
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Grower agrees to prepare land, plant, cultivate, harvest and deliver for
     the seasons of 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997, the number of acres of
     sugarbeets equal to the number of preferred shares of Company owned by
     Grower with respect to any crop year, unless under-plant is directed
     by Company, in which event, Company shall be obligated to purchase
     beets only from such reduced acreage. Grower agrees to destroy prior to
     harvest all acres of sugarbeets planted in excess of that authorized
     by Company. Land to be used for sugarbeet production, cultural and
     harvest practice requirements, and other supplemental matters may be
     specified by annual contract supplemental to this agreement.


       (a)  The "per hundredweight value of recovered sugar" shall be the "net
            selling price per hundredweight of sugar", as hereinafter defined,
            recovered from that year's crop, adjusted for the difference
            between the opening inventory book value and its actual net selling
            price and adjusted by valuing the closing inventory at its
            estimated net realizable value.

       (b)  "Recovered sugar" contained in the beets delivered by Grower shall
            be determined by Company deducting from gross sugar (i) sugar loss
            to molasses on a fresh beet basis using the British Sugar
            Corporation's Impurity Index Formula as modified by Company, and 
            (ii) Grower's share of other sugar losses incurred in the storage
            and processing of the beets allocated on a per net ton of beets
            delivered basis, and increased by (iii) Grower's share of 
            additional sugar recovered through the molasses desugarization
            process on a per net ton of beets delivered basis.

       (c)  The "net selling price per hundredweight of sugar" sold shall be
            determined by deducting from the gross sales price all such charges
            and expenditures as are regularly and customarily deducted from
            such gross sales price of sugar in accordance with Company's
            system of accounting used to determine the "net selling price of
            sugar" sold.

       (d)  "Agri-products revenue" shall be determined by using the net 
            selling price of feed pulp, molasses, and any other by-product
            produced by the Company, of that crop year as determined in
            accordance with the Company's system of accounting.

       (e)  "Operating costs" shall be net of beet seed and other miscellaneous
            member business. Operating costs shall be calculated on the basis
            of generally accepted accounting principles, and shall include all
            costs and expenses not otherwise accounted for with respect to
            business done with members.

3.   Payment for beets delivered each crop year shall be as follows:

     The Gross Beet Payment for beets delivered shall be the "per 
     hundredweight value of recovered sugar" multiplied by the number of
     hundredweight of "recovered sugar" contained in the beets delivered
     by Grower. Grower's share of "agri-products revenue" will be added
     while Grower's share of "operating costs" will be subtracted, both
     allocated on a per net ton of beets delivered basis. The following
     allowances, costs and deductions, if applicable, will be used in
     adjusting Grower's Gross Beet Payment to Grower's Net Beet Payment:

            HAULING ALLOWANCE PROGRAM COSTS: Company reserves the right
            to establish for each crop year covered by this agreement,
            a freight and hauling allowance program and in connection
            therewith to allocate the cost of the freight and hauling
            allowance program among the growers.

           PROGRAM COST: Company reserves the right to establish for
           each crop year, an early delivery allowance program in partial
           compensation to Growers for the delivery of beets prior to the
           commencement of the piling campaign. The cost of this program
           will be shared equally each crop year on a per net ton of beets
           delivered basis by all members and non-members who have
           delivered beets to Company.

           PROGRAM COST: Company reserves the right to establish for each
           crop year, a minimum payment allowance program. The cost of
           this program will be shared equally each crop year on a per
           net ton of beets delivered basis by all members who have
           delivered beets to Company.

      (d)  UNIT RETAIN: A unit retain may be declared by the board of
           directors after completion and acceptance of the report of
           Company's independent public accountants on the audit of
           Company's financial statements as of its last fiscal year end,
           and that amount will be deducted from the final payment. The
           board of directors may estimate an amount of unit retain to be
           declared prior to its declaration. Grower consents to the
           provisions of Company's bylaws with respect to the tax 
           treatment to Grower of unit retains.

4.   Settlement shall be made as follows:

      (a)  An initial payment shall be made on or about November 15. Such
           payment shall be sixty percent of Company's then current estimate
           of Grower's Net Beet Payment for that crop year.

      (b)  A March payment will be made on or about March 31. Such payment
           shall be an amount which will bring that payment plus the November
           payment to eighty-five percent of Company's then current estimate
           of Grower's Net Beet Payment for that crop year.

      (c)  A September payment shall be made on or about September 30. Such
           payment shall be an amount which will bring that payment plus
           all previous payments to ninety-five percent of Company's then
           current estimate of Grower's Net Beet Payment for that crop

      (d)  The final payment shall be made no later than 15 days after the
           completion and acceptance of the report of Company's independent
           public accountants on the audit of Company's financial statements
           as of its last fiscal year end.


Dated this      day of           19  
           ____        _________   __      ------------------------------------

                                           AMERICAN CRYSTAL SUGAR COMPANY


5.   Seed to be planted by Grower may be purchased from Company. Company shall 
     use due care in endeavoring to supply Grower with pure seed of high
     germinating quality, but it is expressly agreed that COMPANY DOES NOT
     QUALITY, and it is also expressly agreed that Company does not guarantee a

6.   Grower agrees to abide by the articles of incorporation and bylaws of 
     Company, to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, 
     ordinances, regulations and rulings, as well as Company's operational
     and agricultural regulations and policies. Grower acknowledges and
     agrees Grower is required pursuant to this agreement and the bylaws
     of Company to grow and deliver the crop to Company in each year as
     provided by this agreement as supplemented from time to time, and that
     failure of Grower to plant, grow and deliver said crop to Company will
     constitute a breach of this contract which will result in economic loss
     to Company and may subject Grower to the following penalties:

       a.  Expulsion as a member in the cooperative;

       b.  Forfeiture of Grower's common stock in Company and qualification to
           be a preferred shareholder in Company;

       c.  Damages to the Company which are hereby declared and stated to be
           liquidated in an amount equal to Grower's share of Company fixed
           costs for processing of the crop.

7.   Grower agrees that he shall use no pesticide chemical or other substances
     in a manner which could result in any residue in or on beets grown for
     Company under this agreement or in any sugar or by-products produced from
     such beets beyond the limits permitted by law or governmental 

     Grower acknowledges and agrees that Company shall have the right to 
     reject and refuse delivery of any beets to which have been applied, or
     which have been grown on ground upon or to which, any unauthorized, non-
     registered, non-approved or prohibited pesticide chemical or other 
     substance has been applied or which is prohibited by federal or state
     law or regulations.

     Grower further acknowledges and agrees that Company's right to reject
     or refuse delivery of any of said beets may be invoked by Company at
     its sole option, irregardless of whether or not use of or application of
     an unauthorized, non-registered, non-approved, or prohibited pesticide
     chemical or other substance results in or may result in a residue in
     or on the beets grown, or sugar or sugar by-products produced from such
     beets, which may be within tolerances or limits permitted by law or
     governmental regulations of an unauthorized, non-registered, non-approved
     or prohibited pesticide chemical or other substance, when the use of the
     unauthorized, non-registered, non-approved or prohibited pesticide 
     chemical or other substance could result in the leaving of a residue in
     or on the beets grown or in any sugar or by-products produced therefrom
     which is beyond the tolerances or limits permitted by law or governmental

     Grower further acknowledges and agrees should Grower use a pesticide
     chemical or other substance which is unauthorized, non-registered, non-
     approved or prohibited by law or regulations which causes or creates
     any residue or which may cause or create any residue in or on beets, or
     in any sugar or by-products produced from such beets, which may be beyond
     the tolerances and limits which are permitted by law or governmental
     regulations, that Grower shall hold harmless and indemnify Company and
     all shareholders of Company for any and all loss or damages Company or
     its shareholders may sustain as a result of a Grower delivering beets
     to Company to which have been applied, or which have been grown on 
     ground upon or to which any unauthorized, non-registered, non-approved
     or prohibited pesticide chemical or other substance has been applied or
     which is prohibited by federal or state law or regulations.

     COMPANY. Title and all risk of loss to said beets shall be and remain
     with Grower until title and risk of loss passes to Company when
     Grower completes delivery. The beets shall be protected from sun and
     frost after removal from ground, including beets that are loaded on
     trucks. Company has the option of rejecting any diseased, frozen or
     damaged beets, beets less than 12% sugar, or less than 80% purity,
     beets which, in Company's opinion, are not suitable for storage or
     for the manufacture of sugar, beets as to which, in Company's opinion,
     the terms and conditions of this agreement have not been properly 
     complied with or for any other bona fide reason.

9.   All beets delivered shall be properly topped and free from excess
     dirt, stones, trash and other foreign substances of any kind which
     might interfere with handling and processing at Company's factories.
     All beets shall be subject to a deduction for tare. Tare determination,
     sugar percentage, and sugar loss to molasses shall be determined at
     quality laboratories operated by Company.

10.  It is agreed that the amount charged for all beet seed purchased from
     Company by Grower and any and all other indebtedness to Company by
     Grower, whether due or not, shall constitute a debt which Company
     shall have the right to collect as it would any other contractual
     obligation. Company shall have the right, at its option, to treat
     such amounts, or indebtedness as part payment for beets grown and
     delivered under this agreement. Any such amounts, or indebtedness
     which are due and payable or which hereafter may become due and
     payable to Company from Grower shall be, become and remain a first
     and prior lien on the crop of sugarbeets to be grown and may, if
     not previously paid by Grower, be deducted by Company from any
     payments from Company to Grower which shall become due or under
     any subsequent beet contract between Company and Grower. Grower
     agrees to repay Company at the time of Grower's initial beet
     payment for each crop year all such amounts or indebtedness, 
     together with interest at a rate to Grower as may be set by
     Company, but not to exceed the highest rate allowed by law.

11.  In no event shall Company be liable to Grower for partial or
     complete failure of crop or for any injury or damage to beets.

12.  Fire, strikes, accidents, acts of God and the public enemy, or
     other causes beyond the control of the parties which prevent
     Grower from the performance of this agreement or Company utilizing
     the beets contracted for in the manufacture of sugar shall
     excuse the respective parties from the performance of this

13.  This agreement shall be binding upon Grower, his heirs, legal
     representatives, and assigns, and upon Company, its successors
     and assigns, and shall not be transferable by Grower without
     written consent of Company or its successors and assigns. No
     agent of Company has any authority to change, waive, or modify
     any of the terms or provisions of this agreement.

14.  Grower further agrees to undertake and conduct soil testing
     on an annual basis on all land Grower utilizes for growing
     of sugarbeets pursuant to this agreement. Grower further agrees
     to report and make available the results of said soil tests to
     the agricultural department of Company, together with information
     as to the amounts and kinds of fertilizer applied to the soil

15.  Company reserves the right to alter any provisions of this 
     agreement provided any such alteration is first approved at
     any regular or special meeting at which a quorum is registered
     as being present or represented by mail vote, by a majority of
     the shareholders so present or represented by mail vote, where
     the notice of such meeting contains a statement of the proposed