Masayahi Son and Masahiro Inoue


This Letter Agreement (the "Agreement") is intended
to confirm the terms of the agreement between SOFTBANK Group ("SOFTBANK") and
Yahoo!, Inc. ("Yahoo!") with respect to the sale of advertising space on the
Yahoo! Main Site (currently residing at an other Yahoo!
Related Properties (as defined below).

The terms of the agreement between the parties are as follows:

1.  Purchase of Advertising: SOFTBANK shall purchase from Yahoo! a minimum of
$2,000,000 worth of advertising space for each calendar year that this agreement
remains in effect (commencing with the year ending December 31, 1996). The
purchase of advertising space hereunder may be made by SOFTBANK or any other
entity in which SOFTBANK owns shares of voting stock (a "SOFTBANK Affiliated
Entity"). Subject to availability in accordance with Yahoo's standard procedures
for the acceptance of advertising, such advertising space can be purchased on
either the Yahoo! Main Site or any other Yahoo! Related Property. As used
herein, a "Yahoo! Related Property" means a web site that is owned and operated
by an entity in which Yahoo! owns the majority of the voting stock (e.g.

2.  Rate:  The rate charged to SOFTBANK or a SOFTBANK Affiliated Entity for the
advertising space purchased pursuant to this Letter Agreement shall equal the
rate currently in effect for similarly positioned advertising on the Yahoo! Main
Site or the applicable Yahoo! Related Property, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Upon the mutual consent of the parties, the consideration  for the advertising
space purchased hereunder may be paid in services of SOFTBANK or a SOFTBANK
Affiliated Entity.  Such services may include, but are not limited to, tradeshow
services, publication advertising, or television advertising. In the event that
the consideration paid Yahoo! under this Letter Agreement is SOFTBANK services,
such services shall be valued at the lowest then-current rate that the
applicable SOFTBANK entity charges third parties for similar services.

3.  Placement of Advertising Order:  SOFTBANK purchases of advertising space
pursuant to this Letter Agreement shall be made pursuant to Yahoo!'s Standard
Insertion Order and Standard Terms and Conditions for Advertising.

4.  Term:  This Letter Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution
by the parties and shall continue in effect for an initial term ending December
31, 1996.

Thereafter, this Letter Agreement shall automatically renew for four (4)
additional one (1) year terms, unless terminated by Yahoo! upon written notice
to SOFTBANK within 30 days prior to the termination of the then current term of
Yahoo!'s intent not to renew.

5.  Advertising Exclusive of Other Minimum Requirements:  The advertising space
purchased by SOFTBANK pursuant to this Letter Agreement shall not reduce any
minimum advertising purchase requirements that SOFTBANK or any other SOFTBANK
Affiliated Entity (including, but not limited to, Interactive Marketing, Inc.)
may currently be, or in the future may become, obligated.

6.  Miscellaneous:  The terms of this Letter Agreement will become binding upon
the execution by the parties of the definitive agreements between Yahoo and
SOFTBANK relating to Yahoo! Japan, and neither party will have any liability to
the other under this Letter Agreement unless and until the Yahoo! Japan
agreements are executed. This Letter Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with California law. This Letter Agreement and its
exhibits are the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof.

If you are in agreement, please execute this letter below.


Yahoo! Inc.

By: _______________________

Jerry Yang



By:  ___________________

