Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )
    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /
    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or  Section
                                  FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/X/  $125 per  Exchange Act  Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2)  or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
/ /  $500  per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act Rule
/ /  Fee  computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules   14a-6(i)(4)
     and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:
/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement  number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.
                               3125 MYERS STREET
                          RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92503
    The   Annual  Meeting   of  Shareholders  of   Fleetwood  Enterprises,  Inc.
("Fleetwood") will  be  held  at  the  corporate  offices,  3125  Myers  Street,
Riverside,  California, on  September 10, 1996  at 10:00  a.m., Pacific Daylight
time, for the following purposes:
    1.  To elect three directors to  serve three-year terms ending in 1999,  and
       until   their  successors  are  elected  and  qualified.  Management  has
       nominated for director  the three persons  specified in the  accompanying
       Proxy Statement.
    2.   To consider and act upon  a proposal to approve Fleetwood's Amended and
       Restated 1992 Stock-Based Incentive Compensation Plan.
    3.  To consider and act upon a proposal to approve amendments to Fleetwood's
       Long-Term Incentive Plan.
    4.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
    The close of business on July 19, 1996 has been fixed as the record date for
determination of shareholders entitled to receive  notice of and to vote at  the
Annual Meeting and any adjournment thereof.
    Your   attention  is  directed  to  the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement.  To
constitute a quorum for  the conduct of  business at the  Annual Meeting, it  is
necessary  that holders of a majority of  all outstanding shares of Common Stock
be present in person or be represented by proxy. To assure representation at the
Annual Meeting, you are urged to date and sign the enclosed proxy and return  it
promptly in the enclosed envelope.
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors
                                          William H. Lear
Riverside, California
Dated: July 23, 1996

                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.
                               3125 MYERS STREET
                          RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92503
                                PROXY STATEMENT
    Your  proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of Fleetwood Enterprises,
Inc. ("Fleetwood") for  use at the  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders on  Tuesday,
September 10, 1996, or at any adjournment thereof, for purposes set forth in the
accompanying  Notice of Annual  Meeting of Shareholders.  A shareholder giving a
proxy may revoke it at any time before the proxy is exercised by giving  written
notice  of revocation to  Fleetwood's Secretary. Only  shareholders of record at
the close of business on  July 19, 1996 are entitled  to notice of, and to  vote
at, the meeting. Fleetwood has arranged to deliver these proxy materials to such
shareholders of record on approximately July 23, 1996.
    Fleetwood  will  bear  the cost  of  solicitation of  proxies.  In addition,
Fleetwood will request brokers or other persons holding stock in their names  or
in  the names of  their nominees to  forward proxies and  proxy materials to the
beneficial owners of such stock and will reimburse them for expenses incurred in
so doing.
    As of the record  date, 38,056,659 shares of  Fleetwood's Common Stock,  its
only  outstanding securities, were issued  and outstanding. Each shareholder has
one vote per share on all business  presented at the Annual Meeting. A  majority
of  the  outstanding shares  will  constitute a  quorum  at the  Annual Meeting.
Abstentions and broker  non-votes are  counted for purposes  of determining  the
presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business. Abstentions are
counted in tabulations of the votes cast on proposals presented to shareholders,
whereas  broker non-votes are not counted  for purposes of determining whether a
proposal has been approved.
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                               (PROXY ITEM NO. 1)
    Under Fleetwood's  Bylaws, which  provide for  a "classified  Board",  three
directors  (out of a total of eight) are  to be elected at the Annual Meeting to
serve three-year terms expiring  at the Annual Meeting  in 1999 and until  their
successors  have been elected and qualified. Unless  the vote is withheld by the
shareholder, proxies will be voted FOR the re-election of Dr. Douglas M. Lawson,
Walter F.  Beran  and  Andrew  Crean.  If any  of  the  nominees  should  become
unavailable  to serve as a director, the  proxies will be voted for the election
of a substitute nominee or  nominees selected by the  Board of Directors. It  is
not expected, however, that any of the nominees will be unavailable.
    Each shareholder is entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock held
on  the record date. In voting for  directors, each shareholder has the right to
cumulate votes and give one candidate a  number of votes equal to the number  of
directors  to be elected, multiplied by the number  of votes to which his or her
shares are entitled, or to distribute total votes on the same principle among as
many candidates  as desired,  and  the three  candidates receiving  the  highest
number  of votes  will be elected.  In order for  one or all  shareholders to be
entitled to cumulate votes, one shareholder must give notice prior to the voting
that cumulation of votes is  intended. In the event  that any person other  than
the  nominees named herein should  be nominated for election  as a director, the
proxy holders may, in the exercise of their best judgment, vote the proxies they
receive cumulatively to elect as directors as many of the above nominees as  the
votes represented by the proxies held by them are entitled to elect.

    The  following information is furnished as of  July 19, 1996 with respect to
the three nominees, all  of whom are presently  Fleetwood directors, as well  as
for the other five Fleetwood directors whose terms of office will continue after
the 1996 Annual Meeting.

                                           PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                   DIRECTOR     TERM
                NAME                           OR EMPLOYMENT              AGE       SINCE     EXPIRES
- ------------------------------------  -------------------------------     ---     ---------  ---------
John C. Crean                         Chairman of the Board and Chief     71        1957       1998
                                        Executive Officer
William W. Weide                      Vice Chairman                       72        1959       1998
Glenn F. Kummer                       President and Chief Operating       62        1983       1997
Andrew Crean(1)                       Private Investor                    45        1981       1996
Dr. Douglas M. Lawson(2)              Fund-Raising Consultant             60        1981       1996
Thomas A. Fuentes(3)                  Engineering Firm Executive          47        1993       1997
Walter F. Beran(4)                    Chairman of Financial Services      70        1993       1996
Dr. James L. Doti(5)                  University President                49        1995       1997

- ---------
(1) Andrew Crean is the son of John C. Crean.
(2) Dr.  Lawson is President  of Douglas M. Lawson  Associates, a New York-based
    firm that specializes in management  and consulting activities with  respect
    to charitable fund raising.
(3) Mr.  Fuentes  is  Senior  Vice  President of  Tait  &  Associates,  Inc., an
    engineering firm located in Orange, California.
(4) Mr. Beran is Chairman of Pacific Alliance Group, a financial services  firm.
    Previously, he served as Vice Chairman and Western Regional Managing Partner
    of  the accounting  firm of Ernst  & Whinney  (now Ernst &  Young) from 1971
    until his retirement in 1986.  Mr. Beran also serves  as a director of  ARCO
    Chemical Company, Vencor, Inc. and Pacific Scientific Company.
(5) Dr.  Doti is President of Chapman University, located in Orange, California,
    where he also  founded the  University's Center for  Economic Research.  Dr.
    Doti  is a director of First American Financial Corporation, CIMCO, Inc. and
    Standard Pacific Corp.
    Fleetwood's  Board  of  Directors   has  standing  Compensation  and   Audit
Committees.  None of the  Directors who serve on  these Committees are executive
officers of  Fleetwood.  The  Board  of Directors  has  no  standing  nominating
    The  Board of Directors met five times during the fiscal year ended on April
28, 1996 and the aggregate of Board and Committee meetings totaled twelve during
such period. All of Fleetwood's current  directors attended at least 75% of  the
meetings of the Board of Directors and, if applicable, the Committee(s) on which
they served during such fiscal year.
    The  Compensation Committee met four times  during the past fiscal year. The
Committee is  responsible for  reviewing and  overseeing the  establishment  and
implementation   of  Fleetwood's  basic   and  special  management  compensation
policies. It assumed the duties, powers and responsibilities formerly  exercised
by  the Board's Long-Term  Incentive and Stock  Option Committees, which include
interpreting and administering  certain benefit  plans and  making awards  under
such  plans. The  Compensation Committee  consists of  Mr. Beran,  Chairman, Mr.
Fuentes and Dr. Lawson.
    The Audit  Committee, consisting  of  Dr. Lawson,  Chairman, Mr.  Beran  and
(since  July 1, 1995) Dr. Doti, met three times during the past fiscal year. The
Audit Committee  reviews  with  management and  Fleetwood's  independent  public
accountants  such  matters  as  Fleetwood's  internal  accounting  controls  and

procedures, the plan and results of the audit engagement and suggestions by  the
accountants for improvements in accounting procedures. It considers the type and
scope  of services, both of an audit  and a non-audit character, to be performed
by the independent public accountants and reviews the respective fees related to
the performance of such services. During each Committee meeting, members of  the
Committee  and  representatives  of  the  accountants  have  an  opportunity for
discussions outside the presence of management.
    All members  of the  Board  of Directors  who  are not  Fleetwood  employees
receive  compensation on account of their  service as Fleetwood directors in the
amount of $16,000 per year, payable quarterly, and an additional fee in lieu  of
reimbursed  expenses in  the amount of  $200 per  trip to attend  a Board and/or
Committee meeting. In addition, members of the Audit Committee and  Compensation
Committee  each receive additional compensation in the amount of $4,000 per year
per Committee, payable quarterly.
    Under Fleetwood's 1992 Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan, non-employee
directors of  Fleetwood  serving  after  each  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders
automatically receive options to purchase 2,000 shares of Fleetwood Common Stock
at  an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the underlying shares of
common stock on the date of grant;  the options expire ten years after the  date
of  grant or three  years after service  as a director  is terminated, whichever
occurs earlier, and become fully exercisable  within one year after the date  of
grant.  Dr. Lawson, Dr.  Doti, Mr. Beran,  Mr. Fuentes and  Mr. Andrew Crean all
received options under this Plan during fiscal 1995.
    The following table  sets forth ownership  of Fleetwood Common  Stock as  of
July  19, 1996 by each  Fleetwood Director, the Chief  Executive Officer and the
four other  most highly  compensated executive  officers and  all Directors  and
officers  as  a group.  Such ownership  includes shares  held by  certain family
members, trusts and private  foundations. With the exception  of John C.  Crean,
who owns of record or beneficially 21.4% of Fleetwood's outstanding Common Stock
(including shares which are obtainable if vested options are exercised), none of
the  persons listed below has record or  beneficial ownership of more than 1% of
the outstanding shares  of Fleetwood's  Common Stock.  The group  has record  or
beneficial  ownership (including shares  which are obtainable  if vested options
are exercised), of 26% of the outstanding shares of Fleetwood's Common Stock.

                                   NAME                                     TOTAL OWNERSHIP(1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------
Walter F. Beran...........................................................          11,510
Andrew Crean..............................................................         411,148(2)
John C. Crean.............................................................       8,681,680(3)
Dr. James L. Doti.........................................................           2,658
Thomas A. Fuentes.........................................................           7,256
Glenn F. Kummer...........................................................         464,000
Dr. Douglas M. Lawson.....................................................          10,000(4)
Jon A. Nord...............................................................         353,600
Elden L. Smith............................................................         179,000
William W. Weide..........................................................          92,619(5)
21 Directors and Executive Officers as a Group............................      10,534,271(6)

- ---------
(1) Includes shares of Fleetwood  Common Stock which may  be obtained if  vested
    options  issued under Fleetwood's 1982 Key  Employee Stock Option Plan, 1992
    Stock-Based Incentive Compensation Plan or 1992 Non-Employee Director  Stock
    Option  Plan are exercised. The persons who have such options and the number
    of shares which may  be so obtained  are as follows:  Mr. Beran, 6,510,  Mr.
    Andrew  Crean, 8,000, Mr. John Crean, 674,800, Dr. Doti, 2,658, Mr. Fuentes,
    7,256, Mr. Kummer, 452,000, Dr. Lawson, 8,000, Mr. Nord, 337,600, Mr. Smith,
    177,000, Mr. Weide,  60,400, and 21  Directors and Executive  Officers as  a
    Group, 2,051,224.
(2) Includes  10,448 shares owned by,  or by trusts for  the benefit of, certain
    members of his family.

(3) Includes 404,000 shares owned of record by a limited partnership in which  a
    corporation  he controls is the  general partner and the  balance owned by a
    trust for the benefit of his family.
(4) Includes 1,800 shares owned by his company or its profit sharing trust.
(5) Includes 32,219 shares owned by a trust for the benefit of his family.
(6) Excludes shares and options held by Lawrence F. Pittroff, who retired on May
    31, 1996.
    The Federal  securities laws  require  Fleetwood's directors  and  executive
officers  to file with the  Securities and Exchange Commission  and the New York
Stock Exchange initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in  ownership
of  Fleetwood Common  Stock. To the  best of Fleetwood's  knowledge, all persons
subject to these reporting requirements  with respect to Fleetwood Common  Stock
filed  the required reports  on a timely  basis during the  fiscal year ended on
April 28, 1996.
    The  following  table  sets  forth,  as  of  the  record  date,  information
concerning  the only  other shareholder  known to  Fleetwood to  have beneficial
ownership, by virtue of actual or attributed voting rights or investment powers,
of more than 5% of Fleetwood's outstanding Common Stock.

                                 AMOUNT AND
                                  NATURE OF
                                 BENEFICIAL        PERCENT OF
     NAME AND ADDRESS             OWNERSHIP           CLASS
- ---------------------------  -------------------  -------------
FMR Corp.                          6,804,400(1)         18.2%
  82 Devonshire Street
  Boston, MA 02109

- ---------
(1) The shareholder  has informed  Fleetwood that  the shares  are  beneficially
    owned by affiliates which are investment advisers or the trustee or managing
    agent   of  private  investment  accounts,  and  the  shareholder  has  sole
    investment authority  with  respect  to  all  the  shares  and  sole  voting
    authority with respect to 25,532 of the shares.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
    The  following table sets forth, for the  fiscal years ended April 28, 1996,
April 30, 1995 and April 24, 1994,  the cash compensation paid by Fleetwood,  as
well  as certain other compensation awarded or  accrued for those years, to each
of the  five highest  paid  Fleetwood executive  officers, including  the  Chief
Executive Officer.

                                                                             LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                              AWARDS      PAYOUTS
                                                     ANNUAL COMPENSATION     ---------  ------------
                                                   ------------------------  OPTIONS/    LONG-TERM       ALL OTHER
- ------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ----------------
John C. Crean                               1996   $  111,000  $  1,251,148     77,000   $  514,254      $  748,954
  Chairman of the Board of                  1995   $  111,000  $  1,206,698    175,000   $  592,620      $  679,065
  Directors and Chief                       1994   $  111,000  $  1,327,676    100,000   $  607,140      $  522,421
  Executive Officer
Glenn F. Kummer                             1996   $   99,000  $  1,094,754     61,000   $  462,828      $  516,083
  President and Chief                       1995   $   99,000  $  1,055,861    148,000   $  533,358      $  481,664
  Operating Officer                         1994   $   99,000  $  1,161,716     85,000   $  546,427      $  371,613
Jon A. Nord                                 1996   $   87,000  $    566,531     26,000   $  257,127      $  351,345
  Senior Vice President                     1995   $   87,000  $    506,577     58,000   $  296,310      $  320,516
  Housing Group                             1994   $   87,000  $    544,368     33,000   $  303,571      $  267,486
Elden L. Smith                              1996   $   87,000  $    403,338     26,000   $  257,127      $  215,569
  Senior Vice President                     1995   $   87,000  $    434,242     58,000   $  296,310      $  213,240
  RV Group                                  1994   $   87,000  $    479,357     33,000   $  303,571      $  164,175
Lawrence F. Pittroff(3)                     1996   $   84,000  $    352,811     17,000   $  205,701      $  166,529
  Senior Vice President and                 1995   $   84,000  $    341,406     39,000   $  237,048      $  168,295
  President of Fleetwood                    1994   $   84,000  $    368,799     22,000   $  303,571      $  125,284
  Credit Corp.

- ---------
(1) Payments  made after  fiscal year-end,  but accrued  for the  two-year award
    period ended April 28, 1996 under the Company's Long-Term Incentive Plan.
(2) Includes payments made under the Company's two non-funded retirement  plans,
    the  Supplemental  Benefit Plan  and Benefit  Restoration Plan,  payments of
    dividend  equivalents  on  outstanding  stock  options  granted  under   the
    Company's  stock-based incentive plans,  and, in the case  of Mr. Crean, the
    estimated value of the premiums paid by Fleetwood on split-dollar  insurance
    on the lives of Mr. Crean

    and  his wife owned by  an irrevocable trust for  the benefit of Mr. Crean's
    family. (Fleetwood will  receive the  premiums it has  paid, plus  interest,
    from  the  proceeds  of  such  insurance.)  The  following  table  shows the
    respective amounts of  each of  the above items  for the  past three  fiscal

                                        NON-FUNDED RETIREMENT    DIVIDEND    SPLIT-DOLLAR
                                          PLAN CONTRIBUTION     EQUIVALENTS   INSURANCE
                                        ----------------------  -----------  -----------
Mr. Crean
  1996................................       $    326,368        $ 364,252    $  58,334
  1995................................       $    356,315        $ 282,926    $  39,824
  1994................................       $    306,629        $ 198,900    $  16,882
Mr. Kummer
  1996................................       $    276,243        $ 239,840       --
  1995................................       $    303,869        $ 177,795       --
  1994................................       $    260,738        $ 110,573       --
Mr. Nord
  1996................................       $    163,601        $ 187,744       --
  1995................................       $    164,944        $ 155,572       --
  1994................................       $    144,811        $ 122,675       --
Mr. Smith
  1996................................       $    122,579        $  92,990       --
  1995................................       $    145,195        $  68,045       --
  1994................................       $    121,800        $  42,375       --
Mr. Pittroff
  1996................................       $    104,389        $  62,140       --
  1995................................       $    122,885        $  45,410       --
  1994................................       $     97,034        $  28,250       --

- ---------
(3) Mr.  Pittroff  retired from  his position  with Fleetwood  on May  31, 1996,
    following the sale of Fleetwood Credit  Corp. In recognition of his  service
    to   Fleetwood  and  its  finance  subsidiary,  the  Compensation  Committee
    confirmed a severance package for Mr. Pittroff that includes a cash  payment
    of  $2,110,300,  which  amount  is  subject  to  deferral  under Fleetwood's
    Deferred Compensation  Plan. In  addition, Mr.  Pittroff, 61,  will  receive
    health  insurance coverage paid by  Fleetwood, including dependent coverage,
    until the  age  of  65,  contributions with  respect  to  the  cash  payment
    described  above to Fleetwood's Benefit Restoration and Supplemental Benefit
    Plans, as applicable, and dividend  equivalent payments with respect to  his
    outstanding  stock  options  under  Fleetwood's  1992  Stock-Based Incentive
    Compensation Plan until such options are exercised or they expire.

    The following  table  lists  certain information  concerning  stock  options
granted  to Fleetwood's five  highest paid executive  officers during the fiscal
year ended  on  April 28,  1996  under Fleetwood's  1992  Stock-Based  Incentive
Compensation Plan.

                                                       INDIVIDUAL GRANTS (1)                       POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                                  ---------------------------------------------------------------    VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                               % OF TOTAL                                            ANNUAL RATES OF
                                                 OPTIONS                                               STOCK PRICE
                                               GRANTED TO                                            APPRECIATION FOR
                                                EMPLOYEES                                          10-YEAR OPTION TERM
                                    OPTIONS     IN FISCAL     DATE OF    EXERCISE OR  EXPIRATION   --------------------
                                    GRANTED       YEAR         GRANT     BASE PRICE      DATE         5%         10%
                                  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------
John C. Crean...................      77,000       23.12%     12/12/95    $  25.875     12/12/05   $1,255,196 $3,167,876
Glenn F. Kummer.................      61,000       18.32%     12/12/95    $  25.875     12/12/05   $ 994,376  $2,509,616
Jon A. Nord.....................      26,000        7.81%     12/12/95    $  25.875     12/12/05   $ 423,833  $1,069,673
Elden L. Smith..................      26,000        7.81%     12/12/95    $  25.875     12/12/05   $ 423,833  $1,069,673
Lawrence F. Pittroff............      17,000        5.11%     12/12/95    $  25.875     12/12/05   $ 282,476  $ 699,401

- ---------
(1) These  awards were made  pursuant to Fleetwood's  1992 Stock-Based Incentive
    Compensation Plan at  not less than  100% of  the fair market  value of  the
    Company's  Common Stock on the date  the options were granted. Stock options
    may not be exercised during the first six months after the date of grant.
    The following table contains information on  stock options held by the  five
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table as of April 28, 1996.
None of such officers exercised any stock options in fiscal 1996.

                                                             NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED        VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                OPTIONS HELD AT          IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS AT
                                                                 APRIL 28, 1996              APRIL 28, 1996
                                                           --------------------------  ---------------------------
                          NAME                             EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE  EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE
- ---------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------  -------------
John C. Crean............................................     597,800         77,000   $  6,501,900   $    38,500
Glenn F. Kummer..........................................     391,000         61,000   $  3,782,750   $    25,500
Jon A. Nord..............................................     312,000         26,000   $  4,307,000   $    13,000
Elden L. Smith...........................................     152,000         26,000   $  1,366,125   $    13,000
Lawrence F. Pittroff.....................................     101,000         17,000   $    911,000   $     8,500

    The  following  table  sets  forth  information  concerning  awards  made to
Fleetwood's five highest-paid executive officers during the fiscal year ended on
April 28, 1996 under Fleetwood's Long-Term Incentive Plan. (1)

                                                                                     ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYOUTS UNDER NON-STOCK
                                                            PERFORMANCE OR OTHER              PRICE BASED PLANS (2)
                                                                PERIOD UNTIL       --------------------------------------------
                    NAME AND POSITION                       MATURATION OR PAYOUT     THRESHOLD       TARGET         MAXIMUM
- ---------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------  -----------  ---------------
John C. Crean............................................     4/29/96 to 4/26/98           20%            35%            50%
Glenn F. Kummer..........................................     4/29/96 to 4/26/98           18%          31.5%            40%
Elden L. Smith...........................................     4/29/96 to 4/26/98           10%          17.5%            25%
Jon A. Nord..............................................     4/29/96 to 4/26/98           10%          17.5%            25%

- ---------
(1) Lawrence F. Pittroff did not receive an award as a result of his retirement,
    which was anticipated at the time the awards were made.
(2) Represents  the  percentage  of   the  named  individual's  average   annual
    compensation  for the award period payable  at the three performance levels.
    Award payouts are tied  to the achievement of  targets with respect to  cash
    flow  returns on Fleetwood's gross cash investment for the award period. For

    two-year  award  period  ending  in  1998,  the  minimum  performance  level
    ("Threshold")  is 14.55%, the performance objective ("Target") is 16.55% and
    the maximum  performance  objective  ("Maximum") is  18.55%,  all  of  which
    involve  substantial increases over  the targets for  the award period which
    began a year  earlier. No  incentive is paid  unless the  Threshold rate  of
    return  is  achieved.  The  aggregate  of  long-term  incentive compensation
    payments, excluding payments to deceased, disabled or retired  participants,
    may  not exceed three percent of  Fleetwood's aggregate cash flow return for
    the award period.
    The employment  contracts  of  Fleetwood  officers  and  corporate  managers
provide  for severance pay benefits in connection  with a "change of control" of
Fleetwood. Such provisions  in the employment  contracts of Fleetwood  officers,
for  example, including those of Messrs.  Crean, Kummer, Nord and Smith, entitle
the employee to severance pay benefits in the event employment is terminated  by
Fleetwood without good cause or by the manager after suffering certain specified
adverse  changes in employment circumstances, in  either case within three years
after the change of control, or by the manager, for any reason during the period
between three months and twelve months after the change of control. A "change of
control" is defined in  such employment contracts  as circumstances under  which
either a third party or group acquired more than 25% of Fleetwood's voting stock
or,  as a  result of a  cash tender,  merger or other  business combination, the
majority of Fleetwood's Board of Directors  is replaced. Upon the occurrence  of
such circumstances, the maximum severance benefit which may be paid to Fleetwood
officers,  including Messrs.  Crean, Kummer, Nord  and Smith, shall  be equal to
three times the average  annual compensation payable by  Fleetwood for the  five
fiscal  years prior to  the date upon  which the change  of control occurred. As
indicated above, Mr. Pittroff's employment  contract terminated on May 31,  1996
following the sale of Fleetwood's finance subsidiary.

    The  performance  graph  set  forth  below  compares  the  cumulative  total
stockholder return  on Fleetwood's  Common Stock  against the  cumulative  total
return  of the Standard & Poor's Corporation S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index
(S&P 500)  for the  most recently  ended calendar  year and  a "peer  group"  of
companies  selected by Fleetwood  whose primary business  is either manufactured
housing or recreational  vehicles for the  five-year period ended  on April  28,
1996.  Dividend reinvestment has been assumed and, with respect to all companies
in the  peer group,  the returns  of each  such company  have been  weighted  to
reflect  relative stock  market capitalization at  the beginning  of the period.
There is no  currently available published  index of companies  involved in  the
same  businesses  as  Fleetwood.  The  peer  group  consists  of  the  following
companies: Champion Enterprises, Inc., Clayton Homes, Inc., Coachmen Industries,
Inc., Kit Manufacturing Company, Oakwood Homes Corporation, Schult Homes  Corp.,
Skyline  Corporation, Thor Industries, Inc.  and Winnebago Industries, Inc. None
of these companies are truly comparable to Fleetwood. All are much smaller; some
are involved  only  in manufactured  housing  and others  only  in  recreational
vehicles; some are vertically integrated to a much greater extent than Fleetwood
and engage, for instance, in retail sales and local development activities.
                    VALUE OF $100 INVESTED ON APRIL 28, 1991

                     INC.              PEER GROUP    S & P 500
4/28/91                          100           100          100
4/26/92                          131           138          114
4/25/93                          127           186          125
4/24/94                          141           227          131
4/30/95                          171           230          154
4/28/96                          201           343          201


    The  Compensation Committee  of the  Board of  Directors is  responsible for
overseeing the administration of Fleetwood's management compensation programs as
they affect the compensation of senior  management of the Company. In  addition,
the  Committee  is specifically  responsible  for administering  several benefit
plans of the  Company --  the Long-Term Incentive  Plan, the  1982 Key  Employee
Stock  Option Plan,  the 1992  Stock-Based Incentive  Compensation Plan  and the
Senior Executive Compensation Plan.
it  has  consistently  followed  a  management  compensation  philosophy   which
encourages  growth and profitability.  The system is somewhat  unique in that it
provides for  moderate base  salaries at  virtually all  management levels,  but
gives  an opportunity for  each manager to earn  incentive compensation based on
results. This  performance-based approach  carefully follows  the philosophy  of
Fleetwood's  founder --  that managers should  have an opportunity  to earn more
than individuals  performing similar  functions at  other companies,  but  their
compensation  should grow only if the  Company's profitability grows as well. In
effect, this  philosophy  has  always  aligned  Fleetwood's  managers  with  the
interests  of  the Company's  shareholders. In  addition, this  approach permits
Fleetwood to  have lower  fixed costs  when economic  conditions have  a  marked
impact on Fleetwood's results.
    Fleetwood  has always avoided many of  the perquisites typically provided to
corporate managers,  especially members  of top  management. Fleetwood's  senior
managers  have no expense accounts, company  cars or airplanes, executive dining
room,  paid  country  club  memberships,  matching  charitable  or   educational
contributions,  paid financial counselling  or the like.  Instead, it has always
been Fleetwood's philosophy that its managers  will be given the opportunity  to
earn a good cash incentive and can then decide on their own whether they believe
particular expenditures are necessary or desirable.
    PERIODIC  REVIEWS  OF  EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION.    To  assist  in  reviewing
corporate compensation strategies, Fleetwood periodically compares its executive
compensation policies with those of other companies, both in its industries  and
in  the  general  business community,  often  using the  assistance  of national
compensation consulting  firms. Such  a  review is  currently underway  and  has
already led to a number of changes designed to link compensation more closely to
returns  on  capital  utilized in  the  particular business  units  of Fleetwood
managers. These  changes include  broadening  the list  of recipients  of  stock
options to include plant general managers and certain key regional and corporate
managers,  increasing the  separation of Fleetwood's  principal operating groups
for the purpose of calculating incentive compensation and increasing the working
capital charge to plants and operating groups. It is anticipated that, following
proper evaluation and communication to Fleetwood associates, additional  changes
in  the management compensation  system will be  introduced as a  result of this
review during the next year.
    SALARIES AND INCENTIVE COMPENSATION.  Aside from routine salary adjustments,
no changes were made during the 1996 fiscal year with respect to corporate  base
salaries.  As  noted above,  the  working capital  charge  was increased  at the
beginning of the current  fiscal year, which was  designed to cause managers  to
increase  their focus on the effects of capital usage on the business units they
manage. This change  will have the  effect of requiring  additional earnings  at
business  units before managers earn the same level of incentive compensation as
in the previous  year. The Committee  believes that the  working capital  charge
program  has lowered the amount of  capital needed to run Fleetwood's businesses
since it  was first  instituted at  the beginning  of fiscal  1995. The  further
separation  for  fiscal  1997  of Fleetwood's  two  principal  operating groups,
housing and  recreational vehicles,  for the  purpose of  calculating  incentive
compensation,  should  result  in  greater management  focus  on  increasing the
profitability of each group. The Committee  believes that both of these  changes
are beneficial to Fleetwood's shareholders.
    The  compensation review discussed above is focusing on the effectiveness of
Fleetwood's salary  and incentive  compensation  programs, among  other  issues.
Until  this  review  is  completed,  the  Committee  believes  that  no  further
adjustments in salary levels or the incentive compensation formula are necessary
or desirable.

    LONG-TERM INCENTIVE  COMPENSATION.    The basis  for  determining  long-term
incentive  compensation awards  was changed  several years  ago and  the amended
Long-Term Incentive Plan, which requires  returns in excess of Fleetwood's  cost
of  capital in order for  any compensation to be  payable and utilizes cash flow
returns on the Company's  gross cash investment as  the measurement device,  was
approved  by the shareholders at the 1994 Annual Meeting. The Committee believes
that  this  approach  better  focuses  Fleetwood's  senior  management  on   the
importance  of the proper utilization of  corporate capital, which should assist
in enhancing shareholder value for Fleetwood's investors.
    The Compensation Committee recognizes that  Fleetwood's cost of capital  has
increased during the last several years. The result has been several significant
increases  in the  targeted performance  levels. For  the two-year  award period
which began in April, 1996, there  were again increases from the previous  award
period  in the threshold return, from 12.39%  to 14.55% in the new award period,
in the target performance level, from 14.39% to 16.55%, and in the maximum, from
16.39% to 18.55%. Nevertheless, the Committee believes that the new targets will
be somewhat  more achievable  than  the targets  in  the previous  award  period
because  of  the  sale of  Fleetwood  Credit  Corp., which  generally  had lower
cash-flow  returns   than   Fleetwood's  manufacturing   businesses,   and   the
redeployment  of Fleetwood's available  cash through the  recent self-tender. To
reflect this, the award  percentages for the new  award period were returned  to
the  lower levels which were  in place for award periods  prior to the one which
began in 1995. For example, achievement of the target performance level for  the
next  two-year period would provide  a payout of 35%  of average compensation to
the Plan's  benchmark participant,  the Company's  Chief Executive  Officer,  as
compared to a payout of 45% in the previous award period.
    In its role of administering Fleetwood's Long-Term Incentive Plan during the
last  fiscal  year, the  Committee decided  to exclude  from the  calculation of
long-term incentive compensation two non-recurring extraordinary items which  it
believed  would distort the returns  achieved by Fleetwood's ongoing operations.
The two items were the gain on the sale of Fleetwood Credit Corp. (approximately
$33,000,000) and the  charge against earnings  for revaluing Fleetwood's  German
operation  (approximately $17,000,000). The  Committee noted that  while the two
items would be recorded in  separate fiscal years, the gain  on the sale of  the
finance  subsidiary was  considerably higher than  the loss  associated with the
German operation. The Committee also  approved proposed amendments to the  Plan,
which  are being submitted to the shareholders  at the 1996 Annual Meeting, that
will give the  Committee the authority  to approve mid-period  changes in  gross
cash   invested  based  on  certain  material  changes  in  Fleetwood's  capital
structure.  This  change  was  made  to  address  matters  such  as  the  recent
self-tender  which  should  reduce shareholders'  equity  by  approximately 25%.
Without such  a  change,  the  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  would  have  measured
performance  for  a two-year  period based  on  the assumption  that Fleetwood's
capital remained constant during the period, which would not be the case.
    APPROVAL OF  SEVERANCE  ARRANGEMENT.     In  connection  with  the  sale  of
Fleetwood's finance subsidiary, Fleetwood Credit Corp., the Committee considered
and  approved a severance  package for Lawrence F.  Pittroff, one of Fleetwood's
five highest-paid executive officers who also served as president of the finance
subsidiary. The package  consisted of approximately  twice Mr. Pittroff's  total
annual  cash compensation and certain  additional considerations with respect to
health insurance  and  outstanding  stock  options.  This  action  was  believed
appropriate  in light of Mr.  Pittroff's long service to  Fleetwood, his role in
making the finance subsidiary a marketable investment and the substantial return
achieved from the sale.
    STOCK OPTIONS.  In  its role of  administering Fleetwood's 1992  Stock-Based
Incentive  Compensation Plan,  the Committee  grants non-qualified  stock option
awards from time to time, usually once  per year, to key officers and  managers.
Historically, such stock option awards have been reserved for a relatively small
group  of senior managers who have the greatest degree of potential control over
Fleetwood's strategic direction. Recently, it was concluded that a broader group
of managers also has meaningful impact on Fleetwood's returns, and the number of
option recipients was  expanded to include  additional operational managers.  As
usual,  however, award levels are highest for  those with the greatest degree of
    The Committee  also  approved  amendments to  Fleetwood's  1992  Stock-Based
Incentive  Compensation Plan, which will be submitted to the shareholders at the
1996 Annual Meeting. The amendments will

increase the number of  shares in order to  meet expected needs for  performance
award  grants until the Plan's expiration date in 2002. In addition, the changes
will permit the Plan to comply with Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue  Code
as  a performance-based  plan and  will make  other changes  which the Committee
believes will improve the  Plan as a device  for encouraging the enhancement  of
shareholder value.
shareholders approved the Company's Long-Term Incentive Plan and also the Senior
Executive Incentive Compensation Plan  which provides incentive compensation  to
Fleetwood's  Chief Executive Officer and President on a substantially equivalent
basis to Fleetwood's basic incentive compensation program. As a result, payments
made under these  two performance-based  plans continue to  be deductible  under
Internal  Revenue Code Section 162(m). The Committee continues to have as one of
its objectives the policy that, wherever reasonably possible, compensation  paid
by  Fleetwood  to  its  managers,  including  its  senior  officers,  should  be
deductible for income tax purposes. All compensation payments made to  Fleetwood
officers in fiscal 1996 should be fully deductible.
    Mr. Crean's base salary and incentive compensation award remain the same for
fiscal  1997 as  in the  past year.  As stated  above, the  targeted performance
levels for long-term incentive awards for  Mr. Crean and all other  participants
were  substantially  increased,  but  the  payout  as  a  percentage  of average
compensation if the target is met was reduced. Mr. Crean's stock option  awards,
and  those of other recipients, were similar  to those of past years. All awards
again involved only non-qualified stock options granted at fair market value  on
the  date of grant. In light  of Fleetwood's performance in challenging economic
periods, the Committee believes that Mr. Crean's compensation is appropriate.
    Walter F. Beran, Chairman                                      June 10, 1996
    Dr. Douglas M. Lawson
    Thomas A. Fuentes

                     APPROVAL OF AMENDED AND RESTATED 1992
                               (PROXY ITEM NO. 2)
    On April 17, 1996,  the Board of Directors  adopted, subject to  shareholder
approval,  an  amended  and  restated version  of  Fleetwood's  1992 Stock-Based
Incentive Compensation Plan (the "Plan"). The Plan, which provides for the award
of stock options or other forms  of stock-based performance awards to  Fleetwood
officers  and other key managers,  was approved by the  shareholders at the 1992
Annual Meeting. The Plan  authorized the issuance of  up to 2,900,000 shares  of
Fleetwood  stock (after adjustment to give effect to the two-for-one stock split
on March 1, 1993). As  of July 19, 1996,  646,176 shares remained available  for
the  issuance  of  options  or  other  stock-based  awards.  The  Plan  has been
administered by  the  Compensation Committee  of  the Board  of  Directors,  all
members  of which are nonemployee directors, and  all awards made under the Plan
have involved non-qualified stock options at exercise prices equal to the market
value of the shares on  the date of grant. Although  the Plan permits grants  to
any  "key employee"  designated by the  Compensation Committee,  the only awards
made under the Plan in past  years have been nonqualified stock options  granted
to  a total of less than 40 senior managers. The Compensation Committee recently
determined to grant stock options on a total of 86,400 shares to 64  operational
managers,  many of whom are located at regional offices and manufacturing plants
and all but a few of whom never previously received options on Fleetwood shares.
    The amendments to the Plan contained  in the amended and restated Plan,  the
text  of  which  is  included  as  Exhibit  A  to  this  Proxy  Statement,  were
necessitated both  by  the  relatively  small  number  of  shares  which  remain
available  for the  issuance of  options and  the requirement  that the  Plan be
amended so that it will continue  to be considered a performance-based plan  for
the  purpose of  deducting compensation in  excess of  the $1,000,000 limitation
contained in Section 162(m)  of the Internal Revenue  Code. Each of the  various
separate amendments is discussed below.
    1.   ADDITIONAL SHARES.  The amended and restated Plan adds 2,000,000 shares
to the 646,176 shares available for the  issuance of awards. As provided in  the
Plan,  the  shares  may  either  be authorized  and  unissued  shares  or shares
reacquired by Fleetwood through open market purchases or otherwise. Distribution
of shares under the  Plan will continue  to be made  only after full  compliance
with all Federal and State securities laws.
    Options  to  purchase from  300,000 to  500,000  shares typically  have been
granted to Fleetwood officers  and managers under the  Plan on an annual  basis.
The number of shares currently remaining available for grant would permit option
grants  for  only  one  more year,  while  the  amount of  shares  added  by the
amendments should  easily permit  the  Plan to  continue  to operate  until  its
expiration date in 2002.
    2.   AMENDMENTS  IN CONNECTION WITH  SECTION 162(M).   Under Section 162(m),
which was added to the Internal Revenue Code by Congress in 1993, the  allowable
deduction  for compensation paid to the five most highly paid executive officers
of public  companies  is limited  to  $1,000,000 per  year.  Under  implementing
regulations,  benefit plans approved by shareholders  prior to December 20, 1993
(such as the Plan) are required to be amended to comply with Section 162(m) when
there is a material amendment, such as adding new shares, or at the 1997  annual
meeting,  whichever is earlier. Performance-based  compensation is exempted from
the limitation on deductibility so long as certain requirements are met. To meet
these requirements, the amended and restated Plan establishes a limitation  that
incentive  awards with respect to no more  than 100,000 shares may be granted to
any participant in any year and makes it clear that the Committee  administering
the  Plan  will  consist solely  of  "outside directors".  Previously,  the Plan
contained no limitation  with respect  to the number  of shares  granted to  any
participant,  although no participant ever received options on more than 100,000
shares at any time options were  granted. The Plan has always been  administered
by  a  committee consisting  entirely of  outside  directors, although  the Plan
document did not previously expressly require it.
Plan  was submitted to the shareholders for approval in 1992, some institutional
shareholders and analysts indicated concern about

three aspects of the Plan. Since  none of these matters involved vital  elements
in  the operation or administration  of the Plan, the  amended and restated Plan
makes several changes  in order  to satisfy  these concerns.  First, an  express
provision  has  been added  to  the Plan  eliminating  the authority  to reprice
incentive awards.  (See Section  3.1(b).)  Second, a  provision has  been  added
requiring  that all awards be priced at  not less than eighty-five percent (85%)
of market value on  the date of  grant. Previously, the  Plan contained no  such
limitation,  although all awards that have been granted under the Plan have been
priced at  market  value.  Finally,  the provisions  authorizing  the  grant  of
restricted  stock were deleted since there  was no intention of using restricted
stock in making  awards. Concern had  been registered about  the absence in  the
Plan of a limitation on the amount of restricted stock which could be granted.
    4.   AMENDMENTS TO  INCREASE FLEXIBILITY.  Two  additional amendments to the
Plan were made  to increase Fleetwood's  flexibility in operating  the Plan  and
dealing  with the Company's capital structure. A provision was added to give the
Committee the  authority to  grant stock  options without  dividend  equivalents
automatically  being paid to the participants  with respect to the options. (See
Article II(b).)  Previously,  the  payment  of  such  dividend  equivalents  was
automatic  when stock options  were granted. In addition,  the provisions of the
Plan having to do with changes in control of the Company were amended to make it
clear that changes in share ownership  resulting from a repurchase of shares  by
Fleetwood such as the recently completed self-tender will not trigger the change
of  control  provisions  that would  have  the effect  of  accelerating unvested
options. (See Sections 1.2(c) and 7.1(b).)
the  Plan is determined from time to time by Fleetwood's Compensation Committee.
Accordingly, future participation  by executive officers  and other managers  is
not determinable at this time.
DIRECTORS.  The affirmative vote of a  majority of the shares present in  person
or  by proxy and entitled  to vote at the Annual  Meeting is required to approve
the adoption of the Amended and Restated 1992 Stock-Based Incentive Compensation
Plan. Your Board of Directors believes  that the Plan is extremely important  to
Fleetwood's  ability to attract and maintain outstanding management and that the
amendments are beneficial  to the Company  and its shareholders.  Your Board  of
Directors  therefore recommends a vote FOR  approval of the Amended and Restated
1992 Stock-Based  Incentive Compensation  Plan.  All proxies  will be  voted  to
approve the Plan unless a contrary vote is indicated on the enclosed proxy card.
                            LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN
                               (PROXY ITEM NO. 3)
    Fleetwood's  Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), which had been in effect
since 1988,  was  approved by  the  shareholders  at the  1994  Annual  Meeting.
Approval  of the shareholders was requested  so that compensation paid under the
Plan would be  considered performance-based compensation  within the meaning  of
Section  162(m)  of  the Internal  Revenue  Code. The  Long-Term  Incentive Plan
provides substantial incentives to participants if certain cash-flow returns are
achieved with respect to Fleetwood's gross cash investment during two-year award
periods. The Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board  of
Directors, none of the members of which are Fleetwood associates.
    During  the past several  months, Fleetwood completed  several actions which
significantly and  positively affected  the capital  structure of  the  Company.
These  actions  were the  sale of  the  Company's finance  subsidiary, Fleetwood
Credit  Corp.,  and  the  recently-completed  self-tender  for  up  to  25%   of
Fleetwood's outstanding Common Stock. Both of these actions are believed to have
been  in the best interests of the Company's shareholders by disposing of assets
on which  the  Company  has  traditionally earned  relatively  low  returns  and
investing  in a stock repurchase as a means of effecting a substantial reduction
in Fleetwood's equity capital. These actions  will permit Fleetwood to focus  on
its  manufacturing  activities, on  which  the returns  have  traditionally been
considerably higher,  and  should  present  an  opportunity  for  the  Company's
management to significantly enhance shareholder value.

    The  Plan  provides that  "gross cash  investment", against  which cash-flow
returns are measured,  is established at  the beginning of  each two-year  award
period,  without any ability to make a mid-period adjustment. Absent a change in
the Plan  terms,  the Plan  would  measure  two-year performance  based  on  the
assumption  that Fleetwood's capital remained  constant during the period, which
will not  be the  case  given the  material impact  of  the self-tender  on  the
Company's  capital position. This  could have the  effect of adversely affecting
Plan participants in situations where actions are taken that enhance shareholder
value through changes in Fleetwood's capital structure. To correct this problem,
on April 17,  1996, Fleetwood's Board  of Directors approved  amendments to  the
Plan,  subject  to shareholder  approval.  A copy  of  the Plan,  containing the
amendments, is included as Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement.
    The significant amendments to  the Plan, which are  contained in Exhibit  B,
are as follows:
    1.  SECTION 2.3.  CASH-FLOW RETURN.  The amendments tighten the authority of
the  Committee to make  mid-period adjustments of  cash-flow returns by limiting
additions or exclusions  to items relating  to the  disposal of a  segment of  a
business  which is classified as an extraordinary  item or does not constitute a
core business  of  the  Company,  or is  classified  as  unusual  or  infrequent
including items relating to changes in Fleetwood's capital structure approved by
the Board of Directors.
    2.   SECTION  2.5.  CHANGE  OF CONTROL.   The amendments make  it clear that
changes in share ownership  resulting from a repurchase  of shares by  Fleetwood
such  as  the recently  completed  self-tender will  not  trigger the  change in
control provisions which would accelerate the payment of benefits.
    3.   SECTION  2.12.   GROSS  CASH  INVESTMENT.   As  discussed  above,  this
provision  has been amended to give the  Committee the authority to adjust gross
cash investment  with  respect  to  a material  change  in  Fleetwood's  capital
structure resulting from a transaction approved by the Board of Directors.
the Plan is determined from time to time by Fleetwood's Compensation  Committee.
Accordingly,  future participation by  executive officers and  other managers is
not determinable at this time.
DIRECTORS.   The affirmative  vote of shareholders  representing the majority of
the outstanding  shares is  required to  approve the  amendments to  Fleetwood's
Long-Term Incentive Plan. Your Board of Directors believes that these amendments
are  in the best  interests of Fleetwood  and its shareholders  and recommends a
vote FOR the  amendments. All proxies  will be voted  to approve the  amendments
unless a contrary vote is indicated on the enclosed proxy card.
    The  firm of  Arthur Andersen  & Co.  has served  as Fleetwood's independent
public accounts since 1955.  Such firm has  again been selected  to act in  such
capacity  for the current fiscal year. A representative of Arthur Andersen & Co.
will be present at the Annual Meeting, at which time he or she will be given  an
opportunity  to  make a  statement, if  desired, and  to respond  to appropriate
shareholder questions.
                                 ANNUAL REPORTS
    Fleetwood's Annual  Report  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  April  28,  1996,
including  audited financial statements,  is being mailed  to shareholders along
with the proxy materials. In addition, Fleetwood files an Annual Report on  Form
10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission. SHAREHOLDERS MAY OBTAIN A COPY

    At the time of the preparation of this Proxy Statement, Fleetwood's Board of
Directors had not been  informed of any other  matters which would be  presented
for  action at the Annual Meeting. If  any other matters are properly presented,
the persons named in the  accompanying form of proxy  will vote or refrain  from
voting in accordance with their best judgment.
    Fleetwood's  Bylaws require that, for other  business to be properly brought
before an annual  meeting by  a shareholder,  the Secretary  must have  received
written  notice thereof  not less  than 60 nor  more than  90 days  prior to the
annual meeting (or not later than 10 days after public disclosure of the  annual
meeting  if such disclosure occurs  less than 70 days prior  to the date of such
annual meeting).  The Notice  must set  forth  (a) a  brief description  of  the
business  proposed to be brought  before the annual meeting  and the reasons for
conducting such business, (b) the shareholder's name and address, and the number
of shares of  Common Stock  represented, and (c)  any material  interest of  the
shareholder in such business.
    Fleetwood's  Bylaws  also require  that the  Secretary must  receive written
notice of all persons to be nominated as a director at an annual meeting,  other
than  nominations made at the direction of the Board of Directors, not less than
60 nor more than 90 days prior to the annual meeting at which the election  will
take place (or not later than 10 days after public disclosure of such meeting if
such disclosure occurs less than 70 days prior to the date of such meeting). The
notice  must set forth (a) the shareholder's name and address, and the number of
shares of Common  Stock represented, (b)  such information with  respect to  the
nominee  as would have to be included in the Proxy Statement if such person were
a nominee included in  that Statement, and  (c) a consent  to serve as  director
signed by such nominee.
                           1997 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS
    Shareholder  proposals intended to  be presented at  the 1997 Annual Meeting
must be received by March 25, 1997 if they are to be considered for inclusion in
the Proxy Statement. Such proposals should be addressed to the Secretary.
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors
                                          William H. Lear
Dated: July 23, 1996

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
    Fleetwood  Enterprises, Inc. ("Fleetwood") has adopted this 1992 Stock-Based
Incentive Compensation Plan (the "Plan")  to advance the interests of  Fleetwood
and  its  stockholders by  affording to  key management  and other  Employees of
Fleetwood  and  its  subsidiaries  an  opportunity  to  acquire  or  increase  a
proprietary  interest in Fleetwood  or to otherwise benefit  from the success of
the Company through the  grant to such Employees  of Incentive Awards under  the
terms  and conditions  set forth herein.  By thus encouraging  such Employees to
become owners  of  Fleetwood's  shares  and by  granting  such  Employees  other
incentive  compensation  that  is  measured by  the  increased  market  value of
Fleetwood's  shares  or   another  appropriate  measure   of  the  success   and
profitability  of the Company, the Company seeks to attract, retain and motivate
those highly competent individuals  upon whose judgment, initiative,  leadership
and continued efforts the success of the Company in large measure depends.
    As used herein the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
    (a) "Board" means the Board of Directors of Fleetwood.
    (b)  "Cause" means,  with respect  to the  discharge by  the Company  of any
Participant, any conduct on the part of the Participant that constitutes (i) the
willful and continued failure to substantially perform Participant's  employment
duties (other than due to physical or mental illness), (ii) the willful engaging
by  Participant in misconduct which is or reasonably could be expected to become
materially injurious to the  Company, monetarily or otherwise,  (iii) an act  or
acts  of dishonesty on the  part of the Participant  constituting a felony under
applicable law,  or  (iv)  a  willful and  material  breach  of  any  employment
agreement, if any, between Participant and the Company.
    (c)  "Change in Control" means the following and shall be deemed to occur if
any of the following events occur:
        (i) Any "person," as such  term is used in  Sections 13(d) and 14(d)  of
    the  Exchange Act, is or becomes the  "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule
    13d-3 under  the Exchange  Act), directly  or indirectly,  of securities  of
    Fleetwood  representing  25%  or  more  of  the  combined  voting  power  of
    Fleetwood's then outstanding voting securities;
        (ii) Individuals who, as of the  date hereof, constitute the Board  (the
    "Incumbent  Board"), cease for any reason  to constitute at least a majority
    of the Board, provided that any person becoming a director subsequent to the
    date hereof  whose  election,  or nomination  for  election  by  Fleetwood's
    stockholders,  is approved by a vote of at least a majority of the directors
    then comprising the Incumbent Board (other than an election or nomination of
    an individual whose initial  assumption of office is  in connection with  an
    actual  or  threatened  election contest  relating  to the  election  of the
    directors of Fleetwood, as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of  Regulation
    14A  promulgated under  the Exchange  Act) shall,  for the  purposes of this
    Plan, be considered  as though such  person were a  member of the  Incumbent

       (iii) The stockholders of Fleetwood approve a merger or consolidated with
    any other corporation, other than
           (A)  a  merger  or consolidation  which  would result  in  the voting
       securities of Fleetwood outstanding immediately prior thereto  continuing
       to  represent (either by remaining outstanding or by being converted into
       voting securities of another entity) more than 50% of the combined voting
       power of  the  voting  securities  of  Fleetwood  or  such  other  entity
       outstanding immediately after such merger or consolidation, and
           (B)   a   merger   or   consolidation   effected   to   implement   a
       recapitalization of  the Company  (or similar  transaction) in  which  no
       person  acquires 50% or more of  the combined voting power of Fleetwood's
       then outstanding voting securities; or
        (iv)  The  stockholders  of  Fleetwood   approve  a  plan  of   complete
    liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or other disposition
    by the Company of all or substantially all of the Company's assets.
Notwithstanding  the preceding  provisions of this  Section 1.2(d),  a Change in
Control shall not be deemed  to have occurred (1)  if the "person" described  in
the  preceding provisions  of this Paragraph  is an  underwriter or underwriting
syndicate that has acquired the ownership of 50% or more of the combined  voting
power  of Fleetwood's  then outstanding  voting securities  solely in connection
with a public offering of Fleetwood's securities; (2) if the "person"  described
in  the preceding  provisions of this  Paragraph is an  employee stock ownership
plan or other employee benefit plan maintained by the Company that is  qualified
under  the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended; or  (3)  if  the  person  described in  clause  (i)  of  the  preceding
provisions of this Paragraph would not otherwise be a beneficial owner of 25% or
more  of  the  combined  voting power  of  Fleetwood's  then  outstanding voting
securities but for a  reduction in the number  of outstanding voting  securities
resulting  from a stock repurchase program or  other similar plan of the Company
or from a self tender offer of the Company, which plan or tender offer commenced
on or after  the date hereof,  provided, however, that  the term "person"  shall
include  such person from and  after the first date  upon which (A) such person,
since the date  of the commencement  of such  plan or tender  offer, shall  have
acquired  beneficial  ownership  of,  in  the  aggregate,  a  number  of  voting
securities of the Company equal  to 1% or more of  the voting securities of  the
Company  then outstanding and (B) such  person, together with all affiliates and
associates of  such  person, shall  beneficially  own  25% or  more  the  voting
securities of the Company then outstanding.
    (d)  "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended. Where the
context so requires, a reference to  a particular Code section shall also  refer
to any successor provision of the Code to such section.
    (e) "Committee" means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the
    (f)  "Common Stock" means the common stock of Fleetwood, par value $1.00 per
    (g) "Company" means Fleetwood and any present or future parent or subsidiary
corporations (as defined in Section  424 of the Code  of 1986, as amended)  with
respect  to  Fleetwood,  any  other  entity  designated  by  the  Board,  or any
successors to such corporations or entities.
    (h) "Employee" means any regular employee of the Company.
    (i) "Exchange Act" means  the Securities Exchange Act  of 1934, as  amended.
Where  the  context so  requires, a  reference  to a  particular section  of the
Exchange Act shall also refer to any successor provision to such section.
    (j) "Fair Market Value"  means the fair  market value of  a share of  Common
Stock as determined by the Committee on the basis of such factors as it may deem
    (k)  "Fleetwood" means Fleetwood Enterprises,  Inc., a Delaware corporation,
or any successor thereto.

    (l) "Incentive  Award" means  any Stock  Option, Stock  Appreciation  Right,
Stock Payment, Performance Award or other award granted or sold under the Plan.
    (m)  "Incentive Stock  Option" means an  incentive stock  option, as defined
under Section 422 of the Code and the regulations thereunder.
    (n) "Nonqualified Stock Option" means a stock option other than an Incentive
Stock Option. An Option that otherwise meets the requirements under Code Section
422 for qualification as an incentive stock option shall nevertheless be treated
as a Nonqualified Stock  Option if the Committee  so specifies in the  Incentive
Award pursuant to which such Option is granted.
    (o)  "Option or "Stock  Option" means a  right to purchase  Common Stock and
refers to both Incentive Stock  Options and Nonqualified Stock Options,  subject
to an Incentive Award under this Plan and the provisions of Article III hereof.
    (p) "Participant" means any Employee selected by the Committee to receive an
Incentive Award pursuant to this Plan.
    (q)  "Payment Event" means the  event or events giving  rise to the right to
payment of a Performance Award.
    (r) "Performance Award" means an award,  payable in cash, Common Stock or  a
combination  thereof, which is the subject of an Incentive Award under this Plan
and the provisions of Article IV hereof.
    (s) "Performance-Based Compensation" means performance-based compensation as
described in Section 162(m) of the  Code and the regulations thereunder. If  the
amount of compensation an Employee will receive under any Incentive Award is not
based solely on an increase in the value of Common Stock after the date of grant
or   award,  the  Committee,   in  order  to  qualify   an  Incentive  Award  as
performance-based  compensation  under  Section  162(m)  of  the  Code  and  the
regulations   thereunder,   can  condition   the   grant,  award,   vesting,  or
exercisability of such an award on the attainment of a preestablished, objective
performance goal. For this purpose, a preestablished, objective performance goal
may include one or  more of the following  performance criteria: (i) cash  flow,
(ii)  earnings  per  share  (including  earnings  before  interest,  taxes,  and
amortization), (iii) return on equity, (iv) total stockholder return, (v) return
on capital, (vi) return  on assets or  net assets, (vii)  income or net  income,
(viii)  operating margin,  (ix) return on  operating revenue, and  (x) any other
similar performance  criteria  contemplated  by the  regulations  under  Section
    (t)  "Plan" means the Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. 1992 Stock-Based Incentive
Compensation Plan as set forth herein, as amended from time to time.
    (u) "Purchase Price"  means the  purchase price  (if any)  to be  paid by  a
Participant for Restricted Stock as determined by the Committee.
    (v)  "Restricted  Stock"  means Common  Stock  which  is the  subject  of an
Incentive Award under this Plan and the provisions of Article V hereof.
    (w) "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
    (x) "Stock Appreciation Right" or "Right" means a right granted pursuant  to
Article  V of the Plan to receive a number  of shares of Common Stock or, in the
discretion of the Committee, an  amount of cash or  a combination of shares  and
cash,  based on the increase  in the Fair Market Value  of the shares subject to
the right during such period as is specified by the Committee.
    (y) "Stock Payment" means a payment in shares of the Company's Common  Stock
to  replace all or any portion of the compensation (other than base salary) that
would otherwise become payable  to any Employee of  the Company, as provided  in
Article VI.
    (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 1.3(c) and Section 8.1 of the Plan,
the  aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued (or allocated
in the case of Stock Appreciation Rights which

have been exercised)  pursuant to  Incentive Awards  under this  Plan shall  not
exceed 4,900,000 shares, which amount gives effect to a two-for-one split of the
Common Stock effected in the fourth quarter of the Company's fiscal 1993 and the
addition of 2,000,000 post-split Shares effective April 17, 1996.
    (b) The Common Stock to be issued under this Plan will be made available, at
the  discretion  of  the Board  or  the  Committee, either  from  authorized but
unissued shares of Common Stock or from previously issued shares of Common Stock
reacquired by the Company, including shares purchased on the open market.
    (c) Shares of Common Stock subject to unexercised portions of any Option  or
Right  granted under  this Plan that  expires, terminates or  is canceled (other
than an Option or Right which expires because it was in tandem with an Option or
Right which was exercised), will again become available for the grant of further
Incentive Awards under this Plan.
    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of  this Plan, no Employee shall  be
granted  Incentive Awards  with respect  to more  than 100,000  shares of Common
Stock in any one  calendar year; provided, however,  that this limitation  shall
not  apply if it is  not required in order  for the compensation attributable to
Incentive Awards  hereunder to  qualify as  Performance-Based Compensation.  The
limitation  set forth in this  Section 1.3(d) shall be  subject to adjustment as
provided in Section 7.1, but only to the extent such adjustment would not affect
the status  of  compensation  attributable  to  Incentive  Awards  hereunder  as
Performance-Based Compensation.
    (a)  The Plan will be  administered by the Committee,  which will consist of
two or more members of the Board appointed by the Board who, during the one-year
period prior to service on the Committee and while serving on the Committee, are
not granted or awarded  equity securities of Fleetwood  pursuant to the Plan  or
any  other plan of the Company or any  of its affiliates, except as permitted by
Rule 16b-3(c)(2) promulgated  under the  Exchange Act (or  any other  comparable
provisions  at the time or times in  question). In addition, if Incentive Awards
are to be made to persons subject to Section 162(m) of the Code and such  awards
are  intended  to constitute  Performance-Based Compensation,  then each  of the
Committee's members shall also be an "outside director," as such term is defined
in the regulations under  Section 162(m) of  the Code. Notwithstanding  anything
contained  herein, no person  shall be disqualified  from being a  member of the
Committee merely because  such person is  entitled to receive  grants or  awards
pursuant  to  the Fleetwood  Enterprises, Inc.  1992 Nonemployee  Director Stock
    (b) The Committee  has and  may exercise such  powers and  authority of  the
Board  as may  be necessary or  appropriate for  the Committee to  carry out its
functions as  described  in  the  Plan.  The  Committee  has  authority  in  its
discretion  to select the eligible  Employees to whom, and  the time or times at
which, Incentive Awards shall be granted  or sold, the nature of each  Incentive
Award, the number of shares of Common Stock or the number of rights that make up
each  Incentive Award, the period for the  exercise of each Incentive Award, the
performance criteria (which need not be identical) utilized to measure the value
of Performance Awards  and such other  terms and conditions  applicable to  each
individual  Incentive Award as the Committee  shall determine. The Committee may
grant at  any time  new Incentive  Awards to  a Participant  who has  previously
received  Incentive  Awards  or  other grants  (including  other  stock options)
whether such prior Incentive Awards or such other grants are still  outstanding,
have  previously  been  exercised  in  whole or  in  part,  or  are  canceled in
connection with the issuance  of new Incentive  Awards; provided, however,  that
the Committee shall not have the authority to amend outstanding Incentive Awards
or  to cancel  outstanding Incentive  Awards and  grant new  Incentive Awards in
substitution thereof if  the purpose of  such action is  to reprice  outstanding
Incentive  Awards.  The  Committee  may  grant  Incentive  Awards  singly  or in
combination or in  tandem with other  Incentive Awards as  it determines in  its
discretion.  The purchase price or initial value and any and all other terms and
conditions of the Incentive Awards may  be established by the Committee  without
regard to existing Incentive Awards or other grants. Further, the Committee may,
with  the consent of a  Participant, amend in a  manner consistent with the Plan
the terms of any existing Incentive Award previously granted to such Participant
or acquire from  a Participant  for a  payment of  cash, Common  Stock or  other
consideration any existing Incentive Award.

    (c)  Subject to the  express provisions of  the Plan, the  Committee has the
authority to  interpret the  Plan,  to determine  the  terms and  conditions  of
Incentive Awards and to make all other determinations necessary or advisable for
the  administration of the Plan. The Committee has authority to prescribe, amend
and rescind rules  and regulations  relating to the  Plan. All  interpretations,
determinations  and  actions by  the Committee  shall  be final,  conclusive and
binding upon  all parties.  Any action  of  the Committee  with respect  to  the
administration  of the Plan shall be taken pursuant to a majority vote or by the
unanimous written consent of its members.
    (d) No member of the Board or the Committee will be liable for any action or
determination made in good faith by the  Board or the Committee with respect  to
the Plan or any transaction arising under the Plan.
    (a)  All Employees, as determined by  the Committee, are eligible to receive
Incentive Awards under the Plan. In no event may any member of the Board who  is
not an Employee be granted an Incentive Award under the Plan.
    (b)  At the time of the grant of each Incentive Award pursuant to this Plan,
the Committee shall  deliver, or cause  to be delivered,  to the Participant  to
whom the Incentive Award is granted a written statement evidencing the Incentive
Award  and setting forth  such terms and conditions  applicable to the Incentive
Award as the Committee may in its discretion determine consistent with the Plan.
    (a) In  the Committee's  discretion,  a Participant  may,  as set  forth  in
subparagraph (b) below, be entitled to receive, at no additional cost, an amount
for  each  share of  Common  Stock upon  which an  Incentive  Award is  based, a
"Dividend Equivalent"  equal  to the  cash  or  other consideration  paid  as  a
dividend  or  distribution (other  than a  dividend  or distribution  payable in
Common Stock) by the  Company with respect to  its outstanding shares of  Common
Stock,  provided that with respect to Options  and Rights granted in tandem, the
Dividend Equivalent will  be payable  with respect to  either the  Right or  the
Option, but not both. If awarded by the Committee, Dividend Equivalents shall be
paid,  with respect to  record dates during the  period on or  after the date an
Incentive Award is  granted to and  including the date  such Incentive Award  is
exercised  or terminated, or such other period as is determined by the Committee
and specified in the instrument that evidences the grant of the Incentive Award.
Such Dividend  Equivalents shall  be converted  to additional  shares of  Common
Stock or cash by such formula as may be determined by the Committee.
    (b)  The Committee,  in its  discretion, shall  determine from  time to time
whether any Participant shall be  entitled to Dividend Equivalents with  respect
to  any other  Incentive Award.  The Committee shall  not be  obligated to award
Dividend Equivalents,  and  may elect  to  grant Dividend  Equivalents  to  some
Participants and not to other Participants.
    (c) Dividend Equivalents shall be computed as of each record date for Common
Stock  dividends or  distributions in  such manner as  may be  determined by the
Committee and shall be  payable to Participants who  have been granted  Dividend
Equivalents  at  such time  or  times as  the  Committee in  its  discretion may
determine. Dividend Equivalents payable  to holders of  Incentive Awards may  be
deferred and paid at a later date as and to the extent provided in the Fleetwood
Enterprises,  Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan, as  amended or restated from time
to time.
    (a) The Committee  may grant Options  under the  Plan from time  to time  to
    (b)  The  purchase price  of  Common Stock  under  each Option  (the "Option
Exercise Price") will be determined by the Committee at the date such Option  is
granted.  The Option Exercise Price  may be equal to,  greater than or less than
Fair Market  Value on  the date  of grant  of the  Common Stock  subject to  the
Option;  provided, however, that (i) in no event shall the Option Exercise Price
be less than eighty-five

percent (85%) of Fair Market Value of the Company Stock subject to the Option on
the date of  grant nor less  than the par  value of the  shares of Common  Stock
subject  to the Option; and  (ii) that in the case  of an Incentive Stock Option
the Option Exercise Price shall  be not less than the  Fair Market Value on  the
date of grant of the Common Stock subject to such Option or such other amount as
is  necessary to enable such Option to be treated as an "incentive stock option"
within the meaning of Code Section 422.
    Options may be exercised as determined by the Committee, but, in the case of
an Incentive Stock Option, in no event after ten years from the date of grant of
such Option or such  other period as  is necessary to enable  such Option to  be
treated  as an "incentive stock option" within  the meaning of Code Section 422.
Options granted to persons who  are subject to the  provisions of Section 16  of
the  Exchange Act shall  not be exercisable  prior to the  expiration of six (6)
months from the date of the grant of such Option.
    At the time of the exercise of  an Option, the purchase price shall be  paid
in  full in cash  or other equivalent consideration  acceptable to the Committee
and consistent with  the Plan's  purpose and applicable  law, including  without
limitation,  Common  Stock  or  Restricted  Stock  or  other  contingent  awards
denominated in either stock  or cash. Any shares  of Company Stock assigned  and
delivered  to the Company  in payment or  partial payment of  the purchase price
will be valued at their  Fair Market Value on  the exercise date. No  fractional
shares  will be issued pursuant  to the exercise of an  Option nor will any cash
payment be made in lieu of fractional shares. In the case of an Incentive  Stock
Option,  only the Participant to  whom such Option is  granted may exercise such
Option during the lifetime of such Participant, provided, however, in the event,
that such Participant  becomes incompetent  to exercise such  Option, then  such
Participant's legal representative may exercise such Option on his behalf.
    The  aggregate  Fair Market  Value  (determined at  the  time the  Option is
granted) with respect to which Incentive  Stock Options are exercisable for  the
first  time by  any Employee  during any calendar  year (under  all stock option
plans of  the Company)  shall not  exceed $100,000  or such  other limit  as  is
prescribed  by the Code. Any Options granted as Incentive Stock Options pursuant
to the Plan in excess of such limitation shall be treated as Nonqualified  Stock
    (a)  Except as otherwise provided in a written agreement between the Company
and the  Participant,  in  the  event of  the  termination  of  a  Participant's
employment  with the  Company for  Cause, all  of the  Participant's unexercised
Options and/or Rights shall expire as of the date of such termination.
    (b) Except as otherwise provided in a written agreement between the  Company
and  the Participant, in the event  of a Participant's termination of employment
        (i) Any  reason  other than  for  Cause, death,  disability,  or  normal
    retirement  (as defined  in the Company's  retirement plan  which covers the
    Participant), the  Participant's  Options  and/or Rights  shall  expire  and
    become  unexercisable as of the earlier of  (A) the date such Options and/or
    Rights expire in accordance  with their terms or  (B) three calendar  months
    after the date of termination.
        (ii)  Death or disability,  subject to the  provisions of Section 3.5(c)
    below, the Participant  (or such Participant's  legal representative)  shall
    have  twelve  (12) months  after  the date  of  termination within  which to
    exercise Options and/or  Rights that  have become exercisable  on or  before
    such  date and that have  not expired on or  before such date, regardless of
    the date  upon  which such  Options  or  Rights would  otherwise  expire  in
    accordance with their terms.
       (iii)  Normal  retirement, subject  to the  provisions of  Section 3.5(c)
    below, the  Participant's  Options and/or  Rights  shall expire  and  become
    unexercisable  as of the earlier of (A) the date such Options and/ or Rights
    expire in accordance with their terms or (B) three (3) years after the  date
    of termination.

    (c)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary  in Sections 3.5(a) or 3.5(b),
above, the Committee  may in  its discretion  designate such  shorter or  longer
periods  to exercise Options and/or Rights following a Participant's termination
of employment; provided,  however, that  any shorter periods  determined by  the
Committee  shall  be  effective only  if  provided  for in  the  instrument that
evidences the grant to the Participant of such Options and/or Rights or if  such
shorter  period is agreed  to in writing by  the Participant. In  the case of an
Incentive Stock Option, notwithstanding anything  to the contrary herein, in  no
event  shall such Option be  exercisable after the expiration  of ten years from
the date such Option  is granted (or  such other period as  is provided in  Code
Section  422), nor  shall such Option  be the  subject of any  term or provision
which would disqualify such  Option from being an  incentive stock option  under
Code  Section  422. Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  herein, Options
and/or Rights  shall  be exercisable  by  a  Participant (or  his  successor  in
interest)  following such  Participant's termination  of employment  only to the
extent that installments thereof had become exercisable on or prior to the  date
of  such termination; provided, however, that  the Committee, in its discretion,
may elect to accelerate the vesting of all or any portion of any Options  and/or
Rights  that  had  not  become exercisable  on  or  prior to  the  date  of such
    The Committee  may authorize  the payment  of Performance  Awards under  the
Plan.  The Committee shall determine the performance criteria (which need not be
identical) to be utilized to calculate the value of the Performance Awards,  the
term  of such Performance  Awards, the Payment  Event, and the  form and time of
payment of  Performance  Awards.  The  specific terms  and  conditions  of  each
Performance Award shall be set forth in a written statement evidencing the grant
of such Performance Award.
    Upon  the occurrence of a Payment Event, payment of a Performance Award will
be made to the Participant in cash or  in shares of Common Stock valued at  Fair
Market  Value on the date of the Payment  Event or a combination of Common Stock
and cash, as the  Committee in its discretion  may determine. The Committee  may
impose  a limitation  on the  amount payable  upon the  occurrence of  a Payment
Event, which limitation shall be set  forth in the written statement  evidencing
the  grant of the Performance Award. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Plan, as to any Performance Awards not subject to the annual share limitation of
Section 1.3(d), no  Employee shall be  granted Performance Awards  of more  than
$500,000 in any one calendar year; provided, however, that this limitation shall
not  apply if it is  not required in order  for the compensation attributable to
Performance Award hereunder to qualify as Performance-Based Compensation.
    If any  Participant's employment  with  the Company  is terminated  for  any
reason, all of the Participant's rights under the Performance Award shall expire
and terminate unless otherwise determined by the Committee.
    The  Committee may grant to Employees  Stock Appreciation Rights, related or
unrelated to Options, at any time.
    (a) A Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection with an Option  granted
under  this Plan will entitle the holder of the related Option, upon exercise of
the Stock Appreciation Right, to surrender  such Option, or any portion  thereof
to the extent unexercised, with respect to the number of shares as to which such
Stock  Appreciation  Right is  exercised, and  to receive  payment of  an amount
computed  pursuant  to  Section  5.1(c).   Such  Option  will,  to  the   extent
surrendered, then cease to be exercisable.

    (b)  Subject  to  Section  5.1(g), a  Stock  Appreciation  Right  granted in
connection with an Option hereunder will  be exercisable at such time or  times,
and  only to the extent that, the related Option is exercisable, and will not be
transferable except to the extent that such related Option may be  transferable.
A  Stock Appreciation Right shall be canceled  to the extent a related Option is
    (c) Upon the exercise  of a Stock Appreciation  Right related to an  Option,
the  Holder  will be  entitled to  receive  payment of  an amount  determined by
multiplying: (i)  the difference  obtained by  subtracting the  Option  Exercise
Price  of a share of Common Stock specified  in the related Option from the Fair
Market Value of a share  of Common Stock on the  date of exercise of such  Stock
Appreciation  Right (or as  of such other date  or as of  the occurrence of such
event as may have been specified in  the instrument evidencing the grant of  the
Stock  Appreciation Right), by (ii) the number  of shares as to which such Stock
Appreciation Right is exercised.
    (d) The Committee may grant  Stock Appreciation Rights unrelated to  Options
to  Employees. Section 5.1(c) shall  be used to determine  the amount payable at
exercise under such Stock Appreciation Right, except that in lieu of the  Option
Exercise Price specified in the related Option the initial base amount specified
in  the Incentive Award shall be used; provided, however, that in no event shall
the initial  base amount  be less  than eighty-five  percent (85%)  of the  Fair
Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.
    (e)  Notwithstanding the  foregoing, the  Committee, in  its discretion, may
place a dollar limitation on  the maximum amount that  will be payable upon  the
exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right under the Plan.
    (f)  Payment of the amount determined under the foregoing provisions of this
Section 5.1 may be made solely in  whole shares of Common Stock valued at  their
Fair  Market Value on the  date of exercise of  the Stock Appreciation Right or,
alternatively, at  the  sole  discretion of  the  Committee,  in cash  or  in  a
combination of cash and shares of Common Stock as the Committee deems advisable.
The  Committee is hereby  vested with full  discretion to determine  the form in
which payment of a Stock  Appreciation Right will be made  and to consent to  or
disapprove  the election  of a  Participant to receive  cash in  full or partial
settlement of a Stock Appreciation Right. If the Committee decides to make  full
payment  in  shares  of  Common  Stock, and  the  amount  payable  results  in a
fractional share, payment for the fractional share will be made in cash.
    (g) The Committee may,  at the time a  Stock Appreciation Right is  granted,
impose such conditions on the exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right as may be
required  to satisfy the requirements  of Rule 16b-3 under  the Exchange Act (or
any other comparable provisions in effect at the time or times in question).
    Section 3.5 will govern the treatment of Stock Appreciation Rights upon  the
termination of a Participant's employment with the Company.
    The  Committee may approve  Stock Payments of the  Company's Common Stock to
any  Employee  of  the  Company  for  all  or  any  portion  of  the  Employee's
compensation  (other than base  salary). For purposes  of making Stock Payments,
the Common Stock shall be valued by the Committee; provided, however, that  such
value  shall not be less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the Fair Market Value
of the Common Stock on the date of payment.
    (a) Subject to Section 7.1(b) below, (i) if the outstanding shares of Common
Stock of Fleetwood are increased, decreased or exchanged for a different  number
or  kind of shares or other securities  of Fleetwood, or if additional shares or
new or different  shares or  other securities  of Fleetwood  are distributed  in
respect of such shares of Common Stock (or any stock or securities received with
respect   to  such  Common  Stock),  through  reorganization,  recapitalization,
reclassification, stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split, spin-off  or
other  distribution with respect to such shares of Common Stock (or any stock or
securities received

with  respect to  such Common Stock),  or (ii)  if the value  of the outstanding
shares of Common  Stock of Fleetwood  is reduced by  reason of an  extraordinary
cash  dividend, an appropriate  and proportionate adjustment may  be made in (x)
the maximum number and kind  of shares provided in  Section 1.3, (y) the  number
and  kind of  shares or other  securities subject to  then outstanding Incentive
Awards, and (z) the price for each  share or other unit of any other  securities
subject to then outstanding Incentive Awards.
    (b) In addition to the adjustments permitted by Section 7.1(a) above, except
as  otherwise expressly  provided in  the statement  evidencing the  grant of an
Incentive Award, upon  the occurrence of  a Change in  Control of Fleetwood  any
outstanding  Incentive Awards not theretofore  exercisable, payable or free from
restrictions, as the case may be, shall immediately become exercisable,  payable
or free from restrictions (other than restrictions required by applicable law or
any national securities exchange upon which any securities of Fleetwood are then
listed),  as the case may  be, in their entirety and  any shares of Common Stock
acquired pursuant  to  an Incentive  Award  which  are not  fully  vested  shall
immediately  become fully vested, notwithstanding any of the other provisions of
the Plan.
    (c)  Upon  the   dissolution  or   liquidation  of  Fleetwood   or  upon   a
reorganization,   merger  or  consolidation  of   Fleetwood  with  one  or  more
corporations, as a result of which Fleetwood goes out of existence or becomes  a
subsidiary  of another corporation, or  upon a sale of  substantially all of the
property  of  Fleetwood  to  another  corporation  (in  each  of  such  cases  a
"Termination  Event"), this Plan shall terminate. Any Option theretofore granted
under the Plan  and not exercised  on or  prior to the  Termination Event  shall
expire  and terminate,  unless provision be  made in writing  in connection with
such Termination Event for the assumption of the Option or the substitution  for
such  Option  of  a  new  option covering  the  stock  of  a  successor employer
corporation, or  a  parent  or  subsidiary  thereof  or  of  the  Company,  with
appropriate  adjustments as to  number and kind  of shares and  prices, in which
event such Option shall continue in the manner and under the terms so provided.
    (d) Adjustments under this Section 7.1 will be made by the Committee,  whose
determination as to what adjustments will be made and the extent thereof will be
final,  binding and conclusive. No fractional interests will be issued under the
Plan resulting from any such adjustments.
    Incentive Awards,  any  interest  therein,  and the  right  to  receive  the
proceeds  thereof shall not be transferable by a Participant, other than by will
or the laws  of descent and  distribution. The  transfer by a  Participant to  a
trust  created by  the Participant  for the  benefit of  the Participant  or the
Participant's family  which  is  revocable  at any  and  all  times  during  the
Participant's lifetime by the Participant and as to which the Participant is the
sole  acting Trustee  during his  or her lifetime,  will not  be deemed  to be a
transfer for  purposes of  the Plan.  Under such  rules and  regulations as  the
Committee  may establish pursuant to the terms of the Plan, a beneficiary may be
designated with respect to  an Incentive Award  in the event of  the death of  a
Participant. If the estate of the Participant is the beneficiary with respect to
an  Incentive Award,  any rights  with respect  to such  Incentive Award  may be
transferred to the  person or  persons or  entity (including  a trust)  entitled
thereto  under the will of  such Participant or pursuant  to the laws of descent
and distribution.  The Committee  shall by  such rules  and regulations  as  are
established  from time to time  prescribe the manner in  which and the terms and
conditions of the transfer  of Incentive Awards  pursuant to qualified  domestic
relations orders.
    (a)  Nothing in  the Plan  or in  any statement  evidencing the  grant of an
Incentive Award pursuant to the Plan shall  be construed to create or imply  any
contract  of employment between any Participant  and the Company, to confer upon
any Participant any right to continue in the employ of the Company, or to confer
upon the Company any  right to require  any Participant's continued  employment.
Except  as expressly  provided in  the Plan or  in any  statement evidencing the
grant of an Incentive  Award pursuant to  the Plan, the  Company shall have  the
right  to deal with each Participant  in the same manner as  if the Plan and any
such statement evidencing the grant of  an Incentive Award pursuant to the  Plan
did  not  exist,  including, without  limitation,  with respect  to  all matters
related  to  the   hiring,  discharge,  compensation   and  conditions  of   the

employment  of  the  Participant.  Unless otherwise  expressly  set  forth  in a
separate employment  agreement between  the Company  and such  Participant,  the
Company  or the Participant may terminate the employment of any Participant with
the Company at any time for any reason, with or without cause.
    (b) Any question(s) as to whether and when there has been a termination of a
Participant's employment, the reason (if  any) for such termination, and/or  the
consequences thereof under the terms of the Plan or any statement evidencing the
grant  of an  Incentive Award pursuant  to the  Plan shall be  determined by the
Committee, and the Committee's determination thereof shall be final and binding.
    No shares of  Common Stock  will be issued  pursuant to  an Incentive  Award
unless  and  until  all applicable  requirements  imposed by  federal  and state
securities and other laws, rules and regulations and by any regulatory  agencies
having  jurisdiction and by any stock exchanges  upon which the Common Stock may
be listed have  been fully  met. As  a condition  precedent to  the issuance  of
shares  of Common Stock pursuant to an  Incentive Award, the Company may require
the Participant to take any reasonable action to comply with such requirements.
    The award of any benefit under this  Plan also may be subject to such  other
provisions  (whether  or  not  applicable  to the  benefit  award  to  any other
Participant)  as  the  Committee   determines  appropriate  including,   without
limitation,  provisions to assist  the Participant in  financing the purchase of
Common  Stock  through  the  exercise  of  Stock  Options,  provisions  for  the
forfeiture of or restrictions on resale or other disposition of shares of Common
Stock  acquired under  any form  of benefit,  provisions giving  the Company the
right to repurchase shares of Common Stock acquired under any form of benefit in
the event the Participant  elects to dispose of  such shares, and provisions  to
comply  with  federal  and state  securities  laws.  The Company  may  make such
provisions as it deems appropriate for  the withholding by the Company  pursuant
to federal or state income tax laws of such amounts as the Company determines it
is  required to withhold in connection with any Incentive Award. The Company may
require  a  Participant  to  satisfy   any  relevant  tax  requirements   before
authorizing  any issuance of Common Stock to  such Participant or payment of any
other benefit hereunder to such Participant.  Any such settlement shall be  made
in  the form of cash, a certified or  bank cashier's check or such other form of
consideration as is satisfactory to the Board.
    No Participant and no beneficiary or other person claiming under or  through
such  Participant will have any right, title or  interest in or to any shares of
Common Stock allocated or  reserved under the Plan  or subject to any  Incentive
Award,  except as to such shares of Common  Stock, if any, that have been issued
to such  Participant  in  accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the
applicable Incentive Award.
    (a)  The Board may alter, amend, suspend  or terminate the Plan at any time.
No such action of the Board, unless taken with the approval of the  stockholders
of  the Company, may increase  the maximum number of shares  that may be sold or
issued under the Plan or alter the class of Employees eligible to participate in
the Plan. With respect to any other amendments of the Plan, the Board may in its
discretion determine  that  such amendments  shall  only become  effective  upon
approval  by the stockholders of the Company,  if the Board determines that such
stockholder approval may be advisable, such  as for the purpose of obtaining  or
retaining any statutory or regulatory benefits under federal or state securities
law,  federal  or  state tax  law  or any  other  laws  or for  the  purposes of
satisfying applicable stock exchange listing requirements.
    (b) The  Committee  may,  with  the consent  of  a  Participant,  make  such
modifications  in the  terms and  conditions of an  Incentive Award  as it deems
advisable. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Committee  may,
with  the consent  of the Participant,  from time  to time adjust  or reduce the
purchase price of

Options held by such Participant by cancellation of such Options and granting of
Options to purchase  the same or  a lesser  number of shares  at lower  purchase
prices or by modification, extension or renewal of such Options.
    (c) Except as otherwise provided in this Plan or in the statement evidencing
the grant of the Incentive Award, no amendment, suspension or termination of the
Plan  will, without the consent of  the Participant, alter, terminate, impair or
adversely affect any right  or obligation under  any Incentive Award  previously
granted under the Plan.
    The  Plan is  intended to  constitute an  "unfunded" plan  for incentive and
deferred  compensation.  With  respect  to  any  payments  not  yet  made  to  a
Participant  by  the  Company,  nothing contained  herein  shall  give  any such
Participant any rights that are greater than those of a general creditor of  the
Company.  In its  sole discretion, the  Committee may authorize  the creation of
trusts or other arrangements to meet  the obligations created under the Plan  to
deliver  Common Stock or payments in lieu of or with respect to Incentive Awards
hereunder, provided,  however, that  unless the  Committee otherwise  determines
with  the consent of the  affected Participant, the existence  of such trusts or
other arrangements is consistent with the "unfunded" status of the Plan.
    The adoptive of the Plan shall not affect any other stock option,  incentive
or  other  compensation plans  in effect  for  the Company,  nor shall  the Plan
preclude the Company  from establishing any  other forms of  incentive or  other
compensation for Employees of the Company.
    The  Plan and  any agreement  with respect  to an  Incentive Award  shall be
binding upon the successors and assigns of the Company and upon each Participant
and   such    Participant's   heirs,    executors,   administrators,    personal
representatives, permitted assignees, and successors in interest.
    Whenever  used herein, nouns  in the singular shall  include the plural, and
the masculine pronoun  shall include  the feminine  gender, as  the context  may
    This  Plan  shall  be  governed by,  interpreted  under,  and  construed and
enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California.
    The Plan shall become effective on the later of (a) the date of its adoption
by the Board, (b) the date of its  approval by the holders of a majority of  the
outstanding shares of Common Stock. The Plan shall terminate at such time as the
Board,  in its  discretion, shall determine.  No Incentive Award  may be granted
under the Plan after  the date of such  termination, but such termination  shall
not affect any Incentive Award theretofore granted.

                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.
                            LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN
                  (AMENDED AND RESTATED AS OF APRIL 17, 1996)


                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
 1.  Purpose.........................................................................   B-1
 2.  Definitions.....................................................................   B-1
     2.1       Award Period..........................................................   B-1
     2.2       Board.................................................................   B-1
     2.3       Cash-Flow Return......................................................   B-1
     2.4       Cash-Flow Return on Gross Cash Investments............................   B-1
     2.5       Change of Control.....................................................   B-2
     2.6       Committee.............................................................   B-2
     2.7       Company...............................................................   B-2
     2.8       Company's Actual Performance Level....................................   B-2
     2.9       Direct Compensation...................................................   B-2
     2.10      Disability............................................................   B-3
     2.11      Fiscal Year...........................................................   B-3
     2.12      Gross Cash Investment.................................................   B-3
     2.13      Incentive Compensation................................................   B-3
     2.14      Interest Expense......................................................   B-3
     2.15      Maximum Incentive Compensation Award..................................   B-3
     2.16      Maximum Performance Level.............................................   B-3
     2.17      Minimum Achievement Award.............................................   B-3
     2.18      Minimum Performance Level.............................................   B-4
     2.19      Participant...........................................................   B-4
     2.19(a)   Benchmark Participant.................................................   B-4
     2.19(b)   Other Participants....................................................   B-4
     2.20      Participation Units...................................................   B-4
     2.21      Performance Objective.................................................   B-4
     2.22      Retirement............................................................   B-4
     2.23      Subsidiary............................................................   B-4
     2.24      Target Performance Award..............................................   B-4
 3.  Plan Administration.............................................................   B-4
     3.1       The Committee.........................................................   B-4
     3.2       Powers of the Committee...............................................   B-5
     3.3       Organization and Operation of Committee...............................   B-5
     3.4       Reliance on Reports...................................................   B-5
     3.5       Records and Reports...................................................   B-5
     3.6       Payment of Expenses...................................................   B-5
     3.7       Indemnification.......................................................   B-5
 4.  Eligibility and Participation...................................................   B-6
     4.1       Eligibility...........................................................   B-6
     4.2       Selection of Participants.............................................   B-6
     4.3       Duration of Participation.............................................   B-6
     4.4       Designation of the Benchmark Participant and Other Participants.......   B-6
 5.  Determination of Incentive Compensation.........................................   B-6
     5.1       Separate Determination for Each Award Period..........................   B-6
     5.2       Determination of Company Performance Goals............................   B-7
     5.3       Selection and Designation of Participants.............................   B-7
     5.4       Determination of the Benchmark Participant's Incentive Compensation
               Award Levels..........................................................   B-7
     5.5       Award of Participation Units to the Benchmark Participant and Other
               Participants..........................................................   B-7
     5.6       Communication of Objectives and Related Incentive Compensation
               Benefits..............................................................   B-7


                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
 6.  Amount of Incentive Compensation................................................   B-7
     6.1       Calculation of the Benchmark Participant's Incentive Compensation
               Award.................................................................   B-7
     6.2       Calculation of Incentive Compensation for Other Participants..........   B-8
     6.3       Amounts Payable to Deceased Disabled and Retired Participants.........   B-8
     6.4       No Incentive Compensation for Terminated Employees....................   B-9
     6.5       Limitation of Aggregate Amount of Incentive Compensation Payable in
               Any One Fiscal Year...................................................   B-9
 7.  Payment.........................................................................   B-9
     7.1       Form..................................................................   B-9
     7.2       Forfeiture of Certain Benefits........................................   B-9
     7.3       Death Prior to Full Payment...........................................   B-9
 8.  Waiver of Participation.........................................................  B-10
     8.1       Participation Voluntary...............................................  B-10
     8.2       Effect of Waiver......................................................  B-10
 9.  Beneficiary Designation.........................................................  B-10
     9.1       Designation...........................................................  B-10
     9.2       Changes...............................................................  B-10
10.  Dissolution or Merger...........................................................  B-10
     10.1      Dissolution or Change of Control of Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc........  B-10
     10.2      Recapitalization......................................................  B-10
11.  Claim to Incentive Compensation and Employee Rights.............................  B-12
12.  Unsecured Obligation............................................................  B-12
13.  Nontransferability..............................................................  B-12
14.  Tax Withholding.................................................................  B-12
15.  Relationship to Other Benefits..................................................  B-12
16.  Amendment and Termination.......................................................  B-12
17.  Incompetency....................................................................  B-12
18.  Effective Date of Amended and Restated Plan.....................................  B-13
19.  Notices.........................................................................  B-13


                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.
                            LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN
    The  purpose of the  Long-Term Incentive Plan  (the "Plan") is  to provide a
means of paying incentive compensation  to certain key management employees  who
contribute materially to the long-term success of Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. By
relating  the incentive rewards of certain  key executives to the achievement of
high cash-flow returns over successive two-year periods, the Company will be  in
a  position  to  provide  additional  motivation  and  to  reward  extraordinary
performance by  making those  employees most  responsible for  such  performance
participants  in the  Company's success.  Consistent increases  in the Company's
cash flow  add economic  value  to the  Company,  which benefits  the  Company's
shareholders.   In  addition,  by  providing  long-term  incentive  compensation
opportunities as well as the  Company's long-time short-term incentive  program,
the  Company expects not  only to attract  but also to  maintain, on a long-term
basis, a highly competent management team.
    The following terms shall have the respective meanings set forth below:
    2.1  AWARD PERIOD.
    "Award Period" shall mean a period of two consecutive Fiscal Years  selected
by  the Committee. No more  than one Award Period  shall begin during any single
Fiscal Year.
    2.2  BOARD.
    "Board" shall mean the  Board of Directors of  the Company (meaning in  this
case the parent company and not its subsidiaries).
    "Cash-Flow  Return" shall mean net income for a Fiscal Year after provisions
for  taxes  on  income,  as  shown  on  Fleetwood  Enterprises,  Inc.'s  audited
consolidated  financial  statements  as  at  the  end  of  a  Fiscal  Year, plus
provisions for depreciation and amortization  and Interest Expense (after  tax),
adjusted  to (i) exclude items of either a positive or negative nature resulting
from  the  disposal  of  a  segment  of  a  business,  classified  as  being  an
"extraordinary"   item,  or  classified  as  an  "unusual  or  infrequent"  item
(including any item  associated with a  change in the  capital structure of  the
Company  or  unusual  or  infrequent items  resulting  from  any  transaction or
restructuring approved by the Board), all as determined using principles similar
to generally  accepted accounting  principles, (ii)  exclude items  of either  a
positive  or  negative  nature  resulting from  the  acquisition,  operation, or
disposition of  a business  operation  that, based  upon  the type  of  business
conducted or its geographic location, does not constitute a core business of the
Company's  business  operations,  (iii)  include  any  amounts  which previously
reduced such Cash-Flow Return for such Fiscal Year as a result of the payment or
accrual of benefits to Participants under this Plan and (iv) exclude the  effect
of  any acquisitions  during the  Award Period  accounted for  as a  "pooling of
interests" by restating the  financial statements to  indicate the effect  which
would  have resulted if such acquisitions had been accounted for as "purchases".
Each of  the  adjustments referred  to  in (i),  (ii),  (iii) and  (iv)  of  the
preceding sentence shall be made net of "tax effect", if any.
    "Cash-Flow  Return on Gross Cash Investment"  for an Award Period shall mean
the average  annual amount  of Cash-Flow  Return for  the two  (2) fiscal  years
included  in the Award Period divided by the Gross Cash Investment at the end of
the Fiscal Year immediately prior to the Award Period. By multiplying the amount
determined under the preceding sentence by  100, Cash-Flow Return on Gross  Cash
Investment  may  be  expressed as  a  percentage.  If this  Plan  calls  for the
computation of Cash-Flow Return on Gross  Cash Investment for a period which  is
less  than a  full Award  Period, the  Cash-Flow Return  shall be  the aggregate

amount, averaged on an annualized basis, earned between the commencement of  the
Award  Period and the date  of the unaudited interim  financial statements as of
the end of the fiscal month immediately preceding the end of the period and  the
Gross  Cash Investment  shall be  the Gross  Cash Investment  at the  end of the
Fiscal Year immediately prior to the Award Period.
    "Change of Control" shall mean circumstances under which (i) a third  person
including  a "Group" as  defined in Section 13(d)(3)  of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, who is  not an "Exempt Person" as  defined in the last sentence  of
this  subsection,  acquires  capital  stock of  the  Company  having twenty-five
percent (25%) or more  of the total number  of votes that may  be voted for  the
election  of directors of the Company, or (ii) as a result of any cash tender or
exchange offer, merger or other business combination, or any combination of  any
of  the foregoing transactions (a "Transaction"), the persons who were directors
of the Company before  the Transaction shall cease  to constitute a majority  of
the  board of  directors of the  Company, or  any successor to  the Company. For
purposes of this Section 2.5,  an "Exempt Person" means (i)  a person who as  of
January 1, 1989, owned ten percent (10%) or more of the outstanding common stock
of  the Company or a  person who acquires shares of  such common stock from such
person by will or by the laws of  descent or distribution; or (ii) a person  who
would  not otherwise be a beneficial owner  of twenty-five percent (25%) or more
of the combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding voting securities
but for a  reduction in the  number of outstanding  voting securities  resulting
from  a stock repurchase program or other similar  plan of the Company or from a
self tender offer of  the Company, which  plan or tender  offer commenced on  or
after  the date hereof, provided, however,  that the term "person" shall include
such person from and after the first date upon which (A) such person, since  the
date  of the  commencement of  such plan  or tender  offer, shall  have acquired
beneficial ownership of, in the aggregate, a number of voting securities of  the
Company  equal  to 1%  or  more of  the voting  securities  of the  Company then
outstanding and (B) such person, together with all affiliates and associates  of
such  person, shall beneficially  own 25% or  more the voting  securities of the
Company then outstanding.
    2.6  COMMITTEE.
    "Committee" shall mean a committee appointed by the Board from among its own
members. The Committee shall consist of not less than two members. No member  of
the Committee may, while serving on the Committee, also be a Participant in this
Plan.  In  addition,  if  the  Incentive Compensation  is  to  be  awarded  to a
Participant subject to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, then each of
the Committee members shall also be "outside directors," as such term is defined
in the regulations under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    2.7  COMPANY.
    "Company" shall mean Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
    "Company's Actual Performance  Level" means  the Cash-Flow  Return on  Gross
Cash  Investment for  an Award Period  actually achieved during  an Award Period
computed as of the end of the Award Period.
    "Direct Compensation"  shall mean  gross  salary and  bonus payments  to  an
employee  prior  to  reduction as  a  result  of state  and  federal  income tax
withholding, disability, social security and other charges, excluding,  however,
(i)  any payments under  this Plan (ii)  any and all  pension and profit sharing
contributions or benefits  and (iii) any  other indirect compensation.  "Average
Annual  Direct  Compensation" shall  mean the  average  amount of  annual Direct
Compensation paid to  the Benchmark Participant  during an Award  Period or,  if
applicable,  a  shortened Award  Period. For  the purpose  of this  Section 2.9,
salary and bonus payments  shall be deemed paid  and exclusions shall be  deemed
charged  as  of the  date  of accrual  of such  payments  and exclusions  by the
Company, notwithstanding that  actual payment may  be deferred to  a later  date
with  or  without the  employee's  consent. Specifically,  without  limiting the
provisions of the  preceding sentence, computations  as of the  end of a  fiscal
quarter  or other  period of time  shall be  accrued as of  the last  day of the

quarter or applicable period  of time, notwithstanding  that the computation  of
the  amount  may not  be completed  until  some time  thereafter or  that actual
payment may be deferred  by the election  of the employee  or otherwise to  some
future date.
    2.10  DISABILITY.
    "Disability"  shall mean the permanent inability of a Participant because of
injury  or  disease  to  engage  in   an  occupation  or  employment  which   is
substantially  similar to the occupation or  employment in which the Participant
was engaged prior to the time when  the injury or disease first began to  affect
the  Participant's occupation or employment with the Company. The existence of a
Disability and the time when a  Disability commences shall be determined by  the
Committee based upon such medical or other evidence as the Committee in its sole
discretion  may find advisable.  The decisions of the  Committee with respect to
the existence of a Disability or the  time when a Disability commenced shall  be
final  and  binding on  all persons  including  without limitation  the Disabled
Participant and his other successors or representatives.
    2.11  FISCAL YEAR.
    "Fiscal Year"  shall mean  the fiscal  year of  Fleetwood Enterprises,  Inc.
adopted for accounting and reporting purposes.
    "Gross  Cash  Investment"  shall  mean total  book  assets  plus accumulated
depreciation minus non-debt liabilities as shown and as classified on  Fleetwood
Enterprises,   Inc.'s  audited  consolidated   financial  statements;  provided,
however, such financial statements  shall be restated to  exclude the effect  of
any  acquisitions  during  the  Award  Period accounted  for  on  a  "pooling of
interests" basis and to include the effect  of such acquisitions as if they  had
been  accounted  for as  "purchases" and  shall  be equitably  and appropriately
adjusted to take into  account any material change  in the capital structure  of
the  Company resulting from  any transaction or  restructuring event approved by
the Board.
    "Incentive  Compensation"  shall  mean  the  dollar  amount  awarded  to   a
Participant with respect to an Award Period under the terms of Section 6 of this
Plan.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this  Plan  to  the  contrary
(including Sections 6.3  and 6.5),  no Participant  shall be  awarded more  than
$1,000,000  of Incentive  Compensation (as  determined under  Section 6  of this
Plan) for any Award Period.
    "Interest Expense" means the interest  cost on Company debt obligations  and
does  not  include interest  on  non-debt liabilities  (i.e.,  accounts payable,
employee compensation  and  benefits accruals,  income  tax payables  and  other
    "Maximum  Incentive Compensation Award" shall mean the percentage of Average
Annual Direct  Compensation  during  an  Award Period  which  will  be  paid  as
Incentive  Compensation  to the  Benchmark  Participant, assuming  the Company's
Actual Performance Level equals or exceeds the Maximum Performance Level.
    "Maximum Performance  Level"  means  the  Cash-Flow  Return  on  Gross  Cash
Investment  which if equaled or  exceeded as of the end  of an Award Period will
cause the Benchmark Participant at the end of the Award Period to be entitled to
Incentive Compensation in an amount equal to his Maximum Incentive  Compensation
Award  multiplied by  his Average  Annual Direct  Compensation during  the Award
    "Minimum Achievement  Award" shall  mean the  percentage of  Average  Annual
Direct  Compensation  during an  Award Period  which will  be paid  as Incentive
Compensation  to  the  Benchmark  Participant  assuming  the  Company's   Actual
Performance Level equals the Minimum Performance Level.

    "Minimum Performance Level" means the minimum Cash-Flow Return on Gross Cash
Investment   to  be  achieved  during  an  Award  Period  before  any  Incentive
Compensation shall be  payable to  Participants. This  return must  be at  least
equal  to the  Company's cost of  capital as  computed at the  beginning of each
Award Period.
    2.19  PARTICIPANT.
    "Participant" means a full-time employee of  the company who is eligible  to
become a Participant, who is selected as a Participant and who continues to be a
Participant under the provisions of Section 4 of this Plan. An employee shall be
deemed  a "full  -time" employee of  the Company if  he or she  is so classified
under the Company's  usual and  customary employment  practices prevailing  from
time  to  time during  the  period that  such person  has  been designated  as a
Participant. Participants shall be designated by the Committee as the  Benchmark
Participant and the Other Participants, respectively.
    "Benchmark Participant" means the Participant so designated by the Committee
whose  Incentive Compensation shall  be determined at the  end of the applicable
Award Period by calculation in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.1  of
this  Plan and whose Incentive Compensation Award shall be utilized as the base,
or benchmark,  in calculating  the Incentive  Compensation Awards  of the  Other
    "Other Participants" means Participants other than the Benchmark Participant
whose Incentive Compensation Award Period shall be calculated in accordance with
the provisions of Section 6.2 of the Plan.
    "Participation  Units" are units of  measurement utilized in determining the
Incentive Compensation Awards of Other Participants as compared to the Award  of
the Benchmark Participant. Participation Units shall be awarded to the Benchmark
Participant  and the  Other Participants in  accordance with Section  5.5 of the
    "Performance Objective" means the Cash-Flow Return on Gross Cash  Investment
which, if achieved as of the end of an Award Period, will cause a Participant to
be entitled to Incentive Compensation at the end of the Award Period.
    2.22  RETIREMENT.
    "Retirement"  means the voluntary termination  of a Participant's employment
for reasons other than death or Disability, occurring at or after the time  when
such Participant has attained the age of fifty-five.
    2.23  SUBSIDIARY.
    "Subsidiary"  shall mean  a corporation fifty  percent (50%) or  more of the
outstanding voting  stock of  which is  owned, directly  or indirectly,  by  the
Company or by a Subsidiary of the Company.
    "Target  Performance  Award" shall  mean  the percentage  of  Average Annual
Direct Compensation  during an  Award Period  which will  be paid  as  Incentive
Compensation  to the Benchmark  Participant, assuming that  the Company's Actual
Performance Level equals the Performance Objective.
    The Committee shall administer the Plan in accordance with its terms.

    The Committee shall have full  power and authority to establish  performance
criteria  under  the  Plan,  determine  the  eligibility  of  persons  to become
Participants, to select Participants, to designate Participants as the Benchmark
Participant and Other Participants, to make awards to Participants, to terminate
the designation of a Participant or to reduce the number of Participation  Units
awarded  to Participants and to adopt and revise such rules and procedures as it
shall deem necessary  for the administration  of the Plan.  The decision of  the
Committee  with respect to any question arising as to the individuals determined
to be eligible or selected to participate  in the Plan, the amount, terms,  form
and time of payment of Incentive Compensation and the interpretation of the Plan
shall be final, conclusive and binding on all persons.
    The  Committee shall act by a majority of its members at the time in office,
and such action  may be taken  by a vote  at a meeting,  including a meeting  at
which  conference telephone or  similar equipment is utilized  by means of which
all persons participating in  the meeting can hear  each other, or by  unanimous
written  consent without a meeting. The Committee  may authorize any one or more
of its members or any specifically designated officer of the company to  execute
any  document or documents on behalf of the Committee. The Committee may appoint
such accountants, counsel, specialists, and other persons as it deems  necessary
or desirable in connection with the administration of this Plan.
    Each  member of the  Committee and each  member of the  Board shall be fully
justified in relying or acting in good faith upon any opinion or report made  by
the  independent public accountants of the  Company and upon any other opinions,
reports or information furnished in connection with the Plan by any  accountant,
counsel,  or  other specialist  (including  financial officers  of  the company,
whether or not such  persons may be  Participants under the  Plan). In no  event
shall  any person who is or shall have been  a member of the Committee or of the
Board be liable for any determination made or other action taken or any omission
to act in  reliance upon  any such  opinion, report  or information  or for  any
action,  including the furnishing of information, taken or failure to act, if in
good faith.
    The Committee shall keep a record of all its proceeding and acts, and  shall
keep  all such books of account, records and  other data as may be necessary for
proper administration of the Plan.
    Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the members of the committee shall
serve without  compensation  for services  as  such,  but all  expenses  of  the
Committee shall be paid by the Company. Such expenses shall include any expenses
incident  to the  functioning of the  Committee, including, but  not limited to,
fees of  accountants,  counsel,  and  other  specialists,  and  other  costs  of
administering the Plan.
    Each  person who is or shall  have been a member of  the Committee or of the
Board shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Company against and from any
loss, cost,  liability,  or expense  that  may  be imposed  upon  or  reasonably
incurred by him in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit, or
proceeding  to which he may be a party or  in which he may be involved by reason
of any action taken or  failure to act under the  Plan and against and from  any
and  all amounts paid by him in settlement thereof, with the Company's approval,
or paid  by  him in  satisfaction  of judgment  in  any such  action,  suit,  or
proceeding  against him, provided  he shall give the  Company an opportunity, at
its own expense, to handle  and defend the same  before he undertakes to  handle
and  defend it on his own behalf.  The foregoing rights of indemnification shall
not be exclusive of any other rights of indemnification or exculpation to  which
such persons may be entitled under the Company's Certificate of Incorporation or
bylaws, as a matter of law, or otherwise, or any power that the Company may have
to indemnify them or hold them harmless.

    Only the following persons who make, influence or implement long-term policy
decisions  of the  Company shall be  eligible to become  Participants under this
Plan: (i) full-time  key executive  employees of the  Company who  are not  also
directors  of the Company and  (ii) directors of the  Company who are also full-
time officers of the Company, provided, however, no more than a minority of  the
directors  of the Company in  office at the time  that Participants are selected
for an Award Period may become Participants with respect to such Award Period.
    Participants shall be selected by the Committee from among those persons who
become eligible  under  Section 4.1,  but  the  Committee need  not  select  all
eligible  persons as Participants. Participants shall be separately selected for
each Award Period, and the selection of a person as a Participant for one  Award
Period  shall not mean that such person  will be selected for participation with
respect to any  subsequent Award Period.  No person shall  become a  participant
with  respect to any Award Period under the Plan unless an until such person (i)
has been  selected as  a Participant  by  the committee  and (ii)  has  received
written  notice  of selection  as a  Participant  from the  committee or  a duly
authorized representative of the Committee.
    A person shall become a Participant upon selection as a Participant pursuant
to the preceding  provisions of this  Section 4. A  person shall cease  to be  a
Participant  with respect to any Award Period  upon the earlier of such person's
(i) death (ii) Disability (iii) Retirement (iv) termination of employment or (v)
receipt of the full  amount of Incentive Compensation,  if any, payable to  such
person  with  respect  to  the  Award Period.  In  addition,  the  Committee may
terminate  the  participation  of  a  Participant,  or  reduce  the  number   of
Participation  Units awarded to a Participant,  with respect to any Award Period
in the event that the management responsibilities of such person are reduced  to
the  extent  that such  person  would not  have  been considered  eligible under
Section 4.1, or would have been  awarded a lesser number of Participation  Units
by  the  Committee  under  Section  5.5,  if  such  person  had  such management
responsibilities prior to the commencement of such Award Period. In such  event,
a  Participant  whose  participation  is terminated  by  the  Committee  will be
entitled to receive Incentive Compensation for each such Award Period after  the
conclusion  of such  Award Period, on  a pro  rata basis calculated  in the same
manner as under  Section 6.3, and  a Participant whose  number of  Participation
Units  is reduced shall  be entitled to receive  Incentive Compensation for each
such Award Period after the conclusion of such Award Period on a pro rata  basis
calculated  by averaging the Participation Units  held by the Participant during
the Award Period  based on the  percentage of the  Award Period the  Participant
held  each respective number of Participation  Units; provided, however that the
provisions of  Section 6.3(iii)  shall  not apply  to  payment made  under  this
    Prior  to each  Award Period,  the Committee  shall designate  the Benchmark
Participant from among the  Participants and shall  further designate the  Other
    A  separate determination shall be made with respect to each Award Period as
to (i) the Minimum Performance Level  for the Award Period (ii) the  Performance
Objective for the Award Period (iii) the Maximum Performance Level for the Award
Period (iv) the persons who will be Participants during the Award Period and (v)
the   Participants  designated  as  the  Benchmark  Participant  and  the  Other
Participants, respectively.

    Prior  to  the  commencement  of  each  Award  Period,  the  Committee shall
establish the  Minimum  Performance Level,  the  Performance Objective  and  the
Maximum Performance Level for such Award Period.
    Prior  to the commencement of each  Award Period, the Committee shall select
the persons who will be Participants during the Award Period and shall designate
the Benchmark Participant and Other Participants. Such selection and designation
shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Plan.
    Prior to the commencement of each Award Period the Committee shall establish
for the Benchmark Participant:
        (i) the Benchmark Participant's Minimum Achievement Award, expressed  as
    a  percentage of  his Average  Annual Direct  Compensation during  the Award
        (ii) the Benchmark Participant's Target Performance Award, expressed  as
    a  percentage of  his Average  Annual Direct  Compensation during  the Award
    Period; and
       (iii) the Benchmark  Participant's Maximum  Incentive Compensation  Award
    expressed  as a percentage of his  Average Annual Direct Compensation during
    the Award Period.
    The Benchmark Participant's Target Performance Award shall not exceed 35% of
his Average Annual  Direct Compensation during  the Award Period  nor shall  his
Maximum  Incentive Compensation  Award exceed 50%  of his  Average Annual Direct
Compensation during the Award Period.
    Prior to the commencement of each Award Period, the Committee shall award to
the Benchmark  Participant  and each  Other  Participant a  specific  number  of
Participation Units determined by the Committee.
    Performance  goals and the  method of determining  Incentive Compensation in
relationship to the Performance goals shall be communicated to the  Participants
prior to the beginning of each Award Period.
    Subject  to  the provisions  of  Section 6.5  of  this Plan,  the  amount of
Incentive  Compensation  payable  for  each   Award  Period  to  the   Benchmark
Participant shall be as follows:
        If at the end of the Award Period the Company's actual performance level
    has  not equaled  or exceeded  the Minimum  Performance Level,  no Incentive
    Compensation shall be payable.
        If at the end of the Award Period the Company's actual performance level
    equals or exceeds the Minimum Performance Level but does not equal or exceed
    the Performance  Objective,  the  Benchmark  Participant  shall  receive  as
    Incentive   Compensation  a   percentage  of   his  Average   Annual  Direct
    Compensation during the Award Period  which is equal to  the sum of (a)  the
    Minimum  Achievement Award plus  (b) an additional  percentage determined by
    multiplying the  difference between  his Target  Performance Award  and  his
    Minimum  Achievement  Award by  a fraction,  the numerator  of which  is the
    difference between the  Company's actual performance  level and the  Minimum
    Performance Level and the denominator of which is the difference between the
    Performance Objective and the Minimum Performance Level.

        If at the end of the Award Period the Company's actual performance level
    equals the Performance Objective, the Benchmark Participant shall receive as
    Incentive  compensation a percent of  his Average Annual Direct Compensation
    during the Award Period which is equal to his Target Performance Award.
        If at the end of the Award Period the Company's actual performance level
    exceeds the Performance Objective but does  not equal or exceed the  Maximum
    Award   Level,  the   Benchmark  Participant  shall   receive  as  Incentive
    Compensation a percentage of his  Average Annual Direct Compensation  during
    the  Award Period which  is equal to  the sum of  (a) his Target Performance
    Award plus  (b)  an  additional percentage  determined  by  multiplying  the
    difference  between his Maximum Incentive  Compensation Award and his Target
    Performance Award by a  fraction, the numerator of  which is the  difference
    between the Company's actual performance level and the Performance Objective
    and  the  denominator  of  which  is  the  difference  between  the  Maximum
    Performance Level and the Performance Objective.
       (v)  MAXIMUM AMOUNT.
        If at the end of the Award Period the company's actual performance level
    equals or exceeds the Maximum  Performance Level, the Benchmark  Participant
    shall  receive as Incentive Compensation a  percentage of his Average Annual
    Direct Compensation during the Award Period  which is equal to this  Maximum
    Incentive Compensation Award.
    Subject  to  the  provisions of  Section  6.5  of the  Plan,  the  amount of
Incentive Compensation payable to the  Other Participants for each Award  Period
shall  be calculated by multiplying the amount of Incentive compensation paid to
the Benchmark Participant for such Award Period by a fraction, the numerator  of
which  is  the  number  of  Participation  Units  awarded  to  each  such  Other
Participant for such Award Period and the denominator of which is the number  of
Participation  Units awarded to the Benchmark Participant for such Award Period.
In the event of the death,  Disability, Retirement or termination of  employment
of  the Benchmark Participant during an Award Period, the Incentive Compensation
awarded to the Other  Participants will be determined  by applying the  fraction
described in the preceding paragraph to the Incentive Compensation the Benchmark
Participant   would  have  received  for  such   Award  Period  had  his  Direct
Compensation continued  throughout such  Award Period  at the  gross salary  and
bonus  payment  levels in  effect immediately  prior  to his  death, Disability,
Retirement or termination of employment.
    If a Participant's employment by the  Company is terminated during an  Award
Period by reason of death, Disability or Retirement, the Participant's Incentive
Compensation,  if any, for the Award Period  shall be determined pursuant to the
provisions of Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of this Plan, whichever is applicable, as  if
such  Participant had  remained a  Participant at the  end of  the Award Period;
provided, however, the following shall apply:
        (i) for  the purpose  of determining  the Company's  Actual  Performance
    Level, the Award Period shall commence as of the date originally established
    but  shall  end  as  of  the  end  of  the  Fiscal  Year  during  which  the
    Participant's death, Disability or  Retirement occurred. The achievement  of
    the  various Incentive Compensation  goals shall therefore  be determined on
    the basis of the Company's performance over a shorter period of time if  the
    Participant's   death,  Disability   or  Retirement  occurs   prior  to  the
    commencement of the second Fiscal Year of an Award Period.
        (ii) the  amount  of  Incentive Compensation,  if  any,  computed  under
    Section  6.1 or Section 6.2 of this  Plan, whichever is applicable, shall be
    reduced by multiplying such amount by a fraction, the numerator of which  is
    the  number  of  full fiscal  months  during  which the  Participant  was an
    employee of

    the Company during  the Award  Period and the  denominator of  which is  the
    number  of full fiscal months  contained in the full  two years of the Award
    Period during  which  the  Participant's  death,  Disability  or  Retirement
       (iii)  the limitation set forth in Section 6.5 shall not apply to amounts
    payable under this section 6.3 and,  with respect to the amounts payable  to
    Other  Participants  during such  Award Period,  amounts payable  under this
    Section 6.3 shall not be included in computing the limitation under  Section
    No  Incentive  Compensation shall  be  payable for  an  Award Period  if the
Participant's employment by the  Company is terminated  during the Award  Period
for  reasons  other  than  death,  Disability  or  Retirement,  provided  that a
Participant who is  granted a  Company-approved leave  of absence  shall not  be
deemed to have terminated employment by virtue of such leave of absence.
    Except  as  is provided  in Paragraph  (iii)  of Section  6.3 of  this Plan,
notwithstanding any other provision of this  Plan to the contrary, if the  total
Incentive compensation payable to all Participants for an Award Period (assuming
the payment of all amounts under Section 7.1 of this Plan) exceeds three percent
(3%) of the Company's aggregate Cash-Flow Return (as defined in Section 2.3) for
that  Award Period, the  Incentive Compensation payable  to each Participant for
that Award Period shall be reduced in the proportion that each such  Participant
shares  in the  total Incentive  compensation for  the Award  Period to  such an
extent that the total Incentive Compensation  payable for the Award Period  does
not  exceed three percent (3% ) of  the Company's aggregate Cash-Flow Return for
the Award Period.
    7.1  FORM.
    At the end of each Award Period, the Committee shall determine in accordance
with Section  6  of  this Plan  the  Incentive  Compensation, if  any,  for  the
Participant  on the  basis of  the extent  to which  the performance  goals were
achieved by the Company. Incentive Compensation awarded under the terms of  this
Plan  shall be paid in cash  as a lump sum as  soon as practicable after audited
financial statements are available for the  Award Period to which the  Incentive
Compensation pertains, unless deferred by the Participant in accordance with any
applicable  program  for  deferring  incentive  compensation  under  which  such
Participant has made a  valid election to  defer all or part  of such award.  In
such  latter case, the amount  deferred by such Participant  shall be handled in
accordance with the applicable provisions of such deferred compensation program.
    In the  event  that a  Participant  who  has amounts  payable  as  Incentive
compensation  under the  terms of this  Plan which  have not been  paid: (i) has
engaged in felonious or fraudulent activity resulting in harm to the Company, or
(ii) has  divulged  any  of  the Company's  confidential  information  or  trade
information or trade secrets to a competitor, the Committee may terminate all or
such  portion of the amount payable as incentive compensation to the Participant
as it deems appropriate.
    In  the  event  that  a   Participant  has  amounts  payable  as   Incentive
Compensation  under this Plan and dies prior to the payment of such amounts, the
amounts payable at  the time of  the Participant's  death shall be  paid to  the
Participant's   beneficiary  or,  if  no   beneficiary  was  designated  by  the
Participant, to the Participant's estate.

    Participation in this Plan is voluntary, and an employee otherwise  eligible
to  become  a Participant  or maintain  his  status as  a Participant  may waive
participation by filing a declaration to this effect with the Committee.
    In the event that a Participant waives participation in this Plan during  an
Award  Period, no Incentive Compensation may be paid to such Participant for the
Award Period during which the waiver of participation is effective.
    A Participant may  designate a  beneficiary or beneficiaries  who, upon  his
death,  are to receive the distributions that  otherwise would have been paid to
him. All designations shall be  in writing in form  accepted or approved by  the
Committee  and shall be  effective only if  and when delivered  to the Committee
during  the  lifetime  of  the  Participant.  If  a  Participant  designates   a
beneficiary  without providing in  the designation that  the beneficiary must be
living at  the time  of such  distribution, the  designation shall  vest in  the
beneficiary  all  of  the  distributions whether  payable  before  or  after the
beneficiary's death,  and any  distributions  remaining upon  the  beneficiary's
death shall be made to the beneficiary's estate.
    9.2  CHANGES.
    A  Participant  may  from  time  to  time  during  his  lifetime  change his
beneficiary or  beneficiaries  by  a  written instrument  in  form  accepted  or
approved  by  the  Committee  and  delivered to  the  Company.  In  the  event a
Participant does not designate a  beneficiary or beneficiaries as aforesaid,  or
if  for  any reason  such designation  does not  become effective,  amounts that
otherwise would have been paid to such Participant shall be paid to his estate.
    In the event that the Company is liquidated or dissolved, or in the event of
the occurrence of  a Change of  Control, this Plan  and every outstanding  Award
Period shall be terminated as of the date of such event. Incentive Compensation,
if  any, for  the outstanding  Award Period so  terminated shall  be computed by
assuming that all Participants  retired as of  the date of  such event and  were
entitled  to  the benefit,  if any,  computed  under Section  6.3 of  this Plan;
provided, however, for  the purposes  of subparagraph  (i) of  Section 6.3,  the
Fiscal  Year during which the assumed retirement occurs shall end on the date of
such event. In respect of amounts  deferred hereunder and any amounts which  may
then  or  thereafter  become payable  to  a  Participant or  to  a Participant's
beneficiary or successors  under Section 7  hereof plus any  Award made for  any
outstanding  Award Periods terminated under this Section 10.1, the Company shall
pay such amounts promptly in cash, without regard to any elections with  respect
to  deferrals or installments which the  Participant may have in effect. Payment
shall be made upon  the earlier to  occur of (i)  a liquidation, dissolution  or
Change  of Control with respect  to the Company or  (ii) a determination made by
the Board of Directors  of the Company  in the exercise  of its discretion  that
such  liquidation, dissolution or  Change of Control  is imminent. A Participant
shall be indemnified and held harmless for any costs incurred, including without
limitation attorney's fees, in the course of and in order to receive payments of
amounts to which he is entitled under  this Section 10.1 by reason of Change  of
    Notwithstanding   the  provisions  of  Section   10.1,  if  the  Company  is
recapitalized or  is  merged  in  a  transaction which  does  not  result  in  a
substantial change in the Company's operations, business, or in the ownership of
the  outstanding equity securities of Fleetwood  Enterprises, Inc.; the Board at
its sole option  may determine  that the provisions  of Section  10.1 shall  not

    No  employee  or other  person shall  have any  claim or  right to  become a
Participant under this Plan.  Neither this Plan nor  any action taken  hereunder
shall be construed as giving any employee any right to be retained in the employ
of  the Company, the employment contract between the Company or a Subsidiary, in
the event the employer  is a Subsidiary, being  the determination document  with
respect to the employment relationship.
    Participants  under this  Plan shall  not have any  interest in  any fund or
specific assets of the Company  by reason of this Plan.  No trust fund shall  be
created  in connection with the  Plan, and there shall  be no funding of amounts
which may become or are payable to any Participant.
    A person's rights and interests under this Plan, including amounts  payable,
may  not be assigned, pledged, transferred  or otherwise hypothecated except, in
the event of an employee's death,  to his designated beneficiary as provided  in
this  Plan, or  in the absence  of such  designation, to his  heirs, devisees or
legatees by will or the  laws of descent and  distribution. If a Participant  or
his  successor shall attempt to  assign, transfer or dispose  of any right under
this  Plan,  or  should  such  right  be  subjected  to  attachment,  execution,
garnishment,  sequestration or other legal, equitable or other process, it shall
ipso facto pass to such  one or more as may  be appointed by the Committee  from
among  the beneficiaries, if any, theretofore designated by such Participant and
the spouse and blood relatives of the Participant. However, the Committee in its
sole discretion may reappoint the Participant to receive any payment  thereafter
becoming  due either in whole or in  part. Any appointment made by the Committee
hereunder may be revoked by the Committee at any time, and a further appointment
made by it.
    The Company shall  have the  right to deduct  any Federal,  state, local  or
foreign taxes or other charges required by law to be withheld from payments made
to participants under the Plan.
    Payments under the Plan shall be considered as compensation for the purposes
of  determining benefits under the  Company's retirement or supplemental benefit
plans, but shall not be taken  into account in determining benefits under  other
benefit plans of the Company.
    Unless  this Plan shall theretofore have been terminated as herein provided,
no Award Periods may begin after May 1, 2004. The Board may terminate this  Plan
or may modify or amend this Plan in such respects as it shall deem advisable. No
termination  or amendment  of the  Plan under this  Section 16  shall reduce the
amount of the  benefit which  a person  who is a  Participant at  the time  such
termination  or amendment  occurs has  either already  become entitled  to under
Section 6 or  may become entitled  to as a  result of Award  Periods which  have
commenced  but  have not  theretofore  been concluded,  unless  such Participant
consents to such reduction; provided, however, nothing herein shall prevent  the
Company,  at its sole  option, upon amendment  or termination of  the Plan, from
prepaying all or any portion of Incentive Compensation amounts which are not yet
payable or which have been deferred under Section 7 of this Plan.
    Every person  receiving  or  claiming  benefits under  this  Plan  shall  be
conclusively  presumed  to be  mentally competent  until the  date on  which the
Committee receives a  written notice,  in a form  and manner  acceptable to  the
Committee,  that such person is incompetent  and that a guardian, conservator or
other person legally  vested with  the care of  his estate  has been  appointed;
provided,  however, that if the Committee shall determine in its sole discretion
that any person to whom  a benefit is payable under  the Plan is unable to  care
for  his affairs because of incompetency, any  payment due (unless a prior claim
therefor shall have been made by a duly appointed legal representative), may  be
paid to the spouse, a child, a parent, a

brother or sister, of said person, or to any person or institution deemed by the
Committee  to  have  incurred expenses  for  such person  otherwise  entitled to
payment. In the  event a guardian  or conservator  of the estate  of any  person
receiving  or claiming benefits under the Plan  shall be appointed by a court of
competent jurisdiction, payments shall be  made to such guardian or  conservator
provided  that  proper  proof  of appointment  and  continuing  qualification is
furnished in a form and manner acceptable to the Committee. Any payment made  in
accordance  with this  Section shall  be a  complete discharge  of any liability
therefor under the Plan.
    The Amended and Restated Plan is effective as of April 17, 1996, subject  to
shareholder  approval; for Award Periods beginning  prior to such date, the Plan
as existing  prior  to the  effect  of  the amendments  contained  herein  shall
continue in effect.
    Any  elections by a Participant and the designation of any beneficiary under
Section 9 shall  be made on  forms supplied  or approved by  the Committee.  Any
other  notice or other  communication required or  permitted by this  Plan to be
given or accepted by a Participant, a Participant's successors or beneficiaries,
the Committee, the Company or the Board, must be in writing and may be given  or
may be served by depositing the same in the United States mail, addressed to the
party  to be notified,  postage prepaid and registered  or certified with return
receipt requested or by delivering the same in person to such party. All notices
to a participant or to his or her successors or beneficiaries shall be delivered
to the last known address or addresses on file with the Company. Notices to  the
Committee  or to the Company and elections and beneficiary designations shall be
delivered to the following person and address:
    Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc.
    3125 Myers Street
    Riverside, California 92503-5527
    Attention: Treasurer
or to such other address and person as the Committee shall specify.


                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.


    The undersigned, revoking all prior proxies, hereby appoints John C. 
Crean and Glenn F. Kummer, or either of them, proxies with full power of 
substitution, to vote all shares of Common Stock of Fleetwood Enterprises, 
Inc. which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders to be held on Tuesday, September 10, 1996, and at any 
adjournment thereof, to elect Directors, to act on proposals to approve and 
adopt Fleetwood's Amended and Restated 1992 Stock-Based Incentive 
Compensation Plan and amendments to Fleetwood's Long-Term Incentive Plan, and 
to act in their discretion on all matters incident to the conduct of the 
meeting and upon all other business as may properly come before the meeting 
or any adjournment thereof.



/ X /  Please mark
       votes as in
       this example.

1.  Election of Directors                                  2.  Approval of Fleetwood's          FOR     AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                               Amended and Restated 1992       /   /     /   /      /   /
Nominees:  Dr. Douglas M. Lawson, Walter F. Beran and          Stock-Based Incentive Com-
           Andrew Crean                                        pensation Plan.

           FOR              WITHHELD                       3.  Approval of Amendments to
          /   /              /   /                             Fleetwood's Long-Term In-       /   /     /   /      /   /
                                                               centive Plan.

/   /
- --------------------------------------                                      MARK HERE                  MARK HERE
For all nominees except as noted above                                     FOR  ADDRESS  /   /        IF YOU PLAN  /   /
                                                                            CHANGE AND                 TO ATTEND
                                                                           NOTE AT LEFT               THE MEETING

                                                           Please sign exactly as name appears. Joint owners should each
                                                           sign. Trustees and others acting in a representative capacity
                                                           should indicate the capacity in which they sign.

                                                           Signature:                               Date
                                                                     -----------------------------       ---------------

                                                           Signature:                               Date
                                                                     -----------------------------       ---------------