AGREEMENT made as of this 30th day of December, 1994, by and between 
Kurt/DynEco Compressor Corporation, a Minnesota corporation ("Kurt/DynEco"), 
Kurt Manufacturing Company, a Minnesota corporation ("Kurt"), and DynEco 
International, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("DynEco").

     WHEREAS, Kurt/DynEco has technology licensed from DynEco for the 
manufacture of an air compressor air end for industrial air compressors and 
systems but has no manufacturing facilities and desires Kurt to manufacture 
industrial air compressors and systems for purchase and resale by 
Kurt/DynEco; and

     WHEREAS, Kurt has extensive know-how in the design, development and 
manufacture of various precision parts, components and machines and has 
facilities capable of manufacturing or being adapted to manufacture air 
compressor air ends and air compressor systems and has agreed to manufacture 
Kurt/DynEco's requirements by an arrangement whereby Kurt is compensated; and

     WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to reduce their agreement 
to a writing which set forth the purpose, policy, aims and understandings 
between the parties hereto and each such party agrees to promote and adhere 

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and of the mutual 
covenants contained herein, the parties intending to be legally bound by this 
Agreement, agree as follows:


     "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means any patent, copyright, registered or
     unregistered design right or trade mark, license, sublicense, know-how,
     show-how or the like owned by any party hereto.

     "KNOW-HOW" means any information owned by any party hereto not available
     other than from such party.

     "SHOW-HOW" means any information not available other than from any party
     hereto, and most effectively and/or conveniently transmitted by
     demonstration and/or explanation by such party.

     "TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE" means any knowledge of a party hereto which is or is
     intended to be confidential and any information that is protected by any
     Intellectual Property right or sufficiently secret to be either or both of
     Know-how or Show-how as defined herein.


     "PROJECT" means the design, development and manufacture of air compressor
     air ends and industrial air compressor systems related to the Products
     contemplated by this Agreement.

     "PRODUCT" OR "PRODUCTS" means industrial air compressors air ends and/or
     industrial air compressor systems intended to bear the tradename or other
     identification "Kurt/DynEco Compressor" and/or "Kurt/DynEco Compressor
     System" or other such similar designation as designated or otherwise
     described in Schedule A attached hereto.

     "PROJECT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means any patent, registered or
     unregistered design right know-how, show-how or the like relating to the
     Products or any element of or of the conduct of the project research and
     development not available other than from the parties, or any of them.

     "PROJECT KNOW-HOW" means the method of production of the Products and/or
     Products according to information and methods devised by Kurt.

     "PROJECT SHOW-HOW" means any information relating to the Products or any
     element of or of the conduct of the project research and development not
     available other than from the parties, or any of them, and most 
     effectively and/or conveniently transmitted by demonstration and/or 

     "PROJECT TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE" means any knowledge which is or is intended
     to be confidential and any information that is protected by any Project
     Intellectual Property right or sufficiently secret to be either or both of
     Project Know-how or Project Show-how as defined herein.

     "TERRITORY" means North America (the geo-political boundaries of the 
     United States, Canada and Mexico).

                                    SECTION 1
                              INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

     1.1  Upon Kurt/DynEco disclosing Intellectual Property to Kurt in 
sufficient detail to enable Kurt to design, develop and produce the Products, 
Kurt shall make immediate arrangements to procure adequate production 
machinery and equipment or allocate existing machinery and/or equipment for 
the purpose of production of the Products and shall commence design, 
development and manufacture of the Products.  In the absence of any other 
agreement the costs of such Product design and development shall be borne by 
Kurt on behalf of itself and Kurt/DynEco.

     1.2  Should Kurt deem it necessary or desirable to arrange trial runs of
the Products for evaluation of quality, such trial runs shall be conducted
without delay and all data thereon made 


available to Kurt/DynEco.  In the absence of other agreement the costs of 
such trial run shall be borne by Kurt on behalf of itself and Kurt/DynEco.

     1.3  DynEco shall arrange for the attendance at Kurt's plant suitably 
qualified technicians on a reasonable basis who shall advise and guide those 
employees of Kurt so far as is necessary in or relating to the use and 
application of Kurt/DynEco Intellectual Property for the development and 
production of the Products.

     1.4  DynEco warrants that the DynEco Intellectual Property rights are 
the property of DynEco.

     1.5  Subject to the provisions and/or limitations set forth in Sections 
1.6, 1.7. 1.8, and 2.2 hereinafter, all of the parties shall be free to use 
each and every item of Project Intellectual Property and Project Technical 
Knowledge as shall result from the Project even in the event this Agreement 
is terminated.

     1.6  In respect of all Project Intellectual Property rights as require 
registration or application for letters patent, the parties shall collaborate 
to insure that: (i) all such registrations or applications are made promptly 
and accurately; and (ii) all necessary payments are made and all necessary 
formalities are timely complied with preserve the validity and integrity of 
such rights; and (iii) neither Kurt, Kurt/DynEco or DynEco acquires superior 
rights therein or thereunder.

     1.7  In respect of all Project Intellectual Property rights which do not 
require registration or application for grant, the parties shall collaborate 
to insure that such rights vest either: (i) in Kurt, Kurt/DynEco, and DynEco 
jointly; or (ii) in Kurt, Kurt/DynEco, and DynEco individually.

     1.8  In respect of all Project Intellectual Property rights provided for 
in Sections 1.6 and 1.7 above:

     (a)  each party is hereby granted unrestricted rights to use that Project
          Intellectual Property without payment of any royalty or other fee for
          the duration of the subsistence of that right; and

     (b)  each party may license any third party outside of the Territory to 
          use that Project Intellectual Property provided that payment of any
          royalty or other fee to such party shall be shared equally with the
          other parties.

     1.9  No party shall cause whether directly or indirectly any 
Intellectual Property of the other(s) and provided pursuant to this Agreement 
to be released into the public domain without the prior written consent of 
the party owning such Intellectual Property.


     1.10 In the event that any party becomes aware of or suspects any 
infringement of jointly owned Project Intellectual Property rights or 
Intellectual Property rights vested in any other party, then the party so 
discovering or suspecting infringement shall notify the other party and all 
parties shall collaborate:

     (a)  in the event that the Intellectual Property rights are the exclusive
          property of the other provide all such nonpecuniary assistance as it
          is able to;

     (b)  in the event that the Intellectual Property rights are jointly owned
          cooperate in the taking and funding of legal advice; further, the
          parties shall if so advised take such legal action as in the view of
          their legal counsel is necessary to cause the alleged infringer(s) or
          some of them to desist from further infringement.

                                    SECTION 2

     2.1  Kurt undertakes to design, develop and manufacture the Products for 
purchase and resale by Kurt/DynEco in the Territory in accordance with the 
provisions hereof and to the specification of Kurt/DynEco.  In furtherance 

     (a)  DynEco shall prepare or have prepared general drawings in sufficient
          detail to enable Kurt to produce a prototype, after testing and
          work-out of which Kurt will be in position to prepare or have 
          prepared a final set of drawings for the production of the 

     (b)  Kurt shall be responsible for constructing or procuring to be
          constructed a prototype and such further prototypes as the parties
          agree ought to be constructed so as to be satisfied that the final
          prototype adequately demonstrates the capabilities of the Product(s)
          and further settles the details of the first production or
          preproduction model of the Product(s).

     2.2  Kurt shall be responsible for checking, monitoring and matching the 
quality of raw materials as purchased by it for the manufacture of the 

     2.3  (a)  Kurt warrants that the Products provided shall be of 
               merchantable quality and that every item thereof shall be 
               suitable for the purposes for which it is designed to fulfil 
               and does fulfil.

          (b)  If Kurt/DynEco requires the Products to be subjected to any test
               or inspection other than Kurt's usual or routine test or
               inspection, Kurt/DynEco shall notify Kurt in good time and Kurt


               shall allow such special test or inspection to be carried out at
               a time and place mutually convenient to both parties.  Such test
               or inspection may be postponed for reasonable cause at the
               request of either party.  Kurt shall afford all reasonable
               facilities and assistance to Kurt/DynEco or its authorized agent
               free of cost for such tests or inspections.  The results of such
               tests or inspections shall be supplied to both parties.

     2.4  The volume of Products to be manufactured hereunder shall be 
settled between Kurt and Kurt/DynEco from time to time taking in to account 
(i) other demands upon Kurt in its other manufacturing activities and (ii) 
suitable arrangements for the payment for the Products by Kurt/DynEco.

     2.5  Advance notice shall be given by Kurt/DynEco to Kurt from time to 
time (which shall be at least 30 days) of the quantities which Kurt/DynEco 
will wish to call down and for this purpose a minimum quantity production run 
with respect to air compressor airends and industrial air compressor systems, 
shall be subject to mutual adjustment between the parties from time to time.

     2.6  Kurt agrees that it will maintain adequate inventory control of 
spare parts to insure prompt supply of needed items and that such spare parts 
shall be of a high standard.

     2.7  It is agreed that the Product shall be packaged by Kurt in 
accordance with Kurt/DynEco's specification the cost of which shall be a part 
of the Product sales price to Kurt/DynEco.

     2.8  Products shall be held by Kurt in its facilities to the delivery 
instructions of Kurt/DynEco.  Products shall be delivered by Kurt to such 
carriers as designated by Kurt/DynEco.  In the absence of other agreement the 
costs of such delivery shall be borne by Kurt/DynEco.

     2.9  Ownership of the Products shall vest in Kurt/DynEco upon receipt of 
payment therefore by Kurt.

     2.10 During the term of this Agreement, neither Kurt/DynEco or DynEco or 
its affiliates shall purchase any product which is a Product other than from 

                                    SECTION 3
                                 PRODUCT PAYMENT

     3.1  Kurt and Kurt/DynEco agree that in consideration of the obligations 
undertaken by Kurt hereunder, Kurt/DynEco shall pay to Kurt the Product(s) 
purchase price(s) set forth in Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated in 
this Agreement, which Product(s) purchase price(s) may be revised from time 
to time on 


thirty (30) days' advance written notice given by Kurt to Kurt/DynEco.

     3.2  Payment arrangements shall be in accordance with prior agreement of 
the parties.

                                    SECTION 4
                               PRODUCT LIABILITIES

     4.1  Kurt/DynEco shall be indemnified by Kurt and be held harmless from 
any and all claims and liabilities for damages, losses or costs resulting 
from or caused by defective Products manufactured by Kurt under this 

     4.2  Kurt shall replace free of charge any Products which prove 
defective through faulty manufacture within ____________ (__) months from the 
date of resale delivery to Kurt/DynEco's customer (or in the case of 
Kurt/DynEco's resale of the Product to a Kurt/DynEco reseller, the delivery 
of the Product to the customer of such reseller).

                                    SECTION 5

     5.1  This Agreement shall endure for a period of _________ (__) years 
from the date upon which a Product is first made commercially available for 
resale by Kurt/DynEco.

     5.2  Should the quantity called down by Kurt/DynEco in any one calendar 
year fall below _____ industrial air compressor systems, Kurt shall be 
entitled to terminate this Agreement by notice forthwith.

     5.3  If either Kurt or Kurt/DynEco fail to observe and perform any 
promise herein contained, and, where such failure is remediable, fails to so 
remedy the nonobservance or nonperformance within thirty (30) days of a 
written notice from the aggrieved party to do so, then the aggrieved party 
may forthwith (or where the aggrieved party has given a notice as aforesaid, 
on expiration thereof unremedied):

     (a)  in the case where Kurt/DynEco is the aggrieved party, give a written
          notice that Kurt's rights (including, but not limited to those rights
          granted in Section 1.8 hereof) under this Agreement are terminated;

     (b)  in the case where Kurt is the aggrieved party, give a written notice
          that Kurt/DynEco's rights (including, but not limited to those rights
          granted in Section 1.8 hereof) under this Agreement are terminated.

     5.4  If either Kurt or Kurt/DynEco has a receiver appointed of its 
assets, or bankruptcy proceedings are initiated, or if 


liquidation proceedings are commenced, and such proceeding is not dismissed 
or otherwise vacated within sixty (60) days of initiation or commencement 
thereof, the other party may forthwith by notice in writing terminate this 

     5.5  In the event of any delay affecting due performance of this 
Agreement by Kurt by reason of any cause arising from acts, events, failure 
of expected events, omissions, or other accidents or incidents beyond the 
reasonable control of Kurt to perform, including but not limited to the 

     (a)  strikes, lockouts, shortage of labor, or any other labor trouble
          (regardless of the reasonableness of the demands of labor or

     (b)  civil commotion, riots, invasion, piracy, war, or a warlike state
          (whether was be declared or not);

     (c)  fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, fog, subsidence, severe
          epidemics substantially affecting the carrying on of a business;

     (d)  voluntary or mandatory compliance with any directions or orders of 
          any person having or appearing to have authority of the government,
          whether local or national, for defense or other statutory or national
          purpose; or

     (e)  inability to obtain suitable raw materials, equipment, fuel, power,
          components, or transportation;

Kurt shall be under no liability for loss or injury suffered by Kurt/DynEco 
thereby, and the Agreement shall be suspended during such delay; upon the 
cessation of the cause of the delay, the Agreement shall again become 

                                    SECTION 6

     6.1  This Agreement shall be governed by, enforced, and construed under 
and in accordance with the laws of the United States of America and, with 
respect to matters of state law, with the laws of the State of Minnesota.

     6.2  Any notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder 
solely for the purposes of effecting the agreement to incorporate shall be 
sufficiently given if personally delivered to it or sent by registered mail 
or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:


     If to Kurt/DynEco Corporation to:

          Kurt/DynEco Corporation
          564 International Place
          Rockledge, Florida 32955
          Attn:  Richard D. Besser, Chief Executive Officer

     If to Kurt Manufacturing Company, to:

          Kurt Manufacturing Company
          5280 Main Street N.E.
          Minneapolis, MN 55421-1594
          Attn:  William G. Kuban, President

     If to DynEco International, Inc., to:

          DynEco International, Inc.
          564 International Place
          Rockledge, Florida 32955
          Attn: Richard D. Besser, Chief Executive Officer

or such other addresses as shall be furnished in writing by any party in the 
manner for giving notices hereunder, and such notice or communication shall 
be deemed to have been given as of the date so delivered or mailed.

     6.3  This Agreement is solely between the parties, and, except as 
specifically provided, no director, officer, stockholder, employee, agent, 
independent contractor, or any other person or entity shall be deemed to be a 
third party beneficiary of this Agreement.

     6.4  This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto except with 
the prior written consent of the other party hereto.

     6.5  This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties 
relating to the subject matter hereof.  This Agreement alone fully and 
completely expresses the agreement of the parties relating to the subject 
matter hereof.  There are no other courses of dealing, understandings, 
agreements, representations, or warranties, written or oral, except as set 
forth herein.

     6.6  The representations, warranties, and covenants of the respective 
parties shall survive the consummation of the transactions herein 

     6.7  This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of 
which shall be deemed a original and all of which taken together shall be but 
a single instrument.

     6.8  Every right and remedy provided herein shall be cumulative, with 
every other right and remedy, whether conferred 


herein at law, or in equity, and may be enforced concurrently herewith, and 
no waiver by any party of the performance of any obligation by the other 
shall be construed as a waiver of the same or any other default then, 
theretofore, or thereafter occurring or existing.  At any time prior to the 
incorporation of the corporation, this Agreement may be amended by a writing 
signed by all parties hereto, with respect to any of the terms contained 
herein, and any term or condition of this Agreement may be waived or the time 
of performance thereof may be extended by a writing signed by the party or 
parties for whose benefit the provision is intended.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporate parties to this Agreement To 
Incorporate have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective 
officers, hereunto duly authorized, at Minneapolis, Minnesota on the date 

                              KURT/DYNECO CORPORATION
                              a Minnesota corporation
                              By /s/ Richard D. Besser
                                 Richard D. Besser
                                 Chief Executive Officer
                                 and President

                              KURT MANUFACTURING COMPANY
                              a Minnesota corporation

                              By /s/ W. G. Kuban
                                 W. G. Kuban
                                 Chief Executive Officer
                                 and President

                              DYNECO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                              a Minnesota corporation

                              By /s/ Richard D. Besser
                                 Richard D. Besser
                                 Chief Executive Officer
                                 and President
