
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made as of the ________ day of ____________________,

                                    B E T W E E N:

                                BASIC U.S. REIT, INC.,
                a corporation incorporated under the laws of Maryland,

                      (hereinafter referred to as the "COMPANY")
                                  OF THE FIRST PART;

                                       - and -

                                BASIC ADVISORS, INC.,
                a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware,

                      (hereinafter referred to as the "ADVISOR")

                                  F THE SECOND PART.

         WHEREAS shares of common stock in the Company are to be offered to 
the public pursuant to a prospectus (the "PROSPECTUS") dated the date hereof;

         AND WHEREAS the Company will require investment advice with respect 
to the investment of its assets in permitted real property investments and 
the management thereof;

         AND WHEREAS the Advisor has agreed to provide such investment and 
management advice to the Company;

         NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the 
respective covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereby 
agree as follows:

                                      ARTICLE 1
                                APPOINTMENT OF ADVISOR

         1.01  The Advisor is hereby appointed to provide investment 
management, administrative, bookkeeping, reporting, accounting and clerical 
services and advice to the Company.  The Advisor accepts such appointment and 
acknowledges that it is familiar with the terms and provisions of the 
Prospectus and the constating documents and by-laws of the Company and agrees 
to act in accordance therewith and in accordance with the terms of this 
Agreement in a competent, honest, fair, diligent and efficient manner, in 
good faith and to the best of its ability in the best interests of the 
Company.  Furthermore, the Advisor agrees that it shall devote such time and 
attention as may be required to fulfil its obligations hereunder.

                                      ARTICLE 2
                                DUTIES OF THE ADVISOR

         2.01  Subject to the exclusive and overriding authority of the 
directors of the Company to manage the business and affairs of the Company, 
the Advisor hereby agrees that it shall:

         a)   provide or arrange for the provision of research and other data
              in connection with the Company's investments and investment

         b)   act as the Company's real property investment manager and
              consultant, and in so doing make recommendations to the board of
              directors of the Company with respect to the acquisition and
              disposition of investments, perform or arrange for the
              performance of such inspections and investigations in connection
              therewith as are deemed appropriate and, upon request of the
              board of directors of the Company, supervise closings in respect

         c)   from time to time arrange for mortgage financing on behalf of the
              Company for its real property investments provided the Advisor
              may retain mortgage brokers at the expense of the Company and
              with the consent of the board of directors of the Company to
              assist in the arrangement of such mortgage financing.

         d)   obtain and review appraisal reports and title opinions or reports
              from counsel in connection with real property investments made or
              proposed to be made by the Company, review property location, the
              building and its physical characteristics, the relevant rental
              market, financial and character data relating to the property and
              the vendor  or purchaser, applicable environmental, zoning and
              other governmental regulations, the character of tenant mix and
              quality of tenants, insurance coverage, the long term anticipated
              total return to the Company and other factors in connection with
              the Company's investments;

         e)   supervise the performance of all property management, maintenance
              and other customary services related to the ownership of the
              Company's real estate investments;

         f)   manage the Company's short-term investments;

         g)   supervise the performance of the day-to-day administrative
              functions in connection with the management of the Company;

         h)   deal with, retain or employ other persons on behalf of the
              Company in connection with its investments, including solicitors,
              consultants, property managers, leasing agents, finders, lenders,
              brokers, insurers, banks, builders, developers and other
              investment participants;

         i)   arrange for the provision to the Company of any information
              required in order to report to shareholders;

         j)   arrange for the preparation of budgets;

         k)   arrange for the provision to the Company of such services by
              others, as the board of directors may reasonably request in
              connection with the activities of the Company; and

         l)   from time to time, report to the board of directors with respect
              to its performance of the foregoing services.

                                      ARTICLE 3
                                  FEES AND EXPENSES

         3.01  The Company shall pay to the Advisor an annual fee based upon 
a percentage of Share Capital (as hereinafter defined) determined as follows:

                                       SHARE CAPITAL                 RATE
                                        -------------                 ----
    On the first                       $35 Million                   1.5%

    On the amount over $35 Million
     and up to                         $125 Million                  1.25%

    On the amount over $125 Million
    and up to                          $200 Million                  1.00%

    On the amount in excess
    of                                 $200 Million                  0.75%

The fee payable pursuant to this Section 3.01, shall be calculated and paid in
monthly instalments in arrears, at one-twelfth (1/12) of the annual fee on the
fifteenth (15th) day of each month based upon the Share Capital on the last day
of the previous month. For the purposes hereof, Share Capital shall be the
aggregate of the proceeds received by the Company for all issued and outstanding
shares in the capital of the Company from time to time after deducting any
direct costs or expenses paid by the Company for the issuance of such shares
(including any agency commissions).

         3.02  On the date of the closing of the disposition by the Company 
or any subsidiary of the Company, of any real property or any interest in 
real property, the Company shall pay to the Advisor a disposition fee equal 
to one-quarter percent (0.25%) of the sale proceeds from the disposition of 
such real property, all subject to the following rules:

         a)   in determining sale proceeds of any property, any mortgage
              assumed or taken back on sale shall be included in the sale
              proceeds on the basis of the actual indebtedness owing thereunder
              as of the date of the closing of the sale;

         b)   in determining sale proceeds of any property, there shall be no
              deduction from the sales proceeds for, any out of pocket costs
              incurred by the Company in connection with the relevant
              disposition including, without limitation, legal fees and
              disbursements, registration and filing fees, sales taxes, real
              estate commissions or other disposition fees;

         c)   for the purposes of this Section 3.02, sale proceeds shall
              include the receipt of compensation for the expropriation of any
              real property of the Company or any subsidiary of the Company or
              any part thereof or interest therein, and the recovery of damage
              awards or insurance proceeds not required to repair or
              reconstruct the damaged assets (other than business or rental
              interruption insurance proceeds) in respect thereof; and

         d)   except as provided herein, if any uncertainty or difference
              between the Company and the Advisor arises in determining any
              amount payable under this Section, advice (which shall not be
              binding) shall be sought from the auditors of the Company.

         3.03  On the date of the closing of the purchase by the Company or 
any subsidiary of the Company, of any real property or any interest in real 
property, the Company shall pay to the Advisor, an acquisition fee equal to 
one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the cost of such real property to the 
Company or its subsidiary all subject to the following rules:

         a)   the cost of any property shall be comprised of the purchase price
              to the Company on the date of closing of the purchase without
              including ancillary expenses such as legal fees and
              disbursements, registration and filing fees, sales taxes, or
              other acquisition fees;

         b)   in determining the cost of any property, any mortgage assumed on
              purchase or given back on purchase or granted on purchase shall
              be included in the cost on the basis of the actual indebtedness
              owing thereunder as of the date of the closing of the purchase;

         c)   except as provided herein, if any uncertainty or difference
              between the Company and the Advisor arises in determining any
              amount payable

              under this Section, advice (which shall not be binding) shall be
              sought from the auditors of the Company.

         3.04  On the date of the completion of any financing or
refinancing by the Company or any subsidiary of the Company of any real property
or any interest in real property, the Company shall pay to the Advisor a
financing fee equal to one-
quarter percent (0.25%) of the principal amount of the financing or refinancing
arranged, renewed, extended or increased in respect of any real property of the
Company or any subsidiary of the Company, whether the financing is secured by a
mortgage or mortgages on the real property, a debenture or debentures on the
real property, personalty or otherwise.

         3.05  The Advisor shall be responsible for the employment expenses 
of its personnel, rent and other office expenses and miscellaneous 
administrative expenses relating to the performance of its functions under 
this Agreement.

         3.06  The Company shall be responsible for all of the expenses of 
the Company and any subsidiary of the Company and all expenses incurred by 
the Advisor in the performance of its duties in accordance herewith (other 
than expenses to be paid by the Advisor pursuant to Section 3.05), including 
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following:

         a)   interest and other costs of borrowed money;

         b)   taxes and assessments on real property and income, if applicable;

         c)   fees and expenses of lawyers, accountants, appraisers, property
              managers and other agents or consultants employed by or on behalf
              of the Company;

         d)   fees and expenses of the directors and officers of the Company;

         e)   expenses of managing, leasing and maintaining real property;

         f)   expenses of servicing mortgages;

         g)   insurance as required, including liability insurance for
              directors and officers of the Company;

         h)   expenses in connection with distributions to shareholders of the

         i)   expenses of maintaining the books and records of the Company;

         j)   expenses in connection with communications to shareholders of the
              Company and other bookkeeping and clerical work necessary in
              maintaining relations with shareholders;

         k)   registration, custodial, administrative and other fees and
              expenses in connection with the securities of the Company;

         l)   all fees and expenses in connection with the acquisition,
              disposition and ownership of its investments, including property
              management fees;

         m)   all fees and expenses of listing and maintaining the listing of
              the securities of the Company on any exchange;

         n)   all fees and expenses of the registrar and transfer agent
              appointed by the Company for the shares of the Company;

         o)   all fees and expenses of the Company complying with applicable
              securities legislation;

         p)   all fees and expenses incurred by the Advisor in performing any
              of the services required of it hereunder other than those set out
              in Section 3.05; and

         q)   all other expenses not specifically assumed by the Advisor

         3.07  Except for property management services, where any of the 
services to which the expenses referred to in Section 3.06 relate are 
performed by the Advisor or its affiliates, the Advisor or such affiliates 
shall only be compensated for its or their reasonable expenses directly 
incurred in performing such services (other than expenses to be paid by the 
Advisor pursuant to Section 3.05).  If and to the extent that the Advisor or 
any person affiliated with the Advisor shall render services to the Company 
at the request of the Company in addition to those specifically required to 
be rendered under this Agreement, such services will be compensated 
separately on the basis of fees at least as favourable to the Company as 
those then generally charged for comparable services and activities.

         3.08  Any proposed change in the amount or basis or calculation of 
fees and other expenses provided hereunder which would or could result in an 
increase in charges to the Company may only be made if approved by the 
Advisor, the board of directors of the Company and, if required by law, a 
majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the shareholders.

         3.09  The Company shall forthwith reimburse the Advisor for all 
costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by the Advisor on behalf of the 
Company or any of its subsidiaries in the ordinary course of the business of 
the Company and its subsidiaries and not specifically agreed to be borne by 
the Advisor hereunder.

                                      ARTICLE 4
                                  TERM OF AGREEMENT

         4.01  This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for a 
period of five (5) years from the date hereof; provided, however, 
notwithstanding the foregoing, upon the expiry of the original term, this 
Agreement shall, subject to Section 4.05, be renewed thereafter for further 
periods of five (5) years upon the approval of a majority of the directors of 
the Company, including a majority of the independent directors of the 
Company, and a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of shareholders of the 
Company held prior to the expiration of the initial term or renewal term (as 
the case may be).

         4.02  If and whenever:

         a)   the Advisor shall commit a material breach of any of the material
              terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement and within
              thirty (30) days after written notice of such breach is given by
              the Company to the Advisor, such breach shall not be cured or the
              Advisor fails to commence to cure any such breach and fails to
              continue to use its reasonable best efforts to cure such breach

         b)   a decree or order by a court having jurisdiction in the matter
              shall have been entered for relief in respect of an involuntary
              bankruptcy, or adjudging the Advisor bankrupt or insolvent, or
              approving as properly filed, a petition seeking reorganization
              under applicable bankruptcy law, and such decree shall have
              continued, undischarged, undismissed or unstayed for a period of
              ninety (90) consecutive days; or a decree or order of a court
              having jurisdiction in the matter for the appointment of a
              receiver, liquidator or trustee or assignee or custodian, or
              sequestrator (or similar official) in bankruptcy or insolvency of
              the Advisor or for any substantial part of the Advisor's
              property, or for the winding up or liquidation of the Advisor's
              affairs shall have been entered and such decree or order shall
              have remained in force, undischarged, undismissed or unstayed for
              a period of ninety (90) consecutive days;

         c)   the Advisor shall institute proceedings to be adjudicated a

              bankrupt or insolvent or shall consent to the filing of a
              bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding against it, or shall file a
              petition or answer or consent seeking relief, or shall commence a
              voluntary case under applicable bankruptcy law or shall consent
              to the filing of any such petition or to the entry of any such
              order for relief in an involuntary case under any such bankruptcy
              law, or shall consent to the appointment of or taking possession
              by a receiver or liquidator or trustee or assignee or custodian
              or sequestrator (or similar official) in bankruptcy or insolvency
              of the Advisor or of any substantial part of the Advisor's
              property, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of
              creditors, or shall admit in writing its inability to pay its
              debts generally as they become due and its willingness to be
              adjudicated a bankrupt;

         d)   the Advisor passes a resolution for its winding up or dissolution
              or is ordered dissolved by a court having jurisdiction and such
              order shall have remained in force undischarged, undismissed or
              unstayed for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days;

then the Company shall have the right to terminate this Agreement forthwith by
notice in writing to the Advisor.   The Advisor shall be entitled to the fees
described in Section 3.01 pro rated to the date of termination and shall be
entitled to reimbursement for the expenses described in Section 3.06 if such
expenses were incurred prior to the date of termination.

         4.03  In addition to Section 4.02, this Agreement may be terminated 
by the Company during its term after the first twelve (12) months of the term 
hereof upon giving the Advisor not less than sixty (60) days' written notice 

         a)   approval of the termination by two-thirds of the votes cast at a
              meeting of shareholders called for such purposes;

         b)   approval of other advisory arrangements;

         c)   the payment to the Advisor of all amounts owing by the Company to
              the Advisor to the date of termination; and

         d)   the payment to the Advisor of an amount equal to three (3) times
              the fees paid to the Advisor by the Company pursuant to Section
              3.01 during the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the
              date of termination of this Agreement plus an amount equal to the
              average of the aggregate annual acquisition and disposition fee
              paid by the Company to the Advisor pursuant to Sections 3.02 and
              3.03 during the three (3) year period immediately prior to the
              date of termination of this Agreement.

         4.04  If and whenever the Company shall commit a material breach of 
any of the material terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement and 
within thirty (30) days after written notice of such breach is given by the 
Advisor to the Company, such breach shall not be cured or (except for a 
monetary default) the Company fails to commence to cure any such breach and 
continues to use its reasonable best efforts to cure such breach thereafter, 
the Advisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement forthwith by 
notice in writing to the Company.  It is expressly understood that the 
failure by the Company to pay any fees or expenses to the Advisor due and 
payable hereunder shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement for the 
purposes of Section 4.04.

         4.05  The Advisor may not terminate this Agreement during its term 
other than in accordance with Section 4.04 hereof during any term and shall 
give the Company not less than six (6) months notice in writing of its 
intention not to renew this Agreement.

         4.06  The Advisor shall within thirty (30) days after termination or 
non-renewal deliver to the Company:

         a)   all records, documents and books of account; and

         b)   all materials and supplies for which the Advisor has been paid by
              the Company, which are in the possession or control of the
              Advisor and relate directly or indirectly to the performance by
              the Advisor of its obligations under this Agreement, provided,
              however, that the Advisor may retain notarial or other copies of
              such records, documents and books of account and the Company
              shall produce at its head office the originals of such records,
              documents and books of account whenever reasonably required to do
              so by the Advisor for the purpose of legal proceedings or
              dealings with any governmental authorities.

         4.07  Within thirty (30) days following the termination or 
non-renewal of this Agreement there shall be an accounting between the 
parties with respect to the monies due by the Company to the Advisor under 
the terms of this Agreement or any other agreement or instrument entered into 
in furtherance of this Agreement.  The Company shall forthwith pay to the 
Advisor all monies which shall be owing pursuant to such accounting.

                                      ARTICLE 5

         5.01  The Advisor hereby agrees that all investments of the Company 
shall at all times conform to and be in accordance with the requirements 
imposed by law and by the provisions of the constating documents of the 
Company and, subject to the control of the directors of the Company, with the 
policies set out in Section 5.02.

         5.02  The Advisor acknowledges that it is the policy of the Company 
that, subject to the provisions of Section 5.03, the Company will invest its 
assets in investments which meet the following objectives and criteria:

         a)   to achieve stable cashflow for distribution to its shareholders
              and to maximize share value through the ongoing active management
              of its assets and through the future acquisition of additional
              properties.  The Company will seek to manage its assets with an
              emphasis on maintaining stable cashflow through long term leases
              to creditworthy tenants;

         b)   initially, the Company will focus on neighbourhood and community
              shopping centres.  The Company will consider acquiring shopping
              centres that satisfy a combination of some or all of the
              following factors set out in this paragraph b).  Priority will be
              given to centres:

         i)   with anchor tenants, such as department stores, supermarkets and
              national retail chains, to ensure the quality of retail services
              offered by the centre, the quality of its tenants and the desired
              return on sales;

         ii)  which, if combined with the other real property investments of
              the Company, provide the Company with a diversified tenant base
              with the anchor tenants accounting for a minimum of sixty percent
              (60%) of the gross leasable area of the Company's shopping centre
              portfolio.  The anchor tenants should be dominant enough to
              establish the shopping centre as a destination centre;

         iii) where the average anchor lease extends for a minimum of ten (10)
              years from the date of acquisition by the Company;

         iv)  in a strategic location, in a strong market area with convenient
              access and visibility to a high traffic area;

         v)      with construction materials which are of sufficiently high
                 quality to require no more than industry standard levels of

         vi)     with convenient access for both shoppers and tenants;

         vii)    where rental rates are on average at or lower than comparable
                 market rates in the area. This is intended to reduce the
                 possibility of losing tenants to other sites and to create the
                 potential to increase rates in the future;

         viii)   in a location experiencing above average growth in retail
                 sales, provided that the growth in the retail sector for that
                 area will not outpace economic growth in the area;

         c)      potential real property investments should receive favourable
                 environmental and engineering reports;

         d)      the Company may participate with other entities in property
                 ownership, through joint ventures or other types of ownership;

         e)      the Company will not enter into a joint venture or partnership
                 to make an investment that would not otherwise meet its
                 investment policies;

         f)      the Company will seek mortgage financing for its real estate
                 investments which is non-recourse to the Company (other than
                 for issues relating to environmental matters, waste to
                 property, frauds or misrepresentations, taxes or other similar
                 assessments, tenant prepayments, condemnation and insurance
                 proceeds, grossly negligent violations of the law and net
                 revenue obligations and other obligations customarily retained
                 in non-recourse financing);

         g)      the Company may consider cross-collateralized loans to reduce
                 borrowing costs;

         h)      the Company may take on recourse obligations such as lines of
                 credit and loans for property expansion;

         i)      the Company will continue to acquire only shopping centres
                 until the aggregate of the acquisition prices of all
                 properties owned by the Company exceeds One Hundred Million
                 Dollars ($100,000,000);

         j)      after the initial investment of One Hundred Million Dollars
                 ($100,000,000) in neighbourhood and community shopping
                 centres, the following types of real property investments will
                 also be considered for acquisition by the Company:

         i)      the Company will seek to acquire office buildings in urban
                 centres based on location, credit rating of tenants, terms of
                 existing leases and the potential for income growth through
                 the management of leases and for capital appreciation;

         ii)     mixed-used commercial properties may be selected for their
                 complementary tenant mix and for their income and capital
                 appreciation potential;

         iii)    the Company will seek to acquire multi-tenant investment
                 buildings and major business parks where credit worthy tenants
                 with net leases will be the occupants;

         iv)     shopping centres which do not necessarily meet the criteria
                 contained in paragraphs a) through i) will also be considered;

         k)      the Company will not invest in hotels or nursing homes or
                 similar real estate which includes the operation of a business
                 separate and

              distinct from the operation of income producing property.

         5.03  In accordance with the objectives of the Company and to limit 
financial and other risks, the Company intends to comply with the following 

         a)   the Company may not make any investment that would result in its
              ceasing to qualify as a Real Estate Investment Trust (as defined
              in the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended);

         b)   the Company may not grant or assume a mortgage on any real
              property if the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the
              mortgage and of all other mortgages granted or assumed by the
              Company secured against properties of the Company or against any
              part thereof exceeds sixty percent (60%) of the greater of:

         i)   aggregate acquisition prices of all properties of the Company;

         ii)  the aggregate current fair market value of all properties of the
              Company based upon independent appraisal;

         c)   the Company may not engage in construction or development of real
              property except to the extent to maintain its properties in good
              repair, for expansion of an existing property or to otherwise
              enhance the income producing ability of the properties;

         d)   pending investment or reinvestment, cash on hand will be invested
              in certificates of deposit with terms of less than one (1) year
              or U.S. government securities (i.e. treasury obligations);

         e)   the Company may not invest in mortgages, unless the underlying
              security is income-producing property or is in the process of
              being developed as income-producing property, all such mortgages
              do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the value of all assets of the
              Company, the mortgage is a first mortgage and the term of the
              mortgage is five (5) years or less and the amortization period is
              thirty (30) years or less;

         f)   the Company may not invest in any real properties without
              obtaining an independent third party appraisal, an environmental
              assessment and an engineering report for each centre;

         g)   after the acquisition of the first two (2) properties, the
              Company may not acquire any single investment in real property if
              the cost to the Company of such acquisition will exceed (i) after
              the aggregate acquisition prices of all properties owned by the
              Company exceeds One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000),
              twenty-five percent (25%) of the aggregate acquisition prices of
              all properties inclusive of the proposed investment, and (ii)
              Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000) until the aggregate
              acquisition prices of all properties owned by the Company
              inclusive of the proposed investment exceeds One Hundred Million
              Dollars ($100,000,000);

         h)   the Company may not grant or assume a mortgage on any office or
              industrial property if the aggregate outstanding principal amount
              of the mortgage and of all other mortgages granted or assumed by
              the Company secured against its office or industrial properties
              or any part thereof exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate
              acquisition prices of all office and industrial properties of the

         5.04  The board of directors shall determine whether any property 
meets the policies set out in Section 5.02 and the restrictions set out in 
Section 5.02 may be amended by a majority of the board of directors of the 
Company, such majority to include a majority of those directors of the 
Company which are independent of the Advisor.  The restrictions set out in 
Section 5.03 may only be amended by a majority of votes cast at a meeting of 
shareholders of the Company called for such purposes. 

                                      ARTICLE 6
                           POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

         6.01  The Advisor and its affiliates shall be under no liability to 
the Company or its subsidiaries, the directors, officers and shareholders of 
the Company or its subsidiaries, for or as a result of their continuing 
engagement in the business of investing in and managing real estate in Canada 
or the United States or for the manner in which they resolve any conflicts of 
interest deriving therefrom:

         a)   if, in any case in which the Advisor or its affiliates have a
              material interest other than as an advisor, the Advisor has acted
              in accordance with the procedures outlined in this Agreement and
              the Prospectus; or

         b)   in any case where the Advisor or its affiliates have no material
              interest other than as an advisor, unless the Advisor or its
              affiliates have acted in a manner which is dishonest or wilfully
              or grossly negligent.

         6.02  If the Advisor or any of its affiliates is a party to or has 
any material interest, including as mortgagees, in connection with any 
proposed transaction with the Company, disclosure of such interest will be 
made to the board of directors of the Company.

         6.03  The Advisor and its affiliates shall not directly or 
indirectly act as advisors or managers of another real estate investment 
trust without the approval of a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of 
shareholders of the Company.

         6.04  If the Advisor or any director or officer of the Advisor 
desires to acquire any real property investment which falls within the 
Company's then applicable investment policies, the Advisor shall advise the 
Company in writing with all relevant details thereof and make available to 
the Company the opportunity to participate in such acquisition on the same 
terms.  The Company shall notify the Advisor in writing within thirty (30) 
days of first being advised by the Advisor of such acquisition if it wishes 
to invest in such opportunity, failing which, the Advisor or its directors or 
officers (as the case may be) shall be entitled to acquire such investment on 
their own behalf or as intended.

         6.05  Any services to be provided by the Advisor or any of its 
affiliates to the Company other than specifically provided herein and any 
fees relating thereto shall require the unanimous approval of the board of 
directors of the Company.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained 
herein, the Advisor or its affiliates may, without the approval of the 
Company receive commissions from vendors in connection with real property 
purchased by the Company and any commission received by the Advisor or its 
affiliates in excess of one percent (1%) of the acquisition price to the 
Company shall reduce the fee payable by the Company to the Advisor pursuant 
to Section 3.03 for the purchase of such real property.

                                      ARTICLE 7

         7.01  The Company shall fully indemnify, save and hold the Advisor 
harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, 
losses, costs, charges, damages, liabilities and expenses whatsoever 
incurred, sustained or suffered by the Advisor, its directors, officers, 
shareholders, employees and agents arising out of the Advisor's actions 
pursuant to this Agreement including, without limitation, legal costs on a 
solicitor and his own client basis, other than liability and expense arising 
out of the bad faith, gross negligence or wilful misconduct, gross negligence 
or reckless disregard for its directors of the Advisor or its agents or its 

         7.02  The Advisor shall full indemnify, save and hold harmless the 
Company from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, losses, 
costs, charges, damages, liabilities or expenses whatsoever including, 
without limitation, legal costs on a solicitor and his own client basis, 
incurred, sustained or suffered by the Company, its directors, officers, 
shareholders, employees and agents arising out of the bad faith, gross 
negligence or wilful misconduct of the Advisor or its agents or employees.

                                      ARTICLE 8
                              DELEGATION BY THE ADVISOR

         8.01  The Company hereby authorizes the Advisor to delegate its 
duties and powers by entering into any agreement which the Advisor considers 
necessary or appropriate in the circumstances with third parties for the 
purpose of carrying out the Advisor's duties and obligations under this 

         8.02  The Advisor agrees and acknowledges that any agreement entered 
into with any party for the purposes set forth in Section 8.01 of this 
Article shall not in any manner abridge or vary the obligations of the 
Advisor to the Company pursuant to this Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE 9
                                  ADVISOR'S RELIANCE

         9.01  The Advisor may consult with and rely upon counsel in any case 
where it appears to the Advisor to be necessary or desirable with respect to 
its authority and obligations hereunder.

         9.02  The Advisor may rely and act upon any certificates or other 
instruments or paper believed in good faith by the Advisor to be genuine and 
to have been signed by any person thereunto duly authorized.

                                      ARTICLE 10

         10.01  Any notice required or permitted to be given shall be in 
writing and shall be validly given if delivered personally addressed as 


    7850 Northwest 146 Street
    Suite 308
    Miami Lakes, Florida


    7850 Northwest 146 Street
    Suite 308
    Miami Lakes, Florida

or to such other address as either party shall have communicated in writing as
aforesaid to the other.

         10.02  This Agreement shall be subject to and construed in 
accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware and each of the parties 
hereby irrevocably attorns to the jurisdictions of the courts thereof.

         10.03  Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed in any way or for 
any purpose to constitute any party a partner of the other party to this 
Agreement in the conduct of any business or otherwise or a member of a joint 
venture or joint enterprise with the other party to this Agreement.  The 
Advisor shall for all purposes be an independent contractor and not an agent 
or employee of the Company.

         10.04  Subject to Section 5.04, this Agreement may be amended or 
altered and any such changes shall only become effective when reduced to 
writing and signed by both of the parties.

         10.05  Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

         10.06  This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party 
without the written consent of the other party.

         10.07  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding 
upon the parties and their successors and permitted assigns.

         10.08  Terms which are used herein but not defined herein and which 
are defined in the Prospectus have the respective meanings ascribed thereto 
in the Prospectus.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed, sealed and delivered this
Agreement on the date first above written.

                   BASIC U.S. REIT, INC.



                   BASIC ADVISORS, INC.



                                     SCHEDULE "A"

                             PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES

         1.   The furnishing of management services for the economic and
efficient operation of each real property of the Company.

         2.   The taking of such steps, so far as is possible, in order to
comply with all restrictions and obligations, statutory, municipal or otherwise,
with respect to each real property of the Company and impose upon the Company or
for which the Company may be liable by law.

         3.   The planning of the time of moving into and out of each real
property of the Company by all tenants, and supervising such activities so that
there will be a minimum of disturbance to the operation of each such property
and to other tenants in occupancy.

         4.   From the date of occupancy of each tenant, the establishment and
maintenance on behalf of the Company of any and all necessary liaison with each

         5.   The giving of all notices and statements required to be sent to
tenants under all leases affecting each real property and the giving of all
other notices necessary to good management of each real property.

         6.   The taking of such steps as are reasonable and proper in the
circumstances to cause all rent and additional charges to be regularly received
at the earliest possible date in accordance with the terms of the respective
tenants' leases and the receiving, for the account of the Company, of all such
rents and other amounts payable by tenants pursuant to their leases or other
contractual obligations.

         7.   The obtaining, in accordance with the provisions of leases of
each real property, of tenants' sales figures and calculating percentage rentals
to be derived therefrom and, where necessary, the causing of inspection of
tenants' books to be made, and at the expense of the Company, the causing of
audits of the tenants' books to be made where necessary to collect rents or any
other charges from the tenants which may be in arrears; the instituting and
prosecuting of actions, the evicting of tenants, the recovering of possession of
premises occupied by evicted tenants, or which may be abandoned by tenants, the
suing for, in the name of the Company, and the recovering of, rents and other
sums due and, when expedient, the settling, compromising and releasing of such
actions or suits or the reinstating of such tenancies.

         8.   The doing or causing to be done, at the expense of the Company.,
of all such things as are reasonably necessary to enable compliance with all the
terms and conditions of the tenants' leases.

         9.   The arranging for, supervising and being responsible for all
common area maintenance and supervisions within each real property, and all
property repairs, maintenance and upkeep, all at the expense of the Company.

         10.  The hiring, directing and supervising of, in the name of the
property manager as employer, all on-site personnel as may, in the opinion of
the property manager, be reasonably required for the proper management and
promotion of each real property.

         11.  At the Company's expense, the paying of all debt service,
carrying charges and other expenses relating to the operation of each real
property including, without limitation, realty taxes, mortgage instalments,
water rates, light and power rates, merchants' association dues, wages and fuel

         12.  The receiving and collecting on behalf of the Company for the
account of the Company, of all gross rentals from the real properties and, until
disbursed to the Company, the holding of such moneys in trust for the Company.