personal productivity or educational software sectors
of the market (a "GZ Material Adverse Change"), and SP shall receive a
certificate to such effect executed by GZ's Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer.

         10.4 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. There shall be no order, decree or ruling of
any governmental agency or written threat thereof, or any statute, rule,
regulation or order enacted, entered, enforced or deemed applicable to either of
the Mergers, which would prohibit or render illegal the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

         10.5 DOCUMENTS. SP shall have received all written consents,
assignments, waivers, authorizations or other certificates reasonably deemed
necessary by SP's legal counsel to provide for the continuation in full force
and effect of any and all material contracts and leases of GZ and for GZ to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby except when the failure to
receive such consents, etc., would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

         10.6 CORPORATE OPINION. SP shall have received the opinion of Snell &
Wilmer, L.L.P. ("S&W"), based upon reasonably requested certifications as to
factual matters and dated the Closing Date, regarding the status and authority
of GZ, the authorization of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby by GZ, and the binding effect of this Agreement on GZ. Such opinion shall
be satisfactory to Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP ("JTC&B"), and shall be
substantially similar to the opinion rendered by JTC&B with respect to SP.


         10.7 TAX OPINION. SP shall have received the opinion of JTC&B, based
upon reasonably requested representation letters and dated the Closing Date, to
the effect that the SP Merger will be treated as a reorganization described in
Section 368(a) of the Code or as a transfer of property to New GZ by holders of
SP Common Stock (in conjunction with holders of GZ Common Stock) governed by
Section 351 of the Code.


         The obligations of GZ hereunder are subject to the fulfillment or
satisfaction on or before the Closing, of each of the following conditions (any
one or more of which may be waived by GZ, but only in a writing signed by GZ).

and warranties of SP set forth in Section 3 (as qualified by the SP Disclosure
Schedule) shall be true and accurate in every material respect on and as of the
Closing Date with the same force and effect as if they had been made at the
Closing except to the extent the failure of such representations and warranties
to be true and accurate in such respects has not had and could not reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, and GZ shall receive a certificate
to such effect executed by SP's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial

         11.2 COVENANTS. SP shall have performed and complied in all material
respects with all of its covenants required to be performed by it under this
Agreement and the SP Merger Agreement on or before the Closing, and GZ shall
receive a certificate to such effect signed by SP's Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer.

         11.3 ABSENCE OF MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE. There shall not have been any
material adverse change in the condition (financial or otherwise), properties,
assets, liabilities, businesses, operations, results of operations or prospects
of SP and the SP Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, other than any change that
shall result from general economic condition, or conditions generally affecting
the consumer software market, or the interactive entertainment, personal
productivity or educational software sector of that market (a "SP Material
Adverse Change"), and GZ shall receive a certificate to such effect executed by
SP's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

         11.4 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. There shall be no order, decree or ruling by
any governmental agency or written threat thereof, or any statute, rule,
regulation or order enacted, entered, enforced or deemed applicable to either of
the Mergers, which would prohibit or render illegal the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

         11.5 DOCUMENTS. GZ shall have received all written consents,
assignments, waivers, authorizations or other certificates reasonably deemed
necessary by GZ's legal counsel to provide for the continuation in full force
and effect of any and all material contracts and leases of SP and for SP to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby except when the failure to
receive such consents, etc., would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

         11.6 CORPORATE OPINION. GZ shall have received the opinion of JTC&B
based upon reasonably requested certifications as to factual matters and dated
the Closing Date regarding the status and authority of SP, the authorization of
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby by SP, and the binding
effect of this Agreement on SP. Such opinion shall be satisfactory to S&W, and
shall be substantially similar to the opinion rendered by S&W with respect to

         11.7 TAX OPINION. GZ shall have received the opinion of S&W based upon
reasonably requested representation letters and dated the Closing Date, to the
effect that the GZ Merger will be treated


as a reorganization described in Section 368(a) of the Code or as a transfer of
property to New GZ by holders of GZ Common Stock (in conjunction with holders of
SP Common Stock) governed by Section 351 of the Code.


         The obligations of GZ and SP hereunder are subject to the fulfillment
or satisfaction on or before the Closing, of each of the following conditions
(any one or more of which may be waived by GZ and SP, but only in a writing
signed by GZ and SP).

         12.1 GOVERNMENT CONSENTS. There shall have been obtained on or before
the Closing such material permits or authorizations, and there shall have been
taken such other action, as may be required to consummate the Mergers by any
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the parties and the actions herein
proposed to be taken, including but not limited to requirements under applicable
federal and state securities laws and the compliance with, and expiration of any
applicable waiting period under, the HSR Act.

         12.2 FORM S-4. The Form S-4 shall have become effective under the
Securities Act and shall not be the subject of any stop-order or proceedings
seeking a stop-order and the Proxy Statement/Prospectus shall on the Closing not
be subject to any proceedings commenced or threatened by the SEC.

         12.3 SHAREHOLDER APPROVALS. The principal terms of this Agreement and
of the GZ Merger and the SP Merger shall have been approved by the GZ
Shareholders and the SP Shareholders, respectively, in accordance with
applicable law and their respective articles of incorporation and bylaws.

         12.4 NO LEGAL ACTION. No temporary restraining order, preliminary
injunction or permanent injunction or other order preventing the consummation of
the Merger shall have been issued by any Federal or state court and remain in
effect, nor shall any proceeding initiated by the U.S. Government seeking any of
the foregoing be pending.

         12.5 FAIRNESS OPINION. GZ and SP shall have received "bring downs" of
the fairness opinions referred to in Sections 3.21 and 4.21, making those
opinions effective as of the Closing Date.

         12.6 NEW GZ. New GZ shall have been duly organized, shall have become
a party to this Agreement, and its Board of Directors shall be constituted as
described in Section 1.2.

         12.7 DISSENTING SHARES. Neither GZ nor SP shall have received demands
for purchase of shares as contemplated by Section 2.4 and within the time
periods mandated by applicable corporate law from holders of shares representing
more than two percent (2%) of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock
of that corporation.

         12.8 AFFILIATE AGREEMENTS. New GZ shall have received executed
Affiliate Agreements from the Affiliates of GZ and SP as contemplated by
Sections 5.5 and 6.5.


         13.1 TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior
to the Effective Time, whether before or after approval of the GZ Merger and the
SP Merger by the shareholders of GZ and SP, respectively:


              (a)  by mutual agreement of SP and GZ;

              (b)  by SP, if there has been a breach by GZ of any
representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement on
the part of GZ, or if any representation of GZ shall have become untrue, in
either case which has or can reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect and which GZ fails to cure prior to the Closing (except that no cure
period shall be provided for a breach by GZ which by its nature cannot be

              (c)  by GZ, if there has been a breach by SP of any
representation, warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement on
the part of SP, or if any representation of SP shall have become untrue, in
either case which has or can reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect and which SP fails to cure prior to the Closing (except that no cure
period shall be provided for a breach by SP which by its nature cannot be

              (d)  by either party if the required approvals of the
shareholders of SP or GZ shall not have been obtained by reason of the failure
to obtain the required vote;

              (e)  by either party, if all the conditions for Closing the
Mergers shall not have been satisfied or waived on or before the Final Date (as
defined below) other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement by the
terminating party, or a breach by any of the affiliates of the terminating party
of the Affiliate Agreements referred to in Section 5.5 or Section 6.5, as the
case may be;

              (f)  by either party, if a permanent injunction or other order by
any Federal or state court which would make illegal or otherwise restrain or
prohibit the consummation of the Mergers shall have been issued and shall have
become final and nonappealable; or

              (g)  by either party, if its Board of Directors shall have
accepted or approved, or recommended to its shareholders, a Superior Proposal.

As used herein, the "Final Date" shall be June 30, 1996.

         13.2 NOTICE OF TERMINATION. Any termination of this Agreement under
Section 13.1 will be effective by the delivery of written notice of the
terminating party to the other party hereto.

         13.3 EFFECT OF TERMINATION. In the case of any termination of this
Agreement as provided in this Section 13, this Agreement shall be of no further
force and effect (except as provided in Section 14) and nothing herein shall
relieve any party from liability for any breach of this Agreement. In case of
any termination as a result of a breach by a party or the failure of a party to
satisfy Closing conditions to be satisfied by it and which are within its
control, that party shall bear all of the expenses (including, without
limitation, reasonable legal, accounting and other advisory fees as identified
in the SP and GZ Disclosure Schedules) of both parties incurred in connection
with the failed transaction. In all other cases of termination, each party shall
be responsible for its own expenses.


         All representations, warranties and covenants of the parties contained
in this Agreement will remain operative and in full force and effect, regardless
of any investigation made by or on behalf of the parties to this Agreement,
until the earlier of the termination of this Agreement or six (6) months after
the Closing Date, whereupon such representations, warranties and covenants will
expire (except for covenants, such as those contained in Sections 5.12 and 6.12,
that by their terms survive for a longer period).



         15.1 GOVERNING LAW. The internal laws of the State of California
(irrespective of its choice of law principles) will govern the validity of this
Agreement, the construction of its terms and the interpretation and enforcement
of the rights and duties of the parties hereto, except to the extent that the
Colorado Business Corporation Act governs the SP Merger.

hereto may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior
written consent of the other party hereto. This Agreement will be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors
and permitted assigns.

         15.3 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement, or the
application thereof, will for any reason and to any extent be invalid or
unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and application of such provision
to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as reasonably to effect
the interest of the parties hereto. The parties further agree to replace such
void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and enforceable
provision that will achieve, to the greatest extent possible, the economic,
business and other purpose of the void unenforceable provision.

         15.4 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original as regards any party
whose signature appears thereon and all of which together will constitute one
and the same instrument. This Agreement will become binding when one or more
counterparts hereof, individually or taken together, will bear the signatures of
all the parties reflected hereon as signatories.

         15.5 OTHER REMEDIES. Except as otherwise provided herein, any and all
remedies herein expressly conferred upon a party will be deemed cumulative with
and not exclusive of any other remedy conferred hereby or by law on such party,
and the exercise of any one remedy will not preclude the exercise of any other.

         15.6 AMENDMENT AND WAIVERS. Any term or provision of this Agreement
may be amended, and the observance of any term of this Agreement may be waived
(either generally or in a particular instance and either retroactively or
prospectively) only by a writing signed by the party to be bound thereby. The
waiver by a party of any breach hereof or default in the performance hereof will
not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other default or any succeeding
breach or default. This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto at any
time before or after approval of the SP Shareholders or the GZ Shareholders,
but, after such approval, no amendment will be made which by applicable law
requires the further approval of the SP Shareholders or the GZ Shareholders
without obtaining such further approval.

         15.7 EXPENSES. Except as provided in Section 13.3, each party will
bear its respective expenses and legal fees incurred with respect to this
Agreement, and the transactions contemplated hereby.

         15.8 ATTORNEYS' FEES. Should suit be brought to enforce or interpret
any part of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover, as
an element of the costs of suit and not as damages, reasonable attorneys' fees
to be fixed by the court (including, without limitation, costs, expenses and
fees on any appeal).

         15.9 NOTICES. All notices and other communications pursuant to this
Agreement shall be in writing and deemed to be sufficient if contained in a
written instrument and shall be deemed given if delivered personally,
telecopied, sent by nationally-recognized overnight courier or mailed by
registered or


certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid, to the parties at
the following address (at such other address for a party as shall be specified
by like notice):

              If to SP to:        StarPress, Inc.
                                  425 Market Street, 5th Floor
                                  San Francisco, CA 94105
                                  Attention: Chief Executive Officer
                                  Telecopier: (415) 495-5204

              With a copy to:     Jackson Tufts Cole & Black
                                  650 California Street, 31st Floor
                                  San Francisco, CA 94108
                                  Attention: Carl J. Stoney, Esq.
                                  Telecopier: (415) 392-3494

              And if to GZ to:    Graphix Zone, Inc.
                                  42 Corporate Park, Suite 200
                                  Irvine, CA 92714
                                  Attention: Chief Executive Officer
                                  Telecopier: (714) 833-3994

              With a copy to:     Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
                                  1920 Main Street, Suite 1200
                                  Irvine, CA 92714
                                  Attention: Gregg Amber, Esq.
                                  Telecopier: (714) 955-2507

         All such notices and other communications shall be deemed to have been
received (a) in the case of personal delivery, on the date of such delivery,
(b) in the case of a telecopy, when the party receiving such copy shall have
confirmed receipt of the communication, (c) in the case of delivery by
nationally-recognized overnight courier, on the business day following dispatch,
and (d) in the case of mailing, on the third business day following such

         15.10     CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement has been
negotiated by the respective parties hereto and their attorneys and the language
hereof will not be construed for or against either party. A reference to a
Section or an Exhibit will mean a Section in, or Exhibit to, this Agreement
unless otherwise explicitly set forth. The titles and headings herein are for
reference purposes only and will not in any manner limit the construction of
this Agreement which will be considered as a whole.

         15.11     NO JOINT VENTURE. Nothing contained in this Agreement will
be deemed or construed as creating a joint venture or partnership between any of
the parties hereto. No party is by virtue of this Agreement authorized as an
agent, employee or legal representative of any other party. No party will have
the power to control the activities and operations of any other. The status of
the parties hereto is, and at all times will continue to be, that of independent
contractors with respect to each other. No party will have any power or
authority to bind or commit any other. No party will hold itself out as having
any authority or relationship in contravention of this Section. To the extent
that anything in this Section 15.11 is inconsistent with anything in Section
7.1, the provisions of Section 7.1 shall govern.

         15.12     FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each party agrees to cooperate fully
with the other parties and to execute such further instruments, documents and
agreements and to give such further written assurances


as may be reasonably requested by any other party to evidence and reflect the
transactions described herein and contemplated hereby and to carry into effect
the intents and purposes of this Agreement.

         15.13     ABSENCE OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. No provisions of this
Agreement are intended, nor will be interpreted, to provide or create any third
party beneficiary rights or any other rights of any kind in any client,
customer, affiliate, shareholder, partner any party hereto or any other person
or entity unless specifically provided otherwise herein, and, except as so
provided, all provisions hereof will be personal solely between the parties to
this Agreement. Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding,
(a) the holders of SP Options, SP Warrants, GZ Options and GZ Warrants, and any
persons who may become entitled to receive shares as a result of the SP
Obligations, are intended beneficiaries of Section 2.6 and (b) the officers and
directors of SP and GZ are intended beneficiaries of Section 7.4.

         15.14     PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT. Upon execution of this Agreement, GZ
and SP promptly will issue a joint press release approved by both parties
announcing the execution of this Agreement. Thereafter, GZ or SP may issue such
press releases, and make such other disclosure regarding the proposed Mergers,
as it determines (after consultation with legal counsel and after having given
the other opportunity to review and comment on such disclosure unless, under the
circumstances, there is no time to do so) are required under applicable state
and Federal securities laws or NASD rules.

         15.15     ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement and the exhibits hereto
constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the parties hereto with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior and contemporaneous
agreements or understandings, inducements or conditions, express or implied,
written or oral, between the parties with respect hereto. The express terms
hereof control and supersede any course of performance or usage of trade
inconsistent with any of the terms hereof.

                                       GRAPHIX ZONE, INC.

                                       By: /S/CHARLES R. CORTRIGHT, JR.
                                            Charles R. Cortright, Jr.,
                                            Chief Executive Officer

                                       STARPRESS, INC.

                                       By: /S/RONALD S. POSNER
                                            Ronald S. Posner,
                                            Chairman of the Board


                                                                   APPENDIX A-2

                                 AGREEMENT OF MERGER

    THIS AGREEMENT OF MERGER ("Agreement of Merger") is made and entered into
as of ____________, 1996, by and among Graphix Zone, Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("New GZ"), Graphix Zone, Inc., a California corporation ("GZ"), and
GZ Merger Corp., a California  corporation ("Sub"); New GZ, GZ and Sub are
sometimes referred to as the "Constituent Corporations"). Capitalized terms used
herein and not defined in this Agreement of Merger shall have their defined
meanings as set forth in the Agreement and Plan Reorganization, dated as of
December 29, 1995 ("Reorganization Agreement"), entered into by and between GZ
and StarPress, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("SP").

    NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, the Constituent Corporations agree as follows:

                                      ARTICLE I

                                      THE MERGER


         1.1.1     MERGER. Subject to the terms of this Agreement of Merger and
the Reorganization Agreement, Sub shall be acquired by GZ through a merger ("GZ
Merger") of Sub with and into GZ.

         1.1.2     EFFECTIVE TIME. The GZ Merger shall become effective at the
time and date of the filing of this Agreement of Merger and related officers'
certificates with the Secretary of State of California or at such later time and
date as provided for in this Agreement of Merger as may be permitted by the
California Corporations Code (such time and date is herein referred to as the
"Effective Time").

         1.1.3     SURVIVING CORPORATION. At the Effective Time, Sub shall be
merged into GZ and the separate corporate existence of Sub shall thereupon
cease. GZ shall be the surviving corporation in the GZ Merger and shall succeed,
without other transfer, to all the rights and property of Sub and shall be
subject to all the debts and liabilities of Sub in the same manner as if GZ had
itself incurred them.

    1.2  EFFECT OF THE MERGER. The GZ Merger shall have the effect set forth in
Section 1107 of the California Corporations Code.

                                      ARTICLE II


Incorporation of GZ, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall
be the Articles of Incorporation of the surviving corporation unless and until
amended as provided by law and such Articles of Incorporation.

    2.2  BYLAWS OF SURVIVING CORPORATION. The Bylaws of GZ as in effect
immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the Bylaws of the surviving
corporation unless and until amended or repealed as provided by applicable law,
the Articles of Incorporation of GZ and such Bylaws.


directors listed on EXHIBIT A shall be the officers and directors of the
surviving corporation until their successors shall have been elected, qualified
or until otherwise provided by law.

                                     ARTICLE III


    3.1  GZ MERGER CORP. COMMON STOCK. Each share of Sub Common Stock,
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, by virtue of the GZ
Merger and without any further action by the holder thereof, be converted into
and become one (1) share of GZ Common Stock. Each certificate which immediately
prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding shares of Sub Common Stock
shall, on and after the Effective Time, be deemed for all purposes to represent
the number of shares of GZ Common Stock into which the shares of Sub Common
Stock represented by such certificate shall have been converted pursuant to this
Section 3.1.

    3.2  CONVERSION OF GZ COMMON STOCK. At the Effective Time, each share of GZ
Common Stock, issued and outstanding at the Effective Time shall be converted
into one share of New GZ Common Stock. Upon such conversion, all such shares of
GZ Common Stock shall be cancelled and cease to exist, and each certificate
theretofore representing any such shares shall, without any action on the part
of the holder thereof, be deemed to represent an equivalent number of shares of
New GZ Common Stock.

    3.3  DISSENTERS' RIGHTS. Each outstanding share of GZ Common Stock as to
which a written demand for purchase is made in accordance with Section 1301 of
the California Corporations Code, stating that the record holder demands that
his shares be purchased in cash for their fair market value, and which is not
voted in favor of the GZ Merger, shall not be converted into shares of New GZ
Common Stock unless and until the holder shall have failed to perfect or shall
have effectively withdrawn or lost his right to payment of the fair market value
of his shares of GZ Common Stock under Sections 1300 to 1309, inclusive, of the
California Corporations Code, at which time such shares of GZ Common Stock shall
be converted into whole shares of New GZ Common Stock in the same manner as
provided for other outstanding shares of GZ Common Stock in Section 2.3 of the
Reorganization Agreement.

    3.4  STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. At the Effective Time, all GZ Stock
Options and GZ Warrants then outstanding shall be converted into options and
warrants to purchase New GZ Common Stock and assumed by New GZ in accordance
with Section 2.6.2 of the Reorganization Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE IV


    4.1  TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding the approval of this
Agreement of Merger by the shareholders of GZ and Sub, this Agreement of Merger
may be terminated at any time prior to the Effective Time by mutual agreement of
the Boards of Directors of GZ and Sub.

    4.2  TERMINATION OF REORGANIZATION AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding the approval
of this Agreement of Merger by the shareholders of GZ and Sub, this Agreement of
Merger shall terminate forthwith if the Reorganization Agreement is terminated
as provided therein.


    4.3  EFFECTS OF TERMINATION. In the event of the termination of this
Agreement of Merger, this Agreement of Merger shall forthwith become void and
there shall be no liability on the part of New GZ, GZ or Sub or their respective
officers or directors, except as otherwise provided in the Reorganization

                                      ARTICLE V

                                  GENERAL PROVISIONS

    5.1  AMENDMENT. This Agreement of Merger may be amended by the parties
hereto at anytime before or after approval hereof by the shareholders of GZ or
Sub by execution of an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the
parties hereto, provided, however, that no amendment shall be made which by law
requires the further approval of the shareholders of GZ or Sub without obtaining
such approval.

    5.2  COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement of Merger may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be the original, but all of which
together shall constitute one agreement.

    5.3  GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement of Merger shall be governed in all
respects, including validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the
State of California.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement of Merger
as of the date first written above.

                                  GZ MERGER CORP., a California corporation



                                  GRAPHIX ZONE, INC., a California corporation



                                  GRAPHIX ZONE, INC., a Delaware corporation



                                      EXHIBIT A

                             OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF GZ

     NAME                                  TITLE
     ----                                  -----
Ronald S. Posner               Chairman and Director

Charles R. Cortright, Jr.      President and Director

Angela Aber Cortright          Executive Vice President, Secretary and Director

John C. Lukrich                Chief Financial Officer

Thomas C. K. Yuen              Director

Richard Kramlich               Director

Douglas Glen                   Director

- -----------------              Director


                                                                   APPENDIX A-3

                             AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

    THESE ARTICLES OF MERGER ("Articles of Merger") are made and entered into
as of ____________, 1996, by and among Graphix Zone, Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("New GZ"), StarPress, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("SP"), and SP
Merger Corp., a Colorado corporation ("Sub"); New GZ, SP and Sub are sometimes
referred to as the "Constituent Corporations"). Capitalized terms used herein
and not defined in this Agreement of Merger shall have their defined meanings as
set forth in the Agreement and Plan Reorganization, dated as of December 29,
1995 ("Reorganization Agreement"), entered into by and between SP and Graphix
Zone, Inc., a California corporation ("GZ").

    NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, the Constituent Corporations agree as follows:

                                      ARTICLE I

                                      THE MERGER


         1.1.1     MERGER. Subject to the terms of this Agreement of Merger and
the Reorganization Agreement, Sub shall be acquired by SP through a merger ("SP
Merger") of Sub with and into SP.

         1.1.2     EFFECTIVE TIME; CONDITION. The SP Merger shall become
effective at the time and date of the filing of Articles of Merger with the
Secretary of State of Colorado or at such later time and date as provided for in
such Articles of Merger as may be permitted by the Colorado Business Corporation
Act (such time and date is herein referred to as the "Effective Time").

         1.1.3     SURVIVING CORPORATION. At the Effective Time, Sub shall be
merged into SP and the separate corporate existence of Sub shall thereupon
cease. SP shall be the surviving corporation in the SP Merger and shall succeed,
without other transfer, to all the rights and property of Sub and shall be
subject to all the debts and liabilities of Sub in the same manner as if SP had
itself incurred them.

    1.2  EFFECT OF THE MERGER. The SP Merger shall have the effects set forth
in Section 7-111-106 of the Colorado Business Corporation Act.

                                      ARTICLE II


Incorporation of SP, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall
be the Articles of Incorporation of the surviving corporation unless and until
amended as provided by law and such Articles of Incorporation.

    2.2  BYLAWS OF SURVIVING CORPORATION. The Bylaws of SP as in effect
immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the Bylaws of the surviving
corporation unless and until amended or repealed as provided by applicable law,
the Articles of Incorporation of SP and such Bylaws.


directors listed on EXHIBIT A shall be the officers and directors of the
surviving corporation until their successors shall have been elected, qualified
or until otherwise provided by law.

                                     ARTICLE III


    As of the Effective Time, by virtue of the SP Merger and without any action
on the part of the holder of any shares of capital stock of the Constituent

    3.1  SP MERGER CORP. COMMON STOCK. Each share of Sub Common Stock,
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, by virtue of the SP
Merger and without any further action by the holder thereof, be converted into
and become one (1) share of SP Common Stock. Each certificate which immediately
prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding shares of Sub Common Stock
shall, on and after the Effective Time, be deemed for all purposes to represent
the number of shares of SP Common Stock into which the shares of Sub Common
Stock represented by such certificate shall have been converted pursuant to this
Section 3.1.

    3.2  CONVERSION OF SP COMMON STOCK. At the Effective Time, each share of SP
Common Stock, issued and outstanding at the Effective Time shall be converted
into 0.14666 of a share of New GZ Common Stock ("Exchange Ratio"). Upon such
conversion, all such shares of SP Common Stock shall be cancelled and cease to
exist, and each certificate theretofore representing any such shares shall,
without any action on the part of the holder thereof, be deemed to represent a
number of shares of New GZ Common Stock equal to the number of shares of SP
Common Stock represented by the certificate multiplied by the Exchange Ratio.

    3.3  DISSENTERS' RIGHTS. Each share of SP Common Stock which is issued and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time and which has not been voted
in favor of the SP Merger and is held by a shareholder who has properly
exercised his right to dissent with respect to such shares in the manner
provided by Sections 7-113-101 to 7-113-303, inclusive, of the Colorado Business
Corporation Act shall not be converted into or be exchangeable for the right to
receive New GZ Common Stock unless and until such holder has failed to perfect
or has effectively withdrawn or lost his right to dissent and demand payment, as
the case may be. If such holder has so failed to perfect or has effectively
withdrawn or lost such right, his shares shall thereupon be deemed to have been
converted into and to have become exchangeable for, at the Effective Time, the
right to receive New GZ Common Stock.

    3.4  FRACTIONAL SHARES. No fractional shares of New GZ Common Stock shall
be issued, but in lieu thereof each holder of shares of SP Common Stock who
would otherwise be entitled to receive a fraction of a share of New GZ Common
Stock shall receive from the Exchange Agent (as defined in the Reorganization
Agreement), at such time as such holder shall receive a certificate representing
shares of New GZ Common Stock, an amount of cash equal to the per share market
value of New GZ Common Stock (which shall be deemed to be equal to the average
of the closing sale prices of GZ Common Stock as quoted on Nasdaq during the ten
(10) trading day period ending on the Closing Date (which shall be a date
mutually agreed to by the parties to the Reorganization Agreement no later than
three (3) business days after all conditions to Closing under the Reorganization
Agreement have been satisfied) as reported in the WALL STREET JOURNAL)
multiplied by the fraction of a share of New GZ Common Stock to which such
holder would otherwise be entitled. The fractional share interests of each
shareholder of SP shall be aggregated, so that no SP shareholder shall receive
cash in an amount equal to or greater than the value of one (1) full share of
New GZ Common Stock.


    3.5  STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. At the Effective Time, all SP Stock
Options and SP Warrants then outstanding shall be converted into options and
warrants to purchase New GZ Common Stock and such options and warrants, as well
as the SP Obligations, shall be assumed by New GZ in accordance with Section
2.6.1 of the Reorganization Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE IV


    4.1  TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding the approval of this
Agreement and Plan of Merger by the shareholders of SP and Sub, this Agreement
and Plan of Merger may be terminated at any time prior to the Effective Time by
mutual agreement of the Boards of Directors of SP and Sub.

    4.2  TERMINATION OF REORGANIZATION AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding the approval
of this Agreement and Plan of Merger by the shareholders of SP and Sub, this
Agreement and Plan of Merger shall terminate forthwith if the Reorganization
Agreement is terminated as provided therein.

    4.3  EFFECTS OF TERMINATION. In the event of the termination of this
Agreement and Plan of Merger, this Agreement and Plan of Merger shall forthwith
become void and there shall be no liability on the part of New GZ, SP or Sub or
their respective officers or directors, except as otherwise provided in the
Reorganization Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE V

                                  GENERAL PROVISIONS

    5.1  AMENDMENT. This Agreement and Plan of Merger may be amended by the
parties hereto at anytime before or after approval hereof by the shareholders of
SP or Sub by execution of an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of
the parties hereto, provided, however, that no amendment shall be made which by
law requires the further approval of the shareholders of GZ or Sub without
obtaining such approval.

    5.2  COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement and Plan of Merger may be executed in one
or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be the original, but all
of which together shall constitute one agreement.


    5.3  GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and Plan of Merger shall be governed in
all respects, including validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the
State of Colorado.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed these Articles of Merger
as of the date first written above.

                                  SP MERGER CORP., a Colorado corporation



                                  STARPRESS, INC., a Colorado corporation



                                  GRAPHIX ZONE, INC., a Delaware corporation




                                      EXHIBIT A

                             OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF SP

        NAME                                         TITLE
        ----                                         -----
Ronald S. Posner               Chairman and Director

Charles R. Cortright, Jr.      President and Director

Angela Aber Cortright          Executive Vice President, Secretary and Director

John C. Lukrich                Chief Financial Officer

Thomas C. K. Yuen              Director

Richard Kramlich               Director

Douglas Glen                   Director

- -------------------------      Director


                                                                      APPENDIX B

                                  Graphix Zone, Inc.

                                 Financial Statements

                          YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1994

                    NINE-MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996 (UNAUDITED)


                                  Graphix Zone, Inc.

                                 Financial Statements


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1994

    Audited Financial Statements............................................B-3

    Independent Auditors Report.............................................B-4

    Balance Sheets..........................................................B-5

    Statements of Operations................................................B-6

    Statements of Stockholders' Deficiency..................................B-7

    Statements of Cash Flows................................................B-8

    Notes to Financial Statements..........................................B-10


    Unaudited Financial Statements.........................................B-22

    Balance Sheets.........................................................B-23

    Statements of Operations...............................................B-24

    Statements of Cash Flows...............................................B-25

    Notes to Financial Statements..........................................B-26


                                  Graphix Zone, Inc.

                             Audited Financial Statements

                          YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1994


                             INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors
Graphix Zone, Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Graphix Zone, Inc. as of June
30, 1995, and the related statements of operations, shareholders' deficiency and
cash flows for each of the years in the two-year period ended June 30, 1995.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of Graphix Zone, Inc. as of June
30, 1995, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the
years in the two-year period ended June 30, 1995 in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

                                  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

Orange County, California
October 4, 1995, except
as to note 11 which is as of
May 21, 1996


                                                                      APPENDIX C

                                   StarPress, Inc.

                    (formerly Great Bear Technology Incorporated)

                          Consolidated Financial Statements

                          YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1994

                NINE-MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996 AND 1995 (UNAUDITED)


                                   StarPress, Inc.
                    (formerly Great Bear Technology Incorporated)

                          Consolidated Financial Statements


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1994

    Audited Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   C-3

    Report of Independent Auditors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   C-4

    Consolidated Balance Sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   C-5

    Consolidated Statements of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   C-6

    Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity. . . . . . . . . .   C-7

    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   C-8

    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . .  C-10


    Unaudited Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  C-25

    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  C-26

    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. . . . . . . . . .  C-27

    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficit) C-28

    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. . . . . . . . . .  C-29

    Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements . . . . . . .  C-30


                                   StarPress, Inc.

                             Audited Financial Statements

                          YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1994



                                                                     APPENDIX E


                            CHAPTER 13--DISSENTERS' RIGHTS


    (a)  If the approval of the outstanding shares (Section 152) of a
corporation is required for a reorganization under subdivisions (a) and (b) or
subdivision (e) or (f) of Section 1201, each shareholder of the corporation
entitled to vote on the transaction and each shareholder of a subsidiary
corporation in a short-form merger may, by complying with this chapter, require
the corporation in which the shareholder holds shares to purchase for cash at
their fair market value the shares owned by the shareholder which are dissenting
shares as defined in subdivision (b). The fair market value shall be determined
as of the day before the first announcement of the terms of the proposed
reorganization or short-form merger, excluding any appreciation or depreciation
in consequence of the proposed action, but adjusted for any stock split, reverse
stock split or share dividend which becomes effective thereafter.

    (b)  As used in this chapter, "dissenting shares" means shares which come
within all of the following descriptions:

         (1)  Which were not immediately prior to the reorganization or short-
form merger either (A) listed on any national securities exchange certified by
the Commissioner of Corporations under subdivision (o) of Section 25100 or (B)
listed on the list of OTC margin stocks issued by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, and the notice of meeting of shareholders to act upon
the reorganization summarizes this section and Sections 1301, 1302, 1303 and
1304; provided, however, that this provision does not apply to any shares with
respect to which there exists any restriction on transfer imposed by the
corporation or by any law or regulation; and provided, further, that this
provision does not apply to any class of shares described in subparagraph (A) or
(B) if demands for payment are filed with respect to 5 percent or more of the
outstanding shares of that class.

         (2)  Which were outstanding on the date for the determination of
shareholders entitled to vote on the reorganization and (A) were not voted in
favor of the reorganization or, (B) if described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of
paragraph (1) (without regard to the provisos in that paragraph), were voted
against the reorganization, or which were held of record on the effective date
of a short-form merger; provided, however, that subparagraph (A) rather than
subparagraph (B) of this paragraph applies in any case where the approval
required by Section 1201 is sought by written consent rather than at a meeting.

         (3)  Which the dissenting shareholder has demanded that the
corporation purchase at their fair market value, in accordance with Section

         (4)  Which the dissenting shareholder has submitted for endorsement,
in accordance with Section 1302.

    (c)  As used in this chapter, "dissenting shareholder" means the
recordholder of dissenting shares and includes a transferee of record.



    (a)  If, in the case of a reorganization, any shareholders of a corporation
have a right under Section 1300, subject to compliance with paragraphs (3) and
(4) of subdivision (b) thereof, to require the corporation to purchase their
shares for cash, such corporation shall mail to each such shareholder a notice
of the approval of the reorganization by its outstanding shares (Section 152)
within 10 days after the date of such approval, accompanied by a copy of
Sections 1300, 1302, 1303, 1304 and this section, a statement of the price
determined by the corporation to represent the fair market value of the
dissenting shares, and a brief description of the procedure to be followed if
the shareholder desires to exercise the shareholder's right under such sections.
The statement of price constitutes an offer by the corporation to purchase at
the price stated any dissenting shares as defined in subdivision (b) of Section
1300, unless they lose their status as dissenting shares under Section 1309.

    (b)  Any shareholder who has a right to require the corporation to purchase
the shareholder's shares for cash under Section 1300, subject to compliance with
paragraphs (3) and (4) of subdivision (b) thereof, and who desires the
corporation to purchase such shares shall make written demand upon the
corporation for the purchase of such shares and payment to the shareholder in
cash of their fair market value. The demand is not effective for any purpose
unless it is received by the corporation or any transfer agent thereof (1) in
the case of shares described in clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (b) of Section 1300 (without regard to the provisos in that
paragraph), not later than the date of the shareholders' meeting to vote upon
the reorganization, or (2) in any other case within 30 days after the date on
which the notice of the approval by the outstanding shares pursuant to
subdivision (a) or the notice pursuant to subdivision (i) of Section 1110 was
mailed to the shareholder.

    (c)  The demand shall state the number and class of the shares held of
record by the shareholder which the shareholder demands that the corporation
purchase and shall contain a statement of what such shareholder claims to be the
fair market value of those shares as of the day before the announcement of the
proposed reorganization or short-form merger. The statement of fair market value
constitutes an offer by the shareholder to sell the shares at such price.
Endorsement of shares


    Within 30 days after the date on which notice of the approval by the
outstanding shares or the notice pursuant to subdivision (i) of Section 1110 was
mailed to the shareholder, the shareholder shall submit to the corporation at
its principal office or at the office of any transfer agent thereof, (a) if the
shares are certificated securities, the shareholder's certificates representing
any shares which the shareholder demands that the corporation purchase, to be
stamped or endorsed with a statement that the shares are dissenting shares or to
be exchanged for certificates of appropriate denomination so stamped or endorsed
or (b) if the shares are uncertificated securities, written notice of the number
of shares which the shareholder demands that the corporation purchase. Upon
subsequent transfers of the dissenting shares on the books of the corporation,
the new certificates, initial transaction statement, and other written
statements issued therefor shall bear a like statement, together with the name
of the original dissenting holder of the shares.


    (a)  If the corporation and the shareholder agree that the shares are
dissenting shares and agree upon the price of the shares, the dissenting
shareholder is entitled to the agreed price with interest thereon at the legal
rate on judgments from the date of the agreement. Any agreements fixing the fair
market value of any dissenting shares as between the corporation and the holders
thereof shall be filed with the secretary of the corporation.


    (b)  Subject to the provisions of Section 1306, payment of the fair market
value of dissenting shares shall be made within 30 days after the amount thereof
has been agreed or within 30 days after any statutory or contractual conditions
to the reorganization are satisfied, whichever is later, and in the case of
certificated securities, subject to surrender of the certificates therefor,
unless provided otherwise by agreement.


    (a)  If the corporation denies that the shares are dissenting shares, or
the corporation and the shareholder fail to agree upon the fair market value of
the shares, then the shareholder demanding purchase of such shares as dissenting
shares or any interested corporation, within six months after the date on which
notice of the approval by the outstanding shares (Section 152) or notice
pursuant to subdivision (i) of Section 1110 was mailed to the shareholder, but
not thereafter, may file a complaint in the superior court of the proper county
praying the court to determine whether the shares are dissenting shares or the
fair market value of the dissenting shares or both or may intervene in any
action pending on such a complaint.

    (b)  Two or more dissenting shareholders may join as plaintiffs or be
joined as defendants in any such action and two or more such actions may be

    (c)  On the trial of the action, the court shall determine the issues. If
the status of the shares as dissenting shares is in issue, the court shall first
determine that issue. If the fair market value of the dissenting shares is in
issue, the court shall determine, or shall appoint one or more impartial
appraisers to determine, the fair market value of the shares.


    (a)  If the court appoints an appraiser or appraisers, they shall proceed
forthwith to determine the fair market value per share. Within the time fixed by
the court, the appraisers, or a majority of them, shall make and file a report
in the office of the clerk of the court. Thereupon, on the motion of any party,
the report shall be submitted to the court and considered on such evidence as
the court considers relevant. If the court finds the report reasonable, the
court may confirm it.

    (b)  If a majority of the appraisers appointed fail to make and file a
report within 10 days from the date of their appointment or within such further
time as may be allowed by the court or the report is not confirmed by the court,
the court shall determine the fair market value of the dissenting shares.

    (c)  Subject to the provisions of Section 1306, judgment shall be rendered
against the corporation for payment of an amount equal to the fair market value
of each dissenting share multiplied by the number of dissenting shares which any
dissenting shareholder who is a party, or who has intervened, is entitled to
require the corporation to purchase, with interest thereon at the legal rate
from the date on which judgment was entered.

    (d)  Any such judgment shall be payable forthwith with respect to
uncertificated securities and, with respect to certificated securities, only
upon the endorsement and delivery to the corporation of the certificates for the
shares described in the judgment. Any party may appeal from the judgment.

    (e)  The costs of the action, including reasonable compensation to the
appraisers to be fixed by the court, shall be assessed or apportioned as the
court considers equitable, but, if the appraisal exceeds the price offered by
the corporation, the corporation shall pay the costs (including in the
discretion of the court attorneys' fees, fees of expert witnesses and interest
at the legal rate on judgments from the date of compliance


with Sections 1300, 1301 and 1302 if the value awarded by the court for the
shares is more than 125 percent of the price offered by the corporation under
subdivision (a) of Section 1301).


    To the extent that the provisions of Chapter 5 prevent the payment to any
holders of dissenting shares of their fair market value, they shall become
creditors of the corporation for the amount thereof together with interest at
the legal rate on judgments until the date of payment, but subordinate to all
other creditors in any liquidation proceeding, such debt to be payable when
permissible under the provisions of Chapter 5.


    Cash dividends declared and paid by the corporation upon the dissenting
shares after the date of approval of the reorganization by the outstanding
shares (Section 152) and prior to payment for the shares by the corporation
shall be credited against the total amount to be paid by the corporation


    Except as expressly limited in this chapter, holders of dissenting shares
continue to have all the rights and privileges incident to their shares, until
the fair market value of their shares is agreed upon or determined. A dissenting
shareholder may not withdraw a demand for payment unless the corporation
consents thereto.


    Dissenting shares lose their status as dissenting shares and the holders
thereof cease to be dissenting shareholders and cease to be entitled to require
the corporation to purchase their shares upon the happening of any of the

    (a)  The corporation abandons the reorganization. Upon abandonment of the
reorganization, the corporation shall pay on demand to any dissenting
shareholder who has initiated proceedings in good faith under this chapter all
necessary expenses incurred in such proceedings and reasonable attorneys' fees.

    (b)  The shares are transferred prior to their submission for endorsement
in accordance with Section 1302 or are surrendered for conversion into shares of
another class in accordance with the articles.

    (c)  The dissenting shareholder and the corporation do not agree upon the
status of the shares as dissenting shares or upon the purchase price of the
shares, and neither files a complaint or intervenes in a pending action as
provided in Section 1304, within six months after the date on which notice of
the approval by the outstanding shares or notice pursuant to subdivision (i) of
Section 1110 was mailed to the shareholder.

    (d)  The dissenting shareholder, with the consent of the corporation,
withdraws the shareholder's demand for purchase of the dissenting shares.


    If litigation is instituted to test the sufficiency or regularity of the
votes of the shareholders in authorizing a reorganization, any proceedings under
Section 1304 and 1305 shall be suspended until final determination of such



    This chapter, except Section 1312, does not apply to classes of shares
whose terms and provisions specifically set forth the amount to be paid in
respect to such shares in the event of a reorganization or merger.


    (a)  No shareholder of a corporation who has a right under this chapter to
demand payment of cash for the shares held by the shareholder shall have any
right at law or in equity to attack the validity of the reorganization or
short-form merger, or to have the reorganization or short-form merger set aside
or rescinded, except in an action to test whether the number of shares required
to authorize or approve the reorganization have been legally voted in favor
thereof; but any holder of shares of a class whose terms and provisions
specifically set forth the amount to be paid in respect to them in the event of
a reorganization or short-form merger is entitled to payment in accordance with
those terms and provisions or, if the principal terms of the reorganization are
approved pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 1202, is entitled to payment in
accordance with the terms and provisions of the approved reorganization.

    (b)  If one of the parties to a reorganization or short-form merger is
directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control with, another
party to the reorganization or short-form merger, subdivision (a) shall not
apply to any shareholder of such party who has not demanded payment of cash for
such shareholder's shares pursuant to this chapter, but if the shareholder
institutes any action to attack the validity of the reorganization or short-form
merger or to have the reorganization or short-form merger set aside or
rescinded, the shareholder shall not thereafter have any right to demand payment
of cash for the shareholder's shares pursuant to this chapter. The court in any
action attacking the validity of the reorganization or short-form merger or to
have the reorganization or short-form merger set aside or rescinded shall not
restrain or enjoin the consummation of the transaction except upon 10 days'
prior notice to the corporation and upon a determination by the court that
clearly no other remedy will adequately protect the complaining shareholder or
the class of shareholders of which such shareholder is a member.

    (c)  If one of the parties to a reorganization or short-form merger is
directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control with, another
party to the reorganization or short-form merger, in any action to attack the
validity of the reorganization or short-form merger or to have the
reorganization or short-form merger set aside or rescinded, (1) a party to a
reorganization or short-form merger which controls another party to the
reorganization or short-form merger shall have the burden of proving that the
transaction is just and reasonable as to the shareholders of the controlled
party, and (2) a person who controls two or more parties to a reorganization
shall have the burden of proving that the transaction is just and reasonable as
to the shareholders of any party so controlled.


                                                                      APPENDIX F


                           ARTICLE 113--DISSENTERS' RIGHTS



    For purposes of this article:

    (1)  "Beneficial shareholder" means the beneficial owner of shares held in
a voting trust or by a nominee as the record shareholder.

    (2)  "Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter
before the corporate action, or the surviving or acquiring domestic or foreign
corporation, by merger or share exchange of that issuer.

    (3)  "Dissenter" means a shareholder who is entitled to dissent from
corporate action under section 7-113-102 and who exercises that right at the
time and in the manner required by part 2 of this article.

    (4)  "Fair value", with respect to a dissenter's shares, means the value of
the shares immediately before the effective date of the corporate action to
which the dissenter objects, excluding any appreciation or depreciation in
anticipation of the corporate action except to the extent that exclusion would
be inequitable.

    (5)  "Interest" means interest from the effective date of the corporate
action until the date of payment, at the average rate currently paid by the
corporation on its principal bank loans or, if none, at the legal rate as
specified in section 5-12-101, C.R.S.

    (6)  "Record shareholder" means the person in whose name shares are
registered in the records of a corporation or the beneficial owner of shares
that are registered in the name of a nominee to the extent such owner is
recognized by the corporation as the shareholder as provided in 
section 7-107-204.

    (7)  "Shareholder" means either a record shareholder or a beneficial


    (1)  A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to dissent
and obtain payment of the fair value of his or her shares in the event of any of
the following corporation actions:

         (a)   Consummation of a plan of merger to which the corporation is a
party if:

              (I)  Approval by the shareholders of that corporation is required
for the merger by section 7-111-103 or 7-111-104 or by the articles of
incorporation, or

              (II) The corporation is a subsidiary that is merged with its
parent corporation under section 7-111-104;


         (b)  Consummation of a plan of share exchange to which the corporation
is a party as the corporation whose shares will be acquired;

         (c)  Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of
all, or substantially all, of the property of the corporation for which a
shareholder vote is required under section 7-112-102(1); and

         (d)  Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of
all, or substantially all, of the property of an entity controlled by the
corporation if the shareholders of the corporation were entitled to vote upon
the consent of the corporation to the disposition pursuant to 
section 7-112-102(2).

    (2)  A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to dissent
and obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's shares in the event

         (a)  An amendment to the articles of incorporation that materially and
adversely affects rights in respect of the shares because it:

              (I)  Alters or abolishes a preferential right of the shares; or

              (II) Creates, alters, or abolishes a right in respect of
redemption of the shares, including a provision respecting a sinking fund for
their redemption or repurchase; or

         (b)   An amendment to the articles of incorporation that affects
rights in respect of the shares because it:

              (I)  Excludes or limits the right of the shares to vote on any
matter, or to cumulate votes, other than a limitation by dilution through
issuance of shares or other securities with similar voting rights; or

              (II) Reduces the number of shares owned by the shareholder to a
fraction of a share or to scrip if the fractional share or scrip so created is
to be acquired for cash or the scrip is to be voided under section 7-106-104.

    (3)  A shareholder is entitled to dissent and obtain payment of the fair
value of the shareholder's shares in the event of any corporate action to the
extent provided by the bylaws or a resolution of the board of directors.

    (4)  A shareholder entitled to dissent and obtain payment for the
shareholder's shares under this article may not challenge the corporate action
creating such entitlement unless the action is unlawful or fraudulent with
respect to the shareholder or the corporation.


    (1)  A record shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to fewer than
all the shares registered in the record shareholder's name only if the record
shareholder dissents with respect to all shares beneficially owned by any one
person and causes the corporation to receive written notice which states such
dissent and the name, address, and federal taxpayer identification number, if
any, of each person on whose behalf the record shareholder asserts dissenters'
rights. The rights of a record shareholder under this subsection (1) are
determined as if the shares as to which the record shareholder dissents and the
other shares of the record shareholder were registered in the names of different


    (2)  A beneficial shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to the
shares held on the beneficial shareholder's behalf only if:

         (a)  The beneficial shareholder causes the corporation to receive the
record shareholder's written consent to the dissent not later than the time the
beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights; and

         (b)   The beneficial shareholder dissents with respect to all shares
beneficially owned by the beneficial shareholder.

    (3)  The corporation may require that, when a record shareholder dissents
with respect to the shares held by any one or more beneficial shareholders, each
such beneficial shareholder must certify to the corporation that the beneficial
shareholder and the record shareholder or record shareholders of all shares
owned beneficially by the beneficial shareholder have asserted, or will timely
assert, dissenters' rights as to all such shares as to which there is no
limitation on the ability to exercise dissenters' rights. Any such requirement
shall be stated in the dissenters' notice given pursuant to section 7-113-203.



    (1)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, the notice
of the meeting shall be given to all shareholders, whether or not entitled to
vote. The notice shall state that shareholders are or may be entitled to assert
dissenters' rights under this article and shall be accompanied by a copy of this
article and the materials, if any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this
title, are required to be given to shareholders entitled to vote on the proposed
action at the meeting. Failure to give notice as provided by this subsection (1)
to shareholders not entitled to vote shall not affect any action taken at the
shareholders' meeting for which the notice was to have been given.

    (2)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders pursuant to
section 7-107-104, any written or oral solicitation of a shareholder to execute
a writing consenting to such action contemplated in section 7-107-104 shall be
accompanied or preceded by a written notice stating that shareholders are or may
be entitled to assert dissenters' rights under this article, by a copy of this
article, and by the materials, if any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this
title, would have been required to be given to shareholders entitled to vote on
the proposed action if the proposed action were submitted to a vote at a
shareholders' meeting. Failure to give notice as provided by this subsection (2)
to shareholders not entitled to vote shall not affect any action taken pursuant
to section 7-107-104 for which the notice was to have been given.


    (1)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, a
shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall:

    (a)  Cause the corporation to receive, before the vote is taken, written
notice of the shareholder's intention to demand payment for the shareholder's
share if the proposed corporate action is effectuated; and

    (b)   Not vote the shares in favor of the proposed corporate action.


    (2)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders pursuant to
section 7-107-104, a shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall
not execute a writing consenting to the proposed corporate action.

    (3)  A shareholder who does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (1)
or (2) of this section is not entitled to demand payment for the shareholder's
shares under this article.


    (1)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is authorized, the corporation shall give a written
dissenters' notice to all shareholders who are entitled to demand payment for
their shares under this article.

    (2)  The dissenters' notice required by subsection (1) of this section
shall be given no later than ten days after the effective date of the corporate
action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 and shall:

         (a)  State that the corporate action was authorized and state the
effective date or proposed effective date of the corporate action;

         (b)  State an address at which the corporation will receive payment
demands and the address of a place where certificates for certificated shares
must be deposited;

         (c)  Inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent transfer
of the shares will be restricted after the payment demand is received;

         (d)  Supply a form for demanding payment, which form shall request a
dissenter to state an address to which payment is to be made;

         (e)  Set the date by which the corporation must receive the payment
demand and certificates for certificated shares, which date shall not be less
than thirty days after the date the notice required by subsection (1) of this
section is given;

         (f)  State the requirement contemplated in section 7-113-103(3), if
such requirement is imposed; and

         (g)  Be accompanied by a copy of this article.


    (1)  A shareholder who is given a dissenters' notice pursuant to 
section 7-113-203 and who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall, in 
accordance with the terms of the dissenters' notice:

         (a)  Cause the corporation to receive a payment demand, which may be
the payment demand form contemplated in section 7-113-203(2)(d), duly completed,
or may be stated in another writing; and

         (b)  Deposit the shareholder's certificates for certificated shares.


    (2)  A shareholder who demands payment in accordance with subsection (1) of
this section retains all rights of a shareholder, except the right to transfer
the shares, until the effective date of the proposed corporate action giving
rise to the shareholder's exercise of dissenters' rights and has only the right
to receive payment for the shares after the effective date of such corporate

    (3)   Except as provided in section 7-113-207 or 7-113-209(1)(b), the
demand for payment and deposit of certificates are irrevocable.

    (4)  A shareholder who does not demand payment and deposit the
shareholder's share certificates as required by the date or dates set in the
dissenters' notice is not entitled to payment for the shares under this article.


    (1)  Upon receipt of a demand for payment under section 7-113-204 from a
shareholder holding uncertificated shares, and in lieu of the deposit of
certificates representing the shares, the corporation may restrict the transfer

    (2)  In all other respects, the provisions of section 7-113-204 shall be
applicable to shareholders who own uncertificated shares.


    (1)   Except as provided in section 7-113-208, upon the effective date of
the corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 or upon
receipt of a payment demand pursuant to section 7-113-204, whichever is later,
the corporation shall pay each dissenter who complied with section 7-113-204, at
the address stated in the payment demand, or if no such address is stated in the
payment demand, at the address shown on the corporation's current record of
shareholders for the record shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, the
amount the corporation estimates to be the fair value of the dissenter's shares,
plus accrued interest.

    (2)  The payment made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be
accompanied by:

         (a)  The corporation's balance sheet as of the end of its most recent
fiscal year or, if that is not available, the corporation's balance sheet as of
the end of a fiscal year ending not more than sixteen months before the date of
payment, an income statement for that year, and, if the corporation customarily
provides such statements to shareholders, a statement of changes in
shareholders' equity for that year and a statement of cash flow for that year,
which balance sheet and statements shall have been audited if the corporation
customarily provides audited financial statements to shareholders, as well as
the latest available financial statements, if any, for the interim or full-year
period, which financial statements need not be audited;

         (b)   A statement of the corporation's estimate of the fair value of
the shares;

         (c)   An explanation of how the interest was calculated;

         (d)   A statement of the dissenter's right to demand payment under
section 7-113-209; and

         (e)  A copy of this article.



    (1)  If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters'
rights under section 7-113-102 does not occur within sixty days after the date
set by the corporation by which the corporation must receive the payment demand
as provided in section 7-113-203, the corporation shall return the deposited
certificates and release the transfer restrictions imposed on uncertificated

    (2)  If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters'
rights under section 7-113-102 occurs more than sixty days after the date set by
the corporation by which the corporation must receive the payment demand as
provided in section 7-113-203, then the corporation shall send a new dissenters'
notice, as provided in section 7-113-203, and the provisions of 
sections 7-113-204 to 7-113-209 shall again be applicable.


    (1)  The corporation may, in or with the dissenters' notice given pursuant
to section 7-113-203, state the date of the first announcement to news media or
to shareholders of the terms of the proposed corporate action creating
dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 and state that the dissenter shall
certify in writing, in or with the dissenter's payment demand under 
section 7-113-204, whether or not the dissenter (or the person on whose 
behalf dissenters' rights are asserted) acquired beneficial ownership of the
shares before that date. With respect to any dissenter who does not so certify 
in writing, in or with the payment demand, that the dissenter or the person 
on whose behalf the dissenter asserts dissenters' rights acquired beneficial 
ownership of the shares before such date, the corporation may, in lieu of 
making the payment provided in section 7-113-206, offer to make such payment 
if the dissenter agrees to accept it in full satisfaction of the demand.

    (2)  An offer to make payment under subsection (1) of this section shall
include or be accompanied by the information required by section 7-113-206(2).


    (1)  A dissenter may give notice to the corporation in writing of the
dissenter's estimate of the fair value of the dissenter's shares and of the
amount of interest due and may demand payment of such estimate, less any payment
made under section 7-113-206, or reject the corporation's offer under 
section 7-113-208 and demand payment of the fair value of the shares and 
interest due, if:

         (a)  The dissenter believes that the amount paid under 
section 7-113-206 or offered under section 7-113-208 is less than the
fair value of the shares or that the interest due was incorrectly calculated;

         (b)  The corporation fails to make payment under section 7-113-206
within sixty days after the date set by the corporation by which the corporation
must receive the payment demand; or

         (c)  The corporation does not return the deposited certificates or
release the transfer restrictions imposed on uncertificated shares as required
by section 7-113-207(1).

    (2)  A dissenter waives the right to demand payment under this section
unless the dissenter causes the corporation to receive the notice required by
subsection (1) of this section within thirty days after the corporation made or
offered payment for the dissenter's shares.


                         PART 3: JUDICIAL APPRAISAL OF SHARES


    (1)  If a demand for payment under section 7-113-209 remains unresolved,
the corporation may, within sixty days after receiving the payment demand,
commence a proceeding and petition the court to determine the fair value of the
shares and accrued interest. If the corporation does not commence the proceeding
within the sixty-day period, it shall pay to each dissenter whose demand remains
unresolved the amount demanded.

    (2)  The corporation shall commence the proceeding described in subsection
(1) of this section in the district court of the county in this state where the
corporation's principal office is located or, if it has no principal office in
this state, in the district court of the county in which its registered office
is located. If the corporation is a foreign corporation without a registered
office in this state, it shall commence the proceeding in the county in this
state where the registered office of the domestic corporation merged into, or
whose shares were acquired by, the foreign corporation was located.

    (3)  The corporation shall make all dissenters, whether or not residents of
this state, whose demands remain unresolved parties to the proceeding commenced
under subsection (2) of this section as in an action against their shares, and
all parties shall be served with a copy of the petition. Service on each
dissenter shall be by registered or certified mail, to the address stated in
such dissenter's payment demand, or if no such address is stated in the payment
demand, at the address shown on the corporation's current record of shareholders
for the record shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, or as provided by

    (4)  The jurisdiction of the court in which the proceeding is commenced
under subsection (2) of this section is plenary and exclusive. The court may
appoint one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a
decision on the question of fair value. The appraisers have the powers described
in the order appointing them, or in any amendment to such order. The parties to
the proceeding are entitled to the same discovery rights as parties in other
civil proceedings.

    (5)  Each dissenter made a party to the proceeding commenced under
subsection (2) of this section is entitled to judgment for the amount, if any,
by which the court finds the fair value of the dissenter's shares, plus
interest, exceeds the amount paid by the corporation, or for the fair value,
plus interest, of the dissenter's shares for which the corporation elected to
withhold payment under section 7-113-208.


    (1)  The court in an appraisal proceeding commenced under section 7-113-301
shall determine all costs of the proceeding, including the reasonable
compensation and expenses of appraisers appointed by the court. The court shall
assess the costs against the corporation; except that the court may assess costs
against all or some of the dissenters, in amounts the court finds equitable, to
the extent the court finds the dissenters acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not
in good faith in demanding payment under section 7-113-209.

    (2)  The court may also assess the fees and expenses of counsel and experts
for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:

         (a)   Against the corporation and in favor of any dissenters if the
court finds the corporation did not substantially comply with the requirements
of part 2 of this article; or


         (b)  Against either the corporation or one or more dissenters, in
favor of any other party, if the court finds that the party against whom the
fees and expenses are assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good
faith with respect to the rights provided by this article.

    (3)  If the court finds that the services of counsel for any dissenter were
of substantial benefit to other dissenters similarly situated, and that the fees
for those services should not be assessed against the corporation, the court may
award to said counsel reasonable fees to be paid out of the amounts awarded to
the dissenters who were benefitted.


                                                                      APPENDIX G
                                  GRAPHIX ZONE, INC.

                                1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN

    1.   PURPOSE OF THE PLAN. The purpose of this 1996 Stock Option Plan
("Plan") of Graphix Zone, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Company"), is to
provide the Company with a means of attracting and retaining the services of
highly motivated and qualified directors and key personnel. The Plan is intended
to advance the interests of the Company by affording to key employees and
directors, upon whose skill, judgment, initiative and efforts the Company is
largely dependent for the successful conduct of its business, an opportunity for
investment in the Company and the incentives inherent in stock ownership in the
Company. In addition, the Plan contemplates the opportunity for investment in
the Company by employees of companies that do business with the Company. For
purposes of this Plan, the term Company shall include subsidiaries, if any, of
the Company. 

    2.   LEGAL COMPLIANCE. It is the intent of the Plan that all options
granted under it ("Options") shall be either "Incentive Stock Options" ("ISOs"),
as such term is defined in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended ("Code"), or non-qualified stock options ("NQOs"); provided, however,
ISOs shall be granted only to employees of the Company. An Option shall be
identified as an ISO or an NQO in writing in the document or documents
evidencing the grant of the Option. All Options that are not so identified as
ISOs are intended to be NQOs. In addition, the Plan provides for the grant of
NQOs to employees of companies that do business with the Company. It is the
further intent of the Plan that it conform in all respects with the requirements
of Rule 16b-3 of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Rule 16b-3"). To the extent that any aspect
of the Plan or its administration shall at any time be viewed as inconsistent
with the requirements of Rule 16b-3 or, in connection with ISOs, the Code, such
aspect shall be deemed to be modified, deleted or otherwise changed as necessary
to ensure continued compliance with such provisions.


         3.1  PLAN COMMITTEE. The Plan shall be administered by a committee
("Committee"). The members of the Committee shall be appointed from time to time
by the Board of Directors of the Company ("Board") and shall consist of not less
than two (2) nor more than five (5) persons who are "disinterested persons" as
such term is defined in Rule 16b-3. Such persons shall be directors of the

         3.2  GRANTS OF OPTIONS BY THE COMMITTEE. In accordance with the
provisions of the Plan, the Committee, by resolution, shall select those
eligible persons to whom Options shall be granted ("Optionees"); shall determine
the time or times at which each Option shall be granted, whether an Option is an
ISO or an NQO and the number of shares to be subject to each Option; and shall
fix the time and manner in which the Option may be exercised, the Option
exercise price, and the Option period. The Committee shall determine the form of
option agreement to evidence the foregoing terms and conditions of each Option,
which need not be identical, in the form provided for in SECTION 7. Such option
agreement may include such other provisions as the Committee may deem necessary
or desirable, so long as such provisions are consistent with the Plan, the Code
and Rule 16b-3.

         3.3  COMMITTEE PROCEDURES. The Committee from time to time may adopt
such rules and regulations for carrying out the purposes of the Plan as it may
deem proper and in the best interests of the Company. The Committee shall keep
minutes of its meetings and records of its actions. A majority of the members of
the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business by
the Committee.


The Committee may act at any time by an affirmative vote of a majority of those
members voting. Such vote may be taken at a meeting (which may be conducted in
person or by any telecommunication medium) or by written consent of Committee
members without a meeting.

         3.4  FINALITY OF COMMITTEE ACTION. The Committee shall resolve all
questions arising under the Plan and option agreements entered into pursuant to
the Plan. Each determination, interpretation, or other action made or taken by
the Committee shall be final and conclusive and binding on all persons,
including, without limitation, the Company, its shareholders, the Committee and
each of the members of the Committee, and the directors, officers and employees
of the Company, including Optionees and their respective successors in interest.

         3.5  NON-LIABILITY OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS. No Committee member shall be
liable for any action or determination made by him or her in good faith with
respect to the Plan or any Option granted under it.

         3.6  COMMITTEE NQOS.

              (a)  Beginning July 1, 1996, and on each July 1 thereafter, each
member of the Committee on such date shall be automatically granted an NQO
("Committee NQO") to purchase 25,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (as
defined in SECTION 5).

              (b)  Except as expressly authorized by this SECTION 3.6, members
of the Committee are not otherwise eligible to participate in the Plan.

              (c)  Upon the grant of a Committee NQO to a Committee member, the
Committee member shall receive a written option agreement substantially in the
form provided for in SECTION 7. Such Committee member shall not be an "Optionee"
as defined in SECTION 3.2 of the Plan.

              (d)  The exercise price for each Committee NQO granted under this
Section shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value (as defined
in SECTION 8) of the Company's Common Stock (as defined in SECTION 5) on the
date of grant. Each Committee NQO granted under this Section shall be for a term
of five years and shall be subject to earlier termination as hereinafter

              (e)  A Committee NQO granted under this Section may be exercised
in whole or consecutive installments, cumulative or otherwise, during its term;
provided, however, that Committee NQOs shall vest and become exercisable
according to the following schedule: one-half (1/2) of the amount granted shall
vest six (6) months following the grant and one-half (1/2) of the amount granted
shall vest twelve (12) months following the grant. In addition, Committee NQOs
granted under this Section are subject to the rights and obligations of
Optionees, as provided in SECTION 11 of the Plan; provided, however, that the
"stock swap feature" provided for in SECTION 11.3 of the Plan shall be available
with respect to all Committee NQOs granted under this Section.

              (f)  Committee NQOs granted under this Section shall be subject
to the exercise and non-transferability terms of SECTION 14 of the Plan. In the
event of the termination of service on the Board by the holder of any Committee
NQO granted under this Section, then the outstanding vested Committee NQOs of
such holder shall expire two (2) years after such termination, or their stated
expiration date, whichever occurs first. Any non-vested Committee NQO shall
expire upon termination of service on the Board.


              (g)  The Committee has the full power, discretion and authority
to interpret and administer the Plan in a manner consistent with the Plan's
provisions. However, the Committee does not have the power to (i) determine
eligibility to receive Committee NQOs or determine the number, price, vesting
period or timing of Committee NQOs to be granted under the Plan or (ii) take any
action that would result in the Committee NQOs not being treated as "formula
awards" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3(c)(ii).

from time to time, make such changes in or additions to the Plan as it may deem
proper and in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. The Board
may also suspend or terminate the Plan at any time, without notice, and in its
sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such change, addition,
suspension, or termination by the Board shall (i) materially impair any option
previously granted under the Plan without the express written consent of the
optionee; or (ii) materially increase the number of shares subject to the Plan,
materially increase the benefits accruing to optionees under the Plan,
materially modify the requirements as to eligibility to participate in the Plan
or alter the method of determining the option exercise price described in
SECTION 8, without shareholder approval.

    5.   SHARES SUBJECT TO THE PLAN. For purposes of the Plan, the Committee is
authorized to grant Options and Committee NQOs for up to 2,500,000 shares of the
Company's common stock ("Common Stock"), or the number and kind of shares of
stock or other securities which, in accordance with SECTION 13, shall be
substituted for such shares of Common Stock or to which such shares shall be
adjusted. The Committee is authorized to grant Options (including replacement
Options as contemplated in Section 3.2) and Committee NQOs under the Plan with
respect to such shares. Any or all unsold shares subject to an Option which for
any reason expires or otherwise terminates (excluding shares returned to the
Company in payment of the exercise price for additional shares) may again be
made subject to grant under the Plan.

    6.   OPTIONEES. Options shall be granted only to members of the Board and
to full-time elected or appointed officers or other full-time key employees of
the Company or employees of companies that do business with the Company
designated by the Committee from time to time as Optionees, including, without
limitation, members of the Board who are also full-time officers or key
employees at the time of grant. Except as provided in Section 3.6, in no event,
however, may a member of the Committee be granted an Option under the Plan. Any
Optionee may hold more than one option to purchase Common Stock, whether such
option is an Option held pursuant to the Plan or otherwise. An Optionee who is
an employee of the Company ("Employee Optionee") and who holds an Option must
remain a continuous full or part-time employee of the Company from the time of
grant of the Option to him until the time of its exercise, except as provided in

    7.   GRANTS OF OPTIONS. The Committee shall have the sole discretion to
grant Options under the Plan and to determine whether any Option shall be an ISO
or an NQO. The terms and conditions of Options granted under the Plan may differ
from one another as the Committee, in its absolute discretion, shall determine
as long as all Options granted under the Plan satisfy the requirements of the
Plan. Upon determination by the Committee that an Option is to be granted to an
Optionee, a written option agreement evidencing such Option shall be given to
the Optionee, specifying the number of shares subject to the Option, the Option
exercise price, whether the Option is an ISO or an NQO, and the other individual
terms and conditions of such Option. Such option agreement may incorporate
generally applicable provisions from the Plan, a copy of which shall be provided
to all Optionees at the time of their initial grants under the Plan. The Option
shall be deemed granted as of the date specified in the grant resolution of the
Committee, and the option agreement shall be dated as of the date of such
resolution. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Option granted to an officer,
director or 10% beneficial owner for purposes of Section 16 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Section 16 of the 1934 Act"), shall be
conditioned upon the Optionee's agreement not to sell the shares of Common Stock
underlying the Option for at least six (6) months after the date of grant.


    8.   OPTION EXERCISE PRICE. The price per share to be paid by the Optionee
at the time an ISO is exercised shall not be less than one hundred percent
(100%) of the Fair Market Value (as hereinafter defined) of one share of the
optioned Common Stock on the date on which the Option is granted. No ISO may be
granted under the Plan to any person who, at the time of such grant, owns
(within the meaning of Section 424(d) of the Code) stock possessing more than
ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of
the Company or of any parent thereof, unless the exercise price of such ISO is
at least equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of Fair Market Value on the
date of grant. The price per share to be paid by the Optionee at the time an NQO
is exercised shall not be less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the Fair Market
Value on the date on which the NQO is granted, as determined by the Committee.
For purposes of the Plan, the "Fair Market Value" of a share of the Company's
Common Stock as of a given date shall be: (i) the closing price of a share of
the Company's Common Stock on the principal exchange on which shares of the
Company's Common Stock are then trading, if any, on the day immediately
preceding such date, or, if shares were not traded on such date, then on the
next preceding trading day during which a sale occurred; or (ii) if the
Company's Common Stock is not traded on an exchange but is quoted on Nasdaq or a
successor quotation system, (1) the last sales price (if the Common Stock is
then listed as a National Market Issue under the Nasdaq National Market System)
or (2) the closing representative bid price (in all other cases) for the Common
Stock on the day immediately preceding such date as reported by Nasdaq or such
successor quotation system; or (iii) if the Company's Common Stock is not
publicly traded on an exchange and not quoted on Nasdaq or a successor quotation
system, the closing bid price for the Common Stock on such date as determined in
good faith by the Committee; or (iv) if the Company's Common Stock is not
publicly traded, the fair market value established by the Committee acting in
good faith. In addition, with respect to any ISO, the Fair Market Value on any
given date shall be determined in a manner consistent with any regulations
issued by the Secretary of the Treasury for the purpose of determining fair
market value of securities subject to an ISO plan under the Code.

    9.   CEILING OF ISO GRANTS. The aggregate Fair Market Value (determined at
the time any ISO is granted) of the Common Stock with respect to which an
Optionee's ISOs, together with incentive stock options granted under any other
plan of the Company and any parent, are exercisable for the first time by such
Optionee during any calendar year shall not exceed $100,000. In the event that
an Optionee holds such incentive stock options that become first exercisable
(including as a result of acceleration of exercisability under the Plan) in any
one year for shares having a Fair Market Value at the date of grant in excess of
$100,000, then the most recently granted of such ISOs, to the extent that they
are exercisable for shares having an aggregate Fair Market Value in excess of
such limit, shall be deemed to be NQOs.


         10.1 OPTION PERIOD. The option period shall be determined by the
Committee with respect to each Option granted. In no event, however, may the
option period exceed ten (10) years from the date on which the Option is
granted, or five (5) years in the case of a grant of an ISO to an Optionee who
is a ten percent (10%) shareholder at the date on which the Option is granted as
described in SECTION 8.

         10.2 EXERCISABILITY OF OPTIONS. Each Option shall be exercisable in
whole or in consecutive installments, cumulative or otherwise, during its term
as determined in the discretion of the Committee.

VIOLATION OF AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. All Options granted under the Plan to any
Employee Optionee shall terminate and may no longer be exercised if the Employee
Optionee ceases, at any time during the period between the grant of the Option
and its exercise, to be an employee of the Company; provided, however, that the
Committee may alter the termination date of


the Option if the Optionee transfers to an affiliate of the Company.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) if the Employee Optionee's employment with
the Company shall have terminated for any reason (other than involuntary
dismissal for "cause" or voluntary resignation in violation of any agreement to
remain in the employ of the Company, including, without limitation, any such
agreement pursuant to SECTION 15), he may, at any time before the expiration of
three (3) months after such termination or before expiration of the Option,
whichever shall first occur, exercise the Option (to the extent that the Option
was exercisable by him on the date of the termination of his employment); (ii)
if the Employee Optionee's employment shall have terminated due to disability
(as defined in Section 22(e)(3) of the Code and subject to such proof of
disability as the Committee may require), such Option may be exercised by the
Employee Optionee (or by his guardian(s), or conservator(s), or other legal
representative(s)) before the expiration of twelve (12) months after such
termination or before expiration of the Option, whichever shall first occur (to
the extent that the Option was exercisable by him on the date of the termination
of his employment); (iii) in the event of the death of the Employee Optionee, an
Option exercisable by him at the date of his death shall be exercisable by his
legal representative(s), legatee(s), or heir(s), or by his beneficiary or
beneficiaries so designated by him as permitted by SECTION 14, as the case may
be, within twelve (12) months after his death or before the expiration of the
Option, whichever shall first occur (to the extent that the Option was
exercisable by him on the date of his death); and (iv) if the Employee
Optionee's employment is terminated for "cause" or in violation of any agreement
to remain in the employ of the Company, including, without limitation, any such
agreement pursuant to SECTION 15, he may, at any time before the expiration of
thirty (30) days after such termination or before the expiration of the Option,
whichever shall first occur, exercise the Option (to the extent that the Option
was exercisable by him on the date of termination of his employment). For
purposes of the Plan, "cause" may include, without limitation, any illegal or
improper conduct (1) which injures or impairs the reputation, goodwill, or
business of the Company; (2) which involves the misappropriation of funds of the
Company, or the misuse of data, information, or documents acquired in connection
with employment by the Company; or (3) which violates any other directive or
policy promulgated by the Company. A termination for "cause" may also include
any resignation in anticipation of discharge for "cause" or resignation accepted
by the Company in lieu of a formal discharge for "cause."


         11.1 WRITTEN NOTICE OF EXERCISE. An Optionee may elect to exercise an
Option in whole or in part, from time to time, subject to the terms and
conditions contained in the Plan and in the agreement evidencing such Option, by
giving written notice of exercise to the Company at its principal executive

         11.2 CASH PAYMENT FOR OPTIONED SHARES. If an Option is exercised for
cash, such notice shall be accompanied by a cashier's or personal check, or
money order, made payable to the Company for the full exercise price of the
shares purchased.

         11.3 STOCK SWAP FEATURE. At the time of the Option exercise, and
subject to the discretion of the Committee to accept payment in cash only, the
Optionee may determine whether the total purchase price of the shares to be
purchased shall be paid solely in cash or by transfer from the Optionee to the
Company of previously acquired shares of Common Stock, or by a combination
thereof. In the event that the Optionee elects to pay the total purchase price
in whole or in part with previously acquired shares of Common Stock, the value
of such shares shall be equal to their Fair Market Value on the date of
exercise, determined by the Committee in the same manner used for determining
Fair Market Value at the time of grant for purposes of SECTION 8.

OF ISSUANCE. The receipt of shares of Common Stock upon the exercise of an
Option shall be conditioned upon the Optionee (or any other person who exercises
the Option on his or her behalf as permitted by SECTION 10.3) providing


to the Committee a written representation that, at the time of such exercise, it
is the intent of such person(s) to acquire the shares for investment only and
not with a view toward distribution. The certificate for unregistered shares
issued for investment shall be restricted by the Company as to transfer unless
the Company receives an opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company to the
effect that such restriction is not necessary under then pertaining law. The
providing of such representation and such restrictions on transfer shall not,
however, be required upon any person's receipt of shares of Common Stock under
the Plan in the event that, at the time of grant of the Option relating to such
receipt or upon such receipt, whichever is the appropriate measure under
applicable federal or state securities laws, the shares subject to the Option
shall be (i) covered by an effective and current registration statement under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and (ii) either qualified or exempt from
qualification under applicable state securities laws. The Company shall,
however, under no circumstances be required to sell or issue any shares under
the Plan if, in the opinion of the Committee, (i) the issuance of such shares
would constitute a violation by the Optionee or the Company of any applicable
law or regulation of any governmental authority, or (ii) the consent or approval
of any governmental body is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in
connection with, the issuance of such shares.

         11.5 SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS OF OPTIONEE. Upon exercise, the Optionee (or
any other person who exercises the Option on his behalf as permitted by SECTION
10.3) shall be recorded on the books of the Company as the owner of the shares,
and the Company shall deliver to such record owner one or more duly issued stock
certificates evidencing such ownership. No person shall have any rights as a
shareholder with respect to any shares of Common Stock covered by an Option
granted pursuant to the Plan until such person shall have become the holder of
record of such shares. Except as provided in SECTION 13, no adjustments shall be
made for cash dividends or other distributions or other rights as to which there
is a record date preceding the date such person becomes the holder of record of
such shares.

         11.6 HOLDING PERIODS FOR TAX PURPOSES. The Plan does not provide that
an Optionee must hold shares of Common Stock acquired under the Plan for any
minimum period of time. Optionees are urged to consult with their own tax
advisors with respect to the tax consequences to them of their individual
participation in the Plan. 

    12.  SUCCESSIVE GRANTS. Successive grants of Options may be made to any
Optionee under the Plan.

    13.  ADJUSTMENTS. 

         (a)  If the outstanding Common Stock shall be hereafter increased or
decreased, or changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares
or other securities of the Company or of another corporation, by reason of a
recapitalization, reclassification, reorganization, merger, consolidation, share
exchange, or other business combination in which the Company is the surviving
parent corporation, stock split-up, combination of shares, or dividend or other
distribution payable in capital stock or rights to acquire capital stock,
appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Committee in the number and kind of
shares for which Options may be granted under the Plan. In addition, the
Committee shall make appropriate adjustment in the number and kind of shares as
to which outstanding and unexercised Options shall be exercisable, to the end
that the proportionate interest of the holder of the Option shall, to the extent
practicable, be maintained as before the occurrence of such event. Such
adjustment in outstanding Options shall be made without change in the total
price applicable to the unexercised portion of the Option but with a
corresponding adjustment in the exercise price per share.

         (b)  In the event of the dissolution or liquidation of the Company,
any outstanding and unexercised Options shall terminate as of a future date to
be fixed by the Committee.


         (c)  In the event of a Reorganization (as hereinafter defined), then,

              (i) If there is no plan or agreement with respect to the
Reorganization ("Reorganization Agreement"), or if the Reorganization Agreement
does not specifically provide for the adjustment, change, conversion, or
exchange of the outstanding and unexercised Options for cash or other property
or securities of another corporation, then any outstanding and unexercised
Options shall terminate as of a future date to be fixed by the Committee; or

              (ii) If there is a Reorganization Agreement, and the
Reorganization Agreement specifically provides for the adjustment, change,
conversion, or exchange of the outstanding and unexercised Options for cash or
other property or securities of another corporation, then the Committee shall
adjust the shares under such outstanding and unexercised Options, and shall
adjust the shares remaining under the Plan which are then available for the
issuance of Options under the Plan if the Reorganization Agreement makes
specific provisions therefor, in a manner not inconsistent with the provisions
of the Reorganization Agreement for the adjustment, change, conversion, or
exchange of such Options and shares.

         (d)  The term "Reorganization" as used in this SECTION 13 shall mean
any reorganization, merger, consolidation, share exchange, or other business
combination pursuant to which the Company is not the surviving parent
corporation after the effective date of the Reorganization, or any sale or lease
of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company. Nothing herein shall
require the Company to adopt a Reorganization Agreement, or to make provision
for the adjustment, change, conversion, or exchange of any Options, or the
shares subject thereto, in any Reorganization Agreement which it does adopt.

         (e)  The Committee shall provide to each Optionee then holding an
outstanding and unexercised Option not less than thirty (30) calendar days'
advanced written notice of any date fixed by the Committee pursuant to this
SECTION 13 and of the terms of any Reorganization Agreement providing for the
adjustment, change, conversion, or exchange of outstanding and unexercised
Options. Except as the Committee may otherwise provide, each Optionee shall have
the right during such period to exercise his Option only to the extent that the
Option was exercisable on the date such notice was provided to the Optionee.

              Any adjustment to any outstanding ISO pursuant to this SECTION
13, if made by reason of a transaction described in Section 424(a) of the Code,
shall be made so as to conform to the requirements of that Section and the
regulations thereunder. If any other transaction described in Section 424(a) of
the Code affects the Common Stock subject to any unexercised ISO theretofore
granted under the Plan (hereinafter for purposes of this SECTION 13 referred to
as the "old option"), the Board of Directors of the Company or of any surviving
or acquiring corporation may take such action as it deems appropriate, in
conformity with the requirements of that Code Section and the regulations
thereunder, to substitute a new option for the old option, in order to make the
new option, as nearly as may be practicable, equivalent to the old option, or to
assume the old option.

         (f)  No modification, extension, renewal, or other change in any
Option granted under the Plan may be made, after the grant of such Option,
without the Optionee's consent, unless the same is permitted by the provisions
of the Plan and the Option agreement. In the case of an ISO, Optionees are
hereby advised that certain changes may disqualify the ISO from being considered
as such under Section 422 of the Code, or constitute a modification, extension,
or renewal of the ISO under Section 424(h) of the Code.

         (g)  All adjustments and determinations under this SECTION 13 shall be
made by the Committee in good faith in its sole discretion.


    14.  NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF OPTIONS. An Option shall be exercisable only by
the Optionee, or in the event of his disability, by his guardian(s),
conservator(s), or other legal representative(s), during the Optionee's
lifetime. In the event of the death of the Optionee, an Option shall be
exercisable by his legal representative(s), legatee(s), or heir(s), as the case
may be, or by such person(s) as he may designate as his beneficiary or
beneficiaries in a signed statement included as a part of the option agreement.
No Option shall be transferable by the Optionee, either voluntarily or
involuntarily, except by will or the laws of descent and distribution except in
the case of an ISO, pursuant to a court order that would otherwise satisfy the
requirements to be a domestic relations order as defined in Section 414(p)(1)(B)
of the Code if the order satisfied Section 414(p)(1)(A) of the Code
notwithstanding that such an order relates to the transfer of a stock option
rather than an interest in an employee benefit plan. Any attempt to exercise,
transfer or otherwise dispose of an interest in an Option in contravention of
the terms and conditions of the Plan, or of the Option agreement for the Option,
shall immediately void the Option.

    15.  CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT. As determined in the sole discretion of the
Committee at the time of grant and if so stated in a writing signed by the
Company, each Option may have as a condition the requirement of an Employee
Optionee to remain in the employ of the Company, or of its affiliates, and to
render to it his or her exclusive service, at such compensation as may be
determined from time to time by it, for a period not to exceed the term of the
Option, except for earlier termination of employment by or with the express
written consent of the Company or on account of disability or death. The failure
of any Employee Optionee to abide by such agreement as to any Option under the
Plan may result in the termination of all of his or her then outstanding Options
granted pursuant to the Plan. Neither the creation of the Plan nor the granting
of Option(s) under it shall be deemed to create a right in an Employee Optionee
to continued employment with the Company, and each such Employee Optionee shall
be and shall remain subject to discharge by the Company as though the Plan had
never come into existence. Except as specifically provided by the Committee in
any particular case, the loss of existing or potential profit in options granted
under this Plan shall not constitute an element of damages in the event of
termination of the employment of an employee even if the termination is in
violation of an obligation of the Company to the employee by contract or

    16.  TAX WITHHOLDING. The exercise of any Option granted under the Plan is
subject to the condition that if at any time the Company shall determine, in its
discretion, that the satisfaction of withholding tax or other withholding
liabilities under any federal, state or local law is necessary or desirable as a
condition of, or in connection with, such exercise or a later lapsing of time or
restrictions on or disposition of the shares of Common Stock received upon such
exercise, then in such event, the exercise of the Option shall not be effective
unless such withholding shall have been effected or obtained in a manner
acceptable to the Company. When an Optionee is required to pay to the Company an
amount required to be withheld under applicable income tax laws in connection
with the exercise of any Option, the Optionee may, subject to the approval of
the Committee (provided such approval has not been disapproved at any time after
the election is made) satisfy the obligation, in whole or in part, by electing
to have the Company withhold shares of Common Stock having a value equal to the
amount required to be withheld. The value of the Common Stock withheld pursuant
to the election shall be determined by the Committee, in accordance with the
criteria set forth in SECTION 8, with reference to the date the amount of tax to
be withheld is determined. The Optionee shall pay to the Company in cash any
amount required to be withheld that would otherwise result in the withholding of
a fractional share. The election by an Optionee who is a director, officer or
10% beneficial owner of the Company within the meaning of Section 16 of the 1934
Act, to be effective, must meet all of the requirements of Section 16 of the
1934 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder. 

    17.  TERM OF PLAN.

         17.1 EFFECTIVE DATE. The Plan shall become effective as of January 17,


         17.2 TERMINATION DATE. Except as to options previously granted and
outstanding under the Plan, the Plan shall terminate at midnight on January 17,
2006 and no Option shall be granted after that time. Options then outstanding
may continue to be exercised in accordance with their terms. The Plan may be
suspended or terminated at any earlier time by the Board within the limitations
set forth in SECTION 4. 

    18.  NON-EXCLUSIVITY OF THE PLAN. Nothing contained in the Plan is intended
to amend, modify, or rescind any previously approved compensation plans,
programs or options entered into by the Company. This Plan shall be construed to
be in addition to and independent of any and all such other arrangements.
Neither the adoption of the Plan by the Board nor the submission of the Plan to
the shareholders of the Company for approval shall be construed as creating any
limitations on the power or authority of the Board to adopt, with or without
shareholder approval, such additional or other compensation arrangements as the
Board may from time to time deem desirable.

    19.  GOVERNING LAW. The Plan and all rights and obligations under it shall
be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of

    20.  INFORMATION TO OPTIONEES. Optionees under the Plan who do not
otherwise have access to financial statements of the Company will receive the
Company's financial statements at least annually.
