MIAMI GARDENS PLAZA

                                   Miami, Florida

NW. 186th St & NW  7th Ave
Miami Gardens

                                     I N D E X
                                     - - - - -

SECTION                                                                  PAGE
NUMBER                                SUBJECT                           NUMBER
- -------   -----------------------------------------------------------   ------

  1       PREMISES                                                          1

  2       TERM                                                              1

  3       OPTION PERIODS                                                    1

  4       RENT                                                              2

  5       GROSS RECEIPTS                                                    2

  6       CONSTRUCTION AND DELIVERY                                         3

  7       COMMON FACILITIES                                                 4

  8       INGRESS AND EGREE TO SHOPPING CENTER                              5

  9       SIGNS                                                             5

 10       MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS                                           5


 12       TENANT'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES                                    6

 13       DAMAGE TO PREMISES                                                6

 14       TITLE AND QUIET ENJOYMENT                                         7

 15       ASSIGNING AND SUBLETTING                                          7

 16       LIENS                                                             7

 17       LAW, REGULATIONS                                                  7

 18       INSURANCE                                                         8

 19       WAIVER OF SUBROGATION                                             8

 20       DEFAULT                                                           9

 21       RENT UNDER DEFAULT                                                9

 22       ENTRY OF LANDLORD                                                10

 23       COMPLIANCE                                                       10

 24       TENANT'S RIGHT TO CURE LANDLORD'S DEFAULTS                       10

 25       NOTICES                                                          10

 26       LEASE SUBORDINATION                                              11

 27       INDUCEMENT CLAUSE                                                11

 28       EXCLUSIVE                                                        11

 29       ADDITIONAL SPACE                                                 12

 30       FOUNTAIN IMPROVEMENTS                                            12

 31       SHORT FORM LEASE                                                 12

 32       EMINENT DOMAIN                                                   12

 33       OBLIGATION OF SUCCESSORS                                         13

 34       SEVERABILITY                                                     13

 35       COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE                                          14

 36       TAXES                                                            15

 37       FIRE & EXTENDED COVERAGE                                         16

                    THIS LEASE, made this _____ day of _______________________,
              by and between CENTRUM G.A. II CORPORATION, hereinafter referred 
              to as the "Landlord," and JACK ECKERD CORP0RATION, a DELAWARE 
              corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Tenant":

                              W I T N E S S E T H:
                              - - - - - - - - - -

                    SECTION 1. A. That the Landlord, for and in consideration 
PREMISES      of the covenants, conditions, agreements and stipulations herein
              contained, does hereby lease unto the Tenant, and the Tenant 
              does hereby take and hire from the Landlord, those certain 
              premises consisting of a store room with area inside walls of 
              9504 s.f., as outlined in red on Exhibit "A" attached hereto 
              and made a part hereof, in a building to be constructed upon 
              property situated in the ___________, County of Dade, State of 
              Florida, described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto.

                    It is understood and agreed that the site plan attached to
              the Lease as Exhibit "A", sometimes referred to in the Lease 
              as "plot plan," has not as of the signing hereof been approved 
              by Dade County or other required authorities.  It is further 
              understood and agreed that the rights and obligations arising 
              under the Lease and this Rider are expressly conditioned upon 
              approval by Dade County, the Development Impact Committee, and 
              any other appropriate authority, of a site plan substantially 
              the same as the one contained in said Exhibit "A".  Tenant 
              shall have the right to approve the final site plan after all 
              such approvals have been obtained, which approval may be 
              withheld by Tenant for any reason.  Tenant shall have a period 
              of thirty (30) days from receipt of said final plan to approve 
              or disapprove of the same.  If Tenant disapproves said plan, 
              Tenant shall have the right to cancel the Lease and may do so 
              within said time period by giving written notice to Landlord 
              of such disapproval, and upon the giving of such notice, the 
              within Lease shall cease, terminate, and come to an end. If 
              Tenant fails to notify Landlord of its disapproval of said 
              final site plan within said period of time, said final site 
              plan shall be deemed to have been approved by Tenant.

                    B. The premises being leased hereunder are hereinafter 
              referred to as the "leased premises" and are a portion of a 
              shopping center in existence or to be erected by the Landlord 
              on the lands described above, hereinafter referred to as the 
              "entire premises," which shopping center shall be designated 
              as MIAMI GARDENS PLAZA.

                    SECTION 2. A. To have and to hold said leased premises, 
TERM          together with all and singular the improvements and easements 
              thereunto belonging unto the Tenant for the period beginning as 
              provided in Section 4.A., and ending at midnight 20 years later.

                    B.  Because of the admittedly seasonal aspect of Tenant's 
              business operations, it is mutually agreed that Tenant shall 
              not be obligated to initially open for business between March 
              15 and April 15, or between November 1 and January 31.  
              Minimum rental shall not begin to accrue until the end of 
              period if possession is made available to Tenant for initial 
              store opening during such times. The foregoing provisions 
              shall have no effect upon continued payment of rental 
              following Tenant's initial store opening.

                    C.  Landlord and Tenant agree to execute, acknowledge and 
              deliver instruments to each other in recordable form 
              certifying as to the commencement date and termination date of 
              the lease herein.

                    SECTION 3. A. Tenant, if not in default, has the option to 
OPTION        renew this lease for 4 successive 5 years periods on the same 
PERIODS       terms and conditions herein contained, provided Tenant gives 
              Landlord six months notice of its election to exercise each 
              option prior to the end of the term hereof or extended term.  
              Should Tenant neglect to exercise above options on the date as 
              above specified, Tenant's right to exercise said options shall 
              not expire until fifteen (15) days after notice, by Landlord, 
              of Tenant's failure to exercise said options.

                    B.  The Tenant will deliver up and surrender to the Landlord
              possession of the leased premises upon the expiration or 
              termination of this lease, in as good condition and repair as 
              the same shall be at the commencement of said term (loss by 
              fire and ordinary wear and decay excepted).


                    SECTION 4. A. Rent shall accrue hereunder 30 days after the
RENT          leased premises are completed by the Landlord in accordance with 
              the provisions of this lease, and possession thereof has been 
              tendered to Tenant.  Provided, if the Landlord fails to have 
              the building completed and ready for Tenant's occupancy on the 
              date established herein, then and in that event, the fixed 
              minimum rent established herein shall be abated equal to the 
              number of days of the Landlord's delay in presenting a 
              completed building.  If Tenant opens for business prior to the 
              time fifty percent (50%) of the balance of the rentable floor 
              space in the Center has been leased to and opened for business 
              by tenants, including all tenants listed in Section 27 hereof, 
              then no minimum rental shall be in effect during this period.  
              If the Tenant is open for business during any period when 
              fixed minimum rent is abated as provided in this Section 4, 
              all gross receipts during such period shall be added to the 
              gross receipts of the first lease year for the purpose of 
              calculating additional rent, if any, as provided in Section 

                    B.  Tenant shall pay to the Landlord at the address 
              hereinafter set forth:

              For the first 6 years: $104.544.00 per year; $8,712.00 per month

              For the next 8 years: $114.048.00 per year; $9,504.00 per month

              For the next 6 years: $123,552.00 per year; $10,296.00 per month

              For the remaining ___ years and any extensions thereof $________ 
              per year; $__________ per month

              in advance on the first day of each and every calendar month 
              during the term of this lease.  If the term shall commence on 
              a day other than the first day of a month, then rent shall be 
              pro-rated for the balance of the said month on a per diem 

                    C.  The fixed annual rent as provided in Section 4B herein 
              shall be considered sufficient consideration for the term of 
              this leasehold. However, in addition to the payment of the 
              said fixed annual rental, Tenant covenants and agreed to pay 
              to Landlord as additional rental for each lease year of the 
              term hereof, on the gross receipts as hereinafter defined, 
              made in such lease year from the business or businesses 
              conducted on the leased premises, a sum equivalent to:

                    The amount by which two percent (2%) of  gross receipts
                    exceeds the fixed annual rental paid by Tenant for such
                    lease year. Tenant shall pay any and all sales and use 
                    taxes on any and all rental payments, fixed, 
                    percentage, or otherwise.

                    D.  For purposes of calculating the percentage rental due
              hereunder, the Tenant's lease year shall commence the last 
              Sunday of January and end on the last Saturday of January of 
              the following year.  Additional rental for first and last 
              lease years shall be apportioned.

                    SECTION 5.  A.  "Gross receipts" is hereby defined to mean 
GROSS         total receipts from all business conducted upon the leased 
RECEIPTS      premises for cash or credit except as follows:

                    B.  Gross receipts shall not include: Sales of merchandise 
              for which cash has been refunded or allowance made; the sales 
              price of merchandise returned by customers for exchange; the 
              amount of any luxury,


              excise, sales, use or gross receipts tax imposed by any
              Federal, State, municipal or governmental authority directly on
              sales and collected from customers; sales of magazines, 
              newspapers; sales of stamps, money orders, operation of a sub-post
              office (if any); discount sales to Senior Citizens; sales to 
              nursing homes and nursing home patients; merchandise transferred 
              between stores owned or controlled by the Tenant; discount sales 
              to employees of Tenant and its affiliates; discount
              sales to doctors; fees derived from the professional services
              of an Optometrist; all eyewear sold under an industrial safety
              eyeglass program; one-half of the gross receipts collected
              between the hours of midnight and eight o'clock in the morning;
              charges made for customers' alterations and repairs; financing
              or carrying charges of balances due on repossessed items and
              trade-in allowances; gift wrapping charges; telephone
              commissions; income from coin machines; postage and delivery
              charges to customers; layaway items not paid for and not
              delivered; the amount of any credit sales deemed uncollectible
              by Tenant and income or similar tax based upon income or profit
              as such shall be deducted from gross receipts.

                    C.  The Tenant shall submit to the Landlord on or before the
              sixtieth (60th) day following the end of each lease year a 
              statement signed by an officer of the Tenant showing the amount 
              of gross receipts during the preceding lease year.  Upon delivery 
              of such statement, Tenant shall pay to the Landlord any 
              additional rent required by Section 4.C.

                    D.  The Tenant shall make available to Landlord at Tenant's
              Florida headquarters Tenant's business records of its gross 
              receipts for the preceding year.  Not more than once each year, 
              Landlord may, at its own expense, examine and audit Tenant's 
              records for the sole purpose of ascertaining the amount of such 
              gross receipts from the leased premises during the preceding 
              lease year.  Landlord shall notify Tenant and proceed with such 
              audit within ninety (90) days from receipt of Tenant's statement. 
              Should Landlord fail to examine and audit said records within 
              the above ninety (90) days period, Landlord shall have no further 
              right to access to the records of Tenant, and Tenant's statement 
              shall be final.

                    E.  Landlord agrees that all information concerning Tenant's
              affairs shall remain confidential, and shall not be divulged or 
              published by the Landlord, except to the mortgagee of the 

                    SECTION 6. A. Landlord will at its own expense prepare 
CONSTRUCTION  detailed plans and specifications for construction in accordance 
              with guide plans furnished by Tenant.  Landlord acknowledges 
              receipt of Tenant's guide plans heretofore delivered by 
              Tenant.  Such construction plans (3 sets) shall be subject to 
              approval by the Tenant and initialled by the parties hereto 
              and considered a part hereof.  If the Landlord elects to 
              proceed with construction prior to obtaining Tenant's approval 
              of construction plans, any changes required by the Tenant 
              shall be at the Landlord's sole cost and expense. All changes 
              made to the construction plans after both parties have 
              initialled such plans shall be at Tenant's expense 
              unless no additional structure or design fees are incurred and 
              substitution of materials do not increase construction cost. 
              The obligations of the Landlord and Tenant under this Lease 
              are expressly conditioned upon the construction plans and any 
              revisions of such plans being approved by all parties on or 
              before February 1990.

                    B.  Landlord shall commence construction no later than 
              March 31st, 1990 and shall complete the premises, in
              accordance with the approved plans and specifications no later
              than 300 days from the date of commencement of construction,
              provided that at least thirty (30) days prior to completion,
              written notice has been given by the Landlord to the Tenant
              that the said premises will be completed and ready for the
              Tenant's occupancy.  Landlord shall obtain from the authority
              of jurisdiction the street address to be assigned to the leased
              premises and provide the Tenant with this information in
              writing no later than thirty (30) days after commencement of
              construction.  If construction is delayed for a period of six
              (6) months from above date, plans shall be resubmitted for
              approval prior to construction.


                    C.  The leased premises shall be deemed to have been 
              fully completed and ready and available for occupancy by 
              Tenant when all three of the following have been accomplished: 
              (a) a Certificate of Occupancy or an equivalent Use Permit is 
              obtained from and issued by the Governmental Authority having 
              jurisdiction; (b) the architect who prepared the plans and 
              specifications shall certify in writing to Tenant that the 
              leased premises have been substantially completed in accordance 
              with the plans and specifications approved by Landlord and Tenant 
              as set forth in this Section 6; (c) Landlord shall tender 
              possession of the leased premises to the Tenant with store 
              absolutely cleaned, including the cleaning and waxing of floors.

                    D.  If the Landlord shall fail to commence construction or
              deliver premises to Tenant, in the manner provided herein and 
              within the time limit set herein, then Tenant may, at its option 
              cancel this entire agreement by giving Landlord thirty (30) days 
              written notice of the default and Tenant's intent to cancel, 
              unless during such thirty (30) days, Landlord cures the default.  
              Acceptance by Tenant of delivery prior to the time limit set in 
              this lease shall be at the option of Tenant, such acceptance not 
              to be unreasonably withheld.

                    Anything in this agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, 
              neither Landlord nor Tenant shall be in default of the 
              performance of any provisions of this lease to the extent such 
              performance shall be delayed or prevented by strike, war, act of 
              God, or other cause beyond the control of party seeking to 
              excuse such performance.

                    E.  At Tenant's sole risk, Landlord will afford Tenant
              reasonable access to the leased premises prior to the 
              possession date aforesaid for the purpose of inspection, 
              measuring and installing or arranging for the installation 
              of fixtures, but only to the extent that such activity 
              proceeds without interfering with Landlord's contractors, 
              sub-contractors, and their respective employees.  By giving 
              Tenant access to the leased premises prior to the possession 
              date, Landlord assumes no responsibility whatsoever for damage 
              to persons entering the leased premises, or injury to property 
              brought in, or upon. the leased premises, nor shall the 
              Landlord be entitled to any rent by reason of such access. 
              Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and 
              against any damages or costs, including, without limitation, 
              reasonable attorney's fees and injury to person or property 
              occasioned by such access other than injuries to property or 
              person resulting from negligence of Landlord.

                    SECTION 7. A. Prior to the date of commencement of the
COMMON        lease term, Landlord shall construct the sidewalks, service
FACILITIES    drives, parking aisles, driveways, streets and parking area 
              (sometimes referred to as the "common facilities") 
              substantially as shown on Exhibit "A".  The area provided for 
              the parking of automobiles shall be sufficient to accommodate 
              not less than 422 automobiles with spaces for each car, and 
              in all events, the number of parking spaces shall never be less 
              than 4.7 parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross 
              leasable area. All sidewalks shall be concrete and all service 
              drives, parking aisles, driveways, streets and parking areas 
              shall be graded, levelled and paved with concrete or asphalt, 
              clearly marked with painted lines, repainted as required. 
              Landlord agrees there shall be unobstructed use of sidewalks, 
              driveways and roadways for automotive and pedestrian traffic to 
              and from Tenant's buildings and adjacent public streets and 
              highways.  Landlord shall make no charge of any kind to 
              Tenant's customers for use of the common facilities or any 
              additions thereto.  All of the common facilities, including any 
              signs owned or permitted by Landlord, shall be constructed in a 
              workmanlike manner and shall be maintained by Landlord, at its 
              sole cost and expense, in an adequate, sightly and serviceable 
              condition.  Such maintenance shall include, without limitation, 
              keeping the same reasonably free and clear of foreign objects, 
              papers, debris, obstructions, standing water and supplying 
              adequate illumination during Tenant's business hours, and a 
              reasonable period prior and subsequent thereto. To assure the 
              foregoing, the Landlord shall: (1) cause the common facilities 
              to be thoroughly cleaned as required, and (2) promptly remove 
              refuse on every occasion where it impedes the use of said 


                    B.  Landlord shall maintain paved driveways at the rear of 
              Tenant's buildings in order to provide convenient public access
              to the delivery or service entrances.  Such driveways shall be
              of sufficient width so as to permit the passage, unloading and 
              turning of trailer trucks and other commercial vehicles.

                    C.  Landlord agrees that the parking lot will be ground 
              level only and will remain as shown on Exhibit "A" unless written
              permission is obtained from Tenant for any change or alteration.
              Landlord shall prohibit the placing of any buildings or the
              conduct of any business on the parking lot.

                    SECTION 8. Landlord warrants as a consideration for this 
INGRESS AND   lease it will initially provide and maintain for the period of
EGRESS TO     this lease and any extension thereof, ingress and egress
SHOPPING      facilities to public highways in the number and substantially
CENTER        the locations depicted on Exhibit "A", subject to unavoidable
              temporary closings or relocations necessitated by public 
              authority or other circumstances beyond Landlord's control.

                    SECTION 9. A. The Landlord agrees that Tenant shall have
SIGNS         the right at its own cost and expense to erect and maintain signs
              advertising its business on the exterior of the leased premises.
              Any signs erected by the Tenant shall be its standard capsule 
              and under-canopy signs as indicated on guide plans and
              shall conform to the requirements of local ordinances.

                    B. Landlord shall not be required to erect a shopping center
              identification pylon sign; however, if such a sign is erected or
              replaced, and if any other tenant in the shopping center is 
              permitted to erect its sign upon the sign structure, Tenant shall
              also be entitled to erect its standard capsule sign no less 
              prominently displayed than the signs of any other tenant.

                    If no such shopping center identification pylon sign is 
              erected or replaced, or if any other tenant displays its sign
              upon a structure other than its building, Tenant may erect its
              standard capsule pylon sign at its sole cost and expense
              along the street frontage in front of its leased premises, in
              which event Landlord shall extend electrical service from 
              Tenant's meter to sign location.

                    C. Landlord shall not, without Tenant's written consent, at
              any time utilize or permit others to utilize the exterior of 
              Tenant's store unit, or the space above it, for sign display

                    SECTION 10. A. The Tenant shall pay for all sewerage
MAINTENANCE   disposal services, water, gas, heat, electric current and other
AND REPAIRS   utilities furnished it or consumed by it, in or upon the leased
              premises at rates set by local public utility as approved by
              Public Authority having jurisdiction, and will keep the
              interior of the leased premises and appurtenances in good
              order and repair, and in a clean, safe and healthy condition
              (excepting, however, all repairs made necessary by reason of
              fire or other unavoidable casualty) at its own cost and expense.

                    B.  The Landlord shall, at its own cost and expense, 
              maintain in good condition the exterior of the building, the 
              roof and structural members of the building of which the 
              leased premises form a part, and any water, gas or electrical 
              lines or conduits permanently embedded in walls or floor, and/or
              in the alternative, installed above the ceiling in cold-weather
              areas.  However, if any of the aforementioned repairs are made
              necessary by reason of Tenant's use/occupancy of the leased 
              premises in any manner inconsistent with the reasonable use and
              occupancy thereof, or by reason of alterations made by the 
              Tenant, such repairs shall be made by the Tenant at its own 
              cost and expense.

                    C. In the event the need for emergency repair arises, and 
              such repairs are the obligation of the Landlord, Tenant, at its
              sole discretion, may proceed to have such repairs promptly made
              and after sixty (60) days deduct the cost of such repairs
              from rentals due or to become due.


                    SECTION 11.  The Landlord shall not be liable for any
LIMIT OF      damages from plumbing, gas, water, steam or sewage leaks or 
LANDLORD'S    stoppage, nor for damage arising from acts of negligence of 
OBLIGATION    co-tenants or other occupants of the same building, or any
TO MAKE       owners or occupants of adjoining contiguous property, 
REPAIRS       unless such damage is occasioned by the negligence of the 
              Landlord, or its agents or contractors.

                    SECTION 12. A. The Tenant at its own expense during the
TENANT'S      term of the Lease may make any alterations or additions to the
RIGHT TO      leased premises which it may deem necessary, except structural
MAKE          and exterior changes unless approved by the Landlord, but it
CHANGES       shall make them in accordance with all applicable
              governmental regulations.  All salvage from such work shall
              belong to the Tenant.  All permanent improvements shall belong
              to the Landlord.

                    B.  At any time after the end of the fifteenth year of 
              the lease term and provided there remains no less than ten (10)
              years of unexpired term or extension thereof, the Tenant may 
              at its sole cost and expense remodel the leased premises. 
              One-half of the Tenant's total costs of such remodelling
              shall become a credit against percentage rents (provided in
              Section 4C.) which may accrue during the three (3) consecutive
              lease years ending after the completion of such remodelling; 
              provided, however, that such refurbish shall be limited to 
              the reconditioning of the leased premises, the scope and 
              overall budget for which shall be approved by the Landlord whose
              consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

                    C.  If Tenant is not in default of the terms of this lease,
              all trade fixtures and equipment and other personal property 
              owned by Tenant and installed or placed by it upon the leased 
              premises, may be removed by the Tenant at any time during the 
              term or on the expiration thereof.  Tenant agrees to repair any 
              damage to the building occasioned by such removal.

                    SECTION 13.  A. Landlord agrees to insure the "entire 
DAMAGE TO     premises" against loss by fire or disaster, to at least 80% of
PREMISES      the full replacement value thereof.  A copy of such policy or 
              certificate thereof shall be furnished to Tenant upon request.
              In the event any building on the entire premises be partially 
              damaged, or totally destroyed by fire, or disaster, the Landlord
              shall promptly cause the same to be substantially restored.
              If the premises of any inducement tenant in Section 27 be so 
              damaged or destroyed, fixed rent (Section 4B.) shall abate and
              Tenant shall pay rent equal to 2% of gross receipts until the
              building shall have been restored and the inducement tenant 
              shall have reopened for business, at which time rent shall be 
              paid as set forth in Section 4B. and 4C.

                    B. In the event the leased premises be so damaged or 
              destroyed, Landlord shall promptly cause same to be 
              substantially restored, subject to such changes as the
              Tenant may reasonably require (provided that such changes
              will not increase the cost of restoration unless Tenant 
              agrees to pay for such increased cost).  Due allowance
              shall be made for a: (1) reasonable time necessary 
              (not to exceed 90 days) for the Landlord to adjust the 
              loss with insurance companies, and (2) delay occasioned 
              by strikes, lockouts, and conditions beyond the reasonable
              control of the Landlord.  If in the sole judgment of
              the Tenant the extent of the damage is such that immediate
              emergency repairs are necessary to protect its business and
              personal property in order to continue operations, the Tenant
              shall have the right to make such emergency repairs.  The 
              Landlord shall reimburse the Tenant for its total cost and 
              expense of such repairs.  If the Landlord fails to make such
              reimbursement within 60 days after demand, Tenant shall have 
              the right to recover such sums out of rents due or to become 
              due.  In the event of a substantial destruction of the
              leased premises, and the Landlord fails to indicate its 
              intent within thirty (30) days to commence construction and
              completely restore and rebuild the same promptly, Tenant may at
              its option, and upon written notice, cancel this lease, in which
              event neither party shall thereafter have any further obligation
              with respect to the other.


                    C.  Should the leased premises, or a portion thereof, be
              rendered untenantable by fire, or disaster, then the rent shall
              abate in proportion to the areas of the leased premises rendered
              untenantable from the date of the damage to the date of 
              restoration of the premises.  No rent shall accrue for any 
              portion of the premises unless Tenant is able to conduct its
              usual business on that portion of the premises that remains
              tenantable.  If such damage occurs during the last two (2) years
              of the term and the cost of restoration amounts to more than 
              one-third (1/3rd) of the replacement value of the building, as 
              certified to by a registered architect, Landlord and Tenant shall
              each have the right to terminate this lease by written notice to
              the other given within thirty (30) days after such occurrence, 
              unless the Tenant shall elect to renew this lease for an
              additional period of ten (10) years.  If, at the date of the fire
              or disaster, the Tenant shall have paid any rent in advance, the
              Tenant shall be entitled to a proportionate refund.

                    SECTION 14.  Landlord warrants that it has full right and 
TITLE AND     title to execute and perform this lease.  So long as the Tenant
  QUIET       is not in default, the Landlord agrees that it will not permit
ENJOYMENT     the disturbance of, nor interference with, the Tenant's quiet
              enjoyment of the leased premises.

                    SECTION 15.  Tenant shall have the right at any time
ASSIGNING     with the consent of Landlord to sublet, transfer or assign
   AND        this Lease to any person or company provided:  The use 
SUBLETTING    made of such premises by such assignee does not conflict with
              any then current exclusive rights or privileges for the rendering
              of services, or the sale of products theretofore granted by 
              the Landlord in existing leases for other parts of any 
              shopping center of which the leased premises may form a part.  
              It being further provided, however, that no subletting or 
              assigning shall be for a use which does not conform with uses 
              which are characteristic of the same type of Shopping Center 
              as Shops at Hialeah and conform with applicable codes.  
              Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Tenant shall desire to 
              sublet or assign this lease, the Tenant shall give the 
              Landlord 30 days written notice of such intent and upon such 
              notice, the Landlord shall have the right to cancel this Lease 
              within said 30-day period.  In any event, this Lease may be 
              assigned, or the demised premises may be sublet, in whole or 
              in part, to any corporation into or with which Tenant may be 
              merged or consolidated or to any corporation which shall be an 
              affiliate, subsidiary, parent or successor of Tenant, or of a 
              corporation into or with which Tenant may be merged or 
              consolidated, or to a partnership, the majority interest in 
              which shall be owned by stockholders of Tenant or of any such 
              corporation, or to a corporation to which Tenant sells his 
              assets.  In such event, Tenant shall not be relieved of its 
              obligations under this lease.

                    As condition precedent to any assignment or subletting, 
              Tenant, and the guarantor hereof, must guarantee all obligations
              of the Tenant hereunder.

                    SECTION 16.  When completed, the premises shall be free and
LIENS         clear of all claims of liens by mechanics and materialmen for and
              on account of labor and materials furnished in and about said 
              construction by Landlord.  Thereafter, if any mechanic's or other
              liens, or order for the payment of money arising through the 
              fault of either party, shall be filed against the leased premises
              or additions, alterations or extensions thereto, such party shall
              cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record, by bond
              or otherwise, and shall also defend and pay damages and attorney
              fees, if any, on behalf of the other, for any action, suit or 
              proceeding which may be brought thereupon for the enforcement of
              such lien, liens or orders. Upon failure of defaulting party so
              to do, the other may, after 30 days notice, do so on defaulting
              party's behalf, and all sums thereby expended by the other shall
              on demand be paid to him by party in default.

                    SECTION 17.  Subject to the provision that this section 
LAW,          shall not be applicable to the roof and/or structural parts, 
REGULATIONS   or water, gas or electrical lines or conduits permanently 
              embedded in walls or floors to exterior of the leased premises,
              Tenant agrees to comply with all orders, rules, regulations 
              and requirements of any governmental body relating to the manner
              of Tenant's use and occupancy of the leased premises, or 
              alterations made by the Tenant, and the Tenant will pay all
              costs and expenses incidental to such compliance, and will 
              indemnify and save harmless the Landlord therefrom.  Should
              the Tenant fail to comply with any of the provisions contained
              in this section, the Landlord may, after ten (10) days notice
              to the Tenant, comply therewith, and Landlord's cost and 
              expense of so doing may be charged against the Tenant, 
              becoming due upon demand.


              SECTION 18.    A.   Tenant, in its name and at its own
INSURANCE     expense, shall procure and continue in force, general liability
              insurance against damages occurring in the leased premises during
              the term of this lease.  Such insurance shall be in an amount not
              less than One Million ($1,000,000) ($500,000) Dollars for
              injuries to persons in one accident, and not less than Five
              Hundred Thousand ($500,000) Dollars for injury to any one person,
              and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for damage to 
              property.  Such insurance shall name the Landlord as additional 
              insured and shall be written in a company or companies authorized
              to engage in the business general liability insurance in the 
              state in which the leased premises are located.

                   B.   Tenant covenants to keep in good order and repair the
              plate glass in the leased premises, and replace all broken glass
              with same quality as that broken.  Should damage or breakage
              occur due to fire, windstorm, or structural fault, or due to the
              fault or neglect of the Landlord, thereupon the responsibility
              for replacement shall be that of the Landlord.

                   C.   The policies of insurance herein are to be procured by
              the Tenant, and should be for a period of not less than one year. 
              Fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of any policy of
              insurance, the Tenant will procure a renewal or new policy to
              replace the policy expiring.  Should the Tenant fail to procure
              said policies at the times herein provided, the Landlord may
              obtain such insurance, and the premiums shall be deemed an
              assessment to be paid by the Tenant unto the Landlord upon

                   D.   Should the Tenant desire to carry above coverages
              together with other property owned or controlled by the Tenant
              and/or affiliated companies, such shall be deemed compliance with
              the Tenant's obligations under this section, as to both original
              coverage and renewals.*

                   E.   If, by reason of the failure of the Tenant to comply
              with the provisions of this lease, the fire insurance rate for
              the building of which the leased premises form a part be
              increased or be higher than it would otherwise, then the Tenant
              covenants and agrees to pay on the first day of the following
              month that part of the insurance premiums thereafter paid by the
              Landlord, which shall have been paid because of such violation by
              the Tenant.

                   F.   The Landlord agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
              Tenant from and against any and all claims and demands whether
              from injury to person or loss of life, or damage to property
              occurring within the Entire Premises (excluding the leased
              premises), excepting, however, such claims or demands as may
              result from any injury or damage caused by acts or omissions of
              the Tenant.

                    SECTION 19. A. Tenant hereby agrees not to assign to any 
WAIVER OF     insurance company any right or cause of action for damage to
SUBROGATION   the property of Tenant located on above described premises 
              which Tenant now has or may subsequently acquire against
              Landlord during the term of the above described lease, and
              expressly waives all rights of recovery for such damage.

                    B. Landlord hereby agrees not to assign to any insurance
              company any right or cause of action for damages to the property
              of Landlord located on the above described premises which
              Landlord now has or may subsequently acquire against Tenant
              during the term of the above described lease, and expressly
              waives all rights of recovery from such damage.

*  In this event Tenant will provide Landlord with a Certificate of   
   Insurance naming Landlord as an additional loss payee as his interest may 


                    C.  It is specifically understood this agreement shall only 
              apply where such insurance as described herein allows the insured
              to enter into an agreement waiving recovery rights and this 
              agreement shall apply only as respects insured loss to the 
              property described herein.

                  SECTION 20.  A. Each of the following shall be deemed a 
DEFAULT       default by the Tenant and a breach of this lease:

                    1.  Any of the following which shall result in final 
              adjudication against Tenant:

                    a)  The filing of a bankruptcy petition by or against the 
                        Tenant for adjudication, reorganization, or arrangement.

                    b)  Any proceedings for dissolution or liquidation of the 

                    c)  Any assignment for the benefit of Tenant's creditors.

                    2.  Failure to: (a) pay rent for a period of fifteen (15) 
              days after receipt of notice; or (b) perform any other covenant 
              or condition of this lease.

                    B.    In the event of any default of Tenant, the 
              Landlord shall serve written notice upon the Tenant that 
              Landlord elects to terminate this lease upon a specified date 
              not less than thirty (30) days after the date of serving of 
              such notice except as provided in this Section. This lease 
              shall then expire on the date so specified as if that date had 
              been originally fixed as the expiration date of the term 
              herein granted unless steps have, in good faith, been 
              commenced promptly by the Tenant to rectify the same, and 
              prosecuted to completion with diligence and continuity.  If 
              the matter in question shall involve building construction, 
              and if the Tenant shall be subject to unavoidable delay by 
              conditions beyond the control of the Tenant, the Tenant's time 
              to perform shall be extended for a period commensurate with 
              such delay.

                    C.  Upon termination of this lease for Tenant's default, 
              the Landlord or its agents may immediately or at any time 
              thereafter, re-enter and resume possession of said 
              premises and remove all persons and property therefrom, either 
              by summary dispossess proceedings or by a suitable action or 
              proceeding at law, or by force or otherwise, without being 
              liable for any damages therefor.  No re-entry by the Landlord 
              shall be deemed an acceptance of a surrender of this lease.  
              Thereafter, Landlord may in its own behalf, relet any portion 
              of said premises for any period of the remaining term, for any 
              reasonable sum to any reasonable tenant and any reasonable use 
              or purpose.  In connection with any such reletting, the 
              Landlord may make such changes on the premises and may grant 
              such concessions of free rent as may be reasonably
              appropriate or helpful in effecting such lease.

                    D.  Landlord shall not be liable in any manner, nor shall 
              Tenant's obligations hereunder be diminished by any failure of 
              Landlord to relet the premises, or in the event of reletting to 
              collect rent.

                  SECTION 21.  A. In the event this lease be terminated for
RENT          Tenant's default, the Landlord shall be entitled to recover from 
UNDER         the  Tenant, in addition to any damages becoming due hereunder, 
DEFAULT       the following:

                    B.  An amount equal to the amount of all rents reserved 
              under this lease, less the net rent, if any, collected by the 
              Landlord on reletting the demised premises, which shall be due 
              and payable, by the Tenant to the Landlord on the several days 
              on which the rents reserved in this lease


              would have become due and payable.  Net rent collected on 
              reletting by the Landlord shall be computed by deducting from 
              the gross rents collected all expenses incurred by the Landlord 
              in connection with the reletting of the premises, including 
              broker's commission and the cost of repairing, renovating or 
              remodelling said premises, but not including the cost of 
              performing any covenant required to be performed by Landlord.

                    C.  In the event of termination upon Tenant's default, the
              annual rent to be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord shall 
              (for the purpose of this Section) be deemed to be a sum equal 
              to the average total rent for the immediate preceding three 
              (3) lease years.  In the event the Tenant has been in 
              possession of the leased premises for a lesser period, then 
              the monthly rental shall be deemed to be a sum equal to the 
              average rent which became due from the Tenant from the 
              commencement of the term of this lease, and ending on the date 
              of termination.

                    SECTION 22.  The Landlord may at reasonable times
ENTRY OF      inspect, alter or repair the leased premises when necessary for 
LANDLORD      its safety or preservation.  He may show the premises to others 
              at any reasonable time within six months immediately preceding 
              the expiration of said term and may affix a notice for letting 
              or selling the premises to any suitable part of the premises, 
              except show windows or entrances. 

                    SECTION 23.  Should either Landlord or Tenant fail to
COMPLIANCE    comply with any of the terms of this lease, each may,
              after thirty (30) days notice to the other, comply therewith,
              but each shall not be obligated to do so.  The cost of such
              compliance shall be payable upon demand by the non-complying
              party to the performing party.

                    SECTION 24.  In the event Landlord shall neglect to pay
TENANT'S      when due any taxes or any obligations on any mortgage or 
RIGHT         encumbrance affecting title to demised premises and to which 
TO CURE       this lease shall be subordinate, or shall fail to perform any 
LANDLORD'S    obligation specified in this lease, then Tenant may, after the 
DEFAULTS      continuance of any such default for fifteen (15) days after 
              written notice thereof by Tenant, pay said taxes, assessments, 
              principal, interest or other charges and cure such default, 
              all on behalf of and at the expense of Landlord, and do all 
              necessary work and make all necessary payments in connection 
              therewith, and Landlord shall on demand pay Tenant forthwith 
              the amount so paid by Tenant, and Tenant may withhold any and 
              all rental payments and other payments thereafter due to 
              Landlord and apply the same to the payment of such 
              indebtedness.  Upon the continuance of any such default for 
              thirty (30) days after notice thereof by Tenant, or failure 
              during this period to repay Tenant for money expended on 
              behalf of Landlord pursuant to this article, Tenant may 
              terminate and cancel this lease at any time thereafter.

                    SECTION 25.  All notices and rental checks shall be 
NOTICES       forwarded to the Landlord in care of CENTRUM G.B.II CORPORATION
              One Centrum Plaza 1 S.W. 129th Ave., Suite 307, Pembroke Pines, 
              FL 33027 until Tenant is notified otherwise in writing.  All 
              notices given to the Tenant hereunder shall be forwarded to 
              Tenant at JACK ECKERD CORPORATION, STORE #   , P. 0. BOX 4689, 
              CLEARWATER, FL 33518, until Landlord is notified otherwise in
              writing.  Notices to each shall be certified mail, return receipt


                    SECTION 26.  A. Tenant agrees to subordinate this lease
LEASE SUB-    to any first mortgage or blanket mortgage placed on the 
ORDINATION    shopping center, provided only that so long as Tenant faithfully 
              discharges its obligations under the terms of this lease: (1) 
              its tenancy will not be disturbed, nor this lease affected by 
              any default under such mortgage; (2) the right of Tenant 
              hereunder shall expressly survive and shall not be cut off; 
              and (3) this lease shall, in all respects, continue in full 
              force and effect.

                    B.    If the Landlord is in full compliance with the 
              provisions of this lease, Tenant will, upon demand, without 
              cost execute any instrument necessary to effectuate such 
              subordination.  If Tenant, within fifteen (15) days after 
              submission of such instrument fails to execute the same, 
              Landlord is hereby authorized to execute same as 
              attorney-in-fact for the Tenant.

                    SECTION 27.  A. The Landlord covenants and agrees that it
INDUCEMENT    has induced Tenant to execute and deliver this lease by Landlord's
CLAUSE        representation that the following tenants, will prior to 
              construction of leased premises, enter into at least a 20 year 
              non-cancellable lease in said shopping center in the location 
              and of the general size and area as shown on Exhibit "A":

                                     PUBLIX SUPERMARKETS - 42,600 s.f. 20 years

                    B.    Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, should 
              Landlord fail to erect for and deliver store space to the 
              aforementioned tenants on or before occupancy by Tenant, then 
              Tenant shall have further right, at his option, to cancel this 

                    C.    At the time Landlord delivers possession of the leased
              premises, the tenants referred to above shall have taken 
              possession of the store rooms as shown on Exhibit "A".  This 
              shall not preclude any later increase in the sizes of such 
              premises provided the locations and the front lines of the 
              stores are not changed, and such change does not violate any 
              other requirements of this lease.  Should any of the 
              aforementioned tenants cease to operate for a consecutive 
              period of ninety (90) days (unless for reasons beyond their 
              control), Tenant may cancel his lease by giving thirty (30) 
              days notice of intention to do so.

                    SECTION 28.  A. Tenant agrees that it shall use and occupy
EXCLUSIVE     the premises as a drug store, which may include an Express
              Photo and/or photo processing center, and an Optical Center 
              for the practice of Opticianry and Optometry.(With the 
              exception of Publix Supermarket, or their franchisee or 
              assignee, so long as the principal business is that of a 
              supermarket.) Tenant may also sell beer and wine for 
              off-premises consumption. Landlord agrees that Tenant shall 
              have the exclusive right during the term of this lease or any 
              extension or renewal hereof, to operate a drug prescription 
              department in said shopping center.

                    B.  Except as specifically shown on Exhibit "A".  Landlord
              agrees that no lease will be entered in the above shopping 
              center or any extensions thereof with any type stores commonly 
              known as army-navy store, surplus store, or non-categorized 
              discount store, or with any stores or businesses devoting more 
              than 1,000 square feet of their retail floor area to the sale 
              of cosmetics, health and beauty aids and related items without 
              the express written consent of Tenant.

                    C.  Landlord further agrees that it will not directly or
              indirectly lease, rent or sell any property located within the 
              shopping center, or within 1,000 feet of any exterior boundary 
              thereof, for occupancy as a drug store or any of the 
              businesses mentioned in paragraph B. above without written 
              permission of the Tenant.  If the mortgagee becomes the 
              Landlord, the provisions of this Section 28.C. shall not apply 
              so long as it shall remain the Landlord.


                    SECTION 29.  The Tenant shall have the right at such
ADDITIONAL    time or times as the Tenant designates to require the Landlord 
SPACE         at the Landlord's expense to construct in whole or in part any 
              additional sales or storage space designated on Exhibit "A" as 
              "Future Expansion Area." All such construction shall be of 
              type provided in the original plans and specifications and the 
              costs shall include the expense attendant to changing or 
              moving existing walls and utilities, interior painting and 
              such other work which may be required to make such additional 
              space available for occupancy by the Tenant.  Upon completion 
              of the construction and changes and the occupancy by the 
              Tenant of the additional area, the minimum annual rental, if 
              any, provided for in Section 4. hereof shall be increased by 
              an amount not to exceed twelve (12%) percent of the actual 
              cost of construction, excluding cost of site work.

                    SECTION 30.  Throughout the term of this lease and any
FOUNTAIN      extensions thereof, the Tenant shall have the right, at its sole 
IMPROVEMENTS  cost and expense to do all things necessary to install a 
              fountain--luncheonette within the leased premises.  If gross 
              receipts from business conducted in the leased premises, 
              exclusive of fountain sales, are sufficient to require payment 
              of additional rent under Section 4.C., then 2% of fountain 
              sales shall be credited against Tenant's total cost of 
              construction of the fountain-luncheonette (excluding 
              furnishings and fixtures) until such construction cost is 
              fully recovered.

                    SECTION 31.  The parties hereto do mutually agree, if
SHORT FORM    either party hereto shall so request, a short form of this 
LEASE         lease will be executed for the purpose of recording.

                    SECTION 32.  A. In the event all of the leased premises
EMINENT       shall be appropriated or taken under the power of eminent domain 
DOMAIN        by any public or quasi-public authority, this lease shall 
              terminate and expire as of the date of such taking and the 
              Tenant shall thereupon be released from any further liability 

                    B.    In the event more than ten percent (10%) of the 
              leased premises or more than twenty percent (20%) of the 
              entire premises shall be appropriated or taken under the power 
              of eminent domain by any public or quasi-public authority, 
              Landlord shall immediately notify Tenant of such taking.  The 
              Tenant shall have the right to terminate and be entirely 
              released from this lease as of the date of such taking upon 
              giving to the Landlord notice in writing of such election 
              within thirty (30) days after the receipt by the Tenant from 
              the Landlord of written notice that said premises have been so 
              appropriated or taken.

                    C.    If this lease is terminated in either manner herein 
              provided, the rent for the last month of the Tenant's 
              occupancy shall be prorated and the Landlord agrees to refund 
              to the Tenant any excess rent paid in advance.

                    D.    If this lease shall not be terminated, as in this 
              paragraph provided, but shall continue as to that portion of 
              the leased premises which shall not have been appropriated or 
              taken, the Landlord, at its


              own expense, agrees to proceed with due diligence to restore
              the leased premises remaining to a complete unit of like
              quality and character as existed prior to such appropriation or
              taking.  All rent shall be abated pro rata in the ratio that
              the useable ground floor area of the part of the building taken
              bears to the ground floor area of the building which was
              included with the leased premises before such taking.

OBLIGATION          SECTION 33.  All of the provisions hereof shall bind and 
   OF         inure to the benefits of the parties hereto, their respective 
SUCCESSORS    heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

                    SECTION 34.  If any term or provision of this lease or
SEVERABILITY  the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to
              any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of 
              this lease, or the application of such term or provision to 
              persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is 
              held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, 
              and each term and provision of this lease shall be valid and 
              be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.


                   SECTION 35.  Prior to the due date of Tenant's annual report
COMMON AREA   of sales and rent, Landlord shall present to Tenant invoices 
MAINTENANCE   authenticating Landlord's cost of annual maintenance of the common
              areas and parking lot described in Section 7. for the preceding 
              year.  Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord for its proportionate 
              share of said charges annually.

                   One-half (1/2) of any payments made by Tenant to Landlord 
              under this clause shall be a non-cumulative credit against any 
              percentage payments due under this Lease Agreement during its term
              or any renewals thereof.

                   However, if the property is not maintained properly
              by Landlord as to cleaning and striping, then Tenant has the
              right, after giving Landlord thirty (30) days notice in writing
              to correct same, to order and pay for the necessary maintenance
              needed in front of Tenant's store and bill the cost thereof to
              Landlord.  If Landlord does not pay Tenant within thirty (30)
              days of receipt of the charges, then Tenant may deduct the sum
              from the rental due or to become due.


                   SECTION 36. Tenant shall reimburse the Landlord for Tenant's
TAXES         proportionate share of general real estate taxes for the entire 
              premises (excluding special assessments) paid by Landlord.  The
              amount of each year's tax bill to be used in such computation 
              shall be the net amount of taxes payable in the first tax payment
              month.  The first tax year shall be the full tax year after the 
              entire premises as shown on the attached plot plan are completed 
              and ready for occupancy.  Tenant's proportionate share shall be in
              the ratio which the 9504 square foot leased premises bears to the 
              total number of square feet of all rentable areas included in the 
              buildings comprising the entire premises.

                   In any expansion of the demised premises, the tax base for 
              the expansion area will be established by the same formula as
              that used in the first instance.

                   Landlord agrees to pay all taxes before delinquency, and
              Tenant shall not be obligated to pay any portion of any penalty
              for delinquent payment.  Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord
              within thirty (30) days after proof of payment has been tendered
              to Tenant by Landlord.  Any payment due hereunder shall be
              prorated as of the termination or expiration date of this Lease

                   One-half (1/2) of any payments made by Tenant to Landlord 
              under this clause shall be a non-cumulative credit against any 
              percentage payments due under Section 4.C. of this Lease Agreement
              during its term or any renewals thereof.


                   SECTION 37. During the term of this lease or any extension
FIRE AND    or renewals thereof, the Landlord shall keep the leased premises
EXTENDED    insured against fire, with extended coverage and "all risk" 
COVERAGE    endorsement and replacement cost endorsement covering the building
            and all insurable improvements on the leased premises, except for
            Tenant's personal property.  Within sixty (60) days following the
            end of each lease year, the Landlord shall present to Tenant an 
            invoice authenticating Landlord's cost of said insurance covering 
            the leased premises, and Tenant agrees during the term of this 
            lease or any extension or renewals thereof to pay to Landlord 
            its prorata share of the cost of such insurance within thirty (30)
            days. However, in no event shall the Tenant's payment exceed what 
            Tenant would normally pay for the same coverage in equal companies,
            if Tenant were to insure the leased premises.

                Any payments of insurance made by Tenant to Landlord under this
            clause shall be a non-cumulative credit against any percentage 
            payments due under Section 4.C. of this Lease Agreement during its
            term or any renewals thereof.

                SECTION 38.  At any time upon the request of Landlord, Tenant 
            shall execute and deliver written fifteen (15) days from said 
            request, an estoppel letter in a form acceptable to Landlord and 
            Tenant, and state that no default exists on the part of the Landlord
            except as may be specified in said estoppel letter.

                SECTION 39.  Tenant covenants and agrees to open its store for
            business for one day following the date Tenant would be required to 
            commence paying rent under Section 4.A. hereof.  Such opening 
            requirement will, however, be subject to force majeur and other 
            unavoidable delays occasioned by the failure of Tenant's suppliers
            to deliver inventories of goods and trade fixtures in a timely 

                However, following said opening day, nothing contained in this 
            Lease Agreement shall be construed to require Tenant to keep its 
            store open for business.  If Tenant elects to close the demised 
            premises for business and the demised premises are not reopened for 
            business by Tenant, or any assignee or sublessee of Tenant, within
            a period of six months from the date the demised premises are 
            closed, then Landlord, at its option, may cancel this lease upon
            written notice to Tenant.  In the event Landlord elects to cancel 
            this lease, all liabilities of Landlord and Tenant shall terminate 
            as of the date of such cancellation.

                SECTION 40.  The obligations of the Landlord under this Lease 
            Agreement are expressly conditioned upon receipt by Landlord of a 
            valid and binding unconditional guaranty of the terms and conditions
            of this Lease by the Jack Eckerd Corporation.


     The captions in this lease are for convenience only and are not a part 
of this Lease and do not in any way limit or amplify the terms and provisions 
of this Lease.  Throughout this lease, whenever the consent or approval of 
either party is required, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably 
withheld or delayed. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with 
applicable Florida law.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be 
signed in their respective names by their respective officers, the day and 
year first above written.

                                        CENTRUM G.B. II CORPORATION


/s/                                     By  /s/ Larry Golinsky
- ------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                           Exec. Vice President

/s/                                     Attest /s/ Adele Spallone
- ------------------------------------          ---------------------------------
    As to "Landlord"                          Assistant Secretary

                                        JACK ECKERD CORPORATION

/s/                                     By  /s/ Harry Lambert
- ------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                           Sr. Vice President

/s/                                     Attest /s/ Jackie Post
- ------------------------------------          ---------------------------------
    As to "Tenant"                            Secretary


Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
Larry Golinsky and Adele Spallone as Executive Vice President and Assistant
Secretary, respectively, of CENTRUM G.B. II CORPORATION, known to me 
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, 
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose therein 
expressed as the act and deed of said corporation and in the capacity therein

Given under my hand and seal of office, this 2 day of November, 1989.

MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:                   ----------------------------------
                                                       Notary Public


Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
Harry Lambert and Jackie Post, as Sr. Vice President and Secretary, 
respectively, of JACK ECKERD CORPORATION, known to me to be the persons
whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same for the purpose therein expressed as the act and 
deed of said corporation, and in the capacity therein stated.

Given under my hand and seal of office, this 18th day of December, 1989.

MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:                   ----------------------------------
                                                       Notary Public

                                       EXHIBIT "B"

That portion of Tracts 41, 42 and the South 55 feet of Tract 43 of Section
3, Township 52 South, Range 40 East of "FLORIDA FRUIT LANDS COMPANY'S
SUBDIVISION NO. 1", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2
at page 17 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, less the South 55.00
feet of said Section 3 for right-of-way purposes; said portions of Tracts 41
and 42 and the South 55 feet of Tract 43 being more fully described as

  Commence at the Southwest corner of said Section 3; thence North 00 degrees,
  03 minutes, 56 seconds West along the West line of said Section 3 for 55.04
  feet; thence South 87 degrees, 48 minutes, 34 seconds East along a line
  parallel with and 55.00 feet North of the Southerly line of said Section 3
  for 15.01 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel of
  land; thence North 00 degrees, 03 minutes, 56 seconds West along a line
  parallel with and 15.00 feet East of the West line of said Section 3 for
  660.42 feet; thence South 87 degrees, 48 minutes, 44 seconds East along a
  line parallel with and 55.00 feet North of the Southerly line of said Tract
  43 for 685.53 feet; thence South 00 degrees, 03 minutes, 56 seconds East
  along a line parallel with and 700.00 feet East of the West line of said
  Section 3 for 660.45 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of N.W.
  186th Street (Miami Gardens Drive) as recorded in Official Records Book
  8364, at page 784 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence
  North 87 degrees, 48 minutes, 34 seconds West along said Northerly right-of-
  way line for 685.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

Lying and being in Dade County, Florida.

                                              ECKERD STORE # 2936

                     JACK ECKERD CORPORATION

                      ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

                                         Date July 19, 1991

RE: Lease dated 12/18/89 between:

    Stiles Hunt Properties, Landlord
    Jack Eckerd Corporation, Tenant

    Location: Garden Square S/C    Lease Modified: N/A
              Miami Gardens, FL

Ladies and/or Gentlemen:

The undersigned, as the present owner and holder of the Tenant's interest 
under the aforesaid Lease, hereby confirms the following to the best of its 

1. That it has accepted possession of the premises demised pursuant to the
   terms of the aforesaid Lease.

2. That the improvements and space required to be furnished according to the
   said Lease have been completed and have been found to be satisfactory.

3. That the Landlord has fulfilled all of its duties of an inducement nature 
   including the parking requirements as set forth in the Lease.

4. That the aforesaid Lease has not been modified, altered or amended except 
   as noted herein.

5. That there are no off-sets or credits against rentals, nor have rentals 
   been prepaid except as provided by the Lease terms, but in no event have 
   rentals been paid more than thirty (30) days in advance.

6. That the Landlord, as of this date, is not in default under any of the
   terms of said Lease.

7. That said Lease commenced on the 18th day of July, 1991. The primary Lease 
   term expires on the 17th day of July, 2011.

8. That it has no notice of prior assignment, hypothecation or pledge of 
   rents of the Lease.

9. That no claim of amendment, modification or waiver of any of the terms and 
   conditions of the Lease shall be made against the undersigned, its 
   successors or assigns, as a result of any statement or representation
   contained in this Estoppel Certificate.

                                    JACK ECKERD CORPORATION

                                    By:       /s/ Robert D. Boos
                                              (Name and Title)
                                       Robert D. Boos, Vice President

              8333 Bryan Dairy Road, P. O. Box 4689
                     Clearwater, FL 34618
                       (813) 398-8305

                                              ECKERD STORE # 2936

                     JACK ECKERD CORPORATION

                      ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

                                         Date July 19, 1991

RE: Lease dated 12/18/89 between:

    Stiles Hunt Properties, Landlord
    Jack Eckerd Corporation, Tenant

    Location: Garden Square S/C    Lease Modified: N/A
              Miami Gardens, FL

Ladies and/or Gentlemen:

The undersigned, as the present owner and holder of the Tenant's interest 
under the aforesaid Lease, hereby confirms the following to the best of its 

1. That it has accepted possession of the premises demised pursuant to the
   terms of the aforesaid Lease.

2. That the improvements and space required to be furnished according to the
   said Lease have been completed and have been found to be satisfactory.

3. That the Landlord has fulfilled all of its duties of an inducement nature 
   including the parking requirements as set forth in the Lease.

4. That the aforesaid Lease has not been modified, altered or amended except 
   as noted herein.

5. That there are no off-sets or credits against rentals, nor have rentals 
   been prepaid except as provided by the Lease terms, but in no event have 
   rentals been paid more than thirty (30) days in advance.

6. That the Landlord, as of this date, is not in default under any of the
   terms of said Lease.

7. That said Lease commenced on the 18th day of July, 1991. The primary Lease 
   term expires on the 17th day of July, 2011.

8. That it has no notice of prior assignment, hypothecation or pledge of 
   rents of the Lease.

9. That no claim of amendment, modification or waiver of any of the terms and 
   conditions of the Lease shall be made against the undersigned, its 
   successors or assigns, as a result of any statement or representation
   contained in this Estoppel Certificate.

                                    JACK ECKERD CORPORATION

                                    By:       /s/ Robert D. Boos
                                              (Name and Title)
                                       Robert D. Boos, Vice President

              8333 Bryan Dairy Road, P. O. Box 4689
                     Clearwater, FL 34618
                       (813) 398-8305