CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT
                          CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS
The Board of Directors
St. Joe Forest Products Company:
    We  consent to  the inclusion  of our report  dated February  12, 1996, with
respect to  the statements  of financial  position of  St. Joe  Forest  Products
Company--Linerboard  Mill Operations as  of December 31, 1994  and 1995, and the
related statements of operations, cash flows  and changes in equity for each  of
the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 1995, which report appears
in the Form S-4 of Florida Coast Paper Company, L.L.C. dated September 20, 1996,
and  to the reference to our firm under the heading "Experts" in the Form S-4 of
Florida Coast Paper Company, L.L.C. dated September 20, 1996. Our report  refers
to a change in the method of accounting for income taxes.
                                          /s/ KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
                                          KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
Jacksonville, Florida
September 19, 1996