COAST COMMERCIAL BANK

This Agreement is entered into this Second day of November 1992 between Coast
Commercial, a state bank organized under the laws of the State of California
("Bank") and Richard Alderson, a Director of the Bank.

WHEREAS, the Director has contributed to the success and profitability of the
Bank and the Bank wishes to provide additional incentive for the Director to
continue such contribution; and

WHEREAS, the Bank and the Director desire to set forth their agreement as to
deferring a portion of Director's compensation as a deferred compensation plan
and to provide Director certain additional benefits in the case of Director's
death while serving as a Director of the Bank,

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein, Bank
and Director agree as follows:

1.  Director will agree to a reduction of the current payment of compensation by
$10,800.00 annually, or such other amount as shall be elected by Director in a
signed writing delivered to the Bank prior to January 1 of the year to which the
election applies, and to defer receipt of such amount until paid to him pursuant
to later provisions of this Agreement.

Compensation reductions under this Agreement shall cease at the end of the month
in which Director attains age sixty-five (65) even if Director is still serving
as a Director at that time.

2.  The Bank will record amounts deferred pursuant to Section 1 in a separate
account ("Account") on the books by the Bank.

3.  (a)  Until all amounts held in the Account are fully paid out pursuant to
later provisions of this Agreement, the Bank will credit interest to the Account
at a rate, except as set forth in section 3(b), determined by a resolution of
the Board of Directors not less than annually.

The amount at which interest is credited to the Account effective October 1,
1992, is 7%.

Interest on amounts held in the Account will be compounded daily compatible with
the Bank's formula for interest calculation.

4.  The Account will be segregated from other assets owned by the Bank only by
way of its identification on the books and records of the Bank as a liability of
the Bank to Director, and will be subject to the claims of general creditors of
the Bank.

5.  Amounts held in the Account will be payable to Director or his beneficiary
upon the first to occur of the following events:

    (i)       Termination of Director service as a Director of the Bank; or

    (ii)      Attainment of age sixty-five (65); or

    (iii)     Termination of this Agreement pursuant to section 16.

6.  Upon the occurrence of an event described in section 5 the Bank will pay to
Director or his beneficiary pursuant to section 7 amounts held in the Account.

However, if Employee dies prior to termination of his service with the Bank and
prior to attainment of age sixty-five (65), then, if Director's Projected
Benefit exceeds the amount held in the Account, the amount payable to Director's
beneficiary shall be the Projected Benefit.

Projected Benefit means the amount that would have been deemed credited to the
Account as of the first day of the month during which Director would have
attained age sixty-five (65).  The Projected Benefit shall be determined solely
by the Bank which may from time to time modify the Projected Benefit.  The
initial Projected Benefit is $20,914.00.

                             CLAIMS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES

6.1  Claims Procedure.  The Company shall notify the Executive's beneficiary in
writing, within ninety (90) days of his or her written application for benefits,
of his or her eligibility or noneligibility for benefits under the Agreement.
If the Company determines that the beneficiary is not eligible for benefits or
full benefits, the notice shall set forth (1) the specific reasons for such
denial, (2) a specific reference to the provisions of the Agreement on which the
denial is based, (3) a description of any additional information or material
necessary for the claimant to perfect his or her claim, and a description of why
it is needed, and (4) an explanation of the Agreement's claims review procedure
and other appropriate information as to the steps to be taken if the beneficiary
wishes to have the claim reviewed.  If the Company determines that there are
special circumstances requiring additional time to make a decision, the Company
shall notify the beneficiary of the special circumstances and the date by which
a decision is expected to be made, and may extend the time for up to an
additional ninety-day period.

6.2  Review Procedure.  If the beneficiary is determined by the Company not to
be eligible for benefits, or if the beneficiary believes that he or she is
entitled to greater or different benefits, the beneficiary shall have the
opportunity to have such claim reviewed by the Company by filing a petition for
review with the Company within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice
issued by the Company.  Said petition shall state the specific reasons which the
beneficiary believes entitle him or her to benefits or to greater or different
benefits.  Within sixty (60) days after receipt by the Company of the petition,
the Company shall afford the beneficiary (and counsel, if any) an opportunity to
present his or her position to the Company orally or in writing, and the
beneficiary (or counsel) shall have the right to review the pertinent documents.
The Company shall notify the beneficiary of its decision in writing within the
sixty-day period, stating specifically the basis of its decision, written in a
manner calculated to be understood by the beneficiary and the specific
provisions of the Agreement on which the decision is based.  If, because of the
need for a hearing, the sixty-day period is not sufficient, the decision may be
deferred for up to another sixty-day period at the election of the Company, but
notice of this deferral shall be given to the beneficiary.

7.(a)  Amounts payable to Director upon the occurrence of an event described in
section 5 shall be paid promptly to Director or his beneficiary in one oft the
following methods, as elected by Director in a signed writing delivered to the
Bank prior to the occurrence of the event:

    (i)       In a lump sum; or

    (ii)      In substantially equal monthly, quarterly or annual installments
              over a five (5) year period; or

    (iii)     In substantially equal monthly, quarterly or annual installments
              over a ten (10) year period.

    (iv)      In substantially equal monthly, quarterly or annual installments
              over a fifteen (15) year period.

7.(b)  If Director has not elected a method of payment in the manner set forth
in the preceding section 7(a) prior to the occurrence of an event described in
section 5, then the Bank, in its sole discretion, will select the method of
payment from among those set forth in section 7(a).

7.(c)  If Director's service with the Bank is terminated prior to attaining age
sixty-five (65) due to disability or retirement, Director may request the Bank,
in a signed writing delivered to the Bank prior to Director's termination, not
to pay any amounts otherwise payable to Director until Director attains age
sixty-five (65) or Director dies prior to attaining age sixty-five (65).  The
Bank, in its sole discretion shall elect whether or not to grant such a request.

8.  After attaining age sixty (60) or five (5) years of service with the Bank,
Director may request in a signed writing delivered to the Bank, that the Bank
pay a hardship distribution to Director from amounts held in the Account.
Hardship means an unforeseen event or situation that creates an extraordinary
financial need that cannot reasonably be met by other resources of the Director.
The Bank shall elect in its sole discretion whether or not to grant such

9.  Amounts paid to Director or his beneficiary pursuant to this Agreement will
be subject to taxes and charges to the extent required by law.

10.  Any amount payable to Director's beneficiary pursuant to this Agreement
will be paid to the beneficiary designated by Director in a signed writing
delivered to the Bank.  Director has the right to change his beneficiary
designation by delivering to the Bank a subsequent signed writing.  If Director
does not designate a beneficiary in the manner described in this section, or if
the designated beneficiary has predeceased Director, then amounts payable
hereunder will be payable first to Director's surviving spouse.  If Director has
no surviving spouse, amounts will then be payable to Director's estate.

No one other than the Director shall have any right to designate a beneficiary.

11.  The Bank will acquire an insurance policy on the life of Director.  The
Bank will be the owner and beneficiary of the policy.  Director will have no
interest in or right to the policy.

12.  Director hereby agrees that he has answered, or will answer, truthfully and
completely, any question or request for information in connection with the
issuance of any insurance policy on his life for the purpose of assisting the
Bank in meeting its obligations under this Agreement.  If the issuing life
insurance company refuses to pay a claim as a result of a material
misrepresentation or other act by Director, no amounts shall be payable under
this Agreement.

13.  The right to receive payments under this Agreement shall not be assigned or
encumbered, or subject to anticipation, garnishment, attachment, or any other
legal process of creditors of Director or any designated beneficiary.  If
Director or a designated beneficiary attempts to assign such right the Bank, in
its sole discretion, may suspend, reduce or terminate any or all rights created
by this Agreement as to Director or the designated beneficiary attempting said

14.  Director status as a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank shall be
subject to termination at any time and to the same extent as if this Agreement
had not been executed.

The Bank does not assure or guarantee the tax consequences of payments provided
hereunder or matters beyond its control, and Director certifies that his
decision to reduce and defer receipt of compensation is not due to any reliance
upon financial, tax or legal advice given by the Bank or any of its employees.

15.  This Agreement may be amended at any time by the Bank in writing.  However,
no amendment may be made which will reduce amounts payable to Director or his
designated beneficiary without such person's written consent.

16.  This Agreement may be terminated by the Bank upon 180 days advance written
notice to Director.

17.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Bank and
Director as to the subject matter hereof.  No rights are granted to Director by
virtue of this Agreement other than those specifically set forth herein.

This Agreement shall be binding upon Director and the Bank, the successors and
assigns of the Bank, and the beneficiaries, heirs and legal representatives of

18.  This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereof have entered into this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

              BANK                                    DIRECTOR

By            /s/                                        /s/
   -----------------------------------   ------------------------------------

Its Corporate Secretary