                            A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION
    R.J. MESSENGER and ROBERT C. JOYNER certify that:
    1.   They are the duly elected and acting President and Assistant Secretary,
respectively, of the corporation named above.
    2.  The articles  of incorporation of the  corporation shall be amended  and
restated to read in full as follows:
    FIRST.  The name of the corporation is PARACELSUS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION.
    SECOND.   The purpose of this corporation is  to engage in any lawful act or
activity for which a corporation may be organized under the General  Corporation
Law  of California ("GCLC")  other than the banking  business, the trust company
business or the  practice of a  profession permitted to  be incorporated by  the
California Corporations Code.
    THIRD.    The total  number  of shares  of all  classes  of stock  which the
corporation shall have authority to  issue is 175,000,000, of which  150,000,000
shares of no par value shall be designated as Common Stock and 25,000,000 shares
of  the par  value of $0.01  per share  shall be designated  as Preferred Stock.
Shares of Preferred Stock may be issued in series from time to time by the board
of directors,  and the  board of  directors is  expressly authorized  to fix  by
resolution  or  resolutions the  designations  and the  powers,  preferences and
rights, and the  qualifications, limitations  and restrictions  thereof, of  the
shares  of  each series  of Preferred  Stock,  including without  limitation the
        (a) the  distinctive  serial  designation of  such  series  which  shall
    distinguish it from other series;
        (b)  the number of shares  included in such series,  which number may be
    increased or decreased from  time to time unless  otherwise provided by  the
    board  of directors in the resolution or resolutions providing for the issue
    of such series;
        (c) the dividend rate (or method of determining such rate, which may  be
    fixed  or variable) payable to the holders of the shares of such series, any
    conditions upon which  such dividends shall  be paid and  the date or  dates
    upon which such dividends shall be payable;
        (d)  whether dividends on the shares  of such series shall be cumulative
    and, in the case of shares of any series having cumulative dividend  rights,
    the  date or  dates or method  of determining  the date or  dates from which
    dividends on the shares of such series shall be cumulative;
        (e) the amount or amounts  which shall be payable  out of the assets  of
    the  corporation to the holders of the  shares of such series upon voluntary
    or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up the corporation;
        (f) the price or prices at which, the period or periods within which and
    the terms  and  conditions upon  which  the shares  of  such series  may  be
    purchased or redeemed, in whole or in part, at the option of the corporation
    or at the option of the holder or holders thereof or upon the happening of a
    specified event or events;

        (g)  the obligation,  if any, of  the corporation to  purchase or redeem
    shares of such series pursuant to a sinking fund or otherwise and the  price
    or  prices at which,  the period or  periods within which  and the terms and
    conditions upon  which  the shares  of  such  series shall  be  redeemed  or
    purchased, in whole or in part, pursuant to such obligation;
        (h)  whether or not  the shares of  such series shall  be convertible or
    exchangeable, at any time or  times at the option  of the holder or  holders
    thereof  or at  the option  of the  corporation or  upon the  happening of a
    specified event or events, into shares of any other class or classes or  any
    other  series of  the same or  any other class  or classes of  stock or debt
    securities of  the corporation  or of  any other  entity, and  the price  or
    prices  or  rate or  rates  of exchange  or  conversion and  any adjustments
    applicable thereto; and
        (i) the voting  rights, if any,  of the  holders of the  shares of  such
    Upon  this  amendment  and  restatement  becoming  effective,  each  of  the
outstanding shares  of  Common  Stock  shall be  split  up  and  converted  into
66,159.426 shares of Common Stock.
    FOURTH.   The board of directors  of the corporation is expressly authorized
to adopt, amend or  repeal the by-laws of  the corporation. This Article  Fourth
and  the by-laws of the corporation may  not be amended, modified or repealed by
the holders of the  capital stock of the  corporation except by the  affirmative
vote  of the holders of not  less than a majority of  the Total Voting Power (as
hereinafter defined) of the corporation and the affirmative vote of the  holders
of  a  majority  of  the  voting power  of  all  outstanding  Public  Shares (as
hereinafter defined), each considered for purposes hereof as a single class.
    For the  purposes of  these Articles,  the following  terms shall  have  the
following  meanings: The term "Public Shares" shall mean shares of capital stock
of the corporation not beneficially owned (as determined pursuant to Rule  13d-3
or  Rule 13d-5 of the Securities Exchange Act  of 1934, as amended, as in effect
on the date this  Restated Certificate of  Incorporation becomes effective  (the
"Exchange  Act")) by any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company, trust or other entity (a "Controlling Person") that is a member of  any
group  (as defined under Rule 13d-5 of  the Exchange Act) that beneficially owns
25 percent or more of the Total  Voting Power of the corporation; PROVIDED  that
the Independent Directors (as hereinafter defined) shall have the power and duty
to  construe  and  apply the  provisions  of  this definition  and  to  make all
determinations necessary or  desirable to  implement such  provisions. The  term
"Independent  Directors" shall mean the directors of the corporation who are not
employed by, affiliated with or  nominees or representatives of any  Controlling
Person  or  employed by  or  affiliated with  the  corporation or  any  of their
respective Subsidiaries (as hereinafter defined),  excluding for the purpose  of
the  foregoing  any affiliation  by reason  of being  a member  on the  Board of
Directors (but not an officer) of the corporation or its Subsidiaries. The  term
"Subsidiary"  with respect  to any  person shall  mean any  corporation or other
organization, whether  incorporated  or  unincorporated, of  which  at  least  a
majority of the voting power of all outstanding securities entitled by the terms
thereof  to vote  generally in the  election of directors,  or others performing
similar functions with  respect to  such corporation or  other organization,  is
directly or indirectly beneficially owned by such person. The term "Total Voting
Power"  shall mean the non-diluted aggregate number of votes that may be cast by
the holders of outstanding Voting Securities. The term "Voting Securities" shall
mean securities  entitled to  vote in  the ordinary  course in  the election  of
directors  or of persons serving in  a similar governing capacity, including the
voting rights attached to such securities and rights or options to acquire  such
    FIFTH.   The number of directors of the corporation shall be fixed from time
to time pursuant to the by-laws of the corporation.
    The directors of  the corporation shall  be divided into  three classes,  as
nearly  equal in number  as possible, as  determined by the  board of directors,
with the initial term of office of Class I to expire at the first annual meeting
of shareholders thereafter, the initial term of office of Class II to expire  at
the  second annual  meeting of shareholders  thereafter and the  initial term of
office of  Class III  to expire  at  the third  annual meeting  of  shareholders
thereafter,    with   each   class   of   directors   to   hold   office   until

their successors have been duly elected and qualified. At each annual meeting of
shareholders following  such  initial  classification  and  election,  directors
elected to succeed the directors whose terms expire at such annual meeting shall
be  elected  to  hold  office for  a  term  expiring at  the  annual  meeting of
shareholders in the third  year following the year  of their election and  until
their  successors  have  been  duly  elected and  qualified.  If  the  number of
directors is changed, any  increase or decrease shall  be apportioned among  the
classes  so as  to maintain  or attain a  number of  directors in  each class as
nearly equal as possible, but no decrease in the number of directors may shorten
the term of any incumbent director.  This provision shall become effective  only
when  the corporation becomes a listed corporation within the meaning of Section
301.5 of the GCLC.
    Shareholders shall not  be entitled  to cumulate  votes in  the election  of
directors.  This  provision shall  become  effective only  when  the corporation
becomes a listed corporation within the meaning of Section 301.5 of the GCLC.
    No director may be removed except for cause as set forth in Sections 302 and
304 of the GCLC, except as otherwise provided by Section 303 of the GCLC.
    In the  event that  the holders  of  any class  or series  of stock  of  the
corporation  shall  be entitled,  voting  separately as  a  class, to  elect any
directors of the corporation, then the  number of directors that may be  elected
by such holders shall be in addition to the number fixed pursuant to the by-laws
and,  except  as otherwise  expressly provided  in  the terms  of such  class or
series, the terms of the directors elected  by such holders shall expire at  the
annual  meeting of shareholders next succeeding their election without regard to
the classification of the remaining directors.
    This Article Fifth may  not be amended, modified  or repealed except by  the
affirmative  vote of the  holders of not  less than eighty  percent (80%) of the
Total Voting Power and the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of  the
voting  power of  all outstanding  Public Shares,  each considered  for purposes
hereof as a single class.
    SIXTH.  No action required  or permitted to be taken  by the holders of  any
class  or series of stock  of the corporation, including  but not limited to the
election of directors, may be taken by  written consent or consents and must  be
taken  at a duly called annual meeting  or at a special meeting of shareholders.
This Article  Sixth may  not be  amended,  modified or  repealed except  by  the
affirmative  vote of the holders of not  less than seventy-five percent (75%) of
the Total  Voting Power  of the  corporation  and the  affirmative vote  of  the
holders of a majority of the voting power of all outstanding Public Shares, each
considered for purposes hereof as a single class.
    SEVENTH.    (a)   The  Board of  Directors may  not  alter, amend  or repeal
Sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 2.11,  2.12, 2.14, 2.16, 3.2,  3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.8,  3.9,
4.1,  4.4, Article VI or Article IX  of the By-laws, except upon the affirmative
vote of  not  less  than seventy-five  percent  (75%)  of the  entire  Board  of
    (b) In addition to any approval required by the GCLC or any other provisions
of  these  Articles, the  approval of  any contract  or transaction  between the
Corporation or any  of its  subsidiaries and  one or  more of  its directors  or
Controlling  Persons (or any  of their "affiliates"  as such term  is defined in
Rule 12b-2 of the Securities and Exchange  Act of 1934, as amended), or  between
the   corporation  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries  and  any  other  corporation,
partnership, association  or other  organization in  which one  or more  of  its
directors  or  Controlling Persons  have  a material  financial  interest, shall
require that (i) the material  facts as to his  or her relationship or  interest
and  as to  the contract or  transaction be  fully and fairly  disclosed in good
faith to the Board of  Directors and (ii) the Board  of Directors in good  faith
(having  determined  that the  contract is  just  and reasonable)  authorize the
contract  or  transaction  by  the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of   the
disinterested  directors present  at the  meeting of  the Board  of Directors at
which such  contract or  transaction is  considered (or,  if there  is only  one
disinterested   director,  such   disinterested  director),   even  though  such
disinterested directors consititute  less than  a quorum.  Common or  interested
directors may be counted in determining the presence of a quorum at a meeting of
the  Board of  Directors which  authorizes the  contract or  transaction. A mere
common directorship does not constitute a material financial interest within the

meaning of this Article Seventh. A director is not interested within the meaning
of this subdivision in a resolution fixing the compensation of another  director
as  a director, officer or employee of the corporation, notwithstanding the fact
that the first director is also receiving compensation from the corporation.
    If the  other provisions  hereinabove are  met, no  such contract  or  other
transaction  contemplated above, or vote of a  director, whether one or more, or
the Board of Directors, shall be void  or voidable solely because a director  is
not  a disinterested  director with  respect to  a matter  and is  present at or
participates in the meeting of the Board of Directors or committee thereof which
authorizes the  contract  or  transaction  to  which  such  director  is  not  a
disinterested  director or solely because his or  her or their votes are counted
for such approval for any purpose other than as provided above.
    (c) Dividends on the  outstanding shares of the  corporation, if any,  shall
not  be declared except upon the affirmative  vote of not less than seventy-five
percent (75%)  of  the entire  Board  of Directors  at  any regular  or  special
meeting.  Dividends may be paid  by the corporation in  cash, in property, or in
the corporation's own shares, but only as permitted under Chapter 5 of the GCLC.
Subject to limitations upon the authority  of the Board of Directors imposed  by
any  law, the declaration of and provision  for payment of dividends shall be at
the discretion of the Board of Directors.
    (d) The Board of Directors may, by resolution passed by the affirmative vote
of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the entire Board of Directors, appoint
from its membership, annually, an Executive Committee of two or more  directors,
which  shall  include  the Chief  Executive  Officer  and the  President  of the
corporation. The appointment or removal of any member (or alternate members)  of
the  Executive Committee  shall require  the affirmative  vote of  not less than
seventy-five percent (75%) of the entire Board of Directors.
    This Article Seventh may not be amended, modified or repealed by the holders
of the capital stock of  the corporation except by  the affirmative vote of  the
holders of not less than a majority of the Total Voting Power of the corporation
and the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting power of all
outstanding  Public  Shares, each  considered for  purposes  hereof as  a single
    EIGHTH.  The corporation shall not  enter into or recommend any  Acquisition
Proposal  except upon the affirmative vote of not less than seventy-five percent
(75%) of the entire Board of Directors. For purposes of this Article Eighth,  an
Acquisition Proposal shall mean any BONA FIDE offer or proposal for (i) a merger
or  other  business  combination  (other than  a  Surviving  Company  Merger (as
hereinafter defined)) involving  the corporation,  (ii) the  acquisition of  any
Voting  Securities representing more than  50% of the Total  Voting Power of the
corporation after  giving  effect to  such  Acquisition Proposal  or  (iii)  the
acquisition  of all or substantially  all of the assets  of the corporation. For
purposes of this  Article Eighth, a  "Surviving Company Merger"  shall mean  any
merger or other business combination or reorganization (i) where the transaction
has  been approved by a unanimous vote of  the entire Board of Directors or (ii)
where the  holders  of  Voting  Securities of  the  corporation  prior  to  such
transaction  will beneficially own (as determined pursuant to Rule 13d-3 or Rule
13d-5 of  the Exchange  Act) in  the aggregate  at least  60% of  the  surviving
corporation's  Total  Voting  Power  immediately  after  giving  effect  to such
    This Article Eighth may not be  amended, modified or repealed except by  the
affirmative  vote of the holders of not less than a majority of the Total Voting
Power of the corporation and the affirmative  vote of the holders of a  majority
of  the  voting power  of  all outstanding  Public  Shares, each  considered for
purposes hereof as a single class.
    NINTH.  The liability of directors  of the corporation for monetary  damages
shall  be eliminated to the fullest  extent permissible under California law. No
amendment, modification or repeal of  this Article Ninth shall adversely  affect
any right or protection of a director that exists at the time of such amendment,
modification or repeal.

    This  Article Ninth may not  be amended, modified or  repealed except by the
affirmative vote of the  holders of not  less than eighty  percent (80%) of  the
Total Voting Power of the corporation and the affirmative vote of the holders of
a majority of the voting power of all outstanding Public Shares, each considered
for purposes hereof as a single class.
    TENTH.   The corporation is authorized to indemnify the directors, officers,
employees or other agents of the  corporation to the fullest extent  permissible
under California law.
    ELEVENTH.  The Board of Directors is expressly authorized to adopt, amend or
repeal  a  shareholder protection  rights plan,  which  plan (or  the securities
issued pursuant to  the terms of  such plan) may  distinguish between shares  of
Common Stock or other securities of the same class or series and may distinguish
between  shareholders of Common Stock  or other securities of  the same class or
    This Article Eleventh may not be amended, modified or repealed except by the
affirmative vote of the  holders of not  less than eighty  percent (80%) of  the
Total  Voting Power and the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
voting power  of all  outstanding Public  Shares, each  considered for  purposes
hereof as a single class.
    3.   The foregoing amendment and this  certificate have been approved by the
Board of Directors of the corporation.
    4.   The  foregoing amendment  was  approved by  the  required vote  of  the
shareholder  of the corporation in accordance with  Section 902 of the GCLC; the
corporation has only  one class of  shares and the  total number of  outstanding
shares  of such class entitled  to vote with respect  to the foregoing amendment
was 450 shares; and the total number of shares of such class voting in favor  of
the  foregoing amendment  equaled or exceeded  the vote  required, such required
vote being a majority of the outstanding shares of such class.

    Each of the undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws  of
the State of California that he has read the foregoing certificate and knows the
contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge.