Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group PROJECT WASHINGTON November 1995 Washington Amber Monroe Deloitte Touche Privileged and Confidential - Tohmatsu For Internal Use Only International Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Synergies Assumptions - -- Projection period 1997-2006 - -- "As-is" industry model with flexibility for subsequent disaggregation - -- Full integration of corporate and support functions - -- Early preparation for and pursuit of nonlabor cost savings at closure - -- Position reductions occurring over three years - -- Costs to achieve savings incurred over first three years for separation programs - -- Attrition, controlled hiring and voluntary separation programs for position reductions - -- Conservative quantification approach for merger-related savings areas Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 1 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (Aggregate) SAVINGS BEFORE COSTS TO ACHIEVE SAVINGS DISTRIBUTION(1) 1997-2006 TOTAL ($ MILLIONS) [Set forth here are charts which summarize total savings before costs to achieve, total savings distribution, and net savings after costs to achieve over the 1997-2006 period. A bar chart on the left side of the page contains one bar for each year from 1997 to 2006, representing annual savings before costs to achieve. The annual amounts are as follows, in millions of dollars: 1997: $31; 1998: $49; 1999: $71; 2000: $80; 2001: $81; 2002: $85; 2003: $89; 2004: $94; 2005: $98; 2006: $101. A pie chart on the right side of the page depicts the distribution of total savings among seven categories of savings, as follows: labor savings: 45%; corporate & administrative program savings: 20%; nonfuel purchasing economies: 8%; gas supply savings: 7%; joint dispatch savings: 10%; capacity deferral savings: 7%; fuel transportation savings: 3%. The chart on the lower left side of the page summarizes the ten-year total savings from 1997- 2006, as follows (in millions of dollars): gross savings of $779; costs to achieve of $78; net savings of $701.] (1) Savings distribution percentages exclude costs to achieve Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 2 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (By Component) [Set forth here is a chart which summarizes overall 1997-2006 savings by component in nominal dollars. The progressive bar chart depicts ten-year savings, by component, as follows (in millions of dollars): labor savings: $353; corporate & administrative program savings: $155; nonfuel purchasing economies: $60; gas supply savings: $53; fuel transportation savings: $22; capacity deferral savings: $55; joint dispatch savings: $81; unquantified financing savings; gross merger savings: $779; less costs to achieve: $78; net merger savings: $701.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 3 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (By Component) [Set forth here is a chart which summarizes overall 1997-2006 corporate programs savings by component in nominal dollars. The progressive bar chart depicts ten- year savings, by component, as follows (in millions of dollars): A&G overhead savings: $10; association dues and memberships savings: $3; benefits savings: $9; insurance savings: $20; information services savings: $76; professional services savings: $27; shareholder services savings: $10; total corporate programs savings: $155.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 4 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Costs to Achieve ($ Thousands) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001-2006 Total ---- ---- ---- ---- --------- ----- Separation Costs $7,644 $5,486 $12,194 $ 0 $ 0 $25,324 Systems Consolidation 8,500 8,500 0 0 0 17,000 Facilities Integration 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Relocation 7,408 0 0 0 0 7,408 Travel- Mobile Transmission Crews 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 10,000 Internal/External Communications 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Transition Costs 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Transaction Costs(1) 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 12,000 Directors and Officers Liability Tail Coverage 665 0 0 0 0 665 ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ Total Costs to Achieve $34,217 $17,986 $16,194 $4,000 $6,000 $78,397 ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- (1) Amortized over four years Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 5 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY COMPARISON TO OTHER TRANSACTIONS [Set forth here are charts which compare savings in the IES/IPC/WPL proposed transaction to other announced savings estimates in the utility industry in three areas: position reductions, nonfuel operating and maintenance savings in year 5 after transaction closure, and fuel savings in year 5 after transaction closure. Position reductions are compared on the basis of position reductions as a percentage of total company pre-merger employees. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated position reductions as follows: CE/TE: 3.4%; PPL/UPL: 11.5%; NU/PSNH: 0.9%; SCE/SDGE: 5.1%; KCPL/KGE: 5.5%; KPL/KGE: 6.6%; IPC/IPS: 5.8%; ETR/GSU: not applicable; CGE/PSI: 4.2%; IPL/PSI: 9.6%; IEL&P/IS: not applicable; CSW/EPE: 2.6%; WWP/SPR: 8.5%; MWR/IIGE: 6.0%; NSP/WEC: 10.1%; UE/CIPS: 3.4%; PSCo/SPS: 8.8%; PECO/PPL: 9.5%; BGE/PEPCO: 11.0%; PSPL/WEC: 8.7%; IES/IPC/WPL: 11.2%. The low position reductions across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.9%, the average is 6.7%, and the high is 11.5%. Nonfuel operating and maintenance savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined nonfuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated nonfuel operating and maintenance savings as follows: CE/TE: 6.2%; PPL/UPL: 5.9%; NU/PSNH: 1.7%; SCE/SDGE: 5.2%; KCPL/KGE: 4.2%; KPL/KGE: 6.9%; IPC/IPS: 6.1%; ETR/GSU: 4.2%; CGE/PSI: 7.2%; IPL/PSI: 13.1%; IEL&P/IS: 4.1%; CSW/EPE: 2.3%; WWP/SPR: 10.1%; MWR/IIGE: 5.2%; NSP/WEC: 15.3%; UE/CIPS: 5.4%; PSCo/SPS: 5.0%; PECO/PPL: 9.9%; BGE/PEPCO: 14.3%; PSPL/WEC: 9.4%; IES/IPC/WPL: 9.2%. The low nonfuel operating and maintenance savings across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.7%, the average is 7.2%, and the high is 15.3%. Fuel savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined fuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated fuel savings as follows: CE/TE: 2.4%; PPL/UPL: 8.6%; NU/PSNH: 1.0%; SCE/SDGE: 0.1%; KCPL/KGE: 4.6%; KPL/KGE: 2.1%; IPC/IPS: 0.5%; ETR/GSU: 3.4%; CGE/PSI: 1.0%; IPL/PSI: 0.0%; IEL&P/IS: 4.1%; CSW/EPE: 0.1%; WWP/SPR: 0.1%; MWR/IIGE: 0.2%; NSP/WEC: 1.7%; UE/CIPS: 1.7%; PSCo/SPS: 3.8%; PECO/PPL: 0.3%; BGE/PEPCO: 0.0%; PSPL/WEC: 0.0%; IES/IPC/WPL: 2.3%. The low fuel savings across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.0%, the average is 1.8%, and the high is 8.6%. The sources for these comparisons are regulatory filings and Deloitte & Touche analysis.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 6 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT WASHINGTON - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Transaction Comparison [Set forth here are charts which compare savings in the IES/IPC/WPL proposed transaction to the low, average and high estimates of savings in the eight most recent announced transactions in the utility industry in three areas: position reductions, nonfuel operating and maintenance savings in year 5 after transaction closure, and fuel savings in year 5 after transaction closure. Position reductions are compared on the basis of position reductions as a percentage of total company pre-merger employees. The low position reductions across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 3.4%, the average is 8.2%, and the high is 11.0%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 11.2%. Nonfuel operating and maintenance savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined nonfuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The low nonfuel operating and maintenance savings across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 5.0%, the average is 9.4%, and the high is 15.3%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 9.2%. Fuel savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined fuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The low fuel savings across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.0%, the average is 1.1%, and the high is 3.8%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 2.3%.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 7 PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MERGER LABOR ASSUMPTIONS AND RESULTS WASHINGTON, AMBER AND MONROE POSITION: [] Washington employee base 1/1/97 2,323 before merger [] Amber employee base 1/1/97 before merger 949 [] Monroe employee base 1/1/97 before merger 2,156 [] Total employee base before merger 5,428 [] Merger reductions 609 [] Total staffing after merger 4,819 MERGER POSITION: [] Key reduction percentages [] Human Resources 41% [] Executive Management 37% [] Gas Operations 28% [] Electrical System Technical Support 26% [] Overall corporate support 18% [] Electric 7% [] Gas 14% [] All employees 11% KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] The merger reductions only include those reductions that Washington, Amber and Monroe could not achieve independently. There are two types of reductions: centralized economies and avoided duplication. [] Centralized economies occur when one company performs a function such as investor relations for all companies with very few incremental employees. [] Avoided duplication occur when one of two identical positions or functions can be eliminated, such as payroll. [] Reductions are phased in over three years (25% by 1997, 50% by 1998, 100% by 1999) [] An average 20% of all savings are capitalized, using a 15% levelized revenue requirements rate OPEN POINTS: [] Officer validation of reduction levels Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: OVERALL LABOR ASSUMPTIONS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Ending employee count on 10/16/95 2,325 [] Attrition and pre-existing reduction programs 2 [] Employees 2,323 [] Contractors included in analysis 0 [] Total FTEs included in analysis 2,323 [] Existing program reductions in effect before 1/1/97 0 [] Employee base before 1/1/97 merger 2,323 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Change in employees between 10/16/95 and 1/1/97 assigned to attrition and pre-existing reduction programs AMBER POSITION: [] Ending employee count on 8/28/95 966 [] Attrition and pre-existing reduction programs 0 [] Employees 966 [] Contractors included in analysis 0 [] Total FTEs included in analysis 966 [] Existing program reductions in effect before 1/1/97 17 [] Employee base before 1/1/97 merger 949 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Change in employees between 8/28/95 and 1/1/97 assigned to attrition and pre-existing reduction programs MONROE POSITION: [] Ending employee count on 10/12/95 2,435 [] Attrition and pre-existing reduction programs 0 [] Employees 2,435 [] Contractors included in analysis 72 [] Total FTEs included in analysis 2,507 [] Existing program reductions in effect before 1/1/97 351 [] Employee base before 1/1/97 merger 2,156 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Change in employees between 10/12/95 and 1/1/97 assigned to attrition and pre-existing reduction programs Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: WASHINGTON LABOR ASSUMPTIONS WASHINGTON DATA: [] Washington initially provided a phone listing dated 4/3/95. Subsequently, Washington provided the Active Employees By Organizational Units Report dated 10/16/95 from which detailed employee data was obtained. Employees were aligned into Mercer benchmarking categories. Washington personnel reviewed the preliminary alignment. The alignment was modified based on their suggestions and resubmitted for their review. [] The headcount as of 10/16/95 was adjusted to reflect the departure of David Ellestad and his secretary. Per Dan Doyle, they are no longer on the Washington payroll. WASHINGTON INITIATIVE OVERVIEW: [] No initiatives are in process for existing operations EXISTING OPERATIONS INITIATIVES: [] No initiatives are in process for existing operations OPEN ISSUES: [] Officer review and validation of functional alignments Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: AMBER LABOR ASSUMPTIONS AMBER DATA: [] Amber provided the Employees By Department Report dated 8/28/95 from which detailed employee data was obtained. Salary data was obtained from the Employee Pay Rates Report dated 9/13/95. Employees were aligned into Mercer benchmarking categories. Amber personnel reviewed the preliminary alignment. The alignment was modified based on their suggestions and resubmitted for their review. AMBER INITIATIVE OVERVIEW: [] Headcounts were adjusted to reflect reduction initiatives in place that would be in effect by the completion of the merger. The reductions will result from current process redesign efforts. [] The information was provided by Mike Chase. EXISTING OPERATIONS INITIATIVES: [] Amber initiatives for existing operations include reductions in the following functional areas: [] Customer Service, Marketing, & Sales 14 [] Electric Transmission and Distribution 3 OPEN ISSUES: [] Officer review and validation of functional alignments Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MONROE LABOR ASSUMPTIONS MONROE DATA: [] Monroe provided the Labor Costs/Budget Report dated 10/12/95 from which employee data by functional department was obtained. Employees were aligned into Mercer benchmarking categories. Monroe personnel reviewed the preliminary alignment. The alignment was modified based on their suggestions and resubmitted for their review. MONROE INITIATIVE OVERVIEW: [] Headcounts were adjusted to reflect reduction initiatives in place that would be in effect by the completion of the merger. The reductions will result from current process redesign efforts. The number of employees affected is an average based on the range provided by Monroe. [] The information was provided by Larry Root and Rick Gabbianelli. EXISTING OPERATIONS INITIATIVES: [] Monroe initiatives for existing operations include reductions in the following functional areas: [] Customer Service, Marketing, & Sales 36 [] Electric Transmission and Distribution 158 [] Power Supply and Production (Nuclear) 135 [] Finance, Accounting and Planning 18 [] Legal 4 These reductions are based on a distribution of estimated reductions supplied by Larry Root. OPEN ISSUES: [] Officer review and validation of functional alignments [] Officer validation of premerger reduction initiatives Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL OVERHEAD WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Based on internal data, Washington's administrative expense totaled approximately $2.86MM in 1994. Variable administrative expense were approximately $1.44MM. Variable cost per corporate and administrative employee totaled $1,505. AMBER POSITION: [] Based on external data, Amber's administrative expense totaled approximately $1.65MM in 1994. Variable administrative expense were estimated at $0.515MM. Variable cost per corporate and administrative employee totaled $1,453. MONROE POSITION: [] Based on internal data, Monroe's administrative expense totaled approximately $10.91MM in 1994. Variable administrative expense were estimated at $3.4MM. Variable cost per corporate and administrative employee totaled $4,927. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $260 $10,040 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $0 $0 -- -- [] O&M - Total $260 $10,040 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Variable administrative costs vary with the level of personnel. Examples of variable costs include office supplies, telephone expenses and business expenses. Administrative overhead will be eliminated as corporate personnel are reduced. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] The variable administrative cost per corporate and administrative employee for the combined company totaled $2,675. This figure was multiplied by the number of corporate personnel reductions (329) to estimated savings [] Savings are synchronized with personnel reductions KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Similar costs are captured in the internal data for Washington and Monroe. [] Amber and Monroe's variable portion of A&G expense are near industry average of 30% OPEN POINTS: [] Amber's analysis is based on external data. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: ASSOCIATION DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington's 1994 association dues were $398,599, including approximately $212,644 EEI dues. AMBER POSITION: [] Amber's 1994 association dues were $190,905, including approximately $103,619 EEI dues. MONROE POSITION: [] Monroe's 1994 association dues were $639,579, including approximately $205,700 EEI dues. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $269 $3,079 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $0 $0 -- -- [] O&M - Total $268 $3,079 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] The combined company will be able to save on dues to shared associations and memberships BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Savings are generated through a 20% reduction in the combined company's association dues. [] Formula for EEI dues alone provides $164,052 of savings annually KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Overlapping dues and memberships OPEN POINTS: [] External data only provided Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: BENEFITS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington's 1994 benefits were estimated at $20.2 million (including $5.5 million OPEB). Washington offers an array of comprehensive insurance plans including health, dental, vision, life, and disability. Administrative fees were estimated at $732,000. AMBER POSITION: [] Amber's 1994 benefits were estimated at $8.3 million (no OPEB). Amber offers an array of comprehensive insurance plans including medical and life (no dental). Administrative fees were estimated at $475,000. MONROE POSITION: [] Monroe's 1994 benefits were estimated at $22.2 million (including $7 million OPEB). Monroe offers an array of comprehensive insurance plans including health, dental, and disability. Administrative fees were estimated at $717,000. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $197 $2,257 [] O&M - Expense $591 $6,771 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $30 $1,780 --- ------ [] O&M - Total $621 $8,551 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings result from increased purchasing power in negotiating the cost of comprehensive benefit plans, and from the elimination of duplicate administrative fees. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Administrative fees were calculate as 6% of combined pension and health costs for all three companies. Twenty-five percent of these costs were were reduced as administrative fee savings. In addition, 1% of health costs (less administrative fees) was reduced to determine the combination of plans under one administrator. Twenty-five percent of savings were capitalized using an annual revenue requirements rate. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Washington is not expected to recognize any pension expense between 1997 and 2006. OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: INSURANCE WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1995 projected costs include $1.68 million of non-nuclear property insurance, $3.25 million on excess liability and $0.43 million on directors and officers liability insurance. AMBER POSITION: [] 1995 projected costs include $0.72 million of property insurance, $0.69 million on excess liability and $148,050 on directors and officers liability insurance. MONROE POSITION: [] 1995 projected costs include $0.84 million of non-nuclear property insurance, $0.77 million on excess liability and $238,725 on directors and officers liability insurance. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] The combined company will be able to extend its insurance with its carriers over a larger asset and loss experience base which will reduce its overall cost. Combination of the insurance programs will also provide an opportunity to reassess needed coverage levels and related deductibles based on the loss experience and risk profile of the combined company. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Insurance savings were estimated as 20% of the combined companies property insurance, 15% of the combined companies excess liability insurance and 75% of Amber and Monroe's director and officers liability insurance. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Total insurance program to be administered as a combined company rather than as three separate entities. [] Combination of each insurance coverage with a single broker. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $1,744 $19,997 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $0 $0 -- -- [] O&M - Total $1,744 $19,997 OPEN POINTS: [] Lack of coverages, deductibles and carrier information Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1992-1994 audit fees averaged $326,333. Average legal fees from 1992-1994 equaled $248,333. Costs for General Consulting from 1992-1994 averaged $70,933. Other professional fees from 1992-1994 averaged $10.38MM. Other professional fees includes Financial/Tax, Regulatory, Computer/Systems and Environmental Services. AMBER POSITION: [] From 1992-1994 audit fees averaged $243,479. Legal fees from 1992-1994 averaged $859,650. Average General Consulting costs from 1992-1994 were $117,552. Other professional fees from 1992-1994 averaged $1.32MM. Other professional services includes Regulatory, Demand Side Management and Environmental services MONROE POSITION: [] Audit fees from 1992-1994 averaged $487,785. Legal fees from 1992-1994 averaged $940,311. General Consulting fees averaged $1.79MM from 1992-1994. Other professional fees from 1992-1994 averaged $12.65MM. This includes Financial/Tax, Computer/System, Nuclear, Demand Side Management and Environmental services. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] The combined company will consolidate and reduce professional services activities through economies of scope and elimination of duplicate services and increased utilization of a broader and deeper skill base. Audit savings are similar, with additional audit services (e.g., bond insurance letters, pension plan audit, stock issuance) reduced as a result of duplication. Similar legal expenditures (regulatory and corporate) and general consulting services can be reduced due to redundancy and duplication. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] It is estimated that the audit fees for the new company will be $750,000. Also there will be a 10% savings of the combined legal and environmental services cost. General consulting and DSM services (non-program related) will also be reduced. Twenty-six percent of all professional services savings were capitalized. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $467 $5,351 [] O&M - Expense 2,022 $23,179 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements 70 $4,219 -- ------ [] O&M - Total $2,092 $27,398 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Purchasing economies result from increased size of the combined company (e.g., Audit) [] Similar types of consulting assistance required (e.g., restructuring, market and competitive analysis). OPEN POINTS: [] Correct categorization of costs Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MIS OPERATING COSTS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1996 PC software maintenance cost totaled $448,331 (based on internal data). [] 1996 software maintenance cost totaled $608,489 (based on internal data). [] PC maintenance cost per corporate employee was $366 which was assumed to be the same for all three entities AMBER POSITION: [] 1996 PC software cost was estimated as $149,444 (based on Ambers cost being 50% of Monroe's) [] 1996 software maintenance cost was estimated as $196,030 (based on Amber's cost being 50% of Monroe). MONROE POSITION: [] 1996 PC software cost was estimated as $298,887 (based on Monroe's cost being 67% of Washington). [] 1996 software maintenance cost totaled $392,060 (based on internal data). [] Number of PCs per corporate employee was 0.56, which was assumed to be the same for all three entities. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings will result from the elimination of redundant spending on software, licenses, leases and maintenance contracts, as well as reduced PC purchases. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Operating costs will be reduced by 75% of Monroe's contract with EDS, starting in 2000. [] Software maintenance cost will be reduced by 75% of Monroe's and 100% of Amber's costs [] PC software costs will be reduced by 75% of Monroe's and 100% of Amber's costs [] Offsite recovery cost savings totaling 75% of Washington's costs [] Leased personal computers reduced in proportion to corporate and administrative personnel reduction. (PC maintenance and lease cost, times number of PCs per employee times number of corporate reductions). KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] PC leased cost per corporate employee totaled $1,000 (based on industry average) Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $1,167 $33,831 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $1,167 $33,831 OPEN POINTS: [] Further analysis of platforms used by each company Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MIS (CAPITAL) WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington has several relatively new systems which could be expanded to handle the combined companies' requirements. AMBER POSITION: [] Amber has several relatively new systems which could be expanded to handle the combined companies' requirements. [] Accounts payable system will be avoided, which totaled $0.4MM in 1997 MONROE POSITION: [] Monroe has several relatively new systems which could be expanded to handle the combined companies' requirements. [] Customer Information System which totaled $20MM and Work Management System which totaled $3MM will be avoided SAVINGS (1997 $000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $11,900 $23,400 [] O&M - Expense $0 $0 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $2,380 $42,120 ------- ------- [] O&M - Total $2,380 $42,120 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Capital savings will result from the elimination of certain systems in the future BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Avoid Amber's Financial Planning System in 1996 for a total of $400K [] Monroe's Customer Information System totaling $20MM ($10MM in 1997 and 1998) and Work Management System totaling $3MM ($1.5MM in 1997 and 1998) will be avoided. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Systems in place or near development completion are adequate. [] Existing parallel system development efforts would be discontinued. [] Avoided CIS and WMS costs based on packaged systems with minimal customization, consistent with Washington's I/S strategy. OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: SHAREHOLDER SERVICES WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1994 shareholder expenses totaled $1.2 million. There were an estimated 38,625 shareholders during 1994. AMBER POSITION: [] 1994 shareholder expenses totaled $607,580. There were an estimated 16,256 shareholders during 1994. MONROE POSITION: [] 1994 shareholder expenses totaled $385,321. There were an estimated 32,565 shareholders during 1994. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $853 $9,776 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ---- ------ [] O&M - Total $853 $9,776 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings will result through the elimination of duplicative shareholder related activities (annual meetings and annual reports) and a reduction in the total cost of processing shareholder transactions. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Perform a regression analysis of shareholder cost per shareholder vs. number of shareholder for the industry. Savings is equal to the difference between the cost per shareholder of the combined company vs. the cost per shareholder of the three companies combined on a stand-alone basis. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Cost per shareholder declines as incremental shareholders are added to the combined company. OPEN POINTS: [] Public data was used for all three companies [] Monroe's shareholder expense per shareholder is low. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: PROCUREMENT AND INVENTORY WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1994 average inventory approximately equaled $14.165 million. Non- inventory purchases approximately equaled $14.165 million, and inventory purchases totaled $22.947 million. Washington's non-inventory turnover was estimated to be 1.0 (based on Monroe's internal data) and the inventory turnover is 1.62 (based on Washington's internal data). AMBER POSITION: [] 1994 average inventory approximately equaled $4.895 million. Non-inventory purchases approximately equaled $4.895 million, and inventory purchases totaled $6.413 million. Amber's non-inventory turn was estimated to be 0.85 (based on Monroe's internal data) and the inventory turnover was 1.31 (based on the average of Monroe and Washington). MONROE POSITION: [] 1994 average inventory approximately equaled $14.691 million. Non- inventory purchases approximately equaled $12.549 million, and inventory purchases totaled $14.542 million. Monroe's non-inventory turnover of 0.85 and inventory turnover of 1.0. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Savings will be realized based on an increase in standardization, resulting in increased purchasing power and vendor consolidation. A combined entity would also realize a one-time inventory reduction due to inventory duplication. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] 1994 average inventory balances for all three entities were combined and reduced by 5%. 1994 procurement figures were combined and reduced by 5%. One hundred percent of the inventory savings and 53.8% of procurement savings were capitalized. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Historical procurement is indicative of future levels. [] Equipment standards design comparable for shared usage. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $3,828 $24,589 [] O&M - Expense $1,984 $22,745 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 574 $20,700 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $2,558 $43,445 OPEN POINTS: [] Ability to combine warehouses. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: CONTRACT SERVICES WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1992-1994 contract services averaged approximately $9.59 million of which $2.6 million related to tree trimming. Other contract services which include engineering, field related, power plant related, construction and contract labor services averaged $6.99 million from 1992-1994. AMBER POSITION: [] 1992-1994 contract services, excluding tree trimming, engineering services, averaged $102,525. Amber also spends $2MM annually on tree trimming per Mike Chase MONROE POSITION: [] 1992-1994 contract services averaged approximately $47.33 million of which $3.75 million related to tree trimming. Other contract services which include engineering, field related, power plant related, construction and contract labor services averaged $43.5 million from 1992-1994. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $1,193 $13,677 [] O&M - Expense 494 5,668 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 179 $10,784 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $ 673 $16,453 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings will occur due to increased leverage in negotiating services from similar vendors. Savings opportunities exists due to the contiguity of the service territories and similar regional providers of services. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Savings are calculated by taking 10% of the combined company's tree trimming costs and 10% of Washington and Amber's other contractor costs. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Existing contractors use or potential mix relatively consistent due to proximity of service territory OPEN POINTS: [] Monroe's contract services costs are high relative to Amber and Washington, primarily due to temporary plant contractor level increases. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: FUEL TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington relies exclusively on low BTU coal from Wyoming and Montana [] 5 MM tons are shipped on the BN and about 2.5 MM tons are shipped on the CNW system [] Rail contracts extend through 1999 AMBER POSITION: [] 500,000 tons of low BTU coal are shipped over the BN; contract expires in 1998 [] 50,000 tons of medium BTU coal are from Colorado or Southern Pacific [] These contracts expire in 1998 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Significant increase in leverage after existing contracts expired [] Greater purchasing power available to extend to all companies for volumes not under contracts and for volumes in which contracts have expired BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] After 1998, Amber's 500,000 tons over the BN expires; therefore, $2/ton BN savings gives $1 MM per year savings from 1999 onward exclude savings from current renegotiation efforts. [] 25 CENTS/ton savings on Washington's CNW contract, which expires in 1999, give $625K reduction from 2000 onward [] Monroe's BGS volumes, not under contract, receive savings of 25 CENTS/ton for $375 K savings per year. Also, two CNW contracts are expiring in 1997, therefore, 50 CENTS/ton savings were taken on each, yielding a $400 K and $250 K per year savings from 1998 onward Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MONROE POSITION: [] Rules exclusively on low BTU coal from Wyoming and Montana [] 4.5 MM tons shipped to BGS and OGS over BN (3 MM tons have contracts through or after 2001 and 1.5 MM tons do not have long-term contracts) [] 1 MM+ tons shipped under CNW contract expire at the end of 1998 SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $375 $21,975 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ---- ------- [] O&M - Total $375 $21,975 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] $2/ton BN savings for Amber BN volumes [] 25CENTS/ton savings for Washington's BN volumes and Monroe's BGS volumes [] Washington's purchasing power can be extended to Monroe's CNW contracts [] No procurement and inventory savings because supply diversity is not enhanced and increased volumes don't indicate lower price procurement costs would result OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: CAPACITY DEFERRAL WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Planned addition of 83 Mw CT in 1998 [] Further CT additions in 2001, 2003 and 2005 AMBER POSITION: [] Surplus capacity until purchases expire in 2001 [] Surplus begins at 185 Mw in 1997 and diminishes to 122 Mw in 2000 [] Surplus can be used to offset Washington and Monroe deficits MONROE POSITION: [] Minor capacity deficits in 1997 to 2000 [] Significant capacity deficits from 2000 forward [] No planned resource additions RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Apply Amber surplus to Washington/Monroe deficit [] Reduce combined capacity requirement to reflect diversity benefit of approximately 100 Mw BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Permanent elimination of one 83 Mw peaker in 1998 [] Avoided short-term purchase of 17 Mw, 76 Mw, 55 Mw and 140 Mw in 1997 to 2000 as Amber surplus is used [] Ongoing avoided short-term purchases of approximately 20 Mw per year KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Washington and Monroe would cover capacity deficits stand-alone [] Savings are from bid capacity purchases, not construction [] Amber CT construction costs of $350/kw [] Short-term purchase costs of $25/kw/year escalating at 7% annually [] Peak load diversity of 1.8% Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $425 $54,832 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ---- ------- [] O&M - Total $425 $54,832 OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: JOINT DISPATCH WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Approx. 2,195 MW of Capacity (assumes addition of two gas turbines at SFDL, similar to SFDL #3, and no long-term firm purchases), with variable costs per MWh ranging from $10-$155 Capacity Average = $24.16; Generation Average = $14.70 [] Summer Peak of 2,002 MW and Winter Peak of 1,787 MW AMBER POSITION: [] Approx. 1,300 MW of Capacity (including 280 MW of long-term firm purchases), with variable costs per MWh ranging from $8-$82 Capacity Average = $31.56; Generation Average = $13.82 [] Summer Peak of 932 MW and Winter Peak of 768 MW RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Joint dispatch of all three systems would allow for lowest combined system incremental cost per MWh to be dispatched based on interconnection capabilities [] Savings represent the differential between stand-alone incremental generation costs and merged incremental costs (i.e. lambda differential) BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Using 1994 load and plant data for each company, 36 sample days were selected to be run through a simulated hourly dispatch (via a proprietary dispatch model) on both stand-alone and combined bases [] Using standard deviation analysis, a distribution curve was generated to extrapolate a full year based on the sample results Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MONROE POSITION: [] Approx. 2,000 MW of Capacity (including 276 MW of long-term firm purchases), with variable costs per MWh ranging from $9-$70.42 Capacity Average = $28.82; Generation Average = $11.48 [] Summer Peak of 1,773 MW and Winter Peak of 1,519 MW SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $5,402 $81,014 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $5,402 $81,014 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] The model relies primarily on data available from FERC Forms 1 and 714, with adjustments as provided by the companies [] Assumed construction of 150 MW Nelson Dewey to East Dubuque interconnection built by end of 1998 (dispatch savings offset by 15% annual fixed charge on $6.3 million capital investment - already removed from savings figure) instead of wheeling through Dairyland (as in 1997 and 1998) [] Only long-term firm purchases were included in the dispatch [] No per-plant emissions costs were included [] Outage rates were constrained by a 3% minimum and 20% maximum OPEN POINTS: [] Potential impacts of market forces (i.e. short-term non-firm purchases); combined dispatch savings may already be capturable on the short-term economy market; [] Historical data may not be a good proxy for future operation of generation, particularly for plants which were not dispatched much in the historical year; Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: GAS SUPPLY WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Maintains long-term firm transportation with Northern Natural Gas NSP/Viking, and ANR Pipeline Company. Gas is procured (29,733 MDth) from over 50 suppliers with contracts staggered through 2003. An additional 8,536 MDth is transported for other parties. Also maintains contract storage of 94 MDth/day with ANR and Northern. AMBER POSITION: [] Maintains long-term firm transportation with Northern Natural Gas and Natural Gas Pipeline Company. Gas is procured (8,794 MDth) from 10 suppliers. An additional 24,499 MDth is transported for other parties. Owns 1,224,000 gallons (19,100 Mcf/day) of LPG storage at its Albert Lea, Clinton, and Mason City sites for peaking use. MONROE POSITION: [] Maintains long-term firm transportation with Northern Natural Gas, Natural Gas Pipeline Company, and ANR Pipeline Company. Gas is procured (29,320 MDth) from 9 suppliers through a combination of base load and no-notice contracts staggered through 2003. An additional 8867 MDth is transported for other parties. Owns 276,500 gallons (6,800 Mcf/day) of LPG storage at Grinnell, Burlington, and Washington for peaking use. Also maintains contract storage of 105MDth with ANR, NNG, and NGPL. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings result from the maximization of underutilized assets, smoothing of seasonal volumes, economies of scale with gas suppliers, reduction of reserve margins, and elimination of redundant contracts. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Gas supply savings were calculated based on savings identified in similar merger transactions. Savings due to decontracting, reducing margins, and stabilizing loads were added to savings from purchasing economies to determine total savings. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Size of combined firm warrants reductions in margins and underutilized assets. [] Similar peak periods could result in more stable combined loads. [] Negotiation with transporters and suppliers Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997 - 2006 ---- ----------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $4,478 $53,000 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $4,478 $53,000 OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: COSTS TO ACHIEVE WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Not applicable AMBER POSITION: [] Not applicable MONROE POSITION: [] Not applicable RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Merger savings in some instances require a certain level of out of pocket expense to be achieved. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Number of personnel for voluntary separation equals total number of reductions less 1% attrition in areas affected by reduction. [] Voluntary separation - phased in over three years. $7.64MM in 1997, $5.49MM in 1998 and $12.19MM in 1999. Assumes 40 early retirements at $100K, with remaining reductions through voluntary separation. Voluntary separation packages includes nine months' pay with medical benefits over the same time period. [] Relocation - $7.41MM incurred in 1997. Assumes 10% of corporate and administrative personnel of combined company will be relocated at a cost of $40,000 per employee. [] Transition cost - $2MM in 1997 for external assistance to facilitate integration of individual entities. [] Systems consolidation/telecommunications - $17MM in 1997-1998 to integrate phone, data, facsimile communications and write-off of redundant systems and digitize Ambers infrastructure.. [] Facilities integration - $2.0MM in 1997 includes filed office and corporate facility closure costs. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $34,217 $78,397 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------- ------- [] O&M - Total $34,217 $78,397 [] Internal/External Communication - $2.0MM to educate customers, employees regarding combination [] D&O tail coverage - $0.67MM, or 1.5 times annual D&O premium of Monroe and Amber's in 1997 [] Transaction costs - $10MM bankers fees, $2MM legal fees - amortized over four years. [] Travel - Mobile transmission crews - $1MM in 1997-2006 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Reductions will occur through attrition, controlled hiring, early retirement and voluntary separation programs [] One percent non-retirement attrition rates for all three companies OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- WASHINGTON STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON STAND-ALONE ADJUSTED STAFFING BY FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL PRE-MERGER WASHINGTON INITIATIVES TOTAL - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 418 --- 418 Human Resources 44 --- 44 Finance/Accounting 65 --- 65 Information Services 126 --- 126 External Relations 10 --- 10 Legal 2 --- 2 Administrative & Support 187 --- 187 Executive Management 18 --- 18 Power Supply & Production 485 --- 485 Electric Transmission & Distribution 661 --- 661 Electric System Technical Support 88 --- 88 Gas Transmission & Distribution 199 --- 199 Gas Operations 20 --- 20 TOTAL 2,323 --- 2,323 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- AMBER STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMBER STAND-ALONE ADJUSTED STAFFING BY FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL PRE-MERGER AMBER TOTAL INITIATIVES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 168 14 154 Human Resources 15 --- 15 Finance/Accounting 45 --- 45 Information Services 27 --- 27 External Relations 3 --- 3 Legal 3 --- 3 Administrative & Support 65 --- 65 Executive Management 14 --- 14 Power Supply & Production 156 --- 156 Electric Transmission & Distribution 365 3 362 Electric System Technical Support 23 --- 23 Gas Transmission & Distribution 78 --- 78 Gas Operations 4 --- 4 TOTAL 966 17 949 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MONROE STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONROE STAND-ALONE ADJUSTED STAFFING BY FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL PRE-MERGER MONROE TOTAL INITIATIVES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 316 36 280 Human Resources 39 --- 39 Finance/Accounting 95 18 77 Information Services 79 --- 79 External Relations 3 --- 3 Legal 15 4 11 Administrative & Support 148 --- 148 Executive Management 19 --- 19 Power Supply & Production 928 135 793 Electric Transmission & Distribution 638 158 480 Electric System Technical Support 75 --- 75 Gas Transmission & Distribution 137 --- 137 Gas Operations 15 --- 15 TOTAL 2,507 351 2,156 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT WASHINGTON -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MERGER REDUCTIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON AMBER MONROE OVERALL M&A REDUCTION NEWCO TOTAL STAFFING BY ADJUSTED ADJUSTED ADJUSTED ADJUSTED REDUC- AS % OF FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TION FUNCTION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 418 154 280 852 123 14.4% 729 Human Resources 44 15 39 98 40 40.8% 58 Finance/Accounting 65 45 77 187 43 23.0% 144 Information Services 126 27 79 232 32 13.8% 200 External Relations 10 3 3 16 4 25.0% 12 Legal 2 3 11 16 4 25.0% 12 Administrative & Support 187 65 148 400 64 16.0% 336 Executive Management 18 14 19 51 19 37.3% 32 Power Supply & Production 485 156 793 1,434 40 2.8% 1,394 Electric Transmission & 661 362 480 1,503 129 8.6% 1,374 Distribution Electric System Technical 88 23 75 186 49 26.3% 137 Support Gas Transmission & 199 78 137 414 51 12.3% 363 Distribution Gas Operations 20 4 15 39 11 28.2% 28 TOTAL 2,323 949 2,156 5,428 609 11.2% 4,819 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group PROJECT MONROE November 1995 Washington Amber Monroe Deloitte Touche Privileged and Confidential - Tohmatsu For Internal Use Only International Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Synergies Usage Cost Savings Financial Regulatory Operational Valuation Savings Sharing Integration Targets Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 1 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Created Directly related to merger Savings -- "But For" Savings Categories Enabled Indirectly related to merger Savings -- "Unlocked" Developed Unrelated to merger Savings -- "On Your Own" Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 2 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Principal Focus Duplication Avoidance Created Economies of Scale Savings Expenditure Avoidance Operational Efficiency Skill Transfer Savings Enabled Practices Adoption Categories Savings Philosophy Modification Organizational Streamlining Developed Work Reduction Savings Performance Realignment Contractual Arrangements Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 3 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Merger Synergies Categories Corporate and Capacity Deferral Support Labor Corporate Programs Fuel Transportation Nonfuel Purchasing Joint Dispatch Economies Gas Supply Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 4 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Quantification Approach ------------------------------------ Direct Transaction Savings Area Analysis Comparison Judgment - ------------ ------------------------------------ Corporate and Support Labor X __ __ Corporate Programs X __ __ Nonfuel Purchasing Economies __ X __ Gas Supply __ __ X Joint Dispatch X __ __ Fuel Transportation __ X __ Capacity Deferral X __ __ X Primary __ Secondary Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 5 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Merger Costs Categories Employee Programs Transaction Costs Systems Consolidation Transition Costs Infrastructure Internal/External Communications Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 6 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Synergies Assumptions - -- Projection period 1997-2006 - -- "As-is" industry model with flexibility for subsequent disaggregation - -- Full integration of corporate and support functions - -- Early preparation for and pursuit of nonlabor cost savings at closure - -- Position reductions occurring over three years - -- Costs to achieve savings incurred over first three years for separation programs - -- Attrition, controlled hiring and voluntary separation programs for position reductions - -- Conservative quantification approach for merger-related savings areas Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 7 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting ------------ Illustrative POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY ------------ Operating Structure - Registered Holding Company NewCo Corporate Nonregulated Washington Amber Monroe Services Business Generation Transmission Delivery Retail Legal Units Human Resources Technical Support Communications Marketing Corporate Purchasing Support Financing & Accounting Information Services Rates & Regulatory Affairs Support Services Materials Trans- Engineer- Construc- Manage- porta- ing tion ment and tion Services Services Stores Services and Support Main- Customer tenance Services Services State Offices External Affairs Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 8 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (Aggregate) SAVINGS BEFORE COSTS TO ACHIEVE SAVINGS DISTRIBUTION(1) 1997-2006 TOTAL ($ MILLIONS) [Set forth here are charts which summarize total savings before costs to achieve, total savings distribution, and net savings after costs to achieve over the 1997-2006 period. A bar chart on the left side of the page contains one bar for each year from 1997 to 2006, representing annual savings before costs to achieve. The annual amounts are as follows, in millions of dollars: 1997: $31; 1998: $49; 1999: $71; 2000: $80; 2001: $81; 2002: $85; 2003: $89; 2004: $94; 2005: $98; 2006: $101. A pie chart on the right side of the page depicts the distribution of total savings among seven categories of savings, as follows: labor savings: 45%; corporate & administrative program savings: 20%; nonfuel purchasing economies: 8%; gas supply savings: 7%; joint dispatch savings: 10%; capacity deferral savings: 7%; fuel transportation savings: 3%. The chart on the lower left side of the page summarizes the ten-year total savings from 1997- 2006, as follows (in millions of dollars): gross savings of $779; costs to achieve of $78; net savings of $701.] (1) Savings distribution percentages exclude costs to achieve Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 9 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (By Component) [Set forth here is a chart which summarizes overall 1997-2006 savings by component in nominal dollars. The progressive bar chart depicts ten-year savings, by component, as follows (in millions of dollars): labor savings: $353; corporate & administrative program savings: $155; nonfuel purchasing economies: $60; gas supply savings: $53; fuel transportation savings: $22; capacity deferral savings: $55; joint dispatch savings: $81; unquantified financing savings; gross merger savings: $779; less costs to achieve: $78; net merger savings: $701.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 10 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (By Component) [Set forth here is a chart which summarizes overall 1997-2006 corporate programs savings by component in nominal dollars. The progressive bar chart depicts ten- year savings, by component, as follows (in millions of dollars): A&G overhead savings: $10; association dues and memberships savings: $3; benefits savings: $9; insurance savings: $20; information services savings: $76; professional services savings: $27; shareholder services savings: $10; total corporate programs savings: $155.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 11 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Costs to Achieve ($ Thousands) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001-2006 Total ---- ---- ---- ---- --------- ----- Separation Costs $7,644 $5,486 $12,194 $ 0 $ 0 $25,324 Systems Consolidation 8,500 8,500 0 0 0 17,000 Facilities Integration 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Relocation 7,408 0 0 0 0 7,408 Travel- Mobile Transmission Crews 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 10,000 Internal/External Communications 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Transition Costs 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Transaction Costs(1) 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 12,000 Directors and Officers Liability Tail Coverage 665 0 0 0 0 665 ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ Total Costs to Achieve $34,217 $17,986 $16,194 $4,000 $6,000 $78,397 ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- (1) Amortized over four years Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 12 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY COMPARISON TO OTHER TRANSACTIONS [Set forth here are charts which compare savings in the IES/IPC/WPL proposed transaction to other announced savings estimates in the utility industry in three areas: position reductions, nonfuel operating and maintenance savings in year 5 after transaction closure, and fuel savings in year 5 after transaction closure. Position reductions are compared on the basis of position reductions as a percentage of total company pre-merger employees. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated position reductions as follows: CE/TE: 3.4%; PPL/UPL: 11.5%; NU/PSNH: 0.9%; SCE/SDGE: 5.1%; KCPL/KGE: 5.5%; KPL/KGE: 6.6%; IPC/IPS: 5.8%; ETR/GSU: not applicable; CGE/PSI: 4.2%; IPL/PSI: 9.6%; IEL&P/IS: not applicable; CSW/EPE: 2.6%; WWP/SPR: 8.5%; MWR/IIGE: 6.0%; NSP/WEC: 10.1%; UE/CIPS: 3.4%; PSCo/SPS: 8.8%; PECO/PPL: 9.5%; BGE/PEPCO: 11.0%; PSPL/WEC: 8.7%; IES/IPC/WPL: 11.2%. The low position reductions across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.9%, the average is 6.7%, and the high is 11.5%. Nonfuel operating and maintenance savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined nonfuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated nonfuel operating and maintenance savings as follows: CE/TE: 6.2%; PPL/UPL: 5.9%; NU/PSNH: 1.7%; SCE/SDGE: 5.2%; KCPL/KGE: 4.2%; KPL/KGE: 6.9%; IPC/IPS: 6.1%; ETR/GSU: 4.2%; CGE/PSI: 7.2%; IPL/PSI: 13.1%; IEL&P/IS: 4.1%; CSW/EPE: 2.3%; WWP/SPR: 10.1%; MWR/IIGE: 5.2%; NSP/WEC: 15.3%; UE/CIPS: 5.4%; PSCo/SPS: 5.0%; PECO/PPL: 9.9%; BGE/PEPCO: 14.3%; PSPL/WEC: 9.4%; IES/IPC/WPL: 9.2%. The low nonfuel operating and maintenance savings across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.7%, the average is 7.2%, and the high is 15.3%. Fuel savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined fuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated fuel savings as follows: CE/TE: 2.4%; PPL/UPL: 8.6%; NU/PSNH: 1.0%; SCE/SDGE: 0.1%; KCPL/KGE: 4.6%; KPL/KGE: 2.1%; IPC/IPS: 0.5%; ETR/GSU: 3.4%; CGE/PSI: 1.0%; IPL/PSI: 0.0%; IEL&P/IS: 4.1%; CSW/EPE: 0.1%; WWP/SPR: 0.1%; MWR/IIGE: 0.2%; NSP/WEC: 1.7%; UE/CIPS: 1.7%; PSCo/SPS: 3.8%; PECO/PPL: 0.3%; BGE/PEPCO: 0.0%; PSPL/WEC: 0.0%; IES/IPC/WPL: 2.3%. The low fuel savings across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.0%, the average is 1.8%, and the high is 8.6%. The sources for these comparisons are regulatory filings and Deloitte & Touche analysis.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 13 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT MONROE - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Transaction Comparison [Set forth here are charts which compare savings in the IES/IPC/WPL proposed transaction to the low, average and high estimates of savings in the eight most recent announced transactions in the utility industry in three areas: position reductions, nonfuel operating and maintenance savings in year 5 after transaction closure, and fuel savings in year 5 after transaction closure. Position reductions are compared on the basis of position reductions as a percentage of total company pre-merger employees. The low position reductions across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 3.4%, the average is 8.2%, and the high is 11.0%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 11.2%. Nonfuel operating and maintenance savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined nonfuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The low nonfuel operating and maintenance savings across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 5.0%, the average is 9.4%, and the high is 15.3%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 9.2%. Fuel savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined fuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The low fuel savings across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.0%, the average is 1.1%, and the high is 3.8%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 2.3%.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 14 PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MERGER LABOR ASSUMPTIONS AND RESULTS WASHINGTON, AMBER AND MONROE POSITION: [] Washington employee base 1/1/97 2,323 before merger [] Amber employee base 1/1/97 before merger 949 [] Monroe employee base 1/1/97 before merger 2,156 [] Total employee base before merger 5,428 [] Merger reductions 609 [] Total staffing after merger 4,819 MERGER POSITION: [] Key reduction percentages [] Human Resources 41% [] Executive Management 37% [] Gas Operations 28% [] Electrical System Technical Support 26% [] Overall corporate support 18% [] Electric 7% [] Gas 14% [] All employees 11% KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] The merger reductions only include those reductions that Washington, Amber and Monroe could not achieve independently. There are two types of reductions: centralized economies and avoided duplication. [] Centralized economies occur when one company performs a function such as investor relations for all companies with very few incremental employees. [] Avoided duplication occur when one of two identical positions or functions can be eliminated, such as payroll. [] Reductions are phased in over three years (25% by 1997, 50% by 1998, 100% by 1999) [] An average 20% of all savings are capitalized, using a 15% levelized revenue requirements rate OPEN POINTS: [] Officer validation of reduction levels Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: OVERALL LABOR ASSUMPTIONS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Ending employee count on 10/16/95 2,325 [] Attrition and pre-existing reduction programs 2 [] Employees 2,323 [] Contractors included in analysis 0 [] Total FTEs included in analysis 2,323 [] Existing program reductions in effect before 1/1/97 0 [] Employee base before 1/1/97 merger 2,323 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Change in employees between 10/16/95 and 1/1/97 assigned to attrition and pre-existing reduction programs AMBER POSITION: [] Ending employee count on 8/28/95 966 [] Attrition and pre-existing reduction programs 0 [] Employees 966 [] Contractors included in analysis 0 [] Total FTEs included in analysis 966 [] Existing program reductions in effect before 1/1/97 17 [] Employee base before 1/1/97 merger 949 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Change in employees between 8/28/95 and 1/1/97 assigned to attrition and pre-existing reduction programs MONROE POSITION: [] Ending employee count on 10/12/95 2,435 [] Attrition and pre-existing reduction programs 0 [] Employees 2,435 [] Contractors included in analysis 72 [] Total FTEs included in analysis 2,507 [] Existing program reductions in effect before 1/1/97 351 [] Employee base before 1/1/97 merger 2,156 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Change in employees between 10/12/95 and 1/1/97 assigned to attrition and pre-existing reduction programs Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: WASHINGTON LABOR ASSUMPTIONS WASHINGTON DATA: [] Washington initially provided a phone listing dated 4/3/95. Subsequently, Washington provided the Active Employees By Organizational Units Report dated 10/16/95 from which detailed employee data was obtained. Employees were aligned into Mercer benchmarking categories. Washington personnel reviewed the preliminary alignment. The alignment was modified based on their suggestions and resubmitted for their review. [] The headcount as of 10/16/95 was adjusted to reflect the departure of David Ellestad and his secretary. Per Dan Doyle, they are no longer on the Washington payroll. WASHINGTON INITIATIVE OVERVIEW: [] No initiatives are in process for existing operations EXISTING OPERATIONS INITIATIVES: [] No initiatives are in process for existing operations OPEN ISSUES: [] Officer review and validation of functional alignments Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: AMBER LABOR ASSUMPTIONS AMBER DATA: [] Amber provided the Employees By Department Report dated 8/28/95 from which detailed employee data was obtained. Salary data was obtained from the Employee Pay Rates Report dated 9/13/95. Employees were aligned into Mercer benchmarking categories. Amber personnel reviewed the preliminary alignment. The alignment was modified based on their suggestions and resubmitted for their review. AMBER INITIATIVE OVERVIEW: [] Headcounts were adjusted to reflect reduction initiatives in place that would be in effect by the completion of the merger. The reductions will result from current process redesign efforts. [] The information was provided by Mike Chase. EXISTING OPERATIONS INITIATIVES: [] Amber initiatives for existing operations include reductions in the following functional areas: [] Customer Service, Marketing, & Sales 14 [] Electric Transmission and Distribution 3 OPEN ISSUES: [] Officer review and validation of functional alignments Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MONROE LABOR ASSUMPTIONS MONROE DATA: [] Monroe provided the Labor Costs/Budget Report dated 10/12/95 from which employee data by functional department was obtained. Employees were aligned into Mercer benchmarking categories. Monroe personnel reviewed the preliminary alignment. The alignment was modified based on their suggestions and resubmitted for their review. MONROE INITIATIVE OVERVIEW: [] Headcounts were adjusted to reflect reduction initiatives in place that would be in effect by the completion of the merger. The reductions will result from current process redesign efforts. The number of employees affected is an average based on the range provided by Monroe. [] The information was provided by Larry Root and Rick Gabbianelli. EXISTING OPERATIONS INITIATIVES: [] Monroe initiatives for existing operations include reductions in the following functional areas: [] Customer Service, Marketing, & Sales 36 [] Electric Transmission and Distribution 158 [] Power Supply and Production (Nuclear) 135 [] Finance, Accounting and Planning 18 [] Legal 4 These reductions are based on a distribution of estimated reductions supplied by Larry Root. OPEN ISSUES: [] Officer review and validation of functional alignments [] Officer validation of premerger reduction initiatives Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL OVERHEAD WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Based on internal data, Washington's administrative expense totaled approximately $2.86MM in 1994. Variable administrative expense were approximately $1.44MM. Variable cost per corporate and administrative employee totaled $1,505. AMBER POSITION: [] Based on external data, Amber's administrative expense totaled approximately $1.65MM in 1994. Variable administrative expense were estimated at $0.515MM. Variable cost per corporate and administrative employee totaled $1,453. MONROE POSITION: [] Based on internal data, Monroe's administrative expense totaled approximately $10.91MM in 1994. Variable administrative expense were estimated at $3.4MM. Variable cost per corporate and administrative employee totaled $4,927. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 - -------------- ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $260 $10,040 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $0 $0 -- -- [] O&M - Total $260 $10,040 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Variable administrative costs vary with the level of personnel. Examples of variable costs include office supplies, telephone expenses and business expenses. Administrative overhead will be eliminated as corporate personnel are reduced. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] The variable administrative cost per corporate and administrative employee for the combined company totaled $2,675. This figure was multiplied by the number of corporate personnel reductions (329) to estimated savings [] Savings are synchronized with personnel reductions KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Similar costs are captured in the internal data for Washington and Monroe. [] Amber and Monroe's variable portion of A&G expense are near industry average of 30% OPEN POINTS: [] Amber's analysis is based on external data. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: ASSOCIATION DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington's 1994 association dues were $398,599, including approximately $212,644 EEI dues. AMBER POSITION: [] Amber's 1994 association dues were $190,905, including approximately $103,619 EEI dues. MONROE POSITION: [] Monroe's 1994 association dues were $639,579, including approximately $205,700 EEI dues. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 - -------------- ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $269 $3,079 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $0 $0 -- -- [] O&M - Total $268 $3,079 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] The combined company will be able to save on dues to shared associations and memberships BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Savings are generated through a 20% reduction in the combined company's association dues. [] Formula for EEI dues alone provides $164,052 of savings annually KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Overlapping dues and memberships OPEN POINTS: []] External data only provided Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: BENEFITS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington's 1994 benefits were estimated at $20.2 million (including $5.5 million OPEB). Washington offers an array of comprehensive insurance plans including health, dental, vision, life, and disability. Administrative fees were estimated at $732,000. AMBER POSITION: [] Amber's 1994 benefits were estimated at $8.3 million (no OPEB). Amber offers an array of comprehensive insurance plans including medical and life (no dental). Administrative fees were estimated at $475,000. MONROE POSITION: [] Monroe's 1994 benefits were estimated at $22.2 million (including $7 million OPEB). Monroe offers an array of comprehensive insurance plans including health, dental, and disability. Administrative fees were estimated at $717,000. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 - -------------- ---- --------- [] Capital $197 $2,257 [] O&M - Expense $591 $6,771 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $30 $1,780 --- ------ [] O&M - Total $621 $8,551 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings result from increased purchasing power in negotiating the cost of comprehensive benefit plans, and from the elimination of duplicate administrative fees. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Administrative fees were calculate as 6% of combined pension and health costs for all three companies. Twenty-five percent of these costs were were reduced as administrative fee savings. In addition, 1% of health costs (less administrative fees) was reduced to determine the combination of plans under one administrator. Twenty-five percent of savings were capitalized using an annual revenue requirements rate. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Washington is not expected to recognize any pension expense between 1997 and 2006. OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: INSURANCE WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1995 projected costs include $1.68 million of non-nuclear property insurance, $3.25 million on excess liability and $0.43 million on directors and officers liability insurance. AMBER POSITION: [] 1995 projected costs include $0.72 million of property insurance, $0.69 million on excess liability and $148,050 on directors and officers liability insurance. MONROE POSITION: [] 1995 projected costs include $0.84 million of non-nuclear property insurance, $0.77 million on excess liability and $238,725 on directors and officers liability insurance. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] The combined company will be able to extend its insurance with its carriers over a larger asset and loss experience base which will reduce its overall cost. Combination of the insurance programs will also provide an opportunity to reassess needed coverage levels and related deductibles based on the loss experience and risk profile of the combined company. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Insurance savings were estimated as 20% of the combined companies property insurance, 15% of the combined companies excess liability insurance and 75% of Amber and Monroe's director and officers liability insurance. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Total insurance program to be administered as a combined company rather than as three separate entities. [] Combination of each insurance coverage with a single broker. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 - -------------- ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $1,744 $19,997 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $0 $0 -- -- [] O&M - Total $1,744 $19,997 OPEN POINTS: [] Lack of coverages, deductibles and carrier information Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1992-1994 audit fees averaged $326,333. Average legal fees from 1992-1994 equaled $248,333. Costs for General Consulting from 1992-1994 averaged $70,933. Other professional fees from 1992-1994 averaged $10.38MM. Other professional fees includes Financial/Tax, Regulatory, Computer/Systems and Environmental Services. AMBER POSITION: [] From 1992-1994 audit fees averaged $243,479. Legal fees from 1992-1994 averaged $859,650. Average General Consulting costs from 1992-1994 were $117,552. Other professional fees from 1992-1994 averaged $1.32MM. Other professional services includes Regulatory, Demand Side Management and Environmental services MONROE POSITION: [] Audit fees from 1992-1994 averaged $487,785. Legal fees from 1992-1994 averaged $940,311. General Consulting fees averaged $1.79MM from 1992-1994. Other professional fees from 1992-1994 averaged $12.65MM. This includes Financial/Tax, Computer/System, Nuclear, Demand Side Management and Environmental services. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] The combined company will consolidate and reduce professional services activities through economies of scope and elimination of duplicate services and increased utilization of a broader and deeper skill base. Audit savings are similar, with additional audit services (e.g., bond insurance letters, pension plan audit, stock issuance) reduced as a result of duplication. Similar legal expenditures (regulatory and corporate) and general consulting services can be reduced due to redundancy and duplication. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] It is estimated that the audit fees for the new company will be $750,000. Also there will be a 10% savings of the combined legal and environmental services cost. General consulting and DSM services (non-program related) will also be reduced. Twenty-six percent of all professional services savings were capitalized. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 - --------------- ---- --------- [] Capital $467 $5,351 [] O&M - Expense 2,022 $23,179 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements 70 $4,219 -- ------ [] O&M - Total $2,092 $27,398 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Purchasing economies result from increased size of the combined company (e.g., Audit) [] Similar types of consulting assistance required (e.g., restructuring, market and competitive analysis). OPEN POINTS: [] Correct categorization of costs Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MIS OPERATING COSTS WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1996 PC software maintenance cost totaled $448,331 (based on internal data). [] 1996 software maintenance cost totaled $608,489 (based on internal data). [] PC maintenance cost per corporate employee was $366 which was assumed to be the same for all three entities AMBER POSITION: [] 1996 PC software cost was estimated as $149,444 (based on Ambers cost being 50% of Monroe's) [] 1996 software maintenance cost was estimated as $196,030 (based on Amber's cost being 50% of Monroe). MONROE POSITION: [] 1996 PC software cost was estimated as $298,887 (based on Monroe's cost being 67% of Washington). [] 1996 software maintenance cost totaled $392,060 (based on internal data). [] Number of PCs per corporate employee was 0.56, which was assumed to be the same for all three entities. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings will result from the elimination of redundant spending on software, licenses, leases and maintenance contracts, as well as reduced PC purchases. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Operating costs will be reduced by 75% of Monroe's contract with EDS, starting in 2000. [] Software maintenance cost will be reduced by 75% of Monroe's and 100% of Amber's costs [] PC software costs will be reduced by 75% of Monroe's and 100% of Amber's costs [] Offsite recovery cost savings totaling 75% of Washington's costs [] Leased personal computers reduced in proportion to corporate and administrative personnel reduction. (PC maintenance and lease cost, times number of PCs per employee times number of corporate reductions). KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] PC leased cost per corporate employee totaled $1,000 (based on industry average) Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $1,167 $33,831 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $1,167 $33,831 OPEN POINTS: [] Further analysis of platforms used by each company Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: MIS (CAPITAL) WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington has several relatively new systems which could be expanded to handle the combined companies' requirements. AMBER POSITION: [] Amber has several relatively new systems which could be expanded to handle the combined companies' requirements. [] Accounts payable system will be avoided, which totaled $0.4MM in 1997 MONROE POSITION: [] Monroe has several relatively new systems which could be expanded to handle the combined companies' requirements. [] Customer Information System which totaled $20MM and Work Management System which totaled $3MM will be avoided SAVINGS (1997 $000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $11,900 $23,400 [] O&M - Expense $0 $0 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $2,380 $42,120 ------- ------- [] O&M - Total $2,380 $42,120 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Capital savings will result from the elimination of certain systems in the future BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Avoid Amber's Financial Planning System in 1996 for a total of $400K [] Monroe's Customer Information System totaling $20MM ($10MM in 1997 and 1998) and Work Management System totaling $3MM ($1.5MM in 1997 and 1998) will be avoided. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Systems in place or near development completion are adequate. [] Existing parallel system development efforts would be discontinued. [] Avoided CIS and WMS costs based on packaged systems with minimal customization, consistent with Washington's I/S strategy. OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: SHAREHOLDER SERVICES WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1994 shareholder expenses totaled $1.2 million. There were an estimated 38,625 shareholders during 1994. AMBER POSITION: [] 1994 shareholder expenses totaled $607,580. There were an estimated 16,256 shareholders during 1994. MONROE POSITION: [] 1994 shareholder expenses totaled $385,321. There were an estimated 32,565 shareholders during 1994. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $853 $9,776 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ---- ------ [] O&M - Total $853 $9,776 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings will result through the elimination of duplicative shareholder related activities (annual meetings and annual reports) and a reduction in the total cost of processing shareholder transactions. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Perform a regression analysis of shareholder cost per shareholder vs. number of shareholder for the industry. Savings is equal to the difference between the cost per shareholder of the combined company vs. the cost per shareholder of the three companies combined on a stand-alone basis. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Cost per shareholder declines as incremental shareholders are added to the combined company. OPEN POINTS: [] Public data was used for all three companies [] Monroe's shareholder expense per shareholder is low. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: PROCUREMENT AND INVENTORY WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1994 average inventory approximately equaled $14.165 million. Non- inventory purchases approximately equaled $14.165 million, and inventory purchases totaled $22.947 million. Washington's non-inventory turnover was estimated to be 1.0 (based on Monroe's internal data) and the inventory turnover is 1.62 (based on Washington's internal data). AMBER POSITION: [] 1994 average inventory approximately equaled $4.895 million. Non-inventory purchases approximately equaled $4.895 million, and inventory purchases totaled $6.413 million. Amber's non-inventory turn was estimated to be 0.85 (based on Monroe's internal data) and the inventory turnover was 1.31 (based on the average of Monroe and Washington). MONROE POSITION: [] 1994 average inventory approximately equaled $14.691 million. Non- inventory purchases approximately equaled $12.549 million, and inventory purchases totaled $14.542 million. Monroe's non-inventory turnover of 0.85 and inventory turnover of 1.0. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Savings will be realized based on an increase in standardization, resulting in increased purchasing power and vendor consolidation. A combined entity would also realize a one-time inventory reduction due to inventory duplication. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] 1994 average inventory balances for all three entities were combined and reduced by 5%. 1994 procurement figures were combined and reduced by 5%. One hundred percent of the inventory savings and 53.8% of procurement savings were capitalized. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Historical procurement is indicative of future levels. [] Equipment standards design comparable for shared usage. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $3,828 $24,589 [] O&M - Expense $1,984 $22,745 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 574 $20,700 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $2,558 $43,445 OPEN POINTS: [] Ability to combine warehouses. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: CONTRACT SERVICES WASHINGTON POSITION: [] 1992-1994 contract services averaged approximately $9.59 million of which $2.6 million related to tree trimming. Other contract services which include engineering, field related, power plant related, construction and contract labor services averaged $6.99 million from 1992-1994. AMBER POSITION: [] 1992-1994 contract services, excluding tree trimming, engineering services, averaged $102,525. Amber also spends $2MM annually on tree trimming per Mike Chase MONROE POSITION: [] 1992-1994 contract services averaged approximately $47.33 million of which $3.75 million related to tree trimming. Other contract services which include engineering, field related, power plant related, construction and contract labor services averaged $43.5 million from 1992-1994. SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $1,193 $13,677 [] O&M - Expense 494 5,668 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 179 $10,784 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $ 673 $16,453 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings will occur due to increased leverage in negotiating services from similar vendors. Savings opportunities exists due to the contiguity of the service territories and similar regional providers of services. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Savings are calculated by taking 10% of the combined company's tree trimming costs and 10% of Washington and Amber's other contractor costs. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Existing contractors use or potential mix relatively consistent due to proximity of service territory OPEN POINTS: [] Monroe's contract services costs are high relative to Amber and Washington, primarily due to temporary plant contractor level increases. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: FUEL TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Washington relies exclusively on low BTU coal from Wyoming and Montana [] 5 MM tons are shipped on the BN and about 2.5 MM tons are shipped on the CNW system [] Rail contracts extend through 1999 AMBER POSITION: [] 500,000 tons of low BTU coal are shipped over the BN; contract expires in 1998 [] 50,000 tons of medium BTU coal are from Colorado or Southern Pacific [] These contracts expire in 1998 RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Significant increase in leverage after existing contracts expire [] Greater purchasing power available to extend to all companies for volumes not under contracts and for volumes in which contracts have expired BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] After 1998, Amber's 500,000 tons over the BN expires; therefore, $2/ton BN savings gives $1 MM per year savings from 1999 onward exclude savings from current renegotiation efforts. [] 25 CENTS/ton savings on Washington's CNW contract, which expires in 1999, give $625K reduction from 2000 onward [] Monroe's BGS volumes, not under contract, receive savings of 25 CENTS/ton for $375 K savings per year. Also, two CNW contracts are expiring in 1997, therefore, 50 CENTS/ton savings were taken on each, yielding a $400 K and $250 K per year savings from 1998 onward Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MONROE POSITION: [] Rules exclusively on low BTU coal from Wyoming and Montana [] 4.5 MM tons shipped to BGS and OGS over BN (3 MM tons have contracts through or after 2001 and 1.5 MM tons do not have long-term contracts) [] 1 MM+ tons shipped under CNW contract expire at the end of 1998 SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $375 $21,975 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ---- ------- [] O&M - Total $375 $21,975 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] $2/ton BN savings for Amber BN volumes [] 25 CENTS/ton savings for Washington's BN volumes and Monroe's BGS volumes [] Washington's purchasing power can be extended to Monroe's CNW contracts [] No procurement and inventory savings because supply diversity is not enhanced and increased volumes don't indicate lower price procurement costs would result OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: CAPACITY DEFERRAL WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Planned addition of 83 Mw CT in 1998 [] Further CT additions in 2001, 2003 and 2005 AMBER POSITION: [] Surplus capacity until purchases expire in 2001 [] Surplus begins at 185 Mw in 1997 and diminishes to 122 Mw in 2000 [] Surplus can be used to offset Washington and Monroe deficits MONROE POSITION: [] Minor capacity deficits in 1997 to 2000 [] Significant capacity deficits from 2000 forward [] No planned resource additions RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Apply Amber surplus to Washington/Monroe deficit [] Reduce combined capacity requirement to reflect diversity benefit of approximately 100 Mw BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Permanent elimination of one 83 Mw peaker in 1998 [] Avoided short-term purchase of 17 Mw, 76 Mw, 55 Mw and 140 Mw in 1997 to 2000 as Amber surplus is used [] Ongoing avoided short-term purchases of approximately 20 Mw per year KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Washington and Monroe would cover capacity deficits stand-alone [] Savings are from bid capacity purchases, not construction [] Amber CT construction costs of $350/kw [] Short-term purchase costs of $25/kw/year escalating at 7% annually [] Peak load diversity of 1.8% Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $425 $54,832 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ---- ------- [] O&M - Total $425 $54,832 OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: JOINT DISPATCH WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Approx. 2,195 MW of Capacity (assumes addition of two gas turbines at SFDL, similar to SFDL #3, and no long-term firm purchases), with variable costs per MWh ranging from $10-$155 Capacity Average = $24.16; Generation Average = $14.70 [] Summer Peak of 2,002 MW and Winter Peak of 1,787 MW AMBER POSITION: [] Approx. 1,300 MW of Capacity (including 280 MW of long-term firm purchases), with variable costs per MWh ranging from $8-$82 Capacity Average = $31.56; Generation Average = $13.82 [] Summer Peak of 932 MW and Winter Peak of 768 MW RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Joint dispatch of all three systems would allow for lowest combined system incremental cost per MWh to be dispatched based on interconnection capabilities [] Savings represent the differential between stand-alone incremental generation costs and merged incremental costs (i.e. lambda differential) BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Using 1994 load and plant data for each company, 36 sample days were selected to be run through a simulated hourly dispatch (via a proprietary dispatch model) on both stand-alone and combined bases [] Using standard deviation analysis, a distribution curve was generated to extrapolate a full year based on the sample results Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MONROE POSITION: [] Approx. 2,000 MW of Capacity (including 276 MW of long-term firm purchases), with variable costs per MWh ranging from $9-$70.42 Capacity Average = $28.82; Generation Average = $11.48 [] Summer Peak of 1,773 MW and Winter Peak of 1,519 MW SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $5,402 $81,014 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $5,402 $81,014 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] The model relies primarily on data available from FERC Forms 1 and 714, with adjustments as provided by the companies [] Assumed construction of 150 MW Nelson Dewey to East Dubuque interconnection built by end of 1998 (dispatch savings offset by 15% annual fixed charge on $6.3 million capital investment - already removed from savings figure) instead of wheeling through Dairyland (as in 1997 and 1998) [] Only long-term firm purchases were included in the dispatch [] No per-plant emissions costs were included [] Outage rates were constrained by a 3% minimum and 20% maximum OPEN POINTS: [] Potential impacts of market forces (i.e. short-term non-firm purchases); combined dispatch savings may already be capturable on the short-term economy market; [] Historical data may not be a good proxy for future operation of generation, particularly for plants which were not dispatched much in the historical year; Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: GAS SUPPLY WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Maintains long-term firm transportation with Northern Natural Gas NSP/Viking, and ANR Pipeline Company. Gas is procured (29,733 MDth) from over 50 suppliers with contracts staggered through 2003. An additional 8,536 MDth is transported for other parties. Also maintains contract storage of 94 MDth/day with ANR and Northern. AMBER POSITION: [] Maintains long-term firm transportation with Northern Natural Gas and Natural Gas Pipeline Company. Gas is procured (8,794 MDth) from 10 suppliers. An additional 24,499 MDth is transported for other parties. Owns 1,224,000 gallons (19,100 Mcf/day) of LPG storage at its Albert Lea, Clinton, and Mason City sites for peaking use. MONROE POSITION: [] Maintains long-term firm transportation with Northern Natural Gas, Natural Gas Pipeline Company, and ANR Pipeline Company. Gas is procured (29,320 MDth) from 9 suppliers through a combination of base load and no-notice contracts staggered through 2003. An additional 8867 MDth is transported for other parties. Owns 276,500 gallons (6,800 Mcf/day) of LPG storage at Grinnell, Burlington, and Washington for peaking use. Also maintains contract storage of 105MDth with ANR, NNG, and NGPL. RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Cost savings result from the maximization of underutilized assets, smoothing of seasonal volumes, economies of scale with gas suppliers, reduction of reserve margins, and elimination of redundant contracts. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Gas supply savings were calculated based on savings identified in similar merger transactions. Savings due to decontracting, reducing margins, and stabilizing loads were added to savings from purchasing economies to determine total savings. KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Size of combined firm warrants reductions in margins and underutilized assets. [] Similar peak periods could result in more stable combined loads. [] Negotiation with transporters and suppliers Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997 - 2006 ---- ----------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $4,478 $53,000 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------ ------- [] O&M - Total $4,478 $53,000 OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS AREA: COSTS TO ACHIEVE WASHINGTON POSITION: [] Not applicable AMBER POSITION: [] Not applicable MONROE POSITION: [] Not applicable RATIONALE FOR SAVINGS: [] Merger savings in some instances require a certain level of out of pocket expense to be achieved. BASIS FOR CALCULATION: [] Number of personnel for voluntary separation equals total number of reductions less 1% attrition in areas affected by reduction. [] Voluntary separation - phased in over three years. $7.64MM in 1997, $5.49MM in 1998 and $12.19MM in 1999. Assumes 40 early retirements at $100K, with remaining reductions through voluntary separation. Voluntary separation packages includes nine months' pay with medical benefits over the same time period. [] Relocation - $7.41MM incurred in 1997. Assumes 10% of corporate and administrative personnel of combined company will be relocated at a cost of $40,000 per employee. [] Transition cost - $2MM in 1997 for external assistance to facilitate integration of individual entities. [] Systems consolidation/telecommunications - $17MM in 1997-1998 to integrate phone, data, facsimile communications and write-off of redundant systems and digitize Ambers infrastructure.. [] Facilities integration - $2.0MM in 1997 includes filed office and corporate facility closure costs. Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- SAVINGS ($000): 1997 1997-2006 ---- --------- [] Capital $0 $0 [] O&M - Expense $34,217 $78,397 [] O&M - Revenue Requirements $ 0 $ 0 ------- ------- [] O&M - Total $34,217 $78,397 [] Internal/External Communication - $2.0MM to educate customers, employees regarding combination [] D&O tail coverage - $0.67MM, or 1.5 times annual D&O premium of Monroe and Amber's in 1997 [] Transaction costs - $10MM bankers fees, $2MM legal fees - amortized over four years. [] Travel - Mobile transmission crews - $1MM in 1997-2006 KEY ASSUMPTIONS: [] Reductions will occur through attrition, controlled hiring, early retirement and voluntary separation programs [] One percent non-retirement attrition rates for all three companies OPEN POINTS: [] None Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- WASHINGTON STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON STAND-ALONE ADJUSTED STAFFING BY FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL PRE-MERGER WASHINGTON INITIATIVES TOTAL - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 418 --- 418 Human Resources 44 --- 44 Finance/Accounting 65 --- 65 Information Services 126 --- 126 External Relations 10 --- 10 Legal 2 --- 2 Administrative & Support 187 --- 187 Executive Management 18 --- 18 Power Supply & Production 485 --- 485 Electric Transmission & Distribution 661 --- 661 Electric System Technical Support 88 --- 88 Gas Transmission & Distribution 199 --- 199 Gas Operations 20 --- 20 TOTAL 2,323 --- 2,323 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- AMBER STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMBER STAND-ALONE ADJUSTED STAFFING BY FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL PRE-MERGER AMBER TOTAL INITIATIVES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 168 14 154 Human Resources 15 --- 15 Finance/Accounting 45 --- 45 Information Services 27 --- 27 External Relations 3 --- 3 Legal 3 --- 3 Administrative & Support 65 --- 65 Executive Management 14 --- 14 Power Supply & Production 156 --- 156 Electric Transmission & Distribution 365 3 362 Electric System Technical Support 23 --- 23 Gas Transmission & Distribution 78 --- 78 Gas Operations 4 --- 4 TOTAL 966 17 949 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MONROE STAFFING ADJUSTMENTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONROE STAND-ALONE ADJUSTED STAFFING BY FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL PRE-MERGER MONROE TOTAL INITIATIVES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 316 36 280 Human Resources 39 --- 39 Finance/Accounting 95 18 77 Information Services 79 --- 79 External Relations 3 --- 3 Legal 15 4 11 Administrative & Support 148 --- 148 Executive Management 19 --- 19 Power Supply & Production 928 135 793 Electric Transmission & Distribution 638 158 480 Electric System Technical Support 75 --- 75 Gas Transmission & Distribution 137 --- 137 Gas Operations 15 --- 15 TOTAL 2,507 351 2,156 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- PROJECT MONROE -------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- SYNERGIES SUMMARY Draft ----- MERGER REDUCTIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON AMBER MONROE OVERALL M&A REDUCTION NEWCO TOTAL STAFFING BY ADJUSTED ADJUSTED ADJUSTED ADJUSTED REDUC- AS % OF FUNCTIONAL AREA TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TION FUNCTION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Service/Marketing 418 154 280 852 123 14.4% 729 Human Resources 44 15 39 98 40 40.8% 58 Finance/Accounting 65 45 77 187 43 23.0% 144 Information Services 126 27 79 232 32 13.8% 200 External Relations 10 3 3 16 4 25.0% 12 Legal 2 3 11 16 4 25.0% 12 Administrative & Support 187 65 148 400 64 16.0% 336 Executive Management 18 14 19 51 19 37.3% 32 Power Supply & Production 485 156 793 1,434 40 2.8% 1,394 Electric Transmission & 661 362 480 1,503 129 8.6% 1,374 Distribution Electric System Technical 88 23 75 186 49 26.3% 137 Support Gas Transmission & 199 78 137 414 51 12.3% 363 Distribution Gas Operations 20 4 15 39 11 28.2% 28 TOTAL 2,323 949 2,156 5,428 609 11.2% 4,819 Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group ---------- Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group PROJECT AMBER Board of Directors Meeting November 7, 1995 Washington Amber Monroe Deloitte Touche Privileged and Confidential - Tohmatsu For Internal Use Only International Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Merger Synergies Categories Corporate and Capacity Deferral Support Labor Corporate Programs Fuel Transportation Nonfuel Purchasing Joint Dispatch Economies Gas Supply Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 1 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Quantification Approach ------------------------------------ Direct Transaction Savings Area Analysis Comparison Judgment - ------------ ------------------------------------ Corporate and Support Labor X __ __ Corporate Programs X __ __ Nonfuel Purchasing Economies __ X __ Gas Supply __ __ X Joint Dispatch X __ __ Fuel Transportation __ X __ Capacity Deferral X __ __ X Primary __ Secondary Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 2 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting OVERVIEW OF SYNERGIES Merger Costs Categories Employee Programs Transaction Costs Systems Consolidation Transition Costs Infrastructure Internal/External Communications Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 3 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Synergies Assumptions - -- Projection period 1997-2006 - -- "As-is" industry model with flexibility for subsequent disaggregation - -- Full integration of corporate and support functions - -- Early preparation for and pursuit of nonlabor cost savings at closure - -- Position reductions occurring over three years - -- Costs to achieve savings incurred over first three years for separation programs - -- Attrition, controlled hiring and voluntary separation programs for position reductions - -- Conservative quantification approach for merger-related savings areas Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 4 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting ------------ Illustrative POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY ------------ Operating Structure - Registered Holding Company NewCo Corporate Nonregulated Washington Amber Monroe Services Business Generation Transmission Delivery Retail Legal Units Human Resources Technical Support Communications Marketing Corporate Purchasing Support Financing & Accounting Information Services Rates & Regulatory Affairs Support Services Materials Trans- Engineer- Construc- Manage- porta- ing tion ment and tion Services Services Stores Services and Support Main- Customer tenance Services Services State Offices External Affairs Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 5 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (Aggregate) SAVINGS BEFORE COSTS TO ACHIEVE SAVINGS DISTRIBUTION(1) 1997-2006 TOTAL ($ MILLIONS) [Set forth here are charts which summarize total savings before costs to achieve, total savings distribution, and net savings after costs to achieve over the 1997-2006 period. A bar chart on the left side of the page contains one bar for each year from 1997 to 2006, representing annual savings before costs to achieve. The annual amounts are as follows, in millions of dollars: 1997: $31; 1998: $49; 1999: $71; 2000: $80; 2001: $81; 2002: $85; 2003: $89; 2004: $94; 2005: $98; 2006: $101. A pie chart on the right side of the page depicts the distribution of total savings among seven categories of savings, as follows: labor savings: 45%; corporate & administrative program savings: 20%; nonfuel purchasing economies: 8%; gas supply savings: 7%; joint dispatch savings: 10%; capacity deferral savings: 7%; fuel transportation savings: 3%. The chart on the lower left side of the page summarizes the ten-year total savings from 1997- 2006, as follows (in millions of dollars): gross savings of $779; costs to achieve of $78; net savings of $701.] (1) Savings distribution percentages exclude costs to achieve Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 6 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (By Component) [Set forth here is a chart which summarizes overall 1997-2006 savings by component in nominal dollars. The progressive bar chart depicts ten-year savings, by component, as follows (in millions of dollars): labor savings: $353; corporate & administrative program savings: $155; nonfuel purchasing economies: $60; gas supply savings: $53; fuel transportation savings: $22; capacity deferral savings: $55; joint dispatch savings: $81; unquantified financing savings; gross merger savings: $779; less costs to achieve: $78; net merger savings: $701.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 7 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY (By Component) [Set forth here is a chart which summarizes overall 1997-2006 corporate programs savings by component in nominal dollars. The progressive bar chart depicts ten- year savings, by component, as follows (in millions of dollars): A&G overhead savings: $10; association dues and memberships savings: $3; benefits savings: $9; insurance savings: $20; information services savings: $76; professional services savings: $27; shareholder services savings: $10; total corporate programs savings: $155.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 8 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Costs to Achieve ($ Thousands) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001-2006 Total ---- ---- ---- ---- --------- ----- Separation Costs $7,644 $5,486 $12,194 $ 0 $ 0 $25,324 Systems Consolidation 8,500 8,500 0 0 0 17,000 Facilities Integration 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Relocation 7,408 0 0 0 0 7,408 Travel- Mobile Transmission Crews 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 10,000 Internal/External Communications 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Transition Costs 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Transaction Costs(1) 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 12,000 Directors and Officers Liability Tail Coverage 665 0 0 0 0 665 ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ Total Costs to Achieve $34,217 $17,986 $16,194 $4,000 $6,000 $78,397 ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------- (1) Amortized over four years Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 9 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY COMPARISON TO OTHER TRANSACTIONS [Set forth here are charts which compare savings in the IES/IPC/WPL proposed transaction to other announced savings estimates in the utility industry in three areas: position reductions, nonfuel operating and maintenance savings in year 5 after transaction closure, and fuel savings in year 5 after transaction closure. Position reductions are compared on the basis of position reductions as a percentage of total company pre-merger employees. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated position reductions as follows: CE/TE: 3.4%; PPL/UPL: 11.5%; NU/PSNH: 0.9%; SCE/SDGE: 5.1%; KCPL/KGE: 5.5%; KPL/KGE: 6.6%; IPC/IPS: 5.8%; ETR/GSU: not applicable; CGE/PSI: 4.2%; IPL/PSI: 9.6%; IEL&P/IS: not applicable; CSW/EPE: 2.6%; WWP/SPR: 8.5%; MWR/IIGE: 6.0%; NSP/WEC: 10.1%; UE/CIPS: 3.4%; PSCo/SPS: 8.8%; PECO/PPL: 9.5%; BGE/PEPCO: 11.0%; PSPL/WEC: 8.7%; IES/IPC/WPL: 11.2%. The low position reductions across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.9%, the average is 6.7%, and the high is 11.5%. Nonfuel operating and maintenance savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined nonfuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated nonfuel operating and maintenance savings as follows: CE/TE: 6.2%; PPL/UPL: 5.9%; NU/PSNH: 1.7%; SCE/SDGE: 5.2%; KCPL/KGE: 4.2%; KPL/KGE: 6.9%; IPC/IPS: 6.1%; ETR/GSU: 4.2%; CGE/PSI: 7.2%; IPL/PSI: 13.1%; IEL&P/IS: 4.1%; CSW/EPE: 2.3%; WWP/SPR: 10.1%; MWR/IIGE: 5.2%; NSP/WEC: 15.3%; UE/CIPS: 5.4%; PSCo/SPS: 5.0%; PECO/PPL: 9.9%; BGE/PEPCO: 14.3%; PSPL/WEC: 9.4%; IES/IPC/WPL: 9.2%. The low nonfuel operating and maintenance savings across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.7%, the average is 7.2%, and the high is 15.3%. Fuel savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined fuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The IES/IPC/WPL transaction is compared to twenty previously announced transactions, with estimated fuel savings as follows: CE/TE: 2.4%; PPL/UPL: 8.6%; NU/PSNH: 1.0%; SCE/SDGE: 0.1%; KCPL/KGE: 4.6%; KPL/KGE: 2.1%; IPC/IPS: 0.5%; ETR/GSU: 3.4%; CGE/PSI: 1.0%; IPL/PSI: 0.0%; IEL&P/IS: 4.1%; CSW/EPE: 0.1%; WWP/SPR: 0.1%; MWR/IIGE: 0.2%; NSP/WEC: 1.7%; UE/CIPS: 1.7%; PSCo/SPS: 3.8%; PECO/PPL: 0.3%; BGE/PEPCO: 0.0%; PSPL/WEC: 0.0%; IES/IPC/WPL: 2.3%. The low fuel savings across the previously announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.0%, the average is 1.8%, and the high is 8.6%. The sources for these comparisons are regulatory filings and Deloitte & Touche analysis.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 10 Privileged and Confidential - For Internal Use Only PROJECT AMBER - -------------------------- Board of Directors Meeting POTENTIAL SYNERGIES SUMMARY Transaction Comparison [Set forth here are charts which compare savings in the IES/IPC/WPL proposed transaction to the low, average and high estimates of savings in the eight most recent announced transactions in the utility industry in three areas: position reductions, nonfuel operating and maintenance savings in year 5 after transaction closure, and fuel savings in year 5 after transaction closure. Position reductions are compared on the basis of position reductions as a percentage of total company pre-merger employees. The low position reductions across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 3.4%, the average is 8.2%, and the high is 11.0%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 11.2%. Nonfuel operating and maintenance savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined nonfuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The low nonfuel operating and maintenance savings across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 5.0%, the average is 9.4%, and the high is 15.3%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 9.2%. Fuel savings are compared on the basis of year 5 savings as a percentage of total combined fuel expense in year 5 after transaction closure. The low fuel savings across the eight most recent announced transactions, excluding IES/IPC/WPL, is 0.0%, the average is 1.1%, and the high is 3.8%. IES/IPC/WPL savings are estimated to be 2.3%.] Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group 11