AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               AGREEMENT AND PLAN
                            DATED AS OF MAY 29, 1996
                                  BY AND AMONG
                              PC MERGER SUB, INC.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................       5
THE MERGER................................................................................................       9
Section 2.1         The Merger............................................................................       9
Section 2.2         Effective Time........................................................................       9
Section 2.3         Effects of the Merger.................................................................       9
Section 2.4         Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws...............................................       9
Section 2.5         Company Directors and Officers........................................................      10
Section 2.6         Parent and Stock Split; Conversion of Company Stock in Merger.........................      10
Section 2.7         Dissenting Shares.....................................................................      10
Section 2.8         Exchange of Shares....................................................................      10
Section 2.9         Time and Place of Closing.............................................................      12
Section 2.10        Deliveries at the Closing.............................................................      12
Section 3.1         Charter Documents.....................................................................      12
Section 3.2         Directors and Officers of Parent Following the Effective Time.........................      13
Section 3.3         Rights Plan...........................................................................      13
Section 3.4         Parent Shareholder Arrangements.......................................................      13
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE COMPANY.............................................................      13
Section 4.1         Organization and Qualification........................................................      13
Section 4.2         Capitalization........................................................................      14
Section 4.3         Authority.............................................................................      15
Section 4.4         Consents and Approvals; No Violation..................................................      15
Section 4.5         SEC Reports and Financial Statements..................................................      15
Section 4.6         Absence of Certain Changes or Events..................................................      16
Section 4.7         Litigation............................................................................      16
Section 4.8         Information Supplied..................................................................      16
Section 4.9         Employee Benefit Plans; ERISA.........................................................      17
Section 4.10        Tax Matters...........................................................................      18
Section 4.11        Taxes.................................................................................      18
Section 4.12        Affiliate Agreements..................................................................      19
Section 4.13        Opinion of Financial Advisor..........................................................      19
Section 4.14        Brokers and Finders...................................................................      19
Section 4.15        Vote Required.........................................................................      19
Section 4.16        Medicare and Medicaid.................................................................      19
Section 4.17        Medicare Participation/Accreditation..................................................      20
Section 4.18        Medical Staff Matters.................................................................      20
Section 4.19        Takeover Statutes.....................................................................      20
Section 4.20        Compliance with Laws..................................................................      20


REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PARENT..................................................................      21

Section 5.1         Organization and Qualification........................................................      21
Section 5.2         Capitalization........................................................................      21
Section 5.3         Authority.............................................................................      22
Section 5.4         Consents and Approvals; No Violation..................................................      22
Section 5.5         SEC Reports and Financial Statements..................................................      22
Section 5.6         Absence of Certain Changes or Events..................................................      23
Section 5.7         Litigation............................................................................      23
Section 5.8         Information Supplied..................................................................      23
Section 5.9         Employee Benefit Plans; ERISA.........................................................      23
Section 5.10        Taxes.................................................................................      25
Section 5.11        Affiliate Agreements..................................................................      25
Section 5.12        Brokers and Finders...................................................................      25
Section 5.13        Vote Required.........................................................................      25
Section 5.14        Medicare and Medicaid.................................................................      25
Section 5.15        Medicare Participation/Accreditation..................................................      26
Section 5.16        Medical Staff Matters.................................................................      26
Section 5.17        Takeover Statutes.....................................................................      26
Section 5.18        Compliance with Laws..................................................................      26
COVENANTS RELATING TO CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.................................................................      27
Section 6.1         Conduct of Business of the Company Pending the Effective Time.........................      27
Section 6.2         Conduct of Business of Parent Pending the Effective Time..............................      28
ADDITIONAL COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS.......................................................................      29
Section 7.1         Company Takeover Proposals............................................................      29
Section 7.2         Parent Takeover Proposals.............................................................      30
Section 7.3         Access to Information.................................................................      30
Section 7.4         Form S-4 and Proxy Statement..........................................................      31
Section 7.5         Stockholder Approval; Recommendation..................................................      31
Section 7.6         Affiliates............................................................................      31
Section 7.7         Agreement to Cooperate; Further Assurances............................................      31
Section 7.8         Company Options, Rights and Warrants..................................................      32
Section 7.9         Parent Rights.........................................................................      32
Section 7.10        Public Statements.....................................................................      33
Section 7.11        Letter of Company's Accountants.......................................................      33
Section 7.12        Letter of Parent's Accountants........................................................      33
Section 7.13        Directors and Officers' Indemnification...............................................      33
Section 7.14        Stock Exchange Listing................................................................      34
Section 7.15        Execution of the Other Agreements.....................................................      34
Section 7.16        Tax Treatment.........................................................................      35
Section 7.17        Other Actions by the Company and/or Parent............................................      35
CONDITIONS................................................................................................      35
Section 8.1         Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect the Merger............................      35
Section 8.2         Conditions to Obligation of the Company to Effect the Merger..........................      36
Section 8.3         Conditions to Obligations of Parent to Effect the Merger..............................      36


TERMINATION, AMENDMENT AND WAIVER.........................................................................      37

Section 9.1         Termination...........................................................................      37
Section 9.2         Effect of Termination.................................................................      38
Section 9.3         Amendment.............................................................................      38
Section 9.4         Waiver................................................................................      38
Section 9.5         Procedure for Certain Terminations....................................................      38
Section 9.6         Fees and Expenses.....................................................................      38
GENERAL PROVISIONS........................................................................................      40
Section 10.1        Non-Survival of Representations, Warranties and Agreements............................      40
Section 10.2        Notices...............................................................................      40
Section 10.3        Interpretation........................................................................      41
Section 10.4        Miscellaneous.........................................................................      41
Section 10.5        Counterparts..........................................................................      41
Section 10.6        Parties in Interest...................................................................      41
Section 10.7        Severability..........................................................................      42
Section 10.8        Attorneys' Fees.......................................................................      42

- ------------------
Schedule 1.5        Terms of Company Investor Group Registration Rights Agreement
Schedule 1.11       Terms of Employment Agreements
Schedule 1.20       Independent Director Designees
Schedule 1.26       Terms of Services Agreement
Schedule 1.28       Terms of Parent Shareholder Registration Rights Agreement
Schedule 1.43       Terms of Voting Agreement
Schedule 2.4        Amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company

- ------------------
Exhibit A           Form of Shareholder Agreement
Exhibit B           Form of Non-Compete Agreement
Exhibit C           Form of Dividend and Note Agreement
Exhibit D           Form of Restated Articles of Incorporation of Parent
Exhibit E           Form of Bylaws of Parent



                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

1996 (the  "Agreement"),  by  and among  PARACELSUS  HEALTHCARE  CORPORATION,  a
California  corporation ("Parent"), CHAMPION  HEALTHCARE CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), and PC MERGER SUB, INC., a Delaware corporation and
a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent ("Merger Sub").
    WHEREAS, as of  April 12, 1996  Parent, the Company  and Merger Sub  entered
into  an Agreement and  Plan of Merger,  and Parent, the  Company and Merger Sub
desire to amend and restate in its entirety such Agreement and Plan of Merger;
    WHEREAS, the  board of  directors of  each  of Parent,  Merger Sub  and  the
Company  deem  it  advisable  and  in the  best  interests  of  their respective
stockholders that Merger Sub be merged with and into the Company (the  "Merger")
in  accordance with the  General Corporation Law  of the State  of Delaware (the
"DGCL") upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement; and
    WHEREAS, for Federal  income tax  purposes it  is intended  that the  Merger
qualify as a reorganization within the meaning of section 368(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and the regulations thereunder.
    NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration   of   the   foregoing,   the  mutual
representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth herein and other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as
                                   ARTICLE I
                              CERTAIN DEFINITIONS
    For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following
    Section  1.1 "Affiliate" shall mean, as to any person, any other person that
directly or  indirectly  controls,  or  is  under  common  control  with  or  is
controlled  by such person. For the  purpose of this definition, "control," when
used with respect to any  specified person, means the  power to direct or  cause
the  direction  of  the management  and  policies  of such  person,  directly or
indirectly, whether through the ownership  of voting securities, by contract  or
otherwise;  and  the terms  "controlling" and  "controlled" shall  have meanings
correlative to the foregoing.
    Section 1.2 "Agreement in Contemplation  of Merger" shall mean the  Champion
Healthcare  Corporation Agreement in Contemplation of  Merger, dated as of April
12, 1996, by and among the Company and the parties named therein.
    Section 1.3  "BA Partners"  shall mean  BA Partners,  financial advisors  to
    Section  1.4 "Company Common  Stock" shall mean the  common stock, par value
$.01 per share, of the Company.
    Section 1.5 "Company Investment Group Registration Rights Agreements"  shall
mean  the three Registration Rights Agreements to  be entered into by Parent and
certain stockholders of the Company at or prior to the Closing on  substantially
the terms set forth in Schedule 1.5 attached hereto.
    Section 1.6 "Company Preferred Stock" shall mean, collectively, the Series C
Preferred Stock and the Series D Preferred Stock.
    Section  1.7 "Company  Stock" shall  mean, collectively,  the Company Common
Stock and the Company Preferred Stock.
    Section  1.8  "Confidentiality  Agreement"  shall  mean,  collectively,  the
Confidentiality  Agreements, each dated  November 10, 1995,  by and among Parent
and the Company.


    Section 1.9 "Coopers &  Lybrand" shall mean Coopers  & Lybrand, L.L.P.,  the
Company's independent auditors.
    Section  1.9A "Dividend and Note Agreement" shall mean the Dividend and Note
Agreement to be  entered into between  Parent and the  Parent Shareholder at  or
prior to the Closing, in the form attached as Exhibit C hereto.
    Section  1.10  "DLJ"  shall  mean Donaldson,  Lufkin  &  Jenrette Securities
Corporation, financial advisor to the Company.
    Section 1.11 "Employment Agreements" shall mean the employment agreements to
be entered into  prior to  the time  the Form  S-4 becomes  effective under  the
Securities  Act between Parent  and each of  Mr. R.J. Messenger,  Mr. Charles R.
Miller, Mr. James  G. VanDevender,  Mr. Ronald R.  Patterson and  Mr. Robert  C.
Joyner,  in each  case substantially  on the  terms set  forth in  Schedule 1.11
attached hereto.
    Section 1.12 "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security  Act
of 1974, as amended.
    Section  1.13 "ERISA Affiliate,"  with respect to any  party, shall mean any
trade or business, whether  or not incorporated, that  together with such  party
would  be deemed a "single employer" within the meaning of Section 4001(b)(1) of
    Section 1.14  "Ernst  &  Young"  shall mean  Ernst  &  Young  LLP,  Parent's
independent auditors.
    Section  1.15 "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended.
    Section 1.16 "Form S-4" shall mean the Registration Statement on Form S-4 of
Parent to be filed with the SEC under the Securities Act in connection with  the
Merger  for the purpose of  registering the shares of  Parent Common Stock to be
issued in the Merger.
    Section 1.17 "GAAP" shall mean  generally accepted accounting principles  as
in effect from time to time in the United States of America.
    Section  1.18  "Governmental Entity"  shall  mean any  court, administrative
agency, commission or other governmental authority or instrumentality,  domestic
or foreign.
    Section   1.19  "HSR   Act"  shall  mean   the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.
    Section  1.20  "Independent  Designees"   shall  mean  the  persons   either
identified  on Schedule 1.20  hereto or designated in  accordance with the terms
thereof to  become directors  of  Parent no  later  than immediately  after  the
Effective Time.
    Section  1.21 "Material  Adverse Effect," with  respect to  any party, shall
mean a  material adverse  effect (or  any  development which  in the  future  is
reasonably  likely to have  a material adverse effect)  on the business, assets,
financial or other  condition or  results of operations  of such  party and  its
Subsidiaries,  taken  as  a  whole;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that  any  such effect
resulting  from  any  change  (i)  in  law,  rule  or  regulation  or  GAAP   or
interpretations  thereof that applies to both Parent  and the Company or (ii) in
economic or  business  conditions  generally  or in  the  health  care  industry
specifically  that similarly  affects both Parent  and the Company  shall not be
considered when determining if a Material Adverse Effect has occurred.
    Section 1.22 "Non-Compete Agreement" shall mean the non-compete agreement 
to be entered into between Parent and Dr. Krukemeyer at or prior to Closing 
in the form attached as Exhibit B hereto.
    Section 1.23 "Officers" shall mean  the senior executive officers of  Parent
at the Effective Time.
    Section  1.24 "Parent Bylaws" shall mean the  Bylaws to be adopted by Parent
at or prior to the Closing in the form attached as Exhibit D hereto.


    Section 1.25 "Parent Common  Stock" shall mean the  Common Stock, no  stated
value per share,
of Parent.
    Section  1.26 "Parent Shareholder" shall  mean Dr. Manfred George Krukemeyer
or a corporation wholly owned by Dr. Krukemeyer.
    Section 1.27 "Parent Shareholder  Registration Rights Agreement" shall  mean
the  Registration Rights Agreement to  be entered into by  Parent and the Parent
Shareholder at or prior to the Closing  substantially on the terms set forth  in
Schedule 1.28 attached hereto.
    Section 1.28 "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
    Section  1.29 "Proxy  Statement" shall  mean the  proxy statement/prospectus
included as part of the  Form S-4 and filed by  the Company pursuant to  Section
14(a)  of the  Exchange Act to  be distributed  to holders of  shares of Company
Stock in connection with the  meeting of such holders  to be held in  connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
    Section  1.30 "Registration Rights Agreements" shall mean, collectively, the
Parent Shareholder  Registration Rights  Agreement  and the  Company  Investment
Group Registration Rights Agreements.
    Section 1.31 "Restated Articles of Incorporation" shall mean the amended and
restated  articles of incorporation to  be adopted by Parent  at or prior to the
Closing in the form attached as Exhibit C hereto.
    Section 1.32  "Rights Plan"  shall mean  a  rights plan  to be  adopted  and
implemented  by Parent as promptly as  practicable following the Closing meeting
the requirements of Section 3.3 hereof.
    Section 1.33 "SEC" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    Section 1.34 "Securities  Act" shall  mean the  Securities Act  of 1933,  as
    Section  1.35 "Series C  Preferred Stock" shall mean  the Series C Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Company.
    Section 1.36 "Series D  Preferred Stock" shall mean  the Series D  Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Company.
    Section 1.37 "Services Agreement" shall  mean the Services  Agreement  to be
entered  into  between  Parent  and Dr. Krukemeyer at or  prior to the  Closing,
substantially  on the terms  set forth  in Schedule  1.26 attached hereto.
    Section 1.38 "Shareholder Agreement" shall mean the Shareholder Agreement to
be  entered into between  Parent and the  Parent Shareholder at  or prior to the
Closing, in the form attached as Exhibit A hereto.
    Section 1.39 "Significant Subsidiary"  shall have the  meaning set forth  in
Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X of the SEC.
    Section  1.40 "Subsidiary" shall have the meaning  set forth in Rule 1-02 of
Regulation S-X of the SEC.
    Section 1.41 "Takeover Proposal" with respect to a person means (i) any BONA
FIDE offer or proposal with  respect to a merger, reorganization,  consolidation
or  other similar business combination or any transaction involving the purchase
of all or any significant portion of the assets, or 30% or more of such person's
equity securities  (on a  fully diluted  basis), by  tender offer  or  otherwise
(collectively,  an "Acquisition"),  of such person  or any  of its Subsidiaries;
(ii) any direct  or indirect  Acquisition by  such person  involving either  the
issuance  by such  person or acquisition  by such person  of 30% or  more of the
outstanding equity  securities (on  a  fully diluted  basis)  of it  or  another
entity,  or the acquisition of another entity or a business for consideration in
an amount  valued  at 30%  or  more of  such  person's aggregate  equity  market
capitalization  (PROVIDED  that this  clause (ii)  shall  not apply  to hospital
acquisitions made by such person so  long as such hospital acquisitions are  not
part of a series of


transactions that would otherwise be a Takeover Proposal), or (iii) any issuance
of  equity securities  of such person  through which another  person becomes the
beneficial owner (other than through  underwriting arrangements) of 30% or  more
of  the outstanding equity securities  (on a fully diluted  basis), in each case
other than the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
    Section 1.42 "Third Party" shall mean any person or group that is deemed  to
be a "person" within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act, PROVIDED,
that  with respect to any person, "Third  Party" shall not include such person's
Affiliates or Associates.
    Section 1.43 "Voting Agreement"  shall mean the  Voting Agreement among  the
Parent  Shareholder, Mr. Charles  R. Miller and  Mr. James G.  VanDevender to be
entered into at or prior to the Closing substantially on the terms set forth  in
Schedule 1.43 attached hereto.

                              OTHER DEFINED TERMS

TERM                                                                                           SECTION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
Acquisition.................................................................................  1.41
Agreement...................................................................................  Recitals
AmeriHealth.................................................................................  4.2(a)
AMEX........................................................................................  7.14
Certificate.................................................................................  2.7(b)
Certificate of Merger.......................................................................  2.2
Cancelled Warrants..........................................................................  2.6(a)
Company.....................................................................................  Recitals
Company Acquiring Party.....................................................................  9.6(c)
Company ERISA Plans.........................................................................  4.9(a)
Company Expenses............................................................................  9.6(b)
Company Hospitals...........................................................................  4.17
Company Option Plans........................................................................  4.2(a)
Company Options and Rights..................................................................  7.8(b)
Company Options, Warrants or Rights.........................................................  7.8(b)
Company Requisite Vote......................................................................  4.15
Company SEC Reports.........................................................................  4.5
Company Warrants............................................................................  4.2(a)
Code........................................................................................  Recitals
Cost Reports................................................................................  4.16
Costs.......................................................................................  7.13(a)
Closing.....................................................................................  2.9
DGCL........................................................................................  Recitals
Dissenting Shares...........................................................................  2.7
Effective Time..............................................................................  2.2
Exchange Agent..............................................................................  2.8(a)
Exchange Ratio..............................................................................  2.6(b)
Expenses....................................................................................  9.6(c)
Government Antitrust Entity.................................................................  7.7(b)
Indemnified Parties.........................................................................  7.13(a)
Independent Designees.......................................................................  2.5(a)
Insurance Agreement.........................................................................  7.15
maximum amount..............................................................................  9.6(d)
Merger......................................................................................  Recitals
New Parent Board............................................................................  3.2(a)
NYSE........................................................................................  7.14
Parent......................................................................................  Recitals
Parent Acquiring Party......................................................................  9.6(c)


TERM                                                                                           SECTION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
Parent ERISA Plans..........................................................................  5.9(a)
Parent Expenses.............................................................................  9.6(c)
Parent Hospitals............................................................................  5.15
Parent Options, Warrants or Rights..........................................................  7.8(b)
Parent Plans................................................................................  5.9(a)
Parent PSAR Plan............................................................................  7.9(b)
Parent Requisite Vote.......................................................................  5.13
Parent SEC Reports..........................................................................  5.5
Parent Stock Split..........................................................................  2.6(a)
payee.......................................................................................  9.6(d)
payor.......................................................................................  9.6(d)
PPSUs.......................................................................................  7.9(b)
PSARs.......................................................................................  7.9(b)
Representative..............................................................................  7.1(a)
Series D Stockholder Agreement..............................................................  4.2(b)
Series D and Series E Warrants..............................................................  2.6(a)
SPD.........................................................................................  4.9(b)
Split Ratio.................................................................................  2.6(a)
Surviving Subsidiary........................................................................  2.1
Taxes.......................................................................................  4.11(c)
Tax Returns.................................................................................  4.11(c)
Termination Date............................................................................  9.1(b)
Termination Fee.............................................................................  9.6(b)

                                   ARTICLE II
                                   THE MERGER

    Section 2.1  THE MERGER.

    Upon  the terms and subject to the  satisfaction or waiver of the conditions
set forth in  Article VIII and  in accordance  with the DGCL,  at the  Effective
Time,  Merger Sub shall be merged with and  into the Company. As a result of the
Merger, the  separate corporate  existence of  Merger Sub  shall cease  and  the
Company  shall  continue  as  the  surviving  corporation  of  the  Merger  (the
"Surviving Subsidiary") and shall  become a wholly  owned subsidiary of  Parent.
From and after the Effective Time, the identity and separate existence of Merger
Sub  shall cease, and the Company shall  succeed, without other transfer, to all
the rights, properties, debts and liabilities of Merger Sub.
    Section 2.2  EFFECTIVE TIME.  At the time of the Closing, upon the terms and
subject to the  satisfaction or waiver  of the conditions  set forth in  Article
VIII,  the  parties  shall  cause  the Merger  to  be  consummated  by  filing a
certificate of merger (the "Certificate of Merger") with the Secretary of  State
of  the  State  of  Delaware, in  such  form  as required  by,  and  executed in
accordance with the  relevant provisions of,  the DGCL (such  time and date  are
referred to herein as the "Effective Time").
    Section  2.3  EFFECTS OF THE MERGER.   The Merger shall have the effects set
forth in the DGCL.
    Section 2.4  CERTIFICATE  OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS.   The Certificate  of
Incorporation  of the Surviving Subsidiary shall  be the Restated Certificate of
Incorporation of the  Company as in  effect immediately prior  to the  Effective
Time, except that Article IV thereof shall be amended to read in its entirety as
set  forth  in  Schedule 2.4  hereto.  The bylaws  of  Merger Sub  as  in effect
immediately prior to  the Effective Time  shall be the  bylaws of the  Surviving
Subsidiary,  except that the name of  the corporation specified therein shall be
"Champion Healthcare Corporation."


    Section 2.5  COMPANY DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS.  The directors and officers  of
Merger  Sub  at  the  Effective  Time  shall  be  the  directors  and  officers,
respectively, of the Surviving Subsidiary until the earlier of their resignation
or removal or until their respective successors are duly elected and  qualified,
as the case may be.
    (a)  Prior to the Effective  Time Parent shall take  all action necessary so
that each issued  and outstanding share  of Parent Common  Stock shall be  split
into and, without any action on the part of the holder thereof, shall become and
thereafter  represent  66,159.426 shares  (the "Split  Ratio") of  Parent Common
Stock (the "Parent Stock Split").
    (b) At the Effective  Time, following the adjustments  to the Parent  Common
Stock  contemplated by Section 2.6(a),  by virtue of the  Merger and without any
action on the part of any holder of any capital stock of the Company, Parent  or
Merger  Sub  (i)  each share  of  Company  Common Stock  issued  and outstanding
immediately prior to  the Effective Time  (other than any  such shares owned  by
Parent  or any of its  Subsidiaries, held in the  Company's treasury or owned by
any Subsidiary of the Company) shall  automatically be converted into one  share
of  Parent  Common Stock  (the  "Exchange Ratio");  (ii)  each share  of Company
Preferred Stock issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the Effective  Time
(other  than any such shares owned by Parent or any of its Subsidiaries, held in
the Company's treasury or owned by any Subsidiary of the Company, and other than
Dissenting Shares) shall automatically  be converted into  two shares of  Parent
Common  Stock;  (iii)  each  share  of  Company  Stock  issued  and  outstanding
immediately prior  to the  Effective Time  and owned  by Parent  or any  of  its
Subsidiaries,  held in the Company's treasury or  owned by any Subsidiary of the
Company shall be cancelled and cease to exist at and after the Effective Time by
virtue of the Merger and  without any action on the  part of the holder  thereof
and  no consideration shall be payable with respect thereto; and (iv) each share
of common stock, par value $.01 per share, of Merger Sub shall be converted into
and become one share of common stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Surviving
    Section 2.7  DISSENTING SHARES.  Notwithstanding anything in this  Agreement
to  the  contrary,  shares  of  Company Preferred  Stock  which  are  issued and
outstanding immediately prior  to the  Effective Time and  which are  held by  a
stockholder who has not voted such shares of Company Preferred Stock in favor of
the  Merger and who is  entitled by the DGCL to  appraisal rights, and who shall
have properly demanded in writing appraisal for such shares of Company Preferred
Stock in accordance with Section 262 of the DGCL (collectively, the  "Dissenting
Shares"),  shall not be converted into or  represent the right to receive shares
of Parent Common Stock as set forth in Section 2.6, unless and until such holder
shall have failed  to perfect or  shall have effectively  withdrawn or lost  his
rights to appraisal and payment under the DGCL. If any such holder shall have so
failed  to perfect or shall have effectively  withdrawn or lost such right, such
holder's shares of  Company Preferred Stock  shall thereupon be  deemed to  have
been  converted into and to have become exchangeable for, at the Effective Time,
shares of Parent  Common Stock  as set  forth in  Section 2.6(b).  Prior to  the
Effective  Time, the Company shall not, except with the prior written consent of
Parent, make any payment with respect to, or settle or offer to settle, any such
demands. Any payments relating to Dissenting Shares shall be made solely by  the
Surviving  Subsidiary  and no  funds  or other  property  have been  or  will be
provided by the Company or any of its other direct or indirect Subsidiaries  for
such payment.
    Section 2.8  EXCHANGE OF SHARES.
    (a)  As of  the Effective Time,  Parent shall  deposit with a  bank or trust
company designated by  Parent and the  Company (the "Exchange  Agent"), for  the
benefit  of holders of shares of Company  Stock, for exchange in accordance with
this Article II, through the Exchange Agent, certificates representing shares of
Parent Common  Stock  issuable  pursuant  to  Section  2.6(b)  in  exchange  for
outstanding shares of Company Stock.
    (b)  As  soon  as  reasonably  practicable  after  the  Effective  Time, the
Surviving Subsidiary shall cause the Exchange  Agent to mail to each person  who
was, immediately prior to the Effective Time, a


holder  of record of shares of Company  Stock whose shares of Company Stock were
converted into shares of Parent Common Stock, (i) a letter of transmittal (which
shall specify that delivery shall be effected,  and risk of loss and title to  a
certificate  which,  immediately prior  to the  Effective Time,  represented any
shares of  the Company  Stock (a  "Certificate") shall  pass, only  upon  proper
delivery  of the Certificate to the Exchange Agent and shall be in such form and
have such other provisions consistent with the terms of this Agreement as Parent
and the  Company  may reasonably  specify)  and  (ii) instructions  for  use  in
effecting  the  surrender  of  the  Certificate  in  exchange  for  certificates
representing shares of Parent Common Stock. Upon surrender to the Exchange Agent
of a Certificate, together  with such letter of  transmittal, duly executed  and
completed  in accordance with the instructions  thereto, and any other documents
as may be required pursuant to such  instructions, including in the case of  the
persons specified in Section 7.6 the agreements required to be delivered by such
persons  thereunder, the holder of such Certificate shall be entitled to receive
in exchange therefor a certificate representing that number of shares of  Parent
Common  Stock that such  holder has the  right to receive  under Section 2.6(b),
together with a check  in the amount  (after giving effect  to any required  tax
withholdings)  of any  cash dividends or  other dividends  or distributions that
such holder has the right to receive as provided in the last sentence of Section
2.8(c), and the Certificate so surrendered shall be cancelled. In the event of a
transfer of ownership of shares of Company Stock which is not registered in  the
transfer records of the Company, a certificate representing the proper number of
shares of Parent Common Stock, and any related payment with respect to dividends
or  distributions  contemplated by  the immediately  preceding sentence,  may be
issued to a transferee  if the Certificate representing  such shares of  Company
Stock  is presented to the Exchange Agent, accompanied by all documents required
to evidence and effect such transfer  and by evidence that any applicable  stock
transfer  taxes  have  been  paid.  Until  surrendered  in  accordance  with the
provisions of this  Section 2.8, each  Certificate shall be  deemed at any  time
after  the  Effective Time  to represent  only  the right  to receive  upon such
surrender the certificate  representing shares  of Parent Common  Stock and  any
related  payment  with respect  to  dividends or  distributions  as contemplated
    (c) Subject to the  effect of applicable laws,  all shares of Parent  Common
Stock to be issued pursuant to the Merger shall be deemed issued and outstanding
as of the Effective Time for purposes of determining holders of record of shares
of  Parent Common Stock  entitled to receive any  dividend or other distribution
declared by Parent with a record date after the Effective Time. No dividends  or
other  distributions declared with respect to shares of Parent Common Stock with
a record  date after  the Effective  Time shall  be paid  to the  holder of  any
unsurrendered  Certificate with  respect to  the shares  of Parent  Common Stock
represented thereby until the  holder of such  Certificate shall surrender  such
Certificate  in  accordance  with this  Article  II.  Subject to  the  effect of
applicable laws, following  surrender of  any such Certificate,  there shall  be
paid  to  the record  holder of  the certificates  representing whole  shares of
Parent Common Stock issued  in exchange therefor, without  interest, (i) at  the
time  of such surrender, the  amount of dividends or  other distributions with a
record date after the Effective Time  and theretofore paid with respect to  such
shares  of Parent Common  Stock, and (ii)  at the appropriate  payment date, the
amount of  dividends  or  other  distributions with  a  record  date  after  the
Effective Time but prior to surrender and a payment date subsequent to surrender
payable with respect to such shares of Parent Common Stock.
    (d) All shares of Parent Common Stock issued upon the surrender for exchange
of  shares of Company Stock  in accordance with the  terms hereof (including any
dividends paid pursuant to Section 2.8(c))  shall be deemed to have been  issued
in  full satisfaction of all rights pertaining  to such shares of Company Stock,
subject, however, to the Surviving Subsidiary's obligation to pay any  dividends
or  make any other distributions with a  record date prior to the Effective Time
which may have been declared  or made by the Company  on such shares of  Company
Stock in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or prior to the date hereof
and  which remain unpaid  at the Effective  Time, and there  shall be no further
registration  of  transfers  on  the  stock  transfer  books  of  the  Surviving


Subsidiary  of shares of Company Stock  which were outstanding immediately prior
to the Effective Time. If, after the Effective Time, Certificates are  presented
to  the  Surviving  Subsidiary  for  any reason,  they  shall  be  cancelled and
exchanged as provided in this Article II.
    (e)  TERMINATION OF EXCHANGE FUND.  Any certificates representing shares  of
Parent  Common Stock that Parent has  deposited with the Exchange Agent pursuant
to Section 2.8(a) that remains unclaimed by the stockholders of the Company  for
180  days after the Effective Time shall  be delivered to Parent. Any holders of
Certificates who  have  not theretofore  complied  with this  Article  II  shall
thereafter  look only  to Parent  for payment of  their shares  of Parent Common
Stock and any dividends and distributions in respect of the Parent Common  Stock
payable as provided in the last sentence of Section 2.8(c) upon due surrender of
their  Certificates  (or affidavits  of  loss in  lieu  thereof), in  each case,
without any interest thereon. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of Parent, the
Surviving Subsidiary, the Exchange Agent or any other person shall be liable  to
any  former holder of shares of Company  Stock for any amount properly delivered
to a  public official  pursuant  to applicable  abandoned property,  escheat  or
similar laws.
    (f)   LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED CERTIFICATES.   In the event any Certificate
shall have been lost, stolen  or destroyed, upon the  making of an affidavit  of
that  fact  by  the person  claiming  such  Certificate to  be  lost,  stolen or
destroyed and, if and  as required by  Parent, the posting by  such person of  a
bond in customary amount as indemnity against any claim that may be made against
it  with respect to such Certificate, the  Exchange Agent will issue in exchange
for such lost, stolen or destroyed Certificate the shares of Parent Common Stock
and any unpaid  dividends or  other distributions  in respect  of Parent  Common
Stock pursuant to the last sentence of Section 2.8(c).
    (g)     AFFILIATES.    Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to  the  contrary,
Certificates surrendered for exchange by any "affiliate" (as determined pursuant
to Section 7.6) of the Company shall not be exchanged until Parent has  received
the written agreement from such person as provided in Section 7.6.
    Section  2.9  TIME AND PLACE OF CLOSING.  The closing (the "Closing") of the
transactions in connection with  the Merger shall take  place at the offices  of
Skadden,  Arps, Slate, Meagher &  Flom, 300 South Grand  Avenue, Suite 3400, Los
Angeles, California, at 10:00 a.m. (local time) on or before the fifth  business
day  following  the  date  on  which  all  of  the  conditions  to  each party's
obligations hereunder have been  satisfied or waived or  at such other place  or
time as Parent and the Company may agree.
    Section 2.10  DELIVERIES AT THE CLOSING.  At the Closing:
        (a) There shall be delivered to Parent and the Company the certificates,
    opinions  and  other  documents  and instruments  required  to  be delivered
    hereunder; and
        (b) Parent, the Company  and Merger Sub shall  cause the Certificate  of
    Merger  to be filed with the Secretary of the State of the State of Delaware
    in accordance with the relevant provisions of the DGCL.
                                  ARTICLE III
    Section 3.1  CHARTER  DOCUMENTS.  Parent  shall adopt and  take any and  all
action necessary to make effective, immediately prior to the Effective Time, the
Restated  Certificate of Incorporation and the Parent Bylaws, which shall remain
effective through  the Effective  Time and  thereafter may  be amended  only  in
accordance with their terms and applicable law.


    (a)  GOVERNANCE.
        (i)  Parent shall take any and  all actions necessary (including without
    limitation obtaining  the resignation  of any  directors, as  necessary)  to
    cause  the directors comprising  the full board of  directors of Parent (the
    "New Parent Board") at the Effective Time to be comprised of nine directors,
    in order to enable (w) Mr. Charles R. Miller and Mr. James G. VanDevender to
    be appointed as directors in Class  III and Class II, respectively; (x)  the
    Independent Directors to be appointed as Directors, in the classes set forth
    on  Schedule  1.20  hereto; and  (y)  Dr. Krukemeyer and  Mr. R.J. Messenger
    to be appointed as directors  in Class III, and  one  person  chosen by  the
    Parent Shareholder  to  be appointed as  a director in each  of Class II and
    Class I, in  each  case  such  appointments  to  be  in accordance with  the
    Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  effective  immediately  prior  to the
    Effective Time and to remain effective  through and from the Effective  Time
    in   accordance  with   Parent's  charter  documents   and  applicable  law.
    Thereafter, all nominations  and elections shall  be governed in  accordance
    with  the Shareholder Agreement, the Restated Articles of Incorporation, the
    Parent Bylaws and applicable law, each as amended from time to time.
        (ii) Parent shall take  any and all actions  necessary such that at  the
    Effective Time the Officers shall become the officers of Parent.
    (b)    TENURE.   The  officers  and  directors of  Parent  shall  hold their
positions until their resignation or removal  or the election or appointment  of
their successors in the manner provided by each corporation's respective charter
documents and applicable law.
    Section  3.3  RIGHTS PLAN.  The  parties shall, prior to the Effective Time,
present to the  New Parent Board  the Rights Plan  and, as approved  by the  New
Parent  Board subject to  fiduciary duties and applicable  law, adopt and effect
the Rights Plan. The Rights Plan  shall have customary terms and conditions  and
such  other provisions as may reasonably be agreed to by Parent and the Company,
provided that  the  Rights  Plan  shall  exempt  (a)  the  Parent  Shareholder's
beneficial  ownership  of Parent  Common Stock  at the  Effective Time,  (b) any
acquisition of Parent Common Stock by the Parent Shareholder in accordance  with
the  Shareholder Agreement  and (c)  any acquisition  of Parent  Common Stock by
another Third Party in accordance with the Shareholder Agreement.
    Section 3.4  PARENT SHAREHOLDER ARRANGEMENTS.  (a) The Company  acknowledges
that  prior to the  Effective Time and not  as part of  the Merger, Parent shall
declare a cash dividend, payable to  the Parent Shareholder after the  Effective
Time,  in an aggregate amount not to exceed $21,113,387, plus, in the event that
the dividend  is  paid  after July  30,  1996,  an additional  amount  equal  to
$3,574.26  for  each day  from  and including  July 31,  1996  to the  date such
dividend is paid.
    (b) Prior  to  the Effective  Time, Parent  shall  enter  into  the Services
Agreement  substantially  on the  terms  set  forth  in  Schedule 1.26  attached
                                   ARTICLE IV
    Company represents and warrants to Parent as follows:
    Section 4.1  ORGANIZATION  AND QUALIFICATION.  Each  of the Company and  its
Significant  Subsidiaries is a corporation  duly organized, validly existing and
in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and has the
requisite power and authority  to own, lease and  operate its properties and  to
carry  on its business as it is now being conducted, and is duly qualified to do
business and  in good  standing in  each jurisdiction  in which  the  properties
owned,  leased or operated by it, or  where the nature of the business conducted
by it make such qualification necessary, except where the failure to so  qualify
or  be in good standing would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.


True and complete copies of the  certificate of incorporation and bylaws of  the
Company  as in effect on the date hereof, including all amendments thereto, have
heretofore been made available or delivered to Parent.
    Section 4.2  CAPITALIZATION.
    (a) The  authorized capital  stock  of the  Company consists  of  25,000,000
shares  of Company Common Stock, 500,000 shares  of Series C Preferred Stock and
2,200,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock. As of the close of business on May
24, 1996, there were  (i) 14,463,997 shares of  Company Common Stock issued  and
outstanding,  all of which are validly  issued, fully paid and nonassessable and
are not subject to and  were not issued in  violation of any preemptive  rights,
(ii)  448,811 shares of Series C Preferred  Stock issued and outstanding, all of
which are validly issued,  fully paid and nonassessable  and are not subject  to
and  were not issued in violation of any preemptive rights, and which, as of the
date hereof and  at or immediately  prior to the  Effective Time, in  accordance
with  their terms, are convertible into Company  Common Stock at the rate of two
shares of Company Common Stock for every one share of Series C Preferred  Stock,
(iii)  2,156,903 shares of Series D  Preferred Stock issued and outstanding, all
of which are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable and are not subject to
and were not issued in violation of any preemptive rights, and which, as of  the
date  hereof and at  or immediately prior  to the Effective  Time, in accordance
with their terms, are convertible into Company  Common Stock at the rate of  two
shares  of Company Common Stock for every one share of Series D Preferred Stock,
(iv) options to  purchase an  aggregate of  1,297,204 shares  of Company  Common
Stock  are issued  and outstanding  under the  Company Option  Plans, (v) 81,250
shares of Company  Common Stock  reserved for  issuance in  connection with  the
Brookside  Non-Negotiable Exchangeable  Promissory Notes, (vi)  50,067 shares of
Company Common  Stock  reserved  for  issuance in  connection  with  the  Select
Acquisition  Convertible  Notes, (vii)  15,000  shares of  Company  Common Stock
reserved for  issuance under  an Employment  Agreement with  Robert L.  Hancock,
(viii)  80,000 shares of the Company Common  Stock reserved for issuance under a
subscription agreement  with  Mr.  VanDevender (such  shares  issued  under  the
agreements  referenced in  (v), (vi),  (vii) and  (viii), the  "Company Issuable
Securities") and  (ix)  422,286 shares  of  Company Common  Stock  reserved  for
issuance  pursuant to outstanding warrants to  purchase shares of Company Common
Stock identified  in  Section 4.2(a)  of  the  letter, dated  the  date  hereof,
delivered  by  the Company  to  Parent in  connection  with this  Agreement (the
"Company Disclosure Letter")  (collectively, the  "Company Warrants").  "Company
Option Plans" shall mean the AmeriHealth Amended and Restated 1988 Non-Qualified
Stock Option Plan, as modified May 27, 1993, the Company's Employee Stock Option
Plan,  dated December 31, 1991, the Company's  Employee Stock Option Plan No. 2,
dated May  27, 1992,  the Company's  Employee  Stock Option  Plan No.  3,  dated
September  1992, the Company's  Senior Executive Stock Option  Plan No. 4, dated
January 5, 1994, the Company's Directors'  Stock Option Plan, dated December  8,
1992,  options  granted  to certain  directors,  officers and  key  employees of
AmeriHealth, Inc.  in  December 1994,  the  Company's Selected  Executive  Stock
Option  Plan No. 5, approved  May 25, 1995, the  Company's Founders Stock Option
Plan, dated December 1990, and the Company's Physicians Stock Option Plan, dated
May 27, 1993. No Subsidiary  of the Company holds  any shares of Company  Stock.
Other  than as described in Section 4.2  of the Company Disclosure Letter, there
has been no change in the information  set forth in the second sentence of  this
Section  4.2(a) between  the close  of business  on April  8, 1996  and the date
    (b) Except as set forth  in Section 4.2(a) or  pursuant to the Agreement  in
Contemplation  of Merger or the Series  D Stockholders Agreement, dated December
31, 1993, by and between the Company  and the holders of the Series C  Preferred
Stock,  the holders of  the Series D  Preferred Stock and  certain other parties
named therein (the "Series D Stockholder Agreement"), there are not now, and  at
the  Effective Time there will not be, any outstanding shares of Company capital
stock or  any  options,  warrants,  calls,  rights,  subscriptions,  convertible
securities  or other  rights or agreements,  arrangements or  commitments of any
kind obligating the  Company or any  of its Subsidiaries  to issue, transfer  or
sell  any securities of the Company. All  shares of Company Common Stock subject
to issuance as  set forth  in Section  4.2(a), upon  issuance on  the terms  and
conditions specified in the


instruments  pursuant  to  which they  are  issuable, will  be  duly authorized,
validly  issued,  fully  paid  and  nonassessable.  There  are  no   outstanding
contractual  or other obligations of  the Company or any  of its Subsidiaries to
purchase, redeem or otherwise  acquire any shares of  Company Stock. Except  for
the Agreement in Contemplation of Merger and the Series D Stockholder Agreement,
there  is not now, and at the Effective  Time there will not be, any stockholder
agreement, voting trust or other agreement or understanding to which the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries is a party  or bound relating to  the voting of  any
shares of the capital stock of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
    Section  4.3  AUTHORITY.  The Company  has all requisite corporate power and
authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and, subject to approval of this
Agreement  by  the  Company  Requisite  Vote,  to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby.  The execution  and delivery  of  this Agreement,  and the
consummation by the Company of  the transactions contemplated hereby, have  been
duly  authorized  by the  Company's board  of directors  and no  other corporate
proceedings on the part of the Company are necessary to authorize the  execution
and  delivery  of this  Agreement and  the  consummation by  the Company  of the
transactions contemplated hereby, except for  the approval of this Agreement  by
the  Company Requisite Vote.  This Agreement has been  duly and validly executed
and delivered by the Company and, assuming the due authorization, execution  and
delivery  hereof  by Merger  Sub  and Parent,  constitutes  a valid  and binding
agreement of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with its
terms, except  that  such  enforceability  may be  subject  to  (i)  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent  conveyance or other similar
laws now  or hereafter  in effect  relating to  or affecting  creditors'  rights
generally  and  (ii)  by general  principles  of equity  (regardless  of whether
enforcement is sought in a proceeding in equity or at law).
    Section 4.4  CONSENTS  AND APPROVALS; NO VIOLATION.   None of the  execution
and  delivery by the Company  of this Agreement, the  consummation by Company of
the transactions contemplated hereby  or compliance by the  Company with any  of
the  provisions  hereof will  (i) conflict  with or  result in  a breach  of any
provision of the respective charters or bylaws (or similar governing  documents)
of  the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries, (ii) require any consent, approval,
authorization or permit of, or filing with or notification to, any  Governmental
Entity,  except (A) pursuant to the Exchange Act, the Securities Act and the HSR
Act and (B)  for filing the  Certificate of  Merger with respect  to the  Merger
pursuant  to the DGCL, (iii)  except as disclosed in  Section 4.4 of the Company
Disclosure Letter, result in a default (or  an event which with notice or  lapse
of  time or both would become a default) or give to any third party any right of
termination, cancellation, amendment  or acceleration  under, or  result in  the
creation  of a lien or encumbrance on any of the assets of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries pursuant to, any  note, license, agreement or other  instrument
or  obligation to which the Company or any  of its Subsidiaries is a party or by
which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries or any of their respective  assets
may  be bound  or affected, or  (iv) violate  or conflict with  any order, writ,
injunction, decree, statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Company or any
of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets, other  than
(A)   such  defaults,   rights  of   termination,  cancellation,   amendment  or
acceleration, liens  and encumbrances,  violations and  conflicts as  set  forth
pursuant   to  (iii)  and   (iv)  above,  and   (B)  such  consents,  approvals,
authorizations, permits or filings as set forth pursuant to (ii) above that  are
not  obtained, which, in the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect
on the  Company, or  would not  prevent or  delay in  any material  respect  the
consummation  of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Holders
of not less than  100% in aggregate  principal amount of  each of the  Company's
Series  D 11%  Senior Subordinated  Notes and  100% of  the Series  E 11% Senior
Subordinated Notes have entered  into the Agreement  in Contemplation of  Merger
and such agreement is in full force and effect.
    Section  4.5   SEC  REPORTS AND  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.   Each  form, report,
schedule, registration statement  and definitive  proxy statement  filed by  the
Company  with the SEC since December 31,  1994 (as such documents have since the
time of their filing been amended, the "Company SEC Reports"), which include all
the documents (other than preliminary material) that the Company was required to
file with the SEC since such date, as of their respective dates, complied in all
material respects with the  requirements of the Securities  Act or the  Exchange
Act, as the case may be, and the rules and


regulations  of the SEC thereunder applicable  to such Company SEC Reports. None
of the Company SEC Reports contained any untrue statement of a material fact  or
omitted  to state a material fact required  to be stated therein or necessary to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading, except for such statements, if any, as have been  modified
by  subsequent filings prior to the date hereof. The financial statements of the
Company included in the Company  SEC Reports comply as  to form in all  material
respects  with applicable accounting  requirements and with  the published rules
and regulations  of  the  SEC  with  respect  thereto,  have  been  prepared  in
accordance  with GAAP applied on a  consistent basis during the periods involved
(except as  may be  indicated  in the  notes  thereto or,  in  the case  of  the
unaudited  statements, as permitted  by Form 10-Q under  the Securities Act) and
fairly present  (subject,  in the  case  of the  unaudited  quarterly  financial
statements, to the absence of notes, and to normal, recurring audit adjustments)
the  consolidated financial position  of the Company and  its Subsidiaries as at
the dates thereof  and the  consolidated results  of their  operations and  cash
flows  (or changes in financial  position prior to the  adoption of FASB 95) for
the periods then ended. Since December 31, 1995, neither the Company nor any  of
its  Subsidiaries has incurred any liabilities or obligations, whether absolute,
accrued, fixed, contingent,  liquidated, unliquidated or  otherwise and  whether
due  or to become due, except (i) as  disclosed in the Company SEC Reports filed
after December  31, 1995  and prior  to the  date hereof,  (ii) as  incurred  in
connection   with  the  transactions  contemplated,  or  as  provided,  by  this
Agreement, (iii) as incurred after December  31, 1995 in the ordinary course  of
business and consistent with past practices and not in violation of Section 6.1,
or  (iv) except as would not, individually  or in the aggregate, have a Material
Adverse Effect on the Company.
    Section 4.6  ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS.  Since December 31, 1995,
except as disclosed in the Company SEC Reports filed since December 31, 1995 and
prior to the date hereof, the Company and its Subsidiaries have conducted  their
respective  businesses  only  in  the  ordinary  course,  consistent  with  past
practice, and  there has  not occurred  or  arisen any  event or  events  which,
individually  or in the aggregate, have had  or are reasonably likely to have, a
Material Adverse Effect on the Company or which is reasonably likely to  prevent
or  delay in any  material respect the  consummation of any  of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.
    Section 4.7   LITIGATION.  Except  as disclosed  in (i) Section  4.7 of  the
Company  Disclosure Letter or (ii) the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 1995 filed by  the Company, there is no suit, action  or
proceeding  pending or, to  the knowledge of the  Company, threatened against or
affecting the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates (and the  Company
is  not  aware of  any  basis for  any such  suit,  action or  proceeding) that,
individually or in the  aggregate, is reasonably likely  to (i) have a  Material
Adverse  Effect on the Company or (ii)  prevent or delay in any material respect
the  Company  from  performing  its  obligations  under,  or  consummating   the
transactions contemplated by, this Agreement. There is not any judgment, decree,
injunction,  rule or order of any  Governmental Entity or arbitrator outstanding
against the Company or any  of its Subsidiaries which  has had or is  reasonably
likely to have any Material Adverse Effect on the Company.
    Section  4.8   INFORMATION  SUPPLIED.   The  information  supplied or  to be
supplied by the Company  or its Subsidiaries for  inclusion or incorporation  by
reference  in the Form  S-4 will not, either  at the time the  Form S-4 is filed
with the SEC  or at  the time  it becomes  effective under  the Securities  Act,
contain  any untrue statement of  a material fact or  omit to state any material
fact required to be stated therein  or necessary to make the statements  therein
not misleading. The information supplied or to be supplied by the Company or its
Subsidiaries for inclusion or incorporation by reference in the Proxy Statement,
including  any amendments and supplements thereto,  will not, either at the date
mailed to stockholders  or at the  time of  the meeting of  stockholders of  the
Company  to be  held in  connection with  the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement and the Merger Agreement, contain  any untrue statement of a  material
fact  or  omit to  state  any material  fact required  to  be stated  therein or
necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
under which they were made, not misleading. The Proxy Statement and the Form S-4
will each comply as to form in  all material respects with all applicable  laws,
including the provisions of the Securities Act and the


Exchange  Act and the rules and  regulations promulgated thereunder, except that
no representation is made by the Company with respect to information supplied by
Parent for inclusion or incorporation by reference therein.
    (a) Section 4.9(a)  of the  Company Disclosure  Letter contains  a true  and
complete  list  of  each  employment,  bonus,  deferred  compensation, incentive
compensation, stock  purchase,  stock  option,  severance  or  termination  pay,
hospitalization   or  other  medical,  life  or  other  insurance,  supplemental
unemployment benefits,  profit-sharing, pension,  or retirement  plan,  program,
agreement  or  arrangement,  and  each  other  employee  benefit  plan, program,
agreement or arrangement ("Plans"), sponsored,  maintained or contributed to  or
required  to be  contributed to by  the Company  or any ERISA  Affiliate for the
benefit of  any  employee or  former  employee of  the  Company or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries  (the "Company  Plans"). Section  4.9(a) of  the Company Disclosure
Letter identifies each of the Company Plans that is an "employee welfare benefit
plan," or "employee pension benefit plan" as such terms are defined in  sections
3(1) and 3(2) of ERISA (such plans being hereinafter referred to collectively as
the  "Company ERISA Plans"). Neither the Company nor any of its ERISA Affiliates
has any  formal plan  or commitment  to create  any additional  Company Plan  or
modify  or change any  existing Company Plan  that would affect  any employee or
terminated employee of the Company or any such ERISA Affiliate.
    (b) With respect to  each of the Company  Plans, the Company has  heretofore
delivered  or made available to  Parent true and complete  copies of each of the
following documents:
        (i) a copy of the Company Plan (including all amendments thereto);
        (ii) a copy of the annual report, if required under ERISA, with  respect
    to each such Company Plan for the last three years;
       (iii)  a  copy of  the actuarial  report, if  required under  ERISA, with
    respect to each such Company Plan for the last three years;
       (iv) a copy of the most recent summary plan description ("SPD"), together
    with all summaries of material modification issued with respect to such SPD,
    required under ERISA with respect to such Company Plan;
        (v) if the Company Plan is funded  through a trust or any other  funding
    vehicle,  a  copy of  the trust  or other  funding agreement  (including all
    amendments thereto) and the latest financial statements thereof;
       (vi) all contracts relating  to the Company Plans  with respect to  which
    the  Company  or  any  of  its  ERISA  Affiliates  may  have  any liability,
    including, without  limitation, insurance  contracts, investment  management
    agreements,  subscription  and participation  agreements and  record keeping
    agreements; and
       (vii) the most  recent determination  letter received  from the  Internal
    Revenue  Service with respect  to each Company  Plan that is  intended to be
    qualified under section 401 of the Code.
    (c) No Company  ERISA Plan is  subject to  Title IV of  ERISA. No  liability
under  Title IV of  ERISA has been incurred  by the Company or  any of its ERISA
Affiliates since the  effective date  of ERISA that  has not  been satisfied  in
full,  and no condition exists  that presents a material  risk to the Company or
any such ERISA Affiliate of incurring  a liability under such Title, other  than
liability  for premiums due the  PBGC, which payments have  been or will be made
when due. To the  extent this representation applies  to sections 4064, 4069  or
4204 of Title IV of ERISA, it is made not only with respect to the Company ERISA
Plans  but also with respect to any employee benefit plan, program, agreement or
arrangement subject to  Title IV of  ERISA to which  the Company or  any of  its
ERISA  Affiliates  made,  or  was required  to  make,  contributions  during the
five-year period ending  on the  last day of  the Company's  most recent  fiscal


    (d)  None of the  Company, any of  its ERISA Affiliates,  any of the Company
ERISA Plans,  any trust  created  thereunder nor  any trustee  or  administrator
thereof  has engaged in a transaction or has  taken or failed to take any action
in connection with  which the  Company or  any of  its ERISA  Affiliates may  be
subject  to either a civil penalty assessed pursuant to section 409 or 502(i) of
ERISA or a tax imposed pursuant to section 4975, 4976 or 4980B of the Code.
    (e) Full payment has been made, or  will be made in accordance with  section
404(a)(6)  of the  Code, of all  amounts which the  Company or any  of its ERISA
Affiliates is required  to pay  under the  terms of  each of  the Company  ERISA
Plans,  and all  such amounts properly  accrued through the  Effective Time with
respect to the current plan year thereof will be paid by the Company on or prior
to the Effective Time or will be  properly recorded in accordance with GAAP.  No
Company ERISA Plan is subject to section 412 of the Code.
    (f)  Each of  the Company  Plans has been  operated and  administered in all
material respects in accordance with applicable laws, including but not  limited
to ERISA and the Code.
    (g)  Each of  the Company  ERISA Plans  that is  intended to  be "qualified"
within the meaning of section 401(i) of the Code is so qualified.
    (h) Each  of  the  Company ERISA  Plans  that  is intended  to  satisfy  the
requirements   of  section  501(c)(9)   of  the  Code   has  so  satisfied  such
    (i) Except as set forth in Section 4.9(a) of the Company Disclosure  Letter,
no  amounts payable  or benefits  accrued under the  Company Plans  or any other
agreement or arrangement to which the Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates  is
a  party will, as  a result of  the transactions contemplated  hereby (A) become
payable, vested  or  exercisable on  an  accelerated basis  or  (B) fail  to  be
deductible  for federal  income tax  purposes by virtue  of section  280G of the
    (j)  No "leased employee," as that term is defined in section 414(n) of  the
Code, performs services for the Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates.
    (k)  Except as set forth in Section 4.9(k) of the Company Disclosure Letter,
no Company Plan provides benefits, including without limitation death or medical
benefits (whether or not insured), with  respect to current or former  employees
after  retirement  or  other termination  of  service (other  than  (i) coverage
mandated by applicable law, (ii) death benefits or retirement benefits under any
"employee pension plan," as that term is defined in section 3(2) of ERISA, (iii)
deferred compensation  benefits  accrued as  liabilities  on the  books  of  the
Company  or its ERISA  Affiliates, or (iv)  benefits, the full  cost of which is
borne by the current or former employee (or his beneficiary)).
    (l) With respect  to each Company  Plan that is  funded wholly or  partially
through  an insurance policy, there will be no material liability of the Company
or any  of its  ERISA  Affiliates, as  of the  Effective  Time, under  any  such
insurance policy or ancillary agreement with respect to such insurance policy in
the  nature of a retroactive rate  adjustment, loss sharing arrangement or other
actual or  contingent  liability  arising  wholly or  partially  out  of  events
occurring prior to the Effective Time.
    Section  4.10  TAX MATTERS.  As of  the date hereof, neither the Company nor
any of its  Affiliates has  taken or  agreed to take  any action,  nor does  the
Company  have any knowledge of any fact  or circumstance, that would prevent the
Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement from qualifying
as a "reorganization" within the meaning of section 368(a) of the Code.
    Section 4.11  TAXES.
    (a) The Company and each of its Subsidiaries have timely filed (or have  had
timely  filed on  their behalf) or  will file or  cause to be  timely filed, all
material Tax Returns required by applicable law to be filed by any of them on or
before the date of  the Effective Time  of the Merger,  taking into account  any
extension  of the time within  which to file such  returns. All such Tax Returns
are, or  will be  at the  time  of filing,  true, complete  and correct  in  all
material respects.


    (b)  The Company and each of its Subsidiaries have paid (or have had paid on
their behalf), or where payment  is not yet due,  have established (or have  had
established  on their behalf and  for their sole benefit  and recourse), or will
establish or cause to be established on or before the date of the Effective Time
of the Merger, an adequate  accrual for the payment  of, all material Taxes  due
with respect to any period ending on or before the date of the Effective Time of
the Merger.
    (c)  For  purposes of  this Agreement,  the following  terms shall  have the
following meanings:
        (i) "Taxes" shall mean all Federal, state, local and foreign taxes,  and
    other  assessments of a similar nature  (whether imposed directly or through
    withholding),  including  any  interest,  additions  to  tax,  or  penalties
    applicable thereto.
        (ii)  "Tax Returns" shall mean all Federal, state, local and foreign tax
    returns, declarations, statements, reports, schedules, forms and information
    returns and any amended tax return relating to Taxes.
    Section  4.12    AFFILIATE  AGREEMENTS.     Except  for  the  Agreement   in
Contemplation  of Merger, the Series D Stockholder  Agreement or as set forth in
Section 4.12 of the Company Disclosure Letter, as of the date of this  Agreement
neither  the Company  nor any  of its  Subsidiaries is  a party  to any  oral or
written agreement  with  any of  its  Affiliates, other  than  with any  of  its
    Section  4.13  OPINION OF  FINANCIAL ADVISOR.  The  Company has received the
opinion of DLJ to the effect that, as of the date of such opinion, the  Exchange
Ratio  is fair to the holders of Company  Common Stock from a financial point of
    Section 4.14  BROKERS AND FINDERS.  Other than DLJ, whose fees will be  paid
by the Company, none of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, nor any of their
respective directors, officers or employees has employed any broker or finder or
incurred  any  liability  for  any  financial  advisory  fees,  brokerage  fees,
commissions or similar payments in connection with the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement.
    Section 4.15  VOTE REQUIRED.  The only votes of the holders of any class  or
series  of Company capital  stock necessary to approve  the Merger (the "Company
Requisite Vote") are (i) the  affirmative vote of the  holders of a majority  of
the  total voting  power represented  by the  outstanding shares  of the Company
Common Stock, the  Series C Preferred  Stock and the  Series D Preferred  Stock,
voting  as a single  class, and (ii) the  affirmative vote of  the holders of at
least 90% of the outstanding shares of each of the Series C Preferred Stock  and
the Series D Preferred Stock, voting as separate classes.
    Section  4.16  MEDICARE AND MEDICAID.  The Company and its Subsidiaries have
complied with all  Medicare and Medicaid  laws, rules and  regulations and  have
timely  filed  all  returns,  cost  reports  and  other  filings  in  the manner
prescribed, except where the failure to  do so would not reasonably be  expected
to  have, individually  or in  the aggregate, a  Material Adverse  Effect on the
Company. All returns,  cost reports and  other filings made  by Company and  its
Subsidiaries  to Medicare, Medicaid or any  other governmental health or welfare
related entity or  third party  payor are true  and complete,  except where  the
failure  to be so  true and complete  would not be  reasonably expected to have,
individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on the Company,  and
true  and correct  copies of  all such  cost reports  for the  three most recent
fiscal years of the Company have been furnished to Parent. No deficiency in  any
such  returns, cost reports  and other filings,  including deficiencies for late
filings, has been  asserted or  to the best  of the  Company's knowledge,  after
reasonable  investigation,  threatened  by  any  Governmental  Entity  or  other
provider reimbursement entities relating to Medicare or Medicaid or third  party
payor  claims,  and to  the best  of the  Company's knowledge,  after reasonable
investigation, there  is no  basis for  any successful  claims or  requests  for
reimbursement  from any  such Governmental Entity,  other entity  or third party
payor except for any deficiencies or bases which are not reasonably expected  to
have,  individually  or  in the  aggregate,  a  Material Adverse  Effect  on the
Company.  Since   December  31,   1992,   neither  the   Company  nor   any   of


its  Subsidiaries has  been subject  to any  audit or  investigation relating to
fraudulent Medicare  or  Medicaid  procedure  or  practices,  except  audits  or
investigations  which would not be reasonably  expected to have, individually or
in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.
    Section 4.17   MEDICARE PARTICIPATION/ACCREDITATION.   All of the  hospitals
and  other healthcare providers owned, operated or managed by the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  are  certified  for participation  or  enrollment  in  the
Medicare  and Medicaid programs, have a current and valid provider contract with
the Medicare  and Medicaid  programs,  are in  substantial compliance  with  the
conditions  of participation of such programs and have received all approvals or
qualifications necessary  for  capital  reimbursement of  the  Company  and  its
Subsidiaries'  assets. No validation review  or program integrity review related
to any  of  the hospitals  owned  or  operated by  the  Company or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries   (the  "Company   Hospitals"),  the  operation   thereof,  or  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated  hereby has been conducted by  any
commission,  board  or  agency  in  connection  with  the  Medicare  or Medicaid
programs, and to the  knowledge of the Company,  no such reviews are  scheduled,
pending  or  threatened  against  or  affecting  any  Company  Hospital  or  the
consummation  of  the  transaction  contemplated  hereby.  All  of  the  Company
Hospitals are in compliance in all material respects with all rules, regulations
and  requirements of all  Governmental Entities having  jurisdiction over any of
the Company Hospitals. All of the Company Hospitals are accredited by the  Joint
Commission  on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (the "Joint Commission
on Accreditation") and  the Company has  delivered to Parent  true and  complete
copies  of each of such hospital's most recent Joint Commission on Accreditation
survey report and  deficiency list,  if any, and  the most  recent Statement  of
Deficiencies  and Plan of  Correction. All deficiencies  noted thereon have been
cured in all material respects. Neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries
has  received notice from the regulatory authorities which enforce the statutory
or regulatory provisions in respect of  either the Medicare or Medicaid  program
of  any pending or threatened investigations or  surveys, and the Company has no
reason to  believe that  there  are pending,  threatened  or imminent  any  such
investigations  or  surveys  which,  individually  or  in  the  aggregate, would
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.
    Section 4.18   MEDICAL  STAFF MATTERS.   There  are no  pending, or  to  the
Company's  knowledge, threatened disputes with medical staff applicants, medical
staff members or health  professional affiliates which,  individually or in  the
aggregate, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the
Company,  and  all appeal  periods in  respect  of any  medical staff  member or
applicant against whom an adverse action has been taken have expired.
    Section 4.19  TAKEOVER  STATUTES.  No  "fair price," "moratorium,"  "control
share  acquisition" or other similar  antitakeover statute or regulation enacted
under state  or federal  laws in  the United  States applicable  to the  Company
(including,  without limitation, Section  203 of the DGCL)  is applicable to the
Merger or the other transactions contemplated hereby. The Board of Directors  of
the  Company  has  taken  all  appropriate  action  to  exempt  the transactions
contemplated in this Agreement from Section 203 of the DGCL.
    Section 4.20   COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.   Neither  the Company nor  any of  its
Subsidiaries  has violated or failed to comply with any statute, law, ordinance,
regulation,  rule,  judgment,  decree  or  order  of  any  Governmental   Entity
applicable  to its business or operations, except for violations and failures to
comply that would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be  expected
to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.


                                   ARTICLE V

    Parent represents and warrants to the Company as follows:


    (a)  Each of Parent  and its Significant Subsidiaries  is a corporation duly
organized, validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its
jurisdiction  of incorporation and has the requisite power and authority to own,
lease and operate its properties and to carry on its business as it is now being
conducted, and is duly  qualified to do  business and in  good standing in  each
jurisdiction  in which the properties owned, leased  or operated by it, or where
the nature of the  business conducted by it  make such qualification  necessary,
except  where the failure to so qualify or  be in good standing would not have a
Material Adverse Effect on Parent. True  and complete copies of the articles  of
incorporation  and bylaws of Parent  as in effect on  the date hereof, including
all amendments thereto, have heretofore been made available or delivered to  the

    (b) Merger Sub is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
standing  under the laws of Delaware. Merger  Sub has been formed solely for the
purpose of engaging in the  Merger and has not  conducted any business prior  to
the  date hereof  and has  no, and  prior to  the Effective  Time will  have no,
assets, liabilities or obligations  of any nature other  than those incident  to
its  formation  and pursuant  to this  Agreement  and the  Merger and  the other
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
    Section 5.2  CAPITALIZATION.
    (a) The  authorized capital  stock of  Parent consists  of 1,000  shares  of
Parent  Common Stock.  As of  the date  hereof, there  are 450  shares of Parent
Common Stock issued and outstanding, all of which are validly issued, fully paid
and nonassessable and are not subject to and were not issued in violation of any
preemptive rights  and  all  of  which are  beneficially  owned  by  the  Parent
Shareholder. No Subsidiary of Parent holds any shares of Parent Common Stock.
    (b)  Except as  set forth in  Section 5.2(b)  of the letter,  dated the date
hereof, delivered by  Parent to the  Company in connection  with this  Agreement
(the  "Parent Disclosure Letter") or pursuant  to this Agreement, the options to
be issued  pursuant  to  Section  7.9 hereof,  the  Shareholder  Agreement,  the
Registration  Rights Agreement and  the rights contemplated  by the Rights Plan,
there are not now, and at the Effective Time there will not be, any  outstanding
shares  of  Parent  capital  stock  or  any  options,  warrants,  calls, rights,
subscriptions,  convertible   securities   or  other   rights   or   agreements,
arrangements  or  commitments  of  any  kind obligating  Parent  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries to issue, transfer or sell  any securities of Parent. There are  no
outstanding   contractual  or  other  obligations  of   Parent  or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries to  purchase, redeem  or  otherwise acquire  any shares  of  Parent
Common  Stock. Except as  set forth in  Section 5.2(b) of  the Parent Disclosure
Letter or  pursuant  to  the  Shareholder  Agreement,  the  Registration  Rights
Agreement  and the Voting Agreement, there is not now, and at the Effective Time
there will not be, any stockholder agreement, voting trust or other agreement or
understanding to which Parent  or any of  its Subsidiaries is  a party or  bound
relating  to the voting of any  shares of the capital stock  of Parent or any of
its Subsidiaries.
    (c) The authorized capital stock of  Merger Sub consists of 1,000 shares  of
Common  Stock, par  value $.01 per  share, all  of which are  validly issued and
outstanding. All of the issued and  outstanding capital stock of Merger Sub  is,
and  at the Effective Time will be, owned  by Parent, and there are (i) no other
shares of  capital stock  or other  voting  securities of  merger Sub,  (ii)  no
securities  of Merger Sub convertible into or exchangeable for shares of capital
stock or voting securities of Merger Sub and (iii) no options or other rights to
acquire from Merger Sub, and no obligations of Merger Sub to issue, any  capital
stock,  voting  securities or  securities convertible  into or  exchangeable for
capital stock or voting securities of Merger Sub.


    Section 5.3   AUTHORITY.    Parent has  all  requisite corporate  power  and
authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and, subject to approval of this
Agreement   by  the  Parent  Requisite  Vote,  to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated hereby.  The execution  and  delivery of  this Agreement,  and  the
consummation  by Parent of the transactions  contemplated hereby, have been duly
authorized by Parent's board of directors and no other corporate proceedings  on
the part of Parent are necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of this
Agreement and the consummation by Parent of the transactions contemplated hereby
and  thereby, except for the approval of  this Agreement by the Parent Requisite
Vote. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by  Parent
and  Merger Sub,  and, assuming  the due  authorization, execution  and delivery
hereof by the Company, constitutes a  valid and binding agreement of Parent  and
Merger  Sub, enforceable  against Parent and  Merger Sub in  accordance with its
terms, except  that  such  enforceability  may be  subject  to  (i)  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent  conveyance or other similar
laws now  or hereafter  in effect  relating to  or affecting  creditors'  rights
generally  and  (ii)  by general  principles  of equity  (regardless  of whether
enforcement is sought in a proceeding in equity or at law).
    Section 5.4  CONSENTS  AND APPROVALS; NO VIOLATION.   None of the  execution
and  delivery by  Parent of  this Agreement, the  consummation by  Parent of the
transactions contemplated  hereby  or  compliance  by Parent  with  any  of  the
provisions  hereof will (i) conflict with or result in a breach of any provision
of the respective charters or bylaws (or similar governing documents) of  Parent
or  any of  its Subsidiaries,  (ii) except  as disclosed  in Section  5.4 of the
Parent Disclosure Letter, require any consent, approval, authorization or permit
of, or  filing with  or notification  to, any  Governmental Entity,  except  (A)
pursuant  to the Exchange  Act, the Securities Act  and the HSR  Act and (B) for
filing the Certificate  of Merger  with respect to  the Merger  pursuant to  the
DGCL,  (iii) except as disclosed in Section 5.4 of the Parent Disclosure Letter,
result in a  default (or an  event which with  notice or lapse  of time or  both
would  become a default)  or give to  any third party  any right of termination,
cancellation, amendment or acceleration  under, or result in  the creation of  a
lien  or encumbrance on any  of the assets of Parent  or any of its Subsidiaries
pursuant to, any note, license, agreement  or other instrument or obligation  to
which  Parent or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or by which Parent or any of
its Subsidiaries or any of their respective assets may be bound or affected,  or
(iv) violate or conflict with any order, writ, injunction, decree, statute, rule
or  regulation applicable to Parent  or any of its  Subsidiaries or any of their
respective properties  or  assets,  other  than (A)  such  defaults,  rights  of
termination,  cancellation, amendment  or acceleration,  liens and encumbrances,
violations and conflicts as set forth pursuant to (iii) and (iv) above, and  (B)
such  consents,  approvals, authorizations,  permits  or filings,  as  set forth
pursuant to (ii) above that are not obtained, which, in the aggregate, would not
have a Material Adverse Effect on Parent,  or would not prevent or delay in  any
material  respect the  consummation of any  of the  transactions contemplated by
this Agreement or the Shareholder Agreement.
    Section 5.5   SEC  REPORTS AND  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.   Each  form,  report,
schedule,  registration statement and definitive proxy statement filed by Parent
with the SEC since September 30, 1994 (as such documents have since the time  of
their  filing been  amended, the  "Parent SEC  Reports"), which  include all the
documents (other than  preliminary material)  that Parent was  required to  file
with  the SEC  since such date,  as of  their respective dates,  complied in all
material respects with the  requirements of the Securities  Act or the  Exchange
Act,  as the case  may be, and the  rules and regulations  of the SEC thereunder
applicable to such Parent SEC Reports. None of the Parent SEC Reports  contained
any  untrue statement  of a material  fact or  omitted to state  a material fact
required to be stated  therein or necessary to  make the statements therein,  in
light  of the circumstances  under which they were  made, not misleading, except
for such statements, if any, as  have been modified by subsequent filings  prior
to  the date hereof. The  financial statements of Parent  included in the Parent
SEC Reports  comply  as  to  form  in  all  material  respects  with  applicable
accounting  requirements and with the published rules and regulations of the SEC
with respect thereto, have  been prepared in accordance  with GAAP applied on  a
consistent  basis during the periods involved (except as may be indicated in the
notes thereto or, in the case of the unaudited statements, as permitted by  Form
10-Q  under the Securities Act)  and fairly present (subject  in the case of the
unaudited quarterly financial statements,


to the  absence  of notes,  and  to  normal, recurring  audit  adjustments)  the
consolidated  financial position of Parent and  its Subsidiaries as at the dates
thereof and the  consolidated results  of their  operations and  cash flows  (or
changes  in financial position prior to the adoption of FASB 95) for the periods
then ended. Since December 31, 1995, neither Parent nor any of its  Subsidiaries
has  incurred any liabilities or  obligations, whether absolute, accrued, fixed,
contingent, liquidated, unliquidated or otherwise  and whether due or to  become
due,  except (i) as disclosed in the Parent SEC Reports filed since December 31,
1995 and prior  to the  date hereof,  (ii) as  incurred in  connection with  the
transactions  contemplated, or as provided, by this Agreement, (iii) as incurred
after December 31, 1995 in the  ordinary course of business and consistent  with
past  practices  and not  in violation  of Section  6.2, or  (iv) as  would not,
individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.
    Section 5.6  ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS.  Since December 31, 1995,
except as disclosed in the  Parent SEC reports filed  prior to the date  hereof,
Parent  and its Subsidiaries have conducted  their respective businesses only in
the ordinary course, consistent with past  practice, and there has not  occurred
or  arisen any event or events which, individually or in the aggregate, have had
or are reasonably likely to have, a  Material Adverse Effect on Parent or  which
is   reasonably  likely  to  prevent  or  delay  in  any  material  respect  the
consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
    Section 5.7   LITIGATION.   Except as disclosed  in the  Parent SEC  Reports
filed  prior  to the  date hereof  or in  Section 5.7  of the  Parent Disclosure
Letter, there is no suit, action or  proceeding pending or, to the knowledge  of
Parent,  threatened against or affecting Parent  or any of Parent's Subsidiaries
or Affiliates (and Parent is not aware of any basis for any of such suit, action
or proceeding) that, individually or in  the aggregate, is reasonably likely  to
(i)  have a Material  Adverse Effect on Parent  or (ii) prevent  or delay in any
material respect Parent from performing  its obligations under, or  consummating
the  transactions contemplated  by, this Agreement.  There is  not any judgment,
decree, injunction,  rule or  order  of any  Governmental Entity  or  arbitrator
outstanding  against  Parent or  any of  its  Subsidiaries which  has had  or is
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.
    Section 5.8   INFORMATION  SUPPLIED.   The  information  supplied or  to  be
supplied  by  Parent  or  its Subsidiaries  for  inclusion  or  incorporation by
reference in the Form  S-4 will not, either  at the time the  Form S-4 is  filed
with  the SEC  or at  the time  it becomes  effective under  the Securities Act,
contain any untrue statement of  a material fact or  omit to state any  material
fact  required to be stated therein or  necessary to make the statements therein
not misleading. The  information supplied  or to be  supplied by  Parent or  its
Subsidiaries for inclusion or incorporation by reference in the Proxy Statement,
including  any amendments and supplements thereto,  will not, either at the date
mailed to  shareholders  of  the Company  or  at  the time  of  the  meeting  of
shareholders  of  the Company  to be  held in  connection with  the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, contain any untrue statement of a material  fact
or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in
order  to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which
they were made, not misleading. The Proxy  Statement and the Form S-4 will  each
comply  as to form in all material  respects with all applicable laws, including
the provisions of  the Securities Act  and the  Exchange Act and  the rules  and
regulations  promulgated thereunder,  except that  no representation  is made by
Parent with respect  to information  supplied by  the Company  for inclusion  or
incorporation by reference therein.
    (a)  Section  5.9(a) of  the Parent  Disclosure Letter  contains a  true and
complete list of each Plan sponsored,  maintained or contributed to or  required
to be contributed to by Parent or any of its ERISA Affiliates for the benefit of
any  employee  or former  employee of  Parent  or any  of its  Subsidiaries (the
"Parent Plans"). Section 5.9(a) of the Parent Disclosure Letter identifies  each
of  the Parent Plans  that is an  "employee welfare benefit  plan," or "employee
pension benefit plan" as  such terms are  defined in sections  3(1) and 3(2)  of
ERISA  (such plans  being hereinafter  referred to  collectively as  the "Parent
ERISA Plans"). Neither  Parent nor any  of its ERISA  Affiliates has any  formal
plan  or commitment to create any additional Parent Plan or modify or change any
existing Parent Plan that  would affect any employee  or terminated employee  of
Parent or any such ERISA Affiliate of Parent.


    (b)  With  respect  to  each  of the  Parent  Plans,  Parent  has heretofore
delivered or made available to the Company  true and complete copies of each  of
the following documents:
        (i)  a copy of the Parent Plan (including all amendments thereto);
       (ii)  a copy of the annual report, if required under ERISA, with respect
    to each such Parent Plan for the last three years;
      (iii)  a  copy of  the actuarial  report, if  required under  ERISA,  with
    respect to each such Parent Plan for the last three years;
       (iv)  a  copy of  the most  recent  SPD, together  with all  summaries of
    material modification issued with respect to such SPD, required under  ERISA
    with respect to such Parent Plan;
        (v)  if the Parent Plan  is funded through a  trust or any other funding
    vehicle, a  copy of  the trust  or other  funding agreement  (including  all
    amendments thereto) and the latest financial statements thereof;
       (vi)  all contracts  relating to the  Parent Plans with  respect to which
    Parent or any  of its ERISA  Affiliates may have  any liability,  including,
    without  limitation, insurance contracts,  investment management agreements,
    subscription and participation agreements and record keeping agreements; and
      (vii)  the most  recent determination  letter received  from the  Internal
    Revenue  Service with  respect to  each Parent Plan  that is  intended to be
    qualified under section 401 of the Code.
    (c) No Parent ERISA Plan is subject to Title IV of ERISA. No liability under
Title IV of ERISA  has been incurred  by Parent or any  of its ERISA  Affiliates
since  the effective date of  ERISA that has not been  satisfied in full, and no
condition exists that presents  a material risk  to Parent or  any of its  ERISA
Affiliates  of incurring a liability under  such Title, other than liability for
premiums due the PBGC, which payments have been or will be made when due. To the
extent this representation applies to sections 4064, 4069 or 4204 of Title IV of
ERISA, it is made not only with respect to the Parent ERISA Plans but also  with
respect  to any employee benefit plan, program, agreement or arrangement subject
to Title IV of ERISA to which Parent or any of its ERISA Affiliates made, or was
required to make, contributions during the  five-year period ending on the  last
day of Parent's most recent fiscal year.
    (d)  None of Parent,  any of its  ERISA Affiliates, any  of the Parent ERISA
Plans, any trust created thereunder nor any trustee or administrator thereof has
engaged in a transaction or has taken or failed to take any action in connection
with which Parent  or any of  its ERISA Affiliates  may be subject  to either  a
civil  penalty assessed  pursuant to  section 409  or 502(i)  of ERISA  or a tax
imposed pursuant to section 4975, 4976 or 4980B of the Code.
    (e) Full payment has been made, or  will be made in accordance with  section
404(a)(6)  of the Code, of all amounts  which Parent or any its ERISA Affiliates
is required to pay under  the terms of each of  the Parent ERISA Plans, and  all
such  amounts properly  accrued through the  Effective Time with  respect to the
current plan year thereof will  be paid by Parent on  or prior to the  Effective
Time  or will be properly recorded in accordance with GAAP. No Parent ERISA Plan
is subject to section 412 of the Code.
    (f) Each  of the  Parent Plans  has been  operated and  administered in  all
material  respects in accordance with applicable laws, including but not limited
to ERISA and the Code.
    (g) Each of the Parent ERISA Plans that is intended to be "qualified" within
the meaning of section 401(a) of the Code is so qualified.
    (h) Each  of  the  Parent  ERISA  Plans that  is  intended  to  satisfy  the
requirements   of  section  501(c)(9)   of  the  Code   has  so  satisfied  such


    (i) Except as specifically contemplated by this Agreement or as set forth in
Section 5.9(i) of the Parent Disclosure  Letter, no amounts payable or  benefits
accrued  under the Parent Plans  or any other agreement  or arrangement to which
Parent or any  of its  ERISA Affiliates  is a  party will,  as a  result of  the
transactions contemplated hereby (A) become payable, vested or exercisable on an
accelerated  basis or (B) fail to be  deductible for federal income tax purposes
by virtue of section 280G of the Code.
    (j)  No "leased employee," as that term is defined in section 414(n) of  the
Code, performs services for Parent or any of its ERISA Affiliates.
    (k)  No Parent Plan provides benefits, including without limitation death or
medical benefits (whether  or not insured),  with respect to  current or  former
employees  after  retirement or  other termination  of  service (other  than (i)
coverage mandated by applicable law, (ii) death benefits or retirement  benefits
under  any "employee pension plan,"  as that term is  defined in section 3(2) of
ERISA, (iii) deferred compensation benefits accrued as liabilities on the  books
of  Parent or any  of its ERISA Affiliates,  or (iv) benefits,  the full cost of
which is borne by the current or former employee (or his beneficiary)).
    (l) With respect  to each  Parent Plan that  is funded  wholly or  partially
through  an insurance policy, there  will be no material  liability of Parent or
any of its ERISA Affiliates, as of the Effective Time, under any such  insurance
policy  or  ancillary agreement  with respect  to such  insurance policy  in the
nature of  a retroactive  rate  adjustment, loss  sharing arrangement  or  other
actual  or  contingent  liability  arising wholly  or  partially  out  of events
occurring prior to the Effective Time.
    Section 5.10  TAXES.
    (a) Parent  and each  of its  Subsidiaries have  timely filed  (or have  had
timely  filed on  their behalf) or  will file or  cause to be  timely filed, all
material Tax Returns required by applicable law to be filed by any of them on or
before the date of  the Effective Time  of the Merger,  taking into account  any
extension  of the time within  which to file such  returns. All such Tax Returns
are, or  will be  at the  time  of filing,  true, complete  and correct  in  all
material respects.
    (b) Parent and each of its Subsidiaries have paid (or have had paid on their
behalf),  or  where  payment is  not  yet  due, have  established  (or  have had
established on their behalf  and for their sole  benefit and recourse), or  will
establish or cause to be established on or before the date of the Effective Time
of  the Merger, an adequate  accrual for the payment  of, all material Taxes due
with respect to any period ending on or before the date of the Effective Time of
the Merger.
    Section 5.11  AFFILIATE AGREEMENTS.  Except as set forth in Section 5.11  of
the  Parent Disclosure Letter, as  of the date of  this Agreement neither Parent
nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to any oral or written agreement with any
of its Affiliates, other than with any of its Subsidiaries.
    Section 5.12  BROKERS AND FINDERS.  Other than BA Partners, whose fees  will
be  paid by Parent, none of Parent or  any of its Subsidiaries, nor any of their
respective directors, officers or employees,  has employed any broker or  finder
or  incurred  any liability  for any  financial  advisory fees,  brokerage fees,
commissions or similar payments in connection with the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement.
    Section 5.13   VOTE REQUIRED.   The affirmative  vote of a  majority of  the
outstanding  shares of Parent is  the only vote of a  holder of capital stock of
Parent required  to approve  this Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby (the "Parent Requisite Vote").
    Section  5.14   MEDICARE  AND MEDICAID.   Parent  and its  Subsidiaries have
complied with all  Medicare and Medicaid  laws, rules and  regulations and  have
timely  filed  all  returns,  cost  reports  and  other  filings  in  the manner
prescribed, except where the failure to  do so would not reasonably be  expected
to  have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.
All returns, cost reports and other filings made by Parent and its  Subsidiaries
to Medicare, Medicaid or any other governmental health or welfare related entity
or  third party payor are  true and complete, except where  the failure to be so
true and complete would not be  reasonably expected to have, individually or  in
the aggregate,


a  Material Adverse Effect  on Parent, and  true and correct  copies of all such
reports for the three most recent fiscal years of Parent have been furnished  to
the  Company. No deficiency in any such returns, cost reports and other filings,
including deficiencies for  late filings, has  been asserted or  to the best  of
Parent's   knowledge,   after  reasonable   investigation,  threatened   by  any
Governmental  Entity  or  other  provider  reimbursement  entities  relating  to
Medicare  or Medicaid  or third party  payor claims,  and to the  best of Parent
knowledge, after reasonable investigation, there is no basis for any  successful
claims  or requests for  reimbursement from any  such Governmental Entity, other
entity or third party payor except for  any deficiencies or bases which are  not
reasonably  expected  to  have, individually  or  in the  aggregate,  a Material
Adverse Effect on Parent. Since December 31, 1992, neither Parent nor any of its
Subsidiaries has  been  subject  to  any  audit  or  investigation  relating  to
fraudulent  Medicare  or  Medicaid  procedure  or  practices,  except  audits or
investigations which would not be  reasonably expected to have, individually  or
in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.
    Section  5.15  MEDICARE  PARTICIPATION/ACCREDITATION.  All  of the hospitals
and other  healthcare providers  owned, operated  or managed  by Parent  or  its
Subsidiaries, except the psychiatric facilities set forth in Section 5.15 of the
Parent  Disclosure Letter, are certified for  participation or enrollment in the
Medicare and Medicaid programs, have a current and valid provider contract  with
the  Medicare  and Medicaid  programs, are  in  substantial compliance  with the
conditions of participation of such programs and have received all approvals  or
qualifications   necessary  for   capital  reimbursement   of  Parent   and  its
Subsidiaries' assets. No validation review  or program integrity review  related
to  any of the hospitals owned or operated  by Parent or any of its Subsidiaries
(the "Parent  Hospitals"), the  operation thereof,  or the  consummation of  the
transactions  contemplated hereby has been conducted by any commission, board or
agency in  connection  with  the  Medicare or  Medicaid  programs,  and  to  the
knowledge  of  Parent,  no such  reviews  are scheduled,  pending  or threatened
against or affecting any Parent Hospital or the consummation of the  transaction
contemplated  hereby.  All of  the  Parent Hospitals  are  in compliance  in all
material  respects  with  all  rules,   regulations  and  requirements  of   all
Governmental  Entities  having jurisdiction  over any  of the  Parent Hospitals.
Except as set forth in Section 5.15 of the Parent Disclosure Letter, all of  the
Parent  Hospitals are  accredited by the  Joint Commission  on Accreditation and
Parent has  delivered  to Company  true  and complete  copies  of each  of  such
hospital's  most  recent Joint  Commission  on Accreditation  survey  report and
deficiency list, if any, and the most recent Statement of Deficiencies and  Plan
of  Correction. All deficiencies  noted thereon have been  cured in all material
respects. Neither Parent nor  any of its Subsidiaries  has received notice  from
the  regulatory authorities which enforce the statutory or regulatory provisions
in respect of  either the Medicare  or the  Medicaid program of  any pending  or
threatened  investigations or surveys, and Parent  has no reason to believe that
there are pending,  threatened or  imminent any such  investigations or  surveys
which,  individually or in the aggregate, would reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect on Parent.
    Section 5.16  MEDICAL STAFF MATTERS.   There are no pending, or to  Parent's
knowledge,  threatened  disputes with  medical  staff applicants,  medical staff
members  or  health  professional  affiliates  which,  individually  or  in  the
aggregate,  would reasonably  be expected to  have a Material  Adverse Effect on
Parent, and  all  appeal periods  in  respect of  any  medical staff  member  or
applicant against whom an adverse action has been taken have expired.
    Section  5.17  TAKEOVER  STATUTES.  No  "fair price," "moratorium," "control
share acquisition" or other similar  antitakeover statute or regulation  enacted
under state or federal laws in the United States applicable to Parent (including
without  limitation pursuant to Chapter 12 of the California General Corporation
Law) is  applicable  to the  Merger,  the  Shareholder Agreement  or  the  other
transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.
    Section  5.18    COMPLIANCE  WITH  LAWS.   Neither  Parent  nor  any  of its
Subsidiaries has violated or failed to comply with any statute, law,  ordinance,
regulation,   rule,  judgment,  decree  or  order  of  any  Governmental  Entity
applicable to its business or operations, except for violations and failures  to
comply  that would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected
to have a Material Adverse Effect on Parent.


                                   ARTICLE VI
TIME.   Except as  expressly permitted or  contemplated by this  Agreement or as
shall be  consented  to by  Parent  (which  consent shall  not  be  unreasonably
withheld  or delayed),  until the  Effective Time  the Company  shall, and shall
cause each of its  Subsidiaries to, conduct its  operations in the ordinary  and
usual  course of business  consistent with past practice  and use its reasonable
best efforts (in the ordinary course of business consistent with past  practice)
to  preserve  intact  their respective  business  organizations'  goodwill, keep
available the services of their  respective present officers and key  employees,
and   preserve  the   goodwill  and   business  relationships   with  suppliers,
distributors, customers  and others  having  business relationships  with  them.
Without  limiting  the  generality of  the  foregoing, and  except  as otherwise
permitted by this Agreement, prior to the Effective Time, without the consent of
Parent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld), the Company will not,
and will cause each of its Subsidiaries not to:
        (a) amend or propose to amend their respective charters or bylaws (other
    than as contemplated  by this  Agreement); or split,  combine or  reclassify
    their outstanding capital stock or declare, set aside or pay any dividend or
    distribution  in respect of any capital  stock (other than dividends paid by
    subsidiaries of the Company  solely to the  Company or another  wholly-owned
    subsidiary  of the Company) or issue or authorize or propose the issuance of
    any other securities in respect of, in lieu of or in substitution for shares
    of its capital stock;
        (b) (i) issue or authorize or  propose the issuance of, sell, pledge  or
    dispose of, or agree to issue or authorize or propose the issuance of, sell,
    pledge  or dispose of, any additional shares  of, or any options (except for
    up to  40,000 options  under the  Company's Directors'  Stock Option  Plan),
    warrants  or rights of any kind to acquire any shares of their capital stock
    of  any  class  or  any  debt  or  equity  securities  convertible  into  or
    exchangeable  for such capital stock, other  than any such issuance pursuant
    to options, warrants, rights or convertible securities outstanding as of the
    date hereof in accordance with their terms as in effect on the date  hereof;
    (ii)  acquire or agree  to acquire by  merging or consolidating  with, or by
    purchasing a substantial equity interest in or a substantial portion of  the
    assets  of,  or  by  any  other manner,  any  business  or  any corporation,
    partnership, association or other business organization or division  thereof
    or  otherwise acquire or agree to acquire  any assets in each case which are
    material, individually or in the aggregate, to Company and its Subsidiaries,
    taken as a whole; (iii)  sell (including by sale-leaseback), lease,  pledge,
    dispose  of or encumber any assets  or interests therein which are material,
    individually or in the aggregate, to Company and its Subsidiaries, taken  as
    a  whole, other than in the ordinary  course of business and consistent with
    past practice; (iv) incur or become contingently liable with respect to  any
    material  indebtedness for borrowed money or guarantee any such indebtedness
    or issue any debt securities or  otherwise incur any material obligation  or
    liability (absolute or contingent) other than short-term indebtedness in the
    ordinary  course of business and consistent  with past practice; (v) redeem,
    purchase, acquire or  offer to  purchase or acquire  any (x)  shares of  its
    capital  stock or any options, warrants or rights of any kind to acquire any
    shares of their capital stock or  any debt or equity securities  convertible
    into  or exchangeable  for such capital  stock or (y)  long-term debt, other
    than as  required  by  the  governing instruments  relating  thereto  or  as
    required  by the  terms of  the Company  Plans, the  Company Options  or the
    Company Warrants as in  effect on the  date hereof; or  (vi) enter into  any
    contract,  agreement, commitment or  arrangement with respect  to any of the
        (c)  enter  into  or  amend  any  employment,  severance,  special   pay
    arrangement  with respect to termination of employment or other arrangements
    or agreements with any directors, officers or key employees;
        (d) adopt, enter into or amend  any, or become obligated under any  new,
    bonus,  profit  sharing,  compensation, stock  option,  pension, retirement,
    deferred compensation, health care,


    employment or  other  employee  benefit  plan,  agreement,  trust,  fund  or
    arrangement for the benefit or welfare of any employee or retiree, except as
    required  to comply with changes in  applicable law occurring after the date
    hereof and except, with respect to all plans other than bonus plans, in  the
    ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;
        (e)  amend any  agreements relating  to its  outstanding indebtedness or
    capital stock, including without  limitation the Agreement in  Contemplation
    of Merger or the Series D Stockholder Agreement; or
        (f)  make any material Tax election or  settle any material Tax audit or
TIME.   Except as  expressly permitted or  contemplated by this  Agreement or as
shall be consented to  by the Company (which  consent shall not be  unreasonably
withheld  or delayed),  until the Effective  Time Parent shall,  and shall cause
each of its Subsidiaries  to, conduct its operations  in the ordinary and  usual
course  of business consistent with past  practice and use their reasonable best
efforts to preserve  intact their respective  business organizations'  goodwill,
keep  available  the  services  of their  respective  present  officers  and key
employees, and preserve the goodwill and business relationships with  suppliers,
distributors,  customers  and others  having  business relationships  with them.
Without limiting  the  generality of  the  foregoing, and  except  as  otherwise
permitted by this Agreement, prior to the Effective Time, without the consent of
Company (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld), Parent will not, and
will cause each of its Subsidiaries not to:
        (a) amend or propose to amend their respective charters or bylaws (other
    than  as contemplated  by this Agreement);  or split,  combine or reclassify
    their outstanding capital stock or declare, set aside or pay any dividend or
    distribution in  respect of  any  capital stock  or  issue or  authorize  or
    propose the issuance of any other securities in respect of, in lieu of or in
    substitution  for shares of its capital stock (other than (i) dividends paid
    by  Subsidiaries  of  Parent  solely  to  Parent  or  another   wholly-owned
    subsidiary  of Parent, (ii) the Parent Stock Split, (iii) as contemplated by
    Section 3.4(a) hereof or (iv) as set  forth in Section 6.2(a) of the  Parent
    Disclosure Letter);
        (b) (i) except as contemplated by Article II or by Sections 7.8 and 7.9,
    issue  or authorize or propose the issuance  of, sell, pledge or dispose of,
    or agree to issue or authorize or  propose the issuance of, sell, pledge  or
    dispose  of, any additional shares of, or any options, warrants or rights of
    any kind to acquire any  shares of their capital stock  of any class or  any
    debt  or equity securities convertible into or exchangeable for such capital
    stock, other than any such issuance pursuant to options, warrants, rights or
    convertible securities outstanding as of the date hereof in accordance  with
    their  terms in effect on the date  hereof; (ii) acquire or agree to acquire
    by merging  or consolidating  with, or  by purchasing  a substantial  equity
    interest  in or  a substantial  portion of  the assets  of, or  by any other
    manner, any business or any  corporation, partnership, association or  other
    business  organization or division thereof or  otherwise acquire or agree to
    acquire any assets in each case  which are material, individually or in  the
    aggregate,  to Parent  and its  Subsidiaries, taken  as a  whole, other than
    acquisitions of facilities  with respect  to which Parent  has entered  into
    binding  agreements  prior to  the date  hereof and  which are  described in
    Section 6.2 of the  Parent Disclosure Letter (it  being understood that,  as
    between  the Company and Parent, Parent shall not be obligated to consummate
    such acquisitions, and the failure to consummate any such acquisition  shall
    not  affect any obligation of  the parties hereunder, nor  shall it be taken
    into account in determining whether  a Material Adverse Effect with  respect
    to  Parent shall have  occurred); (iii) sell  (including by sale-leaseback),
    lease, pledge, dispose of or encumber any assets or interests therein, which
    are material,  individually or  in  the aggregate,  to  such party  and  its
    Subsidiaries,  taken  as  a whole,  other  than  in the  ordinary  course of
    business and consistent with past  practice; (iv) except as contemplated  by
    Section  7.17(b), or  in connection with  the Agreement  in Contemplation of
    Merger, incur or  become contingently  liable with respect  to any  material
    indebtedness  for borrowed money or guarantee any such indebtedness or issue
    any debt securities


    or otherwise  incur  any  material  obligation  or  liability  (absolute  or
    contingent)  other than  short-term indebtedness  in the  ordinary course of
    business and consistent with past practice; (v) redeem, purchase, acquire or
    offer to purchase  or acquire any  (x) shares  of its capital  stock or  any
    options,  warrants or  rights of  any kind  to acquire  any shares  of their
    capital  stock  or  any  debt  or  equity  securities  convertible  into  or
    exchangeable  for such  capital stock or  (y) long-term debt,  other than as
    required by the governing instruments relating thereto or as required by the
    Parent PSAR Plan or Section 7.9; or (vi) enter into any contract, agreement,
    commitment or arrangement with respect to any of the foregoing;
        (c)  enter  into  or  amend  any  employment,  severance,  special   pay
    arrangement  with respect to termination of employment or other arrangements
    or agreements  with any  directors,  officers or  key employees,  except  as
    contemplated by Section 3.4(b) or Section 7.15 hereof;
        (d)  adopt, enter into, amend or  become obligated under any new, bonus,
    profit sharing, compensation,  stock option,  pension, retirement,  deferred
    compensation,  health  care,  employment  or  other  employee  benefit plan,
    agreement, trust, fund  or arrangement  for the  benefit or  welfare of  any
    employee  or  retiree, except  (i)  as required  to  comply with  changes in
    applicable law occurring  after the date  hereof, (ii) with  respect to  all
    plans  other  than  bonus plans,  in  the  ordinary course  of  business and
    consistent with past practice or (iii) as permitted by Sections 7.9 and 7.13
    hereof; or
        (e) make any material Tax election  or settle any material Tax audit  or
                                  ARTICLE VII
    (a)  The Company shall not, nor shall  it permit any of its Subsidiaries to,
nor shall it authorize  or permit any  officer, director or  employee of or  any
investment   banker,  attorney  or  other  advisor  or  representative  (each  a
"Representative" and collectively, the "Representatives") of, the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  to,  (i)  solicit,  initiate  or  encourage  or  otherwise
facilitate  any inquiries or the making of any proposal or offer with respect to
a Takeover Proposal, (ii) except in  accordance with Section 9.1(c), enter  into
any  agreement with respect  to any Takeover Proposal,  (iii) participate in any
discussions or negotiations regarding,  or furnish to  any person any  nonpublic
information  with respect to,  a Takeover Proposal  or (iv) otherwise facilitate
any effort or  attempt to  make or  implement any  Takeover Proposal;  PROVIDED,
HOWEVER,  that nothing contained in this  Agreement shall prevent the Company or
its board of directors from (x) furnishing nonpublic information to, or entering
into discussions  or  negotiations  with,  any  person  in  connection  with  an
unsolicited   bona  fide  written  Takeover  Proposal  to  the  Company  or  its
stockholders, or  recommending  such  unsolicited  bona  fide  written  Takeover
Proposal  to the stockholders of the Company, if and only to the extent that (A)
the board of  directors of the  Company determines  in good faith  based on  the
written  advice  of  its  special  outside legal  counsel  that  such  action is
necessary for the Company's directors to comply with their respective  fiduciary
duties  to  the Company's  stockholders under  applicable law  and (B)  prior to
furnishing such  nonpublic  information  to, or  entering  into  discussions  or
negotiations  with, such person, the board  of directors of the Company receives
from such person or entity an  executed confidentiality agreement with terms  no
less  favorable  to  the Company  than  those contained  in  the Confidentiality
Agreement (it being  understood that such  confidentiality agreement may  permit
the  making by such person or entity of the Takeover Proposal), or (y) complying
with Rule 14e-2  promulgated under the  Exchange Act with  regard to a  Takeover
Proposal. Without limiting the foregoing, it is understood that any violation of
the  restrictions set forth  in the preceding sentence  by any Representative of
the Company or any of  its Subsidiaries shall be deemed  to be a breach of  this
Section  7.1 by the Company. The Company shall immediately cease and cause to be
terminated any existing activities, discussions  or negotiations by the  Company
or any of its Representatives with any parties conducted heretofore with respect
to any of the foregoing.


    (b)  The Company shall promptly  advise Parent orally and  in writing of any
Takeover Proposal or any inquiry or  request for information with respect to  or
which  could lead to any Takeover Proposal and the identity of the person making
such Takeover Proposal or  inquiry. The Company shall  keep Parent promptly  and
fully  informed in all material  respects of the status  and details of any such
Takeover Proposal or inquiry.
    (a) Parent shall not, nor  shall it permit any  of its Subsidiaries to,  nor
shall  it  authorize  or permit  any  Representative  of Parent  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries to, (i) solicit, initiate or encourage or otherwise facilitate  any
inquiries  or the  making of any  proposal or  offer with respect  to a Takeover
Proposal, (ii)  except  in  accordance  with  Section  9.1(d),  enter  into  any
agreement  with  respect  to any  Takeover  Proposal, (iii)  participate  in any
discussions or negotiations regarding,  or furnish to  any person any  nonpublic
information  with respect to,  a Takeover Proposal  or (iv) otherwise facilitate
any effort or  attempt to  make or  implement any  Takeover Proposal;  PROVIDED,
HOWEVER,  that nothing contained  in this Agreement shall  prevent Parent or its
board of directors from  furnishing nonpublic information  to, or entering  into
discussions  or negotiations with, any person  in connection with an unsolicited
bona  fide  written  Takeover  Proposal  to  Parent  or  its  shareholders,   or
recommending  such  unsolicited  bona  fide  written  Takeover  Proposal  to the
shareholders of  Parent,  if and  only  to the  extent  that (x)  the  board  of
directors  of Parent determines in good faith based on the written advice of its
special outside  legal  counsel  that  such action  is  necessary  for  Parent's
directors  to comply with their fiduciary duties to the Parent Shareholder under
applicable law and  (y) prior to  furnishing such nonpublic  information to,  or
entering  into  discussions  or negotiations  with,  such person,  the  board of
directors  of  Parent  receives   from  such  person   or  entity  an   executed
confidentiality  agreement, with  terms no less  favorable to  Parent than those
contained in  the  Confidentiality  Agreement (it  being  understood  that  such
confidentiality  agreement may permit the making by such person or entity of the
Takeover Proposal). Without limiting  the foregoing, it  is understood that  any
violation  of  the  restrictions set  forth  in  the preceding  sentence  by any
Representative of Parent  or any of  its Subsidiaries  shall be deemed  to be  a
breach  of this Section 7.2 by Parent.  Parent shall immediately cease and cause
to be terminated any existing activities, discussions or negotiations by  Parent
or any of its Representatives with any parties conducted heretofore with respect
to any of the foregoing.
    (b)  Parent promptly shall advise  the Company orally and  in writing of any
Takeover Proposal or any inquiry or  request for information with respect to  or
which  could lead to any Takeover Proposal and the identity of the person making
such Takeover Proposal or  inquiry. Parent shall keep  the Company promptly  and
fully  informed in all material  respects of the status  and details of any such
Takeover Proposal or inquiry.
    Section 7.3  ACCESS TO INFORMATION.   Subject to compliance with  applicable
law,  upon reasonable notice Parent and the  Company shall each (and shall cause
each of their respective Subsidiaries to) afford to the other and the  officers,
employees, accountants, counsel, financial advisors and other representatives of
the  other, reasonable access during normal business hours throughout the period
prior to  the  Effective  Time  to all  of  its  properties,  books,  contracts,
commitments  and records and, during such period, each of Parent and the Company
shall (and  shall  cause  each  of their  respective  Subsidiaries  to)  furnish
promptly  to the other or their  counsel (a) a copy of  each filing made by such
party with any  Governmental Entity in  connection with this  Agreement and  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  including without  limitation  each report,
schedule, registration  statement and  other document  filed or  received by  it
during  such period pursuant to the requirements of Federal securities laws, (b)
frequent reports on operational matters of materiality and the general status of
ongoing operations  and (c)  all other  information concerning  its  businesses,
properties  and personnel  as such  other party  may reasonably  request. Unless
otherwise required by law, the parties  will hold any such information which  is
nonpublic in confidence pursuant to the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement.


    Section  7.4   FORM  S-4  AND PROXY  STATEMENT.   As  soon as  is reasonably
practicable after the date hereof, the Company and Parent shall prepare and file
the Proxy Statement with the SEC and Parent shall promptly prepare and file with
the SEC the Form S-4 in which the Proxy Statement will be included. Each of  the
Company  and Parent  shall use its  best efforts  to have the  Form S-4 declared
effective under the Securities Act as promptly as practicable after such filing.
Parent shall also use its best efforts  to take any action required to be  taken
under  applicable  state securities  and blue  sky laws  in connection  with the
issuance of  shares  of  Parent  Common  Stock  in  the  Merger  and  the  other
transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement. Parent  and  the  Company shall
promptly furnish to each other all information, and take such other actions,  as
may  reasonably be  requested in connection  with any  action by any  of them in
connection with this Section 7.4.
    (a) Subject to the fiduciary  obligations of its directors under  applicable
law,  the  Company  will  take,  in  accordance  with  applicable  law  and  its
certificate of  incorporation and  bylaws,  all action  necessary to  convene  a
meeting  of holders of shares of Company  Stock as promptly as practicable after
the Form S-4 is  declared effective to  consider and vote  upon the approval  of
this  Agreement  and the  Merger and  any other  proposals mutually  agreed with
Parent. Subject to its fiduciary obligations under applicable law, the Company's
board of  directors shall  recommend such  approval and  shall take  all  lawful
action to solicit such approval.
    (b)  Subject to the fiduciary obligations  of its directors under applicable
laws, Parent will take,  in accordance with applicable  law and its articles  of
incorporation  and bylaws, all  action necessary to  obtain the Requisite Parent
Vote, whether by written consent or at a meeting.
    Section 7.6  AFFILIATES.   The Company shall use  its best efforts to  cause
each principal executive officer, each director and each other person who may be
deemed  to be an "affiliate," for purposes of Rule 145 under the Securities Act,
of the Company to deliver to Parent on or prior to the Effective Time a  written
agreement  to  the effect  that  such person  will not  offer  to sell,  sell or
otherwise dispose of  any shares of  Parent Common Stock  issued in the  Merger,
except,  in each  case, pursuant  to an  effective registration  statement or in
compliance with Rule  145, as amended  from time  to time, or  in a  transaction
which,  in the opinion of  legal counsel satisfactory to  Parent, is exempt from
the registration requirements of the Securities Act.
    (a) Subject  to the  terms and  conditions of  this Agreement,  each of  the
parties  hereto shall use all reasonable efforts  to take, or cause to be taken,
all action and  to do,  or cause  to be done,  all things  necessary, proper  or
advisable  under applicable laws and regulations,  subject to the requisite vote
of the stockholders of Parent and the Company, to consummate and make  effective
the  transactions contemplated by  this Agreement and  to satisfy the conditions
set forth  in Article  VIII  hereof including  providing information  and  using
reasonable  efforts to obtain all necessary or appropriate waivers, consents and
approvals, and  effecting all  necessary  registrations and  filings  (including
filings  under the  HSR Act)  and executing, or  causing the  execution of, such
consents or  resolutions on  the  part of  Merger Sub  as  may be  necessary  to
consummate  the transactions contemplated hereby. In  case at any time after the
Effective Time any  further action is  necessary or desirable  to carry out  the
purposes  of this Agreement, the proper officers  and directors of each party to
this Agreement shall take all necessary  actions to the extent not  inconsistent
with their other duties and obligations or applicable law.
    (b)  Without limiting  the generality of  the undertakings  pursuant to this
Section 7.7, the Company (in the case  of clauses (i) and (iii)) and Parent  (in
all  cases set  forth below) agree  to take or  cause to be  taken the following
actions: (i) provide promptly  to any and all  Federal, state, local or  foreign
court  or Government Entity with jurisdiction over enforcement of any applicable
antitrust laws


("Government Antitrust  Entity")  information  and documents  requested  by  any
Government  Antitrust  Entity  or  necessary,  proper  or  advisable  to  permit
consummation of the Merger and the transactions contemplated by this  Agreement;
(ii)  if necessary, the proffer  by Parent of its  willingness to promptly enter
into good faith negotiations with the relevant Government Antitrust Entity  (and
to  enter into  agreements with  the relevant  Government Antitrust  Entity with
respect thereto) with respect  to actions reasonably  necessary or advisable  to
avoid  the commencement of a proceeding  to delay, restrain, enjoin or otherwise
prohibit consummation  of the  Merger by  any Government  Antitrust Entity;  and
(iii)  in the event that any permanent  or preliminary injunction or other order
is entered or  becomes reasonably foreseeable  to be entered  in any  proceeding
which would make consummation of the Merger in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement unlawful or that would prevent or materially delay consummation of the
Merger  or the other  transactions contemplated by this  Agreement, use its best
efforts to take promptly  any and all steps  (including the appeal thereof,  the
posting of a bond or the taking of the steps contemplated by clause (ii) of this
paragraph)  reasonably necessary to vacate, modify or suspend such injunction or
order so as to permit  such consummation on a schedule  as close as possible  to
that contemplated by this Agreement.
    (a) The Board of Directors of the Company shall not take any action to cause
or  cause  the transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  to result  in the
acceleration of  payment, vesting  or exercisability  of any  benefit under  any
Company  Options,  Warrants  or  Rights,  or  any  other  incentive compensation
arrangement or agreement other than as required under the agreements  evidencing
or  under which  the Company  Options, Warrants or  Rights were  issued (or such
other incentive compensation  arrangements or  agreements), in each  case as  in
effect on the date hereof.
    (b)  As of the Effective Time, each outstanding option to purchase shares of
Company Common Stock and each outstanding stock appreciation right with  respect
to  Company Common Stock  (collectively the "Company  Options and Rights"), each
outstanding security of  the Company  under which  Company Common  Stock may  be
issued   on  conversion,   exchange  or  subscription   (the  "Company  Issuable
Securities"), and the agreements relating thereto, and each outstanding  Company
Warrant  (the Company Warrants, the Company  Options, the Rights and the Company
Issuable Securities being referred to herein collectively as the "Company Common
Equivalents") as of the Effective Time, shall be assumed by Parent and converted
into options, warrants, convertible  or exchangeable securities or  subscription
rights,  as the case may be, to purchase shares of and stock appreciation rights
with respect  to  (collectively, "Parent  Common  Equivalents") that  number  of
shares  of Parent Common Stock  equal to the number  of shares of Company Common
Stock subject to such Company Common  Equivalents at an exercise, conversion  or
subscription  price, as applicable, equal to the per share exercise price of the
respective  Company   Common  Equivalents,   which  respective   Parent   Common
Equivalents  shall  be subject  as  nearly as  possible  to the  same  terms and
conditions  (including  vesting  schedule)  as  the  respective  Company  Common
    (c) At or as soon as practicable after the Effective Time, Parent shall file
one  or more  registration statements  on Form  S-8 (or  any successor  or other
appropriate forms) with respect to the shares of Parent Common Stock subject  to
the  options to purchase and rights with respect to Parent Common Stock ("Parent
Options and Rights") outstanding  or reserved for issuance  as of the  Effective
Time  and shall use its reasonable efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such
registration statement  or registration  statements  (and maintain  the  current
status  of the prospectus or prospectuses contained therein) for so long as such
Parent Options and Rights remain outstanding. Parent shall use its best  efforts
to administer the Parent Options and Rights assumed pursuant to this Section 7.8
in  a manner that complies  with Rule 16b-3 promulgated  under the Exchange Act,
but only to the extent  the Company Options and  Rights complied with such  Rule
prior to the Merger.
    Section 7.9  PARENT RIGHTS.
    (a)  Except as  provided in  Section 7.9(b)  below or  is otherwise required
under the agreements evidencing or under  which such benefits are provided,  the
board of directors of Parent shall not take


any action to cause the transactions contemplated by this Agreement to result in
the  acceleration of payment, vesting or exercisability of any benefit under the
Parent PSAR Plan or any other incentive compensation arrangement or agreement.
    (b) Effective as of the Effective Time of the Merger, the Board of Directors
of Parent shall take such steps as may be necessary to terminate the  Paracelsus
Healthcare Corporation Phantom Equity Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Parent PSAR
Plan")  and provide  that, subject  to the  receipt by  Parent of  all necessary
consents and releases, each participant under the Parent PSAR Plan shall receive
in full  satisfaction of  all  rights accrued  thereunder  with respect  to  any
outstanding  Phantom Stock Appreciation Rights ("PSARs") (whether or not vested)
and any outstanding  Phantom Preferred  Stock Units ("PPSUs")  credited to  such
participant  under the Parent  PSAR Plan, an allocable  portion of the following
aggregate consideration: (i) options to purchase that number of shares of Parent
Common Stock equal to 3.0% of the number determined by dividing (a) the  product
of 450 and the Split Ratio by (B) 0.57; and (ii) $20.5 million in cash. All such
options  shall (x) be fully  vested and exercisable, (y)  have an exercise price
equal to $0.01 per share of Parent Common Stock subject to such option, and  (z)
be  issued pursuant to  a new stock option  plan adopted by  Parent prior to the
time the Form S-4 becomes effective under the Securities Act in compliance  with
the  provisions of Rule  16b-3 promulgated under the  Securities Act and section
162(m) under the Code and subject to  such other terms and conditions as may  be
set forth in such plan.
    Section  7.10  PUBLIC STATEMENTS.  The parties shall consult with each other
prior to  issuing any  public announcement  or statement  with respect  to  this
Agreement  or the transactions contemplated hereby  and shall not issue any such
public announcement or statement  prior to such consultation,  except as may  be
required by law.
    Section  7.11  LETTER OF  COMPANY'S ACCOUNTANTS.  The  Company shall use its
best efforts to cause to  be delivered to Parent  letters of Coopers &  Lybrand,
dated  the  date on  which the  Form S-4  shall become  effective and  the third
business day prior to the  Effective Time and addressed  to Parent, in form  and
substance reasonably satisfactory to Parent and customary in scope and substance
for  "comfort" letters delivered by independent public accountants in connection
with registration statements similar to the Form S-4.
    Section 7.12   LETTER OF PARENT'S  ACCOUNTANTS.  Parent  shall use its  best
efforts  to cause to be delivered to the Company letters of Ernst & Young, dated
the date on which the Form S-4 shall become effective and the third business day
prior to the Effective Time and addressed to the Company, in form and  substance
reasonably  satisfactory to the Company and customary in scope and substance for
"comfort" letters delivered by independent public accountants in connection with
registration statements similar to the Form S-4.
    (a) From  and after  the Effective  Time, Parent  shall indemnify  and  hold
harmless, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law (and Parent shall
also  advance reasonable  expenses as incurred  to the  fullest extent permitted
under applicable law provided that prior to any such advance the person to  whom
expenses  are  so  advanced provides  to  Parent  an undertaking  to  repay such
advances if it  is ultimately  determined that such  person is  not entitled  to
indemnification),  each present and former director, officer and employee of the
Company and its Subsidiaries  (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties")  against
any  costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), judgments, fines,
losses, claims,  damages  or  liabilities (collectively,  "Costs")  incurred  in
connection  with  any  action,  suit  or  proceeding,  whether  civil, criminal,
administrative, arbitrative or  investigative, arising out  of or pertaining  to
matters  existing or occurring at or prior  to the Effective Time, including the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement;  PROVIDED that Parent shall not  be
required   to  indemnify  any  Indemnified  Party  pursuant  hereto  unless  the
Indemnified Party acted  in good faith  and in a  manner such Indemnified  Party
reasonably  believed to  be in,  or not  opposed to,  the best  interests of the
Company and,  with  respect  to  any  criminal  action  or  proceeding,  had  no
reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful.


    (b)  For a period of six years  after the Effective Time, Parent shall cause
to be  maintained  in  effect  policies of  directors  and  officers'  liability
insurance  maintained by the  Company for the  benefit of those  persons who are
currently covered by such policies on terms no less favorable than the terms  of
such  current insurance  coverage; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,  that Parent  shall not be
required to  expend in  any year  an  amount in  excess of  175% of  the  annual
aggregate  premiums  currently  paid  by  the  Company  for  such  insurance, as
disclosed by the Company in Section  7.14 of the Company Disclosure Letter;  and
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that if the annual premiums of such insurance coverage exceed
such amount, Parent shall be obligated to obtain a policy with the best coverage
available,  in  the reasonable  judgment of  the  Parent Board,  for a  cost not
exceeding such amount.
    (c) Any Indemnified Party wishing  to claim indemnification under  paragraph
(a)  of  this Section  7.13,  upon learning  of  any such  claim,  action, suit,
proceeding or  investigation,  shall promptly  notify  Parent thereof,  but  the
failure  to so notify shall  not relieve Parent of any  liability it may have to
such Indemnified  Party  if  such  failure does  not  materially  prejudice  the
indemnifying  party. In the event of any such claim, action, suit, proceeding or
investigation (whether arising before or after the Effective Time) (i) Parent or
the Surviving Subsidiary shall have the right to assume the defense thereof  and
Parent shall not be liable to such Indemnified Parties for any legal expenses of
other  counsel or any  other expenses subsequently  incurred by such Indemnified
Parties in connection  with the defense  thereof, except that  if Parent or  the
Surviving  Subsidiary elects not to assume such  defense or if Parent is a party
to any such action, suit or  proceeding and counsel for the Indemnified  Parties
advises  Parent  in  writing that  there  are  issues which  raise  conflicts of
interest between Parent or the Surviving Subsidiary and the Indemnified Parties,
the Indemnified Parties may  retain counsel, and, subject  to the provisions  of
Section  7.13(a)  and applicable  law  and with  respect  to the  advancement of
expenses, Parent or the Surviving Subsidiary  shall pay all reasonable fees  and
expenses  of such counsel for the Indemnified Parties as statements therefor are
received; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,  that Parent  shall be obligated  pursuant to  this
paragraph  (c) to pay for only one  firm of counsel for all Indemnified Parties,
which counsel shall be reasonably  satisfactory to Parent; (ii) the  Indemnified
Parties  shall cooperate in  the defense of  any such matter;  and (iii) neither
Parent nor the Surviving Subsidiary shall be liable for any settlement  effected
without  their prior written consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld).
Neither Parent nor the Surviving Subsidiary shall have any obligation  hereunder
to  any Indemnified Party  if and when  a court of  competent jurisdiction shall
ultimately determine, and such determination  shall have become final, that  the
indemnification  of such Indemnified Party in  the manner contemplated hereby is
prohibited by applicable law.
    (d) If  Parent or  the Surviving  Subsidiary  or any  of its  successors  or
assigns (i) shall consolidate with or merge into any other corporation or entity
and  shall not  be the  continuing or  surviving corporation  or entity  of such
consolidation or merger or (ii) shall  transfer all or substantially all of  its
properties  and assets or any individual,  corporation or other entity, then and
in each such case, proper  provisions shall be made  so that the successors  and
assigns  of  Parent  or  the  Surviving  Subsidiary  shall  assume  all  of  the
obligations set forth in this Section 7.13.
    (e) The provisions of this Section 7.13  are intended to be for the  benefit
of,  and shall be enforceable  by, each Indemnified Party,  his or her heirs and
his or her representatives.
    Section 7.14   STOCK EXCHANGE  LISTING.  The  parties shall  use their  best
efforts  to cause the shares  of Parent Common Stock to  be issued in the Merger
and as otherwise contemplated by Sections 7.8 and 7.9 hereof to be approved  for
listing  on the New York Stock Exchange,  Inc. (the "NYSE"), or, if such listing
would not be available to Parent  immediately following the Effective Time,  the
American  Stock Exchange,  Inc. (the "AMEX"),  in each case  subject to official
notice of issuance, prior to the Effective Time. The Company shall use its  best
efforts  to cause the shares  of Company Common Stock to  be no longer listed on
the AMEX  and  de-registered under  the  Exchange  Act as  soon  as  practicable
following the Effective Time.
    Section  7.15   EXECUTION  OF  THE OTHER  AGREEMENTS.   At  or prior  to the
Effective Time, Parent shall  execute and deliver to  the other parties  thereto
(i) the Shareholder Agreement, (ii) the Voting


Agreement,  (iii) the Parent Shareholder Registration Rights Agreement, (iv) the
Company Investment  Group  Registration  Rights Agreement,  (v)  the  Employment
Agreements,  (vi)  the  Services  Agreement  and  the  Insurance  Agreement (the
"Insurance Agreement")  between  Dr. Krukemeyer  and  Paracelsus  providing  for
a  $1 million annual  death benefit with  payments commencing on  his death  and
extending  to the  tenth  anniversary of  the  Effective Time,  (vii)  the  Non-
Compete Agreement and (viii)  the  Dividend  and  Note Agreement.
    Section 7.16  TAX TREATMENT.  Each  of the parties shall use its  reasonable
best efforts, whether before or after the Effective Time, to cause the Merger to
qualify  as a "reorganization" within the meaning  of section 368(a) of the Code
and to obtain the opinions of counsel referred to in Sections 8.2(d) and  8.3(d)
and to provide counsel with such representations as are customarily necessary to
issue such opinions.
    (a)   TAKEOVER STATUTE.  If any takeover statute is or may become applicable
to the Merger, the Shareholder Agreement or the other transactions  contemplated
by  this Agreement, each  of Parent and  the Company and  its board of directors
shall grant such approvals and take such  actions as are necessary so that  such
transactions  may  be  consummated  as  promptly  as  practicable  on  the terms
contemplated by this Agreement or by  the Merger and otherwise act to  eliminate
or minimize the effects of such statute or regulation on such transactions.
    (b)  DEBT RESTRUCTURING.  Parent and Company shall use their reasonable best
efforts to refinance, including without limitation by means of a public offering
of  debt and/or equity securities as promptly as practicable after the Effective
Time, or obtain reasonable  amendments or waivers  to the currently  outstanding
debt  of Parent and Company or guarantees of the outstanding senior indebtedness
of such parties, as appropriate in order to effect the Closing and to facilitate
the combined operations of the companies after the Effective Time. Parent agrees
that, from and after the Effective Time, it shall guarantee the then outstanding
debt obligations of the  Surviving Subsidiary if and  to the extent required  by
the Agreement in Contemplation of Merger.
                                  ARTICLE VIII
MERGER.  The respective obligations of each party to effect the Merger shall  be
subject  to the fulfillment or waiver, at or prior to the Effective Time, of the
following conditions:
        (a) This Agreement and the  transactions contemplated hereby shall  have
    been  approved and adopted  by (i) the  Company Requisite Vote  and (ii) the
    Parent Requisite Vote;
        (b) The  waiting period  applicable to  the consummation  of the  Merger
    under the HSR Act shall have expired or been terminated;
        (c)  The Form  S-4 shall  have become  effective in  accordance with the
    provisions of  the  Securities  Act,  and  no  stop  order  suspending  such
    effectiveness shall have been issued and remain in effect;
        (d)  No temporary restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction
    or other order or  decree by any court  or Governmental Entity of  competent
    jurisdiction   which  prevents  the  consummation   of  the  Merger  or  the
    transactions contemplated  hereby  shall  have been  issued  and  remain  in
        (e)  No action shall have been taken, and no statute, rule or regulation
    shall have been enacted, by any state or Federal government or  governmental
    agency   which  would  prevent  the  consummation   of  the  Merger  or  the
    transactions contemplated hereby;


        (f) The shares of  Parent Common Stock required  to be issued  hereunder
    shall  have been approved for  listing on the NYSE or  AMEX, as the case may
    be, subject to official notice of issuance; and
        (g) The Employment Agreements shall have been executed and delivered  by
    (i) Parent and (ii) each of the respective parties.
MERGER.  The obligation of Company to effect the Merger shall be subject to  the
fulfillment  or waiver,  at or  prior to  the Effective  Time, of  the following
additional conditions:
        (a) Parent shall have performed in all material respects its  agreements
    contained  in this  Agreement required  to be performed  on or  prior to the
    Effective Time and the representations and warranties of Parent contained in
    this Agreement shall  be true  and correct  on and as  of the  date of  this
    Agreement  and on and as of the Effective Time  as if made on and as of such
    date, except as contemplated or permitted by this Agreement and the  Company
    shall  have received  a certificate of  the Chief Executive  Officer and the
    Chief Financial Officer of Parent to that effect;
        (b) Parent shall have  obtained the consent or  approval of each  person
    whose  consent  or  approval  shall  be  required  in  connection  with  the
    transactions contemplated hereby under any  loan or credit agreement,  note,
    mortgage, indenture, lease, license or other agreement or instrument, except
    those  for which  failure to obtain  such consents and  approvals would not,
    individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on  Parent,
    or upon the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby;
        (c) The Company shall have received the letter of Ernst & Young referred
    to in Section 7.12 hereof;
        (d)  The Company shall have received an opinion from Sullivan & Cromwell
    substantially  to  the  effect  that  (i)  the  Merger  will  qualify  as  a
    reorganization  within the meaning of section 368(a) of the Code and (ii) no
    gain or loss  will be  recognized by  the Company  stockholders who  receive
    shares  of  Parent Common  Stock in  the  merger in  exchange for  shares of
    Company Stock,  except  with  respect  to  cash  received  with  respect  to
    Dissenting  Shares  by  holders  of  Company  Preferred  Stock  who properly
    exercise appraisal rights in accordance with Section 2.7;
        (e) (i)  Parent  and the Parent Shareholder or Dr. Krukemeyer shall have
    executed  and delivered  (x) the Shareholder Agreement,  (y) the Non-Compete
    Agreement  and (z) the  Dividend and  Note Agreement; and (ii) Parent  shall
    have executed and delivered the Company Investment Group Registration Rights
    Agreement; and
        (f) The  Company shall  have  received an  opinion from  Skadden,  Arps,
    Slate, Meagher & Flom substantially to the effect that the Restated Articles
    of  Incorporation do not violate the applicable provisions of the California
    General Corporation Law.
obligations  of Parent to effect the Merger  shall be subject to the fulfillment
or waiver,  at or  prior to  the  Effective Time,  of the  additional  following
        (a)  The  Company  shall have  performed  in all  material  respects its
    agreements contained in this Agreement required to be performed on or  prior
    to  the Effective Time and the representations and warranties of the Company
    contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct on and as of the  date
    of  this Agreement and on and as of the  Effective Time as if made on and as
    of such date,  except as contemplated  by this Agreement,  and Parent  shall
    have  received a  certificate of the  Chief Executive Officer  and the Chief
    Financial Officer of the Company to that effect;
        (b) The Company  shall have  obtained the  consent or  approval of  each
    person  whose consent or  approval shall be required  in connection with the
    transactions contemplated hereby under any


    loan or credit agreement, note, mortgage, indenture, lease, license or other
    agreement or  instrument, except  those  for which  failure to  obtain  such
    consents  and approvals would not, individually  or in the aggregate, have a
    Material Adverse Effect  on the  Company, or  upon the  consummation of  the
    transactions contemplated hereby;
        (c)  Parent shall have received the letter of Coopers & Lybrand referred
    to in Section 7.11 hereof;
        (d) Parent shall  have received  an opinion from  Skadden, Arps,  Slate,
    Meagher & Flom substantially to the effect that the Merger will qualify as a
    reorganization under Section 368(a) of the Code;
        (e)  The following agreements shall have  been executed and delivered by
    the relevant parties thereto (other than Parent and the Parent Shareholder):
    (i) the  Voting  Agreement, and  (ii)  the Parent  Shareholder  Registration
    Rights Agreement.
                                   ARTICLE IX
    Section  9.1   TERMINATION.   This Agreement may  be terminated  at any time
prior  to  the  Effective  Time,  whether  before  or  after  approval  by   the
stockholders of the Company:
        (a) by the mutual written consent of Parent and the Company;
        (b)  by either Parent or the Company  if (i) at a duly held stockholders
    meeting of  the Company,  or any  adjournment or  postponement thereof,  the
    Company's  stockholders shall  not have approved  the Merger  by the Company
    Requisite Vote; (ii)  the Parent  Shareholder shall not  have approved  this
    Agreement  and the transactions contemplated  hereby by the Parent Requisite
    Vote; (iii) the Merger shall not have been consummated on or before December
    31, 1996 (the "Termination Date"); PROVIDED that the right to terminate this
    Agreement under this Section 9.1(b)(iii) shall not be available to any party
    whose willful  and material  failure to  fulfill any  obligation under  this
    Agreement has been the cause of or resulted in, the failure of the Effective
    Time  to occur  on or before  the Termination Date;  (iv) in the  event of a
    breach by  the other  party  of any  representation, warranty,  covenant  or
    agreement  set forth  herein which (x),  would give  rise to a  failure of a
    condition set forth  in Section  8.2(a) or  8.3(a), as  applicable, and  (y)
    cannot  be or has not been cured within  30 days after the giving of written
    notice to the breaching party of such breach (PROVIDED that the  terminating
    party  is not  then in breach  of any representation,  warranty, covenant or
    other agreement  that  would  give rise  to  a  failure of  a  condition  as
    described  in clause (x) above); (v) any Governmental Entity, the consent of
    which is  a  condition to  the  obligations of  Parent  and the  Company  to
    consummate the transactions contemplated hereby shall have determined not to
    grant  its consent  and all  appeals of  such determination  shall have been
    taken  and  have  been  unsuccessful;   or  (vi)  any  court  of   competent
    jurisdiction  in the United States or any  State shall have issued an order,
    judgment or decree (other than  a temporary restraining order)  restraining,
    enjoining  or otherwise  prohibiting either  of the  Merger and  such order,
    judgment or decree shall have become final and nonappealable;
        (c) by  the Company  if the  board  of directors  of the  Company  shall
    concurrently  approve,  and the  Company  shall concurrently  enter  into, a
    binding written  agreement  concerning  a  transaction  that  constitutes  a
    Takeover Proposal; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that (i) the board of directors of the
    Company  shall  have  complied  with Section  9.5  in  connection  with such
    Takeover Proposal; (ii) no termination pursuant to this Section 9.1(c) shall
    be effective  unless  the Company  shall  simultaneously make  the  payments
    required  by Section  9.6; and (iii)  the right to  terminate this Agreement
    under this  Section 9.1(c)  shall not  be available  to the  Company if  the
    Company  at such  time is  in material breach  of any  of the  terms of this


        (d) by Parent  if the board  of directors of  Parent shall  concurrently
    approve,  and  Parent  shall  concurrently  enter  into,  a  binding written
    agreement concerning  a transaction  that constitutes  a Takeover  Proposal;
    PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that  (i) the  board of  directors of  Parent shall have
    complied with Section 9.5 in connection with such Takeover Proposal; (ii) no
    termination pursuant to this  Section 9.1 shall  be effective unless  Parent
    shall  simultaneously make the  payments required by  Section 9.6; and (iii)
    the right to terminate this Agreement under this Section 9.1(d) shall not be
    available to Parent if Parent at such  time is in material breach of any  of
    the terms of this Agreement.
    Section  9.2  EFFECT  OF TERMINATION.   In the event  of termination of this
Agreement by either  Parent or the  Company as provided  in Section 9.1  hereof,
this  Agreement shall forthwith become void (except as set forth in this Section
9.2 and in Article X, the last  sentence of Sections 7.3 and Section 9.6  hereof
and   in  the  Confidentiality  Agreement,  all   of  which  shall  survive  the
termination) and there shall be no liability on the part of Parent, the  Company
or Merger Sub or their respective officers or directors except for any breach of
any  of its obligations under this Section  9.2 and the last sentence of Section
7.3 and Section 9.6 hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no party hereto shall
be relieved from liability for any willful, material breach of this Agreement.
    Section 9.3  AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto
at any time before or after approval hereof by the shareholders of Parent or the
Company, PROVIDED that after any such approval, no amendment shall be made which
(a) changes the number  of shares of  Parent Common Stock  into which shares  of
Company  Stock are  converted pursuant  to the  terms hereof  or (b)  in any way
materially adversely affects the  rights of holders of  shares of Parent  Common
Stock  or  Company  Stock.  This  Agreement may  not  be  amended  except  by an
instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto.
    Section 9.4  WAIVER.  At any  time prior to the Effective Time, the  parties
hereto  may (a) extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations or
other acts  of the  other parties  hereto,  (b) waive  any inaccuracies  in  the
representations  and warranties  contained herein  or in  any document delivered
pursuant hereto  and  (c)  waive  compliance  with  any  of  the  agreements  or
conditions  contained herein. Any agreement on the part of a party hereto to any
such extension or waiver shall be valid if set forth in an instrument in writing
signed on behalf of such party.
    Section 9.5  PROCEDURE FOR CERTAIN TERMINATIONS.  A terminating party  shall
provide  to the  other party  written notice  prior to  any termination  of this
Agreement pursuant to  Section 9.1(c)  or 9.1(d), as  applicable, advising  such
other  party (i) that the board of directors of the terminating party intends to
enter into  a  binding  written  agreement concerning  a  Takeover  Proposal  in
accordance  with the terms of this Agreement,  and (ii) as to the material terms
of any such Takeover  Proposal. At any time  after five business days  following
receipt  of such notice,  the terminating party may  terminate this Agreement as
provided in  Section 9.1(c)  or 9.1(d),  as  applicable, only  if the  board  of
directors  of  the  terminating  party determines  that  such  proposal  is more
favorable to  its  shareholders  than  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement  (taking into  account all  terms of  such Takeover  Proposal and this
Agreement, including all conditions,  and which determination  shall be made  in
light  of any revised  proposal made by  the non-terminating party  prior to the
expiration of such  five business  day period)  and concurrently  enters into  a
binding  written agreement providing for  the implementation of the transactions
contemplated by such Takeover Proposal.
    Section 9.6  FEES AND EXPENSES.
    (a) The  Surviving Subsidiary  shall pay  all charges  and expenses  of  the
Company and the Exchange Agent, in connection with the transactions contemplated
by  Article II,  and Parent  shall reimburse  the Surviving  Subsidiary for such
charges and expenses. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 9.6,  whether
or  not the Merger is consummated, all costs and expenses incurred in connection
with this Agreement,  the Shareholder  Agreement, the Voting  Agreement and  the
other  transactions contemplated hereby  and thereby shall be  paid by the party
incurring such costs or


expenses, except that expenses  incurred in connection with  the filing fee  for
the  Form S-4,  printing and mailing  the Proxy  Statement and the  Form S-4 and
actions required to be taken under applicable state securities and blue sky laws
shall be shared equally by Parent and the Company.
    (b) If this Agreement is terminated (i) pursuant to Section 9.1(d) hereof or
(ii) pursuant to (x) Section 9.1(b)(ii), (y) Section 9.1(b)(iii) (PROVIDED, that
the Company shall not be entitled to any Termination Fee or Company Expenses  in
connection  with  a  termination  pursuant to  Section  9.1(b)(iii)  if  (A) any
conditions in Article VIII (other than  the condition in Section 8.1(a)(ii))  of
Parent  to consummate the Merger have not been satisfied or waived and (B) as of
the Termination Date Parent shall have taken all actions required to be taken by
it under this Agreement  and otherwise shall  not be in  material breach of  its
obligations  under this Agreement; PROVIDED,  FURTHER, that nothing herein shall
be construed  to affect  the  parties' obligations  under  Section 7.7)  or  (z)
Section  9.1(b)(iv)  hereof, and  in each  case within  twelve months  from such
termination a  Takeover Proposal  involving Parent  shall be  consummated,  then
Parent shall (in the case of Section 9.6(b)(i) upon such termination, and in the
case  of Section  9.6(b)(ii) upon  the consummation  of such  Takeover Proposal)
promptly (and in  any event  within two  days of  receipt by  Parent of  written
notice  from the Company)  pay to the  Company (by wire  transfer of immediately
available funds to an  account designated by the  Company) a termination fee  of
$7,500,000  (the "Termination  Fee"), and  shall reimburse  the Company  for all
documented out-of-pocket  expenses  (including  all fees  and  expenses  of  its
counsel,  advisors, accountants and consultants) incurred by or on behalf of the
Company in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement up to
an additional $2,500,000  ("Company Expenses").  Parent's payment  shall be  the
sole  and  exclusive  remedy  of  the Company  against  Parent  and  any  of its
Subsidiaries  and  their  respective  directors,  officers,  employees,  agents,
advisors  or other representatives with respect to the breach of any covenant or
agreement giving rise to such payment, other than with respect to any claims for
willful breach or bad faith by Parent or Merger Sub.
    (c) If this Agreement is terminated  (i) pursuant to Section 9.1(c)  hereof,
or  (ii) pursuant to  (x) Section 9.1(b)(i),  (y) Section 9.1(b)(iii) (PROVIDED,
that Parent shall not be entitled to  any Termination Fee or Parent Expenses  in
connection  with  a  termination  pursuant to  Section  9.1(b)(iii)  if  (A) any
conditions in Article VIII  (other than the condition  in Section 8.1(a)(i))  of
Company to consummate the Merger have not been satisfied or waived and (B) as of
the  Termination Date Company shall have taken  all actions required to be taken
by it under this Agreement and otherwise shall not be in material breach of  its
obligations  under this Agreement; PROVIDED,  FURTHER, that nothing herein shall
be construed  to affect  the  parties' obligations  under  Section 7.7)  or  (z)
Section  9.1(b)(iv)  hereof, and  in each  case within  twelve months  from such
termination a Takeover Proposal involving the Company shall be consummated, then
the Company shall (in the case  of Section 9.6(c)(i) upon such termination,  and
in  the  case  of Section  9.6(c)(ii)  upon  the consummation  of  such Takeover
Proposal) promptly (and in any event within  two days of receipt by the  Company
of  written notice from Parent)  pay to Parent (by  wire transfer of immediately
available funds to  an account designated  by Parent) the  Termination Fee,  and
shall  reimburse Parent for all documented out-of-pocket expenses (including all
fees and  expenses  of  its  counsel,  advisors,  accountants  and  consultants)
incurred  by  or  on  behalf  of  Parent  in  connection  with  the transactions
contemplated  by  this  Agreement  up  to  an  additional  $2,500,000   ("Parent
Expenses,"  and  hereinafter "Expenses"  shall mean  Parent Expenses  or Company
Expenses, as applicable). The Company's payment shall be the sole and  exclusive
remedy  of Parent  against the  Company and  any of  its Subsidiaries  and their
respective  directors,   officers,   employees,  agents,   advisors   or   other
representatives  with respect to the breach  of any covenant or agreement giving
rise to such payments, other than with  respect to any claim for willful  breach
or bad faith by the Company.
    (d)  If payment of a  Termination Fee and Expenses  is required hereunder in
connection with a Takeover Proposal  that is intended to  be accounted for as  a
"pooling  of interests" under APB 16  and any applicable interpretations thereof
and, but for such payment of  the Termination Fee and Expenses, such  accounting
treatment  would  be available  for the  transaction  involved in  such Takeover
Proposal, then such Termination Fee and Expenses shall be reduced to the maximum
amount that  would  permit such  accounting  treatment (the  "maximum  amount");
PROVIDED, that, in order for a


party  obligated to pay a Termination Fee and Expenses (a "payor") to reduce the
Termination Fee and  Expenses pursuant to  this Section 9.6(d),  (i) such  payor
shall  (in the case of  a termination pursuant to  Sections 9.1(c) and (d), upon
termination, and  in  the  case  of Section  9.1(b)(i),  (ii),  (iii)  or  (iv),
reasonably  prior  to the  time such  Termination Fee  and Expenses  is payable)
provide the party entitled to the  Termination Fee and Expenses (the "payee")  a
written  opinion of a  nationally recognized accounting  firm that such Takeover
Proposal qualifies  for  such accounting  treatment  and providing  such  firm's
estimation  of the  maximum amount and  (ii) a  nationally recognized accounting
firm retained by the payee must not  reasonably object to such opinions. In  the
event  of a  disagreement between  the payor  and payee  accounting firms, those
firms shall  mutually agree  on a  third nationally  recognized accounting  firm
whose judgment as to these matters shall be final.
                                   ARTICLE X
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS
AGREEMENTS.  Except for the last sentence of Section 7.7(a) and Sections  7.8(c)
and (d), 7.13, 7.16 and 9.6(a), and this Article X, none of the representations,
warranties and agreements in this Agreement shall survive the Effective Time.
    Section  10.2   NOTICES.   Any notices  or other  communications required or
permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given upon  (a)
transmitter's  confirmation  of  a  receipt  of  a  facsimile  transmission, (b)
confirmed delivery by a standard overnight carrier or when delivered by hand, or
(c) the expiration of five business days after the day when mailed by  certified
or registered mail, postage prepaid, addressed at the following addresses (or at
such other address as the parties hereto shall specify by like notice):
    If to Parent, to:
       Paracelsus Healthcare Corporation
       155 North Lake Avenue
       Suite 1100
       Pasadena, California 91101
       Telecopy No. (818) 304-9588
       Attention: R.J. Messenger,
                  President and Chief Executive Officer
       with a copy to: Robert C. Joyner,
                       Vice President and General Counsel
    with a copy to:
       Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
       300 South Grand Avenue
       Los Angeles, California 90071
       Telecopy No. (213) 687-5600
       Attention: Thomas C. Janson, Jr.


    If to the Company, to:
       Champion Healthcare Corporation
       515 West Greens Road
       Suite 800
       Houston, Texas 77067
       Telecopy No. (713) 878-6686
       Attention: Charles R. Miller,
                  President and Chief Executive Officer
       with a copy to: James G. VanDevender,
                       Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
    with a copy to:
       Sullivan & Cromwell
       125 Broad Street
       New York, NY 10004-2498
       Telecopy No. (212) 558-3588
       Attention: Neil T. Anderson
    and a copy to:
       Michener, Larimore, Swindle, Whitaker
         Flowers, Sawyer, Reynolds & Chalk, L.L.P.
       3500 City Center Tower II
       301 Commerce Street
       Fort Worth, Texas 76102
       Telecopy No. (817) 335-6935 or (817) 878-0706
       Attention: Wayne Whitaker
    Section  10.3  INTERPRETATION.  The headings contained in this Agreement are
for reference purposes  only and  shall not  affect in  any way  the meaning  or
interpretation  of this Agreement.  Whenever the words  "include," "includes" or
"including" are used in this Agreement, they  shall be deemed to be followed  by
the words "without limitation."
    Section  10.4  MISCELLANEOUS.   This Agreement  (including the documents and
instruments referred to herein) (a) together with the Shareholder Agreement, the
Confidentiality Agreement  and  the  Voting Agreement,  constitutes  the  entire
agreement  and supersedes  all other  prior agreements  and understandings, both
written and oral, among the parties, or any of them, with respect to the subject
matter hereof;  (b) shall  not be  assigned  by operation  of law  or  otherwise
without  the prior written consent of the other parties hereto; and (c) shall be
governed in all respects, including validity, interpretation and effect, by  the
laws  of the State of Delaware (without  giving effect to the provisions thereof
relating to conflicts of  law). The parties hereby  acknowledge that, except  as
hereinafter  agreed to in writing,  no party shall have  the right to acquire or
shall be deemed  to have acquired  shares of  capital stock of  the other  party
pursuant to the Merger until consummation thereof.
    Section  10.5  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement  may be executed in two or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of  which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.
    Section 10.6  PARTIES IN INTEREST.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure  to the  benefit of  and be  enforceable by  the parties  hereto and their
respective  successors   and  permitted   assigns  and,   except  as   otherwise
specifically provided in Section 7.13 hereof, nothing in this Agreement, express
or  implied, is intended to confer upon  any other person any rights or remedies
of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.


    Section 10.7  SEVERABILITY.  Any  term or provision of this Agreement  which
is  invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction,
be ineffective  to the  extent of  such invalidity  or unenforceability  without
rendering  invalid or unenforceable  the remaining terms  and provisions of this
Agreement or affecting  the validity or  enforceability of any  of the terms  or
provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction. If any provision of this
Agreement is so broad as to be unenforceable, the provision shall be interpreted
to be only so broad as is enforceable.
    Section 10.8  ATTORNEYS' FEES.  If any action at law or equity, including an
action  for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret any provision
of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover  reasonable
attorneys' fees and expenses from the other party, which fees and expenses shall
be in addition to any other relief which may be awarded.
    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  Parent, the  Company and  Merger Sub  have caused this
Agreement to be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized as
of the date first written above.
                                PARACELSUS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
                                By:           /s/ ROBERT C. JOYNER
                                      Name:  Robert C. Joyner
                                      Title: Vice President and General Counsel
                                CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

                                By:           /s/ JAMES G. VANDEVENDER
                                      Name:  James G. VanDevender
                                      Title: Executive Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

                                PC MERGER SUB, INC.

                                By:           /s/ ROBERT C. JOYNER
                                      Name:  Robert C. Joyner
                                      Title: Director
