THIS AGREEMENT dated on or before November 1, 1995, ("Effective Date")
is between MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation (the 
"Corporation") and BOBBA VENKATADRI ("Employee").


         A.   The, Corporation desires to employ the Employee as its 
President and Chief Operating Officer ("COO"),

         B.   The Employee desires to accept such employment upon the terms 
and conditions set forth herein.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained 
herein, the parties agree as follows:    

         1.   EMPLOYMENT.  The Corporation hereby employs the Employee, and 
the Employee hereby accepts the employment by the Corporation as President 
and COO of the Corporation upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.  
Employee will report to the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.

         2.   EFFECTIVE DATE.  Employee's employment shall deemed to begin on 
the Effective Date hereof (a Sunday; Employee shall begin his substantive 
duties on the following Monday), and shall continue until terminated pursuant 
to Paragraph 6.  

         3.   DUTIES.  

              a.  GENERAL DUTIES.  The Employee shall perform such 
         duties and services consistent with his position as may be assigned 
         to him from time to time by the Chairman of the Board and Chief 
         Executive Officer.  Subject to the foregoing sentence, the Employee 
         shall have responsibility for the day-to-day conduct of all of the 
         operations of the Corporation.  As of the date of this Agreement, the 
         Corporation has two inactive wholly-owned subsidiaries (Syngene, 
         Inc., and Scan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.).  The Employee shall also be 
         elected, and shall serve as, President and Chief Operating Officer of 
         such subsidiaries for no additional consideration.

              b.  ELECTION AS DIRECTOR.  The Employee shall be 
         recommended for election to Corporation's Board of Directors at the 
         first meeting of the Board of Directors following the Effective Date. 
         Nomination for election to the Board of Directors for future years 
         shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

              c.  CONSIDERATION FOR PROMOTION.  Between the first and 
         second anniversaries of the Effective Date, the Board of Directors 
         (or a committee thereof) shall formally consider the election of 
         Employee as Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of the Corporation, 
         provided Employee's performance is satisfactory in his role as 
         President/COO.  If the Board of Directors, in its sole judgement, is 
         satisfied with Employee's performance of his duties as President/COO, 
         Employee shall be elected to the CEO position at that time.

              d.  CORPORATION POLICIES.  Employee shall be subject to 
         (1) the rules and policies set forth in the Corporation's employee 
         handbook and human resources guidelines and as they may be changed 
         and amended from time to time, and (2) other Corporation rules and 
         policies intended to apply to employees generally; provided that 
         where there is a variation or inconsistency between those rules and 
         policies and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control.


              a.  FULL-TIME WORK; VACATIONS.  Except for vacations, 
         holidays and absences due to temporary illness, the Employee shall 
         devote his full time and energy to the business of the Corporation.  
         Employee shall be entitled to three (3) weeks (i.e., 15 business 
         days) annual vacation plus one additional day of vacation for every 
         year of continuous employment, up to a maximum of 20 business days 
         per year.  Vacation time shall be earned and usable pursuant to the 
         Corporation's policy for employees.  Employee shall be entitled to 
         all Corporation holidays, including, when applicable, a holiday 
         shutdown period usually scheduled for late December.
              b.  OTHER BUSINESS ACTIVITIES.  Employee shall not 
         engage in any other business activity without the express written 
         consent of the Corporation except (1) Employee may serve on the Board 
         of Directors of no more than two (2) other corporations (other than 
         family businesses in India to which Employee does not devote 
         substantial time) with the prior written approval of the Board of 
         Directors, and (2) Employee may exercise passive ownership of up to 
         five percent (5%) of the securities in any company (and may own any 
         percentage of a family business in India).  Employee hereby 
         represents that he is not a party to any agreement which would be an 
         impediment to entering into this Agreement and that he is otherwise 
         under no legal disability with respect to entry into this Agreement 
         and performance of his obligations hereunder.

         5.   COMPENSATION.


              a.  BASE SALARY; REVIEW.  The Corporation shall pay to 
         Employee an annual base salary ("Base Salary") of $285,000, payable 
         pursuant to the Corporation's customary procedures. The Base Salary 
         shall be reviewed annually and be subject to increase in the sole 
         discretion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, provided 
         that Employee's first Base Salary review shall take place in January 
         or February 1996, with any salary increase to become effective as of 
         the beginning of the Corporation's fiscal year beginning April 1, 
         1996.  Subsequent Base Salary reviews shall take place in January or 
         February of each succeeding year, or at such other time as the Board 
         of Directors may conduct salary reviews for Corporation executives 
         generally. Employee's Base Salary and other terms and conditions of 
         his compensation, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, 
         shall at all times be within the sole discretion of the Board of 

              b.  BONUS.  Employee may be entitled to a bonus as 
         determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation at its sole 
         discretion based on Employee's performance, the Corporation's 
         performance, and other factors.   For 1996, Employee shall receive a 
         guaranteed minimum bonus of $36,000, to be paid during the first 
         quarter of FY 1997, (i.e., the quarter beginning April 1, 1997).

              c.  OTHER BENEFITS.  Employee shall be eligible for 
         family medical and dental coverage, short and long term disability 
         coverage, life insurance, eligibility for participation in the 
         Corporation's 401(k) plan, and such other benefits as are made 
         available from time to time to the executives of the Corporation, all 
         on such terms and conditions (including, where applicable, 
         cost-sharing with the Employee) as are applicable to participants 
              d.  REIMBURSEMENT OF BUSINESS EXPENSES.  The Corporation 
         shall reimburse Employee, in accordance with its practice 
         from time to time for other senior-level employees of the 
         Corporation. for all reasonable and necessary travel expenses, 
         disbursements and other reasonable and necessary incidental expenses 
         incurred by him for or on behalf of the Corporation in the 
         performance of his duties hereunder upon presentation by the Employee 
         to the Corporation of appropriate documentation pursuant to 
         Corporation policy.

              e.  RELOCATION EXPENSE.  The Corporation shall reimburse Employee 
         for reasonable relocation expenses as follows:

                         (i)  Reasonable travel, meals, rental car and lodging
                   expenses for Employee and spouse for up to three (3) 
                   economy class trips from Pennsylvania to California to 
                   locate suitable housing accommodations within reasonable 
                   commuting distance of the Corporation's office.


                         (ii)  If required, expenses for a rental car until 
                   Employee's own car becomes available, and the rental of 
                   suitable housing within reasonable commuting distance of 
                   the Corporation's offices until permanent housing 
                   accommodations are acquired or (in each case) for up to 
                   twelve (12) months, whichever period is shorter. Payment 
                   for the housing shall not exceed two thousand five hundred 
                   dollars ($2,500) per month.

                         (iii)  Reasonable expenses for storage, movement and 
                   insurance of household goods, including automobiles, and 
                   other incidental and related costs incurred in connection 
                   with Employee's relocation. Employee and the Corporation 
                   shall cooperate to have all obligations (leases, moving 
                   contracts, etc.) under this Subparagraph (e) contracted 
                   for and/or paid directly by the Corporation.

                         (iv)  Two weeks pay to pay for miscellaneous 
                   relocation incidentals.

                         (v)   Reimbursement of non-recurring costs in the 
                   purchase of a new home up to 2% of home value.

         If the Employee is deemed to receive taxable income for any payment 
         or reimbursement under this subparagraph, such payments will be 
         grossed up to account for all applicable income taxes.

                   f.    REAL ESTATE.  

                         (i)  The Corporation shall engage a professional 
                   property management and sales company to maintain, 
                   market, and sell Employee's home in Pennsylvania,  If a 
                   real estate sales contract for the home is not entered 
                   into within 90 days of the Effective Date at a purchase 
                   price agreeable to the Employee, then the Corporation 
                   shall purchase the home at an agreed price.  For the 
                   purposes of the foregoing sentence, the Employee may not 
                   refuse to agree to a price (either from a third-party 
                   purchaser or from the Corporation) that is equal to or 
                   greater than the appraised value of the home.  The 
                   appraised value of the home shall be the average of 
                   independent appraisals of two certified appraisers.  The 
                   Corporation and Employee shall each select one appraiser, 
                   or they may agree on the two appraisers.  Costs of the 
                   appraisals shall be borne by the Corporation.

                         (ii)  The Corporation shall contribute $300,000 toward
                   the Employee's purchase of a home in the San Diego 
                   metropolitan area as his principal residence. The 
                   Corporation and the Employee shall own


                   such home and associated property ("the Property") as 
                   tenants in common with respective percentage undivided 
                   interests determined as follows:  The Corporation's 
                   interest shall be calculated by dividing $300,000 by the 
                   purchase price of the Property, the result to be 
                   expressed as a percentage; Employee's interest shall be 
                   100 percent minus the Corporation's interest.  These 
                   respective percentage interests shall remain constant 
                   unless otherwise agreed by the Corporation and Employee 
                   or unless recalculated as provided below.  
                   Notwithstanding the foregoing, (1) Employee shall 
                   maintain the Property and pay all expenses associated 
                   with the Property, including but not limited to mortgage 
                   payments; upkeep; taxes; insurance; homeowner association 
                   fees, if any; repairs and improvements (improvements 
                   shall be at Employee's option), and utilities; and (2) 
                   Employee shall not alienate his interest in the Property 
                   without the Corporation's consent.  If the Employee fails 
                   or refuses for any reason to perform the obligations and 
                   make the payments called for in clause (1) of the 
                   foregoing sentence, the Corporation may cause the 
                   obligations to be performed and/or make the payments and, 
                   at its option, (x) deduct any expenditures from payment 
                   of any compensation to Employee called for by this 
                   Agreement on any reasonable basis, or (y) add the full 
                   amount of any expenditures directly to its $300,000 
                   initial equity and, using the sum as the new numerator, 
                   recalculate the respective percentage undivided interests 
                   of the parties using as a denominator the same purchase 
                   price of the Property.  Employee shall execute and 
                   cooperate in the recording of all documents necessary to 
                   evidence the parties' agreement contained in this 
                   Subparagraph (e)(ii).  

                         (iii)  Within 30 days of the Employee's termination 
                   for any reason, the parties shall agree on a valuation of 
                   the Property.  If they cannot agree within that time, 
                   each party shall select a certified appraiser to perform 
                   an appraisal of the property at each selecting party's 
                   expense, and the appraisal shall be the average of the 
                   two appraisals.  The valuation reached by either method 
                   shall be called the Agreed Valuation.  Within (a) three 
                   years from the date of termination in the event of an 
                   Involuntary Termination, (b) two years from the date of 
                   termination in the event of a Termination for Cause, a 
                   Termination without Cause, or a Constructive Termination, 
                   or (c) one year from the date of termination in the event 
                   of a Voluntary Termination, Employee (or his estate) 
                   shall take such actions as are necessary to purchase the 
                   Corporation's interest in the Property for a purchase 
                   price equal to the Corporation's percentage interest in 
                   the property at the date of appraisal times the agreed 
                   valuation.  The Corporation shall cooperate with Employee 
                   to sell the Property under such circumstances if the 
                   Employee is unwilling or unable to purchase


                   the Corporation's interest, and Employee shall be deemed to
                   have complied with his purchase obligation under this 
                   Subparagraph if a purchasing third party pays the 
                   Corporation the purchase price. 

         If the Employee is deemed to receive taxable income for any payment or
         reimbursement under this subparagraph, such payments will be grossed 
         up to account for all applicable income taxes.

              g.  STOCK OPTIONS.  Employee shall be granted an option as 
         of the first business day following the Effective Date to 
         purchase 300,000 shares of common stock under the 
         Corporation's 1993 Stock Option Plan ("the Plan") at an 
         exercise price equal to the lowest closing price of such 
         shares on the New York Stock Exchange in the month of 
         October, 1995. Of the 300,000 shares subject to the 
         option, 75,000 shall be deemed vested (i.e., exercisable) 
         as of the date of grant (i.e., the first business day 
         following the Effective Date).  The remainder shall vest 
         at the rate of 25 percent (56,250 shares) per year over 
         four years (on October 2, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999, 
         respectively).  The option shall be evidenced by an 
         option agreement in the Corporation's customary form 
         containing the Corporation's usual restrictions and 
         limitations. Employee shall be subject to restrictions on 
         trading in its securities imposed by the CEO and/or the 
         Board of Directors (e.g., a ban on selling or purchasing 
         shares during periods when Corporation insiders are in 
         possession of material information not yet disclosed to 
         the public). Employee shall be eligible for additional 
         stock option grants at the sole discretion of the Board 
         of Directors.  In the event of any termination other than 
         a Voluntary Termination, Employee shall have two years 
         from the date of termination to exercise options vested 
         as of that date, or any lesser period mandated by law 
         (for example, certain incentive stock options).


              a.  DEFINITIONS.  The following definitions shall apply to this 

              INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION.  An Involuntary Termination shall be 
              deemed to have taken place if the Employee dies, or, at 
              the Corporation's option, if the Employee cannot perform 
              his normal duties on a full-time basis by reason of any 
              physical or mental impairment for a period of 6 
              consecutive months, or 8 months out of any 12-month 

              TERMINATION FOR CAUSE.  A Termination for Cause is a termination 
              by the Corporation because of (1) Employee's willful 
              misconduct, including but not limited to violations of 
              the Corporation's policies governing 


              employees generally; or (2) Employee's violation of law, 
              including but not limited to acts of embezzlement or fraud.

              CONSTRUCTIVE TERMINATION.  A Constructive Termination is a 
              termination by Employee within 3 months following (1) any 
              reduction in his level of Base Salary in dollars unadjusted 
              for inflation (i.e., a failure to raise Employee's salary 
              shall not be deemed a decrease because of inflation); or (2) 
              a relocation of his place of employment more than 35 miles 
              from San Diego, that does not include a Corporation paid 
              relocation for Employee.
              VOLUNTARY TERMINATION.  A Voluntary Termination is any 
              termination by Employee other than a Constructive Termination.
              TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE.  A Termination Without Cause is 
              any termination by the Corporation other than a Termination 
              for Cause or an Involuntary Termination.  
              CHANGE OF CONTROL.  The Corporation shall be deemed to have 
              experienced a Change in Control if (1) any person or group 
              (as defined in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange 
              Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations 
              promulgated thereunder in effect on the Effective Date ("the 
              Exchange Act")) who, together with all affiliates and 
              associates (as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act) 
              (an "Acquiring Person") becomes the beneficial owner of the 
              Corporation's shares having 50 percent or more of the total 
              number of votes that may be cast for the election of 
              directors of the Corporation, or (2) Continuing Directors 
              cease to comprise a majority of the members of the Board of 
              Directors. A "Continuing Director" is any member of the Board 
              (while a member) who is not an Acquiring Person or an 
              affiliate or associate of an Acquiring Person or a 
              representative thereof and who (i) was a member of the Board 
              prior to the Effective date, or (ii) subsequently becomes a 
              member of the Board and whose election to the Board is 
              recommended by resolution of a majority of the Continuing 
              Directors or who is included as a nominee in a proxy 
              statement of the Corporation when a majority of the Board 
              consists of Continuing Directors.

              b.  TERMINATION BY CORPORATION; SEVERANCE.  The Corporation may 
         terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason, with or without 
         cause, with or without notice.  If and only if the termination is a 
         Termination Without Cause, Employee (or his estate) shall receive 12 
         months' severance at his then-current Base Salary (defined in 
         Paragraph 5(a)).  If, in such event, Employee has not accepted new 
         employment (other than self-employment as


         a consultant or similar employment) within 12 months after the date 
         the Corporation advises Employee of his termination, the 
         Corporation shall pay Employee at the same rate for an additional 
         12 months, if Employee's termination occurred prior to the third 
         anniversary of the Effective Date, or for an additional 6 months, 
         if Employee's termination occurred after the third anniversary of 
         the Effective Date or until Employee has accepted new Employment, 
         whichever comes first.  Employee shall promptly advise the 
         Corporation when he accepts new Employment.  If and only if a 
         Termination Without Cause takes place within one year following a 
         Change in Control then, in lieu of the foregoing, Employee shall 
         receive two years' severance regardless of his subsequent 
         employment status.  Severance payments shall be made in 
         installments in accordance with the Corporation's normal payroll 

              c.  TERMINATION BY EMPLOYEE.  Employee may terminate this 
         Agreement at any time for any reason, with or without cause from 
         the date of Employee's termination without notice or the date of his 
         notice to the Corporation, as the case may be.  If Employee fails to 
         remain so employed, the Corporation shall have no obligation to pay 
         any severance benefits otherwise payable under this Subparagraph (c). 
         If Employee advises the Corporation of the termination of this 
         Agreement for any reason within twelve months following Effective 
         Date, Employee shall promptly repay the Corporation all amounts paid 
         to or on behalf of Employee pursuant to Paragraphs 5(e) and (f).  In 
         the event of a Constructive Termination, Employee shall receive the 
         severance benefits described in Subparagraph (b) with respect to a 
         Termination Without Cause, provided that if the Constructive 
         Termination takes places within one year following a Change in 
         Control, Employee shall receive the severance benefits described in 
         Subparagraph (b) with respect to a Termination Without Cause 
         following a Change in Control.  No severance benefits shall be 
         payable in respect of a Voluntary Termination.  A Voluntary 
         Termination shall not become any other type of termination in the 
         event that the Corporation relieves Employee of his duties during any 
         notice period stated in Employee's termination notice.  Termination 
         under this Subparagraph may be without or with notice not to exceed 
         60 days, provided that if the termination is without notice or with a 
         notice period of less than 60 days, the Corporation may, at its 
         option, require Employee to extend the notice period (that is, to 
         remain employed and perform his duties) for a maximum of 60 days.

              d.  GENERAL TERMINATION PROVISIONS.  With respect to any 
         termination, Employee shall receive (1) the unpaid portion of his 
         then-current Base Salary computed on a pro rata basis to the date of 
         termination; (2) reimbursement for business expenses not previously 
         reimbursed pursuant to Paragraph 5(d); and (3) payment for accrued 
         and unused vacation time through the date of


         termination.  For purposes of determining the timing of COBRA 
         benefits, the date of termination shall be deemed the day following 
         the expiration of the notice period, if any, or if the termination 
         is without notice, on the date of termination.  
              e.  MANNER OF TERMINATION.  Either party may advise the other of
         the termination of this Agreement in any reasonable manner, provided 
         that it must be in writing. Termination of employment shall also 
         terminate this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in this 

              f.  EFFECT OF TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT.  Upon the 
         termination of Employee's employment hereunder, neither the Employee 
         nor his beneficiary or estate shall have any further rights or claims 
         against the Corporation under this Agreement except as provided in 
         this Paragraph 6.

         7.   General Provisions.

              a.  AMENDMENT; NECESSITY FOR WRITING.  This Agreement 
         may not be changed, waived, discharged, or terminated orally, but 
         only by way of an instrument in writing signed by the parties 
         referring to this Agreement.
              b.  SURVIVAL.  The obligations of Sections 6, 8, 9, and 10 shall
         survive termination of the Agreement.

              c.  PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT.  The employment 
         secured by this Agreement is personal in nature.  Employee may not 
         assign this Agreement or any portion thereof under any circumstances.

              d.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement constitutes the 
         entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject 
         matter.  It supersedes any and all other prior or contemporaneous 
         agreements, either oral or in writing with respect thereto.

         interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement, as well as all 
         other matters relating to Employee's employment, shall be governed by 
         California law.  Any dispute or controversy with respect to, or 
         concerning the enforcement or interpretation of, this Agreement shall 
         be submitted to final and binding arbitration under the current Model 
         Employment Arbitration Procedures of the American Arbitration 
         Association ("AAA") in the State of California. Such arbitration, and 
         subsequent judicial enforcement of the arbitrator's award, if 
         necessary, shall be final and binding and shall be the sole and 
         exclusive forum for resolving any and all existing and future 
         disputes or controversies regarding this Agreement.  Arbitration must 
         be initiated within one year of


         the occurrence of the event giving rise to a dispute by the 
         complaining party giving written notice to the other. Failure to 
         initiate arbitration within this one-year period shall constitute a 
         waiver of any and all claims arising from the dispute and they 
         shall be forever barred.  The arbitration shall be held in San 
         Diego County, California.  The parties shall be entitled to conduct 
         discovery in advance of and during any arbitration to the extent 
         authorized under the California Code of Civil Procedure for civil 
         judicial proceedings.  The expenses of the arbitration shall be 
         born equally by both parties, except that each party may be 
         represented by counsel at such party's own expense.  Remedies 
         awarded shall be limited to actual damages proximately caused by 
         the event giving rise to liability, and shall, where applicable be 
         limited by the terms of this Agreement.  No punitive damages, 
         damages for noneconomic injury, or damages in the nature of a 
         penalty shall be awarded.

              f.  NO WAIVER.  Either party's neglect or failure to enforce 
         this Agreement in the event of the other's breach shall not be 
         deemed a waiver or condonation of such breach or any subsequent 

              g.  CORPORATION BENEFIT AND BURDEN.  This Agreement shall inure 
         to the benefit of, and shall be binding on, the Corporation and all 
         of its successors and assigns.

         certifies that he has never been charged with  or convicted of a 
         federal felony for conduct relating to the development, approval, or 
         regulation of any drug product or device regulated by the U.S. Food 
         and Drug Administration, and (2) has never been debarred or subject 
         to a debarment proceeding under the Generic Drug Enforcement Act of 

promptly disclose, grant and assign ownership to the Corporation for its sole 
use and benefit any and all inventions, improvements, information, copyrights 
and suggestions (whether patentable or not), which he may develop, acquire, 
conceive or reduce to practice while employed by the Corporation (whether or 
not during usual working hours), together with all patent applications, 
letters patent, copyrights and reissues thereof that may at any time be 
granted for or upon any such invention, improvement or information.  Employee 
shall without charge, but at the expense of the Corporation, promptly at all 
times hereafter execute and deliver such applications, assignments, 
descriptions and other instruments as may be reasonably necessary or proper 
in the opinion of the Corporation to vest title to any such inventions, 
improvements, technical information, patent applications, patents, copyrights 
or reissues thereof in the Corporation and enable it to obtain and maintain 
the entire right and title thereto throughout the world.  Employee shall 
render to the Corporation at its expense (including, reimbursement to the 


of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Employee and a 
reasonable payment for the Employee's time involved in case he is not then in 
its employ.  All such assistance as it may reasonably require in the 
prosecution of applications for said patents, copyrights or reissues thereof, 
in the prosecution or defense of interferences which may be declared 
involving any said applications, patents or copyright, and in any litigation 
in which the Corporation may be involved relating to any such patents, 
inventions, improvements or technical information.  Notwithstanding the 



         9.   PROTECTION OF INFORMATION.  Throughout the term of his 
employment by the Corporation, Employee will serve the Corporation's best 
interests loyally and diligently.  During his employment and thereafter, 
Employee shall not disclose or provide to any person, firm, corporation or 
other entity (except when authorized by the Corporation) any confidential 
information, including but not limited to trade secrets, business methods, 
products processes, procedures, development or experimental projects, 
suppliers, contracts, business or strategic plans, regulatory and patent 
(collectively "Confidential Information").  Employee will not use such 
Confidential Information for his own purpose or for the purpose of any 
person, firm, corporation or entity, other than the Corporation.  The 
provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to Confidential Information 
which at the time of disclosure is already in the public domain; which the 
Employee can demonstrate was in his possession or known to him prior to the 
effective date of this Agreement; which subsequently becomes part of the 
public domain through no fault of the Employee; which becomes known to the 
Employee through a third party who is under no obligation of confidentiality 
to the Corporation; or which is required to be disclosed by law or by 
judicial or administrative proceedings.

of 12 months following his Voluntary Termination or Termination for Cause, or 
during any period for which he has received or is receiving severance 
benefits following a Termination Without Cause or Constructive Termination 
(other than a Termination Without Cause or Constructive Termination following 
a Change in Control) Employee shall not directly or indirectly be engaged in 
or assist others in engaging


in any business relating to diagnostic contrast imaging agents.  Employee 
expressly agrees that the consideration to be paid him under this Agreement 
shall constitute good and sufficient consideration for his agreement not to 
compete.  In the event Employee's employment is terminated by either party 
for any reason, Employee shall not, for a period of 12 months from the date 
of termination, either directly or indirectly solicit the services of any 
employee of the Corporation, or otherwise induce or attempt to induce current 
employees of the Company to terminate their employment with the Corporation.

         11.       NOTICES.  Notices and other communications hereunder shall 
be in writing and shall be delivered personally or sent by air courier, 
telefax, or first class certified or registered mail, return receipt 
requested and postage prepaid, addressed to the last address of which the 
sending party has actual knowledge.  Notices to the Corporation shall be 
directed to the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer.  All 
notices and other communications given to any party hereto in accordance with 
the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to have given to the date of 
delivery if personally delivered, or telefaxed; on the business day after the 
date when sent by air courier; and on the third business day after the date 
when sent if sent by mail.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement to 
be effective on or before November 1, 1995.

                                  MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Kenneth J. Widder, M.D
                                      Kenneth J. Widder, M.D.
                                      Chief Executive Officer

                                  By: /s/ Bobba Venkatadri
                                      Bobba Venkatadri
