1993 ADVISORS STOCK OPTION PLAN

                             Stock Option Agreement

     THIS AGREEMENT is made as of May 1, 1993, between DynEco International,
Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Company"), and Maxima Ventures, Inc. (the


     1.   OPTION GRANT.  The Company hereby grants to the Optionee an option
(the "Option") to purchase the number of shares of the Company's Common Stock
(the "Shares"), for an exercise price per share (the "Option Price") and based
upon a Grant Date, all as set forth below:

          Shares under option:  100,000

          Option Price per Share:  $1.00

          Grant Date:  May 1, 1993

The Option will be subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth herein
and in the Company's 1993 Corporate Stock Option Plan (the "Option Plan"), a
copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference.  The Option
granted hereunder will be a nonstatutory or nonqualified option for tax

     2.   EXERCISE PRICE.  The Optionee may pay the Option Price for Shares, in
his/her/its sole discretion, by either:

     (a)  by paying the Option Price in cash; or

     (b)  by paying with Previously Acquired Shares; or

     (c)  by paying the Option Price through surrendering that number of Options
          covering the number of underlying shares of Common Stock the fair
          market value of which shares equal the Option Price.

     3.   STOCKHOLDER RIGHTS.  No rights or privileges of a stockholder in the
Company are conferred by reason of the granting of the Option.  Optionee will
not become a stockholder in the Company with respect to the Shares unless and
until the Option has been properly exercised and the Option Price fully paid as
to the portion of the Option exercised.

     4.   TERMINATION.  Subject to earlier termination as provided in the Option
Plan, this Option will expire, unless previously exercised in full, on
December 31, 1998.

     5.   TERMS OF THE OPTION PLAN.  The Optionee understands that the Option
Plan includes important terms and conditions that apply to this Option.  Those
terms include (without limitation):  important conditions to the right of the
Optionee to exercise the Option; important restrictions on the ability of the
Optionee to transfer the Option or to transfer Shares received upon exercise of
the Option; and early termination of the Option following the occurrence of
certain events, including the Optionee no longer being an advisor or consultant
to or of the Company or its subsidiaries.  The Optionee acknowledges that
he/she/it has read the Option Plan, agrees to be bound by its terms, and makes
each of the representations required to be made by the Optionee under it.

     6.   MISCELLANEOUS.  This Agreement (together with the Option Plan) sets
forth the complete agreement of the parties concerning the subject matter
hereof, superseding all prior agreements, negotiations and understandings.  This
Agreement will be governed by the substantive law of the State of Minnesota, and
may be executed in counterparts.

     The parties hereby have entered into this Agreement as of the date set
forth above.

                                       DYNECO INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                          An Authorized Officer


                                       MAXIMA VENTURES, INC.

                                       A.J. Ryden





     Attachments:  (1) 1993 Advisors Stock Option Plan
