LETTER AGREEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT
                          INNOSERV TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                            PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL
December 8, 1995
Mr. Michael G. Puls
8595 Calumet Way
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Dear Mike:
    InnoServ Technologies, Inc.-Registered Trademark- ("The Company") is pleased
to  extend  to you  an  offer of  employment  as set  forth  in this  letter. In
accordance with the proposed  terms of employment, you  will be named  President
and  Chief Executive Officer  of the Company and  its subsidiaries, reporting to
the Board of Directors, with all powers and duties consistent with these titles.
You will also become a  member of the Board of  Directors of the Company on  the
day you begin employment.
    Your  annual base  salary will be  $200,000 with the  opportunity for annual
merit increases with the first salary review occurring on or about July 1, 1996.
You will  be eligible  for an  annual bonus  based on  your performance  against
established objectives up to a maximum of 50% of your base salary.
    You  will also receive a grant of  options to purchase 150,000 shares of the
Company's common stock pursuant to the Company's Stock Incentive Plan. The stock
options will have an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the common
stock as defined in the Company's Stock Incentive Plan on the date you become an
employee of the  Company and a  term of ten  years, and one-third  of the  stock
options will vest on an annual basis so that after three years of employment the
options  will  be  fully vested.  As  you  are aware,  there  are  stock options
available for  grant  to  key  employees in  the  discretion  of  the  Company's
Compensation Committee as part of an overall management group incentive program.
    Upon  employment with the Company you will be eligible to participate in the
Company's medical  and  dental insurance  plans  which are  available  to  other
officers  and employees of  the Company. You  will be entitled  to four weeks of
paid vacation per year.
    If your employment is  terminated by the Company  for any reason other  than
for cause (which shall mean for all purposes herein fraud, dishonesty or willful
misconduct),  you will receive  a severance payment by  the continuation of your
then current monthly salary (less appropriate withholding amounts) for 12 months
following  your  separation.  In  addition,  the  Company  will  pay  for   your
participation  in its medical  and insurance plans for  12 months following your
separation. Payment of the severance benefit is conditioned upon your  providing
to  the Company at the time of your  separation a written release of any and all
claims against the Company and your agreement not to compete with the Company or
to hire any of its employees for a period of two years following your separation
from the Company.
    If a Change of Control (as defined below) occurs, all or your then  unvested
stock options will vest immediately. Furthermore, if within six months following
a  Change of Control, your employment is terminated without cause, you will also
receive  a   severance   payment   as   provided   for   above   plus   a   one-

Mr. Michael G. Puls
December 8, 1995
Page 2
time payment equivalent to your prior year's bonus. If an employment termination
as  a result of a Change of Control occurs prior to your receiving a full year's
bonus, your bonus for the purposes of the prior sentence shall be assumed to  be
50%  of  your then  base  salary. Such  payments shall  be  subject to  the same
conditions as set forth in the preceding paragraph.
    For purposes  of the  preceding paragraph  a "Change  of Control"  shall  be
deemed  to have  occurred if (x)  any "person"  or "group" of  "persons" (as the
terms "person"  and  "group"  are  used  in Sections  13(d)  and  14(d)  of  the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder) is
or  becomes, after the  date of your  employment by the  Company, the beneficial
owner, directly or indirectly, of the securities of the Company representing 50%
of the combined voting  power of the then  outstanding voting securities of  the
Company  (whether by purchase or acquisition  of such securities or by agreement
to act in concert with respect to  the voting of such securities or  otherwise);
(y)  all or substantially  all of the  assets and/or business  of the Company is
sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of to  a third party; or (z) a  majority
of  the Board of Directors of the Company shall be comprised of persons who were
not elected  to  such  offices as  part  of  the "Company  nominated  slate"  of
directors  (i.e., the slate  of nominees proposed  by the Board  of Directors in
office immediately prior to the election). Notwithstanding the foregoing,  there
shall  be excluded  from the  definition of  "Change of  Control" any  direct or
indirect beneficial ownership change  resulting in 50% or  more of the  combined
voting   power  of  the  then  outstanding   securities  of  the  Company  being
beneficially owned  individually, jointly  or as  a group  by Dudley  A.  Rauch,
Samuel Salen, M.D., Donald G. Moehering, Michael M. Sachs, MEDIQ Incorporated or
the  trust created by agreement  dated November 18, 1983  by Bernard B. Rotko as
grantor (the  "Rotko Trust")  or any  of affiliates,  personal  representatives,
heirs,  testamentary trusts or donees who are  members of their family or any of
    In connection with your  relocation to the Dallas  area as soon as  possible
after  commencing employment with the Company,  the Company will pay your moving
expenses to relocate you and your family from Cincinnati to Dallas and will  pay
you  $100,000, less  the aggregate  amount of  the moving  expenses paid  by the
Company as provided above. This payment (the "Relocation Payment") will be  made
in  two  installments, $50,000  on  the date  you  commence employment  with the
Company and the balance on  March 15, 1996. In  addition, the Company will  make
you  a $100,000  loan (the  "Relocation Loan") for  up to  one year  in order to
initially fund the down  payment on the  purchase of a  residence in the  Dallas
area.  The loan will be secured by a  second lien on the residence and will bear
interest at the same  rate as the  first mortgage you  obtain from a  commercial
lender  in connection with the  purchase of the residence.  Interest on the loan
will be payable monthly  and the full  amount of the  principal and accrued  but
unpaid interest will be due and payable on the first anniversary of the loan. In
the  event that  the loan  is not paid  in full  when due,  any subsequent bonus
payments from the Company to which you would otherwise be entitled will be  used
by  the Company to repay the principal  and accrued interest then outstanding on
the loan.
    If during the first year of your employment, you voluntarily terminate  your
employment  or are terminated by  the Company for cause,  you shall repay to the
Company the Relocation Payment and the Relocation Loan shall immediately  become
due and payable. If prior to the full repayment of all principal of and interest
on  the Relocation Loan,  you are terminated  by the Company  without cause, the
Relocation Loan shall immediately become due and payable and the Company may use
the severance benefits otherwise due you to satisfy the Relocation Loan, if  not
separately paid by you.
    Your  employment  will be  governed by  the  legal principles  applicable to
employment at  will and  noting  contained in  this  letter shall  constitute  a
contract of employment.

Mr. Michael G. Puls
December 8, 1995
Page 3
    We  look forward to working with you in  the future and are confident of the
many contributions which you will make to the success of the Company.
                                          Very truly yours,
                                          INNOSERV TECHNOLOGIES,
                                          INC.-REGISTERED TRADEMARK-
                                          By:          /s/ SAMUEL SALEN
                                                     Samuel Salen, M.D.
Agreed to and Acknowledged this
12th day of December, 1995
By:         /s/ MICHAEL G. PULS
             Michael G. Puls