OR WARRANTY

      NYLIFE  Government  Mortgage Plus  Limited  Partnership,  a
Massachusetts limited partnership having an address at 51 Madison
Avenue,  New  York,  New York 10010 (herein the  "Assignor"),  in
consideration of ten ($10.00) dollars and other good and valuable
consideration  the receipt and sufficiency of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged,  does  hereby as of August  21,  1996  (herein  the
"Effective  Date") sell, assign, transfer, set  over,  grant  and
convey, without representation, recourse or warranty, express  or
implied,  of  any  sort whatsoever or for any reason  whatsoever,
to Greystone Funding Corporation, having an address at 132 West
57th Street, 60th Floor, New  York, New  York  10019  (herein the
"Assignee"),  from  and  after  the Effective  Date, all of
Assignor's right, title, and interest  in and   to   the  following
documents  (hereinafter  referred   to collectively as the

     1.  Additional Interest Agreement dated February 21, 1990 by
and  between  Boiling Springs Apartments, Ltd.  ("Borrower")  and

     2.  Subordinate Mortgage, Assignment of Leases and Rents and
Security  Agreement  made by Borrower, dated February  21,  1990,
recorded  February 23, 1990 in Mortgage Book 2057, Page  610  and
Deed  Book  1369,  Page  845 securing performance  of  Borrower's
obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      3.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
A.  Bowen  Ballard  (hereinafter  "Ballard")  pledging  Ballard's
partnership  interest  in  Borrower  to  secure  performance   of
Borrower's obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      4.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
James  M.  Bohannon (hereinafter "Bohannon") pledging  Bohannon's
partnership  interest  in  Borrower  to  secure  performance   of
Borrower's obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      5.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
Joseph   C.  Williams,  Jr.  (hereinafter  "Williams")   pledging
William's  partnership interest in Borrower to secure performance
of   Borrower's   obligations  under  the   Additional   Interest

      6.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
John  D. Blanchard (hereinafter "Blanchard") pledging Blanchard's
partnership  interest  in  Borrower  to  secure  performance   of
Borrower's obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      7.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
Steven   D.   Hughes  (hereinafter  "Hughes")  pledging   Hughes'
partnership  interest  in  Borrower  to  secure  performance   of
Borrower's obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      8.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
Steven D. Hughes,  Jr. (hereinafter "Hughes, Jr") pledging  Hughes,
Jr's  partnership interest in Borrower to secure  performance  of
Borrower's obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      9.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
Stephen  B.  Maxwell  (hereinafter "Maxwell") pledging  Maxwell's
partnership  interest  in  Borrower  to  secure  performance   of
Borrower's obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

      10.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
William  E.  Noblin,  III, M.D. (hereinafter  "Noblin";  Ballard,
Bohannon,  Williams, Blanchard, Hughes, Hughes, Jr., Maxwell  and
Noblin  being  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  jointly  and
severally   as  the  "Partners")  pledging  Noblin's  partnership
interest   in  Borrower  to  secure  performance  of   Borrower's
obligations under the Additional Interest Agreement;

                                                       EXHIBIT 1

     11.  Supplemental Interest Agreement dated February 22, 1990
by  and between Partners and Assignor;

      12.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Ballard  pledging Ballard's partnership interest in  Borrower  to
secure performance of (a) Partners obligations under that certain
Promissory  Note in the amount of $600,000.00 dated February  21,
1990 made jointly and severally and delivered to Assignor by  the
Partners  as makers thereunder (hereinafter the "Note")  and  (b)
Partners' obligations under the Supplemental Interest Agreement;

      13. Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed  by
Bohannon pledging Bohannon's partnership interest in Borrower  to
secure  performance of (a) Partners' obligations under  the  Note
and  (b)  Partners'  obligations under the Supplemental  Interest

      14.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Williams  pledging William's partnership interest in Borrower  to
secure  performance of (a) Partners' obligations under  the  Note
and  (b)  Partners'  obligations under the Supplemental  Interest

      15.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Blanchard  pledging Blanchard's partnership interest in  Borrower
to secure performance of (a) Partners' obligations under the Note
and  (b)  Partners'  obligations under the Supplemental  Interest

      16.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Hughes  pledging  Hughes'  partnership interest  in  Borrower  to
secure  performance of (a) Partners' obligations under  the  Note
and  (b)  Partners'  obligations under the Supplemental  Interest

      17.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Hughes, Jr pledging Hughes, Jr's partnership interest in Borrower
to secure performance of (a) Partners' obligations under the Note
and  (b)  Partners's obligations under the Supplemental  Interest

      18.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Maxwell  pledging Maxwell's partnership interest in  Borrower  to
secure  performance of (a) Partners' obligations under  the  Note
and (b) the Supplemental Interest Agreement;

      19.  Security Agreement dated February 21, 1990 executed by
Noblin  pledging  Noblin's partnership interest  in  Borrower  to
secure  performance of (a) Partners' obligations under  the  Note
and (b) the Supplemental Interest Agreement;

      TOGETHER with the bonds, notes or obligations described  in
the  Documents and all moneys and interest due and to become  due
thereon from and after the Effective Date.

      TO  HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Assignee, and to the
successors,  legal representatives and assigns  of  the  Assignee
forever from and after the Effective Date.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has caused this Assignment  to
be  executed by its duly authorized officer on this  19th  day of
August, 1996.

Witness:                      NYLIFE Mortgage Government Plus
                              Limited Partnership

                              By: NYLIFE Realty Inc.
                                  general partner

/s/  Neil D. Bramwell           By:  /s/   Kevin M. Micucci
- ----------------------          ---------------------------
Name: Neil D. Bramwell          Name:  Kevin M. Micucci
                                Title: President 

State of New York  )
                   )  ss.:
County of New York )

      On  this  19th  day  of  August,  1996,  before  me personally came 
Kevin M. Micucci, to  me  known, who  being  by  me  duly sworn did depose
and  say  that  he resides  at 336 Kimberly  Place,  West Islip,  NY 
11795;  that  NYLIFE  Realty Inc., the  general  partner  of  the 
corporation  which executed the  foregoing instrument on behalf of NYLIFE 
Government Mortgage  Plus  Limited Partnership, the Massachusetts limited 
partnership described in the  foregoing  instrument;  and  that  he  (she)
signed  his  name  thereto  by order  of the Board  of Directors  of said 

                                          /s/ Elizabeth M. Akian
                                              Notary Public

                                           ELIZABETH M. AKIAN
                                     Notary Public, State of New York
                                              No. 5027206
                                      Qualified in New York County
                                     Commission Expires May 2, 1998