MAC J. SLINGERLEND

     THIS PLAN is adopted by CIBER, INC., a Delaware corporation (the 
"Company"), as of the Effective Date, for the purpose of providing certain 
salary continuation retirement benefits to MAC J. SLINGERLEND (the 

1.   DEFINITIONS.  The following definitions apply to terms used in this Plan:

     1.1.  "ANNUAL BENEFIT AMOUNT" means an amount determined by multiplying 
the "Annual Amount" from the following table times the "Vested Percentage" 
from the following table, based on the Participant's attained age when the 
Participant's employment with the Company terminates:

    AGE AT TIME OF                                                 ANNUAL  
    TERMINATION OF    BENEFIT                VESTED               BENEFIT  
    --------------    --------             ----------             -------- 
        40            $ 40,000                 30%                $ 12,000 
        49            $ 45,000                 50%                $ 22,500 
        50            $ 50,000                 70%                $ 35,000 
        51            $ 55,000                 90%                $ 49,500 
        52            $ 60,000                100%                $ 60,000 
        53            $ 65,000                100%                $ 65,000 
        54            $ 70,000                100%                $ 70,000 
        55            $ 75,000                100%                $ 75,000 
        56            $ 80,000                100%                $ 80,000 
        57            $ 85,000                100%                $ 85,000 
        58            $ 90,000                100%                $ 90,000 
        59            $ 95,000                100%                $ 95,000 
        60 or older   $100,000                100%                $100,000 

     1.2.  "BENEFICIARY" means the beneficiary determined under section 4 to 
receive any benefits under the Plan that become payable after the death of 
the Participant.

     1.3.  "BENEFIT COMMENCEMENT DATE" means the date on which the Participant
attains the age of 60 years.

     1.4.  "COMPANY" means CIBER, INC., a Delaware corporation.

     1.5.  "EFFECTIVE DATE" means the date of adoption of this Plan by the 
Company, which is indicated at the end of this Plan document.


     1.7.  "PLAN" means this CIBER, INC. Salary Continuation Retirement Plan 
for Mac J. Slingerlend, as set forth in herein and as may hereafter be 
amended from time to time.

     1.8.  "SPOUSE" means, with respect to the Participant, the person to 
whom the Participant is legally married, or to whom he was legally married at 
the time of his death. The term "spouse" specifically excludes a former 
spouse if the marriage was terminated by divorce, annulment, or dissolution, 
rather than by the death of one of the parties.

2.   PURPOSES.  The Participant is a valued employee of the Company. The 
Company recognizes that the Participant has performed his services with 
ability and distinction, and that the growth and success of the Company's 
business reflects and will reflect the services rendered by the Participant. 
To reward and retain the services of the Participant, and to assist the 
Participant in providing for the contingencies of retirement, the Company 
adopts this Plan to provide certain salary continuation retirement benefits 
to the Participant or the Participant's Beneficiary. The Company and the 
Participant intend that: (a) this Plan is unfunded for tax purposes and for 
purposes of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; 
(b) this Plan is maintained by the Company primarily for the purpose of 
providing deferred compensation for the 


Participant; and (c) the Participant is one of a select group of management 
or highly compensated employees of the Company.


     3.1.  AMOUNT AND PAYMENT OF BENEFITS.  Except as provided in section 
3.2, the Company shall pay salary continuation benefits as provided in this 
Plan. The salary continuation benefits under this Plan shall consist of 
fifteen annual payments of the Participant's Annual Benefit Amount, payable 
on the Benefit Commencement Date and each year thereafter on the anniversary 
of the Benefit Commencement Date until a total of fifteen annual payments has 
been made. The Company may, at its sole option and at any time after the 
employee's employment has been terminated or at any time after the Benefit 
Commencement Date (regardless of whether the Employee's employment has been 
terminated), prepay the benefits under this Plan by paying a lump sum, in 
cash, equal to the then present value of all remaining unpaid payments, 
calculated using a discount rate of 8% per annum. Upon such prepayment, the 
Company shall have no further obligations under this Plan.

Participant's employment with the Company is terminated for cause, either 
before or after the Benefit Commencement Date, then any benefits not actually 
paid prior to the time of termination shall be forfeited, and no further 
salary continuation benefits shall be payable under this Plan. For this 
purpose, "cause" means (a) commission of a felony, or (b) fraud or 
misappropriation or intentional material damage to the property or business 
of the Company, provided that such 


"cause" shall have been found by a majority vote of the members of the Board 
of Directors of the Company (other than the Participant, if he is a member of 
the Board of Directors).

     3.3. RECIPIENT.  The salary continuation benefits under this Plan shall 
be paid as follows:

          a.   All payments that become payable during the Participant's 
lifetime shall be paid to the Participant.

          b.   Any payments that become payable following the Participant's 
death shall be paid to the Participant's Beneficiary.


     4.1. DESIGNATION.  The Participant may from time to time designate a 
Beneficiary to receive amounts that may become payable under this Plan 
following the Participant's death. If more than one Beneficiary is named, the 
shares and/or precedence of each shall be indicated. The Participant may at 
any time revoke or change any previous beneficiary designation. Any 
beneficiary designation or any revocation or change of a previous beneficiary 
designation shall be in writing, shall be signed by the Participant, shall be 
effective only upon its actual receipt by the Company, and shall be in the 
form of Exhibit A attached hereto.

     4.2. NO DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY.  If there is no beneficiary designation 
in effect for the Participant at the time when any amounts become payable to 
the Participant's Beneficiary, or if the Beneficiary designated by the 
Participant is not then living or in existence, then the Participant's 
Beneficiary shall be, and the payment(s) shall be made to:

          a.   The Participant's surviving Spouse, if any;


          b.   If the Participant has no surviving Spouse, then to the 
Participant's personal representative, to be distributed as a part of the 
Participant's estate.

     4.3. WITHHOLDING BENEFITS.  If the Company is in doubt as to the proper 
Beneficiary to receive any payment under this Plan, the Company may withhold 
payment until the matter is finally adjudicated.

     4.4. INCOMPETENT PAYEE.  If the Participant or any Beneficiary is a 
minor or otherwise legally incompetent, the Company may make payment to the  
Participant's or Beneficiary's conservator or legal guardian or, in the sole 
and absolute discretion of the Company, to the Participant's or Beneficiary's 
parent or another relative of the Beneficiary. The receipt of a conservator, 
guardian, parent or other relative to whom a payment is made under this 
section shall be a complete discharge of the Company, and the Company shall 
have no obligation to see to the application of any payment so made.

     4.5. DISCHARGE OF COMPANY.  Any payment made by the Company in good 
faith and in accordance with the provisions of this Plan shall fully 
discharge the Company from all further obligations with respect to that 

5.   RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER AGREEMENTS.  This Plan does not constitute a 
contract of employment between the Company and the Participant. No provision 
of this Plan shall restrict the right of the Company to discharge or 
terminate the Employment of the Participant, nor the right of the Participant 
to terminate the Participant's employment with the Company.



     6.1. COMPANY'S OBLIGATIONS.  The Company's obligations under this Plan 
shall be an unfunded and unsecured promise to make benefit payments in the 
future. The Company shall not, under any circumstances, be obligated to fund 
its financial obligations under this Plan.

     6.2. RIGHTS OF PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES.  In seeking to enforce 
payment of benefits under this Plan, the Participant or the Participant's 
Beneficiary shall have the status and rights, but only the status and rights, 
of general unsecured creditors of the Company.

     6.3. NO RIGHTS IN SPECIFIC ASSETS.  No assets held, or acquired in the 
future, by the Company, shall be considered to be held or acquired in 
connection with or as security for the liabilities of the Company pursuant to 
this Plan, and shall not be deemed to be held under any trust for the benefit 
of the Participants or their Beneficiaries, or be deemed security for the 
performance of the obligations of the Company under this Plan, but shall be 
and remain general, unpledged and unrestricted assets of the Company. The 
Participant hereby acknowledges that the Participant's participation in the 
acquisition of any general asset for the Company shall not constitute a 
representation to the Participant, the Participant's Beneficiary, or any  
other person claiming through the Participant, that any of them has any 
special or beneficial interest in any general asset of the Company.

7.   INALIENABILITY.  Except as specifically provided in this Plan with 
respect to the Participant's right to designate a Beneficiary, the 
Participant's right to benefits hereunder is personal to the Participant, and 
neither the Participant nor the Participant's Beneficiary shall have any right 
to anticipate, sell, assign, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of or 
encumber any of the benefits


provided for under this Plan, nor shall such benefits be liable for the debts 
or obligations of the Participant or the Participant's Beneficiary, or be 
subject to attachment, garnishment, execution, creditors bill, or other legal 
or equitable process.

8.  CLAIMS PROCEDURE.  The following provisions are part of this Plan and are 
intended to meet the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security 
Act of 1974:

     8.1  NAMED FIDUCIARY.  The "named fiduciary" is the Company.

     8.2  UNFUNDED PLAN.  This Plan is unfunded.

     8.3  BASIS OF PAYMENT OF BENEFITS.  The basis of payment of benefits 
under this Plan is that the Company shall pay the benefits out of its general 
assets, in accordance with the terms of this Plan.


          a.  CLAIM.  A person who believes that he or she is being denied a 
claim for benefits to which he or she is entitled under this Plan (a 
"Claimant") may file a written request for such benefit with the Company, 
setting forth the claim.  The request must be addressed to the President of 
the Company at the Company's then principal place of business.

          b.  DECISION ON A CLAIM.  If a claim is denied, the President shall 
deliver a written explanation to the Claimant, setting forth: (a) the 
specific reason or reasons for the denial; (b) references to the pertinent 
provisions of this Plan on which the denial is based; (c) a description of 
any additional material or information necessary for the Claimant to perfect 
the claim and an explanation of why that material or information is 
necessary; (d) appropriate information as to the steps to be taken if the 
Claimant wishes to submit the claim for review; and 


(e) the time limit for requesting a review of the claim under section 8.4.c.  
The written explanation shall be delivered to the Claimant within 90 days 
after receipt of the claim by the Company.

          c.  REVIEW OF A DENIED CLAIM.  A Claimant shall have 60 days 
following receipt of the denial of a claim to request a review of the denial. 
A request for review shall be in writing and addressed to the President at 
the Company's then principal place of business.  The Claimant may submit 
pertinent documents and written issues and comments.  The President shall 
review the denial of the claim, and shall furnish the Claimant with a 
decision on review within 60 days after receipt of the Claimant's request for 
review.  The decision on review shall be in writing, shall be written in a 
manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant, and shall include 
specific reasons for the decision and specific references to the pertinent 
provisions of this Plan on which the decision is based.


     9.1.  AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION.  This Plan may be amended or terminated 
only in a written instrument signed by both the Company and the Participant.

     9.2.  INUREMENT.  The terms of this Plan shall be binding upon, and shall 
inure to the benefit of, the Company, the Participant, the Participant's 
Beneficiary, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, 
successors, and permitted assigns.

     9.3.  GOVERNING LAW.  This Plan shall be governed by and construed in 
accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado.

     9.4.  EXHIBIT.  The Exhibit attached hereto is incorporated herein by 


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has adopted this Plan effective as of 
the date indicated below.


                                     CIBER, INC., a
                                     Delaware corporation

Effective date:
March 1, 1996                        By: /s/ BOBBY G. STEVENSON
                                     Name:   Bobby G. Stevenson
                                     Title:  President
