EXHIBIT 10.1.11


Office of the General Counsel
Chrysler Corporation

                                   July 24, 1996

Carl Spielvogel
Chairman Chief Executive Officer
United Auto Group, Inc.
375 Park Avenue, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10152

Dear Mr. Spielvogel:

          This letter will confirm my telephone conversation with your counsel
concerning United Auto Group's (UAG) desire to make a public offering of
approximately 40% of its stock.  I've been asked whether such an offering would
be a breach of the Sales and Service Agreements, which several UAG subsidiaries
have with Chrysler Corporation.

          Paragraph 3 of each Sales and Service Agreement requires Chrysler
Corporation's prior written approval of any change affecting more than 50% of
the ownership interest of the dealer or any change in the ownership interest of
the dealer which may affect its managerial control.  The public offering of
approximately 40% of the stock, even if fully diluted, should not affect voting
control; thus, neither of the conditions in Paragraph 3 should be triggered.  Of
course, any subsequent transfer of stock among shareholders that could affect
the voting control may trigger the requirement for Chrysler's approval of the

          Please let me know if you require any additional information.

                              Very truly yours,

                               /s/ Judith B. Shumaker-Holland

                              Judith B. Shumaker-Holland
                              Senior Staff Counsel

1000 Chrysler Drive
Auburn Mills MI  18326-2766