Exhibit 3(a)

                            OF NORSTAN, INC.

                              As Amended



     WHEREAS, Articles of Incorporation, duly signed and acknowledged under 
oath, have been filed for record in the office of the Secretary of State, on 
the --1st-- day of July, A. D. 1960 for the incorporation of

                       Norstan Mfg. Company, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
under and in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Business 
Corporation Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 301;

     NOW, THERFORE, I, Joseph L. Donovan, Secretary of State of the State of 
Minnesota, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby 
certify that the said

                       Norstan Mfg. Company, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this State.

                                    Witness my official signature hereunto 
                                    subscribed and the Great Seal of the 
                                    State of Minnesota hereunto affixed this
                                    --first-- day of July in the year of our
                                    Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty.

                                         /s/ Joseph L. Donovan
                                                           Secretary of State.

                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                          NORSTAN MFG. COMPANY, INC.                          

     We, the undersigned, of full age, for the purpose of forming a 
corporation under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 301, Minnesota 
Statutes, known as the Minnesota Business Corporation Act, and laws 
amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, do hereby associate ourselves 
as a body corporate and adopt the following Articles of Incorporation:

                                  ARTICLE I.

     The name of this corporation is:

                          NORSTAN MFG. COMPANY, INC.

                                  ARTICLE II.

     Its purposes are as follows:
     To design, develop, research, produce and assemble amusement and other 
devices and otherwise deal in goods, wares and merchandise of every class and 

     To hold, buy, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber real and 
personal property or any interest therein, of all kinds and descriptions;

     To hold, buy, sell, and invest in notes, stocks, bonds or, other 
investments of all kinds; and

     To engage in such other activities as in the judgment of the board of 
directors are reasonably necessary to carry out any of the foregoing purposes 
and, in general, to have and exercise all powers conferred by the laws of the 
State of Minnesota in futherance of the purposes hereinbefore expressed.

                                   ARTICLE III.

     Its duration shall be perpetual.

                                   ARTICLE IV.

     The location and post office address of its registered office in this 
state is 938 Northwestern Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

                                    ARTICLE V.

     The amount of stated capital with which this corporation will begin 
business is One Thousand and no/100 ($1,000.00) Dollars.

                                   ARTICLE VI.

     The total authorized capital stock of this corporation is one million 
(1,000,000) shares of common stock of the par value of ten cents ($.10) each. 
All shares, when issued, shall be fully paid for and shall be non-assessable. 
The shareholders shall not have any pre-emptive rights of any kind and the 
corporation by its directors may offer for sale and sell, or grant options to 
subscribe for, or purchase, the same at such times and under such conditions 
as shall be determined to be for the best interests of the corporation.

                                 ARTICLE VII.

     The names and post office addresses of each of the incorporators are:

      Name                                      Post Office Address
     ------                                    ----------------------

Norman H. Stensager                 8228 First Avenue South, Bloomington,

Sheldon J. Gensler                  2851 Huntington Avenue, St. Louis Park,

Agnes Ellefson                      22 East 22nd Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

     The names, post office addresses and terms of office of the first 
directors are:

      Name                          Post Office Address              Term
     ------                        ----------------------           ------
Norman H. Stensager     8228 First Avenue South, Bloomington,
                         Minnesota                                  1 year 

Sheldon J. Gensler      2851 Huntington Avenue, St. Louis           
                         Park, Minnesota                            1 year

Irvin E. Schermer       2306 Parkwoods Road, St. Louis              
                         Park, Minnesota                            1 year

Fred P. Berdass         2622 Raleigh Avenue, St. Louis
                         Park, Minnesota                            1 year

Charles C. DeMoss       3322 Holmes Avenue South,
                         Minneapolis, Minnesota                     1 year

                                           - 2 -

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this 28th day
of June, 1960.

                                /s/ Norman H. Stensager
IN THE PRESENCE OF:             ------------------------
/s/ Irwin E. Schermer           Norman H. Stensager
- ------------------------
/s/ Bernie E. Shingler
- ------------------------        /s/ Sheldon J. Gensler
                                Sheldon J. Gensler

                                /s/ Agnes Ellefson
                                Agnes Ellefson

                     ) SS

     On this 28th day of June, 1960, personally appeared before me, a notary 
public, Norman H. Stensager, Sheldon J. Gensler and Agnes Ellefson, to me 
known to be the persons named in and who executed the foregoing Articles of 
Incorporation and each acknowledged this to be of his own free act and deed 
for the uses and purposes therein expressed.  

                                /s/ Irwin E. Schermer

(Notarial Seal)  

                           CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF
                          ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF
                           NORSTAN MFG. COMPANY, INC.

     We, the undersigned, Norman H. Stensager and Charles C. DeMoss, 
respectively the president and secretary of Norstan Mfg. Company, Inc., a 
corporation subject to the provisions of Chapter 301, Minnesota Statutes 
1953, known as the Minnesota Business Corporation Act, do hereby certify that 
pursuant to Section 301.26, Subdivision 11 of said Act, on August 31, 1960, 
by written authorization signed by all of the holders of shares of stock of 
said corporation who would be entitled to a notice of meeting of 
shareholders, Article I. of the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation 
was amended to read as follows:

                                  "ARTICLE I.

     The name of this corporation is:  NORSTAN RESEARCH

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have subscribed our names and caused the 
corporate seal of said corporation to be hereto affixed this 14th day of 
September, 1960.

                                       NORSTAN MFG. COMPANY, INC.

                                       By /s/ Norman H. Stensager
                                         Its President

                                       And /s/ Charles C. DeMoss
                                          Its Secretary 


     Norman H. Stensager and Charles C. DeMoss, being first duly sworn, on 
oath depose and say:  that they are respectively the president and secretary 
of Norstan Mfg. Company, Inc., the corporation named in the foregoing 
certificate; that said certificate contains a true statement of the action of 
the shareholders of said corporation, duly held as aforesaid; that the seal 
attached is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said certificate is 
executed on behalf of said corporation, by its express authority; that they 
further acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed and the free act 
and deed of said corporation.  

                                /s/ Norman H. Stensager
                                Norman H. Stensager

                                /s/ Charles C. DeMoss
                                Charles C. DeMoss

Subscribed and sworn to before me

this 14th day of September, 1960.

/s/ Sheldon L. Gensler
- ----------------------

(Notarial Seal)


                   We, Sidney R. Cohen and Richard Cohen, respectively the 
President and Secretary of Norstan Research & Development Company, a 
Minnesota corporation organized under or subject to the provisions of Chapter 
301, Minnesota Statutes, hereby certify that the following resolutions were 
adopted by the Board of Directors of said corporation on the 15th day of 
July, A. D. 1971, to wit:

RESOLVED that the registered office in this state be changed from 
938 Northwestern Bank Building in the City of Minneapolis, County 
of Hennepin, to 524 North Fifth Street, in the City of Minneapolis, 
County of Hennepin.

RESOLVED that the effective date of the change of registered office 
shall be the date of the filing hereof with the Secretary of State 
of Minnesota.

RESOLVED FURTHER that the President and the Secretary of this 
corporation be and are hereby authorized and directed to make, 
execute and acknowledge a certificate under the corporate seal of 
this corporation embracing the foregoing resolutions and to cause 
such certificate to be filed in accordance with the provisions of 
Chapter 301, Minnesota Statutes.

                                       /s/ Sidney R. Cohen

                                       /s/ Richard Cohen

                                       (Corporate Seal)

Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 15th day of July, 1971.

/s/ Winston E. Munson
- -------------------------------

(Notarial Seal)

                                 CERTIFICATE OF

     We, the undersigned, President and Secretary, respectively, of Norstan
Research & Development Company, a Minnesota corporation, do hereby certify 
that at a duly called meeting of the shareholders of said corporation held on
the 12th day of July, 1973, prior notice of which meeting had been duly mailed
to each shareholder of record, the following resolutions adopting Restated
Articles of Incorporation were adopted by the affirmative vote of the holders
of a majority of the voting power of all shareholders entitled to vote and 
said resolutions did not receive the negative vote of the holders of more than
one-fourth of the voting power of all shareholders entitled to vote:

         RESOLVED, That the shareholders of Norstan Research & 
         Development Company do hereby adopt the following Restated 
         Articles of Incorporation, which consist of the original 
         Articles of Incorporation, as amended to date, together with 
         certain additional amendments to said original Articles of 
         Incorporation and which Restated Articles of Incorporation 
         shall, and hereby do, supersede and take the place of the 
         existing Articles of Incorporation of Norstan Research & 
         Development Company and all amendments thereto.


                              ARTICLE I

     The name of the corporation is NORSTAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY.

                              ARTICLE II

     The corporation shall have the following purposes:

     To design, develop, research, produce and assemble amusement and other 
devices and other wise deal in goods, wares and merchandise of every class 
and description;

     To hold, buy, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber real and 
personal property or any interest therein, of all kinds and descriptions;

     To hold, buy, sell and invest in notes, stocks, bonds or other 
investments of all kinds; and

     To engage in such other activities as in the judgment
of the Board of Directors are reasonably necessary to carry out any of the 
foregoing purposes.

     In addition, the corporation shall have general business purposes and 
shall have unlimited power to engage in, and to do any lawful act concerning, 
any and all lawful businesses for which corporations may be organized under 
the Minnesota Business Corporation Act and all amendments thereto.

                              ARTICLE III

     The duration of the corporation shall be perpetual.

                              ARTICLE IV

     The location and post office address of the corporation's registered 
office in the State of Minnesota shall be 524 North Fifth Street, 
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401.

                              ARTICLE V

     The total authorized number of par value common shares of the 
corporation shall be Three Million (3,000,000), all of one class, and par 
value of each share shall be Ten Cents($.10).

                              ARTICLE VI

     The shareholders of the corporation shall not have the pre-emptive right 
to subscribe for or to purchase any of the shares or other securities, 
warrants or rights of the corporation, now or hereafter authorized, 
including any of the same which may, from time to time, be in the treasury of 
the corporation.  The shareholders of the corporation are hereby denied the 
right of cumulative voting.

                              ARTICLE VII

     The amount of stated capital at the time of the adoption of these 
Restated Articles of Incorporation is the sum of Seventy-Seven Thousand Seven 
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($77,750.00)

                              ARTICLE VIII
     The names and post office addresses of the directors of the corporation 
at the time of the adoption of these Restated Articles of Incorporation are 
as follows: 

              NAME                     ADDRESS

       Sidney R. Cohen              524 North Fifth Street
                                    Minneapolis, Minnesota
       Arnold Lehrman               Shelard Plaza, Suite 660
                                    Highway 12 & County Road 18
                                    Minneapolis, Minnesota
       Richard W. Cohen             524 North Fifth Street
                                    Minneapolis, Minnesota
       Winston E. Munson            1000 First National
                                    Bank Building
                                    Minneapolis, Minnesota
       Sheldon J. Gensler           2716 Tanglewood Drive
                                    Sarasota, Florida
       David B. Trach               2531 Kipling Avenue
                                    Minneapolis, Minnesota
       Carl A. Berg                 8821 Science Center Drive
                                    New Hope, Minnesota
       James S. Sidwell             8521 Westmoreland
                                    St. Louis Park, Minnesota


     The number of directors of the corporation shall not be less than three 
(3) nor more than fifteen (15), and each shall hold office for a term of one 
(1) year or such shorter term as may be specifically provided at the time of 
election and until his successor is duly elected. The terms of office of the 
above directors shall be until the next annual meeting of shareholders and 
until their respective successors are duly elected.

                              ARTICLE IX

     The Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to make and 
alter the Bylaws of the corporation subject to the power of the shareholders 
to change or repeal such Bylaws; provided, however, that the Board of 
Directors shall not alter any Bylaw fixing their qualifications, 
classifications, terms of office, or number, except that the Board of 
Directors may make or alter any Bylaw to increase their number up to a 
maximum of fifteen (15).

                              ARTICLE X

     The power and authority to accept and reject subscriptions for shares 
and other securities, and to allot shares and other securities, and to 
otherwise issue, sell, transfer and otherwise dispose of the shares and other 
securities of the corporation, whether authorized and unissued or in the 
treasury of the corporation and whether made or done before or after 
incorporation, is hereby granted to and vested in the Board of Directors of 
the corporation.  The Board of Directors, without action by the shareholders, 
may from time to time, offer for subscription, or otherwise issue or sell, or 
grant rights, warrants or options for the subscription to or purchase of any 
of the authorized share or other securities of the corporation not then 
issued or which may have been issued and reacquired as treasury shares or 
other securities by the corporation, and any or all of any increased shares 
or other securities of any class that may hereafter be authorized for such 
consideration as the directors may determine.  In connection with any rights, 
warrants or options granted by the Board of Directors, the Board of 
Directors is authorized to fix the terms, provisions and conditions of such 
rights, warrants or options, including the conversion basis or bases and the 
option or warrant price or prices at which shares may be purchased or 
subscribed for and to authorize the issuance thereof.  The Board of Directors 
may specify in amount or value the proportions of the consideration over and 
above the par value of any share, on its issue or sale, which shall be 
capital and which shall be surplus.  Bonds, debentures, certificates of 
indebtedness, bonds convertible into shares, debentures convertible into 
shares, or other debt securities, may be issued, sold or


disposed of pursuant to resolution of the Broad of Directors, without action 
by the shareholders, for such consideration and upon such terms and 
conditions as may be deemed advisable by the Board of Directors in the 
exercise of its discretion. The Board of Directors is hereby authorized and 
empowered to fix or alter, as to shares unallotted at the time, any or all of 
the following matters, to-wit: (1) the dividend rate; (2) the redemption 
price; (3) the liquidation price; (4) the conversion rights; (5) the sinking 
or purchase fund rights of any shares or other securities; or (6) the number 
of shares in any series of any class, all in the manner and in accordance 
with the statutes, as the same may be from time to time, for such cases made 
and provided.

                               ARTICLE XI

     The holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the corporation 
entitled to vote on the questions, respectively, shall have the power to 
authorize the Board of Directors to sell, lease, exchange or otherwise 
dispose of all or substantially all of the property and assets of the 
corporation, including its good will, upon such terms and conditions and for 
such consideration, which may be money, shares, bonds or other instruments 
for the payment of money or other property, as the Board of Directors deems 
expedient; to amend the Restated Articles of Incorporation of the 
corporation; and to adopt or reject an agreement of consolidation or merger.

                                     - 4 -

              FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and the Secretary 
              of the corporation are hereby authorized and directed to
              prepare, execute and file for record a proper Certificate
              of Restated Articles of Incorporation of Norstan Research 
              & Development Company, reciting that the Restated Articles
              of Incorporation supersede and take the place of the existing
              Articles of Incorporation of Norstan Research & Development 
              Company and all amendments thereto, and said officers are 
              hereby authorized and directed to pay all fees in connection 
              therewith, and to do all other acts and things necessary, 
              required or convenient to carry out the purposes hereof.

     The undersigned do hereby further certify that the total authorized 
number of shares has been increased to Three Million (3,000,000), all of said 
shares being of one class and each share having the par value of Ten Cents 
($.10); and that the Restated Articles of Incorporation supersede and take 
the place of the existing Articles of Incorporation of Norstan Research & 
Development Company and all amendments thereto.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, as President and Secretary, 
respectively, of Norstan Research & Development Company have hereunto set 
their respective hands and affixed the corporate seal of said corporation 
this 13 day of July, 1973.



/s/ Sara Rietz                         /s/ Sidney R. Cohen
- -------------------------              ------------------------------
                                       Sidney R. Cohen, President

/s/ Arnold Lehrman                     /s/ Winston E. Munson
- -------------------------              ------------------------------
                                       Winston E. Munson, Secretary

                                     - 5 -

                  ) SS.

     On this 13th day of July, 1973, before me, a Notary Public, within and 
for said County, personally appeared Sidney R. Cohen and Winston E. Munson, 
to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, did say that they 
are respectively the President and Secretary of NORSTAN RESEARCH & 
DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and 
that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said 
corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said 
corporation by authority of its shareholders, and said Sidney R. Cohen and 
Winston E. Munson acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of 
said corporation.

                                   /s/ Roger V. Stagberg
                                Notary Public, Hennepin County


                                   CERTIFICATE OF

     We, the undersigned, President and Secretary, respectively, of Norstan 
Research & Development Company, a Minnesota corporation, do hereby certify 
that at a duly called meeting of the shareholders of said corporation held on 
the 18th day of July, 1974, prior notice of which meeting had been duly mailed 
to each shareholder of record, the following resolutions adopting Restated 
Articles of Incorporation were adopted by the affirmative vote of the holders 
of more than two-thirds of the voting power of all shareholders entitled to 

              RESOLVED, That the shareholders of Norstan
              Research & Development Company do hereby
              adopt the following Restated Articles of
              Incorporation which consist of the existing
              Restated Articles of Incorporation, together
              with certain amendments thereto, and which
              Restated Articles of Incorporation shall,
              and hereby do, supersede and take the place 
              of the existing Restated Articles of Incorporation
              of Norstan Research & Development Company and 
              all amendments thereto.


                              ARTICLE I

                The name of the corporation is NORSTAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 

                              ARTICLE II

                The corporation shall have the following purposes:

                To design, develop, research, produce and assemble amusement 
and other devices and otherwise deal in goods, wares and merchandise of every 
class and description;

                To hold, buy, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber 
real and personal property or any interest therein, of all kinds and 

                To hold, buy, sell and invest in notes, stocks, bonds or 
other investments of all kinds; and

                To engage in such other activities as in the judgement of the 
Board of Directors are reasonably necessary to carry out any of the foregoing 

                In addition, the corporation shall have general business 
purposes and shall have unlimited power to engage in, and to do any lawful 
act concerning, any and all lawful businesses for which corporations may be 
organized under the Minnesota Business Corporation Act and all amendments 

                              ARTICLE III

                The duration of the corporation shall be perpetual.

                              ARTICLE IV

                The location and post office address of the corporation's 
registered office in the State of Minnesota shall be 524 North Fifth Street, 
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401.

                              ARTICLE V

                The total authorized number of par value common shares of the 
corporation shall be Three Million (3,000,000), all of one class, and the par 
value of each share shall be Ten Cents ($.10).

                              ARTICLE VI

                The shareholders of the corporation shall not have the 
pre-emptive right to subscribe for or to purchase any of the shares or other 
securities, warrants or rights of the corporation, now or hereafter 
authorized, including any of the same which may, from time to time, be in the 
treasury of the corporation.  The shareholders of the corporation are hereby 
denied the right of cumulative voting.  

                              ARTICLE VII

                The amount of stated capital at the time of the adoption of 
these Restated Articles of Incorporation is the sum of Ninety-Seven Thousand 
Nine Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($97,950.00).

                              ARTICLE VIII

                The names and post office addresses of the directors of the 
corporation at the time of the adoption of these Restated Articles of 
Incorporation are as follows:

                NAME                      ADDRESS

          Sidney R. Cohen            524 North Fifth Street
                                     Minneapolis, Minnesota

          Arnold Lehrman             Shelard Plaza, Suite 660
                                     400 South County Road 18
                                     Minneapolis, Minnesota

          Richard W. Cohen           524 North Fifth Street
                                     Minneapolis, Minnesota

          Winston E. Munson          1000 First National Bank Bldg.
                                     Minneapolis, Minnesota

          Sheldon J. Gensler         2716 Tanglewood Drive
                                     Sarasota, Florida

          David B. Trach             2531 Kipling Avenue
                                     St. Louis Park, Minnesota

          Carl A. Berg               8821 Science Center Drive
                                     New Hope, Minnesota

          James S. Sidwell           8521 Westmoreland Lane
                                     St. Louis Park, Minnesota

                The number of directors of the corporation shall not be less 
than three (3) nor more than fifteen (15), and each shall hold office for a 
term of one (1) year or such shorter term as may be specifically provided at 
the time of election and until his successor is duly elected.  The terms of 
office of the above directors shall be until the next annual meeting of 
shareholders and until their respective successors are duly elected.

                              ARTICLE IX

                The Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to 
make and alter the Bylaws of the corporation subject to the power of the 
shareholders to change or repeal such Bylaws; provided, however, that the 
Board of Directors shall not alter any Bylaw fixing their qualifications, 
classifications, terms of office, or number, except that the Board of 
Directors may make or alter any Bylaw to increase their number up to a 
maximum of fifteen (15).

                              ARTICLE X

                The power and authority to accept and reject subscriptions 
for shares and other securities, and to allot shares and other securities, 
and to otherwise issue, sell, transfer and otherwise dispose of the shares 
and other securities of the corporation, whether authorized and unissued or 
in the treasury of the corporation and whether made or done before or after 
incorporation, is hereby granted to and vested in the Board of Directors of 
the corporation.  The Board of Directors, without action by the shareholders, 
may from time to time, offer for subscription, or otherwise issue or sell, or 
grant rights, warrants or options for the subscription to or purchase of any 
of the authorized shares or other securities of the corporation not then 
issued or which may have been issued and reacquired as treasury shares or 
other securities by the corporation, and any or all of any increased shares 
or other securities of any class that may hereafter be authorized for such 
consideration as the directors may determine.  In connection with any rights, 
warrants or options granted by the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors 
is authorized to fix the terms, provisions and conditions of such rights, 
warrants or options, including the conversion basis or bases and the option 
or warrant price or prices at which shares may be purchased or subscribed for 
and to authorize 

the issuance thereof.  The Board of Directors may specify in amount or value 
the proportions of the consideration over and above the par value of any 
share, on its issue or sale, which shall be capital and which shall be 
surplus.  Bonds, debentures, certificates of indebtedness, bonds convertible 
into shares, debentures convertible into shares, or other debt securities, may 
be issued, sold or disposed of pursuant to resolutions of the Board of 
Directors, without action by the shareholders, for such consideration and 
upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed advisable by the Board of 
Directors in the exercise of its discretion.  The Board of Directors is 
hereby authorized and empowered to fix or alter, as to shares unallotted at 
the time, any or all of the following matters, to-wit: (1) the dividend rate; 
(2) the redemption price; (3) the liquidation price; (4) the conversion 
rights; (5) the sinking or purchase fund rights of any shares or other 
securities; or (6) the number of shares in any series of any class, all in 
the manner and in accordance with the statutes, as the same may be from time 
to time, for such cases made and provided.

                              ARTICLE XI

                The holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the 
corporation entitled to vote on the questions, respectively, shall have the 
power to authorize the Board of Directors to sell, lease, exchange or 
otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of the property and assets of 
the corporation, including its good will, upon such terms and conditions and 
for such consideration, which may be money, shares, bonds or other 
instruments for the payment of money or other property, as the Board of 
Directors deems expedient; to amend the Restated Articles of Incorporation of 
the corporation; and to adopt or reject an agreement of consolidation or 

              FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and the Secretary of the 
              corporation are hereby authorized and directed to prepare, 
              execute and file for record a proper Certificate of Restated 
              Articles of Incorporation of Norstan Research & Development  
              Company, reciting that the Restated Articles of Incorporation 
              supersede and take the place of the existing Restated Articles 
              of Incorporation of Norstan Research & Development Company and 
              all amendments thereto, and said officers are hereby  
              authorized and directed to pay all fees in connection 
              therewith, and to do all other acts and things necessary, 
              required or convenient to carry out the purposes hereof.

                   The undersigned do hereby further certify that the total 
authorized number of shares is Three Million (3,000,000), all of said shares 
being of one class and each share having the par value of Ten Cents ($.10); 
and that the Restated Articles of Incorporation superscede and take the place
of the existing Restated Articles of Incorporation of Norstan Research & 
Development Company and all amendments thereto.

                   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, as President and 
Secretary, respectively, of Norstan Research & Development Company have 
hereunto set their respective hands and affixed the corporate seal of said 
corporation this 18th day of July, 1974.


/s/ Frederick L. Thorson                /s/ Sidney R. Cohen
- -------------------------------        -------------------------------
                                       Sidney R. Cohen, President

/s/ George R. A. Johnson                /s/ Winston E. Munson
- -------------------------------        -------------------------------
                                       Winston E. Munson, Secretary

                  ) SS.

                   On this 18th day of July, 1974, before me, a Notary 
Public, within and for said County, personally appeared Sidney R. Cohen and 
Winston E. Munson, to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, 
did say that they are respectively the President and Secretary of NORSTAN 
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, the corporation named in the forgoing 
instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate 
seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in 
behalf of said corporation by authority of its shareholders, and said Sidney R.
Cohen and Winston E. Munson acknowledged said instrument to be the free act 
and deed of said corporation

                                        /s/ Frederick L. Thorson
                                       Notary Public, Hennepin County

                                                FREDERICK L. THORSON
                                       Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn.
                                       My Commission Expires April 20, 1977.


                     Norstan Research & Development Company
                         Name of Consenting Corporation

                      Norstan Communications Systems, Inc.
                             Name of New Corporation

Secretary of State
State Capitol, St. Paul, Minn. 55101

     The Norstan Research & Development Company, a corporation created, 
organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the (State of 
Minnesota), hereby consents to the use of the name

                      Norstan Communications Systems, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
by a corporation organized or qualified under the laws of the State of 
Minnesota, and hereby requests the Secretary of State of the State of 
Minnesota to accept for record the Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation 
of said corporation, setting forth therein its name as above.

     In Testimony Whereof, we have hereunto affixed our signatures and the 
seal of the corporation consistent with the provisions of Section 301.05, 
Subd. 2, Minnesota Statutes, this 23rd day of June__________________ A.D. 1975.

                                       NORSTAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY
                                           Title of consenting corporation

                                       By /s/ Sidney R. Cohen
                                            Sidney R. Cohen, President


/s/ Winston E. Munson
- ----------------------------------
Winston E. Munson, Secretary

Filing fee $4.00

                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

              We, the undersigned, President and Secretary, respectively, of 
Norstan Research & Development Company, a Minnesota corporation, do hereby 
certify that at the annual meeting of the shareholders of said corporation 
duly held at the main office of the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the 21st day of July, 1977, pursuant to written 
notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting, the following 
resolutions amending the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation were 
duly adopted by the shareholders of said corporation:

         RESOLVED, that Article I of the Articles of Incorporation of the 
         Company be amended to read as follows:

         "The name of the corporation is Norstan, Inc."

         FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Secretary of the 
         corporation are hereby authorized and directed to prepare, execute 
         and file for record a proper Certificate of Amendment of Articles 
         of Incorporation of Norstan Research & Development Company, and 
         said officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all other 
         acts and things necessary, required or convenient to carry out the 
         purposes hereof.

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, as President and 
Secretary, respectively, of Norstan Research & Development Company 
have hereunto set their respective hands and caused the seal of 
said corporation to be hereunto affixed this 28th day of July, 1977.


/s/ Roger V. Stagberg                  /s/ Sidney R. Cohen
- -------------------------------        -------------------------------
                                       Its President

/s/ Geneviene Neumann                   /s/ Winston E. Munson
- -------------------------------        -------------------------------
                                       Its Secretary

                                (Corporate Seal)

                  ) ss.

     On this 29th day of May, 1977, before me, a Notary Public within and for 
said County, personally appeared Sidney R. Cohen and Winston E. Munson, to me 
personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that they are 
respectively the President and the Secretary of Norstan Research & 
Development Company, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and 
that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said 
corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said 
corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Sidney R. Cohen 
and Winston E. Munson acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and 
deed of said corporation.

                                       /s/ Roger V. Stagberg
                                       (Notary Public)



                                NORSTAN, INC.

We, Sidney R. Cohen and Winston E. Munson respectively the _________ 
President and ________ Secretary of Norstan, Inc. a Minnesota corporation 
organized under or subject to the provisions of Chapter 301 Minnesota 
Statutes, hereby certify that the following resolutions were adopted by the 
Board of Directors of said corporation on the 16th day of August, A.D. 1979, 
to wit:

  "Resolved that the registered office in this state be changed from
  524 North Fifth Street in the city of Minneapolis County of Hennepin to 
  number 15755 - 32nd Avenue North in the city of Plymouth County of Hennepin"

  "Resolved that the effective date of the change of registered office shall 
  be the date of the filing hereof with the Secretary of State of Minnesota."

  "Resolved further that the _______ President and the _______ Secretary of 
  this corporation be and are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute 
  and acknowledge a certificate under the corporate seal of this corporation 
  embracing the foregoing resolutions and to cause such certificate to be filed 
  in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 301, Minnesota Statutes."

                                           /s/ SIDNEY R. COHEN
                                               Sidney R. Cohen

                                           /s/ WINSTON E. MUNSON
                                               Winston E. Munson


Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of August
A.D. 1979.               

                                        /s/ FREDERICK L. THORSON
                                            Notary Public

                                        Hennepin County, Minn.

                                        My Commission Expires: 4/20/84


                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                                 NORSTAN, INC.

          We, the undersigned, President and Secretary, respectively, of 
Norstan, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, do hereby certify that at the annual 
meeting of the shareholders of said corporation duly held in the Directors 
Room at the main office of the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, 
Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the 20th day of August, 1981, pursuant to written 
notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting, the following 
resolutions amending the Restated Articles of Incorporation of said 
corporation were duly adopted by the shareholders of said corporation:

      RESOLVED, that Article V of the Restated Articles of Incorporation of 
      Norstan, Inc. be and the same be amended to read as follows:

                                "ARTICLE V

           "The total authorized number of par value common shares of the 
           corporation shall be Ten Million (10,000,000), all of one class, 
           and the par value of each share shall be Ten Cents ($.10)."

      FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and the Secretary of the 
      corporation are hereby authorized and directed to prepare, execute, 
      and file for record a proper Certificate of Amendment of the Restated 
      Articles of Incorporation of Norstan, Inc., and said officers are 
      hereby authorized and directed to do all other acts and things necessary,
      required or convenient to carry out the purposes hereof.

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, as President and Secretary, 
respectively, of Norstan, Inc. have hereunto

Set their respective hands and caused the seal of and corporation to be 
hereunto affixed this 24th day of August, 1981.

in presence of:                        NORSTAN, INC.

 /s/ Cynthia Michael                       /s/ Sidney R. Cohen
- -----------------------------------    By -----------------------------------
                                          Its President

 /s/ Diana L. McGrail                      /s/ Winston E. Munson
- -----------------------------------    By -----------------------------------
                                          Its Secretary

                                       (Corporate Seal)

                  ) ss.

          On this 24th day of August, 1981, before me, a Notary Public within 
and for said County personally appeared Sidney R. Cohen and Winston E. 
Munson, to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that 
they are respectively the President and the Secretary of Norstan, Inc., the 
corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to 
said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said 
instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority 
of its Board of Directors, and said Sidney R. Cohen and Winston E. Munson 
acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.

                                        /s/  Diana L. McGrail
                                       Notary Public


                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                                 NORSTAN, INC.

          We, the undersigned, Paul Baszucki and Winston E. Munson, 
respectively the President and Secretary of Norstan, Inc., a corporation 
subject to the provisions of Chapter 302A, Minnesota Statutes, do hereby 
certify that at a meeting of the shareholders of said corporation, duly held 
on the 29th day of September, 1987, pursuant to notice duly mailed to all 
shareholders of record, the following resolutions were duly adopted by the 
affirmative vote of the holders of more than a majority of the voting power 
of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote:

RESOLVED, that the Restated Articles of Incorporation of Norstan, Inc. 
shall be hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article XII which shall 
read as follows:

                                "ARTICLE XII

              "A director of the corporation shall not be personally liable 
      to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for breach 
      of fiduciary duty as a director, except for liability (a) for any 
      breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its 
      shareholders, (b) for acts or omissions not in good faith or that 
      involved intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (c) 
      under section 302A.559 of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act or 
      section 80A.23 of the Minnesota Securities Act, (d) for any transaction 
      from which the director derived an improper personal benefit, or (e) 
      for any act or omission occurring prior to the effective date of this 
      Article XII. If the Minnesota Business Corporation Act is amended after 
      approval by the shareholders of this Article to authorize corporate 
      action further eliminating or limiting the personal liability of 
      directors, then the liability of a director of the corporation shall 
      be eliminated or limited to the fullest extent permitted by the 
      Minnesota Business Corporation Act, as so amended.

              "Any repeal or modification of the foregoing paragraph by the 
      shareholders of the corporation shall not adversely affect any right or 
      protection of a director of the corporation existing at the time of 
      such repeal or modification."

      FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and the Secretary of the 
      corporation are hereby authorized and directed to prepare, execute, 
      and file for record with the Secretary of State of the State of 
      Minnesota proper Articles of Amendment of the Restated Articles of 
      Incorporation, setting forth the foregoing amendment, and to pay all 
      fees in connection therewith, all as required by law, and to do all 
      other acts and things necessary, required or convenient to carry out 
      the purposes hereof.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have subscribed our names this 29th 
day of September, 1987.

                                                 /s/ Paul Baszucki
                                       Paul Baszucki, President


                                                /s/  Winston E. Munson
                                       Winston E. Munson, Secretary

                  ) ss.

          The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29th day 
of September, 1987 by Paul Baszucki and Winston E. Munson, respectively the 
president and the secretary of Norstan, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on 
behalf of said corporation.

                                        /s/ Diana L. McGrail
                                       Notary Public



                              STATE OF MINNESOTA
                       OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE

        Notice of Change of Registered Office-Registered Agent or Both

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Corporation
          Norstan, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 302A.123, the undersigned hereby 
certifies that the Board of Directors of the above named Minnesota 
Corporation has resolved to change the corporation's registered office or 

Note: the 'From' address must be the registered office address as shown in 
item #2 on the rejection notice label.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Agent's     (Fill in this box only of you already have an agent. Do NOT list
     Name       the corporate name in this box.)                       
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(No. & Street)  15755 32nd Ave N
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                City                             County          MN   Zip
                Plymouth                         Henn                 55340
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Address      (You may not list a P.O. Box, but you may list a rural route 
(No. & Street)  and box number.)
                6900 Wedgwood Road  Suite 150
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                City                             County          MN   Zip
                Maple Grove                      Henn                 55369
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The new address may not be a post office box. It must be a street address, 
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 302A.011, Subd. 3.

               This change is effective on the day it is filed
               with the Secretary of State, unless you indicate
               another date, no later than 30 days after filing
               with the Secretary of State, in this box:
                                          August 1, 1988

I certify that I am authorized to execute this certificate and I further 
certify that I understand that by signing this Certificate I am subject to 
the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed 
this certificate under oath.

      Name of Officer or Other Authorized    Signature
      Agent or Corporation

            James D. Bonneville              /s/ James D. Bonneville
      Title or Office                        Date

      Exe. VP Finance & Admin                Feb. 7, 1989

       Do not write below this line. For Secretary of State's use only.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Receipt Number                     File Data        D.A.R.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------
FILING FEE: $25.00

Return To: Corporation Division
           Office of the Secretary of State
           180 State Office Building
           St. Paul, MN 55155

                               CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                                     NORSTAN, INC.

     The undersigned, Ervin F. Kamm, Jr. and Winston E. Munson, the President 
and Secretary, respectively, of Norstan, Inc., a corporation subject to the 
provisions of Chapter 302A, Minnesota Statutes (the "Corporation"), do hereby 
certify that by a required majority of the shareholders at the duly called 
annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation, held on September 9, 1993, 
the following resolutions were duly adopted:

     RESOLVED, that Article V of the Restated Articles of
     Incorporation of Norstan, Inc. be and the same be amended to
     read as follows:

                               "ARTICLE V

               "The total authorized number of par value
               common shares of the corporation shall be
               Twenty Million (20,000,000), all of one 
               class, and the par value of each share shall
               be Ten Cents ($.10)."

     FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Secretary of the
     corporation are hereby authorized and directed to prepare,
     execute and file for record a proper Certificate of
     Amendment of the Restated Articles of Incorporation of
     Norstan, Inc., and said officers are hereby authorized and
     directed to do all other acts and things necessary, required
     or convenient to carry out the purposes hereof.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have signed this Certificate of 
Amendment this 9th day of September, 1993.

                                          /s/ Ervin F. Kamm, Jr.
                                          Ervin F. Kamm, Jr., President

                                          /s/ Winston E. Munson
                                          Winston E. Munson, Secretary

                                  STATE OF MINNESOTA
                                  SECRETARY OF STATE
                                  REGISTERED AGENT

         Please read the instructions on the back before completing this form.

1.  Corporate Name: Norstan, Inc.

2.  Registered Office Address (No. & Street): List a complete street address 
    or rural route box number. A POST OFFICE BOX IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    605 Highway 169, Plymouth               Hennepin                 55441
    Street             City                 County            MN     Zip

3.  Registered Agent (Registered agents are required for foreign corporations 
    but optional for MINNESOTA corporations): None

    If you do not wish to designate an agent, you must list "NONE" in this 

In compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 302A.123, 303.10, 308A.025, 
317.19, 317A.123 or 322b.135 I certify that the above listed company has 
resolved to change the company's registered office and/or agent as listed 

I certify that I am authorized to execute this certificate and I further 
certify that I understand that by signing this certificate I am subject to 
the penalties of perjury as set forth in MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 609.48 as 
if I had signed this certificate under oath.

/s/ Winston E. Munson
- ------------------------------------------
Winston E. Munson

Name and Telephone Number of a Contract Person: Winston E. Munson (612) 305-1458

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       OFFICE USE ONLY

Filing Fee: Minnesota Corporations, Cooperatives
            and Limited Liability Companies: $35.00

            Non-Minnesota Corporations: $50.00

            Make checks payable to: Secretary of State

Return to:  Minnesota Secretary of State
            180 State Office Building
            100 Constitution Ave.
            St. Paul, MN 55155-1299
            (612) 296-2803

                                 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                                     NORSTAN, INC.

     I, the undersigned, Paul Baszucki, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors 
and Chief Executive Officer of Norstan, Inc., a corporation subject to the 
provisions of Chapter 302A, Minnesota statutes, known as the Minnesota 
Business Corporation Act, do hereby certify that the resolutions hereinafter 
set forth were duly adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the 
director present and entitled to vote at a meeting of the Board of Directors 
duly held on June 20, 1996, pursuant to which the Board of Directors declared 
a share division in the form of a 2 for 1 stock split on the outstanding 
shares of common stock of the Corporation and increased the authorized common 
stock of the Corporation:

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the directors hereby declare a 
         two-for-one stock split of the outstanding common stock of the 
         Corporation, payable in shares of common stock of the Corporation on 
         July 31, 1996 to the shareholders of record of the Corporation, in 
         proportion to their holdings, at the close of business on July 15, 
         1996 ("Record Date"), said shares to be issued from the authorized 
         and unissued common stock of the Corporation, and that sufficient 
         shares of the authorized and unissued common stock of the 
         Corporation are hereby set aside for this purpose, and that a 
         required amount of earned surplus, if any, at the par value of $.10 
         per share shall be transferred to the capital account of the 
         Corporation in connection with this stock split; and

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. is hereby 
         authorized and directed to issue on July 31, 1996 to the 
         stockholders of record at the close of business on July 15, 1996, in 
         payment of said stock split, stock certificates for as many whole 
         shares of fully paid and nonassessable common stock of the 
         Corporation as said stockholders shall be entitled to under this 
         resolution: and

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that all options for the purchase of common stock 
         of the Corporation that are outstanding but not exercised at the 
         Record Date shall be adjusted as follows: (i) the number of shares 
         covered by each such option at the Record Date shall be multiplied 
         by two (2); and (ii) the exercise price per share of each such 
         option at the Record Date shall be divided by two and rounded to the 
         nearest one cent ($.01); and the number of shares reserved for 
         issuance at the Record Date under the Corporation's Shareholder 
         Rights Plan and the Corporation's Option Plans including the 1986 
         Long-Term Incentive Plan, 1995 Long-Term Incentive Plan, Restated 
         Non-Employee Director's Stock Plan, and the Employee Stock Purchase 
         Plan shall be adjusted by multiplying such numbers of shares by two;

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that in any case where a legend is affixed to the 
         original stock, the stock issued as a result of the stock split of 
         said original stock shall carry the same legend; and

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Corporation are hereby 
         authorized and directed to prepare, execute, file and deliver such 
         documents and take such other action as they may deem necessary to 
         effect such stock split, including but not limited to the filing of 
         notices with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Nasdaq 
         Stock Market, and the preparation and delivery of notices to holders 
         of stock options setting forth the adjustments described above.

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Board of Directors pursuant to the 
         provisions of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act, hereby 
         authorizes the amendment of the Corporation's Restated Articles of 
         Incorporation increasing the shares of authorized common stock from 
         20,000,000 shares, par value $.10, to 40,000,000 shares, par value 

         FURTHER RESOLVED, that, to effect said amendment, Article V of the 
         Corporation's Restated Articles of Incorporation hereby is amended to 
         read as follows:

                                        "ARTICLE V

              "The total authorized number of par value common shares of the
              corporation shall be Forty Million (40,000,000), all of one 
              class, and the par value of each share shall be Ten Cents 

     I further certify that the Amendment to the Restated Articles of 
Incorporation referred to in the foregoing resolutions will not adversely 
affect the rights or preferences of the holders of outstanding shares of any 
class or series of capital stock of the Corporation and will not result in 
the percentage of authorized shares that remains unissued after the stock 
split exceeding the percentage of authorized shares that were unissued before 
the stock split.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of July, 

                                    /s/ Paul Baszucki
                                  Paul Baszucki, Co-Chairman of the Board
                                  of Directors and Chief Executive Officer