- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                  FORM 10-K/A
                                AMENDMENT NO. 4
                                    ACT OF 1934
                  FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                               EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
          FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM             TO             .
                         COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 0-23272
                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

              DELAWARE                   87-0439579
    (State or other jurisdiction      (I.R.S. Employer
 of incorporation or organization)     Identification
  420 CHIPETA WAY, SALT LAKE CITY,       84108-1256
  (Address of principal executive        (Zip Code)

                                 (801) 583-4939
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
Securities registered under Section 12(b) of the Act: None
Securities  registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: Common Stock, $.001
Par Value
    Indicate by check  mark whether  the Registrant  (1) has  filed all  reports
required  to be filed by  Section 13 or 15(d) of  the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during  the  preceding 12  months  (or for  such  shorter period  that  the
Registrant  was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for at least the past 90 days. YES /X/    NO / /
    Indicate by check mark if disclosure  of delinquent filers pursuant to  Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best  of Registrant's knowledge,  in definitive proxy  or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K.    /X/   To the best of the  Company's knowledge, there have been  no
delinquent filers.
    The  approximate  aggregate  market  value  of  the  Common  Stock  held  by
nonaffiliates of the Registrant was $47,898,779 as of March 31, 1996, based upon
the closing  price  of $12.75  for  the shares  of  the Company's  Common  Stock
reported on The Nasdaq Stock Market.(1)
    The  number of shares of  Common Stock outstanding as  of March 31, 1996 was
- ------------------------
(1)  Excludes 4,430,465 shares of Common  Stock held by directors, officers  and
     other affiliates as of March 31, 1996.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K AS FOLLOWS:
The Financial  Statements required  by this  item are  submitted in  a  separate
section beginning on page F-1 of this report.

Index to Financial Statements...........................................................................         F-1
Report of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, Certified Auditors.....................................................         F-2
Balance Sheets at December 31, 1995 and 1994............................................................         F-3
Statements of Operations for three years ended December 31, 1995, and for the period from inception to
 December 31, 1995......................................................................................         F-4
Statements of Stockholders' Equity from inception through December 31, 1995.............................         F-5
Statements of Cash Flows for the three years ended December 31, 1995, and from inception to December 31,
 1995...................................................................................................         F-8
Notes to Financial Statements...........................................................................        F-10

       2.    INDEX TO  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  SCHEDULES.  There are  no Financial
Statements Schedules  included because  they are  either not  applicable or  the
required information is shown in the Financial Statements or the notes thereto.
    (b)  The Registrant filed no reports on  Form 8-K during the last quarter of
the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995.
        3.  EXHIBITS.

- --------------
 3.1**          Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Registrant.
 3.2**          Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Registrant.
10.1**          Stock Purchase Agreement between the Registrant and S.R. One, Limited, dated November 18, 1993.
10.2**          Amended Agreement and Waiver, among the Registrant and the other parties thereto, dated November
                 18, 1993.
10.3**          Form of Registrant's 1994 Non-Employee Directors' Stock Option Plan.
10.4**          Form of Registrant's 1994 Equity Incentive Plan and Form of Stock Option Agreements.
10.5**          Registrant's 1987 Stock Option Plan, as amended, and Form of Stock Option Agreement.
10.6**          Form of Registrant's 1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan and Form of Offering Document.
10.7**          Master Lease Agreement between the Registrant and LINC Scientific Leasing, dated October 7,1992,
                 with related addenda.
10.8**          Form of Indemnity Agreement entered into between the Registrant and its officers and directors.
10.9+**         Collaborative Research and License Agreement between the Registrant and SmithKline Beecham
                 Corporation, dated November 1, 1993.
10.10+**        Patent Agreement Between the Registrant and The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., dated February
                 19, 1993, with related amendment.
10.11+**        Research Agreement between the Registrant and The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., dated
                 February 19, 1993, with related amendment.
10.15+****      Collaborative Research and License Agreement between the Registrant and Kirin Brewery Company,
                 Ltd. dated June 29, 1995.

10.16+          Development and License Agreement between the Registrant and Amgen Inc. effective as of December
                 27, 1995.
10.17+          Stock Purchase Agreement between Registrant and Amgen Inc. dated March 18, 1996.
10.18           Lease Agreement with GATX dated June 1, 1995, with related addenda.
10.19           Office Lease between Salt Lake Research Park Associates and Registrant dated June 3, 1994, with
                 related amendments.
10.20**         Consultant Services Agreement between the Registrant and Thomas N. Parks, Ph.D., dated January 30,
10.21***        Consulting Agreement between the Registrant and Plexus Ventures, Inc. dated August 5, 1994, as
10.22+*****     Binding Letter of Intent between Amgen Inc. and the Registrant dated December 27, 1995.
10.23+          Amendment effective February 7, 1996 to Research Agreement between the Registrant and The Brigham
                 and Women's Hospital, Inc. dated February 19, 1993.
10.24+          Amendment effective February 7, 1996 to Patent Agreement between the Registrant and The Brigham
                 and Women's Hospital, Inc., dated February 19, 1993.
10.25+          Amendment effective June 29, 1995 to the Collaborative Research and License Agreement between the
                 Registrant and SmithKline Beecham Corporation, dated November 1, 1993.
11.1*           Statement regarding calculation of net loss per share.
23.1*           Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, independent auditors.

- ------------------------
    * Previously filed with this  Form 10-K for the  fiscal year ended  December
      31, 1995.
   ** Incorporated   herein  by  reference   to  the  Registrant's  registration
      statement on Form S-1 filed January 21, 1994 (File No. 33-74318).
  *** Incorporated herein by  reference to  the Registrant's Form  10-K for  the
      fiscal year ended December 31, 1994.
 **** Incorporated  herein by  reference to the  Registrant's Form  10-K for the
      fiscal year ended December 31, 1994.
***** Incorporated herein  by  reference  to the  Registrant's  Form  8-K  dated
      February 29, 1996.
    + Confidential treatment has been granted with respect to these exhibits.
      (c) See Exhibits listed under Item 14(a)(3).
      (d) The financial statement schedules required by this Item are listed
      under Item 14(a)(2).

    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
and  Exchange Act of  1934, the Registrant  has duly caused  this report on Form
10-K to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized on
the 28th day of June, 1996.
                                          NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                                          By         /s/ JAMES U. JENSEN
                                                       James U. Jensen
                                                  VICE PRESIDENT, CORPORATE
                                                      AND LEGAL AFFAIRS

                         INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Report of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, Independent Auditors................................        F-2
Balance Sheets.......................................................................        F-3
Statements of Operations.............................................................        F-4
Statements of Stockholders' Equity...................................................        F-5
Statements of Cash Flows.............................................................        F-8
Notes to Financial Statements........................................................       F-10


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT
The Board of Directors
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.:
    We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
(a  development stage company) as of December 31, 1994 and 1995, and the related
statements of operations, stockholders' equity, and  cash flows for each of  the
years  in the three-year period ended December 31, 1995, and for the period from
October  22,  1986  (inception)  through  December  31,  1995.  These  financial
statements   are   the   responsibility  of   the   Company's   management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion  on these financial statements based  on
our audits.
    We  conducted  our audits  in  accordance with  generally  accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to  obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also  includes
assessing  the  accounting principles  used  and significant  estimates  made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement  presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
    In  our opinion, the financial statements  referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the financial position of NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (a
development stage company) as of December 31, 1994 and 1995, and the results  of
its operations and its cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period
ended  December 31, 1995, and  for the period from  October 22, 1986 (inception)
through December  31, 1995,  in conformity  with generally  accepted  accounting
                                          KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
Salt Lake City, Utah
February 7, 1996, except as to note 11
which is as of March 18, 1996

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                                     PRO FORMA
                                                                            DECEMBER 31,             (NOTE 11)
                                                                   ------------------------------   DECEMBER 31,
                                                                        1994            1995            1995
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents......................................  $    5,931,082  $    8,039,625  $   25,539,625
  Marketable investment securities (note 2)......................       3,392,135         300,000         300,000
  Accounts receivable............................................         260,000          23,000          23,000
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
    Total current assets.........................................       9,583,217       8,362,625      25,862,625
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
Plant and equipment (note 4):
  Equipment......................................................       2,039,441       2,272,006       2,272,006
  Leasehold improvements.........................................       1,603,424       1,635,189       1,635,189
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                        3,642,865       3,907,195       3,907,195
  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization.................       1,209,298       1,711,551       1,711,551
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
    Net plant and equipment......................................       2,433,567       2,195,644       2,195,644
Other assets, at cost............................................          67,028          42,154          42,154
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                   $   12,083,812  $   10,600,423  $   28,100,423
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
                                      LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
Current liabilities:
  Current installments of obligation under capital leases (note
   4)............................................................  $      413,001  $      435,230  $      435,230
  Current installments on long-term debt (note 5)................              --         331,746         331,746
  Accounts payable...............................................         924,480       1,036,464       1,036,464
  Accrued expenses...............................................         141,511         139,714         139,714
  Deferred income................................................              --         587,500         587,500
  Income tax payable (note 7)....................................              --              --         160,000
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
    Total current liabilities....................................       1,478,992       2,530,654       2,690,654
Obligations under capital leases, excluding current installments
 (note 4)........................................................         440,098          53,761          53,761
Long-term debt, excluding current installments (note 5)..........              --         693,528         693,528
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
    Total liabilities............................................       1,919,090       3,277,943       3,437,943
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
Commitments and contingencies (notes 3, 4, 9 and 12).............
Stockholders' equity (note 6):...................................
  Preferred stock, $.001 par value; 5,000,000 shares authorized;
   no shares issued and outstanding..............................              --              --              --
  Common Stock, $.001 par value; 20,000,000 shares authorized;
   issued and outstanding 6,787,358 shares at December 31, 1994,
   7,072,801 shares at December 31, 1995, and 8,072,801 shares
   pro forma.....................................................           6,787           7,073           8,073
  Additional paid-in capital.....................................      27,847,067      28,067,130      35,566,130
  Deferred compensation..........................................        (489,958)       (234,458)       (234,458)
  Deficit accumulated during development stage...................     (17,199,174)    (20,517,265)    (10,677,265)
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
    Net stockholders' equity.....................................      10,164,722       7,322,480      24,662,480
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                   $   12,083,812  $   10,600,423  $   28,100,423
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                                   --------------  --------------  --------------

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                                    OCTOBER 22,
                                                             YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                  THROUGH
                                                  ----------------------------------------------   DECEMBER 31,
                                                       1993            1994            1995            1995
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Revenues from research and license agreements...  $      867,568  $    3,860,706  $    9,562,319  $    22,315,849
Operating expenses:
  Research and development......................       6,021,126       7,765,326       8,727,316       30,360,190
  General and administrative....................       2,003,699       3,121,688       3,975,379       12,788,445
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
    Total operating expenses....................       8,024,825      10,887,014      12,702,695       43,148,635
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
    Operating loss..............................      (7,157,257)     (7,026,308)     (3,140,376)     (20,832,786)
Other income (expense):
  Interest income...............................         110,314         398,388         480,029        1,256,844
  Interest expense..............................        (111,638)       (128,413)       (157,744)        (475,713)
  Other.........................................              --              --              --           34,390
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
    Total other income (expense)................          (1,324)        269,975         322,285          815,521
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
    Loss before income tax expense..............      (7,158,581)     (6,756,333)     (2,818,091)     (20,017,265)
Income tax expense (note 7).....................              --              --         500,000          500,000
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Net loss........................................  $   (7,158,581) $   (6,756,333) $   (3,318,091) $   (20,517,265)
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Net loss per common share (note 1)..............  $        (1.91) $        (1.13) $         (.48)
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------
Weighted average shares outstanding (note 1)....       3,751,000       5,977,300       6,924,400

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
             OCTOBER 22, 1986 (INCEPTION) THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                              SERIES A     SERIES B     SERIES C     SERIES D     SERIES E
                                                              PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED
                                                                STOCK        STOCK        STOCK        STOCK        STOCK
                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Issuance of 1,125,000 shares of common stock for cash and
 equipment valued at fair value upon incorporation at
 October 22, 1986..........................................   $      --    $      --    $      --    $      --    $      --
Net loss...................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                             -----------  -----------       -----        -----        -----
Balances, December 31, 1986................................          --           --           --           --           --
Repurchase of 375,000 shares of common stock...............          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 82,500 shares of common stock for services.....          --           --           --           --           --
Net income.................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                             -----------  -----------       -----        -----        -----
Balances, December 31, 1987................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 55,556 shares of preferred stock for cash......       5,556           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 11,448 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options.................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 97,500 shares of common stock for services.....          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss...................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                             -----------  -----------       -----        -----        -----
Balances, December 31, 1988................................       5,556           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 37,037 shares of preferred stock for cash......          --        3,704           --           --           --
Issuance of 7,500 shares of common stock for services......          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss...................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                             -----------  -----------       -----        -----        -----
Balances, December 31, 1989................................       5,556        3,704           --           --           --
Issuance of 37,037 shares of preferred stock for cash......          --        3,703           --           --           --
Issuance of 2,475 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options.................................          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss...................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                             -----------  -----------       -----        -----        -----
Balances, December 31, 1990................................       5,556        7,407           --           --           --

                                                                          ADDITIONAL  DEFERRED      DURING         NET
                                                               COMMON      PAID-IN     COMPEN-   DEVELOPMENT   STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                                STOCK      CAPITAL     SATION       STAGE         EQUITY
                                                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Issuance of 1,125,000 shares of common stock for cash and
 equipment valued at fair value upon incorporation at
 October 22, 1986..........................................   $   1,125   $   13,875  $      --  $         --   $   15,000
Net loss...................................................          --           --         --       (12,477)     (12,477)
                                                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1986................................       1,125       13,875         --       (12,477)       2,523
Repurchase of 375,000 shares of common stock...............        (375)      (4,625)        --            --       (5,000)
Issuance of 82,500 shares of common stock for services.....          83        1,017         --            --        1,100
Net income.................................................          --           --         --       121,274      121,274
                                                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1987................................         833       10,267         --       108,797      119,897
Issuance of 55,556 shares of preferred stock for cash......          --      294,446         --            --      300,002
Issuance of 11,448 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options.................................          11        1,516         --            --        1,527
Issuance of 97,500 shares of common stock for services.....          98       32,402         --            --       32,500
Net loss...................................................          --           --         --      (105,643)    (105,643)
                                                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1988................................         942      338,631         --         3,154      348,283
Issuance of 37,037 shares of preferred stock for cash......          --      336,296         --            --      340,000
Issuance of 7,500 shares of common stock for services......           7        2,493         --            --        2,500
Net loss...................................................          --           --         --        (5,025)      (5,025)
                                                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1989................................         949      677,420         --        (1,871)     685,758
Issuance of 37,037 shares of preferred stock for cash......          --      336,297         --            --      340,000
Issuance of 2,475 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options.................................           2          898         --            --          900
Net loss...................................................          --           --         --      (212,976)    (212,976)
                                                             -----------  ----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1990................................         951    1,014,615         --      (214,847)     813,682


                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
             OCTOBER 22, 1986 (INCEPTION) THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                             SERIES A     SERIES B     SERIES C     SERIES D     SERIES E
                                                             PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED
                                                               STOCK        STOCK        STOCK        STOCK        STOCK
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Issuance of 4,500 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options................................   $      --    $      --    $      --    $      --    $      --
Net loss..................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Balances, December 31, 1991...............................       5,556        7,407           --           --           --
Issuance of 3,675 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 230,334 shares of common stock upon conversion
 of 129,630 shares of preferred stock.....................      (5,556)      (7,407)          --           --           --
Repurchase and cancellation of 83,334 shares of common
 stock for cash...........................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 781,250 shares of preferred stock for cash,
 net of offering costs....................................          --           --          781           --           --
Issuance of 678,573 shares of preferred stock for cash,
 net of offering costs....................................          --           --           --          679           --
Issuance of 101,452 shares of common stock for services
 related to preferred stock offering......................          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss..................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Balances, December 31, 1992...............................          --           --          781          679
Issuance of 37,524 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 583,334 shares of preferred stock for cash,
 net of offering costs....................................          --           --           --           --          583
Issuance of 6,050 shares of preferred stock for
 services.................................................          --           --           --           --            6
Deferred compensation related to grant of stock options...          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss..................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Balances, December 31, 1993...............................          --           --          781          679          589

                                                                         ADDITIONAL   DEFERRED      DURING         NET
                                                              COMMON       PAID-IN     COMPEN-   DEVELOPMENT   STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                               STOCK       CAPITAL     SATION       STAGE         EQUITY
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Issuance of 4,500 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options................................   $       5   $     2,245  $      --  $         --   $    2,250
Net loss..................................................          --            --         --      (462,054)    (462,054)
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1991...............................         956     1,016,860         --      (676,901)     353,878
Issuance of 3,675 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options................................           4         2,221         --            --        2,225
Issuance of 230,334 shares of common stock upon conversion
 of 129,630 shares of preferred stock.....................         230        12,733         --            --           --
Repurchase and cancellation of 83,334 shares of common
 stock for cash...........................................         (83)     (299,917)        --            --     (300,000)
Issuance of 781,250 shares of preferred stock for cash,
 net of offering costs....................................          --     4,937,462         --            --    4,938,243
Issuance of 678,573 shares of preferred stock for cash,
 net of offering costs....................................          --     4,693,794         --            --    4,694,473
Issuance of 101,452 shares of common stock for services
 related to preferred stock offering......................         101          (101)        --            --           --
Net loss..................................................          --            --         --    (2,607,359)  (2,607,359)
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1992...............................       1,208    10,363,052         --    (3,284,260)   7,081,460
Issuance of 37,524 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of stock options................................          38        25,545         --            --       25,583
Issuance of 583,334 shares of preferred stock for cash,
 net of offering costs....................................          --     6,968,115         --            --    6,968,698
Issuance of 6,050 shares of preferred stock for
 services.................................................          --        72,594         --            --       72,600
Deferred compensation related to grant of stock options...          --       766,500   (745,458)           --       21,042
Net loss..................................................          --            --         --    (7,158,581)  (7,158,581)
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1993...............................       1,246    18,195,806   (745,458)  (10,442,841)   7,010,802


                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
             OCTOBER 22, 1986 (INCEPTION) THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                             SERIES A     SERIES B     SERIES C     SERIES D     SERIES E
                                                             PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED    PREFERRED
                                                               STOCK        STOCK        STOCK        STOCK        STOCK
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Issuance of 3,475,666 shares of common stock upon
 conversion of 2,049,207 shares of preferred stock........   $      --    $      --    $    (781)   $    (679)   $    (589)
Issuance of 2,000,000 shares of common stock for cash, net
 of offering costs........................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 20,000 shares of common stock for services....          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 46,118 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of options......................................          --           --           --           --           --
Amortization of deferred compensation.....................          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss..................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Balances, December 31, 1994...............................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 242,385 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of options......................................          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 39,771 shares of common stock for cash........          --           --           --           --           --
Issuance of 3,287 shares of common stock for services.....          --           --           --           --           --
Amortization of deferred compensation.....................          --           --           --           --           --
Net loss..................................................          --           --           --           --           --
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Balances, December 31, 1995...............................   $      --    $      --    $      --    $      --    $      --
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                      See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                                                         ADDITIONAL   DEFERRED      DURING         NET
                                                              COMMON       PAID-IN     COMPEN-   DEVELOPMENT   STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                               STOCK       CAPITAL     SATION       STAGE         EQUITY
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Issuance of 3,475,666 shares of common stock upon
 conversion of 2,049,207 shares of preferred stock........   $   3,475   $    (1,426) $      --  $         --   $       --
Issuance of 2,000,000 shares of common stock for cash, net
 of offering costs........................................       2,000     9,530,252         --            --    9,532,252
Issuance of 20,000 shares of common stock for services....          20        95,958         --            --       95,978
Issuance of 46,118 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of options......................................          46        26,477         --            --       26,523
Amortization of deferred compensation.....................          --            --    255,500            --      255,500
Net loss..................................................          --            --         --    (6,756,333)  (6,756,333)
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1994...............................       6,787    27,847,067   (489,958)  (17,199,174)  10,164,722
Issuance of 242,385 shares of common stock for cash upon
 exercise of options......................................         243       100,378         --            --      100,621
Issuance of 39,771 shares of common stock for cash........          40       109,827         --            --      109,867
Issuance of 3,287 shares of common stock for services.....           3         9,858         --            --        9,861
Amortization of deferred compensation.....................          --            --    255,500            --      255,500
Net loss..................................................          --            --         --    (3,318,091)  (3,318,091)
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
Balances, December 31, 1995...............................   $   7,073   $28,067,130  $(234,458) $(20,517,265)  $7,322,480
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                            -----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------------
                                      See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                                    OCTOBER 22,
                                                             YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                  THROUGH
                                                  ----------------------------------------------   DECEMBER 31,
                                                       1993            1994            1995            1995
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net loss......................................  $   (7,158,581) $   (6,756,333) $   (3,318,091) $   (20,517,265)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
   used in operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization...............         366,933         596,842         674,039        2,413,028
    Gain on sale of equipment...................              --              --              --          (28,720)
    Issuance of common and preferred stock in
     lieu of cash for services..................          72,600          95,978           9,861          214,539
    Amortization of deferred compensation.......          21,042         255,500         255,500          532,042
    Decrease (increase) in operating assets:
      Accounts receivable.......................          97,747        (226,788)        237,000          (23,000)
      Other assets..............................          28,819         (21,553)         24,874          (45,754)
    Increase (decrease) in operating
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses.....         435,818         142,592         110,187        1,176,178
      Deferred income...........................       3,400,000      (3,400,000)        587,500          587,500
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
        Net cash used in operating activities...      (2,735,622)     (9,313,762)     (1,419,130)     (15,691,452)
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Net sale (purchase) of marketable investment
   securities...................................       1,589,384      (3,392,135)      3,092,135         (300,000)
  Acquisition of equipment and leasehold
   improvements.................................      (1,206,683)     (1,048,020)       (373,171)      (4,059,126)
  Proceeds from sale of equipment...............         648,274              --              --        1,048,484
                                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
        Net cash provided by (used in) investing
         activities.............................       1,030,975      (4,440,155)      2,718,964       (3,310,642)


                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                                                                                    OCTOBER 22,
                                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                 THROUGH
                                                   ---------------------------------------------   DECEMBER 31,
                                                        1993            1994           1995            1995
                                                   --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from note payable to bank.............  $           --  $           --  $          --  $       123,855
  Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock and
   collection of subscription receivable.........       2,968,698       4,000,000             --       17,581,416
  Proceeds from issuance of common stock.........          25,583       9,558,775        210,488        9,811,748
  Proceeds from long-term debt...................              --              --      1,166,434        1,166,434
  Principal payments on note payable to bank.....              --              --             --         (123,855)
  Principal payments under capital lease
   obligations...................................         (53,618)       (287,539)      (427,053)        (879,415)
  Principal payments on long-term debt...........         (11,489)             --       (141,160)        (338,464)
  Repurchase of preferred stock..................              --              --             --         (300,000)
                                                   --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------
    Net cash provided by financing activities....       2,929,174      13,271,236        808,709       27,041,719
                                                   --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash
 equivalents.....................................       1,224,527        (482,681)     2,108,543        8,039,625
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
 period..........................................       5,189,236       6,413,763      5,931,082               --
                                                   --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.......  $    6,413,763  $    5,931,082  $   8,039,625  $     8,039,625
                                                   --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------
                                                   --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------
Cash paid for interest...........................  $       91,038  $      149,013  $     171,752  $       475,713
Cash paid for taxes..............................              --              --        500,000          500,000
Acquisition of equipment through incurrence of
 capital lease obligations.......................  $      648,274  $       25,669  $      62,945  $     1,368,406
Acquisition of leasehold improvements through
 incurrence of debt..............................              --              --             --          197,304
Issuance of preferred stock for stock
 subscription receivable.........................       4,000,000              --             --        4,000,000
Accrual of deferred offering costs...............         150,000              --             --          150,000

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
    NPS  Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  (the "Company"), considered  a development stage
7,   is  engaged   in  the  discovery   and  commercial   development  of  novel
pharmaceutical products, primarily small molecule drugs that target cell surface
receptors and ion channels. Since inception, the Company's principal  activities
have been performing research and development, raising capital, and establishing
research  and license agreements. The  following significant accounting policies
are followed by the Company in preparing its financial statements:
        Cash equivalents of $4.8 million and  $5.4 million at December 31,  1994
    and 1995, respectively, consist of short-term securities and certificates of
    deposit  with an initial term of less than three months. For purposes of the
    statements of  cash flows,  the  Company considers  all highly  liquid  debt
    instruments  with original  maturities of  three months  or less  to be cash
        The Company recognizes revenue from  its research agreements as  related
    research costs are incurred and from its license fees and milestone payments
    as  earned.  Cash received  in  advance of  the  performance of  the related
    research is recorded as deferred income.
        Plant and equipment are stated at cost. Equipment under capital lease is
    stated at the lower of  the present value of  minimum lease payments at  the
    beginning  of the lease term or fair value of the equipment at the inception
    of the lease.
        Depreciation and  amortization of  equipment (including  equipment  held
    under  capital lease) is  calculated on the  straight-line method over their
    estimated useful lives of five  years. Leasehold improvements are  amortized
    using  the straight-line method over the shorter of the life of the asset or
    remainder of  the lease  term.  Amortization of  assets held  under  capital
    leases is included with depreciation and amortization expense.
        The  Company's loss per share is based on the weighted average number of
    common shares  outstanding  during  the periods.  Common  stock  equivalents
    (stock  options and warrants) have been excluded in the computation as their
    inclusion would have an  antidilutive effect. For periods  prior to May  26,
    1994,  the date  of the  Company's initial  public offering,  upon which all
    outstanding shares of  preferred stock  were converted to  shares of  common
    stock,  the loss presented  is pro forma after  giving retroactive effect to
    the conversion of Series C,  D, and E preferred  stock and the inclusion  of
    common  stock  options issued  for  consideration below  the  initial public
    offering price  during the  twelve-month period  prior to  the date  of  the
    initial  filing  of  the  Registration  Statement,  even  when antidilutive,
    pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission Staff Accounting Bulletin No.
    83, using the treasury-stock method.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
        The Company  accounts for  income taxes  using the  asset and  liability
    method.  Under  the  asset and  liability  method, deferred  tax  assets and
    liabilities are recognized for the  future tax consequences attributable  to
    differences  between the  financial statement  carrying amounts  of existing
    assets and liabilities and their  respective tax bases, operating loss,  and
    tax  credit carryforwards. Deferred tax  assets and liabilities are measured
    using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years  in
    which  those temporary differences are expected  to be recovered or settled.
    The effect on deferred tax assets and  liabilities of a change in tax  rates
    is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
        Management of the Company has made estimates and assumptions relating to
    reporting  of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets
    and liabilities to  prepare these  financial statements  in conformity  with
    generally  accepted accounting principles. Actual  results could differ from
    those estimates.
        The Company adopted the provisions of Statement of Financial  Accounting
    ("Statement 115"), January  1, 1994.  Statement 115 requires  that debt  and
    equity   securities  be  grouped  in   one  of  three  categories:  trading,
    available-for-sale, or held-to-maturity. Trading  securities are bought  and
    held  principally  for  the  purpose  of  selling  them  in  the  near term.
    Held-to-maturity securities are  those securities in  which the Company  has
    the  ability  and intent  to  hold the  security  until maturity.  All other
    securities not included  in trading  or held-to-maturity  are classified  as
    available-for-sale.  The effect  of this adoption  of Statement  115 was not
    material to the Company's financial statements.
        Available-for   sale   securities   are   recorded   at   fair    value.
    Held-to-maturity securities are recorded at amortized cost, adjusted for the
    amortization or accretion of premiums or discounts. Unrealized holding gains
    and  losses, net of the related tax effect, on available-for-sale securities
    are excluded  from earnings  and are  reported as  a separate  component  of
    stockholders' equity until realized. Realized gains and losses from the sale
    of available-for-sale securities are determined on a specific-identification
        A   decline   in  the   market  value   of  any   available-for-sale  or
    held-to-maturity security below  cost that  is deemed  other than  temporary
    results  in a reduction in carrying amount  to fair value. The impairment is
    charged to earnings and  a new cost basis  for the security is  established.
    Premiums  and  discounts are  amortized  or accreted  over  the life  of the
    related held-to-maturity  security  as  an adjustment  to  yield  using  the
    effective  interest method. Dividend and interest income are recognized when

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
    The amortized cost, gross unrealized holding gains, gross unrealized holding
losses and fair value for available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities  by
major security type and class of security at December 31, 1994 and 1995, were as

                                                                                  GROSS       UNREALIZED
                                                                AMORTIZED      UNREALIZED       HOLDING
                                                                  COST        HOLDING GAINS     LOSSES      FAIR VALUE
                                                              -------------  ---------------  -----------  -------------
At December 31, 1994
  Corporate obligations (due within one year)...............  $   3,392,135            --      $     296   $   3,391,839
At December 31, 1995
  Corporate obligations (due within one year)...............  $     300,000            --             --   $     300,000

    The Company is pursuing product development both on an independent basis and
in  collaboration with others. Following is a description of significant current
collaborations and license agreements.
        Effective June 30, 1995, NPS entered into a five year agreement with the
    pharmaceutical division  of  Kirin  Brewery  Company,  Limited  (a  Japanese
    company), to develop and commercialize Norcalcin in Japan, China, Korea, and
    Taiwan.  Kirin paid to NPS a $5.0 million  license fee and has agreed to pay
    up to  $7.0  million in  research  support, potential  additional  milestone
    payments  totaling $13.0 million, and royalties  on product sales. The Kirin
    research support payments are $500,000 per  quarter through June 1996 and  a
    total  of  $5.0  million  over  the  remaining  four  years.  Kirin received
    exclusive rights to develop  and sell Norcalcin  within its territory.  Both
    parties  will participate in  a collaborative research  program around NPS's
    parathyroid calcium receptor technology.
        The Company recognized  the $5.0 million  nonrefundable license fee  and
    $1.0  million in research support  as revenue in 1995.  The agreement may be
    terminated by Kirin after June 30, 1996.
        Effective November  1, 1993,  the Company  entered into  the  SmithKline
    Beecham   Agreement  ("SB  Agreement")  to  collaborate  on  the  discovery,
    development and  marketing of  drugs to  treat osteoporosis  and other  bone
    metabolism   disorders,  excluding  hyperparathyroidism.  The  SB  Agreement
    establishes a three year research  collaboration between the parties,  which
    may  be extended  on mutual agreement.  Under the SB  Agreement, the Company
    granted SmithKline  Beecham  the exclusive  license  to develop  and  market
    worldwide  compounds  described  under  the  SB  Agreement,  subject  to the
    Company's right to co-promote in the United States. Once compounds have been
    selected for development, SmithKline Beecham has agreed to conduct and  fund
    all  development of such  products, including all  human clinical trials and
    regulatory submissions.
        The Company received an initial licensing fee payment of $4.0 million in
    November 1993 and  received an  additional $2.0 million  payment in  January
    1995. The Company recognized this

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
    revenue as the related research costs were incurred, and recognized $600,000
    in  1993, $3.6 million in 1994 and  $1.8 million in 1995. Commencing on July
    1, 1995,  the  Company  began receiving  quarterly  research  payments  from
    SmithKline  Beecham  to  support  research  efforts  through  the  scheduled
    expiration of  the research  term on  October 31,  1996, if  not  previously
    terminated.  The Company recognized $1.6 million from such payments in 1995.
    The Company is  also entitled to  receive payments upon  the achievement  of
    specific  development and  regulatory milestones.  The Company  will receive
    royalties on sales of  such compounds by SmithKline  Beecham and a share  of
    the profits from co-promoted products.
        S.R.  One, Limited,  an affiliate  of SmithKline  Beecham, is  an equity
    investor in the Company.
        Subsequent to year-end,  the Company reached  its first milestone  under
    the  SB Agreement  and received  a corresponding  milestone payment  of $3.0
        In February  1993, the  Company  entered into  two agreements  with  The
    Brigham  and  Women's  Hospital,  Inc.  (the  "Hospital").  Under  the first
    agreement, the  Company  received an  exclusive  license to  the  Hospital's
    calcium  receptor patentable technology  at that date.  The Company will pay
    milestone payments  to the  Hospital  and a  royalty  on sales  of  products
    covered  by any  issued patent under  the license. The  Company also entered
    into an  agreement to  sponsor research  through February  28, 1996  at  the
    Hospital  in the amount of $300,000 per year and the Hospital granted to the
    Company a  right  of first  negotiation  for  license rights  to  any  newly
    discovered  patentable calcium  receptor technology. During  1993, 1994, and
    1995, the Company  paid to  the Hospital $400,241,  $320,121, and  $306,777,
    respectively, in sponsored research payments and license fees.
        On  February 7, 1996, the Company reached an agreement with the Hospital
    to extend the sponsored collaborative research agreement. Under the terms of
    the extension, the Company  has agreed to continue  funding research for  an
    additional  two years. The extended research agreement calls for the Company
    to make research  support and advance  royalty payments of  $810,000 to  the
    Hospital during the period from February 1996 to February 1998.
        The  Company  recognized  revenue of  $267,568,  $260,706,  and $126,444
    during 1993, 1994, and 1995, respectively, under the terms of Small Business
    Innovation Research grants from three government agencies.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
    The Company is obligated under capital  leases for equipment that expire  at
various  dates during the next three years. The Company also has a noncancelable
operating lease for office space that expires in September 1999. Rental  expense
for  this operating lease  was $340,276, $413,552, and  $493,667 for 1993, 1994,
and 1995, respectively. The  present value of future  minimum lease payments  on
capital leases and future lease payments under the noncancelable operating lease
as of December 31, 1995 are:

                                                                      CAPITAL      OPERATING
                                                                      LEASES         LEASE
                                                                    -----------  -------------
Year ending December 31:
  1996............................................................  $   466,129  $     525,919
  1997............................................................       48,123        525,919
  1998............................................................        9,127        525,919
  1999............................................................           --        394,439
                                                                    -----------  -------------
    Total minimum lease payments..................................      523,379  $   1,972,196
Less amounts representing interest (at rates ranging from 6% to
 16%).............................................................       34,388
Present value of net minimum capital lease payments...............      488,991
Less current installments of obligations under capital leases.....      435,230
    Obligations under capital leases, excluding current
     installments.................................................  $    53,761

        At December 31, 1994 and 1995, the gross amount of equipment and related
    accumulated amortization recorded under capital leases was as follows:

                                                                      1994           1995
                                                                  -------------  -------------
Equipment.......................................................  $   1,232,980  $   1,212,699
Less accumulated amortization...................................        572,090        748,881
                                                                  -------------  -------------
    Net equipment...............................................  $     660,890  $     463,818
                                                                  -------------  -------------
                                                                  -------------  -------------

        The  Company has granted a leasing  company a warrant to purchase 20,250
    common shares at $4.67 per share. The warrant expires in May 1996.
    Long-term debt at December 31, 1995 consists of the following notes  payable
to a financial institution:

10% to 16% notes payable in monthly installments of $37,105
 including interest, due June 1, 1998 through June 1, 1999;
 secured by certain equipment and leasehold improvements.......  $1,025,274
Less, current installments.....................................     331,746
    Long-term debt, excluding current installments.............  $  693,528

        The  aggregate  maturities  of  long-term debt  for  each  of  the years
    subsequent to  December  31, 1995  are  as follows:  1996,  $331,746;  1997,
    $378,613; 1998, $302,065; and 1999, $12,850.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
        In  connection  with  these  notes  payable,  the  Company  granted  the
    financial institution a warrant to purchase 32,542 shares of common stock at
    $3.69 per share. The warrant expires in June 2002.
    The Company is  incorporated under the  laws of the  State of Delaware  with
authorized  capital of 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock and 20,000,000 shares
of common stock, all  with a par  value of $.001. No  shares of preferred  stock
were issued or outstanding at December 31, 1994 and 1995.
    The  Company has three stock  option plans: the 1987  Stock Option Plan (the
"1987 Plan"), the  1994 Equity Incentive  Plan (the "1994  Plan"), and the  1994
Non-Employee  Directors' Stock Option Plan (the "Directors' Plan"). An aggregate
of 2,390,000 shares  are authorized for  issuance under the  three plans. As  of
December  31, 1995, there are no shares reserved for future grant under the 1987
Plan, there are 315,503  shares reserved for future  grant under the 1994  Plan,
and there are 36,000 shares reserved for future grant under the Directors' Plan.
Under the Company's 1994 Plan, the exercise price of options granted is not less
than  the fair market value  on the date of grant.  The number of shares, terms,
and exercise  period are  determined by  the Board  of Directors  on an  option-
by-option  basis, but the exercise period does  not extend beyond ten years from
the date of the grant.
    Under the Directors' Plan, each new director  who is not an employee of  the
Company  will be granted  an option to  purchase 15,000 shares  of common stock.
Additional options will be granted at  December 31 of each subsequent year.  The
exercise price of options granted is the fair market value on the date of grant.
    A  summary of activity related to aggregate options under all three plans is
indicated in the following table:

                                1993                          1994                           1995
                     ---------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------
                     -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------
 beginning of
 year..............      719,400  $   .34 -  .81    1,192,875  $     .34 - 4.00    1,419,125  $     .34 - 6.00
Granted............      511,500      .74 - 4.00      309,800       3.00 - 6.00      374,000       3.50 - 8.25
Exercised..........      (37,524)     .34 -  .74      (46,118)       .34 -  .74     (257,633)       .34 - 2.00
Canceled...........         (501)         -  .74      (37,432)       .34 - 4.00       (4,568)      2.00 - 3.00
                     -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------
Outstanding, end of
 year..............    1,192,875  $   .34 - 4.00    1,419,125  $     .34 - 6.00    1,530,924  $     .34 - 8.25
                     -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------
                     -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------------  -----------  ----------------

    Exercise of options by employees,  consultants, and directors has been  made
subject  to vesting based on job tenure and  as of December 31, 1995, options to
purchase 802,540 shares of common stock are vested and exercisable.
    In November  and  December 1993,  the  Company issued  options  to  purchase
378,750  and 4,500 shares of common stock, respectively, at an exercise price of
$2.00 and $4.00 per share,  respectively, to employees, officers, and  directors
of  the Company. For financial statement  presentation purposes, the Company has
recorded as deferred compensation expense the excess of the deemed value of  the

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
common  stock at  the date  of grant over  the exercise  price. The compensation
expense will be  amortized ratably  over the  three-year vesting  period of  the
options  and will  aggregate $766,500 over  such period.  During 1995, employees
exercised 257,633  stock options  utilizing 15,248  common shares  and cash  for
242,385 common shares.
    The  Company's 1994 Employee  Stock Purchase Plan  (the "Purchase Plan") has
90,000 shares authorized  for purchase  by employees of  the Company.  Employees
have  purchased 39,771 shares under  the Purchase Plan as  of December 31, 1995,
and 50,229 shares remain available for future purchase.
    The Company has income tax expense  of $500,000 for the year ended  December
31, 1995 consisting of current foreign taxes.
    Income  tax expense differed from the  amounts computed by applying the U.S.
federal income tax rate of 34 percent  to net income (loss) before income  taxes
as a result of the following:

                                                               1993            1994            1995
                                                          --------------  --------------  --------------
Computed expected tax benefit...........................  $   (2,433,918) $   (2,297,153) $     (958,150)
Change in the beginning-of-the-year balance of the
 valuation allowance for deferred tax assets allocated
 to income tax expense..................................       2,621,555       2,376,354       1,279,785
Foreign taxes net of federal income tax benefit.........              --              --         330,000
Other...................................................        (187,637)        (79,201)       (151,635)
                                                          --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                          $           --  $           --  $      500,000
                                                          --------------  --------------  --------------
                                                          --------------  --------------  --------------

    The  tax  effects of  temporary differences  that  give rise  to significant
portions of the deferred tax assets at December 31, 1994 and 1995 are  presented

                                                                     1994            1995
                                                                --------------  --------------
Deferred tax assets:
  Deferred revenue............................................  $           --  $      220,000
  Equipment and leasehold improvements, principally due to
   differences in depreciation................................         183,000         159,000
  Net operating loss carryforward.............................       5,815,000       6,873,000
  Research activities credit carryforward.....................         803,000         953,000
                                                                --------------  --------------
    Total gross deferred tax assets...........................       6,801,000       8,205,000
    Less valuation allowance..................................       6,801,000       8,205,000
                                                                --------------  --------------
    Net deferred tax assets...................................  $           --  $           --
                                                                --------------  --------------
                                                                --------------  --------------

    Subsequently recognized tax benefits relating to the valuation allowance for
deferred  tax assets as of December 31, 1995  will be allocated as an income tax
benefit to be reported in the statement of operations.
    The valuation allowance for  deferred tax assets as  of January 1, 1994  was
$4.2  million. The net change in the Company's total valuation allowance for the
years ended December 31, 1994 and 1995 was an increase of $2.6 million and  $1.4
million, respectively.

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
    At December 31, 1995, the Company had net operating loss and research credit
carryforwards   to  offset  future  income   for  federal  income  tax  purposes
approximately as follows:

                                                     NET OPERATING
                                                   LOSS CARRYFORWARD  NET OPERATING LOSS
                                                      FOR REGULAR      CARRYFORWARD FOR      RESEARCH
                                                      INCOME TAX      ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM     CREDIT
                                                       PURPOSES          TAX PURPOSES      CARRYFORWARD
                                                   -----------------  -------------------  ------------
  2002...........................................   $            --     $            --     $    2,000
  2003...........................................                --                  --         14,000
  2004...........................................           159,000              90,000         18,000
  2005...........................................           292,000             273,000         20,000
  2006...........................................         1,377,000           1,385,000         48,000
  2007...........................................         1,141,000           1,321,000         49,000
  2008...........................................         3,132,000           3,425,000        335,000
  2009...........................................         9,493,000           9,492,000        317,000
  2010...........................................         2,832,000           2,939,000        150,000
                                                   -----------------  -------------------  ------------
                                                    $    18,426,000     $    18,925,000     $  953,000
                                                   -----------------  -------------------  ------------
                                                   -----------------  -------------------  ------------

    Under the rules of the Tax Reform  Act of 1986, the Company has undergone  a
greater than 50 percent change of ownership since 1986. Consequently, use of the
Company's  net  operating  loss carryforward  and  research  credit carryforward
against future taxable income in any one year may be limited. The maximum amount
of carryforwards available  in a given  year is  limited to the  product of  the
Company's  fair market  value on  the date of  ownership change  and the federal
long-term tax-exempt rate, plus any  limited carryforward not utilized in  prior
    In  October 1990, the  Company adopted a  tax-qualified employee savings and
retirement plan (the  "401(k) Plan")  covering all of  the Company's  employees.
Pursuant  to  the  401(k) Plan,  employees  may  elect to  reduce  their current
compensation by  the  lesser of  15  percent  of eligible  compensation  or  the
prescribed  annual limit ($9,240 in 1995) and  have the amount of such reduction
contributed to the 401(k) Plan. The  401(k) Plan permits, but does not  require,
additional matching contributions to the 401(k) Plan by the Company on behalf of
all participants. The Company has not made any such contributions to date.
    A  director  of  the Company  is  Vice  President of  Plexus  Ventures, Inc.
("Plexus"). The Company had a consulting agreement with Plexus through  December
31,  1995, whereunder Plexus assisted the Company  with its effort to estalish a
collaboration for Norcalcin in Europe. During the years ended December 31, 1994,
and 1995,  the  Company  paid  fees to  Plexus  totaling  $34,000  and  $84,500,
respectively.  Plexus will earn an additional  fee as payments are received from
Amgen. Under  the agreement  the maximum  additional fee  is $500,000,  but  the
Company and Plexus have agreed to negotiate in good faith for an increase in the
maximum because of the non-European territory licensed to Amgen.
    In  October  of  1995,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, ACCOUNTING FOR STOCK  BASED

                           NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                       DECEMBER 31, 1993, 1994, AND 1995
Company  is  required  to  adopt  the provisions  of  this  statement  for years
beginning after December  15, 1995.  This statement encourages  all entities  to
adopt  a fair  value based  method of accounting  for employee  stock options or
similar equity instruments.  However, it also  allows an entity  to continue  to
measure  compensation cost for  those plans using  the intrinsic-value method of
accounting prescribed by  APB opinion  No. 25,  ACCOUNTING FOR  STOCK ISSUED  TO
EMPLOYEES  ("APB 25"). Entities electing to remain with the accounting in APB 25
must make pro forma disclosures of net  income and earnings per share as if  the
fair  value  based  method of  accounting  defined  in this  statement  had been
applied. It is currently anticipated that  the Company will continue to  measure
compensation  costs  in  accordance  with APB  25  and  provide  the disclosures
required by FASB 123.
    On March  18, 1996,  the  Company entered  into  a development  and  license
agreement  with Amgen Inc. ("Amgen")  to develop and commercialize Norcalcin-TM-
and other compounds  for the  treatment of  hyperparathyroidism and  indications
other  than osteoporosis.  Amgen agreed  to pay to  the Company  a $10.0 million
non-refundable license fee, potential additional development milestone  payments
totaling  $26.0 million, and  royalties on any future  product sales. Amgen also
agreed to purchase  one million shares  of the Company's  common stock for  $7.5
million.  Amgen is required  to pay all costs  of developing and commercializing
products. Amgen  received exclusive  worldwide rights  (excluding Japan,  China,
Korea and Taiwan). The agreement may be terminated by Amgen at any time.
    The  Company received the $10.0 million license  fee upon the signing of the
definitive agreement in March 1996. It is anticipated that closing of the  stock
agreement  and issuance  of the shares  will take  place in March  1996. The pro
forma balance sheet  at December  31, 1995 reflects  receipt from  Amgen of  the
$10.0  million license fee and the issuance of the Common Stock for cash of $7.5
    The Company is subject  to federal, state and  local environmental laws  and
regulations.  It is  the policy  of the  Company to  comply with  these laws and
regulations.  The  Company  has  received  a  letter  from  the  United   States
Environmental  Protection Agency notifying the Company that it may have incurred
a liability  for  two  barrels of  radioactive  waste  taken by  a  third  party
contractor to a hazardous and radioactivity waste storage treatment and disposal
facility.  The Company  has verified that  the two barrels  containing the waste
have been  removed  from the  disposal  facility  and believes,  based  upon  an
inspection,  that the barrels  neither leaked nor were  damaged. The Company has
made no provision for any future liability for this contingency since any amount
of potential liability is not reasonably estimable.