CONTACT:  Michael P. Hawks              (NYSE -- BMC)
               (612) 851-6030                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


July 18, 1996 -- Minneapolis, MN -- BMC Industries, Inc. today reported second 
quarter net earnings of $9,842,000 or $.35 per share, up 32% from earnings of 
$7,477,000 or $.26 per share in the year-earlier period.  Second quarter 
revenues for primary products (excluding equipment and technology sales) 
increased 5% over the prior year quarter.

Net earnings for the first six months of 1996 totaled $16,025,000 or $.57 per 
share.  This represented an improvement of $3,854,000 or 32% over the 
$12,171,000 or $.43 per share recorded for the first six months of the prior 
year.  Revenues from primary products for the first six months of 1996 were 
11% higher than the same period in the prior year. 

Paul B. Burke, BMC's chairman and chief executive officer stated "The second 
quarter represents a new second quarter earnings record for BMC and is the 
twenty-first consecutive quarter of increased net earnings over the 
year-earlier period, excluding income from the sale of equipment and 
technology and other non-recurring items.  Very importantly, all three of our 
divisions contributed to our record results."

The Company's Precision Imaged Products operation (including both the Mask 
Operation and Buckbee-Mears St. Paul) produced record second quarter results.  
Due to the impact of the decline in the value of the Deutsche Mark (DM) 
relative to the dollar on the German Mask operation, primary product revenues 
for the Precision Imaged Products operation increased only slightly from the 
exceptionally strong second quarter of 1995. However, year-to-date revenues 
were up over 11%, notwithstanding the weakening of the DM.  More importantly, 
second quarter profitability for the Precision Imaged Products operation 
increased 40% when compared to the year earlier quarter.  This increase in 
profitability was due to the continued sales mix shift to higher-margin 
products and improved operating performance.  In the second quarter, sales of 
jumbo (30" and larger) aperture masks increased 42% over second quarter 1995 
sales.  BMC's new computer monitor high-resolution mask line at the Company's 
manufacturing facility in Germany (BME) continued to move up the yield curve 
and ran at better than planned yields in the month of June.  The Company made 
its first sales of computer monitor high-resolution masks from the new line at 
the end of the second quarter.  While the sales impact of this 


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line was nominal, substantial initial inventories have been built and the 
Company believes that the BME high-resolution line will contribute significant 
sales in future quarters.  Finally, Buckbee-Mears St. Paul's profitability in 
the second quarter increased 32% over the second quarter of 1995, due 
primarily to increased sales, sales mix changes and production efficiencies.

BMC's Optical Products operation also produced record second quarter results.  
Second quarter sales of Optical Products increased 17% over the second quarter 
of 1995, while profitability increased 39%.  The increase in sales was 
attributable to higher sales in all product lines.  In particular, sales of 
high end products (polycarbonate, progressive, high index and polarizing 
sunglass lenses) increased more than 21% over the same quarter in the prior 
year.  The increase in Optical Products' profitability in the second quarter 
was driven by the increased sales and strong gross margin contributions from 
all product lines.

BMC is one of the world's largest manufacturers of aperture masks for color 
television tubes and computer monitors.  The Company is also a leading 
producer of polycarbonate, glass and plastic eyewear lenses.  The common stock 
of the Company is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "BMC".


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                                  BMC INDUSTRIES, INC.

                        (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                    Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                                          June 30                     June 30
                                               -------------------------     --------------------------
                                                     1996           1995            1996           1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net sales of primary products              $   67,513     $   64,026     $   135,622    $   121,779
    Equipment and technology sales                    661          5,621             853          9,202
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total Revenues                            68,174         69,647         136,475        130,981
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Costs and Expenses
    Cost of sales of primary products              49,487         50,764         104,582         99,110
    Cost of equipment and technology sales            204          3,757             370          5,668
    Selling                                         2,559          2,205           5,117          4,480
    Administrative                                  1,288          1,330           2,515          2,584
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total Operating Costs and Expenses        53,538         58,056         112,584        111,842
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from Operations                             14,636         11,591          23,891         19,139
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Income and (Expense)  
    Interest expense                                  (60)           (28)           (190)          (105)
    Interest income                                    31            213             150            398
    Other income (expense)                             81            (92)             31           (159)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before Income Taxes                       14,688         11,684          23,882         19,273
Income Taxes                                        4,846          4,207           7,857          7,102
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Earnings                                     $  9,842       $  7,477       $  16,025      $  12,171
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings Per Share                                $  0.35        $  0.26         $  0.57        $  0.43
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of Shares Included in Per Share 
  Computation                                      28,369         28,233          28,324         28,131
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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                             BMC INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                 (in thousands)

                                                             JUNE 30          December 31
                                                             -------          -----------
ASSETS                                                          1996                 1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                               $   5,540           $   15,874
   Trade accounts and notes receivable, net of allowances     25,276               23,003
   Inventories                                                47,098               34,772
   Deferred income taxes                                       4,831                3,753
   Other current assets                                        7,659                5,964
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total Current Assets                                  90,404               83,366
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property, Plant and Equipment                                188,920              171,711
Less Accumulated Depreciation                                 92,551               90,302
                                                           ---------            ---------
   Property, Plant and Equipment, Net                         96,369               81,409
                                                           ---------            ---------
Deferred Income Taxes                                          5,607                5,362
Other Assets, Net                                             11,899               12,195
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Assets                                               $ 204,279            $ 182,332
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Liabilities
   Short-term borrowings                                   $   6,020
   Accounts payable                                           18,444            $  20,408
   Income taxes payable                                       10,094                9,308
   Accrued expenses and other current liabilities             24,533               20,920
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total Current Liabilities                             59,091               50,636
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Liabilities                                             19,261               21,654
Deferred Income Taxes                                          1,532                1,576

Stockholders' Equity
   Common stock                                               55,302               52,974
   Retained earnings                                          66,305               50,962
   Cumulative translation adjustment                           4,070                5,749
   Other                                                      (1,282)              (1,219)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total Stockholders' Equity                           124,395              108,466
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                 $ 204,279            $ 182,332
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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