1300 PNC CENTER
                             201 EAST FIFTH STREET
                             CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202
                                                                   June 24, 1996
Dear Jacor Shareholder:
    You  are cordially invited to attend the 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be held on  Tuesday, July 23, 1996  at 10:30 a.m., local  time, in the  Fifth
Third  Bank Theatre at the Aronoff Center for the Arts, located at the corner of
East Seventh Street and Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
    The accompanying Notice  of Annual Meeting  and Proxy  Statement/Information
Statement/Prospectus   provide  information  concerning   the  proposals  to  be
considered and acted upon at the Annual Meeting. Also at the Annual Meeting,  we
will  report on the operations of the Company during the year ended December 31,
    It is important  for you  to exercise your  voting rights  as a  Shareholder
regardless  of the  number of  shares you own.  PLEASE COMPLETE,  SIGN, DATE AND
whether or not  you expect  to attend  the Annual Meeting  and wish  to vote  in
    We  look forward  to receipt  of your  Proxy and  to your  attendance at the
Annual Meeting.
                                          Sheli Z. Rosenberg
                                          BOARD CHAIR

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                1300 PNC CENTER
                             201 EAST FIFTH STREET
                             CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202
                            TO BE HELD JULY 23, 1996
To the Shareholders of Jacor Communications, Inc.:
    NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that  the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders of  Jacor
Communications,  Inc. ("Jacor") will be held on  Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 10:30
a.m., local time, in the Fifth Third Bank Theatre at the Aronoff Center for  the
Arts,  located at the corner of East Seventh Street and Main Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio, for the purposes of considering and acting on the following proposals  set
forth  below. None of the proposals are dependent upon the adoption of any other
    1.  To approve the merger of Jacor with and into New Jacor, Inc., a Delaware
       corporation ("New  Jacor")  and  wholly-owned subsidiary  of  Jacor.  The
       purpose  of the proposed merger is  to reincorporate Jacor under the laws
       of the State of Delaware (the "Reincorporation"). If the  Reincorporation
       is  approved and consummated, New Jacor,  as the surviving corporation in
       the  merger  to  effect  the  Reincorporation,  will  be  renamed  "Jacor
       Communications, Inc.".
    2.  To approve the issuance by Jacor, and any successor corporation thereto,
       of  common  stock purchase  warrants  (the "Jacor  Warrants")  to acquire
       4,400,000 shares of Jacor common stock and the issuance of the shares  of
       Jacor common stock issuable upon the exercise of any such Jacor Warrants.
       The  Jacor Warrants will be  issued to the holders  of the Class A Common
       Stock,  par  value  $.01  per  share,  of  Citicasters  Inc.,  a  Florida
       corporation ("Citicasters"), pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger
       dated  as of February 12, 1996 by  and among Jacor, JCAC, Inc., a Florida
       corporation and wholly owned Jacor subsidiary ("Acquisition Corp."),  and
       Citicasters  (the "Merger Agreement"). The  Merger Agreement provides for
       the merger (the "Merger") of Acquisition Corp. with and into  Citicasters
       such  that, upon  consummation of the  Merger, Citicasters  will become a
       wholly owned Jacor  subsidiary, as  described in  the accompanying  Proxy
       Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus.  If  the  Reincorporation is
       approved at the  Annual Meeting,  the Reincorporation is  expected to  be
       effected  prior to the consummation of  the Merger and the Jacor Warrants
       would thereby constitute common stock purchase warrants to acquire shares
       of New Jacor common stock.
    3.  To elect seven directors to serve until the next annual meeting of Jacor
       shareholders and until the  directors' respective successors are  elected
       and qualified.
    4.   To transact such other business  as may properly come before the Annual
       Meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.
    Holders of record of Jacor common stock at the close of business on May  31,
1996 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.
    Enclosed  herewith is a Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus and
a Proxy. The Annual Report  of Jacor for the year  ended December 31, 1995,  was
mailed  to Jacor shareholders beginning on or  about April 18, 1996. If you have
not received  the  Annual  Report, please  notify  Jacor  Communications,  Inc.,
Investor   Services  Department,  1300  PNC   Center,  201  East  Fifth  Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, telephone:  (513) 621-1300, and a  copy will be sent  to
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,
                                          R. Christopher Weber
                                          SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF
                                          FINANCIAL OFFICER AND SECRETARY
Cincinnati, Ohio
June 24, 1996

                              PROXY STATEMENT FOR
                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD ON JULY 23, 1996
    This   Proxy  Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus   relates  to  the
proposed merger (the "Merger") of JCAC,  Inc., a Florida corporation ("JCAC"  or
"Acquisition  Corp.") and wholly owned  subsidiary of Jacor Communications, Inc.
("Jacor"),   with   and   into   Citicasters   Inc.,   a   Florida   corporation
("Citicasters"),  pursuant  to the  Agreement  and Plan  of  Merger dated  as of
February 12, 1996  by and among  Jacor, Acquisition Corp.  and Citicasters  (the
"Merger  Agreement"),  and is  being furnished  to the  holders of  Jacor common
stock, no par value, in connection  with the solicitation of proxies by  Jacor's
Board  of Directors (the "Jacor  Board") for use at  the Annual Meeting of Jacor
shareholders (the "Jacor Annual Meeting") to  be held on Tuesday, July 23,  1996
at  10:30 a.m. local time, in the Fifth  Third Theatre at the Aronoff Center for
the Arts,  located  at  the corner  of  East  Seventh Street  and  Main  Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio, and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
    This   Proxy  Statement/Information   Statement/Prospectus  is   also  being
furnished to the shareholders of Citicasters in connection with the adoption  of
the  Merger  Agreement  by  Citicasters' Board  of  Directors  (the "Citicasters
Board") and the approval of the Merger  Agreement by the written consent of  the
holders  of a  majority of  the outstanding shares  of the  Citicasters' Class A
Common Stock, par  value $.01 per  share (the "Citicasters  Common Stock").  See
detailed discussion  of the  actions taken  by the  Consenting Stockholders  (as
    This  Proxy  Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus  also  constitutes a
prospectus of Jacor filed as part of  a Registration Statement on Form S-4  (the
"Registration  Statement")  with  the Securities  and  Exchange  Commission (the
"Commission") under  the Securities  Act of  1933, as  amended (the  "Securities
Act"),  with respect to  up to 21,618,990.5 common  stock purchase warrants (the
"Jacor Warrants") to acquire shares  of Jacor common stock  to be issued in  the
Merger  pursuant  to  the Merger  Agreement.  If  all such  Jacor  Warrants were
exercised in full, 4,400,000 shares of Jacor common stock would be issued to the
holders of such  Jacor Warrants. Under  the Merger Agreement,  Jacor has  agreed
with  Citicasters to use its reasonable best efforts to cause the Jacor Warrants
to be listed for trading on the  Nasdaq National Market. Jacor intends to  apply
for  such listing after the  date hereof and prior to  the effective time of the
    Upon approval by the Jacor shareholders  at the Jacor Annual Meeting,  Jacor
will merge with and into New Jacor Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned
Jacor  subsidiary ("New Jacor"),  with the resulting  Delaware corporation being
renamed "Jacor Communications, Inc."  (the "Reincorporation"). See "PROPOSAL  TO
APPROVE  THE REINCORPORATION OF JACOR." The Reincorporation is expected to occur
prior to the effective time  of the Merger and  New Jacor would thereby  acquire
all  rights and assume  all obligations of  Jacor under the  Merger Agreement by
operation of law.
    The Merger Agreement  provides that Citicasters  shareholders will have  the
right  to receive  in the  Merger, in exchange  for each  issued and outstanding
share of Citicasters Common Stock, (i) $29.50  in cash, plus, if the closing  of
the transactions contemplated by the Merger (the "Closing") does not occur prior
to  October 1, 1996, for  each full calendar month  ending prior to the Closing,
commencing with October 1996, an additional amount of $.22125 in cash (the "Cash
Consideration"); plus (ii)  a Jacor  Warrant to  acquire a  fractional share  of
Jacor  common stock, which fractional  share is anticipated to  be .2035247 of a
share of Jacor common stock (the "Warrant Consideration", and together with  the
Cash Consideration, the "Merger Consideration"). The Jacor Warrants will have an
exercise  price of $28.00 per full share of Jacor common stock, except that such
exercise price will be reduced to $26.00 per full share of Jacor common stock if
the Merger is not consummated by October 1, 1996. At the time of the exercise of
any Jacor Warrant the holder of such Jacor Warrant will receive, in lieu of  any
fractional  share of Jacor common stock, an  amount in cash equal to the closing
price for  one  share of  Jacor  common stock  on  the trading  day  immediately
preceding  the date the  Jacor Warrant is presented  for exercise, multiplied by
such fraction.  Based  on the  number  of  shares of  Citicasters  Common  Stock
outstanding  on the date hereof, the Cash Consideration payable in the Merger is
approximately $624.2 million. See "THE MERGER."
    The date of  this Proxy Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus is  June
24,   1996.  This  Proxy   Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus  and  the
accompanying Proxy  for  Jacor  shareholders  are  first  being  mailed  to  the
shareholders  of Jacor  and Citicasters  on or about  June 24,  1996. This Proxy
Statement/Information Statement/  Prospectus constitutes  notice to  Citicasters
shareholders  of corporate action by shareholders  without a meeting as required
by Section 607.0704 of the Florida Business Corporation Act (the "FBCA").

                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION
    Each of Jacor and Citicasters  is subject to the informational  requirements
of  the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange Act"), and
accordingly files  reports,  proxy statements  and  other information  with  the
Commission.  Such reports, proxy statements and other information filed with the
Commission are  available for  inspection and  copying at  the public  reference
facilities maintained by the Commission at Room 1024, Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth
Street,  N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, and  at the Commission's Regional Offices
located at  Citicorp  Center, 500  West  Madison Street,  Suite  1400,  Chicago,
Illinois  60661-2511 and at 7 World Trade Center, 13th Floor, New York, New York
10048. Copies of such documents may  also be obtained from the Public  Reference
Room  of the Commission at Judiciary  Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates.
    This Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus  does not contain  all
of  the information  set forth in  the Registration Statement,  certain parts of
which  are  omitted  in  accordance  with  the  rules  and  regulations  of  the
Commission.  The Registration Statement, including any amendments, schedules and
exhibits thereto, is available  for inspection and copying  as set forth  above.
Statements contained in this Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus as
to the contents of any contract or other document referred to herein include all
material  terms of  such contracts  or other  documents but  are not necessarily
complete, and in each instance reference is made to the copy of such contract or
other document filed  as an  exhibit to  the Registration  Statement, each  such
statement being qualified in all respects by such reference.
    Each  of Jacor Common Stock (as defined herein) and Citicasters Common Stock
is  traded  on  the  Nasdaq  National  Market.  Reports  and  other  information
concerning Jacor and Citicasters are available for inspection and copying at the
offices  of The  Nasdaq Stock  Market at 1735  K Street,  N.W., Washington, D.C.
20006-1506. Application will be made to  list on the Nasdaq National Market  the
Jacor Warrants to be issued in connection with the Merger. Following the Merger,
Citicasters will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Jacor, and there will be no
public  trading  of  Citicasters  Common  Stock.  Accordingly,  registration  of
Citicasters Common  Stock  under  the  Exchange  Act  will  be  terminated  upon
application of Citicasters to the Commission when the Merger is consummated, and
Citicasters  will  no longer  be subject  to the  reporting requirements  of the
Exchange Act.

    The following documents previously filed by Jacor with the Commission  under
the Exchange Act are incorporated herein by reference:
        (a)  Jacor's  Annual  Report on  Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year ended
    December 31, 1995, as amended;
        (b) Jacor's Quarterly Report  on Form 10-Q for  the quarter ended  March
    31, 1996;
        (c)  Jacor's  Current  Reports  on Form  8-K  dated  February  14, 1996,
    February 27,  1996,  March 6,  1996,  as amended,  and  March 27,  1996,  as
    amended; and
        (d) Jacor's Form 8-A Registration Statement dated January 12, 1993.
    The  following documents previously filed by Citicasters with the Commission
under the Exchange Act are incorporated herein by reference:
        (a) Citicasters' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December
    31, 1995, as amended;
        (b)  Citicasters' Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q for  the quarter ended
    March 31, 1996, as amended; and
        (c) Citicasters' Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 14, 1996.
    All documents filed by Jacor and/or Citicasters pursuant to Sections  13(a),
13(c),  14  or  15(d)  of  the  Exchange  Act  after  the  date  of  this  Proxy
Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus and  (a) in  the case  of Jacor,  the
date  of the Jacor Annual Meeting, and (b)  in the case of Citicasters, prior to
the effective  time  of  the Merger,  shall  be  deemed to  be  incorporated  by
reference into this Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus and to be a
part hereof from the date of filing of such documents.
    Any  statement  contained  in  a  document  incorporated  or  deemed  to  be
incorporated by reference herein  shall be deemed to  be modified or  superseded
for  purposes hereof to the extent that  a statement contained herein (or in any
other subsequently filed  document that is  or is deemed  to be incorporated  by
reference  herein) modifies or supersedes such previous statement. Any statement
so modified or superseded shall not be deemed to constitute a part hereof except
as so modified or superseded.
    All information  contained  or  incorporated  by  reference  in  this  Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/ Prospectus relating to Jacor has been supplied
by Jacor and all such information  relating to Citicasters has been supplied  by
Citicasters,  and neither Jacor  nor Citicasters assumes  any responsibility for
the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the other.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

AVAILABLE INFORMATION......................................................................................           2
INCORPORATION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS BY REFERENCE............................................................           3
SUMMARY OF PROXY STATEMENT/INFORMATION STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS................................................           7
    Parties to the Merger..................................................................................           7
    Jacor Annual Meeting...................................................................................           7
    Citicasters Action by Written Consent..................................................................           8
    The Merger.............................................................................................           9
    Merger Consideration...................................................................................           9
    Reasons for the Merger.................................................................................          10
    Opinion of Citicasters Financial Advisor...............................................................          10
    Termination of the Merger Agreement; Termination Fees..................................................          10
    Financing Arrangements.................................................................................          10
    Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger.............................................................          11
    Regulatory Matters.....................................................................................          11
    Nasdaq Listing.........................................................................................          11
    Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences................................................................          12
    Accounting Treatment...................................................................................          12
    No Appraisal or Dissenters' Rights.....................................................................          12
    Noble Acquisition......................................................................................          12
    Recent Developments....................................................................................          12
    Summary Pro Forma Financial Information................................................................          13
    Summary Historical Financial Data......................................................................          14
    Comparative Per Share Data.............................................................................          15
    Comparative Market Prices and Dividends................................................................          16
RISK FACTORS...............................................................................................          17
JACOR ANNUAL MEETING; CITICASTERS ACTION BY WRITTEN CONSENT................................................          20
    Jacor Annual Meeting...................................................................................          20
    Citicasters Action by Written Consent..................................................................          21
THE MERGER.................................................................................................          22
    Background of and Reasons for the Merger--Jacor........................................................          22
    Background of and Reasons for the Merger--Citicasters..................................................          25
    Opinion of Citicasters Financial Advisor...............................................................          29
    Conversion of Citicasters Common Stock for the Merger Consideration....................................          33
    Exchange of Citicasters Certificates in the Merger.....................................................          33
    Certain Terms of the Merger Agreement and Related Agreements...........................................          34
    Description of Jacor Warrants..........................................................................          38
    Financing Arrangements.................................................................................          40
    Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger.............................................................          45
    Regulatory Matters.....................................................................................          46
    Nasdaq Listing.........................................................................................          51
    Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences................................................................          51
    Accounting Treatment...................................................................................          53
    Federal Securities Law Consequences....................................................................          53
    No Appraisal or Dissenters' Rights.....................................................................          53
THE NOBLE ACQUISITION......................................................................................          54
UNAUDITED PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION..................................................................          55


SELECTED HISTORICAL FINANCIAL DATA.........................................................................          66
COMPARATIVE PER SHARE MARKET PRICE AND DIVIDEND INFORMATION................................................          72
BUSINESS OF JACOR..........................................................................................          72
BUSINESS OF CITICASTERS....................................................................................          74
BUSINESS OF NEW JACOR......................................................................................          74
DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK...............................................................................          74
    Common Stock...........................................................................................          75
    Class A and Class B Preferred Stock....................................................................          75
    1993 Warrants..........................................................................................          75
    Jacor Warrants.........................................................................................          76
COMPARISON OF CORPORATE CHARTERS AND RIGHTS OF SECURITY HOLDERS............................................          76
    Comparison of Present Jacor Articles and New Jacor Certificate.........................................          76
    Comparison of Jacor Shareholders' Rights Under Ohio Law and Delaware Law...............................          79
    Comparison of New Jacor Certificate and Citicasters Articles...........................................          83
    Comparison of Shareholders' Rights under Florida Law and Delaware Law..................................          83
PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE REINCORPORATION OF JACOR...........................................................          85
  THEREOF..................................................................................................          87
ELECTION OF JACOR DIRECTORS................................................................................          88
    Information Concerning Nominees........................................................................          88
    Jacor Board of Directors, Its Committees, Meetings and Functions.......................................          90
    Beneficial Owners and Management.......................................................................          91
    Reports of Changes in Beneficial Ownership.............................................................          92
JACOR EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION...............................................................................          94
    Summary Compensation Table.............................................................................          94
    Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year......................................................................          95
    Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year-End Option Values......................          96
    Summary of Benefits Under the 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan........................................          96
    Compensation Committee Report..........................................................................          97
    Stock Performance......................................................................................          98
    Director Compensation..................................................................................          99
    Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation............................................          99
CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS.............................................................          99
INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS.............................................................................         100
SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS FOR 1997 JACOR ANNUAL MEETING........................................................         100
ANNUAL REPORT..............................................................................................         100
EXPERTS....................................................................................................         100
LEGAL MATTERS..............................................................................................         101
OTHER MATTERS..............................................................................................         101


INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS.....................................................................................         102

               JACOR, ACQUISITION CORP. AND CITICASTERS...........................      A-I-1
               ZELL/CHILMARK AND CITICASTERS......................................     A-II-1
               STOCKHOLDERS, JACOR AND ACQUISITION CORP...........................    A-III-1
               SERVICES, INC. ....................................................     A-IV-1
ANNEX V    FAIRNESS OPINION OF SALOMON BROTHERS INC...............................      A-V-1
               CITICASTERS AND PNC BANK...........................................     A-VI-1
               CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS)...........................    A-VII-1


    JACOR.  Jacor  is  a  holding   company  engaged  primarily  in  the   radio
broadcasting business. As of March 1, 1996, Jacor entities owned and operated 20
radio  stations  located  in six  markets:  Atlanta, San  Diego,  Tampa, Denver,
Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Jacor has time brokerage agreements to operate  one
station  in Atlanta, three stations  in St. Louis and  three stations in Toledo.
Jacor also  has  joint sales  agreements  to  sell advertising  time  for  three
stations  in  Cincinnati and  one  station in  Denver.  The mailing  address and
telephone number  of the  principal  executive offices  of  Jacor are  1300  PNC
Center,  201  East Fifth  Street, Cincinnati,  Ohio  45202, (513)  621-1300. See
    ACQUISITION CORP. JCAC is  a wholly owned subsidiary  of Jacor organized  to
effect  the Merger.  The mailing address  and telephone number  of the principal
executive  offices  of  JCAC  are  1300  PNC  Center,  201  East  Fifth  Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, (513) 621-1300.
    CITICASTERS.  Citicasters owns and operates  nineteen radio stations located
in eight markets:  Atlanta, Phoenix, Tampa,  Portland, Kansas City,  Cincinnati,
Sacramento  and Columbus, and two television  stations, one located in Tampa and
one in Cincinnati. In June 1994, the name of Citicasters was changed from  Great
American  Communications Company to Citicasters Inc. Citicasters' operations are
conducted through its principal subsidiary, Citicasters Co., an Ohio corporation
formerly known as Great American Television and Radio Company, Inc. The  mailing
address  and telephone number of the  principal executive offices of Citicasters
are One  East  Fourth  Street,  Cincinnati,  Ohio  45202,  (513)  562-8000.  See
    NEW  JACOR. New Jacor, a Delaware  corporation, is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Jacor  incorporated in  March 1996  for  the sole  purpose of  effecting  the
Reincorporation.  New Jacor has  not conducted any  business activities to date.
Upon consummation of the Reincorporation, New Jacor will be the legal  successor
to  Jacor and, as such, will assume  all of Jacor's rights and obligations under
the Merger Agreement. Following the consummation of the Merger, Citicasters will
become a wholly owned subsidiary of New Jacor. Accordingly, the business of  New
Jacor  will be  the business currently  conducted by Jacor  and Citicasters. The
mailing address and telephone number of  the principal executive offices of  New
Jacor  are 1300 PNC Center, 201 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, (513)
621-1300. See "BUSINESS OF NEW JACOR."
    The Jacor Annual Meeting will  be held on Tuesday,  July 23, 1996, at  10:30
a.m.  local time, in the Fifth Third Theatre at the Aronoff Center for the Arts,
located at the corner of East Seventh Street and Main Street, Cincinnati,  Ohio,
and  any adjournment or postponement thereof. The holders of record at the close
of business on May 31, 1996 (the "Jacor Record Date") of shares of Jacor  Common
Stock  are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Jacor Annual Meeting. At the
Jacor Annual Meeting, Jacor shareholders will  be asked to consider and vote  on
the following: (i) to approve the reincorporation of Jacor under the laws of the
State  of  Delaware; (ii)  to  approve the  issuance  of the  Jacor  Warrants in
connection with the Merger and the issuance of the shares of Jacor Common  Stock
issuable  upon the exercise  of any such  Jacor Warrants; (iii)  the election of
seven directors to serve  on the Jacor  Board until the  next annual meeting  or
until their successors are elected and qualified; and (iv) such other matters as
may  properly be presented for the  consideration of Jacor shareholders. None of
the proposals are  dependent upon the  adoption of any  other proposal.  Neither
Ohio  law nor Delaware law requires the  approval of the Merger Agreement by the
Jacor shareholders, and no such approval will be sought.

    Each share  of Jacor  Common  Stock will  be entitled  to  one vote  on  the
proposals described above. The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the outstanding
shares  of Jacor  Common Stock is  required to approve  the Reincorporation. The
affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Jacor Annual Meeting  is
required  to approve the issuance of the Jacor Warrants and the underlying Jacor
Common Stock.  In  the  election  of directors,  those  nominees  receiving  the
greatest number of votes will be elected as directors.
    In  conjunction with the execution of the  Merger Agreement (a copy of which
is attached hereto as Annex  I), Zell/Chilmark Fund L.P. ("Zell/Chilmark"),  the
holder  of approximately 69%  of the outstanding  Jacor Common Stock,  as of the
Jacor Record Date, entered into the Jacor Shareholders Agreement dated  February
12,   1996  between  Citicasters  and  Zell/Chilmark  (the  "Jacor  Shareholders
Agreement"). As  required by  the  Jacor Shareholders  Agreement,  Zell/Chilmark
granted  Citicasters an irrevocable proxy pursuant to which all of the shares of
Jacor Common Stock owned by Zell/Chilmark will be voted in favor of the issuance
of  the  Jacor  Warrants  as  are  necessary  for  the  payment  of  the  Merger
Consideration,  and the shares of Jacor  Common Stock issuable upon the exercise
thereof. A copy of the Jacor Shareholders Agreement is attached hereto as  Annex
II.  Zell/Chilmark has also  informed Jacor that  it intends to  vote all of its
shares of  Jacor  Common Stock  in  favor of  the  Reincorporation and  FOR  the
election  of the seven  nominees to serve  as directors on  the Jacor Board. See
    On February 12, 1996, the  Citicasters Board unanimously adopted the  Merger
Agreement  and determined that the  terms of the Merger are  fair to, and in the
best interests of, the holders of Citicasters Common Stock. Under the FBCA,  the
affirmative  vote of  the holders of  a majority of  the outstanding Citicasters
Common Stock is required to  approve the Merger Agreement.  As of June 12,  1996
(the  "Citicasters Record Date"),  there were issued  and outstanding 20,007,522
shares of  Citicasters Common  Stock. Holders  of record  of Citicasters  Common
Stock  at the close of  business on the Citicasters  Record Date are entitled to
one vote per share of Citicasters Common Stock held on all matters submitted  to
a vote of shareholders.
    In  conjunction with Citicasters' execution  of the Merger Agreement, Jacor,
JCAC and the  holders of  a majority of  the outstanding  shares of  Citicasters
Common  Stock: Great American Insurance Company, American Financial Corporation,
American Financial  Enterprises, Inc.,  Carl  H. Lindner,  The Carl  H.  Lindner
Foundation, a charitable foundation, and S. Craig Lindner (collectively referred
to  herein  as the  "Consenting  Stockholders"), entered  into  the Stockholders
Agreement  dated  February   12,  1996  (the   "Stockholders  Agreement").   The
Stockholders  Agreement  provides,  among  other  things,  that  the  Consenting
Stockholders will not solicit  other proposals for  a Competing Transaction  (as
defined  in the Stockholders Agreement) and  will take action by written consent
to approve the Merger Agreement.  Certain of the Consenting Stockholders  agreed
further  to make certain payments to Jacor in the event the Merger Agreement was
terminated  under  certain  circumstances  and  another  transaction   involving
Citicasters  is  consummated within  eighteen  months of  such  termination that
results in the Consenting Stockholders'  receipt of certain payments in  respect
of their shares of Citicasters Common Stock.
    As  required by the  Stockholders Agreement and by  the Merger Agreement, on
March 13, 1996, each Consenting Stockholder executed and delivered to Jacor  his
or  its written consent  approving the Merger  Agreement. On June  19, 1996, the
Consenting Stockholders  delivered  to Jacor  new  written consents  to  further
approve  the  Merger Agreement.  Jacor subsequently  delivered all  such written
consents  to  Citicasters  on  the  date  hereof.  Such  written  consents   are
irrevocable  and are sufficient under the  FBCA, upon receipt by Citicasters, to
approve the Merger Agreement. Therefore,  no further action by the  shareholders
of  Citicasters is necessary  to approve the Merger  Agreement or consummate the
Merger and no  such approval  will be  sought. ACCORDINGLY,  CITICASTERS IS  NOT
Agreement  is  attached  hereto  as  Annex  III.  See  "JACOR  ANNUAL   MEETING;

    The  Merger Agreement has  been approved by  the Jacor Board  and the Merger
does not require  the approval of  the Jacor shareholders  under either Ohio  or
Delaware  law.  However,  the  rules  of  the  Nasdaq  National  Market  require
shareholder approval in connection with the acquisition of the stock of  another
company  where the potential issuance of common stock, or securities exercisable
for common stock, has  or will have  upon issuance voting power  equal to or  in
excess  of 20% of the voting power outstanding before the issuance of such stock
or securities. At the  time the Merger Agreement  was executed, the approval  by
the  holders of a majority of the votes cast  in person or by proxy at the Jacor
Annual Meeting on the  proposal to issue the  Jacor Warrants and the  underlying
shares  of Jacor  Common Stock in  the Merger  would have been  required by such
rules because the shares of Jacor Common Stock issuable upon exercise of all the
Jacor Warrants would have exceeded 20% of the shares of Jacor Common Stock  then
    As  a result of the sale  of shares of Jacor Common  Stock in the 1996 Stock
Offering (as defined herein), the issuance of the Jacor Warrants will not  equal
or  exceed the 20% threshold and Jacor  believes that the Nasdaq National Market
rules no  longer require  shareholder  approval of  the  issuance of  the  Jacor
Warrants.  Nonetheless, Jacor is seeking shareholder approval of the issuance of
the Jacor Warrants at the Jacor  Annual Meeting to ensure compliance with  those
rules  in the event  such rules would  be deemed applicable.  As required by the
Jacor  Shareholders  Agreement,  all  shares  of  Jacor  Common  Stock  held  by
Zell/Chilmark  will be voted in  favor of this proposal  and, upon the taking of
such action,  no  additional corporate  action  by  either Jacor  or  the  Jacor
shareholders will be necessary to effect the Merger.
    If  the conditions to  the Merger as  set forth in  the Merger Agreement are
satisfied or waived (where permissible under  the terms of the Merger  Agreement
or  under  applicable  law), the  Merger  will  be consummated  and  will become
effective at the time at which the Articles of Merger are accepted for filing by
the Department of State of Florida (the time of such filing being the "Effective
Time" and  the  day  of  such  filing being  the  "Effective  Date").  See  "THE
MERGER--Certain  Terms of  the Merger Agreement  and Related  Agreements." It is
expected that the Effective  Time will promptly follow  completion of the  Jacor
Annual  Meeting, the Reincorporation and the  receipt of all required regulatory
approvals. See "THE  MERGER--Regulatory Matters."  At the  Effective Time,  JCAC
will  be merged with and into Citicasters  and Citicasters will thereby become a
wholly-owned subsidiary  of  New Jacor,  as  the  successor to  Jacor  upon  the
consummation of the Reincorporation.
    In the Merger, each issued and outstanding share of Citicasters Common Stock
at  the Effective Time  will be converted  into the right  to receive the Merger
Consideration. The  Merger Consideration  will consist  of (i)  $29.50 in  cash,
plus,  in the event that the consummation of  the Merger does not occur prior to
October 1,  1996, for  each full  calendar  month ending  prior to  the  Closing
commencing with October 1996, an additional amount of $.22125 in cash; plus (ii)
one  Jacor Warrant to acquire a fractional  share of Jacor Common Stock for each
share of  Citicasters Common  Stock converted  in the  Merger (which  fractional
share  is anticipated to be .2035247 of a share of Jacor Common Stock). See "THE
MERGER--Conversion of Citicasters Common Stock for the Merger Consideration" and
"--Description of Jacor Warrants."
    The Jacor Warrants will have an exercise  price of $28.00 per full share  of
Jacor  Common Stock, except that  such exercise price will  be reduced to $26.00
per full share of Jacor Common Stock if the Merger is not consummated by October
1, 1996. The Jacor Warrants are to be issued under the Warrant Agreement, to  be
dated  as of the  Effective Date between Jacor  and KeyCorp Shareholder Services
Corp., as Warrant Agent (the  "Warrant Agent"). At the  time of the exercise  of
any  Jacor Warrant the holder of such Jacor Warrant will receive, in lieu of any
fractional share of Jacor Common Stock, an  amount in cash equal to the  closing
price  for  one share  of  Jacor Common  Stock  on the  trading  day immediately
preceding the date the  Jacor Warrant is presented  for exercise, multiplied  by
such  fraction. Each Jacor Warrant may  be exercised until 5:00 p.m., Cincinnati
time, on the fifth anniversary  of the Effective Date.  The form of the  Warrant
Agreement  is attached hereto as Annex IV. See "THE MERGER--Description of Jacor

    The Jacor Board and the Citicasters Board have each unanimously approved the
Merger Agreement  and concluded  that its  terms are  fair to  and in  the  best
interests  of  their respective  shareholders.  Jacor believes  that  the Merger
offers significant  strategic  and financial  benefits  to its  shareholders  by
creating  a larger, financially stronger company,  and which will allow Jacor to
take advantage of complementary operational functions and reduce  administrative
costs. For a further description of the negotiations leading up to the execution
of  the Merger Agreement and related matters and the reasons for the Merger, see
"THE  MERGER--Background   of   and   Reasons  for   the   Merger--Jacor,"   and
    Citicasters  has retained Salomon  Brothers Inc ("Salomon  Brothers") as its
financial advisor in connection with the Merger. Salomon Brothers has  delivered
the  Salomon Opinion (as defined herein) to the Citicasters Board, stating that,
as of the date of such opinion, the consideration to be paid by Jacor to holders
of Citicasters  Common Stock  in  the Merger  is fair  to  such holders  from  a
financial  point of view. The Salomon Opinion  was based upon the procedures and
subject to  the assumptions  described in  the Salomon  Opinion. A  copy of  the
Salomon  Opinion is attached hereto as Annex V and should be read by Citicasters
shareholders  carefully  and  in  its  entirety.  See  "THE  MERGER--Opinion  of
Citicasters Financial Advisor."
    The Merger Agreement may be terminated before the consummation of the Merger
by  either  Jacor  or  Citicasters under  various  circumstances,  including the
failure to  consummate the  Merger on  or before  May 31,  1997. If  the  Merger
Agreement  is  terminated  upon  the occurrence  of  certain  triggering events,
Citicasters may draw  upon an irrevocable,  direct pay letter  of credit in  the
amount  of $75.0 million obtained by Jacor and issued to PNC Bank, Ohio, N.A. as
escrow agent ("Escrow Agent")  on behalf of Citicasters,  pursuant to an  Escrow
Agreement  dated March  13, 1996 among  Jacor, Citicasters and  the Escrow Agent
(the "Escrow Agreement," a copy of which is attached hereto as Annex VI). Except
in certain  circumstances,  the right  to  terminate the  Merger  Agreement  and
receive  a maximum of $75.0 million pursuant to  a draw on such letter of credit
is Citicasters' exclusive remedy upon the occurrence of a triggering event.  See
"THE    MERGER--Certain   Terms   of   the    Merger   Agreement   and   Related
Agreements--Termination; Termination Fees."
    Jacor expects that the funds necessary to pay the Cash Consideration will be
obtained from (i) the sale of 11,250,000 shares of Jacor Common Stock (the "1996
Stock Offering"),  (ii)  the  issuance  and sale  of  $226.0  million  aggregate
principal  amount at maturity of the Liquid Yield Option-TM- Notes ("LYONs") due
2011 (the "LYONs-TM-  Offering) and  (iii) the sale  by JCAC  of $100.0  million
aggregate  principal amount  of JCAC's  Senior Subordinated  Notes ("Notes") due
2006 (the "Notes  Offering"), together  with anticipated  initial borrowings  by
JCAC  under a new credit  facility with an available  principal amount of $600.0
million (the "New  Credit Facility").  Aggregate net  proceeds of  approximately
$497.8  million from the 1996  Stock Offering, the LYONs  Offering and the Notes
Offering (collectively, the "Offerings") were obtained  on June 12, 1996 at  the
closings  of the Offerings.  The execution of the  credit agreement creating the
New Credit Facility occurred simultaneously with those closings. A condition  to
the  initial borrowing under the New Credit  Facility is the consummation of the
Merger prior  to  January  1,  1997.  In addition,  the  Notes  are  subject  to
repurchase  by Jacor if the Merger is  not consummated prior to January 1, 1997.
See  "RISK   FACTORS--   Pending  Acquisitions"   and   "THE   MERGER--Financing
    The 1996 Stock Offering constituted an event that permitted Jacor to convert
the  warrants to purchase 2,014,233 shares of Jacor Common Stock issued by Jacor
to its  shareholders in  1993 (the  "1993 Warrants"),  1,808,609 of  which  were
outstanding  as of May 31, 1996, into the right to receive fair market value (as
- -TM-Trademark of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

defined in the 1993 Warrants).  Jacor so converted the  1993 Warrants as of  the
closing of the 1996 Stock Offering on June 12, 1996 and the fair market value of
each  1993 Warrant was fixed at  $19.70. Prior to such conversion, approximately
1,512,756 such 1993 Warrants  were exercised to acquire  shares of Jacor  Common
Stock in lieu of accepting the fair market value thereof, including the exercise
by   Zell/Chilmark  of  629,117  such  warrants.  See  "DESCRIPTION  OF  CAPITAL
STOCK--1993 Warrants."
    EMPLOYMENT CONTINUATION AGREEMENTS. Citicasters has entered into  employment
continuation agreements with an executive officer and certain senior managers of
Citicasters,  which agreements  become operative upon  a "change  in control" of
Citicasters, which, as defined therein,  includes the Merger. For a  description
of  these  agreements,  see "THE  MERGER--Interests  of Certain  Persons  in the
    CITICASTERS STOCK  OPTIONS. Pursuant  to the  Merger Agreement,  Citicasters
will use its reasonable best efforts to cause each outstanding Citicasters stock
option to become fully vested and to obtain from each option holder an agreement
that  Jacor shall not  be obligated to  issue Citicasters Common  Stock or Jacor
Common Stock upon exercise of such options. Instead, Jacor shall be obligated to
pay or issue to such option  holder the Merger Consideration (less the  exercise
price  of such  stock option)  as though such  stock options  had been exercised
immediately prior to  the Effective Time  and each share  of Citicasters  Common
Stock  that would have been issued pursuant  to such exercise had been exchanged
in the  Merger  for the  Merger  Consideration. See  "THE  MERGER--Interests  of
Certain Persons in the Merger."
    As  a result of the foregoing, each  director of Citicasters (except John P.
Zanotti) shall receive Cash Consideration of $437,325 and 4,885 Jacor  Warrants.
The  executive  officers of  Citicasters, Messrs.  John  P. Zanotti,  Gregory C.
Thomas and Samuel  J. Simon,  shall receive Cash  Consideration of  $12,493,125,
$2,206,913  and $1,086,019, respectively,  and 114,483, 20,607  and 10,303 Jacor
Warrants, respectively. See "The Merger --  Interests of Certain Persons in  the
    INDEMNIFICATION.  The Merger  Agreement requires Jacor  to continue existing
indemnification rights in favor of directors, officers, employees and agents  of
Citicasters and its subsidiaries for six years following the Effective Time. See
"THE MERGER--Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger."
    REGISTRATION  RIGHTS.  Pursuant  to the  Stockholders  Agreement,  Jacor has
agreed to enter into an agreement prior  to the closing of the Merger  providing
for  the shelf registration of  resale of the Jacor  Warrants and the underlying
shares of Jacor Common Stock to be issued to the Consenting Stockholders as part
of the Merger  Consideration. Such agreement  is anticipated to  have terms  and
conditions customary for transactions of such nature.
    FEES.  Equity Group  Investments, Inc.,  an affiliate  of Zell/Chilmark, has
provided Jacor with  certain investment  banking, financial  advisory and  other
similar  services in  connection with the  Existing Credit  Facility (as defined
herein), the Financing and the Acquisitions. In consideration for such services,
Jacor paid Equity Group  Investments, Inc. a fee  of approximately $3.4  million
upon  the consummation of the Offerings.  See "CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED
    The  receipt  of  certain  federal  and  state  governmental  or  regulatory
approvals are required in order to consummate the Merger, including approvals or
waivers from the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and the expiration or
termination  of  the  applicable  waiting  period  under  the  Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements  Act of  1976,  as amended  (the  "HSR Act").  Jacor  and
Citicasters  have agreed  in the Merger  Agreement to use  their reasonable best
efforts to obtain such approvals or waivers, but there can be no assurance as to
when or if such approvals or waivers  will be obtained such that the Merger  may
be    consummated.   See   "RISK   FACTORS--Pending   Acquisitions"   and   "THE
MERGER--Regulatory Matters."
    Under the Merger  Agreement, Jacor  has agreed  to use  its reasonable  best
efforts  to cause  the Jacor  Warrants to  be listed  for trading  on the Nasdaq
National Market. See "THE MERGER--Nasdaq Listing."

    Assuming that a holder of Citicasters  Common Stock holds his or her  shares
as  a capital asset, the holder will recognize capital gain or loss equal to the
difference between (i) the cash and the  fair market value of the Jacor  Warrant
received and (ii) the holder's basis in Citicasters Common Stock given up in the
exchange.  Under  the federal  income tax  backup  withholding rules,  unless an
exemption applies, the  Exchange Agent will  be required to  withhold, and  will
withhold,  31% of  all payments  to which  a holder  or other  payee is entitled
pursuant to  the  Merger,  unless the  holder  or  other payee  provides  a  tax
identification  number (social security number, in the case of an individual, or
employer identification number  in the case  of other Citicasters  shareholders)
and  certifies that such number is correct. Any amounts withheld will be allowed
as a credit against the holder's Federal income tax liability.
    The Merger will be accounted for as a "purchase," as such term is used under
generally   accepted   accounting   principles.   See   "THE  MERGER--Accounting
    Under the  FBCA, because  Citicasters  Common Stock  was registered  on  the
Nasdaq  National Market as of the Citicasters  Record Date, holders of shares of
Citicasters Common Stock will not have appraisal rights or rights as  dissenting
shareholders  in the Merger.  Under both Ohio  law and Delaware  law, the Merger
does not require the approval of the Jacor shareholders and, therefore,  holders
of  shares of  Jacor Common Stock  will not  have appraisal rights  or rights as
dissenting  shareholders  with  respect  to  the  Merger.  See  "THE  MERGER--No
Appraisal or Dissenters' Rights."
    In February 1996, Jacor entered into an agreement to acquire Noble Broadcast
Group,  Inc. ("Noble"), which  owns 10 radio stations  serving Denver, St. Louis
and Toledo. Pending the closing  of this transaction (the "Noble  Acquisition"),
Jacor  and Noble  have entered  into time  brokerage agreements  with respect to
Noble's radio stations in St. Louis  and Toledo. Jacor also acquired from  Noble
the  right to provide  programming to and  sell air time  for one AM  and one FM
station serving  the  San  Diego  market.  The  aggregate  value  of  the  Noble
Acquisition,  when fully  consummated, is  estimated to  be approximately $152.0
million, of which approximately $139.5 million  has already been paid. In  order
to  fund the Noble Acquisition, refinance  outstanding debt of $45.5 million (as
of February 21, 1996), and pay related costs and expenses of approximately  $5.0
million,  Jacor entered into the Existing Credit Facility (as defined herein) in
the principal amount of $300.0  million and immediately borrowed $190.0  million
thereunder. Such borrowing was repaid in full with the proceeds of the Offerings
on June 12, 1996. See "THE NOBLE ACQUISITION."
    Subsequent  to Jacor's entering  into the agreements  to acquire Citicasters
and Noble,  Jacor entered  into  agreements to  acquire  two radio  stations  in
Venice,  Florida for a  purchase price of approximately  $4.4 million, two radio
stations in Toledo, Ohio for a purchase  price of $13.0 million and three  radio
stations  in Lexington,  Kentucky for  a purchase  price of  approximately $14.0
million. In addition, Jacor has entered  into two non-binding letters of  intent
pursuant  to which  Jacor and the  prospective sellers have  agreed to negotiate
exclusively the terms  and conditions of  definitive acquisition agreements.  If
such  negotiations  and  transactions are  successfully  completed,  Jacor would
acquire an additional  ten radio  stations for  an aggregate  purchase price  of
approximately  $52.5  million.  There  can  be  no  assurance  that  Jacor  will
successfully complete any  such acquisitions  or what  the consequences  thereof
would be. See "BUSINESS OF JACOR."

                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
    The  following  sets forth  summary unaudited  pro forma  combined financial
information derived from the Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information  included
elsewhere   in  this   Proxy  Statement/Information   Statement/Prospectus.  The
unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statements of operations for the year
ended December 31, 1995 and  for the latest twelve  months ended March 31,  1996
give  effect  to  (i)  Jacor's 1995  completed  radio  station  acquisitions and
February 1996  radio station  dispositions, (ii)  Noble's completed  1995  radio
station  acquisitions and  dispositions, (iii)  Citicasters' completed  1995 and
January 1996  radio station  acquisitions, and  (iv) the  Merger and  the  Noble
Acquisition  (collectively, the "Acquisitions") and the 1996 Stock Offering, the
LYONs Offering, the Notes  Offering and the  New Credit Facility  (collectively,
the "Financing"). The pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of March
31, 1996 has been prepared as if the Acquisitions and the Financing had occurred
on March 31, 1996.
    The  Summary Unaudited Pro  Forma Financial Information  does not purport to
present the actual financial  position or results of  operations of the  Company
had  the transactions and events  assumed therein in fact  occurred on the dates
specified, nor are they necessarily indicative of the results of operations that
may be  achieved  in the  future.  The  Summary Unaudited  Pro  Forma  Financial
Information  is based  on certain assumptions  and adjustments  described in the
notes to the  Unaudited Pro Forma  Financial Information and  should be read  in
conjunction  therewith.  See  Consolidated Financial  Statements  and  the Notes
thereto for  each  of  Jacor,  Citicasters and  Noble,  incorporated  herein  by

                                                                                                  LATEST TWELVE
                                                                                     YEAR ENDED    MONTHS ENDED
                                                                                    DECEMBER 31,    MARCH 31,
                                                                                        1995           1996
                                                                                    ------------  --------------
    Net revenue...................................................................   $  303,469   $      305,883
    Broadcast operating expenses..................................................      195,744          197,854
    Depreciation and amortization.................................................       46,840           47,118
    Corporate general and administrative expenses.................................        6,655            6,733
    Operating income..............................................................       54,230           54,178
    Interest expense..............................................................       60,438           60,438
    Loss before extraordinary items...............................................       (8,895)         (10,116)
    Broadcast cash flow(1)........................................................   $  107,725   $      108,029
    Broadcast cash flow margin(2).................................................         35.5%            35.3%
    EBITDA(1).....................................................................   $  101,070   $      101,296
    Capital Expenditures..........................................................       19,677           21,456


                                                                                                   AS OF MARCH
                                                                                                     31, 1996
    Working capital.............................................................................  $       79,792
    Intangible assets...........................................................................       1,323,229
    Total assets................................................................................       1,575,556
    Long-term debt..............................................................................         625,000
    LYONs.......................................................................................         100,000
    Total shareholders' equity..................................................................         493,600


                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
    The  following  sets  forth  summary historical  financial  data  for Jacor,
Citicasters and Noble  for the  three years ended  December 1995  and the  three
month  periods ended  March 1995 and  1996. The comparability  of the historical
consolidated  financial  data  reflected  in   this  financial  data  has   been
significantly  impacted  by acquisitions,  dispositions and  restructurings. The
information presented below is qualified in its entirety by, and should be  read
in  conjunction with "Selected Historical  Financial Data," and the Consolidated
Financial Statements and the  Notes thereto for each  of Jacor, Citicasters  and
Noble, incorporated herein by reference.

                                                                                  THREE MONTHS
                                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,             MARCH 31,
                                          -----------------------------------   -----------------
JACOR                                         1993          1994       1995      1995     1996(3)
                                          -------------   --------   --------   -------   -------
  Net revenue...........................  $     89,932    $107,010   $118,891   $24,016   $30,074
  Broadcast operating expenses..........        69,520     80,468     87,290    19,960    23,871
  Depreciation and amortization.........        10,223      9,698      9,483     2,112     2,619
  Corporate general and administrative
   expenses.............................         3,564      3,361      3,501       884     1,139
  Operating income......................         6,625     13,483     18,617     1,061     2,445
  Net income............................         1,438      7,852     10,965       751       891
  Broadcast cash flow(1)................  $     20,412    $26,542    $31,601    $4,057    $6,203
  Broadcast cash flow margin(2).........          22.7%      24.8%      26.6%     16.9%     20.6%
  EBITDA(1).............................  $     16,848    $23,181    $28,100    $3,173    $5,064
  Capital expenditures..................         1,495      2,221      4,969       707     3,437


                                                                                  THREE MONTHS
CITICASTERS                               PREDECESSOR(4)      CITICASTERS
                                          -------------   -------------------
                                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,             MARCH 31,
                                          -----------------------------------   -----------------
                                              1993        1994(5)      1995      1995      1996
                                          -------------   --------   --------   -------   -------
  Net revenue...........................  $    205,168    $197,043   $136,414   $29,045   $31,177
  Broadcast operating expenses..........       133,070    117,718     80,929    19,879    21,728
  Depreciation and amortization.........        28,119     22,946     14,635     3,319     4,065
  Corporate general and administrative
   expenses.............................         3,996      4,796      4,303     1,123     1,053
  Operating income......................        39,983     51,583     36,547     4,724     4,331
  Net income (loss).....................       341,344     63,106     14,317     1,278     (570)
  Broadcast cash flow(1)................  $     72,098    $79,325    $55,485    $9,166    $9,449
  Broadcast cash flow margin(2).........          35.1%      40.3%      40.7%     31.6%     30.3%
  EBITDA(1).............................  $     68,102    $74,529    $51,182    $8,043    $8,396
  Capital expenditures..................         5,967      7,569     11,857     2,591     1,820


                                                                                  THREE MONTHS
                                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER(6)              MARCH(6)
                                          -----------------------------------   -----------------
NOBLE                                         1993        1994(7)      1995      1995     1996(3)
                                          -------------   --------   --------   -------   -------
  Net revenue...........................  $     47,509    $49,602    $41,902    $9,006    $6,058
  Broadcast operating expenses..........        36,944     37,892     31,445     7,638     5,626
  Depreciation and amortization.........         6,916      6,311      4,107     1,027     1,079
  Corporate general and administrative
   expenses.............................         2,702      2,621      2,285       602       577
  Operating income (loss)...............           947    (5,026)      4,065     (261)    (1,224)
  Net income (loss).....................        13,452    (16,038)    56,853     (207)    10,142
  Broadcast cash flow(1)................  $     10,565    $11,710    $10,457    $1,368    $  432
  Broadcast cash flow margin(2).........          22.2%      23.6%      25.0%     15.2%      7.1%
  EBITDA(1).............................  $      7,863    $ 9,089    $ 8,172    $  766    $(145)
  Capital expenditures..................         3,009      1,124      2,851       532       352


- ------------
(1)  "Broadcast cash flow"  means operating income  before reduction in carrying
    value of assets,  depreciation and amortization,  and corporate general  and
    administrative expenses. "EBITDA" means operating income before reduction in
    carrying value of assets, depreciation and amortization. Broadcast cash flow
    and  EBITDA should not be  considered in isolation from,  or as a substitute
    for, operating income, net income or cash flow and other consolidated income
    or cash flow statement data  computed in accordance with generally  accepted
    accounting  principles  or  as a  measure  of a  company's  profitability or
    liquidity. Although  these measures  of performance  are not  calculated  in
    accordance  with generally  accepted accounting principles,  they are widely
    used in the  broadcasting industry  as a  measure of  a company's  operating
    performance  because  they  assist  in comparing  station  performance  on a
    consistent  basis  across  companies  without  regard  to  depreciation  and
    amortization,  which can vary significantly  depending on accounting methods
    (particularly where acquisitions are involved) or non-operating factors such
    as historical cost bases.  Broadcast cash flow also  excludes the effect  of
    corporate general and administrative expenses, which generally do not relate
    directly  to station  performance. Pro  forma EBITDA  includes approximately
    $5.1  million  of   annual  estimated  pretax   station  cost  savings   and
    approximately  $4.8 million  of annual  estimated pretax  corporate overhead
    savings resulting from the Acquisitions.
(2) Broadcast cash flow margin equals broadcast cash flow as a percentage of net
(3) The  February 1996  sale of  Noble's  San Diego  operating assets  to  Jacor
    significantly  affects  comparison of  net  revenue, operating  expenses and
    broadcast cash flow for the three months ended March 1996 as compared to the
    three months ended March 1995.
(4) Prior  to  its  emergence  from Chapter  11  bankruptcy  in  December  1993,
    Citicasters   was  known  as  Great  American  Communications  Company  (the
    "Predecessor"). As a result of  the application of "fresh-start  reporting,"
    the  selected financial data for periods prior  to December 31, 1993 are not
    comparable to periods subsequent to such date.
(5) In  1994,  the  sale  of  four  television  stations  significantly  affects
    comparison  of net revenue,  operating expenses and  broadcast cash flow for
    1994 as compared to 1993 and 1995.
(6) Noble's fiscal year ends on the last Sunday of December, and each of Noble's
    fiscal quarters ends on the last Sunday of the respective fiscal quarter, to
    coincide with the standard broadcast year.
(7) In 1994,  Noble reduced  intangible assets by  $7.8 million  to reflect  the
    carrying  value of  the broadcasting assets  at their  estimated fair market
(8) The comparability  of the  information in the  Summary Historical  Financial
    Data is affected by various acquisitions and dispositions of radio stations,
    as well as the August 1995 restructuring.
    Set  forth below are historical earnings per share, cash dividends per share
and book value per share data of Jacor, Citicasters and Noble and unaudited  pro
forma  per share data of the combined companies. The data set forth below should
be  read  in  conjunction  with   the  Jacor,  Citicasters  and  Noble   audited
consolidated  financial  statements,  including  the  notes  thereto,  which are
incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement/Information
Statement/Prospectus. The  data should  also  be read  in conjunction  with  the
unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements, including the notes
thereto,    included    elsewhere    in    this    Proxy   Statement/Information

                                                              YEAR ENDED                     THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                           DECEMBER 31, 1995                     MARCH 1996
                                                   ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
                                                     JACOR    CITICASTERS    NOBLE      JACOR    CITICASTERS    NOBLE
                                                   ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------
    Earnings per share...........................  $    0.52   $    0.68   $   45.40  $    0.04   $   (0.03)  $    5.67
    Cash dividends per share.....................         --        0.03          --         --          --          --
    Book value per share.........................       7.66        7.99      (73.34)      7.70        7.96      (21.68)


                                                                                                   THREE MONTHS
                                                                                  YEAR ENDED      ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                               DECEMBER 31, 1995       1996
                                                                               -----------------  ---------------
    Loss per share...........................................................      $   (0.29)        $   (0.29)
    Cash dividends per share.................................................             N/A              N/A
    Book value per share.....................................................             N/A             16.63


    Both Jacor  Common Stock  and Citicasters  Common Stock  are quoted  on  the
Nasdaq National Market. Jacor Common Stock is quoted under the symbol "JCOR" and
Citicasters Common Stock is quoted under the symbol "CITI."
    On  February  12,  1996, the  last  full  trading day  prior  to  the public
announcement of the execution and delivery of the Merger Agreement, the  closing
price  per share  of (i)  Jacor Common  Stock was  $18.50, and  (ii) Citicasters
Common Stock was $26.625. On  June 20, 1996, the most  recent date for which  it
was  practicable  to obtain  market data  prior  to the  printing of  this Proxy
Statement/Information Statement/ Prospectus, the closing price per share of  (i)
Jacor  Common Stock was  $27.50 and Citicasters Common  Stock was $30.625. Jacor
does not anticipate paying  dividends on Jacor Common  Stock in the  foreseeable

                                  RISK FACTORS
    PENDING  ACQUISITIONS.  The consummation  of  the Acquisitions  requires FCC
approval with respect to the transfer  of the broadcast licenses of  Citicasters
and  Noble to Jacor. Jacor  has filed applications seeking  FCC approval for the
Acquisitions. The FCC has  granted its consent to  Jacor's acquisition of  Noble
and  such consent  is no  longer subject  to further  administrative or judicial
review. To date,  the FCC  has not  acted on  the transfer  application for  the
    In  addition, FCC  rules generally  prohibit the  ownership of  a television
station and of one or  more radio stations serving  the same market (termed  the
"one-to-a-market rule"). In connection with its application seeking FCC approval
for  the Merger, Jacor has  requested a waiver of  the one-to-a-market rule with
respect to the Cincinnati and Tampa markets. The FCC is currently in the process
of evaluating changes in its one-to-a-market waiver policy, which is anticipated
to be  implemented in  the fourth  quarter of  1996. Jacor  believes its  waiver
request   justifies  grant  of  a  permanent  waiver  under  the  FCC's  current
one-to-a-market waiver  policy.  In  some recent  transactions  where  ownership
policies were under review by the FCC, it has granted temporary waivers to allow
multi-station   transactions  to   be  consummated   without  immediate  station
divestitures. Jacor has indicated  to the FCC that  it would accept initially  a
grant  of a temporary  waiver that would  allow the consummation  of the Merger,
without the immediate  divestiture of any  station. In such  event, Jacor  would
request  that the FCC evaluate Jacor's  permanent waiver request under the FCC's
new one-to-a-market policy, once adopted. The FCC has tentatively concluded that
the one-to-a-market rule should be modified in one of two ways: (1)  elimination
of  the one-to-a-market rule altogether, relying  instead on compliance with the
separate  radio  and   television  local   ownership  limits;   or  (2)   permit
radio-television  combinations  when at  least  30 independent  broadcast voices
remain in the local market, regardless of market ranking. The Merger would  meet
either  proposed  standard. If  the FCC  does  not grant  either a  permanent or
temporary waiver, but otherwise consents  to the Merger, Jacor could  consummate
the  Merger if it divests the Citicasters television stations or the Citicasters
and Jacor radio stations  in the Cincinnati and  Tampa markets. If  divestitures
are  required, there can be no assurance that Jacor would be able to obtain full
value for such stations  or that such  sales would not  have a material  adverse
impact  upon Jacor's business, financial condition and results of operations. In
such event, however, Jacor's intention  would be to seek reconsideration  and/or
appellate court review of the FCC's decision.
    The  consummation of the  Acquisitions also is subject  to the expiration or
termination of  the applicable  waiting  period under  the  HSR Act.  Jacor  has
received  second requests  for information  from the  Antitrust Division  of the
Department of Justice (the "Antitrust Division") relating to each of the  Merger
and  the Noble Acquisition which focus particularly on the Citicasters and Noble
radio stations in  Cincinnati and Denver,  respectively. The applicable  waiting
period  under the  HSR Act  for each  of the  Merger and  Noble Acquisition will
expire 20 days after  both parties in  the applicable transaction  substantially
comply  with  the  second  request  relevant  to  that  transaction.  After such
expiration, the parties are free to consummate the applicable transaction unless
they voluntarily agree with the Antitrust Division to delay such closing or  the
Antitrust  Division  seeks to,  and  is successful  in  its efforts  to, through
judicial action, extend the waiting period or enjoin the applicable transaction.
Jacor believes  that the  parties have  substantially complied  with the  second
request relative to the Merger, and further believes that the applicable waiting
period  with respect to the Merger expired  on June 9, 1996. Jacor also believes
that the  parties  completed  substantial compliance  with  the  second  request
relevant  to the Noble  Acquisition on June  17, 1996, and  anticipates that the
applicable waiting period with respect to  the Noble Acquisition will expire  on
July  7,  1996.  The  Antitrust Division  has  expressed  concern  regarding the
possible effect of the Merger in the  Cincinnati market, and the parties to  the
Merger  are having  ongoing discussions with  the Antitrust  Division to address
those concerns. To date the Antitrust  Division has not expressed a  substantive
view of the Noble Acquisition.
    If  the Merger  is not consummated  prior to  January 1, 1997,  JCAC will be
required to make an  offer to repurchase  the Notes and  the commitments of  the
banks  and  the financial  institutions to  fund the  New Credit  Facility would
terminate. In the event the Merger is  not consummated prior to January 1,  1997
and  Jacor is required to seek additional  sources of financing, there can be no
assurance that Jacor  could secure  such financing  or that  such financing,  if
available,  would be on  terms acceptable to Jacor.  Accordingly, the failure by
Jacor to consummate the Merger  prior to January 1,  1997 could result in  Jacor
being  unable  to secure  financing  or could  delay  or prevent  any subsequent
consummation of the Merger.

    There can be no assurance that (i) the FCC will approve (a) the transfer  of
the  broadcast licenses  from Citicasters to  Jacor, or  (b) the one-to-a-market
rule waivers; (ii) the FCC or a court would affirm the FCC consent to the  Noble
Acquisition if such review is undertaken; (iii) objections will not be raised by
the  Antitrust Division that  would require substantial changes  to the terms of
the Acquisitions, (iv) Jacor will be successful in consummating the Acquisitions
in a timely manner or on the terms described herein, or (v) if the Merger is not
consummated prior  to January  1,  1997 Jacor  will  be successful  in  securing
additional sources of financing. See "THE MERGER--Regulatory Matters."
    RISKS  OF ACQUISITION STRATEGY.  Jacor intends to  pursue growth through the
opportunistic acquisition of  broadcasting companies, radio  station groups  and
individual  radio  stations.  In  this  regard,  Jacor  routinely  reviews  such
acquisition opportunities. Jacor believes that  currently there are available  a
number of acquisition opportunities that would be complementary to its business.
Other  than with respect  to the Acquisitions  and as described  in "BUSINESS OF
JACOR." Jacor  currently has  no  binding commitments  to acquire  any  specific
business  or  other material  assets. Jacor  cannot predict  whether it  will be
successful in pursuing such acquisition  opportunities or what the  consequences
of any such acquisition would be.
    The  Acquisitions will  increase Jacor's  broadcast station  portfolio by 29
radio  and  two  television  stations.  Jacor's  acquisition  strategy  involves
numerous  risks,  including difficulties  in the  integration of  operations and
systems, the diversion  of management's attention  from other business  concerns
and  the potential loss of  key employees of acquired  stations. There can be no
assurance that  Jacor's  management  will  be able  to  manage  effectively  the
resulting business or that such acquisitions will benefit Jacor.
    In  addition to the expenditure of capital relating to the Acquisitions (see
"THE MERGER--Financing Arrangements"), future acquisitions also may involve  the
expenditure  of significant funds.  Depending on the nature,  size and timing of
future acquisitions, Jacor may be required to raise additional financing.  There
is  no assurance that  such additional financing  will be available  to Jacor on
acceptable terms.
is  subject to extensive federal regulation  which, among other things, requires
approval by  the FCC  for the  issuance, renewal,  transfer, and  assignment  of
broadcasting  station operating licenses  and limits the  number of broadcasting
properties Jacor  may  acquire.  Additionally,  in  certain  circumstances,  the
Communications  Act of 1934, as amended (the "Communications Act") and FCC rules
will operate to impose limitations on alien ownership and voting of the  capital
stock  of Jacor. The  Telecommunications Act of 1996  (the "Telecom Act"), which
became law  on  February 8,  1996,  creates significant  new  opportunities  for
broadcasting  companies, but also creates uncertainties as to how the FCC and/or
the  courts  will   enforce  and/or   interpret  the  Telecom   Act.  See   "THE
MERGER--Regulatory Matters."
    Jacor's  business is  dependent upon  maintaining its  broadcasting licenses
issued by  the FCC,  which are  issued for  maximum terms  of eight  years.  The
majority  of Jacor's  radio operating  licenses (and  those to  be acquired from
Citicasters and Noble) expire at various times in 1996 and 1997. Although it  is
rare  for the FCC to deny a renewal  application, there can be no assurance that
the future renewal applications will be approved, or that such renewals will not
include  conditions  or  qualifications  that  could  adversely  affect  Jacor's
operations. Moreover, governmental regulations and policies may change over time
and  there  can be  no assurance  that such  changes would  not have  a material
adverse impact  upon  Jacor's  business,  financial  condition  and  results  of
operations. See "THE MERGER--Regulatory Matters."
    COMPETITION;  BUSINESS RISKS. Broadcasting is a highly competitive business.
Jacor's, Noble's  and Citicasters'  radio stations  and Citicasters'  television
stations  compete  for audiences  and advertising  revenues directly  with other
radio and television stations, as well as with other media, such as  newspapers,
magazines,  cable television, outdoor advertising, and direct mail, within their
respective markets. Audience ratings and market shares are subject to change and
any adverse change  in a  particular market could  have a  material and  adverse
effect  on the revenue of stations located in that market. Future operations are
further subject  to many  variables  which could  have  an adverse  effect  upon
Jacor's financial performance. These variables include economic conditions, both
generally  and relative to  the broadcasting industry;  shifts in population and
other demographics; the level of competition for advertising dollars with  other
radio  stations, television stations, and other entertainment and communications
media; fluctuations in operating  costs; technological changes and  innovations;
changes  in  labor  conditions;  and  changes  in  governmental  regulations and

and actions  of federal  regulatory bodies,  including the  FCC. Although  Jacor
believes  that each  of its  stations, and  each station  operated by  Noble and
Citicasters, is able to compete effectively in its respective market, there  can
be  no assurance that any such stations will be able to maintain or increase its
current audience ratings and advertising revenues.
the Financing will result in a higher level of indebtedness for Jacor. At  March
31,  1996, on a combined  pro forma basis, Jacor  would have had indebtedness of
$725.0 million  representing approximately  59.5% of  total capitalization.  See
"UNAUDITED  PRO  FORMA  FINANCIAL INFORMATION."  Jacor's  level  of indebtedness
following the Acquisitions  may have the  following important consequences:  (i)
significant  interest expense  and principal repayment  obligations resulting in
substantial annual  fixed  charges;  (ii)  significant  limitations  on  Jacor's
ability  to obtain additional debt  financing; and (iii) increased vulnerability
to adverse  general  economic  and industry  conditions.  In  addition,  Jacor's
existing  and  anticipated  credit facilities  have  or  will have  a  number of
financial covenants, including  interest coverage, debt  service coverage and  a
maximum debt to EBITDA ratio.
    SHARE OWNERSHIP BY ZELL/CHILMARK. As of May 31, 1996, the Jacor Record Date,
Zell/Chilmark was the owner of approximately 70.0% of the then outstanding Jacor
Common Stock. As a result of the consummation of the 1996 Stock Offering on June
12,  1996 and exercises of the 1993 Warrants prior to conversion, Zell/ Chilmark
currently holds approximately 42.8% of  the outstanding Jacor Common Stock.  The
large  share  ownership of  Zell/Chilmark may  have  the effect  of discouraging
certain types of transactions involving an actual or potential change of control
of Jacor, including  transactions in  which the  holders of  Jacor Common  Stock
might  otherwise receive  a premium  for their  shares over  then-current market
    Subject to  certain  restrictions under  the  Securities Act  and  under  an
agreement with the underwriters for the 1996 Stock Offering restricting the sale
of  shares of Jacor Common Stock by Zell/Chilmark for a period of 180 days after
the commencement date of the 1996 Stock Offering, Zell/Chilmark is free to  sell
shares  of Jacor Common Stock from time to time for any reason. By virtue of its
current control of Jacor, Zell/Chilmark could sell large amounts of Jacor Common
Stock by causing  Jacor to file  a registration statement  with respect to  such
stock.  In addition, Zell/Chilmark  could sell its shares  of Jacor Common Stock
without registration pursuant to  Rule 144 under the  Securities Act. Jacor  can
make  no prediction as to the effect, if any, that such sales of shares of Jacor
Common Stock would  have on the  prevailing market price.  Sales of  substantial
amounts  of Jacor  Common Stock,  or the availability  of such  shares for sale,
could adversely affect  prevailing market  prices. Sales or  transfers of  Jacor
Common  Stock by Zell/Chilmark could result in another person or entity becoming
the controlling shareholder of Jacor.
any dividends  to  its  shareholders.  Jacor intends  to  retain  all  available
earnings,  if any, generated by its operations for the development and growth of
its business and does not anticipate paying any dividends on Jacor Common  Stock
in  the foreseeable future. In  addition, the payment of  dividends on the Jacor
Common Stock is restricted under its credit facilities.
    KEY PERSONNEL. Jacor's business is dependent upon the performance of certain
key employees, including  its President and  Co-Chief Operating Officers.  Jacor
employs  several on-air personalities with  significant loyal audiences in their
respective markets. Jacor generally enters into long-term employment  agreements
with  its key on-air talent to protect its interests in those relationships, but
there can be no assurances that  all such on-air personalities will remain  with
Jacor  is successful  in reincorporating in  Delaware as  is currently proposed,
Jacor has  authorized  for  issuance  up to  4,000,000  shares  of  undesignated
preferred  stock. The Jacor Board will  have the authority, without further vote
or action  by Jacor  shareholders, to  issue the  undesignated shares  of  Jacor
preferred  stock in one  or more series  and to fix  all rights, qualifications,
preferences, privileges,  limitations  and  restrictions of  each  such  series,
including  dividend  rights,  voting  rights,  terms  of  redemption, redemption
prices, liquidation preferences and the number of shares constituting any series
or the designation of such series. Although it currently has no plans to do  so,
the  Jacor Board, without shareholder approval,  can issue Jacor preferred stock
with voting and conversion rights which would adversely affect the voting  power
of the holders of Jacor Common Stock.

In  addition,  the issuance  of Jacor  preferred  stock may  have the  effect of
delaying, deferring  or  preventing a  change  in  control of  Jacor  and  could
therefore have a negative impact on the trading price of Jacor Common Stock. See
    FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS. This Proxy Statement/Information
Statement/Prospectus  contains forward-looking statements  within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities  Act. Discussions containing such  forward-looking
statements  may  be found  in the  material  set forth  under "SUMMARY  OF PROXY
STATEMENT/INFORMATION  STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS",  as  well  as  within  the   Proxy
Statement/ Information Statement/Prospectus generally. In addition, when used in
this  Proxy  Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus,  the  words "believes,"
"anticipates," "expects"  and  similar  expressions  are  intended  to  identify
forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to a number of risks and
uncertainties.  Actual results in the future  could differ materially from those
described in the forward-looking statements as a result of the risk factors  set
forth  below  and  the  matters set  forth  in  the  Proxy Statement/Information
Statement/Prospectus generally.  Jacor  undertakes  no  obligation  to  publicly
release the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may
be  made  to reflect  any  future events  or  circumstances. Jacor  cautions the
reader, however, that this list of risk factors may not be exhaustive.
    This Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus is being furnished (i)
to the holders  of Jacor  Common Stock in  connection with  the solicitation  of
proxies by the Jacor Board from the holders of Jacor Common Stock for use at the
Jacor  Annual Meeting, and  (ii) to the  holders of Citicasters  Common Stock in
connection with  the approval  of  the Merger  Agreement  upon action  taken  by
written  consent  of the  holders of  a  majority of  the outstanding  shares of
Citicasters Common Stock.
    PURPOSE OF  JACOR  ANNUAL  MEETING.  At  the  Jacor  Annual  Meeting,  Jacor
Shareholders will be asked to consider and vote on the following: (i) to approve
the  reincorporation of Jacor from a corporation organized under the laws of the
State of  Ohio  to a  corporation  organized under  the  laws of  the  State  of
Delaware;  (ii) to approve  the issuance of  the Jacor Warrants  pursuant to the
Merger Agreement and the shares of  Jacor Common Stock issuable on the  exercise
thereof; (iii) the election of seven directors to serve on the Jacor Board until
the next annual meeting or until their successors are elected and qualified; and
(iv)  such other matters as  may properly be presented  for the consideration of
Jacor shareholders. The Jacor Board unanimously adopted the Merger Agreement and
unanimously recommends that Jacor  shareholders vote FOR  each of the  proposals
listed above.
    The  Jacor Board  does not  know, as of  the date  of mailing  of this Proxy
Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus, of any other business to be  brought
before the Jacor Annual Meeting. However, the enclosed proxy card authorizes the
voting of shares represented by the proxy on all other matters that may properly
come  before  the  Jacor Annual  Meeting,  and any  adjournment  or adjournments
thereof. It  is the  intention  of the  proxy holders  to  take such  action  in
connection therewith as shall be in accordance with their best judgment.
    DATE,  PLACE AND TIME; RECORD DATE. The Jacor Annual Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, July 23, 1996, in  the Fifth Third Bank  Theatre at the Aronoff  Center
for  the Arts  located at  the corner  of East  Seventh Street  and Main Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio  45202,  commencing at  10:30  a.m.,  local time,  and  at  any
adjournment  or postponement thereof. The Jacor  Annual Meeting may be adjourned
to another  date  and/or  place  for  any  proper  purpose  (including,  without
limitation,  for the purposes of soliciting additional proxies). The Jacor Board
has fixed the close of business on May 31, 1996 as the Jacor Record Date. As  of
the  close of  business on  the Jacor  Record Date,  18,439,694 shares  of Jacor
Common Stock  were issued  and outstanding  and entitled  to vote  at the  Jacor
Annual Meeting.
    VOTING  RIGHTS. Each  holder of  record of Jacor  Common Stock  on the Jacor
Record Date will be entitled to one vote on each of the proposals listed  above.
The  affirmative vote  of two-thirds of  the outstanding shares  of Jacor Common
Stock is required  to approve  the Reincorporation.  The affirmative  vote of  a
majority  of the votes cast by proxy or in person at the Jacor Annual Meeting is
required to approve the

issuance of the Jacor Warrants pursuant  to the Merger Agreement and the  shares
of  Jacor Common Stock  issuable upon the  exercise thereof. In  the election of
directors, those nominees receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected
as the directors.
    Pursuant to the Jacor Shareholders  Agreement, Zell/Chilmark has granted  to
Citicasters an irrevocable proxy to vote all of the shares of Jacor Common Stock
owned  by Zell/Chilmark in favor of the proposal to issue the Jacor Warrants and
the underlying shares of Jacor Common Stock. Accordingly, this proposal will  be
adopted at the Jacor Annual Meeting. Zell/Chilmark has further indicated that it
will  vote  FOR each  of  the other  proposals and  FOR  the seven  nominees for
election to the Jacor Board.
    JACOR PROXIES. All shares of Jacor  Common Stock which are represented by  a
properly  executed proxy received prior to or  at the Jacor Annual Meeting will,
unless such  proxies  have  been  revoked,  be  voted  in  accordance  with  the
instructions  indicated in such  proxies. If no instructions  are indicated on a
properly executed Jacor  proxy, such shares  will be voted  as follows: FOR  the
Reincorporation,  FOR  the issuance  of Jacor  Warrants  pursuant to  the Merger
Agreement and  the shares  of  Jacor Common  Stock  issuable upon  the  exercise
thereof, and FOR the election of the Jacor Board's nominees for directors listed
on  the enclosed proxy card. A Jacor shareholder  may revoke a proxy at any time
prior to the  Jacor Annual Meeting  by delivering  to the Secretary  of Jacor  a
notice  of revocation bearing a  later date, by a  duly executed proxy bearing a
later date or by attending such meeting and voting in person.
    In addition to soliciting proxies by mail, proxies may also be solicited  by
Jacor  and its respective directors, officers and employees (who will receive no
additional compensation therefor in addition to their regular salaries and fees)
by  telephone,   telegram,   facsimile   transmission   and   other   electronic
communication  methods or  in person.  All expenses  of soliciting  proxies from
Jacor shareholders will  be borne  by Jacor.  Banks, brokerage  firms and  other
custodians  who hold shares of Jacor Common Stock in their name or custody or in
the name of nominees for others will be reimbursed by Jacor for their reasonable
expenses incurred in  forwarding proxy solicitation  materials to those  persons
for whom they hold such shares.
    On  February 12, 1996, the Citicasters  Board unanimously adopted the Merger
Agreement and determined that the  terms of the Merger are  fair to, and in  the
best  interests of, the holders of Citicasters Common Stock. Under the FBCA, the
affirmative vote of  the holders of  a majority of  the outstanding  Citicasters
Common  Stock is required  to approve the  Merger. As of  the Citicasters Record
Date, there were issued and outstanding 20,007,522 shares of Citicasters  Common
Stock,  holders  of  record of  which  are entitled  to  one vote  per  share of
Citicasters  Common  Stock  held  on  all   matters  submitted  to  a  vote   of
shareholders. On February 12, 1996, the Consenting Stockholders entered into the
Stockholders  Agreement with  Jacor, pursuant  to which  each of  the Consenting
Stockholders agreed to execute and deliver to Citicasters prior to the close  of
business on the thirtieth day following the date of the Merger Agreement, unless
the  Merger Agreement was terminated prior  to such date, an irrevocable written
consent approving the Merger Agreement.
    On March  13,  1996, the  Consenting  Stockholders, owners  collectively  of
approximately  54% of  Citicasters Common  Stock outstanding  on the Citicasters
Record Date, executed and delivered the  written consents to Jacor. On June  19,
1996,  the Consenting  Stockholders delivered to  Jacor new  written consents to
further approve  the Merger  Agreement. Jacor  subsequently delivered  all  such
written  consents to Citicasters  on the date hereof.  Such written consents are
irrevocable and are sufficient under the  FBCA, upon receipt by Citicasters,  to
approve  the Merger Agreement. Therefore, no  further action by the shareholders
of Citicasters is necessary  to approve the Merger  Agreement or consummate  the
Merger  and no  such approval  will be  sought. ACCORDINGLY,  CITICASTERS IS NOT

                                   THE MERGER
    The description of the Merger Agreement  set forth in this section  includes
all  material terms of the Merger Agreement  but does not purport to be complete
and is qualified in its entirety by  reference to the Merger Agreement which  is
attached as Annex I to this Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus and
is incorporated by reference herein.
    JACOR  BACKGROUND. Since  1993, Jacor  has been  actively seeking  to expand
through acquisitions  and  has  identified numerous  potential  acquisition  and
merger  candidates. From the outset of  Jacor's implementation of this strategy,
Jacor has considered  Citicasters to be  an attractive candidate  with which  to
engage in a strategic transaction. Jacor believed that a merger with Citicasters
could  create numerous synergies and operating advantages for both companies and
from time to time engaged in very preliminary discussions with Citicasters about
such possibilities.  Due in  significant part  to federal  laws and  regulations
governing  the  broadcasting industry,  including limitations  on the  number of
radio stations that could be owned within a given market and in total, Jacor and
Citicasters were unable to  seriously entertain the  prospects of combining  the
    During  the Fall of 1995, Jacor  and Citicasters again commenced discussions
about  a  possible  combination  in   light  of  proposed  changes  in   federal
telecommunications  laws and  regulations and  exchanged preliminary information
regarding their respective operations. Within this period of time, two  meetings
and  several telephone  conversations occurred  between Robert  L. Lawrence, the
Co-Chief Operating Officer  and a  director of Jacor,  and S.  Craig Lindner,  a
director of Citicasters. In the second meeting, Mr. Lawrence and Randy Michaels,
the  President, Co-Chief Operating Officer and a director of Jacor both met with
Mr. Lindner, and Messrs. Michaels and Lindner subsequently met once  thereafter.
During these meetings and conversations, the principals all expressed enthusiasm
for  the strategic prospects of combining Jacor and Citicasters, notwithstanding
that the  discussions  remained very  preliminary.  However, the  prospects  for
passage  of telecommunications law  reform were uncertain,  and such uncertainty
impeded the progress of discussions between Jacor and Citicasters.
    Throughout  this  period,   Jacor  continued  to   explore  numerous   other
acquisition   opportunities.   In   December  1995,   Jacor   commenced  serious
negotiations to acquire Noble, which  negotiations intensified in January  1996.
On January 16, 1996, the Jacor Board convened a special meeting in which several
merger   and  acquisition  candidates  were  discussed,  including  Citicasters,
although consideration  primarily revolved  around the  possible acquisition  of
Noble. At the January 16 Jacor Board meeting, the Jacor Board approved continued
negotiations  for the acquisition of Noble  and authorized Jacor's management to
pursue additional negotiations including, but  not limited to, Citicasters.  The
Jacor  Board also  formed a  special committee  comprised of  Messrs. Alexander,
Dammeyer and  Michaels and  Mrs.  Rosenberg, which  committee was  empowered  to
explore,  analyze and recommend significant mergers and acquisitions to the full
Jacor Board.
    Thereafter, Jacor continued to  explore several such potential  acquisitions
which appeared, based on preliminary information, to make strategic and economic
sense  for  Jacor  and  its shareholders.  Upon  further  investigation  and due
diligence relating to  those potential  acquisitions, Jacor  management and  the
special  committee  determined  that  the prices  desired  by  those acquisition
candidates would  not  have constituted  an  economically sound  investment  for
Jacor.  With respect to one such potential acquisition candidate which solicited
bids, Jacor submitted a bid but Jacor was not the high bidder.
    In late January 1996,  after the expiration of  the exclusivity period  that
Citicasters  had  granted  to  another  potential  acquiror,  Jacor  once  again
initiated  discussions  with  Citicasters  as  the  prospects  for  passage   of
telecommunications  reform appeared  more likely  and the  exclusive negotiating
rights that Citicasters  had granted to  a third party  had expired without  any
acquisition  agreement being  agreed upon by  Citicasters and  such third party.
During a  telephone  conversation between  Mr.  Lawrence and  Mr.  Lindner,  Mr.
Lindner  suggested to Mr. Lawrence  that if Jacor wanted  to seriously pursue an
acquisition of Citicasters, Jacor should proceed on an expedited basis.

    By the end of January 1996, Congress passed the Telecom Act and it  appeared
imminent  that President Clinton would  sign the Telecom Act  into law. With the
primary  regulatory  barrier  to  a  strategic  combination  between  Jacor  and
Citicasters  on the verge  of being considerably  lowered, Jacor and Citicasters
entered into  a  confidentiality  agreement  on February  1,  1996  and  serious
negotiations between the companies ensued.
    In  early February 1996, Jacor's management, the special committee and their
legal, tax  and  accounting advisors  commenced  their review  and  analysis  of
operational,  financial, strategic  and other  aspects of  a proposed  merger of
Citicasters with  Jacor.  In  particular,  Jacor's  legal,  tax  and  accounting
advisors   began  their  review  of  Citicasters'  publicly-available  financial
statements and analyzed certain tax considerations in connection therewith.
    On February 6, 1996,  Messrs. Michaels and Lawrence,  Sheli Z. Rosenberg,  a
member of the Jacor special committee, David J. Rosen, on behalf of Equity Group
Investments,  Inc., an affiliate  of Zell/ Chilmark which  served as a financial
advisor to  Jacor,  and  Samuel  Zell, a  principal  of  Zell/Chilmark,  Jacor's
majority  shareholder, and S. Craig Lindner,  John P. Zanotti, the President and
Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Citicasters,  James  E.  Evans,  a  director   of
Citicasters,  and Samuel J. Simon, Senior  Vice President and General Counsel of
Citicasters,  along  with  their   respective  legal  representatives,  met   in
Cincinnati,  Ohio and  engaged in  detailed discussions  regarding the potential
acquisition price  for Citicasters,  the  form of  consideration that  would  be
payable,  Jacor's desire that the Consenting Stockholders evidence their binding
commitment to approve the proposed  acquisition and the economic obligations  of
the parties to each other in the event the transaction would not close following
any public announcement.
    Following  the  February  6,  1996 meeting,  management  and  the respective
representatives and  advisors  of  Jacor and  Citicasters  continued  their  due
diligence  and began intensive negotiation and drafting of documents in the five
day period beginning February 7, 1996 through February 11, 1996. Counsel met  at
length  on three occasions and communicated by phone numerous times to negotiate
the details  of  the  definitive  agreements relating  to  the  proposed  Merger
including  without  limitation  the  following  matters:  the  structure  of the
proposed Merger,  the amount  and  form of  the proposed  Merger  consideration,
limitations  on  the  time  period  during  which  Citicasters  could  entertain
competing offers, lock-up  provisions relating to  the Consenting  Stockholders,
the  irrevocable  proxy  desired  by  Citicasters  of  Zell/Chilmark, conditions
precedent to the closing of the proposed merger, the amount payable by Jacor  to
Citicasters upon Jacor's failure to consummate the proposed merger, antidilution
and  exercise price adjustments to the Jacor Warrants, drop dead dates, the time
periods in which Jacor could complete its due diligence and the  representations
and  warranties to be provided  by each of Jacor  and Citicasters. Through their
respective  legal  counsel  in  the  course  of  these  meetings  and  telephone
conferences,  the parties  negotiated key terms  and conditions  of the proposed
acquisition  and  Jacor's  legal  counsel  consulted  frequently  with   Jacor's
management   as  to  unresolved  issues.  These  negotiations  resulted  in  the
preparation of  a proposed  definitive agreement  which Jacor's  management  and
legal  counsel believed reflected mutually agreeable  terms and conditions to be
presented to  the  Jacor  Board  and the  Citicasters  Board,  respectively,  on
February 12, 1996.
    On  February 12, 1996,  the Jacor Board  held a special  meeting (the "Jacor
February  Board  Meeting")  to  consider  the  terms  of  the  Merger  and   the
transactions  contemplated thereby,  including the Merger  Consideration and the
assumption of  Citicasters' payment  obligations under  Employment  Continuation
Agreements.  The Jacor Board reviewed and discussed the issues raised during the
February 6, 1996  meeting as well  as other terms  of the proposed  transaction,
such  as  the  length of  the  period  of time  during  which  Citicasters could
entertain competing  offers  and  a  cash  flow  requirement  or  protection  on
performance  requirement.  Jacor's  management  informed  the  Jacor  Board that
management expected  that the  Telecom  Act would  cause broadcast  entities  to
diversify their properties and formats in order to reach a larger segment of the
target  audience. Jacor's management  presented a written  overview of the radio
and television  properties  held by  Jacor  and  Citicasters in  each  of  their
respective  markets and summarized the reasons  why management believed that the
proposed  transactions  were  in  Jacor's  best  interest.  Jacor's   management
presented  to, and  discussed with,  the Jacor  Board its  analysis of projected
returns on investment and its analysis of the potential dilution to net earnings
that would result from the proposed merger. These analyses focused primarily  on
projected  broadcast and  operating cash flows  of Citicasters,  as estimated by
Jacor's management.

    Jacor's financial advisor, Equity  Group Investments, Inc. ("EGI")  reviewed
and commented on the materials prepared by Jacor's management prior to the Jacor
February Board Meeting. Representatives of EGI attended the Jacor February Board
Meeting  and provided the Jacor  Board with a matrix  of possible values for the
proposed Jacor Warrants calculated by  using the Black-Scholes methodology.  EGI
also  provided  the  Jacor  Board  with  a  schedule  that  set  forth estimated
valuations of Citicasters based upon  various assumed Citicasters stock  prices.
EGI further discussed its estimate of the monies that could be required of Jacor
to  pay the Merger Consideration  and the potential sources  of funds that Jacor
could access to raise the required monies.
    In preparing the  matrix of possible  values for the  Jacor Warrants,  EGI's
calculations  were  based upon  various assumed  exercise  prices for  the Jacor
Warrants and various assumed volatilities  in Jacor Common Stock. EGI  concluded
that  a reasonable estimated  value of each  Jacor Warrant would  be $1.12 based
upon the negotiated $28.00  per share of Jacor  Common Stock exercise price  and
EGI's  determination that  the appropriate  volatility was  35%. The appropriate
volatility was determined by  the historical volatility in  the market price  of
Jacor Common Stock specifically and in radio industry stocks generally.
    To  assist  the  Jacor  Board in  analyzing  the  Merger  Consideration, EGI
presented a  valuation schedule.  This valuation  schedule estimated  the  total
value  of Citicasters by adding the net  equity value of Citicasters (defined as
the number of fully diluted shares outstanding multiplied by the various assumed
Citicasters share prices) and the total outstanding indebtedness of Citicasters.
Such schedule also  set forth  Jacor management's estimate  of annual  broadcast
cash  flow that it believed Citicasters' properties would have generated in 1995
if Citicasters had operated all of its  existing stations for the full year  and
Jacor  management's  estimates  of  1996  broadcast  cash  flow  for  these same
stations. EGI further calculated the multiples of such pro forma broadcast  cash
flow  to  the  total Citicasters'  value  under  each scenario.  Based  upon the
negotiated $29.50 cash  price for each  share of Citicasters  Common Stock,  the
estimated value of Citicasters for purposes of EGI's analysis was $759.2 million
and  the multiples to 1995 and 1996 pro forma broadcast cash flow were 13.4x and
11.7x, respectively. Based  upon such  multiples, EGI informed  the Jacor  Board
that it believed the range of multiples that Jacor had considered in negotiating
the  Merger Consideration  to be within  the range of  reasonable multiples then
being paid for radio broadcast companies having established, cash flow producing
properties; such reasonable multiples ranging from 10.5x to 16.0x in EGI's view.
    EGI also provided the  Jacor Board with a  potential capital structure  with
which  to finance the Merger.  This discussion included mention  of the risks of
accessing the capital  markets in  general and the  risks of  entering into  the
Merger  Agreement with  no financing  contingency. This  discussion of potential
capital structures was intended to be illustrative of ways in which Jacor  could
obtain  the  necessary funds  to pay  the  Merger Consideration  and was  not an
exhaustive overview of  all of  the financing sources  potentially available  to
    Zell/Chilmark,  the majority shareholder  of Jacor, is  an affiliate of EGI.
EGI is a privately owned  investment and management company principally  engaged
in  the valuation of, investment in and oversight of businesses and real estate.
Jacor has had an ongoing advisory  relationship with EGI and routinely  consults
with  EGI as  to Jacor's potential  acquisitions and  other significant business
matters. Jacor imposed no restrictions on,  and provided no instructions as  to,
the  analyses  performed by  EGI. In  consideration  of EGI's  advisory services
rendered in connection with the Merger,  as well as for EGI's services  relating
to  the Noble Acquisition, the Existing Credit Facility and the Financing, Jacor
paid EGI a  fee of approximately  $3.4 million. See  "CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS  AND
    The  Jacor  Board,  after  considering  numerous  factors  set  forth below,
determined by a  unanimous vote (i)  that the transactions  contemplated by  the
Merger  Agreement were in the best interests of Jacor and its shareholders, (ii)
to adopt  and approve  the Merger  Agreement and  the transactions  contemplated
thereby,  (iii) to adopt and approve the Stockholders Agreement and the forms of
the Warrant Agreement and the Escrow Agreement, and (iv) to recommend to Jacor's
shareholders  for  their  approval  the   proposals  contained  in  this   Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus  with  respect  to  the  Merger  and
related transactions. Jacor then  executed the Merger  Agreement and issued  its
press release announcing the proposed Merger.
    JACOR  REASONS. The Jacor  Board believes the terms  of the Merger Agreement
and the transactions contemplated thereby are fair to, and in the best interests
of, Jacor and its shareholders. Accordingly, at the

Jacor February Board Meeting, the  Jacor Board unanimously approved the  Merger.
In   reaching  its  determination,  the   Jacor  Board  consulted  with  Jacor's
management, as  well  as  its  financial, accounting  and  legal  advisors,  and
considered a number of factors, including, without limitation, the following:
        (i) the benefits of providing Jacor with the opportunity to combine with
    Citicasters,  an experienced company in radio and television operations, and
    to thereby expand Jacor's existing business in telecommunications;
        (ii) the  potential  synergies  to  be  realized  as  a  result  of  the
    combination  of  the  operations  of Jacor  and  Citicasters,  including the
    centralization and  consolidation  of many  management,  accounting,  legal,
    engineering,  purchasing and administrative functions, and the consolidation
    of the  facilities of  most of  the stations  and their  news gathering  and
    reporting   activities,  all  of  which  will  result  in  significant  cost
        (iii) based on Citicasters' earnings  history, the additional cash  flow
    from  Citicasters after the  consummation of the  Merger could provide Jacor
    with additional net operating income commencing in fiscal year 1997;
        (iv)  the  Merger  would   diversify  Jacor's  existing  business   into
    television  broadcasting  (unless  divestiture  of  one  or  more television
    stations  would  be  required  as  described  under  "RISK  FACTORS--Pending
    Acquisitions"),  making Jacor's overall results  of operations less affected
    by volatility within the radio industry;
        (v) information  with  respect  to the  financial  condition,  business,
    operations  and prospects of both Jacor  and Citicasters on a historical and
    prospective  basis,  including  certain   information  reflecting  the   two
    companies on a pro forma combined basis; and
        (vi) the terms of the Merger Agreement and related documents.
    These  factors  were considered  collectively  by the  Jacor  Board, without
giving specific weight to any particular factor.
    The Jacor  Board also  considered a  number of  potential negative  factors,
including, without limitation, the following:
        (i) Jacor's lack of experience in television operations;
        (ii) the need for regulatory approvals of the transactions;
        (iii)  the required  deposit into escrow  of an  irrevocable, direct pay
    letter of credit in the amount of $75.0 million; and
        (iv) the potential tax consequences to Jacor of effectuating the  Merger
    and  acquiring Citicasters'  low basis  in its  assets, which  low tax basis
    could limit Jacor's ability to swap or dispose of such assets on a favorable
    The Jacor Board  discussed these issues  at length and  determined that  the
strategic  economic advantages  of proceeding  with the  Merger outweighed these
potential  negative  factors.  The  Jacor  Board  determined  that  Citicasters'
television  operations were  maintained by  highly qualified  station management
whom Jacor expects to retain following the Merger, that the required  regulatory
approvals  were likely to be  obtained and that there  were no other foreseeable
events that could be reasonably expected to trigger the payment of the letter of
credit proceeds  to  Citicasters,  and  that  the  tax  issues  had  been  fully
considered and reflected in management's projections.
    CITICASTERS  BACKGROUND. In  mid-summer 1995,  Citicasters began  to explore
strategic alternatives  to enhance  shareholder value,  especially in  light  of
anticipated  federal legislation easing  certain ownership restrictions relating
to radio stations. Citicasters's efforts culminated on August 28, 1995, when  it
announced that it had entered into an agreement with OmniAmerica Communications,
Inc.  ("OmniAmerica") to  merge the  two companies,  subject to  shareholder and
regulatory approvals. On November 17, 1995, however,

Citicasters announced that it had decided not to go forward with the merger with
OmniAmerica, but that instead  it would proceed  to acquire OmniAmerica's  three
radio  stations  in  Columbus, Ohio.  This  decision was  based  on management's
recommendation to the Executive Committee that  it would not be in  Citicasters'
best  interests to proceed with the merger on the previously agreed to financial
    From  time  to  time,  and  particularly  after  the  announcement  of   the
termination of the OmniAmerica merger, Citicasters had informal discussions with
several   other  parties,  including  Jacor,  involving  an  array  of  possible
transactions with Citicasters.  None of such  discussions, however, resulted  in
the presentation of any offer or formal proposal.
    In  late November 1995, a broadcast  entity ("First Offeror") expressed what
management perceived  as a  bona fide  interest in  acquiring Citicasters  at  a
significant  premium to the current trading prices for Citicasters Common Stock.
The First Offeror  indicated that it  was considering  an offer for  all of  the
outstanding  common  stock at  a price  per share  of $28.50  to $30.00.  At the
request of the First Offeror and to assist it in formulating a formal  proposal,
Citicasters  agreed to provide the First Offeror and its representatives certain
non-public  and   proprietary   information  regarding   Citicasters   under   a
confidentiality agreement dated December 8, 1995.
    On or about December 20, 1995, the First Offeror submitted a formal proposal
to  Citicasters that  outlined the  terms under  which it  would be  prepared to
acquire all of the outstanding Citicasters Common Stock at a price of $30.00 per
share. These  terms included,  among other  things, a  thirty-day period  during
which  the First Offeror would complete its  due diligence and the parties would
be  obliged  to  negotiate  exclusively  with  each  other  regarding  a  merger
transaction.  If, upon completion  of the exclusivity  period, First Offeror was
prepared  to  enter  into  a  definitive  agreement  for  the  purchase  of  all
outstanding  Citicasters  Common  Stock  at $30.00  per  share,  but Citicasters
declined to  enter into  the agreement,  then, under  certain conditions,  First
Offeror would require Citicasters to reimburse it for its out of pocket expenses
relating to its due diligence review in an amount not to exceed $2.0 million.
    At  a  meeting  on December  22,  1995,  the Board  of  Directors authorized
Citicasters to accept First Offeror's proposal for exclusive negotiations for  a
period  not to exceed thirty days. In addition, the Board authorized Citicasters
to engage  Salomon  Brothers to  act  as  financial advisor  to  Citicasters  in
connection  with the proposal.  On December 28, 1995,  Citicasters and the First
Offeror executed the proposal, which called for the exclusivity rights to expire
on January 19, 1996.
    The parties then commenced negotiations regarding the terms of a  definitive
merger agreement. These negotiations involved members of the Citicasters Board's
Executive  Committee  and certain  senior  officers of  Citicasters  and certain
principals and representatives of the First Offeror. During the course of  these
negotiations,  First Offeror  informed Citicasters  that the  per share purchase
price that it was  prepared to pay  to holders of  Citicasters Common Stock  was
reduced  from  $30.00 per  share to  $28.50  per share.  Citicasters' management
believes that the reason  for the price adjustment  was not attributable to  any
perceived  change in  Citicasters business  prospects nor  the discovery  of any
undisclosed material  liabilities or  developments. In  addition to  discussions
regarding  price, there were extensive  negotiations regarding allocation of the
risk associated with obtaining the required regulatory approvals. On January 19,
1996, the exclusivity period expired with neither party willing to enter into  a
binding agreement.
    Thereafter,  Citicasters and  First Offeror  continued negotiations although
Citicasters declined First Offeror's request for an extension of the exclusivity
arrangement. At  the same  time, members  of the  Citicasters Board's  Executive
Committee  were  approached by  representatives  of Jacor  regarding  a possible
acquisition of Citicasters  by Jacor. While  Citicasters continued  negotiations
with  the First Offeror,  it also engaged in  preliminary discussions with Jacor
and made available to Jacor  non-public and proprietary information relating  to
Citicasters  under  a confidentiality  agreement  dated February  1,  1996. Such
information was substantially  the same information  provided the First  Offeror
and  included  station  budgets,  sales reports  and  more  detailed information
supporting Citicasters' financial statements. Jacor's management requested  such
non-public  and  proprietary  information  in connection  with  its  overall due
diligence  and  analysis  of  the  radio  and  television  properties  held   by
Citicasters in each of Citicasters' markets. Such

information  had  been  prepared  by  Citicasters'  management  for  Citicasters
internal use, and neither the Citicasters Board nor the Jacor Board reviewed  or
relied  upon  such information  in  determining whether  or  not to  approve the
    Jacor's management utilized the historical  costs and expenses reflected  in
the  various Citicasters  station budgets to  assist it  in estimating potential
cost savings synergies that could be obtained after the Merger, particularly  in
the   Atlanta,  Cincinnati  and  Tampa  markets  where  Jacor  also  owns  radio
properties. Jacor's  management  also  utilized  the  1995  revenue  information
contained  in  each  station  budget, coupled  with  publicly  available ratings
information for  each  station, in  preparing  its own  estimates  of  projected
broadcast  and operating cash flows of Citicasters following the Merger. Jacor's
management incorporated  these estimates  into  its analyses  of the  radio  and
television  properties held by Citicasters and Jacor in their respective markets
as presented to EGI and the Jacor Board, but Jacor's management did not  provide
copies  of the underlying non-public  and proprietary information of Citicasters
to either EGI or the Jacor Board.
    On February 5, 1996, principals  and representatives of Citicasters and  the
First  Offeror met to finalize the terms of a definitive merger agreement, which
included a $28.50 per share purchase price. However, the parties could not reach
agreement on several  key terms,  including an  acceptable increase  in the  per
share  purchase price if the Closing  did not occur prior to  July 1, 1996. As a
consequence,  no  agreement  was  finalized  but  the  parties  continued  their
    On  February 6, 1996,  at a meeting  in Cincinnati, Ohio,  Jacor presented a
proposal to acquire Citicasters. Those  representing Citicasters at the  meeting
included  S. Craig Lindner and James E.  Evans, both directors, John P. Zanotti,
Chief Executive Officer and  President, Samuel J.  Simon, Senior Vice  President
and  General Counsel and outside counsel. Those in attendance for Jacor included
Messrs. Michaels and Lawrence, Sheli Z.  Rosenberg, David J. Rosen, Samuel  Zell
and  legal counsel. The terms of such  proposal included: (i) a $29.50 per share
cash purchase price, (ii) warrants to  purchase Jacor Common Stock to be  issued
to  the holders of  Citicasters Common Stock,  and (iii) an  increase in the per
share cash purchase price if  the Closing did not occur  by October 1, 1996.  In
addition, Jacor agreed to deposit in escrow an irrevocable, direct pay letter of
credit in the amount of $75.0 million, the proceeds of which would be payable to
Citicasters  if,  among  other  reasons,  the  merger  between  Citicasters  and
Acquisition Corp. could  not be  consummated because  of the  failure to  obtain
required   regulatory  approvals.   Jacor's  offer   was  also   conditioned  on
Citicasters' receipt of  the written  consents of  the Consenting  Stockholders.
Jacor's original offer mandated delivery of such written consents as of the date
of  the  execution  of  a  definitive  merger  agreement  between  the  parties.
Citicasters rejected this condition, as Citicasters desired a period of time  in
which  it could  entertain competing  offers, if  any. The  parties subsequently
agreed that the Consenting  Stockholders would deliver  the written consents  to
Citicasters  on the  thirtieth day  following the  date of  the merger agreement
(unless the merger agreement was terminated prior to such date).
    Between  February  7,  1996  and  February  12,  1996,  representatives   of
Citicasters  and Jacor negotiated  the terms of  the definitive merger agreement
and certain ancillary documents. During this period, the First Offeror  remained
in  contact  with Citicasters,  was  made aware  of  the competing  proposal but
declined to increase  its $28.50 offer.  On February 12,  1996, the  Citicasters
Board  unanimously adopted  the Merger Agreement  and the  related documents and
authorized its officers to execute the Merger Agreement. Thereafter, the  Merger
Agreement  was executed and a press  release announcing the agreement was issued
by Citicasters.
    Following execution  of  the  Merger Agreement,  several  parties  contacted
Citicasters  on  an  informal basis  regarding  possible  transactions involving
Citicasters. However, these inquiries were general in nature, and none of  these
parties  contacted Citicasters  again with any  proposals or  requests to review
non-public information. On March 13, 1996  and on June 19, 1996, the  Consenting
Stockholders delivered to Jacor their irrevocable written consents approving the
Merger  Agreement,  which  written consents  are  sufficient under  the  FBCA to
approve the Merger Agreement without further Citicasters shareholder action.  On
March  18,  1996, Citicasters  reimbursed  the First  Offeror  in the  amount of
$217,000 for legal and  accounting fees incurred in  connection with the  merger
negotiations.   This  payment  was   in  consideration  of   the  First  Offeror

continuing good  faith  merger negotiations  after  the exclusivity  period  had
expired.  Following the expiration  of the exclusivity  period, the parties were
under no obligation to continue negotiations  with respect to the merger and  no
definitive or preliminary agreements had been made.
    CITICASTERS  REASONS.  In  reaching  its  conclusion  to  adopt  the  Merger
Agreement, the Citicasters'  Board considered  a number  of factors,  including,
without limitation, the following:
       (i) The  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Merger  Agreement  and  related
           documents, as reviewed by and discussed with Citicasters'  management
    and  legal counsel. The Citicasters Board gave consideration to, among other
    things, the structure of  the proposed business  combination and the  amount
    and form of consideration offered to Citicasters' shareholders (I.E., $29.50
    per  share in cash (which amount is  subject to increase if the Closing does
    not occur prior to October 1, 1996), which represents a significant  premium
    to the trading prices of Citicasters Common Stock during the period prior to
    the  announcement of the execution of  the Merger Agreement, and the Warrant
    Consideration, which provides the holders  of Citicasters Common Stock  with
    an  opportunity to benefit in the event of an increase in value of the Jacor
    Common Stock in excess of the exercise price of the Jacor Warrants resulting
    from, among other things, the Merger).
       (ii)The historical market prices and trading volume of Citicasters Common
           Stock and historical and projected earnings.
           The market prices and financial data related to companies engaged  in
           similar  businesses to  Citicasters and  prices and  premiums paid in
    recent acquisitions of similar companies.
       (iv)Citicasters' historical and recent  operating results, its  financial
           condition,  its borrowing and financing  capacity and the Citicasters
    Board's and management's evaluation  of Citicasters' properties, assets  and
    prospects, including the potential impact of the Telecom Act.
       (v) The absence of any term or condition which in the Citicasters Board's
           view  was unduly  onerous or  could materially  impede or  impair the
    consummation of the Merger.
       (vi)The financial condition and business reputation of Jacor and  Jacor's
           major  investor, Zell/ Chilmark, the ability of Jacor to complete the
    Merger in a  timely manner and  the security provided  by the $75.0  million
    irrevocable,  direct pay letter of credit  deposited in escrow by Jacor upon
    delivery by the Consenting Stockholders of their written consents  approving
    the  Merger Agreement, the proceeds of  which are payable to Citicasters if,
    among other reasons, the Merger cannot be consummated because of the failure
    to obtain required regulatory approvals.
           The Citicasters Board's  belief that the  Merger represents the  best
           alternative  available to Citicasters and  its shareholders under the
    present circumstances, based on presentations from management of Citicasters
    and the  consideration  of all  other  factors considered  relevant  by  the
    Citicasters   Board.  In  this  regard,  the  Citicasters  Board  considered
    Citicasters' recent history of discussions with third parties regarding  the
    possibility of an acquisition or other strategic transactions.
           The  fact  that the  Merger Agreement  did not  preclude Citicasters,
           prior to the delivery by  the Consenting Stockholders of the  written
    consents   approving  the  Merger  Agreement,   from  (i)  participating  in
    discussions  or  negotiations  with,  and  during  such  period,  furnishing
    information  to, persons or entities that sought to engage in discussions or
    negotiations,  requested  information   or  made  a   proposal  to   acquire
    Citicasters  if the  Citicasters Board  determined in  good faith  that such
    action was required for the discharge of its fiduciary obligations, and (ii)
    terminating the Merger  Agreement and accepting  an alternative proposal  if
    the  Citicasters Board determined  that such proposal  was on terms superior
    for the  holders of  Citicasters  Common Stock  as  compared to  the  Merger
    (subject  to payment of a $20.0 million  fee to Jacor (the "Jacor Fee") upon
    such termination, whether the transactions contemplated by such  alternative
    proposal   or  any  other  proposal  are  consummated  by  Citicasters).  In
    connection with  its  review of  the  terms  of the  Merger  Agreement,  the
    Citicasters  Board gave consideration  to the size and  the structure of the
    Jacor Fee and the terms and conditions of the Stockholders Agreement.  After
    discussion,  during which  Salomon Brothers  opined that  the amount  of the
    Jacor Fee was within the range of reasonableness for a transaction the  size
    of the Merger, the Citicasters Board

    concluded that such terms, while necessary to induce Jacor to enter into the
    Merger  Agreement, did not, in the  aggregate, preclude the possibility of a
    competing bid for Citicasters prior to the Consenting Stockholders' delivery
    of the written consents approving the Merger Agreement.
       (ix)The written opinion  of Salomon  Brothers, dated  February 12,  1996,
           that  on the  basis of  its review  and analysis  and subject  to the
    limitations set forth therein,  the Merger Consideration  to be received  by
    holders  of Citicasters Common Stock pursuant to  the Merger is fair, from a
    financial point of view, to such holders.
    The Citicasters  Board did  not  assign relative  weights to  the  foregoing
factors  or determine that any factor was of more importance than other factors.
Rather, the Citicasters Board viewed  its position and recommendations as  being
based on the totality of the information presented to and considered by it.
    Citicasters  retained  Salomon  Brothers  on December  28,  1995  to  act as
Citicasters financial advisor in connection with the Merger, including rendering
its opinion to the Citicasters Board as to the fairness, from a financial  point
of  view,  of  the  Merger  Consideration  to  be  received  by  the  holders of
Citicasters Common Stock.
    At the February 12,  1996 meeting of  Citicasters Board, representatives  of
Salomon  Brothers made  a presentation  with respect  to the  Merger and Salomon
Brothers rendered  to the  Board  its oral  opinion, subsequently  confirmed  in
writing  as  of  the same  date,  that, as  of  such  date, and  subject  to the
assumptions made, matters  considered and  limits on the  review undertaken  set
forth  in such opinion and summarized  below, the Merger Consideration was fair,
from a financial point of view, to  the holders of Citicasters Common Stock.  No
limitations  were imposed  by the Citicasters  Board upon  Salomon Brothers with
respect to the investigations made or procedures followed by it in rendering its
    The full text of Salomon Brothers' fairness opinion (the "Salomon Opinion"),
which sets forth, among other  things, the assumptions made, matters  considered
and  limits  on the  review undertaken,  is attached  as Annex  V to  this Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus  and   is  incorporated  herein   by
reference. The holders of Citicasters Common Stock are urged to read the Salomon
Opinion in its entirety. Presented to the Citicasters Board, the Salomon Opinion
addresses  only the fairness, from a financial  point of view, to the holders of
Citicasters Common  Stock of  the Merger  Consideration to  be received  by  the
holders  of  Citicasters  Common  Stock  in  the  Merger  and  does  not address
Citicasters' underlying business decision to  effect the Merger. The summary  of
the Salomon Opinion set forth below is qualified in its entirety by reference to
the full text of such opinion attached as Annex V.
    In  connection  with  the  Salomon Opinion,  Salomon  Brothers  reviewed and
analyzed, among other things: (i) a draft of the Merger Agreement dated February
11, 1996  and certain  related documents;  (ii) certain  publicly available  and
other information concerning Citicasters and Jacor, including the Annual Reports
on  Form 10-K of  Citicasters and Jacor for  each of the  years in the five-year
period ended  December  31, 1994  and  the Quarterly  Reports  on Form  10-Q  of
Citicasters  and Jacor for  the quarter ended September  30, 1995; (iii) certain
other internal  information  for  Citicasters, primarily  financial  in  nature,
including  Citicasters'  estimates of  1995  and 1996  earnings,  concerning the
business  and  operations  of  Citicasters  furnished  to  Salomon  Brothers  by
Citicasters  for  purposes  of  its analysis;  (iv)  certain  publicly available
information concerning the historic and current trading of, and the historic and
current trading market for, Citicasters Common Stock and Jacor Common Stock; (v)
certain publicly  available  information  concerning the  historic  and  current
trading  of,  and  the  historic  and current  trading  market  for,  the equity
securities of  certain other  companies  that Salomon  Brothers believed  to  be
comparable  to  Citicasters  and  Jacor;  and  (vi)  certain  publicly available
information concerning  the  nature  and  terms  of  certain  other  acquisition
transactions  that Salomon Brothers considered  relevant to its inquiry. Salomon
Brothers was not requested to and did not generally solicit third party interest
in Citicasters. Salomon Brothers also met with certain officers and employees of
Citicasters to discuss the foregoing as  well as other matters Salomon  Brothers
believed  relevant to its  inquiry. Salomon Brothers  also considered such other
information, financial studies, analyses, investigations and financial, economic
and market criteria which it deemed relevant.
    In conducting  its review  and  analysis and  in  arriving at  its  opinion,
Salomon Brothers assumed and relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of
the financial and other information provided to it or

publicly  available and  neither attempted  independently to  verify nor assumed
responsibility  for  verifying  any  of   such  information.  With  respect   to
Citicasters'  estimates of earnings for 1995  and 1996, Salomon Brothers assumed
that they  were  reasonably prepared  on  bases reflecting  the  best  currently
available estimates and judgments of Citicasters' management as to the financial
performance  of Citicasters  for the periods  covered. Salomon  Brothers did not
make or obtain any independent evaluations or appraisals of any of  Citicasters'
or  Jacor's assets, properties or facilities, nor was it furnished with any such
evaluations or appraisals.  Salomon Brothers  assumed that the  Merger would  be
consummated  in  accordance  with the  terms  of the  Merger  Agreement. Salomon
Brothers also assumed that the definitive Merger Agreement and related documents
would not,  when  executed,  contain  any  terms  or  conditions  that  differed
materially  from  the  terms and  conditions  contained  in the  drafts  of such
documents it reviewed.
    In conducting its  analysis and  arriving at its  opinion, Salomon  Brothers
considered  such financial and other factors  as it deemed appropriate under the
circumstances, including, among others: (i)  the historic and current  financial
position  and  results  of the  operations  of  Citicasters and  Jacor  based on
publicly  available  financial  information;  (ii)  the  business  prospects  of
Citicasters, and, where such information was publicly available, of Jacor, (iii)
the historic and current trading of, and the historic and current trading market
for,  Citicasters  Common  Stock  and  Jacor Common  Stock  and  for  the equity
securities of  certain other  companies  that Salomon  Brothers believed  to  be
comparable  to Citicasters and Jacor;  and (iv) the nature  and terms of certain
other acquisition transactions that Salomon Brothers considered relevant to  its
inquiry.  Salomon  Brothers also  took into  account  its assessment  of general
economic, market and financial conditions and its knowledge of the  broadcasting
industry  as well as its experience  in connection with similar transactions and
securities valuation generally.  The Salomon Opinion  necessarily is based  upon
conditions  as they existed  and could be  evaluated on the  date of the Salomon
    In connection with its presentation to the Citicasters Board on February 12,
1996, Salomon Brothers  advised the  Citicasters Board that,  in evaluating  the
Merger  Consideration to be received in the Merger by the holders of Citicasters
Common Stock, Salomon  Brothers had  performed a variety  of financial  analyses
with respect to Citicasters, all as summarized below.
    HISTORIC  STOCK  TRADING ANALYSIS.  Salomon  Brothers reviewed  the historic
trading prices  for  Citicasters  Common  Stock  and  the  relationship  between
movements  of such stock and movements in a composite index of stock of selected
companies in the radio and television broadcasting industries (the "Radio Index"
and the  "Television Index").  The Radio  Index was  composed of  the  following
companies:  American  Radio Systems  Corporation, Clear  Channel Communications,
Inc.,  Emmis   Broadcasting  Corporation,   Evergreen  Media   Corporation,   EZ
Communications,    Inc.,   Infinity   Broadcasting   Corporation,   Jacor,   SFX
Broadcasting, Inc.  and  Saga  Communications, Inc.  The  Television  Index  was
composed  of  the following  companies: Argyle  Television, Inc.,  Clear Channel
Communications,  Inc.,   Granite   Broadcasting  Corporation,   LIN   Television
Corporation,  Renaissance Communications Corporation,  Sinclair Broadcast Group,
Inc. and Young Broadcasting Inc. Between January 1, 1995 and mid-February  1996,
the  time  at  which  Salomon  Brothers delivered  the  Salomon  Opinion  to the
Citicasters Board, the trading price  of Citicasters Common Stock  substantially
outperformed both the Radio Index and Television Index.
    The  trading price of Citicasters common stock versus the performance of the
Radio Index and Television Index  was believed by Citicasters financial  advisor
to  be relevant  in determining  the value  of Citicasters  common stock  and in
analyzing the  fairness of  any transaction  in which  Citicasters common  stock
would  be exchanged. Given that the  Merger Consideration in the proposed Merger
is primarily cash, Citicasters  believes that this measure  of valuation is  not
relevant to a Citicasters stockholder in the context of this transaction.
    ANALYSIS   OF  PURCHASE   PRICE.  Salomon  Brothers   evaluated  the  Merger
Consideration as  a  multiple of  various  standard evaluation  benchmarks.  The
multiples  were  as  follows, in  each  case for  1995  and for  1996  (based on
management estimates), respectively: (a) the Merger Consideration as a  multiple
of    earnings   before   interest,   taxes,   depreciation   and   amortization
("EBITDA")--14.8x and 12.7x; and (b) the  Merger Consideration as a multiple  of
Broadcast  Cash Flow  (EBITDA before  corporate expenses)--13.7x  and 11.9x. For
1995 and  for 1996  (based on  management estimates),  respectively, the  Merger
Consideration  as a multiple of earnings before interest and taxes ("EBIT") was:
21.0x and  17.4x,  which multiples  were  derived  from data  presented  to  the
Citicasters Board.

    Salomon  Brothers also evaluated the Cash Consideration as a multiple of the
evaluation benchmarks  set forth  above.  Cash Consideration  as a  multiple  of
EBITDA  for 1995 and 1996 was as follows: 14.4x and 12.4x. Cash Consideration as
a multiple of Broadcast Cash  Flow for 1995 and 1996  was as follows: 13.3x  and
11.6x.  Cash  Consideration as  a  multiple of  EBIT for  1995  and 1996  was as
follows: 20.4x and  16.9x. Salomon  Brothers' analysis indicated  that the  Cash
Consideration  represented a 11.3% premium over  the closing price of $26.50 per
Share on February 9, 1996, the last trading day before Salomon Brothers rendered
its opinion to the Citicasters Board.
reviewed and compared certain financial information relating to Citicasters with
the  corresponding financial information for American Radio Systems Corporation,
Chancellor Broadcasting  Company,  Clear  Channel  Communications,  Inc.,  Emmis
Broadcasting  Corporation, Evergreen Media Corporation, EZ Communications, Inc.,
Infinity Broadcasting Corporation, Jacor and SFX Broadcasting, Inc. (the  "Radio
Broadcasting  Companies")  and  Argyle  Television,  Inc.,  Granite Broadcasting
Corporation, LIN Television Corporation, Renaissance Communications Corporation,
Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., United  Television, Inc. and Young  Broadcasting
Inc. (the "Television Broadcasting Companies"). The Radio Broadcasting Companies
and the Television Broadcasting Companies were chosen because they were publicly
traded  companies  with  operations  that  for  the  purposes  of  analysis were
considered by Salomon Brothers to be reasonably similar to Citicasters.  Salomon
Brothers  calculated  and compared  various financial  multiples and  ratios for
Citicasters  and  each  of  the  Radio  Broadcasting  Companies  and  Television
Broadcasting  Companies. The multiples and ratios  for Citicasters were based on
information provided by Citicasters'  management and the  multiples for each  of
the  Radio Broadcasting Companies and the Television Broadcasting Companies were
based on public filings and were derived from publicly available media  industry
research reports.
    Using  trading prices as  of February 9,  1996: (a) the  Adjusted Firm Value
(fully diluted market  capitalization plus  net debt  including other  long-term
liabilities  minus other assets) multiple of  estimated 1995 Broadcast Cash Flow
was 13.7x for  Citicasters, compared  with a  range of  10.2x to  18.8x (with  a
median  of 12.7x) for the  Radio Broadcasting Companies, and  a range of 8.2x to
11.9x (with a median of 9.3x) for the Television Broadcasting Companies; and (b)
the Adjusted Firm Value multiple of estimated 1996 Broadcast Cash Flow was 11.9x
for Citicasters, compared with a range of 9.4x to 16.9x (with a median of 11.4x)
for the Radio  Broadcasting Companies,  and a  range of  7.5x to  10.8x (with  a
median of 9.0x) for the Television Broadcasting Companies.
    SELECTED TRANSACTION ANALYSIS. Salomon Brothers analyzed certain information
relating  to 27 selected  transactions in the  radio and television broadcasting
industries during  1995  and  1996.  The  ten  radio  broadcasting  transactions
(together  the "Radio Broadcasting Industry") reviewed, in reverse chronological
order of public announcement, were: (i) Jacor of Noble (2/96); (ii)  Citicasters
of  OmniAmerica  Communications,  Inc. (Columbus  stations)  (11/95);  (iii) SFX
Broadcasting, Inc. of Liberty  Broadcasting (11/95); (iv) Infinity  Broadcasting
Corporation  of  Alliance Broadcasting  (9/95);  (v) Citicasters  of OmniAmerica
Communications, Inc. (8/95);  (vi) Chancellor Broadcasting  Company of  Shamrock
Broadcasting    (8/95);   (vii)   Evergreen   Media   Corporation   of   Pyramid
Communications, Inc. (7/95); (viii) Regent Communications of Apollo Group,  Inc.
(4/95);  (ix)  River City  Broadcasting L.P.  of Keymarket  Communications, Inc.
(3/95); and  (x)  Evergreen Media  Corporation  of Broadcasting  Partners,  Inc.
(2/95).   The  seventeen  television  broadcasting  transactions  (together  the
"Television Broadcasting Industry") reviewed, in reverse chronological order  of
public  announcement, were:  (i) Benedek  Broadcasting Corporation  of Brissette
Broadcasting  (12/95);   (ii)  Benedek   Broadcasting  Corporation   of   Morris
Communications   (11/95);  (iii)  Allbritton  Communications  Company  of  Price
Communications  Corporation  (10/95);  (iv)   Freedom  Communication  of   Photo
Electronics   (West  Palm  Beach)   (9/95);  (v)  Tribune   Company  of  Gaylord
Entertainment Company (Houston)  (9/95); (vi) Young  Broadcasting Inc. of  Broad
Street  Television  (7/95); (vii)  NBC  of Outlet  Communications,  Inc. (7/95);
(viii)  News  Corporation   Ltd.  of  New   World  Communications  Group,   Inc.
(Birmingham)  (7/95); (ix) ABRY Broadcast Partners of ACT III Broadcasting, Inc.
(6/95);  (x)  Petracom  of  Banam  Broadcasting  (6/95);  (xi)  LIN   Television
Corporation  of  King  World  Productions, Inc.  (Buffalo)  (5/95);  (xii) Smith
Broadcasting  of  TV  Stations  Partners  (4/95);  (xiii)  Granite  Broadcasting
Corporation of Queen City Broadcasting, Inc. (4/95); (xiv) Lee Enterprises, Inc.
of  KSNW, KSNT (3/95); (xv) CBS Inc. of WPRI (3/95); (xi) New York Times Company
of  WTKR  (2/95);   and  (xvii)  Granite   Broadcasting  Corporation  of   Busse
Broadcasting  Corporation (Kalamazoo)  (1/95). This analysis  indicated that the
aggregate consideration paid

as  a multiple of 1995  Broadcast Cash Flow for  the Radio Broadcasting Industry
ranged from a low  of 8.5x to  a high of  17.6x (with a  median of 11.7x).  This
compared  with a multiple  of 13.7x for the  Merger. The aggregate consideration
paid as a multiple of 1995  Broadcast Cash Flow for the Television  Broadcasting
Industry  ranged from 9.0x to 20.0x (with a median of 10.8x). This compared with
a multiple of 13.7x for the Merger.
    DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS. Salomon Brothers performed a discounted  cash
flow  analysis based  on two  scenarios for earnings  and cash  flow from fiscal
years 1996 to  2004 developed  by Salomon Brothers  and Citicasters'  management
using  forecasted financials  prepared by  Citicasters' management  for 1996 and
publicly available industry trends and research estimates for years  thereafter.
The  first scenario reflected  projected market growth  rates over the projected
period (the "Base Case Performance Scenario"); the second scenario reflected  an
annual  improvement of  approximately $5.0  million in  EBITDA beyond  1997 as a
result of  improved operating  performance at  the radio  stations and  improved
ratings at the television stations (the "Superior Case Performance Scenario").
    Based  upon the scenario analyses,  Salomon Brothers estimated the unlevered
free cash flows and EBITDA  for the fiscal years 1996  through 2004 for each  of
Citicasters'  two  segments:  television and  radio  stations.  Salomon Brothers
applied to the EBITDA  for fiscal year 2004  estimated terminal value  multiples
ranging  from 9.5x to 10.5x  for each of the  Base Case Performance Scenario and
the Superior Case Performance Scenario for the television stations segment,  and
10.5x  to 11.5x for each of the  Base Case Performance Scenario and the Superior
Case Performance Scenario  for the  radio stations segment,  from which  Salomon
Brothers  derived ranges  for the terminal  values for Citicasters  on a segment
basis. Salomon Brothers then discounted the stream of unlevered free cash  flows
for  the  fiscal years  1996  through 2004  as well  as  the terminal  values of
Citicasters' segments at discount rates ranging from 11.5% to 12.5% for each  of
the   television  stations   and  radio   stations  segments.   Based  on  these
calculations, Salomon  Brothers derived  a valuation  range for  the  television
stations  and radio  stations segments,  respectively, of  Citicasters which, in
turn, were  used in  deriving  a range  of implied  equity  value per  share  of
Citicasters  Common  Stock of  $23.81 to  $26.47 for  the Base  Case Performance
Scenario and $25.30 to $27.68 for the Superior Case Performance Scenario.
    No company used in the analyses summarized above is identical to Citicasters
or Jacor. Accordingly, such analyses must  take into account differences in  the
financial and operating characteristics of such companies and other factors that
would affect the public trading value and acquisition value of the companies. In
addition,  the analyses  summarized above  did not  purport to  be indicative of
actual values or expected values of Citicasters Common Stock before or after the
    The foregoing summary does not purport  to be a complete description of  the
analyses performed by Salomon Brothers or of its presentation to the Citicasters
Board.  The preparation of a fairness opinion involves various determinations as
to the  most appropriate  and relevant  methods of  financial analysis  and  the
application  of these  methods to  the particular  circumstances and, therefore,
such an opinion is  not readily susceptible to  partial or summary  description.
Salomon  Brothers believes that  its analyses (and the  summary set forth above)
must be considered as a whole, and that selecting portions of such analyses  and
of  the factors considered by Salomon  Brothers, without considering all of such
analyses  and  factors,  could  create  an  incomplete  view  of  the  processes
underlying  the analyses conducted by Salomon  Brothers and the Salomon Opinion.
Any estimates  contained  in  Salomon Brothers'  analyses  are  not  necessarily
indicative  of actual values, which may  be significantly more or less favorable
than as set forth therein. Estimates of values of companies do not purport to be
appraisals or necessarily to reflect the prices at which companies may  actually
be sold.
    Salomon  Brothers is  an internationally recognized  investment banking firm
engaged in, among other things, the valuation of businesses and their securities
in connection with mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, leveraged  buyouts,
negotiated  underwritings,  competitive  biddings,  secondary  distributions  of
listed and unlisted  securities, private placements  and valuations for  estate,
corporate and other purposes. After receipt of the First Offeror's proposal, the
Citicasters  Board  authorized  the  retention of  Salomon  Brothers  to  act as
financial advisor to Citicasters. Citicasters retained Salomon Brothers based on
Salomon Brothers'

reputation and expertise in transactions similar  to the Merger, as well as  its
familiarity  with  Citicasters.  The  amount  of  the  Merger  Consideration was
determined by  arms'  length  negotiations between  Citicasters  and  Jacor,  in
consultation with their respective financial advisors and other representatives.
Salomon  Brothers has previously rendered, and in the future may render, certain
investment banking and financial advisory services to Citicasters and Jacor, for
which Salomon  Brothers  received  and  may  in  the  future  receive  customary
compensation.  In  addition, in  the ordinary  course  of its  business, Salomon
Brothers actively trades the debt and equity securities of both Citicasters  and
Jacor  for its own account  and for the accounts  of customers and, accordingly,
may at any time hold a long or short position in such securities.
    Pursuant to an  engagement letter  dated December  28, 1995,  as amended  on
February  12, 1996, between  Citicasters and Salomon Brothers,  the fees to date
paid  to  Salomon  Brothers  for   rendering  financial  advisory  services   to
Citicasters  in connection with the Merger have been $1.35 million, which amount
will  be  credited  against  the  final  fee  of  $3.0  million,  payable   upon
consummation  of the  Merger. Citicasters has  also agreed  to reimburse Salomon
Brothers for reasonable fees and expenses of Salomon Brothers' legal counsel  in
excess  of  $100,000,  and to  indemnify  Salomon Brothers  and  certain related
persons against certain liabilities and expenses  relating to or arising out  of
its engagement, including certain liabilities under the federal securities laws.
    At  the Effective Time,  all outstanding shares  of Citicasters Common Stock
will cease  to  be  outstanding,  and  subject  to  the  terms,  conditions  and
procedures  set forth in the Merger  Agreement, holders of shares of Citicasters
Common Stock shall receive for each share of Citicasters Common Stock $29.50  in
cash,  plus, in the  event that the Closing  does not occur  prior to October 1,
1996, for each full  calendar month ending prior  to the Merger commencing  with
October  1996, an additional  amount of $.22125  in cash. In  addition, for each
share of Citicasters  Common Stock held,  Citicasters shareholders will  receive
one  Jacor Warrant to purchase  a fractional share of  Jacor Common Stock (which
fraction is anticipated to be .2035247) at  a price of $28.00 per full share  of
Jacor  Common Stock, such exercise price to  be reduced to $26.00 per full share
of Jacor Common Stock if the Merger  is not consummated by October 1, 1996.  The
Warrant  Consideration  will represent  the right  to purchase  a fraction  of a
share, the numerator of which is 4,400,000  and the denominator of which is  the
number  of  shares  of  Citicasters  Common Stock,  on  a  fully  diluted basis,
outstanding on the date of the Closing.
    Based on the number of shares of Citicasters Common Stock outstanding on the
date hereof,  the Cash  Consideration  payable in  the Merger  is  approximately
$624.2  million  and the  Warrant Consideration  is 21,618,990.5  Jacor Warrants
exercisable for 4,400,000 shares of Jacor Common Stock.
    Promptly after the  Effective Time,  the Exchange  Agent will  mail to  each
holder  of record of certificates which  immediately prior to the Effective Time
represented outstanding  shares of  Citicasters Common  Stock (the  "Citicasters
Certificates") a form of transmittal letter advising such holder of the terms of
the  exchange  effected by  the  Merger and  the procedure  to  be used  for the
surrender  of  the   Citicasters  Certificates  in   exchange  for  the   Merger
Consideration  such  holder has  the  right to  receive  pursuant to  the Merger
Agreement, without  interest thereon,  per share  of Citicasters  Common  Stock.
Jacor Warrants and  cash payments  shall be  delivered to  such holder  promptly
after  proper delivery of the applicable Citicasters Certificates and letters of
transmittal to the Exchange Agent.
    At and after  the Effective Time  and until surrendered  as provided  above,
Citicasters Certificates will be deemed to represent, for all purposes, only the
right to receive cash and certificates representing the number of Jacor Warrants
into  which the shares of Citicasters  Common Stock formerly represented by such
Citicasters Certificates  were  converted  in  the  Merger.  Upon  surrender  as
provided above, Citicasters Certificates shall be cancelled.

    REPRESENTATIONS,  WARRANTIES  AND COVENANTS.  The Merger  Agreement contains
various representations and warranties of the parties, none of which survive the
consummation of the Merger, including, among other things, representations  from
the  parties, as  of the  date of  the Merger  Agreement and,  except in certain
cases, as of the Effective Time,  relating to (i) each party's organization  and
similar  corporate  matters,  (ii)  each party's  capital  structure,  (iii) the
authorization, execution, delivery, performance and enforceability of the Merger
Agreement and  related matters,  (iv) the  procurement of  required consents  or
approvals,  the absence of conflicts with  contracts and other instruments or no
violations of applicable laws, (v) the documents and reports filed by each party
with the Commission and the accuracy of the information contained therein,  (vi)
the  accuracy of  the information  provided by each  party with  respect to this
Proxy  Statement/Information   Statement/Prospectus,  (vii)   the  accuracy   of
financial  statements  and  compliance  with other  accounting  and  tax related
matters, (viii) good and marketable title  to all their material properties  and
assets,  (ix)  compliance  with FCC  regulations,  (x) the  absence  of material
litigation, (xi) certain environmental matters, and (xii) Citicasters' cash flow
results as of December 31, 1995.
    Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Citicasters  has agreed that prior to  the
Effective  Time, except as agreed  by the parties at the  time of signing of the
Merger Agreement, Citicasters  shall not  without the prior  written consent  of
Jacor:  (i)  except in  the ordinary  course consistent  with past  practice, as
required by law or in accordance  with the provisions of any applicable  program
or  plan  adopted  by  the  Citicasters Board,  grant  any  general  increase in
compensation or benefits to its employees or  to its officers, or enter into  or
amend the terms of any severance agreements with its officers; (ii) amend, alter
or  revise  any  existing  employment  contract,  understanding,  arrangement or
agreement between Citicasters and any person receiving compensation in excess of
$150,000 per year  (unless such amendment  is required by  law) to increase  the
compensation  or benefits payable  thereunder or pursuant  thereto or enter into
any new employment  contract, understanding, arrangement  or agreement with  any
person  having a salary  thereunder in excess of  $150,000 that Citicasters does
not have  the unconditional  right to  terminate without  liability (other  than
liability  for services already rendered) at any  time on or after the Effective
Time; (iii) adopt any new employee benefit plan or make any change in or to  any
existing  plans  other than  any such  change that  is required  by law,  in the
opinion of  counsel is  necessary or  advisable to  maintain the  tax  qualified
status  of any such plan or would not materially increase, in the aggregate, the
employee benefit plan liabilities of Citicasters; (iv) sell, lease or  otherwise
dispose  of any of its  assets or acquire any business  or assets, except in the
ordinary course  of business,  in each  case for  an amount  not exceeding  $1.0
million;  (v) incur  any material amount  of indebtedness for  borrowed money or
make any loans, advances or capital contributions to, or investments (other than
non-controlling investments in the  ordinary course of  business) in, any  other
person  other  than  a  Citicasters'  subsidiary,  or  issue  or  sell  any debt
securities, other  than certain  borrowings otherwise  permitted by  the  Merger
Agreement;  (vi)  except  as disclosed  to  Jacor  prior to  signing  the Merger
Agreement, to authorize, commit to or make capital expenditures in each case  in
an  amount  exceeding  $6.0 million;  (vii)  mortgage or  otherwise  encumber or
subject to  any  lien any  material  amount of  properties  or assets  owned  by
Citicasters  as of the date of the  Merger Agreement except in the normal course
of business; (viii) make  any material change to  its accounting (including  tax
accounting)  methods,  principles or  practices, except  as  may be  required by
generally accepted accounting  principles; (ix)  amend or propose  to amend  its
articles of incorporation or by-laws or equivalent organizational documents; (x)
declare  or pay  any dividend  or distribution  with respect  to the Citicasters
Common Stock; (xi) except pursuant to stock options granted prior to the  Merger
Agreement,  issue,  sell,  deliver or  agree  to issue,  sell,  deliver (whether
through issuance or granting of options, warrants, commitments, subscriptions or
rights to purchase) any Citicasters  Common Stock or split, combine,  reclassify
or subdivide the Citicasters Common Stock; (xii) make any tax election or settle
or compromise any material tax liability for an amount greater than reflected on
the  Citicasters financial statements;  (xiii) except pursuant  to stock options
granted prior to the Merger  Agreement, directly or indirectly redeem,  purchase
or  otherwise acquire any shares of its capital stock or other securities; (xiv)
enter into any new lines of business  or otherwise make material changes to  the
operation of its business; (xv) except as to liabilities accrued on the books of
Citicasters  as of  the date  of the Merger  Agreement, pay  or agree  to pay in
settlement  or  compromise  of  any   suits  or  claims  of  liability   against
Citicasters,  its  directors,  officers,  employees  or  agents,  more  than  an
aggregate  of   $100,000  for   all   such  suits   and  claims;   (xvi)   enter

into  any agreement providing for the  acceleration of payment or performance or
other consequence as  a result  of a change  in control  of Citicasters;  (xvii)
purchase  any  radio  or television  stations,  enter into  any  local marketing
arrangements, joint sales  agreements or similar  agreements; (xviii) except  as
permitted  under the  Merger Agreement,  enter into  any contract,  agreement or
understanding, whether in the ordinary course of business or not, which would be
the type of agreement  which, if entered  into prior to the  date of the  Merger
Agreement,  would  have  to  be  disclosed  to  Jacor  or  which  would obligate
Citicasters to make  payments of  more than $150,000  per year;  (xix) take  any
action  or agree, in writing or otherwise,  to take any of the foregoing actions
or any action  which would  make any representation  or warranty  in the  Merger
Agreement  materially  untrue  or  incorrect;  or  (xx)  commit  to  any  of the
    The Merger Agreement also obligates Jacor  and Citicasters to (i) use  their
reasonable  best  efforts  to cooperate  with  each other  in  determining which
governmental filings are required to be  made prior to the Effective Time  with,
and  which consents,  approvals, permits  or authorizations  are required  to be
obtained  prior  to  the  Effective  Time  from,  governmental  authorities   in
connection  with  the execution  and delivery  of the  Merger Agreement  and the
consummation of the  transactions contemplated  thereby, and  timely making  all
such  filings  and  timely  seeking all  such  consents,  approvals,  permits or
authorizations; and (ii) use their reasonable best efforts to take, or cause  to
be  taken,  all other  action and  do, or  cause  to be  done, all  other things
necessary,  proper  or  appropriate  to   consummate  and  make  effective   the
transactions  contemplated by the Merger Agreement and satisfy the conditions to
the transactions contemplated thereby. However, nothing in the Merger  Agreement
shall require Jacor to divest or hold separate any station or stations, or asset
or  groups of assets, or  enter into new arrangements  or terminate any existing
arrangement, or take  any other  specific action requested  by any  governmental
    The  Merger  Agreement  further  provides that  Citicasters  shall  not, and
Citicasters shall  direct and  use  its reasonable  best  efforts to  cause  its
officers,  directors, employees, agents, advisors  and other representatives not
to,  directly  or  indirectly,   solicit,  initiate,  knowingly  encourage,   or
participate  in discussions or  negotiations regarding, any  proposals or offers
from any individual,  corporation, partnership,  limited liability  corporation,
joint  venture, trust,  association, unincorporated  organization, other entity,
group or governmental authority ("Person") relating to any Competing Transaction
(as defined below) or furnish to  any other Person any nonpublic information  or
access  to  such  information  with respect  to,  or  otherwise  concerning, any
Competing Transaction. Citicasters further agreed to immediately cease and cause
to be terminated any existing discussions or negotiations with any third parties
conducted prior to the date of the Merger Agreement with respect to any proposed
Competing Transaction, and to promptly disclose  the identity of any Person  who
attempts to initiate any discussions contemplating a Competing Transaction.
    Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  prior to March  13, 1996 at  which time the
irrevocable written consents  required by the  Stockholders Agreement were  duly
executed and delivered, Citicasters was not prohibited from (i) participating in
discussions  or negotiations with a Person  that sought to engage in discussions
or negotiations, requested information or made a proposal to acquire Citicasters
pursuant to a Competing Transaction, if Citicasters directors determined in good
faith that  such  action was  required  for  the discharge  of  their  fiduciary
obligations,  based  upon the  written advice  of  independent legal  counsel (a
"Director Duty"); (ii) complying with Rule 14d-9 or Rule 14e-2 promulgated under
the Exchange Act with  regard to a  tender or exchange  offer; (iii) making  any
disclosure  to the Citicasters shareholders in  accordance with a Director Duty;
(iv) failing to  make, modifying  or amending its  recommendations, consents  or
approvals  referred to  in the  Merger Agreement  in accordance  with a Director
Duty; or (v)  terminating the Merger  Agreement and entering  into an  agreement
providing  for a Competing Transaction in  accordance with a Director Duty. None
of such events  took place  prior to  March 13, 1996.  For the  purposes of  the
Merger  Agreement,  "Competing  Transaction"  is  defined  to  mean  any  of the
following involving Citicasters: (i) any merger, consolidation, share  exchange,
business  combination  or  other  similar  transaction;  (ii)  any  sale, lease,
exchange, transfer  or other  disposition of  all or  substantially all  of  the
assets   of  Citicasters,  in   a  single  transaction   or  series  of  related
transactions; or  (iii)  any  tender  offer or  exchange  offer  for  shares  of
Citicasters Common Stock.

    The Merger Agreement may be terminated in the event of certain breaches of a
representation,  warranty or covenant therein. In addition, the Merger Agreement
may be terminated if Citicasters or the Citicasters Board takes certain  actions
with  respect to a Competing Transaction. See "THE MERGER-- Certain Terms of the
Merger Agreement and Related Agreements--Termination; Termination Fees."
    CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE MERGER. The obligations of Jacor and Citicasters
to effect  the  Merger are  subject  to the  fulfillment  or waiver  of  certain
conditions  specified in the  Merger Agreement including,  among others: (i) the
continuing accuracy in all respects  of the parties' respective  representations
and  warranties contained in the Merger Agreement  except to the extent that the
aggregate effect of the inaccuracies  in such representations and warranties  as
of the applicable times (excluding materiality qualifiers) does not constitute a
Material  Adverse Effect (as defined below) on Jacor or Citicasters, as the case
may be,  when compared  to the  state of  facts which  would exist  if all  such
representations  and warranties were  true in all respects  as of the applicable
times; (ii) in the case of Citicasters' obligation to close, the performance and
compliance in all material respects by Jacor of all obligations under the Merger
Agreement required to be performed by Jacor  on or prior to the consummation  of
the  Merger, and in the case of Jacor's obligation to close, the performance and
compliance in all respects  by Citicasters of all  obligations under the  Merger
Agreement  except to the extent that the aggregate effect of any non-performance
or non-compliance  by Citicasters  (excluding materiality  qualifiers) does  not
constitute  a Material Adverse Effect on  Citicasters when compared to the state
of facts  which  would exist  if  all such  agreements  and covenants  had  been
performed  and  complied  with  by Citicasters;  (iii)  the  receipt  of certain
material consents, approvals and waivers from governmental authorities and third
parties (in the case of FCC approval,  whether or not any appeal or request  for
reconsideration  or for any sua sponte action  by the FCC has expired); (iv) the
absence of  any  injunction  or  other  order by  any  federal  or  state  court
preventing  consummation  of  the Merger;  (v)  the  absence of  any  stop order
suspending the effectiveness of the  Registration Statement of which this  Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus is  a part;  and (vi)  as to Jacor's
obligation to close,  that Citicasters achieved  at least 90%  of its  projected
cash  flow through June 30, 1996 and at least 75% of its projected cash flow for
the period July 1, 1996 through September 30, 1996. All conditions to the Merger
may be waived in the discretion of the party in whose favor the condition  would
    For  purposes of the Merger Agreement, "Material Adverse Effect" means, with
respect to Citicasters  or Jacor,  a material  adverse effect  on the  business,
assets,  liabilities, financial condition or results of operations of such party
and its  subsidiaries taken  as a  whole or  a material  adverse effect  on  the
ability  of the  party to  perform its  obligations under  the Merger Agreement;
PROVIDED, HOWEVER,  that  results of  operations  will  not be  a  component  of
Material  Adverse Effect  for events  that occur  after the  date of  the Merger
Agreement; PROVIDED, FURTHER, HOWEVER, that  no Material Adverse Effect will  be
deemed  to have occurred by reason of  a general deterioration in the economy or
in the broadcasting industry after the date of the Merger Agreement.
    TERMINATION; TERMINATION FEES. The Merger Agreement may be terminated at any
time prior to the Effective Time (a) by mutual written consent, or (b) by either
party if (i) the  Effective Time shall  have not occurred on  or before May  31,
1997  (the "Outside Date"), and  such failure does not  result from any material
non-fulfillment by  the terminating  party of  any obligation  under the  Merger
Agreement;  (ii)  any Governmental  Authority shall  have issued  an injunction,
order or  decree,  enjoining  or  otherwise  prohibiting  the  Merger  and  such
injunction, order or decree shall have become final and non-appealable (provided
that  the party seeking to so terminate the Merger Agreement shall have used all
reasonable efforts  to  remove  such  injunction,  order  or  decree)  or  if  a
Governmental  Authority  has  otherwise  made  a  final  determination  that any
required Regulatory  Authorization  would  not  be  forthcoming;  (iii)  if  any
condition  to the terminating party's obligations to consummate the transactions
contemplated thereby is incapable of being satisfied on or prior to the  Outside
Date;  provided, however,  that (x) the  terminating party has  not breached the
terms of the Merger Agreement; (y) if Citicasters is the terminating party,  the
Consenting  Stockholders  have  not  breached  the  terms  of  the  Stockholders
Agreement; and (z)  if Jacor  is the  terminating party,  Zell/Chilmark has  not
breached  the terms  of the  Jacor Shareholders Agreement,  in each  case in any
manner that proximately contributes to the  failure to consummate the Merger  by
the  Outside Date; or  (iv) if the FCC  shall have issued an  order or ruling or
taken  other   action  denying   approval  of   the  transactions   contemplated

by  the Merger  Agreement, and  such order,  ruling or  other action  shall have
become final and non-appealable;  provided, however, that  the party seeking  to
terminate  the Merger  Agreement pursuant to  such clause has  used all required
efforts to obtain such FCC approval.
    The Merger Agreement provides that Jacor may terminate the Merger  Agreement
if  (i) there  shall have  been any  breach by  a Consenting  Stockholder of any
material representation,  warranty,  covenant  or  agreement  contained  in  the
Stockholders Agreement, other than a breach that would not materially affect the
benefits  Jacor is  to receive  thereunder; (ii)  prior to  the delivery  of the
irrevocable written  consents by  the Consenting  Stockholders, the  Citicasters
Board  shall withdraw or modify  in any manner adverse  to Jacor its approval or
recommendation of the Merger  Agreement or the  Merger, because the  Citicasters
Board  has determined to recommend any Competing Transaction, in accordance with
a Director Duty; and (iii) within 100 days of the date of the Merger  Agreement,
Jacor  reasonably  believes, on  the basis  of  its environmental  inspection of
Citicasters' real properties,  that Citicasters  representations and  warranties
regarding  environmental matters  as set forth  in the Merger  Agreement are not
true and correct both as  of the date of the  Merger Agreement and at all  times
within 100 days after the date of the Merger Agreement.
    The  Merger  Agreement provides  that Citicasters  may terminate  the Merger
Agreement if  (i)  there shall  have  been  any breach  of  any  representation,
warranty,  covenant or agreement  by Zell/Chilmark under  the Jacor Shareholders
Agreement which would have a material adverse effect on the benefits Citicasters
is to  receive thereunder;  or (ii)  all required  authorizations of  the  Jacor
shareholders have not been obtained.
    If  Jacor terminates the Merger Agreement due to the failure of a Consenting
Stockholder to perform his or  its obligations under the Stockholders  Agreement
at the time of termination, and there has been no misrepresentation by or breach
of  any obligation of Jacor under the Merger Agreement other than a breach of or
non-compliance with any obligation which would not constitute a Material Adverse
Effect on Jacor, Citicasters  must pay Jacor $20.0  million within two  business
days  after the  Merger Agreement is  terminated. In  addition, the Stockholders
Agreement provides that if  the Merger Agreement is  terminated for such  reason
and  a transaction is consummated within eighteen months thereafter that results
in (i) the sale or other exchange of all or some of the Citicasters Common Stock
owned by the Consenting  Stockholders who are  natural persons (the  "Individual
Consenting  Stockholders"), or  (ii) a  payment being  made with  respect to the
shares of Citicasters Common Stock owned by the Consenting Stockholder following
a sale of substantially  all of the assets  of Citicasters, a  recapitalization,
restructuring  or other  similar event,  the Individual  Consenting Stockholders
shall immediately after the  consummation of such transaction  pay to Jacor  the
Compensating Payment (as defined below). The Compensating Payment shall be equal
to  the number of shares of Citicasters  Common Stock sold or otherwise disposed
of with  respect to  which  the Individual  Consenting Stockholders  received  a
payment  multiplied by one-half of the  Per Share Difference (as defined below).
Per Share Difference equals (x) the fair market value, valued as of the time the
other transaction is consummated, of the consideration per share of  Citicasters
Common  Stock received  by the Individual  Consenting Stockholders  less (y) the
expected fair market value  per share as  of December 1,  1996, that would  have
been received by the Individual Consenting Stockholders in the Merger.
    If  the Individual  Consenting Stockholders  and Jacor  cannot agree  on the
amount of the Compensating Payment, the Individual Consenting Stockholders shall
pay Jacor immediately a sum equal to what the Individual Consenting Stockholders
believe the Compensating Payment to  be (the "Immediate Payment") plus  interest
at  9% per  year on the  Immediate Payment for  the period between  the time the
other transaction is consummated and the time the Immediate Payment is made, and
the final amount of the Compensating  Payment shall be determined in  accordance
with  the commercial arbitration rules  of the American Arbitration Association.
Jacor shall, upon receipt  of the arbitration award,  be paid by the  Individual
Consenting   Stockholders  the  difference  between  the  final  amount  of  the
Compensating Payment and the Immediate Payment  plus interest at 9% per year  on
the  difference from the date  the other transaction was  consummated to date of
the payment  the  final amount  of  the  Compensating Payment  pursuant  to  the
arbitration award.
    If  the  Merger Agreement  is  terminated upon  the  occurrence of  an event
described below, Citicasters after  providing two days  advance notice to  Jacor
may  draw on  the irrevocable,  direct pay $75.0  million letter  of credit (the
"Letter  of  Credit")  obtained  by  Jacor  and  issued  to  the  Escrow  Agent.
Citicasters  may draw on the Letter of Credit  only in the event that the Merger
Agreement is terminated by Citicasters (or, in the case

of clauses (i), (ii) and (iv) below, by Jacor) because (i) of the failure by the
parties to consummate the Merger  on or prior to  the Outside Date, unless  such
failure  is due to  the failure of  the party seeking  termination to perform or
observe in all material respects the covenants and agreements to be performed or
observed by  it, except  if there  has  been a  failure to  satisfy any  of  the
conditions to closing of Jacor (other than those conditions to closing which are
also  conditions to closing of Citicasters); (ii) the issuance by a governmental
authority of a final and non-appealable injunction, order or decree enjoining or
otherwise prohibiting the consummation of  the transactions contemplated by  the
Merger  Agreement  or if  a Governmental  Authority has  otherwise made  a final
determination  that  any   required  Regulatory  Authorization   would  not   be
forthcoming,  provided  that the  party  seeking termination  used  all required
efforts to  remove such  injunction, order  or decree;  (iii) any  condition  to
Citicasters'  obligations  to consummate  the  transactions contemplated  by the
Merger Agreement is  incapable of  being satisfied on  or prior  to the  Outside
Date,  provided that  Citicasters has not  materially breached the  terms of the
Merger Agreement and  the Consenting Stockholders  have not materially  breached
the  terms of the  Stockholders Agreement; (iv) of  any final and non-appealable
action by  the FCC  denying approval  of the  transactions contemplated  by  the
Merger  Agreement, provided that the party seeking termination used all required
efforts to obtain such  FCC approval; or  (v) the failure to  obtain all of  the
required   Jacor   shareholder   authorizations  to   effect   the  transactions
contemplated by the  Merger Agreement,  or the  breach by  Zell/Chilmark of  any
material  representation or warranty or the  failure of Zell/Chilmark to perform
any covenant or duty contained in the Jacor Shareholders Agreement, other than a
breach or noncompliance that would  not materially affect Citicasters'  benefits
under the Jacor Shareholders Agreement.
    The  right to terminate the Merger Agreement  and receive a maximum of $75.0
million pursuant to  a draw on  the Letter of  Credit is Citicasters'  exclusive
remedy  unless  the  Merger  has  not  been  consummated,  Citicasters  has  not
terminated the Merger  Agreement, and Citicasters  believes that Jacor  wilfully
breached  the  Merger  Agreement.  In  that  case,  Citicasters  may  choose  to
irrevocably waive the right to draw on the Letter of Credit and instead bring an
action against Jacor  or its affiliates  for such alleged  wilful breach of  the
Merger Agreement.
    AMENDMENT;  WAIVER.  The  Merger  Agreement  may  be  amended,  modified  or
supplemented, but  only  in  writing  signed by  Jacor,  Acquisition  Corp.  and
Citicasters;  provided,  however,  that  no amendment  may  be  made  that would
adversely  change   the  Merger   Consideration  payable   to  the   Citicasters
shareholders  without the further approval of  such shareholders. No waiver by a
party of any condition or of any breach of any term, covenant, representation or
warranty contained in the Merger Agreement shall be effective unless in writing,
and no waiver in any one  or more instances shall be  deemed to be a further  or
continuing waiver of any such condition or breach in other instances or a waiver
of  any other condition or breach of any other term, covenant, representation or
    EXPENSES. Except for certain filing fees  required under the HSR Act and  by
the  Commission and the FCC and certain expenses incurred in connection with the
printing and mailing of  this Proxy Statement/ Information  Statement/Prospectus
(which   filing  fees  and  expenses  shall  be  shared  equally  by  Jacor  and
Citicasters), the Merger Agreement provides that each party thereto will pay its
own expenses in connection with the Merger.
    GENERAL. The Jacor Warrants  are to be issued  under the Warrant  Agreement.
The  description of the Warrant Agreement  set forth below includes all material
elements of the Warrant  Agreement but does  not purport to  be complete and  is
qualified  in  its  entirety by  reference  to  the Warrant  Agreement  which is
attached as Annex  IV to this  Proxy Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus
and is incorporated by reference herein.
    Each  Jacor Warrant initially will entitle  the holder thereof to purchase a
fractional share of Jacor Common Stock  (which fraction, the numerator of  which
is 4,400,000 and the denominator of which is the number of shares of Citicasters
Common  Stock, on a fully diluted basis, outstanding on the date of the Closing,
is currently anticipated to be .2035247) at a price of $28.00 per full share  of
Jacor Common Stock, such exercise price to be reduced to $26.00 if the Merger is
not  consummated prior  to October  1, 1996  (the "Warrant  Price"). The Warrant
Price and  the  number  of  shares  of Jacor  Common  Stock  issuable  upon  the

exercise  of each Jacor Warrant will be  subject to adjustment in certain events
described below. Each Jacor  Warrant may be exercised  on or after the  issuance
thereof  and until 5:00 pm., Eastern Time,  on the fifth anniversary of the date
of the Effective Time  (the "Expiration Date") in  accordance with the terms  of
the  Jacor Warrants  and the  Warrant Agreement.  To the  extent that  any Jacor
Warrant remains outstanding after such time, such unexercised Jacor Warrant will
automatically terminate.
    EXERCISE. Jacor Warrants  may be  exercised by surrendering  to the  Warrant
Agent  a signed Jacor Warrant certificate together  with the form of election to
purchase on the reverse thereof indicating the Jacor warrantholder's election to
exercise all or a portion of  the Jacor Warrants evidenced by such  certificate.
Surrendered certificates must be accompanied by payment of the aggregate Warrant
Price  in respect of  the Jacor Warrants  to be exercised,  which payment may be
made in  cash  or by  certified  or bank  cashier's  check drawn  on  a  banking
institution  chartered  by the  government  of the  United  States or  any state
thereof payable to the order of Jacor. No adjustments as to cash dividends  with
respect  to  the Jacor  Common Stock  will be  made upon  any exercise  of Jacor
    If fewer  than all  the  Jacor Warrants  evidenced  by any  certificate  are
exercised,  the Warrant Agent will deliver to the exercising warrantholder a new
Jacor Warrant  certificate representing  the unexercised  Jacor Warrants.  Jacor
will  not be  required to  issue fractional  shares of  Jacor Common  Stock upon
exercise of any Jacor  Warrant and in  lieu thereof will pay  in cash an  amount
equal  to the closing price  per share of Jacor Common  Stock on the trading day
immediately preceding  the date  the Jacor  Warrant is  presented for  exercise,
multiplied  by such fraction. Jacor has reserved for issuance a number of shares
of Jacor Common Stock sufficient  to provide for the  exercise of the rights  of
purchase represented by the Jacor Warrants.
    A  Jacor  Warrant  may not  be  exercised in  whole  or  in part  if  in the
reasonable opinion of counsel to Jacor  the issuance of Jacor Common Stock  upon
such  exercise would cause Jacor to be in violation of the Communications Act or
the rules and regulations in effect thereunder.
Common Stock purchasable upon the exercise of each Jacor Warrant and the Warrant
Price  are subject to adjustment in connection  with (i) the issuance of a stock
dividend to  holders of  Jacor Common  Stock, a  combination or  subdivision  or
issuance by reclassification of Jacor Common Stock; (ii) the issuance of rights,
options  or warrants to all holders of Jacor Common Stock without charge to such
holders to subscribe for or purchase shares of Jacor Common Stock at a price per
share  which  is  lower  than  the  current  market  price;  and  (iii)  certain
distributions  by Jacor  to the  holders of Jacor  Common Stock  of evidences of
indebtedness or of its assets (excluding cash dividends or distributions out  of
earnings  or out of  surplus legally available for  dividends) or of convertible
securities, all  as set  forth  in the  Warrant Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  no adjustment in the number of Warrant Shares will be required until
such adjustment would require  an increase or decrease  of at least one  percent
(1%) in the number of Warrant Shares purchasable upon the exercise of each Jacor
Warrant.  In addition, Jacor may  at its option reduce  the Warrant Price to any
amount deemed appropriate by the Jacor Board.
    In case  of  any consolidation  or  merger of  Jacor  with or  into  another
corporation,  or any sale,  transfer or lease  to another corporation  of all or
substantially all the property of Jacor, the Warrant Agreement will require that
effective provisions will be  made so that each  holder of an outstanding  Jacor
Warrant  will have the  right thereafter to  exercise the Jacor  Warrant for the
kind and amount of  securities and property receivable  in connection with  such
consolidation,  merger, sale,  transfer or  lease by a  holder of  the number of
shares of  Jacor Common  Stock for  which such  Jacor Warrant  were  exercisable
immediately  prior thereto. In addition, if Jacor  takes any action prior to the
issuance of the  Jacor Warrants that  would have required  an adjustment in  the
exercise price of the Jacor Warrants or in the number of shares purchasable upon
exercise of the Jacor Warrants, then the exercise price of the Jacor Warrants or
such  number of shares will  be adjusted upon issuance  of the Jacor Warrants to
give effect to the adjustment which would have been required as a result of such
    MODIFICATION OF WARRANT AGREEMENT. The  Warrant Agreement may be amended  or
supplemented  without the consent of  the holders of Jacor  Warrants to cure any
ambiguity or to correct  or supplement any  defective or inconsistent  provision
contained  therein, or to  make such other necessary  or desirable changes which
shall not  adversely  affect the  interests  of the  warrantholders.  Any  other
amendment to the Warrant

Agreement shall require the consent of warrantholders representing not less than
50% of the Jacor Warrants then outstanding provided that no change in the number
or  nature of the securities purchasable upon the exercise of any Jacor Warrant,
or the Warrant Price therefor, or  the acceleration of the Expiration Date,  and
no  change  in  the antidilution  provisions  which would  adversely  affect the
interests of the holders of Jacor Warrants, shall be made without the consent of
the holder of such  Jacor Warrant, other than  such changes as are  specifically
prescribed  by the Warrant  Agreement or are made  in compliance with applicable
    FORM AND  DENOMINATIONS. The  certificates representing  the Jacor  Warrants
will  be in registered  form. Any Jacor Warrant  certificate may be transferred,
split up,  combined  or  exchanged  for another  Jacor  Warrant  certificate  or
certificates entitling the holder thereof to purchase a like number of shares of
Jacor  Common  Stock on  the  same terms  as  the Jacor  Warrant  certificate or
certificates surrendered.
    OFFICE FOR PRESENTATION. Jacor Warrants  may be presented upon exercise,  or
for  registration of transfer  or exchange, at  the office of  the Warrant Agent
maintained for such purpose, which office is currently located at 4900  Tiedeman
Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44144.
    CERTAIN  TAXES.  Jacor will  bear the  cost of  all documentary  stamp taxes
payable in connection with the initial issuance of Warrant Shares (as defined in
the Warrant Agreement)  upon the  exercise of Jacor  Warrants, but  will not  be
responsible  for  the payment  of  any such  taxes  in respect  of  any transfer
involved in the  issue or  delivery of any  Jacor Warrants  or certificates  for
Warrant  Shares in  a name  other than  that of  the registered  holder of Jacor
Warrants in respect of which such Warrant Shares are issued.
    MISCELLANEOUS. No holder  of Jacor  Warrants shall  be entitled  to vote  or
receive  dividends or be deemed for any purpose the holder of Jacor Common Stock
until such Jacor  Warrants are  properly exercised  as provided  in the  Warrant
    THE  OFFERINGS.  Jacor expects  that  the funds  necessary  to pay  the Cash
Consideration will  be obtained  from the  sale of  11,250,000 shares  of  Jacor
Common  Stock, the sale of $226.0 million aggregate principal amount at maturity
of LYONs and the sale  by JCAC of $100.0  million aggregate principal amount  of
Notes.  Jacor intends to use  a portion of the  net proceeds from the Offerings,
together with anticipated borrowings  by JCAC under the  New Credit Facility  to
finance the Merger and the remaining purchase price of the Noble Acquisition and
for general corporate purposes, including working capital. Jacor has used $196.5
million  of proceeds  from the Offerings  to repay  all outstanding indebtedness
under the Existing Credit Facility.
    Net proceeds  of  approximately  $497.8  million  from  the  Offerings  were
obtained  on June 12, 1996 at the closings of the Offerings and the execution of
the credit agreement  creating the New  Credit Facility occurred  simultaneously
with those closings. If the underwriters exercise their over-allotment option in
the  1996  Stock  Offering,  Jacor  could  obtain  additional  net  proceeds  of
approximately $45.5 million.  On June 20,  1996, the underwriter  for the  LYONs
Offering  informed Jacor  that it has  exercised its  over-allotment option, and
Jacor expects to obtain additional  net proceeds of approximately $14.6  million
upon  the  over-allotment  closing  which  is scheduled  for  June  25,  1996. A
condition to  the  initial  borrowing  under the  New  Credit  Facility  is  the
consummation  of the Merger prior to January 1, 1997. In addition, the Notes are
subject to repurchase by Jacor if the Merger is not consummated prior to January
1, 1997.  See "RISK  FACTORS--Pending Acquisitions"  and "THE  MERGER--Financing
Arrangements--The Senior Subordinated Notes Due 2006."
    EXISTING CREDIT FACILITY. Jacor's existing credit facility ("Existing Credit
Facility")  is provided by a syndicate of banks and other financial institutions
pursuant to a  credit agreement.  The Existing  Credit Facility  provides up  to
$300.0  million  of loans  to  Jacor in  two  components: (i)  a  $190.0 million
revolving portion with  mandatory quarterly commitment  reductions beginning  on
March 31, 1997 and a final maturity date of December 31, 2003; and (ii) a $110.0
million revolving portion with scheduled quarterly reductions beginning on March
31, 1998 and ending on December 31, 2003.
    Borrowings  under the Existing  Credit Facility bear  interest at rates that
fluctuate with a bank base rate and/or the Eurodollar rate.
    The loans  under the  Existing Credit  Facility are  guaranteed by  each  of
Jacor's   direct  and  indirect  subsidiaries   other  than  certain  immaterial
subsidiaries.  Jacor's  obligations   with  respect  to   the  Existing   Credit

Facility  and each guarantor's obligations with  respect to the related guaranty
are secured by substantially all of their respective assets, including,  without
limitation, inventory, equipment, accounts receivable, intercompany debt and, in
the case of Jacor's subsidiaries, capital stock.
    The   Existing  Credit  Facility  contains  covenants  and  provisions  that
restrict,  among  other  things,  Jacor's  ability  to:  (i)  incur   additional
indebtedness;  (ii)  incur liens  on its  property;  (iii) make  investments and
advances; (iv) enter into guarantees and other contingent obligations; (v) merge
or consolidate with  or acquire another  person or engage  in other  fundamental
changes;   (vi)  engage  in   certain  sales  of   assets;  (vii)  make  capital
expenditures; (viii) enter into leases; (ix) engage in certain transactions with
affiliates; and  (x)  make  restricted  junior  payments.  The  Existing  Credit
Facility  also  requires  the  satisfaction  of  certain  financial  performance
criteria   (including    a    consolidated   interest    coverage    ratio,    a
leverage-to-operating  cash flow  ratio and  a consolidated  operating cash flow
available for fixed charges ratio) and the repayment of loans under the Existing
Credit Facility with  proceeds of  certain sales of  assets and  debt or  equity
issuances,  and with 50% of Jacor's Excess Cash Flow (as defined in the Existing
Credit Facility).
    The Existing  Credit  Facility  provides for  certain  customary  events  of
default,  including  a Change  of  Control (as  defined  in the  Existing Credit
    NEW CREDIT FACILITY. JCAC  has entered into the  New Credit Facility with  a
syndicate  of banks and other financial institutions. A condition to the initial
borrowing under the New Credit Facility is the consummation of the Merger  prior
to  January 1, 1997; the New Credit Facility will expire in the event the Merger
is not  consummated  prior  to  January  1,  1997.  See  "RISK  FACTORS--Pending
Acquisitions."  The New  Credit Facility provides  availability of  up to $600.0
million of loans to JCAC in three components: (i) a revolving credit facility of
up to $200.0 million with mandatory semi-annual commitment reductions  beginning
on  the third anniversary of the closing of  the New Credit Facility and a final
maturity date of seven years  after initial funding; (ii) a  term loan of up  to
$300.0  million with  scheduled semi-annual  reductions beginning  on the second
anniversary of the closing of the New Credit Facility and a final maturity  date
of  seven years after initial funding; and (iii)  a tranche B term loan of up to
$100.0 million  with scheduled  semi-annual reductions  beginning on  the  third
anniversary  of the closing of the New Credit Facility and a final maturity date
of eight years  after initial  funding. JCAC  may elect  to use  the New  Credit
Facility to purchase the Citicasters Notes (as defined herein) tendered pursuant
to a Change of Control Offer (as defined in the Citicasters Note Indenture).
    Borrowings  under the New  Credit Facility will bear  interest at rates that
fluctuate with a bank base rate and/or the Eurodollar rate.
    Loans under the New  Credit Facility will be  guaranteed by each of  Jacor's
direct  and indirect  subsidiaries other  than certain  immaterial subsidiaries.
Jacor's obligations with respect to the New Credit Facility and each guarantor's
obligations  with  respect  to   the  related  guaranty   will  be  secured   by
substantially  all of  their respective  assets, including,  without limitation,
inventory, equipment, accounts receivable, intercompany debt and, in the case of
Jacor's subsidiaries, capital  stock. JCAC's  obligations under  the New  Credit
Facility  will  be secured  by a  first priority  lien on  the capital  stock of
Jacor's subsidiaries.
    The New Credit  Facility contains  covenants and  provisions that  restrict,
among  other things, Jacor's ability to: (i) incur additional indebtedness; (ii)
incur liens on  its property; (iii)  make investments and  advances; (iv)  enter
into  guarantees and other contingent obligations; (v) merge or consolidate with
or acquire another person or engage in other fundamental changes; (vi) engage in
certain sales  of assets;  (vii) make  capital expenditures;  (viii) enter  into
leases;  (ix)  engage  in certain  transactions  with affiliates;  and  (x) make
restricted  junior  payments.  The  New   Credit  Facility  also  requires   the
satisfaction of certain financial performance criteria (including a consolidated
interest   coverage  ratio,  a  leverage-to-operating  cash  flow  ratio  and  a
consolidated operating  cash flow  available for  fixed charges  ratio) and  the
repayment  of loans under the New Credit Facility with proceeds of certain sales
of assets and debt issuances, and with 50% of the Company's Consolidated  Excess
Cash Flow (as defined in the New Credit Facility).
    Events  of default under  the New Credit Facility  include various events of
default customary for such type of  agreement, such as failure to pay  scheduled
payments  when  due, cross  defaults on  other  indebtedness, change  of control
events under  other  indebtedness  (including  the  LYONs,  the  Notes  and  the

Notes)  and  certain events  of  bankruptcy, insolvency  and  reorganization. In
addition, the New Credit  Facility includes events of  default for JCAC and  the
cessation  of any lien on any of the collateral under the New Credit Facility as
a perfected first priority lien and  the failure of Zell/Chilmark appointees  to
represent at least 30% of the Jacor Board of Directors.
    For  purposes of the New  Credit Facility, a change  of control includes the
occurrence of any event that triggers a  change of control under the LYONs,  the
Notes  or the  Citicasters Notes.  Such change of  control under  the New Credit
Facility would constitute an event of default which would give the syndicate the
right to  accelerate the  unpaid  principal amounts  due  under the  New  Credit
Facility.  Upon such  acceleration, there  is no  assurance that  JCAC will have
funds available to fund such repayment or  that such funds will be available  or
terms acceptable to JCAC.
    THE  CITICASTERS NOTES  DUE 2004. The  9 3/4% Senior  Subordinated Notes due
2004 (the "Citicasters Notes") are general unsecured obligations of  Citicasters
and are subordinated in rights of payment to all Senior Indebtedness (as defined
in  the Citicasters Note Indenture). The  Citicasters Notes were issued pursuant
to an  Indenture  between Citicasters  and  Shawmut Bank  Connecticut,  National
Association, as Trustee (the "Citicasters Note Indenture").
    The  December  31,  1995  aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount  of  the
Citicasters Notes is $122.5 million and the Citicasters Notes mature on February
15, 2004. Interest on the  Citicasters Notes accrues at the  rate of 9 3/4%  per
    The  Citicasters  Notes are  not  redeemable at  Citicasters'  option before
February 15, 1999  (other than in  connection with certain  public offerings  of
Citicasters Common Stock, as described below). Thereafter, the Citicasters Notes
are  subject to  redemption at the  option of Citicasters,  at redemption prices
declining from 104.875% of the principal amount for the twelve months commencing
February 15, 1999 to 100.00% on and after February 15, 2002, plus, in each case,
accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the applicable redemption date.
    In addition, at any time  on or before February 15,  1999, (i) up to 25%  of
the  aggregate principal amount  of the Citicasters  Notes may be  redeemed at a
redemption price of 108.75%  of the principal amount  thereof, plus accrued  and
unpaid  interest, out of the net proceeds  of public offerings of primary shares
of Citicasters Common Stock, and after giving effect to such redemption at least
$100.0 million in Citicasters Notes remains  outstanding and (ii) upon a  Change
of Control (as defined in the Citicasters Note Indenture), the Citicasters Notes
can  be redeemed  provided at least  $100.0 million of  Citicasters Notes remain
outstanding and such redemption occurs within 180  days of the date of a  Change
of  Control. In addition, prior to December 31, 1996, Citicasters can redeem the
Citicasters  Notes  from  the  proceeds  of  Asset  Sales  (as  defined  in  the
Citicasters Note Indenture) subject to certain restrictions.
    Within  60 days  after any Change  of Control, Citicasters  or its successor
must make an offer to purchase the  Citicasters Notes at a purchase price  equal
to  101%  of the  aggregate principal  amount thereof,  plus accrued  and unpaid
interest to  the  date of  purchase.  The Merger  will  constitute a  Change  of
Control.  Any Citicasters Notes  which are not acquired  in connection with such
Change of  Control  offer,  subject  to the  successor's  right  to  redeem  the
Citicasters Notes as described above, will remain outstanding. Subsequent to the
consummation  of  the Merger,  the  definition of  change  of control  under the
indenture governing the Citicasters Notes  will be substantially similar to  the
definition of change of control in the Indenture governing the Notes. Jacor will
comply  with the requirements of Rule 14e-1 in connection with the repurchase of
the Citicasters Notes, as such  rule might apply to  any such repurchase at  the
time thereof.
    The  Citicasters  Note  Indenture contains  certain  covenants  which impose
certain limitations  and restrictions  on the  ability of  Citicasters to  incur
additional indebtedness, pay dividends or make other distributions, make certain
loans  and investments, apply the proceeds of  Asset Sales (and use the proceeds
thereof), create liens, enter into certain transactions with affiliates,  merge,
consolidate  or transfer substantially  all its assets,  and make investments in
unrestricted subsidiaries.
    The Indenture for the Citicasters  Notes includes various events of  default
customary  for such  type of  agreements, such as  failure to  pay principal and
interest when due on the Citicasters Notes, cross defaults on other indebtedness
and certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency and reorganization.

    THE 10  1/8%  SENIOR SUBORDINATED  NOTES  DUE 2006.  Concurrently  with  the
consummation  of the 1996 Stock Offering and  the LYONs Offering, Jacor and JCAC
consummated the Notes Offering. JCAC intends  to lend the net proceeds to  Jacor
in connection with the financing for the Acquisitions.
    The  Notes  due 2006  will  mature on  June 15,  2006.  The Notes  will bear
interest at the rate per annum of 10 1/8% from the date of issuance or from  the
most  recent interest payment date  to which interest has  been paid or provided
for, payable semi-annually on June 15  and December 15 of each year,  commencing
December  15, 1996, to the  persons in whose names  such Notes are registered at
the close of business  on the June  1 or December  1 immediately preceding  such
interest  payment date. Interest  will be calculated  on the basis  of a 360-day
year consisting of twelve 30-day months. The trustee under the indenture for the
Senior  Subordinated   Notes   (the  "Senior   Subordinated   Note   Indenture")
authenticated  and  delivered  the  Notes for  original  issue  in  an aggregate
principal amount of $100.0 million.
    The Notes  are  not  redeemable  at JCAC's  option  before  June  15,  2001.
Thereafter,  the  Notes are  subject to  redemption  at the  option of  JCAC, at
redemption prices declining from 105.063% of the principal amount for the twelve
months commencing June 15, 2001 to 100% on and after June 15, 2004, plus in each
case, accrued and  unpaid interest  thereon to the  applicable redemption  date.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing, in  the event  that the  Merger has  not become
effective prior to March  15, 1997, JCAC  may redeem the  Notes at a  redemption
price  equal to 102% of the principal  amount thereof, in each case plus accrued
and unpaid  interest,  if  any,  to the  redemption  date;  provided  that  such
redemption, if made, must occur within 35 days of March 15, 1997.
    The  Senior  Subordinated Note  Indenture  contains certain  covenants which
impose certain limitations  and restrictions on  the ability of  Jacor to  incur
additional indebtedness, pay dividends or make other distributions, make certain
loans  and investments, apply the proceeds of  asset sales (and use the proceeds
thereof), create liens, enter into certain transactions with affiliates,  merge,
consolidate  or transfer  substantially all its  assets and  make investments in
unrestricted subsidiaries.
    If a change of control occurs, JCAC  is required to offer to repurchase  all
outstanding  Notes at  a price  equal to  101% of  their principal  amount, plus
accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to the date of repurchase. There can be  no
assurance  that JCAC will have sufficient funds  to purchase all of the Notes in
the event of  a change of  control offer or  that JCAC would  be able to  obtain
financing  for such purpose on favorable terms,  if at all. In addition, the New
Credit Facility  restricts JCAC's  ability to  repurchase the  Notes,  including
pursuant  to a change of  control offer. Furthermore, a  change of control under
the Senior Subordinated Note  Indenture will result in  a default under the  New
Credit Facility.
    Upon  consummation of  the Merger, a  Change of Control  under the indenture
governing the Notes means any transaction or series of transactions in which any
of the following occurs:  (i) any person  or group (within  the meaning of  Rule
13d-3  under the Exchange Act and Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act),
other than  Zell/Chilmark  or any  of  its  Affiliates, becomes  the  direct  or
indirect  beneficial owner (as defined in Rule  13d-3 under the Exchange Act) of
(A) greater than 50% of the total voting  power (on a fully diluted basis as  if
all  convertible securities had been converted) entitled to vote in the election
of directors of  JCAC or  Citicasters, or the  surviving person  (if other  than
JCAC),  or (B) greater  than 20% of the  total voting power  (on a fully diluted
basis as if all convertible securities  had been converted) entitled to vote  in
the  election of directors of  JCAC or Citicasters, or  the surviving person (if
other than JCAC), and such person or group has the ability to elect, directly or
indirectly, a majority of the members of the Board of Directors of JCAC; or (ii)
JCAC or Citicasters  consolidates with  or merges into  another person,  another
person consolidates with or merges into JCAC or Citicasters, JCAC or Citicasters
issues  shares of its capital stock or all or substantially all of the assets of
JCAC or  CC  are sold,  assigned,  conveyed, transferred,  leased  or  otherwise
disposed  of to any person as an entirety or substantially as an entirety in one
transaction or  a  series  of  related  transactions  and  the  effect  of  such
consolidation, merger, issuance or sale is as described in clause (i) above.
    Additionally,  in the  event the  Merger has  not become  effective prior to
January 1, 1997, JCAC is required to make an offer to repurchase the Notes at  a
price  equal to 101% of the aggregate principal amount thereof, plus accrued and
unpaid interest,  if  any,  to  the date  of  repurchase  (the  "Nonconsummation
Offer").  There can  be no  assurance that  JCAC will  have sufficient  funds to
purchase all of the Notes in the

event of a Nonconsummation Offer or that JCAC would be able to obtain  financing
for  such purpose on favorable terms, if  at all. JCAC currently has no material
assets or  operations. Upon  consummation of  the Merger,  however, Jacor  will,
directly  or  indirectly,  contribute, convey,  or  transfer all  of  the equity
interests of its wholly owned subsidiaries to JCAC.
    Events of  default  under the  Senior  Subordinated Note  Indenture  include
various  events of default  customary for such type  of agreement, including the
failure to pay principal and interest when  due on the Notes, cross defaults  on
other  indebtedness  for  borrowed  monies  in  excess  of  $5.0  million (which
indebtedness therefore includes  the Existing  Credit Facility,  the New  Credit
Facility, the LYONs and the Citicasters Notes) and certain events of bankruptcy,
insolvency and reorganization.
    THE  LYONS DUE  2011. Concurrently with  the consummation of  the 1996 Stock
Offering and the Notes  Offering, Jacor consummated  the LYONs Offering  whereby
Jacor  issued and sold LYONs due June 12, 2011 in the aggregate principal amount
at maturity  of  $226.0 million  (excluding  $33.9 million  aggregate  principal
amount at maturity subject to the over-allotment option). Each LYON had an Issue
Price of $443.4 and has a principal amount at maturity of $1,000.
    Each  LYON is convertible,  at the option of  the holder, at  any time on or
prior to  maturity,  unless previously  redeemed  or otherwise  purchased,  into
Common Stock at a conversion rate of 13.412 shares per LYON. The conversion rate
will  not be  adjusted for  accrued original issue  discount, but  is subject to
adjustment upon the  occurrence of  certain events affecting  the Common  Stock.
Upon  conversion,  the holder  will not  receive  any cash  payment representing
accrued original issue discount;  such accrued original  issue discount will  be
deemed paid by the Common Stock received by the holder on conversion.
    The LYONs are not be redeemable by Jacor prior to June 12, 2001. Thereafter,
the  LYONs are redeemable for cash at any  time at the option of Jacor, in whole
or in part, at redemption prices equal to the issue price plus accrued  original
issue discount to the date of redemption.
    The  LYONs will be purchased by Jacor, at  the option of the holder, on June
12, 2001  and on  June 12,  2006 for  a Purchase  Price of  $581.25 and  $762.39
(representing  issue price plus  accrued original issue  discount to each date),
respectively, representing a 5.50% yield per  annum to the Holder on such  date,
computed  on a semiannual bond equivalent basis. Jacor, at its option, may elect
to pay the  purchase price on  any such purchase  date in cash  or Jacor  Common
Stock, or any combination thereof. In addition, as of 35 business days after the
occurrence  of a change  in control of Jacor  occurring on or  prior to June 12,
2001, each LYON  will be  purchased for  cash, by Jacor,  at the  option of  the
holder,  for a change  in control purchase  price equal to  the issue price plus
accrued original issue discount to the  change in control purchase date set  for
such  purchase.  The change  in control  purchase  feature of  the LYONs  may in
certain circumstances have an anti-takeover effect.
    Under the indenture  for the  LYONs (the  "LYONs Indenture"),  a "Change  in
Control"  of Jacor is deemed to have occurred at such time as (i) any person (as
the term  "person"  is used  in  Section 13(d)(3)  or  Section 14(d)(2)  of  the
Exchange  Act) other than Zell/Chilmark, Jacor,  any subsidiary of Jacor, or any
employee benefit  plan of  either Jacor  or  any Subsidiary  of Jacor,  files  a
Schedule 13D or 14D-1 under the Exchange Act (or any successor schedule, form or
report)  disclosing that such person  has become the beneficial  owner of 50% or
more of the Common Stock or other capital stock of Jacor into which such  Common
Stock  is reclassified or changed, with  certain exceptions, or (ii) there shall
be consummated any consolidation or  merger of Jacor (a)  in which Jacor is  not
the  continuing or  surviving corporation  or (b)  pursuant to  which the Common
Stock would be converted into cash, securities or other property, in each  case,
other  than a consolidation  or merger of  Jacor in which  the holders of Common
Stock immediately  prior  to  the  consolidation  or  merger  own,  directly  or
indirectly,  at least a majority of Common  Stock of the continuing or surviving
corporation immediately after the consolidation  or merger. A Change of  Control
under  the LYONs Indenture constitutes an event  of default under the New Credit
Facility. See "-- New Credit Facility."
    The LYONs Indenture includes  various events of  default customary for  such
type  of agreement,  such as cross  defaults on other  indebtedness for borrowed
monies in excess  of $10.0  million (which indebtedness  therefore includes  the
Existing Credit Facility, the New Credit Facility, the Notes and the Citicasters

and  certain events  of bankruptcy, insolvency  and reorganization.  A change of
control under the  indenture which governs  each of the  Notes, the  Citicasters
Notes  and the  LYONs will result  in a  default under the  New Credit Facility.
Additionally, unless JCAC  is successful  in seeking consents  from its  lenders
under  the New Credit Facility to permit change of control repurchase offers for
each of the Notes, the Citicasters Notes  or the LYONs or JCAC is successful  in
refinancing such borrowings, such event of default under the New Credit Facility
constitutes  an event of default under each  of the Notes, the Citicasters Notes
and the LYONs. Such events of default could result in the immediate acceleration
of all then outstanding indebtedness under each of the Notes, Citicasters  Notes
and  LYONs. As  a result,  differences in the  definitions of  change of control
under the indentures for the Notes and the Citicasters Notes and the LYONs  will
not have a difference in the effect on JCAC or the respective holders other than
where  the  lenders under  the New  Credit  Facility have  waived such  event of
default. In the event of  such waiver there could be  a change of control  under
the  Notes  and the  Citicasters Notes  which would  not result  in a  change of
control under the LYONs or VICE VERSA.
    In considering the recommendations  of the Jacor  Board and the  Citicasters
Board  with respect  to the  Merger, shareholders  should be  aware that certain
members of Citicasters' management and the  Citicasters Board (as well as  other
employees  of  Citicasters)  have  certain interests  described  below  that may
present them with actual or potential  conflicts of interest in connection  with
the  Merger. Each of  the Jacor Board  and Citicasters Board  was aware of these
interests and  considered them,  among other  matters, in  approving the  Merger
Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.
    EMPLOYMENT  CONTINUATION  AGREEMENTS.  The  Merger  Agreement  provides that
within sixty days after the execution of the Merger Agreement, Citicasters  will
offer  to enter into Employment Continuation  Agreements with Gregory C. Thomas,
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Citicasters, and certain
senior managers of  Citicasters. The Employment  Continuation Agreement for  Mr.
Thomas,  which becomes  operative upon  a Change  in Control  (which, as defined
therein, includes the Merger), provides that Citicasters will continue to employ
Mr. Thomas for a period of two  years, commencing on the date of the  occurrence
of  a Change in Control. Under the Employment Continuation Agreement, Mr. Thomas
will receive annual compensation of $335,000 and certain employee benefits  that
are  available generally to other executives  of Citicasters after the Effective
Time. Mr. Thomas will receive certain severance benefits if (i) he is terminated
other than for cause  (as defined in the  Employment Continuation Agreement)  or
permanent disability or (ii) during the sixty-day period immediately following a
Change  in Control,  he declines or  terminates Citicasters'  offer of continued
employment.  The  Employment  Continuation  Agreements  for  Citicasters  senior
managers,  which also become operative  upon a Change in  Control, have the same
term, compensation  and  benefit  arrangements as  Mr.  Thomas'  agreement,  but
provide  that such  senior managers will  receive certain  severance benefits if
during the term  of their respective  agreements (i) they  are terminated  other
than  for cause or permanent disability, or (ii) if the nature or scope of their
employment suffers a  significant adverse  change. In  addition, certain  senior
managers  are entitled  to such  severance payments  only so  long as  he or she
complies with certain noncompetition and nonsolicitation provisions set forth in
their respective  Employment  Continuation Agreements.  The  aggregate  payments
offered  to  senior managers  under the  Employment Continuation  Agreements are
$6.73 million.
    CITICASTERS STOCK OPTIONS. The Merger  Agreement provides that prior to  the
Effective  Time, Citicasters will  use its reasonable best  efforts to (i) cause
all 1,611,437.5 outstanding  options to  purchase shares  of Citicasters  Common
Stock (each, an "Option") issued pursuant to Citicasters' 1993 Stock Option Plan
or  1994 Directors Stock Option Plan (collectively, the "Stock Option Plans") to
become fully vested  and exercisable  and (ii) obtain  from each  holder of  any
Option  an agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Jacor, to
surrender as of the Effective Time all outstanding Options, in consideration  of
the payment at the Effective Time of an amount of cash per share subject to each
such  Option equal to the  difference between the exercise  price of such Option
and the Cash Consideration  (less an amount  equal to all  taxes required to  be
withheld  from such payment),  plus for each  share subject to  such Option, the
Warrant Consideration, or, alternatively, acquire  upon payment of the  exercise
price an amount of cash equal to the Cash Consideration (less an amount equal to
all  taxes required to be withheld) in  lieu of each share of Citicasters Common
Stock formerly covered thereby, plus for each share covered by such Option,  the
Warrant Consideration.

    Pursuant  to the foregoing  treatment of the Options,  Options to acquire an
aggregate of 90,000 shares of Citicasters  Common Stock at $10.33 per share  and
Options  to acquire an aggregate of 7,500  shares of Citicasters Common Stock at
$25.50 per share  held by the  directors of Citicasters,  which were  previously
unvested  and unexercisable at  the time the Merger  Agreement was entered into,
will become immediately vested and exercisable. In addition, Options to  acquire
an  aggregate of 327,375 shares  of Citicasters Common Stock  at $6.67 per share
and Options to  acquire an  aggregate of  135,000 shares  of Citicasters  Common
Stock  at $9.77 per share  held by the executive  officers of Citicasters, which
were previously unvested and unexercisable at the time the Merger Agreement  was
entered  into, will become immediately vested  and exercisable. The surrender of
all outstanding Options in consideration of the payment at the Effective Time of
the Cash Consideration and  the Warrant Consideration  will result in  aggregate
cash  payments  of  $34.3  million  and  the  issuance  of  Jacor  Warrants  for
approximately 328,000 shares of Jacor Common Stock.
    As a result of the foregoing,  each director of Citicasters (except John  P.
Zanotti)  shall receive Cash Consideration of $437,325 and 4,885 Jacor Warrants.
The executive  officers of  Citicasters,  Messrs. John  P. Zanotti,  Gregory  C.
Thomas  and Samuel  J. Simon, shall  receive Cash  Consideration of $12,493,125,
$2,206,913 and $1,086,019,  respectively, and 114,483,  20,607 and 10,303  Jacor
Warrants,  respectively. See  "THE MERGER--Interests  of Certain  Persons in the
    INDEMNIFICATION. The Merger Agreement provides that Jacor will, for not less
than six years following  the Effective Time, indemnify  and hold harmless  each
present  and former director, officer, agent and employee of Citicasters and its
subsidiaries ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims arising
out of or in connection with activities in such capacity, or on behalf of, or at
the request  of, Citicasters,  its subsidiaries  or their  affiliates, and  will
advance  expenses incurred with respect to  the foregoing, as they are incurred,
to the fullest extent  permitted by applicable law;  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that  if
any claim or claims are asserted or made within such six-year period, all rights
to  indemnification  in respect  of such  claims will  continue until  the final
disposition of any and all such claims.
    Jacor is further obligated by the  Merger Agreement to cause Citicasters  to
keep  in effect provisions in the Citicasters Restated Articles of Incorporation
and By-laws providing for exculpation of director and officer liability and  its
indemnification  of or advancement of expenses to the Indemnified Parties to the
fullest extent permitted under the FBCA,  which provisions shall not be  amended
except  as required by applicable law or except to make changes permitted by law
that  would  enhance  the  Indemnified  Parties'  right  of  indemnification  or
advancement  of expenses.  If, after  the Effective  Time, Jacor  or any  of its
successors or assigns (i) consolidates with or merges into any other person  and
shall  not  be  the  continuing  or  surviving  corporation  or  entity  of such
consolidation or  merger, or  (ii) transfers  all or  substantially all  of  its
property  and assets to  any person, then,  in each such  case, proper provision
shall be made so that the successors and assigns of Jacor assume all of  Jacor's
foregoing indemnity obligations.
    REGISTRATION  RIGHTS.  Pursuant  to the  Stockholders  Agreement,  Jacor has
agreed to enter into an agreement prior  to the closing of the Merger  providing
for  the shelf registration of  resale of the Jacor  Warrants and the underlying
shares of Jacor Common Stock to be issued to the Consenting Stockholders as part
of the Merger  Consideration. Such agreement  is anticipated to  have terms  and
conditions customary for transactions of such nature.
    The  receipt  of  certain  federal  and  state  governmental  or  regulatory
approvals are required in order to consummate the Merger, including the approval
of the FCC, and the expiration  or termination of the applicable waiting  period
under  the HSR Act. Jacor and Citicasters have agreed in the Merger Agreement to
use all reasonable efforts to obtain such approvals or waivers, but there can be
no assurance as to when  or if such approvals or  waivers will be obtained.  See
"RISK FACTORS--Pending Acquisitions."
    FCC  OWNERSHIP RULES.  Rules of  the FCC  limit the  number and  location of
broadcast stations in which one licensee  (or any party with a control  position
or  attributable ownership interest therein)  may have an attributable interest.
The  "national  radio   ownership  rule"  had   generally  prohibited  any   one
non-minority individual or entity from having a control position or attributable
ownership interest in more than 20 AM or

more  than 20 FM radio  stations nationwide. The Telecom  Act directs the FCC to
modify its  rules to  eliminate  any provisions  limiting  the number  of  radio
stations  which may  be owned  or controlled by  one entity  nationally. The FCC
adopted this rule change by an order  which became effective on March 15,  1996.
Consequently,  there now is no  limit imposed by the FCC  to the number of radio
stations one party may own nationally.
    The "local radio ownership  rule" limits the number  of stations in a  radio
market  in which  any one individual  or entity  may have a  control position or
attributable ownership interest. The local radio ownership rule had provided for
markets with 15 or more radio stations, a limit of two AMs and two FMs, provided
generally that the  combined audience shares  of the co-owned  stations did  not
exceed  25% of the radio ratings market  at the time of acquisition. The Telecom
Act directs the FCC to  revise its rules to  increase the local radio  ownership
limits  as follows: (a) in markets with  45 or more commercial radio stations, a
party may own up to eight commercial radio stations, no more than five of  which
are  in the same service (AM or FM);  (b) in markets with 30-44 commercial radio
stations, the limit  is seven commercial  radio stations, no  more than four  of
which  are  in the  same service;  (c)  in markets  with 15-29  commercial radio
stations, the limit is six commercial radio stations, no more than four of which
are in the same service;  and (d) in markets with  14 or fewer commercial  radio
stations,  a party may  own up to  five commercial radio  stations, no more than
three of which are in the same service, provided that no party may own more than
50% of the commercial stations in the  market. The FCC adopted these changes  to
the  local radio ownership rule by an  order which became effective on March 15,
1996. In addition, the  FCC has a  "cross interest" policy  that may prohibit  a
party with an attributable interest in one station in a market from also holding
either  a "meaningful" non-attributable equity interest (e.g., non-voting stock,
voting stock,  limited  partnership interests)  or  key management  position  in
another  station in the same  market, or which may  prohibit local stations from
combining to  build or  acquire  another local  station.  The FCC  is  presently
evaluating  its cross-interest policy as well as policies governing attributable
ownership interests. Jacor cannot predict whether the FCC will adopt any changes
in these policies or, if so, what the new policies will be.
    The rules also generally prohibit the acquisition of an ownership or control
position in a television station and one or more radio stations serving the same
market (termed the "one-to-a-market" rule).  Current FCC policy looks  favorably
upon  waiver requests relating to television and AM/FM radio combinations in the
top 25 television markets where at least 30 separately owned broadcast  stations
will  remain  after the  combination. One-to-a-market  waiver requests  in other
markets, as well  as those in  the top  25 television markets  that involve  the
combination  of a television station  and more than one  same service (AM or FM)
radio station,  presently are  evaluated by  the FCC  pursuant to  a  fact-based
five-part,  case-by-case  review. The  FCC also  has  an established  policy for
granting  waivers  that  involve  "failed"   stations.  The  FCC  currently   is
considering  changes  to  its  one-to-a-market  waiver  standards  in  a pending
rule-making proceeding. The Telecom Act instructs  the FCC to extend its top  25
market/30 voices waiver policy to the top 50 markets, consistent with the public
interest, convenience, and necessity. The Telecom Act conferees stated that they
expect  the  FCC in  its future  implementation  of its  current one-to-a-market
waiver policy, as well as in any future changes the FCC may adopt in the pending
rule-making, to  take  into  account  increased competition  and  the  need  for
diversity  in  today's  radio marketplace.  The  FCC  also plans  to  review and
possibly modify  its  current  prohibitions relating  to  ownership  or  control
positions in a daily newspaper and a broadcast station in the same market.
    FCC  APPROVALS.  On  February  22,  1996,  Citicasters  and  Jacor  filed an
application (the "Citicasters Transfer Application") with the FCC requesting the
FCC's consent to transfer control of Citicasters Co., which is the FCC  licensee
for  each of  Citicasters' radio  and television  stations, from  the holders of
Citicasters Common  Stock  to  Jacor.  Jacor  presently  owns  and/or  has  time
brokerage  agreements with one AM and two FM stations in the Atlanta market, two
AM and two FM stations in the Tampa market and two AM and two FM stations in the
Cincinnati market.  The Citicasters  Transfer Application  provides a  technical
statement  demonstrating that, pursuant to the FCC's methodology for calculating
market size, the relevant radio market in each of Atlanta, Tampa and  Cincinnati
contains  more than 45 commercial radio stations,  and Jacor would own less than
eight commercial radio stations, and less than five in the same service in  each
such  radio  market.  The television  stations  licensed to  Citicasters  are in
markets in which  Jacor and  Citicasters own radio  stations. Consequently,  the
Citicasters  Transfer  Application  requests waivers  pursuant  to  a five-part,

case-by-case  review  of  the  one-to-a-market  rule  to  permit  the  permanent
co-ownership  of these television  and radio stations.  The Citicasters Transfer
Application notes that the FCC may  choose to grant initially temporary  waivers
of  the one-to-a-market rule  in connection with the  transfer of Citicasters to
Jacor and thereafter rule on the permanent waiver requests. If the FCC does  not
grant  either  a permanent  or temporary  one-to-a-market waiver,  but otherwise
consents to  the  Merger, Jacor  could  not  consummate the  Merger  unless  the
Citicasters  television stations or the Citicasters  and Jacor radio stations in
the Cincinnati and Tampa markets were assigned to third parties. If divestitures
are required, there can be no assurance that Jacor would be able to obtain  full
value  for such stations nor  that such sales would  not have a material adverse
impact upon Jacor's business, financial condition and results of operations.  In
such  event, Jacor's intention would be to seek reconsideration and/or appellate
court review of the FCC's decision.
    The Citicasters  Transfer Application  has  been accepted  by the  FCC  and,
pursuant to the Communications Act and the FCC's rules, interested third parties
could  have filed petitions  to deny the  Citicasters Transfer Application until
April 4, 1996, and thereafter may file informal objections until the Citicasters
Transfer Application is granted.  No party has filed  a timely petition to  deny
or,   to  Jacor's  knowledge,  other   objection  to  the  Citicasters  Transfer
Application. To  date,  the  FCC  has not  acted  on  the  Citicasters  Transfer
    In the event that an opposition against the Citicasters Transfer Application
is filed that raises substantial issues, the FCC would determine on the basis of
the  opposition, responses to the  opposition that may be  filed by Jacor and/or
Citicasters, and such  other facts as  it may officially  notice, whether  there
were  substantial and material issues of  fact that would require an evidentiary
hearing to resolve. In the absence  of issues requiring an evidentiary  hearing,
and upon a finding that a grant of the Citicasters Transfer Application (and the
associated waivers noted above) would serve the public interest, convenience and
necessity, the FCC, or the FCC's staff acting by delegated authority, will grant
the  Citicasters Transfer Application. In the  unlikely event that there are any
issues of fact which cannot be resolved without an evidentiary hearing, the  FCC
could designate the Citicasters Transfer Application for such a hearing, and the
consummation  of  the Merger  could be  jeopardized  due to  the length  of time
ordinarily required to complete such proceedings.
    Within thirty days following FCC public  notice of such a grant, parties  in
interest may file a petition for reconsideration requesting that the FCC (or the
FCC's  staff in the case of a staff grant), reconsider its action. Alternatively
in the case of a staff grant, parties in interest may within the same thirty-day
period file an "Application for Review"  requesting that the FCC review and  set
aside  the staff grant. In the event of a staff grant, a party in interest could
take both actions, by first filing a petition for reconsideration with the staff
and later, within  thirty days  following public notice  of the  denial of  that
petition,  filing an Application for  Review. In the case  of a staff grant, the
FCC may  also review  the  staff action  on its  own  motion within  forty  days
following public notice of the staff's action. The FCC may review any of its own
actions  on its  own motion  within thirty days  following public  notice of the
    Within thirty days of public notice of an action by the FCC (i) granting the
Citicasters Transfer Application, (ii) denying a petition for reconsideration of
such a  grant or  (iii) denying  an Application  for Review  of a  staff  grant,
parties  in interest may appeal  the FCC's action to the  U. S. Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit.
    In the event that the Citicasters  Transfer Application should be denied  or
the requested waivers not granted by the FCC or its staff, Jacor and Citicasters
would  have the same rights  to seek reconsideration or  review and to appeal as
set forth above with respect to adverse parties.
    If the FCC does not, on its own  motion, or upon a request by an  interested
party  for reconsideration  or review,  review a staff  grant or  its own action
within the time  periods set  forth above,  an action by  the FCC  or its  staff
granting  the Citicasters  Transfer Application  would become  final. The Merger
Agreement provides that if all other  conditions to the Merger are satisfied  or
waived,  the parties are obligated to consummate the Merger upon the issuance of
an FCC grant of the Citicasters Transfer Application, even if such grant has not
become final.
    FCC LICENSE RENEWALS. Applications  for regular renewal  of the licenses  of
Jacor's  four Ohio radio stations and  of Citicasters' seven Ohio radio stations
were   filed    with   the    FCC    in   May    1996.   In    normal    course,

such applications would be granted by the end of September 1996. Similar renewal
applications  will be due to be filed by October 1, 1996 for Citicasters' Kansas
City radio stations and its Florida television station. Such applications  would
normally  be granted by  the end of  January 1997. The  licenses of Citicasters'
stations in Phoenix, Sacramento and Portland will not come due for renewal prior
to May 31, 1997.
    Except for  Jacor's  Florida  stations  and  Georgia  stations  (other  than
WGST-FM), whose licenses have been renewed for seven years expiring in 2003, the
current seven-year terms of the broadcasting licenses of all of Jacor's stations
expire in 1996, 1997 and 1998. Jacor does not anticipate any material difficulty
in obtaining license renewals for full terms in the future.
    When  the FCC considers  a proposed transfer  of control of  an FCC licensee
that holds multiple FCC licenses, some of which licenses are subject to  pending
renewal  applications, the FCC's past policy has  been either to defer action on
the transfer application  until the  pending renewals  have been  granted or  to
grant the transfer application conditioned on the transfer not being consummated
until  the renewals have been granted. The FCC has recently modified that policy
to provide that  so long as  there are  no unresolved issues  pertaining to  the
qualifications of the transferor or the transferee and so long as the transferee
is  willing to substitute itself as the  renewal applicant, the FCC will grant a
transfer application  for  a  licensee  holding  multiple  licenses  and  permit
consummation   of  the   transfer  notwithstanding   the  pendency   of  renewal
applications for one  or several  of the  licensee's stations.  This new  policy
should  permit the  parties to consummate  the Merger  (assuming satisfaction or
waiver of all other conditions and  the FCC's grant of the Citicasters  Transfer
Application)  during those periods when renewal applications are pending for one
or more  Citicasters' stations.  It is  anticipated that  Citicasters will  have
renewal  applications pending from June 1996  through January 1997 and from June
1997 through January 1998, although these periods could be extended in the event
that the FCC does not grant the subject renewal applications promptly.  However,
because  the  policy  is  so  new,  there  can  be  no  assurance  that  further
clarifications of  the policy  will not  make it  impossible or  inadvisable  to
consummate the Merger during such periods. In such event, if the consummation of
the Merger does not occur prior to October 1, 1996, the Cash Consideration to be
paid  by  Jacor will  be increased  each month  by $.22125  for each  issued and
outstanding share of  Citicasters Common  Stock and  the exercise  price of  the
Jacor  Warrants will be  reduced from $28.00  to $26.00 per  full share of Jacor
Common Stock. In the event that the  Merger is not consummated on or before  May
31,  1997,  Citicasters may  terminate  the Merger  Agreement  and draw  upon an
irrevocable, direct pay  letter of  credit obtained by  Jacor in  the amount  of
$75.0 million.
    REINCORPORATION  OF  JACOR.  The  reincorporation  of  Jacor  as  a Delaware
corporation requires prior FCC approval  as a corporate restructuring that  does
not  involve  a substantial  change in  ownership or  control. Such  approval is
obtained by the filing  of a "short-form" assignment  application with the  FCC.
Such  short-form applications do  not require public notice  or a waiting period
before grant by the FCC. Third parties do  not have a right to petition for  the
denial  of such  applications. The  FCC typically  grants uncontested short-form
applications within two weeks to one month from filing.
    ANTITRUST. Certain acquisitions  by Jacor of  broadcasting companies,  radio
station  groups or individual  radio stations will  be subject to  review by the
Antitrust Division and the Federal  Trade Commission pursuant to the  provisions
of the HSR Act. Generally, acquisitions involving assets valued at $15.0 million
or  more, and certain acquisitions of voting securities, come within the purview
of the HSR Act. Although it is  likely that many proposed acquisitions will  not
require  the parties to the  transaction to comply with the  HSR Act, or if such
compliance is  required,  will  result  in  rapid  clearance  by  the  antitrust
agencies,  in certain instances, such as is  the case with the Acquisitions, the
antitrust  agencies  may  choose   to  investigate  the  proposed   acquisition,
particularly  if it  appears that  such acquisition  will result  in substantial
concentration within a specific market. Any  decision by an antitrust agency  to
challenge a proposed acquisition could affect the ability of Jacor to consummate
the  proposed  acquisition, or  to consummate  the  acquisition on  the proposed
    Under the HSR Act and the  rules promulgated thereunder, the Merger may  not
be  consummated until notifications have been  given and certain information has
been furnished to the Antitrust Division  and the Federal Trade Commission  (the
"FTC")  and specified waiting period requirements have been satisfied. Jacor and
Citicasters each filed with  the Antitrust Division and  the FTC a  Notification
and  Report Form (the "Notification and Report Form") with respect to the Merger
on February 16, 1996.

    The Antitrust Division and the FTC determine between themselves which agency
is to take a closer  look at a proposed  transaction. The Antitrust Division  or
the  FTC, as  the case may  be, may then  issue a formal  request for additional
information ("the Second Request").  Under the HSR Act,  if a Second Request  is
issued,  the waiting  period then  would be extended  and would  expire at 11:59
p.m., on the twentieth calendar day after the date of substantial compliance  by
both  parties with such Second Request. Only one extension of the waiting period
pursuant to a request for additional  information is authorized by the HSR  Act.
Thereafter,  such waiting period may be extended only by court order or with the
consent of the  parties. In practice,  complying with a  request for  additional
information  or material can take a significant  amount of time. In addition, if
the Antitrust Division or the FTC raises substantive issues in connection with a
proposed transaction, the  parties frequently  engage in  negotiations with  the
relevant  governmental  agency  concerning possible  means  of  addressing those
issues and  may  agree to  delay  consummation  of the  transaction  while  such
negotiations continue. On March 15, 1996, the Antitrust Division issued a Second
Request to Jacor and Citicasters.
    In  format and specifications, the Second  Request closely follows the model
routinely  used  by   the  Antitrust  Division.   The  Second  Request   focuses
particularly  on the sale of  radio advertising time in  the Cincinnati area and
does not raise questions regarding the acquisition of Citicasters' Cincinnati TV
station or  the  Citicasters  radio  stations in  other  cities.  The  Antitrust
Division  has expressed concern  regarding the possible effect  of the Merger in
the Cincinnati  market.  Jacor  believes that  the  parties  have  substantially
complied  with the Second  Request relative to the  Merger, and further believes
that the applicable waiting period with respect to the Merger expired on June 9,
1996. The Antitrust Division has expressed concern regarding the possible effect
of the Merger in the Cincinnati market, and the parties to the Merger are having
ongoing discussions with the Antitrust Division to address those concerns.
    The Antitrust Division and the FTC frequently scrutinize the legality  under
the  antitrust laws of  transactions such as  the Merger. At  any time before or
after the Jacor  Annual Meeting, the  Antitrust Division or  the FTC could  take
such  action under the antitrust laws as  it deems necessary or desirable in the
public  interest,  including  seeking  to  enjoin  the  Merger  or  seeking  the
divestiture of substantial assets of Citicasters or its subsidiaries or Jacor or
its subsidiaries.
    In  addition, state antitrust authorities may  also bring legal action under
the antitrust laws. Such action could include seeking to enjoin the consummation
of the Merger or seeking divestiture of certain assets of Jacor or  Citicasters.
No state authorities have indicated that they will undertake an investigation of
the  Merger.  Private parties  may  also seek  to  take legal  action  under the
antitrust laws under  certain circumstances. There  can be no  assurance that  a
challenge  to the  Merger on antitrust  grounds will not  be made or,  if such a
challenge is made, what the result of such challenge may be.
    REQUIRED APPROVALS FOR NOBLE ACQUISITION. Jacor's acquisition of Noble  also
requires  the  approval of  the FCC  and  the expiration  or termination  of the
applicable waiting period under the HSR Act.
    On February 8, 1996, Jacor filed an application with the FCC for its consent
to the transfer of control of Noble Broadcast Licenses, Inc. ("Noble Licenses"),
the licensee of  ten full-powered radio  stations in the  Toledo, St. Louis  and
Denver  markets,  from John  T.  Lynch et  al.,  to Jacor  (the  "Noble Transfer
Application"). Jacor presently  owns two AM  and two FM  stations in the  Denver
market,  and Noble presently owns two AM  and two FM stations serving the Denver
market. The Noble Transfer Application was granted on March 27, 1996 by the Mass
Media Bureau of the FCC acting  pursuant to delegated authority. No party  filed
an  opposition to  the Noble  Transfer Application. The  FCC issued  on April 1,
1996, a public notice  of the grant  by the Mass Media  Bureau. Pursuant to  the
Communications  Act and  the FCC's  rules, interested  third parties  could have
filed petitions for reconsideration of the Noble Transfer Application until  May
1,  1996. Third parties that did not object to an application prior to its grant
must establish good cause  for filing a petition  for reconsideration. The  Mass
Media  Bureau of  the FCC also  could have  reconsidered the grant  of the Noble
Transfer Application on its own motion until May 1, 1996. In addition, the  full
FCC  on its own motion could have reviewed the Mass Media Bureau grant until May
13, 1996. No  such action  was taken,  so consequently  the grant  of the  Noble
Transfer Application has become "final," that is, the grant is no longer subject
to  further administrative or judicial review.  Pursuant to the Noble agreement,
however, Jacor  at its  option may  defer the  closing until  all Noble  station
licenses have been renewed and such renewal grants are final.

    On  February 26, 1996,  Jacor and Noble  also each filed  with the Antitrust
Division and the  FTC a  Notification and Report  Form with  respect to  Jacor's
acquisition  of Noble's Denver,  St. Louis, and Toledo  radio stations. On March
29, 1996, the  Antitrust Division issued  a Second Request  to Jacor and  Noble.
Jacor believes that the parties completed substantial compliance with the Second
Request relevant to the Noble Acquisition on June 17, 1996, and anticipates that
the  applicable waiting period with respect to the Noble Acquisition will expire
on July  7, 1996.  In  format and  specifications,  the Second  Request  closely
follows  the model routinely used by  the Antitrust Division. The Second Request
focuses particularly on the  sale of radio advertising  time in the Denver  area
and  does  not raise  questions  regarding the  acquisition  of the  Noble radio
stations in  other  cities.  Although  the  Second  Request  seeks  considerable
information,  the Antitrust Division has not expressed a substantive view of the
Noble Acquisition to date.
    Previously, on February 6,  1996, Jacor and Noble  filed a Notification  and
Report  Form with respect to Jacor's acquisition  of Noble as related to the San
Diego radio market, and were granted early termination of the applicable waiting
period under  the HSR  Act.  Promptly following  such early  termination,  Jacor
consummated  its  purchase  of  certain assets  relating  to  Noble's  San Diego
operations on February 21, 1996. See "THE NOBLE ACQUISITION."
    Under the Merger  Agreement, Jacor  has agreed  to use  its reasonable  best
efforts  to cause  the Jacor  Warrants to  be listed  for trading  on the Nasdaq
National Market.
    The following is a description  of material federal income tax  consequences
applicable  to holders of Citicasters Common Stock  and to holders of options to
acquire Citicasters Common Stock who receive  cash and warrants pursuant to  the
Merger.  Except as otherwise  expressly indicated, the  following only describes
certain tax consequences to United  States persons (E.G., citizens or  residents
of  the  United  States  and  domestic  corporations)  (a)  who  hold  shares of
Citicasters Common Stock  as capital  assets and  will hold  the Jacor  Warrants
received  in the  Merger as capital  assets or  (b) who hold  options to acquire
Citicasters Common Stock that were received in consideration for the performance
of services to Citicasters. It does not discuss the tax consequences that  might
be  relevant  to  holders of  Citicasters  Common  Stock or  options  to acquire
Citicasters Common Stock entitled to special treatment under the federal  income
tax  law,  such  as  life  insurance  companies,  tax  exempt  organizations,  S
corporations, and taxpayers subject to alternative minimum tax.
    Citicasters has been  advised by its  counsel, Jones, Day,  Reavis &  Pogue,
that in its opinion the Merger will be a taxable event to holders of Citicasters
Common  Stock and to holders of options  to acquire Citicasters Common Stock who
receive cash and warrants  pursuant to the Merger.  Counsel has further  advised
Citicasters  that it  is counsel's  opinion that,  while the  following does not
purport to discuss  all tax matters  relating to the  Merger, the following  are
material  federal  income  tax  consequences  of  the  Merger,  subject  to  the
qualifications herein.
Citicasters  Common Stock will be treated as if, at the Effective Time, they had
sold each of their shares for cash and a Jacor Warrant. A holder will  recognize
capital  gain or loss equal to the difference  between (a) the cash and the fair
market value, if any, of the Jacor  Warrant received and (b) the holder's  basis
in  Citicasters Common Stock  given up in  exchange. The tax  basis of the Jacor
Warrant received by a holder of Citicasters Common Stock will be the fair market
value of the  warrant at the  Effective Time. The  preceding discussion  assumes
that the Closing occurs prior to October 1, 1996.
    In  the event that the Closing does not  occur prior to October 1, 1996, for
each share of  Citicasters Common  Stock, a  holder will  receive an  additional
amount  of $.22125  in cash  for each  full calendar  month ending  prior to the
Closing. In this event, the facts and circumstances surrounding the delay in the
Closing may affect the  tax character of any  additional amount received  (I.E.,
whether the additional amount is treated as additional purchase price that would
increase  the capital gain (or decrease the capital loss) recognized by a holder
on the disposition of his or her shares in the Merger or interest that would  be
taxable  as ordinary  income). For  example, if the  event causing  the delay is
considered to be within the control of Jacor, the

Internal Revenue Service may attempt to recharacterize the additional amount  as
interest  that is taxable as ordinary income. Due to the facts and circumstances
of the inquiry, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue has expressed no tax opinion on  this
issue.  Jacor and  Citicasters each  have indicated  its intention  to treat any
additional amounts received as additional purchase price that would increase the
capital gain  (or decrease  the capital  loss)  recognized by  a holder  on  the
disposition  of his or her  shares in the Merger.  Holders should note, however,
that, depending  on  the facts  and  circumstances, there  is  a risk  that  the
Internal  Revenue Service may attempt to recharacterize  all or a portion of any
additional amount  received  as interest,  rather  than as  additional  purchase
    If  a  former  holder of  Citicasters  Common  Stock disposes  of  the Jacor
Warrants received pursuant to the Merger in a future sale or in an exchange with
an unrelated party of such warrants for cash or stock of an unrelated party, the
holder will recognize a capital gain or loss equal to the difference between (a)
the proceeds received on disposition and (b) the holder's tax basis in the Jacor
Warrants. Former holders of Citicasters Common Stock, however, will not be taxed
at the time they exercise Jacor Warrants. Instead, the holders will have a basis
in the Jacor Common Stock  received on exercise of  the Jacor Warrants equal  to
the  exercise price plus the holder's tax  basis in the Jacor Warrants. If Jacor
Warrants expire prior to their exercise,  the holder of the Jacor Warrants  will
recognize  a capital loss  at that time equal  to the holder's  tax basis in the
Jacor Warrants.
    Under the federal income tax  backup withholding rules, unless an  exemption
applies, the Exchange Agent will be required to withhold, and will withhold, 31%
of  all payments to which a holder of Citicasters Common Stock or other payee is
entitled pursuant to the Merger, unless the holder or other payee provides a tax
identification number (social security number, in the case of an individual,  or
employer  identification number in  the case of  other Citicasters shareholders)
and certifies under  penalties of  perjury, that  such number  is correct.  Each
holder of Citicasters Common Stock, and, if applicable, each other payee, should
complete  and sign the substitute Form W-9 which will be included as part of the
letter of transmittal to be returned to  the Exchange Agent in order to  provide
the  information and certification necessary to avoid backup withholding, unless
an applicable exception  exists and is  proved in a  manner satisfactory to  the
Exchange  Agent. The exceptions  provide that certain  holders (including, among
others, all corporations  and certain  foreign individuals) are  not subject  to
these  backup withholding  and reporting  requirements. In  order for  a foreign
individual to qualify as an exempt recipient,  however, he or she must submit  a
signed  statement (I.E., Certificate of Foreign Status on Form W-8) attesting to
his or her  exempt status.  Any amounts  withheld will  be allowed  as a  credit
against the holder's federal income tax liability for such year.
STOCK. Holders of options to acquire Citicasters Common Stock will exchange each
of their options for cash and a Jacor Warrant. A holder will recognize  ordinary
income  equal to the amount of cash  received. In addition, while the matter may
not be  free from  doubt,  it is  likely that  the  holder also  will  recognize
ordinary  income equal to the fair market  value of the Jacor Warrants received.
Due however to the lack of direct authority regarding the receipt of warrants by
a holder of options, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue has expressed no opinion on this
issue. Citicasters has indicated  its intention to report  on Form W-2 for  each
holder  the sum  of the  cash and the  fair market  value of  the Jacor Warrants
received. Assuming  that a  holder recognizes  income on  receipt of  the  Jacor
Warrants,  the tax  consequences on  disposition or  expiration of  the warrants
should be similar to those described above in the case of holders of Citicasters
Common Stock who received Jacor Warrants, provided that the warrants are held as
capital asset.
    In addition to the  tax consequences described  above, certain options  that
become  fully vested  as a  result of the  Merger, as  well as  other items, may
constitute "excess parachute payments"  associated with a  change in control  of
Citicasters.  Such payments can result in a special 20 percent excise tax on the
holder under Section 4999  of the Code  and a loss  of the deduction  associated
with the payments to Citicasters under Section 280G of the Code.
    TAX  CONSEQUENCES TO  JACOR. The  consummation of the  Merger will  not be a
taxable event to Jacor.

    The Merger will be accounted for as a "purchase," as such term is used under
generally accepted  accounting  principles.  Accordingly,  from  and  after  the
Effective Date, Citicasters' consolidated results of operations will be included
in Jacor's consolidated results of operations. For purposes of preparing Jacor's
consolidated  financial statements, Jacor will  establish a new accounting basis
for Citicasters'  assets  and liabilities  based  upon the  fair  market  values
thereof  and Jacor's  purchase price,  including the  costs of  the acquisition.
Accordingly, the purchase  accounting adjustments  made in  connection with  the
development of the pro forma condensed financial information appearing elsewhere
in  this  Proxy Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus are  preliminary and
have been made  solely for purposes  of developing such  pro forma  consolidated
financial  information to comply with disclosure requirements of the Commission.
Although the final allocation will differ, the pro forma consolidated  financial
information  reflects management's best estimate  based upon currently available
    All Jacor Warrants received by  Citicasters shareholders in the Merger  will
be  freely transferable, except that Jacor  Warrants received by persons who are
deemed to be "affiliates" (as such term is defined under the Securities Act)  of
Citicasters  prior to  the Merger  may be  resold by  them only  in transactions
permitted by the resale provisions of Rule 145 promulgated under the  Securities
Act  (or Rule 144 in the case of such persons who become affiliates of Jacor) or
as otherwise permitted under the Securities Act. Persons who may be deemed to be
affiliates of Jacor  or Citicasters  generally include  individuals or  entities
that  control, are controlled by,  or are under common  control with, such party
and may  include  certain  officers and  directors  of  such party  as  well  as
principal  shareholders of such party. The Merger Agreement requires Citicasters
to use its best  efforts to cause  each of its affiliates  to execute a  written
agreement  to the effect that such affiliate will not offer or sell or otherwise
dispose of any of the  Jacor Warrants, or the shares  of the Jacor Common  Stock
issued upon exercise of a Jacor Warrant, issued to such affiliate in or pursuant
to  the Merger in violation  of the Securities Act  or the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Commission thereunder.
    The shares of Jacor  Common Stock issuable upon  exercise of Jacor  Warrants
have  been  registered  under the  Registration  Statement of  which  this Proxy
Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus is a  part. In the Merger  Agreement,
Jacor  has  covenanted that  upon consummation  of  the Merger  it will  use its
reasonable best efforts to prepare and  file with the Commission a  registration
statement  in connection with the issuance of  such shares of Jacor Common Stock
upon exercise of Jacor  Warrants, and use its  reasonable best efforts to  cause
such  registration statement to become  effective. In addition, the Stockholders
Agreement provides that Jacor and the Consenting Stockholders will, prior to the
Closing, enter into an agreement providing  for shelf registration of resale  of
the  Warrants and  the underlying  shares of Jacor  Common Stock  with terms and
conditions customary for transactions that are similar to the Merger.
    Because Citicasters  Common  Stock was  registered  on the  Nasdaq  National
Market  on the Citicasters Record Date, holders of Citicasters Common Stock will
not have appraisal  rights or dissenters'  rights under the  FBCA in  connection
with  the Merger. Under the general corporation  laws of both Ohio and Delaware,
the Merger  does  not  require  the approval  of  the  Jacor  shareholders  and,
therefore, holders of Jacor Common Stock are not entitled to appraisal rights or
dissenters' rights with respect to the Merger.

                             THE NOBLE ACQUISITION
    On  February 21, 1996, Jacor entered into an agreement with the stockholders
of Noble to acquire  all of the  outstanding Class B common  stock of Noble  for
approximately  $12.5 million. At the same  time, Jacor also purchased a warrant,
for a purchase price of approximately $52.8 million, entitling Jacor to  acquire
the  Class A common stock of Noble  comprising a 79.1% equity interest in Noble.
Upon consummation of the  purchase of the outstanding  Noble capital stock  from
the  Noble stockholders and the exercise of Jacor's warrant, Jacor will own 100%
of the equity  interests in Noble.  The consummation of  Jacor's acquisition  of
Noble is subject to various conditions including the approval of the FCC and the
expiration  or termination of  the applicable waiting period  under the HSR Act.
See   "RISK   FACTORS--Pending   Acquisitions"   and   "THE   MERGER--Regulatory
Matters--Required Approvals for Noble Acquisition."
    Noble  owns 10 radio stations serving  Denver, St. Louis and Toledo. Pending
the closing of Jacor's acquisition of  Noble, Jacor and Noble have entered  into
time  brokerage agreements with  respect to Noble's radio  stations in St. Louis
and Toledo.
    On February 21, 1996,  Jacor purchased from  certain Noble subsidiaries  for
approximately  $47.0  million  certain  assets  relating  to  Noble's  San Diego
operations. Noble's  San Diego  operations assets  included an  exclusive  sales
agency agreement under which Noble provided programming to and sold the air time
for  two radio  stations serving San  Diego (XTRA-AM, XTRA-FM).  These two radio
stations are licensed by, and subject to the regulatory control of, the  Mexican
government.  As part of its purchase of  Noble's San Diego operations, Jacor was
assigned all of Noble's rights under  the exclusive sales agency agreement,  and
Jacor  is  now  providing the  programming  to  and selling  air  time  for such
stations. In  addition, another  wholly  owned subsidiary  of Jacor  provided  a
credit  facility to  Noble in  the amount  of $41.0  million. Noble  applied the
proceeds of this credit facility to  repay in full its outstanding  indebtedness
as of February 21, 1996.
    The  aggregate value  of the Noble  Acquisition, when  fully consummated, is
estimated to  be approximately  $152.0 million,  of which  approximately  $139.5
million has already been paid. In order to fund the Noble Acquisition, refinance
outstanding  debt of $45.5  million (as of  February 21, 1996),  and pay related
costs and  expenses  of  approximately  $5.0 million,  Jacor  entered  into  the
Existing  Credit Facility  in the principal  amount of $300.0  million. See "THE
MERGER--Financing Arrangements."

    The  following  unaudited pro  forma financial  information (the  "Pro Forma
Financial Information")  is  based on  the  historical financial  statements  of
Jacor,  Noble and Citicasters and has been prepared to illustrate the effects of
the acquisitions described below and the related financing transactions.
    The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statements of operations  for
the  year ended December 31,  1995 and for the  latest twelve months ended March
31, 1996  give  effect  to  each  of  the  following  transactions  as  if  such
transactions  had  been  completed  as  of January  1,  1995:  (i)  Jacor's 1995
completed radio  station  acquisitions  and  the  February  1996  radio  station
dispositions,  (ii)  Noble's  completed  1995  radio  station  acquisitions  and
dispositions, (iii) Citicasters' completed 1995  and January 1996 radio  station
acquisitions, (iv) the Acquisitions, and (v) the related financing transactions.
The  unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statements of operations for the
three months ended March 31, 1996 and  for the latest twelve months ended  March
31,  1996  give  effect  to  each  of  the  following  transactions  as  if such
transactions had been completed as of January 1, 1996: (i) Jacor's February 1996
radio station  dispositions,  (ii)  the  Acquisitions,  and  (iii)  the  related
financing transactions. The pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of
March  31,  1996 has  been  prepared as  if  such acquisitions  and  the related
financing transactions had occurred on that date.
    The Acquisitions  will  be  accounted  for  using  the  purchase  method  of
accounting.  The total purchase  costs of the Acquisitions  will be allocated to
the tangible and  intangible assets  and liabilities acquired  based upon  their
respective fair values. The allocation of the aggregate purchase price reflected
in  the  Unaudited Pro  Forma Financial  Information  is preliminary.  The final
allocation of the purchase  price will be contingent  upon the receipt of  final
appraisals of the acquired assets and liabilities.
    The  Unaudited Pro Forma  Financial Information does  not purport to present
the actual financial position  or results of operations  of the Company had  the
transactions and events assumed therein in fact occurred on the dates specified,
nor  are they necessarily  indicative of the  results of operations  that may be
achieved in the future. The Unaudited  Pro Forma Financial Information is  based
on  certain assumptions and adjustments described in the notes hereto and should
be read in conjunction therewith. The Unaudited Pro Forma Financial  Information
should  also be read  in conjunction with  the Consolidated Financial Statements
and the Notes thereto for each  of Jacor, Citicasters and Noble incorporated  by
reference in this Proxy Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus.

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                                                      JACOR                                NOBLE PRO    JACOR/NOBLE
                                                      HISTORICAL    PRO FORMA    JACOR PRO   HISTORICAL      FORMA       COMBINED
                                                        JACOR      ADJUSTMENTS     FORMA       NOBLE      ADJUSTMENTS    PRO FORMA
                                                      ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Net revenue.........................................   $ 118,891   $ (678)(a)    $118,213     $41,902     $    87(b)     $160,202
Broadcast operating expenses........................      87,290   (1,425)(a)      85,865      31,445        (429)(b)     116,881
Depreciation and amortization.......................       9,483      400(a)        9,883       4,107       2,710(c)       16,700
Corporate general and administrative expenses.......       3,501                    3,501       2,285      (1,388)(d)       4,398
                                                      ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
    Operating income................................      18,617      347          18,964       4,065        (806)         22,223
Interest expense....................................      (1,444)                  (1,444)     (9,913)     (3,143)(e)     (14,500)
Interest and investment
  income............................................       1,260     (854)(a)         406                                     406
Other income (expense), net.........................        (168)       6(a)         (162)      2,619      (2,619)(f)        (162)
                                                      ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
    Income (loss) before income taxes and
     extraordinary items............................      18,265     (501)         17,764      (3,229)     (6,568)          7,967
Income tax expense..................................      (7,300)     200(g)       (7,100)        (63)      2,100(g)       (5,063)
                                                      ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
    Income (loss) before extraordinary items........   $  10,965   $ (301)       $ 10,664     $(3,292)    $(4,468)       $  2,904
                                                      ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
                                                      ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
    Income per common
     share..........................................   $    0.52                 $   0.51                                $   0.14
                                                      ----------                 ---------                              -----------
                                                      ----------                 ---------                              -----------
Number of common shares used in per share
  computations......................................      20,913                   20,913                                  20,913
                                                      ----------                 ---------                              -----------
                                                      ----------                 ---------                              -----------

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                                                                                 LATEST TWELVE
                                                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995                           MONTHS ENDED
                                       ------------------------------------------------------------------       MARCH 31, 1996
                                       JACOR/NOBLE                 CITICASTERS                              -----------------------
                                        PRO FORMA    CITICASTERS   ADJUSTMENTS      COMBINED PRO FORMA        COMBINED PRO FORMA
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------   -----------------------   -----------------------
Net revenue..........................   $160,202      $  136,414   $  6,853(h)         $303,469                    $305,883
Broadcast operating expenses.........    116,881          80,929      4,366(h)          195,744                     197,854
Depreciation and amortization........     16,700          14,635     15,505(k)           46,840                      47,118
Corporate general and administrative
  expenses...........................      4,398           4,303      1,322(i)            6,655                       6,733
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                    --------
    Operating income.................     22,223          36,547     (4,540)             54,230                      54,178
Interest expense.....................    (14,500)        (13,854)   (32,084)(m)         (60,438)                    (60,438)
Interest and investment income.......        406           1,231       (767)(h)             870                         595
Other income (expense), net..........       (162)           (607)       175(h)             (594)                       (896)
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                    --------
    Income (loss) before income taxes
     and extraordinary items.........      7,967          23,317    (37,216)             (5,932)                     (6,561)
Income tax expense...................     (5,063)         (9,000)    11,100(n)           (2,963)                     (3,555)
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                    --------
    Income (loss) before
     extraordinary items.............   $  2,904      $   14,317   $(26,116)           $ (8,895)                   $(10,116)
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                    --------
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                    --------
    Income (loss) per common share...   $   0.14                                       $  (0.29)                   $  (0.34)
                                       -----------                                     --------                    --------
                                       -----------                                     --------                    --------
Number of common shares used in per
  share computations.................     20,913                                         30,158(o)                   29,433
                                       -----------                                     --------                    --------
                                       -----------                                     --------                    --------

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                                           THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996
                                                                     JACOR                                NOBLE PRO     JACOR/NOBLE
                                                     HISTORICAL    PRO FORMA    JACOR PRO   HISTORICAL      FORMA        COMBINED
                                                       JACOR      ADJUSTMENTS     FORMA       NOBLE      ADJUSTMENTS     PRO FORMA
                                                     ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   ------------   -----------
Net revenue........................................   $  30,074   $ 1,850(p)    $ 31,924     $   6,058   $ (2,154)(r)    $ 35,828
Broadcast operating
  expenses.........................................      23,871     1,693(p)      25,564         5,626     (2,075)(r)      29,115
Depreciation and amortization......................       2,619        30(p)       2,649         1,079        625(c)        4,353
Corporate general and administrative expenses......       1,139                    1,139           577       (378)(s)       1,338
                                                     ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   ------------   -----------
    Operating income...............................       2,445       127          2,572        (1,224)      (326)          1,022
Interest expense...................................      (2,111)                  (2,111)       (1,875)       361(e)       (3,625)
Interest and investment
Other income (expense), net........................       2,767    (2,539)(q)        228        37,669    (37,669)(r)         228
                                                     ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   ------------   -----------
    Income (loss) before income taxes and
     extraordinary items...........................       3,101    (2,412)           689        34,570    (37,634)         (2,375)
Income tax expense.................................      (1,259)      965(g)        (294)      (14,683)    14,925(g)          (52)
                                                     ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   ------------   -----------
    Income (loss) before extraordinary items.......   $   1,842   $(1,447)      $    395     $  19,887   $(22,709)       $ (2,427)
                                                     ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   ------------   -----------
                                                     ----------   -----------   ---------   ----------   ------------   -----------
    Income per common
     share.........................................   $    0.09                 $   0.02                                 $  (0.13)
                                                     ----------                 ---------                               -----------
                                                     ----------                 ---------                               -----------
Number of common shares used in per share
  computations.....................................      20,503                   20,503                                   18,183
                                                     ----------                 ---------                               -----------
                                                     ----------                 ---------                               -----------

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                                                                                 THREE MONTHS
                                                       THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996                             ENDED
                                       ------------------------------------------------------------------       MARCH 31, 1995
                                       JACOR/NOBLE                 CITICASTERS                              -----------------------
                                        PRO FORMA    CITICASTERS   ADJUSTMENTS      COMBINED PRO FORMA        COMBINED PRO FORMA
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------   -----------------------   -----------------------
Net revenue..........................   $ 35,828      $   31,177                       $ 67,005                  $ 64,591
Broadcast operating expenses.........     29,115          21,728   $   (330)(i)          49,235                    47,125
Depreciation and amortization........      4,353           4,065      3,470(k)           11,888                    11,610
Corporate general and administrative
  expenses...........................      1,338           1,053        330(i)            1,879                     1,801
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                  --------
    Operating income.................      1,022           4,331     (1,350)              4,003                     4,055
Interest expense.....................     (3,625)         (3,734)    (7,750)(m)         (15,109)                  (15,109)
Interest and investment income.......                         55                             55                       330
Other income (expense), net..........        228          (1,522)     1,489(t)              195                       497
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                  --------
    Income (loss) before income taxes
     and extraordinary items.........     (2,375)           (870)    (7,611)            (10,856)                  (10,227)
Income tax expense...................        (52)            300      2,090(n)            2,338                     2,930
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                  --------
    Income (loss) before
     extraordinary items.............   $ (2,427)     $     (570)  $ (5,521)           $ (8,518)                 $ (7,297)
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                  --------
                                       -----------   -----------   ------------        --------                  --------
    Income (loss) per common share...   $  (0.13)                                      $  (0.29)                 $  (0.24)
                                       -----------                                     --------                  --------
                                       -----------                                     --------                  --------
Number of common shares used in per
  share computations.................     18,183                                         29,433(o)                 30,848
                                       -----------                                     --------                  --------
                                       -----------                                     --------                  --------

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                      AS OF MARCH 31, 1996
                                                                                NOBLE PRO       JACOR/NOBLE
                                                    HISTORICAL   HISTORICAL       FORMA         COMBINED PRO
                                                      JACOR        NOBLE       ADJUSTMENTS         FORMA
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
Current assets:
    Cash..........................................   $   5,889    $     592                     $  6,481
    Accounts receivable...........................      25,301        3,239                       28,540
    Broadcast program rights......................
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets.....       8,460        3,377                       11,837
                                                    ----------   ----------                    --------------
        Total current assets......................      39,650        7,208                       46,858
Property and equipment............................      39,214        4,670    $  4,980(u)        48,864
Intangible assets.................................     165,282       49,965      99,009(u)       314,256
Deferred charges and other assets.................     109,102        1,289     (54,275)(u)       16,116
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
        Total assets..............................   $ 353,248    $  63,132    $  9,714         $426,094
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and
     other current liabilities....................   $  14,601    $  11,493                     $ 26,094
    Current portion of long-term debt.............                   40,000    $(40,000)(v)
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
        Total current liabilities.................      14,601       51,493     (40,000)          26,094
Long-term debt, net of current maturities.........     183,500                   15,125(v)       198,625
Other liabilities.................................      14,772       18,228      28,000 (u)(w     61,000
Shareholders' equity:
    Common stock..................................       1,824                                     1,824
    Additional paid-in capital....................     117,102       49,791     (49,791)(x)      117,102
    Common stock warrants.........................         388                                       388
    Retained earnings.............................      21,061      (56,380)     56,380(x)        21,061
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
        Total shareholders' equity................     140,375       (6,589)      6,589          140,375
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
        Total liabilities and shareholders'
         equity...................................   $ 353,248    $  63,132    $  9,714         $426,094
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------
                                                    ----------   ----------   --------------   --------------

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                       AS OF MARCH 31, 1996
                                             JACOR/NOBLE       HISTORICAL     CITICASTERS PRO    JACOR/NOBLE/CITICASTERS
                                          ------------------   -----------   -----------------   -----------------------
Current Assets:
    Cash................................       $  6,481         $    6,238       $ 35,300(z)           $   48,019
    Accounts receivable.................         28,540             27,835                                 56,375
    Broadcast program rights............                             4,596                                  4,596
    Prepaid expenses and other current
     assets.............................         11,837              2,687                                 14,524
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
        Total current assets............         46,858             41,356         35,300                 123,514
Broadcast program rights, less current
  portion...............................                             2,406                                  2,406
Property and equipment..................         48,864             37,159          9,719(z)               95,742
Intangible assets.......................        314,256            331,258        651,315(z)            1,323,229
Deferred charges and other assets.......         16,116             14,549                                 30,665
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
        Total assets....................       $426,094         $  426,728       $722,734              $1,575,556
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable, accrued
     liabilities and other current
     liabilities........................       $ 26,094         $   12,983                             $   39,077
    Broadcast program right fees
     payable............................                             4,645                                  4,645
                                               --------        -----------                            -----------
        Total current liabilities.......         26,094             17,628                                 43,722
Broadcast program right fees payable,
  less current portion..................                             2,212                                  2,212
Long-term debt, net of current
  maturities............................        198,625            148,532       $277,843(y)              625,000
LYONs...................................                                          100,000(y)              100,000
Other liabilities.......................         61,000             99,022        151,000(z)              311,022
Shareholders' equity:
    Common stock........................          1,824                200           (200)(x)               2,949
    Additional paid-in capital..........        117,102             82,948        (82,948)(x)             418,602
    Common stock warrants...............            388                            53,900(cc)              54,288
    Retained earnings...................         21,061             76,186        (76,186)(x)              17,761
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
        Total shareholders' equity......        140,375            159,334        193,891                 493,600
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
        Total liabilities and
         shareholders' equity...........       $426,094         $  426,728       $722,734              $1,575,556
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------
                                               --------        -----------       --------             -----------

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
(a)  These  adjustments reflect  additional  revenues and  expenses  for Jacor's
    acquisitions of radio stations WDUV-FM and WBRD-AM in Tampa Bay and WJBT-FM,
    WSOL-FM, and WZAZ-AM in Jacksonville, which were completed at various  dates
    in  1995, net  of the  elimination of 1995  revenues and  expenses for radio
    stations WMYU-FM and WWST-FM in Knoxville, which were sold in February 1996.
(b) These  adjustments  reflect additional  revenues  and expenses  for  Noble's
    acquisition  of  radio stations  WRVF-FM (formerly  WLQR-FM) and  WSPD-AM in
    Toledo, and the elimination of revenues  and expenses for the sale of  radio
    stations  KBEQ-FM  and  KBEQ-AM  in  Kansas  City,  and  other miscellaneous
    non-recurring expenses related  to dispositions of  properties in 1995.  The
    acquisitions  were  completed  in  August  1995  and  the  dispositions were
    completed in March 1995.
(c) The adjustment reflects the additional depreciation and amortization expense
    resulting from  the  allocation of  Jacor's  purchase price  to  the  assets
    acquired  including an increase  in property and  equipment and identifiable
    intangible assets, to their estimated  fair market values and the  recording
    of goodwill associated with the acquisition of Noble. See Note (u). Goodwill
    is amortized over 40 years.
(d)  The  adjustment represents  $1,513 of  corporate  overhead savings  for the
    elimination of redundant management costs and other expenses resulting  from
    the  combination of  the Jacor  and Noble  entities, net  of $125 additional
    corporate expenses associated with the purchase of the Toledo stations.
(e) The  adjustment  represents  additional  interest  expense  associated  with
    Jacor's  borrowings under the Existing Credit  Facility to finance the Noble
    acquisition and  refinance  existing  outstanding  borrowings.  The  assumed
    interest  rate is 7.3%, which represents the  current rate as of May 1996 on
    outstanding borrowings.
(f) The adjustment reflects  the elimination of  the gain on  the sale of  radio
    stations  KBEQ-FM and AM in  Kansas City, and WSSH-AM  in Boston, which were
    sold in March 1995 and January 1995, respectively.
(g) To provide for the  tax effect of pro  forma adjustments using an  estimated
    statutory   rate   of  40%.   The  Noble   pro  forma   adjustments  include
    non-deductible amortization of goodwill estimated to be approximately $1,300
    for the year ended  December 31, 1995  and $325 for  the three months  ended
    March 31, 1996.
(h)  The adjustments represent  additional revenue and  expenses associated with
    Citicasters June 1995  acquisition of  KKCW-FM in Portland  and the  January
    1996  acquisition of  WHOK-FM, WLLD-FM,  and WLOH-AM  in Columbus, including
    adjustments  to  investment   income  related  to   cash  expended  in   the
    acquisitions and miscellaneous non-recurring costs.
(i)  Adjustments  to reclassify  miscellaneous  broadcast operating  expenses to
    conform with Jacor's presentation.
(j) The adjustments reflect $5,110 and $1,278 of cost savings for the year ended
    December 31, 1995 and the three  months ended March 31, 1996,  respectively,
    resulting  from the  elimination of  redundant broadcast  operating expenses
    arising from the operation of multiple stations in certain markets. Such pro
    forma cost savings are expected to be as follows:

                                                                                THREE MONTHS
                                                               YEAR ENDED           ENDED
                                                            DECEMBER 31, 1995  MARCH 31, 1996
                                                            -----------------  ---------------
Programming and promotion.................................      $   2,220         $     555
News......................................................            970               243
Technical and engineering.................................            360                90
General and administrative................................          1,560               390
                                                                   ------            ------
                                                                $   5,110         $   1,278
                                                                   ------            ------
                                                                   ------            ------


                      (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)--(CONTINUED)
(k) The adjustment reflects the additional depreciation and amortization expense
    resulting from  the  allocation of  Jacor's  purchase price  to  the  assets
    acquired  including an increase  in property and  equipment and identifiable
    intangible assets to their estimated fair market values and the recording of
    goodwill associated  with  the acquisition  of  Citicasters. See  Note  (z).
    Goodwill is amortized over 40 years.
(l)  The adjustments represent $3,368 and $842 of corporate overhead savings for
    the year ended December 31, 1995 and the three months ended March 31,  1996,
    respectively,  for the elimination  of redundant management  costs and other
    expenses resulting from the combination with Citicasters.
(m) Represents the adjustment to interest expense associated with the Notes, the
    Citicasters Notes, the LYONs  and borrowings under  the New Credit  Facility
    with  an assumed blended rate of  8.336%. The adjustment reflects additional
    interest expense  on borrowings  necessary to  complete the  Merger, and  to
    refinance outstanding borrowings under the Existing Credit Facility incurred
    in  connection with  the Noble  Acquisition. A  change of  .125% in interest
    rates would result in a change in interest expense and income (loss)  before
    extraordinary  items of approximately $900  and $540, respectively. See Note
    (y) for composition of borrowings.
(n) To provide for the  tax effect of pro  forma adjustments using an  estimated
    statutory  rate  of  40%.  The  Citicasters  pro  forma  adjustments include
    non-deductible amortization of goodwill estimated to be approximately $9,540
    for the year ended December 31, 1995  and $2,385 for the three months  ended
    March 31, 1996.
(o)  The pro  forma weighted average  shares outstanding includes  all shares of
    Common Stock outstanding prior to the  1996 Stock Offering and shares to  be
    issued  in the 1996 Stock Offering. The pro forma weighted average shares of
    Jacor do not reflect any options and warrants outstanding prior to the  1996
    Stock  Offering or warrants to be  issued to the Citicasters shareholders to
    consummate the Merger, as  they are antidilutive. The  LYONs are not  common
    stock equivalents and are therefore, excluded from the computation.
(p)  These  adjustments reflect  additional  revenues and  expenses  for Jacor's
    February 1996 acquisition of Noble's operating  assets in San Diego, net  of
    the  elimination of  revenues and  expenses for  radio stations  WMYU-FM and
    WWST-FM in Knoxville, which were sold in February 1996.
(q) The adjustment reflects  the elimination of  the gain on  the sale of  radio
    stations  WMYU-FM and WWST-FM in Knoxville, which were sold in February 1996
    for $6,500.
(r) These adjustments represent the elimination of revenues, operating  expenses
    and  the related  gain from the  sale of  the San Diego  operating assets in
    February 1996. See note (u).
(s) The adjustment represents corporate overhead savings from the elimination of
    redundant management costs and other expenses resulting from the combination
    of the Jacor and Noble entities.
(t) The adjustment represents the elimination of non-recurring expenses directly
    associated with the sale of Citicasters to Jacor.

                      (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)--(CONTINUED)
(u) The adjustment represents the allocation of the remaining purchase price  of
    Noble and the portion of the Noble Acquisition already funded, including the
    Noble  warrant in the amount of $54,275,  to the estimated fair value of the
    assets acquired  and  liabilities assumed,  and  the recording  of  goodwill
    associated  with  the acquisition.  In  February 1996,  Jacor  completed the
    acquisition of  Noble's operating  assets in  San Diego  and certain  assets
    related  to the Mexican properties for  $50,800 and recorded the transaction
    as a purchase.

                                                                                ESTIMATED FAIR
                                                                                 MARKET VALUE
Property and equipment........................................................   $      9,650
Intangible assets.............................................................        148,974
Cash..........................................................................            592
Accounts receivable...........................................................          3,239
Prepaid expenses and other current assets.....................................          3,377
Deferred charges and other assets.............................................          1,289
Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other current liabilities...........        (11,493)
Other liabilities.............................................................        (46,228)
                                                                                 $    109,400

(v) The  adjustment represents  the net  additional borrowings  to complete  the
    Noble Acquisition as follows:

Historical Jacor debt..........................................   $ 183,500
Historical Noble debt..........................................      40,000
Loan receivable from Noble.....................................     (40,000)
Pro forma adjustment...........................................      15,125
Assumed borrowings after Noble Acquisition.....................   $ 198,625

(w)  The adjustment represents the  additional deferred tax liability associated
    with  the  difference  between  the  book  and  tax  basis  of  assets   and
    liabilities, excluding goodwill, after the allocation of the purchase price.
(x)  The adjustment reflects the elimination of historical stockholders' equity,
    as the Noble Acquisition will be accounted for as a purchase.
(y) The pro forma adjustment  represents the net additional borrowings  required
    to complete the Merger as follows:

Historical Citicasters debt.......................................  $ 148,532
Jacor/Noble pro forma debt........................................    198,625
Pro forma adjustments, including a $2,468 fair market value
  adjustment for Citicasters debt.................................    377,843
Assumed borrowings after Acquisitions.............................  $ 725,000

    The assumed borrowings after the Acquisitions are as follows:

Borrowings under the New Credit Facility..........................  $ 400,000
Issuance of the LYONs.............................................    100,000
Issuance of the Notes.............................................    100,000
Citicasters Notes.................................................    125,000
                                                                    $ 725,000


                      (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)--(CONTINUED)
(z)   The  adjustments  represent  the  allocation  of  the  purchase  price  of
    Citicasters  to  the  estimated  fair  value  of  the  assets  acquired  and
    liabilities  assumed,  and the  recording  of goodwill  associated  with the
    Merger as follows:

                                                                                ESTIMATED FAIR
                                                                                 MARKET VALUE
Property and equipment........................................................   $     46,878
Intangible assets.............................................................      1,012,273
Cash..........................................................................          6,238
Accounts receivable...........................................................         27,835
Broadcast program rights......................................................          7,002
Prepaid expenses and other current assets.....................................          2,687
Deferred charges and other assets.............................................         14,549
Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other current liabilities...........        (12,983)
Broadcast program rights fees payable.........................................         (6,857)
Other liabilities.............................................................       (250,022)
Long-term debt................................................................       (151,000)
                                                                                 $    696,600

    The purchase price is summarized as follows:

Pro forma borrowings...........................................   $ 375,375
Merger Warrants issued.........................................      53,900
Common Stock issued............................................     302,625
Excess Cash....................................................     (35,300)
                                                                  $ 696,600

(aa) Adjustment to write-off  deferred financing costs  for the Existing  Credit
    Facility anticipated to be refinanced in connection with the Merger.
(bb)  Adjustment represents  assumed proceeds  of $315,000  from the  1996 Stock
    Offering, net of  offering costs  estimated to be  $12,375. (Offering  costs
    include a $1,000 financial advisory fee.)
(cc)  Adjustment  represents the  value assigned  to the  Merger Warrants  to be
    issued to Citicasters  shareholders in connection  with the consummation  of
    the  Merger, which Merger Warrants will  be exercisable for 4,400,000 shares
    of Common Stock in the aggregate. The value was determined assuming that the
    exercise price for each full share  of Common Stock issued upon exercise  of
    Merger Warrants is $28 per share.

    The  selected consolidated financial data for Jacor presented below for, and
as of the end of  each of the years in  the five-year period ended December  31,
1995,  is derived from Jacor's Consolidated Financial Statements which have been
audited by Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P., independent accountants. The  consolidated
financial  statements at December  31, 1994 and  1995 and for  each of the three
years in the period ended December 31, 1995 and the auditors' report thereon are
incorporated herein by reference.  The selected financial data  as of March  31,
1996  and for the three  months ended March 31, 1995  and 1996 are unaudited. In
the opinion of Jacor's management, the unaudited financial statements from which
such data have been derived include all adjustments (consisting only of  normal,
recurring adjustments) which are necessary for a fair presentation of results of
operations for such periods. This selected consolidated financial data should be
read  in  conjunction  with  the "Unaudited  Pro  Forma  Financial Information."
Comparability  of  Jacor's  historical  consolidated  financial  data  has  been
significantly  impacted by  acquisitions, dispositions  and the recapitalization
and refinancing completed in the first quarter of 1993.

                                                                                                          THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                       MARCH 31,
                                                 -----------------------------------------------------  ----------------------
                                                   1991       1992       1993       1994       1995       1995        1996
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Net revenue................................  $  64,238  $  70,506  $  89,932  $ 107,010  $ 118,891  $  24,016   $  30,074
    Broadcast operating expenses...............     48,206     55,782     69,520     80,468     87,290     19,960      23,871
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Station operating income excluding
     depreciation and amortization.............     16,032     14,724     20,412     26,542     31,601      4,056       6,203
    Depreciation and amortization..............      7,288      6,399     10,223      9,698      9,483      2,112       2,619
    Reduction in carrying value of assets to
     net realizable value......................                 8,600
    Corporate general and administrative
     expenses..................................      2,682      2,926      3,564      3,361      3,501        884       1,139
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Operating income (loss)....................      6,062     (3,201)     6,625     13,483     18,617      1,060       2,445
    Net interest income (expense)..............    (16,226)   (13,443)    (2,476)       684       (184)       205      (1,884)
    Gain on sale of radio stations.............     13,014                                                              2,539
    Other non-operating expenses, net..........       (302)    (7,057)       (11)        (2)      (168)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Income (loss) from continuing operations
     before income tax and extraordinary
     item......................................  $   2,548  $ (23,701) $   4,138  $  14,165  $  18,265  $   1,265   $   3,101
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Income (loss) from continuing operations
     after income taxes but before
     extraordinary items and the cumulative
     effect of accounting changes..............  $    (364) $ (23,701) $   1,438  $   7,852  $  10,965  $     751   $   1,842
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Net income (loss)..........................  $   1,468  $ (23,701) $   1,438  $   7,852  $  10,965  $     751   $     891(2)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Net income (loss) per common share:(3)
    Primary and fully diluted..................  $    2.32  $  (61.50) $    0.10  $    0.37  $    0.52  $    0.04   $    0.04
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Weighted average shares outstanding:(3)
    Primary and fully diluted..................        406        381     14,505     21,409     20,913     21,347      20,503
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Broadcast cash flow(4).....................  $  16,032  $  14,724  $  20,412  $  26,542  $  31,601  $   4,056   $   6,203
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Broadcast cash flow margin(5)..............       25.0%      20.9%      22.7%      24.8%      26.6%      16.9%       20.6%
    EBITDA(4)..................................  $  13,350  $  11,798  $  16,848  $  23,181  $  28,100  $   3,172   $   5,064
    Capital expenditures.......................      1,181        915      1,495      2,221      4,969        707       3,437


                                                                  AS OF DECEMBER 31,                                  AS OF
                                                 -----------------------------------------------------              MARCH 31,
                                                   1991      1992(6)     1993       1994       1995                   1996
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------             -----------
    Working capital (deficit)..................  $(128,455) $(140,547) $  38,659  $  44,637  $  24,436              $  25,049
    Intangible assets (net of accumulated
     amortization).............................     81,738     70,038     84,991     89,543    127,158                165,282
    Total assets...............................    125,487    122,000    159,909    173,579    208,839                353,248
    Total long-term debt (including current
     portion)..................................    137,667    140,542                           45,500                183,500
    Common stock purchase warrants.............      2,342      1,383        390        390        388                    388
    Shareholders' equity (deficit).............    (27,383)   (50,840)   140,413    149,044    139,073                140,374


- ---------
(1) The comparability of  the information reflected  in this selected  financial
    data  is affected  by Jacor's  purchase of  radio station  KBPI-FM (formerly
    KAZY-FM), in Denver (July 1993); the purchase and interim operation of radio
    station WOFX-FM  (formerly WPPT-FM)  under a  local marketing  agreement  in
    Cincinnati  (April 1994); the  purchase of radio  stations WJBT-FM, WZAZ-AM,
    and WSOL-FM (formerly WHJX-FM) in  Jacksonville (August 1995); the  purchase
    of  radio stations WDUV-FM and WBRD-AM  in Tampa (August 1995); the purchase
    of Noble's operating assets in San Diego (February 1996); the sale of  radio
    stations  WMJI-FM, in Cleveland  and WYHY(FM), in  Nashville (January 1991),
    the  sale  of   Telesat  Cable  TV   (May  1994),  the   January  11,   1993
    recapitalization  plan, that substantially modified Jacor's debt and capital
    structure (such  recapitalization  was  accounted  for as  if  it  had  been
    completed  January 1, 1993) and the  March 1993 refinancing. For information
    related to acquisitions in 1993, 1994 and 1995 see Notes 2 and 3 of Notes to
    Consolidated Financial  Statements, incorporated  herein by  reference.  For
    information  related to the disposition during 1994,  see Note 4 of Notes to
    Consolidated Financial Statements, incorporated herein by reference.
(2) Net  income for  the  three months  ended March  31,  1996 includes,  as  an
    extraordinary  item, a loss of approximately  $1.0 million for the write-off
    of unamortized costs  associated with  the 1993 credit  agreement which  was
    replaced in February, 1996 by the Existing Credit Facility.
(3)  Income (loss) per common share for the two years ended December 31, 1992 is
    based on  the  weighted average  number  of  shares of  Jacor  Common  Stock
    outstanding  and  gives consideration  to the  dividend requirements  of the
    convertible preferred stock and accretion of the change in redemption  value
    of  certain  common stock  warrants. Jacor's  stock options  and convertible
    preferred stock were antidilutive and,  therefore, were not included in  the
    computations.  The redeemable  common stock  warrants were  antidilutive for
    1992 and were not included in the computations. Such warrants were  dilutive
    in 1991 using the "equity method" under Emerging Issues Task Force Issue No.
    88-9  and,  therefore,  the  common  shares  issuable  upon  conversion were
    included in the 1991 computation. Income per share for the three years ended
    December 31, 1995 is based on  the weighted average number of common  shares
    outstanding  and gives  effect to both  dilutive stock  options and dilutive
    stock purchase warrants during the  periods. Income (loss) per common  share
    and weighted average shares outstanding for the two years ended December 31,
    1992  are adjusted  to reflect  the 0.0423618  reverse stock  split in Jacor
    Common Stock effected by the January 1993 recapitalization.
(4) "Broadcast cash flow"  means operating income  before reduction in  carrying
    value  of assets,  depreciation and  amortization and  corporate general and
    administrative expenses. "EBITDA" means operating income before reduction in
    carrying value of assets, depreciation and amortization. Broadcast cash flow
    and EBITDA should not  be considered in isolation  from, or as a  substitute
    for, operating income, net income or cash flow and other consolidated income
    or  cash flow statement data computed  in accordance with generally accepted
    accounting principles  or  as a  measure  of a  company's  profitability  or
    liquidity.  Although  this  measure  of  performance  is  not  calculated in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, it is widely  used
    in  the  broadcasting  industry  as  a  measure  of  a  company's  operating
    performance because  it  assists  in  comparing  station  performance  on  a
    consistent  basis  across  companies  without  regard  to  depreciation  and
    amortization, which can vary  significantly depending on accounting  methods
    (particularly where acquisitions are involved) or non-operating factors such
    as  historical cost bases.  Broadcast cash flow also  excludes the effect of
    corporate general and administrative expenses, which generally do not relate
    directly to station performance.
(5) Broadcast cash flow margin equals broadcast cash flow as a percentage of net
(6) Pro forma amounts as of December 31, 1992, to give effect to the January 11,
    1993 recapitalization  plan that  substantially  modified Jacor's  debt  and
    capital structure (in 000s):

Working capital..................................................................  $   15,933
Intangible assets (net of accumulated amortization)..............................      82,857
Total assets.....................................................................     142,085
Long-term debt...................................................................      64,178
Common stock purchase warrants...................................................         403
Shareholders' equity.............................................................      50,890


    The  selected consolidated  financial data  for Citicasters  presented below
for, and as  of the  end of  each of  the years  in the  five-year period  ended
December   31,  1995,  is  derived   from  Citicasters'  Consolidated  Financial
Statements  which  have  been  audited   by  Ernst  &  Young  LLP,   independent
accountants. The consolidated financial statements at December 31, 1994 and 1995
and  for each of the three  years in the period ended  December 31, 1995 and the
auditors' report  thereon are  incorporated herein  by reference.  The  selected
financial  data as of  March 31, 1996 and  for the three  months ended March 31,
1995 and  1996 are  unaudited,  but Citicasters  believes that  all  adjustments
(consisting   only  of   normal,  recurring  adjustments)   necessary  for  fair
presentation have been made. This selected consolidated financial data should be
read in  conjunction  with  the "Unaudited  Pro  Forma  Financial  Information."
Comparability  of historical consolidated financial  data has been significantly
impacted by the dispositions of four  television stations in 1994, the  adoption
of  "fresh-start reporting"  by Citicasters in  December 1993,  the writedown of
intangible assets  to  estimated  fair  values  in 1992  and  the  sale  of  its
entertainment business in 1991.

                                               PREDECESSOR(1)                 CITICASTERS
                                     -----------------------------------  --------------------    THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                         MARCH 31,
                                     ---------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------
                                       1991        1992         1993        1994       1995       1995        1996
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Net revenue....................  $ 201,556  $ 210,821    $ 205,168    $ 197,043  $ 136,414  $  29,045   $  31,177
    Broadcast operating expense....    136,629    142,861      133,070      117,718     80,929     19,879      21,728
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Station operating income
     excluding depreciation and
     amortization..................     64,927     67,960       72,098       79,325     55,485      9,166       9,449
    Depreciation and
     amortization..................     48,219     47,617       28,119       22,946     14,635      3,319       4,065
    Reduction in carrying value of
     assets to net realizable
     value.........................               658,314(3)
    Corporate general and
     administrative expenses.......      4,367      4,091        3,996        4,796      4,303      1,123       1,053
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Operating income (loss)........     12,341  (642,062)       39,983       51,583     36,547      4,724       4,331
    Net interest income
     (expense).....................   (89,845)   (69,826)     (64,942)     (31,979)   (13,854)     (3,513)     (3,734)
    Minority interest..............   (28,822)   (30,478)     (26,776)
    Gain on sale of television
     stations......................                                          95,339
    Investment income..............      1,296        553          305        1,216      1,231        680          55
    Miscellaneous income (expense),
     net...........................     33,133      4,036        (494)          447      (607)        187      (1,522)
    Reorganization items...........                           (14,872)
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Income (loss) from continuing
     operations before income tax
     and extraordinary item........  $(71,897)  $(737,777)   $ (66,796)   $ 116,606  $  23,317  $   2,078   $    (870)
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Income (loss) from continuing
     operations after income taxes
     but before extraordinary items
     and the cumulative effect of
     accounting changes............  $(32,788)  $(613,236)   $ (66,796)   $  63,106  $  14,317  $   1,278   $    (570)
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Net income (loss)..............  $  84,485  $(596,864)   $ 341,344(4) $  63,106  $  14,317  $   1,278   $    (570)
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Net earnings per share(5)......                                       $    2.55  $    0.68  $    0.06   $   (0.03)
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Average common shares(5).......                                          24,777     21,017     20,819      21,119
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                                                          ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Broadcast cash flow(6).........  $  64,927  $  67,960    $  72,098    $  79,325  $  55,485  $   9,166   $   9,449
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
    Broadcast cash flow
     margin(7).....................       32.2%      32.2%        35.1%        40.3%      40.7%      31.6%       30.3%
    EBITDA(6)......................  $  60,560  $  63,869    $  68,102    $  74,529  $  51,182  $   8,043   $   8,396
    Capital expenditures...........      7,014      6,747        5,967        7,569     11,857      2,591       1,820


                                          PREDECESSOR                   CITICASTERS
                                     ----------------------  ---------------------------------                AS OF
                                                        AS OF DECEMBER 31,
                                     ---------------------------------------------------------              MARCH 31,
                                       1991        1992        1993(8)      1994       1995                   1996
                                     ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------             -----------
    Working capital (deficit)......  $(52,520)  $(611,634)   $   1,485    $  47,518  $  21,929              $  23,728
    Intangible assets (net of
     accumulated amortization).....  1,290,294    539,634      574,878      274,695    312,791                331,258
    Total assets...................  1,475,929    713,830      719,569      403,492    416,346                426,728
    Long-term debt (including
     current portion)..............    692,636    634,777      432,568      122,291    132,481                148,532
    Shareholders' equity
     (deficit).....................    257,835  (339,029)      138,588      150,937    159,692                159,334


- ---------
(1)  Prior  to  its  emergence  from Chapter  11  bankruptcy  in  December 1993,
     Citicasters  was  known  as  Great  American  Communications  Company  (the
     "Predecessor").  As a result of the application of "fresh-start reporting,"
     the selected financial data for periods prior to December 31, 1993 are  not
     comparable to periods subsequent to such date.
(2)  The  1995 acquisition of four  FM stations (KKCW, WTBT,  WHOK and WLLD) and
     WLOH-AM increased broadcast cash flow by approximately 2%. The 1994 sale of
     four television stations (KTSP, KSAZ, WGHP and WDAF) significantly  affects
     comparison  of net revenues, operating expenses and broadcast cash flow for
     1994 as compared to 1993 and 1995. The purchase and sale of radio  stations
     in  1994 did not effect the comparison  of broadcast cash flow, because the
     cash flow of the stations sold was approximately equal to the cash flow  of
     the stations purchased.
(3)  The  recorded  amount of  intangible  assets as  of  December 31,  1992 was
     reduced by $658.3 million to reflect the carrying value of the broadcasting
     assets at estimated fair market value at that time.
(4)  Net income for the year ended December 31, 1993 includes, as  extraordinary
     items,  a  gain  of  $414.5  million relating  to  debt  discharged  in the
     reorganization and a loss of $6.3 million from the retirement of debt prior
     to the reorganization. Net loss for 1992 includes a $10.7 million gain from
     discontinued operations and  a $5.7 million  extraordinary gain from  early
     extinguishment  of debt. Net  income from 1991  includes $39.9 million from
     discontinued operations  and $77.4  million extraordinary  gain from  early
     extinguishment of debt.
(5)  Per  share data are  not presented for  the Predecessor due  to the general
     lack of comparability as a result of the reorganization.
(6)  "Broadcast cash flow" means operating  income before reduction in  carrying
     value  of assets, depreciation  and amortization and  corporate general and
     administrative expenses. "EBITDA" means  operating income before  reduction
     in  carrying value of assets, depreciation and amortization. Broadcast cash
     flow and  EBITDA  should not  be  considered in  isolation  from, or  as  a
     substitute  for,  operating  income,  net income  or  cash  flow  and other
     consolidated income or cash flow statement data computed in accordance with
     generally accepted accounting  principles or  as a measure  of a  company's
     profitability  or liquidity.  Although this  measure of  performance is not
     calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,  it
     is  widely used in  the broadcasting industry  as a measure  of a company's
     operating performance because it  assists in comparing station  performance
     on  a consistent basis across companies  without regard to depreciation and
     amortization, which can vary significantly depending on accounting  methods
     (particularly  where  acquisitions are  involved) or  non-operating factors
     such as historical cost bases. Broadcast cash flow also excludes the effect
     of corporate general  and administrative expenses,  which generally do  not
     relate directly to station performance.
(7)  Broadcast  cash flow margin  equals broadcast cash flow  as a percentage of
     net revenue.
(8)  Balance  sheet  data  at  December  31,  1993  reflects  the  adoption   of
     "fresh-start   reporting"  as  discussed  in  more  detail  in  Note  B  to
     Citicasters' Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  incorporated  herein  by

    The  following data presented  below for, and as  of the end  of each of the
years in the  five-year period ended  December 31, 1995,  has been derived  from
Noble's  Consolidated  Financial  Statements audited  by  Price  Waterhouse LLP,
independent accountants. Consolidated  balance sheets at  December 25, 1994  and
December  31, 1995 and the related  consolidated statements of operations and of
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1995 and
notes thereto  are  incorporated  herein  by  reference.  The  report  of  Price
Waterhouse  LLP  which  also is  incorporated  herein by  reference  contains an
explanatory  paragraph  describing  Jacor's  agreement  to  purchase  Noble   as
described  in Note 2 to  Noble's Consolidated Financial Statements, incorporated
herein by reference. The following data as  of March 31, 1996 and for the  three
month  periods ended  March 26, 1995  and March  31, 1996 are  unaudited. In the
opinion of Noble's  management, the  unaudited statements from  which such  data
have  been derived include all adjustments (consisting only of normal, recurring
adjustments)  which  are  necessary  for  a  fair  presentation  of  results  of
operations  for such  periods. The  comparability of  the consolidated financial
data has  been significantly  impacted  by acquisitions,  dispositions,  Noble's
August 1995 restructuring and its December 1991 restructuring.

                                                                     YEAR ENDED                                   ENDED
                                      ------------------------------------------------------------------------    MARCH
                                      DECEMBER 28,  DECEMBER 27,   DECEMBER 26,   DECEMBER 25,   DECEMBER 31,   ---------
                                          1991          1992           1993           1994           1995         1995
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Net revenue.....................   $  58,283     $  55,368      $  47,509      $  49,602      $  41,902     $   9,006
    Broadcast operating expense.....      44,191        43,565         36,944         37,892         31,445         7,638
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Station operating income
     excluding depreciation and
     amortization...................      14,092        11,803         10,565         11,710         10,457         1,368
    Depreciation and amortization...      10,005         8,305          6,916          6,311          4,107         1,027
    Reduction in carrying value of
     assets to net realizable
     value..........................                    10,367(2)                      7,804(2)
    Corporate general and
     administrative expenses........       3,013         2,483          2,702          2,621          2,285           602
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Operating income (loss).........       1,074        (9,352)           947         (5,026)         4,065          (261)
    Net interest income (expense)...     (25,063)      (10,126)        (7,602)       (10,976)        (9,913)       (2,549)
    Net gain (loss) on sale of radio
     stations.......................                    (8,403)         7,909                         2,619         2,619
    Other income (expense)..........      (7,588)       (1,905)
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Income (loss) before income tax,
     extraordinary item and
     cumulative effect of change in
     accounting principle...........   $ (31,577)    $ (29,786)     $   1,254      $ (16,002)     $  (3,229)    $    (191)
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Income (loss) from continuing
     operations after income taxes
     but before extraordinary items
     and the cumulative effect of
     accounting changes.............   $ (31,665)    $ (29,874)     $     876      $ (16,038)     $  (3,292)    $    (207)
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Net income (loss)...............   $ (31,665)    $  (5,949)(3)  $  13,452(4)   $ (16,038)     $  56,853(5)  $    (207)
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Broadcast cash flow(6)..........   $  14,092     $  11,803      $  10,565      $  11,710      $  10,457     $   1,368
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------
    Broadcast cash flow margin(7)...       24.18%        21.32%         22.24%         23.61%         24.96%         15.2%
    EBITDA(6).......................  $   11,079    $    9,320     $    7,863     $    9,089     $    8,172     $     766
    Capital expenditures............         601           532          3,009          1,124          2,851           532

    Net revenue.....................   $   6,058
    Broadcast operating expense.....       5,626
    Station operating income
     excluding depreciation and
     amortization...................         432
    Depreciation and amortization...       1,079
    Reduction in carrying value of
     assets to net realizable
    Corporate general and
     administrative expenses........         577
    Operating income (loss).........      (1,224)
    Net interest income (expense)...      (1,875)
    Net gain (loss) on sale of radio
     stations.......................      37,669
    Other income (expense)..........
    Income (loss) before income tax,
     extraordinary item and
     cumulative effect of change in
     accounting principle...........   $  34,570
    Income (loss) from continuing
     operations after income taxes
     but before extraordinary items
     and the cumulative effect of
     accounting changes.............   $  19,887
    Net income (loss)...............   $  10,142(8)
    Broadcast cash flow(6)..........   $     432
    Broadcast cash flow margin(7)...         7.1%
    EBITDA(6).......................  $     (145 )
    Capital expenditures............         352


                                                                       AS OF
                                      ------------------------------------------------------------------------     AS OF
                                      DECEMBER 28,  DECEMBER 27,   DECEMBER 26,   DECEMBER 25,   DECEMBER 31,    MARCH 31,
                                          1991          1992           1993           1994           1995          1996
                                      ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -----------
    Working capital (deficit).......   $   8,565     $   2,265      $   1,002      $(186,133)     $    (479)     $ (44,285)
    Intangible assets (net of
     accumulated amortization)(2)...     165,052       125,770        101,555         89,849         50,730         49,965
    Total assets....................     207,272       156,740        128,055        116,023         77,227         63,132
    Long-term debt (including
     current portion)...............     272,572       231,980        186,975        186,886         81,611             --
    Stockholders' equity
     (deficit)......................    (114,306)     (120,124)      (106,672)      (122,710)       (22,291)        (6,589)


- ------------
(1)  The comparability of  the information reflected  in this selected financial
    data is  affected by  Noble's sale  of  the operating  assets in  San  Diego
    (February  1996);  the purchase  of radio  stations  WSPD-AM and  WRVF-FM in
    Toledo (August 1995); the sale of  radio stations KBEQ-FM/AM in Kansas  City
    (March  1995); the  sale of  radio stations  KMJQ-FM and  KYOK-AM in Houston
    (December 1994); the sale of radio stations WBAB-FM and WGBB-AM in New  York
    (March  1993); the sale of  WSSH-FM in Boston (April  1993); the purchase of
    radio stations KATZ-AM and KNJZ-FM in St. Louis (May 1993); the August  1995
    restructuring; and the December 1991 restructuring.
(2)  The recorded amount of intangible assets was reduced by $10.4 million as of
    December 27, 1992 and $7.8  million as of December  25, 1994 to reflect  the
    carrying  value of  the broadcasting assets  at their  estimated fair market
(3) Net loss for the year ended December 27, 1992 includes, as an  extraordinary
    item,  a gain of $23.9  million relating to debt  discharged in the December
    1991 restructuring.
(4)  Net  income  for  the  year  ended  December  26,  1993  includes,  as   an
    extraordinary  item,  a $12.2  million gain  on forgiveness  of debt,  and a
    $354.0 thousand cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle.
(5)  Net  income  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1995  includes,  as   an
    extraordinary  item, a $60.1 million  gain resulting from the extinguishment
    of debt in association with the August 1995 restructuring.
(6) "Broadcast cash flow"  means operating income  before reduction in  carrying
    value  of assets,  depreciation and  amortization and  corporate general and
    administrative expenses. "EBITDA" means operating income before reduction in
    carrying value of assets, depreciation and amortization. Broadcast cash flow
    and EBITDA should not  be considered in isolation  from, or as a  substitute
    for, operating income, net income or cash flow and other consolidated income
    or  cash flow statement data computed  in accordance with generally accepted
    accounting principles  or  as a  measure  of a  company's  profitability  or
    liquidity.  Although  this  measure  of  performance  is  not  calculated in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, it is widely  used
    in  the  broadcasting  industry  as  a  measure  of  a  company's  operating
    performance because  it  assists  in  comparing  station  performance  on  a
    consistent  basis  across  companies  without  regard  to  depreciation  and
    amortization, which can vary  significantly depending on accounting  methods
    (particularly where acquisitions are involved) or non-operating factors such
    as  historical cost bases.  Broadcast cash flow also  excludes the effect of
    corporate general and administrative expenses, which generally do not relate
    directly to station performance.
(7) Broadcast cash flow margin equals broadcast cash flow as a percentage of net
(8) Net  income for  the  three months  ended March  31,  1996 includes,  as  an
    extraordinary  item, a  $9.7 million loss  on the extinguishment  of debt in
    association with the pending sale of Noble to Jacor and a $37.7 million gain
    from the February  1996 sale  of Noble's operating  assets in  San Diego  to

    Both  Jacor  Common Stock  and Citicasters  Common Stock  are listed  on the
Nasdaq National Market. Jacor Common Stock is quoted under the symbol "JCOR" and
Citicasters Common Stock is quoted under  the symbol "CITI." The following  sets
forth,  for the  calendar quarters  indicated, the  reported high  and low sales
prices of Jacor Common  Stock and Citicasters Common  Stock, as reported on  the
Nasdaq National Market.

                                                                                    JACOR           CITICASTERS COMMON
                                                                                 COMMON STOCK             STOCK
                                                                             --------------------  --------------------
                                                                               HIGH        LOW       HIGH        LOW
                                                                             ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
  First Quarter............................................................  $   17.00  $   12.00  $    8.17  $    6.89
  Second Quarter...........................................................      15.75      11.25       8.84       6.84
  Third Quarter............................................................      15.00      12.25      10.00       7.67
  Fourth Quarter...........................................................      14.75      10.50      11.00       8.95
  First Quarter............................................................      14.50      12.00      13.61      11.00
  Second Quarter...........................................................      17.00      13.00      18.83      13.56
  Third Quarter............................................................      19.25      15.00      26.17      18.33
  Fourth Quarter...........................................................      17.50      15.00      25.25      19.75
  First Quarter............................................................      22.25      16.00      29.38      22.00
  Second Quarter (through June 20, 1996)...................................      30.50      19.50      31.13      29.25

    On  February  12,  1996, the  last  full  trading day  prior  to  the public
announcement of the execution and delivery of the Merger Agreement, the  closing
price per share of (i) Jacor Common Stock was $18.50 and (ii) Citicasters Common
Stock  was $26.625.  On June  20, 1996, the  most recent  date for  which it was
practicable to obtain  market price  data prior to  the printing  of this  Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/ Prospectus, the closing price per share of (i)
Jacor Common Stock was $27.50 and (ii) Citicasters Common Stock was $30.625
    Citicasters paid an annual dividend of $.03 per share of Citicasters  Common
Stock  during the fourth  quarter of 1995. Citicasters  paid no dividends during
1994. Jacor has not declared any cash  dividend on Jacor Common Stock since  its
inception.  Jacor intends to retain future earnings  for use in its business and
does not anticipate paying any dividends on shares of Jacor Common Stock in  the
foreseeable future. Under the Existing Credit Facility, Jacor is prohibited from
paying  dividends  on  Jacor Common  Stock  except  as provided  therein.  It is
anticipated that the  New Credit  Facility will  also have  restrictions on  the
payment  of dividends.  Jacor has  no current intent  to pay  dividends on Jacor
Common Stock. See "THE MERGER-- Financing Arrangements."
    On May 31, 1996, there were  approximately 1,500 holders of record of  Jacor
Common  Stock. On June 12, 1996 there were approximately 1,400 holders of record
of Citicasters Common Stock.
                               BUSINESS OF JACOR
    Jacor is  a holding  company  engaged primarily  in the  radio  broadcasting
business.  As  of March  1, 1996,  Jacor  entities owned  and operated  20 radio
stations located across the  United States in six  markets: Atlanta, San  Diego,
Tampa,  Denver, Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Jacor has time brokerage agreements
to provide programming for and sell advertising time for one station in Atlanta,
three stations in St. Louis and three  stations in Toledo. Jacor also has  joint
sales  agreements to sell advertising time  for three stations in Cincinnati and
one station in Denver.  In addition, Jacor owns  and operates the Georgia  Radio
News  Service,  a radio  news  service which  provides  news, sports  and public
affairs programming to more than 140 radio stations.

    In February  1996,  Jacor  entered  into the  Merger  Agreement  to  acquire
Citicasters.  The Citicasters acquisition will  enhance Jacor's existing station
portfolios in Atlanta,  Tampa and  Cincinnati and creates  new multiple  station
platforms  in Phoenix, Portland, Kansas City,  Sacramento and Columbus. See "THE
    In February 1996,  Jacor also  entered into  an agreement  to acquire  Noble
which  owns 10 radio stations serving Denver,  St. Louis and Toledo. Pending the
closing of this transaction,  Jacor and Noble have  entered into time  brokerage
agreements with respect to Noble's radio stations in St. Louis and Toledo. Jacor
also  acquired from Noble the  right to provide programming  to and sell the air
time for one  AM and  one FM  station serving the  San Diego  market. The  Noble
Acquisition  enhances Jacor's  existing portfolio  in Denver  where it  will own
eight stations, in addition  to creating new multiple  station platforms in  St.
Louis  and Toledo, where Jacor will own two of the four Class B FM stations. See
    In February 1996, Jacor  sold the business and  certain operating assets  of
radio  stations WMYU(FM) and WWST(FM) in Knoxville. Jacor received approximately
$6.5 million in  cash for this  sale, representing an  approximate $2.5  million
gain.  In March 1996, Jacor entered into an  agreement for the sale of assets of
WBRD-AM in Tampa. Such sale  is pending subject to  receipt of the required  FCC
    In  March 1996, Jacor entered into an  agreement to acquire the FCC licenses
of WCTQ-FM and WAMR-AM in Venice, Florida. Jacor will also purchase certain real
estate and  transmission  facilities  necessary to  operate  the  stations.  The
purchase  price for the assets is  approximately $4.4 million. Jacor anticipates
that it  will consummate  this  acquisition upon  receipt  of the  required  FCC
approvals using a portion of the proceeds of the Offerings.
    Jacor  has  agreed to  finance  the purchase  by  Critical Mass  Media, Inc.
("CMM") for  $540,000 of  a 40%  interest in  a newly  formed limited  liability
company  that has agreed to  purchase the assets of  Duncan American Radio, Inc.
CMM is a marketing research  and radio consulting business  which is owned by  a
limited  partnership of which Jacor is the  5% general partner and a corporation
wholly owned  by Randy  Michaels, the  president of  Jacor, is  the 95%  limited
    In  May 1996, Jacor entered into an agreement to acquire the FCC licenses of
WIOT-FM and WCWA-AM in  Toledo, Ohio. Jacor will  also purchase real estate  and
transmission  facilities necessary to  operate the stations.  The purchase price
for the assets is $13.0 million. Jacor anticipates that it will consummate  this
acquisition  upon receipt of the  required FCC approvals using  a portion of the
proceeds from the  Offerings or  with funds obtained  from available  borrowings
under the Existing Credit Facility or the New Credit Facility, whichever is then
in   effect.  Subject  to  certain  conditions,  pending  the  closing  of  this
transaction, Jacor has entered into a  time brokerage agreement with respect  to
these stations.
    In June 1996, Jacor entered into an agreement to acquire the FCC licenses of
WLAP-AM,  WMXL-FM and WWYC-FM  in Lexington, Kentucky.  Jacor will also purchase
real estate and transmission facilities  necessary to operate the stations.  The
purchase  price for the assets is $14.0  million. Jacor anticipates that it will
consummate this acquisition upon receipt of  the required FCC approvals using  a
portion  of  the  proceeds  from  the Offerings,  or  with  funds  obtained from
available borrowings  under  the Existing  Credit  Facility or  the  New  Credit
Facility, whichever is then in effect.
    Jacor  is  also  currently  negotiating  acquisitions  for  additional radio
stations in its existing markets and in new markets. Jacor has entered into  two
non-binding  letters  of  intent pursuant  to  which Jacor  and  the prospective
sellers have  agreed to  exclusively negotiate  the terms  and conditions  of  a
definitive   acquisition  agreement,  and  Jacor  is  negotiating  a  definitive
acquisition agreement with a prospective seller pursuant to a non-binding letter
of intent which has  expired. If such  negotiations are successfully  completed,
Jacor  would acquire an additional ten  radio stations for an aggregate purchase
price  of  approximately  $52.5  million.  Jacor  is  also  engaged  in   active
negotiations to acquire two radio stations in one of its existing markets for an
acquisition  price  of  approximately  $37.0 million.  Jacor  is  also currently
engaged in preliminary discussions  with owners of  other radio stations,  which
may  or may  not result in  negotiations for  additional acquisitions, including
acquisitions in which Jacor Common Stock  may be exchanged in consideration  for
the  acquired  stations.  Jacor anticipates  that  it will  consummate  any such
acquisitions using a portion of the proceeds from

the Offerings,  or  with funds  obtained  from available  borrowings  under  the
Existing  Credit  Facility or  the  New Credit  Facility,  whichever is  then in
effect. There can be no assurance that Jacor will successfully complete any such
acquisitions or what the consequences thereof would be.
    During 1995, Jacor actively pursued the acquisition of selected stations  in
Jacor's  existing  markets  and  targeted new  markets  and  acquired  six radio
stations. In  August 1995,  Jacor acquired  the business  and certain  operating
assets  of radio stations WDUV-FM and WBRD-AM in Tampa. In September 1995, Jacor
exercised its purchase  option to  acquire ownership  of the  licensee of  radio
station  KHTS-FM (formerly KECR) in San Diego.  In 1995, Jacor acquired the call
letters,  programming  and  certain  contracts  of  radio  station  WOFX(FM)  in
Cincinnati and then changed the call letters of its FM broadcast station WPPT to
WOFX.  Jacor also acquired  radio stations WSOL-FM  (formerly WHJX), WJBT-FM and
WZAZ-AM  in  Jacksonville.   The  aggregate  cash   purchase  price  for   these
acquisitions was approximately $37.7 million.
    Additional information concerning Jacor is incorporated by reference in this
Proxy  Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus. See  "AVAILABLE INFORMATION"
                            BUSINESS OF CITICASTERS
    Citicasters is a holding company engaged  in the ownership and operation  of
radio and television stations and derives substantially all its revenue from the
sale  of advertising time. As  of March 1, 1996,  Citicasters owned and operated
nineteen radio  stations, located  across the  United States  in eight  markets:
Atlanta,  Phoenix, Tampa, Cincinnati, Portland,  Sacramento, Columbus and Kansas
City, and two television stations, one  located in Tampa and one in  Cincinnati.
In  June  1994,  the  name  of  Citicasters  was  changed  from  Great  American
Communications Company to Citicasters Inc. Citicasters' operations are conducted
through its principal subsidiary, Citicasters Co., an Ohio corporation  formerly
known   as  Great  American  Television   and  Radio  Company,  Inc.  Additional
information concerning Citicasters  is incorporated by  reference in this  Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus.  See  "AVAILABLE  INFORMATION"  and
                             BUSINESS OF NEW JACOR
    New Jacor,  a  wholly owned  subsidiary  of  Jacor, has  not  conducted  any
business activities to date, other than those incident to its formation, and its
participation   in  the   preparation  of  this   Proxy  Statement/  Information
Statement/Prospectus. Upon the  consummation of the  Reincorporation, New  Jacor
will be the successor corporation to Jacor and will serve as the holding company
for all of Jacor's currently existing subsidiaries. At the Effective Time of the
Merger,  New  Jacor will  become  the holding  company  for Citicasters  and its
respective subsidiaries. Upon  the consummation  of the  Noble Acquisition,  New
Jacor   will  also  be  the  holding   company  for  Noble  and  its  respective
subsidiaries. Accordingly, the business of  New Jacor, through its  wholly-owned
direct  and indirect subsidiaries, will be the businesses currently conducted by
Jacor, Citicasters and Noble and their respective subsidiaries. See "BUSINESS OF
                          DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK
    The authorized  capital  stock of  Jacor  currently consists  of  40,000,000
shares  of Jacor Common Stock,  and 2,000,000 shares of  Class A Preferred Stock
and 2,000,000  shares of  Class B  Preferred  Stock. At  the 1994  Jacor  annual
meeting  of shareholders,  the Jacor  shareholders approved  an increase  in the
number of  authorized  shares  of  Jacor Common  Stock  to  100,000,000  shares.
Following  that annual  meeting, Jacor's  management elected  not to immediately
file such amendment to the Jacor Amended and Restated Articles of  Incorporation
until  such time  as Jacor  identified a  specific purpose  for those additional
shares.  If   the   proposals  described   under   "PROPOSAL  TO   APPROVE   THE
REINCORPORATION  OF JACOR"  are adopted by  the Jacor shareholders  at the Jacor
Annual  Meeting,  following  the   consummation  of  the  Reincorporation,   the
authorized  capital stock of Jacor will  consist of 100,000,000 shares of common
stock, $.01 par value and 2,000,000 shares of Class A Preferred Stock, $.01  par
value and 2,000,000 shares of Class B

Preferred  Stock, $.01 par value. Zell/Chilmark  has informed Jacor that it will
vote in favor of such proposal and such votes will be sufficient to approve  the
Reincorporation.  Upon the consummation of the Reincorporation, each outstanding
share of Jacor common stock, no par value, will automatically be converted  into
a  share  of  New Jacor  common  stock, $.01  par  value.  As of  May  31, 1996,
18,439,694 shares of Jacor Common Stock were issued and outstanding.
    Upon the consummation of  the Reincorporation, the  holders of Jacor  Common
Stock  will  have no  preemptive  rights, cumulative  voting  rights, redemption
rights, or conversion  privileges. The  holders of  Jacor Common  Stock will  be
entitled  to  one  vote for  each  share held  on  any matter  submitted  to the
shareholders.  All  corporate  action  requiring  shareholder  approval,  unless
otherwise  required by law, Jacor's Certificate  of Incorporation or its Bylaws,
must be authorized by a majority of the votes cast. Under Delaware law, approval
by a majority vote of the outstanding voting shares is required to effect (i) an
amendment to Jacor's Certificate of Incorporation  or its Bylaws, (ii) a  merger
or  consolidation of Jacor, and (iii) a  disposition of all or substantially all
of Jacor's assets.
    In the  event of  liquidation, each  share  of Jacor  Common Stock  will  be
entitled  to share ratably in the distribution of remaining assets after payment
of all  debts, subject  to the  prior rights  in liquidation  of any  shares  of
preferred stock issued. Holders of shares of Jacor Common Stock will be entitled
to  share ratably in such  dividends as the Jacor  Board, in its discretion, may
validly declare  from funds  legally available  therefor, subject  to the  prior
rights  of holders of  shares of Jacor's  preferred stock as  may be outstanding
from time to time. Certain restrictions on the payment of dividends are  imposed
under  the Existing Credit  Facility, and will  be imposed under  the New Credit
Facility. See  "RISK FACTORS--Lack  of Dividends;  Restrictions on  Payments  of
    Upon the consummation of the Reincorporation, 2,000,000 authorized shares of
Class  A Preferred  Stock and 2,000,000  authorized shares of  Class B Preferred
Stock of  Jacor's  capital  stock  will  be  authorized.  It  is  not  currently
anticipated  that any such  shares will be  issued. The Class  A Preferred Stock
will have full voting rights.  The Class B Preferred  Stock will have no  voting
rights  except as otherwise  provided by law  or as lawfully  fixed by the Jacor
Board with respect to a particular series. Under applicable law, the Jacor Board
could elect to provide  the Class B  Preferred Stock with  limited or no  voting
rights.  Jacor's  Certificate of  Incorporation  authorizes the  Jacor  Board to
provide from time to time for the  issuance of the shares of Preferred Stock  in
series by adopting an amendment to the Certificate and to establish the terms of
each  such series,  including (i)  the number  of shares  of the  series and the
designation thereof; (ii)  the rights  in respect  of dividends  on the  shares;
(iii) liquidation rights; (iv) redemption rights; (v) the terms of any purchase,
retirement  or sinking fund  to be provided  for the shares  of the series; (vi)
terms of conversion, if any; (vii) restrictions, limitations and conditions,  if
any,  on issuance of indebtedness of Jacor; and (viii) any other preferences and
other rights  and limitations  not  inconsistent with  law, the  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  or  any  resolution  of  the  Jacor  Board.  See  "COMPARISON OF
    The 1993 Warrants to  purchase 2,014,233 shares of  Jacor Common Stock  were
issued  by  Jacor in  1993. Through  May  31, 1996,  205,624 1993  Warrants were
exercised. As of June 12, 1996, all  1993 Warrants which had not been  exercised
prior to such date were converted by Jacor into the right to receive fair market
value  (as defined in  the 1993 Warrant),  which amount was  fixed at $19.70 per
1993 Warrant.
    The 1993 Warrants were registered warrants issued under a warrant agreement.
Each 1993 Warrant  entitled the  holder to purchase  one share  of Jacor  Common
Stock  at  the price  of $8.30  per share.  Pursuant  to the  terms of  the 1993
Warrants, upon the happening of any Sale Event (as defined below), Jacor, in its
sole discretion, was permitted to  automatically convert the 1993 Warrants  into
the  right to receive the fair market  value of the 1993 Warrants, whereupon the
1993 Warrants would cease  to be exercisable for  shares of Jacor Common  Stock.
The  1993 Warrants defined "Sale Event" generally  to mean any of the following:
(a) a sale or other disposition of all or a substantial portion of the assets of
Jacor; (b) a share exchange;  (c) a sale or  other disposition of securities  of
Jacor  constituting  more  than  30%  of  the  voting  power  of  Jacor's voting

stock to one or more entities or persons not controlled by Samuel Zell or  David
Schulte;  and  (d)  certain business  combinations  resulting in  the  shares of
Jacor's  voting  stock   outstanding  immediately  prior   to  the  Sale   Event
constituting 70% or less of Jacor's combined voting power immediately after such
Sale Event.
    The  1996 Stock Offering  constituted a Sale Event,  and Jacor converted the
1993 Warrants into the  right to receive  the fair market value  as of June  12,
1996.  Prior to  such conversion, Zell/Chilmark  exercised its  1993 Warrants to
acquire 629,117 shares  of Common  Stock in lieu  of accepting  the fair  market
value  of the 1993 Warrants it held for proceeds to Jacor totaling approximately
$5.2 million.  The holders  of approximately  883,639 other  1993 Warrants  also
exercised  their right  to acquire shares  of Jacor Common  Stock for additional
proceeds  to  Jacor  totaling  approximately   $7.3  million.  The  holders   of
approximately 295,853 remaining 1993 Warrants elected to receive the fair market
value. Jacor will be required to fund approximately $5.8 million based on a fair
market  value of $19.70 per 1993 Warrant  (the difference between the $28.00 per
share of  Common Stock  sale price  in the  1996 Stock  Offering and  the  $8.30
exercise  price per 1993 Warrant). Jacor intends  to fund the conversion of such
1993 Warrants  when presented  for redemption  with a  portion of  the  proceeds
received from the exercise of 1993 Warrants by the other holders.
    For a description of the Jacor Warrants to be issued in the Merger, see "THE
MERGER--Description of Jacor Warrants."
    Jacor is currently incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio, and the
Jacor  Board is  recommending to  Jacor shareholders  for approval  at the Jacor
Annual Meeting that Jacor be reincorporated  as a corporation under the laws  of
the  State  of Delaware.  Upon the  consummation  of the  Reincorporation, Jacor
shareholders, whose rights as shareholders  are currently governed by Ohio  law,
Jacor's  existing Amended and  Restated Articles of  Incorporation (the "Present
Jacor Articles")  and Jacor's  Amended  and Restated  Code of  Regulations  (the
"Present  Jacor Regulations"), will  become shareholders of  New Jacor and their
rights as such  will be  governed by Delaware  law, New  Jacor's Certificate  of
Incorporation  (the "New Jacor Certificate") and  the New Jacor Bylaws (the "New
    Citicasters is  incorporated under  the laws  of the  State of  Florida  and
Citicasters  shareholders  rights  are  governed  by  Florida  law,  Citicasters
Articles of Incorporation  (the "Citicasters Articles")  and Citicasters  Bylaws
(the  "Citicasters Bylaws"). Upon consummation of  the Merger and receipt of the
Merger Consideration, Citicasters shareholders  will become security holders  of
New  Jacor (to be renamed "Jacor Communications, Inc."), and, accordingly, their
rights will be governed by Delaware law,  the New Jacor Certificate and the  New
Jacor Bylaws.
    The  following is  a summary  of the material  differences in  the rights of
Jacor  shareholders  following  the  Reincorporation   and  in  the  rights   of
Citicasters  shareholders following the  Merger. The following  summary does not
purport to be  a complete statement  of the rights  of Jacor shareholders  under
applicable  Ohio and Delaware laws or  of the rights of Citicasters shareholders
under applicable Florida  and Delaware laws,  or a complete  description of  the
specific provisions referred to herein. The following comparison is qualified in
its  entirety by reference to  the New Jacor Certificate,  the New Jacor Bylaws,
the Present  Jacor  Articles, the  Present  Jacor Regulations,  the  Citicasters
Articles  and the  Citicasters Bylaws and  the statutory  provisions referred to
    The New  Jacor Certificate  and the  New  Jacor Bylaws  are similar  to  the
Present  Jacor  Articles  and  the Present  Jacor  Regulations  with  respect to
material provisions. Differences between the New Jacor Certificate and New Jacor
Bylaws  and  the   Present  Jacor  Articles   and  Present  Jacor   Regulations,
respectively,  are primarily the result of  differences between Delaware law and
Ohio law. Significant  provisions of  the New  Jacor Certificate  and New  Jacor
Bylaws  and certain important similarities and  differences between them and the
Present Jacor Articles and the Present Jacor Regulations are discussed below.

    CAPITAL STOCK.  As  described  under "DESCRIPTION  OF  CAPITAL  STOCK,"  the
capitalization  of New Jacor will consist of 100,000,000 shares of Common Stock,
par value $.01  per share (the  "New Jacor Common  Stock"), 2,000,000 shares  of
Class  A  Preferred Stock,  par value  $.01 per  share (the  "New Jacor  Class A
Preferred Stock"), and 2,000,000  shares of Class B  Preferred Stock, par  value
$.01  per share (the "New  Jacor Class B Preferred  Stock" and together with the
New Jacor Class A Preferred Stock, the "New Jacor Preferred Stock"). Other  than
for  effecting  the action  approved at  the  1994 Jacor  annual meeting  of the
shareholders to  change the  number of  authorized shares  of New  Jacor  Common
Stock,  the provisions of the New Jacor Certificate setting the terms of the New
Jacor Common  Stock are  unchanged  from the  provisions  of the  Present  Jacor
Articles with regard to the Jacor Common Stock.
    With  respect to existing  Jacor Preferred Stock, the  provisions of the New
Jacor Certificate differ from those of  the Present Jacor Articles with  respect
to  the manner  in which  the directors  may fix  the terms  of a  series of the
Preferred Stock  and  the terms  which  may be  so  fixed. Under  Delaware  law,
directors  fix the terms of a series of New Jacor Preferred Stock by resolution,
as opposed to an actual amendment  to a company's articles of incorporation,  as
under  Ohio law.  In addition, under  Delaware law, directors  have authority to
provide for different voting rights  between series of preferred stock  whereas,
under  Ohio  law, directors  do  not have  this  right. Both  the  Present Jacor
Articles and the New Jacor Certificate permit the Board of Directors to exercise
broad discretion in  fixing the terms  of series of  New Jacor Preferred  Stock,
which  in the case of the New Jacor  Certificate, is subject to Delaware law and
the terms of the New Jacor Certificate.
    PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS.  Both  the  Present  Jacor Articles  and  the  New  Jacor
Certificate provide that no shareholder shall have preemptive rights to purchase
    CUMULATIVE  VOTING.  Under  the  Present  Jacor  Regulations,  if  notice is
properly given by  a shareholder,  directors are elected  by cumulative  voting,
with  the nominees who receive the greatest number of votes being elected to the
Board of Directors and each shareholder  being permitted to cumulate the  voting
power  such shareholder possesses by giving any  one candidate a number of votes
equal to the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of votes
to which such shareholder is entitled, or to distribute such number of votes  on
the  same principle among two or more  candidates, as such shareholder sees fit.
Under the Present Jacor Regulations, it is therefore possible for the holders of
less than a  majority of  the voting  power of  Jacor to  elect one  or more  of
Jacor's  directors, and it is not always  possible for the holders of a majority
of the  voting power  to elect  all of  the directors  of Jacor.  The New  Jacor
Certificate  and New Jacor  Bylaws do not  provide for cumulative  voting in the
election of directors,  accordingly, the  holders of  a majority  of the  voting
power of New Jacor will be able to elect all of the directors of New Jacor.
    AMENDMENTS  TO REGULATIONS AND BYLAWS. Under Ohio law, only the shareholders
have the power  to adopt, amend  or repeal  regulations; such power  may not  be
conferred  upon the directors. A Delaware  corporation may in its certificate of
incorporation confer  the  power to  adopt,  amend  or repeal  bylaws  upon  the
directors.  Under  the New  Jacor Certificate,  the directors  of New  Jacor are
granted such power, although such power does not preempt or otherwise affect the
power of New Jacor shareholders also to amend the New Jacor Bylaws.
    BOARD OF DIRECTORS;  COMMITTEES. Under  the Present  Jacor Regulations,  the
number  of directors which shall constitute the Board of Directors is determined
by shareholder vote or by the directors, provided that such number of  directors
shall  be not  less than  five and not  more than  fifteen. Under  the New Jacor
Bylaws, the number  of directors shall  be determined by  resolution of the  New
Jacor Board of Directors (the "New Jacor Board") provided that such number shall
be seven unless otherwise designated by the New Jacor Board.
    Under  Delaware law, no director or officer  of New Jacor is disqualified by
his office from dealing  or contracting with New  Jacor as a vendor,  purchaser,
employee,  agent  or otherwise,  nor is  any  transaction of  New Jacor  void or
voidable or in any way  affected or invalidated by reason  of the fact that  any
director  or officer or any firm of which any director or officer is a member or
any corporation of which any director  or officer is a shareholder, director  or
officer  is in any  way interested in  such transaction, provided  the fact that
such director, officer, firm or corporation is so interested is disclosed or  is
known  to the Board of Directors or such  members thereof as shall be present at
any   meeting   of   the   Board    of   Directors   at   which   action    upon

any  such transaction is taken; nor is any such director, or officer accountable
for or  responsible to  New Jacor  or any  stockholder of  New Jacor  for or  in
respect  to any such transaction of New  Jacor for any gains or profits realized
by him, by reason of the fact that he,  or any firm of which he is a member,  or
any  corporation of which he is a shareholder, director or officer is interested
in such transaction,  and any such  director may be  counted in determining  the
existence  of a quorum at  any meeting of the Board  of Directors of Jacor which
shall authorize or take action in respect to any such transaction, and may  vote
thereat  to authorize, ratify  or approve any such  transaction, with like force
and effect as if he, or any firm of which he is a member, or any corporation  of
which  he is  a shareholder,  officer or  director were  not interested  in such
    In order  to  provide such  rights  to a  director,  Ohio law  requires  the
Articles  of Incorporation  to contain a  provision of like  effect. The Present
Jacor Articles contain no such provision.
    The Present Jacor  Regulations and  Ohio law  require that  the Jacor  Board
designate three or more of its members to constitute any committee of the Board.
Under  the New Jacor Bylaws, the New Jacor  Board may appoint from its members a
committee of the New Jacor Board which shall consist of any number of  directors
(including only one) as such Board may designate.
    DIRECTOR  LIABILITY  AND  INDEMNIFICATION.  Under  Ohio  law,  with  certain
exceptions, a director is liable for  monetary damages for actions or  omissions
as  a director only  if it is proved  by clear and  convincing evidence that the
director acted or failed to  act with deliberate intent  to cause injury to  the
corporation   or  with  reckless  disregard  for   the  best  interests  of  the
corporation. There is, however, no provision limiting the liability of officers,
employees, or  agents of  the  corporation. Additionally,  Ohio law  protects  a
director  from liability  for breach  of the director's  duty of  loyalty to the
corporation as well  as for  breach of  the director's  duty of  care. Ohio  law
provisions  concerning  director  liability  are  self-executing  and  the Jacor
directors are currently entitled to  such protections without reference  thereto
in the Present Jacor Articles.
    Under  Delaware law, subject to certain  exceptions, a director is protected
from monetary liability for breaches  of his or her  duty of care. Delaware  law
provides  for  such a  limitation on  director liability  if the  certificate of
incorporation contains a  provision to  that effect. The  New Jacor  Certificate
contains  such a  provision. Such  a provision  does not,  however, eliminate or
limit director liability for a breach of  the director's duty of loyalty to  the
corporation  or its shareholders or  for acts or omissions  not in good faith or
which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, for  willful
or negligent conduct in paying dividends or repurchasing stock out of other than
legally  available funds, or for any transaction from which the director derived
an improper personal benefit.
    The indemnification provisions  contained in the  Present Jacor  Regulations
are  in accordance with Ohio law which  allows indemnification of any person who
was or is  a party  or is  threatened to  be made  a party,  to any  threatened,
pending  or  completed  action,  suit or  proceeding,  whether  civil, criminal,
administrative or investigative, other than action by or in the right of  Jacor,
by  reason of the fact that he or she is or was a director, officer, employee or
agent of Jacor,  or is or  was serving at  the request of  Jacor as a  director,
trustee, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, domestic or foreign,
nonprofit  or for profit, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise,
against expenses, including attorney's fees,  judgments, fines and amounts  paid
in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with
such action, suit or proceeding if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner
he  or she reasonably believed to be in  or not opposed to the best interests of
Jacor, and with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no  reasonable
cause  to believe such person's conduct was unlawful. Ohio law also allows Jacor
to indemnify or  agree to  indemnify any  person who  was or  is a  party or  is
threatened  to be made a party, to  any threatened, pending, or completed action
or suit by or in the right of Jacor to procure a judgment in its favor by reason
of the fact that he or she is  or was a director, officer, employee or agent  of
Jacor,  or is  or was serving  at the request  of Jacor as  a director, trustee,
officer,  employee  or  agent  of  another  corporation,  domestic  or  foreign,
nonprofit  or for profit, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise,
against expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and reasonably incurred by
such person in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or  suit
if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in
or  not opposed to the  best interests of Jacor,  except that no indemnification
may be made with respect to any claim,  issue or matter as to which such  person
is   adjudged   to   be   liable   for   negligence   or   misconduct   in   the

performance of his duty  to Jacor unless,  and only to the  extent that a  court
determines  upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability, but in
view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and  reasonably
entitled to indemnity for such expenses as the court shall deem proper.
    The  statutory right of  indemnification is not exclusive  in Ohio, and Ohio
corporations may,  among other  things, purchase  insurance to  indemnify  those
persons.  Ohio law  provides that  a director (but  not an  officer, employee or
agent) is entitled  to mandatory advancement  of expenses, including  attorneys'
fees,  incurred in defending  any action, including  derivative actions, brought
against the  director,  provided  the  director agrees  to  cooperate  with  the
corporation  concerning  the  matter and  to  repay  the amount  advanced  if it
ultimately is determined that he or she is not entitled to be indemnified by the
    The New  Jacor Bylaws  are similar  to the  Present Jacor  Regulations  with
regard  to indemnification except that in  accordance with the Delaware law, New
Jacor may not indemnify such persons against expenses incurred by such person in
connection with the  defense or settlement  of an action  or suit by  or in  the
right of New Jacor to procure a judgment in its favor if such persons shall have
been  adjudged to be  liable to New Jacor  unless and only to  the extent that a
court determines upon  application that, despite  the adjudication of  liability
but  in view  of all the  circumstances of the  case, such person  is fairly and
reasonably entitled to indemnification for  such expenses which the court  shall
deem proper.
    COMPROMISE  WITH CREDITORS  AND SHAREHOLDERS.  Delaware law  provides that a
certificate of incorporation may contain  a provision allowing for a  compromise
or  arrangement between a  corporation and its  creditors or shareholders. Under
such a  provision, whenever  such a  compromise or  arrangement is  proposed,  a
Delaware  court may order a meeting for the purpose of eliciting an agreement to
the compromise or the arrangement which  would be binding on all such  creditors
and/or shareholders and the corporation. The New Jacor Certificate contains such
a  provision. No such  provision allowing for such  compromise or arrangement is
included in the Present Jacor Regulations or available under Ohio law.
incorporation, Ohio law requires the approval of shareholders holding two-thirds
of  the  voting  power  of  a corporation,  unless  otherwise  specified  in the
corporation's articles of incorporation. The  Present Jacor Articles are  silent
with  respect to the vote required to amend the Present Jacor Articles. Delaware
law requires the approval of shareholders holding a majority of the voting power
of  a  corporation  in   order  to  amend   the  corporation's  certificate   of
incorporation,  unless  another proportion  is specified  in the  certificate of
incorporation. The New  Jacor Certificate does  not specify another  proportion.
Accordingly,  although  neither the  Present Jacor  Articles  nor the  New Jacor
Certificate contain  a  provision  regarding  the vote  required  to  amend  the
respective  corporation's charter, the effect of  the Reincorporation will be to
allow the New Jacor Certificate to be amended by shareholders holding a majority
of the voting power of a corporation, rather than two-thirds of the voting power
of a corporation as currently required to amend the Present Jacor Articles.
of at least 25% of the outstanding shares of a corporation have the authority to
call  special  meetings of  shareholders,  unless the  corporation's regulations
specify another  percentage, which  may in  no  case be  greater than  50%.  The
Present  Jacor Regulations currently provide that the holders of at least 10% of
the  outstanding  shares  have  the  authority  to  call  special  meetings   of
shareholders. Delaware law does not require that shareholders be given the right
to  call  special  meetings. Nevertheless,  the  New Jacor  Bylaws  provide that
special meetings may  be called  by one-third of  the directors  then in  office
(rounded  up to the nearest whole number),  by the chief executive officer or by
shareholders holding at least 10% of  all issued and outstanding stock  entitled
to vote at the meeting.
    ANTI-TAKEOVER PROVISIONS. Chapter 1704 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibits an
"Issuing  Public Corporation" from engaging in a "Chapter 1704 Transaction" with
an "Interested Shareholder" for  a period of three  years following the date  on
which  the person become  an Interested Shareholder unless,  prior to such date,
the directors of the Issuing Public Corporation approve either the Chapter  1704
Transaction or the acquisition of shares pursuant to which such person became an
Interested  Shareholder. Jacor is an Issuing  Public Corporation for purposes of
the statute.  An Interested  Shareholder is  any person  who is  the  beneficial

owner  of  a sufficient  number  of shares  to  allow such  person,  directly or
indirectly, alone  or  with  others, including  affiliates  and  associates,  to
exercise or direct the exercise of 10% of the voting power of the Issuing Public
Corporation in the election of directors.
    A  Chapter 1704 Transaction includes any merger, consolidation, combination,
or majority share acquisition between or involving an Issuing Public Corporation
and an Interested  Shareholder or  an affiliate  or associate  of an  Interested
Shareholder.  A  Chapter 1704  Transaction  also includes  certain  transfers of
property, dividends and issuance or transfers  of shares, from or by an  Issuing
Public  Corporation or a subsidiary of an Issuing Public Corporation to, with or
for the benefit of an Interested Shareholder or an affiliate or associate of  an
Interested  Shareholder unless  such transaction  is in  the ordinary  course of
business of the  Issuing Public Corporation  on terms no  more favorable to  the
Interested Shareholder than those acceptable to third parties as demonstrated by
contemporaneous transactions. Finally, Chapter 1704 Transactions include certain
transactions  which  (a)  increase  the  proportionate  share  ownership  of  an
Interested Shareholder, (b) result in the adoption of a plan or proposal for the
dissolution, winding up  of the  affairs or  liquidation of  the Issuing  Public
Corporation  if  such  plan  is  proposed by  or  on  behalf  of  the Interested
Shareholder or (c)  pledge or extend  the credit or  financial resources of  the
Issuing  Public Corporation to or for the benefit of the Interested Shareholder.
After  the  initial  three-year  moratorium  has  expired,  an  Issuing   Public
Corporation  may engage in a Chapter 1704  Transaction if (a) the acquisition of
shares pursuant to which  the person became  an Interested Shareholder  received
the  prior approval of the board of directors of the Issuing Public corporation,
(b) the Chapter  1704 Transaction  is approved by  the affirmative  vote of  the
holders  of shares representing at  least two-thirds of the  voting power of the
Issuing Public Corporation and by the holders of shares representing at least  a
majority  of voting  shares which  are not  beneficially owned  by an Interested
Shareholder or an affiliate or associate of an Interested Shareholder or (c) the
Chapter 1704 Transaction meets certain  statutory tests designed to ensure  that
it be economically fair to all shareholders.
    Ohio  law prevents  a person,  under certain  circumstances, from purchasing
large amounts of shares of stock of a corporation without shareholder  approval.
Under  Section  1701.831  of  the  Ohio Revised  Code,  unless  the  articles or
regulations otherwise provide,  any "control  share acquisition"  of an  Issuing
Public Corporation can only be made with the prior approval of the corporation's
shareholders.  A  control  share  acquisition  is  defined  as  any acquisition,
directly  or  indirectly  (by  tender  offer,  open  market  purchase,   private
transaction  or otherwise) of shares  of a corporation which,  when added to all
other shares of that  corporation owned by the  acquiring person, would  entitle
that  person  to  exercise  specified  levels  of  voting  power  when  electing
directors. Specifically, unless  the provisions  of Section  1701.831 have  been
satisfied,  a person may not purchase additional shares of a corporation if that
purchase would result in such  person holding more than 20%,  33 1/3% or 50%  of
the  voting power.  These percentages reflect  the Ohio  legislature's view that
each such  acquisition  of shares  which  results  in a  person's  voting  power
exceeding  these levels involves  an increase in  the ability of  that person to
control a corporation. These levels of voting power are considered so great that
the transaction  involved  should be  considered  and approved  or  rejected  by
shareholders.  The Present Jacor Regulations  provide that Section 1701.831 does
not apply to control share acquisitions of shares of Jacor.
    Delaware's anti-takeover  provisions  are embodied  in  Section 203  of  the
Delaware  General  Corporation law  ("Section 203").  Section 203  provides that
certain "business  combinations"  between  a Delaware  corporation  whose  stock
generally  is publicly traded or held of  record by more than 2,000 shareholders
and an "interested stockholder" are prohibited for a three-year period following
the date that such stockholder became an interested stockholder, unless (i)  the
corporation  has elected in its certificate  of incorporation not to be governed
by Section  203, (ii)  the business  combination was  approved by  the Board  of
Directors  of the corporation before the other party to the business combination
became an interested  stockholder, (iii)  upon consummation  of the  transaction
that  made it  an interested  stockholder, the  interested stockholder  owned at
least 85% of the voting stock of the corporation outstanding at the commencement
of the  transaction (excluding  voting stock  owned by  directors who  are  also
officers  or held in employee benefit plans in which the employees do not have a
confidential right  to tender  or  vote stock  held by  the  plan) or  (iv)  the
business  combination was approved by the  Board of Directors of the corporation
and ratified by two-thirds of the voting stock which the interested  stockholder
did   not   own.   The   three-year  prohibition   also   does   not   apply  to

certain business combinations  proposed by an  interested stockholder  following
the announcement or notification of certain extraordinary transactions involving
the  corporation and a person who had  not been an interested stockholder during
the previous  three years  or  who became  an  interested stockholder  with  the
approval of the majority of the corporation's directors.
    The  term "business combination" is defined  generally to include mergers or
consolidations between  a Delaware  corporation and  an interested  stockholder,
transactions with an interested stockholder involving the assets or stock of the
corporation or its majority-owned subsidiaries and transaction which increase an
interested  stockholder's percentage  ownership of  stock. The  term "interested
stockholder" is defined generally as a stockholder who, together with affiliates
and associates, owns (or, within  three years prior, did own)  15% or more of  a
Delaware  corporations'  voting stock.  Section 203  could  prohibit or  delay a
merger, takeover or other change in  control of the Company and therefore  could
discourage attempts to acquire the Company.
    The  New Jacor Certificate does  not contain a provision  electing not to be
governed by Section 203. The Jacor Board believes that the provisions of Section
203 will help assure that  a change in control of  Jacor does not occur  without
the  consent of the Jacor Board and/or  shareholders of Jacor and will encourage
any person  who seeks  to acquire  control of  Jacor to  do so  by a  negotiated
transaction rather than through a hostile takeover attempt.
    MERGERS,   ACQUISITIONS  AND   OTHER  TRANSACTIONS.   In  addition   to  the
anti-takeover provisions discussed above,  Ohio law generally requires  approval
of  mergers,  dissolutions and  dispositions of  all or  substantially all  of a
corporation's assets  by two-thirds  of  the voting  power of  the  corporation,
unless  the articles of incorporation permit a different proportion. The Present
Jacor Articles are  silent with  respect to the  vote required  to approve  such
mergers,  dissolutions and dispositions.  Ohio law does  not require shareholder
approval of asset or share acquisitions.
    In general, Delaware law  requires approval of  mergers and dispositions  of
all  or substantially all of a corporation's  assets by a majority of the voting
power of  the  corporation.  Like  Ohio  law,  Delaware  law  does  not  require
shareholder approval in the case of asset and share acquisitions.
    Although  neither the Present  Jacor Articles nor  the New Jacor Certificate
contain any provision  regarding the vote  required to approve  asset and  share
acquisitions  and  mergers and  dispositions of  all or  substantially all  of a
corporation's assets, the effect of the  Reincorporation will be to allow  asset
and  share  acquisitions  to  be  approved  by  the  New  Jacor  Board,  without
stockholder approval,  and  will  allow  mergers  and  dispositions  of  all  or
substantially all of New Jacor's assets to be approved by shareholders holding a
majority  of the voting power of the  corporation, rather than two-thirds of the
voting power of a corporation as currently required with respect to Jacor.
    ACTION  WITHOUT  A  MEETING.  Under   Ohio  law,  unless  the  articles   of
incorporation  or the  regulations provide  otherwise, any  action which  may be
taken by shareholders or directors at a  meeting may be taken without a  meeting
upon   the  unanimous  written   consent  of  the   shareholders  or  directors,
respectively.  Neither  the  Present  Jacor  Articles  nor  the  Present   Jacor
Regulations  provide otherwise. Delaware law provides that unless limited by the
certificate of incorporation,  any action  which may be  taken at  a meeting  of
shareholders  may be taken without a meeting, without prior notice and without a
vote, if the holders of stock having  not less than the minimum number of  votes
otherwise  required to  approve such  action consent  in writing.  The New Jacor
Certificate  contains  no  such  limitation  and,  accordingly,  following   the
Reincorporation,  Jacor shareholders could take certain actions upon the written
consent of less than all of the Jacor shareholders.
    CLASS VOTING. Under Ohio  law, holders of a  particular class of shares  are
entitled to vote as a separate class if the rights of such class are affected in
certain  respects by  mergers, consolidations or  amendments to  the articles of
incorporation. Delaware  law  requires  voting by  separate  classes  only  with
respect to amendments to the certificate of incorporation which adversely affect
the  holders of such classes or which  increase or decrease the aggregate number
of authorized shares or the par value of the shares of any such classes.
    LOANS TO OFFICERS. Under Ohio law, directors of an Ohio corporation who vote
for or  assent to  the  making of  loans  (other than  in  the usual  course  of
business) to an officer, director or shareholder of the

corporation  are jointly and severally liable  to the corporation for the amount
of the loan, with interest thereon at  the rate of six percent per annum,  until
the  loan has been paid. Delaware law permits a corporation to lend money to, or
to guarantee an obligation of, an  officer or other employee of the  corporation
or  any  subsidiary thereof  including  an officer  or  employee who  is  also a
director of  the corporation  or  of its  subsidiaries,  whenever such  loan  or
guarantee  may,  in the  judgment of  the directors,  reasonably be  expected to
benefit the corporation. Unlike Ohio law, Delaware law generally does not impose
liability on the directors who vote for or assent to the making of a loan to  an
officer, director or shareholder.
    APPRAISAL  RIGHTS. Under Ohio  law, dissenting shareholders  are entitled to
appraisal rights in connection with the lease, sale, exchange, transfer or other
disposition of all or substantially  all of the assets  of a corporation and  in
connection   with   certain  amendments   to   the  corporation's   articles  of
incorporation. In addition,  shareholders of  an Ohio  corporation being  merged
into  a surviving corporation  or being consolidated into  a new corporation are
also entitled to appraisal rights. Shareholders of an acquiring corporation  are
entitled  to  appraisal  rights  in  a  merger,  combination  or  majority share
acquisition in which such shareholders are entitled to voting rights.
    Under Delaware law, appraisal rights  are available only in connection  with
certain   mergers   or  consolidations,   unless   otherwise  provided   in  the
corporation's certificate of incorporation. Even in the event of such mergers or
consolidations, unless  the  certificate of  incorporation  otherwise  provides,
Delaware  law  does not  recognize appraisal  rights  (i) if  the shares  of the
corporation are listed on  a national securities exchange  or held of record  by
more  than 2,000 shareholders (as long as the shareholders receive in the merger
shares of the surviving  corporation or of any  other corporation the shares  of
which  are listed on  a national securities  exchange or held  of record by more
than 2,000 shareholders) or (ii) if the corporation is the surviving corporation
and no vote of its shareholders is required for the merger.
    DIVIDENDS. An Ohio corporation  may pay cash dividends  only out of  surplus
and must notify its shareholders if a dividend is paid out of capital surplus. A
Delaware  corporation may  pay dividends out  of any  surplus and, if  it has no
surplus, out of any net  profits for the fiscal year  in which the dividend  was
declared  or for the preceding fiscal year  (provided that such payment will not
reduce capital below the amount of capital represented by all classes of  shares
having a preference upon the distribution of assets).
    REPURCHASES  OF STOCK.  Under Ohio  law, a  corporation may  not purchase or
redeem  its  own  shares  unless  authorized  to  do  so  by  its  articles   of
incorporation  and then may not do so if immediately thereafter its assets would
be less  than  its liabilities  plus  its stated  capital,  if any,  or  if  the
corporation  is insolvent or would  be rendered insolvent by  such a purchase or
redemption. The  Present Jacor  Articles  authorize Jacor  to purchase  its  own
shares when authorized by a majority of the Jacor Board for such prices and upon
such terms as the Board of Directors may determine.
    Under  Delaware law, a corporation may purchase or redeem, or otherwise deal
in and with its own shares; provided, however, that no corporation is  permitted
to purchase or redeem its own shares of capital stock for cash or other property
when  the  capital of  the  corporation is  impaired  or when  such  purchase or
redemption would cause any impairment of the capital of the corporation,  except
that  a corporation may purchase or redeem out  of capital any of its own shares
which are entitled upon any distribution  of its assets, whether by dividend  or
liquidation,  to a preference over another class  or series of its stock if such
shares will be retired upon their acquisition and the capital of the corporation
reduced in accordance with the Delaware law.
    Unlike Ohio law, Delaware law also expressly provides that a corporation may
make any class of stock, including  common stock, subject to redemption, at  the
option  of  the  corporation  in  such  cases  where  the  corporation  holds  a
governmental license which is conditioned upon some or all of the holders of the
corporation's  stock  possessing  prescribed   qualifications,  to  the   extent
necessary  to prevent the loss of such  license or to reinstate it. As permitted
by Delaware law, the New Jacor Certificate contains a provision that permits the
New Jacor Board to redeem all  or some of the shares  of New Jacor stock from  a
shareholder whose ownership of stock may result in the loss or failure to secure
the  reinstatement of any governmental license necessary to conduct the business
of New Jacor or its subsidiaries.

    ANTI-GREENMAIL STATUTE. "Greenmail"  is the practice  whereby a  corporation
purchases the shares of a substantial minority shareholder at a premium to avoid
the  future potential takeover of the  corporation by that minority shareholder.
Ohio law contains an anti-greenmail statute which would cause the forfeiture  of
any  premium received by  the minority shareholder. Although  Ohio law permits a
corporation to opt out of the anti-greenmail statutes, Jacor has not opted  out.
Delaware law contains no anti-greenmail statute.
    Upon  consummation of  the Merger  and the  exercise, if  any, of  the Jacor
Warrants, shareholders of  Citicasters would become  shareholders of New  Jacor.
Shareholders  of Citicasters should  note the following  differences between the
Citicasters Articles and  the New  Jacor Certificate  and between  the FBCA  and
Delaware law as they affect the rights of shareholders.
    PREEMPTIVE  RIGHTS. The Citicasters Articles  provide for certain preemptive
rights to Citicasters shareholders. The  New Jacor Certificate provides that  no
shareholder shall have preemptive rights to purchase shares.
    CUMULATIVE VOTING. Under the FBCA directors may not be elected by cumulative
voting unless a provision to such effect is included in a corporation's articles
of  incorporation. The Citicasters  Articles contain no  such provision. The New
Jacor Certificate and New Jacor Bylaws  do not provide for cumulative voting  in
the election of directors.
    AMENDMENTS  TO REGULATIONS AND BYLAWS.  The Citicasters Bylaws provided that
the Citicasters Board  may repeal or  amend the existing  Citicasters Bylaws  or
adopt  new bylaws. Under the  New Jacor Certificate, the  directors of New Jacor
are granted such power, although such power does not preempt or otherwise affect
the power of Jacor shareholders also to amend the New Jacor Bylaws.
    BOARD OF DIRECTORS; COMMITTEES. Under  the Citicasters Articles, the  number
of  directors which shall constitute the Citicasters  Board may be fixed by such
Board of Directors, but shall not be  less than two nor more than twenty.  Under
the  New Jacor Bylaws, the number of directors shall be determined by resolution
of the New Jacor Board provided that such number shall be seven unless otherwise
designated by the New Jacor Board.
    COMPROMISE WITH CREDITORS  AND SHAREHOLDERS.  Delaware law  provides that  a
certificate  of incorporation may contain a  provision allowing for a compromise
or arrangement between a  corporation and its  creditors or shareholders.  Under
such  a  provision, whenever  such a  compromise or  arrangement is  proposed, a
Delaware court may order a meeting for the purpose of eliciting an agreement  to
the  compromise or the arrangement which would  be binding on all such creditors
and/or shareholders and the corporation. The New Jacor Certificate contains such
a provision, whereas  the same  is not  available under  either the  Citicasters
Articles or the FBCA.
minor amendments, all amendments to the  Articles of Incorporation of a  Florida
corporation  must be approved  by the majority  of all the  votes entitled to be
cast by that voting group, unless the Articles require a greater or lesser vote.
The Citicasters Articles do  not provide otherwise. The  right to amend the  New
Jacor Bylaws under Delaware law and the New Jacor Certificate is discussed above
under "Amendment of Articles/Certificate of Incorporation."
    ANTI-TAKEOVER  PROVISIONS. Section 607.0901 of the FBCA, informally known as
the "Fair  Price  Statute,"  provides  that  the  approval  of  the  holders  of
two-thirds  of the voting shares of a company, other than the shares owned by an
"Interested Stockholder"  would  be  required in  order  to  effectuate  certain
transactions,  including, without limitation, a merger,  sale of assets, sale of
shares and  reclassification  of  securities  involving  a  corporation  and  an
Interested Stockholder. A corporation may "opt out" of the provisions of Section
607.0901. The Citicasters Articles provide that Citicasters will not be governed
by the provisions of Sections 607.0901 of the FBCA.

    Section 607.0902 of the FBCA, informally known as the "Florida Control Share
Acquisition  Statute," provides that  the voting rights  to be accorded "Control
Shares" of a Florida corporation that has (i) 100 or more shareholders, (ii) its
principal place  of business,  its principal  office, or  substantial assets  in
Florida  and (iii)  either (A)  more than  10% of  its shareholders  residing in
Florida, (B) more than 10% of its shares owned by Florida residents or (C) 1,000
shareholders residing in Florida, must be  approved by a majority of each  class
of  voting  securities  of  the  corporation,  excluding  those  shares  held by
interested persons, before the Control Shares will be granted any voting rights.
The Citicasters Articles provide  that Citicasters will not  be governed by  the
provisions  of Sections 607.0902 of the FBCA. The Delaware Business Combinations
Statute is described above in "Anti-Takeover Provisions."
sale, lease, exchange or disposal of all, or substantially all, of the assets of
a  Florida corporation, not in  the ordinary course of  business, as well as any
merger, consolidation or share  exchange, generally must  be recommended by  the
Board  of Directors and approved by  a vote of a majority  of the shares of each
class of the stock of  the corporation entitled to  vote on such matters.  Under
the  FBCA, the vote of  the shareholders of a  corporation surviving a merger is
not required if: (i) the articles of incorporation of the surviving  corporation
will not substantially differ from its articles before the merger; and (ii) each
shareholder of the surviving corporation before the effective date will hold the
same number of shares, with identical designations, preferences, limitations and
relative  rights  immediately after  the merger.  The  vote required  to approve
certain mergers and other corporate actions under Delaware law and the New Jacor
Certificate  is  discussed   above  under  "Mergers,   Acquisitions  and   Other
    APPRAISAL  RIGHTS. The FBCA provides appraisal rights in connection with (i)
a merger, except  that such  rights are  not provided when  (a) no  vote of  the
shareholders  is required for  the merger or  (b) shares of  the corporation are
listed on a national securities exchange, traded on the Nasdaq National  Market,
or  held  of  record  by not  fewer  than  2,000 shareholders;  (ii)  a  sale of
substantially all  the assets  of a  corporation (with  similar restrictions  as
provided  under Delaware law  for mergers); (iii) amendments  to the articles of
incorporation  that  may   adversely  affect  the   rights  or  preferences   of
shareholders;  and  (iv)  a  Control Share  Acquisition.  Delaware  law provides
appraisal rights as described above in "Appraisal Rights."
    DIVIDENDS. A Florida corporation may  make distributions to shareholders  as
long  as, after giving effect to such distribution, the corporation will be able
to pay its  debts as they  become due in  the usual course  of business and  the
corporation's  total  assets  will  not  be  less  than  the  sum  of  its total
liabilities plus (unless  the articles  of incorporation  permit otherwise)  the
amount that would be needed, if the corporation were to be dissolved at the time
of  the distribution,  to satisfy  the preferential  rights upon  dissolution of
shareholders whose  preferential  rights are  superior  to those  receiving  the
distribution.  A Delaware  corporation may pay  dividends out of  surplus or, if
there is no surplus, out of net profits for the fiscal year in which declared or
for the preceding fiscal year.
    REPURCHASES OF STOCK. Both Florida  and Delaware corporations may  generally
purchase or redeem their own shares of capital stock.
    LIMITATION  ON DIRECTOR'S LIABILITY.  The FBCA provides  that directors of a
corporation will not  be personally liable  for monetary damages  for breach  of
their  fiduciary duty as  directors, except in  certain specified circumstances.
Those circumstances involve either: (i) a violation of the criminal law; (ii)  a
transaction  from which the director derived an improper personal benefit; (iii)
an unlawful payment of  a dividend or unlawful  stock repurchase or  redemption;
(iv)  in a  derivative proceeding or  one by or  in the right  of a shareholder,
conscious disregard  for  the  best  interests of  the  corporation  or  willful
misconduct;  or (v) in a proceeding by or in the right of someone other than the
corporation or  a shareholder,  recklessness  or an  act  or omission  that  was
committed  in bad faith, with malicious purpose or in a manner exhibiting wanton
and willful disregard of  human rights, safety  or property. Director  liability
and  indemnification  under  Delaware  law  and  the  New  Jacor  Certificate is
discussed above in "Director Liability and Indemnification."
meeting of shareholders can be called by (i) a corporation's Board of Directors;
(ii) the persons authorized by the articles of incorporation or bylaws; or (iii)
the  holders of not less than 10% of all  votes entitled to be cast on any issue
to be considered at  the proposed special meeting.  A corporation's articles  of
incorporation can require a higher

percentage  of  votes, up  to a  maximum of  50%  to call  a special  meeting of
shareholders. The Citicasters Articles  do not include  any such provision.  The
right  to call a special meeting of  shareholders under Delaware law and the New
Jacor Certificate is  discussed above under  "Right to Call  Special Meeting  of
    AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS. Under the FBCA, a corporation's board of directors may
amend  or  repeal the  bylaws unless  such  power is  expressly reserved  to the
shareholders in  the articles  of incorporation  or the  shareholders  expressly
provide,  in amending or repealing all or any part of the bylaws, that the board
of directors may not amend or repeal the affected bylaws. The right to amend the
New Jacor Bylaws under Delaware law  and the New Jacor Certificate is  discussed
above under "Amendments to Regulations and Bylaws."
    MERGER  WITH SUBSIDIARY. The FBCA permits a parent corporation to merge into
itself a subsidiary, without shareholder approval, if 80% of each class of stock
of the subsidiary  is owned  by the parent  corporation. Under  Delaware law,  a
parent  corporation  may  merge  into itself,  without  shareholder  approval, a
subsidiary of which it owns at least 90% of the outstanding shares of each class
of stock.
FBCA, shareholders  may remove  one or  more directors  with or  without  cause,
unless  the articles of incorporation provide that directors may be removed only
with cause, at a meeting of the shareholders called expressly for that  purpose.
Citicasters Articles do not refer to removal of Directors. Under the Citicasters
Bylaws, newly created directorships resulting from any increase in the number of
directors  or  any vacancies  on the  Board of  Directors may  be filled  by the
affirmative vote of a majority of  the directors then in office. Under  Delaware
law,  any director or  the entire board  of directors generally  may be removed,
with or without cause, by  the holders of a majority  of the shares entitled  to
vote at an election of directors.
    The Jacor Board has concluded that it will be in the best interests of Jacor
and  its shareholders,  in conducting Jacor's  ordinary course  of business, for
Jacor to reincorporate under the laws of  the State of Delaware. In view of  the
many  favorable provisions  of the Delaware  General Corporation  Law, the Jacor
Board believes that significant advantages arise from being incorporated in  the
State of Delaware rather than the State of Ohio.
    For  many years Delaware has followed  a policy of encouraging incorporation
in that state  and, in furtherance  of that policy,  has adopted  comprehensive,
modern  and flexible corporation laws which are periodically updated and revised
to meet  changing business  needs. As  a result,  many major  corporations  have
chosen  Delaware for their initial  domicile or have subsequently reincorporated
in Delaware in a manner similar to that proposed by Jacor. Delaware courts  have
developed  considerable expertise in dealing with  corporate legal issues, and a
substantial  body  of  case  law  has  developed  construing  Delaware  law  and
establishing  public policy with respect to Delaware corporations. The increased
clarity and predictability of Delaware  corporate law presented in the  numerous
precedents  decided by the  Delaware courts should  be of advantage  to Jacor by
allowing Jacor to make  corporate decisions and to  take corporate actions  with
increased confidence of what the outcome and consequences of those decisions and
actions will be under the corporate law governing Delaware corporations. For the
foregoing  reasons, the Jacor Board believes that the activities of Jacor can be
carried on better if  Jacor is able  to operate as  a corporation organized  and
governed by Delaware law. It should be noted, however, that shareholders in some
instances  have fewer rights  and less protection under  Delaware law than under
    For the  sole  purpose  of  accomplishing  the  Reincorporation,  Jacor  has
established  New Jacor.  The Reincorporation will  be achieved  by Jacor merging
with and into  New Jacor,  with New Jacor  being the  resulting corporation  and
being   renamed  "Jacor  Communications,  Inc."   The  Reincorporation  will  be
consummated in accordance with  Plan and Agreement of  Merger between Jacor  and
New Jacor (the "Reincorporation Agreement") in the form attached hereto as Annex
VII and made a part of this Proxy

Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus. Proxies  received by  Jacor and not
revoked prior  to  or  at  the  Jacor Annual  Meeting  will  be  voted  FOR  the
Reincorporation.   Abstentions  and  shares  not  voted  by  brokers  and  other
beneficial owners will have the same effect as votes cast against this proposal.
    The Reincorporation Agreement provides that the existing directors of  Jacor
shall  be the directors of New Jacor  until its next annual shareholders meeting
or until the  directors' successors have  been duly elected  and qualified.  See
"ELECTION  OF JACOR DIRECTORS." The Certificate  of Incorporation and the Bylaws
of the resulting corporation would be  the Certificate of Incorporation and  the
Bylaws  of New Jacor as attached to  the Reincorporation Agreement as Exhibits A
and B,  respectively. There  are a  number of  specific instances  in which  the
rights  of  Jacor shareholders  will differ  under  New Jacor's  Certificate and
Bylaws and under Delaware law as  opposed to Ohio law. The material  differences
    The Reincorporation will be accomplished by way of a statutory merger  under
the  laws of Delaware and Ohio. UNDER THE LAWS OF THOSE STATES, SUCH A MERGER OF
    As  promptly  as  practicable  after  the  approval  of  the Reincorporation
Agreement, if obtained, by the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding
shares of Jacor Common Stock  and by the sole shareholder  of New Jacor (all  of
whose   shares  are  owned  by  Jacor  and   will  be  voted  in  favor  of  the
Reincorporation), Jacor  and New  Jacor  shall execute  and file  all  necessary
merger  documents with the appropriate state  authorities as contemplated by the
Reincorporation Agreement and  as required  by law.  Zell/Chilmark has  informed
Jacor  that it intends to vote  all shares of Jacor Common  Stock owned by it in
favor of the Reincorporation. The  Reincorporation of Jacor is also  conditional
upon  the receipt  of prior  FCC approval.  See "THE  MERGER--Reincorporation of
Jacor." Subject  to receipt  of such  FCC  approval and  approval by  the  Jacor
shareholders,  the Reincorporation will be effective at the close of business on
the date on which the Articles of  Merger are filed with the Delaware  Secretary
of State and the Certificate of Merger is filed with the Ohio Secretary of State
(the  "Reincorporation Effective Time"). The  Articles of Merger and Certificate
of  Merger  are  attached  as  Annex  VIII  and  made  a  part  of  this   Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/ Prospectus.  At the  Reincorporation Effective
Time, Jacor will be  merged with and  into New Jacor, with  New Jacor being  the
resulting corporation and to be renamed "Jacor Communications, Inc."
    If  the Reincorporation  is consummated,  all shares  of Jacor  Common Stock
outstanding immediately prior to the Reincorporation Effective Time (other  than
shares  held by Jacor in its treasury, all of which shares shall be cancelled at
the Reincorporation Effective Time) will be converted into shares of New Jacor's
common stock on a one-for-one basis.
    New Jacor will assume existing options and warrants which have been  granted
and  issued by  Jacor to  its directors,  officers, employees  or other persons.
After the consummation of the Reincorporation, each optionee and warrant  holder
will  be entitled  to acquire  one share  of New  Jacor's common  stock upon the
exercise of the option or warrant for  each share of Jacor Common Stock that  he
or  she otherwise  would have  been entitled  to purchase  upon exercise  of the
option or warrant. Approximately  3,600,000 shares of  New Jacor's common  stock
could be issued in substitution for the shares of Jacor Common Stock now subject
to outstanding options and warrants.
    After  the  Reincorporation Effective  Time,  Jacor stock  certificates will
evidence ownership  of  New Jacor's  common  stock for  all  corporate  purposes
including  dividends, distributions and voting rights.  It is not necessary that
Jacor's shareholders exchange their existing Jacor Common Stock certificates for
new common stock certificates of New Jacor.
    The Reincorporation Agreement gives  the right to  the shareholders and  the
directors of either or both of Jacor or New Jacor to abandon the Reincorporation
Agreement  at  any  time  prior  to  the  Reincorporation  Effective  Time. Such
abandonment might be taken should the  Board of Directors of either  corporation
deem consummation thereof to be undesirable for any purposes.

    Subsequent  to the Reincorporation, New  Jacor will continue Jacor's present
business operations after the Reincorporation Effective Time in the same  manner
as  presently  conducted  by Jacor.  The  composition  of New  Jacor's  Board of
Directors and other matters  affecting New Jacor will  remain in the control  of
Jacor's existing shareholders.
    Jacor  management and  the Jacor  Board concluded  that it  was in  the best
interests of  Jacor and  its shareholders  for Jacor  to enter  into the  Merger
Agreement.  Pursuant to the  Merger Agreement, Acquisition  Corp. will be merged
with and into Citicasters. The holders of Citicasters Common Stock will have the
right to  receive  the  Merger  Consideration in  exchange  for  each  share  of
Citicasters  Common Stock, including the Jacor Warrants. If approved, Jacor will
issue warrants  to acquire  an aggregate  of approximately  4,400,000 shares  of
Jacor  Common Stock. See "THE MERGER--Conversion of Citicasters Common Stock for
the Merger Consideration" and "--Description of Jacor Warrants."
    Ohio law does not require Jacor shareholders to approve the issuance of  the
Jacor  Warrants  and the  shares of  Jacor Common  Stock issuable  upon exercise
thereof. However, the  Nasdaq National Market  rules to which  Jacor is  subject
require  shareholder approval in connection with the acquisition of the stock of
another company  where the  potential issuance  of common  stock, or  securities
exercisable  for common stock, has or will have upon issuance voting power equal
to or in excess of  20% of the voting power  outstanding before the issuance  of
such  stock or securities.  At the time  the Merger Agreement  was executed, the
approval by the holders of a majority of the votes cast in person or by proxy on
this proposal would have been required by such rules because the shares of Jacor
Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise  of  all  the Jacor  Warrants  would  have
exceeded 20% of the shares of Jacor Common Stock then outstanding.
    As  a result of the sale  of shares of Jacor Common  Stock in the 1996 Stock
Offering, the issuance of the  Jacor Warrants will not  equal or exceed the  20%
threshold  and Jacor  believes that the  Nasdaq National Market  rules no longer
apply so  as  to  require  approval  of the  issuance  of  the  Jacor  Warrants.
Nonetheless,  Jacor is seeking shareholder approval of the issuance of the Jacor
Warrants at the Jacor  Annual Meeting to ensure  compliance with those rules  in
the event such rules would be deemed applicable.
    As  required  by  the Jacor  Shareholders  Agreement,  Zell/Chilmark granted
Citicasters an irrevocable proxy  pursuant to which all  of the shares of  Jacor
Common  Stock owned by Zell/Chilmark  will be voted in  favor of the issuance of
the Jacor Warrants as are necessary for the payment of the Merger Consideration,
and the shares of Jacor Common Stock issuable upon the exercise thereof. If  the
Reincorporation  is  approved at  the Annual  Meeting, it  is expected  that the
Reincorporation will be effected prior to the consummation of the Merger and the
Jacor Warrants will thereby constitute common stock purchase warrants to acquire
shares of New Jacor Common Stock.
    Proxies received by Jacor and  not revoked prior to  or at the Jacor  Annual
Meeting will be voted FOR the issuance of the Jacor Warrants and shares of Jacor
Common  Stock issuable  upon the  exercise thereof.  Abstentions and  shares not
voted by  brokers  and other  beneficial  owners will  have  no effect  on  this

                          ELECTION OF JACOR DIRECTORS
    Jacor's Amended and Restated Code of Regulations currently provides that the
Jacor Board shall consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of fifteen members.
In accordance with the Amended and Restated Code of Regulations, the Jacor Board
has established the current number of Jacor directors at eight, but such  number
will  be reduced to seven  members effective as of the  date of the Jacor Annual
Meeting. This reduction is the result of David M. Schulte's resignation from the
Jacor Board in February 1996. At the Jacor Annual Meeting, seven directors  will
be  elected. Upon the consummation of the Reincorporation, all directors elected
at the Jacor Annual Meeting will become the directors of New Jacor and will hold
office until  the next  annual meeting  of Jacor  shareholders and  until  their
respective  successors  are  duly elected  and  qualified. The  Jacor  Board has
nominated the seven incumbent directors  for election by the Jacor  shareholders
at the Jacor Annual Meeting.
    It  is the intention of  the persons named as proxy  holders in the proxy to
vote FOR the election of all nominees  named. If any nominee shall be unable  to
serve,  which  is not  now  contemplated, the  proxies  will be  voted  for such
substitute nominee as the Jacor Board recommends.
    Ohio law, under which  Jacor is currently incorporated,  does not require  a
minimum  number of  votes for  the election  of a  director, and  those nominees
receiving the  greatest number  of votes  will be  elected as  directors.  Thus,
abstentions and shares not voted by brokers and other entities holding shares on
behalf  of  the  beneficial  owners  will have  no  effect  in  the  election of
    Under Ohio law, any shareholder entitled to vote at the Jacor Annual Meeting
may give written notice to the President, a Vice President, or the Secretary  of
Jacor  not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the Jacor Annual Meeting that
cumulative voting for the election of  directors is desired. If the Chairman  or
the  Secretary announces the  receipt of such  notice upon the  convening of the
Jacor Annual Meeting, each shareholder shall  have the right to cumulate his  or
her voting power in voting for Jacor's directors.
    Under  cumulative voting,  each shareholder  entitled to  vote at  the Jacor
Annual Meeting would have an  aggregate number of votes  equal to the number  of
directors to be elected multiplied by the number of shares of Jacor Common Stock
held  by  such shareholder  on the  Jacor Record  Date. The  resulting aggregate
number of votes may be cast by  such shareholder for the election of any  single
nominee  standing for  election, or such  shareholder may  distribute such votes
among any number  or all  of the nominees.  The nominees  receiving the  highest
number  of votes will be elected to the  Jacor Board for the term specified. The
proxies  being   solicited   pursuant  to   this   Proxy   Statement/Information
Statement/Prospectus  may be voted cumulatively for  less than the entire number
of nominees if any situation arises which, in accordance with the proxy holders'
best judgment, makes such action necessary or desirable.

    The following table sets forth, with respect to each nominee for director of
Jacor, his or her  age, principal occupation during  the past five years,  other
positions  he or she holds with  Jacor, if any, and the  year in which he or she
first became a director of Jacor. Each  of the nominees is currently a  director
of Jacor.

                                                                                              YEAR FIRST
NAME AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                                                                   BECAME
DURING PAST FIVE YEARS                                                               AGE       DIRECTOR
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------      ---      -----------
JOHN  W. ALEXANDER--A Partner of Meringoff  Equities, and a Managing Partner of          49         1993
Mallard Creek Capital Partners,  since 1987. Both are  private real estate  and
investment  partnerships. Mr. Alexander is also a Trustee of Equity Residential
Properties Trust, a real estate investment trust.
ROD F. DAMMEYER--President and Chief Executive Officer of Anixter International          55         1993
Inc. (formerly known as Itel Corporation), a Chicago-based value-added provider
of integrated networking and cabling solutions. Mr. Dammeyer has been President
of Anixter International since 1985 and Chief Executive Officer since 1993; and
he has  been President  and Chief  Executive Officer  since February  1994  and
Director since 1992 of Great American Management and Investment, Inc. ("GAMI"),
a  diversified manufacturing company. He is a member of the boards of directors
of ANTEC Corporation;  Capsure Holdings  Corp. (an affiliate  of GAMI);  Falcon
Building  Products,  Inc.;  IMC  Global,  Inc.;  Revco  D.S.,  Inc.;  and Sealy
Corporation. Mr. Dammeyer is a  trustee of several VanKampen American  Capital,
Inc. trusts.
F. PHILIP HANDY--President of Winter Park Capital Company, a private investment          52         1993
firm,  since 1980. Mr. Handy is a director of Anixter International Inc.; GAMI;
Q-Tel, S.A. de C.V.;  and Banca Quadrum,  S.A. (formerly Servicios  Financieros
Quadrum, S.A.).
MARC  LASRY--Executive  Vice President  of Amroc  Investments, Inc.,  a private          36         1993
investment firm,  since  1990. Mr.  Lasry  was  the Director  and  Senior  Vice
President  of  the  corporate  reorganization  department  of  Cowen  &  Co., a
privately-owned brokerage  firm,  from  1987  to 1989.  From  January  1989  to
September  1990,  he was  a portfolio  manager for  Amroc Investments,  L.P., a
private investment fund.
ROBERT L.  LAWRENCE--Co-Chief  Operating Officer  of  Jacor. Mr.  Lawrence  has          43         1993
served as an officer of Jacor since 1986.
RANDY   MICHAELS--President  and  Co-Chief  Operating  Officer  of  Jacor.  Mr.          44         1993
Michaels, whose legal name is  Benjamin L. Homel, has  served as an officer  of
Jacor since 1986.


                                                                                              YEAR FIRST
NAME AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                                                                   BECAME
DURING PAST FIVE YEARS                                                               AGE       DIRECTOR
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------      ---      -----------
SHELI  Z. ROSENBERG--Board Chair of Jacor since  February 1996. She is also the          54         1994
President and a member of the law  firm of Rosenberg & Liebentritt, P.C.  since
1980.  Mrs. Rosenberg is also Chief Executive Officer, President and a director
of Equity  Financial and  Management Company  and its  parent successor  Equity
Group  Investments,  Inc.,  a  privately owned  and  affiliated  investment and
management company. Mrs. Rosenberg  is also a director  of GAMI and of  Capsure
Holdings  Corp.,  an affiliate  of GAMI,  and a  trustee of  Equity Residential
Properties Trust, a  real estate  investment trust.  Mrs. Rosenberg  is also  a
director   of  American  Classic  Voyages  Co.;  CFI  Industries,  Inc.;  Eagle
Industries, Inc.;  Anixter International  Inc.;  Sealy Corporation;  and  Revco
D.S.,  Inc. Mrs.  Rosenberg was a  Vice President of  Madison Management Group,
Inc., which filed a petition under  the federal bankruptcy laws on November  8,
1991.  Mrs.  Rosenberg was  also  a Vice  President  of First  Capital Benefits
Administrators, Inc., a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of GAMI, which filed a
federal bankruptcy petition on January 3, 1995.

    There are no family relationships among any of the above-named nominees  for
director nor among any of the nominees and any executive officers of Jacor.
    During the year ended December 31, 1995, the Jacor Board held four regularly
scheduled  meetings. Each director  attended or participated in  at least 75% of
the meetings of the Jacor Board and all Committees on which he or she served  in
    Standing  committees of the Jacor Board include a Compensation Committee and
an Audit Committee. The Jacor Board does not have a Nominating Committee.
    In 1995, the  Compensation Committee consisted  of three Directors,  Messrs.
Schulte  and Dammeyer and Mrs.  Rosenberg. The Compensation Committee determines
stock option grants to  executive officers and other  key employees, as well  as
reviews  salaries,  bonuses  and  other elements  of  compensation  of executive
officers  and  makes  recommendations  to  the  Jacor  Board.  The  Compensation
Committee held one meeting during 1995. In 1996, the Compensation Committee will
consist of three Directors, Messrs. Dammeyer and Handy and Mrs. Rosenberg.
    In  1995, the Audit Committee consisted  of three Directors, Messrs. Schulte
and Dammeyer  and Mrs.  Rosenberg.  The Audit  Committee reviews  the  financial
statements  of Jacor, consults  with Jacor's independent  auditors and considers
such other  matters with  respect to  the  internal and  external audit  of  the
financial  affairs  of Jacor  as may  be  necessary or  appropriate in  order to
facilitate accurate financial reporting. The  Audit Committee held two  meetings
during  1995.  In 1996,  the Audit  Committee will  consist of  three Directors,
Messrs. Alexander and Dammeyer and Mrs. Rosenberg.

                         SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN
    The following table sets forth, as of May 31, 1996, the number of shares and
percentage of Jacor Common Stock beneficially owned by each person who is  known
to  Jacor to be the beneficial  owner of more than 5%  of Jacor Common Stock, by
each of Jacor's  directors and nominees  for election as  directors, by  Jacor's
executive  officers and by all of Jacor's  executive officers and directors as a

                                                                                    AMOUNT AND NATURE
                                                                                      OF BENEFICIAL      PERCENT OF
NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                                              OWNERSHIP(1)        CLASS(2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  -----------
                                            5% OR MORE BENEFICIAL OWNERS
Zell/Chilmark Fund L.P. ........................................................     13,349,720(3)           70.01%
David M. Schulte................................................................     13,349,720(4)           70.01%
Samuel Zell.....................................................................     13,349,720(4)           70.01%
John W. Alexander...............................................................          33,000       (5)      *
Rod F. Dammeyer.................................................................      13,362,720          (6)      70.03 %
F. Philip Handy.................................................................          56,000       (7)      *
Marc Lasry......................................................................          23,000       (5)      *
Robert L. Lawrence..............................................................         498,093       (8)       2.63 %
Randy Michaels..................................................................         673,805           10)       3.55 %
Sheli Z. Rosenberg..............................................................      13,352,720           11)      70.01 %
R. Christopher Weber............................................................         466,954            12)       2.49 %
Jon M. Berry....................................................................         250,095            13)       1.35 %
All executive officers and directors as a group (9 persons).....................      14,900,707        14)      72.98 %

- ---------
  * Less than 1%
 (1) The Commission has defined beneficial  ownership to include sole or  shared
    voting  or  investment power  with respect  to  a security  or the  right to
    acquire beneficial ownership  of a security  within 60 days.  The number  of
    shares  indicated are  owned with  sole voting  and investment  power unless
    otherwise noted  and includes  certain shares  held in  the name  of  family
    members,  trusts and affiliated  companies as to  which beneficial ownership
    may be disclaimed. The number of  shares indicated includes shares of  Jacor
    Common  Stock issuable pursuant to options  granted under Jacor's 1993 Stock
    Option Plan and which have vested.
 (2) Under rules promulgated by  the Commission, any securities not  outstanding
    that  are  subject to  options or  warrants exercisable  within 60  days are
    deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of  the
    class  owned by  such person but  are not  deemed to be  outstanding for the
    purpose of computing the percentage of the class owned by any other person.
 (3) The  address of  Zell/Chilmark is  Two North  Riverside Plaza,  Suite  600,
    Chicago,  Illinois 60606.  Zell/Chilmark is  a Delaware  limited partnership
    controlled by Samuel Zell and David  M. Schulte, former directors of  Jacor,
    as  follows: the sole  general partner of which  Zell/Chilmark is ZC Limited
    Partnership ("ZC Limited");  the sole general  partner of ZC  Limited is  ZC
    Partnership; the sole general partners of ZC Partnership are ZC, Inc. and CZ
    Inc.;  Mr. Zell is the sole shareholder of  ZC, Inc.; and Mr. Schulte is the
    sole  shareholder  of  CZ   Inc.  Of  the   shares  beneficially  owned   by
    Zell/Chilmark,  629,117 are shares issuable  pursuant to 1993 Warrants owned
    by Zell/Chilmark which were exercised prior to June 12, 1996.
 (4) All shares  beneficially owned by  Zell/Chilmark (See Note  (3) above)  are
    included  in  the shares  beneficially owned  by  Messrs. Zell,  Schulte and
    Dammeyer and  Mrs. Rosenberg,  who  constitute all  of  the members  of  the
    management committee of Z/C Limited. The address of Mr. Schulte is Two North
    Riverside  Plaza, Suite  1500, Chicago, Illinois  60606. The  address of Mr.
    Zell is Two North Riverside Plaza,  Suite 600, Chicago, Illinois 60606.  Mr.
    Schulte  indirectly shares beneficial ownership of a 20% limited partnership
    interest in ZC Limited, and Mr. Zell indirectly shares beneficial  ownership
    of an 80% limited partnership interest in ZC Limited.
 (5) Includes vested options to purchase 13,000 shares.
 (6)  Includes vested options to purchase 13,000 shares. Mr. Dammeyer indirectly
    shares beneficial ownership  of an  80% limited partnership  interest in  ZC
    Limited. See Note (3) above.
 (7)  Includes vested  options to purchase  13,000 shares.  Mr. Handy indirectly
    shares beneficial ownership  of an  80% limited partnership  interest in  ZC
    Limited.  See Note  (3) above.  Also includes  13,000 shares  held by  H. H.
    Associates Trust of which Mr. Handy is co-trustee.

 (8) Includes  vested  options  to  purchase 491,060  shares  and  3,556  shares
    issuable   pursuant  to  warrants.  Of  the  shares  indicated,  637  shares
    (including 481 shares issuable pursuant to warrants) are owned by members of
    Mr. Lawrence's family.
 (9) Includes 118,997 shares issuable pursuant to warrants and vested options to
    purchase 431,000 shares. The number of shares indicated includes shares  and
    warrant  shares  held as  co-trustee  under the  Jacor  Communications, Inc.
    Retirement Plan (the "Retirement Plan"). See Note (10) below. Also  includes
    15  shares and  58 warrants  owned by  Mr. Michaels'  wife, as  to which Mr.
    Michaels disclaims  beneficial ownership.  Does not  include 300,000  shares
    subject  to a contingent right of acquisition held by a corporation owned by
    Mr. Michaels.
(10) Includes  233,005 shares  (including 112,801  shares issuable  pursuant  to
    warrants)  held  under the  Retirement Plan  with  respect to  which Messrs.
    Michaels, Weber and Berry as co-trustees, share voting and investment power.
    Of these  233,005  shares, 9,093  shares  (including 5,033  shares  issuable
    pursuant to warrants) are beneficially owned by the named executives.
(11) Includes vested options to purchase 3,000 shares.
(12) Includes 112,865 shares issuable pursuant to warrants and vested options to
    purchase  232,250 shares. The number of shares indicated includes shares and
    warrant shares held as co-trustee under  the Retirement Plan. See Note  (10)
(13) Includes 113,004 shares issuable pursuant to warrants and vested options to
    purchase  16,835 shares. The number of  shares indicated includes shares and
    warrant shares held as co-trustee under  the Retirement Plan. See Note  (10)
(14)  Includes 639,136 shares  issuable pursuant to  warrants, vested options to
    purchase 1,226,145  shares  and  233,005 shares  (including  112,801  shares
    issuable  pursuant to warrants not included in the 639,136 above) held under
    the Retirement Plan.
    No agreements,  formal or  informal, exist  among the  various officers  and
directors to vote their shares collectively.
    Section  16 of  the Exchange Act  and the rules  and regulations promulgated
thereunder require  Jacor's  directors,  executive  officers  and  10%  or  more
beneficial  owners to file certain reports with the Commission regarding changes
in beneficial  ownership by  such persons  in Jacor's  securities. To  the  best
knowledge of Jacor, all of Jacor's directors and executive officers timely filed
all  such reports due in 1995, except for one late filing of a Form 4 by each of
Mrs. Rosenberg and  Mr. Dammeyer  in connection  with their  appointment to  the
management committee of Z/C Limited in the fourth quarter of 1995 which resulted
in  their being  deemed beneficial  owners of the  shares of  Jacor Common Stock
owned by Zell/Chilmark.

                         AND MANAGEMENT OF CITICASTERS
    The following table sets forth, as of May 31, 1996, the number of shares and
percentage of Citicasters Common Stock beneficially owned by each person who  is
known  to Citicasters to be the beneficial  owner of more than 5% of Citicasters
Common Stock,  by each  of Citicasters'  directors and  by all  of  Citicasters'
executive officers and directors as a group.

                                                                                        AMOUNT AND
                                                                                        NATURE OF
                                                                                        BENEFICIAL    PERCENT OF
NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                                               OWNERSHIP(1)    CLASS(2)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------
                                          5% OR MORE BENEFICIAL OWNERS
American Financial Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries
  (collectively "American Financial")
  One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.....................................    7,566,889(3)       37.8%
Carl H. Lindner
  One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.....................................    3,204,213(4)       16.0%
Sandler Associates/Sandler Capital Management
  767 Fifth Avenue, 45th Floor, New York, NY 10153...................................    1,022,580          5.3%
Carl H. Lindner......................................................................    3,204,213 (4)       16.0  %
John P. Zanotti......................................................................      253,132 (5)        1.2  %
Theodore H. Emmerich.................................................................        7,425 (5)      *
S. Craig Lindner.....................................................................       90,000    (6)      *
James E. Evans.......................................................................       94,500 (5)      *
Julius S. Anreder....................................................................        4,500 (5)      *
All Directors and executive officers.................................................    3,759,445    (7)       18.8  %

- ---------
  * Less than one percent
(1)  The  Commission has defined beneficial ownership  to include sole or shared
     voting or  investment power  with respect  to a  security or  the right  to
     acquire  beneficial ownership of  a security within 60  days. The number of
     shares indicated are  owned with  sole voting and  investment power  unless
     otherwise  noted and  includes certain  shares held  in the  name of family
     members, trusts and affiliated companies  as to which beneficial  ownership
     may be disclaimed.
(2)  Under  rules promulgated by the  Commission, any securities not outstanding
     that are subject  to options  or warrants  exercisable within  60 days  are
     deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of the
     class  owned by such  person but are  not deemed to  be outstanding for the
     purpose of computing the percentage of the class owned by any other person.
(3)  Carl H.  Lindner,  Carl H.  Lindner  III, S.  Craig  Lindner and  Keith  E.
     Lindner,  (collectively "the Lindner Family"), are the beneficial owners of
     44% of American Financial common stock and may be deemed to be  controlling
     persons  of  American Financial.  The Lindner  Family shares  with American
     Financial voting  and dispositive  power with  respect to  the  Citicasters
     Common  Stock  owned  by  American Financial.  American  Financial  and the
     Lindner Family may be deemed to be controlling persons of Citicasters.
(4)  Excludes 7,566,889  shares of  Citicasters Common  Stock held  by  American
     Financial and includes 170,253 shares of Citicasters Common Stock held by a
     charitable   foundation  over  which  Mr.   Lindner  shares  voting  and/or
     dispositive power and 4,500  shares of which Mr.  Lindner has the right  to
     acquire within 60 days through the exercise of stock options.
(5)  Includes shares of Citicasters Common Stock which the named Director or all
     Directors and executive officers as a group has the right to acquire within
     60  days, through the exercise of  stock options, in the following amounts:
     Mr. Zanotti, 202,500  shares; Mr.  Emmerich, 4,500; Mr.  S. Craig  Lindner,
     4,500;  Mr. Evans, 4,500; Mr. Anreder, 4,500; other executive officers as a
     group, 49,500 shares.
(6)  Excludes 7,566,889  shares of  Citicasters Common  Stock held  by  American
     Financial  and includes (i) 49,500 shares  of Citicasters Common Stock held
     by his spouse  as custodian for  their minor  children or in  a trust  over
     which  his spouse has voting and dispositive  power and (ii) 18,000 held in
     trust for the benefit of his children for which his brother acts as trustee
     with voting and dispositive power.

    Several  of  the   Citicasters'  directors  and   executive  officers   also
beneficially  owned shares of American Financial common stock as of February 29,
1996,  in  the   following  amounts:  Carl   H.  Lindner--6,793,226;  S.   Craig
Lindner--4,803,585;  Theodore  H. Emmerich--3,400;  James E.  Evans--41,071; and
Julius S. Anreder--4,542.
                          JACOR EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
    The following table sets  forth certain information concerning  compensation
paid  or awarded to or earned by Jacor's Co-Chief Operating Officers and each of
Jacor's other two executive officers (the "named executives") during each of the
last three fiscal years.

                                          ANNUAL           AWARDS
                                     COMPENSATION(1)     -----------
                                   --------------------     STOCK       ALL OTHER
POSITION                  YEAR      (2)($)       ($)     (#) SHARES      (3)($)
- ----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------  -------------
Randy Michaels               1995    294,278    117,800      41,000         2,250
  President and              1994    269,993    142,000          --         2,250
  Co-Chief Operating         1993    247,116    231,000     378,400         3,418
Robert L. Lawrence           1995    293,817    117,800      41,000         2,250
  Co-Chief Operating         1994    264,430    140,000          --         2,250
  Officer                    1993    247,116    231,000     442,710         3,707
R. Christopher Weber         1995    190,979     76,575      25,000         2,250
  Senior Vice                1994    171,892     98,000          --         2,250
  Chief Financial            1993    148,654    138,600     200,000         2,230
  Officer and
Jon M. Berry                 1995    127,933     33,000       8,500         2,250
  Senior Vice                1994    119,584     28,784          --         2,250
  and Treasurer              1993    111,648     65,000      14,800         1,564

- ------------
(1)  Does not  include  perquisites  and other  personal  benefits  because  the
     aggregate amount of such compensation in each year for each named executive
     did  not exceed the lesser of $50,000 or  10% of his total salary and bonus
     reported for that year.
(2)  Includes amounts  deferred  at the  election  of the  recipient  under  the
     Retirement Plan.
(3)  The  amounts shown  in this  column represent  matching Jacor contributions
     under the Retirement Plan.

    The  following  table  sets  forth  all stock  option  grants  to  the named
executives during the year ended December 31, 1995.

                                                                                                   POTENTIAL REALIZED
                                                             INDIVIDUAL GRANTS(1)                   VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                              --------------------------------------------------    ANNUAL RATES OF
                                                           % OF TOTAL                                 STOCK PRICE
                                              SECURITIES     OPTIONS                                APPRECIATION FOR
                                              UNDERLYING   GRANTED TO                                OPTION TERM(3)
                                                OPTIONS     EMPLOYEES    EXERCISE                 --------------------
                                                GRANTED     IN FISCAL      PRICE     EXPIRATION      5%         10%
NAME                                              (#)        YEAR(2)     ($/SHARE)      DATE       ($)(6)     ($)(6)
- --------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------
Randy Michaels..............................      12,300                     13.88      5/30/05     107,379    272,076
                                                  12,300(3)                  14.43      5/30/05     100,614    265,311
                                                   8,200(4)                  15.00      5/30/05      62,402    172,200
                                                   8,200(5)                  15.60      5/30/05      57,482    167,280
                                              -----------                                         ---------  ---------
                                                  41,000        16.73%                              327,877    876,867
Robert L. Lawrence..........................      12,300                     13.88      5/30/05     107,379    272,076
                                                  12,300(3)                  14.43      5/30/05     100,614    265,311
                                                   8,200(4)                  15.00      5/30/05      62,402    172,200
                                                   8,200(5)                  15.60      5/30/05      57,482    167,280
                                              -----------                                         ---------  ---------
                                                  41,000        16.73%                              327,877    876,867
R. Christopher Weber........................       7,500                     13.88      5/30/05      65,475    165,900
                                                   7,500(3)                  14.43      5/30/05      61,350    161,775
                                                   5,000(4)                  15.00      5/30/05      38,050    105,000
                                                   5,000(5)                  15.60      5/30/05      35,050    102,000
                                              -----------                                         ---------  ---------
                                                  25,000        10.20%                              199,925    534,675
Jon M. Berry................................       2,550                     13.88      5/30/05      22,262     56,406
                                                   2,550(3)                  14.43      5/30/05      20,857     55,004
                                                   1,700(4)                  15.00      5/30/05      12,937     35,700
                                                   1,700(5)                  15.60      5/30/05      11,917     34,680
                                              -----------                                         ---------  ---------
                                                   8,500         3.47%                               67,975    181,790

- ------------
(1)  All grants are under Jacor's 1993 Stock  Option Plan and were made in  1995
     at  100% of the fair market  value of a share of  Jacor Common Stock on the
     grant date.
(2)  Total options granted to employees in 1995 were for 245,000 shares of Jacor
     Common Stock.
(3)  Options vest May 31, 1996.
(4)  Options vest May 31, 1997.
(5)  Options vest May 31, 1998.
(6)  Calculated based upon assumed stock prices for Jacor Common Stock of $22.61
     and $36.00,  respectively,  if 5%  and  10%  annual rates  of  stock  price
     appreciation  are achieved over the full  term of the option. The potential
     realizable gain equals the product of  the number of shares underlying  the
     stock  option grant and the difference  between the assumed stock price and
     the exercise price of each option.

    The following table  sets forth information  concerning the fiscal  year-end
values  of all unexercised stock options to  the named executives as of December
31, 1995. Except for Mr. Berry, the named executives exercised no stock  options
in 1995.

                                                                            NUMBER OF          VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                            SHARES                     UNEXERCISED OPTIONS     IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                          ACQUIRED ON      VALUE       AT FISCAL YEAR-END       AT FISCAL YEAR-END
NAME                                          (#)         ($)(1)               (#)                    ($)(2)
- ---------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------------  -----------------------
Randy Michaels.........................          -0-        --           315,020/104,380         3,542,834/909,348
Robert L. Lawrence.....................          -0-        --           360,955/122,755        4,068,055/1,112,208
R. Christopher Weber...................          -0-        --           163,215/61,785          1,822,266/533,932
Jon M. Berry...........................        6,440        52,724         7,950/8,910             70,782/47,986

- ------------
(1)  Value  is calculated  by determining the  difference between  the per share
     exercise price and the per share fair  market value of the stock as of  the
     exercise  date,  multiplied  by  the number  of  shares  acquired  upon the
     exercise of the options.
(2)  The  value  of  unexercised  options  is  calculated  by  determining   the
     difference  between $17.50 per share, the last reported sale price of Jacor
     Common Stock on the  Nasdaq National Market on  December 31, 1995, and  the
     exercise  price of the option as of  such date, multiplied by the number of
     shares subject to options.
    It is not possible to determine the  number of shares of Jacor Common  Stock
that  will  in the  future  be purchased  under  the Jacor  1995  Employee Stock
Purchase Plan  (the "Stock  Purchase Plan")  by any  particular individual.  The
following table sets forth the number of shares purchased during the 1995 annual
offering  by, and  the number of  options conditionally granted  under the Stock
Purchase Plan  for  the  1996  annual offering  to  the  named  executives,  all
executive  officers  of  Jacor as  a  group  and all  employees  other  than the
executive officers  as  a group.  Non-employee  directors are  not  eligible  to
participate in the Stock Purchase Plan.

                                                                          1995 OFFERING            1996 OFFERING
                                                                     ------------------------  ----------------------
                                                                      NUMBER OF    PER SHARE    NUMBER OF    DOLLAR
                                                                       SHARES      PURCHASE      OPTIONS      VALUE
NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION                                           PURCHASED    PRICE ($)     GRANTED     ($)(1)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ---------
Randy Michaels.....................................................         923        10.84          702       1,762
  President and Co-Chief
  Operating Officer
Robert L. Lawrence.................................................       1,884        10.84        1,488       3,735
  Co-Chief Operating
R. Christopher Weber...............................................       1,619        10.84        1,367       3,431
  Senior Vice President,
  Chief Financial Officer
  and Secretary
Jon M. Berry.......................................................         -0-          -0-          -0-         -0-
  Senior Vice President
  and Treasurer
Executive Officer Group (4 persons)................................       4,426        10.84        3,557       8,928
Non-Executive Officer Employee Group...............................      39,359        10.84       47,922     682,409

- ------------
(1)  Computed  as the difference between $16.75, the last reported sale price on
     the option grant date (January 2,  1996), and $14.24, the discounted  stock
     option  price, times the  number of options.  If the market  value of Jacor
     Common Stock is  greater than  $16.75 on  the exercise  date (December  31,
     1996),  the value  to the  Stock Purchase  Plan participants  will increase

    As of March 15,  1996, 241 employees were  participating in the 1996  annual
offering  under the  Stock Purchase Plan,  options to purchase  51,479 shares of
Jacor Common Stock were outstanding under the Stock Purchase Plan, 186 employees
had participated in  the 1995  annual offering  under the  Stock Purchase  Plan,
43,785  shares had  been issued  pursuant to  options exercised  under the Stock
Purchase Plan and 104,736 shares were available for future grants and purchases.
    The report of the 1995 Compensation Committee with respect to 1995 executive
compensation is as follows:
    The primary function of the Compensation Committee, which consists  entirely
of  non-employee  directors,  is  to  oversee  policies  relating  to  executive
compensation including  salary, incentive  bonuses,  fringe benefits  and  stock
option  awards. Its objective is to  attract and retain qualified individuals by
providing competitive  compensation,  while,  at the  same  time,  linking  such
compensation  to corporate objectives. The  Compensation Committee believes that
providing  a  direct  relationship  between  corporate  results  and   executive
compensation will best serve shareholder interests.
    This  link  between  executive  compensation  and  corporate  performance is
facilitated through incentive bonuses based  on earnings and also through  stock
option awards. The Compensation Committee may grant stock options to individuals
to  create  additional  economic  incentives for  these  individuals  to achieve
improved corporate performance goals so that they can thereby participate in any
resultant increases in  shareholder value.  The options are  exercisable at  the
fair  market value of the stock on the  date of grant and therefore only provide
benefits to the grantee if shareholder  value increases through the increase  in
share price.
    The  compensation  of each  executive officer  is  reviewed annually  by the
Compensation Committee. It is the  Compensation Committee's policy to  establish
base  salaries for  its executives at  levels that  it perceives to  be fair and
competitive with those of executives with similar responsibilities at  companies
that  are considered to  be comparable in  terms of assets,  net worth, revenue,
operating cash flow and/or  earnings per share, based  upon such information  as
may  be acquired  by the  Compensation Committee  from annual  reports and proxy
materials of such other companies, business and industry publications and  other
sources  as may be  available from time  to time. Such  comparisons of executive
compensation are not necessarily with the same companies included in the indices
used in  the  performance graph  included  in this  Proxy  Statement/Information
Statement/Prospectus   given  that  Jacor's  competitors  for  executive  and/or
broadcasting talent are not limited to the entities included in such index.
    The Compensation Committee applied  the above considerations in  determining
the  1995 compensation for Jacor's Co-Chief Operating Officers, Messrs. Michaels
and Lawrence (the "COOs"). In March 1995, the Compensation Committee established
the base  salary levels  for  the COOs  and  Jacor's other  executive  officers.
Consistent  with the Compensation Committee's policy of establishing competitive
salary levels, each COO received a  salary increase for 1995 averaging  $27,000.
The  Compensation  Committee also  established two  forms of  target-based bonus
systems. For the  corporate management  executives (including the  COOs and  the
other  executive  officers)  and  staff members  employed  at  Jacor's principal
executive  offices,  the  Compensation  Committee  established  a  bonus  system
dependent on Jacor's performance relative to a pre-set financial target based on
Economic  Value  Added  ("EVA").  EVA measures  the  return  on  investment that
enhances shareholder value. Payments out  of this corporate management pool  are
tied  to Jacor's level of achievement of the  annual EVA. The monies in the pool
were to be distributed 50% based upon  the employee's salary in relation to  all
corporate  management  employee salaries,  and 50%  based upon  the Compensation
Committee's subjective  determinations  of  the  employee's  overall  individual
performance  and contributions to Jacor's achievement  of the target levels. The
Compensation Committee  established a  separate  target-based bonus  system  for
other  Jacor employees working  for Jacor subsidiaries  and radio stations. This
bonus system  set incentive  performance  targets for  all such  employees  that
created  the  potential  for  significant incentive  bonuses  if  Jacor achieved
certain cash  flow levels  in  1995. If  Jacor met  or  exceeded its  cash  flow
performance  targets a bonus  pool was to  be created. Similar  to the corporate
management pool, the monies  in the cash  flow pool were  to be distributed  50%
based  upon the employee's salary and  50% based upon the Committee's subjective
determinations of the employee's performance.

    Jacor exceeded the  1995 performance  targets by a  substantial margin.  The
Compensation  Committee rewarded  the COOs  accordingly by  granting substantial
bonuses for  1995  determined  in  accordance  with  the  incentive  formula.  A
significant  portion  of  the  COO  bonuses  was  based  upon  the  Compensation
Committee's determination  that  Messrs.  Michaels and  Lawrence  were  directly
responsible  for  much  of  Jacor's  improved  1995  results.  The  Compensation
Committee also awarded 115,500 stock options to executive officers in 1995  with
Messrs. Michaels and Lawrence receiving 41,000 each.
    Based  on Jacor's  past compensation  practices, the  Compensation Committee
does not currently  believe that  Section 162(m)  of the  Internal Revenue  Code
regarding  the  deductibility of  executive  compensation will  adversely affect
Jacor's ability to obtain a tax deduction for compensation paid to its executive
1995 Compensation Committee:
       Rod F. Dammeyer
       Sheli Z. Rosenberg
       David M. Schulte
    The following  performance  graph compares  Jacor's  cumulative  shareholder
returns,  adjusted for  stock splits and  dividends, in Jacor  Common Stock, the
Nasdaq Total Return Index (US)  and the Nasdaq Telecommunications Stocks  Index.
The  graph assumes that  an investment of $100  was made on  January 11, 1993 in
Jacor Common Stock and in each index.  Total shareholder return is based on  the
increase  in  the  price  of  the stock  and  assumes  that  all  dividends were
    In  January  1993,  Jacor   consummated  a  complete  recapitalization   and
restructuring  of its capital structure, bank  debt, subordinated debt and other
claims and interests (the "Restructuring"). As part of the Restructuring, all of
Jacor's formerly outstanding capital stock  was exchanged for new securities  of
Jacor, including the Jacor Common Stock which is now outstanding and warrants to
acquire  Jacor Common Stock. Accordingly, a  three year comparison of cumulative
shareholder return relating to  Jacor Common Stock,  which was first  registered
under  Section 12 of the  Exchange Act in connection  with the Restructuring, is
provided below.

            Communications, Inc.                 Stock Index   Return Index (US)
1/11/93                      100                         100                 100
12/31/93                     244                         154                 114
12/31/94                     225                         128                 112
12/31/95                     298                         161                 154


    Directors who are not  employees of Jacor receive  an annual fee of  $10,000
and  a fee of $1,000 plus travel expenses for each Jacor Board meeting attended.
For each Jacor  Board meeting  missed, $1,000  is deducted  from the  director's
annual fee.
    In February 1996, Jacor granted nonqualified stock options to purchase up to
5,000 shares of Jacor Common Stock to each of Messrs. Alexander, Dammeyer, Handy
and Lasry and to Mrs. Rosenberg at a minimum exercise price of $17.25 per share.
These  options are exercisable  for ten years  from the grant  date and vest 30%
upon grant, 30% upon the  first anniversary of the grant  date and 20% per  year
for  each of the  next two years  thereafter. The exercise  price of the options
that vested upon grant  is $17.25 per share,  and the options that  subsequently
vest  on each anniversary  date of the  grant have an  exercise price 4% greater
than the options that  vested in the  previous year. Once  an option vests,  the
exercise price for that option is fixed for the remaining term of the option.
    In  1995, Messrs. Dammeyer and Schulte  and Mrs. Rosenberg were non-employee
directors of  Jacor  and comprised  Jacor's  entire Compensation  Committee.  No
executive  officer of  Jacor serves  on any  board of  directors or compensation
committee of any entity  which compensates any of  Messrs. Dammeyer and  Schulte
and Mrs. Rosenberg. As described under "SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL
TRANSACTIONS," Mr. Schulte is a  principal of Zell/Chilmark, a merchant  banking
firm,  which invested over $73,000,000 in  capital in Jacor in the Restructuring
and other transactions.
    Effective  January  1,  1994,  a  subsidiary  of  Jacor  and  a  corporation
wholly-owned  by  Randy  Michaels,  the President  of  Jacor,  formed  a limited
partnership (the "Partnership")  in a  transaction whereby  the Partnership  now
owns  all  of  the stock  of  CMM,  a marketing  research  and  radio consulting
business. Mr. Michaels' corporation owns  a 95% limited partnership interest  in
the  Partnership. Jacor's subsidiary obtained  a 5% general partnership interest
in  exchange  for  its  contribution  of  approximately  $126,000  cash  to  the
Partnership. Jacor initiated this transaction primarily to allow Mr. Michaels to
focus  his full time and energy on Jacor and its business and Jacor's subsidiary
is now the sole manager of the Partnership's business.
    In connection with the formation of  the Partnership, Jacor agreed that  Mr.
Michaels'  corporation has the right between January 1, 1999 and January 1, 2000
to put its limited partnership interest to the Partnership's general partner  in
exchange  for 300,000 shares of Jacor Common  Stock. If the put is not exercised
by January  1, 2000,  the general  partner has  the right  to call  the  limited
partnership  interest prior to the  year 2001 in exchange  for 300,000 shares of
Jacor Common Stock.  In addition, if  certain events occur  prior to January  1,
1999  including, without limitation,  Mr. Michaels' termination  as President of
Jacor, a  reduction  of Mr.  Michaels'  annual base  salary  by more  than  10%,
generally  any transaction by which any person or group other than Zell/Chilmark
shall become the owner of more than 30% of the outstanding voting securities  of
Jacor  or  Zell/Chilmark  fails to  have  its  designees constitute  at  least a
majority of the members of the Jacor Board, then Mr. Michaels' corporation  will
have  the right to either (a) purchase Jacor's general partnership interest at a
price generally equal to the balance of the partnership capital account, or  (b)
sell  its limited  partnership interest to  the general partner  in exchange for
300,000 shares of Jacor Common Stock.
    Jacor has financed the purchase by CMM  for $540,000 of a 40% interest in  a
newly  formed limited liability company that  has purchased the assets of Duncan
American Radio, Inc. CMM is a  marketing research and radio consulting  business
which is owned by a limited partnership of which Jacor is the 5% general partner
and a corporation wholly owned by Randy Michaels, the president of Jacor, is the
95%  limited partner. Jacor anticipates that it will finance such purchase using
cash on hand.
    In 1994, Jacor entered into a real estate lease for new office space for its
Atlanta operations from an affiliate of Zell/Chilmark. The annual rental rate is
approximately $330,000. Jacor believes that the terms of

such lease were negotiated at arm's length and were competitive with  prevailing
market  rates for similar space  in the Atlanta market.  During 1995, Jacor also
paid legal fees to the law firm of Rosenberg & Liebentritt, P.C., of which  firm
Mrs. Rosenberg, a director of Jacor, is President and a member.
    Equity  Group Investments, Inc., an affiliate of Zell/Chilmark, has provided
Jacor with  certain investment  banking, financial  advisory and  other  similar
services  in connection with the Existing Credit Facility, the Financing and the
Acquisitions. In  consideration  for  such services,  Jacor  paid  Equity  Group
Investments,  Inc. a fee of approximately  $3.4 million upon the consummation of
the Offerings. The services that have been  and will continue to be provided  by
Equity  Group Investments, Inc. could not otherwise be obtained by Jacor without
the engagement of outside professional advisors. Jacor believes that such fee is
less than  what it  would have  had  to pay  outside professional  advisors  for
similar services.
    The  independent public  accounting firm  of Coopers  & Lybrand  L.L.P. (the
"Auditors") was  engaged  by  Jacor  to  audit  Jacor's  consolidated  financial
statements  for  the year  ended December  31,  1995. It  is anticipated  that a
representative of the  Auditors will  attend the  Jacor Annual  Meeting for  the
purpose of responding to appropriate questions. At the meeting, a representative
of  the Auditors  will be  afforded an  opportunity to  make a  statement if the
Auditors so desire.  The Audit Committee  has recommended that  the Auditors  be
retained as Jacor's principal accounting firm for 1996.
    Jacor  shareholders may submit  proposals to be  voted on at  the 1997 Jacor
Annual Meeting of Shareholders. At the time any such proposal is submitted,  the
proponent  must be  a record  or beneficial owner  of at  least 1%  or $1,000 in
market value of Jacor's shares  entitled to vote on  the proposal and must  have
held  such shares for at least one year  and continue to own such shares through
the date of the 1997 Jacor Annual  Meeting. In order for a shareholder  proposal
to  be included  in the  proxy statement and  form of  proxy for  the 1997 Jacor
Annual Meeting  of  Shareholders,  the  proposal must  be  received  at  Jacor's
principal  executive offices not later than  December 1, 1996 and must otherwise
comply with applicable requirements established by the Commission.
                                 ANNUAL REPORT
45202, TELEPHONE: (513) 621-1300, AND A COPY WILL BE SENT TO YOU.
    The  consolidated  balance   sheets  of  Jacor   Communications,  Inc.   and
Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1995 and 1994 and the consolidated statements of
operations,  shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in
the period  ended December  31, 1995  incorporated by  reference in  this  Proxy
Statement/  Information Statement/Prospectus,  have been  incorporated herein in
reliance on the  report of  Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P., independent  accountants,
given on the authority of that firm as experts in accounting and auditing.
    The  consolidated  financial  statements of  Citicasters  Inc.  appearing in
Citicasters Inc.'s Annual  Report (Form 10-K)  for the year  ended December  31,
1995, have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, as set forth
in their report thereon (which contains an explanatory paragraph with respect to
Citicasters   Inc.'s  emergence  from  bankruptcy  and  subsequent  adoption  of
"fresh-start reporting" as of December 31, 1993, as more fully described in Note
B to the consolidated financial  statements), included therein and  incorporated
herein  by reference.  Such consolidated  financial statements  are incorporated
herein by reference  in reliance upon  such report given  upon the authority  of
such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

    The  consolidated financial statements of Noble  Broadcast Group, Inc. as of
December 31, 1995 and December 25, 1994 and  for each of the three years in  the
period  ended  December  31,  1995,  incorporated  by  reference  in  this Proxy
Statement/Information  Statement/Prospectus,  have   been  so  incorporated   in
reliance  on the  report (which  includes an  explanatory paragraph  relating to
Jacor's agreement to purchase Noble Broadcast Group, Inc. as described in Note 2
to the consolidated financial statements), of Price Waterhouse LLP,  independent
accountants,  given on  the authority  of said firm  as experts  in auditing and
                                 LEGAL MATTERS
    The legality  of the  Jacor Warrants  to be  issued in  connection with  the
Merger  is being passed upon  for Jacor by Graydon,  Head & Ritchey, Cincinnati,
                                 OTHER MATTERS
    The Jacor Board knows of  no business to be  transacted at the Jacor  Annual
Meeting  other than that set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting.
If, however, other matters requiring a vote of Jacor shareholders properly  come
before  the  meeting,  it  is  intended  that  the  persons  designated  in  the
accompanying Proxy to vote the shares of Jacor Common Stock represented  thereby
will  do  so  in accordance  with  their best  judgment  on such  matters.  If a
shareholder specifies a  different choice  on the Proxy,  his or  her shares  of
Jacor Common Stock will be voted in accordance with the specification so made.

                             INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS
    Set   forth  below  is  a   list  of  defined  terms   used  in  this  Proxy
Statement/Information Statement/Prospectus and the page on which each such  term
is defined.

TERM                                                                                                            PAGE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     -----
1993 Warrants..............................................................................................          11
1996 Stock Offering........................................................................................          10
Acquisition Corp. .........................................................................................           1
Acquisitions...............................................................................................          13
Antitrust Division.........................................................................................          17
American Financial.........................................................................................          93
Auditors...................................................................................................         100
Base Case Performance Scenario.............................................................................          32
Business combination.......................................................................................          81
Cash Consideration.........................................................................................           1
CMM........................................................................................................          73
Chapter 1704 Transaction...................................................................................          79
Change of Control..........................................................................................          44
Citicasters................................................................................................           1
Citicasters Articles.......................................................................................          76
Citicasters Board..........................................................................................           1
Citicasters Bylaws.........................................................................................          76
Citicasters Certificates...................................................................................          33
Citicasters Common Stock...................................................................................           1
Citicasters Notes..........................................................................................          42
Citicasters Note Indenture.................................................................................          42
Citicasters Record Date....................................................................................           8
Citicasters Transfer Application...........................................................................          47
Closing....................................................................................................           1
Commission.................................................................................................           1
Communications Act.........................................................................................          18
Competing Transaction......................................................................................          35
Consenting Stockholders....................................................................................           8
Control Shares.............................................................................................          84
Control share acquisition..................................................................................          80
COOs.......................................................................................................          97
Director Duty..............................................................................................          35
EBIT.......................................................................................................          30
EBITDA.....................................................................................................          30
Effective Date.............................................................................................           9
Effective Time.............................................................................................           9
EGI........................................................................................................          24
Escrow Agent...............................................................................................          10
Escrow Agreement...........................................................................................          10
EVA........................................................................................................          97
Exchange Act...............................................................................................           2
Exchange Agent.............................................................................................          10
Existing Credit Facility...................................................................................          40
Expiration Date............................................................................................          39
Fair Price Statute.........................................................................................          83
FBCA.......................................................................................................           1


TERM                                                                                                            PAGE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     -----
FCC........................................................................................................          11
Financing..................................................................................................          13
First Offeror..............................................................................................          26
Florida Control Share Acquisition Statute..................................................................          84
FTC........................................................................................................          49
GAMI.......................................................................................................          89
Greenmail..................................................................................................          83
HSR Act....................................................................................................          11
Immediate Payment..........................................................................................          37
Indemnified Parties........................................................................................          46
Individual Consenting Stockholders.........................................................................          37
Interested Shareholder.....................................................................................          79
Interested Stockholder.....................................................................................          81
Issuing Public Corporation.................................................................................          79
Jacor......................................................................................................           1
Jacor Annual Meeting.......................................................................................           1
Jacor Board................................................................................................           1
Jacor Common Stock.........................................................................................           7
Jacor February Board Meeting...............................................................................          23
Jacor Fee..................................................................................................          28
Jacor Record Date..........................................................................................           7
Jacor Shareholders Agreement...............................................................................           8
Jacor Warrants.............................................................................................           1
JCAC.......................................................................................................           1
Letter of Credit...........................................................................................          37
Lindner Family.............................................................................................          93
LYONs......................................................................................................          10
LYONs Offering.............................................................................................          10
Material Adverse Effect....................................................................................          36
Merger.....................................................................................................           1
Merger Agreement...........................................................................................           1
Merger Consideration.......................................................................................           1
Named executives...........................................................................................          94
Nasdaq National Market.....................................................................................           1
New Credit Facility........................................................................................          10
New Jacor..................................................................................................           1
New Jacor Board............................................................................................          77
New Jacor Bylaws...........................................................................................          76
New Jacor Certificate......................................................................................          76
New Jacor Class A Preferred Stock..........................................................................          77
New Jacor Class B Preferred Stock..........................................................................          77
New Jacor Common Stock.....................................................................................          77
New Jacor Preferred Stock..................................................................................          77
Noble......................................................................................................          12
Noble Acquistion...........................................................................................          12
Noble Licenses.............................................................................................          50
Nonconsummation Offer......................................................................................          43
Noble Transfer Application.................................................................................          50
Notes......................................................................................................          10
Notes Offering.............................................................................................          10
Notification and Report Form...............................................................................          49


TERM                                                                                                            PAGE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     -----
Offerings..................................................................................................          11
OmniAmerica................................................................................................          25
Option.....................................................................................................          45
Outside Date...............................................................................................          36
Partnership................................................................................................          99
Person.....................................................................................................          35
Present Jacor Articles.....................................................................................          76
Present Jacor Regulations..................................................................................          76
Pro Forma Financial Information............................................................................          55
Radio Index................................................................................................          30
Radio Broadcasting Companies...............................................................................          31
Radio Broadcasting Industry................................................................................          31
Registration Statement.....................................................................................           1
Reincorporation............................................................................................           1
Reincorporation Agreement..................................................................................          85
Reincorporation Effective Time.............................................................................          86
Restructuring..............................................................................................          98
Retirement Plan............................................................................................          92
Sale Event.................................................................................................          75
Salomon Brothers...........................................................................................          10
Salomon Opinion............................................................................................          29
Second Request.............................................................................................          50
Section 203................................................................................................          80
Securities Act.............................................................................................           1
Senior Subordinated Note Indenture.........................................................................          43
Stock Option Plans.........................................................................................          45
Stock Purchase Plan........................................................................................          96
Stockholders Agreement.....................................................................................           8
Superior Case Performance Scenario.........................................................................          32
Telecom Act................................................................................................          18
Television Index...........................................................................................          30
Television Broadcasting Companies..........................................................................          31
Television Broadcasting Industry...........................................................................          31
Warrant Agent..............................................................................................           9
Warrant Consideration......................................................................................           1
Warrant Price..............................................................................................          38
ZC Limited.................................................................................................          91
Zell/Chilmark..............................................................................................           8


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         ANNEX I
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER
                                  BY AND AMONG
                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,
                                   JCAC, INC.
                                CITICASTERS INC.
                         DATED AS OF FEBRUARY 12, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1--THE MERGER; EFFECTIVE TIME; CLOSING.............................................................           1
     1.1   The Merger......................................................................................           1
     1.2   The Closing.....................................................................................           1
     1.3   Effective Time..................................................................................           2
      2.1  Articles of Incorporation.......................................................................           2
      2.2  By-Laws.........................................................................................           2
      2.3  Directors.......................................................................................           2
ARTICLE 3--CONVERSION OF SHARES............................................................................           2
      3.1  Conversion of Shares; Options...................................................................           2
      3.2  Exchange Procedures.............................................................................           3
ARTICLE 4--REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE COMPANY...................................................           4
      4.1  Organization and Standing.......................................................................           4
      4.2  Authorization, Validity and Effect..............................................................           5
      4.3  Capitalization..................................................................................           5
      4.4  Company Subsidiaries............................................................................           5
      4.5  No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents......................................................           6
      4.6  Company Reports; Financial Statements...........................................................           6
      4.7  Tax and Accounting Matters......................................................................           7
      4.8  Properties......................................................................................           8
      4.9  Compliance with Laws; FCC Authorizations........................................................           8
      4.10 Employee Benefit Plans..........................................................................           9
      4.11 Material Contracts..............................................................................          10
      4.12 Legal Proceedings...............................................................................          10
      4.13 Certain Information.............................................................................          11
      4.14 No Brokers......................................................................................          11
      4.15 Opinion of Financial Advisor....................................................................          11
      4.16 Environmental...................................................................................          11
      4.17 Personnel.......................................................................................          12
      4.18 Takeover Statutes...............................................................................          12
      4.19 Cash Flow.......................................................................................          12
ARTICLE 5--REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ACQUIROR AND SUB..............................................          12
      5.1  Organization and Standing.......................................................................          12
      5.2  Authorization, Validity and Effect..............................................................          13
      5.3  Capitalization..................................................................................          13
      5.4  No Conflict; Required Filings and Consent.......................................................          13
      5.5  Acquiror Reports; Financial Statements..........................................................          14
      5.6  Legal Proceedings...............................................................................          14
      5.7  Certain Information.............................................................................          14
      5.8  Ownership of Company Common Stock...............................................................          15
      5.9  Merger Sub......................................................................................          15
      5.10 Acquiror's Financing............................................................................          15
      5.11 Qualification as a Licensee.....................................................................          15
      5.12 No Brokers......................................................................................          15


ARTICLE 6--COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS........................................................................          15
     6.1   No Solicitation and Other Actions...............................................................          15
     6.2   Interim Operations of the Company...............................................................          16
     6.3   Shareholder Approval............................................................................          18
     6.4   Information Statement; Registration Statement...................................................          18
     6.5   Notification....................................................................................          19
     6.6   Employee Benefits...............................................................................          19
     6.7   Investigation and Confidentiality...............................................................          19
     6.8   Filings; Other Action...........................................................................          19
     6.9   Indemnification and Insurance...................................................................          20
     6.10  Publicity.......................................................................................          20
     6.11  Transfer Taxes..................................................................................          20
     6.12  Letter of Credit................................................................................          21
     6.13  Environmental Inspection........................................................................          21
     6.14  Acknowledgement of Consents.....................................................................          21
     6.15  Rule 145 Affiliates.............................................................................          21
     6.16  Actions With Respect to the Warrants............................................................          21
ARTICLE 7--CONDITIONS TO CONSUMMATION OF THE MERGER.....................................................             21
      7.1  Conditions to Obligations of the Parties........................................................          21
      7.2  Conditions to Obligations of the Company........................................................          22
      7.3  Conditions to Obligations of Acquiror and Sub...................................................          22
ARTICLE 8--TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT........................................................................          23
      8.1  Termination.....................................................................................          23
      8.2  Effect of Termination...........................................................................          24
ARTICLE 9--MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL.......................................................................          25
      9.1  Expenses........................................................................................          25
      9.2  Successors and Assigns..........................................................................          25
      9.3  Third Party Beneficiaries.......................................................................          25
      9.4  Notices.........................................................................................          25
      9.5  Complete Agreement..............................................................................          26
      9.6  Captions; References............................................................................          26
      9.7  Amendment.......................................................................................          26
      9.8  Waiver..........................................................................................          26
      9.9  Governing Law...................................................................................          27
      9.10 Non-Survival of Representations, Warranties and Covenants.......................................          27
      9.11 Severability....................................................................................          27
      9.12 Enforcement of Agreement........................................................................          27
      9.13 Counterparts....................................................................................          27


                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER
    THIS  AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER  (this "Agreement"), dated as of February
12, 1996, among CITICASTERS INC.  (the "Company"), a Florida corporation,  JACOR
COMMUNICATIONS,  INC. ("Acquiror"), an Ohio corporation, and JCAC, INC. ("Sub"),
a Florida corporation and a direct wholly owned Subsidiary of Acquiror.
    WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Directors of the Company, Acquiror and Sub
have determined that a  business combination between  the Company, Acquiror  and
Sub is in the best interests of their respective companies and shareholders;
    WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution hereof, in order to induce Acquiror
to enter into this Agreement, Acquiror is entering into a Stockholders Agreement
(the  "Stockholders Agreement") with Great  American Insurance Company, American
Financial Corporation, American Financial Enterprises, Inc., Carl H. Lindner, S.
Craig Lindner and The Carl H. Lindner Foundation (the "Consenting Stockholders")
providing for certain voting and other  restrictions with respect to the  shares
of  Company Common Stock (as defined in subsection 3.1(a)) beneficially owned by
the Consenting Stockholders upon the terms and conditions specified therein; and
    WHEREAS,  Acquiror,   Sub   and  the   Company   desire  to   make   certain
representations,  warranties, covenants  and agreements  in connection  with the
transactions contemplated hereby.
    NOW, THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  foregoing  and  the  respective
representations,  warranties,  covenants and  agreements  set forth  herein, and
subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Company, Acquiror  and
Sub hereby agree as follows:
                                   ARTICLE 1
    1.1   THE MERGER.  (a) Subject to the terms and conditions contained in this
Agreement, at  the Effective  Time (as  defined in  Section 1.3),  Sub shall  be
merged with and into the Company in accordance with the applicable provisions of
the  Florida Business Corporation  Act (the "FBCA"),  and the separate corporate
existence of Sub shall thereupon cease (the "Merger"). Following the Merger, the
Company shall  continue  as  the surviving  corporation  (sometimes  hereinafter
referred  to  as  the  "Surviving  Corporation") and  shall  be  a  wholly owned
Subsidiary of Acquiror.
    (b) At the Effective Time, the corporate existence of the Company, with  all
its  rights, privileges,  powers and  franchises, shall  continue unaffected and
unimpaired by the  Merger. The Merger  shall have the  effects specified in  the
    1.2   THE  CLOSING.   The closing of  the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement (the "Closing")  shall take place  at the offices  of Graydon, Head  &
Ritchey,  1900 Fifth Third Center, Cincinnati,  Ohio, at 10:00 a.m., local time,
on the first business day  immediately following the date  on which the last  of
the  conditions (excluding  conditions that by  their terms  cannot be satisfied
until the  Closing Date)  set  forth in  Article 7  is  satisfied or  waived  in
accordance  herewith, or at such  other date, time and  place as the Company and
Acquiror may  agree  in  writing.  The  date on  which  the  Closing  occurs  is
hereinafter referred to as the "Closing Date".

    1.3   EFFECTIVE TIME.   At or as promptly  as practicable after the Closing,
the parties hereto shall cause articles  of merger, in the form attached  hereto
as  Schedule 1.3  (the "Articles  of Merger"),  executed in  accordance with the
relevant provisions of the FBCA, to be filed with the Department of State of the
State of  Florida  as  provided  in  Section 607.1105  of  the  FBCA.  Upon  the
completion  of such filing,  or at such other  time as may  be specified in such
filing, the Merger shall become effective in accordance with the FBCA. The  time
and  date on  which the Merger  becomes effective  is herein referred  to as the
"Effective Time".
                                   ARTICLE 2
    2.1   ARTICLES OF  INCORPORATION.   At the  Effective Time  and without  any
further  action on the part of the Company or Sub, the articles of incorporation
of Sub, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time and amended as  set
forth  in the Articles of Merger, shall  become the articles of incorporation of
the Surviving Corporation until thereafter amended as provided therein and under
the FBCA.
    2.2  BY-LAWS.  At the Effective  Time and without any further action on  the
part  of the Company or Sub, the by-laws  of Sub, as in effect immediately prior
to the Effective  Time, shall become  the by-laws of  the Surviving  Corporation
until  thereafter amended  or repealed  in accordance  with their  terms and the
articles of incorporation of the Surviving Corporation and as provided under the
    2.3  DIRECTORS.   The directors and  officers of Sub  at the Effective  time
shall,  from and after the Effective Time,  be the directors and officers of the
Surviving Corporation until the successors of  all such persons shall have  been
duly   elected  or  appointed  and  qualified  or  until  their  earlier  death,
resignation or removal in accordance  with the Surviving Corporation's  articles
of incorporation and by-laws.
                                   ARTICLE 3
                              CONVERSION OF SHARES
    3.1   CONVERSION OF SHARES; OPTIONS.  (a)  At the Effective Time, each share
of Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Company (the  "Company
Common  Stock") issued and  outstanding immediately prior  to the Effective Time
(other than Company  Common Stock  owned by the  Company, Acquiror,  Sub or  any
direct  or indirect Subsidiary of  the Company, Acquiror or  Sub, or any Company
Common Stock held in the treasury of the Company) shall, by virtue of the Merger
and without any action on the part of the holders thereof, be converted into and
represent the right to receive: (i) $29.50 in cash, plus, in the event that  the
Closing  does not occur prior  to October 1, 1996,  for each full calendar month
ending prior to the Closing, commencing with October, 1996, an additional amount
of $.22125 in cash (the "Cash Consideration"); plus (ii) a warrant to acquire  a
fractional share (determined as provided below) of the Acquiror Common Stock (as
defined  below) (the  "Warrant Consideration")  (the Cash  Consideration and the
Warrant   Consideration   being   collectively   referenced   as   the   "Merger
Consideration")  on the terms described in  the Warrant Agreement to be executed
at Closing  substantially  in  the  form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  3.1  (a
"Warrant").  The Warrant Consideration  shall consist of  a fractional share the
numerator of which is 4,400,000  and the denominator of  which is the number  of
shares  of Company Common  Stock, on a  fully diluted basis,  outstanding on the
Closing Date. Subject to the terms of the Warrant Agreement, the Warrants  shall
expire on the fifth anniversary of the Effective Time and shall have an exercise
price of $28.00 per full share if the Effective Time is prior to October 1, 1996
and  $26.00 per full share if the Effective Time is on or after October 1, 1996.
The Merger  Consideration  shall  be  paid  net  to  the  shareholders  (without
interest)  upon surrender of  the certificate or  certificates that, immediately
prior to the Effective Time,  represented issued and outstanding Company  Common
Stock  (the "Certificates").  At the  time of the  exercise of  the Warrant each
holder of a Warrant shall receive, in  lieu of any fractional share of  Acquiror
Common  Stock, the fair market value of  such fractional share determined at the
time of the exercise of the Warrant.

    (b) At  the Effective  Time, all  of  the Company  Common Stock  issued  and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger and
without  any  action on  the part  of the  holders thereof,  shall no  longer be
outstanding and shall  be cancelled and  retired and shall  cease to exist,  and
each  holder of a  Certificate representing any such  Company Common Stock shall
thereafter cease to have any rights  with respect to such Company Common  Stock,
except  each holder (other  than the Company,  Acquiror or Sub  or any direct or
indirect Subsidiary of  the Company,  Acquiror or Sub)  will have  the right  to
receive,  without  interest, the  Merger Consideration  for such  Company Common
Stock upon the surrender of such Certificate or Certificates in accordance  with
subsection 3.2(b).
    (c) At the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on
the  part of the holders thereof, each  share of Company Common Stock issued and
outstanding immediately prior to  the Effective Time and  owned by the  Company,
Acquiror,  Sub or any direct or indirect  Subsidiary of the Company, Acquiror or
Sub, or held in the treasury of  the Company immediately prior to the  Effective
Time,  shall no longer be outstanding, shall be cancelled without payment of any
consideration  therefor  and  shall  cease  to  exist,  and  each  holder  of  a
Certificate representing any such Company Common Stock shall thereafter cease to
have any rights with respect to such Company Common Stock.
    (d)  At the Effective  Time, each share  of common stock,  of Sub issued and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger and
without any action on the  part of the holder  thereof, shall be converted  into
and  become one fully-paid  and non-assessable share of  common stock, par value
$.01 per share, of the Surviving Corporation.
    (e) The  Company shall  use its  reasonable best  efforts to  (i) cause  all
outstanding  options  to  purchase  shares of  Company  Common  Stock  (each, an
"Option") issued pursuant to  the Company's 1993 Stock  Option Plan or the  1994
Directors  Stock Option Plan (collectively, the  "Stock Option Plans") to become
fully vested and exercisable and (ii) obtain  from each holder of any Option  an
agreement,  in  form  and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Acquiror, to
surrender as of the Effective Time all outstanding Options, in consideration  of
the payment at the Effective Time of an amount of cash per share subject to each
such  Option equal to the  difference between the exercise  price of such Option
and the Cash Consideration  (less an amount  equal to all  taxes required to  be
withheld  from such payment),  plus for each  share subject to  such Option, the
Warrant Consideration, or, alternatively, acquire  upon payment of the  exercise
price an amount of cash equal to the Cash Consideration, less an amount equal to
all  taxes  required to  be withheld,  in  lieu of  each share  formerly covered
thereby, plus for each share covered by such Option, the Warrant Consideration.
    3.2  EXCHANGE  PROCEDURES.   (a) Securities  Transfer Company  shall act  as
exchange   agent  (the  "Exchange   Agent")  for  the   payment  of  the  Merger
Consideration upon surrender of Certificates converted into the right to receive
the Merger Consideration pursuant to the Merger. Immediately after the Effective
Time, Acquiror shall make available, or  cause Sub or the Surviving  Corporation
to  make  available, to  the Exchange  Agent immediately  available funds  in an
amount necessary for the  payment of the Cash  Consideration (the "Funds"),  and
the Warrants necessary for payment of the Warrant Consideration.
    (b) Promptly after the Effective Time, the Exchange Agent shall mail to each
Person  (as defined  in Section 6.1  hereof) who  was, at the  Effective Time, a
holder of  record of  a Certificate  or Certificates  (other than  the  Company,
Acquiror or Sub or any direct or indirect Subsidiary of the Company, Acquiror or
Sub),  a  letter  of  transmittal  and instructions  for  use  in  effecting the
surrender  of  the  Certificates,  in   exchange  for  payment  of  the   Merger
Consideration  therefor. The letter  of transmittal shall  specify that delivery
shall be effected,  and risk  of loss  and title  shall pass,  only upon  proper
delivery  to and receipt of such Certificates by the Exchange Agent and shall be
in such form and have such provisions as Acquiror shall reasonably specify. Upon
surrender to the Exchange Agent of  such Certificates, together with the  letter
of  transmittal, duly executed and completed in accordance with the instructions
thereto and such other documents as  may be reasonably required by the  Exchange
Agent,  the Exchange Agent shall promptly issue to the persons entitled thereto,
out of  the Funds,  by check,  the  amount of  cash to  which such  Persons  are
entitled  pursuant  to  Section 3.1  after  giving  effect to  any  required tax
withholdings, and the  Warrants to  which such  Persons are  entitled, and  such
Certificates  shall forthwith  be marked  to evidence  cancellation. No interest
will be paid or

will accrue on any portion of the Merger Consideration. If payment is to be made
to a Person other than the registered holder of the Certificates surrendered, it
shall be a condition of such payment that the Certificates so surrendered  shall
be  properly endorsed  or otherwise  in proper  form for  transfer and  that the
Person requesting such payment shall pay any transfer or other taxes required by
reason of  the payment  to a  Person other  than the  registered holder  of  the
Certificates  surrendered  or establish  to  the satisfaction  of  the Surviving
Corporation or  the  Exchange Agent  that  such tax  has  been paid  or  is  not
applicable.  Until  surrendered  as  contemplated  by  this  Section  3.2,  each
Certificate shall be deemed  at any time after  the Effective Time to  represent
only  the right  to receive  upon such  surrender the  Merger Consideration into
which the Company Common Stock represented  by such Certificate shall have  been
converted pursuant to Section 3.1.
    (c)  One hundred eighty days following the Effective Time, Acquiror shall be
entitled to cause the Exchange Agent to  deliver to it any Funds (including  any
interest,  dividends, earnings  or distributions  received with  respect thereto
which shall be paid as directed by Acquiror) and Warrants made available to  the
Exchange Agent by Acquiror which have not been disbursed, and thereafter holders
of  Certificates who  have not  theretofore complied  with the  instructions for
exchanging their Certificates shall be entitled to look only to the Acquiror for
payment as  general creditors  thereof  with respect  to  the cash  payable  and
Warrants issuable upon due surrender of their Certificates.
    (d)  Acquiror shall  pay all  charges and  expenses, including  those of the
Exchange Agent, in connection with the exchange of the Merger Consideration  for
    (e)  Notwithstanding anything to  the contrary in this  Section 3.2, none of
the Exchange  Agent, Acquiror,  the Company,  the Surviving  Corporation or  Sub
shall  be  liable to  a holder  of a  Certificate formerly  representing Company
Common Stock for any amount properly delivered to a public official pursuant  to
any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.
    (f)  From and after the  Effective Time, there shall  be no transfers on the
stock transfer books of the Surviving  Corporation of Company Common Stock  that
was outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time. If, after the Effective
Time,  Certificates are presented to Acquiror,  the Surviving Corporation or the
Exchange  Agent,  they  shall  be   cancelled  and  exchanged  for  the   Merger
Consideration, as provided in this Article 3.
                                   ARTICLE 4
    Except  as set forth in  the disclosure letter delivered  at or prior to the
execution hereof to  Acquiror (the  "Company Disclosure Memorandum")  or in  the
Company Reports (as defined in Section 4.6), the Company represents and warrants
to Acquiror as of the date of this Agreement as follows:
    4.1    ORGANIZATION  AND  STANDING.    The  Company  is  a  corporation duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State  of
Florida.  The Company is duly qualified to do business, and in good standing, in
the states of the United States in  which the character of the properties  owned
or  leased by it or the conduct of  its business requires it to be so qualified,
except where the failure to be so qualified or to be in good standing would  not
have  a  Material  Adverse Effect.  For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  the term
"Material Adverse  Effect" means,  with respect  to the  Company, the  Surviving
Corporation, Acquiror or Sub, a material adverse effect on the business, assets,
liabilities,  financial condition or results of operations of such party and its
Subsidiaries taken as a  whole or a  material adverse effect  on the ability  of
such party to perform its obligations hereunder; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that results
of  operations shall not  be a component  of Material Adverse  Effect for events
that occur after the date of this Agreement, PROVIDED, FURTHER, HOWEVER, that no
Material Adverse Effect shall be deemed to have occurred by reason of a  general
deterioration  in the economy or in the  broadcasting industry after the date of
this Agreement.  The Company  has  furnished to  Acquiror complete  and  correct
copies of its Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, as amended through the date
hereof.  Such Articles of Incorporation and By-laws are in full force and effect
and no other  organizational documents  are applicable  to or  binding upon  the

    4.2   AUTHORIZATION,  VALIDITY AND  EFFECT.   The Company  has the requisite
corporate power and  authority to  execute and  deliver this  Agreement and  all
agreements and documents contemplated hereby to be executed and delivered by it,
and,  subject to  receipt of necessary  shareholder approval,  to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. The execution and delivery of this
Agreement and such other agreements and  documents, and the consummation of  the
transactions  contemplated  herein  and  therein,  have  been  duly  and validly
authorized by all necessary corporate action  in respect thereof on the part  of
the  Company, subject, with  respect to this  Agreement, to the  approval of the
shareholders of the Company as set forth below. This Agreement has been duly and
validly executed and delivered  by the Company and  represents the legal,  valid
and  binding  obligation  of the  Company,  enforceable against  the  Company in
accordance with its terms.
    4.3   CAPITALIZATION.   (a)   The authorized  capital stock  of the  Company
consists  of (i)  500,000,000 shares  of Company Common  Stock, of  which, as of
February  9,  1996,  20,236,633  shares   were  issued  and  outstanding,   (ii)
125,000,000 shares of Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class
B  Shares"), of which no shares are  issued and outstanding, and (iii) 9,500,000
shares of Preferred  Stock, par  value $.01  per share  (the "Company  Preferred
Shares"),  of which  no shares  are issued  and outstanding  (the Company Common
Stock, the  Class B  Shares and  the Company  Preferred Shares  are referred  to
herein,  collectively, as  the "Company Capital  Stock"). All of  the issued and
outstanding shares  of Company  Common Stock  are duly  and validly  issued  and
outstanding  and are fully paid  and nonassessable. As of  February 9, 1996, the
Company had  outstanding Options  representing  the right  to acquire  from  the
Company  not  more than  1,611,437.5 shares  of Company  Common Stock.  All such
Options, the recipient of  the Option, the grant  date, exercise price,  vesting
and  other  material  terms  are  described in  Section  4.3(b)  of  the Company
Disclosure Memorandum.
    (b) Except as set forth in subsection 4.3(a), there are no shares of capital
stock or other equity securities of  the Company outstanding, and except as  set
forth  in subsection 4.3(b) of the Company Disclosure Memorandum, no outstanding
options, warrants or rights to  subscribe for, securities or rights  convertible
into or exchangeable for, or contracts, commitments or arrangements by which the
Company  is or may be required to  issue or sell (collectively, "Equity Rights")
additional shares of the Company Capital Stock.
    (c) Since February 9,  1996, the Company  has not (i)  issued any shares  of
Company  Capital Stock  or Equity  Rights for  shares of  Company Capital Stock,
other than pursuant to the exercise of Options that were issued and  outstanding
on February 9, 1996, (ii) purchased, redeemed or otherwise acquired, directly or
indirectly  through  one or  more Company  Subsidiaries,  any shares  of Company
Capital Stock, or (iii) declared, set aside, made or paid to the shareholders of
the Company dividends or other  distributions on the outstanding Company  Common
    4.4   COMPANY SUBSIDIARIES.  (a) Subsection 4.4(a) of the Company Disclosure
Memorandum lists all material Subsidiaries of the Company (the "Material Company
Subsidiaries") and all other Subsidiaries. No Subsidiary other than the Material
Company Subsidiaries has any material operations, or any liabilities. Except  as
indicated  in subsection 4.4(a) of the Company Disclosure Memorandum, all of the
outstanding shares of capital stock of each such Material Company Subsidiary are
owned by  the Company  either directly  or indirectly  through another  Material
Company  Subsidiary. Except  as set  forth in  subsection 4.4(a)  of the Company
Disclosure Memorandum, no equity securities  of any Material Company  Subsidiary
may  be required  to be issued  (other than  to the Company  or another Material
Company Subsidiary) by  reason of any  Equity Rights for  shares of the  capital
stock  of any  Material Company  Subsidiary. Except  as set  forth in subsection
4.4(a)  of  the   Company  Disclosure  Memorandum,   there  are  no   contracts,
commitments, understandings or arrangements by which the Company or any Material
Company  Subsidiary is or may be obligated to transfer any shares of the capital
stock of any  Material Company  Subsidiary. Except  as set  forth in  subsection
4.4(a)  of the Company  Disclosure Memorandum, all of  the outstanding shares of
capital stock of  each Material Company  Subsidiary held by  the Company or  any
Material  Company Subsidiary are  fully paid and nonassessable  and are owned by
the Company or  such Material Company  Subsidiary free and  clear of any  claim,
lien or encumbrance. Each Material Company Subsidiary is duly organized, validly
existing  and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is
incorporated or organized, has the corporate

power and authority necessary for it to  own or lease its properties and  assets
and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted, and is duly qualified
to  do business and in good standing in the states of the United States in which
the ownership of its property or the  conduct of its business requires it to  be
so  qualified,  except for  such jurisdictions  in  which the  failure to  be so
qualified and in good standing would not have a Material Adverse Effect. As used
in this Agreement, the term "Subsidiary" shall mean, with respect to the Company
or Acquiror, any corporation or other legal entity of which such party or any of
its subsidiaries controls or owns, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of  the
stock  or other equity interest  entitled to vote on  the election of members to
the board of directors or similar governing body.
    (b) Except for  interests in the  Company's Subsidiaries and  except as  set
forth  in subsection  4.4(b) of the  Company Disclosure  Memorandum, neither the
Company  nor  any  of  the  Material  Company  Subsidiaries  owns,  directly  or
indirectly,  any  interest  or  investment  (whether  equity  or  debt)  in  any
corporation, partnership, joint venture, business,  trust or entity, other  than
(i)  investments of less  than $1,000,000 in the  aggregate and (ii) promotional
activities undertaken in the ordinary course of business.
    4.5  NO CONFLICT; REQUIRED FILINGS AND CONSENTS.  (a) None of the  execution
and  delivery of  this Agreement  by the  Company, nor  the consummation  by the
Company of the transactions contemplated  herein, nor compliance by the  Company
with  any of the provisions hereof, will (i) conflict with or result in a breach
of any  provision of  the articles  of incorporation  or by-laws  or  equivalent
organizational  documents  of  the  Company  or  any  of  the  Material  Company
Subsidiaries, (ii)  except as  set forth  in clause  4.5(a)(ii) of  the  Company
Disclosure Memorandum, constitute or result in the breach of any term, condition
or  provision of, or  constitute a default under,  or give rise  to any right of
termination, cancellation  or acceleration  with respect  to, or  result in  the
creation  of any lien, charge or encumbrance upon, any property or assets of the
Company or  the  Material Company  Subsidiaries,  pursuant to  any  note,  bond,
mortgage, indenture, license, agreement, lease or other instrument or obligation
to  which  any of  them is  a party  or by  which any  of them  or any  of their
properties or assets may be subject, and  that would, in any such event, have  a
Material  Adverse Effect, or (iii) subject to receipt of the requisite approvals
referred to in subsection 4.5(b),  violate any order, writ, injunction,  decree,
statute,  rule or regulation of  any governmental, quasi-governmental, judicial,
quasi-judicial or regulatory  authority with jurisdiction,  domestic or  foreign
(each,  a  "Governmental Authority")  applicable to  the Company  or any  of the
Material Company Subsidiaries or any of their properties or assets.
    (b) Other  than (i)  in  connection or  compliance  with the  provisions  of
applicable  state and federal securities laws,  and the rules and regulations of
the Securities  and Exchange  Commission (the  "SEC") thereunder,  (ii)  notices
under  the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the
"HSR Act"), (iii) applicable approvals of the Federal Communications  Commission
(the  "FCC") pursuant to applicable laws and regulations ("Communications Law");
(iv) filings with the Department  of State of the  State of Florida required  to
effect  the Merger  under the  FBCA, (v)  in connection  or compliance  with the
applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue  Code of 1986, as amended,  (the
"Code")  and state, local and foreign tax  laws, (vi) as set forth in subsection
4.5(b) of the Company Disclosure Memorandum, and (vii) where the failure to give
such notice, make such filing  or receive such order, authorization,  exemption,
consent  or approval  would not  have a Material  Adverse Effect,  no notice to,
filing with,  authorization of,  exemption  by or  consent  or approval  of  any
Governmental  Authority is necessary for the  consummation by the Company of the
transactions contemplated in this Agreement.
    (c) The affirmative written consents of the Consenting Stockholders are  the
only  votes or consents of the holders of any class or series of Company Capital
Stock necessary  to approve  this  Agreement, the  Merger and  the  transactions
contemplated hereby on behalf of the Company.
    4.6   COMPANY REPORTS; FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  (a)  The Company has filed all
forms, reports and  documents required  to be  filed by  it with  the SEC  since
January  1, 1994 (collectively,  the "Company Reports").  As of their respective
dates, the Company Reports and any such reports, forms and other documents filed
by the Company with the SEC after  the date of this Agreement (i) complied  when
made,  or shall comply when  made, as to form in  all material respects with the
applicable  requirements  of  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended  (the
"Securities  Act"),  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended (the
"Exchange Act"), and the rules  and regulations promulgated thereunder and  (ii)
did not when made, or

shall  not when made, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material fact  required to be  stated therein or  necessary to make  the
statements  made therein,  in light of  the circumstances under  which they were
made, not  misleading.  The  representation  in clause  (ii)  of  the  preceding
sentence  does not apply to  any misstatement or omission  in any Company Report
filed prior to the date  of this Agreement that  was superseded by a  subsequent
Company Report filed prior to the date of this Agreement.
    (b)  The consolidated balance sheets of  the Company and its Subsidiaries as
of December  31,  1993 and  December  31, 1994  and  the related  statements  of
operations,  changes in shareholders'  equity and cash flows  for the year ended
December 31,  1994,  together  with  the notes  thereto,  are  included  in  the
Company's  Annual Reports on Form  10-K for the fiscal  years ended December 31,
1993 and  December  31, 1994,  respectively,  as filed  with  the SEC,  and  the
unaudited  consolidated balance sheets of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of
March 31, 1995, June 30, 1995 and September 30, 1995, and the related  unaudited
statements of operations, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows for the
periods  then ended are included in the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q
for the quarters ended  March 31, 1995,  June 30, 1995  and September 30,  1995,
respectively,   as  filed  with  the   SEC  (together,  the  "Company  Financial
Statements"). The Company Financial Statements have been prepared in  accordance
with  United States generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") applied on
a consistent basis  (except as  disclosed therein)  and fairly  present, in  all
material  respects,  the consolidated  financial  position and  the consolidated
results of operations,  changes in shareholders'  equity and cash  flows of  the
Company  and its consolidated Subsidiaries  as of the dates  and for the periods
indicated (subject,  in the  case  of interim  financial statements,  to  normal
recurring  year-end adjustments, none of which  are expected to be material, and
the absence of footnote disclosure).
    (c) As of the  date of this  Agreement, except as set  forth in the  Company
Financial  Statements  or the  notes  thereto, or  as  described in  the Company
Disclosure Memorandum, neither the Company  nor any Subsidiary has any  material
outstanding  claims  against  it,  liabilities  or  indebtedness,  contingent or
otherwise, nor does there exist any  condition, fact or circumstances which  the
Company  reasonably anticipates will create such  claim or liability, other than
liabilities incurred subsequent to September 30, 1995, in the ordinary course of
business, consistent  with past  practices  and which  individually and  in  the
aggregate do not have a Material Adverse Effect.
    (d)  Since December 31, 1994 and except as disclosed in the Company Reports,
the  Company  and  the  Material  Company  Subsidiaries  have  conducted   their
respective  businesses  only in  the ordinary  course  and consistent  with past
practices and have not subjected any of their assets or properties to any  Liens
(except in connection with acquisitions disclosed in the Company Reports).
    (e)  From December 31,  1994 through the  date of this  Agreement, except as
disclosed in the Company  Disclosure Memorandum and  the Company Reports,  there
has  been no  event, condition  or operation  that has  caused or  is reasonably
anticipated to cause a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.
    4.7  TAX  AND ACCOUNTING  MATTERS.   The Company  and each  of the  Material
Company  Subsidiaries have filed all material  federal, state, county, local and
foreign tax returns, including information returns, required to be filed by  it,
and  paid or made adequate provision for the  payment of all taxes shown on such
returns to be owed by it,  including those with respect to income,  withholding,
social  security,  unemployment,  workers compensation,  franchise,  ad valorem,
premium, excise and sales taxes. The  federal income tax returns of the  Company
and  the Material  Company Subsidiaries for  the fiscal year  ended December 31,
1985 and for all fiscal years prior thereto and fiscal years ended December  31,
1989, December 31, 1990 and December 31, 1991 are closed by the relevant statute
of  limitations, and no  claims for additional  taxes for such  fiscal years are
pending.  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section  4.7  of  the  Company   Disclosure
Memorandum,  neither the Company nor any of the Material Company Subsidiaries is
a party to any pending action or proceeding, nor, to the actual knowledge of the
officers of  the  Company  listed  in Section  4.7  of  the  Company  Disclosure
Memorandum  (the  "Company's  Knowledge"),  is  any  such  action  or proceeding
threatened, by any Governmental  Authority for the  assessment or collection  of
taxes,  interest, penalties or deficiencies that would reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.

    4.8  PROPERTIES.   Except as  disclosed or reserved  against in the  Company
Financial  Statements, the  Company and  the Material  Company Subsidiaries have
good and marketable title to all of the material properties and assets, tangible
or intangible, reflected in the Company  Financial Statements as being owned  by
the  Company and the Material Company Subsidiaries as of the dates thereof, free
and clear of all liens, encumbrances, charges, defaults or equities of  whatever
character,   except  such  imperfections  or  irregularities  of  title,  liens,
encumbrances,  charges  or  defaults  that   are  publicly  disclosed  or   such
imperfections or irregularities of title as do not affect the use thereof in any
material  respect and statutory  liens securing payments  not yet due ("Liens").
All leased buildings and all leased  fixtures, equipment and other property  and
assets  that are material to its business on a consolidated basis are held under
leases or subleases that  are valid instruments  enforceable in accordance  with
their  respective  terms.  Section  4.8  of  the  Company  Disclosure Memorandum
contains a list of all real estate owned or leased by the Company or a  Material
Company Subsidiary, identifying which properties are owned and which are leased.
All such leases were entered into in the ordinary course of business. Other than
as  indicated in the Company Disclosure Memorandum,  none of the leases are with
an Affiliate or  contain any material  terms or conditions  which make any  such
lease unreasonably onerous or commercially unreasonable.
    4.9   COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS; FCC AUTHORIZATIONS.  (a)  Except as set forth in
subsection  4.9(a)  of  the  Company  Disclosure  Memorandum,  and  except   for
environmental  matters, which shall  be covered by Section  4.16 and which shall
not be covered  by this Section  4.9, to  the Company's Knowledge,  each of  the
Company and the Material Company Subsidiaries:
        (i)  is in material compliance with all laws, regulations, reporting and
    licensing requirements and  orders applicable to  its business or  employees
    conducting  its  business, the  breach or  violation of  which would  have a
    Material Adverse Effect;
        (ii) has received no notification or communication from any Governmental
    Authority (i) asserting  that the  Company or  any of  the Material  Company
    Subsidiaries  is not in compliance with  any of the statutes, regulations or
    ordinances that such  Governmental Authority  enforces, which  noncompliance
    would  have  a Material  Adverse Effect  or (ii)  threatening to  revoke any
    license, franchise, permit or  authorization of any Governmental  Authority,
    which revocation would have a Material Adverse Effect.
    (b) Set forth in subsection 4.9(b) of the Company Disclosure Memorandum is a
list  of the  FCC licenses  (the "Station Licenses")  that are  required for the
lawful conduct of the radio and television broadcasting business and  operations
of  the Company  and its Material  Company Subsidiaries (the  "Stations") in the
manner and  to  the  full extent  they  are  now conducted.  The  Company  or  a
Subsidiary  thereof is the authorized legal holder of the Station Licenses, none
of which is subject to any  material restriction or condition which would  limit
the  full operation  of the  Stations as  now operated.  Except as  set forth in
subsection  4.9(b)  of   the  Company  Disclosure   Memorandum,  there  are   no
applications,  complaints or proceedings pending or, to the Company's Knowledge,
threatened before the FCC relating to the business or operations of the Stations
other than applications,  complaints or proceedings  which generally affect  the
radio  or  television  broadcasting industries  or  those that  would  not have,
individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.  The
Station   Licenses  listed  in  subsection  4.9(b)  of  the  Company  Disclosure
Memorandum are validly  held, are in  good standing  and are in  full force  and
effect  and are unimpaired by any act.  Except as set forth in subsection 4.9(b)
of the Company Disclosure  Memorandum, to the Company's  Knowledge, there is  no
reason  related to  the Company why  the FCC  would not approve  the transfer of
control of the Company to Acquiror or any of its Subsidiaries and the renewal of
the Station  Licenses upon  the expiration  of  the current  term of  each  such
Station  License.  Except  as set  forth  in  subsection 4.9(b)  of  the Company
Disclosure Memorandum, all reports, forms and statements required to be filed by
the Company with the  FCC with respect  to the Stations since  the grant of  the
last renewal of the Station Licenses have been timely filed and are complete and
accurate,  except  where the  failure  to so  file or  where  the failure  to be
complete and  accurate would,  individually  or in  the  aggregate, not  have  a
Material Adverse Effect on the Company. Except as set forth in subsection 4.9(b)
of  the  Company  Disclosure  Memorandum,  each  Station  is  being  operated in
compliance with the  Communications Law  and the specifications  of the  Station
Licenses, in each case in all material respects.

    4.10    EMPLOYEE BENEFIT  PLANS.   (a)  Except as  specified in  the Company
Disclosure Memorandum, neither the Company  nor any Material Company  Subsidiary
has  an  "employee pension  benefit  plan" as  defined  in Section  3(2)  of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), including
any "multiemployer plan"  as defined in  Section 3(37) of  ERISA (such plans  so
noted shall be referred to as the "Retirement Plans"), "employee welfare benefit
plan"  as  defined  in  Section  3(1)  of  ERISA  including  without  limitation
post-employment benefit and retiree medical plans, funds and programs  ("Benefit
Plans")  or a "specified fringe benefit plan" as defined in Section 6039D of the
Code ("SFB Plans") (together, the Retirement Plans, Benefit Plans and SFB  Plans
noted  in the Company Disclosure Memorandum shall be referred to collectively as
the "Plans"  and individually  as a  "Plan"). All  Plans are  maintained by  the
    (b) Each Plan is, and has been at all times, operated in material compliance
with  all statutes, orders  or governmental rules  or regulations, including but
not limited  to  ERISA and  the  Code, and  any  and all  collective  bargaining
agreements and other contracts applicable thereto.
    (c)  The Retirement Plans,  and their related trusts,  if any, are qualified
and tax-exempt under Sections 401 and 501 of the Code. The Company has  received
favorable  determination letters from the  Internal Revenue Service with respect
to the qualification  and tax exempt  status of the  Retirement Plans and  their
related  trusts, if any, under the Code,  and nothing has occurred (or failed to
occur) since the receipt of  such determination letters to  cause a loss of  the
Plans' qualification and tax-exempt status.
    (d)  All material required reports and  descriptions of the Plans (including
IRS  Form  5500  Annual  Reports,  Summary  Annual  Reports  and  Summary   Plan
Descriptions) have been appropriately filed and distributed.
    (e)  All material notices required by ERISA,  the Code or any other state or
federal  law,  ruling  or  regulation  with  respect  to  the  Plans  have  been
appropriately filed.
    (f)  All contributions to the Plans for  all periods ending on or before the
Closing Date will  be made prior  to the Closing  Date by the  Company and  each
Material  Company Subsidiary in  accordance with past practice  and no Plans are
currently or shall be unfunded or underfunded as of the Closing Date.
    (g) All  insurance  premiums  (including premiums  to  the  Pension  Benefit
Guaranty  Corporation) relating to the Plans have  been paid in full in a timely
    (h) With respect  to the Plans,  no prohibited transactions  (as defined  in
Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code) that would result in liability
to  the Company have  occurred and no  reportable events (as  defined in Section
4043 of ERISA) have occurred.
    (i) There is not, and has  not been, an accumulated funding deficiency  with
respect  to the Retirement Plans subject  to the minimum funding requirements of
Section 412  of the  Code or  Section  302 of  ERISA that  has resulted  in  any
material liability to the Company that has not been satisfied in full.
    (j)  No material  action, suit,  grievance, arbitration  or other  manner of
litigation, or claim with respect to the Plans or the assets thereof (other than
routine claims for benefits made in the ordinary course of plan  administration)
are  pending, threatened against or with respect  to the Plans, the Company, any
Material Company Subsidiary or any fiduciaries  (as defined in Section 3(21)  of
ERISA) of the Plans (including any action, suit, grievance, arbitration or other
manner of litigation, or claim regarding conduct which allegedly interferes with
the attainment of rights under a Plan).
    (k)  Except as set  forth in the Company  Disclosure Memorandum, neither the
Company nor any  Material Company Subsidiary  has ever contributed,  nor has  it
ever  been required to  contribute, to any "multiemployer  plans" (as defined in
Section 3(37)  of  ERISA) and  neither  the  Company nor  any  Material  Company
Subsidiary  has or will incur any withdrawal  liability with respect to any such

    (l) Except as set  forth in the Company  Disclosure Memorandum, neither  the
Company  nor any Material Company Subsidiary  has any stock purchase plan, stock
option plan, phantom stock plan, stock  appreciation rights plan, bonus plan  or
any  severance, deferred compensation or  retirement plans or similar agreements
(whether or not subject to ERISA).
    (m) The Company and each Material Company Subsidiary has complied with COBRA
in all material respects.
    (n) Any  and  all post-employment  benefit  plans, funds  and  programs  and
retiree medical plans, funds and programs of the Company or its Material Company
Subsidiaries  have been  fully funded and  neither the Company  nor any Material
Company  Subsidiary  has   any  further  obligation   to  make  any   additional
contributions to such plans.
    4.11    MATERIAL  CONTRACTS.   Set  forth  in Section  4.11  of  the Company
Disclosure Memorandum  is  a list,  as  of the  date  hereof, of  the  following
agreements (the "Company Contracts"):
        (a)  each partnership or joint venture agreement to which the Company or
    any Material Company Subsidiary is a party;
        (b) each agreement  limiting the right  of the Company  or any  Material
    Company  Subsidiary to engage in or compete  with any Person in any business
    or geographical area;
        (c) each agreement or other arrangement  of or involving the Company  or
    any  Material  Company Subsidiary  with  respect to  indebtedness  for money
    borrowed, including  letters of  credit, guaranties,  indentures, swaps  and
    similar agreements;
        (d)  each  management,  consulting,  employment,  severance  or  similar
    agreement requiring  the  payment  of compensation  in  excess  of  $150,000
    annually,  to which the Company or  any of the Material Company Subsidiaries
    is a party, other than agreements with on-air talent;
        (e) each collective  bargaining agreement  to which the  Company or  any
    Material Company Subsidiary is a party;
        (f)  each agreement  with a national  sales representative  to which the
    Company or any Material Company Subsidiary is a party;
        (g) each  network affiliation  agreement  to which  the Company  or  any
    Material Company Subsidiary is a party; and
        (h)  each  agreement  with  any Affiliate  of  the  Company  (other than
    employment  agreements)  to  which  the  Company  or  any  Material  Company
    Subsidiary  is a  party which involves  total payments or  liabilities to or
    from the Company or any Material Company Subsidiary in excess of $60,000.
Each of the Company Contracts is in full force and effect and is a legal,  valid
and binding contract or agreement, and there is no default or breach (or, to the
Company's  Knowledge, any event that, with the giving of notice or lapse of time
or both would result in a material default  or breach) by the Company or any  of
the  Material Company  Subsidiaries, or, to  the Company's  Knowledge, any other
party, in  the timely  performance of  any obligation  to be  performed or  paid
thereunder or any other material provision thereof, that, individually or in the
aggregate,  would have a Material Adverse  Effect. The Company acknowledges that
there are certain  material contracts (including  without limitation  agreements
concerning  radio  syndicated  programming  and  network  affiliation  and other
material agreements which are not  available at the Company's corporate  offices
on  the date hereof),  some of which are  listed on Section  4.11 of the Company
Disclosure Memorandum and some of which are not, that have not been furnished to
Acquiror as of the date of this Agreement (the "Undisclosed Contracts").  Within
ten  days after the date hereof, the  Company will deliver to Acquiror copies of
all Undisclosed Contracts.
    4.12   LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.   As  of the  date of  this Agreement,  except  as
disclosed  in the Company Reports or as set forth in Section 4.12 of the Company
Disclosure  Memorandum,  there   are  no  actions,   suits,  investigations   or
proceedings  instituted  or  pending,  or to  the  Company's  Knowledge, overtly
threatened, against the Company or any of the Material Company Subsidiaries,  or
against any property, asset, interest or

right  of any of them,  that involve more than  $100,000 in controversy, or that
seek relief other than money damages from  the Company or a Subsidiary, or  that
would  have, either individually or in  the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect
if adversely  decided. Neither  the  Company nor  any  of the  Material  Company
Subsidiaries  is subject to any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree that
would have a Material Adverse Effect.
    4.13  CERTAIN INFORMATION.  (a) When the Registration Statement (as  defined
in  Section 6.4) to  be filed with the  SEC by Acquiror  pursuant to Section 6.4
hereof or any post-effective  amendment thereto shall  become effective, and  at
all  times subsequent  to such effectiveness  up to and  including the Effective
Time, such Registration  Statement and  all amendments  or supplements  thereto,
with  respect  to all  information set  forth therein  furnished by  the Company
relating to the  Company or its  Subsidiaries, shall  comply as to  form in  all
material  respects with  the provisions of  all applicable  securities laws. Any
written information supplied or to be  supplied by the Company specifically  for
inclusion in the Registration Statement will not contain any untrue statement of
a  material fact or omit  to state any material fact  necessary in order to make
the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made
not misleading.
    (b) None of the information  supplied or to be  supplied by the Company  for
inclusion in the Information Statement (as defined in Section 6.4) shall, at the
time  such document is  filed with the  SEC and when  it is first  mailed to the
shareholders of the Company, be false or misleading with respect to any material
fact, or  omit  to state  any  material fact  necessary  in order  to  make  the
statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not
misleading.  If at any time  prior to the Effective  Time any event occurs which
should be described in the Information Statement or any supplement or  amendment
thereto,  the Company  will file and  disseminate, as required,  a supplement or
amendment which complies as to form in all material respects with the provisions
of all  applicable  securities laws.  Prior  to its  filing  with the  SEC,  the
Information  Statement  and  each  amendment  or  supplement  thereto  shall  be
delivered to  Acquiror  and its  counsel.  All  documents that  the  Company  is
responsible  for  filing with  the SEC  or any  other Governmental  Authority in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby shall comply as to form  in
all  material respects with the provisions  of applicable law and the applicable
rules and regulations thereunder.
    4.14   NO  BROKERS.    The  Company  has  not  entered  into  any  contract,
arrangement  or understanding  with any  Person or firm  that may  result in the
obligation of the Company, Acquiror or  Sub to pay any finder's fees,  brokerage
or   agent's  commissions  or  other  like   payments  in  connection  with  the
negotiations leading to this Agreement  or the consummation of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby, except that the Company  has retained Salomon Brothers Inc
as its  financial advisor  (the "Company  Financial Advisor"),  which  Financial
Advisor  may be entitled to  an advisor fee of up  to $3.0 million in connection
with  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  In  addition,  the  Company  may
reimburse  certain  third  parties for  legal  expenses incurred  by  such third
parties not to exceed $250,000 in the aggregate.
    4.15  OPINION OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR.  The Company has received the opinion of
the Company Financial Advisor  to the effect  that, as of  the date hereof,  the
consideration  to be received by the holders  of the Company Common Stock in the
Merger is fair to such  holders from a financial point  of view. A copy of  such
opinion  shall be delivered  to Acquiror within  24 hours of  its receipt by the
    4.16   ENVIRONMENTAL.   Except  insofar  as inaccuracies  in  the  following
statements  would not  have a  Material Adverse Effect  on the  Company: (i) The
properties owned  or leased  by the  Company or  any Subsidiary  and  properties
formerly  owned or leased by the Company or any Subsidiary for which the Company
has contractual liability (the  "Company Properties") are  in compliance in  all
material respects with all applicable federal, state and local environmental and
hazardous waste laws and regulations; (ii) no enforcement actions are pending or
threatened  against the  Company or  any Subsidiary  and no  notice of potential
liability or administrative or judicial proceedings (including notices regarding
clean up of off-site third party hazardous waste sites) has been received; (iii)
there does not now exist on the  Company Properties, and there has not  occurred
on,  from or under  the Company Properties,  a material disposal  or release of,
Hazardous  Substances,  Hazardous  Wastes  or  Contaminants;  (iv)  the  Company
Properties  contain no unregistered  underground storage tanks;  (v) neither the
Company nor any  Subsidiary nor  any of  their respective  predecessors has  any
contingent liability in connection with the release of any Hazardous Substances,
Hazardous  Wastes  or  Contaminants  into the  environment;  (vi)  all broadcast
facilities operated

by the Company or  any Subsidiary are,  and at all times  prior hereto were,  in
compliance  with all applicable  rules and regulations  relating to RF radiation
produced by a broadcast station; and (vii) neither the Company or any Subsidiary
nor any of their respective predecessors has (A) given any release or waiver  of
liability  that would waive  or impair any claim  based on Hazardous Substances,
Hazardous Wastes or Contaminants to any current or prior tenant or owner of  any
real  property  owned  or  leased at  any  time  by either  the  Company  or any
Subsidiary or to any party who  may be potentially responsible for the  presence
of  Hazardous  Substances, Hazardous  Wastes or  Contaminants  on any  such real
property; or (B)  made any  promise of  indemnification to  any party  regarding
Hazardous  Substances, Hazardous Wastes  or Contaminants that  may be located on
any real property  owned or  leased at  any time by  either the  Company or  any
Subsidiary  or any of their respective predecessors. Section 4.16 of the Company
Disclosure Memorandum  contains a  description of  environmental indemnities  of
which either the Company or any Subsidiary is a beneficiary.
    4.17   PERSONNEL.  (a) Except as disclosed  in Sections 4.10 and 4.11 of the
Company Disclosure Memorandum, or as required pursuant to Section 6.6(c) hereof,
there is no  employment agreement,  employee benefit  or incentive  compensation
plan  or program  or severance  policy or  program to  which the  Company or any
Material Company Subsidiary is  a party (i)  that is or  could, pursuant to  its
terms,  be  triggered or  accelerated by  reason  of or  in connection  with the
execution of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement or (ii) which contains "change in control" provisions pursuant
to which the payment, vesting  or funding of compensation  or benefits is or  by
reason  of  or  in connection  with  the  execution of  or  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the transactions contemplated  by
this Agreement.
    (b)  Except  as  set  forth  on  Section  4.11  of  the  Company  Disclosure
Memorandum, there are no labor disputes existing, or to the Company's Knowledge,
threatened, involving strikes, work stoppages, slow downs or lockouts. There are
no grievance proceedings or  claims of unfair labor  practices filed or, to  the
Company's  Knowledge, threatened to  be filed with  the National Labor Relations
Board against the Company or any  Material Company Subsidiary. To the  Company's
Knowledge,  there is  no union  representation or  organizing effort  pending or
threatened against the Company or  any Material Company Subsidiary. Neither  the
Company nor any Material Company Subsidiary has agreed to recognize any union or
other  collective  bargaining unit  except those  governed by  the terms  of the
agreements listed in Section 4.11 of the Company Disclosure Memorandum.
    4.18   TAKEOVER STATUTES.   No  "fair price",  "moratorium", "control  share
acquisition"  or other similar anti-takeover statute or regulation enacted under
any federal  or  state  or other  foreign  law,  applicable to  the  Company  is
applicable to the Merger or the other transactions contemplated hereby.
    4.19    CASH FLOW.   The  sum of  the Company's  (i) operating  income, (ii)
amortization and depreciation  and (iii) corporate,  general and  administrative
expenses,  each as  reflected in the  Company's Audited  Statement of Operations
contained in its Annual Report on Form  10-K for the fiscal year ended  December
31, 1995, shall not be less than $52,711,000.
                                   ARTICLE 5
    Except  as set forth in  the disclosure letter delivered  at or prior to the
execution hereof to the Company (the "Acquiror Disclosure Memorandum"), Acquiror
and Sub represent and warrant to the Company as of the date of this Agreement as
    5.1  ORGANIZATION AND STANDING.  Each  of Acquiror and Sub is a  corporation
duly  organized, validly  existing and  in good standing  under the  laws of the
State of its incorporation.  Each of Acquiror  and Sub is  duly qualified to  do
business,  and in good standing, in the states of the United States in which the
character of the properties owned or leased by it or in which the conduct of its
business requires it  to be  so qualified,  except where  the failure  to be  so
qualified  or to be in  good standing would not  have a Material Adverse Effect.
Acquiror has  furnished  to the  Company  complete  and correct  copies  of  its
Articles of Incorporation

and  Code of Regulations as  amended, through the date  hereof. Such Articles of
Incorporation and Code of Regulations are in full force and effect and no  other
organizational documents are applicable to or binding upon Acquiror.
    5.2   AUTHORIZATION, VALIDITY AND EFFECT.   Each of Acquiror and Sub has the
requisite corporate power and  authority to execute  and deliver this  Agreement
and  all  agreements  and  documents  contemplated  hereby  to  be  executed and
delivered by  it, and  to consummate  the transactions  contemplated hereby  and
thereby.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement and such other agreements
and documents, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein  and
therein, have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action
in  respect thereof on the part of each  of Acquiror and Sub. This Agreement has
been duly and validly  executed and delivered  by each of  Acquiror and Sub  and
represents  the legal, valid and binding obligation of each of Acquiror and Sub,
enforceable against each of them in accordance with its terms.
    5.3  CAPITALIZATION.  The authorized  capital stock of Acquiror consists  of
40,000,000  Common Shares, of  which, as of February  1, 1996, 18,163,425 shares
were issued  and  outstanding  (the  "Acquiror  Common  Stock").  The  Automatic
Conversion  (as such  term is  defined in the  Amended and  Restated Articles of
Acquiror) has occurred. Except as set forth  in this Section 5.3 or Section  5.3
of  the Acquiror Disclosure Memorandum, there are  no shares of capital stock or
other equity securities  of Acquiror  outstanding and there  are no  outstanding
Equity Rights for additional shares of Acquiror Capital Stock. All of the issued
and  outstanding shares of Acquiror Common Stock are duly and validly issued and
outstanding and are fully paid and nonassessable.
    5.4  NO CONFLICT; REQUIRED FILINGS AND CONSENTS.  (a) None of the  execution
and  delivery of  this Agreement  by Acquiror  or Sub,  nor the  consummation by
Acquiror or  Sub of  the  transactions contemplated  herein, nor  compliance  by
Acquiror  or Sub with  any of the  provisions hereof, will  (i) conflict with or
result in a breach of any provision of the articles of incorporation or  by-laws
or  equivalent organizational documents  of Acquiror or  Sub, (ii) constitute or
result in the breach  of any term,  condition or provision  of, or constitute  a
default  under,  or  give rise  to  any  right of  termination,  cancellation or
acceleration with respect to, or result in  the creation of any lien, charge  or
encumbrance  upon, any property or assets of Acquiror or Sub or, pursuant to any
note, bond, mortgage, indenture, license,  agreement, lease or other  instrument
or  obligation to which either of them is a  party or by which either of them or
their respective properties  or assets may  be subject, and  that would, in  any
such  event, have a Material Adverse Effect,  or (iii) subject to receipt of the
requisite approvals referred to in subsection 5.4(b) of the Acquiror  Disclosure
Memorandum, to the actual knowledge of the officers of Acquiror listed in clause
5.4(a)(iii)  of  the  Acquiror Disclosure  Memorandum  ("Acquiror's Knowledge"),
violate any order, writ, injunction, decree, statute, rule or regulation of  any
Governmental  Authority applicable to  Acquiror, Sub or  any of their respective
properties or assets.
    (b) Other  than (i)  in  connection or  compliance  with the  provisions  of
applicable  state and federal securities laws,  and the rules and regulations of
the SEC  thereunder, including  the  registration of  Warrants issuable  in  the
Merger  at  the  Effective Time  pursuant  to the  Registration  Statement, (ii)
notices and completion of  waiting periods under the  HSR Act, (iii)  applicable
approvals  of the FCC, (iv) filings with the Department of State of the State of
Florida required  to effect  the Merger  under the  FBCA, (v)  in connection  or
compliance  with the  applicable requirements of  the Code and  state, local and
foreign tax  laws,  (vi) as  set  forth in  subsection  5.4(b) of  the  Acquiror
Disclosure  Memorandum, and  (vii) where the  failure to give  such notice, make
such filing, or receive such authorization, exemption, consent or approval would
not have a Material Adverse Effect, no notice to, filing with, authorization of,
or exemption  by,  or consent  or  approval  of any  Governmental  Authority  is
necessary   for  the  consummation  by  Acquiror  or  Sub  of  the  transactions
contemplated in this Agreement.
    (c) The affirmative vote of the shares of Acquiror Common Stock beneficially
owned by  The Zell/  Chilmark Fund  L.P. at  a meeting  of the  shareholders  of
Acquiror  duly called  for such  purpose is sufficient,  and no  further vote or
consent of any class  or series of  capital stock of  Acquiror is necessary,  to
approve  the authorization for issuance by Acquiror of shares of Acquiror Common
Stock  and  Warrants  in  an  amount   necessary  for  payment  of  the   Merger

    5.5  ACQUIROR REPORTS; FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  (a) The Acquiror has filed all
forms,  reports and  documents required  to be  filed by  it with  the SEC since
January 1, 1994 (collectively, the  "Acquiror Reports"). As of their  respective
dates,  the Acquiror  Reports and  any such  reports, forms  and other documents
filed by the Acquiror with the SEC after the date of this Agreement (i) complied
when made, or shall comply when made,  as to form in all material respects  with
the  applicable requirements  of the  Securities Act,  the Exchange  Act and the
rules and regulations  promulgated thereunder  and (ii)  did not  when made,  or
shall  not when made, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material fact  required to be  stated therein or  necessary to make  the
statements  made therein,  in light of  the circumstances under  which they were
made, not  misleading.  The  representation  in clause  (ii)  of  the  preceding
sentence  does not apply to any misstatement  or omission in any Acquiror Report
filed prior to the date  of this Agreement that  was superseded by a  subsequent
Acquiror Report filed prior to the date of this Agreement.
    (b)  The consolidated balance sheets of the Acquiror and its Subsidiaries as
of December  31,  1993 and  December  31, 1994  and  the related  statements  of
operations,  changes in shareholders'  equity and cash flows  for the year ended
December 31,  1994,  together  with  the notes  thereto,  are  included  in  the
Acquiror's  Annual Reports on Form 10-K for  the fiscal years ended December 31,
1993 and  December  31, 1994,  respectively,  as filed  with  the SEC,  and  the
unaudited consolidated balance sheets of the Acquiror and its Subsidiaries as of
March  31, 1995, June 30, 1995 and September 30, 1995, and the related unaudited
statements of operations, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows for the
periods then ended are included in the Acquiror's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q
for the quarters ended  March 31, 1995,  June 30, 1995  and September 30,  1995,
respectively,   as  filed  with  the  SEC  (together,  the  "Acquiror  Financial
Statements"). The Acquiror Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance
with GAAP applied on a consistent basis (except as disclosed therein) and fairly
present, in all material respects,  the consolidated financial position and  the
consolidated  results of  operations, changes  in shareholders'  equity and cash
flows of the Acquiror and its consolidated Subsidiaries as of the dates and  for
the  periods indicated (subject, in the case of interim financial statements, to
normal recurring  year-end  adjustments,  none  of  which  are  expected  to  be
material,  and  the  absence  of  footnote  disclosure).  The  Acquiror  and its
Subsidiaries do not have any material liabilities not disclosed on the  Acquiror
Financial Statements.
    5.6   LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.  As of the date of this Agreement and except as set
forth in  Section  5.6 of  the  Acquiror  Disclosure Memorandum,  there  are  no
actions, suits or proceedings instituted or pending, or to Acquiror's Knowledge,
overtly  threatened, against  Acquiror or Sub,  or against  any property, asset,
interest  or  right  of  any  of  them,  that  involve  more  than  $100,000  in
controversy,  or that seek relief other than  money damages from the Acquiror or
any Subsidiary, or that would have,  either individually or in the aggregate,  a
Material  Adverse Effect on Acquiror if  adversely decided. Neither Acquiror nor
Sub is subject  to any judgment,  order, writ, injunction  or decree that  would
have a Material Adverse Effect.
    5.7    CERTAIN INFORMATION.    (a) When  the  Registration Statement  or any
post-effective amendment thereto shall become effective, and at times subsequent
to such effectiveness up to and  including the Effective Time, the  Registration
Statement  and all amendments or supplements thereto, shall comply as to form in
all material respects with the provisions of all applicable securities laws.  If
at  any  time prior  to  the Effective  Time any  event  occurs which  should be
described in the Registration Statement or any supplement or amendment  thereto,
Acquiror will file and disseminate, as required, a supplement or amendment which
complies  as  to  form in  all  material  respects with  the  provisions  of all
applicable securities laws. Prior to its  filing with the SEC, the  Registration
Statement  and each  amendment or supplement  thereto shall be  delivered to the
Company and its counsel. With respect  to any information supplied by  Acquiror,
the Registration Statement will not, at the time the prospectus included therein
is mailed to shareholders of the Company, and at the Effective Time, contain any
untrue  statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact required
to be stated therein or  necessary in order to  make the statements therein,  in
light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
    (b)  None of the information  supplied or to be  supplied by Acquiror or Sub
for inclusion in the Information Statement  shall, at the time such document  is
filed  with  the SEC  or when  it is  first  mailed to  the shareholders  of the
Company, be false or misleading  with respect to any  material fact, or omit  to
state  any material fact necessary  in order to make  the statements therein, in
light of  the circumstances  under  which they  are  made, not  misleading.  All
documents  that  Acquiror or  Sub are  responsible  for filing  with the  SEC or

any  other   Governmental  Authority   in  connection   with  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby shall comply as  to form in all  material respects with the
provisions  of  applicable  law  and   the  applicable  rules  and   regulations
    (c)  When the Registration Statement or any post-effective amendment thereto
shall become effective, and at times subsequent to such effectiveness up to  and
including  the Effective Time, the Registration  Statement and all amendments or
supplements thereto,  except  with  respect to  information  set  forth  therein
provided  by the Company, shall  not be false or  misleading with respect to any
material fact, or omit to state any material fact necessary in order to make the
statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not
    5.8  OWNERSHIP OF COMPANY COMMON STOCK.  Except as set forth in Section  5.8
of  the  Acquiror Disclosure  Memorandum, none  of  Acquiror nor,  to Acquiror's
Knowledge, any Affiliates (as defined below) of Acquiror or Sub, owns any shares
of Company Common Stock or other  securities convertible into shares of  Company
Common  Stock. For  purposes of  this Agreement,  an "Affiliate"  of a specified
Person  is  a  Person  that  directly,   or  indirectly  through  one  or   more
intermediaries,  controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with,
the Person specified.
    5.9  MERGER SUB.  Sub was formed  solely for the purpose of engaging in  the
transactions  contemplated hereby. Sub is,  and shall be on  the Closing Date, a
wholly  owned  direct  Subsidiary  of   Acquiror.  Except  for  obligations   or
liabilities  incurred in connection with  its incorporation or organization, and
the transactions contemplated hereby,  Sub has not  incurred any obligations  or
liabilities  or  engaged in  any  business or  activities  of any  type  or kind
whatsoever or entered  into any agreements  or arrangements with  any Person  or
    5.10   ACQUIROR'S  FINANCING.   Acquiror has  or will  have sufficient funds
available to consummate the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and  to
pay all transaction related fees and expenses.
    5.11   QUALIFICATION AS A LICENSEE.   Acquiror will, from and after the date
upon which Acquiror executes  the applications described  in subsection 6.8,  be
legally,  financially and otherwise qualified under the Communications Law to be
owner and operator of  the properties and assets  of the Surviving  Corporation,
any of its Material Company Subsidiaries, or any Station. Except as disclosed in
Section  5.11 of the Acquiror Disclosure  Memorandum or in the Acquiror Reports,
no fact exists that  would under the Communications  Law disqualify Acquiror  as
the owner and operator of the properties or assets of any Station.
    5.12   NO BROKERS.   Neither Acquiror  nor Sub has  entered into a contract,
arrangement or understanding  with any  Person or firm  that may  result in  the
obligation  of Acquiror, Sub or the Company  to pay any finder's fees, brokerage
or  agent's  commissions  or  other   like  payments  in  connection  with   the
negotiations  leading to this Agreement or  the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby.
                                   ARTICLE 6
                            COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS
    6.1  NO SOLICITATION AND OTHER ACTIONS.  (a) From and after the date of this
Agreement and except as set forth  in subsection 6.1(b), the Company shall  not,
and  the Company shall direct  and use its reasonable  best efforts to cause the
officers, directors, employees,  agents, advisors and  other representatives  of
the  Company not  to, directly or  indirectly, (i)  solicit, initiate, knowingly
encourage,  or  participate  in  discussions  or  negotiations  regarding,   any
proposals  or  offers  from any  individual,  corporation,  partnership, limited
liability  corporation,  joint   venture,  trust,  association,   unincorporated
organization,  other entity, group or Governmental Authority ("Person") relating
to any Competing Transaction (as defined  in subsection 6.1(c)) or (ii)  furnish
to any other Person any nonpublic information or access to such information with
respect  to,  or otherwise  concerning, any  Competing Transaction.  The Company
shall immediately cease and cause to be

terminated any  existing  discussions or  negotiations  with any  third  parties
conducted  heretofore with  respect to  any proposed  Competing Transaction. The
Company shall  promptly disclose  the identity  of any  Person who  attempts  to
initiate any discussions contemplating a Competing Transaction.
    (b)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary  contained in this Section 6.1
or in any other provision of this Agreement, until the consents required by  the
Stockholders  Agreement have been duly executed and delivered, the Company shall
not be prohibited  by this Agreement  from (i) participating  in discussions  or
negotiations  with, and, during such period, the Company may furnish information
to, a  Person that  seeks to  engage in  discussions or  negotiations,  requests
information  or makes a proposal to acquire  the Company pursuant to a Competing
Transaction, if the Company's directors determine in good faith that such action
is required for  the discharge of  their fiduciary obligations,  based upon  the
written  advice of independent legal counsel, who may be the Company's regularly
engaged legal counsel  (a "Director Duty");  (ii) complying with  Rule 14d-9  or
Rule  14e-2  promulgated under  the  Exchange Act  with  regard to  a  tender or
exchange offer; (iii)  making any  disclosure to the  Company's shareholders  in
accordance with a Director Duty; (iv) failing to make, modifying or amending its
recommendations,  consents or approvals referred to  herein in accordance with a
Director Duty; or (v) terminating this Agreement and entering into an  agreement
providing for a Competing Transaction in accordance with a Director Duty. In the
event  that the  Company or any  of its officers,  directors, employees, agents,
advisors or  other representatives  participate in  discussions or  negotiations
with,  or  furnish  information  to  a  Person  that  seeks  to  engage  in such
discussions or negotiations, requests information or makes a proposal to acquire
the Company  pursuant to  a Competing  Transaction pursuant  to this  subsection
6.1(b),  then: (i)  the Company shall  immediately disclose to  the Acquiror the
decision of the Company's directors; (ii) the identity of the Person; and  (iii)
copies of all information or material not previously furnished to Acquiror which
the  Company, or its agents, provides or causes to be provided to such Person or
any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, advisors or representatives.
    (c) For the purposes of  this Agreement, "Competing Transaction" shall  mean
any of the following involving the Company: (i) any merger, consolidation, share
exchange,  business  combination or  other similar  transaction; (ii)  any sale,
lease, exchange, transfer or  other disposition of all  or substantially all  of
the  assets of  the Company  and the Material  Company Subsidiaries,  taken as a
whole, in a single transaction or  series of related transactions; or (iii)  any
tender offer or exchange offer for shares of Company Common Stock.
    6.2  INTERIM OPERATIONS OF THE COMPANY.  Prior to the Effective Time, except
as  contemplated by  any other provision  of this  Agreement or as  set forth in
Section 6.2 of the Company Disclosure Memorandum, unless Acquiror has previously
consented  in  writing  thereto  (which  consent  may  be  withheld  only  after
substantive  discussions with representatives of  the Company) the Company shall
not, and shall not permit any of the Material Company Subsidiaries to:
        (a) grant  any  general increase  in  compensation or  benefits  to  its
    employees  or to its officers, except in the ordinary course consistent with
    past practice or as  required by law; pay  any bonus compensation except  in
    the  ordinary course consistent with past practice or in accordance with the
    provisions of  any  applicable program  or  plan  adopted by  the  Board  of
    Directors  of the Company  or such Material Company  Subsidiary prior to the
    date hereof; enter into or amend the terms of any severance agreements  with
    its  officers; or effect any change in  retirement benefits for any class of
    its employees or officers (unless such change is required by applicable law)
    that would materially  increase the  retirement benefit  liabilities of  the
    Company  and  the Material  Company  Subsidiaries on  a  consolidated basis;
    PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that  nothing in  this subsection (a)  shall prevent  the
    payment  or other performance of  any award or grant  made prior to the date
    hereof and disclosed in the Company Reports filed prior to the date  hereof,
    the Company Disclosure Memorandum or pursuant to this Agreement;
        (b)   amend,  alter   or  revise   any  existing   employment  contract,
    understanding, arrangement or agreement  between the Company  or any of  the
    Material   Company  Subsidiaries  and   any  Person  receiving  compensation
    (including salary and  bonus) in excess  of $150,000 per  year (unless  such
    amendment is required by law) to increase the compensation (including bonus)
    or  benefits payable  thereunder or pursuant  thereto or enter  into any new
    employment contract, understanding, arrangement or agreement with any Person
    having a salary thereunder  in excess of $150,000  that the Company or  such
    Material  Company  Subsidiary  does  not  have  the  unconditional  right to
    terminate without  liability  (other  than liability  for  services  already
    rendered) at any time on or after the Effective Time;

        (c)  adopt any new employee benefit plan or make any change in or to any
    existing Company ERISA Plans or Company Benefit Arrangements other than  any
    such  change that (i) is required by law,  (ii) in the opinion of counsel is
    necessary or advisable  to maintain the  tax qualified status  of any  such,
    plan, or (iii) would not materially increase, in the aggregate, the employee
    benefit   plan  liabilities  of   the  Company  and   the  Material  Company
    Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;
        (d) sell, lease  or otherwise dispose  of any of  its assets  (including
    capital  stock of Material Company Subsidiaries)  or acquire any business or
    assets, except  in the  ordinary course  of business,  in each  case for  an
    amount not exceeding $1,000,000;
        (e) incur any material amount of indebtedness for borrowed money or make
    any  loans, advances or capital contributions to, or investments (other than
    non-controlling investments  in the  ordinary course  of business)  in,  any
    other  Person other than a  Subsidiary of the Company,  or issue or sell any
    debt securities, other than (i)  borrowings in connection with  acquisitions
    permitted  by  subsection 6.2(d),  (ii) borrowings  under existing  lines of
    credit in the ordinary  course of business not  to exceed $5,000,000 in  the
    aggregate  at any time outstanding and (iii) borrowings made or indebtedness
    incurred to fund payments  made in connection with  the exercise of  Options
    pursuant to Section 3.1(e).
        (f)  except as set forth in  subsection 6.2(f) of the Company Disclosure
    Memorandum, authorize, commit to or  make capital expenditures in each  case
    in an amount exceeding $6,000,000;
        (g)  mortgage or otherwise encumber or  subject to any Lien any material
    amount of properties or assets owned by  the Company or any of the  Material
    Company Subsidiaries as of the date of this Agreement except for such of the
    foregoing as are in the normal course of business;
        (h)   make  any  material  change   to  its  accounting  (including  tax
    accounting) methods, principles or practices,  except as may be required  by
        (i)  amend or propose to amend  its articles of incorporation or by-laws
    or equivalent organizational documents;
        (j) declare or  pay any  dividend or  distribution with  respect to  the
    Company Capital Stock;
        (k)  except pursuant to Options  already granted as of  the date of this
    Agreement, issue, sell, deliver  or agree to  issue, sell, deliver  (whether
    through   issuance   or   granting   of   options,   warrants,  commitments,
    subscriptions or rights  to purchase)  any Company Capital  Stock or  split,
    combine, reclassify or subdivide the Company Capital Stock;
        (l)  make  any tax  election or  settle or  compromise any  material tax
    liability for an amount  greater than reflected  on the Company's  Financial
        (m)  except pursuant to Options  already granted as of  the date of this
    Agreement, directly or indirectly redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire  any
    shares of its capital stock or other securities;
        (n)  enter into  any new  lines of  business or  otherwise make material
    changes to the operation of its business;
        (o) except as to liabilities accrued on  the books of the Company as  of
    the  date of this Agreement, pay or agree to pay in settlement or compromise
    of any suits  or claims  of liability  against the  Company, its  directors,
    officers,  employees or agents,  more than an aggregate  of $100,000 for all
    such suits and claims;
        (p) enter into any  agreement providing the  acceleration or payment  or
    performance  or other consequence as a result  of a change in control of the
        (q) purchase  any radio  or television  stations, enter  into any  local
    marketing arrangements, joint sales agreement or similar agreements;
        (r)  except  as  permitted  under Sections  6.2(d),  6.2(e),  6.2(f) and
    6.2(l), enter into any contract, agreement or understanding, whether in  the
    ordinary   course   of   business  or   not,   which  would   be   the  type

    of agreement which, if entered into prior to the date hereof, would have  to
    be disclosed pursuant to Section 4.11 or which would obligate the Company or
    any Subsidiary to make payments of more than $150,000 per year;
        (s)  take any action or  agree, in writing or  otherwise, to take any of
    the foregoing actions or any action  which would make any representation  or
    warranty in Article 4 hereof materially untrue or incorrect; or
        (t) commit to any of the foregoing.
    6.3  SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL.  (a) With respect to the Company, this Agreement,
the  Merger,  and  the other  transactions  contemplated hereby  are  subject to
approval of the shareholders  of the Company, and  in connection therewith,  the
Consenting  Stockholders  have entered  into  the Stockholders  Agreement, which
requires the Consenting  Stockholders to  execute written consents  in favor  of
this  Agreement  and  the Merger  by  5:00  p.m. Eastern  Standard  Time  on the
thirtieth day after the  execution of this Agreement  by the Company unless  the
Agreement is terminated prior to such date.
    (b)  The authorization for  issuance of shares of  Acquiror Common Stock and
Warrants is  subject to  the approval  of the  shareholders of  Acquiror and  in
connection  therewith, Zell/Chilmark L.P., the holder of in excess of 69% of the
outstanding Acquiror  Common  Stock  has  entered  into  the  Jacor  Shareholder
Agreement,  the form  of which  is attached  as Exhibit  6.3, pursuant  to which
Zell/Chilmark L.P. has granted  an irrevocable proxy to  the Company solely  for
the  purpose  of voting  its shares  of Acquiror  Common Stock  in favor  of any
proposal for the authorization for issuance of such number of shares of Acquiror
Common  Stock  and  Warrants  as  are  necessary  for  payment  of  the   Merger
    (c) The Company and Acquiror shall each cause an information statement to be
mailed to their respective shareholders, and the Company and Acquiror shall each
furnish  to  the other  all  information concerning  itself  that the  other may
reasonably request in  connection with  the preparation, filing  and mailing  of
such information statement.
practicable following the date hereof, Acquiror and the Company shall  cooperate
to  prepare promptly and file with the SEC an Information Statement with respect
to the Merger (the "Information Statement") and a registration statement on Form
S-4 relating to the Warrants issuable in  the Merger at the Effective Time  (the
"Registration  Statement"),  subject, however,  to deferral  until such  time as
Acquiror and the Company may reasonably agree in writing. As soon as practicable
following receipt of final comments from the staff of the SEC on the Information
Statement and Registration Statement (or advice that such staff will not  review
such  filing),  Acquiror shall  use its  best efforts  to have  the Registration
Statement declared effective  by the SEC  and to maintain  the effectiveness  of
such  Registration Statement until completion of  the Merger. Promptly after the
effectiveness  of  the  Registration  Statement,  the  Company  shall  mail  the
Information  Statement to  all holders  of Company  Common Stock  and holders of
Acquiror Common Stock. Acquiror and the Company shall cooperate with each  other
in  the preparation of the Information  Statement and the Registration Statement
and shall advise the  other in writing  if, at any time  prior to the  Effective
Time,  any such  party shall obtain  knowledge of  any facts that  might make it
necessary or appropriate to amend or supplement the Information Statement or the
Registration Statement in order to make the statements contained or incorporated
by  reference  therein  not  misleading  or  to  comply  with  applicable   law.
Notwithstanding   the  foregoing,  each  party  shall  be  responsible  for  the
information and disclosures which it makes  or incorporates by reference in  all
regulatory filings, the Information Statement and the Registration Statement.
    (b)  Acquiror shall file, no later than the third business day following the
Closing, a  registration statement  with the  SEC relating  to the  issuance  of
shares of Acquiror Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants ("Warrant
Shares")  (such registration statement to be  referred to herein as the "Warrant
Shares Registration Statement"). Acquiror shall use its reasonable best  efforts
to  have the  Warrant Shares  Registration Statement  declared effective  and to
cause the issuance  of Warrant Shares  to be registered,  qualified or  exempted
under  applicable state  securities laws as  soon as  is reasonably practicable.
Acquiror shall  use its  reasonable  best efforts  to  amend or  supplement  the
Warrant Shares Registration Statement or the prospectus contained therein and to
take   such  actions   as  may  be   necessary  to  cause   the  Warrant  Shares

Registration Statement to remain effective until the earlier of (i) the  seventh
anniversary  of  the  Closing  and  (ii)  the  expiration  or  exercise  of  all
outstanding Warrants. Prior to  the Effective Time,  Acquiror will exercise  its
reasonable  best efforts to cause the Warrants to be included for trading in the
National Association of Securities Dealers quotation system.
    6.5  NOTIFICATION.  Each of the Company and Acquiror shall, after  obtaining
knowledge   of  the  occurrence,  non-occurrence  or  threatened  occurrence  or
non-occurrence of any fact  or event that would  cause or constitute a  material
breach  or failure  of any of  the representations and  warranties, covenants or
conditions set forth herein,  or that would constitute  or result in a  Material
Adverse  Effect to such party, notify the  other parties in writing thereof with
reasonable promptness.
    6.6  EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.   (a) For a period of  at least two years after  the
Effective Time, Acquiror shall cause the Surviving Corporation and each Material
Company  Subsidiary to maintain compensation and benefit arrangements, plans and
programs for the benefit  of current, former and  retired salaried employees  of
the Company and such subsidiaries and their respective predecessors that are, in
the  aggregate, considering  all compensation  and benefits,  not less favorable
than those provided  by Acquiror  or any of  its Affiliates  to their  similarly
situated current, former and retired salaried employees; provided, however, that
nothing  in this Agreement shall preclude  or restrict the Surviving Corporation
from terminating the employment of any employee.
    (b) If  any  salaried  employee  of the  Company  or  any  Material  Company
Subsidiary  becomes  a participant  in any  employee  benefit plan,  practice or
policy of Acquiror, any of its Affiliates or the Surviving Corporation, Acquiror
shall cause such employee to be given credit under such plan, practice or policy
for  all  service  prior  to  the  Effective  Time  with  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries,   or  any  predecessor  employer,   for  all  purposes  (including
eligibility, vesting and determination  of benefits) for  which such service  is
either taken into account or recognized.
    (c)  Following  the  Effective  Time, Acquiror  shall,  or  shall  cause the
Surviving Corporation  to,  honor  the  terms  of  all  consulting,  employment,
severance  and  similar agreements  set  forth in  Section  4.11 of  the Company
Disclosure Memorandum that were in effect immediately prior to the date  hereof.
Within  sixty days after the date hereof,  the Company shall offer to enter into
Employment Continuation  Agreements which  will be  binding upon  the  Surviving
Corporation  with each of the persons and  at the compensation listed on Exhibit
6.6(c) substantially  in the  forms  attached hereto  as Exhibit  6.6(c)(i)  and
Exhibit 6.6.(c)(ii).
    6.7    INVESTIGATION  AND CONFIDENTIALITY.    Prior to  the  Effective Time,
Acquiror and  the Company  each shall  keep the  other advised  of all  material
developments  relevant to the  transactions contemplated hereby  and may make or
cause to be made such investigation, if  any, of the business and properties  of
the other party and its subsidiaries and of their respective financial and legal
condition  as Acquiror or the Company reasonably deems necessary or advisable to
familiarize itself and  its advisors  with such business,  properties and  other
matters;  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that such investigation shall be reasonably related
to the transactions  contemplated hereby and  shall not interfere  unnecessarily
with  normal operations. Acquiror and, except as  otherwise may be required by a
Director Duty, the Company each agree to  furnish the other party and the  other
party's  advisors with such  financial and operating  data and other information
with respect to  its businesses,  properties and  employees as  Acquiror or  the
Company shall from time to time reasonably request. All information furnished to
the  Company  or  Acquiror  by the  other  party  hereunder  (including, without
limitation, all environmental information obtained  pursuant to Section 6.13  or
otherwise)  shall  be maintained  by such  party  pursuant to  the terms  of the
confidentiality agreement (the "Confidentiality Agreement") between the  Company
and  Acquiror dated February 1, 1996, which  shall survive the execution of this
Agreement and remain in full force and effect until the Effective Time.
    6.8  FILINGS;  OTHER ACTION.   Subject to  the terms  and conditions  herein
provided,  the parties  shall (a) within  seven business days  hereof make their
respective filings and thereafter make any other required submissions under  the
HSR  Act and the  Communications Law; (b)  use their reasonable  best efforts to

cooperate with each other  in (i) determining which  filings are required to  be
made prior to the Effective Time with, and which consents, approvals, permits or
authorizations  are required  to be obtained  prior to the  Effective Time from,
Governmental Authorities in connection with  the execution and delivery of  this
Agreement  and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and (ii)
timely making all such filings and timely seeking all such consents,  approvals,
permits or authorizations; and (c) use their reasonable best efforts to take, or
cause  to be  taken, all other  action and  do, or cause  to be  done, all other
things necessary, proper  or appropriate  to consummate and  make effective  the
transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement and satisfy  the conditions to the
transactions contemplated  hereby;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that  nothing  in  this
Section 6.8 shall require the Acquiror or Sub, or require the Acquiror or Sub to
cause  the  Surviving Corporation,  to divest  or hold  separate any  Station or
Stations, or  asset or  groups of  assets,  or enter  into new  arrangements  or
terminate  any existing arrangement, or take any other specific action requested
by any Governmental Authorities. If, at  any time after the Effective Time,  any
further  action is  necessary or  desirable to  carry out  the purposes  of this
Agreement,  subject  to  the  remaining  provisions  hereof,  the  officers  and
directors of the parties shall promptly take all such necessary action.
    6.9    INDEMNIFICATION AND  INSURANCE.   (a)  For  not less  than  six years
following the Effective Time,  Acquiror shall indemnify  and hold harmless  each
present  and former employee, agent, director or  officer of the Company and its
Subsidiaries ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims arising
out of or in connection with activities in such capacity, or on behalf of, or at
the request of,  the Company, its  Subsidiaries or their  Affiliates, and  shall
advance  expenses incurred with respect to  the foregoing, as they are incurred,
to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if
any claim or claims are asserted or made within such six-year period, all rights
to indemnification in  respect of  such claims  shall continue  until the  final
disposition of any and all such claims.
    (b)  Acquiror  shall  cause  the Surviving  Corporation  to  keep  in effect
provisions in  the  Company's Restated  Articles  of Incorporation  and  By-laws
providing   for  exculpation   of  director   and  officer   liability  and  its
indemnification of or advancement of expenses to the Indemnified Parties to  the
fullest  extent permitted under the FBCA,  which provisions shall not be amended
except as required by applicable law or except to make changes permitted by  law
that  would  enhance  the  Indemnified  Parties'  right  of  indemnification  or
advancement of expenses.
    (c) If,  after the  Effective Time,  Acquiror or  any of  its successors  or
assigns  (i) consolidates with or merges into  any other Person and shall not be
the continuing  or surviving  corporation  or entity  of such  consolidation  or
merger, or (ii) transfers all or substantially all of its property and assets to
any  Person, then, in each such case, proper provision shall be made so that the
successors and assigns of  Acquiror assume all of  the obligations set forth  in
this  Section 6.9. The provisions of this Section 6.9 are intended to be for the
benefit of, and shall be enforceable by each  Person who is now, or has been  at
any  time prior  to the  date of  this Agreement,  or who  becomes prior  to the
Effective Time, an officer, director, employee or agent of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries (and their heirs and representatives).
    6.10  PUBLICITY.  Acquiror and  the Company shall each issue press  releases
relating  to this  Agreement. Each  such release will  be reviewed  by the other
party and all such initial press releases shall be mutually satisfactory to  the
parties.  Thereafter the Company and Acquiror shall, subject to their respective
legal obligations (including requirements  of national securities exchanges  and
other  similar regulatory bodies), consult with each other regarding the text of
any press release  before issuing  any such press  release with  respect to  the
transactions contemplated hereby and in making any filings with any Governmental
Authority or with any national securities exchange with respect thereto.
    6.11    TRANSFER TAXES.    Acquiror shall  pay  any and  all  transfer taxes
(including, without  limitation, any  real estate  transfer taxes)  incurred  in
connection  with the  Merger, whether  such taxes  are imposed  on Acquiror, the
Company, their respective Subsidiaries or their shareholders.

    6.12  LETTER OF CREDIT.   Simultaneously with the execution and delivery  of
the  consents of the Consenting Stockholders in accordance with Section 6.3, the
parties shall enter into the Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement substantially  in
the  form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  6.13  (the  "Letter  of  Credit Escrow
Agreement"). Pursuant to  the Letter  of Credit Escrow  Agreement, the  Acquiror
will  deliver or cause  to be delivered to  the Escrow Agent  (as defined in the
Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement) an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount
of $75,000,000 to be  issued by an issuer  reasonably acceptable to the  Company
(the  "Letter of Credit"). The Letter of Credit  shall be held and drawn on only
as provided in Section 8.2(b) and in the Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement.
    6.13   ENVIRONMENTAL  INSPECTION.   Within  100 days  of  the date  of  this
Agreement, Acquiror and Sub shall have the right, at their own expense, to cause
the  inspection of the properties of the  Company and its subsidiaries to verify
the accuracy of the  Company's representations and  warranties in Section  4.16.
Any  invasive  testing or  sampling, including,  without limitation,  testing of
soil, ground or surface water, at any of such properties shall be conducted only
following reasonable  advance written  notice  to the  Company and  without  any
unreasonable interference with the conduct of the Company's business.
    6.14   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF  CONSENTS.  The Company  shall promptly forward to
Acquiror a copy of  all consents received from  the Consenting Stockholders  and
shall  promptly  acknowledge  in writing  to  Acquiror that  consents  have been
received from the holders of a majority  of the outstanding voting stock of  the
Company  and that  accordingly the  Agreement and Plan  of Merger  has been duly
approved pursuant to Florida law.
    6.15  RULE  145 AFFILIATES.   At  least 40 days  prior to  the Closing,  the
Company  shall deliver to Acquiror a letter  identifying all persons who are, at
the time  the Consenting  Stockholders approve  this Agreement  and the  Merger,
deemed  to be  "affiliates" of the  Company for  purposes of Rule  145 under the
Securities Act (the "Rule 145 Affiliate"). The Company shall use its  reasonable
best efforts to cause each Rule 145 Affiliate to deliver to Acquiror at least 30
days prior to the Closing an agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit 6.15
to this Agreement.
    6.16   ACTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE WARRANTS.   If, after the date hereof and
prior to issuance of the Warrants, Acquiror shall take any action which, if  the
Warrants  had been  issued and outstanding  as of  the date of  any such action,
would have required an adjustment  in the exercise price  of the Warrants or  in
the  number  of  shares purchasable  upon  exercise  of the  Warrants,  then the
exercise price of the Warrants or such  number of shares shall be adjusted  upon
issuance  of the Warrants to give effect to the adjustment which would have been
required as a result of such action.
                                   ARTICLE 7
    7.1  CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF  THE PARTIES.  The respective  obligations
of  the Company, Acquiror and  Sub to effect the Merger  shall be subject to the
satisfaction or waiver  at or  prior to  the Closing  of each  of the  following
        (a)  This Agreement and the  transactions contemplated hereby shall have
    been approved in the manner required by  applicable law by the holders of  a
    majority  of  the  Company  Common Stock  as  required  by  the Stockholders
    Agreement and by  the holders of  Acquiror Common Stock  as required by  the
    By-Laws of the National Association of Securities Dealers.
        (b)  The waiting  period applicable  to the  consummation of  the Merger
    under the HSR Act shall have expired or been terminated.
        (c) None  of  the  parties hereto  shall  be  subject to  any  order  or
    injunction  of a court  or Governmental Authority  of competent jurisdiction
    that prohibits the  consummation of  the transactions  contemplated by  this
    Agreement. In the event any such order or injunction shall have been issued,
    each  party agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to have any such order
    overturned or injunction lifted.

        (d)  All  orders,  approvals,  and  consents  of  the  FCC  required  in
    connection  with the  consummation of  the transactions  contemplated hereby
    shall have been obtained  or granted, whether or  not any appeal or  request
    for reconsideration of such order is pending, or whether the time for filing
    any  such appeal or request for reconsideration or for any sua sponte action
    by the FCC has expired.
        (e) All consents, authorizations, orders and approvals of (or filings or
    registrations with) any Governmental Authority (other than the FCC) required
    in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
    shall have been obtained or made, except for filings in connection with  the
    Merger and any other documents required to be filed after the Effective Time
    and  except where  the failure  to have obtained  or made  any such consent,
    authorization, order,  approval, filing  or registration  would not  have  a
    Material Adverse Effect on the Surviving Corporation following the Effective
        (f) The Registration Statement shall have become effective in accordance
    with  the provisions of the Securities Act  and no stop order suspending the
    effectiveness of the Registration  Statement shall have  been issued by  the
    SEC and remain in effect.
    7.2   CONDITIONS  TO OBLIGATIONS  OF THE  COMPANY.   The obligations  of the
Company to effect the Merger shall be  subject to the satisfaction or waiver  at
or prior to the Closing of each of the following additional conditions:
        (a)  The representations and warranties of Acquiror and Sub set forth in
    this Agreement shall be true and correct  in all respects as of the date  of
    this  Agreement and as of the Effective  Time with the same effect as though
    all such  representations and  warranties had  been made  on and  as of  the
    Effective  Time (except for any such  representations and warranties made as
    of specified date, which  shall be true  and correct in  all respects as  of
    such  date),  except  to  the  extent  that  the  aggregate  effect  of  the
    inaccuracies in such  representations and  warranties as  of the  applicable
    times  (each considered without any exclusions  for lack of Material Adverse
    Effect set  forth in  the individual  representation or  warranty) does  not
    constitute  a Material Adverse Effect on Acquiror when compared to the state
    of facts which would exist if  all such representations and warranties  were
    true in all respects as of the applicable times.
        (b)  Each of  the agreements  and covenants  of Acquiror  and Sub  to be
    performed and complied with by Acquiror  and Sub pursuant to this  Agreement
    prior to the Effective Time shall have been duly performed and complied with
    in all material respects.
        (c) Acquiror shall have delivered to the Company a certificate, dated as
    of  the Closing Date and signed on its behalf by its chief executive officer
    and its  chief  financial officer,  as  to the  satisfaction  by it  of  the
    conditions set forth in subsections 7.2(a) and 7.2(b).
    7.3   CONDITIONS  TO OBLIGATIONS  OF ACQUIROR AND  SUB.   The obligations of
Acquiror and Sub to effect  the Merger shall be  subject to the satisfaction  or
waiver at or prior to the Closing of the following conditions:
        (a)  The representations and warranties of the Company set forth in this
    Agreement shall be true and correct in  all respects as of the date of  this
    Agreement  and as of the  Effective Time with the  same effect as though all
    such representations and warranties had been made on and as of the Effective
    Time (except for  (i) any  such representations  and warranties  made as  of
    specified  date, which shall be true and  correct in all respects as of such
    date) and  (ii) the  representations  and warranties  in Section  4.16,  the
    accuracy  of which shall be tested  pursuant to Section 8.1(i) and therefore
    shall not be a condition  to the obligations of  Acquiror and Sub to  effect
    the  Merger),  except  to  the  extent  that  the  aggregate  effect  of the
    inaccuracies in such  representations and  warranties as  of the  applicable
    times  (each considered without any exclusions  for lack of Material Adverse
    Effect set  forth in  the individual  representation or  warranty) does  not
    constitute  a Material  Adverse Effect on  the Company when  compared to the
    state of facts which would exist if all such representations and  warranties
    were true in all respects as of the applicable times.
        (b)  Each of the agreements and covenants of the Company to be performed
    and complied with  by the Company  pursuant to this  Agreement prior to  the
    Effective  Time shall have  been duly performed and  complied with except to
    the extent that the aggregate effect of any non-performance or noncompliance
    by the Company (each considered without any exclusions for lack of  Material
    Adverse Effect set

    forth  in  the  individual  covenant or  agreement)  does  not  constitute a
    Material Adverse Effect on the Company  when compared to the state of  facts
    which  would exist if  all such agreements and  covenants had been performed
    and complied with by the Company.
        (c) From the date of this Agreement through June 30, 1996, the Cash Flow
    (as defined in  Section 7.3  of the  Company Disclosure  Memorandum) of  the
    Company  shall have been at least 90%  of that projected in the forecast set
    forth in Section 7.3 of the Company Disclosure Memorandum (the  "Forecast"),
    and  from July 1, 1996 through September 30, 1996 (or through the end of the
    month preceding the month in which the Closing occurs if the Closing  occurs
    after August 1, 1996, but earlier than September 30, 1996), the Cash Flow of
    the Company shall have been at least 75% of that projected in the Forecast.
        (d) The Company shall have delivered to Acquiror a certificate, dated as
    of  the Closing Date and signed on its behalf by its chief executive officer
    and its  chief  financial officer,  as  to the  satisfaction  by it  of  the
    conditions set forth in subsections 7.3(a), 7.3(b) and 7.3(c).
                                   ARTICLE 8
                            TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT
    8.1   TERMINATION.   Notwithstanding any other  provision of this Agreement,
this Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Effective Time:
        (a) by mutual written consent of the Company and Acquiror;
        (b) by the Company or Acquiror, upon written notice to the other  party,
    if  the Merger shall not  have been consummated on or  prior to May 31, 1997
    (the "Outside Date"), unless  such failure of consummation  shall be due  to
    the  failure of the party seeking such  termination to perform or observe in
    all material respects the covenants and agreements hereof to be performed or
    observed by such party;
        (c) by the Company or Acquiror, upon written notice to the other  party,
    if  a Governmental Authority of competent  jurisdiction shall have issued an
    injunction,  order  or  decree   enjoining  or  otherwise  prohibiting   the
    consummation  of the transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement, and such
    injunction, order or decree shall have become final and non-appealable or if
    a Governmental Authority has otherwise  made a final determination that  any
    required  Regulatory  Authorization  would  not  be  forthcoming;  PROVIDED,
    HOWEVER, that the party seeking to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this
    clause has used all required efforts  as specified in Section 6.8 to  remove
    such injunction, order or decree;
        (d)  by  the  Company or  Acquiror,  if  any condition  to  such party's
    obligations to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby is  incapable
    of  being satisfied on or prior to the Outside Date; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
    (i) the terminating party has not breached the terms of this Agreement; (ii)
    if the Company is  the terminating party,  the Consenting Stockholders  have
    not  breached the terms of the Stockholders Agreement; and (iii) if Acquiror
    is the terminating party, Zell/Chilmark Fund L.P. has not breached the terms
    of the  Jacor  Shareholders Agreement,  in  each  case in  any  manner  that
    proximately  contributes  to the  failure to  consummate  the Merger  by the
    Outside Date;
        (e) by the Company or Acquiror, if the FCC shall have issued an order or
    ruling  or  taken  other  action   denying  approval  of  the   transactions
    contemplated by this Agreement, and such order, ruling or other action shall
    have  become  final and  non-appealable; PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that  the party
    seeking to terminate  this Agreement pursuant  to this clause  has used  all
    required efforts as specified in Section 6.8 to obtain such FCC approval;
        (f)  by the  Company, if prior  to the  delivery of the  consents of the
    Consenting Stockholders delivered pursuant to the Stockholder Agreement, the
    Board of Directors of the Company  determines in accordance with a  Director
    Duty  that such termination is required by reason of a Competing Transaction
    being proposed;

        (g) by the Company or Acquiror, if prior to the delivery of the consents
    of the  Consenting  Stockholders  delivered  pursuant  to  the  Stockholders
    Agreement,  the Board  of Directors of  the Company shall  have withdrawn or
    modified in a  manner materially  adverse to  Acquiror its  approval of  the
    adoption  of this Agreement or the approval of the Merger, because the Board
    of Directors has determined  to recommend to  the Company's shareholders  or
    approve a Competing Transaction, in accordance with a Director Duty;
        (h)  by Acquiror, if any Consenting  Stockholder shall have breached any
    material representation or warranty,  or failed to  perform any covenant  or
    duty  contained  in,  the Stockholders  Agreement,  other than  a  breach or
    noncompliance that  would not  materially affect  the benefits  Acquiror  is
    receiving from the Stockholders Agreement;
        (i)  by Acquiror,  within 100  days of  the date  of this  Agreement, if
    Acquiror reasonably  believes,  on the  basis  of the  inspection  conducted
    pursuant  to Section 6.13, that the Company's representations and warranties
    in Section  4.16 are  not true  and  correct both  as of  the date  of  this
    Agreement and at all times within 100 days after the date of this Agreement;
        (j)  by Acquiror, within 20  days of the date  of this Agreement, if (i)
    the termination, if any, of any of the Undisclosed Contracts because of  the
    consummation of the Merger would constitute a Material Adverse Effect on the
    Company  or  (ii)  any or  all  of  the Undisclosed  Contracts  constitute a
    Material Adverse Effect on the Company  when compared to the state of  facts
    which  would exist  if the Company  were not  a party to  any or  all of the
    Undisclosed Contracts; or
        (k) by the Company  if (i) Zell/Chilmark Fund  L.P. shall have  breached
    any  material representation or warranty, or  failed to perform any covenant
    or duty contained in, the Jacor Shareholders Agreement, other than a  breach
    or  noncompliance that would not materially  affect the benefits the Company
    is receiving from  the Jacor Shareholders  Agreement, or (ii)  in the  event
    that  all required authorizations of the  shareholders of Acquiror to effect
    the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall not be obtained.
    8.2  EFFECT OF  TERMINATION.  (a)  In the event that  (i) this Agreement  is
terminated  pursuant to clause 8.1(f), clause  8.1(g), or clause 8.1(h) and (ii)
at the time of termination, there has been no misrepresentation by or breach  of
any obligation of Acquiror or Sub under this Agreement other than a breach of or
noncompliance  with any obligation which would not constitute a Material Adverse
Effect  on  Acquiror,  then  the  Company  shall  pay  the  Acquiror  a  fee  of
$20,000,000,  which amount shall be  payable by wire transfer  of same day funds
within two  business days  after the  date this  Agreement is  terminated.  Such
amount  shall be in addition to the amounts payable by certain of the Consenting
Stockholders to the Acquiror pursuant to the Stockholders Agreement.
    (b) If after the execution of the Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement and  the
issuance  of the Letter of Credit this  Agreement is terminated: (i) pursuant to
Section 8.1(b),  except if  there  has been  a failure  to  satisfy any  of  the
conditions  specified in Section 7.3; (ii)  pursuant to Section 8.1(c); (iii) by
the Company, pursuant to Section 8.1(d); (iv) pursuant to Section 8.1(e); or (v)
pursuant to Section 8.1(k), then the Company  shall be permitted to draw on  the
Letter  of Credit. The Company  shall not be permitted to  draw on the Letter of
Credit under any  other circumstances. The  obligations of the  parties to  this
Agreement  under the last sentence of Section 6.7 and under Sections 8.2 and 9.1
shall survive any termination of this Agreement.
    (c) From and after  the execution of the  Letter of Credit Escrow  Agreement
and  the issuance  of the Letter  of Credit and  except as set  forth in Section
8.2(d), the right to terminate this  Agreement and receive $75 million  pursuant
to  a draw on the Letter of Credit under the circumstances permitted in Sections
8.1 and 8.2(b) shall be the Company's exclusive remedy and $75 million shall  be
the  maximum measure  of damages  for any claim  the Company  might have against
Acquiror or its Affiliates in  connection with the transactions contemplated  by
this   Agreement,  including  without  limitation,   any  claim  for  breach  or
nonperformance of this Agreement or any tort claim.
    (d) If (i) the Merger has not been consummated, (ii) this Agreement has  not
been  terminated by the Company, (iii) the Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement has
been executed and the Letter of Credit has been

issued, and (iv) the Company believes  that Acquiror has wilfully breached  this
Agreement,  the Company may choose to irrevocably waive the right to draw on the
Letter of Credit and instead bring an action against Acquiror or its  Affiliates
for  such alleged wilful breach of this Agreement (a "Letter of Credit Waiver").
A Letter of Credit Waiver must be  made in writing and delivered by the  Company
to  Acquiror and  the Escrow Agent  (as defined  in the Letter  of Credit Escrow
Agreement). If the Company makes a Letter of Credit Waiver, the Company and  the
Acquiror will take all necessary steps to cancel the Letter of Credit.
    (e)  Prior to the execution of the Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement and the
issuance of the Letter of Credit, the Company's sole remedies in connection with
the transactions  contemplated in  this  Agreement shall  be to  terminate  this
Agreement  (if  permitted  under Section  8.1)  and/or bring  an  action against
Acquiror or its Affiliates  for wilful breach of  this Agreement if the  Company
believes  that Acquiror has wilfully breached this Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,
that the  bringing  of such  an  action shall  not  affect Acquiror's  right  to
immediately  receive any fee it is entitled  to under Section 8.2(a) and that if
such a lawsuit is brought or the Company exercises such a right of  termination,
the  Letter of Credit Escrow  Agreement shall not be  executed and the Letter of
Credit shall not be issued.
                                   ARTICLE 9
                           MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL
    9.1  EXPENSES.   Whether or  not the  Merger is consummated,  all costs  and
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and  the transactions
contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such expenses except as
expressly provided herein and except that (a) the filing fee in connection  with
the  HSR Act  filing, (b) the  filing fee in  connection with the  filing of the
Information Statement  with the  SEC, (c)  the filing  fees in  connection  with
necessary  applications to the FCC, and  (d) the expenses incurred in connection
with printing and mailing the Information  Statement shall be shared equally  by
the Company and Acquiror.
    9.2  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to  the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective  successors and
assigns, but  shall not  be assignable  by any  party hereto  without the  prior
written  consent of the other parties hereto, provided however that Acquiror may
assign its rights  under this Agreement  to an Affiliate  at any time  and to  a
non-Affiliate  if the  Acquiror, in its  sole discretion, determines  that it is
appropriate to  do so  because  of difficulties  encountered in  satisfying  the
conditions  in Article 7 of this Agreement. Any such assignment shall not affect
Acquiror's liability hereunder.
    9.3   THIRD PARTY  BENEFICIARIES.   Except as  set forth  in Article  3  and
Sections  6.4(b), 6.6 and  6.9 (all of which  shall inure to  the benefit of the
persons or entities benefitting from  the provisions thereof, which persons  are
intended  to be  third party beneficiaries  thereof), each  party hereto intends
that this Agreement shall not benefit or create any right or cause of action  in
or on behalf of any Person other than the parties hereto.
    9.4   NOTICES.   Any  notice or other  communication provided  for herein or
given hereunder to a party hereto shall be sufficient if in writing, and sent by
facsimile transmission (electronically confirmed),  delivered in Person,  mailed
by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or sent by Federal
Express or other overnight courier of national reputation, addressed as follows:
       If to Acquiror or Sub:
           Randy Michaels
            Jacor Communications, Inc.
            1300 PNC Center
            201 East Fifth Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 621-0090

       with a copy to:
           Thomas W. Kahle, Esq.
            Graydon, Head & Ritchey
            1900 Fifth Third Center
            511 Walnut Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 651-3836
       Scott J. Davis, Esq.
            Mayer, Brown & Platt
            190 South LaSalle Street
            Chicago, Illinois 60603
            Facsimile: (312) 701-7711
       If to the Company:
           Citicasters Inc.
            One East Fourth Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 562-8075
       with a copy to:
           Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
            North Point
            901 Lakeside Avenue
            Cleveland, Ohio 44114
            Attn: Lyle G. Ganske, Esq.
            Facsimile: (216) 579-0212
or  to such other address with respect to a party as such party shall notify the
other parties in writing as above provided.
    9.5  COMPLETE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement, the Company Disclosure Memorandum,
the Acquiror  Disclosure  Memorandum  and the  other  documents  and  agreements
delivered   by   the  parties   in  connection   herewith,  together   with  the
Confidentiality Agreement,  contain the  complete  agreement among  the  parties
hereto with respect to the Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby
and  thereby and  supersede all  prior agreements  and understandings  among the
parties hereto with respect thereto.
    9.6  CAPTIONS; REFERENCES.  The captions contained in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and do not  form a part of this Agreement. When  a
reference  is made in this Agreement to a  clause, a Section, a subsection or an
Article, such reference shall be to such clause, Section, subsection or  Article
of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.
    9.7   AMENDMENT.  At any time, the  parties hereto, by action taken by their
respective Board  of  Directors or  pursuant  to authority  delegated  by  their
respective  Boards of  Directors, may  amend this  Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,
that no amendment  after approval by  the shareholders of  the Company shall  be
made  that  changes  in  a  manner  adverse  to  such  shareholders  the  Merger
Consideration without the further approval of such shareholders. This  Agreement
may  not be amended except by an instrument  in writing signed on behalf of each
of the parties hereto.
    9.8  WAIVER.  At  any time prior to the  Effective Time, the parties  hereto
may  (a) extend the time for the performance  of any of the obligations or other
acts of the parties  hereto, (b) waive any  inaccuracies in the  representations
and warranties contained herein or in any document delivered pursuant hereto, or
(c)  waive compliance with any of the agreements or conditions contained herein,
to the extent permitted by applicable law. Any agreement on the part of a  party
hereto  to any such  extension or waiver shall  be valid only if  set forth in a
writing signed on behalf of such party.

    9.9  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed  and
enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to
its rules of conflict of laws.
set forth  in  this  Section  9.10,  no  representation,  warranty  or  covenant
contained  in this Agreement shall survive the Merger or, except as set forth in
Section 8.2,  the earlier  termination of  this Agreement.  The obligations  set
forth  in Article  3 and Sections  6.4(b), 6.6,  6.9 and 6.11  shall survive the
    9.11  SEVERABILITY.  Any term or provision of this Agreement that is invalid
or unenforceable  in  any  jurisdiction  shall,  as  to  that  jurisdiction,  be
ineffective  to  the  extent  of  such  invalidity  or  unenforceability without
rendering invalid or unenforceable  the remaining terms  and provisions of  this
Agreement  or affecting the  validity or enforceability  of any of  the terms or
provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction. If any provision of this
Agreement is so broad as to be unenforceable, the provision shall be interpreted
to be only so broad as is enforceable.
    9.12  ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT.   The parties hereto agree that  irreparable
damage would occur in the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement was
not  performed in accordance with its  specific terms or was otherwise breached.
It is accordingly agreed that the parties shall be entitled to an injunction  or
injunctions  to prevent breaches  of this Agreement  and to enforce specifically
the terms and provisions hereof, this being  in addition to any other remedy  to
which they are entitled at law or in equity.
    9.13    COUNTERPARTS.    This  Agreement may  be  executed  in  two  or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed  an original but all of which  shall
constitute but one instrument.
    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  caused this  Agreement to be
executed as of the date and year first above written.
                                          CITICASTERS INC.
                                          By:         /s/ JOHN P. ZANOTTI
                                          Its:     PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                          By:         /s/ RANDY MICHAELS
                                          Its:            PRESIDENT AND CO-CHIEF
                                          OPERATING OFFICER
                                          JCAC, INC.
                                          By:         /s/ RANDY MICHAELS
                                          Its:            PRESIDENT AND CO-CHIEF
                                          OPERATING OFFICER

                             INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS

Acquiror...................................................................................................           1
Acquiror Common Stock......................................................................................          13
Acquiror Disclosure Memorandum.............................................................................          12
Acquiror Financial Statements..............................................................................          14
Acquiror Reports...........................................................................................          14
Acquiror's Knowledge.......................................................................................          13
Affiliate..................................................................................................          15
Agreement..................................................................................................           1
Articles of Merger.........................................................................................           2
Benefit Plans..............................................................................................           9
Cash Consideration.........................................................................................           2
Certificates...............................................................................................           2
Class B Shares.............................................................................................           5
Closing....................................................................................................           1
Closing Date...............................................................................................           1
Code.......................................................................................................           6
Communications Law.........................................................................................           6
Company....................................................................................................           1
Company Capital Stock......................................................................................           5
Company Common Stock.......................................................................................           2
Company Contracts..........................................................................................          10
Company Disclosure Memorandum..............................................................................           4
Company Financial Advisor..................................................................................          11
Company Financial Statements...............................................................................           7
Company Preferred Shares...................................................................................           5
Company Properties.........................................................................................          11
Company Reports............................................................................................           6
Company's Knowledge........................................................................................           7
Competing Transaction......................................................................................          16
Confidentiality Agreement..................................................................................          19
Consenting Stockholders....................................................................................           1
Director Duty..............................................................................................          16
Effective Time.............................................................................................           2
Employee pension benefit plan..............................................................................           9
Employee welfare benefit plan..............................................................................           9
Equity Rights..............................................................................................           5
ERISA......................................................................................................           9
Exchange Act...............................................................................................           7
Exchange Agent.............................................................................................           3
FBCA.......................................................................................................           1
FCC........................................................................................................           6
Funds......................................................................................................           3
GAAP.......................................................................................................           7
Governmental Authority.....................................................................................           6
HSR Act....................................................................................................           6
Indemnified Parties........................................................................................          20
Information Statement......................................................................................          18
Letter of Credit...........................................................................................          21
Letter of Credit Escrow Agreement..........................................................................          21


Liens......................................................................................................           8
Material Adverse Effect....................................................................................           4
Material Company Subsidiaries..............................................................................           5
Merger.....................................................................................................           1
Merger Consideration.......................................................................................           3
Multiemployer plan.........................................................................................           9
Multiemployer plans........................................................................................           9
Option.....................................................................................................           3
Outside Date...............................................................................................          23
Person.....................................................................................................          15
Plan.......................................................................................................           9
Plans......................................................................................................           9
Registration Statement.....................................................................................          18
Retirement Plans...........................................................................................           9
Rule 145 Affiliates........................................................................................          21
SEC........................................................................................................           6
Securities Act.............................................................................................           7
SFB Plans..................................................................................................           9
Station Licenses...........................................................................................           8
Stations...................................................................................................           8
Stock Option Plans.........................................................................................           3
Stockholders Agreement.....................................................................................           1
Sub........................................................................................................           1
Subsidiary.................................................................................................           6
Surviving Corporation......................................................................................           1
Undisclosed Contracts......................................................................................          10
Warrant....................................................................................................           2
Warrant Consideration......................................................................................           2
Warrant Shares.............................................................................................          18
Warrant Shares Registration Statement......................................................................          18


                                                                        ANNEX II
                          JACOR SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT
    THIS  SHAREHOLDERS  AGREEMENT,  dated  as of  February  12,  1996,  is among
Citicasters Inc., a Florida  corporation ("Citicasters"), and the  Zell/Chilmark
Fund L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("ZCF").
    WHEREAS,  Jacor Communications,  Inc., an Ohio  corporation (the "Company"),
JCAC,  Inc.,  a  Florida   corporation  ("Acquisition")  and  Citicasters   are,
concurrently  with the execution  of this Agreement,  entering into an Agreement
and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement"), which provides, among other things,
upon the terms and subject to  the conditions thereof, that Acquisition will  be
merged  with  and  into  Citicasters in  accordance  with  the  Florida Business
Corporation Act (the "Merger") such that each share of Class A Common Stock, par
value $.01  per share,  of  Citicasters (the  "Shares") issued  and  outstanding
immediately  prior to the effective time of  the Merger (other than Shares owned
by Citicasters, the Company, Acquisition or any direct or indirect subsidiary of
Citicasters, the Company or Acquisition, and any Shares held in the treasury  of
the   Company)  will  be  converted  into   the  right  to  receive  the  Merger
Consideration (as defined in the Merger Agreement);
    WHEREAS, ZCF owns  in excess of  69.0% of the  outstanding shares (the  "ZCF
Shares") of the Company's common stock, without par value ("Common Stock"); and
    WHEREAS,  in order to induce Citicasters to enter into the Merger Agreement,
ZCF has agreed to enter into this Agreement.
    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of  the foregoing and the mutual  covenants
and  agreements herein contained, and intending  to be legally bound hereby, ZCF
and Citicasters hereby agree as follows.
    Section 1.   REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES  OF ZCF.   ZCF  represents  and
warrants to Citicasters as follows:
        (a) ZCF is a limited partnership duly organized, validly existing and in
    good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware.
        (b)  ZCF has  all necessary power  and authority to  execute and deliver
    this Agreement, to perform its  obligations hereunder and to consummate  the
    transactions contemplated hereby.
        (c)  The execution, delivery  and performance of  this Agreement and the
    consummation of  the transactions  contemplated hereby  have been  duly  and
    validly  authorized by ZCF and  no other proceedings on  the part of ZCF are
    necessary to authorize this Agreement  or to consummate the transactions  so
        (d)  This Agreement has been duly  and validly executed and delivered by
    ZCF and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement of ZCF  enforceable
    against  ZCF in  accordance with its  terms, except  that the enforceability
    hereof may be subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other  similar
    laws now or hereinafter in effect, affecting creditors' rights generally.
        (e)  For  so long  as this  Agreement  is in  effect, ZCF  hereby grants
    Citicasters an irrevocable proxy and irrevocably appoints Citicasters or its
    designees, with full power of substitution,  its attorney and proxy to  vote
    all  the ZCF Shares,  and any shares  of Common Stock  hereafter acquired by
    ZCF, at any meeting of the  shareholders of the Company, however called,  in
    favor  of any proposal  to approve for  issuance shares of  Common Stock and
    warrants to purchase  shares of  Common Stock, in  each case,  in an  amount
    necessary for the payment of the Merger Consideration pursuant to the Merger
    Agreement,  and if  required, the adoption  of the Merger  Agreement and the
    approval of the Merger. This Agreement does not grant to Citicasters or  its
    designees  any right to vote on any  other matters which may be presented to
    the Company's shareholders at such  meeting. The proxy granted hereby  shall
    be  deemed to be  a proxy coupled  with an interest  for purposes of Section
    1701.48(D) of the Ohio Revised Code.

        (f) For so long as  this Agreement is in effect,  in any meeting of  the
    stockholders  of the Company, however called, ZCF  shall vote or cause to be
    voted all  of the  ZCF Shares,  and  any shares  of Common  Stock  hereafter
    acquired  by ZCF, in favor of any proposal to approve for issuance shares of
    Common Stock and warrants to purchase shares of Common Stock, in each  case,
    in  an amount necessary for the payment of the Merger Consideration pursuant
    to the Merger Agreement.
        (g) As of the date of this Agreement, ZCF is the beneficial owner of  at
    least 69.0% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.
    Section 2.  SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE.  The parties hereto agree that irreparable
damage  would  occur  in the  event  any  provision of  this  Agreement  was not
performed in accordance  with the  terms hereof and  that the  parties shall  be
entitled  to specific performance of the terms  hereof, in addition to any other
remedy at law or in equity.
    Section 3.  EXPENSES.  Each party  shall bear its own expenses and costs  in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
    Section  4.   AMENDMENT; ASSIGNMENT.   This  Agreement may  not be modified,
amended, altered or  supplemented except upon  the execution and  delivery of  a
written agreement executed by the parties hereto. No party may assign any of its
rights  or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of
the other party.
    Section 5.  PARTIES IN INTEREST.   This Agreement shall be binding upon  and
inure  solely  to  the benefit  of  each  party hereto  and  its  successors and
permitted assigns,  and  nothing  in  this Agreement,  express  or  implied,  is
intended  to  or shall  confer upon  any  other person  any rights,  benefits or
remedies of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.
    Section 6.   NOTICES.   All  notices, requests,  claims, demands  and  other
communications  hereunder shall be in  writing and shall be  given (and shall be
deemed to have been duly given upon receipt) by delivery in person, by facsimile
or by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt  requested),
to the other party as follows:
       (a) If to ZCF, to:
           David J. Rosen
            Zell/Chilmark Fund L.P.
            Two North Riverside Plaza
            Suite 1900
            Chicago, Illinois 60606
            Facsimile: (312) 902-1573
       with a copy to:
           Thomas W. Kahle, Esq.
            Graydon, Head & Ritchey
            1900 Fifth Third Center
            511 Walnut Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 651-3836
       Scott J. Davis, Esq.
            Mayer, Brown & Platt
            190 South LaSalle Street
            Chicago, Illinois 60603
            Facsimile: (312) 701-7711

       (b) If to Citicasters, to:
           Samuel J. Simon, Esq.
            Citicasters Inc.
            Suite 600
            One East Fourth Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 562-8075
       with a copy to:
           James C. Kennedy, Esq.
            American Financial Group, Inc.
            One East Fourth Street
            Suite 919
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 579-2113
or  to  such other  address  as the  person  to whom  notice  is given  may have
previously furnished to the other in writing in the manner set forth above.
    Section 7.  REASONABLE  BEST EFFORTS.  Subject  to the terms and  conditions
herein  provided, each of the  parties hereto agrees to  use its reasonable best
efforts to take, or cause to  be taken, all actions, and  to do, or cause to  be
done, all things reasonably necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws
and  regulations to consummate and  make effective the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement.
    Section 8.    GOVERNING  LAW.   This  Agreement  shall be  governed  by  and
construed in accordance with the law of the State of Ohio, without regard to the
principles of conflicts of law thereof.
    Section 9.  TERMINATION.  This Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier to
occur  of  the consummation  of  the Merger  or  the termination  of  the Merger
Agreement without  the consummation  of the  Merger. No  such termination  shall
relieve any party from liability for any breach of this Agreement.
    Section 10.  SEVERABILITY.  The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed
severable  and the  invalidity or  unenforceability of  any provision  shall not
affect the validity and  enforceability of the other  provisions hereof. If  any
provision  of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or entity
or any circumstance, is invalid or  unenforceable, (a) a suitable and  equitable
provision  shall be substituted therefor in order to carry out, so far as may be
valid and enforceable, the intent and purpose of such invalid and  unenforceable
provision  and (b) the remainder  of this Agreement and  the application of such
provision to other persons, entities or  circumstances shall not be affected  by
such   invalidity   or   unenforceability,   nor   shall   such   invalidity  or
unenforceability affect the validity or enforceability of such provision, or the
application thereof, in any other jurisdiction.
    Section 11.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT.    This Agreement  constitutes  the  entire
agreement among the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and
supersedes all other prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral,
among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
    Section  12.   DESCRIPTIVE HEADINGS.   The  descriptive headings  herein are
inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or
to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
    Section 13.  COUNTERPARTS.   This Agreement may be  executed in two or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  each of  the parties has  caused this  Agreement to  be
executed  on its behalf by its representatives thereunto duly authorized, all as
of the day and year first above written.
                                          ZELL/CHILMARK FUND L.P.
                                          By: ZC, Inc.
                                          By:       /S/ SHELI Z. ROSENBERG
                                              Name: Sheli Z. Rosenberg
                                              Title: Vice President
                                          CITICASTERS INC.
                                          By:         /S/ JOHN P. ZANOTTI
                                              Name: John P. Zanotti
                                              Title: President and Chief
                                              Executive Officer

                                                                       ANNEX III
                             STOCKHOLDERS AGREEMENT
    THIS STOCKHOLDERS AGREEMENT, dated as of  February 12, 1996, is among  JACOR
COMMUNICATIONS,  INC.,  an Ohio  corporation ("Parent"),  JCAC, INC.,  a Florida
corporation and  a  wholly owned  subsidiary  of Parent  ("Acquisition"),  GREAT
INC., a Connecticut corporation ("Seller C"), CARL H. LINDNER ("Seller D"),  THE
CARL  H. LINDNER FOUNDATION,  a charitable foundation ("Seller  E") and S. CRAIG
LINDNER ("Seller F").  Seller A,  Seller B,  Seller C,  Seller D,  Seller E  and
Seller  F are sometimes  individually referred to  herein as a  "Seller" and are
sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Sellers".
    WHEREAS, Parent, Acquisition,  and Citicasters Inc.,  a Florida  corporation
(the  "Company"),  are,  concurrently  with  the  execution  of  this Agreement,
entering into an Agreement  and Plan of Merger  (the "Merger Agreement"),  which
provides,  among  other things,  upon the  terms and  subject to  the conditions
thereof, that Acquisition will be merged with and into the Company in accordance
with the Florida Business Corporation Act (the "Merger") such that each share of
Class A Common Stock, par  value $.01 per share,  of the Company (the  "Shares")
issued  and outstanding  immediately prior to  the effective time  of the Merger
(other than Shares owned  by the Company, Parent,  Acquisition or any direct  or
indirect  subsidiary of the Company, Parent  or Acquisition, and any Shares held
in the treasury of the Company) will be converted into the right to receive  the
Merger Consideration (as defined in the Merger Agreement);
    WHEREAS,  each Seller owns the number  of Shares (the "Seller's Shares") set
forth on Schedule A hereto opposite the name of such Seller; and
    WHEREAS, in order to induce Parent and Acquisition to enter into the  Merger
Agreement, each Seller has agreed to enter into this Agreement.
    NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the  foregoing and the mutual covenants
and agreements  herein contained,  and  intending to  be legally  bound  hereby,
Parent, Acquisition and the Sellers hereby agree as follows.
    Section  1.    REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES  OF  SELLERS.    Each Seller
represents and warrants to Parent and Acquisition as follows:
        (a) Each  of Seller  A, Seller  B and  Seller C  is a  corporation  duly
    organized,  validly  existing and  in good  standing under  the laws  of the
    jurisdiction of its incorporation.
        (b) Each of Seller A, Seller B, Seller C and Seller E has all  necessary
    power  and authority to  execute and deliver this  Agreement, to perform its
    obligations  hereunder  and  to  consummate  the  transactions  contemplated
        (c)  The execution, delivery  and performance of  this Agreement and the
    consummation of  the transactions  contemplated hereby  have been  duly  and
    validly  authorized by the board of directors of each of Seller A, Seller B,
    Seller C and Seller E and no other proceedings on the part of any of  Seller
    A,  Seller B, Seller C or Seller E are necessary to authorize this Agreement
    or to consummate the transactions so contemplated.
        (d) This Agreement has been duly  and validly executed and delivered  by
    each  Seller and  constitutes a legal,  valid and binding  agreement of each
    Seller enforceable against each Seller in accordance with its terms,  except
    that  the  enforceability hereof  may be  subject to  applicable bankruptcy,
    insolvency or  other similar  laws now  or hereinafter  in effect  affecting
    creditors' rights generally.
        (e)  The  execution, delivery  and performance  by  the Sellers  of this
    Agreement and the  consummation of the  transactions contemplated hereby  do
    not  and  will  not  (i)  contravene or  conflict  with  the  Certificate of
    Incorporation or By-Laws of  any of Seller  A, Seller B or  Seller C or  any
    organizational or

    governing  documents  of  Seller  E; (ii)  contravene  or  conflict  with or
    constitute a violation of  any provision of  any law, regulation,  judgment,
    injunction, order or decree binding upon or applicable to any Seller, any of
    their  respective subsidiaries or any  of their respective properties; (iii)
    conflict with, or result in the breach or termination of any provision of or
    constitute a default (with or without the  giving of notice or the lapse  of
    time or both) under, or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation,
    or  loss of any  benefit to which any  Seller or any  of its subsidiaries is
    entitled under any provision  of any agreement,  contract, license or  other
    instrument binding upon such Seller, any of its subsidiaries or any of their
    respective  properties, or allow the acceleration of the performance of, any
    obligation of any  Seller or any  of its subsidiaries  under any  indenture,
    mortgage,  deed  of trust,  lease,  license, contract,  instrument  or other
    agreement to which such Seller or any  of its subsidiaries is a party or  by
    which  any Seller  or any  of its  subsidiaries or  any of  their respective
    assets or properties is subject or bound; or (iv) result in the creation  or
    imposition  of  any  security interests,  liens,  claims,  pledges, charges,
    voting  agreements   or  other   encumbrances  of   any  nature   whatsoever
    (collectively,   "Liens")  on  any  asset  of  any  Seller  or  any  of  its
    subsidiaries, except in  the case of  clauses (ii), (iii)  and (iv) for  any
    such   contraventions,   conflicts,   violations,   breaches,  terminations,
    defaults, cancellations,  losses, accelerations  and Liens  which would  not
    individually  or in the aggregate materially interfere with the consummation
    of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
        (f) As  of the  date  hereof, none  of the  Sellers  and none  of  their
    respective  properties is subject to  any order, writ, judgment, injunction,
    decree, determination or award which would prevent or delay the consummation
    of the transactions contemplated hereby.
        (g) Each Seller has, and at all times between the date of this Agreement
    and the consummation of the Merger such Seller will have, (i) good and valid
    title to such  Seller's Shares, free  and clear  of any Liens  and (ii)  the
    right to vote such Seller's Shares.
        (h)  There are  no options  or rights to  acquire, or  any agreements to
    which any Seller  is a party  relating to, any  Seller's Shares, other  than
    this Agreement.
        (i)  The Seller's  Shares described in  Schedule A represent  all of the
    Shares beneficially  owned  (within the  meaning  of Rule  13d-3  under  the
    Exchange Act) by any of the Sellers.
of Parent and Acquisition represents and warrants to the Sellers as follows:
        (a) Each  of Parent  and Acquisition  is a  corporation duly  organized,
    validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of
    its incorporation.
        (b) Each of Parent and Acquisition has all necessary corporate power and
    authority to execute and deliver this Agreement, to perform its  obligations
    hereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.
        (c)  The execution, delivery  and performance of  this Agreement and the
    consummation of  the transactions  contemplated hereby  have been  duly  and
    validly  authorized  by  the  board  of  directors  of  each  of  Parent and
    Acquisition and no  other corporate  proceedings on  the part  of Parent  or
    Acquisition  are necessary to authorize this  Agreement or to consummate the
    transactions so contemplated.
        (d) This Agreement has been duly  and validly executed and delivered  by
    each  of Parent and  Acquisition and constitutes a  legal, valid and binding
    agreement of  each of  Parent and  Acquisition enforceable  against each  of
    Parent  and  Acquisition  in  accordance with  its  terms,  except  that the
    enforceability hereof may be  subject to applicable bankruptcy,  insolvency,
    or  other similar  laws, now or  hereinafter in  effect affecting creditors'
    rights generally.
    Section 3.  NEGATIVE COVENANTS OF SELLERS.  Except as provided for herein or
in the  Merger  Agreement,  each  Seller  agrees  not  to  (either  directly  or
        (a) sell, transfer, pledge, assign, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of,
    or  enter into  any contract, option  or other  arrangement or understanding
    with respect to the sale, transfer, pledge, assignment,

    hypothecation or  other  disposition  of such  Seller's  Shares  (including,
    without  limitation,  through  the  disposition or  transfer  of  control of
    another person) other than  to an affiliate  of Seller D  that agrees to  be
    bound by this Agreement;
        (b) grant any proxies with respect to such Seller's Shares, deposit such
    Seller's  Shares into a voting  trust or enter into  a voting agreement with
    respect to any of such Seller's Shares; or
        (c) take any action which would  make any representation or warranty  of
    any Seller herein untrue or incorrect in any material respect.
    Section  4.  NO SOLICITATION.  (a) From and after the date of this Agreement
and except as  set forth in  subsection 4.(b),  the Sellers shall  not, and  the
Sellers  shall use their  reasonable best efforts  to cause the  Company not to,
directly  or  indirectly,  (i)   solicit,  initiate,  knowingly  encourage,   or
participate  in discussions or  negotiations regarding, any  proposals or offers
from any individual,  corporation, partnership,  limited liability  corporation,
joint  venture, trust,  association, unincorporated  organization, other entity,
group or governmental authority ("Person") relating to any Competing Transaction
(as defined  in  subsection 4.(c))  or  (ii) furnish  to  any other  Person  any
nonpublic  information  or  access  to  such  information  with  respect  to, or
otherwise concerning, any Competing  Transaction. The Sellers shall  immediately
cease  and cause to be terminated  any existing discussions or negotiations with
any third parties conducted  heretofore with respect  to any proposed  Competing
Transaction.  The Sellers shall promptly disclose  to Parent the identity of any
Person who  attempts  to  initiate any  discussions  contemplating  a  Competing
    (b)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 4 or
in any other provision of this Agreement, until the consents required by Section
5 have been duly executed  and delivered, the Sellers  shall not be required  to
cause   the  Company  to  refrain  from  (i)  participating  in  discussions  or
negotiations with, and, during such period, furnishing information to, a  Person
that  seeks to  engage in discussions  or negotiations,  requests information or
makes a proposal to acquire the Company pursuant to a Competing Transaction,  if
the  Company's  directors have  determined  in good  faith  that such  action is
required for  the  discharge of  their  fiduciary obligations,  based  upon  the
written  advice of independent legal counsel, who may be the Company's regularly
engaged legal counsel (a  "Director Duty"); or  (ii) terminating this  Agreement
and  entering  into  an  agreement  providing  for  a  Competing  Transaction in
accordance with  a Director  Duty. In  the event  that the  Sellers  participate
(directly  or  indirectly)  in  discussions  or  negotiations  with,  or furnish
information  to,  a  Person  that  seeks  to  engage  in  such  discussions   or
negotiations,  requests information or  makes a proposal  to acquire the Company
pursuant to a Competing Transaction pursuant to this subsection 4.(b), then: (i)
the Sellers shall immediately disclose to  Parent the decision of the  Company's
directors;  (ii) the identity of the Person; and (iii) copies of all information
or material not previously furnished to Parent or Acquisition which the Sellers,
the Company, or  their respective agents  provides or causes  to be provided  to
such  Person or any  of its officers, directors,  employees, agents, advisors or
    (c) For the purposes of  this Agreement, "Competing Transaction" shall  mean
any of the following involving the Company: (i) any merger, consolidation, share
exchange,  business  combination or  other similar  transaction; (ii)  any sale,
lease, exchange, transfer or  other disposition of all  or substantially all  of
the  assets of the Company  and its subsidiaries, taken as  a whole, in a single
transaction or series  of related  transactions; or  (iii) any  tender offer  or
exchange offer for Shares.
    Section  5.   WRITTEN CONSENT.   (a) Prior to  the close of  business on the
thirtieth day following the date of this Agreement (the "Delivery Date"), unless
the Merger Agreement has been terminated on or prior to the Delivery Date,  each
Seller  will execute  and deliver  to the corporate  secretary of  the Company a
written consent with respect to such Seller's Shares in the form attached hereto
as Exhibit  A, which  written consent  will not  be withdrawn  or revoked.  Such
written  consents of the Sellers will constitute the irrevocable written consent
of each  of the  Sellers with  respect  to his  or its  Seller's Shares  to  the
approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement.
    (b)  For so  long as  this Agreement  is in  effect, in  any meeting  of the
stockholders of the Company, however called, and in any action by consent of the
stockholders of the Company, each Seller shall vote or

cause to  be voted  all  of such  Seller's Shares:  (i)  against any  action  or
agreement that would result in a breach in any material respect of any covenant,
representation  or  warranty  or  other  obligation  of  any  Seller  under this
Agreement or of the Company, Parent  or Acquisition under the Merger  Agreement;
(ii)  against  any action  or  agreement that  would  impede, interfere  with or
discourage the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  or  the  Merger
Agreement,  including,  without  limitation:  (1)  any  extraordinary  corporate
transaction, such  as  a merger,  reorganization  or liquidation  involving  the
Company  or any of its subsidiaries, (2) a sale or transfer of a material amount
of assets  of  the Company,  or  any of  its  subsidiaries or  the  issuance  of
securities  by the  Company or any  of its  subsidiaries, (3) any  change in the
board of directors of the Company, (4) any change in the present  capitalization
or  dividend policy  of the  Company (other than  as contemplated  by the Merger
Agreement) or (5) any other material change in the Company's corporate structure
or business; and (iii) in  favor of any action  or agreement that would  further
the  consummation  of the  transactions contemplated  by  this Agreement  or the
Merger Agreement.
    Section 6.  REGISTRATION AGREEMENT.  Prior to the closing of the Merger, the
parties will enter into an agreement providing for shelf registration of  resale
of the Warrants and the Warrant Shares (each as defined in the Merger Agreement)
with  terms and  conditions customary for  transactions that are  similar to the
    Section 7.  SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE.  The parties hereto agree that irreparable
damage would  occur  in  the event  any  provision  of this  Agreement  was  not
performed  in accordance  with the  terms hereof and  that the  parties shall be
entitled to specific performance of the  terms hereof, in addition to any  other
remedy at law or in equity.
    Section  8.  EXPENSES.  Each party shall  bear its own expenses and costs in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
    Section 9.   AMENDMENT; ASSIGNMENT.   This  Agreement may  not be  modified,
amended,  altered or  supplemented except upon  the execution and  delivery of a
written agreement  executed  by the  parties  hereto. This  Agreement  shall  be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective
successors  and assigns and shall be assignable by the parties hereto; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that this Agreement shall not  be assignable by any Seller without  the
prior  written consent  of Parent other  than to  an affiliate of  Seller D that
agrees to be bound by this  Agreement. No assignment hereunder will relieve  any
party to this Agreement of its obligations hereunder.
    Section  10.  PARTIES IN INTEREST.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure solely  to  the  benefit of  each  party  hereto and  its  successors  and
permitted  assigns,  and  nothing  in this  Agreement,  express  or  implied, is
intended to  or shall  confer upon  any  other person  any rights,  benefits  or
remedies of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.
    Section  11.   NOTICES.   All notices,  requests, claims,  demands and other
communications hereunder shall be  in writing and shall  be given (and shall  be
deemed to have been duly given upon receipt) by delivery in person, by facsimile
or  by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested),
to the other party as follows:
       (a) If to Parent or Acquisition, to:
           Randy Michaels
            Jacor Communications, Inc.
            1300 PNC Center
            201 East Fifth Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 621-0090
       with a copy to:
       Thomas W. Kahle, Esq.
            Graydon, Head & Ritchey
            1900 Fifth Third Center
            511 Walnut Street
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 651-3836

           Scott J. Davis, Esq.
            Mayer, Brown & Platt
            190 South LaSalle Street
            Chicago, Illinois 60603
            Facsimile: (312) 701-7711
       (b) If to the Sellers, to:
           James C. Kennedy, Esq.
            American Financial Group, Inc.
            One East Fourth Street
            Suite 919
            Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
            Facsimile: (513) 579-2113
or to  such other  address  as the  person  to whom  notice  is given  may  have
previously furnished to the other in writing in the manner set forth above.
    Section  12.  REASONABLE BEST EFFORTS.   Subject to the terms and conditions
herein provided, each of  the parties hereto agrees  to use its reasonable  best
efforts  to take, or cause to  be taken, all actions, and  to do, or cause to be
done, all things reasonably necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws
and regulations to consummate and  make effective the transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement.
    Section  13.   GOVERNING  LAW.   This  Agreement  shall be  governed  by and
construed in accordance with the law of the State of Florida, without regard  to
the principles of conflicts of law thereof.
    Section  14.    TERMINATION.    (a)   This  Agreement  shall  terminate upon
termination of the Merger Agreement without  the consummation of the Merger.  No
such  termination shall relieve any party from  liability for any breach of this
    (b) If (i) the Merger Agreement  is terminated pursuant to Sections  8.1(f),
8.1(g)  or 8.1(h) of that Agreement and (ii) a transaction is consummated within
eighteen months after the termination of  the Merger Agreement that results  (1)
in  the sale, exchange, conversion or other disposition (by merger or otherwise)
of some or all of  the Shares owned by  Seller D or Seller  F (2) a payment  (by
dividend  or otherwise)  to Seller  D or  Seller F  following a  sale of  all or
substantially  all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company,  a  recapitalization,   a
restructuring  or other  similar event  (in the  case of  (1) or  (2), an "Other
Transaction"), Seller D and Seller  F shall, immediately after the  consummation
of the Other Transaction, pay to Parent a sum (the "Compensating Payment") equal
to  the number  of Shares sold,  exchanged, converted, or  otherwise disposed or
with respect to  which Seller D  or Seller F  received a payment,  in the  Other
Transaction  multiplied by one half  of the Per Share  Difference. The Per Share
Difference shall equal  (x) the fair  market value,  valued as of  the time  the
Other  Transaction is  consummated, of the  consideration per  Share received by
Seller D or Seller F in the Other Transaction less (y) the expected fair  market
value  per Share, valued as of December 1, 1996, that Seller D or Seller F would
have received in the Merger.  If Seller D, Seller F  and Parent cannot agree  on
the  amount of the Compensating Payment, Seller  D and Seller F shall pay Parent
immediately a sum equal to what Seller  D and Seller F believe the  Compensating
Payment  to be  (the "Immediate Payment")  plus interest  at 9% per  year on the
Immediate Payment  for the  period between  the time  the Other  Transaction  is
consummated  and the time the Immediate Payment is made, and the final amount of
the Compensating Payment shall be  determined in accordance with the  commercial
arbitration  rules of the  American Arbitration Association  by an arbitrator or
arbitrators appointed in accordance with such rules. Such arbitration shall take
place in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  judgment upon  any  award  rendered  in  such
arbitration may be entered in any court of appropriate jurisdiction; the parties
hereto  consent to the entry of such judgment  and agree that no appeal shall be
taken therefrom. Parent shall be entitled to receive immediately the  difference
between  the  final  amount  of  the  Compensating  Payment  determined  by  the

arbitrators and the Immediate Payment (the "Difference") and interest at 9%  per
year on the Difference for the period between the date the Competing Transaction
is  consummated and the date the Difference is paid to Parent. In no event shall
Parent be required to make any payment under this Agreement.
    (c) This Section 14 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
    Section 15.  SEVERABILITY.  The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed
severable and  the invalidity  or unenforceability  of any  provision shall  not
affect  the validity and  enforceability of the other  provisions hereof. If any
provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or  entity
or  any circumstance, is invalid or  unenforceable, (a) a suitable and equitable
provision shall be substituted therefor in order to carry out, so far as may  be
valid  and enforceable, the intent and purpose of such invalid and unenforceable
provision and (b) the  remainder of this Agreement  and the application of  such
provision  to other persons, entities or  circumstances shall not be affected by
such  invalidity   or   unenforceability,   nor   shall   such   invalidity   or
unenforceability affect the validity or enforceability of such provision, or the
application thereof, in any other jurisdiction.
    Section  16.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT.    This Agreement  constitutes  the entire
agreement among the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and
supersedes all other prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral,
among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
    Section 17.   DESCRIPTIVE  HEADINGS.   The descriptive  headings herein  are
inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or
to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
    Section 18.  CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this Agreement, the term:
        (a)  "affiliate" of a person means a person that directly or indirectly,
    through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is  under
    common control with, the first mentioned person;
        (b)  "control" (including  the terms  "controlled by"  and "under common
    control with") means the possession, directly or indirectly or as trustee or
    executor, of the power  to direct or cause  the direction of the  management
    policies  of a person, whether through the ownership of stock, as trustee or
    executor, by contract or credit arrangement or otherwise;
        (c) "knowledge" means knowledge after reasonable inquiry;
        (d) "person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association,
    trust, unincorporated organization,  other entity  or group  (as defined  in
    Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act); and
        (e)  "subsidiary" or "subsidiaries" of any person means any corporation,
    partnership, joint  venture  or other  legal  entity of  which  such  person
    (either  alone  or through  or together  with  any other  subsidiary), owns,
    directly or indirectly, 50% or more  of the stock or other equity  interests
    the  holder of which is  generally entitled to vote  for the election of the
    board of directors or other governing body of such corporation, partnership,
    joint venture or other legal entity.
    Section 19.  COUNTERPARTS.   This Agreement may be  executed in two or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  each of  the parties has  caused this  Agreement to  be
executed  on its behalf by its representatives thereunto duly authorized, all as
of the day and year first above written.
                                          GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY
                                          By:      /s/ KAREN HOLLEY HORRELL
                                              Name: Karen Holley Horrell
                                             Title: Senior Vice President
                                          AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                          By:         /s/ JAMES E. EVANS
                                              Name: James E. Evans
                                             Title: Vice President
                                          AMERICAN FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES, INC.
                                          By:         /s/ JAMES E. EVANS
                                              Name: James E. Evans
                                             Title: Vice President
                                          CARL H. LINDNER
                                                    /s/ CARL H. LINDNER
                                          Carl H. Lindner
                                          THE CARL H. LINDNER FOUNDATION
                                          By:         /s/ CARL H. LINDNER
                                              Name: Carl H. Lindner
                                             Title: Trustee
                                          S. CRAIG LINDNER
                                                   /s/ S. CRAIG LINDNER
                                          S. Craig Lindner
                                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                          By:         /s/ RANDY MICHAELS
                                              Name: Randy Michaels
                                             Title: President and Co-Chief
                                              Operating Officer
                                          JCAC, INC.
                                          By:         /s/ RANDY MICHAELS
                                              Name: Randy Michaels
                                             Title: President

                                   SCHEDULE A
                                     TO THE
                             STOCKHOLDERS AGREEMENT
    Capitalized  terms used in this Schedule A and not otherwise defined in this
Schedule A have the respective meanings  assigned to such terms in the  attached
Stock Purchase Agreement.

                                                                                               NUMBER OF
                                    NAME OF EACH SELLER                                          SHARES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY............................................................     3,455,698  Shares
AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION..............................................................     1,500,000  Shares
AMERICAN FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES, INC. .......................................................     2,611,191  Shares
CARL H. LINDNER.............................................................................     3,257,913  Shares
THE CARL H. LINDNER FOUNDATION..............................................................       170,253  Shares
S. CRAIG LINDNER............................................................................        85,500  Shares
    Total...................................................................................    11,080,555  Shares


                                   EXHIBIT A
                                WRITTEN CONSENT
                              OF A SHAREHOLDER OF
                               CITICASTERS, INC.
                          PURSUANT TO SECTION 607.0704
    The  undersigned, being the holder of        shares of Class A Common Stock,
par value  $.01 per  share, of  Citicasters, Inc.,  a Florida  corporation  (the
"Company"), by executing this written consent, hereby approves the Agreement and
Plan  of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") dated as of February 12, 1996 among the
Company, Jacor Communications, Inc., an Ohio corporation ("Acquiror") and  JCAC,
Inc.,   a  Florida   corporation  and   wholly  owned   subsidiary  of  Acquiror
("Acquisition") and thereby approves the  adoption by the surviving  corporation
in  the  merger  contemplated  by  the  Merger  Agreement  of  the  Articles  of
Incorporation and By-Laws of Acquisition.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this written consent as  of
the date written below.
Date: ___________________

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                                                                        ANNEX IV
                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                AS WARRANT AGENT
                               WARRANT AGREEMENT
                          DATED AS OF          , 1996
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    WARRANT  AGREEMENT,  dated as  of                      , 1996  between Jacor
Communications,  Inc.,  an  Ohio   corporation  (the  "Company"),  and   KeyCorp
Shareholder  Services Inc., of              , a national banking association, as
Warrant Agent (the "Warrant Agent") ("Agreement").
    The Company proposes to issue Common Stock Purchase Warrants, as hereinafter
described (the "Warrants"), to purchase up  to an aggregate of [               ]
shares  of its Common  Stock without par  value ("Common Stock")  (the shares of
Common Stock issuable on  exercise of the Warrants  being referred to herein  as
the  "Warrant Shares"), pursuant  to an Agreement  and Plan of  Merger among the
Company, JCAC,  Inc. and  Citicasters,  Inc. dated  as of  February     ,  1996,
pursuant  to which the  Company will issue the  Warrants, each Warrant entitling
the holder thereof to purchase             of a share of Common Stock.
    The Company wishes the Warrant Agent to act on behalf of the Company and the
Warrant Agent  is willing  to act  in connection  with the  issuance,  division,
transfer, exchange and exercise of Warrants.
    In  consideration of the foregoing and for the purpose of defining the terms
and provisions  of  the  Warrants  and the  respective  rights  and  obligations
thereunder  of  the  Company and  the  registered  owners of  the  Warrants (the
"Holders"), the Company and the Warrant Agent hereby agree as follows:
    Section 1.  APPOINTMENT OF WARRANT  AGENT.  The Company hereby appoints  the
Warrant  Agent  to  act  as  agent  for  the  Company  in  accordance  with  the
instructions hereinafter  set forth  in this  Agreement, and  the Warrant  Agent
hereby accepts such appointment.
    2.1   REGISTRATION.  The Warrants shall  be numbered and shall be registered
in a Warrant  Register as they  are issued.  The Company and  the Warrant  Agent
shall  be entitled  to treat  the Holder  of any  Warrant as  the owner  in fact
thereof for all purposes and  shall not be bound  to recognize any equitable  or
other  claim to or interest in such Warrant on the part of any other person, and
shall not  be liable  for any  registration of  transfer of  Warrants which  are
registered  or to be registered in  the name of a fiduciary  or the nominee of a
fiduciary unless made with the actual  knowledge that a fiduciary or nominee  is
committing  a breach  of trust in  requesting such registration  of transfer, or
with such knowledge of such acts  that its participation therein amounts to  bad
    2.2   TRANSFER.  The Warrants shall be transferable only on the books of the
Company maintained at the  principal office of the  Warrant Agent upon  delivery
thereof  duly  endorsed by  the Holder  or  by his  duly authorized  attorney or
representative, or accompanied by proper  evidence of succession, assignment  or
authority  to transfer, which endorsement shall be guaranteed by a bank or trust
company or a broker or dealer which  is a member of the National Association  of
Securities  Dealers, Inc. In all cases of  transfer by an attorney, the original
power of attorney, duly  approved, or a copy  thereof, duly certified, shall  be
deposited  and remain with the Warrant Agent.  In case of transfer by executors,
administrators, guardians  or other  legal representatives,  duly  authenticated
evidence  of  their authority  shall  be produced,  and  may be  required  to be
deposited and  remain  with  the  Warrant Agent  in  its  discretion.  Upon  any
registration  of transfer, the Warrant Agent shall countersign and deliver a new
Warrant or Warrants to the persons entitled thereto.
    2.3  FORM  OF WARRANT.   The text of  the Warrant and  of the Purchase  Form
shall  be substantially as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. The price per
Warrant Share and the  number of Warrant Shares  issuable upon exercise of  each
Warrant  are subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of certain events, all as
hereinafter provided. The Warrants shall be executed on behalf of the Company by
its President or one of its Vice Presidents, under its corporate seal reproduced
thereon attested by its  Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary. The signature  of
any such officers on the Warrants may be manual or facsimile.
    Warrants  bearing the manual or facsimile signatures of individuals who were
at any  time  the  proper  officers  of the  Company  shall  bind  the  Company,
notwithstanding  that such individuals or  any one of them  shall have ceased to
hold such offices prior to  the delivery of such Warrants  or did not hold  such
offices on the date of this Agreement.

    Warrants  shall be dated as  of the date of  countersignature thereof by the
Warrant  Agent  either  upon  initial  issuance  or  upon  division,   exchange,
substitution or transfer.
    Section   3.    COUNTERSIGNATURE  OF  WARRANTS.     The  Warrants  shall  be
countersigned by the Warrant Agent (or  any successor to the Warrant Agent  then
acting  as warrant agent  under this Agreement)  and shall not  be valid for any
purpose unless so countersigned. Warrants may be countersigned, however, by  the
Warrant  Agent  (or by  its successor  as  warrant agent  hereunder) and  may be
delivered by the Warrant Agent, notwithstanding that the persons whose manual or
facsimile signatures appear thereon as proper officers of the Company shall have
ceased to be  such officers at  the time of  such countersignature, issuance  or
delivery.  The Warrant Agent shall, upon written instructions of the Chairman of
the Board, the President,  a Vice President, the  Treasurer or the Secretary  of
the  Company,  countersign, issue  and  deliver Warrants  entitling  the Holders
thereof to purchase not more  than [               ] Warrant Shares (subject  to
adjustment  pursuant to  Section 10  hereof) and  shall countersign  and deliver
Warrants as otherwise provided in this Agreement.
    Section 4.  EXCHANGE OF WARRANT CERTIFICATES.  Each Warrant certificate  may
be  exchanged  for  another  certificate or  certificates  entitling  the Holder
thereof to purchase a like aggregate number of Warrant Shares as the certificate
or certificates surrendered  then entitle  such Holder to  purchase. Any  Holder
desiring  to  exchange a  Warrant certificate  or  certificates shall  make such
request in writing delivered to the Warrant Agent, and shall surrender, properly
endorsed, the certificate  or certificates  to be so  exchanged. Thereupon,  the
Warrant Agent shall countersign and deliver to the person entitled thereto a new
Warrant certificate or certificates, as the case may be, as so requested.
    5.1   TERM OF WARRANTS.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Holder
shall have the right, which may be exercised commencing the date of issuance  of
the  Warrants and until 5:00 P.M.,  Eastern Time, on               , [2001] [the
fifth anniversary of the date of the Effective Time as defined in the  Agreement
and  Plan of Merger among  the Company, JCAC, Inc.,  and Citicasters, Inc.] (the
"Expiration Date"), to purchase  from the Company the  number of fully paid  and
nonassessable  Warrant Shares which  the Holder may  at the time  be entitled to
purchase on exercise of such Warrants.
    5.2  EXERCISE OF WARRANTS.  A Warrant may be exercised upon surrender to the
Warrant Agent,  at its  principal  office, of  the certificate  or  certificates
evidencing  the Warrants to be exercised, together  with the form of election to
purchase on the reverse thereof duly filled in and signed, which signature shall
be guaranteed by a bank or trust company or a broker or dealer which is a member
of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., and upon payment to the
Warrant Agent for the account of the Company of the Warrant Price (as defined in
and determined in accordance with the  provisions of Sections 9 and 10  hereof),
for  the number  of Warrant Shares  in respect  of which such  Warrants are then
exercised. Payment of the aggregate  Warrant Price shall be  made in cash or  by
certified  or bank cashier's  check drawn on a  banking institution chartered by
the government of the United States or any state thereof.
    Subject to Section 6 hereof, upon such surrender of Warrants and payment  of
the  Warrant Price as aforesaid, the Warrant  Agent shall cause to be issued and
delivered with  all reasonable  dispatch to  or upon  the written  order of  the
Holder  and in such name or names as  the Holder may designate, a certificate or
certificates for  the  number of  full  Warrant  Shares so  purchased  upon  the
exercise of such Warrants, together with cash, as provided in Section 11 hereof,
in  respect  of  any  fractional Warrant  Shares  otherwise  issuable  upon such
surrender. Such certificate or certificates shall be deemed to have been  issued
and  any person so designated to be named therein shall be deemed to have become
a holder of record  of such Warrant Shares  as of the date  of the surrender  of
such  Warrants and  payment of  the Warrant Price,  as aforesaid.  The rights of
purchase represented by the  Warrants shall be exercisable,  at the election  of
the  Holders thereof, either  in full or from  time to time in  part and, in the
event that a  certificate evidencing Warrants  is exercised in  respect of  less
than all of the Warrant Shares purchasable on such exercise at any time prior to
the  date  of  expiration of  the  Warrants,  a new  certificate  evidencing the
remaining Warrant or Warrants will be issued, and the

Warrant Agent is hereby irrevocably authorized to countersign and to deliver the
required new Warrant certificate or  certificates pursuant to the provisions  of
this  Section and of Section 3 hereof, and the Company, whenever required by the
Warrant Agent,  will supply  the Warrant  Agent with  Warrant certificates  duly
executed on behalf of the Company for such purpose.
    5.3  RESTRICTION ON EXERCISE.  A Warrant may not be exercised in whole or in
part  if in the reasonable opinion of counsel to the Company the issuance of the
Common Stock upon such exercise  would cause the Company  to be in violation  of
the  Telecommunications  Act of  1996  or the  rules  and regulations  in effect
thereunder. A Holder desiring  to exercise Warrants shall,  if requested by  the
Company, furnish to the Company such additional information as the Company deems
reasonably  necessary in order to  determine if exercise of  a Warrant may cause
the Company  to  be  in said  violation.  In  the event  the  Company's  counsel
determines  that, in such counsel's opinion after review of such information, if
any, requested by and delivered to, the Company, the exercise of a Warrant would
cause the Company to be  in violation of the  Telecommunications Act of 1996  or
the  rules and regulations  in effect thereunder, the  Company shall notify such
Holder to that effect. Upon  receipt of said notice,  such Holder may take  such
steps,  at its own  expense, as it  reasonably determines necessary  so that the
exercise of the Warrant  would not cause such  a violation; provided, that  upon
completion  of  said  steps,  such  Holder  shall  notify  the  Company  and the
provisions of this  Section 5.3 shall  then apply with  respect to the  proposed
revised transaction.
    5.4   LEGEND ON CERTIFICATE.   The certificates evidencing the Warrants may,
in the  sole  discretion of  the  Company, bear  a  legend relating  to  certain
limitations  on the ownership of Common  Stock imposed by the Telecommunications
Act of 1996.
    Section 6.  PAYMENT OF  TAXES.  The Company  will pay all documentary  stamp
taxes,  if any, attributable to the initial  issuance of Warrant Shares upon the
exercise of Warrants; provided, however, that the Company shall not be  required
to pay any tax or taxes which may be payable in respect of any transfer involved
in the issue or delivery of any Warrants or certificates for Warrant Shares in a
name  other than that of  the registered Holder of  Warrants in respect of which
such Warrant Shares are issued.
    Section 7.  MUTILATED OR MISSING WARRANTS.  In case any of the  certificates
evidencing  the  Warrants  shall be  mutilated,  lost stolen  or  destroyed, the
Company shall issue,  and the  Warrant Agent  shall countersign  and deliver  in
exchange  and substitution  for and upon  cancellation of  the mutilated Warrant
certificate, or in lieu  of and substitution for  the Warrant certificate  lost,
stolen or destroyed, a new Warrant certificate of like tenor and representing an
equivalent  right or interest, but only upon receipt of evidence satisfactory to
the Company and the  Warrant Agent of  such loss, theft  or destruction of  such
Warrant  and  indemnity or  bond, if  requested, also  satisfactory to  them. An
applicant for such a substitute Warrant certificate shall also comply with  such
other  reasonable  regulations  and pay  such  other reasonable  charges  as the
Company or the Warrant Agent may prescribe.
    8.1   RESERVATION  OF WARRANT  SHARES.   There have  been reserved,  and the
Company shall at all times keep reserved, out of its authorized Common Stock,  a
number  of shares of Common Stock sufficient  to provide for the exercise of the
rights of purchase represented by  the outstanding Warrants. The Transfer  Agent
for  the Common Stock and every subsequent  transfer agent for any shares of the
Company's capital  stock issuable  upon the  exercise of  any of  the rights  of
purchase  aforesaid will be irrevocably authorized  and directed at all times to
reserve such number of authorized shares as shall be required for such  purpose.
The  Company will keep a copy of this  Agreement on file with the Transfer Agent
for the Common Stock and with every subsequent transfer agent for any shares  of
the Company's capital stock issuable upon the exercise of the rights of purchase
represented  by the Warrants. The Warrant Agent is hereby irrevocably authorized
to requisition from time to time from such Transfer Agent the stock certificates
required to honor outstanding Warrants upon exercise thereof in accordance  with
the  terms of this Agreement.  The Company will supply  such Transfer Agent with
duly executed stock certificates for such purposes and will provide or otherwise

make available any cash which may be  payable as provided in Section 11  hereof.
All  Warrants surrendered in the exercise  of the rights thereby evidenced shall
be canceled  by the  Warrant Agent  and  shall thereafter  be delivered  to  the
    8.2  PURCHASE OF WARRANTS BY THE COMPANY.  The Company shall have the right,
except  as limited by law, other agreements  or herein, to purchase or otherwise
acquire Warrants at such times, in such manner and for such consideration as  it
may deem appropriate.
    8.3   CANCELLATION OF WARRANTS.  In  the event the Company shall purchase or
otherwise acquire Warrants, the same shall thereupon be delivered to the Warrant
Agent and be  canceled by it  and retired.  The Warrant Agent  shall cancel  any
Warrant surrendered for exchange, substitution, transfer or exercise in whole or
in part.
    Section  9.   WARRANT PRICE.   The price  per share at  which Warrant Shares
shall be purchasable upon exercise of Warrants shall be $         (the  "Warrant
Price"), subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 10 hereof.
number and kind of securities purchasable upon the exercise of each Warrant  and
the  Warrant Price  shall be subject  to adjustment  from time to  time upon the
happening of certain events, as hereinafter defined.
    10.1  MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS.  The number of Warrant Shares purchasable upon
the exercise  of  each  Warrant  and  the Warrant  Price  shall  be  subject  to
adjustment as follows:
        (a)  In case the  Company shall (i)  pay a dividend  in shares of Common
    Stock or make a distribution in  shares of Common Stock, (ii) subdivide  its
    outstanding  shares of Common Stock, (iii) combine its outstanding shares of
    Common Stock into a smaller number of shares of Common Stock, or (iv)  issue
    by  reclassification of its  shares of Common Stock  other securities of the
    Company  (including  any   such  reclassification  in   connection  with   a
    consolidation  or merger in which the Company is surviving corporation), the
    number  of  Warrant  Shares  purchasable  upon  exercise  of  each   Warrant
    immediately  prior  thereto shall  be adjusted  so that  the Holder  of each
    Warrant shall be entitled to receive  the kind and number of Warrant  Shares
    or  other securities of the  Company which he would  have owned or have been
    entitled to  receive after  the happening  of any  of the  events  described
    above, had such Warrant been exercised immediately prior to the happening of
    such  event  or any  record date  with respect  thereto. An  adjustment made
    pursuant to this paragraph (a) shall become effective immediately after  the
    effective date of such event retroactive to the record date, if any, or such
        (b)  In case the Company shall issue  rights, options or warrants to all
    holders of its outstanding Common Stock, without any charge to such holders,
    entitling them (for a period within 45 days after the record date  mentioned
    below)  to subscribe for or  purchase shares of Common  Stock at a price per
    share which  is lower  at the  record  date mentioned  below than  the  then
    current  market price per share of Common Stock (as defined in paragraph (d)
    below) the number of Warrant Shares thereafter purchasable upon the exercise
    of each Warrant  shall be determined  by multiplying the  number of  Warrant
    Shares  theretofore purchasable upon exercise of each Warrant by a fraction,
    of which  the  numerator shall  be  the number  of  shares of  Common  Stock
    outstanding on the date of issuance of such rights, options or warrants plus
    the  number of additional shares of Common Stock offered for subscription or
    purchase, and of  which the  denominator shall be  the number  of shares  of
    Common  Stock outstanding on the date of issuance of such rights, options or
    warrants plus the number of shares which the aggregate offering price of the
    total number of shares of Common Stock so offered would purchase at the then
    current market price  per share of  Common Stock. Such  adjustment shall  be
    made  whenever such rights, options or warrants are issued, and shall become
    effective  retroactively  immediately   after  the  record   date  for   the
    determination  of stockholders entitled  to receive such  rights, options or
        (c) In case the Company shall distribute to all holders of its shares of
    Common Stock  evidences  of  its  indebtedness  or  assets  (excluding  cash
    dividends  or distributions payable out  of consolidated earnings or surplus
    legally available for dividends and  dividends or distributions referred  to
    in paragraph (a)

    above)  or  rights,  options  or warrants,  or  convertible  or exchangeable
    securities containing  the right  to  subscribe for  or purchase  shares  of
    Common  Stock (excluding those referred to  in paragraph (b) above), then in
    each case  the number  of  Warrant Shares  thereafter purchasable  upon  the
    exercise  of each Warrant  shall be determined by  multiplying the number of
    Warrant Shares theretofore purchasable upon the exercise of each Warrant, by
    a fraction, of which  the numerator shall be  the then current market  price
    per share of Common Stock (as defined in paragraph (d) below) on the date of
    such  distribution, and of  which the denominator shall  be the then current
    market price  per  share of  Common  Stock, less  the  then fair  value  (as
    determined  by the  Board of Directors  of the  Company, whose determination
    shall  be  conclusive)  of  the  portion  of  the  assets  or  evidences  of
    indebtedness  so  distributed or  of  such subscription  rights,  options or
    warrants, or of  such convertible or  exchangeable securities applicable  to
    one  share of Common Stock. Such adjustment  shall be made whenever any such
    distribution is made, and shall become effective on the date of distribution
    retroactive to  the  record  date  for  the  determination  of  shareholders
    entitled to receive such distribution.
        In  the Company's sole discretion, in the event of a distribution by the
    Company to all holders of its shares of Common Stock of the capital stock of
    a subsidiary or securities convertible  into or exercisable for such  stock,
    then  in lieu of an  adjustment in the number  of Warrant Shares purchasable
    upon the exercise  of each  Warrant, the Holder  of each  Warrant, upon  the
    exercise  thereof at any  time after such distribution  shall be entitled to
    receive the stock or other securities  to which such Holder would have  been
    entitled  if  such  Holder  had  exercised  such  Warrant  immediately prior
    thereto, all subject to  further adjustment as  provided in this  subsection
    10.1;  provided,  however, that  no adjustment  in  respect of  dividends or
    interest on such stock or other securities shall be made during the term  of
    a Warrant or upon the exercise of a Warrant.
        (d)  For the purpose of any computation  under paragraphs (b) and (c) of
    this Section, the current market price per share of Common Stock at any date
    shall be the average of the daily closing prices for 20 consecutive  trading
    days  commencing 30  trading days before  the date of  such computation. The
    closing price for each  day shall be the  last reported sales price  regular
    way or, in case no reported sale takes place on such day, the average of the
    closing  bid and asked prices regular way for  such day, in each case on the
    principal national securities exchange on  which the shares of Common  Stock
    are  listed or admitted to trading or, if not listed or admitted to trading,
    the average of the closing bid and  asked prices of the Common Stock in  the
    over-the-counter  market as reported by NASDAQ  or any comparable system. In
    the absence of one or more such quotations, the Company shall determine  the
    current  market  price  on the  basis  of  such quotations  as  it considers
        (e) No adjustment in the number of Warrant Shares purchasable  hereunder
    shall be required unless and until such adjustment would require an increase
    or  decrease of at  least one percent  (1%) in the  number of Warrant Shares
    purchasable upon the exercise of  each Warrant; provided, however, that  any
    adjustments  which by reason  of this paragraph  (e) are not  required to be
    made shall  be carried  forward and  taken into  account in  any  subsequent
    adjustment.  All calculations shall be made to the nearest one-thousandth of
    a share.
        (f) Whenever the number of shares purchasable upon the exercise of  each
    Warrant  is adjusted as provided  in paragraphs (a), (b)  and (c) above, the
    Warrant Price payable  upon exercise of  each Warrant shall  be adjusted  by
    multiplying  such Warrant  Price immediately prior  to such  adjustment by a
    fraction, of  which the  numerator shall  be the  number of  Warrant  Shares
    purchasable  upon the  exercise of  each Warrant  immediately prior  to such
    adjustment, and of  which the  denominator shall  be the  number of  Warrant
    Shares purchasable immediately thereafter.
        (g)  No adjustment in the number  of Warrant Shares purchasable upon the
    exercise of each Warrant need  be made under paragraphs  (b) and (c) if  the
    Company  issues  or  distributes  to each  Holder  of  Warrants  the rights,
    options, warrants, or convertible or exchangeable securities, or evidence of
    indebtedness or assets referred to in those paragraphs which each Holder  of
    Warrants would have been entitled to receive had the Warrants been exercised
    prior  to  the happening  of  such event  or  the record  date  with respect
    thereto. No adjustment in the number of Warrant Shares purchasable upon  the
    exercise  of each Warrant need be made  for sales of Warrant Shares pursuant
    to a Company plan for reinvestment  of dividends or interest. No  adjustment
    need be made for a change in the par value of the Warrant Shares.

        (h)  For the purpose of this subsection 10.1, the term "shares of Common
    Stock" shall mean (i) the class of  stock designated as the Common Stock  of
    the  Company at the date of this Agreement, or (ii) any other class of stock
    resulting  from  successive  changes  or  reclassification  of  such  shares
    consisting  solely of  changes in  par value,  or from  par value  to no par
    value, or from no par value to par value. In the event that at any time,  as
    a  result of an adjustment made pursuant to paragraph (a) above, the Holders
    shall become  entitled to  purchase any  shares of  the Company  other  than
    shares  of  Common Stock,  thereafter  the number  of  such other  shares so
    purchasable upon exercise  of each  Warrant and  the Warrant  Price of  such
    shares  shall be subject to adjustment from time  to time in a manner and on
    terms as nearly equivalent as practicable to the provisions with respect  to
    the Warrant Shares contained in paragraph (a) through (c), inclusive, above,
    and  the  provisions  of  Section  5  and  subsections  10.2  through  10.4,
    inclusive, with respect to the Warrant Shares, shall apply on like terms  to
    any such other shares.
        (i)  Upon the expiration of any  rights, options, warrants or conversion
    or exchange privileges, if  any thereof shall not  have been exercised,  the
    Warrant  Price and the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon the
    exercise of  each Warrant  shall, upon  such expiration,  be readjusted  and
    shall  thereafter  be such  as it  would  have been  had it  been originally
    adjusted (or had the original adjustment not been required, as the case  may
    be)  as if (A) the only shares of  Common Stock so issued were the shares of
    Common Stock, if  any, actually  issued or sold  upon the  exercise of  such
    rights,  options, warrants  or conversion  or exchange  rights and  (B) such
    shares of Common Stock, if any,  were issued or sold for the  consideration,
    if  any, actually received by the Company for the issuance, sale or grant of
    all such rights, options, warrants or conversion or exchange rights  whether
    or  not exercised; provided,  further, that no  such readjustment shall have
    the effect of increasing  the Warrant Price  by an amount  in excess of  the
    amount  of the adjustment initially made in respect to the issuance, sale or
    grant of such rights, options, warrants or conversion or exchange rights.
    10.2   DETERMINATION OF  CONSIDERATION.   Upon any  issuance or  sale for  a
consideration  other than cash, or  a consideration part of  which is other than
cash, of any shares of Common Stock  or Convertible Securities or any rights  or
options  to subscribe  for, purchase or  otherwise acquire any  shares of Common
Stock or Convertible Securities, the amount of the consideration other than cash
received by  the  Company  shall  be  deemed  to  be  the  fair  value  of  such
consideration  as determined  in good  faith by  the Board  of Directors  of the
Company. In case  any shares of  Common Stock or  Convertible Securities or  any
rights,  options or warrants to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire any
shares of  Common  Stock or  Convertible  Securities  shall be  issued  or  sold
together  with other shares, stock or securities  or other assets of the Company
for a consideration which covers both,  the consideration for the issue or  sale
of  such shares  of Common  Stock or  Convertible Securities  or such  rights or
options shall  be deemed  to  be the  portion  of such  consideration  allocated
thereto in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Company.
    10.3   VOLUNTARY ADJUSTMENT BY THE COMPANY.   The Company may at its option,
at any time during  the term of  the Warrants, reduce  the then current  Warrant
Price to any amount deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Company.
    10.4    NOTICE  OF  ADJUSTMENT.    Whenever  the  number  of  Warrant Shares
purchasable upon  the exercise  of each  Warrant or  the Warrant  Price of  such
Warrant  Shares  is  adjusted,  as  herein  provided,  to  an  extent  that such
adjustment is equal to or greater than  5% of the Warrant Price in effect  prior
to  such adjustment, the Company shall cause  the Warrant Agent promptly to mail
by first class mail, postage prepaid,  to each Holder notice of such  adjustment
or adjustments and shall deliver to the Warrant Agent a certificate of a firm of
independent public accountants selected by the Board of Directors of the Company
(who  may be the regular accountants employed  by the Company) setting forth the
number of Warrant Shares purchasable upon  the exercise of each Warrant and  the
Warrant  Price of  such Warrant  Shares after  such adjustment,  setting forth a
brief statement of  the facts requiring  such adjustment and  setting forth  the
computation  by  which  such  adjustment was  made.  Such  certificate  shall be
conclusive evidence of  the correctness  of such adjustment.  The Warrant  Agent
shall  be entitled  to rely on  such certificate and  shall be under  no duty or
responsibility with respect to any such certificate, except to exhibit the same,
from time  to  time,  to  any  Holder  desiring  an  inspection  thereof  during
reasonable    business   hours.   The   Warrant   Agent   shall   not   at   any

time be under any duty or responsibility to any Holders to determine whether any
facts exist which may require any adjustment of the Warrant Price or the  number
of Warrant Shares or other stock or property purchasable on exercise thereof, or
with  respect to the nature or extent of  any such adjustment when made, or with
respect to the method employed in making such adjustment.
    10.5  NO ADJUSTMENT OF DIVIDENDS.  Except as provided in subsection 10.1, no
adjustment in  respect of  any dividends  shall be  made during  the term  of  a
Warrant or upon the exercise of a Warrant.
ETC.  In case of any consolidation of the Company with or merger of the  Company
into  another corporation or in  case of any sale,  transfer or lease to another
corporation of all or substantially all the property of the Company, the Company
or such successor or purchasing corporation,  as the case may be, shall  execute
with  the Warrant Agent an  agreement that (i) each  Holder shall have the right
thereafter upon payment of the Warrant Price in effect immediately prior to such
action to purchase upon exercise of each  Warrant the kind and amount of  shares
and  other securities and property (including cash) which he would have owned or
have been entitled to receive after the happening of such consolidation, merger,
sale, transfer or  lease had such  Warrant been exercised  immediately prior  to
such  action; or (ii)  in the event that  all of the property  to which a Holder
would be entitled to receive in such  an action had such Warrant been  exercised
immediately  prior to such action is cash,  then upon surrender of a certificate
representing Warrants  each Holder  shall be  entitled to  receive cash  in  the
amount of the difference between the amount which such Holder would have paid to
exercise  such Warrants in full at the Warrant Price in effect immediately prior
to such action  and the  amount of  cash which he  would have  been entitled  to
receive  after the  happening of such  consolidation, merger,  sale, transfer or
lease had  such  Warrant  been  exercised  immediately  prior  to  such  action;
provided, however, that no adjustment in respect of dividends, interest or other
income  on or from  such shares or  other securities and  property shall be made
during the term  of a Warrant  or upon the  exercise of a  Warrant. The  Company
shall  mail by first class mail, postage  prepaid, to each Holder, notice of the
execution of any such agreement.  Such agreement shall provide for  adjustments,
which  shall be as  nearly equivalent as  may be practicable  to the adjustments
provided for in this  Section 10. The provisions  of this subsection 10.6  shall
similarly  apply  to  successive consolidations,  mergers,  sales,  transfers or
leases. The Warrant Agent shall be under no duty or responsibility to  determine
the  correctness of any  provisions contained in any  such agreement relating to
the kind or amount of shares of stock or other securities or property receivable
upon exercise of Warrants  or with respect to  the method employed and  provided
therein  for any adjustments and  shall be entitled to  rely upon the provisions
contained in any such agreement.
    10.7  STATEMENT ON WARRANTS.  Irrespective of any adjustments in the Warrant
Price or the  number or  kind of  shares purchasable  upon the  exercise of  the
Warrants,  Warrants theretofore or thereafter issued may continue to express the
same price and number and kind of shares as are stated in the Warrants initially
issuable pursuant to this Agreement.
    Section 11.   FRACTIONAL INTERESTS.   The Company shall  not be required  to
issue  fractional Warrant Shares on  the exercise of Warrants.  If more than one
Warrant shall be presented  for exercise in  full at the same  time by the  same
Holder,  the number  of full  Warrant Shares  which shall  be issuable  upon the
exercise thereof  shall be  computed on  the basis  of the  aggregate number  of
Warrant  Shares purchasable  on exercise  of the  Warrants so  presented. If any
fraction of a Warrant Share would, except for the provisions of this Section 11,
be issuable on the exercise of  any Warrant (or specified portion thereof),  the
Warrant  Agent shall pay (and  shall be promptly reimbursed  by the Company upon
demand therefor) an amount in cash equal  to the closing price for one share  of
the Common Stock, as defined in paragraph (d) of subsection 10.1, on the trading
day  immediately  preceding  the date  the  Warrant is  presented  for exercise,
multiplied by such fraction.
    Section 12.    NO RIGHTS  AS  STOCKHOLDERS;  NOTICES TO  HOLDERS.    Nothing
contained  in this  Agreement or in  any of  the Warrants shall  be construed as
conferring upon the Holders or their transferees the right to vote or to receive
dividends or to consent or to receive  notice as stockholders in respect of  any
meeting  of stockholders  for the  election of directors  of the  Company or any
other matter, or any rights whatsoever as

stockholders of the Company. If, however, at any time prior to the expiration of
the Warrants and  prior to  their exercise, any  of the  following events  shall
        (a)  the Company  shall declare any  dividend payable  in any securities
    upon its shares of Common Stock or make any distribution (other than a  cash
    dividend  as to which  no adjustment in the  Warrant Price is  to be made as
    herein provided) to the holders of its shares of Common Stock; or
        (b) the Company shall offer to the holders of its shares of Common Stock
    any additional shares of Common Stock or securities convertible into  shares
    of Common Stock or any right to subscribe thereto; or
        (c)  a dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Company (other than
    in connection with  a consolidation,  merger, transfer  or lease  of all  or
    substantially  all of  its property,  assets, and  business as  an entirety)
    shall be proposed.
then in any  one or more  of said events  the Company shall  (a) give notice  in
writing  of  such event  to the  Warrant Agent  and the  Holders as  provided in
Section 18 hereof and (b) cause notice of such event to be published once in THE
WALL STREET JOURNAL, such  giving of notice and  publication to be completed  at
least  20 days prior to the  date fixed as a record  date or the date of closing
the transfer books for  the determination of the  stockholders entitled to  such
dividend,  distribution,  or subscription  rights, or  for the  determination of
stockholders entitled  to  vote on  such  proposed dissolution,  liquidation  or
winding  up. Such notice shall  specify such record date  or the date of closing
the transfer books, as the case may  be. Failure to publish or mail such  notice
or  any defect therein or in the publication or mailing thereof shall not affect
the validity of any action taken in connection with such dividend,  distribution
or subscription rights, or such proposed dissolution, liquidation or winding up.
WARRANT AGREEMENT.  The Warrant Agent shall account to the Company with  respect
to  Warrants exercised two business days  thereafter and concurrently pay to the
Company all monies received by the Warrant Agent for the purchase of the Warrant
Shares through the exercise of such Warrants.
    The Warrant Agent shall keep copies of this Agreement and any notices  given
or  received hereunder  available for  inspection by  the Holders  during normal
business hours at  its principal office.  The Company shall  supply the  Warrant
Agent  from time to  time with such numbers  of copies of  this Agreement as the
Warrant Agent may request.
AGENT.  Any corporation into which the Warrant Agent may be merged or with which
it  may  be  consolidated,  or  any corporation  resulting  from  any  merger or
consolidation to which the  Warrant Agent shall be  a party, or any  corporation
succeeding  to the corporation trust business of the Warrant Agent, shall be the
successor to the Warrant Agent hereunder without the execution or filing of  any
paper or any further act on the part of any of the parties hereto, provided that
such  corporation would be eligible for appointment as a successor Warrant Agent
under the provisions of Section 16 hereof. In case at the time such successor to
the Warrant Agent shall succeed to the agency created by this Agreement, any  of
the Warrants shall have been countersigned but not delivered, any such successor
to  the Warrant  Agent may  adopt the  countersignature of  the original Warrant
Agent and deliver such Warrants so countersigned;  and in case at that time  any
of  the Warrants shall not have been countersigned, any successor to the Warrant
Agent may  countersign such  Warrants  either in  the  name of  the  predecessor
Warrant  Agent or in  the name of the  successor Warrant Agent;  and in all such
cases Warrants shall have the  full force provided in  the Warrants and in  this
    In  case at any time the  name of the Warrant Agent  shall be changed and at
such time any of the Warrants  shall have been countersigned but not  delivered,
the  Warrant  Agent may  adopt the  countersignatures under  its prior  name and
deliver such Warrants  so countersigned; and  in case  at that time  any of  the
Warrants  shall not have  been countersigned, the  Warrant Agent may countersign
such Warrants either in its prior name or  in its changed name; and in all  such
Warrants  shall  have  the full  force  provided  in the  Warrants  and  in this

    Section 15.  CONCERNING THE WARRANT AGENT.  The Warrant Agent undertakes the
duties and obligations imposed  by this Agreement upon  the following terms  and
conditions,  by all of which the Company and the Holders, by their acceptance of
Warrants, shall be bound.
    15.1  CORRECTNESS OF STATEMENTS.  The statements contained herein and in the
Warrants shall  be taken  as statements  of the  Company and  the Warrant  Agent
assumes  no responsibility for the correctness of any of the same except such as
describe the Warrant Agent or action taken  by it. The Warrant Agent assumes  no
responsibility with respect to the distribution of the Warrants except as herein
otherwise provided.
    15.2   BREACH OF COVENANTS.  The  Warrant Agent shall not be responsible for
any failure of the Company to comply with any of the covenants contained in this
Agreement or in the Warrant to be complied with by the Company.
    15.3  PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES.  The Warrant Agent may execute and exercise any
of the rights or powers hereby vested in it or perform any duty hereunder either
itself or by or  through its attorneys  or agents (which  shall not include  its
employees)  and shall not be responsible for the misconduct or negligence of any
agent appointed with due care.
    15.4  RELIANCE ON COUNSEL.  The  Warrant Agent may consult at any time  with
legal  counsel satisfactory to  it and the  Company (who may  be counsel for the
Company) and the Warrant Agent shall incur no liability or responsibility to the
Company or to any Holder in respect of any action taken, suffered or omitted  by
it  hereunder in good faith and in accordance  with the opinion or the advice of
such counsel.
    15.5  PROOF OF  ACTIONS TAKEN.   Whenever in the  performance of its  duties
under this Agreement the Warrant Agent shall deem it necessary or desirable that
any  fact or matter be  proved or established by the  Company prior to taking or
suffering any action hereunder,  such fact or matter  (unless other evidence  in
respect thereof be herein specifically prescribed) may be deemed conclusively to
be  proved and established by a certificate  signed by the Chairman of the Board
or President, a Vice  President, the Treasurer or  the Secretary of the  Company
and  delivered  to  the  Warrant  Agent;  and  such  certificate  shall  be full
authorization to the  Warrant Agent  for any action  taken or  suffered in  good
faith  by  it under  the  provisions of  this  Agreement in  reliance  upon such
    15.6  COMPENSATION.  The Company agrees to pay the Warrant Agent  reasonable
compensation  for all services rendered by  the Warrant Agent in the performance
of its duties under this Agreement in accordance with the fee schedule agreed to
from time to time by the Company and the Warrant Agent, to reimburse the Warrant
Agent for all expenses, taxes and governmental charges and other charges of  any
kind  and nature reasonably incurred by the  Warrant Agent in the performance of
its duties under this Agreement, and to indemnify the Warrant Agent and save  it
harmless against any and all liabilities, including judgments, costs and counsel
fees,  for anything done or  omitted by the Warrant  Agent in the performance of
its duties  under this  Agreement except  as  a result  of the  Warrant  Agent's
negligence or bad faith.
    15.7   LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.  The Warrant Agent shall be under no obligation to
institute any  action, suit  or legal  proceeding or  to take  any other  action
likely  to  involve expense  unless the  Company  or one  or more  Holders shall
furnish the Warrant Agent with reasonable  security and indemnity for any  costs
and  expenses which  may be  incurred, but this  provision shall  not affect the
power of the Warrant Agent to take such action as the Warrant Agent may consider
proper, whether with or  without any such security  or indemnity. All rights  of
action  under this Agreement or under any of the Warrants may be enforced by the
Warrant Agent without the  possession of any of  the Warrants or the  production
thereof  at any  trial or other  proceedings relative thereto,  any such action,
suit or proceeding instituted by the Warrant Agent shall be brought in its  name
as  Warrant Agent, and any recovery of judgment shall be for the ratable benefit
of the Holders, as their respective rights or interests may appear.

any  stockholder, director,  officer or employee  of the Warrant  Agent may buy,
sell or deal  in any  of the  Warrants, or other  securities of  the Company  or
become  pecuniarily interested  in any transaction  in which the  Company may be
interested or contract with  or lend money  to the Company  or otherwise act  as
fully  and freely  as though  it were  not Warrant  Agent under  this Agreement.
Nothing herein  shall  preclude the  Warrant  Agent  from acting  in  any  other
capacity for the Company or for any other legal entity.
    15.9   LIABILITY OF  WARRANT AGENT.   The Warrant Agent  shall act hereunder
solely as agent,  and its duties  shall be determined  solely by the  provisions
hereof.  The Warrant Agent shall  not be liable for anything  which it may do or
refrain from  doing  in  connection  with this  Agreement  except  for  its  own
negligence or bad faith.
    15.10    RELIANCE  ON DOCUMENTS.    The  Warrant Agent  will  not  incur any
liability or responsibility to the Company or to any Holder for any action taken
in reliance on any notice,  resolution, waiver, consent, order, certificate,  or
other paper, documents or instrument reasonably believed by it to be genuine and
to have been signed, set or presented by the proper party or parties.
    15.11   VALIDITY  OF AGREEMENT.   The Warrant  Agent shall not  be under any
responsibility in respect of the validity of this Agreement or the execution and
delivery hereof (except  the due execution  hereof by the  Warrant Agent) or  in
respect of the validity or execution of any Warrant (except its countersignature
thereof); nor shall the Warrant Agent by any act hereunder be deemed to make any
representation or warranty as to the authorization or reservation of any Warrant
Shares  (or other stock) to be issued pursuant to this Agreement or any Warrant,
or as to  whether any  Warrant Shares  (or other  stock) will,  when issued,  be
validly  issued, fully paid and nonassessable, or as to the Warrant Price or the
number or  amount  of Warrant  Shares  or  other securities  or  other  property
issuable upon exercise of any Warrant.
    15.12   INSTRUCTIONS FROM  COMPANY.  The Warrant  Agent is hereby authorized
and directed  to accept  instructions with  respect to  the performance  of  its
duties  hereunder  from  the  Chairman  of  the  Board,  the  President,  a Vice
President, the Secretary or the Treasurer of  the Company, and to apply to  such
officer  for advice or instructions in connection with its duties, and shall not
be liable for any action taken  or suffered to be taken  by it in good faith  in
accordance with instructions of any such officer or officers.
    Section  16.  CHANGE OF WARRANT AGENT.   The Warrant Agent may resign and be
discharged from its duties under this Agreement by giving to the Company 30 days
notice in  writing. The  Warrant Agent  may be  removed by  like notice  to  the
Warrant  Agent from the Company. If the Warrant Agent shall resign or be removed
or shall  otherwise become  incapable of  acting, the  Company shall  appoint  a
successor  to  the  Warrant  Agent.  If the  Company  shall  fail  to  make such
appointment within a period of 30 days  after such removal or after it has  been
notified  in  writing of  such  resignation or  incapacity  by the  resigning or
incapacitated Warrant Agent or by any Holder (who shall with such notice  submit
his  Warrant for inspection  by the Company),  then any Holder  may apply to any
court of  competent jurisdiction  for  the appointment  of  a successor  to  the
Warrant  Agent. Any successor warrant agent, whether appointed by the Company or
such a court, shall be a bank  or trust company, in good standing,  incorporated
under  the laws of the United States of  America or any state thereof and having
at the time of its appointment as  warrant agent a combined capital and  surplus
of  at least $100,000,000. After appointment,  the successor warrant agent shall
be vested with the same powers, rights, duties and responsibilities as if it had
been originally named  as Warrant  Agent without further  act or  deed, but  the
former  Warrant Agent shall deliver and  transfer to the successor warrant agent
any property at  the time  held by  it hereunder,  and execute  and deliver  for
further assurance, conveyance, act or deed necessary for the purpose. Failure to
file any notice provided for in this Section 16, however, or any defect therein,
shall  not affect the legality or validity  of the resignation or removal of the
Warrant Agent or the appointment of the successor warrant agent, as the case may
be. In the  event of such  resignation or removal,  the successor warrant  agent
shall mail, by first class mail, postage prepaid, to each Holder, written notice
of  such  removal or  resignation and  the  name and  address of  such successor
warrant agent.
    Section 17.  IDENTITY OF TRANSFER AGENT.  Forthwith upon the appointment  of
any  subsequent transfer agent for the Common  Stock, or any other shares of the
Company's capital stock issuable upon the exercise

of the  Warrants, the  Company will  file  with the  Warrant Agent  a  statement
setting forth name and address of such subsequent transfer agent.
    Section  18.  NOTICES.  Any notice pursuant to this Agreement by the Company
or by any Holder to the Warrant Agent, or by the Warrant Agent or by any  Holder
to  the Company,  shall be  in writing and  shall be  delivered in  person or by
facsimile transmission,  or  mailed first  class,  postage prepaid  (a)  to  the
Company,  at its  offices at                    ; or  (b) the  Warrant agent, to
        [Bank]          .  Each party hereto  may from time  to time change  the
address to which notices to it are to be delivered or mailed hereunder by notice
to the other party.
    Any  notice mailed pursuant to this Agreement  by the Company or the Warrant
Agent to  the Holders  shall be  in writing  and shall  be mailed  first  class,
postage  prepaid, or  otherwise delivered  to such  Holders at  their respective
addresses on the books of the Warrant Agent.
    Section 19.  SUPPLEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS.  The Company and the Warrant  Agent
may from time to time supplement or amend this Agreement without the approval of
any  Holder, in  order to  cure any  ambiguity or  to correct  or supplement any
provision contained herein which may be defective or inconsistent with any other
provision herein,  or to  make any  other  provisions in  regard to  matters  or
questions  arising hereunder  which the Company  and the Warrant  Agent may deem
necessary or desirable and which shall  not be inconsistent with the  provisions
of  the  Warrants and  which shall  not  adversely affect  the interests  of the
    This Agreement shall not otherwise  be modified, supplemented or altered  in
any  respect  except with  the consent  in  writing of  the Holders  of Warrants
representing not less than 50% of  the Warrants then outstanding; and  provided,
further,  that  no  change  in  (i)  the  number  or  nature  of  the securities
purchasable upon the exercise of any  Warrant, (ii) the Warrant Price  therefor,
(iii)  the  acceleration  of  the Expiration  Date,  or  (iv)  the anti-dilution
provisions of Section 10  hereof which would adversely  affect the interests  of
any  Holder shall be  made without the consent  in writing of  the Holder of the
certificate  representing  such  Warrant,  other   than  such  changes  as   are
specifically  prescribed by this Agreement as originally executed or are made in
compliance with applicable law.
    Section 20.  SUCCESSORS.  All the covenants and provisions of this Agreement
by or for the benefit of the Company  or the Warrant Agent shall bind and  inure
to the benefit of their respective successors and assigns hereunder.
    Section  21.  MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION OF  THE COMPANY.  The Company will not
merge  or  consolidate  with  or  into,  or  sell,  transfer  or  lease  all  or
substantially all of its property to, any other corporation unless the successor
or  purchasing  corporation, as  the case  may  be (if  not the  Company), shall
expressly assume, by supplemental agreement satisfactory in form to the  Warrant
Agent  and executed  and delivered  to the Warrant  Agent, the  due and punctual
performance and observance  of each  and every  covenant and  condition of  this
Agreement to be performed and observed by the Company.
    Section  22.    APPLICABLE LAW.    This  Agreement and  each  Warrant issued
hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of  the
State of Ohio, without giving effect to principles of conflict of laws.
    Section 23.  BENEFITS OF THIS AGREEMENT.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed  to give  to any  person or  corporation other  than the  Company, the
Warrant Agent, and  the Holders any  legal or equitable  right, remedy or  claim
under  this Agreement; but  this Agreement shall  be for the  sole and exclusive
benefit of the Company, the Warrant Agent and the Holders of the Warrants.
    Section 24.  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in any number  of
counterparts  and each of such counterparts shall  for all purposes be deemed to
be an original, and all such counterparts shall together constitute but one  and
the same instrument.
    Section 25.  CAPTIONS.  The captions of the Sections and subsections of this
Agreement  have been inserted for convenience only and shall have no substantive

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed, all as of the day and year first above written.
                                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
[SEAL] :
- ------------------------------------------
                                          KEYCORP SHAREHOLDER SERVICES, INC.
                                           as Warrant Agent
- ------------------------------------------
    Corporate Trust Officer

             VOID AFTER 5:00 P.M. EASTERN TIME,             , 2001
NO.                                                         WARRANTS TO PURCHASE
                                               [        ] SHARES OF COMMON STOCK
                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                         COMMON STOCK PURCHASE WARRANTS
    This  certifies that, for value received,         or registered assigns (the
"Holder"), is  entitled to  purchase from  Jacor Communications,  Inc., an  Ohio
corporation  (the "Company"), at any  time, at the purchase  price of $      per
share (the "Warrant Price"), the number  of shares of Common Stock, without  par
value,  of  the Company  ("Common  Stock"), shown  above.  The number  of shares
purchasable upon exercise of the Warrants  and the Warrant Price are subject  to
adjustment  from time to time as set  forth in the Warrant Agreement referred to
    Warrants may  be exercised  in whole  or  in part  by presentation  of  this
Warrant  Certificate  with the  Purchase Form  on the  reverse side  hereof duly
executed, which signature shall be  guaranteed by a bank  or trust company or  a
broker  or dealer which  is a member  of the National  Association of Securities
Dealers, Inc., and simultaneous  payment of the Warrant  Price at the  principal
office   of  KeyCorp  Shareholder  Services,   Inc.  (the  "Warrant  Agent")  in
            . Payment of such price  shall be made at  the option of the  Holder
hereof  in  cash or  by  certified or  bank cashier's  check  drawn upon  a bank
chartered by the government of the United States or any state thereof.
    This Warrant Certificate is  issued under and in  accordance with a  Warrant
Agreement  dated as of               , 1996, between the Company and the Warrant
Agent and  is subject  to the  terms  and provisions  contained in  the  Warrant
Agreement,  to all of which the Holder of this Warrant Certificate by acceptance
hereof consents. A copy of the Warrant  Agreement may be obtained by the  Holder
hereof upon written request to the Company.
    Upon  any  partial  exercise  of  the  Warrants  evidenced  by  this Warrant
Certificate, there shall be countersigned and issued to the Holder hereof a  new
Warrant  Certificate for  the shares  of Common Stock  as to  which the Warrants
evidenced by  this  Warrant Certificate  shall  not have  been  exercised.  This
Warrant  Certificate may  be exchanged  at the  office of  the Warrant  Agent by
surrender of this Warrant Certificate properly endorsed either separately or  in
combination  with one  or more  other Warrant Certificates  for one  or more new
Warrant Certificates evidencing the right of the Holder thereof to purchase  the
same  aggregate number of shares as were purchasable on exercise of the Warrants
evidenced by the  Warrant Certificate or  Certificates exchanged. No  fractional
shares will be issued upon the exercise of any Warrant, but the Company will pay
the  cash value  thereof determined as  provided in the  Warrant Agreement. This
Warrant Certificate is transferable  at the office of  the Warrant Agent in  the
manner and subject to the limitations set forth in the Warrant Agreement.
    The  Holder hereof may be treated by the Company, the Warrant Agent, and all
other persons dealing with this Warrant Certificate as the absolute owner hereof
for any purpose and  as the person entitled  to exercise the rights  represented
hereby,  or to the transfer hereof on the books of the Company any notice to the
contrary notwithstanding, and until such transfer on such books, the Company may
treat the Holder thereof as the owner for all purposes.
    Neither the Warrants nor this Warrant Certificate entitle any Holder  hereof
to any of the rights of a stockholder of the Company.

    This  Warrant Certificate shall  not be valid or  obligatory for any purpose
until it shall have been countersigned by the Warrant Agent.
Warrant Agent
- --------------------------------------
            Authorized Signature
                                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
- ----------------------------------                                           By:
- ---------------------------------------
                  Secretary                      Title:

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                 PURCHASE FORM
    The undersigned hereby irrevocably elects to exercise the right to  purchase
        shares  of  Common Stock  evidenced by  the within  Warrant Certificate,
according to the terms and conditions thereof, and herewith makes payment of the
purchase price in full  by tendering cash or  certified or bank cashier's  check
drawn  upon a bank chartered by the government of the United States or any state
thereof in the aggregate  amount of $          .  The undersigned requests  that
certificates for such shares of Common Stock shall be issued in the name of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Please print Name, Address and Social Security No.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
and,  if  said  number  of  shares  shall  not  be  all  the  shares purchasable
thereunder, that a  New Warrant  Certificate for  the balance  remaining of  the
shares purchasable under the within Warrant Certificate be issued in the name of
the  undersigned Warrantholder or his Assignee  as below indicated and delivered
to the address stated below.
- --------- ,
- ---------
Name of Warrantholder or Assignee:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (The above signature must correspond with the name as written
                   upon  the  face   of  this  Warrant   Certificate  in   every
                   particular,  without alteration or  enlargement or any change
                   whatever, unless this Warrant Certificate has been assigned.)
Signature Guaranteed:
- ----------------------------------------

           (To be signed only upon assignment of Warrant Certificate)
    FOR VALUED RECEIVED,  the undersigned  hereby sells,  assigns and  transfers
(Name and Address of Assignee Must be Printed or Typewritten)                the
within Warrant Certificate, irrevocably constituting and appointing            ,
Attorney  to transfer said Warrant Certificate on the books of the Company, with
full power of substitution in the premises.
DATED:             ,
                                                  (The  above   signature   must
                                                  correspond  with  the  name as
                                                  written on  the face  of  this
                                                  Warrant  Certificate  in every
                                                  particular, without alteration
                                                  or enlargement  or any  change
Signature Guaranteed:
- ---------------------------------

                                                                         ANNEX V
                         [SALOMON BROTHERS LETTERHEAD]
February 12, 1996
Board of Directors
Citicasters, Inc.
One East Fourth Street
Suite 600
Cincinnati, OH 45202
    You  have requested  our opinion as  investment bankers as  to the fairness,
from a financial point of  view, to the holders of  shares of Common Stock  (the
"Shares"),  of Citicasters Inc.,  a Florida corporation  (the "Company"), of the
consideration to  be  received by  such  holders  in the  proposed  merger  (the
"Merger") of JCAC, Inc. ("Sub"), a Florida corporation and a direct wholly owned
subsidiary  of Jacor Communications,  Inc., an Ohio  corporation ("Jacor"), with
and into the Company. Pursuant to the  Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as  of
February 12, 1996 (the "Merger Agreement") among the Company, Jacor and Sub, all
outstanding Shares will receive $29.50 per Share, plus the Warrant Consideration
as defined in the Merger Agreement.
    In  connection with  rendering our opinion,  we have  reviewed and analyzed,
among other things,  the following: (i)  a draft of  the Merger Agreement  dated
February 11, 1996 and certain related documents; (ii) certain publicly available
and  other information  concerning the Company  and Jacor,  including the Annual
Reports on Form  10-K of  the Company and  Jacor for  each of the  years in  the
five-year  period ended December 31, 1994 and the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q
of the Company and Jacor for the quarter ended September 30, 1995; (iii) certain
other internal  information  for the  Company,  primarily financial  in  nature,
including  the Company's  estimates of  1995 and  1996 earnings,  concerning the
business and  operations of  the Company  furnished  to us  by the  Company  for
purposes of our analysis; (iv) certain publicly available information concerning
the historic and current trading of, and the historic and current trading market
for,  the  Shares  and for  the  common  stock of  Jacor;  (v)  certain publicly
available information concerning the  historic and current  trading of, and  the
historic  and current trading market for, the equity securities of certain other
companies that we believe to  be comparable to the  Company and Jacor; and  (vi)
certain  publicly  available  information  concerning the  nature  and  terms of
certain other acquisition transactions that we consider relevant to our inquiry.
We   were    not    requested    to    and    did    not    generally    solicit

Citicasters, Inc.
February 12, 1996
Page 2
                                                         [SALOMON BROTHERS LOGO]
third  party interest in the Company. We have also met with certain officers and
employees of the Company to  discuss the foregoing as  well as other matters  we
believe relevant to our inquiry. We have also considered such other information,
financial  studies, analyses, investigations and  financial, economic and market
criteria which we deemed relevant.
    In our review and analysis and in  arriving at our opinion, we have  assumed
and  relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the financial and other
information provided  us  or  publicly  available  and  have  neither  attempted
independently  to verify  nor assumed responsibility  for verifying  any of such
information. With respect to  the Company's estimates of  earnings for 1995  and
1996,  we  have  assumed  that  they  have  been  reasonably  prepared  on bases
reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the Company's
management as  to the  financial  performance of  the  Company for  the  periods
covered.  We have not made or obtained any independent evaluations or appraisals
of any of the Company's or Jacor's assets, properties or facilities, nor have we
been furnished with any such evaluations or appraisals. We have assumed that the
Merger will be consummated in accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement.
We have also assumed that the definitive Merger Agreement and related  documents
will  not, when executed, contain any terms or conditions that differ materially
from the terms and conditions contained in the drafts of such documents we  have
    In  conducting our analysis and arriving at our opinion as expressed herein,
we  have  considered  such  financial  and  other  factors  as  we  have  deemed
appropriate under the circumstances, including, among others, the following: (i)
the  historical and current financial position  and results of the operations of
the Company and Jacor  based on publicly  available financial information;  (ii)
the  business prospects of the Company  and, where such information was publicly
available, of  Jacor; (iii)  the  historical and  current  trading of,  and  the
historic  and current trading market for, the Shares and for the common stock of
Jacor and for the equity securities  of certain other companies that we  believe
to  be comparable  to the Company  and Jacor; and  (iv) the nature  and terms of
certain other acquisition transactions that we consider relevant to our inquiry.
We have also taken into account  our assessment of general economic, market  and
financial  conditions and our knowledge of  the broadcasting industry as well as
our experience in connection with similar transactions and securities  valuation
generally.  Our opinion necessarily  is based upon conditions  as they exist and
can be evaluated on the  date hereof. Our opinion is,  in any event, limited  to
the  fairness,  from a  financial  point of  view,  of the  consideration  to be
received by the holders  of the Shares  in the Merger and  does not address  the
Company's  underlying business  decision to  effect the  Merger or  constitute a
recommendation to any holder of  Shares as to how  such holder should vote  with
respect to the Merger.
    As you are aware, Salomon Brothers Inc has acted as financial advisor to the
Company in connection with the Merger and will receive a fee for our services, a
substantial  portion  of  which  is  contingent  upon  the  consummation  of the
transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement. Additionally, Salomon Brothers
Inc has previously  rendered certain investment  banking and financial  advisory
services   to  affiliates  of  the  Company  for  which  we  received  customary
compensation. In  addition, in  the  ordinary course  of  our business,  we  may
actively  trade the securities of the Company  and Jacor for our own account and
for the accounts of customers and, accordingly,  may at any time hold a long  or
short position in such securities.

Citicasters, Inc.
February 12, 1996
Page 3
                                                         [SALOMON BROTHERS LOGO]
    Salomon  Brothers Inc  has provided  certain investment  banking services to
Jacor in the past, and may provide  investment banking services to Jacor in  the
    It  is understood that  this letter is  for the information  of the Board of
Directors of the Company and may not be used for any other purpose without prior
written consent, except that this opinion may be included in any filing made  by
the Company or Jacor with the Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to
the Merger and transactions related thereto.
    Based  upon and subject to the foregoing, it  is our opinion that, as of the
date hereof, the consideration to  be received by the  holders of Shares in  the
Merger is fair to such holders from a financial point of view.
                                          Very truly yours,
                                          SALOMON BROTHERS INC

                                                                        ANNEX VI
                                ESCROW AGREEMENT
    THIS  ESCROW AGREEMENT  (this "Agreement"), dated  as of March  13, 1996, is
made by and among Jacor Communications, Inc., an Ohio corporation  ("Acquiror"),
Citicasters,  Inc., a Florida  corporation (the "Company"),  and PNC Bank, Ohio,
N.A., as Escrow Agent ("Escrow Agent").
    Acquiror and the Company are the parties to an Agreement and Plan of  Merger
dated  as  of the  date hereof  (as in  effect  from time  to time,  the "Merger
Agreement"). Each capitalized term  which is used but  not otherwise defined  in
this Agreement has the meaning assigned to that term in the Merger Agreement.
    If  the  Merger  Agreement is  terminated  by  the Company  pursuant  to any
Escrow-Surrender Provision (as defined below), then the Company will be entitled
to a payment in the amount of the Escrow Payment (as defined below). As security
for the obligations to make such  payment, Acquiror is depositing or causing  to
be  deposited a Letter of Credit (as defined below) in accordance with the terms
of this Agreement, to be held and acted upon by Escrow Agent in accordance  with
the provisions of this Agreement.
    The parties agree as follows:
    1  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this Agreement:
    (a)  "Escrow-Surrender  Event" means  solely the  termination of  the Merger
Agreement under  the circumstances  defined in  Sections 8.2(b)(i),  8.2(b)(ii),
8.2(b)(iii), 8.2(b)(iv) or 8.2(b)(v) of the Merger Agreement.
    (b)  "Escrow-Retention Event" means the  termination of the Merger Agreement
in any manner that is not an Escrow-Surrender Event.
    2  ESCROW PAYMENT.  (a) Simultaneously with the delivery of the consents  by
the  Consenting Shareholders (as defined in the Merger Agreement) (the "Delivery
Date"), Acquiror  will deliver  or cause  to  be delivered  to Escrow  Agent  an
irrevocable,  direct pay letter  of credit issued  to Escrow Agent  on behalf of
Acquiror by  Banque  Paribas (the  "Initial  Issuing  Bank") in  the  amount  of
$75,000,000.00  (the "Escrow  Payment"). If  Acquiror fails  to comply  with the
requirements of the  preceding sentence,  Acquiror will on  the day  immediately
following  the Delivery  Date pay to  the Escrow Agent  in immediately available
funds the sum of $75,000,000.00. Acquiror, at its option and at its expense, may
replace the Initial Letter  of Credit (or any  Replacement Letter of Credit)  by
delivery  of another irrevocable, direct  pay letter of credit  in the amount of
$75,000,000.00 issued by  an institution  that is reasonably  acceptable to  the
Company,  and in a form  that is reasonably acceptable  to the Company (any such
other letter of  credit being  referred to herein  as a  "Replacement Letter  of
Credit").  Upon receipt  of a  Replacement Letter  of Credit,  Escrow Agent will
surrender  the  replaced  letter  of  credit  to  the  issuing  institution  for
cancellation. Any letter of credit held by the Escrow Agent at any time pursuant
to  this Agreement  is referred  to herein  as the  "Letter of  Credit," and any
institution that has issued such Letter of  Credit is referred to herein as  the
"Issuing Bank".
    (b)  Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement  to the contrary, the Letter
of Credit (or  any Replacement Letter  of Credit) may  have any expiration  date
reasonably  determined by  Acquiror; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,  that (i)  if the Merger
Agreement shall not  have been terminated  and (ii) if  a Replacement Letter  of
Credit  in  the amount  of $75,000,000.00  issued  by an  institution reasonably
acceptable to the Company  and in a  form that is  reasonably acceptable to  the
Company  shall not have been delivered and accepted by the Escrow Agent at least
two business days prior to the expiration date of the then outstanding Letter of
Credit (the "Expiration Date"), then the Escrow Agent shall (x) on the  business
day  immediately preceding the  Expiration Date, present to  the Issuing Bank in
accordance with the Letter of Credit a draft for payment to the Escrow Agent  of
an  amount equal  to $75,000,000.00 (the  "Letter of Credit  Proceeds"); and (y)
upon receipt of  the Letter  of Credit Proceeds,  hold such  proceeds in  escrow
until Acquiror shall have delivered, and the Escrow Agent shall have accepted, a
Letter  of  Credit in  the  amount of  $75,000,000.00  issued by  an institution
reasonably acceptable to the Company and in a form that is reasonably acceptable
to the Company.

    3  APPOINTMENT OF ESCROW AGENT.   Acquiror and the Company hereby  designate
and  appoint Escrow Agent as  their joint escrow agent  pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement. Escrow Agent agrees to (a) act as Escrow Agent, (b) hold and act
upon the Letter of Credit and (c) deliver the proceeds of any payment under  the
Letter  of Credit, in each  case in accordance with  the terms and conditions of
this Escrow Agreement.
    4   DISBURSEMENT REQUESTS.   At  any time  after termination  of the  Merger
Agreement  pursuant to  any Escrow-Surrender Event,  the Company  may deliver to
Escrow Agent and simultaneously to Acquiror a written notice (a "Company Payment
Request") which  states that  such termination  has occurred  and requests  that
Escrow  Agent, unless the Escrow Agent shall have already drawn on the Letter of
Credit pursuant to Section  2(b) of this Agreement,  (i) present to the  Issuing
Bank in accordance with the Letter of Credit a draft for payment to Escrow Agent
of  an amount equal to $75,000,000.00, and (ii) upon receipt of proceeds of such
payment under the Letter of Credit, pay such proceeds in the manner indicated in
such notice. If  the Escrow  Agent shall  have already  drawn on  the Letter  of
Credit  pursuant to Section 2(b)  of this Agreement, the  Escrow Agent shall, on
the second business day after the Escrow Agent's receipt of the Company  Payment
Request,  pay the proceeds of the Letter of  Credit to the Company in the manner
indicated in  the Company  Payment  Request. Promptly  upon termination  of  the
Merger  Agreement pursuant to  an Escrow-Retention Provision,  the Company shall
deliver to Escrow  Agent and  Acquiror a  written notice  (a "Company  Surrender
Request")  which states  that such  termination has  occurred and  requests that
Escrow  Agent  surrender  the  Letter  of   Credit  to  the  Issuing  Bank   for
cancellation,  or if the Escrow Agent shall  have already drawn on the Letter of
Credit pursuant to Section 2(b), requests  the Escrow Agent to pay the  proceeds
of  the Letter  of Credit  to Acquiror  in the  manner indicated  in the Company
Surrender Request.
    (a) ACTIONS UPON JOINT INSTRUCTIONS.  Escrow Agent will give instructions to
the Issuing Bank or take other actions with respect to the Letter of Credit, and
make disbursements, in  accordance with  the joint written  instructions of  the
Company and Acquiror.
    (b) CONSUMMATION OF MERGER.  At the closing of the Merger, pursuant to joint
written  instructions executed  by Acquiror and  the Company,  Escrow Agent will
surrender the Letter of Credit to the  Issuing Bank for cancellation, or if  the
Escrow  Agent shall have drawn on the Letter of Credit pursuant to Section 2(b),
the Escrow Agent will pay  the proceeds of the Letter  of Credit to Acquiror  as
directed  by Acquiror.  If the  Letter of Credit  is cancelled  pursuant to this
paragraph 5(b), then this Agreement will terminate.
    (c) ACTIONS UPON COMPANY PAYMENT REQUEST.  Upon receipt from the Company  of
a Company Payment Request pursuant to paragraph 4, Escrow Agent will immediately
(and  in any event within one business day) give Acquiror notice of such Company
Payment Request. Escrow Agent will take the requested actions set forth in  such
Company  Payment Request  on the second  business day following  receipt of such
Company Payment Request.
    (d) ACTIONS UPON COMPANY SURRENDER  REQUEST.  Immediately upon receipt  from
the Company of a Company Surrender Request pursuant to paragraph 4, Escrow Agent
will take the requested actions set forth in such Company Surrender Request.
    (e)  LETTER OF CREDIT WAIVER.  Immediately  upon receipt from the Company or
Acquiror of a  Letter of  Credit Waiver (as  defined in  the Merger  Agreement),
Escrow  Agent  will surrender  the  Letter of  Credit  to the  Issuing  Bank for
cancellation, or if the Escrow Agent shall  have already drawn on the Letter  of
Credit  pursuant to Section  2(b), pay the  proceeds of the  Letter of Credit to
Acquiror. Upon such surrender or payment, this Agreement will terminate.
    6  LIABILITY OF ESCROW AGENT.   Escrow Agent's duties and obligations  under
this  Agreement  will be  determined solely  by the  express provisions  of this
Agreement. Escrow Agent will  be under no obligation  to refer to any  documents
other  than this Agreement and the instructions and requests delivered to Escrow
Agent hereunder.  Escrow Agent  will  not have  any duties  or  responsibilities
except  as  expressly  provided in  this  Agreement.  Escrow Agent  will  not be
obligated to  recognize,  and will  not  have any  liability  or  responsibility
arising  under, any agreement to which Escrow  Agent is not a party, even though
reference  thereto  may  be  made   herein.  With  respect  to  Escrow   Agent's
responsibility, the Company and Acquiror further agree that:

        (a)  Escrow  Agent will  have no  liability  by reason  of any  error of
    judgment or for any act  done or step taken or  omitted by Escrow Agent,  or
    for  any mistake  of fact or  law or anything  which Escrow Agent  may do or
    refrain from  doing  in  Agent's  gross negligence,  bad  faith  or  willful
    misconduct.  Escrow Agent may consult with  counsel of its own choice (other
    than counsel for  Acquiror or the  Company or any  of their affiliates)  and
    will  have full  and complete  authorization and  protection for  any action
    taken or suffered by Escrow Agent hereunder in good faith and in  accordance
    with  the opinion  of such counsel.  The reasonable costs  of such counsel's
    services will be paid  to Escrow Agent in  accordance with paragraph 7.  The
    Company  and Acquiror will jointly indemnify  and hold Escrow Agent harmless
    from and against any and  all liability and expense  which may arise out  of
    any  action  taken  or  omitted  by Escrow  Agent  in  accordance  with this
    Agreement, except for such liability and expenses which results from  Escrow
    Agent's gross negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct.
        (b)  The  Company or  Acquiror may  examine  the Escrow  Agent's records
    pertaining to this  Agreement at any  time during normal  business hours  at
    Escrow Agent's office upon 24 hours' prior notice.
        (c)  This Agreement is  a personal one,  Escrow Agent's duties hereunder
    being only to the other parties hereto, their successors, permitted  assigns
    and legal representatives, and to no other Person.
        (d)  No succession to, or assignment of, the interest of Acquiror or the
    Company will  be binding  upon the  Escrow Agent  unless and  until  written
    evidence  of such succession  or assignment, in  form satisfactory to Escrow
    Agent, has been filed with and accepted by Escrow Agent.
        (e) Escrow Agent may rely or act upon requests or instructions signed by
    the proper parties or bearing a signature or signatures reasonably  believed
    by Escrow Agent to be genuine of the proper parties.
        (f)  In  case  any emergency  held  by  Escrow Agent  will  be attached,
    garnished or levied upon under a  court order, or the delivery thereof  will
    be  stayed or  enjoined by a  court order,  or any writ,  order, judgment or
    decree will be  made or  entered by  any court,  or any  order, judgment  or
    decree will be made or entered by any court affecting the property deposited
    under  this Agreement or any party thereof, Escrow Agent is hereby expressly
    authorized, in  its sole  discretion, to  obey and  comply with  all  writs,
    orders,  judgments  or decrees  so  entered or  issued,  whether or  with or
    without jurisdiction, and in  case Escrow Agent obeys  or complies with  any
    such  writ, order, judgment  or decree, Escrow  Agent will not  be liable to
    Acquiror or the Company or to any other Person by reason of such  compliance
    in connection with such litigation, and the Company and Acquiror jointly and
    severally  agree  to pay  to Escrow  Agent on  demand its  reasonable costs,
    attorneys' fees, charges, disbursements and expenses in connection with such
        (g) Subject to the terms of  this paragraph 6(g), Escrow Agent  reserves
    the  right to resign at any time  by giving written notice of resignation to
    Acquiror and the Company  specifying the effective  date thereof. Within  30
    days  after receiving  such notice,  Acquiror and  the Company  jointly will
    appoint a successor escrow  agent to which Escrow  Agent may distribute  the
    property   then  held  hereunder,  less  Escrow  Agent's  accrued  fees  and
    reasonable  costs  and   expenses.  Escrow  Agent   hereby  agrees  to   use
    commercially reasonable efforts to comply with the Issuing Bank's conditions
    for  transfer of  the Letter  of Credit  to a  successor escrow  agent. If a
    successor escrow  agent has  not been  appointed or  has not  accepted  such
    appointment  by the end of  such 30-day period, Escrow  Agent may apply to a
    court of competent jurisdiction  for the appointment  of a successor  escrow
    agent,  and Acquiror and the Company will pay the reasonable costs, expenses
    and attorneys' fees which are  incurred in connection with such  proceeding.
    Notwithstanding  the  above,  if  a  transfer of  the  Letter  of  Credit is
    prohibited by this  terms, or  if the Letter  of Credit  does not  expressly
    permit  a subsequent holder  to draw on  such Letter of  Credit, then Escrow
    Agent shall not  deliver the  Letter of  Credit to  the clerk  for any  such
    court,  but instead either (i) Acquiror shall arrange for the replacement of
    such Letter of Credit with another Letter of Credit permitting such transfer
    and permitting the subsequent  holder to draw on  the replacement Letter  of
    Credit  in  accordance  with  the  terms  hereof  and  as  specified  in the
    replacement Letter  of  Credit  (which  shall  be  on  the  same  terms  and
    conditions  contained in  the Letter of  Credit), in which  event the Escrow
    Agent may deposit such  replacement Letter of Credit  with the clerk of  any
    such  court, or  (ii) the Escrow  Agent shall draw  on such non-transferable
    Letter of Credit and deliver the proceeds to the clerk of such court.

        (h) Escrow Agent does not have any  interest in the escrow fund, but  is
    serving as escrow holder only and has possession thereof. If any payments of
    income  from the escrow fund will be subject to withholding regulations then
    in force with respect to United States taxes, Acquiror and the Company agree
    to provide Escrow Agent with appropriate  forms for or with respect to  such
    withholder.  This paragraph 6(h) and paragraphs  6(a), 6(f), 6(g) and 7 will
    survive notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement or Escrow  Agent's
    7    COMPENSATION OF  ESCROW  AGENT.   Escrow Agent  will  be entitled  to a
reasonable fee  for services  rendered and  for reimbursement  of  extraordinary
expenses incurred in performance of its duties, which extraordinary expenses are
not  included in said fee. Said fee and expenses will be divided equally between
Acquiror, on the one hand, and the Company, on the other hand.
    8  NOTICES.  All notices, requests, demands, claims and other communications
hereunder ("Notices")  will  be in  writing,  personally delivered  or  sent  by
facsimile and addressed to the intended recipient as set forth below:
           Citicasters Inc.
           Suite 600
           One East Fourth Street
           Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
           Attention: Samuel J. Simon, Esq.
           Phone: (513) 562-8019
           Facsimile: (513) 562-8075
           Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
           North Point
           901 Lakeside Avenue
           Cleveland, Ohio 44114
           Attention: Lyle G. Ganske, Esq.
           Phone: (216) 586-7264
           Facsimile: (216) 579-0212
           Jacor Communications, Inc.
           1300 PNC Center
           201 East Fifth Street
           Cincinnati, OH 45202
           Attention: Mr. Randy Michaels
           Phone: (513) 621-1300
           Facsimile: (513) 621-0090
           Graydon, Head & Ritchey
           1900 Fifth Third Center
           511 Walnut Street
           Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
           Attention: Thomas W. Kahle
           Phone: (513) 621-6464
           Facsimile: (513) 651-3836

           and to:
           Mayer, Brown & Platt
           190 South LaSalle Street
           Chicago, IL 60603-3441
           Attention: Scott J. Davis, Esq.
           Phone: (312) 701-7311
           Facsimile: (312) 701-7711
           PNC Bank, Ohio, N.A.
           201 East Fifth Street
           Corporate Trust Department
           Third Floor
           Cincinnati, OH 45202
           Attention: Jack Hannah
           Phone: (513) 651-8385
           Facsimile: (513) 651-7901
Any  notices will be deemed  to have been given  pursuant to this Agreement when
personally delivered or sent by facsimile (electronically confirmed). Any  party
may  change the address to which Notices are to be delivered by giving the other
parties notice in the manner provided in this paragraph 8.
    9  BINDING  EFFECT: ASSIGNMENT.   This Agreement and  all of the  provisions
hereof  will be binding upon and inure to  the benefit of the parties hereto and
their respective successors and permitted assigns.
    10  SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal,
invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the  term
of  this Agreement, such provision will  be fully severable; this Agreement will
be construed  and  enforced  as  if  such  illegal,  invalid,  or  unenforceable
provision  had  never comprised  a  part of  this  Agreement; and  the remaining
provisions of this Agreement will remain in  full force and effect and will  not
be  affected  by the  illegal,  invalid, or  unenforceable  provision or  by its
severance from this Agreement.
    11  NO STRICT  CONSTRUCTION.  The  language used in  this Agreement will  be
deemed  to be the language chosen by  the parties hereto to express their mutual
intent, and no rule of strict construction will be applied against any Person.
    12  HEADINGS.  The  headings used in this  Agreement are for convenience  of
reference  only and do not  constitute a part of this  Agreement and will not be
deemed to  limit,  characterize or  in  any way  affect  any provision  of  this
Agreement,  and all provisions of this  Agreement will be enforced and construed
as if no heading had been used in this Agreement.
    13    COUNTERPARTS.    This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
counterparts,  any one of which need not contain the signatures of more than one
Person, but all  such counterparts taken  together will constitute  one and  the
same instrument.
    14   GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement will  be governed by  and construed in
accordance with the domestic laws of the State of Ohio, without giving effect to
any choice of law or conflict of law provision (whether of the State of Ohio  or
any  other jurisdiction)  that would  cause the application  of the  laws of any
jurisdiction other than the State of Ohio.
    15  NUMBER.   Each  defined term  used in  this Agreement  has a  comparable
meaning used in its plural or singular form.

    16   INCLUDING.  Whenever the term  "including" (whether or not that term is
followed by the word "but  not limited to" or  "without limitation" or words  of
similar  effect) is used in this Agreement in connection with a listing of items
within a  particular classification,  that  listing will  be interpreted  to  be
illustrative  only and will not be interpreted  as a limitation on, or exclusive
listing of, the items within that classification.
    17  TERMINATION.   If the Letter  of Credit (other than  a Letter of  Credit
that is replaced by a Replacement Letter of Credit) is cancelled pursuant to the
terms  of this  Agreement, then  this Agreement  will terminate.  This Agreement
shall survive any termination of the Merger Agreement.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto  have executed this Agreement on  the
day and year first above written.
                                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                          By:         /s/ RANDY MICHAELS
                                          Its:   President and Co-Chief
                                               Operating Officer
                                          CITICASTERS INC.
                                          By:         /s/ SAMUEL J. SIMON
                                          Its:       Senior Vice President
                                          PNC BANK, OHIO, N.A., as Escrow Agent
                                          By:         /s/ JACK C. HANNAH
                                          Its:            Bank Officer

                                                                       ANNEX VII
                          PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER
    THIS PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER ("Plan") dated as of            , 1996, is
entered  into by JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,  an Ohio corporation ("Jacor"), and
NEW JACOR,  INC., a  Delaware  corporation ("New  Jacor"), under  the  following
        A.  Jacor  is a  corporation duly  incorporated  and existing  under the
    General Corporation Law of the State of Ohio.
        B.  New Jacor is a corporation duly incorporated and existing under  the
    General  Corporation  Law of  the State  of Delaware  and is  a wholly-owned
    subsidiary of Jacor.
        C.  The Boards of Directors of Jacor and New Jacor deem it desirable and
    in the  best interests  of their  corporations and  their stockholders  that
    Jacor  be  merged with  and into  New  Jacor upon  the terms  and conditions
    hereinafter set forth, which terms and conditions have been approved by  the
    Boards of Directors of the constituent corporations.
    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants and subject
to the conditions herein set forth, Jacor and New Jacor agree as follows:
    SECTION  1.   MERGER.   Jacor and  New Jacor  will be  merged into  a single
corporation by Jacor merging with and into New Jacor ("Merger"). New Jacor  will
survive  the Merger  and change  its name  to "Jacor  Communications, Inc." (the
"Resulting Corporation").  The Resulting  Corporation will  be governed  by  the
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. Upon such Merger, the separate
existence of Jacor (except insofar as it may be continued by statute) will cease
and   the  Resulting  Corporation  shall   possess  all  the  property,  rights,
privileges, powers  and franchises,  and  shall be  subject  to all  the  debts,
liabilities and duties of Jacor.
    SECTION  2.   APPROVAL.  Upon  the approval and  adoption of this  Plan by a
favorable vote of the holders of  two-thirds of the outstanding shares of  Jacor
common  stock and by a favorable vote of  the holders of a majority of New Jacor
common stock,  the  Board of  Directors  of Jacor  and  of New  Jacor  shall  be
authorized  to execute this Plan and  related Certificates of Merger. The Merger
will be effective at the close of business on the date on which a Certificate of
Merger is filed with the appropriate state officials in the State of Ohio and  a
Certificate of Merger is filed in the State of Delaware ("Effective Time").
    SECTION  3.   CERTIFICATE OF  INCORPORATION.   From and  after the Effective
Time, the Certificate of Incorporation of  New Jacor in effect at the  Effective
Time  will become the Certificate of  Incorporation of the Resulting Corporation
(the "New Certificate of Incorporation") until such time the New Certificate  of
Incorporation  may be further amended as  provided by General Corporation Law of
the State  of Delaware  and by  the New  Certificate of  Incorporation. The  New
Certificate  of Incorporation as it will exist on the Effective Date is attached
hereto as Exhibit A.
    SECTION 4.  BYLAWS.   From and after the Effective  Time, the Bylaws of  New
Jacor,  in effect at the Effective Time  will become the Bylaws of the Resulting
Corporation (the "New Bylaws")  until the New Bylaws  may be further amended  as
provided  by the General  Corporation Law of  the State of  Delaware and the New
Certificate of Incorporation. The New Bylaws as they will exist on the Effective
Date are attached hereto as Exhibit B.
    SECTION 5.  DIRECTORS.  From and after the Effective Time, the directors  of
Jacor  at  the Effective  Time  will serve  as  the directors  of  the Resulting
Corporation until their successors are  duly elected or appointed and  qualified
in  the manner provided by Delaware law and the New Certificate of Incorporation
and the New Bylaws.
    SECTION 6.  OFFICERS.   From and after the  Effective Time, the officers  of
Jacor  at  the  Effective Time  will  serve  as the  officers  of  the Resulting
Corporation until their successors are  duly elected or appointed in  accordance
with  the New Bylaws and at the pleasure of the Resulting Corporation's Board of

    SECTION 7.  CONVERSION OF SHARES.  The manner and basis of converting shares
of Jacor  common  stock,  without  par  value,  into  shares  of  the  Resulting
Corporation's  common  stock, with  a  par value  of  $.01 per  share,  upon the
consummation of the Merger is as follows:
    7.1 All shares of common stock of New Jacor outstanding immediately prior to
       the Effective Time shall be cancelled as a result of the Merger and shall
       be held as treasury shares by the Resulting Corporation.
    7.2 Each share of common stock of Jacor outstanding immediately prior to the
       Effective Time, except shares held  in Jacor's treasury which shares  are
       cancelled  at the Effective Time, will be converted into one share of the
       Resulting Corporation's common  stock, so  that for each  share of  Jacor
       common  stock  held a  Jacor stockholder  will receive  one share  of the
       Resulting Corporation's common stock.
    7.3 The one-for-one exchange of shares of the Resulting Corporations' common
       stock for shares of Jacor's common stock outstanding immediately prior to
       the Effective Time is not subject to adjustment to take into account  the
       effect  of any  stock split, stock  dividend, or other  like changes with
       respect to Jacor common stock occurring between the record date for Jacor
       stockholders entitled to vote upon the Plan and the Effective Time.
    7.4 Each outstanding option to acquire shares of Jacor common stock will  be
       converted  upon the  Effective Time  into an  option to  acquire an equal
       number of shares of the Resulting Corporation's common stock.
    7.5 Each  outstanding  Jacor certificate  which,  immediately prior  to  the
       Effective  Time, represented  Jacor common stock  will, immediately after
       the Effective Time,  evidence ownership of  the number of  shares of  the
       Resulting  Corporation's common stock  into which the  Jacor common stock
       has been  converted and  the holder  thereof will  have all  rights of  a
       holder  of the Resulting Corporation's common stock, including dividends,
       distributions and  voting  rights.  It is  not  necessary  that  existing
       certificates  of Jacor common stock be  exchanged for new certificates of
       the Resulting Corporation's common stock.
    SECTION 8.    TERMINATION.    At  any  time  prior  to  the  filing  of  the
Certificates  of  Merger  as  contemplated  by  this  Plan,  the  Merger  may be
terminated  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  either  Jacor  or  of  New  Jacor
notwithstanding  approval of this  Plan by the  stockholders of Jacor  or of New
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Plan to be  executed
in  their  respective  corporate  names by  their  respective  officers  as duly
authorized by their respective Boards of Directors and stockholders, all as  the
date first above written.
ATTEST:                                       JACOR COMMUNICATIONS,
By: __________________________________    By: __________________________________
      R. Christopher Weber, SECRETARY            Randy Michaels, PRESIDENT
ATTEST:                                   NEW JACOR, INC.
By: __________________________________    By: __________________________________
      R. Christopher Weber, SECRETARY            Randy Michaels, PRESIDENT

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                                NEW JACOR, INC.
    First: The name of the Corporation is New Jacor, Inc.
    Second:  The  address  of  the  registered  office  of  the  Corporation  is
Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, County of New  Castle,
Delaware  19801.  The  name of  the  registered  agent at  that  address  is The
Corporation Trust Company.
    Third: The purpose  of the Corporation  is to  engage in any  lawful act  or
activity  for which corporations may be  organized under the General Corporation
Law of  Delaware.  The Corporation  shall  have all  of  the powers  granted  or
permitted  by the laws of the State  of Delaware to corporations organized under
its General Corporation Law.
    Fourth: The  maximum aggregate  number of  shares which  the Corporation  is
authorized to have outstanding is One Hundred Four Million (104,000,000) shares,
divided  into three  classes. The  first class  consists of  One Hundred Million
(100,000,000) shares of Common Stock,  with a par value  of $.01 per share  (the
"Common  Stock"). The second class consists of Two Million (2,000,000) shares of
Class A  preferred stock,  with a  par value  of $.01  per share  (the "Class  A
Preferred Stock"). The third class consists of Two Million (2,000,000) shares of
Class  B preferred  stock, with  a par  value of  $.01 per  share (the  "Class B
Preferred Stock", which together with the Class A Preferred Stock is referred to
herein as the "Preferred  Stock"). The Preferred Stock  is senior to the  Common
Stock,  and the  Common Stock is  subject to  the rights and  preferences of the
Preferred Stock as hereinafter set forth.
    (a)  DIVIDENDS ON COMMON STOCK.  So long as any Preferred Stock shall remain
outstanding, no dividend shall be declared  or paid or any distribution made  on
the  Common Stock or on any other class of shares junior to the Preferred Stock,
and no shares  of Common Stock  or of any  other class junior  to the  Preferred
Stock shall be purchased or retired, and no moneys shall be made available for a
sinking  fund for  such purpose unless  dividends for all  past dividend periods
shall have been paid or declared (and  funds for the payment thereof set  apart)
on  all  outstanding  Preferred  Stock  of  all  series.  Subject  to  the above
provisions, and not otherwise, dividends  may be paid from  time to time on  the
Common  Stock or  other junior  issues out  of funds  legally available  for the
purpose as and when declared by the Board of Directors.
    (b)  LIQUIDATION RIGHTS.  In  the event of any liquidation, dissolution,  or
winding  up of the affairs of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary,
the holders of the Preferred Stock of  each series shall be entitled to be  paid
in full the liquidation price fixed by the Board of Directors for the respective
series  at or  before the  time of issuance  thereof, plus  an additional amount
equal to any accrued unpaid dividends. All such payments or distributions to  or
among  the holders of the Preferred Stock are to be made before any sum shall be
paid to or distributed among the holders of the Common Stock. Liquidation rights
of different classes or series of Preferred Stock shall be as determined by  the
Board of Directors pursuant to Article Fourth, Section (f) below.
    (c)  VOTING RIGHTS.  The holders of Common Stock and Class A Preferred Stock
shall  have full voting  rights (provided that, except  as otherwise required by
law, the Common Stock and  the Class A Preferred  Stock shall vote together  and
not separately). The holders of Class B Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
vote  at meetings of the shareholders of the Corporation or to receive notice of
such meetings, except as otherwise provided herein  or as required by law or  as
lawfully  fixed by the Board of Directors with respect to each series of Class B
Preferred Stock.

    (d)  PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS.   No holder of shares  of Common Stock or  Preferred
Stock  shall be entitled as  a matter of right to  subscribe for or purchase any
part of any new  or additional issue of  shares, or securities convertible  into
shares  of any kind whatsoever, whether now or hereafter authorized, and whether
issued for cash, property, services, by way of dividends, or otherwise.
    (e)  CONVERSION.  The holders of Common Stock shall have no right to convert
their shares to shares of any other class or any other series.
    (f)  PREFERRED STOCK.  The Board of Directors is authorized, subject to  any
limitations  prescribed by law, to provide from time to time for the issuance of
the shares of the  Class A Preferred  Stock and the Class  B Preferred Stock  in
series,  and  to establish,  by  resolution, without  shareholder  approval, the
characteristics of each series including the following:
        (1)    SERIES.    The  number  of  shares  of  that  series,  which  may
    subsequently  be increased or decreased (but  not below the number of shares
    of that series then  outstanding) by resolution of  the Board of  Directors,
    and the distinctive designation thereof;
        (2)   DIVIDENDS.   The rights in  respect of dividends  on the shares of
    that series, whether  dividends shall be  cumulative and if  so, from  which
    date  or dates and  the relative rights  or priority, if  any, of payment of
    dividends on  shares of  that series  and any  limitations, restrictions  or
    conditions on the payment of dividends;
        (3)   VOTING RIGHTS.   The voting  rights, if any,  with respect to that
        (4)  LIQUIDATION RIGHTS.  The relative amounts, and the relative  rights
    or  priority, if any, of payment in  respect of shares of that series, which
    the holders of the shares of that  series shall be entitled to receive  upon
    any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation;
        (5)    REDEMPTION.   The terms  and conditions  (including the  price or
    prices,  which  may  vary  under  different  conditions  and  at   different
    redemption  dates), if any, upon which all or any part of the shares of that
    series may be redeemed, and  any limitations, restrictions or conditions  on
    such redemption;
        (6)   RETIREMENT.   The  terms, if any,  of any  purchase, retirement or
    sinking fund to be provided for the shares of that series;
        (7)  CONVERSION.   The  terms, if  any, upon  which the  shares of  that
    series  shall be  convertible into or  exchangeable for shares  of any other
    class, classes or series, or other securities, whether or not issued by  the
        (8)   RESTRICTIONS ON  INDEBTEDNESS.  The  restrictions, limitations and
    conditions, if any, upon issuance of indebtedness of the Corporation so long
    as any shares of that series are outstanding; and
        (9)  MISCELLANEOUS.  Any other preferences and relative,  participating,
    optional  or other  rights and limitations  of that  series not inconsistent
    with law, the provisions of this Section (f) or any resolution of the  Board
    of  Directors pursuant hereto (including preferences, rights and limitations
    of that series relative to the common stock or other preferred stock of  the
    Fifth:  Whenever  a  compromise  or  arrangement  is  proposed  between  the
Corporation and  its  creditors,  or  any class  of  them,  and/or  between  the
Corporation  and its stockholders or  any class of them,  any court of equitable
jurisdiction within the State of Delaware  may, on the application in a  summary
way  of the  Corporation or of  any creditor  or stockholder thereof,  or on the
application of any receiver or receivers appointed for the Corporation under the
provisions of Section 291 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code, or on the application
of trustees in  dissolution or of  any receiver or  receivers appointed for  the
Corporation under the provisions of Section 279 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code,
order  a  meeting  of  the  creditors  or  class  of  creditors,  and/or  of the
stockholders or class of stockholders of the Corporation, as the case may be, to
be summoned in such manner  as the said court directs.  If a majority in  number
representing  three-fourths in  value of  the creditors  or class  of creditors,
and/or of the stockholders or class  of stockholders of the Corporation, as  the
case may be, agree to any compromise or arrangement and to any reorganization of
the  Corporation as  a consequence of  such compromise or  arrangement, the said
compromise or arrangement

and the said reorganization shall, if sanctioned by the court to which the  said
application  has  been  made,  be  binding on  all  the  creditors  or  class of
creditors, and/or  on all  the stockholders  or class  of stockholders,  of  the
Corporation, as the case may be, and also on the Corporation.
    Sixth:  A Director of the Corporation shall  not be personally liable to the
Corporation or any stockholder for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty
as a Director, except  that this Article  Sixth shall not  eliminate or limit  a
Director's liability (i) for any breach of the Director's duty of loyalty to the
Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or
which  involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii) under
Section 174 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, or (iv) for any transaction
from which the Director  derived an improper personal  benefit. If the  Delaware
General  Corporation  Law is  amended  after the  filing  of the  Certificate of
Incorporation of  which this  Article Sixth  is a  part to  authorize  corporate
action further eliminating or limiting the personal liability of directors, then
the liability of a director of the Corporation shall be eliminated or limited to
the  fullest extent  permitted by  the Delaware  General Corporation  Law, as so
    Any repeal or modification of the foregoing provisions of this Article Sixth
by the stockholders of the Corporation shall not increase the personal liability
of any Director of the Corporation for any act or occurrence taking place  prior
to  such  repeal or  modification, or  otherwise adversely  affect any  right or
protection of a director of the Corporation existing at the time of such  repeal
or modification.
    The Corporation shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Section 145 of the
Delaware  General Corporation Law,  as amended from time  to time, indemnify all
persons who are eligible for indemnification pursuant thereto. The provisions of
this Article Sixth shall not be deemed to limit or preclude indemnification of a
Director by the Corporation for any liability  of a Director which has not  been
eliminated by the provisions of this Article Sixth.
    Seventh:  The following  provisions are inserted  for the  management of the
business and for the conduct of the affairs of the Corporation, and for  further
definition,  limitation and regulation  of the powers of  the Corporation and of
its directors and stockholders:
    GENERAL POWERS OF THE  BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The  business and affairs of  the
Corporation  shall  be  managed  by  or under  the  direction  of  the  Board of
Directors. In addition to the powers and authority expressly conferred upon them
by status  or  by  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  the  Bylaws  of  the
Corporation,  the Directors are hereby empowered to exercise all such powers and
to do such things and acts as may be exercised or done by the Corporation.
    (a)  ADDITIONAL POWERS OF  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.   The Board of  Directors
shall have the power, without the vote or assent of the stockholders and subject
to  the restrictions set  forth herein and to  the rights of  the holders of the
Common Stock and Preferred Stock then outstanding:
        (1)  CERTAIN ACTS.  To make, alter, amend, change, add to or repeal  the
    Bylaws  of the Corporation; to fix and vary an amount to be reserved for any
    proper purpose; to incur indebtedness and authorize and cause to be executed
    mortgages and liens upon all or any part of the property of the Corporation;
    to determine the use and  disposition of any surplus  or net profit; and  to
    fix the times for declaration and payment of dividends.
        (2)   CONTRACTS.   The  directors, in  their discretion,  may submit any
    contract or act for  approval or ratification at  any annual meeting of  the
    stockholders,  or at any special meeting  of the stockholders called for the
    purpose of considering  any such act  or contract, and  any contract or  act
    that  shall be  approved or  be ratified  by the  vote of  the holders  of a
    majority of the stock of the  Corporation which is represented in person  or
    by  proxy at  such meeting  and entitled  to vote  thereat (provided  that a
    lawful quorum of stockholders  be there represented in  person or by  proxy)
    shall  be  as  valid and  binding  upon  the Corporation  and  upon  all the
    stockholders as though it had been approved or ratified by every stockholder
    of the Corporation, whether  or not the contract  or act would otherwise  be
    open to attack because of directors' interest or for any other reason.

    Eighth: The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal
any  provision contained in this Certificate  of Incorporation in the manner now
or hereafter prescribed by  law, and all rights  and powers conferred herein  on
stockholders, directors and officers are subject to this reserved power.
    Ninth:   Notwithstanding  any   other  provision  of   this  Certificate  of
Incorporation to the contrary,  outstanding shares of  stock of the  Corporation
shall always be subject to redemption by the Corporation, by action of the Board
of Directors, if in the judgment of the Board of Directors such action should be
taken, pursuant to Section 151(b) of the Delaware General Corporation Law or any
other  applicable provision of law, to the  extent necessary to prevent the loss
or secure the reinstatement  of any license or  franchise from any  governmental
agency held by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries to conduct any portion
of  the business of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, which license or
franchise is conditioned upon  some or all of  the holders of the  Corporation's
stock  meeting  prescribed  qualifications and/or  restrictions.  The  terms and
conditions of such redemption shall be as follows:
    (a)  the  redemption price of  the shares  to be redeemed  pursuant to  this
Article  Ninth shall  be determined by  the Board  of Directors and  shall be at
least equal to the lesser of (i) the Fair Market Value or (ii) if such stock was
purchased by such Disqualified  Holder within one year  of the Redemption  Date,
such Disqualified Holder's purchase price for such shares;
    (b)   the redemption  price of such  shares may be  paid in cash, Redemption
Securities or any combination thereof;
    (c)  if  less than all  the shares held  by Disqualified Holders  are to  be
redeemed, the shares to be redeemed shall be selected in such manner as shall be
determined  by the Board of Directors, which  may include selection first of the
most recently purchased  shares thereof, selection  by lot or  selection in  any
other manner determined by the Board of Directors;
    (d)   at least 30 days' written notice of the Redemption Date shall be given
to the record holders of  the shares selected to  be redeemed (unless waived  in
writing  by any such holder), provided that  the Redemption Date may be the date
on which  written  notice shall  be  given to  record  holders if  the  cash  or
Redemption  Securities  necessary  to  effect  the  redemption  shall  have been
deposited in  trust  for the  benefit  of such  record  holders and  subject  to
immediate  withdrawal by them upon surrender of the stock certificates for their
shares to be redeemed;
    (e)  from  and after the  Redemption Date,  any and all  rights of  whatever
nature,  which  may be  held by  the  owners of  shares selected  for redemption
(including without limitation  any rights  to vote or  participate in  dividends
declared  on stock of the same class or  series as such shares), shall cease and
terminate and they  shall thenceforth be  entitled only to  receive the cash  or
Redemption Securities payable upon redemption; and
    (f)    such other  terms  and conditions  as  the Board  of  Directors shall
    For purposes of this Article Ninth:
        (i) "Disqualified Holder" shall  mean any holder of  shares of stock  of
    the  Corporation whose  holding of such  stock, either  individually or when
    taken together with the holding of shares of stock of the Corporation by any
    other holders, may result, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, in the
    loss of,  or the  failure to  secure the  reinstatement of,  any license  or
    franchise from any governmental agency held by the Corporation or any of its
    subsidiaries  to conduct any  portion of the business  of the Corporation or
    any of its subsidiaries.
        (ii) "Fair Market Value"  of a share of  the Corporation's stock of  any
    class  or series shall mean  the average Closing Price  for such a share for
    each of the 45 most  recent days on which shares  of stock of such class  or
    series  shall  have  been  traded  preceding  the  day  on  which  notice of
    redemption shall be given pursuant to  paragraph (d) of this Article  Ninth;
    PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that if shares of stock  of such class or series are not
    traded on any securities exchange  or in the over-the-counter market,  "Fair
    Market  Value" shall be determined by the  Board of Directors in good faith.
    "Closing Price" on  any day means  the reported closing  sales price or,  in
    case  no  such  sale  takes  place,  the  average  of  the  reported closing

    bid and  asked prices  on the  principal United  States securities  exchange
    registered  under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 on which such stock is
    listed, or, if such stock  is not listed on  any such exchange, the  highest
    closing  sales  price  or  bid  quotation for  such  stock  on  the National
    Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.  Automated Quotations System or  any
    system  then in use, or  if no such prices  or quotations are available, the
    fair market value  on the  day in  question as  determined by  the Board  of
        (iii)  "Redemption  Date" shall  mean  the date  fixed  by the  Board of
    Directors for  the redemption  of any  shares of  stock of  the  Corporation
    pursuant to this Article Ninth.
        (iv) "Redemption Securities" shall mean any debt or equity securities of
    the  Corporation, any of  its subsidiaries or any  other corporation, or any
    combination thereof, having such terms  and conditions as shall be  approved
    by  the Board of Directors  and which, together with any  cash to be paid as
    part of the redemption  price, in the opinion  of any nationally  recognized
    investment  banking firm selected by the Board  of Directors (which may be a
    firm which provides other investment banking, brokerage or other services to
    the Corporation), has  a value, at  the time notice  of redemption is  given
    pursuant to paragraph (d) of this Article Ninth, at least equal to the price
    required  to  be  paid  pursuant  to paragraph  (a)  of  this  Article Ninth
    (assuming, in the case of Redemption Securities to be publicly traded,  such
    Redemption  Securities  were fully  distributed and  subject only  to normal
    trading activity).

                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                                     BYLAWS OF
                                  NEW JACOR, INC.
                                   ARTICLE 1
    SECTION 1.1 ANNUAL MEETING.  An annual meeting of the stockholders, for  the
election  of  directors  to  succeed  those  whose  terms  expire  and  for  the
transaction of such  other business  as may  properly come  before the  meeting,
shall  be held at  such place, on  such date, and  at such time  as the Board of
Directors shall each year fix, which  date shall be within thirteen (13)  months
of the last annual meeting of stockholders or, if no such meeting has been held,
the date of incorporation.
    SECTION 1.2 SPECIAL MEETINGS.  Special meetings of the stockholders, for any
purpose  or purposes prescribed in  the notice of the  meeting, may be called by
one-third (1/3) of the directors then in office (rounded up to the nearest whole
number), by the chief executive officer, or by stockholders holding at least ten
percent (10%)  of all  issued and  outstanding  stock entitled  to vote  at  the
meeting.  A Special meeting may not be called by any other person or persons. No
business other than that described in the  notice of the special meeting may  be
transacted at a special meeting of stockholders.
    SECTION  1.3 PLACE OF MEETINGS.  Annual and special meetings of Stockholders
shall be  held  at the  principal  office of  the  corporation in  the  City  of
Cincinnati,  Ohio, or at any other reasonably convenient location, either within
or without the State of Ohio, to be designated by the Board of Directors.
    SECTION 1.4 NOTICE OF MEETINGS.  Written notice of the place, date, and time
of all meetings of the stockholders shall  be given, not less than ten (10)  nor
more than sixty (60) days before the date on which the meeting is to be held, to
each  stockholder entitled to vote at such meeting, except as otherwise provided
herein or required by law (meaning, here and hereinafter, as required from  time
to  time  by  the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law  or  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation of the Corporation).
    When a meeting is adjourned to  another place, date or time, written  notice
need  not be given of the adjourned meeting  if the place, date and time thereof
are announced  at the  meeting  at which  the  adjournment is  taken;  provided,
however, that if the date of any adjourned meeting is more than thirty (30) days
after  the date for which the meeting was originally noticed, or if a new record
date is fixed for the adjourned meeting, written notice of the place, date,  and
time  of the  adjourned meeting  shall be given  in conformity  herewith. At any
adjourned meeting,  any  business  may  be  transacted  which  might  have  been
transacted at the original meeting.
    SECTION  1.5 QUORUM.  At  any meeting of the  stockholders, the holders of a
majority of all  of the shares  of the stock  entitled to vote  at the  meeting,
present  in person  or by  proxy, shall  constitute a  quorum for  all purposes,
unless or except  to the  extent that  the presence of  a larger  number may  be
required  by law.  Where a separate  vote by a  class or classes  is required, a
majority of the shares of such class or classes present in person or represented
by proxy shall constitute a quorum entitled to take action with respect to  that
vote on that matter.
    If a quorum shall fail to attend any meeting, the chairman of the meeting or
the  holders of  a majority  of the  shares of  stock entitled  to vote  who are
present, in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting to another place,  date,
or time.
    SECTION  1.6 ORGANIZATION.  Such  person as the Board  of Directors may have
designated or, in the absence of such  a person, the chief executive officer  of
the  Corporation or, in his or her absence,  such person as may be chosen by the
holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote who are present, in  person
or by

proxy,  shall call to order any meeting  of the stockholders and act as chairman
of the  meeting.  In  the absence  of  the  Secretary of  the  Corporation,  the
secretary of the meeting shall be such person as the chairman appoints.
    SECTION   1.7  CONDUCT  OF  BUSINESS.    The  chairman  of  any  meeting  of
stockholders shall determine  the order  of business  and the  procedure at  the
meeting,  including such regulation of  the manner of voting  and the conduct of
discussion as seem to him or her in order. The date and time of the opening  and
closing  of the polls for  each matter upon which  the stockholders will vote at
the meeting shall be announced at the meeting.
    SECTION 1.8 PROXIES AND VOTING.   At any meeting of the stockholders,  every
stockholder  entitled to vote  may vote in  person or by  proxy authorized by an
instrument in writing or by a transmission permitted by law filed in  accordance
with   the  procedure   established  for   the  meeting.   Any  copy,  facsimile
telecommunication or other reliable reproduction of the writing or  transmission
created  pursuant to this  paragraph may be  substituted or used  in lieu of the
original writing or transmission for any and all purposes for which the original
writing or  transmission  could be  used,  provided that  such  copy,  facsimile
telecommunication  or other reproduction shall be a complete reproduction of the
entire original writing or transmission.
    All voting,  including on  the  election of  directors but  excepting  where
otherwise  required by law, may be by a voice vote; provided, however, that upon
demand therefore by a  stockholder entitled to  vote or by his  or her proxy,  a
stock  vote shall be taken. Every stock vote  shall be taken by ballots, each of
which shall state the  name of the  stockholder or proxy  voting and such  other
information  as may be required under the procedure established for the meeting.
The Corporation may, and to the extent required by law, shall, in advance of any
meeting of stockholders, appoint  one or more inspectors  to act at the  meeting
and  make a written  report thereof. The  Corporation may designate  one or more
persons as alternate inspectors to replace any inspector who fails to act. If no
inspector or alternate is able to act  at a meeting of stockholders, the  person
presiding  at the meeting may, and to the extent required by law, shall, appoint
one or more inspectors  to act at the  meeting. Each inspector, before  entering
upon  the discharge  of his duties,  shall take  and sign an  oath faithfully to
execute the duties of  inspector with strict impartiality  and according to  the
best  of  his  ability. Every  vote  taken by  ballots  shall be  counted  by an
inspector or inspectors appointed by the chairman of the meeting.
    All elections shall  be determined  by a plurality  of the  votes cast,  and
except  as otherwise required by law, all other matters shall be determined by a
majority of the votes cast affirmatively or negatively.
    SECTION 1.9 STOCK LIST.  A complete list of stockholders entitled to vote at
any meeting of stockholders,  arranged in alphabetical order  for each class  of
stock  and showing the address of each such stockholder and the number of shares
registered in his  or her name,  shall be open  to the examination  of any  such
stockholder,  for any purpose  germane to the  meeting, during ordinary business
hours for a period of at least ten  (10) days prior to the meeting, either at  a
place  within the  city where the  meeting is to  be held, which  place shall be
specified in the notice  of the meeting,  or if not so  specified, at the  place
where the meeting is to be held.
    The  stock list shall  also be kept at  the place of  the meeting during the
whole time thereof and shall be open to the examination of any such  stockholder
who  is present.  This list  shall presumptively  determine the  identity of the
stockholders entitled to vote at  the meeting and the  number of shares held  by
each of them.
required to be taken  at any annual  or special meeting  of stockholders of  the
Corporation,  or any action which may be  taken at any annual or special meeting
of the stockholders, may  be taken without a  meeting, without prior notice  and
without a vote, if a consent or consents in writing, setting forth the action so
taken,  shall be signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not less than
the minimum number of votes  that would be necessary  to authorize or take  such
action  at a meeting at  which all shares entitled  to vote thereon were present
and voted  and  shall  be  delivered  to the  Corporation  by  delivery  to  its
registered office in Delaware, or its principal place of business, or an officer
or  agent of the Corporation having custody  of the book in which proceedings of
meetings of  stockholders  are  recorded. Delivery  made  to  the  Corporation's
registered  office shall  be made  by hand or  by certified  or registered mail,
return receipt requested.

    Every written consent shall bear the  date of signature of each  stockholder
who  signs the  consent and no  written consent  shall be effective  to take the
corporate action referred to therein unless, within sixty (60) days of the  date
of the earliest dated consent delivered to the Corporation, a written consent or
consents  signed by a sufficient number of  holders to take action are delivered
to the  Corporation in  the manner  prescribed in  the first  paragraph of  this
Section 1.10.
                                   ARTICLE 2
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS
    SECTION  2.1 NUMBER AND TERM  OF OFFICE.  The  number of directors who shall
constitute the whole Board shall be such number as the Board of Directors  shall
from  time  to time  have designated,  except that  in the  absence of  any such
designation, such number shall be seven (7). Each director shall be elected  for
a  term of  one year and  until his or  her successor is  elected and qualified,
except as otherwise provided herein or required by law.
    Whenever the  authorized number  of directors  is increased  between  annual
meetings  of the stockholders, a majority of  the directors then in office shall
have the power to elect such new directors  for the balance of a term and  until
their  successors  are elected  and qualified.  Any  decrease in  the authorized
number of directors shall not become effective until the expiration of the  term
of  the directors  then in office  unless, at  the time of  such decrease, there
shall be vacancies on the board which are being eliminated by the decrease.
    SECTION 2.2 VACANCIES.   If  the office of  any director  becomes vacant  by
reason  of  death,  resignation,  disqualification, removal  or  other  cause, a
majority of the directors remaining in office, although less than a quorum,  may
elect  a successor  for the  unexpired term  and until  his or  her successor is
elected and qualified. A resignation from the Board of Directors shall be deemed
to take effect  upon its receipt  by the Secretary  unless some other  effective
time is specified therein.
    SECTION  2.3 REGULAR MEETINGS.   Regular meetings of  the Board of Directors
shall be held at such place or places,  on such date or dates, and at such  time
or times as shall have been established by the Board of Directors and publicized
among all directors. A notice of each regular meeting shall not be required.
    SECTION  2.4 SPECIAL MEETINGS.   Special meetings of  the Board of Directors
may be called by two of the directors  then in office or by the chief  executive
officer  and shall be held on  such date, and at such time  as they or he or she
shall fix. Notice  of the place,  date, and  time of each  such special  meeting
shall  be given each director by whom it is not waived by mailing written notice
not less than seven (7) days before  the meeting or by telegraphing or  telexing
or  by facsimile transmission of  the same not less  than twenty-four (24) hours
before the meeting. Unless  otherwise indicated in the  notice thereof, any  and
all business may be transacted at a special meeting.
Board of Directors shall be held at  the principal office of the corporation  in
the  City of Cincinnati, Ohio, or  at such other reasonably convenient location,
either within or without the State of Ohio, as the Board may designate from time
to time and as may be specified in the notice thereof.
    SECTION 2.6 QUORUM.  At any meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of
the total number of the whole Board shall constitute a quorum for all  purposes.
If  a quorum shall fail  to attend any meeting, a  majority of those present may
adjourn the meeting to another place,  date, or time, without further notice  or
waiver thereof.
the Board  of Directors,  or of  any  committee thereof,  may participate  in  a
meeting  of such Board or committee by  means of conference telephone or similar
communications equipment  by means  of which  all persons  participating in  the
meeting  can hear each other and such participation shall constitute presence in
person at such meeting.

    SECTION 2.8 CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.  At any meeting of the Board of  Directors,
business shall be transacted in such order and manner as the Board may from time
to time determine, and all matters shall be determined by the vote of a majority
of  the directors  present, except as  otherwise provided herein  or required by
law. Action may  be taken by  the Board of  Directors without a  meeting if  all
members  thereof consent  thereto in  writing, and  the writing  or writings are
filed with the minutes of proceedings of the Board of Directors.
    SECTION 2.9  POWERS.   The  Board  of  Directors may,  except  as  otherwise
required by law, exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may
be  exercised  or  done  by the  Corporation,  including,  without  limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the unqualified power:
        2.9.1 To declare dividends from time to time in accordance with law;
        2.9.2 To  purchase  or  otherwise   acquire  any  property,  rights   or
              privileges on such terms as it shall determine;
        2.9.3 To authorize the creation, making and issuance, in such form as it
              may determine, of written obligations of every kind, negotiable or
              non-negotiable,  secured  or  unsecured,  and  to  do  all  things
              necessary in connection therewith;
        2.9.4 To remove any officer  of the Corporation  with or without  cause,
              and  from time  to time  to devolve the  powers and  duties of any
              officer upon any other person for the time being;
        2.9.5 To confer  upon  any  officer  of the  Corporation  the  power  to
              appoint,  remove and  suspend subordinate  officers, employees and
        2.9.6 To adopt from  time to  time such stock,  option, stock  purchase,
              bonus   or  other  compensation  plans  for  directors,  officers,
              employees and agents of the Corporation and its subsidiaries as it
              may determine;
        2.9.7 To adopt from time to  time such insurance, retirement, and  other
              benefit plans for directors, officers, employees and agents of the
              Corporation and its subsidiaries as it may determine; and,
        2.9.8 To  adopt  from time  to time  regulations, not  inconsistent with
              these Bylaws, for the management of the Corporation's business and
    SECTION 2.10 COMPENSATION OF  DIRECTORS.  Directors,  as such, may  receive,
pursuant  to  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  fixed  fees  and other
compensation for  their services  as directors,  including, without  limitation,
their services as members of committees of the Board of Directors.
                                   ARTICLE 3
by a vote  of a majority  of the whole  Board, may from  time to time  designate
committees  of the Board, with  such lawfully delegable powers  and duties as it
thereby confers, to  serve at the  pleasure of  the Board and  shall, for  those
committees  and any others provided for herein, elect a director or directors to
serve as the member or members,  designating, if it desires, other directors  as
alternate  members  who may  replace any  absent or  disqualified member  at any
meeting of the committee. Any committee so designated may exercise the power and
authority of the  Board of  Directors to declare  a dividend,  to authorize  the
issuance  of stock or to adopt a certificate of ownership and merger pursuant to
Section 253 of  the Delaware  General Corporation  Law if  the resolution  which
designates  the committee or a supplemental resolution of the Board of Directors
shall so  provide. In  the absence  or  disqualification of  any member  of  any
committee and any alternate member in his or her place, the member or members of
the  committee present at the meeting  and not disqualified from voting, whether
or not he  or she or  they constitute a  quorum, may by  unanimous vote  appoint
another  member of the Board of Directors to  act at the meeting in the place of
the absent or disqualified member.

    SECTION  3.2  CONDUCT  OF  BUSINESS.    Each  committee  may  determine  the
procedural  rules  for meeting  and  conducting its  business  and shall  act in
accordance therewith, except as  otherwise provided herein  or required by  law.
Adequate  provision  shall  be  made  for notice  to  members  of  all meetings;
one-third (1/3) of the  members shall constitute a  quorum unless the  committee
shall consist of one (1) or two (2) members, in which event one (1) member shall
constitute  a quorum; and all matters shall  be determined by a majority vote of
the members present. Action may be taken  by any committee without a meeting  if
all  members thereof consent thereto in writing, and the writing or writings are
filed with the minutes of the proceedings of such committee.
                                   ARTICLE 4
    SECTION 4.1 GENERALLY.  The officers  of the Corporation shall consist of  a
Chairman  of the Board, a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a
Treasurer and such other officers as may  from time to time be appointed by  the
Board  of Directors. Officers shall be elected  by the Board of Directors, which
shall consider that subject at its  first meeting after every annual meeting  of
stockholders.  Each  officer shall  hold office  until his  or her  successor is
elected and qualified or  until his or her  earlier resignation or removal.  Any
number of offices may be held by the same person.
    SECTION  4.2 CHAIRMAN OF  THE BOARD.  The  Chairman of the  Board, if one be
elected, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall  have
such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
    SECTION  4.3 PRESIDENT.  The President  shall be the chief executive officer
of the  Corporation.  Subject to  the  provisions of  these  Bylaws and  to  the
direction of the Board of Directors, he or she shall have the responsibility for
the  general  management  and  control  of  the  business  and  affairs  of  the
Corporation and shall perform all duties and have all powers which are  commonly
incident  to the office of chief executive or  which are delegated to him or her
by the  Board of  Directors.  He or  she  shall have  power  to sign  all  stock
certificates,  contracts  and other  instruments  of the  Corporation  which are
authorized and shall have general supervision and direction of all of the  other
officers, employees and agents of the Corporation.
    SECTION  4.4 VICE PRESIDENT.  Each Vice President shall have such powers and
duties as may be delegated to him or her by the Board of Directors. One (1) Vice
President shall be designated  by the Board to  perform the duties and  exercise
the  powers  of  the  President  in the  event  of  the  President's  absence or
    SECTION 4.5  TREASURER.   The Treasurer  shall have  the responsibility  for
maintaining  the financial records of the Corporation. He or she shall make such
disbursements of the funds of the Corporation as are authorized and shall render
from time to  time an  account of  all such  transactions and  of the  financial
condition of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties
as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe.
    SECTION  4.6 SECRETARY.   The Secretary  shall issue  all authorized notices
for, and shall keep minutes of, all  meetings of the stockholders and the  Board
of  Directors. He  or she  shall have  charge of  the corporate  books and shall
perform such  other duties  as the  Board of  Directors may  from time  to  time
    SECTION  4.7 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY.  The  Board of Directors may from time
to time delegate the powers  or duties of any officer  to any other officers  or
agents, notwithstanding any provision hereof.
    SECTION  4.8 REMOVAL.  Any officer of  the Corporation may be removed at any
time, with or without cause, by the Board of Directors.
otherwise directed by the  Board of Directors, the  President or any officer  of
the  Corporation  authorized  by the  President  shall  have power  to  vote and
otherwise act  on behalf  of the  Corporation, in  person or  by proxy,  at  any
meeting of

stockholders  of or  with respect  to any  action of  stockholders of  any other
corporation in  which this  Corporation  may hold  securities and  otherwise  to
exercise  any and all  rights and powers  which this Corporation  may possess by
reason of its ownership of securities in such other corporation.
                                   ARTICLE 5
    SECTION 5.1 CERTIFICATES OF STOCK.  Each stockholder shall be entitled to  a
certificate  signed by, or in the name of the Corporation by, the President or a
Vice President, and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer
or an Assistant Treasurer, certifying the number of shares owned by him or  her.
Any or all of the signatures on the certificate may be by facsimile.
    SECTION  5.2 TRANSFERS OF STOCK.  Transfers of stock shall be made only upon
the transfer books of the Corporation kept at an office of the Corporation or by
transfer agents designated to transfer shares  of the stock of the  Corporation.
Except  where a  certificate is  issued in  accordance with  Section 4  of these
Bylaws, an outstanding certificate  for the number of  shares involved shall  be
surrendered for cancellation before a new certificate is issued therefor.
    SECTION  5.3 RECORD DATE.   In order that the  Corporation may determine the
stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of stockholders, or
to receive payment  of any dividend  or other distribution  or allotment of  any
rights  or  to exercise  any  rights in  respect  of any  change,  conversion or
exchange of stock or for  the purpose of any other  lawful action, the Board  of
Directors may fix a record date, which record date shall not precede the date on
which  the resolution fixing  the record date  is adopted and  which record date
shall not be more than sixty (60) nor less than ten (10) days before the date of
any meeting of stockholders, nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the time for
such other  action as  hereinbefore  described; provided,  however, that  if  no
record  date for determining stockholders  shall be at the  close of business on
the day next preceding the day on which notice is given or, if notice is waived,
at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on which the  meeting
is  held, and, for  determining stockholders entitled to  receive payment of any
dividend or other distribution or allotment of rights or to exercise any  rights
of  change, conversion or exchange of stock or for any other purpose, the record
date shall  be at  the  close of  business on  the  day on  which the  Board  of
Directors adopts a resolution relating thereto.
    A  determination of stockholders of record entitled  to notice of or to vote
at a meeting  of stockholders  shall apply to  any adjournment  of the  meeting;
provided, however, that the Board of Directors may fix a new record date for the
adjourned meeting.
    In  order that  the Corporation may  determine the  stockholders entitled to
consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting, the Board of Directors
may fix  a  record  date, which  shall  not  precede the  date  upon  which  the
resolution  fixing the  record date  is adopted by  the Board  of Directors, and
which record date shall be not more than ten (10) days after the date upon which
the resolution fixing the  record date is  adopted. If no  record date has  been
fixed by the Board of Directors and no prior action by the Board of Directors is
required  by the Delaware General Corporation Law,  the record date shall be the
first date on which a signed written  consent setting forth the action taken  or
proposed to be taken is delivered to the Corporation in the manner prescribed by
Section  1.10 hereof. If no record date has been fixed by the Board of Directors
and prior action by the Board of  Directors is required by the Delaware  General
Corporation  Law with respect to  the proposed action by  written consent of the
stockholders, the record date for  determining stockholders entitled to  consent
to  corporate action in writing shall be at  the close of business on the day on
which the Board of Directors adopts the resolution taking such prior action.
loss, theft or destruction of any certificate of stock, another may be issued in
its   place   pursuant  to   such  regulations   as   the  Board   of  Directors

may establish concerning proof of such loss, theft or destruction and concerning
the giving of a satisfactory bond or bonds of indemnity.
    SECTION 5.5 REGULATIONS.  The  issue, transfer, conversion and  registration
of  certificates of  stock shall  be governed by  such other  regulations as the
Board of Directors may establish.
                                   ARTICLE 6
    SECTION 6.1 NOTICES.   Except as otherwise  specifically provided herein  or
required  by law, all notices required to be given to any stockholder, director,
officer, employee or  agent shall be  in writing  and may in  every instance  be
effectively  given by hand delivery to the recipient thereof, by depositing such
notice in  the  mails, postage  paid,  or by  sending  such notice  by  pre-paid
telegram  or mailgram. Any  such notice shall be  addressed to such stockholder,
director, office, employee or agent at his or her last known address as the same
appears on the books of the Corporation. The time when such notice is  received,
if  hand delivered, or dispatched, if delivered through the mails or by telegram
or mailgram, shall be the time of the giving of the notice.
    SECTION 6.2  WAIVERS.    A  written  waiver  of  any  notice,  signed  by  a
stockholder,  director, officer, employee or agent,  whether before or after the
time of the event for which notice is to be given, shall be deemed equivalent to
the notice required to be given to such stockholder, director, officer, employee
or agent. Neither the business nor the purpose of any meeting need be  specified
in such a waiver.
                                   ARTICLE 7
    SECTION  7.1 FACSIMILE SIGNATURES.  In addition to the provisions for use of
facsimile  signatures  elsewhere  specifically   authorized  in  these   Bylaws,
facsimile  signatures of any officer or officers  of the Corporation may be used
whenever and as authorized by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof.
    SECTION 7.2  CORPORATE SEAL.   The  Board of  Directors may,  but need  not,
provide  a suitable  seal, containing  the name  of the  Corporation, which seal
shall be in the charge of the Secretary. If and when so directed by the Board of
Directors or a committee thereof, duplicates of the seal may be kept and used by
the Treasurer or by an Assistant Secretary or Assistant Treasurer.
member  of any committee designated by the  Board of Directors, and each officer
of the Corporation  shall, in the  performance of  his or her  duties, be  fully
protected in relying in good faith upon the books of account or other records of
the  Corporation  and upon  such  information, opinions,  reports  or statements
presented to the Corporation by any  of its officers or employees or  committees
of  the Board of Directors  so designated, or by any  other person as to matters
which such  director or  committee member  reasonably believes  are within  such
other  person's professional or expert competence and who has been selected with
reasonable care by or on behalf of the Corporation.
    SECTION 7.4 FISCAL YEAR.   The fiscal  year of the  Corporation shall be  as
fixed by the Board of Directors.
    SECTION  7.5 TIME PERIODS.  In applying  any provision of these Bylaws which
requires that an act be done or not be done a specified number of days prior  to
an  event or that an act  be done during a period  of a specified number of days
prior to an event, calendar days shall be used, the day of the doing of the  act
shall be excluded, and the day of the event shall be included.

                                   ARTICLE 8
    SECTION  8.1 RIGHT  TO INDEMNIFICATION.   Each person  who was or  is made a
party or is threatened  to be made a  party to or is  otherwise involved in  any
action,   suit  or  proceeding,  whether   civil,  criminal,  administrative  or
investigative (hereinafter a "proceeding"), by reason of the fact that he or she
is or was a director or  an officer of the Corporation  or is or was serving  at
the  request of  the Corporation  as a director,  officer, employee  or agent of
another  corporation  or  of  a  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other
enterprise,   including  service  with  respect  to  an  employee  benefit  plan
(hereinafter an "indemnitee"), whether the  basis of such proceeding is  alleged
action  in an official capacity as a  director, officer, employee or agent or in
any other capacity  while serving  as a  director, officer,  employee or  agent,
shall  be indemnified and held harmless by the Corporation to the fullest extent
authorized by the Delaware  General Corporation Law, as  the same exists or  may
here-after  be amended  (but, in  the case  of any  such amendment,  only to the
extent  that  such  amendment  permits   the  Corporation  to  provide   broader
indemnification  rights than such law permitted the Corporation to provide prior
to  such  amendment),  against  all  expense,  liability  and  loss   (including
attorneys'  fees, judgments, fines, ERISA excise  taxes or penalties and amounts
paid in  settlement)  reasonably incurred  or  suffered by  such  indemnitee  in
connection therewith; provided, however, that, except as provided in Section 8.3
with   respect  to  proceedings  to   enforce  rights  to  indemnification,  the
Corporation shall indemnify any such indemnitee in connection with a  proceeding
(or  part thereof) initiated by such indemnitee only if such proceeding (or part
thereof) was authorized by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.
    SECTION 8.2 RIGHT TO ADVANCEMENT OF EXPENSES.  The right to  indemnification
conferred  in Section 8.1 shall include the  right to be paid by the Corporation
the  expenses  (including  attorney's  fees)  incurred  in  defending  any  such
proceeding  in advance of its final  disposition (hereinafter an "advancement of
expenses"); provided, however,  that, if  the Delaware  General Corporation  Law
requires,  an advancement of  expenses incurred by  an indemnitee in  his or her
capacity as  a director  or officer  (and not  in any  other capacity  in  which
service  was or is  rendered by such  indemnitee, including, without limitation,
service to an employee  benefit plan) shall  be made only  upon delivery to  the
Corporation of an undertaking (hereinafter an "undertaking"), by or on behalf of
such  indemnitee, to  repay all  amounts so advanced  if it  shall ultimately be
determined by final judicial decision from  which there is not further right  to
appeal (hereinafter a "final adjudication") that such indemnitee is not entitled
to  be indemnified for  such expenses under  this Section 8.2  or otherwise. The
rights to  indemnification  and to  the  advancement of  expenses  conferred  in
Section  8.1 and Section 8.2 of this ARTICLE 8 shall be contract rights and such
rights shall continue  as to  an indemnitee  who has  ceased to  be a  director,
officer,  employee or agent and  shall inure to the  benefit of the indemnitee's
heirs, executors and administrators.
    SECTION 8.3 RIGHT OF INDEMNITEE TO BRING SUIT.  If a claim under Section 8.1
or 8.2 of this  ARTICLE 8 is not  paid in full by  the Corporation within  sixty
(60)  days after a written claim has been received by the Corporation, except in
the case of a claim for an advancement of expenses, in which case the applicable
period shall be  twenty (20)  days, the indemnitee  may at  any time  thereafter
bring suit against the Corporation to recover the unpaid amount of the claim. If
successful  in whole or in  part in any such  suit, or in a  suit brought by the
Corporation to recover an  advancement of expenses pursuant  to the terms of  an
advancement  of expenses pursuant to the terms of an undertaking, the indemnitee
shall be entitled to  be paid also  to the expense  of prosecuting or  defending
such  suit. In  (i) any  suit brought by  the indemnitee  to enforce  a right to
indemnification hereunder  (but not  in  a suit  brought  by the  indemnitee  to
enforce  a right to an advancement of expenses)  it shall be a defense that, and
(ii) in  any  suit brought  by  the Corporation  to  recover an  advancement  of
expenses  pursuant  to the  terms of  an undertaking,  the Corporation  shall be
entitled to recover such expenses upon a final adjudication that, the indemnitee
has not  met  any applicable  standard  for  indemnification set  forth  in  the
Delaware  General  Corporation  Law.  Neither  the  failure  of  the Corporation
(including  its  Board   of  Directors,  independent   legal  counsel,  or   its
stockholders)  to have  made a determination  prior to the  commencement of such
suit that  indemnification of  the  indemnitee is  proper in  the  circumstances
because  the indemnitee has met the applicable  standard of conduct set forth in
the Delaware  General  Corporation  Law,  nor an  actual  determination  by  the
Corporation (including its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel, or its
stockholders)    that   the    indemnitee   has   not    met   such   applicable

standard of conduct, shall create a presumption that the indemnitee has not  met
the applicable standard of conduct or, in the case of such a suit brought by the
indemnitee,  be a defense to such suit. In any suit brought by the indemnitee to
enforce a right to indemnification or  to an advancement of expenses  hereunder,
or  brought by the Corporation to recover an advancement of expenses pursuant to
the terms of an undertaking,  the burden of proving  that the indemnitee is  not
entitled  to  be indemnified,  or to  such advancement  of expenses,  under this
ARTICLE 8 or otherwise shall be on the Corporation.
    SECTION 8.4 NON-EXCLUSIVITY OF RIGHTS; HEIRS.  The right to  indemnification
and  to the  advancement of expenses  conferred in  this ARTICLE 8  shall not be
exclusive of any  other right  which any person  may have  or hereafter  acquire
under  any  statute,  the Corporation's  Certificate  of  Incorporation, Bylaws,
agreement, vote  of stockholder  or disinterested  directors or  otherwise,  and
shall  inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a
    SECTION 8.5  INSURANCE.   The  Corporation may  maintain insurance,  at  its
expense,  to protect itself and any director,  officer, employee or agent of the
Corporation or another corporation, partnership,  joint venture, trust or  other
enterprise   against  any  expense,  liability  or  loss,  whether  or  not  the
Corporation would have the power to indemnify such person against such  expense,
liability or loss under the Delaware General Corporation Law.
Corporation  may, to  the extent authorized  from time  to time by  the Board of
Directors, grant rights to indemnification and to the advancement of expenses to
any employee or agent of the Corporation to the fullest extent of the provisions
of this  ARTICLE  8 with  respect  to  the indemnification  and  advancement  of
expenses of directors and officers of the Corporation.
                                   ARTICLE 9
    These  Bylaws may be  amended or repealed  by the Board  of Directors at any
meeting or by the stockholders at any meeting.

                                                                      ANNEX VIII

SECTION 1701.81 ORC                                                 APPROVED --------------
                                                                    DATE ------------------
                                                                   FEE --------------------

                             CERTIFICATE OF MERGER
                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                             (AN OHIO CORPORATION)
                               CHARTER NO.
                                NEW JACOR, INC.
                            (A DELAWARE CORPORATION)
                               CHARTER NO.
    Randy  Michaels, President,  and R.  Christopher Weber,  Secretary, of Jacor
Communications, Inc., and Randy Michaels,  President, and R. Christopher  Weber,
Secretary,  of  New  Jacor, Inc.  (such  entities hereinafter  each  referred to
separately as  a  "Constituent  Corporation" and  collectively  referred  to  as
"Constituent Corporations"), do hereby certify the following:
        1.  The name and state of formation of each Constituent Corporation is:
             (an Ohio corporation)
             Charter No.
             NEW JACOR, INC.
             (an Delaware corporation)
             Charter No.
        2.   The Constituent Corporations have  approved a Plan and Agreement of
    Merger under  which Jacor  Communications,  Inc. shall  be merged  into  New
    Jacor,  Inc.,  and  New  Jacor,  Inc.  shall  be  the  surviving corporation
    (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Surviving Corporation").
        3.  The name of the Surviving Corporation shall be:
        4.  The  Constituent Corporations  have complied  with all  of the  laws
    under which they exist and such laws permit this merger.
        5.   The  name and  mailing address  of the  person or  entity that will
    provide a  copy of  the Plan  and Agreement  of Merger  in response  to  any
    written  request made  by any shareholder  or other equity  holder of either
    Constituent Corporation is:
             R. Christopher Weber, Secretary
             Jacor Communications, Inc.
             1300 PNC Center
             201 East Fifth Street
             Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
        6.  This merger shall be effective on        , 1996.
        7.  The Plan and  Agreement of Merger has  been duly authorized by  each
    Constituent  Corporation and the persons  who have executed this Certificate
    have been duly authorized.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Constituent Corporation has caused this Certificate
of Merger to be  signed by its  duly authorized officers  this           day  of
      , 1996.
                                          JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                  Randy Michaels, PRESIDENT
                                               R. Christopher Weber, SECRETARY
                                          NEW JACOR, INC.
                                                  Randy Michaels, PRESIDENT
                                               R. Christopher Weber, SECRETARY

                           JACOR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                NEW JACOR, INC.
                    (PURSUANT TO SECTION 253 OF THE GENERAL
                          CORPORATION LAW OF DELAWARE)
    New Jacor, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Subsidiary"), does hereby certify:
    FIRST:  That Subsidiary is incorporated  pursuant to the General Corporation
    Law of the State of Delaware.
    SECOND: That Jacor Communications, Inc., an Ohio corporation ("Parent") owns
    all of  the  outstanding  shares of  each  class  of the  capital  stock  of
    THIRD:  That  Subsidiary,  by  the following  resolutions  of  its  Board of
    Directors, duly adopted on the       day  of        , 1996, determined  that
    Parent  should be merged into Subsidiary on the conditions set forth in such
       RESOLVED: That Jacor Communication, Inc. ("Parent") merge itself into its
       subsidiary, New  Jacor, Inc.  ("Subsidiary"), and  that Subsidiary  shall
       assume all of Parent's liabilities and obligations;
       FURTHER  RESOLVED: That the President and  the Secretary of Subsidiary be
       and  they  hereby  are  directed  to  make,  execute  and  acknowledge  a
       certificate  of  ownership  and  merger  setting  forth  a  copy  of  the
       resolution to  merge  Parent  into  Subsidiary  and  to  assume  Parent's
       liabilities  and obligations and the date of adoption thereof and to file
       the same  in the  office of  the Secretary  of State  of Delaware  and  a
       certified  copy thereof  in the  Office of the  Recorder of  Deeds of New
       Castle County, and to do all acts and things whatever, whether within  or
       without  the State of Delaware, as may  be necessary and proper to effect
       the merger.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  New Jacor, Inc.,  has caused its  corporate seal to  be
affixed  and this certificate to be signed by Randy Michaels, its President, and
R. Christopher Weber, its Secretary, this         day of       , 1996.
                                          NEW JACOR, INC.
                                                  Randy Michaels, PRESIDENT
                                               R. Christopher Weber, SECRETARY